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Child Abuse

Very few people wish to talk about it, but facts speak for themselves. Incidents of child abuse appear to be on the rise in Malaysia. What is child abuse? Child abuse can be defined as intended or unintended harm to a child by someone else .Most children are abused by people whom they know, like parents, relatives, guardians and babysitter and not strangers. Why are children abused? here are many factors why children are abuse. !ome people blame the increase of child abuse on misunderstandings, relationship problems, financial difficulties, mental health problem or have a substance abuse issue. In Malaysia, the number of child abuse are increased, based on !ocial Welfare "epartment of Malaysia indicated every year at least #,$$$ children are reported as victims. In year %$$& there are around #,''' child abuse are report. %$$(, around %,%(' child abuse are report. %$$), %,()$ child abuse are reported. *ased on %$$) report figures, '%+ child victims e,perienced neglect, meaning a caretaker failed to provide for the child-s basic needs. )&. child victims were physically abused, (.. child victims were se,ually abused, (%/ were incest and +) child victims were abandoned babies. Why do many cases still go unreported? It is because older children do not tell other, they are afraid of more severe 0punishment1 by their abusers. 2ounger children do not perspicacity to say they are abused. !ome are shunned by their families and the community. 3ence, not all cases are reported. Child abuse is an offence in Malaysia and is punishable under the Child 4ct %$$# and the 5enal Code #''(. 6ffenders may be liable for a ma,imum fine of 7M+$k and a prison term of %$ years, or both depending on the offence. 6ffenders may also be whipped. If we report a child who is being abused or neglected, we will not be considered a busy8body nor will we be responsible for breaking up someone-s family or home life. Most important of all, we may save a child life.

1. RUBIYAH BT. TAER 2. ATEKAH BT. TAER 3. JELIA AK KANANG 04. MERING EMANG Date :18/03/2012 -31/03/2012

REFERENCES : 1. 2. 3. &. %. *. +. http://www. hinap!st. !"aysia/2011 http://www.n bi.n"m.nih.g!#/pubme$/8800%2 http://www.asiasentine". !m/ http://www.'!hn"!gan(un$.!)g/ hi"$-abuse- ases-in-ma"aysia http://www. hina$ai"y. !m. n/w!)"$!!. !m/b"!gs/yah!!-ma"aysia-news)!!m/ hi"$-abuse

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