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Bismi Allahi Alrrahmani Alrraheemi

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful

Translator: Abd-al-Hamid Siddiqui
About the author: Imam Muslim (Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj) was born in 2 2 AH in !a"sabur (#$%&#$#'() and died in 2)$AH (#%*&#%+'()also in !a"sabur, He tra-eled widel" to .ather his /olle/tion o0 ahadith (1lural o0 hadith)2 in/ludin. to Iraq2 Saudi Arabia2 S"ria and (."1t, 3ut o0 4 *2 2 hadith whi/h he e-aluated2 a11ro5imatel" were e5tra/ted 0or in/lusion into his /olle/tion based on strin.ent a//e1tan/e /riteria, (a/h re1ort in his /olle/tion was /he/6ed and the -era/it" o0 the /hain o0 re1orters was 1ainsta6in.l" established, Sunni Muslims /onsider it the se/ond most authenti/ hadith /olle/tion2 a0ter Sahih 7u6hari, Howe-er2 it is im1ortant to reali8e that Imam Muslim ne-er /laimed to /olle/t all authenti/ traditions as his .oal was to /olle/t onl" traditions that all Muslims should a.ree on about a//ura/",

9o/ument In0ormation: $st edition (dited b": Mi6a:il al-Alman" 'reated: 2 ;-$ - 2 $%:*$:+* ;-$$- + 22:4#:+;

Last modi0ied: 2

<ersion: ;$$ +224#+;4#+;-4


7oo6 $: The 7oo6 o0 =aith (>itab Al-Iman),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+# 'ha1ter $: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+; 'ha1ter 2: ?hat is iman and what are its 'hara/teristi/s,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) 'ha1ter 4: 3n 1ra"er (salat) whi/h is one o0 the 1illars o0 islam,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)2 'ha1ter *: @ertainin. to 0aith in Allah,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)4 'ha1ter +: 'on/ernin. iman b" whi/h a 1erson would enter hea-en,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)* 'ha1ter ): 'on/ernin. the Sa"in. o0 the A1ostle: Islam is 0ounded on 0i-e (0undaments) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)+ 'ha1ter %: Aelatin. to the 'ommand 0or belie0 in Allah and his 1ro1het and the laws o0 Islam and In-itun. (1eo1le to) Them ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)) 'ha1ter #: 'allin. 1eo1le to testi0i/ations and the /anons o0 Islam,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)# 'ha1ter ;: 'ommand 0or 0i.htin. a.ainst the 1eo1le so lon. as th" do not 1ro0ess that 'ha1ter $ : He who a//e1ts Islam at the death-bed2 be0ore the a/tual a.on" o0 death2 is a muslim, It is 0orbidden to su11li/ate blessin.s 0or the 1ol"theists, He who dies as a 1ol"theist is one amon. the deni8ens o0 hell and no means would be e00e/ti-e enou.h to .et him out o0 that,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%$ 'ha1ter $$: He who meets his lord with im1li/it 0aith would enter hea-en and 0ire would be 0orbidden harm him,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%2 'ha1ter $2: He relished the 0la-or o0 iman who was 1leased with Allah as his lord ,,,%% 'ha1ter $4: 'on/ernin. the bran/hes o0 iman,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%# 'ha1ter $*: 'on/ernin. the /om1rehensi-e attributes o0 Islam ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%; 'ha1ter $+: 'on/ernin. the (minen/e o0 Islam and o0 the a00air whi/h are e5/ellent%; 'ha1ter $): 'on/erin. the attributes b" whi/h one .ets the relish o0 iman,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,# 'ha1ter $%: It is obli.ator" to to lo-e the 1ro1het more tan the members o0 one:s hou'ha1ter $#: 'on/ernin. the 0a/t that it is one o0 the /hara/teristi/s o0 iman that one what ist no .od but Allah and Muhammad is his,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,);

sehold: 3ne:s /hild2 0ather or e-en the whole o0 humanit",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#$ should li6e the same thin. 0or one:s brother-in-Islam as one li6es 0or one:s sel0,,,,,,,,,,,,#$ 'ha1ter $;: 'on/ernin. the 1rohibition to harm nei.hbour,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#2 'ha1ter 2 : 'on/ernin. e5hortation to a//ord honour and res1e/t to the nei.hbour and to the .uest and obli.ation to obser-e silen/e e51e/t in .oodness2 and all these 'ha1ter 2$: 'on/ernin. the 0a/ts that interdi/tion a.ainst abominable is a 1art o0

qualities /ome within the orbit o0 iman,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#2 0aith2 that 0aith in/reases and diminihesB (njoinin. that whi/h is .ood and 0orbiddin.
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that whi/h is abominable are obli.ator" (a/ts) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#4 'ha1ter 22: @re/eden/e o0 the belie-ers o-er one another and the su1eriorit" o0 the 1eo1le o0 "emen in this res1e/t ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#* 'ha1ter 24: 'on/ernin. the 0a/t that no one will enter 1aradise e51e/t belie-ers2 that tise o0 1a"in. salutation b" sa"in.) As-Salamu:Alei6um (1ea/e be u1on "ou) is the lo-e 0or belie-ers is (a /hara/teristi/ 0eature o0) 0aith and .i-in. /urren/" to (the 1ra/means to a/hie-e it (0aith) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#) 'ha1ter 2*: 9in is sin/erit" and .ood-will,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#% 'ha1ter 2+: 'on/ernin. diminution o0 belie0 due to sins and its se1aration 0rom the sinner: !e.ation o0 the e5/ellen/e o0 iman at the time o0 /ommittin. sin ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,## 'ha1ter 2): 'on/ernin. the 1e/uliarities o0 a h"1o/rite ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#; 'ha1ter 2%: The /ondition o0 the 0aith o0 one who /alls his brother muslim an unbelie-er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,; ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,; 'ha1ter 4 : 9on:t be/ome unbelie-ers a0ter me b" stri6in. the ne/6s o0 one another ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;2 'ha1ter 4$: The use o0 the word Cunbelie0C in /ase o0 slanderin. (an"one) or one:s linea.e2 and lamentation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;2 'ha1ter 42: 'allin. the 0u.iti-e sla-e as in0idel ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;4 'ha1ter 44: The unbelie0 o0 one who said: we .ot rain0all b" the mo-ement (o0 the stars) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;4 'ha1ter 4*: The lo-e o0 ansar (hel1ers) and :Ali (ma" Allah be 1leased with all o0 them) is (an in.redient) o0 iman and (one o0) its si.ns2 and hatred a.ainst them is a 'ha1ter 4+: 9iminution o0 iman b" 0ailin. in submission and the use o0 the word 'ha1ter 2#: The /ondition o0 the 0aith o0 one who 6nowin.l" denies his true 1arenta.e 'ha1ter 2;: Abusin. a muslim is an outra.e and 0i.htin. a.ainst him is unbelie0 ,,,,,,;$

si.n o0 dissemblan/e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;* C6u0rC 0or thin.s besides unbelie0 o0 allah2 0or e5am1le un.rate0ulness and in.ratitude

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;+ 'ha1ter 4): A11li/ation o0 the word C6u0rC to one who ne.le/ts 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;) 'ha1ter 4%: 7elie0 in allah is the best o0 deeds ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;% 'ha1ter 4#: @ol"theism is the most shame0ul o0 sins and the mentionin. o0 the .ra-est sin ne5t to it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;# 'ha1ter 4;: Major sins and the .ra-est amon. these ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;; 'ha1ter * : =orbiddan/e o0 1ride ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ 'ha1ter *$: He who dies asso/iatin. none with Allah would enter 1aradise and he
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who dies as a 1ol"theist would enter the 0ire o0 hell ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ $ 'ha1ter *2: @rohibition o0 the 6illin. o0 an in0idel a0ter he sa"s: CThere is no .od but AllahC ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ 2 'ha1ter *4: The utteran/e o0 the a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): He who ta6es2 u1 'ha1ter **: The utteran/e o0 the a1ostle (1ea/e be u1on him): He who a/ted dishoarms a.ainst us is not o0 us (i,e, he /eases to re a muslim) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ * nestl" towards us is not o0 us (i,e, he is not to be /ounted muslims) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ + 'ha1ter *+: 7eatin. o0 the /hee6s2 tearin. o0 the 0ront o1enin. o0 the shirt2 and /allin. the /alls o0 the jahili"a (i.noran/e) are 0orbidden ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ + 'ha1ter *): Serious 1rohibition o0 tale-/arr"in. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ ) 'ha1ter *%: Serious 1rohibition o0 lettin. down the lower .arment2 o0 la"in. obli.ation2 o0 sellin. .oods b" 0alse oaths2 and des/ri1tion o0 those three- (1ersons) with whom Allah would not s1ea6 on the da" o0 resurre/tion2 nor would he see towards them nor would absol-e them2 and 0or them is a 1ain0ul /hastisement ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ % 'ha1ter *#: Sui/ide is the .ra-est sin ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ ; 'ha1ter *;: Stri/t 0orbiddan/e o0 a/tin. dishonestl" in res1e/t o0 the s1oils or boot", The belie-ers alone would enter 1aradise ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$$ 'ha1ter + : Ar.ument in 0a-our o0 the 0a/t that he who 6ills himsel0 does not be/ome unbelie-er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$2 'ha1ter +$: 'on/ernin. the wind whi/h would blow near the da" o0 resurre/tion and 'ha1ter +2: (5hortation to be 1rom1t in doin. .ood deeds be0ore the a11earan/e o0 turbulan/e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$4 'ha1ter +4: @ertainin. to the 0ear o0 a belie-er lest his deeds should be lost ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$4 'ha1ter +*: ?ould (1eo1le) be held res1onsible 0or the deeds /ommitted durin. the state o0 i.noran/eD ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$* 'ha1ter ++: Islam e00a/es all the 1re-ious misdeeds and so do mi.ration and 1il.rima.e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$+ 'ha1ter +): @ertainin. to the -irtuous a/t o0 a man be0ore embra/in. islam ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$) 'ha1ter +%: The -era/it" o0 0aith and its sin/erit" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$% 'ha1ter +#: 'on/ernin. the words o0 Allah whether "ou mani0est whate-er is in "our 'ha1ter +;: Allah disre.ards the 1remonition or the e-il 1rom1tin.s o0 the heart so mind or hide it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$% lon. as the" do not ta6e a 0irm root ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$; 'ha1ter ) : ?hene-er a 1erson intends to do a .ood deed2 it is re/orded but whene-er he intends to /ommit e-il2 it is not written ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$;
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would /ause to die an"one ha-in. an6thin. li6e 0aith in his heart ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$4


'ha1ter )$: @ertainin. to e-iil su..estion or 1rom1tin. in 0aith and what should be said when it o//urs to the mind o0 a man ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2$ 'ha1ter )2: ?arnin. 0or one a11ro1riatin. the o0 a muslim b" ta6in. a 0alse oath: The 0ire (o0 hell) is his /hastisement ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$24 'ha1ter )4: 'on/ernin. the 0a/t that -iolable is the blood o0 one who ma6es an attem1t to ta6e 1ossession o0 the 1ro1ert" o0 another without an" le.itimate, I0 su/h ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2+ 'ha1ter )*: The ruler who2 is unjust to his subje/ts deser-es 1unishment o0 0ire ,,,,,,$2) 'ha1ter )+: Aemo-al o0 trustworthiness and 0aith 0rom some hearts and a11earan/e o0 'ha1ter )): Islam was initiated as somethin. stran.e2 and it would re-ert to its (old dis/ord therein ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2% 1osition) o0 bein. stran.e2 and it would /on/entrate between the two mosques ,,,,,,,,$2; 'ha1ter )%: The e00a/in. o0 0aith in the later a.e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2; 'ha1ter )#: @ermissibilit" o0 /on/ealin. the 0aith o0 one who 0ears ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4 the 0orbiddan/e to /all 1ositi-el" one a belie-er without a de0inite 1roo0 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4 'ha1ter % : The heart is more satis0ied on seein. e-iden/e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4$ 'ha1ter %$: The ne/essit" o0 a00irmin. the 1ro1hethood o0 our a1ostle Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who is the a1ostle sent to the whole o0 humanit"2 and the abro.ation o0 other reli.ions with his reli.ion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$42 'ha1ter %2: The des/ent o0 jesus son o0 mar"2 and he will jud.e a//ordin. to the shariiah o0 our a1ostle2 muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$44 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4* 'ha1ter %*: The be.innin. o0 re-elation to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on 'ha1ter %+: ! journe" o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to heahim) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4) -en2 and the 1ra"er made obli.ator" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4# 'ha1ter %): @ertainin. to jesus son o0 Mar" and Al-masih al-dajjal ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*+ 'ha1ter %%: 'on/ernin. Sidrat-ul-muntaha (remotest lote-tree) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*% 'ha1ter %#: The meanin. o0 the words o0 allah: CHe saw him in another des/entC (alqur:an2 liii, $4), 9id the a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) see his lord on the o0 'ha1ter %;: @ertainin. to his (1ro1het:s) words: He is a li.htB how /ould i see himD his journe" (to hea-en)D ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*# And his words: I saw the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*;
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man is 6illed his abode is 0ire and he who dies in 1rote/tin. his 1ro1ert" is a mart"r

'ha1ter );: To habituate the heart with 0aith whi/h due to its wea6ness2 is s/ared and

'ha1ter %4: 9es/ri1tion o0 the 1eriod in whi/h iman would not be a//e1table to Allah


'ha1ter # : In 1roo0 o0 the 0a/t that the belie-ers would see their lord (hallowed be he and e5alted) on the last da" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+ 'ha1ter #2: A00irmation o0 inter/ession and res/ue 0rom 0ire o0 the belie-ers in onen'ha1ter #$: The wa" in whi/h the belie-ers would see the lord ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+$ ess o0 Allah ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$++ 'ha1ter #4: The lowest o0 the ran6s in 1aradise ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+# 'ha1ter #*: @ertainin. to the words o0 the a1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): CI would be the 0irst amon. 1eo1le to inter/ede in the 1aradise and amon. the a1ostles i 'ha1ter #+: @ra"er o0 the a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or his ummah and his would ha-e the lar.est 0ollowin.C ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)% bein. mo-ed to tears on a//ount o0 his a00e/tion 0or them ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$); 'ha1ter #): He who died with unbelie0 would be (thrown) into the 0ire2 inter/ession would be o0 no a-ail to him and the relationshi1 o0 his 0a-ourites would not bene0it him ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$% 'ha1ter #%: Ae.ardin. the words o0 Allah: CAnd warn th" nearest 6indredC ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$% 'ha1ter ##: Inter/ession o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or Abu 'ha1ter #;: @roo0 in su11ort o0 the 0a/t that he who died in unbelie0 his deed would not be o0 an" a-ail to him ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%* 'ha1ter ; : =riendshi1 with belie-ers and disso/iation with non-belie-ers and se-er'ha1ter ;$: The admittan/e into 1aradise o0 a .rou1 o0 muslims without renderin. an" a//ount and su00erin. 1unishment (torment) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%* 'ha1ter ;2: This ummah (ummah o0 Islam) would /onstitute hal0 o0 the inhabitants o0 1aradise ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%% 7oo6 2: The 7oo6 o0 @uri0i/ation (>itab Al-Taharah),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$#$ Introdu/tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$#2 'ha1ter $: Merit o0 wudu: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$#2 'ha1ter 2: @uri0i/ation is essential 0or 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$#2 'ha1ter 4: How to 1er0orm ablution ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$#4 'ha1ter *: The merit o0 wudu and that o0 1ra"er a0ter it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$#* 'ha1ter +: ?hile /leanin. the nose and usin. o0 1ebbles in toilet2 the odd number is 1re0erable ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$## 'ha1ter ): The washin. o0 0eet 1ro1erl" is an inte.ral 1art o0 wudu ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$#; 'ha1ter %: It is obli.ator" to wash all 1arts o0 the bod" ne/essar" 0or 1uri0i/ation ,,,$;$
) & $#

Talib and some remission 0or him on this a//ount ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%2

an/e 0rom them ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%*

(1ilo.ue ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%#


'ha1ter #: o0 sins with ablution water ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$;$ 'ha1ter ;: It is /ommendable to in/lude 0orehead in washin. the 0a/e and elbow and an6le in washin. the hands and 0eet2 while 1er0ormin. ablution ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$;$ 'ha1ter $ : @ertainin. to tooth-sti/6 (brushin. the teeth) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$;* 'ha1ter $$: 'hara/teristi/s o0 0itra ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$;+ 'ha1ter $2: How to /leanse onesel0 a0ter relie-in. onesel0 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$;) 'ha1ter $4: Startin. 0rom the hand side 0or ablution2 et/ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$;# 'ha1ter $*: (asin. is 0orbidden in the streets and under the shade ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$;# 'ha1ter $+: ?i1in. o-er the so/6s ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$;; 'ha1ter $): ?i1in. (o-er) the 0orelo/6 and turban ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2 $ 'ha1ter $%: Time limit 0or wi1in. o-er the shoes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2 2 'ha1ter $#: It is undesirable to 1ut one:s hand in the utensil be0ore washin. it ,,,,,,,,,2 4 'ha1ter $;: Instru/tions 1ertainin. to the li/6in. o0 a do. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2 * 'ha1ter 2 : It is 0orbidden to urinate in sta.nant water ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2 + 'ha1ter 2$: It is 0orbidden to wash onesel0 in standin. water ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2 ) 'ha1ter 22: It is obli.ator" to /leanse the mosque when there are im1urities in it and the earth be/omes /lean o0 im1urities with the hel1 o0 water without s/ra1in. (the 1art o0 it) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2 ) 'ha1ter 24: @ertainin. to the urine o0 the su/6lin. babe2 and how it is to be washed awa" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2 % 'ha1ter 2*: ?ashin. awa" o0 the semen 0rom the .arment and its s/ra1in. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,2 # 'ha1ter 2+: The im1urit" o0 the blood o0 menses and its washin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2 ; 'ha1ter 2): @roo0 o0 the im1urit" o0 urine and that it is obli.ator" to sa0e.uard onesel0 7oo6 4: The 7oo6 o0 Menstruation (>itab Al-Haid),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2$$ 'ha1ter $: L"in. with one in menstruation abo-e the waist-wra11er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2$2 'ha1ter 2: The menstruatin. woman is 1ermitted to wash the head o0 her husband2 /omb his hair2 and her le0t-o-er as /lean2 and one is 1ermitted to re/line in her la1 and re/ite the qur:an ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2$4 'ha1ter 4: 3n Al-Madhi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2$+ 'ha1ter *: ?ashin. o0 0a/e and hands a0ter wa6in. u1 0rom slee1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2$+ 'ha1ter +: It is 1ermissible 0or a 1erson to slee1 a0ter se5ual inter/ourse (without a bath) and the desirabilit" o0 ablution 0or him2 and washin. o0 the se5ual as he 0rom it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2$

intends to 0at2 drin62 or slee1 or /ohabit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2$) 'ha1ter ): 7athin. is obli.ator" 0or a woman a0ter e51erien/in. or.asm in dream 2$% 'ha1ter %: The /hara/teristi/ o0 the male re1rodu/ti-e substan/e (s1erm) and 0emale
% & $#


re1rodu/ti-e substan/e (o-um)2 and that the o00s1rin. is 1rodu/ed b" the /ontribution o0 both ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2$; 'ha1ter #: 7athin. a0ter se5ual inter/ourse or seminal emission ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22 'ha1ter ;: The quantit" o0 water that is desirable 0or a bath be/ause o0 se5ual inter-

/ourse2 bathin. o0 the male and 0emale with one -essel in the same /ondition and wa'ha1ter $ : The desirabilit" o0 1ourtn. water thri/e on the head and other 1arts (o0

shin. o0 one o0 them with the le0t-o-er o0 the other ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,222 the bod") ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22* 'ha1ter $$: Law o0 shari:ah 1ertainin. to the 1laited hair o0 the woman who ta6es a 'ha1ter $2: The desirabilit" o0 usin. mus6 at the s1ot o0 blood while bathin. a0ter bath ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22+ menstruation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22% 'ha1ter $*: It is obli.ator" 0or a menstruatin. woman to /om1lete the abandoned 0asts but not the abandoned 1ra"ers ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22; 'ha1ter $+: 3ne should draw around a /urtain while ta6in. a bath ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24 'ha1ter $): It is 0orbidden to see the 1ri-ate 1arts o0 someone else ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24 'ha1ter $%: It is 1ermissible to ta6e a bath na6ed in /om1lete 1ri-a/" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24$ 'ha1ter $#: Utmost /are 0or 6ee1in.-1ri-ate 1arts o0 bod" /on/eale9 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24$ 'ha1ter $;: 'on/ealin. one:s 1ri-ate 1arts while relie-in. onesel0 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,242 'ha1ter 2 : (mission o0 semen ma6es bath obli.ator" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,242 'ha1ter 2$: Abro.ation o0 (the /ommand that) bath is obli.ator" (onl") be/ause o0 se,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24* 'ha1ter 22: Ablution is essential when one tai8es somethin. /oo6ed with the hel1 o0 0ire ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24+ 'ha1ter 24: Abro.ation o0 the hadith that ablution is obli.ator" 0or him who ta6es somethin. /oo6ed with the hel1 o0 0ire ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24+ 'ha1ter 2*: The question o0 ablution a0ter eatin. the 0lesh o0 the /amel ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24% 'ha1ter 2+: A man who is sure o0 his 1uri0i/ation2 but entertains doubt o0 an"thin. brea6in. it2 /an sa0el" o00er 1ra"er without 1er0ormin. a new ablution ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24% 'ha1ter 2): @uri0i/ation o0 the s6ins o0 the dead animals b" tannin. them ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24# 'ha1ter 2%: Ta"ammum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2* 'ha1ter 2#: A muslim is not de0iled ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2*2 'ha1ter 2;: Aemembran/e o0 allah e-en in a state o0 se5ual de0ilement ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2*2
# & $#

'ha1ter $4: The woman who has a 1rolon.ed 0low o0 blood2 her bathin. and 1ra"er

minal emission and instead /onta/t o0 the /ir/um/ised 1arts ma6es bath obli.ator"


'ha1ter 4 : It is 1ermissible to eat without ablution and there is no abhorren/e in it and 1er0ormin. o0 ablution immediatel" (a0ter that) is not essential ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2*4 'ha1ter 4$: ?hat should be utiered while enterin. the 1ri-"D ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2** 'ha1ter 42: Ablution does not brea6 b" do8in. in a sittin. 1osture ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2** 7oo6 *: The 7oo6 o0 @ra"ers (>itab Al-Salat),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2*) Introdu/tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2*% 'ha1ter $: The be.innin. o0 adhan ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2*# 'ha1ter 2: How adhan is to be 1ronoun/ed ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2*# 'ha1ter 4: There /an be two 1ronoun/ers o0 adhan 0or one mosque ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2*; 'ha1ter *: The hol" 1ro1het re0rained 0rom atta/6in. 1eo1le li-in. in dar al-6u0r on 'ha1ter +: He who hears the adhan should res1ond li6e it2 in-o6e blessin.s u1on the hearin. adhan 0rom them ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2*; a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and then be. 0or him the wasila ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2+ 'ha1ter ): The e5/ellen/e o0 adhan and runnin. awa" o0 the satan on hearin. it ,,,,2+$ 'ha1ter %: The desirabilit" o0 raisin. the hands a11osite the shoulders at the time o0 be.innin. the 1ra"er and at the time o0 bowin. and at the time o0 returnin. to the ere/t 1osition a0ter bowin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2+2 'ha1ter #: The re/itin. o0 ta6bir at the time o0 bowin. and risin. in 1ra"er e5/e1t risin. a0ter ru6u2 when it is said: Allah listened to him who 1raised him ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2+* 'ha1ter ;: The re/itin. o0 al-0atiha in e-er" ra6:ah o0 1ra"er is obli.ator" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2++ 'ha1ter $ : The one led in 1ra"er is 0orbidden to re/ite loudl" behind the imam ,,,,,2+# 'ha1ter $$: Ar.ument o0 those who sa" that he (the hol" 1ro1het) did not re/ite 7ismillah (in the name o0 Allah) loudl" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2+; 'ha1ter $2: Ar.ument o0 those who assert that bismillah is a 1art o0 e-er" sura e5/e1t sura Tauba ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2) 'ha1ter $4: The 1la/in. o0 the hand o-er the le0t hand a0ter the 0irst ta6bir in 1ra"er (ta6bir-i-tahrima) below the /hest and abo-e the na-el and then 1la/in. them

a11osite the shoulders in 1rostration ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2)$ 'ha1ter $*: The tashahhud in 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2)$ 'ha1ter $+: 7lessin.s on the 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a0ter tashahhud ,,,,,2)* 'ha1ter $): The re/itin. o0 tasmi: (Allah listens to him who 1raises him)2 tabmid (o2 our lord2 0or thee is the 1raise)2 and tamin (amin) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2)+ 'ha1ter $%: The muqtadi (0ollower) should stri/tl" 0ollow the imam in 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,2)) 'ha1ter $#: The imam is authorised to a11oint one as his de1ut" when there is a -alid reason 0or it (0or e5am1le2 illness or journe" or an" other)2 and i0 an imam leads the 1ra"er sittin. as he /annot do so standin.2 his 0ollowers should sa" 1ra"er standin.
; & $#


1ro-ided the" are able to do it and there is an abro.ation o0 sa"in. 1ra"er sittin. behind a sittin. imam ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2); 'ha1ter $;: I0 the imam arri-es late and there is no o0 an un1leasant ha11e'ha1ter 2 : I0 somethin. ha11ens in 1ra"er2 men should .lori0" allah and women nin.2 another imam /an be a11ointed to lead the 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2%4 should /la1 hands ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2%+ 'ha1ter 2$: 'ommand to obser-e 1ra"er well2 1er0e/tin. it2 and de-otion in it ,,,,,,,,,2%+ 'ha1ter 22: It is 0orbidden to bow and 1rostrate ahead o0 the imam ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2%) 'ha1ter 24: It is 0orbidden to li0t one:s e"es towards the s6" in 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2%% 'ha1ter 2*: The /ommand to obser-e 1ra"er with tranquillit" and /almness and 1rohibition o0 ma6in. .estures with hands and li0tin. themwhile 1ronoun/in. salutation2 andthe /om1letin. o0 0irst rowsand joinin. to.ether well in them ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2%# 'ha1ter 2+: Strai.htenin. o0 rows and the e5/ellen/e o0 the 0irst row and then o0 the subsequent rows and /om1etin. and -"in. with one another 0or the 0irst row and 1riorit" o0 the men o0 -irtues and their nearness to the imam ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2%; 'ha1ter 2): The 1ra"in. women ha-e been /ommanded not to 1re/ede men in li0tin. 'ha1ter 2%: ?omen /omin. out (0rom their houses) 0or .oin. to the mosque when there is no a11rehension o0 wi/6edness2 but the" should not /ome out s/ented ,,,,,,,,,2#2 'ha1ter 2#: Moderation between loud and low re/itation in jahri 1ra"er2 when there is a 0ear o0 turmoil in re/itin. loudl" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2#* 'ha1ter 2;: Listenin. to the re/itation o0 the Eur:an ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2#* 'ha1ter 4 : Ae/itation o0 the qur:an loudl" in the: dawn 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2#+ 'ha1ter 4$: Ae/itation in the noon and a0ternoon 1ra"ers ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2#% 'ha1ter 42: Ae/itation in the mornin. 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2#; 'ha1ter 44: Ae/itation in the 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2;$ 'ha1ter 4*: The dut" o0 the imam is to be brie0 and 1er0e/t in 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2;2 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2;* 'ha1ter 4): =ollowin. the imam and a/tin. a0ter him ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2;) 'ha1ter 4%: ?hat is to be re/ited in bowin. and 1rostration ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2;; 'ha1ter 4#: The e5/ellen/e o0 1rostration and e5hortation to obser-e it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4 $ 'ha1ter 4;: How the limbs should wor6 in 1rostration and 0orbiddan/e to 0old /lothin. and hair and 1laitin. o0 hair in the 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4 2 'ha1ter * : Moderation in 1rostration2 1la/in. the 1alms on the earth (.round) and 6ee1in. awa" elbows 0rom the sides and the bell" 0rom the thi.hs while 1rostratin.
$ & $#

their heads 0rom 1rostration ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2#$

'ha1ter 4+: Moderation in the arti/les o0 1ra"er and their shortenin. and 1er0e/tion


,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4 4 'ha1ter *$: The e5/ellen/e o0 the 1ra"er and the wa" it is be.un and the e5/ellen/e o0 ru6u: and moderation in it2 and 1rostration and moderation in it2 et/, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4 * 'ha1ter *2: Sutra 0or 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4 + 'ha1ter *4: @ra"er in a sin.le .arment ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4$$ 'ha1ter **: Mosques and the 1la/e o0 worshi1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4$2 'ha1ter *+: 7uildin. o0 the 1ro1het:s mosque in medina ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4$+ 'ha1ter *): 'han.e o0 qibla 0rom 7ait-ul-maqdis to 6>:ba ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4$) 'ha1ter *%: =orbiddan/e to build mosques on the .ra-es and de/oratin. them with 1i/tures and 0orbiddan/e to use the .ra-es as mosques ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4$% 'ha1ter *#: The -irtue o0 buildin. the mosques and e5hortation to it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4$# 'ha1ter *;: 'on/ernin. the /ommand o0 1la/in. one:s hands on the 6nees while in ru6u: and abro.ation o0 al-tatbiq ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4$; 'ha1ter + : Sittin. on the butto/6s ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42$ 'ha1ter +2: It:s allowable to /urse satan durin. 1ra"er and see6 the 1rote/tion (o0 the lord) and minor a/ts (o0 /ommission) in 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,424 'ha1ter +4: @ermissibilit" o0 /arr"in. /hildren in 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42* 'ha1ter +*: The 1ermissibilit" o0 mo-in. two ste1s in the 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42* ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42+ 'ha1ter +): It is 0orbidden to remo-e 1ebbles and smooth the .round while en.a.ed in 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42+ 'ha1ter +%: =orbiddan/e to s1it in the mosque while en.a.ed in 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42) 'ha1ter +#: @ermissibilit" o0 wearin. shoes in 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42# 'ha1ter +;: It is not ad-isable to 1ra" wearin. a /loth whi/h has desi.ns or mar6in.s o-er it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42# 'ha1ter ) : ?hen 0ood is be0ore a man and he is in/lined to ta6e it2 he should not sa" 1ra"er be0ore eatin. it and undesirabilit" o0 1ra"in. while 0eelin. the /all o0 'ha1ter )$: =orbiddan/e to eat .arli/2 onions2 and an"thin. o0 o00ensi-e smell while 'ha1ter ++: It is not ad-isable to sa" 1ra"er while 6ee1in. one:s hand on one:s waist 'ha1ter +$: =orbiddan/e o0 tal6in. in 1ra"er and abro.ation o0 what was 1ermissible

nature ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42; /omin. to the mosque ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44

'ha1ter )2: It is 0orbidden to /r" out 0or 0indin. out the lost thin. in the mosque ,,,444 'ha1ter )4: =or.et0ulness in 1ra"er and 1rostration as /om1ensation 0or it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44* 'ha1ter )*: @rostration while re/itin. the Eur:an ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44;
$$ & $#


'ha1ter )+: How jalsa is to be obser-ed ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4*$ 'ha1ter )): Taslim at the /om1letion o0 the 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4*2 'ha1ter )%: 9hi6r a0ter the 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4*4 'ha1ter )#: 9esirabilit" o0 see6in. re0u.e 0rom the torment o0 the .ra-e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4*4 'ha1ter );: (5/ellen/e o0 dhi6r a0ter 1ra"er and its des/ri1tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4*) 'ha1ter % : ?hat is to be re/ited between ta6bir tahrima and re/itation o0 the qur:an 'ha1ter %$: 9esirabilit" o0 .oin. to 1ra"er with di.nit" and tranquillit" and 0orbid,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4+ dan/e o0 .oin. to it in hot haste ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4+$ 'ha1ter %2: ?hen should the 1eo1le stand u1 0or 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4+2 'ha1ter %4: He who /ame u1 with the ra6iah2 he in 0a/t /ame u1 with the 1ra"er (led in / with the imam) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4+4 'ha1ter %*: Times o0 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4+* 'ha1ter %+: 9esirabilit" o0 sa"in. the noon 1ra"er when the e5treme heat is o-er ,,4+# 'ha1ter %): 9esirabilit" o0 obser-in. the noon 1ra"er at the earlier hour (o0 times 1res/ribed 0or it) when there is no intense heat ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4) bed time ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4) 'ha1ter %#: The se-erit" (o0 1unishment) in missin. the :asr 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4)2 'ha1ter %;: Merit o0 the mornin. and a0ternoon 1ra"ers and e5hortation to .uard them ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4)* 'ha1ter # : 'ommen/ement o0 the time 0or the e-enin. 1ra"er is immediatel" a0ter sunset ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4)) 'ha1ter #$: Time 0or the 1ra"er and its dela" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4)) 'ha1ter #2: 9esirabilit" o0 obser-in. the mornin. 1ra"er at earlier hour and that is the time when there is dar6ness be0ore dawn and the in0ormation re.ardin. the o0 re/itation in it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4% 'ha1ter #4: 9isa11ro-al o0 dela"in. the 1ra"er 0rom its 1res/ribed timeB what one who is led in 1ra"er should do when the imam dela"s itD ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4%2 'ha1ter #*: (5/ellen/e o0 1ra"ers in / and .rim warnin. 0or remainin. awa" 0rom it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4%4 'ha1ter #+: He who hears the /all 0or 1ra"er it is essential 0or him to /ome to the mos'ha1ter #): =orbiddan/e to .o out o0 the mosque a0ter the ad8an has been announ/ed que ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4%) b" mu:adhdhin ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4%% 'ha1ter #%: (5/ellen/e o0 1ra"in. the :isha:and mornin. 1ra"ers in / , ,4%%
$2 & $#

'ha1ter %%: @re0eren/e 0or sa"in. the:asr 1ra"er at the /ommen/ement o0 the 1res/ri-


'ha1ter ##: @ermission to remain awa" 0rom the / 1ra"er 0or an" .enuine reason ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4%# 'ha1ter #;: @ermissibilit" o0 obser-in. na0l (su1erero.ator") 1ra"er in / and that too on the mat or the /o-erin. /loth or an" other thin. whi/h is 0ree 0rom

0ilth and rubbish ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4#

'ha1ter ; : Merit o0 1ra"in. in / and waitin. 0or 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4#$ 'ha1ter ;$: (5/ellen/e o0 ta6in. man" ste1s 0or rea/hin. the mosque ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4#4 'ha1ter ;2: (5/ellen/e o0 sittin. at the 1la/e:o0 worshi1 a0ter the dawn 1ra"er and e5/ellen/e o0 the mosque ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4#+ 'ha1ter ;4: ?ho deser-es most to a/t as imam ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4#) 'ha1ter ;*: The e5/ellen/e o0 qunut in all the 1ra"ers when an" /alamit" be0alls the 'ha1ter ;+: 'om1ensation o0 the missed 1ra"er and e5/ellen/e o0 obser-in. it muslims ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4## 1rom1tl" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4;$ 'ha1ter ;): The 1ra"er o0 tra-ellers and shortenin. o0 it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4;) 'ha1ter ;%: @ra"in. in houses when it rains ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,* 'ha1ter ;#: @ermissibilit" o0 sa"in. na0l 1ra"er on a ridin. beast while on a journe"2 in whate-er dire/tion it turns ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,* 2 'ha1ter ;;: @ermissibilit" o0 /ombinin. two 1ra"ers on a journe" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,* * 'ha1ter $ 'ha1ter $ $: @ermissibilit" o0 turnin. to the and le0t in 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,* % 'ha1ter $ 2: (5/ellen/e to be on the side o0 the imam ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,* % 'ha1ter $ 4: The undesirabilit" o0 obser-in. na0l 1ra"er2 when the mu:adhdhin be.ins adhan ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,* # 'ha1ter $ *: ?hat is to be re/ited while enterin. the mosque ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,* ; 'ha1ter $ +: (5/ellen/e o0 .reetin. the mosque with two ra6:ahs and undesirabilit" o0 sittin. down be0ore obser-in. them ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*$ 'ha1ter $ ): (5/ellen/e o0 obser-in. two ra6:ahs in the mosque 0or one who /omes 'ha1ter $ %: (5/ellen/e o0 the 0orenoon 1ra"er2 two are its minimum ra6:ahs and ba/6 0rom a journe" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*$ are its ma5imum ra6:ahs, and a-era.e ra6:ahs are 0our or si52 and e5hortation 0or the obser-an/e o0 the 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*$$ 'ha1ter $ #: (5/ellen/e o0 obser-in. two ra6:ahs o0 sunnah in the dawn 1ra"er ,,,,*$* :A:isha re1orted: ?hen it was dawn2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed two ra6:ahs2 and I would sa": 9oes he re/ite onl" the o1enin. /ha1ter o0 the : 'ombination o0 1ra"ers2 when one is resident ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,* +

Eur:an in itD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*$+
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'ha1ter $ ;: The -irtue o0 sunan 1ra"ers be0ore and a0ter the 0ard ra6:ahs and their number ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*$% 'ha1ter $$ : @ermissibilit" o0 obser-in. na0l (-oluntar" 1ra"er) standin. or sittin. and obser-in. some 1art o0 it in sittin. or standin. 1ostures ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*$# 'ha1ter $$$: @ra"er durin. the and the number o0 the ra6:ahs whi/h the a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed in the and obser-an/e o0 one ra6iah o0 witr ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*2$ 'ha1ter $$2: =orenoon 1ra"er should be o00ered when it is su00i/ientl" hot ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*2% 'ha1ter $$4: ! 1ra"er /onsists o0 1airs o0 ra6:ahs and witr is a ra6:ah at the end o0 'ha1ter $$*: He who 0ears that he would not be able to obser-e (tahajjud) 1ra"er at the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*2% the end o0 should obser-e witr in the 0irst 1art o0 it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*4 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*4$ 'ha1ter $$): (5hortation to su11li/ate and ma6e mention (o0 Allah) at the end o0 the 'ha1ter $$%: (n/oura.ement to obser-e 1ra"ers durin. ramadan and that is tarawih ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*44 'ha1ter $$#: Su11li/ation in the 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*4+ 'ha1ter $$;: @re0eren/e 0or re/itation in the 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,**$ 'ha1ter $2 : ?hat has been related (0rom the hol" 1ro1het) about one who slee1s the 'ha1ter $2$: @re0eren/e 0or obser-in. na0l 1ra"er in the house2 and 1ermissibilit" o0 'ha1ter $22: (5/ellen/e o0 an a/t (i, e, obser-in. o0 the 1ra"er2 et/,) done /onwhole till mornin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,**2 obser-in. it in the mosque also ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,**4 stantl" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*** 'ha1ter $24: 'on/ernin. do8in. o00 in 1ra"er2 or 0alterin. o0 one:s ton.ue in the re/itation o0 the qur:an2 or in mentionin. o0 Allah2 one should slee12 or sto1 lt till one be/omes li-el" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,**) 'ha1ter $2*: 'on/ernin. the /are0ul rememberin. o0 the qur:an ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,**) 'ha1ter $2+: 9esirabilit" o0 re/itin. the qur:an in a sweet -oi/e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,**# 'ha1ter $2): The re/itation b" the a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) o0 surat al-=ath on the da" o0 the /onquest o0 Me//a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,**; 'ha1ter $2%: 9es/endin. o0 tranquillit" b" the re/itation o0 the qur:an ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*+ 'ha1ter $2#: (5/ellen/e o0 the ha0i8 (one who /ommits the qur:an to memor") o0 the and its a//e1tan/e b" the lord ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*4$ 'ha1ter $$+: The most e5/ellent 1ra"er is one in whi/h one stands 0or a time

qur:an ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*+$
$* & $#


'ha1ter $2;: (5/ellen/e o0 the one who is 1ro0i/ient in the qur:an and one who 0alters in it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*+$ 'ha1ter $4 : (5/ellen/e o0 the re/itin. o0 the qur:an b" one who is more s6illed and 1ro0i/ient be0ore one who is in0erior to him ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*+2 'ha1ter $4$: (5/ellen/e o0 listenin. to the quran and as6in. one who has memorised it and to re/ite it 0rom his memor" and sheddin. tears while listenin. to the re/itation2 and deliberatin. o-er it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*+2 'ha1ter $42: (5/ellen/e o0 the re/itation o0 the quran in 1ra"er and that o0 its lear'ha1ter $44: (5/ellen/e o0 the re/itation o0 the qur:an and that o0 surah al-7aqara nin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*+4 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*+* 'ha1ter $4*: (5/ellen/e o0 surah al-=atiha and /on/ludin. -erses o0 surah al-7aqara and e5hortation to re/ite the last two -erses o0 surah al-7aqara ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*++ 'ha1ter $4+: (5/ellen/e o0 surah Al-6ah0 and a"at Al-6ursi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*+) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*+) 'ha1ter $4%: (5/ellen/e o0 the re/itation o0 the two surahs /on/ernin. the ta6in. o0 re0u.e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*+# 'ha1ter $4#: (5/ellen/e o0 one who a/ts u1on (the tea/hin.s o0 the) qur:an and one who tea/hes it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*+# 'ha1ter $4;: CThe qur:an has been re-ealed in se-en modes o0 readin.C and its meanin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*+; 'ha1ter $* : Ae/itin. the qur:an leisurel" and distin/ti-el" and abstainin. 0rom re/itin. it -er" hurriedl"2 and 1ermissibilit" o0 re/itin. two surahs or more than two in a ra6:ah ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*)$ 'ha1ter $*$: That whi/h /on/erns re/itation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*)4 'ha1ter $*2: Times when 1ra"er is 1rohibited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*)* 'ha1ter $*4: How :Amr b, :Abasa embra/ed Islam ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*)) 'ha1ter $**: 9o not .et into the habit o0 obser-in. 1ra"er at the time o0 the risin. sun and at the time o0 its settin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*)% 'ha1ter $*+: (5/ellen/e o0 obser-in. two ra6:ahs be0ore the e-enin. 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,*); 'ha1ter $*): @ra"er in time o0 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*); 'ha1ter $*%: >itab al-jumu:a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*%2 'ha1ter $*#: The essentialit" o0 ta6in. a bath on 0rida" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*%4 'ha1ter $*;: @er0ume and usin. o0 miswa6 on 0rida" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*%* 'ha1ter $+ : 3bser-an/e o0 silen/e in sermon on 0rida" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*%+
$+ & $#

'ha1ter $4): (5/ellen/e o0 the re/itation o0 CAa": He is Allah2 the oneC (surah I6hlas)


'ha1ter $+$: There is a s1e/ial (0ortunate) time on 0rida" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*%+ 'ha1ter $+2: (5/ellen/e o0 0rida" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*%) 'ha1ter $+4: (5/ellen/e o0 .oin. out earl" on 0rida" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*%# 'ha1ter $+*: (5/ellen/e o0 one who listens to the 6hutba (sermon) with 1er0e/t silen/e 'ha1ter $++: Fumu:a 1ra"er is to be obser-ed when the sun 1asses o-er the meridian 'ha1ter $+): 'on/ernin. the two sermons be0ore the 0rida" 1ra"er and sittin. 0or a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*%# ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*%; while between the two ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*# 'ha1ter $+%: 'on/ernin. the words o0 the qur:an: CAnd when the" see mer/handise or s1ort2 the" brea6 awa" to it2 and lea-e thee standin.C (l5ii, $$) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*# 'ha1ter $+#: ?arnin. on ne.le/tin. jumu:a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*#$ 'ha1ter $+;: Shortness o0 1ra"er and sermon ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*#2 'ha1ter $) : 3bser-in. o0 two ra6iahs as a salutation o0 the mosque while the imam is deli-erin. (the sermon) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*#+ 'ha1ter $)$: Hadith 1ertainin. to .i-in. instru/tion in 6hutba ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*#) 'ha1ter $)2: ?hat is to be re/ited in the jumuia 1ra"erD ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*#) 'ha1ter $)4: @ra"er (sunan) a0ter the jumu:a 1ra"er (0ard) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*## 'ha1ter $)*: The 1ra"er o0 the two :Ids ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*#; 'ha1ter $)+: @ermissibilit" o0 women:s .oin. out on :Id da"s towards the 1la/e o0 'ha1ter $)): Abandonin. o0 1ra"er be0ore :Id and a0ter it in the 1la/e o0 worshi1 (ourside the habitation) es1e/iall" meant 0or :Id ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*;2 'ha1ter $)%: ?hat is to be re/ited in :Id 1ra"ers ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*;4 'ha1ter $)#: @ermission 0or inno/ent s1ort on :id da"s ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*;4 'ha1ter $);: @ra"er 0or rain ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*;+ 'ha1ter $% : Su11li/ation in 1ra"er 0or rain ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*;) 'ha1ter $%$: (@ra"er 0or) 1rote/tion (o0 allah) when there is a windstorm2 or (terribl" dar6) /loud2 and 0eelin. o0 jo" when there is a rain0all ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*;# 'ha1ter $%2: @ra"er at the time o0 solar e/li1se ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*;; 'ha1ter $%4: Mention o0 the torment o0 .ra-e in e/li1se 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+ $ >itab-ul-jana:i8 - boo6 relatin. to the dead,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+ % 'ha1ter $%*: (5hortation to re/ite la ilaha ill-allah (there is no .od but Allah) to the d"in. 1erson ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+ # 'ha1ter $%+: ?hat is to be said at the time o0 /alamit" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+ ; 'ha1ter $%): ?hat is to be said b" the side o0 the si/6 and the dead ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+$
$) & $#

worshi1 and their 1resen/e in the 6hutba (sittin.) at a distan/e 0rom men ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*;2


'ha1ter $%%: 'losin. the (e"es) o0 the dead and su11li/ation 0or him on -isitin. him ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+$ 'ha1ter $%#: ?ee1in. 0or the dead ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+$$ 'ha1ter $%;: <isitin. the si/6 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+$2 'ha1ter $# : (nduran/e in trouble at the 0irst blow ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+$2 'ha1ter $#$: The dead bod" is 1unished 0or the lamentation o0 his 0amil" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+$4 'ha1ter $#2: ?omen 0orbidden to 0ollow the bier ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+$# 'ha1ter $#4: ?ashin. o0 the dead bod" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+$# 'ha1ter $#*: 'on/ernin. the shroudin. o0 the dead bod" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+2 'ha1ter $#+: 'o-erin. the dead bod" with a /loth ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+2$ 'ha1ter $#): (5hortation to shroud the dead bod" well ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+2$ 'ha1ter $#%: Ma6in. haste in 0uneral ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+22 'ha1ter $##: Merit o0 the 0uneral 1ra"er and 0ollowin. the bier ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+22 'ha1ter $#;: I0 one hundred muslims o00er 1ra"er 0or the dead2 all o0 them inter/edin. 0or him (it would be a//e1ted) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+2* 'ha1ter $; : The dead who is 1raised in .ood words2 or who is /ondemned in bad words ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+2+ 'ha1ter $;$: ?hat is said in /ase o0 one who .ets relie0 and the one 0rom whom the other .ets relie0 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+2+ 'ha1ter $;2: @ra"er o-er the .ra-e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+2% 'ha1ter $;4: Standin. u1 on seein. a bier ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+2# 'ha1ter $;*: Abro.ation o0 the a/t o0 standin. u1 0or the bier ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+2; 'ha1ter $;+: Su11li/ation 0or the dead in the 0uneral 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+4 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+4$ 'ha1ter $;%: It is 1ermissible to ride ba/6 a0ter o00erin. 0uneral 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+42 'ha1ter $;#: !i/he in the .ra-e and settin. u1 o0 mud bri/6s o-er the dead ,,,,,,,,,,,,,+42 'ha1ter $;;: 'ommandment in re.ard to the le-ellin. o0 the .ra-e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+44 'ha1ter 2 'ha1ter 2 $: It is 0orbidden to sit o-er the .ra-e and obser-e 1ra"er 0a/in. towards it : It is 0orbidden to 1laster the .ra-e or /onstru/tin. an"thin. o-er it ,,,,+44 'ha1ter $;): ?here should the imam stand 0or o00erin. 1ra"er o-er the dead bod"

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+4* 'ha1ter 2 2: =uneral 1ra"er in the mosque ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+4* 'ha1ter 2 4: ?hat is to be said while -isitin. the .ra-e"ard and the su11li/ation to be 'ha1ter 2 *: The a1ostle o0 allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) see6in. 1ermission 0rom o00ered 0or the dead l"in. in the .ra-es ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+4+ the lord2 the e5alted and hi.h2 0or -isitin. the .ra-e o0 his mother ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+4)
$% & $#


'ha1ter 2 +: Abandonin. o0 0uneral 1ra"er 0or him who /ommitted sui/ide ,,,,,,,,,,,,,+4% 7oo6 +: The 7oo6 o0 Ga6at (>itab Al-Ga6at),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+4# Introdu/tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+4; 'ha1ter $: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+* 'ha1ter 2: !o 8a6at is due 0rom a muslim on his sla-e or his horse ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+*$ 'ha1ter 4: Sendin. o00 0or the 1a"ment o0 8a6at and o0 re0usin. to 1a" it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+*2 'ha1ter *: Ga6at (sadaqa) 0itr is bindin. on e-er" muslim ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+*2 'ha1ter +: Ta6in. out o0 sadaqat-ul-0itr be0ore obser-in. 0itr 1ra"er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+** 'ha1ter ): Sin o0 one who does not 1a" 8a6at ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+** 'ha1ter %: @leasin. o0 the /olle/tor ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+*# 'ha1ter #: The .ra-it" o0 1unishment 0or one who does not 1a" 8a6at ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+*# 'ha1ter ;: (5hortation to .i-e sadaqa ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+*; 'ha1ter $ : Hoarders o0 wealth and 1unishment to them ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,++ 'ha1ter $2: (5/ellen/e o0 s1endin. on one:s 0amil"2 and ser-ant2 and sin o0 one who 'ha1ter $$: (5hortation to s1end and tidin.s to him who s1ends (on .ood deeds) , ,++$ ne.le/ts or withholds their subsisten/e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,++2 'ha1ter $4: 7e.innin. o0 s1endin. 0or one:s own sel02 then 0or one:s 0amil" and then 0or relati-es ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,++2 'ha1ter $*: (5/ellen/e o0 s1endin. and .i-in. sadaqa to relati-es2 to wi0e2 to /hildren2 and 1arents e-en i0 the" are 1ol"theists ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,++4 'ha1ter $+: Hettin. o0 reward 0or sadaqa 0or the dead .i-en on his or her behal0 ,,,+++ 'ha1ter $): Sadaqa in/ludes all t"1es o0 .ood a/ts ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,++) 'ha1ter $%: 'on/ernin. one who s1ends and who withholds ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,++% 'ha1ter $#: A//e1tan/e o0 sadaqa b" honest wor6 and its .rowth ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,++; 'ha1ter $;: (5hortation to sadaqa e-en thou.h it is hal0 a date2 or a .ood word2 0or the" are 1rote/tion a.ainst 0ire ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+) 'ha1ter 2 : The labourer should .i-e /harit" out o0 his and it is se-erel" 0orbidden to belittle one who /ontributes less ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+)2 'ha1ter 2$: (5/ellen/e o0 .i-in. a .i0t ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+)2 'ha1ter 22: The li6eness o0 one who s1ends (in the 1ath o0 allah) and one who withholds ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+)4 'ha1ter 24: @roo0 o0 reward 0or the .i-er o0 /harit" e-en i0 it .oes into the hands o0 an 'ha1ter 2*: The reward 0or an honest trustee and 0or the woman as she .i-es /harit" 0rom the household o0 her husband either with his e51li/it san/tion or as it is /ustoundeser-in. 1erson ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+)*

mar" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+)*
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'ha1ter 2+: 'on/ernin. the /olle/tion o0 sadaqa and doin. o0 .ood deeds ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+)) 'ha1ter 2): (5hortation to s1end (0or the sa6e o0 Allah) and disa11ro-al o0 /al/ulatin. 'ha1ter 2%: (5hortation to .i-e /harit" e-en thou.h it is small (the one who .i-es) (the arti/les o0 /harit") ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+)% small amount should neither be dis/oura.ed nor loo6ed down u1on ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+)# 'ha1ter 2#: (5/ellen/e o0 .i-in. sadaqa se/retl" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+)# 'ha1ter 2;: The most e5/eli2 ent sadaqa is that whi/h is .i-en when one is health" and 'ha1ter 4 : 'on/ernin. the statement that the u11er hand is better than2 the lower /lose-0isted ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+)# hand2 and the u11er hand is that whi/h .i-es and the lower one is that whi/h re/ei-es 'ha1ter 4$: It is 0orbidden to be. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+%

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+); 'ha1ter 42: Mis6in (1oor man) is one who does not 0ind enou.h to satis0" him and the 1ro1lr do not /onsider him (need") as to .i-e him /harit" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+%$ 'ha1ter 44: 9isa11ro-al o0 0rom 1eo1le ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+%$ 'ha1ter 4*: 3ne 0or whom is 1ermissible ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+%4 'ha1ter 4+: @ermissibilit" to a//e1t what is .i-en without or without bein. a-ari/ious ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+%4 'ha1ter 4): 9isa11ro-al o0 the 0or the (1ossessions o0 the material) world +%* 'ha1ter 4%: I0 there were two -alle"s (o0 .old) 0or the son o0 Adam2 he would lon. 0or the third one ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+%+ 'ha1ter 4#: 3ne is not ri/h be/ause o0 the abundan/e o0 .oods ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+%) 'ha1ter 4;: =ear o0 what would /ome our o0 the adornment o0 the world ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+%) 'ha1ter * : (5/ellen/e o0 abstainin. 0rom and that o0 enduran/e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+%# 'ha1ter *$: Hi-in. /harit" to one who be..ed im1ortunatel" or with un/i-ilit" ,,,,,,+%# 'ha1ter *2: 7estowal u1on one who is not 0irm in 0aith ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+# 'ha1ter *4: 7estowal u1on those who are made to in/line (to truth) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+#

'ha1ter **: The >hwarij and their /hara/teristi/s ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+#+ 'ha1ter *+: (5hortation to 6ill the >hwarij ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+#; 'ha1ter *): It:s 0orbidden to 1a" 8a6at to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and 7anu Hashim and 7anu Muttalib ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+;2 'ha1ter *%: The 1osterit" o0 the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is not allowed 'ha1ter *#: A//e1tin. o0 .i0t b" the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and re0uto ma6e use o0 sadaqa ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+;4 sin. the sadaqa ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+;+ 'ha1ter *;: 7lessin. 0or him who 1resents sadaqa ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+;)
$; & $#


'ha1ter + : To 1lease the /olle/tor o0 8a6at2 unless he ma6es an unjust demand ,,,,,,+;) 7oo6 ): The 7oo6 o0 =astin. (>itab Al-Sawm),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+;% Introdu/tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+;# 'ha1ter $: (5/ellen/e o0 the month o0 Aamadan ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) 'ha1ter 2: =astin. in Aamadan should ne/essaril" be /ommen/ed with the o0 the new moon and 0inished with the o0 the new moon i0 the weather is /loud" at the be.innin. or at the end2 then /om1lete thirt" da"s ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)

'ha1ter 4: 9o not 0ast 0or a da" or two da"s ahead o0 Aamadan ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) 4 'ha1ter *: The month ma" /onsist o0 twent"-nine da"s ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) * 'ha1ter +: There is a si.htin. o0 the moon 0or e-er" townB the si.htin. at one town /annot be held -alid 0or the other town situated at a /onsiderable distan/e 0rom it , ) + 'ha1ter ): It is immaterial whether the new moon is lar.e (on a//ount o0 a11earin. a0ter thirt" ni.hts) or small (on a//ount o0 a11earin. on the thirtieth and Allah de0ers it to ma6e it suitable 0or si.htin. and i0 the s6" is /loud"2 then thirt" (0asts) are to be /om1leted ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) ) 'ha1ter %: The months o0 :Id are not in/om1lete ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) ) 'ha1ter #: The timin. o0 0ast be.ins with dawn ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) % 'ha1ter ;: (5/ellen/e o0 ta6in. meal be0ore dawn2 stress on .i-in. it 1re0eren/e and ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)$ 1re0eren/e 0or de0errin. it (at the 0a. end o0 the and hastenin. in brea6in. it 'ha1ter $ : The time 0or brea6in. the 0ast and endin. o0 da" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)$$ 'ha1ter $$: It is 0orbidden to obser-e uninterru1ted 0astin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)$4 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)$+ 'ha1ter $4: There is no harm in obser-in. 0ast i0 one is junbi e-en a0ter dawn ,,,,,,,,,)$% 'ha1ter $*: Se5ual inter/ourse is /om1letel" 0orbidden durin. the da" in the month o0 'ha1ter $+: @ermissibilit" o0 obser-in. the 0ast or not obser-in. it in the month o0 Aa'ha1ter $): The reward o0 one who does not obser-e 0ast be/ause o0 a reli.ious dut" Aamadan ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)$; madan 0or a tra-eller ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)2$ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)2* 'ha1ter $%: 'hoi/e 0or obser-in. 0ast and brea6in. it on a journe" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)2+ 'ha1ter $#: It is 1re0erable 0or the 1il.rim not to obser-e 0ast in :Ara0at on the da" o0 :Ara0a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)2) 'ha1ter $;: =astin. on the da" o0 :Ashura ($ th o0 Muharram) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)2% 'ha1ter 2 : 3n whi/h da" the 0ast is to be obser-ed in Muharram ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)42
2 & $#

'ha1ter $2: >issin. is not 0orbidden while 0astin. i0 one is not ur.ed b" se5ual lust


'ha1ter 2$: He who ate on the da" o0 Ashura should abstain (0rom eatin.) 0or the rest o0 the da" (as a mar6 o0 res1e/t) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)44 'ha1ter 22: =orbiddan/e to obser-e 0ast on :Id-ul-=itr and :Id-ul-Adha ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)4* 'ha1ter 24: 9isa11ro-al o0 0astin. on 0rida" alone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)4+ 'ha1ter 2*: Abro.ation o0 the words o0 Allah: CAnd as 0or those who /an 0ast (but do not) the e51iation isC b" the words: C?hosoe-er witnesses it he shall ha-e to 0ast the whole monthC (ii, $#*) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)4) 'ha1ter 2+: @ermissibili" o0 /om1letin. the (missed) 0asts o0 Aamadan be0ore the /ommen/ement o0 the /omin. Aamadan ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)4% 'ha1ter 2): 'om1letin. o0 the 0ast on behal0 o0 the dead ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)4% 'ha1ter 2%: ?hen an obser-er o0 0ast is in-ited to a 0east2 or someone 0i.hts with him2 'ha1ter 2#: (5/ellen/e o0 0astin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)* 'ha1ter 2;: @ermissibilit" o0 ma6in. an intention 0or -oluntar" 0astin. be0ore noon and 1ermissibilit" o0 brea6in. -oluntar" 0ast without reason ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)*$ 'ha1ter 4 : (atin. and drin6in. (and se5ual inier/ourse) in 0or.et0ulness does not brea6 the 0ast ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)*2 'ha1ter 4$: The 0ast obser-ed b" the a1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) besides Aamadan ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)*2 'ha1ter 42: =orbiddan/e to obser-e 1er1etual 0ast and e5/ellen/e o0 obser-in. 0ast on 'ha1ter 44: (5/ellen/e o0 obser-in. 0ast 0or three da"s durin. e-er" month, And 0astin. on the da" o0 :Ara0a and :Ashura and monda" and thursda" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)*; 'ha1ter 4*: =astin. in the month o0 Sha:ban ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)+$ 'ha1ter 4+: (5/ellen/e o0 the 0ast o0 Muharram ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)+$ 'ha1ter 4): (5/ellen/e o0 obser-in. 0ast 0or si5 da"s in the month o0 Shawwal a0ter Aamadan ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)+2 'ha1ter 4%: (5/ellen/e o0 Lailat-ul-Eadr and e5hortation to 0ind it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)+2 'ha1ter 4#: 3bser-in. o0 i:ti6a0 in the last ten da"s o0 Aamadan ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)+% ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)+# 'ha1ter * : 3ne should e5ert more (in de-otion and 1ra"er) in the last ten da"s o0 Aramadan ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)+# 7oo6 %: The 7oo6 o0 @il.rima.e (>itab Al-Hajj),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)) Introdu/tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,))$
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he should sa": CI am 0astin.C ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)4;

alternate da"s ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)**

'ha1ter 4;: ?hen should a 1erson enter the 1la/e o0 i:ti6a0 as he intends to obser-e it

'ha1ter *$: =astin. on the $ th o0 9hu:l-Hijja ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)+;


'ha1ter $: ?hat is 1ermitted 0or the muhrim (wearer o0 ihram) in Hajj and Umra2 what is not 1ermissible and 0orbiddan/e o0 the use o0 1er0ume ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,))2 'ha1ter 2: The 1la/e where the 1il.rims enter u1on the state o0 ihram ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,))+ 'ha1ter 4: Talbi"a2 its /harateristi/s and its time ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,))% 'ha1ter *: Th0 1eo1le o0 medina are /ommanded to enter u1on the state o0 ihram at a mosque in 9hu:l-Hulai0a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,))# 'ha1ter +: (nterin. u1on the state o0 ihram as the ride 1ro/eeds towards (Me//a) , )); ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)% 'ha1ter %: Huntin. is 0orbidden 0or one who is in the state o0 ihram ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)%4 'ha1ter #: ?hi/h animal the muhrim and the non-muhrim are 1ermitted to 6ill in the state o0 ihram and at the /on/lusion o0 it (within the 1re/in/ts o0 the >a:ba) ,,,,,,,)%% 'ha1ter ;: It is 1ermissible to sha-e the head in the state o0 ihram i0 there is a trouble2 and e51iation be/omes obli.ator" 0or sha-in. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)# 'ha1ter $ : @ermissibilit" o0 /u11in. 0or a muhrim ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)#2 'ha1ter $$: The muhrim is 1ermitted to .et the trreatment 0or his e"es ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)#2 'ha1ter $2: @ermissibilit" o0 washin. the bod" and head o0 a muhrim ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)#4 'ha1ter $4: ?hat must be done to a muhrim in /ase o0 his death ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)#4 'ha1ter $*: @ermissibilit" o0 enterin. into the state o0 ihram 1ro-isionall" be/ause o0 illness ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)#) 'ha1ter $+: 9onnin. o0 ihram 0or women who are in the state o0 menses and 1arturi'ha1ter $): T"1es o0 ihram-it is 1ermissible to enter into the state:o0 ihram sin.ularl" 0or the sa6e o0 Hajj2 or 0or Tamattu:bi:l-umra ila:l-hajj or 0or both Hajj and :Umra to.ether ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)#% 'ha1ter $%: @er0ormin. Hajj and Umra se1aratel" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,);# =arewell 1il.rima.e o0 the a1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,);; 'ha1ter $#: Sta"in. and the si.ni0i/an/e o0 the -erse:2 then hasten on 0rom where the 'ha1ter $;: @ermissibilit" o0 sa"in. one has entered into ihram li6e the ihram o0 the 1eo1le hasten on (ii, $;;) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,% * other one or abro.ation o0 1uttin. o00 ihram and /om1letin. (hajj and umra) ,,,,,,,,,,% + 'ha1ter 2 : @ermissibilit" o0 the Tamattu2 (0orm o0 1il.rima.e) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,% % 'ha1ter 2$: Sa/ri0i/in. o0 animal is obli.ator" 0or Tamattu2 but he who does not do it is required to obser-e 0ast 0or three da"s durin. the Hajj and 0or se-en da"s when he tion and e5/ellen/e o0 bath while enterin. into the state o0 ihram ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)#% 'ha1ter ): A11l"in. o0 1er0ume to the bod" be0ore enterin. u1on the state o0 ihram

returns to the 0amil" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%$

'ha1ter 22: The qarin should not 1ut o00 the ihram but at the time when a mu0rid 1il22 & $#


.rim ta6es it o00 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%$$ 'ha1ter 24: @ermissibilit" o0 1uttin. o00 ihram (in the midst o0 hajj /eremonies) in /ase 'ha1ter 2*: I0rad and qiran (/ombinin. Hajj and :Umra under one ihram) durin. the 'ha1ter 2+: ?hat is essential 0or him who enters into the state o0 ihram 0or Hajj and o0 obstru/tion and 1ermissibilit" o0 qiran ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%$2 1er0orman/e o0 1il.rima.e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%$* then /omes to Me//a 0or /ir/umambulation and runnin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%$* 'ha1ter 2): 3ne who underta6es to 1er0orm :Umra is not allowed to 1ut o00 ihram be0or02 Sa:i and the 1il.rim and the (qiran) is not allowed to 1ut o00 ihram at Tawa0

qudum /ir/umambulation o0 arri-al) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%$) 'ha1ter 2%: 'on/ernin. Tamattu: in Hajj ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%$% 'ha1ter 2#: @ermissibilit" o0 :Umra durin. the months o0 Hajj ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%$# 'ha1ter 2;: Harlandin. the sa/ri0i/ial animals2 and mar6in. them ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%2 has en.a.ed the attention o0 the 1eo1leD ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%2 'ha1ter 4 : Sa"in. o0 1eo1le to Ibn :Abbas: ?hat is this reli.ious -erdi/t o0 "ours that 'ha1ter 4$: 'li11in. o0 hair in :Umra ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%2$ 'ha1ter 42: Talbi"a o0 the a1ostle2 (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his sa/ri0i/e ,,,,,,,,,,%2$ 'ha1ter 44: 'on/ernin. the Umras 1er0ormed b" Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and their res1e/ti-e times ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%24 'ha1ter 4*: (5/ellen/e o0 1er0ormin. :umra in the month o0 Aamadan ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%2* 'ha1ter 4+: (5/ellen/e o0 entr" into Me//a 0rom the u11er side and e5it 0rom it 0rom the lower side2 and en 0erin. the town 0rom the side other than that 0rom whi/h, one .ets out ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%2+ 'ha1ter 4): (5/ellen/e o0 s1endin. the at dhi tuwa 0or enterin. Me//a (0or Hajj) 'ha1ter 4%: (5/ellen/e o0 wal6in. at a qui/6 1a/e in Tawa0 in :Umra and on the o//a'ha1ter 4#: (5/ellen/e o0 tou/hin. the two /orners (ru6nain al-"amanit"ain) in :0aand .ettin. lIto it a0ter a bath and enterin. durin. the da" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%2) sion o0 0irst Tawa0 in Hajj ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%2% wa0 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%2; 'ha1ter 4;: (5/ellen/e o0 6issin. the bla/6 stone while /ir/umambulatin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%4 'ha1ter * : It is 1ermissible to obser-e Tawa0 on the ba/6 o0 a /amel or an" other ri'ha1ter *$: Sa:i between al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa is an essential rite o0 Hajj and Hajj is din. beast2 and to tou/h the bla/6 stone with a sti/6 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%4$ not /om1lete without it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%42 'ha1ter *2: Sa:i should not be re1eated ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%4+ 'ha1ter *4: The 1il.rim should /ontinue to 1ronoun/e Talbi"a until the stonin. o0
24 & $#


Famrat al-:Aqaba on the da" o0 sa/ri0i/e ($ th o0 9hu:l-Hijja) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%4+ 'ha1ter **: @ronoun/in. o0 Talbi"a and Ta6bir while .oin. 0rom Mina to :Ara0at on 'ha1ter *+: Aeturnin. 0rom :Ara0at to Mu8dali0a and e5/ellen/e o0 obser-in. sunset the da" o0 :Ara0a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%4% and :Isha: 1ra"ers to.ether at Mu8dali0a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%4# 'ha1ter *): (5/ellen/e o0 obser-in. the dawn 1ra"er at the earliest 1art o0 the dawn 'ha1ter *%: It is e5/ellent that the a.ed and the wea62 es1e/iall" amon. the women2 on the $ th o0 9hu:l-Hijja at Mu8dali0a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%*$ should hasten 0rom Mmu8dali0a to Mina at the latter 1art o0 the be0ore the 1eo1le mo-e in multitude2 and e5/ellen/e o0 sta"in. there 0or others until the" obser-e the 'ha1ter *#: Stonin. at Famrat al-:Aqaba 0rom the heart o0 the -alle" in the state that dawn 1ra"er at Mu8dali0a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%*$ Me//a is on the le0t side and 1ronoun/in. o0 ta6bir while throwin. e-er" 1ebble ,,,%** 'ha1ter *;: (5/ellen/e o0 1ebbles at Famrat al-:Aqaba on the da" o0 sa/ri0i/e (ioth o0 9hu:l-Hijja) while ridin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%*+ 'ha1ter + : The 1ebbles to be used 0or throwin. should be small ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%*) 'ha1ter +$: ?hat is the e5/ellent time 0or throwin. 1ebbles (at the jamras) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%*) 'ha1ter +2: ?hat should be the number o0 the 1ebbles ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%*% 'ha1ter +4: It is 1re0erable to .et one:s hair /ut (as a ritual o0 1il.rima.e) but /li11in. is also 1ermissible ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%*% 'ha1ter +*: It is a Sunnah that on the da" o0 !ahr one should throw 1ebbles2 then slau.hter animal then .et one:s head sha-ed2 and one should start sha-in. one:s head 0rom the side ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%*; 'ha1ter ++: Ae.ardin. one who sha-es be0ore o00erin. tlie sa/ri0i/e or o00ers sa/ri0i/e 'ha1ter +): (5/ellen/e o0 obser-in. /ir/umambulation o0 I0ada on the da" o0 !ahr be0ore throwin. (tiie stones at jamra) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%+ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%+2 'ha1ter +%: (5/ellen/e o0 ma6in. a halt at al-Muhassab2 on the da" o0 !ahr2 and ob'ha1ter +#: It is essential to sta" (0or two or three ni.hts) at Mina durin. the da"s o0 ser-in. 1ra"er there ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%+2 Tashriq ($$th2 $2th and $4th) and e5em1tion 0rom this /ommand 0or the su11liers o0 water ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%+* ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%++ 'ha1ter ) : It is 1ermissible to join se-en 1ersons in a /ow or a /amel ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%+) 'ha1ter )$: The /amel is to be sa/ri0i/ed in a standin. 1osture and 0ettered ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%+%
2* & $#

'ha1ter +;: 3ne should o00er as sadaqa the meat and hide o0 the sa/ri0i/ial animal


'ha1ter )2: It is meritorious 0or one who does in 0end to .o himsel0 to send the sa/ri0i/ial animal to al-Haram ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%+% 'ha1ter )4: It is 1ermissible to ride the sa/ri0i/ial animal (/amel) 0or one who is in need o0 it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%) 'ha1ter )*: ?hat should be done with the sa/ri0i/ial animal2 when it is /om1letel" e5hausted and be/omes 1owerless to mo-e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%)$ 'ha1ter )+: It is obli.ator" to 1er0orm 0arewell /ir/umambulation2 while a menstruatin. woman is e5em1ted 0rom it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%)2 'ha1ter )): The merit o0 enterin. the >a:ba 0or a 1il.rim and obser-in. o0 1ra"er in it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%)* 'ha1ter )%: The demolishin. o0 the >a:ba and its re/onstru/tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%)) 'ha1ter )#: The wall o0 the >a:ba and its door ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%); ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%% 'ha1ter % : The -alidit" o0 the Hajj 1er0ormed b" a bo" and reward 0or one who enables him to 1er0orm it (b" a//om1an"in. him and bearin. e51enses 0or him) ,,,,,,,,,,,%% 'ha1ter %$: @er0orman/e o0 Hajj is obli.ator" onl" on/e in li0e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%%$ 'ha1ter %2: Tra-ellin. o0 a woman with her mahram 0or Hajj2 et/, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%%2 'ha1ter %4: ?hat is to be uttered when one sets out 0or Hajj or an" other journe" , %%* 'ha1ter %*: ?hat is to be re/ited on return 0rom the journe" o0 Hajj or an" other journe" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%%+ 'ha1ter %+: Sta"in. at 9hu:l-Hulai0a and obser-in. o0 1ra"er there2 while returnin. 0rom Hajj or :Umra ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%%) 'ha1ter %): !o 1ol"theist is authorised to 1er0orm 1il.rima.e o0 the >a:ba and /ir/u'ha1ter %%: The merit o0 Hajj and Umra and the da" o0 :Ara0a (the ;th o0 9hu:l-Hijja) 'ha1ter %#: (n/am1in. o0 1il.rims in Me//a and inheritin. o0 (the 1ro1ert" o0 their 'ha1ter %;: The muhajir is 1ermitted to sta" 0or three da"s in me//a a0ter Hajj and mambulate the house na6ed and the des/ri1tion o0 the .reat Hajj ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%%% ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%%% an/estors) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%%# Umra and not more than this ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%%; 'ha1ter # : The sa/red territor" o0 Me//a and its in-iolabilit" and the 1rohibition to do huntin. in it and its suburbs2 and 0ellin. down o0 its trees and /uttin. its .rass ,,%# 'ha1ter #2: (minen/e o0 Medina, Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) showered 'ha1ter );: 3ne ma" 1er0orm Hajj on behal0 o0 the maimed the old and the de/eased

'ha1ter #$: It is 1ermissible to enter Me//a without ihram ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%#2 blessin.s u1on it2 its sa/redness2 and unlaw0ulness o0 huntin. and lo11in. o0 trees and
2+ & $#


demar/ation its 1re/in/ts ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%#4 'ha1ter #4: The se/urit" o0 Medina a.ainst 1la.ue and 9ajjal ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%; ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%;$ 'ha1ter #+: Allah will 1unish those who intend to do an" harm to the /iti8ens o0 Medina ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%;2 'ha1ter #): (5hortation to sta" in Medina when the towns will be /onquered ,,,,,,,,,%;4 'ha1ter #%: ?hen 1eo1le will abandon Medina ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%;4 'ha1ter ##: 7etween the .ra-e (o0 the hol" 1ro1het) and the 1ul1it there is a .arden 0rom the .ardens o0 @aradise ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%;* 'ha1ter #;: Uhud is a mountain: It lo-es us and we lo-e it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%;+ 'ha1ter ; : The merit o0 1ra"in. in the two mosques2 at Me//a and Medina ,,,,,,,,,,,,%;+ 'ha1ter ;$: 9o not underta6e journe" (1urel" 0or -isit to the sa/red 1la/es) but to three mosques ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%;% 'ha1ter ;2: The mosque 0ounded on 1iet" is the mosque o0 the a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at Medina ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%;# 7oo6 #: The 7oo6 o0 Marria.e (>itab Al-!i6ah),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,# Introdu/tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,# $ 'ha1ter $: 3ne who /an su11ort a wi0e should marr" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,# 2 'ha1ter 2: He who sees a woman2 and his heart is a00e/ted2 should /ome to his wi0e2 and should ha-e inter/ourse with her ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,# * 'ha1ter 4: Tem1orar" marria.e and its 1rohibition 0or all times to /ome ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,# + 'ha1ter *: It is 0orbidden to /ombine a woman and her 0ather:s sister2 or a woman and her mother:s sister to.ether in marria.e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#$ 'ha1ter +: Muhrim (one who is in the state o0 ihram) is 0orbidden to marr" and the disa11ro-al o0 .i-in. the 1ro1osal (in this state) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#$$ 'ha1ter ): @rohibition o0 one:s ma6in. the 1ro1osal o0 marria.e when it has alread" been made b" one:s brother until he 1ermits or .i-es her u1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#$4 'ha1ter %: It is 1rohibited to /ontra/t Shi.har marria.e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#$+ 'ha1ter #: =ul0illin. o0 /ondition in marria.e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#$) 'ha1ter ;: See6in. /onsent o0 al-Tha""ibin marria.e in words and o0 a in (meanin.0ul) silen/e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#$) 'ha1ter $ : It is 1ermissible 0or the 0ather to .i-e the hand o0 his dau.hter in marria'ha1ter $$: (5/ellen/e o0 marr"in. or bein. married durin. the month o0 Shawwal
2) & $#

'ha1ter #*: Medina wi1es out e-il 0rom it and its other names are Tabba and Taiba

'ha1ter ;4: (minen/e o0 the mosque o0 quba: and e5/ellen/e o0 1ra"er in it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%;#

.e e-en when she is not 0ull" .rown u1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#$%


and e5/ellen/e o0 ta6in. bride in the house durin. this month ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#$# 'ha1ter $2: It is 1ermissible to /ast a .lan/e at the 0a/e and the 1alms o0 a woman whom one intends to marr" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#$# 'ha1ter $4: The dower ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#$; 'ha1ter $*: (5/ellen/e o0 e5man/i1atin. a sla-e-.irl and then marr"in. her ,,,,,,,,,,,#2$ 'ha1ter $+: @ertainin. to the marria.e o0 Gainab 7int Fahsh with the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and -erses 1ertainin. to 1urdah (-eil) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#2* 'ha1ter $): ?hen one is in-ited to a weddin. 0east2 one should a//e1t it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#2% 'ha1ter $%: It is not 1ermissible to marr" a woman who is di-or/ed b" three 1ronoun/ements until she is married to another man and he has a se5ual inter/ourse with her2 and then he abandons her and she /om1letes her :idda ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#4 'ha1ter $;: @ermissibilit" o0 ha-in. se5ual inter/ourse with one:s wi0e 0rom the 0ront 'ha1ter $#: ?hat is to be su11li/ated at the time o0 se5ual inter/ourse ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#4$ or 0rom behind a-oidin. the anus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#42 'ha1ter 2 : It is not 1ermissible 0or a woman to abandon the bed o0 her husband , ,#44 'ha1ter 2$: It is 0orbidden to di-ul.e the se/ret o0 the woman ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#44 'ha1ter 22: Al a8l (in/om1lete se5ual inter/ourse): /oitus interru1tus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#4* 'ha1ter 24: It is 0orbidden to ha-e inter/ourse with a 1re.nant sla-e-woman ,,,,,,,,,,#4% ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#4% 'ha1ter 2+: >itab al-rada:a-boo6 1ertainin. to 0ostera.e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#4# 'ha1ter 2): It is 0orbidden to marr" the ste1-dau.hter and the sister o0 the wi0e (when wi0e is ali-e and not di-or/ed) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#*2 'ha1ter 2%: 3ne su/6lin. or two do not ma6e marria.e unlaw0ul ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#*4 'ha1ter 2#: Su/6lin. o0 a "oun. (bo") ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#** 'ha1ter 2;: It is 1ermissible to ha-e se5ual inter/ourse with a /a1ti-e woman a0ter she is 1uri0ied (o0 menses or deli-er") in /ase she has a husband2 her marria.e is abro'ha1ter 4 : The /hild is to be attributed to one on whose bed it is born and one must 'ha1ter 2*: @ermissibilit" o0 inter/ourse with a su/6lin. lad" and disa11ro-al o0 :a8l

.ated a0ter she be/omes /a1ti-e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#*) a-oid sus1i/ion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#*% 'ha1ter 4$: Tra/in. o0 relationshi1 0rom 1h"si/al 0eatures ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#*# 'ha1ter 42: How lon. a0ter marr"in. one should sta" with a or a woman 1re-iousl" married ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#*# 'ha1ter 44: Sharin. -isits to one:s wi-es equall" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#+ 'ha1ter 4*: @ermissibilit" o0 bestowin. the turn on one:s 0ellow-wi0e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#+

'ha1ter 4+: (5/ellen/e o0 /ontra/tin. marria.e with a 1ious lad" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#+2

2% & $#


'ha1ter 4): (5/ellen/e o0 marr"in. a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#+2 'ha1ter 4%: The .ood o0 this world is the 1ious woman ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#+* 7oo6 ;: The 7oo6 o0 9i-or/e (>itab Al-Talaq),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#+% Introdu/tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#+# 'ha1ter $: It is 0orbidden to di-or/e the woman durin. her menses ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#+; 'ha1ter 2: @ronoun/ement o0 three di-or/es ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#)4 'ha1ter 4: Atonement is essential 0or one who made his wi0e unlaw0ul 0or himsel0 wi'ha1ter *: Mere .i-in. o0 o1tion o0 di-or/e to women does not ma6e the di-or/e e0thout the intention o0 di-or/e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#)* 0e/ti-e2 but when it is reall" intended ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#)+ 'ha1ter +: Ila:and 6ee1in. awa" 0rom the wi-es ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#)# 'ha1ter ): There is no maintenan/e allowan/e 0or one who has been .i-en irre-o/able 'ha1ter %: 3ne who is di-or/ed b" three 1ronoun/ements or whose husband has died di-or/e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#%4 /an .et out o0 her house 0or a need durin. her 1eriod o0 :Idda ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#%; 'ha1ter #: The 1eriod o0 :Idda /omes to an end with the birth o0 the /hild ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#%; 'ha1ter ;: It is obli.ator" to abstain 0rom adornment durin. the :idda 1eriod2 but mournin. be"ond three da"s is 1rohibited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,## 'ha1ter $ : Li:an (in-o6in. /urse) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,##4 'ha1ter $$: (man/i1atin. a sla-e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#; 'ha1ter $2: The o0 inheritan/e o0 1ro1ert" -ests with one who eman/i1ates the sla-e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#;$ 'ha1ter $4: It is 0orbidden to sell al-?ala: (the o0 inheritan/e o0 a sla-e) and its /on0errin. on others ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#;* 'ha1ter $*: It is 0orbidden 0or a sla-e to ta6e an"one as his all" e5/e1t one who eman/i1ates him ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#;+ 'ha1ter $+: (5/elen/e o0 eman/i1atin. a sla-e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#;) 7oo6 $ : The 7oo6 o0 Transa/tions (>itab Al-7u"uJ),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#;# Introdu/tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#;; 'ha1ter $: @rohibition o0 bai: Mulamasa and bai: Munaba8a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,; + 'ha1ter 2: In-alidit" o0 a transa/tion b" throwin. a stone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,; ) 'ha1ter 4: @rohibition o0 habal al-habala transa/tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,; % 'ha1ter *: It is 0orbidden that one should enter into a transa/tion on whi/h one:s brother has alread" been ne.otiatin.2 or one should 1ur/hase (in o11osition) to one:s brot2# & $#

'ha1ter 4#: Ad-i/e in re.ard to women ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#++

'ha1ter $): (5/ellen/e o0 se/urin. the eman/i1ation o0 0ather ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#;)


her2 or one should /heat and retain mil6 in the udder (in order to de/ei-e the 1ur/haser) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,; % ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,; # ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,; ; 'ha1ter %: 'ommand 1ertainin. to the sellin. o0 animal whose udder is tied u1 ,,,,,;$ 'ha1ter #: It is in-alid to sell the /ommodit" be0ore ta6in. 1ossession o0 it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;$$ 'ha1ter ;: It is 0orbidden to sell the rea1 o0 dates the o0 whi/h is un6nown ;$* 'ha1ter $ : 7oth the bu"ers and the sellers ha-e the o1tion to withdraw the transa/ti'ha1ter $$: Truth0ulness in transa/tion and des/ri1tion (o0 the de0e/t in the /ommoon be0ore lea-in. the meetin. (where the bar.ain is stru/6) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;$* dit") ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;$+ 'ha1ter $2: He who de/ei-es in business transa/tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;$) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;$) 'ha1ter $*: It is 0orbidden to sell 0resh dates a.ainst dr" dates2 e5/e1t in /ase o0 alara"a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;$# 'ha1ter $+: @ertainin. to one who sells date-1alm tree with dates on its bran/hes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;22 'ha1ter $): =orbiddan/e o0 al-Muhaqala2 and al Mu8abana2 and al-Mu6habara2 and the sale o0 0ruits be0ore their .ood /ondition is /lear2 and al-Mu:awama, i, e, the sale 0or some "ears ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;24 'ha1ter $%: Leasin. out land ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;2* 'ha1ter $#: Aentin. o0 land 0or 0ood ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;2; 'ha1ter $;: Aentin. o0 land b" .old and sil-er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;4 'ha1ter 2 : In the sare /ro11in. and leasin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;4$ 'ha1ter 2$: The land is .ranted ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;4$ 'ha1ter 22: Sharin. o0 0ruits ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;42 'ha1ter 24: (5/ellen/e o0 1lantin. o0 tress and tillin. o0 land ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;4* 'ha1ter 2*: Aemission in the 1a"ment o0 "ield stri/6en b" /alamit" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;4+ 'ha1ter 2+: (5/ellen/e o0 ma6in. redu/tion in the debt ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;4) 'ha1ter 2): I0 the bu"er be/omes insol-ent and the seller 0inds the /ommodit" sold to the bu"er inta/t2 he /an ta6e it ba/6 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;4% 'ha1ter 2%: Merit o0 .i-in. res1ite to one who is in straitened /ir/umstan/es ,,,,,,,,,,,;4# 'ha1ter 2#: It is 0orbidden 0or a sol-ent to ma6e dela" in the 1a"ment o0 debt2 and the
2; & $#

'ha1ter +: It is 0orbidden to meet the traders in the wa" 0or .ettin. undue ad-anta.e 'ha1ter ): It is 0orbidden 0or the townsman to sell on behal0 o0 the man o0 the desert

'ha1ter $4: @rohibition o0 the sale o0 0ruits until the" are /learl" in .ood /ondition


desirabilit" o0 a re0eren/e2 and it is e5/ellent 0or the ri/h man to a//e1t that when re0eren/e is made to him ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;* 1eo1le to use it2 and hirin. a /amel to /o-er a she-/amel ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;* 'ha1ter 4 : The 1ri/e o0 a do.2 the sweets o0 a 6ahin2 the earnin.s o0 a 1rostitute and 'ha1ter 2;: @rohibition o0 the sale o0 e5/ess water in the barren lands2 and 1re-entin.

the sellin. o0 a /at all 0orbidden ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;*$ 'ha1ter 4$: 'ommand o0 6illin. do.s and then its abro.ation2 and 1rohibition o0 6ee1in. them but 0or huntin. and 1rote/tion o0 lands or /attle or li6e that ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;*2 'ha1ter 42: It is 1ermissible to .et the o0 /u11in. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;*) 'ha1ter 44: The sale o0 wine is 0orbidden ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;*% 'ha1ter 4*: @rohibition o0 the sale o0 wine2 /ar/ass2 swine and idols ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;*# 'ha1ter 4+: Aiba (usur") ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;*; 'ha1ter 4): 'on-ersion o0 /urren/" and sellin. o0 .old 0or sil-er on the s1ot ,,,,,,,,,,,,;+ 'ha1ter 4%: The sale o0 sil-er 0or .old is 1rohibited when 1a"ment is to be made in 0uture ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;+2 'ha1ter 4#: The sale o0 .old ne/6la/e studded with 1earls ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;+4 'ha1ter 4;: Sale o0 wheat li6e 0or li6e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;+* 'ha1ter * : He (the hol" 1ro1het) /ursed the one who a//e1tsinterest and the one who 1a"s it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;+% ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;+% 'ha1ter *2: The sellin. o0 the /amel and sti1ulation o0 ridin. on it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;+# 'ha1ter *4: He who too6 somethin. as a loan and made its 1a"ment ba/62 o-er and ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;)$ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;)2 'ha1ter *+: @led.e and its 1ermissibilit" whether at residen/e or in a journe" ,,,,,,,,,;)2 'ha1ter *): 30 salam sale ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;)4 'ha1ter *%: Hoardin. o0 0oodstu00 is 0orbidden ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;)* 'ha1ter *#: @rohibition o0 ta6in. oath in business transa/tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;)* 'ha1ter *;: Shu0:a (1re-em1tion) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;)* 'ha1ter + : =i5in. a beam in the nei.hbors wall ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;)+ 'ha1ter +$: It is 0orbidden to sei8e land and other thin.s without le.itimate ,,;)) 'ha1ter +2: How mu/h land is to be s1ared when there is disa.reement o-er the breadth o0 1ath ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;)%
4 & $#

'ha1ter *$: A//e1tin. that whi/h is law0ul and abandonin. that whi/h is doubt0ul

abo-e that (is a11ro-ed) and best amon. "ou is one who is best in ma6in. 1a"ment

'ha1ter **: @ermissibilit" o0 sellin. an animal 0or an animal o0 its 6ind b" su1eriorit"


7oo6 $$:The 7oo6 @ertainin. to the Aules o0 Inheritan/e (>itab Al-=araiJd),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;)# Introdu/tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;); 'ha1ter $: Hi-e the inheritan/e to those entitled to it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;%2 'ha1ter 2: The law o0 inheritan/e in re.ard to al->alala (the 1erson who dies lea-in. no /hild or 1arent) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;%4 'ha1ter 4: The last -erse re-ealed was that 1ertainin. to >alala ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;%* 7oo6 $2: The 7oo6 o0 Hi0ts (>itab Al-Hibat),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;%% Introdu/tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;%# 'ha1ter $: 9isa11ro-al o0 beu"in. the donated 1ro1ert" b" the donor himsel0 ,,,,,,,,,;%# 'ha1ter 2: 9isa11ro-al o0 .i-in. 1re0eren/e to some /hildren while ma6in. donation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;# 'ha1ter *: He who lea-es behind 1ro1ert"2 that is 0or the heirs ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;%+

7oo6 $4: The 7oo6 o0 7equests (>itab Al-?asi""a),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;#) Introdu/tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;#% 'ha1ter $: 3ne should ma6e it a 1oint to write the will ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;#% 'ha1ter 2: ?ill /an be made onl" 0or one-third ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;## 'ha1ter 4: The de/eased is entitled to reward 0or the sadaqa .i-en a0ter his death , ,;; 'ha1ter *: ?hat reward man .ets a0ter his death ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;;$ 'ha1ter +: ?aq0 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;;$ 7oo6 $*: The 7oo6 o0 <ows (>itab Al-!adhr),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;;+ 'ha1ter $: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;;) 'ha1ter 2: The -ow is not to be 0ul0illed whi/h is made in disobedien/e to allah2 nor that o-er whi/h a man has no /ontrol ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;;% 7oo6 $+: The 7oo6 o0 3aths (>itab Al-Aiman),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ Allah ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ 'ha1ter 4: It is e5/ellent to brea6 the -ow i0 one 0inds it better doin. that whi/h is a.ainst this -ow one should e51iate it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ 6es an oath ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ 'ha1ter +: (51ressin. the words C.od willin.C in the oath ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$
4$ & $#

'ha1ter 4: Al-:Umra (li0e .rant) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;#4

'ha1ter ): He who has not an"thin. with him to will awa" should not do it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;;2

'ha1ter 4: He who too6 the -ow that he would .o on 0oot to the >a:ba ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;;# 'ha1ter $: It is 0orbidden to ta6e the oaths in the name o0 an"one else besides Allah

'ha1ter 2: He who ta6es an oath b" Lat and U88a2 he should sa": There is no .od but

$ 2 2 % %

'ha1ter *: The oath would be /onsidered on the basis o0 the intention o0 one who ta-


'ha1ter ): It is 0orbidden to 1ersist in an oath whi/h /auses trouble to the 0amil"2 and is not law0ul ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ 'ha1ter %: ?hat a non-belie-er should do with his -ow when he embra/es islam # ;

'ha1ter #: How should the masters treat their sla-es and e51iation i0 the" show hi.hhandedness ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ $ 'ha1ter ;: It is im1ro1er to a//use the sla-e o0 adulter" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ $2 'ha1ter $ : =eedin. o0 sla-e with what the master eats himsel0 and /lothin. him with what he wears himsel0 and not to burden him be"ond /a1a/it" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ $4 'ha1ter $$: Aeward o0 the sal-e when he is lo"al to his master and is .ood in worshi11in. Allah ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ $* 'ha1ter $2: He who eman/i1ates his share in the sla-e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ $+ 7oo6 $): The 7oo6 @ertainin. to the 3ath2 0or (stablishin. the Aes1onsibilit" o0 Murders2 =i.htin.2 Aequital and 7lood-?it (>itab Al->itab Al-Easama wa:l-Muharaba wa:l-Eisas wa:l-9i"at),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ $# 'ha1ter $: Al-3asamah ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ $; 'ha1ter 2: @ertainin. to the /ombatants and a1ostates ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ 22 'ha1ter 4: The justi0i/ation o0 qisas (retribution) when one is 6illed with stone or an" other hea-" thin. and 6illin. o0 a male 0or the murder o0 a 0emale ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ 2* 'ha1ter *: ?hen an"one atta/6s the li0e o0 a 1erson2 or his limb2 and the -i/tim wards o00 the atta/6 and in sel0de0en/e either the li0e o0 the assailant is lost or his limb bro6en2 there would be no 1enalt" on the -i/tim ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ 2+ 'ha1ter +: The -era/it" o0 r0tribution in /ase o0 tooth ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ 2) 'ha1ter ): ?hen it is 1ermissible to ta6e the li0e o0 a muslim ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ 2% 'ha1ter %: He who sheds the blood 0irst o0 all bears the burden o0 all subsequent mur'ha1ter #: The (/ases o0) bloodshed would be de/ided 0irst o0 all on the da" o0 jud.ders ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ 2# ment ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ 2# 'ha1ter ;: The /on0ession o0 murder is held -alid and the 1erson whose man is 6illed 'ha1ter $ : 7lood-wit o0 the /hild in the womb2 and the essentialit" o0 blood-wit in is entitled to .et retribution, the o00ender has a to be. 0or remission ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ 4 /ase o0 unintentional murder and in /ase o0 the quasi-intentional murder ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ 4$ Introdu/tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ 4+ 'ha1ter $: @unishment 0or the0t and the minimum limit a//ordin. to whi/h it is im1o42 & $#

'ha1ter $4: The 1ermissibilit" o0 bu"in. a mudabbar sla-e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ $%

7oo6 $%: The 7oo6 @ertainin. to @unishments @res/ribed b" Islam (>itab Al-Hudud),,,,,,$ 4*


sed u1on an o00ender ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ 4+ 'ha1ter 2: @rohibition o0 in rer/ession re.ardin. 1res/ribed 1unishment 0or the0t and other (/rimes) in /ase o0 im1ortant 1ersons ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ 4% 'ha1ter 4: @res/ribed 1unishment 0or an adulterer and an adulteress ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ 4# 'ha1ter *: Stonin. o0 a married adulterer ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ 4; 'ha1ter +: He who /on0esses his .uilt o0 adulter" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ 4; 'ha1ter ): Stonin. to death o0 jews and other dhimmis in /ase o0 adulter" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ ** 'ha1ter %: The 1res/ribed 1unishment should be de0erred in /ase o0 one who is in a state o0 1arturition ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ *% 'ha1ter #: @res/ribed 1unishment 0or (drin6in.) wine ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ *% 'ha1ter ;: !umber o0 stri1es in /ase o0 Ta:8ir ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ *; 'ha1ter $ : Im1osition o0 hadd obliterates sins ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ *; 'ha1ter $$: I0 the beast does an" harm2 or i0 one 0alls in a mine or a well2 there will be no blood-wit 0or that ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ + 7oo6 $#: The 7oo6 @ertainin. to Fudi/ial 9e/isions (>itab Al-Aqdi""a),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ +$ 'ha1ter $: It is the de0endant who shoulb swear (to 1ro-e his inno/en/e) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ +2 'ha1ter 2: Fud.ment is to be 1ronoun/ed on e-iden/e2 and one who is eloquent in his 1lea (ma" win the /ase) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ +2 'ha1ter 4: It is 0orbidden to as6 man" questions and wastin. o0 wealth ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ +* 'ha1ter *: The reward o0 the jud.e when he tries to arri-e at a de/ision2 whether that de/ision is /orre/t or in/orre/t ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ ++ 'ha1ter +: It is not desirable to .i-e jud.ment in a 0it o0 ra.e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ +) 'ha1ter ): Aeje/tin. o0 the wron. thin.s and the inno-ations (in reli.ion) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ +) 'ha1ter %: An e5/ellent witness ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ +) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ +% 'ha1ter ;: It is meritorious 0or a jud.e to brin. about /on/iliation between two /ontendin. 1ersons or 1arties ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ +% 'ha1ter $ : Stra" thin. 0ound b" an"one ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ +# 'ha1ter $$: Stra" thin.s o0 the 1il.rims ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ ) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ )$ 'ha1ter $4: (ntertainment o0 the .uest ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ )$ 'ha1ter $*: It is meritorious to s1end the sur1lus wealth 0or one:s brother ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ )2 7oo6 $;: The 7oo6 o0 Fihad and (51edition (>itab Al-Fihad wa:l-Si"ar),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ )*
44 & $#

'ha1ter #: The di00eren/e o0 those who endea-our to arri-e at the /orre/t de/ision

'ha1ter $2: It is 0orbidden to mil6 an animal without the 1ermission o0 its owner

'ha1ter $+: In /ase the 1ro-isions run short2 these should be 1ooled ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ )2


Introdu/tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ )+ 'ha1ter $: Ae.ardin. 1ermission to ma6e a raid2 without an ultimatum2 u1on the dis'ha1ter 2: A11ointment o0 the leaders o0 e51editions b" the imam and his ad-i/e to belie-ers who ha-e alread" been in-ited to a//e1t islam ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ ); them on etiquettes o0 war and related matters ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ ); 'ha1ter 4: 'ommand to show lenien/" and to a-oid /reatin. a-ersion (towards reli.ion) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ %

'ha1ter *: @rohibition (denun/iation) o0 brea/h o0 0aith ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ %$ 'ha1ter +: Fusti0i/ation 0or the use o0 strata.em in war ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ %4 'ha1ter ): 3ne should not desire an en/ounter with the enem"2 but it is essential to 'ha1ter %: 9esirabilit" o0 1ra"in. 0or -i/tor" at the time o0 /on0rontation with the show 1atien/e durin. the en/ounter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ %4 enem" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ %* 'ha1ter #: @rohibition o0 6illin. women and /hildren in war ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ %* 'ha1ter ;: @ermissibilit" o0 6illin. women and /hildren in the raids2 1ro-ided it is not deliberate ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ %+ 'ha1ter $ : Fusti0i/ation 0or /uttin. down the trees and burnin. them ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ %+ 'ha1ter $$: The s1oils o0 war es1e/iall" made law0ul 0or this umma ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ %) 'ha1ter $2: S1oils o0 war ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ %) 'ha1ter $4: Ae.ardin. the o0 the 0i.hter to the o0 the one 6illed b" him in the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ %# 'ha1ter $*: Additional award to the 0i.hters and re1atriation o0 the enem" 1risoners as a ransom 0or the muslims ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ #$ 'ha1ter $+: =ai: (1ro1ert" ta6en 0rom the enem" without a 0ormal war) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ #$ 'ha1ter $): The sa"in. o0 the 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): C?e (1ro1hets) do not ha-e an" heirsB what we lea-e behind is (to be .i-en in) /harit"C ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ #* 'ha1ter $%: 9istribution o0 the s1oils amon. the 0i.hters ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ #) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ #% 'ha1ter $;: 7indin. the 1risoners and 1uttin. them in /on0inment and justi0i/ation 0or settin. them 0ree without an" ransom ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ ## 'ha1ter 2 : (-a/uation o0 the jews 0rom the hija8 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ #; 'ha1ter 2$: Fusti0i/ation 0or 6illin. those .uilt" o0 brea/h o0 trust and ma6in. the 1eo1le o0 the 0ort surrender on the arbitration o0 a just 1erson ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ ; 'ha1ter 22: Showin. 1rom1titude in jihad and .i-in. 1re/eden/e to the more ur.ent 'ha1ter $#: The hel1 with an.els in 7adr and the 1ermissibilit" o0 the s1oils o0 war

o0 the two a/tions while ma6in. a /hoi/e between them ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ ;2

4* & $#


'ha1ter 24: Aeturn o0 their .i0ts to the Ansar b" the Muhajirs when the latter .rew ri/h as a rebult o0 the /onquests ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ ;4 'ha1ter 2*: Fusti0i/ation 0or ta6in. 0ood in the land o0 the enem" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ ;* 'ha1ter 2+: The hol" 1ro1het:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) letter to Hiraql (/easar) in-itin. him to islam ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ ;* 'ha1ter 2): Letters o0 the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to the 6in.s o0 disbelie-ers in-itin. them to allah2 the e5alted and .lorious ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ ;) 'ha1ter 2%: The battle o0 Hunain ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$ ;% 'ha1ter 2#: The battle o0 Ta:i0 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$ 'ha1ter 2;: The battle o0 7adr ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$

'ha1ter 4 : The /onquest o0 Me//a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$ $ 'ha1ter 4$: Aemo-al o0 the idols 0rom the -i/init" o0 the >a:ba ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$ 4 'ha1ter 42: !o quraishite will be 6illed bound hand and 0oot a0ter the /onquest o0 Me//a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$ 4 'ha1ter 44: The treat" o0 Hudaibi"a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$ * 'ha1ter 4*: >ee1in. a /o-enant ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$ % 'ha1ter 4+: The battle o0 Ah8ab or the battle o0 the dit/h ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$ % 'ha1ter 4): The battle o0 Uhud ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$ # 'ha1ter 4%: ?rath o0 Allah u1on a 1erson who is 6illed b" the 1ro1het himsel0 (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$ ; 'ha1ter 4#: The 1erse/ution o0 the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at the hands o0 the in0idels and h"1o/rites ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$$ 'ha1ter 4;: About tae hol" 1ro1het:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /allin. 0or Allah:s hel1 and his 1atien/e o-er the 1erse/ution o0 the h"1o/rites ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$$4 'ha1ter * : The murder o0 Abu Fahl ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$$* 'ha1ter *$: The murder o0 >a:b b, Ashra02 (the e-il .enius) o0 the jews ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$$* 'ha1ter *2: The battle o0 >haibar ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$$+ 'ha1ter *4: The battle o0 Ah8ab or >handaq (the tribes or the dit/h) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$$# 'ha1ter **: 9hu Earad and other battles ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$2 'ha1ter *+: Ae.ardin. the word o0 .od2 the e5alted:C it is he who restrained their

hands 0rom "ouC to the end o0 the -erse ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$2+ 'ha1ter *): =i.htin. o0 women side b" side with men ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$2+ 'ha1ter *%: ?omen 1arti/i1ants in jihad to be .i-en a 1ri8e but not a re.ular share in 'ha1ter *#: The number o0 wars wa.ed b" the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the boot"2 and 1rohibition to 6ill /hildren o0 the enem" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$2) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$2#
4+ & $#


'ha1ter *;: The e51edition /alled 9hat-ur-Aiqa: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$4 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$4 'ha1ter + : 9isa11ro-al o0 see6in. hel1 0rom a disbelie-er on a militar" /am1ai.n

7oo6 2 : The 7oo6 on Ho-ernment (>itab Al-Imara),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$42 Introdu/tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$44 'ha1ter $: The 1eo1le are subser-ient to the Euraish and the /ali1hate is the o0 the Euraish ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$4+ 'ha1ter 2: A11ointin. an"one as a su//eedin. /ali1h or lea-in. aside the question o0 a11ointment ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$4# ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$4; 'ha1ter *: Undesirabilit" o0 .ettin. a 1osition o0 authorit" without ne/essit" ,,,,,,,,,$$* 'ha1ter +: The merits o0 a just ruler and the demerits o0 a t"rant ruler ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$* 'ha1ter ): Misa11ro1riation o0 boot" is a serious o00en/e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$*4 'ha1ter %: A//e1tan/e o0 .i0ts on the 1art o0 state o00i/ers is 0orbidden ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$** 'ha1ter #: 3bedien/e to the ruler is 0orbidden in matters sin0ul2 but is otherwise obli'ha1ter ;: ?hen a ruler enjoins .od-/ons/iousness and does justi/e2 he will ha-e a (.reat) reward ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$+ 'ha1ter $ : =ul0ilment o0 the /o-enant made with the /ali1hs is im1erati-e, the /ali1h to whom alle.ian/e is sworn in the 0irst instan/e has an established su1rema/" o-er 'ha1ter $$: @atien/e at the t"rann" o0 the .o-ernors and their undue 1re0eren/es those who assume 1owers later ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$+ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$+2 'ha1ter $2: 3bedien/e to be shown to the (/ali1hs) e-en i0 the" withhold the 1eo1le:s 'ha1ter $4: Instru/tion to sti/6 to the main bod" o0 the muslims in the time o0 trials due ri.hts ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$+4 and warnin. a.ainst those in-itin. 1eo1le to disbelie0 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$+4 'ha1ter $*: 9e/ision about one who tries to disru1t the unit" o0 the muslims ,,,,,,,,$$+) 'ha1ter $+: ?hen the oath o0 alle.ian/e has been obtained 0or two /ali1hs ,,,,,,,,,,,,$$+% ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$+% 'ha1ter $%: The best and the worst or "our rulers ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$+# 'ha1ter $#: It is .ood on the 1art o0 a leader to ta6e the oath o0 alle.ian/e 0rom his 0or/es when intendin. to and an a//ount o0 the alle.ian/e o0 .od:s 1leasure un'ha1ter $): Fusti0i/ation 0or hatin. the amirs 0or -iolatin. the laws o0 the Shari:ah .ator" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$*) 'ha1ter 4: @rohibition o0 a desire 0or a 1osition o0 authorit" and /o-etousness thereo0

der the tree ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$+;

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'ha1ter $;: It is 0orbidden to a Muhajir to return to his nati-e 1la/e 0or the 1ur1ose o0 resettlin. there ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$)2 'ha1ter 2 : !o mi.ration a0ter the /onquest o0 me//a but alle.ian/e /ould be sworn (to a ri.ht0ul leader) on ser-in. the /ause o0 Islam2 on 0i.htin. in the wa" o0 Allah and on 0ollowin. the 1ath o0 -irtue ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$)2 'ha1ter 2$: How the women swore 0ealt" (to the hol" 1ro1het) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$)* 'ha1ter 22: Swearin. 0ealt" 0or listenin. to and obe"in. the orders o0 the leader as 0ar as 1ossible ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$)* 'ha1ter 24: The a.e o0 majorit" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$)+ 'ha1ter 2*: It is 0orbidden to ta6e the Eur:an to the land o0 the in0idels when it is 0eared that it 0all into their hands ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$)+ 'ha1ter 2+: Aa/e between horses and their trainin. 0or the /om1etition ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$)) 'ha1ter 2): Hreat bene0it in the 0orelo/6s o0 the horses ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$)) 'ha1ter 2%: The horses o0 undesirable qualit" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$)# 'ha1ter 2#: The merit o0 Fihad and /am1ai.nin. in the wa" o0 Allah ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$)# 'ha1ter 2;: The merit o0 mart"rdom ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$% 'ha1ter 4 : Merit o0 lea-in. 0or Fihad in the mornin. and e-enin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$%$ 'ha1ter 4$: The hi.h 1osition reser-ed b" .od 0or Mujahids in 1aradise ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$%2 'ha1ter 42: 3ne who is 6illed in the wa" o0 Allah will ha-e all his sins blotted out e5/e1t debt ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$%4 'ha1ter 44: The souls o0 the mart"rs are in 1aradiseB the" are ali-e and 0ind their sustenan/e 0rom their lord ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$%* 'ha1ter 4*: Merit o0 Fihad and o0 6ee1in. -i.ilan/e (o-er the enem") ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$%* 'ha1ter 4+: The two men2 both o0 whom will enter 1aradise thou.h one o0 them sla"s the other ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$%+ 'ha1ter 4): About a man who 6illed a disbelie-er and embra/ed islam ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$%) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$%% 'ha1ter 4#: The merit o0 hel1in. the warrior (0i.htin. in the wa" o0 Allah) with some'ha1ter 4;: The wi-es o0 Mujahids2 a sa/red trust2 and sin0ulness o0 those who betra" thin. to ride u1ow and loo6in. a0ter his 0amil" in his absen/e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$%% this trust ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$%; 'ha1ter * : Fihad not /om1ulsor" 0or those who ha-e a .enuine e5/use ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$%; 'ha1ter *$: In 1roo0 o0 the mart"r:s attainin. 1aradise ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$# 'ha1ter *2: 3ne who 0i.hts that the word o0 allah is e5alted 0i.hts in the wa" o0 allah 'ha1ter 4%: The e5/ellen/e o0 /harit" in the wa" o0 Allah and its mani0old reward

4% & $#


'ha1ter *4: ?ho 0or ostentation and -anit" deser-ed (1unishment in) hell ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$#4 'ha1ter **: The reward o0 one who and .ot his share o0 the boot" and o0 one (who but did not .et an" boot" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$#* 'ha1ter *+: The -alue o0 an a/tion de1ends on the intention behind it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$#+ 'ha1ter *): 9esirabilit" o0 see6in. mart"rdom ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$#+ 'ha1ter *%: 9enun/iation o0 one who died but ne-er in the wa" o0 Allah nor did he e-er e51ress a desire or determination 0or Fihad ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$#) 'ha1ter *#: Aeward o0 those who /ould not join a Fihad e51edition on a//ount o0 illness or some other e5/use ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$#) 'ha1ter *;: The merit o0 joinin. a na-al e51edition 0or Fihad ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$#) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$## 'ha1ter +$: About the mart"rs ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$## 'ha1ter +2: The merit o0 ar/her" and indu/in. others to learn it and denun/iation o0 'ha1ter +4: Sa"in. o0 the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): CA .rou1 o0 1eo1le 0rom m" umma will alwa"s remain on the 1ath and /ontinue to be trium1hantB their o11onents shall not be able to do them an" harmC ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$; 'ha1ter +*: >ee1in. the .ood o0 the animals in -iew durin. a journe" and 0orbiddan/e 0rom haltin. 0or the on the tra/6 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$;2 'ha1ter ++: Tra-ellin.2 a tortuous e51erien/e-desirabilit" o0 a tra-eller:s hastenin. his return to his 0amil" a0ter the transa/tion o0 his business ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$;4 'ha1ter +): Undesirabilit" o0 returnin. to one:s 0amil" at (a0ter a lon. absen/e 0rom home) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$;4 one who learnt the art and then ne.le/ted it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$#; 'ha1ter + : The merit o0 6ee1in. wat/h in the wa" o0 Allah2 the" and e5alted

7oo6 2$: The 7oo6 o0 Hames and the Animals whi/h Ma" be Slau.htered and the Aninals

that Are to be (aten (>itab-us-Said wa:l-9haba:ih wa ma Ku:6alu min Al-Ha"awan),,,,,,$$;+ 'ha1ter $: Huntin. with the hel1 o0 trained do.s ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$;) 'ha1ter 2: ?hen the .ame .oes out o0 si.ht2 but is later on 0ound ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$;; 'ha1ter 4: It is unlaw0ul to eat 0an.ed beasts o0 1re" and birds with talons ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$$;; 'ha1ter *: It is 1ermissible to eat the animals o0 water e-en i0 the" are dead ,,,,,,,,,,,$2 'ha1ter +: The eatin. o0 the 0lesh o0 domesti/ asses is unlaw0ul ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2 2 'ha1ter ): @ertainin. to the eatin. o0 the 0lesh o0 the horse ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2 + 'ha1ter %: @ertainin. to the 0lesh o0 the li8ard ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2 ) 'ha1ter #: @ermissibilit" o0 eatin. lo/usts ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2$ 'ha1ter ;: @ermissibilit" o0 eatin. the 0lesh o0 the hare ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2$
4# & $#


'ha1ter $ : It is 1ermissible to ma6e use o0 thin.s ne/essar" 0or huntin. and /hasin. but the use o0 small 1ebbles is disa11ro-ed ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2$$ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2$2 'ha1ter $2: It is 0orbidden to tie the animals (and then 6ill them) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2$2 'ha1ter $4: It is 0orbidden to tie the animal and ma6e it a o0 arrows ,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2$4 7oo6 22: The 7oo6 o0 Sa/ri0i/es (>itab Al-Adahi),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2$* Introdu/tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2$+ 'ha1ter $: The 1ro1er time 0or sa/ri0i/e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2$; 'ha1ter 2: 30 what a.e the animal is to be sa/ri0i/ed ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$222 'ha1ter 4: It is meritorious to sa/ri0i/e the animal with one:s own hand and so is meritorious the re/itation o0 7ismillah (in the name o0 Allah) and Ta6bir (Allah-o-A6bar) 'ha1ter *: @ermissibilit" o0 slau.hterin. the animal with an"thin. whi/h ma" ma6e its blood 0low2 e5/e1t tooth2 nail and bone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$22* 'ha1ter +: It was not 1ermissible to eat the 0lesh o0 sa/ri0i/ial animals be"ond three da"s at the be.innin. o0 islam2 but this 1rohibition was abro.ated2 and now it is 1ermissible ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$22) 'ha1ter ): Sa/ri0i/in. o0 =ara: and :Atira are idolatrous 1ra/ti/es ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$22; 'ha1ter %: It is not 1ermissible 0or one who intends to sa/ri0i/e the animal to .et one:s 'ha1ter #: It is 0orbidden to sa/ri0i/e the animal 0or an"one besides Allah2 the (5alted2 7oo6 24: The 7oo6 o0 9rin6s (>itab Al-Ashriba),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$242 'ha1ter $: =orbiddan/e o0 wine ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$244 'ha1ter 2: It is 0orbidden to 1re1are 0rom 6hamr (wine) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$24) 'ha1ter 4: It is 0orbidden to use wine as a medi/ine ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$24) 'ha1ter *: The wine whi/h is 1re1ared 0rom dates and .ra1es is also 6hamr ,,,,,,,,,,$24) 'ha1ter +: It is not a11ro-ed to 1re1are !abidh b" mi5in. dr" dates and .ra1es , ,$24% 'ha1ter ): It is 0orbidden to 1re1are !abidh in -arnished jar2 .ourd2 .reen 1it/her2 and hollow stum1s ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2* 'ha1ter %: (-er" into5i/ant is 6hamr and e-er" 6hamr is 0orbidden ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2*) 'ha1ter #: @ermissibilit" to use nabidh whi/h is not stron. and has not turned into into5i/ant ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2*; 'ha1ter ;: It is .ood to drin6 mil6 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2+$ 'ha1ter $ : 'ommand 1ertainin. to the /o-erin. o0 -essels2 and ti.htenin. (the
4; & $#

'ha1ter $$: Hood attitude e-en in slau.hter and 6illin. and shar1enin. o0 lar.e 6ni0e


hair or nails /ut a0ter the be.innin. o0 9hu:l-Hijja ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$22; and /urse u1on one who does it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$24


mouths) o0 waters6ins2 et/, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2+2 'ha1ter $$: (tiquette relatin. to eatin. and drin6in. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2++ 'ha1ter $2: 9isa11ro-al o0 drin6in. water while standin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2+% 'ha1ter $4: @ermissibilit" o0 drin6in. Gam8am (water) while standin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2+# 'ha1ter $*: It is re1u.nant to breathe in a -essel and a11re/iable to breathe three ti'ha1ter $+: It is desirable to /ir/ulate water or mil6 (in an assembl") 0rom the'ha1ter $): The merit o0 li/6in. the 0in.ers a0ter ta6in. 0ood and wi1in. the dish mes outside the -essel in /ourse o0 drin6in. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2+; hand side o0 the one who ser-es ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2+; (with 0in.ers) and eatin. o0 the 0allen mouth0ul a0ter remo-in. the dirt sti/6in. to it 'ha1ter $%: ?hat should the .uest do i0 an unin-ited 1erson a//om1anies him and

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2)$ the merit o0 in-itin. that 1erson to 0east ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2)4 'ha1ter $#: @ermissibilit" o0 a 1erson:s ta6in. an"one alon. with him where the host is -er" intimate with the .uest ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2)* 'ha1ter $;: @ermissibilit" o0 eatin. sou1 and merit o0 eatin. 1um16in ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2)# 'ha1ter 2 : 9esirabilit" o0 e5tra/tin. stones 0rom the dates and o0 the .uest:s in-o6in. blessin. 0or the host ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2); 'ha1ter 2$: (atin. /u/umber with dates ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2); ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2); 'ha1ter 24: It is 0orbidden to eat two dates or two morsels simultaneousl" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2% 'ha1ter 2*: It is 1ermissible to store dates and /orn 0or the sustenan/e o0 one:s /hildren ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2% 'ha1ter 2+: (5/ellen/e o0 the dates o0 medina ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2%$ 'ha1ter 2): (5/ellen/e o0 tru00les and their use as a medi/ine 0or the e"es ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2%$ 'ha1ter 2%: The merit o0 the 0ruit o0 ara6 tree ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2%2 'ha1ter 2#: The merit o0 as a /ondiment ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2%4 'ha1ter 2;: @ermissibilit" o0 eatin. .arli/2 but a-oidin. it when one intends to tal6 to eminent 1ersons ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2%* ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2%+ 'ha1ter 4$: (5/ellen/e o0 sharin. the small 0ood ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2%; 'ha1ter 42: A belie-er rats in one intestine whereas a non-belie-er eats in se-en intestines ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2%; 'ha1ter 44: 9on:t 0ind 0ault with 0ood (ser-ed to "ou) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2#$
* & $#

'ha1ter 22: 3ne should show modest" while eatin. and the wa" how one should sit

'ha1ter 4 : Showin. honour to the .uest and the merit o0 ma6in. o0 sa/ri0i/e 0or him


7oo6 2*: The 7oo6 @ertainin. to 'lothes and 9e/oration (>itab Al-Libas wa:l-Ginah),,,,,$2#2 'ha1ter $: The use o0 .old and sil-er -essels is 0orbidden to men and women and it is also 1rohibited to drin6 in them ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2#4 'ha1ter 2: It is 1ermissible 0or a man to wear sil6 be/ause o0 it/h or some other reason ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2;$ 'ha1ter 4: It is not 1ermissible 0or a man to wear /lothes o0 "ellow /olour ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2;$ 'ha1ter *: (5/ellen/e o0 wearin. the mantles o0 "emen ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2;2 'ha1ter +: Modest" in /ase o0 .arments and 1re0eren/e 0or t"ie /oarse /loth 0or wearin. and the 1ermissibilit" o0 wearin. /loth made o0 (/amel:s) hair ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2;4 'ha1ter ): It is 1ermissible to use /ar1ets ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2;* 'ha1ter %: 9isa11ro-al o0 6ee1in. more beddin.s and /lothes than are .enuinel" needed ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2;* 'ha1ter #: It is 0orbidden to trail one:s .arment out o0 /on/eit or 1ride ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2;+ 'ha1ter ;: It is 0orbidden to wal6 with 1ride2 o-er 1leased with 0ine /lothes ,,,,,,,,,,,,$2;% 'ha1ter $ : About the rin. made o0 .old ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2;% 'ha1ter $$: ?earin. o0 sil-er rin. b" Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in whi/h were en.ra-ed the words (Muhammad2 the o0 Allah) and a0ter him his su//essors wore it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2;# 'ha1ter $2: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot made 0or himsel0 a rin. when he de/ided to write letters to the non-arabs ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2;; 'ha1ter $4: @ertainin. to the dis/ardin. o0 rin.s ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4 'ha1ter $*: @ertainin. to the wearin. o0 sandals (or shoes) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4 $ 'ha1ter $+: 'ommand /on/ernin. the wra11in. u1 o0 .arment /om1letel" lea-in. no ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4 2 'ha1ter $): It is 1rohibited to lie down on one:s ba/6 and 1la/in. o0 one:s 0oot u1on the other ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4 4 'ha1ter $%: @ermissibilit" o0 1la/in. one:s 0oot u1on the other while l"in. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4 4 'ha1ter $#: @rohibition o0 usin. /lothes d"ed in sa0eron 0or men ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4 * 'ha1ter $;: An.els do not enter a house in whi/h there is a do. or a 1i/ture ,,,,,,,,,,$4 * 'ha1ter 2 : 9isa11ro-al o0 settin. out on a journe" alon. with a do. and bells ,,,,$4$ 'ha1ter 2$: 9isa11ro-al o0 the ne/6la/e round the /amels: ne/6s ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4$$ 'ha1ter 22: It is 0orbidden to beat the animal on the 0a/e or /auterise at the 0a/e , $4$$ 'ha1ter 24: 9isa11ro-al o0 ha-in. a 1art o0 the head sha-en and lea-in. a 1art unsha-ed ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4$4 'ha1ter 2*: @rohibition o0 sittin. on the roadsides and to honour the obli.ations o0 the
*$ & $#

o1enin. 0or the arms and sittin. with sin.le .arment wra11ed around ones 6nees


roadside ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4$4 'ha1ter 2+: It is 0orbidden to add 0alse hair to one:s head2 or to 1lu/6 the e"ebrow or to se1arate the teeth ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4$* 'ha1ter 2): The women who are na6ed e-en in their dresses2 who de-iate 0rom the 1ath and lead their husbands astra" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4$) 'ha1ter 2%: @rohibition o0 wearin. the .arment o0 0alsehood ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4$% 7oo6 2+: The 7oo6 on Heneral 7eha-iour (>itab Al-Adab),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4$# 'ha1ter $: =orbiddan/e in /allin. one (other than Allah:s a1ostle) with the 6un"a o0 Abu:l-Easim and the 0a/t 1ertainin. to .ood names ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4$; 'ha1ter 2: 9isa11ro-al o0 .i-in. u.l" names and su/h names as /an be treated as ill omens ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$42$ 'ha1ter 4: (5/ellen/e o0 / u.l" names to .ood names ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$422 'ha1ter *: It is 0orbidden to /all the ruler as the 6in. o0 6in.s or Shahinshah ,,,,,,,,,$424 'ha1ter +: The e5/ellen/e o0 Tahni6 o0 the new-born /hild at the time o0 its birth, and2 o0 /arr"in. it to a 1ious 1erson so that he ma" so-ten some dates and rub its 1alate with them2 and 1ermissibilit" o0 .i-in. the name on the da" o0 its birth and the e5/ellen/e o0 su/h names as :Abdullah2 Ibrahim and the names o0 all the a1ostles o0 Allah (1ea/e be u1on them) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$42* 'ha1ter ): @ermissibilit" o0 /allin. one as Cm" sonC2 besides one:s own son ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$42) 'ha1ter %: As6in. 1ermission to enter a house ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$42% 'ha1ter #: 9isa11ro-al o0 sa"in.: It is iC in res1onse to one:s inquir" while see6in. 1ermission to .et in the house ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$44 'ha1ter ;: It is 0orbidden to 1ee1 into the house o0 another 1erson ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$44 'ha1ter $ : Sudden .lan/e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$442 7oo6 2): The 7oo6 on Salutations and Hreetin.s (>itab As-Salam),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$444 Introdu/tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$44* 'ha1ter $: The rider should 0irst .reet the 1edestrian and the small number should .reet the lar.e number o0 1ersons ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$44+ 'ha1ter 2: The dut" that one owes on the roadside is to res1ond the .reetin. o0 as-Sa'ha1ter 4: The o0 a muslim u1on another muslim is that his .reetin. should be laam-u-:Alai6um ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$44+ res1onded ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$44) 'ha1ter *: @rohibition o0 sa"in. 0irst as-Salam-u-:Alai6um to the 1eo1le o0 the boo62 and how their salutations should be res1onded ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$44) 'ha1ter +: (5/ellen/e o0 .reetin. the /hildren ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$44# 'ha1ter ): @ermissibilit" o0 .i-in. 1ermission (to enter the house) b" raisin. the /ur*2 & $#


tain or ma6in. some other si.ns li6e it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$44; 'ha1ter %: @ermissibilit" o0 women .oin. out in the 0ields 0or easin. themsel-es , ,$44; 'ha1ter #: It is 1rohibited to sit with a stran.e lad" in 1ri-a/" or to enter her house 'ha1ter ;: It is e5/ellent to tell a man when one is a//om1anied b" one:s wi0e or when she is alone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4* mahram lad" that she is one:s wi0e or mahram and to remo-e his doubt ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4*$ 'ha1ter $ : I0 a 1erson /omes to a meetin. and 0inds s1a/e there he should sit there2 'ha1ter $$: i0 a 1erson .oes awa" 0rom the 1la/e o//u1ied b" him2 he has a better otherwise he should de1art ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4*2 to o//u1" it a0ter /omin. ba/6 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4*2 'ha1ter $2: The entran/e o0 the eunu/h (in a house where there are 0emale inmates) is 'ha1ter $4: @ermission o0 seatin. a woman on the ride behind one:s ba/6 i0 one 0inds 1rohibited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4** her /om1letel" e5hausted in the wa" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4** 'ha1ter $*: It is 1rohibited 0or two 1ersons to /on-erse se/retl" without the /onsent o0 the third one ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4*+ 'ha1ter $+: Medi/ine and s1ell ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4*) 'ha1ter $): Ma.i/ and s1ell ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4*% 'ha1ter $%: @oison ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4*% 'ha1ter $#: The e5/ellen/e o0 /urin. the 1atient with the hel1 o0 in/antation ,,,,,,,,$4*# 'ha1ter $;: 'urin. o0 the 1atient with the re/itation o0 Mu:awwidhatan (suras /5iii,2 'ha1ter 2 : The e5/ellen/e o0 /urin. (with the hel1 o0 in/antation) the in0luen/e o0 'ha1ter 2$: @ermissibilit" o0 .ettin. reward 0or in/antations 0rom the words o0 the /5i-,) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4*; the e-il e"e and small 1ustules and the 1oison (es1e/iall" o0 sna6e and s/or1ion) , $4+ Eur:an ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4+4 'ha1ter 22: (5/ellen/e o0 1la/in. one:s hands at the s1ot o0 1ain at the time o0 1ra/tisin. in/antation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4+* 'ha1ter 24: See6in. re0u.e a.ainst satan 0rom the e-il 1rom1tin.s in the 1ra"er , $4+* ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4++ 'ha1ter 2+: 9isa11ro-al o0 a11l"in. remed" b" 1ourin. the medi/ine in the mouth 0or/ibl" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4+# 'ha1ter 2): Treatment with the hel1 o0 Indian aloeswood ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4+# 'ha1ter 2%: Aemed" b" a11l"in. !i.ella ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4+; 'ha1ter 2#: Talbina .i-es /om0ort to the 1atient ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4+;
*4 & $#

'ha1ter 2*: There is a remed" 0or e-er" malad" and it is e5/ellent to .et treatment


'ha1ter 2;: Aemed" with the hel1 o0 hone" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4+; 'ha1ter 4 : @la.ue2 ill omen and ma.i/ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4) 'ha1ter 4$: There is no in0e/tion2 no e-il omen2 no hama2 no sa0ar2 no star 1romisin. rain2 no .houl and the ill should not .o to those who are health" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4)4 'ha1ter 42: 3men2 di-ination and that whi/h is unlu/6" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4)+ 'ha1ter 44: >ahanat (di-ination) is 1rohibited and it is 0orbidden to .o to the >ahin ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4)% 'ha1ter 4*: It is ad-isable to a-oid mi5in. with the le1er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4); 'ha1ter 4+: The desirabilit" o0 6illin. a .e/6o (house li8ard) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4%4 'ha1ter 4): @rohibition-o0 6illin. the ants ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4%* 'ha1ter 4%: It is 0orbidden to 6ill the /at ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4%* 7oo6 2%: The 7oo6 'on/ernin. the Use o0 'orre/t ?ords (>itab Al-Al0a8 min Al-Adab wa Hhairiha),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4%% 'ha1ter $: @rohibition o0 abusin. time (dahr) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4%# 'ha1ter 2: 9isa11ro-al o0 namin. the -ine as a 6arm ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4%# ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4%; 'ha1ter *: 9isa11ro-al o0 usin. the 1hrase: CM" soul has be/ome e-ilC ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4# 'ha1ter +: The use o0 mus6 and that is the best s/ent2 and the disa11ro-al o0 reje/tin. the .i0t o0 s/ent and 0lower ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4#$ 7oo6 2#: The 7oo6 o0 @oetr" (>itab Al-ShJir),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4#2 'ha1ter $: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4#4 7oo6 2;: The 7oo6 o0 <ision (>itab Al-Au"a),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4#+ 'ha1ter $: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4#) 'ha1ter 2: The sa"in. o0 the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): he who sees me in a dream in 0a/t sees me ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4#; 'ha1ter 4: 9o not in0orm the -ain s1ort o0 de-il in a dream ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4; 'ha1ter *: @ertainin. to the inter1retation o0 dreams ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4;$ 7oo6 4 : The 7oo6 @ertainin. to the (5/ellent Eualities o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" @ea/e be 'ha1ter $: Inter/ession b" the a1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and the 1a"'ha1ter 2: The eminen/e o0 our 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) o-er the whole
** & $#

'ha1ter 4#: The merit o0 su11l"in. water and 0ood to animals ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4%+

'ha1ter 4: The 1ro1er use o0 the words: bondman2 sla-e-.irl2 al-maula and as-sa""id

'ha1ter 2: It is 1rohibited to 1la" /hess ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4#*

'ha1ter +: The -ision o0 the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4;2 u1on them) and His 'om1anions (>itab Al-=ada:il),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4;* in. o0 salutations b" a stone to him be0ore his ad-ent as a 1ro1het ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4;+


/reation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4;+ 'ha1ter 4: The mira/les o0 the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4;) 'ha1ter *: The relian/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on Allah the e5alted2 and Allah:s 1rote/tin. him a.ainst the 1eo1le ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4;# 'ha1ter +: @ertainin. to the similitude with whi/h Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on 'ha1ter ): The e5treme lo-e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or his him) has been sent with .uidan/e and 6nowled.e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$4;; umma2 and his e5treme an5iet" to warn them a.ainst that whi/h is a sour/e o0 trouble to them ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$* 'ha1ter %: The 0inalit" o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$* $ 'ha1ter #: ?hen Allah the e5alted intends to show mer/" to an umma his 1ro1het is /alled ba/6 to his eternal home when the umma is sa0e 0rom the wrath o0 .od ,,,,,,,$* 2 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$* 2 'ha1ter $ : The an.els alon. with Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the battle o0 Uhud ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$* # 'ha1ter $$: The -alour and /oura.e o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ,,$* ; 'ha1ter $2: Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was the most .enerous o0 1eo1leB his .enerosit" was li6e the blowin. o0 wind ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*$ 'ha1ter $4: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is the best 1eo1le in dis1osition and beha-iour ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*$ an"one when as6ed to .i-e an"thin.2 and he .a-e /harit" to the 1eo1le -er" 0reel" 'ha1ter $*: It is -er" seldom that Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said CnoC to ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*$$ 'ha1ter $+: The mer/" and tenderness shown b" Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) towards /hildren2 members o0 his 0amil"2 and his humilit" and his sublime qualities ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*$4 'ha1ter $): The utmost modest" o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ,,,,,,,,,,$*$* 'ha1ter $%: The smilin. o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on:him) and his e5/ellent beha-iour ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*$+ 'ha1ter $#: The mer/" and /om1assion o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or women and his /ommand to the /amel-dri-er to dri-e the mount slowl" on whi/h 'ha1ter ;: The /istern o0 our a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and its /hara/teristi/s

the" ride ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*$+ 'ha1ter $;: The nearness o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to the 1eo1le and 'ha1ter 2 : The hatred o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a.ainst sin and the
*+ & $#

their see6in. blessin.s 0rom him (and his 1ossessions) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*$%


ado1tin. o0 a /ourse o0 a/tion whi/h is easier to ado1t 0rom the 1ermissible a/ts ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*$% 'ha1ter 2$: The 0ra.ran/e o0 the sa/red bod" o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and its a.ilit" and so0tness and the blessin.s o0 its tou/h ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*$; 'ha1ter 22: Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ershired when re-elation de'ha1ter 24: @ertainin. to the hair o0 the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 his 'ha1ter 2*: 'on/ernin. the /hara/teristi/ 0eatures o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be s/ended u1on him ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*2 0eatures ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*2$ u1on him)2 and he was the most handsome o0 the 1eo1le ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*2$ 'ha1ter 2+: @ertainin. to the /hara/teristi/ 0eatures o0 the 0a/e o0 Allah:s 'ha1ter 2): Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e ae u1on him) had a white ele.ant 0a/e (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his e"es and his heels ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*22 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*24 'ha1ter 2%: @ertainin. to the old a.e o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ,$*24 'ha1ter 2#: The 0a/t 1ertainin. to the seal o0 his 1ro1hethood2 its /hara/teristi/ 0eature and its lo/ation on his bod" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*2+ 'ha1ter 2;: The qualities o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and a.e when he was .i-en the ministr" o0 a1ostlehood and the duration o0 his li0e, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*2) 'ha1ter 4 : How lon. did the a1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sta" in Medina and Me//a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*2% 'ha1ter 4$: @ertainin. to the name o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ,,,,$*2; 'ha1ter 42: The 6nowled.e o0 allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about allah 'ha1ter 44: It is obli.ator" 0or a muslim to 0ollow the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be and his utmost 0ear o0 him ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*4 u1on him) earnestl" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*4 'ha1ter 4*: Aes1e/t o0 allah:s and abandonin. o0 too man" questions es1e'ha1ter 4+: It is obli.ator" to 0ollow the 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in all mat/iall" those 0or whi/h there is no .enuine need ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*4$ ters 1ertainin. to reli.ion2 but one is 0ree to a/t on one:s own o1inion in matters whi/h 'ha1ter 4): The merit o0 loo6in. at the 0a/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on

1ertain to te/hni/al s6ill ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*4* him) and 0or it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*4+ 'ha1ter 4%: The merits o0 Fesus 'hrist (1ea/e be u1on him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*4+ 'ha1ter 4#: The merits o0 Ibrahim2 the 0riend o0 Allah (1ea/e be u1on him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,$*4% 'ha1ter 4;: @ertainin. to the merits o0 Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*4#
*) & $#


'ha1ter * : The merits o0 Kusu0 (Fose1h) (1ea/e be u1on him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$**2 7oo6 4$: The 7oo6 @ertainin. to the Merits o0 the 'om1anions (Allah 7e @leased ?ith 'ha1ter *$: The merits o0 Hadrat >hadir (1ea/e be u1on him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$**2

Them) o0 the Hol" @ro1het (Ma" @ea/e 7e U1on Him) (>itab Al-=ada:il Al-Sahabah),,,,,,,$**% 'ha1ter $: The merits o0 Abu 7a6r Siddiq (Allah be 1leased with him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$**# 'ha1ter 2: The e5/ellent qualities o0 :Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*+$ 'ha1ter 4: Merits o0 Uthamn b, :A00an (Allah be 1leased with him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*+) 'ha1ter *: The merits o0 :Ali b, Abi Talib (Allah be 1leased with him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*+# 'ha1ter +: Merits o0 Sa:d b, Abi ?aqqas (Allah be 1leased with him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*)2 'ha1ter ): The merits o0 Gubair And Talha (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) , ,$*)) 'ha1ter %: The merits o0 Abu :Ubaida b, Farhah (Allah be 1leased with him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,$*)% 'ha1ter #: The merits o0 Hasan and Husain (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) ,$*)# 'ha1ter ;: Thee merits o0 the 0amil" o0 the 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ,,,,,,,,$*); ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*); 'ha1ter $$: The merits o0 :Abdullah b, Fa:0ar (Allah be 1leased with him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*% 'ha1ter $2: The merits o0 Hadrat >hadija2 mother o0 the 0aith0ul (Allah be 1leased with her) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*%$ 'ha1ter $4: The merits o0 :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*%4 'ha1ter $*: The hadith o0 Umm Gara ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*%% ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*%; 'ha1ter $): The merits o0 Umm Salama2 the Mother o0 the 0aith0ul (Allah be 1leased 'ha1ter $%: (5/ellen/e o0 Gainab2 the mother o0 the 0aith0ul (Allah be 1leased with with her) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*#2 her) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*#2 'ha1ter $#: The merits o0 Umm Aiman (Allah be 1leased with her) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*#2 'ha1ter $;: The merits o0 Umm Sulaim2 the mother o0 Anas b, Mali62 and 7ilal (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*#4 'ha1ter 2 : The merits o0 Abu Talha ansari ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*#* 'ha1ter 2$: The merits o0 7ilal (Allah be 1leased with him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*#+ 'ha1ter 22: The merits o0 :Abdullah b, Mas:ud and that o0 his mother (Allah be 1leased 'ha1ter 24: The merits o0 Uba"" b, >a:b and a .rou1 o0 Ansar (Allah be 1leased with with them) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*#+ them) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*## 'ha1ter 2*: The merits o0 Sa:d b Mu:adh (Allah be 1leased with him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*#;
*% & $#

'ha1ter $ : Merits o0 Gaid b, Hari:th and Usama b, Gaid (allah be 1leased with them)

'ha1ter $+: The merits o0 =atima2 dau.hter o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)


'ha1ter 2+: The merits o0 Abu 9ujana (Allah be 1leased with him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*; 'ha1ter 2): The merits o0 :Abdullah b, :Amr b, Haram2 the 0ather o0 Fabir (allah be 1leased with him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*;

'ha1ter 2%: The merits o0 Fulaibib (Allah be 1leased with him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*;$ 'ha1ter 2#: The merits o0 Abu 9harr (Allah be 1leased with him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*;2 'ha1ter 2;: The merits o0 Farir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*;+ 'ha1ter 4 : The merits o0 :Abdullah b, Abbas (Allah be 1leased with him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*;) 'ha1ter 4$: The merits o0 Abdullah b, Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*;% 'ha1ter 42: The merits o0 Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased with him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*;# 'ha1ter 44: The merits o0 :Abdullah b, Salam (Allah be 1leased with him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$*;; 'ha1ter 4*: The merits o0 Hassan b, Thabit (Allah be 1leased with him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+ $ 'ha1ter 4+: The merits o0 Abu Huraira al-9awsi al-Kamani (Allah be 1leased with him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+ * 'ha1ter 4): The merits o0 the 1arti/i1ants in the battle o0 7adr (Allah be 1leased with them) and the stor" o0 Hatib b, Abu 7alta:a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+ ) 'ha1ter 4%: The merits o0 those who owed alle.ian/e under the tree (Allah be 1leased 'ha1ter 4#: The merits o0 Abu Mu:sa Ashiari and Abu :Amir (Allah be 1leased with them) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+ # 'ha1ter 4;: The merits o0 the Ash:arites (Allah be 1leased with them) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+ ; 'ha1ter * : The merits o0 Abu Su0"an b, Harb (Allah be 1leased with him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+$ the boats (Allah be eased with them) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+$ 'ha1ter *$: The merits o0 Fa:0ar b, Abi Talib and Asma: bint Umais and o0 the 1eo1le o0 'ha1ter *2: The merits o0 Salman2 Suhaib and 7ilal (allah be 1leased with them) , $+$$ 'ha1ter *4: The merits o0 the Ansar (Allah be 1leased with them) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+$2 'ha1ter **: The merits o0 the settlements o0 the Ansar ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+$4 'ha1ter *+: @ertainin. to the .ood whi/h lies in a//om1an"in. the Ansar (Allah be 1leased with them) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+$+ 'ha1ter *): Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in-o6ed blessin.s u1on the tribes 'ha1ter *%: The merits o0 the tribes o0 Hhi0ar2 Ashja:2 Mu8aina2 Tamim2 9aws and o0 Hhi0ar and Aslam ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+$+ Ta""i ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+$) 'ha1ter *#: The best 1ersons ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+$; 'ha1ter *;: 'on/ernin. the merits o0 the women o0 the Euraish ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+$; 'ha1ter + : =raternit" established b" Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the /om1anions (allah be 1leased with them) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+2$
*# & $#

with them) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+ %


'ha1ter +$: The 1resen/e o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is a sour/e o0 se/urit" 0or the /om1anions and the 1resen/e o0 the /om1anions is a sour/e o0 se/urit" 'ha1ter +2: The merits o0 the /om1anions o0 the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on 0or the umma ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+22 him) and o0 those who are ne5t to them and then o0 those who are ne5t to them , ,$+22 'ha1ter +4: Meanin. o0 the sa"in. o0 the 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): C!o 1erson would sur-i-e a0ter a /entur" who is li-in. b" this time o0 mineC ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+2+ 'ha1ter +*: It is 0orbidden to re-ile the /om1anions o0 the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+2% 'ha1ter ++: The merits o0 Uwais Earani (allah be 1leased with him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+2% 'ha1ter +): Instru/tions o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in re.ard to the 1eo1le o0 e."1t ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+2; 'ha1ter +%: The merits o0 the 1eo1le o0 :Uman ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+2; 'ha1ter +#: @ertainin. to the .reat liar o0 Thaqi0 and the .reat slau.hterer ,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+4 'ha1ter +;: The merits o0 the 1eo1le o0 @ersia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+4$ 'ha1ter ) : The similitude o0 1ersons is that o0 /amels that one out o0 hundred is not 0ound 0it 0or ridin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+4$ 7oo6 42: The 7oo6 o0 <irtue2 Hood Manners and Foinin. o0 the Ties o0 Aelationshi1 (>itab Al-7irr was-Salat-I-wa:l-Adab),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+42 'ha1ter $: @oliteness towards 1arents and their to it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+44 'ha1ter 2: The 1re0eren/e o0 bene-olent treatment to 1arents o-er -oluntar" 1ra"ers2 et/, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+4* 'ha1ter 4: >indness towards the 0riends o0 one:s 0ather and mother ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+4) 'ha1ter *: Foinin. the tie o0 relationshi1 and 1rohibition to brea6 it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+4# 'ha1ter +: =orbiddan/e o0 nursin. mutual jealous"2 mutual hatred and mutual hostilit" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+4; 'ha1ter ): It is 0orbidden 0or a muslim to ha-e estran.ed relations with the other muslim be"ond three da"s without an" reason o0 Shari:ah ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+* 'ha1ter %: =orbiddan/e o0 sus1i/ion2 0ault-0indin.2 and biddin. a.ainst the other (0or 'ha1ter #: It is 0orbidden to 1er1etrate atro/it" u1on a muslim2 to humiliate him2 to

raisin. the 1ri/e) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+*$ insult him2 and in-iolable is his blood2 honour and wealth ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+*2 'ha1ter ;: It is 0orbidden to nurse ran/our ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+*2 'ha1ter $ : Merit o0 lo-e 0or the sa6e o0 Allah ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+*4 'ha1ter $$: Merit o0 -isitin. the si/6 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+** 'ha1ter $2: ?hene-er a belie-er 0alls si/6 or is stri/6en with .rie0 or somethin. li6e
*; & $#


it2 there is a reward 0or him e-en i0 it is 1ri/6in. o0 a thorn ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+*+ 'ha1ter $4: It is 0orbidden to /ommit o11ression ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+*% 'ha1ter $*: Hel1 "our brother whether iie is an o11ressor or an o11ressed one ,,,$+*; 'ha1ter $+: There should be mutual 0ellow-0eelin. and lo-e and the will to hel1 ea/h other the belie-ers ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$++

'ha1ter $): It is 0orbidden to indul.e in abusin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$++$ 'ha1ter $%: The merits o0 0or.i-eness and humilit" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$++$ 'ha1ter $#: The 1rohibition o0 ba/6bitin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$++2 'ha1ter $;: Tidin.s 0or one whose 0aults allah /on/ealed in this worldB he will also /on/eal his 0aults in the herea0ter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$++2 'ha1ter 2 : A//ordin. o0 bene-olent treatment to one 0rom whom one e51e/ts trans.ression ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$++2 'ha1ter 2$: Merit o0 bene-olent treatment ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$++4 'ha1ter 22: It is 0orbidden to /urse the beasts ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$++* 'ha1ter 24: He u1on whom allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in-o6ed /urse whereas he in 0a/t did not deser-e it2 it would be a sour/e o0 reward and mer/" 0or him ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$++) 'ha1ter 2*: The /ondemnation o0 one who 1la"s a double .ame and the 1rohibition o0 this beha-iour ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$++; 'ha1ter 2+: =orbiddan/e o0 tellin. a lie and the /ases in whi/h tellin. o0 lie is 1ermis'ha1ter 2): Serious 1rohibition o0 tale-/arr"in. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+) 'ha1ter 2%: The e-il o0 a lie and the .oodness o0 truth and its merit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+) 'ha1ter 2#: The merit o0 sel0-/ontrol at the time o0 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+)$ 'ha1ter 2;: It is the -er" nature o0 man that he loses /ontrol ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+)4 'ha1ter 4 : It is 0orbidden to stri6e at the 0a/e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+)4 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+)* 'ha1ter 42: He who .oes in the mosque or in the ba8ar or a 1la/e o0 .atherin. li6e it with a wea1on should see that the s1earhead does not harm an"one ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+)+ 'ha1ter 44: The 1rohibition o0 1ointin. a wea1on towards a muslim ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+)) 'ha1ter 4*: The merit o0 remo-in. o0 an"thin. troublesome 0rom the 1ath ,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+)) 'ha1ter 4+: =orbiddan/e o0 tormentin. the /at or the animals li6e that whi/h do not harm ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+)% 'ha1ter 4): The 1rohibition o0 1ride and -anit" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+)# 'ha1ter 4%: It is 0orbidden to be/ome 0rustrated in re.ard to the mer/" o0 Allah ,,,$+)#
+ & $#

sible ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$++;

'ha1ter 4$: Hrim warnin. to one who torments 1eo1le without an" -alid justi0i/ation


'ha1ter 4#: The merits o0 the wea6 and downtrodden 1eo1le ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+); 'ha1ter 4;: It is 0orbidden to use the e51ression: CThe 1eo1le are undoneC ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+); 'ha1ter * : 7ene-olent treatment towards the nei.hbour ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+); 'ha1ter *$: (5/ellen/e o0 meetin. one with a /reer0ul /ountenan/e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+% 'ha1ter *2: The merit o0 re/ommendation whi/h in-ol-es nothin. unlaw0ul ,,,,,,,,,$+%

'ha1ter *4: The merit o0 .ood /om1an" and a-oidan/e 0rom e-il /om1an" ,,,,,,,,,,,,$+%$ 'ha1ter **: The merit o0 a//ordin. bene-olent treatment to dau.hters ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+%$ 'ha1ter *+: The merit o0 one who resi.ns himsel0 to the will o0 .od /alml" at the time 'ha1ter *): ?hen Allah lo-es a ser-ant2 his 0ellow-ser-ants also to lo-e him o0 the death o0 one:s son ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+%2 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+%* 'ha1ter *%: Souls are troo1s /olle/ted to.ether ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+%* 'ha1ter *#: A 1erson would be alon. with him whom he lo-es ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+%+ 7oo6 44: The 7oo6 o0 9estin" (>itab-ul-Eadr),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+%# Introdu/tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+%; 'ha1ter $: The .rowth o0 a /hild in the womb o0 a mother and his destin" in re.ard to his li-elihood2 his deeds2 both .ood and e-il ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+#$ 'ha1ter 2: The e5/han.e o0 ar.uments between Adam and Moses (allah be 1leased with both o0 them) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+#) 'ha1ter 4: Allah turns the hearts as he desires ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+#% 'ha1ter *: There is a measure 0or e-er"thin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+## 'ha1ter +: The measure o0 the son o0 adam in re.ard to adulter"2 et/, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+## 'ha1ter ): (-er"one is born a//ordin. to his true nature and the /ommand 1ertainin. 'ha1ter %: The s1an o0 li0e and li-elihood does not in/rease or de/rease be"ond that to the demise o0 the /hildren o0 the in0idels and o0 the /hildren o0 the muslims ,,,,,,$+#; what is laid down ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+;$ 'ha1ter #: A00air 1ertainin. to stren.th2 and sheddin. o00 wea6ness2 and see6in. hel1 0rom Allah and trust in the measures set b" Allah ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+;4 7oo6 4*: The 7oo6 o0 >nowled.e (>itab Al-JIlm),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+;* 'ha1ter $: @rohibition o0 ma6in. a hot 1ursuit o0 the alle.ories /ontained in the Eur:an2 and a-oidin. those who do it2 and o0 dis1utation in the Eur:an ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+;+ 'ha1ter 2: @errainin. to a dis1utationist ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+;+ 'ha1ter 4: =ollowin. the 0ootste1s o0 the Fews and the 'hristians ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+;) 'ha1ter *: Those who indul.ed in hair-s1littin. were ruined ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+;) 'ha1ter +: >nowled.e would be ta6en awa"2 and i.noran/e would 1re-ail u1on 1eo+$ & $#

'ha1ter *;: ?hen a 1ious 1erson is 1raised that is .lad tidin.s 0or him ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+%%


1le and the turmoil at the end o0 the world ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$+;% 'ha1ter ): @ertainin. to one who introdu/ed somethin. .ood or e-il2 or he who /alled 7oo6 4+: The 7oo6 @ertainin. to the Aemembran/e o0 Allah2 Su11li/ation2 Ae1entan/e and See6in. =or.i-eness (>itab Al-9hi6r),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$) 2 Introdu/tion,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$) 4 'ha1ter $: (5hortation 0or the remembran/e o0 Allah2 the (5alted ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$) * ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$) + 'ha1ter 4: Su11li/ation should be made with /on-i/tion and will ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$) ) 'ha1ter *: It is not somethin. a11re/iable to ma6e request 0or death 0rom the lord when one is in trouble ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$) ) 'ha1ter +: He who lo-es to meet Allah2 Allah also lo-es to meet him2 and he who disli6es to meet Allah2 allah also abhors to meet him ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$) % 'ha1ter ): Merit o0 remembran/e o0 allah and /allin. him2 and nearness to Allah2 the (5alted ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$) ; 'ha1ter %: The disa11ro-al o0 su11li/ation in whi/h a request is made to Allah 0or 1unishment o0 one:s (misdeeds) in the world ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)$ 'ha1ter #: Merits o0 the assemblies in whi/h allah is remembered ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)$$ 'ha1ter ;: The merit o0 this (su11li/ation): C3 Allah2 .rant us the .ood in the world and .ood in the herea0ter and sa-e us 0rom the torment o0 hellC ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)$2 'ha1ter $ : The merit o0 1ronoun/in. Tahlil2 Tasbih and su11li/ation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)$2 'ha1ter $$: The merit o0 an assembl" 0or the re/itation o0 the Eur:an or 0or tiie 9hi6r 'ha1ter $2: (5/ellen/e o0 see6in. 0or.i-eness 0rom allah and see6in. that -er" mu/h (remembran/e o0 Allah) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)$+ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)$) 'ha1ter $4: (5/ellen/e o0 rememberin. Allah in a low -oi/e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)$% ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)$# 'ha1ter $+: See6in. o0 re0u.e in allah 0rom the e-il o0 destin" and 0rom the se-erit" o0 'ha1ter $): Su11li/ation at the time o0 slee1in. and .oin. to bed ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)2 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)24 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)2%
+2 & $#

to ri.hteousness or to the 1ath o0 error ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)

'ha1ter 2: The names o0 Allah2 the (5alted2 and the merit o0 one who enumerates them

'ha1ter $*: Su11li/ation 0or the sa0e.uard o0 one:s sel0 a.ainst the e-il o0 the turmoil

/alamit" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)$; 'ha1ter $%: Ae0u.e 0rom the e-il o0 what one has done and what one has not done

'ha1ter $#: The re/itin. o0 Subhan Allah in the mornin. and at the time o0 slee1in.


'ha1ter $;: The e5/ellen/e o0 su11li/atin. at the time o0 the /rowin. o0 the /o/6 in the mornin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)2# 'ha1ter 2 : Su11li/ation durin. the time o0 trouble ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)2# 'ha1ter 2$: The merit o0 Subhan Allah wa bi Hamdihi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)2; 'ha1ter 22: (5/ellen/e o0 su11li/atin. 0or the muslims behind their ba/6 (in their absen/e) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)4 'ha1ter 24: (5/ellen/e o0 re/itin. al-Hamdu li-Allah a0ter eatin. and drin6in. ,,,$)4$ 7oo6 4): The 7oo6 o0 Heart-Meltin. Traditions (>itab Al-Aiqaq),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)42 'ha1ter $: The majorit" in 1aradise would /onsist o0 the 1oor 1ious 1ersons and the majorit" o0 the deni8ens o0 hell would /onsist o0 women2 and the trial b" means o0 women ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)44 'ha1ter 2: The stor" o0 the three 1ersons o0 the /a-e and their ma6in. .ood deeds o0 theirs as the means o0 riddan/e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)4* 7oo6 4%: The 7oo6 @ertainin. to Ae1entan/e and (5hortation to Ae1entan/e (>itab Al-Tau'ha1ter $: (5hortation 0or re1entan/e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)4# ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)* 'ha1ter 4: The e5/ellen/e o0 /onstant remembran/e o0 Allah and meditation in the a00airs o0 the herea0ter and 1ermission o0 abandonin. it at times and attendin. to the a00airs o0 the world ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)*$ 'ha1ter *: The mer/" o0 Allah 1redominates his wrath ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)*2 'ha1ter +: Ae1entan/e is a//e1ted so lon. as one re1ents a0ter /ommittin. sins ,,,,$)*+ 'ha1ter ): Allah:s sense o0 honour2 and his 1rohibition o0 the abominable a/ts ,,,,,,$)*) 'ha1ter %: The words o0 Allah CThe .ood deeds ta6e awa" the e-il deedsC ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)*# 'ha1ter #: Throwin. o0 non-belie-ers in hell-0ire 0or belie-ers as di-ine .ra/e and mer/" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)+ 'ha1ter $ : Hadith 1ertainin. to the lie about (hadrat) :A:isha Siddiqa (Allah be 1lea'ha1ter 2: The obliteration o0 sins with the hel1 o0 see6in. 0or.i-eness 1rom Allah ba),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)4% 'ha1ter 2*: Su11li/ation is .ranted i0 the su11li/ant does not show im1atien/e ,,,,$)4$

'ha1ter ;: @ertainin. to the re1entan/e o0 >a:b b, Mali6 and his /om1anions ,,,,,,,,,$)+$ sed with her) and a//e1tin. o0 re1entan/e o0 those who 0alse alle.ation about her ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)+% 'ha1ter $$: The e5oneration o0 the sla-e.irl o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0rom a 0alse /har.e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$))2 7oo6 4#: @ertainin. To The 'harateristi/s 30 The H"1o/rites And 'ommand 'on/ernin. Them (>itab Si0at Al-Muna0iqin ?a Ah6amihim),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$))4
+4 & $#


'ha1ter $: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$))* 7oo6 4;: The 7oo6 Hi-in. 9es/ri1tion o0 the 9a" o0 Fud.ement2 @aradise and Hell (>itab Si0at Al-Ei"amah wa:l Fanna wa:n-!ar),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)% 'ha1ter $: 9es/ri1tion o0 the da" o0 jud.ment2 1aradise and hell ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)%$ 'ha1ter 2: The be.innin. o0 the /reation and the /reation o0 Adam (1ea/e be u1on him) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)%4 'ha1ter 4: @ertainin. to re-birth2 assemblin. and /hara/teristi/s o0 the earth on the da" o0 resurre/tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)%4 'ha1ter *: The 0east 0or the inhabitants o0 1aradise ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)%4 'ha1ter +: The question o0 a jew 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about soul and his words, CThe" as6 thee about the soulC ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)%* 'ha1ter ): @ertainin. to the words o0 allaiih: Allah would ne-er 1unish them so lon. as "ou are themC ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)%+ 'ha1ter %: @ertainin. to the words o0 Allah: C!a"2 but -eril" man is inordinate2 be/ause he loo6s u1on himsel0 as sel0-su00i/ientC ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)%) 'ha1ter #: The s1littin. u1 o0 the moon (a .reat mira/le) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)%# 'ha1ter ;: There is none to show more 1atien/e than Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 on attributin. wron. thin.s to him ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)%; 'ha1ter $ : The non-belie-ers would be made to /rawl on their 0a/es ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)#$ 'ha1ter $$: 9i11in. o0 the most a00luent 1eo1le o0 the world in the hell-0ire and di11in. o0 the most (worldl") miserable in 1aradise ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)#$ 'ha1ter $2: The similitude o0 a belie-er and a non-belie-er ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)#2 'ha1ter $4: The belie-er is li6ened to the date-1alm tree ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)#4 'ha1ter $*: The mis/hie0 o0 satan in the muslim so/iet" and sendin. his deta/hments 'ha1ter $+: !one would attain sal-ation be/ause o0 his deeds but it is throu.h lord:s 0or the /reation o0 turmoil2 and there is a de-il atta/hed to e-er" 1erson ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)#* mer/" (that he would attian that) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)#) 'ha1ter $): The doin. o0 .ood deeds -er" 0requentl" and 1uttin. one:s best e00orts in de-otion to Allah ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)## 7oo6 * : The 7oo6 @ertainin. to @aradise2 Its 9es/ri1tion2 Its 7ounties and Its Intimates (>itab Al-Fannat wa Si0at !a:imiha wa Ahliha),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$); 'ha1ter $: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$);$ 'ha1ter 2: There is in 1aradise a tree under the shadow o0 whi/h a rider /an tra-el 0or 'ha1ter 4: The inmates o0 1aradise would see the inmates o0 the u11er a1artment as
+* & $#

'ha1ter $%: Moderation in .i-in. sermon ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$)##

a hundred "ears and e-en then he would not be able to /o-er it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$);2


are seen the 1lanets in the s6" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$);4 'ha1ter *: He who would lo-e to ha-e a .lim1se o0 the sa/red 0a/e o0 the hol" 1ro1het 'ha1ter +: There is a street in 1aradise where the inmates o0 1aradise would .et 0a(ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) e-en at the /ost o0 his whole 1ro1ert" and his 0amil" ,,,,,$);* -our and .ra/e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$);* 'ha1ter ): The 0irst .rou1 that would be admitted to 1aradise would be li6e the 0a/e o0 'ha1ter %: The des/ri1tion o0 1aradise and the remembran/e o0 Allah b" its inmates the 0ull moon and the des/ri1tion o0 their qualities and their s1ouses ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$);+ mornin. and e-enin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$);) 'ha1ter #: The e-erlastin. bliss 0or the inmates o0 1aradise ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$);% 'ha1ter ;: The des/ri1tion o0 the tents 0or the inmates o0 1aradise ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$);% 'ha1ter $ : ?hat ri-ers o0 the world would be 0ound in 1aradise ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$);# 'ha1ter $$: There would enter 1aradise some 1eo1le whose hearts would be:li6e those o0 birds ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$);# 'ha1ter $2: The des/ri1tion o0 hell and the intensit" o0 its heat and torments ,,,,,,,,,$);; 'ha1ter $4: The" and the 1roud would .et into the 0ire o0 hell and the humble and mee6 would .et into 1aradise ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$% 'ha1ter $*: @ertainin. to the destru/tion o0 the world and assemblin. on the da" o0 resurre/tion ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$% ) 'ha1ter $+: The des/ri1tion o0 the da" o0 resurre/tion (ma" Allah sa-e us 0rom its ter'ha1ter $): The qualities b" whi/h the inmates o0 1aradise and the deni8ens o0 hell /an be re/o.nised in this world ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$% # 'ha1ter $%: The dead would be shown his seat in 1aradise and hell2 and the a00irmation o0 the torment o0 the .ra-e and see6in. re0u.e 0rom it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$% ; 'ha1ter $#: The re/6onin. on the da" o0 jud.ment is a 0a/t ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%$4 7oo6 *$: The 7oo6 @ertainin. to the Turmoil and @ortents o0 the Last Hour (>itab Al-=itan 'ha1ter $;: It is essential to ho1e .ood 0rom Allah ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%$* rors) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$% %

wa Ashrat As-SaJah),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%$+ 'ha1ter $: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%$) 'ha1ter 2: The sin6in. o0 an arm" in the earth whi/h would atta/6 the house ,,,,,,,$%$% 'ha1ter 4: The turmoil would /ome li6e rain0all ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%$# 'ha1ter *: ?hen two muslims /on0ront ea/h other with swords ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%2 'ha1ter +: This Ummah would be destro"ed b" 6illin. one another ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%2$ 'ha1ter ): The e-ents 0oretold b" the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about the last hour ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%22
++ & $#


'ha1ter %: The turmoil would .o li6e the mountin. wa-es o0 the o/ean ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%24 'ha1ter #: The last hour would not /ome until the eu1iirates un/o-ers a treasure o0 .old ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%2* 'ha1ter ;: @ertainin. to the /onquest o0 'onstantino1le and the a11earan/e o0 the 9a'ha1ter $ : The last hour would /ome when the romans would ha-e the ma5imum jjal and des/ent o0 Fesus2 son o0 Mar" (Fesus 'hrist) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%2) 1o1ulation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%2) 'ha1ter $$: There would be mu/h bloodshed amon. romans at the time o0 the a11earan/e o0 the 9ajjal ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%2% 'ha1ter $2: The /onquests o0 the muslims be0ore the a11earan/e o0 the 9ajjal ,,,,,,$%2# 'ha1ter $4: The si.ns be0ore the a11roa/h o0 the last hour ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%2; ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%4 'ha1ter $+: The last hour would not /ome until the women o0 the tribe o0 9aus would .o round 9hi al->halasa ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%42 'ha1ter $): The last hour would not /ome until a 1erson would 1ass b" a .ra-e and wish that he should ha-e been the o//u1ant o0 that .ra-e be/ause o0 this /alamit" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%44 'ha1ter $%: Stor" o0 Ibn Sa""ad ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%4; ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%** 'ha1ter $;: The /hara/teristi/ o0 the 9ajjal and a ban on his entr" to Medina and his 6illin. o0 a belie-er and then restorin. him to li0e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%*# 'ha1ter 2 : The 9ajjal would be -er" insi.ni0i/ant in the e"e o0 Allah2 the Majesti/ and Hlorious ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%*; 'ha1ter 2$: The a11earan/e o0 the 9ajjal and his sta" u1on the earth and the des/ent o0 Fesus and his 6illin. him (9ajjal) and the de1arture o0 .ood 1eo1le o0 stron. /on'ha1ter $#: A//ount o0 the 9ajjal and his 0eatures and what would be alon. with him 'ha1ter $*: The last hour would not /ome until the 0ire emits 0rom the earth o0 Hija8

-i/tion and the sur-i-al o0 the wi/6ed 1eo1le and the worshi1 o0 idols and the blowin. o0 the trum1et and the raisin. u1 0rom the .ra-es ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%+ 'ha1ter 22: The hadith 1ertainin. to the s1" o0 the 9ajjal ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%+2 'ha1ter 24: The remainin. ahadith 1ertainin. to the 9ajjal ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%++ 'ha1ter 2*: The e5/ellen/e o0 worshi1 in the 1eriod o0 .eneral turmoil ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%+) 'ha1ter 2+: A11roa/h o0 the last hour ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%+% 7oo6 *2: The 7oo6 @ertainin. to @iet" and So0tenin. o0 Hearts (>itab Al-Guhd wa Al'ha1ter 2): The inter-al between two blowin.s o0 the trum1et ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%+; Aaqa:iq),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%)
+) & $#


'ha1ter $: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%)$ 'ha1ter 2: 9o not enter but w0e1in.l" the habitations o0 those who /ommitied atro6ities u1on themsel-es ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%%$ 'ha1ter 4: 7ene-olent treatment to the widows2 or1hans and the 1oor ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%%2 'ha1ter *: (5/ellen/e o0 buildin. mosques ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%%2 'ha1ter +: 'harit" to be .i-en to the 1oor or the wa"0arers ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%%4 'ha1ter ): He who asso/iates one as an obje/t o0 worshi1 with allah in his deeds ,$%%4 'ha1ter %: The 1rohibition o0 simulation and ostentation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%%* 'ha1ter #: @ertainin. to the .uardin. o0 ton.ue ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%%* 'ha1ter ;: The 1unistiment o0 one who /ommands others to do .ood but does not do it himsel0 and re 0orbids others to do e-il but does not himsel0 re0rain 0rom it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%%+ 'ha1ter $ : It is 0orbidden to 1ubli/ise one:s sins ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%%+ 'ha1ter $$: Snee8in. and the disa11ro-al o0 "awnin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%%) 'ha1ter $2: Mis/ellaneous ahadith ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%%% 'ha1ter $4: The belie-er does not 1ro-ide o11ortunit" to be stun. twi/e 0rom one (and the same) hole ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%%# 'ha1ter $*: (-er" a/t o0 a belie-er is a blessin. 0or him ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%%# 'ha1ter $+: It is 1rohibited to 1raise an"one so mu/h that there ma" be 0ear o0 his bein. into5i/ated be/ause o0 that ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%%; 'ha1ter $): The older one is to be 1re0erred ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%# 'ha1ter $%: To state hadith a0ter its -eri0i/ation and re/ordin. o0 C6nowled.eC ,,,,,,$%# ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%#$ 'ha1ter $;: The stor" o0 Abu al-Kasar and the" hadith o0 Fabir ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%#4 'ha1ter 2 : The a//ount o0 1ro1het:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) emi.ration ,,,,,,,,,,,,$%#% 'ha1ter $: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%; 'ha1ter 2: @ertainin. to the -erse: CHas not the time "et /ome 0or the belie-ers that their hearts should be humble 0or the remembran/e o0 AllahDC (l-ii, $)) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%;+ 'ha1ter 4: @ertainin. to the words o0 Allah: CAdorn "oursel0 at e-er" 1la/e o0 worshi1C (-ii, 4$) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%;) 'ha1ter *: 'om1el not "our sla-e-.irls to 1rostitution ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%;) 'ha1ter +: @ertainin. to the words o0 Allah: CThose whom the" /all u1on2 themsel-es see6 the means o0 a//ess to their lordC (5-ii, +%) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%;% 'ha1ter ): @ertainin. to suras Tauba2 al-An0al and Hashr ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%;# 'ha1ter %: @ertainin. to the 1rohibition o0 wine ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%;#
+% & $#

'ha1ter $#: The stor" o0 the 1eo1le o0 the dit/h2 the ma.i/ian2 the mon6 and the sla-e

7oo6 *4: The 7oo6 o0 'ommentar" (>itab Al-Ta0sir),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%#;


'ha1ter #: @ertainin. to the -erse: CThese two ad-ersaries who dis1ute about their LordC (55ii, $;) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$%;;

+# & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

+; & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

'ha1ter $:
7oo6 $2 !umber $:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Kah"a b, Ka:mur that the 0irst man who dis/ussed about Eadr (9i-ine 9e/ree) in 7asra was Ma:bad al-Fuhani, I alon. with Humaid b, :Abdur-Aahman Him"ari set out 0or 1ril.rima.e or 0or :Umrah and said: Should it so ha11en that we /ome into /onta/t with one o0 the 'om1anions o0 the o0 Allah (1ea/e be u1on him) we shall as6 him a bout what is tal6ed about Taqdir (9i-ision 9e/ree), A//identall" we /ame a/ross Abdullah ibn Umar ibn al>hattab2 while he was enterin. the mosque, M" /om1anion and I surrounded him, 3ne o0 us (stood) on his and the other stood on his le0t, I e51e/ted that m" /om1anion would authori8e me to s1ea6, I there0ore said: Abu Abdur AahmanL there ha-e a11eared some 1eo1le in our land who re/ite the Hol" Eur:an and 1ursue 6nowled.e, And then a0ter tal6in. about their a00airs2 added: The" (su/h 1eo1le) /laim that there is no su/h thin. as 9i-ine 9e/ree and e-ents are not 1redestined, He (Abdullah ibn Umar) said: ?hen "ou ha11en to meet su/h 1eo1le tell them that I ha-e nothin. to do with them and the" ha-e nothin. to do with me, And -eril" the" are in no wa" res1onsible 0or m" (belie0), Abdullah ibn Umar swore b" Him (the Lord) (and said): I0 an" one o0 them (who does not belie-e in the 9i-ine 9e/ree) had with him .old equal to the bul6 o0 (the mountain) Uhud and then2 it (in the wa" o0 Allah)2 Allah would not a//e1t it unless he a00irmed his 0aith in 9i-ine 9e/ree, He 0urther said: M" 0ather2 Umar ibn al->hattab2 told me: 3ne da" we were sittin. in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s A1ostle (1ea/e be u1on him) when there a11eared be0ore us a man dressed in 1ure white /lothes2 his hair e5traordinaril" bla/6, There were no si.ns o0 tra-el on him, !one us re/o.ni8ed him, At last he sat with the A1ostle (1ea/e be u1on him) He 6nelt be0ore him 1la/ed his 1alms on his thi.hs and said: Muhammad2 in0orm me about al-Islam, The o0 Allah (1ea/e be u1on him) said: Al-Islam im1lies that "ou testi0" that there is no .od but Allah and that Muhammad is the o0 Allah2 and "ou establish 1ra"er2 1a" Ga6at2 obser-e the 0ast o0 Aamadan2 and 1er0orm 1il.rima.e to the (House) i0 "ou are sol-ent enou.h (to bear the e51ense o0) the journe", He (the inquirer) said: Kou ha-e told the truth, He (Umar ibn al->hattab) said: It ama8ed us that he would 1ut the question and then he would himsel0 -eri0" the truth, He (the inquirer) said: In0orm me about Iman (0aith), He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: That "ou a00irm "our 0aith in Allah2 in His an.els2 in His 7oo6s2 in His A1ostles2 in the 9a" o0 Fud.ment2 and "ou a00irm "our 0aith in the 9i-ine 9e/ree about .ood and e-il, He (the inquirer) said: Kou ha-e told the truth, He (the inquirer) a.ain said: In0orm me about al-Ihsan (1er0orman/e o0 .ood deeds), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: That "ou worshi1 Allah as i0 "ou are seein. Him2 0or thou.h "ou don:t see Him2 He2 -eril"2 sees "ou, He (the enquirer) a.ain said: In0orm me about the hour (o0 the 9oom), He (the Hol" @ro1het) remar6ed: 3ne who is as6ed 6nows no more than the one who is inquirin. (about it), He (the inquirer) said: Tell me some o0 its indi/ations, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: That the sla-e-.irl will .i-e birth to her mistress and master2 that "ou will 0ind bare0ooted2 destitute .oat-herds -"in. with one another in the /onstru/ti) & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

on o0 ma.ni0i/ent buildin.s, He (the narrator2 Umar ibn al->hattab) said: Then he (the inquirer) went on his wa" but I sta"ed with him (the Hol" @ro1het) 0or a lon. while, He then2 said to me: Umar2 do "ou 6now who this inquirer wasD I re1lied: Allah and His A1ostle 6nows best, He (the Hol" @ro1het) remar6ed: He was Habriel (the an.el), He /ame to "ou in order to instru/t "ou in matters o0 reli.ion,


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Kah"a b, Ka:mur that when Ma:bad dis/ussed the 1roblem 1ertainin. to 9i-ine 9e/ree2 we re0uted that, He (the narrator) said: I and Humaid b, Abdur-Aahman Him"ari ar.ued, And the" /arried on the /on-ersation about the 1ur1ort o0 the hadith related b" >ahmas and its /hain o0 transmission too2 and there is some -ariation o0 words,


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Kah"a b, Ka:mur and Humaid b, :Abdur-Aahman that the" said: ?e met Abdullah b, :Umar and we dis/ussed about the 9i-ine 9e/ree2 and what the" tal6ed about it and he narrated the hadith that has been transmitted b" :Umar (ma" Allah be 1leased with him) 0rom the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), There is a -ariation in that,

'ha1ter 2: ?hat is iman and what are its 'hara/teristi/s

7oo6 $2 !umber *:
Abu Huraira re1orted: 3ne da" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a11eared be0ore the 1ubli/ that a man /ame to him and said: @ro1het o0 Allah2 (tell me) what is Iman, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: That "ou a00irm "our 0aith in Allah2 His an.els2 His 7oo6s2 His meetin.2 His Messen.ers and that "ou a00irm "our 0aith in the Aesurre/tion herea0ter, He (a.ain) said: o0 Allah2 (tell me) what does al-Islam si.ni0", He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: Al-Islam si.ni0ies that "ou worshi1 Allah and do not asso/iate an"thin. with Him and "ou establish obli.ator" 1ra"er and "ou 1a" the obli.ator" 1oor-rate (Ga6at) and "ou obser-e the 0ast o0 Aamadan, He (the inquirer) a.ain said: o0 Allah2 what does al-Ihsan im1l"D He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: That "ou worshi1 Allah as i0 "ou are seein. Him2 and in /ase "ou 0ail to see Him2 then obser-e 1ra"er (with this idea in "our mind) that (at least) He is seein. "ou, He (the inquirer ) a.ain said: o0 Allah2 when would there be the hour (o0 9oom)D He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: The one who is as6ed about it is no better in0ormed than the inquirer, I2 howe-er2 narrate some o0 its si.ns (and these are): when the sla-e-.irl will .i-e birth to he master2 when the na6ed2 bare0ooted would be/ome the /hie0s o0 the 1eo1le - these are some o0 the si.ns o0 (9oom), (Moreo-er) when the she1herds o0 the
)$ & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

bla/6 (/amels) would e5ult themsel-es in buildin.s2 this is one o0 the si.ns o0 (9oom), (9oom) is one o0 the 0i-e (ha11enin.s wra11ed in the unseen) whi/h no one 6nows but Allah, Then he (the o0 Allah) re/ited (the -erse):C <eril" AllahL with Him alone is the 6nowled.e o0 the hour and He it is ?ho sends (down the rain) and 6nows that whi/h is in the wombs and no 1erson 6nows whatsoe-er he shall earn tomorrow2 and a 1erson 6nows not in whatsoe-er land he shall die, <eril" Allah is >nowin.2 Aware, He (the narrator2 Abu Huraira) said: Then the 1erson turned ba/6 and went awa", The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7rin. that man ba/6 to me, The" (the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het 1resent there) went to brin. him ba/62 but the" saw nothin. there, U1on this the o0 Allah remar6ed: he was Habriel2 who /ame to tea/h the 1eo1le their reli.ion,


$2 !umber


This hadith is narrated to us on the authorit" o0 Muhammad b, :Abdullah b, !umair2 on the authorit" o0 Muhammad b, 7ishr2 on the authorit" o0 Abd Ha""an al-Ta"mi with the e5/e1tion that in this narration (instead o0 the words (I8a ?aladat al:amah rabbaha)2 the words are (I8a ?aladat al:amah 7a:laha)2 i2 e2 when sla-e-.irl .i-es birth to her master,


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: As6 me (about matters 1ertainin. to reli.ion)2 but the" (the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) were too mu/h o-erawed out o0 1ro0ound res1e/t 0or him to as6 him (an"thin.), In the meanwhile a man /ame there2 and sat near his 6nees and said: o0 Allah2 what al-lslam isD -to whi/h he (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: Kou must not asso/iate an"thin. with Allah2 and establish 1ra"er2 1a" the 1oor-rate (Ga6at) and obser-e (the 0asts) o0 Aamadan, He said: Kou (ha-e) told the truth, He (a.ain) said: o0 Allah2 what al-Iman (the 0aith) isD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: That "ou a00irm "our 0aith in Allah2 His an.els2 His 7oo6s2 His meetin.2 His A1ostles2 and that "ou belie-e in Aesurre/tion and that "ou belie-e in Eadr (9i-ine 9e/ree) in all its entiret"2 He (the inquirer) said: Kou (ha-e) told the truth, He (a.ain) said: o0 Allah2 what al-Ihsan isD U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: (Al-Ihsan im1lies) that "ou 0ear Allah as i0 "ou are seein. Him2 and thou.h "ou see Him not2 -eril" He is seein. "ou, He (the inquirer) said: Kou (ha-e) told the truth, He (the inquirer) said: ?hen there would be the hour (o0 9oom)D (U1on this) he (the Hol"@ro1het said: The one who is bein. as6ed about it is no better in0ormed than the inquirer himsel0, I2 howe-er2 narrate some o0 its si.ns (and these are): when "ou see a sla-e (woman) .i-in. birth to her master - that is one o0 the si.ns o0 (9oom) B when "ou see bare0ooted2 na6ed2 dea0 and dumb (i.norant and 0oolish 1ersons) as the rulers o0 the earth - that is one o0 the si.ns o0 the 9oom, And when "ou see the she1herds o0 bla/6 /amels e5ult in buildin.s - that is one o0 the si.ns o0 9oom, The (9oom) is one o0 the 0i-e thin.s (wra11ed) in the unseen, !o one 6nows them e5/e1t Allah, Then (the Hol" @ro1het) re/ited (the 0olowin. -erse):C <eril" AllahL with Him alone is the 6nowled.e o0 the hour and He it is ?ho
)2 & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

sends down the rain and 6nows that whi/h is in the wombs and no 1erson 6nows whatsoe-er he shall earn on morrow and a 1erson 6nows not in whatsoe-er land he shall die, <eril" Allah is >nowin.2 Aware, He (the narrator2 Abu Huraira) said: Then the 1erson stood u1 an (made his wa"), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7rin. him ba/6 to me, He was sear/hed 0or2 but the" (the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) /ould not 0ind him, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) thereu1on said: He was Habriel and he wanted to tea/h "ou (thin.s 1ertainin. to reli.ion) when "ou did not as6 (them "oursel-es),

'ha1ter 4: 3n 1ra"er (salat) whi/h is one o0 the 1illars o0 islam

7oo6 $2 !umber %:
It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Talha b, :Ubaidullah that a 1erson with dishe-elled hair2 one o0 the 1eo1le o0 !ejd2 /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?e heard the hummin. o0 his -oi/e but /ould not 0ull" dis/ern what he had been sa"in.2 till he /ame ni.h to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), It was then (dis/losed to us) that he was as6in. questions 1ertainin. to Islam, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: =i-e 1ra"ers durin. the da" and the, (U1on this he said: Am I obli.ed to sa" an" other (1ra"er) besides theseD He (the Hol" @ro1het2 ) said: !o2 but whate-er "ou obser-e -oluntaril"2 out o0 "our own 0ree will2 and the 0asts o0 Aamadan, The inquirer said: Am I obli.ed to do an"thin. else besides thisD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: !o2 but whate-er "ou do out o0 "our own 0ree will, And the o0 Allah told him about the Ga6at (1oor-rate), The inquirer said: Am I obli.ed to 1a" an"thin. else besides thisD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: !o2 but whate-er "ou 1a" -oluntaril" out o0 "our own 0ree will, The man turned ba/6 and was sa"in.: I would neither ma6e an" addition to this2 nor will de/rease an"thin. out o0 it, The @ro1het remar6ed: He is su//ess0ul2 i0 he is true to what he a00irms,


$2 !umber


Another hadith2 the li6e o0 whi/h has been narrated b" Mali6 (b, Anas) (and mentioned abo-e) is also re1orted b" Talha b, :Ubaidullah2 with the onl" -ariation that the Hol" @ro1het remar6ed: 7" his 0ather2 he shall su//eed i0 he were true (to what he 1ro0essed)2 or: 7" his 0ather2 he would enter hea-en i0 he were true (to what he 1ro0essed),

)4 & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

'ha1ter *: @ertainin. to 0aith in Allah

7oo6 $2 !umber ;:
It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that he said: ?e were 0orbidden that we should as6 an"thin. (without the .enuine need) 0rom the Hol" @ro1het, It2 there0ore2 1leased us that an intelli.ent 1erson 0rom the dwellers o0 the desert should /ome and as6ed him (the Hol" @ro1het) and we should listen to it, A man 0rom the dwellers o0 the desert /ame (to the Hol" @ro1het) and said: Muhammad2 "our /ame to us and told us "our assertion that -eril" Allah had sent "ou (as a 1ro1het), He (the Hol" @ro1het) remar6ed: He told the truth, He (the bedouin) said: ?ho /reated the hea-enD He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: Allah, He (the bedouin a.ain) said: ?ho /reated the earthD He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: Allah, He (the bedouin a.ain) said: ?ho raised these mountains and who /reated in them whate-er is /reated thereD He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: Allah, U1on this he (the bedouin) remar6ed: 7" Him ?ho /reated the hea-en and /reated the earth and raised mountains thereu1on2 has Allah (in 0a/t) sent "ouD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kes, He (the bedouin) said: Kour also told us that 0i-e 1ra"ers (had been made) obli.ator" 0or us durin. the da" and the, He (the Hol" @ro1het) remar6ed: He told "ou the truth, He (the bedouin) said: 7" Him ?ho sent "ou2 is it Allah ?ho ordered "ou about this (i, e, 1ra"ers)D He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kes, He (the bedouin) said: Kour told us that Ga6at had been made obli.ator" in our ri/hes, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said, He has told the truth, He (the bedouin) said: 7" Him ?ho sent "ou (as a 1ro1het)2 is it Allah ?ho ordered "ou about it (Ga6at)D He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kes, He (the bedouin) said: Kour told us that it had been made obli.ator" 0or us to 0ast e-er" "ear durin. the month o0 Aamadan, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: He has told the truth, He (the bedouin) said: 7" Him ?ho sent "ou (as a 1ro1het)2 is it Allah ?ho ordered "ou about it (the 0asts o0 Aamadan)D He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kes, He (the bedouin) said: Kour also told us that 1il.rima.e (Hajj) to the House (o0 >a:bah) had been made obli.ator" 0or him who is able to underta6e the journe" to it, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kes, The narrator said that he (the bedouin) set o00 (at the /on/lusion o0 this answer2 but at the time o0 his de1arture) remar6ed: :7" Him ?ho sent "ou with the Truth2 I would neither ma6e an" addition to them nor would I diminish an"thin. out o0 them, U1on this the Hol" @ro1het remar6ed: I0 he were true (to what he said) he must enter @aradise,


$2 !umber

$ :

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Thabit that Anas said: ?e were 0orbidden in the Hol" Eur:an that we should as6 about an"thin. 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and then Anas re1orted the hadith in similar words,

)* & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

'ha1ter +: 'on/ernin. iman b" whi/h a 1erson would enter hea-en

7oo6 $2 !umber $$:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu A""ub Ansari that on/e durin. the journe" o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e o0 Allah be u1on him) a bedouin a11eared be0ore him and / hold o0 the nosestrin. o0 his she-/amel and then said2 o0 Allah (or Muhammad)2 in0orm me about that whi/h ta6es me near to @aradise and draws me awa" 0rom the =ire (o0 Hell), He (the narrator) said: The @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sto11ed 0or a while and /ast a .lan/e u1on his /om1anions and then said: He was a00orded a .ood o11ortunit" (or he had been .uided well), He (the Hol" @ro1het) addressin. the bedouin said: (Ae1eat) whate-er "ou ha-e uttered, He (the bedouin) re1eated that, U1on this the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) remar6ed: The deed whi/h /an draw "ou near to @aradise and ta6e "ou awa" 0rom Hell is2 that "ou worshi1 Allah and asso/iate none with Him2 and "ou establish 1ra"er and 1a" Ga6at2 and do .ood to "our 6in, A0ter ha-in. uttered these words2 the Hol" @ro1het as6ed the bedouin to release the nosestrin. o0 his she-/amel,


$2 !umber


This hadith is transmitted b" Muhammad b, Hatim on the authorit" o0 Abu A""ub Ansari,


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It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu A""ub that a man /ame to the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: 9ire/t me to a deed whi/h draws me near to @aradise and ta6es me awa" 0rom the =ire (o0 Hell), U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kou worshi1 Allah and ne-er asso/iate an"thin. with Him2 establish 1ra"er2 and 1a" Ga6at2 and do .ood to "our 6in, ?hen he turned his ba/62 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) remar6ed: I0 he adheres to what he has been ordered to do2 he would enter @aradise,


$2 !umber


It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that a bedouin /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 dire/t me to a deed b" whi/h I ma" be entitled to enter @aradise, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) remar6ed: Kou worshi1 Allah and ne-er asso/iate an"thin. with Him2 establish the obli.ator" 1ra"er2 and 1a" the Ga6at whi/h is in/umbent u1on "ou2 and obser-e the 0ast o0 Aamadan, He (the bedouin) said: 7" Him in ?hose hand is m" li0e2 I will ne-er add an"thin. to it2 nor will I diminish an"thin. 0rom it, ?hen he (the bedouin) turned his ba/62

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the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who is 1leased to see a man 0rom the dwellers o0 @aradise should /at/h a .lim1se o0 him,


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir that !u:man b, Eau0al /ame to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: ?ould I enter @aradise i0 I sa" the obli.ator" 1ra"ers and den" m"sel0 that whi/h is 0orbidden and treat that as law0ul what has been made 1ermissible (b" the Shari:ah)D The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re1lied in the a00irmati-e,


$2 !umber


A similar hadith is narrated on Fabir:s authorit" in whi/h the 0ollowin. words are added: I will do nothin. more,


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir that a man on/e said to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): Shall I enter @aradise in /ase I sa" the obli.ator" 1ra"ers2 obser-e the (0asts) o0 Aamadan and treat that as law0ul whi/h has been made 1ermissible (b" the Shari:ah) and den" m"sel0 that what is 0orbidden2 and ma6e no addition to itD He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied in the a00irmati-e, He (the inquirer) said: 7" Allah2 I would add nothin. to it,

'ha1ter ): 'on/ernin. the Sa"in. o0 the A1ostle: Islam is 0ounded on 0i-e (0undaments)
7oo6 $2 !umber $#:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 (:Abdullah) son o0 Umar (ma" Allah be 1leased with them) that the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e o0 Allah be u1on him) said: (The su1erstru/ture o0) al-Islam is raised on 0i-e (1illars)2 i, e, the oneness o0 Allah2 the establishment o0 1ra"er2 1a"ment o0 Ga6at2 the2 0ast o0 Aamadan2 @il.rima.e (to Me//a), A 1erson said (to :Abdullah b, Umar the narrator): ?hi/h o0 the two 1re/edes the other-@il.rima.e or the 0asts o0 AarnadanD U1on this he (the narrator) re1lied: !o (it is not the @il.rima.e 0irst) but the 0asts o0 Aamadan 1re/ede the @il.rima.e,

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It is narrated on the authorit" o0 (:Abdullah) son o0 :Umar2 that the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e o0 Allah be u1on him) said: (The su1erstru/ture o0) al-Islam is raised on 0i-e (1illars)2 i, e, Allah (alone) should be worshi11ed2 and (all other .ods) beside Him should be (/ate.ori/all") denied, (stablishment o0 1ra"er2 the 1a"ment o0 Ga6at2 @il.rima.e to the House2 and the 0ast o0 Aamadan (are the other obli.ator" a/ts besides the belie0 in the oneness o0 Allah and denial o0 all other .ods),


$2 !umber

2 :

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah son o0 :Umar that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (The su1erstru/ture o0) al-Islam is raised on 0i-e (1illars)2 testi0"in. (the 0a/t) that there is no .od but Allah2 that Muhammad is His bondsman and messen.er2 and the establishment o0 1ra"er2 1a"ment o0 Ga6at2 @il.rima.e to the House (>a:ba) and the 0ast o0 Aamadan,


$2 !umber


It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ta:us that a man said to :Abdullah son o0 :Umar (ma" Allah be 1leased with him), ?h" don:t "ou /arr" out a militar" e51editionD U1on whi/h he re1lied: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": <eril"2 al-Islam is 0ounded on 0i-e (1illars): testi0"in. the 0a/t that there is no .od but Allah2 establishment o0 1ra"er2 1a"ment o0 Ga6at2 0ast o0 Aamadan and @il.rima.e to the House,

'ha1ter %: Aelatin. to the 'ommand 0or belie0 in Allah and his 1ro1het and the laws o0 Islam and In-itun. (1eo1le to) Them
7oo6 $2 !umber 22:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas that a dele.ation o0 Abdul Eais /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 -eril" ours is a tribe o0 Aabi:a and there stand between "ou and us the unbelie-ers o0 Mudar and we 0ind no 0reedom to /ome to "ou e5/e1t in the sa/red month, 9ire/t us to an a/t whi/h we should oursel-es 1er0orm and in-ite those who li-e beside us, U1on this the @ro1het remar6ed: I /ommand "ou to do 0our thin.s and 1rohibit "ou a.ainst 0our a/ts, (The 0our deeds whi/h "ou are /ommanded to do are): =aith in Allah2 and then he e51lained it 0or them and said: Testi0"in. the 0a/t, that there is no .od but Allah2 that Muhammad is the o0 Allah2 1er0orman/e o0 1ra"er2 1a"ment o0 Ga6at2 that "ou 1a" >hums (one-0i0th) o0 the boot" 0allen to "our lot2 and I 1rohibit "ou to use round .ourd2 wine jars2 wooden 1ots or s6ins
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0or wine, >hala0 b, Hisham has made this addition in his narration: Testi0"in. the 0a/t that there is no .od but Allah2 and then he with his 1ointed out the oneness o0 the Lord,


$2 !umber


Abu Famra re1orted: I was an inter1reter between Ibn Abbas and the 1eo1le2 that a woman ha11ened to /ome there and as6ed about nabidh or the 1it/her o0 wine, He re1lied: A dele.ation o0 the 1eo1le o0 :Abdul-Eais /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He (the Hol" @ro1het) as6ed the dele.ation or the 1eo1le (o0 the dele.ation about their identit"), The" re1lied that the" belon.ed to the tribe o0 Aabi:a, He (the Hol" @ro1het) wel/omed the 1eo1le or the dele.ation whi/h were neither humiliated nor 1ut to shame, The" (the members o0 the dele.ation) said: o0 Allah2 we /ome to "ou 0rom a 0ar-o00 distan/e and there li-es between "ou and us a tribe o0 the unbelie-ers o0 Mudar and2 there0ore2 it is not 1ossible 0or us to /ome to "ou e5/e1t in the sa/red months, Thus dire/t us to a /lear /ommand2 about whi/h we should in0orm 1eo1le beside us and b" whi/h we ma" enter hea-en, He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: I /ommand "ou to do 0our deeds and 0orbid "ou to do 0our (a/ts)2 and added: I dire/t "ou to a00irm belie0 in Allah alone2 and then as6ed them: 9o "ou 6now what belie0 in Allah reall" im1liesD The" said: Allah and His 6now best, The @ro1het said: It im1lies testimon" to the 0a/t that there is no .od but Allah2 and that Muhammad is the o0 Allah2 establishment o0 1ra"er2 1a"ment o0 Ga6at2 0ast o0 Aamadan2 that "ou 1a" one-0i0th o0 the boot" (0allen to "our lot) and I 0orbid "ou to use .ourd2 wine jar2 or a re/e1ta/le 0or wine, Shu:ba sometimes narrated the word naqir (wooden 1ot) and sometimes narrated it as muqa""ar, The Hol" @ro1het also said: >ee1 it in "our mind and in0orm those who ha-e been le0t behind,


$2 !umber


There is another hadith narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Abbas (the /ontents o0 whi/h are similar to the one) narrated b" Shu:ba in whi/h the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I 0orbid "ou to 1re1are nabidh in a .ourd2 hollowed blo/6 o0 wood2 a -arnished jar or re/e1ta/le, Ibn Mu:adh made this addition on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that the o0 Allah said to Ashajj2 o0 the tribe o0 :Abdul-Eais: Kou 1ossess two qualities whi/h are li6ed b" Allah: and deliberateness,


$2 !umber


It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Eatada that one amon. the dele.ates o0 the :Abdul-Eais tribe narrated this tradition to him, Sa:id said that Eatada had mentioned the name o0 Abu !adra on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id >hudri who narrated this tradition: That 1eo1le 0rom the- tribe o0 :Abdul-Eais /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 we belon. to the tribe o0 Aabi:a and there li-e between "ou and us the unbelie-ers o0 the Mudar tribe and we 0ind it im1ossible to /ome to "ou e5/e1t in the sa/red monthsB dire/t us to a deed whi/h we must /om)# & $#


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muni/ate to those who ha-e been le0t behind us and b" doin. whi/h we ma" enter hea-en, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I enjoin u1on "ou 0our (thin.s) and 0orbid "ou to do 0our (thin.s): worshi1 Allah and asso/iate none with Him2 establish 1ra"er2 1a" Ga6at2 and obser-e the 0ast o0 Aamadan2 and 1a" the 0i0th 1art out o0 the boot", And I 1rohibit "ou 0rom 0our (thin.s): dr" .ourds2 .reen-/oloured jars2 hollowed stum1s o0 1alm-trees2 and re/e1ta/les, The" (the members o0 the dele.ation) said: 9o "ou 6now what al-naqir isD He re1lied: Kes2 it is a stum1 whi/h "ou hollow out and in whi/h "ou throw small dates, Sa:id said: He (the Hol" @ro1het) used the word tamar (dates), (The Hol" @ro1het then added): Then "ou s1rin6le water o-er it and when its ebullition subsides2 "ou drin6 it (and "ou are so into5i/ated) that one "ou2 or one them (the other members o0 "our tribe2 who were not 1resent there) stri6es his /ousin with the sword, He (the narrator) said: There was a man us who had sustained injur" on this -er" a//ount due to (into5i/ation)2 and he told that he tried to /on/eal it out o0 shame 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I2 howe-er2 inquired 0rom the o0 Allah (it we dis/ard those utensils whi/h "ou ha-e 0orbidden us to use)2 then what t"1e o0 -essels should be used 0or drin6D He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: In the waters6in the mouths o0 whi/h are tied (with a strin.), The" (a.ain) said: @ro1het o0 Allah2 our land abounds in rats and water-s6ins /annot remain 1reser-ed, The hol" @ro1het o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (9rin6 in water-s6ins) e-en i0 these arenibbled b" rats, And then (addressin.) al-Ashajj o0 :Abdul-Eais he said: <eril"2 "ou 1ossess two su/h qualities whi/h Allah lo-es: and deliberateness,


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Said al->hudri that when the dele.ation o0 the tribe o0 Abdul-Eais /ame to the @ro1het o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 (its members) said: A1ostle o0 Allah2 ma" Hod enable us to la" down our li-es 0or "ou2 whi/h be-era.e is .ood 0or usD He (the @ro1het) said: (!ot to s1ea6 o0 be-era.es2 I would la" stress) that "ou should not drin6 in the wine jars, The" said: A1ostle o0 Allah2 ma" Hod enable us to la" down our li-es 0or "ou2 do "ou 6now what al-naqir isD He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: Kes2 it is a stum1 whi/h "ou hollow out in the middle2 and added: 9o not use .ourd or re/e1ta/le (0or drin6), Use water-s6in the mouth o0 whi/h is tied with a thon. (0or this 1ur1ose),

'ha1ter #: 'allin. 1eo1le to testi0i/ations and the /anons o0 Islam

7oo6 $2 !umber 2%:
It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas that Mu:adh said: The o0 Allah sent me (as a .o-ernor o0 Kemen) and (at the time o0 de1arture) instru/ted me thus: Kou will soon 0ind "oursel0 in
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a /ommunit" one amon. the 1eo1le o0 the 7oo62 so 0irst /all them to testi0" that there is no .od but Allah2 that I (Muhammad) am the o0 Allah2 and i0 the" a//e1t this2 then tell them Allah has enjoined u1on them 0i-e 1ra"ers durin. the da" and the and i0 the" a//e1t it2 then tell them that Allah has made Ga6at obli.ator" 0or them that it should be /olle/ted 0rom the ri/h and distributed amon. the 1oor2 and i0 the" a.ree to it don:t 1i/6 u1 (as a share o0 Ga6at) the best o0 their wealths, 7eware o0 the su11li/ation o0 the o11ressed 0or there is no barrier between him and Allah,


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent Mu:adh towards Kemen (as .o-ernor) he said to him: <eril" "ou would rea/h a /ommunit" o0 the 1eo1le o0 the 7oo62 the -er" 0irst thin. to whi/h "ou should /all them is the worshi1 o0 Allah2 ma" His Hlor" be Ma.ni0i/ent2 and when the" be/ome 0ull" aware o0 Allah2 instru/t them that He has enjoined 0i-e 1ra"ers on them durin. the da" and the ni.ht2 and when the obser-in. it2 then instru/t them that -eril" Allah has made Ga6at obli.ator" 0or them whi/h would be /olle/ted 0rom the wealth" them and distributed to their need" ones2 and when the" submit to it2 then /olle/t it 0rom them and a-oid (the tem1tation) o0 sele/tin. the best (items) o0 their ri/hes,

'ha1ter ;: 'ommand 0or 0i.htin. a.ainst the 1eo1le so lon. as th" do not 1ro0ess that what ist no .od but Allah and Muhammad is his
7oo6 $2 !umber 2;:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) breathed his last and Abu 7a6r was a11ointed as his su//essor ('ali1h)2 those the Arabs who wanted to be/ome a1ostates be/ame a1ostates, :Umar b, >hattab said to Abu 7a6r: ?h" would "ou a.ainst the 1eo1le2 when the o0 Allah de/lared: I ha-e been dire/ted to a.ainst 1eo1le so lon. as the" do not sa": There is no .od but Allah2 and he who 1ro0essed it was .ranted 0ull 1rote/tion o0 his 1ro1ert" and li0e on m" behal0 e5/e1t 0or a ri.htD His (other) a00airs rest with Allah, U1on this Abu 7a6r said: 7" Allah2 I would de0initel" a.ainst him who se-ered 1ra"er 0rom Ga6at2 0or it is the obli.ation u1on the ri/h, 7" Allah2 I would a.ainst them e-en to se/ure the /ord (used 0or hobblin. the 0eet o0 a /amel) whi/h the" used to .i-e to the o0 Allah (as 8a6at) but now the" ha-e withheld it, Umar b, >hattab remar6ed: 7" Allah2 I 0ound nothin. but the 0a/t that Allah had o1ened the heart o0 Abu 7a6r 0or (1er/ei-in. the justi0i/ation o0) 0i.htin. (a.ainst those who re0used to 1a" Ga6at) and I 0ull" re/o.ni8ed that the (stand o0 Abu 7a6r) was,

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$2 !umber

4 :

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah said: I ha-e been /ommanded to a.ainst 1eo1le so lon. as the" do not de/lare that there is no .od but Allah2 and he who 1ro0essed it was .uaranteed the 1rote/tion o0 his 1ro1ert" and li0e on m" behal0 e5/e1t 0or the a00airs rest with Allah,


$2 !umber


It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that he heard the o0 Allah sa": I ha-e been /ommanded to a.ainst 1eo1le2 till the" testi0" to the 0a/t that there is no .od but Allah2 and belie-e in me (that) I am the (0rom the Lord) and in all that I ha-e, And when the" do it2 their blood and ri/hes are .uaranteed 1rote/tion on m" behal0 e5/e1t where it is justi0ied b" law2 and their a00airs rest with Allah,


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir that the o0 Allah said: I ha-e been /ommanded that I should a.ainst 1eo1le till the" de/lare that there is no .od but Allah2 and when the" 1ro0ess it that there is no .od but Allah2 their blood and ri/hes are .uaranteed 1rote/tion on m" behal0 e5/e1t where it is justi0ied b" law2 and their a00airs rest with Allah2 and then he (the Hol" @ro1het) re/ited (this -erse o0 the Hol" Eur:an):C Thou art not o-er them a wardenC (l555-iii2 22),


$2 !umber


It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah b, :Umar that the o0 Allah said: I ha-e been /ommanded to a.ainst 1eo1le till the" testi0" that there is no .od but Allah2 that Muhammad is the o0 Allah2 and the" establish 1ra"er2 and 1a" Ga6at and i0 the" do it2 their blood and 1ro1ert" are .uaranteed 1rote/tion on m" behal0 e5/e1t when justi0ied b" law2 and their a00airs rest with Allah,


$2 !umber


It Is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Mali6: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": He who 1ro0essed that there is no .od but Allah and made a denial o0 e-er"thin. whi/h the 1eo1le worshi1 beside Allah2 his 1ro1ert" and blood be/ame in-iolable2 an their a00airs rest with Allah,

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$2 !umber


Abu Mali6 narrated on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that he heard the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": He who held belie0 in the unit" o0 Allah2 and then narrated what has been stated abo-e,

'ha1ter $ : He who a//e1ts Islam at the death-bed2 be0ore the a/tual a.on" o0 death2 is a muslim, It is 0orbidden to su11li/ate blessin.s 0or the 1ol"theists, He who dies as a 1ol"theist is one amon. the deni8ens o0 hell and no means would be e00e/ti-e enou.h to .et him out o0 that
7oo6 $2 !umber 4):

It is re1orted b" Sa:id b, Musa""ib who narrated it on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (Musa""ib b, Ha8m) that when Abu Talib was about to die2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to him and 0ound with him Abu Fahl (:Amr b, Hisham) and :Abdullah b, Abi Uma""a ibn al-Mu.hirah, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: M" un/le2 "ou just ma6e a 1ro0ession that there is no .od but Allah2 and I will bear testimon" be0ore Allah (o0 "our bein. a belie-er)2 Abu Fahl and :Abdullah b, Abi Uma""a addressin. him said: Abu Talib2 would "ou abandon the reli.ion o0 :Abdul-MuttalibD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /onstantl" requested him (to a//e1t his o00er)2 and (on the other hand) was re1eated the same statement (o0 Abu Fahl and :Abdullah b, Abi Uma""a) till Abu Talib .a-e his 0inal de/ision and be stu/6 to the reli.ion o0 :Abdul-Muttalib and re0used to 1ro0ess that there is no .od but Allah, U1on this the o0 Allah remar6ed: 7" Allah2 I will 1ersistentl" be. 1ardon 0or "ou till I am 0orbidden to do so (b" Hod)2 It was then that Allah2 the Ma.ni0i/ent and the Hlorious2 re-ealed this -erse: C It is not meet 0or the @ro1het and 0or those who belie-e that the" should be. 1ardon 0or the 1ol"theists2 e-en thou.h the" were their 6ith and 6in2 a0ter it had been made 6nown to them that the" were the deni8ens o0 HellC (i5, $$4) And it was said to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): C <eril" thou /anst not .uide to the 1ath whom thou lo-est, And it is Allah ?ho .uideth whom He will2 and He 6noweth best who are the .uidedC (55-iii2 +)),

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$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah said to his un/le at the time o0 his death: Ma6e a 1ro0ession o0 it that there is no .od but Allah and I will bear testimon" (o0 "our bein. a Muslim) on the 9a" o0 jud.ment, 7ut he (Abu Talib) re0used to do so, Then Allah re-ealed this -erse: C<eril" thou /anst not .uide to the 1ath whom thou lo-est, And it is Allah ?ho .uideth whom He will and He 6noweth best who are the .uidedC (55-iii, +)),


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah said to his un/le (at the time o0 his death): Ma6e a 1ro0ession o0 it that there is no .od but Allah and I will bear testimon" (o0 "our bein. a Muslim) on the 9a" o0 jud.ment, He (Abu Talib) said: ?ere it not the 0ear o0 the Eura"sh blamin. me (and) sa"in. that it was the 0ear o0 (a11roa/hin. death) that indu/ed me to do so2 I would ha-e /ertainl" deli.hted "our e"es, It was then that Allah re-ealed: C<eril" thou /anst not .uide to the 1ath whom thou lo-est, And it is Allah ?ho .uideth whom He will and He 6noweth best who are the .uidedC (55-iii-+)),

'ha1ter $$: He who meets his lord with im1li/it 0aith would enter hea-en and 0ire would be 0orbidden harm him
7oo6 $2 !umber 4;:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Uthman that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said, He who died 6nowin. (0ull" well) that there is no .od but Allah entered @aradise,


$2 !umber

* :

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Humran that he heard Uthman sa"in. this: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) utterin. these words (as stated abo-e),


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira: ?e were a//om1an"in. the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in a mar/h (towards Tabu6), He (the narrator) said: The 1ro-isions with the 1eo1le were almost de1leted, He (the narrator) said: (And the situation be/ame so /riti/al) that the" (the men o0
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the arm") de/ided to slau.hter some o0 their /amels, He (the narrator) said: U1on this Umar said: o0 Allah2 I wish that "ou should 1ool to.ether what has been le0t out o0 the 1ro-isions with the 1eo1le and then in-o6e (the blessin.s o0) Allah u1on it, He (the narrator) said: He (the Hol" @ro1het) did it a//ordin.l", He (the narrator) said: The one who had wheat in his 1ossession /ame there with wheat, He who had dates with him /ame there with dates, And Mujahid said: He who 1ossessed stones o0 dates /ame there with stones, I (the narrator) said: ?hat did the" do with the date-stones, The" said: The" (the 1eo1le) su/6ed them and then dran6 water o-er them, He (the narrator said): He (the Hol" @ro1het) in-o6ed the blessin.s (o0 Allah) u1on them (1ro-isions), He (the narrator) said: (And there was su/h a mira/ulous in/rease in the sto/6s) that the 1eo1le re1lenished their 1ro-isions 0ull", He (the narrator) said: At that time he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I bear testimon" to the 0a/t that there is no .od but Allah2 and I am His, The bondsman who would meet Allah without entertainin. an" doubt about these (two 0undamentals) would enter hea-en,


$2 !umber


It is narrated either on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira or that o0 Abu Sa:id >hudri, The narrator A:mash has narrated this hadith with a little bit o0 doubt (about the name o0 the -er" 0irst narrator who was in dire/t /onta/t with the Hol" @ro1het, He was either Abu Huraira or Abu Sa:id >hudri, 7oth are equall" reliable transmitters o0 the traditions), He (the narrator) said: 9urin. the time o0 Tabu6 e51edition2 the (1ro-isions) ran short and the men (o0 the arm") su00ered star-ationB the" said: o0 Allah2 would "ou 1ermit us to sla" our /amelsD ?e would eat them and use their 0at, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o as "ou 1lease, He (the narrator) said: Then :Umar /ame there and said: o0 Allah2 i0 "ou do that (i0 "ou .i-e "our /onsent and the men to sla" their /amels)2 the ridin. animals would be/ome short, 7ut (I would su..est "ou to) summon them alon. with the 1ro-isions le0t with them Then in-o6e Allah:s blessin.s on them (di00erent items o0 the 1ro-isions) It is ho1ed Allah shall bless them, The o0 Allah re1lied in the a00irmati-e, (the narrator) said: He /alled 0or a leather mat to be used as a table /loth and s1read it out, Then he /alled 1eo1le alon. with the remainin. 1ortions o0 their 1ro-isions, He (the narrator) said: Someone was /omin. with hand0ul o0 mote2 another was /omin. with a hand0ul o0 dates2 still another was /omin. with a 1ortion o0 bread2 till small quantities o0 these thin.s were /olle/ted on the table /loth, He (the narrator said): Then the o0 Allah in-o6ed blessin. (on them) and said: =ill "our utensils with these 1ro-isions, He (the narrator) said: The" 0illed their -essel to the brim with them2 and no one the arm" (whi/h /om1rised o0 4 2 1ersons) was le0t e-en with a sin.le em1t" -essel, He (the narrator) aid: The" ate to their 0ill2 and there was still a sur1lus, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) remar6ed: I bear testimon" that there is no .od but Allah and I am the o0 Allah, The man who meets his Lord without harborin. an" doubt about these two (truths) would ne-er be 6e1t awa" 0rom @aradise,

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It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Ubadah b, Samit that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: He who said:C There is no .od but Allah2 He is 3ne and there is no asso/iate with Him2 that Muhammad is his ser-ant and His messen.er2 that 'hrist is ser-ant and the son o0 His sla-e-.irl and he ('hrist) His word whi/h He /ommuni/ated to Mar" and is His S1irit2 that @aradise is a 0a/t and Hell is a 0a/t2C Allah would ma6e him (he who a00irms these truths enter @aradise throu.h an" one o0 its doors whi/h he would li6e,


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Umar b, Hani with the same /hain o0 transmitters with the e5/e1tion o0 these words: Allah would ma6e him (he who a00irms these truths) enter @aradise throu.h one o0 the doors whi/h he would li6e,


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Sunabihi that he went to Ubada b, Samit when he was about to die, I burst into tears, U1on this he said to me: Allow me some time (so that I ma" tal6 with "ou), ?h" do "ou wee1D 7" Allah2 i0 I am as6ed to bear witness2 I would /ertainl" testi0" 0or "ou (that "ou are a belie-er), Should I be as6ed to inter/ede2 I would /ertainl" inter/ede 0or "ou2 and i0 I ha-e the 1ower2 I would /ertainl" do .ood to "ou2 and then obser-ed: 7" Allah2 ne-er did I hear an"thin. 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whi/h /ould ha-e been a sour/e o0 bene0it to "ou and then not /on-e"ed it to "ou e5/e1t this sin.le hadith, That I intend to narrate to "ou toda"2 sin/e I am .oin. to breathe m" last, I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": He who testi0ies that there is no .od but Allah and that Muhammad is the o0 Allah2 Allah would 1rohibit the 0ire o0 Hell 0or him,


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Mu:adh b, Fabal: I was ridin. behind the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and there was nothin. between him and me but the rear 1art o0 the saddle2 when he said: Mu:adh b, Fabal: To whi/h I re1lied: At "our be/6 and /all2 and at "our 1leasure2 o0 AllahL He mo-ed alon. 0or a 0ew minutes2 when a.ain he said: Mu:adh b, Fabal: To whi/h I re1lied: At "our be/6 and /all2 and at "our 1leasure2 o0 AllahL He then a.ain mo-ed alon. 0or a 0ew minutes and said: Mu:adh b, Fabal: To whi/h I re1lied, At "our be/6 and /all2 and at "our 1leasure, o0 Allah He2 (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 9o "ou 6now what has Allah u1on His ser-antsD I said: Allah and His 6now best, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: <eril" the o0 Allah o-er His ser-ants is that the" should worshi1 Him2 not asso/iatin. an"thin. with Him, He (the Hol" @ro1het) with Mu:adh behind him2 mo-ed alon. 0or a 0ew minutes and said: Mu:adh b, Fabal: To whi/h I re1lied: At "our be/6 and /all2 and at "our 1leasure2 o0 AllahL He (the Hol" @ro1het) said:
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9o "ou 6now what ri.hts ha-e ser-ants u1on Allah in /ase the" do it (i, e, the" worshi1 Allah without asso/iatin. an"thin. with Him)D I (Mu:adh b, Fabal) re1lied: Allah and His 6now best, (U1on this) he (the Hol" @ro1het) remar6ed: That He would not torment them (with the 0ire o0 Hell),


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Mu:adh b, Fabal that he obser-ed: I was ridin. behind the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on an ass 6nown as :U0air, He (Mu:adh) obser-ed: He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Mu:adh2 do "ou 6now what has Allah o-er His bondsmen and what ha-e His bondsmen o-er HimD Mu:adh added: I re1lied: Allah and his 6now best, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het remar6ed: The o0 Allah o-er His bondsmen is that the" should worshi1 Allah and should not asso/iate an"thin. with Him2 and the o0 His bondsmen o-er Allah2 Hlorious and Sublime2 is that He does not 1unish him who asso/iates not an"thin. with Him, He (Mu:adh) added: I said to the o0 Allah: Should I then .i-e the tidin.s to the 1eo1leD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 9o not tell them this .ood news2 0or the" would trust in it alone,


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Mu:adh b, Fabal that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Mu:adh2 do "ou 6now the o0 Allah o-er His bondsmenD He (Mu:adh) said: Allah and His A1ostle 6now best, He (the o0 Allah) said: That Allah alone should be worshi11ed and nothin. should be asso/iated with Him, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hat ha-e the" (bondsmen) u1on Him in /ase the" do itD He (Mu:adh) said: Allah and His A1ostle 6now best, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: That He would not 1unish them,


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Aswad b, Hilal that he heard Mu:adh sa" this: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled2 me and I re1lied to him, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 9o "ou 6now the o0 Allah u1on the 1eo1leD and then 0ollowed the hadith (mentioned abo-e),


$2 !umber

+ :

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira: ?e were sittin. around the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him), Abu 7a6r and Umar were also there amon. the audien/e, In the meanwhile the o0 Allah .ot u1 and le0t us2 He dela"ed in /omin. ba/6 to us2 whi/h /aused an5iet" that he be atta/6ed b" some enem" when we were not with himB so bein. alarmed we .ot u1, I was the 0irst to be alarmed, I2 there0ore2 went out to loo6 0or the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) and /ame to a .arden to the 7anu an-!ajjar2 a se/tion o0 the Ansar went round it loo6in. 0or a .ate but 0ailed to 0ind one, Seein. a rabi: (i, e, stre%) & $#


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amlet) 0lowin. into the .arden 0rom a well outside2 drew m"sel0 to.ether2 li6e a 0o52 and slin6ed into (the 1la/e) where Hod:s was, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Is it Abu HurairaD I (Abu Huraira) re1lied: Kes2 o0 Allah, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hat is the matter with "ouD re1lied: Kou were us but .ot u1 and went awa" and dela"ed 0or a time2 so 0earin. that "ou be atta/6ed b" some enem" when we were not with "ou2 we be/ame alarmed, I was the 0irst to be alarmed, So when I /ame to this .arden2 I drew m"sel0 to.ether as a 0o5 does2 and these 1eo1le are 0ollowin. me, He addressed me as Abu Huraira and .a-e me his sandals and said: Ta6e awa" these sandals o0 mine2 and when "ou meet an"one outside this .arden who testi0ies that there is no .od but Allah2 bein. assured o0 it in his heart2 .ladden him b" announ/in. that he shall .o to @aradise, !ow the 0irst one I met was Umar, He as6ed: ?hat are these sandals2 Abu HurairaD I re1lied: These are the sandals o0 the o0 Allah with whi/h he has sent me to .ladden an"one I meet who testi0ies that there is no .od but Allah2 bein. assured o0 it in his heart2 with the announ/ement that he would .o to @aradise, Thereu1on :Umar stru/6 me on the breast and I 0ell on m" ba/6, He then said: Ho ba/62 Abu Huraira2 So I returned to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and was about to brea6 into tears, :Umar 0ollowed me /losel" and there he was behind me, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be on him) said: ?hat is the matter with "ou2 Abu HurairaD I said: I ha11ened to meet :Umar and /on-e"ed to him the messa.e with whi/h "ou sent me, He stru/6 me on m" breast whi/h made me 0all down u1on m" ba/6 and ordered me to .o ba/6, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hat 1rom1ted "ou to do this2 :UmarD He said: o0 Allah2 m" mother and 0ather be sa/ri0i/ed to thee2 did "ou send Abu Huraira with "our sandals to .ladden an"one he met and who testi0ied that there is no .od but Allah2 and bein. assured o0 it in his heart2 with the tidin.s that he would .o to @aradiseD He said: Kes, Umar said: @lease do it not2 0or I am a0raid that 1eo1le will trust in it aloneB let them .o on doin. (.ood) deeds, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ell2 let them,


$2 !umber


It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that the @ro1het o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) addressed Mu:adh b, Fabal as he was ridin. behind him to whi/h he re1lied: At th" be/6 and /all2 and at th" 1leasure2 o0 Allah, He a.ain /alled out: Mu:adh2 to whi/h he (a.ain) re1lied: At th" be/6 and /all2 and at th" 1leasure, He (the Hol" @ro1het) addressed him (a.ain): Mu:adh2 to whi/h he re1lied: At th" be/6 and /all2 and at th" 1leasure2 o0 Allah, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed: I0 an"one testi0ies (sin/erel" 0rom his heart) that there is no .od but Allah2 and that Muhammad is His bondsman and His messen.er2 Allah immuned him 0rom Hell, He (Mu:adh) said: o0 Allah2 should I not then in0orm 1eo1le o0 it2 so that the" ma" be o0 .ood /heerD He re1lied: Then the" would trust in it alone, Mu:adh told about it at the time o0 his death2 to a-oid sinnin.,

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It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Itban b, Mali6 that he /ame to Medina and said: Somethin. had .one wron. with m" e", I2 there0ore2 sent (a messa.e to the Hol" @ro1het): <eril" it is m" ardent desire that "ou should 6indl" .ra/e m" house with "our 1resen/e and obser-e 1ra"er there so2 that I should ma6e that /orner a 1la/e o0 worshi1, He said: The @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame there2 and those the 'om1anions whom Allah willed also a//om1anied him, He entered (m" 1la/e) and o00ered 1ra"er at m" residen/e and his 'om1anions to tal6 themsel-es (and this /on-ersation Med round h"1o/rites)2 and then the /ons1i/uous one2 Mali6 b, 9u6hshum was made the and the" wished that he (the Hol" @ro1het) should /urse him and he should die or he should meet some /alamit", In the meanwhile the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) /om1leted his 1ra"er and said: 9oes Mali6 b, 9u6hshum not testi0" the 0a/t that there is no .od but Allah and -eril" I am the o0 Allah, The" re1lied: He ma6es a 1ro0ession o0 it (no doubt) but does not do it out o0 (sin/ere) heart, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: He who testi0ies that there is no .od but Allah and I am the o0 Allah would not enter Hell or its (0lames) would not /onsume him, Anas said: This hadith im1ressed me -er" mu/h and I told m" son to write it down,


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas that :Itban b, Mali6 told him that he be/ame blind, He sent a messa.e to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he should /ome and mar6 a 1la/e o0 worshi1 0or him, Thereu1on /ame the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his 1eo1le and then there was a dis/ussion amon. them about a man who was 6nown as Mali6 b, 9u6hshum2 and subsequentl" the narrator des/ribed the hadith o0 Sulaiman b, Mu.hira as stated abo-e,

'ha1ter $2: He relished the 0la-or o0 iman who was 1leased with Allah as his lord
7oo6 $2 !umber +*:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abbas b, :Abdul-Muttalib that he heard the o0 Allah sa"in.: He relished the 0la-or o0 0aith (Iman) who be/ame the boo6 o0 0aith 1leased with Allah as Lord2 with al-Islam as the /ode o0 li0e and with Muhammad as the (o0 Allah),

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'ha1ter $4: 'on/ernin. the bran/hes o0 iman

7oo6 $2 !umber ++:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Iman has o-er se-ent" bran/hes2 and modest" is a bran/h o0 Iman,


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) said: =aith has o-er se-ent" bran/hes or o-er si5t" bran/hes2 the most e5/ellent o0 whi/h is the de/laration that there is no .od but Allah2 and the humblest o0 whi/h is the2 remo-al o0 what is injurious 0rom the 1ath: and modest" is the bran/h o0 0aith,


$2 !umber


Salim re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) heard a man instru/tion his brother about modest", U1on this the @ro1het remar6ed: Modest" is an in.redient o0 Iman (0aith),


$2 !umber


Guhri has narrated this hadith with the addition o0 these words: He (the Hol" @ro1het) ha11ened to 1ass b" a mass o0 Ansar who was instru/tin. his brother (about modest"),


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Imran b, Husain that the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) said: Modest" brin.s 0orth nothin. but .oodness, 7ushair b, >a:b said: It is re/orded in the boo6s o0 wisdom2 there lies sobriet" in it and /almness o0 mind in it2 Imran said: I am narratin. to "ou the tradition o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) and "ou tal6 o0 "our boo6s,


$2 !umber

) :

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Eatada, ?e were sittin. with :Imran b, Husain in a /om1an" and 7ushair ibn >a:b was also us, :Imran narrated to us that on a /ertain o//asion the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) said: Modest" is a -irtue throu.h and throu.h2 or said: Modest" is a .oodness /om1lete, U1on this 7ushair ibn >a:b said: <eril" we 0ind in /ertain boo6s or boo6s o0 (wisdom) that it is Hod-ins1ired 1ea/e o0 mind or sobriet" 0or the sa6e o0 Allah

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and there is also a wea6ness in it, Imran was so mu/h enra.ed that his e"es be/ame red and he said: I am narratin. to "ou the hadith o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and "ou are /ontradi/tin. it, He (the narrator) said: Imran re1orted the hadith2 He (the narrator) said: 7ushair re1eated2 (the same thin.), Imran was enra.ed, He (the narrator) said: ?e asserted: <eril" 7ushair is one us, Abu !ujaidL There is nothin. wron.2 with him (7ushair),


$2 !umber


Ishaq b, Ibrahim narrates this hadith o0 the Hol" @ro1het on the authorit" o0 Imran b, Husain2 li6e the one narrated b" Hammad b, Gaid,

'ha1ter $*: 'on/ernin. the /om1rehensi-e attributes o0 Islam

7oo6 $2 !umber )2:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Su0"an b, :Abdulla al-Thaqa0i that he said: I as6ed the o0 Allah to tell me about Islam a thin. whi/h dis1ense with the ne/essit" o0 m" as6in. an"bod" a0ter "ou, In the hadith o0 Abu Usama the (words) are: other than "ou, He (the Hol" @ro1het) remar6ed: Sa" I a00irm m" 0aith in Allah and then remain stead0ast to it,

'ha1ter $+: 'on/ernin. the (minen/e o0 Islam and o0 the a00air whi/h are e5/ellent
7oo6 $2 !umber )4:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, :Amr that a man as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) whi/h o0 the merits (is su1erior) in Islam, He (the Hol" @ro1het) remar6ed: That "ou 1ro-ide 0ood and e5tend .reetin.s to one whom "ou 6now or do not 6now,


$2 !umber


:Abdullah b, Amr b, al-As is re1orted to ha-e said: <eril" a 1erson as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) who the Muslims was better, U1on this (the Hol" @ro1het) remar6ed: =rom whose hand and ton.ue the Muslims are sa0e,

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$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir that he heard the (Hol" @ro1het) sa": A Muslim is he 0rom whose hand and ton.ue the Muslim:s are sa0e,


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Musa Ash:ari: I as6ed the o0 Allah whi/h (attribute) o0 Islam is more e5/ellent, U1on this he remar6ed: 3ne in whi/h the Muslims are sa0e2 1rote/ted 0rom the ton.ue and hand o0 (other Muslims), Ibrahim b, Sa:id al-Fauhari has narrated this hadith with the same words in addition to these, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) was as6ed as to who the Muslims is better2 and the rest o0 the hadith was narrated li6e this,

'ha1ter $): 'on/erin. the attributes b" whi/h one .ets the relish o0 iman
7oo6 $2 !umber )%:
It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Anas that the @ro1het o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him ) said: There are three qualities 0or whi/h an"one who is /hara/terised b" them will relish the sweetness o0 0aith: he to whom Allah and His are dearer than all elseB he who lo-es a man 0or Allah:s sa6e aloneB and he who has as .reat an abhorren/e o0 returnin. to unbelie0 a0ter Allah has res/ued him 0rom it as he has o0 bein. /ast into Hell,


$2 !umber


It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Anas that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There are three qualities 0or whi/h an" one who is /hara/terised b" them will relish the sa-our o0 0aith: that he lo-es man and he does not lo-e him but 0or Allah:s sa6e aloneB he is to whom Allah and His are dearer than all elseB he who 1re0ers to be thrown into 0ire than to return to unbelie0 a0ter Allah has res/ued him out o0 it,


$2 !umber


A similar hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Anas (with another /hain o0 transmitters) with the e5/e1tion o0 these words: that he a.ain be/omes a Few or a 'hristian,

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'ha1ter $%: It is obli.ator" to to lo-e the 1ro1het more tan the members o0 one:s household: 3ne:s /hild2 0ather or e-en the whole o0 humanit"
7oo6 $2 !umber % :
It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Anas that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !o bondsman belie-es2 and2 in the hadith narrated b" Abdul ?arith2 no 1erson belie-es2 till I am dearer to him than the members o0 his household2 his wealth and the whole o0 man6ind,


$2 !umber


It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that the o0 Allah said: !one o0 "ou is a belie-er till I am dearer to him than his /hild2 his 0ather and the whole o0 man6ind,

'ha1ter $#: 'on/ernin. the 0a/t that it is one o0 the /hara/teristi/s o0 iman that one should li6e the same thin. 0or one:s brother-in-Islam as one li6es 0or one:s sel0
7oo6 $2 !umber %2:
It is arrested on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) obser-ed: one "ou belie-es (trul") till one li6es 0or his brother or 0or his nei.hbour that whi/h he lo-es 0or himsel0,


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas that the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e blessin.s be u1on him) obser-ed: 7" Him in whose Hand is m" li0e2 no2 bondsman (trul") belie-es till he li6es 0or his nei.hbour2 or he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 0or his brother2 whate-er he li6es 0or himsel0,

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

'ha1ter $;: 'on/ernin. the 1rohibition to harm nei.hbour

7oo6 $2 !umber %*:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin. be u1on him) obser-ed: He will not enter @aradise whose nei.hbour is not se/ure 0rom his wron.0ul /ondu/t,

'ha1ter 2 : 'on/ernin. e5hortation to a//ord honour and res1e/t to the nei.hbour and to the .uest and obli.ation to obser-e silen/e e51e/t in .oodness2 and all these qualities /ome within the orbit o0 iman
7oo6 $2 !umber %+:
It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: He who belie-es in Allah and the Last 9a" should either utter .ood words or better 6ee1 silen/eB and he who belie-es in Allah and the Last 9a" should treat his nei.hbour with 6indness and he who belie-es in Allah and the Last 9a" should show hos1italit" to his .uest,


$2 !umber


It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) obser-ed: He who belie-es in Allah and the Last 9a" does not harm is nei.hbour2 and he who belie-es in Allah and the Last 9a" shows hos1italit" to his .uest and he who belie-es in Allah and the Last 9a" s1ea6s .ood or remains silent,


$2 !umber


Another hadith similar to one narrated (abo-e) b" Abu Husain is also re1orted b" Abu Huraira with the e5/e1tion o0 these words: He (the @ro1het) said: He should do .ood to the nei.hbour,

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Shuraih al->hu8ai: that the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s o0 Allah be u1on him) obser-ed: He who belie-es in Allah and the Last 9a" should do .ood to his nei.hbour and he who belie-es in Allah and the Last 9a" should show hos1italit" to the .uest and he who belie-es in Allah and the Last 9a" should either s1ea6 .ood or better remain silent,

'ha1ter 2$: 'on/ernin. the 0a/ts that interdi/tion a.ainst abominable is a 1art o0 0aith2 that 0aith in/reases and diminihesB (njoinin. that whi/h is .ood and 0orbiddin. that whi/h is abominable are obli.ator" (a/ts)
7oo6 $2 !umber %;:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Tariq b, Shihab: It was Marwan who initiated (the 1ra/ti/e) o0 deli-erin. 6hutbah (address) be0ore the 1ra"er on the :Id da", A man stood u1 and said: @ra"er should 1re/ede 6hutbah, He (Marwan) remar6ed2 This (1ra/ti/e) has been done awa" with, U1on this Abu Sa:id remar6ed: This man has 1er0ormed (his dut") laid on him, I heard the o0 Allah as sa"in.: He who "ou sees somethin. abominable should modi0" it with the hel1 o0 his handB and i0 he has not enou.h to do it2 then he should do it with his ton.ue2 and i0 he has not enou.h to do it2 (e-en) then he should (abhor it) 0rom his heart2 and that is the least o0 0aith,


$2 !umber

# :

The same hadith o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) has been re1orted b" Abu Sa:id al->hudri in /onne/tion with the stor" o0 Marwan,


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" :Abdullah b, Mas:ud that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) obser-ed: !e-er a @ro1het had been sent be0ore me b" Allah towards his nation who had not amon. his 1eo1le (his) dis/i1les and /om1anions who 0ollowed his wa"s and obe"ed his /ommand, Then there /ame a0ter them their su//essors who said whate-er the" did not 1ra/tise2 and 1ra/tised whate-er the" were not /ommanded to do, He who stro-e a.ainst them with

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

his hand was a belie-er: he who stro-e a.ainst them with his ton.ue was a belie-er2 and he who stro-e a.ainst them with his heart was a belie-er and be"ond that there is no 0aith e-en to the e5tent o0 a mustard seed, Abu Aa0i: said: I narrated this hadith to :Abdullah b, :UmarB he /ontradi/ted me, There ha11ened to /ome :Abdullah b, Mas:ud who sta"ed at Eanat2 and :Abdullah b :Umar wanted me to a//om1an" him 0or -isitin. him (as :Abdullah b, Mas:ud was ailin.)2 so I went alon. with him and as we sat (be0ore him) I as6ed Ibn Mas:ud about this hadith, He narrated it in the same wa" as I narrated it to Ibn :Umar,


$2 !umber


The same hadith has been transmitted b" another /hain o0 narrators on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, Mas:ud who observed: !e-er was there one amon. the 1ro1hets who had had not dis/i1les who 0ollowed his dire/tion and 0ollowed his wa"s, The remainin. 1art o0 the hadith is li6e that as narrated b" Salih but the arri-al o0 Ibn Mas:ud and the meetin. o0 Ibn :Umar with him is not mentioned,

'ha1ter 22: @re/eden/e o0 the belie-ers o-er one another and the su1eriorit" o0 the 1eo1le o0 "emen in this res1e/t
7oo6 $2 !umber #4:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Mas:ud that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) 1ointed towards Kemen with his hand and said: <eril" Iman is towards this side2 and harshness and /allousness o0 the hearts is 0ound the rude owners o0 the /amels who dri-e them behind their tails (to the dire/tion) where emer.e the two horns o0 Satan2 the" are the tribes o0 Aabi:a and Mudar,


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah obser-ed: There ha-e /ome the 1eo1le o0 KemenB the" are tender o0 hearts2 the belie0 is that o0 the Kemenites2 the understandin. (o0 the 0aith) is that o0 the Kemenites and sa.a/it" is that o0 the Kemenites,


$2 !umber


Abu Huraira re1orted the same hadith whi/h is transmitted to us b" another /hain o0 transmitters2 e, ., Muhammad b, al-Muthanna2 Ishaq b, Kusu0 A8raq2 Ibn :Aun2 et/,

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber


Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) obser-ed: There /ame to "ou the 1eo1le 0rom KemenB the" are tender o0 hearts and mild o0 0eelin.s2 the understandin. is Kemenite2 the sa.a/it" is Kemenite,


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) remar6ed: The summit o0 unbelie0 is towards the (ast and the 1ride and /on/eitedness is 0ound amon. the owners o0 horses and /amels who are rude and un/i-il2 1eo1le o0 the tents2 and tranquillit" is 0ound amon. those who rear .oats and shee1,


$2 !umber


It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) obser-ed: The belie0 is amon. the Kemenites2 and the unbelie0 is towards the (ast2 and tranquillit" is amon. those who rear .oats and shee12 and 1ride and simulation is amon. the un/i-il and rude owners o0 horses and /amels,


$2 !umber


It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira: I heard the o0 Allah sa"in. this: @ride and /on/eitedness is 0ound amon. the un/i-il owners o0 the /amels and tranquillit" is 0ound amon. the owners o0 shee1 and .oats,


$2 !umber

; :

The same hadith has been narrated b" Guhri with the same /hain o0 authorities with the addition: The belie0 is amon. the Kemenites2 the sa.a/it" is that o0 the Kemenites,


$2 !umber


Abu Huraira said: I heard the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) sa"in.: There /ame the 1eo1le o0 Kemen2 the" are tender o0 0eelin.s and mee6 o0 hearts, The belie0 is that o0 the Kemenites2 the sa.a/it" is that o0 the Kemenites2 the tranquillit" is amon. the owners o0 .oats and shee12 and 1ride and /on/eitedness is amon. the un/i-il owners o0 the /amels2 the 1eo1le o0 the tents in the dire/tion o0 sunrise,

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber


It is re1orter on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) obser-ed: There /ame the 1eo1le o0 Kemen who are so0t o0 hearts2 tender in 0eelin.s: the belie0 is that o0 the Kemenites2 the sa.a/it" is that o0 the Kemenites and the summit o0 unbelie0 is towards the (ast,


$2 !umber


Eutaiba b, Sa:id and Gubair b, Harb sa": Farir narrated this on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 narrators (as mentioned abo-e),


$2 !umber


Shu:ba narrated the hadith as re1orted b" Farir with the same /hain o0 narrators with this addition: @ride and /on/eitedness is amon. the owners o0 the /amels and tranquillit" and sobriet" is 0ound the owners o0 shee1,


$2 !umber


It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, Abdullah that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and2 blessin.s be u1on him) obser-ed: The /allousness o0 heart and sternness is in the (ast and 0aith is amon. the 1eo1le o0 the Hija8,

'ha1ter 24: 'on/ernin. the 0a/t that no one will enter 1aradise e51e/t belie-ers2 that lo-e 0or belie-ers is (a /hara/teristi/ 0eature o0) 0aith and .i-in. /urren/" to (the 1ra/tise o0 1a"in. salutation b" sa"in.) As-Salamu:Alei6um (1ea/e be u1on "ou) is the means to a/hie-e it (0aith)
7oo6 $2 !umber ;):
Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin. be u1on him) obser-ed: Kou shall not enter @aradise so lon. as "ou do not a00irm belie0 (in all those thin.s whi/h are the arti/les o0 0aith) and "ou will not belie-e as lon. as "ou do not lo-e one another, Should I not dire/t
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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

"ou to a thin. whi/h2 i0 "ou do2 will 0oster lo-e "ou: (i, e,) .i-e /urren/" to (the 1ra/ti/e o0 1a"in. salutation to one another b" sa"in.) as-salamu alai6um,


$2 !umber


Guhair b, Harb said: Farir re1orted on the authorit" o0 A:mash with this /hain o0 transmitters that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: 7" him in ?hose hand is m" li0e2 "ou shall not enter @aradise unless "ou belie-e, The rest o0 the hadith is the same as narrated b" Abd Mu:awi"a and ?a6i:,

'ha1ter 2*: 9in is sin/erit" and .ood-will

7oo6 $2 !umber ;#:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Tamim ad-9ari that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) obser-ed: Al-9in is a name o0 sin/erit" and well wishin., U1on this we said: =or whomD He re1lied: =or Allah2 His 7oo62 His and 0or the leaders and the .eneral Muslims,


$2 !umber


Muhammad b, Hatim and others narrate the same hadith o0 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) on the authorit" o0 Tamim ad-9ari,


$2 !umber $

Uma""a b, 7istam narrates the same hadith o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) on the authorit" o0 Tamim ad-9ari,


$2 !umber $ $:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Farir that he obser-ed I .a-e 1led.e o0 alle.ian/e to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) on the obser-an/e o0 1ra"er2 1a"ment o0 Ga6at2 and sin/erit" and well-wishin. 0or e-er" Muslim,


$2 !umber $ 2:

Su0"an narrated on the authorit" o0 Gi"ad b, :Ilaqa that he heard Farir b, :Abdullah sa"in.: I 1led.ed alle.ian/e to the A1ostle o0 Allah ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) on sin/erit" and wellwishin. 0or e-er" Muslim,

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber $ 4:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Farir that he obser-ed: I owed alle.ian/e to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) on hearin. ( is /ommands) and obe"in. (them) and the @ro1het) instru/ted me (to a/t) as la" in m" 1ower2 and sin/erit" and .oodwill 0or e-er" Muslim,

'ha1ter 2+: 'on/ernin. diminution o0 belie0 due to sins and its se1aration 0rom the sinner: !e.ation o0 the e5/ellen/e o0 iman at the time o0 /ommittin. sin
7oo6 $2 !umber $ *:
Abu Huraira re1orted that the o0 Allah obser-ed: The 0orni/ator who 0orni/ates is not a belie-er so lon. as he /ommits it and no thie0 who steals is a belie-er as lon. as he /ommits the0t2 and no drun6ard who drin6s wine is a belie-er as lon. as he drin6s it, :Abdul-Mali6 b, Abi 7a6r: narrated this on the authorit" o0 Abu 7a6r b, Abdur-Aahman b, Harith and then said: Abu Huraira made this addition: !o 1lunderer who 1lunders a -aluable thin. that attra/ts the attention o0 1eo1le is a belie-er so lon. as he /ommits this a/t,


$2 !umber $ +:

:Abdul-Mali6 b, Shu:aib narrated this hadith on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that he obser-ed: The o0 Allah said that a 0orni/ator does not 0orni/ate2 and then narrated the hadith li6e this2 and he also made mention o0 1lunderin. too2 but did not mention o0 a thin ha-in. -alue, Ibn Shihab said: Sa:id b, al-Musa""ib and Abu Salama narrated this hadith on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira a hadith li6e that o0 Abu 7a6r with the e5/e1tion o0 (the mention) o0 1lunderin.,


$2 !umber $ ):

Muhammad b, Mihran narrates this hadith on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira and made mention o0 1lunderin. but did not tal6 o0 (a thin.) ha-in. -alue,


$2 !umber $ %:

Imam Muslim has re1orted this hadith b" Hasan b, :Ali al-Halwani and other traditions,

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber $ #:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Eutaiba b, Sa:id who re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira the hadith li6e that narrated 0rom Guhri with this e5/e1tion that in the hadith narrated b" :Ala : and Sa0wan b, Sulaim there is no mention o0: @eo1le raise there e"es towards him2 and in the hadith narrated b" Hammam: The belie-ers raise their e"es towards him2 and su/h li6e words2 so lon. as he 1lunders (is not) a belie-er2 and these words were added: And no e51loiter who ma6es an e51loitation is a belie-er as lon. as he e51loits ItB there0ore a-oid and shun (these e-ils),


$2 !umber $ ;:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira: A 0orni/ator who 0orni/ates is not a belie-er as lon. as he /ommits 0orni/ation2 and no one who steals is a belie-er as lon. as he /ommits the0t2 and no one who drin6s wine is a belie-er as lon. as he drin6s it2 and re1entan/e ma" be a//e1ted a0ter that,


$2 !umber $$ :

Muhammad b, Aa0i:2 Abdur-Aa88aq2 Su0"an2 A:mash narrated this hadith li6e one narrated b" Shu:ba2 on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira tra/in.2 it ( to the Hol" @ro1het),

'ha1ter 2): 'on/ernin. the 1e/uliarities o0 a h"1o/rite

7oo6 $2 !umber $$$:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah b, :Amr that the @ro1het obser-ed: =our /hara/teristi/s made an"one who 1ossessed them2 a sheer h"1o/riteB an"one who 1ossessed one o0 them 1ossessed a /hara/teristi/ o0 h"1o/ris" till be abandons it: when he tal6ed he lied2 when he made a /o-enant he a/ted trea/herousl"2 and when he quarreled he de-iated 0rom the truth,


$2 !umber $$2:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) said: Three are the si.ns o0 a h"1o/rite: when he s1o6e he told a lie2 when he made a 1romise he a/ted trea/herousl" a.ainst it2 when he was trusted he betra"ed,


$2 !umber $$4:

Abu Huraira re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) obser-ed: There are three /hara/teristi/s o0 a h"1o/rite: when he s1o6e he told a lie2 when he made 1romise he a/ted trea/herousl"2 and when he was trusted he betra"ed,

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber $$*:

:Uqba b, Mu6arram al-:Ami re1orted that he heard :Ala: b, :Abdur-Aahman narratin. this hadith with this /hain o0 transmitters and he said: Three are the si.ns o0 a h"1o/rite2 e-en i0 he obser-ed 0ast and 1ra"ed and asserted that he was a Muslim,


$2 !umber $$+:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s o0 Allah be u1on him) made obser-ations li6e them embodied in the hadith narrated b" Kah"a b, Muhammad on the authorit" o0 :Ala:2 and added to it: e-en i0 he obser-ed 0ast and 1ra"ed and asserted that he was a Muslim,

'ha1ter 2%: The /ondition o0 the 0aith o0 one who /alls his brother muslim an unbelie-er
7oo6 $2 !umber $$):
It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar that the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) obser-ed: ?hen a man /alls his brother an unbelie-er2 it returns (at least) to one o0 them,


$2 !umber $$%:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) said: An" 1erson who /alled his brother: or unbelie-er (has in 0a/t done an a/t b" whi/h this unbelie0) would return to one o0 them, I0 it were so2 as he asserted (then the unbelie0 o0 man was /on0irmed but i0 it was not true)2 then it returned to him (to the man who labeled it on his brother Muslim),

'ha1ter 2#: The /ondition o0 the 0aith o0 one who 6nowin.l" denies his true 1arenta.e
7oo6 $2 !umber $$#:
It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu 9harr that he heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) sa"in.: !o 1erson who /laimed 6nowin.l" an"one else as his 0ather besides (his own) /ommitted nothin. but in0idelit"2 and he who made a /laim o0 an"thin.2 whi/h (in 0a/t) did not belon. to him2 is not usB he should ma6e his abode in =ire2 and he who labeled
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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

an"one with unbelie0 or /alled him the enem" o0 Allah2 and he was in 0a/t not so2 it rebounded on him,


$2 !umber $$;:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) obser-ed: 9o not detest "our 0athersB he who detested his 0ather /ommitted in0idelit",


$2 !umber $2 :

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Sa:d b, Abi ?aqqas: 7oth o0 m" ears heard the o0 Allah sa"in. this: He who /laimed the 0atherhood o0 an"one else besides his real 0ather 6nowin.l" (/ommitted a .reat sin) B@aradise is 0orbidden to him, Abu 7a6ra asserted that he too heard it 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him ),


$2 !umber $2$:

Sa:d and Abu 7a6ra ea/h one o0 them said: M" ears heard and m" hearin. 1reser-ed it that Muhammad (1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) obser-ed: He who /laimed 0or another one his 0atherhood besides his own 0ather 6nowin.l" that he was not his 0ather-to him @aradise is 0orbidden,

'ha1ter 2;: Abusin. a muslim is an outra.e and 0i.htin. a.ainst him is unbelie0
7oo6 $2 !umber $22:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, Mas:ud that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) obser-ed: Abusin. a Muslim is an outra.e and 0i.htin. a.ainst him is unbelie0, Gubaid said: I as6ed Abu ?a:il: 9id "ou hear it 0rom Abdullah narratin. i0 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him)D He re1lied: Kes, 7ut there is mention o0 the tal6 between Gubaid and Abu ?a:il in the hadith narrated b" Shu:ba,


$2 !umber $24:

Abu 7a6r b, Abu Shaiba narrated a hadith li6e this 0rom the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) on the authorit" o0 Abdullah,

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

'ha1ter 4 : 9on:t be/ome unbelie-ers a0ter me b" stri6in. the ne/6s o0 one another
7oo6 $2 !umber $2*:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Farir b, :Abdullah that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) as6ed him on the o//asion o0 the =arewell @il.rima.e to ma6e the 1eo1le silent and then said: 9o not return to unbelie0 a0ter me b" stri6in. the ne/6s o0 one another,


$2 !umber $2+:

Abdullah b, Mu:adh narrated 0rom the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) a hadith li6e this on the authorit" on Ibn Umar,


$2 !umber $2):

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah b, Umar that the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) obser-ed on the o//asion o0 the =arewell @il.rima.e ?oe unto "ou distress unto "ouL 9on:t turn ba/6 as unbelie-ers a0ter me b" stri6in. the ne/6s o0 one another,


$2 !umber $2%:

Harmala b, Kah"a2 Abdullah b, ?ahb2 Umar b, Muhammad2 Ibn Umar narrated li6e the hadith re1orted b" Shu:ba on the authorit" o0 ?aqid,

'ha1ter 4$: The use of the word "unbelief" in case of slandering (anyone) or one's lineage, and lamentation
7oo6 $2 !umber $2#:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) obser-ed: Two (thin.s) are 0ound amon. men whi/h are tantamount to unbelie0: slanderin. one:s linea.e and lamentation on the dead,

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

'ha1ter 42: 'allin. the 0u.iti-e sla-e as in0idel

7oo6 $2 !umber $2;:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Farir that he heard (the Hol" @ro1het) sa"in.2 The sla-e who 0led 0rom his master /ommitted an a/t o0 in0idelit" as lon. as he would not return to him, Mansur obser-ed: 7" Hod2 this hadith was narrated 0rom the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him)2 but I do not li6e that this should be narrated on m" authorit" here in 7asra,


$2 !umber $4 :

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Farir that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) obser-ed: The sla-e who 0led 0rom his master2 res1onsibilit" with re.ard to him was absol-ed,


$2 !umber $4$:

Farir b, Abdullah re1orted it 0rom the Hol" @ro1het: ?hen the sla-e runs awa" 0rom his master2 his 1ra"er is not a//e1ted,

'ha1ter 44: The unbelie0 o0 one who said: we .ot rain0all b" the mo-ement (o0 the stars)
7oo6 $2 !umber $42:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Gaid b, >halid al-Fuhani: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) led the mornin. 1ra"er at Huda"bi"a, There were some mar6s o0 the rain0all durin. the, At the /on/lusion o0 1ra"er he turned towards 1eo1le and obser-ed: 9o "ou 6now what "our Lord has saidD The" re1lied: Allah and His 6now best, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) remar6ed: He (Allah) said: Some o0 M" bondsmen entered the mornin. as M" belie-ers and some as unbelie-ers, He who said: ?e ha-e had a rain0all due to the 7lessin. and Mer/" o0 Allah2 he is M" belie-er and a disbelie-er o0 stars2 and who said: ?e ha-e had a rain0all due to the risin. o0 su/h and su/h (star) disbelie-ed Me and a00irmed his 0aith in the stars,


$2 !umber $44:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) said: 9on:t "ou 6now what "our Lord saidD He obser-ed: I ha-e ne-er endowed

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

M" bondsmen with a 0a-or2 but a se/tion them disbelie-ed it and said: Stars2 it was due to the stars,


$2 !umber $4*:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin. be u1on him) obser-ed: Allah does not shower His blessin.s 0rom the hea-en that in the mornin. a .rou1 o0 men disbelie-e it (to be a blessin. 0rom Allah), Allah sends down rain2 but the" (the disbelie-ers) sa": Su/h and su/h star (is res1onsible 0or that),


$2 !umber $4+:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas that there was (on/e) a down1our durin. the li0e o0 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him U1on this the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) obser-ed: Some 1eo1le entered the mornin. with .ratitude and some with in.ratitude (to Allah), Those who entered with .ratitude said: This is the blessin. o0 Allah2 and those who entered with in.ratitude said: Su/h and su/h asterism was, It was u1on this that the -erse was re-ealed: I swear b" the settin. o0 the stars to the end and ma6e "our 1ro-ision that "ou should disbelie-e it,

'ha1ter 4*: The lo-e o0 ansar (hel1ers) and :Ali (ma" Allah be 1leased with all o0 them) is (an in.redient) o0 iman and (one o0) its si.ns2 and hatred a.ainst them is a si.n o0 dissemblan/e
7oo6 $2 !umber $4):

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Anas that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s 7e u1on him) obser-ed: The si.n o0 a h"1o/rite is the hatred a.ainst the Ansar and the si.n o0 a belie-er is the lo-e 0or the Ansar,


$2 !umber $4%:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas that the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) said: The lo-e o0 the Ansar is the si.n o0 0aith and hatred a.ainst them is the si.n o0 dissemblan/e,

;+ & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber $4#:

Al-7ara re1orted it 0rom the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e and blessin. be u1on him) that he obser-ed with re.ard to the Ansar2 !one but the belie-er lo-es them2 none but the h"1o/rite hates them, He who lo-ed them lo-ed Allah and he who hated them hated Allah, I (the narrator) said: 9id "ou hear this hadith 0rom al-7ara:D He said: To me2 he narrated it,


$2 !umber $4;:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) said: A 1erson who belie-es in Allah and the Last 9a" ne-er nurses a .rud.e a.ainst the Ansar,


$2 !umber $* :

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id >hudri that the o0 Allah obser-ed: The 1erson who belie-es in Allah and the Last 9a" ne-er nurses a .rud.e a.ainst the Ansar,


$2 !umber $*$:

Girr re1orted: :Ali obser-ed: 7" Him ?ho s1lit u1 the seed and /reated somethin. li-in.2 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) .a-e me a 1romise that no one but a belie-er would lo-e me2 and none but a h"1o/rite would nurse .rud.e a.ainst me,

'ha1ter 4+: 9iminution o0 iman b" 0ailin. in submission and the use o0 the word C6u0rC 0or thin.s besides unbelie0 o0 allah2 0or e5am1le un.rate0ulness and in.ratitude
7oo6 $2 !umber $*2:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, Umar that the o0 Allah obser-ed: 3 women0ol62 "ou should .i-e /harit" and as6 mu/h 0or.i-eness 0or I saw "ou in bul6 the dwellers o0 Hell, A wise lad" amon. them said: ?h" is it2 o0 Allah2 that our 0ol6 is in bul6 in HellD U1on this the Hol" @ro1het obser-ed: Kou /urse too mu/h and are un.rate0ul to "our s1ouses, I ha-e seen none la/6in. in /ommon sense and 0ailin. in reli.ion but (at the same time) robbin. the wisdom o0 the wise2 besides "ou, U1on this the woman remar6ed: ?hat is wron. with our /ommon sense and with reli.ionD He (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed: Kour la/6 o0 /ommon sense (/an be well
;) & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

jud.ed 0rom the 0a/t) that the e-iden/e o0 two women is equal to one man2 that is a 1roo0 o0 the la/6 o0 /ommon sense2 and "ou s1end some ni.hts (and da"s) in whi/h "ou do not o00er 1ra"er and in the month o0 Aamadan (durin. the da"s) "ou do not obser-e 0ast2 that is a 0ailin. in reli.ion, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Tahir with this /hain o0 transmitters,


$2 !umber $*4:

A hadith li6e this as narrated b" Ibn :Umar has also been transmitted b" Abu Huraira,

'ha1ter 4): A11li/ation o0 the word C6u0rC to one who ne.le/ts 1ra"er
7oo6 $2 !umber $**:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that when2 the son o0 Adam re/ites the A"at o0 Sajdah (1rostration) and then 0alls down in 1rostration2 the Satan .oes into se/lusion and wee1s and sa"s: Alas2 and in the narration o0 Abu >uraib the words are: ?oe unto me2 the son o0 Adam was /ommanded to 1rostrate2 and he 1rostrated and @aradise was entitled to him and I was /ommanded to 1rostrate2 but I re0used and am doomed to Hell,


$2 !umber $*+:

A:mash narrated this hadith with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 with this /han.e o0 words that he (the Satan) said: I disobe"ed and I am doomed to Hell,


$2 !umber $*):

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir that he heard the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) sa"in., <eril" between man and between 1ol"theism and unbelie0 is the o0 1ra"er,


$2 !umber $*%:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Gubair that he heard Fabir b, :Abdullah sa"in., I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e and blessin.s be u1on him) obser-in. this: 7etween man and 1ol"theism and unbelie0 is the abandonment o0 salat,

;% & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

'ha1ter 4%: 7elie0 in allah is the best o0 deeds

7oo6 $2 !umber $*#:
Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah was as6ed about the best o0 deeds, He obser-ed: 7elie0 in Allah, He (the inquirer) said: ?hat ne5tD He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: Fihad (stru..le to the utmost) in the /ause o0 Allah, He (the inquirer) a.ain said: ?hat ne5tD He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: @il.rima.e a//e1ted into the .ra/e o0 the Lord, In the, tradition narrated on the authorit" o0 Muhammad b, Fa:0ar (the words are) that he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 7elie0 in Allah and His, Muhammad b, Aa0i and :Abd b, Humaid2 :Abdur-Aa88aq and Ma:mar and Guhri ha-e narrated a hadith li6e this on the authorit" o0 the same /hain o0 transmitters,


$2 !umber $*;:

Abu 9harr re1orted: I said: o0 Allah2 whi/h o0 the deeds is the bestD He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: 7elie0 in Allah and Fihad in His /ause, I a.ain as6ed: ?ho is the sla-e whose eman/i1ation is the bestD He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: 3ne who is -aluable 0or his master and whose 1ri/e is hi.h, I said: I0 I /an:t a00ord to do itD He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: Hel1 an artisan or ma6e an"thin. 0or the uns6illed (labourer), I (Abu 9harr) said: o0 Allah2 "ou see that I am hel1less in doin. some o0 these deeds, He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: 9esist 0rom doin. mis/hie0 to the 1eo1le, That is the /harit" o0 "our 1erson on "our behal0,


$2 !umber $+ :

Muhammad b, Abu Aa0i: narrated the hadith on the authorit" o0 Abu 9harr with a di00e-


$2 !umber $+$:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, Mas:ud that he obser-ed, I as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whi/h deed was the best, He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: @ra"er at its a11ointed hour, I (a.ain) said: Then whatD He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: >indness to the 1arents, I (a.ain) said: Then whatD He re1lied: (arnest endea-our (Fihad) in the /ause o0 Allah, And I would ha-e not /eased as6in. more questions but out o0 re.ard (0or his 0eelin.s),


$2 !umber $+2:

:Abdullah b, Mas:ud re1orted: I said: o0 Allah2 whi/h o0 the deeds (ta6es one) nearer to @aradiseD He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: @ra"er at its 1ro1er time2 I said: ?hat ne5t2 o0 AllahD He re1lied: >indness to the 1arents, I said: ?hat ne5tD He re1lied: Fihad in the /ause o0 Allah,
;# & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber $+4:

It was heard 0rom Abu :Amr Shaibani that2 1ointin. towards the house o0 Abdullah2 he said: The owner o0 this house told me that he as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): ?hi/h o0 the deeds are li6ed b" AllahD He (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed: @ra"er at its 1ro1er time, I (a.ain) said: ?hat ne5tD He re1lied: Then .oodness to the 1arents, I (a.ain) said: ?hat thenD He re1lied: Then Fihad in the /ause o0 Allah, He (:Abdullah) said: This is what I was told (b" the Hol" @ro1het), Had I questioned 0urther2 he would ha-e made additions 0or me,


$2 !umber $+*:

This hadith has been transmitted b" Muhammad b, 7ashshar2 Muhammad b, Fa:0ar Shu:ba with this /hain o0 narrators2 with the addition that he 1ointed towards the house o0 :Abdullah2 but he did not mention his name 0or us,


$2 !umber $++:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah that the A1ostle o0 Allah obser-ed: The best o0: the deeds or deed is the (obser-an/e o0) 1ra"er at its 1ro1er time and 6indness to the 1arents,

'ha1ter 4#: @ol"theism is the most shame0ul o0 sins and the mentionin. o0 the .ra-est sin ne5t to it
7oo6 $2 !umber $+):
:Abdullah re1orted: I as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): ?hi/h sin is the .ra-est in the e"e o0 AllahD He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: That "ou asso/iate a 1artner with Allah (des1ite the 0a/t) that He has /reated "ou, He (the re1orter) said: I told him (the2 Hol" @ro1het): <eril" it is indeed .ra-e, He (the re1orter) said: I as6ed him what the ne5t (.ra-est sin) was, He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: That "ou 6ill "our /hild out o0 0ear that he shall join "ou in 0ood, He (the re1orter) said: I as6ed (him) what the ne5t (.ra-est sin) was, He (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed: Then (the ne5t .ra-est sin) is that "ou /ommit adulter" with the wi0e o0 "our nei.hbour,


$2 !umber $+%:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah b, Mas:ud that a man said: o0 Allah2 whi/h o00en/e is the most .rie-ous in the e"e o0 AllahD He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: That "ou asso/iate a 1artner with Allah (des1ite the 0a/t) that He /reated "ou, He (the man) said: ?hat ne5tD He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: That "ou 6ill "our /hild out o0 0ear that he would join "ou in 0ood, He (the inquirer)
;; & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

said (a.ain): ?hat ne5tD He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: That "ou /ommit adulter" with the wi0e o0 "our nei.hbour, And the" and (5alted Lord testi0ied it (with this -erse): All those who /all not unto another .od alon. with Allah2 and sla" not an" soul whi/h Allah has 0orbidden2 e5/e1t in the /ause o0 justi/e2 nor /ommit 0orni/ation2 and he who does this shall meet a requital o0 sin (55-, )#),

'ha1ter 4;: Major sins and the .ra-est amon. these

7oo6 $2 !umber $+#:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdur-Aahman b, Abu 7a6ra that his 0ather said: ?e were in the /om1an" o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he obser-ed: Should I not in0orm "ou about the most .rie-ous o0 the .ra-e sinsD (The Hol" @ro1het) re1eated it three times2 and then said: Asso/iatin. an"one with Allah2 disobedien/e to 1arents2 0alse testimon" or 0alse utteran/e, The Hol" @ro1het was re/linin.2 then he sat u12 and he re1eated it so man" times that we wished that he should be/ome silent,


$2 !umber $+;:

Anas narrated 0rom the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about the major sins, He (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed: Asso/iatin. an"one with Allah2 disobedien/e to 1arents2 6illin. a 1erson and 0alse utteran/e,


$2 !umber $) :

Ubaidullah b, Abu 7a6r said: I heard Anas b, Mali6 sa"in.: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) tal6ed about the major sins2 or he was as6ed about the major sins, U1on this he obser-ed: Asso/iatin. an"one with Allah2 6illin. o0 a 1erson2 disobedien/e to 1arents, He (the Hol" @ro1het 0urther) said: Should I not in0orm "ou about the .ra-est o0 the major sins2 and (in this /onne/tion) obser-ed: =alse utteran/e or 0alse testimon", Shu:ba said, It was most 1robabl"C 0alse testimon"C,


$2 !umber $)$:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: A-oid the se-en no5ious thin.s, It was said (b" the hearers): ?hat are the"2 o0 AllahD He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: Asso/iatin. an"thin. with Allah2 ma.i/2 6illin. o0 one whom Hod has de/lared in-iolate without a just /ause2 /onsumin. the 1ro1ert" o0 an or1han2 and /onsumin. o0 usur"2 turnin. ba/6 when the arm" ad-an/es2 and slanderin. /haste women who are belie-ers2 but unwar",

& $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber $)2:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, Amr b, al-:As that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: Abusin. one:s 1arents is one o0 the major sins, The" (the hearers) said: o0 Allah2 does a man abuse his 1arents tooD He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: Kes2 one abuses the 0ather o0 another man2 who in turn abuses his 0ather, 3ne abuses his mother and he in turn abuses his (the 0ormer:s) mother,


$2 !umber $)4:

This hadith has also been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Sa:d b, Ibrahim with this /hain o0 narra-

'ha1ter * : =orbiddan/e o0 1ride

7oo6 $2 !umber $)*:
It Is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah b, Mas:ud that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 obser-ed: He who has in his heart the o0 a mustard seed o0 1ride shall not enter @aradise, A 1erson ( his hearers) said: <eril" a 1erson lo-es that his dress should be 0ine2 and his shoes should be 0ine, He (the Hol" @ro1het) remar6ed: <eril"2 Allah is Hra/e0ul and He lo-es Hra/e, @ride is disdainin. the truth (out o0 sel0-/on/eit) and /ontem1t 0or the 1eo1le,


$2 !umber $)+:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, Mas:ud that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: !one shall enter the =ire (o0 Hell) who has in his heart the o0 a mustard seed o0 Iman and none shall enter @aradise who has in his heart the o0 a mustard seed o0 1ride,


$2 !umber $)):

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: He who as in his heart the o0 a mustard seed o0 1ride shall not enter @aradise,

$ $ & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

'ha1ter *$: He who dies asso/iatin. none with Allah would enter 1aradise and he who dies as a 1ol"theist would enter the 0ire o0 hell
7oo6 $2 !umber $)%:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah b, Mas:ud that ?a6i told (him) that the o0 Allah had obser-ed and Ibn !umair asserted: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: He who dies asso/iatin. an"thin. with Allah would enter the =ire (o0 Hell), :Abdullah b, Mas:ud said: I sa" that he who died without asso/iatin. an"thin. with Allah entered @aradise,


$2 !umber $)#:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir that a man /ame to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 what are the two thin.s quite una-oidableD He re1lied: He who dies without asso/iatin. an"one with Allah would (ne/essaril") enter @aradise and he who dies asso/iatin. an"thin. with Allah would enter the (=ire o0) Hell,


$2 !umber $);:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, Abdullah: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: He who met Allah without asso/iatin. an"thin. with Allah entered @aradise and he who met Him asso/iatin. (an"thin.) with Him entered =ire,


$2 !umber $% :

The same hadith has been narrated b" Ishaq b, Mansur on the authorit" o0 Fabir with another /hain o0 transmitters,


$2 !umber $%$:

I heard Abu 9harr narratin. it 0rom the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he obser-ed: Habriel /ame to me and .a-e me the tidin.s: <eril" he who died "our Ummah without asso/iatin. an"thin. with Allah would enter @aradise, I (the narrator) said: (-en i0 he /ommitted adulter" and the0t, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: (Kes)2 e-en i0 he /ommitted adulter" and the0t,

$ 2 & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber $%2:

Abu 9harr re1orted2: I /ame to the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him ) and he was aslee1 with a white mantle o-er him, I a.ain /ame2 he was still aslee12 I /ame a.ain and he had awa6ened, I sat b" his side and (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed: There is none amon. the bondsmen who a00irmed his 0aith in La illaha ill-Allah there is no Hod but Allah) and died in this state and did not enter @aradise, I (Abu 9harr) said: (-en i0 he /ommitted adulter" and the0tD He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: (Kes) e-en thou.h he /ommitted adulter" and the0t, I (a.ain said): (-en i0 he /ommitted adulter" and the0tD He re1lied: (Kes) e-en thou.h he /ommitted adulter" and the0t, (Th Hol" @ro1het re1eated it three times) and said 0or the 0ourth time: In de0ian/e o0 Abu 9harr, Abu 9harr then went out and he re1eated (these words): In de0ian/e o0 Abu 9harr,

'ha1ter *2: @rohibition o0 the 6illin. o0 an in0idel a0ter he sa"s: CThere is no .od but AllahC
7oo6 $2 !umber $%4:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Miqdad b, Aswad that he said, o0 Allah2 "ou just see (here is a 1oint): I0 I en/ountered a 1erson the in0idels (in the battle0ield) and he atta/6ed me and stru/6 me and /ut o00 one o0 m" hands with the sword, Then he (in order to 1rote/t himsel0 0rom me) too6 shelter o0 a tree and said: I be/ome Muslim 0or Allah:s sa6e, o0 Allah2 /an I 6ill him a0ter he had uttered thisD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o not 6ill him, I (the narrator) said: o0 Allah2 he /ut o00 m" hand and uttered this a0ter am1utatin. itB should I then 6ill himD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9on:t 6ill him2 0or I "ou 6ill him2 -eril" he would be in a 1osition where "ou had been be0ore 6illin. him and -eril" "ou would be in a 1osition where he had been be0ore utterin. (6alima),


$2 !umber $%*:

The same hadith has been transmitted b" the same /hain o0 narrators, The hadith transmitted b" Au8a:i and Ibn Furaij /ontains these words: I embra/ed Islam 0or Allah:s sa6e, and in the hadith narrated b" Ma:mar the words are: I 6nelt down to 6ill him2 that he saidB There is no .od but Allah,


$2 !umber $%+:

It is narrated b" Miqdad2 and he was an all" o0 7, Guhra and was o0 those who 1arti/i1ated in the 7attle o0 7adr alon. with the o0 Allah2 that he said: o0 Allah2 here is a 1oint: I0 I ha11ened to en/ounter a 1erson the in0idels (in the battle), Then he narrated a hadith similar to the one transmitted b" Laith,
$ 4 & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber $%):

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Usama b, Gaid that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent us in a raidin. 1art", ?e raided Huraqat o0 Fuhaina in the mornin., I / hold o0 a man and he said: There is no .od but Allah2 I atta/6ed him with a s1ear, It on/e o//urred to me and I tal6ed about it to the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9id he 1ro0essC There is no .od but Allah2C and e-en then "ou 6illed himD I said: o0 Allah2 he made a 1ro0ession o0 it out o0 the 0ear o0 the wea1on, He (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed: 9id "ou tear his heart in order to 0ind out whether it had 1ro0essed or notD And he went on re1eatin. it to me till I wished I had embra/ed Islam that da", Sa:d said: 7" Allah2 I would ne-er 6ill an" Muslim so lon. as a 1erson with a hea-" bell"2 i, e,2 Usama2 would not 6ill, U1on this a 1erson remar6ed: 9id Allah not sa" this: And them until there is no more mis/hie0 and reli.ion is wholl" 0or AllahD Sa:d said: ?e so that there should be no mis/hie02 but "ou and "our /om1anions wish to so that there should be mis/hie0,


$2 !umber $%%:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Usama b, Gaid: The o0 Allah ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent us to Huraqat2 a tribe o0 Fuhaina, ?e atta/6ed that tribe earl" in the mornin. and de0eated them and I and a man 0rom the Ansar / hold o0 a 1erson (o0 the de0eated tribe), ?hen we o-er/ame him2 he said: There is no .od but Allah, At that moment the Ansari s1ared him2 but I atta/6ed him with m" s1ear and 6illed him, The news had alread" rea/hed the A1ostle (1ea/e be u1on him)2 so when we /ame ba/6 he (the A1ostle) said to me: Usama2 did "ou 6ill him a0ter he had made the 1ro0ession: There is no .od but AllahD I said, o0 Allah2 he did it onl" as a shelter, The Hol" @ro1het obser-ed: 9id "ou 6ill him a0ter he had made the 1ro0ession that there is no .od but AllahD He (the Hol" @ro1het) went on re1eatin. this to me till I wished I had not embra/ed Islam be0ore that da",


$2 !umber $%#:

It is narrated b" Sa0wan b, Muhri8 that Fundab b, :Abdullah al-7ajali durin. the storm" da"s o0 Ibn Gubair sent a messa.e to :As:as b, Salama: Hather some men o0 "our 0amil" so that I should tal6 to them, He (:As:as) sent a to them (to the members o0 his 0amil"), ?hen the" had assembled2 Fundab /ame there with a "ellow hooded /loa6 on him2 He said: Tal6 what "ou were bus" in tal6in., The tal6 went on b" turns2 till there /ame his (Fundab:s) turn, He too6 o00 the hooded /loa6 0rom his head and said: I ha-e /ome to "ou with no other intention but to narrate to "ou a hadith o0 "our A1ostle: <eril" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent a squad o0 the Muslims to a tribe o0 the 1ol"theists, 7oth the armies /on0ronted one another, There was a man amon. the arm" o0 1ol"theists who (was so dashin. that)2 whene-er he intended to 6ill a man 0rom amon. the Muslims2 he 6illed him, the Muslims too was a man loo6in. 0orward to (an o11ortunit" o0) his (the

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1ol"theist:s) unmind0ulness, He (the narrator) said: ?e tal6ed that he was Usama b2 Gaid, ?hen he raised his sword2 he (the soldier o0 the 1ol"theists) uttered:C There is no .od but Allah2C but he (Usama b, Gaid) 6illed him, ?hen the o0 the .lad tidin.s /ame to the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) he as6ed him (about the e-ents o0 the battle) and he in0ormed him about the man (Usama) and what he had done He (the @ro1het o0 Allah) /alled 0or him and as6ed him wh" he had 6illed him, He (Usama) said: o0 Allah2 he stru/6 the Muslims and 6illed su/h and su/h o0 them, And he e-en named some o0 them, (He /ontinued): I atta/6ed him and when he saw the sword he said: There is no .od but Allah, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9id "ou 6ill himD He (Usama) re1lied in the a00irmati-e, He (the Hol" @ro1het) remar6ed: ?hat would "ou do with:C There is no .od but Allah2C when he would /ome (be0ore "ou) on the 9a" o0 Fud.mentD He (Usama) said: o0 Allah2 be. 1ardon 0or me (0rom "our Lord), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hat would "ou do with:C There is no .od but AllahC when he would /ome (be0ore "ou) on the 9a" o0 Fud.mentD He (the Hol" @ro1het) added nothin. to it but 6e1t sa"in.: ?hat would "ou do with:C There is no .od but Allah2C when he would /ome (be0ore "ou) on the 9a" o0 Fud.mentD

'ha1ter *4: The utteran/e o0 the a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): He who ta6es2 u1 arms a.ainst us is not o0 us (i,e, he /eases to re a muslim)
7oo6 $2 !umber $%;:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah b, Umar who narrates 0rom the @ro1het o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who said: He who too6 u1 arms a.ainst us is not o0 us,


$2 !umber $# :

I"as b, Salama narrated 0rom his 0ather that the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: He who draws the sword a.ainst us is not o0 us,


$2 !umber $#$:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Musa Ash:ari: He who too6 u1 arms a.ainst us is not o0 us,

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

'ha1ter **: The utteran/e o0 the a1ostle (1ea/e be u1on him): He who a/ted dishonestl" towards us is not o0 us (i,e, he is not to be /ounted muslims)
7oo6 $2 !umber $#2:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: He who too6 u1 arms a.ainst us is not o0 us and he who a/ted dishonestl" towards us is not o0 us,


$2 !umber $#4:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha11ened to 1ass b" a hea1 o0 eatables (/orn), He thrust his hand in that (hea1) and his 0in.ers were moistened, He said to the owner o0 that hea1 o0 eatables (/orn): ?hat is thisD He re1lied: o0 Allah2 these ha-e been dren/hed b" rain0all, He (the Hol" @ro1het) remar6ed: ?h" did "ou not 1la/e this (the dren/hed 1art o0 the hea1) o-er other eatables so that the 1eo1le /ould see itD He who de/ei-es is not o0 me (is not m" 0ollower),

'ha1ter *+: 7eatin. o0 the /hee6s2 tearin. o0 the 0ront o1enin. o0 the shirt2 and /allin. the /alls o0 the jahili"a (i.noran/e) are 0orbidden
7oo6 $2 !umber $#*:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah b, Mas:ud that the Hol" @ro1het obser-ed: He is not one o0 us (one amon. the Ummah o0 Islam) who beat the /hee6s or tore the 0ront o1enin. o0 the shirt or uttered the slo.ans o0 (the da"s o0) Fahili"a (i.noran/e), Ibn !umair and Abu 7a6r said (instead o0 the wordC auC (or) it isC waC NandO the words are) and tore and uttered (the slo.ans) o0 Fahili"a withoutC ali0C,

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$2 !umber $#+:

This hadith has been narrated b" A:mash with the same /hain o0 narrators and the transmitters said: He tore and /alled,


$2 !umber $#):

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu 7urda b, Abu Musa that Abu Musa was a00li/ted with .ra-e 1ain and he be/ame un/ons/ious and his head was in the la1 o0 a lad" o0 his household, 3ne o0 the women o0 his household walled, He (Abu Musa) was unable (be/ause o0 wea6ness) to sa" an"thin. to her, 7ut when he was a bit re/o-ered he said: I ha-e no /on/ern with one with whom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has no /on/ern2 <eril" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has no /on/ern with that woman who wails loudl"2 sha-es her hair and tears (her .arment in .rie0),


$2 !umber $#%:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu 7urda that Abu Musa 0ell un/ons/ious and his wi0e Umm Abdullah /ame there and wailed loudl", ?hen he 0elt relie0 he said: 9on:t "ou 6nowD -and narrated to her: <eril" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I ha-e no /on/ern with one who sha-ed her hair2 lamented loudl" and tore (her /lothes in .rie0),


$2 !umber $##:

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Musa with this /han.e onl": That (the Hol" @ro1het) did not sa" that he had no /on/ern but said: He is not one o0 us,

'ha1ter *): Serious 1rohibition o0 tale-/arr"in.

