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A good general template for a full body routine is this: - one lower body lift (e.g.

squats, deadlifts, Olympic lifts) - one upper body push (e.g. bench, incline bench, overhead press) - one upper body pull (e.g. pull-ups (weighted if you can do a lot of bodyweight ones), any row variation)

Instruction Manuals for Small Unit Tactics: There are other manuals one could ad d, such as shooting manuals, sniper manuals, SERE manuals, and first aid manuals, but these two are primarily about small uni t tactics. FM 7-8 Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad. SH 21-76 Ranger Handbook. I would add Larsen's Small Unit tactics and Combat Skills of Soldier( FM 21-75 a nd FM 3-21.75)

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