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Development of Exam Paper of SSC Biology of AKUEB and BISE Hyderabad

The aim of the researcher is to compare the exam papers of BISE Hyderabad with AKUEB exam papers which has gained praise and recognition in short span of time. This comparison will help the researcher to identify the areas for improvement in BISE Hyderabad exam paper and will form the basis for the recommendations. To achieve the purpose of the research, comparative study for content analysis of exam papers for the years 2009, 2010 and 2011 of both the Boards have been conducted. The content was analyzed to study the syllabus coverage and cognitive levels tested in the exam papers of both the Boards. The analysis revealed that the testing of overall syllabus has not been focused in the exam paper of BISE Hyderabad, AKUEB exam papers also show some imbalance in the weight-age given to some important sections of the syllabus; but overall coverage has been better in comparison to exam papers of BISE Hyderabad, the exam papers of BISE Hyderabad mostly test the knowledge of the students and focuses less than the required level of understanding of the student, the application of the syllabus is totally ignored by the exam papers which will assist the student in their professional life, and the exam papers of AKUEB are also not up to the requirement of cognitive levels as per the syllabus; but still they are quite balanced in testing knowledge, understanding and application cognitive levels of students. Focusing only on testing the knowledge aspect of learning encourages the rote learning culture in students which in turn hampers the development of other important aspects of intellect of students. The lack of development of other aspects of intellect may also create professional or practical life difficulties for students which mostly call for the understanding, application or analytical aspects of intellect.

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