7oo6 $2 !umber $#;:
It is re1orted 0rom Hudhai0a that news rea/hed him (the Hol" @ro1het) that a /ertain man /arried tales, U1on this Hudhai0a remar6ed: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: The tale-bearer shall not enter @aradise,


$2 !umber $; :

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Hammam b2 al-Harith that a man used to /arr" tales to the .o-ernor, ?e were sittin. in the mosque, the 1eo1le said: He is one who /arries tales to the .o-ernor, He (the narrator) said: Then he /ame and sat with us, Thereu1on Hudhai0a remar6ed: I heard the

$ % & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!) o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: The beater o0 0alse tales would ne-er enter hea-en,


$2 !umber $;$:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Hammam b, al-Harith: ?e were sittin. with Hudhai0a in the mosque, A man /ame and sat alon. with us, It was said to Hudhai0a that he was the man who /arried tales to the ruler, Hudhai0a remar6ed with the intention o0 /on-e"in. to him: I ha-e heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: The tale-bearer will not enter @aradise,

'ha1ter *%: Serious 1rohibition o0 lettin. down the lower .arment2 o0 la"in. obli.ation2 o0 sellin. .oods b" 0alse oaths2 and des/ri1tion o0 those three- (1ersons) with whom Allah would not s1ea6 on the da" o0 resurre/tion2 nor would he see towards them nor would absol-e them2 and 0or them is a 1ain0ul /hastisement
7oo6 $2 !umber $;2:
It is narrated o the authorit" o0 Abu 9harr that the o0 Allah (ma" a/e he u1on him) obser-ed: Three are the (1ersons) with whom Allah would neither s1ea6 on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2 nor would loo6 at them nor would absol-e the and there is a 1ain0ul /hastisement 0or them, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re1eated it three times, Abu 9harr remar6ed: The" 0ailed and the" lostB who are these 1ersons2 o0 AllahD U1on this he (the Hol") @ro1het) obser-ed: The" are: the o0 lower .arment2 the re/ounter o0 obli.ation the seller o0 .oods b" 0alse oath,


$2 !umber $;4:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu 9harr who narrates that the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: Three are the 1ersons with whom Allah would not s1ea6 on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion: the bestower o0 .i0t who does not .i-e an"thin. but b" la"in. obli.ation on him2 the seller o0 .oods who sells them b" ta6in. 0alse oath and one who han.s low his lower .arment,

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber $;*:

7ishr b, >halid has narrated this hadith on the authorit" o0 Sulaiman with the same /hain o0 transmitters with this addition: Allah shall neither s1ea6 nor loo6 at nor absol-e then2 and there is a tormentin. 1unishment 0or them,


$2 !umber $;+:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: Three (are the 1ersons) with whom Allah would neither s1ea62 nor would He absol-e them on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion, Abu Mu:awi"a added: He would not loo6 at them and there is .rie-ous torment 0or them: the a.ed adulterer2 the liar 6in. and the 1roud destitute,


$2 !umber $;):

Abu Huraira narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu 7a6r that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Three are the 1ersons with whom Allah would neither s1ea6 on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2 nor would He loo6 towards them2 nor would 1uri0" them (0rom sins)2 and there would be a tormentin. /hastisement 0or them: a 1erson who in the waterless desert has more water (than his need) and he re0uses to .i-e it to the tra-eller and a 1erson who sold a /ommodit" to another 1erson in the a0ternoon and too6 an oath o0 Allah that he had it at su/h and su/h 1ri/e and he (the bu"er) a//e1ted it to be true thou.h it was not a 0a/t2 and a 1erson who 1led.ed alle.ian/e to the Imam but 0or the sa6e o0 the world (material .ains), And i0 the Imam bestowed on him (somethin.) out o0 that (worldl" ri/hes) he stood b" his alle.ian/e and i0 he did not .i-e him2 he did not 0ul0il the alle.ian/e,


$2 !umber $;%:

The same hadith has been transmitted b" another /hain o0 transmitters with the e5/e1tion o0 these words: He o00ered 0or sale a /ommodit" to another 1erson,


$2 !umber $;#:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that he (the A1ostle o0 Allah) obser-ed: Three are the 1ersons with whom Allah would neither s1ea6 (on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion) nor would He loo6 at them2 and there would be a 1ain0ul /hastisement 0or them2 a 1erson who too6 an oath on the .oods o0 a Muslim in the a0ternoon and then bro6e it, The rest o0 the hadith is the same as narrated b" A:mash,

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

'ha1ter *#: Sui/ide is the .ra-est sin

7oo6 $2 !umber $;;:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: He who 6illed himsel0 with steel (wea1on) would be the eternal deni8en o0 the =ire o0 Hell and he would ha-e that wea1on in his hand and would be thrustin. that in his stoma/h 0or e-er and e-er2 he who dran6 1oison and 6illed himsel0 would si1 that in the =ire o0 Hell where he is doomed 0or e-er and e-erB and he who 6illed himsel0 b" 0allin. 0rom (the to1 o0) a mountain would /onstantl" 0all in the =ire o0 Hell and would li-e there 0or e-er and e-er,


$2 !umber 2

This hadith has been narrated b" another /hain o0 transmitters,


$2 !umber 2 $:

Thabit b, 9ahha6 re1orted that he 1led.ed alle.ian/e to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) under the Tree2 and -eril" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: He who too6 an oath o0 a reli.ion other than Islam2 in the state o0 bein. a liar2 would be/ame so2 as he 1ro0essed, He who 6illed himsel0 with a thin. would be tormented on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion with that -er" thin., 3ne is not obli.ed to o00er -oti-e o00erin. o0 a thin. whi/h is not in his 1ossession,


$2 !umber 2 2:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Thabit b, al-9ahha6 that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-es: !one is obli.ed to .i-e -oti-e o00erin. (o0 a thin.) whi/h is not in his 1ossession and the /ursin. o0 a belie-er is tantamount to 6illin. him2 and he who 6illed himsel0 with a thin. in this world would be tormented with that (-er" thin.) on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2 and he who made a 0alse /laim to in/rease (his wealth)2 Allah would ma6e no addition but that o0 1au/it"2 and he who 1erjured would earn the wrath o0 Hod


$2 !umber 2 4:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Thabit b, 9ahha6 that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: He who too6 deliberatel" a 0alse oath on a reli.ion other than Islam would be/ome that whi/h he had 1ro0essed, And he who 6illed himsel0 with an"thin. Allah would torment him with that in the =ire o0 Hell,

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber 2 *:

In the hadith narrated b" Shu:ba the words are: <eril" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who too6 an oath on a reli.ion other than Islam as a liar would be/ome so as he said2 and he who slau.htered himsel0 with a thin. would be slau.htered with that on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,


$2 !umber 2 +:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira: ?e 1arti/i1ated in the 7attle o0 Hunain alon. with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said about a man who /laimed to be a Muslim that he was one o0 the deni8ens o0 the =ire (o0 Hell), ?hen we were in the thi/6 o0 the battle that man des1eratel" and was wounded, It was said: o0 Allah2 the 1erson whom "ou at 0irst /alled as the deni8en o0 =ire des1eratel" and died, U1on this the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) remar6ed: He was doomed to the =ire (o0 Hell), Some men were on the -er.e o0 doubt (about his 0ate) when it was said that he was not dead but 0atall" wounded, ?hen it was he /ould not stand the (1ain o0 his) wound and 6illed himsel0, The A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was in0ormed o0 that, He (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed: Allah is Hreat2 I bear testimon" to the 0a/t that I am the ser-ant o0 Allah and His, He then /ommanded 7ilal to announ/e to the 1eo1le that none but a Muslim would enter @aradise, <eril" Allah hel1s this 0aith e-en b" a sin0ul 1erson,


$2 !umber 2 ):

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Sahl b, Sa:d al-Sa:idi that there was an en/ounter between the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and the 1ol"theists2 and the" (a.ainst one another), At the /on/lusion o0 the battle the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) bent his ste1s towards his arm" and the" (the enemies) bent their ste1s towards their arm", And there was a 1erson (his name was Eu8man and he was one o0 the h"1o/rites) amon. the 'om1anions o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who did not s1are a deta/hed (0i.hter o0 the enem") but 1ursued and 6illed him with the sword, The" (the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) said: !one ser-ed us better toda" than this man U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) remar6ed: <eril" he is one o0 the deni8ens o0 =ire, 3ne o0 the 1eo1le (Muslims) said: I will /onstantl" shadow him, Then this man went out alon. with him, He halted whene-er he halted2 and ran alon. with him whene-er he ran, He (the narrator) said: The man was seriousl" injured, He (/ould not stand the 1ain) and hastened his own death, He 1la/ed the blade o0 the sword on the .round with the ti1 between his /hest and then 1ressed himsel0 a.ainst the sword and 6illed himsel0, Then the man (0ollowin. him) went to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: I bear testimon" that -eril" thou art the o0 Allah2 He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hat is the matterD He re1lied: The 1erson about whom "ou just mentioned that he was one amon. the deni8ens o0 =ire and the

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

1eo1le were sur1rised (at this) and I said to them that I would brin. (the news about him) and /onsequentl" I went out in sear/h o0 him till I (0ound him ) to be -er" seriousl" injured, He hastened his death, He 1la/ed the blade o0 the sword u1on the .round and its ti1 between his /hest and then 1ressed himsel0 a.ainst that and 6illed himsel0, Thereu1on the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) remar6ed: A 1erson 1er0orms the deeds whi/h to the 1eo1le a11ear to be the deeds be0ittin. the dweller o0 @aradise2 but he is in 0a/t one o0 the deni8ens o0 Hell, And -eril" a 1erson does an a/t whi/h in the e"es o0 1ubli/ is one whi/h is done b" the deni8ens o0 Hell2 but the 1erson is one amon. the dwellers o0 @aradise,


$2 !umber 2 %:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Hasan: A 1erson to the 1eo1le o0 the 1ast su00ered 0rom a boil2 when it 1ained him2 he drew out an arrow 0rom the qui-er and 1ier/ed it, And the bleedin. did not sto1 till he died, Kour Lord said: I 0orbade his entran/e into @aradise, Then he (Hasan) stret/hed his hand towards the mosque and said: 7" Hod2 Fundab transmitted this hadith to me 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in this -er" mosque,


$2 !umber 2 #:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Hasan: Fundab b, :Abdullah al-7ajali narrated this hadith in this mosque whi/h we /an neither and at the same time we ha-e no a11rehension that Fundab /ould attribute a lie to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed: A 1erson to the 1eo1le o0 the 1ast su00ered 0rom a boil2 and then the rest o0 the hadith was narrated,

'ha1ter *;: Stri/t 0orbiddan/e o0 a/tin. dishonestl" in res1e/t o0 the s1oils or boot", The belie-ers alone would enter 1aradise
7oo6 $2 !umber 2 ;:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Umar b, >hattab that when it was the da" o0 >haibar a 1art" o0 'om1anions o0 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame there and said: So and so is a mart"r2 till the" ha11ened to 1ass b" a man and said: So and so is a mart"r, U1on this the o0 Allah remar6ed: !a"2 not so -eril" I ha-e seen him in the =ire 0or the .arment or /loa6 that he had stolen 0rom the boot"2 Then the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Umar son o0 >hattab2 .o and announ/e to the 1eo1le that none but the belie-ers shall enter @aradise, He (:Umar b, >hattab) narrated: I went out and 1ro/laimed: <eril" none but the belie-ers would enter @aradise,
$$2 & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber 2$ :

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira: ?e went to >haibar alon. with the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and Allah .ranted us -i/tor", ?e 1lundered neither .old nor sil-er but laid our hands on .oods2 /orn and /lothes2 and then bent our sto1s to a -alle"B alon. with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) there was a sla-e who was 1resented to him b" one Ai0a:a b, Gaid o0 the 0amil" o0 Fudham2 a tribe o0 9uba"b, ?hen we .ot down into the -alle" the sla-e o0 the o0 Allah stood u1 and to un1a/6 the saddle-ba. and was suddenl" stru/6 b" a (stra") arrow whi/h 1ro-ed 0atal, ?e said: There is a .reetin. 0or him2 o0 Allah2 as he is a mart"r, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) remar6ed: !a"2 not so, 7" Him in ?hose hand is the li0e o0 Muhammad2 the small .arment whi/h he stole 0rom the boot" on the da" o0 >haibar but whi/h did not (le.itimatel") 0all to his lot is burnin. li6e the =ire (o0 Hell) on him, The 1eo1le were .reatl" 1erturbed (on hearin. this), A 1erson /ame there with a la/e or two la/es and said: o0 Allah2 I 0ound (them) on the da" o0 >haibar, He (the Hol" @ro1het) remar6ed: This is a la/e o0 0ire or two la/es o0 0ire,

'ha1ter + : Ar.ument in 0a-our o0 the 0a/t that he who 6ills himsel0 does not be/ome unbelie-er
7oo6 $2 !umber 2$$:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir that Tu0ail son o0 Amr al-9ausi /ame to the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: 9o "ou need stron.2 0orti0ied 1rote/tionD The tribe o0 9aus had a 0ort in the 1re-Islami/ da"s, The A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) de/lined this o00er2 sin/e it (the 1ri-ile.e o0 1rote/tin. the Hol" @ro1het) had alread" been reser-ed 0or the Ansar, ?hen the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) mi.rated to Medina2 Tu0ail son o0 Amr also mi.rated to that 1la/e2 and there also mi.rated alon. with him a man o0 his tribe, 7ut the /limate o0 Medina did not suit him2 and he 0ell si/6, He 0elt -er" uneas", So he too6 hold o0 an iron head o0 an arrow and /ut his, The blood streamed 0orth 0rom his hands2 till he died, Tu0ail son o0 Amr saw him in a dream, His state was .ood and he saw him with his hands wra11ed, He (Tu0ail) said to him: ?hat treatment did "our Allah a//ord to "ouD He re1lied, Allah .ranted me 1ardon 0or m" mi.ration to the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): He (Tu0ail) a.ain said: ?hat is this that I see "ou wra11in. u1 "our handsD He re1lied: I was told (b" Allah): ?e would not set an"thin. o0 "ours whi/h "ou dama.ed "oursel0, Tu0ail narrated this (dream) to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), U1on this he 1ra"ed: 3 Allah I .rant 1ardon e-en to his hands,

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

'ha1ter +$: 'on/ernin. the wind whi/h would blow near the da" o0 resurre/tion and would /ause to die an"one ha-in. an6thin. li6e 0aith in his heart
7oo6 $2 !umber 2$2:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: <eril" Allah would ma6e a wind to blow 0rom the side o0 the Kemen more deli/ate than sil6 and would s1are none but /ause him to die who2 in the words o0 Abu :Alqama2 has 0aith equal to the o0 a .rainB while Abdul-:A8i8 said: ha-in. 0aith equal to the o0 a dust 1arti/le,

'ha1ter +2: (5hortation to be 1rom1t in doin. .ood deeds be0ore the a11earan/e o0 turbulan/e
7oo6 $2 !umber 2$4:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: 7e 1rom1t in doin. .ood deeds (be0ore "ou are o-erta6en) b" turbulen/e whi/h would be li6e a 1art o0 the dar6, 9urin. (that storm" 1eriod) a man would be a Muslim in the mornin. and an unbelie-er in the e-enin. or he would be a belie-er in the e-enin. and an unbelie-er in the mornin.2 and would sell his 0aith 0or worldl" .oods,

'ha1ter +4: @ertainin. to the 0ear o0 a belie-er lest his deeds should be lost
7oo6 $2 !umber 2$*:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that when this -erse:C 3 "e who belie-e I raise not "our -oi/es abo-e the -oi/e o0 the @ro1het2 nor shout loud unto him in dis/ourse2 as "e shout loud unto one another2 lest "our deeds should be/ome null and -oid2 while "ou 1er/ei-e notC (5li5, 2-+)2 was re-ealed, Thabit b, Eais /on0ined himsel0 in his house and said: I am one o0 the deni8ens o0 =ire2 and he deliberatel" a-oided /omin. to the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed Sa:d b2 Mu:adh about him and said2 Abu Amr2 how is ThabitD Has he 0allen si/6D Sa:d said: He is m" nei.hbour2 but I do not 6now o0 his illness, Sa:d /ame to him (Thabit)2 and /on-

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-e"ed to him the messa.e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), U1on this Thabit said: This -erse was re-ealed2 and "ou are well aware o0 the 0a/t that2 all o0 "ou2 mine is the -oi/e louder than that o0 the o0 Allah2 and so I am one the deni8ens o0 =ire2 Sa:d In0ormed the Hol" @ro1het about it, U1on this the o0 Allah obser-ed: (!a"2 not so) but he (Thabit) is one o0 the dwellers o0 @aradise,


$2 !umber 2$+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 b" another /hain o0 transmitters in whi/h these words are 0ound: Thabit b, Eais was the orator o0 the Ansar2 when this -erse was re-ealed: the rest o0 the hadith is the same with the e5/e1tion that there is no mention o0 Sa:d b, Mu:adh in it, This hadith is also transmitted b" Ahmad b, Sa:id2 Habban2 Sulaiman b, Mu.hira on the authorit" o0 Anas who said: ?hen the -erse was re-ealed:C 9o not raise "our -oi/e louder than the -oi/e o0 the A1ostle2C no mention was made o0 Sa:d b2 Mu:adh in it,


$2 !umber 2$):

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b" another /hain o0 transmitters in whi/h there is no mention o0 Sa:d b, Mu:adh2 but the 0ollowin. words are there: ?e obser-ed a man2 one o0 the dwellers o0 @aradise2 wal6in. about us,

'ha1ter +*: ?ould (1eo1le) be held res1onsible 0or the deeds /ommitted durin. the state o0 i.noran/eD
7oo6 $2 !umber 2$%:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah b, Mas:ud that some 1eo1le said to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): o0 Allah2 would we be held res1onsible 0or our deeds /ommitted in the state o0 i.noran/e (be0ore embra/in. Islam)D U1on his he (the Hol" @ro1het) remar6ed: He who "ou 1er0ormed .ood deeds in Islam2 He would not be held res1onsible 0or them (misdeeds whi/h he /ommitted in i.noran/e) and he who /ommitted e-il (e-en a0ter embra/in. Islam) would be held res1onsible or his misdeeds that he /ommitted in the state o0 i.noran/e as well as in that o0 Islam,


$2 !umber 2$#:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah b, Mas:ud: ?e on/e said: o0 Allah2 would we be held res1onsible 0or our deeds /ommitted in the state o0 i.noran/eD He (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed: He who did .ood deeds in Islam would not be held res1onsible 0or what he did in the state o0
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i.noran/e2 but he who /ommitted e-il (a0ter ha-in. /ome within the 0old o0 Islam) would be held res1onsible 0or his 1re-ious and later deeds,


$2 !umber 2$;:

This hadith has been transmitted b" Minjab b, al-Harith Tamimi with the same /hain o0 transmit-

'ha1ter ++: Islam e00a/es all the 1re-ious misdeeds and so do mi.ration and 1il.rima.e
7oo6 $2 !umber 22 :
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Shamasa Mahri that he said: ?e went to Amr b, al-As and he was about to die, He we1t 0or a lon. time and turned his 0a/e towards the wall, His son said: 9id the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him not .i-e "ou tidin.s o0 thisD 9id the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) not .i-e "ou tidin.s o0 thisD He (the narrator) said: He turned his 0a/e (towards the audien/e) and said: The best thin. whi/h we /an /ount u1on is the testimon" that there is no .od but Allah and that Muhammad is the A1ostle o0 Allah, <eril" I ha-e 1assed throu.h three 1hases, (The 0irst one) in whi/h I 0ound m"sel0 a-erse to none else more than I was a-erse to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and there was no other desire in me than the one that I should o-er1ower him and 6ill him, Had I died in this state2 I would ha-e been de0initel" one o0 the deni8ens o0 =ire, ?hen Allah instilled the lo-e o0 Islam in m" heart2 I /ame to the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Stret/h out "our hand so that ma" 1led.e m" alle.ian/e to "ou, He stret/hed out his hand2 I withdrew m" hand2 He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hat has ha11ened to "ou2 3 :AmrD re1lied: I intend to la" down some /ondition, He as6ed: ?hat /ondition do "ou intend to 1ut 0orwardD I said: should be .ranted 1ardon, He (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed: Are "ou not aware o0 the 0a/t that Islam wi1es out all the 1re-ious (misdeeds)D <eril" mi.ration wi1es out all the 1re-ious (misdeeds)2 and -eril" the 1il.rima.e wi1es out all the (1re-ious) misdeeds, And then no one as or dear to me than the o0 Allah and none was more sublime in m" e"es than he2 !e-er /ould I2 1lu/6 /oura.e to /at/h a 0ull .lim1se o0 his 0a/e due to its s1lendour, So i0 I am as6ed to des/ribe his 0eatures2 I /annot do that 0or I ha-e not e"ed him 0ull", Had I died in this state had e-er" reason to ho1e that I would ha-e bee amon. the dwellers o0 @aradise, Then we were res1onsible 0or /ertain thin.s (in the o0 whi/h) I am unable to 6now what is in store 0or me, ?hen I die2 let neither 0emale mourner nor 0ire a//om1an" me, ?hen "ou bur" me2 0ill m" .ra-e well with earth2 then stand around it 0or the time within whi/h a /amel is slau.htered and its meat is distributed so that I ma" enjo" "our intima/" and (in "our /om1an") as/ertain what answer I /an .i-e to the messen.ers (an.els) o0 Allah,
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$2 !umber 22$:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas that some 1ersons the 1ol"theist had /ommitted a lar.e number o0 murders and had e5/essi-el" indul.ed in 0orni/ation, Then the" /ame to Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: ?hate-er "ou assert and whate-er "ou /all to is indeed .ood, 7ut i0 "ou in0orm us that there is atonement o0 our 1ast deeds (then we would embra/e Islam), Then it was re-ealed: And those who /all not unto another .od alon. with Allah and sla" not an" soul whi/h Allah has 0orbidden e5/e1t in the /ause o0 justi/e2 nor /ommit 0orni/ationB and he who does this shall meet the requital o0 sin, Multi1lied 0or him shall be the torment on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2 and he shall therein abide dis.ra/ed2 e5/e1t him who re1ents a belie-es and does .ood deeds, Then theseL 0or the Allah shall /han.e their -i/es into -irtues, <eril" Allah is (-er =or.i-in.2 Mer/i0ul (55-, )#-% ), Sa" thou: 3 m" bondsmen woo ha-e /ommitted a.ainst themsel-es des1air not o0 the Mer/" o0 Allah I <eril" Allah will 0or.i-e the sins alto.ether, He is indeed the =or.i-in.2 the Mer/i0ul (555i5, +4),

'ha1ter +): @ertainin. to the -irtuous a/t o0 a man be0ore embra/in. islam
7oo6 $2 !umber 222:
Ha6im b, Hi8am re1orted to :Urwa b, Gubair that he said to the o0 Allah: 9o "ou thin6 that there is an" thin. 0or me (o0 he reward with the Lord) 0or the deed o0 reli.ious 1uri0i/ation that I did in the state o0 i.noran/eD U1on this he (the A1ostle o0 Allah) said to him: Kou a//e1ted Islam with all the 1re-ious -irtues that "ou 1ra/tised,


$2 !umber 224:

Ha6im b, Hi8am re1orted to :Urwa b, Gubair that he said to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): o0 Allah2 do "ou thin6 i0 there is an" reward (o0 the Lord with me on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion) 0or the deeds o0 reli.ious 1uri0i/ation that I 1er0ormed in the state o0 i.noran/e2 su/h as /harit"2 0reein. a sla-e2 /ementin. o0 blood-relationsD U1on this he (the A1ostle o0 Allah) said to him: Kou ha-e a//e1ted Islam with all the 1re-ious -irtues that "ou had 1ra/tised,


$2 !umber 22*:

It is narrate on the authorit" o0 Ha6im b, Hi8am: I said: o0 Allah2 I did so some o0 the deeds in the state o0 i.noran/e, (3ne o0 the transmitters Hisham b, Urwa e51lained them as a/ts o0
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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

1iet", U1on this the Messen.er2 o0 Allah remar6ed: Kou ha-e embra/ed Islam with all the 1re-ious a/ts o0 -irtue, I said: 7" Hod2 I would lea-e nothin. undone in Islam the li6e o0 whi/h I did in the state o0 i.noran/e,


$2 !umber 22+:

Hisham b, Urwa narrated it on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: Ha6im b, Hi8am 0reed one hundred sla-e and donated one hundred /amels (0or the sa6e o0 Allah) durin. the state o0 i.noran/e, Then he 0reed one hundred sla-es and donated one hundred /amel (0or the sa6e o0 Allah) a0ter) he had embra/ed Islam, He subsequentl" /ame to the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The rest o0 the hadith is the same as narrated abo-e,

'ha1ter +%: The -era/it" o0 0aith and its sin/erit"

7oo6 $2 !umber 22):
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) that when this -erse was re-ealed:C It is those who belie-e and /on0ound not their belie0 with wron.doin.C (-i, #2)2 the 'om1anions o0 the o0 Allah wore .reatl" 1erturbed, The" said: ?ho us (is so 0ortunate) that he does not wron. himsel0D U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) remar6ed: It does not mean that whi/h "ou 1resume It im1lies that whi/h Luqman said to his son: 3 m" son2 do not asso/iate an"thin. with Allah2 0or indeed it is the .ra-est wron.doin. (555i, $4),


$2 !umber 22%:

This hadith is narrated b" another /hain o0 transmitters2 (namel") lshaq b, Ibrahim, Ibn Idris sa"s: M" 0ather transmitted it 0rom Aban b, Ta.hlib who heard it 0rom A:mashB then I heard it also 0rom him (A:mash),

'ha1ter +#: 'on/ernin. the words o0 Allah whether "ou mani0est whate-er is in "our mind or hide it
7oo6 $2 !umber 22#:
It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that when it was re-ealed to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): To Allah belon.s whate-er is in the hea-ens and whate-er is in the earth and whether "ou dis/lose that whi/h is in "our mind or /on/eal it2 Allah will /all "ou to a//ount a//ordin. to it, Then He 0or.i-es whom He 1leases and /hastises whom He @leasesB and Allah is o-er
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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

e-er"thin. @otentC (ii, 2#*), the 'om1anions o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0elt it hard and se-ere and the" /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and sat down on their 6nees and said: o0 Allah2 we were assi.ned some duties whi/h were within our 1ower to 1er0orm2 su/h as 1ra"er2 0astin.2 stru..lin. (in the /ause o0 Allah)2 /harit", Then this (the abo-e-mentioned) -erse was re-ealed unto "ou and it is be"ond our 1ower to li-e u1 to it, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o "ou intend to sa" what the 1eo1le o0 two boo6s (Fews and 'hristians) said be0ore "ou:C ?e hear and disobe"CD Kou should rather sa":C ?e hear and we obe"2 (we see6) Th" 0or.i-eness2 our LordL and unto Thee is the return,C And the" said:C ?e hear and we obe"2 (we see6) Th" 0or.i-eness2 3ur LordL and unto Thee is the return,C ?hen the 1eo1le re/ited it and it smoothl" 0lowed on their ton.ues2 then Allah re-ealed immediatel" a0terwards:C The A1ostle belie-es in that whi/h is sent down unto him 0rom his Lord2 and so do the belie-ers, (a/h one belie-es in Allah and His An.els and His 7oo6s and His A1ostles2 sa"in.: ?e di00erentiate not between an" o0 His A1ostles and the" sa": ?e hear6en and we obe": (we see6) Th" 0or.i-eness2 our LordL and unto Thee is the returnC (ii, 2#+), ?hen the" did that2 Allah abro.ated this (-erse) and the Hreat2 Majesti/ Allah re-ealed:C Allah burdens not a soul be"ond its /a1a/it", It .ets e-er" .ood that it earns and it su00ers e-er" ill that it earns, 3ur Lord2 1unish us not i0 we or ma6e a mista6e,C (The @ro1het said: ) Kes2 our LordL do not la" on us a burden as Thou didst la" on those be0ore us, (The @ro1het said: ) Kes2 our Lord2 im1ose not on us (burdens) whi/h we ha-e not the to bear (The @ro1het said: ) Kes2 and 1ardon us and .rant us 1rote/tionL and ha-e mer/" on us, Thou art our @atron2 so .rant us -i/tor" o-er the disbelie-in. 1eo1leC (ii, 2#)), He (the Lord) said: Kes,


$2 !umber 22;:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas: ?hen this -erse:C ?hether "ou dis/lose that whi/h is in "our mind or /on/eal it2 Allah will /all "ou to a//ount a//ordin. to itC (ii 2#*)2 there entered in their minds somethin. (o0 that 0ear) su/h as had ne-er entered their hearts (be0ore), The A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: Sa": ?e ha-e heard and obe"ed and submitted oursel-es, He (the re1orter) said: Allah instilled 0aith in their hearts and He re-ealed this -erse:C Allah burdens not a soul be"ond its /a1a/it", It .ets e-er" .ood that it earns and it su00ers e-er" ill that it earns, 3ur Lord2 /all us not to a//ount i0 we or ma6e a mista6e, He the (Lord) said: I indeed did it, 3ur LordL do not la" on us a burden as Thou didst la" on those be0ore us, He (our Lord) said: I indeed did it, And 1ardon us2 ha-e mer/" on us, Thou art our @rote/torC (ii, 2#)), He said: I indeed did it,

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

'ha1ter +;: Allah disre.ards the 1remonition or the e-il 1rom1tin.s o0 the heart so lon. as the" do not ta6e a 0irm root
7oo6 $2 !umber 24 :
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: <eril" Allah 0or.a-e m" 1eo1le the e-il 1rom1tin.s whi/h arise within their hearts as lon. as the" did not s1ea6 about them or did not a/t u1on them,


$2 !umber 24$:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: <eril" the Hreat and" Allah 0or.a-e m" 1eo1le the e-il 1rom1tin.s arisin. in their minds2 but the" neither tal6ed about them nor a/ted u1on them,


$2 !umber 242:

The same hadith has been narrated b" Guhair b, Harb2 ?a6i2 Ishaq b, Mansur2 Husain b, :Ali,

'ha1ter ) : ?hene-er a 1erson intends to do a .ood deed2 it is re/orded but whene-er he intends to /ommit e-il2 it is not written
7oo6 $2 !umber 244:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The Hreat and the Hlorious Lord said (to an.els): ?hene-er M" bondsman intends to /orn it an e-il2 do not re/ord it a.ainst him2 but i0 he a/tuall" /ommits it2 then write it as one e-il, And when he intends to do .ood but does not do it2 then ta6e it down is one a/t o0 .oodness2 but i0 he does it2 then write down ten .ood deeds (in his re/ord),


$2 !umber 24*:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: Allah2 the Hreat and Hlorious2 said: ?hene-er m" bondsman intends to do .ood2 but
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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

does not do it2 I write one .ood a/t 0or him2 but i0 he 1uts it into 1ra/ti/e I wrote 0rom ten to se-en hundred .ood deeds in 0a-our o0 him, ?hen he intends to /ommit an e-il2 but does not a/tuall" do it2 do not re/ord it, 7ut i0 he does it2 I write onl" one e-il,


$2 !umber 24+:

Abu Huraira re1orted that Muhammad2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said: ?hen it o//urs to m" bondsman that he should do a .ood deed but he a/tuall" does not do it2 re/ord one .ood to him2 but i0 he 1uts it into 1ra/ti/e2 I ma6e an entr" o0 ten .ood a/ts in his 0a-our, ?hen it o//urs to him to do e-il2 but he does not /ommit it2 I 0or.i-e that, 7ut i0 he /ommits it2 I re/ord one e-il a.ainst his name, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed, The an.els said: That bondsman o0 Kours intends to /ommit e-il, thou.h His Lord is more <i.ilant than he, U1on this He (the Lord) said: ?at/h himB i0 he /ommits (e-il)2 write it a.ainst his name but i0 he re0rains 0rom doin. it2 write one .ood deed or him2 0or he desisted 0rom doin. it 0or M" sa6e, The o0 Allah said: He who "ou is .ood o0 0aith2 all his .ood a/ts are multi1lied 0rom ten to se-en hundred times (and are re/orded in his name) and all the e-ils that he /ommits are re/orded as su/h (i2 e, without in/rease) till he meets Allah,


$2 !umber 24):

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: He who intended to do .ood2 but did not do it2 one .ood was re/orded 0or him2 and he who intended to do .ood and also did it2 ten to se-en hundred .ood deeds were re/orded 0or him, And he who intended e-il2 but did not /ommit it2 no entr" was made a.ainst his name2 but i0 he /ommitted that2 it was re/orded,


$2 !umber 24%:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Abbas that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) transmitted it 0rom the 7lessed and Hreat Lord: <eril" Allah re/orded the .ood and the e-il and then made it /lear that he who intended .ood but did not do it2 Allah re/orded one /om1lete .ood in his 0a-our2 but i0 he intended it and also did it2 the Hlorious and Hreat Allah re/orded ten to se-en hundred -irtues and e-en more to his /redit, 7ut it he intended e-il2 but did not /ommit it2 Allah wrote down 0ull one .ood in his 0a-our, I0 he intended that and also /ommitted it2 Allah made an entr" o0 one e-il a.ainst him,


$2 !umber 24#:

This hadith has been narrated with another /hain o0 transmitters with the addition o0 these words: Allah would e-en wi1e out (the e-il /ommitted b" a man) and Allah does not 1ut to destru/tion an"one e5/e1t he who is doomed to destru/tion,
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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

'ha1ter )$: @ertainin. to e-iil su..estion or 1rom1tin. in 0aith and what should be said when it o//urs to the mind o0 a man
7oo6 $2 !umber 24;:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that some 1eo1le 0rom the 'om1anions o0 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to him and said: <eril" we 1er/ei-e in our minds that whi/h e-er" one o0 us /onsiders it too .ra-e to e51ress, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 9o "ou reall" 1er/ei-e itD The" said: Kes, U1on this he remar6ed: That is the 0aith mani0est,


$2 !umber 2* :

The same hadith has been transmitted b" Muhammad b, :Amr2 Abu 7a6er b, Ishaq2 Abu:l-Fawwab2 A:mash and Abu Huraira,


$2 !umber 2*$:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, Mas:ud that the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed about e-il 1rom1tin.2 to whi/h he re1lied: It is 1ure 0aith,


$2 !umber 2*2:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Men will /ontinue to question one another till this is 1ro1ounded: Allah /reated all thin.s but who /reated AllahD He who 0ound himsel0 /on0ronted with su/h a situation should sa": I a00irm m" 0aith in Allah,


$2 !umber 2*4:

This hadith has been transmitted b" Mahmud b, Hhailan b" another /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are): The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The Satan will /ome to e-er"one o0 "ou and sa": ?ho /reated the hea-en2 who /reated the earthD (And the man) re1lies: It is Allah2 Then the remainin. 1art o0 the hadith was narrated as mentioned abo-e and the words :His 1ro1hetsC were added to it,

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber 2**:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: The Satan /omes to e-er"one, o0 "ou and sa"s: ?ho /reated this and thatD till he questions: ?ho /reated "our LordD ?hen he /omes to that2 one should see6 re0u.e in Allah and 6ee1 awa" (0rom su/h idle thou.hts),


$2 !umber 2*+:

This hadith is transmitted b" Urwa b, Gubair on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira (and the words are): The Satan /omes to the bondsman (o0 Allah) and sa"s: ?ho /reated this and thatD The remainin. 1art o0 the hadith is the same,


$2 !umber 2*):

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: @eo1le will /onstantl" as6 "ou questions 1ertainin. to 6nowled.e till the" would sa": Allah /reated us2 but who /reated AllahD he (the narrator) sa"s: he (Abu Huraira) was (at the time o0 narratin. this hadith) /at/hin. hold o0 the hand o0 a man and he said: Allah and the told the truth, Two 1ersons ha-e alread" 1ut me this question2 and this is the third one2 or he said: 3ne man has 1ut me this question and he is the se/ond one,


$2 !umber 2*%:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that he said: The 1eo1le will /onstantl"2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same as that transmitted b" :Abdul-?arith with the e5/e1tion that there is no mention o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah in that2 but he obser-ed at the end o0 the hadith: Allah and His told the truth,


$2 !umber 2*#:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: the" (the 1eo1le) till /onstantl" as6 "ou2 Abu Huraira2 (about di00erent thin.s 1ertainin. to reli.ion) the the" would sa": ?ell2 there is Allah2 but a0ter all who /reated AllahD He (Abu Huraira) narrated: 3n/e we were in the mosque that some o0 the 7edouins /ame there and said: ?ell2 there is Allah2 but who /reated AllahD He (the narrator) said: I too6 hold o0 the 1ebbles in m" 0ist and 0lun. at them and remar6ed: Stand u12 stand u1 (.o awa") m" 0riend (the Hol" @ro1het) told the truth,

$24 & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber 2*;:

Ka8id b, al-Asamm said: I heard Abu Huraira sa"in. that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: 1eo1le will /ertainl" as6 "ou about e-er"thin. till the" will 1ro1ound: Allah /reated e-er" thin.2 but who /reated AllahD


$2 !umber 2+ :

Anas b, Mali6 transmitted it 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that the Hreat and Hlorious Allah said: <eril" "our 1eo1le would /onstantl" question about this and that till the" would sa": ?ell2 it is Allah ?ho /reated the /reation2 but who /reated AllahD


$2 !umber 2+$:

This hadith has been narrated b" another /hain o0 transmitters with the e5/e1tion that Ishaq made no mention o0 this: Allah said: <eril" "our 1eo1le,

'ha1ter )2: ?arnin. 0or one a11ro1riatin. the o0 a muslim b" ta6in. a 0alse oath: The 0ire (o0 hell) is his /hastisement
7oo6 $2 !umber 2+2:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Umama that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: He who a11ro1riated the o0 a Muslim b" (swearin. a 0alse) oath2 Allah would ma6e Hell-0ire ne/essar" 0or him and would de/lare @aradise 0orbidden 0or him, A 1erson said to him: o0 Allah2 e-en i0 it is somethin. insi.ni0i/antD He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: (Kes) e-en i0 it is the twi. o0 the ara6 tree,


$2 !umber 2+4:

This hadith has been transmitted b" another /hain o0 narrators: Abu 7a6r b, Abi Shaiba2 Ishaq b, Ibrahim2 Harun b, Abdullah2 Abi Usama2 ?alid b, >athir2 Muhammad b, >a:b2 his brother Abdullah b, >a:b and Abi Usama,


$2 !umber 2+*:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah (b, Umar) that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: He who 1erjured with a -iew to a11ro1riatin. the 1ro1ert" o0 a Muslim2 and he
$2* & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

is in 0a/t a liar and would meet Allah in a state that He would be an.r" with him, He (the narrator) said: There /ame Ash:ath b, Eais and said (to the 1eo1le): ?hat does Abu Abdur-Aahman (the >un"a o0 Abdullah b, Umar) narrate to "ouD The" re1lied: So and so, U1on this he remar6ed: Abu AbdurAahman told the truth, This (/ommand) has been re-ealed in m" /ase, There was a 1ie/e o0 land in Kemen o-er whi/h I and another 1erson had a /laim, I the dis1ute with him to the A1ostle o0 Allah (to de/ide) He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 'an "ou 1rodu/e an e-iden/e (in "our su11ort)D I said: !o, He (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed: (Then the de/ision would be made) on his oath, I said: He would readil" ta6e an oath, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) remar6ed: He who 1erjured 0or a11ro1riatin. the wealth o0 a Muslim2 whereas he is a liar2 would meet Allah while He would be an.r" with him, This -erse was then re-ealed:C <eril" those who barter Allah:s /o-enant and their oaths at a small 1ri/e,,,C (iii %%),


$2 !umber 2++:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah that he heard the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: He who too6 an oath in order to entitle himsel0 (to the 1ossession) o0 a 1ro1ert"2 whereas he is a liar2 would meet Allah in a state that He would be -er" mu/h an.r" with him, Then the remainin. 1art o0 the hadith was narrated as transmitted b" A:mash but with the e5/e1tion o0 these words: There was a dis1ute between me and another 1erson in re.ard to a well, ?e re0erred this dis1ute to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), U1on this he remar6ed: (ither ("ou should 1rodu/e) two witnesses (to su11ort "our /ontention) or his oath (would be a//e1ted as -alid),


$2 !umber 2+):

Ibn Mas:ud sa"s: I heard the o0 Allah obser-in.: He who too6 an oath on the 1ro1ert" o0 a Muslim without le.itimate would meet Allah and He would be an.r"2 with him, Then the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in su11ort o0 his /ontention re/ited the -erse:C <eril" those who barter Allah:s /o-enant and their oaths at a small 1ri/e,


$2 !umber 2+%:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 ?a:il that there /ame a 1erson 0rom Hadramaut and another one 0rom >inda to the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), 3ne who had /ome 0rom Hadramaut said: o0 Allah2 onl" this man has a11ro1riated m" land whi/h belon.ed to m" 0ather, The one who had /ame 0rom >inda /ontended, This is m" land and is in m" 1ossession: I /ulti-ate it, There is no 0or him in it, The o0 Allah said to the Hadramite: Ha-e "ou an" e-iden/e (to su11ort "ou)D He re1lied in the ne.ati-e, He (the A1ostle o0 Allah) said: Then "our /ase is to be de/ided on his oath, He (the Hadramite) said: o0 Allah2 he is a liar and /ares not what he swears and has no re.ard 0or an"thin., U1on this he (the o0 Allah) remar6ed: =or "ou then there is no other hel1 to it, He (the man 0rom >inda) set out to ta6e an oath, ?hen he turned his ba/6 the Mes$2+ & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!) o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: I0 he too6 an oath on his 1ro1ert" with a -iew to usur1in. it2 he would /ertainl" meet his Lord in a state that He would turn awa" 0rom him,


$2 !umber 2+#:

?a:il re1orted it on the authorit" o0 his 0ather Hujr: I was with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that two men /ame there dis1utin. o-er a 1ie/e o0 land, 3ne o0 them said: o0 Allah2 this man a11ro1riated m" land without justi0i/ation in the da"s o0 i.noran/e, The (/laimant) was Imru:l-Eais b, :Abis al->indi and his o11onent was Aabi:a b, :Iban He (the Hol" @ro1het) said (to the /laimant): Ha-e "ou e-iden/e (to substantiate "our /laim)D He re1lied: I ha-e no e-iden/e, U1on this he (the o0 Allah) remar6ed: Then his (that is o0 the de0endant) is the oath, He (the /laimant) said: In this /ase he (the de0endant) would a11ro1riate this (the 1ro1ert"), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: There is than no other wa" le0t 0or "ou but this, He (the narrator) said: ?hen he (the de0endant) stood u1 to ta6e oath2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who a11ro1riated the land wron.0ull" would meet Allah in a state that He would be an.r" with him, Ishaq in his narration mentions Aabi:a b, :Aidan (instead o0 Aabi:a b, :Ibdan),

'ha1ter )4: 'on/ernin. the 0a/t that -iolable is the blood o0 one who ma6es an attem1t to ta6e 1ossession o0 the 1ro1ert" o0 another without an" le.itimate, I0 su/h man is 6illed his abode is 0ire and he who dies in 1rote/tin. his 1ro1ert" is a mart"r
7oo6 $2 !umber 2+;:
Abu Huraira re1orted: A 1erson /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 what do "ou thin6 i0 a man /omes to me in order to a11ro1riate m" 1ossessionD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 9on:t surrender "our 1ossession to him, He (the inquirer) said: I0 he 0i.hts meD He (the Hol" @ro1het) remar6ed: Then (with him), He (the inquirer) a.ain said: ?hat do "ou thin6 i0 I am 6illedD He (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed: Kou would be a mart"r, He (the inquirer) said: ?hat do "ou thin6 o0 him ( o0 Allah) I0 I 6ill him, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: he would be in the =ire,

$2) & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber 2) :

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Thabit2 that when :Abdullah b, :Amr and :Anbasa b, Abi Su0"an were about to a.ainst ea/h other2 >halid b, :As rode to :Abdullah b, :Amr and 1ersuaded him (not to do so), U1on this Abdullah b, :Amr said: Are "ou not aware that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had obser-ed:C He who died in 1rote/tin. his 1ro1ert" is a mart"r,C This hadith has been narrated b" Muhammad b, Hatim2 Muhammad b, 7a6r2 Ahmad b, :Uthman !au0ali2 Abu :Asim2 Ibn Furaij,

'ha1ter )*: The ruler who2 is unjust to his subje/ts deser-es 1unishment o0 0ire
7oo6 $2 !umber 2)$:
Hasan re1orted: :Ubaidullah b, Gi"ad 1aid a -isit to Ma:qil b, Kasar Mu8ani in his illness o0 whi/h he (later on) died, (At this jun/ture) Ma:qil said: I am .oin. to narrate to "ou a hadith whi/h I ha-e heard 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and whi/h I would not ha-e transmitted i0 I 6new that I would sur-i-e, <eril" I ha-e heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": There is none the bondsmen who was entrusted with the a00airs o0 his subje/ts and he died in su/h a state that he was dishonest in his dealin.s with those o-er whom he ruled that the @aradise is not 0orbidden 0or him,


$2 !umber 2)2:

Hasan re1orted: Ubaidullah b, Gi"ad went to see Ma:qil b, Kasir and he was ailin., He (:Ubaidullah) inquired (about his health) to whi/h he (Ma:qil) re1lied: I am narratin. to "ou a hadith whi/h I a-oided narratin. to "ou (be0ore), <eril" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: Allah does not entrust to his bondsman the res1onsibilit" o0 the a00airs o0 his subje/ts and he dies as a dishonest (ruler) but @aradise is 0orbidden b" Allah 0or su/h a (ruler), He (Ibn Gi"ad) said: ?h" did "ou not narrate it to me be0ore this da"D He re1lied: I (in 0a/t) did not narrate it to "ou as it was not (0it) 0or me to narrate that to "ou,


$2 !umber 2)4:

Hasan re1orted: ?e were with Ma:qil b, Kasar inquirin. about his health that Ubaidullah b, Gi"ad /ame there, Ma:qil said to him: <eril" I am .oin. to narrate to "ou a hadith whi/h I heard 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Then he narrated the hadith li6e those two (mentioned abo-e),

$2% & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber 2)*:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Malih that Ubaidullah b, Gi"ad -isited Ma:qil b, Kasar in his illness, Ma:qil said to him: I am narratin. to "ou a hadith whi/h I would ha-e ne-er narrated to "ou had I not been in death-bed, I heard Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": A ruler who has been entrusted with the a00airs o0 the Muslims but he ma6es no endea-ors ( 0or the material and moral u1li0t) and does not sin/erel" mean (their wel0are) would not enter @aradise alon. with them,

'ha1ter )+: Aemo-al o0 trustworthiness and 0aith 0rom some hearts and a11earan/e o0 dis/ord therein
7oo6 $2 !umber 2)+:
Hudhai0a re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) narrated to us two ahadith, I ha-e seen one (/r"stalli8ed into realit")2 and I am waitin. 0or the other, He told us: Trustworthiness des/ended in the innermost (root) o0 the hearts o0 1eo1le, Then the Eur:an was re-ealed and the" learnt 0rom the Eur:an and the" learnt 0rom the Sunnah, Then he (the Hol" @ro1het) told us about the remo-al o0 trustworthiness, He said: The man would ha-e a win6 o0 slee1 and trustworthiness would be ta6en awa" 0rom his heart lea-in. the im1ression o0 a 0aint mar6, He would a.ain slee1 and trustworthiness would be ta6en awa" 0rom his heart lea-in. an im1ression o0 a blister2 as i0 "ou rolled down an ember on "our 0oot and it was -esi/led, He would see a swellin. ha-in. nothin. in it, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then too6 u1 a 1ebble and rolled it down o-er his 0oot and (said): The 1eo1le would enter into transa/tions one another and hardl" a 1erson would be le0t who would return (thin.s) entrusted to him, (And there would be so mu/h 1au/it" o0 honest 1ersons) till it would be said: There in su/h a su/h tribe is a trustworth" man, And the" would also sa" about a 1erson: How 1rudent he is2 how broad-minded he is and how intelli.ent he is2 whereas in his heart there would not be 0aith e-en to the o0 a mustard seed, I ha-e 1assed throu.h a time in whi/h I did not /are with whom "ou I entered into a transa/tion2 0or i0 he were a Muslim his 0aith would /om1el him to dis/har.e his obli.ations to me and it he were a 'hristian or a Few2 the ruler would /om1el him to dis/har.e his obli.ations to me, 7ut toda" I would not enter into a transa/tion with "ou e5/e1t so and so,


$2 !umber 2)):

This hadith has been transmitted b" another /hain o0 transmitters: Ibn !umair2 ?a6i:2 Ishaq b, Ibrahim2 :Isa b, Kunus on the authorit" o0 A:mash,

$2# & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber 2)%:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Hudhai0a: ?e were sittin. in the /om1an" o0 Umar and he said: ?ho "ou has heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) tal6in. about the turmoilD Some 1eo1le said: It is we who heard it, U1on this be remar6ed: @erha1s b" turmoil "ou 1resume the unrest o0 man in re.ard to his household or nei.hbour2 the" re1lied: Kes, He (:Umar) obser-ed: Su/h (an unrest) would be done awa" with b" 1ra"er2 0astin. and /harit", 7ut who "ou has heard 0rom the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) des/ribin. that turmoil whi/h would /ome li6e the wa-e o0 the o/ean, Hudhai0a said: The 1eo1le hushed into silen/e2 I re1lied: It is I, He (:Umar) said: Ke2 well2 "our 0ather was also -er" 1ious, Hudhai0a said: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be2 u1on him ) obser-in.: Tem1tations will be 1resented to men:s hearts as reed mat is wo-en sti/6 b" sti/6 and an" heart whi/h is im1re.nated b" them will ha-e a bla/6 mar6 1ut into it2 but an" heart whi/h reje/ts them will ha-e a white mar6 1ut in it, The result is that there will be/ome two t"1es o0 hearts: one white li6e a white stone whi/h will not be harmed b" an" turmoil or tem1tation2 so lon. as the hea-ens and the earth endureB and the other bla/6 and dust-/oloured li6e a -essel whi/h is u1set2 not re/o.ni8in. what is .ood or reje/tin. what is abominable2 but bein. im1re.nated with 1assion, Hudhai0a said: I narrated to him (:Umar): There is between "ou and that (turmoil) a /losed door2 but there is e-er" li6elihood o0 its bein. bro6en, :Umar said: ?ould it be bro6enD Kou ha-e2 been rendered 0atherless, Had it been o1ened2 it would ha-e been 1erha1s /losed also, I said: !o2 it would be bro6en2 and I narrated to him: <eril" that door im1lies a 1erson who would be 6illed or die, There is no mista6e in this hadith, Abu >halid narrated: I said to Sa:d2 3 Abu Mali62 what do "ou mean b" the termC Aswad MurbaddaCD He re1lied: Hi.h de.ree o0 whiteness in bla/6ness, I said: ?hat is meant b"C Al6oo8u Muja6hi""anCD He re1lied: A -essel turned u1side down,


$2 !umber 2)#:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Aib:i (b, Hirash), ?hen Hudhai0a /ame 0rom :Umar he sat down to narrate to us and said: <eril" "esterda" when I was sittin. with the 'ommander o0 the belie-ers he as6ed his /om1anions: ?hen "ou retains in his memor" the utteran/e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with re.ard to the turmoilD -and he /ited the hadith li6e the hadith narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu >halid2 but he did not mention the e51osition o0 his words (Murbaddan) and (Muja6hi""an),


$2 !umber 2);:

It is transmitted b" Aib:i b, Hirash, who narrated it on the authorit" o0 Hudhai0a that -eril" :Umar said: ?ho would narrate to us or who "ou would narrate to us (and Hudhai0a was one them) what the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said about the turmoilD Hudhai0a said: I will2 and re/ited the hadith li6e that transmitted b" Abu Mali6 on the authorit" o0 Aib:i and he obser-ed in /onne/tion with this hadith that Hudhai0a remar6ed: I am narratin. to "ou

$2; & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

a hadith and it has no mista6e2 and said: That it is transmitted 0rom he o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

'ha1ter )): Islam was initiated as somethin. stran.e2 and it would re-ert to its (old 1osition) o0 bein. stran.e2 and it would /on/entrate between the two mosques
7oo6 $2 !umber 2% :
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Islam initiated as somethin. stran.e2 and it would re-ert to its (old 1osition) o0 bein. stran.e, so .ood tidin.s 0or the,


$2 !umber 2%$:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar (:Abdullah b, :Umar) that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: <eril" Islam started as somethin. stran.e and it would a.ain re-ert (to its old 1osition) o0 bein. stran.e just as it started2 and it would re/ede between the two mosques just as the ser1ent /rawls ba/6 into its hole,


$2 !umber 2%2:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: <eril" the 0aith would re/ede to Medina just as the ser1ent /rawls ba/6 into its hole,

'ha1ter )%: The e00a/in. o0 0aith in the later a.e

7oo6 $2 !umber 2%4:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas that -eril" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: The Hour (Aesurre/tion) would not /ome so lon. as Allah is su11li/ated in the world,


$2 !umber 2%*:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The Hour (Aesurre/tion) would not /ome u1on an"one so lon. as he su11li/ates Allah,
$4 & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

'ha1ter )#: @ermissibilit" o0 /on/ealin. the 0aith o0 one who 0ears

7oo6 $2 !umber 2%+:
Hudhai0a re1orted: ?e were in the /om1an" o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) when he said, 'ount 0or me those who 1ro0ess al-Islam, ?e said: o0 Allah2 do "ou entertain an" 0ear /on/ernin. us and we are (at this time) between si5 hundred and se-en hundred (in, He (the Hol" @ro1het) remar6ed: Kou don:t 1er/ei-eB "ou ma" be 1ut to some trial2 He (the narrator) said: ?e a/tuall" su00ered trial so mu/h so that some o0 our men were /onstrained to o00er their 1ra"ers in /on/ealment,

'ha1ter );: To habituate the heart with 0aith whi/h due to its wea6ness2 is s/ared and the 0orbiddan/e to /all 1ositi-el" one a belie-er without a de0inite 1roo0
7oo6 $2 !umber 2%):
Sa:d narrated it on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (Abi ?aqqas) that he obser-ed: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) distributed shares (o0 boot" amon. his 'om1anions), I said: o0 AllahL Hi-e it to so and so2 0or -eril" he is a belie-er, U1on this the A1ostle o0 Allah remar6ed: 3r a Muslim, I (the narrator) re1eated it (the wordC belie-erC ) thri/e and he (the Hol" @ro1het) turned his ba/6 u1on me (and substituted the word)C Muslim2C and then obser-ed: I bestow it (this share) to a man out o0 a11rehension lest Allah should throw him 1rostrate into the 0ire (o0 Hell) whereas in 0a/t the other man is dearer to me than he,


$2 !umber 2%%:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Sa:d that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) bestowed u1on a .rou1 o0 1ersons (thin.s)2 and Sa:d was sittin. them, Sa:d said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) i.nored some o0 them, And he who was i.nored seemed to be more deser-in. in m" e"es (as /om1ared with others), I (Sa:d) said: o0 Allah I wh" is it that "ou did not .i-e to su/h and su/h (man)D <eril" I see him a belie-er, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: 3r a MuslimD I 6e1t quiet 0or some time but I was a.ain

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im1elled (to e51ress) what I 6new about him, I said: o0 Allah wh" is it that "ou did not .i-e it to su/h and su/hD <eril"2 b" Allah2 see him a belie-er, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) remar6ed: (!a"2 not a belie-er) but a Muslim, He (Sa:d) said: I a.ain 6e1t quite 0or some time but what I 6new about him a.ain im1elled me (to e51ress m" o1inion) and I said: ?h" is it that "ou did not .i-e (the share) to so and so: 7" Allah2 -eril" I see him a belie-er, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) remar6edB (!a"2 not so) but a Muslim, <eril" (at times) I .i-e (a share) to a /ertain man a11rehendin. that he ma" not be thrown 1rostrate in the =ire2 whereas the other man (who is not .i-en) is dearer to me (as /om1ared with him),


$2 !umber 2%#:

Sa:d re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) bestowed u1on a .rou1 o0 1ersons (boot") and I was sittin. with them, The remainin. 1art o0 the hadith is the same as mentioned (abo-e) with the additionI stood u1 and went to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and whis1ered to him: ?h" did "ou omit su/h and su/h a manD


$2 !umber 2%;:

The same hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Muhammad b Sa:d and these words (are also there): The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e a stro6e on m" ne/6 or between m" two shoulders and said: Sa:d2 do "ou with me sim1l" be/ause I .a-e (a share) to a manD

'ha1ter % : The heart is more satis0ied on seein. e-iden/e

7oo6 $2 !umber 2# :
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: ?e ha-e more /laim to doubt than Ibrahim (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) when he said: M" LordL Show me how Thou wilt qui/6en the dead, He said: 7elie-eth thou notD He said: KesL 7ut that m" heart ma" rest at ease, He (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed: Ma" Lord ta6e mer/" on Lot2 that he wanted a stron. su11ort2 and had I sta"ed (in the 1rison) as lon. as Kusu0 sta"ed2 I would ha-e res1onded to him who in-ited me,


$2 !umber 2#$:

:Abdullah b, Muhammad narrated the same hadith on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira and in the transmission b" Mali6 the words are that he (the Hol" @ro1het) re/ited the -erse:C but that m" heart ma" rest at easeC and /om1leted it,
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$2 !umber 2#2:

This hadith has also been narrated b" Abd b, Humaid Ka:qub2 i, e, son o0 Ibrahim b, Sa:d2 Abu Uwais2 Guhri2 li6e the one narrated b" Mali6 with the same /hain o0 transmission and said: He re/ited this -erse till he /om1leted it,

'ha1ter %$: The ne/essit" o0 a00irmin. the 1ro1hethood o0 our a1ostle Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who is the a1ostle sent to the whole o0 humanit"2 and the abro.ation o0 other reli.ions with his reli.ion
7oo6 $2 !umber 2#4:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: There has ne-er been a @ro1het the 1ro1hets who was not bestowed with a si.n the si.ns whi/h were bestowed (on the earlier 1ro1hets), Human bein.s belie-ed in it and -eril" I ha-e been /on0erred u1on re-elation (the Hol" Eur:an) whi/h Allah re-ealed to me, I ho1e that I will ha-e the .reatest 0ollowin. on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,


$2 !umber 2#*:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: 7" Him in ?hose hand is the li0e o0 Muhammad2 he who the /ommunit" o0 Fews or 'hristians hears about me2 but does not a00irm his belie0 in that with whi/h I ha-e been sent and dies in this state (o0 disbelie0)2 he shall be but one o0 the deni8ens o0 Hell-=ire,


$2 !umber 2#+:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Sha:bi that one amon. the /iti8ens o0 >hurasan as6ed him:

some o0 the 1eo1le us who belon. to >hurasan sa" that a 1erson who 0reed his bondswoman and then married her is li6e one who rode o-er a sa/ri0i/ial animal, Sha:bi said: Abu 7urda b, Abi Musa narrated it to me on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that -eril" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There are three (/lasses o0 1ersons) who would be .i-en a double reward, 3ne who is the @eo1le o0 the 7oo6 and belie-ed in his a1ostle and (li-ed) to see the time o0 A1ostle Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and a00irmed his 0aith in him and 0ollowed him and

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attested his truth2 0or him is the double rewardB and the sla-e o0 the master who dis/ all those obli.ations that he owes to Allah and dis/ his duties that he owes to his master2 0or him there is a double reward, And a man who had a bondswoman and 0ed her and 0ed her well2 then her .ood manners2 and did that well and later on .ranted her 0reedom and married her2 0or him is the double reward, Then Sha:bi said: A//e1t this hadith without (.i-in.) an"thin., =ormerl" a man was (obli.ed) to tra-el to Medina e-en 0or a smaller hadith than this,


$2 !umber 2#):

This hadith has been narrated b" another /hain o0 transmitters li6e Abu 7a6r b, Abi Shaiba2 :Abda b, Sulaiman Ibn Abi :Umar Su0"an2 :Ubaidullah b, Mu:adh2 Shu:baB all o0 them heard it 0rom Salih b, Salih,

'ha1ter %2: The des/ent o0 jesus son o0 mar"2 and he will jud.e a//ordin. to the shariiah o0 our a1ostle2 muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)
7oo6 $2 !umber 2#%:
Abu Huraira re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7" Him in ?hose hand is m" li0e2 the son o0 Mar" (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) will soon des/end amon. "ou as a just jud.e, He will brea6 /rosses2 6ill swine and abolish Fi8"a and the wealth will 1our 0orth to su/h an e5tent that no one will a//e1t it,


$2 !umber 2##:

The same hadith is transmitted 0rom Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmission, 7ut in the tradition narrated b" Ibn :U"aina the words are:C im1artial leader and just jud.eC and in the tradition narrated b" Kunus: theC jud.e with justi/eC andC im1artial leaderC are not mentioned, And in the hadith narrated b" Salih li6e the one transmitted b" Laith the words are:C im1artial jud.eC, And in the hadith transmitted b" Gi"ad the words are:C Till one sajda is better than the worldand what it /ontains, Then Abu Huraira used to sa"2C re/iteC i0 "ou li6e: !ot one o0 the @eo1le o0 the 7oo6 will 0ail to belie-e in him be0ore his death,


$2 !umber 2#;:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the or Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: I swear b" Allah that the son o0 Mar" will /ertainl" des/end as a just jud.e and he
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would de0initel" brea6 the /ross2 and 6ill swine and abolish Fi8"a and would lea-e the "oun. she-/amel and no one would endea-our to (/olle/t Ga6at on it), S1ite2 mutual hatred and jealous" a.ainst one another will /ertainl" disa11ear and when he summons 1eo1le to a//e1t wealth2 not e-en one would do so,


$2 !umber 2; :

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: ?hat will be "our state when the son o0 Mar" des/ends "ou and there will be an Imam "ouD


$2 !umber 2;$:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that he heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hat would "ou do when the son o0 Mar" would des/end and lead "ouD


$2 !umber 2;2:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: ?hat would "ou do when the son o0 Mar" would des/end "ou and would lead "ou as one "ouD Ibn Abi 9hi:b on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira narrated: Kour leader "ou, Ibn Abi 9hi:b said: 9o "ou 6now what the words:C He would lead as one "ouC meanD I said: (51lain these to me, He said: He would lead "ou a//ordin. to the 7oo6 o0 "our: Lord (hallowed be He and most e5alted) and the Sunnah o0 "our A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


$2 !umber 2;4:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": A se/tion o0 m" 1eo1le will not /ease 0i.htin. 0or the Truth and will 1re-ail till the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion, He said: Fesus son o0 Mar" would then des/end and their (Muslims:) /ommander would in-ite him to /ome and lead them in 1ra"er2 but he would sa": !o2 some "ou are /ommanders o-er some ( "ou), This is the honour 0rom Allah 0or this Ummah,

'ha1ter %4: 9es/ri1tion o0 the 1eriod in whi/h iman would not be a//e1table to Allah
7oo6 $2 !umber 2;*:

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It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The (Last) Hour shall not /ame till the sun rises 0rom the 1la/e o0 its settin. And on the da" when it rises 0rom the 1la/e o0 its settin. e-en i0 all the 1eo1le to.ether a00irmed their 0aith2 it would not be o0 an" a-ail to one who did not belie-e 1re-iousl" and deri-ed no .ood out o0 his belie0,


$2 !umber 2;+:

This hadith has been narrated b" another /hain o0 transmitters2 Abu 7a6r b, Abi Shaiba2 Ibn !umair2 Abu >uraib2 Ibn =udail,


$2 !umber 2;):

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: ?hen three thin.s a11ear 0aith will not bene0it one who has not 1re-iousl" belie-ed or has deri-ed no .ood 0rom his 0aith: the risin. o0 the sun in its 1la/e o0 settin.2 the 9ajjal2 and the beast o0 the earth,


$2 !umber 2;%:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu 9harr that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) one da" said: 9o "ou 6now where the sun .oesD The" re1lied: Allah and His A1ostle 6now best, He (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed: <eril" it (the sun) .lides till it rea/hes its restin. 1la/e under the Throne, Then it 0alls 1rostrate and remains there until it is as6ed: Aise u1 and .o to the 1la/e when/e "ou /ame2 and it .oes ba/6 and /ontinues out 0rom its risin. 1la/e and then .lides till it rea/hes its 1la/e o0 rest under the Throne and 0alls 1rostrate and remains in that state until it is as6ed: Aise u1 and return to the 1la/e when/e "ou /ame2 and it returns and out 0rom it risin. 1la/e and the it .lides (in su/h a normal wa") that the 1eo1le do not dis/ern an"thin. ( unusual in it) till it rea/hes its restin. 1la/e under the Throne, Then it would be said to it: Aise u1 and emer.e out 0rom the 1la/e o0 "our settin.2 and it will rise 0rom the 1la/e o0 its settin., The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said, 9o "ou 6now when it would ha11enD It would ha11en at the time when 0aith will not bene0it one who has not 1re-iousl" belie-ed or has deri-ed no .ood 0rom the 0aith,


$2 !umber 2;#:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu 9harr that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) one da" said: 9o "ou 6now where the sun .oesD The remainin. 1art o0 the hadith is the same,


$2 !umber 2;;:

Abu 9harr re1orted: I entered the mosque and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was sittin. there, ?hen the sun disa11eared (0rom the he said: 3 Abu 9harrL 9o "ou 6now
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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

where it .oesD He (the narrator) said: Allah and His A1ostle 6now best, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said, <eril" it .oes and be.s 1ermission2 0or 1rostration (to Allah) and the 1ermission is .ranted to it, 3n/e it would be said: Aeturn to the 1la/e when/e "ou /ame2 and then it would rise 0rom its settin. 1la/e, Then he2 a0ter the re/itation o0 :Abdullah re/ited it: And that is its a11ointed term,


$2 !umber 4

Abu 9harr re1orted: I as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the (im1li/ation o0 the) words o0 Allah2 the (5alted: The sun .lides to its a11ointed restin. 1la/e, He re1lied: Its a11ointed restin. 1la/e is under the Throne,

'ha1ter %*: The be.innin. o0 re-elation to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)
7oo6 $2 !umber 4 $:
A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted: The 0irst (0orm) with whi/h was started the re-elation to the o0 Allah was the true -ision in slee1, And he did not see an" -ision but it /ame li6e the .leam o0 dawn, Then/e0orth solitude be/ame dear to him and he used to se/lude himsel0 in the /a-e o0 Hira:2 where he would en.a.e in tahannuth (and that is a worshi1 0or a number o0 ni.hts) be0ore returnin. to his 0amil" and .ettin. 1ro-isions a.ain 0or this 1ur1ose, He would then return to >hadija and ta6e 1ro-isions 0or a li6e 1eriod2 till Truth /ame u1on him while he was in the /a-e o0 Hira:, There /ame to him the an.el and said: Ae/ite2 to whi/h he re1lied: I am not lettered, He too6 hold o0 me Nthe A1ostle saidO and 1ressed me2 till I was hard 1ressedB therea0ter he let me o00 and said: Ae/ite, I said: I am not lettered, He then a.ain too6 hold o0 me and 1ressed me 0or the se/ond time till I was hard 1ressed and then let me o00 and said: Ae/ite2 to whi/h I re1lied: I am not lettered, He too6 hold o0 me and 1ressed me 0or the third time2 till I was hard 1ressed and then let me .o and said: Ae/ite in the name o0 "our Lord ?ho /reated2 /reated man 0rom a /lot o0 blood, Ae/ite, And "our most bounti0ul Lord is He ?ho the use o0 1en2 man what he 6new not (al-Eur:an2 5/-i, $-*), Then the @ro1het returned therewith2 his heart was tremblin.2 and he went to >hadija and said: ?ra1 me u12 wra1 me u1L So the" wra11ed him till the 0ear had le0t him, He then said to >hadija: 3 >hadijaL what has ha11ened to meD and he in0ormed her o0 the ha11enin.2 sa"in.: I 0ear 0or m"sel0, She re1lied: It /an:t be, 7e ha11", I swear b" Allah that He shall ne-er humiliate "ou, 7" Allah2 "ou join ties o0 relationshi12 "ou s1ea6 the truth2 "ou bear 1eo1le:s burden2 "ou hel1 the destitute2 "ou entertain .uests2 and "ou hel1 a.ainst the -i/issitudes whi/h a00e/t 1eo1le, >hadija then too6 him to ?araqa b, !au0al b, Asad b, :Abd al-:U88a2 and he was the son o0 >hadija:s un/le2 i, e,2 the brother o0 her 0ather, And he was the man who had embra/ed 'hristianit" in the 9a"s o0 I.noran/e (i, e, be0ore Islam) and he used to write boo6s in Arabi/
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and2 there0ore2 wrote Injil in Arabi/ as Hod willed that he should write, He was -er" old and had be/ome blind >hadija said to him: 3 un/leL listen to the son o0 "our brother, ?araqa b, !au0al said: 3 m" ne1hewL what did "ou seeD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 then2 in0ormed him what he had seen2 and ?araqa said to him: It is namus that Hod sent down to Musa, ?ould that I were then (durin. "our 1ro1heti/ /areer) a "oun. man, ?ould that I be ali-e when "our 1eo1le would e51el "ouL The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ill the" dri-e me outD ?araqa said: Kes, !e-er /ame a man with a li6e o0 what "ou ha-e but met hostilities, I0 I see "our da" I shall hel1 "ou wholeheartedl",


$2 !umber 4 2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :A:isha with another /hain o0 narrators li6e one transmitted b" Kunus2 i, e, the 0irst thin. with whi/h the re-elation was initiated with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) e5/e1t the words: 7" Allah2 Allah would ne-er humiliate "ou2 and >hadija said: 3 son o0 m" un/leL Listen to the son o0 "our brother,


$2 !umber 4 4:

This hadith has been re1orted 0rom :A:isha b" another /hain o0 transmitters and the words are: He (the Hol" @ro1het) /ame to >hadija an his heart was tremblin., The rest o0 the hadith has been narrated li6e one transmitted b" Kunus and Ma:mar2 but the 0irst 1art is not mentioned2 i, e, the 0irst thin. with whi/h was started the re-elation to the Hol" @ro1het was the true -ision, And these words li6e those transmitted b" Kunus are mentioned thus: 7" Allah2 Allah would ne-er humiliate "ou, And there is also a mention o0 the words o0 >hadija: 3 son o0 m" un/leL Listen to the son o0 "our brother,


$2 !umber 4 *:

Fabir b, :Abdullah al-Ansari who was one o0 the 'om1anions o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re1ortedThe o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) told about the intermission o0 re-elation and narrated ?hile I was wal6in. I heard a -oi/e 0rom the s6"2 and raisin. m" head I saw the an.el who had /ome to me in Hira:2 sittin. on a Throne between hea-en and earth I was terror-stri/6en on that a//ount and /ame ba/6 (to m" 0amil") and said: ?ra1 me u12 wra1 me u1L So the" wra11ed me u12 and the 7lessed and Most (5alted Allah sent down:C Kou who are shrouded2 arise and deli-er warnin.2 "our Lord ma.ni0"2 "our /lothes /leanse2 and de0ilement shun2C andC de0ilementC means idolsB and then the re-elation was 0ollowed /ontinuousl",


$2 !umber 4 +:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, Abdullah that he heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"s: The wahi was intermitted 0or me 0or a small s1an o0 time and while I was wal6in.2 and then the hadith li6e the one narrated b" Kunus was transmitted but with the e5/e1tion
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o0 these words: I was terror-stri/6en till I 0ell on the .round, Abu Salama said: 9e0ilement means idols, A0ter this the re-elation was s1eeded u1 and 0ollowed ra1idl",


$2 !umber 4 ):

This hadith2 the li6e o0 one narrated b" Kunus has also been transmitted b" Ma:mar on the authorit" o0 al-Guhri who narrated: Allah the Most Hlorious and (5alted re-ealed this:C Kou who are shrouded2 arise and deli-er warnin.2 "our Lord ma.ni0"2 "our /lothes /leanse and de0ilement shun2C be0ore ma6in. the 1ra"er obli.ator", I 0elt terror-stri/6en as narrated b" Uqail,


$2 !umber 4 %:

Kah"a re1orted: I as6ed Abu Salama what was re-ealed 0irst 0rom the Eur:an, He said:C 2 the shrouded one,C I said: 3rC Ae/ite,C Fabir said: I am narratin. to "ou what was narrated to us b" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He said: I sta"ed in Hira: 0or one month and when m" sta" was /om1leted2 I /ome down and went into the heart o0 the -alle", Somebod" /alled me aloud, I loo6ed in 0ront o0 me2 behind me2 on the o0 m" side and on m" le0t2 but I did not see an" bod", I was a.ain /alled and I loo6ed about but saw nothin., I was /alled a.ain and raised m" head2 and there on the Throne in the o1en atmos1here he2 i, e, Habriel (1ea/e be u1on him) was sittin., I to tremble on a//ount o0 0ear, I /ame to >hadija and said: ?ra1 me u1, The" wra11ed me u1 and threw water on me and Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 sent down this: "ou who are shroudedL arise and deli-er warnin.2 "our Lord ma.ni0"2 "our /lothes /leanse,C


$2 !umber 4 #:

Kah"a b Abi >athir has re1orted this hadith with the same /hain o0 transmitters and narrated: And there he was sittin. on the Throne between the hea-en and the earth,

'ha1ter %+: ! journe" o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to hea-en2 and the 1ra"er made obli.ator"
7oo6 $2 !umber 4 ;:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I was al-7uraq ?ho is an animal white and lon.2 than a don6e" but smaller than a mule2 who would 1la/e his hoo0 a distan/e equal to the ran.e o0 -ersion, I mounted it and /ame to the Tem1le (7ait Maqdis in Ferusalem)2 then tethered it to the rin. used b" the 1ro1hets, I
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entered the mosque and 1ra"ed two ra6:ahs in it2 and then /ame out and Habriel me a -essel o0 wine and a -essel o0 mil6, I /hose the mil62 and Habriel said: Kou ha-e /hosen the natural thin., Then he too6 me to hea-en, Habriel then as6ed the (.ate o0 hea-en) to be o1ened and he was as6ed who he was, He re1lied: Habriel, He was a.ain as6ed: ?ho is with "ouD He (Habriel) said: Muhammad, It was said: Has he been sent 0orD Habriel re1lied: He has indeed been sent 0or, And (the door o0 the hea-en) was o1ened 0or us and loL we saw Adam, He wel/omed me and 1ra"ed 0or m" .ood, Then we as/ended to the se/ond hea-en, Habriel (1ea/e be u1on him) (as6ed the door o0 hea-en to be o1ened)2 and he was as6ed who he was, He answered: HabrielB and was a.ain as6ed: ?ho is with "ouD He re1lied: Muhammad, It was said: Has he been sent 0orD He re1lied: He has indeed been sent 0or, The .ate was o1ened, ?hen I entered :Isa b, Mar"am and Kah"a b, Ga6ari"a (1ea/e be u1on both o0 them)2 /ousins 0rom the maternal side, wel/omed me and 1ra"ed 0or m" .ood Then I was ta6en to the third hea-en and Habriel as6ed 0or the o1enin. (o0 the door), He was as6ed: ?ho are "ouD He re1lied: Habriel, He was (a.ain) as6ed: ?ho is with "ouD He re1lied Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), It was said: Has he been sent 0orD He re1lied He has indeed been sent 0or, (The .ate) was o1ened 0or us and I saw Kusu0 (1ea/e o0 Allah be u1on him) who had been .i-en hal0 o0 (world) beaut", He wel/omed me 1ra"ed 0or m" well-bein., Then he as/ended with us to the 0ourth hea-en, Habriel (1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed 0or the (.ate) to be o1ened2 and it was said: ?ho is heD He re1lied: Habriel, It was (a.ain) said: ?ho is with "ouD He said: Muhammad, It was said: Has he been sent 0orD He re1lied: He has indeed been sent 0or, The (.ate) was o1ened 0or us2 and loL Idris was there, He wel/omed me and 1ra"ed 0or m" well-bein. (About him) Allah2 the (5alted and the Hlorious2 has said:C ?e ele-ated him (Idris) to the e5alted 1ositionC (Eur:an 5i5, +%), Then he as/ended with us to the 0i0th hea-en and Habriel as6ed 0or the (.ate) to be o1ened, It was said: ?ho is heD He re1lied Habriel, It was (a.ain) said: ?ho is with theeD He re1lied: Muhammad, It was said Has he been sent 0orD He re1lied: He has indeed been sent 0or, (The .ate) was o1ened 0or us and then I was with Harun (Aaron-1ea/e o0 Allah be u1on him), He wel/omed me 1ra"ed 0or m" well-bein., Then I was ta6en to the si5th hea-en, Habriel (1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed 0or the door to be o1ened, It was said: ?ho is heD He re1lied: Habriel, It was said: ?ho is with theeD He re1lied: Muhammad, It was said: Has he been sent 0orD He re1lied: He has indeed been sent 0or, (The .ate) was o1ened 0or us and there I was with Musa (Moses 1ea/e be u1on him) He wel/omed me and 1ra"ed 0or m" well-bein., Then I was ta6en u1 to the se-enth hea-en, Habriel as6ed the (.ate) to be o1ened, It was said: ?ho is heD He said: Habriel It was said, ?ho is with theeD He re1lied: Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him,) It was said: Has he been sent 0orD He re1lied: He has indeed been sent 0or, (The .ate) was o1ened 0or us and there I 0ound Ibrahim (Abraham 1ea/e be u1on him) re/linin. a.ainst the 7ait-ulMa:mur and there enter into it se-ent" thousand an.els e-er" da"2 ne-er to -isit (this 1la/e) a.ain, Then I was ta6en to Sidrat-ul-Muntaha whose lea-es were li6e ele1hant ears and its 0ruit li6e bi. earthenware -essels, And when it was /o-ered b" the 'ommand o0 Allah2 it underwent su/h a /han.e that none the /reation has the 1ower to 1raise its beaut", Then Allah re-ealed to me a re-elation and He made obli.ator" 0or me 0i0t" 1ra"ers e-er" da" and, Then I went down to Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) and he said: ?hat has "our Lord enjoined
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u1on "our UmmahD I said: =i0t" 1ra"ers, He said: Aeturn to th" Lord and be. 0or redu/tion (in the number o0 1ra"ers)2 0or "our /ommunit" shallnot be able to bear this burden, as I ha-e 1ut to test the /hildren o0 Isra:il and tried them (and 0ound them too wea6 to bear su/h a hea-" burden), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I went ba/6 to m" Lord and said: M" Lord2 ma6e thin.s li.hter 0or m" Ummah, (The Lord) redu/ed 0i-e 1ra"ers 0or me, I went down to Moses and said, (The Lord) redu/ed 0i-e (1ra"ers) 0or me2 He said: <eril" th" Ummah shall not be able to bear this burdenB return to th" Lord and as6 Him to ma6e thin.s li.hter, I then 6e1t .oin. ba/6 and 0orth between m" Lord 7lessed and (5alted and Moses2 till He said: There are 0i-e 1ra"ers e-er" da" and, 3 Muhammad2 ea/h bein. /redited as ten2 so that ma6es 0i0t" 1ra"ers, He who intends to do a .ood deed and does not do it will ha-e a .ood deed re/orded 0or himB and i0 he does it2 it will be re/orded 0or him as tenB whereas he who intends to do an e-il deed and does not do2 it will not be re/orded 0or himB and i0 he does it2 onl" one e-il deed will be re/orded, I then /ame down and when I /ame to Moses and in0ormed him2 he said: Ho ba/6 to th" Lord and as6 Him to ma6e thin.s li.hter, U1on this the o0 Allah remar6ed: I returned to m" Lord until I 0elt ashamed be0ore Him,


$2 !umber 4$ :

It is narrated on the the outhorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (the an.els) /ame to me and too6 me to the Gam8am and m" heart was o1ened and washed with the water o0 Gam8am and then I was le0t (at m" 1la/e),


$2 !umber 4$$:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Habriel /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1o him) while he was 1la"in. with his 1la"mates, He too6 hold o0 him and la" him 1rostrate on the .round and tore o1en his breast and too6 out the heart 0rom it and then e5tra/ted a blood-/lot out o0 it and said: That was the 1art o0 Satan in thee, And then he washed it with the water o0 Gam8am in a .olden basin and then it was joined to.ether and restored to it 1la/e, The bo"s /ame runnin. to his mother2 i, e, his nurse2 and said: <eril" Muhammad has been murdered, The" all rushed toward him (and 0ound him all His /olor was /han.ed2 Anas said, I m"sel0 saw the mar6s o0 needle on his breast,


$2 !umber 4$2:

Anas b, Mali62 while re/ounti. the ! journe" o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 0rom the mosque o0 >a:bah2 re1orted: Three bein.s (an.els) /ame to him in the osque o0 the >a:bah2 while he was slee1in. in the sa/red mosque be0ore it (the 'ommand o0 ! Fourne" and A//ension) was re-ealed to him, The rest o0 the hadith is narrated li6e that o0 Thabit, Howe-er2 some 1ortions ha-e o//urred be0ore and some o0 them ha-e o//urred a0terB some ha-e been added and some deleted,

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$2 !umber 4$4:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: Abu 9harr used to relate that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The roo0 o0 m" house was /le0t when I was in Me//a and Habriel des/ended and o1ened m" heart and then washed it with the water o0 Gam8am, He then a .old basin 0ull o0 wisdom and 0aith and a0ter em1t"in. it into m" breast2 he /losed it u1, Then ta6in. me b" he hand2 he as/ended with me to th hea-en2 and when we /ame to the lowest hea-en2 Habriel said to the .uardian o0 the lowest hea-en: 31en, He as6ed who was thereD He re1lied, It is Habriel, He a.ain as6ed whe he there was someone with him, He re1lied: Kes2 it is Muhammad with me, He was as6ed i0 he had been sent 0or2 He (Habriel) said: Kes, Then he o1ened (the .ate), ?hen we as/ended the lowest hea-en (I saw) a man seated with 1arties on his side and 1arties on his le0t side, ?hen he loo6ed u1 to his ri.ht2 he lau.hed and when he loo6ed to his le0t2 he we1t, He said: ?el/ome to the ri.hteous a1ostle and the ri.hteous son, I as6ed Habriel who he was and he re1lied: He is Adam (1ea/e be u1on him) and these 1arties on his and on his le0t are the souls o0 his des/endants, Those o0 them on his are the inmates o0 @aradise and the 1arties whi/h are on his le0t side are the inmates o0 HellB so when he loo6ed towards his side2 he lau.hed2 and when he loo6ed towards his le0t side2 he we1t, Then Habriel as/ended with me to the se/ond hea-en, He as6ed its .uardian to o1en (its .ate)2 and its .uardian re1lied in the same wa" as the .uardian o0 the lowest hea-en had said, He (o1ened it), Anas b, Mali6 said: He (the Hol" @ro1het) mentioned that he 0ound in the hea-ens Adam2 Idris2 Fesus2 Moses and Abraham (ma" 1ea/e be on all o0 them)2 but he did not as/ertain as to the nature o0 their abodes e5/e1t that he had 0ound Adam in the lowest hea-en and Abraham in the si5th hea-en, ?hen Habriel and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1assed b" Idris (1ea/e be u1on him) he said: ?el/ome to the ri.hteous a1ostle and ri.hteous brother, He (the narrator) said: He then 1ro/eeded and said: ?ho is heD Habriel re1lied: It is Idris, Then I 1assed b" Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) and he said: ?el/ome tothe ri.hteous a1ostle and ri.hteous brother, I said to (Habriel): ?ho is heD He re1lied: It is Moses, Then I 1assed b" Fesus and he said: ?el/ome to the ri.hteous a1ostle and ri.hteous brother, I said (to Habriel): ?ho is heD He re1lied: Fesus2 son o0 Mar", He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Then I went to Ibrahim (1ea/e be u1on him), He said: ?el/ome to the ri.hteous a1ostle and ri.hteous son, I as6ed: ?ho is heD He (Habriel) re1lied: It is Abraham, Ibn Shihab said: Ibn Ha8m told me that Ibn :Abbas and Abd Habba al-Ansari used to sa" that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Therea0ter he as/ended with me till I was ta6en to su/h a where I heard the s/ra1in. o0 the 1ens, Ibn Ha8m and Anas told that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah then made 0i0t" 1ra"ers obli.ator" 0or m" Ummah and I returned with that and 1assed b" Moses, Moses2 (1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hat has th" Lord enjoined on th" 1eo1leD I said: =i0t" 1ra"ers ha-e been made obli.ator" on them, Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) said: Aeturn to th" Lord2 0or th" Ummah would not be able to bear this burden, Then I /ame ba/6 to m" Lord and He remitted a 1ortion out o0 thut, I then a.ain went to Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) and in0ormed him about it He said: Aeturn to th" Lord2 0or th" Ummah shall not be able to bear this burden, I then went ba/6 to m" Lord and He said: The" are 0i-e and at the same time 0i0t"2 and what has been said will not be /han.ed, I then returned to Moses and he said: Ho ba/6 to th" Lord, whereu1on I
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said: I 0eel ashamed o0 m" Lord, Habriel then tra-elled with me till we /ame to the 0arthest lote-tree Man" a /olour had /o-ered it whi/h I do not 6now, Then I was admitted to @aradise and saw in it domes o0 1earls2 and its soil o0 mus6,


$2 !umber 4$*:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted on the authorit" o0 Mali6 b, Sa sa:2 1erha1s a 1erson o0 his tribe2 that the @ro1het o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I was near the House (i, e, >a:bah) in a state between slee1 and wa6e0ulness when I heard someone sa": He is the third amon. the two 1ersons, Then he /ame to me and too6 me with him, Then a .olden basin /ontainin. the water o0 Gam8am was to me and m" heart was o1ened u1 to su/h and su/h (1art), Eatada said: I as6ed him who was with me (i e, the narrator) and what he meant b" su/h and su/h (1art), He re1lied: (It means that it was o1ened) u1 to the lower 1art o0 his abdomen (Then the hadith /ontinues): M" heart was e5tra/ted and it was washed with the water o0 Gam8am and then it was restored in its ori.inal 1osition2 a0ter whi/h it was 0illed with 0aith and wisdom, I was then a white beast whi/h is /alled al7uraq2 than a don6e" and smaller than a mule, Its stride was as lon. as the e"e /ould rea/h, I was mounted on it2 and then we went 0orth till we rea/hed the lowest hea-en, Habriel as6ed 0or the (.ate) to be o1ened2 and it was said: ?ho is heD He re1lied: Habriel, It was a.ain said: ?ho is with theeD He re1lied: Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), It was said: Has he been sent 0orD He (Habriel) said: Kes, He (the @ro1het) said: Then (the .ate) was o1ened 0or us (and it was said): ?el/ome unto himL His is a blessed arri-al, Then we /ame to Adam (1ea/e be u1on him), And he (the narrator) narrated the whole a//ount o0 the hadith, (The Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed that he met Fesus in the se/ond hea-en2 Kah"a (1ea/e be on both o0 them) in the third hea-en2 Kusu0 in the third2 Idris in the 0ourth2 Harun in the 0i0th (1ea/e and blessin.s o0 Allah be u1on them), Then we tra-elled on till we rea/hed the si5th hea-en and /ame to Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) and I .reeted him and he said: ?el/ome unto ri.hteous brother and ri.hteous 1ro1het, And when I 1assed (b" him) he we1t2 and a -oi/e was heard sa"in.: ?hat ma6es thee wee1D He said: M" Lord2 he is a "oun. man whom Thou hast sent a0ter me (as a 1ro1het) and his 0ollowers will enter @aradise in .reater numbers than m" 0ollowers, Then we tra-elled on till we rea/hed the se-enth hea-en and I /ame to Ibrahim, He (the narrator) narrat- ed in this hadith that the @ro1het o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) told that he saw 0our ri-ers whi/h 0lowed 0rom (the root o0 the lote-tree o0 the 0arthest limits): two mani0est ri-ers and two hidden ri-ers, I said: : HabrielL what are these ri-ersD He re1lied: The two hidden ri-ers are the ri-ers o0 @aradise2 and as re.ards the two mani0est ones2 the" are the !ile and the (u1hrates, Then the 7ait-ul-Ma:mur was raised u1 to me, I said: 3 HabrielL what is thisD He re1lied: It is the 7ait-ul-Ma:mur, Se-ent" thousand an.els enter into it dail" and2 a0ter the" /ome out2 the" ne-er return a.ain, Two -essels were then to me, The 0irst one /ontained wine and the se/ond one /ontained mil62 and both o0 them were 1la/ed be0ore me, I /hose mil6, It was said: Kou did, Allah will .uide ri.htl" throu.h "ou "our Ummah on the natural /ourse, Then 0i0t" 1ra"ers dail" were made obli.ator" 0or me, And then he narrated the rest o0 the hadith to the end,

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$2 !umber 4$+:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Mali6 b, Sa:sa: that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) narrated the hadith (mentioned abo-e) and added to it: I was a .old basin 0ull o0 wisdom and 0aith2 and then the (1art o0 the bod") 0rom the u11er end o0 the /hest to the lower 1art o0 the abdomen was o1ened and it was washed with the water o0 Gam8am and then 0lled with wisdom and 0aith,


$2 !umber 4$):

Eatada re1orted that he heard Abu al-:Ali"a sa"in. that the /ousin o0 "our @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 i, e, Ibn Abbas2 told him: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 while narratin. his journe" obser-ed: Musa (1ea/e be u1on him) was a man o0 hi.h stature as i0 he was o0 the 1eo1le o0 the Shanu:a (tribe)2 and Fesus was a well-built 1erson ha-in. /url" hair, He also mentioned Mali62 the .uardian o0 Hell2 and 9ajjal,


$2 !umber 4$%:

Abu al-:Ali"a re1orted: Ibn Abbas2 the son o0 "our @ro1het:s un/le2 told us that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had obser-ed: 3n the o0 m" journe" I 1assed b" Moses b, :Imran (1ea/e be u1on him)2 a man brown in /om1le5ion2 tall, well-built as i0 he was one o0 the men o0 the Shanu:a2 and saw Fesus son o0 Mar" as a medium-statured man with white and red /om1le5ion and /ris1 hair2 and I was shown Mali6 the .uardian o0 =ire2 and 9ajjal the si.ns whi/h were shown to me b" Allah, He (the narrator) obser-ed: Then do not doubt his (i, e, o0 the Hol" @ro1het) meetin. with him (Moses), Eatada elu/idated it thus: <eril" the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 met Moses (1ea/e be u1on him),


$2 !umber 4$#:

Abu al-:Ali"a narrated it on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1assed throu.h the -alle" o0 A8raq2 and he as6ed: ?hi/h -alle" is thisD The" said: This is the -alle" o0 A8raq2 and he obser-ed: (I 1er/ei-e) as i0 I am seein. Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) /omin. down 0rom the mountain tra/62 and he is /allin. u1on Allah loudl" (sa"in.: Here I amL at "our ser-i/eL ), Then he /ame to the mountain tra/6 o0 Harsha, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hi/h is this mountain tra/6D The" said: It is the mountain tra/6 o0 Harsha, He obser-ed (I 0eel) as I0 I am seein. Kunus (Fonah-1ea/e be u1on him) son o0 Matta on a well- built red dromedar"2 with a /loa6 o0 wool around him and the rein o0 his dromedar" is made o0 the 0ibres o0 date-1alm2 and he is /allin. u1on Allah (sa"in.: Here I amL at "our ser-i/e2 m" LordL ), Ibn Hanbal said in the hadith narrated b" him: Hushaim said that the meanin. o0 6hulba was 0ibre o0 date-1alm,

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$2 !umber 4$;:

Abu al-:Ali"a narrated it on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas that he said: ?e tra-elled with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) between Me//a and Medina and we 1assed b" a -alle", He (the Hol" @ro1het) as6ed: ?hi/h -alle" is thisD The" said: This is the -alle" o0 A8raq U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) remar6ed: (I 0eel) as i0 I am seein. Moses (1ea/e be u1on him)2 and then he des/ribed somethin. about his /om1le5ion and hair2 whi/h 9iwud (the narrator) /ould not remember, He (Moses2 as des/ribed b" the Hol" @ro1het) was 6ee1in. his 0in.ers in his ears and was res1ondin. loudl" to Allah (sa"in.: I am as Th" ser-i/e2 m" Lord) while 1assin. throu.h that -alle", ?e then tra-elled (0urther) till we /ame to the mountain trail, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hi/h mountain trail is thisD The" said: It is the Harsha or Li0t, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: (I 1er/ei-e) as i0 I am seein. Kunus on a red /amel2 with a /loa6 o0 wool around him, The halter o0 his /amel was that o0 the 0ibre o0 date-1alm2 and he was 1assin. throu.h the -alle" sa"in.: I am at Th" ser-i/eL m" Lord,


$2 !umber 42 :

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Mujahid that he said: ?e were with Ibn :Abbas and (the 1eo1le) tal6ed about al-9ajjal, (3ne o0 them remar6ed, There is written between his e"es (the word) >a0ir (in0idel), The narrator said: Ibn :Abbas remar6ed: I did not hear him (the Hol" @ro1het) sa" it2 but he said: So 0ar as Ibrahim is /on/erned, "ou ma" see "our /om1anion and so 0ar as Moses is /on/erned2 he is a well-built man with wheat /om1le5ion (ridin.) on a red /amel with its halter made o0 the 0ibre o0 date-1alm (and I 1er/ei-e) as i0 I am seein. towards him as he is .oin. down in the -alle" sa"in.: I am at Th" ser-i/eL m" Lord,


$2 !umber 42$:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There a11eared be0ore me the a1ostles2 and Moses was amon. men as i0 he was one o0 the 1eo1le o0 Shanu:a2 and I saw Fesus son o0 Mar" (1ea/e be u1on him) and I saw nearest in resemblan/e with him was :Urwa b, Mas:ud2 and I saw Ibrahim (blessin.s o0 Allah be u1on him) and I see "our /om1anions mu/h in resemblan/e with him2 i, e, his 1ersonalit"2 and I saw Habriel (1ea/e be u1on him) and I saw 9ih"a nearest in resemblan/e to himB but in the narration o0 Ibn Aumh it is 9ih"a b, >hali0a,


$2 !umber 422:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen I was ta6en 0or the journe" I met Moses 1ea/e be u1on him), The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e his des/ri1tion thus: He was a man2 I su11ose-and he (the narrator) was somewhat doubt0ul (that the Hol" @ro1het obser-ed): (Moses) was a man ere/t in stature with hair on his head as it he was one o0 the men o0 the Shanu:aB and I met Fesus and the A1ostle
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o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) des/ribed him as one ha-in. a medium stature and a red /om1le5ion as i0 he had (just) /ome out o0 the bath He obser-ed: I saw Ibrahim (1ea/e be u1on him) and his /hildren I ha-e the .reatest resemblan/e with him, He said: There were to me two -essels, In one o0 them was mil6 and in the other one there was wine, And it was said to me: Sele/t an" one "ou li6e, So I sele/ted the -essel /ontainin. mil6 and dran6 it, He (the an.el) said: Kou ha-e been .uided on al-0itra or "ou ha-e attained al-0itra, Had "ou sele/ted wine2 "our Ummah would ha-e been misled,

'ha1ter %): @ertainin. to jesus son o0 Mar" and Almasih al-dajjal

7oo6 $2 !umber 424:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, Umar that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I 0ound m"sel0 one near the >a:bah2 and I saw a man with wheat /om1le5ion the 0air-/om1le5ioned men that "ou e-er saw, He had a lo/6 o0 hair the most beauti0ul o0 the lo/6s that "ou e-er saw, He had /ombed it, ?ater was tri/6lin. out o0 them, He was leanin. on two men2 or on the shoulders o0 two men2 and he was /ir/ums/ribin. the >a:bah, I as6ed2 ?hat is heD It was said: He is al-Masih son o0 Mar", Then I saw another 1erson2 stout and ha-in. too mu/h /url" hair2 and blind in his e"e as i0 it was a 0ull swollen .ra1e, I as6ed ?ho is heD It was said: He is al-Masih al-9ajjal,


$2 !umber 42*:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdulldh b, Umar that one da" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) mentioned in the 1resen/e o0 1eo1le about al-Masih al-9ajjal, He said: <eril" Allah (hallowed be He and Hi.h) is not blind o0 one e"e, 7ehold2 but the Masih al-9ajjal is blind o0 e"e as i0 his e"e is li6e a swollen .ra1e2 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I was shown in a dream in the that near the >a:bah there was a man 0air-/om1le5ioned2 0ine the white-/om1le5ioned men that "ou e-er saw2 his lo/6s o0 hair were 0allin. on his shoulders, He was a man whose hair were neither too /url" nor too strai.ht2 and water tri/6led down 0rom his head, He was 1la/in. his bands on the shoulders o0 two 1ersons and amidst them was ma6in. a /ir/uit around the >a:bah, I said: ?ho is heD The" re1lied: Al-Masih son o0 Mar", And I saw behind him a man with intensel" /url" hair2 blind o0 e"e, the 1ersons I ha-e e-er seen Ibn Eatan has the .reatest resemblan/e with him, He was ma6in. a /ir/uit around the >a:bah b" 1la/in. both his hands on the shoulders o0 two 1ersons, I said: ?ho is heD The" saidB It is al-Masih al-9ajjal,

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$2 !umber 42+:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I saw near the >a:bah a man o0 0air /om1le5ion with hair2 1la/in. his hands on two 1ersons, ?ater was 0lowin. 0rom his head or it was tri/6lin. 0rom his head, I as6ed: ?ho is heD The" said: He is Fesus son o0 Mar" or al-Masih son o0 Mar", The narrator) sa"s: I do not remember whi/h word it was, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: And I saw behind him a man with red /om1le5ion and thi/6 /url" hair2 blind in the e"e, I saw in him the .reatest resemblan/e with Ibn Eitan I as6ed: ?ho is heD The" re1lied: It is al-Masih al-9ajjal,


$2 !umber 42):

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, :Abdullah that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen the Euraish belied me2 I was sta"in. in Hatim and Allah li0ted be0ore me 7aitul-Maqdis and I to narrate to them (the Euraish o0 Me//a) its si.ns while I was in 0a/t loo6in. at it,


$2 !umber 42%:

:Abdullah re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather :Umar b, >hattab that he heard 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) sa": I was slee1in. when I saw m"sel0 ma6in. /ir/uit around the >a:bah2 and I saw there a man o0 0air /om1le5ion with hair between two men, ?ater was 0lowin. 0rom his head or water was 0allin. 0rom his head, I said: ?ho is heD The" answered: He is the son o0 Mar", Then I mo-ed 0orward and /ast a .lan/e and there was a bul6" man o0 red /om1le5ion with thi/6 lo/6s o0 hair on his head2 blind o0 one e"e as it his e"e was a swollen .ra1e, I as6ed: ?ho is heD The" said: He is 9ajjal, He had /lose resemblan/e with Ibn Eatan men,


$2 !umber 42#:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I 0ound m"sel0 in Hijr and the Euraish were as6in. me about m" journe", I was as6ed about thin.s 1ertainin. to 7ait-ul-Maqdis whi/h I /ould not 1reser-e (in m" mind), I was -er" mu/h -e5ed2 so -e5ed as I had ne-er been be0ore, Then Allah raised it (7ait-ul-Maqdis) be0ore m" e"es, I loo6ed towards it2 and I .a-e them the in0ormation about whate-er the" questioned me I also saw m"sel0 amon. the .rou1 o0 a1ostles, I saw Moses sa"in. 1ra"er and 0ound him to be a well-built man as i0 he was a man o0 the tribe o0 Shanu:a, I saw Fesus son o0 Mar" (1ea/e be u1on him) o00erin. 1ra"er2 o0 all o0 men he had the /losest resemblan/e with :Urwa b, Masu:d al-Thaqa0i, I saw Ibrahim (1ea/e be u1on him) o00erin. 1ra"erB he had the /losest resemblan/e with "our /om1anion (the @ro1het himsel0) 1eo1le, ?hen the time o0 1ra"er /ame I led them, ?hen I /om1leted the 1ra"er2 someone said: Here is Mali62 the 6ee1er o0 the HellB 1a" him salutations, I turned to him2 but he 1re/eded me in salutation,
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'ha1ter %%: 'on/ernin. Sidrat-ul-muntaha (remotest lote-tree)

7oo6 $2 !umber 42;:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah (b, Umar) that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was ta6en 0or the ! journe"2 he was ta6en to Sidrat-ul-Muntaha2 whi/h is situated on the si5th hea-en2 where terminates e-er"thin. that as/ends 0rom the earth and is held there2 and where terminates e-er"- thin. that des/ends 0rom abo-e it and is held there, (It is with re0eren/e to this that) Allah said:C ?hen that whi/h /o-ers /o-ered the lote-treeC (al-Eur:an2 Iiii, $)), He (the narrator) said: (It was) .old moths, He (the narrator 0urther) said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was .i-en three (thin.s): he was .i-en 0i-e 1ra"ers2 be was .i-en the /on/ludin. -erses o0 Sura al-7aqara2 and remission o0 serious Sins 0or those amon. his Ummah who asso/iate not an"thin. with Allah


$2 !umber 44 :

Al-Shaibini re1orted to us: I as6ed Girr b, Hubaish about the words o0 Allah (the" and Hreat):C So he was (at a distan/e) o0 two bows or nearerC (al-Eur:an2 Iiii #), He said: Ibn Mas:ud in0ormed me that2 -eril"2 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw Habriel and he had si5 hundred win.s,


$2 !umber 44$:

Al-Shaibani narrated on the authorit" o0 Girr who narrated it on this authorit" o0 Abdullah that the (words o0 Allah):C The heart belied not what he sawC (al Eur:an2 Iiii, $$) im1l" that he saw Habriel (1ea/e be u1on him) and he had si5 hundred win.s,


$2 !umber 442:

Girr b, Hubaish narrated it on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah (that the words o0 Allah):C 'ertainl" he saw o0 the .reatest si.ns o0 AllahC (al-Eur:an2 liii, $#) im1l" that he saw Habriel in his (ori.inal) 0orm and he had si5 hundred win.s,


$2 !umber 444:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the (words o0 Allah):C And /ertainl" he saw him in another des/entC (al-Eur:an2 Iiii, $4) im1l" that he saw Habriel,

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'ha1ter %#: The meanin. o0 the words o0 allah: CHe saw him in another des/entC (al-qur:an2 liii, $4), 9id the a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) see his lord on the o0 his journe" (to hea-en)D
7oo6 $2 !umber 44*:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas that he (the Hol" @ro1het) saw (Allah) with2 his heart,


$2 !umber 44+:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Abbas that the words:C The heart belied not what he sawC (alEur:an2 Iiii, $$) andC 'ertainl" he saw Him in another des/entC (al-Eur:an2 Iiii, $4) im1l" that he saw him twi/e with his heart,


$2 !umber 44):

Abu 7a6r b, Abi Shaiba narrated it on the same authorities,


$2 !umber 44%:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Masruq that he said: I was restin. at (the house o0) :A:isha that she said: 3 Abu :A:isha (6un"a o0 Masruq)2 there are three thin.s2 and he who a00irmed e-en one o0 them 0abri/ated the .reatest lie a.ainst Allah, I as6ed that the" were, She said: He who 1resumed that Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw his Lord (with his o/ular -ision) 0abri/ated the .reatest lie a.ainst Allah, I was re/linin. but then sat u1 and said: Mother o0 the =aith0ul2 wait a bit and do not be in a haste, Has not Allah (" and Majesti/) said:C And trul" he saw him on the /lear hori8onC (al-Eur:an2 l555i, 24) andC he saw Him in another des/entC (al-Eur:an2 iiii, $4)D She said: I am the 0irst o0 this Ummah who as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about it2 and he said: <eril" he is Habriel, I ha-e ne-er seen him in his ori.inal 0orm in whi/h he was /reated e5/e1t on those two o//asions (to whi/h these -erses re0er) B I saw him des/endin. 0rom the hea-en and 0illin. (the s1a/e) 0rom the s6" to the earth with the .reatness o0 his bodil" stru/ture, She said: Ha-e "ou not heard Allah sa"in.,C ("es /om1rehend Him not2 but He /om1rehends (all) -ision, and He is Subtle2 and All-AwareC (al-Eur:an2 -, $ *)D (She2 i, e, :A:isha2 0urther said): Ha-e "ou not heard that2 -eril"2 Allah sa"s:C And it is not -ou/hsa0ed to a human bein. that Allah should s1ea6 unto him otherwise than b" re-elation2 or 0rom behind a -eil2 or that He sendeth a (an.el)2 so that he re-ealth whatsoe-er He wills, <eril" He is (5alted, ?iseC (al, Eur:an2 5ii, +$) She said: He who

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1resumes that the Messen.ero0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /on/ealed an"thin.2 0rom the 7oo62 o0 Allah 0abri/ates the .reatest lie a.ainst Allah, Allah sa"s:C 3 Messen.erL deli-er that whi/h has been re-ealed to thee 0rom th" Lord2 and i0 thou do (it) not2 thou hast not deli-ered His messa.eC (alEur:an2 -, )%), She said: He who 1resumes that he would in0orm about what was .oin. to ha11en tomorrow 0abri/ates the .reatest lie a.ainst Allah, And Allah sa"sC Sa" thou (Muhammad): !one in the hea-ens and the earth 6noweth the unseen sa-e AllahC (al-Eur:an2 55-ii )+),


$2 !umber 44#:

9awud re1orted on the same authorities the hadith as narrated abo-e b" Ibn :Uli""a and added: She (:A:isha) said: I0 Muhammad were to /on/eal an"thin. whi/h was sent to him2 he would ha-e /ertainl" /on/ealed this -erse:C And when thou saidst to him on whom Allah had /on0erred 0a-our and thou too had /on0erred 0a-our: >ee1 th" wi0e to th"sel0 and 0ear Allah2 and thou wast /on/ealin. in th" heart that whi/h Allah was .oin. to dis/lose2 and thou wast 0earin. men while Allah has a better that thou shouldst 0ear Him,C


$2 !umber 44;:

Masruq re1orted: I as6ed :A:isha i0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had seen his Lord, She re1lied: Hallowed be Allah2 m" hair stood on end when "ou said this2 and he (Masruq) narrated the hadith as narrated abo-e, The hadith re1orted b" 9iwud is more /om1lete and,


$2 !umber 4* :

Masruq re1orted: I said to :A:isha: ?hat about the words o0 Allah:C Then he drew ni.h and /ame down2 so he was at a distan/e o0 two bows or /loser still: so He re-ealed to His ser-ant what He re-ealedC (al-Eur:an2 liii, #-$ )D She said: It im1lies Habriel, He used to /ome to him (the Hol" @ro1het) in the sha1e o0 menB but he /ame at this time in his true 0orm and blo/6ed u1 the hori8on o0 the s6",

'ha1ter %;: @ertainin. to his (1ro1het:s) words: He is a li.htB how /ould i see himD And his words: I saw the
7oo6 $2 !umber 4*$:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu 9harr: I as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): 9id "ou see th" LordD He said: He is a Li.htB, bow /ould I see HimD

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$2 !umber 4*2:

Abdullah b, Shaqiq re1orted: I said to Abu 9harr: Had I seen the o0 Allah2 I would ha-e as6ed him, He (Abu 9harr) said: ?hat is that thin. that "ou wanted to inquire o0 himD He said: I wanted to as6 him whether he had seen his Lord, Abu 9harr said: I2 in 0a/t2 inquired o0 him2 and he re1lied: I saw,


$2 !umber 4*4:

Abu Musa re1orted: The o0allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was standin. us and he told us 0i-e thin.s, He said: <eril" the (5alted and" Hod does not slee12 and it does not be0it Him to slee1, He lowers the s/ale and li0ts it, The deeds in the are ta6en u1 to Him be0ore the deeds o0 the da", and the deeds o0 the da" be0ore the deeds o0 the, His -eil is the, In the hadith narrated b" Abu 7a6r (instead o0 the wordC li.htC ) it is 0ire, I0 he withdraws it (the -eil)2 the s1lendour o0 His /ountenan/e would /onsume His /reation so 0ar as His rea/hes,


$2 !umber 4**:

A:mash has narrated this hadith on the same authorit" and said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was standin. us and he told us 0our thin.s, He then narrated the hadith li6e the one re1orted b" Abu Mua:wi"a2 but did not mention the wordsC His /reationC and said: His -eil is the,


$2 !umber 4*+:

Abu Musa re1orted: The o0 Allah (8na" 1ea/e be u1on him) was standin. us and (he said) 0our (thin.s): <eril" Allah do/6 not slee1 and it does not be0it Him to slee1, He raises the s/ale and lowers it, The deeds o0 the da" are 1resented to Him in the and the deeds o0 the in the da",

'ha1ter # : In 1roo0 o0 the 0a/t that the belie-ers would see their lord (hallowed be he and e5alted) on the last da"
7oo6 $2 !umber 4*):
:Abdullah b, Eais transmitted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (Abu Musa Ash:ari) that the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There would be two .ardens (in @aradise) the -essels and /ontents o0

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whi/h would be o0 sil-er2 and two .ardens whose -essels and /ontents would be o0 .old, The onl" thin. inter-enin. to hinder the 1eo1le 0rom loo6in. at their Lord will be the mantle o0 Hrandeur o-er His 0a/e in the Harden o0 (den,


$2 !umber 4*%:

Suhaib re1orted the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: ?hen those deser-in. o0 @aradise would enter @aradise2 the 7lessed and the (5alted would as6: 9o "ou wish Me to .i-e "ou an"thin. moreD The" would sa": Hast Thou not bri.htened our 0a/esD Hast Thou not made us enter @aradise and sa-ed us 0rom =ireD He (the narrator) said: He (Hod) would li0t the -eil2 and o0 thin.s .i-en to them nothin. would he dearer to them than the o0 their Lord2 the" and the Hlorious,


$2 !umber 4*#:

Hammad b, Salama narrated it on the same authorit" and added: He then re/ited the -erse:C Those who do .ood will ha-e the best reward and e-en moreC (5, 2))

'ha1ter #$: The wa" in whi/h the belie-ers would see the lord
7oo6 $2 !umber 4*;:
Abu Haraira re1orted: The 1eo1le said to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): o0 Allah2 shall we see our Lord on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tionD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o "ou 0eel an" trouble in seein. the moon on the when it is 0ullD The" said: o0 Allah2 no, He (the 0urther said: 9o "ou 0eel an" trouble in seein. the sun2 when there is no /loud o-er itD The" said: o0 Allah, no, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: <eril" "ou would see Him li6e this (as "ou see the sun and the moon), Hod will .ather 1eo1le on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion and sa": Let e-er" 1eo1le 0ollow what the" worshi11ed, Those who worshi11ed the sun would 0ollow the sun2 and those who worshi11ed the moon would 0ollow the moon2 and those who worshi11ed the de-ils would 0ollow the de-ils, This Ummah (o0 Islam) alone would be le0t behind and there would be h"1o/rites too it, Allah would then /ome to them in a 0orm other than His own =orm2 re/o.nisable to them2 and would sa": I am "our Lord, The" would sa": ?e ta6e re0u.e with Allah 0rom thee, ?e will sta" here till our Lord /omes to us, and when our Lord would /ome we would re/o.nise Him, Subsequentl" Allah would /ome to them in His own =orm2 re/o.nisable to them2 and sa": I am "our Lord, The" would sa": Thou art our Lord, And the" would 0ollow Him2 and a brid.e would be set o-er the HellB and I (the Hol" @ro1het) and m" Ummah would be the 0irst to 1ass o-er itB and none but the messen.ers would s1ea6 on that da"2 and the 1ra"er o0 the messen.ers on that da" would be: 3 AllahL .rant sa0et"2 .rant sa0et", In Hell2 there would be lon.
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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

s1its li6e the thorns o0 Sa:dan He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Ha-e "ou seen Sa:danD The" re1lied: Kes2 o0 Allah, He said: <eril" those (hoo6s) would be li6e the thorns o0 Sa:dan2 but no one 6nows their si8e e5/e1t Allah, These would sei8e 1eo1le 0or their misdeeds, Some o0 them would es/a1e 0or their (.ood) deeds2 and some would be rewarded 0or their deeds till the" .et sal-ation, ?hen Allah would 0inish His bondsmen and be/ause o0 His mer/" de/ide to ta6e out o0 Hell su/h 1eo1le as He 1leases, He would /ommand the an.els to brin. out those who had not asso/iated an"thin. with AllahB to whom Allah de/ided to show mer/", those who would sa": There is no .od but Allah, The" (the an.els) would re/o.nise them in the =ire b" the mar6s o0 1rostration2 0or Hell0ire will de-our e-er"thin. (limb) o0 the sons o0 Adam e5/e1t the mar6s o0 1rostration, Allah has 0orbidden the 0ire to /onsume the mar6s o0 1rostration, The" will be ta6en out o0 the =ire ha-in. been burnt2 and the water o0 li0e would be 1oured o-er them2 and the" will s1rout as seed does In the silt /arried b" 0lood, Then Allah would 0inish His bondsmenB but a man who will be the last to enter @aradise will remain 0a/in. Hell and will sa": 3 m" Lord I turn m" 0a/e awa" 0rom Hell2 0or its air has 1oisoned me ard its bla8e has burnt me, He will then /all to Allah as lon. as Allah would wish that he should /all to Him, Then Allah2 7lessed and (5alted2 would sa": I0 I did that2 1erha1s "ou would as6 0or more than that, He would sa": I would not as6 Kou more than this2 and he would .i-e his Lord /o-enants and a.reements as Allah wished2 and so He would turn his 0a/e awa" 0rom the =ire ?hen he turns towards the @aradise and sees it2 he will remain silent as lon. as Allah wishes him to remain so, He will then sa": 3 m" Lord I brin. me 0orward to the .ate o0 the @aradise, Allah would sa" to him: 9id "ou not .i-e /o-enants and a.reements that "ou would not as6 0or an"thin. besides what I had .i-en "ou, ?oe to theeL 3 son o0 Adam2 how trea/herous "ou areL He would sa": 3 m" LordL and would /ontinue /allin. to Allah till He would sa" to him: I0 I .rant "ou that2 1erha1s "ou will as6 0or more, He will re1l": !o2 b" Th" .reatness2 and he will .i-e His Lord 1romises and /o-enants as Allah had wished, He would then brin. him to the .ate o0 the @aradise2 and when he would stand at the .ate o0 the @aradise2 it would la" o1en be0ore him, and he would see the bount" and the jo" that there is in it, He would remain quiet as lon. as Allah would desire him to remain silent, He would then sa": 3 m" Lord2 admit me to @aradise, Allah, 7lessed and (5alted2 would sa": 9id "ou not .i-e /o-enants and a.reements that "ou would not as6 0or an"thin. more than what I had .ranted "ouD ?oe to "ouL son o0 Adam2 how trea/herous "ou areL And he would sa": 3 m" Lord2 I do not wish to be the most miserable o0 Th" /reatures, He would /ontinue /allin. u1on Allah till Allah2 7lessed and (5alted2 would lau.h, ?hen Allah would lau.h at him2 He would sa": (nter the @aradise, ?hen he would enter2 Allah would sa": State "our wish, He would e51ress his wishes till Allah would remind him (the desire o0) su/h and su/h (thin.s), ?hen his desires would be e5hausted Allah would sa": That is 0or thee and2 besides it2 the li6e o0 it also, :Ata: b, Ka8id said: Abu Sa:id al->hudri was with Abu Huraira and be did not reje/t an"thin. 0rom the hadith narrated b" him2 but when Abu Huraira narrated:C Allah said to that manB ind its li6e alon. with it2C Abu Sa:id said:C Ten li6e it alon. with it2C 3 Abu Huraira, Abu Huraira said: I do not remember e5/e1t the words:C That is 0or "ou and a similar one alon. with it,C Abu Sa:id said: I bear witness to the 0a/t that I remembered 0rom
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the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) his words:C That is 0or thee and ten li6e it,C Abu Huraira said: That man was the last o0 those deser-in. o0 @aradise to enter @aradise,


$2 !umber 4+ :

Abu Huraira re1orted: The 1eo1le said to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): o0 Allah I shall we see our Lord on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tionD The rest o0 the hadith was narrated a//ordin. to the narration o0 Ibrahim b, Sa:d,


$2 !umber 4+$:

Hammam b, Munabbih said: This is what Abu Huraira transmitted to us 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he narrated man" o0 themB- one o0 them was: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The lowest in ran6 amon. "ou in @aradise would be as6ed: 9esire (whate-er "ou li6e), And he would e51ress his desire and a.ain and a.ain e51ress a desire, tHe would be as6ed: Ha-e "ou e51ressed "our desireD He would sa": Kes, Then He (Allah) would sa": =or thee is (.ranted) what thou desirest2 and the li6e o0 it alon. with it,


$2 !umber 4+2:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted: Some 1eo1le durin. the li0etime o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: o0 AllahL shall we see our Lord on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tionD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kes2 and added: 9o "ou 0eel an" trouble in seein. the sun at noon with no /loud o-er it2 and do "ou 0eel trouble in seein. the moon (o1en) in the 0ull moonlit with no /loud o-er itD The" said: !o2 o0 AllahL He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kou will not 0eel an" trouble in seein. Allah on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion an" more than "ou do in seein. an" one o0 them, ?hen the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion /omes a Mu:adhdhin (a 1ro/laimer) would 1ro/laim: Let e-er" 1eo1le 0ollow what the" used to worshi1, Then all who worshi11ed idols and stones besides Allah would 0all into the =ire2 till onl" the ri.hteous and the -i/ious and some o0 the 1eo1le o0 the 7oo6 who worshi11ed Allah are le0t, Then the Fews would be summoned2 and it would be said to them: ?hat did "ou worshi1D The" will sa": ?e worshi11ed :U8air2 son o0 Allah, It would be said to them: Kou tell a lieB Allah had ne-er had a s1ouse or a son, ?hat do "ou want nowD The" would sa": ?e 0eel thirst"2 3 our LordL Euen/h our thirst, The" would be dire/ted (to a /ertain dire/tion) and as6ed: ?h" don:t "ou .o there to drin6 waterD Then the" would be 1ushed towards the =ire (and the" would 0ind to their .reat disma" that) it was but a mira.e (and the 0lames o0 0ire) would be /onsumin. one another2 and the" would 0all into the =ire, Then the 'hristians would be summoned and it would be said to them: ?hat did "ou worshi1D The" would sa": ?e worshi11ed Fesus2 son o0 Allah, It would be said to them: Kou tell a lieB Allah did not ta6e 0or Himsel0 either a s1ouse or a son, Then it would be said to them: ?hat do "ou wantD The" would sa": Thirst" we are2 3 our LordL Euen/h our thirst, The" would be dire/ted (to a /ertain dire/tion) and as6ed: ?h" don:t
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"ou .o there to .et waterD 7ut the" would be 1ushed and .athered to.ether towards the Hell2 whi/h was li6e a mira.e to them2 and the 0lames would /onsume one another, The" would 0all Into the =ire2 till no one is le0t e5/e1t he who worshi11ed Allah2 be he 1ious or sin0ul, The Lord o0 the Uni-erse2 Hlori0ied and (5alted2 would /ome to them in a 0orm re/o.nisable to them and sa"B ?hat are "ou loo6in. 0orD (-er" 1eo1le 0ollow that whi/h the" worshi11ed, The" would sa": 3ur Lord2 we 6e1t oursel-es se1arate 0rom the 1eo1le in the world2 thou.h we 0elt .reat need o0 themB we2 howe-er2 did not asso/iate oursel-es with them, He would sa": I am "our Lord, The" would sa": ?e ta6e re0u.e with Allah 0rom thee and do not asso/iate an"thin. with Allah, The" would re1eat it twi/e or thri/e2 till some o0 them would be about to return, It would be said: Is there an" si.n between "ou and Him b" whi/h "ou will re/o.nise HimD The" would sa": Kes, and the thin.s would be laid bare, Those who used to 1rostrate themsel-es be0ore Hod o0 their own a//ord would be 1ermitted b" Hod to 1rostrate themsel-es, 7ut there would remain none who used to 1rostrate out o0 0ear (o0 1eo1le) and ostentation but Allah would ma6e his ba/6 as one 1ie/e2 and whene-er he would attem1t to 1rostrate he would 0all on his ba/6, Then the" would raise their heads and He would assume the =orm in whi/h the" had seen Him the 0irst time and would sa": I am "our Lord, The" would sa": Thou art our Lord, Then the brid.e would be set u1 o-er the Hell and inter/ession would be allowed and the" will sa": 3 Hod2 6ee1 sa0e2 6ee1 sa0e, It was as6ed: o0 Allah2 what is this brid.eD He said: The -oid in whi/h one Is li6el" to sli1, There would be hoo6s2 ton.s2 s1its li6e the thorn that is 0ound in !ajd and is 6nown as Sa:dan, The belie-ers would then 1ass o-er within the twin6lin. o0 an e"e2 li6e li.htnin.2 li6e wind2 li6e a bird2 li6e the 0inest horses and /amels, Some will es/a1e and be sa0e2 some will be la/erated and let .o2 and some will be 1ushed into the 0ire o0 Hell till the belie-ers will 0ind res/ue 0rom the =ire, 7" 3ne in ?hose hand is m" li0e2 there will be none amon. "ou more to /laim a than the belie-ers on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion 0or (sa"in. their) brethren in the =ire who would sa": 3 our Lord2 the" were 0astin. alon. with us2 and 1ra"in. and 1er0ormin. 1il.rima.e, It will be said to them: Ta6e out those whom "ou re/o.nise, Then their 1ersons would be 0orbidden to the =ireB and the" would ta6e out a lar.e number o0 1eo1le who had been o-erta6en b" =ire u1 to the middle o0 the shan6 or u1 to the 6nees, The" would then sa": 3 our Lord I not one o0 those about whom Thou didst .i-e us /ommand remains in it, He will then sa": Ho ba/6 and brin. out those in whose hearts "ou 0ind .ood o0 the o0 a dinar Then the" will ta6e out a lar.e number o0 1eo1le, Then the" would sa": 3 our LordL we ha-e not le0t an"one about whom Kou /ommanded us, He will then sa": Ho ba/6 and brin. out those in whose hearts "ou 0ind as mu/h as hal0 a dinar o0 .ood, Then the" will ta6e out a lar.e number o0 1eo1le2 and would sa": 3 our LordL not one o0 those about whom Thou /ommanded us we ha-e le0t in it, Then He would sa": Ho ba/6 and in whose heart "ou 0ind .ood to the o0 a 1arti/le brin. him out, The" would brin. out a lar.e number o0 1eo1le2 and would then sa": 3 our Lord2 now we ha-e not le0t an"one in it (Hell) ha-in. an" .ood in him, Abu Sa:id >hudri said: I0 "ou don:t testi0" me in this hadith2 then re/ite i0 "ou li6e:C Surel" Allah wron.s not the o0 an atomB and i0 it is a .ood deed, He multi1lies it and .i-es 0rom Himsel0 a .reat rewardC (al-Eur:an2 i-, * ), Then Allah2 (5alted and Hreat2 would sa": The an.els ha-e inter/e$++ & $#


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ded2 the a1ostles ha-e inter/eded and the belie-ers ha-e inter/eded2 and no one remains (to .rant 1ardon) but the Most Mer/i0ul o0 the mer/i0uls, He will then ta6e a hand0ul 0rom =ire and brin. out 0rom it 1eo1le who ne-er did an" .ood and who had been turned into /har/oal2 and will /ast them into a ri-er /alled the ri-er o0 li0e2 on the outs6irts o0 @aradise, The" will /ome out as a seed /omes /ut 0rom the silt /arried b" 0lood, Kou see it near the stone or near the tree, That whi/h is e51osed to the sun is "ellowish or .reenish and whi/h is under the shade is white, The" said: o0 AllahL it seems as i0 "ou had been tendin. a 0lo/6 in the jun.le, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: The" will /ome 0orth li6e 1earls with seals on their ne/6s, The inhabitants o0 @aradise would re/o.nise them (and sa"): Those are who ha-e been set 0ree b" the 'om1assionate 3ne, ?ho has admitted them into @aradise without an" (.ood) deed that the" did or an" .ood that the" sent in ad-an/e Then He would sa": (nter the @aradiseB whate-er "ou see in it is "ours, The" would sa": 3 Lord2 Thou hast bestowed u1on us (0a-ours) whi/h Thou didst not bestow u1on an"one else in the world, He would sa": There is with Me (a 0a-our) 0or "ou better than this, The" would sa": 3 our LordL whi/h thin. is better than thisD He would sa": It is M" 1leasure, I will ne-er be an.r" with "ou a0ter this


$2 !umber 4+4:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id al->hudri: ?e said: o0 Allah2 shall we see our LordD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o "ou 0eel an" trouble in seein. the sun on a /loudless da"D ?e said: !o, And the remainin. 1art o0 the hadith has been narrated to the end li6e the hadith transmitted b" Ha0s b, Maisara with the addition o0 these words: ?ithout the deed that the" did or an" .ood that the" had sent be0ore, It would be said to them: =or "ou is whate-er "ou see (in it) and with it the li6e o0 it, Abu Sa:id said: I ha-e /ome to 6now that the brid.e would be thinner e-en than the hair and shar1er than the swordB and in the hadith narrated b" Laith these words are not 0ound: The" would sa"2 3 our LordL Thou hast bestowed u1on us (0a-ours) whi/h thou didst not bestow on an"one else in the world,


$2 !umber 4+*:

Abu 7a6r b, Abi Shaiba2 Fa:0ar b, :Aun2 Hisham b, Sa:d2 Gaid b, Aslam narrated the hadith as transmitted b" Ha0s b, Maisara2 with /ertain additions and omissions,

'ha1ter #2: A00irmation o0 inter/ession and res/ue 0rom 0ire o0 the belie-ers in oneness o0 Allah
7oo6 $2 !umber 4++:
Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted: <eril" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah will admit into @aradise those deser-in. o0 @aradise2 and He will admit whom He wishes out o0 His
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Mer/"2 and admit those /ondemned to Hell into the =ire (o0 Hell), He would then sa": See2 he whom "ou 0ind ha-in. as mu/h 0aith in his heart as a .rain o0 mustard2 brin. him out, The" will then be out burned and turned to /har/oal2 and would be /ast into the ri-er o0 li0e2 and the" would s1rout aj does a seed in the silt /arried awa" b" 0lood, Ha-e "ou not seen that it /omes out "ellow (0resh) and intertwinedD


$2 !umber 4+):

This hadith is transmitted b" :Amr b, Kah"a with the same /hain o0 transmitters who narrated: The" would be /ast into the ri-er whi/h is /alled (the ri-er o0) li0e2 and (both the narrators) did not doubt the hadith, The te5t transmitted b" >halid is: just as seeds s1rout beside the 0lood waterB and in the hadith o0 ?uhaib it is: Fust as the seed s1routs in the silt or de1osit le0t b" 0lood,


$2 !umber 4+%:

It is re1orted b" Abu Sa:id that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The (1ermanent) inhabitants o0 the =ire are those who are doomed to it2 and -eril" the" would neither die nor li-e in it (al-Eur:an2 55, *%B l555-ii, $4), 7ut the 1eo1le whom the =ire would a00li/t (tem1oraril") on a//ount o0 their sins2 or so said (the narrator)C on a//ount o0 their misdeeds2C He would /ause them to die till the" would be turned into /har/oal, Then the" would be .ranted inter/ession and would be in .rou1s and would be s1read on the ri-ers o0 @aradise and then it would be said: 3 inhabitants o0 @aradise2 1our water o-er themB then the" would s1rout 0orth li6e the s1routin. o0 seed in the silt /arried b" 0lood, A man amon. the 1eo1le said: (It a11ears) as i0 the o0 Allah li-ed in the ste11e,


$2 !umber 4+#:

Abu !adra narrated it 0rom Abu Sa:id al->hudri who re1orted it 0rom the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a similar (hadith) u1 to the words:C in the mud o0 the 0lood2C and he did not mention (the words narrated) a0ter it,


$2 !umber 4+;:

Abdullah b, Mas:ud re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I 6now the last o0 the inhabitants o0 =ire to be ta6en out there0rom2 and the last o0 the inhabitants o0 @aradise to enter it, A man will /ome out o0 the =ire /rawlin., Then Allah2 the 7lessed and (5alted will sa" to him: Ho and enter @aradise, So he would /ome to it and it would a11ear to him as i0 it were 0ull, He would .o ba/6 and sa": 3 m" LordL I 0ound it 0ull, Allah2 the 7lessed and (5alted2 would sa" to him: Ho and enter @aradise, He would /ome and 1er/ei-e as i0 it were 0ull, He would return and sa": 3 m" LordL I 0ound it 0ull, Allah would sa" to him: Ho and enter @aradise2 0or there is 0or "ou the li6e o0 the world and ten times li6e it2 or 0or "ou is ten times the li6e o0 this world, He (the narrator) said, He
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(that man) would sa": Art Thou ma6in. a 0un o0 meD or Art Thou lau.hin. at me, thou.h Thou art the >in.D He (the narrator) said: I saw the o0 Allah lau.h till his 0ront teeth were -isible, And it was said: That would be the lowest ran6 amon. the inhabitants o0 @aradise,


$2 !umber 4) :

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah b, Mas:ud that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him said: I re/o.nise the last o0 the inhabitants o0 =ire to be ta6en out thereo0, A man will /ome out o0 it /rawlin., It will be said to him: Ho and enter @aradise, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: He would .o there to enter @aradise2 but would 0ind 1ersons who ha-e alread" o//u1ied all its a1artments, It would be said to him: 9o "ou re/all the time when "ou were in it (in the Hell)D He would sa": Kes, It would be said to him: (51ress an" desire, And he would e51ress the desire, It would be said to him: =or thee is that whi/h thou desireth and ten times the world (worldl" resour/es), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: He would sa": Art Thou ma6in. a 0un o0 me2 thou.h Thou art the >in.D I saw the o0 Allah lau.h till his 0ront teeth were -isible,


$2 !umber 4)$:

Ibn Mas:ud re1orted: <eril" the o0 Allah said: The last to enter @aradise would be a man who would wal6 on/e and stumble on/e and be burnt b" the =ire on/e, Then when he .ets be"ond it2 he will turn to it and sa": 7lessed is He ?ho has sa-ed me 0rom thee, Allah has .i-en me somethin. He has not .i-en to an" one o0 those in earlier or later times, Then a tree would be raised u1 0or him and he will sa": 3 m" Lord I brin. me near this tree so that I ma" ta6e shelter in its shade and drin6 o0 its water, Allah2 the (5alted and Hreat2 would sa": 3 son o0 Adam2 i0 I .rant "ou this2 "ou will as6 Me 0or somethin. else, He would sa": !o, m" Lord, And he would 1romise Him that he would not as6 0or an"thin. else, His Lord would e5/use him be/ause He sees what he /annot hel1 desirin.B so He would brin. him near it2 and he would ta6e shelter in its shade and drin6 o0 its water, A0terwards a tree more beauti0ul than the 0irst would be raised u1 be0ore him and he would sa": 3 m" LordL brin. me near this tree in order that I ma" drin6 o0 its water and ta6e shelter in its shade and I shall not as6 Thee 0or an"thin. else, He (Allah) would sa": 3 son o0 Adam2 i0 I brin. "ou near it "ou ma" as6 me 0or somethin. else, He would 1romise Him that he would not as6 0or an"thin. else, His Lord will e5/use him be/ause He would see somethin. he /annot hel1 desirin., So He would brin. him near it and he would enjo" its shade and drin6 its water, Then a tree would be raised u1 0or him at the .ate o0 the @aradise2 more beauti0ul than the 0irst two, He would sa": 3 m" LordL brin. me near this (tree) so that I ma" enjo" its shade and drin6 0rom its water, I shall not as6 Thee 0or an"thin. else, He (Allah) would sa": 3 son o0 AdamL did "ou not 1romise Me that "ou would not as6 Me an"thin. elseD He would sa": Kes2 m" Lord2 but I shall not as6 Thee 0or an"thin. else, His Lord would e5/use him 0or He sees somethin. the tem1tation o0 whi/h he /ould not resist, He (Allah) would brin. him near to it2 and when He would brin. him near it he would hear the -oi/es o0 the inhabitants o0 the @aradise, He would sa": 3 m" LordL admit me to it, He (Allah) would sa": 3 son o0 Adam2 what will brin. an end
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to "our requests to MeD ?ill it 1lease "ou i0 I .i-e "ou the whole world and a li6e one alon. with itD He will sa": 3 m" LordL art Thou mo/6in. at me2 thou.h Thou art the Lord o0 the worldsD Ibn Mas:ud lau.hed and as6ed (the hearers): ?h" don:t "ou as6 me what I am lau.hin. at, The" (then) said: ?h" do "ou lau.hD He said: It is in this wa" that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) lau.hed, The" (the /om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) as6ed: ?h" do "ou lau.h, o0 AllahD He said: 3n a//ount o0 the lau.h o0 the Lord o0 the uni-erse2 when he ldesirer o0 @aradise) sai Thou mo/6in. at me thou.h Thou art the Lord o0 the worldsD He would sa": I am not mo/6in. at "ou2 but I ha-e 1ower to do whate-er I will,

'ha1ter #4: The lowest o0 the ran6s in 1aradise

7oo6 $2 !umber 4)2:
It is transmitted 0rom Abu Sa:id al->hudri that2 -eril"2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: the inhabitants o0 @aradise the lowest in ran6 will be the 1erson whose 0a/e Allah would turn awa" 0rom the =ire towards the @aradise2 and ma6e a shad" tree a11ear be0ore him, He would sa": 3 m" LordL dire/t m" ste1s to this tree so that I (should enjo") its shadeB and the rest o0 the hadith is li6e that narrated b" Ibn Mas:ud2 but he did not mention:C He (Allah) would sa": 3 son o0 AdamL what will brin. an end to "our ma6in. requests to MeC to the end o0 the tradition, In it2 he added: Allah will remind him: As6 su/h and su/h2 and when his e51e/tations would be realised2 Allah would sa": That is 0or "ou2 and ten times as mu/h, He said that he would then enter his house and his two wi-es with lar.e and dar6 e"es would enter a0ter him, The" will sa": @raise be to Allah2 ?ho has /reated "ou 0or us and us 0or "ou, He will sa": !o one has been .i-en the li6e o0 what I ha-e been .i-en,


$2 !umber 4)4:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 al-Mu.hira b, Shu:ba that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Moses as6ed his Lord: ?ho the inhabitants o0 @aradise is the lowest to ran6D He (Allah) said: The 1erson who would be admitted into @aradise last o0 all amon. those deser-in. o0 @aradise who are admitted to it, I would be said to him: (nter @aradise, He would .a": 3 m" LordL how (should I enter) while the 1eo1le ha-e settled in their a1artments and ta6en the shares (1ortions)D It would be said to him: ?ould "ou be 1leased i0 there be 0or "ou li6e the 6in.dom o0 a 6in. the 6in.s o0 the worldD He would sa": I am 1leased m" Lord, He (Allah) would sa": =or "ou is that2 and li6e that2 and li6e that2 and li6e that2 and that, He would sa" at the 0i0th (1oint): I am well 1leased, M" Lord, He (Allah) would sa": It is 0or "ou and2 ten times li6e it2 and 0or "ou is what "our sel0 desires and "our e"e enjo"s, He would sa": I am well 1leased2 m" Lord, He (Moses) said: (?hi/h is) the hi.hest o0 their (inhabitants o0 @aradise) ran6sD He (Allah) said: The" are those whom I /hoose, I establish their honour with M" own hand and then set a seal o-er it (and the" would be
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blessed with 7ounties) whi/h no e"e has seen2 no ear has heard and no human mind has 1er/ei-ed: and this is sub- stantiated b" the 7oo6 o0 Allah2 (5alted and Hreat:C So no soul 6nows what o0 the e"e is hidden 0or themB a reward 0or what the" didC (555ii, $%),


$2 !umber 4)*:

Sha:bi re1orted he had heard al-Mu.hira b, Shu:ba sa" on the 1ul1it that Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) had as6ed Allah2 (5alted and Hreat2 about the reward o0 the lowest o0 the inhabitants o0 @aradise2 and the remainin. 1art o0 hadith is the same (as narrated) abo-e,


$2 !umber 4)+:

Abu 9harr re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I 6now the last o0 the inhabitants o0 @aradise to enter it and the last o0 the inhabitants o0 Hell to /ome out o0 it, He is a man who would be on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion and it will be said: @resent his minor sins to him2 and withhold 0rom him his serious Sins, Then the minor sins would be 1la/ed be0ore him2 and it would be said: 3n su/h and su/h a da" "ou did so and so and on su/h and su/h a da" "ou did so and so, He would sa": Kes, It will not be 1ossible 0or him to den"2 while he would be a0raid lest serious sins /hould be 1resented be0ore him, It would be said to him: In 1la/e o0 e-er" e-il deed "ou will ha-e .ood deed He will sa": M" LordL I ha-e done thin.s I do not see here, I indeed saw the o0 Allah lau.h till his 0ront teeth were e51osed,


$2 !umber 4)):

This hadith is also narrated b" another /hain o0 narrators2 i, e, Ibn !umair2 Abu Mu:awi"a2 ?a6i:2 Abu 7a6r b, Abi Shaiba2 Abu >uraib2 A:mash,


$2 !umber 4)%:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Gubair that he heard 0rom Fabir b :Abdullah2 who was as6ed about the arri-al (o0 1eo1le on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion), He said, ?e would /ome on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion li6e this2 li6e this2 and see, /are0ull", that whi/h /on/ernsC ele-ated 1eo1leC, He (the narrator) said: Then the 1eo1le would be summoned alon. with their idols whom the" worshi11ed2 one a0ter another, Then our Lord would /ome to us and sa": ?hom are "ou waitin. 0orD The" would sa": ?e are waitin. 0or our Lord, He would sa": I am "our Lord, The" would sa": (?e are not sure) till we .a8e at Thee2 and He would mani0est Himsel0 to them smilin.l"2 and would .o alon. with them and the" would 0ollow HimB and e-er" 1erson2 whether a h"1o/rite or a belie-er2 would be endowed with a li.ht2 and there would be s1i6es and hoo6s on the brid.e o0 the Hell2 whi/h would /at/h hold o0 those whom Allah willed, Then the o0 the h"1o/rites would be e5tin.uished2 and the belie-ers would se/ure sal-ation, and the 0irst .rou1 to a/hie-e it would /om1rise se-ent" thousand men who would ha-e the bri.htness o0 0ull moon on their 0a/es2 and the" would not be /alled to a//ount,
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Then the 1eo1le immediatel" 0ollowin. them would ha-e their 0a/es as the bri.htest stars in the hea-en, This is how (the .rou1s would 0ollow one a0ter another), Then the sta.e o0 inter/ession would /ome2 and the" (who are 1ermitted to inter/ede) would inter/ede2 till he who had de/lared:C There is no .od but AllahC and had in his heart -irtue o0 the o0 a barle" .rain would /ome out o0 the =ire, The" would be then in the /ourt"ard o0 @aradise and the inhabitants o0 @aradise would to s1rin6le water o-er them till the" would s1rout li6e the s1routin. o0 a thin. in 0lood water2 and their burns would disa11ear, The" would as6 their Lord till the" would be .ranted (the bounties) o0 the world and with it ten more besides it,


$2 !umber 4)#:

Fabir re1orted that he had heard with his ears the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: Allah will brin. out 1eo1le 0rom the =ire and admit them into @aradise,


$2 !umber 4);:

Hammad b, Gaid2 re1orted: I said to :Amr b, 9inar: 9id "ou hear Fabir b, :Abdullah narratin. 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that Allah would brin. out 1eo1le 0rom the =ire throu.h inter/ession, He said: Kes,


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Fabir b, :Abdullah re1otted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: <eril" 1eo1le would be out 0rom the =ire2 and the" would be burnt e5/e1t the e5terior (sur0a/es2 0ronts) o0 their 0a/esB and the" would enter @aradise,


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Ka8id al-=aqir said: This -iew o0 the >hwarij (i, e, those who /ommit major sins and would be eternall" doomed to Hell) had obsessed me2 and we set out in a lar.e .rou1 intendin. to 1er0orm the hajj and then .oin. to the 1eo1le (0or the 1ro1a.ation o0 the -iews o0 the >hwarij), He (the narrator) said: ?e ha11ened to 1ast b" Medina and 0ound there Fabir b, :Abdullah sittin. near a /olumn narratin. to the 1eo1le (the ahadith o0) the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?hen he mentioned the inhabitants o0 Hell2 I said: 3 /om1anion o0 the o0 Allah what is this that thou narrateth2 whereas Allah sa"eth:C <eril" whomsoe-er Thou shall /ommit to the =ire2 Thou indeed humillateth himC (al-Eur:an2 iii, $;2) B and All those who endea-oured to .et out o0 that would be thrown ba/6 into itC (al-Eur:an2 555i i, 2 )D So what is it that "ou sa"D He said: Ha-e "ou read the Eur:anD I said: Kes, He said: Ha-e "ou heard about: the (e5alted) 1osition o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 i, e, to whi/h Allah would raise2 himD I said: Kes, He said: <eril" the 1osition o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is that o0 .reat .lor" and that is b" whi/h Allah would brin. out whornsoe-er He would wish to brin. out, He then des/ribed the @ath (the 7rid.e) and the 1assin. o0 the
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1eo1le o-er it2 and said: I am a0raid I ma" not ha-e remembered (other thin.s) but this mu/h is still in m" memor" that 1eo1le would /ome out o0 the Hell a0ter ha-in. .one into it2 and he said: The" would /ome out o0 it as i0 the" were the wood o0 the ebon" tree, He (the narrator said: The" would enter a ri-er2 one or the ri-ers o0 @aradise2 and would bathe in it2 and then /ome out as i0 the" were (white li6e) 1a1er, ?e then turned ba/6 and said: ?oe be u1on "ouL How /an this old man tell a lie a.ainst the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D ?e turned ba/6 (0rom the -iews o0 the >hwarij)2 and b" Hod e-er" one o0 us abandoned this (band o0 >hwarij) e5/e1t one man, A similar statement has been made b" Abu !u:aim,


$2 !umber 4%2:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: =our 1ersons would be out 0rom the =ire and would be 1resented to Allah, 3ne o0 them would turn (towards the He) ) ) and sa": 3 m" Lord2 when Thou hast me out 0rom it2 do not throw me ba/6 into it2 and Allah would res/ue him 0rom it,


$2 !umber 4%4:

Anas b Mali6 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah would .ather 1eo1le on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion and the" would be /on/erned about it2 and Ibn Ubaid said, The" would .et a 9i-ine ins1iration about it2 and would sa": I0 we /ould see6 inter/ession with our Lord2 we ma" be relie-ed 0rom this 1redi/ament o0 ours, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: The" would /ome to Adam andsa"2 Thou art Adam2 the 0ather o0 man6ind, Allah /reated thee with His own hand and breathed unto thee o0 His S1irit and /ommanded the an.els and the" 1rostrated be0ore thee, So inter/ede 0or us with th" Lords2 that He ma" relie-e us 0rom this 1osition o0 ours, He would sa": I am not in a 1osition to do this2 and would re/all his error2 and would sh" o0 his Lord on a//ount o0 thatB .o to !oah the 0irst (a0ter me) sent b" Allah, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: So the" would /ome to !oah (1ea/e be u1on him), He would sa": I am not in a 1osition to do that 0or "ou2 and re/all his 0ault whi/h he had /ommitted2 and would sh" o0 his Lord on a//ount o0 that2 (and would sa"): Kou better .o to Ibrahim (1ea/e be u1on him) whom Allah too6 0or a 0riend, The" would /ome to Ibrahim (1ea/e be u1on him) and he would sa": I am not in a 1osition to do that 0or "ou2 and would re/all his 0ault that he had /ommitted and would2 there0ore2 sh" o0 his Lord on that a//ount (and would sa"): Kou better .o to Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) with whom Allah /on-ersed and /on- 0erred Torah u1on him, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: So the" would /ome to Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) He would sa": I am not in a 1osition to do that 0or "ou2 and would re/all his 0ault that he had /ommitted and would sh" o0 his Lord on a//ount o0 that (and would sa"): Kou better .o to Fesus2 the S1irit o0 Allah and His word He would sa": I am not in a 1osition to do that 0or "ouB "ou better .o to Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 a ser-ant whose 0ormer and later sins ha-e been 0or.i-en, He (the narrator) said: The or Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: So the" would /ome to me and I would as6 the 1ermission o0 m" Lord and it would be .ranted
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to me2 and when I would see Him2 I would 0all down in 1rostration2 and He (Allah) would lea-e me thus as lon. as He would wish2 and then it would be said: 3 Muhammad2 raise "our head2 sa" and "ou would be heardB as6 and it would be .rantedB inter/ede and inter/ession would be a//e1ted, Then I would raise m" head and e5trol m" Lord with the 1raise whi/h m" Lord would tea/h me, I shall then inter- /ede2 but a limit would be set 0or me I would brin. them out 0rom the =ire and ma6e them enter @aradise (a//ordin. to the limit), I shall return then ard 0all down in 1ros- tration and Allah would lea-e me (in that 1osition) as lon. as He would wish to lea-e me it would be said: Aise2 3 Muhammad2 sa" and "ou would be heardB as6 and it would be /on0erredB inter/ede and inter/ession would be .ranted, I would raise m" head and e5trol m" Lord with 1raise that He would tea/h me, I would the0t inter/ede and a limit would be set 0or me, I would brin. them out o0 the =ire (o0 Hell) and ma6e them enter @aradise, He (the narrator) said: I do not remember whether he (the Hol" @ro1het) said at tLe third time or at the 0ourth time: 3 m" Lord2 none has been le0t in the =ire2 but thise restrained b" the Hol" Eur:an2 i e, those who were eternall" doomed, Ibn Ubaid said in a narration: Eatada obser-ed: whose e-erlastin. sta" was im1erati-eC,


$2 !umber 4%*:

Anas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The belie-ers would .ather on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2 and the" would be /on/erned about it2 or would be made mind0ul o0 it (i, e, the trjuble 0or it)2 (and the remainin. 1art o0 the hadith w2 ) uld be narrated) li6e the one transmitted b" Abu Uwana2 and he said in the hadith: Then I would /ome 0or the 0ourth time2 or I would return the 0ourth time2 and would sa": 3 m" Lord2 no one has been le0t but he whom the Hol" Eur:an has restrained,


$2 !umber 4%+:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: The @ro1het o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be2 u1on him) said: Allah will .ather the belie-ers on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion and the" would be made mind0ul o0 itB and the rest (o0 the hadith) is li6e the one narrated abo-eB and then he mentioned the 0ourth time: And I (the Hol" @ro1het) would sa": 3 m" Lord2 no one is le0t in the =ire e5/e1t he whom the Eur:an has restrained2 i e, eternall" doomed,


$2 !umber 4%):

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: <eril" the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who 1ro0essed: There is no .od but Allah2 would be out o0 the =ire e-en thou.h he has in his heart -irtue equal to the o0 a barle" .rain, Then he who 1ro0essed: There is no .od but Allah2 would /ome out o0 the =ire2 e-en thou.h he has in his heart -irtue equal to the o0 a wheat .rain, He would then brin. out 0rom the =ire he who 1ro0essed: There is no .od but Allah2 e-en thou.h he has in his heart -irtue equal to the o0 an atom, Ibn Minhal has made an addition (o0 these words) in his nar$)4 & $#


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ration: Ka8id said: I met Shu:ba and narrated to him this hadith, Shu:ba said: Eatada transmitted to us this hadith 0rom Anas b, Mali6 who heard it 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with this alteration that he substituted the word Gurra (.rain) in 1la/e o0 Garra (atom), Ka8id said: Abu 7istam has made a /han.e in it,


$2 !umber 4%%:

Ma:bad b, Hilal al :Ana8i re1orted: ?e went to Anas b, Mali6 throu.h Thabit and rea/hed there (his house) while he was o00erin. the 0orenoon 1ra"er, Thabit 1ermission 0or us and we entered2 and he seated Thabit with him on his bedstead, He (Thabit) said to him (Anas b, Mali6): 3 Abu Ham8a (6un"a o0 Anas b, Mali6)2 "our brothers 0rom amon. the inhabitants o0 7asra as6 "ou to narrate to them the hadith o0 inter/ession, He said: Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) narrated to us: ?hen it would be the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2 some o0 the 1eo1le would rush to one another in bewilderment, The" would /ome to Adam and sa": Inter/ede (with "our Lord) 0or "our 1ro.en", He would sa": I am not 0it to do this2 but .o to Ibrabim (1ea/e be u1on him) 0or he is the =riend o0 Allah, The" would /ome to Ibrahim2 but he would sa": I am not 0it to do this2 but .o to Moses2 0or he is Allah:s Interlo/utor, The" would /ome to Moses2 but he would sa": I am not 0it to do this2 but "ou should .o to Fesus2 0or he is the S1irit o0 Allah and His word, The" would /ome to Fesus2 and he would sa"2 I am not 0it to do thisB "ou better .o to Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The" would /ome to me2 and I would sa": I am in a 1osition to do that2 I would .o and as6 the 1ermission o0 m" Lord and it would be .ranted to me, I would then stand be0ore Him and would e5tol Him with 1raises whi/h I am not able to do now2 but with whi/h Allah would ins1ire me2 then I would 0all in 1rostration and it would be said to me: 3 Muhammad2 raise th" head2 and sa" and it would be listened toB as6 and it would be .ranted2 inter/ede and it would be a//e1ted, I shall sa": M" Lord2 m" 1eo1le2 m" 1eo1le It would be said: Ho2 and brin. 0orth 0rom it (Hell) him who has in his heart 0aith equal to the o0 a wheat .rain or a barle" seed, I would .o and do thatB then I would return to m" Lord and e5tol Him with those 1raises ( to me b" Allah)2 then I would 0all in 1rostration, It would be said to me: 3 Muhammad2 raise "our head2 and sa" and it would be heardB as6 and it would be .rantedB inter/ede and inter/ession would be a//e1ted, So I would sa": M" 1eo1le, m" 1eo1le, It would be said to me: Ho and ta6e out 0rom it (Hell) him who has in his heart 0aith equal to the o0 a mustard seed, I would .o and do that, I would a.ain return to m" Lord and e5tol Him with those 1raises, I would then 0all in 1rostration, It would be said to me: 3 Muhammad2 raise-our head: sa"2 and "ou would be listened toB as6 and it would be .rantedB inter/ede and inter/ession would be a//e1ted, I would sa": M" Lord2 m" 1eo1le2 m" 1eo1le, It would be said to me: Ho2 and brin. out o0 the =ire him who has in his heart as mu/h 0aith as the smallest2 smallest2 smallest .rain o0 mustard seed, I would .o and do that, This is the hadith whi/h Anas narrated to us, ?e went out o0 his (house) and when we rea/hed the u11er 1art o0 Fabban (.ra-e"ard) we said: ?ould that we meet Hasan and salute him and he was hidin. in the house o0 Abu >hali0a, He (Ma:bad b, Hilal2 the narrator) said: ?e went to him and

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.reeted him and we said: 3 Abu Sa:id2 we /ome 0rom "our brother Abu Ham8a (6un"a o0 Anas)2 and we ha-e ne-er heard a hadith li6e this relatin. to inter/ession2 whi/h he has narrated to us, He said: !arrate it2 we narrated the hadith, He said: !arrate it (still 0urther), ?e said: He did not (narrate it) be0ore us more than this, He said: He (Anas) had narrated it to us twent" "ears ba/62 when he was stron. and health", He has in 0a/t missed somethin., I /annot ma6e out whether the old man has 0or.otten or he has (intentionall") a-oided to narrate it to "ou lest "ou should rel" (absolutel") u1on it (and abandon doin. .ood deeds), ?e said to him: Aelate that to us2 and he lau.hed and said: There is haste in the nature o0 man, I did not ma6e mention o0 it to "ou but 0or the 0a/t that I wanted to narrate that to "ou (and added that the Hol" @ro1het said): I would then return to m" Lord 0or the 0ourth time and e5tol Him with these 1raises, I would then 0all in 1rostration, It would be said to me: 3 Muhammad2 raise "our head: sa" and it will be listened toB as6 and it will be .rantedB inter/ede and inter/ession would be a//e1ted, I would sa": 3 m" Lord2 1ermit me re.ardin. him who 1ro0essed: There is no .od but Allah, He (the Lord) would sa": That is not 0or thee or that is not what lies with thee2 but b" M" Honour2 Hlor"2 Hreatness and Mi.ht2 I would /ertainl" ta6e him out who 1ro0essed it: There is no .od but Allah, He (the narrator2 Ma:bad) said: I hear testimon" to the 0a/t that the hadith transmitted to us-b" Hasan was heard b" him 0rom Anas b, Mali6 and I /an see that he re1orted it twent" "ears ba/62 when he was hale and heart",


$2 !umber 4%#:

Abu Huraira re1orted: Meat was one da" to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and a 0orele. was o00ered to him2 a 1art whi/h he li6ed, He sli/ed with his teeth a 1ie/e out o0 it and said: I shall be the leader o0 man6ind on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion, 9o "ou 6now wh"D Allah would .ather in one 1lain the earlier and the later (o0 the human ra/e) on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion, Then the -oi/e o0 the 1ro/laimer would be heard b" all o0 them and the e" would 1enetrate throu.h all o0 them and the sun would /ome near, @eo1le would then e51erien/e a de.ree o0 an.uish2 an5iet" and a.on" whi/h the" shall not be able to bear and the" shall not be able to stand, Some 1eo1le would sa" to the others: 9on "ou see in whi/h trouble "ou areD 9on:t "ou see what (mis0ortune) has o-erta6en "ouD ?h" don:t "ou 0ind one who should inter/ede 0or "ou with "our LordD Some would sa" to the others: Ho to Adam, And the" would .o to Adam and sa": 3 Adam2 thou art the 0ather o0 man6ind, Allah /reated thee b" His own Hand and breathed in thee o0 His s1irit and ordered the an.els to 1rostrate be0ore thee, Inter/ede 0or us with th" Lord 9on:t "ou see in what (trouble) we areD 9on:t "ou see what (mis0ortune) has o-erta6en usD Adam would sa": <eril"2 m" Lord is an.r"2 to an e5tent to whi/h He had ne-er been an.r" be0ore nor would He be an.r" a0terward, <eril"2 He 0orbade me (to .o near) that tree and I disobe"ed Him, I am /on/erned with m" own sel0, Ho to someone elseB .o to !oah, The" would /ome to !oah and would sa": 3 !oah2 thou art the 0irst o0 the Messen.ers (sent) on the earth (a0ter Adam)2 and Allah named thee as aC Hrate0ul Ser-ant2C inter/ede 0or us with th" Lord, 9on:t "ou see in what (trouble) we areD 9on:t "ou see what (mis0ortune) has o-erta6en usD He would sa": <eril"2 m" Lord is an.r" toda" as He had ne-er been an.r" be0ore2 and would ne-er be an.r" a0terwards, There had emanated a /urse 0rom me with whi/h I /ur$)+ & $#


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sed m" 1eo1le, I am /on/erned with onl" m"sel02 I am /on/erned onl" with m"sel0B "ou better .o to Ibrahim (1ea/e be u1on him), The" would .o to Ibrahim and sa": Thou art the a1ostle o0 Allah and His =riend the inhabitants o0 the earthB inter/ede 0or us with th" Lord, 9on:t "ou see in whi/h (trouble) we areD 9on:t "ou see what (mis0ortune) has o-erta6en usD Ibrahim would sa" to them: <eril"2 m" Lord is toda" an.r" as He had ne-er been an.r" be0ore and would ne-er be an.r" a0terwards, and (Ibrahim) would mention his lies (and then sa"): I am /on/erned onl" with m"sel02 I am /on/erned onl" with m"sel0, Kou better .o to someone else: .o to Moses, The" would /ome to Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) and sa": 3 Moses2 thou art Allah:s messen.er2 Allah blessed thee with His messen.ershi1 and His /on-ersation 1eo1le, Inter/ede 0or us with th" Lord, 9on:t "ou see in what (trouble) we areD 9on:t "ou see what (mis0ortune) has o-erta6en usD Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) would sa" to them: <eril", m" Lord is an.r" as He had ne-er been an.r" be0ore and would ne-er be an.r" a0terwards, I2 in 0a/t2 6illed a 1erson whom I had not been ordered to 6ill, I am /on/erned with m"sel02 I am /on/erned with m"sel0, Kou better .o to Fesus (1ea/e be u1on him), The" would /ome to Fesus and would sa": 3 Fesus2 thou art the o0 Allah and thou /on-ersed with 1eo1le in the /radle2 (thou art) His ?ord whi/h I-Ie sent down u1on Mar", and (thou art) the S1irit 0rom HimB so inter/ede 0or us with th" Lord, 9on:t "ou see (the trouble) in whi/h we areD 9on:t "ou see (the mis0ortune) that has o-erta6en usD Fesus (1ea/e be u1on him) would sa": <eril"2 m" Lord is an.r" toda" as He had ne-er been an.r" be0ore or would e-er be an.r" a0terwards, He mentioned no sin o0 his, (He sim1l" said: ) I am /on/erned with m"sel02 I am /on/erned with m"sel0B "ou .o to someone else: better .o to Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The" would /ome to me and sa": 3 Mahammad2 thou art the o0 Allah and the last o0 the a1ostles, Allah has 1ardoned thee all th" 1re-ious and later sins, Inter/ede 0or us with th" LordB don:t "ou see in whi/h (trouble) we areD 9on:t "ou see what (mis0ortune) has o-erta6en usD I shall then set o00 and /ome below the Throne and 0all down 1rostrate be0ore m" LordB then Allah would re-eal to me and ins1ire me with some o0 His @raises and Hlori0i/ations whi/h He had not re-ealed to an"one be0ore me, He would then sa": Muhammad2 raise th" headB as6 and it would be .rantedB inter/ede and inter/ession would be a//e1ted I would then raise m" head and sa": 3 m" Lord2 m" 1eo1le2 m" 1eo1le, It would be said: 3 Muhammad2 brin. in b" the .ate o0 @aradise those o0 "our 1eo1le who would ha-e no a//ount to render, The" would share with the 1eo1le some other door besides this door, The Hol" @ro1het then said: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is the li0e o0 Muhammad2 -eri0" the distan/e between two door lea-es o0 the @aradise is as .reat as between Me//a and Hajar2 or as between Me//a and 7usra,


$2 !umber 4%;:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that there was 1la/ed be0ore the o0 Allah a /u1 o0 so0t bread2 sou1 and meat, He too6 1art o0 the 0orele. whi/h he li6ed most, He sli/ed (with his teeth) a sli/e (out o0 that) and said: I would be the leader o0 man6ind on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion, He then sli/ed (that meat) 0or the se/ond time and said: I am the leader o0 man6ind on the 9a" o0 Ae-

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surre/tion, ?hen he saw that his /om1anions did not as6 him (about this assertion) he said: ?h" don:t "ou sa": How would that beD The" said: How would be it2 o0 AllahD He said: @eo1le would stand be0ore the Lord o0 the worlds, And the rest o0 the hadith was narrated li6e the one transmitted b" Abu Ha""an2 on the authorit" o0 Abu Gur:a2 and in the stor" o0 Ibrahim2 this addition was made, He said and made mention o0 his words with re.ard to the star: This is m" Lord, And his words with re.ard to their .ods: 7ut the bi. amon. them has done that, And his words: I am ailin., He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is the li0e o0 Muhammad2 the distan/e between two lea-es o0 the door 0rom their su11ortin. 0rames is as the distan/e between Me//a and Hajar or Hajar and Me//a, I do not remember how he said it (whether Me//a and Hajar or Hajar and Me//a),


$2 !umber 4# :

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira and Hudhai0a that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah2 the 7lessed and (5alted2 would .ather 1eo1le, The belie-ers would stand till the @aradise would be near them, The" would /ome to Adam and sa": 3 our 0ather2 o1en 0or us the @aradise, He would sa": ?hat turned "e out 0rom the @aradise was the sin o0 "our 0ather Adam, I am not in a 1osition to do thatB better .o to m" son Ibrahim2 the =riend o0 Allah, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: He (Ibrahim) would sa": I am not in a 1osition to do that, <eril" I had been the =riend (o0 Allah) 0rom be"ond2 be"ondB "ou better a11roa/h Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) with whom Allah /on-ersed, The" would /ome to Moses (1ea/e be u1on him)2 but he would sa": I am not in a 1osition to do thatB "ou better .o to Fesus2 the ?ord o0 Allah and His S1irit, Fesus (1ea/e be u1on him) would sa": I am not in a 1osition to do that, So the" would /ome to Mubammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He would then be 1ermitted (to o1en the door o0 @aradise), Trust worthiness and 6inshi1 would be des1at/hed2 and these would stand on the and le0t o0 the @ath and the 0irst o0 "ou would 1ass with (the swi0tness) o0 li.htnin., He (the narrator) said: I said2 3 thou who art 0ar dearer to me than m" 0ather and m" mother I whi/h thin. is li6e the 1assin. o0 li.htnin.D He said: Ha-e "ou not seen li.htnin.2 how it 1asses and then /omes ba/6 within the twin6lin. o0 an e"eD Then (the" would 1ass) li6e the 1assin. o0 the wind2 then li6e the 1assin. o0 a bird2 and the hastenin. o0 1ersons would be a//ordin. to their deeds2 and "our A1ostle would be standin. on the @ath sa"in.: Sa-e2 3 m" Lord2 sa-e, (The 1eo1le would .o on 1assin.) till the deeds o0 the ser-ants would be 0ailin. in stren.th2 till a man would /ome who would 0ind it hard to .o alon. (that @ath) but /rawlin.l", He (the narrator) said: And on the sides o0 the @ath hoo6s would be sus1ended read" to /at/h an"one whom these would be required (to /at/h), There would be those who would somehow or other su//eed in tras-ersin. that @ath and some would be 1iled u1 in Hell, 7" Him in ?hose Hand is the li0e o0 Abu Huraira it would ta6e one se-ent" "ears to 0athom the de1th o0 Hell,

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'ha1ter #*: @ertainin. to the words o0 the a1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): CI would be the 0irst amon. 1eo1le to inter/ede in the 1aradise and amon. the a1ostles i would ha-e the lar.est 0ollowin.C
7oo6 $2 !umber 4#$:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I would be the 0irst amon. 1eo1le to inter/ede in the @aradise and the a1ostles I would ha-e the lar.est 0ollowin. (on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion),


$2 !umber 4#2:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: the a1ostles I would ha-e the lar.est 0ollowin. on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/ tion2 and I would be the 0irst to 6no/6 at the door o0 @aradise,


$2 !umber 4#4:

Anas b, Mali6 said: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I would be the 0irst inter/essor in the @aradise and no a1ostle the a1ostles has been testi0ied (b" su/h a lar.e number o0 1eo1le) as I ha-e been testi0ied, And -eril" there woald be an a1ostle amon. the a1ostles who would be testi0ied to b" onl" one man 0rom his 1eo1le,


$2 !umber 4#*:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I will /ome to the .ate o0 @aradise on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion, and would see6 its o1enin., and the 6ee1er would sa": ?ho art thouD I would sa": Muhammad, He would then sa": It is 0or thee that I ha-e been ordered2 and not to o1en it 0or an"one be0ore thee,


$2 !umber 4#+:

Abu Huraira re1orted: <erit" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There is 0or e-er" a1ostle a (s1e/ial) 1ra"er with whi/h he would 1ra", I wish I /ould reser-e2 m" 1ra"er 0or inter/ession o0 m" Ummah on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,
$)# & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber 4#):

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There is 0or e-er" a1ostle a 1ra"er2 and I intend (i0 Allah so willed) that I would reser-e m" 1ra"er 0or the inter/ession o0 m" Ummah on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,


$2 !umber 4#%:

:Amr b, Abu Su0"an transmitted a hadith li6e this 0rom Abu Huraira who narrated it 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


$2 !umber 4##:

Amr b, Abu Su0"an re1orted: Abu Huraira said to >a:b al-Ahbar that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: =or e-er" a1ostle there Is a (s1e/ial) 1ra"er b" whi/h he would 1ra" (to his Lord), I2 howe-er2 intend (i0 Allah so willed) that I would reser-e m" 1ra"er 0or the inter/ession o0 m" Ummah on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion, >a:b said to Abu Huraira: 9id "ou hear this 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D Abu Huraira said: Kes,


$2 !umber 4#;:

Abu Huraira said: The @ro1het o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There is 0or e-er" a1ostle a 1ra"er whi/h is .ranted2 but e-er" 1ro1het showed haste in his 1ra"er, I ha-e2 howe-er2 reser-ed m" 1ra"er 0or the inter/ession o0 m" Ummah on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2 and it would be .ranted2 i0 Allah so willed2 in /ase o0 e-er"one m" Ummah 1ro-ided he dies without asso/iatin. an"thin. with Allah,


$2 !umber 4; :

Abu Huraira said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (-er" is endowed with a 1ra"er whi/h is .ranted and b" whi/h he would (1ra" to his Lord) and it would he .ranted 0or him, I ha-e2 howe-er2 reser-ed m" 1ra"er 0or the inter/ession o0 m" Ummab on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,


$2 !umber 4;$:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There was 0or e-er" a1ostle a 1ra"er with whi/h he 1ra"ed 0or his Ummah and it was .ranted to himB but I wish2 i0 Allah so wills2 to de0er m" 1ra"er 0or the inter/ession o0 m" Ummah on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber 4;2:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: <eril" the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There is 0or e-er" a1ostle a 1ra"er with whi/h he 1ra"s (to Allah) 0or his Ummah, I ha-e reser-ed m" 1ra"er 0or the inter/ession o0 m" Ummah on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,


$2 !umber 4;4:

This hadith is narrated with the same /hain o0 narrators b" Eatada,


$2 !umber 4;*:

Mis:ar transmitted it with the same /hain o0 narrators 0rom Eatada e5/e1t that in the hadith narrated b" ?a6i: (the @ro1het) said:C He was endowed2C and in the hadith re1orted b" Abu Usama (the words are):C It is re1orted 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),C


$2 !umber 4;+:

Muhammad b, :Abd al-A:la re1orted it to me: Mu:tamir narrated to us on the authorit" o0 his 0ather who transmitted it liom Anas that -erit" the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said2 and then narrated the hadith li6e the one transmitted b" Eatada on the authorit" o0 Anas,


$2 !umber 4;):

Abu Gubair heard Fabir b, Abdullah re1ortin. it 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): =or e-er" a1ostle was a 1ra"er with whi/h he 1ra"ed (to his Lord) 0or his Ummah2 but I ha-e reser-ed m" 1ra"er 0or the inter/ession o0 m" Ummah on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

'ha1ter #+: @ra"er o0 the a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or his ummah and his bein. mo-ed to tears on a//ount o0 his a00e/tion 0or them
7oo6 $2 !umber 4;%:
:Abdullah b, Amr b, al-:As re1orted: <eril" the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited the words o0 Allah2 the Hreat and Hlorious2 that Ibrahim uttered, M" LordL loL the" ha-e led man" o0 man6ind astra":C 7ut whoso 0olloweth me2 he -eril" is o0 meC (al-Eur:an2 5i-, 4+) and Fesus (1ea/e be u1on him) said:C I0 thou 1unisheth them2 loL the" are Th" sla-es2 and i0 Thou 0or.i-eth them--eril" Thou art the"2 the ?iseC (al-Eur:an2 - $$%), Then he raised his hands and said: 3 Lord2 m"
$% & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

Ummah2 m" Ummah2 and we1tB so Allah the Hi.h and the (5alted said: 3 Habriel2 .o to Muhammad (thou.h "our Lord 6nows it 0ull" well) and as6 him: ?hat ma6es thee wee1D So Habriel (1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to him and as6ed him2 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in0ormed him what he had said (thou.h Allah 6new it 0ull" well), U1on this Allah said: 3 Habriel2 .o to Muhammad an" sa": <eril" ?e will 1lease thee with re.ard to "our Ummah and would not dis1lease thee,

'ha1ter #): He who died with unbelie0 would be (thrown) into the 0ire2 inter/ession would be o0 no a-ail to him and the relationshi1 o0 his 0a-ourites would not bene0it him
7oo6 $2 !umber 4;#:
Anas re1orted: <eril"2 a 1erson said: o0 Allah2 where is m" 0atherD He said: (He) is in the =ire, ?hen he turned awa"2 he (the Hol" @ro1het) /alled him and said: <eril" m" 0ather and "our 0ather are in the =ire,

'ha1ter #%: Ae.ardin. the words o0 Allah: CAnd warn th" nearest 6indredC
7oo6 $2 !umber 4;;:
Abu Huraira re1orted: ?hen this -erse was re-ealed:C And warn th" nearest 6indred (al-Eur:an2 55-i, 2$*)2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled the EuraishB so the" .athered and he .a-e them a .eneral warnin., Then he made a 1arti/ular (re0eren/e to /ertain tribes) and said: 3 sons o0 >a:b b, Luwa""2 res/ue "oursel-es 0rom the =ireB 3 sons o0 Murra b, >a:b2 res/ue "oursel-es 0rom the =ire: 3 sons o0 Abd Shams2 res/ue "oursel-es 0rom the =ireB sons o0 Abd Mana0 ressons o0 Abd al/ue "oursel-es 0rom the =ireB 3 sons o0 Hashim2 res/ue "oursel-es 0rom the =ireB

Muttalib2 res/ue "oursel-es 0rom the =ireB 3 =atimah2 res/ue th"sel0 0rom the =ire2 0or I ha-e no 1ower (to 1rote/t "ou) 0rom Allah in an"thin. e5/e1t this that I would sustain relationshi1 with "ou,

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber *

The same hadith is narrated b" Ubaidallah b, Umar al-Eawariri 0rom Abu :Uwana2 who transmitted it to :Abd al-Mali6 b, :Umair on the same /hain o0 transmitter and the hadith o0 Farir is more 1er0e/t and /om1rehensi-e,


$2 !umber * $:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :A:isha that when this -erse was re-ealed:C And warn th" nearest 6indred2C the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 on Sa0a: and said: 3 =atima2 dau.hter o0 Muhammad, 3 Sa0i"a2 dau.hter o0 :Abd al-Muttalib2 3 sons o0 :Abd al-Muttalib, I ha-e nothin. whi/h /an a-ail "ou a.ainst AllahB "ou ma" as6 me what "ou want o0 m" worldl",


$2 !umber * 2:

Abu Huraira re1orted: ?hen (this -erse) was re-ealed to him:C ?arn "our nearest 6insmen,C the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3 1eo1le o0 Euraish2 bu" "oursel-es 0rom Allah2 I /annot a-ail "ou at all a.ainst AllahB 3 sons o0 Abd al-Muttalib, I /annot a-ail "ou at all a.ainst AllahB Abbas b, :Abd al- Muttalib2 I /annot a-ail "ou at all a.ainst AllahB 3 Sa0i"a (aunt o0 the Mes=atima2 dau.hter o0 Muhammad2 as6 me o0 Allah)2 I /annot a-ail "ou at all a.ainst AllahB

whate-er "ou li6e2 but I /annot a-ail "ou at all a.ainst Allah,


$2 !umber * 4:

This hadith is narrated 0rom the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) b" another /hain o0 narrators2 :Amr al-!aqid2 Mu:awi"a b, :Amr2 Abdullah b, 9ha6wan2 A:raj on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira,


$2 !umber * *:

Eabisa b, al-Mu6hariq and Guhair b, :Amr re1orted: ?hen this -erse was re-ealed:C And warn th" nearest 6indred2C the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) set o00 towards a ro/6 o0 the hill and as/ended the hi.hest o0 the ro/6s and then /alled: sons o0 :Abd Mana0L I am a warnerB m" similitude and "our similitude is li6e a man who saw the enem" and went to .uard his 1eo1le2 but2 bein. a0raid the" .et there be0ore him2 he shouted: 7e on "our .uardL


$2 !umber * +:

This hadith is narrated 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) b" another /hain o0 narrators2 Muhammad b, Abd al-A:la2 Mu:tamir2 Abu :Uthman2 Guhair b, :Amr2 Eabisa b, Mu6hariq,

$%2 & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber * ):

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas that when this -erse was re-ealed:C And warn th" nearest 6indredC (and th" .rou1 o0 sele/ted 1eo1le amon. them) the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) set o00 till he /limbed Sa0a: and /alled loudl": 7e on "our .uardL The" said: ?ho is it /allin. aloudD The" said: Muhammad, The" .athered round him2 and he said: 3 sons o0 so and so2 3 sons o0 so and so2 3 sons o0 :Abd Mana02 3 sons o0 :Abd al-Muttalib2 and the" .athered around him, He (the A1ostle) said: I0 I were to in0orm "ou that there were horsemen out o0 the 0oot o0 this mountain2 would "ou belie-e meD The" said: ?e ha-e not e51erien/ed an" lie 0rom "ou, He said: ?ell2 I am a warner to "ou be0ore a se-ere torment, He (the narrator) said that Abu Lahab then said: 9estru/tion to "ouL Is it 0or this "ou ha-e .athered usD He (the Hol" @ro1het) then stood u12 and this -erse was re-ealed:C @erish the hands o0 Abu Lahab2 and he indeed 1erishedC (/5i, $), A:mash re/ited this to the end o0 the Sura,


$2 !umber * %:

This hadith was narrated b" A:mash on the authorit" o0 the same /hain o0 narrators and he said: 3ne da" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /limbed the hill o0 Sa0a: and said: 7e on "our .uard2 and the rest o0 the hadith was narrated li6e the hadith transmitted b" UsamaB he made no mention o0 the re-elation o0 the -erse:C ?arn th" nearest 6indred,C

'ha1ter ##: Inter/ession o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or Abu Talib and some remission 0or him on this a//ount
7oo6 $2 !umber * #:
It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 :Abbas b, Abd al-Muttalib that he said: o0 Allah2 ha-e "ou bene0ited Abu Talib in an" wa" 0or he de0ended "ou and was 0er-ent in "our de0en/eD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) said: KesB he would be in the most shallow 1art o0 the =ire: and but 0or me he would ha-e been in the lowest 1art o0 Hell,


$2 !umber * ;:

Abdullah b, al-Harith re1orted: I heard Abbas sa": I said: o0 Allah2 -eril" Abu Talib de0ended "ou and hel1ed "ouB would it be bene0i/ial 0or himD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: KesB I 0ound him in the lowest 1art o0 the =ire and I him to the shallow 1art,

$%4 & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber *$ :

This hadith is narrated 0rom the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) li6e one narrated b" Abu :Uwana on the authorit" o0 the /hain o0 transmitters li6e Muhammad b, Hatim2 Kah"a b, Sa:id2 Abu Su0"an2 :Abbas b, :Abd al-Muttalib and others,


$2 !umber *$$:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted: A mention was made o0 his un/le Abu Talib be0ore the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) He said: M" inter/ession ma" bene0it him on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion and he ma" be 1la/ed in the shallow 1art o0 the =ire whi/h would rea/h his an6les and his brain would be boilin.,


$2 !umber *$2:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted: <eril"2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The least tormented o0 the inhabitants o0 the =ire would be he who would wear two shoes o0 =ire and his brain would boil on a//ount o0 the heat o0 the shoes,


$2 !umber *$4:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: The @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Amon. the inhabitants o0 the =ire Abu Talib would ha-e the least su00erin.2 and he would be wearin. two shoes (o0 =ire) whi/h would boil his brain,


$2 !umber *$*:

!u:man b, 7ashir was deli-erin. an address and sa"in.: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": the least su00erin. 0or the inhabitants o0 Hell on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion would be 0or the man under whose soles would be 1la/ed two embers and his brain would boil on a//ount o0 them,


$2 !umber *$+:

!u:man b, 7ashir re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: <eril" the least su00erin. 0or the inhabitants o0 =ire would be 0or him who would ha-e two shoes and two la/es o0 =ire (on his 0eet)2 and with these would boil his brain as boils the /oo6in. -essel2 and he would thin6 that he would not see an"one in a more .rie-ous torment than him2 whereas he would be in the least torment,

$%* & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

'ha1ter #;: @roo0 in su11ort o0 the 0a/t that he who died in unbelie0 his deed would not be o0 an" a-ail to him
7oo6 $2 !umber *$):
:A:isha re1orted: I said: o0 Allah2 the son o0 Fud:an established ties o0 relationshi12 0ed the 1oor, ?ould that be o0 an" a-ail to himD He said: It would be o0 no a-ail to him as he did not e-er sa": 3 m" Lord2 1ardon m" sins on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

'ha1ter ; : =riendshi1 with belie-ers and disso/iation with non-belie-ers and se-eran/e 0rom them
7oo6 $2 !umber *$%:
:Amr b, :As re1orted: I heard it 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) quite audibl" and not se/retl": 7eholdL the 1osterit" o0 m" 0athers2 that is2 so and so2 are not m" 0riends, <eril" Allah and the 1ious belie-ers are m" 0riends,

'ha1ter ;$: The admittan/e into 1aradise o0 a .rou1 o0 muslims without renderin. an" a//ount and su00erin. 1unishment (torment)
7oo6 $2 !umber *$#:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Se-ent" thousand (1ersons) o0 m" Ummah would enter @aradise without renderin. an a//ount, U1on this a 1erson said: o0 Allah, 1ra" to Allah that He ma6e me one o0 them, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 3 AllahL ma6e him one o0 them, Then another stood u1 and said: o0 Allah2 1ra" to Allah that He ma6e me one o0 them, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: :U66asha has 1re/eded "ou in this matter,

$%+ & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber *$;:

Muhammad b, Gi"ad re1orted: I heard Abu Huraira narrate this: I heard it 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in. a hadith li6e one narrated b" al-Aabi:,


$2 !umber *2 :

Abu Huraira re1orted: I heard it 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: A .rou1 o0 m" Ummah /onsistin. o0 se-ent" thousand 1ersons would enter @aradiseB their 0a/es would be as as the bri.htness o0 the 0ull moon, Abd Huraira said: :U66asha b, Mihsan al-Asadi then stood u1 wra11in. the blan6et around him and said: o0 Allah2 su11li/ate (be0ore) Allah that He should ma6e me one amon. them, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3 Allah2 ma6e him amon. them, Then stood u1 a man 0rom the Ansa and said: o0 Allah2 1ra" to Allah that He should ma6e me one amon. them, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: :U66asha has 1re/eded "ou in this matter,


$2 !umber *2$:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Se-ent" thousand (1ersons) would enter @aradise as one .rou1 and amon. them (there would be 1eo1le) whom 0a/es would be li6e the moon,


$2 !umber *22:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 :Imran that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Se-ent" thousand 1eo1le o0 m" Ummah would be admitted into @aradise without renderin. an" a//ount, The" (the /om1anions) said: ?ho would be o0 those (0ortunate 1ersons)D He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Those who do not /auterise and 1ra/tise /harm2 but re1ose trust in their Lord2 :U66asha then stood u1 and said: Su11li/ate (be0ore) Allah that He should ma6e me one amon. them, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Thou art one amon. them He (the narrator) said: A man stood u1 and said: A1ostle o0 Allah2 su11li/ate (be0ore) Allah that He should ma6e me one amon. them, He (the Hol" @ro1het said: :U66asha has 1re/eded "ou (in this matter),


$2 !umber *24:

:Imran b, Husain re1orted: <eril" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Se-ent" thousand men o0 m" Ummah would enter @aradise without renderin. a//ount, The" (the /om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?ho would be those2 o0 AllahD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: The" would be those who neither 1ra/tise /harm2 not ta6e omens2 nor do the" /auterise2 but the" re1ose their trust in their Lord,

$%) & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber *2*:

Abu Ha8im narrated it on the authorit" o0 Ibn Sa:d that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Se-ent" thousand 1ersons or se-en hundred thousand 1ersons (Abu Ha8im does not remember the e5a/t number) would enter @aradise holdin. and su11ortin. one another2 and the 0irst amon. them would not enter till the last amon. them would enter (therein) B (the" would enter simultaneousl") and their 0a/es would be li6e the 0ull moon,


$2 !umber *2+:

Husain b, :Abd al-Aahman re1orted: I was with Sa:id b, Fubair when he said: ?ho "ou saw a star shootin. last ni.htD I said: It was IB then I said: I was in 0a/t not (bus") in 1ra"er2 but was stun. b" a s/or1ion (and that is the reason wh" I was awa6e and had a .lim1se o0 the shootin. star), He said: Then what did "ou doD I said: I 1ra/tised /harm, He said: ?hat ur.ed "ou to do thisD I said: (I did this a//ordin. to the im1lied su..estion) o0 the hadith whi/h al-Shu:ba narrated, He said: ?hat did al-Shu:ba narrate to "ouD I said: 7uraida b, Husaib al-Aslami narrated to us, The /harm is o0 no a-ail e5/e1t in /ase o0 the (e-il in0luen/e) o0 an e"e or the stin. o0 a s/or1ion, He said: He who a/ted a//ordin. to what he had heard (0rom the Hol" @ro1het) a/ted ri.htl"2 but Ibn :Abbas narrated to us 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he said: There were be0ore me the 1eo1les and I saw an a1ostle and a small .rou1 (o0 his 0ollowers) alon. with him2 another (a1ostle) and one or two 1ersons (alon. with him) and (still another) a1ostle ha-in. no one with him, ?hen a -er" lar.e .rou1 was to me I /on/ei-ed as i0 it were m" Ummah, Then it was said to me: It is Moses and his 1eo1le, Kou should loo6 at the hori8on2 and I saw a -er" hu.e .rou1, It was a.ain said to me: See the other side o0 the hori8on2 and there was (also) a -er" hu.e .rou1, It was said to me: This is "our Ummah2 and them there were se-ent" thousand 1ersons who would be made to enter @aradise without renderin. an" a//ount and without (su00erin.) an" torment, He then stood u1 and went to his house, Then the 1eo1le to tal6 about the 1eo1le who would be admitted to @aradise without renderin. an" a//ount and without (su00erin.) an" torment, Some o0 them said: The" ma" be those who (ha-e had the .ood 0ortune o0 li-in.) in the /om1an" o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and some o0 them said: The" be those who were born in Islam and did not asso/iate an"thin. with Allah, Some 1eo1le mentioned other thin.s, Thereu1on /ame 0orth the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) be0ore them and he said: ?hat was that whi/h "ou were tal6in. aboutD The" in0ormed him, He said: The" are those 1ersons who neither 1ra/tise /harm2 nor as6 others to 1ra/tise it2 nor do the" ta6e omens2 and re1ose their trust in their Lord, U1on this :U66asha b, Mihsan stood u1 and said: Su11li/ate 0or me that He should ma6e me one amon. them, U1on this he ( o0 Allah) said: Thou are one amon. them, Then another man stood u1 and said: Su11li/ate be0ore Allah that He should ma6e me one amon. them, U1on this he said: :U66isha has 1re/eded "ou,

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)


$2 !umber *2):

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: @eo1les would be 1resented to me (on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion)2 and then the remainin. 1art o0 the hadith was narrated li6e the one transmitted b" Hushaim2 but he made no mention o0 the 0irst 1ortion,

'ha1ter ;2: This ummah (ummah o0 Islam) would /onstitute hal0 o0 the inhabitants o0 1aradise
7oo6 $2 !umber *2%:
Abdullah b, Mas:ud re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) addressin. us said: Aren:t "ou 1leased that "ou should /onstitute one-0ourth o0 the inhabitants o0 @aradiseD He (the narrator) said: ?e .lori0ied (our Lord2 i, e, we /alled aloud Allah-o A6bar2 Allah is the Hreatest), He2 then2 a.ain said: Aren:t "ou 1leased that "ou should /onstitute one-third o0 the inhabitants o0 @aradiseD He (the narrator) said: ?e .lori0ied (our Lord) and he (the Hol" @ro1het) then a.ain said: I ho1e that "ou would /onstitute hal0 o0 the inhabitants o0 @aradise and I shall e51lain to "ou its (reason), The belie-ers amon. the unbelie-ers would not be more than a white hair on (the bod" o0 a) bla/6 o5 or a bla/6 hair on (the bod" o0 a) white o5,


$2 !umber *2#:

:Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) re1orted: ?e2 about 0ort" men2 were with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in a /am1 when he said: Aren:t "ou 1leased that the" should /onstitute one-0ourth o0 the inhabitants o0 @aradiseD He (the narrator) said: Kes, He (the Hol" @ro1het) a.ain said: Aren:t "ou 1leased that "ou should /onstitute one-third o0 the inhabitants o0 @aradiseD The" said: Kes, U1on this he a.ain said: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 I ho1e that "ou would /onstitute one-hal0 o0 the inhabitants o0 @aradise and the reason is that no one would be admitted into @aradise but a belie-er and "ou are no more amon. the 1ol"theists than as a white hair on the s6in o0 a bla/6 o5 or a bla/6 hair on the s6in o0 a red o5,


$2 !umber *2;:

Abdullah b Mas:ud re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) addressed us and then su11orted his ba/6 (b" re/linin.) a.ainst a leather tent and said: 7ehold2 no one but a belie-in. 1erson would enter @aradise, 3 Allah2 (see) ha-e I /on-e"ed (it not)D Allah2 be witness (to it that I ha-e /on-e"ed it), (Then addressin. the /om1anions) he said: 9on:t "ou li6e that "ou should /onstitute one-0ourth o0 the inhabitants o0 @aradiseD ?e said: Kes2 o0 Allah, He a.ain said: 9on:t "ou li6e that "ou should /onstitute one-third o0 the inhabitants o0 @aradiseD The" said: Kes2 Messen$%# & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

.er o0 Allah, He said: I ho1e that "ou would /onstitute one- hal0 o0 the inhabitants o0 @aradise and "ou would be amon. the 1eo1les o0 the world2 li6e a bla/6 hair on (the bod" o0) a white o5 or li6e a white hair on the bod" o0 a bla/6 o5,


$2 !umber *4 :

Abu Sa:id re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah2 the Hi.h and Hlorious2 would sa": 3 Adam I and he would sa": At Th" ser-i/e2 at th" be/6 and /all2 3 Lord2 and the .ood is in Th" Hand, Allah would sa": 7rin. 0orth the .rou1 o0 (the deni8ens o0) =ire, He (Adam) would sa": ?ho are the deni8ens o0 HellD It would be said: The" are out o0 e-er" thousand nine hundred and ninet"-nine, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: It is at this jun/ture that e-er" /hild would be/ome white-haired and e-er" 1re.nant woman would abort and "ou would see 1eo1le in a state o0 into5i/ation2 and the" would not be in 0a/t into5i/ated but .rie-ous will be the torment o0 Allah, He (the narrator) said: This had a -er" de1ressin. e00e/t u1on them (u1on the /om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) and the" said: o0 Allah2 who us would be (that un0ortunate) 1erson (who would be doomed to Hell)D He said: Hood tidin.s 0or "ou2 Kajuj Majuj would be those thousands (who would be the deni8ens o0 Hell) and a 1erson (sele/ted 0or @aradise) would be "ou, He (the narrator) 0urther re1orted that he (the o0 Allah) a.ain said: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is th" li0e2 I ho1e that "ou would /onstitute one-0ourth o0 the inhabitants o0 @aradise, ?e e5tolled Allah and we .lori0ied (Him), He (the Hol" @ro1het) a.ain said: 7K Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 I wish "ou would /onstitute one-third o0 the inhabitants o0 @aradise, ?e e5tolled Allah and Hlori0ied (Him), He (the Hol" @ro1het) a.ain said: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 I ho1e that "ou would /onstitute hal0 o0 the inhabitants o0 @aradise, Kour li6eness amon. the 1eo1le is the li6eness o0 a white hair on the s6in o0 a bla/6 o5 or a stri1 on the 0orele. o0 an ass,


$2 !umber *4$:

The same hadith has been narrated 0rom A:mash on the authorit" o0 the same /hain o0 transmitters with the e5/e1tion o0 these words: Kou would be no more amon. men (on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion) but li6e a white hair on (the bod" o0) a bla/6 o52 or li6e a bla/6 hair on (the bod" o0) a white o52 and he made no mention o0: a stri1 on the 0orele. o0 an ass,

7e0ore we /lose theC >itab-ul-Iman2C it seems ne/essar" to brin. a 0ew 0a/ts be0ore our readers, This boo6 deals with the belie0s2 i, e, those unseen realities whi/h we ha-e a stron. "earnin. to /om1rehend2 but whi/h elude the .ras1 o0 our senses, (-er" 1erson2 who is endowed with /ons/iousness2 is instin/ti-el" im1elled to 6now when/e he /ame and where he would return, ?hat would be/ome o0 him a0ter /rossin. the bar o0 li0eD Is the

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

short s1an o0 this wordl" li0e the /ulmination o0 all his ho1es and desires and nothin. remains a0ter itD These are the questions whi/h a.itate the mind o0 e-er" man2 whether he is a belie-er or a nonbelie-er2 whether he is a monotheist or a 1ol"theist or an atheist, ?e /annot silen/e the e/hoes o0 our souls b" sim1l" sa"in. that nothin. /an be said with /ertaint" about them, The mind "earns 0or de0inite and satis0a/tor" answers to all o0 them, That is what is embedded in our -er" nature and so lon. as we are human bein.s we /annot a00ord to i.nore them, ?e a11roa/h s/ientists 0or the solution o0 these s1iritual 1roblems o0 ours whi/h ha-e a dire/t bearin. on our so/ial li0e2 but s/ientists ha-e no de0inite answers to .i-e sin/e the" are /on/erned onl" with obser-able 0a/ts2 that is to sa"2 the o1ti/all" 1resent sour/e o0 sensation2 whi/h 0orms onl" a 0ra/tion o0 man:s li0e and the -ast sea o0C unseen worldC lies hidden be0ore them, That is the reason wh" e-en a s/ientist has to 0all ba/6 u1on /han/e-a -er" imortant admission as to the limits o0 the so-/alled s/ienti0i/ 6nowled.e and the 1ossibilit" o0 another 6nowled.e un6nown to s/ien/e and alto.ether di00erent 0rom that with the hel1 o0 whi/h we obser-e 1h"si/al 1henomena and their laws, Moreo-er2 the s/ienti0i/ method /annot hel1 us sol-e the 1roblem o0C when/eC andC whitherC, There is alwa"s an ur.e in our hearts to 1ee1 a/ross this li0e hemmed in b" s1a/e and time and 0ind out our ultimate destin", Sin/e s/ien/e deals withC a/tual2C with what is here and now2 1arti/ularl" what /an be /om1rehended with the hel1o0 senses2 there is inherent in s/ien/e a natural tenden/" to assure that man2 too2 li6e inanimate matter2 is a bubble that bursts and a -ision that 0ades, I0 we ta6e this -iew o0 man2 whi/h is the ine-itable /on/lusion o0 the so-/alledC s/ienti0i/ inquir"2C the whole o0 human li0e in whi/h man 1la"s su/h a 1rominent role be/omes a meanin.less riddle2 0or he is denied the e5isten/e o0 s1iritual "earnin. in him whi/h is nothin. but a sort o0 /ruel jo6e with man,C Li0e2C sa"s 9r Muhammad Iqbal (Ae/onstru/tion o0 Aeli.ious in Islam2 11 + -$)2C with its intense 0eelin. o0 s1ontaneit" /onstitutes a /entre o0 indetermination2 and thus 0alls outside2 the domain o0 ne/essit",,, The who see6s a me/hani/al e51lanation o0 li0e is led to do so be/ause he /on0ines his stud" to the lower 0orms o0 li0e whose beha-iour dis/loses resemblan/es to me/hani/al a/tion, I0 he studies li0e as mani0ested in himsel02 i, e,2 his own mind 0reel" /hoosin.2 reje/tin.2 re0le/tin.2 sur-e"in. the 1ast and the 1resent2 and d"narni/all" ima.inin. the 0uture, he is sure to be /on-in/ed o0 the inadequa/" o0 his me/han/al /on/e1ts,C The obser-able 0a/ts or2 in other words2 the 1h"si/al entities 0orm onl" a 1art o0 the Aealit", 3n how to 6now and /om1rehend the other 1arts whi/h /on/ern us more intimatel" than the 1h"si/al entities, s/ien/e has nothin. de0inite to sa" e5/e1t a meanin.0ul silen/e whi/h betra"s its natural limitation in sol-in. these -ital 1roblems o0 li0e, @s"/holo."2 too2 is inherentl" in/om1etent to /om1rehend the unseen Aealities o0 the uni-erse, Li0e2 as we all 6now, is a .reat m"ster" e-errin its biolo.i/al as1e/tsB how m"sterious it is in its s1iritual and moral as1e/ts2 we /annot ima.ine, @s"/holo." has been-able to .ro1e in the dar6ness o0 un/ons/ious and2 ub-/ons/ious /hambers and has not been able to brin. into the se/rets o0 the human soul,C @s"/holo."2C sa"s ?aiter Leibre/ht (Aeli.ion and 'ulture2 1, 44)2C /an show us what man is not, It /annot tell us what man2 ea/h one o0 us2 is, The le.itimate aim o0 1s"/holo." is the ne$# & $#


733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

.ati-e2 the remo-al o0 distortions and illusions2 but not the 1ositi-e2 the 0ull and /om1lete 6nowled.e o0 human bein.,C The 0a/t is that human 6nowled.e and intelle/t2 in s1ite o0 their boast0ul /laims2 are b" nature so mu/h handi/a11ed that the"2 unaided b" re-elation2 /annot in an" wa" /om1rehend the unseen Aealities, ?hat the intelle/t at the most /an do is to trans0orm the sense-data into /on/e1tual 0orms2 but it has to de1end ultimatel" u1on e51erien/e and is2 there0ore2 subje/ted to the same limitations to whi/h the 6nowled.e o0 1"si/al s/ien/es is subje/ted,C The intelle/t2C sa" Ibn >haldun2 is a /orre/t s/ale, Its indi/ations are /om1letel" /ertain and in no wa" wron., Howe-er2 the intelle/t should not be used to wei.h su/h matters as the oneness o0 Hod2 the Herea0ter2 the truth o0 1ro1he/"2 the real /hara/ter o0 9i-ine Attributes2 or an"thin. else that lies be"ond the le-el o0 the intelle/t, That would mean to as1ire 0or the im1ossible, 3ne /om1are it with a man who sees a s/ale in whi/h .old is bein. wei.hed2 and wants to wei.h mountains in it, This (the 0a/t that it is im1ossible) does not 1ro-e that the indi/ations o0 the s/ale are not true (when it is used 0or its 1ro1er 1ur1ose), Howe-er2 there is a limit at whi/h intelle/t must sto1, It /annot .o be"ond its own le-elC (The Muqaddimah2 translated b" =ran8 Aosenthal2 <ol, III, 1, 4#), ?hat a man in the /old re.ions o0 an arid intelle/tualism /an2 at his best2 in0er is onl" the e5isten/e o0 a @rime 'ause2 but to 0ar as His Attributes2 His will2 His beha-iour with humanit" and His 'reation2 and our relation with Him are /on/erned, Intelle/t has nothin. 1ositi-e to sa", It is at this sta.e that man instin/ti-el" 0eels the need o0 an a.en/" whi/h shoure 1ro-ide him authenti/ in0ormation about unseen rmuties o0 li0e, This a.en/- is 6nown as @ro1hethoud, The Hreat Lord2 ?ho has 1ro-ided man with materia0 resour/es 0or the satis0a/tion o0 his ma/erial needs2 has also made suitable arran.ements to a/quaint us 0ull" with the Unseen Aealities whi/h our souls "earn to 6now, This 6nowled.e o0 the Unseen is -ou/hsa0ed to us throu.h His trusted Messen.ers (1ro1hets), This is an immense sa-our 0rom our Lord2 immeasurabl" more -aluable then the material resour/es 0or2 without it2 human souls would ha-e su00ered the 1an.s o0 1ri-ation and would ha-e ultimatel" died, The Eur:an sa"s: All 1raise is due to Allah, ?ho .uided us to this, And we would not ha-e 0ound the wa" i0 Allah had not .uided us, 'ertainl" the Messen.ers o0 our Lord the Truth (-ii, *4), Fust as the in0ormation o0 the Hol" @ro1het 1ertainin. to our worldl" li0e is 1er0e/tl" /orre/t jud.ed b" an" standard2 in the same wa" his re-elations /on/ernin. the Unseen, e, ., the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2 @aradise and Hell2 will also be 1er0e/tl" true, be/ause he As Amin, the Truth0ul, ?e should2 howe-er2 bear in mind that sin/e we are li-in. in a world o0 senses it is2 there0ore2 throu.h sensor" e51erien/es that we /om1rehend it, A man:s mind is so mu/h hemmed in b" s1a/e and time and his -ision is so mu/h limited b" the material as1e/ts o0 his li0e that it is onl" throu.h material /on/e1ts that his mind is led to the 6nowled.e o0 the Unseen, That is the reason wh" one /an easil" 0ind 0requent use o0 meta1hors and similes in the o0 the Hol" @ro1het as be e51lained the Unseen Aealities o0 e5isten/e, These are not m"ths2 but the Hreat undeniable Truths whi/h our souls "earn to 6now2 a00irm and belie-e, but whi/h our own intelli.en/e 0ails to /om1rehend,

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733> $: TH( 733> 3= =AITH (>ITA7 AL-IMA!)

733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 ALTAHAAAH)

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733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)

?e ha-e read in the 0irst 7oo6 that the lo-e o0 Allah is the hi.hest aim o0 a true belie-er, It is 0or the a/hie-ement o0 this sin.le end that he a00irms his 0aith in Him b" renoun/in. all other t"1es o0 .odhood, The lo-e o0 Hod is not somethin. inert or li0elessB it is d"nami/ in the sense that it /alls 0or a /om1lete /han.e in the li0e o0 man: /han.e in his thou.hts and ideas and /han.e in his /ondu/t and beha-iour, 3ne who /laims to be a belie-er in Allah has to ma6e a .ood deal o0 e00ort with a -iew to 1leasin. his: lord, He has to 1uri0" his soul 0rom all e-il thou.hts and 0an/ies so that the lo-e o0 Hod should reside in it, Unless the soul is 1ur.ed o0 all im1urities one /annot a/hie-e sal-ation, This is 6nown as Tahdrah in Islam2 and it is the 0oundation-stone o0 Imin, This hi.h obje/ti-e o0 the 1uri0i/ation o0 the soul requires intentional and deliberate e00orts and a .ood deal o0 sa/ri0i/e on the 1art o0 man2 and the most elementar" sta.e in this sa/red 1ath is the /leanliness o0 bod", 7" enjoinin. /leanliness o0 bod" u1on man Islam awa6ens him to the realisation o0 the 0a/t that when im1urities on the bod" o0 a man 1rodu/e su/h unhealtb" e00e/ts on his 1h"si/al bein. and /orrode his mental health2 how miserable his li0e would be when his soul is 1olluted with im1urities, The 1ro/ess o0 the 1uri0i/ation o0 the soul should2 there0ore2 start with the 1uri0i/ation o0 the bod",

'ha1ter $: Merit o0 wudu:

7oo6 22 !umber *42:
Abu Mali6 at-Ash:ari re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 'leanliness is hal0 o0 0aith and al-Hamdu Liliah (@raise be to Allah) 0ills the s/ale2 and Subhan Allah (Hlor" be to Allah) and al-Hamdu Liliah (@raise be to Allah) 0ill u1what is between the hea-ens and the earth2 and 1ra"er is a li.ht2 and /harit" is 1roo0 (o0 one:s 0aith) and enduran/e is a bri.htness and the Hol" Eur:an is a 1roo0 on "our behal0 or a.ainst "ou, All men .o out earl" in the mornin. and sell themsel-es2 thereb" settin. themsel-es 0ree or destro"in. themsel-es,

'ha1ter 2: @uri0i/ation is essential 0or 1ra"er

7oo6 22 !umber *44:
Mus:ab b, Sa:d re1orted: :Abdullah son o0 Umar /ame to Ibn:Amir in order to inquire a0ter his health as he was ailin., He said Ibn :Umar2 wh" don:t "ou 1ra"to Allah 0or meD He said: I heard o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": !either the 1ra"er is a//e1ted without 1ari0i/ation nor is /harit" a//e1ted out o0 the ill-.otten (wealth)2 and thou wert the (.o-ernor) o0 7asra,
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733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)


22 !umber *4*:

A hadith li6e this is narrated 0rom the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with the same /hain o0 transmitters b" Muhammad b, Muthanna2 Ibn 7ashshar2 Muhammad b, Fa:0ar2 Shu:ba,


22 !umber *4+:

Hammam b, Munabbih who is the brother o0 ?ahb b, Munabbih, said: This is what has been transmitted to us b" Abu Huraira 0rom Muhammad2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and then narrated a hadith out o0 them and obser-ed that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The 1ra"er o0 none "ou would be a//e1ted in a state o0 im1urit" till he 1er0orms ablution,

'ha1ter 4: How to 1er0orm ablution

7oo6 22 !umber *4):
Humran2 the 0reed sla-e o0 :Uthman2 said: Uthman b, :A00an /alled 0or ablution water and this is how he 1er0ormed the ablution, He washed his hands thri/e, He then rinsed his mouth and /leaned his nose with water (three times), He then washed his 0a/e three times2 then washed his arm u1 to the elbow three times2 then washed his le0t arm li6e that2 then wi1ed his headB then washed his 0oot u1 to the an6le three times2 then washed his le0t 0oot li6e that2 and then said: I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1er0orm ablution li6e this ablution o0 mine, Then the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who 1er0orms ablution li6e this ablution o0 mine and then stood u1 (0or 1ra"er) and o00ered two ra6:ahs o0 1ra"er without allowin. his thou.hts to be distra/ted2 all his 1re-ious sins are e51iated, Ibn Shihab said: 3ur s/holars remar6ed: This is the most /om1lete o0 the ablutions 1er0omed 0or 1ra"er,


22 !umber *4%:

Humran2 the 0reed sla-e o0 :Uthman said: I saw Uthman /all 0or a -essel (o0 water) and 1oured water o-er his hands three times and then washed them, Then he 1ut his hand in the -essel and rinsed his mouth and /leaned his nose, Then he washed his 0a/e three times and his hands u1 to the elbow three timesB then wi1ed his head2 then washed his 0eet three times, Then he said that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: He who 1er0ormed ablution li6e this ablution o0 mine and o00ered two ra6lahs o0 1ra"er without allowin. his thou.hts to be distra/ted2 all his 1re-ious sins would be e51iated,

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733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)

'ha1ter *: The merit o0 wudu and that o0 1ra"er a0ter it

7oo6 22 !umber *4#:
Humran, the 0reed sla-e o0 :Uthman, said: I heard 0rom :Uthman b, :A00an and he was in the /ourt"ard o0 the mosque2 when the Mu:adhdhin (announ/er o0 the 1ra"er) /ame to him at the time o0 a0ternoon 1ra"er, So the (:Uthman) /alled 0or the ablution water and 1er0ormed ablution and then said: 7" Allah2 I am narratin. to "ou a hadith, I0 there were not a -erse in the 7oo6 o0 Allah2 I would ha-e ne-er narrated it to "ou, I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": I0 a Muslim 1er0orms ablution and does it well and o00ers 1ra"er2 all his (sins) darin. the 1eriod 0rom one 1ra"er to another would be 1ardoned b" Allah,


22 !umber *4;:

This hadith is also narrated on the authorit" with the same /hain o0 transmitters and in the hadith o0 Abu Usama the words are:C He who 1er0ormed the ablution well and then o00ered the obli.ator" 1ra"er,C


22 !umber ** :

Humran re1orted when :Uthman 1er0ormed ablution he said: 7" Allah2 I am narratin. to "ou a hadith had there not been this -erse in the 7oo6 o0 Allah, I would not ha-e narrated it to "ou, <eril" I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": !ot a 1erson is there who 1er0ormed ablution2 and did it well2 then o00ered 1ra"er2 but his sins (whi/h he /ommitted) were not 1ardoned between the 1ra"er that he o00ered and the ne5t one, :Urwa said: The -erse is this:C Those who su11ress the /lear 1roo0s and the .uidan/e whi/h ?e ha-e sent downC,,, to His words:C the 'ursersC (ii, $+),


22 !umber **$:

:Amr b Sa:id b al-As re1orted: I was2 with Uthman that he /alled 0or ablution water and said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": ?hen the time 0or a 1res/ribed 1ra"er /omees2 i0 an" Muslim 1er0orm ablution well and o00ers his 1ra"er) with humilit" and bowin.2 it will be an e51iation 0or his 1ast sins2 so lon. as he has not /ommitted a major sinB and this a11lies to 0or all times,

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733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)


22 !umber **2:

Humran2 the 0reed sla-e o0 :Uthman re1orted: I 0or Uthman b, :A00an the ablution water, He 1er0ormed ablution and then said: <eril" the 1eo1le narrate 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a hadith, I do not 6now what these are, but (I 6now this 0a/t) that I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1er0orm ablution li6e this ablution o0 mine and then he said: He who 1er0ormed ablution li6e this2 all his 1re-ious sins would be e51iated and his 1ra"er and .oin. towards the mosque would ha-e an e5tra reward, In the tradition narrated b" Ibn :Abda (the words are):C I /ame to Uthman and he 1er0ormed ablution,C


22 !umber **4:

Abu Anas re1orted that Uthman 1er0ormed ablution at Maqi:aid and said: Should I not show "ou the ablution 1er0ormed b" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D And he then washed (the di00erent 1arts o0 the bod") three times, *C Eutaiba has added in his narration the words:C There were with him (with Uthman) 'om1anions o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),C


22 !umber ***:

Humran b, Abin re1orted: I used to 0et/h water 0or :Uthman 0or his 1uri0i/ation, !e-er was there a da" that he did not ta6e a bath with a small quantit" o0 water, And Uthman said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at the time o0 our returnin. 0rom our 1ra"er told us (/ertain thin.s 1ertainin. to 1uri0i/ation), Mis:ar said: I 0ind that it was a0ternoon 1ra"er, He said: I do not 6now whether I should tell "ou a thin. or 6ee1 quiet, ?e said: o0 Allah2 tell us i0 it is .ood and i0 it is otherwise2 Allah and His A1ostle 6now better, U1on this he said: A Muslim who 1uri0ies (himsel0) and /om1letes 1uri0i/ation as enjoined u1on him b" Allah and then o00ers the 1ra"ers2 that will be e51iatious (o0 his sins he /ommitted) between these (1ra"ers),


22 !umber **+:

Fami: b, Shaddad re1orted: I heard Humran b, Aban narrate to Abu 7urda in this -er" mosque durin. the .o-ernorshi1 o0 7ishr that :Uthman b, Al0an said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: He who /om1leted ablution as Allah2 the (5alted2 enjoined u1on him2 his obli.ator" 1ra"ers would be e51latious (0or his minor sins that he would /ommit) durin. (the inter-al) between them, This hadith is transmitted b" Ibn Mu:adh2 and in the hadith narrated b" Hhundar2 the wordsC durin. the .o-ernorshi1 o0 7ishrC are omitted and there is no mention o0 the obli.ator" 1ra"ers,

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733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)


22 !umber **):

Humran2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Uthman re1orted: 3ne da" Uthman b, A00an 1er0ormed the ablution well2 and then said: I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1er0orm ablution2 the best ablution2 and then obser-ed: He who 1er0ormed ablution li6e this and then went towards the mosque and nothin. (but the lo-e o0) 1ra"er ur.ed him (to do so)2 all his 1re-ious (minor) sins would be e51iated,


22 !umber **%:

Humran2 the 0reed sla-e o0 :Uthman b, :A00an2 re1orted on the authorit" o0 :Uthman b, :A00an that he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": He who 1er0ormed ablution 0or 1ra"er and 1er0ormed it 1ro1erl" and then went (to obser-e) obli.ator" 1ra"er and o00ered it alon. with 1eo1le or with the / or in the mosque2 Allah would 1ardon his sins,


22 !umber **#:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: =i-e 1ra"ers and 0rom one =rida" 1ra"er to (the ne5t) =rida" 1ra"er is an e51iation (o0 the sins /ommitted in between their inter-als) i0 major sins are not /ommitted,


22 !umber **;:

Abu Huraira re1orted that the o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: =i-e 1ra"ers and one =rida" 1ra"er to (the ne5t) =rida" 1ra"er are e51iatious (0or the sins /ommitted in the inter-als) between them,


22 !umber *+ :

Abu Huraira re1orted: <eril" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: =i-e (dail") 1ra"ers and 0rom one =rida" 1ra"er to the (ne5t) =rida" 1ra"er2 and 0rom Aamadhan to Aamadhan are e51iatious 0or the (sins) /ommitted in between (their inter-als) 1ro-ided one shuns the major sins,


22 !umber *+$:

:Uqba b, :Amir re1orted: ?e were entrusted with the tas6 o0 tendin. the /amels, 3n m" turn when I /ame ba/6 in the e-enin. a0ter .ra8in. them in the 1astures2 I 0ound Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stand and address the 1eo1le, I heard these words o0 his: I0 an" Muslim 1er0orms ablution well2 then stands and 1ra"s two ra6:ahs settin. about them with his heart as well as his 0a/e2 @aradise would be .uaranteed to him, I said: ?hat a 0ine thin. is thisL And a narrator who was be0ore
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733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)

me said: The 0irst was better than e-en this, ?hen I /ast a .lan/e2 I saw that it was :Umair who said: I see that "ou ha-e just /ome and obser-ed: I0 an"one "ou 1er0orms the ablution2 and then /om1letes the ablution well and then sa"s: I testi0" that there is no .od but Allah and that Muhammad is the ser-ant o0 Allah and His Messen.er2 the .ates o0 @aradise would be o1ened 0or him and he ma" enter b" whi/he-er o0 them he wishes,


22 !umber *+2:

Uqba b, :Amir al-Fuhani re1orted: <eril" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said and then narrated (the hadith) li6e one (mentioned abo-e) e5/e1t (this) that he said: He who 1er0ormed ablution and said: I testi0" that there is no .od but Allah2 the 3ne2 there is no asso/iate with Him and I testi0" that Muhammad is His ser-ant and His,


22 !umber *+4:

:Abdullah b, Gaid b, :Asim al-Ansari2 who was a 'om1anion (o0 the Hol" @ro1het)2 re1orted: It was said to him (b" 1eo1le): @er0orm 0or us the ablution (as it was 1er0ormed) b" the o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him), He (:Abdullah b, Gaid) /alled 0or a -essel (o0 water)2 and 1oured water 0rom it on his hands and washed them three times, Then he inserted his hand (in the -essel) and it (water) out2 rinsed his mouth and snu00ed u1 water 0rom the 1alm o0 one hand doin. that three times2 He a.ain inserted his hand and it out and washed his 0a/e three times2 then inserted his hand and it out and washed ea/h arm u1 to the elbow twi/e2 then inserted his hand and it out and wi1ed his head both 0ront and ba/6 with his hands, He then washed his 0eet u1 to the an6les2 and then said: This is how Hod:s (1ea/e be u1on him) 1er0ormed ablution,


22 !umber *+*:

This hadith is narrated b" Amr b, Kah"a with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but there is no mention o0 an6les,


22 !umber *++:

Mali6 b, Anas narrated it 0rom :Amr b, Kah"a with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 transmitters and mentioned the rinsin. (o0 mouth) and snu00in. (o0 water into the nostrils) three times2 but he did not mentionC 0rom one 1alm2C and made this addition: He mo-ed them (his hands) 0or wi1in. to the 0ront o0 his head and then the na1e o0 his ne/62 then them ba/6 till he rea/hed the 1la/e 0rom whi/h he had be.un2 a0ter whi/h he washed his 0eet,

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733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)


22 !umber *+):

7ab8 re1orted: This hadith has been narrated b" ?uwb on the authorit" o0 :Amr b, Kah"i with the same /hain o0 transmitters and it has been mentioned therein: He rinsed his mouth, snu00ed u1 water in nostrils and /leaned the nose with three hand0uls and wi1ed his head mo-in. (his hand) in 0ront and then ba/6 on/e, 7ah8 said: ?uhaib narrated this hadith to me and ?uhaib said: Amr b, Kah"a narrated to me this hadith twi/e,


22 !umber *+%:

:Abdullah b, Gaid b, :Asim al-Ma8ini re1orted: He saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1er0orm the ablution, He rinsed his mouth then /leaned his nose2 then washed his 0a/e three times2 then washed his hand thri/e and then the other one2 thri/e, He then too6 0resh water and wi1ed his head and then washed his 0eet till he /leaned them,

'ha1ter +: ?hile /leanin. the nose and usin. o0 1ebbles in toilet2 the odd number is 1re0erable
7oo6 22 !umber *+#:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen an"one wi1es himsel0 with 1ebbles (a0ter answerin. the /all o0 nature) he must ma6e use o0 an odd number and when an" one o0 "ou 1er0orms ablution he must snu00 in his nose water and then /lean it,


22 !umber *+;:

Hammam b, Munabbih re1orted: This is what Abu Huraira transmitted to us 0rom Muhammad2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he mentioned a number o0 a hadith2 o0 whi/h this is one: that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an"one "ou (1er0orms ablution) he must snu00 his nostrils with water and then /lean them,


22 !umber *) :

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e he u1on him) said: ?hen an"one 1er0orms ablution he must /lean his nose and when an"one wi1es himsel0 with 1ebbles (a0ter answerin. the /all o0 nature) he must do that odd number o0 times,

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733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)


22 !umber *)$:

It has been transmitted b" Abu Huraira and Abu Sa:id al->hudri (both o0 them the re1uted 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said li6e that,


22 !umber *)2:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said, ?hen an" one o0 "ou awa6es u1 0rom slee1 and 1er0orms ablution2 he must /lean his nose three times2 0or the de-il s1ends the in the interior o0 his nose,


22 !umber *)4:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that he heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": ?hen an"one wi1es himsel0 with 1ebbles (a0ter answerin. the /all o0 nature) he should do this odd number o0 times,

'ha1ter ): The washin. o0 0eet 1ro1erl" is an inte.ral 1art o0 wudu

7oo6 22 !umber *)*:
Salim2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Shaddad2 said: I /ame to :A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 on the da" when Sa:db, Abi ?aqqas died, :Abd al-Aahman b, Abu 7a6r also /ame there and he 1er0ormed ablution in her 1resen/e, She (Hadrat :A:isha) said: Abd al-Aahman2 /om1lete the ablution as I heard the Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": ?oe to the heels be/ause o0 hell-0ire,


22 !umber *)+:

Abdullah2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Shahddad2 /ame to :A:isha and transmitted 0rom her a hadith li6e this (whi/h she narrated) 0rom the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


22 !umber *)):

Salim2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Mahri2 re1orted: I and :Abd al-Aahman b, Abu 7a6r went out (in order to join) the 0uneral 1ro/ession o0 Sa:d b, Abi ?aqqas and 1assed b" the door o0 the residen/e o0 :A:isha2 and then he transmitted a hadith li6e this 0rom her who (narrated it) 0rom the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

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733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)


22 !umber *)%:

Salim2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Shaddad b, al-Had said: I was in the 1resen/e o0 :A:isha2 and then narrated on her authorit" a hadith li6e this 0rom the Hol" @ro1het (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him),


22 !umber *)#:

:Abdullah b, :Amr re1orted: ?e returned 0rom Me//a to Medina with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and when we /ame to some water on the wa"2 some o0 the 1eo1le were in a hurr" at the time o0 the a0ternoon 1ra"er and 1er0ormed ablution hurriedl"B and when we rea/hed them2 their heels were dr"2 no water had tou/hed them, The @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?oe to (dr") heels2 be/ause o0 Hell-0ire, Ma6e "our ablution thorou.h,


22 !umber *);:

In the hadith transmitted b" Shu:ba these words are not there:C 'om1lete the ?udu2C and there is the name o0 Abu Kah"a al-A:raj (a narrator),


22 !umber *% :

:Abdullah b, Amr re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) la..ed behind us on a journe", ?e tra-elled (ba/6) and be too6 himB and then /ame the time o0 the a0ternoon 1ra"er2 and as we were .oin. to wi1e our 0eet he (the Hol" @ro1het) /alled out: ?oe to the heels be/ause o0 Hell0ire,


22 !umber *%$:

Abu Huraira re1orted: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw a man who did not wash his heel and he remar6ed: ?oe to the heels be/ause o0 hell-0ire,


22 !umber *%2:

Abu Huraira re1orted: He saw 1eo1le 1er0orm ablution with the hel1 o0 a water jar and he said: 'om1lete the ?udu 0or i heard Abu al-Easim (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": ?oe to the hamstrin.s be/ause o0 hell-0ire,


22 !umber *%4:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?oe to the heels be/ause o0 hell-0ire,

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733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)

'ha1ter %: It is obli.ator" to wash all 1arts o0 the bod" ne/essar" 0or 1uri0i/ation
7oo6 22 !umber *%*:
Fabir re1orted: :Umar b, >hattab said that a 1erson 1er0ormed ablution and le0t a small 1art equal to the s1a/e o0 a nail (unwashed), The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw that and said: Ho ba/6 and 1er0orm ablution well, He then went ba/6 (1er0ormed ablution well) and o00ered the 1ra"er,

'ha1ter #: o0 sins with ablution water

7oo6 22 !umber *%+:
Abu Huraira re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen a bondsman-a Muslim or a belie-er-washes his 0a/e (in /ourse o0 ablution)2 e-er" sin he /ontem1lated with his e"es2 will be washed awa" 0rom his 0a/e alon. with water2 or with the last dro1 o0 waterB when he washes his hands2 e-er" sin the" will be e00a/ed 0rom his hands with the water2 or with the last dro1 o0 waterB and when he washes his 0eet2 e-er" sin towards whi/h his 0eet ha-e wal6ed will be washed awa" with the water or with the last dro1 o0 water with the result that he /omes out 1ure 0rom all sins,


22 !umber *%):

Uthman b, :A00an re1orted: The o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who 1er0ormed ablution well2 his sins would /ome out 0rom his bod"2 e-en /omin. out 0rom under his nails,

'ha1ter ;: It is /ommendable to in/lude 0orehead in washin. the 0a/e and elbow and an6le in washin. the hands and 0eet2 while 1er0ormin. ablution
7oo6 22 !umber *%%:
!u:aim b, :Abdullah al-Mujmir re1orted: I saw Abu Huraira 1er0orm ablution, He washed his 0a/e and washed it well, He then washed his hand in/ludin. a 1ortion o0 his arm, He then washed his le0t hand in/ludin. a 1ortion o0 his arm, He then wi1ed his head, He then washed his 0oot
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733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)

in/ludin. his shan62 and then washed his le0t 0oot in/ludin. shan62 and then said: This is how I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1er0orm his ablution, And (Abu Huraira) added that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had obser-ed: Kou shall ha-e "our 0a/es hands and 0eet on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion be/ause o0 "our 1er0e/t ablution, He who /an a00ord amon. "ou2 let him in/rease the bri.htness o0 his 0orehead and that o0 hands and le.s,


22 !umber *%#:

!u:aim b, :Abdallah re1orted: He saw Abu Huraira 1er0orm ablution, He washed his 0a/e and washed his hands u1 to the arms, He then washed his 0eet and rea/hed u1 to the shan6s and then said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": M" 1eo1le would /ome with 0a/es and hands and 0eet on a//ount o0 the mar6s o0 ablution2 so he who /an in/rease the lustre o0 his 0orehead (and that o0 his hands and le.s) should do so,


22 !umber *%;:

Abu Huraira re1orted: <eril" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: M" 'istern has its dimensions wider than the distan/e between Aila and Aden2 and its water is whiter than i/e and sweeter than the hone" diluted with mil62 and its /u1s are more numerous than the numbers o0 the stars, <eril" I shall 1re-ent the (0aithless) 1eo1le there0rom just as a man 1re-ents the /amels o0 the 1eo1le 0rom his 0ountain, The" said: o0 Allah2 will "ou re/o.nise us on that da"D He said: Kes2 "ou will ha-e distin/ti-e mar6s whi/h nobod" amon. the 1eo1les (e5/e1t "ou) will ha-eB "ou would /ome to me with bla8in. 0orehead and hands and 0eet on a//ount o0 the tra/es o0 ablution,


22 !umber *# :

Abu Huraira re1orted the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: M" 1eo1le would /ome to me on the 'istern and I would dri-e awa" 1ersons (0rom it) just as a 1erson dri-es awa" other 1eo1le:s /amels 0rom his /amels, The" (the hearers) said: A1ostle o0 Allah2 would "ou re/o.ni8e usD He re1lied: Kea2 "ou would ha-e a mar6 whi/h other 1eo1le will not ha-e, Kou would /ome to me with a white bla8e on "our 0oreheads and white mar6s on "our 0eet be/ause o0 the tra/es o0 ablution, A .rou1 amon. "ou would be 1re-ented 0rom /omin. to me2 and the" would not meet me2 and I would sa": 3 m" Lord2 the" are m" /om1anions, U1on this an an.el would re1l" to me sa"in.: 9o "ou 6now what these 1eo1le did a0ter "ou,


22 !umber *#$:

Hudhai0a re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: M" 'istern is than the s1a/e between Aila and Aden, 7" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 I will dri-e awa" 1ersons (0rom it) just as a 1erson dri-es awa" un6nown /amels 0rom his /istern, The" (the /om1anions) said:
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733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH) o0 Allab2 would "ou re/o.nise usD He said: Kes2 "ou would /ome to me with white 0a/es2 and white hands and 0eet on a//ount o0 the tra/es o0 ablution, !one but "ou would ha-e (this mar6),


22 !umber *#2:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to the .ra-e"ard and said: @ea/e be u1on "ouL the abode o0 the belie-in. 1eo1le and we2 i0 Hod so wills2 are about to join "ou, I lo-e to see m" brothers, The" (the hearers) said: Arn:t we "our o0 AllahD He said: Kou are m" /om1anions2 and our brothers are those who ha-e2 so 0ar2 not /ome into the world, The" said: o0 Allah2 how would "ou re/o.nise those 1ersons o0 "our Ummah who ha-e not "et been bornD He said: Su11osin. a man had horses with white bla8es on 0ore- heads and le.s amon. horses whi/h were all bla/62 tell me2 would he not re/o.nise his own horsesD The" said: 'ertainl", o0 Allah, He said: The" would /ome with white 0a/es and arms and le.s owin. to ablution2 and I would arri-e at the 'istern be0ore them, Some 1eo1le would be dri-en awa" 0rom m" 'istern as the stra" /amel is dri-en awa", I would /all out, 'ome, /ome, Then it would be said (to me): These 1eo1le /han.ed themsel-es a0ter "ou2 and I would sa": 7e o002 be o00,


22 !umber *#4:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e The u1on him) went out to the .ra-e"ard and said: @ea/e be u1on "ou2 the abode o0 the belie-in. 1eo1le, and I0 Allah so wills we shall join "ou,,,, (and so on and so 0orth) li6e the hadith narrated b" Isma:il b, Fa:0ar e5/e1t the words o0 Mali6: Then some 1ersons would be dri-en awa" 0rom m" 'istern,


22 !umber *#*:

Abu Ha8im re1orted: I was (standin.) behind Abu Huraira and he was 1er0ormin. the ablution 0or 1ra"er, He e5tended the (washin.) o0 his hand that it went u1 to his arm1it, I said to him: 3 Abu Huraira2 what is this ablutionD He said: 3 o0 the tribe o0 =aruu6h2 "ou are hereB i0 I 6new that "ou were here2 I would ha-e ne-er 1er0ormed ablution li6e thisB I ha-e heard m" =riend (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa", In a belie-er adornment would rea/h the 1la/es where ablution rea/hes,


22 !umber *#+:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Should I not su..est to "ou that b" whi/h Allah obliterates the sins and ele-ates the ran6s (o0 a man), The" (the hearers) said: Kes2 o0 Allah, He said: @er0ormin. the ablution thorou.hl" des1ite odds2 tran-erside o0 more 1a/es towards the mosque2 and waitin. 0or the ne5t 1ra"er a0ter obser-in. a 1ra"er2 and that is mind0ulness,

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733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)


22 !umber *#):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ali: b, :Abd al-Aahman with the same /hain o0 transmitters and there is no mention o0 the word o0 al-Aibat in the hadith transmitted b" Shu:ba and in the badith narrated b" Mali6C AibatC has been mentioned twi/e, This is theC AibatC 0or "ou2 this is theC AibatC 0or "ou,

'ha1ter $ : @ertainin. to tooth-sti/6 (brushin. the teeth)

7oo6 22 !umber *#%:
Abu Huraira re1orted: The A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ere it not that I o-erburden the belie-ers-and in the hadith transmitted b" GuhairC 1eo1leC -I would ha-e ordered them to use toothsti/6 at e-er" time o0 1ra"er,


22 !umber *##:

Miqdam b, Shuraih narrated it 0rom his 0ather who said: I as6ed A:isha what Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did 0irst when he entered his house2 and she re1lied: He used tooth-sti/6 (0irst o0 all),


22 !umber *#;:

:A:isha re1orted: ?hene-er Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered his house2 he used tooth-sti/6 0irst o0 all,


22 !umber *; :

Abu Musa re1orted: I went to the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and 0ound one end o0 the tooth-sti/6 u1on his ton.ue (i, e, he was rinsin. his mouth),


22 !umber *;$:

Huddai0a re1orted: ?hene-er the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot u1 0or Tahajjud 1ra"er2 he /leansed his mouth with the tooth-sti/6,

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733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)


22 !umber *;2:

This hadith is re1orted 0rom Hudai0a b" another /hain o0 transmitters, ?hene-er he (the Hol" @ro1het) .ot u1 in the ni.ht2 the" (the transmitters) ha-e not mentioned the words: 0or o00erin. Tahajjud 1ra"er,


22 !umber *;4:

(*;4) Hudai0a re1orted: ?hene-er he (the Hol" @ro1het) .ot u1 0or 1ra"er durin. the ni.ht2 he /leansed his mouth with the tooth-sti/6,


22 !umber *;*:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that he s1ent a at the house o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 The A1ostle o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot u1 0or 1ra"er in the latter 1art o0 the, He went out and loo6ed towards the s6" and then re/ited this -erse ($; th) o0 AI-i-:Imran:C <eril" in the /reation o0 the hea-ens and the earth and the alternation o0 and da",C u1 to the (words)C sa-e us 0rom the torment o0 Hell,C He then returned to his house2 used the tooth-sti/62 1er0ormed the ablution2 and then .ot u1 and o00ered the 1ra"er, He than la" down on the bed, and a.ain .ot u1 and went out and loo6ed towards the s6" and re/ited this -erse (mentioned abo-e)2 then returned2 used the tooth-sti/62 1er0ormed ablution and a.ain o00ered the 1ra"er,

'ha1ter $$: 'hara/teristi/s o0 0itra

7oo6 22 !umber *;+:
Abu Huraira re1orted: =i-e are the a/ts quite a6in to the =itra2 or 0i-e are the a/ts o0 =itra: /ir/um/ision2 sha-in. the 1ubes2 /uttin. the nails2 1lu/6in. the hair under the arm1its and /li11in. the mousta/he,


22 !umber *;):

Abu Huraira re1orted: =i-e are the a/ts o0 0itra: /ir/um/ision2 remo-in. the 1ubes2 /li11in. the mousta/he2 /uttin. the nails2 1lu/6in. the hair under the arm1its,


22 !umber *;%:

Anas re1orted: A time limit has been 1res/ribed 0or us 0or /li11in. the mousta/he2 /uttin. the nails2 1lu/6in. hair under the arm1its2 sha-in. the 1ubes2 that it should not be ne.le/ted 0ar more than 0ort" ni.hts,

$;) & $#


733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)


22 !umber *;#:

Ibn Umar said: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Trim /losel" the mousta/he2 and let the beard .row,


22 !umber *;;:

Ibn Umar said: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ordered us to trim the mousta/he /losel" and s1are the beard,


22 !umber +

Ibn Umar said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be o1on him) said: A/t a.ainst the 1ol"theists2 trim /losel" the mousta/he and .row beard,


22 !umber + $:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Trim /losel" the mousta/he2 and .row beard2 and thus a/t a.ainst the 0ire-worshi11ers,


22 !umber + 2:

:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be n1on him) said: Ten are the a/ts a//ordin. to 0itra: /li11in. the mousta/he2 lettin. the beard .row2 usin. the tooth-sti/62 snu00in. water in the nose2 /uttin. the nails2 washin. the joints2 1lu/6in. the hair under the arm1its2 sha-in. the 1ubes and /leanin. one:s 1ri-ate 1arts with water, The narrator said: I ha-e 0or.otten the tenth2 but it ma" ha-e been rinsin. the mouth,


22 !umber + 4:

This hadith has been narrated b" Mus:ab b, Shaiba with the same /hain o0 transmitters e5/e1t 0or these words:C His 0ather said: I 0or.ot the tenth one,C

'ha1ter $2: How to /leanse onesel0 a0ter relie-in. onesel0

7oo6 22 !umber + *:
Salman re1orted that it was said to him: Kour A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) tea/hes "ou about e-er"thin.2 e-en about e5/rement, He re1lied: Kes2 he has 0orbidden us to 0a/e the Eibla at the time
$;% & $#


733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)

o0 e5/retion or urination2 or /leansin. with hand or with less than three 1ebbles2 or with dun. or bone,


22 !umber + +:

Salman said that (one amon.) the 1ol"theists remar6ed: I see that "our 0riend e-en tea/hes "ou about the e5/rement, He re1liedB Kes2 he has in 0a/t 0orbidden us that an"one us should /leanse himsel0 with his hand2 or 0a/e the Eibla, He has 0orbidden the use o0 dun. or bone 0or it2 and he has also instru/ted us not to use less than three 1ebbles (0or this 1ur1ose),


22 !umber + ):

Fabir re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the use o0 bone or the dro11in.s o0 /amels 0or wi1in. (a0ter e5/retion),


22 !umber + %:

Abu A""ub re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hene-er "ou .o to the desert2 neither turn "our 0a/e nor turn "our ba/6 towards the Eibla while answerin. the /all o0 nature2 but 0a/e towards the east or the west, Abu A""ub said: ?hen we /ame to S"ria we 0ound that the latrines alread" built there were 0a/in. towards the Eibla, ?e turned our 0a/es awa" 0rom them and be..ed 0or.i-eness o0 the Lord, He said: Kes,


22 !umber + #:

Abu Huraira said: ?hen an" one "ou squats 0or answerin. the /all o0 nature2 he should neither turn his 0a/e towards the Eibla nor turn his ba/6 towards it,


22 !umber + ;:

?asi: b, Habban re1orted: I was o00erin. m" 1ra"er in the mosque and Abdullah b, Umar was sittin. there re/linin. with his ba/6 towards the Eibla, A0ter /om1letin. m" 1ra"er, I went to him 0rom one side, Abdullah said: @eo1le sa" when "ou .o to the latrine2 "ou should neither turn "our 0a/e towards the Eibla nor towards 7ait-ul-Maqdis, :Abdullah said (0arther): I went u1 to the roo0 o0 the house and saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) squattin. on two bri/6s 0or relie-in. himsel0 with his 0a/e towards 7ait-al-Maqdis,


22 !umber +$ :

Abdullah b, Umar said: I went u1 to the roo0 o0 the house o0 m" sister Ha0sa and saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) relie-in. himsel0 0a/in. S"ria, with his ba/6 to the Eibla,
$;# & $#


733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)


22 !umber +$$:

Abu Eatada re1orted it 0rom his 0ather: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !one o0 "ou should hold 1enis with his hand while urinatin.2 or wi1e himsel0 with his hand in 1ri-" and should not breathe into the -essel (0rom whi/h he drin6s),


22 !umber +$2:

Abu Eatada re1orted it 0rom his 0ather that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an"one "ou enters the 1ri-" he should not tou/h his 1enis with his hand,


22 !umber +$4:

Aba Eatada re1orted: The o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (us) to breathe into the -enel2 to tou/h the 1enis with the hand and to wi1e a0ter relie-in. with hand,

'ha1ter $4: Startin. 0rom the hand side 0or ablution2 et/
7oo6 22 !umber +$*:
:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) lo-ed to start 0rom the ri.hthand side 0or 1er0ormin. ablution2 0or /ombin. (the hair) and wearin. the shoes,


22 !umber +$+:

:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) lo-ed to start 0rom the ri.hthand side in his e-er" a/t i, e, in wearin. shoes2 in /ombin. (his hair) and in 1er0ormin. ablution,

'ha1ter $*: (asin. is 0orbidden in the streets and under the shade
7oo6 22 !umber +$):
Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7e on "our .uard a.ainst two thin.s whi/h 1ro-o6e /ursin., The" (the /om1anions 1resent there) said: o0 Allah2 what are those thin.s whi/h 1ro-o6e /ursin.D He said: (asin. on the thorou.h0ares or under the shades (where the" ta6e shelter and rest),
$;; & $#


733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)


22 !umber +$%:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered an en/losure while a ser-ant was 0ollowin. him with a jar o0 water and he was the "oun.est us and he 1la/ed it b" the side o0 a lote-tree, ?hen the o0 Allah2 (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) relie-ed himsel02 he /ame out and had /leansed himsel0 with water,


22 !umber +$#:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered the 1ri-"2 a ser-ant and I used to /arr" a s6in o0 water2 and a 1ointed sta002 and he would /leanse himsel0 with water,


22 !umber +$;:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went to a 0ar-o00 1la/e in the desert (hidden 0rom the o0 human bein.s) 0or relie-in. himsel0, Then I water 0or him and he /leansed himsel0,

'ha1ter $+: ?i1in. o-er the so/6s

7oo6 22 !umber +2 :
Hummam re1orted: Farir urinated2 then 1er0ormed ablution and wi1ed o-er the so/6s, It was said to him: 9o "ou do li6e thisD He said: Kes2 I saw that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) urinated2 then 1er0ormed ablution and then wi1ed o-er his shoes, A:mash said: Ibrahim had obser-ed that this hadith was a sur1rise 0or them (the 1eo1le) be/ause Farir had embra/ed Islam a0ter the re-elation o0 Surat al-Ma:ida,


22 !umber +2$:

This hadith is narrated on the same authorit" 0rom A:mash b" another /hain o0 transmitters li6e one transmitted b" Abu Mu:aw"ia, The hadith re1orted b" :Isa and Su0"an has these words also:C This hadith sur1rised the 0riends o0 Abdullab:C 0or Farir had embra/ed Islam a0ter the re-elation o0 alMa:ida,


22 !umber +22:

Hudhai0a re1orted: I was with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) when he /ame to the dum1in. .round o0 0ilth to a 1arti/ular tribe, He urinated while standin.2 and I went asi-

& $#


733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)

de, He (the Hol" @ro1het) as6ed me to /ome near him and I went so near to him that I stood behind his heels, He then 1er0ormed ablution and wi1ed o-er his so/6s,


22 !umber +24:

Abu ?a:il re1orted: Abu Musa in0li/ted e5treme ri.our u1on himsel0 in the matter o0 urination and urinated in a bottle and said: ?hen the s6in o0 an"one the 1eo1le o0 Israel was besmeared with urine2 he /ut that 1ortion with a /utter, Hudhai0a said: I wish that:"our 0riend should not in0li/t su/h an e5treme ri.our, I and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) were .oin. to.ether till we rea/hed the dum1in. .round o0 0ilth behind an en/losure, He stood u1 as one amon. "ou would stand u1, and he urinated2 I tried to turn awa" 0rom him2 but he be/6oned to me2 so I went to him and I stood behind him2 till he had relie-ed himsel0,


22 !umber +2*:

The son o0 Mu.hira b, Shu:ba re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out 0or relie-in. himsel0, Mu.hira went with him /arr"in. a ju. 0ull o0 water, ?hen he (the Hol" @ro1het) /ame ba/6 a0ter relie-in. himsel02 he 1oured water o-er him and he 1er0ormed ablution and wi1ed o-er his so/6sB and in the narration o0 Ibn Aumh there isC tillC instead o0C whenC,


22 !umber +2+:

This hadith has been transmitted with the same /hain o0 transmitters b" Kah"a b, Sa:id with the addition o0 these words:C He washed his 0a/e and hands2 and wi1ed his head and then wi1ed his so/6s,C


22 !umber +2):

Mu.hira b, Shu:ba re1orted: I was with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) one, He /ame down (0rom the ride) and relie-ed himsel0, He then /ame and I 1oured water u1on him 0rom the jar that I /arried with me, He 1er0ormed ablution and wi1ed o-er his so/6s,


22 !umber +2%:

Mu.hira b, Shu:ba re1orted: I was in the /om1an" o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on a journe" when he said: Mu.hira ta6e hold o0 this jar (o0 water), I too6 hold o0 it and I went out with him, (I sto11ed but) the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ro/eeded on till he was out o0 m", He relie-ed himsel0 and then /ame ba/6 and he was wearin. a S"rian .own, He tried to .et his 0orearms out, but the slee-e o0 the .own was -er" narrow2 so he his hands out 0rom under the .own, I 1oured water o-er (his hands) and he 1er0ormed ablution 0or 1ra"er2 then wi1ed o-er his so/6s and 1ra"ed,
2 $ & $#


733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)


22 !umber +2#:

Mu.hira b, Shu:ba re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out 0or relie-in. himsel0, ?hen he /ame ba/6 I 0or him a jar (o0 water) and 1oured water u1on his hands and He washed his 0a/e, He tried to wash his 0orearms2 but as the (slee-es o0 the) .own were, He2 there0ore2 them out 0rom under the .own, He then washed them2 wi1ed his head2 and wi1ed his so/6s and then 1ra"ed,


22 !umber +2;:

:Urwa b, Mu.hira re1orted his 0ather ha-in. said: I was one with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on a journe", He said to me: Ha-e "ou an" water with "ouD I said: Kes, He (the Hol" @ro1het) /ame down 0rom his ride and went on till he disa11eared in the dar6ness o0, He then /ame ba/6 and I 1oured water 0or him 0rom the jar, He washed his 0a/e2 He had a woollen .own on him and he /ould not brin. out his 0orearms 0rom it (i, e, 0rom its slee-es) and /onsequentl" he them out 0rom under his .own, He washed his 0orearms2 wi1ed o-er his head, I then bent down to ta6e o00 his so/6s, 7ut he said: Lea-e them2 0or m" 0eet were /lean when I 1ut them in2 and he onl" wi1ed o-er them,


22 !umber +4 :

:Urwah al Mu.hira re1orted it 0rom his 0ather: He (Mu.hira) hel1ed the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in 1er0ormin. the ablution2 and he 1er0ormed it and wi1ed o-er his shoes, He (Mu.hira) said to him (about the washin. o0 the 0eet a0ter 1uttin. them o00)2 but he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I 1ut them (0eet) in when these were /lean,

'ha1ter $): ?i1in. (o-er) the 0orelo/6 and turban

7oo6 22 !umber +4$:
:Urwa b, al Mu.hira b, Shu:ba re1orted it on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that he said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) la..ed behind (in a journe") and I also la..ed behind alon. with him, A0ter ha-in. relie-ed himsel0 he said: Ha-e "ou an" water with "ouD I to him a jar o0 waterB he washed his 1alms2 and 0a/e2 and when he tried to .et his 0orearms out (he /ould not) 0or the slee-e o0 the .own was, He2 there0ore2 them out 0rom under the .own and2 throwin. it o-er his shoulders2 he washed his 0orearm, He then wi1ed his 0orelo/6 and his turban and his so/6s, He then mounted and I also mounted (the ride) and /ame to the 1eo1le, The" had be.un the 1ra"er with :Abd ar-Aabmin b, :An0 leadin. them and had /om1leted a ra6:a, ?hen he 1er/ei-ed the 1resen/e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) he to retire, He (the Hol" @ro1het) si.ned to him to /ontinue and o00ered 1ra"er alon. with them, Then when he had 1ronoun/ed the
2 2 & $#


733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)

salutation2 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot u1 and I also .ot u1 with him2 and we o00ered the ra6:a whi/h had been 0inished be0ore we /ame,


22 !umber +42:

Ibn Mu.hira narrated it 0rom his 0ather: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) wi1ed o-er his so/6s and o-er his 0orehead and o-er his turban,


22 !umber +44:

This hadith has been transmitted b" Ibn Mu.hira on the authorit" o0 his 0ather b" another /hain o0 transmitters,


22 !umber +4*:

7a6r re1orted that he had heard 0rom the son o0 Mu.hira that -eril" the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1er0ormed ablution and wi1ed o-er his 0orehead and wi1ed o-er his turban and o-er his so/6s,


22 !umber +4+:

It is narrated 0rom 7ilal that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) wi1ed o-er the so/6s and turban2 and in the hadith transmitted b" :Isa b, Kaunus the words are:C 7ilal narrated it to me,C


22 !umber +4):

This tradition is transmitted b" A:mash with this additionB2 I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),C

'ha1ter $%: Time limit 0or wi1in. o-er the shoes

7oo6 22 !umber +4%:
Shuraih b, Hani said: I /ame to :A:isha to as6 her about wi1in. o-er the so/6s, She said: Kou better as6 (:Ali) son o0 Abu Talib 0or he used to tra-el with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?e as6ed him and he said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sti1ulated (the u11er limit) o0 three da"s and three ni.hts 0or a tra-eller and one da" and one 0or the resident,

2 4 & $#


733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)


22 !umber +4#:

This hadith is narrated b" Ubaidullah b, :Amr and Gaid b, Abu Unaisa with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


22 !umber +4;:

Shuraib b, Hani re1orted: I as6ed :A:isha about wi1in. o-er the shoes, She said: Kou better .o to :Ali2 0or he 6nows more about this than I, I2 there0ore2 /ame to :Ali and he narrated 0rom the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) li6e this,


22 !umber +* :

Sulaiman b, 7uraida narrated it 0rom his 0ather that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) o00ered 1ra"ers with one ablution on the da" o0 the 'onquest (o0 Me//a) and wi1ed o-er the so/6s, :Umar said to him: Kou ha-e toda" done somethin. that "ou ha-e not been a//ustomed to be0ore, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: :Umar2 I ha-e done that on 1ur1ose,

'ha1ter $#: It is undesirable to 1ut one:s hand in the utensil be0ore washin. it
7oo6 22 !umber +*$:
Abu Huraira said: ?hen an"one "ou wa6es u1 0rom slee12 he must not 1ut his hand in the utensil till he has washed it three times2 0or he does not 6now where his hand was durin. the,


22 !umber +*2:

This hadith is transmitted 0rom Abu Huraira b" another /hain o0 transmitters,


22 !umber +*4:

Gahri and Ibn Musa""ab ha-e both transmitted a hadith li6e this 0rom Abu Huraira who narrated it 0rom the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

2 * & $#


733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)


22 !umber +**:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an"one "ou wa6es u1 0rom slee12 he should wash his hands three times be0ore 1uttin. it in the utensil2 0or he does not 6now wher,, his hand was durin. the,


22 !umber +*+:

This hadith has been transmitted throu.h other /hains o0 transmitters on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira in whi/h it is re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made a mention o0 washin. the hand2 and did not instru/t to wash it three times, 7ut the hadith narrated 0rom Fabir and Ibn Musa""ab, Abu Salama2 and Abdullah b, Shaqiq2 Abu Salih2 Abla Aa8in2 there is a mention o0C three timesC,

'ha1ter $;: Instru/tions 1ertainin. to the li/6in. o0 a do.

7oo6 22 !umber +*):
Abu Huraira re1orted the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to ha-e said: ?hen a do. li/6s a utensil to an" one o0 "ou2 (the thin. /ontained in it) should be thrown awa" and then (the utensil) should be washed se-en times,


22 !umber +*%:

This hadith has been transmitted b" another /hain o0 transmitters in whi/h there is no mention o0C throwin. awa"C,


22 !umber +*#:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen a do. drin6s out o0 a -essel to an" one o0 "ou2 he must wash it se-en times,


22 !umber +*;:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The 1uri0i/ation o0 the utensil to an" one o0 "ou2 a0ter it is li/6ed b" a do.2 lies in washin. it se-en times2 usin. sand 0or the 0irst time,

2 + & $#


733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)


22 !umber ++ :

Hammam b, Munabbih re1orted: 30 the a hadith narrated b" Abu Huraira 0rom Muhammad2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 one is this: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The 1uri0i/ation o0 the utensil to one "ou2 a0ter it is li/6ed b" a do.2 lies in washin. it se-en times,


22 !umber ++$:

Ibn Mu.ha00al re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ordered 6illin. o0 the do.s2 and then said: ?hat about them2 i, e, about other do.sD and then .ranted /on/ession (to 6ee1) the do. 0or huntin. and the do. 0or (the se/urit") o0 the herd2 and said: ?hen the do. li/6s the utensil2 wash it se-en times2 and rub it with earth the ei.hth time,


22 !umber ++2:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated 0rom Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters e5/e1t 0or the 0a/t that in the hadith transmitted b" Kah"a those words are:C He (the Hol" @ro1het) .a-e /on/ession in the /ase o0 the do. 0or loo6in. a0ter the herd2 0or huntin. and 0or wat/hin. the /ulti-ated land2C and there is no mention o0 this addition (i, e, /on/ession in /ase o0 wat/hin. the /ulti-ated lands) e5/e1t in the hadith transmitted b" Kah"a,

'ha1ter 2 : It is 0orbidden to urinate in sta.nant water


22 !umber ++4:

Fabir re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade to urinate in sta.nant


22 !umber ++*:

Abu Huraira re1orted: the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !one "ou should urinate in standin. water2 and then wash in it,


22 !umber +++:

Hammam b, Munabbih said: 30 the ahadith narrated to us b" Ab0i Huraira 0rom Muhammad the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) one is this: The or Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kou should not urinate in standin. water2 that is not 0lowin.2 then wash in it,

2 ) & $#


733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)

'ha1ter 2$: It is 0orbidden to wash onesel0 in standin. water

7oo6 22 !umber ++):
Abu Huraira re1orted the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: !one o0 "ou must wash in standin. water when he is in a state o0 Funub, And Abu Huraira was as6ed how it was to be doneB he said: It was to be ta6en out in hand0uls,

'ha1ter 22: It is obli.ator" to /leanse the mosque when there are im1urities in it and the earth be/omes /lean o0 im1urities with the hel1 o0 water without s/ra1in. (the 1art o0 it)
7oo6 22 !umber ++%:
Anas re1orted: A 7edouin urinated in the mosque, Some o0 the 1ersons stood u1 (to re1rimand him or to /he/6 him 0rom doin. so)2 but the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Lea-e him aloneB don:t interru1t him, He (the narrator) said: And when he had 0inished2 he /alled 0or a bu/6et o0 water and 1oured it o-er,


22 !umber ++#:

Anas b, Mali6 narrated that a desert Arab (7edouin) stood in a /orner o0 the mosque and urinated there, The 1eo1le (the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het who were 1resent there) shouted2 but the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Lea-e him alone, ?hen he had 0inished2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ordered that a bu/6et (o0 water) should be and 1oured o-er it,


22 !umber ++;:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: ?hile we were in the mosque with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 a desert Arab /ame and stood u1 and to urinate in the mosque, The 'om1anions o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Sto12 sto12 but the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9on:t interru1t himB lea-e him alone, The" le0t him alone2 and when he 0inished urinatin.2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled him and said to him: These mosques are
2 % & $#


733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)

not the 1la/es meant 0or urine and 0ilth2 but are onl" 0or the remembran/e o0 Allah2 1ra"er and the re/itation o0 the Eur:an2 or Allah:s said somethin. li6e that, He (the narrator) said that he (the Hol" @ro1het) then .a-e orders to one o0 the 1eo1le who a bu/6et o0 water and 1oured It o-er,

'ha1ter 24: @ertainin. to the urine o0 the su/6lin. babe2 and how it is to be washed awa"
7oo6 22 !umber +) :
A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7abies were to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he blessed them2 and a0ter ha-in. /hewed (somethin.2 e, ., dates or an" other sweet thin.) he rubbed there with their so0t 1alates, A bab" was to him and he 1assed water o-er him (o-er his .arment)2 so he as6ed water to be and s1rin6led it2 but he did not wash it,


22 !umber +)$:

A:isha re1orted: A su/6lin. babe was to the o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he urinated in his ta1, He (the Hol" @ro1het) sent 0or water and 1oured it o-er,


22 !umber +)2:

Hisham narrated the hadith li6e one transmitted b" Ibn !umair (the abo-e mentioned one) with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


22 !umber +)4:

Umm Eais dau.hter o0 Mihsan re1orted that she /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with her /hild, who was not "et weaned2 and she 1la/ed him in his la1B and he urinated in his (Hol" @ro1het:s) la1, He (the Hol" @ro1het) did nothin. more than s1ra"in. water o-er it,


22 !umber +)*:

This hadith has also been narrated 0rom al-Guhri with the same /hain o0 narrators, (but 0or the words):C He (the Hol" @ro1het) sent 0or water and s1rin6led it o-er,C

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733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)


22 !umber +)+:

Ubaidullah b, Abdullah b, :Utba b, Mas:ud said: Umm Eais2 dau.hter o0 Mihsan2 was amon. the earliest 0emale emi.rants who too6 the oath o0 alle.ian/e to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and she was the sister o0 :U66asha b, Mihsan2 one the sons o0 Asad b, >hu8aima, He (the narrator) said: She (Umm Eais) told me that she /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) with her son and he had not attained the a.e o0 eatin. 0ood, He (the narrator2 :Ubaidullah)2 said: She told me that her son 1assed urine in the la1 o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent 0or water and s1ra"ed it o-er his .arment (o-er that 1art whi/h was /ontaminated with the urine o0 the /hild) and he did not wash it thorou.hl",

'ha1ter 2*: ?ashin. awa" o0 the semen 0rom the .arment and its s/ra1in.
7oo6 22 !umber +)):
Alqama and Aswad re1orted: A 1erson sta"ed in the house o0 A:isha and in the mornin. to wash his .arment, A:isha said: In /ase "ou saw it (i, e, dro1 o0 semen)2 it would ha-e ser-ed the 1ur1ose (o0 1uri0"in. the .arment) i0 "ou had sim1l" washed that s1otB and in /ase "ou did not see it2 it would ha-e been enou.h to s1rin6le water around it2 0or when I saw that on the .arment o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I sim1l" s/ra1ed it o00 and he o00ered 1ra"er2 while 1uttin. that on,


22 !umber +)%:

Al-Aawad and Hammam re1orted A:isha as sa"in.: I used to s/ra1e o00 the (dro1 o0) semen 0rom the .arment o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


22 !umber +)#:

Eutaiba b, Sa:id2 Ishaq b, Ibrahim2 Ibn Abi :Aruba2 Abu Ma:shar2 Abu 7a6r b, Abu Shaiba2 Mansur and Mu.hira ha-e all transmitted 0rom Ibrahim2 who transmitted it on the authorit" o0 A:isha:s narration 1ertainin. to the s/ra1in. o00 o0 the (dro1) o0 semen 0rom the .arment o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) li6e the hadith o0 >halid on the authorit" o0 Abu Ma:shar,


22 !umber +);:

Hammam narrated the hadith 0rom A:isha li6e the (abo-e-mentioned) traditions,
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733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)


22 !umber +% :

:Amr b, Maimun said: I as6ed Sulaiman b, Kasir whether the semen that .ets on to the .arment o0 a 1erson should be washed or not, He re1lied: A:isha told me: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) washed the semen2 and then went out 0or 1ra"er in that -er" .arment and I saw the mar6 o0 washin. on it,


22 !umber +%$:

Abu >uraib2 Ibn al-Mubara62 Ibn Abu Ga:ida all o0 them narrated 0rom Amr b, Maimun with the same /hain o0 transmitters, Ibn Abu Ga:ida narrated as was transmitted 0rom Ibn 7ishr that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) washed semen2 and in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Mabara6 and Abdul ?ahid the words are:C She (A:isha) re1orted: I used to wash it 0rom the .arment o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),C


22 !umber +%2:

Abdullah b, Shihab al->haulani re1orted: I sta"ed in the house o0 :A:isha and had a wet dream (and 1er/ei-ed its e00e/t on m" .arment)2 so (in the mornin.) I di11ed both (the /lothes) in water, This (a/t o0 mine) was wat/hed b" a maid-ser-ant o0 A:isha and she in0ormed her, She (Hadrat A:isha) sent me a messa.e: ?hat1rom1ted "ou to a/t li6e this with "our /lothesD He (the narrator) said: I told that I saw in a dream what a slee1er sees, She said: 9id "ou 0ind (an" mar6 o0 the 0luid) on "our /lothesD I said: !o, She said: Had "ou 0ound an"thin. "ou should ha-e washed it, In/ase I 0ound that (semen) on the .arment o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) dried u12 I s/ra1ed it o00 with m" nails,

'ha1ter 2+: The im1urit" o0 the blood o0 menses and its washin.
7oo6 22 !umber +%4:
Asma (dau.hter o0 Abu 7a6r) re1orted: A woman /ame to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: ?hat should one do i0 the blood o0 menses smears the .arment o0 one usD He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: She should s/ra1e it2 then rub it with water2 then 1our water o-er it and then o00er 1ra"er in it,

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733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)


22 !umber +%*:

This tradition is narrated b" Abu >uraib2 Ibn !umair2 Abu Tahir2 Ibn ?ahb2 Kah"a b, :Abdullah b, Salim2 Mali6 b, Anas2 :Amr b, Harith on the authorit" o0 Hisham b, :Urwa2 with the same /hain o0 transmitters li6e one transmitted b" Kah"a b, Sa:id li6e the abo-e-mentioned,

'ha1ter 2): @roo0 o0 the im1urit" o0 urine and that it is obli.ator" to sa0e.uard onesel0 0rom it
7oo6 22 !umber +%+:
Ibn Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) happened to pass by two graves and said: They (their occupants) are being tormented, but they are not tormented for a grievous sin. ne of them carried tales and the other did not !eep himself safe from being defiled by urine. "e then called for a fresh twig and split it into two parts, and planted them on each grave and then said: #erhaps, their punishment way be mitigated as long as these twigs remain fresh.


