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United States Patent 1 Wasserman [54] TEACHING METHOD AND APPARATUS [76] Inventor: Myraa D. Wasserman, 6 Ronald Ter, Springfield, N.J. 07081 [21] Appl. No: 319,470 [22] Filed: Nov, 9, 1981 {31] Int, cs -~- GO9B 1/00; GO9B 19/00 (32] US.cL sn 434/156 weve, 434/136, 163, 170, 172, 434/178, 157, 167, 324, 238 {58} Fleld of Search’ fc) References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 1198401. 971916 434/ts6 603,129 10/1826 434/178 1812077 6/1850 3.289319 12/1966 aaa 3,290,796 12/1966 34/238 3724102 4/1973 44st 3928492 7/1974 434/170 3.385326, 5/1975 as47170 4021937 5/1977 Kavita swncwnonsons 44/167 OTHER PUBLICATIONS ‘Teaching Resources 1979 Catalog, cover page and pp. 1445, Developmental Learning Materials 1976 Catalog, ttle page and p. 116. Primary Examiner—William H. Grieb ww mere lue _— | ve | ue wit jo le Nn = . a 3) 4,445,869 May 1, 1984 Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Lerner, David, Littenberg, Kramhotz & Mentlik [57] ABSTRACT ‘The teaching method and apparatus of the present in- ‘vention provides an organizational plan for writing and creates a comfortable mode of expression forall individ- uals by allowing such individuals to consciously exam- ine the composition process and develop a set of writing experiences which is designed to improve their ability to write. The teaching method and apparatus begins with several different color-coded index cards. The cards have the key words WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHY and HOW printed at the top. The individual picks a topic and chooses the first card with the word ‘WHO on it. The individual then decides who the char- acters are going to be in his story and writes them on the ‘card. The next step isto decide what is going to happen, to the characters, with the third step deciding where the ccharacters are going to live. The fourth step when the story occurs and how, Le, resolution of the story. Upon, ‘completion of the cards, the individual takes each re- corded concept, makes it into a completed sentence and sews them together using thread to form an outline in the form of a mobile. The idea of sewing thoughts to- {ether puts the individuals mind in logical order allow- ing them to rearrange, revise and rethink the order of the cards after the outline is formed. The completed story isthe final step. 16 Claims, 3 Drawing Figures 1299 lo os We U.S. Patent May 1, 1984 Sheet | of 2 4,445,869 U.S. Patent May 1, 1984 Sheet 2 of 2 4,445,869 166 168~ prune poe 48 170 rare {” ° ° (72 pone 62 lo —+ f m4 [ree rare 1-154 76 r © Ww 156 part (78° ° ° ae 7 160 190~F 3 lv }—162, eh] oF per wea~f iam tie 16 ° 4 192-| 2 NG 14 FIG. 3

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