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Crimes Solved Using Forensics

Criminal Dennis Rader Type of Crime Serial killer Type of E-Evidence Floppy disk that contained deleted Microsoft Words document. Forensic analysis on the metadata of the document showed the author Dennis and organization Christ Lutheran Church. Internet search showed Dennis Rader was the president of the church council. Recorded phone call to a police hotline in which a man, his voice identified by a detective as Muhammad's, demanded money in exchange for stopping the shootings. E-mail communication between the victim and criminal tracing an IP address to a computer at criminals home Pornography found in some of computers, zip disks and CDs in Westerfields office and home. Some of the pornography was child pornography. Audio recordings of Peterson and Frey's telephone conversations. The contents proved to be both revealing and, ultimately, damning to Peterson's character. Calls from Avilas cell phone were made nearby the crime scene on the day of abduction. He was arrested with a flightsimulator computer program and a laptop computer. However, search warrant on the computer hard drive was denied.

Lee Boyd Malvo, John Allen Muhammad


Lisa Montgomery

Murder and fetus-kidnapping

David A. Westerfield


Scott Peterson

Double murder

Alejandro Avila

Rape and murder

Zacarias Moussaoui


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