22 !umber +%):

This hadith is transmitted 0rom A:mash b" Abmad b, Kusu0 al-A8di2 Mu:alla b, Asad2 Abd al-?ahid2 Sulaiman with the same /hain o0 transmitters but 0or the words:C The other did not 6ee1 himsel0 sa0e 0rom bein. de0iled b" urine,C

2$$ & $#


733> 2: TH( 733> 3= @UAI=I'ATI3! (>ITA7 AL-TAHAAAH)

733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 ALHAI9)

2$2 & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)

'ha1ter $: L"in. with one in menstruation abo-e the waist-wra11er

7oo6 42 !umber +%%:
:A:isha re1orted: ?hen an"one us ( the wi-es o0 the Hol" @ro1het) menstruated2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed her to tie a waist-wra11er o-er her (bod") and then embra/ed her,


42 !umber +%#:

:A:isha re1orted: ?hen an"one us was menstruatin. the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed her to tie waist-wra11er darin. the time when the menstrual blood 1ro0usel" 0lowed and then embra/ed herB and she (:A:isha) obser-ed: And who "ou /an ha-e /ontrol o-er his desires as the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had o-er his desires,


42 !umber +%;:

Maimuna (the wi0e o0 the Hol" @ro1het) re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /onta/ted and embra/ed his wi-es o-er the waist-wra11er when the" were menstruatin.,


42 !umber +# :

>uraibthe 0reed sla-e o0 Ibn Abbas2 re1orted: I heard it 0rom Maimuna2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him): The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to lie with me when I menstruated2 and there was a /loth between me and him,


42 !umber +#$:

Umm Salama re1orted: ?hile I was l"in. with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in a bed /o-er I menstruated2 so I sli11ed awa" and I too6 u1 the /lothes (whi/h I wore) in menses, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ha-e "ou menstruatedD I said: Kes, He /alled me and I la" down

2$4 & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)

'ha1ter 2: The menstruatin. woman is 1ermitted to wash the head o0 her husband2 /omb his hair2 and her le0t-o-er as /lean2 and one is 1ermitted to re/line in her la1 and re/ite the qur:an
7oo6 42 !umber +#2:
It is re1orted 0rom :A:isha that she obser-ed: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was in I:ti6a02 he in/lined his head towards me and I /ombedhis hair2 and he did not enter the house but 0or the natural /alls (0or relie-in. himsel0),


42 !umber +#4:

:Amra dau.hter o0 :Abd al-Aahman re1orted: :A:isha2 wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: ?hen I was (in I:ti6a0)2 I entered the house 0or the /all o0 nature2 and while 1assin. I inquired a0ter the health o0 the si/6 (in the, 0amil")2 and when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was (in I:ti6a0)2 he 1ut out his head towards me2 while he himsel0 was in the mosque2 and I /ombed his hairB and he did not enter the house e5/e1t 0or the /all o0 nature so lon. as he was In I:ti6a0B and Ibn Aumh stated: As lon. as the" (the @ro1het and his wi-es) were amon. the obser-ers o0 I:ti6a0,


42 !umber +#*:

:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him)2 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ut out 0rom the mosque his head 0or me as he was in I:ti6a02 and I washed it in the state that I was menstruatin.,


42 !umber +#+:

:Urwa re1orted it 0rom :A:isha that she obser-ed: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in/lined his head towards me (0rom the mosque) while I was in m" a1artment and I /ombed it in a state o0 menstruation,


42 !umber +#):

Al-Aswad narrated it 0rom :A:isha that she obser-ed: I used to wash the head o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 while I was in a state o0 menstruation,

2$* & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)


42 !umber +#%:

:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: Het me the mat 0rom the mosque, I said: I am menstruatin., U1on this he remar6ed: Kour menstruation is not in "our hand,


42 !umber +##:

:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ordered me that I should .et him the mat 0rom the mosque, I said: I am menstruatin., He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 9o .et me that2 0or menstruation is not in "our hand,


42 !umber +#;:

Abu Huraira re1orted: ?hile the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was in the mosque2 he said: 3 :A:isha2 .et me that .arment, She said: I am menstruatin., U1on this he remar6ed: Kour menstruation is not in "our hand2 and she2 there0ore2 .ot him that,


42 !umber +; :

:A:isha re1orted: I would drin6 when I was menstruatin.2 then I would hand it (the -essel) to the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he would 1ut his mouth where mine had been2 and drin62 and I would eat 0lesh 0rom a bone when I was menstruatin.2 then hand it o-er to the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he would 1ut his mouth where mine had been, Guhair made no mention o0 (the Hol" @ro1het:s) drin6in.,


42 !umber +;$:

:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) would re/line in m" la1 when I was menstruatin.2 and re/ite the Eur:an,


42 !umber +;2:

Thabit narrated it 0rom Anas: Amon. the Fews2 when a woman menstruated2 the" did not dine with her2 nor did the" li-e with them in their housesB so the 'om1anions o0 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed The A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and Allah2 the (5alted re-ealed:C And the" as6 "ou about menstruationB sa" it is a 1ollution2 so 6ee1 awa" 0rom woman durin. menstruationC to the end (Eur:an2 ii, 222), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o e-er"thin. e5/e1t inter/ourse, The Fews heard o0 that and said: This man does not want to lea-e an"thin. we do without o11osin. us in it, Usaid b, Hudair and Abbad b, 7ishr /ame and said: o0 Allah2 the Fews sa" su/h and su/h thin., ?e should not ha-e2 there0ore2 an" /onta/twith them (as the Fews do),
2$+ & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)

The 0a/e o0 the o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) underwent su/h a /han.e that we he was an.r" with them2 but when the" went out2 the" ha11ened to re/ei-e a .i0t o0 mil6 whi/h was sent to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He (the Hol" @ro1het) /alled 0or them and .a-e them drin62 whereb" the" 6new that he was not an.r" with them,

'ha1ter 4: 3n Al-Madhi
7oo6 42 !umber +;4:
:Ali re1orted: I was one whose 1rostati/ 0luid 0lowed readil" and I was ashamed to as6 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about it2 be/ause o0 the 1osition o0 his dau.hter, I2 there0ore2 as6ed Miqdad, b, al-Asad and he inquired o0 him (the Hol" @ro1het), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: He should wash his male and 1er0orm ablution,


42 !umber +;*:

:Ali re1orted: I 0elt sh" o0 as6in. about 1rostati/ 0luid 0rom the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) be/ause o0 =atimah, I2 there0ore2 as6ed al-Miqdad (to as6 on m" behal0) and he as6ed, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Ablution is obli.ator" in su/h a /ase,


42 !umber +;+:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted it 0rom :Ali: ?e sent al-Miqdad b, al-Aswad to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to as6 him what must be done about 1rostati/ 0luid whi/h 0lows 0rom (the 1ri-ate 1art o0) a 1erson, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: @er0orm ablution and wash "our se5ual,

'ha1ter *: ?ashin. o0 0a/e and hands a0ter wa6in. u1 0rom slee1

7oo6 42 !umber +;):
Ibn :Abbas re1orted: The A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) wo6e u1 at ni.htB relie-ed himsel02 and then washed his 0a/e and hands and then a.ain sle1t,

2$) & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)

'ha1ter +: It is 1ermissible 0or a 1erson to slee1 a0ter se5ual inter/ourse (without a bath) and the desirabilit" o0 ablution 0or him2 and washin. o0 the se5ual as he intends to 0at2 drin62 or slee1 or /ohabit
7oo6 42 !umber +;%:
:A:isha re1orted: ?hene-er the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) intended to slee1 a0ter ha-in. se5ual inter/ourse2 he 1er0ormed ablution as 0or the 1ra"er be0ore .oin. to slee1,


42 !umber +;#:

:A:isha re1orted: ?hene-er the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had se5ual inter/ourse and intended to eat or slee12 he 1er0ormed the ablution o0 1ra"er,


42 !umber +;;:

This hadith has been transmitted b" Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters, Ibn at-Muthanna said in his narration: AI-Ha6am narrated to us who heard 0rom Ibrahim narratin. that,


42 !umber )

Ibn :Umar re1orted: Umar said: Is one us 1ermitted to slee1 in a state o0 im1urit" (i, e, a0ter ha-in. se5ual inter/ourse)D He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kes2 a0ter 1er0ormin. ablution,


42 !umber ) $:

Ibn :Umar said: :Umar as6ed the -erdi/t o0 the Shari:ah 0rom the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) thus: Is it 1ermissible 0or an" one o0 us to slee1 in a state o0 im1urit"D He (the Hol" @ro1het said: Kes2 he must 1er0orm ablution and then slee1 and ta6e a bath when he desires,


42 !umber ) 2:

Ibn Umar re1orted: Umar b, al->hattab said to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 that he be/ame Funbi durin. the, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: @er0orm ablution2 wash "our se5ual and then .o to slee1,

2$% & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)


42 !umber ) 4:

:Abdullah b, Abu:l-Eais re1orted: I as6ed :A:isha about the ?itr (1ra"er) o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and made mention o0 a hadith2 then I said: ?hat did he do a0ter ha-in. se5ual inter/ourseD 9id he ta6e a bath be0ore .oin. to slee1 or did he slee1 be0ore ta6in. a bathD She said: He did all these, Some- times he too6 a bath and then sle1t2 and sometimes he 1er0ormed ablution onl" and went to slee1, I (the narrator) said: @raise be to Allah ?ho has made thin.s eas" (0or human bein.s),


42 !umber ) *:

This hadith has been transmitted with the same /hain o0 transmitters 0rom Mu:aw"ia b, Salih b" Guhair b, Harb2 :Abd al-Aahman b, Mahdi2 Harun b, Sa:id al-:Aili and Ibn ?ahb,


42 !umber ) +:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an"one "ou has se5ual inter/ourse with his wi0e and then he intends to re1eat it2 he should 1er0orm ablution, In the hadith transmitted b" Abu 7a6r, (the words are):C 7etween the two (a/ts) there should be an ablution2C or he (the narrator) said:C Then he intended that it should be re1eated,C


42 !umber ) ):

Anas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to ha-e se5ual inter/ourse with his wi-es with a sin.le bath,

'ha1ter ): 7athin. is obli.ator" 0or a woman a0ter e51erien/in. or.asm in dream

7oo6 42 !umber ) %:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: Umm Sulaim who was the .randmother o0 Ishaq /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the 1resen/e o0 :A:isha and said to him: o0 Allah2 in /ase or woman sees what a man sees in dream and she e51erien/es in dream what a man e51erien/es (i, e, e51erien/es or.asm)D U1on this :A:isha remar6ed: 3 Umm Sulaim2 "ou humiliation to womenBma" "our hand be /o-ered with dust, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said to :A:isha: Let "our hand be /o-ered with dust2 and (addressin. Umm Sulaim) said: ?ell2 3 Umm Sulaim2 she should ta6e a bath i0 she sees that (i, e, she e51erien/es or.asm in dream),

2$# & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)


42 !umber ) #:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Umm Sulaim narrated it that she as6ed the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about a woman who sees in a dream what a man sees (se5ual dream), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on bi m) said: In /ase a woman sees that2 she must ta6e a bath, Umm Sulaim said: I was bash0ul on a//ount o0 that and said: 9oes it ha11enD U1on this the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kes (it does ha11en)2 otherwise how /an (a /hild) resemble herD Man:s dis/har.e (i, e, s1erm) is thi/6 and white and the dis/har.e o0 woman is thin and "ellowB so the resemblan/e /omes 0rom the one whose .enes 1re-ail or dominate,


42 !umber ) ;:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: A woman as6ed the o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) about a woman who sees in her dream what a man sees in his dream (se5ual dream), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I0 she e51erien/es what a man e51erien/es2 she should ta6e a bath,


42 !umber )$ :

Umm Salama re1orted: Umm Sulaim went to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: A1ostle o0 Allah2 Allah is not ashamed o0 the truth, Is bathin. ne/essar" 0or a woman when she has a se5ual dreamD U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kes2 when she sees the liquid (-a.inal se/retion), Umm Salama said: o0 Allah2 does a woman ha-e se5ual dreamD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Let "our hand be /o-ered with dust2 in what wa" does her /hild resemble herD


42 !umber )$$:

This hadith with the same sense (as narrated abo-e) bus been transmitted 0rom Hisham b, :Urwa with the same /hain o0 narrators but with this addition that she (Umm Salama) said:C Kou humiliated the women,


42 !umber )$2:

:A:isha the wi0e o0 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) narrated: Umm Sulaim2 the mother o0 7ani Abu Talha2 /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and a hadith (li6e that) narrated b" Hisham was narrated but 0or these words, A:isha said: I e51ressed disa11ro-al to her2 sa"in.: 9oes a woman see a se5ual dreamD

2$; & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)


42 !umber )$4:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 :A:isha that a woman /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and inquired: Should a woman wash hersel0 when she sees a se5ual dream and sees (the mar6s) o0 liquidD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kes, :A:isha said to her: Ma" "our hand be /o-ered with dust and injured, She narrated: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Lea-e her alone, In what wa" does the /hild resemble her but 0or the 0a/t that when the .enes /ontributed b" woman 1re-ail u1on those o0 man2 the /hild resembles the maternal 0amil"2 and when the .enes o0 man 1re-ail u1on those o0 woman the /hild resembles the 1aternal 0amil",

'ha1ter %: The /hara/teristi/ o0 the male re1rodu/ti-e substan/e (s1erm) and 0emale re1rodu/ti-e subb" the /ontribution o0 both
7oo6 42 !umber )$*:
Thauban2 the 0reed sla-e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said: ?hile I was standin. beside the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) one o0 the rabbis o0 the Fews /ame and said: @ea/e be u1on "ou2 3 Muhammad, I 1ushed him ba/6with a 1ush that he was .oin. to 0all, U1on this he said: ?h" do "ou 1ush meD I said: ?h" don:t "ou sa": 3 o0 AllahD The Few said: ?e /all him b" the name b" whi/h he was named b" his 0amil", The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: M" name is Muhammad with whi/h I was named b" m" 0amil", The Few said: I ha-e /ome to as6 "ou (somethin.), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Should that thin. be o0 an" bene0it to "ou2 i0 I tell "ou thatD He (the Few) said: I will lend m" ears to it, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) drew a line with the hel1 o0 the sti/6 that he had with him and then said: As6 (whate-er "ou li6e), Thereu1on the Few said: ?here would the human bein.s be on the 9a"when the earth would /han.e into another earth and the hea-ens too (would /han.e into other hea-ens)D The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The" would be in dar6ness beside the 7rid.e, He (the Few) a.ain said: ?ho 1eo1le would be the 0irst to /ross (this brid.e),D He said: The" would be the 1oor the re0u.ees, The Few said: ?hat would /onstitute their brea60ast when the" would enter @aradiseD He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1lied: A /aul o0 the 0ish-li-er, He (the Few) said, ?hat would be their 0ood alter thisD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: A bullo/6whi/h was 0ed in the di00erent quarters o0 @aradise would be slau.htered 0or them, He (the Few) said: ?hat would be their drin6D He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: The" would be .i-en drin6 0rom the 0ountain whi/h is namedC SalsabilC, He (the Few) said: I ha-e /ome to as6 "ou about a thin. whi/h no one the 1eo1le on the earth 6nows e5/e1t an a1ostle or one or two men besides
22 & $#

stan/e (o-um)2 and that the o00s1rin. is 1rodu/ed


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)

him, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?ould it bene0it "ou i0 I tell "ou thatD He (the Few) said: I would lend ears to that, He then said: I ha-e /ome to as6 "ou about the /hild, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: The re1rodu/ti-e substan/e o0 man is white and that o0 woman (i, e, o-um /entral 1ortion) "ellow2 and when the" ha-e se5ual inter/ourse and the male:s substan/e (/hromosomes and .enes) 1re-ails u1on the 0emale:s substan/e (/hromosomes and .enes)2 it is the male /hild that is /reated b" Allah:s 9e/ree2 and when the substan/e o0 the 0emale 1re-ails u1on the substan/e /ontributed b" the male2 a 0emale /hild is 0ormed b" the 9e/ree o0 Allah, The Few said: ?hat "ou ha-e said is trueB -eril" "ou are an A1ostle, He then returned and went awa", The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He as6ed me about su/h and su/h thin.s o0 whi/h I ha-e had no 6nowled.e till Allah .a-e me that,


42 !umber )$+:

This tradition has been narrated b" Mu:aw"ia b, Salim with the same /hain o0 transmitters e5/e1t 0or the words: I was sittin. beside the o0 AllahC and some other minor alterations,

'ha1ter #: 7athin. a0ter se5ual inter/ourse or seminal emission

7oo6 42 !umber )$):
:A:isha re1orted: ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) bathed be/ause o0 se5ual inter/ourse2 he 0irst washed his hands: he then 1oured water with his hand on his le0t hand and washed his 1ri-ate 1arts, He then 1er0ormed ablution as is done 0or 1ra"er:, He then too6 some water and 1ut his 0in.ers and mo-ed them throu.h the roots o0 his hair, And when he 0ound that these had been 1ro1erl" mois- tened2 then 1oured three hand0uls on his head and then 1oured water o-er his bod" and subsequentl" washed his 0eet,


42 !umber )$%:

This hadith is narrated b" Abu >uraib, Ibn !umair and others2 all on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but in their narration these words are not there:C washed his 0eet,C


42 !umber )$#:

Hisham narrated it 0rom his 0ather2 who narrated it on the authorit" o0 :A:isha that when the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 a bath be/ause o0 se5ual inter-/ourse2 he 0irst washed the 1alms o0 his hands three times2 and then the whole hadith was transmitted li6e that based on the authorit" o0 Abu Mu:aw"ia2 but no mention is made o0 the washin. o0 0eet,
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733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)


42 !umber )$;:

:Urwa has narrated it on the authorit" o0 :A:isha that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 a bath be/ause o0 se5ual inter/ourse2 he 0irst washed his hands be0ore di11in. one o0 them into the basin2 and then 1er0ormed ablu- tion as is done 0or 1ra"er,


42 !umber )2 :

Ibn :Abbas re1orted it on the authorit" o0 Maimuna2 his mother:s sister2 that she said: I 1la/ed water near the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to ta6e a bath be/ause o0 se5ual inter/ourse, He washed the 1alms o0 his bands twi/e or thri/e and then 1ut his hand In the basin and 1oured water o-er his 1ri-ate 1arts and washed them with his le0t hand, He then stru/6 his hand a.ainst the earth and rubbed it with 0or/e and then 1er0ormed ablution 0or the 1ra"er and then 1oured three hand0uls o0 water on his head and then washed his whole bod" a0ter whi/h he mo-ed aside 0rom that 1la/e and washed his 0eet2 and then I a towel (so that he ma" wi1e his bod"), but he returned it,


42 !umber )2$:

This hadith is narrated b" A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but in the hadith narrated b" Kah"a b, Kah"a and Abu >uraib there is no mention o0:C @ourin. o0 three hand0uls o0 water on the head,C and in the hadith narrated b" ?a6i: all the 0eatures o0 ablution ha-e been re/orded: rinsin. (o0 mouth)2 snu00in. o0 water (in the nostrils) B and in the hadith transmitted b" Abu Mu:aw"ia2 there is no mention o0 a towel,


42 !umber )22:

Ibn Abbas narrated It on the authorit" o0 Maimuna that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was .i-en a towel2 but he did not rub (his bod") with it2 but he did li6e this with water2 i, e, he shoo6 it o00,


42 !umber )24:

:A:isha re1orted: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 a bath be/ause o0 se5ual inter/ourse2 he /alled 0or a -essel and too6 a hand0ul o0 water 0rom it and 0irst (washed) the side o0 his head2 then le0t2 and then too6 a hand0ul (o0 water) and 1oured it on his head,

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733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)

'ha1ter ;: The quantit" o0 water that is desirable 0or a bath be/ause o0 se5ual inter/ourse2 bathin. o0 the male and 0emale with one -essel in the same /ondition and washin. o0 one o0 them with the le0t-o-er o0 the other
7oo6 42 !umber )2*:
:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) washed himsel0 with water 0rom a -essel (measurin. se-en to seers) be/ause o0 se5ual inter/ourse,


42 !umber )2+:

:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 a bath 0rom the -essel (whi/h /ontained se-en to seers2 i, e, 0i0teen to si5teen 1ounds) o0 water And I and he (the Hol" @ro1het) too6 a bath 0rom the same -essel, And in the hadith narrated b" Su0"an the words are:C 0rom one -esselC, Eutaiba said: Al-=araq is three Sa: (a /ubi/ measurin. o0 -ar"in. ma.nitude),


42 !umber )2):

Abu Salamab, :Abd al-Aahman re1orted: I alon. with the 0oster brother o0 :A:isha went to her and he as6ed about the bath o0 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) be/ause o0 se5ual inter/ourse, She /alled 0or a -essel equal to a Sa: and she too6 a bath, and there was a /urtain between us and her, She 1oured water on her head thri/e and he (Abu Salama) said: The wi-es o0 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /olle/tedhair on their heads and these lo11ed u1 to ears (and did rot .o be"ond that),


42 !umber )2%:

Salama b, Abd al-Aahman narrated it on the authorit" o0 A:isha that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 a bath2 he started 0rom the hand and 1oured water o-er it and washed it2 and then 1oured water on the im1urit" with the band and washed it awa" with the hel1 o0 the le0t hand, and a0ter ha-in. remo-ed it2 he 1oured water on his head, A:isha said: I and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 a bath 0rom the same -essel2 a0ter se5ual inter/ourse,

224 & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)


42 !umber )2#:

Ha0sa2 dau.hter o0 :Abd al-Aahman b, Abu 7a6r2 re1orted that :A:isha narrated to her that she and the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 a bath 0rom the same -essel whi/h /ontained water equal to three Mudds or thereabout,


42 !umber )2;:

:A:isha re1orted: I and the (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 a bath 0rom the same -essel and our hands alternated into it in the state that we had had se5ual inter/ourse,


42 !umber )4 :

:A:isha re1orted: I and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 a bath 0rom one -essel whi/h was 1la/ed between me and him and he would .et ahead o0 me2 so that I would sa": S1are (some water 0or) me2 s1are (some water 0or) meB and she said that the" had had se5ual inter/ourse,


42 !umber )4$:

Ibn Abbas said: Maimuna (the wi0e o0 the Hol" @ro1het) re1orted to me that she and the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 a bath 0rom one -essel,


42 !umber )42:

Ibn Abbas re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 a bath with the water le0t o-er b" Maimuna,


42 !umber )44:

Gainab bint Umm Salama (the wi0e o0 the Hol" @ro1het) re1orted that Umm Salama and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 a bath 0rom the same -essel,


42 !umber )4*:

Anas re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) too6 a bath with 0i-e Ma66u6s o0 water and 1er0ormed ablution with one Ma66u6, Ibn Muthanna has used the words 0i-e Ma6a6i""a2 and Ibn Mu:adh narrated it 0rom :Abdullah b, :Abdullah and he made no mention o0 Ibn Fabr,

22* & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)


42 !umber )4+:

Anas said: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1er0ormed ablution with one Mudd and too6 bath with a Sa: u1 to 0i-e Mudds,


42 !umber )4):

Sa0ina re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 a bath with one .: o0 water be/ause o0 se5ual inter/ourse and 1er0ormed ablution with one Mudd,


42 !umber )4%:

Sa0ina re1orted that Abd 7a6r2 the 'om1anion o0 the o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 obser-ed: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e, $) e u1on him) too6 a bath with one Sa: o0 water and 1er0ormed ablution with one Mudd (o0 water) B and in the hadith narrated b" Ibn Hujr the words are: 3ne Mudd su00i/ed 0or his (Hol" @ro1het:s) ablution, And Ibn Hujr said that (his Shai6h) Isma:il was mu/h ad-an/ed in a.e2 and it was be/ause o0 this that he /ould not 0ull" rel" on him 0or this tradition,

'ha1ter $ : The desirabilit" o0 1ourtn. water thri/e on the head and other 1arts (o0 the bod")
7oo6 42 !umber )4#:
Fubair b, Mut:im re1orted: The 1eo1le /ontended themsel-es in the 1resen/e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with re.ard to bathin., Some o0 them said: ?e wash our heads li6e this and this, U1on this the (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: As 0or me I 1our three hand0uls o0 water u1on m" head,


42 !umber )4;:

Fubair b, Mut:im re1orted it 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that a mention was made be0ore him about bathin. be/ause o0 se5ual inter/ourse and he said: I 1our water o-er m" head thri/e,


42 !umber )* :

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted: A dele.ation o0 the Thaqi0 said to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): 3ur land is /oldB what about our bathin. thenD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I 1our water thri/e o-er m" head,
22+ & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)


42 !umber )*$:

Ibn Salim in his narration re1orted:C The dele.ation o0 the Thaqi0 said: o0 Allah,C


42 !umber )*2:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 a bath be/ause o0 se5ual inter/ourse2 he 1oured three hand0uls o0 water u1on his head, Hasan b, Muhammad said to him (the narrator): M" hair is thi/6, U1on this Fabir obser-ed, I said to him: 3 son o0 m" brother2 the hair o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was thi/6er than "our hair and these were more 0ine (than "ours),

'ha1ter $$: Law o0 shari:ah 1ertainin. to the 1laited hair o0 the woman who ta6es a bath
42 !umber )*4: 7oo6

Umm Salama re1orted: I said: o0 Allah2 I am a woman who has /losel" 1laited hair on m" headB should I undo it 0or ta6in. a bath2 be/ause o0 se5ual inter/ourseD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: !o2 it is enou.h 0or "ou to throw three hand0uls o0 water on "our head and then 1our water o-er "oursel02 and "ou shall be 1uri0ied,


42 !umber )**:

This hadith has been narrated b" Amr al-!aqid2 Ka8id b, Harun2 :Abd b, Humaid2 Abd al-Aa88aq2 Thauri2 A""ub b, Musa2 with the same /hain o0 transmitters, In hadith narrated b" Abd al-Aa88aq there is a mention o0 the menstruation and o0 the se5ual inter/ourse, The rest o0 the hadith has been transmitted li6e that o0 Ibn :U"aina,


42 !umber )*+:

This hadith is narrated b" the same /hain o0 transmitters b" Ahmad al, 9arimi2 Ga6ari"a b, :Adi2 Ka8id2 i, e, : Ibn Gurai:2 Aauh b, al-Easim2 A""ub b, Musa with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 and there is a mention o0 these words:C Should I undo the 1lait and wash it2 be/ause o0 se5ual inter/ourseDC and there is no mention o0 menstruation,


42 !umber )*):

:Ubaid b, Umair re1orted: It was /on-e"ed to :A:isha that :Abdullah b, :Amr ordered the women to undo the (1laits) o0 hair on their heads, She said: How stran.e it is 0or Ibn :Amr that he orders the
22) & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)

women to undo the 1laits o0 their head while ta6in. a bathB wh" does he not order them to sha-e their beadsD I and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 bath 0rom one -essel, I did no more than this that I 1oured three hand0uls o0 water o-er m" head,

'ha1ter $2: The desirabilit" o0 usin. mus6 at the s1ot o0 blood while bathin. a0ter menstruation
7oo6 42 !umber )*%:
:A:isha re1orted: A woman as6ed the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) how to wash hersel0 a0ter menstruation, She mentioned that he her how to ta6e bath and then told her to ta6e a 1ie/e o0 /otton with mus6 and 1uri0" hersel0, She said: How should I 1uri0" m"sel0 with thatD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: @raise be to Allah2 1uri0" "oursel0 with it2 and /o-ered his 0a/e2 Su0"an b, :U"aina .a-e a demonstration b" /o-erin. his 0a/e (as the Hol" @ro1het had done), :A:isha re1orted: I dra..ed her to m" side 0or I had understood what the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) intended and2 there0ore2 said: A11l" this /otton with mus6 to the tra/e o0 blood, Ibn :Umar in his hadith (has mentioned the words o0 :A:isha thus): A11l" it to the mar6s o0 blood,


42 !umber )*#:

:A:isha re1orted: A woman as6ed the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) how he should wash hersel0 a0ter the menstrual 1eriod, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Ta6e a /otton with mus6 and 1urit" "oursel02 and the rest o0 the hadith was narrated li6e that o0 Su0"an,


42 !umber )*;:

:A:isha re1orted: Asma (dau.hter o0 Sha6al) as6ed the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about washin. a0ter menstruation, He said: (-er"one "ou should use water (mi5ed with the lea-es o0) the lote-tree and /leanse hersel0 well2 and then 1our water on her head and rub it -i.orousl" till it rea/hes the roots o0 the hair, Then she should 1our water on it, A0terwards she should ta6e a 1ie/e o0 /otton smeared with mus6 and /leanse hersel0 with it, Asma: said: How should she /leanse hersel0 with the hel1 o0 thatD U1on this he (the A1ostle o0 Allah) obser-ed: @raise be to Allah2 she should /leanse hersel0, :A:isha said in a subdued tone that she should a11l" it to the tra/e o0 blood, She (Asma) then 0urther as6ed about bathin. a0ter se5ual inter/ourse, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: She should ta6e water and /leanse hersel0 well or /om1lete the ablution and then (1our water) on her head and rub it till it rea/hes the roots o0 the hair (o0 her) head and then 1our water on her, :A:isha said: How .ood are the women o0 Ansar (hel1ers) that their sh"ness does not 1re-ent them 0rom learnin. reli.ion,

22% & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)


42 !umber )+ :

This hadith is narrated b" :Ubaidullah b, Mu:adh with the same /hain o0 transmitters (but 0or the words) that he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 'leanse "oursel0 with it2 and he /o-ered (his 0a/e on a//ount o0 sh"ness),


42 !umber )+$:

:A:isha re1orted: Asma: b, Sha6al /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 how one us should ta6e a bath a0ter the menstruation2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same and there is no mention o0 bathin. be/ause o0 se5ual inter/ourse,

'ha1ter $4: The woman who has a 1rolon.ed 0low o0 blood2 her bathin. and 1ra"er
42 !umber )+2: 7oo6

:A:isha re1orted: =atimah b, Abu Hubaish /ame to the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: I am a woman whose blood 6ee1s 0lowin. (e-en a0ter the menstruation 1eriod), I am ne-er 1uri0iedB should I2 there0ore2 abandon 1ra"erD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: !ot at all2 0or that is onl" a -ein2 and is not a menstruation2 so when menstruation /omes2 abandon 1ra"er2 and when it ends wash the blood 0rom "oursel0 and then 1ra",


42 !umber )+4:

The hadith narrated b" ?a6i: and with its /hain o0 narrators has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Hisham b, :Urwa2 but in the hadith narrated b" Eutaiba on the authorit" o0 Farir2 the words are:C There /ame =atimah b, Abu Hubaish2 b, :Abd al-Muttalib b, Asad2 and she was a woman us2C and in the hadith o0 Hammid b, Gaid there is an addition o0 these words:C ?e abandoned mentionin. him,C


42 !umber )+*:

:A:isha re1orted: Umm Habiba b, Fahsh thus as6ed 0or a -erdi/t 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): I am a woman whose blood 6ee1s 0lowin. (a0ter the menstrual 1eriod), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: That is onl" a -ein2 so ta6e a bath and o00er 1ra"erB and she too6 a bath at the time o0 e-er" 1ra"er, Laith b, Sa:d said: Ibn Shihab made no mention that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had ordered her to ta6e a bath at the time o0 e-er" 1ra"er2 but she did it o0

22# & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)

her own a//ord, And in the tradition transmitted b" Ibn Aumh there is no mention o0 Umm Habiba (and there is mention o0 the dau.hter o0 Fahsh onl",)


42 !umber )++:

:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re1orted: Umm Habiba b, Fahsh who was the sister-in-law o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and the wi0e o0 :Abd al-Aahman b, Au02 remained mustahada 0or se-en "ears2 and she2 there0ore2 as6ed 0or the -erdi/t o0 Shari:ah 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about it The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: This is not menstruation2 but (blood 0rom) a -ein: so bathe "oursel0 and o00er 1ra"er, :A:isha said: She too6 a bath in the wash-tub 1la/ed in the a1artment o0 her sister Gainab b, Fahsh2 till the redness o0 the blood /ame o-er the water, Ibn Shihab said: I narrated it to Abu 7a6r b, :Abd al-Aahman b, al-Harith b, Hisham about it who obser-ed: Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" on HindaL would that she listened to this -erdi/t, 7" Lord2 she we1t 0or not o00erin. 1ra"er,


42 !umber )+):

This hadith has been thus re1orted b" another /hain o0 transmitters: Umm Habiba b, Fahsh /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and she had been a mustahada 0or se-en "ears2 and the rest o0 the hadith was narrated li6e that o0 :Amr b, al-Harith u1 to the words:C There /ame the redness o0 the blood o-er water,C and nothin. was narrated be"ond it,


42 !umber )+%:

The hadith has been narrated b" :A:isha throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters (in these words): I The dau.hter o0 jahsh had been mustabida 0or se-en "ears2C and the rest o0 the hadith is the same (as mentioned abo-e),


42 !umber )+#:

3n the authorit" o0 :A:isha: Umm Habiba as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about the blood (whi/h 0lows be"ond the 1eriod o0 menstruation), :A:isha said: I saw her wash-tub 0ull o0 blood, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Aemain awa" (0rom 1ra"er) equal (to the o0 time) that "our menses 1re-ented "ou, A0ter this (a0ter the 1eriod o0 usual /ourses) bathe "oursel0 and o00er 1ra"er,


42 !umber )+;:

:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said: Umm Habiba b, Fahsh who was the s1ouse o0 Abd al- Aahman b, Au0 made a /om1laint to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about blood (whi/h 0lows be"ond the menstrual 1eriod), He said to her: Aemain awa" (0rom
22; & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)

1ra"er) equal (to the o0 time) that "our menstruation holds "ou ba/6, A0ter this2 bathe "oursel0, And she washed hersel0 be0ore e-er" 1ra"er,

'ha1ter $*: It is obli.ator" 0or a menstruatin. woman to /om1lete the abandoned 0asts but not the abandoned 1ra"ers
7oo6 42 !umber )) :
Mu:adha re1orted: A woman as6ed :A:isha: Should one us /om1lete 1ra"ers abandoned durin. the 1eriod o0 mensesD :A:isha said: Are "ou a Haruri"aD ?hen an" one o0 us durin. the time o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was in her menses (and abandoned 1ra"er) she was not required to /om1lete them,


42 !umber ))$:

It is re1orted 0rom Mu:adha that she as6ed :A:isha: Should a menstruatin. woman /om1lete the 1ra"er (abandoned durin. the menstrual 1eriod)D :A:isha said: Are "ou a Hurari"aD The wi-es o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-e had their monthl" /ourses2 (but) did he order them to ma6e /om1ensation (0or the abandoned 1ra"ers)D Muhammad b, Fa:0ar said: ('om1ensation) denotes their /om1letion,


42 !umber ))2:

Mu:adha said: I as6ed :A:isha: ?hat is the reason that a menstruatin. woman /om1letes the 0asts (that she abandons durin. her monthl" /ourse), but she does not /om1lete the 1ra"ersD She (Hadrat :A:isha) said: Are "ou a Haruri"aD I said: I am not a Haruri"a2 but I sim1l" want to inquire, She said: ?e 1assed throu.h this (1eriod o0 menstruation)2 and we were ordered to /om1lete the 0asts2 but were not ordered to /om1lete the 1ra"ers,

24 & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)

'ha1ter $+: 3ne should draw around a /urtain while ta6in. a bath
7oo6 42 !umber ))4:
Umm Hani b, Abu Talib re1orted: I went to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the da" o0 the /onquest (o0 Me//a) and 0ound him ta6e a bath, while his dau.hter =atimah was holdin. a /urtain around him,


42 !umber ))*:

Umm Hani b, Abu Talib re1orted: It was the da" o0 the /onquest (o0 Me//a) that she went to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he was sta"in. at a hi.her 1art (o0 that /it"), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot u1 0or his bath, =atimah held a /urtain around him (in order to 1ro-ide him 1ri-a/"), He then 1ut on his .arments and wra11ed himsel0 with that and then o00ered ra6:ahs o0 the 0orenoon 1ra"er,


42 !umber ))+:

This hadith is narrated b" Sa:id b, Abu Hind with the same /hain o0 transmitters and said: His (the Hol" @ro1het:s) dau.hter =atimah 1ro-ided him 1ri-a/" with the hel1 o0 his /loth2 and when he had ta6en a bath he too6 it u1 and wra11ed it around him and then stood and o00ered ra6:ahs o0 the 0orenoon 1ra"er,


42 !umber ))):

Maimuna re1orted: I 1la/ed water 0or the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and 1ro-ided 1ri-a/" 0or him2 and he too6 a bath,

'ha1ter $): It is 0orbidden to see the 1ri-ate 1arts o0 someone else

7oo6 42 !umber ))%:
:Abd al-Aahman2 the son o0 Abu Sa:id al->hudri2 re1orted 0rom his 0ather: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A man should not see the 1ri-ate 1arts o0 another man2 and a woman should not see the 1ri-ate 1arts o0 another woman2 and a man should not lie with another man under one /o-erin.2 and a woman should not lie with another woman under one /o-erin.,
24$ & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)


42 !umber ))#:

This hadith has been narrated b" Ibn Abu =udai6 and 9abbi6 b, :Uthman with the same /hain o0 transmitters and the" obser-ed: @ri-ate 1arts o0 man are the na6edness (whi/h is /on/ealed),

'ha1ter $%: It is 1ermissible to ta6e a bath na6ed in /om1lete 1ri-a/"

7oo6 42 !umber ));: the traditions narrated 0rom Muhammad2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira2 the one is that 7anu Isra:il used to ta6e a bath na6ed2 and the" loo6ed at the 1ri-ate 1arts o0 one another, Moses (1ea/e be u1on him)2 howe-er2 too6 a bath alone (in 1ri-a/") B and the" said (tauntin.l"): 7" Allah2 nothin. 1rohibits Moses to ta6e a bath alon. with us2 but sa/rotal hernia, He (Moses) on/e went 0or a bath and 1la/ed his /lothes on a stone and the stone mo-ed on with his /lothes, Moses ran a0ter it sa"in.: stone2 m" /lothes2 stone2 m" /lothes2 and 7anu Isra:il had the /han/e to see the 1ri-ate 1arts o0 Moses2 and said: 7" Allah2 Moses does not su00er 0rom an" ailment, The stone then sto11ed2 till Moses had been seen b" them2 and he then too6 hold o0 his /lothes and stru/6 the stone, Abu Huraira said: 7" Allah2 there are the mar6s o0 si5 or se-en stro6es made b" Moses on the stone,

'ha1ter $#: Utmost /are 0or 6ee1in.-1ri-ate 1arts o0 bod" /on/eale9

7oo6 42 !umber )% :
Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: ?hen the >a:ba was /onstru/ted the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and Abbas went and li0ted stones, Abbas said to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): @la/e "our lower .arment on "our shoulder (so that "ou ma" 1rote/t "oursel0 0rom the rou.hness and hardness o0 stones), He (the Hol" @ro1het) did this2 but 0ell down u1on the .round in a state o0 un/on/iousness and his e"es were turned towards the s6", He then stood u1 and said: M" lower .arment2 m" lower .armentB and this wra11er was tied around him, In the hadith transmitted b" Ibn Aa0i:2 there is the word:C 3n his ne/6C and he did not sa":C U1on his shoulder,C

242 & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)


42 !umber )%$:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was /arr"in. alon. with them (his 1eo1le) stones 0or the >a:ba and there was a waist wra11er around him, His un/le2C Abbas2 said to him: son o0 m" brotherL i0 "ou ta6e o00 the lower .arment and 1la/e it on the shoulders underneath the stones2 it would be better, He (the Hol" @ro1het) too6 it o00 and 1la/ed it on his shoulder and 0ell down un/ons/ious, He (the narrator) said: !e-er was he seen na6ed a0ter that da",


42 !umber )%2:

Al-Miswar b, Ma6hrama re1orted: I was /arr"in. a hea-" stone and m" lower .arment was loose2 and it2 there0ore2 sli11ed o00 (so soon) that I /ould not 1la/e the stone (on the .round) and /arr" to its 1ro1er 1la/e, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Aeturn to "our /loth (lower .arment)2 ta6e it (and tie it around "our waist) and do not wal6 na6ed,

'ha1ter $;: 'on/ealin. one:s 1ri-ate 1arts while relie-in. onesel0

7oo6 42 !umber )%4:
:Abdullah b, Fa:0ar re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) one da" made me mount behind him and he /on0ided to me somethin. se/ret whi/h I would not dis/lose to an"bod"B and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) li6ed the /on/ealment 1ro-ided b" a lo0t" 1la/e or /luster o0 dates (while answerin. the /all o0 nature)2 Ibn Asma: said in his narration: It im1lied an en/losure o0 the date-trees,

'ha1ter 2 : (mission o0 semen ma6es bath obli.ator"

7oo6 42 !umber )%*:
Sa:id al->hudri narrated it 0rom his 0ather: I went to Euba: with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on Monda" till we rea/hed (the habitation) o0 7anu Salim, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood at the door o0 :Itban and /alled him loudl", So he /ame out his lower .arnment, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?e ha-e made this man to ma6e haste :Itban said: o0 Allah2 i0 a man 1arts with his wi0e suddenl" without seminal emission2 what is he required to do (with re.ard to bath)D The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It is with the seminal emission that bath be/omes obli.ator",

244 & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)


42 !umber )%+:

Abu al, :Ala: b, al-Shi6h6hir said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) abro.ated some o0 his /ommands b" others2 just as the Eur:an abro.ates some 1art with the other,


42 !umber )%):

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha11ened to 1ass b" (the house) o0 a man the Ansar2 and he sent 0or him, He /ame out and water was tri/6lin. down 0rom his head, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: @erha1s we 1ut "ou to haste, He said: Kes, o0 Allah, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hen "ou made haste or semen is not emitted2 bathin. is not obli.ator" 0or "ou2 but ablution is bindin., Ibn 7ashshir has narrated it with a minor alteration,


42 !umber )%%:

Uba"" Ibn >a:b re1orted: I ar6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about a man who has se5ual inter/ourse with his wi0e2 but lea-es her be0ore or.asm, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: He should wash the se/retion o0 his wi0e2 and then 1er0orm ablution and o0ier 1ra"er,


42 !umber )%#:

Uba"" ibn >a:b narrated it 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he said: I0 a 1erson has se5ual inter/ourse with his wi0e2 but does not e51erien/e or.asm2 he should wash his and 1er0orm an ablution,


42 !umber )%;:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: 7athin. is obli.ator" in /ase o0 seminal emission,


42 !umber )# :

Gaid b, >halid al-Fubani re1orted that he as6ad Uthman b, :A00an: ?hat is "our o1inion about the man who has se5ual inter/ourse with his wi0e2 but does not e51erien/e or.asmD Uthman said: He should 1er0orm ablution as he does 0or 1ra"er2 and wash his, :Uthmin also said: I ha-e heard it 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


42 !umber )#$:

Abu A""ub re1orted that he had heard li6e this 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on

24* & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)

'ha1ter 2$: Abro.ation o0 (the /ommand that) bath is obli.ator" (onl") be/ause o0 seminal emission and instead /onta/t o0 the /ir/um/ised 1arts ma6es bath obli.ator"
7oo6 42 !umber )#2:
Abu Huraira re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen a man has se5ual inter/ourse2 bathin. be/omes obli.ator" (both 0or the male and the 0emale), In the hadith o0 Matar the words are: (-en i0 there is no or.asm, Guhair has narrated it with a minor alteration o0 words,


42 !umber )#4:

This hadith is narrated b" Eatida with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but with minor alterations, Here instead o0 the word - (jahada2 (ijtahada) has been used2 and the wordsBC (-en i0 there is no or.asmC ha-e been omitted,


42 !umber )#*:

Abu Musa re1orted: There /ro11ed u1 a di00eren/e o0 o1inion between a .rou1 o0 Muhajirs ((mi.rants and a .rou1 o0 Ansar (Hel1ers) (and the 1oint o0 dis1ute was) that the Ansar said: The bath (be/ause o0 se5ual inter/ourse) be/omes obli.ator" onl"-when the semen s1urts out or eja/ulates, 7ut the Muhajirs said: ?hen a man has se5ual inter/ourse (with the woman)2 a bath be/omes obli.ator" (no matter whether or not there is seminal emission or eja/ulation), Abu Musa said: ?ell2 I satis0" "ou on this (issue), He (Abu Musa2 the narrator) said: I .ot u1 (and went) to :A:isha and her 1ermission and it was .ranted2 and I said to her: Mother2 or Mother o0 the =aith0ul2 I want to as6 "ou about a matter on whi/h I 0eel sh", She said: 9on:t 0eel sh" o0 as6in. me about a thin. whi/h "ou /an as6 "our mother2 who .a-e "ou birth2 0or I am too "our mother, U1on this I said: ?hat ma6es a bath obli.ator" 0or a 1ersonD She re1lied: Kou ha-e /ome a/ross one well in0ormedL The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an"one sits amidst 0our 1arts (o0 the woman) and the /ir/um/ised 1arts tou/h ea/h other a bath be/omes obli.ator",


42 !umber )#+:

:A:isha the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re1orted, A 1erson as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about one who has se5ual inter/ourse with his wi0e and 1arts awa" (without or.asm) whether bathin. is obli.ator" 0or him, :A:isha was sittin. b" him,

24+ & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)

The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I and she (the Mother o0 the =aith0ul) do it and then ta6e a bath,

'ha1ter 22: Ablution is essential when one tai8es somethin. /oo6ed with the hel1 o0 0ire
7oo6 42 !umber )#):
Gaid b Thabit re1orted: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa" this: Ablution is obli.ator" (0or one who ta6es an"thin.) tou/hed b" 0ire,


42 !umber )#%:

:Abdullah b, Ibrahim b, Eari8 re1orted that he 0ound Abu Huraira 1er0ormin. ablution in the mosque2 who said: I am 1er0ormin. ablution be/ause o0 ha-in. eaten 1ie/es o0 /heese2 0or I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": @er0orm ablution (a0ter eatin. an"thin.) tou/hed b" 0ire,


42 !umber )##:

:Urwa re1orted on the authorit" o0:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 sa"in. this: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said, @er0orm ablution (a0ter eatin.) an"thin. tou/hed b" 0ire,

'ha1ter 24: Abro.ation o0 the hadith that ablution is obli.ator" 0or him who ta6es somethin. /oo6ed with the hel1 o0 0ire
7oo6 42 !umber )#;:
Ibn :Abbas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 (meat o0) .oat:s shoulder and o00ered 1ra"er and did not 1er0orm ablution,


42 !umber ); :

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 0lesh 0rom the bone or meat2 and then o00ered 1ra"er and did not 1er0orm ablution2 and (in 0a/t) he did not tou/h water,
24) & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)


42 !umber );$:

Fa:0ar b, Amr b, Uma""a al-9amari re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather who said: I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ta6e sli/es 0rom .oat:s shoulder2 and then eat them2 and then o00er 1ra"er without ha-in. 1er0ormed ablution,


42 !umber );2:

Fa:0ar b, :Amr b, Uma""a al-9amari re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather who said: I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ta6e sli/es 0rom .oat:s shoulder and then eat them, He was /alled 0or 1ra"er and he .ot:u12 lea-in. aside the 6ni0e2 and o00ered 1ra"er but did not 1er0orm ablution,


42 !umber );4:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted it on the authorit" o0 Maimuana2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 (a 1ie/e o0 .oat:s) shoulder at her 1la/e2 and then o00ered 1ra"er but did not 1er0orm ablution,


42 !umber );*:

This hadith has been narrated b" Ibn :Abbas on the authorit" o0 Maimuna, the wi0e o0 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 b" another /hain o0 transmitters,


42 !umber );+:

Abu Aa0i: re1orted: I testi0" that I used to roast the li-er o0 the .oat 0or the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be ti1/n him) and then he o00ered 1ra-er but did not 1er0orm ablution,


42 !umber );):

Ibn Abbas re1orted: The A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 mil6 and then /alled 0or water and rinsed (his mouth) and said: It /ontains .reasiness,


42 !umber );%:

This hadith has been narrated b" another /hain o0 transmitters,

24% & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)


42 !umber );#:

Ibn Abbas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) dressed himsel02 and then went out 0or 1ra"er2 when he was 1resented with bread and meat, He too6 three morsels out o0 that2 and then o00ered 1ra"er alon. with other 1eo1le and did not tou/h water,


42 !umber );;:

This hadith is narrated b" Muhammad b, :Amr b, Ata: with these words: I was with Ibn :Abbas2 and Ibn :Abbas saw the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) doin. li6e this2 and it is also said that the words are: He (the Hol" @ro1het) o00ered 1ra"erB and the wordC 1eo1leC is not mentioned,

'ha1ter 2*: The question o0 ablution a0ter eatin. the 0lesh o0 the /amel
42 !umber % : 7oo6

Fabir b, Samura re1orted: A man as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) whether he should 1er0orm ablution a0ter (eatin.) mutton, He (the o0 Allah) said: @er0orm ablution it "ou so desire2 and i0 "ou do not wish2 do not 1er0orm it, He (a.ain) as6ed: Should I 1er0orm ablution (a0ter eatin.) /amel:s 0leshD He said: Kes2 1er0orm ablution (a0ter eatin.) /amel:s 0lesh, He (a.ain) said: Ma" I sa" 1ra"er in the shee10oldsD He (the o0 Allah) said: Kes, He (the narrator) a.ain said: Ma" I sa" 1ra"er where /amels lie downD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: !o,


42 !umber % $:

This hadith is also narrated b" another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 2+: A man who is sure o0 his 1uri0i/ation2 but entertains doubt o0 an"thin. brea6in. it2 /an sa0el" o00er 1ra"er without 1er0ormin. a new ablution
7oo6 42 !umber % 2:
:Abbad b, Tamim re1orted 0rom his un/le that a 1erson made a /om1laint to the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he entertained (doubt) as it somethin. had ha11ened to him brea6in. his ablution, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: He should not return (0rom 1ra"er) unless he hears a sound or
24# & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)

1er/ei-es a smell (o0 1assin. wind), Abu 7a6r and Guhair b, Harb ha-e 1ointed out in their narrations that it was :Abdullah b, Gaid,


42 !umber % 4:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 an" one o0 "ou has 1ain in his abdomen2 but is doubt0ul whether or not an"thin. has issued 0rom him2 be should not lea-e the mosque unless he hears a sound or 1er/ei-es a smell,

'ha1ter 2): @uri0i/ation o0 the s6ins o0 the dead animals b" tannin. them
7oo6 42 !umber % *:
The 0reed sla-e-.irl o0 Maimuna was .i-en a .oat in /harit" but it died, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha11ened to 1ass b" that (/ar/ass), U1on this be said: ?h" did "ou not ta6e o00 its s6inD Kou /ould 1ut it to use2 a0ter tannin. it, The" (the 'om1anions) said: It was dead, U1on2 this he (the o0 Allah) said: 3nl" its eatin. is 1rohibited, Abu ba6r and Ibn Umar in their narrations said: It is narrated 0rom Maimuna (ma" Allah be 1leased with her),


42 !umber % +:

Ibn :Abbas said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw a dead .oat2 whi/h had been .i-en in /harit" to the 0reed sla-e-.irl o0 Maimuna, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?h" don:t "ou ma6e use o0 its s6inD The" (the 'om1anions around the Hol" @ro1het) said: It is dead, U1on this he said: It is the eatin. (o0 the dead animal) whi/h is 1rohibited,


42 !umber % ):

This hadith is narrated b" Ibn Shihab with the same /hain o0 transmitters as transmitted b" Kunus,


42 !umber % %:

Ibn Abbas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha11ened to 1ass b" a .oat thrown (awa") whi/h had been in 0a/t .i-en to the 0reed sla-e-.irl o0 Maimuna as /harit", U1on this the o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e he u1on him) said: ?h" did the" not .et its s6inD The" had better tan it and ma6e use o0 it,

24; & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)


42 !umber % #:

Ibn:Abbas re1orted on the authorit" o0 Maimuna that someone the wi-es o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had a domesti/ animal and it died, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?h" did "ou not ta6e o00 its s6in and ma6e use o0 thatD


42 !umber % ;:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha11ened to 1ass b" (the dead bod") o0 the .oat whi/h belon.ed to the 0reed sla-e-.irl o0 Maimuna and said: ?h" did "ou not ma6e use o0 its s6inD


42 !umber %$ :

Abdullah b, Abbas said: I heard the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": ?hen the s6in is tanned it be/omes 1uri0ied,


42 !umber %$$:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas b" another /hain o0 transmitters,


42 !umber %$2:

Abu al->hair re1orted: I saw Ibn ?a:la al-Saba:i wear a 0ur, I tou/hed it, He said: ?h" do "ou tou/h itD I as6ed Ibn :Abbas sa"in.: ?e are the inhabitants o0 the western re.ions2 and there (li-e) with us 7erbers and Ma.ians, The" brin. with them rams and slau.hter them2 but we do not eat (the meat o0 the animals) slau.htered b" them2 and the" /ome with s6ins 0ull o0 0at, U1on this Ibn :Abbas said: ?e as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about this and he said: Its tannin. ma6es it 1ure,


42 !umber %$4:

Ibn ?a:la al-Saba:i re1orted: I as6ed :Abdullah b, :Abbas sa"in.: ?e are the inhabitants o0 the western re.ions, The Ma.ians /ome to us with s6ins 0ull o0 water and 0at, He said: 9rin6, I said to him: Is it "our own o1inionD Ibn Abbas said: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": Tannin. 1uri0ies it (the s6in),

2* & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)

'ha1ter 2%: Ta"ammum

7oo6 42 !umber %$*:
:A:isha re1orted: ?e went with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on one o0 his journe"s and when we rea/hed the 1la/e 7aida: or 9hat al-jaish2 m" ne/6la/e was bro6en (and 0ell somewhere), The o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) alon. with other 1eo1le sta"ed there 0or sear/hin. it, There was neither an" water at that 1la/e nor was there an" water with them (the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het), Some 1ersons /ame to m" 0ather Abu 7a6r and said: 9o "ou see what :A:isha has doneD She has detained the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and 1ersons a//om1an"in. him2 and there is neither an" water here or with them, So Abu 7a6r /ame there and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was slee1in. with his head on m" thi.h, He (Abu 7a6r) said: Kou ha-e detained the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and other 1ersons and there is neither water here nor with them, She (:A:isha) said: Abu 7a6r s/olded me and uttered what Allah wanted him to utter and nud.ed m" hi1s with his hand, And there was nothin. to 1re-ent me 0rom stirrin. but 0or the 0a/t that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was l"in. u1on m" thi.h, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sle1t till it was dawn at a waterless 1la/e, So Allah re-ealed the -erses 1ertainin. to ta"ammum and the" (the Hol" @ro1het and his 'om1anions) 1er0ormed ta"ammum, Usaid b, al-Hudair who was one o0 the leaders said: This is not the 0irst o0 "our blessin.s2 =amil" to Abu 7a6r, :A:isha said: ?e made the /ame) stand whi/h was m" mount and 0ound the ne/6la/e under it,


42 !umber %$+:

:A:isha re1orted she had borrowed 0rom Asma: (her sister) a ne/6la/e and it was lost, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent men to sear/h 0or it, As it was the time 0or 1ra"er2 the" o00ered 1ra"er without ablution (as water was not a-ailable there), ?hen the" /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 the" made a /om1laint about it2 and the -erses 1ertainin. to ta"ammum were re-ealed, U1on this Usaid b, Hadair said (to :A:isha): Ma" Allah .rant "ou a .ood rewardL !e-er has been there an o//asion when "ou were beset with di00i/ult" and Allah did not ma6e "ou /ome out o0 that and made it an o//asion o0 blessin. 0or the Muslims,


42 !umber %$):

Shaqiq re1orted: I was sittin. in the /om1an" o0 Abdullah and Abu Musa when Abu Musa said: :Abd al-Aahman (6un"a o0 :Abdullah b, Mas:ud)2 what would "ou li6e a man to do about the 1ra"er i0 he e51erien/es a seminal emission or has se5ual inter/ourse but does not 0ind water 0or a monthD :Abdullah said: He should not 1er0orm ta"ammum e-en i0 he does not 0ind water 0or a month, :Abdullah said: Then what about the -erse in Sura Ma:ida:C I0 "ou do not 0ind water2 beta6e "oursel0 to

2*$ & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)

/lean dustCD :Abdullah said: I0 the" were .ranted /on/ession on the basis o0 this -erse2 there is a 1ossibilit" that the" would 1er0orm ta"ammum with dust on 0indin. water -er" /old 0or themsel-es, Abu Musa said to Abdullah: Kou ha-e not heard the words o0 :Ammar: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent me on an errand and I had a seminal emission2 but /ould 0ind no water2 and rolled m"sel0 in dust just as a beast rolls itsel0, I /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then and made a mention o0 that to him and he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: It would ha-e been enou.h 0or "ou to do thus, Then he stru/6 the .round with his hands on/e and wi1ed his hand with the hel1 o0 his le0t hand and the e5terior o0 his 1alms and his 0a/e, :Abdullah said: 9idn:t "ou see that Umar was not 0ull" satis0ied with the words o0 :Ammar onl"D


42 !umber %$%:

This hadith is narrated b" Shaqiq with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with the alteration o0 these words: He (the Hol" @ro1het) stru/6 hands u1on the earth2 and then shoo6 them and then wi1ed his 0a/e and 1alm,


42 !umber %$#:

Abd al-Aabmin b, Ab8a narrated It on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that a man /ame to :Umar and said: I am (at times) a00e/ted b" seminal emission but 0ind no water, He (:Umar) told him not to sa" 1ra"er, :Ammar then said, 9o "ou remember2 'ommander o0 the =aith0ul2 when I and "ou were in a militar" deta/hment and we had had a seminal emission and did not 0ind water (0or ta6in. bath) and "ou did not sa" 1ra"er2 but as 0or m"sel0 I rolled in dust and said 1ra"er2 and (when it was mentioned be0ore) the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It was enou.h 0or "ou to stri6e the .round with "our hands and then blow (the dust) and then wi1e "our 0a/e and 1alms, Umar said: :Ammar2 0ear Allah, He said: I0 "ou so li6e2 I would not narrate it, A hadith li6e this has been transmitted with the same /hain o0 transmitters but 0or the words: :Umar said: ?e hold "ou res1onsible 0or what "ou /laim,C


42 !umber %$;:

:Abd al-Aahman b, Ab8a mnated it on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that a man /ame to Umar and said: I ha-e had a seminal emission but I 0ound no water2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same but with this addition: :Amr said: 'ommander o0 the =aith0ul2 be/ause o0 the .i-en to "ou b" Allah o-er me2 i0 "ou desire2 I would not narrate this hadith to an"one,


42 !umber %2 :

Umair2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Ibn :Abbas2 re1orted: I and :Abd al-Aahmin b, Kasir2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Maimuna2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him), /ame to the house o0 Abu:l-Fahm b, al2*2 & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)

Harith al-Simma Ansari and he said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame 0rom the dire/tion o0 7i:r Famal and a man met himB he saluted him but the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made no res1onse2 till he (the Hol" @ro1het) /ame to the wall2 wi1ed his 0a/e and hands and then returned his salutations,


42 !umber %2$:

Ibn Umar re1orted: A 1erson ha11ened to 1ass b" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) when he was ma6in. water and saluted him2 but he did not res1ond to his salutation,

'ha1ter 2#: A muslim is not de0iled

7oo6 42 !umber %22:
Abu Huraira re1orted that he met the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on one o0 the 1aths leadin. to Medina in a state o0 (se5ual) de0ilement and he sli11ed awa" and too6 a bath, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sear/hed 0or him and when he /ame2 he said to him: Abu Huraira2 where were "ouD He said: o0 Allah2 "ou met when I was (se5uall") de0iled and I did not li6e to sit in "our /om1an" be0ore ta6in. a bath, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Hallowed be Allah2 -eril" a belie-er is ne-er de0iled,


42 !umber %24:

Hudhai0a re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha11ened to meet him and he was (se5uall") de0iled2 and he sli11ed awa" and too6 a bath and then /ame and said: I was (se5uall") de0iled, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) remar6ed: A Muslim is ne-er de0iled,

'ha1ter 2;: Aemembran/e o0 allah e-en in a state o0 se5ual de0ilement

7oo6 42 !umber %2*:
:A:isha said: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to remember Allah at all moments,

2*4 & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)

'ha1ter 4 : It is 1ermissible to eat without ablution and there is no abhorren/e in it and 1er0ormin. o0 ablution immediatel" (a0ter that) is not essential
7oo6 42 !umber %2+:
Ibn :Abbas re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame out o0 the 1ri-"2 and he was 1resented with some 0ood2 and the 1eo1le reminded him about ablution2 but he said: Am I to sa" 1ra"er that I should 1er0orm ablutionD


42 !umber %2):

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: ?e were with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he had /ome out o0 the 1ri-", =ood was 1resented to him, It was said to him (b" the 'om1anions around him): ?ouldn:t "ou 1er0orm ablutionD U1on this he said: ?h"2 am I to sa" 1ra"er that I should 1er0orm ablutionD


42 !umber %2%:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went to the 1ri-" and when he /ame ba/62 he was 1resented with 0ood, It was said to himB o0 Allah2 wouldn:t "ou 1er0orm ablution, He said: ?h"2 am I to sa" 1ra"erD


42 !umber %2#:

Ibn Abbas2 re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame out o0 the 1ri-" a0ter relie-in. himsel02 and 0ood was to him and he too6 it2 and did not tou/h water, In another narration transmitted b" Sa:id b, al-Huwairith it is li6e this: It was said to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) Kou ha-e not 1er0ormed ablution, He said: I do not intend to sa" 1ra"er that I should 1er0orm ablution,

2** & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)

'ha1ter 4$: ?hat should be utiered while enterin. the 1ri-"D

7oo6 42 !umber %2;:
Anas re1orted: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered the 1ri-"2 and in the hadith transmitted b" Hushaim (the words are): ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered the la-ator"2 be used to sa": 3 Allah2 I see6 re0u.e in Thee 0rom wi/6ed and no5ious thin.s,


42 !umber %4 :

This hadith is also transmitted b" :Abd al-:A8i8 with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 and the words are: I see6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom the wi/6ed and no5ious thin.s,

'ha1ter 42: Ablution does not brea6 b" do8in. in a sittin. 1osture
7oo6 42 !umber %4$:
Anas re1orted: (The 1eo1le) stood u1 0or 1ra"er and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was whis1erin. to a man2 and in the narration o0 :Abd al-?arith (the words are): The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was ha-in. a 1ri-ate /on-ersation with a man2 and did not start the 1ra"er till the 1eo1le do8ed o00,


42 !umber %42:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: (The 1eo1le) stood u1 0or 1ra"er and the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was tal6in. in whis1ers with a man2 and he did not dis/ontinue the /on-ersation till his 'om1anions do8ed o00B he then /ame and led the 1ra"er,


42 !umber %44:

Eatida re1orted: I heard Anas as sa"in. that the 'om1anion o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) do8ed o00 and then o00ered 1ra"er and did not 1er0orm ablution, He (the narrator) said: I as6ed him i0 he had a/tuall" heard it 0rom Anas, He said: 7" Allah, "es,

2*+ & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)


42 !umber %4*:

Anas re1orted: (The 1eo1le) stood u1 0or the 1ra"er when a man s1o6e 0orth: I need to sa" somethin., The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered into se/ret /on-ersation with him2 till the 1eo1le do8ed o00 or some o0 the 1eo1le (do8ed o00)2 and then the" said the 1ra"er,

2*) & $#


733> 4: TH( 733> 3= M(!STAUATI3! (>ITA7 AL-HAI9)

733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

2*% & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

@ra"er is the soul o0 reli.ion, ?here there is no 1ra"er2 there /an be no 1uri0i/ation o0 the soul, The non-1ra"in. man is ri.htl" /onsidered to be a soulless man, Ta6e 1ra"er out o0 the world2 and it is all o-er with reli.ion be/ause it is with 1ra"er that man has the /ons/iousness o0 Hod and sel0less lo-e 0or humanit" and inner sense o0 1iet", @ra"er is2 there0ore2 the 0irst2 the hi.hest2 and the most solemn 1henomenon and mani0estation o0 reli.ion, The wa" in whi/h 1ra"er is o00ered and the words whi/h are re/ited in it e51lain the true nature o0 reli.ion o0 whi/h it is the e51ression o0 man:s /onta/t with the Lord, @ra"er in Islam .i-es in a nutshell the tea/hin.s o0 Islam, The -er" 0irst thin. whi/h /omes into 1rominen/e in Islami/ 1ra"er is that it is a//om1anied b" bodil" mo-ements, It im1lies that Islam li0ts not onl" the soul to the s1iritual hei.ht2 but also illuminates the bod" o0 man with the o0 Hod-/ons/iousness, It aims at 1uri0"in. both bod" and soul2 0or it 0inds no /lea-a.e between them, Islam does not re.ard bod" and soul as two di00erent entities o11osed to ea/h other2 or bod" as the 1rison o0 the soul 0rom whi/h It "earns to se/ure 0reedom in order to soar to hea-enl" hei.hts,C The soul is an o0 the bod" whi/h e51loits it 0or 1h"siolo.i/al 1ur1oses2 or bod" is an instrument o0 the soulC (Iqbal2 Ae/onstru/tion o0 Aeli.ious in Islam2 1 $ +)2 and thus both need s1iritual enli.htenment, Se/ondl"2 Islami/ 1ra"er does not aim at su/h a s1iritual /onta/t with Hod in whi/h the world and sel0 are absolutel" denied2 in whi/h human 1ersonalit" is dissol-ed2 disa11ears and is absorbed in the In0inite Lord, Islam does not 0a-our su/h a meditation and absor1tion in whi/h man /eases to be /ons/ious o0 his own sel0 and 0eels himsel0 to be 1er0e/tl" identi0ied with the In0inite2 and /laims in a mood o0 e/stas": M"C IC has be/ome Hod2 or rather he is Hod, Islam wants to in/ul/ate the /ons/iousness o0 the indwellin. o0 the o0 Hod in bod" and soul but does allow him to trans1ort himsel0 in the realm o0 ln0init", It im1resses u1on his mind that he is the humble ser-ant o0 the Hreat and Hlorious Lord and his s1iritual de-elo1ment and reli.ious 1iet" lies in sin/ere and willin. obedien/e to Allah, The -er" 0irst ste1 towards the a/hie-ement o0 this obje/ti-e is that man should ha-e a /lear /ons/iousness o0 his own 0initeness and In0initeness o0 the Lord2 and /learl" -isualise and 0eel that he is /reated as a human bein. b" the 'reator and Master o0 the uni-erse2 and he /annot2 there0ore2 be/ome demi-.od or .od, His su//ess lies in 1ro-in. himsel0 b" his outloo6 and beha-iour that he is the true and lo"al ser-ant o0 his Hreat Master, Islami/ 1ra"er is2 there0ore2 the s"mbol o0 humble re-eren/e be0ore the Majest" o0 the Hlorious Lord,

2*# & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $: The be.innin. o0 adhan

7oo6 *2 !umber %4+:
Ibn Umar re1orted: ?hen the Muslims /ame to Medina2 the" .athered and to 6now the time o0 1ra"er but no one summoned them, 3ne da" the" dis/ussed the matter2 and some o0 them said: Use somethin. li6e the bell o0 the 'hristians and some o0 them said: Use horn li6e that o0 the Fews, Umar said: ?h" ma" not a be a11ointed who should /all (1eo1le) to 1ra"erD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3 7ilal2 .et u1 and summon (the 1eo1le) to 1ra"er,


*2 !umber %4):

Anas re1orted: 7ilal was /ommanded (b" the A1ostle o0 Allah) to re1eat (the 1hrases o0) Adhan twi/e and on/e in Iqama, The narrator said: I made a men- tion o0 it be0ore A""ub who said: (5/e1t 0or sa"in.: Eamat-is-Salat Nthe time 0or 1ra"er has /omeO,


*2 !umber %4%:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: The" (the 'om1anions) dis/ussed that the" should 6now the timin.s o0 1ra"er b" means o0 somethin. re/o.ni8ed b" all, Some o0 them said that 0ire should be li.hted or a bell should be run., 7ut 7ilal was ordered to re1eat the 1hrases twi/e in Adhan2 and on/e in Iqama,


*2 !umber %4#:

This hadith is transmitted b" >halid Hadhdha with the same /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are): ?hen the majorit" o0 the 1eo1le dis/ussed the" should 6now2 li6e the hadith narrated b" alThaqa0i (mentioned abo-e) e5/e1t 0or the words:C The" (the 1eo1le) should 6indle 0ire,C


*2 !umber %4;:

Anas re1orted: 7ilal was /ommanded (b" the Hol" @ro1het) to re1eat the 1hrases twi/e in Adhan2 and on/e in lqama,

'ha1ter 2: How adhan is to be 1ronoun/ed

7oo6 *2 !umber %* :
Abu Mahdhura said that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) him Adhan li6e this: Allah is the Hreatest2 Allah is the HreatestB I testi0" that there is no .od but Allah2 I testi0" that there is

2*; & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

no .od but AllahB I testi0" that Muhammad Is the o0 Allah2 I testi0" that Muhammad is the o0 Allah2 and it should be a.ain re1eated: I testi0" that there is no .od but Allah2 I testi0" that there is no .od but AllahB I testi0" that Muhammad Is the o0 Allah2 I testi0" that Muhammad is the o0 Allah, 'ome to the 1ra"er (twi/e), 'ome to the 1ra"er (twi/e), Ishaq added: Allah is the Hreatest2 Allah is the HreatestB there Is no .od but Allah,

'ha1ter 4: There /an be two 1ronoun/ers o0 adhan 0or one mosque

7oo6 *2 !umber %*$:
Ibn Umar re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had two Mu:adhdhins2 7ilal and :Abdullah b, Umm Ma6tum2 who (latter) was blind,


*2 !umber %*2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :A:isha b" another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber %*4:

A:isha re1orted: Ibn Umm Ma6tum used to 1ronoun/e Adhan at the behest o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (des1ite the 0a/t) that he was blind,


*2 !umber %**:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted b" Hisham,

'ha1ter *: The hol" 1ro1het re0rained 0rom atta/6in. 1eo1le li-in. in dar al-6u0r on hearin. adhan 0rom them
7oo6 *2 !umber %*+:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to atta/6 the enem" when it was dawn, He would listen to the AdhanB so i0 he heard an Adhan2 he sto11ed2 otherwise made an atta/6, 3n/e on hearin. a man sa": Allah is the Hreatest2 Allah is the Hreatest2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) remar6ed: He is 0ollowin. al-=itra (al-Islam), Then hearin.
2+ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

him sa": I testi0" that there is no .od but Allah, there is no .od but Allah2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kou ha-e /ome out o0 the =ire (o0 Hell), The" loo6ed at him and 0ound that he was a .oatherd,

'ha1ter +: He who hears the adhan should res1ond li6e it2 in-o6e blessin.s u1on the a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and then be. 0or him the wasila
7oo6 *2 !umber %*):
Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted: ?hen "ou hear the /all (to 1ra"er)2 re1eat what the Mu:adhdhin 1ronoun/es,


*2 !umber %*%:

:Abdullah b, Amr b, al-As re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen "ou hear the Mu:adhdhin2 re1eat what he sa"s2 then in-o6e a blessin. on me2 0or e-er"one who in-o6es a blessin. on me will re/ei-e ten blessin.s 0rom AllahB then be. 0rom Allah al-?asila 0or me2 whi/h is a ran6 in @aradise 0ittin. 0or onl" one o0 Allah:s ser-ants2 and I ho1e that I ma" be that one, I0 an"one who as6s that I be .i-en the ?asila2 he will be assured o0 m" inter/ession,


*2 !umber %*#:

:Umar b, al->hattab re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen the Mu:adhdhin sa"s: Allah is the Hreatest2 Allah is the Hreatest2 and one o0 "ou should ma6e this res1onse: Allah is the Hreatest2 Allah is the HreatestB (and when the Mu:adhdhin) sa"s: I testi0" that there is no .od but Allah2 one should res1ond: I testi0" that there is no .od but Allah2 and when he sa"s: I testi0" that Muhammad is the o0 Allah2 one should ma6e a res1onse: I testi0" that Muhammad is Allah:s, ?hen he (the Mu:adhdhin) sa"s: 'ome to 1ra"er2 one should ma6e a res1onse: There is no and no 1ower e5/e1t with Allah, ?hen he (the Mu:adhdhin) sa"s: 'ome to sal-ation2 one should res1ond: There is no and no 1ower e5/e1t with Allah2 and when he (the Mu:adhdhin) sa"s: Allah is the Hreatest2 Allah is the Hreatest2 then ma6e a res1onse: Allah is the Hreatest2 Allah is the Hreatest, ?hen he (the Mu:adhdhin) sa"s: There is no .od but Allah2 and he who ma6es a re- s1onse 0rom the heart: There is no .od but Allah2 he will enter @aradise,

2+$ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber %*;:

Sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 an"one sa"s on hearin. the Mu:adhdhin: I testi0" that there is no .od but Allah alone, ?ho has no 1artner2 and that Muhammad is His ser-ant and His Messen.er2 (and that) I am satis0ied with Allah as m" Lord2 with Muhammad as, and with Islam as din (/ode o0 li0e)2 his sins would be 0or.i-en, In the narration transmitted b" Ibn Aumh the words are:C He who said on hearin. the Mu:adhdhin and -erit" I testi0",C : Eutaiba has not mentioned his words:C And I,C

'ha1ter ): The e5/ellen/e o0 adhan and runnin. awa" o0 the satan on hearin. it
7oo6 *2 !umber %+ :
Kah"a narrated it on the authorit" o0 his un/le that he had been sittin. in the /om1an" o0 Mu:awi"a b, Abu Su0"an when the Mu:adhdhin /alled (Muslims) to 1ra"er, Mu:awi"a said: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in. The Mu:adhdhins will ha-e the lon.est ne/6s on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,


*2 !umber %+$:

Abu Su0"an re1orted it on the authorit" o0 Fabir that he had heard the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": ?hen Satan hears the /all to 1ra"er2 he runs awa" to a distan/e li6e that o0 Aauha, Sulaimin said: I as6ed him about Aauha, He re1lied: It is at a distan/e o0 thirt"-si5 miles 0rom Medina,


*2 !umber %+2:

Abu Mu:awi"a narrated it on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber %+4:

Abu Huraira re1orted the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen Satan hears the /all to 1ra"er2 he turns ba/6 and brea6s the wind so as not to bear the /all bein. made2 but when the /all is 0inished he turns round and distra/ts (the minds o0 those who 1ra")2 and when he bears the Iqama he a.ain runs awa" so as not to hear its -oi/e and when it subsides2 he /omes ba/6 and distra/ts (the minds o0 those who stand 0or 1ra"er),

2+2 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber %+*:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen the Mu:adhdhin /alls to 1ra"er2 Satan runs ba/6 -ehementl",


*2 !umber %++:

Suhail re1orted that his 0ather sent him to 7anu Haritha alon. with a bo" or a man, Someone /alled him b" his name 0rom an en/losure, He (thenarrator) said: The 1erson with me loo6ed towards the en/losure2 but saw nothin., I made a mention o0 that to m" 0ather, He said: I0 I 6new that "ou would meet su/h a situation I would ha-e ne-er sent "ou (there)2 but (bear in wind) whene-er "ou hear su/h a /all (0rom the e-il s1irits) 1ronoun/e the Adhan, 0or I ha-e heard Abu Huraira sa" that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1bn him) said: ?hene-er Adhan is 1ro/laimed2 Satan runs ba/6 -ehementl",


*2 !umber %+):

Abu Huraira re1orted: The A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said ?hen the /all to 1ra"er is made2 Satan runs ba/6 and brea6s wind so as not to hear the /all bein. made2 and when the /all is 0inished, he turns round, ?hen Iqama is 1ro/laimed he turns his ba/62 and when it is 0inished he turns round to distra/t a man2 sa"in.: Ae- member su/h and su/hB remember su/h and su/h2 re0errin. to somethin. the man did not ha-e in his mind2 with the result that he does not 6now how mu/h he has 1ra"ed,


*2 !umber %+%:

A hadith li6e it has been narrated b" Abu Huraira but 0or these words:C He (the man sa"in. the 1ra"er) does not 6now how mu/h he has 1ra"ed,

'ha1ter %: The desirabilit" o0 raisin. the hands a11osite the shoulders at the time o0 be.innin. the 1ra"er and at the time o0 bowin. and at the time o0 returnin. to the ere/t 1osition a0ter bowin.
7oo6 *2 !umber %+#:
Salim narrated it on the authorit" o0 his 0ather who re1orted: I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) raisin. his hands a11osite the shoulders at the time o0 be.innin. the 1ra"er and
2+4 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

be0ore bowin. down and a0ter /omin. ba/6 to the 1osition a0ter bowin., but he did not raise them between two 1rostrations,


*2 !umber %+;:

Ibn Umar re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 when he stood u1 0or 1ra"er2 used to raise his hands a11osite the shoulders and then re/ited ta6bir (Allah-o-A6bar)2 and when he was about to bow he a.ain did li6e it and when he raised himsel0 0rom the ru6u: (bowin. 1osture) he a.ain did li6e it2 but he did not do it at the time o0 raisin. his head 0rom 1rostration,


*2 !umber %) :

This hadith has been transmitted with the same /hain o0 transmitters b" al, Guhri as narrated b" Ibn Furaij (who) said, ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 0or 1ra"er2 he raised hands (to the a11osite the shoulders and then re/ited ta6bir,


*2 !umber %)$:

Abu Eilaba re1orted that he saw Mali6 b, Huwairith raisin. his hands at the be.innin. o0 1ra"er and raisin. his hands be0ore 6neelin. down2 and raisin. his hands a0ter li0tin. his head 0rom the state o0 6neelin.2 and he narrated that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to do li6e this,


*2 !umber %)2:

Mali6 b, Huwairith re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) raised his hands a11osite his ears at the time o0 re/itin. the ta6bir (i, e, at the time o0 be.innin. the 1ra"er) and then a.ain raised his hands a11osite the ears at the time o0 bowin. and when he li0ted his head a0ter bowin. he said: Allah listened to him who 1raised Him2 and did li6e it (raised his hands u1 to the ears),


*2 !umber %)4:

This hadith has been transmitted b" Eatada with the same /hain o0 trans, mitters that he saw the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) doin. li6e this (i, e, raisin. his hands) till the" were a11osite the lobes o0 /ars,

2+* & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter #: The re/itin. o0 ta6bir at the time o0 bowin. and risin. in 1ra"er e5/e1t risin. a0ter ru6u2 when it is said: Allah listened to him who 1raised him
7oo6 *2 !umber %)*:
Abu Salama re1orted: Abu Huraira led 1ra"er 0or them and re/ited ta6bir when he bent and raised himsel0 (in ru6u: and sujud) and a0ter /om1letin. (the 1ra"er) he said: 7" Allah I sa" 1ra"er whi/h has the best resemblan/e with the 1ra"er o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) "ou,


*2 !umber %)+:

Abu Huraira re1orted: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot u1 0or 1ra"er2 he would sa" the ta6bir (Allah-o-A6bar) when standin.2 then sa" the ta6bir when bowin., then sa":C Allah listened to him who 1raised him2C when /omin. to the ere/t 1osition a0ter bowin.2 then sa" while standin.:C To Thee2 our Lord2 be the 1raiseC2 then re/ite the ta6bir when .ettin. down 0or 1rostration2 then sa" the ta6bir on raisin. his head2 then sa" the ta6bir on 1rostratin. himsel02 then sa" the ta6bir on raisin. his head, He would do that throu.hout the whole 1ra"er till he would /om1lete it2 and he would sa" the ta6bir when he would .et u1 at the end o0 two ra6:as a0ter ado1tin. the sittin. 1osture, Abu Huraira said: M" 1ra"er has the best resemblan/e "ou with the 1ra"er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


*2 !umber %)):

Ibn al-Harith re1orted: He had heard Abu Huraira sa": The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited ta6bir on standin. 0or 1ra"er2 and the rest o0 the hadith is li6e that transmitted b" Ibn Furaij (re/orded abo-e)2 but he did not mention Abu Huraira as sa"in.:C M" 1ra"er has the best resemblan/e "ou with the 1ra"er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),C


*2 !umber %)%:

Abu Salama b, :Abd al-Aahman re1orted,, ?hen Marwan a11ointed Abu Huraira as his de1ut" in Medina2 he re/ited ta6bir whene-er he .ot u1 0or obli.ator" 1ra"er2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same as transmitted b" Ibn Furaij (but with the addition o0 these words): 3n /om1letin. the 1ra"er with salutation2 and he turned to the 1eo1le in the mosque and said,,,,

2++ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber %)#:

Abu Salama re1orted that Abu Huraira re/ited ta6bir in 1ra"er on all o//asions o0 risin. and 6neelin., ?e said: 3 Abu Huraira2 what is this ta6birD He said: <eril" it is the 1ra"er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


*2 !umber %);:

Suhail re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Abu Huraira used to re/ite ta6bir on all o//asions o0 risin. and bendin. (in 1ra"er) and narrated that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to do li6e that,


*2 !umber %% :

Mutarri0 re1orted: I and :Imran b, Husain said 1ra"er behind :Ali b, Abu2 Talib, He re/ited ta6bir when he 1rostrated2 and he re/ited ta6bir when he raised his head and he re/ited ta6bir while risin. u1 (0rom the sittin. 1osition at the end o0 two ra6:ahs), ?hen we had 0inished our 1ra"er2 :Imran / hold o0 m" hand and said: He (Hadrat Ali) has led 1ra"er li6e Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) or he said: He in 0a/t re/alled to m" mind the 1ra"er o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him,)

'ha1ter ;: The re/itin. o0 al-0atiha in e-er" ra6:ah o0 1ra"er is obli.ator"

7oo6 *2 !umber %%$:
:Ubada b, as-Samit re1orted 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him ): He who does not re/ite =atihat al->itab is not /redited with ha-in. obser-ed the 1ra"er,


*2 !umber %%2:

Ubada b, as-Samit re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who does not re/ite Umm al-Eur:an is not /redited with ha-in. obser-ed the 1ra"er,


*2 !umber %%4:

Mahmud b, al-Aabi:2 on whose 0a/e the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) squirted water 0rom the well2 re1orted on the authorit" o0 :Ubada b, as- Samit that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who does not re/ite Umm al-Eur:an is not /redited with ha-in. obser-ed 1ra"er,
2+) & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber %%*:

This hadith has also been transmitted b" Ma:mar 0rom al-Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters with the addition o0 these words:C and somethin. moreC,


*2 !umber %%+:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 an"one obser-es 1ra"er in whi/h he does not re/ite Umm al-Eur:an2 It is de0i/ient Nhe said this three timesO and not /om1lete, It was said to Abu Huraira: At times we are behind the Imam, He said: Ae/ite it inwardl"2 0or he had heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) de/lare that Allah the (5alted had said: I ha-e di-ided the 1ra"er into two hal-es between Me and M" ser-ant2 and M" ser-ant will re/ei-e what he as6s, ?hen the ser-ant sa"s: @raise be to Allah2 the Lord o0 the uni-erse2 Allah the Most Hi.h sa"s: M" ser-ant has 1raised Me, And when he (the ser-ant) sa"s: The Most 'om1assionate2 the Mer/i0ul2 Allah the Most Hi.h sa"s: M" ser-ant has lauded Me, And when he (the ser-ant) sa"s: Master o0 the 9a" o0 jud.- ment2 He remar6s: M" ser-ant has .lori0ied Me, and sometimes He would sa": M" ser-ant entrusted (his a00airs) to Me, And when he (the worshi11er) sa"s: Thee do we worshi1 and o0 Thee do we as6 hel12 He (Allah) sa"s: This is between Me and M" ser-ant2 and M" ser-ant will re/ei-e what he as6s 0or, Then2 when he (the worshi11er) sa"s: Huide us to the 1ath2 the 1ath o0 those to whom Thou hast been Hra/ious not o0 those who ha-e in/urred Th" dis1leasure2 nor o0 those who ha-e .one astra"2 He (Allah) sa"s: This is 0or M" ser-ant2 and M" ser-ant will re/ei-e what he as6s 0or, Su0"an said: :Ala b, :Abd al-Aahman b, Ka:qub narrated it to me when I went to him and he was /on0ined to his home on a//ount o0 illness2 and I as6ed him about it,


*2 !umber %%):

It is naratted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that he had heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": He who obser-ed 1ra"er but he did not re/ite the Umm al-Eur:an in it2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same as transmitted b" Su0"an2 and in this hadith the words are:C Allah the Most Hi.h said: the 1ra"er is di-ided into two hal-es between Me and M" ser-ant, The hal0 o0 it is 0or Me and the hal0 o0 it is 0or M" ser-ant,C


*2 !umber %%%:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who said his 1ra"er2 but did not re/ite the o1enin. /ha1ter o0 al->itab2 his 1ra"er is in/om1lete, He re1eated it thri/e,

2+% & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber %%#:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3ne is not /redited with ha-in. obser-ed the 1ra"er without the re/itation (o0 al-=atiha), So said Abu Huraira: (The 1ra"er in whi/h) the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited in a loud -oi/e2 we also re/ited that loudl" 0or "ou (and the 1ra"er in whi/h) he re/ited inwardl" we also re/ited inwardl" 0or "ou (to .i-e "ou a 1ra/ti/al e5am1le o0 the 1ra"er o0 the Hol" @ro1het),


*2 !umber %%;:

:Ata: narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira who said that one should re/ite (al-=atiha) in e-er" (ra6:ah o0) 1ra"er, ?hat we heard (i, e, re/itation) 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 we made "ou listen to that, And that whi/h he (re/ited) inwardl"2 we (re/ited) inwardl" 0or "ou, A 1erson said to him: I0 I add nothin. to the (re/itation) o0 the Umm al Eur:an (Surat al-=atiha)2 would it ma6e the 1ra"er in/om1leteD He (AbuHuraira) said: I0 "ou add to that (i0 "ou re/ite some o0 -erses o0 the Eur:an alon. with Surat at-=atiha) that is better 0or "ou, 7ut i0 "ou are /ontented with it (Surat al-=atiha) onl"2 it is su00i/ient 0or "ou,


*2 !umber %# :

:Ata: re1orted it on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira who said: Ae/itation (o0 Surat al-=atiha) in e-er" (ra6:ah) o0 1ra"er in essential, (The re/itation) that we listened to 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) we made "ou listen to it, And that whi/h he re/ited inwardl" to us2 we re/ited it inwardl" 0or "ou, And he who re/ites Umm al-Eur:an2 it is enou.h 0or him (to /om1lete the 1ra"er)2 and he who adds to it (re/ites some other -erses o0 the Hol" Eur:an alon. with Surat al-=atiha)2 it is 1re0erable 0or him,


*2 !umber %#$:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered the mosque and a 1erson also entered therein and o00ered 1ra"er2 and then /ame and 1aid salutation to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The Mes- o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) returned his salutation and said: Ho ba/6 and 1ra"2 0or "ou ha-e not o00ered the 1ra"er, He a.ain 1ra"ed as he had 1ra"ed be0ore2 and /ame to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on, him) and saluted him, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) returned the salutation and said: Ho ba/6 and sa" 1ra"er2 0or "ou ha-e not o00ered the 1ra"er, This (a/t o0 re1eatin. the 1ra"er) was done three times, U1on this the 1erson said: 7" Him ?ho hast sent "ou with Truth2 whate-er better I /an do than this2 1lease tea/h me, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hen "ou .et u1 to 1ra"2 re/ite ta6bir2 and then re/ite whate-er "ou /on-enientl" /an 0rom the Eur:an2 then bow down and remain quietl" in that 1osition2 then raise "our- sel0 and stand ere/tB then 1rostrate "oursel0 and remain quietl" in that attitudeB then raise "oursel0 and sit quietl"B and do that throu.hout all "our 1ra"ers,
2+# & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber %#2:

Abu Huraira re1orted: A 1erson entered the mosque and said 1ra"er while the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was sittin. in a noo6 (o0 the mosque)2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same as mentioned abo-e2 but with this addition:C ?hen "ou .et u1 to 1ra"2 1er0orm the ablution /om1letel"2 and then turn towards the Eibla and re/ite ta6bir (Allah o A6bar PAllah is the Most Hreat),C

'ha1ter $ : The one led in 1ra"er is 0orbidden to re/ite loudl" behind the imam
7oo6 *2 !umber %#4:
lmrin b, Husain re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e beu1on him) led us In Guhr or :Asr 1ra"er (noon or the a0ternoon 1ra"er), (3n /on/ludin. it) he said: ?ho re/ited behind me (the -erses): Sabbih Isma Aabbi6 al-a:la (Hlori0" the name o0 th" Lord2 the Most Hi.h)D There u1on a 1erson said: It was I2 but I in- tended nothin. but .oodness, I 0elt that some one o0 "ou was dis1utin. with me in it (or he was ta6in. out 0rom m" ton.ue what I was re/itin.)2 said the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


*2 !umber %#*:

:Imran b, Husain re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed the Guhr 1ra"er and a 1erson re/ited Sabbih Isma Aabbi6 al-a:la (Hlori0" the name o0 th" Lord2 the Most Hi.h) behind him, ?hen he (the Hol" @ro- 1het) /on/luded the 1ra"er he said: ?ho "ou re/ited (the abo-e-mentioned -erse) or who "ou was the re/iterD A 1erson said: It was I, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed: I as i0 someone "ou was dis1utin. with me (in what I was re/itin.),


*2 !umber %#+:

This hadith has been narrated b" Eatada with the same /hain o0 transmitters that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed Guhr 1ra"er and said: I 0elt that someone "ou was dis1utin. with me (in what I was re/itin.),

2+; & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $$: Ar.ument o0 those who sa" that he (the hol" 1ro1het) did not re/ite 7ismillah (in the name o0 Allah) loudl"
7oo6 *2 !umber %#):
Anas re1orted: I obser-ed 1ra"er alon. with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and with Abu 7a6r2 Umar and Uthman (ma" Allah be 1leased with all o0 them)2 but I ne-er heard an" one o0 them re/itin. 7ismillah-ir-Aahman-ir-Aahim loudl",


*2 !umber %#%:

Shu:ba re1orted it with the same /hain o0 transmitters, with she addition o0 these words:C I said to Eatada: 9id "ou hear it 0rom AnasD He re1lied in the a00ir- mati-e and added: ?e had inquired o0 him about it,C


*2 !umber %##:

:Abda re1orted: :Umar b, al->hattab used to re/ite loudl" these words: Subhana6 Allahumma wa bi hamdi6a wa tabara6asmu6a wa ta:ala jaddu6a wa la ilaha .hairu6a NHlor" to Thee2 Allah2 and Thine is the @raise2 and 7lessed is Th" !ame, and (5alted is Th" Majest", and there is no other obje/t o0 worshi1 beside TheeO, Eatada in0ormed in writin. that Anas b, Mali6 had narrated to him: I obser-ed 1ra"er behind the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and Abu 7a6r and Umar and :Uthman, The" started (loud re/itation) with: AI-hamdu lillahi Aabb al-:Alamin NAll @raise is due to Allah2 the Lord o0 the worldsO and did not re/ite 7ismillah ir- Aahman-ir-Aahim (loudl") at the be.innin. o0 the re/itation or at the end o0 it,


*2 !umber %#;:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Talha that he had heard Anas b, Mali6 narratin. this,

2) & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $2: Ar.ument o0 those who assert that bismillah is a 1art o0 e-er" sura e5/e1t sura Tauba
7oo6 *2 !umber %; :
Anas re1orted: 3ne da" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was sittin. us that he do8ed o00, He then raised his head smilin.l", ?e said: ?hat ma6es "ou smile, o0 AllahD He said: A Sura has just been re-ealed to me2 and then re/ited: In the name o0 Allah2 the 'om1assionate2 the Mer/i0ul, <eril" ?e ha-e .i-en thee >authar (0ount o0 abundan/e), There0ore turn to th" Lord 0or 1ra"er and o00er sa/ri0i/e2 and surel" th" enem" is /ut o00 (0rom the .ood), Then he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 9o "ou 6now what >authar isD ?e said: Allah and His 6now best, The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It (>authar) is a /anal whi/h m" Lord2 the (5alted and Hlorious has 1romised me2 and there is an abundan/e o0 .ood in it, It is a /istern and m" 1eo1le would /ome to it on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2 and tumblers there would be equal to the number o0 stars, A ser-ant would be turned awa" 0rom (amon. the 1eo1le .athered there), U1on this I would sa": M" Lord2 he is one o0 m" 1eo1le2 and He (the Lord) would sa": Kou do not 6now that he inno-ated new thin.s (in Islam) a0ter "ou, Ibn Hujr made this addition in the hadith:C He (the Hol" @ro1het) was sittin. us in the mosque2 and He (Allah) said: (Kou don:t 6now) what he inno-ated a0ter "ouC


*2 !umber %;$:

Mu6htar b, =ul0ul re1orted that he had heard Anas b, Mali6 sa" that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) do8ed o002 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same as transmitted b" Mus-hir e5/e1t 0or the words that he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: It (>authar) is a /anal whi/h m" Lord the (5alted and the Hlorious has 1romised me in @aradise, There is a tan6 o-er it2 but he made no mention o0 the tumblers li6e the number o0 the stars,

2)$ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $4: The 1la/in. o0 the hand o-er the le0t hand a0ter the 0irst ta6bir in 1ra"er (ta6bir-i-tahrima) below the /hest and abo-e the na-el and then 1la/in. them a11osite the shoulders in 1rostration
7oo6 *2 !umber %;2:
?a:il b, Hujr re1orted: He saw the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) raisin. his hands at the time o0 be.innin. the 1ra"er and re/itin. ta6bir2 and a//ordin. to Hammam (the narrator)2 the hands were li0ted o11osite to ears, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then wra11ed his hands in his /loth and 1la/ed his hand o-er his le0t hand, And when he was about to bow down2 he out his hands 0rom the /loth2 and then li0ted them2 and then re/ited ta6bir and bowed down2 and when (he /ame ba/6 to the ere/t 1osition) he re/ited:C Allah listened to him who 1raised Him,C And when 1rostrates, he 1rostrated between the two 1alms,

'ha1ter $*: The tashahhud in 1ra"er

7oo6 *2 !umber %;4:
:Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) said: ?hile obser-in. 1ra"er behind the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) we used to re/ite: @ea/e be u1on Allah2 1ea/e be u1on so and so, 3ne da" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to us: <eril" Allah is Himsel0 @ea/e, ?hen an" one o0 "ou sits durin. the 1ra"er, he should sa": All ser-i/es rendered b" words2 b" a/ts o0 worshi12 and all .ood thin.s are due to Allah, @ea/e be u1on "ou2 3 @ro1het2 and Allah:s mer/" and blessin.s, @ea/e be u1on us and u1on Allah:s ser-ants2 0or when he sa"s this it rea/hes e-er" ser-ant in hea-en and earth (and sa" 0urther): I testi0" that there is no .od but Allah and I testi0" that Muhammad is His ser-ant and, Then he ma" /hoose an" su11li/ation whi/h 1leases him and o00er it,


*2 !umber %;*:

Shu:ba has narrated this on the authorit" o0 Mansur with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but he made no mention o0 this:C Then he ma" /hoose an" su11li/ation whi/h 1leases him,C

2)2 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber %;+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Mansur with the same /hain o0 transmitters and he made a mention o0 this:C Then he ma" /hoose an" su11li/ation whi/h 1leases him or whi/h he li6es,C


*2 !umber %;):

Abdullah b, Mas:ud re1orted: ?e were sittin. with the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in 1ra"er2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same as narrated b" Mansur He (also said): A0ter (re/itin. tashahud) he ma" /hoose an" 1ra"er,


*2 !umber %;%:

Ibn Mas:ud is re1orted to ha-e said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) me tashahhud ta6in. m" hand within his 1alms2 in the same wa" as he me a Sura o0 the Eur:an2 and he narrated it as narrated abo-e,


*2 !umber %;#:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to tea/h us tashahbud just as he used to tea/h us a Sura o0 the Eur:an2 and he would sa": All ser-i/es rendered b",2 words2 a/ts o0 worshi1, and all .ood thir.s are due to Allah, @ea/e be u1on "ou2 @ro1het, and Allah:s mer/" and blessin.s, @ea/e be u1on us and u1on Allah:s ser-ants, I testi0" that there is no .od but Allah2 and I testi0" that Muhammad is the o0 Allah, In the narration o0 Ibn Aumb (the words are):C As he would tea/h us the Eur:an,C


*2 !umber %;;:

Tawus narrated it on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas that he said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to tea/h us tashahhud as he would tea/h us a Sura o0 the Eur:an,


*2 !umber #

Hattan b, :Abdullah al-Aaqiishi re1orted: I obser-ed 1ra"er with Abu Musu al-Ash:ari and when he was in the qa:dah2 one amon. the 1eo1le said: The 1ra"er has been made obli.ator" alon. with 1iet" and Ga6at, He (the narrator) said: ?hen Abu Musa had 0inished the 1ra"er a0ter salutation he tuined (towards the 1eo1le) and said: ?ho "ou said su/h and su/h a thin.D A hush 0ell on the 1eo1le, He a.ain said,, ?ho "ou has said su/h and su/h a thin.D A hush 0ell on the 1eo1le, He (Abu Musa) said: Hattan2 It is 1erha1s "ou that ha-e uttered it, He (Hattan) said !o, I ha-e not uttered it, I was a0raid that "ou be anno"ed with me on a//ount o0 this, A 1erson the
2)4 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

1eo1le said: It was I who said it2 and In this I intended nothin. but .ood, Abu Musa said: 9on:t "ou 6now what "ou ha-e to re/ite in "our 1ra"ersD <eril" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) addressed us and e51lained to us all Its as1e/ts and us how to obser-e 1ra"er (1ro1erl"), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hen "ou 1ra" ma6e "our rows and let an"one "ou a/t as "our Imim, Ae/ite the ta6bir when he re/ites it and when be re/ites: !ot o0 those with whom Thou art an.r", nor o0 those who .o astra"2 sa": Amin, Allah would res1ond "ou, And when he (the Imim) re/ites the ta6bir2 "ou ma" also re/ite the ta6bir2 0or the Imam bows be0ore "ou and raises himsel0 be0ore "ou, Then the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The one is equi-alent to the other, And when he sa"s: Allah listens to him who 1raises Him2 "ou should sa": Allah2 our, Lord2 to Thee be the 1raise2 0or Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 has -ou/hsa0ed (us) throu.h the ton.ue o0 His A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that Allah listens to him who 1raises Him, And when he (the Imim) re/ites the ta6bir and 1rostrates2 "ou should also re/ite the ta6bir and 1rostrate2 0or the Imim 1rostrates be0ore "ou and raises himsel0 be0ore "ou, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The one is equi- -alent to the other, And when he (the Imim) sits 0or Ea:da (0or tashahhud) the 0irst words o0 e-er" one "ou should be: All ser-i/es rendered b" words2 a/ts o0 worshi1 and all .ood thin.s are due to Allah, @ea/e be u1on "ou2 A1ostle2 and Allah:s mer/" and blessin.s, @ea/e be u1on us and u1on the ser-ants o0 Allah, I testi0" that there is no .od but Allah2 and I testi0" that Mubammad is His ser-ant and His,


*2 !umber # $:

Eatida has narrated a badith li6e this with another /hain o0 transmitters, In the badith transmitted b" Farir on the authorit" o0 Sulaiman2 Eatida:s 0urther words are: ?hen (the Eur:in) is re/ited (in 1ra"er)2 "ou should obser-e silen/e2 and (the 0ollowin. words are) not 0ound in the hadith narrated b" an"one e5/e1t b" Abu >amil who heard it 0rom Abu :Awina (and the words are): <eril" Allah -ou/hsa0ed throu.h the ton.ue o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) this: Allah listens to him who 1raises Him, Abu Ishaq (a student o0 Imam Muslim) said: Abu 7a6r the son o0 Abu !adr:s sister has (/riti/all") dis/ussed this hadith, Imam Muslim said: ?hom /an "ou 0ind a more authenti/ transmitter o0 badith than SulaimanD Abu 7a6r said to him (Imam Muslim): ?hat about the hadith narrated b" Abd Huraira2 i, e, the hadith that when the Eur:in is re/ited (in 1ra" er) obser-e silen/eD He (Abu 7a6r a.ain) said: Then2 wh", ha-e "ou not in/luded it (in "our /om1ilation)D He (Imam Muslim) said: I ha-e not in/luded in this e-er" hadith whi/h I deem authenti/B I ha-e re/orded onl" su/h ahadith on whi/h there is an a.reement ( the Muhaddithin a1art 0rom their bein. authenti/),


*2 !umber # 2:

This hadith has been transmitted b" Eatida with the same /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are):C Allah2 the (5alted and the Hlorious2 /ommanded it throu.h the ton.ue o0 His A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on-him): Allah listens to him who 1raises Him,C
2)* & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $+: 7lessin.s on the 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a0ter tashahhud
7oo6 *2 !umber # 4:
Abdullah b, Gaid-he who was shown the /all (0or 1ra"er in a dream) narrated it on the authorit" o0 Mas:ad al-Ansiri who said: ?e were sittin. in the /om1an" o0 Sa:id b, :Ubida when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to us, 7ashir b, S:ad said: Allah has /ommanded us to bless "ou, o0 AllahL 7ut how should we bless "ouD He (the narrator) said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 6e1t quiet (and we were so mu/h 1erturbed o-er his silen/e) that we wished we had not as6ed him, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then said: (=or blessin. me) sa":C Allah2 bless Muhammad and the members o0 his household as Thou didst bless the mernbers o0 Ibrahim:s household, Hrant 0a-ours to Muhammad and the members o0 his household as Thou didst .rant 0a-ours to the members o0 the household o0 Ibrahim in the world, Thou art indeed @raiseworth" and HloriousC B and salutation as "ou 6now,


*2 !umber # *:

Ibn Abi Laila re1orted: >a:b b, :Ujra met me and said: Should I not o00er "ou a 1resent (and added): The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to us and we said: ?e ha-e learnt how to in-o6e 1ea/e u1on "ouB (6indl" tell us) how we should bless "ou, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Sa":C 3 Allah: bless Muhammad and his 0amil" as Thou didst bless the 0amil" o0 Ibrahim, <eril" Thou art @raiseworth" and Hlorious2 3 Allah,C


*2 !umber # +:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Mis:ar on the authorit" o0 al-Ha6am2 but in the hadith transmitted b" Mis:ar these words are not 0ound:C Should I not o00er "ou a 1resentDC


*2 !umber # ):

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" al-Ha6am e5/e1t that he said:C 7less Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)C and he did not sa":C 3 Allah I


*2 !umber # %:

Abu Humaid as-Sa:idi re1orted: The" (the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) said: A1ostle o0 Allah2 how should we bless "ouD He (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed: Sa":C 3 AllahL bless Muhammad2 his wi-es and his o00s1rin. as Thou didst bless Ibrahim2 and .rant 0a-ours to Muhammad2 and his wi-es
2)+ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

and his o00s1rin. as Thou didst .rant 0a-ours to the 0amil" o0 IbrahimB Thou art @raiseworth" and Hlorious,C


*2 !umber # #:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who blesses me on/e2 Allah would bless him ten times,

'ha1ter $): The re/itin. o0 tasmi: (Allah listens to him who 1raises him)2 tabmid (o2 our lord2 0or thee is the 1raise)2 and tamin (amin)
7oo6 *2 !umber # ;:
Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen the Imam sa"s:C Allah listens to him who 1raises Him,C "ou should sa":C 3 Allah2 our Lord 0or Thee is the 1raise,C 0or i0 what an"one sa"s s"n/hronises with what the an.els sa"2 his 1ast sins will be 0or.i-en,


*2 !umber #$ :

A hadith li6e this is narrated b" Abd Huraira b" another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber #$$:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Sa"Amin when the Imam sa"s Amin2 0or it an"one:s utteran/e o0 Amin s"n/hronises with that o0 the an.els2 he will be 0or.i-en his 1ast sins,


*2 !umber #$2:

Abu Huraira said: I heard 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the hadith li6e one transmitted b" Mali62 but he made no mention o0 the words o0 Shibab,


*2 !umber #$4:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an"one "ou utters Amin in 1ra"er and the an.els in the s6" also utter Amin2 and this (utteran/e o0 the one) s"n/hronises with (that o0) the other2 all his 1re-ious sins are 1ardoned,

2)) & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber #$*:

Abu Harare re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an"one "ou utters Amin and the an.els In the hea-en also utter Amin and (the Amin) o0 the one s"n/hronises with (that o0) the other2 all his 1re-ious sins are 1ardoned,


*2 !umber #$+:

:A hadith li6e this is transmitted b" Ma:mar 0rom Hammam b, Munabbih on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira who re1orted it 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


*2 !umber #$):

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen the re/iter (Imam) utters:C !ot o0 those on whom (is Thine) wrath and not the errin. ones2C and (the 1erson) behind him utters Amin and his utteran/e s"n/hronises with that o0 the dwellers o0 hea-ens2 all his 1re-ious sins would be 1ardoned,

'ha1ter $%: The muqtadi (0ollower) should stri/tl" 0ollow the imam in 1ra"er
7oo6 *2 !umber #$%:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0ell down 0rom a horse and his side was .ra8ed, ?e went to him to inquire a0ter his health when the time o0 1ra"er /ame, He led us in 1ra"er in a sittin. 1osture and we said 1ra"er behind him sittin.2 and when he 0inished the 1ra"er hesaid: The Imam is a11ointed onl" to be 0ollowedB so when he re/ites ta6bir2 "ou should also re/ite thatB when he 1rostrates2 "ou should also 1rostrateB when he rises u12 "ou should also rise u12 and when he saidC Hod listens to him who 1raises Him2C "ou should sa":C 3ur Lord2 to Thee be the 1raise2C and when he 1ra"s sittin.2 all o0 "ou should 1ra" sittin.,


*2 !umber #$#:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0ell down 0rom a horse and he was .ra8ed and he led the 1ra"er 0or us sittin.2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

2)% & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber #$;:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0ell down 0rom a horse and his side was .ra8ed2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same with the addition o0 these words:C ?hen he (the Imam) sa"s 1ra"er standin.2 "ou should also do so,C


*2 !umber #2 :

Anas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) rode a horse and 0ell down 0rom it and his side was .ra8ed2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same2 and (these words) are 0ound in it:C ?hen he (the Imam) sa"s 1ra"er in an ere/t 1osture2 "ou should also sa" it in an ere/t 1osture,C


*2 !umber #2$:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0ell down 0rom his horse and his side was .ra8ed2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same, In this hadith there are no additions (o0 words) as transmitted b" Kunus and Mali6,


*2 !umber #22:

:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0ell ill and some o0 his 'om1anions /ame to inquire a0ter his health, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) said 1ra"er sittin.2 while (his 'om1anions) said it (behind him) standin., He (the Hol" @ro1het) dire/ted them b" his .esture to sit down2 and the" sat down (in 1ra"er), A0ter 0inishin. the (1ra"er) lie (the Hol" @ro1het) said: The Imam is a11ointed so that be should be 0ollowed2 so bow down when lie bows down2 and rise ri1 when he rises u1 and sa" (1ra"er) sittin. when he (the Imam) sa"s (it) sittin.,


*2 !umber #24:

This hadith is narrated with the same /hain o0 transmitters b" Hisham b, :Urwa,


*2 !umber #2*:

Fabir re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was ill and we said 1ra"er behind him and he was sittin., And Abu 7a6r was ma6in. audible to the 1eo1le his ta6bir, As he 1aid his attention towards us he saw us standin. and (dire/ted us to sit down) with a .esture, So we sat down and said our 1ra"er with his 1ra"er in a sittin. 1osture, A0ter utterin. salutation he said: Kou were at this time about to do an a/t li6e that o0 the @ersians and the Aomans, The" stand be0ore their 6in.s while the" sit2 so don:t do thatB 0ollow "our Imams, I0 the" sa" 1ra"er standin.2 "ou should also do so2 and i0 the" sa" 1ra"er sittin.2 "ou should also sa" 1ra"er sittin.,

2)# & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber #2+:

Fabir said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) led the 1ra"er and Abu 7a6r was behind him, ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited the ta6bir2 Abu 7a6r also re/ited (it) in order to ma6e it audible to us, And the rest o0 the hadith is li6e one transmitted b" Laith,


*2 !umber #2):

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The Imam is a11ointed2 so that he should be 0ollowed2 so don:t be at -arian/e with him, Ae/ite ta6bir when he re/ites itB bow down when he bows down and when he sa"s:C Allah listens to him who 1raises Him2C sa":C 3 Allah2 our Lord2 to Thee be the @raise,C And when he (the Imam) 1rostrates2 "ou should also 1rostrate2 and when he sa"s 1ra"er sittin.2 "ou should all obser-e 1ra"er sittin.,


*2 !umber #2%:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted b" Hammam b, Munabbih 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira,


*2 !umber #2#:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) while tea/hin. us (the 1rin/i1les o0 0aith)2 said: 9o not tr" to .o ahead o0 the Imam2 re/ite ta6bir when he re/ites it, and when he sa"s:C !or o0 those who err2C "ou should sa" Amin2 bow down when lie bows down2 and when he sa"s:C Allah listens to him who 1raises Him2C sa":C 3 Allah2 our Lord2 to Thee be the 1raiseC,


*2 !umber #2;:

Abu Huraira re1orted 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (a hadith) li6e it2 e5/e1t the words:C !or o0 those who err2 sa" AminC and added:C And don:t rise u1 ahead o0 him,C


*2 !umber #4 :

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: <eril" the Imam is a shield2 sa" 1ra"er sittin. when he sa"s 1ra"er sittin., And when he sa"s:C Allah listens to him who 1raises Him2C sa":C 3 Allah2 our Lord2 to Thee be the 1raise,C and when the utteran/e o0 the 1eo1le o0 the earth s"n/hronises with that o0 the bein.s o0 hea-en (an.els)2 all the 1re-ious sins would be 1ardoned,

2); & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber #4$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: The Imamis a11ointed to be 0ollowed, So re/ite ta6bir when he re/ites it2 and bow down when he bows down and when he utters:C Allah listens to him who 1raises Him2C sa"C 3 Allah2 our Lord0or Thee be the 1raise,C And when he 1ra"s2 standin.2 "ou should 1ra" standin., And when he 1ra"s sittin.2 all o0 "ou should 1ra" sittin.,

'ha1ter $#: The imam is authorised to a11oint one as his de1ut" when there is a -alid reason 0or it (0or e5am1le2 illness or journe" or an" other)2 and i0 an imam leads the 1ra"er sittin. as he /annot do so standin.2 his 0ollowers should sa" 1ra"er standin. 1ro-ided the" are able to do it and there is an abro.ation o0 sa"in. 1ra"er sittin. behind a sittin. imam
7oo6 *2 !umber #42:
Ubaidullah b, Abdullah re1orted: I -isited :A:isha and as6ed her to tell about the illness o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), She a.reed and said: The A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was seriousl" ill and he as6ed whether the 1eo1le had 1ra"ed, ?e said: !o2 the" are waitin. 0or "ou2 o0 Allah, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: @ut some water in the tub 0or me, ?e did a//ordin.l" and he (the Hol" @ro1het) too6 a bathBand2 when he was about to mo-e with di00i/ult"2 he 0ainted, ?hen he /ame round2 he a.ain said: Ha-e the 1eo1le said 1ra"erD ?e said: !o2 the" are waitin. 0or "ou2 o0 Allah, He (the Hol" @ro1het) a.ain said: @ut some water 0or me in the tub, ?e did a//ordin.l" and he too6 a ba.2 but when he was about to mo-e with di00i/ult"he 0ainted, ?hen he /ame round2 he as6ed whether the 1eo1le had 1ra"ed, ?e said: !o2 the" are waitin. 0or "ou2 o0 Allah, He said: @ut some water 0or me in the tub, ?e did a//ordin.l" and he too6 a bath and he was about to mo-e with di00i/ult" when he 0ainted, ?hen he /ame roundhe said: Ha-e the 1eo1le said1ra"erD ?e said: !o2 the" are waitin. 0or "ou2 o0 Allah, She (:A:isha) said: The 1eo1le were sta"in. in the mosque and waitin. 0or the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to lead the last ( 1ra"er, She (:A:isha) said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

sent (instru/tions) to Abu 7a6r to lead the 1eo1le in 1ra"er, ?hen the /ame2 he told him (Abd 7a6r): The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has ordered "ou to lead the 1eo1le in 1ra"er, Abu 7a6r who was a man o0 -er" tenderl" 0eelin.s as6ed Umar to lead the 1ra"er, :Umar said: Kou are more entitled to that, Abu 7a6r led the 1ra"ers durin. those da"s, A0terwards the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0elt some relie0 and he went out su11orted b" two men2 one o0 them was al-:Abbas2 to the noon 1ra"er, Abu 7a6r was leadin. the 1eo1le in 1ra"er, ?hen Abu 7a6r saw him, he to withdraw2 but the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) told him not to withdraw, He told his two (/om1anions) to seat him down beside him (Abu 7a6r), The" seated him b" the side o0 Abu 7a6r, Abu 7a6r said the 1ra"er standin. while 0ollowin. the 1ra"er o0 the A1ostle (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) and the 1eo1le 7ald 1ra"er (standin.) while 0ollowin. the 1ra"er o0 Abu 7a6r, The A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was seated, Ubaidullah said: I -isited :Abdullah b, :Abbas2 and said: Should I submit to "ou what :A:isha had told about the illness o0 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D He said: Ho ahead, I submitted to him what had been transmitted b" her (:A:isha), He obje/ted to none o0 it2 onl" as6in. whether she had named to him the man who a//om1anied al-:Abbas, I said: !o, He said: It was :Ali,


*2 !umber #44:

:A:isha re1orted: It was in the house o0Maimuna that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0irst 0ell ill, He as6ed 1ermission 0rom his wi-es to sta" in her (:A:isha:s) house durin. his illness, The" .ranted him 1ermission, She (:A:isha) narrated: He (the Hol" @ro1het) went out (0or 1ra"er) with his hand o-er al-=adl b, :Abbas and on the other hand there was another 1erson and (due to wea6ness) his 0eet dra..ed on the earth, :Ubaidullah said: I narrated this hadith to the son o0 :Abbas (:Abdullah b, :Abbas) and he said: 9o "ou 6now who the man was whose name :A:isha did not mentionD It was :Ali,


*2 !umber #4*:

:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0ell ill and his illness be/ame serious2 he as6ed 1ermission 0rom his wi-es to sta" in m" house durin. his illness, The" .a-e him 1ermission to do so, He ste11ed out (o0:A:isha:s a1artment 0or 1ra"er) su11orted b" two 1ersons, (He was so mu/h wea6) that his 0eet dra..ed on the .round and he was bein. su11orted b" :Abbas b, :Abd al-Muttalib and another 1erson, :Ubaidullah said: I in0ormed :Abdullah (b, :Abbas) about that whi/h :A:isha had said, :Abdullah b, :Abbas said: 9o "ou 6now the man whose name :A:isha did not mentionD He said: !o, Ibn :Abbas said: It was :Ali,


*2 !umber #4+:

:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said: I tried to dissuade the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0rom it (i, e, 0rom a11ointin. Abu 7a6r as the Imam,) and
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

m" insisten/e u1on it was not due to the 0a/t that I entertained an" a11rehension in m" mind that the 1eo1le would not lo-e the man who would o//u1" his (@ro1het:s) 1la/e (i, e, who would be a11ointed as his /ali1h) and I 0eared that the 1eo1le would be su1erstitious about one who would o//u1" his 1la/e, I2 there0ore2 desired that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) should lea-e Abu 7a6r aside in this matter,


*2 !umber #4):

:A:isha re1orted: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to m" house2 he said: As6 Abu 7a6r to lead 1eo1le in 1ra"er, :A:isha narrated: I said2 o0 Allah2 Abu 7a6r is a man o0 tenderl" 0eelin.sB as he re/ites the Eur:an2 he /annot hel1 sheddin. tears: so better /ommand an"one else to lead the 1ra"er, 7" Allah2 there is nothin. disturbin. in it 0or me but the idea that the 1eo1le ma" not ta6ee-il omen with re.ard to one who is the 0irst to o//u1" the 1la/e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I tried to dissuade him (the Hol" @ro1het) twi/e or thri/e (0rom a11ointin. m" 0ather as an Imam in 1ra"er)2 but he ordered Abu 7a6r to lead the 1eo1le in 1ra"er and said: Kou women are li6e those (who had) surrounded Kusu0,


*2 !umber #4%:

:A:isha re1orted: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was /on0ined to bed2 7ilal /ame to him to summon him to 1ra"er, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: As6 Abu 7a6r to lead the 1eo1le in 1ra"er, She (:A:isha) re1orted: I said: o0 Allah2 AbuL 7a6r is a tenderhearted man2 .o when Obe would stand at "our 1la/e (he would be so o-erwhelmed b" 0eelin.s) that he would not be able to ma6e the 1eo1le hear an"thin. (his re/itation would not be audible to the 0ollowers in 1ra"er), Kou should better order Umar (to lead the 1ra"er), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: As6 Abu 7a6r to lead 1eo1le in- 1ra"er, She (:A:isha) said: I as6ed Ha0sa to (/on-e") m" im1ression to him (the Hol" @ro1het) that Abu 7a6r was a tenderhearted man2 so when he would stand at his 1la/e2 he would not be able to ma6e the 1eo1le bear an"thin., He better order Umar, Ha0sa /on-e"ed this (messa.e o0 Hadrat :A:isha) to him (the Hol" @ro1het), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (Kou are beha-in.) as i0 "ou are the 0emales who had .athered around Kusu0, 3rder Abd 7a6r to lead the 1eo1le in 1ra"er, She (:A:isha) re1orted: So Abu 7a6r was ordered to lead the 1eo1le in 1ra"er, As the 1ra"er be.an2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) 0elt some relie0B he .ot u1 and mo-ed su11orted b" two 1ersons and his 0eet dra..ed on earth (due to e5/essi-e wea6ness), :A:isha re1orted: As he (the Hol" @ro1het) entered the mosque, Abu 7a6r 1er/ei-ed his (arri-al), He was about to with, draw2 but the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) b" the .esture (o0 This hand) told him to 6ee1 standin. at his 1la/e, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame and seated himsel0 on the le0t side o0 Abu 7a6r, She (:A:isha) re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was leadin. 1eo1le in 1ra"er sittin., Abu 7a6r was 0ollowin. the 1ra"er o0 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in a standin. 1osture and the 1eo1le were 0ollowin. the 1ra"er o0 Abu 7a6r,
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber #4#:

A:mash re1orted: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) su00ered 0rom illness o0 whi/h he died2 and in the hadith transmitted b" Ibn Mus-hir2 the words are: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was till he was seated b" his (Abu 7a6r:s) side and the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) led the 1eo1le in 1ra"er and Abu 7a6r was ma6in. ta6bir audible to them2 and in the hadith transmitted b" :Isa the (words are):C The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sat and led the 1eo1le in 1ra"er and Abu 7a6r was b" his side and he was ma6in. (ta6bir) audible to the 1eo1le,C


*2 !umber #4;:

:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ordered Abu 7a6r that he should lead 1eo1le in 1ra"er durin. his illness2 and he led them In 1ra"er, :Urwa said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0elt relie0 and went (to the mosque) and Abd 7a6r was leadin. the 1eo1le in 1ra"er, ?hen Abel 7a6r saw him he to withdraw2 but the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) si.ned him to remain where he was, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sat o11osite to Abu 7a6r b" his side, Abu 7a6r said 1ra"er 0ollowin. the 1ra"er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and the 1eo1le said 1ra"er 0ollowin. the 1ra"er o0 Abu 7a6r,


*2 !umber #* :

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted2 Abu 7a6r led them in 1ra"er due to the illness o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) o0 whi/h be died, It was a Monda" and the" stood in rows 0or 1ra"er, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) drew aside the /urtain o0 (:A:isha:s) a1artment and loo6ed at us while he was standin.2 and his (@ro1het:s) 0a/e was (as as the 1a1er o0 the Hol" 7oo6, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0elt ha11" and smiled, And we were /on0ounded with jo" while in 1ra"er due to the arri-al (amon. our midst) o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 Abu 7a6r ste11ed ba/6 u1on his heels to sa" 1ra"er in a row 1er/ei-in. that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had /ome out 0or 1ra"er, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with the hel1 o0 his hand si.ned to them to /om1lete their 1ra"er, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went ba/6 (to his a1artment) and drew the /urtain, He (the narrator) said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) breathed his last on that -er" da",


*2 !umber #*$:

Anas re1orted: The last .lan/e that I ha-e had o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (be0ore his death) was that when he on Monda" drew the /urtain aside, The hadith transmitted b" Salih is 1er0e/t and /om1lete,
2%4 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber #*2:

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 b" another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber #*4:

Anas re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not /ome to us 0or three da"s, ?hen the 1ra"er was about to start, Abu 7a6r ste11ed 0orward (to lead the 1ra"er)2 and the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) li0ted the /urtain, ?hen the 0a/e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) be/ame -isible to us2 we (0ound) that no was more endearin. to us than the 0a/e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as it a11eared to us, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with the .esture o0 his hand dire/ted Abu 7a6r to ste1 0orward (and lead the 1ra"er), The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then drew the /urtain2 and we /ould not see him till he died,


*2 !umber #**:

Abu Musa re1orted: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) be/ame ill and illness be/ame serious he ordered Abu 7a6r to lead the 1eo1le in 1ra"er, U1on this :A:isha said: o0 Allah2 Abd 7a6r is a man o0 tenderl" 0eelin.s: when he would stand in "our 1la/e (he would be so mu/h o-erwhelmed -b" .rie0 that) he would not be able to lead the 1eo1le in 1ra"er, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kou order Abu 7a6r to lead the 1eo1le in 1ra"er2 and added: Kou are li6e the 0emale /om1anions o0 Kusu0, So Abu 7a6r led the 1ra"er (durin. this 1eriod o0 illness) in the li0e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

'ha1ter $;: I0 the imam arri-es late and there is no o0 an un1leasant ha11enin.2 another imam /an be a11ointed to lead the 1ra"er
7oo6 *2 !umber #*+:
Sahl b, Sa:d al-Sa:idi re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went to the tribe o0 7ani Amr b, Au0 in order to brin. re/on/iliation (its members)2 and It was a time o0 1ra"er, The Mu:adhdhin /ame to Abu 7a6r and said: ?ould "ou lead the 1ra"er in /ase I re/ite ta6bir (tahrima2 with whi/h the 1ra"er be.ins)D He (Abu 7a6r) said: Kes, He (the narrator) said: He (Abu 7a6r) started (leadin.) the 1ra"er, The 1eo1le were en.a.ed in obser-in. 1ra"er when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha11ened to /ome there and made his wa" (throu.h the 1eo1le) till he stood in a row, The 1eo1le to /la1 (their hands)2 but Abu 7a6r 1aid no heed (to it)
2%* & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

in 1ra"er, ?hen the 1eo1le /la11ed more -i.orousl"2 he (Abu 7a6r) then 1aid heed and saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) there, (He was about to withdraw when) the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) si.ned to him to 6ee1 standin. at his 1la/e, Abu 7a6r li0ted his hands and 1raised Allah 0or what the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had /ommanded him and then Abu 7a6r withdrew himsel0 till he stood in the midst o0 the row and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ste11ed 0orward and led the 1ra"er, ?hen (the 1ra"er) was o-er2 he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Abu 7a6r2 what 1re-ented "ou 0rom standin. (at that 1la/e) as I ordered "ou to doD Abu 7a6r said: It does not be/ome the son o0 Abu Euha0a to lead 1ra"er be0ore the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said (to the 1eo1le) around him: ?hat is it that I saw "ou /la11in. so -i.orousl"D (7ehold) when an"thin. ha11ens in 1ra"er2 sa": Subha Allah2 0or when "ou would utter it2 it would attra/t the attention2 while /la11in. o0 hands is meant 0or women,


*2 !umber #*):

This hadith is transmitted b" Sahl b, Sa:d in the same wa" as narrated b" Mali62 with the e5/e1tion o0 these words:C Abu 7a6r li0ted his hands and 1raised Allah and retra/ed his (ste1s) till he stood in a row,C


*2 !umber #*%:

Sahl b, Sa:d al-Sa:idi re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went to 7ani Amr b, :Au0 in order to brin. about re/on/iliation them, The rest o0 the hadith is the same but with (the addition o0 these words):C The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame and made his wa" throu.h the rows till he /ame to the 0irst row and Abu 7a6r retra/ed his ste1s,C


*2 !umber #*#:

Mu.hira b, Shu:ba re1orted that he 1arti/i1ated In the e51edition o0 Tabu6 alon. with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out to answer the /all o0 nature be0ore the mornin. 1ra"er, and I /arried alon. with him a jar (0ull o0 water), ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame ba/6 to me (a0ter relie-in. himsel0), I to 1our water u1on his hands out o0 the jar and he washed his hands three times2 then washed his 0a/e three times, He then tried to tu/6 u1 the slee-es o0 his /loa6 u1on his 0orearms but sin/e the slee-es were he inserted his hands in the /loa6 and then out his 0orearms u1 to the elbow below the /loa62 and then wi1ed o-er his shoes and then mo-ed on, Mu.hira said: I also mo-ed alon. with him till he /ame to the 1eo1le and (he 0ound) that the" had been sa"in. their 1ra"er under the Imamah o0 :Abd al-Aahman b, :Au0, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ould .et one ra6 ah out o0 two and said (this) last ra6:ah alon. with the 1eo1le, ?hen Abd alAahman b, :Au0 1ronoun/ed the salutation2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot u1
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

to /om1lete the 1ra"er, This made the Muslims terri0ied and most o0 them to re/ite the .lor" o0 the Lord, ?hen the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0inished his 1ra"er2 he turned towards them and then said: Kou did well2 or said with a sense o0 jo": Kou did the thin. that "ou said 1ra"er at the a11ointed hour,


*2 !umber #*;:

This hadith is narrated b" Ham8a b, Mu.hira b" another /hain o0 trans- mitters (but with the addition o0 these words): I made u1 m" mind to hold Abd al-Aahman b, :Au0 ba/62 but the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Lea-e him,C

'ha1ter 2 : I0 somethin. ha11ens in 1ra"er2 men should .lori0" allah and women should /la1 hands
7oo6 *2 !umber #+ :
Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Hlori0i/ation o0 Allah is 0or men and /la11in. o0 hands is meant 0or women (i0 somethin. ha11ens in 1ra"er), Harmala added in his narration that Ibn Shihab told him: I saw some o0 the s/holars .lori0"in. Allah and ma6in. a .esture,


*2 !umber #+$:

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira b" another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber #+2:

This hadith is transmitted b" Muhammad b, Aa0i:2 Abu:I-Aa88aq, Ma:mar2 Hammam on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira with the addition o0 (the word)C 1ra"erC,

'ha1ter 2$: 'ommand to obser-e 1ra"er well2 1er0e/tin. it2 and de-otion in it
7oo6 *2 !umber #+4:
"ou2 the man2 wh" don:t "ou sa" "our 1ra"er Abu Huraira re1orted: one da" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) led the 1ra"er, Then turnin. (towards his 'om1anions) he said:

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

wellD 9oes the obser-er o0 1ra"er not see how he is 1er0ormin. the 1ra"er 0or he 1er0orms it 0or himsel0D 7" Allah2 I see behind me as I see In 0ront o0 me,


*2 !umber #+*:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o "ou 0ind me seein. towards the Eibla onl"D 7" Allah2 "our bowin. and "our 1rostratin. are not hidden 0rom m" -iew, <eril" I see them behind m" ba/6,


*2 !umber #++:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: @er0orm bowin. and 1rostration well, 7" Allah, I see "ou e-en i0 "ou are behind me2 or he said:, ($ see "ou) behind m" ba/6 when "ou bow or 1rostrate,


*2 !umber #+):

Anas re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 'om1lete the bowin. and 1rostration well, 7" Allah2 I see "ou behind m" ba/6 as to how "ou bow and 1rostrate or when "ou bow and 1rostrate,

'ha1ter 22: It is 0orbidden to bow and 1rostrate ahead o0 the imam

7oo6 *2 !umber #+%:
@eo1le2 I am "our Imam2 so Anas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) one da" led us in the 1ra"er, and when he /om1leted the @ra"er he turned his 0a/e towards us and said: do not 1re/ede me in bowin. and 1rostration and in standin. and turnin. (0a/es2 i, e, In 1ronoun/in. salutation)2 0or I see "ou in 0ront o0 me and behind me2 and then said: 7" Him in ?hose hand Is the li0e o0 Muhammad2 i0 "ou /ould see what I see2 "ou would ha-e lau.hed little and we1t mu/h more, The" said: ?hat did "ou see2 o0 AllahD He re1lied: (I saw) @aradise and Hell,


*2 !umber #+#:

This hadith is narrated b" Anas with another /hain o0 transmitters2 and in the hadith transmitted b" Farir there is no mention o0C turnin. (0a/es)C,

2%% & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber #+;:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9oes the man who li0ts his head ahead o0 the Imam (0rom 1rostration) not 0ear that Allah ma" /han.e his head into the head o0 an assD


*2 !umber #) :

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9oes the man who li0ts his head be0ore the Imam not 0ear that Allah ma" /han.e his 0a/e into that o0 an assD


*2 !umber #)$:

This hadith has been narrated b" Abu Huraira b" another /hain o0 transmitters e5/e1t 0or the words narrated b" Aabi: b, Muslim:C Allah ma" ma6e his 0a/e li6e the 0a/e o0 an ass,C

'ha1ter 24: It is 0orbidden to li0t one:s e"es towards the s6" in 1ra"er
7oo6 *2 !umber #)2:
Fabir b, Samura re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The 1eo1le who li0t their e"es towards the s6" in @ra"er should a-oid it or the" would lose their e",


*2 !umber #)4:

Abu Huraira re1orted: @eo1le should a-oid li0tin. their e"es towards the s6" while su11li/atin. in 1ra"er2 otherwise their e"es would be snat/hed awa",

2%# & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter 2*: The /ommand to obser-e 1ra"er with tranquillit" and /almness and 1rohibition o0 ma6in. .estures with hands and li0tin. themwhile 1ronoun/in. salutation2 andthe /om1letin. o0 0irst rowsand joinin. to.ether well in them
7oo6 *2 !umber #)*:
Fabir b, Samura re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to us and said: How is it that I see "ou li0tin. "our hands li6e the tails o0 headstron. horsesD 7e /alm in 1ra"er, He (the narrator) said: He then a.ain /ame to us and saw us (sittin.) in /ir/lesB he said: How is it that I see "ou in se1arate .rou1sD He (the narrator) said: He a.ain /ame to us and said: ?h" don:t "ou draw "oursel-es u1 in rows as an.els do in the 1resen/e o0 their LordD ?e said: o0 Allah2 bow do the an.els draw themsel-es u1 in rows in the 1resen/e o0 their LordD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: The" ma6e the 0irst rows /om1lete and 6ee1 /lose to.ether in the row,


*2 !umber #)+:

This hadith has been narrated b" A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber #)):

Fabir b, Samura re1orted: ?hen we said 1ra"er with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 we 1ronoun/ed: @ea/e be u1on "ou and Mer/" o0 Allah2 1ea/e be u1on "ou and Mer/" o0 Allah2 and made .esture with the hand on both the sides, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him said: ?hat do "ou 1oint out with "our hands as i0 the" are the tails o0 headstron. horsesD This is enou.h 0or "ou that one should 1la/e one:s hand on one:s thi.h and then 1ronoun/e salutation u1on one:s brother on the side and then on the le0t,


*2 !umber #)%:

Fabir b, Samura re1orted: ?e said our 1ra"er with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and2 while 1ronoun/in. salutations2 we made .estures with our hands (indi/atin.)C @ea/e be u1on "ou2 1ea/e be u1on "ou,C The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) loo6ed towards us and said: ?h" is it that "ou ma6e .estures with "our hands li6e the tails o0 headstron. horsesD ?hen

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

an" one o0 "ou 1ro- noun/es salutation (in 1ra"er) he should onl" turn his 0a/e towards his /om1anion and should not ma6e a .esture with his hand,

'ha1ter 2+: Strai.htenin. o0 rows and the e5/ellen/e o0 the 0irst row and then o0 the subsequent rows and /om1etin. and -"in. with one another 0or the 0irst row and 1riorit" o0 the men o0 -irtues and their nearness to the imam
7oo6 *2 !umber #)#:
Abu Mas:ud re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) used to tou/h our shoulders in 1ra"er and sa": >ee1 strai.ht2 don:t be irre.ular2 0or there would be dissension in "our hearts, Let those o0 "ou who are sedate and 1rudent be near me2 then those who are ne5t to them2 then those who are ne5t to them, Abu Mas:ud said: !ow-a-da"s there is mu/h dissension "ou,


*2 !umber #);:

This hadith is narrated b" Ibn U"aina with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber #% :

Abdullah b, Mas:ud re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Let those who are sedate and 1rudent be near me2 then those who are ne5t to them (sa"in. it tliree tinies)2 and beware o0 the tumult o0 the mar6ets,


*2 !umber #%$:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Strai.hten "our rows, 0or the strai.htenin. o0 a row is a 1art o0 the 1er0e/tion o0 1ra"er,


*2 !umber #%2:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 'om1lete the rows2 0or I /an see "ou behind m" ba/6,

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber #%4:

Hammam b, Munabbih re1orted: This is what was transmitted to us b" Abu Huraira 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and2 while ma6in. a mention o0 a 0ew ahadith2 said: (The Messen.ero0 Allah dire/ted us thus): (stablish rows in 1ra"er2 0or the ma6in. o0 a row ( is one o0 the merits o0 1ra"er,


*2 !umber #%*:

!u:man b, 7ashir re1orted: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": Strai.hten "our rows2 or Allah would /reate dissension "ou,


*2 !umber #%+:

!u:man b, 7ashir re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e-be u1on him) used to strai.hten our rows as it lie were strai.htenin. an arrow with their hel1 until be saw that we had learnt it 0rom him, 3ne da" he /ame out2 stood u1 (0or 1ra"er) and was about to sa": Allah is the Hreatest2 when he saw a man2 whose /hest was out 0rom the row2 so he said: Ser-ants o0 Allah2 "ou hint strai.hten "our rows or Allah would /reate dissension "ou,


*2 !umber #%):

Abu :Awana re1orted this hadith with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber #%%:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 the 1eo1le were to 6now what e5/ellen/e is there in the Adhan and in the 0irst row2 and the" /ould not (.et these o11ortunities) e5/e1t b" drawin. lots2 the" would ha-e de0initel" done that, And i0 the" were to 6now what e5/ellen/e lies in joinin. the 1ra"er in the 0irst ta6bir (1ra"er)2 the" would ha-e -ied with one another, And i0 the" were to 6now what e5/ellen/e lies in the 1ra"er and mornin. 1ra"er2 the" would ha-e de0initel" /ome e-en i0 /rawlin. (on their 6nees),


*2 !umber #%#:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw (a tenden/" ) amon. his 'om1anions to .o to the ba/62 so he said to them: 'ome 0orward and 0ollow m" lead2 and let those who /ome a0ter "ou 0ollow "our lead, @eo1le will /ontinue to 6ee1 ba/6 till Allah will 1ut them at the ba/6,

2#$ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber #%;:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw 1eo1le at the end o0 the mosque2 and then the (abo-e-mentioned hadith) was narrated,


*2 !umber ## :

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 "ou were to 6now2 or i0 the" were to 6now2 what (e5/ellen/e) lies in the 0irst rows2 there would ha-e been drawin. o0 lots (0or 0illin. them) B and Ibn Harb said: =or (o//u1"in.) the 0irst row there would ha-e been drawin. o0 lots,


*2 !umber ##$:

Abu Huraira said: The best rows 0or men are the 0irst rows2 and the worst ones the last ones2 and the best rows 0or women are the last ones and the worst ones 0or them are the 0irst ones,


*2 !umber ##2:

This hadith is narrated b" Suhail with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 2): The 1ra"in. women ha-e been /ommanded not to 1re/ede men in li0tin. their heads 0rom 1rostration
7oo6 *2 !umber ##4:
Sahl b, Sa:d re1orted: I saw men ha-in. tied (the ends) o0 their lower .arments around their ne/6s2 li6e /hildren2 due to shorta.e o0 /loth and o00erin. their 1ra"ers behind the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), 3ne o0 the 1ro/laimers said: 3 women0ol62 do not li0t "our heads till men raise (them),

2#2 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter 2%: ?omen /omin. out (0rom their houses) 0or .oin. to the mosque when there is no a11rehension o0 wi/6edness2 but the" should not /ome out s/ented
7oo6 *2 !umber ##*:
Salim narrated it 0rom his 0ather (:Abdullah b, Umar) that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen women as6 1ermission 0or .oin. to the mosque2 do not 1re-ent them,


*2 !umber ##+:

Abdullah b, Umar re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": 9on:t 1re-ent "our women 0rom .oin. to the mosque when the" see6 "our 1ermission, 7ilal b, :Abdullah said: 7" Allah2 we shall /ertainl" 1re-ent them, 3n this:Abdullah b, Umar turned towards him and re1rimanded him to harshl" as I had ne-er heard him do be0ore, He (:Abdullah b, Umar) said: I am narratin. to "ou that whi/h /omes 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and "ou (ha-e the audi/it") to sa": 7" Allah2 we shall /ertainl" 1re-ent them,


*2 !umber ##):

Ibn :Umar re1orted: :The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o not 1re-ent the maid-ser-ants o0 Allah 0rom .oin. to the mosque,


*2 !umber ##%:

lbn Umar re1orted: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": ?hen "our women see6 "our 1ermission 0or .oin. to the mosque2 "ou .rant them (1ermission),


*2 !umber ###:

Ibn :Umar re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o not 1re-ent women 0rom .oin. to the mosque at, A bo" said to :Abdullah b, Umar: ?e would ne-er let them .o out2 that the" ma" not be / in e-il, He (the narrator) said: Ibn Umar re1rimanded him and said,, I am sa"in. that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said this2 but "ou sa": ?e would not allowL

2#4 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber ##;:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber #; :

Ibn :Umar re1orted: Hrant 1ermission to women 0or .oin. to the mosque in the, His son who was /alled ?aqid said: Then the" would ma6e mis/hie0, He (the narrator) said: He thum1ed his (son:s) /hest and said: I am narratin. to "ou the hadith o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and "ou sa": !oL


*2 !umber #;$:

Ibn Umar re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o not de1ri-e women o0 their share o0 the mosques2 when the" see6 1ermission 0rom "ou, 7ilal said: 7" Allah2 we would /ertainl" 1re-ent them, :Abdullah said: I sa" that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said it and "ou sa": ?e would /ertainl" 1re-ent themL


*2 !umber #;2:

Gainab Thaqa0i"a re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou (women) 1arti/i1ates in the :Isha: 1ra"er2 she should not 1er0ume hersel0 that,


*2 !umber #;4:

Gainab2 the wi0e o0 Abdullah (b, :Umar)2 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to us: ?hen an" one o0 "ou /omes to the mosque2 she should not a11l" 1er0ume,


*2 !umber #;*:

Abu Huraira said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hoe-er (woman) 0umi.ates hersel0 with 1er0ume should not join us in the :Isha: 1ra"er,


*2 !umber #;+:

:Amra2 dau.hter o0 Abd al-Aahmin2 re1orted: I heard :A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), sa": I0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had seen what new thin.s the women ha-e introdu/ed (in their wa" o0 li0e) he would ha-e de0initel" 1re-ented them 0rom .oin. to the mosque2 as the women o0 7aniIsra:il were 1re-ented,

2#* & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber #;):

This hadith has been narrated b" Kah"a b, Sa:id with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 2#: Moderation between loud and low re/itation in jahri 1ra"er2 when there is a 0ear o0 turmoil in re/itin. loudl"
7oo6 *2 !umber #;%:
Ibn :Abbas re1orted: The word o0 (Allah) Hreat and Hlorious: :And utter not th" 1ra"er loudl"2 nor be low in itC (5-ii, $$ ) was re-ealed as the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e beu1on him) was hidin. himsel0 in Me//a, ?hen he led his 'om1anions in 1ra"er he raised his -oi/e (while re/itin. the) Eur:an, And when the 1ol"theists heard that2 the" re-iled the Eur:an and Him ?ho re-ealed it and him who it, U1on this Allah2 the (5alted2 said to His A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): Utter not th" 1ra"er so loudl" that the 1ol"theists ma" hear th" re/itation and (re/ite it) not so low that it ma" be inaudible to "our 'om1anions, Ma6e them hear the Eur:an2 but do not re/ite it loudl" and see6 a (middle) wa" between these, Ae/ite between loud and low tone,


*2 !umber #;#:

:A:isha re1orted that so 0ar as these words o0 (Allah) Hlorious and Hi.h are /on/erned:C And utter not th" 1ra"er loudl"2 not be low in itC (5-ii, $$ ) relate to su11li/ation (du:a:),


*2 !umber #;;:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 2;: Listenin. to the re/itation o0 the Eur:an

7oo6 *2 !umber ; :
Ibn :Abbas re1orted with re.ard to the words o0 Allah2 Hreat and Hlorious:C Mo-e not th" ton.ue therewithC (I55-, $)) that when Habriel re-elation to him (the Hol" @ro1het) he mo-ed his ton.ue and li1s (with a -iew to /ommittin. it to memor" instantl"), This was somethin. hard 0or him and it was -isible (0rom his 0a/e), Then Allah2 the (5alted, re-ealed this aC Mo-e not th" ton.ue therewith to ma6e haste (in memorisin. it), Surel" on us rests the /olle/tin. o0 it and the re/itin. o0 itC (i55-, $))2 i, e, <eril" it rests with Us that ?e would 1reser-e it in "our heart and (enable "ou) to re2#+ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

/ite it Kou would re/ite it when ?e would re/ite it and so 0ollow its re/itation2 and He (Allah) said:C ?e re-ealed it2 so listen to it attenti-el", <eril" its e51osition rests with Us, i, e, ?e would ma6e it deli-er b" "our ton.ue,C So when Habriel /ame to him (to the Hol" @ro1het)2 he 6e1t silen/e2 and when he went awa" he re/ited as Allah had 1romised him,


*2 !umber ; $:

Ibn Abbas re1orted with re.ard to the words:C 9o not mo-e th" ton.ue there with to ma6e haste2C that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0elt it hard and he mo-ed his li1s, Ibn :Abbas said to me (Sa:id b, Fubair): I mo-e them just as the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) mo-ed them, Then said Sa:id: I mo-e them just as Ibn :Abbas mo-ed them2 and he mo-ed his li1s, Allah2 the (5alted2 re-ealed this:C 9o not mo-e "our ton.ue therewith to ma6e haste, It is with US that its /olle/tion rests and its re/italC (al-Eur:an2 i55-, $)), He said: Its 1reser-ation in "our heart and then "our re/ital, So when ?e re/ite it2 0ollow its re/ital, He said: Listen to it2 and be silent and then it rests with Us that "ou re/ite it, So when Habriel /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 he listened to him attenti-el"2 and when Habriel went awa"2 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited as he (Habriel) had re/ited it,

'ha1ter 4 : Ae/itation o0 the qur:an loudl" in the: dawn 1ra"er

7oo6 *2 !umber ; 2:
Ibn :Abbas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) neither re/ited the Eur:an to the Finn nor did he see them, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out with some o0 his 'om1anions with the intention o0 .oin. to the ba8aar o0 :U6a8 And there had been (at that time) obstru/tions between satans and the news 0rom the Hea-en2 and there were 0lun. 0lames u1on them, So satan went ba/6 to their 1eo1le and the" said: ?hat has ha11ened to "ouD The" said: There ha-e been /reated obstru/tions between us and the news 0rom the Hea-en, And there ha-e been 0lun. u1on us 0lames, The" said: It /annot ha11en but 0or some (im1ortant) e-ent, So tra-erse the eastern 1arts o0 the earth and the western 1arts and 0ind out wh" is it that there ha-e been /reated obstru/tions between us and the news 0rom the Hea-en, So the" went 0orth and tra-ersed the easts o0 the earth and its wests, Some o0 them 1ro/eeded towards Tihama and that is a na6hl towards the ba8aar o0 :U6a8 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) was leadin. his 'om1anions in the mornin. 1ra"er, So when the" heard the Eur:an, the" listened to it attenti-el" and said: It is this whi/h has /aused obstru/tion between us and news 0rom the Hea-en, The" went ba/6 to their 1eo1le and said: 3 our 1eo1le2 we ha-e heard a stran.e Eur:an whi/h dire/ts us to the 1athB so we a00irm our 0aith in it and we would ne-er asso/iate an"one with our Lord, And Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 re-ealed
2#) & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

to His A1ostle Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him):C It has been re-ealed to me that a 1art" o0 Finn listened to itC (Eur:an2 l55ii, $),


*2 !umber ; 4:

9awud re1orted 0rom :Amir who said: I as6ed :Alqama i0 Ibn Mas:ud was 1resent with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the o0 the Finn (the when the Hol" @ro1het met them), He (Ibn Mas:uad) said: !o2 but we were in the /om1an" o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) one and we missed him, ?e sear/hed 0or him in the -alle"s and the hills and said, He has either been ta6en awa" (b" jinn) or has been se/retl" 6illed, He (the narrator) said, ?e s1ent the worst whi/h 1eo1le /ould e-er s1end, ?hen it was dawn we saw him /omin. 0rom the side o0 Hiri:, He (the narrator) re1orted, ?e said: o0 Allah2 we missed "ou and sear/hed 0or "ou2 but we /ould not 0ind "ou and we s1ent the worst whi/h 1eo1le /ould e-er s1end, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: There /ame to me an in-iter on behal0 o0 the Finn and I went alon. with him and re/ited to them the Eur:an, He (the narrator) said: He then went alon. with us and showed us their tra/es and tra/es o0 their embers, The" (the Finn) as6ed him (the Hol" @ro1het) about their 1ro-ision and he said: (-er" bone on whi/h the name o0 Allah is re/ited is "our 1ro-ision, The time it will 0all in "our hand it would be /o-ered with 0lesh2 and the dun. o0 (the /amels) is 0odder 0or "our animals, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9on:t 1er0orm istinja with these (thin.s) 0or these are the 0ood o0 "our brothers (Finn),


*2 !umber ; *:

This hadith has been re1orted b" 9awud with the same /hain o0 transmitters u1 to the word (s):C The tra/es o0 their embers,C Sha:bi said: The" (the Finn) as6ed about their 1ro-ision2 and the" were the Finn o0 al-ja8ira2 u1 to the end o0 the hadith2 and the words o0 Sha:bi ha-e been dire/tl" transmitted 0rom the hadith o0 Abdullah,


*2 !umber ; +:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah 0rom the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) u1 to the words:C The tra/es o0 the embers2C but he made no mention o0 what 0ollowed a0terward,


*2 !umber ; ):

Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) said: I was not with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) but I wish I were with him,

2#% & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber ; %:

Ma:n re1orted,, I heard it 0rom m" 0ather who said: I as6ed Masruq who in0ormed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about the when the" heard the Eur:an, He said: Kour 0ather2 Ibn Mas:ud2 narrated it to me that a tree in0ormed him about that,

'ha1ter 4$: Ae/itation in the noon and a0ternoon 1ra"ers

7oo6 *2 !umber ; #:
Abu Eatada re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) led us in 1ra"er and re/ited in the 0irst two ra6:ahs o0 the noon and a0ternoon 1ra"ers Surat al-=itiha and two (other) surahs, And he would sometimes re/ite loud enou.h 0or us the -erses, He would 1rolon. the 0irst ra6:ah more than the se/ond, And he a/ted similarl" in the mornin. 1ra"er,


*2 !umber ; ;:

Abu Eatada re1orted it on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) would re/ite in the 0irst two ra6:ahs o0 the noon and a0ternoon 1ra"ers the o1enin. /ha1ter o0 the 7oo6 and another surah, He would sometimes re/ite loud enou.h to ma6e audible to us the -erse and would re/ite in the last two ra6:ahs Surat al-=aitiha (onl"),


*2 !umber ;$ :

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted: ?e used to estimate how lon. Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood in the noon and a0ternoon 1ra"ers2 and we estimated hat he stood in the 0irst two ra6:ahs o0 the noon 1ra"er as lon. as it ta6es to re/ite Ali0 Lam Mim2 Tan8il2 i, e, as-Sajda, ?e estimated that he stood hal0 that time in the last two ra6:ahsB that he stood in the 0irst two o0 the a0ternoon as lon. as he did in the last two at noonB and in the last two o0 the a0ternoon 1ra"er about hal0 that time, Abu 7a6r in his narration has made no mention o0 Ali0 Lam Mim2 Tan8il2 but said: As lon. as it ta6es to re/ite thirt" -erses,


*2 !umber ;$$:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to re/ite in e-er" ra6:ah o0 the 0irst two ra6:ahs o0 the noon 1ra"er about thirt" -erses and in the last two about 0i0-

2## & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

teen -erses or hal0 (o0 the 0irst ra6:ah) and in e-er" ra6:ah o0 the :Asr 1ra"er o0 the 0irst two ra6:ahs about 0i0teen -erses and in the last two -erses hal0 (o0 the 0irst ones),


*2 !umber ;$2:

Fabir b, Samura re1orted: The 1eo1le o0 >u0a /om1lained to Umar b, >hattab about Sa:id and the" made a mention o0 his 1ra"er, :Umar sent 0or him, He /ame to him, He (:Umar) totd him that the 1eo1le had 0ound 0ault with his 1ra"er, He said: I lead them in 1ra"er in a//oran/e with the 1ra"er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I ma6e no de/rease in it, I ma6e them stand 0or a time in the 0irst two (ra6:ahs) and shorten it in the last two, U1on this :Umar remar6ed: This is what I deemed o0 thee2 3 Abu Ishaq


*2 !umber ;$4:

This hadith his been narrated b" :Abu al-Mali6 with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber ;$*:

Fabir b, Samura re1orted: :Umar said to Sa:d: The" /om1lain a.ainst "ou in e-er" matter2 e-en in 1ra"er, He (Sa:d) said: I 1rolon. (standin.) in the 0irst two (ra6:ahs) and shorten it in the last two2 and I ma6e no in 0ollowin. the 1ra"er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He (:Umar) remar6ed: This is what is e51e/ted o0 "ou2 or2 that is what I deemed o0 "ou,


*2 !umber ;$+:

This hadith is narrated b" Fabir b, Samura but with the addition o0 these words:C (Sa:d said): These bedouins 1resume to tea/h me 1ra"er,C


*2 !umber ;$):

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted: The noon 1ra"er would start and one would .o to al-7aqi: and a0ter ha-in. relie-ed himsel0 he would 1er0orm ablution and then /ome2 while the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) would be in the 0irst ra6:ah2 be/ause he would 1rolon. it so mu/h,


*2 !umber ;$%:

Ea8:a re1orted: I /ame to Abu Sa:id al->hudri and he was surrounded b" 1eo1le, ?hen the 1eo1le de1arted 0rom him I said: I am not .oin. to as6 "ou what these 1eo1le ha-e been as6in. "ou, I want to as6 "ou about the 1ra"er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He (Abu Sa:id) said: There is no .ood 0or "ou in this, He (Ea8:a)2 howe-er2 re1eated (his demand), He then said: The noon 1ra"er would start and one o0 us would .o to 7aqi: and2 ha-in. relie-ed himsel02 would /ome to his
2#; & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

home2 then 1er0orm ablution and .o to the mosque2 and (he would 0ind) The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the 0irst ra6:ah,

'ha1ter 42: Ae/itation in the mornin. 1ra"er

7oo6 *2 !umber ;$#:
Abdullah b, Sa:id re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) led us in the mornin. 1ra"er in Me//a and Sarat al-Mu:minin (55iii ) but when he /ame to the mention o0 Moses and Aaron (-erse, *+) or to the mention o0 Fesus (-erse + )2 a /ou.h .ot the better o0 him2 and he bowed, :Abdullah b, Sa:ib was 1resent there2 and in the hadith narrated b" Abd al-Aa88aq (the words are): He /ut short (the re/itation) and bowed,


*2 !umber ;$;:

:Amr b, Huwairith re1orted: I heard the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ite in the mornin. 1ra"erC ?a:l-lail-i-idhd :As:asaC (i555i, $%),


*2 !umber ;2 :

Eutba b, Mali6 re1orted: I said 1ra"er and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) led it and he re/itedC Ea0, (I,), 7" the Hlorious Eur:an2C till he re/itedC and the tall 1alm treesC (l, $ ), I wanted to re1eat it but I /ould not 0ollow its si.ni0i/an/e,


*2 !umber ;2$:

Eutba b, Mali6 re1orted that he had heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/itin. in the mornin. 1ra"er this:C And the tall 1alm trees ha-in. 0lower s1i6es 1iled one abo-e anotherC (l, $ ),


*2 !umber ;22:

Gi"ad b, :Ilaqa re1orted it on the authorit" o0 his un/le that he said the mornin. 1ra"er with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he re/ited in the 0irst ra6:ah:C And the tall 1alm trees ha-in. 0lower s1i6es 1iled one abo-e another (l, $ ) or 1erha1s Sarah Ea0,


*2 !umber ;24:

Fabir b, Samura re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to re/ite in the mornin. 1ra"erC Ea0, 7" the Hlorious Euran,C and his 1ra"er a0terward shortened,
2; & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber ;2*:

Sima6 as6ed Fabir b, Samura about the 1ra"er o0 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He said: He (the Hol" @ro1het) shortened the 1ra"er and he did not 1ra" li6e these 1eo1le then2 and he in0ormed me that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to re/iteC Ea0, 7" the (Hlorious) Eur:an2C and a 1assa.e o0 similar,


*2 !umber ;2+:

Fabir b, Samura re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to re/ite in the noon 1ra"er:C 7" the when it en-elo1esC (5/ii,)2 and in the a0ternoon li6e this2 but he 1rolon.ed the mornin. 1ra"er as /om1ared to that (noon and a0ternoon 1ra"ers),


*2 !umber ;2):

Fabir b, Samura re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to re/ite in the noon 1ra"er:C Hlori0" the name o0 th" Most Hi.h Lord in the mornin. 1ra"er than thisC (l555-ii,)


*2 !umber ;2%:

Abu 7ar8a re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to re/ite in the mornin. 1ra"er 0rom si5t" to one hundred -erses,


*2 !umber ;2#:

Abu 7ar8a Aslami re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to re/ite 0rom si5t" to one hundred -erses in the mornin. 1ra"er,


*2 !umber ;2;:

Ibn Abbas re1orted: Umm al-=adl dau.hter o0 al-Harith heard him re/itin.:C 7" those sent 0orth to s1read .oodnessC (l55-ii,), (U1on this) she remar6ed: 3 m" son2 "ou reminded me b" the re/itation o0 this surah (the 0a/t) that it was the last surah that I heard 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he re/ited it in the e-enin. 1ra"er,


*2 !umber ;4 :

This hadith has been narrated b" Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this addition:C And he did not lead the 1la"er a0ter this till his death,C

2;$ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber ;4$:

Fubair b, Mut:im re1orted: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/itin. Surat al-Tur (Mountain) (lii) in the e-enin. 1ra"er,


*2 !umber ;42:

This hadith has been narrated b" Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 44: Ae/itation in the 1ra"er

7oo6 *2 !umber ;44:
:Adi re1orted: I heard al-7ara: narratin. it 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that while in a journe" he said the 1ra"er and re/ited in one o0 the two ra6:ahs:C 7" the =i. and the 3li-eC (Su:rah 5/-,),


*2 !umber ;4*:

Al-7ara: b, :A8ib re1orted that he said 1ra"er with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he re/ited:C 7" the =i. and the 3li-e,C


*2 !umber ;4+:

Al-7ara: b, :A8ib re1orted: I heard the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/itin. in the 1ra"er:C 7" the =i. and the 3li-e2C and I ha-e ne-er heard an"one with a sweeter -oi/e than he,


*2 !umber ;4):

Fabir re1orted that Mu:adh b, jabal used to 1ra" with the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 then /ame and led his 1eo1le in 1ra"er, 3ne he said the 1ra"er with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He then /ame to his 1eo1le and led them in 1ra"er be.innin. with Surat al7aqara, A man turned aside2 1ronoun/ed the taslim (salutation 0or /on/ludin. the 1ra"er)2 then 1ra"ed alone and de1arted, The 1eo1le said to him: Ha-e "ou be/ome a h"1o/rite2 so and soD He said: I swear b" Allah that I ha-e not2 but I will /ertainl" .o to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and will in0orm (him) about this, He then /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 we loo6 a0ter /amels used 0or waterin. and wor6 b" da", Mu:idh said the 1ra"er with "ou, He then /ame and with Surat al-7aqara, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then turned to Mu:adh and said: Are "ou there to (1ut the 1eo1le) to trialD Ae/ite su/h and re/ite su/h (and su/h a surah), It is transmitted on the authorit" o0 Fabir2 as told b" Su0"an2

2;2 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

that he (the Hol" @ro1het) had said:C 7" the Sun and its mornin. bri.htnessC (Sarah 5/i,)2C 7" bri.htnessC (Surah 5/iii)C 7" the when it s1readsC (Surah 5/ii,)2 andC Hlori0" the name o0 th" most hi.h LordC (Surah l555ii,),


*2 !umber ;4%:

Fabir re1orted: :Mu:adh b jabal al-Ansari led his /om1anions in the 1ra"er and 1rolon.ed it 0or them, A 1erson us said 1ra"er (a0ter ha-in. se1arated himsel0 0rom the /, Mu:adh was in0ormed o0 this2 and he remar6ed that he wasa h"1o/rite, ?hen it (the remar6) was /on-e"ed to the man2 he went to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and in0ormed him o0 what Mu:adh had said, U1on this the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: Mu:adh2 do "ou want to be/ome a 1erson 1uttin. (1eo1le) to trialD ?hen "ou lead 1eo1le in 1ra"er2 re/ite:C 7" the Sun and its mornin. bri.htnessC (Surah 5/i,)2C Hlori0" the name o0 th" most hi.h LordC (Surah l555-i,) andC Aead in the name o0 LordC (Surah 5/-i,)2 andC 7" the when it s1readsC (Surah 5/ii,),


*2 !umber ;4#:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: Mu:adh b, Fabal said the 1ra"er with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and then returned to his 1eo1le and then led them in this 1ra"er,


*2 !umber ;4;:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted: Mu:adh said the 1ra"er with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He then /ame to the mosque o0 his 1eo1le and led them in 1ra"er,

'ha1ter 4*: The dut" o0 the imam is to be brie0 and 1er0e/t in 1ra"er
7oo6 *2 !umber ;* :
Abu Mas:ud al-Ainsari re1orted: A 1erson /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: I 6ee1 awa" 0rom the mornin. 1ra"er on a//ount o0 su/h and su/h (a man)2 be/auseB he 6ee1s us so lon., I ne-er saw Hod:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) more an.r" when .i-in. an e5hortation than he was that da", He said: 1eo1le2 some o0 "ou are s/arin. 1eo1le awa", So whoe-er o0 "ou leads the 1eo1le in 1ra"er he must be brie02 0or behind him are the wea62 the a.ed2 and the 1eo1le who ha-e (ar.ent) business to attend,

2;4 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber ;*$:

This hadith li6e one narrated b" Hashalm has been narrated 0rom Isma:il with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber ;*2:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou leads the 1eo1le in 1ra"er2 he should be brie0 0or amon. them are the "oun. and the a.ed2 the wea6 and the si/6, 7ut when one o0 "ou 1ra"s b" himsel02 he ma" (1rolon.) as he li6es,


*2 !umber ;*4:

Hammam b, Munabbih re1orted: This is what Abu Huraira transmitted to us 0rom Muhammad the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he narrated (some) ahadith out o0 (these narrations and one o0 them is this): The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou stands to lead 1eo1le In 1ra"er2 he should shorten it2 0or them are the a.ed2 and them are the wea62 but when he 1ra"s b" himsel02 he ma" 1rolon. his 1ra"er as he li6es,


*2 !umber ;**:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou leads 1eo1le in 1ra"er2 he must shorten it 0or amon. them are the wea62 the in0irm and those who ha-e business to attend,


*2 !umber ;*+:

Abu 7a6r b, :Abd al-Aahman re1orted that he had heard Abu Huraira sa" that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said li6e it2 but he substitutedC the a.edC 0or :the in0irmC,


*2 !umber ;*):

Uthman b, Abu:l-:As at-Thaqa0i re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: Lead "our 1eo1le in 1ra"er, I said: o0 Allah, I 1er/ei-e somethin. (disturbin.) in m" soul, He (the Hol" @ro1het) as6ed me to draw near him and ma6in. me sit down in 0ront o0 him he 1la/ed his hand on m" breast between m" ni11les, and then2 tellin. me to turn round2 he 1la/ed it on m" ba/6 between m" shoulders, He then said: A/t as an Imam 0or "our 1eo1le, He who a/ts as Imam o0 the 1eo1le2 he must be brie02 0or amon. them are the a.ed2 amon. them are the si/62 amon. them are the wea62 and amon. them are the 1eo1le who ha-e business to attend, 7ut when an" o0 "ou 1ra"s alone2 he ma" 1ra" as he li6es,

2;* & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber ;*%:

Uthman b, Abu:l-:As re1orted: The last thin. whi/h the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) instru/ted me was: ?hen "ou lead the 1eo1le in 1ra"er2 be brie0,


*2 !umber ;*#:

Anas re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to be brie0 and 1er0e/t in 1ra"-


*2 !umber ;*;:

Anas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was amon. those whose 1ra"ers was brie0 and 1er0e/t,


*2 !umber ;+ :

Anas re1orted: I ne-er 1ra"ed behind an Imam who was more brie0 and more 1er0e/t in 1ra"er than the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


*2 !umber ;+$:

Anas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) would listen to the /r"in. o0 a lad in the /om1an" o0 his mother2 in 1ra"er2 and he would re/ite a short surah or a small surah,


*2 !umber ;+2:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: ?hen I the 1ra"er I Intend to ma6e it lon.2 but I hear a bo" /r", in.B I then shorten it be/ause o0 his mother:s 0eelin.s,

'ha1ter 4+: Moderation in the arti/les o0 1ra"er and their shortenin. and 1er0e/tion
7oo6 *2 !umber ;+4:
Al-7ara: b, :A8ib re1orted: I noti/ed the 1ra"er o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and saw his Ei"am (standin.)2 his bowin.2 and then .oin. ba/6 to the standin. 1osture a0ter bowin.2 his 1rostration2 his sittin. between the two 1rostrations2 and his 1rostration and sittin. between salutation and .oin. awa"2 all these were nearl" equal to one another,
2;+ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber ;+*:

Ha6am re1orted: There dominated in >u0a a man whose name was men- tioned as Gaman b, alAsh:ath2 who ordered Abu :Ubaidah b, :Abdullah to lead 1eo1le in 1ra"er and he a//ordin.l" used to lead them, ?hene-er he raised his head a0ter bowin.2 he stood u1 equal to the time that I /an re/ite (this su11li/ation): 3 AllahL our LordL unto Thee be the 1raise whi/h would 0ill the hea-ens and the earth2 and that whi/h will 1lease Thee besides them I ?orth" art Thou o0 all 1raise and .lor", !one /an 1re-ent that whi/h Thou bestowest2 and none /an bestow that whi/hthou 1re-entest, And the .reatness o0 the .reat will not a-ail him a.ainst Thee, Ha6am (the narrator) said: I made a mention o0 that to Abd al-Aahman ibn Abi Laila who re1orted: I heard al-7ara: b, :A8ib sa" that the 1ra"er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his bowin.2 and when he li0ted his head 0rom bowin.2 and his 1rostration2 and between the two 1rostrations (all these a/ts) were nearl" 1ro1ortionate, I made a mention o0 that to :Ar b, Murrah and he said: I saw Ibn Abi Laili (sa"in. the 1ra"er)2 but his 1ra"er was not li6e this,


*2 !umber ;++:

Ha6am re1orted: ?hen Matar b, !aji"a dominated >u0a he ordered Abu Ubaida to lead 1eo1le in 1ra"er2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same,


*2 !umber ;+):

Thabit re1orted it on the authorit" o0 Anas: ?hile leadin. "ou in 1ra"er I do not shorten an"thin. in the 1ra"er, I 1ra" as I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) leadin. us, He (Thabit) said: Anas used to do that whi/h I do not see "ou doin.B when he li0ted his head 0rom bowin. he stood u1 (so lon.) that one would sa": He has 0or.otten (to baw down in 1rostration), And when he li0ted his head 0rom 1rostration2 he sta"ed in that 1osition2 till someone would sa": He has 0or.otten (to bow down in 1rostration 0or the se/ond sajda),


*2 !umber ;+%:

Thabit re1orted it on the authorit" o0 Anas: I ha-e ne-er said su/h a and 1er0e/t 1ra"er as I said behind the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The 1ra"er o0 the, o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was well balan/ed, And so too was the 1ra"er o0 Abu 7a6r well balan/ed, ?hen it was the time o0 :Umar b, al->hattab he 1rolon.ed the mornin. 1ra"er, ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah listened to him who 1raised Him2 he stood ere/t till we said: He has 0or.otten, He then 1rostrated and sat between two 1rostration till we said: He has 0or.otten,

2;) & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter 4): =ollowin. the imam and a/tin. a0ter him

7oo6 *2 !umber ;+#:
Al-7ara: (b, :A8ib)2 and he was no liar (but a truth0ul 'om1anion o0 the Hol" @ro1het)2 re1orted: The" used to sa" 1ra"er behind the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I ne-er saw an"one bendin. his ba/6 at the time when he (the Hol" @ro1het) raised his head2 till the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1la/ed his 0orehead on the .round, The" then 0ell in 1rostration a0ter him,


*2 !umber ;+;:

Al-7ara: re1orted2 and he was no liar: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah listened to him who 1raised Him2 none o0 us bent his ba/6 till he (the Hol" @ro1het) 1rostratedB we then2 a0terwards2 went down in 1rostration,


*2 !umber ;) :

Al-7ara: re1orted: The" (the 'om1anions) said 1ra"er with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and the" bowed when he (the Hol" @ro1het) bowed, and when he raised his head a0ter bowin.2 he 1ronoun/ed:C Allah listened to him who 1raised Him2C and we 6e1t standin. till we saw him 1la/in. his 0a/e on the .round and then we 0ollowed him,


*2 !umber ;)$:

Al-7ara: re1orted: ?hen we were (in 1ra"er) with the o0 Allah Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) none o0 us ben00t his ba/6 till we saw he 1rostrated, Guhair and others re1orted:C till we saw him 1rostratin.C,


*2 !umber ;)2:

:Amr b, Huraith re1orted: I said the dawn 1ra"er behind the A1ostle o0 (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and heard him re/itin.: :!a", I /all to witness the stars2 runnin. their /ourses and settin.C (al-Eur:an2 l555i, $+-$)) and 9one o0 us bent his ba/6 till he /om1leted 1rostration,


*2 !umber ;)4:

(:Abdullah b ) Ibn Abi Au0a re1orted: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) raised his ba/6 0rom the ru6d: he 1ronoun/ed: Allah listened to him who 1raised Him, 3 AllahL our

2;% & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

LordL unto Thee be 1raise that would 0ill the hea-ens and the earth and 0ill that whi/h will 1lease Thee besides them,


*2 !umber ;)*:

:Abdullah b, Au0a re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to re/ite this su11li/ation: 3 AllahL our Lord2 unto Thee be 1raise that would 0ill the hea-ens and the earth and 0ill that whi/h will 1lease Thee besides them,


*2 !umber ;)+:

Abdullah b, Abu Au0a re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to re/ite (this su11li/ation): 3 AllahL our Lord2 unto Thee be 1raise that would 0ill the hea-ens and the earth and 0ill that whi/h will 1lease Thee besides (them), 3 AllahL 1uri0" me with snow2 (water o0) hail and with /old waterB 3 Allah, /leanse me 0rom the sins and errors just as a white .arment is /leansed 0rom dirt,


*2 !umber ;)):

This hadith with the same /hain o0 transmitters has been narrated b" Shu:ba2 and in the narration o0 Mu:adh the words are:C just as the white .arment is /leansed 0rom 0ilth2C and in the narration o0 Ka8id:C 0rom dirtC,


*2 !umber ;)%:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) raised his head a0ter bowin.2 he said: 3 AllahL our Lord2 to Thee be the 1raise that would 0ill all the hea-ens and the earth2 and all that it 1leases Thee besides (them), 32 thou art worth" o0 1raise and .lor"2 most worth" o0 what a ser-ant sa"s2 and we all are Th" ser-ants2 no one /an withhold what Thou .i-est or .i-e what Thou withholdest2 and ri/hes /annot a-ail a wealth" 1erson a.ainst Thee,


*2 !umber ;)#:

Ibn Abbas re1orted: ?hen the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) raised his head a0ter bowin.2 he said: AllahL our Lord2 to Thee be the 1raise that would 0ill the hea-ens and the earth and that whi/h is between them2 and that whi/h will 1lease Thee besides (them), ?orth" art Thou o0 all 1raise and .lor", !o one /an withhold what Thou .i-est2 or .i-e what Thou withholdest, And the .reatness 3L the .reat a-aileth not a.ainst Thee,

2;# & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber ;);:

Ibn Abbas re1orted 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the words:C And that would 0ill that whi/h will 1lease Thee besides (them)LC and he did not mention the subsequent (1ortion o0 su11li/ation),


*2 !umber ;% :

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) drew aside the /urtain (o0 his a1artment) and (he saw) 1eo1le in rows (sa"in. 1ra"er) behind Aba 7a6r, And he said: !othin. remains o0 the .lad tidin.s o0 a1ostlehood2 e5/e1t .ood -isions whi/h a Muslim sees or someone is made to see 0or him, And see that I ha-e been 0orbidden to re/ite the Eur:an in the state o0 bowin. and 1rostration, So 0ar as Au6:u is /on/erned2 e5tol in it the Hreat and Hlorious Lord2 and while 1rostratin. "oursel-es be earnest in su11li/ation2 0or it is 0ittin. that "our su11li/ations should be answered,


*2 !umber ;%$:

:Abdullah b, :Abbas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) drew aside the /urtain and his head was banda.ed on a//ount o0 illness in whi/h he died, He said: 3 Allah2 ha-e I not deli-ered (Th" Messa.e)D (He re1eated it) three times, !othin. has been le0t out o0 the .lad tidin.s o0 a1ostlebood2 but .ood -ision, whi/h a 1ious ser-ant (o0 Allah) sees or someone else is made to see 0or him, He then narrated li6e the hadith transmitted b" Su0"an,


*2 !umber ;%2:

:Ali b, Abi Talib re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade me to re/ite (the Eur:an) in a state o0 bowin. and 1rostration,


*2 !umber ;%4:

:Ali b, Abi Talib re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade to re/ite the Eur:an2 while I am in the state o0 bowin. and 1rostration,


*2 !umber ;%*:

:Ali b, Abi Talib re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade me 0rom the re/itation (o0 the Eur:an) in bowin. and 1rostration and I do not sa" that he 0orbade "ou,

2;; & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber ;%+:

:Ali re1orted: M" lo-ed one (the Hol" @ro1het) 0orbade me that I should re/ite (the Eur:an) in a state o0 bowin. and 1rostration,


*2 !umber ;%):

This hadith has been narrated b" some other narrators2 Ibn :Abbas and others2 and the" all re1orted that :Ali said: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade me to re/ite the Eur:an while I am in a state o0 bowin. and 1rostration2 and in their narration (there is a mention o0) 0orbiddan/e 0rom that (re/ital) in the state o0 1rostration as it has been transmitted b" Guhri2 Gaid b, Aslam2 al-?ahid b, >athir2 and 9awud b, Eais,


*2 !umber ;%%:

This hadith is transmitted on the authorit" o0 :Ali2 but he made no mention o0C while in 1rostrati-


*2 !umber ;%#:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: I was 0orbidden to re/ite (the Eur:an) while I was bowin.2 and there is no mention o0 :Ali in the /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 4%: ?hat is to be re/ited in bowin. and 1rostration

7oo6 *2 !umber ;%;:
Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The nearest a ser-ant /omes to his Lord is when he is 1rostratin. himsel02 so ma6e su11li/ation (in this state),


*2 !umber ;# :

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to sa" while 1rostratin. himsel0: 3 Lord2 0or.i-e me all m" sins2 small and .reat2 0irst and last2 o1en and se/ret,

& $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber ;#$:

:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him:) o0ten said while bowin. and 1rostratin. himsel0:C Hlor" be to Thee2 3 Allah2 our Lord2 and 1raise be to Thee2 3 Allah2 0or.i-e me2C thus /om1l"in. with the (/ommand in) the Eur:an,


*2 !umber ;#2:

:A:isha re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) be0ore his death re/ited o0ten: Hallowed be Thou2 and with Th" 1raise2 I see6 0or.i-eness 0rom Thee and return to Thee, She re1orted: I said: o0 Allah2 what are these words that I 0ind "ou re/itin.D He said: There has been made a si.n 0or me in m" UmmahB when I saw that2 I uttered them (these words o0 .lori0i/ation 0or Allah)2 and the si.n is:C ?hen Allah:s hel1 and -i/tor",,,,, to the end o0 the surah,


*2 !umber ;#4:

:A:isha re1orted: !e-er did I2 see the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a0ter the re-elation (o0 these -erses):C ?hen Allah:s hel1 and -i/tor" /ame,C obser-in- his 1ra"er without ma6in. (this su11li/ation) or he said in it (su11li/ation): Hallowed be Thee2 m" Lord2 and with Th" 1raise2 3 Allah2 0or.i-e me,


*2 !umber ;#*:

:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited o0ten these words: Hallowed be Allah and with His 1raise2 I see6 the 0or.i-eness o0 Allah and return to Him, She said: I as6ed: o0 Allah2 I see that "ou o0ten re1eat the sa"in.C subhan allahi bihamdihi asta. 0irullahi watubuilaihC whereu1on he said: M" Lord in0ormed me that I would soon see a si.n in m" Ummah2 so when I see it I o0ten re/ite (these) words: Hallowed be Allah and with His @raise2 I see6 0or.i-eness o0 Allah and return to Him, Indeed I saw it (when this -erse) was re-ealed:C ?hen Allah:s hel1 and -i/tor" /ame2 it mar6ed the -i/tor" o0 Me//a2 and "ou see 1eo1le enterin. into Allah:s reli.ion in troo1s2 /elebrate the 1raise o0 Th" Lord and as6 His 0or.i-eness, Surel" He is e-er returnin. to Mer/",C


*2 !umber ;#+:

Ibn Furaij re1orted: I as6ed :Ata:: ?hat do "ou re/ite when "ou are in a state o0 bowin. (in 1ra"er)D He said:C Hallowed be Thou2 and with Th" 1raise2 there is no .od but Thou,C Son o0 Abd Mulai6a narrated to me on the anthorit" o0 :A:isha (who re1orted): I missed one the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (0rom his bed), I that he ha-e .one to one o0 his other wi-es, I sear/hed 0or him and then /ame ba/6 and (0ound him) in a state o0 bowin.2 or 1rostration2 sa"in.: Hallowed be Thou and with Th" 1raiseB there is no .od but Thou, I said: ?ith m" 0ather
4 $ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

ma"est thou be ransomed and with m" mother, I was thin6in. o0 (another) a00air2 whereas "ou are (o//u1ied) in another one,


*2 !umber ;#):

:A:isha re1orted: 3ne I missed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0rom the bed2 and when I him m" hand tou/hed the soles o0 his 0eet while he was in the state o0 1rostrationB the" (0eet) were raised and he was sa"in.:C 3 Allah2 I see6 re0u.e in Th" 1leasure 0rom Th" an.er2 and in Th" 0or.i-eness 0rom Th" 1unishment2 and I see6 re0u.e in Thee 0rom Thee (Th", I /annot re/6on Th" 1raise, Thou art as Thou hast lauded Th"sel0,C


*2 !umber ;#%:

:A:isha re1orted that the o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e he u1on him) used to 1ronoun/e while bowin. and 1rostratin. himsel0: All Hlorious2 All Hol"2 Lord o0 the An.els and the S1irit,


*2 !umber ;##:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :A:isha b" another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 4#: The e5/ellen/e o0 1rostration and e5hortation to obser-e it

7oo6 *2 !umber ;#;:
Ma:dan b, Talha re1orted: I met Thauban2 the 0reed sla-e, o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and as6ed him to tell me about an a/t 0or whi/h2 i0 I do it2 Allah will admit me to @aradise2 or I as6ed about the a/t whi/h was lo-ed most b" Allah, He .a-e no re1l", I a.ain as6ed and he .a-e no re1l", I as6ed him 0or the third time2 and he said: I as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about that and he said: Ma6e 0requent 1rostrations be0ore Allah2 0or "ou will not ma6e one 1rostration without raisin. "ou a de.ree be/ause o0 it2 and remo-in. a sin 0rom "ou2 be/ause o0 it, Ma:dan said that then lie met Abu al-9arda: and when he as6ed him2 he re/ei-ed a re1l" similar to that .i-en b" Thauban,


*2 !umber ;; :

Aabi:a b, >a:b said: I was with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) one, and I him water and what he required, He said to me: As6 (an"thin. "ou li6e), I said: I as6 "our

4 2 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

/om1an" in @aradise, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 3r an"thin. else besides it, I said: That is all (what I require), He said: Then hel1 me to a/hie-e this 0or "ou b" de"otin. "oursel0 o0ten to 1rostration,

'ha1ter 4;: How the limbs should wor6 in 1rostration and 0orbiddan/e to 0old /lothin. and hair and 1laitin. o0 hair in the 1ra"er
7oo6 *2 !umber ;;$:
Ibn :Abbas re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had been /ommanded that he should 1rostrate on the se-en (bones) and he was 0orbidden to 0old ba/6 the hair and /lothin., And in the narration transmitted b" Abu Aabi: (the words are):C on the se-en bones and I was 0orbidden to 0old ba/6 the hair and /lothin.C, A//ordin. to Abu:l-Aabi: (the se-en bones are): The hands2 the 6nees2 and the (e5tremities) o0 the 0eet and the 0orehead,


*2 !umber ;;2:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): I was /ommanded to 1rostrate m"sel0 on se-en bones and not to 0old ba/6 /lothin. or hair,


*2 !umber ;;4:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had been /ommanded to 1rostrate on se-en (bones) and 0orbidden to 0old ba/6 hair and /lothin.,


*2 !umber ;;*:

Ibn Abbas re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I ha-e been /ommanded to 1rostrate m"sel0 on se-en bones:C 0orehead2C and then 1ointed with his hand towards his nose2 hands2 0eet2 and the e5tremities o0 the 0eetB and we were 0orbidden to 0old ba/6 /lothin. and hair,


*2 !umber ;;+:

Ibn Abbas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I was /ommanded to 1rostrate m"sel0 on the se-en (bones) and 0orbidden to 0old ba/6 hair and /lothin., (The se-en bones are): 0orehead2 nose2 bands2 6nees and 0eet,

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber ;;):

Abdullah b, Abbas re1orted that he saw :Abdullah b, al-Harith obser-in. the 1ra"er and (his hair) was 1laited behind his head, He (:Abdullah b, :Abbas) stood u1 and un0olded them, ?hile .oin. ba/6 (0rom the 1ra"er) he met Ibn :Abbas and said to him: ?h" is it that "ou tou/hed m" headD He (Ibn :Abbas) re1lied: (The man who obser-es 1ra"er with 1laited hair) is li6e one who 1ra"s with his hands tied behind,

'ha1ter * : Moderation in 1rostration2 1la/in. the 1alms on the earth (.round) and 6ee1in. awa" elbows 0rom the sides and the bell" 0rom the thi.hs while 1rostratin.
7oo6 *2 !umber ;;%:
Anas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3bser-e moderation in 1rostration2 and let none o0 "ou stret/h out his 0orearms (on the .round) li6e a do.,


*2 !umber ;;#:

This hadith has been narrated b" Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters, And in the hidith transmitted b" Ibn Fa:0ar (the words are):C !one o0 "ou should stret/h out his 0orearms li6e the stret/hin. out o0 a do.,C


*2 !umber ;;;:

Al-7ira: (b, :A8ib) re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said, ?hen "ou 1rostrate "oursel02 1la/e the 1alms o0 "our hands on the .round and raise "our elbows,


*2 !umber $

:Abdullah b, Mali6 ibn 7ujainah re1orted: ?hen the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rostrated2 lie s1read out his arms so that the whiteness o0 his arm1its was -isible,


*2 !umber $


This hadith has been narrated b" Fa:0ar b, Aabi: with the same /hain o0 transmitters, And in the narration transmitted b" :Amr b, al-Harith (the words are):C ?hen the o0 Allah (rtia" 1e4 * & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

a/e be u1on him) 1rostrated2 he s1read out his arms so that the whiteness o0 his arm1its was -isible,C And in the narration transmitted b" al-Laith (the words are:C ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rostrated, he s1read his hands 0rom the arm1its so that I saw their whiteness,C


*2 !umber $


Maimuna re1orted: ?hen the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rostrated himsel02 i0 a lamb wanted to 1ass between his arms2 it /ould 1ass,


*2 !umber $


Maimuna2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rostrated himsel02 he s1read his arms2 i, e, he se1arated them so mu/h that the whiteness o0 his arm1its be/ame -isible 0rom behind and when he sat (0or Falsa) he rested on his le0t thi.h,


*2 !umber $


Maimuna dau.hter o0 Harith re1orted: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rostrated2 he 6e1t his hands so mu/h a1art 0rom ea/h other that when it was seen 0rom behind the arm1its be/ame -isible, ?a6i: said: That is their whiteness,

'ha1ter *$: The e5/ellen/e o0 the 1ra"er and the wa" it is be.un and the e5/ellen/e o0 ru6u: and moderation in it2 and 1rostration and moderation in it2 et/,
7oo6 *2 !umber $ +:
:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to 1ra"er with ta6bir (sa"in. Allih-o-A6bar) and the re/itation:C @raise be to Allah2 the Lord o0 the Uni-erse,C ?hen he bowed he neither 6e1t his head u1 nor bent it down2 but 6e1t it between these e5tremesB when he raised his bead a0ter bow- in. he did not 1rostrate himsel0 till he had stood ere/tB when he raised his head a0ter 1rostration he did not 1rostrate himsel0 a.ain till he satu1, At the end o0 e-er" two ra6:ahs he re/ited the tahi""aB and he used to 1la/e his le0t 0oot 0lat (on the .round) and raise u1 the ri.htB he 1rohibited the de-il:s wa" o0 sittin. on the heels2 and he 0orbade 1eo1le to s1read out their arms li6e a wild beast, And he used to 0inish the 1ra"er with the taslim,

4 + & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter *2: Sutra 0or 1ra"er

7oo6 *2 !umber $ ):
Musa b, Talha re1orted it on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen one o0 "ou 1la/es in 0ront o0 him so me, thin. su/h as the ba/6 o0 a saddle2 he should 1ra" without /arin. who 1asses on the other side o0 it,


*2 !umber $


Musa b, Talha re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: ?e used to sa" 1ra"er and the animals mo-ed in 0ront o0 us, ?e mentioned it to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said: I0 an"thin. equal to the ba/6 o0 a saddle is in 0ront o0 "ou2 then what wal6s in 0ront2 no harm would /ome to him, Ibn !umair said: !o harm would /ome whosoe-er wal6s in 0ront,


*2 !umber $


:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed about sutra o0 a worshi11erB he said: (qual to the ba/6 o0 the saddle,


*2 !umber $


:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed in the e51edition o0 Tabu6 about the sutra the worshi11erB he said: Li6e the ba/6 o0 the saddle,


*2 !umber $ $ :

Ibn Umar re1orted: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) went out on the :Id da"2 he ordered to /arr" a s1ear-and it was 0i5ed in 0ront o0 him2 and he said 1ra"er towards its (dire/tion)2 and the 1eo1le were behind him, And he did it in the journe"2 and that is the reason wh" the Amirs /arried it,


*2 !umber $ $$:

Ibn Umar re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) set u1 (sutra)2 and Abu 7a6r said: He im1lanted iron-ti11ed s1ear and said 1ra"er towards its dire/tion, Ibn Abu Shaiba made this addition to it:C Ubaidullah said that it was a s1ear,C

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $ $2:

Ibn :Umar said: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to 1la/e his /amel (towards the >a:ba) and said 1ra"er in its dire/tion,


*2 !umber $ $4:

Ibn :Umar re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to sa" 1ra"er towards his /amel, Ibn !umair said: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said 1ra"er towards the /amel,


*2 !umber $ $*:

Abu Fuhai0a re1orted it on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: I /ame to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in Me//a and he was (at that time) at al- Abtah in a red leather tent, And 7ilal ste11ed out with ablution water 0or him, (And what was le0t out o0 that water) some o0 them .ot it (whereas others /ould not .et it) and (those who .ot it) rubbed themsel-es with it, Then the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ste11ed out with a red mantle on him and I was /at/hin. a .lim1se o0 the whiteness o0 his shan6s, The narrator said: He (the Hol" @ro1het) 1er0ormed the ablution, and 7ilal 1ronoun/ed Adhan and I 0ollowed his mouth (as he turned) this side and that as he said on the and the le0t:C 'ome to 1ra"er2 /ome to su//ess,C : A s1ear was then 0i5ed 0or him (on the .round), He ste11ed 0orward and said two ra6:ahs o0 Guhr2 while there 1assed in 0ront o0 him a don6e" and a do.2 and these were not /he/6ed, He then said two ra6:ahs o0 the :Asr 1ra"er2 and he then /ontinued sa"in. two ra6:ahs till he /ame ba/6 to Medina,


*2 !umber $ $+:

Abu Fuhai0a re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (in Me//a at al-Abtah) in a red leather tent, and I saw 7ilal ta6e the ablution water (le0t b" Allah:s and I saw the 1eo1le ra/in.2 with one another to .et that ablution water, I0 an"one .ot some o0 it2 he rubbed himsel0 with it2 and an"one who did not .et an" .ot some o0 the moisture 0rom his /om1anion:s hand, I then saw 7ilal ta6e a sta00 and 0i5 it in the .round2 a0ter whi/h the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame out qui/6l" in a red mantle and led the 1eo1le in two ra6:ahs 0a/in. the sta002 and I saw 1eo1le and animals 1assin. in 0ront o0 the sta00,


*2 !umber $ $):

:Aun b, Abu Fuhai0a narrated 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the authorit" o0 his 0ather a hadith li6e that o0 Su0"an2 and :Umar b, Abu Ga:ida made this addition: Some o0 them tried to e5/el the others (in obtainin. water)2 and in the hadith transmitted b" Mali6 b, Mi.hwal (the words are): ?hen it was noon2 7ilal /ame out and summoned (1eo1le) to (noon) 1ra"er,
4 % & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $ $%:

Abu Fuhai0a re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went at noon towards al7atha:2 he 1er0ormed ablution2 and said two ra6:ahs o0 the Guhr 1ra"er and two o0 the :Asr 1ra"er2 and there was a s1ear in 0ront o0 him, Shu:ba said and Aun made this addition to it on the authorit" o0 his 0ather Abu Fuhai0a: And the woman and the don6e" 1assed behind it,


*2 !umber $ $#:

Shu:ba narrated the same on the basis o0 two authorities and in the hadith transmitted b" Ha6am (the words are): The 1eo1le to .et water that was le0t out o0 his (the @ro1het:s) ablution,


*2 !umber $ $;:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: I /ame ridin. on a she-ass2 and I was on the threshold o0 maturit"2 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was leadin. 1eo1le in 1ra"er at Mina, I 1assed in 0ront o0 the row and .ot down2 and sent the she-ass 0or .ra8in. and joined the row2 and nobod" made an" obje/tion to it,


*2 !umber $ 2 :

Abdullah b, Abbas re1orted that he /ame ridin. on a don6e"2 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was leadin. the 1eo1le in 1ra"er at Mina on the o//asion o0 the =arewell @il.rima.e and (the narrator) re1orted: The don6e" 1assed in 0ront o0 the row and then he .ot down 0rom it And joined the row alon. with the 1eo1le,


*2 !umber $ 2$:

This hadith has been narrated b" Ibn :U"aina on the authorit" o0 al-Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters and he re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was leadin. 1ra"er at :Ara0a,


*2 !umber $ 22:

This hadith has been re1orted b" Ma:mar on the authorit" o0 al-Guhri with the /ame /hain o0 transmitters2 but here no mention has been made o0 Mina or :Ara0a2 and he said: It was in the =arewell @il.rima.e or on the 9a" o0 <i/tor",


*2 !umber $ 24:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou 1ra"s he should not let an"one 1ass in 0ront o0 him (i0 there is no sutra)2 and should
4 # & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

tr" to turn him awa" as 0ar as 1ossible2 but i0 he re0uses to .o2 he should turn him awa" 0or/ibl" 0or he is a de-il,


*2 !umber $ 2*:

Abu Salih al-Samman re1orted: I narrate to "ou what I heard and saw 0rom Abu Sa:id al->hudri: 3ne da" I was with Abu Sa:id and he was sa"in. 1ra"er on =rida" turnin. to a thin. whi/h /on/ealed him 0rom the 1eo1le when a "oun. man 0rom 7anu Mu:ait /ame there and he tried to 1ass in 0ront o0 himB he turned him ba/6 b" stri6in. his /hest, He loo6ed about but 0indin. no other wa" to 1ass e5/e1t in 0ront o0 Abu Sa:id2 made a se/ond attem1t, He (Abu Sa:id) turned him awa" b" Stri6in. his /hest more -i.orousl" than the 0irst stro6e, He stood u1 and had a s/u00le with Abu Sa:id, Then the 1eo1le .athered there He /ame out and went to Marwan and /om1lained to him what had ha11ened to him, Abu Sa:id too /ame to Marwan, Marwin said to him: ?hat has ha11ened to "ou and the son o0 "our brother that he /ame to /om1lain a.ainst "ouD Abu Sa:id said: I heard 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: ?hen an" one o0 "ou 1ra"s 0a/in. somethin. whi/h /on/eals him 0rom 1eo1le and an"one tries to 1ass in 0ront o0 him2 he should be turned awa"2 but i0 he re0uses2 he should be 0or/ibl" restrained 0rom it2 0or he is a de-il,


*2 !umber $ 2+:

:Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou 1ra"s2 he should not allow an"one to 1ass be0ore him2 and i0 he re0uses2 he should be then 0or/ibl" resisted2 0or there is a de-il with him,


*2 !umber $ 2):

This hadith has been narrated b" Ibn Umar b" another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $ 2%:

7usr b, Sa:id re1orted that Gaid b >halid al-Fuhani sent him to Abu Fuhaim in order to as6 him what he had heard 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with re.ard to the 1asser in 0ront o0 the worshi11er, Abu Fuhaim re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 an"one who 1asses in 0ront o0 a man who is 1ra"in. 6new the res1onsibilit" he in/urs2 he would stand still 0ort" ("ears) rather than to 1ass in 0ront o0 him Abu !adr said: I do not 6now whether he said 0ort" da"s or months or "ears,


*2 !umber $ 2#:

This hadith has been narrated 0rom Abu Fuhaim Ansari b" another /hain o0 transmitters,

4 ; & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $ 2;:

Sahl b, Sa:d al-Si:idi re1orted: 7etween the 1la/e o0 worshi1 where the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ra"ed and the wall2 there was a .a1 throu.h whi/h a .oat /ould 1ass,


*2 !umber $ 4 :

Salama b, A6wa: re1orted: He the 1la/e (in the mosque) where the /o1ies o0 the Eur:an were 6e1t and .lori0ied Allah there2 and the narrator made a mention that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that 1la/e and that was between the 1ul1it and the qibla-a 1la/e where a .oat /ould 1ass,


*2 !umber $ 4$:

Ka8id re1orted: Salama to sa" 1ra"er near the 1illar whi/h was b" that 1la/e where /o1ies o0 the Eur:an were 6e1t, I said to him: Abu Muslim, I see "ou stri-in. to o00er "our 1ra"er b" this 1illar, He said: I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) see6in. to 1ra" b" its side,


*2 !umber $ 42:

Abu 9harr re1orted: The o0 :Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou stands 0or 1ra"er and there is a thin. be0ore him equal to the ba/6 o0 the saddle that /o-ers him and in /ase there is not be0ore him (a thin.) equal to the ba/6 o0 the saddle2 his 1ra"er would be /ut o00 b" (1assin. o0 an) ass2 woman2 and bla/6 9o., I said: 3 Abu 9harr2 what 0eature is there in a bla/6 do. whi/h distin.uish it 0rom the red do. and the "ellow do.D He said: 32 son o0 m" brother2 I as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as "ou are as6in. me2 and he said: The bla/6 do. is a de-il,


*2 !umber $ 44:

This hadith has been transmitted b" Humaid b, Hilal on the authorit" o0 Kunus,


*2 !umber $ 4*:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A woman2 an ass and a do. disru1t the 1ra"er2 but somethin. li6e the ba/6 o0 a saddle .uards a.ainst that,


*2 !umber $ 4+:

:A:isha re1orted: The @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to 1ra" at while I la" inter1osed between him and the Eibla li6e a /or1se on the bier,

4$ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $ 4):

:A:isha re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said his whole 1ra"er (Tahajjud 1ra"er) durin. the while I la" between him and the Eibla, ?hen he intended to sa" ?itr (1ra"er) he awa6ened me and I too said witr (1ra"er),


*2 !umber $ 4%:

:Urwa b, Gubair re1orted: :A:isha as6ed: ?hat disru1ts the 1ra"erD ?e said: The woman and the ass, U1on this she remar6ed: Is the woman an u.l" animalD I la" in 0ront o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) li6e the bier o0 a /or1se and he said 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $ 4#:

Masruq re1orted: It was mentioned be0ore:A:isha that 1ra"er is in-alidated (in /ase o0 1assin.) o0 a do.2 an ass and a woman (be0ore the worshi11er2 when he is not s/reened), U1on this :A:isha said: Kou li6ened us to the asses and the do.s, 7" Allah I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in. 1ra"er while I la" on the bedstead inter1osin. between him and the Eibla, ?hen I 0elt the need2 I did not li6e to wit to 0ront (o0 the Hol" @ro1het) and 1erturb the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and quietl" mo-ed out 0rom under its (i, e, o0 the bedstead) le.s,


*2 !umber $ 4;:

Al-Aswad re1orted that :A:isha said: Kou ha-e made us equal to the do.s and the asses2 whereas I la" on the bedstead and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame there and stood in the middle o0 the bedstead and said 1ra"er, I did not li6e to ta6e o00 the quilt 0rom me (in that state)2 so I mo-ed awa" quietl" 0rom the 0ront le.s o0 the bedstead and thus /ame out o0 the quilt,


*2 !umber $ * :

:A:isha re1orted: I was slee1in. in 0ront o0 the M/ e0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with m" le.s between him and the Eibla, ?hen he 1rostrated himsel0 he 1in/hed me and I drew u1 m" le.s2 and when be stood u12 I stret/hed them out, She said: At that time there were no lam1s in the houses,


*2 !umber $ *$:

Maimuna2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said 1ra"er and I (la") o11osite to him while I was in menses, Sometimes his /lothes tou/hed me when he 1rostrated,

4$$ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $ *2:

:A:isha re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said 1ra"er at and I was b" his side in a state o0 meanses and I had a sheet 1ulled o-er me a 1ortion o0 whi/h was on his side,

'ha1ter *4: @ra"er in a sin.le .arment

7oo6 *2 !umber $ *4:
Abu Huraira re1orted: An inquirer as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about the 1ra"er in a sin.le .arment, He (the Hol" @ro1het) add: Has e-er"one o0 "ou two .armentsD


*2 !umber $ **:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Abu Huraira with another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $ *+:

Abu Huraira re1orted: A 1erson addressed the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said to him: 'an an" one o0 us sa" 1ra"er in one .armentD He said: 9o all o0 "ou 1ossess two .armentsD


*2 !umber $ *):

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !one o0 "ou must 1ra" in a sin.le .arment o0 whi/h no 1art /omes o-er his shoulders,


*2 !umber $ *%:

Umar b, Abu Salama re1orted: I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ra"in. in Umm Salama:s house in a sin.le .arment2 1la/in. its two ends o-er his shoulders,


*2 !umber $ *#:

This hadith has been narrated b" Hisham b, :Urwa with the same /hain o0 transmitters e5/e1t (with this di00eren/e) that the word mutawashshihan was used and not the word mushtamilan,


*2 !umber $ *;:

:Umar b, Abu Salama re1orted: I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in. 1ra"er in the house o0 Umm Salama in a sin.le .arment with its e5tremities /rossin. ea/h other,

4$2 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $ + :

Umar b, Abu Salama re1orted: I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ra"in. in a sin.le .arment with its ends /rossin. ea/h other, :Isa b, Hammad added:C 1la/in. on his shouldersC,


*2 !umber $ +$:

Fabir re1orted: I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ra"in. in a sin.le .arment /rossin. the two ends,


*2 !umber $ +2:

This hadith has been narrated b" Su0"an with the same /hain o0 transmitters and in the hadith transmitted b" !umair the words are: I /alled u1on the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),C


*2 !umber $ +4:

Abu Gubair re1orted that he saw Fabir b, :Abdullah 1ra"in. in a sin.le .arment /rossin. Its ends e-en thou.h he had the .arments2 and Fabir said: He saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) doin. li6e this,


*2 !umber $ +*:

Abu Sa:id al >hudri re1orted: I -isited the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and saw him 1ra"in. on a reed mat on whi/h he was 1rostratin. himsel0, And I saw him 1ra"in. in a sin.le .arment with ends /rossed with ea/h other,


*2 !umber $ ++:

This hadith has been narrated b" A:mash with the /ame /hain o0 transmitters2 and in the narration o0 Abu >araib the words are:C @la/in. its (mantle:s) ends on his shouldersC B and the narration transmitted b" Abu 7a6r and Suwaid (the words are):C the ends /rossin. with ea/h otherC,

'ha1ter **: Mosques and the 1la/e o0 worshi1

7oo6 *2 !umber $ +):
Abu 9harr re1orted: I said: o0 Allah2 whi/h mosque was set u1 0irst on the earthD He said: Al-Masjid al-Haram (the sa/red), I (a.ain) said: Then whi/h ne5tD He said: It was the Masjid Aqsa, I (a.ain) said: How lon. the s1a/e o0 time (between their settin. u1)D He (the Hol" @ro1het)
4$4 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

said: It was 0ort" "ears, And whene-er the time /omes 0or 1ra"er2 1ra" there2 0or that is a mosqueB and in the hadith transmitted b" Abu >amil (the words are):C ?hene-er time /omes 0or 1ra"er2 1ra"2 0or that is a mosque (0or "ou),C


*2 !umber $ +%:

Ibrahim b, Ka8id al-Ta"ml re1orted: I used to read the Eur:an with m" 0ather in the -estibule (be0ore the door o0 the mosque), ?hen I re/ited the a"at (-erses) /on/ernin. 1rostration2 he 1rostrated himsel0, I said to him: =ather2 do "ou 1rostrate "oursel0 in the 1athD He said: I heard Abu 9harr sa"in.: I as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about the mosque that was 0irst set u1 on the earth, He said: Masjid Harim, I said: Then whi/h ne5tD He said: The Masjid al-Aqsa, I said: How lon. is the s1a/e o0 time between the twoD He said: =ort" "ears, He (then) 0urther said: The earth is a mosque 0or "ou2 so where-er "ou are at the time o0 1ra"er2 1ra" there,


*2 !umber $ +#:

Fabir b, :Abdullah al-Ansari re1orted: The @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I ha-e been /on0erred u1on 0i-e (thin.s) whi/h were not .ranted to an"one be0ore me (and these are): (-er" a1ostle wassent 1arti/ularl" to his own 1eo1le2 whereas I ha-e been sent to all the red and the bla/6 the s1oils o0 war ha-e been made law0ul 0or me2 and these were ne-er made law0ul to an"one be0ore me2 and the earth has been made sa/red and 1ure and mosque 0or me2 so whene-er the time o0 1ra"er /omes 0or an" one o0 "ou he should 1ra" whene-er he is2 and I ha-e been su11orted b" awe (b" whi/h the enem" is o-erwhelmed) 0rom the distan/e (whi/h one ta6es) one month to /o-er and I ha-e been .ranted inter/ession,


*2 !umber $ +;:

Fabir b, :Abdullah related that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said2 and he related li6e this,


*2 !umber $ ) :

Hudhai0a re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be n1on him) said: ?e ha-e been made to e5/el (other) 1eo1le in three (thin.s): 3ur rows ha-e been made li6e the rows o0 the an.els and the whole earth has been made a mosque 0or us2 and its dust has been made a 1uri0ier 0or us in /ase water is not a-ailable, And he mentioned another /hara/teristi/ too


*2 !umber $ )$:

Hudhai0a re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said li6e this,

4$* & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $ )2:

Abu Huraira re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on hlm.) said: I ha-e been .i-en su1eriorit" o-er the other 1ro1hets in si5 res1e/ts: I ha-e been .i-en words whi/h are /on/ise but /om1rehensi-e in meanin.B I ha-e been hel1ed b" terror (in the hearts o0 enemies): s1oils ha-e been made law0ul to me: the earth has been made 0or me /lean and a 1la/e o0 worshi1B I ha-e been sent to all man6ind and the line o0 1ro1hets is /losed with me,


*2 !umber $ )4:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I ha-e been /ommissioned with words whi/h are /on/ise but /om1rehensi-e in meanin.B I ha-e been hel1ed b" terror (in the hearts o0 enemies): and while I was aslee1 I was the 6e"s o0 the treasures o0 the earth whi/h were 1la/ed in m" hand, And Ab0i Huraira added: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has le0t (0or his hea-enl" home) and "ou are now bus" in .ettin. them,


*2 !umber $ )*:

Abu Huraira re1orted: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in. a hadith li6e that o0 Kunus,


*2 !umber $ )+:

This hadith has been narratted b" Abu Huraira b" another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $ )):

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I ha-e been hel1ed b" terror (in the heart o0 the enem") B I ha-e been .i-en words whi/h are /on/ise but /om1rehensi-e in meanin.B and while I was aslee1 I was the 6e"s o0 the treasures o0 the earth whi/h were 1la/ed in m" hand,


*2 !umber $ )%:

Hammam b, Munabbih re1orted: That is what Abu Huraira re1orted to us 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he narrated (some) ahadith one o0 whi/h is that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I ha-e been hel1ed b" terror (in the hearts o0 enemies) and I ha-e been .i-en words whi/h are /on/ise but /om1rehensi-e in meanin.,

4$+ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter *+: 7uildin. o0 the 1ro1het:s mosque in medina

7oo6 *2 !umber $ )#:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to Medina and sta"ed in the u11er 1art o0 Medina 0or 0ourteen ni.hts with a tribe /alled 7anu :Amr b :Au0, He then sent 0or the /hie0s o0 7anu al-!ajir2 and the" /ame with swords around their ine/6s, He (the narrator) said: I 1er/ei-e as i0 I am seein. the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on his ride with Abu 7a6r behind him and the /hie0s o0 7anu al-!ajjar around him till he ali.hted in the /ourt"ard o0 Abu A""ub, He (the narrator) said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said 1ra"er when the time /ame 0or 1ra"er2 and he 1ra"ed in the 0old o0 .oats and shee1, He then ordered mosques to be built and sent 0or the /hie0s o0 7anu al-!ajjar2 and the" /ame (to him), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said to them: 3 7anu al-!ajjar2 sell these lands o0 "ours to me, The" said: !o2 b" Allah, we would not demand their 1ri/e2 but (reward) 0rom the Lord, Anas said: There (in these lands) were trees and .ra-es o0 the 1ol"theists2 and ruins, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) ordered that the trees should be /ut2 and the .ra-es should be du. out2 and the ruins should be le-elled, The trees (were thus) 1la/ed in rows towards the qibla and the stones were set on both sides o0 the door2 and (while buildin. the mosque) the" (the 'om1anions) san. raja8 -erses alon. with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): 3 Allah: there is no .ood but the .ood o0 the ne5t world2 So hel1 the Ansar and the Muhajirin,


*2 !umber $ );:

Anas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to 1ra" in the 0olds o0 the shee1 and .oats be0ore the mosque was built,


*2 !umber $ % :

Abu al-Ti""ah re1orted: I heard 0rom Anas a narration li6e this 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

4$) & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter *): 'han.e o0 qibla 0rom 7ait-ul-maqdis to 6>:ba

7oo6 *2 !umber $ %$:
Al-7ara: b, :A8ib re1orted: I said 1ra"er with the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) turnin. towards 7ait-ul-Maqdis 0or si5teen months till this -erse o0 Surah 7aqara wis re-ealed:C And where-er "ou are turn "our 0a/es towards itC (ii, $**), This -erse was re-ealed when the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said 1ra"er, A 1erson his 1eo1le 1assed b" the 1eo1le o0 Ansar as the" were en.a.ed in 1ra"er, He narrated to them (this /ommand o0 Allah) and the" turned their 0a/es towards the >a:ba,


*2 !umber $ %2:

Abu Ishaq re1orted: I heard al-7ara: sa"in.: ?e 1ra"ed with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (with our 0a/es) towards 7ait-ul-Maqdis 0or si5teen months or se-enteen months, Then we were made to /han.e (our dire/tion) towards the >a:ba,


*2 !umber $ %4:

Ibn :Umar re1orted: As the 1eo1le were 1ra"in. at Euba: a man /ame to them and said: It has been re-ealed to 0ile o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) durin. the and he has been dire/ted to turn towards the >a:ba, So turn towards it, Their 0a/es were towards S"ria and the" turned round towards >a:ba,


*2 !umber $ %*:

Ibn :Umar re1orted: As the 1eo1le were en.a.ed in the mornin. 1ra"er a man /ame to them, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,


*2 !umber $ %+:

Anas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to 1ra" towards 7ait-ulMaqdis2 that it was re-ealed (to him):C Indeed ?e see the turnin. o0 the 0a/e to hea-en2 where0ore ?e shall assuredl" /ause thee to turn towards Eibla whi/h shall 1lease thee, So turn th" 0a/e towards the sa/red Mosque (>a:ba)C (ii, $**), A 1erson 0rom 7anu Salama was .oin.B (he 0ound the 1eo1le) in ru6:u (while) 1ra"in. the dawn 1ra"er and the" had said one ra6:ah, He said in a loud -oi/e: ListenL the Eibla has been /han.ed and the" turned towards (the new) Eibla (>a:ba) in that -er" state,
4$% & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter *%: =orbiddan/e to build mosques on the .ra-es and de/oratin. them with 1i/tures and 0orbiddan/e to use the .ra-es as mosques
7oo6 *2 !umber $ %):
:A:isha re1orted: Umm Habiba and Umm Salama made a mention be0ore the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) o0 a /hur/h whi/h the" had seen in Ab"ssinia and whi/h had 1i/tures in it, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen a 1ious 1erson them (amon. the reli.ious .rou1s) dies the" build a 1la/e o0 worshi1 on his .ra-e2 and then de/orate it with su/h 1i/tures, The" would be the worst o0 /reatures on the 9a" o0 jud.ment in the o0 Allah,


*2 !umber $ %%:

:A:isha re1orted: The" (some 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) were /on-ersin. with one another in the 1resen/e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (durin. his last) illness, Umm Salama and Umm Habiba made a mention o0 the /hur/h and then (the hadith was) narrated,


*2 !umber $ %#:

:A:isha re1orted: The wi-es o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be U1on him) made a mention o0 the /hur/h whi/h the" had seen in Ab"ssinia whi/h was /alled Mar"a2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same,


*2 !umber $ %;:

:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said durin. his illness 0rom whi/h he ne-er re/o-ered: Allah /ursed the Fews and the 'hristians that the" too6 the .ra-es o0 their 1ro1hets as mosques, She (:A:isha) re1orted: Had it not been so2 his (@ro1het:s) .ra-e would ha-e been in an o1en 1la/e2 but it /ould not be due to the 0ear that it ma" not be ta6en as a mosque,


*2 !umber $ # :

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Let Allah destro" the Fews 0or the" ha-e ta6en the .ra-es o0 their a1ostles as 1la/es o0 worshi1,

4$# & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $ #$:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Let there be /urse o0 Allah u1on the Fews and the 'hristians 0or the" ha-e ta6en the .ra-es o0 their a1ostles as 1la/es o0 worshi1,


*2 !umber $ #2:

:A:isha and Abdullah re1orted: As the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was about to breathe his last2 he drew his sheet u1on his 0a/e and when he 0elt uneas"2 he un/o-ered his 0a/e and said in that -er" state: Let there be /urse u1on the Fews and the 'hristians that the" ha-e ta6en the .ra-es o0 their a1ostles as 1la/es o0 worshi1, He in 0a/t warned (his men) a.ainst what the" (the Fews and the 'hristians) did,


*2 !umber $ #4:

Fundub re1orted: I heard 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0i-e da"s be0ore his death and he said: I stand a/quitted be0ore Allah that I too6 an" one o0 "ou as 0riend2 0or Allah has ta6en me as His 0riend2 as he too6 Ibrahim as His 0riend, Had I ta6en an" one o0 m" Ummah as a 0riend2 I would ha-e ta6en Abu 7a6r as a 0riend, 7eware o0 those who 1re/eded "ou and used to ta6e the .ra-es o0 their 1ro1hets and ri.hteous men as 1la/es o0 worshi12 but "ou must not ta6e .ra-es as mosquesB I 0orbid "ou to do that,

'ha1ter *#: The -irtue o0 buildin. the mosques and e5hortation to it

7oo6 *2 !umber $ #*:
Ubaidullah al->haulini re1orted: :Uthman b, :A00an listened to the o1inion o0 the 1eo1le (whi/h was not 0a-ourable) when he rebuilt the mosque o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Thereu1on he said: Kou ha-e not been 0air to me 0or I ha-e heard 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: He who built a mosque 0or Allah2 the (5alted2 Allah would build 0or him a house in @aradise, 7u6air said: I thin6 he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hile he see6s the 1leasure o0 Allah (b" buildin. the mosque), And in the narration o0 Ibn :Isa (the words are):C (a house) li6e that (mosque) in @aradise,C

4$; & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $ #+:

Mahmud b, Labid re1orted: ?hen :Uthman b, :A00an intended to build the mosque (o0 the @ro1het) the 1eo1le did not a11ro-e o0 it, The" li6ed that it should be 6e1t in the same state, Thereu1on he said: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": He who built a mosque 0or Allah2 Allah would build a house 0or him li6e it in @aradise,

'ha1ter *;: 'on/ernin. the /ommand o0 1la/in. one:s hands on the 6nees while in ru6u: and abro.ation o0 al-tatbiq
7oo6 *2 !umber $ #):
Al-Aswad and :Alqama re1orted: ?e /ame to the house o0 :Abdullah b, Mas:ud, He said: Ha-e these 1eo1le said 1ra"er behind "ouD ?e said: !o, He said: Then stand u1 and sa" 1ra"er, He neither ordered us to sa" Adhan nor Iqama, ?e went to stand behind him, He / hold o0 our hands and mode one o0 us stand on his hand and the other on his le0t side, ?hen we bowed2 we 1la/ed our hands on our 6nees, He stru/6 our hands and 1ut his hands to.ether2 1alm to 1alm2 then 1ut them between his thi.hs, ?hen he /om1leted the 1ra"er he said, There would soon /ome "our Amirs2 who would de0er 1ra"ers 0rom their a11ointed time and would ma6e su/h dela" that a little time is le0t be0ore sunset, So when "ou see them doin. so2 sa" 1ra"er at its a11ointed time and then sa" 1ra"er alon. with them as (!a0l)2 and when "ou are three2 1ra" to.ether (standin. in one row)2 and when "ou are more than three2 a11oint one "ou as "our Imam, And when an" one o0 "ou bows he must 1la/e his hands u1on hie thi.hs and 6neel down, and 1uttin. his 1alms to.ether 1la/e (them within his thi.hs), I 1er/ei-e as i0 I am seein. the .a1 between the 0in.ers o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him),


*2 !umber $ #%:

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Alqama and Aswad b" another /hain o0 transmitters and in the hadith transmitted b" Ibn Mus-hir and Fabir the words are:C I 1er/ei-e as i0 I am seein. the .a1 between the 0in.ers o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as he was bowin.,C


*2 !umber $ ##:

:Alqama and Aswad re1orted that the" went to :Abdullah, He said: Ha-e (1eo1le) behind "ou said 1ra"erD The" said: Kes, He stood between them (:Alqama and Aswad), 3ne was on his aide and the other was on his le0t, ?e then bowed and 1la/ed our hands on our 6nees, He stru/6 our hands
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

and then 1uttin. his hands to.ether2 1alm to 1alm2 1la/ed them between his thi.hs, ?hen he /om1leted the 1ra"er he said: This is how the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to do,


*2 !umber $ #;:

Mus:ab b, Sa:d re1orted: I said 1ra"er b" the side o0 m" 0ather and 1la/ed m" hands between m" 6nees, M" 0ather said to me: @la/e "our hands on "our 6nees, I re1eated that (the 1re-ious a/t) 0or the se/ond time2 and he stru/6 at m" hands and said: ?e ha-e been 0orbidden to do so and ha-e been /ommanded to 1la/e our 1alms on the 6nees,


*2 !umber $ ; :

This hadith has been narrated b" Abu Ka:0ur with the same /hain o0 transmitters u1 to these words: ?e ha-e been 0orbidden 0rom it and no mention o0 that has been made what 0ollows it,


*2 !umber $ ;$:

Ibn Sa:d re1orted: I bowed and m" hands were in this state2 i, e, the" were 1ut to.ether2 1alm to 1alm2 and were 1la/ed between his thi.hs, M" 0ather said: ?e used to do li6e this but were later on /ommanded to 1la/e them on the 6nees,


*2 !umber $ ;2:

Mus:ab b, Sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas re1orted: I said 1ra"er b" the side o0 m" 0ather, ?hen I bowed I intertwined m" 0in.ers and 1la/ed them between m" 6nees, He stru/6 m" hands, ?hen he /om1leted the 1ra"er he said: ?e used to do that but then were /ommanded to li0t (our 1alms) to the 6nees,

'ha1ter + : Sittin. on the butto/6s

7oo6 *2 !umber $ ;4:
Tawus re1orted: ?e as6ed Ibn Abbas about sittin. on one:s butto/6s (in 1ra"er), (ala alqad mein) He said: It is sunnah, ?e said to him: ?e 0ind it a sort o0 /ruelt" to the 0oot, Ibn :Abbas said: It is the sunnah o0 "our A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter +$: =orbiddan/e o0 tal6in. in 1ra"er and abro.ation o0 what was 1ermissible
7oo6 *2 !umber $ ;*:
Mu:awi"a b, al-Ha6am said: ?hile I was 1ra"in. with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 a man in the /om1an" snee8ed, I said: Allah ha-e mer/" on "ouL The 1eo1le stared at me with disa11ro-in. loo6s2 so I said: ?oe be u1on me2 wh" is it that "ou stare at meD The" to stri6e their hands on their thi.hs2 and when I saw them me to obser-e silen/e (I be/ame an.r") but I said nothin., ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said the 1ra"er (and I de/lare that neither be0ore him nor a0ter him ha-e I seen a leader who .a-e better instru/tion than he 0or whom I would .i-e m" 0ather and mother as ransom), I swear that he did not s/old2 beat or re-ile me but said: Tal6in. to 1ersons is not 0ittin. durin. the 1ra"er2 0or it /onsists o0 .lori0"in. Allah2 de/larin. his Hreatness, and re/itation o0 the Eur:an or words to that e00e/t, I said: o0 Allah, I was till re/entl" a 1a.an2 but Allah has Islam to usB amon. us there are men who ha-e re/ourse to >ahins, He said2 9o not ha-e re/ourse to them, I said, There are men who ta6e omens, That is somethin. whi/h the" 0ind in their breasts2 but let it not turn their wa" (0rom 0reedom o0 a/tion), I said: Amon. us there are men who draw lines, He said: There was a 1ro1het who drew lines2 so i0 the" do it as the" did2 that is allowable, I had a maid-ser-ant who tended .oats b" the side o0 Uhud and Fawwani"a, 3ne da" I ha11ened to 1ass that wa" and 0ound that a wol0 had /arried a .oat 0rom her 0lo/6, I am a0ter all a man 0rom the 1osterit" o0 Adam, I 0elt sorr" as the" (human bein.s) 0eel sorr", So I sla11ed her, I /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and 0elt (this a/t o0 mine) as somethin. .rie-ous I said: o0 Allah2 should I not .rant her 0reedomD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 7rin. her to me, So I her to him, He said to her: ?here is AllahD She said: He is in the hea-en, He said: ?ho am ID She said: Thou art the o0 Allah, He said: Hrant her 0reedom2 she is a belie-in. woman,


*2 !umber $ ;+:

This hadith has been narrated b" Kah"a b, Abu >athir with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $ ;):

Abdullah (b, Masu:d) re1orted: ?e used to .reet the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) while he was en.a.ed in 1ra"er and he would res1ond to our .reetin., 7ut when we returned 0rom the ! we .reeted him and he did not res1ond to usB so we said: o0 Allah, we used to .reet "ou when "ou were en.a.ed in 1ra"er and "ou would res1ond to us, He re1lied: @ra"er demands whole attention,

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $ ;%:

This hadith has been re1orted b" A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $ ;#:

Gaid b, Arqam re1orted: ?e used to tal6 while en.a.ed in 1ra"er and a 1erson tal6ed with a /om1anion on his side in 1ra"er till (this -erse) was re-ealed:C And stand be0ore Allah in de-out obedien/eC (ii2 24#) and we were /ommanded to obser-e silen/e (in 1ra"er) and were 0orbidden to s1ea6,


*2 !umber $ ;;:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted b" Isma:il b, Abu >halid,


*2 !umber $$

Fabir re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent me on an errand, I (ha-in. done the business assi.ned to me /ame ba/6 and) joined him as he was .oin. (on a ride), Eutaiba said that he was sa"in. 1ra"er while he rode, I .reeted him, He .estured to me, ?hen he /om1leted the 1ra"er, he /alled me and said: Kou .reeted me just now while I was en.a.ed in 1ra"er, (Eutaiba said): His (@ro1het:s 0a/e) was towards the east2 as he was 1ra"in.,


*2 !umber $$ $:

Fabir re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent me (on an errand) while he was .oin. to 7anu Mustaliq, I /ame to him and he was en.a.ed in 1ra"er on the ba/6 o0 his /amel, I tal6ed to him and he .estured to me ?ith his hand2 and Guhair .estured with his hand, I then a.ain tal6ed and he a.ain (.estured to me with his hand), Guhair 1ointed with his hand towards the .round, I heard him (the Hol" @ro1het) re/itin. the Eur:an and ma6in. a si.n with his head, ?hen he /om- 1leted the 1ra"er he sa:id: ?hat ha-e "ou done (with re.ard to that business) 0or whi/h I sent "ouD I /ould not tal6 with "ou but 0or the 0a/t that I was en.a.ed in 1ra"er, Guhair told that Abu Gubair was sittin. with his 0a/e turned towards Eibla (as he transmitted this hadith), Abu Guhair 1ointed towards 7anu Mustaliq with his hand and the dire/tion to whi/h he 1ointed with his hand was not towards the >a:ba,


*2 !umber $$ 2:

Fabir re1orted: ?e were in the /om1an" o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he sent me on an errand2 and when I /ame ba/6 (I saw him) sa"in. 1ra"er on his ride and his 0a/e was not turned towards Eibla, I .reeted him but he did not res1ond to me, As he /om1leted the
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

1ra"er2 he said: !othin. 1re-ented me 0rom res1ondin. to "our .reetin. but the 0a/t that I was 1ra"in.,


*2 !umber $$ 4:

This hadith that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent Fabir on an errand has been re1orted b" him throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter +2: It:s allowable to /urse satan durin. 1ra"er and see6 the 1rote/tion (o0 the lord) and minor a/ts (o0 /ommission) in 1ra"er
7oo6 *2 !umber $$ *:
Abu Huraira re1orted that he heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: A hi.hl" wi/6ed one the Finn es/a1ed " to interru1t m" 1ra"er2 but Allah .a-e me 1ower o-er him2 so I sei8ed him and intended to tie him to one o0 the 1illars o0 the mosque in order that "ou2 all to.ether or all2 loo6 at him2 but I remembered the su11li/ation o0 m" brother Sulaiman:C M" Lord2 0or.i-e me2 .i-e me su/h a 6in.dom as will not be 1ossible 0or an"one a0ter meC (Eur:an2 555-ii, 4+),


*2 !umber $$ +:

This hadith has been transmitted b" Ibn Abi Shaiba,


*2 !umber $$ ):

Abu 9arda: re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 (to 1ra") and we heard him sa":C I see6 re0u.e in Allah 0rom thee,C Then said:C /urse thee with Allah:s /urseC three times2 then he stret/hed out his hand as thou.h he was ta6in. hold o0 somethin., ?hen he 0inished the 1ra"er2 we said: o0 Allah2 we heard "ou sa" somethin. durin. the 1ra"er whi/h we ha-e not heard "ou sa" be0ore2 and we saw "ou stret/h out "our hand, He re1lied: Allah:s enem" Iblis /ame with a 0lame o0 0ire to 1ut it in m" 0a/e2 so I said three times:C I See6 re0u.e in Allah 0rom thee,C Then I said three times:C I /urse thee with Allah:s 0ull /urse,C 7ut he did not retreat (on an" one o0 these) three o//asions, Therea0ter I meant to sei8e him, I swear b" Allah that had it not been 0or the su11li/ation o0 m" brother Sulaiman he would ha-e been bound2 and made an obje/t o0 s1ort 0or the /hildren o0 Medina,

42* & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter +4: @ermissibilit" o0 /arr"in. /hildren in 1ra"er

7oo6 *2 !umber $$ %:
Abu Eatadi re1orted: I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in. the 1ra"er while he was /arr"in. Umama2 dau.hter o0 Gainab2 dau.hter o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), and Abu:l-:As b, al-Aabi:, ?hen he stood u12 he too6 her u1 and when he 1rostrated he 1ut her down2 Kah"a said: Mali6 re1lied in the a00irmati-e,


*2 !umber $$ #:

Abu Eatada al-Ansari re1orted: I saw the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) leadin. the 1eo1le in 1ra"er with Umima2 dau.hter o0 Abu:l-:As and Gainab2 dau.hter o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 on his shoulder, ?hen he bowed2 he 1ut her down2 and when he .ot u1 a0ter 1rostration2 he li0ted her a.ain,


*2 !umber $$ ;:

Abu Eatada re1orted: I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) leadin. the 1eo1le in 1ra"er with Umama dau.hter o0 Abu:l-:As on his ne/6B and when he 1rostrated he 1ut her down,


*2 !umber $$$ :

Abu Eatada re1orted: As we were sittin. in the mosque2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to us2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same e5/e1t that he made no mention that he led 1eo1le in this 1ra"er,

'ha1ter +*: The 1ermissibilit" o0 mo-in. two ste1s in the 1ra"er

7oo6 *2 !umber $$$$:
Abu Ha8im is re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: Some 1eo1le /ame to Sahl b, Sa:d and to di00er about the wood o0 whi/h the (@ro1het:s 1ul1it was made, He (Sahl b, Sa:d) said: 7" Allah2 I 6now o0 whi/h wood it is made and who made it2 and the da" when I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) seated himsel0 on it on the 0irst da", I said to him: 3 Abu Abbas (6un"ah o0 Sabl b, Sa:d)2 narrate to us (all these 0a/ts)2 He said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)
42+ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

sent a 1erson to a woman as6in. her to allow her sla-e2 a /ar1enter2 to wor6 on woods (to 1re1are a 1ul1it) so that I should tal6 to the 1eo1le (sittin. on it), Abu Ha8im said: He (Sahl b, Sa:d) 1ointed out the name o0 (that lad") that da", So he (the /ar1enter) made (a 1ul1it) with these three ste1s, Then the Messen.ero0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded it to be 1la/ed here (where it is l"in. now), It was 0ashioned out o0 the wood o0 al-Hhaba, And I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) standin. u1on it and .lori0"in. Allah and the 1eo1le also .lori0ied Allah a0ter him2 while he was on the 1ul1it, He then raised (his head 0rom 1rostration) and ste11ed ba/6 (on his heels) till he 1rostrated himsel0 at the base o0 1ul1it2 and then returned (to the 0ormer 1la/e and this mo-ement o0 one or two ste1s /ontinued) till the 1ra"er was /om1lete, He then turned towards the 1eo1le and said: 3 1eo1le2 I ha-e done it so that "ou should 0ollow me and learn (m" mode o0) 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $$$2:

Abu Ha8im re1orted: The" (the 1eo1le) /ame to Sahl b, Sa:d and the" as6ed him o0 what thin. the 1ul1it o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was made2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

'ha1ter ++: It is not ad-isable to sa" 1ra"er while 6ee1in. one:s hand on one:s waist
7oo6 *2 !umber $$$4:
Abu Huraira re1orted 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he 0orbade 6ee1in. one:s hand on one:s waist while 1ra"in.2 and in the narration o0 Abu 7a6r (the words are): The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade to do so,

'ha1ter +): It is 0orbidden to remo-e 1ebbles and smooth the .round while en.a.ed in 1ra"er
7oo6 *2 !umber $$$*:
Mu:aiqib quoted the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) mentionin. the remo-al o0 1ebbles 0rom the .round where he 1rostrated himsel0, He (the @ro1het) said: It "ou must do so2 do it onl" on/e,

42) & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $$$+:

Mu:aiqib said: The" as6ed the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about the remo-al o0 (1ebbles) in 1ra"er2 whereu1on he said: I0 "ou do it2 do it onl" on/e,

'ha1ter +%: =orbiddan/e to s1it in the mosque while en.a.ed in 1ra"er

7oo6 *2 !umber $$$):
Abdullah b, Umar re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw s1ittle on the wall towards Eibla2 and s/rat/hed it awa" and then turnin. to the 1eo1le said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou 1ra"s2 he must not s1it in 0ront o0 him2 0or Allah is in 0ront o0 him when he is en.a.ed in 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $$$%:

Ibn Umar re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw s1utum sti/6in. to the Eibla wall o0 the mosque2 the rest o0 the hadith is the same,


*2 !umber $$$#:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw s1utum sti/6in. to the Eibla o0 the mosque, He s/rat/hed it o00 with a 1ebble and then 0orbade s1ittin. on the side or in 0ront2 but (it is 1ermissible) to s1it on the le0t side or under the le0t 0oot,


*2 !umber $$$;:

Abu Huraira and Abu Sa:id narrated that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw s1utum2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same,


*2 !umber $$2 :

:A:isha re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma"2 1ea/e be u1on him) saw s1ittle or snot or s1utum2 sti/6in. to the wall towards Eibla and s/rat/hed it o00,


*2 !umber $$2$:

Abu Huraira re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw some s1utum in the dire/tion o0 the Eibla o0 the mosque, He turned towards 1eo1le and said: How Is it that someone "ou stands be0ore his Lord and then s1its out in 0ront o0 HimD 9oes an" one o0 "ou li6e that
42% & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

he should be made to stand in 0ront o0 someone and then s1it at his 0a/eD So when an" one o0 "ou s1its2 he must s1it on his le0t side under his 0oot, 7ut i0 he does not 0ind (s1a/e to s1it) he should do li6e this, Easim (one o0 the narrators) s1at in his /loth and then 0olded it and rubbed it,


*2 !umber $$22:

Abu Huraira re1orted: I 1er/ei-e as i0 I am loo6in. at the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0oldin. u1 a 1art o0 his /loth with another one,


*2 !umber $$24:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou is en.a.ed in 1ra"er2 he is holdin. intimate /on-ersation with his Lord2 so none o0 "ou must s1it in 0ront o0 him2 or towards his side2 but towards his le0t side under his 0oot,


*2 !umber $$2*:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: S1ittin. in a mosque is a sin2 and its e51iation is that it should be buried,


*2 !umber $$2+:

Shu:ba re1orted: I as6ed Eatada about s1ittin.2 in the mosque, He said: I heard Anas b, Mali6 sa": I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": S1ittin. in the mosque is a sin2 and its e51iation is that it should be buried,


*2 !umber $$2):

Abu 9harr re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The deeds o0 m" 1eo1le2 .ood and bad2 were 1resented be0ore me2 and I 0ound the remo-al o0 somethin. obje/tionable 0rom the road amon. their .ood deeds2 and the s1utum mu/us le0t unburied in the mosque amon. their e-il deeds,


*2 !umber $$2%:

Abdullah b, Sha6h6hir re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that he said: I said 1ra"er with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and saw him s1ittin. and rubbin. it o00 with his shoe,

42# & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $$2#:

:Abdullah b, Sha6h6hir narrated it on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that he said 1ra"er with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he s1at and then rubbed it o00 with his le0t shoe,

'ha1ter +#: @ermissibilit" o0 wearin. shoes in 1ra"er

7oo6 *2 !umber $$2;:
Sa:d b, Ka8id re1orted: I said to Anas b, Mali6: 9id the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ra" while 1uttin. on the shoesD He said: Kes,


*2 !umber $$4 :

Sa:d b, Ka8id Abu Mas:ama re1orted: I said to Anas li6e (that mentioned abo-e),

'ha1ter +;: It is not ad-isable to 1ra" wearin. a /loth whi/h has desi.ns or mar6in.s o-er it
7oo6 *2 !umber $$4$:
:A:isha re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ra"ed in a .arment whi/h had desi.ns o-er it2 so he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Ta6e it to Abu Fahm and brin. me a 1lain blan6et 0rom him2 be/ause its desi.ns ha-e distra/ted me,


*2 !umber $$42:

:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood 0or 1ra"er with a .arment whi/h had desi.ns o-er it, He loo6ed at these desi.ns and a0ter /om1letin. the 1ra"er said: Ta6e this .arment to Abu Fahm b, Hudhai0a and brin. me a blan6et 0or it has distra/ted me just now,


*2 !umber $$44:

:A:isha re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) had a .arment whi/h had desi.ns u1on it and this distra/ted him in 1ra"er, He .a-e it to Abu Fahm and too6 a 1lain .arment in its 1la/e whi/h is 6nown anbijani"a,

42; & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter ) : ?hen 0ood is be0ore a man and he is in/lined to ta6e it2 he should not sa" 1ra"er be0ore eatin. it and undesirabilit" o0 1ra"in. while 0eelin. the /all o0 nature
7oo6 *2 !umber $$4*:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: ?hen the su11er is and the 1ra"er be.ins2 one2 should 0irst ta6e 0ood,


*2 !umber $$4+:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen the su11er is be0ore "ou2 and it is also the time to sa" 1ra"er2 0irst ta6e 0ood be0ore sa"in. e-enin. 1ra"er and do not hasten (to 1ra"er2 lea-in. aside the 0ood),


*2 !umber $$4):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b" another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $$4%:

Ibn :Umar re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen the su11er is ser-ed to an" one o0 "ou and the 1ra"er also be.ins, (in su/h a /ase) 0irst ta6e su11er2 and do not ma6e haste (0or 1ra"er) till "ou ha-e (ta6en the 0ood),


*2 !umber $$4#:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar with another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $$4;:

Ibn Atiq re1orted: Al-Easim was in the 1resen/e o0 :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) that I narrated a hadith and Easim was a man who /ommitted errors in (1ronoun/in. words) and his mother was a 0reed sla-e-.irl, :A:isha said to him: ?hat is the matter with "ou that "ou do not narrate as this son o0 m" brother narrated (the ahaditb)D ?ell I 6now 0rom where "ou 1i/6ed it u1, This is how his mother him u1 and how "our mother "ou u1, Easim 0elt an.r" (on this remar6 o0
44 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

Hadrat :A:isha) and showed bitterness towards her, ?hen he saw that the table had been s1read 0or :A:isha2 he stood u12 :A:isha2 said: ?here are "ou .oin.D He said: (I am .oin.) to sa" 1ra"er, She said: Sit down (to ta6e the 0ood), He said: I must sa" 1ra"er, She said: Sit down2 ) 0aithless2 0or I ha-e heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": !o 1ra"er /an be (ri.htl" said) when the 0ood is there (be0ore the worshi11er)2 or when he is 1rom1ted b" the /all o0 nature,


*2 !umber $$* :

:Abdullah b, :Atiq narrated 0rom the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the authorit" o0 :A:isha2 but he made no mention o0 the a//ount o0 Easim,

'ha1ter )$: =orbiddan/e to eat .arli/2 onions2 and an"thin. o0 o00ensi-e smell while /omin. to the mosque
7oo6 *2 !umber $$*$:

Ibn :Umar re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said durin. the battle o0 >ha"bar: He who ate o0 this 1lant2 i, e, .arli/2 should not /ome to the mosques, In the narration o0 Gubair2 there is onl" a mention o0C battleC and not o0 >ha"bar,


*2 !umber $$*2:

Ibn :Umar re1orted: The Messenuer o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who eats o0 this (o00ensi-e) 1lant must not a11roa/h our mosque2 till its odour dies: (1lant si.ni0ies) .arli/,


*2 !umber $$*4:

Ibn Suhaib re1orted: Anas was as6ed about the .arli/B he stated that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: He who eats o0 this 1lant (.arli/) should not a11roa/h us and 1ra" alon. with us,


*2 !umber $$**:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who eats o0 this 1lant (.arli/) should not a11roa/h our mosque and should not harm us with the odour o0 .arli/,

44$ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $$*+:

Fabir re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade eatin. o0 onions and lee6, ?hen we were o-er1owered b" a desire (to eat) we ate them, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: He who eats o0 this o00ensi-e 1lant must not a11roa/h our mosque2 0or the an.els are harmed b" the same thin.s as men,


*2 !umber $$*):

Fabir re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who eats .arli/ or onion should remain awa" 0rom us or 0rom our mosque and sta" in his house, A 6ettle was to him whi/h had (/oo6ed) -e.etables in it2 He smelt (o00ensi-e) odour in it, 3n as6in. he was in0ormed o0 the -e.etables (/oo6ed in it), He said: Ta6e it to su/h and su/h 'om1anion, ?hen he saw it2 he also disli6ed eatin. it, (U1on this), he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kou ma" eat it2 0or I /on-erse w6h one with whom "ou do not /on-erse,


*2 !umber $$*%:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) m"in.: He who eats o0 this (o00ensi-e) 1lant2 i, e .arli/2 and sometirres he said: He who eats onion and .arli/ and lee62 should not a11roa/h our mosque 0or the an.els are harmed b" the same thin.s as the /hildren o0 Adam,


*2 !umber $$*#:

Ibn Furaij has narrated it with the same /hain o0 transmitters: He who eats o0 this 1lant2 i, e, .arli/2 should not /ome to us in our mosque2 and he made no mention o0 onions or lee6,


*2 !umber $$*;:

Abu Sa:id re1orted: ?e made no trans.ression but >ha"bar was /onquered, ?e2 the 'om1anions o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 0ell u1on this 1lant, i e, .arli/, be/ause the 1eo1le were hun.r", ?e ate it to our heart:s /ontent and then made our wa" towards the mosque, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sensed its odour and he said: He who ta6es an"thin. o0 this o00ensi-e 1lant must not a11roa/h us in the mosque, The 1eo1le said: Its (use) has been 0orbiddenB its (use) bu been 0orbidden, This rea/hed the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said: 3 1eo1le2 I /annot 0orbid (the use o0 a thin.) whi/h Allah has made law0ul2 but (this .arli/) is a 1lant the odour o0 whi/h is re1u.nant to me,

442 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $$+ :

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) alon. with his 'om1anions ha11ened to 1ass b" a 0ield in whi/h onions were sown, The 1eo1le sto11ed there and ate out o0 that2 but some o0 them did not eat, Then the" (@ro1bet:s 'om1anions) went to him, He (0irst) /alled those who had not eaten the onions and 6e1t the others (who had ta6en onions) waitin. till its odour -anished,


*2 !umber $$+$:

Ma:dan b, Talha re1orted: :Umar b, >hattab2 deli-ered the =rida" sermon and he made a mention o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and Abu 7a6r, He (0urther) said: I saw in a dream that a /o/6 1e/6ed me twi/e2 and I 1er/ei-e that m" death is near, Some 1eo1le ha-e su..ested me to a11oint m" su//essor, And Allah would not destro" His reli.ion, His /ali1hate and that with whi/h He sent His A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) I0 death a11roa/hes me soon2 the (issue) o0 'ali1hate (would be de/ided) b" the /onsent o0 these si5 men with whom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) remained well 1leased till his death, And I 6now 0ull" well that some 1eo1le would blame me that I 6illed with these -er" hands o0 mine some 1ersons who a11arentl" 1ro0essed (Islam), And i0 the" do this (blame me) the" are the enemies o0 Allah2 and are non-belie-ers and ha-e .one astra", And I lea-e not a0ter me an"thin. whi/h to m" mind seems more im1ortant than >alala, And I ne-er turned towards the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (0or .uidan/e) more o0ten than this >alala2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) was not anno"ed with me on an" other (issue) than this: (And he was so 1erturbed) that he stru/6 his 0in.ers on m" /hest and said: 9oes this -erse, that is at the end o0 Surat al-!isa:, whi/h was re-ealed in the hot season not su00i/e "ouD And i0 I li-e I would de/ide this (1roblem so /learl") that one who reads the Eur:an2 or one who does not read it2 would be able to ta6e (/orre/t)2 de/isions (under its, He (:Umar) 0urther said: AllahL I /all Kou witness on these .o-ernors o0 lands2 that I sent them to (the 1eo1les o0 these lands) so that the" should administer justi/e them2 tea/h them their reli.ion and the Sunnah o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and distribute them the s1oils o0 war and re0er to me that whi/h the" 0ind di00i/ult to 1er0orm, 3 1eo1le, "ou eat :these two 1lants and these are onions and .arli/, and I 0ind them nothin. but re1u.nant 0or I saw that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sensed the odour o0 these two 0rom a 1erson in a mosque2 he was made to .o to al7aqi:, So he who eats it should (ma6e its odour) die b" /oo6in. it well,


*2 !umber $$+2:

This hadith has been narrated b" Eatada with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

444 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter )2: It is 0orbidden to /r" out 0or 0indin. out the lost thin. in the mosque
7oo6 *2 !umber $$+4:
Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 an"one bears a man /r"in. out in the mosque about somethin. lie has lost2 he should sa": Ma" Allah not restore it to "ou2 0or the mosques were not built 0or this,


*2 !umber $$+*:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in. li6e this,


*2 !umber $$++:

Sulaiman b, 7uraida narrated it on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that a man /ried out in the mosque sa"in.: ?ho had /alled out 0or the red /amelD U1on this the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ma" it not be restored to "ouL The mosques are built 0or what the" are meant,


*2 !umber $$+):

Sulaiman b, 7uraida re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that when the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said 1ra"er a man stood u1 and said: ?ho /alled 0or a red /amelD (U1on this) the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ma" it not be restored to "ouL The mosques are built 0or what the" are meant,


*2 !umber $$+%:

Ibn 7uraida narrated it on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that a 7edouin /ame when the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had /om1leted the mornin. 1ra"er, He thrust his head in the door o0 the mosque2 and then the hadith (as narrated abo-e) was narrated,


*2 !umber $$+#:

This hadith has been re1orted b" another /hain o0 transmitters,

44* & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter )4: =or.et0ulness in 1ra"er and 1rostration as /om1ensation 0or it

7oo6 *2 !umber $$+;:
Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou stands u1 to 1ra", the de-il /omes to him and /on0uses him to that he does not 6now how mu/h he has 1ra"ed, I0 an" one o0 "ou hC su/h an e51erien/e he should 1er0orm two 1rostrations while sittin. down (in qa:da),


*2 !umber $$) :

This hadith has been narrated b" al-Gubri with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $$)$:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen there is a /all to 1ra"er the de-il runs ba/6 brea6in. the wind so that he ma" not hear the /all2 and when the /all is /om1lete he /omes ba/6, And when the ta6bir is 1ronoun/ed he a.ain runs ba/62 and when ta6bir is o-er he /omes ba/6 and distra/ts a man sa"in.: Aemember su/h and su/h2 remember su/h and su/h2 re0errin. to somethin. the man did not ha-e in his mind, with the result that he does not 6now how mu/h he has 1ra"edB so when an" one o0 "ou is not sure how mu/h he has 1ra"ed, he should 1er0orm two 1rostrations while sittin. (qa:da),


*2 !umber $$)2:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The de-il ta6es to his heels brea6in. wind when the 1ra"er be.ins, and the rest is the same but with this addition:C He (the de-il) ma6es him thin6 o0 1leasant thin.s (or thin.s 1rodu/ti-e o0 enjo"ment) and o0 the thin.s wished 0or2 and reminds him o0 su/h needs whi/h he had 0or.otten,C


*2 !umber $$)4:

:Abdullah b, 7uhaina re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) led us two ra6:ahs o0 1ra"er in one o0 the (obli.ator") 1ra"ers and then .ot u1 and did not sit, and the 1eo1le stood u1 alon. with him, ?hen he 0inished the 1ra"er and we e51e/ted him to 1ronoun/e salutation, he said:C Allah is Most HreatC while sittin. and made two 1rostrations be0ore salutation and then 1ronoun/ed (the2 0inal) salutation,

44+ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $$)*:

:Abdullah b, 7uhaina al-Asadi2 the all" o0 Abual-Muttalib2 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 in the noon 1ra"er (thou.h) he hadith sit (a0ter the two ra6:ahs), ?hen he /om1leted the 1ra"er he 1er0ormed two 1rostrations and said2C Allah is the Most HreatC in ea/h 1rostration2 while he was sittin. be0ore 1ronoun/in. salutation2 and the 1eo1le 1er0ormed 1rostration alon. with him, That was a /om1ensation 0or he had 0or.otten to obser-e jalsa (a0ter two ra6:ahs),


*2 !umber $$)+:

:Abdullah b, Mali6 ibn 7uhaina al-Asadi re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 (at the end o0 two ra6:ahs) when he had to sit and 1ro/eeded on with the 1ra"er, 7ut when he was at the end o0 the 1ra"er2 he 1er0ormed a 1rostration be0ore the salutation and then 1ronoun/ed the salutation,


*2 !umber $$)):

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou is in doubt about his 1ra"er and he does 9ot 6now how mu/h he has 1ra"ed2 three or 0our (ra6:ahs), he should /ast aside his doubt and base his 1ra"er on what he is sure o0, then 1er0orm two 1rostrations be0ore .i-in. salutations, I0 he has 1ra"ed 0i-e ra6:ahs2 the" will ma6e his 1ra"er an e-en number 0or him2 and i0 he has 1ra"ed e5a/tl" 0our2 the" will be humiliation 0or the de-il,


*2 !umber $$)%:

This hadith has been narrated b" Gaid b, Aslam with the same /hain o0 transmitters and he said: He should 1er0orm two 1rostrations be0ore the salutation2 as it was mentioned b" Sulaiman b, 7ilal,


*2 !umber $$)#:

:Alqama narrated It on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) who said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said the 1ra"erB (the narrator added): He made some a/t o0 omission or /ommission when he 1ronoun/ed salutationB it was said to him: o0 Allah2 is there somethin. new about (he 1ra"erD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hat is itD The" said: Kou said 1ra"er in su/h and su/h awa", He (the narrator) said: He (the Hol" @ro1het) turned his 0eet and 0a/ed the Eibla and 1er0ormed two 1rostrations and then 1ronoun/ed salutations2 and then turned his 0a/e towards us and said: I0 there is an"thin. new about 1ra"er (new /ommand 0rom the Lord) I in0ormed "ou o0 that, 7ut I am a human bein. and I as "ou 0or, .et2 so when I 0or.et2 remind me2 and when an" one o0 "ou is in doubt about his 1ra"er, he should aim at what Is /orre/t, and /om1lete his 1ra"er in that res1e/t and then ma6e two 1rostrations,

44) & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $$);:

This hadith has been narrated b" Mansur with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 with a modi0i/ation o0 words,


*2 !umber $$% :

This hadith is re1orted b" Mansur with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but with these words:C He should aim at /orre/t (1ra"er) and it is ad-isable,C


*2 !umber $$%$:

This hadith has been narrated b" Mansur with the same /hain o0 transmitters with the words: I2 He should aim at what is /orre/t and /om1lete,C


*2 !umber $$%2:

This hadith has been narrated b" Mansur with the same /hain o0 transmitters and said:C He should aim at /orre/tness and that is,C


*2 !umber $$%4:

This hadith has been re1orted b" Mansur with the same /hain o0 transwitters and he said:C He should aim at what is a//ordin. to him /orre/t,C


*2 !umber $$%*:

This hadith has been narrated b" Mansur and he said:C He should aim at /orre/tness,C


*2 !umber $$%+:

:Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said 0i-e ra6:ahs o0 the noon 1ra"er and when he /om1leted the 1ra"er2 It was said to him: Has there been (/ommanded) an addition In 1ra"erD He said: ?hat is itD The" said: Kou ha-e said 0i-e ra6:ahs2 so he 1er0ormed two 1rostrations,


*2 !umber $$%):

Alqama re1orted: He (the Hol" @ro1het) had led them 0i-e ra6:ahs in 1ra"er,

44% & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $$%%:

Ibrahim b, Suwaid-re1orted: :Alqama led us in the noon 1ra"er and be o00ered 0i-e ra6:ahsB when the 1ra"er was /om1lete2 the 1eo1le said to him: Abu Shibl2 "ou ha-e o00ered 0i-e ra6:ahs, He said: !o2 I ha-e not done that, The" said: Kes ("ou said 0i-e ra6:ahs), He (the narrator) said: And I was sittin. in a /orner amon. 1eo1le and I was just a bo", I (also) said: Kes2 "ou ha-e o00ered 0i-e (ra6:ahs), He said to me: 32 one-e"ed2 do "ou sa" the same thin.D I said: Kes, U1on this he turned (his 0a/e) and 1er0ormed two 1rostrations and then .a-e salutations2 and then re1orted :Abdullah as sa"in.: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) led us in 1ra"er and o00ered 0i-e ra6:ahs, And as he turned awa" the 1eo1le to whis1er themsel-es, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hat is the matter with "ouD The" said: Has the 1ra"er been e5tendedD He said: !o, The" said: Kou ha-e in 0a/t said 0i-e ra6:ahs, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then turned his ba/6 (and 0a/ed the Eibla) and 1er0ormed two 1rostrations and then .a-e salutations and 0urther said: <eril" I am a human bein. li6e "ou2 I just as "ou, Ibn !umair made this addition:C ?hen an" one o0 "ou 0or.ets2 he must 1er0orm two 1rostrations,C


*2 !umber $$%#:

:Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) led us 0i-e (ra6:ahs in 1ra"er), ?e said: o0 Allah2 has the 1ra"er been e5tendedD He said: ?hat is the matterD The" said: Kou ha-e said 0i-e (ra6:ahs), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: <eril" I am a human bein. li6e "ou, I remember as "ou remember and I just as "ou, He then 1er0ormed two 1rostrations as (/om1ensation o0) 0or.et0ulness,


*2 !umber $$%;:

:Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said 1ra"er and he omitted or /ommitted (somethin.), Ibrahim (one o0 the narrators o0 this hadith) said: It is m" doubt2 and it was said: o0 Allah2 has there been an" addition to the 1ra"erD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: <eril" I am a human bein. li6e "ou, I just as "ou so when an" one o0 "ou 0or.ets2 he must 1er0orm two 1rostrations2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) was sittin. and then the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) turned (his 0a/e towards the Eibla) and 1er0ormed two 1rostrations,


*2 !umber $$# :

:Abdullah b, Mas:ud re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1er0ormed two 1rostrations 0or 0or.et0ulness a0ter salutation and tal6in.,

44# & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $$#$:

Abdullah re1orted: ?e 1ra"ed alon. with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) and he /ommitted or omitted (somethin.), Ibrahim said: 7" Allah2 this is a mis.i-in. o0 mine onl", ?e said: o0 Allah2 is there somethin. new about the 1ra"erD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: !o, ?e told him about what he had done, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hen a man /ommits or omits (somethin. in 1ra"er)2 he should 1er0orm two 1rostrations2 and he then himsel0 1er0ormed two 1rostrations,


*2 !umber $$#2:

Ibn Sirin re1orted Abu Huraira as sa"in.: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) led us in one o0 the two e-enin. 1ra"ers2 Guhr or :Asr2 and .a-e salutations a0ter two ra6:ahs and .oin. towards a 1ie/e o0 wood whi/h was 1la/ed to the dire/tion o0 the Eibla in the mosque2 leaned on it loo6in. as i0 he were an.r", Abu 7a6r and Umar were amon. the 1eo1le and the" were too a0raid to s1ea6 to him and the 1eo1le /ame out in haste (sa"in.): The 1ra"er has been shortened, 7ut amon. them was a man /alled 9hu:I-Kadain who said: o0 Allah2 has the 1ra"er been shortened or ha-e "ou 0or.ottenD The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) loo6ed to the and le0t and said: ?hat was 9hu:I-Kadain sa"in.D The" said: He is, Kou (the Hol" @ro1het) o00ered but two ra6:ahs, lie o00ered two (more) ra6:ahs and .a-e salutation2 then said ta6bir and 1rostrated and li0ted (his head) and then said ta6bir and 1rostrated2 then said ta6bir and li0ted (his head), He (the narrator) sa"s: It has been re1orted to me b" Imran b, Husain that he said: He (their) .a-e salutation,


*2 !umber $$#4:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) led us in one o0 the e-enin. 1ra"ers, And this hadith was narrated li6e one transmitted b" Su0"an,


*2 !umber $$#*:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) led us in the :Asr 1ra"er and .a-e salutation a0ter two ra6:ahs, 9hu:l-Kadain (the 1ossessor o0 lon. arms) stood u1 and said: o0 Allah2 has the 1ra"er been shortened or ha-e "ou 0or.ottenD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !othin. li6e this has ha11ened (neither the 1ra"er has been shortened nor ha-e I 0or.otten), He (9hu:l-Kadain) said: o0 Allah2 somethin. has de0initel" ha11ened, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) turned towards 1eo1le and said: Is 9hu:lKadain true (in his assertion)D The" said: o0 Allah2 he is true, Then the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /om1leted the rest o0 the 1ra"er, and then 1er0ormed two 1rostrations while he was sittin. a0ter salutation,

44; & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $$#+:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said two ra6:ahs o0 the noon 1ra"er and then .a-e salutation when a man 0rom 7and Sulaim /ame to him and said: o0 Allah, has the 1ra"er been shortened2 or ha-e "ou 0or.ottenD -and the rest o0 the hadith is the same,


*2 !umber $$#):

Abu Huraira re1orted: I o00ered with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the noon 1ra"er and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e salutation a0ter two ra6:ahs, A 1erson 0rom 7ani Sulaim stood u12 and the rest o0 the hadith was narrated as mentioned abo-e,


*2 !umber $$#%:

:Imran b, Husain re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said the a0ternoon 1ra"er and .a-e the salutation, at the end o0 three ra6:ahs and then went into his house, A man /alled al->hirbaq2 who bad lon. aims2 .ot u1 and went to him2 and addressed him as o0 Allah and mentioned to him what he had done, He /ame out" trailin. his mantle2 and when he /ame to the 1eo1le he said: Is this man tellin. the truthD The" said: Kes, He then said one ra6:ah and then .a-e salutation and then 1er0ormed two 1rostrations and then .a-e salutation,


*2 !umber $$##:

Imran b, Husain re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said three ra6:ahs o0 the :Asr 1ra"er and then .ot u1 and went to his a1artment, A man 1ossessin. lar.e arms stood u1 and said: o0 Allah2 bias the 1la"er been shortenedD He /ame out"2 and said the ra6:ah whi/h he had omitted and then .a-e salutation, then 1er0ormed two 1rostrations o0 0or.et0ulness and then .a-e salutation,

'ha1ter )*: @rostration while re/itin. the Eur:an

7oo6 *2 !umber $$#;:
Ibn :Umar re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) while re/itin. the Eur:an re/ited its s/arab /ontainin. sajda2 and he 1er0ormed 1rostration and we also 1rostrated alon. with him (but we were so o-er/rowded) that some o0 us /ould not 0ind a 1la/e 0or our 0orehead (when 1rostratin. oursel-es),

4* & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $$; :

Ibn :Umar re1orted: Sometimes the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited the Eur:an2 and would 1ass b" (re/ite) the -erse o0 sajda and 1er0ormed 1rostration and he did this alon. with us2 but we were so /rowded in his /om1an" that none o0 us /ould 0ind a 1la/e 0or 1er0ormin. 1rostration, (and it was done on o//asions) other than 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $$;$:

Abdullah (b, :Umar) re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited (Surat) al !ajm and 1er0ormed 1rostration durin. its re/ital and all those who were alon. with him also 1rostrated themsel-es e5/e1t one old man who too6 a hand0ul o0 1ebbles or dust in his 1alm and li0ted it to his 0orehead and said: This is su00i/ient 0or me, :Abdullah said: $ saw that he was later 6illed in a state o0 unbelie0,


*2 !umber $$;2:

:ta: b, Kasar re1orted that he had as6ed Gaid b, Thabit about re/ital alon. with the Imam2 to whi/h he said: There should be no re/ital alon. with the Imam in an"thin.2 and alle.ed that he re/ited:C 7" the star when it setsC (Surah !ajm) be0ore the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he did not 1rostrate himsel0,


*2 !umber $$;4:

Abu Salama b, :Abual-Aahman re1orted: Abu Huraira re/ited be0ore them:C hen the hea-en burst asunderC (al-Eur:an2 l555i-, $) and 1er0ormed 1rostration, A0ter /om1letin. (the 1ra"er) he in0ormed them that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has 1rostrated himsel0 at it (this -erse),


*2 !umber $$;*:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" AbuSalama on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira,


*2 !umber $$;+:

Abu Huraira re1orted: ?e 1er0ormed 1rostration alon. with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (as he re/ited these -erses: )C ?hen the hea-en burst asunderC andC Aead in the name o0 Th" LordC (al-Eur:an2 5/-i, $),

4*$ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $$;):

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rostrated himsel0 (while re/itin. these -erses),C ?hen the hea-en burst asunderC BC Aead in the name o0 Th" LordC,


*2 !umber $$;%:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted b" Abual-Aahman al-Araj on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira,


*2 !umber $$;#:

Abu Aa0i: re1orted: I said the 1ra"er alon. with Abu Huraira and -as he re/ited:C ?hen the hea-en burst asunder2C he 1er0ormed 1rostration, Isaid to him: ?hat 1rostration is thisD He said: I 1rostrated m"sel0 (on this o//asion o0 re/ital) behind Abu:I-Easim (Muhammad, ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and Iwould .o on doin. this till I meet him (in the ne5t world), Ibn :Abu al-A:la said: (Abu Huraira uttered this: ) I would not abandon 1er0ormin. 1rostration,


*2 !umber $$;;:

This hadith has been narrated b" Tamimi with the same /hain o0 transmitters e5/e1t 0or this that the" made no mention o0:C 7ehind Abu:l-EasimC (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


*2 !umber $2

Abu Aa0i: re1orted: I saw Abu Huraira 1er0ormin. 1rostration (while re/itin. this -erse: )C ?hen the hea-en burst asunder,C I said to him: 9o "ou 1rostrate "oursel0 (while re/itin.) iD He said: Kes2 I saw m" best =riend (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rostratin. himsel0 on (the re/ital o0 this -erse) and I shall /ontinue 1rostratin. till I meet him, Shu:ba as6ed: 9o "ou mean (b" =riend) the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D He said: Kes,

'ha1ter )+: How jalsa is to be obser-ed

7oo6 *2 !umber $2 $:
Abdullah b, Gubair narrated on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sat in 1ra"er, he 1la/ed the le0t 0oot between his thi.h and shan6 and stret/hed the 0oot and 1la/ed his le0t hand or his le0t 6nee and 1la/ed his hand on his thi.h2 and raised his,

4*2 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $2 2:

:Abdullah b, Gubair narrated on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sat 0or su11li/ation2 i, e, tashahhud (blessin. and su11li/ation)2 he 1la/ed his hand on his thi.h and his le0t hand on his le0t thi.h2 and 1ointed with his 0ore0in.er2 and 1la/ed his thumb on his (milddle) 0in.er2 and /o-ered his 6nee with the 1alm o0 his le0t hand,,


*2 !umber $2 4:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sat 0or tashahhud he 1la/ed his le0t hand on his le0t 6nee, and his hand on his 6nee, and he raised his 0in.er2 whi/h is ne5t to the thumb2 ma6in. su11li/ation in this wa"2 and he stret/hed his le0t hand on his le0t 6nee, Another -ersion on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar sa"s: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sat 0or tashahhud2 he 1la/ed his le0t hand on his le0t 6nee and 1la/ed his hand on his 6nee2 and he 0ormed a rin. li6e (0i0t"-three) and 1ointed with his o0 attestation,


*2 !umber $2 *:

:Ali b, :Abual-Aahman al-Mu:awi re1orted: :Abdullah b, Umar saw me 1la"in. with 1ebbles durin. 1ra"er, A0ter 0inishin. the 1ra"er he 0orbade me (to do it) and said: 9o as the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to do, I said: How did Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) doD He said that he (the o0 Allah) sat at tashahhud2 1la/ed his 1alm on the thi.h and /losed all his 0in.ers and 1ointed with the hel1 o0 ne5t to the thumb2 and 1la/ed his le0t 1alm on his thi.h,


*2 !umber $2 +:

This hadith has been narrated b" another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter )): Taslim at the /om1letion o0 the 1ra"er

7oo6 *2 !umber $2 ):
Abu Ma:mar re1orted: There was an Amir in Me//a who 1ronoun/ed taslim twi/e, Abdullah said: ?here did he .et this sunnahD Al-Ha6am said: There is a hadith to the e00e/t that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did li6e It,

4*4 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $2 %:

:Abdullah re1orted: An Amir or a 1erson 1ronoun/ed taslim twi/e, :Abdullah said: ?here did he .et this sunnahD


*2 !umber $2 #:

:Amir b, Sa:d re1orted: I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be o1en him) 1ronoun/in. taslim on his and on his le0t till I saw the whiteness o0 his /hee6,

'ha1ter )%: 9hi6r a0ter the 1ra"er

7oo6 *2 !umber $2 ;:
Ibn :Abbas said: ?e used to 6now that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0inished his 1ra"er when we heard the ta6bir (Allah-3-A6bar),


*2 !umber $2$ :

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: ?e 6new the 0inishin. o0 the 1ra"er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) throu.h ta6bir, :Amr (b, 9inar) said: I made a mention o0 it to Abu Mas:ud, hue he reje/ted it and said: I ne-er narrated it to "ou, :Amr said: He did narrate it be0ore this,


*2 !umber $2$$:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: 9hi6r (mentionin. the name o0 Allah) in a loud -oi/e a0ter obli.ator" 1ra"ers was (a /ommon 1ra/ti/e) durin. the li0etime o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) B and when I heard that I /ame to 6new that the" (the 1eo1le) had 0inished the 1ra"er,

