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Dog is the common use term that refers to members of the subspecies Canis lupus familiaris By 14,000 years

ago, a group of hunters from the Paleolithic to tight around the fire. Leaves and bushes rustle, then a four-legged animal with caution approaching fire drew this unusual source of heat. The animal, a wolf has left his head down and tail down, keep a distance from the group, but close enough to feel the fire. The group members started their primitive spears, but the animal made no threatening move. Gradually, the animal approaches the group of people and follows them as hunting goes. The animal helps hunters to detect prey, and they reward their new companion pieces of prey killed. Perhaps we'll never know the true origin of the dog today. Formerly, it was thought that this animal is the mixture of genes from several canine species. Domestic dogs inherited complex behaviors from their wolf ancestors, which would have been pack hunters with complex body language.

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