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The Minotaur
By: Kassandra and Amy


The myth of the Minotaur was made in time of Ancient Greece when they told stories to explain the world. The Minotaur was a hideous creature that was half man half bull that the people of Athens were terried at.

Legend says that Theseus a hero volunteers to be one of the seven men to be taken as a meal for the Minotaur. The seven men and women are taken to an island called Crete. Theseus found the Minotaur and cut off its head freeing the Athens from their curse.

The labyrinth
The home of the minotaur is the labyrinth in Crete. The labyrinth was a maze like palace that was underground

Creation of the Minotaur

The Minotaur was created after Queen Pasiphae had a relationship with a bull. His real name was " the starry one " From there he found a home in the labyrinth where he was able to feed his cannibalistic hunger.

How it affected modern age


Like the labyrinth, where the Minotaur lived modern age created something similar. It is called a maze. A maze is less difcult but also puzzling.

Work citied

MINOTAUROS. Date published 2000. Aaron J. Online article. Minotauros.html

Work citied

Ancient Greece for kids the ( the Minotaur) N.D.Lin Donn.Online website. theseus.html

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