'ha1ter )#: 9esirabilit" o0 see6in. re0u.e 0rom the torment o0 the .ra-e
7oo6 *2 !umber $2$2:
:A:isha re1orted: The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered m" house when a Fewess was with me and she was sa"in.: 9o "ou 6now that "ou would be 1ut to trial in the .ra-eD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) trembled (on hearin. this) and said: It is the Fews onl" who would-be 1ut to trial, :A:isha said: ?e 1assed some ni.hts and then the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o "ou 6now that it has been re-ealed to me:C Kou would be 1ut to trial in the
4** & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

.ra-eCD :A:isha said: $ heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) see6in. re0u.e 0rom the torment o0 the .ra-e a0ter this,


*2 !umber $2$4:

Abu Huraira re1orted, I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) see6in. re0u.e 0rom the torment o0 the .ra-e a0ter this (a0ter the re-elation),


*2 !umber $2$*:

:A:isha re1orted: There /ame to me two old women 0rom the old Fewesses o0 Medina and said: The 1eo1le o0 the .ra-e are tormented in their .ra-es, I /ontradi/ted them and I did not deem it 1ro1er to testi0" them, The" went awa" and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to me and I said to him: o0 Allah I there /ame to me two old women 0rom the old Fewesses o0 Medina and asserted that the 1eo1le o0 the .ra-es would be tormented therein, He (the @ro1het) said: The" told the truthB the" would be tormented (so mu/h) that the animals would listen to it, She (:A:isha) said: !e-er did I see him (the Hol" @ro1het) a0terwards but see6in. re0u.e 0rom the torment o0 the .ra-e in 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $2$+:

Masruq re1orted this hadith on the authorit" o0 :A:isha who said: !e-er did he (the Hol" @ro1het) sa" 1ra"er a0ter this in whi/h I did not hear him see6in. re0u.e 0rom the torment o0 the .ra-e,


*2 !umber $2$):

:A:isha re1orted: $ heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) see6in. re0u.e 0rom the trial o0 9ajjal (Anti/hrist) in 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $2$%:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou utters tashahhud (in 1ra"er) he must see6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom 0our (trials) and should thus sa":C 3 AllahL I see6 re0u.e with Thee 0rom the torment o0 the Hell2 0rom the torment o0 the .ra-e2 0rom the trial o0 li0e and death and 0rom the e-il o0 the trial o0 Masih al-9ajjalC (Anti/hrist),


*2 !umber $2$#:

:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to su11li/ate in 1ra"er thus:C 3 AllahL I see6 re0u.e with Thee 0rom the torment o0 the .ra-e2 and I see6 re0u.e with Thee 0rom the trial o0 the Masih al-9ajjal (Anti4*+ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

/hrist) and I see6 re0u.e with Thee 0rom the trial o0 li0e and death, 3 AllahL I see6 re0u.e with Thee 0rom sin and debt,C She (:A:isha) re1orted: Someone said to him - (the Hol" @ro1het): o0 AllahL wh" is it that "ou so o0ten see6 re0u.e 0rom debtD He said: ?hen a (1erson) in/urs debt2 (he is obli.ed) to tell lies and brea6 1romise,


*2 !umber $2$;:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou /om1letes the last tashahhud, he should see6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom 0our (trials), I, e, 0rom the torment o0 Hell2 0rom the torment o0 .ra-e2 0rom the trial o0 li0e and death, -and 0rom the mis/hie0 o0 Masih at-9ajjal (Anti/hrist), This hadith has been narrated b" al-Au8a:i with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with these words:C ?hen an" one o0 "ou /om1letes the tashahhudC and he made no mention o0 the wordsC the lastC,


*2 !umber $22 :

Abu Huraira re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3 AllahL I see6 re0u.e with Thee 0rom the torment o0 the .ra-e2 and the torment o0 Hell2 and the trial o0 li0e and death and the mis/hie0 o0 Masih al-9ajjal,


*2 !umber $22$:

Abu Huraira re1orted the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: See6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom the torment o0 Hell2 see6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom the torment o0 the .ra-e2 and see6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom the trial o0 Masih al-9ajjal and see6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom the trial o0 li0e and death,


*2 !umber $222:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted b" Ibn Tawus 0rom his 0ather on the authorit" o0 AbuHu-


*2 !umber $224:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted b" A:raj on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira,


*2 !umber $22*:

Abu Huraira re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) use (t to see6 re0u.e 0rom the torment o0 the .ra-e2 torment o0 Hell and the trial o0 9ajjal,

4*) & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $22+:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) used to tea/h them this su11li/ation (in the same s1irit) with whi/h he used to tea/h them a surah o0 the Eur:an, He would thus instru/t us:C Sa"2 3 Allah I we see6 re0u.e with Thee 0rom the torment o0 Hell2 and I see6 re0u.e with Thee 0rom the torment o0 the .ra-e2 and I see6 re0u.e with Thee 0rom the trial o0 Masih al-9ajjal, and I see6 re0u.e with Thee 0rom the trial o0 li0e and death,C Muslim b, Hajjaj said: It has rea/hed me that Tawus said to his son: 9id "ou ma6e this su11li/ation in 1ra"erD He said: !o, (U1on this) he (Tawus) said: Ae1eat the 1ra"er, Tawus has narrated this hadith throu.h three or 0our (transmitters) with words to the same e00e/t,

'ha1ter );: (5/ellen/e o0 dhi6r a0ter 1ra"er and its des/ri1tion

7oo6 *2 !umber $22):
Thauban re1orted: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0inished his 1ra"er, he be..ed 0or.i-eness three times and said: 3 AllahL Thou art @ea/e2 and 1ea/e /omes 0rom TheeB 7lessed art Thou2 3 @ossessor o0 Hlor" and Honour, ?alid re1orted: I said to Au8a:i: How Is the see6in. o0 0or.i-enessD He re1lied: Kou should sa":2 I be. 0or.i-eness 0rom Allah2 $ be. 0or.i-eness 0rom Allah,C


*2 !umber $22%:

:A:isha re1orted: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ronoun/ed salutation2 he salutation than it too6 him to sa": 3 Allah: Thou art @ea/e2 and 1ea/e /omes 0rom Thee2 blessed art Thou2 @ossessor o0 Hlor" and OHonourB and in the narration o0 Ibn !umair the words are:C 3 @ossessor o0 Hlor" and Honour,C


*2 !umber $22#:

Ibn !umair narrated it with the same /hain o0 transmitters and said: 3 @ossessor o0 Hlor" and Ho-


*2 !umber $22;:
@ossessor o0 Hlor" and Honour,C

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted b" Abdullah b, Harith on the authorit" o0 A:isha e5/e1t 0or the words that he (the Hol" @ro1het) used to sa":C

4*% & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $24 :

Mu.hira b, Shu:ba wrote to Mu:awi"a: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0inished the 1ra"er and 1ronoun/ed salutation he uttered (this su11li/ation):C There is no .od but Allah, He is alone2 ?ho has no 1artner, To Him belon.s the so-erei.nt" and to Him 1raise is due and He is @otent o-er e-er", thin., 3 AllahL no one /an withhold what Thou .i-est2 or .i-e what Thou withholdest2 and the ri/hes /annot a-ail a wealth" 1erson with Thee,C


*2 !umber $24$:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Mu.hira b, Shu:ba with another /hain o0 transmitters, Abu 7a6r and Abu >uraib narrated in their narration (that ?arrad re1orted): Mu.hira .a-e me di/tation o0 it and $ wrote it to Mu:awi"a,


*2 !umber $242:

?arrad2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Mu.hira b, Shu:ba2 re1orted: Mu.hira b, Shu:ba wrote to Mu:awi"a (it was ?arrad who wrote this letter 0or him2 i, e, Mu.hira): I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.:C ?hen the salutation is 1ronoun/ed,C and the rest o0 the hadith is the same e5/e1t this that he made no mention o0:C He is @otent o-er e-er"thin.,C


*2 !umber $244:

?arrad2 the s/ribe o0 Mu.hira b, Shu:ba2 re1orted: Mu:awi"a wrote to Mu.hira (the /ontents) o0 the hadith as transmitted b" Mansur and A:mash,


*2 !umber $24*:

?arrad2 the s/ribe o0 Mu.hira b, Shu:ba2 re1orted: Mu:awi"a wrote to Mu.hira: ?rite to me an"thin. whi/h "ou heard 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), So he (Mu.hira) wrote to him (Mu:awi"a): I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) utterin. (these words) at the /om1letion o0 1ra"er:C There is no .od but Allah, He is alone and there is no 1artner with Him, So-erei.nt" belon.s to Him and to Him is 1raise due and He is @otent o-er e-er"thin., 3 AllahL no one /an withhold what Thou .i-est2 or .i-e what Thou withholdest2 and ri/hes /annot a-ail a wealth" 1erson with Thee,C


*2 !umber $24+:

Abu Gubair re1orted: Ibn Gubair uttered at the end o0 e-er" 1ra"er a0ter 1ronoun/in. salutation (these words):C There is no .od but Allah, He is alone, There is no 1artner with Him, So-erei.nt" belon.s to Him and He is @otent o-er e-er"thin., There is no or 1ower e5/e1t with Allah, There
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

is no .od but Allah and we do not worshi1 but Him alone, To Him belon. all bounties2 to Him belon.s all Hra/e2 and to Him is worth" 1raise a//orded, There is no .od but Allah2 to ?hom we are sin/ere in de-otion2 e-en thou.h the unbelie-ers should disa11ro-e it,C (The narrator said): He (the Hol" @ro1het) uttered it at the end o0 e-er" (obli.ator") 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $24):

Abu Gubair re1orted: Abdullah b Gubair used to sa" La ilaha il-Allah at the end o0 e-er" 1ra"er li6e the hadith narrated b" Ibn !umair and he re1orted it in the end2 and then re1orted Ibn Gubair sa"in.: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) uttered La ilaha il-Allah at the end o0 e-er" 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $24%:

Abu Gubair re1orted: I heard Abdullah b, Gubair addressin. (1eo1le) on the 1ul1it and sa"in.: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ronoun/ed salutation at the end o0 the 1ra"er or 1ra"ers2 and then he made a mention o0 the hadith as transmitted b" Hisham b, :Urwa,


*2 !umber $24#:

Abu Gubair al-Ma66i re1orted that he had heard :Abdullah b, Gubair utterin. (the words) li6e that o0 the hadith (narrated abo-e) at the end o0 the 1ra"er a0ter 1ronoun/in. salutation, He at the /on/lusion also said that he was ma6in. a mention o0 that 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


*2 !umber $24;:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The 1oor the emi.rants /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: The 1ossessors o0 .reat wealth ha-e obtained the hi.hest ran6s and the lastin. bliss, lie (the Hol" @ro1het) said: How Is thatD The" said: The" 1ra" as we 1ra"2 and the" obser-e 0ast as we obser-e 0ast2 and the" .i-e /harit" but we do not .i-e /harit"2 and the" set sla-es 0ree but we do not set sla-es 0ree, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Shall A not tea/h "ou somethin. b" whi/h "ou will /at/h u1on those who ha-e 1re/eded "ou2 and .et ahead o0 those who /ome a0ter "ou2 onl" those who do as "ou do bein. more e5/ellent than "ouD The" said: Kes2 o0 Allah, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: (5tol Allah2 de/lare His Hreatness2 and @raise Him thirt"-three times a0ter e-er" 1ra"er, Abu Salih said: The 1oor the emi.rants returned to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e u1on him) sa"in.: 3ur brethren2 the 1ossessors2 o0 1ro1ert" ha-e heard what we ha-e done and the" did the same, So the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: This is Allah:s Hra/e whi/h He .i-es to whom He wishes, Suma"" re1orted: I made a mention o0 this hadith to some members o0 m" 0amil" (and one o0 them) said: Kou ha-e 0or.ottenB he (the Hol" @ro1het) had said (li6e this):,C (5tol Allah thirt"-three time, 1raise Allah thirt"-three times
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

and de/lare His Hreatness thirt"-three times, Ibn :Ajjan said: $ made a mention o0 this hadith to Aaja: b, Haiwata and he narrated to me a hadith li6e this 0rom AbuSalih 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira,


*2 !umber $2* :

Abu Huraira narrated it 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that the" (the 1oor amon. the emi.rants) said: o0 Allah2 the 1ossessors o0 .reat wealth ha-e obtained the hi.hest ran6s and lastin. bliss2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same as transmitted b" Eutaiba on the authorit" o0 Laith e5/e1t that he inserted the words o0 Abu Salih in the narration o0 Abu Huraira thatC the 1oor o0 the emi.rants /ame ba/62C to the end o0 the hadith22 but this addition was made that Suhail said (that e-er" 1art o0 the su11li/ation2 i, e, Hlori0i/ation o0 Allah2 His @raise and de/laration o0 His Hreatness) should be uttered ele-en times ma6in. the total as thirt"-three,


*2 !umber $2*$:

>a:b b, :Ujra re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There are /ertain eja/ulations2 the re1eaters o0 whi/h or the 1er0ormers o0 whi/h a0ter e-er" 1res/ribed 1ra"er will ne-er be /aused disa11ointment:C Hlor" be to AllahC thirt"-three times,C @raise be to AllahC thirt"-three times2 andC Allah is most HreatC thirt"-0our times,


*2 !umber $2*2:

>a:b b, :Ujra re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There are /ertain eja/ulations2 the re1eaters o0 whi/h or the 1er0ormers o0 whi/h at the end o0 e-er" 1ra"er will ne-er be /aused disa11ointment:C Hlor" be to AllahC thirt"-three times2C @raise be to AllahC thirt"-three times2 andC Allah is most HreatC thirt"-0our times,


*2 !umber $2*4:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 an"one e5tols Allah a0ter e-er" 1ra"er thirt"-three times2 and 1raises Allah thirt"-three times2 and de/lares His Hreatness thirt"-three times2 ninet"-nine times in all2 and sa"s to /om1lete a hundred:C There is no .od but Allah2 ha-in. no 1artner with Him2 to Him belon.s so-erei.nt" and to Him is 1raise due2 and He is @otent o-er e-er"thin.2C his sins will be 0or.i-en e-en I0 these are as abundant as the 0oam o0 the sea,


*2 !umber $2**:

This hadith has been narrated b" Abu Huraira b" another /hain o0 transmitters,

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter % : ?hat is to be re/ited between ta6bir tahrima and re/itation o0 the qur:an
7oo6 *2 !umber $2*+:
Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e2 silen/e 0or a short while between the ta6bir (at the time o0 o1enin. the 1ra"er) and the re/itation o0 the Eur:an, I said to him: o0 Allah2 0or whom I would .i-e m" 0ather and mother in ransom2 what do "ou re/ite durin. "our 1eriod o0 silen/e between the ta6bir and the re/itationD He said: I sa" (these words):C 3 Allah2 remo-e m" sins 0rom me as Thou hast remo-ed the (ast 0rom the ?est, 3 Allah 1uri0" me 0rom sins as a white .arment is 1uri0ied 0rom 0ilth, 3 AllahL wash awa" m" sins with water2 snow and hall,C


*2 !umber $2*):

Abu Huraira re1orted that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 0or the se/ond ra6:ah he o1ened it with the re/itation o0 the 1raise o0 Allah2 the Lord o0 uni-erse (al-=atiha)2 and he did not obser-e silen/e (be0ore the re/itation o0 al-=atiha),


*2 !umber $2*%:

Anas re1orted: A man /ame 1antin. and entered the row o0 worshi11ers and said: @raise be to Allah2 mu/h 1raised and blessed, ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0inished the 1ra"er he said: ?ho "ou uttered these wordsD The 1eo1le remained silent, He (the Hol" @ro1het a.ain said) -: ?ho "ou uttered these wordsD He said nothin. wron., Then a man said: I /ame and had a di00i/ult" in breathin.2 so I uttered them, He re1lied: I saw twel-e an.els 0a/in. one another as to who will ta6e them u1 (to Allah),


*2 !umber $2*#:

Ibn :Umar re1orted: ?hile we said 1ra"er with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 one amon. the 1eo1le said: Allah is trul" Hreat2 1raise be to Allah in abundan/e, Hlor" be to Allah in the mornin. and the e-enin., The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on2 him) said: ?ho uttered su/h and su/h a wordD A 1erson amon. the 1eo1le said: It is I2 o0 Allah (who ha-e re/ited these words), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: It (its utteran/e) sur1rised me2 0or the doors o0 hea-en were o1ened 0or It, Ibn :Umar said: I ha-e not abandoned them (these words) sin/e I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in. this,

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter %$: 9esirabilit" o0 .oin. to 1ra"er with di.nit" and tranquillit" and 0orbiddan/e o0 .oin. to it in hot haste
7oo6 *2 !umber $2*;:
Abu Huraira re1orted: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: ?hen the Iqama has been 1ronoun/ed 0or 1ra"er2 do not .o runnin. to it2 but .o wal6in. in tranquillit" and 1ra" what "ou are in time 0or2 and /om1lete what "ou ha-e missed,


*2 !umber $2+ :

Abu Huraira re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen the words o0 Iqama are 1ronoun/ed2 do not /ome to (1ra"er) runnin.2 but .o with tranquillit"2 and 1ra" what "ou are in time 0or2 and /om1lete (what "ou ha-e missed) 0or when one o0 "ou is 1re1arin. 0or 1ra"er he is in 0a/t en.a.ed in 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $2+$:

Abu Huraira re1orted ahadith 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and one o0 them is that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on)2 said: ?hen the /all is made 0or 1ra"er /ome to it wal6in. with tranquillit"2 and 1ra" what "ou are in time 0or2 and /om1lete what "ou ha-e missed,


*2 !umber $2+2:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen the words o0 Iqama are 1ronoun/ed2 none o0 "ou should run to it (to join the 1ra"er) but wal6 with tranquillit" and di.nit"2 and 1ra" what "ou are in time 0or and /om1lete what has .one be0ore (what the Imam has /om1leted),


*2 !umber $2+4:

Abdullah b, Abu Eatada re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: ?hile we said our 1ra"er with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) he heard tumult, (At the end o0 the 1ra"er) he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hat is the matter with "ouD The" said: ?e hastened to 1ra"er, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 9on:t do thatB when "ou /ome 0or 1ra"er2 there should be tranquillit" u1on "ou, @ra" (alon. with the Imam) what "ou /an 0ind and /om1lete what 1re/eded "ou,

4+2 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $2+*:

This hadith has been narrated b" Shaiban with the same /hain o0 transmitters

'ha1ter %2: ?hen should the 1eo1le stand u1 0or 1ra"er

7oo6 *2 !umber $2++:
Abu Eatada re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen the Iqama is 1ronoun/ed do not .et u1 till "ou see me Ibn Hatim was in doubt whether it was said:C ?hen the Iqama is 1ronoun/edC orC ?hen /all is madeC,


*2 !umber $2+):

Abu Salama son o0 Abd al-Aahman b, Au0 re1orted Abu Huraira as sa"in.: Iqama was 1ronoun/ed and we stood u1 and made rows till he (the Hol" @ro1het) stood at his 1la/e o0 worshi1 (the 1la/e ahead o0 the rows where he stood to lead the 1ra"er) be0ore ta6bir tahrima, He reminded to (himsel0 somethin.) and went ba/6 sa"in. that we should stand at our 1la/es and not lea-e them, ?e waited2 till he /ame ba/6 to us and he had ta6en a bath and water tri/6led out o0 his head and then led us in 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $2+%:

Abu Salama re1orted Abu Huraira as sa"in.: Iqama was 1ronoun/ed, ant the 1eo1le had 0ormed themsel-es into rows, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame out and stood at his 1la/e2 and then 1ointed out with his hand that we should stand at our 1la/es, He then went awa" and too6 a bath and water tri/6led 0rom his head and then led them in 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $2+#:

Abu Salama re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that when Iqama was 1ronoun/ed 0or the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 the 1eo1le o//u1ied their 1la/es in the rows be0ore the A1ostle o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 at his 1la/e,


*2 !umber $2+;:

Fabir b, Samura re1orted: 7ilal summoned to 1ra"er as the sun de/lined but did not 1ronoun/e Iqama till the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame out and the Iqama was 1ronoun/ed on seein. him,
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter %4: He who /ame u1 with the ra6iah2 he in 0a/t /ame u1 with the 1ra"er (led in / with the imam)
7oo6 *2 !umber $2) :
Abu Huraira re1orted the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who 0inds a ra6:ah o0 the 1ra"er2 he in 0a/t 0inds the 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $2)$:

Abu Huraira re1orted the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who 0inds one ra6:ah o0 the 1ra"er with the Imam2 he in 0a/t 0inds the 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $2)2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Mali6 and there is no mention o0C alon. with the ImamC and In the hadith transmitted b" Abdullah the words are:C he in 0a/t 0inds the entire 1ra"erC,


*2 !umber $2)4:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who 0inds one ra6:ah at dawn be0ore the risin. o0 the sun2 he in 0a/t 0inds the dawn 1ra"er, and he who 0inds one ra6:ah o0 the a0ternoon 1ra"er be0ore sunset2 he in 0a/t 0inds the a0ternoon 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $2)*:

A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who 0inds a 1rostration be0ore sunset or at dawn (1ra"er) be0ore the risin. (o0 the sun) he Id 0a/t 0inds that (1ra"er)2 and 1rostration im1lies a ra6:ah,


*2 !umber $2)+:

This hadith is narrated b" Abu Huraira with another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $2)):

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who 0inds (.ets) a ra6:ah o0 the a0ternoon (1ra"er) be0ore the settin. o0 the sun2 he in 0a/t .ets (the 0ull 1ra"er)2 and
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

he who .ets a ra6:ah o0 the mornin. (1ra"er) be0ore the risin. o0 the sun he in 0a/t .ets (the 0ull 1ra"er),


*2 !umber $2)%:

This hadith has been re1orted b" Ma:mar with another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter %*: Times o0 1ra"er

7oo6 *2 !umber $2)#:
Ibn Shibab re1orted: :Umar b, :Abd al-:A8i8 de0erred the a0ternoon 1ra"er somewhat and :Urwa said to him: Habriel /ame down and he led the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in 1ra"er, :Umar said to him: 3 :Urwa2 are "ou aware o0 what "ou are sa"in.D U1on this he (:Urwa) said: I heard 7ashir b, Abu Mas:ud sa" that he heard Abu Mas:ud sa" that he heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": Habriel /ame down and a/ted as m" Imam2 then I 1ra"ed with him2 then I 1ra"ed with him2 then I 1ra"ed with him, then I 1ra"ed with him, then I 1ra"ed with him, re/6onin. with his 0in.ers 0i-e times o0 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $2);:

Ibn Shibab re1orted: Umar b, :Abd al-:A8i8 one da" de0erred the 1ra"er, :Urwa b, Gubair /ame to him and in0ormed him that one da" as Mu.hira b, Shu:ba was in >u0a (as its .o-ernor)2 he de0erred the 1ra"er2 Abu Mas:ud al-Ansari /ame to him and said: ?hat is this2 3 Mu.hiraD 9id "ou 6now that it was Habriel who /ame and said 1ra"er and (then) the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said the 1ra"er (alon. with him)2 then (Habriel) 1ra"ed and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) also 1ra"ed2 then (Habriel) 1ra"ed and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) also 1ra"ed2 then (Habriel) 1ra"ed and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ra"ed (alon. with him), then Habriel 1ra"ed and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) also 1ra"ed (alon. with him) and then said: This is how I ha-e been ordered to do, :Umar (b, :Abd al-:A8i8) said, 3 :Urwa be mind0ul o0 what "ou are sa"in. that Habriel (1ea/e be u1on him) the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the times o0 1ra"er, U1on this :Urwa said: This is how 7ashir b, Abu Mas:ud narrated on the authorit" o0 his 0ather and (also said): :A:ishaD2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), narrated it to me that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to sa" the a0ternoon 1ra"er2 when the o0 the sun was there in her a1artment be0ore it went out (o0 it),

4++ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $2% :

A:isha re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said the a0ternoonC 1ra"er as the sun shone in m" a1artment2 and the a0ternoon shadow did not e5tend 0urther, Abu 7a6r said: The a0ternoon shadow did not a11ear to e5tend 0urther,


*2 !umber $2%$:

:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said the a0ternoon 1ra"er (at the time) when the sun shone in her a1artment and its shadow did not e5tend be"ond her a1artment,


*2 !umber $2%2:

A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said the a0ternoon 1ra"er (at a time) when the ( o0 the sun was there in m" a1artment,


*2 !umber $2%4:

Abdullah b, :Amr re1orted the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: The time o0 the noon 1ra"er (lasts) as lon. as it is not a0ternoon2 and the time o0 the a0ternoon 1ra"er (lasts) as lon. as the sun does not turn 1ale and the time o0 the e-enin. 1ra"er (lasts) as lon. as the s1readin. a11earan/e o0 the redness abo-e the hori8on a0ter sunset does not sin6 down2 and the2 time o0 the 1ra"er (lasts) b" and the time o0 the mornin. 1ra"er (lasts) as lon. as the sun dots not rise,


*2 !umber $2%*:

Abu 7a6r b Abu Shaiban and Kah"a b Abu 7u6air both o0 them narrated this hadith with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $2%+:

:Abdullah b, :Amr re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The time o0 the noon 1ra"er is when the sun 1asses the meridian and a man:s shadow is the same ( as his hei.ht2 (and it lasts) as lon. as the time 0or the a0ternoon 1ra"er has not /omeB the time 0or the a0ternoon 1ra"er is as lon. as the sun has not be/ome 1aleB the time o0 the e-enin. 1ra"er is as lon. as the has not endedB the time o0 the 1ra"er is u1 to the middle o0 the a-era.e and the time o0 the mornin. 1ra"er is 0rom the a11earan/e o0 dawn2 as lon. as the sun has not risenB but when the sun rises2 re0rain 0rom 1ra"er 0or it rises between the horns o0 the de-il,

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $2%):

:Abdullah b, :Amr b, al-:As re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed about the times o0 1ra"ers, He said: The time 0or the mornin. 1ra"er (lasts) as lon. as the 0irst -isible 1art o0 the risin. sun does not a11ear and the time o0 the noon 1ra"er is when the sun de/lines 0rom the 8enith and there is not a time 0or the a0ternoon 1ra"er and the time 0or the a0ternoon 1ra"er is so lon. as the sun does not be/ome 1ale and its 0irst -isible 1art does not set2 and the time 0or the e-enin. 1ra"er is that when the sun disa11ears and (it lasts) till the is no more and the time 0or the 1ra"er is u1 to the,


*2 !umber $2%%:

:Abdullah narrated it on the authorit" o0 his 0ather Kah"a: >nowled.e /annot be a/quired with


*2 !umber $2%#:

Sulaiman b, 7uraida narrated it on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that a 1erson as6ed the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about the time o0 1ra"er, U1on this he said: @ra" with us these two2 meanin. two da"s, ?hen the sun 1assed the meridian, he .a-e /ommand to 7ilal who uttered the /all to 1ra"er, then lie /ommanded him and 1ronoun/ed Iqama 0or noon 1ra"er (Then at the tine o0 the a0ternoon 1ra"er) he a.ain /ommanded and Iqama 0or the a0ternoon 1ra"er was 1ronoun/ed when the sun was hi.h2 white and /lear, He then /ommanded and Iqama 0or the e-enin. 1ra"er was 1ronoun/ed2 when the sun had set, He then /ommanded him and the Iqama 0or the 1ra"er was 1ronoun/ed ?hen the had disa11eared, He then /ommanded him and the Iqama 0or the mornin. 1ra"er was 1ronoun/ed2 when the dawn had a11eared, ?hen it was the ne5t da"2 he /ommanded him to dela" the noon 1ra"er till the e5treme heat had 1assed and he did so2 and he allowed it to be dela"ed till the e5treme heat had 1assed, He obser-ed the a0ternoon 1ra"er when the sun was hi.h2 dela"in. it be"ond the time he had 1re-iousl" obser-ed it, He obser-ed the e-enin. 1ra"er be0ore the had -anishedB he obser-ed the 1ra"er when a third o0 the had 1assedB and he obser-ed the dawn 1ra"er when there was /lear da", He (the Hol" @ro1het) then said: ?here is the man who inquired about the time o0 1ra"erD He (the inquirer) said: o0 Allah I here I am, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: The time 0or "our 1ra"er is within the limits o0 what "ou ha-e seen,


*2 !umber $2%;:

7uraida narrated on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that a man /ame to the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and as6ed about the times o0 1ra"er, He said: Kou obser-e with us the 1ra"er, He /ommanded 7ilal2 and he uttered the /all to 1ra"er in the dar6ness o0 1re/edin. da"brea6 and he said the mornin. 1ra"er till dawn had a11eared, He then /ommanded him (7ilal) to /all 0or the noon
4+% & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

1ra"er when the sun had de/lined 0rom the 8enith, He then /ommanded him (7ilal) to /all 0or the a0ternoon 1ra"er when the sun was hi.h, He then /ommanded him 0or the e-enin. 1ra"er when the sun had set, He then /ommanded him 0or the 1ra"er when the had disa11eared, Then on the ne5t da" he /ommanded him (to /all 0or 1ra"er) when there was in the mornin., He then /ommanded him (to /all) 0or the noon 1ra"er when the e5treme heat was no more, He then /ommanded him 0or the a0ternoon 1ra"er when the sun was and /lear and "ellowness did not blend with it, He then /ommanded him to obser-e the sunset 1ra"er, He then /ommanded him 0or the 1ra"er when a third 1art o0 the bad 1assed or a bit less than that, Harami (the narrator o0 this hadith) was in doubt about that 1art o0 the mentioned hadith whi/h /on/erned the 1ortion o0 the, ?hen it was dawn2 he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?here is the inquirer (who inquired about the times o0 1ra"er and added): 7etween (these two e5tremes) is the time 0or 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $2# :

Abu Musa narrated on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that a 1erson /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or inquirin. about the times o0 1ra"ers, He (the Hol" @ro1het) .a-e him no re1l" (be/ause he wanted to e51lain to him the times b" 1ra/ti/all" obser-in. these 1ra"ers), He then said the mornin. 1la"er when it was da"brea62 but the 1eo1le /ould hardl" re/o.nise one another, He then /ommanded and the Iqama 0or the noon 1ra"er was 1ronoun/ed when the tan had 1assed the meridian and one would sa" that it was midda" but he (the Hol" @ro1het) 6new batter than them, He then a.ain /ommanded and the Iqama 0or the a0ternoon 1ra"er was 1ronoun/ed when the sun was hi.h, He then /ommanded and Iqama 0or the e-enin. 1ra"er was 1ronoun/ed when the sun had sun6, He then /ommanded and Iqama 0or the 1ra"er was 1ronoun/ed when the had disa11eared, He then dela"ed the mornin. 1ra"er on the ne5t da" (so mu/h so) that a0ter returnin. 0rom it one would sa" that the sun had risen or it was about to rise, He then dela"ed the noon 1ra"er till it was near the time o0 a0ternoon 1ra"er (as it was obser-ed "esterda"), He then dela"ed the a0ternoon 1ra"er till one a0ter returnin. 0rom it would sa" that the sun had be/ome red, He then dela"ed the e-enin. 1ra"er till the was about to disa11ear, He then dela"ed the 1ra"er till it was one-third o0 the, He then /alled the inquirer in the mornin. and said: The time 0or 1ra"ers is between these two e5tremes),


*2 !umber $2#$:

Abu Musa re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that an Inquirer /ame to the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and as6ed him about the times o0 1ra"ers2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same (as narrated abo-e) but 0or these words:C 3n the se/ond da" he (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed the e-enin. 1ra"er be0ore the disa11earan/e o0 the,C

4+# & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter %+: 9esirabilit" o0 sa"in. the noon 1ra"er when the e5treme heat is o-er
7oo6 *2 !umber $2#2:
Abu Huraira re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) said: ?hen it is -er" hot2 sa" (the noon 1ra"er) when the e5treme beat 1asses awa"2 0or intensit" o0 beat is 0rom the e5halation o0 Hell,


*2 !umber $2#4:

Another hadith li6e this has been transmitted b" Abu Huraira,


*2 !umber $2#*:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen it is a hot da"2 (dela") the 1ra"er till the e5treme heat 1asses awa"2 0or the intensit" o0 heat is 0rom the e5halation o0 Hell,


*2 !umber $2#+:

Abu Huraira re1orted: Ae0rain 0rom sa"in. (the noon 1ra"er) till the e5treme heat 1asses awa"2 0or the Intensit" o0 heat is 0rom the e5halation o0 Hell,


*2 !umber $2#):

Abu Huraira narrated this hadith 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1 on him) b" another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $2#%:

Abu Huraira re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: This heat is 0rom the e5halation o0 Hell-0ire2 so dela" the 1ra"er till it is /ool,


*2 !umber $2##:

Hammam b, Munabbih re1orted: This is what Abu Huraira narrated to us 0rom the Hol" @ro1het and he transmitted some ahadith-one o0 them was that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Let the heat be/ome less se-ere be0ore 1ra"er2 0or the intensit" o0 heat is 0rom the e5halation o0 Hell,
4+; & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $2#;:

Abu 9harr re1orted: The Mu:adhdbin (the announ/er o0 the hour o0 1ra"er) o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled 0or the noon 1ra"er, U1on this the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Let it /ool down2 let it /ool down2 or he said: ?ait2 wait 0or the intensit" o0 heat is 0rom the e5halation o0 Hell, ?hen the heat is intense2 dela" the 1ra"er till it be/omes /ooler, Abu 9harr said: (?e waited) till we saw the shadow o0 the mounds,


*2 !umber $2; :

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The =ire made a /om1laint be0ore the Lord sa"in.,C 3 Lord2 some 1arts o0 mine ha-e /onsumed the others,C So it was allowed to ta6e two e5halations2 one e5halation in winter and the other e5halation in summer, That is wh" "ou 0ind e5treme heat (in summer) and e5treme /old (in winter),


*2 !umber $2;$:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen it is hot2 ma6e dela" (in the noon 1ra"er) till it /ools down2 0or the intensit" o0 beat is 0rom the (5halation o0 HellB and lie also mentioned that the Hell0ire /om1lained to the Lord (about the /on.ested atmos1here) and so it was 1ermitted to ta6e two e5halation durin. the whole "ear2 one e5halation durin. the winter and one e5halation durin. the summer,


*2 !umber $2;2:

Abu Huraira re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The =ire said to the Lord: 3 LordL some 1arts o0 mine ha-e /onsumed the others2 so allow me to e5hale (in order to 0ind some relie0 0rom this /on.estion), It was .ranted 1ermission to ta6e two e5halations2 one e5halation durin. the winter and the other e5halation durin. the summer So whate-er "ou 1er/ei-e in the 0orm o0 intense /old or hurtin. /old is 0rom the e5halation o0 Hell, And whate-er "ou 1er/ei-e in the 0orm o0 e5treme heat or intense beat is 0rom the e5halation o0 Hell,

4) & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter %): 9esirabilit" o0 obser-in. the noon 1ra"er at the earlier hour (o0 times 1res/ribed 0or it) when there is no intense heat
7oo6 *2 !umber $2;4:
Fabir b, Samura re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to o00er the noon 1ra"er when the sun de/lined,


*2 !umber $2;*:

>habbab re1orted: ?e /om1lained to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (the di00i/ult" o0) sa"in. 1ra"er on the intensel" heated (.round or sand)2 but he 1aid no heed to our /om1laint,


*2 !umber $2;+:

>habbab re1orted: ?e /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and we /om1lained to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about (sa"in. 1ra"er) on the e5tremel" heated .round (or sand)2 but he 1aid no heed to us, Guhair said: I as6ed Abu Ishaq whether it was about the noon 1ra"er, He said: Kes, I a.ain said whether it /on/erned the (o00erin.) o0 the noon (1ra"er) in earlier hours, He said: Kes, I said: 9id it /on/ern e51editin. itD He said: Kes,


*2 !umber $2;):

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: ?e used to sa" (the noon1ra"er) with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the intense heat2 but when someone us 0ound it hard to 1la/e his 0orehead on the .round2 he s1read his /loth and 1rostrated on it,

'ha1ter %%: @re0eren/e 0or sa"in. the:asr 1ra"er at the /ommen/ement o0 the 1res/ribed time
7oo6 *2 !umber $2;%:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to 1ra" the a0ternoon 1ra"er when the sun was hi.h and bri.ht2 then one would .o o00 to al-:Awali and .et there while the sun was still hi.h, Ibn Eutaiba made no mention o0C one would .o o00 to al-:AwaliC,
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $2;#:

This hadith that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to o00er the a0ternoon 1ra"er li6e the one narrated abo-e has been transmitted b" Anas b, Mali6 b" another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $2;;:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: ?e used to o00er the :Asr 1ra"er2 then one would .o to Euba: and rea/h there and the sun would be still hi.h,


*2 !umber $4

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: ?e used to o00er the a0ternoon 1ra"er (at su/h a time) that a 1erson would .o to 7ani :Amr b, Au0 and he would 0ind them bus" o00erin. the a0ternoon 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $4 $:

:Ala: b, :Abd al-Aahman re1orted that the" /ame to the house o0 Anas b, Mali6 in 7asra a0ter sa"in. the noon 1ra"er, His (Anas) house was situated b" the side o0 the mosque, As re-isited him he (Anas) said: Ha-e "ou said the a0ternoon 1ra"erD ?e said to him: It is just a 0ew minutes be0ore that we 0inished the noon 1ra"er, He said: 300er the a0ternoon 1ra"er, So we stood u1 and said our 1ra"er, And when we /om1leted it2 he said: I ha-e heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: This is how the h"1o/rite 1ra"s: he sits wat/hin. the sun2 and when it is between the horns o0 de-il2 he rises and stri6es the .round 0our times (in haste) mentionin. Allah a little durin. it,


*2 !umber $4 2:

Abu Umama b, Sahl re1orted: ?e o00ered the noon 1ra"er with Umar b, :Abd al-:A8i8, ?e then set out till we /ame to Anas b, Mali6 and 0ound him bus" in sa"in. the a0ternoon 1ra"er, I said to him: 3 un/leL whi/h is this 1ra"er that "ou are o00erin.D He said: It is the a0ternoon 1ra"er and this is the 1ra"er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that we o00ered alon. with him,


*2 !umber $4 4:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) led us in the a0ternoon 1ra"er, ?hen he /om1leted it2 a 1erson 0rom 7ani Salama /ame to him and said: o0 Allah2 we intend to slau.hter our /ame and we are desirous that "ou should also be 1resent there (on this o//asion), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kes, He (the 1erson) went and we also went alon. with him and we 0ound that the /amel had not been slau.htered "et, Then it was slau.htered2 and it was /ut

4)2 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

into 1ie/es and then some o0 those were /oo6ed2 and then we ate (them) be0ore the settin. o0 the sun, This hadith has also been narrated b" another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $4 *:

Aa0i: b, >hadij re1orted: ?e used to sa" the a0ternoon 1ra"er with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and then the /amel was slau.htered and ten 1arts o0 it were distributedB then it was /oo6ed and then we ate this /oo6ed meat be0ore the sin6in. o0 the sun,


*2 !umber $4 +:

This hadith has been re1orted b" :Au8a:i with the same /hain o0 transmitters: ?e used to slau.hter the /amel durin. the li0etime o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a0ter the :Asr 1ra"er2 but he made no mention o0:C ?e used to 1ra" alon. with him,C

'ha1ter %#: The se-erit" (o0 1unishment) in missin. the :asr 1ra"er
7oo6 *2 !umber $4 ):
Ibn Umar re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who misses the a0ternoon 1ra"er2 it is as thou.h he has been de1ri-ed o0 his 0amil" and his 1ro1ert",


*2 !umber $4 %:

This hadith has been narrated as Mar0u b" another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $4 #:

Abdullah relates on the authorit" o0 his 0ather, He who missed his a0ternoon 1ra"er it is as thou.h he was de1ri-ed o0 his 0amil" and 1ro1ert",


*2 !umber $4 ;:

:Ali re1orted: ?hen it was the da" (o0 the 7attle) o0 Ah8ab2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ma" Allah 0ill their .ra-es and houses with 0ire2 as the" detained us and di-erted us 0rom the middle 1ra"er2 till the sun set,

4)4 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $4$ :

This hadith has been narrated b" Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $4$$:

:Ali re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3n the da" (o0 the 7attle) o0 Ah8ab we were di-erted 0rom the middle 1ra"er2 till the sun set, Ma" Allah 0ill their .ra-es or their houses2 or their stoma/hs with 0ire, The narrator is in doubt aboutC housesC andC stoma/hsC,


*2 !umber $4$2:

This hadith has heed narrated b" Eatada with the same /hain o0 transmitters, And he said: Their houses and their .ra-es (be 0illed with 0ire)2 and did not e51ress doubt o-er the words2C housesC andC .ra-esC,


*2 !umber $4$4:

Kah"a heard :Ali sa"in. that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said on the da" (o0 the 7attle) o0 Ah8ab2 while sittin. in one o0 the o1enin.s o0 the dit/h: The" (the enemies) ha-e di-erted us 0rom the middle 1ra"er till the sun set, Ma" Allah 0ill their .ra-es and their houses with 0ire2 or their .ra-es and stoma/hs with 0ire,


*2 !umber $4$*:

:Ali re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said on the da" (o0 the 7attle) o0 Ah8ab: The" di-erted us 0rom sa"in. the middle 1ra"er2 i, e, the :Asr 1ra"er, Ma" Allah 0ill their houses and .ra-es with 0ireB he then obser-ed this 1ra"er between the e-enin. 1ra"er and the 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $4$+:

:Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) re1orted that the 1ol"theists detained the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0rom obser-in. the a0ternoon 1ra"er till the sun be/ame red or it be/ame "ellow, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The" ha-e di-erted us 0rom (o00erin.) the middle 1ra"er, i, e, the :Asr 1ra"er, Ma" Allah 0ill their bellies and their .ra-es with 0ire2 or he said: Ma" Allah stu00 their bellies and their .ra-es with 0ire,


*2 !umber $4$):

Abu Kunus2 the 0reed sla-e o0 :A:isha said: :A:isha ordered me to trans/ribe a /o1" o0 the Eur:an 0or her and said: ?hen "ou rea/h this -erse:C Huard the 1ra"ers and the middle 1ra"erC (ii, 24#)2 in0orm
4)* & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

meB so when I rea/hed it2 I in0ormed her and she .a-e me di/tation (li6e this): Huard the 1ra"ers and the middle 1ra"er and the a0ternoon 1ra"er2 and stand u1 trul" obedient to Allah, :A:isha said: This is how I ha-e heard 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


*2 !umber $4$%:

Al-7ara: b, :A8ib re1orted: This -erse was re-ealed (in this wa"):C Huard the 1ra"ers and the :Asr 1ra"er,C ?e re/ited it (in this -er" wa") so lon. as Allah desired, Allah2 then2 abro.ated it and it was re-ealed:C Huard the 1ra"ers2 and the middle 1ra"er,C A 1erson who was sittin. with Shaqiq (one o0 the narrators in the /hain o0 transmitters) said: !ow it im1lies the :Asr 1ra"er, U1on this al-7ara: said: I ha-e alread" in0ormed "ou how this (-erse) was re-ealed and how Allah abro.ated it2 and Allah 6nows best, Imam Muslim said: Ashja:i narrated it 0rom Su0"an al-Thauri2 who narrated it 0rom al-Aswad b, Eais2 who narrated it 0rom :Uqba2 who narrated it 0rom al-7ara: b, :A8ib who said: ?e re/ited with the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (the abo-e-mentioned -erse li6e this2 i, e, instead o0 Salat al- ?usta2 Salat al-:Asr) 0or a /ertain 1eriod, as It has been mentioned (in the abo-e-quoted hadith),


*2 !umber $4$#:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that Umar b, al->hattab had been /ursin. the 1a.ans o0 the Euraish an the da" (o0 the 7attle) o0 >handaq (9it/h), (He /ame to the Hol" @ro1het) and said: o0 Allah2 b" Hod2 I /ould not sa", the :Asr 1ra"er till the sun set, U1on this the (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7" Allah I2 too2 ha-e not obser-ed it, So we went to a -alle", The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1er0ormed ablution and we too 1er0ormed ablution2 and then the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said the :Asr 1ra"er a0ter the sun had set, and then said the e-enin. 1ra"er a0ter it,


*2 !umber $4$;:

This hadith has been re1orted b" Kah"a b, Abd >athir with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter %;: Merit o0 the mornin. and a0ternoon 1ra"ers and e5hortation to .uard them
7oo6 *2 !umber $42 :
Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: An.els ta6e turns amon. "ou b" and b" da"2 and the" all assemble at the dawn and a0ternoon 1ra"ers, Those (o0 the an.els) who s1end the amon. "ou2 then2 as/end2 and their Lord as6s them2 thou.h He is the
4)+ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

best in0ormed about them: How did "ou lea-e M" ser-antsD -the" sa": ?e le0t them while the" were 1ra"in. and we /ame to them while the" were 1ra"in.,


*2 !umber $42$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: An.els ta6e turns amon. "ou b" and b" da"2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same,


*2 !umber $422:

Farir b, Abdullah is re1orted to ha-e said: ?e were sittin. with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he loo6ed at the 0ull moon and obser-ed: Kou shall see "our Lord as "ou are seein. this moon2 and "ou will not be harmed b" seein. Him, So i0 "ou /an2 do not let -"oursel-es be o-er1owered in /ase o0 1ra"er obser-ed be0ore the risin. o0 the sun and its settin.2 i, e, the :Asr 1ra"er and the mornin. 1ra"er, Farir then re/ited it:C 'elebrate the 1raise o0 th" Lord be0ore the risin. o0 the sun and be0ore Its settin.C (55, $4 ),


*2 !umber $424:

?a6i: re1orted (this hadith) with the same /hain o0 transmitters (that the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kou will be soon 1resented be0ore "our Lord2 and "ou will see Him as "ou are seein. this moon2 and then re/ited (the abo-e-mentioned -erse), 7ut (in this hadith) no mention is made o0 Farir,


*2 !umber $42*:

:Umara b, Auwaiba is re1orted to ha-e said on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: He who obser-ed 1ra"er be0ore the risin. o0 the son and its settin.2 i, e, the dawn 1ra"er and the a0ternoon 1ra"er2 would not /ater the (Hell) 0ire, A 1erson to 7asra said to him: 9id "ou "oursel0 bear it 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D He said: Kes, The 1erson (0rom 7asra) said: I bear witness that I heard it 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) B m" ears heard it and m" heart retained it,


*2 !umber $42+:

Umara b, Auwaiba re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who said 1ra"er be0ore the risin. o0 the sun and its settin. would not enter the 0ire (o0 Hell)2 and there was a man 0rom 7asra (sittin.) beside him who said: 9id "ou hear it 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him)D He said: Kes2 I bear witness to it, The man 0rom 7asra said: I bear witness that I did hear 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in. it 0rom the 1la/e that "ou heard 0rom him,

4)) & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $42):

Abu 7a6r re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who obser-ed two 1ra"ers at two /ool (hours) would enter @aradise,


*2 !umber $42%:

This hadith has been narrated b" the same /hain o0 transmitters b" Hammam2 and said about Abu 7a6r that he was Ibn Abu Musa,

'ha1ter # : 'ommen/ement o0 the time 0or the e-enin. 1ra"er is immediatel" a0ter sunset
7oo6 *2 !umber $42#:
Salama b, al-A6wa: re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to sa" the e-enin. 1ra"er when the sun had set and disa11eared (behind the hori8on),


*2 !umber $42;:

Aa0i: b, >hadij re1orted: ?e used to obser-e the e-enin. 1ra"er with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and then one o0 us would .o awa" and he /ould see the (distant) 1la/e where his arrow would 0all,


*2 !umber $44 :

A hadith li6e this2 i, e,C ?e used to obser-e e-enin. 1ra"er,,,,C so on and so 0orth2 has been narrated b" Aa0i: b, >hadij b" another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter #$: Time 0or the 1ra"er and its dela"
7oo6 *2 !umber $44$:
:A:isha, the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) de0erred one the :Is"a: 1ra"er, And this is /alled :Atama, And the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not /ome out till Umar b, >hattab told (him) that the women and /hildren had .one to slee1, So the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame out towards them and said to the 1eo1le o0 the mosque: !one e5/e1t "ou 0rom the 1eo1le o0 the earth waits 0or it (0or the 1ra"er at this late hour)2 and it was be0ore Islam had s1read
4)% & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT) 1eo1le, And in the narration transmitted b" Ibn Shihab the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is re1orted to ha-e said: It is not meant that "ou should /om1el the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or 1ra"er, And (this he said) when :Umar b, >hattab /alled (the Hol" @ro1het) in a loud -oi/e,


*2 !umber $442:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Ibn Shihab with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but therein no mention has been made o0 the words o0 al-Guhri: It was narrated to me2 and that whi/h 0ollowed,


*2 !umber $444:

:A:isha re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) one dela"ed (obser-in. the :Is"a: 1ra"er) till a .reat 1art o0 the was o-er and the 1eo1le in the mosque had .one to slee1, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then /ame out and obser-ed 1ra"er and said: This is the 1ro1er time 0or itB were it not that I would im1ose a burden on m" 1eo1le (I would normall" 1ra" at this time), In the hadith transmitters b" :Abd al-Aa88aq (the words are):C ?ere it not that it would im1ose burden on m" 1eo1le,C


*2 !umber $44*:

Abdullah b, Umar re1orted: ?e waited one in e51e/tation o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or the last 1ra"er o0 the ni.ht2 and he /ame out to us when a third o0 the had 1assed e-en a0ter that, ?e do not 6now whether he had been o//u1ied with 0amil" business or somethin. else, ?hen he /ame /ut he said: Kou are waitin. 0or 1ra"er2 0or whi/h the 0ollowers o0 no other reli.ion wait, e5/e1t "ou, ?ere it not a burden 0or m" Ummah2 I would ha-e led them (in the :Is"a: 1ra"er) at this hour, He then ordered the Mu:adhdbin (to /all 0or 1ra"er) and then stood u1 0or 1ra"er and obser-ed 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $44+:

Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was one o//u1ied (in some wor6) and he dela"ed it (:Is"a: 1ra"er) till we went to slee1 in the mosque, ?e then wo6e u1 and a.ain went to slee1 and a.ain wo6e u1, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then /ame to us and said: !one amon. the 1eo1le o0 the earth e5/e1t "ou waits 0or 1ra"er in the,


*2 !umber $44):

Thabit re1orted: The" (the belie-ers) as6ed Anas about the rin. o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said: 3ne the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) dela"ed
4)# & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

(obser-in.) the :Is"a: 1ra"er u1 to the or was about to be o-er, He then /ame and said: (3ther) 1eo1le ha-e o00ered 1ra"ers and sle1t2 but "ou are /onstantl" in 1ra"er as lon. as "ou wait 0or 1ra"er, Anas said: I 1er/ei-e as i0 I am seein. the lustre o0 his sil-er rin.2 and li0ted his2 small le0t (in order to show how the Hol" @ro1het had li0ted it),


*2 !umber $44%:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: ?e waited 0or the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on hi n) one ni.ht2 till it was about, He (the Hol" @ro1het) /ame and obser-ed 1ra"er and then turned his 0a/e towards us2 as it I was seein. the lustre o0 the sil-er rin. on his,


*2 !umber $44#:

This hadith has been narrated b" Eurra with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but therein he did not mention:C He turned his 0a/e towards us,C


*2 !umber $44;:

Abu Musa re1orted: I and m" /om1anions who had sailed alon. with me in the boat landed with me in the -alle" o0 7uthan while the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was sta"in. in Medina, A 1art" o0 1eo1le them went to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) e-er" at the time o0 the :Is"a: 1ra"er turn b" turn, Abu Musa said: (3ne we (I and m" /om1anions) went to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he was o//u1ied in some matter till there was a dela" in 1ra"er so mu/h so that it was the middle o0 the, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then /ame out and led them (Musa:s /om1anions) in 1ra"er, And when he had obser-ed his 1ra"er he said to the audien/e 1resent: Ta6e it eas"2 I am .oin. to .i-e "ou in0ormation and .lad tidin.s that it is the blessin. o0 Allah u1on "ou 0or there is none amon. the 1eo1le2 e5/e1t "ou2 who 1ra"s at this hour (o0 the or he said: !one e5/e1t "ou obser-ed 1ra"er at this, (late) hour, He (i, e, the narrator) said: I am not sure whi/h o0 these two senten/es he a/tuall" uttered, Abu Musa2 said: ?e /ame ba/6 ha11" 0or what we heard 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


*2 !umber $4* :

Ibn Furaij re1orted: I said to Ata:: ?hi/h time do "ou deem 0it 0or me to sa" the :Is"a: 1ra"er2 -as an Imam or alone2 -that time whi/h is /alled b" 1eo1le :AtamaD He said: I heard Ibn :Abbas sa"in.: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) one dela"ed the :Is"a: 1ra"er till the 1eo1le went to slee1, The" wo6e u1 and a.ain went to slee1 and a.ain wo6e u1, Then :Umar b, >hattab stood u1 and said (loudl")C @ra"er,C Ata: 0urther re1orted that Ibn :Abbas said: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame out2 and as i0 I am still seein. him with water tri/6lin. 0rom his head2 and with his hand 1la/ed on one side o0 the head2 and he said: ?ere it not hard 0or m" Ummah2 I would ha-e
4); & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

ordered them to obser-e this 1ra"er li6e this (i, e, at late hours), I inquired 0rom :Ata: how the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1la/ed his hand u1on his head as Ibn Abbas had in0ormed, So Ata: s1read his 0in.ers a little and then 1la/ed the ends o0 his 0in.ers on the side o0 his head, He then mo-ed them li6e this o-er his head till the thumb tou/hed that 1art o0 the ear whi/h is near the 0a/e and then it (went) to the earlo/6 and the 1art o0 the heard, It (the bind) neither held nor / an"thin. but this is how (it mo-ed oil), I said to Ata:: ?as it mentioned to "ou (b" Ibn Abbas) how lon. did the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) dela" it (the 1ra"er) durin. that ei.htD He said: I do not 6now (I /annot .i-e "ou the e5a/t time), Ali: said: I lo-e that I should sa" 1ra"er2 whether as an Imam or alone at dela"ed hours as the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said that ni.ht2 but i0 It is hard u1on "ou in "our indi-idual /a1a/it" or u1on 1eo1le in the / and "ou are their Imam2 then sa" 1ra"er (:Is"a:) at the middle hours neither too earl" nor too late,


*2 !umber $4*$:

Fabir b, Samura re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ost1oned the last :Is"a: 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $4*2:

Fabir b, Samura re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e 1ra"ers li6e "our 1ra"ers2 but he would dela" the 1ra"er a0ter ni.ht0all to a little a0ter the time "ou obser-ed it2 and he would shorten the 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $4*4:

Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Let the bedouin not .ain u11er hand o-er "ou in re.ard to the name o0 "our 1ra"er, See I (The 1ra"er should be /alled) :Is"a: (and the bedouins /all it Atama (be/ause) the" mil6 their /amels late,


*2 !umber $4**:

Ibn :Umar said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Let the bedouin not .ain u11er band o-er "ou In re.ard to the name o0 "our 1ra"er2 i, e, 1ra"er2 0or it is mentioned :Is"a: in the 7oo6 o0 Allah (i, e, the Eur:an), (The bedouin /all it :Atama be/ause) the" ma6e dela" in millin. their she-/amels,

4% & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter #2: 9esirabilit" o0 obser-in. the mornin. 1ra"er at earlier hour and that is the time when there is dar6ness be0ore dawn and the in0ormation re.ardin. the o0 re/itation in it
7oo6 *2 !umber $4*+:
:A:isha re1orted: The belie-in. women used to 1ra" the mornin. 1ra"er with the o0 Allah and then return wra11ed in their mantles, !o one /ould re/o.nise them,


*2 !umber $4*):

:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted: The belie-in. women obser-ed the mornin. 1ra"er with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) wra11ed in their mantles, The" then went ba/6 to their houses and were unre/o.nisable2 be/ause o0 the o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ra"in. in the dar6ness be0ore dawn,


*2 !umber $4*%:

:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e the mornin. 1ra"er2 and the women would .o ba/6 wra11ed in their mantles bein. unre/o.nisable be/ause o0 the dar6ness be0ore dawn, (Ishaq b, Musa) al-Ansari (one o0 the transmitters in this /hain o0 narration) narratedC wra11edC (onl") in his narration, (!o mention was made o0 mantles,)


*2 !umber $4*#:

Muhammad b, :Amr b, al-Hasan b, :All re1orted: ?hen Hajjaj /ame to Medina we as6ed Fabir b, Abdullah (about the timin.s o0 1ra"er as obser-ed b" the Hol" @ro1het), He said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to 1ra" a0ternoon 1ra"er in the midda" heatB the a0ternoon 1ra"er when the sun was bri.htB the e-enin. 1ra"er when the sun had /om1letel" setB and as 0or the 1ra"er2 he sometimes dela"ed and sometimes (obser-ed it) at earlier hours, ?hen he 0ound them (his 'om1anions) assembled (at earlier hours) he (1ra"ed) earl", and when he saw them /omin. late2 he dela"ed the (1ra"er), and the mornin. 1ra"er the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed in the dar6ness be0ore dawn,

4%$ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $4*;:

Muhammad b, :Amr al-Hasan b, :All re1orted: Hajjaj used to dela" the 1ra"ers2 and so we as6ed Fabir b, :Abdullah2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same,


*2 !umber $4+ :

Sa""ar b, Salama re1orted: I heard m" 0ather as6in. Abu 7ar8a (al- Aslami) about the 1ra"er o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) I (Shu:ba2 one o0 the narrators) said: 9id "ou hear it (0rom Abu 7ar8a)D He said: $ 0eel as i0 I am bearin. "ou at this -er" time, He said: I heard m" 0ather as6in. about the 1ra"er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he (Abu 7ar8a) ma6in. this re1l": He (the Hol" @ro1het) did not mind dela"in.-some (1ra"er) i, e, :Is"a: 1ra"er2 e-en u1 to the and did not li6e slee1in. be0ore obser-in. it2 and tal6in. a0ter it, Shu:ba said: I met him subsequentl" and as6ed him (about the 1ra"ers o0 the Hol" @ro1het) and he said: He obser-ed the noon 1ra"er when the sun was 1ast the meridian2 he would 1ra" the a0ternoon 1ra"er2 a0ter whi/h a 1erson would o to the outs6irts o0 Medina and the sun was still bri.htB (I 0or.ot what he said about the e-enin. 1ra"er) B I then met him on a subsequent o//asion and as6ed him (about the 1ra"ers o0 the Hol" @ro1hetB and he said: He would obser-e the mornin. 1ra"er (at su/h a time) so that a man would .o ba/6 and would re/o.nise his nei.hbour b" /astin. a .lan/e at his 0a/e2 and he would re/ite 0rom si5t" to one hundred -erses in it,


*2 !umber $4+$:

Sa""ar b, Salama re1orted: I heard Abu 7ar8a sa"in. that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not mind some dela" in the :Is"a: 1ra"er e-en u1 to the and he did not li6e slee1in. be0ore (obser-in. it) and tal6in. a0ter it, Shu:ba said: I a.ain met him (Sa""ar b, Salama) 0or the se/ond time and he said: (-en u1 to the third (1art) o0 the,


*2 !umber $4+2:

Abu 7ar8a b, Aslami is re1orted to ha-e said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) dela"ed the 1ra"er till a third o0 the had 1assed and he did not a11ro-e o0 slee1in. be0ore it2 and tal6in. a0ter it2 and he used to re/ite in the mornin. 1ra"er 0rom one hundred to si5t" -erses (and /om1leted the 1ra"er at su/h hours) when we re/o.nised the 0a/es o0 one another,

4%2 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter #4: 9isa11ro-al o0 dela"in. the 1ra"er 0rom its 1res/ribed timeB what one who is led in 1ra"er should do when the imam dela"s itD
7oo6 *2 !umber $4+4:
Abu 9harr re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: How would "ou a/t when "ou are under the rulers who would dela" the 1ra"er be"ond its 1res/ribed time2 or the" would ma6e 1ra"er a dead thin. as 0ar as its 1ro1er time is /on/ernedD I said: ?hat do "ou /ommandD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 3bser-e the 1ra"er at Its 1ro1er time2 and i0 "ou /an sa" it alon. with them do so2 0or it would be a su1ereto.ator" 1ra"er 0or "ou, >hala0 (one o0 the narrators in the abo-e hadith) has not mentionedC be"ond their (1res/ribed) timeC,


*2 !umber $4+*:

Abu 9harr re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: 3 Abu 9harr2 "ou would soon 0ind a0ter me rulers who would ma6e their 1ra"ers dead, Kou should sa" 1ra"er at its 1res/ribed time, I0 "ou sa" 1ra"er at its 1res/ribed time that would be a su1erero.ator" 1ra"er 0or "ou2 otherwise "ou sa-ed "our 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $4++:

Abu 9harr re1orted: M" 0riend (the Hol" @ro1het) bade me to hear and obe" (the ruler) e-en i0 he is a sla-e ha-in. his 0eet and arms /ut o002 and obser-e 1ra"er at its 1res/ribed time, (And 0urther said): It "ou 0ind 1eo1le ha-in. obser-ed the 1ra"er2 "ou in 0a/t sa-ed "our 1ra"er2 otherwise (i0 "ou join with them) that would be a !a0l 1ra"er 0or "ou,


*2 !umber $4+):

Abu 9harr re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stru/6 m" thi.h and said: How would "ou a/t i0 "ou sur-i-e amon. the 1eo1le who would dela" 1ra"ers be"ond their (1res/ribed) timeD He (Abu 9harr) said: ?hat do "ou /ommand (under this situation)D He (the Hol" @ro1het) slid: 3bser-e 1ra"er at its 1res/ribed time2 then .o (to meet) "our needs2 and i0 the Iqama is 1ronoun/ed2 and "ou are 1resent in the mosque2 then obser-e 1ra"er (alon. with the Fama:at),

4%4 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $4+%:

:Abu:l-:Ali"at al-7ara re1orted: Ibn Gi"ad dela"ed the 1ra"er, :Abdullah b, Samit /ame to me and I 1la/ed a /hair 0or him and he sat in it and I made a mention o0 whit Ibn Gi"ad had done, He bit hit li1s (as a si.n o0 e5treme and anno"an/e) and stru/6 at m" thi.h and said: I as6ed Abu 9harr as "ou ha-e as6ed me2 and he stru/6 m" thi.h just as I ha-e stru/6 "our thi.h2 and said: I as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as "ou ha-e as6ed me and he stru/6 m" thi.h just as I ha-e stru/6 "our thi.h2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 3bser-e 1ra"er at its 1res/ribed time2 and i0 "ou /an sa" 1ra"er alon. with them, do so2 and do not sa",C I ha-e obser-ed 1ra"er and so I shall not 1ra",C


*2 !umber $4+#:

Abu 9harr re1orted: (The o0 Allah) said: How would "ou2 or how would thou2 a/t i0 "ou sur-i-e to li-e amon. 1eo1le who de0er 1ra"er be"ond the (1res/ribed) timeD (The narrator said: Allah and His 6now best), whereu1on he said: 3bser-e 1ra"er at its 1res/ribed time2 but i0 the Iqama is 1ronoun/ed 0or (/ 1ra"er2 then obser-e 1ra"er alon. with them, 0or herein is an e5/ess o0 -irtue,


*2 !umber $4+;:

Abu:l-:Ali"at al-7ara: re1orted: I said to :Abdullah b, Samit: ?e sa" our Fumu:a 1ra"er behind those rulers who de0er the 1ra"er, He (:Abdullah b, Samit)2 stru/6, m" thi.h that I 0elt 1ain and said: I as6ed Abu 9harr about it2 he stru/6 m" thi.h and said: I as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about it, U1on this he said: 3bser-e 1ra"er at its 1res/ribed time2 and treat 1ra"er alon. with them (alon. with those Imams who deter 1ra"er) as !a0l, :Abdullah said: It was narrated to me that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stru/6 the thi.h o0 Abd 9harr,

'ha1ter #*: (5/ellen/e o0 1ra"ers in / and .rim warnin. 0or remainin. awa" 0rom it
7oo6 *2 !umber $4) :
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: @ra"er said in a / is twent"-0i-e de.rees more e5/ellent than 1ra"er said b" a sin.le 1erson,

4%* & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $4)$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: @ra"er said in a / is twent"-0i-e de.rees more e5/ellent than 1ra"er said b" a sin.le 1erson, He (Abu Huraira 0urther) said: The an.els o0 the and the an.els o0 the da" meet to.ether, Abu Huraira said: Ae/ite it "ou li6e:C Surel" the re/ital o0 the Eur:an at dawn is witnessedC (al-Eur:an2 5-ii, %#),


*2 !umber $4)2:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Abu Huraira with another /hain o0 transmitters with a -er" /han.e o0 words,


*2 !umber $4)4:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: @ra"er said in a / is equi-alent to twent"-0i-e (1ra"ers) as /om1ared with the 1ra"er said b" a sin.le 1erson,


*2 !umber $4)*:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: @ra"er alon. with the Imam is twent"-0i-e times more e5/ellent than 1ra"er said b" a sin.le 1erson,


*2 !umber $4)+:

Ibn Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) assa"in.: @ra"er said in a / is twent"-se-en de.rees more e5/ellent than 1ra"er said b" a sin.le 1erson,


*2 !umber $4)):

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The 1ra"er o0 a 1erson in / is twent"-se-en times in e5/ess to the 1ra"er said alone,


*2 !umber $4)%:

Ibn !umair re1orted it on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (a 1re0eren/e o0) more than twent" (de.rees) and Abu 7a6r in his narration (has narrated it) twent"- se-en de.rees,


*2 !umber $4)#:

Ibn :Umar re1orted 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as some and twent" (de-

4%+ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $4);:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0ound some 1eo1le absentin. 0rom /ertain 1ra"ers and he said: I intend that I order (a) 1erson to lead 1eo1le in 1ra"er2 and then .o to the 1ersons who do not join the (/ 1ra"er) and then order their houses to be burnt b" the bundles o0 0uel, I0 one them were to 6now that he would 0ind a 0at 0lesh" bone he would attend the 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $4% :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The most burdensome 1ra"ers 0or the h"1o/rites are the 1ra"er and the mornin. 1ra"er, I0 the" were to 6now the blessin.s the" ha-e in store2 the" would ha-e /ome to them2 e-en thou.h /rawlin.2 and I that I should order the 1ra"er to be /ommen/ed and /ommand a 1erson to lead 1eo1le in 1ra"er2 and I should then .o alon. with some 1ersons ha-in. a 0a.ot o0 0uel with them to the 1eo1le who ha-e not attended the 1ra"er (in / and would burn their houses with 0ire,


*2 !umber $4%$:

Hammam b, Munabbih re1orted: This is what Abu Huraira re1orted to us 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and (in this /onne/tion) he narrated some ahadith2 one o0 them is: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I intend that I should /ommand m" "oun. men to .ather bundles 0uel 0or me2 and then order a 1erson to lead 1eo1le in 1ra"er2 and then burn the houses with their inmates (who ha-e not joined the /,


*2 !umber $4%2:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Abu Huraira,


*2 !umber $4%4:

:Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. about 1eo1le who are absent 0rom Fumu:a 1ra"er: I intend that I should /ommand a 1erson to lead 1eo1le in 1ra"er2 and then burn those 1ersons who absent themsel-es 0rom Fumu:a 1ra"er in their houses,

4%) & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter #+: He who hears the /all 0or 1ra"er it is essential 0or him to /ome to the mosque
7oo6 *2 !umber $4%*:
Abu Huraira re1orted: There /ame to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a blind man and said: o0 Allah2 I ha-e no one to .uide me to the mosque, He2 there0ore2 as6ed, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ermission to sa" 1ra"er in his house, He (tee Hol" @ro1het) .ranted him 1ermission, Then when the man turned awa" he /alled him and said: 9o "ou hear the /all to 1ra"erD He said: Kes, He (the Hol" @ro1het then) said: Aes1ond to it,


*2 !umber $4%+:

:Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) re1orted: I ha-e seen the time when no one sta"ed awa" 0rom 1ra"er e5/e1t a h"1o/rite2 whose h"1o/ris" was well 6nown2 or a si/6 man2 but it a si/6 man /ould wal6 between two 1ersons (i, e, with the hel1 o0 two 1ersons with one on ea/h side) he would /ome to 1ra"er, And (0urther) said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) us the 1aths o0 .uidan/e, amon. whi/h is 1ra"er in the mosque in whi/h the Ad8an is /alled,


*2 !umber $4%):

Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) re1orted: He who li6es to meet Allah tomorrow as Muslim2 he should 1erse-ere in obser-in. these 1ra"ers2 when a /all is announ/ed 0or them2 0or Allah has laid down 0or "our @ro1het the 1aths o0 .uidan/e2 and these (1ra"ers) are amon. the 1aths o0 .uidan/e, I0 "ou were to 1ra" in "our houses as this man wh" sta"s awa" (0rom the mosque) 1ra"s in his house2 "ou would abandon the 1ra/ti/e o0 "our @ro1het2 and i0 "ou were to abandon the 1ra/ti/e o0 "our @ro1het2 "ou would .o astra", !o man 1uri0ies himsel02 doin. it well2 then ma6es 0or one o0 those mosques without Allah re/ordin. a blessin. 0or him 0or e-er" ste1 he ta6es raisin. him a de.ree 0or it2 and e00a/in. a sin 0rom him 0or it, I ha-e seen the time when no one sta"ed awa" 0rom it2 e5/e1t a h"1o/rite2 who was well 6nown 0or his h"1o/ris"2 whereas a man would be swa"in. (due to wea6ness) between two men till he was set u1 in a row,

4%% & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter #): =orbiddan/e to .o out o0 the mosque a0ter the ad8an has been announ/ed b" mu:adhdhin
7oo6 *2 !umber $4%%:
Abu Sha:tha: re1orted: ?hile we were sittin. with Abu Huraira in a mosque a man went out o0 the mosque a0ter the /all to 1ra"er had been announ/ed, (A man stood u1 in the mosque and set o00,) Abu Huraira:s e"es 0ollowed him till he went out o0 the mosque, U1on this Abu Huraira said: This man has disobe"ed Abu:l- Easim (Muhammad) (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


*2 !umber $4%#:

Abu Sha:tha: al-Muharibi re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather2 who said: I heard it 0rom Abu Huraira that he saw a 1erson .ettin. out o0 the mosque a0ter the /all to 1ra"er had been announ/ed, U1on this he remar6ed: This (man) disobe"ed Abu:l-Easim (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

'ha1ter #%: (5/ellen/e o0 1ra"in. the :isha:and mornin. 1ra"ers in /

7oo6 *2 !umber $4%;:
:Abd al-Aahman b, Abd :Amr re1orted: :Uthman b, :A00an (narrated the mosque a0ter e-enin. 1ra"er and sat alone, I also sat alone with him2 so he said: 2 son o0 m brother2 I heard tile o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": He who obser-ed the :Is"a: 1ra"er in / it was as i0 he 1ra"ed u1 to the midni.ht2 and he who 1ra"ed the mornin. 1ra"er in / it was as i0 he 1ra"ed the whole,


*2 !umber $4# :

This hadith has been narrated b" the /hain o0 transmitters b" Abu Sahl :Uthman b, Ha6im,


*2 !umber $4#$:

Fundab b, :Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who 1ra"ed the mornin. 1ra"er (in / he is in 0a/t under the 1rote/tion o0 Allah, And it /an ne-er ha11en that Allah should demand an"thin. 0rom "ou in /onne/tion with the 1rote/tion (that He .uarantees) and one should not .et it, He would then throw him in the 0ire o0 Hell,

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $4#2:

Anas b, Sirin re1orted: I heard Fundab b, Easri sa"in. that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who obser-ed the mornin. 1ra"er (in / he is in 0a/t under the 1rote/tion o0 Allah and it ne-er ha11ens that Allah should ma6e a demand in /onne/tion with the 1rote/tion (that He .uarantees and should not .et it) 0or when he as6s 0or an"thin. in relation to His 1rote/tion2 he de0initel" se/ures it, He then throws him 0latl" in the Hell-0ire,


*2 !umber $4#4:

This hadith has been narrated b" Fundab b, Su0"an in 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but this has not been mentioned:C He would throw him in 0ire,C

'ha1ter ##: @ermission to remain awa" 0rom the / 1ra"er 0or an" .enuine reason
7oo6 *2 !umber $4#*:
Mahmud b, al-Aabi: re1orted that :Ibn b, Mali62 who was one o0 the 'om1anions o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and who 1arti/i1ated in the (7attle o0) 7adr and was amon. the Ansar (o0 Medina)2 told that he /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 I ha-e lost m" e" and I lead m" 1eo1le in 1ra"er, ?hen there is a down1our there is then a /urrent (o0 water) in the -alle" that stands between me and them and I 0ind it im1ossible to .o to their mosque and lead them in 1ra"er, o0 Allah2 I earnestl" be. o0 "ou that "ou should /ome and obser-e 1ra"er at a 1la/e o0 worshi1 (in m" house) so that I should then use it as a 1la/e o0 worshi1, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ell2 it Hod so wills, I would soon do so, :Itban said: 3n the 0ollowin. da" when the da" dawned2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) /ame alon. with Abu 7a6r at-Siddiq2 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed 1ermission (to .et into the house), I .a-e him the 1ermission2 and be did not sit a0ter enterin. the house2 when he said: At what 1la/e in "our house "ou desire me to sa" 1ra"erD I (:Itban b, Mali6) said: I 1ointed to a /orner in the house2 The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood (at that 1la/e 0or 1ra"er) and 1ronoun/ed Allah-o-A6bar (Allah is the Hreatest) (as an e51ression 0or the /ommen/ement o0 1ra"er), ?e too stood behind him2 and he said two ra6:ahs and then 1ronoun/ed salutation (mar6in. the end o0 the 1ra"er), ?e detained him (the Hol" @ro1het) 0or the meat /urr" we had 1re1ared 0or2 him, The 1eo1le o0 the nei.hbourin. houses /ame and thus there was a .ood .atherin. in (our house), 3ne o0 them said: ?here is Mali6 b, 9u6hshunD U1on this one o0 them remar6ed: He is a h"1o/riteB he does not lo-e Allah and His, Thereu1on the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o not sa" so about him, 9on:t "ou see
4%; & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

that he utters La ilaha ill-Allah (There is no .od but Allah) and see6s the 1leasure o0 Allah throu.h itD The" said: Allah and His 6now beet, 3ne (amon. the audien/e) said: ?e see his in/lination and wellwishin. 0or h"1o/rites onl", U1on this the o0 Allah: (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a.ain said: <eril" Allah has 0orbidden the =ire 0or one who sa"s: There is no .od but Allah2 thereb" see6in. Allah:s 1leasure, Ibn Shihab said: I as6ed Husain b, Muhammad al-Ansar (he was one o0 the leaders o0 7anu Salim) about the hadith transmitted b" Mahmud b, Aabi: and he testi0ied it,


*2 !umber $4#+:

:Itban b, Mali6 re1orted: I /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and the rest o0 the hadith is the same as narrated (abo-e) e5/e1t this that a man said: ?here is Mali6 b, 9u6hshun or 9u6haishin2 and also made this addition that Mahmud said: I narrated this -er hadith to man" 1eo1le and amon. them was Abu A""ub al-Ansari who said: I /annot thin6 that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ould ha-e said so as "ou sa", He (the narrator) said: I too6 an oath that i0 I e-er .o to :Itban, I would as6 him about it, So I went to him and 0ound him to be a -er" a.ed man2 ha-in. lost his e"esi.ht2 but he was the Imam o0 the 1eo1le, I sat b" his side and as6ed about this hadith and he narrated it In the same wa" as he had narrated it 0or the 0irst time, Then so man" other obli.ator" a/ts and /ommands were re-ealed whi/h we see ha-in. been /om1leted, So he who wants that he should not be de/ei-ed would not be de/ei-ed,


*2 !umber $4#):

Mahmud b, Aabi: re1orted: I well remember the dis.or.e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he did (with water) 0rom a bu/6et o0 our house, Mahmud said: :Itban b, Mali6 narrated it to me that he had said: o0 Allah2 I ha-e lost m" e"esi.ht2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same u1 to these words:C He led us in two ra6:ahs o0 1ra"er and we detained the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or ser-in. him the 1uddin. that we had 1re1ared 0or him2C and no mention has been made o0 what 0ollows ne5t 0rom the addition made b" Kunus and Ma:mar,

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter #;: @ermissibilit" o0 obser-in. na0l (su1erero.ator") 1ra"er in / and that too on the mat or the /o-erin. /loth or an" other thin. whi/h is 0ree 0rom 0ilth and rubbish
7oo6 *2 !umber $4#%:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that his .randmother2 Mulai6a2 in-ited the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to a dinner whi/h she had 1re1ared, He (the Hol" @ro1het) ate out o0 that and then said: Stand u1 so that I should obser-e 1ra"er (in order to bless) "ou Anas b, Mali6 said: I stood u1 on a mat ( to us) whi/h had turned dar6 on a//ount o0 its lon. use, I s1rin6led water o-er it (in order to so0ten it)2 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1on it2 and I and an or1han 0ormed a row behind him (the Hol" @ro1het) and the old woman was behind us2 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) led us in two ra6:ahs o0 1ra"er and then went ba/6,


*2 !umber $4##:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) wits the best amon. 1eo1le in /hara/ter, 3n o//asions2 the time o0 1ra"er would /ome while he was in our house, He would then order to s1read the mat l"in. under him, That was dusted and then water was s1rin6led o-er it, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then led the 1ra"er and we stood behind him2 and that mat was made o0 the lea-es o0 date-1alm,


*2 !umber $4#;:

Thabit re1orted on the authorit" o0 Anas: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to us and there was none in our house but I2 m" mother and m" aunt Umm Haram, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Stand u1 so that I ma" lead "ou in 1ra"er (and there was no time 0or 1res/ribed 1ra"er), He led us in 1ra"er, A 1erson said to Thabit: ?here stood Anas with him (the Hol" @ro1het)D He re1lied: He was on the side, He then blessed us2 the members o0 the household with e-er" .ood o0 this world and o0 the Herea0ter, M" mother said: o0 Allah (and then2 1ointin. towards Anas2 said)2 here is "our little ser-ant2 in-o6e the blessin. o0 Allah u1on him too, He then blessed me with e-er" .ood2 and he /on/luded his blessin.s 0or me (with these words): AllahL in/rease his wealth2 and his /hildren and ma6e (them the sour/e o0) blessin. 0or him,

4#$ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $4; :

Abdullah b, al-Mu6htar heard Musa b, Anas narratin. on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) led him2 his mother or his aunt in 1ra"er, He made me2 stand on his side and made the woman stand2 behind us,


*2 !umber $4;$:

This hadith has also been narrated b" Shu:ba with this /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $4;2:

Maimuna2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said 1ra"er while I was b" his side2 and at times when he 1rostrated his /loth tou/hed me2 and he 1ra"ed on a small mat,


*2 !umber $4;4:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted that he went to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and 0ound him obser-in. 1ra"er on a mat and 1rostratin. on that,

'ha1ter ; : Merit o0 1ra"in. in / and waitin. 0or 1ra"er

7oo6 *2 !umber $4;*:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A man:s 1ra"er in / is more -aluable than twent" de.rees and some abo-e them as /om1ared with his 1ra"er in his house and his mar6et2 0or when he 1er0orms ablution doin. it well2 then .oes out to the mosque2 and he is im1elled (to do so) onl" b" (the lo-e o0 / 1ra"er2 he has no other obje/ti-e be0ore him but 1ra"er, He does not ta6e a ste1 without bein. raised a de.ree 0or it and ha-in. a sin remitted 0or it2 till he enters the mosque2 and when he is bus" in 1ra"er a0ter ha-in. entered the mosque, the an.els /ontinue to in-o6e blessin. on him as lon. as he is in his 1la/e o0 worshi1, sa"in.: 3 Allah2 show him mer/"2 and 1ardon himL A//e1t his re1entan/e (and the an.els /ontinue this su11li/ation 0or him) so lon. as he does not do an" harm in it2 or as lon. as his ablution is not bro6en,


*2 !umber $4;+:

A hadith ha-in. the same meanin. (as mentioned abo-e) has been transmitted b" A:mash,
4#2 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $4;):

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The an.els in-o6e blessin.s on e-er"one amon. "ou so lon. as he is in a 1la/e o0 worshi1 with these words: 3 AllahL 1ardon him2 3 Allah2 ha-e mer/" u1on him2 (and the" /ontinue to do so) as lon. as2 he ablution (o0 the worshi11er) is not bro6en2 and one amon. "ou is in 1ra"er and so lon. as he is detained 0or the 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $4;%:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The ser-ant is /onstantl" in 1ra"er so lon. as he is in a 1la/e o0 worshi1 waitin. 0or the 1ra"er (to be obser-ed in / and the an.els in-o6e (blessin.s u1on him in these words): 3 AllahL 1ardon him, 3 AllahL show mer/" to him2 (and the" /ontinue to do so) till he returns (0rom the mosque ha-in. /om1leted the 1ra"er) or his ablution brea6s, I said: How is the ablution bro6enD He said: 7" brea6in. o0 the wind noiselessl" or with noise,


*2 !umber $4;#:

Abu Huraira re1orted the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: (-er"one amon. "ou is /onstantl" in 1ra"er so lon. as the 1ra"er detains him (0or this noble obje/ti-e) and nothin. 1re-ents him to return to his 0amil" but the 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $4;;:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: An"one "ou who sat in a 1la/e o0 worshi1 waitin. 0or the 1ra"er is in 1ra"er and his ablution is not bro6en2 the an.els in-o6e blessin. u1on him (in these words): 3 AllahL 1ardon him, 3 AllahL ha-e mer/" u1on him,


*2 !umber $*

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Hammam b, Munabbih on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira,

4#4 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter ;$: (5/ellen/e o0 ta6in. man" ste1s 0or rea/hin. the mosque
7oo6 *2 !umber $* $:
Abu Musa re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The most eminent amon. human bein.s (as a re/i1ient o0) reward (is one) who li-es 0arthest awa"2 and who has to wal6 the 0arthest distan/e2 and he who waits 0or the 1ra"er to obser-e it alon. with the Imam2 his reward is .reater than one who 1ra"s (alone) and then .oes to slee1, In the narration o0 Abu >uraib (the words are):C (He waits) till he 1ra"s alon. with the Imam in /,C


*2 !umber $* 2:

Uba"" b, >a:b re1orted: There was a man2 and I do not 6now o0 an" other man2 whose house was 0arther than his 0rom the mosque and he ne-er missed the 1ra"er (in /, It was said to him or I said to him: It "ou were to bu" a don6e" "ou /ould ride u1on it In the dar6 ni.hts and in the burnin. sand, He said: I do not li6e m" house to be situated b" the side o0 the mosque2 0or I (ea.erl") desire that m" ste1s towards the mosque and ba/6 0rom it2 should be re/orded when I return to m" 0amil", U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah has .athered all (rewards) 0or "ou,


*2 !umber $* 4:

This hadith has been transmitted b" Taimi with the same /hain o0 narrators,


*2 !umber $* *:

Uba"" b, >a:b re1orted: There was a 1erson amon. the Ansar whose house was situated at the 0arthest end o0 Medina2 but he ne-er in missed an" 1ra"er alon. with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?e 0elt 1it" 0or him and said to him: 32 so and so2 had "ou a don6e" it would ha-e sa-ed "ou 0rom the burnin. sand and would ha-e sa-ed "ou 0rom the re1tiles o0 the earth, He said: Listen I b" Allah2 I do not li6e m" house to be situated b" the side o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I too6 (these words o0 his) ill and /ame to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and in0ormed him about (these words), He (the Hol" @ro1het) /alled him and he said e5a/tl" li6e that (whi/h he had mentioned to Ubba" b, >a:b)2 but made a mention o0 this (also) that he wanted a reward 0or his ste1s, U1on this the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: In 0a/t 0or "ou is the reward whi/h "ou e51e/t,

4#* & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $* +:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" :Asim with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $* ):

Fabir b, :Abdullah narrated: 3ur houses were situated 0ar awa" 0rom the mosqueB we2 there0ore2 de/ided to sell our houses so that we ma" be able to /ome near the mosque, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade us (to do so) and said: There is 0or e-er" ste1 (towards the mosque) a de.ree (o0 reward) 0or "ou,


*2 !umber $* %:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted: There were some 1lots -a/ant around the mosque, 7anu Salama de/ided to shi0t (to this land) and /ome near the mosque, This (news) rea/hed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said to them (7anu Salama): I ha-e re/ei-ed (in0ormation) that "ou intend to shi0t near the mosque, The" said: Kes2 o0 Allah2 we ha-e ta6en this de/ision, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 3 7anu Salama2 li-e in "our houses2 0or "our ste1s are re/ordedB li-e in "our houses2 0or "our ste1s are re/orded,


*2 !umber $* #:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted that 7anu Salama de/ided to shi0t near the mosque (as there were) some 1lots -a/ant, This (news) rea/hed the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on he said: 3 1eo1le o0 the Salama tribe2 "ou better sta" in "our houses (where "ou are li-in.)2 0or "our 0ootste1s are re/orded The" said, ?e /ould not be more deli.hted e-en b" shi0tin. (near the mosque) as we were deli.hted (on hearin. these words 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


*2 !umber $* ;:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be: u1on him) said: He who 1uri0ied himsel0 in his house2 and then he wal6ed to one o0 the houses o0 Allah 0or the sa6e o0 1er0ormin. a =ard (obli.ator" a/t) out o0 the =ara:id (obli.ator" a/ts) o0 Allah2 both his ste1s (would be si.ni0i/ant) as one o0 them would obliterate his sin and the se/ond one would raise his status,


*2 !umber $*$ :

In the hadith narrated o0 the authorit" o0 Abd Huraira the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is re1orted to ha-e said, while in the hadith narrated b" 7a6r (the words are li6e this): He heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: just see2 /an an"thin. o0 his 0ilthiness remain (on the bod" o0) an" one o0 "ou i0 there were a ri-er at his door in whi/h he washed himsel0
4#+ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

0i-e times dail"D The"2 said: !othin. o0 his 0ilthiness will remain (on his bod"), He said: That is li6e the 0i-e 1ra"ers b" whi/h Allah obliterates sins,


*2 !umber $*$$:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The similitude o0 0i-e 1ra"ers is li6e an o-er0lowin. ri-er 1assin. b" the .ate o0 one o0 "ou in whi/h he washes 0i-e times dail" Hasan said: !o 0ilthiness /an remain on him,


*2 !umber $*$2:

Ata: b, Kasar re1orted2 on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira2 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who went towards the mosque in the mornin. or e-enin.2 Allah would arran.e a 0east 0or him mornin. or e-enin. in @aradise,

'ha1ter ;2: (5/ellen/e o0 sittin. at the 1la/e:o0 worshi1 a0ter the dawn 1ra"er and e5/ellen/e o0 the mosque
7oo6 *2 !umber $*$4:
Sima6 b, Harb re1orted: I said to Fabir b, Samura: 9id "ou sit in the /om1an" o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him)D He said: Kes2 -er" o0ten, He (the Hol" @ro1het) used to sit at the 1la/e where he obser-ed the mornin. or dawn 1ra"er till the sun rose or when it had risenB he would stand2 and the" (his 'om1anions) would tal6 about matters (1ertainin. to the da"s) o0 i.noran/e2 and the" would lau.h (on these matters) while (the Hol" @ro1het) onl" smiled,


*2 !umber $*$*:

Sima6 narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, Samura that when the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed the dawn 1ra"er2 he sat at the 1la/e o0 worshi1 till the sun had risen enou.h,


*2 !umber $*$+:

This hadith has been narrated b" Sima6 with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but no mention has been made o02 enou.hC,

4#) & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $*$):

Abu Huraira re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The 1arts o0 land dearest to Allah are its mosques2 and the 1arts most hate0ul to Allah are mar6ets,

'ha1ter ;4: ?ho deser-es most to a/t as imam

7oo6 *2 !umber $*$%:
Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen there are three 1ersons2 one o0 them should lead them, The one amon. them most worth" to a/t as Imam is one who is best -ersed in the Eur:an,


*2 !umber $*$#:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Eatida with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $*$;:

This hadith has been narrated b" Abu Sa:id al->hudri b" another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $*2 :

Abu Mas:ud al-Ansari re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The one who is most -ersed in Allah:s 7oo6 should a/t as Imam 0or the 1eo1le2 but I0 the" are equall" -ersed in re/itin. it2 then the one who has most 6nowled.e re.ardin. Sunnah i0 the" are equal re.ardin. the Sunnah2 then the earliest one to emi.rateB it the" emi.rated at the same time2 then the earliest one to embra/e Islam, !o man must lead another in 1ra"er where (the latter) has authorit"2 or sit in his 1la/e o0 honour in his house2 without his 1ermission, Ashajj in his narration used the word2C a.eC in 1la/e o0C IslamC,


*2 !umber $*2$:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" A:mash b" the same /hain o0 transmitters


*2 !umber $*22:

Abu Mas:ud al-Ansari re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to us: The one who is well .rounded in Allah:s 7oo6 and is distin.uished amon. them in re/itation should a/t asB Imam 0or the 1eo1le, and i0 the" are equall" -ersed in re/itin. it2 then the one who has most 6nowled.e re.ardin. SunnahB i0 the" are equal re.ardin. the Sunnah2 then the earliest one to emi4#% & $#


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.rateB I0 the" emi.rated at the same time2 then the oldest one in a.e, !o man must lead another in 1ra"er in latter:s house or where (the latter) has authorit"2 or sit in his 1la/e o0 honour in his house2 e5/e1t that he .i-es "ou 1ermission or with his 1ermission,


*2 !umber $*24:

Mali6 b, Huwairith reje/ted: ?e /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and we were all "oun. men o0 nearl" equal a.e, ?e sta"ed with him (the Hol" @ro1het) 0or twent" ni.hts2 and as the o0 Allah ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was e5tremel" 6ind and tender o0 heart2 he, there0ore2 that we were (to see) our 0amil" (we 0elt home-si/6ness), So he as6ed us about the members o0 the 0amil" that we had le0t behind and when we in0ormed him2 he said: Ho ba/6 to "our 0amil"2 sta" with them2 and tea/h them (belie0s and 1ra/ti/es o0 Islam) and e5hort them to .ood2 and when the time 0or 1ra"er /omes2 one "ou should-announ/e Ad8an and then the oldest amon. "ou should lead the 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $*2*:

This hadith has been transmitted b" A""ub with the same /hain o0 narrator,


*2 !umber $*2+:

Mali6 b, Huwairith Abu Sulaiman re1orted: I /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) alon. with other 1ersons and we were "oun. men o0 nearl" equal a.e2 and the rest o0 the hadith was transmitted li6e the hadith narrated be0ore,


*2 !umber $*2):

Mali6 b Huwairith re1orted: I /ame to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) alon. with a /om1anion o0 mine2 and when we intended to return 0rom him2 he said: ?hen there is time 0or 1ra"er2 announ/e 1ra"er2 1ronoun/e Iqama2 and the oldest "ou should lead the 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $*2%:

This hadith has been narrated with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but al-Hadra: made this addition:C The" both were equal in re/itation,C

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'ha1ter ;*: The e5/ellen/e o0 qunut in all the 1ra"ers when an" /alamit" be0alls the muslims
7oo6 *2 !umber $*2#:
Abu Salama b, Abd al-Aahman b, :Au0 heard Abu Huraira sa": (?hen) Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (wished to in-o6e /urse or blessin. on someone2 he would do so at the end) o0 the re/itation in the dawn 1ra"er2 when he had 1ronoun/ed Allah-o-A6bar (0or bendin.) and then li0ted his head (sa"in.):C Allah listened to him who 1raised HimB our LordL to Thee is all 1raiseC B he would then stand u1 and sa":C Aes/ue al-?alid b, ?alid2 Salama b, Hisham2 and :A""ash b, Abd Aabi:a2 and the hel1less amon. the Muslims, 3 AllahL tram1le se-erel" Mudar and /ause them a 0amine (whi/h bro6e out at the time) o0 Fose1h, 3 AllahL /urse Lih"an2 Ai:l2 9ha6wan2 :Usa""a2 0or the" disobe"ed Allah and His,C (The narrator then adds): The news rea/hed us that he abandoned (this) when this -erse was re-ealed:C Thou but no /on/ern in the matter whether He turns to them (mer/i0ull") or /hastises themB surel" the" are wron.doersC (ill, $2%)


*2 !umber $*2;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira b" another /hain o0 transmitters u1 to the words:C And /ause them a 0amine li6e that (whi/h bro6e out at the time) o0 Fose1h2C but the subsequent 1ortion was not mentioned,


*2 !umber $*4 :

Abu Salama re1orted it on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited Eunut a0ter ru6u: in 1ra"er 0or one mouth at the time o0 re/itin. (these words):C Allah listened to him who 1raised Him2C and he said in Eunut:C AllahL res/ue al-?alid b, al-?alidB 3 AllahL res/ue Salama b, HishamB 3 AllahL res/ue :A""ash b, Abu Aabi:aB 3 AllahL res/ue the hel1less the MuslimsB 3 AllahL tram1le Mudar se-erel"B 3 AllahL /ause them a 0amine li6e that (whi/h was /aused at the time) o0 Fose1h,C Abu Huraira (0urther) said: I saw that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a0terwards abandoned this su11li/ation, I2 there0ore said: I see the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) abandonin. this blessin. u1on them, It was raid to him (Abu Huraira): 9on:t "ou see that (those 0or whom was blessin. in-o6ed b" the Hol" @ro1het) ha-e /ome (i, e, the" ha-e been res/ued)D


*2 !umber $*4$:

Abu Salama narrated that Abu Huraira told him that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ronoun/ed:C Allah listened to him who 1raised Him,C and be0ore 1rostration2 he would
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re/ite this in the :Is"a: 1ra"er: 3 AllahL res/ue :A""ash b, Abu Aabi:a2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same as narrated b" Au8a:i to the words:C Li6e the 0amine (at the time) i0 Fose1h,C but he made no mention o0 that whi/h 0ollows a0terwards,


*2 !umber $*42:

Abu Salama b, :Abd al-Aahman is re1orted to ha-e said that he had heard Abu Huraira sa"in.: I would sa" 1ra"er alon. with "ou whi/h is near to the 1ra"er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), and Abu Huraira re/ited Eunut in the noon and in the :Is"a: and in the mornin. 1ra"er2 and in-o6ed blessin. (o0 Allah) u1on Muslims-and /urse u1on the unbelie-ers,


*2 !umber $*44:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in-o6ed /urse in the mornin. (1ra"er) 0or thirt" da"s u1on those who 6illed the 'om1anions (o0 the Hol" @ro1het) at 7i:r Ma:una, He /ursed (the tribes) o0 Ai:l2 9ha6wan2 Lih"an2 and Usa""a2 who had disobe"ed Allah and His (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Anas said: Allah the (5alted and Hreat re-ealed (a -erse) re.ardin. those who were 6illed at 7i:r Ma:una2 and we re/ited it2 till it was abro.ated later on (and the -erse was li6e this):2 /on-e" to it our 1eo1le the tidin.s that we ha-e met our Lord2 and He was 1leased with us and we were 1leased with HimC,


*2 !umber $*4*:

Muhammad re1orted: I as6ed Anas whether the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed Eunut in the dawn 1ra"er, He said: Kes2 (he did so) a0ter the ru6u:2 0or a short while,


*2 !umber $*4+:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed Eunut 0or a month in the dawn 1ra"er a0ter ru6u: and in-o6ed /urse u1on Ai:l2 9ha6wan2 and said that :Usa""a had disobe"ed Allah and His A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


*2 !umber $*4):

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed Eunut 0or a month in the dawn 1ra"er a0ter ru6u: and in-o6ed /urse u1on 7ani Usa""a,


*2 !umber $*4%:

Asim re1orted: I as6ed Anas whether Eunut was obser-ed (b" the Hol" 1ro1het) be0ore ru6u: or a0ter ru6u:, He re1lied: 7e0ore ru6u:, I said: @eo1le /on/ei-e that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e
4; & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

be u1on him) obser-ed Eunut a0ter the ru6u:, He said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed Eunut (a0ter the ru6u: as the 1eo1le /on/ei-e it) 0or a mouth in-o6in. /urse u1on those 1ersons who had 6illed men amon. his 'om1anions who were /alled the re/iter (o0 the Eur:an),


*2 !umber $*4#:

:Asim re1orted - I heard Anas sa"in.: !e-er did I a/e the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) so mu/h .rie-ed (at the loss o0 a) small arm" as I saw him .rie-ed at those se-ent" men who were /alledC re/itersC (and were 6illed) at 7i:r Ma:unaB and he in-o6ed /urse 0or 0ull one month u1on their murderers,


*2 !umber $*4;:

This hadith has been narrated b" Anas with another /hain o0 transmitters and with minor additi-


*2 !umber $** :

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed Eunut 0or one month In-o6in. /urse u1on Ai:l2 9ha6wan2 :Usa""a, those who disobe"ed Allah and His (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


*2 !umber $**$:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted b" Anas 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on


*2 !umber $**2:

Anas re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed Eunut 0or one month in-o6in. /urse u1on some tribes o0 Arabia (those who were res1onsible 0or the murders in 7i:r Ma:una and Aaji:)2 but then abandoned it,


*2 !umber $**4:

Al-7ari: b, :A8ib re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed Eunut in the mornin. and e-enin. (1ra"ers),

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $***:

Al-7ari: re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed Eunut in the dawn and e-enin. (1ra"ers),


*2 !umber $**+:
Allah I /urse the tribes o0 Lih"an2 Ai:l2 9ha6wan2 and :Usa""a 0or the" disobe"ed Allah and

>hu0a0 b, Ima: al-Hhi0ari re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) aid in His (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Allah 1ardoned (the tribe o0) Hhi0ar and Allah .ranted 1rote/tion to (the tribe o0) Aslam


*2 !umber $**):

>hu0a0 b, Ima: re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him)2 bowed (in 1ra"er) and then li0ted his head and then said: So 0ar as the tribe o0 Hhi0ar is /on/erned2 Allah had 1ardoned it2 and Allah had .ranted 1rote/tion to the tribe o0 Aslam2 and as 0or the tribe o0 Usa""a2 It had disobe"ed Allah and His Messen.er2 (and 0urther said): 3 AllahL /urse the tribe o0 Lih"an /urse Ai:l2 and 9ha6wan2 and then 0ell in 1rostration, It is a0ter this that the /ursin. o0 the unbelie-ers .ot a san/tion,


*2 !umber $**%:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted b" >hu0a0 b, Ima: e5/e1t this that he did not mention (these words):C /ursin. o0 unbelie-ers .ot a san/tions,

'ha1ter ;+: 'om1ensation o0 the missed 1ra"er and e5/ellen/e o0 obser-in. it 1rom1tl"
7oo6 *2 !umber $**#:
Abu Huraira re1orted that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) returned 0rom the e51edition to >haibar2 he tra-elled one ni.ht2 and sto11ed 0or rest when he be/ame slee1", He told 7ilal to remain on .uard durin. the and he (7ilal) 1ra"ed as mu/h as he /ould2 while the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his 'om1anions sle1t, ?hen the time 0or dawn a11roa/hed 7ilal leaned a.ainst his /amel 0a/in. the dire/tion 0rom whi/h the dawn would a11ear but he was o-er/ome b" slee1 while he was leanin. a.ainst his /amel2 and neither the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) nor 7ilal2 nor an"one else amon. his 'om1anions .ot u12 till the sun shone on them, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was the 0irst o0 them to awa6e and2
4;2 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

bein. startled2 he /alled to 7ilal who said: o0 Allah I ma" m" 0ather and mother be o00ered as ransom 0or thee2 the same thin. o-er1owered me whi/h o-er1owered "ou, He (the Hol" @ro1het2 then) said: Lead the beasts on: so the" led their /amels to some distan/e, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then 1er0ormed ablution and .a-e orders to 7ilal who 1ronoun/ed the Iqama and then led them in the mornin. 1ra"er, ?hen he 0inished the 1ra"er he said: ?hen an"one 0or.ets the 1ra"er2 he should obser-e it when he remembers it2 0or Allah has said:C And obser-e the 1ra"er 0or remembran/e o0 MeC (Eur:an, 55, $*), Kunus said: Ibn Shilab used to re/ite it li6e this:C (And obser-e the 1ra"er) 0or remembran/e,C


*2 !umber $**;:

Abu Huraira re1orted: ?e sto11ed 0or rest alon. with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and did not awa6e till the sun rose, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then told us that e-er"bod" should ta6e hold o0 his /amel:s nosestrin. (.et out o0 this .round) 0or it was the 1la/e where de-il had -isited us, ?e did a//ordin.l", He then /alled 0or water and 1er0ormed ablution and then 1er0ormed two 1rostrations, Ka:qub said: Then he 1ra"ed (1er0ormed) two 1rostrations, then ta6bir was 1ronoun/ed 0or 1ra"er and then he o00ered the mornin. 1ra"er (in /,


*2 !umber $*+ :

Abu Eatida re1orted: The o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) addressed us and said: Kou would tra-el In the e-enin. and the till (Hod willin.) "ou would /ome in the mornin. to a 1la/e o0 water, So the 1eo1le tra-elled (sel0 absorbed) without 1a"in. an" heed to one another2 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) also tra-elled till It was, I was b" his side, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to do8e and leaned (to one side) o0 his /amel, I /ame to him and I lent him su11ort without awa6in. him till he sat 1oised on his ride, He went on tra-ellin. till a major 1art o0 the was o-er and (he a.ain) leaned (to one side) o0 his /amel, I su11orted him without awa6in. him till he satC bed on his ride, and then tra-elled till it was near dawn, He (a.ain) leaned whi/h was 0ar more in/lined than the two earlier leanin.s and he was about to 0all down, So I /ame to him and su11orted him and he li0ted his head and saidB ?ho is thisD I said: it is Abu Eatida, He (the Hol" @ro1het a.ain) said: Sin/e how lon. ha-e "ou been tra-ellin. alon. with me li6e thisD I said: I ha-e been tra-ellin. in this -er" state sin/e the, He said: Ma" Allah 1rote/t "ou2 as "ou ha-e 1rote/ted His A1ostle (0rom 0allin. down)2 and a.ain said: 9o "ou see that we are hidden 0rom the 1eo1leD - and a.ain said: 9o "ou see an"oneD I said: Here is a rider, I a.ain said: Here Is another rider till we .athered to.ether and we were se-en riders, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ste11ed aside o0 the hi.hwa" and 1la/ed his head (0or slee1 and said): Huard 0or us our 1ra"ers, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was the 0irst to wa6e u1 and the ra"s o0 the sun were 0allin. on his ba/6, ?e .ot u1 startled He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Aide on So we rode on till the sun had (su00i/ientl") risen, He then /ame down 0rom his /amel and /alled 0or a ju. o0 water whi/h I had with me, There was a little water in that, He 1er0ormed ab4;4 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

lution with that whi/h was less thorou.h as /om1ared with his usual ablutions and some water o0 that had been le0t, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said to Abu Eatida: >ee1 a wat/h o-er "our ju. o0 waterB it would ha-e (a mira/ulous) /ondition about it, Then 7ilal summoned (1eo1le) to 1ra"er and then the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed two ra6:ahs and then said the mornin. 1ra"er as he said e-er" da", The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (then) rode on and we rode alon. with him and some o0 us whis1ered to the others sa"in.: How would there be /om1ensation 0or omission in our 1ra"ersD U1on this he (the A1ostle o0 Allah) said: Is there not in me (m" li0e) a model 0or "ouD There is no omission in slee1in., The (/o.ni8able) emission is that one should not sa" 1ra"er (intentionall") till the time o0 the other 1ra"er /omes, So he who did li6e it (omitted 1ra"er in slee1 or due to other una-oidable /ir/umstan/es) should sa" 1ra"er when he be/omes aware o0 it and on the ne5t da" he should obser-e it at its 1res/ribed time, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hat do "ou thin6 the 1eo1le would ha-e done (at this hour)D The" would ha-e in the mornin. 0ound their A1ostle missin. 0rom them and then Abu 7a6r and :Umar would ha-e told them that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) must be behind "ou2 he /annot lea-e "ou behind (him)2 but the 1eo1le said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is ahead o0 "ou, So i0 "ou had obe"ed Abu 7a6r and Umar2 "ou would ha-e .one on the 1ath, So we 1ro/eeded on till we /ame u1 to the 1eo1le (0rom whom we had la..ed behind) and the da" had /onsiderabl" risen and e-er"thin. be/ame hot2 and the" (the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) said: o0 Allah2 we are d"in. o0 thirst, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) remar6ed: There is no destru/tion 0or "ou, And a.ain said: 7rin. that small /u1 o0 mine and he then as6ed 0or the ju. o0 water to be to him, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to 1our water (in that small /u1) and Abu Eatida .a-e them to drin6, And when the 1eo1le saw that there was (a little) water in the ju.2 the" 0ell u1on it, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7eha-e wellB the water (is enou.h) to satiate all o0 "ou, Then the" (the 'om1anions) to re/ei-e (their share o0) water with /almness (without showin. an" an5iet") and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to 0ill (the /a1)2 and I to ser-e them till no one was le0t e5/e1t me and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He then 0illed (the /u1) with water and said to me: 9rin6 it, I said: o0 Allah2 I would not drin6 till "ou drin6, U1on this he said: The ser-er o0 the 1eo1le Is the last amon. them to drin6, So I dran6 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) also dran6 and the 1eo1le /ame to the 1la/e o0 water quite ha11" and satiated, :Abdullah b, Aabah said: I am .oin. to narrate this hadith in the .reat mosque2 when :Imran b, Husain said: See2 3 "oun. man2 how will "ou narrate 0or I was also one o0 the riders on that ni.htD I said: So "ou must be 6nowin. this hadith well, He said: ?ho are "ouD I said: I am one o0 the Ansar, U1on this he said: Kou narrate2 0or "ou 6now "our hadith better, I2 there0ore2 narrated it to the 1eo1le, :Imran said: I was also 1resent that ni.ht2 but I 6now not an"one else who learnt it so well as "ou ha-e learnt,

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $*+$:

:Imran b, Husain re1orted: I was with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in a journe", ?e tra-elled the whole o0 the ni.ht2 and when it was about to dawn2 we .ot down 0or rest2 and were o-er1owered (b" slee1) till the sun shone, Abu 7a6r was the 0irst to awa6e us, and we did not awa6e the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0rom his slee1 allowin. him to wa6e u1 (o0 his own a//ord), It was :Umar who then wo6e u1, He stood b" the side o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and re/ited ta6bir in a loud -oi/e till the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) wo6e u1, ?hen he li0ted his head2 he saw that the sun had arisenB he then said: @ro/eed on, He tra-elled alon. with us till the sun shone bri.htl", He /ame down (0rom his /amel) and led us in the mornin. 1ra"er, A 1erson2 howe-er2 remained awa" 0rom the 1eo1le and did not sa"2 1ra"er alon. with us, A0ter ha-in. /om1leted the 1ra"er2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: 32 so and so2 what 1re-ented "ou 0rom obser-in. 1ra"er with usD He said: A1ostle o0 AllahL I was not in a state o0 1urit", The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ordered him arid lie 1er0ormed Ta"ammum with dust and said 1ra"er, He then ur.ed me to .o ahead immediatel" alon. with other riders to 0ind out water2 0or we 0elt -er" thirst", ?e were tra-elin. when we /ame a/ross a woman who was sittin. (on a /amel) with her 0eet o-er two leathern water ba.s, ?e said to her: How 0ar is water a-ailableD She2 said: =ar2 -er" 0ar2 -er" 0ar, Kou /annot .et water, ?e (a.ain) said: How mu/h distan/e is there between (the residen/e o0) "our 0amil" and waterD She said: It is a da" and journe", ?e said to her: Kou .o to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), She said: ?ho is the o0 AllahD ?e somehow or the other mana.ed to brin. her to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he as6ed about her2 and she in0ormed him as she had in0ormed us that she was a widow ha-in. or1han /hildren, He ordered that her /amel should be made to 6neal down and he .ar.led in the o1enin. (o0 her leathern water-ba.), The /amel was then raised u1 and we 0ort" thirst" men dran6 water till we were /om1letel" satiated2 and we 0illed u1 all leathern water-ba.s and water-s6ins that we had with us and we washed our /om1anions2 but we did not ma6e an" /amel drin62 and (the leathern water-ba.s) were about to burst (on a//ount o0 e5/ess o0 water), He then said: 7rin. whate-er "ou ha-e with "ou, So we /olle/ted the bits (o0 estable thin.s) and dates and 1a/6ed them u1 in a bundle2 and said to her: Ta6e it awa", This is meant 0or "our /hildren2 and 6now that we ha-e not its an" wa" done an" loss to "our water, ? hen she /ame to her 0amil" she said: I ha-e met the .reatest ma.i/ian human bein.s2 or he is an a1ostle2 as he /laims to be2 and she then narrated what had ha11ened and Allah .uided those 1eo1le throu.h that woman, She a00irmed her 0aith in Islam and so did the 1eo1le embra/e Islam,


*2 !umber $*+2:

:Imran b, Husain re1orted: ?e were with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in a journe" and we tra-elled throu.hout the till at the end2 just be0ore dawn2 we la" down (0or rest)2 and nothin. is sweeter 0or a tra-eller than this and none awa6ened us but the heat o0 the sun2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same (as mentioned abo-e) e5/e1t this additien:C ?hen :Umar b,
4;+ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

>hattab wo6e u12 he saw what had ha11ened to the 1eo1le, And he was a man ha-in. a bi. bell" and stron.l" builtB he re/ited ta6bir in a loud -oi/e till the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) wo6e u1 b" the loudness o0 his -oi/e in ta6bir, ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot u12 the 1eo1le told him what had ha11ened, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There is no harmB "ou better 1ro/eed 0urther2C and (the rest o0 the hadith) was narrated,


*2 !umber $*+4:

Abu Eatada re1orted that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was in a journe" he .ot down 0or rest at ni.ht2 and he used to lie down on his side2 and when he la" down 0or rest be0ore the dawn2 he used to stret/h his 0orearm and 1la/e his head o-er his 1alm,


*2 !umber $*+*:

Eatada re1orted 0rom Anas b, Mali6 that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who 0or.ets the 1ra"er should sa" it when he remembers it2 there is no e51lation 0or it2 e5/e1t this, Eatada said: (Allah sa"s)C And obser-e 1ra"er 0or remembran/e o0 MeC


*2 !umber $*++:

This hadith has been narrated b" Eatada2 but here no mention has been made o0C There is no e51lation 0or it e5/e1t this,C


*2 !umber $*+):

Eatada narrated it on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who 0or.ets tte 1ra"er2 or he sle1t (and it was omitted)2 its e51iation is this onl" that he should obser-e it when he remembers it,


*2 !umber $*+%:

Eatada re1orted it on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou omits the 1ra"er due to slee1 or he 0or.ets it2 he should obser-e it when he remembers it2 0or Allah has said:C 3bser-e 1ra"er 0or remembran/e o0 Me,C

4;) & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter ;): The 1ra"er o0 tra-ellers and shortenin. o0 it

7oo6 *2 !umber $*+#:
:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted: The 1ra"er was 1res/ribed as two ra6:abs2 two ra6:ahs both in journe" and at the 1la/e o0 residen/e, The 1ra"er while tra-ellin. remained as it was (ori.inall" 1res/ribed)2 but an addition was made in the 1ra"er (obser-ed) at the 1la/e o0 residen/e,


*2 !umber $*+;:

:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said Allah 1res/ribed the 1ra"er as two ra6:ahs2 then it was /om1leted (to 0our ra6:ahs) at the 1la/e o0 residen/e2 but was retained in the same 1osition in journe" as it was 0irst made obli.ator",


*2 !umber $*) :

:A:isha re1orted: The 1ra"er was 1res/ribed as /onsistin. o0 two ra6:abs2 the 1ra"er in tra-ellin. remained the same2 but the 1ra"er at the 1la/e o0 residen/e was /om1leted, (Guhri said he as6ed :Urwa wh" :A:isha said 1ra"er in the /om1lete 0orm durin. journe"2 and he re1lied that she inter1reted the matter hersel0 as :Uthman did,)


*2 !umber $*)$:

Kah"a b, Uma""a said: I told :Umar b, al->hattab that Allah had said:C Kou ma" shorten the 1ra"er onl" i0 "ou 0ear that those who are unbelie-ers ma" a00li/t "ouC (Eur:an2 i-, $ $)2 whereas the 1eo1le are now sa0e, He re1lied: I wondered about it in the same wa" as "ou wonder about it2 so I as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about it and he said: It is an a/t o0 /harit" whi/h Allah has done to "ou2 so a//e1t His /harit",


*2 !umber $*)2:

Ka:la b, Uma""a re1orted: I said to :Umar b, al->hattab2 and the rest o0 the hadlth is the same,


*2 !umber $*)4:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: Allah has 1res/ribed the 1ra"er throu.h the word o0 "our @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as 0our ra6:ahs when resident2 two when tra-ellin.2 and one when is 1resent,

4;% & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $*)*:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: Allah has 1res/ribed the 1ra"er b" the ton.ue o0 "our A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as two ra6:ahs 0or the tra-eller2 0our 0or the resident2 and one in,


*2 !umber $*)+:

Musa b, Salama Hudhali said: I as6ed Ibn :Abbas: How should I sa" 1ra"er when I am in Me//a2 and when I do not 1ra" alon. with the ImamD He said: Two ra6:ahs (o0 1ra"er) is the Sunnah o0 Abu:l-Easim (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


*2 !umber $*)):

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Abu Eatada with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $*)%:

Ha0s b, :Asim said: I a//om1anied Ibn :Umar on the road to Me//a and he led us in two ra6:ahs at the noon 1ra"er2 then he went 0orward and we too went alon. with him to a 1la/e where he ali.hted2 and he sat and we sat alon. with him2 and he /ast a .lan/e to the side where he said 1ra"er and he saw 1eo1le standin. and as6ed: ?hat are the" doin.D I said: The" are en.a.ed in .lori0"in. Allah2 o00erin. Sunnah 1ra"er, He said: I0 I had done so I would ha-e 1er0e/ted m" 1ra"erB 3 m" ne1hewL I a//om1anied the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on a journe"2 and he made no addittion to two ra6:ahs2 till Allah /alled him, I a//om1anied Abu 7a6r and he made no addition to two ra6:ahs till Allah /aused him to die, I a//om1anied :Umar and he made no addition to two ra6:ahs till Allah /aused him to die, I a//om1anied :Uthman and he made no addition to two ra6:ahs2 till Allah /aused him to die2 and Allah has said:C There is a model 1attern 0or "ou in the o0 AllahC (al-Eur:an2 555iii, 2$),


*2 !umber $*)#:

Ha0s b, :Asim re1orted: I 0ell ill and lbn :Umar /ame to inquire a0ter m" health2 and I as6ed him about the .lori0i/ation o0 Allah (i, e, 1ra"er) while tra-ellin., Thereu1on he said: I a//om1anied the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on a journe" but I did not see him .lori0"in. Him2 and were I to .lori0" (Him), I would ha-e /om1leted the 1ra"er, Allah2 the (5alted2 has said:C <eril" there is a model 1attern 0or "ou in the o0 Allah,C


*2 !umber $*);:

Anas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said 0our ra6:ahs in the noon 1ra"er while at Medina2 but he o00ered two ra6:ahs in the a0ternoon 1ra"er at 9hu:l-Hulai0a,
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $*% :

Anas b, Mali6 is re1orted to ha-e said: I obser-ed 0our ra6:ahs in the noon 1ra"er with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at Medina2 and said two ra6:ahs in the a0ternoon 1ra"er at 9hu:l-Hulai0a,


*2 !umber $*%$:

Kah"a b, Ka8id al-Huna:i re1orted: I as6ed Anas b, Mali6 about shortenin. o0 1ra"er, He said: ?hen the o0: Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had /o-ered a distan/e o0 three miles or three 0arsa6h (Shu:ba2 one o0 the narrators2 had some doubt about it) he obser-ed two ra6:ahs,


*2 !umber $*%2:

Fubair b, !u0air re1orted: I went alon. with Shurahbil b, al-Simt to a -illa.e whi/h was situated at a distan/e o0 se-enteen or ei.hteen miles2 and he said onl" two ra6:ahs o0 1ra"er, I said to him (about it) and he said: I saw :Umar obser-in. two ra6:ahs at 9hu:l-Hulai0a and I (too) said to him (about it) and he said: I am doin. the same as I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) doin., (This hadith has been transmitted b" Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 narrators and it is narrated 0rom Simt2 and the name o0 Shurahbil has not been mentioned2 and he said that he had .one to a 1la/e /alled 9umin2 situated at a distan/e o0 ei.hteen miles 0rom Hims,)


*2 !umber $*%4:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: ?e went out 0rom Medina to Me//a with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he 1ra"ed two ra6:ahs at ea/h time o0 1ra"er till we returned to Medina, I said: =or how lon. did he sta" in Me//aD He said: (=or) ten (da"s),


*2 !umber $*%*:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Anas b" another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $*%+:

Kah"a b, Abu Ishaq re1orted: I heard Anas b, Mali6 sa": ?e went out 0or @il.rima.e 0rom Medina, The rest is the same,


*2 !umber $*%):

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted b" Anas2 but no mention has been made o0 @il.rima.e,

4;; & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $*%%:

Salim b, :Abdullah (b, :Umar) re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed the 1ra"er o0 a tra-eller2 i, e, two ra6:ahs in Mina2 and other 1la/esB so did Abu 7a6r and :Umar2 and :Uthman too obser-ed two ra6:abs at the be.innin. o0 his /ali1hate2 but he then /om1leted 0our,


*2 !umber $*%#:

A hadith li6e this has been re1orted b" Guhri2 with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 and in it mention was made o0 Mina onl"2 but not o0 other 1la/es,


*2 !umber $*%;:

Ibn :Umar re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said two ra6:ahs at Mina2 and Abu 7a6r a0ter him2 and :Umar a0ter Abu 7a6r2 and :Uthman at the be.innin. o0 his /ali1hateB then :Uthman obser-ed 0our ra6:ahs2 and when Ibn :Umar 1ra"ed with the Imam2 he said 0our ra6:ahs2 but when he obser-ed 1ra"er alone2 he said two ra6:ahs,


*2 !umber $*# :

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $*#$:

Ibn :Umar re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said in Mina the 1ra"er o0 a tra-eller (short 1ra"er) B Abu 7a6r and :Umar did the same and :Uthmia did it 0or "ears or si5 "ears, Ha0s (one o0 the narrators) said: Ibn :Umar would also sa" two ra6:ahs at Mina and then .o to bed, I said to him: 3 un/le2 I wish "ou /ould ha-e said two ra6:ahs (o0 Sunnah 1ra"er a0ter shorentin. the =ard 1ra"er), He said: ?ere I to do that2 I would ha-e /om1leted the 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $*#2:

This hadith has been narrated b" Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters but no mention has been made o0 Mina2 but the" (the narrators) onl" said: He 1ra"ed while tra-ellin.,


*2 !umber $*#4:

Ibrahim re1orted: I heard :Abd al-Aahman as sa"in.B :Uthman led us 0our ra6:ahs o0 1ra"er at Mina, It was re1orted to Abdullah b, Mas:ud and he re/ited:C Surel" we are Allah:s and to Him shall we return2C and then said: I 1ra"ed with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at Mina two ra6:ahs o0 1ra"er, I 1ra"ed alon. with Abu 7a6r al-Siddiq two ra6:ahs o0 1ra"er at Mina, I 1ra"* & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

ed alon. with :Umar b, >hattab two ra6:ahs o0 1ra"er at Mina, I wish I had m" share o0 the two ra6:ahs a//e1table (to Hod) 0or the 0our ra6:ahs,


*2 !umber $*#*:

A hadith li6e this has been re1orted b" A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $*#+:

Haritha b, ?ahb re1orted: I 1ra"ed with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) two ra6:abs and most o0 them o00ered two ra6:ahs onl" in Mina2 while the 1eo1le 0elt se/ure,


*2 !umber $*#):

?ahb al->hu8a:i re1orted: I 1ra"ed behind the o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) at Mina2 and there was the .reatest number o0 1eo1le2 and the" 1ra"ed two ra6:ahs on the o//asion o0 the =arwell @il.rma.e, (Muslim said: Haritha b, ?ahb al->hu8a:i is the brother o0 :Ubaidullah b, :Umar son o0 >hattab 0rom the side o0 mother,)

'ha1ter ;%: @ra"in. in houses when it rains

7oo6 *2 !umber $*#%:
Ibn :Umar announ/ed Adhan 0or 1ra"er on a /old2 wind", Then added: @ra" in "our dwellin.sB and then said: ?hen it was a /old2 rain" ni.ht2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to /ommand the Mu:adhdhin to sa"C @ra" in "our dwellin.s,C


*2 !umber $*##:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that he summoned (1eo1le) to 1ra" on a /old2 wind" and rain" ni.ht2 and then obser-ed at the end o0 the Adhin: @ra" in "our dwellin.s2 1ra" in "our dwellin.s2 and then said: ?hen it was a /old or it was rainin. in a journe" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) used to /ommand the Mu:adhdhin to announ/e: @ra" in "our dwellin.s,


*2 !umber $*#;:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that he summoned (1eo1le) to 1ra"er at a 1la/e (6nown as) 9ajnan2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same2 and then said: @ra" in "our dwellin.s2 but he did not re1eat 0or the se/ond time words o0 Ibn :Umar (@ra" in "our dwellin.s),

* $ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $*; :

Fabir re1orted: ?e set /ut with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on a journe" when it to rain, U1on this he said: He who desires ma" 1ra" in his dwellin.,


*2 !umber $*;$:

:Abdullah b, :Abbas re1orted that he said to the Mu:adhdhin on a rain" da": ?hen "ou ha-e announ/edC I testi0" that there is no .od but AllahB I testi0" that Muhammad is the o0 Allah2C do not sa":C 'ome to the 1ra"er2C but ma6e this announ/ement:C Sa" 1ra"er in "our houses,C He (the narrator) said that the 1eo1le disa11ro-ed o0 it, Ibn :Abbas said: Are "ou astonished at itD He (the Hol" @ro1het)2 who is better than I2 did it, Fumu:a 1ra"er is no doubt obli.ator"2 but I do not li6e that I should (0or/e "ou) to /ome out and wal6 in mud and sli11er" .round,


*2 !umber $*;2:

:Abd al-Hamid re1orted: I heard :Abdullah b, al-Harith sa": :Abdullah b, :Abbas addressed us on a rain" da"2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same2 but he made no mention o0 Fumu:a 1ra"er2 and added: He who did it (who /ommanded us to sa" 1ra"er in our houses)2 i, e, the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 is better than I,


*2 !umber $*;4:

This hadith has been narrated b" A""ub and :Asim al-Ahwal with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but in this hadith it is not re/orded:C i, e, the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),C


*2 !umber $*;*:

:Abdullah b, Harith re1orted that Ibn :Abbas /ommanded the Mu:adhdhin to (summon the 1eo1le to 1ra"er on =rida" and ma6e announ/ement to sa" 1ra"er in their houses) when it was rain"2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same (e5/e1t this) that he said: I do not li6e "ou should wal6 in mudd" sli11er" 1la/e,


*2 !umber $*;+:

:Abdullah b, Harith re1orted that the Mu:adhdhin o0 Ibn :Abba said Adhan on =rida" (and then made the announ/ement to sa" 1ra"er in houses) be/ause it was a rain" da"B as it has been narrated b" Ma:mar and others2 and in this hadith it was mentioned: He who did it2 i, e, the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 was better than I,

* 2 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $*;):

A hadith li6e this that Ibn :Abbas ordered his Mu:adhdhin (to summon 1eo1le to 1ra"er and then ma6e announ/ement to sa" 1ra"er in their houses) on =rida" whi/h was a rain" da"2 has been transmitted b" :Abdullah b, Harith, ?uhaib2 howe-er2 sa"s that he did not hear it 0rom him,

'ha1ter ;#: @ermissibilit" o0 sa"in. na0l 1ra"er on a ridin. beast while on a journe"2 in whate-er dire/tion it turns
7oo6 *2 !umber $*;%:
Ibn :Umar re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to sa" !a0l 1ra"er on (the ba/6 o0) his /amel in whate-er dire/tion it too6 him,


*2 !umber $*;#:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to 1ra" on (the ba/6 o0) his /amel in whate-er dire/tion it too6 him,


*2 !umber $*;;:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to sa" 1ra"er on his /amel while /omin. 0rom Me//a to Medina2 in whate-er dire/tion his 0a/e had turnedB and its was (in this /onte5t) that this -erse was re-ealed:C So whether "ou turn thither is Allah:s 0a/eC (ii, $$+),


*2 !umber $+

This hadith has been narrated b" another /hain o0 transmitters and in the one narrated b" Ibn Mubara6 and Ibn Abu Ga:ida (these words are narrated), Ibn :Umar then re/ited:C ?hether "ou turn thither is Allah:s 0a/e2C and it was re-ealed in this /onte5t,


*2 !umber $+ $:

Ibn :Umar re1orted: I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ra"in. (!a0l 1ra"er) on a don6e":s ba/6 while his 0a/e was turned towards >haibar,

* 4 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $+ 2:

Sa:id b, Kasar re1orted: I was tra-ellin. alon. with Ibn :Umar on the wa" to Me//a, Sa:id said: ?hen I a11rehended dawn2 I dismounted (the ride) and obser-ed ?itr 1ra"er and then a.ain joined him, Ibn :Umar said to me: ?here were "ouD I said: I a11rehended the a11earan/e o0 dawn2 so I dismounted and obser-ed ?itr 1ra"er, U1on this :Abdullah said: Is there not a model 1attern 0or "ou in the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D I said: Kes2 b" Allah2 and (then) he said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e ?itr 1ra"er on the /amel:s ba/6,


*2 !umber $+ 4:

:Abdullah b, 9inar re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e 1ra"er on his ride (no matter) in whi/h dire/tion it had its 0a/e turned, :Abdullah b, 9inar said that Ibn :Umar used to do li6e that,


*2 !umber $+ *:

:Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e ?itr 1ra"er on his ride,


*2 !umber $+ +:

Salim b, :Abdullah re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be, u1on him) used to obser-e !a0l (su1erero.ator") 1ra"er on his ride no matter in what dire/tion it turned its 0a/e2 and he obser-ed ?itr too on it2 but did not obser-e obli.ator" 1ra"er on it,


*2 !umber $+ ):

:Abdullah b, :Amir b, Aabi:a has re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that he had seen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-in. !a0l 1la"er at on a journe" on the ba/6 o0 his ride in whi/he-er dire/tion it turned its 0a/e,


*2 !umber $+ %:

Anas b, Sirin re1orted: ?e met Anas b, Mali6 as he /ame to S"ria at a 1la/e 6nown as :Ain-al-Tamar and saw him obser-in. 1ra"er on the ba/6 o0 his don6e" with his 0a/e turned in that dire/tion, (Hammam one o0 the narrators) 1ointed towards the le0t o0 Eibla2 so I said to him: I 0ind "ou obser-in. 1ra"er towards the side other than that o0 Eibla, U1on this he said: Had I not seen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) doin. li6e this2 I would not ha-e done so at all,

* * & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter ;;: @ermissibilit" o0 /ombinin. two 1ra"ers on a journe"

7oo6 *2 !umber $+ #:
Ibn :Umar re1orted: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was in a state o0 hurr" on a journe"2 he /ombined the sunset and :Isha: 1ra"ers,


*2 !umber $+ ;:

!a0i: re1orted that when Ibn :Umar was in a state o0 hurr" on a journe"2 he /ombined the sunset and :Isha: 1ra"ers a0ter the had disa11eared2 and he would sa" that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was in a state o0 hurr" on a journe"2 he /ombined the sunset and :Isha: 1ra"ers,


*2 !umber $+$ :

Salim re1orted 0rom his 0ather to be sa"in.: I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ombinin. the sunset and Isha: 1ra"ers when he was in a hurr" on a journe",


*2 !umber $+$$:

Salim b, :Abdullah re1orted that his 0ather had said: I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) dela"in. the sunset 1ra"er till he would /ombine it with the :Isha: when he hastened to set out on a journe",


*2 !umber $+$2:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) set out on a journe" be0ore the sun de/lined (0rom the meridian)2 he dela"ed the noon 1ra"er till the a0ternoon 1ra"er2 and then dismounted (his ride) and /ombined them (noon and a0ternoon 1ra"ers)2 but i0 the sun had de/lined be0ore his settin. out on a journe"2 he obser-ed the noon 1ra"er and then mounted (the ride),


*2 !umber $+$4:

Anas re1orted: ?hen the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) intended to /ombine two 1ra"ers on a journe"2 he dela"ed the noon 1ra"er till /ame the earl" time o0 the a0ternoon 1ra"er2 and then /ombined the two,

* + & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $+$*:

Anas re1orted that when the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had to set out on a journe" hurriedl"2 he dela"ed the noon 1ra"er to the earlier time 0or the a0ternoon 1ra"er2 and then he would /ombine them2 and he would dela" the sunset 1ra"er to the time when the would disa11ear and then /ombine it with the :Isha: 1ra"er,

'ha1ter $ sident

: 'ombination o0 1ra"ers2 when one is re-

*2 !umber $+$+:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed the noon and a0ternoon 1ra"ers to.ether2 and the sunset and Isha: 1ra"ers to.ether without bein. in a state o0 0ear or in a state o0 journe",


*2 !umber $+$):

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed the noon and a0ternoon 1ra"ers to.ether in Medina without bein. in a state o0 0ear or in a state o0 journe", (Abu Gubair said: I as6ed Sa:id None o0 the narratorsO wh" he did that, He said: I as6ed Ibn :Abbas as "ou ha-e as6ed me2 and he re1lied that he Nthe Hol" @ro1hetO wanted that no one amon. his Ummah should be 1ut to Nunne/essar"O hardshi1,)


*2 !umber $+$%:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ombined the 1ra"ers as he set on a journe" in the e51edition to Tabu6, He /ombined the noon 1ra"er with the a0ternoon 1ra"er and the sunset 1ra"er with the :Isha: 1ra"er, Sa:id (one o0 the rawis) said to Ibn :Abbas: ?hat 1rom1ted him to do thisD He said: He wanted that his Ummah should not be 1ut to (unne/essar") hardshi1,


*2 !umber $+$#:

Mu:adh re1orted: ?e set out with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the Tabu6 e51edition2 and he obser-ed the noon and a0ternoon 1ra"ers to.ether and the sunset and :Isha: 1ra"ers to.ether,

* ) & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $+$;:

Mu:adh b, Fabal re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ombined in the e51edition to Tabu6 the noon 1ra"er with the a0ternoon 1ra"er and the sunset 1ra"er with the :Isha: 1ra"er, He (one o0 the narrators) said: ?hat 1rom1ted him to do thatD He (Mu:adh) re1lied that he (the Hol" @ro1het) wanted that his Ummah should not be 1ut to (unne/essar") hardshi1,


*2 !umber $+2 :

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ombined the noon 1ra"er with the a0ternoon 1ra"er and the sunset 1ra"er with the :Isha: 1ra"er in Medina without bein. in a state o0 or rain0all, And in the hadith transmitted b" ?a6i: (the words are):C I said to Ibn :Abbas: ?hat 1rom1ted him to do thatD He said: So that his (@ro1het:s) Ummah should not be 1ut to (unne/essar") hardshi1,C And in the hadith transmitted b" Mu:awi"a (the words are):C It was said to Ibn :Abbas: ?hat did he intend thereb"D He said he wanted that his Ummah should not be 1ut to unne/essar" hardshi1,C


*2 !umber $+2$:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: I obser-ed with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (ra6:ahs) in /ombination2 and se-en ra6:ahs in /ombination, I (one o0 the narrators) said: 3 Abd Sha:tha:2 I thin6 that he (the Hol" @ro1het) had dela"ed the noon 1ra"er and hastened the a0ternoon 1ra"er2 and he dela"ed the sunset 1ra"er and hastened the :Isha: 1ra"er, He said: I also thin6 so,


*2 !umber $+22:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed in Medina se-en (ra6:ahs) and (ra6:ahs)2 i, e, (be /ombined) the noon and a0ternoon 1ra"ers ( ra6:ahs) and the sunset and :Isha: 1ra"ers (se-en ra6:ahs),


*2 !umber $+24:

:Abdullah b, Shaqiq re1orted: Ibn :Abbas one da" addressed us in the a0ternoon (a0ter the a0ternoon 1ra"er) till the sun disa11eared and the stars a11eared2 and the 1eo1le to sa": @ra"er2 1ra"er, A 1erson 0rom 7anu Tamim /ame there, He neither sla/6ened nor turned awa"2 but (/ontinued /r"in.): @ra"er2 1ra"er, Ibn :Abbas said: Ma" "ou be de1ri-ed o0 "our mother2 do "ou tea/h me SunnahD And then he said: I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ombinin. the noon and a0ternoon 1ra"ers and the sunset and :Isha: 1ra"ers, :Abdullah b, Shaqiq said: Some doubt was /reated in m" mind about it, So I /ame to Abu Huraira and as6ed him (about it) and he testi0ied his assertion,

* % & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $+2*:

:Abdullah b, Shaqiq al-:Uqaili re1orted: A 1erson said to Ibn :Abbas (as he dela"ed the 1ra"er): @ra"er, He 6e1t silen/e, He a.ain said: @ra"er, He a.ain 6e1t silen/e2 and he a.ain /ried: @ra"er, He a.ain 6e1t silen/e and said: Ma" "ou be de1ri-ed o0 "our mother2 do "ou tea/h us about 1ra"erD ?e used to /ombine two 1ra"ers durin. the li0e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

'ha1ter $ $: @ermissibilit" o0 turnin. to the and le0t in 1ra"er

7oo6 *2 !umber $+2+:
Abdullah re1orted: !one o0 "ou should .i-e a share to Satan out o0 "our sel0, He should not deem that it is ne/essar" 0or him to turn but to the onl" (a0ter 1ra"er), I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) turnin. to the le0t,


*2 !umber $+2):

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" A:mash2 with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $+2%:

Suddi re1orted: I as6ed Anas how I should turn-to the or to the le0t-when I sa" m" 1ra"ers, He said: I ha-e -er" o0ten seen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) turnin. to the,


*2 !umber $+2#:

Anas re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to turn to the (at the end o0 the 1ra"er),

'ha1ter $ 2: (5/ellen/e to be on the side o0 the imam

7oo6 *2 !umber $+2;:
7ara: re1orted: ?hen we 1ra"ed behind the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) we /herished to be on his side so that his 0a/e would turn towards us (at the end o0 the 1ra"er)2 and he

* # & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

(the narrator) said: I heard him sa": 3 m" LordL sa-e me 0rom Th" torment on the 9a" when Thoil2 wouldst raise or .ather Th" ser-ants,


*2 !umber $+4 :

This hadith has been re1orted b" Mis:ar with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but he made no mention o0:C His 0a/e would turn towards us,C

'ha1ter $ 4: The undesirabilit" o0 obser-in. na0l 1ra"er2 when the mu:adhdhin be.ins adhan
7oo6 *2 !umber $+4$:
Abu Huraira re1orted the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen the 1ra"er /ommen/es then there is no 1ra"er (-alid)2 but the obli.ator" 1ra"er, This hadith has been narrated b" ?arqa: with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $+42:

Abu Huraira re1orted the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen the 1ra"er /ommen/es2 there is no 1ra"er but the obli.ator" one,


*2 !umber $+44:

A hadith li6e this has been re1orted b" Ishaq with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $+4*:

This hadith has been narrated b" Abu Huraira with another /hain o0 transmitters, Hammad (one o0 the narrators) said: I then met :Amr (the other narrator) and he narrated it to me2 but it was not transmitted dire/tl" 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


*2 !umber $+4+:

:Abdullah b, Mali6 b, 7uhaina re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha11ened to 1ass b" a 1erson who was bus" in 1ra"in. while the (=ard o0 the) dawn 1ra"er had /ommen/ed, He said somethin. to him2 whi/h we do not 6now what it was, ?hen we turned ba/6 we surrounded him and said: ?hat is it that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to "ouD He re1lied: He (the Hol" @ro1het) had said to me that he 1er/ei-ed as i0 one o0 them was about

* ; & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

to obser-e 0our (ra6:ahs) o0 the dawn 1ra"er, Ea:nabi re1orted that :Abdullah b, Mali6 b, 7uhaina narrated it on the authorit" o0 his 0ather, (Abu:l-Husain Muslim said): His assertion that he has narrated this hadith on the authorit" o0 his 0ather is not /orre/t,


*2 !umber $+4):

Ibn 7uhaina re1orted: The dawn 1ra"er had /ommen/ed when the Messen- .er o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw a 1erson obser-in. 1ra"er2 whereas the Mu:adhdhin had 1ronoun/ed the Iqama, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) remar6ed: 9o "ou sa" 0our (ra6:ahs) o0 =ard in the dawn 1ra"erD


*2 !umber $+4%:

:Abdullah b, Sarjis re1orted: A 1erson entered the mosque2 while the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was leadin. the dawn 1ra"er, He obser-ed two ra6:ahs in a /orner o0 the mosque2 and then joined the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in 1ra"er, ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 1ronoun/ed salutations (he had /on/luded the 1ra"er)2 he said: 32 so and so2 whi/h one out o0 these two 1ra"ers did "ou /ount (as "our =ard 1ra"er)2 the one that "ou obser-ed alone or the 1ra"er that "ou obser-ed with usD

'ha1ter $ *: ?hat is to be re/ited while enterin. the mosque

7oo6 *2 !umber $+4#:
Abu Usaid re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou enters the mosque2 he should sa":C 3 AllahL o1en 0or me the doors o0 Th" mer/"C B and when he ste1s out he should sa": :3 AllahL I be. o0 Thee Th" Hra/e,C (Imam Muslim said: I heard Kah"a sa"in.: I trans/ribed this hadith 0rom the /om1ilation o0 Sulaiman b, 7ilal,)


*2 !umber $+4;:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) b" Abu

*$ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $ +: (5/ellen/e o0 .reetin. the mosque with two ra6:ahs and undesirabilit" o0 sittin. down be0ore obser-in. them
7oo6 *2 !umber $+* :
Abu Eatada (a 'om1anion o0 the @ro1het) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen an" one o0 "ou enters the mosque2 he should obser-e two ra6:ahs (o0 !a0l 1ra"er) be0ore sittin.,


*2 !umber $+*$:

Abu Eatada2 a 'om1anion o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said: I entered the mosque2 when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had been sittin. amon. 1eo1le2 and I also sat down amon. them, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hat 1re-ented "ou 0rom o00erin. two ra6:ahs (o0 !a0l 1ra"er) be0ore sittin. downD I said: o0 Allah2 I saw "ou sittin. and 1eo1le sittin. (around "ou and I2 there0ore2 sat in "our /om1an"), He (the Hol" @ro1het) then said: ?hen an"one amon. "ou enters the mosque2 he should not sit till he has obser-ed two ra6:ahs,


*2 !umber $+*2:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) owed me a debtB he 1aid me ba/6 and made an addition (o0 this), I entered the mosque and he (the Hol" @ro1het) said to me: 3bser-e two ra6:ahs o0 1ra"er,

'ha1ter $ ): (5/ellen/e o0 obser-in. two ra6:ahs in the mosque 0or one who /omes ba/6 0rom a journe"
7oo6 *2 !umber $+*4:
Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a /amel 0rom me, ?hen he /ame ba/6 to Medina2 he ordered me to /ome to the mosque and obser-ed two ra6:ahs o0 1ra"er,

*$$ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $+**:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: I went with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on an e51edition and m" /amel dela"ed me and I was e5hausted, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) thus /ame earlier than I2 whereas I /ame on the ne5t da" and went to the mosque and 0ound him (the Hol" @ro1het) at the .ate o0 the mosque, He said: It is now that "ou ha-e /ome, I said, Kes, He said: Lea-e "our /amel and enter (the mosque) and obser-e two ra6:ahs, He (the narrator) said: So I entered and obser-ed (two ra6:ahs) o0 1ra"er and then went ba/6,


*2 !umber $+*+:

>a:b b, Mali6 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not /ome ba/6 0rom the journe" but b" da" in the 0orenoon2 and when he arri-ed2 he went 0irst to the mosque2 and ha-in. 1ra"ed two ra6:ahs in it he sat down in it,

'ha1ter $ %: (5/ellen/e o0 the 0orenoon 1ra"er2 two are its minimum ra6:ahs and are its ma5imum ra6:ahs, and a-era.e ra6:ahs are 0our or si52 and e5hortation 0or the obser-an/e o0 the 1ra"er
7oo6 *2 !umber $+*):
:Abdullah b, Shaqiq re1orted: I as6ed :A:isha whether the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e the 0orenoon 1ra"er, She said: !o2 but when he /ame ba/6 0rom the journe",


*2 !umber $+*%:

:Abdullah b, Shaqiq re1orted: I a6sed :A:isha whether the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e the 0orenoon 1ra"er, She said: !o2 e5/e1t when he /ame ba/6 0rom a journe",


*2 !umber $+*#:

:Urwa re1orted :A:isha to be sa"id.: I ha-e ne-er seen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-in. the su1erero.ator" 1ra"er o0 the 0orenoon2 but I obser-ed it, And i0 the o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) abandoned an" a/t whi/h he in 0a/t lo-ed to do2 it was out o0 0ear that i0 the 1eo1le 1ra/tised it /onstantl"2 it be/ome obli.ator" 0or them,

*$2 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $+*;:

Mu:adha as6ed :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) how man" ra6:ahs Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ra"ed at the 0orenoon 1ra"er, She re1lied: =our ra6:ahs2 but sometimes more as he 1leased,


*2 !umber $++ :

A hadith li6e this has been re1orted b" the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but with this alteration that the transmitter said:C As Allah 1leased,C


*2 !umber $++$:

Mua:ada :Adawi""a re1orted :A:isha as sa"in.: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e 0our ra6:ahs in the 0orenoon 1ra"er and he sometimes obser-ed more as Allah 1leased,


*2 !umber $++2:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Eatada with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $++4:

Abd al-Aahman b, Abu Laila re1orted: !o one has e-er narrated to me that he saw the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-in. the 0orenoon 1ra"er2 e5/e1t Umm Hani, She2 howe-er2 narrated that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered her house on the da" o0 the 'onquest o0 Me//a and 1ra"ed ra6:ahs (addin.): I ne-er saw a shorter 1ra"er than it e5/e1t that he 1er0ormed the bowin. and 1rostration /om1letel", 7ut (one o0 the narrators) Ibn 7ashshar in his narration made no mention o0 the word:C !e-erC,


*2 !umber $++*:

:Abdullah b, Harith b, !au0al re1orted: I had been as6in. about2 as I was desirous to 0ind one amon. 1eo1le who should in0orm me2 whether the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed the 0orenoon 1ra"er2 but I 0ound none to narrate that to me e5/e1t Umm Hani2 dau.hter o0 Abu Talib (the real sister o0 Hadrat :Ali)2 who told me that on the da" o0 the 'onquest the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame (to our house) a0ter the dawn had (su00i/ientl") arisen, A /loth was and 1ri-a/" was 1ro-ided 0or him (the Hol" @ro1het), He too6 a bath and then stood u1 and obser-ed ra6:ahs, I do not 6now whether his Ei"am (standin. 1osture) was lon.er2 or bendin. or 1rostration or all o0 them were o0 equal duration, She (Umm Hani) 0urther said: I

*$4 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

ne-er saw him sa"in. this !a0l 1ra"er 1rior to it or subsequentl", (Al-Muradi narrated on the authorit" o0 Kunus that he made no mention o0 the words:C He in0ormed me,C )


*2 !umber $+++:

Abu Murra2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Umm Hani2 dau.hter o0 Abu Talib2 re1orted Umm Hani to be sa"in.: I went to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the da" o0 the 'onquest o0 Me//a and 0ound him ta6in. bath2 and =atimah2 his dau.hter2 had 1ro-ided him 1ri-a/" with the hel1 o0 a /loth, I .a-e him salutation and he said: ?ho is sheD I said: It is Umm Hani2 dau.hter o0 Abu Talib, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Hreetin. 0or Umm Hani, ?hen he had /om1leted the bath2 he stood u1 and obser-ed ra6:ahs wra11ed u1 in one /loth, ?hen he turned ba/6 (a0ter the 1ra"er)2 I said to him: o0 Allah2 the son o0 m" mother :Ali b, Abu Talib is .oin. to 6ill a 1erson2 =ulan b, Hubaira whom I ha-e .i-en 1rote/tion, U1on this the o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?e too ha-e .i-en 1rote/tion whom "ou ha-e .i-en 1rote/tion2 3 Umm Hani, Umm Hani said: It was the 0orenoon (1ra"er),


*2 !umber $++):

Abu Murra narrated on the authorit" o0 Umm Hani that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the da" o0 the 'onquest o0 Me//a obser-ed in her house ra6:abs o0 1ra"er in one /loth2 its o11osite /orners ha-in. been tied 0rom the o11osite sides,


*2 !umber $++%:

Abu 9harr re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: In the mornin. /harit" is due 0rom e-er" bone in the bod" o0 e-er" one o0 "ou, (-er" utteran/e o0 Allah:s .lori0i/ation is an a/t o0 /harit", (-er" utteran/e o0 1raise o0 Him is an a/t o0 /harit"2 e-er" utteran/e o0 1ro0ession o0 His 3neness is an a/t o0 /harit"2 e-er" utteran/e o0 1ro0ession o0 His Hreatness is an a/t o0 /harit"2 enjoinin. .ood is an a/t o0 /harit"2 0orbiddin. what is distre1utable is an a/t o0 /harit"2 and two ra6:ahs whi/h one 1ra"s in the 0orenoon will su00i/e,


*2 !umber $++#:

Abu Huraira re1orted, M" 0riend (the Hol" @ro1het2 ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has instru/ted me to do three thin.s: three 0asts durin. e-er" month2 two ra6:ahs o0 the 0orenoon 1ra"er2 and obser-in. ?itr 1ra"er be0ore .oin. to bed,


*2 !umber $++;:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Abu Huraira b" another /hain o0 transmitters,

*$* & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $+) :

Abu Huraira re1orted: M" 0riend Abu:l-Easim (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) instru/ted me to do three thin.s2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same,


*2 !umber $+)$:

Abu Murra2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Umm Hani2 narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu 9arda:: M" =riend (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) instru/ted me in three (a/ts)2 and I would ne-er abandon them as lon. as I li-e, (And these three thin.s are): Three 0asts durin. e-er" month2 the 0orenoon 1ra"er2 and this that I should not slee1 till I ha-e obser-ed the ?itr 1ra"er,

'ha1ter $ #: (5/ellen/e o0 obser-in. two ra6:ahs o0 sunnah in the dawn 1ra"er

*2 !umber $+)2: 7oo6

Ibn :Umar re1orted that Ha0sa2 the Mother o0 the 7elie-ers2 in0ormed him that when the Mu:adhdhin be/ame silent a0ter /allin. (1eo1le) to the dawn 1ra"er2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommen/ed the dawn (1ra"er) when it dawned b" obser-in. two short ra6:ahs be0ore the /ommen/ement o0 the (=ard) 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $+)4:

This hadith has been transmitted b" !a0i: with the same /hain o0 narrators,


*2 !umber $+)*:

Ha0sa re1orted that when it was dawn2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not obser-e (an" other 1ra"ers) but two short ra6:ahs,


*2 !umber $+)+:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $+)):

Ha0sa re1orted: ?hen the dawn a11eared2 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed two ra6:ahs (o0 Sunnah 1ra"ers),

*$+ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $+)%:

:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e two ra6:ahs o0 Sunnah (1ra"er) when he heard the Adhin and shortened them, (This hadith has been narrated b" the same /hain o0 transmitters and in the hadith narrated b" Usama the words are:C ?hen it was dawnC,)


*2 !umber $+)#:

:A:isha re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e two (su1erero.ator") ra6:ahs in between the /all to 1ra"er and the Iqama o0 the dawn 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $+);:

:A:isha re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed two ra6:ahs o0 the dawn 1ra"er and he shortened them (to the e5tent) that I (out o0 sur1rise) said: 9id he re/ite in them Surah =atiha (onl")D


*2 !umber $+% :

:A:isha re1orted: ?hen it was dawn2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed two ra6:ahs2 and I would sa": 9oes he re/ite onl" the o1enin. /ha1ter o0 the Eur:an in itD
7oo6 *2 !umber $+%$:

:A:isha re1orted that the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was not so mu/h 1arti/ular about obser-in. su1erero.ator" ra6:ahs as in /ase o0 the two ra6:ahs o0 the dawn 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $+%2:

:A:isha re1orted: I ha-e ne-er seen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) hastenin. as mu/h in obser-in. su1erero.ator" as two ra6:ahs be0ore the (=ard) o0 the dawn 1ra"er,

*$) & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $+%4:

:A:isha re1orted Allah:s as sa"in.: The two ra6:ahs at dawn are better than this world and what it /ontains,


*2 !umber $+%*:

:A:isha re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said about the two (su1erero.ator") ra6:ahs o0 the dawn: The" are dearer to me than the whole world,


*2 !umber $+%+:

Abu Huraira re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited in the two (su1erero.ator") ra6:ahs o0 the dawn (1ra"er):C Sa": 3 unbelie-ers2C (Eur:an2 /i5,) andC Sa": Allah is oneC (/5ii,),


*2 !umber $+%):

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to re/ite in 0irst o0 the two (su1erero.ator") ra6:ahs o0 the dawn:C Sa": ?e belie-ed in Allah and what was re-ealed to us,,,C -erses 2#+-2#) 0rom Surah 7aqara2 and in the se/ond o0 the two:C I belie-e in Allah and I bear testimon" that we are MuslimsC (iii, +$),


*2 !umber $+%%:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to re/ite in the two (su1erero.ator") ra6:ahs o0 the dawn 1ra"er:C Sa": ?e belie-ed in Allah and what was re-ealed to usC and that whi/h is 0ound in Surah Al-i-:lmran:C 'ome to that word (/reed) whi/h is /ommon between "ou and usC (iii, )*),


*2 !umber $+%#:

This hadith has been transmitted b" another /hain o0 narrators,

*$% & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $ ;: The -irtue o0 sunan 1ra"ers be0ore and a0ter the 0ard ra6:ahs and their number
7oo6 *2 !umber $+%;:
Umm Habiba (the wi0e o0 the Hol" @ro1het) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A house will be built in @aradise2 0or an"one who 1ra"s in a da" and a twel-e ra6:ahsB and she added: I ha-e ne-er abandoned (obser-in. them) sin/e I heard it 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Some o0 the other narrators said the same words: I ha-e ne-er abandoned (obser-in. them) sin/e I heard (0rom so and so),


*2 !umber $+# :

!u:man b, Salim re1orted with the same /hain o0 transmitters: He who obser-ed twel-e -oluntar" ra6:ahs2 a house will be built 0or him in @aradise,


*2 !umber $+#$:

Umm Habiba2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 an" Muslim ser-ant (o0 Allah) 1ra"s 0or the sa6e o0 Allah twel-e ra6:ahs (o0 Sun:an) e-er" da"2 o-er and abo-e the obli.ator" ones2 Allah will build 0or him a house in @aradise2 or a house will be built 0or him in @aradiseB and I ha-e not abandoned to obser-e the in a0ter (hearin. it 0rom the o0 Allah), (So said also :Amr and !u:man,)


*2 !umber $+#2:

Umm Habiba re1orted the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: I0 an" Muslim ser-ant (o0 Allah) 1er0ormed ablution2 and 1er0ormed it well2 and then obser-ed e-er" da"2 the rest o0 the hadith is the same,


*2 !umber $+#4:

Ibn :Umar re1orted: I 1ra"ed alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) two ra6:ahs be0ore and two ra6:ahs a0ter the noon 1ra"er2 two ra6:ahs a0ter the sunset 1ra"er and two ra6:ahs a0ter the :Isha: 1ra"er and two ra6:ahs a0ter the =rida" 1ra"erB and so 0ar as the sunset2 :Isha: and =rida" 1ra"ers are /on/erned2 I obser-ed (them) alon. with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in his house,

*$# & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $$ : @ermissibilit" o0 obser-in. na0l (-oluntar" 1ra"er) standin. or sittin. and obser-in. some 1art o0 it in sittin. or standin. 1ostures
7oo6 *2 !umber $+#*:
:Abdullah b, Shaqiq said: I as6ed :A:isha about the o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -oluntar" 1ra"ers2 and she re1lied: 7e0ore the noon 1ra"er2 he used to 1ra" 0our ra6:abs in m" houseB then would .o out and lead the 1eo1le in 1ra"erB then /ome in and 1ra" two ra6:ahs, He would then lead the 1eo1le in the sunset 1ra"erB then /ome in and 1ra" two ra6:abs, Then he would lead the 1eo1le in the :Isha: 1ra"er2 and enter m" house and 1ra" two ra6:ahs, He would 1ra" nine ra6:ahs durin. the ni.ht2 in/ludin. ?itr, At he would 1ra" 0or a lon. time standin. and 0or a lon. time sittin.2 and when he re/ited the Hol" Eur:an while standin.2 he would bow and 1rostrate himsel0 0rom the standin. 1osition2 and when he re/ited while sittin.2 he would bow and 1rostrate himsel0 0rom the sittin. 1osition2 and when it was dawn he would 1ra" two ra6:ahs,


*2 !umber $+#+:

:A:isha re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) would 1ra" in the 0or a lon. time2 and when he 1ra"ed standin. be bowed in a standin. 1osture2 and when he 1ra"ed sittin.2 he bowed in a sittin. 1osture,


*2 !umber $+#):

:Abdullah b, Shaqiq re1orted: I 0ell ill in @ersia and there0ore2 1ra"ed in a sittin. 1osture2 and I as6ed :A:isha about it and she said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ra"ed 0or a lon. time in the sittin.,


*2 !umber $+#%:

:Abdullah b, Shaqiq al-:Uqaili re1orted: I as6ed :A:isha about the 1ra"er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) durin. the (i, e, Tahajjud 1ra"er) She re1lied: He used to 1ra" 0or a lon. time standin. and 0or a lon. time sittin. in the ni.ht2 and when he re/ited the Eur:an while standin.2 he would bow himsel0 0rom the standin. 1osition2 and when he re/ited while sittin.2 he would bow 0rom the sittin. 1osition,

*$; & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $+##:

:Abdullah b, Shaqiq al-:Uqaili re1orted: I as6ed :A:isha about the 1ra"er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), She said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) would obser-e 1ra"er (!a0l) in a standin. 1osition as well as in a sittin. 1osition2 and when he /ommen/ed the 1ra"er in a standin. 1osition2 he bowed in this -er" 1osition2 and when he /ommen/ed the 1ra"er in a sittin. 1osition2 he bowed in this -er" 1osition,


*2 !umber $+#;:

:A:isha re1orted: I did not see the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/itin. (the Eur:an) in the 1ra"er in a sittin. 1osition2 till he .rew old and then he re/ited (it) in a sittin. 1osition2 but when thirt" or 0ort" -erses were le0t out o0 the Surah2 he would then stand u12 re/ite them and then bowed,


*2 !umber $+; :

:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to 1ra" while sittin. (when he .rew old) and he re/ited in this 1osition and when the re/itation equal to thirt" or 0ort" -erses was le0t2 he would then stand u1 and re/ite (0or this duration) in a standin. 1osition and then bowed himsel0 and then 1rostrated himsel0 and did the same in the se/ond ra6:ah,


*2 !umber $+;$:

:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to re/ite in sittin. 1osition (while obser-in. the Tahajjud 1ra"er) and when he intended to bow2 he would stand u1 and re/ite (0or the duration in whi/h) a man (ordinaril") re/ites 0ort" -erses,


*2 !umber $+;2:

Alqama b, ?aqqas re1orted: I as6ed :A:isha how the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did in the two ra6:ahs as he (obser-ed them) sittin., She said: He would re/ite (the Eur:an) in them2 and when he intended to bow2 he would stand u1 and then bowed,


*2 !umber $+;4:

:Abdullah b, Shaqiq re1orted: I as6ed :A:isha whether the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed (!a0l) sittin., She said: Kes2 when the 1eo1le had made him old,

*2 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $+;*:

:Abdullah b, Shaqiq re1orted: I said to :A:isha and she made a mention o0 that (re/orded abo-e) about the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


*2 !umber $+;+:

:A:isha re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) died (in this -er" state) that he obser-ed most o0 his (!a0l) 1ra"ers in a sittin. 1osition,


*2 !umber $+;):

:A:isha re1orted: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .rew bul6" and hea-" he would obser-e (most o0 his !a0l) 1ra"ers sittin.,


*2 !umber $+;%:

Ha0sa re1orted: !e-er did I see the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-in. su1erero.ator" 1ra"er sittin. till one "ear be0ore his death when he would obser-e !a0l 1ra"er in a sittin. 1osition2 and he would re/ite the Surah (o0 the Eur:an) in su/h a slow-measured tone (that duration o0 its re/ital) be/ame more" than the one than this,


*2 !umber $+;#:

Guhri re1orted this hadith with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 e5/e1t this that he made a mention o0 one "ear or two "ears,


*2 !umber $+;;:

Fabir b, Samura re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed (!a0l) 1ra"er sittin. be0ore his death,


*2 !umber $)

:Abdullah b, :Amr re1orted: It was narrated to me that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: The 1ra"er obser-ed b" a 1erson sittin. is hal0 o0 the 1ra"er, I /ame to him (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and 0ound him 1ra"in. in a sittin. 1osition, I 1la/ed m" hand on his head, He said: 3 :Abdullah b, :Amr2 what is the matter with "ouD I said: o0 Allah2 it has been narrated to me that "ou said: The 1ra"er o0 a man in a sittin. 1osition is hal0 o0 the 1ra"er2 whereas "ou are obser-in. 1ra"er sittin., He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kes2 it is so2 but I am not li6e an"one "ou,

*2$ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $) $:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Abu Kah"a al-A:raj with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $$$: @ra"er durin. the and the number o0 the ra6:ahs whi/h the a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed in the and obser-an/e o0 one ra6iah o0 witr
7oo6 *2 !umber $) 2:
:A:isha re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to 1ra" ele-en ra6:ahs at ni.ht2 obser-in. the ?itr with a sin.le ra6:ah2 and when he had 0inished them2 he la" down on his side2 till the Mu:adhdhin /ame to him and he (the Hol" @ro1het) then obser-ed two short ra6:ahs (o0 Sunan o0 the dawn 1ra"er),


*2 !umber $) 4:

:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said that between the time when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0inished the :Isha: 1ra"er whi/h is /alled :Atama b" the 1eo1le2 he used to 1ra" ele-en ra6:ahs2 utterin. the salutation at the end o0 e-er" two ra6:ahs2 and obser-in. the ?itr with a sin.le one, And when the Mu:adhdhin had 0inished the /all (0or the) dawn 1ra"er and he saw the dawn /learl" and the Mu:adhdhin had /ome to him2 he stood u1 and 1ra"ed two short ra6:ahs, Then he la" down on his side till the Mu:adhdhin /ame to him 0or lqama, (This hadith has been narrated with the same /hain o0 transmitters b" Ibn Shihab2 but in it no mention has been made o0 Iqama )


*2 !umber $) *:

:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e thirteen ra6:ahs o0 the 1ra"er, =i-e out o0 them /onsisted o0 ?itr2 and he did not sit2 but at the end (0or salutation),


*2 !umber $) +:

This hadith has been narrated b" Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

*22 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $) ):

:A:isha re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to 1ra" thirteen ra6:ahs durin. the in/ludin. the two ra6:ahs (Sunan) o0 the dawn 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $) %:

Abu Salama b, Abd al-Aahman as6ed :A:isha about the ( 1ra"er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) durin. the month o0 Aamadan, She said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not obser-e either in Aamadan or in other months more than ele-en ra6:ahs (o0 the 1ra"er), He (in the 0irst instan/e) obser-ed 0our ra6:ahs, As6 not about their e5/ellen/e and their (i, e, these were mat/hless in 1er0e/tion and, He a.ain obser-ed 0our ra6:ahs2 and as6 not about their e5/ellen/e and their, He would then obser-e three ra6:ahs (o0 the ?itr 1ra"er), :A:isha a.ain said: I said: o0 Allah2 do "ou slee1 be0ore obser-in. the ?itr 1ra"erD He said: 3 :A:isha2 m" e"es slee1 but m" heart does not slee1,


*2 !umber $) #:

Abu Salama as6ed :A:isha about the 1ra"er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) She said: He obser-ed thirteen ra6:ahs (in the 1ra"er), He obser-ed ra6:ahs and would then obser-e ?itr and then obser-e two ra6:ahs sittin.2 and when he wanted to bow he stood u1 and then bowed down2 and then obser-ed two ra6:ahs in between the Adhan and lqama o0 the dawn 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $) ;:

Abu Salama re1orted that he as6ed :A:isha about the 1ra"er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) (durin. the, The rest o0 the hadith is the same but with this e5/e1tion that he (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed nine ra6:ahs in/ludin. ?itr,


*2 !umber $)$ :

Abu Salama is re1orted to ha-e said, I /ame to :A:isha, I said: 3 mother2 in0orm me about the 1ra"er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), She said: His ( 1ra"er) in Aamadan and (durin. other months) was thirteen ra6:ahs at in/ludin. two ra6:ahs o0 0ajr,


*2 !umber $)$$:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 :A:isha that the 1ra"er o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the /onsisted o0 ten ra6:ahs, He obser-ed a ?itr and two ra6:ahs (o0 Sunan) o0 the dawn 1ra"er2 and thus the total /omes to thirteen ra6:ahs,

*24 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $)$2:

:A:isha thus re1orted about the ( 1ra"er) o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): He used to slee1 in the earl" 1art o0 the ni.ht2 and wo6e u1 in the latter 1art, I0 he then wished inter/ourse with his wi0e2 he satis0ied his desire2 and then went to slee1B and when the 0irst /all to 1ra"er was made he jum1ed u1 (b" Allah2 she2 i, e, :A:isha2 did not sa"C he stood u1C )2 and 1oured water o-er him (b" Allah she2 i, e, :A:isha2 did not sa" that he too6 a bath but I 6now what she meant) and i0 he did not ha-e an inter/ourse2 he 1er0ormed ablution2 just as a man 1er0orms ablution 0or 1ra"er and then obser-ed two ra6:ahs,


*2 !umber $)$4:

:A:isha obser-ed that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e 1ra"er in the and the last o0 his ( 1ra"er was ?itr,


*2 !umber $)$*:

Masruq is re1orted to ha-e as6ed :A:isha about the a/tion (most 1leasin. to) the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), She said: He (the Hol" @ro1het) lo-ed (that a/tion) whi/h one 6ee1s on doin. re.ularl", I said (to :A:isha): ?hen did he 1ra" (at She re1lied: ?hen he heard the /o/6 /row2 he .ot u1 and obser-ed 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $)$+:

:A:isha re1orted: !e-er did the earlier 1art o0 the dawn 0ind the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) but slee1in. in m" house or near me,


*2 !umber $)$):

:A:isha re1orted: ?hen the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 1ra"ed the two ra6:ahs (Sunan) o0 the dawn 1ra"er2 he would tal6 to me i0 I was awa6e2 otherwise he would lie down,


*2 !umber $)$%:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" :A:isha b" another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $)$#:

:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to 1ra" in the and when he obser-ed ?itr2 he said to me: 3 :A:isha2 .et u1 and obser-e ?itr,

*2* & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $)$;:

:A:isha re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to o00er 1ra"er at while she la" in 0ront o0 him2 and when the ?itr 1ra"er was "et to be obser-ed2 he would awa6en her and she obser-ed ?itr,


*2 !umber $)2 :

:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed the ?itr 1ra"er e-er" and he /om1leted ?itr at the time o0 dawn,


*2 !umber $)2$:

Masruq re1orted on the authorit" o0 :A:isha that she said that the 30 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e the ?itr 1ra"er e-er" ni.ht2 ma"be in the earl" 1art o0 ni.ht2 at and in the latter 1art2 0inishin. his ?itr at dawn,


*2 !umber $)22:

:A:isha re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e ?itr e-er" ni.ht2 and he would (at times) /om1lete his ?itr at the end o0 the,


*2 !umber $)24:

Sa:d b, Hisham b, :Amir de/ided to 1arti/i1ate in the e51edition 0or the sa6e o0 Allah2 so he /ame to Medina and he de/ided to dis1ose o0 his 1ro1ert" there and bu" arms and horses instead and a.ainst the Aomans to the end o0 his li0e, ?hen he /ame to Medina2 he met the 1eo1le o0 Medina, The" dissuaded him to do su/h a thin.2 and in0ormed him that a .rou1 o0 si5 men had de/ided to do so durin. the li0etime o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade them to do it2 and said: Is there not 0or "ou a model 1attern in meD And when the" narrated this to him (Sa:d b, Hisham)2 he returned to his wi0e2 thou.h he had di-or/ed her and made (1eo1le) witness to his re/on/iliation, He then /ame to Ibn :Abbas and as6ed him about the ?itr o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Ibn :Abbas said: Should I not lead "ou to one who 6nows best the 1eo1le o0 the world about the ?itr o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D He said: ?ho is itD He (Ibn :Abbas) said: It is :A:isha, So .o to her and as6 her (about ?itr) and then /ome to me and in0orm me about her answer that she would .i-e "ou, So I /ame to Ha6im b, A0lah and requested him to ta6e me to her, He said: I would not .o to her2 0or I 0orbade her to s1ea6 an"thin. (about the /on0li/t) between the two .rou1S2 but she re0used (to a//e1t m" ad-i/e) and went (to 1arti/i1ate in that /or0li/t), I (requested) him (Ha6im) with an oath to lead me to her, So we went to :A:isha and we be..ed 1ermission to meet her, She .ranted us 1ermission and we went in, She said: Are "ou Ha6imD (She re/o.nised him,) He re1lied: Kes, She said: ?ho is
*2+ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

there with "ouD He said: He is Sa:d b, Hisham, She said: ?hi/h HishamD He said: He is Hisham b, :Amir, She blessed him (:Amir) with mer/" 0rom Allah and s1o6e .ood o0 him (Eatada said that he died as a mart"r in Uhud), I said: Mother o0 the =aith0ul2 tell me about the /hara/ter o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), She said: 9on:t "ou read the Eur:anD I said: Kes, U1on this she said: The /hara/ter o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was the Eur:an, He said: I 0elt in/lined to .et u1 and not as6 an"thin. (0urther) till death, 7ut then I /han.ed m" mind and said: In0orm me about the obser-an/e (o0 the 1ra"er) o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), She said: 9id "ou not re/ite:C 3 thou wra11ed u1CD He said: Kes, She said: Allah2 the (5alted and the Hlorious2 made the obser-an/e o0 the 1ra"er at the be.innin. o0 this Surah obli.ator", So the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him and his 'om1anions around him obser-ed this ( 1ra"er) 0or one "ear, Allah held ba/6 the /on/ludin. 1ortion o0 this Surah 0or twel-e months in the Hea-en till (at the end o0 this 1eriod) Allah re-ealed the /on/ludin. -erses o0 this Surah whi/h li.htened (the burden o0 this 1ra"er)2 and the 1ra"er be/ame a su1erero.ator" 1ra"er a0ter bein. an obli.ator" one, I said: Mother o0 the =aith0ul2 in0orm me about the ?itr o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), She said: I used to 1re1are tooth sti/6 0or him and water 0or his ablution2 and Allah would rouse him to the e5tent He wished durin. the, He would use the tooth sti/62 and 1er0orm ablution2 and would o00er nine ra6:ahs2 and would not sit but in the ei.hth one and would remember Allah2 and 1raise Him and su11li/ate Him2 then he would .et u1 without utterin. the salutation and 1ra" the ninth ra6:ah, He would then sit2 remember2 1raise Him and su11li/ate Him and then utter a salutation loud enou.h 0or us to hear, He would then 1ra" two ra6:ahs sittin. a0ter utterin. the salutation2 and that made ele-en ra6:ahs, 3 m" son2 but when the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .rew old and 1ut on 0lesh2 he obser-ed ?itr o0 se-en2 doin. in the two ra6:ahs as he had done 0ormerl"2 and that made nine, 3 m" son2 and when the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed 1ra"er2 he li6ed to 6ee1 on obser-in. it2 and when slee1 or 1ain o-er1owered him and made it im1ossible (0or him) to obser-e 1ra"er in the ni.ht2 he 1ra"ed twel-e ra6:ahs darin. the da", I am not aware o0 Allah:s @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. re/ited the whole Eur:an durin. one sin.le ni.ht2 or 1ra"in. throu.h the till mornin.2 or 0astin. a /om1lete month2 e5/e1t Aamadan, He (the narrator) said: I then went to Ibn :Abbas and narrated to him the hadith (transmitted 0rom her)2 and he said: She sa"s the truth I0 I went to her and .ot into her 1resen/e2 I would ha-e listened to it orall" 0rom her, He said: I0 I were to 6now that "ou do not .o to her, I would not ha-e transmitted this hadith to "ou narrated b" her,


*2 !umber $)2*:

Gurara b, Au0a said that Sa:d b, Hisham di-or/ed his wi0e2 and then 1ro/eeded to Medina to sell his 1ro1ert"2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

*2) & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $)2+:

Sa:d b, Hisham re1orted: I went to :Abdullah b, :Abbas and as6ed him about the ?itr 1ra"er2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same as re/orded in this e-ent, She (Hadrat :A:isha) said: ?ho is that HishamD I said: Son o0 :Amir, She said: ?hat a 0ine man :Amir wasL He died as a mart"r in the 7attle o0 Uhud,


*2 !umber $)2):

Gurara b, Au0a re1orted that Sa:d b, Hisham was his nei.hbour and he in0ormed him that he had di-or/ed his wi0e and he narrated the hadith li6e the one transmitted b" Sa:d, She (:A:isha) said: ?ho is HishamD He said: The son o0 :Amir, She said: ?hat a 0ine man he wasB he 1arti/i1ated in the 7attle o0 Uhud alon. with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Ha6im b, A0lah said: I0 I e-er 6new that "ou do not .o to :A:isha2 I would not ha-e in0ormed "ou about her hadith (So that "ou would ha-e .one to her and heard it 0rom her orall"),


*2 !umber $)2%:

:A:isha re1orted that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) missed the 1ra"er due to 1ain or an" other reason2 he obser-ed twel-e ra6:ahs durin. the da"time,


*2 !umber $)2#:

:A:isha re1orted that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) de/ided u1on doin. an" a/t2 he /ontinued to do it2 and when he sle1t at or 0ell si/6 he obser-ed twel-e ra6:ahs durin. the da"time, I am not aware o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-in. 1ra"er durin. the whole o0 the till mornin.2 or obser-in. 0ast 0or a whole month /ontinuousl" e5/e1t that o0 Aamadan,


*2 !umber $)2;:

:Umar b, >hattab re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Should an"one 0all aslee1 and 0ail to re/ite his 1ortion o0 the Eur:an2 or a 1art o0 it2 i0 he re/ites it between the dawn 1ra"er and the noon 1ra"er2 it will be re/orded 0or him as thou.h he had re/ited it durin. the,

*2% & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $$2: =orenoon 1ra"er should be o00ered when it is su00i/ientl" hot

7oo6 *2 !umber $)4 :
Gaid b, Arqam2 on seein. some 1eo1le 1ra"in. in the 0orenoon2 said: The" well 6now that 1ra"er at another time than this is more e5/ellent2 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The 1ra"er o0 those who are 1enitent is obser-ed when "our weaned /amels 0eel the heat o0 the sun,


*2 !umber $)4$:

Gaid b, Arqam re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out to the 1eo1le o0 Euba: and saw them obser-in. 1ra"erB u1on this he said: The 1ra"er o0 the 1enitent should be obser-ed when the "oun. weaned /amels 0eel heat o0 the sun,

'ha1ter $$4: ! 1ra"er /onsists o0 1airs o0 ra6:ahs and witr is a ra6:ah at the end o0 the
7oo6 *2 !umber $)42:
Ibn :Umar re1orted that a 1erson as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about the 1ra"er, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: @ra"er durin. the should /onsist o0 1airs o0 ra6:ahs2 but i0 one o0 "ou 0ears mornin. is near2 he should 1ra" one ra6:ah whi/h will ma6e his 1ra"er an odd number 0or him,


*2 !umber $)44:

Salim re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that a 1erson as6ed the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about the 1ra"er, He said: It /onsists o0 1airs o0 ra6:ahs2 but i0 one 0ears mornin. is near2 he should ma6e it an odd number b" 1ra"in. one ra6:ah,


*2 !umber $)4*:

:Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted: A man stood u1 and said, o0 Allah2 how is the 1ra"erD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The 1ra"er /onsists o0 1air2 but i0 "ou a11rehend the rise o0 dawn2 ma6e it odd number b" obser-in. one ra6:ah,

*2# & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $)4+:

:Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted: A 1erson as6ed the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as I stood between him (the Hol" @ro1het) and the inquirer and he said: o0 Allah2 how is the 1ra"erD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: It /onsists o0 1airs o0 ra6:ahs2 but i0 "ou a11rehend mornin.2 "ou should 1ra" one ra6:ah and ma6e the end o0 "our 1ra"er as ?itr, Then a 1erson as6ed him (the Hol" @ro1het) at the end o0 the "ear and I was at that 1la/e near the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) B but I do not 6now whether he was the same 1erson or another 1erson2 but he (the Hol" @ro1het) .a-e him the same re1l",


*2 !umber $)4):

This hadith his been narrated b" Ibn :Umar b" another /hain o0 trans- mitters but it does not ha-e these words:C Then a 1erson as6ed him at the end o0 the "ear2C and what 0ollows subsequentl",


*2 !umber $)4%:

Ibn :Umar re1orted the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"- in.: Hasten to 1ra" ?itr be0ore mornin.,


*2 !umber $)4#:

Ibn :Umar said: He who 1ra"ed at should ma6e ?itr the end o0 his 1ra"er2 0or the o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) ordered this,


*2 !umber $)4;:

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Ma6e ?itr the end o0 "our 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $)* :

!a0i: re1orted Ibn :Umar as sa"in.: He who obser-ed the 1ra"er should ma6e ?itr the end o0 his 1ra"er be0ore dawn, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to order them thus,


*2 !umber $)*$:

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?itr is a ra6:ah at the end o0 the 1ra"er,

*2; & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $)*2:

Ibn Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?itr is a ra6:ah at the end o0 the 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $)*4:

Abu Mijla8 re1orted: I as6ed Ibn :Abbas about the ?itr 1ra"er, He said: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is a ra6:ah at the end o0 the 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $)**:

Ibn :Umar re1orted: A 1erson /alled (the attention) o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as he was in the mosque2 and said: o0 Allah2 how should I ma6e the ra6:ahs o0 the 1ra"er an odd numberD U1on this the o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e he u1on him) said: He who 1ra"s ( 1ra"er) he should obser-e it in 1airs2 but i0 he a11rehends the rise o0 mornin.2 he should obser-e one ra6:ahB that would ma6e the number odd (0or the ra6:ahs) obser-ed b" him, This was narrated b" Abd >uraib :Ubaidullah b, :Abdullah and Ibn :Umar did not ma6e mention o0 it,


*2 !umber $)*+:

Anas b, Sirin re1orted: I as6ed Ibn :Umar to tell me about the 1ra/ti/e o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in re.ard to two ra6:ahs be0ore the dawn 1ra"er: Should I ma6e" re/itation in themD He said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e2 the 1ra"er in 1airs and then made the number odd b" obser-in. one ra6:ah, I said: I am not as6in. "ou about it, He said: Kou are a bul6" man2 will "ou not show me the 1atien/e to narrate to "ou the hadith /om1letel"D The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e the 1ra"er in 1airs and then made the number odd b" obser-in. one ra6:ah2 and then he obser-ed two ra6:ahs be0ore dawn quite /lose to the /all 0or 1ra"er (>hala0 said:C 9id "ou see N"oursel0 the Hol" @ro1het obser-in.O the two ra6:ahs be0ore the dawnDC and he made no mention o0 1ra"er,)


*2 !umber $)*):

Anas b, Sirin re1orted: I as6ed Ibn :Umar li6e this (as re/orded in the 1re-ious hadith) and he made this addition:C And he (the Hol" @ro1het) made the end o0 the 1ra"er as odd number b" one ra6:ah,C And there is also (this addition):C Sto12 sto12 "ou are bul6",C


*2 !umber $)*%:

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The 1ra"er /onsists o0 1airs and when "ou see the a11roa/h o0 dawn2 ma6e this number odd b" one ra6:ah, It was
*4 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

said to Ibn :Umar: ?hat does the (word) 1air im1l"D He said: (It means) that salutation is uttered a0ter e-er" two ra6:ahs,


*2 !umber $)*#:

Abu Sa:id (al >hudri) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 3bser-e ?itr 1ra"er be0ore it is mornin., Abu Sa:id re1orted that the" (the @ro1het:s 'om1anions) as6ed the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about ?itr (1ra"er), (In re1l" to their inquir") he said: 3bser-e ?itr 1ra"er be0ore it is mornin.,


*2 !umber $)*;:

Abu Sa:id re1orted that the" (some o0 the 'om1anions) o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about ?itr, He said: 3bser-e ?itr be0ore mornin.,

'ha1ter $$*: He who 0ears that he would not be able to obser-e (tahajjud) 1ra"er at the end o0 should obser-e witr in the 0irst 1art o0 it
7oo6 *2 !umber $)+ :
Fabir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 an"one is a0raid that he ma" not .et u1 in the latter 1art o0 the ni.ht2 he should obser-e ?itr in the 0irst 1art o0 itB and i0 an"one is to .et u1 in the last 1art o0 it2 he should obser-e ?itr at the end o0 the ni.ht2 0or 1ra"er at the end o0 the is witnessed (b" the an.els) and that is 1re0erable,


*2 !umber $)+$:

Fabir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who "ou is a0raid that he ma" not be able to .et u1 at the end o0 the should obser-e ?itr (in the 0irst 1art) and then slee12 and he who is /on0ident o0 .ettin. u1 and 1ra"in. at (i, e, Tahajjud 1ra"er) should obser-e it at the end o0 it2 0or the re/itation at the end o0 the to -isited (b" an.els)2 and that is e5/ellent,

*4$ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $$+: The most e5/ellent 1ra"er is one in whi/h one stands 0or a time
7oo6 *2 !umber $)+2:
Fabir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The most e5/ellent 1ra"er is that in whi/h the duration o0 standin. is,


*2 !umber $)+4:

Fabir re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed about the 1ra"er whi/h was most e5/ellent, He said: That in whi/h the standin. is, (This hadith is narrated b" another /hain o0 transmitters too,)


*2 !umber $)+*:

Fabir said he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": There is an hour durin. the in whi/h no Muslim indi-idual will as6 Allah 0or .ood in this world and the ne5t without His .i-in. it to himB and that a11lies to e-er",


*2 !umber $)++:

Fabir re1orted: I heard the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is an hour durin. the in whi/h no Muslim bondman will as6 Allah 0or .ood in this world and the ne5t but He will .rant it to him,

'ha1ter $$): (5hortation to su11li/ate and ma6e mention (o0 Allah) at the end o0 the and its a//e1tan/e b" the lord
7oo6 *2 !umber $)+):
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 3ur Lord2 the 7lessed and the (5alted2 des/ends e-er" to the lowest hea-en when one-third o0 the latter 1art o0 the

*42 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT) is le0t2 and sa"s: ?ho su11li/ates Me so that I ma" answer himD ?ho as6s Me so that I ma" .i-e to himD ?ho as6s Me 0or.i-eness so that I ma" 0or.i-e himD


*2 !umber $)+%:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah des/ends e-er" to the lowest hea-en when one-third o0 the 0irst 1art o0 the is o-er and sa"s: I am the LordB I am the Lord: who is there to su11li/ate Me so that I answer himD ?ho is there to be. o0 Me so that I .rant himD ?ho is there to be. 0or.i-eness 0rom Me so that I 0or.i-e himD He /ontinues li6e this till the da" brea6s,


*2 !umber $)+#:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen hal0 o0 the or two-third o0 it is o-er, Allah2 the 7lessed and the (5alted2 des/ends to the lowest hea-en and sa"s: Is there an" be..ar2 so that he be .i-enD Is there an" su11li/ator so that he be answeredD Is there an" o0 0or.i-eness so that he be 0or.i-enD (And Allah /ontinues it sa"in.) till it is da"brea6,


*2 !umber $)+;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah des/ends to the lowest hea-en at hal0 o0 the or at one-third o0 the latter 1art and sa"s: ?ho is there to su11li/ate Me so that I answer himD ?ho is there to as6 Me so that I .rant himD And then sa"s: ?ho will lend to 3ne ?ho is neither indi.ent nor t"rantD (This hadith has been narrated b" Sa:d b, Sa:id with the same /hain o0 transmitters with this addition:C Then the 7lessed and the (5alted (Lord) stret/hes His Hands and sa"s: ?ho will lend to 3ne ?ho is neither indi.ent nor t"rantD )


*2 !umber $)) :

Abu Sa:id and Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah waits till when one-third o0 the 0irst 1art o0 the is o-erB He des/ends to the lowest hea-en and sa"s: It there an" su11li/ator o0 0or.i-enessD Is there an" 1enitantD Is there an" 1etitioner (0or mer/" and 0a-our)D Is there an" soli/itorD -till it is da"brea6,


*2 !umber $))$:

This hadith is narrated b" Ishaq with the same /hain u0 transmitters e5/e1t this that the hadith transmitted b" Mansur (the abo-e one) is more /om1rehensi-e and",

*44 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $$%: (n/oura.ement to obser-e 1ra"ers durin. ramadan and that is tarawih
7oo6 *2 !umber $))2:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who obser-ed 1ra"er at durin. Aamadan2 be/ause o0 0aith and see6in. his reward 0rom Allah2 his 1re-ious sins would be 0or.i-en,


*2 !umber $))4:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to e5hort (his 'om1anions) to 1ra" (at durin. Aamadan without /ommandin. them to obser-e it as an obli.ator" a/t2 and sa": He who obser-ed the 1ra"er in Aamadan be/ause o0 0aith and see6in. his reward (0rom Allah)2 all his 1re-ious sins would be 0or.i-en, ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) died2 this was the 1ra/ti/e2 and it /ontinued thus durin. Abu 7a6r:s /ali1hate and the earl" 1art o0 :Umar:s /ali1hate,


*2 !umber $))*:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who obser-ed the 0asts o0 Aamadan with 0aith and see6in. reward (0rom Allah)2 all his 1re-ious sins would be 0or.i-en2 and he who obser-ed 1ra"er on Lailat-ul- Eadr with 0aith and see6in. reward (0rom Allah)2 all his 1re-ious sins would be 0or.i-en,


*2 !umber $))+:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who 1ra"ed on the Lailat-ul-Eadr (the Majesti/ ! 6nowin. that it is (the same, I (belie-e) that he (the Hol" @ro1het also) said: (He who does) it with 0aith and see6in. reward (0rom Allah)2 his sins would be 0or.i-en,


*2 !umber $))):

:A:isha re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ra"ed one in the mosque and 1eo1le also 1ra"ed alon. with him, He then 1ra"ed on the 0ollowin. and there were man" 1ersons, Then on the third or 0ourth (man" 1eo1le) .athered there2 but the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not /ome out to them (0or leadin. the Tarawih 1ra"er), ?hen it was mornin. he said: I saw what "ou were doin.2 but I desisted to /ome to "ou (and lead the
*4* & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

1ra"er) 0or I 0eared that this 1ra"er be/ome obli.ator" 0or "ou, (He the narrator) said: It was the month o0 Aamadan,


*2 !umber $))%:

:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame out durin. the and obser-ed 1ra"er in the mosque and some o0 the 1eo1le 1ra"ed alon. with him, ?hen it was mornin. the 1eo1le tal6ed about this and so a lar.e number o0 1eo1le .athered there, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out 0or the se/ond ni.ht2 and the" (the 1eo1le) 1ra"ed alon. with him, ?hen it was mornin. the 1eo1le to tal6 about it, So the mosque thron.ed with 1eo1le on the third, He (the Hol" @ro1het) /ame out and the" 1ra"ed alon. with him, ?hen it was the 0ourth ni.ht2 the mosque was 0illed to its utmost /a1a/it" but the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not /ome out, Some 1ersons amon. then /ried:C @ra"er,C 7ut the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not /ome to them till he /ame out 0or the mornin. 1ra"er, ?hen he had /om1leted the mornin. 1ra"er2 he turned his 0a/e to the 1eo1le and re/ited Tashahhud (I bear testi- mon" that there is no .od but Allah and I bear testimon" that Muhammad is His Messen- .er) and then said: Kour a00air was not hidden 0rom me in the ni.ht2 but I was a0raid that (m" obser-in. 1ra"er /ontinuousl") ma6e the 1ra"er obli.ator" 0or "ou and "ou be unable to 1er0orm it,


*2 !umber $))#:

Girr (b, Hubaish) re1orted: I heard 0rom Uba"" b, >a:b a statement made b" :Abdullah b, Mas:ud in whi/h he said: He who .ets u1 0or 1ra"er (e-er" durin. the "ear will hit u1on Lailat-ul-Eadr, Uba"" said: 7" Allah I there is no .od but He2 that (Lailat-ul-Eadr) is in Aamadhan (He swore without reser-ation: ) 7" Allah2 I 6now the ni.htB it is the on whi/h the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded us to 1ra", It is that whi/h 1re/edes the mornin. o0 twent"-se-ent" and its indi/ation is that the sun rises on that da" without ra"s,


*2 !umber $));:

Uba"" b >a:b re1orted: 7" Allah2 I 6now about Lailat-ul Eadr and I 6now it 0ull" well that it is the twent"-se-enth (durin. Aamadan) on whi/h the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded us to obser-e 1ra"er, (Shu:ba was in doubt about these words:C the on whi/h the o0 Allah Nma" 1ea/e be u1on himO /ommanded us to obser-e the 1ra"er,C This has been transmitted to me b" a 0riend o0 mine,)


*2 !umber $)% :

Shu:ba re1orted this hadith with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but he made no mention that Shu:ba was in doubt and what 0ollows subsequentl",
*4+ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $$#: Su11li/ation in the 1ra"er

7oo6 *2 !umber $)%$:
Ibn :Abbas re1orted: I s1ent a with m" material aunt (sister o0 m" mother) Maimuna, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot u1 durin. the and relie-ed himsel02 then washed his 0a/e and hands and went to slee1, He then .ot u1 a.ain2 and /ame to the water s6in and loosened its stra1s2 then 1er0ormed .ood ablution between the two e5tremes, He then stood u1 and obser-ed 1ra"er, I also stood u1 and stret/hed m" bod" 0earin. that he be under the im1ression that I was there to 0ind out (what he did at, So I also 1er0ormed ablution and stood u1 to 1ra"2 but I stood on his le0t, He too6 hold o0 m" hand and made me .o round to his side, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /om1leted thirteen ra6:abs o0 his 1ra"er, He then la" down and sle1t and snored (and it was his habit to snore while aslee1), Then 7ilal /ame and he in0ormed him about the 1ra"er, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then stood u1 0or 1ra"er and did not 1er0orm ablution2 and his su11li/ation in/luded there words:C 3 Allah2 1la/e in m" heart2 in m" si.ht2 in m" hearin.2 on m" hand2 on m" le0t hand2 abo-e me2 below me2 in 0ront o0 me2 behind me2 and enhan/e 0or me,C >uraib (the narrator) said: There are se-en (words more) whi/h are in m" heart (but I /annot re/all them) and I met some o0 the des/endants o0 :Abbas and the" narrated these words to me and mentioned in them: ( in m" sinew2 in m" 0lesh2 in m" blood2 in m" hair2 in m" s6in2 and made a mention o0 two more thin.s,


*2 !umber $)%2:

>uraib2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Ibn :Abbas2 re1orted that Ibn :Abbas narrated to him that he s1ent a in the house o0 Maimuna2 the mother o0 the belie-ers2 who was his mother:s sister, I la" down a/ross the /ushion2 whereas the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his wi0e la" down on it, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sle1t u1 till midni.ht2 or a little be0ore o0 a little a0ter midni.ht2 and then .ot u1 and to /ast o00 the e00e/ts o0 slee1 0rom his 0a/e b" rubbin. with his hand2 and then re/ited the ten /on/ludin. -erses o0 Surah :Imran, He then stood u1 near a water-s6in and 1er0ormed ablution well2 and then stood u1 and 1ra"ed2 :Ibn :Abbas said: I also stood u1 and did the same2 as the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had done2 and then went to him and stood b" his side, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1la/ed his hand u1on m" head and too6 hold o0 m" ear and twistedit2 and then obser-ed a 1air o0 ra6:ahs2 a.ain a 1air o0 ra6:ahs2 a.ain a 1air o0 ra6:ahs2 a.ain a 1air o0 ra6:ahs2 a.ain a 1air o0 ra6:ahs2 a.ain a 1air o0 ra6:ahs2 and then obser-ed ?itr and then la" down till the Mu:adhdhin /ame to him, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then stood u1 and obser-ed two short ra6:ahs2 and then went out (to the mosque) and obser-ed the dawn 1ra"er,

*4) & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $)%4:

Ma6hrama b, Sulaiman narrated it with the same /hain o0 narrators and he made this addition:C He then went to the water-s6in and brushed his teeth and 1er0ormed ablution well, He did not 1our water but a little, He then awa6ened me and I stood u12C and the rest o0 the hadith is the same,


*2 !umber $)%*:

Ibn Abbas re1orted: I sle1t (one in the house o0 Maimuna2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was with her that, He (a0ter slee1in. 0or hal0 o0 the .ot u1 and) then 1er0ormed ablution and then stood u1 and obser-ed 1ra"er, I too stood on his le0t side, He too6 hold o0 me and made me stand on his side, He (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed thirteen ra6:ahs on that, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then sle1t and snored and it was a habit with him to snore while slee1in., The Mu:adhdbin then /ame to him (to in0orm him about the 1ra"er), He then went out and obser-ed 1ra"er without 1er0ormin. ablution, (:Amr said: 7u6air b, Ashajj had narrated it to me )


*2 !umber $)%+:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: I s1ent one in the house o0 m" mother:s sister Maimuna2 dau.hter o0 Harith2 and said to her: Awa6e me when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stands to 1ra" (at, (She wo6e me u1 when) the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 0or 1ra"er, I stood on his le0t side, He too6 hold o0 m" hand and made me stand on his side2 and whene-er I do8ed o00 he too6 hold o0 m" earlobe (and made me alert), He (the narrator) said: He (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed ele-en ra6:ahs, He then sat with his le.s drawn and wra11ed in his .arment and sle1t so that I /ould bear his breathin. while aslee1, And when the dawn a11eared2 he obser-ed two short ra6:ahs o0 (Sunnah) 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $)%):

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that he s1ent a in the house o0 his matenial aunt2 Maimuna, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) .ot u1 at and 1er0ormed short ablution (ta6in. water) 0rom the water-s6in there, (Hi-in. a des/ri1tion o0 the ablution Ibn :Abbas said: It was short and 1er0ormed with a little water,) I also .ot u1 and did the same as the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had done, I then /ame (to him) and stood on his le0t, He then made me .o around to his side, He then obser-ed 1ra"er and went to slee1 till he to snore, 7ilal /ame to him and in0ormed him about the 1ra"er, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then went out and obser-ed the dawn 1ra"er without 1er0ormin. ablution, Su0"an said: It was a s1e/ial (1rero.ati-e o0 the) A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or it has been /on-e"ed to us that the e"es o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) slee12 but his heart does not slee1,

*4% & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $)%%:

Ibn :Abbas said: I s1ent the in the house o0 m" mother:s sister2 Maimuna2 and obser-ed how the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ra"ed (at, He .ot u1 and relie-ed himsel0, He then washed his 0a/e and hands and then went to slee1, He a.ain .ot u1 and went near the water-s6in and loosened its stra1s and then 1oured some water in a bowl and in/lined it with his hands (towards himsel0), He then 1er0ormed a .ood ablution between the two e5tremes and then stood u1 to 1ra", I also /ame and stood b" his le0t side, He too6 hold o0 me and made me stand on his side, It was in thirteen ra6:ahs that the ( 1ra"er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was /om1leted, He then sle1t till he to snore2 and we 6new that he had .one to slee1 b" his snorin., He then went out (0or the dawn 1ra"er) and then a.ain sle1t2 and said while 1ra"in. or 1rostratin. himsel0:C 3 AllahL 1la/e in m" heart2 in m" hearin.2 in m" si.ht2 on m" ri.ht2 on m" le0t2 in 0ront o0 me2 behind me2 abo-e me2 below me2 ma6e 0or me2C or he said:C Ma6e me,C


*2 !umber $)%#:

Salama said: I met >uraib and he re1orted Ibn :Abbas as sa"in.: I was with m" mother:s sister Maimuna that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame there2 and then he narrated the rest o0 the hadith as was narrated b" Hhundar and said these words:C Ma6e me li.ht2C be"ond an" doubt,


*2 !umber $)%;:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: I s1ent a in the house o0 m" mother:s sister2 Maimuna2 and then narrated (the rest o0 the) haditb2 but he made no mention o0 the washin. o0 his 0a/e and two hands but he onl" said: He then /ame to the water-s6in and loosened its stra1s and 1er0ormed ablution between the two e5tremes2 and then /ame to his bed and sle1t, He then .ot u1 0or the se/ond time and /ame to the waters6in and loosened its stra1s and then 1er0ormed ablution whi/h was in 0a/t an ablution (it was 1er0ormed well)2 and im1lored (the Lord) thus:C Hi-e me abundant li.ht2C and he made no raention o0:C Ma6e me,C


*2 !umber $)# :

>uraib re1orted that Ibn :Abbas s1ent a in the house o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said: The o0 Allah ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood near the waters6in and 1oured water out o0 that and 1er0ormed ablution in whi/h he neither used e5/ess o0 water nor too little o0 it2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same2 and in this mention is also made (o0 the 0a/t) that on that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made su11li/ation be0ore Allah in nineteen words, >uraib re1orted: I remember twel-e words out o0 these2 bu5 ha-e 0or.otten the rest, The o0 Allah said:C @la/e in m" heart2 in m" ton.ue2 in m" hearin.2
*4# & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT) in m" si.ht2 abo-e me2 below me2 on m" ri.ht2 on m" le0t2 in 0ront o0 me2 behind me2 1la/e in m" soul2 and ma6e abundant 0or me,C


*2 !umber $)#$:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: I sle1t one in the house o0 Maimuna when the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was there2 with a -iew to seein. the 1ra"er o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered into /on-ersation with his wi0e 0or a short while2 and then went to slee12 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same and in it mention is made o0:C He then .ot u12 1er0ormed ablution and brushed his teeth,C


*2 !umber $)#2:

:Abdullah b, :Abbas re1orted: He s1ent (one in the house o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He (the Hol" @ro1het) .ot u12 brushed his teeth and 1er0ormed ablution and said:C In the /reation o0 the hea-ens and the earth2 and the alternation o0 the and the da"2 there are indeed si.ns 0or 1eo1le o0 understandin.C (al-Eur:an2 iii, $; )2 to the end o0 the Surah, He then stood u1 and 1ra"ed two ra6:ahs2 standin.2 bowin. and 1rostratin. himsel0 at in them, Then he 0inished2 went to slee1 and snored, He did that three times2 si5 ra6:ahs alto.ether2 ea/h time /leanin. his teeth2 1er0ormin. ablution2 and re/itin. these -erses, Then he obser-ed three ra6:ahs o0 ?itr, The Mu:adhdhin then 1ronoun/ed the Adhan and he went out 0or 1ra"er and was sa"in.2:C 3 Allah I 1la/e in m" heart2 in m" ton.ue2 1la/e in m" hearin.2 1la/e in m" e"esi.ht2 1la/e behind me2 and in 0ront o0 me2 and 1la/e abo-e me2 and below me, 3 AllahL .rant me,C


*2 !umber $)#4:

Ibn Abbas re1orted: I s1ent a in the house o0 m" mother:s sister Maimuna, The A1ostle o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot u1 0or obser-in. -oluntar" 1ra"er (Tahajjud) at, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood b" the water-s6in and 1er0ormed ablution and then stood u1 and 1ra"ed, I also .ot u1 when I saw him doin. that, I also 1er0ormed ablution 0rom the waters6in and then stood at his le0t side, He too6 hold o0 m" hand 0rom behind his ba/6 and then turned me 0rom his ba/6 to his side, I (:Ata:2 one o0 the narrators) said: 9id it /on/ern the -oluntar" 1ra"er (at He (:Ibn :Abbas) said: Kes,


*2 !umber $)#*:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: (M" 0ather) Abbas sent me to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he was in the house o0 m" mother:s sister Maimuna and s1ent that alon. with him, He (the Hol" @ro1het) .ot u1 and 1ra"ed at ni.ht2 and I stood u1 on his le0t side, He / hold o0 me 0rom behind his ba/6 and made me stand on his side,
*4; & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $)#+:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: I s1ent a in the house o0 m" mother:s sister Maimuna2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same as narrated abo-e,


*2 !umber $)#):

Abu Famra re1orted: I heard Ibn :Abbas sa"in. that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed thirteen ra6:ahs at,


*2 !umber $)#%:

Gaid b >halid al-Fuhani said: I would de0initel" wat/h at the 1ra"er obser-ed b" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He 1ra"ed two short ra6:ahs2 then two lon.2 lon.2 lon. ra6:ahs2 then he 1ra"ed two ra6:ahs whi/h were shorter than the two 1re/edin. ra6:ahs2 then he 1ra"ed two ra6:ahs whi/h were shorter than the two 1re/edin.2 then he 1ra"ed two ra6:ahs whi/h were shorter than the two 1re/edin.2 then obser-ed a sin.le one (?itr)2 ma6in. a total o0 thirteen ra6:ahs


*2 !umber $)##:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: I a//om1anied the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in a journe" and we rea/hed a waterin. 1la/e, He said: Fabir2 are "ou .oin. to enter itD I said: Kes, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then .ot down and I entered it, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then went awa" to relie-e himsel0 and I 1la/ed 0or him water 0or ablution, He then /ame ba/6 and 1er0ormed ablution2 and then stood and 1ra"ed in one .arment2 ha-in. its ends tied 0rom the o11osite sides, I stood, behind him and he / hold o0 m" ear and made me stand on his side,


*2 !umber $)#;:

:A:isha re1orted that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 at to 1ra"2 he his 1ra"er with two short ra6:ahs,


*2 !umber $); :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. ?hen an" one o0 "ou .ets u1 at ni.ht2 he should the 1ra"er with two short ra6:ahs,


*2 !umber $);$:

Ibn Abbas re1orted that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot u1 durin. the to 1ra"2 he used to sa": 3 Allah2 to Thee be the 1raise Thou art the o0 the hea-ens and the
** & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

earth, To Thee be the 1raiseB Thou art the Su11orter o0 the hea-ens and the earth, To Thee be the 1raiseB Thou art the Lord o0 the hea-ens and the earth and whate-er is therein, Thou art the TruthB Th" 1romise is True2 the meetin. with Thee is True, @aradise is true2 Hell is true2 the Hour is true, 3 Allah2 I submit to TheeB a00irm m" 0aith in TheeB re1ose m" trust in Thee2 and I reurn to Thee 0or re1entan/eB b" Th" hel1 I ha-e dis1utedB and to Thee I ha-e /ome 0or de/ision2 so 0or.i-e me m" earlier and later sins2 the sins that I /ommitted in se/ret and o1enl", Thou art m" Hod, There is no .od but Thee,


*2 !umber $);2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters and with alteration o0 two words, Instead o0 the word Ea""am (Su11orter2 as used in the abo-e hadith here the word) Ea""im (the 'ustodian) has been used2 and he (0urther said):C ?hat I did in se/ret,C And in the hadith narrated b" Ibn :U"aina there is some addition,


*2 !umber $);4:

This hadith has been narrated b" Ibn :Abbas b" another /hain o0 transmitters and the words are nearl" the same (as re/orded in the abo-e-mentioned hadith),


*2 !umber $);*:

:Abd al-Aahman b, :Au0 re1orted: I as6ed :A:isha2 the mother o0 the belie-ers2 (to tell me) the words with whi/h the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommen/ed the 1ra"er when he .ot u1 at, She said: ?hen he .ot u1 at he would /ommen/e his 1ra"er with these words: 3 Allah2 Lord o0 Habriel2 and Mi/hael2 and Isra0il2 the 'reator o0 the hea-ens and the earth2 ?ho 6nowest the unseen and the seenB Thou de/idest Th" ser-ants /on/ernin. their di00eren/es, Huide me with Th" 1ermission in the di-er.ent -iews (whi/h the 1eo1le) hold about Truth2 0or it is Thou ?ho .uidest whom Thou wilt to the @ath,


*2 !umber $);+:

:Ali b, Abu Talib re1orted that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot u1 at 0or 1ra"er he would sa": I turn m" 0a/e in /om1lete de-otion to 3ne ?ho is the 3ri.inator o0 the hea-en and the earth and I am not o0 the 1ol"theists, <eril" m" 1ra"er2 m" sa/ri0i/e2 m" li-in. and m" d"in. are 0or Allah2 the Lord o0 the worldsB There is no 1artner with Him and this is what I ha-e been /ommanded (to 1ro0ess and belie-e) and I am o0 the belie-ers, 3 Allah2 Thou art the >in.2 there is no .od but Thee2 Thou art m" Lord2 and I am Th" bondman, I wron.ed m"sel0 and ma6e a /on0ession o0 m" Sin, =or.i-e all m" sins2 0or no one 0or.i-es the sins but Thee2 and .uide me in the best o0 /ondu/t 0or none but Thee .uideth an"one (in) .ood /ondu/t, Aemo-e sins 0rom me2 0or none else but Thou /an remo-e sins 0rom me, Here I am at Th" ser-i/e2 and Hra/e is to Thee and the whole
**$ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

o0 .ood is in Thine hand2 and one /annot .et nearneststo Thee throu.h e-il, M" (1ower as well as e5isten/e) is due to Thee (Thine .ra/e) and I turn to Thee (0or su11li/ation), Thou art blessed and Thou art e5alted, I see6 0or.i-eness 0rom Thee and turn to Thee in re1entan/e: and when he would bow2 he would sa": 3 Allah2 it is 0or Thee that I bowed, I a00irm m" 0aith in Thee and I submit to Thee2 and submit humbl" be0ore Thee m" hearin.2 m" e"esi.ht2 m" marrow2 m" bone2 m" sinewB and when he would raise his head2 he would sa": 3 Allah2 our Lord2 1raise is due to Thee2 (the 1raise) with whi/h is 0illed the hea-ens and the earth2 and with whi/h is 0illed that (s1a/e) whi/h e5ists between them2 and 0illed with an"thin. that Thou desireth a0terward, And when he 1rostrated himsel02 he (the Hol" @ro1het) would sa": 3 Allah2 it is to Thee that I 1rostrate m"sel0 and it is in Thee that I a00irm m" 0aith2 and I submit to Thee, M" 0a/e is submitted be0ore 3ne ?ho /reated it2 and sha1ed it2 and o1ened his 0a/ulties o0 hearin. and seein., 7lessed is Allah2 the best o0 'reatorsB and he would then sa" between Tashahhud and the 1ronoun/in. o0 salutation: =or.i-e me o0 the earlier and later o1en and se/ret (sins) and that where I made trans.ression and that Thou 6nowest better than I, Thou art the =irst and the Last, There is no .od2 but Thee,


*2 !umber $);):

A:raj re1orted that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) would start the 1ra"er2 he would 1ronoun/e ta6bir (Allah-o-A6bar) and then sa": I turn m" 0a/e (u1 to Thee)2 I am the 0irst o0 the belie-ersB and when he raised his head 0rom ru6u: he said: Allah listened to him who 1raised HimB 3 our Lord2 1raise be to TheeB and he said: He sha1ed (man) and how 0ine is his sha1eD And he (the narrator) said: ?hen he 1ronoun/ed salutation he said: 3 Allah2 0or.i-e me m" ear- lier (sins)2 to the end o0 the hadithB and he did not sa" it between the Tashahhud and salutation (as mentioned abo-e),

'ha1ter $$;: @re0eren/e 0or re/itation in the 1ra"er

7oo6 *2 !umber $);%:
Hudhai0a re1orted: I 1ra"ed with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) one and he started re/itin. al-7aqara, I that he would bow at the end o0 one hundred -erses2 but he 1ro/eeded onB I then that he would 1erha1s re/ite the whole (surah) in a ra6:ah2 but he 1ro/eeded and I he would 1erha1s bow on /om1letin. (this surah), He then started al-!isa:2 and re/ited itB he then started Al-i-:Imran and re/ited leisurel", And when he re/ited the -erses whi/h re0erred to the Hlor" o0 Allah2 he .lori0ied (b" sa"in. Subhan Allah-Hlor" to m" Lord the Hreat)2 and when he re/ited the -erses whi/h tell (how the Lord) is to be be..ed2 he (the Hol" @ro1het) would then be. (0rom Him)2 and when he re/ited the -erses dealin. with 1rote/tion 0rom the Lord2
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

he (His) 1rote/tion and would then bow and sa": Hlor" be to m"" LordB his bowin. lasted about the same o0 time as his standin. (and then on returnin. to the standin. 1osture a0ter ru6u:) he would sa": Allah listened to him who 1raised Him2 and he would then stand about the same o0 time as he had s1ent in bowin., He would then 1rostrate himsel0 and sa": Hlor" be to m" Lord most Hi.h2 and his 1rostration lasted nearl" the same o0 time as his standin., In the hadith transmitted b" Farir the words are:C He (the Hol" @ro1het) would sa":C Allah listened to him who 1raised Him2 our Lord2 to Thee i the 1raise,C


*2 !umber $);#:

:Abdullah re1orted: I 1ra"ed with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he len.thened it till I entertained an e-il, It was said to him what that was, He said: I that I should sit down and 0orsa6e him,


*2 !umber $);;:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $2 : ?hat has been related (0rom the hol" 1ro1het) about one who slee1s the whole till mornin.
7oo6 *2 !umber $% :
:Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) re1orted that a mention was made o0 a man who sle1t the whole till mornin., He (the Hol" @ro1het) remar6ed: That is a man in whose ears (or in whose ear) the de-il urinated,


*2 !umber $% $:

Husain b, :Ali narrated on the authorit" o0 (his 0ather) :Ali b, Abu Talib that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame one to see him (:Ali) and =atimah (the dau.hter o0 the Hol" @ro1het) and said: 9on:t "ou obser-e (Tahajjud) 1ra"erD I (:Ali) said: o0 Allah2 -eril" our souls are in the hands o0 Allah and when He wants to awa6en us2 He awa6ens us, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went ba/6 when I said this to him, He was stri6in. his hand on his thi.h while returnin.2 and I heard him sa": <eril" the man dis1utes with man" thin.s,

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $% 2:

Abu Huraira transmitted it 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): ?hen an" one o0 "ou .oes to slee12 the de-il ties three 6nots at the ba/6 o0 his ne/62 sealin. e-er" 6not with:C Kou ha-e a lon. ni.ht2 so slee1,C So i0 one awa6es and mentions Allah2 a 6not will be loosenedB i0 he 1er0orms ablution two 6nots are loosenedB and i0 he 1ra"s (all) 6nots will be loosened2 and in the mornin. he will be a/ti-e and in .ood s1iritsB otherwise we will be in bad s1irits and slu..ish in the mornin.,

'ha1ter $2$: @re0eren/e 0or obser-in. na0l 1ra"er in the house2 and 1ermissibilit" o0 obser-in. it in the mosque also
7oo6 *2 !umber $% 4:
Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 3bser-e some o0 "our 1ra"ers in "our houses and do not ma6e them .ra-es,


*2 !umber $% *:

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: @ra" in "our houses2 and do not ma6e them .ra-es,


*2 !umber $% +:

Fabir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen an" one o0 "ou obser-es 1ra"er in the mosque he should reser-e a 1art o0 his 1ra"er 0or his house2 0or Allah would ma6e the 1ra"er as a means o0 betterment in his house,


*2 !umber $% ):

Abu Musa re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The house in whi/h remembran/e o0 Allah is made and the house in whi/h Allah is not remembered are li6e the li-in. and the dead,


*2 !umber $% %:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not ma6e "our houses as .ra-e"ards, Satan runs awa" 0rom the house in whi/h Surah 7aqara is re/ited,

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*2 !umber $% #:

Gaid b, Thabit re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made an a1artment with the hel1 o0 the lea-es o0 date trees or o0 mats, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out to 1ra" in it, @eo1le 0ollowed him and /ame to 1ra" with him, Then the" a.ain /ame one and waited (0or him)2 but the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) dela"ed in /omin. out to them, And when he did not /ome out2 the" /ried aloud and threw 1ebbles at the door, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame out in and said to them: 7" what "ou ha-e been /onstantl" doin.2 I was in/lined to thin6 that it (1ra"er) not be/ome obli.ator" 0or "ou, So "ou must obser-e 1ra"er (o1tional) in "our houses2 0or the 1ra"er obser-ed b" a man in the house is better e5/e1t an obli.ator" 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $% ;:

Gaid b, Thabit re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made an a1artment in the mosque o0 mats2 and he obser-ed in it 1ra"ers 0or man" ni.hts till 1eo1le to .ather around him2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same but with this addition:C Had this (!a0l) 1ra"er be/ome obli.ator" 0or "ou2 "ou would not be able to obser-e it,C

'ha1ter $22: (5/ellen/e o0 an a/t (i, e, obser-in. o0 the 1ra"er2 et/,) done /onstantl"
7oo6 *2 !umber $%$ :
:A:isha re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had a mat and he used it 0or ma6in. an a1artment durin. the and obser-ed 1ra"er in it2 and the 1eo1le to 1ra" with him2 and he s1read it (the mat) durin. the da" time, The 1eo1le /rowded round him one, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then (aid: 3 1eo1le2 1er0orm su/h a/ts as "ou are /a1able o0 doin.2 0or Allah does not .row wear" but "ou will .et tired, The a/ts most 1leasin. to Allah are those whi/h are done /ontinuousl"2 e-en i0 the" are small, And it was the habit o0 the members o0 Muhammad:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) household that whene-er the" did an a/t the" did it /ontinuousl",


*2 !umber $%$$:

:A:isha is re1orted to ha-e said that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed about the a/t most 1leasin. to Allah, He re1lied: That whi/h is done /ontinuousl"2 e-en i0 it is small,

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*2 !umber $%$2:

Alqama re1orted: I as6ed :A:isha2 the mother o0 the belie-ers2 sa"in. 3 mother o0 the belie-ers2 how did the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a/tD 9id he /hoose a 1arti/ular a/t 0or a 1arti/ular da"D She said: !o, He a/t was /ontinuous2 and who "ou is /a1able o0 doin. what the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) didD


*2 !umber $%$4:

:A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The a/ts most 1leasin. to Allah are those whi/h are done /ontinuousl"2 e-en i0 the" are small, and when :A:isha did an" a/t she did it /ontinuousl",


*2 !umber $%$*:

Anas re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered the mosque (and he 0ound) a ro1e tied between the two 1illarsB so he said: ?hat is thisD The" said: It is 0or Gainab, She 1ra"s and when she sla/6ens or 0eels tired she holds it, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Untie it, Let one 1ra" as lon. as one 0eels 0resh but when one sla/6ens or be/omes tired one must sto1 it, (And in the hadith transmitted b" Guhair it is:C He should sit down,C )


*2 !umber $%$+:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the authorit" o0 Anas b" another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $%$):

:Urwa b, Gubair re1orted that :A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 told him that (on/e) Haula: dint Tuwait b, Habib b, Asad b, :Abd al-:U88i 1assed b" her (at the time) when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was with her, I (:A:Isha) said: It Is Haula: bint Tuwait and the" sa" that she does not slee1 at, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (3h) she does not slee1 at ni.htL 'hoose an a/t whi/h "ou are /a1able o0 doin. (/ontinuousl"), 7" Allah2 Allah would not .row wear"2 but "ou will .row wear",


*2 !umber $%$%:

:A:isha said: The o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to me when a woman was sittin. with me, He said: ?ho is sheD I said: She is a woman who does not slee1 but 1ra"s, He said: 9o su/h a/ts whi/h "ou are /a1able o0 doin., 7" Allah2 Allah does not .row wear" but "ou will .row

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wear", The reli.ious a/t most 1leasin. to Him is one the doer o0 whi/h does it /ontinuousl", (And in the hadith transmitted b" Abu Usama Nthe words areO:C She was a woman 0rom 7anu Asad,C )

'ha1ter $24: 'on/ernin. do8in. o00 in 1ra"er2 or 0alterin. o0 one:s ton.ue in the re/itation o0 the qur:an2 or in mentionin. o0 Allah2 one should slee12 or sto1 lt till one be/omes li-el"
7oo6 *2 !umber $%$#:
:A:isha re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen an"one "ou do8es in 1ra"er2 he should slee12 till slee1 is .one2 0or when one o0 "ou 1ra"s while do8in. he does not 6now whether he ma" be as6in. 1ardon or -ili0"in. himsel0,


*2 !umber $%$;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen an" one o0 "ou .ets u1 at (0or 1ra"er) and his ton.ue 0alters in (the re/itation) o0 the Ear:an2 and he does not 6now what he is re/itin.2 he should .o to slee1,

'ha1ter $2*: 'on/ernin. the /are0ul rememberin. o0 the qur:an

7oo6 *2 !umber $%2 :

:A:isha re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) heard a 1erson re/itin. the Eur:an at, U1on this he said: Ma" Allah show mer/" to himB he has reminded me o0 su/h and su/h a -erse whi/h I had missed in su/h and su/h a surah,


*2 !umber $%2$:

:A:isha re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) listened to the re/itation o0 the Eur:an b" a man in the mosque, Thereu1on he said: Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on himB be reminded me o0 the -erse whi/h I had been made to,

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $%22:

:Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The e5am1le o0 a man who has memorised the Eur:an is li6e that o0 a hobbled /amel, I0 he remained -i.ilant2 he would be able to retain it (with him)2 and i0 he loosened the hobbled /amel it would es/a1e,


*2 !umber $%24:

This hadith has been narrated b" Ibn :Umar 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 but in the hadith transmited b" Musa b, :Uqba2 this addition is made:C ?hen one who had /ommitted the Eur:an to memor" (or who is 0amiliar with it) .ets u1 (0or 1ra"er) and re/ites it and da"2 it remains 0resh in his mind2 but i0 he does not .et u1 (0or 1ra"er and thus does not re/ite it) he 0or.ets it,C


*2 !umber $%2*:

:Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hat a wret/hed 1erson is he them who sa"s: I ha-e 0or.otten su/h and su/h a -erse, (He should instead o0 usin. this e51ression sa"): I ha-e been made to it, Tr" to remember the Eur:an 0or it is more a1t to es/a1e 0rom men:s minds than a hobbled /amel,


*2 !umber $%2+:

:Abdullah is re1orted to ha-e said: >ee1 re0reshin. "our 6nowled.e o0 the sa/red boo6s (or alwa"s renew "our 6nowled.e o0 these sa/red boo6s) and sometimes he would mention the Eur:an 0or it is more a1t to es/a1e 0rom men:s minds than animals whi/h are hobbled2 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !one o0 "ou should sa": I 0or.ot su/h and su/h a -erse2 but he has been made to,


*2 !umber $%2):

Ibn Mas:ud re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?ret/hed is the man who sa"s: I 0or.ot su/h and su/h a sura2 or I su/h and su/h a -erse2 but he has been made to,


*2 !umber $%2%:

Abu Musa al-Ash:ari re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: >ee1 re0reshin. "our 6nowled.e o0 the Eur:an2 0or I swear b" Him in ?hose Hand is the li0e o0 Mahammad that it is more liable to es/a1e than /amels whi/h are hobbled,

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'ha1ter $2+: 9esirabilit" o0 re/itin. the qur:an in a sweet -oi/e

7oo6 *2 !umber $%2#:
Abu Huraira re1orted this dire/tl" 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): Hod has not listened to an"thin. as He listens to a @ro1het re/itin. the Eur:an in a sweet -oi/e,


*2 !umber $%2;:

This hadith has been narrated b" Ibn Shihab with the same /hain o0 transmitters with words:C As He listens to a @ro1het re/itin. the Eur:an in a sweet -oi/e,C


*2 !umber $%4 :

Abu Huraira is re1orted to ha-e heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah does not listen to an"thin.2 (more a11ro-in.l") as He listens to a @ro1het re/itin. loudl" the Eur:an in a sweet -oi/e,


*2 !umber $%4$:

This hadith has been narrated with the same /hain o0 transmitters b" Ibn al-Had e5/e1t this that Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. and he did not sa":C He heard it,C


*2 !umber $%42:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah has not heard an"thin. (more 1leasin.) than listenin. to the @ro1het re/itin. the Eur:an in a sweet loud -oi/e,


*2 !umber $%44:

This hadith has been narrated b" another /hain o0 transmitters but with a modi0i/ation o0


*2 !umber $%4*:

7uraida re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: :Abdullah b, Eais or al-Ash:ari has been .i0ted with a sweet melodious -oi/e out o0 the -oi/es o0 the 0amil" o0 9a-id,
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $%4+:

Abu 7urda narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Musa that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said to Abu Musa: I0 "ou were to see me2 as I was listenin. to "our re/itation (o0 the Eur:an) " ("ou would ha-e 0elt deli.hted), Kou are in 0a/t endowed with a sweet -oi/e li6e that o0 9a-id himsel0,

'ha1ter $2): The re/itation b" the a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) o0 surat al-=ath on the da" o0 the /onquest o0 Me//a
7oo6 *2 !umber $%4):
Mu:awi"a b, Eurra re1orted :Abdullah b, Mu.ha00al al-Mu8ani as sa"in.: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited on his ride Surat al =ath durin. a journe" in the "ear o0 the 'onquest (o0 Me//a)2 and he re1eated (the words) in his re/itation, Mu:awi"a said: I0 I were not a0raid that the 1eo1le would /rowd around me2 I would ha-e .i-en a demonstration o0 (the @ro1het:s) re/itation be0ore "ou,


*2 !umber $%4%:

Mu:awi"a b, Eurra is re1orted to ha-e heard :Abdullah b, Mu.ha00al as sa"in.: I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/itin. Surah =ath on his /amel on the da" o0 the 'onquest o0 Me//a, He (the narrator) said: Ibn Mu.ha00al re/ited it and re1eated it, Mu:awi"a said: Had there been (no /rowed o0) 1eo1le2 I would ha-e .i-en a 1ra/ti/al demonstration o0 that whi/h Ibn Mu.ha00al had mentioned 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


*2 !umber $%4#:

This hadlth has been narrated b" >halid al-Harith with the same /hain o0 transmitters (with these words:) (The Hol" @ro1het) was re/itin. Surat al-=ath as he was tra-ellin. on his mount,

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $2%: 9es/endin. o0 tranquillit" b" the re/itation o0 the qur:an

7oo6 *2 !umber $%4;:
Al-7ara: re1orted that a 1erson was re/itin. Surat al->ah0 and there was a horse tied with two ro1es at his side2 a /loud o-ershadowed him2 and as it to /ome nearer and nearer his horse to ta6e 0rom it, He went and mentioned that to the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the mornin.2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: That was tranquillit" whi/h /ame down at the re/itation o0 the Eur:an,


*2 !umber $%* :

Ibn Ishaq re1orted: I heard al-7ara: as sa"in. that a man re/ited al->ah0 when an animal was there in the house and it to ta6e, And as he loo6ed around2 he 0ound a /loud o-ershadowin. it, He mentioned that to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), U1on this he said: 3 so and so2 re/ite on (the surah) as- Sa6ina des/ends at the (re/itation o0 the Eur:an) or on a//ount (o0 the re/itation) o0 the Eur:an,


*2 !umber $%*$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 al-7ara: with a modi0i/ation o0 words,


*2 !umber $%*2:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri told o0 Usaid b, Hudair sa"in. that one he re/ited the Eur:an in his en/losure2 when the horse to jum1 about, He a.ain re/ited and (the horse) a.ain jum1ed, He a.ain re/ited and it jum1ed as be0ore, Usaid said: I was a0raid lest it should tram1le (his son) Kah"a, I stood near it (the horse) and saw somethin. li6e a /ano1" o-er m" head with what seemed to be lam1s in it2 risin. u1 in the s6" till it disa11eared, I went to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the ne5t da" and said: o0 Allah2 I re/ited the Eur:an durin. the in m" en/losure and m" horse to jum1, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kou should ha-e 6e1t on re/itin.2 Ibn Hudair, He (Ibn Hudair) said: I re/ited, It jum1ed (as be0ore), U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a.ain said: Kou should ha-e 6e1t on re/itin.2 Ibn Hudair, He (Ibn Hudair) said: I re/ited and it a.ain jum1ed (as be0ore), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a.ain said: Kou should 6a-e 6e1t on re/itin.2 Ibu Hudair, He (Ibn Hudair) said: ( o0 Allah) I 0inished (the re/itation) 0or Kah"a was near (the horse) and I was a0raid lest it should tram1le him, I saw somethin. li6e a /ano1" with what seemed to be lam1s in it risin. u1 in the s6" till it disa11eared, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

him) said: Those were the an.els who listened to "ouB and i0 "ou had /ontinued re/itin.2 the 1eo1le would ha-e seen them in the mornin. and the" would not ha-e /on/ealed themsel-es 0rom them,

'ha1ter $2#: (5/ellen/e o0 the ha0i8 (one who /ommits the qur:an to memor") o0 the qur:an
7oo6 *2 !umber $%*4:
Abu Musa al-Ash:ari re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A belie-er who re/ites the Eur:an is li6e an oran.e whose 0ra.ran/e is sweet and whose taste is sweetB a belie-er who does not re/ite the Eur:an is li6e a date whi/h has no 0ra.ran/e but has a sweet tasteB and the h"1o/rite who re/ites the Eur:an is li6e a basil whose 0ra.ran/e is sweet2 but whose taste is bitterB and a h"1o/rite who does not re/ite the Eur:an is li6e the /olo/"nth whi/h has no 0ra.ran/e and has a bitter taste,


*2 !umber $%**:

This hadith has been narrated b" Eatada with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with one alteration that instead o0 the word:C h"1o/riteC (Muna0iq)2 there it isC wi/6edC (0ajir),

'ha1ter $2;: (5/ellen/e o0 the one who is 1ro0i/ient in the qur:an and one who 0alters in it
7oo6 *2 !umber $%*+:
:A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (as sa"in.): 3ne who is 1ro0i/ient in the Eur:an is asso/iated with the noble2 u1ri.ht2 re/ordin. an.elsB and he who 0alters in it2 and 0inds it di00i/ult 0or him2 will ha-e a double reward,


*2 !umber $%*):

This hadith has been re1orted with the same /hain o0 transmitters b" Eatada e5/e1t with this /han.e:C He who 0inds it hard (to re/ite the Eur:an) will ha-e a double reward,C

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $4 : (5/ellen/e o0 the re/itin. o0 the qur:an b" one who is more s6illed and 1ro0i/ient be0ore one who is in0erior to him
7oo6 *2 !umber $%*%:
Anas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. to Uba"" b, >a:b: Allah has /ommanded me to re/ite the Eur:an to "ou, He said: 9id Allah mention me to "ou b" nameD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Allah made a mention o0 "our name to me, (3n hearin. this) Uba"" b, >a:b we1t,


*2 !umber $%*#:

Anas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. to Uba"" b, >a:b: Aliah has /ommanded me to re/ite to "ou:C Those who disbelie-e were not,,,C (al-Eur:an2 5/-iii, $), He said: 9id He mention me b" nameD He (the Hol" @ro1het said): Kes, U1on this he shed tears (o0 .ratitude),


*2 !umber $%*;:

Eatada said: I heard Anas sa"in. that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to Uba"" the same thin.,

'ha1ter $4$: (5/ellen/e o0 listenin. to the quran and as6in. one who has memorised it and to re/ite it 0rom his memor" and sheddin. tears while listenin. to the re/itation2 and deliberatin. o-er it
7oo6 *2 !umber $%+ :
:Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on (him) as6ed me to re/ite the Eur:an, He said: o0 Allah2 (how) should I re/ite to "ou whereas it has been sent down to "ouD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I desire to hear it 0rom someone else, So I re/ited Surat al!isa: till I rea/hed the -erse: How then shall it be when ?e shall brin. 0rom e-er" 1eo1le a witness and brin. "ou a.ainst them as a witnessDC (-erse *$), I li0ted m" head or a 1erson tou/hed me in m" side2 and so I li0ted m" head and saw his tears 0allin. (0rom the Hol" @ro1het:s e"es),

*+4 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $%+$:

This hadith has been narratted b" A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this addition:C The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was on the 1ul1it when he as6ed me to re/ite to him,C


*2 !umber $%+2:

Ibrahim re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed :Abdullah b, Mas:ud to re/ite to him (the Eur:an), He said: Should I re/ite it to "ou while it has been sent down or re-ealed to "ouD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I lo-e to hear it 0rom someone else, So he (:Abdullah b, Mas:ud) re/ited to him (0rom the be.innin. o0 Surat al !isa: u1 to the -erse:C How shall then it be when ?e brin. 0rom e-er" 1eo1le a witness and brin. "ou as a witness a.ainst themDC He (the Hol" @ro1het) we1t (on listenin. to it), It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Mas:ud throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) also said that he had been a witness to his 1eo1le as lon. as (said he): I li-ed amon. them or I had been amon. them,


*2 !umber $%+4:

:Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) re1orted: I was in Hims when some o0 the 1eo1le as6ed me to re/ite the Eur:an to them, So I re/ited Surah Kusu0 to them, 3ne o0 the 1ersons amon. the 1eo1le said: 7" Allah2 this is not how it has been sent down, I said: ?oe u1on "ouL 7" Allah2 I re/ited it to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said to me: Kou ha-e (re/ited) it well, I was tal6in. with him (the man who obje/ted to m" re/itation) that I sensed the smell o0 wine 0rom him, So I said to him, 9o "ou drin6 wine and belie the 7oo6 (o0 Allah)D Kou would not de1art till I would whi1 "ou, So I lashed him a//ordin. to the 1res/ribed 1unishment (0or the o00en/e o0 drin6in. wine),


*2 !umber $%+*:

This hadith has been narrated b" A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with an e5/e1tion that it is not mentioned in it:C He said to me: Kou re/ited (the Eur:an) well,C

'ha1ter $42: (5/ellen/e o0 the re/itation o0 the quran in 1ra"er and that o0 its learnin.
7oo6 *2 !umber $%++:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?ould an" one o0 "ou li6e2 when he returns to his 0amil"2 to 0ind there three lar.e2 0at2 1re.nant she-/amelsD ?e said:
*+* & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

Kes, U1on this he said: Three -erses that one o0 "ou re/ites in his 1ra"er are better 0or him than three lar.e2 0at2 1re.nant she-/amels,


*2 !umber $%+):

:Uqba b, :Amir re1orted: ?hen we were in Su00a2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame out and said: ?hi/h o0 "ou would li6e to .o out e-er" mornin. to 7uthan or al-:Aqiq and brin. two lar.e she-/amels without bein. .uilt" o0 sin or without se-erin. the ties o0 6inshi1D ?e said: o0 Allah2 we would li6e to do it, U1on this he said: 9oes not one o0 "ou .o out in the mornin. to the mosque and tea/h or re/ite two -erses 0rom the 7oo6 o0 Allah, the Majesti/ and HloriousD That is better 0or him than two she-/amels2 and three -erses are better (than three she-/amels), and 0our -erses are better 0or him than 0our (she-/amels)2 and to on their number in /amels,

'ha1ter $44: (5/ellen/e o0 the re/itation o0 the qur:an and that o0 surah al-7aqara
7oo6 *2 !umber $%+%:
Abu Umama said he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": Ae/ite the Eur:an2 0or on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion it will /ome as an inter/essor 0or those who re/ite It, Ae/ite the two ones2 al-7aqara and Surah Al :Imran2 0or on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion the" will /ome as two /louds or two shades2 or two 0lo/6s o0 birds in ran6s2 1leadin. 0or those who re/ite them, Ae/ite Surah al7aqara2 0or to ta6e re/ourse to it is a blessin. and to .i-e it u1 is a /ause o0 .rie02 and the ma.i/ians /annot /on0ront it, (Mu:awi"a said: It has been /on-e"ed to me that here 7atala means ma.i/ians,)


*2 !umber $%+#:

This hadith has been narrated b" Mu:awi"a with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this e5/e1tion that in this the words o0 Mu:awi"a:C It has been /on-e"ed to me,,,C ha-e not been mentioned,


*2 !umber $%+;:

An-!awwas b, Sam:an said he heard the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": 3n the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion the Eur:an and those who a/ted a//ordin. to it will be with Surah al-7aqara and AI :Imran 1re/edin. them, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) li6ened them to three thin.s2 whi/h I did not a0terwards, He (the Hol" @ro1het) li6ened them to two /louds2 or two bla/6 /ano1ies with between them2 or li6e two 0lo/6s o0 birds in ran6s 1leadin. 0or one who re/ited them,

*++ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $4*: (5/ellen/e o0 surah al-=atiha and /on/ludin. -erses o0 surah al-7aqara and e5hortation to re/ite the last two -erses o0 surah al-7aqara
7oo6 *2 !umber $%) :
Ibn :Abbas re1orted that while Habriel was sittin. with the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) he heard a /rea6in. sound abo-e him, He li0ted his head and said: This As a .ate o1ened in hea-en toda" whi/h had ne-er been o1ened be0ore, Then when an an.el des/ended throu.h it2 he said: This is an an.el who /ame down to the earth who had-ne-er /ome down be0ore, He .reeted and said: Aejoi/e in two li.hts .i-en to "ou whi/h ha-e not been .i-en to an" 1ro1het be0ore "ou: =alihat al->itab and the /on/ludin. -erses o0 Suarah al-7aqara, Kou will ne-er re/ite a letter 0rom them 0or whi/h "ou will not be .i-en (a reward),


*2 !umber $%)$:

:Abd al-Aahman b, Ka8id re1orted: I met Abu Mas:ud near the House (>a:ba) and said to him: A hadith has been /on-e"ed to me on "our authorit" about the two (/on/ludin. -erses o0 Surah al7aqara, He said: Kes, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (in 0a/t) said: An"one who re/ites the two -erses at the end o0 Surah al-7aqara at ni.ht2 the" would su00i/e 0or him,


*2 !umber $%)2:

This hadith has been narrated b" Mansur with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $%)4:

Abu Mas:ud re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 an"one re/ites the two -erses at the end o0 Surah al-7aqara at ni.ht2 the" would su00i/e 0or him :Abd al-Aahman said: I met Abu Mas:ud and he was /ir/umambulatin. the House (o0 Allah) and as6ed him about this (tradition) and he narrated it to me 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


*2 !umber $%)*:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Abu Mas:ud 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

*+) & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $%)+:

It is throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters that this hadith has been re1orted b" Abu Mas:ud 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

'ha1ter $4+: (5/ellen/e o0 surah Al-6ah0 and a"at Al6ursi

7oo6 *2 !umber $%)):
Abu 9arda: re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 an"one learns b" heart the 0irst ten -erses o0 the Surah al->ah02 he will be 1rote/ted 0rom the 9ajjal,


*2 !umber $%)%:

This hadith has been transmitted b" Eatada with the same /hain o0 transmitters, 7ut Shu:ba (one o0 the narrators) said: At the end o0 Surah al->ah02 but Hammam said: At the be.innin. o0 Surah al>ah0,


*2 !umber $%)#:

Uba"" b, >a:b said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3 Abu: al-Mundhir2 do "ou 6now the -erse 0rom the 7oo6 o0 Allah whi/h2 a//ordin. to "ou2 is the .reatestD I said: Allah and His A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 6now best, He a.ain said: Abu:l-Mundhir2 do "ou 6now the -erse 0rom the 7oo6 o0 Allah whi/h2 a//ordin. to "ou2 is the .reatestD I said: Allah2 there is no .od but He2 the Li-in.2 the (ternal, Thereu1on he stru/6 me on m" breast and said: Ma" 6nowled.e be 1leasant 0or "ou2 3 Abu:l-MundhirL

'ha1ter $4): (5/ellen/e o0 the re/itation o0 CAa": He is Allah2 the oneC (surah I6hlas)
7oo6 *2 !umber $%);:
Abu 9arda: re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Is an" one o0 "ou in/a1able o0 re/itin. a third o0 the Eur:an in a ni.htD The" (the 'om1anions) as6ed: How /ould one re/ite a third o0 the Eur:an (in a U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) said:C He is Allah2 3neC (Eur:An, /5ii,) is equi-alent to a third o0 the Eur:an,

*+% & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $%% :

This hadith has been narrated b" Eatada with the same /hain o0 transmitters in these words: He (the A1ostle o0 Allah) said: Allah di-ided the Eur:an into three 1arts2 and he made:C Sa": He2 Allah is 3ne,C one 1art out o0 the (three) 1arts o0 the Eur:an,


*2 !umber $%%$:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Het to.ether, 0or I am .oin. to re/ite one-third o0 the Eur:an be0ore "ou, And those who /ould .et to.ether .athered there, Then the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame out and re/ited:C Sa": He2 Allah2 is 3ne,C He then entered (his house), Some o0 us said to the others: @erha1s there has been some news 0rom the hea-en on a//ount o0 whi/h he has .one Inside (the house), The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a.ain /ame out and said: I told "ou that I was .oin. to re/ite one-third o0 the Eur:inB 6ee1 in mind2 this (Surah I6hlas) is equi-alent to one-third o0 the Eur:an,


*2 !umber $%%2:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame out to us and said: I am .oin. to re/ite be0ore "ou one-third o0 the Eur:an, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then re/ited:C Sa": He is Allah2 3ne--Allah2 the (ternal2C to the end o0 the Surah,


*2 !umber $%%4:

:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent a man in /har.e o0 an e51edition and he would re/ite 0or his 'om1anions durin. their 1ra"er2 endin. (re/itation) with:C Sa"2 He is Hod2 3ne,C ?hen the" returned mention was made o0 it to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He (the Hol" @ro1het) told them to as6 him wh" he had done li6e that, So the" as6ed him and he said: <eril"2 it is an attribute o0 the 'om1assionate 3ne2 and (0or this reason) I lo-e to re/ite it, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) thereu1on said: In0orm him that Allah lo-es him,

*+# & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $4%: (5/ellen/e o0 the re/itation o0 the two surahs /on/ernin. the ta6in. o0 re0u.e
7oo6 *2 !umber $%%*:
:Uqba b, :Amir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hat wonder0ul -erses ha-e been sent down toda", the li6e o0 whi/h has ne-er been seenL The" are:C Sa": I see6 re0u.e with the Lord o0 the dawn2C andC Sa": I see6 re0u.e with the Lord o0 men,C


*2 !umber $%%+:

:Uqba b, :Amir re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: There ha-e been sent down to me -erses the li6e o0 whi/h had ne-er been seen be0ore, The" are the Mu:awwadhatain,


*2 !umber $%%):

This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters dire/tl" 0rom the 'om1anions o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

'ha1ter $4#: (5/ellen/e o0 one who a/ts u1on (the tea/hin.s o0 the) qur:an and one who tea/hes it
7oo6 *2 !umber $%%%:
Salim narrated on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (Ibn :Umar) that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (n-" is not justi0ied but in /ase o0 two 1ersons onl": one who2 ha-in. been .i-en (6nowled.e o0) the Eur:an b" Allah2 re/ites it durin. the and da" (and also a/ts u1on it) and a man who2 ha-in. been .i-en wealth b" Hod2 s1ends it durin. the and the da" (0or the wel0are o0 others, see6in. the 1leasure o0 the Lord),


*2 !umber $%%#:

Salim son o0 Abdullah b, :Umar is re1orted to ha-e said on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: (n-" is not justi0ied but in /ase o0 two 1ersons onl": one who2 ha-in. been .i-en (6nowled.e o0) the Eur:an b" Allah2 re/ites it durin. the and durin. the da" (and a/ts u1on it)2 and the 1erson who2 ha-in. been .i-en wealth b" Hod2 .i-es it in /harit" durin. the and the da",
*+; & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $%%;:

:Abdullah b, Mas:ud re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There should be no en-" but onl" in /ase o0 two 1ersons: one ha-in. been endowed with wealth and 1ower to s1end it in the /ause o0 Truth2 and (the other) who has been endowed with wisdom and he de/ides /ases with the hel1 o0 it and tea/hes it (to others),


*2 !umber $%# :

:Amir b, ?athila re1orted that !a0i: b, :Abd al-Harith met :Umar at :Us0an and :Umar had em1lo"ed him as /olle/tor in Me//a, He (Hadrat :Umar) said to him (!a0i:): ?hom ha-e "ou a11ointed as /olle/tor o-er the 1eo1le o0 the -alle"D He said: Ibn Ab8a, He said: ?ho is Ibn Ab8aD He said: He is one o0 our 0reed sla-es, He (Hadrat :Umar) said: So "ou ha-e a11ointed a 0reed sla-e o-er them, He said: He is well -ersed In the 7oo6 o0 Allah, the (5alted and Hreat2 and he is well -ersed In the /ommandments and injun/tions (o0 the Shari:ah), :Umar said: So the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7" this 7oo62 Allah would e5alt some 1eo1les and de.rade others,


*2 !umber $%#$:

This hadith has been narrated b" Guhri throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $4;: CThe qur:an has been re-ealed in se-en modes o0 readin.C and its meanin.
7oo6 *2 !umber $%#2:
:Umar b, >hattab said: I heard Hisham b, Ha6im b, Hi8am re/itin. Surah al-=urqan in a st"le di00erent 0rom that in whi/h I used to re/ite it2 and in whi/h Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had me to re/ite it, I was about to dis1ute with him (on this st"le) but I dela"ed till he had 0inished that (the re/itation), Then I / hold o0 his /loa6 and him to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 I heard this man re/itin. Surah al-=urqan in a st"le di00erent 0rom the one in whi/h "ou me to re/ite, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) told (me) to lea-e him alone and as6ed him to re/ite, He then re/ited in the st"le in whi/h I beard him re/ite it, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then said: Thus was it sent down, He then told me to re/ite and I re/ited it2 and he said: Thus was it sent down, The Eur:an was sent down in se-en diale/ts, So re/ite what seems eas" there0rom,

*) & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $%#4:

This hadith has been transmitted thus b" :Umar b, >hattab (with a /han.e o0 words):C I heard Hisham b, Ha6im re/itin. Surah al-=urqan durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),C The rest is the same but with this addition:C I was about to /at/h hold o0 him in 1ra"er2 but I e5er/ised 1atien/e till he 1ronoun/ed salutation,


*2 !umber $%#*:

This hadith has been transmitted b" Guhri,


*2 !umber $%#+:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Habriel me to re/ite in one st"le, I re1lied to him and 6e1t as6in. him to .i-e more (st"les)2 till he rea/hed se-en modes (o0 re/itation), Ibn Shibab said: It has rea/hed me that these se-en st"les are essentiall" one2 not di00erin. about what is 1ermitted and what is 0orbidden,


*2 !umber $%#):

This hadith has been narrated b" Guhri with the same /hain o0 trans- mitters,


*2 !umber $%#%:

Uba"" b, >a:b re1orted: I was in the mosque when a man entered and 1ra"ed and re/ited (the Eur:in) in a st"le to whi/h I obje/ted, Then another man entered (the mosque) and re/ited in a st"le di00erent 0rom that o0 his /om1anion, ?hen we had 0inished the 1ra"er2 we all went to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said to him: This man re/ited in a st"le to whi/h I obje/ted2 and the other entered and re/ited in a st"le di00erent 0rom that o0 his /om1anion, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed them to re/ite and so the" re/ited2 and the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) e51ressed a11ro-al o0 their a00airs (their modes o0 re/itation), and there o//urred In m" mind a sort o0 denial whi/h did not o//ur e-en durin. the 9a"s o0 I.noran/e, ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw how I was a00e/ted (b" a wron. idea)2 he stru/6 m" /hest2 whereu1on I bro6e into sweatin. and 0elt as thou.h I were loo6in. at Allah with 0ear, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said to me: Uba"", a messa.e was sent to me to re/ite the Eur:an in one diale/t2 and I re1lied: Ma6e (thin.s) eas" 0or m" 1eo1le, It was /on-e"ed to me 0or the se/ond time that it should be re/ited in two diale/ts, I a.ain re1lied to him: Ma6e a00airs eas" 0or m" 1eo1le, It was a.ain /on-e"ed to me 0or the third time to re/ite in se-en diale/ts And (I was 0urther told): Kou ha-e .ot a see6in. 0or e-er" re1l" that I sent "ou2 whi/h "ou should see6 0rom Me, I said: 3 AllahL 0or.i-e m" 1eo1le2 0or.i-e m" 1eo1le2 and I ha-e de0erred the third one 0or the da" on whi/h the entire /reation will turn to me2 in/ludin. e-en Ibrahim (1ea/e be u1on him) (0or inter/ession),
*)$ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $%##:

Uba"" b, >a:b re1orted that he was sittin. in a mosque that a 1erson entered it and he obser-ed 1ra"er2 and made re/itation2 the rest o0 the hadith is the same,


*2 !umber $%#;:

Uba"" b, >a:b re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was near the tan6 o0 7anu Hhi0ar that Habriel /ame to him and said: Allah has /ommanded "ou to re/ite to "our 1eo1le the Eur:an in one diale/t, U1on this he said: I as6 0rom Allah 1ardon and 0or.i-eness, M" 1eo1le are not /a1able o0 doin. it, He then /ame 0or the se/ond time and said: Allah has /ommanded "ou that "ou should re/ite the Eur:an to "our 1eo1le in two diale/ts, U1on this he (the Hol" 1ro1het) a.ain said: I see6 1ardon and 0or.i-eness 0rom Allah2 m" 1eo1le would not be able to do so, He (Habriel) /ame 0or the third time and said: Allah has /ommanded "ou to re/ite the Eur:an to "our 1eo1le in three diale/ts, U1on this he said: I as6 1ardon and 0or.i-eness 0rom Allah, M" 1eo1le would not be able to do it, He then /ame to him 0or the 0ourth time and said: Allah has /ommanded "ou to re/ite the Eur:an to "our 1eo1le in se-en diale/ts2 and in whi/he-er diale/t the" would re/ite2 the" would be,


*2 !umber $%; :

This hadith has been narrated b" Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $* : Ae/itin. the qur:an leisurel" and distin/ti-el" and abstainin. 0rom re/itin. it -er" hurriedl"2 and 1ermissibilit" o0 re/itin. two surahs or more than two in a ra6:ah
7oo6 *2 !umber $%;$:
Abu ?a:il re1orted that a 1erson named !abi6 b, Sinan /ame to Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) and said: Abu :Abd al-Aahman2 how do "ou re/ite this word (ali0) or ("a)D ?ould "ou read It as: min ma:in .haira asin or au min ma:in .haira .haira "asin, (al-Eur:an2 5l-ii, $+)D :Abdullah said: Kou (seem to) ha-e memorised the whole o0 the Eur:an e5/e1t this, He (a.ain) said: I re/ite all the mu0assal surahs in one ra6:ah, U1on this :Abdullah said: (Kou must ha-e been re/itin. It) hastil" li6e the re/itation o0 1oetr", <eril", there are 1eo1le who re/ite the Eur:an2 but it does not .o down be"ond their /ollar bones, It is (a 0a/t with the Eur:an) that it is bene0i/ial onl" when it settles in the heart and is rooted

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dee1l" in it, The best o0 (the a/ts) in 1ra"er are bowin. and 1rostration, I am quite aware o0 the o//asions when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ombined to.ether two surahs in e-er" ra6:ah, :Abdullah then stood u1 and went out with :Alqama 0ollowin. in his 0ootste1, He said Ibn !umair had told him that the narration was li6e that:C A 1erson to 7anu 7ajila /ame to :Abdullah2C and he did not mention (the name o0) !ahi6 b, Sinan,


*2 !umber $%;2:

Abu ?a:il re1orted: A 1erson /ame to :Abdullah2 who was /alled !ahi6 b, Sinan2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same but 0or this:C Alqama /ame to him (:Abdullah b, Mas:ud) and we said to him: As6 him about the manners in whi/h he /ombined (two surahs) in one ra6:ah, So he went to him and as6ed him and then /ame to us and said: Twent" are the mu0assal surahs in the /om1ilation (o0 the Eur:an) made b" :Abdullah,C


*2 !umber $%;4:

This hadith has been narrated b" A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters in whi/h (:Abdullah b, Mas:ud) said:C I 6now the manners in whi/h the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited the two surahs in one ra6:ah and then twent" surahs in ten ra6:ahs,C


*2 !umber $%;*:

Abu ?a:il re1orted: 3ne da" we went to :Abdullah b, Mas:ud a0ter we had obser-ed the dawn 1ra"er and we 1aid salutation at the door, He 1ermitted us to enter2 but we sta"ed 0or a while at the door2 when the sla-e-.irl /ame out and said: ?h" don:t "ou /ome inD So we went in and (we 0ound :Abdullah b, Mas:ud) sittin. and .lori0"in. Allah (i, e, he was bus" in dhi6r) and he said: ?hat obstru/ted "ou 0rom /omin. in thou.h "ou had been .ranted 1ermission 0or itD ?e said: There was nothin. (behind it) but we entertained the idea that some inmate o0 the house be slee1in., He said: 9o "ou 1resume an" idleness on the 1art o0 the 0amil" o0 Ibn Umm :Abd (the mother o0 Abdullah b, Mas:ud)D He was a.ain bus" with the .lori0i/ation o0 Allah till he that the sun had risen, He said: Hirl2 see whether (the sun) has arisen, She .lan/ed but it had not risen (b" that time), He was a.ain bus" with the .lori0i/ation (o0 Allah) and he (a.ain) that the sun had arisen, She .lan/ed (and /on0irmed) that2 it had risen, U1on this he (:Abdullah b, Mas:ud) said: @raise be to Allah ?ho did not /all us to a//ount 0or our sins toda", Mahdi said: I thin6 that he said2 He did not destro" us 0or our sins, 3ne amon. the 1eo1le said: I re/ited all the mu0assal surahs durin. the, :Abdullah said: (Kou must ha-e re/ited them) li6e the (re/itation) o0 1oetr", I heard (the Hol" @ro1het) /ombinin. (the sarahs) and I remember the /ombinations whi/h the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made In the re/itation (o0 surahs), These were /onstituted o0 ei.hteen mu0assal surahs and two surahs (/ommen/in. with) Ha-Mim,

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*2 !umber $%;+:

Shaqiq re1orted: A 1erson 0rom 7anu 7ajila who was /alled !abi6 b, Sinan /ame to Abdullah and said: I re/ite mu0assal surahs in one ra6:ah, U1on this :Abdullah said: (Kou re/ite) li6e the re/itation o0 1oetr", I 6now the manner in whi/h the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited two surahs in one ra6:ah,


*2 !umber $%;):

Abu ?a:il re1orted: A 1erson /ame to :Abdullah b, Mas:ud and said: I re/ited all the mu0assal surahs in one ra6:ah durin. the, :Abdullah said: Kou must ha-e re/ited hastil" li6e the re/itation o0 1oetr", :Abdullah said: I remember well the manner in whi/h the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to /ombine them2 and he then mentioned twent" o0 the mu0assal surahs2 and (their /ombinations in) two in e-er" ra6:ah,

'ha1ter $*$: That whi/h /on/erns re/itation

7oo6 *2 !umber $%;%:
Abu Ishaq re1orted: I saw a man as6in. Aswad b, Ka8id who the Eur:an in the mosque: How do "ou re/ite the -erse (0ahal min mudda6ir) whether (the word mudda6ir) Is with (d) or (dh)D He (Aswad) said: It was with (d), I heard Abdullah b, Mas:ud sa"in. that he had heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/itin. (mudda6ir) with (d),


*2 !umber $%;#:

Ishaq is re1orted to ha-e said on the authorit" o0 Aswad who quoted on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, Mas:ud that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to re/ite these words as (0ahal min mudda6ir),


*2 !umber $%;;:

:Alqama re1orted, ?e went to S"ria and Abu 9arda: /ame to us and said: Is there an"one amon. "ou who re/ites a//ordin. to the re/itation o0 AbdullahD I said: Kes2 it is I, He a.ain said: How did "ou hear :Abdullah re/itin. this -erse: (wa:l-lail-i-idha "a.hsha P when the /o-ers)D He (:Alqama) said: I heard him re/itin. it (li6e this) (wa:l-lail-i-idha "a.hsha) wa-dha6ar wal untha P when the /o-ers and the males and the 0emales), U1on this he said: 7" Allah2 I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/itin. in this wa"2 but the" (the Muslims o0 S"ria) desire us to re/ite: (wa ma 6halaqa)2 but I do not "ield to their desire,

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*2 !umber $#

Ibrahim re1orted: :Alqama /ame to S"ria and entered the mosque and 1ra"ed there and then went to a (1la/e where 1eo1le were sittin. in a) /ir/le and he sat therein, Then a 1erson /ame there and I 1er/ei-ed that the 1eo1le were anno"ed and 1erturbed (on this arri-al), and he sat on m" side and then said: 9o "ou remember how :Abdullah used to re/ite (the Eur:an)D And then the rest o0 the hadith was narrated,


*2 !umber $# $:

:Alqama re1orted: I met Abu 9arda:2 and he said to me: To whi/h /ountr" do "ou belon.D I said: I am one o0 the 1eo1le o0 Iraq, He a.ain said: To whi/h /it"D I re1lied: 'it" o0 >u0a, He a.ain said: 9o "ou re/ite a//ordin. to the re/itation o0 :Abdullah b, Mas:udD I said: Kes, He said: Ae/ite this -erse (7" the when it /o-ers) So I re/ited it: (7" the when it /o-ers2 and the da" when it shines2 and the /reatin. o0 the male and the 0emale), He lau.hed and said: I ha-e heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/itin. li6e this,


*2 !umber $# 2:

This hadith has been narrated b" another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $*2: Times when 1ra"er is 1rohibited

7oo6 *2 !umber $# 4:
Abu Huraira is re1orted to ha-e said that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibited to obser-e 1ra"er a0ter the :Asr 1ra"er till the sun is set2 and a0ter the dawn till the sun rises,


*2 !umber $# *:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: I heard it 0rom so man" 'om1anions o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and one amon. them is :Umar b, >hattab2 and he is most dear to me amon. them that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibited obser-in. o0 1ra"er a0ter the dawn 1ra"er till the sun rose and a0ter the :Asr till the sun set, This hadith has been narrated b" Eatada with the same /hain o0 transmitters with a minor alteration o0 words,

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*2 !umber $# +:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !o 1ra"er is -alid a0ter the :Asr 1ra"er till the sun sets and no 1ra"er is -alid a0ter the dawn 1ra"er till the sun rises,


*2 !umber $# ):

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Let not an" one o0 "ou intend to obser-e 1ra"er at the time o0 the risin. o0 the sun or o0 the settin. sun,


*2 !umber $# %:

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not intend to obser-e 1ra"er at the time o0 the risin. o0 the sun nor at its settin.2 0or it rises between the horns o0 Satan,


*2 !umber $# #:

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen the rim o0 the sun starts a11earin. de0er 1ra"er till it /om1letel" a11ears2 and when the rim o0 the sun disa11ears de0er 1ra"er till it /om1letel" disa11ears,


*2 !umber $# ;:

Abu 7asra Hhi0ari re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) led us in the :Asr 1ra"er at (the 1la/e 6nown as) Mu6hammas2 and then said: This 1ra"er was 1resented to those .one be0ore "ou2 but the" lost it2 and he who .uards it has two rewards in store 0or him, And no 1ra"er is -alid a0ter till the onloo6er a11ears (b" onloo6er is meant the e-enin. star),


*2 !umber $#$ :

This hadith has been narrated b" Abu 7asra Hhi0ari throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $#$$:

Uqba b, :Amir said: There were the times at whi/h Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade us to 1ra"2 or bur" our dead: ?hen the sun be.ins to rise till it is 0ull" u12 when the sun is at its at midda" till it 1asses o-er the meridian2 and when the sun draws near to settin. till it sets,

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'ha1ter $*4: How :Amr b, :Abasa embra/ed Islam

7oo6 *2 !umber $#$2:
:Amr b, :Abasa Sulami re1orted: I in the state o0 the I.noran/e (be0ore embra/in. Islam) used to thin6 that the 1eo1le were in error and the" were not on an"thin. (whi/h ma" be /alled the 1ath) and worshi11ed the idols, In the meanwhile I heard o0 a man in Me//a who was .i-in. news (on the basis o0 his 1ro1heti/ 6nowled.e) B so I sat on m" ride and went to him, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was at that time hidin. as his 1eo1le had made li0e hard 0or him, I ado1ted a 0riendl" attitude (towards the Me//ans and thus mana.ed) to enter Me//a and .o to him (the Hol" @ro1het) and I said to him: ?ho are "ouD He said: I am a @ro1het (o0 Allah), I a.ain said: ?ho is a @ro1hetD He said: (I am a @ro1het in the sense that) I ha-e been sent b" Allah, I said: ?hat is that whi/h "ou ha-e been sent withD He said: I ha-e been sent to join ties o0 relationshi1 (with 6indness and a00e/tion)2 to brea6 the Idols2 and to 1ro/laim the oneness o0 Allah (in a manner that) nothin. is to be asso/iated with Him, I said: ?ho is with "ou in this (in these belie0s and 1ra/ti/es)D He said: A 0ree man and a sla-e, He (the narrator) said: Abu 7a6r and 7ilal were there with him amon. those who had embra/ed Islam b" that time, I said: I intend to 0ollow "ou, He said: 9urin. these da"s "ou would not be able to do so, 9on:t "ou see the (hard) /ondition under whi/h I and (m") 1eo1le are li-in.D Kou better .o ba/6 to "our 1eo1le and when "ou hear that I ha-e been .ranted -i/tor"2 "ou /ome to me, So I went to m" 0amil", I was in m" home when the Messen.ero0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to Medina, I was amon. m" 1eo1le and used to see6 news and as6 1eo1le when he arri-ed in Medina, Then a .rou1 o0 1eo1le to Kathrib (Medina) /ame, I said (to them): How is that 1erson .ettin. on who has /ome to MedinaD The" said: The 1eo1le are hastenin. to him2 while his 1eo1le (the 1ol"theists o0 Me//a) 1lanned to 6ill him2 but the" /ould not do so, I (on hearin. It) /ame to Medina and went to him and said: o0 Allah2 do "ou re/o.nise meD He said: Kes2 "ou are the same man who met me at Me//a, I said: It is so, I a.ain said: @ro1het o0 Allah2 tell me that whi/h Allah has "ou and whi/h I do not 6now2 tell me about the 1ra"er, He said: 3bser-e the dawn 1ra"er2 then sto1 1ra"in. when the sun is risin. till it Is 0ull" u12 0or when it rises it /omes u1 between the horns o0 Satan2 and the unbelie-ers 1rostrate themsel-es to it at that time, Then 1ra"2 0or the 1ra"er is witnessed and attended (b" an.els) till the shadow be/omes about the o0 a lan/eB then /ease 1ra"er2 0or at that time Hell is heated u1, Then when the shadow mo-es 0orward2 1ra"2 0or the 1ra"er is witnessed and attended b" an.els2 till "ou 1ra" the a0ternoon 1ra"er2 then /ease 1ra"er till the sun sets2 0or it sets between the horns o0 de-il2 and at that time the unbelie-ers 1rostrate themsel-es be0ore it, I said: A1ostle o0 Allah2 tell me about ablution also, He said: !one o0 "ou who uses water 0or ablution and rinses his mouth2 snu00s u1 water and blows it2 but the sins o0 his 0a/e2 and his mouth and his nostrils 0all out, ?hen he washes his 0a/e2 as Allah has /ommanded him2 the sins o0 his 0a/e 0all out 0rom the end o0 his beard with water, Then (when) he washes his 0orearms u1 to the elbows2 the sins o0 his arms 0all out alon. with water 0rom his

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ti1s, And when he wi1es his head2 the sins o0 his head 0all out 0rom the 1oints o0 his hair alon. with water, And (when) he washes his 0eet u1 to the an6les2 the sins o0 his 0eet 0all out 0rom his toes alon. with water, And i0 he stands to 1ra" and 1raises Allah2 lauds Him and .lori0ies Him with what be/omes Him and shows wholehearted de-otion to Allah2 his sins would de1art lea-in. him (as inno/ent) as he was on the da" his mother bore him, :Amr b, :Abasa narrated this hadith to Abu Umama2 a 'om1anion o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and Abu Umama said to him: :Amr b, :Abasa2 thin6 what "ou are sa"in. that su/h (a .reat reward) is .i-en to a man at one 1la/e (onl" in the a/t o0 ablution and 1ra"er), U1on this :Amr said: Abu Umama2 I ha-e .rown old and m" bones ha-e be/ome wea6 and I am at the door o0 deathB what im1etus is there 0or me to attribute a lie to Allah and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D Had I heard it 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on/e2 twi/e2 or three times (e-en se-en times)2 I would ha-e ne-er narrated it2 but I ha-e heard it 0rom him on o//asions more than these,

'ha1ter $**: 9o not .et into the habit o0 obser-in. 1ra"er at the time o0 the risin. sun and at the time o0 its settin.
7oo6 *2 !umber $#$4:
:A:isha re1orted that :Umar mis/onstrued the 0a/t that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 1rohibited the obser-an/e o0 1ra"er at the time o0 the risin. sun and at the time o0 its settin.,


*2 !umber $#$*:

:A:isha said that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not abandon obser-in. two ra6:ahs a0ter :Asr2 but she re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not .et used to obser-e 1ra"er at the time o0 the risin. sun and at the time o0 its settin. and (e5horted the Muslims) to 1ra" at their times,


*2 !umber $#$+:

>uraib2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Ibn :Abbas2 re1orted that :Abdullah b, :Abbas2 :Abd al-Aahman b, A8har2 al-Miswar b, Ma6hrama sent him to :A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 tellin. him to .i-e her their .reetin.s2 and as6 her about the two ra6:ahs a0ter the a0ternoon 1ra"er2 (0or)C we ha-e heard that "ou obser-e them whereas it has been /on-e"ed to us that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibited their obser-an/e,C Ibn :Abbas said: I alon. with :Umar b, al->hattab dissuaded 1eo1le to do so (to obser-e two ra6:ahs o0 1ra"er), >uraib said: I went
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to her (:A:isha) and /on-e"ed to her the messa.e with whi/h I was sent, She said: (7etter) as6 Umm Salama, So I went to them (those who had sent him to Hadrat :A:isha) and in0ormed them about what she had said, The" sent me ba/6 to Umm Salama with that with whi/h I was sent to :A:isha, Umm Salama said: I beard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibitin. them2 and then a0terwards I saw him obser-in. them, And when he obser-ed them (two ra6:ahs) he had alread" obser-ed the :Asr 1ra"er, Then he (the Hol" @ro1het) /ame2 while there were with me ladies o0 7anu Haram2 a tribe o0 the Ansar and he (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed them (the two ra6:ahs), I sent a sla-e.irl to him as6in. her to stand b" his side and sa" to him that Umm Salama sa"s: o0 Allah2 I heard "ou 1rohibitin. these two ra6:ahs2 whereas I saw "ou obser-in. themB and i0 he (the Hol" @ro1het) 1oints with his hand (to wait)2 then do wait, The sla-e-.irl did li6e that, He (the Hol" @ro1het) 1ointed out with his hand and she .ot aside and waited2 and when he had 0inished (the 1ra"er) he said: 9au.hter o0 Abu Uma""a, "ou ha-e as6ed about the two ra6:ahs a0ter the :Asr 1ra"er, Some 1eo1le o0 :Abu al-Eais /ame to me 0or embra/in. Islam and hindered me 0rom obser-in. the two ra6:ahs whi/h /ome a0ter the noon 1ra"er, So those are the two I ha-e been 1ra"in.,


*2 !umber $#$):

Abu Salama as6ed :A:isha about the two 1rostrations (i, e, ra6:ahs) whi/h the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made a0ter the :Asr, She said: He (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed them be0ore the :Asr 1ra"er2 but then he was hindered to do so2 or he 0or.ot them and then he obser-ed them a0ter the :Asr2 and then he /ontinued obser-in. them, (It was his habit) that when he (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed 1ra"er2 he then /ontinued obser-in. it, Isma:il said: It im1lies that he alwa"s did that,


*2 !umber $#$%:

:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not abandon at all obser-in. two ra6:ahs a0ter the :Asr in m" house,


*2 !umber $#$#:

:A:isha re1orted: Two are the 1ra"ers whi/h the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) alwa"s obser-ed in m" house-o1enl" or se/retl"-two ra6:ahs be0ore the dawn and two ra6:ahs a0ter the :Asr,


*2 !umber $#$;:

