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2008 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC,

Hierarchic: 4 Main Ideas s


Catrina Paseur


April 1, 2014

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Lecture-Discussion Model is an instructional model designed to help students understand organized bodies of knowledge.





Identify topics: topics work best with organized bodies of knowledge Specify learning objectives: in addition to individual facts, concepts, and generalizations. Structure content: structure content so that it is meaningful to students and keep their background knowledge in mind Prepare lesson introductions: introduce lessons in ways that attract and maintain attention, one helpful way is to use organizers

Review previous topics and present the advance organizer for the lesson. Present an additional question that can provide further focus for the lesson. Present students with information that makes up part of an organized body of knowledge. Ask questions to informally assess the extent to which they remember and understand the information Present additional information and integrate the new information with information students already know. Guide students to review and summarize the information

Lessons can be adapted to teach concepts and generalizations. They can also be adapted for different aged learners. It is important to adapt the lesson for promoting students motivation. Technology and teaching can be used as well to further information knowledge.

Assess students understanding of relationships within organized bodies of knowledge. You can also assess students ability to fill out a graphic organizer based on old and new information.

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