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(No Model.) W. H. REIFF. SPELLING PUZZLE. No. 263,580. Patented Aug, 29, 1882. Sarentor porthihn Ustiok, rer 15 35 Unirep States Patent Office. WILLIAM Il. REIFF, OP PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA, ASSIGNOR TO THOMAS R, BOONE, OF ROCHESTER, NEW YORK. SPELLING-PUZZLE. SPEJIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No, 269,560, dated August 29, 1882. Appliaaton fled Mare 30,1532 (0 model) Zo all whom it may concern: | tively, according to the namerals a a row, and ‘Be it known that 1, Wrettaac H, Rerey, a | euch turued around to bring the letters which 40 citizen of the Taited States, residing at Phila. | spell the word in a regular row, as shown in delpbia, in the county of Philadelphia and | Fig. 1. Any other word is spelled in the same State of Pennsylvania, have invented anew | manner, the namber of tablets used, as above And useful Improvement in Spelling-Puzztes, | stated, being the samo as the number of let ‘of which the following is a specification.” | ters in’ the word. ‘The tablets being Mat, all 45 ‘Tue nature of my hivention will be under. | the letters may beseen at a glance, thus avoid- stood by the following description. | ing the necessity of tamning tem about,shiel In theaccompanying drawings, which make | much facilitates thespelling of the word, This supaxt of this speciieation, Figure 1 represents | form also affords facility in manufacturing the the face view of the tablets A, arranged in a | puzzle and in making it neat and elieap. 50 row for spelling a word. Wig. 2 is an edge | Inthedrawings, thenameralsarerepresented view of one of the tablets A. Fig. 3is.a cross. | on the same side of the tablets as the letters, section throngh the eenter of a tablet. which avoids the necessity of turning them Like lotters of reference in all the figures in- | over in the arrangement for spellivg the word, dicate the same parts. ‘and the numeral of each tablet is shown in the 55 The pozzle consists of a number of tablets, | center thereof; but, if desired, it mag be in any ‘A, made of any snitable materia}, having let- | other position, or on the reverse side, ters of the alphabet arranged on one of their | ‘This appears to be a very simple pazzle; bat flat sides, as shown in Fig. 1, and a numeral, | it is quito dificult to solve in spelling long ‘The tablets are represented As having raised | words, and may be made very interesting to Go marginal edges, which aro for the purpose of | adults, as itadmits of indefinite combinations. protecting the letters and namerals;. but, if | It may also be made interesting and amusing desired, they may be made perfectly plain or | to children, and when used in spelling short level on their fatsurfaces. ‘The number of tab- | words it may be rendered not only amusing lets nsed in spelling a word is the same as the | but instructive to young ebildren in learning 6s vamber of letters in the word. ‘The numerals | to spell. fre used asa key for the arrangement of the | Telaim as my invention— tablets to spell the word, ‘Thus for spelling } ‘The tablets A, having each certain letters of the word “Christmas,” which contains nine let- | the alphabet and a numeral, the numerals to ters, nine tablets are used, in which one of the | act as a Key for the arrangementoof the tablets 70 letters of each combines with letters of the oth | to spell the words, substantially as described. cers, when arranged in regular order to spell the ; word “Ohristmas;” and it being previously de. LS eee termined that the nnmerals 24835961 Tare | Witnesses: ‘onsaeh tabletsthey aroused asakey in spelling ‘Tuomas J. BawEEy, tho word, the tablets beg arranged conseen: | Spapaen Usriok,

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