Aswad and Masruq re1orted: ?e bear testimon" to the 0a/t that :A:isha said: !e-er was there a da" that he (the Hol" @ro1het) was with me and he did not obser-e two ra6:ahs o0 1ra"er in m" house2 i, e, two ra6:ahs a0ter the Asr,

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'ha1ter $*+: (5/ellen/e o0 obser-in. two ra6:ahs be0ore the e-enin. 1ra"er
7oo6 *2 !umber $#2 :
Mu6htar b, =ul0ul said: I as6ed Anas b, Mali6 about the -oluntar" 1ra"ers a0ter the a0ternoon 1ra"er2 and he re1lied: :Umar stru/6 hit hands on 1ra"er obser-ed a0ter the :Asr 1ra"er and we used to obser-e two ra6:ahs a0ter the sun set be0ore the e-enin. 1ra"er durin. the time o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I said to him: 9id the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-e themD He said: He saw us obser-in. them2 but he neither /ommanded us nor 0orbade us to do so,


*2 !umber $#2$:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: ?hen we were in Medina2 the moment the Mu:adhdhin made the /all to the sunset 1ra"er2 the 1eo1le hastened to the 1illars o0 the mosque and 1ra"ed two ra6:ahs with the result that an" /omin. into the mosque would thin6 that the obli.ator" 1ra"er had been obser-ed owin. to the number who were 1ra"in. then,


*2 !umber $#22:

Abdullah b, Mu.ha00al re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) u sa"in.: There Is between the two /alls (Adhan and Iqama) a 1ra"er, And he mentioned it three times2 and at the third time he said: This a11lies to those who wish to do it,


*2 !umber $#24:

This hadith has been narrated b" Abdullah b, Mu.ha00al b" another /hain o0 transmitters2 but with this -ariation that he (the Hol" @ro1het) said at the 0ourth time:C He who wishes (ma" do to),C

'ha1ter $*): @ra"er in time o0

7oo6 *2 !umber $#2*:
Salim b, Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) led onQ o0 the two .rou1s In one ra6:ah o0 1ra"er in dan.er2 while the other .rou1 0a/ed the -enem", Then the" (the members o0 the 0irst .rou1) went ba/6 and re1la/ed their /om1anions who were 0a/in. the enem", and then the" (the members o0 the se/ond .rou1) /ame and the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be

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u1on him) led them in one ra6:ah o0 1ra"er, Then the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ronoun/ed salutation2 and then the" (the members o0 the Ant .rou1) /om1leted the ra6:ah and the" (the members o0 the se/ond .rou1) /om1leted the ra6:ah, This hadith has been narrated b" another /hain o0 tranamitters,


*2 !umber $#2+:

Ibn Umar re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed 1ra"er in on some da" (in this wa"): a .rou1 stood with him (the Hol" @ro1het) (0or 1ra"er) and the other .rou1 stood In 0ront o0 the enem", Then those who were with (him) obser-ed one ra6:ah o0 1ra"er and the" went ba/6 and the others /ame and the" obser-ed one ra6:ah (with him), Then both the .rou1s /om1leted one ra6:ah ea/h, Ibn Umar said: ?hen there is .reater dan.er2 then obser-e 1ra"er e-en on the ride or with the hel1 o0 .estures in a standin. 1osture,


*2 !umber $#2):

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: I obser-ed 1ra"er in with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?e drew oursel-es u1 in two rows2 one row behind him with the enem" between us and the Eibla, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah is Most Hreat2 and we all said it, He then bowed and we all bowed, He then raised his head 0rom bowin.2 we all raised (our heads), He then went down in 1rostration alon. with the row /lose to him2 and the rear row 0a/ed the enem"B then when the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /om1leted the 1rostration2 B and then stood u12 the row near to him also did itB then went down the rear row in 1rostrationB then the" stood u1B then the rear row went to the 0ront and the 0ront row went to the rear, Then the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) bowed down and we all bowed, He then raised his head 0rom bowin. and we also raised (our heads), He and the row /lose to him whi/h I had been in the rear then went down in 1rostration In the 0irst ra6:ah2 whereas the rear row 0a/ed the enem", And when the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and the rear row /lose to him had 0inished the 1rostration2 the rear row went down and 1rostrated themsel-esB then the A1ostle o0 Allah 1ronoun/ed the salutation and we also 1ronoun/ed the salutation, (Fabir said we hadith) as "our .uards beha-e with their /hie0s,


*2 !umber $#2%:

Fabir re1orted: ?e In the /om1an" o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with the tribe o0 Fuhaina, The" with us terribl", ?hen we had 0inished the noon 1ra"er2 the 1ol"theists said: Had we atta/6ed them at on/e, we would ha-e 6illed them, Habriel in0ormed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about It (about their e-il desi.n), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made a mention o0 it to us2 addin. that the" (the 1ol"theists) had also said: Shortl" there would be time 0or the :Asr 1ra"er, whi/h is dearer o them (the Muslims) than e-en
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

their /hildren, So when the time o0 the :Asr 1ra"er /ame, we 0ormed oursel-es into two rows2 while the 1ol"theists were between us and the Eibla, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah is Most Hreat2 and we also said so, He bowed and we also bowed, He went down in 1rostration and the 0irst row 1rostrated alon. with him, ?hen the" stood u12 the se/ond row went down in 1rostration, Then the 0irst row went into the rear2 and the se/ond row /ame in the 0ront and o//u1ied the 1la/e o0 the 0irst row, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then said: Allah is Most Hreat2 and we also said so, He then bowed2 and we also bowed, He then went down in 1rostration and alon. with him the row also (went down in 1rostration)2 and the se/ond row remained standin., And when the se/ond row had also 1rostrated and all o0 them sat down then the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ronoun/ed salutation to them, Abu Gubair said: Fabir made a mention s1e/iall" o0 this thin.: just as "our /hie0s obser-e 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $#2#:

Sahl b, Abu Hathma re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) led his 'om1anions in 1ra"er in, He made them stand in two rows behind him, He led them who were /lose to him in one ra6:ah, He then stood u1 and 6e1t standin. till those who were behind them obser-ed one ra6:ah, Then the" (those standin. in the se/ond row) /ame in 0ront and those who were in 0ront went into the rear, He then led them In one ra6:ah, He then sat down2 till those who were behind him obser-ed one ra6:ah and then 1ronoun/ed salutation,


*2 !umber $#2;:

Ka8id b, Auman told on the authorit" o0 Salih b, >hawwat on the authorit" o0 one who 1ra"ed in time o0 with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) at the 7attle o0 9hat ar-Aiqa: that a .rou1 0ormed a row and 1ra"ed alon. with him2 and a .rou1 0a/ed the enem", He led the .rou1 whi/h was alon. with him in a ra6:ah2 then remained standin. while the" 0inished the 1ra"er b" themsel-es, Then the" de1arted and 0ormed a row 0a/in. the enem", Then the se/ond .rou1 /ame and he led them in the remainin. ra6:ah2 a0ter whi/h he remained seated while the" 0inished the 1ra"er themsel-es, He then led them in salutation,


*2 !umber $#4 :

Fabir re1orted: ?e went 0orward with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and when we rea/hed 9hat ar-Aiqa:2 we /ame to a shad" tree whi/h -we le0t 0or him 3ne o0 the 1ol"theists /ame there and2 seein. the sword o0 the (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) b" a 0ree, too6 it u1, drew it 0rom the s/abbard and said to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): Are "ou a0raid o0 MeD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: !o, He a.ain said: ?ho would 1rote/t "ou 0rom meD He said: Allah will 1rote/t me 0rom "ou, The 'om1anions o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) threatened him, He sheathed the sword and hun. it u1, Then /all to 1ra"er was made and
*%2 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

he (the Hol" @ro1het) led a .rou1 in two ra6:ah, Then (the members o0 this .rou1) withdrew and he led the se/ond .rou1 in two ra6:ah, So the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed 0our ra6:ah and 1eo1le obser-ed two ra6:ah,


*2 !umber $#4$:

Abu Salama b, :Abd al-Aahman re1orted that Fabir told him that he had obser-ed the 1ra"er in with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (0irst) led one o0 the two .rou1s in two ra6:ah o0 1ra"er, and then led the se/ond .rou1 in two ra6:ah o0 1ra"er, So the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed 0our ra6:ah and led in two ra6:ah ea/h o0 the .rou1s,

'ha1ter $*%: >itab al-jumu:a

?e ha-e alread" e51lained that Islam e5horts its 0ollowers to ma6e their so/ial li0e a -isible e51ression o0 Hod-/ons/iousness, @ra"er is the most e00e/ti-e means o0 0osterin. this -irtue in man That is the reason wh" it has been made essential 0or the Muslims to obser-e obli.ator" 1ra"ers in /, Fumu:a is a ste1 0orward in this res1e/t, The 1ur1ose behind it is to 1ro-ide o11ortunities to the .reater number o0 Muslims to attend / in the mosques in an atmos1here o0 reli.ions 1iet", A1art 0rom 1ra"er2 sermon has also been made an inte.ral 1art o0 the Fumu:a 1ra"er, The Imam deli-ers the sermon and instru/ts 1eo1le in reli.ion, He e51lains to them the da"-to-da" 1roblems in the o0 Islam,


*2 !umber $#42:

Abdullah is re1orted to ha-e heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen an" one o0 "ou intends to /ome 0or Fumu:a 1ra"er2 he should ta6e a bath,


*2 !umber $#44:

Abdullah b, Umar is re1orted to ha-e said that The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1 on him) was standin. on the 1ul1it when he said this: He who /omes 0or Fumu:a he should ta6e a bath,


*2 !umber $#4*:

This hadith has been narrated b" Ibn Umar b" another /hain o0 transmitters,

*%4 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $#4+:

:Abdullah (b, Umar) re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that he beard li6e this 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


*2 !umber $#4):

:Abdullah (b, :Umar) re1orted 0rom his 0ather that while he was addressin. the 1eo1le on =rida" (sermon)2 a 1erson2 one o0 the 'om1anions o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 entered (the mosque), Umar said to him loudl": ?hat is this hour (0or attendin. the 1ra"er)D He said: I was bus" toda" and I did not return to m" house when I heard the /all (to =rida" 1ra"er)2 and I did no more but 1er0ormed ablution onl", U1on this Umar said: just ablutionL Kou 6now that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded (us) to ta6e a bath (on =rida"),


*2 !umber $#4%:

Abu Huraira re1orted: Umar b, >hattab was deli-erin. a sermon to the 1eo1le on =rida" when :Uthman b, :A00an /ame there, :Umar hintin. to him said: ?hat would be/ome o0 those 1ersons who /ome a0ter the /all to 1ra"erD U1on this :Uthman said: 'ommander o0 the 0aith0ul2 I did no more than this that a0ter listenin. to the /all2 I 1er0ormed ablution and /ame (to the mosque), :Umar said: Fust ablutionL 9id "ou not bear the o0 Allah (m" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa" this: ?hen an" one o0 "ou /omes 0or Fumu:a2 he should ta6e a bath,

'ha1ter $*#: The essentialit" o0 ta6in. a bath on 0rida"

7oo6 *2 !umber $#4#:
Sa:id al->hudri re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Ta6in. a bath on =rida" is essential 0or e-er" adult 1erson,


*2 !umber $#4;:

:Aisha re1orted: The 1eo1le /ame 0or Fumu:a 1ra"er 0rom their houses in the nei.hbourin. dressed in woollen .arments on whi/h dust was settled and this emitted a 0oal smell, A 1erson amon. them (those who were dressed so) /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) while he was in m" house, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) said to him: ?ere "ou to /leanse "oursel-es on this da",

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $#* :

:Aisha re1orted: The 1eo1le (mostl") were wor6ers and the" had no ser-ants, Ill-smell thus emitted out o0 them, It was said to them: ?ere "ou to ta6e bath on =rida",

'ha1ter $*;: @er0ume and usin. o0 miswa6 on 0rida"

7oo6 *2 !umber $#*$:
:Abd al-Aahman son o0 Abd Sa:id al->hudri re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7athin. on =rida" 0or e-er" adult2 usin. o0 Miswa6 and a11l"in. some 1er0ume2 that is a-ailable-these are essential, So 0ar as the 1er0ume is /on/erned2 it ma" be that used b" a lad",


*2 !umber $#*2:

Tawus re1orted that Ibn Abbas narrated the words o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about ta6in. bath on =rida", Tawus said: I as6ed Ibn Abbas it one should a11l" to onesel0 1er0ume or oil whi/h is a-ailable with his wi0e, He (Ibn Abbas) said: I do not 6now o0 it,


*2 !umber $#*4:

This hadith has been narrated b" Ibn Furaij with the /ame /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $#**:

Abu Huraira re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said, it is the o0 Allah u1on e-er" Muslim that he should ta6e a bath (at least) on one da" (=rida") durin. the se-en da"s (o0 the wee6) and he should wash his head and bod",


*2 !umber $#*+:

Abu Huraira re1orted that the o02 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said, He who ta6es a bath on =rida"2 the bath whi/h is obli.ator" a0ter the se5ual dis/har.e and then .oes (to the mosque)2 he is li6e one who o00ers a she-/amel as a sa/ri0i/e2 and he who /omes at the se/ond hour would be li6e one who o00ers a /ow2 and he who /omes at the third hour is li-e one who o00ers a ram with horns2 and he who /omes at the 0ourth hour is li6e one who o00ers a hen2 and he who /omes at the 0i0th hour is li6e one who o00ers an e.., And when the Imam /omes out2 the an.els are also 1resent and listen to the mention o0 Hod (the sermon),

*%+ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $+ : 3bser-an/e o0 silen/e in sermon on 0rida"

7oo6 *2 !umber $#*):
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 "ou (e-en) as6 "our /om1anion to be quiet on =rida" while the Imam is deli-erin. the sermon2 "ou ha-e in 0a/t tal6ed irrele-an/e,


*2 !umber $#*%:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Abu Huraira b" another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $#*#:

The same hadith has been narrated b" Abu Huraira2 but instead o0 the word la.hauta the word la.hita has been used, Abu Ginad (one o0 the narrators) sa"s that la.hita is the diale/t o0 Abu Huraira2 whereas it is la.hauta,

'ha1ter $+$: There is a s1e/ial (0ortunate) time on 0rida"

7oo6 *2 !umber $#*;:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is a time on =rida" at whi/h no Muslim ser-ant would 1ra" and would as6 Allah 0or a thin. (that is .ood) but He would .i-e it to him, Eutaiba 1ointed with the hel1 o0 his hand that it (the time) is short,


*2 !umber $#+ :

Abu Huraira re1orted Abu:l-Easim (the 6un"a o0 the Hol" @ro1het) (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is a time on =rida" at whi/h no Muslim would stand and 1ra" and be. Allah 0or what Is .ood but He would .i-e it to himB and he 1ointed with his hand that (this time) is short and narrow,


*2 !umber $#+$:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Abu Huraira,

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $#+2:

This hadith has been narrated b" Abu Huraira b" another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $#+4:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in., There is a time on =rida" at whi/h no Muslim would as6 Allah 0or what is .ood but He would .i-e it to him, And 0urther said: This is a -er" short time,


*2 !umber $#+*:

Hammam b, Munabbih re1orted this hadith 0rom Abu Huraira who re1orted 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) but he did not sa":C That time is short,C


*2 !umber $#++:

Abu 7urda b, Abu Musa al-Ash:ari re1orted: :Abdullah b, Umar said to me: 9id "ou hear an"thin. 0rom "our 0ather narratin. somethin. 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about the time on =rida"D I said: Kes2 I heard him sa" 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (these words):C It is between the time when the Imam sits down and the end o0 the 1ra"er,C

'ha1ter $+2: (5/ellen/e o0 0rida"

7oo6 *2 !umber $#+):
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The best da" on whi/h the sun has risen is =rida"B on it Adam was /reated2 on it he was made to enter @aradise2 on it he, was e51elled 0rom it,


*2 !umber $#+%:

Abu Huraira re1orted the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The best da" on whi/h the sun has risen is =rida"B on it Adam was /reated, on it he was made to enter @aradise2 on it he was e51elled 0rom it, And the last hour will ta6e 1la/e on no da" other than =rida",


*2 !umber $#+#:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?e who are the last shall be the 0irst on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2 e5/e1t that e-er" Ummah was .i-en the 7oo6 be0ore us and we were .i-en it a0ter them, It was this da" whi/h Allah 1res/ribed 0or us and .uided us to it
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

and the 1eo1le /ame a0ter us with re.ard to it2 the Fews obser-in. the ne5t da" and the 'hristians the da" 0ollowin. that,


*2 !umber $#+;:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?e are the last and would be the 0irst on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,


*2 !umber $#) :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?e are the last (but) we would be the 0irst on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2 and we would be the 0irst to enter @aradise2 but that the" were .i-en the 7oo6 be0ore us and we were .i-en a0ter them, The" disa.reed and Allah .uided us on whate-er the" disa.reed re.ardin. the truth, And it was this da" o0 theirs about whi/h the" disa.reed2 but Allah .uided us to it2 and that is =rida" 0or usB the ne5t da" is 0or the Fews and the da" 0ollowin. 0or the 'hristians,


*2 !umber $#)$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Muhammad2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 as sa"in.: ?e who are the last would be the 0irst on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion but the" (other Ummahs) were .i-en the 7oo6 be0ore us and we were .i-en a0ter them2 and this was the da" that was 1res/ribed 0or them but the" disa.reed on it, And Allah .uided us to it, and the" /ame a0ter us with re.ard to it2 the Fews obser-in. the ne5t da" and the 'hristians the da" 0ollowin. that,


*2 !umber $#)2:

It is narrated b" Abu Huraira and Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It was =rida" 0rom whi/h Allah di-erted those who were be0ore us, =or the Fews (the da" set aside 0or 1ra"er) was Sabt (Saturda")2 and 0or the 'hristians it was Sunda", And Allah turned towards us and .uided us to =rida" (as the da" o0 1ra"er) 0or us, In 0a/t2 He (Allah) made =rida"2 Saturda" and Sunda" (as da"s o0 1ra"er), In this order would the" (Fews and 'hristians) /ome a0ter us on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion, ?e are the last o0 (the Ummahs) amon. the 1eo1le in this world and the 0irst amon. the /reated to be jud.ed on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion, In one narration it is: :2 to be jud.ed amon. themC,


*2 !umber $#)4:

Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?e were .uided to =rida" (as a da" o0 1ra"er and meditation)2 but Allah di-erted those who were be0ore us 0rom it, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $+4: (5/ellen/e o0 .oin. out earl" on 0rida"

7oo6 *2 !umber $#)*:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen it is =rida"2 the an.els stand at e-er" door o0 the mosque and re/ord the 1eo1le in the order o0 their arri-al2 and when the Imam sits (on the 1ul1it 0or deli-erin. the sermon) the" 0old u1 their sheets (manus/ri1ts o0 the Eur:an) and listen to the mention (o0 Allah), And he who /omes earl" is li6e one who o00ers a she-/amel as a sa/ri0i/e2 the ne5t li6e one who o00ers a /ow2 the ne5t a ram2 the ne5t a hen2 the ne5t an e..,


*2 !umber $#)+:

This hadith has been narrated b" Abu Huratra throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $#)):

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is an an.el on e-er" door o0 the mosque re/ordin. him 0irst who (/onies) 0irst (a the mosque 0or =rida" 1ra"er), And he Nthe @ro1hetO li6ened him as one who o00ers a /amel as a sa/ri0i/e and then he went on in the des/endin. order till he rea/hed the 1oint at whi/h the minimum (sa/ri0i/e) is that o0 an e.., And when the Imam sits (on the 1ul1it) the sheets are 0olded and the" (the an.els) attend to the mention o0 Allah,

'ha1ter $+*: (5/ellen/e o0 one who listens to the 6hutba (sermon) with 1er0e/t silen/e
7oo6 *2 !umber $#)%:
Abu-Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who too6 a bath and then /ame 0or Fumu:a 1ra"er and then 1ra"ed what was 0i5ed 0or him2 then 6e1t silen/e till the Imam 0inished the sermon2 and then 1ra"ed alon. with him2 his sins between that time and the ne5t =rida" would be 0or.i-en2 and e-en o0 three da"s wore,


*2 !umber $#)#:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who 1er0ormed ablution well2 then /ame to =rida" 1ra"er2 listened (to the sermon)2 6e1t silen/e all (his sins) between

*%; & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

that time and the ne5t =rida" would be 0or.i-en with three da"s e5tra2 and he who tou/hed 1ebbles /aused an interru1tion,

'ha1ter $++: Fumu:a 1ra"er is to be obser-ed when the sun 1asses o-er the meridian
7oo6 *2 !umber $#);:
Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: ?e used to obser-e (Fumu:a) 1ra"er with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and then we returned and .a-e rest to our /amels used 0or /arr"in. water, HassanN (one o0 the narrators) said: I as6ed Fa:0ar what time that was, He said,, It is the time when the sun 1asses the meridian,


*2 !umber $#% :

Fa:0ar re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that he as6ed Fabir b, :Abdullah when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed Fumu:a 1ra"er, Ae said: He used to obser-e 1ra"er2 and we then went (ba/6) to our /amels and .a-e them rest, :Abdullah made this addition in his narration:C Till the sun 1assed the meridian, and the /amels used 0or /arr"in. water (too6 rest),C


*2 !umber $#%$:

Sahl b, Said said: ?e did not ha-e a siesta or lun/h till a0ter the =rida" 1ra"er, (Ibn Hujr added: )C 9arin. the li0etime o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),C


*2 !umber $#%2:

I"as b, Salama b, al-A6wa: re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: ?e used to obser-e the =rida" 1ra"er with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) when the sun 1assed the meridian, and we then returned and tried to 0ind out a0ternoon shadow (o0 the walls 0or 1rote/tin. themsel-es 0rom the heat o0 the sun),


*2 !umber $#%4:

I"as b, Salama b, A6wa: re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather2 sa"in.: ?e used to obser-e the =rida" 1ra"er with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and when we returned we did not 0ind the shadow o0 the walls in whi/h we /ould ta6e 1rote/tion (0rom the heat o0 the sun),

*# & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $+): 'on/ernin. the two sermons be0ore the 0rida" 1ra"er and sittin. 0or a while between the two
7oo6 *2 !umber $#%*:
Ibn :Umar said that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to deli-er the sermon on =rida" while standin., He would then sit and then stand (0or the se/ond sermon) as the" (the Muslims) do nowada"s,


*2 !umber $#%+:

Fabir b, Samura said: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e two sermons between whi/h he sat2 re/ited the Eur:an and e5horted the 1eo1le,


*2 !umber $#%):

Fabir b, Samura said that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to deli-er the sermon while standin., He would then sit down and then stand u1 and address in a standin. 1ostureB and whoe-er in0ormed "ou that he (the Hol" @ro1het) deli-ered the sermon while sittin. told a lie, 7" Allah, I 1ra"ed with him more than two thousand times,

'ha1ter $+%: 'on/ernin. the words o0 the qur:an: CAnd when the" see mer/handise or s1ort2 the" brea6 awa" to it2 and lea-e thee standin.C (l5ii, $$)
7oo6 *2 !umber $#%%:
Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted that the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was deli-erin. the sermon on =rida" in a standin. 1osture when a /ara-an 0rom S"ria arri-ed, The 1eo1le 0lo/6ed towards it till no one was le0t (with the Hol" @ro1het) but twel-e 1ersons2 and it was on this o//asion that this -erse in re.ard to Fumu:a was re-ealed,C And when the" see mer/handise or s1ort, the" brea6 awa" to it and lea-e thee standin.,C

*#$ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $#%#:

This hadith has been narrated b" Husain with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this alteration that he did not ma6e mention o0 the standin. 1osition,


*2 !umber $#%;:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted: I was alon. with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on =rida" when a /ara-an arri-ed, The 1eo1le went to it2 and none but twel-e 1ersons were le0t behind and I was one o0 themB and it was on this o//asion that this -erse was re-ealed:C And when the" see mer/handise or s1ort awa" to it2 and lea-e thee standin.C (l5ii, $ $), the" brea6


*2 !umber $## :

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted: ?hile the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was deli-erin. (a sermon) on =rida"2 a /ara-an o0 mer/handise /ame to Medina, The 'om1anions o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) rushed towards it till onl" twel-e 1ersons were le0t with him in/ludin. Abu 7a6r and :UmarB and it was at this o//asion that this -erse was re-ealed,C And when the" see mer/handise or s1ort2 the" brea6 awa" to it,C


*2 !umber $##$:

>a:b b, :Ujra re1orted that he entered the mosque and saw Abd al-Aahman b, Umm Ha6am deli-erin. the sermon in a sittin. 1osture, U1on this he said: Loo6 at this wret/hed 1ersonB he deli-ers the sermon while sittin.2 whereas Allah said:C And when the" see mer/handise or s1ort2 the" brea6 awa" to it and lea-e thee standin.,C

'ha1ter $+#: ?arnin. on ne.le/tin. jumu:a

7oo6 *2 !umber $##2:
Abdullah b, Umar and Abu Huraira said that the" heard Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa" on the 1lan6s o0 his 1ul1it: @eo1le most /ease to ne.le/t the =rida" 1ra"er or Allah will seal their hearts and then the" will be amon. the,

*#2 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $+;: Shortness o0 1ra"er and sermon

7oo6 *2 !umber $##4:
Fabir b, Samura re1orted: I used to 1ra" with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and both his 1ra"er and sermon were o0 moderate,


*2 !umber $##*:

Fabir b, Samura re1orted: I used to obser-e 1ra"er with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his 1ra"er was o0 moderate and his sermon too was o0 moderate,


*2 !umber $##+:

Fabir b, Abdullah said: ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) deli-ered the sermon2 his e"es be/ame red2 his -oi/e rose, and his in/reased so that he was li6e one .i-in. a warnin. a.ainst the enem" and sa"in.:C The enem" has made a mornin. atta/6 on "ou and in the e-enin. too,C He would also sa":C The last Hour and I ha-e been sent li6e these two,C and he would join his and middle 0in.erB and would 0urther sa":C The best o0 the s1ee/h is embodied in the 7oo6 o0 Allah2 and the beet o0 the .uidan/e is the .uidan/e .i-en b" Muhammad, And the most e-il a00airs are their inno-ationsB and e-er" inno-ation is error,C He would 0urther sa":2 I am more dear to a Muslim e-en than his sel0B and he who le0t behind 1ro1ert" that is 0or his 0amil", and he who dies under debt or lea-es /hildren (in hel1lessness), the res1onsibilit" (o0 1a"in. his debt and u1 his /hildren) lies on me,C


*2 !umber $##):

Fa:0ar b, Muhammad said on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: I heard Fabir b, :Abdullah sa"in. that in the sermon o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) he 1raised Allah2 lauded Him (and subsequentl" said Nother wordsO and raised his -oi/e2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same),


*2 !umber $##%:

Fabir re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 while deli-erin. the sermon: to the 1eo1le2 1raised Allah2 and lauded Him 0or what He deser-es2 and would then sa": He whom Allah .uides ari.ht2 there is none to mislead him2 and he who is led astra"2 there is none to .uide him ( and the best o0 the tal6 is embodied in the 7oo6 o0 Allah, And the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

*#4 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $###:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: 9imad /ame to Me//a and he belon.ed to the tribe o0 A8d Shanu:a2 and he used to 1rote/t the 1erson who was under the in0luen/e o0 /harm, He heard the 0oolish 1eo1le o0 Me//a sa" that Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was under the s1ell, U1on this he said: I0 $ were to /ome a/ross this man2 Allah /ure him at m" hand, He met him and said: Muhammad2 I /an 1rote/t (one) who is under the in0luen/e o0 /harm2 and Allah /ures one whom He so desires at m" hand, 9o "ou desire (this)D U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: @raise is due to Allah2 we 1raise Him2 as6 His hel1B and he whom Allah .uides there is none to lead him astra"2 and he who is led astra" there is none to .uide him2 and I bear testimon" to the 0a/t that there is no .od but Allah2 He is 3ne2 ha-in. no 1artner with Him2 and that Muhammad is His Ser-ant and, !ow a0ter this he (9imad) said: Ae1eat these words o0 "ours be0ore me2 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re1eated these to him thri/eB and he said I ha-e heard the words o0 soothsa"ers and the words o0 ma.i/ians2 and the words o0 1oets2 but I ha-e ne-er heard su/h words as "ours2 and the" rea/h the de1th (o0 the o/ean o0 eloquen/e) B brin. 0orth "our hand so that I should ta6e oath o0 0ealt" to "ou on Islam, So he too6 an oath o0 alle.ian/e to him, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It (this alle.ian/e o0 "ours) is on behal0 o0 "our 1eo1le too, He said: It is on behal0 o0 m" 1eo1le too, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent an e51edition and the 0l"in. /olumn 1assed b" his 1eo1le, The leader o0 the 0l"in. /olumn said to the deta/hment: 9id "ou 0ind an"thin. 0rom these 1eo1leD 3ne o0 the 1eo1le said: I 0ound a utensil 0or water, U1on this he (the /ommander) said: Aeturn it2 0or he is one o0 the 1eo1le o0 9imad,


*2 !umber $##;:
Abd al-Kaq8n2 "ou ha-e deli-ered a short and

Abu ?a:il re1orted: :Ammar deli-ered to us the sermon, It was short and eloquent, ?hen he (2 Ammir) des/ended (0rom the 1ul1it) we said to him: eloquent sermon, ?ould that "ou had len.thened (the sermon), He said: I ha-e heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The len.thenin. o0 1ra"er b" a man and the shortness o0 the sermon is the si.n o0 his understandin. (o0 0aith), So len.then the 1ra"er and shorten the sermon2 0or there is /harm (in 1re/ise) e51ression,


*2 !umber $#; :

:Adi b, Hatim re1orted that a 1erson re/ited a sermon be0ore the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) thus: He who obe"s Alla" and His A1ostle2 he in 0a/t 0ollows the 1ath2 and he who disobe"s both o0 them2 he .oes astra", U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hat a bad s1ea6er "ou areB sa": He who disobe"s Allah and His A1ostle, Ibn !umair added: He in 0a/t went astra",

*#* & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $#;$:

Sa0wan b, Ka:la re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that he heard the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/itin. (-erses o0 the Eur:an) on the 1ul1it, andC The" /ried:


*2 !umber $#;2:

:Amra dau.hter o0 Abd al-Aahman re1orted on the authorit" o0 the sister o0 Amra2 I memorised (surah) Ea0Psurah l,):C 7" the .lorious Eur:anC 0rom the mouth o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on =rida" 0or he re/ited it on the 1ul1it on-e-er" =rida",


*2 !umber $#;4:

The dau.hter o0 Haritha b, !u:man said: I did not memorise (Surah) Ea0 but 0rom the mouth o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as he used to deli-er the, sermon alon. with it on e-er" =rida", She also added: 3ur o-en and that o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was one,


*2 !umber $#;*:

Umm 7isham hint Haritha b, !u:man said: 3ur o-en and that o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was one 0or two "ears2 or 0or one "ear or 0or a 1art o0 a "earB and I learntC Ea0, 7" the Hlorious Eur:anC 0rom no other sour/e than the ton.ue o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who used to re/ite it e-er" =rida" on the 1ul1it when he deli-ered the sermon to the 1eo1le,


*2 !umber $#;+:

Umara b, Auwaiba said he saw 7ishr b, Marwan on the 1ul1it raisin. his hands and said: Allah2 dis0i.ure these handsL I ha-e seen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .esture no more than this with his hands2 and he 1ointed with his,


*2 !umber $#;):

This hadith has been narrated b" another /hain o0 transmitters on the authorit" o0 Husain b, Abd al-Aahman,

*#+ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $) : 3bser-in. o0 two ra6iahs as a salutation o0 the mosque while the imam is deli-erin. (the sermon)
7oo6 *2 !umber $#;%:
Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that while Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was deli-erin. the sermon on =rida" a 1erson /ame there2 and the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: So and so2 ha-e "ou 1ra"ed (two ra6:ahs)D He said: !o, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Then stand and 1ra",


*2 !umber $#;#:

This hadith is narrated b" Fabir throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters but Hammad (one o0 the narrators) made no mention o0 the two ra6:ahs,


*2 !umber $#;;:

Fabir b, :Abdullah said that a 1erson entered the Mosque while the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was deli-erin. the sermon on =rida", U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Ha-e "ou obser-ed 1ra"erD He said: !o, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Stand and o00er the two ra6:ahs, A//ordin. to Eutaiba2 the words are:C He said: 300er two ra6:ahs,C


*2 !umber $;

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that a 1erson /ame (in the Mosque) while the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was deli-erin. the sermon on =rida" (standin.) on the 1ul1it, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said to him: Ha-e "ou o00ered two ra6:ahsD He said: !o, U1on this he said: Then obser-e (them),


*2 !umber $; $:

Fabir b, :Abdullah said that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) deli-ered the sermon and said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou /omes 0or the =rida" (1ra"er) and the Imam /omes out (0rom his a1artment)2 (e-en then) should obser-e two ra6:ahs (o0 1ra"er),


*2 !umber $; 2:

Fabir re1orted that Sulai6 Hhata0ani /ame on =rida" (0or 1ra"er) while the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was sittin. on the 1ul1it, Sulai6 also sat down be0ore obser-in. 1ra"er, The
*#) & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ha-e "ou obser-ed two ra6:ahsD He said: !o, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Stand and obser-e them


*2 !umber $; 4:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: Sulai6 Hhata0ani /ame on =rida" when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was deli-erin. the sermon, He (Sulai6) sat down, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said to him: Sulai6 I stand and obser-e two ra6:ahs and ma6e them short2 and then said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou /omes on =rida"2 while the Imam deli-ers the sermon2 he should obser-e two ra6:ahs and should ma6e them short,

'ha1ter $)$: Hadith 1ertainin. to .i-in. instru/tion in 6hutba

7oo6 *2 !umber $; *:
Abu Ai0a:a re1orted: I /ame to the Hol" @ro1het (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) when he was deli-erin. the sermon2 and I said: o0 Allah2 here is a and he wants to learn about this reli.ion and he does not 6now what this reli.ion is, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) loo6ed at me and le0t his sermon till he /ame to me2 and he was .i-en a /hair and I that Its le.s were made o0 iron, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sat In it and he to tea/h me what Allah had him, He then /ame (to the 1ul1it) 0or his sermon and /om1leted it to the end,

'ha1ter $)2: ?hat is to be re/ited in the jumuia 1ra"erD

7oo6 *2 !umber $; +:
Ibn Abu Aa0i: said: Marwan a11ointed Abu Huraira as his de1ut" in Medina and he himsel0 le0t t 0or Me//a, Abu Huraira led as in the Fumu:a 1ra"er and re/ited a0ter Surah Fumu:a in the se/ond ra6:ah:C ?hen the h"1o/rites /ame to theeC (Surah l5iii,), I then met Abu Huraira as he /ame ba/6 and said to him: Kou ha-e re/ited two surahs whi/h :Ali b, Abu Talib used to re/ite in >u0ah, U1on this Abu Huraira said: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e: be u1on him) :re/itin. these two in the =rida" (1ra"er),

*#% & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $; ):

This hadith is narrated b" Abdullah b, Abu Aa0i: with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this modi0i/ation:C That he re/ited Surah Fumu:a (l5ii,) in the 0irst ra6:ah andC The h"1o/rites /ameC in the se/ond ra6:ah,


*2 !umber $; %:

!u:man b, 7ashir re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to re/ite on two :Ids and in =rida" 1ra"er:C Hlori0" The name o0 Th" Lord2 the Most Hi.hC (Surah l555-ii,)2 and:C Has there /ome to thee the news o0 the o-erwhelmin. e-entC (l555-iii,), And when the :Id and Fumu:a /ombined on a da" he re/ited these two (surah) in both the 1ra"ers,


*2 !umber $; #:

This hadith has been narrated b" Ibrahim b Muhammad b, al-Muntashir with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $; ;:

9ahha6 b, Eais wrote to !u:man b, 7ashir as6in. him what the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited on =rida" besides Surah Fumu:a He said that he re/ited:C Has there rea/hed,,,C (Surah l555-iii2 ),


*2 !umber $;$ :

Ibn Abbas re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to re/ite in the mornin. 1ra"er on =rida" SurahC Ali0-Lam-Mim2 Tan8:il ul-SajdaC (Surah 555ii,): Surel" there /ame o-er the man a timeC (Surah l55-ii) and he used to re/ite in Fumu:a 1ra"er Surahs Fumu:a and al-Muna0iqin,


*2 !umber $;$$:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Su0"an with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $;$2:

Mu6hawwil has narrated this hadith on the authorit" o0 Su0"an,


*2 !umber $;$4:

Abu Huraira re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to re/ite in the dawn 1ra"er on =rida"C Ali0-Lam-Mim2 Tan8ilC andC Surel" there /ame,C
*## & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $;$*:

Abu Huraira re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to re/ite in the dawn 1ra"er on =rida":C Ali0-Lam-Mim2 Tan8ilC in the 0irst ra6:ah2 and in the se/ond one:C Surel" there /ame o-er the man a time when he was nothin. that /ould be mentioned,C

'ha1ter $)4: @ra"er (sunan) a0ter the jumu:a 1ra"er (0ard)

7oo6 *2 !umber $;$+:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen an" one o0 "ou obser-es the Fumu:a 1ra"er (two obli.ator" ra6:ahs in / he should obser-e 0our (ra6:ahs) a0terwards,


*2 !umber $;$):

Suhail re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen "ou obser-e 1ra"er a0ter (the two obli.ator" ra6labs) o0 Fumu:a2 "ou should obser-e 0our ra6:ahs (and :Amr in his narration has made this addition that Ibn Idris said this on the authorit" o0 Suhail): And i0 "ou are in a hurr" on a//ount o0 somethin.2 "ou should obser-e two ra6:ahs in the mosque and two when "ou return (to "our house),


*2 !umber $;$%:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen an" one "ou obser-es 1ra"er a0ter Fumu:a2 he should obser-e 0our ra6:ahs, (In the hadith transmitted b" Farir the word min6um is not re/orded,)


*2 !umber $;$#:

!a0i: re1orted that when :Abdullah (b, :Umar) obser-ed the =rida" 1ra"er and /ame ba/6 he obser-ed two ra6:ahs in his house2 and then said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1dn him) used to do this,


*2 !umber $;$;:

:Abdullah b, :Umar2 while des/ribin. the !a0l 1ra"er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said: He did not obser-e (!a0l) 1ra"er a0ter Fumu:a till he went ba/6 and obser-ed two

*#; & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

ra6:ahs in his house, Kah"a said: I .uess that I uttered these words (be0ore Imam Mali6) that he o0 /ourse obser-ed (them),


*2 !umber $;2 :

Salim narrated on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e two ra6:ahs a0ter Fumu:a,


*2 !umber $;2$:

:Umar b, :Ata: b, Abu >huwar said that !a0i: b, Fubair sent him to al- Sa:ib the son o0 !amir:s sister with a -iew to as6in. him about what he had seen in the 1ra"er o0 Mu:awi"a, He said: Kes2 I obser-ed the Fumu:a 1ra"er alon. with him in Maqsura and when the Imam 1ronoun/ed salutation I stood u1 at m" 1la/e and obser-ed (Sunan ra6:ahs), As he entered (the a1artment) he sent 0or me and said: 9o not re1eat what "ou ha-e done, ?hene-er "ou ha-e obser-ed the Fumu:a 1ra"er2 do not obser-e (Sunan 1ra"er) till "ou2 ha-e tal6ed or .ot out =or the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had ordered us to do this and not to /ombine two (t"1es o0) 1ra"ers without tal6in. o0 .oin. out,


*2 !umber $;22:

The same hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Umar b, Ata: but with this modi0i/ation: ?hen he (the Imam) 1ronoun/ed salutation I stood u1 at m" 1la/e, !o mention was made o0 the Imam in it,

'ha1ter $)*: The 1ra"er o0 the two :Ids

7oo6 *2 !umber $;24:
Ibn :Abbas re1orted: I 1arti/i1ated in the =itr 1ra"er with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and Abu 7a6r2 :Umar and :Uthman2 and all o0 them obser-ed this 1ra"er be0ore the >hutba2 and then he (the Hol" @ro1het) deli-ered the sermon, Then the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) des/ended (0rom the 1ul1it) and I (1er/ei-e) as i0 I am seein. him as he is /ommandin. 1eo1le with his hand to sit down, He then made his wa" throu.h their (assembl") till he /ame to the women, 7ilal was with him, He then re/ited (this -erse): 3 @ro1het2 when belie-in. women /ome to thee .i-in. thee a 1led.e that the" will not asso/iate with AllahC (l5, $2) till he 0inished (his address to) them and then said: 9o "ou /on0orm to it (what has been des/ribed in the -erse)D 3nl" one woman amon. them re1lied: Kes2 A1ostle o0 Allah2 but none else re1lied, He (the narrator) said: It /ould not be as/ertained who a/tuall" she was, He (the Hol" @ro1het) e5horted them to .i-e alms, 7ilal stret/hed his /loth and then said: 'ome 0orward with alms, Let m" 0ather and mother be ta6en as ransom 0or "ou, And the" to throw rin.s and rin.lets in the /loth o0 7ilal,

*; & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $;2*:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: I bear testimon" to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) o00erin. 1ra"er be0ore >butba, He (a0ter sa"in. 1ra"er) deli-ered the >utba2 and he 0ound that the women /ould not hear it2 so he /ame to them and e5horted them and 1rea/hed them and /ommanded them to .i-e alms2 and 7ilal had stret/hed his /loth and the women were throwin. rin.s2 earrin.s and other thin.s, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A""ub with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $;2+:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 on the da" o0 :Id al-=itr and obser-ed 1ra"er, And he /ommen/ed the 1ra"er be0ore the sermon, He then deli-ered the sermon, ?hen the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0inished (the sermon) he /ame down 0rom (the 1ul1it)2 and made his wa" to the women and e5horted them (to do .ood a/ts)2 and he was leanin. on the hand o0 7ilal, 7ilal had stret/hed his /loth in whi/h women were throwin. alms, I (one o0 the narrators) said to :Ata: (the other narrator): It must be Ga6at on the da" o0 =itr, He (:Ata:) said: !o, It was alms (whi/h) the" were .i-in. on that o//asion2 and a woman .a-e her rin.2 and then others .a-e2 and then others .a-e, I said to :Ata:: Is It now 0or the Imam to /ome to the women when he has 0inished (his address to the men) that he should e5hort them (to .ood deeds)D He said: (?h" not) b" m" li0e2 it is 0or them (to do so), ?hat is the matter with them that the" do not do it nowD


*2 !umber $;2):

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: I obser-ed 1ra"er with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the :Id da", He /ommen/ed with 1ra"er be0ore the sermon without Adhan and Iqama, He then stood u1 leanin. on 7ilal2 and he /ommanded (them) to be on .uard (a.ainst e-il 0or the sa6e o0) Allah2 and he e5horted (them) on obedien/e to Him2 and he 1rea/hed to the 1eo1le and admonished them, He then wal6ed on till he /ame to the women and 1rea/hed to them and admonished them2 and as6ed them to .i-e alms2 0or most o0 them are the 0uel 0or Hell, A woman ha-in. a dar6 s1ot on the /hee6 stood u1 and said: ?h" is it so2 o0 AllahD He said: =or "ou .rumble o0ten and show in.ratitude to "our s1ouse, And then the" to .i-e alms out o0 their ornaments su/h as their earrin.s and rin.s whi/h the" threw on to the /loth o0 7ilal,


*2 !umber $;2%:

Ibn :Abbas and Faibir b, :Abdullah al-Ansari re1orted: There was no Adhan on the (o//asion) o0 Idul-=itr and Id-ul-Adha, I (Ibn Furaij) said: I as6ed him a0ter some time about it, He (:Ata:2 one o0 the narrators) said: Fabir b, :Abdullah al-Ansari told me: There is neither an" Adhan on Id-ul-=itr when

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the Imam /omes out2 nor e-en a0ter his /omin. outB their is neither lqama nor /all nor an"thin. o0 the sort o0 /allin. on that da" and nor Iqama,


*2 !umber $;2#:

:Ata: re1orted that Ibn :Abbas sent (him) to Ibn Gubair at the /ommen/ement o0 the oath o0 alle.ian/e to him (0or 'ali1hate sa"in.): As there is no Adhan on :Id-ul-=itr2 so "ou should not 1ronoun/e it, Ibn Gubair did not 1ronoun/e Adhan on that da", He (Ibn :Abbas) also sent him (with this messa.e) that sermon (is to be deli-ered) a0ter the 1ra"er2 and thus it was done, So lbn Gubair obser-ed 1ra"er be0ore >hutba,


*2 !umber $;2;:

Fabir b, Samura said: I 1ra"ed with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ra"ers on two I:ds wore than on/e or twi/e without there bein. Adhan and Iqama,


*2 !umber $;4 :

Ibn :Umar re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 Abu 7a6r and :Umar used to obser-e the two :Id 1ra"ers be0ore the sermon,


*2 !umber $;4$:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to .o out on the da" o0 Adha and on the da" o0 =itr and /ommen/ed the 1ra"er, And a0ter ha-in. obser-ed his 1ra"er and 1ronoun/ed the salutation2 he stood u1 0a/in. 1eo1le as the" were seated at their 1la/es o0 worshi1, And i0 he intended to send out an arm" he made mention o0 it to the 1eo1le2 and i0 he intended an" other thin. besides it2 he /ommanded them (to do that), He used to sa" (to the 1eo1le): Hi-e alms2 .i-e alms2 .i-e alms2 and the majorit" that .a-e alms was o0 women, He then returned and this (1ra/ti/e) remained (in -o.ue) till Marwan b, al- Ha6am (/ame into 1ower), I went out hand in hand with Marwan till we /ame to the 1la/e o0 worshi1 and there >athir b, Salt had built a 1ul1it o0 /la" and bri/6, Marwan to tu. me with his hand as thou.h he were 1ullin. me towards the 1ul1it2 while I was 1ullin. him towards the 1ra"er, ?hen I saw him doin. that I said: ?hat has ha11ened to the 1ra/ti/e o0 be.innin. with 1ra"erD He said: !o2 Abu Sa:id2 what "ou are 0amiliar with has been abandoned, I thereu1on said (three times and went ba/6): 7" no means2 b" Him in ?hose hand m" li0e is2 "ou are not doin. an"thin. better than what I am 0amiliar with,

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'ha1ter $)+: @ermissibilit" o0 women:s .oin. out on :Id da"s towards the 1la/e o0 worshi1 and their 1resen/e in the 6hutba (sittin.) at a distan/e 0rom men
7oo6 *2 !umber $;42:
Umm :Ati""a said: He (the A1ostle o0 Allah) /ommanded us that we should ta6e out unmarried women and 1urdah-obser-in. ladies 0or :Id 1ra"ers2 and he /ommanded the menstruatin. women to remain awa" 0rom the 1la/e o0 worshi1 o0 the Muslims,


*2 !umber $;44:

Umm Ati""a re1orted: ?e were /ommanded to brin. out on old da"s 1urdah-obser-in. ladies and those unmarried2 and menstruatin. women /ame out but remained behind 1eo1le and 1ronoun/ed ta6bir (Allah-o-A6bar) alon. with them,


*2 !umber $;4*:

Umm :Ati""a re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded us to brin. out on:Id-ul-=itr and :Id-ul-Adha "oun. women2 menstruatin. women and 1urdah-obser-in. ladies2 menstruatin. women 6e1t ba/6 0rom 1ra"er2 but 1arti/i1ated in .oodness and su11li/ation o0 the Muslims, I said: o0 Allah2 one o0 us does not ha-e an outer .arment (to /o-er her 0a/e and bod"), He said: Let her sister /o-er her with her outer .arment,

'ha1ter $)): Abandonin. o0 1ra"er be0ore :Id and a0ter it in the 1la/e o0 worshi1 (ourside the habitation) es1e/iall" meant 0or :Id
7oo6 *2 !umber $;4+:
Ibn :Abbas re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out on the da" o0 Adha or =itr and obser-ed two ra6:ahs2 and did not obser-e 1ra"er (at that 1la/e) be0ore and a0ter that, He then /ame to the women alon. with 7ilal and /ommanded them to .i-e alms and the women to .i-e their rin.s and ne/6la/es, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,
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'ha1ter $)%: ?hat is to be re/ited in :Id 1ra"ers

7oo6 *2 !umber $;4):
:Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted that (his 0ather) :Umar b, >hattab as6ed Abu ?aqid al-Laithi what the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to re/ite on :Id-ul-Adha and :Id-ul-=itr, He said: He used to re/ite in them:C Ea0, 7" the Hlorious Eur:anC (Surah $)2C The Hour drew near2 and the moon was rent asunderC (Surah li-,),


*2 !umber $;4%:

:Utba re1orted that his 0ather ?aqid al-Laithi said: :Umar b, >hattab as6ed me what the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited on :Id da", I said:C The Hour drew nearC and Ea0, 7" the Hlorious Eur:anC,

'ha1ter $)#: @ermission 0or inno/ent s1ort on :id da"s

7oo6 *2 !umber $;4#:
:A:isha re1orted: Abu 7a6r /ame to see me and I had two .irls with me 0rom amon. the .irls o0 the Ansar and the" were what the Ansar re/ited to one another at the 7attle o0 7u:ath, The" were not2 howe-er2 .irls, U1on this Abu 7a6r said: ?hat I (the 1la"in. o0) this wind instrument o0 Satan in the house o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and this too on :Id da"D U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Abu 7a6r2 e-er" 1eo1le ha-e a 0esti-al and it is our 0esti-al (so let them 1la" on),


*2 !umber $;4;:

This hadith has been narrated b" Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but there the words are:C Two .irls were 1la"in. u1on a tambourine,C


*2 !umber $;* :

:A:isha re1orted that Abu 7a6r /ame to her and there were with her two .irls on Adha da"s who were and beatin. the tambourine and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had wra11ed himsel0 with his mantle, Abu 7a6r s/olded them, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) un/o-ered (his 0a/e) and said: Abu 7a6r2 lea-e them alone 0or these are the da"s o0 :Id, And :A:isha said: I re/a1itulate to m" mind the 0a/t that on/e the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be

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u1on him) s/reened me with his mantle and I saw the s1orts o0 the Ab"ssinians2 and I was onl" a .irl2 and so "ou /an well ima.ine how a .irl o0 tender a.e is 0ond o0 wat/hin. the s1ort,


*2 !umber $;*$:

:A:isha re1orted: 7K Allah2 I remember the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) standin. on the door o0 m" a1artment s/reenin. me with his mantle enablin. me to see the s1ort o0 the Ab"ssinians as the" 1la"ed with their da..ers in the mosque o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1om him), He (the Hol" @ro1het) 6e1t standin. 0or m" sa6e till I was satiated and then I went ba/6B and thus "ou /an well ima.ine how lon. a .irl tender o0 a.e who is 0ond o0 s1orts (/ould ha-e wat/hed it),


*2 !umber $;*2:

:A:isha re1orted: The o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame (in m" a1artment) while there were two .irls with me the son. o0 the 7attle o0 7u:ath, He la" down on the bed and turned awa" his 0a/e, Then /ame Abu 7a6r and he s/olded me and said: 3hL this musi/al instrument o0 the de-il in the house o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)L The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) turned towards him and said: Lea-e them alone, And when he (the Hol" @ro1het) be/ame unattenti-e2 I hinted them and the" went out2 and it was the da" o0 :Id and ne.roes were 1la"in. with shields and s1eare, (I do not remember) whether I as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) or whether he said to me i0 I desired to see (that s1ort), I said: Kes, I stood behind him with his 0a/e 1arallel to m" 0a/e2 and he said: 3 7anu Ar0ada2 be bus" (in "our s1orts) till I was satiated, He said (to me): Is that enou.hD I said: Kes, U1on this he as6ed me to .o,


*2 !umber $;*4:

:A:isha re1orted that some Ab"ssinians /ame and .a-e a demonstration o0 armed on the :Id da" in the mosque, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in-ited me (to see that, I 1la/ed m" head on his shoulder and to see their s1ort till it was I who turned awa" 0rom wat/hin. them,


*2 !umber $;**:

This hadith has been narrated b" Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters but (the narrators) did not ma6e mention o0 the mosque,


*2 !umber $;*+:

:A:isha said that she sent a messa.e to the 1la"ers (o0 this armed sa"in.: I li6e to see them (0i.htin.), She 0urther said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 and I stood at
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the door (behind him) and saw (this between his ears and his shoulders the" 1la"ed in the mosque, :Ata: (one o0 the narra- tors) said: ?ere the" 1ersians or Ab"ssiniansD Ibn :Atiq told me the" were Ab"ssinians,


*2 !umber $;*):

Abu Huraira re1orted: ?hile the Ab"ssinians were bus" 1la"in. with their arms in the 1resen/e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) :Umar b, >hattab /ame there, He bent down to ta6e u1 1ebbles to throw at them (in order to ma6e them .o o00), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: :Umar2 lea-e them alone,

'ha1ter $);: @ra"er 0or rain

7oo6 *2 !umber $;*%:
:Abdullah b, Gaid b, Ma8ini re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went to the 1la/e o0 1ra"er and 1ra"ed 0or rain and turned round his mantle while 0a/in. the Eibla,


*2 !umber $;*#:

Ibn Tamim narrated on the authorit" o0 his un/le (:Abdullah b, Gaid) that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out to the 1la/e o0 1ra"er and 1ra"ed 0or rain and 0a/ed towards Eibla2 and turned round his mantle and 1ra"ed two ra6:ahs,


*2 !umber $;*;:

:Abdullah b, Gaid al-Ansari re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out to the 1la/e o0 1ra"er in order to o00er 1ra"er 0or rain0all, And when he intended to ma6e su11li/ation he 0a/ed Eibla and turned round his mantle,


*2 !umber $;+ :

:Abbad b, Tamim Ma8ini heard his un/le2 who was one o0 the 'om1anions o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 as sa"in.: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out one da" in order to 1ra" 0or rain, He turned his ba/6 towards 1eo1le2 su11li/ated be0ore Allah2 0a/in. towards Eibla2 and turned his mantle round and then obser-ed two ra6:ahs o0 1ra"er,

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*2 !umber $;+$:

Anas re1orted: I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) raisin. his hands (hi.h enou.h) in su11li/ation (0or rain) that the whiteness o0 his arm1its be/ame -isible,


*2 !umber $;+2:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ra"ed 0or rain 1ointin. the ba/6 o0 his hands to the s6",


*2 !umber $;+4:

Anas re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was not a//ustomed to rai/e his hands in an" su11li/ation he made e5/e1t when 1ra"in. 0or rain, (He would then raise Nhis handsO hi.h enou.h) that the whiteness o0 his arm1its be/ame -isible, :Abd al-A:la said that (he was in doubt whether it was) the whiteness o0 his arm1it or arm1its,


*2 !umber $;+*:

This hadith has been narrated b" Anas b, Mali6 throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $% : Su11li/ation in 1ra"er 0or rain

7oo6 *2 !umber $;++:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that a 1erson entered the mosque throu.h the door situated on theside o0 9aral-Eada: durin. =rida" (1ra"er) and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was deli-erin. the sermon while standin., He /ame and stood in 0ront o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 the /amels died and the were blo/6edB so su11li/ate Allah to send down rain u1on us, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) raised his hands and then said: (3 Allah2 send down rain u1on usB 3 Allah2 send dow1 rain u1on usB 3 Allah2 send down rain u1on us, Anas said: 7" Allah2 we did not see an" /loud or an" 1at/h o0 it2 and there was neither an" house or buildin. standin. between us and the (hillo/6) Sal:a, There a11eared a /loud in the sha1e o0 a shield 0rom behind it2 and as it (/ame hi.h) in the s6" it s1read and then there was a down1our o0 rain, 7" Allah2 we did not see the sun throu.hout the wee6, Then (that -er" man) /ame on the /omin. =rida" throu.h the same door when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was standin. and deli-erin. the sermon, He stood in 0ront o0 him and said: o0 Allah2 our animals died and the blo/6ed, Su11li/ate Allah to sto1 the rain 0or us, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a.ain raised his hands and said: 3 Allah2 let it (rain) 0all in our suburbs and not on us2 3 Allah (send it down) on the hillo/6s and small mountains and the ri-er-beds
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and at 1la/es where trees .row, The rain sto11ed2 and as we ste11ed out we were wal6in. in sunshine, He (the narrator) said to Shari6: I as6ed Anas b, Mali6 i0 he was the same man, He said: I do not 6now,


*2 !umber $;+):

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: The 1eo1le were in the .ri1 o0 0amine durin. the li0etime o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and (on/e) as the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was deli-erin. the sermon standin. on the 1ul1it on =rida"2 a bedouin stood u1 and said: o0 Allah2 the animals died and the /hildren su00ered star-ation, The rest o0 the hadith is the same (and the words are) that he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 3 Allah2 send down rain in our suburbs but not on us, He (the narrator) said: To whi/he-er dire/tions he 1ointed with his hands2 the /louds bro6e u1 and I saw Medina li6e the o1enin. o0 a (/ourt"ard) and the stream o0 Eanat 0lowed 0or one month2 and none /ame 0rom an" 1art (o0 Arabia) but with the news o0 hea-" rain0all,


*2 !umber $;+%:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that while the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was deli-erin. the sermon on =rida"2 1eo1le stood u1 be0ore him and said in a loud -oi/e: A1ostle o0 Allah2 there is a and the trees ha-e be/ome "ellow2 the animals ha-e diedB and the rest o0 the hadith is the same2 and in the narration transmitted b" :Abd al-A:la the words are:C The /louds /leard 0rom Medina and it to rain around it and not a sin.le dro1 o0 rain 0ell in Medina, And as I loo6ed towards Medina2 I 0ound it hollow li6e (the hollowness o0) a basin,


*2 !umber $;+#:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas but with this addition:C Allah .athered the /louds and as we (were obli.ed) to sta" ba/6 I saw that e-en the stron. man2 im1elled b" a desire to .o to his 0amil"2 (/ould not do so),C


*2 !umber $;+;:

:Ubaidullah b, Anas b, Mali6 heard (his 0ather) Anas b, Mali6 as sa"in.: A bedouin /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on =rida" as he was (deli-erin. the sermon on his) 1ul1itB and the rest o0 the hadith is the same but with this addition:C I saw the /loud /learin. just as a sheet is 0olded,C


*2 !umber $;) :

Anas (b, Mali6) re1orted: It rained u1on us as we were with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) remo-ed his /loth (0rom a 1art o0 his
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

bod") till the rain 0ell on it, ?e said: o0 Allah2 wh" did "ou do thisD He said: It is be/ause it (the rain0all) has just /ome 0rom the (5alted Lord,

'ha1ter $%$: (@ra"er 0or) 1rote/tion (o0 allah) when there is a windstorm2 or (terribl" dar6) /loud2 and 0eelin. o0 jo" when there is a rain0all
7oo6 *2 !umber $;)$:
:Ata: b, Abi Aabah re1orted that he heard :A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 as sa"in.: ?hen there was on an" da" windstorm or dar6 /loud (its e00e/ts) /ould be read on the 0a/e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he mo-ed 0orward and ba/6ward (in a state o0 an5iet") B and when it rained2 he was deli.hted and it (the state o0 restlessness) disa11eared, :A:isha said: I as6ed him the reason o0 this an5iet" and he said: I was a0raid that it be a /alamit" that 0all u1on m" Ummah2 and when he saw rain0all he said: It is the mer/" (o0 Allah),


*2 !umber $;)2:

:Ata: b, Aabah re1orted on the authorit" o0 :A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 who said: ?hene-er the wind was storm"2 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to sa": 3 AllahL I as6 Thee 0or what is .ood in it2 and the .ood whi/h it /ontains2 and the .ood o0 that whi/h it was sent 0or, I see6 re0u.e with Thee 0rom what is e-il in it2 what e-il it /ontains2 and the e-il o0 that what it was sent 0orB and when there was a thunder and li.htnin. in the s6"2 his /olour underwent a /han.e2 and he went out and in2 ba/6wards and 0orwardsB and when the rain /ame2 he 0elt relie-ed2 and I noti/ed that (the si.n o0 relie0) on his 0a/e, :A:isha as6ed him (about it) and he said: It ma" be as the 1eo1le o0 :Ad said: ?hen the" saw a /loud 0ormation /omin. to their -alle" the" said:C It is a /loud whi/h would .i-e us rainC (Eur:an2 5l-i, 2*),


*2 !umber $;)4:

:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted: I ne-er saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) lau.h to su/h an e5tent that I /ould see his u-ula-whereas he used to smile onl"-and when he saw dar6 /louds or wind2 (the si.ns o0 0ear) were de1i/ted on his 0a/e, I said: o0 Allah2 I 0ind 1eo1le bein. ha11" when the" a/e the dar6 /loud in the ho1e that it would brin. rain2 but I 0ind that when "ou see that (the /loud) there is an an5iet" on "our 0a/e, He said: :A:isha2 I am a0raid that there ma" be a /alamit" in it2 0or a 1eo1le was a00li/ted with

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

wind2 when the 1eo1le saw the /alamit" the" said:C It is a /loud whi/h would .i-e us rainC (Eur:an, 5l-i, 2*),


*2 !umber $;)*:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I ha-e been hel1ed b" the east wind and the :Ad were destro"ed b" the west wind,


*2 !umber $;)+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas throu.h another /hain o0 transmit-

'ha1ter $%2: @ra"er at the time o0 solar e/li1se

7oo6 *2 !umber $;)):
:A:isha re1orted that there was a solar e/li1se in the time o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He stood u1 to 1ra" and 1rolon.ed his stand -er" mu/h, He then bowed and 1rolon.ed -er" mu/h his bowin., He then raised his head and 1rolon.ed his stand mu/h2 but it was less than the (duration) o0 the 0irst stand, He then bowed and 1rolon.ed bowin. mu/h2 but it was less than the duration o0 his 0irst bowin., He then 1rostrated and then stood u1 and 1rolon.ed the stand2 but it was less than the 0irst stand, He then bowed and 1rolon.ed his bowin.2 but it was less than the 0irst bowin., He then li0ted his head and then stood u1 and 1rolon.ed his stand2 but it was less than the 0irst stand, He then bowed and 1rolon.ed bowin. and it was less than the 0irst bowin., He then 1rostrated himsel0B then he turned about2 and the sun had be/ome bri.ht2 and he addressed the 1eo1le, He 1raised Allah and landed Him and said: The sun and the moon are two si.ns o0 AllahB the" are not e/li1sed on a//ount o0 an"ones death or on a//ount o0 an"one:s birth, So when "ou see them2 .lori0" and su11li/ate Allah2 obser-e 1ra"er2 .i-e alms, 3 Ummah o0 Muhammad2 none is more indi.nant than Allah ?hen His ser-ant or maid /ommits 0orni/ation, 3 1eo1le o0 Muhammad2 b" Allah2 i0 "ou 6new what I 6now2 "ou would wee1 mu/h and lau.h little,


*2 !umber $;)%:

This hadith has been narrated b" Hisham b, :Urwa with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this addition:C <eril" the sun and the moon are amon. the si.ns o0 Allah,C And similarl" this addition was made:C He then li0ted his hands and said: 3 AllahL ha-e I not /on-e"ed itDC

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $;)#:

:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted There was an e/li1se o0 the sun durin. the li0etime o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), So2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) went to the mosque and stood u1 and .lori0ied Allah2 and the 1eo1le 0ormed themsel-es in rows behind him, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made a lon. re/ital (o0 the Eur:an) and then 1ronoun/ed ta6bir and then obser-ed a lon. ru6u:, He then raised his head and said: Allah listened to him who 1raised Him: our Lord2 1raise is due to Thee, He then a.ain stood u1 and made a lon. re/ital2 whi/h was less than the 0irst re/ital, He 1ronoun/ed ta6bir and obser-ed a lon. ru6u:2 and it was less than the 0irst one, He a.ain said: Allah listened to him who 1raised HimB our Lord2 1raise is due to Thee, (Abu Tahir2 one o0 the narrators) made no mention o0:C He then 1rostrated himsel0,C He did li6e this in the se/ond ra6:ah2 till he /om1leted 0our ra6:ahs and 0our 1rostrations and the sun be/ame be0ore he de1orted, He then stood u1 and addressed 1eo1le2 a0ter laudin. Allah as He deser-ed2 and then said: The sun and the moon are two si.ns amon. the si.ns o0 Allah These do not e/li1se either on the death o0 an"one or on his birth, So when "ou see them2 hasten to 1ra"er, He also said this: 3bser-e 1ra"er till Allah dis1els the an5iet" (o0 this e5traordinar" 1henomenon) 0rom "ou, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I saw in m" 1la/e e-er"thin. whi/h "ou ha-e been 1romised, I e-en saw m"sel0 desirin. to 1lu/6 a bun/h (o0 .ra1es) 0rom @aradise (and it was at the time) when "ou saw me mo-in. 0orward, And I saw Hell and some o0 its 1arts /rushin. the others2 when "ou saw me mo-in. ba/6B and I saw in it Ibn Luha"" and he was the 1erson who made the she-/amels loiter about, In the hadith transmitted b" Abu Tahir the words are:C He hastened to 1ra"er2C and he made no mention o0 what 0ollows,


*2 !umber $;);:

:A:isha re1orted that there was a solar e/li1se durin. the li0etime o0 the o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he sent the announ/er (to summon them) 0or / 1ra"er, The 1eo1le .athered to.ether and he 1ronoun/ed ta6bir and he obser-ed 0our ra6:ahs2 in the 0orm o0 two ra6:ahs (i, e, he obser-ed two qi"ams and two ru6u:s in one ra6:ah) and 0our 1rostrations,


*2 !umber $;% :

:A:isha re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited loudl" in the e/li1se 1ra"er2 and he obser-ed 0our ra6:ahs in the 0orm o0 two ra6:ahs and 0our 1rostrations, Guhri said: >athir b, :Abbas narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed 0our ra6:ahs and 0our 1rostrations in two ra6:ahs,

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $;%$:

Guhri said: >athir b, Abbas used to narrate that Ibn :Abbas used to relate about the 1ra"er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in re.ard to the e/li1se o0 the sun li6e that what was narrated b" :Urwa on the authorit" o0 :A:isha,


*2 !umber $;%2:

:Ata: re1orted: I heard :Ubaid b, :Umair sa": It has been narrated to me b" one whom I re.ard as truth0ul2 (the narrator sa"s: I /an well .uess that he meant :A:isha) that the sun e/li1sed durin. the li0etime o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he stood u1 (in 1ra"er) 0or a ri.orousl" lon. time, He then bowed and then stood u1 and then bowed and then stood u1 and then bowed2 thus obser-in. three ru6u:s in two ra6:ahs and 0our 1rostrations, He then de1arted and the sun bri.htened, He 1ronoun/edC Allah is the HreatestC while bowin., He would then bow and sa":C Allah listened to him who 1raised HimC while li0tin. u1 his head, He then stood u12 and 1raised Allah and lauded Him2 and then said: The sun and the moon do not e/li1se on the death o0 an"one or on his birth, 7ut both o0 them are amon. the si.ns o0 Allah with whi/h Allah terri0ies His ser-ants, So when "ou see them under e/li1se2 remember Allah till the" are bri.htened, This hadith is narrated thus on the authorit" o0 :A:isha throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters:C The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed si5 ru6u:s and 0our 1rostration in (two ra6:ahs),C

'ha1ter $%4: Mention o0 the torment o0 .ra-e in e/li1se 1ra"er

7oo6 *2 !umber $;%4:
:Amra re1orted that a Fewess /ame to :A:isha to as6 (about somethin.) and said: Ma" Allah 1rote/t "ou 0rom the torment o0 the .ra-eL :A:isha said: o0 Allah2 would 1eo1le be tormented in the .ra-esD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (Ma" there be) 1rote/tion o0 AllahL The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) mounted one mornin. on the ride2 and the sun e/li1sed, :A:isha said: I /ame in the /om1an" o0 the women in the mosque 0rom behind the rooms, The o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e he u1on him) dismounted 0rom his ride and /ame to the 1la/e o0 worshi1 where he used to 1ra", He stood u1 (to 1ra") and the 1eo1le stood behind him, :A:isha said: He stood 0or a lon. time, He then bowed and it was a lon. ru6u:, He then raised his head and he stood 0or a lon. time2 less than the 0irst standin., He then bowed and his ru6u: was lon.2 but it was less than that (the 0irst) ru6u:, He then raised (his head) and the sun had be/ome, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then said: I saw "ou under trial in the .ra-e li6e the turmoil o0 9ajjal, :Amra said: I heard :A:isha sa": I listened a0ter this to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) see6in. re0u.e 0rom the torment o0 =ire and the torment o0 the .ra-e,
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $;%*:

This hadith has been narrated b" Kah"a b, Sa:id with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $;%+:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: The sun e/li1sed on one e5tremel" hot da" durin. the li0etime o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ra"ed alon. with his 'om1anions, He 1rolon.ed his qi"am (standin. 1osture in 1ra"er) till the" (his 'om1anions) to 0all down, He then obser-ed a lon. ru6u:, He raised his head (and stood u1 0or lon.) and then obser-ed a lon. ru6u:, He then raised (his head and stood u1) 0or a lon. time and then made two 1rostrations, He then stood u1 and did li6e this and thus he obser-ed 0our ru6u:s and 0our 1rostrations (in two ra6:ahs) and then said: All these thin.s were to me in whi/h "ou will be made to enter, @aradise was to me till (I was so /lose to it) that i0 I (had intended) to 1lu/6 a bun/h (o0 .ra1es) out o0 it, I would ha-e .ot it2 or he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I intended to .et a bun/h (out o0 that) but m" hand /ould not rea/h it, Hell was also to me and I saw in it a woman to the tribe o0 Israel who was tormented 0or a /at whom she had tied2 but did not .i-e it 0ood nor set it 0ree to eat the /reatures o0 the earthB and I saw Abu Thumama :Amr b, Mali6 who was his intestines in Hell, The" (the Arabs) used to sa" that the sun and the moon do not e/li1se but on the death o0 some .reat 1ersonB but (in realit") both these (the sun and the moon) are amon. the si.ns o0 Allah whi/h are shown to "ouB so when there is an e/li1se2 obser-e 1ra"er till it (the sun or the moon) bri.htens, This hadith has been narrated b" Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters e5/e1t thisC I saw a dar6 woman with a tail stature and loud -oi/e2C but he made no mention o0C 0rom amon. 7ani IsraelC,


*2 !umber $;%):

Fabir re1orted that the sun e/li1sed durin. the li0etime o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on that -er" da" when Ibrahim (the @ro1het:s son) died, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 and led 1eo1le in (two ra6:ahs o0) 1ra"er with si5 ru6u:s and 0our 1rostrations, He /ommen/ed (the 1ra"er) with ta6bir (Allah-o-A6bar) and then re/ited and 1rolon.ed his re/ital, He then bowed nearl" the ( o0 time) that he stood u1, He then raised his head 0rom the ru6u: and re/ited but less than the 0irst re/ital, He then bowed (to the o0 time) that he stood u1, He then raised his head 0rom the ru6u: and a.ain re/ited but less than the se/ond re/ital, He then bowed (to the o0 time) that he stood u1, He then li0ted his head 0rom the ru6u:, He then 0ell in 1rostration and obser-ed two 1rostrations, He stood u1 and then bowed2 obser-in. si5 ru6u:s li6e it2 without (/om1letin.) the ra6:ah in them2 e5/e1t (this di00eren/e) that the 0irst (qi"am o0 ru6u:) was than the later one2 and the ru6u: was nearl" (o0 the same as 1rostration, He then mo-ed ba/6ward and the rows behind him also mo-ed ba/6ward till we rea/hed the e5treme (Abu 7a6r said: till he rea/hed near the women) He then mo-ed 0orward and the 1eo1le also mo-ed 0orward

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

alon. with him till he stood at his (ori.inal) 1la/e (o0 worshi1), He then /om1leted the 1ra"er as it was required to /om1lete and the sun bri.htened and he said: 3 1eo1leL -eril" the sun and the moon are amon. the si.ns o0 Allah and the" do not e/li1se at the death o0 an"one amon. 1eo1le (Abu 7a6r said: 3n the death o0 an" human bein.), So when "ou see an"thin. li6e it (o0 the nature o0 e/li1se)2 1ra" till it is, There is nothin. whi/h "ou ha-e been 1romised (in the ne5t world) but I ha-e seen it in this 1ra"er o0 mine, Hell was to me as "ou saw me mo-in. ba/6 on a//ount o0 0ear lest its heat a00e/t meB and I saw the owner o0 the /ur-ed sta00 who dra..ed his intestines in the 0ire2 and he used to steal (the o0 the 1il.rims with his /ur-ed sta00, I0 he (the owner o0 the sta00) be/ame aware2 he would sa": It .ot (a//identall") entan.led in m" /ur-ed sta002 but i0 he was unaware o0 that2 he would ta6e that awa", I also saw in it (in Hell) the owner o0 a /at whom she had tied and did not 0eed her nor set her 0ree so that she /ould eat the /reatures o0 the earth2 till the /at died o0 star-ation, @aradise was to me2 and it was on that o//asion that "ou saw me mo-in. 0orward till I stood at m" 1la/e (o0 worshi1), I stret/hed m" hand as I wanted to /at/h hold o0 its 0ruits so that "ou ma" see them, Then I o0 not doin. it, !othin. whi/h "ou ha-e been 1romised was there that I did not see in this 1ra"er o0 mine,


*2 !umber $;%%:

Asma: re1orted: The sun e/li1sed durin. the li0etime o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), As I went to :A:isha who was bus" in 1ra"er, I said: ?hat is the matter with the 1eo1le that the" are 1ra"in. (a s1e/ial 1ra"er)D She (:A:isha) 1ointed towards the s6" with her head, I said: Is it (an unusual) si.nD She said: Kes, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 0or 1ra"er 0or su/h a lon. time that I was about to 0aint, I / hold o0 a waters6in l"in. b" m" side2 and to 1our water o-er m" head2 or ( to s1rin6le water) on m" 0a/e, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then 0inished and the sun had bri.htened, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then addressed the 1eo1le2 (a0ter) 1raisin. Allah and laudin. Him2 and then said: There was no su/h thin. as I did not see earlier2 but I saw it at this -er" 1la/e o0 mine, I e-er saw @aradise and Hell, It was also re-ealed to me that "ou would be tried in the .ra-es2 as "ou would he tried somethin. li6e the turmoil o0 the 9ajjal, Asma: said: I do not 6now whi/h word he a/tuall" used (qariban or mithl)2 and ea/h one o0 "ou would be and it would be said: ?hat is "our 6nowled.e about this manD I0 the 1erson is a belie-er2 (Asma: said: I do not 6now whether it was the word al-Mu:min or al-Mu:qin) he would sa": He is Muhammad and he is the o0 Allah, He to us the /lear si.ns and .uidan/e, So we res1onded and obe"ed him, (He would re1eat this three times)2 and it would be said to him: Kou should .o to slee1, ?e alread" 6new that "ou are a belie-er in him, So the 1ious man would .o to slee1, So 0ar as the h"1o/rite or s/e1ti/ is /on/erned (Asma: said: I do not 6now whi/h word was that: al-Muna0iq (h"1o/rite) or al-Murtad (doubt0ul) he would sa": I do not 6now, I onl" uttered whate-er I heard 1eo1le sa",

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $;%#:

Asma: said: I /ame to :A:isha when the 1eo1le were standin. (in 1ra"er) and she was also 1ra"in., I said: ?hat is this e5/itement o0 the 1eo1le 0orD And the rest o0 the hadith was narrated li6e one2 (narrated abo-e), :Urwa said: 9o not sa" >asa0at-ush-Shamsu2 but sa" >hasa0at-ush-Shamsu,


*2 !umber $;%;:

Asma: bint Abu 7a6r said: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was one da" (i, e, on the da" when the sun e/li1sed) so 1erturbed that he (in haste) too6 hold o0 the outer .arment (o0 a 0emale member o0 his 0amil") and it was later on that his (own) /loa6 was sent to him, He stood in 1ra"er alon. with 1eo1le 0or su/h a lon. time that i0 a man /ame he did not realise that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had obser-ed ru6u:2 as it has been narrated about ru6u: in /onne/tion with lon. qi"am,


*2 !umber $;# :

Abu Furaij narrated this hadith with the same /hain o0 transmitters (but with the addition o0 these words):C It was 0or a lon. duration that he (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed qi"am and he would then obser-e ru6u:, (The narrator also added) I (Asma:) loo6ed at a woman who was older than I2 and at another who was wea6er than I,


*2 !umber $;#$:

Asma: dau.hter o0 Abu 7a6r re1orted: The sun e/li1sed durin. the li0etime o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) B so he 0elt 1erturbed and he2 b" mista6e2 too6 hold o0 the outer .arment o0 a woman till he was .i-en his own /loa6, A0ter this I satis0ied m" need and then /ame and entered the mosque, I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) standin. in 1ra"er, I stood alon. with him, He 1rolon.ed his qi"am till I wished to sit down, Then I /ast a .lan/e towards an old woman, So I said: She is older than I, I2 there0ore2 6e1t standin., He (the Hol" @ro1het) then obser-ed ru6u:2 and 1rolon.ed his ru6u:, He then raised his head, He then 1rolon.ed his qi"am to su/h an e5tent that i0 a 1erson ha11ened to /ome he would ha-e that he had not obser-ed the ru6u:,


*2 !umber $;#2:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: There was an e/li1se o0 the sun durin. the li0etime o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The o0 Allah2 (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ra"ed a//om1anied b" the 1eo1le, He stood 0or a lon. time2 about as lon. as it would ta6e to re/ite Surah al-7aqaraB then he bowed 0or a lon. timeB then he raised his head and stood 0or a lon. time2 but it was less than the 0irst qi"am, He then bowed 0or a lon. time but 0or a shorter while than the 0irst, He then 1rostrated and then stood 0or a lon. time2 but it was less than the 0irst qi"am, He then bowed 0or a lon. time2 but it
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

was less than the 0irst bowin., He then raised (his head) and stood 0or a lon. time2 but it was less than the 0irst qi"am, He then bowed 0or a lon. time but it was less than the 0irst bowin., He then obser-ed 1rostration2 and then he 0inished2 and the sun had /leared (b" that time), He (the Hol" @ro1het) then said: The sun and moon are two si.ns 0rom the si.ns o0 Allah, These two do not e/li1se on a//ount o0 the death o0 an"one or on a//ount o0 the birth o0 an"one, So when "ou see that2 remember Allah, The" (his 'om1anions) said: o0 Allah2 we saw "ou rea/h out to somethin.2 while "ou were standin. here2 then we saw "ou restrain "oursel0, He said: I saw @aradise and rea/hed out to a bun/h o0 its .ra1esB and had I ta6en it "ou would ha-e eaten o0 it as lon. as the world endured, I saw Hell also, !o su/h (abominable) ha-e I e-er seen as that whi/h I saw toda"B and I obser-ed that most o0 its inhabitants were women, The" said: o0 Allah2 on what a//ount is it soD He said: =or their in.ratitude or disbelie0 (bi-6u0raihinna), It was said: 9o the" disbelie-e in AllahD He said: (!ot 0or their disbelie0 in Hod) but 0or their in.ratitude to their husbands and in.ratitude to 6indness, I0 "ou were to treat one o0 them 6indl" 0or e-er2 but i0 she later saw an"thin. (dis1leasin.) in "ou2 she would sa": i ha-e ne-er seen an" .ood in "ou,


*2 !umber $;#4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Gaid b, Aslam with the same /hain o0 transmitters e5/e1t with this di00eren/e that he (the narrator said):C then we saw "ou 6ee1in. aloo0 (ba/6),C


*2 !umber $;#*:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: ?hen there was a solar e/li1se the o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed ru6u:s and 0our 1rostrations (in two ra6:ahs), This has been narrated b" :Ali also,


*2 !umber $;#+:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed 1ra"er while it was (solar) e/li1se, He re/ited (the Eur:an in qi"am) and then bowed, He a.ain re/ited and a.ain bowed, He a.ain re/ited and a.ain bowed and a.ain re/ited and a.ain bowed2 and then 1rostratedB and the se/ond (ra6:ah) was li6e this,


*2 !umber $;#):

:Amr b, al-:As re1orted: ?hen the sun e/li1sed durin. the li0etime o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 the" (the 1eo1le) were /alled to / 1ra"ers, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed two ru6u:s in one ra6:ah, He then stood and obser-ed two ru6u:s in (the se/ond) ra6:ah, The sun then be/ame bri.ht2 and :A:isha saidB !e-er did I obser-e2 ru6u: and 1rostration than this (ru6u: and 1rostration),

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $;#%:

Abu Mas:ud al-Ansari re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: <eril" the sun and the moon are the two si.ns amon. the si.ns o0 Allah b" whi/h He 0ri.htens his ser-ants and the" do not e/li1se on a//ount o0 the death o0 an" one o0 the 1eo1le, So when "ou see an"thin. about them2 obser-e 1ra"er2 su11li/ate Allah till it is /leared 0rom "ou,


*2 !umber $;##:

Abu Ma:ud re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: <eril" the sun and the moon do not e/li1se on a//ount o0 the death o0 an" one o0 the 1eo1le2 but the" are the two si.ns amon. the si.ns o0 Allah, So when "ou see it2 stand u1 and obser-e 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $;#;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Isma:il with the same /hain o0 transmitters and in the hadith narrated b" Su0"an and ?a6i: (the words are):C The sun e/li1sed on the da" when Ibrahim died2 and the 1eo1le said: It has e/li1sed on the death o0 Ibrahim,C


*2 !umber $;; :

Abu Musa re1orted: The sun e/li1sed durin. the time o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He stood in .reat an5iet" 0earin. that it be the 9oomsda"2 till he /ame to the mosque, He stood u1 to 1ra" with 1rolon.ed qi"am2 ru6u:2 and 1rostration whi/h I ne-er saw him doin. in 1ra"erB and then he said: These are the si.ns whi/h Allah sends2 not on a//ount o0 the death o0 an"one or li0e o0 an" one2 but Allah sends them to 0ri.hten thereb" His ser-ants, So when "ou see an" su/h thin.2 hasten to remember Him2 su11li/ate Him and be. 1ardon 0rom Him2 and in the narration transmitted b" Ibn :Ala the words are:C The sun e/li1sedC,CC He 0ri.htens His ser-ants,C


*2 !umber $;;$:

:Abd al-Aahman b, Samura said: 9urin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) I was shootin. m" arrows in Medina2 when an e/li1se o0 the sun too6 1la/e, I2 there0ore2 threw them awa" and said2 I must see how the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a/ts in a solar e/li1se toda", ?hen I /ame to him2 he had been su11li/atin. with his hands2 raised2 1ronoun/in. Allah-o-A6bar2 1raisin. Him2 a/ that He is 3ne Hod till the e/li1se was o-er2 then he re/ited two surahs and 1ra"ed two ra6:ahs,

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber $;;2:

:Abd al-Aahman b, Samura2 who was one o0 the 'om1anions o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9urin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) I was shootin. some o0 m" arrows in Medina2 when the sun e/li1sed, I threw (the arrows) and said: 7" Allah2 I must see how the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a/ts in solar e/li1se, So I /ame to him and he was standin. in 1ra"er2 raisin. his hands2 .lori0"in. Him2 1raisin. Him2 a/ His 3neness2 de/larin. His .reatness2 and su11li/atin. Him2 till the sun /leared, ?hen the e/li1se was o-er2 he re/ited two surahs and 1ra"ed two ra6:ahs,


*2 !umber $;;4:

:Abd al-Aahman b, Samura re1orted: I was shootin. some o0 m" arrows durin. the li0etime o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that the sun e/li1sed, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,


*2 !umber $;;*:

:Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed: <eril" the sun and the moon do not e/li1se on a//ount o0 the death or li0e o0 an"one, The" are in 0a/t the si.ns amon. the si.ns o0 Allah, So when "ou see them2 obser-e 1ra"er,


*2 !umber $;;+:

Gi"ad b, :Ilaqa re1orted: I heard Mu.hira b, Shu:ba sa"in. that the sun e/li1sed durin. the li0etime o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the da" when Ibrahim died, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: <eril" the sun and the moon are the two si.ns amon. the si.ns o0 Allah, The" do not e/li1se on a//ount o0 the death o0 an"one or on a//ount o0 the birth o0 an"one, So when "ou see them2 su11li/ate Allah2 and obser-e 1ra"er till it is o-er,

>itab-ul-jana:i8 - boo6 relatin. to the dead

A 9i-ine Ser-i/e is held o-er the dead bod" o0 e-er" Muslim2 "oun. or old2 e-en o0 in0ants who ha-e li-ed onl" 0or a 0ew minutes, A Muslim o1ens his e"es in the world with the words o0 Adhan in his ears in whi/h he is told that he is a moral bein. ha-in. moral and s1iritual res1onsibilities 0ar more im1ortant than the 1h"si/al needs, He should li-e in the world with a 0irm belie0 in the 'reator o0 the Uni-erse as his onl" 9eit", Then he should s1end his li0e as a sin/ere and de-oted 0ollower o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 0or it is throu.h him that he has re/ei-ed 0ull in0ormation about the ?ill o0 Hod and the 9i-ine 'ode o0 li0e, It Is also im1rinted u1on his 0resh and /lear mind that 1ra"er ele-ates the soul o0 man and herein lies his su//ess in this world and the world to /ome, ?ith this sa/red messa.e he is made to start his li0e, 7oth the 1aths are shown to him2 the 1ath o0

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

ri.hteousness and reli.ious 1iet" and the 1ath o0 e-il and irreli.iousness2 and then it is le0t to his dis/retion to /hoose the 1ath he li6es, A0ter s1endin. the allotted o0 time he is /alled ba/6 to his Master, ?hen the soul lea-es the bod"2 1re1arations are made 0or biddin. him the last 0arewell, He is washed and 1er0umed and is wra11ed in white sheets, Then the 0uneral 1ra"er is obser-ed 6ee1in. his dead bod" in 0ront o0 the Imam in whi/h Hod to requested in / to .rant him 1ardon 0or his minor and major sins2 0or all his 0ailin.s and to wra1 him in His Mer/", A Muslim is re/ei-ed in this world with Adhan and lqama and he is .i-en a send- o00 with 1ra"er and su11li/ation to Allah 0or treatin. him 6indl" in his hea-enl" home, There is neither Adhan nor Iqama in the 0uneral 1ra"er whi/h has -er" dee1 si.ni0i/an/e, It im1lies that the Adhan and lqama 0or the 0uneral 1ra"er had been 1ronoun/ed at the time o0 his birth, He is thus awa6ened to the realisation o0 the 0a/t that he should s1end the whole s1an o0 his li0e with su/h sin.le-minded de-otion as is 0ound in a worshi11er waitin. 0or the /ommen/ement o0 1ra"er a0ter the Adhan and Iqama are 1ronoun/ed,

'ha1ter $%*: (5hortation to re/ite la ilaha ill-allah (there is no .od but Allah) to the d"in. 1erson
7oo6 *2 !umber $;;):
Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: (5hort to re/iteC There is no .od but AllahC to those o0 "ou who are d"in.,


*2 !umber $;;%:

This hadith has been narrated b" Sulaiman b, 7ilal with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber $;;#:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: (5hort to re/iteC There is no .od but AllahC to those o0 "ou who are d"in.,

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $%+: ?hat is to be said at the time o0 /alamit"

7oo6 *2 !umber $;;;:
Umm Salama re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 an" Muslim who su00ers some /alamit" sa"s2 what Allah has /ommanded him2C ?e belon. to Allah and to Him shall we returnB 3 Allah2 reward me 0or m" a00li/tion and .i-e me somethin. better than it in e5/han.e 0or it2C Allah will .i-e him somethin. better than it in e5/han.e, ?hen Abu Salama died she said: ?hat Muslim is better than Abu Salama whose 0amil" was the 0irst to emi.rate to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I then said the words2 and Allah .a-e me Hod:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in e5/han.e, She said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent Hatib b, Abu 7alta:a to deli-er me the messa.e o0 marria.e with him, I said to him: I ha-e a dau.hter (as m" de1endant) and I am o0 jealous tem1erament, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: So 0ar as her dau.hter is /on/erned2 we would su11li/ate Allah2 that He ma" 0ree her (o0 her res1onsibilit") and I would also su11li/ate Allah to do awa" with (her) jealous (tem1erament),


*2 !umber 2

Umm Salama2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 an" ser-ant (o0 Allah) who su00ers a /alamit" sa"s:C ?e belon. to Allah and to Him shall we returnB 3 Allah2 reward me 0or m" a00li/tion and .i-e me somethin. better than it in e5/han.e 0or it2C : Allah will .i-e him reward 0or a00li/tion2 and would .i-e him somethin. better than it in e5/han.e, She (Umm Salama) said: ?hen Abu Salama died, I uttered (these -er" words) as I was /ommanded (to do) b" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), So Allah .a-e me better in e5/han.e than him, i, e, (I was ta6en as the wi0e o0) the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


*2 !umber 2


Umm Salama2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in. li6e the hadith transmitted b" Abu Usama2 but with this addition that she said:C ?hen Abu Salama died I said: ?ho is better than Abu Salama2 the 'om1anion o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and Allah de/ided 0or me and I said (these words /ontained in the su11li/ation mentioned abo-e) and I was married to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $%): ?hat is to be said b" the side o0 the si/6 and the dead
7oo6 *2 !umber 2 2:
Umm Salama re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hene-er "ou -isit the si/6 or the dead2 su11li/ate 0or .ood be/ause an.els sa"C AmenC to whate-er "ou sa", She added: ?hen Abu Salama died2 I went to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 Abu Salama has died, He told me to re/ite:C 3 AllahL 0or.i-e me and him (Abu Salama) and .i-e me a better substitute than he,C So I said (this)2 and Allah .a-e me in e5/han.e Muhammad2 who is better 0or me than him (Abu Salama),

'ha1ter $%%: 'losin. the (e"es) o0 the dead and su11li/ation 0or him on -isitin. him
7oo6 *2 !umber 2 4:
Umm Salama re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on /ame to Abu Salama (as he died), His e"es were 0i5edl" o1en, He /losed them2 and then said: ?hen the soul is ta6en awa" the 0ollows it, Some o0 the 1eo1le o0 his 0amil" we1t and wailed, So he said: 9o not su11li/ate 0or "oursel-es an"thin. but .ood2 0or an.els sa"C AmenC to what "ou sa", He then said: 3 Allah2 0or.i-e Abu Salama2 raise his de.ree amon. those who are ri.htl" .uided2 .rant him a su//essor in his des/endants who remain, =or.i-e us and him2 3 Lord o0 the Uni-erse2 and ma6e his .ra-e s1a/ious2 and .rant him in it,


*2 !umber 2


This hadith has been narrated b" >halid al Hadhdha: with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this alteration that he said: (3 AllahL ) let Thee be the /areta6er o0 what is le0t b" him2 and he said: Hrant him e51ansion o0 the .ra-e2 but he did not sa": Ma6e his .ra-e s1a/ious, >halid said: He su11li/ated 0or the se-enth (thin. too) whi/h I ha-e 0or.otten,


*2 !umber 2


Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9id "ou not see when the man died and his e"es were 0i5edl" o1enD He (Abu Huraira) said: Kes, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: It is due to the 0a/t that when (the soul lea-es the bod") his e" 0ollows the soul,
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber 2


This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Ala: with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $%#: ?ee1in. 0or the dead

7oo6 *2 !umber 2 %:
Umm Salama re1orted: ?hen Abu Salama died I said: I am a in a stran.e landB I shall wee1 0or him in a manner that would be tal6ed o0, I made 1re1aration 0or wee1in. 0or him when a woman 0rom the u11er side o0 the /it" /ame there who intended to hel1 me (in wee1in.), She ha11ened to /ome a/ross the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said: 9o "ou intend to brin. the de-il into a house 0rom whi/h Allah has twi/e dri-en him outD I (Umm Salama)2 there0ore2 re0rained 0rom wee1in. and I did not wee1,


*2 !umber 2


Usama b, Gaid re1orted: ?hile we were with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 one o0 his dau.hters sent to him (the to /all him and in0orm him that her /hild or her son was d"in., The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) told the to .o ba/6 and tell her that what Allah had ta6en belon.ed to Him2 and to him belon.ed what He .rantedB and He has an a11ointed time 0or e-er"thin., So "ou (the order her to show enduran/e and see6 reward 0rom Allah, The /ame ba/6 and said: She adjures him to /ome to her, He .ot u1 to .o a//om1anied b" Sa:d b, :Ubada2 Mu:adh b, Fabal2 and I also went alon. with them, The /hild was li0ted to him and his soul was 0eelin. as restless as i0 it was in an old (waters6in), His (@ro1het:s) e"es welled u1 with tears, Sa:d said: ?hat is this2 o0 AllahD He re1lied: This is /om1assion whi/h Allah has 1la/ed in the hearts o0 His ser-ants2 and Hod shows /om1assion onl" to those o0 His ser-ants who are /om1assionate,


*2 !umber 2


This hadith has been narrated b" another /hain o0 transmitters on the authorit" o0 :Asim al-Ahwal,


*2 !umber 2 $ :

:Abdullah b, :Umar said that Sa:d b, Ubada /om1lained o0 illness, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to -isit him a//om1anied b" :Abd al-Aahman b, :Au02 Sa:d b, Abi ?aqqas and :Abdullah b, Mas:ud, As he entered (his room) he 0ound him in a swoon, U1on this he said: Has he diedD The" said: o0 Allah2 it is not so, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) we1t, ?hen the 1eo1le saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) wee1in.2 the" also to
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

wee1, He said, Listen2 Allah does not 1unish 0or the tears that the e"e sheds or the .rie0 the heart 0eels2 but He 1unishes 0or this (1ointin. to his ton.ue)2 or He ma" show mer/",

'ha1ter $%;: <isitin. the si/6

7oo6 *2 !umber 2 $$:
:Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted: ?hile we were sittin. with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 a 1erson2 one o0 the Ansar2 /ame to him and .reeted him, The Ansari then turned ba/6, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: o brother o0 Ansar2 how is m" brother Sa:d be :UbadaD He said: He is better, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ho "ou would -isit himD He (the Hol" @ro1het) stood u1 and we also .ot u1 alon. with him2 and we were more than ten 1ersons, ?e had neither shoes with us2 nor so/6s2 nor /a1s2 nor shirts, ?e wal6ed on the barren land till we /ame to him, The 1eo1le around him 6e1t awa" till the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his 'om1anions with him /ame near him (Sa:d b, :Ubada),

'ha1ter $# : (nduran/e in trouble at the 0irst blow

7oo6 *2 !umber 2 $2:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: (nduran/e is to be shown at the 0irst blow,


*2 !umber 2 $4:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to a woman who had been wee1in. 0or her (dead) /hild2 and said to her: =ear Allah and show enduran/e, She (not re/o.nisin. him) said: Kou ha-e not been a00li/ted as I ha-e been, ?hen he (the Hol" @ro1het) had de1arted2 it was said to her that he was the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 she was mortall" sho/6ed, She /ame to his door and she did not 0ind door6ee1ers at his door, She said: o0 Allah, I did not re/o.nise "ou, He said: (nduran/e is to be shown at 0irst blow2 or at the 0irst blow,


*2 !umber 2 $*:

A hadith li6e this is narrated with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with the addition o0 these words:C The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha11ened to 1ass b" a woman (who was sittin.) b" the side o0 a .ra-e,C

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $#$: The dead bod" is 1unished 0or the lamentation o0 his 0amil"
7oo6 *2 !umber 2 $+:
:Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted that Ha0sa we1t 0or :Umar (when he was about to due), He (:Umar) said: 7e quiet2 m" dau.hter, 9on:t "ou 6now that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said:C The dead is 1unished be/ause o0 his 0amil":s wee1in. o-er itCD


*2 !umber 2 $):

Umar re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The dead is 1unished in the .ra-e be/ause o0 wailin. on it,


*2 !umber 2 $%:

The same hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Umar throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber 2 $#:

Ibn :Umar re1orted: ?hen :Umar was wounded he 0ainted2 and there was a loud lamentation o-er him, ?hen he re.ained /ons/iousness he said: 9idn:t "ou 6now that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said:C The dead is 1unished be/ause o0 the wee1in. o0 the li-in.CD


*2 !umber 2 $;:

Abu 7urda narrated on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that when :Umar was wounded Suhaib uttered (loudl" in lamentation): 3 brotherL U1on this :Umar said: Suhaib2 did "ou not 6now that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said:C The dead is 1unished be/ause o0 the lamentation o0 the li-in.CD


*2 !umber 2 2 :

Abu Musa re1orted that when :Umar was wounded2 there /ame Suhaib 0rom his house and went to :Umar and stood b" his side2 and to wail, U1on this :Umar said: ?hat are "ou wee1in. 0orD Are "ou wee1in. 0or meD He said: 7" Allah2 it is 0or "ou that I wee12 3 'ommander o0 the belie-ers, He said: 7" Allah2 "ou alread" 6now that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: He who is lamented u1on is 1unished, I made a mention o0 it to Musa b, Talha2 and he said that :A:isha told that it /on/erned the Fews (onl"),

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber 2 2$:

Anas re1orted that when :Umar b, >hattab was wounded Ha0sa lamented 0or him, U1on this he said: 3 Ha0sa2 did "ou not hear the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.:C 3ne who is lamented would be 1unishedCD Suhaib also lamented o-er him, :Umar told him also: 3 Suhaib2 didn:t "ou 6now that one who is lamented is 1unishedD


*2 !umber 2 22:

:Abdullah b, Abu Mulai6a re1orted: I was sittin. b" the side o0 Ibn :Umar2 and we were waitin. 0or the bier o0 Umm Aban2 dau.hter o0 :Uthman2 and there was also :Amr b, :Uthman, In the meanwhile there /ame Ibn :Abbas led b" a .uide, I /on/ei-e that he was in0ormed o0 the 1la/e o0 Ibn :Umar, So he /ame till he sat b" m" side, ?hile I was between them (Ibn :Abbas and Ibn :Umar) there /ame the noise (o0 wailin.) 0rom the house, U1on this Ibn :Umar said (that is2 he 1ointed out to :Amr that he should stand and 0orbid them2 0or): I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The dead is 1unished be/ause o0 the lamentation o0 his 0amil", :Abdullah made it .eneral (what was said 0or a 1arti/ular o//asion), Ibn :Abbas said: ?hen we were with the 'ommander o0 the belie-ers2 :Umar b, >hattab2 we rea/hed 7aida:2 and there was a man under the shadow o0 the tree, He said to me: Ho and in0orm me who is that 1erson, So I went and (0ound) that he was Suhaib, I returned to him and said: Kou /ommanded me to 0ind out 0or "ou who that was2 and he is Suhaib, He (Hadrat :Umar) said: 'ommand him to see us, I said: He has 0amil" alon. with him, He said: (That is o0 no a//ount) e-en i0 he has 0amil" alon. with him, So he (the narrator) told him to see (the 'ommander o0 the belie-ers and his 1art"), ?hen we /ame (to Medina)2 it was be0ore lon. that the 'ommander o0 the belie-ers was wounded2 and Suhaib /ame wee1in. and /r"in.: Alas 0or the brother2 alas 0or the /om1anion, U1on this :Umar said: 9idn:t "ou 6now2 or didn:t "ou hear2 that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said:C The dead is 1unished be/ause o0 the lamentation o0 his 0amil"CD Then :Abdullah made it .eneral and :Umar told it o0 /ertain o//asions, So I (:Abdullah b, Abu Mulai6a) stood u1 and went to :A:isha and told her what Ibn :Umar had said, U1on this she said: I swear b" Allah that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ne-er said that dead would be 1unished be/ause o0 his 0amil":s lamentin. (0or him), ?hat he said was that Allah would in/rease the 1unishment o0 the unbelie-er be/ause o0 his 0amil":s lamentin. 0or him, <eril" it is Allah ?ho has /aused lau.hter and wee1in., !o bearer o0 a burden will bear another:s burden, Ibn Abu Mulai6a said that al-Easim b, Muhammad said that when the words o0 :Umar and Ibn :Umar were /on-e"ed to :A:Isha2 she said: Kou ha-e narrated it to me 0rom those who are neither liar nor those sus1e/ted o0 l"in. but (sometimes) hearin. misleads,


*2 !umber 2 24:

:Abdullah b, Abu Mulai6a said: The dau.hter o0 :Uthman b, :A00an died in Me//a, ?e /ame to attend her (0uneral), Ibn :Umar and Ibn :Abbas were also 1resent there2 and I was sittin. between them,

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

He added: I (0irst sat) b" the side o0 one o0 them2 then the other one /ame and he sat b" m" side, :Abdullah b, :Umar said to :Amr b, :Uthman who was sittin. o11osite to him: ?ill "ou not 1re-ent the 1eo1le 0rom lamentin.2 0or the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said:C The dead is 1unished be/ause o0 the lamentin. o0 his 0amil" 0or himCD Ibn :Abbas then said that Umar used to sa" sometin. o0 that nature2 and then narrated sa"in.: I 1ro/eeded 0rom Me//a alon. with :Umar till we rea/hed al-7aida: and there was a 1art" o0 riders under the shade o0 a tree, He said (to me): Ho and 0ind out who this 1art" is, I /ast a .lan/e and there was Suhaib (in that 1art"), So I in0ormed him (:Umar) about it, He said: 'all him to me, So I went ba/6 to Suhaib and said: Ho and meet the 'ommander o0 the belie-ers, ?hen :Umar was wounded2 Suhaib /ame wallin.: Alas2 0or the brotherL alas 0or the /om1anionL :Umar said: 3 Suhaib2 do "ou wail 0or me2 whereas the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said:C The dead would be 1unished on a//ount o0 the lamentation o0 the (members o0 his 0amil")CD Ibn :Abbas said: ?hen :Umar died I made a mention o0 it to :A:isha, She said: Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on :UmarL I swear b" Allah that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ne-er said that Allah would 1unish the belie-er be/ause o0 the wee1in. (o0 an" one o0 the members o0 his 0amil")2 but he said that Allah would in/rease the 1unishment o0 the unbelie-er be/ause o0 the wee1in. o0 his 0amil" o-er him, :A:isha said: The Eur:an is enou.h 0or "ou (when it states):C !o bearer o0 burden will bear another:s burdenC (-i, $)*), Thereu1on Ibn :Abbas said: Allah is He ?ho has /aused lau.hter and wee1in., Ibn Abu Mulai6a said: 7" Allah2 Ibn :Umar said nothin.,


*2 !umber 2 2*:

:Amr re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Abu Mulai6a: ?e were with the bier o0 Umm Aban2 dau.hter o0 :Uthman2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same2 but he did not narrate it as a mar0u: hadith on the authorit" o0 :Umar 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as it was narrated b" A""ub and Ibn Furaij2 and the hadith narrated b" them (A""ub and Ibn Furaij) is more /om1lete than that o0 :Amr,


*2 !umber 2 2+:

:Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The dead is 1unished be/ause o0 the lamentation o0 the li-in.,


*2 !umber 2 2):

Hisham b, :Urwa narrated on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that the sa"in. o0 Ibn :Umar2 -i8,C The dead would be 1unished be/ause o0 the lamentation o0 his 0amil" o-er himC was mentioned to :A:isha, U1on this she said: Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on Abu :Abd al-Aahman (the 6un"a o0 Ibn :Umar) that he heard somethin. but /ould not retain it (well), (The 0a/t is) that the bier o0 a Few 1assed be0ore the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and (the members o0 his 0amil") were waitin. o-er him, U1on this he said: Kou are wailin. and he is bein. 1unished,
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber 2 2%:

Hisham narrated on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that it was mentioned to :A:isha that Ibn :Umar had narrated as mar0u: hadith 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that the dead would be 1unished in the .ra-e be/ause o0 the lamentation o0 his 0amil" 0or him, U1on this she said: He (Ibn :Umar) missed (the 1oint), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had (in 0a/t) said: He (the dead) is 1unished 0or his 0aults or 0or his sins2 and the members o0 his 0amil" are wailin. 0or him now, (This misunderstandin. o0 Ibn :Umar is similar to his sa"in.: ) The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood b" the well in whi/h were l"in. the dead bodies o0 those 1ol"theists who had been 6illed on the 9a" o0 7adr2 and he said to them what he had to sa"2 i, e,: The" hear what I sa", 7ut he (Ibn :Umar) misunderstood, The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had onl" said: The" (the dead) understand that what I used to sa" to them was truth, She then re/ited:C 'ertainl"2 thou /anst not ma6e the dead hear the /allC (55-ii, # )2 nor /an "ou ma6e those hear who are in the .ra-es2 nor /an "ou in0orm them when the" ha-e ta6en their seats in Hell,


*2 !umber 2 2#:

This hadith has been narrated b" Ibn :Urwa with the same /hain o0 transmitters, The hadith narrated b" Abu Usama is more /om1lete,


*2 !umber 2 2;:

:Amra dau.hter o0 :Abd al Aahman narrated that she heard (0rom) :A:isha and made a mention to her about :Abdullah b, :Umar as sa"in.: The dead is 1unished be/ause o0 the lamentation o0 the li-in., U1on this :A:isha said: Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on the 0ather o0 :Abd al-Aahman (Ibn :Umar), He did not tell a lie2 but he 0or.ot or made a mista6e, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha11ened to 1ass b" a (dead) Fewess who was bein. lamented, U1on this he said: The" wee1 o-er her and she is bein. 1unished in the .ra-e,


*2 !umber 2 4 :

:Ali b, Aabi:a re1orted that the 0irst one who was lamented u1on in >u0a was Eara8a b, >a:b, Mu.hira b, Shu:ba said: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: He who is lamented u1on would be 1unished be/ause o0 the lamentation 0or him on the 9a" o0 jud.ment,


*2 !umber 2 4$:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Mu.hira b, Shu:ba 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber 2 42:

This hadith has been narrated 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber 2 44:

Abu Mali6 al-Ash:ari re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Amon. m" 1eo1le there are 0our /hara/teristi/s to 1re-Islami/ 1eriod whi/h the" do not abandon: boastin. o0 hi.h ran62 re-ilin. other 1eo1les: .enealo.ies2 see6in. rain b" stars2 and wallin., And he (0urther) said: I0 the wailin. woman does not re1ent be0ore she dies2 she will be made to stand on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion wearin. a .arment o0 1it/h and a /hemise o0 man.e,


*2 !umber 2 4*:

:A:isha re1orted that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was told that Ibn Haritha2 Fa:0ar b, Abu Talib and Abdullah b, Aawaha were 6illed2 he sat down2 showin. si.ns o0 .rie0, She (0urther) said: I was loo6in. (at him) throu.h the /re-i/e o0 the door, A man /ame to him and mentioned that Fa:0ar:s women were lamentin., He (the Hol" @ro1het) /ommanded him to .o and 0orbid them (to do so), So he went awa" but /ame ba/6 and told (him) that the" did not obe" (him), He /ommanded him a se/ond time to .o and 0orbid them (to do so), He a.ain went but /ame ba/6 to him and said: I swear b" Hod2 o0 Allah2 that the" ha-e o-er1owered us, She (:A:isha) said that she the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had told (her) to throw dust in their mouths, Thereu1on :A:isha said: Ma" Allah humble "ouL Kou did not do what Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ordered "ou2 nor did "ou sto1 anno"in. Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


*2 !umber 2 4+:

This hadith has been narrated b" Kah"a b, Sa:id with the same /hain o0 transmitters li6e one narrated b" :Abd al-:A8i8 (with the /han.e o0 these words):C Kou did not s1are the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the botheration,C


*2 !umber 2 4):

Umm :Ati""a re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 a 1romise 0rom us alon. with the oath o0 Alle.ian/e that we would not lament, 7ut onl" 0i-e amon. us 0ul0illed the 1romise (and the" are) Umm Sulaim2 and Umm al-:Ala:2 and the dau.hter o0 Abu Sabra the wi0e o0 Mu:adh2 or dau.hter o0 Abu Sabra and wi0e o0 Mu:adh,

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber 2 4%:

Umm :Ati""a re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 1led.e 0rom us (in/ludin. this 1romise) that we would not lament, 3nl" 0i-e us 0ul0illed the 1romise2 and one o0 them (who 0ul0illed the 1romise) was Umm Sulaim,


*2 !umber 2 4#:

Ha0sa narrated on the authorit" o0 Umm :Ati""a that she said: ?hen this -erse was re-ealed:C ?hen belie-in. women /ame to thee .i-in. thee a 1led.e that the" will not asso/iate with Allah2 and will not disobe" thee in .oodC (l5, $2)2 she (Umm Ati""a) said: In (this 1led.e) was also in/luded wailin., I said: o0 Allah I e5/e1t members o0 su/h a tribe who hel1ed me (in lamentation) durin. 1re-Islami/ da"s2 there is le0t no alternati-e 0or me2 but that I should also hel1 them, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (Kes) but onl" in /ase o0 the members o0 su/h a tribe,

'ha1ter $#2: ?omen 0orbidden to 0ollow the bier

7oo6 *2 !umber 2 4;:
Umm :Ati""a re1orted: ?e were 0orbidden to 0ollow the bier2 but it was not made absolute on us,


*2 !umber 2 * :

Umm :Ati""a re1orted: ?e were re0rained 0rom 0ollowin. the bier2 but it was not made absolute on us,

'ha1ter $#4: ?ashin. o0 the dead bod"

7oo6 *2 !umber 2 *$:
Umm :Ati""a re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to us when we were bathin. his dau.hter2 and he told us: ?ash her with water and (with the lea-es o0) the lote tree2 three or 0i-e times2 or more than that i0 "ou thin6 0it2 and 1ut /am1hor or somethin. li6e /am1hor in the last washin.B then in0orm me when "ou ha-e 0inished, So when we had 0inished2 we in0ormed him2 and he .a-e to us his (own) under-.arment sa"in.:C @ut it ne5t her bod",C

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber 2 *2:

Umm :Ati""a re1orted: ?e braided her hair in three 1laits,


*2 !umber 2 *4:

Umm :Ati""a re1orted: 3ne o0 the dau.hters o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) died, And in the hadith transmitted b" Ibn :Ula""a (the words are): The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to us and we were washin. his dau.hter, And in the hadith transmitted b" Mali6 (the words are): There /ame in (our a1artment) the o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) when his dau.hter died, The rest o0 the hadith is the same as narrated b" Ka8id b, Gurai: 0rom A""ub 0rom Muhammad 0rom Umm :Ati""a,


*2 !umber 2 **:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted b" Ha0sa on the authorit" o0 Umm :Ati""a with the e5/e1tion (o0 these words that the Hol" @ro1het as6ed them to wash her dead bod"):C three times2 0i-e times2 se-en times2 or more than that2 i0 "ou deem 0it:C Ha0sa (0urther) said on the authorit" o0 Umm :Ati""a: ?e braided (the hair) o0 her head in three 1laits,


*2 !umber 2 *+:

Umm :Ati""a re1orted: ?e washed her an odd number o0 times2 i, e, three2 0i-e or se-en timesB and Umm :Ati""a (0urther) said: ?e braided her hair in three 1laits,


*2 !umber 2 *):

Umm :Ati""a re1orted: ?hen Gainab the dau.hter o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) died2 he said to us: ?ash her odd number o0 times2 i, e, three or 0i-e times2 and 1ut /am1hor or somethin.-li6e /am1hor at the 0i0th time2 and a0ter "ou ha-e washed her in0orm me, So we in0ormed him and he .a-e us his under-.arment2 sa"in.:C @ut it ne5t her bod",C


*2 !umber 2 *%:

Umm :Ati""a re1orted: There /ame to us the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as we were washin. one o0 his dau.hters, So he said: ?ash her (dead bod") an odd number o0 times2 0i-e times or more than that2 the rest o0 the hadith is the same, She (0urther) said: ?e braided her hair in three 1laits: (two) on the sides o0 her head and one on her 0orehead,

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber 2 *#:

Umm :Ati""a re1orted that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed her to wash his dau.hter2 he told her to start 0rom the side2 and with those 1arts o0 the bod" o-er whi/h ?udu: is 1er0ormed,


*2 !umber 2 *;:

Umm :Ati""a re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to them (the women) in re.ard to the washin. o0 his dau.hter to start 0rom the side and with those 1arts o0 the bod" o-er whi/h ?udu: is 1er0ormed,

'ha1ter $#*: 'on/ernin. the shroudin. o0 the dead bod"

7oo6 *2 !umber 2 + :

>habbab al-Aratt re1orted: ?e mi.rated with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the 1ath o0 Allah see6in. Allah:s 1leasure alone, Thus our reward was assured with Allah, And us were those who s1ent li0e (in su/h a state o0 1iet" and austerit") that nothin. /onsumed their reward, Mus:ab b, :Umair was one o0 them, He was 6illed on the 9a" o0 Uhud2 and nothin. but a woollen /loa6 was 0ound to shroud him, ?hen we /o-ered his head with it2 his 0eet be/ame un/o-ered2 and when we /o-ered his 0eet2 his head was un/o-ered, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: @la/e it (this /loa6) on the side o0 his head and /o-er his 0eet with .rass, And there is one us 0or whom the 0ruit is ri1ened and he enjo"s it,


*2 !umber 2 +$:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" :U"aina on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber 2 +2:

:A:isha re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was shrouded in three /otton .arments o0 white Kamani stu00 0rom Sahul2 amon. whi/h was neither a shirt nor a turbanB and so 0ar as Hullah is /on/erned there was some doubt about it in the minds o0 1eo1le2 that it was 0or him in order to shroud him with it2 but it was abandoned2 and he was shrouded in three /otton .arments o0 white Kamani stu00 0rom Sahul, Then :Abdullah b, Abu 7a6r .ot it and said: I would 6ee1 it in order to shroud m"sel0 in it, He then said: I0 Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 would
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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

ha-e desired it 0or His A1ostle2 he would ha-e been shrouded with it, So he sold it and .a-e its 1ri/e in /harit",


*2 !umber 2 +4:

:A:isha re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was wra11ed in a Kamani wra11er whi/h belon.ed to :Abdullah b Abu 7a6rB then it was remo-ed 0rom him2 and he was shrouded in three /otton sheets o0 white Kamani stu00 0rom Sahul amon. whi/h was neither a shirt nor a turban, :Abdullah too6 u1 the Hullah and said: I would be shrouded in it2 but then said: How is it that I should be shrouded in it in whi/h the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was not shroudedL So he .a-e it in /harit",


*2 !umber 2 +*:

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but in the hadith narrated b" him there is no mention o0 the stor" o0 :Abdullah b, Abu 7a6r,


*2 !umber 2 ++:

Abu Salama said: I as6ed :A:isha with how man" .arments the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was shourded, She said: ?ith three .arments o0 Sahul,

'ha1ter $#+: 'o-erin. the dead bod" with a /loth

7oo6 *2 !umber 2 +):
:A:isha re1orted: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1om him) died2 he was /o-ered with a Kamani wra11er,


*2 !umber 2 +%:

This hadith has been narrated b" Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $#): (5hortation to shroud the dead bod" well

7oo6 *2 !umber 2 +#:
Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) one da" in the /ourse o0 his sermon made mention o0 a 1erson amon. his 'om1anions who had died and had been wra11ed

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

in a shroud not lon. (enou.h to /o-er his whole bod") and was buried durin. the, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re1rimanded (the audien/e) that a 1erson was buried durin. the (in a state that) 0uneral 1ra"er /ould not be o00ered (o-er him b" the o0 Allah), (And this is 1ermissible onl") when it be/omes a dire ne/essit" 0or a man, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) also said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou shrouds his brother2 he should shroud him well,

'ha1ter $#%: Ma6in. haste in 0uneral

7oo6 *2 !umber 2 +;:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Ma6e haste at a 0uneralB i0 the dead 1erson was .ood2 it is a .ood state to whi/h "ou are sendin. him onB but i0 he was otherwise it is an e-il o0 whi/h "ou are riddin. "oursel-es,


*2 !umber 2 ) :

This hadith has been narrated b" another /hain o0 transmitters e5/e1t with this -ariation (o0 words) that in the hadith narrated b" Ma:mar (the words are):C I do not 6now whether the hadith is mar0u:,C


*2 !umber 2 )$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s as sa"in.: Hasten at a 0uneral2 0or i0 (the dead 1erson) is .ood2 "ou would (soon) brin. him /lose to the .ood, And i0 it is otherwise2 it is an e-il o0 whi/h "ou are riddin. "oursel-es,

'ha1ter $##: Merit o0 the 0uneral 1ra"er and 0ollowin. the bier
7oo6 *2 !umber 2 )2:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who attends the 0uneral till the 1ra"er is o00ered 0or (the dead)2 0or him is the reward o0 one qirat2 and he who attends (and sta"s) till he is buried2 0or him is the reward o0 two qirats, It was said: ?hat are the qiratsD He said: The" are equi-alent to two hu.e mountains, Two other narrators added: Ibn :Umar used to 1ra" and then de1art (without waitin. 0or the burial o0 the dead), ?hen the tradition o0 Abu Huraira rea/hed him2 he said:C ?e ha-e lost man" qirats,C

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733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber 2 )4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 narrators u1 to these words:C two .reat mountains,C !o mention is made o0 what 0ollowed (these words) B and in the hadith transmitted b" :Abd al- A:la (the words are):C till (the burial) is /om1lete,C In the hadith transmitted b" :Abd ar-Aa88aq (the words are):C till he is 1la/ed in the .ra-e,C


*2 !umber 2 )*:

This hadith is narrated on th1 authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters (with these words):C He who 0ollowed it (the bier) till he (the dead) is buried,C


*2 !umber 2 )+:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who o00ered 1ra"er o-er the dead2 but did not 0ollow the bier2 0or him is the reward o0 one qirat2 and he who 0ollowed it2 0or him is the reward o0 two qirats, It was as6ed what the qirats were, He said: The smaller the two is equi-alent to Uhud,


*2 !umber 2 )):

!a0i: narrated that it was said to Ibn :Umar that Abu Huraira re1orted to ha-e heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who 0ollows the bier2 0or him is the reward o0 one qirat, Ibn :Umar said: Abu Huraira narrated it too o0ten, So he sent (a to) :A:isha to as/ertain (the 0a/t), She (:A:isha) testi0ied Abu Huraira, Ibn :Umar said: ?e missed so man" qirats,


*2 !umber 2 )%:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who o00ers 1ra"er 0or the dead2 0or him is (the reward o0) one qiratB and he who 0ollows the bier till it is 1la/ed in the .ra-e2 0or him (is the reward o0) two qirats, I (Abu Ha8im2 one o0 the narrators) raid: Abu Huraira2 what is this qiratD He said: It is li6e the hill o0 Uhud,


*2 !umber 2 )#:

9awud b, :Amir b, Sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that while he was sittin. alon. with :Abdullah b, :Umar2 >habbab2 the owner o0 Maqsura2 said: Ibn :Umar2 do "ou hear what Abu Huraira sa"s that he heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa":C He who .oes out with the bier when ta6en out 0rom its residen/e and o00ers 1ra"er 0or it and he then 0ollows it till it is buried2 he would ha-e two qirats o0 reward2 ea/h qirat bein. equi-alent to UhudB and he who2 a0ter ha-in. o00ered 1ra"er2 (dire/tl") /ame ba/6 would ha-e his reward (as .reat) as UhudCD
+2* & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

Ibn :Umar sent >habbab to :A:isha in order to as6 her about the words o0 Abu Huraira (and also told him) to /ome ba/6 to him (Ibn :Umar) and in0orm him what :A:isha said, (In the meanwhile) Ibn :Umar too6 u1 a hand0ul o0 1ebbles and turned them o-er in his hand till the (>habbab) /ame ba/6 to him and told (him) that :A:isha testi0ied (the statement o0) Abu Huraira, Ibn :Umar threw the 1ebbles he had in his hand on the .round and then said: ?e missed a lar.e number o0 qirats,


*2 !umber 2 );:

Thauban2 the 0reed sla-e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who o00ered 1ra"er 0or the dead2 0or him is the reward o0 one qirat2 and he who attended its burial2 he would ha-e two qirats as his reward, And qirat is equi-alent to Uhud,


*2 !umber 2 % :

This hadith has been narrated b" Eatada with the same /hain o0 transmitters, And in the hadith transmitted b" Sa:id and Hisham2 (the words are):C The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed about qirat2 and he said: It is equi-alent to Uhud,C

'ha1ter $#;: I0 one hundred muslims o00er 1ra"er 0or the dead2 all o0 them inter/edin. 0or him (it would be a//e1ted)
7oo6 *2 !umber 2 %$:
:A:isha re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: I0 a /om1an" o0 Muslims numberin. one hundred 1ra" o-er a dead 1erson2 all o0 them inter/edin. 0or him2 their inter/ession 0or him will be a//e1ted,


*2 !umber 2 %2:

:Abdullah b, :Abbas re1orted that his son died in Eudaid or :Us0an, He said to >uraib to see as to how man" 1eo1le had .athered there 0or his (0uneral), He (>uraib) said: So I went out and I in0ormed him about the 1eo1le who had .athered there, He (Ibn :Abbas) said: 9o "ou thin6 the" are 0ort"D He (>uraib) said: Kes, Ibn :Abbas then said to them: 7rin. him (the dead bod") out 0or I ha-e heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 an" Muslim dies and 0ort" men who

+2+ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

asso/iate nothin. with Allah stand o-er his 1ra"er (the" o00er 1ra"er o-er him)2 Allah will a//e1t them as inter/essors 0or him,

'ha1ter $; : The dead who is 1raised in .ood words2 or who is /ondemned in bad words
7oo6 *2 !umber 2 %4:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: There 1assed a bier (bein. /arried b" 1eo1le) and it was lauded in .ood terms, U1on this the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It has be/ome /ertain2 it has be/ome /ertain2 it has be/ome /ertain, And there 1assed a bier and it was /ondemned in bad words, U1on this the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It has be/ome /ertain2 it has be/ome /ertain2 it has be/ome /ertain, :Umar said: Ma" m" 0ather and mother be ransom 0or "ouL There 1assed a bier and it was 1raised in .ood terms2 and "ou said: It has be/ome /ertain2 it has be/ome /ertain2 it has be/ome /ertain, And there 1assed a bier and it was /ondemned in bad words2 and "ou said: It has be/ome /ertain2 it has be/ome /ertain2 it has be/ome /ertain, U1on this the o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He whom "ou 1raised in .ood terms2 @aradise has be/ome /ertain 0or him2 and he whom "ou /ondemned in bad words2 Hell has be/ome /ertain 0or him, Kou are Allah:s witnesses in the earth2 "ou are Allah:s witnesses in the earth2 "ou are Allah:s witnesses in the earth,


*2 !umber 2 %*:

This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $;$: ?hat is said in /ase o0 one who .ets relie0 and the one 0rom whom the other .ets relie0
7oo6 *2 !umber 2 %+:
Eatada b, Aib:i re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hene-er a bier 1assed be0ore him2 he said: He is the one to 0ind relie0 and the one with (the de1arture o0 him) other will 0ind relie0, The" said: A1ostle o0 Allah2 who is al-Mustarih and al-MustarahD U1on this he said: The belie-in. ser-ant 0inds relie0 0rom the troubles o0 the world2 and in the death o0 a wi/6ed 1erson2 the 1eo1le2 towns2 trees and animals 0ind relle0,

+2) & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber 2 %):

In the hadith transmitted b" Kah"a b, Sa:id on the authorit" o0 Eatada (the words are): (The belie-in. ser-ant) 0inds relie0 0rom the troubles o0 the world and its hardshi1s and (.ets into) the Mer/" o0 Allah,


*2 !umber 2 %%:

Abu Huraira re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e the 1eo1le news o0 the death o0 ! on the da" he died2 and he too6 them out to the 1la/e o0 1ra"er and obser-ed 0our ta6birs,


*2 !umber 2 %#:

Abu Huraira re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e us the news o0 the death o0 !e.us2 the ruler o0 Ab"ssinia2 on the da" when he died2 and he said (to us): 7e. 1ardon 0or "our brother, Ibn Shihab said that Sa:id b, Musa""ib had told that Abu Huraira had narrated to him that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) drew them u1 in a row in a 1la/e o0 1ra"er2 and o00ered 1ra"er and re/ited 0our ta6birs 0or him,


*2 !umber 2 %;:

This hadith is narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber 2 # :

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) o00ered 1ra"er 0or Ashama2 the !e.us2 and re/ited 0our ta6birs,


*2 !umber 2 #$:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There died toda" the 1ious ser-ant o0 Allah2 Ashama, So he stood u1 and led us in (0uneral 1ra"er) o-er him,


*2 !umber 2 #2:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A brother o0 "ours has died2 so stand u1 and o00er 1ra"er o-er him, So we stood u1 and drew oursel-es u1 into two rows,

+2% & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber 2 #4:

:Imran b, Husain re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A brother o0 "ours has diedB so stand u1 and o00er 1ra"er 0or him2 i, e, !, And in the hadith transmitted b" Gubair (the words are):C Kour brother,C

'ha1ter $;2: @ra"er o-er the .ra-e

7oo6 *2 !umber 2 #*:
Sha:bi re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed 1ra"er o-er a .ra-e a0ter the dead was buried and he re/ited 0our ta6birs o-er him, Shaibani said: I said to Sha:bi: ?ho narrated it to "ouD He said: An authenti/ one2 :Abdullah b, :Abbas, This is the word o0 a hasan hadith, In the narration o0 Ibn !umair (the words are): The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went to the .ra-e whi/h had been newl" 1re1ared and 1ra"ed o-er it2 and the" also 1ra"ed who were behind him and he re/ited 0our ta6birs, I said to :Amir: ?ho narrated it to "ouD He said: An authenti/ one who saw him2 i e, Ibn :Abbas,


*2 !umber 2 #+:

This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters2 but in one o0 them (these words are 0ound):C The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited 0our ta6birs,C


*2 !umber 2 #):

The hadith as narrated b" Shaibani has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber 2 #%:

Anas re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed 1ra"er on the .ra-e,


*2 !umber 2 ##:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that a dar6-/om1le5ioned woman (or a "outh) used to swee1 the mosque, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) missed her (or him) and inquired about her (or him), The 1eo1le told him that she (or he) had died, He as6ed wh" the" did not in0orm him2 and it a11ears as i0 the" had treated her (or him) or her (or his) a00airs as o0 little a//ount, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Lead me to her (or his) .ta-e, The" led him to that 1la/e and he said 1ra"er o-er her (or him) and then remar6ed: <eril"2 these .ra-es are 0ull o0 dar6ness 0or their

+2# & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

dwellers, <eril"2 the" and Hlorious Allah illuminates them 0or their o//u1ants b" reason o0 m" 1ra"er o-er them,


*2 !umber 2 #;:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abd al-Aahman b, Abu Laila that Gaid used to re/ite 0our ta6birs on our 0unerals and he re/ited 0i-e ta6birs on one 0uneral, I as6ed him the reason (0or this -ariation)2 to whi/h he re1lied: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited thus,

'ha1ter $;4: Standin. u1 on seein. a bier

7oo6 *2 !umber 2 ; :
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Amir Ibn Aabi:a (ma" Allah be 1leased with him) that the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hene-er "ou see a 0uneral 1ro/ession2 stand u1 0or that until it mo-es awa" or is lowered on the .round,


*2 !umber 2 ;$:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Amir ibn Aabi:a (ma" Allah be 1leased with him) that the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Should an" one o0 "ou /ome a/ross a 0uneral 1ro/ession2 and i0 he does not intend to a//om1an" it2 he must stand u1 until it 1asses b" him or is 1la/ed u1on the .round be0ore it 1asses him,


*2 !umber 2 ;2:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Furaij that the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Should an"one "ou see a bier he must stand u1 so lon. as it is within in /ase he does not intend to 0ollow it,


*2 !umber 2 ;4:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id al->hudri that the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen "ou 0ollow a bier2 do not sit until it is 1la/ed on the (.round),


*2 !umber 2 ;*:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id al->hudri that the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hene-er "ou /ome a/ross a bier "ou should stand u12 and he who 0ollows it should not sit down till it is 1la/ed on the .round,
+2; & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber 2 ;+:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir ibn :Abdullah: There 1assed a bier and the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 0or it and we also stood u1 alon. with him, ?e said: o0 Allah2 that was the bier o0 a Fewess, U1on this he remar6ed: <eril"2 death is a matter o0 /onsternation2 so whene-er "ou /ome a/ross a bier stand u1,


*2 !umber 2 ;):

Ibn Furaij told me that Abu Gubair heard Fabir sa" that the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 6e1t standin. 0or a bier until it disa11eared,


*2 !umber 2 ;%:

A.ain Abu Gubair heard Fabir sa" that the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his 'om1anions 6e1t standin. 0or a bier o0 a Few until it disa11eared 0rom,


*2 !umber 2 ;#:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Abu Laila that while Eais b, Sa:d and Sahl b, Hunai0 were both in Eadisl""a a bier 1assed b" them and the" both stood u1, The" were told that it was the bier o0 one o0 the 1eo1le o0 the land (non-Muslim), The" said that a bier 1assed be0ore the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he stood u1, He was told that he (the dead man) was a Few, U1on this he remar6ed: ?as he not a human bein. or did he not ha-e a soulD And in the hadith narrated b" :Amr b, Murra with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 (the words) are:C There 1assed a bier be0ore us,C

'ha1ter $;*: Abro.ation o0 the a/t o0 standin. u1 0or the bier

7oo6 *2 !umber 2 ;;:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 ?aqid: !a0i: b, Fubair saw me and we were standin. 0or a bier2 while he was sittin. and waitin. 0or the bier to be 1la/ed on the .round, He said to me: ?hat ma6es "ou 6ee1 standin.D I said: I am waitin. that the bier ma" be 1la/ed on the .round (and I am doin. that) on the hadith narrated to me b" Abu Sa:id al->hudri, U1on this !a0i: said: <eril"2 Mas:ud b, Ha6am re1orted to me on the authorit" o0 Hadrat :Ali b, Abu Talib that the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 0irst (0or a bier) and then sat down,

+4 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber 2$

Mas:ud b, al-Ha6am al-Ansari in0ormed !a0i: that he had heard Hadrat :Ali (ma" Allah be 1leased with him)2 son o0 Abu Talib2 sa" about the biers: <eril"2 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to stand 0irst but later on 6e1t sittin.B but it is also narrated that !a0i: ibn Fubair saw ?aqid b, :Amr standin. 0or a bier till it was 1la/ed down,


*2 !umber 2$ $:

This hadith has been narrated b" Kah"a b, Sa:id with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber 2$ 2:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Muhammad b, Mun6adir that he said: I heard 0rom Mas:ud b, alHa6am who narrated it on the authorit" o0 Hadrat :Ali that he said: ?e saw the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 0or a (bier) and we also stood u1B he sat down and we too sat down,


*2 !umber 2$ 4:

This hadith has been narrated b" Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $;+: Su11li/ation 0or the dead in the 0uneral 1ra"er

7oo6 *2 !umber 2$ *:
Fubair b, !u0air sa"s: I heard it 0rom :Au0 b, Mali6 that the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said 1ra"er on the dead bod"2 and I remembered his 1ra"er:C 3 AllahL 0or.i-e him2 ha-e mer/" u1on him2 .i-e him 1ea/e and absol-e him, Ae/ei-e him with honour and ma6e his .ra-e s1a/iousB wash him with water2 snow and hail, 'leanse him 0rom 0aults as Thou wouldst /leanse a white .arment 0rom im1urit", Aequite him with an abode more e5/ellent than his abode2 with a 0amil" better than his 0amil"2 and with a mate better than his mate, Admit him to the Harden2 and 1rote/t him 0rom the torment o0 the .ra-e and the torment o0 the =ire,C (:Au0 bin Mali6) said: I earnestl" desired that I were this dead bod",


*2 !umber 2$ +:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

+4$ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber 2$ ):

:Anas b, Mali6 said: I heard the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa" (while o00erin. 1ra"er on a dead bod"): 3 AllahL 0or.i-e him2 ha-e mer/" u1on him, Hi-e him 1ea/e and absol-e him, Ae/ei-e him with honour and ma6e his .ra-e s1a/ious, ?ash him with water2 snow and hail2 /leanse him 0rom 0aults as is /leaned a white .arment 0rom im1urit", Aequite him with an abode more e5/ellent than his abode2 with a 0amil" better than his 0amil"2 and with a mate better than his mate2 and sa-e him 0rom the trial o0 the .ra-e and torment o0 Hell, :Au0 b, Mali6 said: I earnestl" desired that I were the dead 1erson to re/ei-e the 1ra"er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as this dead bod" had (re/ei-ed),

'ha1ter $;): ?here should the imam stand 0or o00erin. 1ra"er o-er the dead bod"
7oo6 *2 !umber 2$ %:
Samura b, Fundub said: I 1ra"ed behind the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he 1ra"ed 0or a woman who had died in the state o0 deli-er", He stood in 0ront o0 her waist,


*2 !umber 2$ #:

This hadith has been narrated b" Husain with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but no mention is made o0 Umm >a:b,


*2 !umber 2$ ;:

Samura b, Fundub said: I was a "oun. bo" durin. the time o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and I retained in m" mind (what I learnt 0rom him)2 and nothin. restrained me 0rom s1ea6in. e5/e1t the 0a/t that there were 1ersons 0ar more ad-an/ed in a.e than I, <eril"2 I said 1ra"er behind the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) o-er a woman who had died in the state o0 deli-er"2 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 to sa" 1ra"er in 0ront o0 the middle 1art o0 her bod", And in the tradition narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Muthanna the words are:C (The Hol" @ro1het) stood in the middle 1art o0 her bod" 0or o00erin. 1ra"er 0or her,C

+42 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $;%: It is 1ermissible to ride ba/6 a0ter o00erin. 0uneral 1ra"er

7oo6 *2 !umber 2$$ :
It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Fabir ibn Samura that an unsaddled horse was to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he rode on it when he returned a0ter ha-in. o00ered the 0uneral 1ra"er o0 Ibn 9ahdah and we wal6ed on 0oot around him,


*2 !umber 2$$$:

Fabir ibn Samura re1orted that the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said (0uneral) 1ra"er on Ibn 9ahdah: then an unsaddled horse was to him and a 1erson hobbled it2 and he (the o0 Allah) rode u1on it and it bounded and we 0ollowed it and ran a0ter it, 3ne o0 the 1eo1le said that the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) remar6ed: How man" amon. bun/hes in the @aradise are meant 0or Ibn 9ahdahD

'ha1ter $;#: !i/he in the .ra-e and settin. u1 o0 mud bri/6s o-er the dead
7oo6 *2 !umber 2$$2:
:Amir b, Sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas told that Sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas said durin. his illness o0 whi/h he died:C Ma6e a ni/he 0or me in the side o0 the .ra-e and set u1 bri/6s o-er me as was done in /ase o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


*2 !umber 2$$4:

Ibn :Abbas said that a 1ie/e o0 red stu00 was 1ut in the .ra-e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

+44 & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter $;;: 'ommandment in re.ard to the le-ellin. o0 the .ra-e

7oo6 *2 !umber 2$$*:
Thumama b, Sha0a"" re1orted: ?hen we were with =adala b, :Ubaid in the /ountr" o0 the Aomans at a 1la/e (6nown as) Audis2 a 0riend o0 ours died, =adala b, :Ubaid ordered to 1re1are a .ra-e 0or him and then it was le-elledB and then he said: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommandin. (us) to le-el the .ra-e,


*2 !umber 2$$+:

Abu:l-Ha""aj al-Asadi told that :Ali (b, Abu Talib) said to him: Should I not send "ou on the same mission as Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent meD 9o not lea-e an ima.e without obliteratin. it2 or a hi.h .ra-e without le-ellin. It, This hadith has been re1orted b" Habib with the same /hain o0 transmitters and he said: (9o not lea-e) a 1i/ture without obliteratin. it,

'ha1ter 2

/onstru/tin. an"thin. o-er it

*2 !umber 2$$):
Fabir said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade that the .ra-es should be 1lastered or the" be used as sittin. 1la/es (0or the 1eo1le)2 or a buildin. should be built o-er them,

: It is 0orbidden to 1laster the .ra-e or


*2 !umber 2$$%:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, :Abdullah,


*2 !umber 2$$#:

Fabir said that he was 0orbidden to build 1u//a .ra-es,

+4* & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

'ha1ter 2 $: It is 0orbidden to sit o-er the .ra-e and obser-e 1ra"er 0a/in. towards it
7oo6 *2 !umber 2$$;:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is better that one o0 "ou should sit on li-e /oats whi/h would burn his /lothin. and /ome in /onta/t with his s6in than that he should sit on a .ra-e,


*2 !umber 2$2 :

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Suhail with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


*2 !umber 2$2$:

Abu Marthad al-Hhanawi re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not sit on the .ra-es and do not 1ra" 0a/in. towards them,


*2 !umber 2$22:

Abu Marthad al-Hhanawi re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not 1ra" 0a/in. towards the .ra-es2 and do not sit on them,

'ha1ter 2 2: =uneral 1ra"er in the mosque

7oo6 *2 !umber 2$24:
:Abbad b, :Abdullah b, Gubair re1orted that :A:isha ordered the bier o0 Sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas to be into the mosque so that she should 1ra" 0or him, The 1eo1le disa11ro-ed this (a/t) o0 hers, She said: How soon the 1eo1le ha-e 0or.otten that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) o00ered not the 0uneral 1ra"er o0 Suhail b al-7aida: but in a mosque,


*2 !umber 2$2*:

:Abbad b, :Abdullah b, Gubair re1orted on the authorit" o0 :A:isha that when Sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas died2 the wi-es o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent messa.e to brin. his bier into the mosque so that the" should o00er 1ra"er 0or him, The" (the 1arti/i1ants o0 the 0uneral) did a//ordin.l"2 and it was 1la/ed in 0ront o0 their a1artments and the" o00ered 1ra"er 0or him, It was out o0 the door (6nown as) 7ab al-Fana:i8 whi/h was towards the side o0 Maqa:id2 and the news rea+4+ & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

/hed them (the wi-es o0 the Hol" @ro1het) that the 1eo1le bad /riti/ised this (i, e, o00erin. o0 0uneral 1ra"er in the mosque) sa"in. that it was not desirable to ta6e the bier inside the mosque, This was /on-e"ed to :A:isha, She said: How hastil" the 1eo1le /riti/ise that about whi/h the" 6now little, The" /riti/ise us 0or /arr"in. the bier in the mosque, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) o00ered not the 0uneral 1ra"er o0 Suhail b, 7aida: but in the innermost 1art o0 the mosque,


*2 !umber 2$2+:

Abu Salama b, :Abd al-Aahman re1orted on the authorit" ot :A:isha that when Sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas died she said: 7rin. it (the bier) into the mosque so that I o00er 1ra"er 0or him, 7ut2 this a/t o0 hers was disa11ro-ed, She said: 7" Allah2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) o00ered 1ra"er in the mosque 0or the two sons o0 7aida:2 -i82 0or Suhail and his brother,

'ha1ter 2 4: ?hat is to be said while -isitin. the .ra-e"ard and the su11li/ation to be o00ered 0or the dead l"in. in the .ra-es
7oo6 *2 !umber 2$2):
:A:isha re1orted (that whene-er it was her turn 0or Allah:s Nma" 1ea/e be u1on himO to s1end the with her) he would .o out towards the end o0 the to al-7aqi: and sa": @ea/e be u1on "ou2 abode o0 a 1eo1le who are belie-ers, ?hat "ou were 1romised would /ome to "ou tomorrow2 "ou re/ei-in. it a0ter some dela"B and Hod willin. we shall join "ou, 3 Allah2 .rant 0or.i-eness to the inhabitants o0 7aqi: al-Hharqad, Eutaiba did not mention his words:C would /ome to "ouC,


*2 !umber 2$2%:

Muhammad b, Eais said (to the 1eo1le): Should I not narrate to "ou (a hadith o0 the Hol" @ro1het) on m" authorit" and on the authorit" o0 m" motherD ?e that he meant the mother who had .i-en him birth, He (Muhammad b, Eais) then re1orted that it was :A:isha who had narrated this: Should I not narrate to "ou about m"sel0 and about the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D ?e said: Kes, She said: ?hen it was m" turn 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to s1end the with me2 he turned his side2 1ut on his mantle and too6 o00 his shoes and 1la/ed them near his 0eet2 and s1read the /orner o0 his shawl on his bed and then la" down till he that I had .one to slee1, He too6 hold o0 his mantle slowl" and 1ut on the shoes slowl"2 and o1ened the door and went out and then /losed it li.htl", I /o-ered m" head2 1ut on m" -eil and ti.htened m" waist wra11er2 and then went out 0ollowin. his ste1s till he rea/hed 7aqi:, He stood there and he stood 0or a lon. time, He then li0ted his hands three times2 and then returned and I also returned, He
+4) & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

hastened his ste1s and I also hastened m" ste1s, He ran and I too ran, He /ame (to the house) and I also /ame (to the house), I2 howe-er2 1re/eded him and I entered (the house)2 and as I la" down in the bed2 he (the Hol" @ro1het) entered the (house)2 and said: ?h" is it2 3 :A:isha2 that "ou are out o0 breathD I said: There is nothin., He said: Tell me or the Subtle and the Aware would in0orm me, I said: o0 Allah2 ma" m" 0ather and mother be ransom 0or "ou2 and then I told him (the whole stor"), He said: ?as it the dar6ness (o0 "our shadow) that I saw in 0ront o0 meD I said: Kes, He stru/6 me on the /hest whi/h /aused me 1ain2 and then said: 9id "ou thin6 that Allah and His A1ostle would deal unjustl" with "ouD She said: ?hatsoe-er the 1eo1le /on/eal2 Allah will 6now it, He said: Habriel /ame to me when "ou saw me, He /alled me and he /on/ealed it 0rom "ou, I res1onded to his /all2 but I too /on/ealed it 0rom "ou (0or he did not /ome to "ou)2 as "ou were not 0ull" dressed, I that "ou had .one to slee12 and I did not li6e to awa6en "ou2 0earin. that "ou ma" be 0ri.htened, He (Habriel) said: Kour Lord has /ommanded "ou to .o to the inhabitants o0 7aqi: (to those l"in. in the .ra-es) and be. 1ardon 0or them, I said: o0 Allah2 how should I 1ra" 0or them (How should I be. 0or.i-eness 0or them)D He said: Sa"2 @ea/e be u1on the inhabitants o0 this /it" (.ra-e"ard) 0rom amon. the 7elie-ers and the Muslims2 and ma" Allah ha-e mer/" on those who ha-e .one ahead o0 us2 and those who /ome later on2 and we shall2 Hod willin.2 join "ou,


*2 !umber 2$2#:

Sulaiman b, 7uraida narrated on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to tea/h them when the" went out to the .ra-e"ard, 3ne o0 the narrators used to sa" this in the narration transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu 7a6r:C @ea/e be u1on the inhabitants o0 the /it" (i, e, .ra-e"ard),C In the hadith transmitted b" Guhair (the words are):C @ea/e be u1on "ou2 the inhabitants o0 the /it"2 amon. the belie-ers2 and Muslims2 and Hod willin. we shall join "ou, I be. o0 Allah 1ea/e 0or us and 0or "ou,C

'ha1ter 2 *: The a1ostle o0 allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) see6in. 1ermission 0rom the lord2 the e5alted and hi.h2 0or -isitin. the .ra-e o0 his mother
7oo6 *2 !umber 2$2;:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s Messen.er2 (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I 1ermission to be. 0or.i-eness 0or m" mother2 but He did not .rant it to me, I 1ermission 0rom Him to -isit her .ra-e2 and He .ranted it (1ermission) to me,

+4% & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)


*2 !umber 2$4 :

Abu Huraira re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited the .ra-e o0 his mother and he we1t2 and mo-ed others around him to tears2 and said: I 1ermission 0rom m" Lord to be. 0or.i-eness 0or her but it was not .ranted to me2 and I 1ermission to -isit her .ra-e and it was .ranted to motel So -isit the .ra-es2 0or that ma6es "ou mind0ul o0 death,


*2 !umber 2$4$:

Ibn 7uraida re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I 0orbade "ou to -isit .ra-es2 but "ou ma" now -isit themB I 0orbade "ou to eat the 0lesh o0 sa/ri0i/ial animals a0ter three da"s2 but "ou wa" now 6ee1 it as alon. as "ou 0eel in/linedB and I 0orbade "ou nabidh e5/e1t in a water-s6in2 "ou ma" drin6 it 0rom all 6inds o0 water-s6ins2 but "ou must not drin6 an"thin. into5i/atin.,


*2 !umber 2$42:

This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 2 +: Abandonin. o0 0uneral 1ra"er 0or him who /ommitted sui/ide

7oo6 *2 !umber 2$44:
Fabir b, Samura re1orted: (The dead bod") o0 a 1erson who had 6illed himsel0 with a broad-headed arrow was be0ore the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 but he did not o00er 1ra"ers 0or him,

+4# & $#


733> *: TH( 733> 3= @AAK(AS (>ITA7 AL-SALAT)

733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

+4; & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

30 the 0i-e 0undamentals o0 Islam2 Ga6at o//u1ies the se/ond 1ositioin2 the 0irst bein. 1ra"er (salat), This word is deri-ed 0rom Ga6d2 whi/h means it (a 1lant) .rew, The se/ond deri-ati-e o0 this word /arries the sense o0 1uri0i/atin2 e, ., Ead a0laha man 8a66aha (he is indeed su//ess0ul who 1uri0ied himsel0), The other word used 0or 8a6at both in the Eur:an and the Hadith is sadaqa whi/h is deri-ed 0rom sidq (the truth), 7oth these words are hi.hl" meanin.0ul, The s1endin. o0 wealth 0or the sa6e o0 Allah 1uri0ies the heart o0 man o0 the lo-e o0 material wealth, The man who s1ends it o00ers that as a humble .i0t be0ore the Lord and thus a00irms the truth that nothin. is dearer to him in li0e than the lo-e o0 Allah and that he is 0ull 1re1ared to sa/ri0i/e e-er"thin. 0or His sa6e, Se/ondl"2 8a6at is the most e00e/ti-e measure to im1ro-e the e/onomi/ /ondition o0 the ha-e-nots, It is not2 howe-er2 a mere ta52 but a 0orm o0 worshi1 whereb" a man /omes /lose to his Lord, The Muslims ha-e2 there0ore2 been enjoined to 1a" 8a6at with the same sense o0 earnestness and de-otion in whi/h the see6er o0 the Lord obser-es the 1ra"er, The 1rimar" moti-e o0 8a6at is reli.ious and s1iritual2 while the so/ial and e/onomi/ as1e/ts are subser-ient to it, Its so/ial si.ni0i/an/e is that it awa6ens in man the sense o0 brotherhood with less 0ortunate members o0 so/iet"2 and stirs his moral /ons/ien/e to ma6e sa/ri0i/e 0or their sa6e, =rom the e/onomi/ 1oint o0 -iew it dis/ hoardin. and /on/entration o0 wealth and hel1s its stead" and /onstant 0low 0rom the ri/h to the 1oor, It is in 0a/t a .ood means o0 1ro-idin. 1ur/hasin. 1ower to the 1oor2 0or amelioratin. their hard lot and enablin. them to stand on their own le.s, It should also be remembered that 8a6at or sadaqa in Islam is not a -oluntar" a/t o0 /harit" whi/h a ri/h man .i-es to the 1oor out o0 his own sweet will2 but it is an obli.ator" a/t whi/h e-er" Muslim is enjoined u1on to 1er0orm i0 he is sin/ere in his belie0 in Hod and the Herea0ter, Thus there is no burden o0 obli.ation on one who re/ei-es 8a6at2 but a sense o0 than60ulness and .ratitude on the 1art o0 the .i-er2 sin/e he has been enabled b" the re/i1ient to dis/har.e his obli.ation that he owes to Hod and so/iet", (3 @ro1het)2 ta6e sadaqa (8a6at) out o0 their 1ro1ert"-thou wouldst /leanse them and 1uri0" them thereb" (Eur:an2 i5, $ 4), And awa" 0rom it (the Hell) shall be 6e1t the most 0aith0ul to dut" who .i-es his wealth2 1uri0"in. himsel0 (5/ii, $%-$#), So mu/h is the im1ortan/e o0 8a6at in Islam that it has been mentioned at"two 1la/es in the Eur:an in /lose /onne/tion with 1ra"er, The 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 6new its basi/ im1ortan/e in Islam, It is a 6nown 0a/t that a0ter the death o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) when some o0 the tribes2 who belie-ed in the oneness o0 Hod and obser-ed 1ra"er2 re0used to 1a" 8a6at2 the 0irst 'ali1h Abu 7a6r Siddiq (Allah be 1leased with him)2 in an answer to the ad-i/e o0 Hadrat :Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) to show toleran/e towards su/h 1eo1le, said in e51li/it terms2 7" Allah2 I would de0initel" wa.e war a.ainst them who disso/iate 1ra"er 0rom Ga6at, Ga6at is 1aid on the sur1lus o0 wealth whi/h is le0t o-er a0ter the 1assa.e o0 a "ear, It is

+* & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

thus a 1a"ment on the a//umulated wealth, Lea-in. aside animals and a.ri/ultural "ield2 8a6at is 1aid at almost a uni0orm rate o0 two and a hal0 R, The minimum standard o0 sur1lus wealth o-er whi/h 8a6at is /har.ed is 6nown as !isab, It di00ers with di00erent 6inds o0 1ro1ert"2 the most im1ortant bein. 2 dirhams or +2$ tolas (nearl" 2$ o8,) In /ase o0 sil-er2 and 2 mithqals or %$ tolas (nearl" 4 o8,) in /ase o0 .old, The nisab o0 /ash is the same as that o0 .old and sil-er, As re.ards the 1ersons to whom 8a6at is to be 1aid2 the" ha-e been /learl" des/ribed in the Hol" Eur:an: Alms are onl" 0or the 1oor2 the need"2 the o00i/ials /har.ed with the dut" o0 /olle/tion2 those whose hearts are in/lined to truth2 the ransomin. o0 /a1ti-es2 those in debt2 in the wa" o0 Allah2 and the wa"0arer (i5 ) ),

'ha1ter $:
7oo6 +2 !umber 2$4*:
Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !o sadaqa (8a6at) is 1a"able on less than 0i-e wasqs o0 (dates or .rains)2 on less than 0i-e /amel-heads and on less than 0i-e uqi"as (o0 sil-er),


+2 !umber 2$4+:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" :Amr b, Kah"a with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


+2 !umber 2$4):

:Umara re1orted: I heard Abd Sa:id al->hudri as sa"in. that he had heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ma6e (this) obser-ation with a .esture o0 his 0i-e 0in.ers2 and then he narrated the hadith as transmitted b" :U"aina (hadith 2$4*),


+2 !umber 2$4%:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Sadaqa (8a6at) is 1a"able on less than 0i-e wasqs o0 (dates or .rains)2 on less than 0i-e /amel-heads2 and on less than 0i-e uqi"as (o0 sil-er),


+2 !umber 2$4#:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !o Sadaqa is 1a"able on less than 0i-e wasqs o0 dates or .rains,

+*$ & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 2$4;:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !o Sadaqa is 1a"able on the .rains and dates till it (/omes to the ? o0 0i-e wasqs2 or less than 0i-e heads o0 /amels2 or less than 0i-e uqi"as (o0 sil-er),


+2 !umber 2$* :

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Isma:il b, Uma""a with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


+2 !umber 2$*$:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Isma:il b, Uma""a with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but instead o0 the word dates2 0ruit has been used,


+2 !umber 2$*2:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !o Sadaqa is 1a"able on less than 0i-e 0iqi"as o0 sil-er2 and on less than 0i-e heads o0 /amels2 and less than 0i-e wasqs o0 dates,


+2 !umber 2$*4:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A tenth is 1a"able on what is watered b" ri-ers2 or rains2 and a twentieth on what is watered b" /amels,

'ha1ter 2: !o 8a6at is due 0rom a muslim on his sla-e or his horse

7oo6 +2 !umber 2$**:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !o Sadaqa is due 0rom a Muslim on his sla-e or horse,


+2 !umber 2$*+:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !o Sadaqa is due 0rom a Muslim on his sla-e or horse,

+*2 & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 2$*):

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


+2 !umber 2$*%:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is no Sadaqa on a sla-e e5/e1t Sadaqat-ul-=itr,

'ha1ter 4: Sendin. o00 0or the 1a"ment o0 8a6at and o0 re0usin. to 1a" it
7oo6 +2 !umber 2$*#:
Abu Huraira re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent Umar 0or (/olle/tin.) Sadaqa (8a6at)2 and it was said that Ibn Famil2 >halid b, ?alid and :Abbas the un/le o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re0used (to 1a" it), U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ibn Famil is ta6in. re-en.e but 0or this that he was destitute and Allah made him ri/h, As re.ards >halid2 "ou are unjust to >halid2 0or be reser-ed his armours and wea1ons 0or the sa6e o0 Allah2 and as 0or :Abbas2 I shall be res1onsible 0or it and an equal amount alon. with it, And he a.ain said: :Umar2 bear this in mind2 the un/le o0 a 1erson is li6e his 0ather,

'ha1ter *: Ga6at (sadaqa) 0itr is bindin. on e-er" muslim

7oo6 +2 !umber 2$*;:

Ibn Umar said that Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1res/ribed the 1a"ment o0 Ga6atul-=itr (on brea6in. the 0ast) o0 Aamadan 0or 1eo1le2 0or e-er" 0reeman2 or sla-e2 male and 0emale amon. the Muslims-one sa: o0 dried dates2 or one sa: o0 barle",


+2 !umber 2$+ :

Ibn :Umar said that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1res/ribed Ga6at-ul-=itr one sa: o0 dates or one sa: o0 barle" 0or e-er" sla-e or 0reeman2 "oun. or old,

+*4 & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 2$+$:

Ibn :Umar said that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1res/ribed the Sadaqa o0 Aamadan (Sadaqat-al-=itr) one sa: o0 dates or one sa: o0 barle" 0or e-er" 0ree man or a sla-e2 male or 0emale2 and then the 1eo1le equalised (one sa: o0 dates or barle") with hal0 a sa: o0 wheat,


+2 !umber 2$+2:

Abdullah b, Umar re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ordered the (1a"ment o0) Ga6at-ul-=itr one sa: o0 dates2 or one sa: o0 barle", Ibn :Umar (:Abdullah b, :Umar) 0urther said: The 1eo1le equalised it (then) with two mudds o0 0ine wheat,


+2 !umber 2$+4:

Ibn Umar re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1res/ribed Ga6at-ul-=itr o0 Aamadan one sa: o0 dates or one sa: o0 barle" 0or e-er" indi-idual amon. the Muslims (whether) 0ree man or sla-e2 male or 0emale2 "oun. or old,


+2 !umber 2$+*:

Sad b, Abu Sarh heard Abu Sa:id al->hudri as sa"in.: ?e used to ta6e out as the Ga6at o0 =itr one sa: o0 .rain2 or one sa: o0 barle" or one sa: o0 dates2 or one sa: o0 /heese or one sa: o0 raisins,


+2 !umber 2$++:

Abd Sa:id al->hudri re1orted: ?e2 on behal0 o0 e-er" "oun. or old2 0ree man or sla-e ( us)2 used to ta6e out durin. the li0etime o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as the Ga6at o0 =itr one sa: o0 .rain2 or one sa: o0 /heese or one sa: o0 raisins, And we /ontinued ta6in. out these till Mu:awi"a b, Abu Su0"an /ame to us 0or 1il.rima.e or :Umra2 and addressed the 1eo1le on the 1ul1it and said to them: I see that two mudds o0 8a6at out o0 the wheat (red) o0 S"ria is equal to one sa: o0 dates, So the 1eo1le a//e1ted it, 7ut Abu Sa:id said: I would /ontinue to ta6e out as I used to ta6e out (be0ore2 i e, one sa:) as lon. as I li-e,


+2 !umber 2$+):

Sa:d b, Abu Sarh heard Abu Sa:id al->hudri as sa"in.: ?e2 on behal0 o0 "oun. or old2 0ree or sla-e2 used to ta6e out the Ga6at o0 =itr while the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) was amon. us2 in three 6inds2 one sa: o0 dates2 one sa: o0 /heese2 or one sa: o0 barle"2 and we /ontinued to ta6e that out till the time o0 Mu:awi"a2 0or he saw that two mudds o0 wheat were equal to one sa: o0 dates, Abu Sa:id sald: I would /ontinue to ta6e that out as be0ore (i e, one sa: o0 wheat),

+** & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 2$+%:

Abu Sa:id al >hudri re1orted: ?e used to ta6e out the Ga6at o0 =itr in three 6inds2 /heese2 dates and


+2 !umber 2$+#:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted that when Mu:awi"a 1res/ribed hal0 a sa: o0 wheat equal to one sa: o0 dates2 he (Abu Sa:id al->hudri) obje/ted to it2 and said: I would ta6e out (Sadaqat-ul-=itr) but that whi/h I used to brin. 0orth durin. the li0etime o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) one sa: o0 dates2 or one sa: o0 raisins2 or one sa: o0 barle"2 or one sa: o0 /heese,

'ha1ter +: Ta6in. out o0 sadaqat-ul-0itr be0ore obser-in. 0itr 1ra"er

+2 !umber 2$+;: 7oo6

Ibn :Umar re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ordered that the Sadaqat-ul-=itr should be 1aid be0ore the 1eo1le .o out 0or 1ra"er,


+2 !umber 2$) :

Abdullah b :Umar re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ordered the 1a"ment o0 Sadaqat-ul-=itr be0ore 1eo1le .o out 0or 1ra"er,

'ha1ter ): Sin o0 one who does not 1a" 8a6at

7oo6 +2 !umber 2$)$:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 an" owner o0 .old or sil-er does not 1a" what is due on him2 when the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion would /ome2 1lates o0 0ire would be beaten out 0or himB these would then be heated in the 0ire o0 Hell and his sides2 his 0orehead and his ba/6 would be /auteri8ed with them, ?hene-er these /ool down2 (the 1ro/ess is) re1eated durin. a da" the e5tent o0 whi/h would be 0i0t" thousand "ears2 until jud.ment is 1ronoun/ed amon. ser-ants2 and he sees whether his 1ath is to ta6e him to @aradise or to Hell, It was said: o0 Allah2 what about the /amelD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I0 an" owner o0 the /amel does not 1a" what is due on him2 and o0 his due in that (/amel) is (also) to mil6 it on the da" when it /omes down to water, ?hen the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion /omes a so0t sand" 1lain would be set 0or him2

+*+ & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

as e5tensi-e as 1ossible2 (he will 0ind) that not a sin.le "oun. one is missin.2 and the" will tram1le him with their hoo0s and bite him with their mouths, As o0ten as the 0irst o0 them 1asses him2 the last o0 them would be made to return durin. a da" the e5tent o0 whi/h would be 0i0t" thousand "ears2 until jud.ment is 1ronoun/ed amon. ser-ants and he sees whether his 1ath is to ta6e him to @aradise or to Hell, It was (a.ain) said: o0 Allah2 what about /ows (/attle) and shee1D He said: It an" owner o0 the /attle and shee1 does not 1a" what is due on them2 when the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion /omes a so0t sand" 1lain would be s1read 0or them2 he will 0ind none o0 them missin.2 with twisted horns2 without horns or with a bro6en horn2 and the" will .ore him with their horns and tram1le him with their hoo0s, As o0ten as the 0irst o0 them 1asses him the last o0 them would be made to return to him durin. a da" the e5tent o0 whi/h would be 0i0t" thousand "ears2 until jud.ment would be 1ronoun/ed amon. the ser-ants, And he would be shown his 1ath-1ath leadin. him to @aradise or to Hell, It was said: o0 Allah2 what about the horseD U1on this he said: The horses are o0 three t"1es, To one than (these are) a burden2 and to another man (these are) a /o-erin.2 and still to another man (these are) a sour/e o0 reward, The one 0or whom these are a burden is the 1erson who rears them in order to show o002 0or -ain.lor" and 0or o11osin. the MuslimsB so the" are a burden 0or him, The one 0or whom these are a /o-erin. is the 1erson who rears them 0or the sa6e o0 Allah but does not the o0 Allah /on/ernin. their ba/6s and their ne/6s2 and so the" are a /o-erin. 0or him, As 0or those whi/h brin. reward (these re0er to) the 1erson who rears them 0or the sa6e o0 Allah to be used 0or Muslims and he 1uts them in meadow and 0ield, And whate-er thin. do these eat 0rom that meadow and 0ield would be re/orded on his behal0 as .ood deeds2 as would also the amount o0 their dun. and urine, And these would not brea6 their halter and 1ran/e a /ourse or two without ha-in. .ot re/orded the amount o0 their hoo0 mar6s and their dun. as a .ood deed on his behal0 (on behal0 o0 their owner), And their master does not brin. them 1ast a ri-er 0rom whi/h the" drin62 thou.h he did not intend to quen/h their thirst2 but Allah would re/ord 0or him the amount o0 what the" drin6 on his behal0 as deeds, It was said: o0 Allah2 what about the assesD2 U1on this he said: !othin. has been re-ealed to me in re.ard to the asses (in 1arti/ular) e5/e1t this one -erse o0 a /om1rehensi-e nature:C He who does an atom:s o0 .ood will see it2 and he who does an atom:s o0 e-il will see itC (5/i5, %)


+2 !umber 2$)2:

This hadith has been narrated b" Gaid b, Aslam with the same /hain o0 transmitters e5/e1t that he said:C !one amon. the owners o0 /amels who does not 1a" their due2C but did not sa"C their due (Ga6at) out o0 them,C and he ma6e a mention:C He did not miss a sin.le "oun. one out o0 them,C and he said:C Their sides, their 0oreheads and their ba/6s would be /auterised,C


+2 !umber 2$)4:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !o owner o0 the treasure who does not 1a" Ga6at (would be s1ared) but (his hoards) would be heated in the =ire o0 Hell
+*) & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

and these would be made into 1lates and with these his sides2 his 0orehead would be /auterised till Allah would 1ronoun/e jud.ment amon. His ser-ants durin. a da"2 the e5tent o0 whi/h would be 0i0t" thousand "ears, He would then see his 1ath2 leadin. either to @aradise or to Hell, And no owner o0 the /amels who does not 1a" Ga6at (would be s1ared) but a so0t sand" 1lain would be set 0or him and the" (the /amels) would be made to 1ass o-er him till the last o0 them would be made to return till Allah would 1ronoun/e jud.ment amon. His ser-ants durin. a da" the e5tent o0 whi/h would be 0i0t" thousand "ears, He would then see his 1ath leadin. him to @aradise or leadin. him to Hell, And no owner o0 the (/attle and) .oats who does not 1a" Ga6at (would be s1ared) but a so0t sand" 1lain would be set 0or him2 he would 0ind none o0 them missin.2 with twisted horns2 without horns2 or with bro6en horns2 and the" will .ore him with their horns and tram1le him with their hoo0s and the" would be made to 1ass o-er him till the last o0 them would be made to return till Allah would 1ronoun/e jud.ment amon. His ser-ants2 durin. a da" the e5tent o0 whi/h would be 0dt" thousand "ears2 and he would see the 1aths leadin. to @aradise or to Hell, Suhail said: I do not 6now whether he made mention o0 the /ows, The" said: o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 what about the horsesD He said: The horses ha-e .oodness in their 0oreheads (or he said) or .oodness is in.rained in the 0oreheads o0 the horses (Suhail said: I am in doubt as to what was a/tuall" said) u1 till the 9a" o0 jud.ement, The horses are o0 three 6inds, The" are a sour/e o0 reward to a 1erson2 the" are a /o-erin. to a 1erson2 and the" are a burden to a 1erson, As 0or those whi/h brin. reward is that a 1erson would .et reward who rears them 0or the sa6e o0 Allah and trains them 0or Him2 and nothin. disa11ears in their stoma/hs but Allah would re/ord 0or him a .ood deed, And i0 the" were to .ra8e in the meadow2 the" would eat nothin. but Allah would re/ord 0or him a reward, And i0 the" were to drin6 water 0rom the /anal2 with e-er" dro1 that2 would disa11ear in their stoma/hs there would be reward (0or the owner), He went on des/ribin. till a reward was mentioned 0or their urine and dun., And i0 the" 1ran/ed a /ourse or two2 there would be re/orded a reward 0or e-er" 1a/e that the" /o-ered, As 0or one 0or whom the" are a /o-erin.2 he is the man who rears them 0or honour and di.nit" but does not the o0 their ba/6s and their stoma/hs2 in 1lent" and ad-ersit"2 As re.ards one 0or whom the" are a burden2 he is that who rears them 0or -ain.lor" and showin. o00 to the 1eo1leB 0or him the" are2 the burden, The" said: o0 Allah2 what about assesD He said: Allah has not re-ealed to me an"thin. in re.ards to it e5/e1t this one /om1rehensi-e -erse:C He who does an atom:s o0 .ood will see it2 and he who does an atom:s o0 e-il will see itC (5/i5, %),


+2 !umber 2$)*:

This hadith has been narrated b" Suhail b, Abu Salih with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 and he said he substituted the word aqsa: with :adba: and said:C his side and his ba/62C but he made no mention o0 his 0orehead,

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733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 2$)+:

This hadith has been narrated b" Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said:C ?hen a 1erson does not 1a" what is due to Allah or Sadaqa o0 his /amels,,,,C The rest o0 the hadith is the same,


+2 !umber 2$)):

Fabir b, :Abdullah al-Ansari re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The owner o0 a /amel who does not 1a" what is due on it (would be 1unished in this wa") that on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion man" more (alon. with his /amel) would /ome and the owner would be made to sit on a so0t sand" .round and the" would tram1le him with their 0eet and hoo-es, And no owner o0 the /attle who does not 1a" what is due on them (would be s1ared the 1unishment) but on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2 man" more would /ome and he (the owner) would be made to sit on the so0t sand" .round and would be .ored b" their horns and tram1led under their 0eet, And no owner o0 the .oats and shee1 who does not 1a" what is due on them (would be s1ared o0 1unishment) but man" more would /ome on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion and he (the owner) would be made to sit on a so0t sand" .round and the" would .ore him with their horns and tram1le him under their hoo-es, And there would be more (amon. this 0lo/6 o0 shee1 and .oat) without horns or with bro6en horns, And no owner o0 the treasure who does not 1a" its due but his treasure would /ome on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion li6e a bald sna6e and would 1ursue him with its mouth o1en2 and when it would /ome near he would run awa" 0rom it2 and he would be /alled thus:C Ta6e "our treasure whi/h "ou /on/ealed2 0or I do not need it,C ?hen he would 0ind no wa" out he would 1ut his hand in its mouth and it would .naw it li6e a he-/amel, Abu Gubair said: ?e heard Ubaid b, Umair sa"in. this, ?e then as6ed Fabir b, :Abdullah about this, And he also said li6e Ubaid b, Umair2 Abu Gubair said: I heard :Ubaid b, :Umair sa"in.: A man said: o0 Allah2 what is due on /amelsD He said: Mil6in. them near water2 and lendin. o0 bu/6et (used 0or drawin. water 0rom it)2 or lendin. its male 0or matin. with a she-/amel and 1ro-idin. it as a ride 0or the sa6e o0 Allah,


+2 !umber 2$)%:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !o owner o0 /amels or /attle or 0lo/6 o0 shee1 or .oats who does not 1a" his due (would be s1ared 1unishment) but would be made to sit on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion on a so0t sand" .round and the hoo0ed animals would tram1le him with their hoo0s and .ore him with their horns, And none o0 them on that da" would be without horns2 or with bro6en horns, ?e said: o0, Allab2 but what is due on themD He said: Lendin. o0 the male (0or use) and lendin. o0 the bu/6et (used 0or drawin. water 0or them) and 0or matin. and mil6in. them near water and 1ro-idin. them as a ride 0or the sa6e o0 Allah, And no owner o0 the 1ro1ert" who does not 1a" Ga6at (would be s1ared 1unishment) but it (his 1ro1ert") would turn into a bald sna6e and would 0ollow its owner where-er he would .o2 and he

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733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

would run awa" 0rom it2 and it would be said to him: That is "our 1ro1ert" about whi/h "ou were stin.", And when he would 0ind no other wa" out he would thrust his hand in its mouth and it would .naw it li6e a male /amel,

'ha1ter %: @leasin. o0 the /olle/tor

7oo6 +2 !umber 2$)#:
Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: There /ame 1eo1le 0rom amon. the 7edouins to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: 'olle/tors o0 Sadaqa /ome to us and treat us unjustl", U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: @lease "our /olle/tors, Farir said: (-er sin/e I heard it 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) no /olle/tor had de1arted but was 1leased with me,


+2 !umber 2$);:

This hadith has been narrated b" Muhammad b, Isma:il with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter #: The .ra-it" o0 1unishment 0or one who does not 1a" 8a6at
7oo6 +2 !umber 2$% :
Abu 9harr re1orted: I went to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he was sittin. under the shade o0 the >a:ba, As he saw me he said: 7" the Lord o0 the >a:ba2 the" are the losers, I /ame there till I sat and I /ould not sta" ( and (then) stood u1, I said: o0 Allah2 let m" 0ather2 be ransom 0or "ou2 who are the" (the losers)D He said: The" are those ha-in. a hu.e amount o0 wealth e5/e1t so and so and (those who s1end their wealth .enerousl" on them whom the" 0ind in 0ront o0 them2 behind them and on their side and on their le0t side) and the" are a 0ew, And no owner o0 /amels2 or /attle or .oat and shee12 who does not 1a" Ga6at (would be s1ared 1unishment) but these (/amels2 /attle2 .oats and shee1) would /ome on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion wearin. more 0lesh and would .ore him with their horns and tram1le them with their hoo-es, And when the last one would 1ass awa"2 the 0irst one would return (to tram1le him) till jud.ment would be 1ronoun/ed amon. 1eo1le,

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733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 2$%$:

Abu 9barr re1orted: I went to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he was sittin. under the shade o0 the >a:ba2 and the rest o0 the hadith it the same but 0or this that he (the Hol" @ro1het) said:C 7" Allah2 in ?hose hand is m" li0e2 no 1erson on earth who dies and lea-es behind /amels2 or /attle or .oat and shee12 and does not 1a" Ga6at (would be s1ared the 1unishment),C


+2 !umber 2$%2:

Abu Huraira re1orted that the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !othin. is more deli.htin. to me than this that Uhud should be o0 .old 0or me2 and no dinar is le0t with me out o0 it be0ore three ni.hts 1ass e5/e1t a dinar whi/h I would set aside 0or the re1a"ment o0 debt u1on me,


+2 !umber 2$%4:

Abu Huraira re1orted the same 0rom the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

'ha1ter ;: (5hortation to .i-e sadaqa

7oo6 +2 !umber 2$%*:
Abu 9harr re1orted: I wal6ed with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the ston" .round o0 Medina in the a0ternoon and we were loo6in. at Uhud, The o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e b" u1on him) said: Abu 9harrL I said: o0 Allah2 I am here at th" be/6 and /all, He said: ?hat I desire is that Uhud be .old with me and three ni.hts should 1ass and there is le0t with me an" dinar but one /oin whi/h I would 6ee1 to 1a" debt, (I lo-e) to s1end it amon. the ser-ants o0 Allah li6e this and he 1ointed in 0ront o0 him2 and on his side and on his le0t side, ?e then 1ro/eeded on and he said: Abu 9harr, I said: At th" be/6 and /all2 o0 Allah, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: The ri/h would be 1oor on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2 but he who s1ent li6e this and li6e this and li6e this2 and he 1ointed as at the 0irst time, ?e a.ain went on when he said, Abu 9harr2 sta" where "ou are till I /ome ba/6 to "ou, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then mo-ed on till he disa11eared 0rom m" He (Abu 9harr) said: I heard a sound and I heard a noise, I said (to m"sel0): The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-e met (misha1 or an enem"), I wished to 0ollow him but I remembered his /ommand 0or not de1artin. till he would /ome ba/6, So I waited 0or him2 and when he /ame I made a mention o0 what I heard, He said: it was Habriel2 who /ame to me and said:C He who dies amon. "our Ummah without asso/iatin. An"thin. with Allah would enter @aradise, I said: (-en i0 he /ommitted 0orni/ation or the0tD He said: (-en i0 he /ommitted 0orni/ation or the0t,

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733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 2$%+:

Abu 9harr re1orted: I went out one (and 0ound) the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) wal6in. all alone, There was no man with him, I that he did not li6e an"one wal6in. alon. with him, So I to wal6 in the o0 the moon, He2 howe-er turned his attention to me and saw me and said: ?ho is thisD I said: It is Abu 9harr, Let Allah ma6e me as ransom 0or "ou, He said: Abu 9harr2 /ome on, He (Abu 9harr) said: So I wal6ed alon. with him 0or some time and he said: The wealth" 1ersons would ha-e little (reward) on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2 e5/e1t u1on whom Allah /on0erred .oodness (wealth), He dis1ensed it to his ri.ht2 le0t2 in 0ront o0 him and at his ba/6 (just as the wind di00uses 0ra.ran/e) and did .ood with it (ri/hes), I went alon. with him 0or some time when He said: Sit here, And he made me sit at a sa0e 1la/e and there were stones around it2 and he said to me: Sit here till I /ome to "ou, He went awa" on the ston" .round till I /ould not see him, He sta"ed awa" 0rom me2 and he 1rolon.ed his sta", Then I heard him as he /ame ba/6 and he was sa"in.: (-en i0 he /ommitted the0t and e-en i0 he /ommitted 0orni/ation, ?hen he /ame I /ould not hel1 as6in. him: A1ostle o0 Allah2 let Allah ma6e me ransom 0or "ou2 whom were "ou s1ea6in. on the ston" .roundD I heard nobod" res1ondin. to "ou, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: It was Habriel who met me b" the side o0 the ston" .round and said: Hi-e .lad tidin.s to "our Ummah that he who died without asso/iatin. with Allah would .o into @aradise, I said: Habriel2 e-en i0 he /ommitted the0t and 0orni/ationD He said: Kes, I said: (-en it he /ommitted the0t and 0orni/ationD He said: Kes2 I a.ain said: (-en i0 he /ommitted the0t and 0orni/ationD He said: Kes2 e-en i0 he dran6 wine,

'ha1ter $ : Hoarders o0 wealth and 1unishment to them

7oo6 +2 !umber 2$%):
Ahna0 b, Eais re1orted: I /ame to Medina and when I was in the /om1an" o0 the .randees o0 Euraish a man with a /rude bod" and an un/outh 0a/e wearin. /oarse /lothes /ame there, He stood u1 be0ore them and said: Hi-e .lad tidin.s to those whom who amass ri/hes o0 the stones whi/h would be heated in the =ire o0 Hell2 and would be 1la/ed at the ti/6 o0 the /hest till it would 1roje/t 0rom the shoulder bone and would he 1ut on the shoulder bone till it would 1roje/t 0rom the ti/6 o0 his /hest2 and it (this stone) would /ontinue 1assin. and re1assin. (0rom one side to the other), He (the narrator) said: Then 1eo1le hun. their heads and I saw none amon. them .i-in. an" answer, He then returned and I 0ollowed him till he sat near a 1illar, I said: I 0ind that these (1eo1le) disli6ed what "ou said to them and the" do not understand an"thin., M" 0riend Abu:l-Easim (Muhammad) (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) /alled me and I res1onded to him2 and he said: 9o "ou see UhudD I saw the sun (shinin.) on me and I that he would send me on an errand 0or him, So I said: I see it, U1on this he said: !othin. would me more than this that I should ha-e .old li6e it (equal to

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733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

the bul6 o0 Uhud)2 and I should s1end it all e5/e1t three dinars, (How sad it is) that the" hoard worldl" ri/hes2 and the" 6now nothin., I said: ?hat about "ou and "our brothers EuraishD Kou do not .o to thein 0or an" need and do not a//e1t an"thin. 0rom them, He said: 7" Allah2 I neither be. an"thin. 0rom them (0rom worldl" .oods)2 nor do I as6 them an"thin. about reli.ion till I meet m" Allah and His,


+2 !umber 2$%%:

Ahna0 b, Eais re1orted: ?hile I was in the /om1an" o0 the (elites) o0 Euraiah2 Abu 9harr /ame there and he was sa"in.: Hi-e .lad tidin.s to the hoarders o0 ri/hes that their ba/6s would be branded (so dee1l") that (the hot Iron) would /ome out o0 their sides2 and when the ba/6s o0 their ne/6s would be branded2 it would /ome out o0 their 0oreheads, He (Abu 9harr) then went awa" and sat down, I as6ed who he was, The" said: He is Abu 9harr, I went to him and said to him: ?hat is this that I heard 0rom "ou whi/h "ou were sa"in. be0oreD He said: I said nothin. but onl" that whi/h I heard 0rom their @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I a.ain said: ?hat do "ou sa" about this .i0tD He said: Ta6e it2 0or toda" it is a hel1, 7ut when it be/omes a 1ri/e 0or "our reli.ion2 then abandon it,

'ha1ter $$: (5hortation to s1end and tidin.s to him who s1ends (on .ood deeds)
7oo6 +2 !umber 2$%#:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that Allah2 the Most 7lessed and Hi.h2 said: 3 son o0 Adam2 s1end, I will s1end on "ou, The hand o0 Allah is 0ull and o-er0lowin. and in nothin. would diminish it2 b" o-ers1endin. da" and,


+2 !umber 2$%;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that Allah said to him:C S1end2 I will bestow u1on "ou,C And the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The hand o0 Allah is 0ull and s1endin. (the ri/hes) liberall" durin. da" and will not diminish (the resour/es o0 Allah), 9on:t "ou see what (an enormous amount o0 resour/es) He has s1ent sin/e He /reated the hea-en and the earth2 and what is in His hand has not de/reasedD His Throne is u1on the water, And in His other hand is death2 and He ele-ates and de.rades (whom He li6es),

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733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

'ha1ter $2: (5/ellen/e o0 s1endin. on one:s 0amil"2 and ser-ant2 and sin o0 one who ne.le/ts or withholds their subsisten/e
7oo6 +2 !umber 2$# :
Thauban re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The most e5/ellent dinar is one that a 1erson s1ends on his 0amil"2 and the dinar whi/h he s1ends on his animal in Allah:s 1ath2 and the dinar he s1ends on his /om1anions in Allah:s 1ath, Abu Eilaba (one o0 the narrators) said: He (the narrator) started with 0amil"2 and then Abu Eilaba said: ?ho is the 1erson with .reater reward than a 1erson who s1ends on "oun. members o0 his 0amil" (and thus) 1reser-es (sa-es them 0rom want) (and b" -irtue o0 whi/h) Allah brin.s 1ro0it 0or them and ma6es them ri/h,


+2 !umber 2$#$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 30 the dinar "ou s1end as a /ontribution in Allah:s 1ath2 or to set 0ree a sla-e2 or as a sadaqa .i-en to a need"2 or to su11ort "our 0amil"2 the one "ieldin. the .reatest reward is that whi/h "ou s1ent on "our 0amil",


+2 !umber 2$#2:

>haithama re1orted: ?hile we were sittin. in the /om1an" o0 :Abdullah b, :Umar there /ame in his steward, He (Ibn :Umar) said: Ha-e "ou su11lied the 1ro-ision to the sla-esD He said: !o, U1on this he said: Ho and .i-e (the 1ro-ision) to them2 0or the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has said: This sin is enou.h 0or a man that he withholds the subsisten/e 0rom one whose master he is,

'ha1ter $4: 7e.innin. o0 s1endin. 0or one:s own sel02 then 0or one:s 0amil" and then 0or relati-es
7oo6 +2 !umber 2$#4:
Fabir re1orted: A 1erson 0rom the 7anu :Udhra set a sla-e 0ree a0ter his death, This news rea/hed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on hhn), U1on this he said: Ha-e "ou an" 1ro1ert" besides itD He said: !o, U1on this he said: ?ho would bu" (this sla-e) 0rom meD !ulaim b, Abdullah it 0or hundred dirhams and (this amount was) to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e

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733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

be u1on him) who returned it to him (the owner)2 and then said: Start with "our own sel0 and s1end it on "oursel02 and i0 an"thin. is le0t2 it should be s1ent on "our 0amil"2 and i0 an"thin. is le0t (a0ter meetin. the needs o0 the 0amil") it should be s1ent on relati-es2 and i0 an"thin. is le0t 0rom the 0amil"2 it should be s1ent li6e this2 li6e this, And he was sa"in.: In 0ront o0 "ou2 on "our and on "our le0t,


+2 !umber 2$#*:

Fabir re1orted that a 1erson amon. the Ansar who was /alled Abu Madh6ur .ranted 1osthumous 0reedom to his sla-e who was /alled Ka:qub, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

'ha1ter $*: (5/ellen/e o0 s1endin. and .i-in. sadaqa to relati-es2 to wi0e2 to /hildren2 and 1arents e-en i0 the" are 1ol"theists
7oo6 +2 !umber 2$#+:

Anas b, Mali6 is re1orted as sa"in.: Abu Talha was the one amon. the Ansar o0 Medina who 1ossessed the lar.est 1ro1ert" and amon. his 1ro1ert" he -alued most was his .arden 6nown as 7airaha: whi/h was o11osite the mosque2 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) o0ten -isited it and he dran6 o0 its sweet water, ?hen this -erse was re-ealed:C Kou will ne-er attain ri.hteousness till "ou .i-e 0reel" o0 what "ou Ha-eC (iii, ;$)2 Abu Talha .ot u1 and2 .oin. to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said: Allah sa"s in His 7oo6:C Kou will ne-er attain ri.hteousness till "ou .i-e 0reel" o0 what "ou lo-e2C and the dearest o0 m" 1ro1ert" is 7airaha: so I .i-e it as Sadaqa to Hod 0rom ?hom I ho1e 0or reward 0or it and the treasure with AllahB so s1end it2 o0 Allah2 on whate-er 1ur1ose "ou deem it 1ro1er, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7ra-o I that is 1ro0it earnin. 1ro1ert", I ha-e heard what "ou ha-e said2 but I thin6 "ou should s1end it on "our nearest relati-es, So Abu Talha distributed it amon. the neatest relati-es and his /ousins on his 0ather:s side,


+2 !umber 2$#):

Anas re1orted that when this -erse was te-ealed:C Kou will not attain ri.hteousness till "ou .i-e 0reel" o0 what "ou lo-e2C Abu Talha said: I see that our Lord has demanded 0rom us out o0 our 1ro1ert"B so I ma6e "ou a witness2 o0 Allah, that I .i-e m" land 6nown as 7airaha: 0or the sa6e o0 Allah, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Hi-e that to "our relati-es, So he .a-e it to Hassan b, Thabit and Uba"" b, >a:b,

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733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 2$#%:

Maimuna bint Harith re1orted that she set 0ree a sla-e-.irl durin. the li0etime o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and she made a mention o0 that to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said: Had "ou .i-es her to "our maternal un/les2 "ou would ha-e a .reater reward,


+2 !umber 2$##:
women2 .i-e sadaqa e-en thou.h it be some o0 "our jeweller", She returned to :Ab-

Gainab2 the wi0e o0 :Abdullah (b, Mas:ud )2 re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: dullah and said: Kou are a 1erson with em1t" hands2 whereas the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has /ommanded us to .i-e sadaqa2 so better .o to him and as6 and i0 this will su00i/e 0or meB otherwise I shall .i-e it to someone else, :Abdullah said to me (his wi0e): Kou better .o "oursel0, So I went and there was another woman o0 the Ansar at the door o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. the same 1or1ose as I had, !ow Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was in-ested with awe (so we did not li6e to 6no/6), Then 7ilal /ame out and we said to him: Ho to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and in0orm him that there are two women at the door as6in. him whether it will ser-e them to .i-e sadaqa to their s1ouses and to or1hans who are under their /har.e2 but do not in0orm him who we are, 7ilal went to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and as6ed him (what these women had instru/ted him to as6), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed him who these women were, He (7ilal) said: The" are women 0rom Ansar and Gainab, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hi/h o0 the GainabsD He said: The wi0e o0 :Abdullah, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There are two rewards 0or them2 the reward o0 6inshi1 and the reward o0 Sadaqa,


+2 !umber 2$#;:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Gainab the wi0e o0 :Abdullah2 and she said: I was in the mosque and the @ro1het o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw me and said: Hi-e Sadaqa e-en thou.h it is out o0 "our jeweller", The rest o0 the hadith is the same,


+2 !umber 2$; :

Umm Salama said: I as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whether there is a reward 0or me i0 I s1end oh Abu Salama:s sons2 and I am not .oin. to abandon them in this state (o0 hel1lessness) 0or the" are m" sons, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kes, =or "ou is the reward 0or what "ou s1end on them,

+++ & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 2$;$:

This hadith has been narrated b" Ibn :Urwa with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


+2 !umber 2$;2:

Abu Mas:ud re1orted Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen a Muslim s1ends on his 0amil" see6in. reward 0or it 0rom Allah2 it /ounts 0or him as sadaqa,


+2 !umber 2$;4:

This hadith has been narrated b" Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


+2 !umber 2$;*:

Asma: dau.hter o0 Abu 7a6r re1orted: I said: o0 Allah2 m" mother2 who is in/lined or s/ared has /ome to me, Should I (e-en An her 1osition o0 bein. o11osed to Islam) treat her wellD He said: Kes,


+2 !umber 2$;+:

Asma: bint Abu 7a6r re1orted: M" mother who was a 1ol"theist /ame to me when he (the Hol" @ro1het) entered into treat" with2 the Euraish (o0 Me//a), I inquired 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: o0 Allah2 there has /ome to me m" mother and she is in/linedB should I (in this state o0 her mind) show her 6indnessD He said: Kes2 treat her 6indl",

'ha1ter $+: Hettin. o0 reward 0or sadaqa 0or the dead .i-en on his or her behal0
7oo6 +2 !umber 2$;):
:A:isha said that a 1erson /ame to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: M" mother died suddenl" without ha-in. made an" will, I thin6 she would ha-e de0initel" .i-en Sadaqa i0 she had been able to s1ea6, ?ould she ha-e a reward i0 I .a-e Sadaqa on her behal0D He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kes, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters, And in the hadith transmitted b" Abu Usama the words are:C She did not ma6e an" will2C as it has been re1orted b" Ibn 7ishr2 but it was not re1orted b" the rest o0 the narrators,

++) & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

'ha1ter $): Sadaqa in/ludes all t"1es o0 .ood a/ts

7oo6 +2 !umber 2$;%:
Hudhai0a and Abu Shaiba re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: (-er" a/t o0 .oodness is sadaqa,


+2 !umber 2$;#:

Abu 9harr re1orted: some o0 the 1eo1le 0rom amon. the 'om1anions o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: o0 Allah2 the ri/h ha-e ta6en awa" (air the) reward, The" obser-e 1ra"er as we doB the" 6ee1 the 0asts as we 6ee12 and tra" .i-e Sadaqa out o0 their sur1lus ri/hes, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Has Allah not 1res/ribed 0or "ou (a /ourse) b" 0ollowin. whi/h "ou /an (also) do sadaqaD In e-er" de/laration o0 the .lori0i/ation o0 Allah (i, e, sa"in. Subhan Allah) there is a Sadaqa2 and e-er" Ta6bir (i, e, sa"in. Allah-3-A6bar) is a sadaqa2 and e-er" 1raise o0 His (sa"in. al-Hamdu Lillah) is a Sadaqa and e-er" de/laration that He is 3ne (La illaha ill-Allah) is a sadaqa2 and enjoinin. o0 .ood is a sadaqa2 and 0orbiddin. o0 that whi/h is e-il is a Sadaqa2 and in man:s se5ual Inter/ourse (with his wi0e2 ) there is a Sadaqa, The" (the 'om1anions) said: o0 Allah2 is there reward 0or him who satis0ies his se5ual 1assion amon. usD He said: Tell me2 i0 he were to de-ote it to somethin. 0orbidden2 would it not be a sin on his 1artD Similarl"2 i0 he were to de-ote it to somethin. law0ul2 he should ha-e a reward,


+2 !umber 2$;;:

:A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: (-er" one o0 the /hildren o0 Adam has been /reated with three hundred and si5t" jointsB so he who de/lares the Hlor" o0 Allah2 1raises Allah2 de/lares Allah to be 3ne2 Hlori0ies Allah2 and see6s 0or.i-eness 0rom Allah2 and remo-es stone2 or thorn2 or bone 0rom 1eo1le:s 1ath2 and enjoins what is .ood and 0orbids 0rom e-il2 to the number o0 those three hundred and si5t"-0our2 will wal6 that da" ha-iin. remo-ed himsel0 0rom Hell,


+2 !umber 22

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Gaid with the same /hain o0 transmitters e5/e1t with (a /han.e o0 words (i, e, he Nthe Hol" @ro1hetO) said: 3r he enjoined what is .ood2,,, and said: He enters the e-enin. Nie, he wal6s till e-enin.l,

++% & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 22 $:

This hadith has been narrated b" :A:isha throu.h anothr /hain o0 transmitters in whi/h she re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be ulon him) as sa"in.:C (-er" man is /reatedC B the rest o0 the hadith is the same and he said:C He wal6s on that da",C


+2 !umber 22 2:

Sa:id b, Abu 7urda re1orted on the authorit" o0 his .rand0ather that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Hi-in. o0 Sadaqa is essential 0or e-er" Muslim, It was said (to him): ?hat do "ou sa" o0 him who does not 0ind (the means) to do soD He said: Let him wor6 with both his hands2 thus doin. bene0it to himsel0 and .i-e Sadaqa, It was said to him: ?hat about him who does not ha-e (the means) to do soD He said: Then let him assist the need"2 the a..rie-ed, It was said: ?hat do "ou sa" o0 one who /annot e-en do thisD He said: Then he should enjoin what is re1utable or what is .ood, He said: ?hat about him i0 he /annot do thatD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: He should then abstain 0rom e-il2 0or -eri0" that is Sadaqa on his behal0,


+2 !umber 22 4:

This hadith has been narrated b" Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


+2 !umber 22 *:

Hammam b, Munabbih re1orted that-this is out o0 (those ahadith) whi/h Abu Huraira narrated to us 0rom Muhammad2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), And he while ma6in. a mention o0 ahadith re1orted 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said this: Sadaqa is due on e-er" joint o0 a 1erson2 e-er" da" the sun rises, Administerin. o0 justi/e between two men is also a Sadaqa, And assistin. a man to ride u1on his beast2 or hel1in. him load his lu..a.e u1on it2 is a SadaqaB and a .ood word is a SadaqaB and e-er" ste1 that "ou ta6e towards 1ra"er is a Sadaqa2 and remo-in. o0 harm0ul thin.s 0rom the 1athwa" is a Sadaqa,

'ha1ter $%: 'on/ernin. one who s1ends and who withholds

7oo6 +2 !umber 22 +:
AlAbu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is ne-er a da" wherein ser-ants (o0 Hod) .et u1 at morn2 but are not -isited b" two an.els, 3ne o0 them sa"s:

++# & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

lah2 .i-e him more who s1ends (0or the sa6e o0 Allah)2 and the other sa"s: to one who withholds,

Allah2 brin. destru/tion


+2 !umber 22 ):

Haritha b, ?ahb re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Hi-e Sadaqa 0or a time is about to /ome when a 1erson would wal6 with alms and the one whom it is to be .i-en would sa": Had "ou it "esterda"2 I would ha-e a//e1ted it, =or the 1resent I do not need it, (And the .i-er o0 Sadaqa) I would not 0ind an"one to a//e1t it,


+2 !umber 22 %:

Abu Musa re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There would /ome a time 0or the 1eo1le when a 1erson would roam about with Sadaqa o0 .old2 but he would 0ind no one to a//e1t it 0rom him, And a man would be seen 0ollowed b" 0ort" women see6in. re0u.e with him on a//ount o0 the s/ar/it" o0 males and abundan/e o0 0emales,C


+2 !umber 22 #:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Last Hour will not /ome be0ore wealth be/omes abundant and o-er0lowin.2 so mu/h so that a man ta6es Ga6at out o0 his 1ro1ert" and /annot 0ind an"one to a//e1t it 0rom him and till the land o0 Arabia be/omes meadows and ri-ers,


+2 !umber 22 ;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Last Hour will not /ome till wealth is abundant and o-er0lowin.2 so mu/h so that the owner o0 the 1ro1ert" will thin6 as to who will a//e1t Sadaqa 0rom him2 and a 1erson would be /alled to a//e1t Sadaqa and he would sa": I do not need it,


+2 !umber 22$ :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s Messenaer (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The earth will -omit lon. 1ie/es o0 its li-er li6e /olumns o0 .old and sil-er2 and the murderer will /ome and sa": It was 0or this that I /ommitted murder, The brea6er o0 0amil" ties will /ome and sa": It was 0or this that I bro6e the 0amil" tiesB and the thie0 will /ome and sa": It is 0or this that m" hands were /ut o00, The" will then lea-e it and will not ta6e an"thin. out o0 it,

++; & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

'ha1ter $#: A//e1tan/e o0 sadaqa b" honest wor6 and its .rowth
7oo6 +2 !umber 22$$:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (tra" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 an"one .i-es as Sadaqa the equi-alent o0 a date 0rom that (earnin.) earned honestl"2 0or Allah a//e1ts that whi/h is law0ul2 the Lord would a//e1t it with His Hand2 and e-en i0 it is a date2 it would 0oster in the Hand o0 the lord2 as one o0 "ou 0osters his /olt2 till it be/omes than a mountain,


+2 !umber 22$2:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !o one .i-es Sadaqa o0 a date out o0 his honest earnin.2 but Allah a//e1ts it with His Hand2 and then 0osters it as one o0 "ou 0osters the /olt or a "oun. she-/amel2 till it be/omes li6e a mountain or e-en .reater,


+2 !umber 22$4:

This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters with a /han.e o0 words, In the hadith transmitted Aauh (the words are):C 3ut o0 the honest earnin. and its s1endin. at what is its (due) ri.htC B and in the hadith transmitted b" Sulaiman (the words are):C And its s1endin. at its 1ro1er 1la/e,C


+2 !umber 22$*:
1eo1le2 Allah is

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.:

Hood and He there0ore2 a//e1ts onl" that whi/h is .ood, And Allah /ommanded the belie-ers as He /ommanded the Messen.ers b" sa"in.:C 3 Messen.ers2 eat o0 the .ood thin.s2 and do .ood deedsB -eril" I am aware o0 what "ou doC (55iii, +$), And He said: : those who belie-e2 eat o0 the .ood thin.s that ?e .a-e "ouC (ii, $%2) He then made a mention o0 a 1erson who tra-els widel"2 his hair dishe-elled and /o-ered with dust, He li0ts his hand towards the s6" (and thus ma6es the su11li/ation):C 3 Lord2 Lord2C whereas his diet is unlaw0ul2 his drin6 is unlaw0ul2 and his /lothes are unlaw0ul and his nourishment is unlaw0ul, How /an then his su11li/ation be a//e1tedD

+) & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

'ha1ter $;: (5hortation to sadaqa e-en thou.h it is hal0 a date2 or a .ood word2 0or the" are 1rote/tion a.ainst 0ire
7oo6 +2 !umber 22$+:
:Adi b, Hatim re1orted that he heard Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who amon. "ou /an 1rote/t himsel0 a.ainst =ire2 he should do so2 e-en i0 it should be with hal0 a date,


+2 !umber 22$):

:Adi b, Hatim re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah will s1ea6 with e-er"one "ou without an" inter1reter between them, He (the man) would see towards his and would not 0ind an"thin. but (the deeds) whi/h he had done be0ore2 and he would see towards the le0t and would not 0ind an"thin. but (the deeds) whi/h he had done be0ore, He would see in 0ront o0 him and would 0ind nothin. but =ire just be0ore his 0a/e, So 1rote/t ("oursel-es) a.ainst =ire e-en i0 it is with the hel1 o0 hal0 a date, A hadith li6e this has been transmitted b" >haithama and addition has been made in this o0 (these words) BC (-en i0 it is with a .ood word,C


+2 !umber 22$%:

:Adi b, Hatim re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made a mention o0 =ire, He turned his 0a/e aside and di-erted his attention and then said: Huard ("oursel-es) a.ainst =ire, He turned his 0a/e and di-erted his attention till we as i0 he were (a/tuall" seein. it and then said: @rote/t "oursel-es a.ainst =ire e-en i0 it is with hal0 a date2 and he who does not 0ind it2 (he should do so) with 1leasant words, Abu >uraib did not mention the word: (as i0),


+2 !umber 22$#:

Adi b, Hatim re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made a mention o0 the =ire and re0u.e (with Allah a.ainst it), He turned aside his 0a/e three times and then said: @rote/t "oursel-es a.ainst =ire e-en i0 with hal0 a date, 7ut i0 "ou 0ail to 0ind it (then 1rote/t "oursel-es a.ainst =ire) with the hel1 o0 a 1leasant word),

+)$ & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 22$;:

Mundhir b, Farir re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: ?hile we were in the /om1an" o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the earl" hours o0 the mornin.2 some 1eo1le /ame there (who) were bare0ooted2 na6ed2 wearin. stri1ed woollen /lothes2 or /loa6s2 with their swords hun. (around their ne/6s), Most o0 them2 na"2 all o0 them2 belon.ed to the tribe o0 Mudar, The /olour o0 the 0a/e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) underwent a /han.e when he saw them in 1o-ert", He then entered (his house) and /ame out and /ommanded 7ilal (to 1ronoun/e Adhan), He 1ronoun/ed Adhan and Iqima2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed 1ra"er (alon. with his 'om1anion) and then addressed (them re/itin. -erses o0 the Hol" Eur:an): :C 1eo1le2 0ear "our Lord2 ?ho /reated "ou 0rom a sin.le bein.C to the end o0 the -erse2C Allah is e-er a ?at/her o-er "ouC (i-, $), (He then re/ited) a -erse o0 Sura Hashr:C =ear Allah, and let e-er" soul /onsider that whi/h it sends 0orth 0or the morrow and 0ear AllahC (li5, $#), (Then the audien/e to -ie with one another in .i-in. /harit",) Some donated a dinar2 others a dirham2 still others /lothes2 some donated a sa: o0 wheat2 some a sa: o0 datesB till he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: (7rin.) e-en i0 it is hal0 a date, Then a 1erson 0rom amon. the Ansar /ame there with a mone" ba. whi/h his hands /ould s/ar/el" li0tB in 0a/t2 the" /ould not (li0t), Then the 1eo1le 0ollowed /ontinuousl"2 till I saw two hea1s o0 eatables and /lothes2 and I saw the 0a/e o0 the (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .listenin.2 li6e .old (on a//ount o0 jo"), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who sets a .ood 1re/edent in Islam2 there is a reward 0or him 0or this (a/t o0 .oodness) and reward o0 that also who a/ted a//ordin. to it subsequentl"2 without an" dedu/tion 0rom their rewardsB and he who sets in Islam an e-il 1re/edent2 there is u1on him the burden o0 that2 and the burden o0 him also who a/ted u1on it subsequentl"2 without an" dedu/tion 0rom their burden,


+2 !umber 222 :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Mandhir throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters, And the hadith transmitted b" Ibn Mu:adh /ontains an addition:C He then obser-ed the noon 1ra"er and then .a-e the sermon,C


+2 !umber 222$:

Mundhir b, Farir narrated on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: ?hen we were sittin. in the /om1an" o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), There /ame 1eo1le dressed in stri1ed woollen /lothes2 and the rest o0 the hadith in the same2 and there (it is also mentioned):C He obser-ed the Guhr 1ra"er and then /limbed u1 a small 1ul1it2 1raised Allah2 lauded Him2 and then said: <eril" Allah in His 7oo6 has re-ealed: :3 1eo1le2 0ear "our Lord2 : et/,C (i-, $),

+)2 & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 2222:

Farir b, :Abdullah re1orted: @eo1le /ame to to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and the" ware dressed in woollen /lothes, He (the Hol" @ro1het) saw their dismal state2 as the" were su00erin. 0rom want and the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

'ha1ter 2 : The labourer should .i-e /harit" out o0 his and it is se-erel" 0orbidden to belittle one who /ontributes less
7oo6 +2 !umber 2224:
Abu Mas:ud re1orted: ?e were /ommanded to .i-e /harit" (des1ite the 0a/t,) that we were /oolies, Abu :Aqil donated hal0 a sa:, And there /ame another man with more than this, The h"1o/rites said: <eril" Allah does not stand in need o0 the /harit" o0 this2 and the se/ond one has done nothin. but onl" made a show (o0 his /harit"), Then this -erse was re-ealed,C Those who s/o00 at the -oluntar" .i-ers o0 /harit" amon. the belie-ers as well as those who /annot 0ind an"thin. (to .i-e) but with their hard labourC (i5, # ), And 7ishr did not utter the word Muttawwi:in,


+2 !umber 222*:

This hadith has been narrated b" Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters and in the hadith transmitted b" Sa:id b, al Aabi (the words are):C ?e used to /arr" loads on our ba/6s,C

'ha1ter 2$: (5/ellen/e o0 .i-in. a .i0t

7oo6 +2 !umber 222+:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira (that the o0 Allah) said: 30 /ourse the 1erson who .i-es to the 0amil" a she-/amel as a .i0t2 whi/h .i-es mil6 mornin. and e-enin. equal to a lar.e bowl2 its reward (the reward o0 the .i0t) is .reat,


+2 !umber 222):

Abu Huraira re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (to do /ertain thin.s) and then he made a mention o0 /ertain habits and said: He who .i-es a she-/amel as a .i0t2 0or him is the reward (o0 the .i0t) both morn- in. and e-enin.-a reward 0or drin6in. mil6 in the mornin. and a reward 0or drin6in. mil6 in the e-enin.,
+)4 & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

'ha1ter 22: The li6eness o0 one who s1ends (in the 1ath o0 allah) and one who withholds
7oo6 +2 !umber 222%:
Abu Haraira re1orted that the li6eness o0 one who s1ends or one who .i-es /harit" is that o0 a 1erson who has two /loa6s or two /oats-o0-mail o-er him 0rom the breast to the /ollar bones, And when the s1ender (and the other narrator said2 when the .i-er o0 /harit") ma6es u1 his mind to .i-e /harit"2 it (/oat-mail) be/omes e51anded 0or him, 7ut when a miserl" 1erson intends to s1end2 it /ontra/ts and e-er" rin. .ri1s the 1la/e where it is, =or the .i-er o0 /harit"2 this /oat-o0, mail e51ands to /o-er his whole bod" and obliterates e-en his 0oot1rints, Abu Huraira said: (The miserl" man) tries to e51and it (the /oat-o0-mail) but it does not e51and,


+2 !umber 222#:

Abu Haraira re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e similitudes o0 a miserl" man and the .i-er o0 /harit" as two 1ersons who ha-e two /oats-o0-mail o-er them with their hands 1ressed /losel" to their breasts and their /ollar bones, ?hene-er the .i-er o0 /harit" .i-es /harit" it (the /oat-o0 mail) e51ands so mu/h as to /o-er his ti1s and obliterate his 0oot 1rints, And whene-er the miserl" 1erson intends to .i-e /harit" (the /oat-o0-mail) /ontra/ts and e-er" rin. .ri1s the 1la/e where it is, He (Abu Huraira) said: I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in. with 0in.ers in the o1enin. o0 his shirt:C I0 "ou had seen him tr"in. to e51and it2 it will not e51and,C


+2 !umber 222;:

Abu Haraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as-sa"in.:, The similitude o0 a miserl" man and the .i-er o0 /harit" is that o0 two 1ersons with /oatso0 mail o-er themB when the .i-er o0 /harit" intends to .i-e /harit"2 it e51ands o-er him (to mu/h so) that the 0oot1rints are also obliterated, And when the miserl" man intends to .i-e /harit"2 it /ontra/ts o-er him2 and his hands are tied u1 to his /ollar bone2 and e-er" rin. is 0i5ed u1 to another, He (the narrator) said: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He would tr" to e51and it, but he would not be able to do so,

+)* & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

'ha1ter 24: @roo0 o0 reward 0or the .i-er o0 /harit" e-en i0 it .oes into the hands o0 an undeser-in. 1erson
7oo6 +2 !umber 224 :
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A man e51ressed his intention to .i-e /harit"2 so he /ame out with /harit" and 1la/ed it in the hand o0 an adulteress, In the mornin.2 the 1eo1le were tal6in. and sa"in.: /harit" was .i-en to an adulteress last, He (the .i-er o0 Sadaqa) said: Allah2 to Thee be the 1raise-to an adulteress, He then a.ain e51ressed his intention to .i-e /harit"B so he went out with the /harit" and 1la/ed it in the hand o0 a ri/h 1erson, In the mornin. the 1eo1le were tal6in. and sa"in.: 'harit" was .i-en to a ri/h 1erson, He (the .i-er o0 /harit") said: Allah2 to Thee be the 1raise-to a well-to-do 1erson, He then e51ressed his intention Allah2 to to .i-e /harit"2 so he went out with /harit" and 1la/ed it in the hand o0 a thie0, In the mornin.2 the 1eo1le were tal6in. and sa"in.: 'harit" was .i-en to a thie0, So (one o0 the 1ersons) said: Thee be the 1raise (what a mis0ortune it is that /harit" has been .i-en to) the adulteress2 to a ri/h 1erson, to a thie0L There /ame (the an.el to him) and he was told: Kour /harit" has been a//e1ted, As 0or the adulteress (the /harit" be/ome the means) whereb" she restrain hersel0 0rom 0orni/ation, The ri/h man 1erha1s learn a lesson and s1end 0rom what Allah has .i-en him2 and the thie0 thereb" re0rain 0rom /ommittin. the0t,

'ha1ter 2*: The reward 0or an honest trustee and 0or

the woman as she .i-es /harit" 0rom the household o0 her husband either with his e51li/it san/tion or as it is /ustomar"


+2 !umber 224$:

Abu Musa re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The honest Muslim trustee who s1ends (sometimes he saidC who .i-esC ) what he is /ommanded to do and he .i-es that in 0ull with his heart o-er0lowin. with /heer0ulness and he .i-es it to one to whom he is ordered2 he is one o0 the .i-ers o0 /harit",

+)+ & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 2242:

:A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen a woman .i-es in /harit" some o0 the 0ood in her house2 without /ausin. an" dama.e2 there is reward 0or her 0or whate-er she has .i-en2 and a reward 0or her husband 0or what he earned, The same a11lies to the trustee, In no res1e/t does the one diminish the reward o0 the other,


+2 !umber 2244:

This hadith has been narrated b" Mansur with the same /hain o0 transmitters (with this alteration o0 words):C 0rom the 0ood o0 her husbandC,


+2 !umber 224*:

:A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen a woman s1ends (somethin. as Sadaqa) out o0 the household o0 her husband without /ausin. an" dama.e2 there is a reward 0or her and 0or him too li6e it 0or whate-er he earned2 and 0or her (0or the wi0e) be/ause o0 her s1endin. (0or the sa6e o0 Allah)2 and 0or the trustee also (there is a reward li6e it)2 without an" redu/tion 0rom their rewards,


+2 !umber 224+:

This hadith has been narratedb" A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


+2 !umber 224):

Umair2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Abi:l-Lahm re1orted: $ was the sla-e (o0 Abi:l-Lahm), I as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) i0 I /ould .i-e some /harit" out o0 m" master:s wealth, He said: Kes2 and the reward is hal0 and hal0 between "ou two,


+2 !umber 224%:

:Umair2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Abi:l-Lahm2 said: M" master /ommanded me to /ut some meat in stri1sB (as I was doin. it) a 1oor man /ame to me and I .a-e him some o0 it to eat, M" master /ame to 6now o0 that2 and he beat me, I /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and narrated it to him, He (the Hol" @ro1het) summoned him and said: ?h" did "ou beat himD He (Abi:l-Lahm) said: He .i-es awa" m" 0ood without bein. /ommanded to do so, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) sbid: The reward would be shared b" "ou two,

+)) & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 224#:

Hammam b, Munabbih said: These are some o0 the a hadith o0 Muhammad, the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 transmitted to us on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira, So he narrated one hadith out o0 them (as this): The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !o woman should obser-e 0ast when her s1ouse is 1resent (in the house) but with his 1ermission, And she should not admit an" (mahram) in his house2 while he (her husband) is 1resent2 but with his 1ermission, And whate-er she s1ends 0rom his earnin.s without his san/tion2 0or him is hal0 the reward,

'ha1ter 2+: 'on/ernin. the /olle/tion o0 sadaqa and doin. o0 .ood deeds
7oo6 +2 !umber 224;:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) assa"in.: I0 an"one /ontributes a 1air o0 an"thin. 0or the sa6e o0 Allah2 he would be in-ited to enter @aradise (with these words): 3 ser-ant o0 Allah, it is .ood (0or "ou), These who en.a.e in 1ra"er will he in-ited to enter b" the .ate o0 1ra"erB those who ta6e 1art in Fihad will be In-ited to enter b" the .ate o0 FihadB those wto .i-e /harit" will be in-ited to enter b" the .ate o0 /harit"B and those who obser-e 0ast will be in-ited to enter b" the .ate ar-Aa""an, Abu 7a6r Siddiq said: o0 Allah2 is it ne/essar" that a 1erson be in-ited throu.h one o0 these .atesD ?ill an"one he in-ited to enter b" all those .atesD The o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kes2 and I ho1e "ou will be one o0 them,


+2 !umber 22* :

This hadith has been narrated b" Guhri throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


+2 !umber 22*$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who s1ent 1airs 0or the sa6e o0 Allah2 the .uardians o0 @aradise would /all him2 (in 0a/t) e-er" .uardian o0 the door (o0 @aradise would wel/ome him sa"in.): 32 so and so2 /ome on, U1on this Abu 7a6r said: o0 Allah2 (it means) there would be no distress on this 1erson, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said, I ho1e "ou would be amon. them,


+2 !umber 22*2:

Abu Huraira re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ho has obser-ed 0ast amon. "ou toda"D Abu 7a6r (Allah be 1leased with him) re1lied: It is I, He (the Hol" @ro1het
+)% & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

a.ain) said: ?ho amon. "ou 0ollow, ed the bier toda"D Abu 7a6r (Allah be 1leased with him) re1lied: It is I, He (the Hol" @ro1het a.ain) said: ?ho amon. "ou led a 1oor man toda"D Abu 7a6r (Allah he 1leased with him) re1lied: It is I, He (a.ain) said: ?ho amon. "ou -isited an in-alid toda"D Abu 7a6r (Allah be 1leased with him) said: It is I, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: An"one in whom (these .ood deeds) are /ombined will /ertainl"2 enter 1aradise,

'ha1ter 2): (5hortation to s1end (0or the sa6e o0 Allah) and disa11ro-al o0 /al/ulatin. (the arti/les o0 /harit")
7oo6 +2 !umber 22*4:
Asma:2 dau.hter o0 Abu 7a6r (Allah be 1leated with him)2 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: S1end2 and do not /al/ulate2 or otherwise Allah would also /al/ulate in "our /ase,


+2 !umber 22**:

Asma: re1orted Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. (to her): S1end and do not /al/ulate2 (0or) Allah would /al/ulate in "our /aseB and do not hoard2 otherwise Allah would be withholdin. 0rom "ou,


+2 !umber 22*+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Asma: throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


+2 !umber 22*):

Asma:2 dau.hter o0 Abu 7a6r2 re1orted that abe /ame to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) and said: A1ostle o0 Allah2 I ha-e nothin. with me2 but onl"2 that whi/h is .i-en to me b" Gubair (0or household e51enses), Is there an" sin 0or me i0 I s1end out o0 that whi/h is .i-en to me (b" Gabair)D U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: S1end a//ordin. to "our meansB and do not hoard2 0or Allah will withhold 0rom "ou,

+)# & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

'ha1ter 2%: (5hortation to .i-e /harit" e-en thou.h it is small (the one who .i-es) small amount should neither be dis/oura.ed nor loo6ed down u1on
7oo6 +2 !umber 22*%:
Muslim women2 Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.:

none o0 "ou should /onsider e-en a shee1:s trotter too insi.ni0i/ant to .i-e to her nei.hbour,

'ha1ter 2#: (5/ellen/e o0 .i-in. sadaqa se/retl"

7oo6 +2 !umber 22*#:
Abu Huraira re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: Se-en are (the 1ersons) whom Allah would .i-e 1rote/tion with His Shade on the 9a" when there would be no shade but that o0 Him (i, e, on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment2 and the" are): a just ruler2 a "outh who .rew u1 with the worshi1 o0 AllahB a 1erson whose heart is atta/hed to the mosquesB two 1ersons who lo-e and meet ea/h other and de1art 0rom ea/h other 0or the sa6e o0 AllahB a man whom a beauti0ul woman o0 hi.h ran6 sedu/es (0or illi/it relation)2 but he (reje/ts this o00er b" sa"in.):C I 0ear AllahC B a 1erson who .i-es /harit" and /on/eals it (to su/h an e5tent) that the hand does not 6now what the le0t has .i-en: and a 1erson who remembered Allah in 1ri-a/" and his e"es shed tears,


+2 !umber 22*;:

This hadith has been narrated2 on the authorit"2 o0 Abu Huraira (with this /han.e o0 words),C A 1erson whose heart is atta/hed to the mosque when he .oes out o0 it till he returns to it,C

'ha1ter 2;: The most e5/eli2 ent sadaqa is that whi/h is .i-en when one is health" and /lose-0isted
7oo6 +2 !umber 22+ :
Abu Huraira re1orted that there /ame a 1erson to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 whi/h /harit" is the bestD U1on this he said: That "ou should .i-e /harit" (in a state when "ou are) health" and /lose-0isted2 one haunted b" the 0ear o0 1o-ert"2 ho1in. to be/ome ri/h (/harit" in su/h a state o0 health and mind is the best), And "ou must not de0er (/ha+); & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

rit" to su/h a that "ou are about to die and would he sa"in.: This is 0or so and so2 and this is 0or so and so, Lo2 it has alread" /ome into (the 1ossession o0 so and so),


+2 !umber 22+$:

Abu Huraira re1orted that a 1erson /ame to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 whi/h /harit" is the .reatest in rewardD (The Hol" @ro1het said): 7" "our 0ather2 beware2 "ou should .i-e /harit" (in a state when "ou are) health" and /lose-0isted2 haunted b" the 0ear o0 1o-ert"2 and still ho1in. to li-e (as ri/h), And "ou must not de0er /harit" (to the time) when "ou are about to die2 and would then sa":C This is 0or so and so2 and this 0or so and so,C It has alread" be/ome the 1ossession o0 so and so,


+2 !umber 22+2:

This hadith has been narrated with the same /hain o0 transmitters e5/e1t with this /han.e (o0 words):C ?hi/h /harit" is most e5/ellentDC

'ha1ter 4 : 'on/ernin. the statement that the u11er hand is better than2 the lower hand2 and the u11er hand is that whi/h .i-es and the lower one is that whi/h re/ei-es
7oo6 +2 !umber 22+4:
Abdullah b, Umar re1orted that as Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was sittin. on the 1ul1it and tal6in. about Sadaqa and abstention 0rom he said: The u11er hand is better than the lower one2 the u11er bein. the one whi/h bestows and the lower one whi/h be.s,


+2 !umber 22+*:

Ha6im b, Hi8am re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said this: The most e5/ellent Sadaqa or the best o0 Sadaqa is that a0ter .i-in. whi/h the (.i-er) remains ri/h and the u11er hand is better than the lower hand2 and 0rom the members o0 "our household,


+2 !umber 22++:

Ha6im b, Hi8am re1orted: I be..ed the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he .a-e me, I a.ain be..ed2 he a.ain .a-e me, I a.ain be..ed2 he a.ain .a-e me2 and then said: This 1ro1ert" is
+% & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

.reen and sweetB he who re/ei-es it with a /heer0ul heart is blessed in it2 and he who re/ei-es it with an a-ari/ious mind would not be blessed in it2 he bein. li6e one who eats without bein. satished2 and the u11er hand is better thad the lower hand,


+2 !umber 22+):
son o0 Adam2 it is

Abu Umama re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.:

better 0or "ou i0 "ou s1end "our sur1lus (wealth)2 but i0 "ou withhold it2 it is e-il 0or "ou, There is (howe-er) no re1roa/h 0or "ou (i0 "ou withhold means ne/essar") 0or a li-in., And (/harit") with "our de1endantsB and the u11er hand is better than the lower hand,

'ha1ter 4$: It is 0orbidden to be.

7oo6 +2 !umber 22+%:
Mu:awi"a said: 7e /autious about ahadith e5/e1t those whi/h were /urrent durin. the rei.n o0 Umar2 0or he e5horted 1eo1le to 0tar Allah2 the (5alted and majesti/, I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He u1on whom Allah intends to bestow .oodness2 He /on0ers u1on him an in reli.ionB and I heard the o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I am the treasurer, To one whom I .i-e out o0 (m" own) sweet will2 he would be blessed in that2 but he whom I .i-e ("ieldin. to his /onstant and 0or his /o-etousness is li6e one who would eat2 but would not be satis0ied,


+2 !umber 22+#:

Mu:awi"a re1orted AUah:s (ma" 1rom be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not be. im1ortunatel"2 0or2 I swear b" Allah2 none o0 "ou who as6s me 0or an"thin. and to .et what he as6s 0or when I disa11ro-e td it will he be blessed in that whi/h I .i-e him,


+2 !umber 22+;:

:Amr b, 9inar re1orted 0rom ?ahb b, Munabbih: I went to his house in San:a: and he o00ered me nuts .rown in his house to eat, And his brother said: I heard Mu:awi"a b, Abu Su0"an sa"in. that he had heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.2 and then he made a mention (o0 a hadith) li6e one mentioned abo-e,

+%$ & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 22) :

Abd al-Aahman b, Au0 re1orted: I heard Mu:awi"a b, Abu Su0"an sa"in. in an address that he had heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He to whom Allah intends to do .ood2 He .i-es him into reli.ion, And I am onl" the distributor while Allah is the 7estower,

'ha1ter 42: Mis6in (1oor man) is one who does not 0ind enou.h to satis0" him and the 1ro1lr do not /onsider him (need") as to .i-e him /harit"
7oo6 +2 !umber 22)$:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The 1oor man (mis6in) is not the one who .oes round to the 1eo1le and is dismissed with one or two morsels, and one or two dates, The" (the @ro1het:s 'om1anions) said: o0 Allah2 then who is mis6inD He said: He who does not .et enou.h to satis0" him2 and he is not /onsidered so (as to eli/it the attention o0 the bene-olent 1eo1le)2 so that /harit" wa" be .i-en to him, and he does not be. an"thin. 0rom 1eo1le,


+2 !umber 22)2:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Mis6in is not he who is dismissed with one or two dates2 and with one morsel or two morsels, (In 0a/t) mis6in is he who abstains (0rom, Aead i0 "ou so desire (the -erse):C The" be. not o0 men im1ortunatel")C (ii, 2%4), This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 44: 9isa11ro-al o0 0rom 1eo1le

7oo6 +2 !umber 22)4:
Ham8a, son o0 :Abdullah2 re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen a man is alwa"s 0rom 1eo1le, he would meet Allah (in a state) that there would be no 0lesh on his 0a/e,


+2 !umber 22)*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 the brother o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but no mention has been made o0 the wordC mu8:aC (1ie/e),
+%2 & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 22)+:

Ham8a b, :Abdullah b, Umar heard his 0ather /a" that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: The 1erson would /ontinue 0rom 1eo1le till he would /ome on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion and there would be no 0lesh on his 0a/e,


+2 !umber 22)):

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who be.s the ri/hes o0 others to in/rease his own is as6in. onl" 0or li-e /oals2 so let him as6 a little or mu/h,


+2 !umber 22)%:

Abu Huraira is re1orted to ha-e heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is letter 0or one amon. "ou to brin. a load o0 0irewood on his ba/6 and .i-e /harit" out o0 it (and satis0" his own need) and be inde1endent o0 1eo1le2 than that he should be. 0rom 1eo1le2 whether the" .i-e him an"thin. or re0use him, <eril" the u11er hand is better than the lower hand2 and (/harit") with "our de1endants,


+2 !umber 22)#:

Eais b, Abu Hi8am re1orted: ?e /ame to Abu Huraira and he told Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said this: 7" Allah2 (it is better) that one amon. "ou should .o and brin. a load o0 0irewood on his ba/6 and he should sell it2 and the rest o0 the hadith was narrated (li6e the 1re-ious one),


+2 !umber 22);:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is better 0or an" one o0 "ou to tie a bundle o0 0irewood and /arr" it on his ba/6 and sell it than to be. a 1erson2 he ma" .i-e or ma" re0use,


+2 !umber 22% :

Mali6 al-Ashja:i re1orted: ?e2 nine2 or se-en men2 were in the /om1an" o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said: ?h" don:t "ou 1led.e alle.ian/e to the o0 AllahD -while we had re/entl" 1led.ed alle.ian/e, So we said: o0 Allah2 we ha-e alread" 1led.ed alle.ian/e to "ou, He a.ain said: ?h" don:t "ou 1led.e alle.ian/e to the o0 AllahD And we said: o0 Allah2 we ha-e alread" 1led.ed alle.ian/e to "ou, He a.ain said: ?h" don:t "ou 1led.e alle.ian/e to the o0 AllahD ?e stret/hed our hands and said: o0 Allah, we ha-e alread" 1led.ed alle.ian/e to "ou, !ow tell (on what thin.s) should we 1led.e al+%4 & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

le.ian/e to "ou, He said I (Kou must 1led.e alle.ian/e) that "ou would worshi1 Allah onl" and would not asso/iate with Him an"thin.2 (and obser-e) 0i-e 1ra"ers2 and obe"- (and he said onethin. in an undertone) -that "ou would not be. 1eo1le o0 an"thin., (And as a /onsequen/e o0 that) I saw that some o0 these 1eo1le did not as6 an"one to 1i/6 u1 the whi1 0or them i0 it 0ell down,

'ha1ter 4*: 3ne 0or whom is 1ermissible

7oo6 +2 !umber 22%$:
Eabisa b, Mu6hariq al-Hilali said: I was under debt and I /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and be..ed 0rom him re.ardin. it, He said: ?ait till we re/ei-e Sadaqa2 so that we order that to be .i-en to "ou, He a.ain said: Eabisa2 is not 1ermissible but 0or one o0 the three (/lasses) o0 1ersons: one who has in/urred debt2 0or him is 1ermissible till he 1a"s that o002 a0ter whi/h he must sto1 itB a man whose 1ro1ert" has been destro"ed b" a /alamit" whi/h has smitten him2 0or him is 1ermissible till he .ets what will su11ort li0e2 or will 1ro-ide him reasonable subsisten/eB and a 1erson who has been smitten b" 1o-ert", the .enuineness o0 whi/h is /on0irmed b" three intelli.ent members o0 this 1eo1les 0or him is 1ermissible till he .ets what will su11ort him2 or will 1ro-ide him subsisten/e, Eabisa2 besides these three (e-er" other reason) 0or is 0orbidden2 and one who in su/h /onsumes that what is 0orbidden,

'ha1ter 4+: @ermissibilit" to a//e1t what is .i-en without or without bein. a-ari/ious
7oo6 +2 !umber 22%2:
Salim b, Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (:Abdullah b, :Umar) that he had heard :Umar b, >hattab (Allah be 1leased with him) sa"in.: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e me a .i0t2 but I said: Hi-e it to one who needs it more than I, He .a-e me wealth 0or the se/ond time but I said: Hi-e it to one who needs it more than I, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ta6e out o0 this wealth whi/h /omes to "ou without "our bein. a-ari/ious and without but in other /ir/umstan/e:s do not let "our heart han6er a0ter it,


+2 !umber 22%4:

Salim b, :Abdullah re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e to :Umar b, >hattab some .i0t, Umar said to him: o0 Allah2 .i-e it to one who needs it more than I, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ta6e itB either 6ee1 it with "ou or .i-e it as a /harit"2 and whate-er /omes to "ou in the 0orm o0 this t"1e
+%* & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

o0 wealth2 without "our bein. a-ari/ious or 0or it2 a//e1t it2 but in other /ir/umstan/es do not let "our heart han6er a0ter it, And it was on a//ount o0 this that Ibn :Umar ne-er be..ed an"thin. 0rom an"one2 nor re0used an"thin. .i-en to him,


+2 !umber 22%*:

This hadith has been narrated b" Abdullah b, al-Sa:di 0rom :Umar b, al->hattab who heard it 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


+2 !umber 22%+:

Ibn al-Sa:di Mali6i re1orted: :Umar b, >hattab (Allah be 1leased with him) a11ointed me as a /olle/tor o0 Sadaqa, ?hen I had 0inished that (the tas6 assi.ned to me) and I handed o-er that to him (to :Umar)2 he /ommanded me to (a//e1t) some remuneration (0or the wor6), I said: I 1er0ormed this dut" 0or Allah and m" reward is with Allah, He said: Ta6e whate-er has been .i-en to "ou2 0or I also 1er0ormed this dut" durin. the time o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He assi.ned me the tas6 o0 a /olle/tor and I said as "ou sa"2 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: ?hen "ou are .i-en an"thin. without "our 0or it2 (then a//e1t it)2 eat it and .i-e it in /harit",


+2 !umber 22%):

Ibn al-Sa:di re1orted: :Umar b, >hattab (Allah be 1leased with him) a11ointed me as a /olle/tor o0 Sadaqat, The rest o0 the hadith in the same,

'ha1ter 4): 9isa11ro-al o0 the 0or the (1ossessions o0 the material) world
7oo6 +2 !umber 22%%:
Abu Huraira re1orted 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as ha-in. said this: The heart o0 an old 1erson 0eels "oun. 0or the lo-e o0 two thin.s: lo-e 0or lon. li0e and wealth,


+2 !umber 22%#:

Abu Huraira re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said this: The heart o0 an old 1erson is "oun. 0or two thin.s: 0or lon. li0e and lo-e 0or wealth,

+%+ & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 22%;:

Anas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The son o0 Adam .rows old2 but two (desires) in him remain "oun.: desire 0or wealth and desire 0or li0e,


+2 !umber 22# :

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Anas throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


+2 !umber 22#$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 4%: I0 there were two -alle"s (o0 .old) 0or the son o0 Adam2 he would lon. 0or the third one
7oo6 +2 !umber 22#2:
Anas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 the son o0 Adam were to 1ossess two -alle"s o0 ri/hes, he would lon. 0or the third one, And the stoma/h o0 the son o0 Adam is not 0illed but with dust, And Allah returns to him who re1ents,


+2 !umber 22#4:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. this2 but $ do not 6now whether this thin. was re-ealed to him or not2 but he said to,


+2 !umber 22#*:

Anas b, MILli6 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 there were two -alle"s o0 .old 0or the son o0 Adam2 he would lon. 0or an- other one, and his mouth will not be 0illed but with dust2 and Allah returns to him who re1ents,


+2 !umber 22#+:

Ibn Abbas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 there were 0or the son o0 Adam a -alle" 0ull o0 ri/hes2 he would lon. to 1ossess another one li6e it, and Ibn Adam does not 0eel satiated but with dust, $*$4 And Allah returns to him who returns (to HiM), $*$* Ibn Abbas said: I do not 6now whether it is 0rom the Eur:an or notB and in the narration transmitted b" Guhair it was said: I do not 6now whether it is 0rom the Eur:an2 and he made no mention o0 Ibn Abbas,
+%) & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 22#):

Abu Harb b, Abu al-Aswad re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Abu Musa al-Ash:ari sent 0or the re/iters o0 7asra, The" /ame to him and the" were three hundred in number, The" re/ited the Eur:an and he said: Kou are the best amon. the inhabitants o0 7asra2 0or "ou are the re/iters amon. them, So /ontinue to re/ite it, (7ut bear in mind) that "our re/itin. 0or a lon. time ma" not harden "our hearts as were hardened the hearts o0 those be0ore "ou, ?e used to re/ite a surah whi/h resembled in and se-erit" to (Surah) 7ara:at, I ha-e2 howe-er2 0or.otten it with the e5/e1tion o0 this whi/h I remember out o0 it:C I0 there were two -alle"s 0ull o0 ri/hes2 0or the son o0 Adam2 he would lon. 0or a third -alle"2 and nothin. would 0ill the stoma/h o0 the son o0 Adam but dust,C And we used so re/ite a slirah whi/h resembled one o0 the surahs o0 Musabbihat2 and I ha-e 0or.otten it2 but remember (this mu/h) out o0 it:C 3h 1eo1le who belie-e2 wh" do "ou sa" that whi/h "ou do not 1ra/tiseC (l5i 2,) andC that is re/orded in "our ne/6s as a witness (a.ainst "ou) and "ou would be as6ed about it on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tionC (5-ii, $4),

'ha1ter 4#: 3ne is not ri/h be/ause o0 the abundan/e o0 .oods

7oo6 +2 !umber 22#%:
Abu Huraira re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: Ai/hness does not lie in the abundan/e o0 (worldl") .oods but ri/hness is the ri/hness o0 the soul (heart2 sel0),

'ha1ter 4;: =ear o0 what would /ome our o0 the adornment o0 the world
7oo6 +2 !umber 22##:
1eo1le2 b" Allah2 I do not entertain 0ear about "ou in re.ard to an"thin. Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 and addressed the 1eo1le thus: else than that whi/h Allah would brin. 0orth 0or "ou in the 0orm o0 adornment o0 the world, A 1erson said: o0 Allah2 does .ood 1rodu/e e-ilD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) remained silent 0or a while and he then said: ?hat did "ou sa"D He re1lied: o0 Allah2 I said: 9oes .ood 1rodu/e e-ilD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: The .ood does not 1rodu/e but .ood, but amon. the 1lants the s1rin. rain 1rodu/es There some whi/h 6ill with a tremour or nearl" 6ill all but the animal whi/h 0eeds on -e.etation, It eats and when its 0lan6s are distended2 it 0a/es the /an, then when it has don.ed or urinated and /hewed it returns and
+%% & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

eats, He who a//e1ts wealth ri.htl"2 Allah /on0ers blessin. on it 0or him, and he who ta6es wealth without an" ri.ht2 he is li6e one who eats and is not satis0ied,


+2 !umber 22#;:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: The most dread0ul thin. I 0ear in "our /ase is what Allah brin.s 0orth 0or "ou in the 0orm o0 the adornment o0 the world, The" (the @ro1het:s 'om 1anions) said: o0 Allah2 what is the adornment o0 the worldD He said: 7lessin.s (the natural resour/es) o0 the earth, The" (a.ain) said: o0 Allah2 does .ood 1rodu/e e-ilD He said: !o2 onl" .ood /omes out o0 .ood, !o2 onl" .ood /omes out o0 .ood, !o, onl" .ood /omes out o0 .ood, All that whi/h the s1rin. rain hel1s to .row 6ills or is about to 6ill but (the animal) whi/h 0eeds on -e.etation, It eats and when its 0lan6s are distended2 it 0a/es the sun2 it /hews the /ud2 it has dun.ed and urinated, it returns and eats, This wealth is .reen and sweet2 and he who a//e1ts it and a11lies it ri.htl"2 0inds it a .ood hel12 but he who ta6es it wron.0ull" is li6e one who eats without bein. satis0ied,


+2 !umber 22; :

Abu Said al->hudri re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was sittin. on the 1ul1it and we were sittin. around him2 and he said: ?hat I am a0raid o0 in re.ard to "ou a0ter m" death is that there would be o1ened 0or "ou the adornments o0 the world and its beauties, A 1erson said: o0 Allah2 does .ood 1rodu/e e-ilD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) remained silent, And it was said to him (the man who had as6ed the question 0rom the Hol" @ro1het): ?hat Is the matter with "ou2 that "ou s1ea6 with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) but he does not s1ea6 with "ouD ?e as i0 re-elation was des/endin. u1on him, He re.ained himsel0 and wi1ed the sweat 0rom him and said: He was the inquirer (and his st"le o0 e51ression showed as i0 he 1raised him and then added): <eril" .ood does not 1rodu/e e-il, ?hate-er the s1rin. rain0all /auses to .row 6ills or is about to 6ill2 but that (animal) whi/h 0eeds on -e.etation, It eats till its 0lan6s are 0illedB it 0a/es the sun and dun.s and urinates, and then returns to eat, And this ?ealth is a sweet -e.etation2 and it is a .ood /om1anion 0or a Muslim who .i-es out o0 it to the need"2 to the or1han, to the wa"0arer2 or somethin. li6e that as the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who ta6es it without his is li6e one who eats but does not 0eel satis0ied2 and it would stand witness a.ainst him on the 9a" o0 jud.ment,

+%# & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

'ha1ter * : (5/ellen/e o0 abstainin. 0rom and that o0 enduran/e

7oo6 +2 !umber 22;$:
Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted that some 1eo1le 0rom amon. the Ansar be..ed 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he .a-e them, The" a.ain be..ed him and he a.ain .a-e them2 till when what was in his 1ossession was e5hausted he said: ?hate-er .ood (ri/hes2 .oods) I ha-e2 I will not withhold it 0rom "ou, He who re0rains 0rom Allah sa0e.uards him a.ainst want, and he who see6s su00i/ien/"2 Allah would 6ee1 him in a state o0 su00i/ien/"2 and he who shows enduran/e, Allah would .rant him 1ower to endure2 and none is blessed with an endowment better and .reater than enduran/e,


+2 !umber 22;2:

This hadith has been narrated b" Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


+2 !umber 22;4:

:Amr b, al-:As re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He Is su//ess0ul who has a//e1ted Islam2 who has been 1ro-ided with su00i/ient 0or his want and been made /ontented b" Allah with what He has .i-en him,


+2 !umber 22;*:
Allah2 ma6e the

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 1ro-ision o0 Mahammad:s 0amil" su00i/ient just to sustain li0e,

'ha1ter *$: Hi-in. /harit" to one who be..ed im1ortunatel" or with un/i-ilit"
7oo6 +2 !umber 22;+:
Umar b, >hattab (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) distributed somethin., U1on this I said: o0 Allah2 I swear b" Hod2 the others besides them were more deser-in. than these (to whom "ou .a-e /harit"), He said: The" had in 0a/t le0t no other alternati-e 0or me, but (that the" should) either be. im1ortunatel" 0rom me or the" would re.ard me as a miser2 but I am not a miser,
+%; & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 22;):

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: I was wal6in. with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he had 1ut on a mantle o0 !ajran with a thi/6 border, A bedouin met him and 1ulled the mantle so -iolentl" that I saw this -iolent 1ullin. lea-in. mar6s o0 the border o0 the mantle on the s6in o0 the ne/6 o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), And he (the bedouin) said: Muhammad2 issue /ommand that I should be .i-en out o0 the wealth o0 Allah whi/h is at "our dis1osal, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) turned his attention to him and smiled2 and then ordered 0or him a .i0t (1ro-ision),


+2 !umber 22;%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters, And In the hadith transmitted b" I6rima b, :Ammir there is an addition:C He (the bedouin) 1ulled his (mantle) so -iolentl" that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was dri0ted -er" /lose to the bedouin,C And in the hadith transmitted b" Hammam2 (the words are):C He 1ulled it so -iolentl" that the mantle was torn and the border was le0t around the ne/6 o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),C


+2 !umber 22;#:
m" son2 /ome

Miswar b, Ma6hrama re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) distributed some /loa6s but did not bestow one u1on Ma6hrama, U1on this Ma6hrama said: alon. with me to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), So I went with him, He said: (nter the house and /all him (to /ome out) 0or me, So I /alled him and he (the Hol" @ro1het) /ame out2 and there was a /loa6 (0rom those alread" distributed) on him, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I had 6e1t it 0or "ou, He (Ma6hrama)2 loo6ed at it and was 1leased,


+2 !umber 22;;:

Miswar b, Ma6hrama re1orted: Some /loa6s were 1resented to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), M" 0ather Ma6hrama said to me: 'ome alon. with me to himB 1erha1s we ma" be able to .et an"thin. out o0 that (sto/6 o0 /loa6s), M" 0ather stood at the door and to tal6, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/o.nised him b" his -oi/e and /ame out and there was a /loa6 with him2 and he was showin. its beauties and sa"in.: I 6e1t it 0or "ou2 I 6e1t it 0or "ou,

+# & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

'ha1ter *2: 7estowal u1on one who is not 0irm in 0aith

7oo6 +2 !umber 24 :
Sa:d re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) bestow- ed (some .i0ts) u1on a .rou1 o0 1eo1le and I was sittin. them, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 howe-er2 le0t a 1erson and he did not .i-e him an", thin., and he seemed to me the most e5/ellent amon. them (and thus deser-ed the .i0ts more than an"one else), So I stood u1 be0ore the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said to him in undertone: o0 Allah2 what obout so and soD 7" Allah2 I 0ind him a belie-er, He (the o0 Allah) said: He ma" be a Muslim, I 6e1t quiet 0or a short while2 and then what I 6new o0 him ur.ed me (to 1lead his /ase a.ain) and I said: o0 Allah2 what about so and soD 7" Allah2 I 0ind him a belie-er, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: He ma"2 be a Muslim, I a.ain remained quiet 0or a short while2 and what I 6new o0 him a.ain ur.ed me (to 1lead his /ase so I) said: o0 Allah2 what about so and soD 7" Allah2 I 0ind him a belie-er, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: He ma" be a Muslim, I o0ten bestow (somethin.) u1on a 1erson2 whereas someone else is dearer to me than he2 be/ause o0 the 0ear that he ma" 0all headlin. into the 0ire, And in the hadith transmitted b" Hulwani this statement was re1eated twi/e,


+2 !umber 24 $:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


+2 !umber 24 2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Muhammad b, Sa:d throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are):C The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stru/6 between m" ne/6 and shoulder with his hand and said: 9o "ou wran.le2 Sa:d2 be/ause I bestow (some .i0ts) u1on a 1ersonDC

'ha1ter *4: 7estowal u1on those who are made to in/line (to truth)
7oo6 +2 !umber 24 4:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that when on the 9a" o0 Hunain Allah /on0erred u1on His A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the ri/hes o0 Hawa8in (without armed en/ounter)2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) set about distributin. to some 1ersons o0 Euraish one hundred /amels U1on this
+#$ & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

the" (the "oun. 1eo1le 0rom the Ansar) said: Ma" Allah .rant 1ardon to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he bestowed (these /amels) u1on the 1eo1le o0 Euraish2 and he i.nored us2 whereas our swords are still dri11in. blood, Anas b, Mali6 said: Their statement was /on-e"ed to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he sent (someone) to the Ansar and .athered them under a tent o0 leather, ?hen the" had assembled2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to thera and said: ?hat is this news that has rea/hed me 0rom "ouD The wise 1eo1le o0 the Ansar said: o0 Allah2 so 0ar as the sa.a/ious us are /on/erned the" ha-e said nothin.2 but we ha-e us 1ersons o0 immature a.eB the" said: Ma" Allah .rant 1ardon to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he .a-e to the Euraish and i.nored us (des1ite the 0a/t) that our swords are besmeared with their blood, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I .i-e (at times material .i0ts) to 1ersons who were quite re/entl" in the state o0 unbelie02 so that I ma" in/line them to truth 9on:t "ou 0eel deli.hted that 1eo1le should .o with ri/hes2 and "ou should .o ba/6 to "our 1la/es with the A1ostle o0 AllahD 7" Allah2 that with whi/h "ou would return is better than that with whi/h the" would return, The" said: Kes2 o0 Allah2 we are 1leased, The Hol" @ro1het said too: Kou would 0ind mar6ed 1re0eren/e (in /on0errin. o0 the material .i0ts) in 0uture2 so "ou should show 1atien/e till "ou meet Allah and His and I would he at the Haud >authar, The" said: ?e would show 1atien/e,


+2 !umber 24 *:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that when Allah /on0erred u1on His (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the ri/hes o0 Hawa8in (without armed en/ounter) B the rest o0 the hadith is the same e5/e1t some -ariation (o0 words):C Anas said: ?e /ould not tolerate it and he also said: The 1eo1le were immature in a.e,C


+2 !umber 24 +:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 throu.h another /hain o0 trans-


+2 !umber 24 ):

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .athered the Ansar and said: Is there someone alien amon. "ouD The" said: !o2 but onl" the son o0 our sister, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The son o0 the sister o0 the 1eo1le is in/luded amon. the tribe2 and (0arther) said: The Euraish ha-e re/entl" abandoned Fahill""a and ha-e just been deli-ered 0rom distressB I2 there0ore2 intend to hel1 them and /on/iliate them, 9on:t "ou 0eel ha11" that the 1eo1le should return with worldl" ri/hes and "ou return with the o0 Allah to "our housesD (So 0ar as m" lo-e 0or "ou is /on/erned I should sa") i0 the 1eo1le were to tread a

+#2 & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

-alle" and the Ansar tread a narraw 1ath (in a mountain) I would tread the narrow 1ath o0 the Ansar,


+2 !umber 24 %:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: ?hen Me//a was /onquered2 he (the Hol" @ro1het) distributed the s1oils amon. the Euraish, U1on this the Ansar said: It is stran.e that our swords are dri11in. with their blood2 whereas our s1oils ha-e been .i-en to them (to the Euraish), This (remar6) rea/hed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and so he .athered them and said: ?hat is this that has been /on-e"ed to me about "ouD The" said: (Kes) it is that -er" thin. that2 has rea/hed "ou-and the" were not (the 1eo1le) to s1ea6 lie, U1on this he said: 9on:t "ou li6e that the 1eo1le should return to their houses alon. with worldl" ri/hes2 whereas "ou should return to "our houses with the o0 AllahD I0 the 1eo1le were to tread a -alle" or d narrow 1ath2 and the Ansar were also to tread a -alle" or a narrow 1ath2 I would tread the -alle" (alon. with the) Ansar or the narrow 1ath (alon. with the) Ansar,


+2 !umber 24 #:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that when it was the 9a" o0 Hunain there /ame the tribes o0 Hawa8in2 Hhata0an and others alon. with their /hildren and animals2 and there were with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that da" ten thousand (soldiers)2 and newl" 0reed men (o0 Me//a a0ter its /onquest), All these men (on/e) turned their ba/6s2 till he (the Hol" @ro1het) was le0t alone, He (the o0 Allah) on that da" /alled twi/e and he did not inter1ose an"thin. between these two (announ/ements) He turned towards his and said: 1eo1le o0 AnsarL The" said: At th" be/6 and /all (are we)2 o0 Allah, 7e .lad we are with thee, He then turned towards his le0t and said: 1eo1le o0 Ansar, The" said: At th" be/6 and /all (are we), 7e .lad we are with thee, He (the Hol" @ro1het) was ridin. a white mule, He dismounted and said: I am the ser-ant o0 Allah and His A1ostle, The 1ol"theists su00ered de0eat, and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) a/quired a lar.e quantit" o0 s1oils2 and he distributed them amon. the re0u.ees and the 1eo1le re/entl" deli-ered (o0 Me//a) but did not .i-e an"thin. to the Ansar, The Ansar said: In the hour o0 distress it is we who are /alled (0or hel1), but the s1oils are .i-en to other 1eo1le besides us, This (remar6) rea/hed him (the Hol" @ro1het), and he .athered them In a tent, and said: ?hat is this news that has rea/hed me on "our behal0D The" 6e1t silen/e, U1on this he said: 1eo1le o0 Ansar2 don:t "ou li6e that 1eo1le should .o awa" with worldl" (ri/hes)2 and "ou .o awa" with Muhammad ta6in. him to "our housesD The" said: Kes2 ha11" we are, o0 Allah, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I0 the 1eo1le were to tread a -alle"2 and the Ansar were to tread a narrow 1ath2 I would ta6e the narrow 1ath o0 the Ansar, Hisham said: I as6ed Abu Ham8a i0 he was 1resent there, He said: How /ould Ibe absent 0rom himD

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733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 24 ;:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: ?e /onquered Me//a and then we went on an e51edition to Hunain, The 1ol"theists /ame2 0ormin. themsel-es into the best rows that I ha-e seen, The" 0irst 0ormed the rows o0 /a-alr"2 then those o0 in0antr"2 and then those o0 women behind them, Then there were 0ormed the rows o0 shee1 and .oats and then o0 other animals, ?e were also 1eo1le lar.e in number2 and our (number) had rea/hed si5 thousand, And on one side >halid b, ?alid was in /har.e o0 the /a-alr", And our horses at on/e turned ba/6 0rom our rear, And we /ould hardl" hold our own when our horses were e51osed2 and the bedouins and the 1eo1lewhom we 6new too6 to their heels, (Seein. this) the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled thus: then, said: re0u.ees2 re0u.ees, He Ansar2 Ansar, (Anas said: This hadith is transmitted b" a .rou1 o0 eminent 1ersons,)

?e said: At th" be/6 and /all are we2 o0 Allah, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then ad-an/ed and he (Anas) said: 7" Allah2 we had not "et rea/hed them when Allah de0eated them, and we too6 1ossession o0 the wealth and we then mar/hed towards Ta:i02 and we besie.ed them 0or 0ort" ni.hts, and then /ame ba/6 to Me//a and en/am1ed (at a 1la/e)2 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to bestow a hundred /amels u1on ea/h indi-idual, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,


+2 !umber 24$ :

Aa0i: b, >hadij re1orted that the o0 AllahB (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e to Abu Su0"an b, Harb and Sa0 wan, b, Uma""a and :U"aina b, Hisn and Aqra: b, Habis2 i, e, to e-er" one o0 these 1ersons2 one hundred o0 /amels2 and .a-e to :Abbas b, Mirdas less than this number, U1on this :Abbas b, Mirdis said: Kou allot the share o0 m" boot" and that o0 m" horse between :U"aina and Aqra:, 7oth U"aina and Aqra: are in no wa" more eminent than Mirdas (m" 0ather) in the assembl", I am in no wa" in0erior to an" one o0 these 1ersons, And he who is let down toda" would not be ele-ated, He (the narrator) said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then /om1leted one hundred /amels 0or him,


+2 !umber 24$$:

This hadith has been narrated b" Sa:id b, Masruq with the same /hain o0 transmitters (with the words):C The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) distributed the s1oils o0 Hunain2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) .a-e one hundred /amels to Abu Su0"an b, Harb, The rest o0 the hadith is the same2 but with this addition:C He bestowed u1onC Alqama b, :Ulatha one hundred (/amels),C

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733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 24$2:

This hadith has been narrated b" Sa:id with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but no mention has been made o0 Alqama b, :Ulatha2 nor o0 sa0win b, Uma""a2 and he did not mention the -erse in his hadith,


+2 !umber 24$4:

Abdullah b, Gaid re1orted that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /onquered Hunain he distributed the boot"2 and he bestowed u1on those whose hearts it was intended to win, It was /on-e"ed to him (the Hol" @ro1het) that the Ansar /herished a desire that the" should be .i-en (that -er" 1ortion) whi/h the 1eo1le (o0 Euraish) had .ot, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 and2 a0ter ha-in. 1raised Allah and lauded Him2 addressed them thus: 1eo1le o0 Ansar2 did I not 0ind "ou errin. and Allah .uided "ou throu.h me2 and (in the state o0) bein. destitute and Allah made "ou 0ree 0rom want throu.h me2 and in a state o0 disunit" and Allah united "ou throu.h me2 and the" (the Ansar) said: Allah and His are most bene-olent, He (a.ain) said: ?h" do "ou not answer meD The" said: Allah and His are the most bene-olent, He said2 I0 "ou wish "ou should sa" so and so2 and the e-ent (should ta6e) su/h and su/h /ourse (and in this /onne/tion he made a mention) o0 so man" thin.s, :Amr is under the im1ression that he has not been able to remember them, He (the Hol" @ro1het) 0urther said: 9on:t "ou 0eel ha11" (o-er this state o0 a00airs) that the 1eo1le should .o awa" with .oats and /amels2 and "ou .o to "our 1la/es alon. with the o0 AllahD The Ansar are inner .arments (more /lose to me) and (other) 1eo1le are outer .arments, Had there not been mi.ration2 I would ha-e been a man 0rom amon. the Ansar, I0 the 1eo1le were to tread a -alle" or a narrow 1ath2 I would tread the -alle" (/hosen) b" the Ansar or narrow 1ath (trodden) b" them, And "ou would soon 0ind a0ter me 1re0eren/es (o-er "ou in .ettin. material bene0its), So "ou should show 1atien/e till "ou meet me at the Haud (>authar),


+2 !umber 24$*:

Abdullah re1orted: 3n the da" o0 Hunain2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) showed 1re0eren/e (to some) @eo1le in the distribution o0 the s1oils, He bestowed on Aqra: b, Habis one hundred /amels2 and bestowed an equal (number) u1on :U"aina2 and bestowed on 1eo1le amon. the elites o0 Arabia2 and 1re, 0erred them) (to others) on that da"2 in the distribution (o0 s1oils), U1on this a 1erson said: 7" Allah2 neither justi/e has been done In this distribution (o0 s1oils)2 nor has the 1leasure o0 Allah been in it, I (the !arrator ) said: 7" Allah2 I will /ertainl" in0orm the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about it, so I /ame to him and in0ormed him about what he had said, - The /olour o0 his (the @ro1het:s) 0a/e /han.ed red li6e blood and he then said: ?ho would do justi/e2 i0 Allah and His do not do justi/eD He 0urther said: Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on

+#+ & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

MosesB he was tormented more than this2 but he showed 1atien/e, I said: !e-er would I /on-e" him (the Hol" @ro1het) a0ter this (un1leasant) narration,


+2 !umber 24$+:

Abdullah re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) distributed s1oils (o0 war), U1on this a 1erson said: This is a distribution In whi/h the 1leasure o0 Allah has not been, I /ame to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and in0ormed him in an undertone, He (the Hol" @ro1het) was dee1l" an.r" at this and his 0a/e be/ame red till I wished that I had not made a mention o0 it to him, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then said: Moses was tormented more than this2 but he showed 1atien/e,

'ha1ter **: The >hwarij and their /hara/teristi/s

7oo6 +2 !umber 24$):
Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted that a 1erson /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at Firana on his wa" ba/6 0rom Hunain2 and there was in the /lothes o0 7ilal some sil-er, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 a hand0ul out o0 that and bestowed it u1on the 1eo1le, He (the 1erson who had met the @ro1het at Fi:rana) said to him: Muhammad2 do justi/e, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?oe be u1on thee2 who would do justi/e i0 I do not do justi/e2 and "ou would be -er" un0ortunate and a loser i0 I do not do justi/e, U1on this Umar b, >hattab (Allah be 1leased with him) said: @ermit me to 6ill this h"1o/rite, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Ma" there be 1rote/tion o0 AllahL @eo1le would sa" that I 6ill m" /om1anions, This man and his /om1anions would re/ite the Eur:an but it would not .o be"ond their throat2 and the" swer-e 0rom it just as the arrow .oes throu.h the 1re",


+2 !umber 24$%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, :Abdullah throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


+2 !umber 24$#:

Abu Said >hudri re1orted that :Ali (Allah be 1leased with him) sent some .old allo"ed with dust to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) distributed that amon. 0our men2 al-Aqra b, Habis Han8ali and U"aina b, 7adr al-=a8ari and :Alqama b, :Ulatha al-:Amiri2 then to one 1erson o0 the tribe o0 >ilab and to Gaid al->hair al-Ta:l2 and then to one 1erson o0 the tribe o0 !abhan, U1on this the 1eo1le o0 Euraish 0elt an.r" and said: He (the Hol" @ro1het) .a-e to the /hie0s o0 !ajd and i.nored us, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma"
+#) & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

1ea/e be u1on him) said: I ha-e done it with a -iew to /on- /illatin. them, Then there /ame a 1erson with thi/6 beard2 1rominent /hee6s2 dee1 sun6en e"es and 1rotrudin. 0orehead and sha-en head, He said: Muhammad2 0ear Allah, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 I disobe" Allah2 who would then obe" HimD Ha-e I not been (sent as the) most trustworth" amon. the 1eo1le o0 the-worldD -but "ou do not re1ose trust in me, That 1erson then went ba/6, A 1erson amon. the 1eo1le then 1ermission (0rom the Hol" @ro1het) 0or his murder, A//ordin. to some2 it was >halid b, ?alid who the 1ermission, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said: =rom this -er" 1erson:s 1osterit" there would arise 1eo1le who would re/ite the Eur:an2 but it would not .o be"ond their throatB the" would 6ill the 0ollowers o0 Islam and would s1are the idol-worshi11ers, The" would .lan/e throu.h the tea/hin.s o0 Islam so hurriedl" just as the arrow 1asses throu.h the 1ra", I0 I were to e-er 0ind them I would 6ill them li6e :Ad,


+2 !umber 24$;:

Abu Said al->hudri re1orted: :Ali b, Abu Talib sent to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0rom Kemen some .old allo"ed with /la" in a leather ba. d"ed in the lea-es o0 Mimosa 0la-a, He distributed it amon. 0our men, :U"aina b, Hisna2 Aqra: b, Habis and Gaid al->hail2 and the 0ourth one was either Alqama b, :Ulatha or :Amir b, Tu0ail, A 1erson 0rom amon. his (@ro1het:s) 'om1anions said: ?e had a better /laim to this (wealth) than these (1ersons), This (remar6) rea/hed the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) u1on whi/h he said: ?ill "ou not trust me2 whereas I am a trustee o0 Him ?ho is in the hea-enD The news /ome to me 0rom the hea-en mornin. and e-enin., Then there stood u1 a 1erson with dee1 snn6en e"es2 1rominent /hee6 bones2 and ele-ated 0orehead2 thi/6 beard2 sha-en head2 tu/6ed u1 loin /loth2 and he said: o0 Allah2 0ear Allah, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?oe to thee, do I not deser-e most to 0ear Allah the 1eo1le o0 the earthD That man then returned, >halid b, ?alid then said: o0 Allah2 should I not stri6e his ne/6D U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: @erha1s he ma" be obser-in. the 1ra"er, >halid said: How man" obser-ers o0 1ra"er are there who 1ro0ess with their ton.ue what is not in their heartD U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I ha-e not been /ommanded to 1ier/e throu.h the hearts o0 1eo1le2 nor to s1lit their bellies (insides), He a.ain loo6ed at him and he was .oin. ba/6, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: There would arise a 1eo1le 0rom the 1ro.en" o0 this (man) who would re/ite the Eur:an .libl"2 but it would not .o be"ond their throatsB the" would (hurriedl") 1ass throu.h (the tea/hin.s o0 their) reli.ion just as the arrow 1asses throu.h the 1re", I /on/ei-e that he (the Hol" @ro1het) also said this: I0 I 0ind them I would /ertainl" 6ill them as were 6illed the (1eo1le o0) Thamud,


+2 !umber 242 :

This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters and (the narrator) made a mention o0 ele-ated 0orehead2 but he made no mention o0 tu/6ed-u1 loin /loth and made this addition:C There stood u1 :Umar b, >hattab (Allah be 1leased with him)2 and said: Should I not stri6e his
+#% & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

ne/6D U1on this he said: !o, Then he turned awa"2 and >halid the Sword o0 Allah stood u1 a.ainst him2 and said: @ro1het o0 Allah, shall I not stri6e o00 his ne/6D He said2 !o2 and then said: A 1eo1le would rise 0rom his 1ro.en" who would re/ite the 7oo6 o0 Allah .libl" and 0luentl", :Umar said: I thin6 he (the Hol" @ro1het) also said this: I0 I 0ind them I would /ertainl" 6ill them li6e Thamud,C


+2 !umber 242$:

This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters2 but no mention has been made o0:C I0 I 0ind them2 I would 6ill them as the Thamud were 6illed,C


+2 !umber 2422:

Abu Salama and :Ata: b, Kasar /ame to Abu Sa:id al->hudri and as6ed him about Haruri"a2 sa"in.: 9id "ou hear the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ma6in. a mention o0 themD He (Abu Sai:d al->hudri) said: I don:t 6now who the Haruri"a are2 but I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There would arise in this nation (and he did not sa"C out o0 themC ) a 1eo1le and "ou would hold insi.ni0i/ant "our 1ra"ers as /om1ared with their 1ra"ers, And the" would re/ite the Eur:an whi/h would not .o be"ond their throats and would swer-e throu.h the reli.ion (as blan6) just as a (swi0t) arrow 1asses throu.h the 1re", The ar/her loo6s at his arrow2 at its iron head and .lan/es at its end (whi/h he held) in the ti1 o0 his 0in.ers to see whether it had an" stain o0 blood,


+2 !umber 2424:

Abu Sai:d al->hudri re1orted: ?hen we were in the /om1an" o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he was distributin. the s1oils o0 war2 there /ame to him 9hul->huwasira2 one o0 7anu Tamim, He said: o0 Allah2 do justi/e, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?oe be u1on thee I ?ho would do justi/e2 i0 I do not do justi/eD Kou would be unsu//ess0ul and in/urrin. a loss2 i0 I do not do justi/e, U1on this Umar b, >hattab (Allah be 1leased with him) said: o0 Allah2 1ermit me to stri6e o00 his ne/6, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Lea-e him2 0or he has 0riends (who would outwardl" loo6 to be so reli.ious and 1ious) that e-er"one amon. "ou would /onsider his 1ra"er insi.ni0i/ant as /om1ared with their 1ra"er2 and his 0ast as /om- 1ared with their 0asts, The" would re/ite the Eur:an but it would not .o be"ond their /ollar-bones, The" would 1ass throu.h (the tea/hin.s o0 Islam so hurriedl") just as the arrow 1asses throu.h the 1re", He would loo6 at its Iron head2 but would not 0ind an"thin. ti/6in.) there, He would then see at the lowest end2 but would not 0ind an"thin. sti/6in. there, He would then see at its .ri1 but would not 0ind an"thin. sti/6in. to it, He would then see at its 0eathers and he would 0ind nothin. sti/6in. to them (as the arrow would 1ass so qui/6l" that nothin. would sti/6 to it) neither e5/rement nor blood, The" would be re/o.nised b" the 1resen/e o0 a bla/6 man amon. them whose u11er arms would be li6e a woman:s breast2 or li6e a 1ie/e o0 meat as it qui-ers2 and
+## & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

the" would /ome 0orth at the time when there is dissension amon. the 1eo1le, Abu Sai:d said: I testi0" to the 0a/t that I heard it 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and I testi0" to the 0a/t that :Ali b, Abu Talib a.ainst them and I was with him, He .a-e orders about that man who was 0or2 and when he was in2 and when I loo6ed at him2 he was e5a/tl" as the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had des/ribed him,


+2 !umber 242*:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri said that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made a mention o0 a se/t that would be amon. his Ummah whi/h would emer.e out o0 the dissension o0 the 1eo1le, Their distin/ti-e mar6 would be sha-en heads, The" would be the worst /reatures or the worst o0 the /reatures, The .rou1 who would be nearer to the truth out o0 the two would 6ill them, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e an e5am1le (to .i-e their des/ri1tion) or he said: A man throws an arrow at the 1re" (or he said at the and sees at its iron head2 but 0inds no si.n (o0 blood there)2 or he sees at the lowest end2 but would not see or 0ind an" si.n (o0 blood there), He would then see into the .ri1 but would not 0ind (an"thin.) sti/6in. to it, Abu Sai:d then said: @eo1le o0 Iraq, it is "ou who ha-e 6illed them,


+2 !umber 242+:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A .rou1 would se/ede itsel0 (0rom the Ummah) when there would be dissension amon. the Muslims, 3ut o0 the two .rou1s who would be nearer the truth would 6ill them,


+2 !umber 242):

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There would be two .rou1s in m" Ummah2 and there would emer.e another .rou1 (se/edin. itsel0 0rom both o0 them)2 and the 1art" nearer to the truth amon. the two would 6ill them (the .rou1 o0 the >hwarij),


+2 !umber 242%:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that a .rou1 (>hwarij) would emer.e 0rom the di00erent 1arties (the 1art" o0 Hadrat :Ali and the 1art" o0 Amir Mu:awi"a)2 the .rou1 nearer the truth between the two would 6ill them,

+#; & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

'ha1ter *+: (5hortation to 6ill the >hwarij

7oo6 +2 !umber 242#:
:Ali said: ?hene-er I narrate to "ou an"thin. 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) belie-e it to be absolutel" true as 0allin. 0rom the s6" is dearer to me than that o0 attributin. an"thin. to him (the Hol" @ro1het) whi/h he ne-er said, ?hen I tal6 to "ou o0 an"thin. whi/h is between me and "ou (there /ree1 some error in it) 0or battle is an outwittin., I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There would arise at the end o0 the a.e a 1eo1le who would be "oun. in a.e and immature in thou.ht2 but the" would tal6 (in su/h a manner) as i0 their words are the best amon. the /reatures, The" would re/ite the Eur:an2 but it would not .o be"ond their throats2 and the" would 1ass throu.h the reli.ion as an arrow .oes throu.h the 1re", So when "ou meet them2 6ill them2 0or in their 6illin. "ou would .et a reward with Allah on the 9a" o0 jud.melat,


+2 !umber 242;:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


+2 !umber 244 :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but (these words) are not there:C The" 1ass throu.h the reli.ion /lean as the arrow 1asses throu.h the 1re",C


+2 !umber 244$:

