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Tag Questions Practice

1. Teresa is an accountant, ___________?

arent she?

doesnt she?

isnt she?

she isnt

amnt I

arent I

he is?

doesnt he?

doesnt she?

isnt she?

2. I am a good worker, ____________?

I am?

do I?

3. Pierre is a grandfather, _____________?

he isnt?

isnt he?

4. Kate is a doctor, ______________?

she is?

is she?

5. Jacques and Alicia are students, _____________?

arent they?

are they?

isnt he?

isnt they?

is he?

isnt she?

amnt I

arent you?

6. Mario is at work right now, _____________?

arent they

isnt he?

7. I am here, _____________?
Arent I?

am not I?

8. You and I are busy right now, _____________?

arent I?

arent we?

we arent?

arent you?

isnt it?

isnt he?

9. Its windy today, _____________?

am I?

arent they?

10. I am ready for the next exercise, _____________?

isnt it?

dont it?

arent you?

arent I?

11. I am not ready for the exam, _____________?

Am I?

Are I?

I am?


12. Daniel isnt working at night, _____________?

Is She?

Is he?

He is?

She is?

13. Mary and Betty arent living together, _____________?

Are we?

Are they?

They are?

Arent we?

14. Monica and I arent good musicians, _____________?

Are we?

Are they?

They are?

Arent we?

15. Jennifer isnt a nice person, _____________?

Is She?

Is he?

He is?

She is?

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