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Cha Ching Chapter 1 (Countables and Uncountables Grade 8)

A: Video watch Where does money come from?

1) Watch the video (0.00-1.10). Tick the things you can see:
Plane ____

Water ____

Monkey ______

Food ____

Train _____

Dollars ____

Swimming pool ______

Money ____

Water ____

Road ____

Shop ____

Ice cream ______

2) Check with your partner.

B: Grammar Countables and Uncountables

1) In pairs, with your partner decide if the following things are countable or uncountable?

Money ____
Dollar ____
Bank ____
Road ____


Shop ____
Plane ____
Water ____
Food ____

2) In pairs, with your partner, discuss:

a. Which of the phrases are used with countable or uncountable nouns? Write the
correct heading in the box.
b. Which phrases are used with both?

_____________________ nouns

_____________________ nouns

How many..?

How much?

Too many...
Lots of... / a lot of...
Not many... / a few...
Not enough...

Too much...
Lots of... / a lot of...
Not much... / a little...
Not enough...

3) In pairs, work with your partner to correct the following sentences:

a. I dont eat much/many food.
b. I eat a few / a little fruit.
c. I dont drink enough / many water.
d. I drink too much / many coke.
e. I dont eat enough / much vegetables.
f. I dont spend many/much time exercising.
g. How many/much times a week do you exercise?
4) Now listen to your teacher and repeat.

C: Speaking - Countables and Uncountables

1) Write some questions for your partner, using the prompts:
How much /many __________________ do you (usually) _____________ a

a) _____________________________________________________________________
b) _____________________________________________________________________
c) _____________________________________________________________________
d) _____________________________________________________________________
e) _____________________________________________________________________
2) Now ask your partner your questions, using the phrases in section B to give short answers:

A: How many text messages do you send a day?

B: Too many, about 30. How much water do you drink a day?
A: Not enough, about 1 litre.

D: Writing - Countables and Uncountables

Write a short paragraph about your diet, using much and many.


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