:Abida narrated 0rom :Ali that he made a mention o0 the >hwarij (and in this /onne/tion) said that there would be a 1erson amon. them with a de0e/ti-e hand, (or with a short hand) or a 0lesh" hand, I0 "ou were to e5er/ise restraint2 I would tell "ou what Allah has 1romised to those who would 6ill them on the order o0 Mubarrmad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I (the narrator) said to him: 9id "ou hear it 0rom Muhammad: (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D He (Hadrat :Ali) said: Kes2 b" the Lord o0 the >a:baB Kes2 b" the Lord o0 the >a:baB "es2 b" the Lord o0 the >a:ba,


+2 !umber 2442:

:Abida said: I will not narrate to "ou e5/e1t what I heard 0rom him (Hadrat :Ali)2 and then he narrated 0rom him,

+; & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 2444:

Gaid b, ?ahb Fahani re1orted and he was amon. the squadron whi/h wall under the /ommand o0 Ali (Allah be 1leased with him) and whi/h set out (to /urb the a/ti-ities) o0 the >hwarij, :Ali (Allah be 1leased with him) said: 1eo1le2 I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": There would arise 0rom m" Ummah a 1eo1le who would re/ite the Eur:an2 and "our re/ital would seem insi.ni0i/ant as /om1ared with their re/ital2 "our 1ra"er as /om1ared with their 1ra"er2 arid "our 0ast2 as /om1ared with their 0ast, The" would re/ite the Eur:an thin6in. that it su1- 1orts them2 whereas it is an e-iden/e a.ainst them, Their 1ra"er does not .et be"ond their /ollar boneB the" would swer-e throu.h Islam just as the arrow 1asses throu.h the 1re", I0 the squadron whi/h is to en/ounter them were to 6now (what .reat boon) has been assured to them b" their A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the" would /om1letel" rel" u1on this deed (alone and /ease to do other .ood deeds)2 and their (that o0 the >hwarij) distin/ti-e mar6 is that there would be (amon. them) a 1erson whose wrist would be without the arm2 and the end o0 his wrist would be 0lesh" li6e the ni11le o0 the breast on whi/h there would be white hair, Kou would be mar/hin. towards Muawi"a and the 1eo1le o0 S"ria and "ou would lea-e them behind amon. "our /hildren and "our 1ro1ert" (to do harm), 7" Allah2 I belie-e that these are the 1eo1le (a.ainst whom "ou ha-e been /ommanded to and .et reward) 0or the" ha-e shed 0orbidden blood2 and raided the animals o0 the 1eo1le, So .o 0orth in the name o0 Allah (to a.ainst them), Salama b, >uhail mentioned that Gaid b, ?ahb made me at e-er" sta.e2 till we /rossed a brid.e, :Abdullah b, ?ahb al-Aasibi was at the head o0 the >hwarij when we en/ountered them, He (:Abdullah) said to his arm": Throw the s1ears and draw out "our swords 0rom their sheaths2 0or I 0ear that the" would atta/6 "ou as the" atta/6ed "ou on the da" o0 Harura, The" went ba/6 and threw their s1ears and drew out their swords2 and 1eo1le a.ainst them with s1ears and the" were 6illed one a0ter another, 3nl" two 1ersons were 6illed amon. the 1eo1le (amon. the arm" led b" Hadrat :Ali) on that da", :Ali (Allah be 1leased with him) said: =ind out 0rom amon. them (the dead bodies o0 the >hwarij) (the maimed), The" sear/hed but did not 0ind him, :Ali (Allah be 1leased with him) then himsel0 stood u1 and (wal6ed) till he /ame to the 1eo1le who had been 6illed one a0ter another, He (:Ali) said: Sear/h them to the last2 and then (:Ali:s /om1anions) 0ound him (the dead bod" o0 the maimed) near the earth, He (Hadrat :Ali) then 1ronoun/ed Allah-3-A6bar (Allah is the Hreatest) and then said2 Allah told the Truth and His (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /on-e"ed it, Then there stood be0ore him :Abida Salmani who said: 'ommander o0 the 7elie-ers2 b" Allah2 besides ?hom there is no .od but He2 (tell me) whether "ou heard this hadith 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He said: Kes2 b" Allah2 besides ?hom there is no .od but He, He as6ed him to ta6e an oath thri/e and he too6 the oath,


+2 !umber 244*:

:Ubaidullah b, Abu Aa0i:2 the 0reed sla-e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said: ?hen Haruria (the >hwarij) set out and as he was with :Ali b, Abu Talib (Allah be 1leased with him) the" said2C There is no /ommand but that o0 Allah,C U1on this :Ali said: The statement is true but it is
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733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

intentionall" a11lied (to su11ort) a wron. (/ause), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him des/ribed their /hara/teristi/s and I 0ound these /hara/teristi/s in them, The" state the truth with their ton.ue2 but it does not .o be"ond this 1art o0 their bodies (and the narrator 1ointed towards his throat), The most hate0ul amon. the /reation o0 Allah us one bla/6 man amon. them (>hwarij), 3ne o0 his hand is li6e the teat o0 a .oat or the ni11le o0 the breast, ?hen :Ali b, Abu Talib (Allah be 1leased with him) 6illed them2 he said: Sear/h (0or his dead bod"), The" sear/hed 0or him2 but the" did not 0ind it (his dead bod"), U1on this he said: Ho (and sear/h 0or him), 7" Allah2 neither I ha-e s1o6en a lie nor has the lie been s1o6en to me, :Ali said this twi/e and thri/e, The" then 0ound him (the dead bod") in a rain, The" (his dead) bod" till the" 1la/ed it be0ore him (Hadrat :Ali), :Ubaidullah said: And2 I was 1resent at (that 1la/e) when this ha11ened and when :Ali said about them, A 1erson narrated to me 0rom Ibn Hanain that he said: I saw that bla/6 man,


+2 !umber 244+:

Abu 9harr re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: <eril" there would arise 0rom m" Ummah a0ter me or soon a0ter me a .rou1 (o0 1eo1le) who would re/ite the Ear:an2 but it would not .o be"ond their throats2 and the" would 1ass /lean throu.h their reli.ion just as the arrow 1asses throu.h the 1re"2 and the" would ne-er /ome ba/6 to it, The" would be the worst amon. the /reation and the /reatures, Ibn Samit (one o0 the narrators) said: I met Aa0i: b, :Amr Hhi0ari2 the brother o0 Al-Ha6am Hhi0ari and I said: ?hat is this hadith that I heard 0rom Abu 9harr2 i, e, so and soD -and then I narrated that hadith to him and said: I heard it 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


+2 !umber 244):

Kusair b, :Amr re1orted that he inquired o0 Sahl b, Hunai0: 9id "ou hear the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ma6in. a mention o0 the >hwarijD He said: I heard him sa" (and he 1ointed with his hand towards the east) that these would be a 1eo1le who would re/ite the Eur:an with their ton.ues and it would not .o be"ond their /ollar bones, The" would 1ass /lean throu.h their reli.ion just as the arrow 1asses throu.h the 1re",


+2 !umber 244%:

This hadith had been transmitted b" Sulaiman Shaibani with the same /hain o0 narrators (and the words are)2C There would arise out o0 (this .rou1) man" a .rou1C


+2 !umber 244#:

Sahl b, Hunai0 re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There would arise 0rom the east a 1eo1le with sha-en heads,

+;2 & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

'ha1ter *): It:s 0orbidden to 1a" 8a6at to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and 7anu Hashim and 7anu Muttalib
7oo6 +2 !umber 244;:
Abu Huraira re1orted that Hasan b, :Ali too6 one o0 The dates o0 the sadaqa and 1ut it in his mouth2 whereu1on the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Lea-e it2 lea-e it2 throw itB don:t "ou 6now that we do not eat the sadaqaD


+2 !umber 24* :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters (and the words o0 the Hol" @ro1het) are:C Sadaqa is not 1ermis- sible 0or us,C


+2 !umber 24*$:

This -er" hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sbu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


+2 !umber 24*2:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I .o ba/6 to m" 0amil" and I 0ind a date l"in. on m" bed, I then ta6e it u1 to eat it2 but then I throw it awa" 0earin. that it ma" be a Sadaqa,


+2 !umber 24*4:

3ut o0 so man" ahadith whi/h Hammam b, Munabbih narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) one is this that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I .o ba/6 to m" 0amil" and I 0ind a date l"in. on m" bed or in m" house2 and I ta6e it u1 to eat it2 but then I throw it awa" 0earin. that it ma" be a Sadaqa or 0rom Sadaqa,


+2 !umber 24**:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0ound a date in the street and said: I0 it were not o0 sadaqa I would ha-e eaten it, $*+%

+;4 & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 24*+:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0ound a date l"in. on the 1ath and said: I0 it were not out o0 Sadaqa2 I would ha-e eaten it,


+2 !umber 24*):

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0ound a date and said: ?ere it not (that I 0ear) it ma" be 1art o0 sadaqa2 I would ha-e eaten it,

'ha1ter *%: The 1osterit" o0 the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is not allowed to ma6e use o0 sadaqa
7oo6 +2 !umber 24*%:
:Abd al-Muttalib b, Aabi:a b, al-Harith re1orted that Aabi:a b, al-Harith and Abbas b, Abd al-Muttalib .athered to.ether and said: 7" Allah2 i0 we had sent these two "oun. bo"s (i, e, I and =adl b, :Abbas) to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and the" had s1o6en to him2 he would ha-e a11ointed them (as the /olle/tors) o0 these sadaqatB and the" would (/olle/t them) and 1a" (to the Hol" @ro1het) as other 1eo1le (/olle/tors) 1aid and would .et a share as other 1eo1le .ot it, As the" were tal6in. about it there /ame :Ali b, Abu Talib and stood be0ore them2 and the" made a mention o0 it to him, :Ali b, Abu Talib said: 9on:t do thatB b" Allah he (the Hol" @ro1het) would not do that (would not a//e1t "our request), Aabi:a b, Harith turned to him and said: 7" Allah2 "ou are not doin. so but out o0 jealous" that "ou nurse a.ainst us 7" Allah2 "ou be/ame the son-in-law o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) but we 0elt no jealous" a.ainst "ou (0or this .reat 1ri-ile.e o0 "ours), :Ali then said: Send them (i0 "ou li6e), The" set out and :Ali la" on the bed, ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) o00ered the noon 1ra"er, we went ahead o0 him to his a1artment and stood near it till he /ame out, He too6 hold o0 our ears (out o0 lo-e and a00e/tion) and then said: Hi-e out what "ou ha-e 6e1t in "our hearts, He then entered (the a1artment) and we also went in and he (the Hol" @ro1het) was on that da" (in the house o0) Gainab b, jahsh, ?e ur.ed ea/h (o0 us) to s1ea6, Then one o0 us thus s1o6e: o0 Allah2 "ou are the best o0 humanit" and the best to /ement the ties o0 blood-relations, ?e ha-e rea/hed the-marria.eable a.e, ?e ha-e /ome (to "ou) so that "ou ma" a11oint us (as /olle/tors) o0 these sadaqat, and we would 1a" "ou just as thin 1eo1le (other /olle/tors) 1a" "ou2 and .et our share as others .et it, He (the Hol" @ro1het) 6e1t silen/e 0or a lon. time till we wished that we should s1ea6 with him (a.ain)2 and Gainab 1ointied to us 0rom behind the /urtain not to tal6 (an" more), He (the Hol" @ro1het) saidB It does not be/ome the 0amil" o0 Muhammad (to a//e1t) sadaqat 0or the" are the im1urities o0 1eo1le, Kou /all to me Mahmi"a (and
+;* & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

he was in /har.e o0 6hums2 i, e2 o0 the one-0i0th 1art that .oes to the treasur" out o0 the s1oils o0 war)2 and !au0al b, Harith b, :Abd al-Muttalib, The" both /ame to him2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) said to Mahmi"a: Marr" "our dau.hter to this "oun. man (i, e, =adl b, :Abbas)2 and he married her to him And he said to !au0al b, Harith: Marr" "our dau.hter to this "oun. man (i e, :Abd al-Muttalib b, Aabi:a2 the narrator o0 this hadith) and he married her to me2 and he said to Mahmi"a: @a" so mu/h mahr on behal0 o0 both o0 them 0rom this 6hums Guhri2 howe-er, said: He did not determine (the amount o0 mahr),


+2 !umber 24*#:

Aabi:a b, Harith b, :Abd al-Muttalib and Abbas b, :Abd al-Muttalib said to Abd al-Muttalib b, Aabi:a and =adl b, Ibn Abbas: Ho to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same (but with this addition):C :Ali s1read his /loa6 and then la" down on it and said: I am the 0ather o0 Hasan2 and I am the /hie0, 7" Allah2 I would not mo-e 0rom m" 1la/e till "our sons /ome ba/6 to "ou with the re1l" to that 0or whi/h "ou sent them to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), And he then also said: <eril" these sadaqat are the im1urities o0 1eo1le2 and the" are not 1ermissible 0or Muhammad (ma" 1eaa/e be u1on him)2 and 0or the 0amil" o0 Muhammad, And he also said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) also said to me: 'all Mahmi"a b, Fa8:2 and he was 1erson 0rom 7anu Asad, and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had a1ointed him as a /olle/tor o0 6hums,


+2 !umber 24*;:

Fuwa"ri"a2 the wi0e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)C said that o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to her and said: Is there an"thin. to eatD She said: o0 Allah2 I swear b" Hod2 there is no 0ood with us e5/e1t a bone o0 .oat whi/h m" 0reed maid-ser-ant was .i-en as sadaqa, U1on this he said: 7rin. that to me2 0or it (the sadaqa) has rea/hed its destination,


+2 !umber 24+ :

This hadith has been narrated b" Guhri with the same /hain o0 trainsmitters,


+2 !umber 24+$:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that 7arira 1resented to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a 1ie/e o0 meat whi/h had been .i-en to her as sadaqa, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: That is a Sadaqa 0or her and a .i0t 0or us,

+;+ & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)


+2 !umber 24+2:

:A:isha re1orted that (on/e) the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him2 ) was 1resented with bee0, It was said (b" someone) that it had been .i-en to 7arira as Sadaqa, U1on this he (the @ro1het) said: It is a Sadaqa 0or her and a .i0t 0or us,


+2 !umber 24+4:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said: Three are the de/ions (o0 the Shari:ah that we ha-e /ome to 6now) throu.h 7arira, The 1eo1le .a-e her sadaqa and she o00ered us as .i0t, ?e made a mention o0 it to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on he said: It is a sadaqa 0or her and a .i0t 0or "ouB so eat it,


+2 !umber 24+*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:isha throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


+2 !umber 24++:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 :A:isha in a similar manner e5/e1t a -ariation that he said:C That is a .i0t 0or us out o0 it,C


+2 !umber 24+):

Umm :Ati""a2 said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent me some mutton o0 sadaqa, I sent a 1ie/e out o0 that to :A:isha, ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to :A:isha2 he said: Ha-e "ou an"thin. with "ou (to eat)D She said: !othin.2 e5/e1t onl" that mutton sent to us b" !usaiba (the 6un"a o0 Umm :Ati""a) whi/h "ou had sent to her, ?hereu1on he said: It has rea/hed its 1ro1er 1la/e,

'ha1ter *#: A//e1tin. o0 .i0t b" the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and re0usin. the sadaqa
7oo6 +2 !umber 24+%:
Abu Huraira re1orted: ?hene-er the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was 1resented with 0ood2 he as6ed about it2 I0 he was told that it was a .i0t2 he ate out o0 that2 and i0 he was told that it was a sadaqa he did not eat out o0 that,

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733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

'ha1ter *;: 7lessin. 0or him who 1resents sadaqa

7oo6 +2 !umber 24+#:
Allah2 bless them, :Abdullah b, Abu Au0a said that it was the /ommon 1ra/ti/e o0 the Mes- o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that when the 1eo1le to him sadaqa he blessed them: So when Abu Au0a to him Sadaqa he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Abu Au0a, Allah2 bless2 the 1osterit" o0


+2 !umber 24+;:

This hadith has been narrated b" Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters (but with a -ariation o0 words2 that he said): ( Allah)2 bless them,C

'ha1ter + : To 1lease the /olle/tor o0 8a6at2 unless he ma6es an unjust demand

7oo6 +2 !umber 24) :
Farir b, :Abdullah said: :?hen the /olle/tor o0 sadaqat (Ga6at) /omes to "ou2 ("ou should see) that he .oes awa" 1leased with "ou,

+;% & $#


733> +: TH( 733> 3= GA>AT (>ITA7 AL-GA>AT)

733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

+;# & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

A0ter 1ra"er the se/ond obli.ator" dut" whi/h e-er" Muslim is required to1er- 0orm is that o0 0astin. durin. the month o0 Aamadan, The word sawm whi/h has been used in the Hol" Eur:an and the Hadith 0or 0astin. meansC to abstainC B thus a horse that abstains 0rom mo-in. about or 0rom eatin. the 0odder is said to be sa:im, In the te/hni/al sawm si.ni0ies 0astin. or abstainin. 0rom 0ood and drin6 and se5ual inter/ourse 0rom the dim be.innin. o0 dawn till sunset, =astin. as an institution 0or the 1uri0i/ation o0 the soul is /ommon to all 9i-ine reli.ions, The writer o0 the arti/le onC =astin.C in the (n/"/lo1adia 7ritanni/a states thatC it would be di00i/ult to name an" reli.ious s"stem o0 an" des/ri1tion in whi/h it is wholl" unre/o.ni8ed,C This institution was well established amon. the Fews and the 'hristians, The re/ords o0 the Hadith bear am1le testimon" to the 0a/t that 0astin. was a /ommon reli.ious 1ra/ti/e amon. the 1re-Islami/ Arabs too2 and the" used to obser-e 0ast on the tenth o0 Muharram be/ause it was on this -er" da" that Allah sa-ed Moses and his /om1anions 0rom the /lut/hes o0 the @haraoh who was drowned in the sea alon. with his arm", The Arabs and other 1eo1le too were 0amiliar with 0astin. as an a/t o0 1eniten/e or o0 1ro1itiation or a 1re1arator" rite be0ore some a/t o0 sa/ramental eatin. or an initiation or a mournin. /eremon", In Islam 0astin. is 1rimaril" an institution 0or a s1iritual dis/i1line and sel0/ontrol, It is in 0a/t an e5er/ise in reli.ious de-otion in the 0orm o0 /heer0ul and willin. renun/iation2 0or a de0inite 1eriod2 o0 all the a11etites o0 0lesh law0ul in themsel-es (the unlaw0ul ones bein. ruled out o0 /ourse), The Eur:an sa"s: "e who belie-eL 1res/ribed unto "ou is 0astin. e-en as it was 1res/ribed unto those be0ore "ou, that ha1l" "ou ma" be/ome Hod-/ons/ious (ii, $#4), 30 all the /reation o0 Hod onl" man de-iates 0rom His 1ath, ?e will 0ind that two thin.s are mainl" res1onsible 0or this: the lo-e 0or material 1ossessions and the tem1ta- tions o0 the 0lesh, Islam has2 throu.h the institutions o0 Ga6at and Sadaqat2 1ur.ed the hearts o0 its 0ollowers 0rom the lo-e o0 wealth2 and has in/ul/ated in him the habit to 1art with it readil" 0or the sa6e o0 Hod, =astin. has been ordained as a reli.ious dut" 0or the Muslims 0or subduin. their lust and 6ee1in. their a11etites well within reasonable bounds so that man ma" not be/ome their sla-e and lose /ontrol o-er himsel0, The Eur:an /learl" states that a man /annot attain sal-ation unless he learns to restrain his sel0 0rom low desires,C And as 0or him who 0ears to stand be0ore his Lord and restrains himsel0 0rom low desires2 @aradise is surel" the abodeC (l55i5, * -*$), The e5er/ise o0 abstainin. 0rom thin.s otherwise law0ul in the ordinar" /ourse o0 li0e2 at the behest o0 Allah2 stren.thens man:s moralit" and sel0-/ontrol and dee1ens in him the /ons/iousness o0 the Lord, This is what distin.uishes 0astin. in Islam 0rom 0astin. in other reli.ions,

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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

It should also be borne in mind that 0astin. does not aim at in0li/tin. 1unishment u1on 1eo1le or saddin. u1on them unbearable burdens, The underl"in. idea behind it is to tea/h moderation and s1iritual dis/i1line so that human tem1tations ma" not be/ome so wild and un/ontrollable as to 0lout the /ommands o0 the Hreat Master, To be a true ser-ant o0 Allah2 it is essential that man should be able to /on0orm his beha-iour to the moral and s1iritual dis/i1line embodied in the Shari:ah o0 Islam, 3ne /annot a/hie-e this end i0 one 0inds onesel0 hel1less be0ore untamed and turbulent desires, =astin. is indis1ensable 0or this moral and s1iritual trainin., Another distin.uishin. 0eature o0 Islami/ 0astin. is that it does not train a 1erson 0or /om1lete renuni/ation but 0or 1er0e/t and /heer0ul obedien/e to the Lord All those thin.s 0rom whi/h man is /ommanded to abstain durin. 0ast2 e, ., eatin.2 drin6in. and se5ual inter/ourse2 be/ome 1ermissible 0or him at the end o0 the 0ast, This shows that Islam does not loo6 down u1on the a11etite o0 0lesh as somethin. i.noble and thus 0it to be e5terminated root and bran/h 0rom the human soul, A//ordin. to Islam2 there is nothin. 1ro0ane or i.noble in human 1ersonalit": both soul and bod" are sa/red and worth" o0 res1e/t, !o as1e/t is to be i.nored and no ur.e is to be /om1letel" /urbed, ?hat is required is to 6ee1 all these well within their 1ro1er limits so that none o0 them trans.resses natural bounds and be/omes the sour/e o0 trouble, That 0astin. is an institution 0or moral ele-ation /an be jud.ed 0rom the 0a/t that Allah does not im1ose /he/6 onl" u1on eatin.2 drin6in. and se5ual inter/ourse 0rom dawn to sunset2 but also e5horts His ser-ants to re0rain 0rom other 0oul a/ts2 0or e5- am1le2 ba/6bitin.2 in 0oul s1ee/h2 tellin. lies2 et/, Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 one does not abandon 0alsehood and other a/tions li6e it2 Hod has no need that one should abandon one:s 0ood and drin6 (Sahih 7u6hari), The so/ial as1e/t o0 0astin. in Aamadan is that the whole atmos1here is 1ermeated with reli.ious 1iet" and de-otion to Allah, There is one e5tra / 1ra"er2 Tarawih2 durin. the ni.ht2 in whi/h the Eur:an is re/ited and the Muslim is reminded o0 the 0a/t that it was in the month o0 Aamadan that the re-elation o0 the Eur:an /ommen/ed, The sadaqqt are also .i-en with .reater 8eal and 0er-our in this month, Thus the whole Muslim so/iet" is ins1ired b" the lo-e o0 Hod, Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen Aamadan be.ins2 the .ates o0 Hea-en are o1ened2 the .ates o0 Hell are lo/6ed2 and the de-ils are /hained (7u6hari and Muslim), Muhammad Asad2 while elu/idatin. the s1iritual and moral si.ni0i/an/e o0 0ast sa"s:C Two0old I learned2 is the 1ur1ose o0 this month o0 0astin., 3ne has to abstain 0rom 0ood and drin6 in order to 0eel in one:s bod" what the 1oor and hun.r" 0eel: thus so/ial res1onsibilit" is bein. hammered into human /ons/iousness as a reli.ious 1ostulate, The other 1ur1ose o0 0astin. durin. Aamadan is sel0dis/i1line2 an as1e/t o0 indi-idual moralit" stron.l" a//entuated in all Islami/ tea/hin.s (as2 0or instan/e2 in the total 1rohibition o0 all into5i/ants2 whi/h Islam re.ards as too eas" an a-enue o0 es/a1e 0rom /ons/iousness and res1onsibilit"), In these two elements-brotherhood o0 man and Indi-idual sel0-dis/i1line -I to dis/ern nhe outline o0 Islam:s ethi/al out loo6C (Aoad to Me//a2 London2 $;+*2 1, $##),
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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

'ha1ter $: (5/ellen/e o0 the month o0 Aamadan

7oo6 )2 !umber 24)$:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen there /omes the month o0 Aamadan2 the .ates o0 mer/" are o1ened2 and the .ates o0 Hell are lo/6ed and the de-ils are /hained2


)2 !umber 24)2:

This hadith is re1orted b" Abu Huraira (with a alteration o0 words) that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said:C ?hen (the month o0) Aamadan be.ins,C

'ha1ter 2: =astin. in Aamadan should ne/essaril" be /ommen/ed with the o0 the new moon and 0inished with the o0 the new moon i0 the weather is /loud" at the be.innin. or at the end2 then /om1lete thirt" da"s
7oo6 )2 !umber 24)4:
Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. in /onne/tion with Aamadan: 9o not 0ast till "ou see the new moon2 and do not brea6 0ast till "ou see itB but i0 the weather is /loud" /al/ulate about it,


)2 !umber 24)*:

Ibn Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made a mention o0 Aamadan and he with the .esture o0 his hand said: The month is thus and thus, (He then withdrew his thumb at the third time), He then said: =ast when "ou see it2 and brea6 "our 0ast when "ou see it2 and i0 the weather is /loud" /al/ulate it (the months o0 Sha:ban and Shawwal) as thirt" da"s,


)2 !umber 24)+:

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Ubaidullah with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 and he said: I0 (the s6") is /loud" 0or "ou2 then /al/ulate thirt" da"s (0or the month o0 Aamadan),
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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 24)):

:Ubaidullah narrated on the authorit" o0 the same /hain o0 transmitters that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made a mention o0 Aamadan and said: The month ma" /onsist o0 twent"-nine da"s2 and it ma" be thus2 thus and thus2 and (he 0urther) said: 'al/ulate it2 but he did not sa" thirt",


)2 !umber 24)%:

Ibn:Umar (Allah be 1leased with-both o0 them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The month o0 Aamadan ma" /onsist o0 twent"-nine da"s, So do not 0ast till "ou ha-e si.hted it (the new moon) and do not brea6 0ast2 till "ou ha-e si.hted it (the new moon o0 Shawwal)2 and i0 the s6" is /loud" 0or "ou2 then /al/ulate,


)2 !umber 24)#:

:Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The month (o0 Aamadan) ma" /onsist o0 twent" nine da"sB so when "ou see the new moon obser-e 0ast and when "ou see (the new moon a.ain at the /ommen/ement o0 the month o0 Shawwal) then brea6 It2 and i0 the s6" is /loud" 0or "ou2 then /al/ulate it (and /om1lete thirt" da"s),


)2 !umber 24);:

:Abdullah b, Umar (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen "ou see the new moon2 obser-e 0ast2 and when "ou see it (a.ain) then brea6 it2 and i0 the s6" is /loud" 0or "ou2 then /al/ulate it,


)2 !umber 24% :

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The month ma" /onsist o0 twent"-nine ni.hts, So do not 0ast till "ou ha-e si.hted it (the new moon) and do not brea6 it till "ou ha-e si.hted it2 e5/e1t when the s6" is /loud" 0or "ou2 and i0 it is so2 then /al/ulate it,


)2 !umber 24%$:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The month is thus and thus and thus (i, e, 1ointin. with his 0in.ers thri/e)2 and he held ba/6 his thumb at the third time (in order to show that it /an also /onsist o0 twent"-nine da"s),

) 2 & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 24%2:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The month ma" /onsist o0 twent"-nine da"s,


)2 !umber 24%4:

Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The mouth (o0 Aamadan) is thus and thus2 and thus, i, e, ten2 ten and-nine,


)2 !umber 24%*:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The month is thus2 and thus2 and thus2 and he 0la11ed his hands with all their 0in.ers twi/e, but at the third turn2 0olded his thumb or le0t thumb (in order to .i-e an idea o0 twent"nine),


)2 !umber 24%+:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The month (o0 Aamadan) ma" /onsist o0 twent", nine da"s2 and Shu:ba (one o0 the narrators) (.a-e a 1ra/ti/al demonstration how the Hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) e51lained to them) b" un0oldin. his hands thri/e and 0oldin. his thumb at the third turn, :Uqba (one o0 the narrators in this /hain o0 trans- mitters) said: I thin6 that he said that the month /onsists o0 thirt" da"s and un0olded his 1alm three times,


)2 !umber 24%):

Ibn :Umar (ma" Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?e are an unlettered 1eo1le who /an neither write nor /ount, The month is thus2 and thus, 0oldin. his thumb when he said it the third time, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Aswad b, Eais with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but herein no mention has been made o0 the other month (/onsistin. o0) thirt" da"s,


)2 !umber 24%%:

Sa:d b, :Ubaida re1orted that Ibn:Umar (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) heard a 1erson sa"in.: This is the (o0 the month), U1on this he said to him: How do "ou 6now that it is the (o0 the month)2 0or I heard the Mes- o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The month is thus and thus (and he 1ointed with his ten 0in.ers twi/e) and thus (i, e, at the third time he 1ointed with all his 0in.ers but withdrew or 0olded his thumb)D
) 4 & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 24%#:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hene-er "ou the new moon (o0 the month o0 Aamadan) obser-e 0ast, and when "ou it (the new moon o0 Shawwal) brea6 it2 and i0 the s6" is /loud" 0or "ou2 then obser-e 0ast 0or thirt" da"s,


)2 !umber 24%;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 3bser-e 0ast on si.htin. it (the new moon) and brea6 (0ast) on si.htin. it (the new moon)2 but i0 the s6" is /loud" 0or "ou2 then /om1lete the number (o0 thirt"),


)2 !umber 24# :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 3bser-e 0ast on si.htin. it (the new moon) and brea6 it on si.htin. it, 7ut i0 (due to /louds) the a/tual 1osition o0 the month is /on/ealed 0rom "ou2 "ou should then /ount thirt" (da"s),


)2 !umber 24#$:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) narrated that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) made a mention o0 the new moon and (in this /onne/tion) said: 3bser-e 0ast when "ou see it (the new moon) and brea6 0ast when "ou see it (the new moon o0 Shawwal)2 but when (the a/tual 1osition o0 the month is) /on/ealed 0rom "ou (on a//ount o0 /loud" s6")2 then /ount thirt" da"s,

'ha1ter 4: 9o not 0ast 0or a da" or two da"s ahead o0 Aamadan

7oo6 )2 !umber 24#2:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not obser-e 0ast 0or a da"2 or two da"s ahead o0 Aamadan e5/e1t a 1erson who is in the habit o0 obser-in. a 1arti/ular 0astB he ma" 0ast on that da",


)2 !umber 24#4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Kah"a b, Abi >athir with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

'ha1ter *: The month ma" /onsist o0 twent"-nine da"s

7oo6 )2 !umber 24#*:
Guhri re1orted that (on/e) the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 an oath that he would not .o to his wi-es 0or one Month, Guhri said that :Urwa narrated to him 0rom :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) that she said: ?hen twent"-nine ni.hts were o-er2 whi/h I had /ounted2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to me (he /ame to me 0irst o0 all), I said: o0 Allah2 "ou had ta6en an oath that "ou would not /ome to us 0or a month2 whereas "ou ha-e /ome a0ter twent" nine da"s whi/h I ha-e /ounted, ?hereu1on he said: The month ma" also /onsist o0 twent"-nine da"s,


)2 !umber 24#+:

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with her) narrated that the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) se1arated himsel0 0rom his wi-es 0or a month, (His wi-es said: ) He /ame to us on the twent"-ninth da"2 whereu1on we said: It is the twent"-ninth (da") toda", Thereu1on he said: So 0ar as the month is /on/erned2 (and he2 with a -iew to e51lainin. it) 0la11ed his hands thri/e2 but held ba/6 one at the last turn,


)2 !umber 24#):

Abu Gubair is re1orted to ha-e heard Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) as sa"in.: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) se1arated himsel0 0rom his wi-es 0or a month, (His wi-es said: ) He /ame to us on the mornin. o0 the twent"-ninth, U1on this some2 o0 the 1eo1le said: It is the mornin. o0 twent"- ninth (a//ordin. to our /al/ulation), U1on this the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The month, ma" also /onsist o0 twent"-nine da"s, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then 0la11ed his bands thri/e2 twi/e with all the 0in.ers o0 both his hand (to indi/ate twent"-nine) and b" the third time with nine (0in.ers),


)2 !umber 24#%:

Umm Salama (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 an oath that he would not .o to some o0 his wi-es 0or the whole o0 the month, ?hen twent"-nine da"s bad 1assed he (the Hol" @ro1het) went to them in the mornin. or in the e-enin., U1on this it was said to him: A1ostle o0 Allah2 "ou too6 an oath that "ou would not /ome to us 0or a month2 whereu1on he said: The month ma" also /onsist o0 twent"-nine da"s,

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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 24##:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Furaij with the same /hain o0 transmit-


)2 !umber 24#;:

Sa:d b, Abi ?aqqas (Allah be 1leased with him) said that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stru/6 his hand a.ainst the other and (then with the .esture o0 his two hands) said: The month is thus2 thus (two times), He then withdrew (one o0) his 0in.ers at the third turn,


)2 !umber 24; :

Muhammad b, Sa:d re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (Sa:d b, Abi ?aqqas (Allah be 1leased with him) that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: Tho month is thus and thus2 and thus2 i, e, ten2 ten and nine, This hadith has been narrated b" Abu >halid with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter +: There is a si.htin. o0 the moon 0or e-er" townB the si.htin. at one town /annot be held -alid 0or the other town situated at a /onsiderable distan/e 0rom it
7oo6 )2 !umber 24;$:
>uraib re1orted that Umm =adl2 dau.hter o0 Harith2 sent him (=adl2 i, e, her son) to Mu:awi"a in S"ria, I (=adl) arri-ed in S"ria2 and did the need0ul 0or her, It was there in S"ria that the month o0 Aamadan /ommen/ed, I saw the new moon (o0 Aamadan) on =rida", I then /ame ba/6 to Medina at the end o0 the month, Abdullah b, :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with him) as6ed me (about the new moon o0 Aamadan) and said: ?hen did "ou see itD I said,: ?e saw it on the o0 =rida", He said: (9id) "ou see it "oursel0D -I said: Kes2 and the 1eo1le also saw it and the" obser-ed 0ast and Mu:awi"a also obser-ed 0ast2 whereu1on he said: 7ut we saw it on Saturda", So we would /ontinue to obser-e 0ast till we /om1lete thirt" (lasts) or we see it (the new moon o0 Shawwal), I said: Is the si.htid. o0 the moon b" Mu:awi"a not -alid 0or "ouD He said: !oB this is how the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has /ommanded us, Kah"a b, Kah"a was in doubt (whether the word used in the narration b" >uraib) was !a6ta0i or Ta6ta0i,
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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

'ha1ter ): It is immaterial whether the new moon is lar.e (on a//ount o0 a11earin. a0ter thirt" ni.hts) or small (on a//ount o0 a11earin. on the thirtieth and Allah de0ers it to ma6e it suitable 0or si.htin. and i0 the s6" is /loud"2 then thirt" (0asts) are to be /om1leted
7oo6 )2 !umber 24;2:
Abu:l-7a6htari re1orted: ?e went out to 1er0orm Umra and when we en/am1ed in the -alle" o0 !a6hla2 we tried to see the new moon, Some o0 the 1eo1le said: It was three ni.hts old2 and others (said) that it was two ni.hts old, ?e then met Ibn :Abbas and told him we had seen the new moon2 but that some o0 the 1eo1le said it was three ni.hts old and others that it was two ni.hts old, He as6ed on whi/h we had seen itB and when we told him we had seen it on su/h and su/h ni.ht2 he said the @ro1het o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: <eril" Allah de0erred it till the time it is seen2 so it is to be re/6oned 0rom the "ou saw it,


)2 !umber 24;4:

Abu:l-7a6htari re1orted: ?e saw the new moon o0 Aamadan as we were at 9hit-i-:Irq, ?e sent a man to Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) to as6 him (whether the si.htin. o0 a small moon had somethin. o0 the nature o0 de0e/t in it), U1on this Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) said that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: <eril" Allah de0erred its si.ht2 but i0 (the new moon) is hidden 0rom "ou2 then2 /om1lete its number (thirt"),

'ha1ter %: The months o0 :Id are not in/om1lete

7oo6 )2 !umber 24;*:
The son o0 Abu 7a6ra re1orted it on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: The two months o0 :Id2 Aamadan and 9hu:l-Hijja (are not in/om1lete),

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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 24;+:

:Abd ar-Aahman b, Abu 7a6ra re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu 7a6ra that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: The months o0 :Id are not in/om1lete, And in the hadith narrated b" >halid (the words are):C The months2 o0 :Id are Aamadan and 9hu:l-Hijja,C

'ha1ter #: The timin. o0 0ast be.ins with dawn

7oo6 )2 !umber 24;):
:Adi b, Hatim (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that when (this -erse) was re-ealed:C Until the white strea6 o0 the dawn be/omes distin/t 0rom the dar6 strea6C (ii, $#%) Adi b, Hatim said: o0 Allah2 -eril" I 6ee1 underneath m" 1illow two strin.s2 one white and the other bla/62 b" whi/h I distin.uish 0rom dawn, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kour 1illow seems to be -er" lar.e, =or the word 6hait im1lies the bla/6ness o0 the and the whiteness o0 the dawn,


)2 !umber 24;%:

Sahl b, Sa:d said that when this -erse was re-ealed:C (at and drin6 till the white strea6 is distin/t 0rom the dar6 strea62C a 1erson would ta6e hold o0 a white thread and a bla/6 thread and 6ee1 on eatin. till he /ould 0ind them distin/t (in the o0 the dawn), It was then that Allah2 the Majesti/ and Hreat2 re-eiled (the words) min al-0ajr (0rom the dawn)2 and then it be/ame /lear (that the word 6hait re0ers to the strea6 o0 in the dawn),


)2 !umber 24;#:

Sahl b, Sa:d (Allah be 1leased with him) said: ?hen this -erse was re-eal- ed,C (at and drin6 till the white strea6 be/omes distin/t 0rom the dar6 strea6 0or "ou2C the 1erson who de/ided to obser-e 0ast tied on one o0 his 0eet a bla/6 thread and on the other a white thread, And he went on eatin. and drin6in. till he /ould distin.uish (between their /olour) on seein. them, It was a0ter this that Allah re-eal- ed (the words): min al-0ajr, And the" (the Muslims) /ame to 6now that (the word 6hait) re0ers to the and da",


)2 !umber 24;;:

:Abdullah b, Mas:ud (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: 7ilal would 1ronoun/e Adhan (at the 0a. end o0 the in order to in0orm the 1eo1le about the time o0 the Sahri), So "ou eat and drin6 till "ou hear the Adhan o0 Ibn Umm

) # & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

Ma6tum (whi/h was 1ro- noun/ed at the /on/lusion o0 the Sahri and the /ommen/ement o0 the 0ast),


)2 !umber 2*

Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 7ilal announ/es Adhan durin. the ni.ht2 so "ou eat and drin62 till "ou hear the Adhan o0 Ibn Umm Ma6tum,


)2 !umber 2* $:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had two Mu:adhdhins2 7ilal and son o0 Umm Ma6tum2 the blind, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7ilal announ/es Adhan at (the 0a. end o0 the) (i, e, Sahri)2 so eat and drin6 till the son o0 Umm Ma6tum announ/es Adhan, And he (the narrator) said: And the (di00eren/e o0 time) between their (Adhans) was not more than this that one /limbed down (0rom the minaret) and the other /limbed u1 (to announ/e Adhan),


)2 !umber 2* 2:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her),


)2 !umber 2* 4:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Ubaidullah on the two /hains o0 transmit-


)2 !umber 2* *:

Ibn Mas:ud (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. The Adhan o0 7ilal should not restrain an"one amon. "ou 0rom eatin. Sahur (last meal be0ore da"brea6 durin. the month o0 Aamadan) 0or he announ/es Adhan (or he /alls) at (the 0a. end o0) the to ma6e him turn who stands 0or 1ra"er amon. "ou2 and to awa6en those who are slee1in. amon. "ou, And he said: The dawn is not li6e it2 as one sa"s (and he li0ted his hand) till he (dis1ersed his 0in.ers) and said: It is li6e this,


)2 !umber 2* +:

This hadith has been narrated b" Sulaiman al-Taimi with the same /hain o0 transmitters (but with a -ariation o0 words) that he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: The dawn is not li6e it as it is saidB he

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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

then .athered his 0in.ers and lowered them, 7ut he said2 it is li6e this (and he 1la/ed the inde5 u1on the other one and s1read his hand),


)2 !umber 2* ):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sulaiman Taimi with the same /hain o0 transmitters and2 at the end2 it was said that the 0irst Adhan was meant to awa6en those who were in slumber them and in order to ma6e them turn who stand in (1ra"er) amon. them (towards 0ood at the /ommen/ement o0 the 0ast), Farir (one o0 the narrators) said that the (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not sa" li6e this but he said li6e it (true dawn) that the strea6s o0 (true dawn ) are hori8ontal and not -erti/al,


)2 !umber 2* %:

Samura b, Fandub re1orted Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in., The /all o0 7ilal ma" not mislead an" one o0 "ou (and he ma"2 under the wron. im1ression .athered 0rom it2 re0rain) 0rom ta6in. meal be0ore the /ommen/ement o0 the 0ast (0or the strea6s) o0 this whiteness (whi/h are -erti/al indi/ate the 0alse dawn and the true dawn with whi/h the 0ast /ommen/es is that when the strea6s o0 are) s1read,


)2 !umber 2* #:

Samura b, Fundub re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Adhan o0 7ilal should not mislead "ou nor the whiteness (o0 the 1illar) o0 dawn2 0or it is not the whiteness o0 the true dawn2 but that o0 the 0alse dawn whi/h is -erti/al li6e a 1illar and "ou /an eat 0ood till the strea6s o0 whiteness s1read li6e it,


)2 !umber 2* ;:

Samura b, Fundub (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Adhan o0 7ilal ma" not mislead "ou with re.ard to "our 0ood at the /ommen/ement o0 the 0ast2 nor the -erti/al (strea6s) o0 whiteness in the hori8on (0or it is an indi/ation o0 0alse dawn), Kou should sto1 eatin. (0ood) till (the whiteness) s1reads li6e it, Hammad narrated it and with the .esture o0 his band he e51lained2 the hori8ontal 1osition (o0 the strea6s o0,


)2 !umber 2*$ :

Samura b, Fundub addressed and narrated 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said (these words): !either the /all o0 7ilal should mislead "ou nor this whiteness (o0 0alse dawn) till (the true) dawn a11ears (or he said) till the dawn brea6s,

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)2 !umber 2*$$:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Samura b, Fundub,

'ha1ter ;: (5/ellen/e o0 ta6in. meal be0ore dawn2 stress on .i-in. it 1re0eren/e and 1re0eren/e 0or de0errin. it (at the 0a. end o0 the and hastenin. in brea6in. it
7oo6 )2 !umber 2*$2:
Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Ta6e meal a little be0ore dawn2 0or there is a blessin. in ta6in. meal at that time,


)2 !umber 2*$4:

:Amr b, al-:As re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The di00eren/e between our 0astin. and that o0 the 1eo1le o0 the 7oo6 is eatin. shortl" be0ore dawn,


)2 !umber 2*$*:

Musa b, :Ali has narrated this hadith throu.h the same /hain o0 transmitters,


)2 !umber 2*$+:

Gaid b, Thabit (Allah be 1leased with him) said: ?e too6 meal shortl" be0ore dawn alon. with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?e then stood u1 0or 1ra"er, I said: How mu/h s1an o0 time was there between the two (a/ts2 i, e, ta6in. o0 Sahri and obser-in. o0 1ra"er)D He said (a s1an o0 re/itin.) 0i0t" -erses,


)2 !umber 2*$):

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Eatada too,

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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2*$%:

Sahl b, Sa:d (Allah be 1leased with him) re1otted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The 1eo1le will /ontinue to 1ros1er as lon. as the" hasten the brea6in. o0 the 0ast,


)2 !umber 2*$#:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted b" Sahl b, Sa:d,


)2 !umber 2*$;:

Abu :Ati""a re1orted: I and Masruq went to :A:isha and said to her: Mother o0 the 7elie-ers2 there are two 1ersons amon. the 'om1anions o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) one amon. whom hastens in brea6in. the 0ast and in obser-in. 1ra"er2 and the other dela"s brea6in. the 0ast and dela"s obser-in. 1ra"er, She said: ?ho amon. the two hastens in brea6in. 0ast and obser-in. 1ra"ersD ?e said2 It is :Abdullah, i, e, son o0 Mas:ud, whereu1on she said: This is how the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did, Abu >uraib added: The se/ond one was Abu Musa,


)2 !umber 2*2 :

Abu :Ati""a re1orted: I and Misruq went to :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) and Masruq said to her: There are two 1ersons amon. the 'om1anions o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) none o0 whom abandons the .ood2 but one o0 them hastens to obser-e sunset 1ra"er and brea6 the 0ast2 and the other dela"s in obser-in. the sunset 1ra"er and in brea6in. the 0ast2 whereu1on she said: ?ho hastens to obser-e sunset 1ra"er and brea6 the 0astD He said: It is :Abdullah, U1on this she said: This is how the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to do,

'ha1ter $ : The time 0or brea6in. the 0ast and endin. o0 da"
7oo6 )2 !umber 2*2$:
:Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen the a11roa/hes and the da" retreates and the sun sin6s down2 then the obser-er o0 the 0ast should brea6 it, Ibn !umair made no mention o0 the wordC thenC,


)2 !umber 2*22:

:Abdullah b, Abi Au0a re1orted: ?e were with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on a journe" durin. the month o0 Aamadan, ?hen the sun had sun6 he said: So and so2 .et down (0rom
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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

"our ride) and 1re1are the meal o0 1ar/hed barle" 0or us, He said: o0 Allah2 still (there is o0) da", He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Het down and 1re1are meal o0 1ar/hed barle" 0or us, So he .ot down and 1re1ared the meal o0 1ar/hed barle" and o00ered him2 and the a1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) dran6 that (liquid meal), He then told with the .esture o0 his hand that when the sun san6 0rom that side and the a11eared 0rom that side2 then the obser-er o0 the 0ast should brea6 it,


)2 !umber 2*24:

Ibn Abi Au0a (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?e were with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on a journe", ?hen the sun san6 he said to a 1erson: Het down and 1re1are barle" meal 0or us, U1on this he said: o0 Allah2 let there be dus6, (He the Hol" @ro1het) said: Het down and 1re1are barle" meal 0or us, He (the 1erson) said: There is still (the o0) da" u1on us, (7ut) he .ot down (in obedien/e to the /ommand o0 the Hol" @ro1het) and 1re1ared a barle" meal 0or him and he (the Hol" @ro1het) dran6 that (liquid meal) and then said: ?hen "ou see the a11roa/hin. 0rom that side (west) (and he 1ointed towards the east with his hand)2 then the obser-er o0 the 0ast should brea6 it,


)2 !umber 2*2*:

Abdullah b, Abi Au0a (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?e tra-elled with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as he had been obser-in. 0ast, ?hen the sun san6 he said: So and so2 .et down and 1re1are barle" meal 0or us, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,


)2 !umber 2*2+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Abi Au0a (Allah be 1leased with him) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters (but with a alteration o0 words): In this hadith transmitted b" one o0 the narrators (neither these words are 0ound): 9urin. the month o0 Aamadan,C nor his statement:C And the 1re-ails 0rom that side (the eastern side),C (These words are 0ound in the narration o0) Hushaim onl",

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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

'ha1ter $$: It is 0orbidden to obser-e uninterru1ted 0astin.

7oo6 )2 !umber 2*2):
Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) said that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade uninterru1ted 0astin., The" (some o0 the 'om1anions) said: Kou "oursel0 0ast uninterru1tedl"2 whereu1on he said: I am not li6e "ou, I am 0ed and su11lied drin6 (b" Allah),


)2 !umber 2*2%:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) abser-ed 0asts uninterru1tedl" in Aamadan and the 1eo1le (in his wa6e) did this, 7ut he 0orbade them to do so, It was said to him (to the Hol" @ro1het): Kou "oursel0 obser-e the 0asts uninterru1tedl" (but "ou 0orbid us to do so) U1on this he said: I am not li6e "ouB I am 0ed and su11lied drin6 (b" Allah),


)2 !umber 2*2#:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted b" Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them)2 but he did not ma6e mention o0 (the words):C 9urin. the month o0 Aamadan,C


)2 !umber 2*2;:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (his 'om1anions) 0rom obser-in. 0ast uninterm1tedl", 3ne o0 the Muslims said: o0 Allah2 "ou "oursel0 obser-e Saum ?isal, whereu1on the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ho amon. "ou is li6e meD I s1end (in a state) that m" Allah 0eeds me and 1ro-ides me drin6, ?hen the" (the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) did not a.ree in abandonin. the uninterru1ted 0ast2 then the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e, be u1on him) also obser-ed this 0ast with them 0or a da"2 and then 0or a da", The" then saw the new moon and he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I0 the a11earan/e o0 the new moon were dela"ed, I would ha-e obser-ed more (0asts) with "ou (and he did it) b" wa" o0 warnin. to them as the" had not a.reed to re0rain (0rom obser-in. Saum ?isal)


)2 !umber 2*4 :

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Abstain 0rom Saum-?isal, The" (his 'om1anions) said: o0 Allah2 but "ou obser-e Saum ?isal, U1on this he said: Kou are not li6e me in this matter2 0or I s1end m" (in a state)

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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

that m" Lord 0eeds me and 1ro-ides me drin6 9e-ote "oursel-es to the deeds (the burden o0 whi/h) "ou /an bear,


)2 !umber 2*4$:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. (the words as said in the 1re-ious hadith) but with this alteration (o0 words):C Ta6e u1on "oursel-es (the burden o0 the deeds) 0or whi/h "ou ha-e the to bear,C


)2 !umber 2*42:

Abu Huraira re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (his 'om1anions) to obser-e Saum ?isal,


)2 !umber 2*44:

Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was obser-in. 1ra"er durin. Aamedan, I /ame and stood b" his side, Then another man /ame and he stood li6ewise till we be/ame a .rou1, ?hen the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1er/ei-ed that we were behind him2 he li.htened the 1ra"er, He then went to his abode and obser-ed su/h (a lon.) 1ra"er (the li6e o0 whi/h) he ne-er obser-ed with us, ?hen it was mornin. we said to him: 9id "ou 1er/ei-e us durin. the ni.htD U1on this he said: Kes2 it was this (realisation) that indu/ed me to do that whi/h I did, He (the narrator) said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to obser-e Saum ?isal at the end o0 the month (o0 Aamadan)2 and some 1ersons amon. his 'om1anions to obser-e this uninter- ru1ted 0ast2 whereu1on the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hat about su/h 1ersons who obser-e uninterru1ted 0astsD Kou are not li6e me, 7" Allah, i0 the month were len.thened 0or me2 I would ha-e obser-ed Saum ?isal2 so that those who a/t with an e5a..eration would (ha-e been obli.ed) to abandon their e5a..eration, $+ $


)2 !umber 2*4*:

Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed Saum ?isal durin. the earl" 1art o0 the month o0 Aamadan, The 1eo1le amon. Muslims also obser-ed uninterru1ted 0ast, This (news) rea/hed him (the Hol" @ro1het) and he said: Had the month been len.thened 0or me I would ha-e /ontinued obser-in. Saum ?isal2 so that those who a/t with 0or/ed hardness would (ha-e been obli.ed) to abandon it, Kou are not li6e me (or he said): I am not li6e "ou, I /ontinue to do so (in a state) that m" Lord 0eeds me and 1ro-ides me drin6,

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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2*4+:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade them (his 'om1anions) to obser-e Saum ?isal out o0 mer/" 0or them, The" said: Kou (Hol" @ro1het) "oursel0 obser-e it, U1on this he said: I am not li6e "ou, M" Lord 0eeds me and 1ro-ides me drin6,

'ha1ter $2: >issin. is not 0orbidden while 0astin. i0 one is not ur.ed b" se5ual lust
7oo6 )2 !umber 2*4):
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 6issed one o0 his wi-es while he was 0astin.2 and then she (:A:isha) smiled (as she narrated),


)2 !umber 2*4%:

Su0"an re1orted: I said to :Abd al-Aahman b, Easim: Ha-e "ou heard 0rom "our 0ather narratin. 0rom :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) that he 6issed her while obser-in. 0astD He (:Abd al-Aahman b, Easim) 6e1t silen/e 0or a short while and then said:C Kes,C


)2 !umber 2*4#:

:A:isha re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to 6iss me while obser-in. 0astB and who amon. "ou /an /ontrol his desire as the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ould /ontrol his desire,


)2 !umber 2*4;:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to 6iss (his wi-es) while 0astin. and embra/ed (them) while 0astin.B but he had the .reatest master" o-er his desire amon. "ou,


)2 !umber 2** :

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to 6iss (his wi-es) while 0astin.B and he had the .reatest /ontrol o-er his desire (as /om1ared with "ou),

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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2**$:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to embra/e (his wi-es) while 0astin.,


)2 !umber 2**2:

Aswad re1orted: I and Masruq went to :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) and as6ed, her i0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) embra/ed (his wi-es) while 0astin., She said: KesB but he had the .reatest /ontrol o-er his desire amon. "ou: or he was one o0 those who had /ontrol o-er his desire, It is 0urther narrated on the authorit" o0 Aswad and Masruq that the" went to the Mother o0 the 7elie-ers and the" as6ed her (and the rest o0 the hadith is the same)


)2 !umber 2**4:

:Urwa b, Gubair narrated that :A:isha the Mother o0 the 7elie-ers (Allah be 1leased with her) in0ormed him that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 6issed her while 0astin.,


)2 !umber 2***:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Kah"a b, Abu >athir with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


)2 !umber 2**+:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to 6iss her durin. the month o0 0astin.,


)2 !umber 2**):

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 6issed (his wi-es) durin. Aamadan while obser-in. 0ast,


)2 !umber 2**%:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (1ea/e be u1on him) 6issed (his wi-es) while 0astin.,


)2 !umber 2**#:

Ha0sa (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 6issed (his wi-es) while 0astin.,

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)2 !umber 2**;:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Ha0sa (Allah be 1leased with her) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


)2 !umber 2*+ :

Umar b Abu Salama re1orted that he as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): Should one obser-in. 0ast 6iss (his wi0e)D The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: As6 her (Umm Salama), She in0ormed him that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did that2 where u1on he said: o0 Allah2 Allah 1ardoned thee all th" sins2 the 1re-ious and the later ones, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ) said: 7" Allah2 I am the most Hod /ons/ious amon. "ou and I 0ear Him most amon. "ou,

'ha1ter $4: There is no harm in obser-in. 0ast i0 one is junbi e-en a0ter dawn
7oo6 )2 !umber 2*+$:
Abu 7a6r (he is Abu 7a6r b, Abd al-Aahman b, Harith) re1orted: I heard Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) narratin. that he who is o-erta6en b" dawn in a state o0 seminal emission should not obser-e 0ast, I made a mention o0 it to :Abd al-Aahman b, Harith (i, e, to his 0ather) but he denied it, :Abd al-Aahman went and I also went alon. with him till we /ame to:A:isha and Umm Salama (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) and Abd al-Aahman as6ed them about it, 7oth o0 them said: (At times it so ha11ened) that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) wo6e u1 in the mornin. in a state o0 junub (but without seminal emission in a dream) and obser-ed 0ast He (the narrator) said: ?e then 1ro/eeded till we went to Marwan and Abd al-Aahman made a mention o0 it to him, U1on this Marwan said: I stress u1on "ou (with an oath) that "ou better .o to Abu Huraira and re0er to him what is said about it, So we /ame to Abu Huraira and Abu 7a6r had been with us throu.hout and :Abd al-Aahman made a mention o0 it to him2 whereu1on Abu Huraira said: 9id the" (the two wi-es o0 the Hol" @ro1het) tell "ou thisD He re1lied: Kes U1on this (Abu Huraira) said: The" ha-e better 6nowled.e, Abu Huraira then attributed that what was said about it to =adl b, :Abbas and said: I heard it 0rom =adl and not 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Abu Huraira then retra/ted 0rom what he used to sa" about it, Ibn Furaij (one o0 the narrators) re1orted: I as6ed :Abd alMali62 i0 the" (the two wi-es) said (made the statement) in re.ard to Aamadan2 whereu1on he said: It was so2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) (wo6e u1 in the) mornin. in a state o0 junub whi/h was not due to the wet dream and then obser-ed 0ast,

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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2*+2:

:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said: The dawn bro6e u1on the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) durin. the Aamadan in a state o0 junub not be/ause o0 se5ual dream (but on a//ount o0 inter/ourse) and he washed himsel0 and obser-ed 0ast,


)2 !umber 2*+4:

Abu 7a6r re1orted that Marwan sent him to Umm Salama to as6 whether a 1erson should obser-e 0ast who is in a state o0 junub and the dawn brea6s u1on him2 whereu1on she said that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (was at times) junbi on a//ount o0 inter/ourse and not due to se5ual dream2 and the dawn bro6e u1on him2 but he neither bro6e the 0ast nor re/om1ensed,


)2 !umber 2*+*:

Abu 7a6r b, :Abd al-Aahman b, al-Harith b, Hisham re1orted on the authorit" o0 :A:isha and Umm Salama2 the wi-es o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at times .ot u1 in the mornin. in a state o0 junub on a//ount o0 ha-in. a se5ual inter/ourse (with his wi-es durin. but not due to se5ual dreams in the month o0 Aamadan2 and would obser-e 0ast,


)2 !umber 2*++:

:A:isha re1orted that a 1erson /ame to the A1ottle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6in. 0or a 0atwa (reli.ious -erdi/t), She (:A:isha) had been o-erhearin. it 0rom behind the /urtain, :A:isha added that he (the 1erson) had said: o0 Allah2 (the time) o0 1ra"er o-erta6es me as I am in a state o0 junubB should I obser-e 0ast (in this state)D U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (At times the time) o0 1ra"er o-erta6es me while I am in a state o0 junub2 and I obser-e 0ast (in that -er" state)2 whereu1on he said: o0 Allah2 "ou are not li6e us Allah has 1ardoned all "our sins2 the 1re-ious ones and the later ones, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 7" Allah2 I ho1e I am the most Hod-0earir. o0 "ou2 and 1ossess the best 6nowled.e amon. "ou o0 those (thin.s) a.ainst whi/h I should .uard,


)2 !umber 2*+):

Sulaiman b, Kasar re1orted that he as6ed Umm Salama whether a 1erson (who .ets u1) in the mornin. in a state o0 junub should obser-e 0ast, She said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (at times) .ot u1 in the mornin. in a state o0 junub2 not be/ause o0 se5ual dreams (but on a//ount o0 inter/ourse at and then obser-ed 0ast,

)$; & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

'ha1ter $*: Se5ual inter/ourse is /om1letel" 0orbidden durin. the da" in the month o0 Aamadan
7oo6 )2 !umber 2*+%:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that a 1erson /ame to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 I am undone, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hat has about "our ruinD He said: I ha-e had inter/ourse with m" wi0e durin. the month o0 Aamadan, U1on this he (the Hol" 1ro1het) said: 'an "ou 0ind a sla-e to set him 0reeD He said: !3 He (the Hol" @ro1het a.ain) said: 'an "ou obser-e 0ast 0or two /onse/uti-e monthsD He said: !o, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 'an "ou 1ro-ide 0ood to si5t" 1oor 1eo1leD2 He said: !o, He then sat down and (in the meanwhile) there was to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a bas6et whi/h /ontained dates, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Hi-e these (dates) in /harit", He (the man) said: Am I to .i-e to one who is 1oorer than ID There is no 0amil" 1oorer than mine between the two la-a 1lains o0 Medina, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) lau.hed so that his molar teeth be/ame -isible and said: Ho and .i-e it to "our 0amil" to eat,


)2 !umber 2*+#:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Mubammad b, Muslim al-Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 and he said: There was an :araq /ontainin. dates2 an :araq bein. a hu.e bas6et, 7ut in this hadith no men- tion has been made o0 (the 0a/t) that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) lau.hed till his molar teeth be/ame -isible,


)2 !umber 2*+;:

Abu Huraira re1orted that a 1erson had inter/ourse with his wi0e durin. Aamadan (while 0astin.), He as6ed 0or the reli.ious -erdi/t (about it) 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 'an "ou 0ind a sla-e (to .rant him 0reedom)D He said: !o, He (the Hol" @ro1het a.ain) said: 'an "ou a00ord to obser-e 0asts 0or two (/onse/uti-e) monthsD He said: !o, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Then 0eed si5t" 1oor men,


)2 !umber 2*) :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters that a 1erson bro6e 0ast in Aamadan whereu1on the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded him to 0ree a sla-e (as an atonement)2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same as narrated b" Ibn U"aina,

)2 & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2*)$:

Humaid b, :Abd al-Aahman re1orted that Abu Huraira had narrated to him that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded the 1erson (who) bro6e the 0ast in Aamadan to 0ree a sla-e or obser-e 0asts 0or two (/onse/uti-e) months or 0eed si5t" 1oor 1ersons,


)2 !umber 2*)2:

This hadith has been narrated with the same /hain o0 transmitters on the authorit" o0 Guhri,


)2 !umber 2*)4:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that a 1erson /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: I am burnt2 whereu1on the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: How is itD He (the 1erson) said: I had inter/ourse with m" wi0e durin. the da" in Aamadan, U1on this (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Hi-e /harit"2 .i-e /harit", He (the 1erson) said: There is nothin. with me, He /ommanded him to sit down2 (In the meanwhile) there were to him (to the Hol" @ro1het) two bas6ets /ontainin. eatables2 whereu1on the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) told him to .i-e them as sadaqa,


)2 !umber 2*)*:

:Abbad b, Abdullah b, Gubair narrated that he heard :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) sa"in.: A 1erson /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he then narrated the hadith, 7ut (neither these words are 0ound):C Hi-e /harit"2 .i-e /harit"C (nor) his words:C durin. the da" timeC,


)2 !umber 2*)+:

Abbad b, Abdullah b, Gubair re1orted that he had heard :A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 as sa"in.: A 1erson /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the mosque durin. (the month o0) Aamadan and said: o0 Allah2 I am burnt I am burnt2 whereu1on the Mes- o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed him as to what the matter was, U1on this he said: I had inter/ourse with m" wi0e (in a state o0 0astin.) Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Hi-e /harit", U1on this he said: A1ostle o0 Allah2 I swear b" Hod2 there is nothin. with me (to .i-e in /harit") as I do not 1ossess an"thin., He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Sit down, So he sat down and he was in this -er" state when there /ame a 1erson a don6e" with a load o0 eatables u1on it, The Mes- o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?here is that burnt one who was just hereD Thereu1on the 1erson stood u1, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Hi-e this (eatables b" the man) in /harit", U1on this the 1erson said: o0 Al-

)2$ & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

lah2 /an there be an"one else (more deser-in. than I)D 7" Allah, we are hun.r"2 we ha-e nothin. with us, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Then eat (these eatables),

'ha1ter $+: @ermissibilit" o0 obser-in. the 0ast or not obser-in. it in the month o0 Aamadan 0or a tra-eller
7oo6 )2 !umber 2*)):
Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out durin. the month o0 Aamadan in the "ear o0 <i/tor" (when Me//a was /onquered) and was 0astin. till he rea/hed >adid (a /anal situated at a distan/e o0 0ort"-two miles 0rom Me//a) and he then bro6e the 0ast, And it was the habit o0 the 'om1anions o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to 0ollow him in e-er" new thin. (or a/t), So the" 0ollowed him also (in this matter),


)2 !umber 2*)%:

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters, Kah"a (one o0 the narrators) said that Su0"an (the narrator) had stated: I do not 6now whose statement it is:C It is the last word o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whi/h is a//e1ted as (0inal as it abro.ates the 1re-ious ones),C


)2 !umber 2*)#:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters that brea6in. o0 0ast (in a journe") is the 0inal o0 the two /ommands (whether one ma" 0ast or one ma" brea6 it)2 and it is the last /ommand o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whi/h is to be a//e1ted as 0inal, Guhri said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) mar/hed on Me//a on the mornin. o0 $*th o0 Aamadan (lit, when thirteen ni.hts had 1assed),


)2 !umber 2*);:

A hadlth li6e this has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Shibab who said that the" (the 'om1nions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) 0ollowed the latest o0 his /ommands and loo6ed u1on it as one abro.atin. (the 1re-ious ones) and the most 0irm,

)22 & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2*% :

Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) journe"ed durin. the month o0 Aamadan in a slate o0 0astin. till he rea/hed :Us0an, He then ordered a /u1 /ontainin. drin6in. water and he dran6 that o1enl" so that the 1eo1le see it2 and bro6e the 0ast (and did not resume it) till he rea/hed Me//a, Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with him) said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0asted and bro6e the 0ast2 so he who wished 0asted and he who wished to brea6 it bro6e it,


)2 !umber 2*%$:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: 9o not /ondemn one who obser-es 0ast2 or one who does not obser-e (in a journe"), 0or the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed 0ast in a journe" or he did not obser-e it (too),


)2 !umber 2*%2:

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out to Me//a in Aamadan in the "ear o0 <i/tor"2 and he and the 1eo1le 0asted till he /ame to >ura: al-Hhamim and the 1eo1le also 0asted, He then /alled 0or a /u1 o0 water whi/h he raised till the 1eo1le saw it2 and then he dran6, He was told a0terwards that some 1eo1le had /ontinued to 0ast2 and he said: These 1eo1le are the disobedient onesB these are the disobedient ones,


)2 !umber 2*%4:

This hadith has been narrated b" Fa:0ar with the some /hain o0 trans- mitters and he added: It was said to him (to the Hol" @ro1het): There are 1eo1le to whom 0astin. has be/ome unbearable and the" are waitin. how "ou do, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then /alled 0or a /u1 o0 water when it was a0ternoon, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,


)2 !umber 2*%*:

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted that in the /ourse o0 a journe" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw a man2 1eo1le /rowdin. around him and 1ro-idin. him a shade, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hat is the matter with himD The" said: He is a 1erson obser-in. 0ast, ?hereu1on the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It is no ri.hteousness that "ou 0ast on journe",

)24 & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2*%+:

:Amr b, al-Hasan is re1orted to ha-e said that he heard Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) as sa"in. that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw a man, The rest o0 the hadith is the same as mentioned abo-e,


)2 !umber 2*%):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this addition that he (the Hol" @ro1het) said:C Ta6e ad-anta.e o0 the /on/ession o0 Allah ?ho ?anted it to "ou,C ?hen he (one o0 the narrators) as6ed him (the other one2 Kab"a b, Abi >athar) he did not retain it in his mind,


)2 !umber 2*%%:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?e went out on an e51edition with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the $)th o0 Aamadan, Some o0 us 0asted and some o0 us bro6e the 0ast, 7ut neither the obser-er o0 the 0ast 0ound 0ault with one who bro6e it2 nor the brea6er o0 the 0ast 0ound 0ault with one who obser-ed it,


)2 !umber 2*%#:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Eatada with the same /hain o0 transmitters b" di00erent narrators (e5/e1t this di00eren/e) that in the hadith transmitted b" Taimi and Umar b, Amir and Hisham (the date o0 settin. out is) $#th2 and in the hadith transmitted b" Sa:id it is the $2th2 and in the one transmitted b" Shu:ba it is the $%th or $;th,


)2 !umber 2*%;:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?e went out on an e51edition with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) durin. Aamadan and neither the obser-er o0 the 0ast was 0ound 0ault with 0or his 0astin.2 nor the brea6er o0 the 0ast 0or brea6in. it,


)2 !umber 2*# :

Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?e went out on an e51edition with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) durin. Aamadan, Some o0 us obser-ed the 0ast and some o0 us bro6e it, !either the obser-er o0 the 0ast had an" .rud.e a.ainst one who bro6e it2 nor the brea6er o0 the 0ast had an" .rud.e a.ainst one who had 0asted The" 6new that he who had enou.h (to bear its ri.our) 0asted and that was .ood2 and the" also 0ound that he who 0elt wea6ness (and /ould not bear the burden) bro6e it2 and that was also .ood,
)2* & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2*#$:

Abu !adra re1orted Abu Sa:id al, >hudri and Fabir b, Abdullah as sa"in.: ?e tra-elled with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The obser-er o0 the 0ast obser-ed it2 and the brea6er o0 the 0ast bro6e it2 but none o0 them 0ound 0ault with ea/h other,


)2 !umber 2*#2:

Humaid re1orted that Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) was as6ed about 0astin. durin. Aamadan while tra-ellin., He said: ?e tra-elled with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) durin. the month o0 Aamadan2 but neither the ob- ser-er o0 the 0ast 0ound 0ault with the brea6er o0 the 0ast2 nor the brea6er o0 the 0ast 0ound 0ault with the obser-er o0 the 0ast,


)2 !umber 2*#4:

Abu >halid al-Ahmar narrated 0rom Humaid who said: I went out and was 0astin.B the" said to me: 7rea6 (lit .o ba/62 re1eat), He said that Anas re1orted that the 'om1anions o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to set out on a journe" and neither the obser-er o0 the 0ast 0ound 0ault with the brea6er o0 the 0ast2 nor the brea6er o0 the 0ast 0ound 0ault with the obser-er o0 the 0ast, (3ne o0 the narrators Humaid said): I met Ibn Abi Mulai6a who in0ormed me the same thin. on the authorit" o0 :A:isha,

'ha1ter $): The reward o0 one who does not obser-e 0ast be/ause o0 a reli.ious dut"
7oo6 )2 !umber 2*#*:
Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?e were with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on a journe", Some o0 us had been obser-in. the 0ast and some o0 us had not been 0astin., ?e .ot down at a 1la/e on a hot da", Most o0 us had the /loth 0or shelter, There were also those us who sheltered (themsel-es a.ainst the ra"s o0 the) sun with the hel1 o0 their hands, The obser-ers o0 the 0ast 0ell down (on a//ount o0 wea6ness), Those who had not obser-ed it .ot u1 and 1it/hed tents and watered the mounts, Thereu1on the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The brea6ers o0 the 0ast ha-e ta6en awa" the reward toda",


)2 !umber 2*#+:

Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was journe"in. (alon. with his 'om1anions), Some o0 them had obser-ed the 0ast whereas the others
)2+ & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

had bro6en it, Those who did not 0ast .irded u1 their loins and wor6ed2 but the obser-ers o0 the 0ast were too wea6 to wor6, U1on this he (the A1ostle o0 Allah) said: Toda" the brea6ers o0 the 0ast ha-e .one with the reward,


)2 !umber 2*#):

Ea8a:a re1orted: I /ame to Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) and he was surrounded (b" 1eo1le)2 and when the" dis1ersed I said to him: I am not .oin. to as6 "ou about what these 1eo1le were as6in., I as6 "ou about 0astin. on a journe", U1on this he said: ?e tra-elled with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) towards Me//a and we had been obser-in. 0ast, ?e halted at a 1la/e, There the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kou are nearin. "our enem" and brea6in. o0 0ast would .i-e "ou .reater stren.th2 and that was a /on/ession (.i-en to us), 7ut some o0 us /ontinued to obser-e the 0ast and some o0 us bro6e it, ?e then .ot down at another 1la/e and he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kou are .oin. to en/ounter the enem" in the mornin. and brea6in. o0 the 0ast would .i-e "ou stren.th2 so brea6 the 0ast, As it was a 1oint o0 stress2 so we bro6e the 0ast, 7ut subsequentl" we saw oursel-es obser-in. the 0ast with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on a journe",

'ha1ter $%: 'hoi/e 0or obser-in. 0ast and brea6in. it on a journe"

7oo6 )2 !umber 2*#%:
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that Ham8a b, :Amr al-Aslami as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about 0astin. on a journe"2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: =ast i0 "ou li6e and brea6 it i0 "ou li6e,


)2 !umber 2*##:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that Ham8a b, Amr al-Aslami as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) thus: o0 Allah2 I am a 1erson de-oted mu/h to 0astin., Should I 0ast durin. the journe"D He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: =ast i0 "ou li6e and brea6 it i0 "ou li6e,


)2 !umber 2*#;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

)2) & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2*; :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters that Ham8a said: I am a 1erson mu/h used to 0astin., Should I 0ast durin. the journe"D (The rest o0 the hadith is the same,)


)2 !umber 2*;$:

Ham8a b, :Amr al-Aslami (Allah be 1leased with him) said: o0 Allah2 I 0ind in me 0or 0astin. on a journe"B is there an" sin u1on me (in doin. it)D Thereu1on the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It is a /on/ession 0rom Allah, He who too6 ad-anta.e o0 it2 it is .ood 0or him2 and he who 1re0erred to obser-e 0ast2 there is no sin u1on him, Harun (one o0 the narrators) in his narration said: :lt is a /on/ession2 and he made no mention o0C 0rom AllahC,


)2 !umber 2*;2:

Abu 9arda: (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?e set out durin. the month o0 Aamadan with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in su/h an intense heat that one o0 us would 1la/e his hand o-er his head (in order to 1rote/t himsel0) a.ainst the e5/essi-e heat2 and none amon. us was obser-in. the 0ast2 e5/e1t the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and :Abdullah b, Aawaha,


)2 !umber 2*;4:

Abu 9arda: re1orted: ?e were with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on some o0 his journe"s on an intensel" hot da" so mu/h so that a 1erson would 1la/e his hand on his head (in order to 1rote/t himsel0) a.ainst e5/essi-e heat2 and none us was 0astin. but the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and Abdullah b, Aawaha

'ha1ter $#: It is 1re0erable 0or the 1il.rim not to obser-e 0ast in :Ara0at on the da" o0 :Ara0a
7oo6 )2 !umber 2*;*:
Umm al-=adl bint- al-Harith re1orted that some 1eo1le ar.ued about the 0astin. o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the da" o0 :Ara0a, Some o0 them said that he had been 0astin.2 whereas the others said that he had not been 0astin., I sent a /u1 o0 mil6 to him while he was ridin. his /amel at :Ara0a2 and he dran6 it,

)2% & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2*;+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu !adr with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but he did not mention that he was mountin. (ridin. on) his /amel,


)2 !umber 2*;):

This hadith has been narrated b" Abu !adr on the authorit" o0 Umair2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Umm al=adl2 throu.h the same /hain o0 transmitters,


)2 !umber 2*;%:

Umm al-=adl (Allah be 1leased with her) is re1orted to ha-e said that some 1eo1le amon. the 'om1anions o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) were in doubt about 0astin. on the da" o0 :Ara0a and we were with him on that da", I (Umm al-=adl) sent him a /u1 o0 mil6 and he was haltin. at :Ara0a2 and he dran6 that,


)2 !umber 2*;#:

>uraib2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with him)2 re1orted 0rom Maimuna2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 that 1eo1le had doubt about the 0astin. o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the da" o0 :Ara0a, Maimuna sent him a /u1 o0 mil6 and he was haltin. at a 1la/e and he dran6 it and the 1eo1le were seein. him,

'ha1ter $;: =astin. on the da" o0 :Ashura ($ th o0 Muharram)

7oo6 )2 !umber 2*;;:
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that the Euraish used to 0ast on the da" o0 :Ashura in the 1re-Islami/ da"s and the ot Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) also obser-ed it, ?hen he mi.rated to Medina2 he himsel0 obser-ed this 0ast and /ommanded (others) to obser-e it, 7ut when 0astin. durin. the month o0 Aamadan was made obli.ator" he said: He who wishes to obser-e this 0ast ma" do so2 and he who wishes to abandon it ma" do so,


)2 !umber 2+

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but he made no mention in the 0irst 1art o0 the hadith that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e 0ast2 and said about the se/ond 1art that he abandoned the (0ast) o0 Ashura2 and he
)2# & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

who wished obser-ed the 0ast and who wished otherwise abandoned it2 and he did not hold it as the words o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as mentioned in the narration transmitted b" Farir,


)2 !umber 2+ $:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted, In the 1re-Islami/ da"s 0ast was obser-ed on the da" o0 Ashura2 but with the ad-ent o0 Islam (its 1osition was as/ertained as that o0 a -oluntar" 0ast), Then he who wished to 0ast 0asted2 and he who li6ed to abandon it abandoned it,


)2 !umber 2+ 2:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had ordered to obser-e 0ast (on :Ashura) be0ore the 0astin. in Aamadan was made obli.ator", 7ut when it be/ame obli.ator"2 then he who wished 0asted on the da" o0 Ashura2 and he who wished did not obser-e it (on that da"),


)2 !umber 2+ 4:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that the Euraish used to obser-e 0ast on the da" o0 Ashura durin. the 1re-Islami/ da"s, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1o. him) then /ommanded to 0ast on that da" till (0astin.) in Aamadan be/ame obli.ator", Then the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who wished to 0ast should do so, and he who wished to brea6 it ma" do so,


)2 !umber 2+ *:

Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that (the Arabs o0) 1re-Islami/ da"s used to obser-e 0ast on the da" o0 Ashura and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed it and the Muslims too (obser-ed it) be0ore 0astin. in Aamadan be/ame obli.ator", 7ut when it be/ame obli.ator"2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: :Ashura is one o0 the da"s o0 Allah2 so he who wished should obser-e 0ast and he who wished otherwise should abandon it,


)2 !umber 2+ +:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah throu.h the same /hain o0 trans-

)2; & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2+ ):

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) said that the da" o0 :Ashura was mentioned be0ore the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him), Thereu1on the o0 Allah2 (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: That was a da" on whi/h the 1eo1le o0 1re-Islami/ da"s used to obser-e 0ast, So he who "ou li6es to obser-e 0ast should do so2 and he who does not li6e it should abandon it,


)2 !umber 2+ %:

Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted that he heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa" about the da" o0 Ashura: It is a da" on whi/h the 1eo1le o0 1reIslami/ da"s obser-ed 0ast, So he who li6ed to 0ast on this da" should do so2 and he who li6ed to abandon it should abandon it, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with him) did not obser-e 0ast e5/e1t when it /oin/ided (with the da"s when he was in the habit o0 obser-in. -oluntar" 0asts durin. e-er" month),


)2 !umber 2+ #:

Abdullah b, Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that the da" o0 :Ashura was mentioned be0ore the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he narrated a hadith li6e one (narrated abo-e),


)2 !umber 2+ ;:

:Abdullah b, Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that the da" o0 :Ashura was mentioned be0ore the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said: It is a da" when the 1eo1le in the 1re-Islami/ da"s need to obser-e 0ast2 so he who wishes to obser-e 0ast should do so2 and he who wishes to abandon it should do so,


)2 !umber 2+$ :

Abd al-Aahman b, Ka8id said: ?hen al-Ash:ath b, Eais entered the house o0 :Abdullah he was ha-in. his brea60ast, He (:Abdullah b, Umar) said: Abd Muhammad (al-Asha:th)2 /ome near to the brea60ast, Thereu1on he said: Is not toda" the da" o0 :AshuraD He (:Abd al-Aahman) said: 9o "ou 6now what the da" o0 :Ashura isD He said: ?hat is itD He said: It is a da" on whi/h the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e 0ast be0ore the (0astin.) in the month o0 Aamadan (be/ame) obli.ator", 7ut when it be/ame obli.ator" the (0astin. o0 :Ashura) was abandoned (as /om1ulsor"), Abu >uraib said: He (the Hol" @ro1het) abandoned it,

)4 & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2+$$:

This hadith has been narrated 0rom Farir on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters and he said (these words with a little bit o0 -ariation 0rom the 1re-ious hadith): ?hen (0astin.) in Aamadan was (made) obli.ator"2 he aban- doned it (the 1ra/ti/e o0 obser-in. 0ast on Ashura),


)2 !umber 2+$2:

Eais b Sa6an re1orted that al-Ash:ath b, Eais went to :Abdullah on the da" o0 :Ashura while he was eatin., He said: Abu Muhammad2 /ome near and dine, U1on this he said: I am 0astin., Thereu1on he said: ?e used to obser-e 0ast and then (this 1ra/ti/e) was abandoned,


)2 !umber 2+$4:

:Alqama re1orted that Ash:ath b, Eais went to Ibn Mas:udd while he was eatin. on the da" o0 Ashura, Thereu1on he said: Abu Abd al-Aahman2 it is the da" o0 :Ashura (and "ou are eatin.), U1on this he said: =ast was obser-ed on (this da") be0ore the (0astin.) in Aamadan was made obli.ator"2 but when it was made obli.ator"2 (0astin. on the da" o0 :Ashura) was abandoned, So i0 "ou are not 0astin.2 then ta6e 0ood,


)2 !umber 2+$*:

Fabir b Samura re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded us to obser-e 0ast on the da" o0 Ashura and e5horted us to do it and was 1arti/ular about it 7ut when (0astin.) in Aamadan was made obli.ator"2 he hen/e, 0orth neither /ommanded us nor 0orbade us2 nor was he so 1arti/ular about it,


)2 !umber 2+$+:

Abd al-Aahman re1orted that he heard Mu:awi"a b, Abu Su0"an deli-erin. a sermon in Medina, i, e, when he /ame there (0or Hajj), He deli-ered a sermon on the da" o0 :Ashura and said: @eo1le o0 Medina2 where are "our s/holarsD I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa" on this -er" da": It is the da" o0 :Ashura, Allah has not made 0astin. on This da" obli.ator" 0or "ou but I am 0astin., He who li6es to obser-e 0ast amon. "ou should do so2 and he who li6es not to obser-e it ma" not obser-e it,


)2 !umber 2+$):

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Shihab throu.h the same /hain o0 transmitters,
)4$ & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2+$%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters that be heard Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. on a similar da": I am 0astin. toda"2 so he who wishes to obser-e 0ast should do soB but he did not ma6e mention o0 the rest o0 the hadith,


)2 !umber 2+$#:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to Medina2 he 0ound the Fews obser-in. the 0ast on the da" o0 Ashura, The" (the Fews) were as6ed about it and the" said: It is the da" on whi/h Allah .ranted -i/tor" to Moses and (his 1eo1le) 7ani Isra:il o-er the @haraoh and we obser-e 0ast out o0 .ratitude to Him, U1on this the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?e ha-e a /loser /onne/tion with Moses than "ou ha-e2 and he /ommanded to obser-e 0ast on this da",


)2 !umber 2+$;:

This hadith has been narrated b" Ibn 7ishr with the same /hain o0 trans- mitters (but with a -ariation) that he (the Hol" @ro1het) inquired o0 them (Fews) about it (0astin. on the da" o0 :Ashura),


)2 !umber 2+2 :

Ibn:Abbas (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) arri-ed in Medina and 0ound the Fews obser-in. 0ast on the da" o0 :Ashura, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to them: ?hat is the (si.ni0i/an/e) o0 this da" that "ou obser-e 0ast on itD The" said: It is the da" o0 .reat (si.ni0i/an/e) when Allah deli-ered Moses and his 1eo1le2 and drowned the @haraoh and his 1eo1le2 and Moses obser-ed 0ast out o0 .ratitude and we also obser-e it, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?e ha-e more ri.ht2 and we ha-e a /loser /onne/tion with Moses than "ou ha-eB so Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed 0ast (on the da" o0 :Ashura)2 and .a-e orders that it should be obser-ed,


)2 !umber 2+2$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A""ub with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


)2 !umber 2+22:

Abu Musa (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: The da" o0 :Ashura was one whi/h the Fews res1e/ted and the" treated it as Id, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kou also obser-e 0ast on this da",

)42 & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2+24:

Abu Musa re1orted that the 1eo1le o0 >haibar (most o0 them were Fews) obser-ed 0ast on tht da" o0 :Ashura and the" treated it as :Id and .a-e their women ornaments and beauti0ul dresstowear, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kou (onl") obser-e 0ast on this da",


)2 !umber 2+2*:

Ibn Abbas was as6ed about obser-in. o0 0ast on the da" o0 Ashura2 whereu1on he said: I do not 6now Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sin.lin. out an" da":s 0ast and /onsiderin. it more e5/ellent than another2 e5/e1t this da" (the da" o0 Ashura) and this month2 meanin. the month o0 Aamadan,


)2 !umber 2+2+:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Ubaidullah b, Abi Ka8id,

'ha1ter 2 : 3n whi/h da" the 0ast is to be obser-ed in Muharram

7oo6 )2 !umber 2+2):
Ha6am b, al-:Araj re1orted: I went to Ibn :Abbas (Allah be @leased with both o0 them) and he was re/linin. usin. his mantle as a 1illow near the 0ountain o0 Gam8am, I said to him: Tell me about 0astin. on Ashura, He said: ?hen "ou see the new moon o0 Muharram then /ount the (da"s) and obser-e 0ast on the ;th, I said to him: Is it how the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed the 0astD He said: Kes,


)2 !umber 2+2%:

Ha6am b, :Araj re1orted: I as6ed Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) as he was re/linin. usin. his /loa6 as a 1illow near Gam8am about 0astin. on :Ashura, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,


)2 !umber 2+2#:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0asted on the da" o0 :Ashura and /ommanded that it should he obser-ed as a 0ast2 the" (his 'om1anions) said to him: o0 Allah2 it is a da" whi/h the Fews and 'hristians hold in hi.h esteem, Thereu1on the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen the ne5t "ear /omes2 Hod willin.2 we

)44 & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

would obser-e 0ast on the ;th 7ut the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) died be0ore the ad-ent o0 the ne5t "ear,


)2 !umber 2+2;:

Abdullah b :Abbas re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: I0 I li-e till the ne5t ("ear)2 I would de0initel" obser-e 0ast on the ;th2 and the narration transmitted b" Abu 7a6r is:C He meant the da" o0 Ashura,C

'ha1ter 2$: He who ate on the da" o0 Ashura should abstain (0rom eatin.) 0or the rest o0 the da" (as a mar6 o0 res1e/t)
7oo6 )2 !umber 2+4 :
Salama b, al-A6wa: (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent a 1erson o0 the tribe o0 Aslam on the da" o0 :Ashura and /ommanded him to de/lare to the 1eo1le to obser-e 0ast in /ase the" had not obser-ed it2 and to /om1lete 0ast till e-enin. i0 the" had ta6en 0ood


)2 !umber 2+4$:

Auba""i: dau.hter o0 Mu:awwidh b, :A0ra: said that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent (a 1erson) on the mornin. o0 Ashura to the o0 Ansar around Medina (with this messa.e): He who .ot u1 in the mornin. 0astin. (without eatin. an"thin.) he should /om1lete his 0ast2 and he who had had his brea60ast in the mornin.2 he should /om1lete the rest o0 the da" (without 0ood), The 'om1anions saidB ?e hen/e0orth obser-ed 0ast on it (on the da" o0 :Ashura) and2 Hod willin.2 made our /hildren obser-e that, ?e went to the mosque and made to"s out o0 wool 0or them and when an"one 0elt hun.r" and we1t 0or 0ood we .a-e them these to"s till it was the time to brea6 the 0ast,


)2 !umber 2+42:

>halid b, 9ha6wan re1orted: I as6ed Auba""i: dau.ther o0 Mu:awwidh about 0astin. on the da" o0 :Ashura, Thereu1on she said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) sent his to the o0 the Ansar2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same (but with this -ariation that one o0 the 'om1anions) said:C ?e used to ma6e to"s out o0 wool and too6 (them to the mosque) alon. with us,

)4* & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

?hen the" (the /hildren) as6ed us 0or 0ood2 we .a-e them these to"s to 1la" with2 and these made them 0or.et0ul till the" /om1leted their 0ast,C

'ha1ter 22: =orbiddan/e to obser-e 0ast on :Id-ul-=itr and :Id-ul-Adha

7oo6 )2 !umber 2+44:
Abu Ubaid2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Ibn A8har2 re1orted: I obser-ed Id alon. with Umar b, al->hattab (Allah be 1leased with him), He /ame (out in an o1en s1a/e) and 1ra"ed and (a0ter) /om1letin. it addressed the 1eo1le and said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has 0orbidden the obser-in. o0 0ast on these two da"s, 3ne is the da" o0 =itr (at the end o0 "our 0asts)2 and the se/ond one2 the da" when "ou eat (the meat) o0 "our sa/ri0i/es,


)2 !umber 2+4*:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade to obser-e 0ast on these two da"s, :Id-ul-Adha bi and :Id-ul-=itr,


)2 !umber 2+4+:

Ea8a:a related 0rom Abu Sa:id, He said: I heard 0rom him (Abu Sa:id) a hadith whi/h im1ressed me2 and I said to him: 9id "ou hear it 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D Thereu1on he said: (Is it 1ossible) that (I should) sa" about the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that whi/h I ha-e not heardD I heard him sa"in.: It is not 1ro1er to 0ast on two da"s2 Adha and =itr (at the end) o0 Aamadan,


)2 !umber 2+4):

Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade to obser-e 0ast on two da"s the da" o0 =itr and the da" o0 Sa/ri0i/e (:Id-ulAdha),


)2 !umber 2+4%:

Gi"ad b, Fubair re1orted that a 1erson /ame to Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) and said: I had ta6en a -ow that I would 0ast on the da" (but it a//identall") s"n/hronises with the da" o0 Adha or the da" o0 =itr, Thereu1on Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) said: Allah2 the (5alted2 has

)4+ & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

/ommanded 0ul0illin. o0 the -ow2 but the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has 0orbidden the obser-an/e o0 0ast on this da",


)2 !umber 2+4#:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said that the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade to obser-e 0ast on two da"s-the da" o0 =itr and the da" o0 Adha,


)2 !umber 2+4;:

!ubaisha al-Hudhali re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The da"s o0 Tashriq are the da"s o0 eatin. and drin6in.,


)2 !umber 2+* :

!abaisha re1orted that >halid said: I met Abu Malih and as6ed him and he narrated it to me 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), a hadith li6e one (narrated abo-e) with this addition:C And remembran/e o0 AllahC


)2 !umber 2+*$:

Ibn >a:b b, Mali6 re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent him and Aus b, Hadathan durin. the da"s o0 Tashriq to ma6e this announ/ement: !one but the belie-er would be admitted into @aradise2 and the da"s o0 Mina: are the da"s meant 0or eatin. and drin6in.,


)2 !umber 2+*2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibrahim b, Tahman with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this -ariation that he said: 7oth o0 them made the announ/ement,C

'ha1ter 24: 9isa11ro-al o0 0astin. on 0rida" alone

7oo6 )2 !umber 2+*4:
Muhammad b, :Abbas b, Fa:0ar re1orted: I as6ed Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) as he was /ir/umambulatin. the House (>a:ba) whether the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0orbidden the 0astin. on =rida"2 whereu1on he said: Kes2 b" the Lord o0 this House,

)4) & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2+**:

Muhammad b, :Abbas b, Fa:0ar re1orted that he as6ed Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them)2 whether he had heard li6e this 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


)2 !umber 2+*+:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !one amon. "ou should obser-e 0ast on =rida"2 but onl" that he obser-es 0ast be0ore it and a0ter it,


)2 !umber 2+*):

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not sin.le out the (1re/edin.) =rida" amon. the ni.hts 0or 1ra"er and do not sin.le out =rida" amon. da"s 0or 0astin. but onl" when an"one amon. "ou is a//ustomed to 0ast (on dates) whi/h /oin/ide with this da" (=rida"),

'ha1ter 2*: Abro.ation o0 the words o0 Allah: CAnd as 0or those who /an 0ast (but do not) the e51iation isC b" the words: C?hosoe-er witnesses it he shall ha-e to 0ast the whole monthC (ii, $#*)
7oo6 )2 !umber 2+*%:
Salama b, A6wa: (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that when this -erse was re-ealed:C And as 0or those who /an 0ast (but do not) e51iation is the 0eedin. o0 a need" 1ersonC (ii, $#4)2 (he who li6ed to obser-e 0ast did obser-e it) and he who 0elt relu/tant to obser-e it ate and e51iated till the -erse was re-ealed whi/h abro- .ated it,


)2 !umber 2+*#:

Salama b, A6wa: re1orted: ?e2 durin. the li0etime o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 in one month o0 Aamadan (obser-ed 0ast a//ordin. to our li6in.), He who wished to 0ast lasted and he who wished to brea6 bro6e it and 0ed a need" 1erson as an e51iation $+** till this -erse was re-ealed:C He who witnesses amon. "ou the month (o0 Aamadan) he should obser-e 0ast durin. itC (ii, $#*),

)4% & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

'ha1ter 2+: @ermissibili" o0 /om1letin. the (missed) 0asts o0 Aamadan be0ore the /ommen/ement o0 the /omin. Aamadan
7oo6 )2 !umber 2+*;:
Abu Salama re1orted: I heard :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) as sa"in.: I had to /om1lete some o0 the 0asts o0 Aamadan2 but I /ould not do it but durin. the month o0 Sha:ban due to m" duties to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) or with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


)2 !umber 2++ :

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Kah"a b, Sa:id with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this -ariation that he said that (:A:isha did not obser-e 0ast but in Sha:ban) out o0 re.ard 0or the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), (In another -ersion2 the words are):C Kah"a said: I thin6 it was due to the re.ard 0or the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),C


)2 !umber 2++$:

This hadith is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Kah"a with the same /hain o0 transmitters but no mention is made o0 the dut" to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


)2 !umber 2++2:

:A:isha re1orted: I0 one us had to brea6 0asts (o0 Aamadan due to natural reasons2 i, e, menses) durin. the li0e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) she /ould not 0ind it 1ossible to /om1lete them so lon. she had been in the 1resen/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) till Sha:ban /ommen/ed,

'ha1ter 2): 'om1letin. o0 the 0ast on behal0 o0 the dead

7oo6 )2 !umber 2++4:
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 an"one dies in a state (that he had to /om1lete) some 0asts2 his heir must 0ast on his behal0,
)4# & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2++*:

Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted: A woman /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: M" mother has died2 and 0asts o0 a month are due 0rom her, Thereu1on he said: 9on:t "ou see that i0 debt was due 0rom her2 would "ou not 1a" itD She said: Kes (I would 1a" on her behal0), Thereu1on he said: The debt o0 Allah deser-es its 1a"ment more than (the 1a"ment o0 an"one else),


)2 !umber 2+++:

Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: A man /ame to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 m" mother has died (in a state) that she had to obser-e 0asts o0 a month (o0 Aamadan), Should I /om1lete (them) on her behal0D thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?ould "ou not 1a" the debt i0 "our mother had died (without 1a"in. it)D He said: Kes, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: The debt o0 Allah deser-es more that it should he 1aid,


)2 !umber 2++):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


)2 !umber 2++%:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: A woman /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 m" mother has died and there is due 0rom her a 0ast o0 -owB should I 0ast on her behal0D Thereu1on he said: Kou see that i0 "our mother had died in debt2 would it not ha-e been 1aid on her behal0D She said: Kes, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Then obser-e 0ast on behal0 o0 "our mother,


)2 !umber 2++#:

Abdullah b, 7uraida (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: ?hen we were sittin. with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 a woman /ame to him and said: I had .i0ted to m" mother a maid-ser-ant2 and now she (the mother) has died, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: There is a de0inite reward 0or "ou and she (the maid-ser-ant) has been returned to "ou as an inheritan/e, She (that woman) a.ain said: =asts o0 a month (o0 Aamadan) are due u1on herB should I obser-e them on her behal0D He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 3bser-e 0asts on her behal0, She (a.ain) said: She did not 1er0orm Hajj2 should I 1er0orm it on her behal0D He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: @er0orm Hajj on her behal0,

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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2++;:

:Abdullah b, 7uraida (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: I was sittin. with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) B the rest o0 the hadith is the same but with this -ariation that the (the narrator) said:C =asts o0 two months,C


)2 !umber 2+) :

Ibn 7uraida (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: A woman /ame to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same2 but he said:C =astin. o0 one month,C This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Su0"an with the same /hain o0 transmitters in whi/h it is said:C =astin. o0 two months,C


)2 !umber 2+)$:

7uraida (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted a similar hadith on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that a woman /ame to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said:C =astin. 0or one month,C

'ha1ter 2%: ?hen an obser-er o0 0ast is in-ited to a 0east2 or someone 0i.hts with him2 he should sa": CI am 0astin.C
7oo6 )2 !umber 2+)2:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 an" one o0 "ou is in-ited to a meal when he is 0astin.2 he should sa":C I am 0astin.,C


)2 !umber 2+)4:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?hen an" one o0 "ou .ets u1 in the mornin. in the state o0 0astin.2 he should neither use obs/ene nor do an" a/t o0 i.noran/e, And i0 an"one slanders him or quarrels with him2 he should sa":C I am 0astin.2 I am 0astin.,C

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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

'ha1ter 2#: (5/ellen/e o0 0astin.

7oo6 )2 !umber 2+)*:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah2 the Majesti/ and the (5alted2 said: (-er" a/t o0 the son o0 Adam is 0or him e5/e1t 0astin., It is done 0or M" sa6e2 and I will .i-e a reward 0or it, 7" Allah in ?hose Hand is the li0e o0 Muhammad2 the breath o0 the obser-er o0 0ast is sweeter to Allah than the 0ra.ran/e o0 mus6,


)2 !umber 2+)+:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: =astin. is a shield,


)2 !umber 2+)):

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah the (5alted and Majesti/ said: (-er" a/t o0 the son o0 Adam is 0or him2 e5/e1t 0astin., It is (e5/lusi-el") meant 0or Me and I (alone) will reward it, =astin. is a shield, ?hen an" one o0 "ou is 0astin. on a da"2 he should neither indul.e in obs/ene nor raise the -oi/eB or i0 an"one re-iles him or tries to quarrel with him he should sa": I am a 1erson 0astin., 7" Him2 in ?hose Hand is the li0e o0 Muhammad2 the breath o0 the obser-er o0 0ast is sweeter to Allah on the 9a" o0 jud.ment than the 0ra.ran/e o0 mus6, The one who 0asts has two (o//asions) o0 jo"2 one when he brea6s the 0ast he is .lad with the brea6in. o0 (the 0ast) and one when he meets his Lord he is .lad with his 0ast,


)2 !umber 2+)%:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: (-er" (.ood) deed o0 the son o0 Adam would be multi1lied2 a .ood deed re/ei-in. a ten0old to se-en hundred0old reward, Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 has said: ?ith the e5/e1tion o0 0astin.2 0or it is done 0or Me and I will .i-e a reward 0or it2 0or one abandons his 1assion and 0ood 0or M" sa6e, There are two o//asions o0 jo" 0or one who 0asts2 jo" when he brea6s it2 and jo" when he meets his Lord2 and the breath (o0 an obser-er o0 0ast) is sweeter to Allah than the 0ra.ran/e o0 mus6,


)2 !umber 2+)#:

Abu Huraira and Abu Sa:id (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (as sa"in.): Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 said: =ast (is e5/lusi-el") meant 0or Me and I would .i-e its reward, There are two (o//asions) o0 jo" 0or the obser-er o0 0ast, He 0eels jo" when he brea6s the 0ast and he is ha11" when he meets Allah, 7" Allah in ?hose Hand is the li0e o0 Muhammad2 the breath o0 the obser-er o0 0ast is sweeter to Allah than the 0ra.ran/e o0 mus6, A ha)*$ & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

dith li6e this is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Sinan with the same /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are):C As he meets Allah2 He rewards him2 and he is ha11",C


)2 !umber 2+);:

Sahl b, Sa:d (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: In @aradise there is a .ate whi/h is /alled Aa""an throu.h whi/h onl" the obser-ers o0 0ast would enter on the 9a" on Aesurre/tion, !one else would enter alon. with them, It would be 1ro/laimed: ?here are the obser-ers o0 0ast that the" should be admitted into itD -and when the last o0 them would enter2 it would be /losed and no one would enter it,


)2 !umber 2+% :

Abu Sa:id al >hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: (-er" ser-ant o0 Allah who obser-es 0ast 0or a da" in the wa" o0 Allah2 Allah would remo-e2 be/ause o0 this da"2 his 0a/e 0arther 0rom the =ire (o0 Hell) to the e5tent o0 se-ent" "ears: distan/e,


)2 !umber 2+%$:

This hadith has been narrated b" Suhail with the2 arne /haino0 trausmitters,


)2 !umber 2+%2:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who obser-es 0ast 0or a da" in the wa" o0 Allah He would remo-e his 0a/e 0rom the Hell to the e5tent o0 se-ent" "ears: distan/e,

'ha1ter 2;: @ermissibilit" o0 ma6in. an intention 0or -oluntar" 0astin. be0ore noon and 1ermissibilit" o0 brea6in. -oluntar" 0ast without reason
7oo6 )2 !umber 2+%4:
:A:isha2 the Mother o0 the 7elie-ers (Allah be 1leased with her)2 re1orted that one da" the o0 Allah t1a" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: :A:isha2 ha-e "ou an"thin. (to eat)D I said: o0 Allah2 there is nothin. with us, Thereu1on he said: I am obser-in. 0ast, She said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out2 and there was a 1resent2 0or us and (at the same

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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

time) some -isitors dro11ed in, ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame ba/62 I said to him: o0 Allah2 a 1resent was .i-en to us2 (and in the meanwhile) there /ame to us -isitors (a major @ortion o0 it has been s1ent on them)2 but I ha-e sa-ed somethin. 0or "ou, He said: ?hat is itD I said: It is hais (a /om1ound o0 dates and /lari0ied butter), He said: 7rin. that, So I it to him and he ate it and then said: I wo6e u1 in the mornin. obser-in. 0ast, Talha said: I narrated this hadith to Mujahid and he said: This (obser-in. o0 -oluntar" 0ast) is li6e a 1erson who sets a1art Sadaqa out o0 his wealth, He ma" s1end it i0 he li6es2 or he ma" retain it i0 he so li6es,


)2 !umber 2+%*:

:A:isha2 the Mother o0 the 7elie-ers (Allah be 1leased with her)2 re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to me one da" and said: Is there an"thin. with "ou (to eat)D I said: !o, Thereu1on he said: I shall then be 0astin., Then he /ame to us another da" and we said: o0 Allah2 hais has been o00ered to us as a .i0t, Thereu1on he said: Show that to meB I had been 0astin. sin/e mornin., He then ate it,

'ha1ter 4 : (atin. and drin6in. (and se5ual inier/ourse) in 0or.et0ulness does not brea6 the 0ast
7oo6 )2 !umber 2+%+:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 an"one 0or.ets that he is 0astin. and eats or drin6s he should /om1lete his 0ast2 0or it is onl" Allah ?ho has 0ed him and .i-en him drin6,

'ha1ter 4$: The 0ast obser-ed b" the a1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) besides Aamadan
7oo6 )2 !umber 2+%):
Abdullah b, Shaqiq re1orted: I said to:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her): 9id the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-e 0ast 0or 0ull one month besides AamadanD She said: I do not 6now o0 an" month in whi/h he 0asted throu.h- out2 but that o0 the month o0 Aamadan and (the month) in whi/h he did not 0ast at all2 till he ran the /ourse o0 his li0e,

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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2+%%:

:Abdullah b, Shaqiq re1orted: I said to :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her): 9id the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-e 0ast durin. a monthD She said2 I do not 6now o0 an" month in whi/h he 0asted throu.hout e5/e1t Aamedan and (the month) in whi/h he did not 0ast at all till he ran the /ourse o0 his li0e, Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him,


)2 !umber 2+%#:

Abdullah b, Shaqiq re1orted, I as6ed :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) about 0astin. o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), She said: He used to obser-e 0ast (at times) so /ontinuousl" that we said: He has 0asted2 he has 0asted, And (at times) he did not obser-e 0ast (0or da"s) and we to sa": He has abandoned 0astin.2 he has abandoned 0astin., She said: I did not see him obser-in. 0ast throu.hout the whole o0 the month sin/e he arri-ed in Medina2 but that o0 Aamadan,


)2 !umber 2+%;:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah b, Shaqiq but in the /hain o0 transmitters no mention is made o0 Hisham and Muhammad,


)2 !umber 2+# :

:A:isha2 the Mother o0 the 7elie-ers (Allah be 1leased with her)2 re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e 0asts (so /onti- nuousl") that we said that he would not brea62 and did not obser-e (them) till we said that he would not 0ast: and I did not see the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /om1letin. the 0ast o0 a month2 but that o0 Aamadan2 and I did not see him 0astin. more in an" other month than that o0 Sha:ban,


)2 !umber 2+#$:

Abu Salama re1orted: I as6ed :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) about the 0astin. o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), She said: He used to obser-e 0ast (at times so /ontinuousl") that we said: He has 0asted (ne-er to brea6)2 and he did not obser-e 0ast till we said: He has .i-en u1 1erha1s ne-er to 0ast2 and I ne-er saw him obser-in. (-oluntar" 0asts) more in an" other month than that o0 Sha:ban, (lt a11eared as i0) he obser-ed 0ast throu.hout the whole o0 Sha:ban e5/e1t a 0ew (da"s),


)2 !umber 2+#2:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not obser-e 0ast in an" month o0 the "ear more than in the month o0 Sha:ban2 and used to sa": 9o as
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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

man" deeds as "ou are /a1able o0 doin.2 0or Allah will not be/ome wear" (o0 .i-in. "ou reward)2 but "ou would be tired (o0 doin. .ood deeds) B and he also said: The deed li6ed most b" Allah is one to whi/h the doer adheres /onstantl" e-en i0 it is small,


)2 !umber 2+#4:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not 0ast throu.hout an" month e5/e1t durin. ramadan, And when he obser-ed 0ast (he 0asted so /ontinuousl") that one would sa" that he would not brea6 (them) and when he Abandoned2 he abandoned (so /ontinuousl") that one would sa": 7" Allah2 1erha1s he would ne-er 0ast,


)2 !umber 2+#*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu 7ishr with the same /hain o0 transmitters (with a -ariation o0 words and these are)2 that he (the narrator) said:C 9urin. an" month /ontinuousl" sin/e he /ame to Medina,C


)2 !umber 2+#+:

:Uthman b, Ha6im al-Ansari said: I as6ed Sa:id b, Fubair about 0astin. In Aajab2 and we were then 1assin. throu.h the month o0 Aajab2 whereu1on he said: I heard Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) as sa"in.: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e 0ast (so /ontinuousl") that we (were in/lined) to sa" that he would not brea6 (them) and did not obser-e them so /onti- nuousl") that we (were in/lined to sa") that he would not obser-e 0ast,


)2 !umber 2+#):

Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e 0ast till it was said that he had obser-ed 0ast2 he had obser-ed 0ast (1erha1s ne-er to brea6 it)2 and he did not 0ast till it was said that he had .i-en u1 0ast2 he had .i-en u1 0ast (1erha1s ne-er to obser-e it),

'ha1ter 42: =orbiddan/e to obser-e 1er1etual 0ast and e5/ellen/e o0 obser-in. 0ast on alternate da"s
7oo6 )2 !umber 2+#%:
:Abdullah b, :Amr b, al-:As re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was in0ormed that he /ould stand u1 0or (1ra"er) throu.hout the and obser-e 0ast e-er" da" so lon.
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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

as he li-ed, Thereu1on the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Is it "ou who said thisD I said to him: o0 Allah, it is I who said that, Thereu1on the o0 Allah ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kou are not /a1able enou.h to do so, 3bser-e 0ast and brea6 itB slee1 and stand 0or 1ra"er2 and obser-e 0ast 0or three da"s durin. the monthB 0or e-er" .ood is multi1lied ten times and this is li6e 0astin. 0or e-er, I said: o0 Allah, I am /a1able o0 doin. more than this, Thereu1on he said: =ast one da" and do not 0ast 0or the ne5t two da"s, I said: o0 Allah2 I ha-e the to do more than that, The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said: =ast one da" and brea6 on the other da", That is 6nown as the 0astin. o0 9a-id (1ea/e be u1on him) and that is the best 0astin., I said: I am /a1able o0 doin. more than this, Thereu1on the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There is nothin. better than this, :Abdullah b, :Amr (Allah be 1leased with them) said: Had I a//e1ted the three da"s (0astin. durin. e-er" month) as the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said2 it would ha-e been more dear to me than m" 0amil" and m" 1ro1ert",


)2 !umber 2+##:

Kah"a re1orted: I and :Abdullah b, Ka8id set out till we /ame to Abu Salama, ?e sent a to him (in his house in order to in0orm him about our arri-al) and he /ame to us, There was a mosque near the door o0 his house2 and we were in that mosque2 till he /ame out to us, He said: I0 "ou li6e "ou ma" enter (the house) and2 i0 "ou li6e2 "ou ma" sit here (in the mosque), ?e said: ?e would rather sit here and ("ou) relate to us, He (Kah"a) then narrated that :Abdullah b Amr b, al-:As (Allah be 1leased with them) told him: I used to obser-e 0ast uninterru1tedl" and re/ited the (whole o0 the) Eur:an e-er", It (the uninterru1ted 0astin. and re/ital o0 the Eur:in e-er" was mentioned to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) or he sent 0or me2 and I went to him and he said to me: I ha-e been in0ormed that "ou 0ast /ontinuousl" and re/ite (the whole o0 the Eur:An) e-er", I said: A1ostle o0 Allah2 it is ri.ht2 but I /o-et thereb" nothin. but .ood2 whereu1on he said: It su00i/es 0or "ou that "ou should obser-e 0ast 0or three da"s durin. e-er" mouth, I said: A1ostle o0 Allah2 I am /a1able o0 doin. more than this, He said: Kour wi0e has a u1on "ou2 "our -isitor has a u1on "ou2 "our bod" has a u1on "ouB so obser-e the 0ast o0 9a-id2 the A1ostle o0 Allah (1ea/e be u1on him)2 0or he was the best worshi11er o0 Allah, I said: A1ostle o0 Allah2 what is the 0ast o0 9a-idD He said: He used to 0ast one da" and did not 0ast the other da", He (also) said: Ae/ite the Eur:an durin. e-er" month, I said: A1ostle o0 Allah2 I am /a1able o0 doin. more than this2 whereu1on he said: Ae/ite it in twent" da"sB re/ite it in ten da"s, I said: I am /a1able o0 doin. more than this2 whereu1on he said: Ae/ite it e-er" wee62 and do not e5/eed be"ond this2 0or "our wi0e has a u1on "ou2 "our -isitor has a u1on "ou2 "our bod" has a u1on "ou, He (:Amr b, :As) said: I was hard to m"sel0 and thus I was 1ut to hardshi1, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had told me: :Kou do not 6now "ou ma" li-e lon. (thus and bear the hardshi1s 0or a lon. time)2 and I a//e1ted that whi/h the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had told me, ?hen I .rew old I wished I had a-ailed m"sel0 o0 the /on/es- sion (.ranted b") the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma"-1ea/e be u1on him), This hadith has been narrated b" Kah"a b, Abu >athir with the same /hain o0 transmit)*) & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

ters and he made this addition a0ter these words: 9urin. e-er" month2 (0astin.) 0or three da"s2 there is 0or "ou ten times 0or e-er" .ood and that is 1er1etual 0astin. (0or three da"s would brin. a reward 0or 0ull thirt" da"s), I said: ?hat is the 0ast o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah2 9a-idD He said: Hal0 o0 the a.e (obser-in. 0ast on alternate da"s 0or the whole li0e), And in the hadith no mention has been made o0 the re/ital o0 the Eur:an2 and he did not sa": Kour -isitor has a u1on "ou2 but (instead) he said: Kour son has a u1on "ou,


)2 !umber 2+#;:

:Abdullah b, :Amr (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: Ae/ite the whole o0 the Eur:An durin. e-er" nonth, I said: I 0ind 1ower (to re/ite it) in a shorter 1eriod, He said: Then re/ite it in twent" ni.hts, I said: I 0ind 1ower (to re/ite it in a shorter 1eriod e-en than this)2 whereu1on he said: Then re/ite it in se-en (ni.hts) and do not e5/eed be"ond it,


)2 !umber 2+; :

:Abdullah b, :Amr b, al-:As (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: :Abdullah2 don:t be li6e so and so who obser-ed 1ra"er durin. the whole and then abandoned it (alto.ether),


)2 !umber 2+;$:

Abdu:llah b, :Amr b, :As (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: It was /on-e"ed to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that I obser-e 0ast su//es- si-el" and 1ra" durin. the whole, He sent 0or me or I met him and he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: It has been /on-e"ed to me that "ou obser-e 0ast /ontinuousl" and do not brea6 it and 1ra" durin. the whole, 9on:t do that, 0or there is share 0or "our e"es2 share 0or "our own sel02 share 0or "our 0amil"B so obser-e 0ast and brea6 it2 1ra" and slee1 and obser-e 0ast 0or one da" durin. the ten da"s2 and there is a reward 0or "ou (0or other) nine (da"s besides the tenth da" o0 the 0ast), I said: A1ostle o0 Allah2 I 0ind m"sel0 more 1ower0ul than this, He said: Then obser-e the 0ast o0 9a-id (1ea/e be u1on him), He (:Amr) said: A1ostle o0 Allah2 how did 9a-id obser-e 0astD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: He used to 0ast one da" and brea6 it on the other da"2 and he did not run (0rom the battle0ield) as he en/ountered (the enem"), He said: A1ostle o0 Allah2 who /an .uarantee this 0or me (will I also en/ounter the enem" dauntlessl")D :Ata:2 the narrator o0 the hadith2 said: I do not 6now how there (/re1t in) the matter o0 1er1etual 0ast, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 howe-er2 said: He who obser-ed 1er1etual 0ast did not 0ast at allB he who obser-ed 1er1etual 0ast did not 0ast at all2 he who obser-ed 1er1etual 0ast did not 0ast at all, This hadith has been narrated b" Ibn Furaij with the same /hain o0 transmitters, Imam Muslim has narrated this hadith on the authorit" o0 Abu :Abbas al-Sa:ib b, =arru6h and he was a trustworth" and reliable (narrator) amon. the 1eo1le o0 Me//a,
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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2+;2:

Abdullah b, Amr (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: :Abdullah b, Amr2 "ou 0ast /ontinuousl" and stand in 1ra"er 0or the whole o0, I0 "ou do li6e that2 "our e"es would be hi.hl" strained and would sin6 and lose, There is no (reward 0or) 0astin. (0or him) who 0asts 1er1etuall", =astin. 0or three da"s durin. the month is li6e 0astin.2 the whole o0 the month, I said: I am /a1able o0 doin. more than this2 whereu1on he said: 3bser-e the 0ast o0 9a-id, He used to 0ast one da" and brea6 (the other) da", And he did not turn ba/6 in the en/ounter,


)2 !umber 2+;4:

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Habib b, Abu Thabit with the same /hain o0 transmitters and he said:C And "ou would be/ome e5hausted,C


)2 !umber 2+;*:

:Abdullah b, :Amr (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: I ha-e been in0ormed that "ou stand 0or 1ra"er the whole o0 and 0ast durin. the da", I said: I do that2 whereu1on he said: I0 "ou did that "ou in 0a/t strained hea-il" "our e"es and made "oursel0 wea6, There is a o0 "our e"es (u1on "ou) and a o0 "our sel0 (u1on "ou) and a o0 "our 0amil" (u1on "ou), Stand 0or 1ra"er and slee1, obser-e 0asts and brea6 (them),


)2 !umber 2+;+:

:Abdullah b, :Amr (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?ith Allah the best 0astin. is that o0 9a-id and the best 1ra"er is that o0 9a-id (1ea/e be u1on him) 0or he sle1t hal0 o0 the and stood 0or 1ra"er 0or the third o0 it and (then) sle1t the si5th 1art o0 it and he obser-ed 0ast one da" and bro6e on the other,


)2 !umber 2+;):

:Abdullah b, :Amr b, al-:As re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The best 0astin. in the e"e o0 Allah is that o0 9a-id2 0or he 0asted 0or hal0 o0 the a.e (he 0asted on alternate da"s)2 and the best 1ra"er in the e"e o0 Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 is that o0 9a-id (1ea/e be u1on him)2 0or he sle1t 0or hal0 o0 the and then stood 0or 1ra"er and then a.ain sle1t, He 1ra"ed 0or one-third o0 the a0ter, He (the narrator) said: I as6ed :Amr b, 9inar whether :Amr b, Aus said that he stood 0or 1ra"er one-third o0 the a0ter, He said: Kes,

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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2+;%:

Abu Eatada re1orted that Abu al Malih in0ormed me: I went alon. with "our 0ather to :Abdullah b, Amr2 and he narrated to us that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was in0ormed about m" 0astin. and he /ame to me2 and I 1la/ed a leather /ushion 0illed with 0ibre o0 date-1alms 0or him, He sat down u1on the .round and there was that /ushion between me and him2 and he said to me: 9oes three da"s: 0astin. in a month not su00i/e "ouD I said: o0 Allah2 (I am /a1able o0 obser-in. more 0asts), He said: (?ould) 0i-e (not su00i/e 0or "ou)D I said: o0 Allah2 (I am /a1able o0 obser-in. more 0asts) He said: (?ould) se-en (0asts) not su00i/e "ouD I said: o0 Allah2 (I am /a1able o0 obser-in. more 0asts), He (the Hol" @ro1het) then said: (?ould) nine (0asts not su00i/e "ou)D I said: o0 Allah2 (I am /a1able o0 obser-in. more 0asts), He said: (?ould) ele-en (0asts not su00i/e "ou)D I said: o0 Allah2 (I am /a1able o0 obser-in. more 0asts than these), Thereu1on the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There is no 0astin. (better than) the 0astin. o0 9a-id whi/h /om1rises hal0 o0 the a.e2 0astin. a da" and not 0astin. a da",


)2 !umber 2+;#:

:Abdullah b, Amr (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said to him: 3bser-e 0ast 0or a da" and there would be reward 0or "ou 0or the rest (o0 the da"s), He said: I am /a1able o0 doin. more than this, He then said: 3bser-e 0ast 0or two da"s2 and there would be reward 0or "ou 0or the rest (o0 the da"s), He said: I am /a1able o0 doin. more than this, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 3bser-e 0ast 0or three da"s and there would be reward 0or "ou 0or the rest o0 the da"s, He said: I am /a1able o0 doin. more than this2 whereu1on he said: 3bser-e 0ast 0or 0our da"s and there would be reward 0or "ou 0or the rest o0 the da"s, He said: I am /a1able o0 doin. more than this, Thereu1on he said: Then obser-e 0ast (whi/h is the) best in the e"e o0 Allah2 the 0ast o0 9a-id (1ea/e be u1on him) B he used to obser-e 0ast one da" and brea6 on the other da",


)2 !umber 2+;;:

:Abdullah b, :Amr (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to meL :Abdullah b, :Amr2 it has been /on-e"ed to me that "ou obser-e 0ast durin. the da" and stand in 1ra"er durin. the whole, 9on:t do that2 0or "our bod" has a share o0 its own in "ou2 "our e"e has a share o0 its own in "ou2 "our wi0e has a share o0 her own in "ou, 3bser-e 0ast and brea6 it too, =ast 0or three da"s in e-er" month and that is a 1re1etual 0astin., I saidL o0 Allah2 I ha-e .ot enou.h (to do more than this)2 whereu1on he said: Then obser-e the 0ast o0 9a-id (1ea/e be u1on him), 3bser-e 0ast one da" and brea6 it (on the other) da", And he (:Abdullah b, :Amr) used to sa": ?ould that I had a-ailed m"sel0 o0 this /on/ession,

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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

'ha1ter 44: (5/ellen/e o0 obser-in. 0ast 0or three da"s durin. e-er" month, And 0astin. on the da" o0 :Ara0a and :Ashura and monda" and thursda"
7oo6 )2 !umber 2) :
Mu:adha al-:Adawi""a re1orted that she as6ed :A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whether the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed 0asts 0or three da"s durin. e-er" month, She said: Kes I said to her: ?hi/h were (the 1arti/ular) da"s o0 the month on whi/h he obser-ed 0astD She said: He was not 1arti/ular about the da"s o0 the month on whi/h to obser-e 0ast,


)2 !umber 2) $:

:Imran b, Husain (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him (or he said to another 1erson and he was listenin. to it): 32 so and so2 did "ou obser-e 0ast in the middle o0 the monthD He said: !o, Thereu1on he (the o0 Allah) said: ?hen "ou brea6 it2 then obser-e 0ast 0or two da"s,


)2 !umber 2) 2:

Abu Eatada re1orted that a 1erson /ame to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: How do "ou obser-e 0astD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0elt anno"ed, $+) ?hen :Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) noti/ed his anno"an/e2 he said: ?e are well 1leased with Allah as our Lord2 with Islam as our 'ode o0 Li0e2 and with Muhammad as our @ro1het, ?e see6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom the o0 Allah and that o0 His, :Umar 6e1t on re1eatin. these words till his (the @ro1het:s) /almed down, Then Umar said: o0 Allah, what is the 1osition o0 one who 1er1etuall" obser-es 0astsD Thereu1on he said: He neither 0asted nor bro6e it2 or he said: He did not 0ast and he did not brea6 it, He said: ?hat about him who obser-es 0ast 0or two da"s and brea6s one da", There- u1on he said: Is an"one /a1able o0 doin. itD He (:Umar) said: ?hat is the 1osition o0 him who obser-es 0ast 0or a da" and brea6s on the other da"D Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: That is the 0ast o0 9a-id (1ea/e be u1on him), He (:Umar) said: ?hat about him who obser-es 0ast one da" and brea6s it 0or two da"s, Thereu1on he (the o0 Allah) said: I wish2 I were .i-en to obser-e that, Therea0ter he said: The obser-an/e o0 three da"s: 0ast e-er" Month and that o0 Aamadan e-er" "ear is a 1er1etual 0astin., I see6 0rom Allah that 0astin. on the da" o0 :Ara0a ma" atone 0or the sins o0 the 1re/edin. and the /omin. "ears, and I see6 0rom Allah that 0astin. on the da" o0 Ashura ma" atone 0or the sins o0 the 1re/edin. "ear,

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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2) 4:

Abu Eatada al-Ansari (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed about his 0astin., The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0elt anno"ed, Thereu1on :Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) said: ?e are 1leased with Allah as the Lord2 with Islam as our 'ode o0 Li0e2 with Muhammad as the and with our 1led.e (to "ou 0or willin. and /heer0ul submission) as a (sa/red) /ommitment, He was then as6ed about 1er1etual 0astin.2 whereu1on he said: He neither 0asted nor did he brea6 it2 or he did not 0ast and he did not brea6 it, He was then as6ed about 0astin. 0or two da"s and brea6in. one da", He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: And who has enou.h to do itD He was as6ed about 0astin. 0or a da" and brea6in. 0or two da"s2 whereu1on he said: Ma" Allah bestow u1on us to do it, He was then as6ed about 0astin. 0or a da" and brea6in. on the other2 whereu1on he said: That is the 0astin. o0 m" brother 9a-id (1ea/e be u1on him), He was then as6ed about 0astin. on Monda"2 whereu1on he said: It was the da" on whi/h I was born, on whi/h I was /ommissioned with 1ro1hethood or re-elation was sent to me2 (and he 0urther) said: Three da"s: 0astin. e-er" month and o0 the whole o0 Aamadan e-er" "ear is a 1er1etual 0ast, He was as6ed about 0astin. on the da" o0 :Ara0a (;th o0 9hu:I-Hijja)2 whereu1on he said: It e51iates the sins o0 the 1re/edin. "ear and the /omin. "ear, He was as6ed about 0astin. on the da" o0 :Ashura ($ th o0 Muharram)2 whereu1on be said: It e51iates the sins o0 the 1re/edin. "ear, (Imam Muslim said that in this hadith there is a) narration o0 Imam Shu:ba that he was as6ed about 0astin. on Monda" and Thursda"2 but we (Imam Muslim) did not mention Thursda" 0or we 0ound it as an error (in re1ortin.),


)2 !umber 2) *:

This hadith has been narrated b" Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


)2 !umber 2) +:

This hadith has been narrated b" Hhailan b, Farir with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but with one -ariation2 that there has been made mention o0 Monda" and not o0 Thursda",


)2 !umber 2) ):

Abu Eatada Ansari (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed about 0astin. on Monda"2 whereu1on he said: It is (the da") when I was born and re-elation was sent down to me,

)+$ & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

'ha1ter 4*: =astin. in the month o0 Sha:ban

7oo6 )2 !umber 2) %:
:Imran b, Husain (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) ha-in. said to him or to someone else: 9id "ou 0ast in the middle o0 Sha:banD He said: !o, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I0 "ou did not obser-e 0ast2 then "ou should obser-e 0ast 0or two da"s,


)2 !umber 2) #:

Imran b, Husain (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (wa" 1ea/e heu1on him) said, to a 1erson: 9id "ou obser-e an" 0ast in the middle o0 this month (Sha:ban)D He said: !o, Thereu1on the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: =ast 0or two da"s instead o0 (one 0ast) when "ou ha-e /om1leted (0asts o0) Aamadan,


)2 !umber 2) ;:

:Imran b, Husain (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to a 1erson: 9id "ou obser-e 0ast in the middle o0 this month, i, e, Sha:banD He said: !o, Thereu1on he said to him: ?hen it is the end o0 Aamadan2 then obser-e 0ast 0or one da" or two (Shu:ba had some doubt about it) but he said: I thin6 that he has said: two da"s,


)2 !umber 2)$ :

This hadith is narrated b" :Abdullah b, Hani b, A6hi Mutarri0 with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 4+: (5/ellen/e o0 the 0ast o0 Muharram

7oo6 )2 !umber 2)$$:
Abu Haraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The most e5/ellent 0ast a0ter Aamadan is Hod:s month, al-Muharram2 and the most e5/ellent 1ra"er a0ter what is 1res/ribed is 1ra"er durin. the,


)2 !umber 2)$2:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that he (the o0 Allah) was as6ed as to whi/h 1ra"er was most e5/ellent a0ter the 1res/ribed 1ra"er2 and whi/h 0ast was most e5/ellent a0ter

)+2 & $#


733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

the month o0 Aamadan, He said: @ra"er o00ered in the middle o0 the and the most e5/ellent 0ast a0ter (0astin.) in the month o0 Aamadan is the 0ast in Hod:s month al-Muharram,


)2 !umber 2)$4:

A hadith li6e this has been re1orted 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) b" :Abd al-Mali6 with the same /hain o0 transmitters in /onne/tion with 0ast,

'ha1ter 4): (5/ellen/e o0 obser-in. 0ast 0or si5 da"s in the month o0 Shawwal a0ter Aamadan
7oo6 )2 !umber 2)$*:
Abu A""ub al-Ansari (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who obser-ed the 0ast o0 Aamadan and then 0ollowed it with si5 (0asts) o0 Shawwal, it would be as i0 he 0asted 1er1etuall",


)2 !umber 2)$+:

Abu A""ub al-Ansari re1orted (throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters): I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in. li6e this,


)2 !umber 2)$):

Abu A""ub re1orted a hadith li6e this (throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters),

'ha1ter 4%: (5/ellen/e o0 Lailat-ul-Eadr and e5hortation to 0ind it

7oo6 )2 !umber 2)$%:
Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that some 1ersons amon. the 'om1anions o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) were shown Lailat- ul-Eadr while slee1in. in the last wee6 (o0 Aamadan), Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I see that "our dreams a.ree re.ardin. the last wee6B so he who wants to see6 it should see6 it in the last wee6 (durin. the,

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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2)$#:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: See6 Lailat-ul-Eadr in the last wee6 (o0 Aamadan),


)2 !umber 2)$;:

Salim re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that a 1erson saw Lailat-ul- Eadr on the 2%th (o0 Aamadan), Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I see that "our dreams a.ree re.ardin. the last ten (ni.hts o0 Aamadan), So see6 it on an odd number (o0 these ten ni.hts),


)2 !umber 2)2 :

Salim b, :Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted that his 0ather said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: So 0ar as Lailat-ul-Eadr is /on/erned, some 1ersons amon. "ou ha-e seen it (in a dream) in the 0irst wee6 and some 1ersons amon. "ou ha-e been shown that it is in the last wee6B so see6 it in the last ten (ni.hts),


)2 !umber 2)2$:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: See6 it (Lailat-ul-Eadr) in the last (ten ni.hts), I0 one amon. "ou shows sla/6ness and wea6ness (in the earlier 1art o0 Aamadan)2 it should not be allowed to 1re-ail u1on him in the last wee6,


)2 !umber 2)22:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who is an5ious to see6 it (Lailat-ul-Eadr) should see6 it in the last ten (ni.hts o0 Aamadan),


)2 !umber 2)24:

:Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: See6 the time o0 Lailat-ul-Eadr in the last (ten ni.hts)2 or he said: in the last nine (ni.hts),


)2 !umber 2)2*:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I was shown Lailat-ul-EadrB then some members o0 m" 0amil" awo6e me u12 then I was /aused to it, So see6 it in the last wee6, Harmala said: (The Hol" @ro1het did not sa":C I was made to 0or.et2C but he stated):C 7ut I 0or.ot it,C
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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2)2+:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) s1ent in de-otion (in i:ti6a0) the middle ten ni.hts o0 the month o0 Aamadan2 and when twent" ni.hts were o-er and it was the twent"-0irst ni.ht2 he went ba/6 to his residen/e and those who were alon. with him also returned (to their res1e/ti-e residen/es), He s1ent one month in de-otion, Then he addressed the 1eo1le on the he /ame ba/6 (to his residen/e) and /ommanded them as Allah desired (him to /ommand) and then said: I used to de-ote m"sel0 (obser-e i:ti6a0) durin. these ten (ni.hts), Then I started de-otin. m"sel0 in the last ten (ni.hts), And he who desires to obser-e i:ti6a0 alon. with me should s1end the at his 1la/e o0 i:ti6a0, And I saw this (Lailat-ul-Eadr) but I 0or.ot it (the e5a/t B so see6 itBIn the last ten ni.hts on odd numbers, I saw (the .lim1ses o0 that dream) that I was 1rostratin. in water and mud, Abu Sa:id al->hudri said: It rained on the twent"-0irst and the water dri11ed (0rom the roo0) o0 the mosque at the 1la/e where the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed 1ra"er, I loo6ed at him and as he /om1leted the dawn 1ra"er2 (I 0ound) his 0a/e was wet with mud and water,


)2 !umber 2)2):

Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) de-oted (himsel0 to 1ra"er) in the middle (ten ni.hts) o0 Aamadan, The rest o0 the hadith is the same e5/e1t 0or these words:C That he adhered to his 1la/e o0 i:ti6a0 and his 0orehead was besmeared with mud and water,C


)2 !umber 2)2%:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed i:ti6a0 (/on0ined himsel0 0or de-otion and 1ra"er) in the 0irst ten (da"s) o0 AamadanB he then obser-ed i:ti6a0 in the middle ten (da"s) in a Tur6ish tent with a mat at its door, He (the Hol" @ro1het) too6 hold o0 that mat and 1la/ed it in the noo6 o0 the tent, He then 1ut his head out and tal6ed with 1eo1le and the" /ame near him2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I obser-ed i:ti6a0 in the 0irst ten (ni.hts and da"s) in order to see6 that (Lailat-ul-Eadr), I then obser-ed i:ti6a0 in the middle ten da"s, Then (an an.el) was sent to me and I was told that this ( is amon. the last ten (ni.hts), He who amon. "ou li6es to obser-e i:ti6a0 should do soB and the 1eo1le obser-ed it alon. with him2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: That (Lailat-ul-Eadr) was shown to me on an odd ( and I (saw in the dream) that I was 1rostratin. in the mornin. in /la" and water, So in the mornin. o0 the twent"-0irst when he (the Hol" @ro1het) .ot u1 0or dawn (1ra"er), there was a rain0all and the mosque dri11ed2 and I saw /la" and water, ?hen he /ame out a0ter /om1letin. the mornin. 1ra"er (I saw) that his 0orehead and the ti1 o0 his nose had (tra/es) o0 /la" and water2 and that was the twent"-0irst amon. the last ten (ni.hts),

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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)


)2 !umber 2)2#:

Abu Salama re1orted: :?e dis/ussed oursel-es Lailat-ul-Eadr, I /ame to Abu Sa:id al>hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) who was a 0riend o0 mine and said to him: ?ould "ou not .o with us to the .arden o0 date treesD He went out with a /loa6 o-er him, I said to him: 9id "ou hear the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ma6in. mention o0 Lailat-ul-EadrD He said: Kes2 (and added) we were obser-in. i:ti6a0 with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the middle ten da"s o0 Aamadan2 and /ame out on the mornin. o0 the twentieth and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) addressed us and said: I was shown Lailat-ul-Eadr2 but I 0or.ot (the e5a/t or I was /aused to it2 so see6 it in the last ten odd (ni.hts)2 and I was shown that I was 1rostratin. in water and /la", So he who wanted to obser-e i:ti6a0 with the o0 Allah (ina" 1ea/e be u1on him) should return (to the 1la/e o0 i:ti6a0), He (Abu Sa:id al->hudri) said: And we returned and did not 0ind an" 1at/h o0 /loud in the s6", Then the /loud .athered and there was (so hea-") a down1our that the roo0 o0 the mosque whi/h was made o0 the bran/hes o0 date-1alms to dri1, Then there was 1ra"er and I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rostratin. in water and /la" till I saw the tra/es o0 /la" on his 0orehead,


)2 !umber 2)2;:

This badith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Kah"a b, Abu >athir with the same /hain o0 transmitters (with a -ariation o0 these words): I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a0ter he had /om1leted (the 1ra"er) and there was a tra/e o0 /la" on his 0orehead and ti1 (o0 the nose),


)2 !umber 2)4 :

Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed i:ti6a0 in the middle ten da"s o0 Aamadan to see6 Lailat-ul-Eadr be0ore it was made mani0est to him, ?hen (these ni.hts) were o-er2 he /ommanded to stri6e the tent, Then it was made mani0est to him that (Lailat-ul-Eadr) was in the last ten ni.hts (o0 Aamadan)2 and /ommanded to 1it/h the tent (a.ain), He then /ame to the 1eo1le and said: 3 1eo1le2 Lailat-ul-Eadr was made mani0est to me and I /ame out to in0orm "ou about it that two 1ersons /ame /ontend- in. with ea/h other and there was a de-il alon. with them and I 0or.ot it, So see6 it in the last ten ni.hts o0 Aamadan, See6 it on the ninth2 on the se-enth and on the 0i0th, I (one o0 the narrators) said: Abu Sa:id2 "ou 6now more than us about numbers, He said: Kes2 indeed we ha-e better than "ou, I said: ?hat is this ninth2 se-enth2 and 0i0thD He said: ?hen twent"-one (ni.hts are o-er) and the twent"-se/ond be.ins2 it is the ninth2 and when twent"-three (ni.hts) are o-er2 that whi/h 0ollows (the last is the se-enth2 and when twent"-0i-e ni.hts are o-er2 what 0ollows it is 0i0th, Ibn >hallad said: Instead o0 the word Kahliqan (/ontendin.)2 he said Ka6htasiman2 (the" are dis1utin.),

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)2 !umber 2)4$:

:Abdullah b, Unais re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e beu1on him) as sa"in.: I was shown Lailat-ul-EadrB then I was made to it2 and saw that I was 1rostratin. in water and /la" in the mornin. o0 that (, He (the narrator) said: There was a down1our on the twent"-third and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) led us in 1ra"er2 and as he went ba/62 there was a tra/e o0 water and /la" on his 0orehead and on his nose, He (the narrator) said: :Abdullah b, Unais used to sa" that it was the twent"-third (,


)2 !umber 2)42:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) and Ibn !umair re1orted Allah:s Mes- (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Loo6 0or (and in the words o0 ?a6i2 see6) Lailat-ul-Eadr in the last ten ni.hts o0 Aamadan,


)2 !umber 2)44:

Girr b, Habaish re1orted: I thu as6ed Uba"" b, >a:b (Allah be 1leased with him): Kour brother (in 0aith) Ibn Mas:ud sa"s: He who stands (0or the 1ra"er) throu.hout the "ear would 0ind Lailatul-Eadr2 whereu1on he said: Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on himB (he said these words) with the intention that 1eo1le not rel" onl" (on one whereas he 6new that it (Lailat-ul-Eadr) is in the month o0 Aamadan and it is the twent"-se-enth, He then too6 oath (without ma6in. an" e5/e1tion2 i, e, without sa"in. Innsha Allah) that it was the twent"-se-enth, I said to him: Abu Mundhir2 on what .round do "ou sa" thatD Thereu1on he said: 7" the indi/ation or b" the si.n whi/h the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e us2 and that is that on that da" (the sun) would rise without ha-in. an" ra" in it,


)2 !umber 2)4*:

Girr b, Hubaish re1orted that Uba"" b, >a:b (Allah be 1leased with him) said about Lailat-ul-Eadr: 7" Allah2 I 6now well about it, Shu:ba said: To the best o0 m" 6nowled.e it was the twent"-se-enth 0or whi/h the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded us to stand 0or 1ra"er, Shu:ba doubted these words: That it was the 0or whi/h the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded us to stand 0or 1ra"er, And (he 0urther) said: This was narrated to me b" a 0riend o0 mine 0rom him (the Hol" @ro1het),


)2 !umber 2)4+:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?e were tal6in. about Lailat-ul-Eadr in the 1resen/e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said: He who "ou re-

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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

members (the when the moon arose and it was li6e a 1ie/e o0 1late (at the 0a. end o0 the month in a state o0 wanin.),

'ha1ter 4#: 3bser-in. o0 i:ti6a0 in the last ten da"s o0 Aamadan

7oo6 )2 !umber 2)4):
Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e i:ti6a0 in the last ten da"s o0 Aamadan,


)2 !umber 2)4%:

Abdullah b, Umar (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e i:ti6a0 in the last ten da"s o0 Aamadan, !a0i: said: Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with him) showed me the 1la/e in the mosque where the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e i:ti6a0,


)2 !umber 2)4#:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to obser-e i:ti6a0 in the last ten da"s o0 Aamadan,


)2 !umber 2)4;:

This hadith has been narrated b" :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


)2 !umber 2)* :

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) used to obser-e i:ti6i0 in the last ten da"s o0 Aamadan till Allah /alled him ba/6 (to his hea-enl" home), Then his wi-es obser-ed i:ti6a0 a0ter him,

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'ha1ter 4;: ?hen should a 1erson enter the 1la/e o0 i:ti6a0 as he intends to obser-e it
7oo6 )2 !umber 2)*$:
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) de/ided to obser-e i:ti6a02 he 1ra"ed in the mornin. and then went to the 1la/e o0 his i:ti6a02 and he /ommanded that a tent should be 1it/hed 0or him2 and it was 1it/hed, He (on/e) de/ided to obser-e i:ti6a0 in the last ten da"s o0 Aamadan, Gainab (the wi0e o0 the Hol" @ro1het) /ommanded that a tent should be 1it/hed 0or her, It was 1it/hed a//ordin.l", And some other wi-es o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded that tents should be 1it/hed 0or them too, And the" were 1it/hed, ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) o00ered the mornin. 1ra"er2 he loo6ed and 0ound (so man") tents, Thereu1on he said: ?hat is this -irtue that these (ladies) ha-e de/ided to a/quireD He /ommanded his tent to be stru/6 and abandoned i:ti6a0 in the month o0 Aamadan and 1ost1oned it to the 0irst ten da"s o0 Shawwal,


)2 !umber 2)*2:

This hadith has been re1orted throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters2 and there it is mentioned that, :A:isha2 Ha0sa and Gainab (Allah be 1leased with them) 1it/hed the tents 0or i:ti6a0,

'ha1ter * : 3ne should e5ert more (in de-otion and 1ra"er) in the last ten da"s o0 Aramadan
7oo6 )2 !umber 2)*4:
:A:Isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that when the last ten ni.hts Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 6e1t awa6e at (0or 1ra"er and de-otion)2 wa6ened his 0amil"2 and 1re1ared himsel0 to obser-e 1ra"er (with more -i.our),


)2 !umber 2)**:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to e5ert himsel0 in de-otion durin. the last ten ni.hts to a .reater e5tent than at an" other time,

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733> ): TH( 733> 3= =ASTI!H (>ITA7 AL-SA?M)

'ha1ter *$: =astin. on the $ th o0 9hu:l-Hijja

7oo6 )2 !umber 2)*+:
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: I ne-er saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0astin. in the ten da"s o0 9hu:I-Hijja,


)2 !umber 2)*):

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not obser-e 0ast in the ten da"s o0 9hul-Hijja,

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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

The word Hajj means2 literall"2 re1airin. to a 1la/e 0or the sa6e o0 -isit (al-qasd li-8i"arah)2 and in the terminolo." o0 the Islami/ Shari:ah2 it im1lies the re1airin. to 7ait-Allah (the house o0 Allah) to obser-e the ne/essar" de-otion (iqamat-an-li-nusu6) 7ait-Allah is one o0 the names b" whi/h the >a:ba is /alled, Hajj is not a new institution whi/h Islam has introdu/ed in its Shari:ah, This institution is as old as the >a:ba itsel0 whi/h is /alled in the Hol" Eur:an to beC the 0irst House o0 9i-ine ?orshi1 a11ointed 0or menC (iii, ;+), This -erse o0 the Hol" Eur:an /orroborates the hadith whi/h tells us that the >a:ba was 0irst built b" Adam2 the 0irst man u1on the earth, It was later on rebuilt b" Hadrat Ibrahim and his illustrious son Hadrat Isma:il (1ea/e be u1on both o0 them), And when Ibrahim and Isma:al raised the 0oundations o0 the house2 the" said:C 3ur LordL a//e1t 0rom usC (ii, $2%), An earlier re-elation ma6es it /lear that the >a:ba was alread" there when Hadrat Ibrahim le0t Hadrat Isma:il in the wilderness o0 Arabia:C 3ur LordL I ha-e settled a 1art o0 m" o00s1rin. in a -alle" un1rodu/ti-e o0 0ruit near Th" sa/red HouseC (5i-, 4%), The whole /eremon" o0 Hajj is /ommemorati-e o0 Hadrat Ibrahim and his 0amil":s a/ts o0 de-otion to Hod", This shows that the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not inno-ate this institution but 1ur.ed it o0 all e-il 1ra/ti/es and made it an obli.ator" a/t o0 1iet" b" whi/h one /an de-elo1 Hod-/ons/iousness, It is ri.htl" said that it is the 1er0e/tion o0 0aith sin/e it /ombines in itsel0 all the distin/ti-e qualities o0 other obli.ator" a/ts, It re1resents the qualit" o0 salat sin/e a 1il.rim o00ers 1ra"ers in the >a:ba2 the House o0 the Lord, It en/ the s1endin. o0 material wealth 0or the sa6e o0 the Lord2 the /hie0 /hara/teristi/ o0 Ga6at, ?hen a 1il.rim sets out 0or Hajj2 he disso/iates himsel0 0rom his hearth and home2 0rom his dear and near ones to 1lease the Lord, He su00ers 1ri-ation and underta6es the hardshi1 o0 journe"-the lessons we learn 0rom 0astin. and i:ti6a0, In Hajj one is trained to be /om1letel" 0or.et0ul o0 the material /om0orts and show o0 worldl" thin., 3ne has to slee1 on ston" .round2 /ir/umambulate the >a:ba2 run between Sa0a and Marwa and s1end his and da" wearin.2 onl" two 1ie/es o0 unsewn /loth, He is required to a-oid the use o0 oil or s/ent or an" other 1er0ume, He is not e-en allowed to .et his hair /ut or trim his beard, In short2 he is /ommanded to abandon e-er"thin. 0or the sa6e o0 Allah and submit himsel0 be0ore his Lord2 the ultimate aim o0 the li0e o0 a Muslim, In 0a/t2 1h"si/al 1il.rima.e is a 1relude to s1iritual 1il.rima.e to Hod2 when man would bid .oodb"e to e-er"thin. o0 the world and 1resent himsel0 be0ore Him as His humble ser-ant sa"in.:C Here I am be0ore Thee2 m" Lord2 as a sla-e o0 Thine,C C9own throu.h the,C sa"s @ro0essor Hitti2 Cthis institution has /ontinued to ser-e as the major uni0"in. in0luen/e in Islam and the most e00e/ti-e /ommon bond amon. the di-erse belie-ers, It rendered almost e-er" /a1able Moslem 1er0or/e a tra-eller 0or on/e in his li0etime, The so/iali8in. in0luen/e o0 su/h a .atherin. o0 the brotherhood o0 belie-ers 0rom the 0ar quarters o0 the earth is hard
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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

to o-erestimate, It a00orded o11ortunit" 0or ne.roes2 7erbers2 'hinese2 @ersians2 S"rians2 Tur6s-ri/h and 1oor2 hi.h and low-to 0raterni8e and meet to.ether on the /ommon .round o0 0aithC (Histor" o0 the Arabs2 1, $4)),

'ha1ter $: ?hat is 1ermitted 0or the muhrim (wearer o0 ihram) in Hajj and Umra2 what is not 1ermissible and 0orbiddan/e o0 the use o0 1er0ume
7oo6 %2 !umber 2)*%:
Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that a 1erson as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) what a Muhrim should 1ut on as dress, Thereu1on the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o not 1ut on a shirt or a turban2 or trousers or a /a12 or leather sto/6in.s e5/e1t one who does not 0ind shoesB he ma" 1ut on sto/6in.s but he should trim them below the an6les, And do not wear /lothes to whi/h sa00ron or wars is a11lied,


%2 !umber 2)*#:

Salim re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (:Abdullah b, :Umar) that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed what a Muhrim should wear2 whereu1on he said: A Muhrim should not wear a shirt2 or a turban2 or a /a12 or trousers2 or a /loth tou/hed with wars or with sa00ron2 nor (should he wear) sto/6- in.s2 but in /ase he does not 0ind shoes2 but (be0ore wearin. sto/6in.s) be should trim them (in su/h a wa") that these should be/ome lower than the an6les,


%2 !umber 2)*;:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the Muhrim to 1ut on a /loth d"ed in sa00ron or wars and he 0urther said: 3ne who does not 0ind shoes (to wear) he wa" wear sto/6in.s2 but (onl") a0ter trimmin. them below the an6les,


%2 !umber 2)+ :

Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa" as he was deli-erin. an address: So 0ar as the trousers are /on/erned2 one who does not 0ind lower .arment2 he ma" wear themB as also so/6s2 he ma" wear them who does not 0ind shoes, It /on/erns the Muhrim,

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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 2)+$:

:Amr b, 9inar narrated with the same /hain o0 transmitters that he heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) deli-erin. sermon at :Ara0at2 and he made a mention o0 this hadith (as quoted abo-e),


%2 !umber 2)+2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Amr b, 9inar with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but none o0 them (the narrators) made a mention that he (the Hol" @ro1het) was deli-erin. address at :Ara0ia e5/e1t Sbu:ba,


%2 !umber 2)+4:

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who does not 0ind shoes to wear ma" wear so/6s2 and he who does not 0ind lower .arment to wear ma" 1ut on trousers,


%2 !umber 2)+*:

Ka:la b, Uma""a re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (Allah be 1leased with them) that a 1erson /ame to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as he was at Fi:rana and he (the 1erson) had been 1uttin. on a /loa6 whi/h was 1er0umed2 or he (the narrator) said: There was a tra/e o0 "ellowness on it, He said (to the Hol" @ro1het): ?hat do "ou /ommand me to do durin. m" UmraD (It was at this jun/ture) that the re-elation /ame to the A1ostle o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he was /o-ered with a /loth2 and Ka:la said: ?ould that I see re-elation /omin. to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He (Hadrat :Umar) said: ?ould it 1lease "ou to see the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ei-in. the re-elations :Umar li0ted a /orner o0 the /loth and I loo6ed at him and he was emittin. a sound o0 snortin., He (the narrator) said: I it was the sound o0 a /amel, ?hen he was relie-ed o0 this he said: ?here is he who as6ed about UmraD ?hen the 1erson /ame2 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ash out the tra/e o0 "ellowness2 or he said: the tra/e o0 1er0ume and 1ut o00 the /loa6 and do in "our :Umra what "ou do in "our Hajj,


%2 !umber 2)++:

Sa0wan b, Ka:la re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (who said): A 1erson /ame to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as he was sta"in. at Fi:rana and I (the narrator:s 0ather) was at that time in the a1ostle:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /om1an" and (the 1erson) was donnin. a /loa6 ha-in. the mar6s o0 1er0ume on it2 and he said: I am in a state o0 Ihram 0or the sa6e o0 Umra2 and it (this /loa6) is u1on me and I am 1er0umed, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: ?hat would "ou do in "our HajjD He said: I would ta6e o00 the /lothes and would wash 0rom
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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

me this 1er0ume, Thereu1on the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hat "ou do in "our Hajj do it in "our Umra,


%2 !umber 2)+):

Sa0wan b, Ka:la b, Uma""a re1orted that Ka:la used to sa" to :Umar b, >hattab (Allah be 1leased with him): ?ould that I see re-elation des/endin. u1on the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), (3n/e) when the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was in Fi:rana and there was a /loth whi/h 1ro-ided shade o-er him2 and there were his 'om1anions with him, :Umar bein. one o0 them2 there /ame a 1erson with a /loa6 o0 wool on him daubed with 1er0ume and he said: o0 Allah2 what about the 1erson who2 entered u1on the state o0 Ihram with a /loa6 a0ter daubin. it with 1er0umeD The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) loo6ed at him 0or a short while2 and then be/ame quiet2 and re-elation des/endin. u1on him2 and :Umar .estured (with his hand) to Ka:la b Uma""a to /ome, Ka:la /ame and he enter- ed his head (beneath the /loth and saw) the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with his 0a/e red2 and breathin. with a snore, Then he 0elt relie-ed (o0 that burden) and he said: ?here is the man who was just as6in. me about UmraD The man was sear/hed 0or and he was brou.ht2 and the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: So 0ar as the 1er0ume is /on/erned2 wash it three times2 and remo-e the /loa6 too (as it was sewn) and do in :Umra as "ou do in Hajj,


%2 !umber 2)+%:

Ka:la b, Uma""a (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that a 1erson /ame to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as he was sta"in. at Fi:rana and he had 1ut on Ihram 0or :Umra and he had d"ed his beard and his head with "ellow /olour and there was a /loa6 on him, He said: I 1ut on Ihram 0or :Umra and I am in this state as "ou see (with d"ed beard and head and a /loa6 o-er me), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Ta6e o00 the /loa6 and wash the "ellowness and do in "our :Umra what "ou do in Hajj,


%2 !umber 2)+#:

Ka:la re1orted: ?e were with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that a 1erson /ame to him with a /loa6 on him ha-in. the tra/es o0 s/ent, He said2 o0 Allah2 I 1ut on Ihram 0or :Umra: what should I doD He (the Hol" @ro1het) 6e1t quiet and did not ma6e him an" re1l", And :Umar s/reened him and it was (usual) with :Umar that when the re-elation des/ended u1on him2 he 1ro-ided him shade (with the hel1 o0 a 1ie/e o0 /loth), I (the 1erson who /ame to the Hol" @ro1het) said: I said to :Umar I wish to 1roje/t m" head into the /loth (to see how the Hol" @ro1het re/ei-es re-elation), So when the re-elation to des/end u1on him :Umar wra11ed him (the Hol" @ro1het) with /loth I /ame to him and 1roje/ted m" head with him into the /loth2 and saw him (the Hol" @ro1het) (re/ei-in. the re-elation), ?hen he (the Hol" @ro1het) was relie-ed (o0 its burden)2 he
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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

said: ?here is the inquirer who was just inquirin. about :UmraD That man /ame to him, Thereu1on he (the A1ostle o0 Allah) said: Ta6e o00 the /loa6 0rom ("our bod") and wash the tra/es o0 1er0ume whi/h were u1on "ou2 and do in :Umra what "ou did in Hajj,

'ha1ter 2: The 1la/e where the 1il.rims enter u1on the state o0 ihram
7oo6 %2 !umber 2)+;:
Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) s1e/i0ied 9hu:l-Hulai0a2 0or the 1eo1le o0 MedinaB Fuh0a 0or the 1eo1le o0 S"riaB Earn al-Mana8il2 0or the 1eo1le o0 !ajdB Kalamlam 0or the 1eo1le o0 Kemen (the Mawaqit) and those (Mawaqit) are also meant 0or those who li-e at these (1la/es) and 0or those too who /ome 0rom without towards them 0or the sa6e o0 Hajj or :Umra, And those who li-e within them (within the bounds o0 these 1la/es) or in the suburbs o0 Me//a or within Me//a2 the" should enter u1on the state o0 Ihram at these -er" 1la/es,


%2 !umber 2)) :

Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) s1e/i0ied 9hu:l-Hulai0a 0or the 1eo1le o0 MedinaB Fuh0a 0or the 1eo1le o0 S"ria2 Earn al-Mana8il 0or the 1eo1le o0 !ajd2 Kalamlam 0or the 1eo1le o0 Kemen (as their res1e/ti-e Mawaqit)2 and he also said: These are (Mawaqit) o0 them too (who li-e there) and e-er"one who /omes 0rom outside (throu.h) their (dire/tions) 0or the sa6e o0 Hajj and :Umra and 0or those who li-e within (those bounds their Miqat is that) 0rom whi/h the" /ommen/ed (their journe")2 and 0or the 1eo1le o0 Me//a2 Me//a itsel0 is (the Miqat),


%2 !umber 2))$:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The 1eo1le o0 Medina should enter u1on the state o0 Ihram at 9hu:l-Hulai0a2 and 1eo1le o0 S"ria at Fuh0a2 and 1eo1le o0 !ajd at Earn (al-Mana8il)2 and :Abdullah (0urther) said: It has rea/hed me that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) also /aid: The 1eo1le o0 Kemen should enter u1on the state o0 Ihram at Kalamlam,


%2 !umber 2))2:

Salim re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (:Abdullah b, :Umar) that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The 1eo1le o0 Medina should enter u1on the state o0 Ihram at 9hu:l))) & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

Hulai0aB the 1eo1le o0 S"ria at Fuh0a2 the 1eo1le o0 !ajd at Earn (al-Mana8il), Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) said: It was mentioned to me but I did not m"sel0 bear it (dire/tl") 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said this: The 1eo1le o0 Kemen should enter u1on the state o0 Ihram at Kalamlam,


%2 !umber 2))4:

Salim b, :Abdullah b, :Umar b, al->hattab (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted his 0ather as sa"in.: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that the 1eo1le o0 Medina should enter u1on the state o0 Ihram at 9hu:l- Hulai0a2 the 1eo1le o0 S"ria at Mah"a:a and that is Fuh0a2 and the 1eo1le o0 !ajd at Earn (al-Mana8il), :Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) said: (I did not hear it m"sel0 0rom him) but heard 0rom them sa"in. that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had (also) said: The 1eo1le o0 Kemen should enter u1on the state o0 Ihram at Kalamlam,


%2 !umber 2))*:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had /ommanded the 1eo1le o0 Medina to enter u1on the state o0 Ihram at 9hu:l-Hulai0aB the 1eo1le o0 S"ria at Fuh0aB the 1eo1le o0 !ajd at Earn (al-Mana8il), :Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) said: I was in0ormed that he said that the 1eo1le o0 Kemen should enter u1on the state o0 Ihram at Kalamlam,


%2 !umber 2))+:

Abu Gubair re1orted that he heard Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) sa"in. that as he was as6ed about (the 1la/es 0or enterin. u1on the) state o0 ihram2 he said: I heard (and he then /arried the narration dire/tl"2 I thin6 to) the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


%2 !umber 2))):

Abu Gubair heard Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) as sa"in. as he was as6ed about (the 1la/e 0or enterin. u1on the) state o0 Ihram: I heard (and I thin6 he /arried it dire/tl" to the A1ostle o0 Allah) him sa"in.: =or the 1eo1le o0 Medina 9hu:l-Hulai0a is the 1la/e 0or enterin. u1on the state o0 Ihram2 and 0or (the 1eo1le /omin. throu.h the other wa"2 i, e, S"ria) it is Fuh0aB 0or the 1eo1le o0 Iraq it is 9bat al-:IrqB 0or the 1eo1le u0 !ajd it is Earn (al-Mana8il) and 0or the 1eo1le o0 Kemen it is Kalamlam,

))% & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

'ha1ter 4: Talbi"a2 its /harateristi/s and its time

7oo6 %2 !umber 2))%:
:Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that the Talbi"a o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was this: Here I am at Th" ser-i/e, 3 Allah2 here I am at Th" ser-i/e2 here I am at Th" ser-i/e, There is no asso/iate with TheeB here I am at Th" ser-i/e, <eril" all 1raise and .ra/e is due to Thee2 and the so-erei.nt" (too), There is no asso/iate with Thee, He (the narrator) 0urther said that :Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) made this addition to it: Here I am at Th" ser-i/eB here I am at Th" ser-i/eB read" to obe" Thee2 and .ood is in Th" HandB here $ am at Th" ser-i/eB unto Thee is the 1etition2 and deed (is also 0or Thee),


%2 !umber 2))#:

:Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that the Mes- o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered u1on the state o0 Ihram near the mosque at 9hu:l-Hulai0a as his /amel stood b" it and he said: Here I am at Th" ser-i/e2 3 LordB here I am at Th" ser-i/e: here I am at Th" ser-i/e, There is no asso/iate with Thee, Here I am at Th" ser-i/e, All 1raise and .ra/e is due to Thee and the so-erei.nt" (too), There is no asso/iate with Thee, The" (the 1eo1le) said that :Abdullah b, :Umar said that that was the Talbi"a o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), !a0i: said: :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with him) made this addition to it: Here I am at Th" ser-i/eB here I am at Th" ser-i/eB read" to obe" Thee, The Hood is in Th" Hand, Here I am at Th" ser-i/e, Unto Thee is the 1etition and deed (is also 0or Thee),


%2 !umber 2));:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: I immediatel" learnt Talbi"a 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he then narrated the hadith,


%2 !umber 2)% :

:Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a with /om1a/ted hair: Here I am at Th" ser-i/e, 3 Allah: here I am at Th" ser-i/eB here I am at Th" ser-i/e, There is no asso/iate with TheeB here I am at Th" ser-i/e, <eril" all 1raise and .ra/e is due to Thee and the So-erei.nt" (too), There is no asso/iate with TheeB and he did not ma6e an" addition to these words, :Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) (0urther) said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to o00er two ra6:ahs o0 1ra"er at 9hu:l-Hulai0a and then when his /amel stood u1 with him on its ba/6 near the mosque at 9hu:l-Hulai0a2 he 1ronoun/ed these words (o0 Talbi"a), And :Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased:with them) said that :Umar b, >hattab (Allah be 1leased with him) 1ronoun/ed2 the Talbi"a o0 the
))# & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF) o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in these words o0 his (@ro1het:s words) and said: Here I am at Th" ser-i/e2 3 LordB here I am at Th" ser-i/e2 read" to obe" Thee2 and .ood is in Th" Hand2 Here I am at Th" ser-i/e, Unto Thee is the 1etition and deed (is also 0or Thee),


%2 !umber 2)%$:

Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that the 1ol"theists also 1ronoun/ed (Talbi"a) as: Here I am at Th" ser-i/e2 there is no asso/iate with Thee, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?oe be u1on them2 as the" also said: 7ut one asso/iate with Thee2 "ou 1ossess master" o-er him2 but he does not 1ossess master" (o-er "ou), The" used to sa" this and /ir/umambulate the >a:ba,

'ha1ter *: Th0 1eo1le o0 medina are /ommanded to enter u1on the state o0 ihram at a mosque in 9hu:lHulai0a
7oo6 %2 !umber 2)%2:
Salim b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that he heard his 0ather sa"in.: This 1la/e 7aida: is 0or "ou that about whi/h "ou attribute lie to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), And the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not enter u1on the state o0 Ihram but near the mosque at 9hu:l- Hulai0a,


%2 !umber 2)%4:

Salim re1orted that when it was said to Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) that the state o0 Ihram (/ommen/es 0rom) al-7aida: he said: Al-7aida:2 "ou attribute lie about it to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), And the o0 Allah (ma- 1ea/e be u1on him) did not enter u1on the state o0 Ihram but near the-tree when his /amel stood u1 with him,

)); & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

'ha1ter +: (nterin. u1on the state o0 ihram as the ride 1ro/eeds towards (Me//a)
7oo6 %2 !umber 2)%*:
:Ubaid b, Furaij said to :Ahdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them): :Abd al-Aahman2 I 0ind "ou doin. 0our thin.s whi/h I do not see an"one amon. "our /om1anions doin., He said: Son o0 Furaij2 what are theseD Thereu1on he said: Kou (while /ir/umambulatin. the >a:ba) do not tou/h but the two 1illars situated on the side o0 "aman (south)2 and I 0ind "ou wearin. the sandals o0 tanned leather2 and I 0ind "ou with d"ed beard and head2 and I also 0ound that2 when "ou were at Me//a2 the 1eo1le 1ronoun/ed Talbi"a as the" saw the new moon (9hu:l-Hijja)2 but "ou did not do it till the #th o0 9hu:l-Hijja, U1on this :Abdullab b, :Umar said: (So 0ar as the tou/hin. o0) the 1illars is /on/erned2 I did not see the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) tou/hin. them but onl" those situated on the side o0 "aman, (So 0ar asthe wearin. o0) the shoes o0 tanned leather is /on/erned2 I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) wearin. shoes without hair on them2 and he (wore them with wet 0eet) a0ter 1er0ormin. ablution2 and I li6e to wear them, So 0ar as the "ellowness is /on/erned2 I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) d"ein. (head2 beard and /loth) with this /olour and I lo-e to d"e (m" head2 beard or /loth) with this /olour, And so 0ar as the 1ronoun/in. o0 Talbi"a is /on/erned2 I did not see the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ronoun/in. it until his /amel 1ro/eeded on (to 9hu:l-Hulai0a),


%2 !umber 2)%+:

:Ubaid b, Furaij re1orted: I remained in the /om1an" o0 :Abdullah b, :Umar b, al->hattab (Allah be 1leased with them) its twel-e Hajjs and :Umras and I said to him: I saw 0our /hara/teristi/s (1e/uliar in "ou)2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same e5/e1t the /ase o0 Talbi"a, There he o00ered the narration .i-en b" al-Maqburi and he stated the 0a/ts e5/e1tin. the one .i-en abo-e,


%2 !umber 2)%):

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ronoun/ed Talbi"a in 9hu:l-Hulai0a as he 1ut his 0eet in the stirru1 and his /amel stood u1 and 1ro/eeded,


%2 !umber 2)%%:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ronoun/ed Talbi"a as his /amel stood u1,

)% & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 2)%#:

:Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted: I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ridin. on his /amel at 9hu:l-Hulai0a and 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a as it stood u1 with him,


%2 !umber 2)%;:

:Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that the Mes- o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) s1ent the at 9hu:l-Hulai0a while /om- men/in. (the rites o0) @il.rima.e and he obser-ed 1ra"er in the mosque,

'ha1ter ): A11l"in. o0 1er0ume to the bod" be0ore enterin. u1on the state o0 ihram
7oo6 %2 !umber 2)# :
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: I a11lied 1er0ume to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) be0ore he entered u1on the state o0 lhram and (/on/ludin.) be0ore /ir/umambulatin. the (sa/red) House,


%2 !umber 2)#$:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her)2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted: I a11lied 1er0ume to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with m" own hand be0ore he entered u1on the state o0 Ihram2 and as he /on/luded it be0ore-/ir/umambulatin. the House (0or Tawa0-i-l0ada),


%2 !umber 2)#2:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: I used to a11l" 1er0ume to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) be0ore his enterin. u1on the state o0 Ihram and at the /on/lusion o0 it2 be0ore /ir/umambulatin. the House (0or Taw0-i- I0ada),


%2 !umber 2)#4:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said: I a11lied 1er0ume to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as he be/ame 0ree 0rom Ihram and as he entered u1on it,

)%$ & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 2)#*:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said: I a11lied 1er0ume o0 9harira to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with m" hand (on the o//asion o0) the =arewell @il.rima.e on 0reein. 0rom the state o0 Ihram and enterin. u1on it,


%2 !umber 2)#+:

:Uthman b, :Urwa re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that he said: I as6ed :A:isha with what thin. she 1er0umed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at the time o0 enterin. u1on the state o0 Ihram, She said: ?ith the best o0 1er0ume,


%2 !umber 2)#):

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: I a11lied the best 1er0ume2 whi/h I /ould .et2 to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) be0ore enterin. u1on the state o0 Ihram (and a0ter this) he 1ut on the Ihram,


%2 !umber 2)#%:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: I a11lied the best a-ailable 1er0ume I /ould 0ind to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) be0ore he entered u1on the state o0 Ihram and a0ter he was 0ree 0rom it,


%2 !umber 2)##:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: I still seem to see the .listen- in. o0 the 1er0ume where the hair 1arted on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) head as he was in the state o0 Ihram2 and >hala0 (one o0 the narrators) did not sa": As he was in the state o0 Ihram2 but said: That was the 1er0ume o0 Ihram,


%2 !umber 2)#;:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: I still seem to see the .listen- in. o0 the 1er0ume where the hair 1arted on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) head and he was 0ree 0rom Ihram,


%2 !umber 2); :

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: I still seem to see the .listen- in. o0 the 1er0ume where the hair 1arted on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) head2 while he was 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a,
)%2 & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 2);$:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: I still seem to seeB the rest o0 the hadith is the same,


%2 !umber 2);2:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said: I still seem to see the .listenin. o0 the 1er0ume where the hair was 1arted on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) head while he was in the state o0 Ihram,


%2 !umber 2);4:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: I still seem to 1er/ei-e the .listenin. o0 1er0ume where the hair was 1arted on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) head as he was in the state o0 Ihram,


%2 !umber 2);*:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) intended to enter u1on the state o0 Ihram he 1er0umed himsel0 with the best o0 1er0umes whi/h he /ould 0ind and a0ter that I saw the .listen- in. o0 oil on his head and beard,


%2 !umber 2);+:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: I still seem to see the .listen- in. o0 mus6 (in the 1artin. o0 the head) o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) while he was in the state o0 Ihram,


%2 !umber 2);):

This hadith has been narrated b" :Ubaidullah with the same /hain o0 trans- mitters,


%2 !umber 2);%:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: I used to 1er0ume the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with a 1er0ume /ontainin. mus6 be0ore enterin. u1on the state o0 Ihram and on the da" o0 sa/ri0i/e ($ th o0 9hu:l-Hijja) and (at the /on/lusion o0 Ihram) be0ore /ir/umambulatin. the House (0or Tawa0-i-I0ada),

)%4 & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 2);#:

Muhammad b, al-Muntashir re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: I as6ed :Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) about a 1erson who a11lied 1er0ume and then (on the 0ollowin.) mornin. entered u1on the state o0 lhram, There- u1on he said: I do not li6e to enter u1on the state o0 Ihram sha6in. o00 the 1er0ume, Aubbin. o0 tar (u1on m" bod") is dearer to me than doin. this (i, e, the a11l"in. o0 1er0ume)2 I went to :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) and told her that Ibn :Umar stated:C I do not li6e to enter u1on the state o0 Ihram sha6in. o00 the 1er0ume, Aubbin. o0 tar (u1on m" bod") is dearer to me than doin. it (the a11l"in. o0 1er0ume),C Thereu1on :A:isha said: I a11lied 1er0ume to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at the time o0 his enterin. u1on the state o0 Ihram, He then went round his wi-es and then 1ut on Ihram in the mornin.,


%2 !umber 2);;:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: I used to a11l" 1er0ume to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He then went round his wi-es2 and entered u1on the state o0 Ihram in the mornin. and the 1er0ume was sha6en o00,


%2 !umber 2%

Muhammad b, al-Muntashir re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: I heard 0rom Ibn :mar ha-in. said this:C It is dearer to me to rub tar (on m" bod") than to enter u1on the state o0 Ihram (in a state) o0 sha6in. o00 the 1er0ume,C He (the narrator) said: I went to :A:isha and told her about this statement o0 his (o0 Ibn :Umar), Thereu1on she said: I a11lied 1er0ume to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he then went round his wi-es and then entered u1on the state o0 Ihram in the mornin.,

'ha1ter %: Huntin. is 0orbidden 0or one who is in the state o0 ihram

7oo6 %2 !umber 2% $:
Al-Sa:b b, Faththama al-Laithi re1orted that he 1resented a wild ass to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) when he was at al-Abwa:2 or ?addan2 and he re0used to a//e1t it, He (the narrator) said: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) loo6ed into m" 0a/e (whi/h had the mar6 o0 deje/tion as m" 1resent had been reje/ted b" him) he (in order to /onsole me) said: ?e ha-e re0used it onl" be/ause we are in a state o0 Ihram,

)%* & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 2% 2:

A hadith (1ertainin. to this to1i/)2 has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri (and the words are):C I 1resented to him (the Hol" @ro1het) a wild ass,C


%2 !umber 2% 4:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters (the narrator ha-in.) said this:C I 1resented to him the 0lesh o0 a wild ass,C


%2 !umber 2% *:

Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that al-Sa:b b, Faththama 1resented to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a wild ass as he was in a state o0 Ihram2 and he returned it to him sa"in.: I0 we were not in a state o0 Ihram2 we would ha-e a//e1ted it 0rom "ou,


%2 !umber 2% +:

The narration transmitted b" Ha6am (the words are): Al-Sa:b b, Faththama 1resented to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the le. o0 a wild ass, And in the narration transmitted b" Shu:ba (the words are): (He 1resented to him) the rum1 o0 a wild ass as the blood was tri/6lin. 0rom it, In the narration transmitted b" Shu:ba on the authorit" o0 Habib (the words are): A 1art o0 a wild ass was 1resented to the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) and he returned it to him (who 1resented it),


%2 !umber 2% ):

Tawus re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) that one Gaid b, Arqamwent to him (Ibn :Abbas) and said: !arrate how "ou in0ormed me about the meat o0 the .ame 1resented to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as he was in the state o0 Ihram, Thereu1on he said: He was 1re- sented with a sli/e o0 the meat o0 .ame2 but he returned it to him (who 1resented it) sa"in.: ?e are not .oin. to eat it2 as we are in the state o0 Ihram,


%2 !umber 2% %:

Abu Eatada re1orted: ?e went with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) till we rea/hed al-Eaha (a 1la/e three awa" 0rom Medina), Some o0 us were in the state o0 Ihram and some o0 us were not, I saw m" /om1anions loo6in. towards somethin.2 and as I saw I 0ound It to be a wild ass, I saddled m" horse and too6 u1 m" s1ear and then mounted u1on (the horse) and m" whi12 0ell down, I said to m" /om1anions as the" were in the state o0 Ihram to 1i/6 u1 the whi1 0or me but the" said: 7" Allah2 we /annot hel1 "ou in an" (su/h) thin. (i, e, huntin.), So i dis- mounted (the horse) and 1i/6ed it (whi1) u1 and mounted a.ain and / the wild ass a0ter /hasin. it, It was
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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

behind a hillo/6 and I atta/6ed it with m" s1ear and 6illed it, Then I it to m" /om1anions, Some o0 them said: (at it2 while others said: 9o not eat it, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was in 0ront o0 us, I mo-ed m" horse and /ame to him (and as6ed him)2 whereu1on he said: It is 1ermis- sible2 so eat it,


%2 !umber 2% #:

Abu Eatada (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that while he was with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on one o0 the hi.hwa"s o0 Me//a2 he la..ed behind him (the Hol" @ro1het) alon. with /om1anions who were in the state o0 Ihram2 whereas he was himsel0 not Muhrim, He saw a wild ass, As he was mountin. his horse he as6ed his /om1anions to 1i/6 u1 0or him his whi1 (whi/h had dro11ed) but the" re0used to do so, He as6ed them to hand him o-er the s1ear2 but the" re0used, He then himsel0 too6 hold o0 it and /hased the wild ass and 6illed it, Some o0 the 'om1anions o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) ate (its meat)2 but some o0 them re0used to do so, The" o-ertoo6 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and as6ed him about it2 and he said: It is a 0ood whi/h Allah 1ro-ided "ou (so eat it),


%2 !umber 2% ;:

This hadith 1ertainin. to the wild ass is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Eatada, The rest o0 the hadith is the same but with this (-ariation o0 words) that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said:C Is there with "ou some o0 its 0leshDC


%2 !umber 2%$ :

:Abdullah b, Abu Eatada re1orted: M" 0ather went with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the "ear o0 Hudaibi"a, His 'om1anions entered u1on the state o0 Ihram whereas he did not2 0or it was /on-e"ed to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that the enem" (was hidin. at) Hhaiqa, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went 0orward, He (Abu Eatada) said: Meanwhile I was alon. with his 'om1anions2 some o0 them smiled (to one another) As I /ast a .lan/e I saw a wild ass, I atta/6ed It with a s1ear and held it2 and be..ed 0or their (i, e, o0 his /om1anions) assistan/e2 but the" re0used to hel1 me and we ate its meat, 7ut we were a0raid lest we should be se1arated (0rom the o0 Allah), So I 1ro/eeded on (with a -iew to) see6in. the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Some- times I:dashed m" horse and sometimes I made it run at a leisurel" 1a/e (6ee1in. 1a/e with others), (In the meanwhile) I met a 1erson 0rom 7an0u Hhi0ar in the middle o0 the, I said to him: ?here did "ou meet the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D He said: I le0t him at Ta:bin and he intended to halt at Suq"a to s1end the a0ternoon, I met him and said: o0 Allah, "our 'om1anions /on-e" salutations and benedi/tions o0 Allah to "ou and the" 0ear that the" ma" not be se1arated 0rom "ou (and the enem" ma" do harm to "ou)2 so wait 0or them2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) waited 0or them, I said: o0 Allah2 I 6illed
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a .ame and there is le0t with me (some o0 the meat), The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to his 1eo1le: (at it, And the" were in the state o0 Ihram,


%2 !umber 2%$$:

:Abdullah b, Abo, Eatada re1orted on the ant :horit" o0 his 0ather (Allah be 1leased with him): The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) set out 0or @il- .rima.e and we also set out alon. with him, He (Abu Eatada) said: There 1ro/eeded on some o0 his 'om1anions and Abu Eatada was (one o0 them), He2 (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kou 1ro/eed alon. the /oastline till "ou meet me, He (Ab0l Eatida) said: So the" 1ro/eeded ahead o0 the @ro1het o0 Hod (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 all o0 them had entered u1on the state o0 Ihram2 e5/e1t Abu EatadaB he had not 1ut on Ohram, As the" went on the" saw a wild ass2 and Abu Eatada atta/6ed it and /ut o00 its hind le.s, The" .ot down and ate its meat, The" said: ?e ate meat In the state o0 Ihram, The" /arried the meat that was le0t o0 it, As the" /ame to the o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) the" said: o0 Allah2 we were in the state o0 Ibrim where as Abu Eatada was not, ?e saw a wild ass and Abu Eatada atta/6ed it and /ut o00 its hind le.s, ?e .ot down and ate its meat and we thus ate the meat o0 a .ame while we were In the state o0 Ihram, ?e ha-e (/arried to "ou) what was le0t out o0 its meat, There u1on he (the hol" @ro1het) said: 9id an"one amon. "ou /ommand him (to hunt) or 1oint to him with an"thin" (to do so)D The" said: !o, There u1on he said: Then eat what is le0t out o0 its meat,


%2 !umber 2%$2:

This hadith is narrated:on the authorit" o0 :Uthman b, :Abdullah b, Mauhab with the same /hain o0 transmitters, And in the narration transmitted on the authorit" o0 Shaiban (the words are):C The Messenoer o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9id an" one o0 "ou /ommand him to atta/6 it or 1oint towards itDC And in the narration transmitted b" Shu:ba (the words are):C 9id "ou 1oint out or did "ou hel1 or did "ou huntDC Shu:ba said: I do not 6now whether he said:C 9id "ou hel1 or did "ou huntDC


%2 !umber 2%$4:

Abdullah b, Abu Eatada narrated on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (Allah be 1leased with him) that the" went with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on an e51edition to Hudaibi"a, He (0urther) said: The" had entered u1on the state o0 Ihram e5/e1t I 0or :Umra, He (a.ain) said: I (Abu Eatada) hunted a wild ass and 0ed m" /om1anions In the state o0 their bein. Muhrim, $ then /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and in0ormed him that we had with us the meat that was le0t out o0 it Thereu1on he said: (at It2 while the" were in the state o0 Ibrim,

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%2 !umber 2%$*:

:Abdullah b, Abu Eatada re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (Allah be 1leased with him) that the" went out with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and the" were Muhrim e5/e1t Abu Eatada, The rest o0 the hadith Is the same (but with the e5/e1tion o0 these words):C He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: $+ there an"- thin. out o0 itD The" said: ?e ha-e its le. with us, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 it and ate it,C


%2 !umber 2%$+:

Abdullah b, Abi Eatada re1orted that Abu Eatada was amon. the 1art" o0 those who had entered u1on the state o0 Ihram whereas he was not, The rest o0 the hadith is the same (and herein it is also narrated):C He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 9id an" 1erson amon. "ou 1oint to him (to hunt) or /ommand him (in an" 0orm)D The" said: o0 Allah2 not at all, Thereu1on he said: Then eat it,C


%2 !umber 2%$):

Abd al-Aahman b, :Uthman Taimi re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0atherB ?hile we were with Talha b, Ubaidullah and were in the state o0 Ihram we were 1re- sented a (/oo6ed) bird, Talha was slee1in., Some o0 us ate it and some o0 us re0rained 0rom (eatin.) it, ?hen Talba awo6e he a.reed2 with him who ate it2 and said: ?e ate it alon. with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

'ha1ter #: ?hi/h animal the muhrim and the nonmuhrim are 1ermitted to 6ill in the state o0 ihram and at the /on/lusion o0 it (within the 1re/in/ts o0 the >a:ba)
7oo6 %2 !umber 2%$%:
A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: =our are the -i/ious (birds2 beasts and re1tiles) whi/h should be 6illed in the state o0 Ihram or otherwise: 6ite (and -ulture)2 /row2 rat2 and the -ora/ious do. I (one o0 the narrators2 :Ubaid- ullah b, Miqsam) said to Easim (the other narrator who beard it 0rom :A:isha): ?hat about the sna6eD lie said: Let it be 6illed with dis.ra/e,

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%2 !umber 2%$#:

A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted Allah:Q A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: =i-e are the harm0ul thin.s whi/h should be 6illed in the state o0 Ihram or otherwise: sna6e2 s1e/6led /row, rat, -ora/ious do.2 and 6ite,


%2 !umber 2%$;:

A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: =i-e are the -i/ious beasts whi/h should be 6illed e-en in the state o0 Ihram: s/or1ion2 rat2 6ite2 /row and -ora/ious do.,


%2 !umber 2%2 :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


%2 !umber 2%2$:

A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said this: =i-e are the -i/ious and harm0ul thin.s whi/h should be 6illed e-en within the 1re/in/ts o0 Haram: rat2 s/or1ion2 /row, 6ite and -ora/ious do.,


%2 !umber 2%22:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters that she (A:isha) re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded to 6ill 0i-e harm0ul thin.s in the state o0 lhram or other- wise, The rest o0 the badith is the same,


%2 !umber 2%24:

IA:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: =i-e are the beasts $)$# harm0ul and -i/ious and these must be 6illed e-en within the 1re/in/ts o0 the >a:ba: /row2 6ite2 -ora/ioIs do.2 6/or1ion and rat,


%2 !umber 2%2*:

Salim re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (Allah be 1leased with them) that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: =i-e are the (beasts) whi/h i0 one 6ills them in the 1re/in/ts o0 the >a:ba or in the state o0 lhram entail no sin: rat2 s/or1ion2 /row2 6ite and -ora/ious do., In another -ersion the words are:C as a Muhrim and in the state o0 lhramC,

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Ha0sa2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said this: There are 0i-e beasts2 all o0 them are -i/ious and harm0ul and there is no sin 0or one who 6ills them (and these are): s/or1ion2 /row2 6ite2 rat and -ora/ious do.,


%2 !umber 2%2):

Gaid b, Fubair re1orted: A 1erson as6ed Ibn Umar whi/h beast a Muhrim /ould 6ill, Thereu1on he said: 3ne o0 the wi-es o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) told me: He (the Hol" @ro1het) /ommanded to 6ill rat2 s/or1ion2 6ite2 -ora/ious do. and /row,


%2 !umber 2%2%:

Gaid b, Fubair re1orted: A 1erson as6ed Ibn :Umar whi/h beast a Mubrim /ould 6ill2 whereu1on he said: 3ne o0 the wi-es o0 Allab:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) told me: He (the Hol" @ro1het) /ommanded to 6ill -ora/ious d/.2 rat2 s/or1ion2 6ite2 /row2 and sna6e (and this is allowed) li6ewise in 1ra"er,


%2 !umber 2%2#:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: =i-e are the beasts 0or 6illin. whi/h there is no sin 0or the Muhrim: /row2 6ite2 s/or1iou2 rat and -ora/ious do.,


%2 !umber 2%2;:

Ibn Furaij re1orted: I said to !a0i: ?hat is that whi/h "ou heard Ibn2 Umar de/larin. 1ermissible 0or a Mubrim to 6ill some o0 the beastsD !a0i2 said to me that :Abdullah had re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: =i-e are the beasts in 6illin. whi/h or their bein. 6illed2 there is no sin: /row2 6ite2 s/or1ion2 rat and -ora/ious do.,


%2 !umber 2%4 :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar throu.h be u1on him) as sa"in.: =i-e (are the beasts) in 6illin. whi/h or their bein. 6illed in the 1re/in/t o0 the >a:ba there is no sin,C The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

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%2 !umber 2%4$:

:Abdullah b, Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s Messen- .er (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: =i-e (are the animals) whi/h2 it one 6ills them In the state o0 Ihram2 entail no sin 0or one (who does it): s/or1ion2 rat2 -ora/ious do.2 /row and 6ite,

'ha1ter ;: It is 1ermissible to sha-e the head in the state o0 ihram i0 there is a trouble2 and e51iation be/omes obli.ator" 0or sha-in.
7oo6 %2 !umber 2%42:
>a:b b, :Ujra (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to me on the o//asion o0 Hudaibi"a and I was 6indlin. 0ire under m" /oo6in. 1ot and li/e were /ree1in. on m" 0a/e, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 9o the -ermins harm "our headD I said: Kes, He said: Het "our head sha-ed and (in lieu o0 it) obser-e 0asts 0or three da"s or 0eed si5 need" 1ersons2 or o00er sa/ri0i/e (o0 an animal), A""ub said: I do not 6now with what (t"1e o0 e51iation) did he /ommen/e (the statement),


%2 !umber 2%44:

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 A""ub,


%2 !umber 2%4*:

>alb b, Ujra (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: It was I 0or whom this -erse was re-ealed (to the Hol" @ro1het):C ?hoe-er amon. "ou is si/6 or has an ail- ment o0 the head2 he (ma" e00e/t) a /om1ensation b" lastin. or alms or a sa/ri0i/eC He said: I /ame to him (the Hol" @ro1het) and he said: 'ome 9ear, So Iwent near, He (a.ain) said: 'ome near, So I went near, Thereu1on the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o the -ermins trouble "ouD Ibn Aun (one o0 the narrators) said: I thin6 he (>a:b b, Ujra) re1lied in the a00irmati-e, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then /ommanded to do /om1ensation b" 0astin. or b" .i-in. Iadaqa (0eed- in. si5 need" 1ersons) or b" sa/ri0i/e (o0 a animal) that is a-ailable,


%2 !umber 2%4+:

>a:b b, :Ujra (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be2 u1on him) stood near him and li/e were 0allin. 0rom his head, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 9o

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these -ermins trouble "ouD I said: Kes, Thereu1on he said: Then sha-e "our headB and it was in /onne/tion with me that this -erse was re-ealed:C ?hoe-er amon. "ou is si/6 or has an ailment o0 the head2 he (ma" e00e/t) a /om1ensation b" 0astin. or alms or a sa/ri0i/eC, He (the Hol" @ro1het2 there0ore) said to me: 3bser-e 0ast 0or three da"s or .i-e a quantit" o0 alms enou.h to 0eed si5 need" 1ersons or o00er sa/ri0i/e (o0 an animal) that is a-ailable,


%2 !umber 2%4):

>a:b b, :Ujra (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha11ened to 1ass b" him at Hudaibi"a be0ore enterin. Me//a in a state o0 Ibrim and he (>a:b) was 6indlin. 0ire under the /oo6in. 1ot and -irmins were /ree1in. on his (>alb:s) 0a/e, Thereu1on (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 9othese -ermins trouble "ouD He (>a:b) said: Kes, The o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Sha-e "our head and .i-e some quantit" o0 0ood enou.h to 0eed si5 need" 1ersons (0araq is equal to three sa:s)2 or obser-e 0ast 0or three da"s or o00er sa/ri- 0i/e o0 a sa/ri0i/ial animal, Ibn !ajih (one o0 the narrators) said:C 3r sa/ri0i/e a .oat,C


%2 !umber 2%4%:

>a:b b, Ujra (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha11ened to 1ass b" him durin. the 1eriod o0 Hudaibi"a, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said to him (>a:b b, Ujra): 9o these -ermins trouble "our headD He said: Kes, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Sha-e "our head, Then sa/ri0i/e a .oat or obser-e 0asts 0or three da"s or .i-e three sits o0 dates to 0eed si5 need" 1ersons,


%2 !umber 2%4#:

Abdullah b, Ma:qil said: I sat with >a:b (Allah be 1leased with him) and he was in the mosque, I as6ed him about this -erse:C 'om1ensation in (the 0orm o0) 0astin.2 or Sadaqa or sa/ri0i/e,C >a:b (Allah be 1leased with him) said: It was re-eal- ed In m" /ase, There was some trouble in m" head, I was ta6en to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and li/e were /ree1in. u1on m" 0a/e, Thereu1on he said: I did not thin6 that "our trouble had be/ome so unbearable as I see, ?ould "ou be able to a00ord (the sa/ri0i/in.) o0 a .oatD I (>a:b) said: Then this -erse was re-ealed:C 'om- 1ensation (in the 0orm o0) 0astin. or alms or a sa/ri0i/e,C He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: (It Im1lies) 0astin. 0or three da"s2 or 0eedin. si5 need" 1ers/ins2 hal0 sa: o0 0ood 0or e-er" need" 1erson, This -erse was re-ealed 1arti/ularl" 0or me and (now) Its a11li/a- tion is .eneral 0or all o0 "ou,


%2 !umber 2%4;:

>a:b b, Ujra (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that he went out with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the state o0 Ihram2 and his (>a:b:s) head and beard were in0ested with li/e, This was /on-e"ed to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He sent 0or him (>a:b) and /al)#2 & $#


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led a barber (who) sha-ed his head, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said, Is there an" sa/ri0i/ial animal with "ouD He (>alb) said: I /annot a00ord it, He then /ommanded him to obser-e 0asts 0or three da"s or 0eed si5 need" 1ersons2 one sa: 0or e-er" two need" 1ersons, And Allah the (5alted and Majesti/ re-ealed this (-erse) 1arti/ular with re.ard to him:C So whosoe-er amon. "ou is si/6 and has an ailment o0 the head,,C B then (its a11li/ation) be/ame .eneral 0or the Muslims,

'ha1ter $ : @ermissibilit" o0 /u11in. 0or a muhrim

7oo6 %2 !umber 2%* :
Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot himsel0 /u11ed in the state o0 lhrim,


%2 !umber 2%*$:

Ibn 7uhaina re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot himsel0 /u11ed in the middle o0 his head on his wa" to Me//a,

'ha1ter $$: The muhrim is 1ermitted to .et the trreatment 0or his e"es
7oo6 %2 !umber 2%*2:
!ubaih b, ?abb re1orted: ?e went with Aban b, Uthman (in a state o0 lhram), ?hen we were at Malal the e"es o0 Umar b, Ubaidullah be/ame sore and2 when we rea/hed Aauba: the 1ain .rew intense, He (!ubaib b, ?ahb) sent (one) to Aban b, Uthman to as6 him (what to do), He sent him (the messa.e) to a11l" aloes to them2 0or :Uthman (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a11lied aloes to the 1erson whose e"es were sore and he was in the state o0 Ihram,


%2 !umber 2%*4:

!ubaih b ?ahb re1orted that the e"es o0 Umar b, Ubaidnllah b, Ma:mar were swollen2 and he de/ided to use antimon", Aban b, :Uthman 0orbade him to do so and /ommanded him to a11l" aloes on them2 and re1orted on the authorit" o0 :Uthman b, A00an that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had done that,

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'ha1ter $2: @ermissibilit" o0 washin. the bod" and head o0 a muhrim

7oo6 %2 !umber 2%**:
Ibrahim b, :Abdullah narrated on the authorrit" o0 his 0ather that there /ro11ed u1 a di00eren/e o0 o1inion between Abdullah b, :Abbas and al-Miswar b, Ma6hrama at a 1la/e (/alled) Abwa:, Abdullah b, :Abbas /ontended that a Muhrim (is 1ermitted) to wash his head2 whereas Miswar /ontended that a Muhrim is not (1ermit- 0ed) to wash his head, So Ibn Abbas sent me (the 0ather o0 Ibrabim) to Abu A""ub al- Ansirl to as6 him about it, (So I went to him) and 0ound him ta6in. bath behind two 1oles /o-ered b" a /loth, I .a-e him salutation2 whereu1on be as6ed: ?ho is thisD I said: I am :Abdullah b, Hunain, :Abdullah b, :Abbas has sent me to "ou to 0ind out how the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) washed his head in the state o0 Ihram, Abu A""ub (Allah be 1leased with him) 1la/ed his hand on the /loth and lowered it (a little) till his head be/ame -isible to meB and he said to the man who was 1ourin. water u1on him to 1our water, He 1oured water on his head, He then mo-ed his head with the hel1 o0 his hands and mo-ed them (the hands) 0orward and ba/6ward and then said: This is how I saw him (the o0 Allah) doin.,


%2 !umber 2%*+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Gaid b, Aslam with the same /hain o0 transmitters that Abu A""ub rubbed his whole head with his hands and then mo-ed them 0orward and ba/6ward, Miswar said to Ibn :Abbas: I would ne-er dis1ute with "ou (in 0uture),

'ha1ter $4: ?hat must be done to a muhrim in /ase o0 his death

7oo6 %2 !umber 2%*):
Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that a 1erson 0ell down 0rom his /amel (in a state o0 Ihram) and his ne/6 was bro6en and he died, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle, (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7athe him with water mi5ed with the lea-es o0 the lote tree and shroud him in his two (1ie/es o0) /loth (Ihbram)2 and do not /o-er his head 0or Allah will raise him on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion @ronoun/in. Talbi"a,

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Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: ?hile a 1erson was standin. in :Ara0at with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) he 0ell down 0rom his /amel and bro6e his ne/6, This was mentioned to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on he said: 7athe him with water mi5ed with the lea-es o0 the lote tree and shroud him in two (1ie/es o0) /loth and neither 1er0ume him nor /o-er his headB (A""ub said) 0or Allah would raise him on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion in the state o0 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a, (:Amr, howe-er2 said): <eril" Allah would raise him on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a, Sa:id b, Fubair narrated this hadith on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) that a 1erson was standin. with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as he was in the state o0 Ihram, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,


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Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that a 1erson 1ro/eeded alon. with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) in the state o0 Ihram and 0ell down 0rom his /amel and his ne/6 was bro6en2 and he died, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7athe him with water mi5ed with lote (lea-es) and shroud him in two (1ie/es o0) /loth and do:not /o-er his head 0or he would /ome on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a,


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Sa:id b, Fubair re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with him) that a 1erson 1ro/eeded with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the state o0 Ihram, The rest o0 the hadith th is the same e5/e1t that he (the Hol" @ro1het) (is re1orted to ha-e) said: He would be raised on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a, Sa:id b, Fubair did not name the 1la/e where he 0ell down,


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Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that there was a 1erson in the state o0 Ihram whose /amel bro6e his ne/6 and he died, Thereu1on the Mes- o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7athe him with water mi5ed (with the lea-es o0) lote tree and shroud him In his two (1ie/es o0) /loth and /o-er neither his head nor his 0a/e2 0or he would be raised on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a,


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Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that when a 1erson who was in the state o0 Ihram was in the /om1an" o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 his /amel bro6e his ne/6and he died, U1on this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7athe him with
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water (mi5ed with the lea-es) o0 the lute tree and shroud him in his two (1ie/es o0) /loth and2 neither 1er0ume him nor /o-er his head2 0or he would be raised on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a,


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Sa:id b, Fubair re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) that a /amel bro6e the ne/6 o0 its owner while he was in the state o0 lhram and he was at that time in the /om1an" o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded that he should be bathed with water mi5ed with (lea-es o0 the) lote (tree) and no 1er0ume should be a11lied to him and his head should not be /o-ered2 0or he would be raised on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion 1ronoun/in. Talbl"a,


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Sa:id b, Fubair heard Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) as sa"in.: A 1erson /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) while he was in the state o0 lhram, He 0ell down 0rom his /amel and bro6e his ne/6, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded to bathe him with water (mi5ed with the lea-es o0) the lote (tree)2 and shroud him in two (1ie/es o0) /loth and not to a11l" 1er0ume (to him)2 6ee1in. his head out (o0 the shroud), Shu:ba said: He then narrated to me a0ter this (the words)C 6ee1in. his head out2C his 0a/e out2 0or he would be raised on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a,


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Sa:id b, Fubair re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) that the /amel o0 a 1erson bro6e his ne/6 as he was in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The o0 Allah2 (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded them ('om1anions) to wash him with water mi5ed (with the lea-es o0) the lote (tree) and to 6ee1 his 0a/e e51osedB (he2 the narrator) said: And his head (too)2 0or he would be raised on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a,


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Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that there was a 1erson in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e: be u1on him) whose /amel bro6e his ne/6 and he died, thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ash him2 but do not a11l" 1er0ume and do not /o-er his 0a/e2 0or he would be raised (on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion) 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a,

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'ha1ter $*: @ermissibilit" o0 enterin. into the state o0 ihram 1ro-isionall" be/ause o0 illness
7oo6 %2 !umber 2%+):
A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went (into the house o0) 9uba:a bint Gubair and said to her: 9id "ou intend to 1er0orm HajjD She said: 7" Allah2 (I intend to do so) but I o0ten remain ill2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said to her: @er0orm Hajj but with /on- dition2 and sa": 3 Allah2 I shall be 0ree 0rom Ihram where "ou detain me, And she (9uba:a) was the wi0e o0 Miqdad,


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A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went (to the house o0) 9uba:a bint al-Gubair b, Abd al-Muttalib, She said: o0 Allah2 I intend to 1er0orm Hajj2 but I am ill, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (nter Into the state o0 Ihram on /ondition that "ou would abandon it when Allah would detain "ou,


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This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 A:isha throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


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Ibn Abbas re1orted that 9uba:a bint al-Gubair b, :Abd al-Muttalib (Allah be 1leased with her) /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: I am an ailin. woman but I intend to 1er0orm HajjB what "ou /ommand me (to do)D He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: (nter into the state o0 Ihram (utterin. these words) o0 /ondition: I would be 0ree 0rom it when Thou wouldst detain me, :He (the narrator) said: 7ut she was able to /om1lete (the Hajj without brea6in. down),


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Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that 9uba:a intended to 1er0orm Hajj, and the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded her (to enter into the state o0 Ihram) with /ondition, She did it in /om1lian/e with the /om- mand o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


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This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas with a -ariation o0 words,

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'ha1ter $+: 9onnin. o0 ihram 0or women who are in the state o0 menses and 1arturition and e5/ellen/e o0 bath while enterin. into the state o0 ihram
7oo6 %2 !umber 2%)2:
A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that Asma: hint :Umais .a-e birth to Muhammad b Abu 7a6r near 9hu:I-Hulai0a, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded Abu 7a6r to /on-e" to her that she should ta6e a bath and then enter into the state o0 Ihram,


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Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that when Asma: hint Umais .a-e birth (to a /hild) in 9hu:I-Hulai0a, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded Ab"l 7a6r (to /on-e" to her) that she should ta6e a bath and enter Into the state o0 Ihram,

'ha1ter $): T"1es o0 ihram-it is 1ermissible to enter into the state:o0 ihram sin.ularl" 0or the sa6e o0 Hajj2 or 0or Tamattu:bi:l-umra ila:l-hajj or 0or both Hajj and :Umra to.ether
7oo6 %2 !umber 2%)*:
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said: ?e went with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) durin. the "ear o0 the =arewell @il.rima.e, ?e entered into the state o0 Ibrim 0or Umra, Then the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ho has the sa/ri0i/ial animal with him2 he should 1ut on Ihram 0or Hajj alon. with Umra, and should not 1ut it o00 till he has /om1leted them (both Hajj and Umra), She said: ?hen I /ame to Me//a, I was ha-in. menses2 I neither /ir/umambulated the House2 nor ran between as-sa0a: and al-Marwa, I /om1lained about it to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said: Undo "our hair2 /omb it2 and 1ronoun/e Talbi"a 0or Hajj2 and .i-e u1 Umra (0or the time bein.)2 whi/h I did, ?hen we had 1er0ormed the Hajj2 the o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e he u1on him) sent me with Abd al-Aabman b, Abu 7a6r to Tan:im sa"in.: This is the 1la/e 0or "our Umra, Those who had 1ut on Ibrim 0or Umra /ir/umambulated the House2 and ran between al-sa0a: and al-Marwa, The" then 1ut o00 Ihram and then made the last /ir/uit a0ter

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the" had returned 0rom Mina a0ter 1er0ormin. their Hajj2 but those who had /ombined the Hajj and the Umra made onl" one /ir/uit (as the" had /ombined Hajj and :Umra),


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:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said: ?e went out with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) durin. the "ear o0 the =arewell @il.rima.e, There were some us who had 1ut on IHram 0or Umra and there were some who had 1ut on Ihram 0or Hajj, (?e 1ro/eeded on till) we /ame to Me//a, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who 1ut on Ihram 0or :Umra but did not brin. the sa/ri0i/ial animal with him should 1ut it o00, and he who 1ut on Ihram 0or Umra and he who had the sa/ri0i/ial animal with him should not 1ut it o00 until he had slau.htered the animalB and he who 1ut on lhram 0or Hajj should /om1lete it, A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said: I was in the monthl"1eriod2 and I remained In this state till the da" o0 :Ara0a2 and I had entered into the state o0 Ihram 0or :Umra, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) thus /ommanded me to undo m" hair and /omb them (a.ain) and enter into the state o0 Ihram 0or Hajj2 and abandon (the rites o0 :Umra), She (:A:isha) said: I did so2 and when I had /om1leted m" @il.rima.e2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent with me :Abd al-Aabman b, Abu 7a6r and /ommanded me to (resume the rites o0) :Umra at Tan:im, the 1la/e where (I abandoned) :Umra and 1ut on Ihram 0or Hajj (be0ore /om1letin. Umra),


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A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: ?e went with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) durin. the "ear o0 the =arewell @il.rima.e, I 1ut on Ihram 0or Umra and did not brin. the sa/ri0i/ial animal, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who has the sa/rih/ial animal with him should enter into the state o0 Ibrim 0or Hajj alon. with :Umra2 and, he should not 1ut the Ibrim o00 till he has /om1leted both o0 them, She (Hadrat A:isha) said: The monthl" 1eriod, ?hen it was the ni.t o0 Ara0a2 I said to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): I entered into the state o0 Ihram 0or :Umra, but now how should I 1er0orm the HajjD Thereu1on he said: Undo "our hair and /omb them2 and desist 0rom 1er0ormin. Umra2 and 1ut on Ihram 0or Hajj She (A:isha2 said: ?hen I had /om1leted m" Hajj he /ommanded :Abd al-Aahman b, Abu 7a6r to /arr" me behind him (on boneba/6) in order to enable me to resume the rituals o0 Umra 0rom Tan:im2 the 1la/e where I abandoned its rituals,


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:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: :?e went with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (to Me//a), He said: He who intended amon. "ou to 1ut on Ihram 0or Hajj and Umra should do so, And he who intended to 1ut on Ihram 0or Hajj ma" do so, and he who intended to 1ut on Ihram 0or :Umra onl" ma" do so, A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said: The o0 Allah
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(wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ut on Ihram 0or Hajj and some 1eo1le did that alon. with him, And some 1eo1le 1ut on Ihram 0or Umra and Hajj (both), and some 1ersons 1ut on Ihram 0or Umra onl"2 and I was amon. those who 1ut on Ihram 0or Umra (onl"),


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A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: ?e went with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on himD (in his) =arewell @il.rima.e near the time o0 the a11earan/e o0 the new moon o0 9hu:IHijja, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who "ou intends to 1ut on Ihram 0or Umra ma" do soB bad I not sa/ri0i/ial animal alon. with me2 I would ha-e 1ut on Ihram 0or Umra, She (0urther said), There were some 1ersons who 1ut on Ihram 0or Umrs2 and some 1ersons who 1ut on Ibrim 0or .ajj2 and $ was one o0 those who 1ut on Ihram 0or Umra, ?e went on till we rea/hed Me//a2 and on the da" o0 :Ara0a I 0ound m"sel0 In a state o0 menses2 but I did not 1ut o00 the Ihram 0or Umra, I told about (this state o0 mine) to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), whereu1on he said: Abandon "our :Umra2 and undo the hair o0 "our head and /omb (them)2 and 1ut on Ihram 0or Hajj :she (:A:isha) said: I did a//ordin.l", ?hen it was the at Hasba and Allah enabled us to /om1lete our Hajj2 he (the Hol" @ro1het) sent with me Abd al-Aahman b, Abu 7a6r2 and he mounted me behind him on his /amel and too6 me to Tan:im and I 1ut on Ihram 0or :Umra2 and thus Allah enabled us to /om1lete our Hajj and Umra and (we wore required to obser-e) neither sa/ri0i/e nor alms nor 0astin.,


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:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said: ?e set out with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) just at the a11earan/e o0 the new moon o0 9hu:l- Hijja, ?e had no other intention but that o0 1er0ormin. the Hajj2 whereu1on the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who amon. "ou intends to 1ut on Ihram 0or :Umra should do so 0or :Umra, The rest o0 the badith is the same,


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A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: ?e went with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at the a11earan/e o0 the new moon o0 9hu:I-Hijja, There were us those who had 1ut on Ihram 0or Umra2 and those also who had 1ut on Ihram both 0or Hajj and Umra2 and still those who had 1ut on Ihram 0or Hajj (alone), I was one o0 those who had 1ut on Ihram 0or, Umra (onl"), :Urwa (one o0 the narrators) said: Allah enabled her (Hdrat A:isha) to /om1lete both Hajj and Umra (a//ordin. to the wa" as mentioned abo-e), Hisham (one o0 the narrators) said: She had neither the sa/ri0i/ial animal nor (was she required to) 0ast2 nor (was she obli.ed to .i-e) alms,

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A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said: ?e 1ro/eeded with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) durin. the "ear o0 the =arewell @il.rima.e, There were those us who had 1ut on Ihram 0or Umra2 and those who had 1ut on Ibrim both 0or Hajj andC Umra2 and those us who had 1ut on Ihram 0or Hajj (onl")2 while the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 1ut on Ihram 0or Hajj (onl"), He who 1ut on Ihrim 0or Umra 1ut it o00 (a0ter 1er0ormin. Umra)2 and he who had 1ut on Ihram 0or Hajj or 0or both Hajj and :Umra did not 1ut it o00 be0ore the da" o0 sa/ri0i/e ($ th o0 9hu:I-Hijja),


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A:isba (Allah be 1leased with her) said: ?e 1ro/eeded with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with no other Intention but that o0 1er0ormin. the Hajj, As I was at Sari0 or near it2 $ entered in the state o0 menses, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to me and I was wee1in.2 whereu1on he said: Are "ou in a state o0 mensesD I said, Kes, whereu1on he said: This is what Allah has ordained 0or all the dau.hters2 o0 Adam, 9o whate-er the 1il.rim does, e5/e1t that "ou should not /ir/umambulate the House till "ou ha-e washed "oursel0 (at the end o0 the menses 1eriod), And the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) o00ered sa/ri0i/e o0 a /ow on behal0 o0 his wi-es,


%2 !umber 2%%4:

A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: ?e went with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with no other aim but that o0 Hajj till we /ame (to the 1la/e 6nown as) Sari0B and there I entered in the state o0 menses, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to me while I was wee1in., He said: ?hat ma6es "ou wee1D I said: ?ould that I had not /ome (0or @il.rima.e) this "ear, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hat has ha11ened to "ouD Kou ha-e 1erha1s entered the 1eriod o0 menses, I said: Kes, He said: This is what has been ordained 0or the dau.hters o0 Adam, 9o what a 1il.rim does e5/e1t that "ou should not /ir/umambu- late the House2 till "ou are 1uri0ied (o0 the menses), She (:A:isha) said: ?hen I /ame to Me//a2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to his /om1anions: Ma6e this (Ihram) the Ihram 0or :Umra, So the 1eo1le 1ut o00 Ihbaim e5/e1t those who had sa/ri0i/ial animals with them, She (:A:isha) said: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had the sa/ri0i/ial animal with him2 and so had Abd 7a6r2 :Umar and other 1ersons o0 means, The" (those who had 1ut o00 lhram a.ain) 1ut on Ihram (0or Hajj) when the" mar/hed (towards Mina)2 and it was the #th o0 9hu:I-Hijja, She (:A:isha) said: ?hen it was the da" o0 sa/ri0i/e ($ th o0 9hu:I-Hijia)2 I was 1uri0ied2 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded me and I did the /ir/umambulation o0 I0ada, She said that the 0lesh o0 /ow was sent to us, I said: ?hat is ItD The" said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has o00ered /ow as sa/ri0i/e on behal0 o0 his wi-es, ?hen it was the at Hasba2 I said: o0 Allah2 1eo1le are /o-

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min. ba/6 0rom Hajj and Umra2 where as I am /omin. ba/6 0rom Hajj (alone), She (IA:isha) re1orted: He (the Hol" @ro1het) /ommandedC Abd al- Aahman b, Abu 7a6r to mount me u1on his /amel behind him, She (:A:isha) said: I was -er" "oun. and I well remember that I do8ed oil and m" 0a/e tou/hed the bind 1art o0 the haudaj (/amel litter) till we /ame to Tan:im2 and entered into the state o0 Ihram in lieu o0 Umra (whi/h I 0or the time bein. abandoned) and whi/h the 1eo1le had 1er0ormed,


%2 !umber 2%%*:

A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: ?e entered into the state o0, Ihram 0or Hajj till we were at Sari0 and I was in menses, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to me and I was wee1in., The rest o0 the hadith is the same but (with this 1ortion) that there were sa/ri0i/ial animals with Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and with Abu 7a6r2 Umar and with ri/h 1ersons, And the" 1ro- noun/ed Talbi"a as the" 1ro/eeded on, And there is no mention o0 this (too):C I was a .irl o0 tender a.e and I do8ed o00 and m" 0a/e tou/hed the bind 1art o0 the Haudaj,C


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:A:Isha re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered into the state o0 Ihram 0or Hajj I0rid,


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:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: ?e 1ro/eeded with the Mes- o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1uttin. on the Ihram 0or Hajj durin. the months o0 Hajj and the o0 Hajj till we en/am1ed at Sarl0, He (the Hol" @ro1het) went to his 'om1aniens and said: He who has no sa/ri0i/ial animal with him2 in his /ase I wish that he should 1er0orm Umra (with this Ihram)2 and he who has the sa/ri0i/ial animal with him should not do it, So some o0 thtm 1er0ormed Hajj whereas others who had no sa/ri0i/ial animals with them did not do (Hajj2 but 1er- 0ormed onl" :Umra), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had the sa/ri0i/ial animal with him and those too who /ould a00ord it (1er0ormed) Hajj), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to me (i, e, A:isha) while I was wee1in.2 and he said: ?hat ma6es thee wee1D I said: I heard "our tal6 with 'om1anions about Umra, He said: ?hat has ha11ened to "ouD I said: I do not obser-e 1ra"er (due to the monthl" 1eriod)2 whereu1on besaid: It would not harm "ouB "ou should 1er0orm (durin. this time) the rituals o0 Hajj (whi/h "ou /an do outside the House), Ma"be Allah will /om1ensate "ou 0or this, Kou are one amon. the dau.hters o0 Adam and Allah has ordained 0or "ou as He has ordained 0or them, So I 1ro/eeded on (with the rituals o0 Hajj) till we /ame to Mina, I washed m"sel0 and then /ir/umambuleted the House2 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) en/am1ed at Muhassab and /alled2 Abd al-Aahman b, Abua 7a6r, and said: Ta6e out "our sister 0rom the 1re/in/ts o0 the >a:ba in order to 1ut on Ihram 0or Umra and /ir/umambulate the House, and I shall wait 0or "ou here, She said: So I went out and 1ut on Ihram and then /ir/u- mambulated the House, and (ran)
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between al-Sa0a and al-Marwa2 and then we /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he was in his bouse in the middle o0 the, He said: Ha-e "ou /om1leted "our (rituals)D I said: Kes, He then announ/ed to his 'om1anions to mar/h on, He /ame out2 and went to the House and /ir/umambulated it be0ore the dawn 1ra"er and then 1ro/eeded to Medina,


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A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said: Some amon. us 1ut on Ihram 0or Hajj alone (Hajj Mu0rad) B some o0 us 0or Hajj and Umra to.ether (Eiran)2 and some o0 us 0or Tamattal (0irst 0or Umra and a0ter /om1letin. it 0or Haii),


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AI-Easim b, Muhammad re1orted that A:isha had /ome 0or Hajj,


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:Umra re1orted: I heard A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) as sa"in.: ?e went out with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0i-e da"s be0ore the end o0 9hi Ea:dah2 and we did see but that he intended to 1er0orm Hajj (onl")2 but as we /ame near Me//a the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded that he who did not ha-e the sa/ri0i/ial animal with him should 1ut o00 Ibrim a0ter /ir/umambulatin. the House and runnin. between al-Sa0a and aI-Marwa (and thus /on-ert his Ihram 0rom that o0 Hajj to :Umra), :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said: The 0lesh o0 /ow was sent to us on the 9a" o0 Sa/ri0i/e ($ th o0 9hu:I-Hijja), I said, ?hat is thisD It was said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa/ri0i/ed (the /ow) on behal0 o0 his wi-es, Kab"i said: I made a mention o0 this hadith (what has been stated b" Umra) to Eisim b, Muhammad2 whereu1on be said: 7" Allah2 she has ri.htl" narrated it to "ou,


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This hadlth has been narrated b" Kah"i throu.h the same /hain o0 transmitters,


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AI-Easim narrated 0rom the Mother o0 the 7elie-ers (Hadrat :A:isha) that she said: o0 Allah, the 1eo1le return (0rom Me//a) ha-in. ione two worshi1s (both Hajj and Umra)2 but I am /omin. ba/6 with one (onl"), whereu1on he said: Kou should wait and when the 1eriod o0 menses is o-er2 "ou should .o to Tan:im and 1ut on lhram and then meet us at su/h and su/h time (and I thin6 he said tomorrow) B and (the reward o0 this Umra) is 0or "ou equal to "our hardshi1 or "our s1endin.,

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Ibn al-Muththanna re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Abu:Adi who transmit- ted on the authorit" o0 Ibn:Aun who narrated 0rom al-Easim and Ibrahim ha-in. said: I /annot di00erentiate the badith o0 one 0rom the other (ENLsim and Ibribim) that the Mother o0 the 7elie-ers (Allah be 1leased with her) said this: o0 Allah2 1eo1le ha-e /ome ba/6 with two a/ts o0 worshi1, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,


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A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: ?e went with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and we did not see but that he (intended to 1er0orm) Aajj (onl")2 but when we rea/hed Me//a we /ir/mambulated the HouseB and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded that he who did not ha-e with him a sa/ri0i/ial animal should 1ut o00 Ihram, She (A:isha) said: (And /onsequent- l") those who did not brin. the sa/ri0i/ial anima) s with them 1ut o00 IhramB and amon. his wi-es (too) who had not the sa/ri0i/ial animals with them 1ut o00 Ihram, A:isha said: I entered in the monthl" 1eriod and /ould not (there0ore) /ir/umambulate the House, ?hen it was the o0 Hasba she said: o0 Allah2 1eo1le are /omin., ba/6 (a0ter ha-in. 1er0ormed Ioth) Hajj and:Umra2 whereas I am /omin. ba/6 onl" with Hajj2 whereu1on he said: 9id "ou not eir/umambulate (the >a:ba) that -er" we intered Me//aD She (A:isha) said: !o2 whereu1on he said: Ho alon. with "our brother to Tan:im and 1ut on the Ihram 0or Umra2 and it is at su/h and su/h a 1la/e that "ou /an meet (us), (In the meanwhile) Sa0i""a (the wi0e o0 the Hol" @ro1het) said: I thin62 I will detain "ou (sin/e I ha-e entered in the monthl") 1eriod and "ou shall ha-e to wait 0or me 0or the 0arewell /ir/uit), Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Ma" "ou be wounded and "our head shorn did "ou not /ir/umambulate on the 9a" o0 Sa/ri0i/e ($ th o0 9hu:I-Hijja)D She said: Kes, The Hol" @ro1het (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There is no harm, Kou should .o 0orward, :A:isha said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was .oin. u1wards to the side o0 Me//a2 whereas I was /omin. down 0rom it2 or I was .oin. u1ward2 whereas he was /omin. down, Isbiq said: She was /lim bin. down2 and he was /limbin. down,


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:A:isha (Allah be 1leased2 with her) re1orted: ?e went out with the Mes, o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a ha-in. no e51li/it inten- tion o0 @il.rima.e or :Umra, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,


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:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame out on the *th or +th o0 9hul:I-Hijja (0or @il.rima.e to Me//a) and /ame to me2 and he was -er" an.r", I said: o0 Allah2 who has anno"ed "ouD Ma" Allah /ast him in 0ire I He said:
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9on:t "ou 6now that I /ommanded the 1eo1le to do an a/t2 but the" are hesitant, (Ha6am said: I thin6 that he said: The" seem to be hesitant,) And i0 I were to 6now m" a00air be0ore what I had to do subsequentl"2 I would not ha-e with me the sa/ri0i/ial animals2 and would ha-e them (at Me//a) and would ha-e 1ut o00 lhram as others ha-e done,


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A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame out (0or @il.rima.e) on The *th or +th o0 9bu:l Hjjja, The rest o0 the hadith is the same2 but he (the narrator) made no mention o0 the doubt o0 Ha6am about his (the @ro1het:s) words:C The" were relu/tant,C


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A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that she 1ut on Ihram 0or2 Umra and arri-ed :at Me//a) but did not /ir/umambulate the House as she had entered in the 1eriod o0 menses2 and then 1ut on Ihram 0or Hajj and 1er0ormed all the rituals /on/ernin. it (e5/e1t /ir/umambulatin. the House), The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to her on the da" o0 mar/h (when 1il.rims /ome to Mina): Kour /ir/umambulation would su00i/e both Hajj and Umra, She2 howe-er2 0elt relu/- tant, Thereu1on the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent her with :Abd al- Aahman to Tan:im and she 1er0ormed Umra (with se1arate rituals) a0ter Hajj,


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:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that she entered in the monthl" 1eriod at Sari02 and too6 bath at :Ara0a (a0ter the 1eriod was o-er), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to her: Kour /ir/umambulation between al Sa0a and al-Marwa is enou.h 0or "our Hajj and :Umra,


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Sa0i""a hint Shaiba re1orted that :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said: o0 Allah2 loL the 1eo1le are returnin. with two rewards whereas I am return- in. with one reward, Thereu1on he /ommanded :Abd al-Aahman b, Abu 7a6r to ta6e her to al-Tan:im, She (:A:isha) said: He seated me behind him on his /amel, She (0urther) stated: I li0ted m" head /o-erin. and too6 it o00 0rom m" ne/6, He stru/6 m" 0oot as i0 he was stri6in. the /amel, I said to him: 9o "ou 0ind an"one bereD She (0urther) said: I entered into the state o0 Ihram 0ond, :Umra till we rea/hed the Messen- .er o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he was at Hasba,

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Abd al-Aahman b, Abu 7a6r re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ordered him to mount A:isha behind him and enable her to (enter into the state o0 Ibrim 0or :Umra) at Tan:im,


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Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) said: ?e2 in the state o0 lhram2 /ame with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or Hajj Mu0rad (with the aim o0 Hajj onl")2 and :A:isha set out 0or Umra2 and when we rea/hed Sari02 she (Hadrat A:isha) entered in the state o0 monthl" 1eriodB we 1ro/eeded on till we rea/hed (Me//a) and /ir/umambulated the >a:ba and ran between (al-Sa0a) and al-MarwaB and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded that one who us had no sa/ri0i/ial animal with him should 1ut o00 Ihram, ?e said: ?hat does thisC @uttin. o00C im1l"D He said: Hettin. out /om1letel" 0rom the state o0 lhram2 (so we 1ut o00 Ihram)2 and we turned to our wi-es and a11lied 1er0ume and 1ut on our /lothes, and we were at a 0our distan/e 0rom :Ara0a, And we a.ain 1ut on Ihram on the da" o0 Tarwi"a (#th o0 9hu:l-Hijja), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) and 0ound her wee1in.2 and said: ?hat is the matter with "ouD She said: The matter is that I ha-e entered in the monthl" 1eriod2 and the 1eo1le had 1ut o00 lhram2 but I did not and I did not /ir/umambulate the House2 and the 1eo1le are .oin. 0or Hajj now (but I /an:t .o)2 whereu1on he said: It is the matter whi/h Allah has ordaiu/d 0or the dau.hters o0 Adam2 so now ta6e a bath and 1ut on Ihram 0or Hajj, She (:A:isha) did a//ordin.l"2 and sta"ed at the 1la/es o0 sta"in. till the monthl" 1eriod was o-er, She then /ir/u- mambulated the House2 and (ran between) al-Sa0a and al-Marwa, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then said: !ow both "our Hajj and :Umra are /om1lete2 whereu1on she said: I 0eel in m" mind that I did not /ir/umambulate the House till I 1er0ormed Hajj (I missed the /ir/umambulation o0 :Umra), Thereu1on he (Allah:s A1ostle) said: :Abd al- Aahman2 ta6e her to Tan:im (so as to enable her) to 1er0orm Umra (se1aratel")2 and it was the at Hasba,


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Fabir b, Abdullah is re1orted to ha-e said that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) and she was wee1in., The rest o0 the hadith is the same,


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Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) enter- ed into the state o0 Ihram (se1aratel") 0or :Umra while the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was 1er0ormin. Hajj, The rest o0 the hadith is the same2 but with this addi- tion: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was a 1erson o0 .entle dis1osi- tion2 so when she (A:Isha) wished 0or a thin.2 he a//e1ted it (1ro-ided it did not /ontra-ene the tea/hin.s o0 Islam), So he (in 1ursuan/e o0 her desire 0or a se1arate lhram 0or Umra) sent her with :Abd al-Aahman b, Abu 7a6r and she 1ut on Ihram 0or :Umra at al-Tan:im,
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Matar and Abu Gubair (the two narrators the /hain o0 transmitters) said: ?hene-er :A:isha 1er0ormed Hajj she did as she bad done alon. with Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


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Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) said,: ?e went with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in :a state o0 Ihram 0or the Hajj, There were women and /hildren with us, ?hen we rea/hed Me//a we /ir/umambulated the House and (ran) between al-Sa0a and al-Marwa, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who has no sa/ri0i/ial animal with him should 1ut o00 lhram, ?e said: ?hat 6ind o0 1uttin. o00D He said: Hettin. out o0 lhram /om1letel", So we /ame to our wi-es2 and 1ut on our /lothes and a11lied 1er0ume, ?hen it was the da" o0 Tarwi"a2 we 1ut on Ihram 0or Hajj, and the 0irst /ir/umambulation and (runnin.) between al-Sa0a and al-Marwa su00i/ed us,, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded us to be/ome se-en 1artners (in the sa/ri0i/e) o0 a /amel and a /ow,


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Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted that the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ordered us to 1ut on Ihram (a.ain) as we 1ro/eeded towards Mina a0ter we had 1ut it o00 (i, e, :on the #th o0 9hu:l-Hijja), So we 1ronoun/ed Talbi"a at al-Abtah,


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Fabir b, Abdullah is re1orted to ha-e said: !either Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) nor his 'om1anions (/ir/umambulated the >a:ba and) ran between al-Sa0a and al-Marwa but on/e (su00i/in. both 0or Hajj and :Umra), 7ut in the hadith transmitted b" Muhammad b, 7a6r there is an addition:C That is 0irst /ir/umambu- lation,C


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:Ata:re1orted: I2 alon. with some 1eo1le2 heard Fabir b, :Abdullah sa"in.: ?e the 'om1anions o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ut on Ihram 0or Hajj onl", Ata: 0urther said that Fabir stated: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame on the *th o0 9hu:l-Hijja and he /ommanded us to 1ut o00 Ihram, :Ata:said that he (Allah:s A1ostle) /ommanded them to 1ut o00 Ihram and to .o to their wi-es (0or inter- /ourse), :Ata: said: It was not obli.ator" 0or them2 but (inter/ourse) with them had be/ome 1ermissible, ?e said: ?hen onl" 0i-e da"s had been le0t to rea/h :Ara0a2 he (the Hol" @ro1het) /ommanded us to ha-e inter/ourse with our wi-es, And we rea/hed :Ara0a in a state as i0 we had just inter/oursed (with tbem), He (:Ata:) said: Fabir 1ointed with his hand and I (1er/ei-e) as i0 I am seein. his hand as it mo-ed, In the (meantime) the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood us and said: Kou are well aware that I am the most Hod-0earin.2 most truth0ul and most 1ious "ou, And i0 there were not sa/ri0i/ial animals with me2 I would also ha-e 1ut o00
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Ihram as "ou ha-e 1ut o00, And i0 I were to 6now this matter o0 mine what I ha-e /ome to 6now later on, I would not ha-e sa/ri0i/ial animals with me, S3 the" (the 'om1anions) 1ut, ol0 Ihrim and we also 1ut o00 and listened to (the Hol" @ro1het) and obe"ed (his /ommand), Fabir said: :All /ame with the re-enue o0 the ta5es (0rom Kemen), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: =or what (1ur1ose) ha-e "ou entered into the state o0 Ihram (whether "ou entered into the state 1urel" 0or Hajj and2 Umra jointl" or Hajj and Umra se1aratel")D He said: =or the 1ur1ose 0or whi/h the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had entered, (The Hol" @ro1het had entered as a Eiran2 i, e, Ihram /o-erin. both Umra and Hajj simultaneousl",) Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 300er a sa/ri0i/e o0 animal2 and retain Ihram, And :All a sa/ri0i/ial animal 0or him (0or the Hol" @ro1het), Suraqa b, Mali6 b, Fu:shum said: o0 Allah2 is it (this /on/ession 1uttin. o00 Ihram o0 Hajj or Umra) meant 0or this "ear or is it 0or e-erD, He said: It is 0or e-er,


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Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: ?e entered with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the state o0 Ihram 0or Hajj, ?hen we /ame to Me//a he /ommanded us to 1ut o00 Ihrim and ma6e it 0or :Umra, ?e 0elt It (the /ommand) hard 0or us2 and our hearts were an.uished on a//ount o0 this and it (this rea/tion o0 the 1eo1le) rea/hed the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?e do not 6now whether he re/ei-ed (this news) 0rom the Hea-en (throu.h re-elation) or 0rom the 1eo1le, (?hate-er the /ase be) he saidB 3 1eo1le2 1ut o00 Ihram, I0 there were not the sa/ri0i/ial animals with me2 I would ha-e done as "ou do, So we 1ut o00 the Ihram (a0ter 1er0ormin. Umra)2 and we bad inter/ourse with our wi-es and did e-er"thin. whi/h a nonMuhrim does (a11l"in. 1er0ume2 1uttin. on /lothes2 et/,)2 and when It was the da" o0 Tarwi"a (#th o0 9hu:l-Hijja) we turned our ba/6 to Me//a (in order to .o to Mini2 :Ara0at) and we 1ut on lhram 0or Hajj,


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Musa b, !a0i re1orted: I /ame to Me//a as a Mutamattil 0or Umra (1er- 0ormin. Umra 0irst and then 1uttin. o00 lhram and a.ain enterin. into the state o0 Ihram 0or Hajj) 0our da"s be0ore the da" o0 Tarwi"a (i, e, on tee *th o0 9hu:l-Hijja), Thereu1on the 1eo1le said: !ow "ours is the Hajj o0 the Me//ans, I went to :Ata: b, Abi Aabah and as6ed his reli.ious -erdi/t, Ata: said: Fabir b, :Abdullah al:Ans-ari (Allah be 1leased wa:th them) narrated to me that he 1eir0or0ned Hajj with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the "ear when he too6 sa/ri0i/ial animals with him (i, e, durin. the $ th "ear o0 Hijra 6nown as the =arewell @il.rima.e) and the" had 1ut on Ihram 0or Hajj onl" (as Mu0rid), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: @ut o00 Ihram and /ir/umambulate the House2 and (run) between al-Sa0a and al-Marwa, and .et "our hair /ut and sta" as nonMuhrims, ?hen it was the da" o0 Tarwi"a2 then 1ut on Ihram 0or Hajj and ma6e lhram 0or Mut:a ("ou had 1ut on Ihram i 0 or Hajj2 but ta6e it o00 a0 ter 1er0 ormin. Umra and then a.ain 1ut on Ihram 0or Hajj), The" said: How should we ma6e it Mut:a althou.h we entered u1on lhram in the name
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o0 HajjD He said: 9o whate-er I /ommand "ou to do, Had I not sa/ri0i/ial animals with me2 I would ha-e done as I ha-e /ommanded "ou to do, 7ut it is not 1ermissible 0or me to 1ut o00 Ihram till tLe sa/ri0i/e is o00ered, Then the" also did a//ordin.l",


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Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: ?e set out with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as Muhrim 0or Hajj, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded us to ma6e this Ihram 0or Umra2 and some 1ut it o00 (a0 ter 1er0ormin. :Umra)2 but the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had sa/ri0i/ial animals with him2 so he /ould not ma6e it (this Ihram) as that o0 Umra,

'ha1ter $%: @er0ormin. Hajj and Umra se1aratel"

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Abu !adra re1orted: Ibn:Abbas /ommanded the 1er0orman/e o0 Mut:a 1uttin. lhram 0or :Umra durin. the months o0 9hu:I-Hijja and a0ter /om1letin. it, then 1uttin. on Ibrim 0or Hajj)2 but Ibn Gubair 0orbade to do it, I made a mention o0 it to Fabir b, Abdullih and he said: It is throu.h me that this hadith has been /ir/ulated, ?e entered into the state o0 Ihram as Tamattu: with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?hen :Umar was Installed as 'ali1h2 he said: <eril" Allah made 1ermissible 0or His (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whate-er He li6ed and as Ae li6ed, And (e-er" /ommand) o0 the Hol" Eur:an has been re-ealed 0or e-er" o//asion, So a//om1lish Hajj and Umra 0or Allah as Allah has /ommanded "ouB and /on0irm b" (1ro1er /onditions) the marria.e o0 those women (with whom "ou ha-e 1er0ormed Mut:a), And an" 1erson would /ome to me with a marria.e o0 a11ointed duration (Mut:a)2 I would stone him (to death), Eatada narrated this hadith with the same /hain o0 transmitters sa"in.: (That :Umar also said): Se1arate "our Hajj 0rom :Umra2 0or that is the most /om1lete Hajj2 and /om1lete "our Umra,


%2 !umber 2# 2:

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: ?e /ame with the o0 Allah (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a 0or Hajj2 and the o0 Allah (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded us to ma6e (our Ihram) into that o0 Umra,

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=arewell 1il.rima.e o0 the a1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)

Fust as the 0irst re-elation in the /a-e o0 Hira: mar6s the ad-ent o0 the a1ostoli/ mission o0 Muhammad (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 similarl" his =arewell @il.rima.e mar6s its /rownin. .lor", 31inions di00er as to when Hajj be/ame obli.ator" but the /ommonl" a//e1ted o1inion is that it was in the ei.hth "ear o0 Hijra that Allah de/lared it as one o0 the 0i-e 0undamentals o0 Islam, In the ninth "ear o0 Hijra the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent Abu 7a6r as the leader o0 the Hajj dele.ation but he himsel0 did not .o, Hadrat Abu 7a6r was later on joined b" Hadrat Ali in order to ma6e a sure de/laration on behal0 o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whi/h /on/erned the 0reedom 0rom obli.ation in re.ard to those idolatrous tribes who had shown no res1e/t 0or the treaties whi/h the" had entered into with the Hol" @ro1het (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), This de/laration is /ontains in the o1enin. -erses o0 Sura Tauba, The Hol" @ro1het (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) s1ent this "ear in ma6in. 1re1arations 0or the Hajj in the tenth "ear o0 Hijra whi/h /oin/ided with the si5t"-third "ear (the last "ear) o0 his li0e, (-er" attem1t was2 there0ore2 made to ta6e 0ull ad-anta.e o0 this .reat assembl", Messen.ers were sent to all 1arts o0 Arabia in-itin. 1eo1le to join him in this .reat @il.rima.e, It was ne/essar" 0or them sin/e the" should learn b" 0irst-hand 6nowled.e the se-eral injun/tions and 1ra/ti/es o0 the @il.rima.e0ree 0rom all taints o0 i.noran/e-an ideal 1attern whi/h was to be 6e1t inta/t in its 1ristine .lor" 0or all times to /ome, !ot onl" the rites and rituals o0 the @il.rima.e were to be 0inall" e51lained b" the Hol" @ro1het (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) but all those thin.s whi/h had an" /on/ern with Islam had been 0inali8ed, The Hol" @ro1het (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) deli-ered a 6hutba on the 2*th o0 9hi-Ea:da on the o//asion o0 the =rida" 1ra"er and .a-e the Muslims ne/essar" instru/tions relatin. to Hajj, !e5t da"2 I, e, on the 2+th o0 9hi-Ea:da2 he set out a0ter Guhr 1ra"er on a journe" 0or Hajj alon. with thousands o0 his de-oted 'om1anions, The :Asr 1ra"er was o00ered at 9hu:l-Hulai0a, The /ara-an s1ent the there and it was there a0ter the Guhr 1ra"er that the Hol" @ro1het (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his 'om1anions 1ut on Ihram and 1ro/eeded towards Me//a, The" rea/hed their destination on the *th o0 9hu:l-Hijja 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a (Labbai62 Labbai62 Allahumma Labbai6), As the /ara-an mo-ed on the number o0 1arti/i1ants swelled till2 a//ordin. to some o0 the narrators2 it rea/hed more than one la6h and thirt" thousands, The =arewell @il.rima.e is one o0 the most im1ortant o//asions in the sa/red li0e o0 Muhammad (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), A1art 0rom the rites and rituals2 the addresses and s1ee/hes o0 the Hol" @ro1het (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) su//in/tl" sum u1 the tea/hin.s o0 Islam,

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%2 !umber 2# 4:

Fa:0ar b Muhammad re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: ?e went to Fabir b, Abdullah and he inquirin. about the 1eo1le (who had .one to see him) till it was m" turn, I said: I am Muhammad b, :Ali b, Husain, He 1la/ed his hand u1on m" head and o1ened m" u11er button and then the lower one and then 1la/ed his 1alm on m" /hest (in order to bless me)2 and I was2 durin. those da"s2 a "oun. bo"2 and he said: Kou are wel/ome2 m" ne1hew, As6 whate-er "ou want to as6, And I as6ed him but as he was blind (he /ould not res1ond to me immediatel")2 and the time 0or 1ra"er /ame, He stood u1 /o-erin. himsel0 in his mantle, And whene-er he 1la/ed its ends u1on his shoulders the" sli11ed down on a//ount o0 bein. short (in si8e), Another mantle was2 howe-er2 l"in. on the /lothes ra/6 near b", And he led us in the 1ra"er, I said to him: Tell me about the Hajj o0 Allah:s (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), And he 1ointed with his hand nine2 and then stated: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sta"ed in (Medina) 0or nine "ears but did not 1er0orm Hajj2 then he made a 1ubli/ announ/ement in the tenth "ear to the e00e/t that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was about to 1er0orm the Hajj, A lar.e number o0 1ersons /ame to Medina and all o0 them were an5ious to 0ollow the o0 Allah (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and do a//ordin. to his doin., ?e set out with him till we rea/hed 9hu:l-Hulai0a, Asma: dau.hter o0 Umais .a-e birth to Muhammad b, Abu 7a6r, She sent messa.e to the o0 Allah (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6in. him: ?hat should $ doD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Ta6e a bath2 banda.e "our 1ri-ate 1arts and 1ut on Ihram, The o0 Allah (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then 1ra"ed in the mosque and then mounted al-Easwa (his she-/amel) and it stood ere/t with him on its ba/6 at al-7aida:, And I saw as 0ar as I /ould see in 0ront o0 me but riders and 1edestrians2 and also on m" and on m" le0t and behind me li6e this, And the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was 1rominent amon. us and the (re-elation) o0 the Hol" Eur:an was des/endin. u1on him, And it is he who 6nows (its true) si.ni0i/an/e, And whate-er he did2 we also did that, He 1ronoun/ed the 3neness o0 Allah (sa"in.):C Labbai62 Allah2 Labbai62 Labbai6, Thou hast no 1artner2 1raise and .ra/e is Thine and the So-erei.nt" tooB Thou hast no 1artner,C And the 1eo1le also 1ronoun/ed this Talbi"a whi/h the" 1ronoun/e (toda"), The o0 Allah (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not reje/t an"thin. out o0 it, 7ut the o0 Allah (Ma" 1ea/e, be u1on him) adhered to his own Talbi"a, Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) said: ?e did not ha-e an" other intention but that o0 Hajj onl"2 bein. unaware o0 the Umra (at that season)2 but when we /ame with him to the House2 he tou/hed the 1illar and (made se-en /ir/uits) runnin. three o0 them and wal6in. 0our, And then .oin. to the Station o0 Ibrahim2 he re/ited:C And ado1t the Station o0 Ibrahim as a 1la/e o0 1ra"er,C And this Station was between him and the House, M" 0ather said (and I do not 6now whether he had made a mention o0 it but that was 0rom Allah:s A1ostle NMa" 1ea/e be u1on himO that he re/ited in two ra6:ahs:C sa": He is Allah 3ne2C and sa":C Sa": unbelie-ers,C He then returned to the 1illar (Hajar Aswad) and 6issed it, He then went out o0 the .ate to al-Sa0a: and as he rea/hed near it he re/ited:C Al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa are amon. the si.ns a11ointed b" Allah2C (addin.: ) I with what Allah (has /ommanded me) to, He 0irst mounted al-Sa0a: till

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he saw the House2 and 0a/in. Eibla he de/lared the 3neness o0 Allah and .lori0ied Him2 and said:C There is no .od but Allah2 3ne2 there is no 1artner with Him, His is the So-erei.nt", to Him 1raise is due, and He is @ower0ul o-er e-er"thin., There is no .od but Allah alone2 ?ho 0ul0illed His 1romise2 hel1ed His ser-ant and routed the /on0ederates alone,C He then made su11li/ation in the /ourse o0 that sa"in. su/h words three times, He then des/ended and wal6ed towards al-Marwa2 and when his 0eet /ame down in the bottom o0 the -alle"2 he ran2 and when he to as/end he wal6ed till he rea/hed al-Marwa, There he did as he had done at al-Sa0a:, And when it was his last runnin. at alMarwa he said: I0 I had 6nown be0orehand what I ha-e /ome to 6now a0terwards2 I would not ha-e sa/ri0i/ial animals and would ha-e 1er0ormed an :Umra, So2 he who amon. "ou has not the sa/ri0i/ial animals with him should 1ut o00 Ihram and treat it as an Umra, Suraqa b, Mali6 b, Fu:sham .ot u1 and said: o0 Allah2 does it a11l" to the 1resent "ear2 or does it a11l" 0ore-erD Thereu1on the o0 Allah (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) intertwined the 0in.ers (o0 one hand) into another and said twi/e: The :Umra has be/ome in/or1orated in the Hajj (addin.):C !o2 but 0or e-er and e-er,C :All /ame 0rom the Kemen with the sa/ri0i/ial animals 0or the @ro1het (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and 0ound =atimah (Allah be 1leased with her) to be one amon. those who had 1ut o00 Ihram and had 1ut on d"ed /lothes and had a11lied antimon", He (Hadrat:Ali) showed disa11ro-al to it2 whereu1on she said: M" 0ather has /ommanded me to do this, He (the narrator) said that :Ali used to sa" in Iraq: I went to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) showin. anno"an/e at =atimah 0or what she had done2 and as6ed the (-erdi/t) o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re.ardin. what she had narrated 0rom him2 and told him that I was an.r" with her2 whereu1on he said: She has told the truth2 she has told the truth, (The Hol" @ro1het then as6ed :Ali): ?hat did "ou sa" when "ou undertoo6 to .o 0or HajjD I (:Ali) said: 1ose as Th" has 1ut it on, He said: I ha-e with me sa/ri0i/ial animals2 so do not 1ut o00 the Ihram, He (Fabir) said: The total number o0 those sa/ri0i/ial animals b" :Ali 0rom the Kemen and o0 those b" the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was one hundred, Then all the 1eo1le e5/e1t the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and those who had with them sa/ri0i/ial animals2 1ut o00 Ihram2 and .ot their hair /li11edB when it was the da" o0 Tarwi"a (#th o0 9hu:l-Hijja) the" went to Mina and 1ut on the Ihram 0or Hajj and the o0 Ailah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) rode and led the noon2 a0ternoon2 sunset :Isha: and dawn 1ra"ers, He then waited a little till the sun rose2 and /ommanded that a tent o0 hair should be 1it/hed at !amira, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then set out and the Euraish did not doubt that he would halt at al-Mash:ar al-Haram (the sa/red site) as the Euraish used to do in the 1re-Islami/ 1eriod, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 howe-er2 1assed on till he /ame to :Ara0a and he 0ound that the tent had been 1it/hed 0or him at !amira, There he .ot down till the sun had 1assed the meridianB he /ommanded that al-Easwa should be and saddled 0or him, Then he /ame to the bottom o0 the -alle"2 and addressed the 1eo1le sa"in.: <eril" "our blood2 "our 1ro1ert" are as sa/red and in-iolable as the sa/redness o0 this da" o0 "ours2 in this month o0 "ours2 in this town o0 "ours, 7eholdL (-er"thin. 1ertainin. to the 9a"s o0 I.noran/e is under m" 0eet /om1letel" abolished, Abolished are also the o0 the 9a"s o0 I.noran/e,
% 2 & $#

Allah2 I am 1uttin. on Ihram 0or the same 1ur-


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

The 0irst /laim o0 ours on blood-re-en.e whi/h I abolish is that o0 the son o0 Aabi:a b, al-Harith2 who was nursed amon. the tribe o0 Sa:d and 6illed b" Hudhail, And the usur" o0 she 1re-Islami/ 1eriod is abolished2 and the 0irst o0 our usur" I abolish is that o0 :Abbas b, :Abd al-Muttalib2 0or it is all abolished, =ear Allah /on/ernin. womenL <eril" "ou ha-e ta6en them on the se/urit" o0 Allah2 and inter/ourse with them has been made law0ul unto "ou b" words o0 Allah, Kou too ha-e o-er them2 and that the" should not allow an"one to sit on "our bed whom "ou do not li6e, 7ut i0 the" do that2 "ou /an /hastise them but not se-erel", Their ri.hts u1on "ou are that "ou should 1ro-ide them with 0ood and /lothin. in a 0ittin. manner, I ha-e le0t amon. "ou the 7oo6 o0 Allah2 and i0 "ou hold 0ast to it2 "ou would ne-er .o astra", And "ou would be as6ed about me (on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion)2 (now tell me) what would "ou sa"D The" (the audien/e) said: ?e will bear witness that "ou ha-e /on-e"ed (the messa.e)2 dis/har.ed (the ministr" o0 @ro1hethood) and .i-en wise (sin/ere) /ounsel, He (the narrator) said: He (the Hol" @ro1het) then raised his towards the s6" and 1ointin. it at the 1eo1le (said):C 3 Allah2 be witness, Allah2 be witness2C sa"in. it thri/e, (7ilal then) 1ronoun/ed Adhan and later on Iqama and he (the Hol" @ro1het) led the noon 1ra"er, He (7ilal) then uttered Iqama and he (the Hol" @ro1het) led the a0ternoon 1ra"er and he obser-ed no other 1ra"er in between the two, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then mounted his /amel and /ame to the 1la/e o0 sta"2 ma6in. his she-/amel al-Easwa2 turn towards the side where there we are ro/6s2 ha-in. the 1ath ta6en b" those who went on 0oot in 0ront o0 him2 and 0a/ed the Eibla, He 6e1t standin. there till the sun set2 and the "ellow had somewhat .one2 and the dis/ o0 the sun had disa11eared, He made Usama sit behind him2 and he 1ulled the nosestrin. o0 Easwa so 0or/e0ull" that its head tou/hed the saddle (in order to 6ee1 her under 1er0e/t /ontrol)2 and he 1ointed out to the 1eo1le with his hand to be moderate (in s1eed)2 and whene-er he ha11ened to 1ass o-er an ele-ated tra/t o0 sand2 he sli.htl" loosened it (the nose-strin. o0 his /amel) till she /limbed u1 and this is how he rea/hed al-Mu8dali0a, There he led the e-enin. and :Isha 1ra"ers with one Adhan and two Iqamas and did not .lori0" (Allah) in between them (i, e, he did not obser-e su1erero.ator" ra6:ahs between Ma.hrib and :Isha: 1ra"ers), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then la" down till dawn and o00ered the dawn 1ra"er with an Adhan and Iqama when the mornin. was /lear, He a.ain mounted al-Easwa2 and when he /ame to al-Mash:ar al-Haram2 he 0a/ed towards Eibla2 su11li/ated Him2 Hlori0ied Him2 and 1ronoun/ed His Uniqueness (La ilaha illa Allah) and 3neness2 and 6e1t standin. till the da" was -er" /lear, He then went qui/6l" be0ore the sun rose2 and seated behind him was al-=adl b, :Abbas and he was a man ha-in. beauti0ul hair and 0air /om1le5ion and handsome 0a/e, As the o0 Allah (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was mo-in. on2 there was also .oin. a .rou1 o0 women (side b" side with them), Al-=adl to loo6 at them, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1la/ed his hand on the 0a/e o0 =adl who then turned his 0a/e to the other side2 and to see2 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) turned his hand to the other side and 1la/ed it on the 0a/e o0 al-=adl, He a.ain turned his 0a/e to the other side till he /ame to the bottom o0 Muhassir, $)# He ur.ed her (al-Easwa) a little2 and2 0ollowin. the middle road2 whi/h /omes out at the .reatest jamra2
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he /ame to the jamra whi/h is near the tree, At this be threw se-en small 1ebbles2 sa"in. Allah-oA6bar while throwin. e-er" one o0 them in a manner in whi/h the small 1ebbles are thrown (with the hel1 o0 0in.ers) and this he did in the bottom o0 the -alle", He then went to the 1la/e o0 sa/ri0i/e2 and sa/ri0i/ed si5t"-three (/amels) with his own hand, Then he .a-e the remainin. number to :All who sa/ri0i/ed them2 and he shared him in his sa/ri0i/e, He then /ommanded that a 1ie/e o0 0lesh 0rom ea/h animal sa/ri0i/ed should be 1ut in a 1ot2 and when it was /oo6ed2 both o0 them (the Hol" @ro1het and Hadrat :All) too6 some meat out o0 it and dran6 its sou1, The o0 Allah (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a.ain rode and /ame to the House2 and o00ered the Guhr 1ra"er at Me//a, He /ame to the tribe o0 Abd al-Muttalib2 who were su11l"in. water at Gam8am2 and said: 9raw water, 3 7ani :Abd al-MuttalibB were it not that 1eo1le would usur1 this o0 su11l"in. water 0rom "ou2 I would ha-e drawn it alon. with "ou, So the" handed him a bas6et and he dran6 0rom it,


%2 !umber 2# *:

Fa:0ar b, Muhammad narrated on the authorit" o0 his 0ather thus: I /ame to Fabir b, Abdullah and as6ed him about the (=arewell) @il.rima.e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The rest o0 the hadith is the same2 but with the addition o0 this:C There was one Abu Sa""ara amon. the Arabs2 (o0 1re-Islami/ 1eriod) who /arried (1eo1le 0rom Mu8dali0a to Mini), As the o0 Allah (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) set out 0rom Mu8dali0a to al-Mash:ar al-Haram2 the Euraish were /ertain that he would halt there and that would be his station, 7ut he 1assed on (without sta"in.) there, and 1aid no heed to it till he /ame to :Ara0at and there he sta"ed,C


%2 !umber 2# +:

Fabir re1orted Allah:s (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I ha-e sa/ri0i/ed (the animals) here2 and the whole o0 Mini is a 1la/e 0or sa/ri0i/eB so sa/ri0i/e "our animals at "our 1la/es, $ ha-e sta"ed here (near these ro/6s)2 and the whole o0 Ara0at is a 1la/e 0or sta", And I ha-e sta"ed here (at Mu8dali0a near Mash:ar al-Haram and the whole o0 Mu8dali0a) is a 1la/e 0or sta" (i, e, one is 1ermitted to s1end in an" 1art o0 it2 as one li6es),


%2 !umber 2# ):

Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ro/eeded to Me//a2 he /ame to it (the 7la/6 Stone), he 6issed it, and mo-ed to his, and mo-ed qui/6l" in three /ir/uits2 and wal6ed in 0our /ir/uits,

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'ha1ter $#: Sta"in. and the si.ni0i/an/e o0 the -erse:2 then hasten on 0rom where the 1eo1le hasten on (ii, $;;)
7oo6 %2 !umber 2# %:
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that the Euraish (o0 the 1re-Islami/ da"s) and those who 0ollowed their reli.ions 1ra/ti/es sta"ed at Mu8dali0a2 and the" named themsel-es as Hums2 whereas all other Arabs sta"ed at :Ara0a, ?ith the ad-ent o0 Islam2 Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 /ommanded His A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to /ome to :Ara0at and sta" there2 and then hurr" 0rom there2 and this is the si.ni0i/an/e o0 the words o0 Allah:C Then hasten on 0rom where the 1eo1le hasten on,C


%2 !umber 2# #:

Hisham narrated on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that the Arabs with the e5/e1tion o0 Hums who were Euraish2 and their des/endants2 /ir/umambulated the House na6ed, The" 6e1t /ir/umambulatin. In this state o0 nudit" unless the Hums su11lied to them the /lothes, The male 1ro-ided (/lothes) to the male and the 0emale 1ro-ided /lothes to the 0emale, And the Hums did not .et out o0 Mu8dali0a2 whereas the 1eo1le (other than the Euraish) went t o :Ara0at, Hisham said on the authorit" o0 his 0ather who related 0rom :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) who said: Hums are those about whom Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 re-ealed this -erse:C Then hasten to where the 1eo1le hasten,C She (0urther) said: The 1eo1le hastened on 0rom :Ara0at2 whereas Hums hastened 0rom Mu8dali0a2 and said: ?e:do not hasten but 0rom Haram, 7ut when this (-erse) was re-ealed:C Hasten on 0rom that (1la/e) where the 1eo1le hasten on2C the" (the Euraish) then went to :Ara0at,


%2 !umber 2# ;:

Fubair, b, Mut:im re1orted: I lost m" /amel and went in sear/h o0 it on the da" o0 :Ara0a2 and I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sta"in. alon. with 1eo1le in :Ara:0it, Thereu1on I said: 7" Allah2 he is amon. the Hums (Euraish) B what has ha11ened to him that he has /ome to this (1la/e)D The Euraish were /ounted amon. Hums,

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'ha1ter $;: @ermissibilit" o0 sa"in. one has entered into ihram li6e the ihram o0 the other one or abro.ation o0 1uttin. o00 ihram and /om1letin. (hajj and umra)
7oo6 %2 !umber 2#$ :
Abu Musa (Allah be 1leased with him) said: I /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as he was en/am1in. at 7atha, He said to me: 9id "ou intend to 1er0orm HajjD I said: Kes, He a.ain said: ?ith what intention ha-e "ou entered into the state o0 Ihram (0or I0rad2 Eiran or Tamattu:), I said: I 1ronoun/ed Talbi"a (I ha-e entered into the state o0 Ihram ) with that -er" aim with whi/h the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a, He (the Hol" @ro1het) saidB Kou ha-e done well, Then /ir/umambulate the House and run between al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa: and 1ut o00 Ihram (as "ou ha-e not the sa/ri0i/ial animals alon. with "ou), So I /ir/umambulated the House2 and ran between al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa: and then /ame to a woman o0 the tribe o0 Eais and she rid m" head o0 the li/e, I a.ain 1ut on Ihram 0or Hajj, and /ontinued .i-in. reli.ious -erdi/t (a//ordin. to this 1ra/ti/e) till durin. the 'ali1hate o0 Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) when a 1erson said to him: Abu Musa2 or Abdullah b, Eais2 e5er/ise restraint in deli-erin. some reli.ious -erdi/t o0 "ours2 0or "ou do not 6now what has been introdu/ed a0ter "ou b" the 'ommander o0 the 7elie-ers in the rites (o0 Hajj), Thereu1on he said: 1eo1le2 whom we .a-e the reli.ious -erdi/t (/on/ernin. 1uttin. o00 Ihram ) the" should wait2 0or the 'ommander o0 the 7elie-ers is about to /ome to "ou2 and "ou should 0ollow him, Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) then /ame and I made a mention o0 it to him, whereu1on he said: I0 we abide b" the 7oo6 o0 Allah (we 0ind) the 7oo6 o0 Allah has /ommanded us to /om1lete the (, Hajj and :Umra)2 and i0 we abide b" the Sunnah o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 we 0ind that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not 1ut o00 Ihram till the sa/ri0i/ial animal was to its end (till it was sa/ri0i/ed),


%2 !umber 2#$$:

This hadith has been narrated b" Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


%2 !umber 2#$2:

Abu Musa (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: I /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he was en/am1in. at 7atha, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?ith what 1ur1ose ha-e "ou entered into the state o0 IhramD I said: I ha-e entered into the state o0 Ihram in a//ordan/e with the Ihram o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He said: Ha-e "ou sa/ri0i/ial animals
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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

alon. with "ouD I said: !o, whereu1on he said: Then /ir/umambulate the House and run between al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa and 1ut o00 Ihram, So I /ir/umambulated the House2 ran between al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa2 and then /ame to a woman o0 m" tribe, She /ombed and washed m" head, I used to .i-e reli.ious -erdi/t (a//ordin. to the abo-e mentioned /ommand o0 the Hol" @ro1het) durin. the 'ali1hate o0 Abu 7a6r and also durin. that o0 :Umar, And it was durin. the Hajj season that a 1erson /ame to me and said: Kou (1erha1s) do not 6now what the 'ommander o0 the 7elie-ers has introdu/ed in the rites (o0 Hajj), I said: 1eo1le2 those whom we ha-e .i-en reli.ious -erdi/t about a /ertain thin. should wait2 0or the 'ommander o0 the 7elie-ers is about to arri-e amon. "ou2 so 0ollow him, ?hen the 'ommander o0 the 7elie-ers arri-ed2 I said: ?hat is this that "ou ha-e introdu/ed in the rites (o0 Hajj)D -where u1on he said: I0 we abide b" the 7oo6 o0 Allah (we 0ind) that there Allah2 (5alted and Majesti/2 has said: 'om1lete Hajj and :Umra 0or Allah,C And i0 we abide b" the Sunnah o0 our A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (we 0ind) that the A1ostle o0 Allah (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not 1ut o00 Ihram till he had sa/ri0i/ed the animals,


%2 !umber 2#$4:

Abu Musa (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: The o0 Allah (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on im) had sent me to Kemen and I /ame ba/6 In the "ear in whi/h he (the Hol" @ro1het) 1er0ormed the (=arewell) @il.rima.e, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on2 him) said to me: Abu Musa2 what did "ou : sa" when "ou entered into the state o0 IhramD I said: At th" be/6 and /allB m" (Ihram) is that o0 the Ihram o0 Allah:s A1ostle (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He said: Ha-e "ou the sa/ri0i/ial animalsD I said: !o, Thereu1on he said: Ho and /ir/umambulate the House2 and (run) between al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa and then 1ut o00 Ihram, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,


%2 !umber 2#$*:

Abu Musa2 (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that he used to deli-er reli.ious -erdi/t in 0a-or o0 Hajj Tamattu:, A 1erson said to him: (5er/ise restraint in deli-erin. some o0 "our reli.ious -erdi/ts2 0or "ou do not 6now what the 'ommander o0 7elie-ers has introdu/ed in the rites (o0 Hajj) a0ter "ou (when "ou were awa" in Kemen), He (Abu Musa2 ) met him (Hadrat Umar) subsequentl" and as6ed him (about it)2 whereu1on :Umar said: I 6now that Allah:s A1ostle (Ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and also his 'om1anions did that (obser-ed Tamattu:)2 but I do not a11ro-e that the married 1ersons should ha-e inter/ourse with their wi-es under the shade o0 the trees2 and then set out 0or Hajj with water tri/6lin. down 0rom their beads,

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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

'ha1ter 2 : @ermissibilit" o0 the Tamattu2 (0orm o0 1il.rima.e)

7oo6 %2 !umber 2#$+:
:Abdullah b, Shaqiq re1orted that :Uthman (Allah be 1leased with him) used to 0orbid Tamattu:2 whereas :Ali (Allah be 1leased with him) ordered to do it, :Uthman said a word to :Ali2 but :Ali said: Kou 6now that we used to 1er0orm Tamattu: with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on he said: It is ri.ht2 but we entertained 0ear, This hadith has been narrated b" Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


%2 !umber 2#$):

Sa:id b, al-Musa""ab re1orted that :Ali and :Uthman (Allah be 1leased with them) met at :Us0anB and Uthman used to 0orbid (1eo1le) 0rom 1er0ormin. Tamattu: and :Umra (durin. the 1eriod o0 Hajj)2 whereu1on :Ali said: ?hat is "our o1inion about a matter whi/h the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did but "ou 0orbid itD Thereu1on Uthman said: Kou lea-e us alone2 whereu1on he (:Ali) said: I /annot lea-e "ou alone, ?hen :Ali saw this2 he 1ut on Ihram 0or both o0 them to.ether (both 0or Hajj and :Umra),


%2 !umber 2#$%:

Abu 9harr (Allah be 1leased with him) said that Tamattu: in Ha was a s1e/ial (/on/ession) $);* 0or the 'om1anions o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


%2 !umber 2#$#:

Abu 9harr (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: Tamattu: in Hajj was a s1e/ial /on/ession 0or us,


%2 !umber 2#$;:

Abu 9harr (Allah be 1leased with him) said: Two are the Mut:as whi/h were not 1ermissible but onl" 0or us2 i, e, tem1orar" marria.e with women and Tamattu: in Hajj,


%2 !umber 2#2 :

:Abd al-Aahman b, Abi al-Sha:tha: re1orted: I /ame to Ibrahim al-!a6ha:I and Ibrahim Taimi and said: I intend to /ombine :Umra and Hajj this "ear2 whereu1on Ibrahim al-!a6ha:i said: 7ut "our 0ather did not ma6e su/h intention, Ibrahim narrated on the authorit" o02 his 0ather that he 1assed b"

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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

Abu 9harr (Allah be 1leased with him) at Aabdha2 and made a mention o0 that2 whereu1on he said: It was a s1e/ial /on/ession 0or us and not 0or "ou,


%2 !umber 2#2$:

Hhunaim b, Eais said: I as6ed Sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas (Allah be 1leased with him) about Mut:a2 whereu1on he said: ?e did that2 and it was the da" when he was an unbelie-er li-in. in (one o0 the) houses o0 Me//a,


%2 !umber 2#22:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sulaiman Taimi with the same /hain o0 transmitters and in his narration (he) re0ers to Mu:awi"a,


%2 !umber 2#24:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Sulaiman (but with a modi0i/ation o0


%2 !umber 2#2*:

Mutarri0 re1orted: :Imran b, Husain said to me: Should I not narrate to "ou a hadith toda" b" whi/h Allah will bene0it "ou subsequentl"-and bear in mind that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made some members o0 his 0amil" 1er0orm :Umra within ten da"s o0 9hu:l-Hijja, !o -erse was re-ealed to abro.ate that2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) did not re0rain 0rom doin. it till he died, So a0ter him e-er"one said as he li6ed2 (but it would be his, 1ersonal o1inion and not the -erdi/t o0 the Shari:ah),


%2 !umber 2#2+:

This hadith been narrated on the authorit" o0 Furairi with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 and Ibn Hatim said in his narration:C A 1erson said a//ordin. to his 1ersonal o1inion2 and it was Umar,C


%2 !umber 2#2):

Imran b, Husain re1orted: I am narratin. to "ou a hadith b" whi/h Allah will bene0it "ou (and the hadith is) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ombined Hajj and :Umra2 and he did not 0orbid (this /ombination) till he died, (Moreo-er) nothin. was re-ealed in the Hol" Eur:an whi/h 0orbade it, And I was alwa"s blessed till I was branded and then it (blessin.) was abandoned, I then abandoned brandin. and it (the blessin. was restored),

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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 2#2%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Mutarri0 with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


%2 !umber 2#2#:

Mutarri0 re1orted: :Imran b, Husain sent 0or me durin. his illness o0 whi/h he died2 and said: I am narratin. to "ou some ahadith whi/h ma" bene0it "ou a0ter me, I0 I li-e "ou /on/eal (the 0a/t that these ha-e been transmitted b" me)2 and i0 I die2 then "ou narrate them i0 "ou li6e (and these are): I am blessed2 and bear in mind that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ombined Hajj and Umra, Then no -erse was re-ealed in re.ard to it in the 7oo6 o0 Allah (whi/h abro.ated it) and the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not 0orbid (0rom doin. it), And whate-er a 1erson (2 Umar) said was out o0 his 1ersonal o1inion,


%2 !umber 2#2;:

:Imran b, al-Husain (Allah be 1leased with him) said: >now well that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ombined :Hajj and :Umra2 and nothin. was re-ealed in the 7oo6 (to abro.ate it)2 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too did not 0orbid us 0rom (/ombinin.) them, And whate-er a 1erson said was out o0 his 1ersonal o1inion,


%2 !umber 2#4 :

:Imran b, Husain (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?e 1er0ormed Tamattu: (Hajj and :Umra /ombinin. to.ether) in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and nothin. was re-ealed in the Eur:an (/on/ernin. the abro.ation o0 this 1ra/ti/e)2 and whate-er a 1erson (Hadhrat :Umar) said was his 1ersonal o1inion, :Imran b, Husain narrated this hadith (in these words also):C Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1er0ormed Hajj Tamattu: and we also 1er0ormed it alon. with him,C


%2 !umber 2#4$:

:Imran b, Husain said: There was re-ealed the -erse o0 Tamattu: in Hajj in the 7oo6 o0 Allah and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded us to 1er0orm it, and then no -erse was re-ealed abro.atin. the Tamattu: (0orm o0 Hajj)2 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not 0orbid to do it till he died, So whate-er a 1erson said was his 1ersonal o1inion, A hadith li6e this is transmitted on the authorit" o0 Imran b, Husain2 but with this -ariation that he (:Imran) said: ?e did that (Tamattu:) in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he did not sa" an"thin. but he (the Hol" @ro1het) /ommanded us to do it,

%$ & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

'ha1ter 2$: Sa/ri0i/in. o0 animal is obli.ator" 0or Tamattu2 but he who does not do it is required to obser-e 0ast 0or three da"s durin. the Hajj and 0or se-en da"s when he returns to the 0amil"
7oo6 %2 !umber 2#42:
Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed Tamattu: in Hajjat-ul-?ada:, He 0irst 1ut on Ihram 0or :Umra and then 0or Hajj, and then o00ered animal sa/ri0i/e, So he dro-e the sa/ri0i/ial animals with him 0rom 9hu:l-Hulai0a, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommen/ed Ihram o0 Umra and thus 1ronoun/ed Talbi"a 0or :Umra, and then (1ut on Ihram 0or Hajj) and 1ronoun/ed Talbi"a 0or Hajj, And the 1eo1le 1er0ormed Tamattu: in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The" 1ut on Ihram 0or Umra (0irst) and then 0or Hajj, Some o0 them had sa/ri0i/ial animals whi/h the" had with them2 whereas some o0 them had none to sa/ri0i/e, So when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to Me//a2 he said to the 1eo1le: He who "ou has sa/ri0i/ial animals alon. with him must not treat as law0ul an"thin. whi/h has be/ome unlaw0ul 0or him till he has /om1leted the HajjB and he2 who "ou has not the sa/ri0i/ial animals should /ir/umambulate the House2 and run between al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa and /li1 (his hair) and 1ut o00 the Ihram2 and then a.ain 1ut on the Ihram 0or Hajj and o00er sa/ri0i/e o0 animals, 7ut he who does not 0ind the sa/ri0i/ial animal2 he should obser-e 0ast 0or three da"s durin. the Hajj and 0or se-en da"s when he returns to his 0amil", Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ir/umambulated (the House) when he /ame to Me//a: he 0irst 6issed the /orner (o0 the >a:ba /ontainin. the 7la/6 Stone)2 then ran in three /ir/uits out o0 se-en and wal6ed in 0our /ir/uits, And then when he had 0inished the /ir/umambulation o0 the House he obser-ed two ra6:ahs o0 1ra"er at the Station (o0 Ibrahim)2 and then 1ronoun/ed Salaam (0or /on/ludin. the ra6:ahs)2 and de1arted and /ame to al-Sa0a: and ran se-en times between al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa, A0ter that he did not treat an"thin. as law0ul whi/h had be/ome unlaw0ul till he had /om1leted his Hajj and sa/ri0i/ed his animal on the da" o0 sa/ri0i/e ($ th o0 9hu:l-Hijja), and then went ba/6 qui/6l" (to Me//a) and 1er0ormed /ir/umambulation o0 the House (6nown as tawa0 i0ada) a0ter whi/h all that was unlaw0ul 0or him be/ame law0ulB and those who had the sa/ri0i/ial animals alon. with them did as Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had done, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :A:isha, The wi0e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 /on/ernin. his Tamattu: o0 Hajj and :Umra and 1er0ormin. o0 Tamattu: b" 1eo1le in his /om1an",

