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(Mo Model.) 2 Sheets—Shect 1. L. T, FOSS & T. K, KEITH. TYPE WRITING MACHINE. No. 429,026. Patented May 27, 1890. Se Figg. Ge dante ie FEZ Yilahawes, MwenTars (No Model.) 2 Sheets—Shect 2. LT. FOSS & T. K. KEITH. TYPE WRITING MACHINE. No. 429,025 Patented May 27, 1890. eae © eT Atom. fp Hiltoes Starwars 15 35 3e 35 40 46 5° Unrrep STaTeEs PaTENT OFFIC LEWIS T. FOSS AND THOMAS K. KEITH, OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. TYPE-WRITING MACHINE. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No, 429,025, dated May 27, 1800. Ayleatin flo Petreary 11,1888, Seva Wo, 299,428, (ome. To all. whom it may concern: Be it known that we, Luwis Foss and ‘PHomas K. Kerra, both of Boston, in the county of Suffolk: and State of Massachusetts, havo invented a new and useful Improve nent in Type-Writing Machines, of which the following, taken in. connection’ with. the ae- ‘companying drawings, is a specification, Ourinvention relates to type-writers; and it consists of bont condait-tabes, within which work in a general vertical direetion clastic plungers, to tho lower extremities of which ae secured types, and a tumnelor fannel for directing the course of said type-tippod phin- OTS. ‘Tho object of our invention is to provide a simple, cheap, and durable type-writer to be used as an educational toy or as a commer cial type-writer. With these ends in view our invention consists of a device, as shown in the accom banging drawings, foming part ofthis spec jeation, referring to whieh— igure 1 shows a front view of owr newly- invented iype-writer. Fig, 2 shows a verti- cal seetional side viow of the same. Pig. 3 shows a horizontal section of eonduit-tubes as they enter th fannel. Fig, 4 shows a spiral clastic plunger with key on upper end and type on lower end. Corresponding letters in the several figures of the drawings designate like parts, referring to whieh— Ais a metallic frame, having in its upper part a key-boar consisting of three tiers or steps j. 1B iS a lower metallie frame, towhich is fast- ened the frame A, and to the under side of which js secured the direeting-tunnel g and ‘the rollors n for the ink-ibbon. Cis a wooden stand supporting the frame B,and to which is seenred the paperwork and the device i, which moves the paper to be ‘written upon laterally. d ropresents the fuger pieces or keys. eis the upper part of the. plungers, about which windspiral springs, by meansof whieh the phungers are saised into position ready for use after boing depressed by the hand. ‘frepresents curved metallic condait-tabes, through which the elastic plungors operate, and which direct said plangers into the fan- nel g. qs the fannel, which receives the lower ends of the eondait-tubes f and whieh gaides or directs the plunger when depressed into the vertical socket or collar I This tho lower part of tho funnel g and is a vertical collar which receives the plunger when depressed and directs it vertically. dis amechanism consistingof a wheel, cam, ratchet, and lever-key for moving the paper to be written upon laterally. of foppesents the horizontal planes os steps of the frame A, to whieh are secured the up- 65 per ends of the conduit-tubes f and. through which pass the upper parts of plangers « Ierepresents the rollers, which reeeive and hold the paper to be written upon. 1is the type secured to the lower extremity of the elastic plunger m. ‘m isan elastic planger in the form of a spiral constrneted of elose-wound flat piano- Wire, and having at its lower extremity’ se- cured to it a type 7 and at its upper end a smooth straight wire or bare, surmonnted by the key or finger-piece d. ‘n represents rollers, upon which is wound tho ink-ribbon, ‘The Said ink-ribbon passes across the lower extremity of the collar and is constantly betwoon the typeand the papor to be written upon. ois the upper part of the frame B. ‘The conduit-tabes f are soenred at their upper extremities to’ the planes or steps j, and are bent in such manner as all to pass through the frame-work B ab o within the cirenmference of a circle, as shown in Fig, 3,and their lower extremities extendinto the body of the funnel g, as shown in Fig. 2. The plunger m being eonstructed of elastic wire and in the form of a spiral is very elastic and readily takes the form of the conduit. ‘tube f, through which it is thrust, and, boing closely wound, it preserves itsstitiness. ‘Tho 95 lower extremity of the plunger m having tmrerged from the lower extremity ofthe cone Guit-tube f, upon striking the inner inclined surface of the funnel g readily changes di- rection and, continuing, is conducted to and ‘thrust into the vertical collar f, whieh ver- tical eollar secures a vertical motion of the 60 70 85

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