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1. Jealousy - causes oncological diseases, weakens the immune system. 2. Vengefulness - causes insomnia and throat diseases. 3.

Inability to find a solution to a situation - causes lung diseases. 4. Lacking moral principals - causes chronic diseases, infections, and skin diseases. 5. Being too categorical or unwavering in beliefs - causes diabetes, migraines, and inflammations. 6. Lying - causes alcoholism, fungal infections, and weakens the immune system. 7. Aggressiveness - causes gastric ulcers, acid reflux, and warts. 8. Reticence - causes schizophrenia and kidney diseases. 9. Cruelty - causes epilepsy, asthma, and anemia. 10. Seeking conflicts - causes thyroid enlargement. 11. Apathy - causes diabetes. 12. Inconsistency or being fickle - causes infertility. 13. Being rude or insulting - causes diabetes and heart diseases. 14. Anxiety - causes digestive system disorders, heart, and skin diseases. 15. Greed - causes oncological diseases, obesity, and heart diseases.

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