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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

'ha1ter 22: The qarin should not 1ut o00 the ihram but at the time when a mu0rid 1il.rim ta6es it o00
7oo6 %2 !umber 2#44:
Ha0sa (Allah be 1leased with her)2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said: o0 Allah, what about 1eo1le who ha-e 1ut o00 Ihram whereas "ou ha-e not 1ut it o00 a0ter "our :UmraD He said: I ha-e stu/6 m" hair and ha-e dri-en m" sa/ri0i/ial animal2 and would not2 there0ore2 1ut o00 Ihram until I ha-e sa/ri0i/ed the animal,


%2 !umber 2#4*:

Ha0sa (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: I said: o0 Allah what is the matter with "ou that "ou ha-e not 1ut o00 IhramD The rest o0 the hadith is the same,


%2 !umber 2#4+:

Ha0sa (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: I said to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): ?hat is the matter with 1eo1le that the" ha-e 1ut o00 Ihram2 whereas "ou ha-e not 1ut it o00 a0ter "our Umra:D He said: I ha-e dri-en m" sa/ri0i/ial animal and stu/6 m" hair2 and it is not 1ermissible 0or me to 1ut o00 Ihram unless I ha-e /om1leted the Hajj,


%2 !umber 2#4):

Ha0sa (Allah be 1leased with her) said: o0 AllahB the rest o0 the hadith is the same and (the /on/ludin. words o0 the Hol" @ro1het):C I won:t 1ut o00 Ihram until I ha-e sa/ri0i/ed the animal,C


%2 !umber 2#4%:

Ha0sa (Allah be 1leased with her) said that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded his wi-es that the" should 1ut o00 Ihram durin. the "ear o0 Hajj (at-ul-?ada:), whereu1on she (Ha0sa) said: ?hat hinders "ou that "ou ha-e not 1ut o00 IhramD Thereu1on he said: I ha-e stu/6 m" hair and dri-en m" sa/ri0i/ial animal alon. with men and it is not 1ermissible to 1ut o00 Ihram (under this /ondition until I ha-e sa/ri0i/ed the animal,

%$2 & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

'ha1ter 24: @ermissibilit" o0 1uttin. o00 ihram (in the midst o0 hajj /eremonies) in /ase o0 obstru/tion and 1ermissibilit" o0 qiran
7oo6 %2 !umber 2#4#:
!a0i: re1orted that :Abdullah b, Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) set out 0or Umra durin. the turmoil2 and he said: I0 I am detained (0rom .oin. to) the House2 we would do the same as we did with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), So he went out and 1ut on Ihram 0or :Umra and mo-ed on until he rea/hed al-7aida:, He turned towards his 'om1anions and said: There is one /ommand 0or both o0 them, and $ /all "ou as m" witness (and sa") that -eri0" I ha-e- made Hajj with :Umra /om1ulsor" 0or me, He 1ro/eeded until2 when he /ame to the House2 he /ir/umambulated it se-en times and ran between al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa se-en times2 and made no addition to it and it to be su00i/ient 0or him and o00ered sa/ri0i/e,


%2 !umber 2#4;:

!a0i: re1orted that :Abdullah b, :Abdullah and Salim b, Abdullah said to :Abdullah (b, :Umar) at the time when Hajjaj /ame to a.ainst Ibn Gubair: There would be no harm i0 "ou do not (1ro/eed) 0or Hajj this "ear2 0or we 0ear that there would be amon. 1eo1le whi/h would /ause obstru/tion between "ou and the House2 whereu1on he said: I0 there would be obstru/tion between me and that (>a:ba)2 I would do as Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did, I was with him (the Hol" @ro1het) when the in0idels o0 Euraish /aused obstru/tions between him (the Hol" @ro1het) and the House, I /all "ou as m" witness (to the 0a/t) that I ha-e made :Umra essential 0or me, He 1ro/eeded until he /ame to 9hu:l-Hulai0a and 1ronoun/ed Talbi"a 0or Umra2 and said: I0 the wa" Is /lear 0orme2 I would then /om1lete m" :Umra but I0 there is some obstru/tion between me and that (the >a:ba), I would then do what Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had done (at the o//asion o0 Hudaibi"a)2 and I was with him (the Hol" @ro1het), and then re/ited:C <eril" in the o0 Allah2 there is a model 1attern 0or "ouC (555iii, 2$), He then mo-ed on until he /ame to the rear side o0 al-7aida: and said: There is one /ommand 0or both o0 them automati/all") (Hajj and Umra), I0 I am detained (in the 1er0orman/e) o0 :Umra2 I am ( automati/all" detained (in the 1er0orman/e) o0 Hajj (too), I /all "ou as witness that Hajj alon. with :Umra I had made essential 0or me, (I am 1er0ormin. Hajj and :Umra as Eiran,) He then sa/ri0i/ial animals at Eudaid and then /ir/umambulated the House and ran between al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa on/e (/o-erin. both Hajj and Umra)2 and did not 1ut o00 Ihram until on the 9a" o0 Sa/ri0i/e in the month o0 9hu:l-Hijja,

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%2 !umber 2#* :

!a0i: re1orted that Ibn Umar intended to .o to Hajj (durin. the "ear) when Hajjaj atta/6ed Ibn Gubair2 and he narrated the a//ount as (narrated abo-e)2 and he used to sa" at the end o0 the hadith: He who /ombines Hajj with Umra2 0or him one sin.le /ir/umambulation is su00i/ient2 and he did not 1ut o00 Ihram until he had /om1leted both o0 them,


%2 !umber 2#*$:

!a0i: re1orted that Ibn Umar intended to .o 0or Hajj durin. the "ear when Hajjaj atta/6ed Ibn Gubair, It was said to him: There is a state o0 war between 1eo1le and we 0ear that the" would detain "ou2 whereu1on he (:Abdullah b, Umar) said:C <eril" in the o0 Allah there is a model 1attern 0or "ou,C I would do as Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did, I /all "ou as witness that I ha-e underta6en to 1er0orm :Umra, He then set out until2 when he rea/hed the rear side o0 al-7aida:2 he said: There is one /ommand both 0or Hajj and Umra, so bear witness, Ibn Aumh said: I /all "ou as witness that I ha-e underta6en to 1er0orm m" Hajjalon. with m" Umra (i, e, I am 1er0ormin. both o0 them as Eiran)2 and he o00ered the sa/ri0i/e o0 animals whi/h he had at Eudaid, He then 1ro/eeded 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a 0or both o0 them to.ether until he rea/hed Me//a2 He /ir/umambulated the House, and (ran) between al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa and made no addition to it, He neither sa/ri0i/ed the animal2 nor .ot his head sha-ed2 nor .ot his hair /li11ed2 nor did he ma6e an"thin. law0ul whi/h was unlaw0ul (due to Ihram) until it was the 9a" o0 Sa/ri0i/e ($ th o0 9hu:l-Hijja), He then o00ered sa/ri0i/e2 and .ot his hair /ut2 and saw that /ir/umambulation o0 Hajj and :Umra was /om1lete with the 0irst /ir/umambulation, Ibn :Umar said: This is how Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had done,


%2 !umber 2#*2:

This hadith has been narrated 0rom Ibn Umar throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters e5/e1t with (this -ariation) that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was mentioned in the 0irst 1art o0 the hadith2, i, e, when it was said to him: The" would bar "ou (0rom .oin.) to the House, He said: In that2 /ase I would do what Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had done, He did not mention at the end o0 this hadith (i, e, these words):C This is how the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had done2C as it Is narrated b" al-Laith,

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'ha1ter 2*: I0rad and qiran (/ombinin. Hajj and :Umra under one ihram) durin. the 1er0orman/e o0 1il.rima.e
7oo6 %2 !umber 2#*4:
!a0i: thus re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar: ?e entered into the state o0 Ihram with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or Hajj Mu0rad and in the narration o0 Ibn :Aun (the words are):C Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered into the state o0 Ihram (with the intention) o0 Hajj Mu0rad,C


%2 !umber 2#**:

Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) said: I heard Allah:s A1ostle (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a 0or both Hajj and Umra, 7a6r (one o0 the narrators) said: I narrated it to Ibn :Umar2 whereu1on he said: He (the Hol" @ro1het) 1ronoun/ed the Talbi"a 0or Hajj alone, I met Anas and narrated to him the words o0 Ibn :Umar2 whereu1on he said: Kou treat us not but onl" as /hildren, I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a both 0or :Umra and Hajj,


%2 !umber 2#*+:

7a6r b, :Abdullah re1orted: Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) had narrated to us that he saw Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ombinin. Hajj and :Umra, He (7a6r) said: I as6ed (about it) 0rom Ibn :Umar2 whereu1on he said: ?e entered into the state o0 Ihram 0or Hajj (onl"), I /ame to Anas and told him what Ibn Umar had said2 whereu1on he remar6ed: (Kou are treatin. us) as i0 we were /hildren,

'ha1ter 2+: ?hat is essential 0or him who enters into the state o0 ihram 0or Hajj and then /omes to Me//a 0or /ir/umambulation and runnin.
7oo6 %2 !umber 2#*):
?abara re1orted: ?hile I was sittin. in the /om1an" o0 Ibn :Umar2 a 1erson /ame to him and said: Is it 0or me to /ir/umambulate the House be0ore I /ome to sta" (at :Ara0at)D Ibn :Umar said: Kes, whereu1on he said: Ibn Abbas2 howe-er2 sa"s: 9o not /ir/umambulate the House until "ou /ome to
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sta" at :Ara0at, Thereu1on Ibn :Umar said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) @er0ormed the Hajj and /ir/umambulated the House be0ore /omin. to sta" (at :Ara0at), I0 "ou sa" the Truth2 is it more ri.ht0ul to 0ollow the sa"in. o0 the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) or the words o0 Ibn AbbasD


%2 !umber 2#*%:

?abara re1orted: A 1erson as6ed Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with him): Ma" I /ir/umambulate the House2 whereas I ha-e entered-into the state o0 Ihram 0or HajjD Thereu1on he said: ?hat 1re-ents "ou 0rom doin. itD He said: I saw the son o0 so and so showin. disa11ro-al o0 it2 and "ou are dearer to us as /om1ared with him, And we see that he is allured b" the world2 whereu1on he said: ?ho "ou and us is not allured b" the worldD And said (0urther) :: :?e saw that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ut on Ihram 0or Hajj and /ir/umambulated the House and run between al Sa0a: and al-Marwa, And the wa" 1res/ribed b" Allah and that 1res/ribed b" His A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) deser-e more to be 0ollowed than the wa" shown b" so and so2 i0 "ou s1ea6 the truth,


%2 !umber 2#*#:

Amr b, 9inar said: ?e as6ed Ibn Umar about a 1erson who /ame 0or Umra and /ir/umambulated the House2 but he did not run between al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa2 whether he is allowed to (1ut o00 Ihram) and ha-e inter/ourse with his wi0e, He re1lied: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ir/umambulated the House se-en times and o00ered two ra6:ahs o0 1ra"er a0ter sta"in. (at :Ara0at)2 and ran between al-Sa0a and al-Marwa se-en times,C <eril" there is in Allah:s a model 1attern 0or "ouC (555ill, 2$),


%2 !umber 2#*;:

This hadith is narrated b" another /hain o0 transmitters,

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'ha1ter 2): 3ne who underta6es to 1er0orm :Umra is not allowed to 1ut o00 ihram be0or02 Sa:i and the 1il.rim and the (qiran) is not allowed to 1ut o00 ihram at Tawa0 qudum /ir/umambulation o0 arri-al)
7oo6 %2 !umber 2#+ :
Muhammad b, :Abd al-Aahman re1orted: A 1erson 0rom Iraq said to him to inquire 0rom :Urwa b, Gubair 0or him whether a 1erson who 1uts on Ihram 0or Hajj is allowed to 1ut it o00 or not as he /ir/umambulates the House, And i0 he sa"s:C !o2 it /an:t be 1ut o002C then tell him that there is a 1erson who ma6es su/h an assertion, He (Muhammad b, :Abd al-Aahman) then said: I as6ed him ( Urwa b, Gubair)2 where- u1on he said: The 1erson who has entered into the state o0 Ihram 0or Hajj /annot .et out o0 it unless he has2 /om1leted the Hajj I (0urther) said (to him): (?hat) i0 a 1erson ma6es that assertionD Thereu1on he said: It is indeed un0ortunate that he ma6es su/h an assertion, That 1erson (:Iraqi) then met me and he as6ed me and I narrated to him (the re1l" o0 :Urwa)2 whereu1on he (the Iraqi) said: Tell him (:Urwa) that a 1erson had in0ormed him that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had done thatB and wh" is it that Asma: and Gubair ha-e done li6e thisD He (Muhammad b, :Abd al-Aahman) said: I went to him and made a mention o0 that to him2 whereu1on he (:Urwa) said: ?ho is he (the :Iraqi)D I said: I do not 6now2 whereu1on he said: ?hat is the matter that he does not /ome to me himsel0 and as6 meD I su11ose he is an :Iraqi, I said: I do not 6now2 whereu1on he said: He has told a lie, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1er0ormed Hajj2 and :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) has told me that the 0irst thin. with whi/h he /ommen/ed (the rituals) when he arri-ed at Me//a was that he 1er0ormed ablution and then /ir/umambulated the >a:ba, Then Abu 7a6r 1er0ormed Hajj and the 0irst thin. with whi/h he /ommen/ed (the Hajj) as the /ir/umambulation o0 the >a:ba and nothin. besides it, So did :Umar, Then :Uthman 1er0ormed Hajj and I saw that the 0irst thin. with whi/h he /ommen/ed the Hajj was the /ir/umambulation o0 the >a:ba and nothin. besides it, Then Mu:awi"a and Abdullah b, :Umar did that, Then I 1er0ormed Hajj with m" 0ather Gubair b, al-:Awwam2 and the 0irst thin. with whi/h he /ommen/ed (Hajj) was the /ir/umambulation o0 the House, He then did nothin. besides it, I then saw the emi.rants (Muhajirin) and the hel1ers (Ansar) doin. li6e this and nothin. besides it, And the last one whom I saw doin. li6e this was Ibn :Umar, And he did not brea6 it (the Hajj) a0ter 1er0ormin. :Umra, And Ibn :Umar is with them, ?h" don:t the" as6 him (to testi0" it)D And none those who had 1assed awa" /ommen/ed (the rituals o0 Hajj) but b" /ir/umambulatin. the >a:ba on their (0irst arri-al) and the" did not 1ut o00 Ihram (without /om1letin. the Hajj)2 and I saw m" mother and m" aunt /ommen/in. (their Hajj) with the /ir/umambulation o0 the House2 and the" did not 1ut o00 Ihram, M" mother in0ormed me that she /ame and her sister2 and Gubair and so and so 0or :Umra2 and when the" had 6is-

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sed the /orner (the 7la/6 Stone2 a0ter Sa:i and /ir/umambulation)2 the" 1ut o00 Ihram, And he (the :Iraqi) has told a lie in this matter,


%2 !umber 2#+$:

Asma bint Abu 7a6r (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them) re1orted: ?e set out (to Me//a) in a state o0 Ihram, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who has the sa/ri0i/ial animal with him should remain in the state o0 Ihram2 but he who has not the sa/ri0i/ial animal with him should 1ut o00 Ihram, As I had not the sa/ri0i/ial animal with me2 I 1ut o00 Ihram, And sin/e Gubair (her husband) - had the sa/ri0i/ial animal with him2 he did not 1ut o00 Ihram, She (Asma) said: I 1ut on m" /lothes and then went out and sat b" Gabair2 whereu1on he said: Ho awa" 0rom me2 whereu1on I said: 9o "ou 0ear that I would jum1 u1on "ouD


%2 !umber 2#+2:

Asma bint Abu 7a6r (Allah be 1leased with th (m) said: ?e /ame 0or Hajj in the state o0 Ihram with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The rest o0 the hadith is the same e5/e1t (0or the words) that he (Gubair) said: >ee1 awa" 0rom me2 6ee1 awa" 0rom me2 whereu1on I said: 9o "ou 0ear that I will jum1 u1on "ouD


%2 !umber 2#+4:

Abdullah2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Asma: bint Abu 7a6r (Allah be 1leased with them)2 narrated that he used to hear Asma2 : whene-er she 1assed b" Hajun2 sa"in. (these words):C Ma" there be 1ea/e and blessin. o0 Allah u1on His,C ?e used to sta" here alon. with him with burdens, =ew were our rides2 and small were our 1ro-isions, I 1er0ormed :Umra and so did m" sister :A:isha2 and Gubair and so and so, And as we tou/hed the House (1er0ormed /ir/umambulation and Sa:i) we 1ut o00 Ihram2 and then a.ain 1ut on Ihram in the a0ternoon 0or Hajj, Harun (one o0 the narrators) in one o0 the narrations said: The 0reed sla-e o0 Asma: and he did not mention :Abdullah,

'ha1ter 2%: 'on/ernin. Tamattu: in Hajj

7oo6 %2 !umber 2#+*:
Muslim al-Eurri re1orted: I as6ed Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) about Tamattu: in Hajj and he 1ermitted it2 whereas Ibn Gubair had 0orbidden it, He (Ibn :Abbas) said: This is the mother o0 Ibn Gubair who states that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 1ermitted it2 so "ou better .o to her and as6 her about it, He (Muslim al-Eurri said): So we went to her and she was a bul6" blind lad" and she said: <eril" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ermitted it,

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%2 !umber 2#++:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but with a -ariation o0 words,


%2 !umber 2#+):

Muslim al-Eurri heardlbn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) sa"in. that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered into the state o0 Ihram 0or Umra and his 'om1anions 0or Hajj, !either Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) nor those amon. his 'om1anions who had sa/ri0i/ial animals with them 1ut o00 Ihram2 whereas the rest (o0 the 1il.rims) did so, Talha b, Ubaidullah was one o0 those who had the sa/ri0i/ial animals alon. with them so he did not 1ut o00 Ihram,


%2 !umber 2#+%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this -ariation (o0 words):C Talha and another 1erson also were amon. those who had not the sa/ri0i/ial animals with them and so the" 1ut o00 Ihram,C

'ha1ter 2#: @ermissibilit" o0 :Umra durin. the months o0 Hajj

7oo6 %2 !umber 2#+#:
Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that the" (the Arabs o0 1re-Islami/ da"s) loo6ed u1on Umra durin. the months o0 Hajj as the .reatest o0 sins on the earth, So the" inter/alated the month o0 Muharram 0or Sa0ar and said: ?hen the ba/6s o0 their /amels would be/ome all and tra/es (i0 the 1il.rims) would be e00a/ed (0rom the 1aths) and the month o0 Sa0ar would be o-er2 then Umra would be 1ermissible 0or one who wants to 1er0orm it, ?hen Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his 'om1anions /ame in the state o0 Ihram 0or 1er0ormin. Hajj on the 0ourth (o0 9hu:l-Hijja) he (Allah:s A1ostle) /ommanded them to /han.e their state o0 Ihram (0rom Hajj) to that o0 :Umra, It was somethin. in/on/ei-able 0or them, So the" said: o0 Allah2 is it a /om1lete 0reedom (o0 the obli.ation) o0 IhramD Thereu1on he said: It is a /om1lete 0reedom (0rom Ihram),

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%2 !umber 2#+;:

Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) :is re1orted to ha-e said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ut on Ihi.m 0or Hajj, ?hen 0our da"s o0 9hu:l-Hijja were o-er2 he led the dawn 1ra"er2 and when the 1ra"er was /om1lete2 he said: He who wants to /han.e it to Umra ma" do so,


%2 !umber 2#) :

Aauh and Kah"a b, >athir narrated as !asr re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered into the state o0 Ihram 0or Hajj, And in the narration o0 Abu Shihab (the words are): ?e went out with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a 0or Hajj2 And in an the ahadith (narrated in this /onne/tion the words are): He led the mornin. 1ra"er at al-7atha:2 e5/e1t al- jahdami who did not ma6e mention o0 it,


%2 !umber 2#)$:

Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame alon. with his 'om1anions when 0our da"s had 1assed out o0 ten da"s (o0 9hu:l-Hijja) and the" were 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a 0or Hajj2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) /ommanded them to /han.e (this Ihram) into that o0 :Umra,


%2 !umber 2#)2:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed the mornin. 1ra"er at 9hu Tawa (a -alle" near Me//a) and arri-ed (in Me//a) when 0our da"s o0 9hul-Hijja had 1assed and he /ommanded his 'om1anions that the" should /han.e their Ihram (o0 Hajj) to that o0 Umra2 e5/e1t those who had sa/ri0i/ial animals with them,


%2 !umber 2#)4:

Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: This is the :Umra o0 whi/h we ha-e ta6en ad-anta.e, So he who has not the sa/ri0i/ial animal with him should .et out o0 the state o0 Ihram /om1letel"2 0or :Umra has been in/or1orated in Hajj until the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2


%2 !umber 2#)*:

Abu Fam at al-9ubu:i re1orted: I 1er0ormed Tamattu: but the 1eo1le dis- /oura.ed me to do so, I /ame to Ibn :Abbas and as6ed him about it, He ordered me to do so, I /ame to the House (>a:ba) and sle1t, I saw a -isitant in the dream who said: :Umra is a//e1table and so is the Hajj 1er0ormed 0or Hod:s sa6e, I /ame to Ibn Abbas and in0ormed him about that ?hi/h I saw in the dream whereu1on
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he said: Allah is the Hreatest2 Allah is the Hreatest This is the Sunnah o0 Abu:l-Easim (the Hol" @ro1het) (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

'ha1ter 2;: Harlandin. the sa/ri0i/ial animals2 and mar6in. them

7oo6 %2 !umber 2#)+:
Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed the Guhr 1ra"er at 9hu:l-Hulai0aB then /alled 0or his she-/amel and mar6ed it on the side o0 its bum12 remo-ed the blood 0rom it2 and tied two sandals round its ne/6, He then mounted his /amel2 and when it him u1 to al-7aida:2 he 1ronoun/ed Talbi"a 0or the @il.rima.e,


%2 !umber 2#)):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Eatada with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this -ariation (o0 words):C ?hen Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to 9hu:l-Hulai0aC and he made no mention (o0 the 0a/t) that he led the Guhr 1ra"er,

'ha1ter 4 : Sa"in. o0 1eo1le to Ibn :Abbas: ?hat is this reli.ious -erdi/t o0 "ours that has en.a.ed the attention o0 the 1eo1leD
7oo6 %2 !umber 2#)%:
Abu Hassan al-A:raj re1orted that a 1erson 0rom 7ani Hujaim said to Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them): ?hat is this reli.ious -erdi/t o0 "ours whi/h has en.a.ed the attention o0 the 1eo1le or whi/h has be/ome a matter o0 dis1ute amon. them that he who /ir/umambulated the House /an be 0ree 0rom IhramD Thereu1on he said: That is the Sunnah o0 "our A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 e-en thou.h "ou ma" not a11ro-e o0 it,


%2 !umber 2#)#:

Abu Hassan re1orted: It was said to Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) that this a00air had en.a.ed the attention o0 the 1eo1le that he who /ir/umambu- lates the House was 1ermitted to /ir-

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/umambulate 0or Umra (e-en thou.h he was in a state o0 Ihram 0or Hajj)2 whereu1on he said: That is the Sunnah o0 "our A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 e-en thou.h "ou ma" not a11ro-e o0 it,


%2 !umber 2#);:

Ata: said: Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) used to sa" that a 1il.rim or non-1il.rim (one 1er0ormin. :Umar) who /ir/umambulates the House is 0ree 0rom the res1onsibilit" o0 Ihram, I (Ibn Furaij2 one o0 the narrators) said to :Ata:: 3n what authorit" does he (Ibn Abbas) sa" thisD He said: 3n the authorit" u0 Allah:s words:C Then their 1la/e o0 sa/ri0i/e is the An/ient HouseC (al-Eur:an2 55ii, 44), I said: It /on/erns the time a0ter sta"in. at :Ara0at2 whereu1on he said: Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) had stated (that the 1la/e o0 sa/ri0i/e is the An/ient House) B it wa" be a0ter sta"in. at :Ara0at or be0ore (sta"in. there), And he (Ibn Abbas) made this dedu/tion I 0rom the /ommand o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) when he had ordered to 1ut o00 Ihram on the o//asion o0 the =arewell @il.rima.e,

'ha1ter 4$: 'li11in. o0 hair in :Umra

7oo6 %2 !umber 2#% :
Ibn Abbas re1orted that Mu:awi"a had said to them: 9o "ou 6now that I /li11ed some hair 0rom the head o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at al- Marwa with the hel1 o0 a /li11erD I said: I do not 6now it e5/e1t as it -erdi/t a.ainst "ou,


%2 !umber 2#%$:

Ibn Abbis (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Mu:awi"a b, Abu Sa0"in had told him: I /li11ed the hair (0rom the head o0) Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) with a /li11er while he was at al-Marwa2 or I saw him .ettin. his hair /li11ed with a /li11er as he was at al-Marwa, $%22

'ha1ter 42: Talbi"a o0 the a1ostle2 (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his sa/ri0i/e
7oo6 %2 !umber 2#%2:
Abu Sa:id (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?e went out with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ronoun/in. loudl" the Talbi"a 0or Hajj ?hen we /ame to Me//a2 he /ommanded us that we should /han.e this (Ibrim 0or Hajj) to that o0 Umra e5/e1t one who had the sa/ri0i-

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/ial animal with him, ?hen it was the da" o0 Tarwi"a (#th o0 9hu:l-Hijja) and we went to Mini2 we (a.ain) 1ronoun/ed Talbi"a 0or Hajj,


%2 !umber 2#%4:

jibir and Abil Salld al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: ?e went with Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and we were 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a 0or Hajj loudl",


%2 !umber 2#%*:

Abd !adra re1orted: ?hile I was in the /om1an" o0 Fibir2 a 1erson /ame and said: There is di00eren/e o0 o1inion amom. Ibn Abbas and Ibn Gubair about two Mut:as (bene0its2 Tamattul in Hajj and tem1orar" marria.e with women)2 whereu1on jibir said: ?e ha-e been doin. this durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and then :Umar 0orbade us to do so2 and we ne-er resorted to them,


%2 !umber 2#%+:

Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that :All (Allah be 1leased with him) /ame 0rom the Kemen2 and the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ith (what intention) ha-e "ou 1ut on IhramD He said: I ha-e 1ut on Ibram in a//ordan/e with the intention with whi/h Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has 1ut on Ibram2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Had there not been the sa/ri0i/ial animals with me2 I would ha-e 1ut o00 Ibram (a0ter 1er0ormin. :Umra), This hadith is narrated b" Salim b, Ha""in with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but with a -ariation o0 words,


%2 !umber 2#%):

Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a 0or both simultaneousl"2 Talbi"a 0or :Umra and Hajj, Talbi"a 0or Uwra and Hajj (he 1er0ormed both Hajj and Umra as a Earin), In another -ersion words are: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a 0or Umra and Hajj (simultaneousl"),C


%2 !umber 2#%%:

Han8ala al-Aslami re1orted: I heard Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) as narratin. 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who said: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e, Ibn Mar"am (Fesus 'hrist) would /ertainl" 1ronoun/e Talbi"a 0or Hajj or 0or Umra or 0or both (simultaneousl" as a Eiran) In the -alle" o0 Aauha

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%2 !umber 2#%#:

Han8ala b, :Ali al-Aslaml re1orted that he had heard Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) as sa"in. that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) bed said: 7" Him In ?hose Hand is m" li0eB the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

'ha1ter 44: 'on/ernin. the Umras 1er0ormed b" Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and their res1e/ti-e times
7oo6 %2 !umber 2#%;:
Eatida saia, that Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) had in0ormed him that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1er0ormed 0our :Umras2 all durin. the month o0 9hu:l-Ea:da e5/e1t the one he 1er0ormed alon. with Hajj (and these are) the Umra that he 1er0ormed 0rom al-Hudaibi"a or durin. the time o0 (the tru/e o0) Hudaibi"a in the month o0 9hu:l-Ea:da then the Umra o0 the ne5t "ear in the month o0 9hu:l-Ea:da2 then the Umra 0or whi/h b:e had started 0rom ji:rana2 the 1la/e where he distributed the s1oils o0 (the battle o0) Hunain in the month o0 9hu:l-Ea:da2 and then the :Umra that he 1er0ormed alon. with his Hajj (on the o//asion o0 the =arewell @il.rima.e),


%2 !umber 2## :

Eatida said: I as6ed Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) as to bow man" had been 1er0ormed b" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he re1lied: 3ne Hajj and 0our :Umras were 1er0ormed b" him, The rest o0 the badith is the same,


%2 !umber 2##$:

Abu lshaq said: I as6ed Gaid b, Arqam: In how man" militar" e51editions ha-e "ou 1arti/i1ated with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D He said: In se-enteen (e51editions), He (Abu Ishaq) said: Gaid b, Arqam re1orted to me that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had led nineteen e51editions, And he 1er0ormed Hajj onl" on/e a0ter Mi.ration2 and that was the =arewell @il.rima.e, Abu Ishaq also said: The se/ond (Hajj) he 1er0ormed at Me//a (be0ore his Mi.ration to Medina)

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%2 !umber 2##2:

:Ataa re1orted that :Urwa b, Gubair (Allah be 1leased with him) had in0ormed him (this): I and Ibn :Umar were re/linin. a.ainst the (wall) o0 the a1artment o0 A:isha and we were listenin. to the sound 1rodu/ed b" the brushin. o0 her teeth, I said Abu Abd al-Aahman (the 6un"a o0 :Abdullah b, Umar)2 did Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1er0orm :Umra in the month o0 AijabD He said: Kes, I said to :A:isha: Mother2 are "ou listenin. to what Abu Abd al-Aabman is sa"in.D She said: ?hat is he Sa"in.D I said: He is sa"in. that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1er0ormed :Umra durin. the month o0 Aajab2 whereu1on she said: Ma" Allah .rant 1ardon to Abu Abd al-Aahman I 7" m" li0e he (the Hol" @ro1het) did not 1er0orm :Umra durin. the month o0 Aajab, And ne-er was there an Umra 1er0ormed b" him (the Hol" @ro1het) in whi/h he (:Abdullah b, :Umar) did not join him, Ibn :Umar heard this and said nothin. to a00irm It or to den" it2 but 6e1t quiet,


%2 !umber 2##4:

Mujihid re1orted: I and :Urwa h Gubair entered the mosque and there 0ound :Abdullah b, :Umar sittin. near the a1artment o0 IA:isha and the 1eo1le were obser-in. the 0orenoodC 1ra"er (when the sun bad su00i/ientl" risen), ?e as6ed him about their 1ra"er2 and he said: It is bid:a (inno-ation)2 Urwa said to him: Abd al-Aahman2 how man"2 :Umras had Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1er0ormedD He said: =our Umras2 one he 1er0ormed durin. the month o0 Aajab, ?e were relu/tant either to belie him or reje/t him, ?e heard the noise o0 brushin. o0 her teeth b" :A:isha in her a1artment, :Urwa said: Mother o0 the =aith0ul2 are "ou not hearin. what Ab0i :Abd al-Aahman is sa"in.D She said: ?hat is he sa"in.D Thereu1on he (:Urwa) said: He (Ibn :Umar) states that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1er0ormed 0our Umras and one o0 them durin. the month o0 Aajab, Thereu1on she remar6ed: Ma" Allah ha-e merel" u1on Abu :Abd al-Aahman, !e-er did Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1er0orm :Umra in whi/h he did not a//om1an" him2 and he (Allah:s A1ostle) ne-er 1er0ormed :Umra durin. the month o0 Aajab,

'ha1ter 4*: (5/ellen/e o0 1er0ormin. :umra in the month o0 Aamadan

7oo6 %2 !umber 2##*:
Ataa re1orted: I heard Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with him) narratin. to us that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to a woman o0 the Ansar (Ibn Abbas had mentioned her name but I ha-e 0or.otten it): :?hat has 1re-ented "ou that "ou do not 1er0orm Hajj alon. with usD She said: ?e ha-e onl" two /amels 0or /arr"in. water, 3ne o0 the /amels has been ta6en b" m" husband and m" son 0or 1er0ormin. Hajj and one has been le0t 0or us 0or /arr"in. water2 whereu1on he (the Hol"

%2+ & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

@ro1het) said: So when the month o0 Aamadan /ome2 1er0orm Umra2 0or:Umra in this (month) is equal to Hajj (in reward),


%2 !umber 2##+:

Ibn Abbis re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to a woman o0 the Ansar who was /alled Umm Sinan: ?hat has 1re-ented "ou that "ou did not 1er0orm Hajj with usD She said: The 0ather o0 so and so (i, e, her husband) had onl" two /amels, 3ne o0 them had been ta6en awa" b" him (m" busbard) and his son 0or Hajj2 whereas the other one is used b" our bo" to /arr" water, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Umra durin. the month o0 Aawadin would su00i/e 0or Hajj or Hajj alon. with me,

'ha1ter 4+: (5/ellen/e o0 entr" into Me//a 0rom the u11er side and e5it 0rom it 0rom the lower side2 and en 0erin. the town 0rom the side other than that 0rom whi/h, one .ets out
7oo6 %2 !umber 2##):
Ibn :Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to /ome out (o0 Medina) b" wa" o0 al-Shajarah and entered it b" the wa" o0 al-Mu:arras and whene-er he entered Me//a2 he entered it 0rom the u11er side and went out o0 it 0rom the lower side, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Ubaidullah with the same /hain o0 transmitters and in the narration transmitted b" Gubair (it is mentioned) that the u11er side is that:whi/h is at al-7atha


%2 !umber 2##%:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that when Allah:s ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to Me//a he entered 0rom its u11er side and /ame out 0rom its lower side,


%2 !umber 2###:

A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered Me//a durin. the "ear o0 <i/tor" 0rom >ada I, e, 0rom the u11er side, Hisham said,, M" 0ather entered It 0rom both the =ides2 but .enerall" he entered 0rom >ada,

%2) & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

'ha1ter 4): (5/ellen/e o0 s1endin. the at dhi tuwa 0or enterin. Me//a (0or Hajj) and .ettin. lIto it a0ter a bath and enterin. durin. the da"
7oo6 %2 !umber 2##;:
Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) s1ent the at 9hi Tuwa till it was dawn and then entered Me//a, :Abdullah (b, :Umar) himsel0 did li6e it, And in the narration transmitted b" Ibn Sa:ld (the words are): Until he obrer-ed the dawn 1ra"er, Kah"a (another narrator) said: Until it was dawn,


%2 !umber 2#; :

!a0i: re1orted that Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) did not enter Me//a without s1endin. the at 9hi Tawu until it was dawn2 when he too6 a bath2 and then entered Me//a in the mornin.2 and made a mention that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did that,


%2 !umber 2#;$:

Abdullah (b, :Umar) re1orted that whene-er Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered Me//a2 he .ot down at 9hi Tuwa and s1end the there until he obser-ed the dawn 1ra"er, And Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed this 1ra"er on a rou.h hillo/62 and not in the mosque whi/h had been then built there2 but to the lower side o0 it (the mosque) on a hillo/6,


%2 !umber 2#;2:

!a0i: re1orted that Abdullah (b, :Umar) in0ormed him that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) turned his 0a/e to the two hillo/6s whi/h inter-ened between him and the lon. mountain b" the side o0 the >a:ba2 and the mosque whi/h had been built there was thus on the le0t o0 the hillo/6, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1la/e o0 1ra"er was lower than the bla/6 hillo/62 at a distan/e o0 ten /ubits or near it, He (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) would then obser-e 1ra"er 0a/in. these two hillo/6s o0 the lon. mountain that is inter-enin. between "ou and the >a:ba,

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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

'ha1ter 4%: (5/ellen/e o0 wal6in. at a qui/6 1a/e in Tawa0 in :Umra and on the o//asion o0 0irst Tawa0 in Hajj
7oo6 %2 !umber 2#;4:
!a0i: re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ir/umambulated the House2 while obser-in. the 0irst /ir/umambulation2 he wal6ed swi0tl" in three (/ir/uits)2 and wal6ed in 0our /ir/uits2 and ran in the bottom o0 the -alle" as he mo-ed between al-Sa0a and al-Marwa, Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) also used to do li6e this,


%2 !umber 2#;*:

Ibn:Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ir/umambulated in Hajj and Umra he wal6ed swi0tl" in the 0irst three /ir/uit about the House2 and then wal6ed in 0our /ir/uits2 and then obser-ed two ra6:ahs o0 1ra"er2 and then ran between alSa0a and al-Marwa,


%2 !umber 2#;+:

Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: I saw that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to Me//a and 6issed the 7la/6 Stone2 (in the 0irst /ir/umambulation) he mo-ed qui/6l" in three /ir/uits out o0 se-en /ir/uits,


%2 !umber 2#;):

!a0i: re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) that Allaws (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) wal6ed swi0tl" 0rom stone to stone in three /ir/uits and wal6ed (normall") in 0our,


%2 !umber 2#;%:

!a0i: re1orted that Ibn Umar (Allah he 1leased with them) wal6ed swi0tl" 0rom stone to stone2 and stated that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did li6e this,

%2# & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 2#;#:

jabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) wal6in. swi0tl" 0rom the 7la/6 Stone till he /om1leted three /ir/uits u1 to it,


%2 !umber 2#;;:

Fabir b,C Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) wal6ed swi0tl" in three /ir/uits0rom stone to stone,


%2 !umber 2;

Abu Tu0ail re1orted: I said to Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them): 9o "ou thin6 that wal6in. swi0tl" round the House in three /ir/uits2 and just wal6in. in 0our /ir/uits is the Sunnah (o0 the Hol" @ro1het)2 0or "our 1eo1le sa" that it is SunnahD Thereu1on he (Ibn :Abbas) said: The" ha-e told the truth and the lie (too), I said: ?hat do "our wordsC The" ha-e told the truth and the lie (too)C im1l"D Thereu1on he said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to Me//a and the 1ol"theists said that Mubammad and his 'om1anions had ema/iated and would2 there0ore2 be unable to /ir/umambulate the HouseB and the" 0elt jealous o0 him (the Hol" @ro1het), (It was due to this) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded them to wal6 swi0tl" in three (/ir/uits) and wal6 (normall") in 0our, I said to him: In0orm me i0 it is Sunnah to obser-e Tawa0 between al-Sa0a and alMarwa while ridin.2 0or "our 1eo1le loo6 u1on it as Sunnah, He (Ibn Abbas) said: The" ha-e told the truth and the lie too, I said: ?hat do "our wordsC The" ha-e told the truth and the lie tool2 iM1l"D He said: as Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had /ome to Me//a2 there was su/h a lar.e .atherin. o0 1eo1le around him that e-en the -ir.ins had /ome out o0 their houses (to /at/h a .lim1se o0 his 0a/e), and the" were sa"in.: He is MuhammadB He is Muhammad, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (was so .entle and 6ind) that the 1eo1le were not beaten ba/6 (to ma6e wa") in 0ront o0 him, ?hen there was aB thron. (o0 1eo1le) around him2 he rode (the she-/amel) but wal6in. and trottin. is2 howe-er2 better,


%2 !umber 2; $:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 jurairi with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 words (and this is) that he (the narrator) did not sa":C The" 0elt jealous o0 him, but said: The 1eo1le o0 Me//a2 were jealous 1eo1le,C


%2 !umber 2; 2:

Abu Tu0ail re1orted: I said to Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them): @eo1le are o0 the -iew that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) mo-ed qui/6l" round the House and between al-Sa0a and al-Marwa2 and (thus) it is Sunnah, He said: The" told the truth and the" told the lie,
%2; & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 2; 4:

Abu Tu0ail re1ortedB I, said to Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them): I thin6 that I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He (Ibn :Abbis) said: Hi-e a des/ri1tion o0 him to me, I said: I saw him near al-Marwa on the ba/6 o0 a she- /amel2 and 1eo1le had thron.ed around him, Thereu1on Ibn:Abbis said: It was Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or the" (the 'om1ainions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) were neither 1ushed aside 0rom him2 nor were the" turned awa",


%2 !umber 2; *:

Ibn :Abbas (At lab be 1leased with them) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his 'om1anions /ame to Me//a and the 0e-er in Medina had wea6ened them, Thereu1on the 1ol"theists (o0 Me//a) said: There would /ome to "ou a 1eo1le whom the 0e-er has made wea6 and the" ha-e su00ered se-erel" 0rom it, The" sat in Hatim, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded them to wal6 qui/6l" i0t three /ir/uits and wal6 (in 0our) between the two /orners, so that the 1ol"theists should, see their enduran/e, The 1ol"theists then said (to one another" Kou were under the im1ression that 0e-er had ema/iated them, whereas the" are than so and so, Ibn Abbas said: He (the Hol" @ro1het) did not /ommand them (the Muslims) to wal6 qui/6l" in all the /ir/uits out o0 6indness to them,


%2 !umber 2; +:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: Allah, :s (1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed Sa:i and wal6ed qui/6l" round the House with a -iew to showin. his to the 1ol"theists,

'ha1ter 4#: (5/ellen/e o0 tou/hin. the two /orners (ru6nain al-"amanit"ain) in :0awa0
7oo6 %2 !umber 2; ):
Ahdullah b, Umar (re1orted) that he had not seen Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e he u1on him) tou/hin. an"thin. in the House2 e5/e1t the two Kamani /orners,


%2 !umber 2; %:

Salim re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (Allah he 1leased with him) that Allah:S (tinn" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not tou/h an" o0 the /orners o0 the House, e5/e1t that o0 7la/6 'orner (in whi/h the 7la/6 Stone is embedded and that (1ortion) near it2 towards the houses o0 the tribe o0 jumuhi,
%4 & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 2; #:

!a0i: re1orted on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with him) that Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not tou/h but the Stone and the Kamani /orner,


%2 !umber 2; ;:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: I ha-e not abandoned tou/hin. o0 Kamani /orners (and 6issin. o0) the Stone sin/e I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) tou/hin. them both In hardshi1 and ease,


%2 !umber 2;$ :

!A0i: (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: I saw:lbn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) tou/hin. the Stone with his hand and then 6issin. his hand, and he said: I ha-e ne-er abandoned it sin/e I saw Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) doin. It,


%2 !umber 2;$$:

Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) is re1orted to ha-e said that he did not see Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) tou/hin. other than the Kamani /orners,

'ha1ter 4;: (5/ellen/e o0 6issin. the bla/6 stone while /ir/umambulatin.

7oo6 %2 !umber 2;$2:
Salim narrated on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (Allah be 1leased with him) that :Umar b, al->hattib (Allah be 1leased with him) 6issed (the 7la/6 Stone) and then said: 7" Allah2 I 6now that "ou are a stone and i0 I were not to see Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 6issin. "ou2 I would not ha-e 6issed "ou, Harun said in his narration: A hadith li6e this has been transmitted to me b" Gaid b, Aslam on the authorit" o0 his 0ather Aslam,


%2 !umber 2;$4:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) 6issed the Stone and said: I am 6issin. "ou2 whereas I 6now that "ou are a stone2 but I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 6issin. "ou (that Is wh" I 6iss "ou),

%4$ & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 2;$*:

Abdullah b, Sarjis re1orted: I saw the bald one2 i, e, :Umar b, >hattib (Allah be 1leased with him), 6issin. the Stone and sa"in.: 7" Allah, I am 6issin. with 0ull /ons/iousness o0 the 0a/t that "ou are a stone and that "ou /an neither do an" harm nor .oodB and i0 I had not seen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 6issin. "ou, I would not ha-e 6issed "ou, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,


%2 !umber 2;$+:

Abis b, Aabi:a re1orted: I saw :Umar (Allah:be 1leased with him) 6issin. the Stone and sa"in.: I am 6issin. "ou and I 6now that "ou are a stone, And i0 I had not seen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 6issin. "ou2 I would not ha-e 6issed "ou,


%2 !umber 2;$):

Suwaid b, Hha0ala re1orted: I saw Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) 6issin. the Stone and / to it and sa"in.: $ saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. .reat lo-e 0or "ou, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Su0"in with the same /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are):C That he (:Umar) said: 7ut I saw Abu:l-Easim (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. .reat lo-e 0or "ou,C And he did not:mention about / to it,

'ha1ter * : It is 1ermissible to obser-e Tawa0 on the ba/6 o0 a /amel or an" other ridin. beast2 and to tou/h the bla/6 stone with a sti/6
7oo6 %2 !umber 2;$%:
Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ir/umambulated the House on the o//asion o0 the =arewell @il.rima.e on the ba/6 o0 his /amel and tou/hed the 'orner (o0 7la/6 Stone) with a sti/6,


%2 !umber 2;$#:

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ir/umambulated the House on the ba/6 o0 his ridin. /amel on the o//asion o0 the =arewell @il.rima.e and tou/hed the Stone with his sti/6 so that the 1eo1le should see him2 and he should be /ons1i/uous2 and the" should be able to as6 him (questions 1ertainin. to reli.ion) as the 1eo1le had /rowded round him,

%42 & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 2;$;:

jabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ir/umambulated the House (and ran) between al-Sa0a and al-Marwa on the ba/6 o0 his she/amel2 at the o//asion o0 the =arewell @il.rima.e, so that the 1eo1le should see him and he should be /ons1i/uous2 and the" should be able to as6 him (questions 1ertainin. to reli.ion)2 and the 1eo1le had /rowded round him, In the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn >hashram no mention Is made o0:C So that the" should as6 him,C


%2 !umber 2;2 :

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ir/umambulated the >a:ba on the ba/6 o0 his /amel on the o//asion o0 the =arewell @il.rima.e and tou/hed the /orner and he did not li6e that the 1eo1le should be 1ushed awa" 0rom him,


%2 !umber 2;2$:

Abu Tu0ail re1orted: I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ir/umambulatin. the House, and tou/hin. the /orner with a sti/6 that he had with him2 and then 6issin. the sti/6,


%2 !umber 2;22:

Umm Salama re1orted: I made a /om1laint to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) o0 m" ailment2 whereu1on be said: 'ir/umambulate behind the 1eo1le while ridin., She said: So I /ir/umambulated and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was at that time 1ra"in. towards the side o0 the House and he was re/itin. al-Tur and a 7oo6 Ins/ribed (i, e, Sura Iii, o0 the Eur:un),

'ha1ter *$: Sa:i between al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa is an essential rite o0 Hajj and Hajj is not /om1lete without it
7oo6 %2 !umber 2;24:
Hisham b, :Urwa re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather who narrated 0rom :A:isha, He said to :A:isha: I thin6 i0 a 1erson does not run between al- Sa0a: and al-Marwa2 It does not do an" harm to him (so 0ar as Hajj is /on/erned), She said: ?h" (do "ou thin6 so)D I said: =or Allah sa"s:C <eril" al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa are amon. the Si.ns o0 AllahC (ii, $+#) (to the end o0 the -erse)2 whereu1on she said: Allah does not /om1lete the Hajj o0 a 1erson or his Umra i0 he does not obser-e Sa:i between al-Sa0a:

%44 & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

and al-marwaB and i0 it were so as "ou state2 then (the wordin. would ha-e been (0ala janah an la "atu0u biha) NC There is no harm 0or him i0 he does not /ir/umambulate between them:O, 9o "ou 6now in what /onte5t (this -erse was re-ealed)D (It was re-ealed in this /onte5t) that the Ansar in the 9a"s o0 I.noran/e 1ronoun/ed the Talbi"a 0or two idols, (0i5edl on the ban6 o0 the ri-er whi/h were /alled Isa0 and !a:ila, The 1eo1le went there2 and then /ir/umambulated between al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa and then .ot their heads sha-ed, ?ith the ad-ent o0 Islam the" (the Muslims) did not li6e to /ir/umambulate between them as the" used to do durin. the 9a"s o0 I.noran/e, It was on a//ount o0 this that Allah, the (5alted and Majesti/2 re-ealed:C <eril" al-Sa0e and al-Marwa are amon. the Si.ns o0 AllahC to the end o0 the -erse, She said: Then 1eo1le to obser-e Sa:i,


%2 !umber 2;2*:

Hisham b, :Urwa narrated on the authorit" o0 his 0ather who re1orted: I said to :A:isha: I do not see an" harm to me i0 I do not /ir/umambulate betwee8 al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa, She said: 3n what .round do "ou sa" soD (I said: ) Sin/e Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 sa"s:C <eril" al-Sa0a: and alMarwa are amon. the Si.ns o0 Allah,C It ("our assertion) were (/orre/t)2 it would ha-e been said li6e this:C There is no harm 0or him2 that he should not /ir/umambulate between them,C It (this -erse) has been re-ealed about the 1eo1le o0 Ansar, ?hene-er the" 1ronoun/ed the Talbi"a2 the" 1ronoun/ed it in the name o0 al-Manat durin. the 9a"s o0 I.noran/eB so the" ( that it was not 1ermissible 0or them (0or the Muslims) to /ir/umambulate between and al-Marwa, ?hen the" (the Muslims) /ame with Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) 0or Hajj2 the" mentioned it to him, So Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 re-ealed this -erse, 7" m" li0e2 Allah will not /om1lete the Hajj o0 one who has not /ir/umambulated between al-Sa0a and al-Marwa,


%2 !umber 2;2+:

:Urwa b, Gabair re1orted: I said to :A:isha2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): I do not see an" (0ault) in one who does not /ir/umamblC te between al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa2 and I do not mind i0 I do not /ir/umambulate between them2 whereu1on she said: 32 the son o0 m" sister2 what "ou sa" is wron., Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed Sa:i and so did the Muslims, So it is a Sunnah (o0 the @ro1het), And it was a /ommon 1ra/ti/e (with the Arabs) that those who 1ronoun/ed Talbi"a 0or the wret/hed al-Manat2 situated at Mushalla2 did not obser-e Sa:i between al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa, ?ith the ad-ent o0 Islam2 we as6ed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about this 1ra/ti/e2 and (it was on this o//asion) that Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 re-ealed this -erse:C <eril" al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa are amon. the Si.ns o0 AllahC B so he who 1er0ormed Hajj or :Umra it is no sin on him i0 he /ir/umambulates them, And i0 it were as "ou state2 (then the wordin. would ha-e been):C There is no harm 0or him2 that he should not /ir/umambulate round them,C Guhri said: I made a mention o0 that to Abu 7a6r b, :Abd al- Aahman b, al-Harith b, HishamB he was im1ressed b" that and said: This is what is /alled 6nowled.e, And I ha-e heard man" a s/holar sa"in.: Man" o0 the Arabs who did not /ir/umambulate between al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa /aid: 3ur /ir%4* & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

/umambulation between these two hills is an a/t o0 i.noran/eB whereas others amon. the Ansar said: ?e ha-e been /ommanded to /ir/umambulate the House2 and not 'ommanded to run between alSa0a: and al-Marwa, So Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 re-ealed thia -erse:C <eril" al-Sa0a: and alMarwa are amon. the Si.ns o0 Allah,C Abu 7a6r b, :Abd al-Aahman said: I thin6 that this (-erse) has been re-ealed 0or su/h and su/h (1ersons),


%2 !umber 2;2):

:Urwa b, Gubair re1orted: I as6ed :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) B the rest o0 the hadith is the same, And in this hadith (these words are also 0ound):C ?hen the" (the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about this2 the" said: o0 Allah2 we 0elt relu/tant to /ir/umambulate between al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa, Then Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 re-ealed this -erse:C <eril" al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa are amon. the Si.ns o0, Allah so he who 1er0orm Hajj or Umra it is no sin on him i0 he should /ir/umambulate between them, :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) laid down this Sa:i between them as Sunnah (o0 the Hol" @ro1het), So it is not ad-isable 0or an"one to abandon this Sa:i between them,


%2 !umber 2;2%:

:Urwa b, Gabair narrated on the authorit" o0 :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) who in0ormed him that the Ansar and the 1eo1le o0 the tribe o0 Hhassan be0ore embra/in. Islam 1ronoun/ed Talbi"a 0or Manat2 and so the" a-oided /ir/umambulatin. between al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa2 and it was a /ommon 1ra/ti/e with their 0ore0ather2 that he who 1ut on Ihram 0or Manat did not /ir/umambulate between al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa, And when the" embra/ed Islam2 the" as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about it2 and then Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 re-ealed this -erse:C <eril" alSa0a: and al-Marwa are amon. the Si.ns o0 AllahC B so he who 1er0orms Hajj or Umra2 0or him there is no harm i0 he should /ir/umambulate between them2 and he who does .ood s1ontaneousl"-surel" Allah is 7ounti0ul in rewardin. and >nowin.,


%2 !umber 2;2#:

Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that the Ansar 0elt relu/tant that the" should /ir/umambulate between al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa until it was re-ealed:C <eril" al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa are amon. the Si.ns o0 AllahC B so whoe-er 1er0orms Hajj or :Umra2 0or him there is no harm that he should /ir/umambulate between them,

%4+ & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

'ha1ter *2: Sa:i should not be re1eated

7oo6 %2 !umber 2;2;:
Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his 'om1anions did not obser-e Sa:i between al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa but onl" one Sa:i,


%2 !umber 2;4 :

Ibn Furaij re1orted on the same authorit" a hadith li6e that2 and said: 7ut one Tawa0 and that was the 0irst Tawa0,

'ha1ter *4: The 1il.rim should /ontinue to 1ronoun/e Talbi"a until the stonin. o0 Famrat al-:Aqaba on the da" o0 sa/ri0i/e ($ th o0 9hu:l-Hijja)
7oo6 %2 !umber 2;4$:
Usama b, Gaid (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: I was sittin. behind Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the ridin. animal 0rom :Ara0at, As Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) rea/hed the le0t side o0 the mountain whi/h was situated near Mu8dali0a2 he made the /amel 6neel down and made water and then /ame ba/6, I 1oured water and he2 1er0ormed ablution, I then said: o0 Allah2 it is time 0or 1ra"er, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The 1ra"er awaits "ou (at the ne5t station2 Mu8dali0a), Allah:s (ma" 1ea/ed be u1on him) rode on until he /ame to Mu8dali0a and obser-ed 1ra"er, Then al-=adl (Allah be 1leased with him) sat behind Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and rea/hed (Mu8dali0a) in the mornin., >uraib said: :Abdullah b, :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) narrated 0rom al-=adl (Allah be 1leased with him) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ontinued 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a until he rea/hed al-Famara (al-:Aqaba),


%2 !umber 2;42:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made al-=adl sit behind him (on the /amel ba/6) 0rom the 1la/e (where the two 1ra"ers) are /ombined (Mu8dali0a), Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) also in0ormed that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not sto1 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a till he threw 1ebbles at Famrat al-:Aqaba,
%4) & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 2;44:

Ibn :Abbas narrated 0rom al-=adl b, Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) who sat behind Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he (the Hol" @ro1het) said to the 1eo1le on the e-enin. o0 :Ara0a and on the mornin. to the .atherin. o0 1eo1le (at Mu8dali0a) as the" were 1ushin. on to 1ro/eed slowl", And he himsel0 dro-e his she-/amel with restraint until he entered Muhassir (it is a 1la/e in Mina)2 and 0urther told them to ta6e u1 1ebbles whi/h were to be thrown at Famra, And Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ontinued 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a till he stoned the Famra, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abd Gubair with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this -ariation that in the hadith no mention is made o0 (this) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ontinued 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a till he stoned the Famra2 and he made this addition in his hadith:C The A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ointed with his hand how a 1erson should /at/h hold o0 1ebbles (in order to throw them),C


%2 !umber 2;4*:

:Abdullah narrated to us as we had .athered (at Mu8dali0a): I ha-e heard 0rom one u1on whom Surah al-7aqara was re-ealed (the Hol" @ro1het) 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a at this 1la/e,


%2 !umber 2;4+:

:Abd al-Aahman b, Ka8id re1orted that :Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) 1ronoun/ed Talbi"a as he returned 0rom the .atherin. o0 the 1eo1le (at Mu8dali0a), It was said: He be a 7edouin (not 6nowin. /orre/tl" the rituals o0 Hajj and2 there0ore2 1ronoun/in. Talbia at this sta.e)2 whereu1on Abdullah said: Hi-e the 1eo1le 0or.otten (this Sunnah o0 the Hol" @ro1het) or ha-e the" .one astra"D I heard him2 u1on whom Sibrah al-7aqara was re-ealed2 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a at the -er" 1la/e,


%2 !umber 2;4):

:Abd al-Aahman b, Ka8id and al-Aswad b, Ka8id re1orted: ?e heard :Abdullah b, Mas:ud sa"in. to the .atherin. o0 1eo1le (at Mu8dali0a) that he had heard Talbi"a 0rom him2 u1on whom Surah al7aqara was re-ealed2 at this -er" 1la/e, And so he (:Abdullah b, Mas:ud) 1ronoun/ed Talbi"a and we also 1ronoun/ed it with him,

%4% & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

'ha1ter **: @ronoun/in. o0 Talbi"a and Ta6bir while .oin. 0rom Mina to :Ara0at on the da" o0 :Ara0a
7oo6 %2 !umber 2;4%:
:Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (Allah be 1leased with them), He said: As we 1ro/eeded in the mornin. alon. with AUbs (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0rom Mina to :Ara0at2 some o0 us 1roun/ed Talbi"a2 and some 1ronoun/ed Ta6bir (Allah-o-A6bar),


%2 !umber 2;4#:

Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (Allah be 1leased with them): ?e were alon. with Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e he u1on him) in the mornin. o0 :Ara0a (;th o0 9hu:l-Hijja), Some o0 us 1ronoun/ed Ta6bir and some o0 us Tahlil La ilaha ill-Allah), And to those o0 us who 1ronoun/ed Ta6bir2 I said: 7" Allah2 how stran.e it is that "ou did not /are to as6 him: ?hat did "ou see Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) doin. (on this o//asion)D


%2 !umber 2;4;:

Muhammad b, Abu 7a6r al-Thaqa0i as6ed Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased with him)2 while on their wa" 0rom Mina to :Ara0a in the mornin.: ?hat did "ou do on this da" in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D Thereu1on he said: 3ne o0 us 1ronoun/ed Tahlil2 and he met with no disa11ro-al2 and one o0 us 1ronoun/ed Ta6bir2 and he also met with no disa11ro-al,


%2 !umber 2;* :

Muhammad b, Abu 7a6r re1orted: I said to Anas b, Mali6 in the mornin. o0 :Ara0a: ?hat do "ou sa" as to 1ronoun/in. Talbi"a on this da"D He said: I tra-elled with Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) and his 'om1anions in this journe", Some o0 us 1ronoun/ed Ta6bir and some o0 us 1ronoun/ed Tahlil2 and none o0 us 0ound 0ault with his /om1anion,

%4# & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

'ha1ter *+: Aeturnin. 0rom :Ara0at to Mu8dali0a and e5/ellen/e o0 obser-in. sunset and :Isha: 1ra"ers to.ether at Mu8dali0a
7oo6 %2 !umber 2;*$:
>uraib2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Ibn Abbas2 narrated 0rom Usama b, Gaid (Allah be 1leased with him) that he had heard him sa"in.: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ro/eeded 0rom :Ara0a2 and as he a11roa/hed the /ree6 o0 a hill2 he .ot down (0rom his /amel) and urinated2 and then 1er0ormed a ablution, I said to him: @ra"er2 whereu1on he said: The 1ra"er awaits "ou (at Mu8dali0a), So he rode a.ain2 and as he /ame to Mu8dali0a2 he .ot down and 1er0ormed ablution well, Then Iqima was 1ronoun/ed 0or 1ra"er2 and he :obser-ed the sunset 1ra"er, Then e-er" 1erson made his /amel 6neel down there2 and then Iqama was 1ronoun/ed 0or :Isha: 1ra"er and he obser-ed it2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) did not obser-e an" 1ra"er (either Sunan or !awi0il) in between them (He obser-ed the =ard o0 sunset and :Isha: 1ra"ers su//essi-el",)


%2 !umber 2;*2:

Usama b, Gaid (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on his wa" ba/6 0rom :Ara0at .ot down in one o0 these /ree6s (to answer the /all o0 nature)2 and a0ter he had done that I 1oured water (o-er his hands) and said: Are "ou .oin. to 1ra"D Thereu1on he said: The 1la/e o0 1ra"er is ahead o0 "ou,


%2 !umber 2;*4:

Usama b, Gaid (Allah be 1leased with him) narrated: AHah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was on his wa" ba/6 0rom :Ara0at and as he rea/hed the /ree6 (o0 a hillo/6) he .ot down and urinated (Usama did not sa" that he 1oured water)2 but said: He (the Hol" @ro1het) /alled 0or water and 1er0ormed ablution2 but it was not a thorou.h one, I said: o0 Allah2 the 1ra"erL Thereu1on he said: @ra"er awaits "ou ahead (at Mu8dali0a), He then 1ro/eeded2 until he rea/hed Mu8dali0a and obser-ed sunset and :Isha: 1ra"ers (to.ether) there,


%2 !umber 2;**:

>uraib re1orted that he as6ed Usama b, Gaid (Allah be 1leased with him) ?hat did "ou do in the e-enin. o0 :Ara0a as "ou rode behind Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D He said: ?e /ame to a -alle" where 1eo1le .enerall" halted their (/amels) 0or the sunset 1ra"er, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) halted his /amel and urinated (and he did not sa" that he had 1oured wa%4; & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

ter), He then /alled 0or water and 1er0ormed ablution, I said: o0 Allah2 the 1ra"erL Thereu1on he said: @ra"er awaits "ou (at Mu8dali0a), and he rode on until we /ame to Mu8dali0a, Then he o00ered the sunset 1ra"er, and the 1eo1le halted their /amels at their 1la/es2 and did not untie them until Iqama was 1ronoun/ed 0or the :Isha: 1ra"er and he obser-ed the 1ra"er2 and then the" untied (their /amels), I said: ?hat did "ou do in the mornin.D He said: Al-=adl b, Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) sat behind him (the Hol" @ro1het) in the mornin.2 whereas I 1ro/eeded on 0oot with the Euraish who had .one ahead,


%2 !umber 2;*+:

Usama b, Gaid (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e jbe u1od him) /ame to the -alle" where the ri/h (1eo1le o0 Me//a) used to .et down, he .ot down, and urinated (and he did not mention about 1ourin. water) B he then /alled 0or water and 1er0ormed a ablution, I said: o0 Allah2 the 1ra"er I Thereu1on he said: @ra"er awaits "ou ahead,


%2 !umber 2;*):

Usama b, Gaid (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that he sat behind Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on his ride as he /ame ba/6 0rom :Ara0a, And as he /ame to the -alle"2 he halted his /amel2 and then went to the wilderness (to urinate), And when he /ame ba/62 I 1oured water on him 0rom the ju. and he 1er0ormed ablution2 and then rode on until he /ame to Mu8dali0a and there he /ombined the sunset and :Isha: 1ra"ers,


%2 !umber 2;*%:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on2 him) /ame ba/6 0rom :Ara0a and Usama (Allah be 1leased with him) was seated behind him, Usama said that he (the Hol" @ro1het) /ontinued the journe" in this -er" state until he /ame to Mu8dali0a,


%2 !umber 2;*#:

Hisham (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted 0rom his 0ather: Usama (Allah be 1leased with him) was as6ed in m" 1resen/e or I as6ed Usama b, Gaid andhe rode behind Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as he /ame ba/6 0rom :Ara0at, I said (to him): How did Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) journe" as he /ame ba/6 0rom :Ara0atD Thereu1on he said: He made it (his ridin. /amel) wal6 at a slow s1eed2 and when he 0ound an o1en s1a/e2 he made it wal6 bris6l",

%* & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 2;*;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Urwa with the same /hain o0 transmitters, and in the hadith narrated b" Humaid there is an addition (o0 these words):C Hisham said: Al-nass (s1eed o0 /amel) is 0aster than al-:anaq,C


%2 !umber 2;+ :

Abdullah b, Ka8id al->hatmi re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu A""ub (Allah be 1leased with him) that he 1ra"ed the sunset and :Isha: 1ra"ers (to.ether) at Mu8dali0a in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the o//asion o0 the =arewell @il.rima.e,


%2 !umber 2;+$:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed the sunset and :Isha: 1ra"ers to.ether at Mu8dali0a,


%2 !umber 2;+2:

Ubaidullah b, :Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (Allah be 1leased with them) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ombined the sunset and :Isha:2 1ra"ers at Mu8dali0a and there was no 1rostration (i, e, an" ra6:ahs o0 Sunan or !awa0il 1ra"ers) in between them, He obser-ed three ra6:ahs o0 the sunset 1ra"er and two ra6:ahs o0 the :Isha: 1ra"er2 and :Abdullah (b, :Umar) obser-ed the 1ra"ers in this -er" manner (at Mu8dali0a) until he met his Lord,


%2 !umber 2;+4:

Sa:id b, Fubair re1orted that he obser-ed the sunset and :Isha: 1ra"ers at Mu8dali0a with (one) iqama, He narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) that he obser-ed 1ra"ers li6e this, and Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) narrated that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did li6e this, Shu:ba re1orted this hadith with the same /hain o0 transmitters and said: He (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed the two 1ra"ers (to.ether) with one iqama,


%2 !umber 2;+*:

Ibn :Umar re1 rte that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ombined the sunset and :Isha : 1ra"ers at Mu8dali0a, He obser-ed three ra6:ahs o0 the sunset 1ra"er and two ra6:ahs o0 the :Isha: 1ra"er with one Iqama,

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%2 !umber 2;++:

Sa:id b, Fubair re1orted: ?e /ame ba/6 alon. with Ibn :Umar till we rea/hed Mu8dali0a, There he led us in the sunset and :Isha: 1ra"ers with one iqama and we then 1ro/eeded and he said: This is how Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) led us in 1ra"er at this 1la/e,

'ha1ter *): (5/ellen/e o0 obser-in. the dawn 1ra"er at the earliest 1art o0 the dawn on the $ th o0 9hu:l-Hijja at Mu8dali0a
7oo6 %2 !umber 2;+):
A:bdullah (b, :Umar) re1orted: I ha-e ne-er seen Allah:s Messen.er2 (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) but obser-in. the 1ra"ers at their a11ointed times e5/e1t two 1la"ers2 sunset and :Isha2 : at Mu8dali0a (where he de0erred the sunset 1ra"er to /ombine it with :Isha: and he obser-ed the dawn 1ra"er be0ore its sti1ulated time on that da" ($ th o0 9hu:l-Hijja),


%2 !umber 2;+%:

This badith has been transmitted b" A:mash with a -ariation o0 words2 i, e, he said be0ore its time when it was still dar6,

'ha1ter *%: It is e5/ellent that the a.ed and the wea62 es1e/iall" amon. the women2 should hasten 0rom Mmu8dali0a to Mina at the latter 1art o0 the be0ore the 1eo1le mo-e in multitude2 and e5/ellen/e o0 sta"in. there 0or others until the" obser-e the dawn 1ra"er at Mu8dali0a
7oo6 %2 !umber 2;+#:
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: Sauda (the wi0e o0 the Hol" @ro1het) who was bul6" the 1ermission o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the o0 Mu8dali0a to
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mo-e 0rom (that 1la/e) ahead o0 him and be0ore the multitude (set 0orth), He (Allah:s A1ostle) .a-e her the 1ermission, So she set 0orth be0ore his (Hol" @ro1het:s) de1arture, 7ut we sta"ed there until it was dawn and we mo-ed on2 when he de1arted, And i0 I were to see6 the 1ermission o0 Allah:s, (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as Sauda had 1ermission2 I /ould ha-e also .one with his 1ermission and it would ha-e been better 0or me than that 0or whi/h I was ha11",


%2 !umber 2;+;:

A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that (hadrat) Sauda was a bul6" lad"2 so she 1ermission 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to 1ro/eed 0rom Mu8dali0a (to Mina) in the (latter 1art o0 the), He .ranted her 1ermission, :A:isha said: I wish I had also 1ermission 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as Sauda had, 1ermission 0rom him, :A:isha did not 1ro/eed but with the Imam,


%2 !umber 2;) :

:A:isha said: I wish I had 1ermission 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as Sauda had sou.ht2 and obser-ed the dawn 1ra"er at Mina and stoned at al-Famra be0ore the 1eo1le had /ome there, It was said to :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her): 9id Sauda see6 1ermission 0rom him (the Hol" @ro1het)D She said: Kes, She was a bul6" lad" and so she 1ermission 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (to 1ro/eed to mina 0rom Mu8dali0a ahead o0 him)2 and he .ranted her 1ermission,


%2 !umber 2;)$:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" :Abd al-Aahman b, al-Easim with the same /hain o0 trans-


%2 !umber 2;)2:

Abdullah2 the 0reed sla-e o0 (Hadrat) Asma:2 re1orted: Asma: (Allah be 1leased with her)2 as she was in the house at Mu8dali0a2 as6ed me whether the moon had set, I said: !o, She 1ra"ed 0or some time2 and a.ain said: M" son has the moon setD I said: Kes, And she said: Set 0orth alon. with me2 and so we set 0orth until (we rea/hed Mini) and the stoned at al-Famra, She then 1ra"ed in her 1la/e, I said to her: Aes1e/ted lad"2 we set 0orth (in the -er" earl" 1art o0 dawn) when it was dar62 whereu1on she said: M" son2 there is no harm in itB Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had .ranted 1ermission to women, This hadith has been narrated b" Ibn Furaij with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 and In his narration (the words are):C She (Asma:) said: M" son2 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ranted 1ermission to women,C

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%2 !umber 2;)4:

Ibn Shawwal (the 0reed sla-e o0 Umm Habiba) re1orted that he went to Umm Habiba (the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle) who in0ormed him that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent her 0rom Mu8dali0a durin. the,


%2 !umber 2;)*:

It is narrated 0rom Umm Habiba: ?e used to set 0orth 0rom Mu8dali0a to Mina2 (-er" earl" in the dawn) when it was dar6, And in the narration o0 !aqid (the words are):C ?e set 0rom Mu8dali0a in the dar6ness (o0 the dawn),C


%2 !umber 2;)+:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent me 0rom Mu8dali0a ahead (o0 the /ara-an) alon. with the lu..a.e or with the wea6 ones durin. (the latter 1art o0 the),


%2 !umber 2;)):

Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: I was amon. those (i, e, women and /hildren) whom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent 0orth with the wea6 members o0 his 0amil",


%2 !umber 2;)%:

This hadith has been transmitted b" Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) with a -ariation o0 words,


%2 !umber 2;)#:

:Ata: re1orted 0rom Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them): Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent me 0rom Mu8dali0a alon. with his lu..a.e (in the -er" earl" 1art o0 Ihe dawn), I (Ibn Furaij2 one o0 the narrators) said (to :Ati:): Has this (news) rea/hed "ou that Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) had said:C He (Allah:s had sent me in the latter 1art o0 the ni.htCD Thereu1on he said: !o2 it was the dawn, I (a.ain) said to him: (9id "ou hear) Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) ha-in. said this (too):C ?e stoned al-Famra be0ore the dawn 1ra"erCD So where did he obser-e the dawn 1ra"erD He said: !o, 7ut he said onl" so mu/h (as des/ribed abo-e),


%2 !umber 2;);:

Salim b, :Abdullah re1orted that :Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) used to send ahead o0 him the wea6 members o0 his household to sta" durin. the at Mash:ar al-Haram at Mu8dali0a, The" remembered Allah so lon. as the" /ould a00ord2 and then the" 1ro/eeded be0ore the
%** & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

sta" o0 the Imam2 and be0ore his return, So some o0 them rea/hed Mina 0or the dawn 1ra"er and some o0 them rea/hed there a0ter thatB and as the" rea/hed there2 the" stoned al-FamraB and Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) used to sa": Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has .ranted this /on/ession to them,

'ha1ter *#: Stonin. at Famrat al-:Aqaba 0rom the heart o0 the -alle" in the state that Me//a is on the le0t side and 1ronoun/in. o0 ta6bir while throwin. e-er" 1ebble
7oo6 %2 !umber 2;% :
:Abd al-Aahman b, Ka8id re1orted that :Abdullah b, Mas:ud (Allah be 1leased with them) threw se-en 1ebbles at Famrat al-:Aqaba 0rom the heart o0 the -alle", He 1ronoun/ed Ta6bir with e-er" 1ebble, It was said to him that 1eo1le 0lin. stones 0rom the u11er side (o0 the -alle")2 whereu1on :Abdullah b, Mas:ud (Allah he 1leased with them) said: 7" him2 besides ?hom there is no other .od2 that is the 1la/e (o0 stones) o0 one u1on whom Surah al-7aqara was re-ealed (the Hol" @ro1het),


%2 !umber 2;%$:

A:mash re1orted: I heard Hajjaj b, Kusu0 sa"in. as he was deli-erin. sermon on the 1ul1it: 3bser-e the order o0 the (Hol") Eur:an whi/h has been obser-ed b" Habriel, (Thus state the surahs in this manner)C one in whi/h mention has been made o0 al-7aqara2CC one in whi/h mention has been made o0 women (Surah al-!isa:)C and then the surah in whi/h mention has been made o0 the =amil" o0 :Imrin, He (the (narrator) said: I met Ibrahim and in0ormed him about these words o0 his (the statement o0 Hajjaj b, Kusu0), He /ursed him and said: Abd al-Aahman b, Ka8id has narrated to me that when he was in the /om1an" o0 :Abdullah b, Mas:udd (Allah be 1leased with them) he /ame to Famrat al-:Aqaba and then entered the heart o0 the -alle" and 0a/ed towards it (the Famra) and then 0lun. se-en 1ebbles at it 0rom the heart o0 the -alle" 1ronoun/in. Ta6bir with e-er" 1ebble, I said: Abu :Abd al-Aahman2 1eo1le 0lin. 1ebbles at it (Famra) 0rom the u11er side2 whereu1on he said: 7" Him besides ?hom there is no .od2 that is the 1la/e (o0 1ebbles o0 one) u1on whom Surah al-7aqara was re-ealedB


%2 !umber 2;%2:

A:mash re1orted: I heard Hajjaj sa"in. I 9o not sa" Surah al-7aqara, The rest o0 the hadith is the

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%2 !umber 2;%4:

Abd al-Aahman b, Ka8id re1orted that he 1er0ormed Hajj alon. with :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with him) and he 0lun. se-en 1ebbles at al-Famra (0rom a 1osition) that the House was on his le0t and Mina was on his and said: That is the 1la/e (o0 1ebbles o0 one) u1on whom Surah al-7aqara was re-ealed,


%2 !umber 2;%*:

This hadith nas been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters e5/e1t with this -ariation o0 (words): As he /ame to Famrat al-:Aqaba,C


%2 !umber 2;%+:

Abd al-Aahman b, Ka8id re1orted: It was said to :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with bird) that 1eo1le threw 1ebbles at the Famra 0rom the u11er side o0 :Aqaba2 whereas he threw stones at it 0rom the heart o0 the -alle"2 whereu1on he said: 7" Him besides ?hom there is no .od2 it is at this -er" 1la/e that one u1on whom was re-ealed Surah al-7aqara threw stones at it,

'ha1ter *;: (5/ellen/e o0 1ebbles at Famrat al-:Aqaba on the da" o0 sa/ri0i/e (ioth o0 9hu:l-Hijja) while ridin.
7oo6 %2 !umber 2;%):
Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: I saw Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ebbles while ridin. his /amel on the 9a" o0 !ahr2 and he was sa"in.: Learn "our rituals (b" seein. me 1er0ormin. them)2 0or I do not 6now whether I would be 1er0ormin. Hajj a0ter this Hajj o0 mine,


%2 !umber 2;%%:

Umm al-Husain (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: I 1er0ormed Hajj alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the o//asion o0 the =arewell @il.rima.e and saw him when he 0lun. 1ebbles at Famrat al-:Aqaba and returned while he was ridin. the /amel2 and 7ilal and Usama were with him, 3ne o0 them was leadin. his /amel2 while the other was raisin. his /loth o-er the head o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to 1rote/t him 0rom the sun, She (0urther) said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said so man" thin.s2 and I heard him sa"in.: I0 a sla-e ha-in.

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some limb o0 his missin. and ha-in. dar6 /om1le5ion is a11ointed to .o-ern "ou a//ordin. to the 7oo6 o0 Allah the (5alted, listen to him and obe" him,


%2 !umber 2;%#:

Umm al-Husain (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: I 1er0ormed Hajj alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the o//asion o0 the =arewell @il.rima.e and saw Usama and 7ilal (too)2 one o0 whom had / hold o0 the lose strin. o0 the she-/amel o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) while the other one was raisin. his /loth (o-er his head) 1rote/tin. him 0rom the heat2 till he 0lun. 1ebbles at Famrat al-:Aqaba,

'ha1ter + : The 1ebbles to be used 0or throwin. should be small

7oo6 %2 !umber 2;%;:
Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: I saw Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) throwin. stones (at Famrat al :Aqaba) li6e 1eltin. o0 small 1ebbles,

'ha1ter +$: ?hat is the e5/ellent time 0or throwin. 1ebbles (at the jamras)
7oo6 %2 !umber 2;# :
Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0lun. 1ebbles at jamra on the 9a" o0 !ahr a0ter sunrise2 and a0ter that (i, e, on the $$th2 $2th and $4th o0 9hu:l-Hijja when the sun had de/lined,


%2 !umber 2;#$:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted a hadith li6e this 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

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'ha1ter +2: ?hat should be the number o0 the 1ebbles

7oo6 %2 !umber 2;#2:
Fabir (b, Abdullab) (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 3dd number o0 stones are to be used 0or /leanin. (the 1ri-ate 1arts a0ter answerin. the /all o0 nature)2 and /astin. o0 1ebbles at the Famras is to be done b" odd numbers (se-en)2 and (the number) o0 /ir/uits between al-Sa0a: and al-Marwa is also odd (se-en)2 and the number o0 /ir/uits (around the >a:ba) is also odd (se-en), ?hene-er an" one o0 "ou is required to use stones (0or /leanin. the 1ri-ate 1arts) he should use odd number o0 stones (three2 0i-e or se-en),

'ha1ter +4: It is 1re0erable to .et one:s hair /ut (as a ritual o0 1il.rima.e) but /li11in. is also 1ermissible
7oo6 %2 !umber 2;#4:
:Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot his head sha-ed (a0ter slau.hterin. the sa/ri0i/ial animal on the $ th o0 9hu:l-Hijja)2 and so did a .rou1 o0 'om1anions2 while some o0 them .ot their hair /li11ed, Abdullah said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e:be u1on him) obser-ed on/e or twi/e:C Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on those who .et their heads sha-ed,C And he also said:C U1on those too who .ot their hair /li11ed,C


%2 !umber 2;#*:

Abdullah b, Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as ha-in. obser-ed: 3 Allah2 ha-e mer/" u1on those who .et their heads sha-ed, The" (the 'om1anions) said: o0 Allah2 (what about those) who ha-e .ot their hair /li11edD He said: 3 Allah2 ha-e mer/" u1on those who ha-e .ot their heads sha-ed, The" (a.ain) said: Allah:s Messen.er2 (what about those) who ha-e .ot their hair /li11edD Thereu1on he said: (3 Allah2 ha-e mer/" u1on those) who ha-e .ot their hair /li11ed,


%2 !umber 2;#+:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on those who ha-e .ot their heads sha-ed, The" said: o0 Allah2 (what about) those who .ot their hair /li11edD He said: Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on those who ha-e .ot their heads sha-ed, The" said: o0 Allah2 (what about those who ha-e .ot their hair /li11ed)D He said: Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on those who .ot their hair sha-ed, The" said: o0 Allah2 (what about)
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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

those who .ot their hair /li11edD He said: (3 Allah2 ha-e mer/" u1on) those who .ot their hair /li11ed,


%2 !umber 2;#):

Ubaidullah re1orted this hadith with the same /hain o0 transmitters and (it is said) that it was on the 0ourth turn that he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: (Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on) those who .ot their hair /li11ed,C


%2 !umber 2;#%:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as ha-in. said: 3 Allah2 .rant 1ardon to those who .ot their heads sha-ed The" ('om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) said: o0 Allah2 (what about those) who .et their hair /utD He said: 3 Allah2 .rant 1ardon to those who .et their heads sha-ed, The" said: o0 Allah2 (what about those) who .ot their hair /li11edD He said: 3 Allah2 .rant 1ardon to those who .et their heads sha-ed, The" said: o0 Allah2 (what about those) who .et their hair /li11edD He said: 3 Allah2 .rant 1ardon to those who .et their heads sha-ed, The" said: (?hat about those) who .et their hair /li11edD He said: (3 Allah2 .rant 1ardon to) those who .et their hair /li11ed,


%2 !umber 2;##:

A hadith li6e this is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira,


%2 !umber 2;#;:

Kah"a b, al-Husain re1orted on the authorit" o0 his .rand0ather that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in-o6ed blessin. on the o//asion o0 the =arewell @il.rima.e three times 0or those who .ot their heads sha-ed and on/e 0or those who .ot their hair /li11ed, In the narration transmitted b" ?a6i: there is no mention o0 the =arewell @il.rima.e,


%2 !umber 2;; :

Ibn Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot his head sha-ed on the o//asion o0 the =arewell @il.rima.e,

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'ha1ter +*: It is a Sunnah that on the da" o0 !ahr one should throw 1ebbles2 then slau.hter animal then .et one:s head sha-ed2 and one should start sha-in. one:s head 0rom the side
7oo6 %2 !umber 2;;$:
Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased wish him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to MinaB he went to the Famra and threw 1ebbles at it2 a0ter whi/h he went to his in Mina2 and sa/ri0i/ed the animal, He then /alled 0or a barber and2 turnin. his side to him2 let him sha-e himB a0ter whi/h he tiimed his le0t side, He then .a-e (these hair) to the 1eo1le,


%2 !umber 2;;2:

Abu 7a6r re1orted: (He /alled 0or) the barber and2 1ointin. towards the side o0 his head2 said: (Start 0rom) here2 and then distributed his hair amon. those who were near him, He then 1ointed to the barber (to sha-e) the le0t side and he sha-ed it2 and he .a-e (these hair) to Umm Sulaim (Allah be 1leased with her), And in the narration o0 Abu >uraib (the words are):C He started 0rom the hal0 (o0 his head)2 and he distributed a hair or two amon. the 1eo1le, and then (as6ed the barber) to sha-e the le0t side and he did similarl"2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Here is Abu Talha and he .a-e these (hair) to Abu Talha,C


%2 !umber 2;;4:

Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) threw stones at Famrat al-:Aqaba, He then want to his sa/ri0i/ial animal and sa/ri0i/ed it2 and there was sittin. the barber2 and he 1ointed with his hand towards his head2 and he sha-ed the hal0 o0 it2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) distributed them (the hair) amon. those who were near him, And he a.ain said: Sha-e the other hal02 and said: ?here is Abu Talha and .a-e it (the hair) to him,


%2 !umber 2;;*:

Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had thrown 1ebbles at the Famra and had sa/ri0i/ed the animal2 he turned (the side) o0 his head towards the barber2 and i, e sha-ed it, He then /alled Abu Talha al-Ansari and .a-e it to him, He then turned his le0t side and as6ed him (the barber) to sha-e, And he (the barber) sha-ed, and .a-e it to Abu Talha and told him to distribute it the 1eo1le,

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'ha1ter ++: Ae.ardin. one who sha-es be0ore o00erin. tlie sa/ri0i/e or o00ers sa/ri0i/e be0ore throwin. (tiie stones at jamra)
7oo6 %2 !umber 2;;+:
Abdullah b, :Amr b, al-:As said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sto11ed durin. the =arewell @il.rima.e at Mina 0or 1eo1le who had somethin. to as6, A man /ame and said: o0 Allah2 bein. i.norant, I sha-ed be0ore sa/ri0i/in.2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: !ow sa/ri0i/e (the animal) and there is no harm (0or "ou), Then another man /ame and he said: o0 Allah2 bein. i.norant2 I sa/ri0i/ed be0ore throwin. the 1ebbles2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: (!ow) throw the 1ebbles2 and there is no harm (0or "ou), Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was not as6ed about an"thin. whi/h had been done be0ore or a0ter (its 1ro1er time) but he said: 9o it2 and no harm is there (0or "ou),


%2 !umber 2;;):

:Abdullah b, :Amr b, al-:As (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sto11ed while ridin. his /amel and the 1eo1le to as6 him, 3ne o0 the inquirers said: o0 Allah2 I did not 6now that 1ebbles should be thrown be0ore sa/ri0i/in. the animal2 and b" mista6e I sa/ri0i/ed the animal be0ore throwin. 1ebbles2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (!ow) throw 1ebbles and there is no harm in it, Then another (1erson) /ame sa"in.: I did not 6now that the animal was to be sa/ri0i/ed be0ore sha-in.2 but I .ot m"sel0 sha-ed be0ore sa/ri0i/in. the animal2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Sa/ri0i/e the animal (now) and there is no harm in it, He (the narrator) said: I did not hear that an"thin. was as6ed on that da" (shout a matter) whi/h a 1erson 0or.ot and /ould not obser-e the sequen/e or an"thin. li6e it either due to 0or.et0ulness or i.noran/e2 but Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said (about that): 9o itB there is no harm in it,


%2 !umber 2;;%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri,


%2 !umber 2;;#:

Abdullah b, Amr b, al-:As (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: As Allah:s A1ostle, (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was deli-erin. sermon on the 9a" o0 !ahr2 a man stood u1 be0ore him and said: o0 Allah2 I did not 6now that su/h and su/h (rite was to be 1er0ormed) be0ore su/h and su/h
%+$ & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

(rite), Then another man /ame and said: o0 Allah2 I that su/h and su/h (rite) should 1re/ede su/h and su/h (rite)2 and then another man /ame and said: o0 Allah2 I had that su/h and su/h was be0ore su/h and su/h2 and su/h and su/h (is the sequen/e) o0 the three (rites2 -i8, throwin. o0 1ebbles2 sa/ri0i/in. o0 animal and sha-in. o0 one:s head), He said to all these three: 9o now (i0 "ou ha-e not obser-ed the /equen/e) B there is no harm in it,


%2 !umber 2;;;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Furaij with the same /hain o0 transmitters, And the narration o0 Ibn 7a6r is li6e one transmitted b" :Isa but with this (-ariation):C There are not these words in it: To all these three rites (throwin. o0 1ebbles sa/ri0i/in. o0 animal and sha-in. o0 one:s head),C And so 0ar as the narration o0 Kah"a al-Umawi (the words are): I .ot (m" head) sha-ed be0ore I sa/ri0i/ed the animal2 and I sa/ri0ied the animal be0ore throwin. 1ebbles2 and li6e that,


%2 !umber 4

Adullah b, :Amr (b, al-:As) (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that a 1erson /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: I .ot (m" head) sha-ed be0ore sa/ri0i/in. the2 animal2 whereu1on be (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Sa/ri0i/e the animal (now) B there is no harm in it, He (the 1erson said): I sa/ri1/ed the animal be0ore throwin.1ebbles, whereu1on he said: Throw 1ebbles (now) B there is no harm in it,


%2 !umber 4


This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are): I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the ba/6 o0 the /amel at Mina2 and a 1erson /ame to him2C and the rest o0 the hadith Is li6e that transmitted b" Ibn :U"aina,


%2 !umber 4


:Abdullah b, :Amr b, al-As (Allah be 1leased with them) said: As Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be:u1on him) was standin. near the jamra2 a 1erson /ame to him on the 9a" o0 !ahr and said: o0 Allah2 I .ot (m" head sha-ed) be0ore throwin. 1ebbles2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Throw 1ebbles (now) B there is no harm in it, Another man (then) /ame and said: I ha-e sa/ri0i/ed be0ore throwin. the stones, He said: Throw stones (now) and there is no harm, Another /ame to him and said: I ha-e obser-ed the /ir/umambulation o0 I0ada o0 the House be0ore throwin. 1ebbles, He said: Throw 1ebbles (now) B there is no harm in it2 He (the narrator) said: I did not see that he (the Hol" @ro1het) was as6ed about an"thin. on that da"2 but he said: 9o2 and there is no harm in it,

%+2 & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 4


Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that it was said to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about sa/ri0i/in. o0 animals2 sha-in. o0 one:s head2 throwin. o0 1ebbles2 and (the order o0) 1re/eden/e and su//ession2 and he said: There is no harm in it,

'ha1ter +): (5/ellen/e o0 obser-in. /ir/umambulation o0 I0ada on the da" o0 !ahr

7oo6 %2 !umber 4 *:
Ibn Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed the /ir/umambulation o0 I0ada on the 9a" o0 !abr ($ th o0 9hu:l-Hijja)2 and then /ame ba/6 and obser-ed the noon 1ra"er at Mina, !a0i: (one o0 the narrators) said that Ibn Umar used to obser-e the /ir/umambulation o0 I0ada on the 9a" o0 !ahr2 and then return and obser-e the noon 1ra"er at Mina2 and mentioned that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did that,

'ha1ter +%: (5/ellen/e o0 ma6in. a halt at al-Muhassab2 on the da" o0 !ahr2 and obser-in. 1ra"er there
7oo6 %2 !umber 4 +:
Abd al-:A8i8 b, Au0ai: (Allah be 1leased with him) said: I as6ed Anas b, Mali6 to tell me about somethin. he 6new about Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 -i8, where he obser-ed the noon 1ra"er on Kaum al-Tarwi"a, He said: At Mina, I said: ?here did he obser-e the a0ternoon 1ra"er on the Kaum an-!a0rD and he said: It was at al-Abtah, He then said: 9o as "our rulers do,


%2 !umber 4


Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and Abu 7a6r and :Umar obser-ed halt at al-Abtah,

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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 4


!a0i: re1orted that Ibn :Umar re.arded halt at Muhassab as Sunnah (o0 the Hol" @ro1het) and obser-ed the noon 1ra"er on Kaum al-!a0r at that 1la/e, !a0i: said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) halted at Muhassab and the 'ali1hs did the same a0ter him,


%2 !umber 4


:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted,: Halt at al-Abtah is not the Sunnah, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) halted there sim1l" be/ause it was easier 0or him to de1art 0rom there2 when he le0t,


%2 !umber 4


This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


%2 !umber 4 $ :

Salim re1orted that Abu 7a6r2 :Umar and Ibn Umar used to halt at Abtah, :Urwa narrated 0rom :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) that he did not obser-e this 1ra/ti/e and said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) halted there2 0or it is a 1la/e 0rom where it was eas" to de1art,


%2 !umber 4 $$:

Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: Halt at Muhassab is not somethin. (si.ni0i/ant 0rom the 1oint o0 -iew o0 the Shari:ah), It is a 1la/e o0 halt where Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) halted,


%2 !umber 4 $2:

Abu Aa0i: re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not /ommand me to obser-e halt at al-Abtah when be de1arted 0rom Mina2 but I /ame and set u1 his (the Hol" @r/1het:s) tent (o0 m" own a//ord) B and he (Allah:s A1ostle) /ame and obser-ed halt, This hadith is narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters 0rom Abu Aa0i: who was (in /har.e) o0 the lu..a.e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


%2 !umber 4 $4:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leated with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Hod willin.2 we will .et down tomorrow2 at >hai0 o0 7anu >inanah2 the 1la/e where the" had ta6en an oath on unbelie0,

%+* & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 4 $*:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to us as we were at Mina: ?e would obser-e halt tomorrow at->hai0 o0 7anu >inanah2 where (the 1ol"theists) had ta6en an oath on unbelie02 and that was that the Euraish and 7anu >inanah had2 1led.ed a.ainst 7anu Hashim and 7anu Muttalib that the" would neither marr" nor do an" transa/tion with them unless the" deli-er Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) to them, And (this 1led.e was) ta6en at this (1la/e) Muhassab,


%2 !umber 4 $+:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Hod willin.2 when Allah has .ranted us -i/tor"2 our halt tomorrow will be at >hai02 where the" (the unbelie-ers o0 Me//a) had ta6en an oath on unbelie0,

'ha1ter +#: It is essential to sta" (0or two or three ni.hts) at Mina durin. the da"s o0 Tashriq ($$th2 $2th and $4th) and e5em1tion 0rom this /ommand 0or the su11liers o0 water
7oo6 %2 !umber 4 $):
Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that al-:A:bbas b, Abd al-Muttalib (Allah be 1leased with him) 1ermission 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to s1end in Me//a the ni.hts (whi/h be was required to s1end) at Mina on a//ount o0 his o00i/e o0 su11lier o0 water2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) .ranted him 1ermission,


%2 !umber 4 $%:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" :Ubaidullah b, Umar with the the same /hain o0 transmit-


%2 !umber 4 $#:

7a6r b, :Abdullah al-Mu8ani said: ?hile I was sittin. alon. with Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with him) near the >a:ba2 there /ame a bedouin to him and said: ?hat is the matter that I see that the 1ro.en" o0 "our un/le su11l" hone" and mil6 (as drin6 to the tra-ellers)2 whereas "ou su11l" al-nabidh (water sweetened with dates)D Is it due to "our 1o-ert" or due to "our /lose-0istednessD Thereu%++ & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

1on Ibn :Abbas said: Allah be 1raised2 it is neither due to 1o-ert" nor due to /lose-0istedness (but due to the 0a/t) that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame here ridin. his she-/ame2 and there was sittin. behind him Usama, He as6ed 0or water2 and we .a-e him a /u1 0ull o0 nabidh and he dran6 it2 and .a-e the remainin. (1art) to UsamaB and he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kou ha-e done =ood2 Kou ha-e done well, So /ontinue doin. li6e it So we do not li6e to /han.e what Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had /ommanded us to do,

'ha1ter +;: 3ne should o00er as sadaqa the meat and hide o0 the sa/ri0i/ial animal
7oo6 %2 !umber 4 $;:
:All (Allah be 1leased with him) re1erted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ut me in /har.e o0 his sa/ri0i/ial animals2 that I should .i-e their 0lesh, s6ins and saddle /loths as sadaqa2 but not to .i-e an"thin. to the but/her2 sa"in.: ?e would 1a" him oursel-es,


%2 !umber 4 2 :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abd al->arim al-Fa8ari with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


%2 !umber 4 2$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Ali (Allah be 1leased with him) with another /hain o0 transmitters2 but there is no mention o0 the o0 the but/her in it,


%2 !umber 4 22:

Ali b, Abi Talib (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ut him in /har.e o0 his sa/ri0i/ial animals2 and /ommanded him to distribute the whole o0 their meat2 hides2 and saddle /loths to the 1oor2 and not to .i-e to the but/her an"thin. out o0 them,


%2 !umber 4 24:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hadrat :Ali (Allah be 1leased with him),

%+) & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

'ha1ter ) : It is 1ermissible to join se-en 1ersons in a /ow or a /amel

7oo6 %2 !umber 4 2*:
Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: In the "ear o0 Hudaibi"a () H )2 we2 alon. with Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 sa/ri0i/ed a /amel 0or se-en 1ersons and a /ow 0or se-en 1ersons,


%2 !umber 4 2+:

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?e set out in the state o0 Ihram 0or Hajj alon.2 with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He /ommanded us that se-en 1erons should join in a /amel and a /ow 0or o00erin. sa/ri0i/e,


%2 !umber 4 2):

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?e 1er0ormed Hajj alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and we sa/ri0i/ed a /amel on behal0 o0 se-en 1ersons2 and a /ow on behal0 o0 se-en 1ersons,


%2 !umber 4 2%:

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: ?e joined Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea2 I, e be u1on him) in Hajj and Umra and se-en 1ersons shared in the sa/ri0i/e o0 an animal, A 1erson said to Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him): 'an se-en 1ersons share in the sa/ri0i/e o0 al-7adnah (a /amel) as he shares in al- Fa8ur (a /ow)D He2 (Fabir) said: It (al-Fa8ur) is nothin. but one amon. the budun, Fabir was 1resent at Hudaibi"a and he said: ?e sa/ri0i/ed on that da" se-ent" /amel2 and se-en men shared in ea/h sa/ri0i/e (o0 /amel),


%2 !umber 4 2#:

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them)2 des/ribin. the Hajj o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He (the Hol" @ro1het) /ommanded us as we had entered into the state o0 Ihram to sa/ri0i/e the animals (as a rite o0 Hajj) and a .rou1 (o0 1ersonB us2 i, e, se-en) shared in the sa/ri0i/e o0 one (/amel or /ow)2 and it ha11ened at that time when he /ommanded them to 1ut o00 Ihram 0or Hajj (a0ter 1er0ormin. :Umra),

%+% & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 4 2;:

Faibir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: ?e 1er0ormed Hajj Tamattu: alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and we slau.htered a /ow on behal0 o0 se-en 1ersons sharin. in it,


%2 !umber 4 4 :

Fabir re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa/ri0i/ed a /ow on behal0 o0 :A:isha on the 9a" o0 !ahr ($ th o0 9hu:l-Hijja),


%2 !umber 4 4$:

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa/ri0i/ed (animals) on behal0 o0 his wi-es2 and in the hadith transmitted b" Ibn Abu 7a6r (the words are):C A /ow on behal0 o0 :A:isha on the o//asion o0 the Hajj,C

'ha1ter )$: The /amel is to be sa/ri0i/ed in a standin. 1osture and 0ettered

7oo6 %2 !umber 4 42:
Gi"ad b, Fubair re1orted that Ibn :Umar /ame u1on a 1erson who was slau.hterin. (sa/ri0i/in.) his /amel and had made him 6neel down, So he told him to ma6e it stand u1 0estered (and then sa/ri0i/e it) a//ordin. to the Sunnah o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

'ha1ter )2: It is meritorious 0or one who does in 0end to .o himsel0 to send the sa/ri0i/ial animal to alHaram
7oo6 %2 !umber 4 44:
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent the sa/ri0i/ial animals 0rom Medina, I wo-e .arlands 0or his sa/ri0i/ial animals (and then he hun. them round their ne/6s)2 and he would not a-oid doin. an"thin. whi/h the Muhrim a-oids A hadith li6e this has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Shihab,

%+# & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 4 4*:

:A:isha narrated (in another badith narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters) these words:C As i0 I am seein. m"sel0 wea-in. the .arlands 0or the sa/ri0i/ial animals o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),C


%2 !umber 4 4+:

Abd al-Aahman b, al-Easim re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that he heard :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) sa"in.: I used to wea-e .arlands 0or the sa/ri0i/ial animals o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with these hands o0 mine2 but he (Allah:s A1ostle) neither a-oided an"thin. nor .a-e u1 an"thin. (whi/h a Muhrim should a-oid or .i-e u1),


%2 !umber 4 4):

:A:isha re1orted: I wo-e the .arlands 0or the sa/ri0i/ial animals o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with m" own bands2 and then he (the Hol" @ro1het) mar6ed them2 and .arlanded them2 and then sent them to the House2 and sta"ed at Medina and nothin. was 0orbidden to him whi/h was law0ul 0or him (be0ore),


%2 !umber 4 4%:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent the sa/ri0i/ial animals and I wo-e .arlands 0or them with m" own :hands2 and he did not re0rain 0rom doin. an"thin. whi/h he did not a-oid in the state o0 non-Muhrim,


%2 !umber 4 4#:

Al-Easim re1orted the Mother o0 the =aith0ul (Hadrat :A:isha Siddiqa) (Allah be 1leased with her) as sa"in.: I used to wea-e these .arlands 0rom the multi/oloured wool whi/h was with us, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was in the state o0 non Muhrim amon. us2 and he would do all that was law0ul 0or a lion-Muhrim with his wi0e,


%2 !umber 4 4;:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: I re/all how I wo-e .arlands 0or the sa/ri0i/ial animals (the .oats) o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He sent them and then sta"ed with us as a non-Muhrim,

%+; & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 4 * :

:A:isha (Allah2 be 1leased2 with her) re1orted: I o0ten wo-e .arlands 0or the sa/ri0i/ial animals o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he .arlanded his sa/ri0i/ial animals2 and then he sent them and sta"ed in the ouse) a-oidin. nothin. whi/h a Muhrim a-oids,


%2 !umber 4 *$:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on2 him) sent some .oats as sa/ri0i/ial animals to the House and He .arlanded them,


%2 !umber 4 *2:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: ?e used to .arland the .oats and send them (to Me//a)2 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sta"ed ba/6 in Medina as a non-Muhrim ard nothin. was 0orbidden 0or him (whi/h is 0orbidden 0or a Muhrim),


%2 !umber 4 *4:

:Amra dau.hter o0 Abd al-Aahman re1orted that Ibn Gi"ad had written to :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with him) that :Abdullah b, Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) bad said that he who sent a sa/ri0i/ial animal (to Me//a) 0or him was 0orbidden what is 0orbidden 0or a 1il.rim (in the state o0 Ihram) until the animal is sa/ri0i/ed I ha-e m"sel0 sent m" sa/ri0i/ial animal (to Me//a)2 so write to me "our o1inion, Amra re1orted :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) as sa"in.: It is not as Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) had asserted2 0or I wo-e the .arlands 0or the sa/ri0i/ial animals o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with m" own hands, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then .arlanded them with his own hands2 and then sent them with m" 0ather2 and nothin. was 0orbidden 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whi/h had been made law0ul 0or him b" Allah until the animals were sa/ri0i/ed,


%2 !umber 4 **:

Masruq re1orted: I heard :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) /la11in. her hands behind the /urtain and sa"in.: I used to wea-e .arlands 0or the sa/ri0i/ial animals o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with m" own hands2 and then he (the Hol" @ro1het) sent them (to Me//a)2 and he did not a-oid doin. an"thin. whi/h a Muhritn a-oids until his animal was sa/ri0i/ed,


%2 !umber 4 *+:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,
%) & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

'ha1ter )4: It is 1ermissible to ride the sa/ri0i/ial animal (/amel) 0or one who is in need o0 it
7oo6 %2 !umber 4 *):
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) rerorted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw a 1erson who was dri-in. a sa/ri0i/ial /amel (and told him to ride on it, Thereu1on he said: o0 Allah2 it is a sa/ri0i/ial /amel, He told him a.ain to ride on itB (when he re/ei-ed the same re1l") he said: ?oe to "ou2 (he uttered these words on the se/ond or the third re1l"),


%2 !umber 4 *%:

This hadith has been narrated b" A:raj with the same /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are):C ?hereas the 1erson was dri-in. a sa/ri0i/ial /amel whi/h was .arlanded,C


%2 !umber 4 *#:

Hammam b, Munabbih re1orted: It is one out o0 these (narrations) that Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) narrated to us 0rom Muhammad the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he narrated to us traditions out o0 whi/h is that he said: ?hen there was a 1erson who was dri-in. a .arlanded sa/ri0i/ial /amel2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: ?oe to "ouB ride on it, He said: o0 Allah2 it is a sa/ri0i/ial animal2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?oe to "ou2 ride on itB woe to "ou2 ride on it,


%2 !umber 4 *;:

Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha11ened to 1ass b" a 1erson who was dri-in. a sa/ri0i/ial /amel2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Aide on It, He said: It is a sa/ri0i/ial /amel, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said twi/e or thri/e: Aide on it,


%2 !umber 4 + :

Anas re1orted: Someone ha11ened to 1ass b" Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with a sa/ri0i/ial /amel2 or a sa/ri0i/ial animal2 whereu1on he said: Aide on it, He said: It is a sa/ri0i/ial /amel2 or animal2 whereu1on he said: (Aide) e-en i0 (it is a sa/ri0i/ial /amel),


%2 !umber 4 +$:

Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: There ha11ened to 1ass (a 1erson) with a sa/ri0i/ial /amel b" Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and the rest o0 the hadith is the same,
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%2 !umber 4 +2:

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that he was as6ed about ridin. on a sa/ri0i/ial animal2 and he said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Aide on it .entl"2 when "ou ha-e need 0or it2 until "ou 0ind (another) mount,


%2 !umber 4 +4:

Abu Gubair re1orted: I as6ed Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) about ridin. on the sa/ri0i/ial animal2 to whi/h he re1lied: I heard Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Aide on them .entl" until "ou 0ind another mount,

'ha1ter )*: ?hat should be done with the sa/ri0i/ial mes 1owerless to mo-e
7oo6 %2 !umber 4 +*:

animal2 when it is /om1letel" e5hausted and be/o-

Musa b, Salama al-Hudhali re1orted: I and Sinan b, Salama 1ro/eeded (to Me//a to 1er0orm Umra, Sinan had a sa/ri0i/ial /amel with him whi/h he was dri-in., The /amel sto11ed in the wa" bein. /om1letel" e5hausted and this state o0 it made him (Sinan) hel1less, (He i0 it sto1s 1ro/eedin. 0urther how he would be able to ta6e it2 alon. with him and said: I would de0initel" 0ind out (the reli.ious -erdi/t) about it, I mo-ed on in the mornin. and as we en/am1ed at al-7atha:2 (Sinan) said: 'ome (alon. with me) to Ibn :Abbis (Allah be 1leased with them) so that we should narrate to him (this in/ident)2 and he (Sinan) re1orted to him the in/ident o0 the sa/ri0i/ial /amel, He (Ibn Abbas) said: Kou ha-e re0erred (the matter) to the well in0ormed 1erson, (!ow listen) Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent si5teen sa/ri0i/ial /amels with a man whom he 1ut in /han.e o0 them, He set out and /ame ba/6 and said: o0 Allah2 what should I do with those who are /om1letel" e5hausted and be/ome 1owerless to mo-e on2 whereu1on he said: Slau.hter them2 and d"e their hoo0s in their blood2 and 1ut them on the sides o0 their hum1s2 but neither "ou nor an"one amon. those who are with "ou must eat an" 1art o0 them,


%2 !umber 4 ++:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent ei.hteen sa/ri0i/ial /amels with a 1erson, The rest o0 the hadith is the same2 and the 0irst 1art (o0 the abo-e-mentioned hadith) is not mentioned,

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%2 !umber 4 +):

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that 9huwaib2 0ather o0 Eabisa (Allah be 1leased with him) narrated to him that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent under his /har.e the sa/ri0i/ial /amels2 and said: I0 an" o0 these is /om1letel" e5hausted and "ou a11rehend its death2 then slau.hter it2 then di1 its hoo0s in its blood and im1rint it on its hum1B but neither "ou nor an" one o0 "our /omrades should eat it,

'ha1ter )+: It is obli.ator" to 1er0orm 0arewell /ir/umambulation2 while a menstruatin. woman is e5em1ted 0rom it
7oo6 %2 !umber 4 +%:
Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that the 1eo1le used to return throu.h e-er" 1ath2 whereu1on Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !one "ou should de1art until he 1er0orms the last /ir/umambulation round the House, Guhair said (the words are): NAAA7I': KA!S?AAI=U?! >ULLA ?AFHO and the word Narabi/: =IKO was not mentioned,


%2 !umber 4 +#:

Ibn Abbas re1orted: The 1eo1le were /ommanded (b" the Hol" @ro1het) to 1er0orm the last /ir/umambulation round the House2 but menstruatin. women were e5em1ted,


%2 !umber 4 +;:

Tawus re1orted: I was in the /om1an" o0 Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) when Gaid b, Thabit said: 9o "ou .i-e reli.ious -erdi/t that the woman who is in menses is allowed to .o without 1er0ormin. the last /ir/umambulation o0 the HouseD Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) said to him: As6 su/h and su/h woman o0 the Ansar2 i0 "ou do not (belie-e m" reli.ious -erdi/t) whether Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had /oimmanded her this, Gaid b Thabit (went to that lad" and a0ter .ettin. this -erdi/t attested b" her) /ame ba/6 to Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) smilin.l" and said: I did not 0ind "ou but tellin. the truth,


%2 !umber 4 ) :

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: Sa0i""ah bint Hu"a"" entered the 1eriod o0 menses a0ter 1er0ormin. Tawa0 I0ada, I made a mention o0 her menses to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be

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u1on him)2 whereu1on Allah:s, (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) remar6ed: ?ell2 then she will detain us, I said: o0 Allah, she has 1er0ormed Tawi0 I0ada and /ir/umambulated the House2 and it was a0ter this that she entered the 1eriod o0 menses, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (I0 it is so)2 then 1ro/eed 0orth,


%2 !umber 4 )$:

This hadith is narrated (0rom :A:isha) on the authorit" o0 Ibn Shihab with the same /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are): Sa0i""ah bint Hu"a""2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 entered the 1eriod o0 menses at the o//asion o0 the =arewell @il.rima.e a0ter she had 1er0ormed Tawa0 I0ada in the state o0 /leanlinessB the rest o0 the hadith is the same,


%2 !umber 4 )2:

Abd al-Aahman b, al Easim narrated on the authorit" o0 :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) that she made a mention to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that Sa0i""ah had entered the 1eriod o0 menses, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,


%2 !umber 4 )4:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: ?e 0eared that Sa0i""ah ha-e entered the 1eriod o0 menses be0ore 1er0ormin. Tawa0 I0ada, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to us and said: Is Sa0i""ah .oin. to detain usD Thereu1on we said: She has 1er0ormed Tawa0 I0ada, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Then there is no detention (0or us) now,


%2 !umber 4 )*:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): o0 Allah2 Sa0i""ah bint Hu"a"" has entered the state o0 menses2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: @erha1s she is .oin. to detain us, Has she not /li/umambulated the House alon. with "ou (i, e, whether she has not 1er0ormed Tawa0 I0ada)D The" said: Kes, He said: Then the" should set out,


%2 !umber 4 )+:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in/lined to do with Sa0i""ah what a man 0eels in/lined to do with his wi0e, The" said: o0 Allah2 she has entered the state o0 menses2 whereu1on he said: (?ell) she is .oin. to detain us, The" (his wi-es) said: o0 Allah2 she 1er0ormed Tawa0 Gi"ara (Tawa0 I0ada) on the 9a" o0 !ahr, Thereu1on he said: Then she should 1ro/eed alon. with "ou

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%2 !umber 4 )):

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: ?hen Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) de/ided to mar/h (0or return journe")2 he 0ound Sa0i""ah at the door o0 her tent2 sad and down/ast, He remar6ed, 7arren2 sha-en-head2 "ou are .oin. to detain us2 and then said: 9id "ou 1er0orm Tawa0 I0ada on the 9a" o0 !ahrD She re1lied in the a00irmati-e2 whereu1on he said: Then mar/h on,


%2 !umber 4 )%:

This hadith is narrated b" :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters2 but no mention is made o0C sad and down/astC,

'ha1ter )): The merit o0 enterin. the >a:ba 0or a 1il.rim and obser-in. o0 1ra"er in it
%2 !umber 4 )#: 7oo6

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e2 be u1on him) entered the >a:ba, Usama2 7ilal and :Uthman b, Talha2 the 6ee1er (o0 the >a:ba)2 were alon. with him, He /losed the door and sta"ed in it 0or some time, Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) said: I as6ed 7ilal as he /ame out what Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had done there, He said: He 1ra"ed there in (su/h a 1osition) that two 1illars were on his le0t side2 one 1illar on his ri.ht2 and three 1illars were behind him2 and the House at that time was restin. on si5 1illars,


%2 !umber 4 );:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame on the 9a" o0 <i/tor"2 and .ot down in the /ourt"ard o0 the >a:ba and he sent (a messa.e) 0or :Uthman b, Talha (Allah be 1leased with them), He /ame with the 6e" and o1ened the door, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then entered therein and 7ilal2 Usama b, Gaid2 and :Uthman b, Talha (alon. with him)2 and then /ommanded the door to be /losed, The" sta"ed there 0or a /onsiderable time2 and then the door was o1ened2 and Abdullah said: I was the 0irst to meet Allah:s, (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), outside (the >a:ba)2 and 7ilal was /lose behind him, I said to 7ilal: 9id Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-e 1ra"er thereinD He said: Kes, I said: ?hereD He said: 7etween the two 1illars in 0ront o0 his 0a/e, He said: I 0or.ot to as6 him as to the number o0 ra6ahs he 1ra"ed,

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%2 !umber 4 % :

lbn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame darin. the "ear o0 <i/tor" on the she-/amel o0 Usama b, Gaid until he made her 6neel down in the /ourt"ard o0 the >a:ba (and .ot down), He then sent 0or :Uthman b, Talha and said: 7rin. me the 6e", He went to his mother and she re0used to .i-e that to him, He said: 7" Allah2 .i-e that to him or this sword would be thrust into m" side, So she .a-e that to him2 and he /ame with that to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and .a-e that to him2 and he o1ened the door, The rest o0 the hadith is the same as the abo-e one,


%2 !umber 4 %$:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: Allah:s Messen.er2 (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered the House2 and Usama2 7ilal and Uthman b, Talha were with him2 and the" 6e1t the door /losed 0or a /onsiderable time, Then it was o1ened and I was the 0irst to enter the House and meet 7ilal2 and I said: ?here did Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-e 1ra"erD He said: 7etween these two 0ront 1illars, I2 howe-er2 0or.ot to as6 him the number o0 ra6:ahs that he obser-ed,


%2 !umber 4 %2:

Abdullah b, Umar re1orted that he rea/hed the >a:ba and Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had entered therein2 and 7ilal and Usama too, :Uthman b, Talha /losed the door to them2 and the" sta"ed there 0or a /onsiderable time2 and then the door was o1end and Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame out2 and I went u1stairs and entered the House and said: ?here did Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-e 1ra"erD The" said: At this -er" 1la/e, I2 howe-er2 0or.ot to as6 them about the (number o0) ra6:ahs that he obser-ed,


%2 !umber 4 %4:

Salim narrated on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (Allah be 1leased with him) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered the House alon. with Usama b, Gaid2 7ilal and Uthman b, Talha, The" /losed the door 0rom within2 and2 as the" o1ened it2 I was the 0irst to .et into it and meet 7ilal2 and I as6ed him: 9id Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-e 1ra"er in itD He said: Kes2 he obser-ed 1ra"er between these two Kemenite 1illars (1illars situated towards the side o0 Kemen),


%2 !umber 4 %*:

Salim b, Abdullah re1orted his 0ather (Allah be 1leased with him) sa"in.: I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) enterin. the >a:ba2 and Usama b, Gaid2 7ilal and :Uthman b, Talha were alon. with him2 but none (else) entered therein alon. with them, Then the door was /losed 0or them 0rom within, :Abdullah b, Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) said: 7ilal and Uthman b, Talha in0or%)) & $#


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med me that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-ed 1ra"er in the interior o0 the >a:ba between the two Kemenite 1illars,


%2 !umber 4 %+:

Ibn Furaij re1orted: I said to :Ata:: Ha-e "ou heard Ibn :Abbas sa"in.: Kou ha-e been /ommanded to obser-e /ir/umambulation2 and not /ommanded to enter it (the >a:ba)D He (:Ata:) said: He (Ibn Abbas) (at the same time) did not 0orbid entran/e into it, I2 howe-er2 heard him sa"in.: Usama b, Gaid in0ormed me that when Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered the House2 he su11li/ated in all sides o0 itB and he did not obser-e 1ra"er therein till he /ame out2 and as he /ame out he obser-ed two ra6:ahs in 0ront o0 the House2 and said: This is "our Eibla, I said to him: ?hat is meant b" its sidesD 9oes that mean its /ornersD He said: (In all sides and noo6s o0 the House) there is Eibla,


%2 !umber 4 %):

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered the >a:ba2 and in it there were si5 1illars2 and he stood near a 1illar and made su11li/ation2 bnt did not obser-e the 1ra"er,


%2 !umber 4 %%:

Isma:il b, Abu >halid re1orted: I as6ed Abdullah b, Abu Au0a (Allah be 1leased with him)2 a 'om1anion o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whether Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had entered the House2 while 1er0ormin. :Umra2 He said: !3,

'ha1ter )%: The demolishin. o0 the >a:ba and its re/onstru/tion

7oo6 %2 !umber 4 %#:
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: Allah:s ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: Had "our 1eo1le not been unbelie-ers in the re/ent 1ast (had the" not quite re/entl" a//e1ted Islam)2 I would ha-e demolished the >a:ba and would ha-e rebuilt it on the 0oundation (laid) b" IbrahimB 0or when the Euraish had built the >a:ba2 the" redu/ed its (area)2 and I would also ha-e built (a door) in the rear,


%2 !umber 4 %;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters,
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%2 !umber 4 # :

:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as ha-in. said this: 9idn:t "ou see that when "our 1eo1le built the >a:ba2 the" redu/ed (its area with the result that it no remains) on the 0oundations (laid) b" Ibrahim, I said: o0 Allah2 wh" don:t "ou rebuild it on the 0oundations (laid b") IbrahimD Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Had "our 1eo1le not been new /on-erts to Islam2 I would ha-e done that, :Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) said: I0 :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) had heard it 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1 (-n him)2 I would not ha-e seen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) abandonin. the tou/hin. o0 the two /orners situated near al-Hijr2 but (0or the 0a/t) that it was not /om1leted on the 0oundations (laid) b" Ibrihim,


%2 !umber 4 #$:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her)2 wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 "our 1eo1le2 had not been re/ent /on-erts to Islam2 I would ha-e s1ent the treasure o0 the >a:ba in the wa" o0 Allah and would ha-e /onstru/ted its door just on the le-el o0 the .round and would ha-e en/om1assed in it the s1a/e o0 Hijr,


%2 !umber 4 #2:

:Abdullah b, Gubair (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted on the authorit" o0 his mother:s sister (:A:isha) sa"in. that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: :A:isha2 i0 "our 1eo1le had not been re/entl" 1ol"theists (and new /on-erts to Islam)2 I would ha-e demolished the >a:ba2 and would ha-e it to the le-el o0 the .round and would ha-e /onstru/ted two doors2 one 0a/in. the east and the other one to the west2 and would ha-e added to it si5 /ubits o0 area 0rom Hijr2 0or the Euraish had redu/ed it when the" rebuilt it,


%2 !umber 4 #4:

:Ata: re1orted: The House was burnt durin. the time o0 Ka8id b, Muawi"a when the 1eo1le o0 S"ria had (in Me//a), And it ha11ened with it (the >a:ba) what was (in store 0or it), Ibn Gubair (Allah be 1leased with him) 0elt it (in the same state) until the 1eo1le /ame in the season (o0 Hajj), (The idea behind was) that he wanted to e5hort them or in/ite them (to war) a.ainst the 1eo1le o0 S"ria, ?hen the 1eo1le had arri-ed he said to them: 3 1eo1le2 ad-ise me about the >a:ba, Should I demolish it and then build it 0rom its -er" 0oundation2 or should I re1air whate-er has been dama.ed o0 itD Ibn :Abbas said: An idea has o//urred to me a//ordin. to whi/h I thin6 that "ou should onl" re1air (the 1ortion whi/h has been) dama.ed2 and lea-e the House (in that -er" state in whi/h) 1eo1le embra/ed Islam (and lea-e those -er" stones in the same state) when 1eo1le embra/ed Islam2 and o-er whi/h Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had raised it, Thereu1on Ibn Gubair said: It the house o0 an" one o0 "ou is burnt2 he would not be /ontented until he had re/onstru/ted it2 then what
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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

about the House o0 "our Lord (whi/h is 0ar more Im1ortant than "our house)D I would see6 .ood ad-i/e 0rom m" Lord thri/e and then I would ma6e u1 (m" mind) about this a00air, A0ter see6in. .ood ad-i/e thri/e2 he made u1 his mind to demolish it, The 1eo1le a11rehended that /alamit" 0all 0rom hea-en on those 1ersons who would be 0irst to /limb (o-er the buildin. 0or the 1ur1ose o0 demolishin. it)2 till one (too6 u1 /oura.e2 and as/ended the roo0)2 and threw down one o0 its stones, ?hen the 1eo1le saw no /alamit" be0allin. him2 the" 0ollowed him2 demolished it until it was ra8ed to the .round, Then Ibn Gubair ere/ted 1illars and hun. /artains on them (in order to 1ro-ide 0a/ilities to the 1eo1le 0or obser-in. the time o0 its /onstru/tion), And the walls were raisedB and Ibn Gubair said: I heard :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) sa" that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had obser-ed: I0 the 1eo1le had Aot re/entl" (abandoned) unbelie02 0ind I had means enou.h to re/onstru/t it2 whi/h I had not2 I would ha-e de0initel" e5/om1assed in it 0i-e /ubits o0 area 0rom Hijr, And I would also ha-e /onstru/ted a door 0or the 1eo1le to enter2 and a door 0or their e5it, I toda" ha-e (the means to s1end) and I entertain no 0ear0rom the side o0 1eo1le (that the" would 1rotest a.ainst this /han.e), So he added 0i-e /ubits o0 area 0rom the side o0 Hatim to it that there a11eared (the old) 0oundation (u1on whi/h Hadrat Ibrahim had built the >a:ba), and the 1eo1le saw that and it was u1on this 0oundation that the wall was raised, The o0 the >a:ba was ei.hteen /ubits, when addition was made to it (whi/h was in its breadth)2 then naturall" the a11ears to be) small (as /om1ared with its breadth), Then addition o0 ten /ubits (o0 area) was made in its (also), Two doors were also /onstru/ted2 one o0 whi/h (was meant) 0or entran/e and the other one 0or e5it, ?hen Ibn Gubair (Allah be 1leased with him) was 6illed2 Hajjaj wrote to :Abd al-Mali6 (b, Marwan) in0ormin. him about it2 and tellin. him that Ibn Gubair (Allah be 1leased with him) had built (the >a:ba) on those -er" 0oundations (whi/h were laid b" Ibrahim) and whi/h reliable 1ersons amon. the Me//ans had seen, :Abd al-Mali6 wrote to him: ?e are not /on/erned with the /ensurin. o0 Ibn Gubair in an"thin., >ee1 inta/t the addition made b" him in the side o0 len.th2 and whate-er he has added 0rem the side o0 Hijr re-ert to (its 1re-ious) 0oundation2 and wall u1 the door whi/h he had o1ened, Thus Hajjaj at the /ommand o0 Abd al-Mali6) demolished it (that 1ortion) and rebuilt it on (its 1re-ious) 0oundations,


%2 !umber 4 #*:

Abdullah b, :Ubaid re1orted that Harith b, :Abdullah led a de1utation to :Abd al-Mali6 b, Marwan durin. his /ali1hate, :Abd al-Mali6 said: I do riot thin6 that Abu >hubaib (i, e, Ibn Gabair) had heard 0rom :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) (about the intended wish o0 the Hol" @ro1het Nma" 1ea/e be u1on him) In re.ard to the alteration o0 the >a:ba), Harith said: Kes2 I m"sel0 did hear 0rom her, He (:Abd al-Mali6) said: ?ell2 tell me what "ou heard 0rom her, He stated that she (Hadrat :A:isha) had said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) remar6ed: <eril" "our 1eo1le ha-e redu/ed (the area) o0 the House 0rom its (ori.inal 0oundations2 and i0 the" had not re/entl" abandoned 1ol"theism (and embra/ed Islam) I would ha-e re-ersed it to (those 0oundations) whi/h the" had le0t out o0 it, nd i0 "our 1eo1le would ta6e initiati-e a0ter me in rebuildin. it2 then /ome alon. with me so that I should show "ou what the" ha-e le0t out o0 it, He showed her about 0i0teen /ubits o0 area 0rom
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the side o0 Hatim (that the" had se1arated), This is the narration transmitted b" :Abdullah b, Ubaid, ?alid b, :Ata: has2 howe-er2 made this addition to it:C Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I would ha-e made two doors on the le-el o0 the .round (0a/in.) the east and the west, 9o "ou 6now wh" "our 1eo1le raised the le-el o0 its door (i, e, the door o0 the >a:ba)D She said: !o, He said: (The" did it) out o0 -anit" so that (the" be in a 1osition) to .rant admittan/e to him onl" whom the" wished, ?hen a 1erson intended to .et into it2 the" let him /limb (the stairs)2 and as he was about to enter2 the" 1ushed him and he 0ell down,C :Abd al-Mali6 said to HarithB 9id "ou "oursel0 hear her sa"in. thisD He said: Kes, He (Harith) said that he (:Abd al-Mali6) s/rat/hed the .round with his sta00 0or some time and then said: I wish I had le0t his (Ibn Gubair:s) wor6 there,


%2 !umber 4 #+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Furaij with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


%2 !umber 4 #):

Abu Ea8a:ah re1orted that while Abd al-Mali6 b, Marwan was /ir/umambulatin. the >a:ba he said: Ma" Allah ruin Ibn Gubair that he lies in attributin. to the Mother o0 the =aith0ul2 as he sa"s: I heard her statin. that Allah:s (ma":1ea/e be u1on him) had said: :A:isha2 i0 "our 1eo1le had not been new /on-erts to Islam2 I would ha-e demolished the House and would ha-e added (in it area) 0rom the Hijr 0or "our 1eo1le ha-e redu/ed the area 0rom its 0oundations, Harith b, :Abdullah b, Abu Aabi:a (Allah be 1leased with him) said: 'ommander o0 the =aith0ul2 don:t sa" that2 0or I heard the Mother o0 the =aith0ul sa"in. this2 whereu1on he said: I0 I had heard this be0ore demolishin. it2 I would ha-e le0t it in the state in whi/h Ibn Gabair had built it,

'ha1ter )#: The wall o0 the >a:ba and its door

7oo6 %2 !umber 4 #%:
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: I as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about the wall2 /ir/um1assin. the House (i, e, whether the wall on the side o0 Hijr was in/luded in the >a:ba), He said2 Kes, I said: Then wh" did the" not in/lude it in the HouseD He said: :Kour 1eo1le ran short o0 the means (to do so), I said: ?h" is it that the le-el o0 its door is raised hi.hD He said: Kour 1eo1le did it so that the" should admit one whom the" li6ed2 and 0orbid him whom the" disli6ed2 and i0 "our 1eo1le were not new /on-erts to 0aith2 and I did not a11rehend that their hearts would 0eel a.itated at this, I would ha-e de0initel" in/luded (the area o0) this wall-in the House and would ha-e the door to the le-el o0 the .round,

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%2 !umber 4 ##:

:A:isha re1orted: I as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about Hijr2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same, I also said: ?h" is it that the door has been made on a hi.her le-el2 and one /annot (.et into it) but with the hel1 o0 a ladderD The rest o0 the hadith is the same as re1orted abo-e and the /on/ludin. words are: (I do not /han.e it) out o0 the a11rehension that their hearts ma" disa11ro-e o0 it,C

'ha1ter );: 3ne ma" 1er0orm Hajj on behal0 o0 the maimed the old and the de/eased
7oo6 %2 !umber 4 #;:
:Abdullah b, :Abbas re1orted that while al-=adl b, Abbas had been ridin. behind Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a women o0 the tribe o0 >hath:am /ame to him (to the Hol" @ro11et) as6in. 0or a reli.ious -erdi/t, =adl loo6ed at her and she loo6ed at him, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) turned the 0a/e o0 al-=adl to the other side, She said: o0 Allah2 there is an obli.ation 0rom Allah u1on His ser-ants in re.ard to Hajj, (7ut) m" 0ather is an a.ed manB he is in/a1able o0 ridin. sa0el", Ma" I 1er0orm Hajj on his behal0D He said: Kes, It was durin. the =arewell @il.rima.e,


%2 !umber 4 ; :

=adl re1orted that a woman o0 7anu >hath:am said: o0 Allah2 m" 0ather is -er" old, There is an old obli.ation o0 Hajj u1on him 0rom Allah2 but he is not /a1able o0 sittin. on the ba/6 o0 the /amel, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: @er0orm Hajj on his behal0,

'ha1ter % : The -alidit" o0 the Hajj 1er0ormed b" a bo" and reward 0or one who enables him to 1er0orm it (b" a//om1an"in. him and bearin. e51enses 0or him)
7oo6 %2 !umber 4 ;$:
Ibn Abbas re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) met some riders at al-Aauha and as6ed who the" were, The" re1lied that the" were Muslims, The" said: ?ho art thouD He said: (I am)
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Messen.e0 o0 Allah, A woman (then) li0ted u1 a bo" to him and said: ?ould this /hild be /redited with ha-in. 1er0ormed the HajjD Thereu1on he said: Kes2 and "ou will ha-e a reward,


%2 !umber 4 ;2:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: A woman li0ted u1 her /hild and said: o0 Allah2 would the /hild be /redited with ha-in. 1er0ormed the HajjD Thereu1on he said: Kes2 and there would be a reward 0or "ou,


%2 !umber 4 ;4:

>araib re1orted: A woman li0ted a /hild and said: o0 Allah2 would he be /redited with HajjD He said: Kes, and 0or "ou there would be a reward,


%2 !umber 4 ;*:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter %$: @er0orman/e o0 Hajj is obli.ator" onl" on/e in li0e

7oo6 %2 !umber 4 ;+:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) addressed us and said: 3 1eo1le2 Allah has made Hajj obli.ator" 0or "ouB so 1er0orm Hajj, Thereu1on a 1erson said: o0 Allah2 (is it to be 1er0ormed) e-er" "earD He (the Hol" @ro1het) 6e1t quiet2 and he re1eated (these words) thri/e2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 I were to sa"C Kes2C it would be/ome obli.ator" (0or "ou to 1er0orm it e-er" "ear) and "ou would not be able to do it, Then he said: Lea-e me with what I ha-e le0t to "ou2 0or those who were be0ore "ou were desro"ed be/ause o0 e5/essi-e questionin.2 and their o11osition to their a1ostles, So when I /ommand "ou to do an"thin.2 do it as mu/h as it lies in "our 1ower and when I 0orbid "ou to do an"thin.2 then abandon it,

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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

'ha1ter %2: Tra-ellin. o0 a woman with her mahram 0or Hajj2 et/,
7oo6 %2 !umber 4 ;):
Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A woman should not set out on three (da"s: journe") e5/e1t when she has a Mahram with her,


%2 !umber 4 ;%:

This hadith has been narrated on the same authorit" b" Ubaidullah, And in the narration o0 Abu 7a6r (the words are):C More than three (da"s),C Ibn !umair narrated on the authorit" o0 his 0ather2 (and the words are):C Three (da"s) e5/e1t (when) she has a Mahram with her,C


%2 !umber 4 ;#:

:Abdullah b, Umar (Allah -be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is not law0ul 0or a woman who belie-es in Allah and the Herea0ter to tra-el 0or more than three ni.hts journe" e5/e1t when there is a Mahram with her,


%2 !umber 4 ;;:

Ea8a:ah re1orted: I heard a hadith 0rom Abu Sa:id (Allah be 1leased with him) and it im1ressed me (-er" mu/h)2 so I said to him: 9id "ou hear it ("oursel0) 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D Thereu1on he said: ('an) I s1ea6 o0 an"thin. about Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whi/h I did not bearD He said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: 9o not set out on a journe" (0or reli.ious de-otion) but 0or the three mosques-0or this mosque o0 mine (at Medina) the Sa/red Mosque (at Me//a)2 and the Mosque al-Aqsa (7ait al-Maqdis)2 and I heard him sa"in. also: A woman should not tra-el 0or two da"s duration2 but onl" when there is a Mahram with her or her husband,


%2 !umber 4$

Ea8a:ah re1orted: I heard Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) sa"in.: I heard 0our thin.s 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whi/h im1ressed me and /a1ti-ated me (and one out o0 these is this)2 that he 0orbade a woman to underta6e journe" e5tendin. o-er two da"s but with her husband2 or with a MahramB and he then narrated the rest o0 the hadith,

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%2 !umber 4$ $:

Abu Sa:id (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A woman should not set out on three (da"s:) journe"2 but in the /om1an" o0 a Mahram,


%2 !umber 4$ 2:

Abu Sa:id >hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A woman should not set out on a journe" e5tendin. be"ond three ni.hts but with a Mahram,


%2 !umber 4$ 4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Eatada with the same /hain o0 transmitters and he said:C More than three (da"s) e5/e1t in the /om1an" o0 a Mahram,C


%2 !umber 4$ *:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is not law0ul 0or a Muslim woman to tra-el a journe" e5/e1t when there is a Mahram with her,


%2 !umber 4$ +:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is not law0ul 0or a woman who belie-es in Allah and the Herea0ter to underta6e a da":s journe" e5/e1t in the /om1an" o0 a Mahram,


%2 !umber 4$ ):

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is not law0ul 0or a woman belie-in. in Allah and the Herea0ter to underta6e journe" e5tendin. o-er a da" and a e5/e1t when there is a Mahram with her,


%2 !umber 4$ %:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is not law0ul 0or a woman to underta6e three (da"s2 ) journe" e5/e1t when there is a Mahram with her,

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%2 !umber 4$ #:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is not law0ul 0or a woman belie-in. in Allah and the Herea0ter to underta6e journe" e5tendin. o-er three da"s or more2 e5/e1t when she is in the /om1an" o0 her 0ather2 or her son2 or her husband2 or her brother2 or an" other Mahram,


%2 !umber 4$ ;:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


%2 !umber 4$$ :

Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) deli-erin. a sermon and ma6in. this obser-ation:C !o 1erson should be alone with a woman e5/e1t when there is a Mahram with her2 and the woman should not underta6e journe" e5/e1t with a Mahram,C A 1erson stood u1 and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 m" wi0e has set out 0or 1il.rima.e2 whereas I am enlisted to in su/h and su/h battle2 whereu1on he said:C Kou .o and 1er0orm Hajj with "our wi0e,C


%2 !umber 4$$$:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" :Amr on the authorit" o0 the same /hain o0 transmitters,


%2 !umber 4$$2:

Ibn Furaij narrated this hadith with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but he made no mention o0 it:C !o 1erson should be alone with a woman e5/e1t when there is a Mahram with her,C

'ha1ter %4: ?hat is to be uttered when one sets out 0or Hajj or an" other journe"
7oo6 %2 !umber 4$$4:
Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that whene-er Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) mounted his /amel while settin. out on a journe"2 he .lori0ied Allah (uttered Allah-o-A6bar) thri/e2 and then said: Hallowed is He ?ho subdued 0or us this (ride) and we were not oursel-es 1ower0ul enou.h to use It as a ride2 and we are .oin. to return to our Lord, 3 Allah2 we see6 -irtue and 1iet" 0rom Thee in this journe" o0 ours and the a/t whi/h 1leaseth Thee, 3 Allah2 li.hten this journe" o0 ours2 and ma6e its distan/e eas" 0or us, 3 Allah2 Thou art (our) /om1anion durin. the
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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

journe"2 and .uardian o0 (our) 0amil", 3 Allah2 I see6 re0u.e with Thee 0rom hardshi1s o0 the journe"2 .loominess o0 the si.hts2 and 0indin. o0 e-il / in 1ro1ert" and 0amil" on return, And he (the Hol" @ro1het) uttered (these words)2 and made this addition to them: ?e are returnin.2 re1entant2 worshi11in. our Lord, and 1raisin. Him,


%2 !umber 4$$*:

Abdullah b, Sarjis (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) set 0orth on a journe"2 he re0u.e (with Allah) 0rom the hardshi1s o0 the tra-ellin.2 and 0indin. o0 e-il / on return2 and dis.ra/e a0ter honour2 and the /urse o0 the o11ressed and a .loom" sad s/ene in 0amil" and 1ro1ert",


%2 !umber 4$$+:

A hadlth li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Asim ?ith the same /hain o0 transmitters e5/e1t (this di00eren/e) that the hadith transmitted b" :Abd al-?ahid (one o0 the narrators) the (word)C 1ro1ert"C 1re/edes the 0amil"2 and in the hadith transmitted b" Mahammad b, >ha8im (the word)C 0amil"C 1re/edes (thewordC @ro1ert"C )2 on returnin. home2 in the narrations o0 both the narrators (these words are 0ound):C 3 Allah I see6 re0u.e with Thee 0rom the hardshi1s o0 the journe",C

'ha1ter %*: ?hat is to be re/ited on return 0rom the journe" o0 Hajj or an" other journe"
7oo6 %2 !umber 4$$):
Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted that whene-er Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame ba/6 0rom the battle or 0rom e51editions or 0rom Hajj or Umra and as he rea/hed the to1 o0 the hillo/6 or u1on the ele-ated hard .round2 he uttered Allah-o- A6bar thri/e2 and then said: There is no .od but Allah, He is 3ne2 there is no 1artner with Him2 His is the so-erei.nt" and His is the 1raise and He is @otent o-er e-er"thin., (?e are) returnin.2 re1entin.2 worshi11in.2 1rostratin. be0ore our Lord2 and we 1raise Him Allah 0ul0illed His 1romise and hel1ed His ser-ant2 and routed the /on0ederates alone,


%2 !umber 4$$%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters (but with one alteration) that here Allah-o-A6bar is mentioned twi/e,

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%2 !umber 4$$#:

Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: I and Abu Talha (both) /ame ba/6 alon. with Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Sa0i""ah (the wi0e o0 the Hol" @ro1het) rode behind him on his /amel and as we /ame to the out- s6irts o0 Medina he said: (?e are those) who return2 who re1ent2 who worshi1 our Lord2 who 1raise (Him)2 and he went on utterin. this until we entered Medina,


%2 !umber 4$$;:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased with him) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter %+: Sta"in. at 9hu:l-Hulai0a and obser-in. o0 1ra"er there2 while returnin. 0rom Hajj or :Umra
7oo6 %2 !umber 4$2 :
Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made (his /amel) 6neel down (i2 e, halt at the ston" .round o0 9hu:l-Hulai0a) and 1ra"ed there2 and so did Abdullah b, Umar (Allah be 1leased with them),


%2 !umber 4$2$:

!a0i: re1orted that :Abdullah b, Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) used to halt his /amel in the ston" .round at 9hu:l-Hulai0a2 where Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to ma6e a halt (and 1ra"),


%2 !umber 4$22:

!a0i: re1orted that when :Abdullah b, :Umar returned 0rom Hajj or :Umra he made his /amel 6neel down (i, e, halted) in the ston" .round o0 9hu:l-Hulai0a where Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had made his /amel halt,


%2 !umber 4$24:

Salim (b, Abdullah b, :Umar) re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (Allah be 1leased with them) that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was -isited b" (someone2 i, e, an an.el) durin. the 0a. end o0 the at 9hu:l-Hulai0a2 and it was said to him: <eril" it is a blessed ston"-.round,
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%2 !umber 4$2*:

Salim b, Abdullah b, Umar re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (Allah be 1leased with them) that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to 9hu:l- Hulai0a in the heart o0 the -alle" at the 0a. end o0 the ni.ht2 and it was said to him: It is a blessed ston" .round, Musa (one o0 the narrators) said: Salim made his /ame) halt at the mosque where :Abdullah made his /amel halt as see6in. the 1la/e o0 sta" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), It is2 in 0a/t2 situated at a lower 1lain than the mosque2 whi/h stands in the heart o0 the -alle"2 and it is between it (the mosque) (and Eibla) that that 1la/e (where Allah:s A1ostle used to .et down 0or rest and 1ra"er) is situated,

'ha1ter %): !o 1ol"theist is authorised to 1er0orm 1il.rima.e o0 the >a:ba and /ir/umambulate the house na6ed and the des/ri1tion o0 the .reat Hajj
7oo6 %2 !umber 4$2+:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: Abu 7a6r Siddiq (Allah be 1leased with him) sent me durin. Hajj be0ore the =arewell @il.rima.e 0or whi/h Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had a11ointed him an Amir2 amon. a .rou1 o0 1eo1le whom he had ordered to ma6e announ/ement to the 1eo1le on the 9a" o0 !ahr:C A0ter this "ear no 1ol"theist ma" 1er0orm the @il.rima.e and no na6ed 1erson ma" /ir/umambulate the House,C Ibn Shihab stated that Humaid b, Abd alAahman said that a//ordin. to this narration o0 Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) the da" o0 Hajj al-A6bar (Hreat Hajj) is this 9a" o0 !ahr ($ th o0 9hu:l-Hijja),

'ha1ter %%: The merit o0 Hajj and Umra and the da" o0 :Ara0a (the ;th o0 9hu:l-Hijja)
7oo6 %2 !umber 4$2):
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is no da" when Hod sets 0ree more ser-ants 0rom Hell than the 9a" o0 :Ara0a, He draws near2 then 1raises them to the an.els2 sa"in.: ?hat do these wantD

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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 4$2%:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: An Umra is an e51iation 0or the sins /ommitted between it and the ne5t2 and Hajj whi/h is a//e1ted will re/ei-e no other reward than @aradise,


%2 !umber 4$2#:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


%2 !umber 4$2;:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in., He who /ame to this House (>a:ba) (with the intention o0 1er0ormin. @il.rima.e)2 and neither s1o6e inde/entl" nor did he a/t wi/6edl", would return (0ree 0rom sin) as on the (-er" 0irst da") his mother bore him,


%2 !umber 4$4 :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Mainsur with the same /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are):C He who 1er0ormed @il.rima.e but neither s1o6e inde/entl" nor a/ted wi/6edl",C


%2 !umber 4$4$:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him),

'ha1ter %#: (n/am1in. o0 1il.rims in Me//a and inheritin. o0 (the 1ro1ert" o0 their an/estors)
7oo6 %2 !umber 4$42:
Usama b, Gaid b, Haritha (Allah be 1leased with him) said to Alla:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): ?ill "ou sta" in "our house at Me//a (whi/h "ou abandoned at the time o0 mi.ration)D Thereu1on he said: Has :Aqil le0t 0or as an" land or houseD And :Aqil and Talib be/ame the Inheritors o0 Abu Talib:s (1ro1ert")2 and neither Fa:0ar nor :Ali inherited an"thin. 0rom him2 0or both (Fa:0ar and :Ali) were Muslims whereas :Aqil and Talib were non-Muslims,

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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 4$44:

Usama b, Gaid (Allah be 1leased with him) said: Allah:s Messen.er2 Hod willin.2 where will "ou sta" tomorrowD And it was at the time o0 the 'onquest (o0 Me//a), Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Has :Aqil le0t an" a//ommodation 0or usD

'ha1ter %;: The muhajir is 1ermitted to sta" 0or three da"s in me//a a0ter Hajj and Umra and not more than this
7oo6 %2 !umber 4$4*:
Al-:Ali: b, al-Hadrami re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on as sa"in.: =or a Mahijir2 it is onl" three (da"s:) sta" at Me//a2 a0ter /om1letin. (the Hajj or :Umra) that is allowed2 and it seemed as i0 he was sa"in. that he should not (sta") be"ond this (1eriod),


%2 !umber 4$4+:

Al-:Ali2 : b, al-Hadrami re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Muhijir should sta" at Me//a a0ter 1er0ormin. the rituals (o0 Hajj) but 0or three (da"s) onl",


%2 !umber 4$4):

Al-:Ala: b, al-Hadrami re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is onl" 0or three ni.hts that a Muhajir should sta" at Me//a a0ter the /om1letion o0 the rituals o0 Hajj,


%2 !umber 4$4%:

Al-C Ala: b, al-Hadrami re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The sta" at Me//a a0ter the /om1letion o0 his rituals (o0 Hajj) is onl" 0or three da"s,


%2 !umber 4$4#:

Ibn Furaij narrated this hadith with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

'ha1ter # : The sa/red territor" o0 Me//a and its in-iolabilit" and the 1rohibition to do huntin. in it and its suburbs2 and 0ellin. down o0 its trees and /uttin. its .rass
7oo6 %2 !umber 4$4;:
Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. on the 9a" o0 <i/tor" o-er Me//a: There is no Hijra (emi.ration) but onl" Fihad and .ood intentionB and when "ou are /alled to battle2 then .o 0orth, He also said on the 9a" o0 <i/tor" o-er Me//a: Allah made this town sa/red on the da" He /reated the earth and the hea-ensB so it is -sa/red b" the sa/red- ness /on0erred on it b" Allah until the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion and 0i.htin. in it was not law0ul to an"one be0ore me2 and it was made law0ul 0or me onl" durin. an hour on one da"2 0or it is sa/red b" the sa/redness /on0erred on it b" Allah until the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion, Its thorns are not to be /ut2 its .ame is not to be molested2 and the thin.s dro11ed are to be 1i/6ed u1 onl" b" one who ma6es a 1ubli/ announ/ement o0 it2 and its 0resh herba.e is not to be /ut, Abbas (Allah be 1leased with him) said: o0 Allah2 e5/e1tion ma" be made in /ase o0 rush2 0or it is use0ul 0or their bla/6smiths and 0or their houses, He (the Hol" @ro1het) /on/edin. the su..estion o0 :Abbas) said: (5/e1t rush,


%2 !umber 4$* :

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Mansur2 but he did not mention:C 3n that -er" da" He /reated the hea-ens and the earth2C and he (the narrator) substituted the wordC 0i.htin.C (qital) 0orC 6illin.C (qatl)2 and 0urther said:C !o one is to 1i/6 u1 the dro11ed thin. e5/e1t one who ma6es a 1ubli/ announ/ement o0 it,C


%2 !umber 4$*$:

Abu Shuraih al-:Adawi re1orted that he said to Amr b, Sa:id when he was sendin. troo1s to Me//a: Let me tell "ou somethin., 3 'ommander2 whi/h Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said on the da" 0ollowin.2 the 'onquest whi/h m" ears heard and m" heart has retained2 and m" e"es saw as he s1o6e it, He 1raised Allah and e5tolled Him and then said: Allah2 not men2 has made Me//a sa/redB so it is not 1ermissible 0or an" 1erson belie-in. in Allah and the Last 9a" to shed blood in it2 or lo1 a tree in it, I0 an"one see6s a /on/ession on the basis o0 0i.htin. o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 tell him that Allah 1ermitted His Messen.er2 but not "ou2 and He .a-e him 1ermission onl" 0or an hour on one da"2 and its sa/redness was restored on the -er" da" li6e that o0 "es%#$ & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

terda", Let him who is 1resent /on-e" the in0ormation to him who is absent, It was said to Abu Shuraih: ?hat did Amr sa" to "ouD He said: I am better in0ormed o0 that than "ou2 Abu Shuraih2 but the sa/red territor" does not .rant 1rote/tion to one who is disobedient2 or one who runs awa" a0ter sheddin. blood2 or one who runs awa" a0ter /ommittin.


%2 !umber 4$*2:

Abu Huraira2 (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted, ?hen Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 .ranted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -i/tor" o-er Me//a2 he stood be0ore 1eo1le and 1raised and e5tolled Allah and then said: <eril" Allah held ba/6 the ele1hants 0rom Me//a and .a-e the domination o0 it to His and belie-ers2 and it (this territor") was not -iolable to an"one be0ore me and it was made -iolable to me 0or an hour o0 a da"2 and it shall not be -iolable to an"one a0ter me, So neither molest the .ame2 nor weed out thorns 0rom it, And it is not law0ul 0or an"one to 1i/6 u1 a thin. dro11ed but one who ma6es 1ubli/ announ/ement o0 it, And it a relati-e o0 an"one is 6illed he is entitled to o1t 0or one o0 two thin.s, (ither he should be 1aid blood-mone" or he /an ta6e li0e as (a just retribution), :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with him) said: Allah:s Messen.er2 but Idh6hir (a 6ind o0 herba.e)2 0or we use it 0or our .ra-es and 0or our houses2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ith the e5/e1tion o0 Idh6hir, A 1erson 6nown as Abu Shah2 one o0 the 1eo1le o0 Kemen2 stood u1 and said: o0 Allah2 (6indl") write it 0or me, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said I ?rite it 0or Abu Shah, ?alid said: I as6ed al-Au8ai:: ?hat did his sa"in. mean:C ?rite it 0or me2 o0 AllahCD He said: This -er" address that he had heard 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


%2 !umber 4$*4:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: The 1eo1le o0 the >hu8a:ah tribe 6illed a man o0 the tribe o0 Laith in the Kear o0 <i/tor" as a retaliation 0or one whom the" had 6illed (whom the 1eo1le o0 the tribe o0 Laith had 6illed), It was re1orted to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He mounted his /amel and deli-ered this address: <eril" Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 held ba/6 the (le- 1hants 0rom Me//a2 and .a-e its domination to His and belie-ers, 7ehold2 it was not -iolable 0or an"one be0ore me and it will not be -iolable 0or an"one a0ter me, 7ehold2 it was made -iolable 0or me 0or an hour o0 a da"B and at this -er" hour it has a.ain been made in-iolable (0or me as well as 0or others), So its thorns are not to be /ut2 its trees are not to be lo11ed2 and (no one is allowed to) 1i/6 u1 a thin. dro11ed2 but the one who ma6es an announ/ement o0 it, And one whose 0ellow is 6illed is allowed to o1t between two alternati-es: either he should re/ei-e blood-mone" or .et the li0e o0 the (murderer) in return, He (the narrator said): A 1erson 0rom the Kemen2 who was /alled Abu Shah2 /ame to him and said: o0 Allah2 write it down 0or me2 whereu1on he (Allah:s said: ?rite it down 0or Abu Shah, 3ne o0 the 1ersons 0rom amon. the Euraish also said: (5/e1t Idh6hir2 0or we use it in our houses ant our .ra-es, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (5/e1t Idh6hir,
%#2 & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 4$**:

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: I heard Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": It is not 1ermissible 0or an" one o0 "ou to /arr" wea1ons in Me//a,

'ha1ter #$: It is 1ermissible to enter Me//a without ihram

7oo6 %2 !umber 4$*+:
Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered Me//a in the Kear o0 <i/tor" with a helmet on his headB and when he too6 it o002 a man /ame to him and said: Ibn >hatal is on to the /urtains o0 the >a:ba2 whereu1on he said: >ill him, Mali6 (one o0 the narrators) attested this statement ha-in. been made,


%2 !umber 4$*):

Fabir b, :Abdullah al-Ansari (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered Me//a and Eutaiba (another narrator) stated that he entered Me//a in the Kear o0 <i/tor"2 wearin. a bla/6 turban2 but not wearin. the Ihram,


%2 !umber 4$*%:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered on the da" o0 <i/tor" o0 Me//a wearin. a bla/6 turban on his head, and she said: In /ase Allah /ures me I will /ertainl" .o and obser-e 1ra"er in 7ait al-Maqdis, She re/o-ered and so she made 1re1arations to .o out (to that 1la/e), She /ame to Maimuna, the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), and a0ter .reetin. her she in0ormed her about it2 whereu1on she said: Sta" here, and eat the 1ro-ision (whi/h "ou had made) and obser-e 1ra"er In the mosque o0 the (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), 0or I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": @ra"er in it is better than a thousand 1ra"ers obser-ed in other mosques e5/e1t the mosque o0 the >a:ba,


%2 !umber 4$*#:

Amr b, Huraith re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) addressed the 1eo1le (on the da" o0 the <i/tor" o0 Me//a) with a bla/6 turban on his head,

%#4 & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 4$*;:

Fa:0ar b, :Amr b, Huraith re1orted his 0ather as sa"in.: As i0 I am seein. Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the 1ul1it with a bla/6 turban on his head2 and its two ends between his shoulders, Abu 7a6r (another narrator) did not ma6e mention o0:C U1on the 1ul1itC,

'ha1ter #2: (minen/e o0 Medina, Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) showered blessin.s u1on it2 its sa/redness2 and unlaw0ulness o0 huntin. and lo11in. o0 trees and demar/ation its 1re/in/ts
7oo6 %2 !umber 4$+ :
:Abdullah b, Gaid b, :Asim (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: <eril" Ibrahim de/lared Me//a sa/red and su11li/ated (0or blessin.s to be showered) u1on its inhabitants2 and I de/lare Medina to be sa/red as lbrahim had de/lared Me//a to be sa/red, I ha-e su11li/ated (Allah 0or His blessin.s to be showered) in its sa: and its mudd (two standards o0 and measurement) twi/e as did Ibrahim 0or the inhabitants o0 Me//a, This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters with a -aria- tion o0 words,


%2 !umber 4$+$:

Aa0i: b, >hadij re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Ibrahim de/lared Me//a as sa/red and I de/lare sa/red the area between its two ston" .rounds (la-a lands b" whi/h he meant Medina),


%2 !umber 4$+2:

!a0i: b, Fubair re1orted that Marwan b, al-Ha6am (Allah be 1leased with him) addressed 1eo1le and made mention o0 Me//a and its inhabitants and its sa/redness2 but he made no mention o0 Medina2 its inhabitants and its sa/redness, Aa0i: b, >hadij /alled to him and said: ?hat is this that I hear "ou ma6in. mention o0 Me//a and its inhabitants and its sa/redness2 but "ou did not ma6e mention o0 Medina and its inhabitants and its sa/redness2 while the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has also de/lared sa/red (the area) between its two la-a lands (Medina)D And (we ha-e re/ord o0 this) with us written on >haulani 1ar/hment, I0 "ou li6e2 I /an read it out to "ou, Thereu1on Marwan be/ame silent2 and then Said: I too ha-e heard some 1art o0 it,

%#* & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 4$+4:

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Ibrahim de/lared Me//a as sa/redB I de/lare Medina2 that between the two mountains2 as in-iolable, !o tree should be lo11ed and no .ame is to be molested,


%2 !umber 4$+*:

Amir b, Sa:d re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (Allah be 1leased with him) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I ha-e de/lared sa/red the territor" between the two la-a 1lains o0 Medina2 so its trees should not be /ut down2 or its .ame 6illedB and he also said: Medina is best 0or them i0 the" 6new, !o one lea-es it throu.h disli6e o0 it without Allah 1uttin. in it someone better than he in 1la/e o0 himB and no one will sta" there in s1ite o0 its hardshi1s and distress without m" bein. an inter/essor or witness on behal0 o0 him on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,


%2 !umber 4$++:

:Amir b, Sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (Allah be 1leased with him) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said2 and then the (abo-e-mentioned) hadith was narrated with this addition:C !one should nurse ill-will towards the 1eo1le o0 Medina2 or Allah will melt him in 0ire li6e the meltin. o0 lead or the dissolution o0 salt in water,


%2 !umber 4$+):

:Amir b, Sa:d re1orted that Sa:d rode to his /astle in al-:Aqiq and 0ound a sla-e /uttin. down the trees2 or beatin. o00 their lea-es2 so he stri11ed him o00 his, ?hen Sa:d returned2 there /ame to him the masters o0 the sla-e and ne.otiated with him as6in. him to return to their sla-e or to them what he had ta6en 0rom their sla-e2 whereu1on he said: Hod 0orbid that I should return an"thin. whi/h Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has .i-en me as s1oil2 and re0used to return an"thin. to them,


%2 !umber 4$+%:

Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to Abu Talha (Allah be 1leased with him): =ind 0or me a ser-ant 0rom "our bo"s to ser-e me, Abu Talha went out alon. with me and made me sit behind him, And I used to ser-e Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whene-er he .ot down 0rom the /amel, And in one hadith he said: He 1ro/eeded and when (the mountain o0) Uhud was within si.ht2 he said: This is the mountain whi/h lo-es us and we lo-e it, And as he /ame /lose to Medina he said: 3 Allah2 I de/lare (the area) between the two mountains o0 it (Medina) sa/red just as Ibrahim de/lared Me//a as sa/red, 3 Allah2 bless them (the 1eo1le o0 Medina) in their mudd and sa:,
%#+ & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 4$+#:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted a hadith li6e this 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) e5/e1t with this -ariation that he said:C I de/lare sa/red the area between its two la-a mountains,C


%2 !umber 4$+;:

:Asim re1orted: I as6ed Anas b, Mali6 whether Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had de/lared Medina as sa/red, He said: Kes, (the area) between so and so, He who made an" inno-ation in it2 and 0urther said to me: It is somethin. serious to ma6e an" inno-ation in it (and he who does it) there is u1on him the /urse o0 Allah2 and that o0 the an.els and o0 all the 1eo1le2 Allah will not a//e1t 0rom him on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion either obli.ator" a/ts or the sur1erero.ator" a/ts, Ibn Anas said: 3r he a//ommodates an inno-ator,


%2 !umber 4$) :

:Asim re1orted: I as6ed Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) whether Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had de/lared Medina as sa/red, He said: Kes2 it is sa/red2 so its tree is not to be /utB and he who did that let the /urse o0 Allah and that o0 the an.els and o0 all 1eo1le be u1on him,


%2 !umber 4$)$:

Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah bless them in their measurements2 bless them in their sa:s and bless them in their mudd,


%2 !umber 4$)2:

Anas b, Mali6 (Allah he 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3 Allah2 in/rease in Medina twi/e the blessin.s (Thou showered) on Me//a,


%2 !umber 4$)4:

Ibrahim al-Taimi re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: :Ali b, Abi Talib (Allah be 1leased with him) addressed us and said: He who that we ha-e besides the Hol" Eur:an an"thin. else that we re/ite2 he told a lie, And this do/ument whi/h is b" the sheath o0 the sword /ontains but the o0 the /amels2 and the nature o0 the wounds, He (Hadrat :Ali) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Medina is sa/red 0rom :Air to ThaurB So i0 an"one ma6es an inno-ation or a//ommodates an inno-ator2 the /urse o0 Allah2 the an.els2 and all 1ersons will 0all u1on him2 and Allah will not a//e1t an" obli.ator" or su1erero.ator" a/t as re/om1ense 0rom them, And the 1rote/tion .ranted b" the Muslims is one and must be res1e/ted b" the humblest o0 them, I0 an"one
%#) & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

ma6es a 0alse /laim to 1aternit"2 or bein. a /lient o0 other than his own masters2 there is u1on him the /urse o0 Allah2 the an.els2 and all the 1eo1le, Allah will not a//e1t 0rom him an" re/om1ense in the 0orm o0 obli.ator" a/ts or su1erero.ator" a/ts, The hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu 7a6r and Gabair ends with (these words): The humblest amon. them should res1e/t itB and what 0ollows a0ter it is not mentioned there2 and in the hadith transmitted b" them (these words are) not 0ound: (The do/ument was on the sheath o0 his sword,


%2 !umber 4$)*:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters (but at the end) these words are added:C He who -iolated the /o-enant with a Muslim2 there is u1on him the /urse o0 Allah2 o0 an.els and o0 all 1eo1le, !either an obli.ator" a/t nor a su1erero.ator" a/t would be a//e1ted 0rom him as re/om1ense on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tionB and in the hadith transmitted b" two other narrators these words are not 0ound:C He who /laimed 0alse 1aternit",C And in the hadith transmitted b" ?a6i: there is no mention o0 the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,


%2 !umber 4$)+:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated with the same /hain o0 transmitters b" A:mash with a -ariation o0 words,


%2 !umber 4$)):

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Medina is a sa/red territor"2 so he who made an" inno-ation in it, or .a-e 1rote/tion to an inno-ator2 there is u1on him the /urse o0 Allah2 that o0 the an.els and that o0 all the 1eo1le, There would not be a//e1ted on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion either obli.ator" a/ts or su1erero.ator" a/ts 0rom him,


%2 !umber 4$)%:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but no mention has been made o0 the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion, 7ut this addition is made:C The 1rote/tion .ranted b" Muslims is one and must be res1e/ted b" the humblest o0 them, And he who bro6e the /o-enant made b" a Muslim2 there is a /urse o0 Allah2 o0 his an.els2 and o0 the whole 1eo1le u1on him2 and neither an obli.ator" a/t nor a su1erero.ator" a/t would be a//e1ted 0rom him as re/om1ense on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,C

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%2 !umber 4$)#:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: I0 I were to see deer .ra8in. in Medina2 I would ha-e ne-er molested them2 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has stated: There is between the two la-a mountains a sa/red territor",


%2 !umber 4$);:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) de/lared sa/red the territor" between two la-a mountains o0 Medina, Abu Huraira said: I0 I were to 0ind deer in the territor" between the two mountains2 I would not molest them2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) de/lared twel-e miles o0 suburb around Medina as a 1rohibited 1asture,


%2 !umber 4$% :

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that when the 1eo1le saw the 0irst 0ruit (o0 the season or o0 1lantation) the" it to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?hen he re/ei-ed it he said: 3 Allah2 bless us in our 0ruitsB and bless us in our /it"B and bless us in our sa:s and bless us in our mudd, 3 Allah2 Ibrahim was Th" ser-ant2 Th" 0riend2 and Th" a1ostleB and I am Th" ser-ant and Th" a1ostle, He (Ibrahim) made su11li/ation to Thee 0or (the showerin. o0 blessin.s u1on) Me//a2 and I am ma6in. su11li/ation to Thee 0or Medina just as he made su11li/ation to Thee 0or Me//a2 and the li6e o0 it in addition, He would then /all to him the "oun.est /hild and .i-e him these 0ruits,


%2 !umber 4$%$:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was .i-en the 0irst 0ruit and he said: 3 Allah2 shower blessin.s u1on us in our /it"2 and in our 0ruits2 in our mudd and in our sa:s2 blessin.s u1on blessin.s2 and he would then .i-e that to the "oun.est o0 the /hildren 1resent there,


%2 !umber 4$%2:

Abu Sa:id Maula al-Mahri re1orted that the" were hard 1ressed b" the distress and hardshi1 o0 Medina2 and he /ome to AbU Sa:Id al->hudri and said to him: I ha-e a lar.e 0amil" (to su11ort) and we are endurin. hardshi1sB I ha-e2 there0ore2 made u1 m" mind to ta6e m" 0amil" to some 0ertile land, Thereu1on Abu Sa:id said: 9on:t do that2 sti/6 to Medina2 0or we ha-e /ome out with Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and (I thin6 that he also said) until we rea/hed :Us0an2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het alon. with his 'om1anions) sta"ed there 0or some ni.hts, There the 1eo1le said: 7" Allah2 we are l"in. here idle2 whereas our /hildren are un1rote/ted behind us2 and we do not 0eel se/ure about them, This (a11rehension o0 theirs) rea/hed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on he said: ?hat is this matter /on/ernin. "ou that has rea/hed meD (I do not retain how
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he said it2 whether he said li6e this: ) 7" Him (in the name o0 ?hom) I ta6e oath2 (or he said li6e this: ) 7" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 I made u1 m" mind or i0 "ou li6e (I do not retain what word did he a/tuall" sa")2 I should /ommand m" /amel to 1ro/eed and not to let it halt until it /omes to Medina and then said: Ibrahim de/lared Me//a as the sa/red territor" and it be/ame sa/red2 and I de/lare Medina as the sa/red territor"-the area between the two mountains (:Air and Uhud), Thus no blood is to be shed within its (bounds) and no wea1on is to be /arried 0or 0i.htin.2 and the lea-es o0 the trees there should not be beaten o00 e5/e1t 0or 0odder, 3 Allah2 bless us in our /it"B 3 Allab2 bless us in our silB 3 Allah2 bless us in our muddB 3 Allah2 bless us in our saB 3 Allah2 bless us in our mudd, 3 Allah2 bless us in our /it", 3 Allah2 bless with this blessin. two more blessin.s, 7" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 there is no ra-ine or mountain 1ath o0 Medina whi/h is not 1rote/ted b" two an.els until "ou rea/h there, (He then said to the 1eo1le: ) @ro/eed2 and we2 there0ore2 1ro/eeded and we /ame to Medina 7" Him (in ?hose name) we ta6e oath and (in ?hose name) oath is ta6en (Hammad is in doubt about it)2 we had hardl" 1ut down our /amel saddles on arri-in. at Medina that we were atta/6ed b" the 1eo1le o0 the tribe o0 :Abdullah b, Hhata0an but none dared to do it be0ore,


%2 !umber 4$%4:

Abu Sa:id al->budri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3 Allah2 bless us in our sa: and mud and shower with its blessin.s two other blessin.s (multi1l" blessin.s showerted u1on it),


%2 !umber 4$%*:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Kab"a b, Abu >athir with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


%2 !umber 4$%+:

Abu Sa:id Maula al-Mahri re1orted that he /ame to Abu Sa:id al->hudri durin. the ni.hts (o0 the turmoil) o0 al-7arrah2 and his ad-i/e about lea-in. Medina2 and /om1lained o0 the hi.h 1ri/es 1re-ailin. therein and his lar.e 0amil"2 and in0ormed him that he /ould not stand the hardshi1s o0 Medina and its ru..ed surroundin., He said to him: ?oe to "ouB I will not ad-ise "ou to do it2 0or I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !o one will endure hardshi1s o0 Medina without m" bein. an inter/essor or a witness on his behal0 on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tiar)2 i0 he is a Muslim,


%2 !umber 4$%):

Abd al-Aahman re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather Abu Sa:id (Allah be 1leased with him) that he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I ha-e de/lared sa/red what is between the two la-a .rounds o0 Medina just as Ibrahim (1ea/e be u1on him) de/lared Me//a as sa%#; & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

/red, He (the narrator) then said: Abu Sa:id / hold o0 (Abu 7a6r2 another narrator2 used the wordC 0oundC ) a bird in his hand and then released it 0rom his hand and set it 0ree,


%2 !umber 4$%%:

Sahl b, Huni0 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ointed with his hands towards Medina and said: That is a sa/red territor" and a 1la/e o0 sa0et",


%2 !umber 4$%#:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: ?hen we /ame to Medina2 and it was an unhealth"2 un/o.enial 1la/e2 Abu 7a6r 0ell si/6 and 7ilal also 0ell si/6B and when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw the illness o0 his 'om1anions he said: 3 Allah2 ma6e Medina as /on.enial to us as "ou made Me//a /on.enial or more than thatB ma6e it /ondu/i-e to health2 and bleesus in its sa: and in its mudd2 and trans0er its 0e-er to al-juh0a,


%2 !umber 4$%;:

This hadith has been narrated b" Hisham b, :Urwa with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


%2 !umber 4$# :

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who 1atientl" endures the hardshi1s o0 it (o0 this /it" o0 Medina)2 I would be an inter/essor or a withness on his behal0 on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,


%2 !umber 4$#$:

Kuhannis2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Gubair2 narrated that when he was sittin. with Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) durin. the da"s o0 turmoil2 his 0reed sla-e-.irl /ame to him, A0ter salutin. him she said: Abu Abd al-Aahmin2 I ha-e de/ided to lea-e (Medina) 0or the time is hard 0or us2 whereu1on Abdullah said to her: Sta" here2 0oolish lad"2 0or I ha-e heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: =or one who shows enduran/e on the hardshi1s and ri.our o0 it (o0 Medina) I would be an inter/essor or a witness on his behal0 on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,


%2 !umber 4$#2:

Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who 1atientl" endured the hardshi1s and ri.ours o0 (this /it"2 i, e, Medina)2 I would be his witness and inter/essor on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 4$#4:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: =or one amon. m" Ummah who shows enduran/e a.ainst the hardshi1s and ri.ours o0 Medina2 I would be an inter/essor or a witness on his behal0 on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,


%2 !umber 4$#*:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


%2 !umber 4$#+:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !one who shows enduran/e on the hardshi1s o0 Medina2,,, (the rest o0 the hadith is the same),

'ha1ter #4: The se/urit" o0 Medina a.ainst 1la.ue and 9ajjal

7oo6 %2 !umber 4$#):
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There are at the a11roa/hes o0 Medina an.els so that 1la.ue and the 9ajjal shall not 1enetrate into it,


%2 !umber 4$#%:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9ajjal will /ome 0rom the eastern side with the intention o0 atta/6in. Medina until he will .et down behind Uhud, Then the an.els will turn his 0a/e towards S"ria and there he will 1erish,

%;$ & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

'ha1ter #*: Medina wi1es out e-il 0rom it and its other names are Tabba and Taiba
7oo6 %2 !umber 4$##:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A time will /ome 0or the 1eo1le (o0 Medina) when a man will in-ite his /ousin and an" other near relation: 'ome (and settle) at (a 1la/e) where li-in. is /hea12 /ome to where there is 1lent"2 but Medina will be better 0or themB would the" 6now itL 7" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 none them would .o out (o0 the /it") with a disli6e 0or it2 but Allah would ma6e his su//essor in it someone better than be, 7ehold, Medina is li6e 0urna/e whi/h eliminates 0rom it the im1urities, And the Last Hour will not /ome until Medina banishes its e-ils just as a 0urna/e eliminates the im1urities o0 iron,


%2 !umber 4$#;:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I ha-e been /ommanded (to mi.rate) to a town (Medina) whi/h would o-er1ower other towns, The" (the 1eo1le) /all it KathribB its /orre/t name is (in 0a/t) Medina, It eliminates (bad) 1eo1le just as a 0urna/e remo-es the allo" o0 iron,


%2 !umber 4$; :

This hadith has been narrated b" Kab"a b, Sa:id with the same /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are):C Fust as a 0uran/e remo-es im1urit"2C but no mention is made o0 iron,


%2 !umber 4$;$:

Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that a desert Arab swore alle.ian/e to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He su00ered 0ro8n a se-ere 0e-er in Medina (and) so he /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: Mubammad, /an/el m" oath o0 alle.ian/e2 but Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re0used it, He a.ain /ame and /aid: 'an/el m" oath o0 alle.ian/e, but he (the Hol" @ro1het) re0used it, He a.ain /ame to him and said: 'an/el m" oath o0 alle.ian/e2 but he re0used, The desert Arab2 howe-er2 went awa" (/an/ellin. the alle.ian/e himsel0) B thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Medina is li6e a 0urna/e whi/h dri-es awa" its im1urit" and 1uri0ies what is .ood,

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%2 !umber 4$;2:

Gaid b, Thabit re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is Taiba2 thereb" meanin. Medina, It dri-es awa" im1urit" just as 0ire remo-es the im1urit" o0 sil-er,


%2 !umber 4$;4:

Fabir b, Samura (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": Allah named Medina as Tabba,

'ha1ter #+: Allah will 1unish those who intend to do an" harm to the /iti8ens o0 Medina
7oo6 %2 !umber 4$;*:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Abu:I-Easim (Mubammad2 ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who intends to do harm to the 1eo1le o0 this /it" (that is2 Medina), Allah would e00a/e him as salt is dissol-ed in water,


%2 !umber 4$;+:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who intends to do harm to its 1eo1le (he meant Medina)2 Allah would e00a/e him as salt is dissol-ed in water, Ibn Hatim (one o0 the narrators) substituted the wordC harmC 0orC mis/hie0C,


%2 !umber 4$;):

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira b" another /hain o0 transmitters,


%2 !umber 4$;%:

Sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who intends to do harm to the 1eo1le o0 Medina2 Allah would e00a/e him just as water dissol-es salt,


%2 !umber 4$;#:

Sa:d b, Mali6 heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in. li6e this e5/e1t (this -ariation) that he said:C Sudden atta/6 or harm,C

%;4 & $#


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%2 !umber 4$;;:

Abu Huraira and Sa:d re1orted Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 3 Allah2 bless the 1eo1le o0 Medina in their mudd2 the rest o0 the hadith bein. the same2 and in It (this is also mentioned):C He wo intends to do harm to its 1eo1le2 Allah would e00a/e him just as salt it dissol-ed in water,C

'ha1ter #): (5hortation to sta" in Medina when the towns will be /onquered
7oo6 %2 !umber 42 :
Su0"an b, Abd Guhair re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: S"ria will be /onquered and some 1eo1le will .o out o0 Medina alon. with their 0amilies dri-in. their /amels, and Medina is better 0or them i0 the" were to 6now it, Then Kemen will be /onquered and some 1eo1le will .o out o0 Medina alon. with their 0amilies dri-in. their /amels2 and Medina is better 0or them i0 the" were to 6now it, Then Iraq will be /onquered and some 1eo1le will .o out o0 it alon. with their 0amilies dri-in. their /amels2 and Medina is better 0or them i0 the" were to 6now it,


%2 !umber 42 $:

Su0"an b, Abu Guhair heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": Kemen will be /onquered and some 1eo1le will .o awa" (to that /ountr") dri-in. their /amels and /arr"in. their 0amilies on them and those who are under their authorit"2 while Medina is better 0or them i0 the" were to 6now it, Then S"ria will be /onquered and some 1eo1le will .o awa" dri-in. their /amels alon. with them and /arr"in. their 0amilies with them and those who are under their authorit"2 while Medina is better 0or theni i0 the" were to 6now it, Thtn lraq will be /onquered and some 1eo1le will .o awa" (to that /ountr") dri-in. their /amels and /arr"in. their 0amilies with them and those who are under their authorit", while Medina is better 0or them i0 the" were to 6now it,

'ha1ter #%: ?hen 1eo1le will abandon Medina

7oo6 %2 !umber 42 2:
Salid b, Musa""ib heard Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) sa" that :Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said about Medina: Its inhabitants will abandon it2 whereas it is .ood 0or them and it will be/ome the haunt o0 beasts and birds, (Imam Muslim said that Abu Sa0wan2 one o0 the

%;* & $#


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narrators whose name was :Abdullah b, :Abd al-Mali62 was an or1han and I bn juraij too6 him under his /are 0or ten "ears,)


%2 !umber 42 4:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": The" (the residents o0) Medina will abandon Medina whereas it is .ood 0or them and it will be haunted b" beasts and birds2 and two she1herds will /ome out 0rom Mu8ainah intendin. (to .o) towards Medina and tendin. their herd2 and will 0ind nothin. but wilderness there until when the" will rea/h the mountain 1ath o0 ?ada2 the" will 0all down on their 0a/es,

'ha1ter ##: 7etween the .ra-e (o0 the hol" 1ro1het) and the 1ul1it there is a .arden 0rom the .ardens o0 @aradise
7oo6 %2 !umber 42 *:

AbduUah b, Gaid al-Ma8ini (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: That whi/h is between m" houseC and m" 1ul1it is a .arden 0rom the .ardens o0 @aradise,


%2 !umber 42 +:

Abdullah b, Gaid al-Ansari heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: That whi/h e5ists between m" 1ul1it and m" house is a .arden 0rom the .ardens o0 @aradise,


%2 !umber 42 ):

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: That whi/h e5ists between m" house and m" 1ul1it is a .arden 0rom the .ardens o0 @aradise2 and m" 1ul1it is u1on m" /istern,

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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

'ha1ter #;: Uhud is a mountain: It lo-es us and we lo-e it

7oo6 %2 !umber 42 %:
Abu Humaid (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?e went out alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the e51edition o0 Tabu62 and Humaid 0urther related: ?e 1ro/eeded until we rea/hed the -alle" o0 EuraB and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I am .oin. 0orth2 so he who amon. "ou wants to mo-e 0ast with me ma" do soB and he who li6es to .o slowl" ma" do so, ?e 1ro/eeded until Medina wa. within our, and he said: This is Tibba (another name o0 Medina) B this is Ubud2 the mountain whi/h lo-es us and we lo-e it,


%2 !umber 42 #:

Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 3hud is a mountain whi/h lo-es us and whi/h we lo-e, This hadith is narrated b" Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased with him) with another /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are):C AIlah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ast a .lan/e at Ubud and said: Ubud is a mountain whi/h lo-es us and we lo-e it,C

'ha1ter ; : The merit o0 1ra"in. in the two mosques2 at Me//a and Medina
7oo6 %2 !umber 42 ;:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) narrated It dire/tl" 0rom Allah:s A1ostle: (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said this: A 1ra"er in m" mosque is a thousand times more e5/ellent than a 1ra"er in an" other mosque2 e5/e1t Masjid al-Haram (Mosque o0 the >a:ba),


%2 !umber 42$ :

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: @ra"er in m" mosque is more e5/ellent than a thousand 1ra"ers obser-ed in other mosques e5/e1t the Masjid al- Haram,

%;) & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 42$$:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: @ra"er in the mosque o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is more e5/ellent than a thousand 1ra"ers in other mosques e5/e1t the Masjid al-Haram2 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is the last o0 the A1ostles2 and his mosque is the last o0 the mosques, Abu Salama and Abu Abdullah (two o0 the narrators in this /hain o0 narrations said: ?e had no doubt that what Abu Haraira (Allah be 1leased with him) had said was 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and so we did not li6e to .et an attestation 0rom Abu Huraira about this hadith until Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) died, ?e dis/ussed it (the issue o0 .ettin. attestation 0rom Abu Huraira) oursel-es and blamed one another as to wh" we did not tal6 about it to Abu Huraira re.ardin. it so that he /ould attribute its transmission to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in /ase he had heard It 0rom him, ?hile we were dis/ussin. it as we sat with :Abdullah b, Ibrahlm b, Eari8B we made a mention o0 this hadith2 and our omission (in .ettin. its attestation) about its dire/t transmission b" Abu Huraira 0rom him (the Hol" @roohet) B thereu1on Abdullah b, Ibrahim said to us: I bear witness to the 0a/t that I heard Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) sa" that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I am the last o0 the A1ostles and m" mosque is the last o0 the mosques,


%2 !umber 42$2:

Kah"a b, Sa:id (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: I said to Abu Salih: 9id "ou hear Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) ma6in. a mention o0 the e5/ellen/e o0 1ra"er in the mosque o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D He said: !o (I did not hear dire/tl" 0rom Abu Huraira)2 but I heard Abdullah b, Ibrahlm b, Eari8B sa" that: he had heard 0rom Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: @ra"er in this mosque o0 mine is better than a thousand 1ra"ers, or, is li6e one thousand 1ra"ers obser-ed in other mosques besides It2 e5/e1t that it be in al-Masjid al-Haram, This hadith has been narrated b" Kab"a b, Sa:id with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


%2 !umber 42$4:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: @ra"er in this mosque o0 mine is better than a thousand 1ra"ers (obser-ed in other mosque,) besides it2 e5/e1t that o0 Masjid al-Haram,


%2 !umber 42$*:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ubaidullah with the same /hain o0 trans-

%;% & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 42$+:

Ibn :Umar re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in. li6e this,


%2 !umber 42$):

Ibn Umar narrated 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a hadlth li6e this,


%2 !umber 42$%:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that a woman 0ell ill and she said: In /ase Allah /ures me I will /ertainl" .o and obser-e 1ra"er in 7ait al-Maqdis, She re/o-ered and so she made 1re1arations to .o out (to that 1la/e), She /ame to Maimuna, the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), and a0ter .reetin. her she in0ormed her about it2 whereu1on she said: Sta" here, and eat the 1ro-ision (whi/h "ou had made) and obser-e 1ra"er In the mosque o0 the (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), 0or I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": @ra"er In it is better than a thousand 1ra"ers obser-ed in other mosques e5/e1t the mosque o0 the >a:ba,

'ha1ter ;$: 9o not underta6e journe" (1urel" 0or -isit to the sa/red 1la/es) but to three mosques
7oo6 %2 !umber 42$#:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted it dire/tl" 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he said: 9o not underta6e journe" but to three mosques: this mosque o0 mine2 the Mosque o0 al-Haram and the Mosque o0 Aqsa (7ait al-Maqdis),


%2 !umber 42$;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri (but with this /han.e o0 words) that he (Allah:s A1ostle) said:C Underta6e journe" to three mosques,C


%2 !umber 422 :

Abu Haraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 3ne should underta6e journe" to three mosques: the mosque o0 the >a:ba2 m" mosque2 and the mosque o0 (lia (7ait al-Maqdis),

%;# & $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

'ha1ter ;2: The mosque 0ounded on 1iet" is the mosque o0 the a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at Medina
7oo6 %2 !umber 422$:
Abu Salama b, Abd al-Aabman re1orted: :Abd al-Aabman b, Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) ha11ened to 1ass b" me and I said to him, How did "ou hear "our 0ather ma6in. mention o0 the mosque 0ounded on @iet"D He said: M" 0ather said: I went to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as he was in the house o0 one o0 his wi-es2 and said: o0 Allah2 whi/h o0 the two mosques is 0ounded on 1iet"D Thereu1on he too6 a hand0ul o0 1ebbles and threw them on the .round and then said: This is the -er" mosque o0 "ours (mosque at Medina), He (the narrator) said: I bear witness that I heard "our 0ather ma6in. mention o0 it,


%2 !umber 4222:

Abu Sa:id re1orted 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a hadlth li6e this2 but in the /hain o0 transmitters no mention was made o0 Abd al- Aahman b, Abu Sa:id,

'ha1ter ;4: (minen/e o0 the mosque o0 quba: and e5/ellen/e o0 1ra"er in it

7oo6 %2 !umber 4224:
Ibn Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited (the mosque) at Euba: ridin. and on 0oot,


%2 !umber 422*:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to the mosque at Euba: ridin. and on 0oot2 and he obser-ed two ra6:ahs o0 (!a0l 1ra"er) in it,

as on 0oot,

%2 !umber 422+:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to Euba: ridin. as well

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733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)


%2 !umber 422):

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) with another /hain o0 transmitters,


%2 !umber 422%:

Abdullah b, Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to /ome to Euba: ridin. and on 0oot


%2 !umber 422#:

Ibn :Umar had narrated this hadith throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


%2 !umber 422;:

Ibn Umar used to /ome to Euba: on e-er" Saturda" and he said: I saw Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /omin. (to this 1la/e) on e-er" Saturda",


%2 !umber 424 :

:Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to /ome to Euba:2 i, e, (he /ame) on e-er" Saturda"2 and he used to /ome ridin. or on 0oot, Ibn 9inar (another narrator) said that Ibn Umar used to do li6e this, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn 9inar2 but he made no mention o0:C (-er" Saturda",C

& $#


733> %: TH( 733> 3= @ILHAIMAH( (>ITA7 AL-HAFF)

733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

Marria.e is a so/ial institution as old as the human ra/e itsel0, It ma" be de0ined as relations between a man and a woman whi/h is re/o.ni8ed b" /ustom or law and in-ol-es /ertain ri.hts and duties2 both in the /ase o0 the 1arties enterin. the Union2 and in /ase o0 the /hildren born o0 it, Marria.e has thus two main 0un/tions to 1er0orm: it is the means ado1ted b" human so/iet" 0or re.ulatin. relations between the se5esB and it 0urnishes the me/hanism b" means o0 whi/h the relations o0 a /hild to the /ommunit" is determined, The rites and /eremonies o0 marria.e ha-e been di00erent with di00erent 1eo1les and in di00erent but these two 0un/tions mentioned abo-e are /ommon throu.hout, It alwa"s im1lies the o0 se5ual inter/ourse as allowed and re/o.ni8ed b" so/iet" and the duties o0 the 1arents in u1 /hildren, Islam re/o.ni8es this institution and a//e1ts it as the basis o0 human so/iet" a0ter it o0 all those e-ils whi/h had 1enetrated it, =irstl"2 Islam does not re.ard it as a union onl" 0or the .rati0i/ation o0 se5ual lust2 but a so/ial /ontra/t with wide and -aried res1onsibilities and duties, The reason behind it is that2 a//ordin. to the 9i-ine =aith2 a woman is not a 1la"thin. in the hand o0 man but a s1iritual and moral bein. who is entrusted to him on the sa/red 1led.e to whi/h Allah is made a witness, The wi0e is2 there0ore2 not meant to 1ro-ide sensuous 1leasure onl" to the male2 but to 0ull" /o-o1erate with him in ma6in. the li0e o0 the 0amil" and ultimatel" o0 the whole humanit" si.ni0i/antl" meanin.0ul, The Hol" Eur:an has in so man" -erses 1ointed out the di00erent 1ur1oses o0 marria.e, It states: CAnd o0 His si.ns is that He has /reated wi-es 0or "ou 0rom "oursel-es that "ou 0ind quiet o0 wind in them2 and He 1ut between "ou lo-e and a00e/tionC (555, 2$), In this -erse it has been said that the 0emale is not in0erior to the male in the sense that the 0ormer is /reated out o0 a su1erior stu00 while the latter /omes o0 a base, 7oth man and woman are the 1ro.en" o0 Adam and thus both ha-e the same soul, The 1ur1ose o0 marria.e2 a//ordin. to the Hol" Eur:an2 is there0ore2 the union o0 the two souls whi/h are one in essen/e, Their se1arate e5isten/e is an unnatural state o0 their bein. whi/h / into the natural state when the" are united b" marria.e and thus are /lose to ea/h other 1h"si/all"2 mentall" and emotionall" 7oth man and woman are the joint heirs o0 the .ra/e o0 li0e2 and unless there is a -er" /lose and intimate 0orm o0 /om1anionshi1 in them2 the" /annot enjo" the true .ra/e o0 li0e, CHe it is ?ho /reated "ou 0rom a sin.le soul2 and o0 the same did He ma6e his s1ouse2 that he 0ind /om0ort in herC (-ii, $#;), C'om0ortC im1lies mu/h more than a mere se5ual .rati0i/ation, It is not too mu/h to sa" that the whole /on/e1tion o0 the marria.e relation in Islam is /har.ed with s1iritual and moral ideas2 and must o0 ne/essit" ele-ate the status o0 matrimonial allian/e in the indi-idual and so/ial li0e,

# 2 & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

In Islam the union o0 the se5es has been 1uri0ied and the jo" o0 the married relation se/ured b" the absolute 1rohibition o0 e-er" 6ind o0 e5tra-matrimonial /onne/tion, The Hol" Eur:an stresses u1on the 1eo1le to marr" as it is the most e00e/ti-e means whereb" one /an lead a -irtuous li0e 0ree 0rom immoralit" and emotional inhibition, The Hol" Eur:an sa"s: CThe" ("our wi-es) are as a .arment to "ou2 and "ou are as a .arment to themC (ii, $#%), The mutual relation o0 husband and wi0e is here des/ribed in words whi/h /ould not be sur1assed in beaut", Herein is the /orre/t des/ri1tion o0 the relationshi1 between the two, The husband and the wi0e are 0or mutual su11ort2 mutual /om0ort and mutual 1rote/tion2 0ittin. into ea/h other as .arments 0it into ea/h other, Then the Hol" Eur:an also ma6es it /lear that this union is not a tem1orar" relationshi1 between two indi-iduals o0 o11osite se5es: It is a 1ermanent and endurin. relationshi1 in the sense that both the 1arties should 1ut in their earnest endea-ors to lead their li-es in 1er0e/t harmon" and a/quittin. themsel-es /reditabl" o0 the res1onsibilities saddled u1on them b" enterin. into this sa/red /ontra/t, The Hol" Eur:an 0urther 1oints out that se5ual .rati0i/ation in the married li0e is not meant onl" 0or the satis0a/tion o0 the 1h"si/al lust2 but it must be dire/ted to some hi.her ends, CKour women are tilth 0or "ou2 so .o into "our tilth as "e li6e2 and 1ro-ide be0orehand 0or "our souls2 and 0ear Allah and 6now that "ou are .oin. to meet HimC (iii, 224), Here the wi-es are li6ened to the /ulti-able land whi/h are 1lou.hed 0or sowin. and rea1in. the 1rodu/e (in the 0orm o0 o00s1rin.) and not merel" 0or /arnal indul.en/e, The /on/ludin. 1art o0 the -erse re0ers to still hi.her and sublime ends whi/h tell that e-en in the o0 /arnal 1leasures the moral and s1iritual res1onsibilities should not in an" wa" be lost o0B rather one should be more /ons/ious to them when one is enjo"in. 1h"si/al 1leasures as these are the moments when the 0ear o0 the Lord and the a//ountabilit" in the Herea0ter is li6el" to be blurred or e00a/ed 0rom one:s mind,

'ha1ter $: 3ne who /an su11ort a wi0e should marr"

7oo6 #2 !umber 424$:
:Alqama re1orted: ?hile I was wal6in. with :Abdullah at Mina2 :Uthman ha11ened to meet him, He sto11ed there and to tal6 with him, Uthman said to him: Abu :Abd al-Aahman2 should we not marr" "ou to a "oun. .irl who ma" re/all to "ou some o0 the 1ast o0 "our b".one da"sB thereu1on he said: I0 "ou sa" so2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: "oun. men2 those amon. "ou who /an su11ort a wi0e should marr"2 0or it restrains e"es 0rom /astin. (e-il .lan/es), and 1reser-es one 0rom immoralit"B but those who /annot should de-ote themsel-es to 0astin. 0or it is a means o0 /ontrollin. se5ual desire,

# 4 & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 4242:

:Alqama re1orted: ?hile I was .oin. alon. with :Abdullah b, Ma:sud (Allah he 1leased with him) in Mina2 :Uthman b, :A00an (Allah be 1leased with him) ha11ened to meet him and said: 'ome here2 Abu :Abd al-Aahman (6un"a o0 Abdullah b, Mas:ud)2 and he isolated him (0rom me)2 and when :Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) saw that there was no need (0or this 1ri-a/")2 he said to me: :Alqama2 /ome on2 and so I went there, (Then) :Uthman said to him: Abu Abd al-Aahman2 should we not marr" "ou to a .irl that "our 1ast ma" be re/alled to "our mindD :Abdullah said: I0 "ou sa" so2 the rest o0 the hadith is the same as narrated abo-e,


#2 !umber 4244:
"oun. men2 those amon. "ou who /an su11ort a wi0e should marr"2 0or it

Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to us: restrains e"es (0rom /astin. e-il .lan/es) and 1reser-es one 0rom immoralit"B but he who /annot a00ord It should obser-e 0ast 0or it is a means o0 /ontrollin. the se5ual desire,


#2 !umber 424*:

Abu al-Aahman b, Ka8id said: I and m" un/le :Alqama and al-Aswad went to :Abdullah b, Mas:ud (Allah be 1leased with him), He (the narrator 0urther) said: I was at that time "oun.2 and he narrated a hadith whi/h it seemed he narrated 0or me that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said li6e one transmitted b" Mu:awi"a2 and 0urther added: I lost no time in marr"in.,


#2 !umber 424+:

:Abd al-Aahman b, Ka8id re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abdullah: ?e went to him2 and I was the "oun.est o0 all (o0 us)2 but he did not mention:C I lost no time in marr"in.,C


#2 !umber 424):

Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that some o0 the 'om1anions o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed his (the @ro1het:s) wi-es about the a/ts that he 1er0ormed in 1ri-ate, Someone amon. them (amon. his 'om1anions) said: I will not marr" womenB someone amon. them said: I will not eat meatB and someone amon. them said: I will not lie down in bed, He (the Hol" @ro1het) 1raised Allah and .lori0ied Him2 and said: ?hat has ha11ened to these 1eo1le that the" sa" so and so2 whereas I obser-e 1ra"er and slee1 tooB I obser-e 0ast and sus1end obser-in. themB I marr" women alsoD And he who turns awa" 0rom m" Sunnah2 he has no relation with Me

# * & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 424%:

Sa:d b, Abi ?aqqas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) reje/ted (the idea) o0 Uthman b, Mu8:unli-in. in /eliba/" (sa"in.): And i0 he (the Hol" @ro1het) had .i-en me 1ermission ?e would ha-e .ot oursel-es /astrated,


#2 !umber 424#:

Sa:id b, al-Musa""ib re1orted: I heard Sa:d (b, Abi ?aqqas) sa"in. that the idea o0 :Uthman b, Ma8:un 0or li-in. in /eliba/" was reje/ted (b" the Hol" @ro1het)2 and i0 he had been .i-en 1ermission the" would ha-e .ot themsel-es /astrated,


#2 !umber 424;:

Sa:id b, al Musa""ib heard Sa:d b, Abi ?aqqas (Allah be 1leased with him) sa"in. that Uthman b, Ma8:un de/ided to li-e in /eliba/"2 but Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade him to do so2 and i0 he had 1ermitted him2 we would ha-e .ot oursel-es /astrated,

'ha1ter 2: He who sees a woman2 and his heart is a00e/ted2 should /ome to his wi0e2 and should ha-e inter/ourse with her
7oo6 #2 !umber 42* :
Fabir re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw a woman2 and so he /ame to his wi0e2 Gainab2 as she was tannin. a leather and had se5ual inter/ourse with her, He then went to his 'om1anions and told them: The woman ad-an/es and retires in the sha1e o0 a de-il2 so when one o0 "ou sees a woman2 he should /ome to his wi0e2 0or that will re1el what he 0eels in his heart,


#2 !umber 42*$:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw a womanB and the rest o0 the hadith was narrated but (with this e5/e1tion) that he said he /ame to his wi0e Gainab2 who was tannin. a (1ie/e o0) leather2 and he made no mention o0:C She retires in the sha1e o0 satan,C

# + & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 42*2:

Fabir heard Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": ?hen a woman 0as/inates an" one o0 "ou and she /a1ti-ates his heart2 he should .o to his wi0e and ha-e an inter/ourse with her2 0or it would re1el what he 0eels,

'ha1ter 4: Tem1orar" marria.e and its 1rohibition 0or all times to /ome
7oo6 #2 !umber 42*4:
Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) re1orted: ?e were on an e51edition with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and we had no women with us, ?e said: Should we not ha-e oursel-es /astratedD He (the Hol" @ro1het) 0orbade us to do so He then .ranted us 1ermission that we should /ontra/t tem1orar" marria.e 0or a sti1ulated 1eriod .i-in. her a .arment2 and :Abdullah then re/ited this -erse: :Those who belie-e do not ma6e unlaw0ul the .ood thin.s whi/h Allah has made law0ul 0or "ou2 and do not trans.ress, Allah does not li6e tran.ressersC (al-Eur:an2 -, #%),


#2 !umber 42**:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Farir with the same /hain o0 transmitters and he also re/ited this (abo-e-mentioned -erse) to us2 but he did not sa" that :Abdullah re/ited it,


#2 !umber 42*+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Isma:il with the same /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are):C ?e were "oun.2 so we said: Allah:s Messen.er2 should we not ha-e oursel-es /astratedD 7ut he (the narrator) did not sa"B ?e were on an e51edition,C


#2 !umber 42*):

Fabir b, :Abdullah and Salama b, al-A6wa: said: There /ame to us the 1ro/laimer o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has .ranted "ou 1ermission to bene0it "oursel-es2 i, e, to /ontra/t tem1orar" marria.e with women,


#2 !umber 42*%:

Salama b, al, A6wa: and Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to us and 1ermitted us to /ontra/t tem1orar" marria.e,

# ) & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 42*#:

Ibn Uraij re1orted: :Ati: re1orted that jibir b, Abdullah /ame to 1er0orm :Umra2 and we /ame to his abode2 and the 1eo1le as6ed him about di00erent thin.s2 and then the" made a mention o0 tem1orar" marria.e2 whereu1on he said: Kes2 we had been bene0itin. oursel-es b" this tem1orar" marria.e durin. the li0etime o0 theHol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and durin. the tinie o0 AbiL 7a6r and :Umar,


#2 !umber 42*;:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: ?e /ontra/ted tem1orar" marria.e .i-in. a hand0ul o0 (tales or 0lour as a dower durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and durni. the time o0 Abu 7a6r until :Umar 0orbade it in the /ase o0 :Amr b, Huraith,


#2 !umber 42+ :

Abu !adra re1orted: ?hile I was in the /om1an" o0 Fabir b, Abdullah2 a 1erson /ame to him and said that Ibn :Abbas and Ibn Gubair di00ered on the two t"1es o0 Mut:as (Tamattu: o0 Hajj $#*) and Tamattu: with women)2 whereu1on Fabir said: ?e used to do these two durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Umar then 0orbade us to do them2 and so we did not re-ert to them,


#2 !umber 42+$:

I"as b, Salama re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e san/tion 0or /ontra/tin. tem1orar" marria.e 0or three ni.hts in the "ear o0 Autas $#*% and then 0orbade it,


#2 !umber 42+2:

Sabra Fuhanni re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ermitted tem1orar" marria.e 0or us, So I and another 1erson went out and saw a woman o0 7ana :Amir2 who was li6e a "oun. lon.-ne/6ed she-/amel, ?e 1resented oursel-es to her (0or /ontra/tin. tem1orar" marria.e)2 whereu1on she said: ?hat dower would "ou .i-e meD I said: M" /loa6, And m" /om1anion also said: M" /loa6, And the /loa6 o0-m" /om1anion was su1erior to m" /loa62 but I was " than he, So when she loo6ed at the /loa6 o0 m" /om1anion she li6ed it2 and when she /ast a .lan/e at me I loo6ed more attra/ti-e to her, She then said: ?ell2 "ou and "our /loa6 are su00i/ient 0or me, I remained with her 0or three ni.hts2 and then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who has an" su/h woman with whom he had /ontra/ted tem1orar" marria.e2 he should let her o00,

# % & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 42+4:

Aabi: b, Sabra re1orted that his 0ather went on an e51edition with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) durin. the <i/tor" o0 Me//a2 and we sta"ed there 0or 0i0teen da"s (i, e, 0or thirteen 0ull da"s and a da" and a and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ermitted us to /ontra/t tem1orar" marria.e with women, So I and another 1erson o0 m" tribe went out2 and I was more handsome than he2 whereas he was almost u.l", (a/h one o0 us had a /loa6s2 M" /loa6 was worn out2 whereas the /loa6 o0 m" /ousin was quite new, As we rea/hed the lower or the u11er side o0 Me//a2 we /ame a/ross a "oun. woman li6e a "oun. smart lon.-ne/6ed she-/amel, ?e said: Is it 1ossible that one o0 us ma" /ontra/t tem1orar" marria.e with "ouD She said: ?hat will "ou .i-e me as a dowerD (a/h one o0 us s1read his /loa6, She to /ast a .lan/e on both the 1ersons, M" /om1anion also loo6ed at her when she was /astin. a .lan/e at her side and he said: This /loa6 o0 his is worn out2 whereas m" /loa6 is quite new, She2 howe-er2 said twi/e or thri/e: There is no harm in (a//e1tin.) this /loa6 (the old one), So I /ontra/ted tem1orar" marria.e with her2 and I did not /ome out (o0 this) until Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) de/lared it 0orbidden,


#2 !umber 42+*:

Aabi: b, S:abra al-jahanni re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather, ?e went with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to Me//a durin. the "ear o0 <i/tor" and he narrated li6e this a hadith transmitted b" 7ishr (the 1re-ious one) but with this addition:C She said: 'an it be 1ossibleDC And it is also mentioned in it:C He said: The /loa6 o0 this (man) is old and worn out,C


#2 !umber 42++:
1eo1le2 I had 1ermitted "ou to /ontra/t tem1orar" marria.e with

Sabra al-Fuhanni re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that while he was with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on hm) he said: women2 but Allah has 0orbidden it (now) until the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion, So he who has an" (woman with this t"1e o0 marria.e /ontra/t) he should let her o002 and do not ta6e ba/6 an"thin. "ou ha-e .i-en to then (as dower),


#2 !umber 42+):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abd al-:A8i8 b :Umar with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 and he said: I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) standin. between the 1illar and the .ate (o0 the >a:ba) and he was relatin. a hadith as narrated b" Ibn !umair,


#2 !umber 42+%:

:Abd al-Mali6 b, Aabi: b, Sabraal-Fuhanni re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather who narrated it on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (i e, :Abd al-Mali6:s .rand0ather2 Sabura al-juhanni): Allah:s
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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

(ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ermitted us to /ontra/t tem1orar" marria.e in the Kear o0 <i/tor"2 as we entered Me//e2 and we did /ome out o0 it but he 0orbade us to do it,


#2 !umber 42+#:

Sabra b, Ma:bad re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ermitted his 'om1anions to /ontra/t tem1orar" marria.e with women in the Kear o0 <i/tor", So I and a 0riend o0 mine 0rom 7anu Sulaim went out2 until we 0ound a "oun. woman o0 7anu Amir who was li6e a "oun. she-/amel ha-in. a lon. ne/6, ?e made 1ro1osal to her 0or /ontra/tin. tem1orar" marria.e with us2 and 1resented to her our /loa6s (as dower), She to loo6 and 0ound me more handsome than m" 0riend2 but 0ound the /loa6 o0 m" 0riend more beauti0ul than m" /loa6, She in her wind 0or a while2 but then 1re0erred me to m" 0riend, So I remained with her 0or three (ni.hts)2 and then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded us to 1art with them (su/h women),


#2 !umber 42+;:

Aabi: b, Sabra re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibited the /ontra/tin. o0 tem1orar" marria.e,


#2 !umber 42) :

Aabi: b, Sabra re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade on the 9a" o0 <i/tor" to /ontra/t tem1orar" marria.e with women, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Aabi: b, Sabra that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade to /ontra/0 tem1orar" marria.e with women at the time o0 <i/tor"2 and that his 0ather had /ontra/ted the marria.e 0or two red /loa6s,


#2 !umber 42)$:

:Urwa b, Gabair re1orted that :Abdullah b, Gubair (Allah be 1leased with him) stood u1 (and deli-ered an address) in Me//a sa"in.: Allah has made blind the hearts o0 some 1eo1le as He has de1ri-ed them o0 e" that the" .i-e reli.ious -erdi/t in 0a-our o0 tem1orar" marria.e2 while he was alludin. to a 1erson (Ibn :Abbas), Ibn Abbas /alled him and said: Kou are an un/outh 1erson2 de-oid o0 sense, 7" m" li0e2 Mut:a was 1ra/tised durin. the li0etime o0 the leader o0 the 1ious (he meant Allah:s Messen.er2 ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and Ibn Gubair said to him: just do it "oursel-es2 and b" Allah2 i0 "ou do that I will stone "ou with "our stones, Ibn Shihab said, >halid b, Muhajir b, Sai0ullah in0ormed me: ?hile I was sittin. in the /om1an" o0 a 1erson2 a 1erson /ame to him and he as6ed 0or a reli.ious -erdi/t about Mut:a and he 1ermitted him to do it, Ibn Abu :Amrah al-Ansari (Allah be 1leased with him) said to him: 7e .entle, It was 1ermitted in- the earl" da"s o0 Islam2 (0or one) who was dri-en to it under the stress o0 ne/essit" just as (the eatin. o0) /arrion and the blood and 0lesh o0 swine and then Allah intensi0ied (the /ommands o0) His reli.ion and 1rohibited it (alto.ether), Ibn
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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

Shihab re1orted: Aabi: b, Sabra told me that his 0ather (Sabra) said: I /ontra/ted tem1orar" marria.e with a woman o0 7anu :Amir 0or two /loa6s durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) B then he 0orbade us to do Mut:a, Ibn Shihab said: I heard Aabi: b, Sabra narratin. it to Umar b, :Abd al-:A8i8 and I was sittin. there,


#2 !umber 42)2:

Sabra al-Fuhanni re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibited the /ontra/tin. o0 tem1orar" marria.e and said: 7ehold2 it is 0orbidden 0rom this -er" da" o0 "ours to the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2 and he who has .i-en somethin. (as a dower) should not ta6e it ba/6,


#2 !umber 42)4:

:Ali b, AbiTalib re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibited on the 9a" o0 >haibar the /ontra/tin. o0 tem1orar" marria.e with women and the eatin. o0 the 0lesh o0 domesti/ asses,


#2 !umber 42)*:

Mali6 narrated this hadith on the authorit" o0 the same /hain o0 trans- witters that :Ali b, Abil Talib said to a 1erson: Kou are a 1erson led astra"B Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade us (to do Mut:a)2 as is stated In the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Kah"a b, Mali6,


#2 !umber 42)+:

Muhammad b, :Ali narrated on the authorit" o0 his 0ather :Ali that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the 9a" o0 >haibar 1rohibited 0or e-er the /ontra/tin. o0 tem1orar" marria.e and eatin. o0 the 0lesh o0 the domesti/ asses,


#2 !umber 42)):

:Ali (Allah be 1leased with him) heard that Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) .a-e some rela5ation in /onne/tion with the /ontra/tin. o0 tem1orar" marria.e2 whereu1on he said: 9on:t be hast" (in "our reli.ious -erdi/t)2 Ibn :Abbas2 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the 9a" o0 >haibar 1rohibited 0or e-er the doin. o0 it-And eatin. o0 the 0lesh o0 domesti/ asses,

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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 42)%:

:Ali (Allah be 1leased with him) said to Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the 9a" o0 >haibar 0orbade 0ore-er the /ontra/tin. o0 tem1orar" marria.e and the eatin. o0 the 0lesh o0 domesti/ asses,

'ha1ter *: It is 0orbidden to /ombine a woman and her 0ather:s sister2 or a woman and her mother:s sister to.ether in marria.e
7oo6 #2 !umber 42)#:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e u1on him) ha-in. said this: 3ne should not /ombine a woman and her 0ather:s sister2 nor a woman and her mother:s sister in marria.e,


#2 !umber 42);:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade /ombinin. o0 0our women in marria.e: a woman with her tather:s sister2 and a woman with her mother:s sister,


#2 !umber 42% :

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": =ather:s sister should not be /ombined with her brother:s dau.hter2 nor the dau.hter o0 a sister with her mother:s sister,


#2 !umber 42%$:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade a 1erson to /ombine in marria.e a womanarid her 0ather:s sister2 and a woman and her mother:s sister, Ibn Shihab said: So we re.arded the 1aternal aunt o0 her (wi0e:s) 0ather and the maternal aunt o0 her (wi0e:s) 0ather at the same le-el,


#2 !umber 42%2:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 3ne should not /ombine in marria.e a woman with her 0ather:s sister2 or her mother:s sister,
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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 42%4:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


#2 !umber 42%*:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A man must not ma6e 1ro1osal o0 marria.e to a woman when his brother has done so alread", And he must not o00er a 1ri/e 0or a thin. 0or whi/h his brother had alread" o00ered a 1ri/eB and a woman must not be /ombined in marria.e with her 0ather:s sister2 nor with her mother:s sister2 and a woman must not as6 to ha-e her sister di-or/ed in order to de1ri-e her o0 what belon.s to her2 but she must marr"2 be/ause she will ha-e what Allah has de/reed 0or her,


#2 !umber 42%+:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the /ombinin. o0 a woman in marria.e with her 0ather:s sister2 or with her mother:s sister2 or that a woman should as6 0or di-or/e 0or her sister in order to de1ri-e her o0 what belon.s to her, Allah2 the (5alted:and Majesti/2 is her Sustainer too,


#2 !umber 42%):

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade to /ombine a woman and her 0ather:s sister2 and a woman and her mother:s sister,


#2 !umber 42%%:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Amr b, 9inar

'ha1ter +: Muhrim (one who is in the state o0 ihram) is 0orbidden to marr" and the disa11ro-al o0 .i-in. the 1ro1osal (in this state)
7oo6 #2 !umber 42%#:
!ubaih b, ?ahb re1orted that :Umar b, Ubaidullah intended to marr" Talha b, :Umar with the dau.hter o0 Shaiba b, FubairB so he sent a to Aban b, Uthman to attend the marria.e2 and he was at that time the Amir o0 Hajj, Aban said: I heard :Uthman b, :A00an sa" that Allah:s
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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

(ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had stated: A Muhrim must neither marr" himsel02 nor arran.e the marria.e o0 another one2 nor should he ma6e the 1ro1osal o0 marria.e,


#2 !umber 42%;:

!ubaih b, ?ahb re1orted: Umar b, Ubaidullah b, Ma:mar sent me to Aban b, Uthman as he wanted to ma6e the 1ro1osal o0 the marria.e o0 his son with the dau.hter o0 Shaiba b, Uthman, He (Aban b, Uthman) was at that time (bus") in the season o0 @il.rima.e, He said: I deem him to be a man o0 the desert (0or it is a /ommon thin.) that a Muhrim /an neither marr"2 nor is he allowed to be married to an"one, It is Uthman (b, A00an) who re1orted this to us 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


#2 !umber 42# :

Uthman b, :A00an re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: A Muhrim should neither marr" himsel02 nor should he be .ot married to an"one2 nor should he ma6e the 1ro1osal o0 marria.e,


#2 !umber 42#$:

:Uthman (b, :A00an) re1orted it dire/tl" 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he said: A Muhrim should neithermarr" (in that state) nor ma6e the 1ro1osal o0 marria.e,


#2 !umber 42#2:

!abaih b, ?ahb re1orted that Umar b, :Ubaidullah b, Ma:mar intended to marr" his son Talha with the dau.hter o0 Shaiba b, Fubair durin. the @il.rima.e, Aban b, Uthman was at that time the Amir o0 @il.rims, So he (:Umar b, Ubaidullah) sent someone (as a to Aban sa"in.: I intend to marr" Talha b, :Umar and I earnestl" desire "ou to be 1resent there (in this /eremon" o0 marria.e), Aban said to him: I 0ind "ou a blo/6-headed :Iraqi, I heard :Uthman b, :A00an sa" that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A Muhrim should not marr",


#2 !umber 42#4:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) married Maimulna in the state o0 Ihram, Ibn !umair made this addition:C I narrated it to Guhri and he said: Ka8id b, al-Asamm (Allah be 1leased with him) told me that he (the Hol" @ro1het) married her when he was not a muhrim,C

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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 42#*:

Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: Allah:s, (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) married Maimuna while he was a Muhrim,


#2 !umber 42#+:

Ka8id b, al-Asamm re1orted: Maimuna dau.hter o0 al-Harith narrated to me that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) married her and he was not in the state o0 Ihram, And she (Maimuna) was m" mother:s sister and that o0 Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them),

'ha1ter ): @rohibition o0 one:s ma6in. the 1ro1osal o0 marria.e when it has alread" been made b" one:s brother until he 1ermits or .i-es her u1
7oo6 #2 !umber 42#):
Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as ha-in. said this: !one "ou should outbid another in a transa/tion2 nor should he ma6e 1ro1osals o0 marria.e u1on the 1ro1osal made b" someone else,


#2 !umber 42#%:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as ha-in. said this: A 1erson should not enter into a transa/tion when his brother (had alread" entered into but not 0inalised)2 and he should not ma6e 1ro1osal o0 marria.e u1on the 1ro1osal alread" made b" his brother2 until he 1ermits it,


#2 !umber 42##:

A hadith li6e this has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 !a0i: with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


#2 !umber 42#;:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as ha-in. 0orbidden a dweller o0 the town sellin. the mer/handise o0 a or outbiddin. in a sale (in order that another 0all into a snare)2 or a 1erson ma6in. the 1ro1osal o0 marria.e when his brother has alread" made su/h a 1ro1osal2 or enterin. into a transa/tion when his brother has alrea-

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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

d" enteredB and a woman as6in. the di-or/e o0 her sister in order to de1ri-e her o0 what belon.s to her, :Amr made this addition:C The 1erson should not 1ur/hase in o11osition to his brother,C


#2 !umber 42; :

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as ha-in. said this: 9o not outbid in a sale in order to ensnare, !o man should enter into a transa/tion in whi/h his brother has alread" entered2 and no dweller o0 the town should sell on behal0 o0 the, And no man should ma6e a 1ro1osal o0 marria.e whi/h his brother has alread" made and no woman should as6 0or the di-or/e o0 another (/o-wi0e) in order to de1ri-e her o0 what belon.s to her,


#2 !umber 42;$:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a alteration,


#2 !umber 42;2:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Muslim should not 1ur/hase in o11osition to his brother2 and he should not ma6e the 1ro1osal o0 marria.e on the 1ro1osal alread" made b" his brother,


#2 !umber 42;4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


#2 !umber 42;*:

:Uqba b, :Amir said on the 1ul1it that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A belie-er is the brother o0 a belie-er2 so it is not law0ul 0or a belie-er to outbid his brother2 and he should not 1ro1ose an en.a.ement when his brother has thus 1ro1osed until he .i-es it u1,

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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

'ha1ter %: It is 1rohibited to /ontra/t Shi.har marria.e

7oo6 #2 !umber 42;+:
Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibited Shi.har whi/h means that a man .i-es his dau.hter in marria.e on the /ondition that the other .i-es his dau.hter to him in marria.e with- out an" dower bein. 1aid b" either,


#2 !umber 42;):

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0C Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) but with a -ariation o0 words,


#2 !umber 42;%:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibited Shi.har,


#2 !umber 42;#:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as ha-in. said: There is no Shi.har in islam,


#2 !umber 42;;:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibited Shi.har, Ibn !umair added: Shi.har means that a 1erson should sa" to the other 1erson: Hi-e me the hand o0 "our dau.hter in marria.e and I will (in return) marr" m" dau.hter to "ouB or merr" me "our sister2 and I will marr" m" sister to "ou,


#2 !umber 44

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn <mar with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but there is no mention o0 Ibn !umair,


#2 !umber 44 $:

Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibited Shi.har,

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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

'ha1ter #: =ul0illin. o0 /ondition in marria.e

7oo6 #2 !umber 44 2:
:Uqba b, Amir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The most worth" /ondition whi/h must be 0ul0illed is that whi/h ma6es se5ual inter/ourse law0ul, In the narration transmitted b" Ibn Muthanna (instead o0 the wordC /onditionC ) it isC /onditionsC,

'ha1ter ;: See6in. /onsent o0 al-Tha""ibin marria.e in words and o0 a in (meanin.0ul) silen/e
7oo6 #2 !umber 44 4:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as ha-in. said: A woman without a husband (or di-or/ed or a widow) must not be married until she is /onsulted2 and a must not be married until her 1ermission is, The" as6ed the @ro1het o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): How her ( /onsent /an be soli/itedD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: That she 6ee1s silen/e,


#2 !umber 44 *:

This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


#2 !umber 44 +:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: I as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about a whose marria.e is solemnised b" her .uardian2 whether it was ne/essar" or not to /onsult her, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kes2 she must be /onsulted, :A:isha re1orted: I told him that she 0eels sh"2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Her silen/e im1lies her /onsent,


#2 !umber 44 ):

Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A woman without a husband has wore to her 1erson than her .uardian2 and a /onsent must be as6ed 0rom her2 and her silen/e im1lies her /onsent,

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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 44 %:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A woman who has been 1re-iousl" married (Tha""ib) has more to her 1erson than her .uardian, And a should also be /onsulted2 and her silen/e im1lies her /onsent,


#2 !umber 44 #:

Su0"an re1orted on the basis o0 the same /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are): A woman who has been 1re-iousl" married (Tha""ib) has more to her 1erson than her .uardianB and a 0ather must as6 her /onsent 0rom her2 her /onsent bein. her silen/e2 At times he said: Her silen/e is her a00irmation,

'ha1ter $ : It is 1ermissible 0or the 0ather to .i-e the hand o0 his dau.hter in marria.e e-en when she is not 0ull" .rown u1
7oo6 #2 !umber 44 ;:
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) married me when I was si5 "ears old2 and I was admitted to his house at the a.e o0 nine, She 0urther said: ?e went to Medina and I had an atta/6 o0 0e-er 0or a month2 and m" hair had /ome down to the earlobes, Umm Auman (m" mother) /ame to me and I was at that time on a swin. alon. with m" 1la"mates, She /alled me loudl" and I went to her and I did not 6now what she had wanted o0 me, She too6 hold o0 m" hand and too6 me to the door2 and I was sa"in.: Ha2 ha (as i0 I was .as1in.)2 until the a.itation o0 m" heart was o-er, She too6 me to a house2 where had .athered the women o0 the Ansar, The" all blessed me and wished me .ood lu/6 and said: Ma" "ou ha-e share in .ood, She (m" mother) entrusted me to them, The" washed m" head and embellished me and nothin. 0ri.htened me, Allah:s (2 ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame there in the mornin.2 and I was entrusted to him,


#2 !umber 44$ :

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) married me when I was si5 "ears old2 and I was admitted to his house when I was nine "ears old,

#$# & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 44$$:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) married her when she was se-en "ears old2 and he was ta6en to his house as a bride when she was nine2 and her dolls were with herB and when he (the Hol" @ro1het) died she was ei.hteen "ears old,

'ha1ter $$: (5/ellen/e o0 marr"in. or bein. married durin. the month o0 Shawwal and e5/ellen/e o0 ta6in. bride in the house durin. this month
7oo6 #2 !umber 44$2:
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ontra/ted marria.e with me in Shawwal and too6 me to his house as a bride durin. Shawwal, And who amon. the wi-es o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was dearer to him than I2 and: A:isha li6ed that the women (o0 her 0amil") should enter the houses as brides durin. the month o0 Shawwal,


#2 !umber 44$4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Su0"an with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but he made no mention o0 the a/t o0 :A:isha (bein. admitted as a wi0e in the house o0 the Hol" @ro1het),

'ha1ter $2: It is 1ermissible to /ast a .lan/e at the 0a/e and the 1alms o0 a woman whom one intends to marr"
7oo6 #2 !umber 44$*:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: I was in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1an him) when there /ame a man and in0ormed him that he had /ontra/ted to marr" a woman o0 the Ansar, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9id "ou /ast a .lan/e at herD He said: !o, He said: Ho and /ast a .lan/e at her2 0or there is somethin. in the e"es o0 the Ansar,

#$; & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 44$+:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: A man /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: I ha-e /ontra/ted marria.e with a woman o0 the Ansar2 whereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9id "ou /ast a .lan/e at her2 0or there is somethin. in the e"es o0 the AnsarD He said: I did /ast a .lan/e at her2 whereu1on he said: =or what (dower) did "ou marr" herD He said: =or 0our :uqi"as, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: =or 0our :uqi"asB it seems as i0 "ou di. out sil-er 0rom the side o0 this mountain (and that is wh" "ou are 1re1ared to 1a" su/h a lar.e amount o0 dower), ?e ha-e nothin. whi/h we should .i-e "ou, There is a 1ossibilit" that we ma" send "ou to an (e51edition) where "ou ma" .et (boot"), So he sent that man (in the e51edition) whi/h was des1at/hed to 7anu :Abs,

'ha1ter $4: The dower

7oo6 #2 !umber 44$):
Sahl b, Sa:d al-Sa:idi (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: A woman /ame to Allah:s, (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 I ha-e /ome to "ou to entrust m"sel0 to "ou ("ou ma" /ontra/t m" marria.e with an"one at "our dis/retion), Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw her and /ast a .lan/e at her 0rom head to 0oot, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then lowered his head, ?hen the woman saw that he had made no de/ision in re.ard to her2 she sat down, There stood u1 a 1erson 0rom his /om1anions and said: o0 Allah2 marr" her to me i0 "ou ha-e no need o0 her, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: is there an"thin. with "ou (whi/h "ou /on .i-e as a dower)D He said: !o2 o0 Allah2 b" Allah I ha-e nothin., Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ho to "our 1eo1le (0amil") and see i0 "ou /an 0ind somethin., He returned and said: I ha-e 0ound nothin., The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: See e-en i0 it is an Iron rin., He went and returned and said: !o2 b" Hod2 not e-en an iron rin.2 but onl" this lower .arment o0 mine (Sahl said that he had no u11er .arment)2 hal0 o0 whi/h (I am 1re1ared to 1art with) 0or her, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: How /an "our lower .arment ser-e "our 1ur1ose2 0or it "ou wear it2 she would not be able to ma6e an" use o0 it and i0 she wears it there would not be an"thin. on "ouD The man sat down and as the sittin. 1rolon.ed he stood u1 (in disa11ointment) and as he was .oin. ba/6 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded (him) to be /alled ba/62 and as he /ame2 he said to him: 9o "ou 6now an" 1art o0 the Eur:anD He said: I 6now su/h and su/h surahs (and he /ounted them), whereu1on he said: 'an "ou re/ite them 0rom heart (0rom "our memor")D He said: Kes2 whereu1on he (Allah:s said: Ho2 I ha-e .i-en her to "ou in marria.e 0or the 1art o0 the Eur:an whi/h "ou 6now,

#2 & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 44$%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sahl b, Sa:d with a minor alteration o0 words2 but the hadith transmitted throu.h Ga:idah (the words are that the Hol" @ro1het) said: Ho2 I ha-e married her to "ou2 and "ou tea/h her somethin. o0 the Eur:an,


#2 !umber 44$#:

Abu Salama b, :Abd al-Aahman re1orted: I as6ed :A:isha2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): ?hat is the amount o0 dower o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D She said: It was twel-e :uqi"as and one nash, She said: 9o "ou 6now what is al-nashD I said: !o, She said: It is hal0 o0 uqi"a2 and it amounts to 0i-e hundred dirhams2 and that was the dower .i-en b" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to his wi-es,


#2 !umber 44$;:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw the tra/e o0 "ellowness on :Abd al-Aahman b, :Au0 and said: ?hat is thisD Thereu1on he said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I ha-e married a woman 0or a date-stone:s o0 .old, He said: Hod bless "ouL Hold a weddin. 0east2 e-en i0 onl" with a shee1,


#2 !umber 442 :

Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leasedwith him) re1orted that :Abd al-Aahman b, :Au0 (Allah be 1leased with him) married durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or a nawat o0 .old and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: Hi-e a 0east e-en with a shee1,


#2 !umber 442$:

Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that :Abd al-Aahman b, :Au0 (Allah be 1leased with him) married a woman 0or a date-stone:s o0 .old and Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: Hold a weddin. 0east2 e-en i0 onl" with a shee1,


#2 !umber 4422:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Humaid with the same /hain o0 transmitters e5/e1t (with this minor alteration o0 words) that :Abd al-Aahman said:C I married a woman,C

#2$ & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 4424:

Abd al-Aahman b, :Au0 (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw the si.ns o0 the ha11iness o0 weddin. in me2 and I said: I ha-e married a woman o0 the Ansar, He said: How mu/h Mahr ha-e "ou 1aidD I said: =or a date-stone o0 .old, And in the hadith transmitted b" Ishaq (it is): (nawat o0 .old,


#2 !umber 442*:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that :Abd al-Aahman married a woman 0or a datestone o0 .old, Shu:ba has narrattd this hadith with the same /hain o0 transmitters e5/e1t 0or (this alteration) that he said that a 1erson 0rom amon. the sons o0 :Abd al Aahman said:C 0rom .oldC,

'ha1ter $*: (5/ellen/e o0 e5man/i1atin. a sla-e-.irl and then marr"in. her

7oo6 #2 !umber 442+:
Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) set out on an e51edition to >haibar and we obser-ed our mornin. 1ra"er in earl" hours o0 the dawn, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then mounted and so did Abu Talha ride2 and I was seatin. m"sel0 behind Abu Talha, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) mo-ed in the narrow street o0 >haibar (and we rode so /lose to ea/h other in the street) that m" 6nee tou/hed the le. o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), (A 1art o0 the) lower .arment o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sli11ed 0rom his le. and I /ould see the whiteness o0 the le. o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), As he entered the habitation he /alled: Allah-o-A6bar (Allah is the Hreatest), >haibar is ruined, And when we .et down in the -alle" o0 a 1eo1le e-il is the mornin. o0 the warned ones, He re1eated it thri/e, In the meanwhile the 1eo1le went out 0or their wor62 and said: 7" Allah2 Muhammad (has /ome), Abd al-:A8i8 or some o0 our /om- 1anions said: Muhammad and the arm" (ha-e /ome), He said: ?e too6 it (the territor" o0 >haibar) b" 0or/e2 and there were .athered the 1risoners o0 war, There /ame 9ih"a and he said: o0 Allah2 bestow u1on me a .irl ont o0 the 1risones, He said: Ho and .et an" .irl, He made a /hoi/e 0or Sa0i""a dau.hter o0 Hu"a"" (b, A6htab), There /ame a 1erson to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: A1ostle o0 Allah2 "ou ha-e bestowed Sa0i""a bint Hu"a""2 the /hie0 o0 Eurai8a and al-!adir2 u1on 9ih"a and she is worth" o0 "ou onl", He said: 'all him alon. with her, So he /ame alon. with her, ?hen Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw her he said: Ta6e an" other woman 0rom amon. the 1risoners, He (the narrator) said: He (the Hol" @ro1het) then .ranted her eman/i1ation and married her, Thabit said to him: Abu Ham8a2 how mu/h dower did he (the Hol" @ro1het) .i-e to herD He said: He .ranted her 0reedom and then married her, 3n the wa" Umm Sulaim embellished her and then sent her to him
#22 & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

(the Hol" @ro1het) at, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a11eared as a in the mornin., He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: He who has an"thin. (to eat) should brin. that, Then the /loth was s1read, A 1erson /ame with /heese2 another /ame with dates2 and still another /ame with re0ined butter2 and the" 1re1ared hais and that was the weddin. 0east o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)


#2 !umber 442):

This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters on the authorit" o0 Anas that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) eman/i1ated Sa0i""a2 and her eman/i1ation was treated as her weddin. .i0t2 and in the hadith transmitted b" Mu:adh on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (the words are):C He (the Hol" @ro1het) married Sa0i""a and bestowed her eman/i1ation as her weddin. .i0t,C


#2 !umber 442%:

Abu Musa re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said about one who eman/i1ated a sla-e woman2 and then married her2 that 0or him there are two rewards,


#2 !umber 442#:

Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: I was sittin. behind Abu Talha on the 9a" o0 >haibar and m" 0eet tou/hed the 0oot o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and we /ame (to the 1eo1le o0 >haibar) when the sun had risen and the" had dri-en out their /attle2 and had themsel-es /ome out with their a5es2 lar.e bas6ets and hat/hets2 and the" said: (Here /ome) Muhammad and the arm", Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: >haibar is ruined, <eril" when we .et down in the -alle" o0 a 1eo1le2 e-il is the mornin. o0 the warned ones (al-Eur:an2 555-ii, $%%), Allah2 the Majesti/ and the Hlorious2 de0eated them (the inhabitants o0 >haibar)2 and there 0ell to the lot o0 9ih"a a beauti0ul .irl2 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot her in e5/han.e o0 se-en heads2 and then entrusted her to Umm Sulaim so that she embellish her and 1re1are her (0or marria.e) with him, He (the narrator) said: He had been under the im1ression that he had said that so that she s1end her 1eriod o0 :Iddah in her (Umm Sulaim:s) house, (The woman) was Sa0i""a dau.hter o0 Hu"a"", Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) arran.ed the weddin. 0east /onsistin. o0 dates2 /heese2 and re0ined butter2 and 1its were du. and tiers were set in them dinin. /loths2 and there was /heese and re0ined butter2 and these were 1la/ed there, And the 1eo1le ate to their 0ill2 and the" said: ?e do not 6now whether he (the Hol" @ro1het) had married her (as a 0ree woman)2 or as a sla-e woman, The" said: I0 he (the Hol" @ro1het) would ma6e her wear the -eil2 then she would be a (0ree married) woman2 and i0 he would not ma6e her wear the -eil2 then she should be a sla-e woman, ?hen he intended to ride2 he made her wear the -eil and she sat on the hind 1art o0 the /amelB so the" /ame to 6now that he had married her, As the" a11roa/hed Medina2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) dro-e (his ride) qui/6l" and so we did, :Adba: (the name o0 Al#24 & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

lah:s A1ostle:s /amel) stumbled and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0ell down and she (Aadrat Sa0i""a: also 0ell down, He (the Hol" @ro1het) stood u1 and /o-ered her, woman loo6ed towards her and said: Ma" Allah 6ee1 awa" the FewessL He (the narrator) said: I said: Aba Ham8a2 did Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) reall" 0all downD He said: Kes2 b" Allah2 he in 0a/t 0ell down, Anas said: I also saw the weddin. 0east o0 Gainab2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) ser-ed bread and meat to the 1eo1le2 and made them eat to their heart:s /ontent2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) sent me to /all 1eo1le2 and as he was 0ree (0rom the /eremon") he stood u1 and I 0ollowed him, Two 1ersons were le0t and the" were bus" in tal6in. and did not .et out (o0 the a1artment), He (the Hol" @ro1het) then 1ro/eeded towards (the a1artments o0) his wi-es, He .reeted with as-Salamu :alai6um to e-er" one o0 them and said: Members o0 the household2 how are "ouD The" said: o0 Allah2 we are in .ood state :How do "ou 0ind "our 0amil"D He would sa": In .ood state, ?hen he was 0ree 0rom (this wor6 o0 e5/ .reetin.s) he /ame ba/62 and I also /ame ba/6 alon. with him, And as he rea/hed the door2 (he 0ound) that the two men were still bus" in tal6in., And when the" saw him ha-in. returned2 the" stood u1 and went outB and b" AllahL I do not 6now whether I had in0ormed him2 or there was a re-elation to him (to the a00e/t) that the" had .one, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then /ame ba/6 and I also returned alon. with him2 and as he 1ut his ste1 on the threshold o0 his door he hun. a /urtain between me and him2 and (it was on this o//asion) that Allah re-ealed this -erse: (C 3 "ou who belie-e)2 do not enter the houses o0 the @ro1het unless 1ermission is .i-en to :"ouC (555iii, +4),


#2 !umber 442;:

Anas2 (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: Sa0i""a (Allah be 1leased with her) 0ell to the lot o0 9ih"a in the s1oils o0 war2 and the" 1raised her in the 1resen/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: ?e ha-e not seen the li6e o0 her amon. the /a1ti-es o0 war, He sent (a to 9ih"a and he .a-e him whate-er he demanded, He then sent her to m" mother and as6ed her to embellish her, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then .ot out o0 >haibar until when he was on the other side o0 it2 he halted2 and a tent was 1it/hed 0or him, ?hen it was mornin. Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who has sur1lus o0 1ro-ision with him should brin. that to us, Some 1ersons would brin. the sur1lus o0 dates2 and the other sur1lus o0 mush o0 barle" until there be/ame a hea1 o0 bals, The" to eat the hais and to drin6 out o0 the 1ond whi/h had the water o0 rain0all in it and whi/h was situated b" their side, Anas said that that /onstituted the weddin. 0east o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He (0urther) said: ?e 1ro/eeded until we saw the walls o0 Medina2 and we were deli.hted, ?e made our mounts run qui/6l" and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) also made his mount run qui/6l", And Sa0i""a (Allah be 1leased with her) was at his ba/62 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had seated her behind him, The /amel o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stumbled and he (the Hol" @ro1het) 0ell down and she also 0ell down, And none amon. the 1eo1le was seein. him and her2 until Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 and he /o-ered her2 and we /ame to him and he said: ?e ha-e re/ei-ed no injur", ?e entered Medina and there /ame out the "oun. ladies o0 the household, The" saw her (hadrat Sa0i""a) and blamed her 0or 0allin. down,
#2* & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

'ha1ter $+: @ertainin. to the marria.e o0 Gainab 7int Fahsh with the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and -erses 1ertainin. to 1urdah (-eil)
7oo6 #2 !umber 444 :
Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?hen the :Iddah o0 Gainab was o-er2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to Gaid to ma6e a mention to her about him, Gaid went on until he /ame to her and she was 0ermentin. her 0lour, He (Gaid) said: As I saw her I 0elt in m" heart an idea o0 her .reatness so mu/h so that I /ould not see towards her (sim1l" 0or the 0a/t) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had made a mention o0 her, So I turned m" ba/6 towards her, and I turned u1on m" heels2 and said: Gainab2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has sent (me) with a messa.e to "ou, She said: I do not do an"thin. until I soli/it the will o0 m" Lord, So she stood at her 1la/e o0 worshi1 and the (-erse o0) the Eur:an (1ertainin. to her marria.e) were re-ealed2 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to her without 1ermission, He (the narrator) said: I saw that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ser-ed us bread and meat until it was broad da" and the 1eo1le went awa"2 but some 1ersons who were bus" in /on- -ersation sta"ed on in the house a0ter the meal, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) also went out and I also 0ollowed him2 and he to -isit the a1artments o0 his wi-es .reetin. them (with the words): As-Salamu :alai6um2 and the" would sa": Allah:s Messen.er2 how did "ou 0ind "our 0amil" (hadrat Gainab)D He (the narrator) stated: I do not 6now whether I had in0ormed him that the 1eo1le had .one out or he (the Hol" @ro1het) in0ormed me (about that), He mo-ed on until he entered the a1artment2 and I also went and wanted to enter (the a1artment) alon. with him2 but he threw a /urtain between me and him2 as (the -er0es 1ertainin. to se/lusion) had been re-ealed2 and 1eo1le were instru/ted in what the" had been instru/ted, Ibn Aa0ii had made this addition in his narration:C 3 "ou who belie-e2 enter not the houses o0 the @ro1het unless 1ermission is .i-en to "ou 0or a meal2 not waitin. 0or its /oo6in. bein. 0inished,,,C to the wordsC,,, Allah 0orbears not 0rom the truth,C


#2 !umber 444$:

Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: I did not see Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .i-in. a weddin. 0east (on the marria.e) o0 an" one (o0 his wi-es) as he did in the /ase o0 (his marria.e with) Gainab2 0or then he sa/ri0i/ed a .oat (on this o//asion),


#2 !umber 4442:

Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e no better weddin. 0east than the one he did (on the o//asion o0 his marria.e with) Gainab, Tha#2+ & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

bit al-7unani (one o0 the narrators) said: ?hat did he ser-e in the weddin. 0eastD He (Anas) said: He 0ed them bread and meat (so la-ishl") that the" (the .uests) abandoned it (o0 their own a//ord a0ter ha-in. ta6en them to their hearts: /ontent),


#2 !umber 4444:

Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?hen Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) married Gainab bint jahsh2 he in-ited 1eo1le (to the weddin. 0east) and the" ate 0ood, The" then sat there and entered into /on-ersation, He (the Hol" @ro1het) made a stir as i0 he was 1re1arin. to stand u12 but (the 1ersons bus" in tal6in.) did not stand u1, ?hen he (the Hol" @ro1het) saw it2 he stood u1 and when he did so2 some other 1ersons stood u1, :Asim and Abd al-A:la in their narrations made this addition: Three (1ersons) sat there2 and Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame there to enter (the a1artment) but he 0ound the 1eo1le sittin. there, Then the" stood u1 and went awa", He said: Then I /ame and in0ormed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that the" had .one awa", He (the Hol" @ro1het) then /ame there until he entered (the a1artment), I also went and was about to enter2 when he hun. a /urtain between me and him (and it was on this o//asion that) Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 re-ealed this -erse:C 3 "ou who belie-e2 enter not the houses o0 the @ro1het unless 1ermission is .i-en to "ou 0or a meal2 not waitin. 0or its /oo6in. bein. 0inished to the (words)C Surel" this is serious in the o0 AllahC (555iii, +4),


#2 !umber 444*:

Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: I was the best in0ormed amon. the 1eo1le 1ertainin. to Hijab (-eil and se/lusion), Uba"" b, >a:b used to as6 me about it, Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) thus narrated: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot u1 in the mornin. as a o0 Gainab bint jahsh (Allah be 1leased witt her) as he had married her at Medina, He in-ited 1eo1le to the weddin. 0east a0ter the da" had well risen, There sat Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and there 6e1t sittin. alon. with him some 1ersons a0ter the 1eo1le had stood u1 (0or de1arture) B then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 and wal6ed on and I also wal6ed alon. with him until he rea/hed the door o0 the a1artment o0 :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her), He then that the" (those who had been sittin. there a0ter meal) had .one awa", So he returned and I also returned with him2 but the" were still sittin. at their 1la/es, So he returned 0or the se/ond time and I also returned until he rea/hed the a1artment o0 :A:isha, He a.ain returned and I also returned and the" had (b" that time) stood u12 and he hun. a /urtain between me and him (at the door o0 the a1artment o0 Hadrat Gainab2 where he had to sta")2 and Allah re-ealed the -erse 1ertainin. to -eil,

#2) & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 444+:

Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ontra/ted marria.e and he went to his wi0e, M" mother Umm Sulaim 1re1ared hais and 1la/ed it in an earthen -essel and said: Anas2 ta6e it to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and sa": M" mother has sent that to "ou and she o00ers .reetin.s to "ou2 and sa"s that it is a humble .i0t 0or "ou on our behal02 o0 Allah, So I went alon. with it to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: M" mother o00ers "ou salutations2 and sa"s that it is a humble .i0t 0or "ou on our behal0, He said: @la/e it here2 and then said: Ho and in-ite on m" behal0 so and so and an"one whom "ou meet2 and he e-en named some 1ersons, He (Anas) said: I in-ited whom he had named and whom I met, I (one o0 the narrators) said: I said to Anas: How man" (1ersons) were thereD He (Anas) said: The" were about three hundred 1ersons, Then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (said to me): Anas2 brin. that earthen -essel, The" (the .uests) then to enter until the /ourt"ard and the a1artment were 0ull" 1a/6ed, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ma6e a /ir/le o0 ten (.uests)2 and e-er" 1erson should eat 0rom that nearest to him, The" to eat2 until the" ate to their 0ill, A .rou1 went out (a0ter eatin. the 0ood)2 and another .rou1 /ame in until all o0 them had eaten, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said to me: Anas2 li0t it (the earthen -essel)2 so I li0ted it2 but I /ould not assess whether it had more (0ood) when I 1la/ed it (be0ore Allah:s or when I li0ted it (a0ter the 1eo1le had been ser-ed out o0 it), A .rou1 amon. them (the .uests) to tal6 in the house o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was sittin. and his wi0e had been sittin. with her 0a/e turned towards the wall, It was troublesome 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 so Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out and .reeted his wi-es, He then returned, ?hen the" (the .uests) saw that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had returned the" that it (their o-ersta") was somethin. troublesome 0or him, He (the narrator) said: The" hastened towards the door and all o0 them went out, And there /ame Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he hun. a /urtain and went in2 and I was sittin. in his a1artment and he did not sta" but 0or a short while, He then /ame to me and these -erses were re-ealed, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame out and re/ited them to the 1eo1le:C 3 "ou who belie-e2 enter not the houses o0 the @ro1het unless 1ermission is .i-en to "ou 0or a meal2 not waitin. 0or its /oo6in. bein. 0inished-but when "ou are in-ited2 enter2 and when "ou ha-e ta6en 0ood2 dis1erse not see6in. to listen to tal6, Surel" this .i-es the @ro1het troubleC2 to the end o0 -erse (555iii, +4), (Al-Fa:d said that Anas Nb, Mali6O stated: I am the 0irst the 1eo1le to hear these -erses)2 and hen/e0orth the wi-es o0 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to obser-e se/lusion (al-hijab),


#2 !umber 444):

Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?hen Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ontra/ted marria.e with Gainab (Allah be 1leased with bet)2 Umm Sulaim sent him hats in a -essel o0 stone as a .i0t, Anas stated that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: Ho and in-i#2% & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

te on m" behal0 all the Muslims whom "ou meet, So I in-ited on his behal0 e-er"one whom I met, The" entered (his house) and the" ate and went out, And Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 6e1t his hand on the 0ood2 and he in-o6ed blessin. on that2 and said whate-er Allah wished him to sa"2 and none whom I met was le0t unin-ited, The" ate to their 0ill and went out2 but a .rou1 amon. them remained there and was en.a.ed in" dis/ussion, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0elt sh" o0 sa"in. them an"thin., So he went out and le0t them in his house and Allah the Hreat and Majesti/ re-ealed this -erse:C "ou who belie-e2 enter not the houses o0 the @ro1het unless 1ermission is .i-en to "ou 0or a meal2 not waitin. 0or its /oo6in. bein. 0inished,C Eatada (instead o0 usin. the word Hhaira !a8irina) used the word Hhaira Mutaha""inina (i, e, not waitin. 0or the time o0 the 0ood), 7ut when "ou are in-ited2 enter,,,C u1 to this -erse, This is 1urer 0or "our hearts and their hearts,

'ha1ter $): ?hen one is in-ited to a weddin. 0east2 one should a//e1t it
7oo6 #2 !umber 444%:
Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou is in-ited to a 0east2 he should attend it,


#2 !umber 444#:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen an" one o0 "ou is in-ited to a 0east2 he should a//e1t, :Ubaidallah too6 this 0east to be a weddin. 0east,


#2 !umber 444;:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased withthem) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said this: ?hen an" one o0 "ou is in-ited to a weddin. 0east2 he should a//e1t that,


#2 !umber 44* :

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" be u1on him) ha-in. said this: A//e1t the 0east2 when "ou are in-ited,

#2# & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 44*$:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen an" one o0 "ou in-ites his brother2 he (the latter) should a//e1t his weddin. 0east2 or an" other li6e it,


#2 !umber 44*2:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leated with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: He who is in-ited to a weddin. 0east or li6e it2 he should a//e1t it,


#2 !umber 44*4:

C Abdullah b, Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s Messen- .er (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 'ome to the 0east2 when "ou are in-ited,


#2 !umber 44**:

!a0il re1orted: I heard Abdullah b, Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) narratin. that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A//e1t the 0east when "ou are in-ited to it, And Abdullah (b, Umar) used to /ome to the 0east2 whether it was a weddin. 0east or other than that2 and he would /ome there e-en in the state o0 0astin.,


#2 !umber 44*+:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: ?hen "ou are in-ited to a 0east (e-en thou.h it is) the le. o0 the shee12 "ou should a//e1t it,


#2 !umber 44*):

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou is in-ited to a 0east2 he should a//e1t it, He ma" eat i0 he li6es2 or he ma" abandon (eatin.) i0 he li6es, Ibn Mathanni did not ma6e mention o0 the wordC 0eastC,


#2 !umber 44*%:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abd Gubair with the same /hain o0 trans-

#2; & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 44*#:

Abu Haraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 an" one o0 "ou is in-ited2 he should a//e1t (the in-itation), In /ase he is 0astin.2 he should 1ra" (in order to bless the inmates o0 the house)2 and i0 he is not 0astin. he should eat,


#2 !umber 44*;:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) used to sa": The worst 6ind o0 0ood is the weddin. 0east to whi/h the ri/h are in-ited and the 1oor are i.nored, He who does not /ome to the 0east2 he in 0a/t disobe"s Allah and His (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


#2 !umber 44+ :

Su0"an re1orted: I said to Guhri: Abu 7a6r2 what does this hadith mean:C The worst 6ind o0 0ood is at a weddin. 0east o0 the ri/hCD He lau.hed and said: The 0ood ser-ed in the 0east .i-en b" the ri/h is not worst (in itsel0), Su0"an said: M" 0ather was ri/h2 so I 0elt disturbed when I heard this hadith2 so I as6ed Guhri who said: I heard 0rom :Abd al-Aahman al-Alraj that he heard Abu Huraira (Allah he 1leased with him) sa": The worst 6ind o0 0ood is that ser-ed at the weddin. 0east, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,


#2 !umber 44+$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


#2 !umber 44+2:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated b" Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


#2 !umber 44+4:

Abu Haraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in., The worst 6ind o0 0ood is at the weddin. 0east 0rom whi/h one who /omes is turned awa"2 and he who re0uses it is in-ited2 and he who did not a//e1t the in-itation disobe"ed Allah and His (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

#4 & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

'ha1ter $%: It is not 1ermissible to marr" a woman who is di-or/ed b" three 1ronoun/ements until she is married to another man and he has a se5ual inter/ourse with her2 and then he abandons her and she /om1letes her :idda
7oo6 #2 !umber 44+*:
:A:isha (Allah he 1leased with her) re1orted: There /ame the wi0e o0 Ai0a:a to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: I was married to Ai0a:a but he di-or/ed me2 ma6in. ma" di-or/e irre-o/able, A0terwards I married Abd al-Aahman b, al-Gubair2 but all he 1ossesses is li6e the 0rin.e o0 a .arment (i, e, he is se5uall" wea6), Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) smiled2 and said: 9o "ou wish to return to Ai0a:a, (Kou) /annot (do it) until "ou ha-e tasted his sweetness and he (:Abd al-Aahman) has tasted "our sweetness, Abu 7a6r was at that time near him (the Hol" @ro1het) and >halid (b, Sa:id) was at the door waitin. 0or the 1ermission to be .ranted to him to enter)2 He (>halid) saidB Abu 7a6r2 do "ou hear what she is sa"in. loudl" in the 1resen/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D


#2 !umber 44++:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her)2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted that Ai0a:a al-Euraid (Allah be 1leased with him) di-or/ed his wi0e2 ma6in. her di-or/e irre-o/able, A0terwards she married Abd at-Aahman b, al-Gubair (Allah be 1leased with him)2 She /ame to Allah:sA1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him and said to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that she had been the wi0e o0 Ai0a:a (Allah be 1leased with him) and he had di-or/ed her b" three 1ronoun/ements and a0terwards she married :Abd al-Aahman b, al-Gubair, 7" Allah2 all he 1ossesses is li6e the 0rin.e o0 a .arment2 and she too6 hold o0 the 0rin.e o0 her .arment, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) lau.hed and said: @erha1s "ou wish to return to Ai0a:a2 (but "ou) /annot (do it) until he has tasted "our sweetness and "ou ha-e tasted his sweetness, Abu 7a6r al-siddiq (Allah be 1leased with him) was sittin. at that time with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and >halid b, Sa:id b, al-:As (Allah be 1leased with him) was sittin. at the door o0 his a1artment and he was not 1ermitted to (enter the room)2 and >balid /alled loudl" sa"in.: Abu 7a6r2 wh" don:t "ou s/old her 0or what she is sa"in. loudl" in the 1resen/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D

#4$ & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 44+):

:A:isha (Allah bj1l:eased with her) re1orted that Ai0a:a al Eura8i di-or/ed his wi0e and a0terwards Abd al-Aahman b, al-Gubair married her, She /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 Ai0a:a has di-or/ed me b" three 1ronoun/ements, (The rest o0 the hadith is the same,)


#2 !umber 44+%:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed about a woman whom a man married and then di-or/ed her2 and then she married (another) 1erson2 and she was di-or/ed be0ore se5ual inter/ourse with her2 whether it was law0ul 0or her 0irst husband (to marr" her in this state), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: !o2 until he has tasted her sweetness,


#2 !umber 44+#:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmit-


#2 !umber 44+;:

:A:Asha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: A 1erson di-or/ed his wi0e b" three 1ronoun/ementsB then another 1erson married her and he also di-or/ed her without ha-in. se5ual inter/ourse with her, Then the 0irst husband o0 her intended to remarr" her, It was about su/h a /ase that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed2 whereu1on he said: !o2 until the se/ond one has tasted her sweetness as the 0irst one had tasted,

with her),

#2 !umber 44) :

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the same /hain o0 transmitters b" :A:isha (Allah be 1leased

'ha1ter $#: ?hat is to be su11li/ated at the time o0 se5ual inter/ourse

7oo6 #2 !umber 44)$:
IbnC Abbas (Allah be 1leased with thern) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 an"one "ou intends to .o to his wi0e he should sa": In the name o0 Allah2 Allah 1ro-

#42 & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

te/t us a.ainst Satan and 6ee1 awa" the Satan 0rom the one that "ou ha-e bestowed u1on us2 and i0 He has ordained a male /hild 0or them2 Satan will ne-er be able to do an" harm to him,


#2 !umber 44)2:

This hadith is narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters and there is no mention o0 (the words)C 7ismillahC (In the name o0 Allah) in it,

'ha1ter $;: @ermissibilit" o0 ha-in. se5ual inter/ourse with one:s wi0e 0rom the 0ront or 0rom behind a-oidin. the anus
7oo6 #2 !umber 44)4:
Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) de/lared that the Fews used to sa": ?hen a man has inter/ourse with his wi0e throu.h the -a.ina but bein. on her ba/6, the /hild will ha-e squint2 so the -erse /ame down:C Kour wi-es are "our tilthB .o then unto "our tilth as "ou ma" desireC (ii, 224)


#2 !umber 44)*:

Fabir (b, Abdullah) (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that the Fews used to sa" that when one /omes to one:s wi0e throu.h the -a.ina2 but bein. on her ba/62 and she be/omes 1re.nant2 the /hild has a squint, So the -erse /ame down:C Kour wi-es are "our ti:IthB .o then unto "our tilth2 as "ou ma" desire,C


#2 !umber 44)+:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Fabir throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters2 but in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Guhri there is an addition (o0 these words):C I0 he li6es he ma" (ha-e inter/ourse) bein. on the ba/6 or in 0ront o0 her2 but it should be throu.h one o1enin. (-a.ina),C

#44 & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

'ha1ter 2 : It is not 1ermissible 0or a woman to abandon the bed o0 her husband
7oo6 #2 !umber 44)):
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen a woman s1ends the awa" 0rom the bed o0 her husband2 the an.els /urse her until mornin., This hadith has been narrated throu.h the same /hain o0 transmitters (with a -ariation):C He said: Until she /omes ba/6,C


#2 !umber 44)%:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 when a man /alls his wi0e to his bed2 and she does not res1ond2 the 3ne ?ho is in the hea-en is dis1leased with her until he (her husband) is 1leased with her,


#2 !umber 44)#:

Abu Huraira (Allah he 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma"2 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen a man in-ites his wi0e to his bed and she does not /ome2 and he (the husband) s1ends the bein. an.r" with her2 the an.els /urse her until mornin.,

'ha1ter 2$: It is 0orbidden to di-ul.e the se/ret o0 the woman

7oo6 #2 !umber 44);:
Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah he 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1oin him) said: The most wi/6ed amon. the 1eo1le in the e"e o0 Allah on the 9a" o0 jud.ment is the men who .oes to his wi0e and she /omes to him2 and then he her se/ret,


#2 !umber 44% :

Abu Sirma al->hudri (Allah he 1leased with him ) re1orted Allah:s Messen- .er (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The most im1ortant o0 the trusts in the o0 Allah on the 9a" o0 jud.ment is that a man .oes to his wi0e and she .oes to him (and the brea/h o0 this trust is) that he should di-ul.e her se/ret Ibn !umair narrates this hadith with a /han.e o0 wordin.,
#4* & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

'ha1ter 22: Al a8l (in/om1lete se5ual inter/ourse): /oitus interru1tus

7oo6 #2 !umber 44%$:
Abu Sa:id2 did "ou hear AlAbu Sirma said to Abu Sa:id al >hadri (Allah he 1leased with him):

lah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) mentionin. al-:a8lD He said: Kes2 and added: ?e went out with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the e51edition to the 7i:l-Mustaliq and too6 /a1ti-e some e5/ellent Arab womenB and we desired them2 0or we were su00erin. 0rom the absen/e o0 our wi-es2 (but at the same time) we also desired ransom 0or them, So we de/ided to ha-e se5ual inter/ourse with them but b" obser-in. :a8l (?ithdrawin. the male se5ual be0ore emission o0 semen to a-oid-/on/e1tion), 7ut we said: ?e are doin. an a/t whereas Allah:s is usB wh" not as6 himD So we as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he said: It does not matter i0 "ou do not do it2 0or e-er" soul that is to be born u1 to the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion will be born,


#2 !umber 44%2:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Habban with the same /hain o0 transmitters (but with this alteration) that he said:C Allah has ordained whom he has to /reateuntil the 9a" o0 jud.ment,C


#2 !umber 44%4:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?e too6 women /a1ti-es2 and we wanted to do :a8l with them, ?e then as6ed Allah:s Messen- .er (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about it2 and he said to us: <eril" "ou do it2 -eril" "ou do it2 -eril" "ou do it2 but the soul whi/h has to be born until the 9a" o0 jud.- ment must be born,


#2 !umber 44%*:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) (was as6ed i0 he had heard it himsel0)2 to whi/h he said: Kes, (I heard) Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is no harm i0 "ou do not 1ra/tise it2 0or it (the birth o0 the /hild) is somethin. ordained (b" Allah),


#2 !umber 44%+:

This hadith is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation (o0 words),
#4+ & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 44%):

Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed about :a8l2 whereu1on he said: There is no harm i0 "ou do not do that2 0or it (the birth o0 the /hild) is somethin. ordained, Muhammad (one o0 the narrators) said: (The words) La :ala"6um (there is no harm) im1lies its @rohibition,


#2 !umber 44%%:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that mention was made o0 :a8l in the 1resen/e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whereu1on he said: ?h" do "ou 1ra/tise itD The" said: There is a man whose wi0e has to su/6le the /hild2 and i0 that 1erson has a se5ual inter/ourse with her (she ma" /on/ei-e) whi/h he does not li6e2 and there is another 1erson who has a sla-e-.irl and he has a se5ual inter/ourse with her2 but he does not li6e her to ha-e /on/e1tion so that she ma" not be/ome Umm ?alad2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: There is no harm i0 "ou do not do that2 0or that (the birth o0 the /hild) is somethin. 1re- ordained, Ibn :Aun said: I made a mention o0 this hadith to Hasan2 and he said: 7" Allah2 (it seems) as i0 there is u1braidin. in it (0or :a8l),


#2 !umber 44%#:

Ibn :Aun re1orted: I re1orted to Muhammad on the authorit" o0 Ibrahim the hadith re1orted b" :Abd al-Aahmann b, 7ishr (the hadith /on/ernin. :a8l)2 where- u1on he said: That (hadith) Abd alAahman b, 7ishr had narrated to me (also),


#2 !umber 44%;:

Ma:bad b, Sirin said to Abu Sa:id (Allah be 1leased with him): 9id "ou hear Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ma6in. a mention o0 somethin. in re.ard to al-:a8lD Thereu1on he said: Kes, The rest (o0 the hadith is the same)


#2 !umber 44# :

Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: Mention was made about al-:a8l in the 1resen/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on he said: ?h" an" one o0 "ou 1ra/tises itD (He did not sa": 3ne o0 "ou should not do it)2 0or there is no /reated soul2 whose /reator is not Allah,

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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 44#$:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed about :a8l2 whereu1on he said: The /hild does not /ome 0rom all the liquid (sermen) and when Allah intends to /reate an"thin. nothin. /an 1re-ent it (0rom /omin. into e5isten/e),


#2 !umber 44#2:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted b" Abu Sa:id 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


#2 !umber 44#4:

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that a man /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: I ha-e a sla-e-.irl who is our ser-ant and she /arries water 0or us and I ha-e inter/ourse with her2 but I do not want her to /on/ei-e, He said: @ra/tise :a8l2 i0 "ou so li6e2 but what is de/reed 0or her will /ome to her, The 1erson sta"ed ba/6 (0or some time) and then /ame and said: The .irl has be/ome 1re.nant2 whereu1on he said: I told "ou what was de/reed 0or her would /ome to her,


#2 !umber 44#*:

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that a 1erson as6ed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: I ha-e a sla-e-.irl and I 1ra/tise :a8l with her2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: This /annot 1re-ent that whi/h Allah has de/reed, The 1erson then /ame (a0ter some time) and said: o0 Allah2 the sla-e-.irl about whom I tal6ed to "ou has /on/ei-ed2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I am the ser-ant o0 Allah and His,


#2 !umber 44#+:

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: A 1erson /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (the rest o0 the hadith is the same),


#2 !umber 44#):

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?e used to 1ra/tise :a8l while the Eur:an was re-ealed (durin. the da"s when the Hol" @ro1het was ali-e),

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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 44#%:

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?e used to 1ra/tise :a8l durin. the li0e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


#2 !umber 44##:

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?e used to 1ra/tise :a8l durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), This (the news o0 this 1ra/tise) rea/hed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he did not 0orbid us,

'ha1ter 24: It is 0orbidden to ha-e inter/ourse with a 1re.nant sla-e-woman

7oo6 #2 !umber 44#;:
Abu 9arda: (Allah be 1leased with him) related 0rom the @ro1het o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he /ame u1on a woman who was in the ad-an/ed sta.e o0 1re.nan/" at the door o0 a tent, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: @erha1s he (the man a//om1an"in. her) intends to /ohabit with her, The" said: Kes, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I ha-e de/ided to /urse him with su/h a /urse as ma" .o alon. with him to his .ra-e, How /an he own him (the /hild to be born) and that is not law0ul 0or him2 and how /an he ta6e him as a ser-ant 0or that is not law0ul 0or himD


#2 !umber 44; :

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba,

'ha1ter 2*: @ermissibilit" o0 inter/ourse with a su/6lin. lad" and disa11ro-al o0 :a8l
7oo6 #2 !umber 44;$:
Fudaima dau.hter o0 ?ahb al-Asadi""a (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that she heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) assa"in.: I intended to 1rohibit /ohabitation with a su/6lin. woman until I /onsidered that the Aomans and the @ersians do it without an" injur" bein. /aused to
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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

their /hildren thereb", (Imam Muslim said: >hala0 re1orted it 0rom Fudamat al-:Asadi""a2 but the /orre/t wordin. is what has been stated b" Kah"a,)


#2 !umber 44;2:

Fudama dau.hter o0 ?ahb2 sister o0 U66asha (Allah be 1leased with her), re1orted: I went to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) alon. with some 1ersons and he was sa"in.: I intended to 1rohibit /ohabitation with the su/6lin. women2 but I /onsidered the Hree6s and @ersians2 and saw that the" su/6le their /hildren and this thin. (/ohabitation) does not do an" harm to them (to the su/6lin. women), Then the" as6ed him about :a8l2 whereu1on he said, That is the se/ret (wa" o0) bur"in. ali-e2 and Ubaidullah has made this addition in the hadith transmitted b" al-Muqri and that is:C ?hen the one buried ali-e is as6ed,C


#2 !umber 44;4:

Fudama bint ?ahb al-Asadi""a (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in. this, The rest o0 the hadith is the same /on/ernin. :a8l and .hila (/ohabitatin. with a su/6lin. woman)2 but with a -ariation o0 words,


#2 !umber 44;*:

Sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that a 1erson /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: I do :a8i with m" wi0e, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?h" do "ou do thatD The 1erson said: I 0ear harm to her /hild or her /hildren, Thereu1on Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 that were harm0ul it would harm the @ersians and the Hree6s,

'ha1ter 2+: >itab al-rada:a-boo6 1ertainin. to 0ostera.e

7oo6 #2 !umber 44;+:
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted tha Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was with her and she heard the -oi/e o0 a 1erson see6in. 1ermission to enter the house o0 Ha0sa, :A:isha (Allah he 1leased with her) said: Allah:s Messen.er2 he is the 1erson who see6s 1ermission to enter "our house2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I thin6 he is so and so (un/le o0 Ha0sa b" reason o0 0ostera.e), :A:isha said: o0 Allah2 i0 so and so (her un/le b" reason o0 0ostera.e) were ali-e2 /ould he enter m" houseD Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kes, =ostera.e ma6es unlaw0ul what /onsan.uinit" ma6es unlaw0ul,
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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 44;):

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: =ostera.e ma6es unlaw0ul what /onsan.uinit" ma6es unlaw0ul,


#2 !umber 44;%:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that A0lah2 the brother o0 Abu:l-Eu:ais2 who was her un/le b" reason o0 0ostera.e2 /ame2 and as6ed her 1ermission (to enter the house) a0ter se/lusi/in was instituted, I re0used to admit him, ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame2 I In0ormed him what I had done, He /ommanded me to .rant him 1ermission (as the brother o0 her 0oster-0ather was also her un/le),


#2 !umber 44;#:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: There /ame to me A0lah b, Abu Eulais2 m" un/le b" reason o0 0ostera.eB the rest o0 the hadith is the same (but with this) addition:C I (:A:isha) said (to the Hol" @ro1het): It was the woman who su/6led me and not the man2 whereu1on he (Allah:s said: Ma" "our hands or "our hand be besmeared with dust ("ou were mista6en),C


#2 !umber 44;;:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that there /ame A0lah the brother2 o0 Abu:l-Eu:ais2 who her 1ermission (to enter) a0ter se/lusion was instituted2 and AbuEu:ais was the 0ather o0 :A:isha b" reason o0 0ostera.e, :A:isha said: 7" Allah2 I would not 1ermit A0lah unless I ha-e soli/ited the o1inion o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or Abu Eulais has not su/6led me2 but his wi0e has .i-en me su/6, :A:isha: (Allah be 1leased with her) said: ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered2 I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 A0lah is the brother o0 Abu:l-EulaisB he /ame to me to see6 m" 1ermission 0or enterin. (the houst), I did not li6e the idea o0 .rantin. him 1ermission until I had soli/ited "our o1inion, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Hrant him 1ermission, :Urwa said it was on a//ount o0 this that :A:isha used to sa", ?hat is unlaw0ul b" reason o0 /onsan.uinit" is unlaw0ul b" reason o0 0ostera.e,


#2 !umber 4*

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters (that :A:isha said): There /ame A0lah2 the brother o0 Abu:l Eulais (Allah be 1leased with him)2 and 1ermission 0rom her2 the rest o0 the hadith is the same (e5/e1t 0or the words that the Hol" @ro1het) said:C He is "our un/le, Let "our hand be besmeared with dust, Abu:l Eulais was the husband o0 the woman who had su/6led :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her),

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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 4* $:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: M" 0oster un/le /ame to me and 1ermission (to enter the house)2 but I re0used him 1ermission until I had soli/ited the o1inion o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame2 I said to him: M" 0oster-un/le m" 1ermission to (enter the house)2 but I did not 1ermit him2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kou better admit "our un/le (into the house), I (:A:isha) said: It was the woman who su/6led me and not the man, (7ut he) said: He is "our un/le2 admit him,


#2 !umber 4* 2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are):C The brother o0 Abu:l-Eu:ais 1ermission 0rom her (:A:isha) (to enter the house), The rest is the same,


#2 !umber 4* 4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 words,


#2 !umber 4* *:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: M" 0oster-un/le Abu:l Fa:d (6un"a o0 A0lah) 1ermission 0rom me2 whi/h I re0used, (Hisham said to me that Abu:l-Fa:d was in 0a/t Abu:l-Eu:ais), ?hen Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame2 I (:A:isha) in0ormed him about it, He said: ?h" did "ou not 1ermit himD Let "our hand or hand be besmeared with dust,


#2 !umber 4* +:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that her 0oster-un/le whose name was A0lah 1ermission 0rom her (to enter the house) but she obser-ed se/lusion 0rom him2 and in0ormed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who said to her: 9on:t obser-e -eil 0rom him 0or he is Mahram (one with whom marria.e /annot be /ontra/ted) on a//ount o0 0ostera.e as one is Mahram on a//ount o0 /onsan.uinit",


#2 !umber 4* ):

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: A0lah b, Eu:ais 1ermission 0rom me (to enter the house)2 but I re0used to .rant him the 1ermission2 and he sent me (the messa.e sa"in.): I am "our un/le (in the sense) that the wi0e o0 m" brother has su/6led "ou2 (but still) I re0used to .rant him

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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

1ermission, There /ame the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and I made a mention o0 it to him2 and he said: He /an enter ("our house)2 0or he is "our un/le,


#2 !umber 4* %:

:Ali (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted ha-in. said this: o0 Allah2 wh" is it that "ou sele/t ("our wi0e) 0rom amon. the Euraish2 but "ou i.nore us (the nearest o0 the 6in)D Thereu1on he said: Ha-e "ou an"thin. 0or me (a suitable mat/h 0or me)D I saidB Kes2 the dau.hter o0 Ham8a2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: She is not law0ul 0or me2 0or she is the dau.hter o0 m" brother b" reason o0 0ostera.e,


#2 !umber 4* #:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmit-


#2 !umber 4* ;:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: It was 1ro1osed that he (the Hol" @ro1het) be married to the dau.hter o0 Ham8a2 whereu1on he said: She is not law0ul 0or me 0or she is the dau.hter o0 m" 0oster-brother2 and that is unlaw0ul b" reason o0 0ostera.e what is unlaw0ul b" reason o0 .enealo.",


#2 !umber 4*$ :

A hadith li6e this is narrated on the authorit" o0 Hammam2 Sa:id2 7ishr b :Umar2 but with a small -ariation o0 words,


#2 !umber 4*$$:

Umm Salama (Allah be 1leased with her)2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said: It was said to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): Is not the dau.hter o0 Ham8a a suitable mat/h 0or "ouD 3r it was said: ?h" don:t "ou 1ro1ose to marr" the dau.hter o0 Ham8a2 the son o0 Abd al-MuttalibD Thereu1on he said: Ham8a is m" brother b" reason o0 0ostera.e,

#*2 & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

'ha1ter 2): It is 0orbidden to marr" the ste1-dau.hter and the sister o0 the wi0e (when wi0e is ali-e and not di-or/ed)
7oo6 #2 !umber 4*$2:
Umm Habiba2 the dau.hter o0 AbuSu0"an2 re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to me and I said to him: Ha-e "ou an" in/lination towards m" the dau.hter o0 Abu Su0"anD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Then what should I doD I said: Marr" her, He said: 9o "ou li6e thatD I said: I am not the e5/lusi-e (wi0e) o0 "oursB I2 there0ore2 wish to join m" sister in .ood, He2 said: She is not law0ul 0or me, I said: I ha-e been in0ormed that "ou ha-e .i-en the 1ro1osal o0 marria.e to 9urrah dau.hter o0 Abu Salama He raid: Kou mean the dau.hter o0 Umm SalamaD I said: Kes, He said: (-en i0 she had not been m" ste1-dau.hter u1 under m" .uardianshi12 she would not ha-e been law0ul 0or me2 0or she is the dau.hter o0 m" 0oster-brother (Ham8a)2 0or Thuwaiba had su/6led me and her 0ather, So do not .i-e me the 1ro1osal o0 the marria.e o0 "our dau.hters and sisters, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


#2 !umber 4*$4:

Umm Habiba2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted that she said to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): o0 Allah2 marr" m" sister :A88a2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o "ou li6e itD She said: Kes2 o0 Allah2 I am not the e5/lusi-e wi0e o0 "ours2 and I wish that the 1erson who joins me in .ood should be m" sister, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: That is not law0ul 0or me, I said: o0 Allah2 we dis/ussed that Kou intend to marr" 9urrah bint Abu Salama, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kou mean the dau.hter o0 Abu SalamaD She said: Kes2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma", 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (-en i0 she were not the ste1-dau.hter o0 mine2 u1 under m" .uardianshi12 she would not ha-e been law0ul 0or me2 0or she is the dau.hter o0 m" 0oster-brother, Thuwaiba .a-e me su/6 and to Abu Salama (also)2 so do not o00er to me "our dau.hters and sisters,

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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

'ha1ter 2%: 3ne su/6lin. or two do not ma6e marria.e unlaw0ul

7oo6 #2 !umber 4*$*:
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her)2 Suwaid and Gubair re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 3ne su/6lin. or two do not ma6e (marria.e) unlaw0ul,


#2 !umber 4*$+:

Umm al-=adl re1orted: A bedouin /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) when he was in m" house and said: Allah:s A1ostle2 I ha-e had a wi0e and I married another besides her2 and m" 0irst wi0e /laimed that she had su/6led on/e or twi/e m" newl" married wi0e2 thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3ne su/6lin. or two do not ma6e the (marria.e) unlaw0ul,


#2 !umber 4*$):

Umm =adl (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that a 1erson 0rom 7anu :Amir b, Sa:sa said: Allah:s A1ostle2 does one su/6lin. ma6e the (marria.e) unlaw0ulD He said: !o,


#2 !umber 4*$%:

Umm =adl (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7ein. su/6led on/e or twi/e2 or one su/6lin. or two2 do not ma6e marria.e unlaw0ul,


#2 !umber 4*$#:

In the narration transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn 7ishr there is a mention o0 two su/6lin.s and Ibn Abu Shaiba has narrated it with a small -ariation o0 wordin.,


#2 !umber 4*$;:

Umm =adl (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be:a1on him) ha-in. said this: 3ne or two su/6lin.s do not ma6e (the marria.e) unlaw0ul,


#2 !umber 4*2 :

Umm =adl (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that a 1erson as6ed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): 9oes one su/6lin. ma6e (the marria.e) unlaw0ulD He said: !o,

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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 4*2$:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with2 her) re1orted that it had been re-ealed in the Hol" Eur:an that ten /lear su/6lin.s ma6e the marria.e unlaw0ul2 then it was abro.ated (and substituted) b" 0i-e su/6lin.s and Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) died and it was be0ore that time (0ound) in the Hol" Eur:an (and re/ited b" the Muslims),


#2 !umber 4*22:

:Amra re1orted that she beard :A:isha (Allah he 1leased with her) dis/ussin. 0ostera.e whi/h (ma6es marria.e) unlaw0ulB and she (:A:isha) said: There was re-ealed in the Hol" Eur:an ten /lear su/6lin.s2 and then 0i-e /lear (su/6lin.s),


#2 !umber 4*24:

Ahadith li6e this is transmitted b" :A:isha throu.h another /hain o0 narrators,

'ha1ter 2#: Su/6lin. o0 a "oun. (bo")

7oo6 #2 !umber 4*2*:
: A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that Sahla bint Suhail /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be eu1on him) and said: Messen.ero0 Allah2 I see on the 0a/e o0 Abu Hudhai0a (si.ns o0 dis.ust) on enterin. o0 Salim (who is an all") into (our house)2 whereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Su/6le him, She said: How /an I su/6le him as he is a .rown-u1 manD Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) smiled and said: I alread" 6now that he is a "oun. man :Amr has made this addition in his narration that he 1arti/i1ated in the 7attle o0 7adr and in the narration o0 Ibn :Umar (the words are): Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) lau.hed,


#2 !umber 4*2+:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that Salim2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Abu Hadhai0a2 li-ed with him and his 0amil" in their house, She (i, e, the dau.hter o0 Suhail /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Salim has attained (1urbet") as men attain2 and he understands what the" understand2 and he enters our house 0reel"2 I2 howe-er2 1er/ei-e that somethin. (ran6les) in the heart o0 Abu Hudhai0a2 whereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to her: Su/6le him and "ou would be/ome unlaw0ul 0or him2 and (the ran6lin.) whi/h Abu Hudhai0a 0eels in his heart will disa11ear, She returned and said: So I su/6led him2 and what (was there) in the heart o0 Abu Hudhai0a disa11eared,

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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 4*2):

Ibn Abu Mulai6a re1orted that al-Easim b, Muhammad b, Abu 7a6r had narrated to him that :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that Sahla bint Suhail b, :Amr /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 Salim (the 0reed sla-e o0 Abu Hudhai0a) is li-in. with us in our house2 and he has attained (1ubert") as men attain it and has a/quired 6nowled.e (o0 the se5 1roblems) as men a/quire2 whereu1on he said: Su/6le him so that he ma" be/ome unlaw0ul (in re.ard to marria.e) 0or "ou He (Ibn Abu Mulai6a) said: I re0rained 0rom (narratin. this hadith) 0or a "ear or so on a//ount o0 0ear, I then met al-Easim and said to him: Kou narrated to me a hadith whi/h I did not narrate (to an"one) a0terwards, He said: ?hat is thatD I in0ormed him2 whereu1on he said: !arrate it on m" authorit" that :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) had narrated that to me,


#2 !umber 4*2%:

Umm Salama said to :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her): A "oun. bo" who is at the threshold o0 1ubert" /omes to "ou, I2 howe-er2 do not li6e that he should /ome to me2 whereu1on :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said: 9on:t "ou see in Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a model 0or "ouD She also said: The wi0e o0 Abu Hudhai0a said: o0 Allah2 Salim /omes to me and now he is a (.rown-u1) 1erson2 and there is somethin. that (ran6les) in the mind o0 Abu Hudhai0a about him2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Su/6le him (so that he ma" be/ome "our 0oster-/hild)2 and thus he ma" be able to /ome to "ou (0reel"),


#2 !umber 4*2#:

Gainab dau.hter o0 Abu Salama re1orted: I heard Umm Salama2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him"2 sa"in. to :A:isha: 7" Allah2 I do not li6e to be seen b" a "oun. bo" who has 1assed the 1eriod o0 0ostera.e2 whereu1on she (:A:isha) said: ?h" is it soD Sahla dau.hter o0 Suhail /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I swear b" Allah that I see in the 0a/e o0 Abu Hudhai0a (the si.ns o0 dis.ust) on a//ount o0 enterin. o0 Salim (in the house)2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Su/6le him, She (Sahla bint Suhail) said: He has a heard, 7ut he (a.ain) said: Su/6le him2 and it would remo-e what is there (e51ression o0 dis.ust) on the 0a/e o0 Abu Hudhai0a, She said: (I did that) and2 b" Allah2 I did not see (an" si.n o0 dis.ust) on the 0a/e o0 Abu Hadhai0a,


#2 !umber 4*2;:

Umm Salama2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 used to sa" that all wi-es o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) dis/laimed the idea that one with this t"1e o0 0ostera.e (ha-in. been su/6led a0ter the 1ro1er 1eriod) should /ome to them, and said to :A:isha: 7" Allah2 we do not 0ind this but a sort o0 /on/ession .i-en b" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) onl" 0or
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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

Salim2 and no one was .in. to be allowed to enter (our houses) with this t"1e o0 0ostera.e and we do not subs/ribe to this -iew,


#2 !umber 4*4 :

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited me when a man was sittin. near me2 and he seemed to disa11ro-e o0 that, And I saw si.ns o0 on his 0a/e and I said: o0 Allah2 he is m" brother b" 0orstera.e2 whereu1on he said: 'onsider who "our brothers are be/ause o0 0ostera.e sin/e 0ostera.e is throu.h (i, e, in in0an/"),


#2 !umber 4*4$:

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abd al-Ahwas with another /hain o0 transmitters and a -ariation o0 words,

'ha1ter 2;: It is 1ermissible to ha-e se5ual inter/ourse with a /a1ti-e woman a0ter she is 1uri0ied (o0 menses or deli-er") in /ase she has a husband2 her marria.e is abro.ated a0ter she be/omes /a1ti-e
7oo6 #2 !umber 4*42:
Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah her 1leased with him) re1orted that at the 7attle o0 Hanain Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent an arm" to Autas and en/ountered the enem" and with them, Ha-in. o-er/ome them and ta6en them /a1ti-es2 the 'om1anions o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e te u1on him) seemed to re0rain 0rom ha-in. inter/ourse with /a1ti-e women be/ause o0 their husbands bein. 1ol"theists, Then Allah2 Most Hi.h2 sent down re.ardin. that:C And women alread" married2 e5/e1t those whom "our hands 1ossess (i-, 2*)C (i, e, the" were law0ul 0or them when their :Idda 1eriod /ame to an end),


#2 !umber 4*44:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent a small arm", The rest o0 the hadith is the same e5/e1t this that he said: (5/e1t what "our hands 1ossessout o0 them are law0ul 0or "ouB and he did not mentionC when their :idda 1eriod /omes to an endC, This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 AbuSa:id (al->hudri) (Allah be 1leased with him) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters and the words are: The" too6 /a1ti-es (wo#*% & $#


733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

men) on the da" o0 Autas who had their husbands, The" were a0raid (to ha-e se5ual inter/ourse with them) when this -erse was re-ealed:C And women alread" married e5/e1t those whom "ou hands 1ossesC (i-, 2*)


#2 !umber 4*4*:

Eatada re1orted a hadith li6e this with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 4 : The /hild is to be attributed to one on whose bed it is born and one must a-oid sus1i/ion
7oo6 #2 !umber 4*4+:
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: Sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas and Abd b, Gam:a (Allah be 1leased with them) dis1uted with ea/h other o-er a "oun. bo", Sa:d said: o0 Allah2 he is the son o0 m" brother :Utba b, Abu ?aqqas as he made it e51li/it that he was his son, Loo6 at his resemblan/e, Abd b, Gam:a said o0 Allah2 he is m" brother as he was born on the bed o0 m" 0ather 0rom his sla-e-.irl, Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e he u1on him) loo6ed at his resembl-, an/e and 0ound a /lear resemblan/e with :Utba, (7ut) he said: He is "ours :Abd (b, Gam:a)2 0or the /hild is to be attributed to one on whose bed it is born2 and stonin. 0or a 0orni/ator, Sauda bint Gam:a2 3 "ou should obser-e -eil 0rom him, So he did not see Sauda at all, Muhammad b, Aumh did not ma6e a mention (o0 the words):C 3 Abd,C


#2 !umber 4*4):

A hadith li6e this is narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :U"ai"na and Ma:mar (and the words are): The /hild is attributed to him on whose bed he is bornB but the" did not mention this:C =or a 0orni/ator there is stonin.,C


#2 !umber 4*4%:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The /hild is to be attributed to one on whose bed he is born2 and 0or a 0orni/ator there is stonin.,


#2 !umber 4*4#:

A hadith li6e this is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira,

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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

'ha1ter 4$: Tra/in. o0 relationshi1 0rom 1h"si/al 0eatures

7oo6 #2 !umber 4*4;:
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited me loo6in. 1leased as i0 his 0a/e was .listenin. and said: 9id "ou see that Muja88i8 /ast a .lan/e at Gaid b, Haritha and Usama b, Gaid2 and (then) said: Some (o0 the 0eatures) o0 their 0eet are 0ound in the othersD


#2 !umber 4** :

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: 3ne da" Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited me loo6in. 1leased and he said: :A:isha2 don:t "ou see Muja88i8 al-MudlijiD (He) entered (m" house) and saw Usama and Gaid with a ru. o-er them /o-erin. their heads2 but their 0eet a11eared2 and (he) said: These 0eet are related to one another,


#2 !umber 4**$:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: A 1h"sio.nomist -isited (our house) and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was 1resent2 and Usama b, Gaid and Gaid b, Haritha were both l"in. aslee12 and he (the 1h"sio.nomist)2 said: These 0eet are related to one another, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was 1leased to hear this2 and he was ha11" and in0ormed :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) about it,


#2 !umber 4**2:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri and Kunus said: Muja88i8 was a 1h"sio.nomist,

'ha1ter 42: How lon. a0ter marr"in. one should sta" with a or a woman 1re-iousl" married
7oo6 #2 !umber 4**4:
:Abd al-Mali6 b, Abu 7a6r b, Abd al-Aahman b, al-Harith b, Hisham re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather 0rom Umm Salama (Allah be 1leased with her) that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) married Umm Salama2 he sta"ed with her 0or three ni.hts2 and said: There is no la/6 o0
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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

estimation on the 1art o0 "our husband 0or "ou, I0 "ou wish I /an sta" with "ou 0or a wee62 but in /ase I sta" with "ou 0or a wee62 then I shall ha-e to sta" 0or a wee6 with all m" wi-es,


#2 !umber 4***:

Ibn Abu 7a6r b, Abd al-Aahman re1orted that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) married Umm Salama and she sta"ed with him (durin. the and it was dawn2 he (the Hol" @ro1het) said to her: There is no la/6 o0 estimation 0or "ou on the 1art o0 "our husband, So i0 "ou desire I /an s1end a wee6 with "ou2 and i0 "ou li6e I ma" s1end three (ni.hts), and then I will -isit "ou in turn, She said: S1end three (ni.hts),


#2 !umber 4**+:

Abu 7a6r b, :Abd al-Aahman re1orted that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) married Umm Salama and he -isited her2 and when he intended to /ome out2 she / hold o0 his /loth, whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 "ou so desire2 I /an e5tend the time (o0 m" sta") with "ou2 but then I shall ha-e to /al/ulate the time (that I sta" with "ou and shall ha-e to s1end the same time with other wi-es), =or the woman2 (her husband has to sta" with her) 0or a wee62 and 0or the woman 1re-iousl" married it is three da"s,


#2 !umber 4**):

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Humaid,


#2 !umber 4**%:

Umm Salama (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) married her2 and he (the narrator) made mention o0 so man" thin.s in this /onne/tion (and one o0 them was this) that he said: I0 "ou desire that I s1end a wee6 with "ou2 I shall ha-e to s1end a wee6 with m" (other) wi-es2 and i0 s1end a wee6 with "ou2 I shall ha-e to s1end a wee6 with m" (other) wi-es,


#2 !umber 4**#:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: ?hen an"one who has alread" a wi0e marries -ir.in2 he should sta" with her 0or se-en ni.hts (and then turn to his other wi0e)2 but when an"one ha-in. a with him (as his wi0e) marries a woman who has been 1re-iousl" married he should sta" with her 0or three ni.hts, >halid (one o0 the narrators) said, I0 I were to sa" that it /ould be dire/tl" tra/ed to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I would ha-e told the truth2 but he (Hadrat Anas) said: Su/h is the tradition,

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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 4**;:

Abu Eilaba re1orted on the authorit" o0 Anas: It is the Sunn1h to sta" with a (a0ter ha-in. married her) 0or a wee6, >halid (one o0 the narrators) said: I0 wish I /an sa" that it /an be tra/ed u1 to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

'ha1ter 44: Sharin. -isits to one:s wi-es equall"

7oo6 #2 !umber 4*+ :
Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had ninewi-es, So when he di-ided (his sta") with them2 the turn o0 the 0irst wi0e did not /ome but on the ninth (da"), The" (all the wi-es) used to .ather e-er" in the house o0 one where he had to /ome (and sta" that, It was (the when he had to sta") in the house o0 :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her)2 when Gainab /ame there, He (the Hol" @ro1het) stret/hed his hand towards her (Gainab)2 whereu1on she (:A:isha) said: It is Gainab, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) withdrew his hand, There was an alter/ation between the two until their -oi/es be/ame loud (and it was at that time) when Iqama was 1ronoun/ed 0or 1ra"er, There ha11ened to /ome Abu 7a6r and he heard their -oi/es and said: o0 Allah2 (6indl") /ome 0or 1ra"er2 and throw dust in their moths, So the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out, :A:isha said: ?hen Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) would 0inish his 1ra"er there would also /ome Abu 7a6r and he would do as he does (on su/h o//asions2 i, e, re1rimandin.), ?hen Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0inished his 1ra"er2 there /ame to her Abu 7a6r, and s1o6e to her (:A:isha) in stern words and said: 9o "ou beha-e li6e thisD

'ha1ter 4*: @ermissibilit" o0 bestowin. the turn on one:s 0ellow-wi0e

7oo6 #2 !umber 4*+$:
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: !e-er did I 0ind an" woman more lo-in. to me than Sauda bint Gam:a, I wished I /ould be e5a/tl" li6e her who was 1assionate, As she be/ame old2 she had made o-er her da" (whi/h she had to s1end) with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to :A:isha, She said: I ha-e made o-er m" da" with "ou to :A:isha, So Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) allotted two da"s to :A:isha2 her own da" (when it was her turn) and that o0 Sauda,

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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 4*+2:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 narrators (and the words are): ?hen Sauda be/ame old (the rest o0 the hadith is the same) and in the narration o0 Shari6 there is an addition (o0 these words:C She was the 0irst woman whom he (Allah:s A1ostle) married a0ter me,C


#2 !umber 4*+4:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: I 0elt jealous o0 the women who o00ered themsel-es to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Then when Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 re-ealed this:C Kou ma" de0er an" one o0 them "ou wish2 and ta6e to "oursel0 an" "ou wishB and i0 "ou desire an" "ou ha-e set aside (no sin is /har.eable to "ou)C (555iii, +$)2 I (:A:isha,) said: It seems to me that "our Lord hastens to satis0" "our desire,


#2 !umber 4*+*:

Hisham re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) used to sa": 9oes the woman not 0eel sh" o0 o00erin. hersel0 to a manD Then Allah the (5alted and Hlorious re-ealed this -erse:C Kou ma" de0er an" o0 them "ou wish and ta6e to "oursel0 an" "ou wish,C I (:A:isha said): It seems to me that "our Lord hastens to satis0" "our desire,


#2 !umber 4*++:

:Ata related that when the" were with Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) at the 0uneral o0 Maimuna In Sari02 Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) said: This is the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) B so when "ou li0t her bier2 do not sha6e her or disturb her2 but be .entle2 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had nine wi-es2 with o0 whom he shared his time2 but to one o0 them2 he did not allot a share, :Ati said: The one to whom he did not allot a share o0 time was Sa0i""a2 dau.hter o0 Hu"a"" b, A6htab,


#2 !umber 4*+):

Ibn Furaij narrated a hadith with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 and she (Hadrat Maimuna) was the last o0 them to die at Medina,

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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

'ha1ter 4+: (5/ellen/e o0 /ontra/tin. marria.e with a 1ious lad"

7oo6 #2 !umber 4*+%:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A woman ma" be married 0or 0our reasons: 0or her 1ro1ert"2 her status, her beaut" and her reli.ion2 so tr" to .et one who is reli.ious2 ma" "our hand be besmeared with dust,

'ha1ter 4): (5/ellen/e o0 marr"in. a

7oo6 #2 !umber 4*+#:
Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: I married a woman durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be, u1on him), I met the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on he said: Fabir2 ha-e "ou marriedD I said: Kes, He said: A or one 1re-iousl" marrriedD I said: ?ith due 1re-iousl" married2 whereu1on he said: ?h" did "ou not marr" a with whom "ou /ould s1ortD I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I ha-e sistersB I was a0raid that she inter-ene between me and them2 whereu1on he said: ?ell and .ood2 i0 it is so, A woman is married 0or 0our reasons2 0or her reli.ion2 her 1ro1ert"2 her status2 her beaut"2 so "ou should /hoose one with reli.ion, Ma" "our hands /lea-e to dust,


#2 !umber 4*+;:

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: I married a woman2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: Ha-e "ou marriedD I said: Kes, He said: Is it a or a 1re-iousl" married one (widow or di-or/ed)D I said: ?ith a 1re-iousl" married one2 whereu1on he said: ?here had "ou been (awa") 0rom the amusements o0 -ir.insD Shu:ba said: I made a mention o0 it to :Amr b, 9inar and he said: I too heard 0rom Fabir ma6in. mention o0 that (that Allah:s A1ostle) said: ?h" didn:t "ou marr" a .irl2 so that "ou s1ort with her and she s1ort with "ouD


#2 !umber 4*) :

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: :Abdullah died and he le0t (behind him) nine or se-en dau.hters, I married a woman who had been 1re-iousl" married, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: Fabir2 ha-e "ou marriedD I said: Kes, He (a.ain) said: A or one 1re-iousl" marriedD I said: o0 Allah2 with one who was 1re-iousl" married2 whereu1on he said: ?h" didn:t "ou marr" a "oun. .irl so that "ou /ould s1ort with her and she /ould s1ort
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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

with "ou2 or "ou /ould amuse with her and she /ould amuse with "ouD I said to him: :Abdullah died (he 0ell as mart"r in Uhud) and le0t nine or se-en dau.hters behind himB I2 there0ore2 did not a11ro-e o0 the idea that I should brin. a (.irl) li6e them2 but I 1re0erred to brin. a woman who should loo6 a0ter them and tea/h them .ood manners2 whereu1on he (Allah:s said: Ma" Allah bless "ou2 or he su11li/ated (0or the) .ood (to be) /on0erred on me (b" Allah),


#2 !umber 4*)$:

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: Fabir2 ha-e "ou marriedD The rest o0 the hadith is the same u1 to (the words):C The woman would loo6 a0ter them and /omb them,C He (Allah:s said: Kou did well, 7ut no mention is made o0 the subsequent 1ortion,


#2 !umber 4*)2:

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: ?e were with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in an e51edition, ?hen we returned I ur.ed m" /amel to mo-e qui/6l" as it was slow, There met me a rider 0rom behind me and he .oaded it with an iron-ti11ed sti/6 whi/h he had with him, M" /amel mo-ed 0orward li6e the best that "ou ha-e e-er seen, As I turned (m" 0a/e) I 0ound him to be Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) He said: Fabir2 what hastens "ouD I said: o0 Allah2 I am newl" wedded, whereu1on he said: Is it a that "ou ha-e married or one 1re-iousl" marriedD I said: ?ith one 1re-iousl" married, He said: ?h" not a "oun. .irl so that "ou /ould 1la" with her and she /ould 1la" with "ouD Then when we arri-ed at and were about to enter Medina he said: ?ait2 so that we ma" enter b" (i, e, in the e-enin.) in order that the woman with dishe-elled hair ma" /omb it2 and the woman whose husband had been awa" ma" .et hersel0 /leanB and when "ou enter (then "ou ha-e the) enjo"ment (o0 tho wi0e:s /om1an"),


#2 !umber 4*)4:

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: I went out with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on an e51edition2 but m" /amel dela"ed me, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to me and said to me: Fabir2 I said: Kes, Allah:s Messen.er2 (here I am at "our be/6 and /all) He said: ?hat is the matter with "ouD I said: M" /amel has dela"ed me and is tired2 so I ha-e la..ed behind, He (the Hol" @ro1het) .ot down and .oaded it with a /roo6ed sti/6 and then said: Mount it, So I mounted and (to m" .reat sur1rise) I saw it (mo-in. so qui/6l" that) I had to restrain it (0rom .oin. ahead o0) Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He (the Hol" @ro1het) (in the /ourse o0 journe" said to me): Ha-e "ou marriedD I said: Kes, He (a.ain) said: Is it with a or one 1re-iousl" marriedD I said, ?ith one 1re-iousl" married2 whereu1on he (a.ain) said: ?h" not with a "oun. .irl with whom "ou /ould s1ort and she /ould ha-e s1orted with "ouD I said: I ha-e sisters2 so I 1re0erred to marr" a woman who /ould 6ee1 them to.ether (as one 0amil"), who /ould
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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

/omb them and loo6 a0ter them, He said: Kou are about to .o (to "our house)2 and there "ou ha-e the enjo"ment (o0 the wi0e:s /om1an"), He a.ain said: 9o "ou want to sell "our /amelD I said: Kes, So he it 0rom me 0or one u:qi"a (o0 sil-er)2 Then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) arri-ed (at Medina) and I arri-ed in the e-enin., I went to the mosque and 0ound him at the door o0 the mosque2 and said: Is it now that "ou ha-e arri-edD I said: Kes2 He said: Lea-e "our /amel2 and enter (the mosque) and o00er two ra6:ahs, So I entered and o00ered two ra6:ahs o0 1ra"er2 and then returned, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then /ommanded 7ilal to wei.h out one :uqi"a (o0 sil-er) tor me, 7ilal wei.hed that out 0or me (lowerin. the s/ale o0) balan/e, So I 1ro/eeded and as I turned m" ba/6 he said: 'all 0or me2 Fabir, So I was /alled ba/62 and I said (to m"sel0): He would return me the /amel2 and nothin. was more dis1leasin. to me than this (that a0ter ha-in. re/ei-ed the 1ri/e I should also .et the /amel), He said: Ta6e "our /amel and 6ee1 its 1ri/e with "ou2 (also),


#2 !umber 4*)*:

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: ?e were with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in a journe"2 and I was ridin. a /amel meant 0or /arr"in. water and it la..ed behind all 1ersons, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) hit it or .oaded it (I thin6) with somethin. he had with him, And a0ter it (it mo-ed so qui/6l") that it went ahead o0 all 1ersons and it stru..led with me (to mo-e 0aster than I 1ermitted It) and I had to restrain it, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o "ou sell it at su/h and su/h (1ri/e)D Ma" Allah .rant "ou 1ardon, I said: Allah:s A1ostle2 it is "ours, He (a.ain) said: 9o "ou sell it at su/h and su/h (1ri/e)D Ma" Allah .rant "ou 1ardon, : I said: Allah:s A1ostle2 it is "ours, He said to me: Ha-e "ou married a0ter the death o0 "our 0atherD I said: Kes, He (a.ain) said: ?ith one 1re-iousl" married or a -ir.inD I said: ?ith one 1re-iousl" married, He said: ?h" didn:t "ou marr" a who amuse "ou and "ou amuse her2 and she s1ort with "ou and "ou s1ort with herD Abu !adra said: That was the /ommon 1hrase whi/h the Muslims s1o6e:C Kou do su/h and su/h (thin.) and Allah ma" .rant "ou 1ardon,C

'ha1ter 4%: The .ood o0 this world is the 1ious woman

7oo6 #2 !umber 4*)+:
:Abdullah b, Amr re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The whole world is a 1ro-ision2 and the best obje/t o0 bene0it o0 the world is the 1ious woman,

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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

'ha1ter 4#: Ad-i/e in re.ard to women

7oo6 #2 !umber 4*)):
AbuHuraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?oman is li6e a rib, ?hen "ou attem1t to strai.hten it2 "ou would brea6 it, And i0 "ou lea-e her alone "ou would bene0it b" her2 and /roo6edness will remain in her, A hadith li6e this is re1orted b" another /hain o0 narrators


#2 !umber 4*)%:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?oman has been /reated 0rom a rib and will in no wa" be strai.htened 0or "ouB so i0 "ou wish to bene0it b" her2 bene0it b" her while /roo6edness remains in her, And i0 "ou attem1t to strai.hten her2 "ou will brea6 her2 and brea6in. her is di-or/in. her,


#2 !umber 4*)#:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who belie-es in Allah and the Herea0ter2 i0 he witnesses an" matter he should tal6 in .ood terms about it or 6ee1 quiet, A/t 6indl" towards woman2 0or woman is /reated 0rom a rib2 and the most /roo6ed 1art o0 the rib is its to1, I0 "ou attem1t to strai.hten it2 "ou will brea6 it2 and i0 "ou lea-e it2 its /roo6edness will remain there, So a/t 6indl" towards women,


#2 !umber 4*);:

Ab Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A belie-in. man should not hate a belie-in. womanB i0 he disli6es one o0 her /hara/teristi/s2 he will be 1leased with another,


#2 !umber 4*% :

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him),


#2 !umber 4*%$:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Had it not been 0or (-e2 woman would ha-e ne-er a/ted un0aith0ull" towards her husband,

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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)


#2 !umber 4*%2:

Hammam b, Munabbih said: These are some o0 the ahadith whi/h Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) narrated to us 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and one o0 these (this one): Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Had it not been 0or 7ani Isra:il2 0ood would not ha-e be/ome stale2 and meal would not ha-e .one badB and had it not been 0or (-e2 a woman would ne-er ha-e a/ted un0aith0ull" toward her husband,

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733> #: TH( 733> 3= MAAAIAH( (>ITA7 AL-!I>AH)

733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)

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733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)

The Arabi/ word 0or di-or/e is talaq whi/h meansC 0reein. or undoin. the 6notC (Imam Aa.hib), In the terminolo." o0 the jurists, Talaq si.ni0ies the dissolution o0 marria.e2 or the annulment o0 its le.alit" b" the 1ronoun/ement o0 /ertain words, 9i-or/e is o0 three 6inds: the Ahsan2 or most laudable2 the Hasan2 or laudable2 and the 7id:a or irre.ular, Talaq Ahsan or the most laudable di-or/e is where the husband re1udiates his wi0e b" ma6in. one 1ronoun/ement within the term o0 Tahr (1urit", when the woman is not 1assin. throu.h the 1eriod o0 menses) durin. whi/h he has not had se5ual inter/ourse with her2 and she is le0t to obser-e her :Idda, Talaq Hasan or laudable di-or/e is where a husband re1udiates an enjo"ed wi0e b" three senten/es o0 di-or/e2 in three Tuhrs Talaq 7id:a or irre.ular di-or/e is where a husband re1udiates his wi0e b" three di-or/es at on/e, A//ordin. to the majorit" o0 the jurists2 the Talaq holds .ood2 but it is a.ainst the s1irit o0 the Shari:ah2 and2 there0ore2 the man who 0ollows this /ourse in di-or/e is an o00ender in the e"e o0 Islami/ Law, The o0 woman in demandin. the dissolution o0 marria.e is 6nown as >hula: (meanin.2 literall"2 the 1uttin. o00 or ta6in. o00 a thin.), It is a 6ind o0 0a/ilit" 1ro-ided to the wi0e in se/urin. Talaq 0rom her husband b" returnin. a 1art or 0ull amount o0 the bridal .i0t, ?e ha-e des/ribed be0ore that2 a//ordin. to Islam2 marria.e is a /i-il /ontra/tB "et the ri.hts and res1onsibilities /onsequent u1on it are o0 su/h im1ortan/e to the wel0are o0 humanit" that a hi.h de.ree o0 san/tit" is atta/hed to it, 7ut2 in s1ite o0 the sa/redness o0 the /hara/ter o0 the marria.e tie2 Islam re/o.nises the eternit" o0 di-or/e in /ases when marital relations are 1oisoned to a de.ree whi/h ma6es a 1ea/e0ul home li0e im1ossible, 7ut Islam does not belie-e in unlimited o11ortunities 0or di-or/e on 0ri-olous and 0lims" .rounds2 be/ause an" undue in/rease in tht 0a/ilities 0or di-or/e would destro" the stabilit" o0 0amil" li0e, There0ore2 while allowin. di-or/e e-en on .enuine .rounds2 Islam has ta6en .reat /are to introdu/e /he/6s desi.ned to limit the use o0 a-ailable 0a/ilities, The =ren/h le.ists @laniol and Ai1ert ha-e e51li/itl" em1hasised Islam:s 1oint o0 -iew in re.ard to di-or/e in these words:C 9i-or/e is a mis/hie0, Howe-er2 it is a measure that /annot be a-oided 0or the wel0are o0 the /ommunit"2 be/ause it is the onl" remed" 0or another harm whi/h ma" be wore dan.erous The 1rohibition o0 di-or/e2 whate-er harm it ma" im1l"2 is li6e the 1rohibition o0"2 be/ause the sur.eon is /om1elled to am1utate some o0 the limbs o0 the 1atient:s bod", Howe-er2 there is no whatsoe-er2 in le.islatin. 0or di-or/e (in a//ordan/e with the 1ra/ti/e established b" Islam) sin/e it is not di-or/e that s1oils married li0e and dissol-es its sa/red tie2 but the misunderstandin. that arises between the married /ou1le and hinders the stren.thenin. o0 this (union b" marria-

#+; & $#


733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)

.e) and demolished it, 9i-or/e alone 1uts an end to the hatred that ma" o//ur between the husband and his wi0e be0ore it is a..ra-ated and be/omes an intolerable mis/hie0 to so/iet"C (quoted b" Hasan Ibrihim Hasan2 Islam2 Aeli.ious2 @oliti/al, So/ial and (/onomi/ Stud"2 1, 2%*),

'ha1ter $: It is 0orbidden to di-or/e the woman durin. her menses

7oo6 ;2 !umber 4*%4:
Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that he di-or/ed his wi0e while she was menstruatin. durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), :Umar b, >hattib (Allah be 1leased with him) as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about it2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 'ommand him (:Abdullah b, :Umar) to ta6e her ba/6 (and 6ee1 her) and 1ronoun/e di-or/e when she is 1uri0ied and she a.ain enters the 1eriod o0 menstruation and she is a.ain 1uri0ied (a0ter 1assin. the 1eriod o0 menses)2 and then i0 he so desires he ma" 6ee1 her and i0 he desires di-or/e her (0inall") be0ore tou/hin. her (without ha-in. an inter/ourse with her)2 0or that is the 1eriod o0 waitin. (:ldda) whi/h Hod2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 has /ommanded 0or the di-or/e o0 women,


;2 !umber 4*%*:

Abdullah (b, :Umar) re1orted that he di-or/ed a wi0e o0 his with the 1ronoun/ement o0 one di-or/e durin. the 1eriod o0 menstruation, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded him to ta6e her ba/6 and 6ee1 her until she was 1uri0ied2 and then she entered the 1eriod o0 menses in his (house) 0or the se/ond time, And he should wait until she was 1uri0ied o0 her menses, And then i0 he would de/ide to di-or/e her2 he should do so when she was 1uri0ied be0ore ha-in. a se5ual inter/ourse with herB 0or that was the :Idda whi/h Allah had /ommanded 0or the di-or/e o0 women, Ibn Aumh in his narration made this addition: ?hen :Abdullah was as6ed about it2 he said to one o0 them: I0 "ou ha-e di-or/ed "our wi0e with one 1ronoun/ement or two (then "ou /an ta6e her ba/6)2 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded me to do itB but i0 "ou ha-e di-or/ed her with three 1ronoun/ements2 then she is 0orbidden 0or "ou until she married another husband2 and "ou disobe"ed Allah in re.ard to the di-or/e o0 "our wi0e what He had /ommanded "ou, (Muslim said: The wordC one di-or/eC used b" Laith is .ood,)


;2 !umber 4*%+:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: I di-or/ed m" wi0e durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) when she was in the state o0 menses, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) made a mention o0 it to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on he said:
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733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)

'ommand him to ta6e her ba/6 and lea-e her (in that state) until she is 1uri0ied, Then (let her) enter the 1eriod o0 se/ond menses2 and when she is 1uri0ied2 then di-or/e her (0inall") be0ore ha-in. a se5ual inter/ourse with her2 or retain her (0inall"), That is the :Idda (the 1res/ribed 1eriod) whi/h Allah /ommanded (to be 6e1t in -iew) while di-or/in. the women, :Ubaidullah re1orted: I said to !a0i:: ?hat be/ame o0 that di-or/e (1ronoun/ed within :Idda)D He said: It was as one whi/h she /ounted,


;2 !umber 4*%):

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Ubaidullah2 but he made no mention o0 the words o0 Ubaidullah that he said to !a0i:,


;2 !umber 4*%%:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that he di-or/ed his wi0e durin. the 1eriod o0 menses, :Umar (Allah be2 1leas:ed with him) as6ed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he /ommanded him (:Abdullah b, :Umar) to ha-e her ba/6 and then allow her res1ite until she enters the 1eriod o0 the se/ond menses2 and then allow her res1ite until she is 1uri0ied2 then di-or/e her (0inall") be0ore tou/hin. her (ha-in. a se5ual inter/ourse with her)2 0or that is the 1res/ribed 1eriod whi/h Allah /ommanded (to be 6e1t in -iew) 0or di-or/in. the women, ?hen Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) was as6ed about the 1erson who di-or/es his wi0e in the state o0 menses2 he said: I0 "ou 1ronoun/ed one di-or/e or two2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had /ommanded him to ta6e her ba/62 and then allow her res1ite until she enters the 1eriod o0 the se/ond menses2 and then allow her res1ite until she is 1uri0ied2 and then di-or/e her (0inall") be0ore tou/hin. her (ha-in. a se5ual inter/ourse with her) B and i0 "ou ha-e 1ronoun/ed (three di-or/es at one and the same time) "ou ha-e in 0a/t disobe"ed "our Lord with re.ard to what He /ommanded "ou about di-or/in. "our wi0e, 7ut she is howe-er (0inall" se1arated 0rom "ou),


;2 !umber 4*%#:

Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: I di-or/ed m" wi0e while she was in the state o0 menses, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) made mention o0 it to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he was enra.ed and he said: 'ommand him to ta6e her ba/6 until she enters the se/ond ensuin. menses other than the one in whi/h he di-or/ed her and in /ase he deems 1ro1er to di-or/e her2 he should 1ronoun/e di-or/e (0inall") be0ore tou/hin. her (in the 1eriod) when she is 1uri0ied o0 her menses2 and that is the 1res/ribed 1eriod in re.ard to di-or/e as Allah has /ommanded, :Abdullah made a 1ronoun/ement o0 one di-or/e and it was /ounted in /ase o0 di-or/e, :Abdullah too6 her ba/6 as Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had /ommanded him, A hadith li6e this was re1orted on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 narrators, Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them)2 howe-er2 said: I too6 her ba/62 and /ounted this 1ronoun/ement o0 di-or/e (as -alid) with whi/h I di-or/ed her,
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733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)


;2 !umber 4*%;:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that he di-or/ed his wi0e while she was in the state o0 menses, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) made mention o0 it to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said: 'ommand him to ta6e her ba/62 then di-or/e her when she is 1ure or she is 1re.nant,


;2 !umber 4*# :

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that he di-or/ed his wi0e while she was in her menses, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) as6ed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about that2 and he said: 'ommand him to ta6e her ba/6 until she is 1ure and then she enters the se/ond menses and then be/omes 1ure, Then either di-or/e her (0inall") or retain her,


;2 !umber 4*#$:

Ibn Sirin re1orted: 3ne who was blameless (as a narrator) narrated to me 0or twent" "ears that Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) 1ronoun/ed three di-or/es to his wi0e while she was in the state o0 menses, He was /ommanded to ta6e her ba/6, I neither blamed them (the narrators) nor re/o.nised the hadith (to be 1er0e/tl" .enuine) until I met Abu Hhallab Kunus b, Fubair al-7ahili and he was -er" authenti/2 and he narrated to me that he had as6ed Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with there) and he narrated it to him that he made one 1ronoun/ement o0 di-or/e to his wi0e as she was in the state o0 menses2 but he was /ommanded to ta6e her ba/6, I said: ?as it /ounted (as one 1ronoun/ement)D He said: ?h" not2 was I hel1less or 0oolishD


;2 !umber 4*#2:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 A""ub with a -ariation o0 words,


;2 !umber 4*#4:

A""ub re1orted a hadith li6e this with the same /hain o0 narrators and he said: Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) as6ed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about it and he /ommanded him that he should ta6e her ba/6 until she is di-or/ed in the state o0 1urit" without ha-in. a se5ual inter/ourse with her2 and said: 9i-or/e her in the be.innin. o0 her :Idda or her :Idda /ommen/es,


;2 !umber 4*#*:

Kunus b, Fubair re1orted: I said to Ibn:Umar (Allah be 1leased with them): A 1erson di-or/edhis wi0e while she was in the state o0 menses2 whereu1on he said: 9o "ou 6now :Abdullah b, Umar (Allah be 1leased with them)2 0or he di-or/ed his wi0e in the state o0 menses, :Umar (Allah be 1leased
#)2 & $#


733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)

with him) /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and as6ed him2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) /ommanded him that he should ta6e her ba/62 and she started her :Idda, I said to him: ?hen a 1erson di-or/es his wi0e2 and she is in the state o0 menses2 should that 1ronoun/ement o0 di-or/e be /ountedD He said: ?h" not2 was he ho1less or 0oolishD


;2 !umber 4*#+:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: I di-or/ed m" wi0e while she was in the state o0 menses, :Umar (Allah he 1leased wish him) /ame toAllah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and made mention o0 that to him2 whereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) told that be should ta6e her ba/62 and when she is 1ure he ma" di-or/e her, i0 he would so wish, I (one o0 the narrators) said to Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them): 9id "ou /ount (this 1ronoun/ement o0 di-or/e) in her /aseD He said: ?hat (a0ter all) 1re-ents him 0rom doin. soD 9o "ou 0ind him (Ibn Umar) either hel1less or 0oolishD


;2 !umber 4*#):

Anas b, Sirin re1orted: I as6ed Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) about the woman whom he had di-or/ed, He said: I di-or/ed her while she was in the state o0 menses, It was mentioned to :Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) and he then made a mention o0 that to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on he said: 'ommand him to ta6e her ba/6 and when the 1eriod o0 menses is o-er2 then (he ma" di-or/e her in the state o0 her 1urit", He (Ibn Umar) said: So I too6 her ba/62 then di-or/ed her in her 1urit", I (the narrator) said: 9id "ou /ount that di-or/e whi/h "ou 1ronoun/ed in the state o0 mensesD He said: ?h" should I not ha-e /ounted thatD ?as I hel1less or 0oolishD


;2 !umber 4*#%:

Anas b, Sirin re1orted that he had heard Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) as sa"in., I di-or/ed m" wi0e while she was in the state o0 menses, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and in0ormed him about it2 whereu1on he (Allah:s A1ostle) said: 'ommand him to ta6e her ba/6 and when she is 1ure2 then di-or/e her, I said to Ibn :Umar Allah be 1leased with them): 9id "ou /ount that 1ronoun/ement o0 di-or/eD He said: ?h" notD This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation in wordin.,


;2 !umber 4*##:

Ibn Tawus narrated on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) was as6ed about the 1erson who di-or/ed his wi0e in the state o0 menses2 whereu1on he said: 9o "ou 6now :Abdullah b, UmarD He said: Kes, He said: It was he who di-or/ed his wi0e jn the state o0 menses and :Umar went to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and .a-e him this in0ormation, and
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he /ommanded him that he should ta6e her ba/6B and he (Abu Tawus) said: I did not hear an" addition to this (hadith) 0rom m" 0ather,


;2 !umber 4*#;:

Abu Gubair re1orted that he heard :Abd al-Aahman b, Aiman (the 0reed sla-e o0 :A88a) sa" that he as6ed Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) and Abu Gubair heard: ?hat is "our o1inion about the 1erson who di-or/ed his wi0e in the state o0 mensesD Thereu1on he said: Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) di-or/ed his wi0e durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) while she was in the state o0 menses, U1on this Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) told him to ta6e her ba/6 and so he too6 her ba/6 and he (0urther) said: ?hen she is 1ure2 then either di-or/e her or retain her, Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) said that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then re/ited this -erse:C 3 A1ostle2 when "ou di-or/e women2 di-or/e them at the /ommen/ement o0 their 1res/ribed 1eriodC (I5- $),


;2 !umber 4*; :

A hadith li6e this is re1orted on the same authorit" (but with this di00eren/e that the narrator) :Abd al-Aahman b, Aiman (was mentioned) as the 0reed sla-e o0 :Urwa (Imam Muslim said: He made a mista6e who said that it was :UrwaB it was in 0a/t the 0reed sla-e o0 :A88a,)

'ha1ter 2: @ronoun/ement o0 three di-or/es

7oo6 ;2 !umber 4*;$:
Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that the (1ronoun/ement) o0 three di-or/es durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and that o0 Abu 7a6r and two "ears o0 the /ali1hate o0 Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) (was treated) as one, 7ut Umar b, >hattab (Allah be 1leased with him) said: <eril" the 1eo1le ha-e be.un to hasten in the matter in whi/h the" are required to obser-e res1ite, So i0 we had im1osed this u1on them2 and he im1osed it u1on them,


;2 !umber 4*;2:

Abu Sahba: said toIbn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them): 9o "ou 6now that three (di-or/es) were treated as one durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and that o0 Abu 7a6r2 and durin. three ("ears) o0 the /ali1hate o0 Umar (Allah be 1leased with him)D Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) said: Kes,

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;2 !umber 4*;4:

Abu al-Sahba: said to Ibn :Abbas: (nli.hten us with "our in0ormation whether the three di-or/es (1ronoun/ed at one and the same time) were not treated as one durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and Abu 7a6r, He said: It was in 0a/t so2 but when durin. the /ali1hate o0 :Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) 1eo1le to 1ronoun/e di-or/e 0requentl"2 he allowed them to do so (to treat 1ronoun/ements o0 three di-or/es in a sin.le breath as one),

'ha1ter 4: Atonement is essential 0or one who made his wi0e unlaw0ul 0or himsel0 without the intention o0 di-or/e
7oo6 ;2 !umber 4*;*:
Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted about (de/larin. o0 one:s woman) unlaw0ul as an oath whi/h must be atoned2 and Ibn :Abbas said: <eril"2 there is in the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a model 1attern 0or "ou,


;2 !umber 4*;+:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: ?hen a man de/lares his wi0e unlaw0ul 0or himsel0 that is an oath whi/h must be atoned2 and he said: There is in the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a noble 1attern 0or "ou,


;2 !umber 4*;):

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) narrated that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to s1end time with Gainab dau.hter o0 Fahsh and dran6 hone" at her house, She (:A:isha 0urther) said: I and Ha0sa a.reed that one whom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) would -isit 0irst should sa": I noti/e that "ou ha-e an odour o0 the Ma.ha0ir (.um o0 mimosa), He (the Hol" @ro1het) -isited one o0 them and she said to him li6e this2 whereu1on he said: I ha-e ta6en hone" in the house o0 Gainab bint Fabsh and I will ne-er do it a.ain, It was at this (that the 0ollowin. -erse was re-ealed): :?h" do "ou hold to be 0orbidden what Allah has made law0ul 0or "ou,,, (u1 to), I0 "ou both (:A:isha and Ha0sa) turn to AllahC u1 to:C And when the Hol" @ro1het /on0ided an in0ormation to one o0 his wi-esC (l5-i, 4), This re0ers to his sa"in.: 7ut I ha-e ta6en hone",

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;2 !umber 4*;%:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) li6ed sweet (dish) and hone", A0ter sa"in. the a0ternoon 1ra"er he used to -isit his wi-es .oin. /lose to them, So he went to Ha0sa and sta"ed with her more than what was his usual sta", I (:A:isha) as6ed about that, It was said to me: A woman o0 her 0amil" had sent her a small -essel o0 hone" as a .i0t2 and she .a-e to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0rom that a drin6, I said: 7" Allah2 we would also /ontri-e a de-i/e 0or him, I mentioned that to Sauda2 and said: ?hen he (Allah:s A1ostle) would -isit "ou and draw /lose to "ou2 sa" to him: Allah:s Messen.er2 ha-e "ou ta6en ma.ha0irD And he would:sa" to "ou: !o, Then sa" to him: ?hat is this odourD And Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0elt it -er" mu/h that un1leasant odour should emit 0rom him, So he would sa" to "ou: Ha0sa has .i-en me a drin6 o0 hone", Then "ou should sa" to him: The hone"-bees ha-e su/6ed :Ur0ut2 and I would also sa" the same to him and, Sa0i""a2 "ou should also sa" this, So when he (the Hol" @ro1het) /ame to Sauda2 she said: 7" Him besides whom there is no .od2 it was under /om1ulsion that I had de/ided to state that whi/h "ou told me when he would be at a little distan/e at the door, So when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame near2 she said: o0 Allah2 did "ou eat Ma.ha0irD He said: !o, She (a.ain) said: Then what is this odourD He said: Ha0sa .a-e me hone" to drin6, She said: The hone"-bee ha-e su/6ed :Ur0ut, ?hen he /ame to me I told him li6e this, He then -isited Sa0i""a and she also said to him li6e this, ?hen he (a.ain) -isited Ha0sa2 she said: o0 Allah2 should I not .i-e "ou that (drin6)D He said: I do not need that, Sauda said: Hallowed be Allah2 b" Him we ha-e (/ontri-ed) to ma6e that (hone") unlaw0ul 0or him, I said to her: >ee1 quiet, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Urwa with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter *: Mere .i-in. o0 o1tion o0 di-or/e to women does not ma6e the di-or/e e00e/ti-e2 but when it is reall" intended
7oo6 ;2 !umber 4*;#:
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was /ommanded to .i-e o1tion to his wi-es2 he started it 0rom me sa"in.: I am .oin. to mention to "ou a matter whi/h "ou should not (de/ide) in haste until "ou ha-e /onsulted "our 1arents, She said that he alread" 6new that m" 1arents would ne-er allow me to see6 se1aration 0rom him She said: Then he said: Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 said: @ro1het2 sa" to th" wi-es: I0 "ou desire this world:s li0e and its adornment2 then /ome2 I will .i-e "ou a 1ro-ision and allow "ou to de1art a .oodl" de1artin.B and i0 "ou desire Allah and His and the abode o0 the Herea0ter2 then Allah has 1re1ared 0or the doers o0 .ood amon. "ou a .reat reward She is re1orted to ha-e said: About
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what should I /onsult m" 1arents2 0or I desire Allah and His and the abode o0 the Herea0terD She (:A:isha) said: Then all the wi-es o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did as I had done,


;2 !umber 4*;;:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) our 1ermission when he had a (turn to s1end) a da" with (one o0 his wi-es) us (whereas he wanted to -isit his other wi-es too), It was a0ter this that this -erse was re-ealed:C Thou ma"est 1ut o00 whom thou 1leasest o0 them2 and ta6e 0or thee whom thou 1leasestC (555iii, +), Mu:adha said to her: ?hat did "ou sa" to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) when he "our 1ermissionD She said: I used to sa": I0 it had the o1tion in this I would not ha-e (allowed an"one) to ha-e 1re/eden/e o-er me,


;2 !umber 4+

:A:isha re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e us the o1tion (to .et di-or/e) but we did not deem it as di-or/e,


;2 !umber 4+ $:

Masruq re1orted: I do not mind i0 I .i-e o1tion to m" wi0e (to .et di-or/e) on/e2 hundred times2 or thousand times a0ter (6nowin. it) that she has /hosen me (and would ne-er see6 di-or/e), I as6ed :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) (about it) and she said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e us the o1tion2 but did it im1l" di-or/eD (It was in 0a/t not a di-or/eB it is e00e/ti-e when women a/tuall" a-ail themsel-es o0 it,)


;2 !umber 4+ 2:

:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e o1tion to his wi-es2 but it was not a di-or/e,


;2 !umber 4+ 4:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e us the o1tion (to .et di-or/e) and we /hose him and he did not /ount it a di-or/e,

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;2 !umber 4+ *:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e us the o1tion (to .et di-or/e)2 but me made a /hoi/e o0 him and he did not /ount an"thin. (as di-or/e) in re.ard to us,


;2 !umber 4+ +:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 :A:isha throu.h another /hain o0 narra-


;2 !umber 4+ ):

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: Abu 7a6r (Allah be 1leased with him) /ame and 1ermission to see Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He 0ound 1eo1le sittin. at his door and none them had been .ranted 1ermission2 but it was .ranted to Abu 7a6r and he went in, Then /ame :Umar and he 1ermission and it was .ranted to him2 and he 0ound Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sittin. sad and silent with his wi-es around him, He (Hadrat :Umar) said: I would sa" somethin. whi/h would ma6e the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) lau.h2 so he said: o0 Allah2 I wish "ou had seen (the treatment meted out to) the dau.hter o0>hadija when "ou as6ed me some mone"2 and I .ot u1 and sla11ed her on her ne/6, Allah:s (ma- 1ea/e be u1on him) lau.hed and said: The" are around me as "ou see2 as6in. 0or e5tra mone", Abu 7a6r (Allah be 1leased with him) then .ot u1 went to :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) and sla11ed her on the ne/62 and :Umar stood u1 be0ore Ha0sa and sla11ed her sa"in.: Kou as6 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whi/h he does not 1ossess, The" said: 7" Allah2 we do not as6 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or an"thin. he does not 1ossess, Then he withdrew 0rom them 0or a month or 0or twent"-nine da"s, Then this -erse was re-ealed to him:C @ro1het: Sa" to th" wi-es,,, 0or a" rewardC (555iii, 2#), He then went 0irst to :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) and said: I want to 1ro1ound somethin. to "ou2 :A:isha2 but wish no hast" re1l" be0ore "ou /onsult "our 1arents, She said: o0 Allah2 what is thatD He (the Hol" @ro1het) re/ited to her the -erse2 whereu1on she said: Is it about "ou that I should /onsult m" 1arents2 o0 AllahD !a"2 I /hoose Allah2 His Messen.er2 and the Last AbodeB but I as6 "ou not to tell an" o0 "our wi-es what I ha-e said He re1lied: !ot one o0 them will as6 me without m" in0ormin. her, Hod did not send me to be harsh2 or /ause harm2 but He has sent me to tea/h and ma6e thin.s eas",

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'ha1ter +: Ila:and 6ee1in. awa" 0rom the wi-es

7oo6 ;2 !umber 4+ %:
:Umar b, al->hattab (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?hen Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 6e1t himsel0 awa" 0rom his wi-es2 I entered the mosque2 and 0ound 1eo1le stri6in. the .round with 1ebblesand sa"in.: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has di-or/ed his wi-es2 and that was be0ore the" were /ommanded to obser-e se/lusion :Umar said to himsel0: I must 0ind this (a/tual 1osition) toda", So I went to :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) and said (to her): 9au.hter o0 Abu 7a6r2 ha-e "ou .one to the e5tent o0 .i-in. trouble to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D Thereu1on she said: Son o0 >hattab2 "ou ha-e nothin. to do with me2 and I ha-e nothin. to do with "ou, Kou should loo6 to "our own re/e1ta/le, He (:Umar) said: I -isited Ha0sa dau.hter o0 :Umar2 and said to her: Ha0sa2 the (news) has rea/hed me that "ou /ause Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) trouble, Kou 6now that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) does not lo-e "ou2 and had I not been ("our 0ather) he would ha-e di-or/ed "ou, (3n hearin. this) she we1t bitterl", I said to her: ?here is Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D She said: He is in the atti/ room, I went in and 0ound Aabah2 the ser-ant o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 sittin. on the thresholds o0 the window dan.lin. his 0eet on the hollow wood o0 the date-1alm with the hel1 o0 whi/h Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /limbed (to the a1artment) and /ame down, I /ried: Aabah2 see6 1ermission 0or me 0rom Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him), Aabah /ast a .lan/e at the a1artment and then loo6ed toward me but said nothin., I a.ain said: Aabah2 see6 1ermission 0or me 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Aabah loo6ed towards the a1artment and then /ast a .lan/e at me2 but said nothi., I then raised m" -oi/e and said: Aabah2 see6 1ermission 0or me 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I thin6 that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is under the im1ression that I ha-e /ome 0or the sa6e o0 Ha0sa, 7" Allah2 i0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) would /ommand me to stri6e her ne/62 I would /ertainl" stri6e her ne/6, I raised m" -oi/e and he 1ointed me to /limb u1 (and .et into his a1artment), I -isited Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he was l"in. on a mat, I sat down and he drew u1 his lower .arment o-er him and he had nothin. (else) o-er him2 and that the mat had le0t its mar6s on his sides, I loo6ed with m" e"es in the store room o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I 0ound onl" a hand0ul o0 barle" equal to one sa: and an equal quantit" o0 the lea-es o0 Mimosa =la-a 1la/ed in the noo6 o0 the /ell2 and a semi-tanned leather ba. (in one side)2 and I was mo-ed to tears (on seein. this e5tremel" austere li-in. o0 the Hol" @io1het)2 and he said: Ibn >hattab2 what wa6es "ou wee1D I said: A1ostle o0 Allah2 wh" should I not shed tearsD This mat has le0t its mar6s on "our sides and I do not see in "our store room (e5/e1t these 0ew thin.s) that I ha-e seenB 'easar and 'losroes are leadin. their li-es in 1lent" whereas "ou are Allah:s, His /hosen one2 and that is "our storeL He said: Ibn >hattab2 aren:t "ou satis0ied that 0or us (there should be the 1ros1erit") o0 the Herea0ter2

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and 0or them (there should be the 1ros1erit" o0) this worldD I said: Kes, And as I had entered I had seen the si.ns o0 on his 0a/e2 and I there0ore2 said: o0 Allah2 what trouble do "ou 0eel 0rom "our wi-es2 and i0 "ouha-e di-or/ed them2 -eril" Allah is with "ou2 His an.els2 Habriel2 Mi6a:il2 I and Abu 7a6r and the belie-ers are with "ou, And seldom I tal6ed and (whi/h I uttered on that da") I ho1ed that Allah would testi0" to m" words that I uttered, And so the -erse o0 o1tion (A"at al-Ta6h"ir) was re-ealed, Ma"be his Lord2 i0 he di-or/e "ou2 will .i-e him in "our 1la/e wi-es better than "ou,,,C (I5-, +), And i0 "ou ba/6 u1 one another a.ainst him2 then surel" Allah is his @atron2 and Habriel and the ri.hteous belie-ers2 and the an.els a0ter that are the aidera (l-i, *), And it was :A:isha2 dau.hter o0 Abu 7a6r2 and Ha0sa who had 1re-ailed u1on all the wi-es o0 Allah:s @ro1het (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or (1ressin. them 0or mote mone"), I said: o0 Allah2 ha-e "ou di-or/ed themD He said: !o, I said: o0 Allah2 I entered the mosque and 0ound the Muslims 1la"in. with 1ebbles (absorbed in and sa"in.: Allah:s has di-or/ed his wi-es, Should I .et down and in0orm there that "ou ha-e not di-or/ed themD He said: Kes2 i0 "ou so li6e, And I went on tal6in. to him until I (0ound) the si.ns o0 disa11eared on his 0a/e and (his seriousness was /han.ed to a ha11" mood and as a result thereo0) his 0a/e had the natural tranquillit" u1on it and he lau.hed and his teeth were the most /harmin. (amon. the teeth) o0 all 1eo1le, Then Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /limbed down and I also /limbed down and /at/hin. hold o0 the wood o0 the 1alm-tree and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame down (with su/h ease) as i0 he was wal6in. on the .round2 not tou/hin. an"thin. with his hand (to .et su11ort), I said: o0 Allah2 "ou remained in "our a1artment 0or twent"-nine da"s, He said: (At times) the month /onsists o0 twent"-nine da"s, I stood at the door o0 the mosque and I /alled out at the to1 o0 m" -oi/e: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has not di-or/ed his wi-es (and it was on this o//asion that this) -erse was re-ealed:C And i0 an" matter 1ertainin. to 1ea/e or alarm /omes within their 6en2 the" broad/ast itB whereas2 i0 the" would re0er it to the A1ostle and those who ha-e been entrusted with authorit" them2 those o0 them who are en.a.ed in obtainin. intelli.en/e would indeed 6now (what to do with) itC (i- #4), And it was I who understood this matter2 and Allah re-ealed the -erse 1ertainin. to o1tion (.i-en to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him in re.ard to the retainin. or di-or/in. o0 his wi-es),


;2 !umber 4+ #:

Abdullah b, Abbas (Allah be 1leased with tli/m) re1orted: I intended to as6 :Umar b, al->hattab (Allah be 1leased with him) about a -erse2 but I waited 0or one "ear to as6 him out o0 his 0ear2 until he went out 0or @il.rima.e and I also a//om1anied him, As he /ame ba/6 and we were on the wa" he ste11ed aside towards an Ara6 tree to ease himsel0, I waited 0or him until he was 0ree, I then wal6ed alon. with him and said: 'ommander o0 the =aith0ul2 who are the two amon. the wi-es o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who ba/6ed u1 one another (in their demand 0or e5tra mone")D He said: The" were Ha0sa and :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with them), I said to him: It is 0or one "ear that I intended to as6 "ou about this matter but I /ould not date so on a//ount o0 the awe 0or "ou, He said: 9on:t do that, I0 "ou thin6 that I ha-e an" 6nowled.e2 do as6 me about that, And i0 I
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were to 6now that2 I would in0orm "ou, He (the narrator) stated that :Umar had said: 7" Allah2 durin. the da"s o0 i.noran/e we had no re.ard 0or women until Allah the (5alt- ed re-ealed about them what He has re-ealed2 and a11ointed (turn) 0or them what he a11ointed, He said: It so ha11ened that I was thin6in. about some matter that m" wi0e said: I wish "ou had done that and that, I said to her: It does not /on/ern "ou and "ou should not 0eel disturbed in a matter whi/h I intend to do, She said to me: How stran.e is it that "ou2 3 son o0 >hattab2 do not li6e an"one to retort u1on "ou2 whereas "our dau.hter retorts u1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1ou him) until he s1ends the da" in -e5ation, :Umar said: I too6 hold o0 m" /loa62 then /ame out o0 m" house until I -isited Ha0sa and said to her: 3 dau.hter2 (I heard) that "ou retort u1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) until he s1ends the da" in -e5ation2 whereu1on Ha0sa said: 7" Allah2 we do retort u1on him, I said: Kou should bear in mind2 m" dau.hter2 that I warn "ou a.ainst the 1unishment o0 Allah and the wrath o0 His (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Kou ma" not be misled b" one whose beaut" has 0as/inated her2 and the lo-e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or her, I (:Umar) then -isited Umm Salama be/ause o0 m" relationshi1 with her and I tal6ed to her, Umm Salama said to me: Umar b, al->hattab2 how stran.e is it that "ou meddle with e-er" matter so mu/h so that "ou are an5ious to inter0ere between Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his wi-es2 and this 1erturbed me so mu/h that I re0rained 0rom sa"in. what I had to sa"2 so I /ame out o0 her a1artment2 and I had a 0riend 0rom the Anar, ?hen I had been absent (0rom the /om1an" o0 the Hol" @ro1het) he used to brin. me the news and when he had been absent I used to brin. him the news2 and at that time we dreaded a 6in. o0 Hhassan, It was mentioned to us that he intended to atta/6 us2 and our minds were haunted b" him, M" 0riend2 the Ansari2 /ame to me2 and he 6no/6ed at the door and said: 31en it2 o1en it, I said: Has the Hhassani /omeD He said: (The matter is) more serious than that, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has se1arated himsel0 0rom his wi-es, I said: Let the nose o0 Ha0sa and :A:isha be besmeared with dust, I then too6 hold o0 m" /loth and went out until I /ame and 0ound Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in his atti/ to whi/h he /limbed b" means o0 a ladder made o0 date1alm2 and the ser-ant o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who was bla/6 had been sittin. at the end o0 the ladder, I said: This is Umar, So 1ermission was .ranted to me, I narrated this news to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and as I narrated the news /on/ernin. Umm Salama2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) smiled, He was l"in. on the mat and there was nothin. between him and that (mat)2 and under his head there was a 1illow made o0 leather and it was stu00ed with 1lam 0ibres and at his 0eet were l"in. a hea1 o0 sant tree (a/a/ia nilo/ti/a2 meant 0or d"ein.) and near his head there was a hide, And I saw the mar6s o0 the maton the side o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and so I we1t, He said: ?hat ma6es "ou wee1D I said: o0 Allah2 the >husrau and the 'easars (s1endd their li-es in) the midst o0 (lu5uries)2 whereas "ou bein. Allah:s (are leadin. "our li0e in this 1o-ert"), Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9on:t "ou li6e that the" should ha-e ri/hes o0 their world2 and "ou ha-e the Herea0ter,

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;2 !umber 4+ ;:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) said: I /ame alon. with Umar until we rea/hed Marr alGahran (the name o0 a 1la/e)2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same as narrated b" Sulaiman b, 7ilal (e5/e1t with) the -ariation (o0 words) that I said: (?hat) about these two womenD He said: The" were Ha0sa and Umm Salama, And he made this addition: I /ame to the a1artments and in e-er" a1artment there was (the noise) o0 wee1in., And this addition was also made: And he (the Hol" @ro1het) had ta6en an oath o0 remainin. awa" 0rom them 0or a month2 and when twent"-nine da"s had 1assed2 he -isited them,


;2 !umber 4+$ :

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) is re1orted to ha-e said: I intended to as6 Umar about those two ladies who had 1ressed 0or (worldl" ri/hes) durin. the li0etime o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and I 6e1t waitin. 0or one "ear2 but 0ound no suitable o11ortunit" with him until I ha11ened to a//om1an" him to Me//a, And as he rea/hed Marr al Gahran he went awa" to answer the /all o0 nature2 and he said (to me): 7rin. me a ju. o0 water2 and I too6 that to him, A0ter ha-in. answered the /all o0 nature2 as he /ame ba/62 I to 1our water (o-er his hands and 0eet)2 and I remembered (this e-ent o0 se1aration o0 Allah:s A1ostle Nma" 1ea/e be u1on himO 0rom his wi-es), So I said to him: 'ommander o0 the =aith0ul2 who are the two ladies (who had 1ressed the Hol" @ro1het Nma" 1ea/e be u1on himO 0or 1ro-idin. /om0orts o0 li0e) and I had not "et 0inished m" tal6 when he said: The" were :A:isha and Ha0sa,


;2 !umber 4+$$:

Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted, I had alwa"s been an5ious to as6 :Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) about the two ladies the wi-es o0 Allah:s @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on Lim) about whom Allah2 the (5alted2 said:C I0 "ou both turn in re1entan/e to Allah2 then indeed "our hearts are in/lined (to this)C (I5-i, *)2 until :Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) set out 0or Hajj and I also went alon. with him, And as we were .oin. alon. a 1ath2 :Umar (Allah be 1leased with hi"n) went aside and I also went aside with him with a ju. (o0 water), He answered the /all o0 nature2 and then /ame to me and I 1oured water o-er his hands and he 1er0ormed ablution I said: 'ommander o0 the =aith0ul2 who are the two ladies the wi-es o0 Allah:s @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about whom Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 said: :I0 "ou both turn to Allah in re1entan/e2 then indeed "our heart are in/lined to itCD :Umar (Allah he 1leased with him) said: How stran.e is it 0or "ou2 Ibn :AbbasL (Guhri said: 7" Allah2 he disli6ed what he as6ed about2 but did not 6ee1 it a se/ret,) He (:Umar) said: The" are Ha0sa and :A:ishaB and he then to narrate the hadith and said: ?e were su/h 1eo1le amon. the Euraish who dominated women2 and as we rea/hed Medina we 0ound there 1eo1le who were dominated b" their women2 and our women to learn (the habits) o0 their women, He 0urther said: And m" house was situated in the suburb o0 Aledina in the tribe o0 7anu

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Uma""a b, Gaid, 3ne da" I be/ame an.r" with m" wi0e and she retorted u1on me, I did not li6e that she should retort u1on me, She said: Kou disa11ro-e o0 m" retortin. u1on "ou 7" Allah2 the wi-es o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) retort u1on him2 and one o0 them deta/hes hersel0 0rom him 0or the da" until the, So I (:Umar) went out and -isited Ha0sa and said: 9o "ou retort u1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D She said: Kes, I saidB 9oes an" one o0 "ou deta/h hersel0 0rom him 0rom the da" to the ni.htD She said: Kes, He said: She who did li6e it "ou in 0a/t 0ailed and in/urred loss, 9oes e-er"one "ou not 0ear the wrath o0 Allah u1on her due to the wrath o0 His (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and (as a result thereo0) she ma" 1erishD So do not retort u1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and do not as6 him 0or an"thin.2 but as6 me that whi/h "ou desire2 (and the 0ran6 beha-iour) o0 "our /om1anion ma" not mislead "ou2 i0 she is more .ra/e0ul and is dearer to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) than "ou (meanin. :A:isha) (Allah be 1leased with her), He (Hadrat :Umar 0urther) said: I had a /om1alaion 0rom the Ansar and2 we used to remain in the /om1an" o0 the (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) turn b" turn, He remained there 0or a da" while I remained there on the other da"2 and he me the news about the re-elation and other (matter)2 and I him (the news) li6e this, And we dis/ussed that the Hhassanids were shoein. the horses in order to atta/6 us, Id " /om1anion on/e attended (the A1ostle), and then /ame to me at and 6no/6ed at m" door and /alled me2 and I /ame out to him2 and he said: A matter o0 .reat im1ortan/e has ha11ened, I said: ?hat is thatD Ha-e the Hhassanids /omeD He said: !o2 but e-en more serious and more si.ni0i/ant than that: the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has di-or/ed his wi-es, I said: Ha0sa has 0ailed and has in/urred loss, and I 0eared that it would ha11en, ?hen it was dawn I obser-ed the dawn 1ra"er and dressed m"sel02 and then /ame there (in the house o0 the Hol" @ro1het) and -isited Ha0sa2 and she was wee1in., I said: Has Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) di-or/ed "ou (all)D She said: I do not 6now, He has2 howe-er2 se1arated himsel0 in his atti/, I /ame to a bla/6 ser-ant and said to him: See6 1ermission 0or :Umar, He went in and then /ame to me and said: I made mention o0 "ou to him2 but he 6e1t quiet, I then went to the 1ul1it and sat there2 and there was a .rou1 o0 1eo1le sittin. b" it and some o0 then were wee1in., I sat there 0or some time2 until I was o-er1owered (b" that -er" idea) whi/h was in m" mind, I then /ame ba/6 to the bo" and said to him: See6 1ermission 0or Umar, He went in and /ame to me and said: I made mention o0 "ou to him but he 6e1t quiet, I was about to turn ba/6 when the bo" /alled me and said: Ho inB 1ermission has been .ranted to "ou, I went in and .reeted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he was re/linin. a.ainst the /ou/h o0 mat and it had le0t its mar6s u1on his side, I said: o0 Allah2 ha-e "ou di-or/ed "our wi-esD He raised his head towards me and said: !o, I said: Allah is the Hreatest, o0 Allah2 I wish i0 "ou had seen how we the 1eo1le o0 Euraish had domination o-er women but when we /ame to Medina we 0ound 1eo1le whom their women dominated, So our women to learn 0rom their women, 3ne dil" I be/ame an.r" with m" wi0e and she to retort u1on me, I did not a11ro-e that she should retort u1on me, She said: Kou do not li6e that I should retort u1on "ou2 but2 b" Allah, the wi-es o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) retort u1on him and an" one o0 them se1arates hersel0 0rom him 0or a da" until, I said: He
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who did that them in 0a/t 0ailed and in/urred loss, 9oes an" o0 them 0eel sate 0rom the wrath o0 Allahu1on her due to the wrath o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and she has /ertainl" 1erished, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) smiled2 I said: o0 Allah2 I -isited Ha0sa and said: (The beha-iour) o0 "our /om1anion (:A:isha) ma" not mislead "ou2 I0 she is more .ra/e0ul than "ou and is dearer to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) than "ou, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) smiled 0or the se/ond time, I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 wa" I tal6 to "ou about a.reeable thin.sD He said: Kes, I sat down and li0ted m" head (to see thin.s) in the house and2 b" Allah2 I did not see an"thin. si.ni0i/ant besides three hides, I said: o0 Allah2 su11li/ate the Lord that He should ma6e (li0e) 1ros1erous 0or "our Ummah as He has made 1lenti0ul 0or the 1eo1le o0 @ersia and Aome (in s1ite o0 the 0a/t) that the" do no2 worshi1 Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 whereu1on he (Allah:s sat u1 an I then said: Ibn >hattab2 do "ou doubt that the" are a nation whom their ni/e thin.s ha-e been .i-en immediatel" in the li0e o0 this world, I said: Allah:s Messen.erL see6 1ardon 0or me, And he (Allah:s had ta6en an oath that he would not -isit them 0or a month due to e5treme anno"an/e with them until Allah showed His dis1leasure to him (Allah:s, Guhri said: :Urwa in0ormed me that :A:Isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said: ?hen twent"-nine ni.hts were o-er2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited me2 and he (his -isit) with me, I said: o0 Allah2 "ou had ta6en an oath that "ou would not -isit us 0or a month2 while "ou ha-e -isited a0ter I ha-e /ounted onl" twent"-nine (ni.hts), Thereu1on he said: The month ma" also be o0 twent"-nine (da"s), He then said: :A:isha2 I am .oin. to tal6 to "ou about a matter2 and "ou should not be hast" in it (and do not .i-e "our 0inal de/ision) until "ou ha-e /onsulted "our 1arents, He then re/ited this -erse to me:C 3 @ro1het2 sa" to "our wi-esC till he rea/hedC" rewardC (555iii, 2#), :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said: 7" Allah2 he 6new that m" 1arents would not allow me to se1arate 0rom him, I said: Is there an" need to /onsult m" 1arents in this matterD I in 0a/t /hoose Allah and His (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and the abode in the Herea0ter, Ma:mar said: A""ub re1orted to me that :A:isha said: 9on:t in0orm "our wi-es that I ha-e /hosen "ou2 whereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: <eril" Allah has sent me as a /on-e"er o0 messa.e2 and He has not sent me as a sour/e o0 hardshi1 (to others), Eatada said:C Sa.hat qulubu6umC meansC Kour hearts ha-e in/lined,C

'ha1ter ): There is no maintenan/e allowan/e 0or one who has been .i-en irre-o/able di-or/e
7oo6 ;2 !umber 4+$2:
=atima bint Eais re1orted that Abu :Amr b, Ha0s di-or/ed her absolutel" when he was awa" 0rom home2 and he sent his a.ent to her with some barle", She was dis1leased with him and when he said: I swear b" Allah that "ou ha-e no /laim on us, she went to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and mentioned that to him, He said: There is no maintenan/e due to "ou 0rom him2 and he
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/ommanded her to s1end the :Idda in the house o0 Umm Shari62 but then said: That is a woman whom m" /om1anions -isit, So better s1end this 1eriod in the house o0 Ibn Umm Ma6tum2 0or he is a blind man and "on /an 1ut o00 "our .arments, And when the :Idda is o-er2 in0orm me, She said: ?hen m" 1eriod o0 :Idda was o-er2 I mentioned to him that Mu:awi"a b, Abu Su0"an and Fahm had sent 1ro1osal o0 marria.e to me2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: As 0or Abu Fahm2 he does not 1ut down his sta00 0rom his shoulder2 and as 0or Mu:awi"a2 he is a 1oor man ha-in. no 1ro1ert"B marr" Usama b, Gaid, I obje/ted to him2 but he a.ain said: Marr" UsamaB so I married him, Allah blessed there in and I was en-ied (b" others),


;2 !umber 4+$4:

=atima bint Eais re1orted that her husband di-or/ed her durin. the li0e time o0 Allah:s @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and .a-e her a maintenan/e allowan/e, ?hen she saw that2 she said: 7" Allah2 I will in0orm Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and i0 maintenan/e allowan/e is due to me then I will a//e1t that whi/h will su00i/e me2 and i0 it is not due to me2 I will not a//e1t an"thin. 0rom him, She said: I made a mention o0 that to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said: There is neither maintenan/e allowan/e 0or "ou nor,


;2 !umber 4+$*:

=atima bint Eais re1orted that her husband al-Ma6h8ulmi di-or/ed her and re0used to 1a" her maintenan/e allowan/e, So she /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) and in0ormed him2 whereu1on he said: There is no maintenan/e allowan/e 0or "ou2 and "ou better .o to the house o0 Ibn Umm Ma6tum and li-e with him 0or he is a blind man and "ou /an 1ut o00 "our /lothes in his house (i, e, "ou shall not 0a/e mu/h di00i/ult" in obser-in. 1urdah there),


;2 !umber 4+$+:

Abu Salama re1orted that =atima bint Eais2 the sister o0 al-9ahha6 b, Eais in0ormed him that Abu Ha0s b, Mu.hira al-Ma6h8umi di-or/ed her three times and then he 1ro/eeded on to the Kemen, The members o0 his 0amil" said to her: There is no maintenan/e allowan/e due to "ou 0rom us, >halid b, ?alid alon. with a .rou1 o0 1ersons -isited Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the house o0 Maimuna and the" said: Abu Ha0s has di-or/ed his wi0e with three 1ronoun/ementsB is there an" maintenan/e allowan/e due to herD Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !o maintenan/e allowan/e is due to her2 but she is required to s1end the :IddaB and he sent her the messa.e that she should not be hast" in ma6in. a de/ision about hersel0 and /ommanded her to mo-e to the house o0 Umm Shari62 and then sent her the messa.e that as the 0irst immi.rants (0requentl") -isit the house o0 Umm Shari62 she should better .o to the house o0 Ibn Umm Ma6tum2 the blind2 (and 0urther said: In /ase "ou 1ut o00 "our head-dress2 he (Ibn Umm Ma6htum) will not see

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"ou, So she went to his house2 and when the :Idda was o-er2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) married her to Usama b, Gaid b, Haritha,


;2 !umber 4+$):

=atima bint Eais re1orted: I had been married to a 1erson 0rom 7anu Ma6h8um and he di-or/ed me with irre-o/able di-or/e, I sent a messa.e to his 0amil" as6in. 0or maintenan/e allowan/e2 and the rest o0 the hadith has been transmitted with a /han.e o0 words,


;2 !umber 4+$%:

=atima bint Eais (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that she had been married to Abu :Amr b, Ha0s b, al-Mu.hira and he di-or/ed her with three 1ronoun/ements, She stated that she went to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6in. him about abandonin. that house, He /ommanded her to mo-e to the house o0 Ibn Umm Ma6tum2 the blind, Marwan re0used to testi0" the di-or/ed woman abandonin. her house (be0ore the :Idda was o-er), :Urwa said that :A:isha obje/ted to (the words o0) =atima bint Eais, This hadith has been transmitted throu.h another /hain o0 narrators,


;2 !umber 4+$#:

:Ubaidullah b, :Abdullah b, :Utba re1orted that :Amr b, Ha0s b, al-Mu.hira set out alon. with :Ali b, Abi Talib (Allah be 1leased with him) to the Kemen and sent to his wi0e the one 1ronoun/ement o0 di-or/e whi/h was still le0t 0rom the (irre-o/able) di-or/eB and he /ommanded al-Harith b, Hisham and :A""ash b, Abu Aabi:a to .i-e her maintenan/e allowan/e, The" said to her: 7" Allah2 there is no maintenan/e allowan/e 0or "ou2 e5/e1t in /ase "ou are 1re.nant, She /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) and mentioned their o1inion to him2 whereu1on he said: There is no maintenan/e allowan/e 0or "ou, Then she 1ermission to mo-e (to another 1la/e)2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) 1ermitted her, She said: Allah:s Messen.er2 where (should I .o)D He said: To the house o0 Ibn Umm Ma6tum and2 as he is blind2 she /ould 1ut o00 her .armeqts in his 1resen/e and he would not see her, And when her :Idda was o-er, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) married her to Usama b, Gaid, Marwan (the .o-ernor o0 Medina) sent Eabisa b, 9huwaib in order to as6 her about this hadith2 and she narrated it to him2 whereu1on Marwan said: ?e ha-e not heard this hadith but 0rom a woman, ?e would ado1t a sa0e (1ath) where we 0ound the 1eo1le, =atima said that when these words o02 Marwan were /on-e"ed to her, There is between me and "ou the word o0 Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/: 9oC not turn them outC o0 their houses, She asserted: This is in re.ard to the re-o/able di-or/e what new (turn /an the e-ent ta6e) a0ter three 1ronoun/ements (se1aration between irre-o/able), ?h" do "ou sa" there is no maintenan/e allowan/e 0or her i0 she is not 1re.nantD Then on what .round do "ou restrain herD

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;2 !umber 4+$;:

Sha:bi re1orted: I -isited =atima bint Eais and as6ed her about the -erdi/t o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about (board and durin. the :Idda) and she said that her husband di-or/ed her with an irre-o/able di-or/e, She (0urther, said): I /ontended with him be0ore Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about and maintenan/e allowan/e2 and she said: He did not 1ro-ide me with an" or maintenan/e allowan/e2 and he /ommanded me to s1end the :Idda in the house o0 Ibn Umm Ma6tum,


;2 !umber 4+2 :

A hadith li6e this has been trarismitted on the authorit" o0 Hushaim throu.h another /hain o0


;2 !umber 4+2$:

Sha:bi re1orted: ?e -isited =itima hint Eais and she ser-ed us 0resh dates and a drin6 o0 barle" 0lour2 and I as6ed where should a woman who has been di-or/ed b" three 1ronoun/ements2 s1end the 1eriod o0 her :Idda, She said: M" husband di-or/ed me with three 1ronoun/ements2 and Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ermitted me to s1end m" :Idda 1eriod in m" 0amil" (with m" 1arents),


;2 !umber 4+22:

=atima bint Eais (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that there is no and maintenan/e allowan/e 0or a woman who has been .i-en irre-o/able di-or/e,


;2 !umber 4+24:

=atima bint Eais (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: M" husband di-or/ed me with three 1ronoun/ements, I de/ided to mo-e (0rom his house to another 1la/e), So I /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he said: Mo-e to the house o0 "our /ousin :Amr b, Umm Ma6tum and s1end "our 1eriod o0 :Idda there,


;2 !umber 4+2*:

Abu Ishaq re1orted: I was with al-Aswad b, Ka8id sittin. in the .reat mosque2 and there was with us al-Sha:bi2 and he narrated the narration o0 =atima bint Eais (Allah be 1leased with her) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not ma6e an" 1ro-ision 0or and maintenan/e allowan/e 0or her, Al-Aswad / hold o0 some 1ebbles in his 0ist and he threw them towards him
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733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)

sa"in.: ?oe be to thee2 "ou narrate li6e it2 whereas Umar said: ?e /annot abandon the 7oo6 o0 Allah and the Sunnah o0 our A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or the words o0 a woman, ?e do not 6now whether she remembers that or she 0or.ets, =or her2 there is a 1ro-ision o0 and maintenan/e allowan/e, Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 said:C Turn them not 0rom their houses nor should the" themsel-es .o 0orth unless the" /ommit an o1en inde/en/"C (l5-, $),


;2 !umber 4+2+:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ishaq with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


;2 !umber 4+2):

=atima bint Eais (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that her husband di-or/ed her with three2 1ronoun/ements and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made no 1ro-ision 0or her and maintenan/e allowan/e, She (0urther said): Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: ?hen "our 1eriod o0 :Idda is o-er2 in0orm me, So I in0ormed him, (7" that time) Mu:awi"a2 Abu Fahm and Usama b, Gaid had .i-en her the 1ro1osal o0 marria.e, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: So 0ar as Mu:awi"a is /on/erned2 he is a 1oor man without an" 1ro1ert", So 0ar as Abu Fahm is /on/erned2 he is a .reat beater o0 women2 but Usama b, Gaid,,, She 1ointed with her hand (that she did not a11ro-e o0 the idea o0 marr"in.) Usama, 7ut Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on himn) said: 3bedien/e to Allah and obedien/e to His is better 0or thee, She said: So I married him2 and I be/ame an obje/t o0 en-",


;2 !umber 4+2%:

=atima bint Eais (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: M" husband Abu :Amr b, Ha0s b, al-Mu.hira sent :A""ish b, Abu Aabi:a to me with a di-or/e2 and he also sent throu.h him 0i-e si:s o0 dates and 0i-e si:s o0 barle", I said: Is there no maintenan/e allowan/e 0or me but onl" this2 and I /annot e-en s1end m" :Idda 1eriod in "our houseD He said: !o, She said: I dressed m"sel0 and /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He said: How man" 1ronoun/ements o0 di-or/e ha-e been made 0or "ouD I said: Three, He said what he (:A""ish b, Abu Aabi:a) had stated was true, There is no maintenan/e allowan/e 0or "ou, S1end :Idda 1eriod in the house o0 "our /ousin2 Ibn Umm Ma6tum, He is blind and "ou /an 1ut o00 "our .arment in his 1resen/e, And when "ou ha-e s1ent "our Idda 1eriod2 "ou in0orm me, She said: Mu:awi"a and Abu:l-Fahm (Allah be 1leased with them) were amon. those who had .i-en me the 1ro1osal o0 marria.e, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Mu:awi"a is destitute and in 1oor /ondition and Abu:l-Fahm is -er" harsh with women (or he beats women2 or li6e that)2 "ou should ta6e Usama b, Gaid (as "our husband),

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733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)


;2 !umber 4+2#:

Abu 7a6r b, Abu:l-Fahm re1orted: I and Abu Salama b :Abd al-Aahman /ame to 0atima bint Eais (AlL ah be 1leased with her) and as6ed her (about di-or/e2 et/,), She said: I was the wi0e o0 Abu :Amr b, Ha0s b, al-Mu.hira2 and he set out to join the battle o0 !ajran, The rest o0 the hadith is the same2 but he made this addition:C She said: I married him and Allah hornoured me on a//ount o0 Ibn Gaid and Allah 0a-oured me be/ause o0 him,C


;2 !umber 4+2;:

Abu 7a6r re1orted: I and Abu Salama /ame to =atima bint Eais (Allah be 1leased with her) durin. the time o0 Ibn Gubair (Allah be 1leased with him) and she narrated to us that her husband .a-e her an irre-o/able di-or/e, (The rest o0 the hadith is the same,)


;2 !umber 4+4 :

=atima bint Eais (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: M" husband di-or/ed me with three 1ronoun/ements and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made no 1ro-ision 0or and maintenan/e allowan/e,


;2 !umber 4+4$:

Hisham re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Kah"a b, Sa:id b, al-:As married the dau.hter o0 :Abd al-Aahman b, al-Ha6am2 and he di-or/ed her and he turned her out 0rom his house, :Urwa (Allah be -1leased with him) /riti/ised this (a/tion) o0 theirs (the members o0 the 0amil" o0 her in-laws), The" said: <eril"2 =atima too went out (o0 her in-laws: house), :Urwa said: I /ame to :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) and told her about it and she said: There is no .ood 0or =atima bint Eais (Allah be 1leased with her) in ma6in. mention o0 it,


;2 !umber 4+42:

=atima bint Eais (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that she said: Allah:s Messen.er2 m" husband has di-or/ee me with three 1ronoun/ements and I am a0raid that I ma" be 1ut to hardshi12 and so he /ommanded her and so she mo-ed (to another house),


;2 !umber 4+44:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said: It is no .ood 0or =atima to ma6e mention o0 it2 i, e, her statement:C There is no and maintenan/e allowan/e (0or the di-or/ed women),C

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733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)


;2 !umber 4+4*:

Ibn al-Easim narrated on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that :Urwa b, Gubair (Allah be 1leased with him) said to :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her): 9idn:t "ou see that su/h and su/h dau.hter o0 al-Ha6am was di-or/ed b" her husband with an irre-o/able di-or/e2 and she le0t (the house o0 her husband)D Thereu1on :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said: It was bad that she did, He ( Urwa) said: Ha-e "ou not heard the words o0 =atimaD Thereu1on she said: There i0 no .ood 0or her in ma6in. mention o0 it,

'ha1ter %: 3ne who is di-or/ed b" three 1ronoun/ements or whose husband has died /an .et out o0 her house 0or a need durin. her 1eriod o0 :Idda
7oo6 ;2 !umber 4+4+:
Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: M" maternal aunt was di-or/ed2 and she intended to 1lu/6 her dates, A 1erson s/olded her 0or ha-in. /ome out (durin. the 1eriod o0 :Idda), She /ame to Allah:s @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him,) and he said: 'ertainl" "ou /an 1lu/6 (dates) 0rom "our 1alm trees2 0or 1erha1s "ou ma" .i-e /harit" or do an a/t o0 6indness,

'ha1ter #: The 1eriod o0 :Idda /omes to an end with the birth o0 the /hild
7oo6 ;2 !umber 4+4):
:Ubaidullah b, :Abdullah b, :Utba (b, Mas:ud) re1orted that his 0ather wrote to Umar b, :Abdullah b al Arqam al-Guhri that he would .o to Subai:ah bint al-Hirith al-Aslami""a (Allah be 1leased with her) and as6 her about a -erdi/t 0rom him whi/h Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e her when she had as6ed that 0rom him (in re.ard to the termination o0 :Idda at the birth o0 a /hild) :Umar b, Abdullah wrote to :Abdullah b, :Utba in0ormin. him that Subai:ah had told him that she had been married to Sa:d b, >haula and he belon.ed to the tribe o0 Amir b, Lu:a""2 and was one o0 those who 1arti/i1ated in the 7attle o0 7adr2 and he died in the =arewell @il.rima.e and she had been in the 0amil" wa" at that time, And mu/h time had not ela1sed that she .a-e birth to a /hild a0ter his death and when she was 0ree 0rom the e00e/ts o0 /hildbirth she embellished hersel0 0or those who had to .i-e 1ro1osals o0 marria.e, Abd al-Sunabil b, 7a:6a6 (0rom 7anu :Abd al-9ar) /ame to her and said: ?hat is this that I see "ou embellishedB 1erha1s "ou are in/lined to marr"2 7" Allah2 "ou /annot
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733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)

marr" unless 0our months and ten da"s (o0 :Idda are 1assed), ?hen he said that, I dressed m"sel02 and as it was e-enin. I /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and as6ed him about it2 and he .a-e me a reli.ious -erdi/t that I was allowed to marr" when I had .i-en birth to a /hild and as6ed me to marr" i0 I so li6ed, Ibn Shihab said: I do not 0ind an" harm 0ur her in marr"in. when she has .i-en birth to a /hild e-en when she is bleedin. (a0ter the birth o0 the /hild) e5/e1t that her husband should not .o near her until she is 1uri0ied,


;2 !umber 4+4%:

Abu Salama b, :Abd al-Aahman and Ibn :Abbas, (Allah be 1leased with them) .ot to.ether in the house o0 Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) and to dis/uss about the woman who .a-e birth to a /hild a 0ew ni.hts a0ter the death o0 her husband, Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with then) ) said: Her :Idda is that 1eriod whi/h is o0 the two (between 0our months and ten da"s and the birth o0 the /hild2 whi/he-er is, AbuSalama2 howe-er said: Her 1eriod o0 :Idda is o-er (with the birth o0 the /hild)2 and the" were /ontendin. with ea/h other o-er this issue2 whereu1on Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) said: I subs/ribe (to the -iew) held b" m" ne1hew (i, e, Abu Salama), The" sent >uraib (the 0reed sla-e o0 Ibn :Abbas) to Umm Salama to as6 her about it, He /ame (ba/6) to them and in0ormed them that Umm Salama (Allah be 1leased with her) said that Subai:ah al-Aslami""a .a-e birth to a /hild a0ter the death o0 her husband when the 0ew 0li.hts (had hardl") 1assed and she made mention o0 that to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he /ommanded her to marr",


;2 !umber 4+4#:

This hadith has been narated with the same /hain o0 transrmitters e5/e1t with a small /han.e o0 words (and that is): The" sent him to Umm Salama2 but no mention was made o0 >uraib,

'ha1ter ;: It is obli.ator" to abstain 0rom adornment durin. the :idda 1eriod2 but mournin. be"ond three da"s is 1rohibited
7oo6 ;2 !umber 4+4;:
Gainab (bint Abu Salama) (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: I went to Umm Habiba2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 when her 0ather Abu Su0"an had died, Umm Habiba sent 0or a 1er0ume ha-in. "ellowness in it or somethin. else li6e it2 and she a11lied it to a .irl and then rubbed it on her /hee6s and then said: 7" Allah2 I need no 1er0ume but 0or the 0a/t that I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa" on the 1ul1it:C It is not 1ermissible 0or a woman belie##$ & $#


733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)

-in. in Allah and the Herea0ter to mourn 0or the dead be"ond three da"s2 but (in /ase o0 the death) o0 the husband it is 1ermissible 0or 0our months and ten da"s,C Gainab said: I then -isited Gainab hint Fahsh (Allah be 1leased with her) when her brother died and she sent 0or 1er0ume and a11lied it and then said: 7" Allah2 I don:t 0eel an" need 0or the 1er0ume but that I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa" on the 1ul1it:C It is not 1ermissible 0or a woman belie-in. in Allah and the Herea0bler to mourn the dead be"ond three da"s e5/e1t in /ase o0 her husband (0or whom she /an mourn) 0or 0our months and ten da"s,C Gainab (Allah be 1leased with her) said: I heard m" mother Umm Salama (Allah be 1leased with her) as sa"in.: A woman /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s, I ha-e a dau.hter whose husband has died and there has de-elo1ed some trouble in her e"eB should we a11l" /oll"rium to itD Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !o (re1eatin. it twi/e or thri/e2 sa"in. onl"2 !3C all the time), Then he said: It is onl" 0our mouths and ten da"s2 whereas in the 1reIslami/ 1eriod none o0 "ou threw awa" the dun. until one "ear had 1assed, Humaid said: I said to Gainab: ?hat is this throwin. o0 dun. until a "ear is 1assedD Gainab said: ?hen the husband o0 a woman died2 she went into a hut and 1ut on her worst /lothes2 and did not a11l" 1er0ume or somethin. li6e it until a "ear was o-er, Then an animal li6e a don6e"2 or a .oat2 or a bird was to her and she rubbed her hand o-er it2 and it so ha11ened that one on whi/h she rubbed her hand died, She then /ame out o0 her house and she was .i-en dun. and she threw it and then she made use o0 an"thin. li6e 1er0ume or somethin. else as she li6ed,


;2 !umber 4+* :

Gainab bint Umm Salama (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that a relati-e o0 Umm Habiba (Allah he 1leased with her) died, She sent 0or a "ellow (1er0ume) and a11lied that to her 0orearm and said: I2 am doin. it2 0or I ha-e heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: It is not 1ermissible 0or a woman belie-in. in Allah and the Herea0ter to mourn be"ond three da"s e5/e1t the husband (0or whom she /an mourn) 0or 0our months and ten da"s2 This hadith was narrated b" Gainab 0rom her mother and 0rom Gainab2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 or 0rom some other lad" 0rom amon. the wi-es o0 the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


;2 !umber 4+*$:

Gainab bint Umm Salama (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted on the authorit" o0 her mother that a woman lost her husband, (As her e"es were ailin.) the" (her 6ith and 6in) entertained 0ear about her e"es2 so the" /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and 1ermission 0or the use o0 /oll"rium2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3ne amon. "ou used to s1end one "ear in a dun.eon dressed in worst /lothes, (And at the end o0 this 1eriod) she threw dun. at the do. whi/h ha11ened to 1ass that wa" and then she /ame out (o0 her :Idda), 'an:t she (wait) e-en 0or 0our months and ten da"sD

##2 & $#


733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)


;2 !umber 4+*2:

Humaid b, !a0i: narrated two traditions 0rom Umm Salama dealin. with /oll"rium and the other hadith 0rom the wi-es o0 Allah:s @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) e5/e1t with this that no mention was made o0 Gainab,


;2 !umber 4+*4:

Gainab bint Abu Salama re1orted: Umm Salama and Umm Habiba (Allah be 1leased with them) were tal6in. with ea/h other (and sa"in.) that a woman /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and mentioned to him that her dau.hter had lost her husband2 and her e"es were sore and she wnted to use /oll"rium2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3ne amon. "ou used to throw dun. at the end o0 a "ear2 and now (this abstinen/e 0rom adornment) is onl" 0or 0our months and ten da"s,


;2 !umber 4+**:

Gainab bint Abu Salama re1orted that when the news o0 the death o0 Abu Sa0"an /ame to Umm Habiba she sent 0or "ellow (1er0ume) on the third da" and rubbed it on her 0orearms and on her /hee6s and said: I had in 0a/t no need o0 it2 but I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is not 1ermissible 0or the women belie-in. in Allah and the Herea0ter to abstain 0rom adornment be"ond three da"s e5/e1t (at the death o0) husband (in whi/h /ase she must abstain 0rom adornment) 0or 0our months and ten da"s,


;2 !umber 4+*+:

Sa0i""a bint Abu :Ubaid re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ha0sa or :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with thein) or 0rom both o0 them that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) said: It is not 1ermissible 0or a woman belie-in. in Allah and the Herea0ter (or belie-in. in Allah and His that she should obser-e mournin. 0or the dead be"ond three da"s e5/e1t in /ase o0 her husband,


;2 !umber 4+*):

A hadith li6e this is transmitted on the authorit" o0 !a0i:,


;2 !umber 4+*%:

Sa0i""a bint Abu :Ubaid re1orted that she heard Ha0sa dau.hter o0 Umar (Allah be 1leased with them)2 (and) wi0e o0 Allah:s @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 narratin. a hadith li6e this 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and she made this addition:C She should abstain 0rom adornin. hersel0 (in /ase o0 the death o0 her husband) 0or 0our months and ten da"s,C
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733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)


;2 !umber 4+*#:

Sa0i""a bint Abu :Ubaid narrated this tradition o0 Allah:s @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the authorit" o0 some wi-es o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)


;2 !umber 4+*;:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is not 1ermissible 0or a woman belie-in. in Allah and the Herea0ter to obser-e mournin. on the dead 0or more than three (da"s)2 e5/e1t in /ase o0 her husband,


;2 !umber 4++ :

Umm :Ati""a (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: A woman must not obser-e mouriain. 0or one who had died 0or more than three (da"s) e5/e1t 0or 0our months and ten da"s in the /ase o0 her husband, and she must not wear a d"ed .arment e5/e1t one o0 the t"1es made o0 d"ed "arn2 or a11l" /oll"rium2 or tou/h 1er0ume e5/e1t a little 1er0ume or in/ense2 when she has been 1uri0ied a0ter her /ourses,


;2 !umber 4++$:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 narrators but with a -ariation o0 words,


;2 !umber 4++2:

Umm :Ati""a (:Allah be 1leased with her) said: ?e were 0orbidden to obser-e mournin. 0or the dead be"ond three da"s e5/e1t in the /ase o0 husband (where it is 1ermissible) 0or 0our months and ten da"s2 and (that durin. this 1eriod) we should neither use /oll"rium nor tou/h 1er0ume2 nor wear d"ed /lothes2 but /on/ession was .i-en to a woman when one o0 us was 1uri0ied o0 our /ourses to ma6e use o0 a little in/ense or s/ent,

'ha1ter $ : Li:an (in-o6in. /urse)

7oo6 ;2 !umber 4++4:
Sahl b, Sa:d al-Sa:idi re1orted that:Uwaimir al-:Ajlani /ame to :Asim b, :Adi al-Ansari and said to him, Tell me about a 1erson who 0inds a man with his wi0eB should he 6ill him2 and be 6illed In retaliationB or how should he a/tD :Asim2 as6 0or me (reli.ious -erdi/t about it) 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), So :Asim as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he did not

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733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)

li6e this question and he disa11ro-ed o0 it so mu/h that:Asim 0elt a..rie-ed at what he had heard 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?hen :Asim /ame ba/6 to his 0amil"2 :Uwaimir /ame to him and said: :Asim2 what did Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa" to "ouD :Asim said to :Uwaimir: Kou did not brin. somethin. .ood, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not li6e this reli.ious -erdi/t that I 0rom him, :Uwaimir said: 7" Allah2 I will not rest until I ha-e as6ed him about it, :Uwaimir 1ro/eeded until he /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as he was sittin. amidst 1eo1le2 and said: o0 Allah2 tell me about a 1erson who 0ound a man with his wi0e, Should he 6ill him2 and then "ou would 6ill him2 or how should he a/tD Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (<erses) ha-e been re-ealed /on/ernin. "ou and "our wi0eB so .o and brin. her, Sahl said that the" both in-o6ed /urses (and 0urther said): I was alon. with 1eo1le in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), And when the" had 0inished2 Uwaimir said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I shall ha-e told a lie a.ainst her i0 I 6ee1 her (now), So he di-or/ed her with three 1ronoun/ements be0ore Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had /ommanded him, Ibn Shihab said: Subsequentl" that was the 1ra/ti/e o0 in-o6ers o0 /urses (al Mutala:inain)


;2 !umber 4++*:

Sahl b, Sa:d re1orted,, :Uwaimir al-Ansari (Allah be 1leased with him) 0rom 7anu:l-:Ajlan /ame to :Asim b, :Adi (Allah be 1leased with him) the remainin. 1art o0 the hadith is the same and it was also ree/orded in it:C And subsequebtl" the se1aration be/ame the 1ra/ti/e o0 al-Mutala:inain,C And this addition was also made:C She was 1re.nant and her son was as/ribed to her2 and it be/ame /ustomar" that su/h (a son) would inherit her and she would inherit him in the share 1res/ribed b" Allah 0or her,


;2 !umber 4+++:

Ibn Shihab narrated about the in-o6ers o0 /urses and the 1ra/ti/e o0 (li:an) based on the authorit" o0 Sahl b, Sa:d2 o0 the tribe o0 Sa:ida, that a 1erson 0rom the Ansar /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 tell me about the 1erson who 0ound a man with his wi0e, The remainin. 1art o0 the hadith is the same (but) with this addition: The" in-o6ed /urses in the mosque and I was 1resent there, And he narrated in the hadith: He di-or/ed her with three 1ronoun/ements be0ore Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded him (to .et se1aration), He se1arated 0rom her in the 1resen/e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on he said: There is a se1aration between the in-o6ers o0 /urses,


;2 !umber 4++):

Sa:id b Fubair re1orted: I was as6ed about the in-o6ers o0 /urses durin. the rei.n o0 Mus:ab (b, Gubair) whether the" /ould se1arate (themsel-es b" this 1ro/ess), He said: I did not understand what to
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733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)

sa", So I went to the house o0 Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) in Me//a, I said to his ser-ant: See6 1ermission 0or Me, He said that he (Ibn :Umar) had been ta6in. rest, He (Ibn :Umar) heard m" -oi/e, and said: Are "ou Ibn FubairD I said: Kes, He:said: 'ome in, 7" Allah2 it must be some (.reat) need whi/h has "ou here at this Hour, So I .ot in and 0ound him l"in. on a blan6et re/linin. a.ainst a 1illow stu00ed with 0ibres o0 date-1alm, I said: 3 Abu:Abd al-Aahman2 should there be se1aration between the in-o6ers o0 /ursesD He said: Hallowed be Allah2 "es2 The 0irst one who as6ed about it was so and so, he said: o0 Allah2 tell me I0 one o0 us 0inds his wi0e /ommittin. adulter": what should he doD I0 he tal6s2 that is somethin. .reat2 and i0 he 6ee1s quiet that is also (somethin. .reat) (whi/h he /annot a00ord to do), Allah:s @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 6e1t quiet (or some time), A0ter some time he (that -er" 1erson) /ame to him (Allah:s and said: I ha-e been in-ol-ed in that -er" /a.e about whi/h I had as6ed "ou Allah the (5alted and Majesti/ then re-ealed (these) -erses o0 Surah !ur:C Those who a//use their wi-esC (-erse ))2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) re/ited them to him and admonished him2 and e5horted him and in0ormed him that the torment o0 the world is less 1ain0ul than the torment o0 the Herea0ter, He said: !o2 b" Him ?ho sent "ou with Truth2 I did not tell a lie a.ainst her, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then /alled her (the wi0e o0 that 1erson who had a//used her) and admonished her2 and e5horted her2 and in0ormed her that the torment o0 this world is less 1ain0ul than the torment o0 the Herea0ter, She said: !o2 b" Him ?ho sent thee with Truth2 he is a liar, (it was) the man who started the swearin. o0 oath and he swore in the name o0 Allah 0our times that he was amon. the truth0ul, and at the 0i0th turn he said: Let there be /urse o0 Allah u1on him i0 he were amon. the liars, Then the woman was /alled and she swore 0our times in the name o0 Allah that he (her husband) was amon. the liars2 and at the 0i0th time (she said): Let there be /urse u1on her i0 he were amon. the truth0ul, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then e00e/ted se1aration between the two, A hadith li6e this is narrated b" Ibn !umair with a -ariation o0 words,


;2 !umber 4++%:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in. to the in-o6ers o0 /urse: Kour a//ount is with Allah, 3ne o0 "ou must be a liar, Kou ha-e now no o-er this woman, He said: o0 Allah2 what about m" wealth (dower that I 1aid her at the time o0 marria.e)D He said: Kou ha-e no /laim to wealth, I0 "ou tell the truth2 it (dower) is the re/om1ense 0or "our ha-in. had the to inter/ourse with her2 and i0 "ou tell a lie a.ainst her2 it is still more remote 0rom "ou than she is, Guhair said in his narration: Su0"an re1orted to us on the authorit" o0 :Amr that he had heard Sa:id b Fubair sa"in.: I heard Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) sa"in. that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said it,


;2 !umber 4++#:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) e00e/ted se1aration between the two members o0 7anu al-:Ajlan2 and said: Allah 6nows that one o0 "ou is a liar, Is there one to re1ent amon. "ouD
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733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)


;2 !umber 4++;:

Sa:id b, Fubair re1orted: I as6ed Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) about in-o6in. /urse (li:an)2 and he narrated Similarl" 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),


;2 !umber 4+) :

Sa:id b, Fubair re1orted that Mus:ab b, Gubair did not e00e/t se1aration between the Mutala:inain (in-o6ers o0 /urses), Sa:id said: It was mentioned to :Abdullah b, Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) and he said: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) e00e/ted se1aration between the two members o0 7anu al-:Ajlan,


;2 !umber 4+)$:

!a0i: re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) that a 1erson in-o6ed /urse on the wi0e durin. the li0etime o0 Allah s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 so he e00e/ted se1aration between them and tra/ed the linea.e o0 the son to his mother,


;2 !umber 4+)2:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed a 1erson 0rom the and his wi0e to in-o6e /urse (u1on one another in order to testi0" to their truth0ulness)2 and then e00e/ted se1aration between them,


;2 !umber 4+)4:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Ubaidulah with the same /hain o0 trans-


;2 !umber 4+)*:

:Abdullah re1orted: ?e were on the o0 =rida" sta"in. in the mosque when a 1erson 0rom the Ansar /ame there and said: I0 a 1erson 0inds hiswoman alon. with a man2 and he s1ea6s about it2 "ou would lash him2 and i0 he 6ills2 "ou will 6ill him2 and i0 he 6ee1s quiet he shall ha-e to /onsume, 7" Allah2 I will de0initel" as6 about him 0rom Allah:s Mes/ (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), 3n the 0ollowin. da" he /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and as6ed him thus: I0 a man were to 0ind with his wi0e a man and i0 he were to tal6 about it2 "ou would lash himB and i0 he 6illed2 "ou would 6ill him2 and i0 he were to 6ee1 quiet, he would /onsume an.er2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Allah2 sol-e (this 1roblem)2 and he to su11li/ate (be0ore Him)2 and then the -erses 1ertainin. to li:an were re-ealed:C Those who a//use their wi-es and ha-e no witnesses e5/e1t themsel-esC (55i-, )), The 1erson was then 1ut to test a//ordin. to these -erses in the 1re##% & $#


733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)

sen/e o0 the 1eo1le, There /ame he and his wi0e in the 1resen/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and the" in-o6ed /urses (in order to testi0" their /laim), The man swore 0our times in the name o0 Allah that he was one o0 the truth0ul and then in-o6ed /urse 0or the 0i0th time sa"in.: Let there be /urse o0 Allah u1on him i0 he were amon. the liars, Then she to in-o6e /urse, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to her: just wait (and /urse a0ter /onsiderin. o-er it)2 but she re0used and in-o6ed /urse and when she turned awa"2 he (Allah:s A1ostle) said: It seems that this woman shall .i-e birth to a /url"-haired bla/6 /hild2 And so she did .a-e birth to a /url"-haired bla/6 /hild,


;2 !umber 4+)+:

A hadith li6e this is narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash,


;2 !umber 4+)):

Muhammad (one o0 the narrators) re1orted: I as6ed Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased with him) 6nowin. that he had a 6nowled.e o0 (the /ase o0 li:an), He said: Hilal b, Uma""a (Allah be 1leased with him) a//used his wi0e with the /har.e o0 0orni/ation with Shari6 b, Sahma2 the brother o0 al7ara:b Mali6 0rom the side o0 his mother, And he was the 0irst 1erson who in-o6ed /urse (li:an) in Islam, He in 0a/t in-o6ed /urse u1on her, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: See to her i0 she .i-es birth to a white-/om1le5ioned /hild ha-in. dar6 hair and e"esB he must be the son o0 Hilal b, Uma""aB and i0 she .i-es birth to a /hild with dar6 e"elids2 /url" hair and lean shan6s2 he must be the o00s1rin. o0 Shari6 b, Sahma, He said: I was in0ormed that she .a-e birth to a /hild ha-in. dar6 e"elids2 /url" hair and lean shan6s,


;2 !umber 4+)%:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: Mention was made o0 li:an in the 1resen/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), And Asim b, :Adi 1assed a remar6 about it and then turned awa"2 and a man o0 his tribe /ame to him /om1lainin. that he had 0ound a man with his wi0e2 whereu1on :Asim said: I ha-e been ta6en b" m" words, He too6 him to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and told him about the man whom he had 0ound with his wi0e and this man was a lean2 "ellow-/oloured man with lan6 hair2 and the 1erson who was a//used o0 /ommittin. adulter" with her (his wi0e) had 0lesh" shan6s2 with wheat /om1le5ion and hea-" bul6, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3 Allah2 ma6e (this /ase) mani0est, And as she .a-e birth to a /hild2 whose 0a/e resembled that 1erson about whom her husband had made mention that he had 0ound her with2 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be2 u1on him) had as6ed them to in-o6e /urses, A 1erson said to Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with him): Is she (that woman) about whom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1en him) (said):C I0 I were to stone an"bod" without e-iden/e2 I would ha-e stoned herCD Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with him) said: !o2 it is not she, That woman was one who
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733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)

o1enl" s1read e-il in so/iet", This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters with the addition o0 these words: :?ith 0lesh2 and /url" tan.led hair,C


;2 !umber 4+)#:

:Abdullah b Shaddad re1orted that mention was made about the in-o6ers o0 /urses be0ore Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them), Ibn Shaddad said: Are these the two about whom Allah:s A1ostle (/la" 1ea/e be u1on him) said,C I0 I were to stone one without e-iden/e2 I would ha-e de0initel" stoned herCD Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) said: She is not this womanB but she is the one who (/ommitted adulter") o1enl",


;2 !umber 4+);:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Sa:d b, :Ubada al-Ansari said: o0 Allah2 tell the i0 a man 0inds his wi0e with another 1erson2 should he 6ill himD Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !o, Sa:d said: ?h" notD I swear b" Him ?ho has honoured "ou with Truth, There u1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Listen to what "our /hie0 sa"s,


;2 !umber 4+% :

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Sa:d b, Ubada (Allah be 1leased with him) said: o0 Allah2 i0 I were to 0ind with m" wi0e a man2 should I wait until I brin. 0our witnessesD He said: Kes,


;2 !umber 4+%$:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Sa:d b, Ubada (Allah be 1leased with him) said: o0 Allah2 i0 I were to 0ind with m" wi0e a man2 should I not tou/h him be0ore 0our witnessesD Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kes, He said: 7" no means, 7" Him ?ho has sent "ou with the Truth2 I would hasten with m" sword to him be0ore that, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Listen to what "our /hie0 sa"s, He is jealous o0 his honour2 I am more jealous than he (is) and Hod is more jealous than I,


;2 !umber 4+%2:

AI-Mu.hira b, Shu:ba (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Sa:d b, :Ubada (Allah be 1leased with him) said: I0 I were to see a man with m" wi0e2 I would ha-e stru/6 him with the sword2 and not with the 0lat 1art (side) o0 it, ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) heard o0 that2 he said: Are "ou sur1rised at Sa:d:s jealous" o0 his honourD 7" Allah2 I am more jealous o0 m" honour than he2 and Allah is more jealous than I, 7e/ause o0 His jealous" Allah has 1rohibited abomination2
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733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)

both o1en and se/ret And no 1erson is more jealous o0 his honour than Allah2 and no 1ersons2 is more 0ond o0 a//e1tin. an e5/use than Allah2 on a//ount o0 whi/h He has sent messen.ers2 announ/ers o0 .lad tidin.s and warnersB and no one is more 0ond o0 1raise than Allah on a//ount o0 whi/h Allah has 1romised @aradise,


;2 !umber 4+%4:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted on the authorit"2 o0 :Abd al-Mali6 b, Umair with the same /hain o0 narraters but with a /han.e o0 words,


;2 !umber 4+%*:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: There /ame a 1erson to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) ) 0rom 7anu =a8ara and said: M" wi0e has .i-en birth to a /hild who is bla/62 whereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ha-e "ou an" /amelsD He said: Kes, He a.ain said: ?hat is this /olourD He said: The" are red, He said: Is there a dus6" one amon. themD He said: Kes2 there are dus6" ones amon. them He said: How has it /ome aboutD He said: It is 1erha1s the strain to whi/h it has re-erted2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: It is 1erha1s the strain to whi/h he (the /hild) has re-erted,


;2 !umber 4+%+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters, In the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ma:mar2 the (words are):C o0 Allah2 m" wi0e has .i-en birth to a dar6-/om1le5ioned bo"2 and he at that time was intendin. to disown him,C And this addition has been made at the end o0 the hadith:C He (the Hol" @ro1het) did not 1ermit him to disown him,C


;2 !umber 4+%):

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: A desert Arab /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: M" wi0e has .i-en birth to a dar6-/om1le5ioned /hild and I ha-e disowned him, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ha-e "ou an" /amelsD He said: Kes, He said: ?hat is their /olourD He saidD The" are red, He said: Is there an"one dus6" amon. themD He said: Kes, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: How has it /ome aboutD He said: o0 Allah2 it is 1erha1s due to the strain to whi/h it has re-erted2 whereu1on the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It (the birth) o0 the bla/6 /hild ma" be due to the strain to whi/h he (the /hild) ha-e re-erted,

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733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)


;2 !umber 4+%%:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $$: (man/i1atin. a sla-e

7oo6 ;2 !umber 4+%#:
Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 an"one eman/i1ates his share ina sla-e and has enou.h mone" to 1a" the 0ull 1ri/e 0or him2 a 0air 1ri/e 0or the sla-e should be 0i5ed2 his 1artners .i-en their shares2 and the sla-e be thus eman/i1ated2 otherwise he is eman/i1ated onl" to the e5tent o0 the 0irst man:s share,


;2 !umber 4+%;:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar throu.h another /hain o0 transmit-


;2 !umber 4+# :

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The sla-e who is jointl" owned b" two 1ersons2 and is eman/i1ated b" one o0 them2 (this one) has liabilit" (u1on him to se/ure /om1lete 0reedom 0or that sla-e),


;2 !umber 4+#$:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased witli him) re1orted Allah:s @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 an"one eman/i1ates a share in a sla-e2 he is to be /om1letel" eman/i1ated i0 he has mone"B but i0 he has none2 the sla-e will be required to wor6 to 1a" 0or his 0reedom2 but must not be o-erburhened,


;2 !umber 4+#2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sa:id b, Abu :Aruba with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with the addition:C I0 he (one o0 the joint owners eman/i1atin. the sla-e) has not (enou.h) mone" (to se/ure 0reedom 0or the other hal0) a 0air 1ri/e 0or the sla-e should be 0i5ed2 and he will be required to wor6 to 1a" 0or his 0reedom2 but must not be o-er-burdened,

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733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)


;2 !umber 4+#4:

A hadith li6e this is re1orted on the authorit" o0 the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a /han.e o0 words,

'ha1ter $2: The o0 inheritan/e o0 1ro1ert" -ests with one who eman/i1ates the sla-e
7oo6 ;2 !umber 4+#*:
Ibn Umar re1orted that :A:isha de/ided to bu" a sla-e-.irl and then set her 0ree2 but her masters said: ?e are 1re1ared to sell her to "ou on the /ondition that her o0 inheritan/e would -est with "ou, She (Hadrat A:isha) made a mention o0 that to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whereu1on he said: This should not stand in "our wa", The o0 inheritan/e -ests in one who eman/i1ates,


;2 !umber 4+#+:

:A:isha (Allah be 1jeased with her) re1orted that 7arira /ame to her in order to see6 her hel1 in se/urin. 0reedom2 but she had (so 0ar) 1aid nothin. out o0 that sum sti1ulated in the /ontra/t, :A:isba said to her, Ho to "our 0amil" (who owns "ou)2 and i0 the" li6e that I should 1a" the amount (o0 the /ontra/t) on "our behal0 (0or 1ur/hasin. "our 0reedom)2 then I shall ha-e the in "our inheritan/e, (I0 the" a//e1ted it) I am 1re1ared (to ma6e this 1a"ment), 7arira made a mention o0 that to the (members o0) her 0amil"2 but the" re0used and said: I0 she (Hadrat :A:isha) wants to do .ood to Kou 0or the sa6e o0 Allah2 she ma" do it2 but the o0 inheritan/e will be ours, She (Hadrat :A:isha) made a mention o0 that to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he said to her: 7u" her2 and eman/i1ate her2 0or the o0 inheritan/e -ests with one who eman/i1ates (the sla-e), Allah:s Messen.er2 ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then stood u1 and said: ?hat has ha11ened to the 1eo1le that the" la" down /onditions whi/h are not (0ound) in the 7oo6 o0 AllahD And he who laid down a /ondition not 0ound in the 7oo6 o0 Allah2 that is not -alid, e-en i0 it is laid down hundred times, The /ondition laid down b" Allah is the most" and the most -alid,


;2 !umber 4+#):

:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted: 7arira /ame to me and said: :A:isha2 I ha-e entered into /ontra/t 0or se/urin. 0reedom with m" 0amil" (who owns me) 0or nine :uqi"as (o0 sil-er)2 one :uqi"a e-er" "ear The rest o0 the hadith is the same (but with this addition):C This (the 1roblem o0 the o0 inheritan/e) should not stand in "our wa", 7u" her2 and set her 0ree,

#;2 & $#


733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)

He said in a hadith: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 amon. men2 e5tolled Allah2 1raised Him2 and then said:C 0or,,,,,,C


;2 !umber 4+#%:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: 7arira /ame to me and said: M" 0amil" (owners) ha-e made /ontra/t with me (0or .rantin. 0reedom) 0or nine :uqi"as (o0 sil-er) 1a"able in nine "ears2 one :uqi"a e-er" "ear, Hel1 me (in ma6in. this 1a"ment), I said to her: I0 "our 0amil" so desires2 I am 1re1ared to ma6e them the 0ull 1a"ment in one instalment2 and thus se/ure 0reedom 0or "ou2 but the o0 inheritan/e will -est in me2 i0 I do so, She (7arira) made a mention o0 that to her 0amil"2 but the" re0used (e5/e1t) on the /ondition that the o0 inheritan/e would -est in them, She /ame to me and made mention o0 i0 She (:A:isha) said: I s/olded her, She (7arira) said: 7" Allah2 it is not 1ossible (the" will ne-er a.ree to it), And as she was sa"in. it2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) heard2 and he as6ed me2 I in0ormed him and he said: 7u" her and eman/i1ate her2 and let the o0 inherit- an/e -est in them2 0or the" /annot /laim it (ri.ht0ull") sin/e the o0 inherritan/e -ests with one who eman/i1ates (the sla-eB there0ore2 these 1eo1le ha-e no to la" su/h 0alse /laims), And I did so, She (:A:isha) said: Then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) deli-ered a sermon in the e-enin., He e5tolled Allah and 1raised Him with what He deser-es2 and then said a0terwards2: ?hat has ha11ened to the 1eo1le that the" la" down /onditions whi/h are not 0ound in the 7oo6 o0 AllahD And the /ondition whi/h is not 0ound in the 7oo6 o0 Allah is in-alid2 e-en i0 its number is one hundred, The 7oo6 o0 Allah is more true (than an" other deed) and the /ondition laid down b" Allah is more bindin. (than an" other /ondition), ?hat has ha11ened to the 1eo1le amon. "ou that someone amon. "ou sa"s:C (man/i1ate so and so2 but the o0 inheritan/e -ests in meCD <eril"2 the o0 inheritan/e -ests in one who eman/i1ates,


;2 !umber 4+##:

Hisham b, :Urwa narrated a hadith li6e this with the same /hain o0 trans- mitters e5/e1t (with this /han.e) that in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 jartr (the words are): Her (7arira:s) husband was a sla-e2 so Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e her the o1tion (either to retain her matrimonial relation with her husband or se-er it o00), She o1ted to brea6 o00 (and se/ure 0reedom 0or her e-en 0rom the matrimonial allian/e), And i0 he were 0ree he would not ha-e .i-en her the o1tion, In the hadith narrated on the authorit" (o0 this /hain o0 transmitters) these words are not 0ound: Amma ba:du,


;2 !umber 4+#;:

:Abd al-Aahman b, al, Easim re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) said: There were three issues whi/h were /lari0ied in /ase o0 7arira: her owners had de/ided to sell her on the /ondition that the o0 her inheritan/e would -est with them, She (:A:isha) said: I
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733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)

made a mention o0 that to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said: 7u" her and eman/i1ate her2 0or -eril" the o0 inheritan/e -ests with one who eman/i1ates, She said that she eman/i1ated (her) and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e her the o1tion (either to retain her matrimonial allian/e or brea6 it a0ter eman/i1ation), She (ta6in. ad-anta.e o0 the o1tion) o1ted 0or hersel0 (the se-erin. o0 matrimonial allian/e), :A:isha said: The 1eo1le used to .i-e her /harit" and she .a-e us that as .i0t, I made a mention o0 it to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on he said: That is /harit" 0or her but .i0t 0or "ou2 so ta6e that,


;2 !umber 4+; :

:A:isha (Allah:s be 1leased with her) re1orted that she had 7arira 0rom the 1eo1le o0 Ansar2 but the" laid down the /ondition that the o0 inheritan/e (would -est in them)2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The o0 inheritan/e -ests with one who shows 0a-our (who eman/i1ates) and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/ebe u1on him) .a-e her the /hoi/e (either to retain) her matrimonial allian/e or brea6 it), Her husband was a sla-e, She (7arira also) .a-e :A:isha some meat as .i0t, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I wish "ou /ould 1re1are (/oo6) 0or us out o0 this meat, :A:isha said2 It has been .i-en as /harit" to 7arira2 whereu1on he said: That is /harit" 0or her and .i0t 0or us,


;2 !umber 4+;$:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: She wanted to bu" 7arira with a -iew to eman/i1atin. her, The" (the sellers) laid down the /ondition that the o0 inheritan/e would -est (with them), She (Hadrat :A:isha) made a mention o0 that to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on he said: 7u" her and eman/i1ate her 0or the o0 inheritan/e -ests with one who eman/i1ates, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was .i-en meat as .i0t, The" (his 'om1anions) said to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): This was .i-en as /harit" to 7arira2 whereu1on he said: That is /harit" 0or her but .i0t 0or us, And she was .i-en o1tion (to retain her matrimonial allian/e or to brea6 it), Abd al-Aahman said: Her husband was a 0ree man, Shu:ba said: I then as6ed him (one o0 the narrators) about 7arira:s husband (whether he had been a 0ree mart or a sla-e)2 whereu1on he said: I do not 6now,


;2 !umber 4+;2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,


;2 !umber 4+;4:

:A:isha re1orted that the husband o0 7arira was a sla-e,

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733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)


;2 !umber 4+;*:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her), the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" @ea/e be u1on him) said: Three are the Sunan ( (that we /ame to 6now in /ase o0 7airara), She was .i-en o1tion in re.ard to her husband when she was eman/i1ated, Sbe was .i-en meat as /harit", Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited me when an earthen 1ot with meat in it was 1la/ed on the 0ire, He as6ed 0or 0ood and be was .i-en bread with ordinar" meat (usuall" /oo6ed in the) house, Thereu1on he (Allah:s said: 9on:t I see the earthen 1ot on 0ire with meat in itD The" said: Kes, Allah:s Messen.er2 there is meat in it whi/h was .i-en as /harit" to 7arira, ?e did not deem it ad-isable that we should .i-e "ou that to eat2 whereu1on he said: It is /harit" 0or her2 but it is .i0t 0or us, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) also said: The o0 inheritan/e -ests with one who eman/i1ates,


;2 !umber 4+;+:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: :A:isha (Allah be 1leated with her) o0 bu"in. a sla-e-.irl and eman/i1atin. her2 but her owners re0used to (sell her but on the /ondition) that the o0 inheritan/e would -est in them, She made a mention o0 that to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), whereu1on he said: Let this (/ondition) not stand in "our wa" 0or the o0 inheritan/e -ests with one who eman/i1ates,

'ha1ter $4: It is 0orbidden to sell al-?ala: (the o0 inheritan/e o0 a sla-e) and its /on0errin. on others
7oo6 ;2 !umber 4+;):
Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) 0orbade the sellin. and ma6in. a .i0t o0 the o0 inheritan/e o0 a sla-e, Imam Muslim said: All the 1ersons de1end u1on Abdullah b, 9inar in re.ard to this hadith,


;2 !umber 4+;%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters but with this /han.e that in tba hadith narrated b" al-Thaqa0i 0rom Ubaidullah there is onl" a mention o0 sellin. (or o0 inheritan/e2 al-?ala: ) but not that o0 ma6in. a .i0t,

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733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)

'ha1ter $*: It is 0orbidden 0or a sla-e to ta6e an"one as his all" e5/e1t one who eman/i1ates him
7oo6 ;2 !umber 4+;#:
Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made it obli.ator" 0or e-er" tribe (the 1a"ment) o0 blood-witB he then also made it e51li/it that it is not 1ermissible 0or a Muslim to ma6e himsel0 the all" (o0 the sla-e eman/i1ated b" another) Muslim without his 1ermission, He (the narrator 0urther added): I was in0ormed that he (the Hol" @ro1het) /ursed the one who did that (and it was re/orded) in his Sahi0a (in a do/ument),


;2 !umber 4+;;:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who ta6es an"one as his all" without the /onsent o0 his 1re-ious master2 there will be the /urse o0 Allah and that o0 His an.els u1on him2 and neither2 an" obli.ator" a/t o0 his nor the su1erero.ator" one will be a//e1ted (b" Allah),


;2 !umber 4)

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who too6 the 0reed sla-e as his all" without the /onsent o0 his 1re-ious master2 there is u1on him the /urse o0 Allah and that o0 His an.els and that o0 the whole man6ind2 and there will not be a//e1ted 0rom him his obli.ator" a/ts or su1er/ro.ator" a/ts on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion, This hadith is narrated throu.h the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but with a /han.e o0 words,


;2 !umber 4) $:

Ibrahim al-Taimi re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: :Ali b, Abu Talib (Allah be 1leased with him) addressed us and said: He who thin6s that we (the members o0 the @ro1het:s 0amil") read an"thin. else besides the 7oo6 o0 Allah and this Sahi0a (and he said that Sahi0a was tied to the s/abbard o0 the sword) tells a lie, (This Sahi0a) /ontains (1roblems) 1ertainin. to the o0 the /amels and (the re/om1ense) o0 the injuries2 and it also re/ords the words o0 the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): Medina is a sa/red territor" 0rom :A"r to Thaur (it is most 1robabl" Uhud), He who inno-ates (an a/t or 1ra/ti/e) or .i-es 1rote/tion to an inno-ator2 there is a /urse o0 Allah and that o0 His an.els and that o0 the whole humanit" u1on him, Allah will not a//d1t 0rom him (as a re/om1ense) an" obli.ator" a/t or su1erero.ator" a/t2 and the res1onsibilit" o0 the Muslims is a joint res1onsibilit"B e-en the lowest in ran6 /an underta6e the res1onsibilit" (on behal0 o0 others)2 and he who /laims an"one else as his 0ather besides his own 0ather or ma6es one his all" other than the one (who 0reed
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733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)

him)2 there is a /urse o0 Allah, that o0 His an.els and that o0 the wholeman6ind u1on him, Allah will not a//e1t the obli.ator" a/t o0 the su1erero.ater" a/t (as a re/om1ense) 0rom him,

'ha1ter $+: (5/elen/e o0 eman/i1atin. a sla-e

7oo6 ;2 !umber 4) 2:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 an"one eman/i1ates a Muslim sla-e2 Allah will set 0ree 0rom Hell an o0 his bod" 0or e-er" o0 his (sla-e:s) bod",


;2 !umber 4) 4:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e ben1on him) as sa"in.: He who eman/i1ates a sla-e2 Allah will set 0ree 0rom Hell e-er" limb (o0 his bod") 0or e-er" limb o0 his (sla-e:s) bod"2 e-en his 1ri-ate 1arts,


;2 !umber 4) *:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who eman/i1ates a belie-in. sla-e, Allah will set 0ree 0rom =ire his e-er" limb 0or e-er" limb o0 his (sla-e:s)2 e-en his 1ri-ate 1arts 0or his,


;2 !umber 4) +:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A Muslim who eman/i1ates a Muslim (sla-e), Allah will sa-e 0rom =ire e-er" limb o0 his 0or e-er" limb (o0 the sla-e), Sa:id b, Marjana said: ?hen I heard this hadith 0rom Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him)2 I went awa" and made a mention o0 it to :Ali b, Husain and he at on/e eman/i1ated the sla-e 0or whi/h Ibn ja:0ar was 1re1ared to 1a" ten thousand dirhams or one thousand dinars,

'ha1ter $): (5/ellen/e o0 se/urin. the eman/i1ation o0 0ather

7oo6 ;2 !umber 4) ):
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A son does not re1a" what he owes his 0ather unless he bu"s him (the 0ather) in /ase he is a
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733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)

sla-e and then eman/i1ates him, In the narration transmitted b" Ibn Abu Shaiba there is a /han.e o0 words,


;2 !umber 4) %:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Suhail with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

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733> ;: TH( 733> 3= 9I<3A'( (>ITA7 AL-TALAE)

733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL7UKUJ)

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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

Honest" in /ommer/ial dealin.s is more stri/tl" enjoined b" Islam than b" an" other reli.ion, It is be/ause Islam is a reli.ion whi/h re.ulates and dire/ts li0e in all its de1artments, It is not to be re.arded2 li6e the modern man:s reli.ion, as a 1ersonal2 1ri-ate a00air2 whi/h has nothin. to do with his e/onomi/ and 1oliti/al li0e, It is not merel" a bod" o0 do.mas or a bundle o0 rites and ritualsB it is a 1ra/ti/al /ode whi/h .o-erns li0e in all its s1heres, Its laws are as e00e/ti-el" o1erati-e in our /ommer/e and 1oliti/s as in our domesti/ li0e and so/ial relations, Islam /ensures 1oliti/al /hi/aner" and e/onomi/ e51loitation as stron.l" as so/ial e5/esses and indi-idual dishonest", Indeed2 a true Islami/ so/iet" is based u1on honest"2 justi/e and 0raternit"2 and is absolutel" intolerant o0 dishonest" in all its -arious 0orms, That is the reason wh" 1er0e/t honest" in business and truth0ulness in trade are mu/h em1hasised b" the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), It will not be an e5a..eration to sa" that absolute honest" in business and /ommer/e is reall" an Islami/ /on/e1t, The Hindus and Fews were (and still2 are) worshi11ers o0 the Mammon, 7oth o0 them ha-e been mer/enar" nations2 notorious 0or their .reed, The 1re-Islami/ 'hristians, too2 did not 1ossess an" hi.h standard o0 business moralit", It was @ro1het Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who2 on the one hand2 ur.ed his 0ollowers to ado1t trade as their 1ro0ession2 and2 on the other band2 e5horted them to obser-e truth0ulness and honest" in their business transa/tions, Islam la"s the .reatest em1hasis on Eat Haldl (0ood earned throu.h law0ul means), The 1ious amon. us belie-e that just as nast" 0ood s1olis our 1h"si/al health2 similarl", 0ood earned throu.h unlaw0ul means s1oils our s1iritual and moral health, A man who li-er on in/ome deri-ed throu.h illi/it means and 0raudulent 1ra/ti/es /annot be morall" ad-an/ed and s1irituall" ele-ated, I0 we tr" to /om1rehend the e5a/t2 im1li/ations o0 the term Haram (unlaw0ul) we /an 0orm an idea o0 the hi.h standard o0 moralit" on whi/h Islam wants us to /ondu/t our business, And2 i0 business is /ondu/ted stri/tl" in a//ordan/e with the Islami/ 1rin/i1les o0 /ommer/e2 there /an be absolutel" no s/o1e 0or an" 6ind o0 /ommer/ial dishonest" -ar"in. 0rom the sim1lest and most .larin. t"1e o0 business 0raud to the most /unnin. and subtle t"1e o0 1ro0iteerin. whi/h is o0ten mas6ed under a semblan/e o0 honest", Islam is most -ehement in its /ondemnation o0 /ommer/ial dishonest", It denoun/ed2 in the stron.est 1ossible terms2 all sorts o0 de/eit0ul dealin.s and 1ro0its, It has disallowed all transa/tions not based u1on justi/e and 0air1la" The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 while re1rimandin. the dishonest dealer2 said:C Laisa minna man .ashshdnaC (?hosoe-er de/ei-es us is not one o0 us),

A//ordin. to Imam Hha8ali2 a Muslim who ma6es u1 his mind to ado1t trade as a 1ro0ession or to set u1 his own business should 0irst a/quire a thorou.h understandin. o0 the rules o0 business transa/tions /odi0ied in the Islami/ Shari:ah, ?ithout su/h understandin. he will .o astra" and 0ail into serious la1ses ma6in. his earnin. unlaw0ul, !o 1eo1le in the world ha-e e-er atta/hed so mu/h im; & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

1ortan/e to law0ul tradin. as did the earl" Muslims2 nor has an" other nation e-in/ed su/h a dread o0 unlaw0ul tradin. as the" did, That is wh" al-Hha8ali said stress on a /lear understandin. o0 the rules and laws .o-ernin. business transa/tions as a ne/essar" 1rerequisite to ado1tin. trade or business as a 1ro0ession, The Hol" Eur:an has stressed the im1ortan/e o0 0airness in business:C And2 3 m" 1eo1le2 .i-e 0ull measure and justl"2 and de0raud not men o0 their thin.s2 and a/t not /orru1tl" in the land ma6in. mis/hie0, ?hat remains with Allah is better 0or "ou2 i0 "ou are belie-ersC (5i, #+-#)), In these words addressed b" Hadrat Shu:aib to his 1eo1le2 the Hol" Eur:an enun/iates the 0undamental 1rin/i1les o0 /ommer/e as 0ollows To .i-e just measure and, !ot to withhold 0rom the 1eo1le the thin.s that are their due, !ot to /ommit e-il on the earth with the intent o0 doin. mis/hie0, To be /ontented with the 1ro0it that is le0t with us b" Hod a0ter we ha-e 1aid other 1eo1le their due, ?e are told in these -erses that /ommer/e /an 0lourish under /onditions o0 1ea/e and se/urit", The 1eo1le are2 there0ore2 warned not to disturb the 1ea/e o0 the land so that there is a 0ree and untrammelled trade between di00erent 1arts o0 the world, In /ommer/ial relations we are e51e/ted to be absolutel" just and honest2 liberall" .i-in. other 1eo1le their due, ?e are not to be .uilt" o0 sel0ish .reed and not to indul.e in 1ro0iteerin.B and we are told that the law0ul 1ro0it whi/h has Hod:s blessin.s is the one that we are able to ma6e throu.h 1er0e/tl" honest dealin.s with others, The injun/tions /ontained in these Eur:ani/ -erses and 0ound elsewhere in the Hol" 7oo6 /lose the door o0 all dishonest and unjust transa/tions, ?e should not that justi/e is a master -irtue, I0 we .i-e others just measure and just that tantamounts to sa"in. that we should be 0air and just in our dealin.s, A /are0ul stud" o0C >itab al-7u"uJC (the boo6 1ertainin. to business transa/tions) will re-eal the 0a/t that the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) based business dealin.s stri/tl" on truth and justi/e, He has stron.l" disa11ro-ed all transa/tions whi/h in-ol-e an" 6ind o0 injusti/e or hardshi1 to the bu"er or the seller, He wanted that both2 the bu"er and the seller2 should be trul" s"m1atheti/ and /onsiderate towards ea/h other, 3ne should not ta6e undue ad-anta.e o0 the sim1li/it" or i.noran/e o0 the other, The seller should not thin6 that he has unrestri/ted libert" to e5tort as mu/h as 1ossible 0rom the bu"er, He has to be justB he should ta6e his own due and .i-e the bu"er what is his, Islam2 whi/h /ondemns e-er" 6ind o0 injusti/e and e51loitation in human relations2 wants its 0ollowers to /ondu/t business in a sublime s1irit o0 justi/e tem1ered with human 6indness, The /ondu/t o0 the seller in a transa/tion should be /hara/terised not onl" b" Insa0 (justi/e)2 but also b" Ihsan (ma.nanimit"),C Hod will 0or.i-e the sins o0 a Muslim who absol-es a 0ellow-Muslim 0rom a sale/ontra/t not li6ed b" the latter2C sa"s the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),
; $ & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

All transa/tions should be based on the 0undamental 1rin/i1le o0C Ta:auanu ala birri wa:t-taqwaC (mutual /o-o1eration 0or the /ause o0 .oodness or 1iet"), A transa/tion not based u1on this sound 1rin/i1le is not law0ul, Unlaw0ul transa/tions are moti-ated b" lust 0or mone" and an i.noble desire to build u1 1resti.e, Islam stri6es at the root o0 the 1assion 0or mone" and su..ests a di00erent "ardsti/6 to measure the 1resti.e o0 a 1erson, The Hol" Eur:an2 on the one hand2 /ondemns hoardin. and the e5/essi-e lo-e 0or wealth2 and2 on the other2 de/lares -irtue and 1iet" to be the /riterion 0or determinin. a 1erson:s worth,C Inna a6rama6um Jind-Allahi atqa6umC (The noblest in the e"es o0 Hod is the most 1ious amon. "ou), Thus does Islam minimise in e-er" 1ossible wa" the tem1tation to trade and tra00i/, Let us now ta6e note o0 the 0orms o0 business transa/tions whi/h ha-e been 1rohibited in Islam, The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has not onl" disa11ro-ed o0 /ertain 0orms o0 business transa/tions2 but has also laid down some basi/ /onditions that should be 0ul0illed in e-er" transa/tion i0 it is to be law0ul, The 0ollowin. are some o0 these basi/ /onditions: Thin.s sold and mone" o00ered as their 1ri/e to be law0ull" a/quired, The thin.s sold and the mone" to be o00ered as their 1ri/e should both be law0ull" a/quired and /learl" s1e/i0ied, This /ondition demands that the .oods sold should ha-e been law0ull" obtained, 3ne has no business to sell .oods whi/h one has stolen or whi/h one has a/quired in a 0raudulent manner, nor should one 1ur/hase an"thin. with the mone" whi/h one has a//e1ted as .rati0i/ation or has a/euired in some other de/eit0ul wa", This /ondition holds the bu"er and the seller res1onsible 0or law0ul 1ossession o0 the .oods on the 1arto0 one and o0 the mone" on the 1art o0 other, Hoods not to be sold be0ore obtainin. their 1ossession, The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has warned the Muslims a.ainst in 0orward transa/tions whi/h means sellin. .oods be0ore obtainin. their 1ossession,C ?hoe-er bu"s /ereals shall not tell them until he has obtained their 1ossession2C sa"s the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), A//ordin. to Ibn :Abbas2 what a11lies to /ereals also a11lies to other /ate.ories o0 .oods, 3n another o//asion the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has said:C 7ar.ain not about that whi/h is not with "ou,C Hoods to be in the o1en mar6et, Hoods and /ommodities 0or sale should .o into the o1en mar6et2 and the seller or his a.ents must be aware o0 the state o0 the mar6et be0ore 1ro1osals are made 0or the 1ur/hase b" the bu"ers, The seller should not be ta6en unawares lest the bu"ers should ta6e undue ad-anta.e o0 his i.noran/e o0 the /onditions and 1ri/es 1re-ailin. in the mar6et, !o trade and tra00i/ in thin.s2 the use o0 whi/h is 1rohibited b" Islam, A Muslim /an trade in those .oods and /ommodities onl" the use o0 whi/h has been de/lared to be Halal (law0ul), There /an be no trade and tra00i/ in thin.s the use o0 whi/h is 1roliibited b" Islam, =or e5am1le2 there /an be no trade in wine2 swine2 dead bodies o0 animals and idols, A de-out Muslim mer/hant would not e-en tra00i/ in thin and trans1arent stu00 0or ladies be/ause the use o0 su/h stu00 b" ladies is unlaw0ul, 3ne /annot sell the /ar/ass o0 an animal, He /an2 howe-er2 0la" its s6in whi/h /an be used 0or ma6in. shoes and whi/h /an there0ore2 be sold2 but not the 0lesh o0 the dead animal, ?hat is true o0 the usable s6in o0 animals is also true o0 the tus6s o0 an ele1hant,
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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

@rohibited 0orms o0 7usiness

Mono1ol" business, As mono1ol" means /on/entration o0 su11l" in one hand2 it leads to e51loitation o0 the /onsumers and the wor6ers2 it has2 there0ore2 been de/lared unlaw0ul b" the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Hi.anti/ trusts, /artels and mono1olies should not e5ist in the Islami/ so/iet", The mono1ol"-dominated e/onomi/ order betra"s la/6 o0 harmon" between 1ri-ate and so/ial .ood and is2 thus2 a ne.ation o0 the 1rin/i1le o0 ma5imum so/ial ad-anta.e whi/h the Islami/ so/iet" sets out to a/hie-e, S1e/ulati-e business basd on sel0ish interest, S1e/ulation means bu"in. somethin. /hea1 in bul6 at a time and sellin. it dear at another and2 thus2 /ontrollin. the whole mar6et to a/hie-e 1ersonal .ains, A /lose obser-ation will re-eal that s1e/ulators are 1rimaril" interested in 1ri-ate .ains re.ardless o0 the interest o0 the so/iet", These s1e/ulators tr" to /reate arti0i/ial s/ar/it" o0 .oods and /ommodities and thereb" /reate an in0lationar" 1ressure on the e/onom", As the 1oor masses ha-e to 1a" 0or this, Islam has /ondemned su/h s1e/ulati-e business, Interest transa/tions, All transa/tions in-ol-in. interest are 0orbidden in Islam, Some 1eo1le 0ind it hard to submit to the injun/tion 1rohibitin. interest2 be/ause the" thin6 interest and 1ro0it earned in trade are similar, 'a1ital in-ested in trade brin.s an e5/ess /alled 1ro0itB in-ested in ban6in. it brin.s interest, ?h" should one e5/ess be /onsidered law0ul and the other unlaw0ulD The" 0ail to ta6e note o0 the basi/ di00eren/e between the two, Trade in-ol-es ris6 o0 loss, Also in its /ase2 it is not onl" the /a1ital in-ested that brin.s 1ro0it whi/h is equall" the result o0 initiati-e2 enter1rise and e00i/ien/" o0 the entre1reneur, Hen/e its rate /annot be 1redetermined and 0i5ed, Moreo-er2 trade is 1rodu/ti-e, A 1erson rea1s a bene0it a0ter under.oin. labour and hardshi1, It /reates /onditions o0 0ull em1lo"ment and e/onomi/ .rowth, It will also be noted that trade a/ts as one o0 the dominant 0a/tors in the 1ro/ess o0 buildin. u1 /i-ilisation throu.h /o-o1eration and mutual e5/han.e o0 ideas, The s1read o0 Islam and Islami/ /i-ilisation In the =ar (ast has been mostl" due to the e00orts o0 Muslim traders, Interest has no redeemin. 0eature at all, The 0i5ed rate o0 1ro0it whi/h a 1erson .ets 0rom a 0inan/ial in-estment without an" ris6 o0 loss and without au.mentin. it with human labour /reates in man the undesirable wea6ness o0 miserliness and Sh"lo/6ian sel0ishness and la/6 o0 s"m1ath", In the e/onomi/ s1here it initiates and a..ra-ates /risis, Ai.htl"2 there0ore2 has Islam stri/tl" 1rohibited all transa/tions based on it or in-ol-in. it in some 0orm or other, Ad-an/in. mone" on interest2 6ee1in. de1osits in a ban6 0or the sa6e o0 earnin. interest2 or .ettin. /on/essions in rates o0 .oods or /ommodities a.ainst ad-an/e 1a"ments o0 1ri/e2 and utilisin. an in/ome-"ieldin. 1ro1ert" a.ainst a /ertain sum2 to be returned in 0ull when the 1ro1ert" is redeemed and in-estin. mone" in a trade a.ainst a 1redetermined and 0i5ed rate o0 1ro0it-are all unlaw0nl business transa/tions be/ause the" in-ol-e Aiba (interest) in some 0orm or the other,

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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

Transa/tions similar (in nature) to .amblin., The Arabi/ equi-alent to .amblin. is Maisir whi/h literaril" meansC .ettin. somethin. too easil"C2C .ettin. a 1ro0it without wor6in. 0or itC, The literal meanin. o0 the term e51lains the 1rin/i1le on a//ount o0 whi/h .amblin. is 1rohibited in Islam, An" monetar" .ain whi/h /ornes too easil"2 so mu/h so that one does not ha-e to wor6 0or it2 is unlaw0ul, The most 0amiliar 0orm o0 .amblin. aman. the Arabs in the da"s o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was .amblin. b" /astin. o0 lots b" means o0 arrows drawn 0rom a ba., Some were blan6 and those who drew them .ot nothin., 3thers indi/ated 1ri8es-bi. or small ones, ?hether one .ot an"thin. or nothin. de1ended on 1ure lu/6, unless there was 0raud on the 1art o0 someone /on/erned, The 1rin/i1le on whi/h obje/tion to .amblin. is based is that "ou .ain what "ou ha-e not earned2 or lose on a mere /han/e, 9i/e2 lotter"2 1ri8e bonds and bettin. on horse ra/es are to be held within the de0inition o0 .amblin., Munabadha and Mulamasa, Islam re/o.nises barter trade subje/t to the injun/tions o0 the Eur:an and the Sunnah, In 0a/t2 Islam has /losed all doors o0 dishonest" and de/eit in business dealin.s, It has 1rohibited all 0orms o0 transa/tions whi/h admit o0 0raud in the least de.ree, It has im1ressed on the traders that de0e/ti-e and worthless .oods should not be .i-en in e5/han.e 0or .ood ones2 and i0 there is a de0e/t in the .oods sold it must be 1ointed out and made mani0est to the 1ur/haser, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said:C The bu"er and the seller ha-e the o1tion o0 /an/ellin. the /ontra/t as lon. as the" ha-e not se1aratedB then, i0 the" both s1ea6 the truth and ma6e mani0est2 their transa/tion shall be blessed2 and it the" /on/eal and tell lies2 the blessin. o0 their transa/tion shall be obliteratedC, 7esides issuin. the instru/tions whi/h .o-ern all 0orms o0 trade2 1arti/ularl" barter trade2 Islam has banned two 0orms o0 sale /ontra/t that were 1re-alent be0ore Islam, These were Munabadha and Mulamasa, In neither o0 these was the 1ur/haser o00ered an o11ortunit" to e5amine the thin. 1ur/hased, Munabadha means that the seller should throw the /loth to the bu"er be0ore he has /are0ull" e5amined it, The -er" a/t o0 throwin. the /loth will mean that the bar.ain has been stru/6, Mulamasa means tou/hin. the /loth without e5aminin. it2 ie, the bu"er was just su11osed to tou/h the /loth to stri6e the bar.ain, 7oth these 0orms o0 transa/tion were 1rohibited be/ause in either /ase the 1ur/haser .ot no o11ortunit" to e5amine the thin.s sold to him2 and the bar.ain was li6el" to 1ro-e undul" disad-anta.eous to one side, In 0a/t2 Islam demanlds that .oods and /ommodities 0or we should .o to the o1en mar6et and the seller or his a.ents must be aware o0 the state o0 the mar6et be0ore 1ro1osals are made 0or the 1ur/hase o0 .oods or /ommunities in bul6, He should not be ta6en unawares lest ad-anta.e be ta6en o0 his i.noran/e o0 the state o0 the mar6et2 and the 1re-ailin. 1ri/es, All this is -er /learl" laid down b" the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him), As mentioned abo-e2 Islam tries to be 0air to both 1arties to a transa/tion, An" ste1 on the 1art o0 one2 that is ad-anta.eous to him and disad-anta.eous to the other2 is not 1ermissible, The seller is e51e/ted to ma6e the de0e/ts (i0 an") in the .oods mani0est to the bu"er2 nor is the bu"er e51e/ted to ta6e undue ad-anta.e o0 the i.noran/e o0 the seller,
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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

Mo8abana, It is the e5/han.e o0 0resh 0ruits 0or dr" ones in a wa" that the quantit" o0 the dr" 0ruit is a/tuall" measured and 0i5ed2 but the quantit" o0 the 0resh 0ruit to be .i-en in e5/han.e is .uessed while it is still on the trees (Mish6at2 2%$ ), The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has 0orbidden this e5/han.e be/ause the quantit" o0 the 0ruit on the trees /annot be de0initel" 9etermined and the transa/tion is just a lea1 into the dar6, Mu:awama, It /onsists in sellin. the 0ruit on the trees 0or a 1eriod o0 one2 two or three "ears e-en be0ore it has made its a11earan/e, It is 1rohibited be/ause li6e Mu8abana it is also a lea1 into the dar6, Su/h transa/tions ma" result in bitterness and 0rustration, 7ai: al-Hharar, It is to sell a thin. whi/h one doesn:t ha-e in one:s 1ossession2 nor e51e/ts to brin. it under one:s /ontrol2 e ., 0ish in the ri-er2 or birds in the air, @ossession is one o0 the basi/ /onditions o0 a sale, 3ne /annot sell a thin. whi/h is not in one:s 1ossession, 7ai: al-:Ur"an, It is .ettin. a thin. a.ainst a nominal ad-an/e on the /ondition that i0 the bar.ain is stru/62 the ad-an/e will be adjusted and i0 the bar.ain is /an/elled2 the seller will riot return the ad-an/e, The ad-an/e bein. nominal2 the bu"er has 1ra/ti/all" no liabilit", He will abide b" the /ontra/t i0 he 0inds it ad-anta.eous to him and will withdraw himsel0 0rom it otherwise, 7ai: al-Mudtar, It is to bu" a thin. 0or/ibl" or to 1ur/hase a thin. when its owner is /om1elled under stress o0 want to dis1ose it o0, Instead o0 1ur/hasin. the thin.2 and ta6in. undue ad-anta.e o0 the seller:s hel1lessness2 one should hel1 him, 7ai: alal-7ai: (sale o-er and abo-e the sale o0 another), ?hen one 1erson has sold .oods to another2 a third @erson should not u1set the bar.ain tr"in. to sell his own .oods to the latter2 o00erin. them at lower rates or 1ointin. out the de0e/t in the .oods alread" sold to him b" the 0ormer,C A Muslim should not 1ur/hase in o11osition to his brother2 nor should he send a marria.e 1ro1osal o-er and abo-e the 1ro1osal o0 another,C 7ai: al-Hast (i, e, sale b" means o0 1ebbles), The 1ur/haser will tell the seller that when he will throw a 1ebble on his .oods2 the sale /ontra/t will be /on0irmed or the seller tell the 1ur/haser that on whate-er thin. a 1ebble thrown b" him 0alls will be sold to him, Sale /ontra/t is a serious matter and it should not be a//om1lished b" su/h hit-and-miss methods li6e throwin. the 1ebbles on the .oods, A sale /om1leted in this wa" ma" lead to injusti/e and hardshi1 to one side and is /onsequentl" 1rohibited, Sale o0 unri1e 0ruit and unri1e /orn, The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 a//ordin. to Hadrat Anas (Allah be 1leased with him)2 has 1rohibited the sale o0 .ra1es be0ore the" be/ome dar6 and that o0 the /orn be0ore it ri1ens, Similarl"2 he has 0orbidden the sale o0 raw dates, The 0ruit o0 the date 1alms should not be sold until it be/omes red or "ellow, Here is a brie0 a//ount o0 the sale transa/tions 1rohibited b" Islam, I0 one 1onders o-er these 0orms o0 transa/tion des/ribed abo-e and des/ribed in .reater detail inC >itab al-7u"u2C one /an arri-e at the 0ollowin. /on/lusions: Islam insists u1on absolute justi/e and 0air1la" in business dealin.s,

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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

A//ordin. to Islam2 a 1erson who sa/ri0i/es his 0aith2 and loses the .ood 1leasure o0 his Lord to ma6e a monetar" .ain has not made a .ood bar.ain, A Muslim will not .o in 0or su/h a bad bar.ain, A Muslim mer/hant is not a worshi11er o0 the Mammon with an inordinate lo-e 0or mone", He 1ri8es 0aith2 1iet" and ri.hteousness abo-e all, Islam does not belie-e in the -iew that all is 0air in business and that e-er" 6ind o0 /le-erness and de/eit is justi0iable in business transa/tions, Islam re.ards business or /ommer/e as an e/onomi/ a/ti-it" to be /arried on in a s1irit o0 humanit", tarianism and justi/e, It does not a11ro-e o0 the /utthroat /om1etition, Indeed2 the -er" /on/e1t is un-Islami/, Islam e51e/ts the bu"er and the seller to loo6 u1on ea/h other as Muslim brethren or 0ellow human bein.s2 ea/h tr"in. to .o all his wa" to hel1 and ser-e the other, It the seller ha11ens to o-er/har.e the bu"er2 he2 instead o0 0eelin. 1roud o0 his /le-erness in doin. so2 should somehow /om1ensate him 0or the e5/essi-e 1a"ment re/ei-ed, All bar.ains that are /len/hed without .i-in. the 1ur/haser a 0air /han/e o0 e5aminin. the thin.s are 1rohibited be/ause this amounts to den"in. him a that was his due, =or/ible transa/tions or transa/tions in whi/h the bu"er ta6es undue, ad-anta.e o0 the hel1lessness or miser" o0 the seller are also dis/oura.ed, Islam has 1rohibited tra00i/ in wine2 swine2 dead bodies o0 animals and other .oods the use o0 whi/h has been de/lared to be Haram (unlaw0ul), It has also 0orbidden tradin. in thin.s that ha-e a debasin. or -itiatin. in0luen/e on the Muslim so/iet",

'ha1ter $: @rohibition o0 bai: Mulamasa and bai: Munaba8a

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4) #:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (two t"1es o0 transa/tions) Mulamasa and Munabadha

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4) ;:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1letsed with him) re1orted li6e this 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)$ :

Abu Huraira re1orted 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a hadith li6e this throu.h another /hain /0 transmitters,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)$$:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)$2:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: Two t"1es o0 trarisa/tions ha-e been 0orbidden (b" the Hol" @ro1het)2 al-Mlulamasa and al-Munabadha, As 0ar as Mulamasa transa/tion is /on/erned2 it is that e-er" one o0 them (the 1arties enterin. into transa/tion) should tou/h the .arment o0 the other without /are0ul /onsideration2 and al-Munabadha is that e-er" one o0 them should throw his /loth to the other and one o0 them should not see the /loth o0 his 0riend,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)$4:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade us (0rom)2 two t"1es o0 business transa/tions and two wa"s o0 dressin., He 0orbade Mulamasa and Munabadha in transa/tions, Mulamasa means the tou/hin. o0 another:s .arment with his hand2 whether at or b" da"2 without turnin. it o-er e5/e1t this mu/h, Munabadha means that a man throws his .arment to another and the other throws his .arment2 and thus /on0irmin. their /ontra/t without the ins1e/tion o0 mutual a.reement, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Shihab throu.h the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 2: In-alidit" o0 a transa/tion b" throwin. a stone

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)$*:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade a transa/tion determined b" throwin. stones2 and the t"1e whi/h in-ol-es some un/ertaint",

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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

'ha1ter 4: @rohibition o0 habal al-habala transa/tion

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)$+:
:Abdullah (b, :Umar) (Allah be 1leased with him) said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the transa/tion /alled habal al-habala,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)$):

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that the 1eo1le o0 1re-Islami/ da"s used to sell the meat o0 the slau.htered /amel u1 to habal al-habala, And habal al-habala im1lies that a she-/amel should .i-e birth and then the (born one should .row "oun.) and be/ome 1re.nant, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade them that (this transa/tion),

'ha1ter *: It is 0orbidden that one should enter into a transa/tion on whi/h one:s brother has alread" been ne.otiatin.2 or one should 1ur/hase (in o11osition) to one:s brother2 or one should /heat and retain mil6 in the udder (in order to de/ei-e the 1ur/haser)
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)$%:
Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as ha-in. said this: 3ne "ou should not enter into a transa/tion when another is bar.ainin.,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)$#:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A 1erson should not enter into a transa/tion when his brother is alread" ma6in. a transa/tion and he should not ma6e a 1ro1osal o0 marria.e when his brother has alread" made a 1ro1osal e5/e1t when lie .i-es 1ermission,

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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)$;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A Muslim should not 1ur/hase (in o11osition) to his brother, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters but with a /han.e o0 words,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)2 :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e:be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not .o out to meet riders to enter into transa/tion with themB none o0 "ou must bu" in o11osition to another2 nor must "ou bid a.ainst one anotherB a townsman must not sell 0or a man 0rom the desert2 and do not tie u1 udders o0 /arnels and shee12 and he who bu"s them a0ter that has been done has two /ourses o1en to him: a0ter he has mil6ed them he ma" 6ee1 them i0 he is 1leased with them2 or he ma" return them alon. with a sit o0 dates i0 he is dis1leased with them,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)2$:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the (1eo1le) meetin. the /ara-an (0or enterin. into business transa/tion with them)2 and the sellin. o0 .oods b" a townsman on behal0 o0 a man o0 the desert2 and see6in. b" a woman the di-or/e o0 her sister (0rom her husband)2 and outbiddin. (a.ainst one another)2 and t"in. u1 the udders (o0 animals)2 and bu"in. o0 (thin.s) in o11osition to one:s brother, This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)22:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the outbiddin. (a.ainst another),

'ha1ter +: It is 0orbidden to meet the traders in the wa" 0or .ettin. undue ad-anta.e
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)24:
Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not .o out to meet mer/handise in the wa"2 (wait) until it is into the mar6et, This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn !umair but with a /han.e o0 words,

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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)2*:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 :Ubaidullah,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)2+:

Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not meet the traders (in the wa"),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)2):

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not meet the mer/handise (in the wa"),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)2%:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not meet the mer/hant in the wa" and enter into business transa/tion with him2 and whoe-er meets him and bu"s 0rom him (and in /ase it is done2 see) that when the owner o0 (mer/handise) /omes into the mar6et (and 0inds that he has been 1aid less 1ri/e) he has the o1tion (to de/lare the transa/tion null and -oid),

'ha1ter ): It is 0orbidden 0or the townsman to sell on behal0 o0 the man o0 the desert
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)2#:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted it dire/tl" 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): The townsman:should not sell 0or a man 0rom the desert (with a -iew to ta6in. ad-anta.e o0 his i.noran/e o0 the mar6et /onditions o0 the /it"), And Guhair re1orted 0rom the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he 0orbade the townsman to sell on behal0 o0 the man 0rom the desert,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)2;:

Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The riders (/arr"in. mer/handise) should not be met in the wa"2 and townsman should not sell 0or a man o0 the desert, The narrator re1orted, I said to Ibn :Abbas: ?hat do these words reall" im1l"-C The townsman 0or the man o0 the desertCD He said: That he should wor6 as a bro6er on his behal0,

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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)4 :

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The townsman should not sell 0or a man 0rom the desert2 lea-e the 1eo1le alone2 Allah will .i-e them 1ro-ision 0rom one another, Kah"a re1orted it with a /han.e o0 words,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)4$:

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted a similar hadith 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)42:

Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?e were 0orbidden that a townsman should sell 0or a man o0 the desert2 e-en i0 he is his brother or 0ather,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)44:

Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased with him) said: ?e were 0orbidden that a townsman should sell 0or a man o0 the desert,

'ha1ter %: 'ommand 1ertainin. to the sellin. o0 animal whose udder is tied u1

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)4*:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be:u1on him) as sa"in.: He who a .oat ha-in. its udder tied u1 should .o ba/6 with it2 mil6 it2 and2 i0 he is satis0ied with its mil62 he should retair it2 otherwise he should return it alon. with a sa: o0 dates,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)4+:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who bu"s a .oat with its udder tied u1 has the o1tion to retain the .oat i0 he so desires or return it within three da"s2 and in /ase he returns it he should do so alon. with a sa: o0 dates,

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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)4):

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: lie who bu"s a .oat ha-in. its udder tied u1 has the o1tion to return it within three da"s, I0 he returns it he should 1a" a sa: o0 dates, ?heat is not essential,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)4%:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who bu"s a .oat ha-in. its udder tied u1 has two /ourses le0t 0or him, He ma" retain it2 and i0 he desires ma" return it alon. with a sa: o0 dates and not wheat,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)4#:

A""ub narrated with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this /han.e o0 words:C He who bu"s a .oat has the o1tion,,,,C

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)4;:

Hammam b, Munabbih said: 3ut o0 the ahadith whi/h Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted to us 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) one is this that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 one amon. "ou bu"s a she-/amel ha-in. its udder tied u1 he has the two o1tions 0or him a0ter mil6in. it either (to retain it) or return it with a sa: o0 dates,

'ha1ter #: It is in-alid to sell the /ommodit" be0ore ta6in. 1ossession o0 it

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)* :
Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who bu"s 0ood.rain should not sell it until he has ta6en 1ossession o0 it,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)*$:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated throu.h the same /hain o0 transmitters,

;$2 & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)*2:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who bu"s 0ood-rain should not sell it until he has ta6en 1ossession o0 it, Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) said: I re.ard e-er"thin. li6e 0ood (so 0ar as this 1rin/i1le is /on/erned),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)*4:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who bu"s 0ood.rain should not sell it2 until he has wei.hed it (and then ta6en 1ossession o0 it), I (Tawus) said to Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them): ?h" is it soD Thereu1on he said: 9on:t "ou see that the" (the 1eo1le) sell 0ood.rains a.ainst .old 0or the sti1ulated time, Abu >uraib did not ma6e an" mention o0 the sti1ulated time,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)**:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who bu"s 0ood.rain should not sell it until he has ta6en 0ull 1ossession o0 it,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)*+:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: ?e used to bu" 0ood.rains durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He (the Hol" @ro1het) would then send to us one who /ommanded us to ta6e them (the 0ood.rains) to a 1la/e other than the one where we had them be0ore we sold it,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)*):

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who bu"s 0ood.rain should not sell that be0ore ta6in. 1ossession o0 it, He (the narrator) said: ?e used to bu" 0ood.rain 0rom the /ara-ans in bul62 but Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade us to re-sell that until we had shi0ted it to some other 1la/e,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)*%:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who 0ood.rain should not sell it until he had ta6en 0ull 1ossession o0 it (a0ter measurin. it),

;$4 & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)*#:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.2: He who 0ood.rain should not sell it until he had ta6en 1ossession o0 it,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)*;:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that the" were beaten durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) i0 the" had 0ood.rains in bul6 and then sold them in the s1ot without shi0tin. them (to some other 1la/e),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)+ :

Salim b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted his 0ather ha-in.said this: I saw 1eo1le bein. beaten durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in /ase the" the 0ood.rain in bul62 and then sold them at that s1ot be0ore ta6in. it to their 1la/es, This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Ubaidullah b, Abdullah b, :Umar throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are):C His 0ather (Ibn :Umar) used to bu" 0ood.rains in bul6 and then /arried them to his 1eo1le,C

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)+$:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who 0ood.rain should not sell it until he had measured it, In the narration o0 Abu 7a6r there the word is Ibta: instead o0 Ishtara,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)+2:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1lease with him) is re1orted to ha-e said to Marwan: Ha-e "ou made law0ul the transa/tions in-ol-in. interestD Thereu1on Marwan said: I ha-e not done that, Thereu1on Abu Huraira (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kou ha-e made law0ul the transa/tions with the hel1 o0 do/uments onl"2 whereas Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the transa/tion o0 0ood.rains until 0ull 1ossession is ta6en o0 them, Marwan then addressed the 1eo1le and 0orbade them to enter into su/h transa/tions (as are done with the hel1 o0 do/uments), Sulaiman said: I saw the sentinels snat/hin. (these do/uments) 0rom the 1eo1le,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)+4:

Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen "ou 1ur/hase 0ood.rains2 do not sell them until "ou ha-e ta6en 1ossession o0 them,
;$* & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

'ha1ter ;: It is 0orbidden to sell the rea1 o0 dates the o0 whi/h is un6nown
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)+*:
Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) is re1orted to ha-e said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the sale o0 a hea1 o0 dates the o0 whi/h is un6nown in a//ordan/e with the 6nown o0 dates,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)++:

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) but with this -ariation that no mention is made o0 the dates (whi/h one 0inds) at the end o0 the 1re-ious hadith,

'ha1ter $ : 7oth the bu"ers and the sellers ha-e the o1tion to withdraw the transa/tion be0ore lea-in. the meetin. (where the bar.ain is stru/6)
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)+):
Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 7oth 1arties in a business transa/tion ha-e the to annul it so lon. as the" ha-e not se1aratedB e5/e1t in transa/tions whi/h ha-e been made subje/t to the o0 1arties to annul them,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)+%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)+#:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen two 1ersons enter into a transa/tion2 ea/h o0 them has the to annul it so lon. as the" are not se1arated and are to.ether (at the 1la/e o0 transa/tion) B or i0 one .i-es the other the

;$+ & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ) (to annul the transa/tion) 7ut i0 one .i-es the other the o1tion2 the transa/tion is made on this /ondition (i, e, one has the to annul the transa/tion)2 it be/omes bindin., And i0 the" are se1arated a0ter the" ha-e made the bar.ain and none o0 them annulled it2 e-en then the transa/tion is bindin.,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)+;:

Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen two 1ersons enter into a transa/, tion2 ea/h one o0 them has the to annul it so lon. as the" are not se1arated2 or their transa/tion .i-es one another (as a /ondition) the o0 annullin.2 and i0 their transa/tion2 has the o0 annullin. it the transa/tion be/omes bindin., Ibn Abi Umar made this addition that whene-er he (Ibn Umar) entered into a transa/tion with a 1erson with the intention o0 not brea6in. it2 he wal6ed a while and then returned to him,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)) :

Ibn Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is no transa/tion between two 1ersons enterin. a transa/tion until the" se1arate2 but onl" when there is an o1tion to annul it,

'ha1ter $$: Truth0ulness in transa/tion and des/ri1tion (o0 the de0e/t in the /ommodit")
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4))$:
Ha6im b, Ha8im (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 7oth 1arties in a business transa/tion ha-e the to annul it so lon. as the" ha-e not se1aratedB and i0 the" s1ea6 the truth and ma6e e-er"thin. /lear the" will be blessed in their transa/tionB but i0 the" tell a lie and /on/eal an"thin. the blessin. on their transa/tion will be blotted out,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4))2:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ha6im b, Hi8am (Imam Muslim) said: Ha6im b, Hi8am was born inside the >a:ba and li-ed 0or one hundred and twent" "ears,

;$) & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

'ha1ter $2: He who de/ei-es in business transa/tion

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4))4:
Abdullah b, 9inar narrated that he heard Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) sa"in.: A man mentioned to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he was de/ei-ed in a business transa/tion2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen "ou enter into a transa/tion2 sa": There should be no attem1t to de/ei-e,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4))*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, 9inar with the same /hain o0 transmitters but these words are not 0ound in it,C ?hen he bu"s he should sa": There should be no attem1t to de/ei-e,C

'ha1ter $4: @rohibition o0 the sale o0 0ruits until the" are /learl" in .ood /ondition
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4))+:
Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the sale o0 0ruits until the" were /learl" in .ood /ondition2 he 0orbade it both to the seller and to the bu"er,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4))):

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the sale o0 1alm-trees (i, e, their trults) until the dates to ri1en2 and ears o0 /orn until the" were white and were sa0e 0rom, He 0orbade the seller and the bu"er,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4))%:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not bu" 0ruit until its .ood /ondition be/omes /lear2 and (the o0 is no more, He said: Its .ood /ondition be/omin. /lear im1lies that it be/omes red or "ellow,

;$% & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4))#:

This hadith is re1orted or the authorit" o0 Kah"a with the same /hain o0 transmitters u1 toC until its .ood /ondition be/omes /lear2C but lie did not mention what 0ollows (these words),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4));:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)% :

!a0i2 re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) a hadith li6e that narrated be0ore,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)%$:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not bu" 0ruits (on the trees) until their .ood /ondition be/omes /lear, In the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba it was stated that Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) was as6ed what .ood /ondition im1lied, He said: ?hen (the o0) is no more,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)%2:

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (or 0orbade us) the sale o0 0ruits until the" are ri1e in a .ood /ondition,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)%4:

Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbiddin. the sale o0 0ruit until its .ood /ondition is ob-ious,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)%*:

Abu 7a6htari re1orted: I as6ed Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) about the sale o0 dates, He said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the sale o0 dates o0 the trees until one eats them or the" are eaten (i, e, the" are 0it to be eaten) or until the" are wei.hed (or measured), I said: ?hat does it im1l":C Until it is wei.hedCD Thereu1on a 1erson who was with him (Ibn Abbas) said: Until he is able to 6ee1 it with him (a0ter 1lu/6in. them),

;$# & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)%+:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not sell the 0ruits until their .ood /ondition be/omes e-ident,C

'ha1ter $*: It is 0orbidden to sell 0resh dates a.ainst dr" dates2 e5/e1t in /ase o0 al-ara"a
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)%):
Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbiddin. the sale o0 0ruits until their .ood /ondition be/omes e-ident and the 1ur/hase o0 dates 0or dates, Gaid b, Thabit (Allah be 1leased with him) said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e a /on/ession in /ase o0 the sale 6nown as al-ara"a2 there is an addition o0 the word an tuba:a in the hadith transmitted b" Ibn !umair,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)%%:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not bu" the 0ruit until their /ondition is /lear2 and do not bu" the 0resh dates, A hadith li6e this has been re1orted b" Ibn :Umar throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)%#:

Sa:id b, al-Musa""ib said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the transa/tion o0 A0 Mu8abana and Muhaqala, Mu8abana means that 0resh dates on the trees should be sold a.ainst dr" dates, Muhaqala im1lies that the wheat in the ear should be sold a.ainst the wheat and .ettin. the land on rent 0or the wheat (1rodu/ed in it), He (the narrator) said that the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had aid: 9o not sell 0resh 0ruits on the trees until their .ood /ondition be/omes mani0est2 and do not sell 0resh dates on the trees a.ainst dr" dates, Salim said: Abdullah in0ormed me on the authorit" o0 Gaid b, Thabit2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. .i-en /on/ession a0terwards in /ase o0 ari""a transa/tions b" whi/h dr" dates /an be e5/han.ed with 0resh dates2 but he did not 1ermit it in other /ases,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)%;:

Gaid b, Thabit (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) ha-in. .i-en /on/ession in /ase o0 :ari""a 0or sellin. dr" dates (with) 0resh dates a0ter measurin. them out,
;$; & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)# :

Gaid b, Thabit re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .i-e /on/ession in /ase o0 :ari""a transa/tions a//ordin. to whi/h the members o0 the household .i-e dr" dates a//ordin. to a measure and then eat 0resh dates (in e5/han.e 0or it)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)#$:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 !a0i: with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)#2:

Kah"a b, Sa:id re1orted this hadith with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this /han.e: :Ari""a im1lies that date-1alm trees should be donated to the 1eo1le and then the" sell it with a measure o0 dr" dates,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)#4:

Gaid b Thabit (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e /on/ession in /ase o0 al-:ari""a transa/tions (0or e5/ dates) 0or dates with measure, Kah"a said: :Ari""a im1lies that a 1erson should bu" 0resh dates on the tree 0or his 0amil" to eat a.ainst a measure o0 dr" dates,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)#*:

Gaid b, Thabit (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .rantin. /on/ession in /ase o0 :ari""a transa/tions and that im1lies sellin. o0 (dr" dates 0or 0resh dates) a//ordin. to a measure,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)#+:

Ubaidullah re1orted this hadith with a /han.e o0 words on the same authorit" (as quoted abo-e),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)#):

!a0i2 re1orted this hadith with the same /hain o0 transmitters statin. that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ranted /on/ession in /ase o0 :ari""a transa/tions (0or e5/han.e o0 the same /ommodit") with measure,

;2 & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)#%:

7ashair b, Kasir re1orted on the authorit" o0 some o0 the 'om1anions o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) amon. the members o0 his 0amil" amon. whom one was Sahl b, Abu Hathma that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade bu"in. o0 0resh dates a.ainst dr" dates and that it is Aiba and this is Mu8abana2 but he made an e5em1tion o0 :ari""a (donations) o0 a tree or two in whi/h /ase the members o0 a 0amil" sell dr" dates and bu" 0resh dates 0or eatin. them,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)##:

7ushair b, Kasar re1orted on the authorit" o0 some o0 the 'om1anion o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he e5em1ted the transa/tions2 o0 :ari""a (0rom the dire/t e5/han.e o0 one 6ind) a0ter measurin. the dr" dates (in e5/han.e 0or 0resh dates),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4)#;:

7ushair b, Kasir re1orted on the authorit" o0 some o0 the 'om1anions o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on hinn) 0rom amon. the members o0 his 0amil" that he 0orbade (the dire/t e5/han.e o0 a /ommodit" ha-in. di00erent qualities) but with the /han.e that Ishaq and Ibn al-Muthanna used the word Gabn in 1la/e ot Aiba and Ibn Abu :Umar used the word Aiba (interest),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4); :

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sahl b, Abu Hathma,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4);$:

Sahl b, Abu Hathma re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. 0orbidden Mu8abana2 i, e, e5/han.e o0 0resh dates with dr" dates, e5/e1t in /ase o0 those to whom donations o0 some trees ha-e been made, It is 0or them that /on/ession has been .i-en,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4);2:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. .i-en e5em1tion o0 :ari""a transa/tions measurin. less than 0i-e wasqs or u1 to 0i-e wasqs (the narrator 9awud is in doubt whether it was 0i-e or less than 0i-e),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4);4:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. 0orbidden Mu8abana2 and Mu8abana im1lies the sellin. o0 0resh dates 0or dr" dates b" measurin. them out and the sellin. o0 raisins b" measure 0or .ra1es,
;2$ & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4);*:

:Abdullah (b, Umar) re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade Mu8abana2 i, e, bu"in. o0 0resh dates (on) the trees 0or dr" dates b" measure2 and the bu"in. o0 .ra1es 0or raisins b" measure and the sellin. o0 0ield o0 /orn 0or /orn b" measure,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4);+:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Ubaidullah with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4);):

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. 0orbidden Mu8abana2 and Mu8abana is the sellin. o0 dr" dates b" measure 0or 0resh dates and the sellin. o0 raisins b" measure 0or .ra1es and sellin. o0 all @orts o0 0ruits on the basis o0 /al/ulation,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4);%:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. 0orbidden Mu8abana2 and Mu8abana im1lies the sellin. o0 dr" dates 0or 0resh dates on the tree with a de0inite measure (ma6in. it /lear) that in /ase it in/reases2 it belon.s to me and i0 it is less2 it is m" res1onsibilit",

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4);#:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 A""ub,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4);;:

Abdullah (b, Umar) (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. 0orbidden Ma8abana2 and it im1lies that one should sell the 0resh 0ruits o0 his or/hard (0or dr" 0ruits) or2 i0 it is 0resh dates2 0or dr" dates with a measure2 or i0 it is .ra1es 0or raisins or i0 it is /orn in the 0ield 0or dr" /orn with a measure He (the Hol" @ro1het) in 0a/t 0orbade all su/h transa/tions, Eutaiba has narrated it with a -ariation o0 words, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 !a0i with another /hain o0 transmitters,

;22 & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

'ha1ter $+: @ertainin. to one who sells date-1alm tree with dates on its bran/hes
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4% :
Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 an"one bu"s 1alm-trees a0ter the" ha-e been 0e/undated the 0ruit belon.s to the seller unless the bu"er ma6es a 1ro-iso,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4% $:
!a0i re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hi/he-er tree is with its roots2 and i0 it is 0e/undatedits 0ruit would belon. to one who has .ra0ted it e5/e1t when the 1ro-ision is laid down b" the bu"er,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4% 2:
Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hosoe-er .ra0ts the tree and then sells its roots2 its 0ruit will belon. to one who .ra0ts it e5/e1t when 1ro-ision is laid down b" the bu"er,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4% 4:
This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 !a0i2 with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4% *:
Abdullah b, Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who bu"s a tree a0ter it has been 0e/undated2 its 0ruit belon.s to one who sells it e5/e1t when the 1ro-ision has been laid down b" the bu"er (that it will belon. to him)2 and he who bu"s a sla-e2 his 1ro1ert" belon.s to one who sells him e5/e1t when a 1ro-ision has been laid down b" the bu"er (that it will be trans0erred to him with the sla-e),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4% +:
A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 al Guhri,

;24 & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4% ):
Ibn Umar re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather as Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in. so,

'ha1ter $): =orbiddan/e o0 al-Muhaqala2 and al Mu8abana2 and al-Mu6habara2 and the sale o0 0ruits be0ore their .ood /ondition is /lear2 and alMu:awama, i, e, the sale 0or some "ears
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4% %:
Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0orbidden Muhaqala, and Mu8abana2 Mu6hibara and the sale o0 0ruits until their .ood /ondition be/omes /lear2 and (he /ommanded) that (/ommodities) should not be sold but 0or the dinar and dirham e5/e1t in /ase o0 ara"a,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4% #:
Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the t"1es o0 sales as des/ribed be0ore,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4% ;:
Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade Mu6habara and Muhaqala2 and Mu8abana2 and the sale o0 the 0ruit until it is 0it 0or eatin.2 and its sale but with dirham and dinar, (5/e1tion is made in /ase o0 :ara"a, Ata: said: Fabir e51lained (these terms) 0or us, As 0or Mu6habara it is this that a wasteland is .i-en b" a 1erson to another and he ma6es an in-estment in it and then .ets a share in the 1rodu/e, A//ordin. to him (Fabir)2 Mu8abana is the sell o0 0resh dates on the tree 0or dr" dates with a measure2 and Muhaqala in a.ri/ulture im1lies that one should sell the standin. /ro1 0or .rains with a measure,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%$ :

Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbiddin. Muhaqala2 and Mu8abana2 and Mu6habara2 and the bu"in. o0 date-1alm until its 0ruit is ri1ened (ri1enin. means that its /olour be/omes red or "ellow2 or it is 0it 0or bein. eaten), And Muhaqala im1lies that /ro1s in the 0ield are 0or .rains a//ordin. to a /ustomar" measu;2* & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

re, Mu8abana im1lies that date-1alm should be sold 0or dr" dates b" measurin. them with wisqs2 and al-Mu6habara is (a share)2 ma"be one-third or one-0ourth (in 1rodu/e) or somethin. li6e it, Gaid (one o0 the narrators) said to Ata: b, Abu Aabah (the other narrator): 9id Kou bear Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) ma6in. a mention o0 it that he had heard it dire/tl" 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D He said: Kes,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%$$:

Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbiddin. Mu8abana and Muhaqala2 and Mu6habara2 and the sale o0 0ruits until the" are ri1e, I (the narrator) said to Sa:id (the other narrator): ?hat does ri1enin. im1l"D He said: It meant that the" be/ome red or be/ome "ellow and are 0it 0or eatin.,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%$2:

Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbiddin. Muhaqala and Mu8abana and Mu:awama and Mu6habara, (3ne o0 the narrators) :said: Sale "ears ahead is Mu:awama2 and ma6in. e5/e1tional but he made an e5em1tion o0 ara"a,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%$4:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), but he made no mention o0 transa/tions "ears (ahead) im1l"in. Mu:awama,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%$*:

Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade leasin. o0 land2 and sellin. ahead 0or "ears and sellin. o0 0ruits be0ore the" be/ome ri1e,

'ha1ter $%: Leasin. out land

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%$+:
Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. 0orbidden the rentin. o0 land,

;2+ & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%$):

Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who has land should /ulti-ate it himsel02 but i0 he does not /ulti-ate it himsel02 then he should let his brother /ulti-ate it,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%$%:

Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted some o0 the 'om1anions o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had sur1lus o0 land, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He2 who has sur1lus land (in his 1ossession) should /ulti-ate it2 or he should lend it to his brother 0or bene0it2 but i0 he re0uses to a//e1t it2 he should retain it,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%$#:

Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. 0orbidden ta6in. o0 rent or share o0 land,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%$;:

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who has land should /ulti-ate it2 but i0 he does not 0ind it 1ossible to /ulti-ate it2 or 0inds himsel0 hel1less to do so2 he should lend it to his Muslim brother2 but he should not a//e1t rent 0rom him,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%2 :

Sulaiman b, Musa as6ed Ata:: 9id Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.:C He who has land should /ulti-ate it himsel02 or let his brother /ulti-ate it2 and should not .i-e on rentCD He said: Kes,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%2$:

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. 0orbidden Mu6habara,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%22:

Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": He who has sur1lus o0 land should either /ulti-ate it himsel02 or let his brother /ulti-ate it2 an should not sell it, I (the narrator) said to Sa:id: ?hat does his statementC do not sell itC meanD 9oes it im1l"C rentCD He said: Kes,

;2) & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%24:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: ?e used to /ulti-ate land on rent durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and we .ot a share out o0 the .rain le0t in the ears a0ter threshin. them and somethin. uns1e/i0ied, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who has land should /ulti-ate it or let his brother till it2 otherwise he should lea-e it,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%2*:

Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: ?e used to .et land (on rent) durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s Messeu.e2 (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with a share o0 one-third or one-0ourth (o0 the 1rodu/e 0rom the land irri.ated) with the hel1 o0 /anals, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 (to address) and said: HAe who has land should /ulti-ate it2 and i0 he does not /ulti-ate it2 he should lend it to his brother2 and i0 he does not lend it to his brother2 he should then retain it,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%2+:

Fabir (Allah he 1leased with him) re1orted: I heard Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who has (sur1lus) land should donate it (to others)2 or lend it, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but with a /han.e o0 words,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%2):

Fabir b, JAbdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1ortedthat Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0orbidden rentin. o0 land, 7u6air (one o0 the narrators) said: !a0iJ re1orted to me that he heard Ibn JUmar (Allah be 1leased with them) sa"in.: ?e usedto .i-e land on rentB we then abandoned this 1ra/ti/e when we heard the hadith o0 Aa0iJ b, >hadij,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%2%:

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbiddin. the sellin. (rentin. o0) un/ulti-ated land 0or two "ears or three,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%2#:

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbiddin. sellin. o0 (1rodu/e) in ad-an/e 0or two "ears2 and in the narmtion o0 Ibu Abd Shaiba (the words are):C Sellin. o0 the 0ruits (on the tree) in ad-an/e 0or two "ears,C

;2% & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%2;:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who has land should /ulti-ate it or lend it to his brother2 but i0 he re0uses2 he should retain his land,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%4 :

Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbiddin. Mu8abana2 and Huqul, Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) said: Mu8abana means the sellin. o0 0ruits 0or dr" dates and Huqul is the rentin. o0 land,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%4$:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbiddin. Muhaqala and Mu8abana,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%42:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. 0orbidden Ma8abana and Muhaqala, Mu8ibana means the bu"in. o0 0ruits on the trees and Muhaqala is the rentin. o0 land,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%44:

Gaid b, Amr re1orted: I heard Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) sa": ?e did not see an" harm in rentin. o0 the land2 but as the 0irst "ear was o-er Aa0i: alle.ed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. 0orbidden that,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%4*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Amr b, 9inar with the same /hain o0 transmitters but (in) the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 :U"ainah (the words are):C ?e abandoned it (rentin.) on a//ount o0 that,C

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%4+:

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: Aa0i 0orbade us 0rom bene0ittin. 0rom our land (in the 0orm o0 rent),

;2# & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%4):

!a0i re1orted that Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) rented his land durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and durin. the /ali1hate o0 Abu 7a6r and that o0 Umar and that o0 Uthman (Allah be 1leased with them) and durin. the earl" 1eriod o0 Muawi"a:s /ali1hate until at the end o0 Muawi"a:s rei.n2 it rea/hed him (Ibn :Umar) that Aa0i b, >hadij (Allah be 1leased with him) narratted (a hadith) in whi/h (there was a de/ree) o0 1rohibition b" Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He (Ibn :Umar) went to him (Aa0i b, >hadij) and I was with him and he as6ed him2 whereu1on he said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to 0orbid the rentin. o0 land, So Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) abandoned it2 and subsequentl" whene-er he was as6ed about it2 he said: Aa0i b, >hadij (Allah be 1leased with him) alle.ed that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade it,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%4%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A""ub and he made an addition in the hadith narrated b" Ibn Ula""a in whi/h he said: Ibn Umar abandoned it a0terwards and he did not rent it (the land),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%4#:

!a0i re1orted: I went to Aa0i b, >hadij in the /om1an" o0 Ibn :Umar (All be 1leased with them) until he (Ibn :Umar) /ame to him at 7alat (a 1la/e near @ro1het:s Mosque at Medina) and he (Aa0i b, >hadij) in0ormed him that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0orbidden the rentin. o0 land,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%4;:

!a0i2 re1orted 0rom Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leated with them) that he /ame to Aa0i and he narrated this hadith 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%* :

!a0i2 re1orted that Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) used to rent the land2 and that he was /on-e"ed the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Aa0i b, >hadij, He (the narrator) said: He then went to him alon. with me, He (Aa0i) narrated 0rom some o0 his un/les in whi/h it was mentioned that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the rentin. o0 land, Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) then abandoned this 1ra/ti/e o0 rentin., This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

;2; & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%*$:

Salim b, Abdullah re1orted that AbduUah b, Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) used to .i-e land on rent until (this news) rea/hed him that Aa0i b, >hadij Ansari used to 0orbid the rentin. o0 land, Abdullah met him and said: Ibn >hadij2 what is this that "ou narrate 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ertainin. to rentin. o0 landD Aa0i b, >hadij said to Abdullah: I heard it 0rom two un/les o0 mine and the" had 1arti/i1ated in the 7attle o0 7adr who narrated to the members o0 the 0amil" that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the rentin. o0 land, Abdullah said: I 6new it that the land was rented durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Abdullah then a11rehended that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-e said somethin. new in this /onne/tion (in re.ard to 1rohibition o0 rentin.) whi/h I 0ailed to 6now, So he abandoned the rentin. o0 land,

'ha1ter $#: Aentin. o0 land 0or 0ood

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%*2:
Aa0i b, >hadij (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?e used to .i-e on rent land durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?e rented it on the share o0 one-third or one0ourth o0 the (1rodu/e) alon. with a de0inite quantit" o0 /orn, 3ne da" a 1erson 0rom amon. m" un/les /ame to us and said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade us this a/t whi/h was a sour/e o0 bene0it to us2 but the obedien/e to Allah and to His (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is more bene0i/ial to us, He 0orbade us that we should rent land with one-third or one-0ourth o0 (the 1rodu/e) and the /orn o0 a measure2 and he /ommanded the owner o0 land that he should /ulti-ate it or let it be /ulti-ated b" other (1ersons) but he showed disa11ro-al o0 rentin. it or an"thin. besides it,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%*4:

Aa0i b, >hadij (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?e used to .i-e land on rent2 and we rented it on one-third or one-0ourth share, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%**:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Aa0i: b, >hadij with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but in it no mention is made o0 some o0 his un/les,

;4 & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%*+:

Aa0i (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Guhair b, Aa0i (who was his un/le) /ame to me and said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade a 1ra/ti/e whi/h was use0ul 0or us, I said: ?hat is thisD (I belie-e) that whatr-er Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"s is absolutel" true, He (Guhair) said that he (the Hol" @ro1het) as6ed me: ?hat do "ou do with "our /ulti-able landsD I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 we rent those irri.ated b" /anals 0or dr" dates or barle", He said: 9on:t do that, 'ulti-ate them or let them be /ulti-ated (b" others) or retain them "oursel0,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%*):

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Aa0i 0rom the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about this2 but he did not ma6e mention o0 his un/le Guhair,

'ha1ter $;: Aentin. o0 land b" .old and sil-er

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%*%:
Han8ala b, Eais re1orted that he as6ed Aa0i b, >hadij (Allah be 1leased with him) about rentin. o0 land2 whereu1on he said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the rentin. o0 land, I said: Is it 0orbidden (e-en i0 it is 1aid) in .old (dinar) and sil-er (dirham)D Thereu1on he said: I0 it is 1aid in .old and sil-er2 there is no harm in it,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%*#:

Han8ala b, Eais al-Ansri re1orted: I as6ed Aa0i: b, >hadij about the rentin. o0 land 0or .old and sil-er2 whereu1on he said: There is no harm in it 0or the 1eo1le let out land situated near /anals and at the ends o0 the streamlets or 1ortion o0 0ields, (7ut it so ha11ened) that at times this was destro"ed and that was sa-ed, whereas (on other o//asions) this 1ortion was sa-ed and the other was destro"ed and thus no rent was 1a"able to the 1eo1le (who let out lands) but 0or this one (whi/h was sa-ed), It was due to this that he (the Hol" @ro1het) 1rohibited it, 7ut i0 there is somethin. de0inite and reliable (e, ., mone"), there is no harm in it,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%*;:

Han8ala re1orted that he heard Aa0i: b, >hadij (Allah be 1leased with him) sa": ?e were the major a.ri/ulturists o0 the Ansar and so we let out land (sa"in.): The 1rodu/e o0 this (1art o0 land) would be ours and (the 1rodu/e) o0 that would be theirs, 7ut it so ha11ened that at times this (land) .a-e har-est2 but the other one 1rodu/ed nothin., So he (the Hol" @ro1het) 0orbade this, 7ut so 0ar as the 1a"ment in sil-er (dirham2 a /oin) is /on/erned2 he did not 0orbid,
;4$ & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%+ :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Kah"a b, Sa:id with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 2 : In the sare /ro11in. and leasin.

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%+$:
Abdullah b, al Sa:ib re1orted: I as6ed Abdullah b, Ma:qil about Mu8ara:a (/ulti-atin. land on share basis in the 1rodu/e), He said: Thabit b, 9ahha6 in0ormed me that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade Mu8ara:a as Ibn Abu Shaiba 0orbade it with a /han.e o0 words, He (the narrator) said: I as6ed Ibn Ma:qil but he did not name :Abdullah,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%+2:

Abdullah b, al-Sa:ib re1orted: ?e -isited :Abdullah b, Ma:qil and as6ed him about sharin. o0 /ro1s2 whereu1on he said: Thabit alle.ed that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade Mu8ara:a and /ommanded leasin. it out on rent (0or mone") and said: There is no harm in it,

'ha1ter 2$: The land is .ranted

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%+4:
Mujahid said to Tiwus: 'ome alon. with me to Ibn Aa0i b, >hadij in order to listen 0rom him the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (1ertainin. to the rentin. o0 land) 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He (Tawus) s/olded him and said: 7" Allah2 it I were to 6now that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0orbidden it2 I would ha-e ne-er done it, 7ut it has been narrated to me b" one who has better 6nowled.e o0 it them (and he meant Ibn :Abbas) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It is better i0 a 1erson lends2 his land to his brother (0or /ulti-ation) than that he .ets re/o.nised rent on it,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%+*:

Tawus re1orted that he let out his land on rent2 whereu1on Amr said: I said to him: Abu Abd alAahrman2 I wish i0 "ou abandon this rentin. o0 land2 0or the" alle.ed that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade Mu6habara, He siad: Amr2 one who has in0ormed me has the best 6nowled.e o0 it amon. them (he meant Ibn Abbas), (He said) that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did

;42 & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

not 1rohibit it alto.ether2 but said: Lendin. o0 land b" one amon. "ou to his brother is better 0or him than .ettin. a s1e/i0ied amount o0 1rodu/e 0rom it,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%++:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%+):

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 one amon. "ou lets out land to his brother2 that is better 0or him than i0 he re/ei-es su/h and su/h (the de0inite thin.), Ibn :Abbis (Allah be 1leased with them) said: It is Haql2 and in the 1arlan/e o0 the Ansr it is Muhaqala,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%+%:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who has land2 it is better 0or him that he should let it out to his brother,

'ha1ter 22: Sharin. o0 0ruits

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%+#:
Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ontra/ted with the 1eo1le o0 >haibar the (trees) on the /ondition that he would ha-e hal0 the 1rodu/e in 0ruits and har-est,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%+;:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) handed o-er the land o0 >haibar (on the /ondition) o0 the share o0 1rodu/e o0 0ruits and har-est2 and he also .a-e to his wi-es e-er" "ear one hundred wasqs:" wasqs o0 dates and twent" wasqs o0 barle", ?hen :Umar be/ame the /ali1h he distributed the (lands and trees) o0 >haibar2 and .a-e o1tion to the wi-es o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to earmar6 0or themsel-es the land and water or sti/6 to the wasqs (that the" .ot) e-er" "ear, The" di00ered in this matter, Some o0 them o1ted 0or land and water2 and some o0 them o1ted 0or wasqs e-er" "ear, :A:isha and Ha0sa were amon. those who o1ted 0or land and water,

;44 & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%) :

Abdullah b, Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ontra/ted with the 1eo1le o0 >haibar (land and trees on the /ondition that the" should .i-e) hal0 o0 the "ield 0rom land and trees, The rest o0 the hadith is the same, In the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 AIi b, Mushir there is no mention o0 it2 but that A:isha and Ha0sa were those who o1ted 0or land and water2 but he (the narrator) said: He (Hadrat :Umar2 .a-e o1tion to the wi-es o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that land would be earmar6ed 0or them2 but he made no mention o0 water,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%)$:

:Abdullah b, Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that when >haibar had been /onquered2 the Fews as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to let them /ontinue (/ulti-ation in those lands) on hal0 o0 the share o0 "ield in 0ruits and /ro12 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I will allow "ou to /ontinue here2 so lon. as we would desire, The rest o0 the hadith is the same2 but with this addition:C The 0ruit would be distributed equal to the hal0 o0 >haibar, And out o0 hall o0 the 1rodu/e o0 the land2 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be be u1on him) .ot the 0i0th 1art,C

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%)2:

Abdullah b, Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) returned to the Fews o0 >haibar the date-1alms o0 >haibar and its land on the /ondition that the" should wor6 u1on them with their own wealth (seeds2 im1lements)2 and .i-e hal0 o0 the "ield to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%)4:

Ibn Umar re1orted that :Umar b, al->hattab (Allah be 1leased with him) e51elled the Fews and 'hristians 0rom the land o0 Hija82 and that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /onquered >haibar he made u1 his mind to e51el the Fews 0rom it (the territor" o0 >haibar) be/ause2 when that land was /onquered2 it /ame under the swa" o0 Allah2 that o0 His (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and that o0 the Muslims, The jews as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to let them /ontinue there on the /ondition that the" would wor6 on it2 and would .et in turn hal0 o0 the 0ruit (o0 the trees)2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?e would let "ou /ontinue there so lon. as we will desire, So the" /ontinued (to /ulti-ate the lands) till :Umar e5terned them to Taima: an. Ariha (two in Arabia2 but out o0 Hija8),

;4* & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

'ha1ter 24: (5/ellen/e o0 1lantin. o0 tress and tillin. o0 land

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%)*:
Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !e-er a Muslim 1lants a tree2 but he has the reward o0 /harit" 0or him2 0or what is eaten out o0 that is /harit"B what is stolen out o0 that2 what the beasts eat out o0 that2 what the birds eat out o0 that is /harit" 0or him, (In short) none in/urs a losL 6 to him but it be/omes a /harit" on his 1art,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%)+:

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited Umm Mubashshir al-Ansari"a at her or/hard o0 date-1alms and said to her: ?ho has 1lanted these trees o0 dates-a Muslim or a non-MusimD She said: A Muslim2 o0 /ourse2 whereu1on he said: !e-er a Muslim 1lants2 or /ulti-ates a land2 and it out o0 that men eat2 or the animals eat2 or an"thin. else eats2 but that be/omes /harit" on his (1lanter:s) behal0,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%)):

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: !e-er does a Muslim 1lant2 or /ulti-ate2 but has reward 0or him 0or what the beasts eat2 or the birds eat or an"thin. else eats out o0 that,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%)%:

Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited the or/hard o0 Umm Ma:sud and said: Umm Ma:bad, he who has 1lanted this tree2 is he a Muslim or a non-MuslimD She said: 30 /ourse2 he is a Muslim2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: !o Muslim who 1lants (trees) and 0rom their 0ruits the human bein.s or the beasts or birds eat2 but that would be ta6en as an a/t o0 /harit" on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%)#:

This hadith is transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Muawi"a (but ?ith a /han.e o0 words),

;4+ & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%);:

Anas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. !e-er does a Muslim 1lant trees or /ulti-ate land and birds or a man or a beast eat out o0 them but that is a /harit" on his behal0,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%% :

Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited the date-1alms o0 Umm Mubashshir (Allah be 1leased with her)2 a lad" 0rom the Ansar2 and said: ?ho 1lanted this 1alm-a Muslim or an unbelie-ers The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

'ha1ter 2*: Aemission in the 1a"ment o0 "ield stri/6en b" /alamit"

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%%$:
Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: I0 Kou sell 0ruits to "our brother (and Fabir b, Ahduthh re1orted throu.h another /hain o0 narrators: I0 "ou were to sell 0ruits to "our brother) and these is a stri/6en with 'alamit"2 it is not 1ermissible 0or "ou to .et an"thin. 0rom him, ?h" do "ou .et the wealth o0 "our brother2 without juti0i/ationD

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%%2:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Furaij with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%%4:

Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the sale o0 the 0ruit o0 date-1alms until it be/omes mellow, ?e (some o0 the other narrators in the /hain o0 transmitters) said: ?hat does the wordC mellowC meanD He said: (There the 0ruit) turns red or "ellow, 9on:t "ou see i0 Allah had /he/6ed (the .rowth o0) 0ruitsB then what 0or the wealth o0 "our brother would be 1ermissible 0or "ouD

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%%*:

Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the sale o0 0ruits until these are mellow, The" (the /om1anions o0 Anas) said: ?hat is

;4) & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

meant b"C mellowCD He said: It im1lies that these be/ame red, He said: ?hen Allah hinders the .rowth o0 0ruits2 (then) what 0or the wealth o0 "our brother would be/ome 1ermissible 0or "ouD

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%%+:

Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 Allah does not 0ru/ti0" them2 then what is 1ermissible 0or one o0 "ou to ta6e the wealth o0 his brotherD

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%%):

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded to ma6e dedu/tions in the 1a"ment o0 that stri/6en with a 'alamit",

'ha1ter 2+: (5/ellen/e o0 ma6in. redu/tion in the debt

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%%%:
Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leeased with him) re1orted that in the time o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a man su00ered loss in 0ruits he had and his debt in/reasedB so Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) told (the 1eo1le) to .i-e him /harit" and the" .a-e him /harit"2 but that was not enou.h to 1a" the debt in 0ull2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to his /reditors:C Ta6e what "ou 0ind2 "ou will ha-e nothin. but alms,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%%#:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 7u6air b, al-Ashajj with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%%;:

A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) heard the -oi/es o0 alter/ation o0 two dis1utants at the doorB both the -oi/es were quite loud, The one demanded some remission and desired that the other one should show lenien/" to him2 whereu1on the (other one) was sa"in.: 7" Allah will not do that, Then there /ame Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to them and said: ?here is he who swears b" Allah that he would not do .oodD He said: o0 Allah2 it is I, He ma" do as he desires,

;4% & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%# :

Abdullah b, >a:ab b, Mali6 re1orted 0rom his 0ather that he 1ressed in the mosque Ibn Abu Hadrad 0or the 1a"ment o0 the debt that he owed to him durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), (In this alter/ation) their -oi/es be/ame loud2 until Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) heard them2 while he was in the house2 so Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame out towards them2 and he li0ted the /urtain o0 his a1artment and he /alled u1on >a:b b, Mali6 and said: 3 >a:b, He said: At th" be/6 and /all2 Allah:s, He 1ointed out with the hel1 o0 his hand to remit hal0 o0 the loan due to him, >a:b said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I am read" to do that2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said (to Ibn Abu Hadrad): Stand u1 and ma6e him the 1a"ment (o0 the rest),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%#$:

>a:b b, Mali6 re1orted that he made a demand 0or the 1a"ment o0 the debt that Ibn Abu Hadrad owed to him, This hadith is narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters and (the words are):C He had to .et the loan 0rom Abdullah b, Hadrad al-Aslami, He met him and 1ressed him 0or 1a"ment, There was an alter/ation between them2 until their -oi/es be/ame loud, There ha11ened to 1ass b" them Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said: 3 >a:b2 and 1ointed out with his hand in su/h a wa" as he meant hal0, So he .ot hal0 o0 what he (Ibn Abu Hadrad) owed to him and remitted the hal0,C

'ha1ter 2): I0 the bu"er be/omes insol-ent and the seller 0inds the /ommodit" sold to the bu"er inta/t2 he /an ta6e it ba/6
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%#2:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who 0ound his 1ro1ert" inta/t with a 1erson (who it but who later on) be/ame insol-ent (or a 1erson who be/ame insol-ent)2 he (the seller) is entitled to .et it more than an"one else, :

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%#4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Kah"a b, Sa:id with the same /hain o0 transmitters (but with a -ariation o0 words and these are)C ?hene-er a man be/omes 1oor,C

;4# & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%#*:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in. about a 1erson who be/omes insol-ent and (the thin. b" him) is 0ound inta/t with him2 that belon.s to one who sold it,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%#+:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen a man be/omes insol-ent (and the other) man (the seller) 0inds his /ommodit" inta/t with him2 he is more entitled to .et it (than an"one else)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%#):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Eatada with the same /hain o0 transmitters (but with a /han.e o0 these words):C He is more entitled to .et it than an" other /reditor,C

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%#%:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen a inan be/omes insol-ent2 and the other 1erson (seller) 0inds his .oods inta/t with him2 he is more entitled to .et them than an"one else,

'ha1ter 2%: Merit o0 .i-in. res1ite to one who is in straitened /ir/umstan/es

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%##:
Hudhai0a re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. The an.els too6 awa" the soul o0 a 1erson who had li-ed amon. 1eo1le who were be0ore "ou, The" (the an.els) said: 9id "ou do an"thin. .oodD He said: !o, the" said: Tr" to re/all, He said: I used to lend to 1eo1le and order m" ser-ants to .i-e res1ite to one in straitened /ir/umstan/es and .i-e allowan/e to the sol-ent2 0or Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 said (to the an.els): Kou should i.nore (his 0ailin.),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%#;:

Hudhai0a re1orted: A 1erson met his Lord (a0ter death) and He said: ?hat (.ood) did "ou doD He said: I did no .ood e5/e1t this that I was a ri/h man2 and I demanded 0rom the 1eo1le (the re1a"ment o0 debt that I ad-an/ed to them), I2 howe-er2 a//e1ted that whi/h the sol-ent .a-e and remitted (the debt) o0 the insol-ent2 whereu1on He (the Lord) said: Kou should i.nore (the 0aults) o0 M" ser;4; & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

-ant, Abu Mas:ud (Allah be 1leased with him) said: This is what I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%; :

Hudhai0a (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A 1erson died and he entered @aradise, It was said to him ?hat (a/t) did "ou doD ((ither he re/alled it himsel0 or he was made to re/all)2 he said I used to enter into transa/tions with 1eo1le and I .a-e res1ite to the insol-ent and did not show an" stri/tness in /ase o0 a//e1tin. a /oin or demandin. /ash 1a"ment, (=or these a/ts o0 his) he was .ranted 1ardon, Abu Mas:ud said: I heard this 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%;$:

Hudhai0a (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: A ser-ant 0rom the ser-ants o0 Allah was to Him whom Allah had endowed with ri/hes, He (Allah) said to him: ?hat (did "ou do) in the worldD (The" /annot /on/eal an"thin. 0rom Allah) He (the 1erson) said: 3 m" Lord2 Kou endowed me with Kour ri/hes, I used to enter into transa/tions with 1eo1le, It was m" nature to be lenient to (m" debtors), I showed lenien/" to the sol-ent and .a-e res1ite to the insol-ent2 whereu1on Allah said: I ha-e more than "ou to do this to /onni-e at M" ser-ant, :Uqba b, :Amir al-Fuhani and Abu Mas:ud said: This is what we heard 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%;2:

Abu Mas:ud (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A 1erson 0rom 1eo1le who li-ed be0ore "ou was /alled to a//ount (b" Allah at the 9a" o0 Fud.ment) and no .ood was 0ound in his a//ount e5/e1t this that lie bein. a ri/h man had (0inan/ial) dealin.s with 1eo1le and had /ommanded his ser-ants to show lenien/" to the straitened ones, U1on this Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 said: ?e ha-e more to this2 so o-erloo6 (his 0aults),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%;4:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There was a 1erson who .a-e loans to the 1eo1le and said to his men: ?hen an insol-ent /omes to "ou show him lenien/" that Allah ma" o-erloo6 our (0aults), So when he met Allah2 He o-erloo6ed his 0aults (0or.a-e him),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%;*:

A hadith li6e this is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him),

;* & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%;+:

Abdullah b, Abu Eatida re1orted that Abu Eatada (Allah be 1leased with him) demanded (the 1a"ment o0 his debt) 0rom his debtor but he disa11earedB later on he 0ound him and he said: I am hard u1 0inan/iall"2 whereu1on he said: (9o "ou state it) b" HodD He said: 7" Hod, U1on this he (Eatada) said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who lo-es that Allah sa-es him 0rom the torments o0 the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion should .i-e res1ite to the insol-ent or remit (his debt) This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A""ob with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 2#: It is 0orbidden 0or a sol-ent to ma6e dela" in the 1a"ment o0 debt2 and the desirabilit" o0 a re0eren/e2 and it is e5/ellent 0or the ri/h man to a//e1t that when re0eren/e is made to him
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%;):
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9ela" (in the 1a"ment o0 debt) on the 1art o0 a ri/h man is injusti/e2 and when one o0 "ou is retired to a ri/h man2 he should 0ollow him,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%;%:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him),

'ha1ter 2;: @rohibition o0 the sale o0 e5/ess water in the barren lands2 and 1re-entin. 1eo1le to use it2 and hirin. a /amel to /o-er a she-/amel
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%;#:
Fabir b, :Abdullah (2 Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the sale o0 e5/ess water,

;*$ & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4%;;:

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the hirin. o0 a 'amel to /o-er a she-'amel and 0rom sellin. water and land to be tilled, So 0rom all this the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: (5/ess water must not be withheld so that the .rowth o0 herba.e ma" be hindered,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4# $:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not withhold e5/ess o0 water2 so that "ou ma" 1re-ent the .rowth o0 herba.e,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4# 2:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The e5/ess o0 water should not be sold in order to enable the sate o0 herba.e,

'ha1ter 4 : The 1ri/e o0 a do.2 the sweets o0 a 6ahin2 the earnin.s o0 a 1rostitute and the sellin. o0 a /at all 0orbidden
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4# 4:
Aba Mas:ud al-Ansari (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the / o0 1ri/e o0 the do.2 and earnin.s o0 a 1rostitute and sweets o00ered to a 6ahin,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4# *:
A hadith li6e this is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Mas:ud throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

;*2 & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4# +:
Aa0i b, >hadij (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: I heard Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The worst earnin. is the earnin. o0 a 1rostitute2 the 1ri/e o0 a do. and the earnin. o0 a /u11er,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4# ):
Aa0i b, >hadij re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The 1ri/e o0 a do. is e-il2 the earnin. o0 a 1rostitute is e-il and the earnin. o0 a /u11er is e-il,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4# %:
A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ai0i: b, >hadlj throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4# #:
Abu Gubair said: I as6ed Fabir about the 1ri/e o0 a do. and a /atB he said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) disa11ro-ed o0 that,

'ha1ter 4$: 'ommand o0 6illin. do.s and then its abro.ation2 and 1rohibition o0 6ee1in. them but 0or huntin. and 1rote/tion o0 lands or /attle or li6e that
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4# ;:
Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .i-in. /ommand 0or 6illin. do.s,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#$ :

Ibn :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ordered to 6ill do.s2 and he sent (men) to the /orners o0 Medina that the" should be 6illed,

;*4 & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#$$:

Abdullah (b, Umar) (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ordered the 6illin. o0 do.s and we would send (men) in Medina and its /orners and we did not s1are an" do. that we did not 6ill2 so mu/h so that we 6illed the do. that a//om1anied the wet she/amel to the 1eo1le o0 the desert,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#$2:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be2 u1on him) ordered the 6illin. o0 do.s e5/e1t the do. tamed 0or huntin.2 or wat/hin. o0 the herd o0 shee1 or other domesti/ animals, It was said to Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) that Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) tal6s o0 (e5/e1tion) about the do. 0or wat/hin. the 0ield2 whereu1on he said: Sin/e Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) 1ossessed land,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#$4:

Abu Gubair heard Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with him) sa"in.: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ordered us to 6ill do.s2 and we /arried out this order so mu/h so that we also 6ill the do. /omin. with a woman 0rom the desert, Then Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade their 6illin., He (the Hol" @ro1het 0urther) said: It is "our dut" the jet-bla/6 (do.) ha-in. two s1ots (on the e"es)2 0or it is a de-il,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#$*:

Ibn Mu.ha00al re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ordered the 6illin. o0 do.s and then said: what is the trouble with them (the 1eo1le o0 Medina)D How do.s are nuisan/e to them (the /iti8ens o0 Medina)D He then 1ermitted 6eehin. o0 do.s 0or huntin. and (the 1rote/tion o0) herds, In the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Kah"a2 he (the Hol" @ro1het) 1ermitted the 6ee1in. o0 do.s 0or (the 1rote/tion o0) herds2 0or huntin. and (the 1rote/tion o0) /ulti-ated land,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#$+:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who 6ee1s a do. other than that meant 0or wat/hin. the herd or 0or huntin. loses e-er" da" out o0 his deeds equal to two qirat,

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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#$):

Salim re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who 6e1t a do. other than one meant 0or huntin. or 0or wat/hin. the herd2 lost two qirat o0 his reward e-er" da",

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#$%:

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. He who 6e1t a do. other than one meant 0or huntin. or 0or wat/hin. the herd lost out o0 his deeds (equal to) two qirat e-er" da",

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#$#:

Salim b, :Abdullah re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who 6e1t a do. other than one meant 0or wat/hin. the herd or 0or huntin. would lose e-er" da" two qirat o0 his .ood deeds, :Abdullah and Abu Huraira also said: 3r do. meant 0or wat/hin. the 0ield,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#$;:

Salim re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (Allah be 1leased with him) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who 6e1t a do. other than one meant 0or huntin. or 0or the 1rote/tion o0 the herd would lose two qirat o0 his deeds e-er" da", Salim said: Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) used to sa": 3r the do. meant 0or wat/hin. the 0ield2 and he was the owner o0 the land,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#2 :

Salim b, Abdullah re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hoso-er the owners o0 the house 6ee1s a do. other than one meant 0or wat/hin. the herd or 0or huntin. loses two qirat o0 his deeds e-er" da",

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#2$:

Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) narrated Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who 6e1t a do. ther than one meant 0or wat/hin. the 0ields or herds or huntin. would lose one qirat e-er" da" out o0 his reward (with Hod),

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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#22:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who 6e1t a do. whi/h is neither meant 0or huntin. nor 0or wat/hin. the anitmals nor 0or wat/hin. the 0ields would lose two qirat e-er" da" out o0 his rewardB and there is no mention o0 the 0ields in the hadith transmitted b" Abu Tahir,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#24:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who 6e1t a do. e5/e1t one meant 0or wat/hin. the herd2 or 0or huntin. or 0or wat/hin. the 0ields, he lost two qirat o0 reward e-er" da", Guhri said: The words o0 Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) were /on-e"ed to Ibn Umar who said: Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on Abu HurairaB he owned a 0ield,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#2*:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who 6e1t a do. would lose out o0 his deeds equal to one qirat e-er" da", e5/e1t (one 6e1t) 0or wat/hin. the 0ield or herd,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#2+:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#2):

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Kah"a b, Abu >athir with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#2%:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who 6e1t a do.2 but not meant 0or huntin. or wat/hin. the herd2 would lose one qirat o0 reward e-er" da",

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#2#:

Su0"an b, Abu Guhair (he was a 1erson to the tribe o0 Shanu:a and was the 'on1anions o0 Allah:s Nma" 1ea/e be u1on him ) said: I heard o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who 6e1t a do. (other than that) whi/h is indis1ensable 0or wat/hin. the 0ield or the animals would lose one qirat out o0 his deeds e-er" da", As-Sa:ib b Ka8id (one
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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

o0 the narrators) said: 9id "ou hear it 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D He said: Kes, b" the Lord o0 this mosque,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#2;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Su0"an b, Abu Guhair al-Shana:i,

'ha1ter 42: It is 1ermissible to .et the o0 /u11in.

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#4 :
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Humaid that Anas b, Mali6 was as6ed about the earnin.s o0 the /u11er, He said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot himsel0 /u11ed, His /u11er was Abu Taiba and he (the Hol" @ro1het) /ommanded to .i-e him two sa:s o0 /orn, He (the Hol" @ro1het) tal6ed with the members o0 his 0amil" and the" li.htened the burden o0 >haraj (ta5) 0rom him (i, e, the" made remis- sion in the / o0 their own a//ord), He (Allah:s A1ostle) said: The best (treatment) whi/h "ou ta6e is /u11in.2 or it is the best o0 "our treatments,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#4$:

Aumaid re1orted that Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased with him) has as6ed about the earnin.s o0 a /u11er, Then (the abo-e-mentioned hadith was re1orted but with this addition) that he said: The best treatment whi/h "ou .et is /u11in., or aloeswood and do not torture "our /hildren b" 1ressin. their u-ula,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#42:

Humaid re1orted Anas (Allah be 1leased with him) ha-in. said this: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled 0or "oun. /u11er to us, He /a11ed him and he (the Hol" @ro1het) /ommanded that he should be 1aid one sa: or one mudd or two mudds (o0 wheat), It was said (that / were hi.h) and a redu/tion was made in the /,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#44:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot himsel0 /u11ed and he 1aid the /li11er his / and he 1ut medi/ine in his nostrils,

;*% & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#4*:

Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: The sla-e o0 7anu 7a"ada /u11ed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he .a-e him his wa.es2 and tal6ed to his master and he redu/ed the /har.es2 and i0 this earnin. was unlaw0ul Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) would not ha-e .i-en it,

'ha1ter 44: The sale o0 wine is 0orbidden

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#4+:
Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) addressin. in Medina, He said: 3 1eo1le2 Allah is .i-in. an indi/ation (o0 the 1rohibition) o0 wine, and He is 1robabl" soon .oin. to .i-e an order about it, So he who has an"thin. o0 it with him should sell that2 and deri-e bene0it out o0 it, He (the narrator) said: ?e waited 0or some time that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: <eril" Allah2 the (5alted2 has 0orbidden wine, So who hears this -erse and he has an"thin. o0 it with him2 he should neither drin6 it nor sell it, He (the narrator) said: The 1eo1le then whate-er the" had o0 it with them on the streets o0 Medina and s1ilt that,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#4):

:Abd al-Aahman b, ?a:ala as-Saba:i (who was an (."1tian) as6ed :Abdullah b, AbbasB (Allah be 1leased with them) about that whi/h is e5tra/ted 0rom the .ra1es2 whereu1on he said: A 1erson 1resented to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a small water-s6in o0 wine, Allab:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: 9o "ou 6now that Allah has 0orbidden itD He said: !o, He then whis1er- ed to another man, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed him what he had whis1ered, He said: I ad-ised him to sell that2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: <eril" He ?ho has 0orbidden its drin6in. has 0orbidden its sale also, He (the narrator) said: He o1ened the waters6in until what was /ontained in it was s1ilt,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#4%:

:Abd al-Aahman b, ?a:ala narrated this on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, Abbas,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#4#:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: ?hen the /on/ludin. -erses o0 Sura 7aqara were re-ealed2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out and read them out to the 1eo1le and then 0orbade them to trade in wine,
;*# & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#4;:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: ?hen the /on/ludin. -erses o0 Sura 7aqara 1ertainin. to Aiba were re-ealed2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out to the mosque and he 0orbade the trade in wine,

'ha1ter 4*: @rohibition o0 the sale o0 wine2 /ar/ass2 swine and idols
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#* :
Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. in the Kear o0 <i/tor" while he was in Me//a: <eril" Allah and His ha-e 0orbidden the sale o0 wine2 /ar/ass2 swine and idols2 It was said: Allah:s Messen.er2 "ou see that the 0at o0 the /ar/ass is used 0or /oatin. the boats and -arnishin. the hides and 1eo1le use it 0or li.htin. 1ur1oses2 whereu1on he said: !o2 it is 0orbidden2 Then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ma" Allah the (5alted and Majesti/ destro" the FewsB when Allah 0orbade the use o0 0at o0 the /ar/ass 0or them2 the" melted it2 and then sold it and made use o0 its 1ri/e (re/ei-ed 0rom it),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#*$:

Ka8id b, Abu Habib re1orted: :Ata: re1orted to me that he heard Fabir (b, :Abdullah) sa"in. it that he had heard that 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the Kear o0 <i/tor",

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#*2:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: This news rea/hed :Umar that Samura had sold wine2 whereu1on he said: Ma" Allah destro" SamuraB does he not 6now that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said:C Let there be the /urse o0 Allah u1on the Fews that 0at was de/lared 0orbidden 0or them2 but the" melted it and then sold itCD

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#*4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Amr b, 9inar with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

;*; & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#**:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Ma" Allah destro" the Fews 0or Allah 0orbade the use o0 0at 0or them2 but the" sold it and made use o0 its 1ri/e,

'ha1ter 4+: Aiba (usur")

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#*+:
Abu Salid al->hudri re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not sell .old 0or .old2 e5/e1t li6e 0or li6e2 and don:t in/rease somethin. o0 it u1on somethin.B and don:t sell sil-er unless li6e 0or li6e2 and don:t in/rease some thin. o0 it u1on somethin.2 and do not sell 0or read" mone" somethin. to be .i-en later,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#*):

!a0i: re1orted that Ibn :Umar told him that a 1erson o0 the tribe o0 Laith said that Abu Sa:id al>ludri narrated it (the abo-e-mentioned hadith) 0rom tile o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in a narration o0 Eutaiba, So :Abduliali and !a0i: went alon. with him2 and in the hadith transmitted b" Ibn Aumh (the words are) that !a0i: said: :Abdullah (b, :Umar) went and I alon. with the 1erson to 7anu Laith entered (the house) o0 Sa:id al->hudri2 and he (:Abdullah b, Umar) said: I ha-e been in0ormed that "ou sa" that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the sale o0 sil-er with sil-er e5/e1t in /ase o0 li6e 0or li6e2 and sale o0 .old 0or .old e5/e1t in /ase o0 li6e 0or li6e, Abu Sa:id 1ointed towards this e"es and his ears with his 0in.ers and said: M" e"es saw2 and m" ears listened to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: 9o not sell .old 0or .old2 and do not sell sil-er 0or sil-er e5/e1t in /ase o0 li6e 0or li6e2 and do not in/rease somethin. o0 it u1on somethin.2 and do not sell 0or read" mone" somethin.2 not 1resent2 but hand to hand,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#*%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id al->hudri throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#*#:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not sell .old 0or .old and sil-er 0or sil-er 0or or o0 the same qualit",

;+ & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#*;:

:Uthman b, :A00an re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not sell a dinar 0or two dinars and one dirham 0or two dirhams,

'ha1ter 4): 'on-ersion o0 /urren/" and sellin. o0 .old 0or sil-er on the s1ot
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#+ :
Mali6 b, Aus b, al-Hadathan re1orted: I /ame sa"in. who was 1re1ared toe5/han.e dirhams (0or m" .old)2 whereu1on Talha b, Ubaidullah (Allah be 1leased with him) (as he was sittin. with :Umar b, >hattib) said: Show us "our .old and then /ome to us (at a later time), ?hen our ser-ant would /ome we would .i-e "ou "our sil-er (dirhams due to "ou), Thereu1on :Umar b, al->hattib (Allah be 1leased with him) said: !ot at all, 7" Allah2 either .i-e him his sil-er (/oins), or return his .old to him2 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (5/han.e o0 sil-er 0or .old (has an element o0) interest in it, e5/e1t when (it is e5/han.ed) on the s1otBand wheat 0or wheat is an interest unless both are handed o-er on the s1ot: barle" 0or barle" is interest unless both are handed o-er on the s1otB dates 0or dates is interest unless both are handed o-er on the S1ot,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#+$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#+2:

Abil Eiliba re1orted: I was in S"ria (ha-in.) a /ir/le (o0 0riends), in whi/h was Muslim b, Kasir, There /ame Abu:l-Ash:ath, He (the narrator) said that the" (the 0riends) /alled him: Abu:l-Ash:ath2 Abu:l-Ash:ath2 and he sat down, I said to him: !arrate to our brother the hadith o0 Ubada b, Samit, He said: Kes, ?e went out on an e51edition2 Mu:awi"a bein. the leader o0 the 1eo1le2 and we .ained a lot o0 s1oils o0 war, And there was one sil-er utensil in what we too6 as s1oils, Mu:awi"a ordered a 1erson to sell it 0or 1a"ment to the 1eo1le (soldiers), The 1eo1le made haste in .ettin. that, The news o0 (this state o0 a00airs) rea/hed :Ubada b, Samit2 and he stood u1 and said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbiddin. the sale o0 .old b" .old2 and sil-er b" sil-er2 and wheat b" wheat2 and barle" b" barle"2 and dates b" dates2 and salt b" salt2 e5/e1t li6e 0or li6e and equal 0or equal, So he who made an addition or who a//e1ted an addition (/ommitted the sin o0 ta6in.) interest, So the 1eo1le returned what the" had .ot, This rea/hed Mu:awi"a, and he stood u1 to deli-er an address, He said: ?hat is the matter with 1eo1le that the" narrate 0rom the (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) su/h tradition whi/h we did not hear thou.h we saw him (the Hol" @ro1het) and li-ed in
;+$ & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

his /om1an"D Thereu1on2 Ubida b, Samit stood u1 and re1eated that narration2 and then said: ?e will de0initel" narrate what we heard 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) thou.h it ma" be un1leasant to Mu:awi"a (or he said: (-en i0 it is a.ainst his will), I do not mind i0 I do not remain in his troo1 in the dar6, Hammad said this or somethin. li6e this,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#+4:

Ubida b, al-Simit (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Hold is to be 1aid 0or b" .old2 sil-er b" sil-er2 wheat b" wheat2 barle" b" barle"2 dates b" dates2 and salt b" salt2 li6e 0or li6e and equal 0or equal2 1a"ment bein. made hand to hand, I0 these /lasses di00er2 then sell as "ou wish i0 1a"ment is made hand to hand,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#+*:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Hold is to be 1aid 0or b" .old2 sil-er b" sil-er2 wheat b" wheat2 barle" b" barle"2 dates b" dates2 salt b" salt2 li6e b" li6e2 1a"ment bein. made hand to hand, He who made an addition to it2 or as6ed 0or an addition2 in 0a/t dealt in usur", The re/ei-er and the .i-er are equall" .uilt",

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#++:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#+):

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9ates are to be 1aid 0or b" dates2 wheat b" wheat2 barle" b" barle"2 salt b" salt2 li6e 0or li6e2 1a"ment bein. made on the s1ot, He who made an addition or demanded an addition2 in 0a/t2 dealt in usur" e5/e1t in /ase where their /lasses di00er, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 =udail b, Hha8wan with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but he made no mention o0 (1a"ment bein.) made on the s1ot,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#+%:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s Mess-,2 (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Hold is to be 1aid 0or b" .old with equal wei.ht2 li6e 0or li6e2 and sil-er is to be 1aid 0or b" sil-er with equal wei.ht2 li6e 0or li6e, He who made an addition to it or demanded an addition dealt in usur",

;+2 & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#+#:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Let dinar be e5/han.ed 0or dinar2 with no addition on either side and dirham be e5/han.ed 0or dirham with no addition on either side, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Musa b, Abu Tamim with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 4%: The sale o0 sil-er 0or .old is 1rohibited when 1a"ment is to be made in 0uture
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#+;:
Abu Minhal re1orted: M" 1artner sold sil-er to be 1aid in the (Hajj) season or (in the da"s o0) Hajj, He (m" 1artner) /ame to me and in0ormed me2 and I said to him: Su/h transa/tion is not desirable, He said: I sold it in the mar6et (on loan) but nobod" obje/ted to this, I went to al-7ara: b, :A8ib and as6ed him2 and he said: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to Medina and we made su/h transa/tion2 whereu1on he said: In /ase the 1a"ment is made on the s1ot2 there is no harm in it2 and in /ase (it is :sold) on loan2 it is usur", Kou better .o to Gaid b, Arqam2 0or he is a .reater trader than IB so I went to him and as6ed him2 and he said li6e it,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#) :

Habib re1orted that he heard Abu Minhal as sa"in.: I as6ed al-7ara: b, A8ib about the e5/han.e o0 (.old 0or sil-er or -i/e -ersa)2 whereu1on he said: "ou better as6 Gaid b, Arqam 0or he 6nows more than I, So I as6ed Gaid but he said: Kou better as6 al-7ara: 0or he 6nows more than I, Then both o0 them said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the sale o0 sil-er 0or .old when 1a"ment is to be made in 0uture,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#)$:

Abd al-Aabman b, Abia 7a6ra re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the sale o0 .old 0or .old2 and sil-er 0or sil-er e5/e1t equal 0or equal2 and /ommanded us to bu" sil-er 0or .old as we desired and bu" .old 0or sil-er as we desired, A 1erson as6ed him (about the nature o0 1a"ment)2 whereu1on he said: It is to be made on the s1ot, This is what I heard (0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him ),

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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#)2:

Abd al-Aabman b, Abu 7a6ra said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibited us, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

'ha1ter 4#: The sale o0 .old ne/6la/e studded with 1earls

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#)4:
=adala b, Ubaid al-Ansari re1orted: A ne/6la/e ha-in. .old and .ems in it was to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in >haibar and it was one o0 the s1oils o0 war and was 1ut to sale, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The .old used in it should be se1arated2 and then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0urther said: (Sell) .old 0or .old with equal,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#)*:

=adila b, :Ubaid (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: I on the da" (o0 the <i/tor" o0 >haibar) a ne/6la/e 0or twel-e dinars (.old /oins), It was made o0 .old studded with .ems, I se1arated (.old 0rom .ems) in it2 and 0ound (.old) o0 more (worth) than twel-e dinars, I made a mention o0 it to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on he said: It should not be sold unless it is se1arated,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#)+:

A hadith li6e this is narrated on the authorit" o0 Sa:id b, Ka8id with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#)):

=adala b, :Ubaid re1orted: ?e were in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s ( ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the da" (o0 the <i/tor" o0) >haibar2 and made transa/tion with the Fews 0or the :uqi"a o0 .old 0or the dinars or three (.old /oins)2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o not sell .old 0or .old but 0or equal

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#)%:

Hanash re1orted: ?e were alon. with =adala b, Ubaid (Allah be 1leased with him) in an e51edition, There 0ell to m" and m" 0riend:s lot a ne/6la/e made o0 .old2 sil-er and jewels, I de/ided to bu" that, I as6ed =adala b, :Ubaid2 whereu1on he said: Se1arate its .old and 1la/e it in one 1an (o0 the balan/e) and 1la/e "our .old in the other 1an2 and do not re/ei-e but equal 0or equal2 0or I heard Al;+* & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

lah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who belie-es in Allah and the Herea0ter should not ta6e but equal 0or equal,

'ha1ter 4;: Sale o0 wheat li6e 0or li6e

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#)#:
Ma:mar b, Abdullah re1orted that he sent his sla-e with a sa: o0 wheat and said to him: Sell it2 and then bu" with it barle", The sla-e went awa" and he .ot a sa: (o0 barle") and a 1art o0 sa: o-er and abo-e that, ?hen he /ame to Ma:mar he in0ormed him about that2 whereu1on Ma:mar said to him: ?h" did "ou do thatD Ho ba/6 and return that2 and do not a//e1t but wei.ht2 0or wei.ht2 0or I used to hear 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?heat 0or wheat and li6e 0or li6e, He (one o0 the narrators) said: 3ur 0ood in those da"s /onsisted o0 barle", It was said to him (Ma:mar) that (wheat) is not li6e that (barle"), He re1lied: I am a0raid these ma" not be similar

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#);:

Abu Huraira and Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) de1uted a 1erson 0rom 7anu :Adi al-Ansari to /olle/t re-enue 0rom >haibar, He /ame with a 0ine qualit" o0 dates2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: Are all the dates o0 >haibar li6e thisD He said: Allah:s Messen.er2 it is not so, ?e bu" one sa: o0 (0ine qualit" o0 dates) 0or two sa:s out o0 total out1ut (in/ludin. e-en the in0erior qualit" o0 dates)2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9on:t do that2 but li6e 0or li6e2 or sell this (the in0erior qualit" and re/ei-e the 1ri/e) and then bu" with the 1ri/e o0 that2 and that would ma6e u1 the measure,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#% :

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) de1uted a 1erson to /olle/t re-enue 0rom >haibar, He 0ine qualit" o0 dates2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Are all the dates o0 >haibar li6e this)D He said: !o, ?e .ot one sa: (o0 0ine dates) 0or two sa:s (o0 in0erior dates)2 and (similarl") two sa:s 0or three sa:s, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9on:t do that rather sell the in0erior qualit" o0 dates 0or dirhams (mone")2 and then bu" the su1erior qualit" with the hel1 o0 dirhams,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#%$:

Abd Sa:id re1orted: 7ilal (Allah be 1leased with him) /ame with 0ine qualit" o0 dates, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: =rom where ("ou ha-e them)D 7ilal said: ?e had in0erior qualit" o0 dates and I e5/han.ed two sa:s (o0 in0erior qualit") with one sa (o0 0ine quali;++ & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

t") as 0ood 0or Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?oeL it is in 0a/t usur"B there0ore2 don:t do that, 7ut when "ou intend to bu" dates (o0 su1erior qualit")2 sell (the in0erior qualit") in a se1arate bar.ain and then bu" (the su1erior qualit"), And in the hadith transmitted b" Ibn Sahl there is no mention o0C whereu1onC,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#%2:

Abu Sa:id (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: 9ates were to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he said: These dates are not li6e our dates2 whereu1on a man said: ?e sold two sa:s o0 our dates (in order to .et) one sa:2 o0 these (0ine dates)2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: That is interestB so return (these dates o0 0ine qualit")2 and .et "our (in0erior dates) B then sell our dates (0or mone") and bu" 0or us (with the hel1 o0 mone") su/h (0ine dates),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#%4:

Abu Sa:id (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?e were .i-en to eat2 durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 dates o0 di00erent qualities mi5ed to.ether2 and we used to sell two sa:s o0 these 0or one sa2 (o0 0ine qualit" o0 dates), This rea/hed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on he said: There should be no e5/han.e o0 two sa:s o0 (in0erior) dates 0or one sa (o0 0ine dates) and two sa:s o0 (in0erior) wheat 0or one sa: o0 (0ine) wheat, and one dirham 0or two dirharms,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#%*:

Abu !adra re1orted: I as6ed Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) about the /on-ersion (o0 .old and sil-er 0or sil-er and .old), ?e said: Is it hand to hand e5/han.eD I said: Kes, whereu1on he said: There is no harm in it, I in0ormed Abu Sa:id about it2 tellin. him that I had as6ed Ibn :Abbas about it and he said: Is it hand to hand e5/han.eD I said: Kes2 whereu1on he said: There is no harm in it, He (the narrator) said2 or he said li6e it: ?e will soon write to him2 and he will not .i-e "ou this 0atwa (reli.ious -erdi/t), He said: 7" Allah2 someone o0 the bo"-ser-ants o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) dates2 but he re0used to a//e1t them (on the 1lea) that those did not seem to be o0 the dates o0 our land, He said: Somethin. had ha11ened to the dates o0 our land2 or our dates, So I .ot these dates (in e5/han.e b" .i-in.) e5/ess (o0 the dates o0 our land)2 whereu1on he said: Kou made an addition 0or .ettin. the 0ine dates (in e5/han.e) whi/h tantamounts2 to interestB don:t do that (in 0uture), ?hene-er "ou 0ind some doubt (as re.ards the deterioratin. qualit" o0) "our dates2 sell them2 and then bu" the dates that "ou li6e,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#%+:

Abu !adra re1orted: I as6ed Ibn Umar and Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) about the /on-ersion o0 .old with .old but the" did not 0ind an" harm in that, I was sittin. in the /om1an" o0 Abd
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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) and as6ed him about this e5/han.e2 and he said: ?hate-er is addition is an: interest, I re0used to a//e1t it on a//ount o0 their statement (statement o0 Ibn :Abbas and Ibn :Umar), He said: I am not narratin. to "ou e5/e1t what I heard 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), There /ame to him the owner o0 a date-1alm with one sa: o0 0ine dates2 and the dates o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) were o0 that /olour, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: ?here did "ou .et these datesD I went with two sa:s o0 (in0erior dates) and one sa: o0 (these 0ine dates)2 0or that is the 1re-ailin. 1ri/e (o0 in0erior dates) in the mar6et and that is the 1ri/e (o0 the 0ine qualit" o0 dates in the mar6et)2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?oe be u1on "ouL Kou ha-e dealt in interest2 when "ou de/ide to do it (i, e, e5/han.e su1erior qualit" o0 dates 0or in0erior qualit") B so "ou should sell "our dates 0or another /ommodit" (or /urren/") and then with the hel1 o0 that /ommodit" bu" the dates "ou li6e, Abu Sa:ad said: ?hen dates are e5/han.ed 0or dates (with di00erent qualities) there is the 1ossibilit" (o0 the element o0) interest (/ree1in. into that) or when .old is e5/han.ed 0or .old ha-in. di00erent qualities, I subsequentl" /ame to Ibn :Umar and he 0orbade me (to do it)2 but I did not /ome to Ibn :AbbasB (Allah be 1leased with them), He (the narrator) said: Abu as-Sahba: narrated to me: He as6ed Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) in Me//a2 and he too disa11ro-ed o0 it,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#%):

Abu Salih re1orted: I heard Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with him) said: 9inar (.old) 0or .old and dirham 0or dirham /an be (e5/han.ed) with equal 0or equalB but he who .i-es more or demands more in 0a/t deals in interest, I sald to him: Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) sa"s otherwise2 whereu1on he said: I met Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) and said: 9o "ou see what "ou sa"B ha-e "ou heard it 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 or 0ound it in the 7oo6 o0 Allah2 the Hlorious and Majesti/D He said: I did not hear it 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), and I did not 0ind it in the 7oo6 o0 Allah (Hlorious and Majesti/)2 but Usama b, Gaid narrated it to me that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There /an be an element o0 interest in /redit,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#%%:

Ubaidullah b, Abu Ka8id heard Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) as sa"in.: Usama b, Gaid re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There /an be an element o0 interest in /redit (when the 1a"ment is not equal),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#%#:

Ibn :AbbasB (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted on the authorit" o0 Usama b, Gaid Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as ha-in. said this: There is no element o0 interest when the mone" or /ommodit" is e5/han.ed hand to hand,
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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#%;:

Ata: b, Abu Aabah re1orted: Abu Sa:id al->hudri (Allah be 1leased with them) met Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) and said to him: ?hat do "ou sa" in re.ard to the /on-ersion (o0 /ommodities or mone") did "ou hear it 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 or is it somethin. whi/h "ou 0ound In Allah:s 7oo62 Majesti/ and HloriousD Thereu1on Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leated with them) said: I don:t sa" that, So 0ar at Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is /on/erned2 "ou 6now him better2 and to 0ar as the 7oo6 o0 Allah to /on/erned2 I do not 6now it (more than "ou do)2 but :Usama b, Gaid (Allah be 1leased with him) narrated to me Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as ha-in. said this: 7eware2 there /an be an element o0 interest in /redit,

'ha1ter * : He (the hol" 1ro1het) /ursed the one who a//e1tsinterest and the one who 1a"s it
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4## :
:Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) (Allah be 1leased with him) said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ursed the one who a//e1ted interest and the one who 1aid it I as6ed about the one who re/orded it2 and two witnesses to it, He (the narrator) said: ?e narrate what we ha-e heard,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4##$:

Fabir said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ursed the a//e1ter o0 interest and its 1a"er2 and one who re/ords it2 and the two witnesses2 and he said: The" are all equal,

'ha1ter *$: A//e1tin. that whi/h is law0ul and abandonin. that whi/h is doubt0ul
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4##2:
!u:man b, 7ashir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on himn) as ha-in. said this (and !u:man) 1ointed towards his ears with his 0in.ers): ?hat is law0ul is e-ident and what is unlaw0ul is e-ident2 and in between them are the thin.s doubt0ul whi/h man" 1eo1le do not 6now, So he who .uards a.ainst doubt0ul thin.s 6ee1s his reli.ion and honour blameless2 and he who in doubt0ul thin.s in 0a/t in unlaw0ul thin.s2 just as a she1herd who 1astures his animals round a 1reser-e will soon 1asture them in it, 7eware2 e-er" 6in. has a 1reser-e2 and the thin.s Hod his de/la/ed unlaw0ul are His 1reser-es, 7eware2 in the bod" the;+# & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

re is a 1ie/e o0 0leshB i0 it is sound2 the whole bod" is sound and i0 it is /orru1t the whole bod" is /orru1t2 and hear6en it is the heart,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4##4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ga6ari"a with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4##*:

AI-!u:man b, 7ashir re1orted it 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The hadith narrated b" Ga6ari"a is2 howe-er2 more /om1lete and" than the other ones,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4##+:

!u:man b, 7ashir b, Sa:d2 a 'om1anion o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was heard deli-erin. a sermon at Hims and was sa"in.: I heard Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The law0ul is e-ident and the unlaw0ul is e-ident2 the rest o0 the hadith is the same as related b" Ga6ari"a,

'ha1ter *2: The sellin. o0 the /amel and sti1ulation o0 ridin. on it

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4##):
Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that he was tra-ellin. on his /amel whi/h had .rown jaded2 and he de/ided to let it o00, ?hen Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) met him and 1ra"ed 0or him and stru/6 it2 so it trotted as it had ne-er trotted be0ore, He said: Sell it to me 0or an :uqa"a, I said: !o, He a.ain said: Sell it to me, So I sold it to him 0or an :uqa"a2 but made the sti1ulation that I should be allowed to ride ba/6 to m" 0amil", Then when I /ame to (m" 1la/e) I too6 the /amel to him and he 1aid me its 1ri/e in read" mone", I then went ba/6 and he sent: (someone) behind me (and as I /ame) he said: 9o "ou see that I as6ed "ou to redu/e 1ri/e 0or bu"in. "our /amel, Ta6e "our /amel and "our /oinsB these are "ours,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4##%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4###:

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: I went on an e51edition with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He o-ertoo6 me and I was on a water-/arr"in. /amel who had .rown tired and did not wal6 (trot), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said to me: ?hat is the matter with "our /amelD I said: It is si/6, He (the Hol" @ro1het) ste11ed behind and dro-e it and 1ra"ed 0or it2 and then it alwa"s mo-ed ahead o0 other /amels, He (then) said: How do "ou 0ind "our /amelD I said: It is2 b" the .ra/e o0 "our 1ra"er2 all, He said: ?ould "ou sell this (/amel) to meD I 0elt sh" (to sa" him2C !oC ) as we had no other /amel 0or /arr"in. water2 but (later on) I said: Kes2 and to I sold it to him on the /ondition that (I would be 1ermitted) to ride it until I rea/hed Madina, I said to him: Allah:s Messen.er2 I am newl" married2 so I as6ed his 1ermission (to .o ahead o0 the /ara-an), He 1ermitted me2 and I rea/hed Medina well in ad-an/e o0 other 1eo1le2 until I rea/hed m" destination, There m" maternal un/le met me and as6ed me about the /amel2 and I told him what I had done with re.ard to it, He re1ro-ed me in this /onne/tion, He (Fabir) said: ?hen I as6ed his 1ermission (to .o ahead o0 the /ara-an) Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) inquired o0 me whether I had married a or a, I said to him: I ha-e married a, He said: ?h" did "ou not marr" a who would ha-e 1la"ed with "ou and "ou would ha-e 1la"ed with herD I said to him: Allah:s Messen.er2 m" 0ather died (or he 0ell as a mart"r)2 and I ha-e small sisters to (loo6 a0ter)2 so I did not li6e the idea that I should marr" a woman who is li6e them and thus be not able to tea/h them manners and loo6 a0ter them 1ro1erl", So I ha-e married a so that she should be able to loo6 a0ter them and tea/h them manners2 ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to Medina2 I went to him in the mornin. with the /amel, He 1aid me its 1ri/e and returned that (the /amel) to me,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4##;:

Fabir re1orted: ?e went 0rom Me//a to Medina with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) when m" /amel 0ell ill2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same, (7ut it in also narrated in it: ) He (the Hol" @ro1het) said to me: Sell "our /amel to me, I said: !o2 but it is "ours, He said: !o, (it /an:t be)2 but sell it to me, I said: !o2 but2 Allah:s Messen.er2 it is "ours, He said: !o2 it /an:t be2 but sell it to me, I said: Then .i-e me an :uqa"a o0 .old 0or I owe that to a 1erson and then it would be "ours, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I ta6e it (0or an :uqi"a o0 .old) and "ou rea/h Medina on it, As I rea/hed Medina2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to 7ilal: Hi-e him an :uqi"a o0 .old and ma6e some e5tra 1a"ment too, He (Fabir) said: He .a-e me an :uqi"a o0 .old and made an addition o0 a qirat, He (Fabir) said: The addition made b" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was with me (as a sa/red trust 0or belssin.) and la" with me in a 1o/6et until the 1eo1le o0 S"ria too6 it on the 9a" o0 Harra,

;) & $#


733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#; :

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: ?e were with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in a journe" and m" /amel meant 0or /arr"in. water la..ed behind, The rest o0 the hadith is the same and it is mentioned also: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ri/6ed it and then said to me: Aide in the name o0 Allah, He /onstantl" made addition (in 1ra"ers 0or me) and went on sa"in., Ma" Allah 0or.i-e "ouL

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#;$:

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: M" /amel had .rown tired as Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to me, He .oaded it and it to jum1, A0ter that I tried to restrain its rein so that I /ould listen to his (@ro1het:s) words2 but I /ould not do that, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) met me and said: Sell it to me2 and I sold it 0or 0i-e :uqi"as, I said: 3n the /ondition that I ma" use it as a ride (0or .oin. ba/6) to Medina, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?ell2 "ou ma" use it as a ride u1 till Medina, ?hen I /ame to Medina I handed o-er that to him and he made an addition o0 an uqi"a (to that amount whi/h had been a.reed u1on) and then 1resented that (/amel) to me,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#;2:

Abd Mutawa66il al-!ajl re1orted 0rom Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) who said: I a//om1anied Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in one o0 his journe"s (the narrator sa"s2 he said in Fihad)2 and he narrated the rest o0 the hadith2 and made this addition: He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Fabir2 ha-e "ou re/ei-ed the 1ri/eD I said: Kes2 whereu1on he said: Kours is the 1ri/e as well as the /amelB "ours is the 1ri/e as well as the /amel,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#;4:

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a /amel 0rom me 0or two :uqi"as and a dirham or two dirhams, As he rea/hed Sirar (a -illa.e near Medina)2 he /ommanded a /ow to be slau.htered and it was slau.htered2 and the" ate o0 that2 and as he (the Hol" @ro1het) rea/hed Medina he ordered me to .o to the mosque and o00er two ra6:ahs o0 1ra"er2 and he measured 0or me the 1ri/e o0 the /amel and e-en made an e5/ess 1a"ment to me,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#;*:

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted this narration 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) but with this -ariation that he said: He (the Hol" @ro1het) the /amel 0rom me on a sti1ulated 1ri/e, And he did not mention two :uqi"as and a dirham or two dirhams2 and he /omanded a /ow (to be slau.htered) and it was slau.htered2 and he then distributed its 0lesh,
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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#;+:

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: I ha-e ta6en "our /amel0or 0our dinars2 and "ou ma" ride u1on it to Medina,

'ha1ter *4: He who too6 somethin. as a loan and made its 1a"ment ba/62 o-er and abo-e that (is a11ro-ed) and best amon. "ou is one who is best in ma6in. 1a"ment
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#;):
Abu Aa0i: re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 0rom a man as a loan a "oun. /amel (below si5 "ears), Then the /amels o0 Sadaqa were to him, He ordered Abu Aa0i: to return to that 1erson the "oun. /amel (as a return o0 the loan), Abu Aa0i: returned to him and said: I did not 0ind amon. them but better /amels abo-e the a.e o0 si5, He (the Hol" @ro1et) said: Hi-e that to him 0or the best men are those who are best in 1a"in. o00 the debt,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#;%:

Abu Aa0i:2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 as a loan (the rest o0 the hadith is the same)2 but with this -ariation that he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Hood the ser-ants o0 Allah is he who is best in 1a"in. o00 the debt,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#;#:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) owed (somethin.) to a 1erson, He beha-ed in an un/i-il manner with him, This -e5ed the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who has a is entitled to s1ea62 and said to them (his 'om1anions): 7u" a /amel 0or him and .i-e that to him, The" said: ?e do not 0ind a /amel (o0 that a.e) but one with better a.e than that, He said: 7u" that and .i-e that to him2 0or best o0 "ou or best "ou are those who are best in 1a"in. o00 debt,

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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4#;;:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 a /amel on loan2 and then returned him (the lender) the /amel o0 a more mature a.e and said: Hood amon. "ou are those who are .ood in /learin. o00 the debt,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4;

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: There /ame a 1erson demandin. a /amel 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Hi-e him (the /amel) o0 that a.e or o0 more mature a.e2 and said: 7est amon. "ou is one who is best in /learin. o00 the debt,

'ha1ter **: @ermissibilit" o0 sellin. an animal 0or an animal o0 its 6ind b" su1eriorit"
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4; $:
Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: There /ame a sla-e and 1led.- ed alle.ian/e to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on mi.rationB he (the Hol" @ro1het) did not 6now that he was a sla-e, Then there /ame his master and demanded him ba/62 whereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Sell him to me, And he him 0or two bla/6 sla-es2 and he did not a0terwards ta6e alle.ian/e 0rom an"one until he had as6ed him whether he was a sla-e (or a 0ree man)

'ha1ter *+: @led.e and its 1ermissibilit" whether at residen/e or in a journe"

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4; 2:
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) some .rain 0rom a Few on /redit and .a-e him a /oat-o0- mail o0 his as a 1led.e,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4; 4:
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0rom a Few .rain (as loan) and 1led.ed him his iron /oat-o0-mail,

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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4; *:
:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0rom a Few .rain 0or a s1e/i0ied timeB and .a-e him iron /oat-o0-mail o0 his as a 1led.e,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4; +:
This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her)2 throu.h another /hain ol transmitters2 but no mention was made o0 (its bein. made) o0 iron,

'ha1ter *): 30 salam sale

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4; ):
Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that when Allah:s @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to Medina2 the" were 1a"in. one and two "ears in ad-an/e 0or 0ruits2 so he said: Those who 1a" in ad-an/e 0or an"thin. must do so 0or a s1e/i0ied and 0or a de0inite time,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4; %:
Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to (Medina) and the 1eo1le were 1a"in. in ad-an/e (0or the 0ruits2 et/,)2 he said to them: He who ma6es an ad-an/e 1a"ment should not ma6e ad-an/e 1a"ment e5/e1t 0or a s1e/i0ied measure and (and 0or a s1e/i0ied 1eriod),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4; #:
Ibn Abu !ajih has narrated a hadith li6e this with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but he has not mentioned:C 0or a de0inite 1eriodC,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4; ;:
This hadith has been narrated b" Ibn Abu !ajih throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters mentionin. in itC 0or a s1e/i0ied 1eriodC,

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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

'ha1ter *%: Hoardin. o0 0oodstu00 is 0orbidden

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4;$ :
Ma:mar (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who hoards is a sinner, It was said to Sa:id (b, al-Musa""ib): Kou also hoard, Sa:id said: Ma:mar who narrated this badith also hoarded,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4;$$:

Ma:mar b, Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !o one hoards but the sinner,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4;$2:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Sulaiman b, 7ilal 0rom Kah"a,

'ha1ter *#: @rohibition o0 ta6in. oath in business transa/tion

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4;$4:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) said he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Swearin. 1rodu/es a read" sale 0or a /ommodit"2 but blots out the blessin.,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4;$*:

Abu Eatada al-Ansari (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": 7eware o0 swearin.B it 1rodu/es a read" sale 0or a /ommodit"2 but blots out the blessin.,

'ha1ter *;: Shu0:a (1re-em1tion)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4;$+:
Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who has a 1artner in a dwellin. or a .arden2 it is not law0ul 0or him to sell that

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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

until he is 1ermitted b" his 1artner, I0 he (the 1artner) a.rees2 he should .o in 0or that2 and i0 he disa11ro-es o0 that2 he should abandon (the idea o0 sellin. it),

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4;$):

Fabir bin :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) said that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) de/reed 1re-em1tion in e-er" joint ownershi1 and not di-ided-the one-it ma" be a dwellin. or a .arden, It is not law0ul 0or him (0or the 1artner) to sell that until his 1artner .i-es his /onsent, He (the 1artner) is entitled to bu" it when he desires and he /an abandon it i0 he so li6es, And i0 he (the one 1artner) sells it without .ettin. the /onsent o0 the (other 1artner)2 he has the .reatest to it,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4;$%:

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is 1re-em1tion in e-er"thin. whi/h is shared2 be it land2 or a dwellin. or a .arden, It is not 1ro1er to sell it until he in0orms his 1artnerB he ma" .o in 0or that2 or he ma" abandon itB and it he (the 1artner intendin. to sell his share) does not do that2 then his 1artner has the .reatest to it until he 1ermits him,

'ha1ter + : =i5in. a beam in the nei.hbors wall

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4;$#:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !one amon. "ou should 1re-ent his nei.hbour 0rom 0i5in. a beam in his wall, Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) then said: ?hat is this that I see "ou e-adin. (this injun/tion o0 the Hol" @ro1het)D 7" Allah2 I will /ertainl" throw it between "our shoulders (narrate this to "ou,)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4;$;:

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transrmitters,

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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

'ha1ter +$: It is 0orbidden to sei8e land and other thin.s without le.itimate
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4;2 :
Sa:id b, Gaid b, :Amr b, !u0ail (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who wron.l" too6 a s1an o0 land2 Allah shall ma6e him /arr" around his ne/6 se-en earths,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4;2$:

Sa:id b, Gaid b, :Amr b, !u0ail (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Arwi (bint Uwais) dis1uted with him (in re.ard to a 1art o0 the land) o0 his hodse, He said: Lea-e it and ta6e o00 "our /laim 0rom it2 0or I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who too6 a s1an o0 land without his would be made to wear around his ne/6 se-en earths on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion, He (Sa:id b, Gaid) said: 3 Allah2 ma6e her blind i0 she has told a lie and ma6e her .ra-e in her house, He (the narrator) said: I saw her blind .ro1in. (her wa") b" tou/hin. the walls and sa"in.: The /urse o0 Sa:id b, Gaid has hit me, And it so ha11ened that as she was wal6in. in her house2 she 1assed b" a well in her house and 0ell therein and that be- /ame her .ra-e,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4;22:

Hisham b, Urwa re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (Allah be 1leased with him) that Arwa bint Uwais dis1uted with Sa:id b, Gaid that he had sei8ed some o0 the land to her, She this dis1ute be0ore Marwan b, al-Ha6am, Sa:id said: How /ould I ta6e a 1art o0 her land2 a0ter what I heard 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on:him)D He (Marwan) said: ?hat did "ou hear 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D He said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": He who wron.l" too6 a s1an o0 land would be made to wear around his ne/6 se-en earths, Marwan said: I do not as6 an" e-iden/e 0rom "ou a0ter this, He (Sa:id) said: 3 Allah2 ma6e her blind i0 she has told a lie and 6ill her in her own land, He (the narrator) said: She did not die until she had lost her e"esi.ht2 and (one da") as she was wal6in. in her land2 she 0ell down into a 1it and died,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4;24:

Sa:id b, Gaid re1orted: I heard Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": He who too6 a s1an o0 earth wron.l" would be made to wear around his ne/6 se-en earths on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4;2*:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) as sa"in.: 3ne should not ta6e a s1an o0 land without ha-in. le.itimate to it2 otherwise Allah would ma6e him wear (around his ne/6) se-en earths on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4;2+:

Muhammad b, Ibrahim said that Abu Salama re1orted to him that there was between him and his 1eo1le dis1ute o-er a 1ie/e o0 land2 and he /ame to :A:isha and mentioned that to her2 whereu1on she said: Abu Salama2 abstain 0rom .ettin. this land2 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who usur1s e-en a s1an o0 land would be made to wear around his ne/6 se-en earths,

7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4;2):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Salama with another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter +2: How mu/h land is to be s1ared when there is disa.reement o-er the breadth o0 1ath
7oo6 $ 2 !umber 4;2%:
Abu Haraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen "ou disa.ree about a 1ath2 its breadth should be made se-en /ubits,

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733> $ : TH( 733> 3= TAA!SA'TI3!S (>ITA7 AL-7UKUJ)

733> $$:TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( AUL(S 3= I!H(AITA!'( (>ITA7 AL-=AAAIJ9)

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733> $$:TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( AUL(S 3= I!H(AITA!'( (>ITA7 AL-=AAAIJ9)

Inheritan/e is the entr" o0 li-in. 1ersons into 1ossession o0 dead 1ersons: 1ro1ert" and e5ists in some 0orm where-er the institution o0 1ri-ate 1ro1ert" is re/o.nised as the basis o0 the so/ial and e/onomi/ s"stem, The a/tual 0orms o0 inheritan/e and the laws .o-ernin. it2 howe-er2 di00er a//ordin. to the ideals o0 di00erent so/ieties, The law o0 inheritan/e in Islam is based u1on 0i-e main /onsiderations: To brea6 u1 the /on/entration o0 wealth in indi-iduals and s1read it out in so/iet", To res1e/t the 1ro1ert" o0 ownershi1 o0 an indi-idual earned throu.h honest means, To hammer in the /ons/iousness o0 man the 0a/t that man is not the absolute master o0 wealth he 1rodu/es but he is its trustee and is not2 there0ore2 authorised to 1ass it on to others as he li6es, To /onsolidate the 0amil" s"stem whi/h is the so/ial unit o0 an Islami/ so/iet", To .i-e in/enti-e to wor6 and en/oura.e e/onomi/ a/ti-it" as san/tioned b" Islam, In the 1re-Islami/ world and e-en in modern so/ieties the law o0 inheritan/e has so man" e-ils in it2 whi/h ma" be summed u1 in the 0ollowin. 1oints: ?omen had been /om1letel" denied the share o0 inheritan/e, The" were rather re.arded as 1art o0 the 1ro1ert" o0 the de/eased and2 there0ore2 their to 1ro1ert" b" inheritan/e was out o0 question, In 1re-Islami/ Arabia and other /ountries where there had been tribal so/ieties not onl" women were de1ri-ed o0 the o0 inheritan/e but e-en wea6 and si/6 1ersons and minor /hildren were .i-en no share in it2 as the /ommon 1rin/i1le o0 inheritan/e was that he alone is entitled to inherit who wields the sword, Then in /ertain so/ieties there had been e5istin. the law o0 1rimo.eniture and it e5ists e-en toda" in some o0 the so-/alled /i-ilised 1arts o0 the world whi/h entitles onl" the eldest son to inherit the whole o0 the 0ather:s 1ro1ert" or to .et the lion:s share, Islam introdu/ed so man" re0orms in the laws o0 inheritan/e whi/h /an be su//in/tl" summed u1 as 0ollows, It de0ined and determined in /lear-/ut terms the share o0 ea/h inheritor and im1osed limits on the o0 the 1ro1ert"-owner to dis1ose o0 his 1ro1ert" a//ordin. to his whim and /a1ri/e, It made the 0emale2 who had been 1re-ousl" a /hattel2 the /o-sharer with the male and thus not onl" restored her di.nit"2 but sa0e.uarded her so/ial and e/onomi/ ri.hts, It laid the rules 0or the brea6-u1 o0 the /on/entrated wealth in the so/iet" and hel1ed in its 1ro1er and equitable distribution a lar.e number o0 1ersons,

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733> $$:TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( AUL(S 3= I!H(AITA!'( (>ITA7 AL-=AAAIJ9)

It .a-e a death-blow to the law o0 1rimo.eniture and thus 1ro-ided the demo/rati/ basis 0or the di-ision o0 the 1ro1ert" o0 the de/eased, The abo-e are some o0 the distin.uishin. 0eatures o0 the Islami/ law o0 inheritan/e, ?hile la"in. down the rules 0or the distribution o0 the estate o0 the de/eased2 the 0irst 1rin/i1le to be obser-ed is that the 1ro1ert" both mo-able and immo-able /an be distributed a0ter meetin. the 0ollowin. obli.ations: 0uneral e51ensesB /learin. o00 the debts in/urred b" the de/easedB 1a"ment o0 bequest2 i0 an"2 to the e5tent o0 one-third o0 the total assets, It ma" be remembered that the Mahr o0 the wi0e2 i0 it had not been 1aid2 is in/luded in the debt, Moreo-er2 it is not law0ul to ma6e a bequest in 0a-our o0 a 1erson who is entitled to a share in the inheritan/e, =our 1ersons /annot .et inheritan/e: (a) a 0u.iti-e sla-e who has 0led awa" 0rom his master2 (b) one who has murdered one:s 1rede/essor intentionall" or unintentional" (/) one who 1ro0esses a reli.ion other than Islam2 (d) one li-in. in 9ar-ul-Harb /annot inherit the 1ro1ert" o0 one li-in. in 9ar-ul-Islam and -i/e -ersa, A//ordin. to Islam2 the heirs ha-e been di-ided into three /lasses, (A) 9haw-u:l-=ara:id are those 1ersons who ha-e a to de0inite shares in assets le0t b" the de/eased, These sharers are twel-e in numberB 0our males: 0ather2 .rand0ather2 uterine brothers and husbandB and 0emales: wi0e2 sin.le dau.hter2 son:s dau.hter2 mother2 .randmother2 0ull sister2 /onsan.uine sister2 uterine sister, =ather:s share is one-si5th when the de/eased lea-es a son or a son:s son2 but i0 the de/eased is not sur-i-ed b" a son or .randson his 0ather will2 in addition to this share (one-si5th)2 also .et a share o0 bein. :Asaba, The .rand0ather:s share is li6e that o0 0ather:s share but in three /onditions: A//ordin. to Imam 7u6hiri and Imam Muslim2 the 1resen/e o0 0ather de1ri-es e-en the brothers o0 their share in the inheritan/e, but this is not the /ase with the .rand0ather, Imam Abu Hani0a is o0 the o1inion that the 1resen/e o0 .rand0ather de1ri-es the brother o0 his share in the inheritan/e, I0 the 0ather o0 the de/eased is ali-e2 then the share o0 the mother is o0 what is le0t 0rom the share o0 the wi0e o0 the de/eased, The 1resen/e o0 .rand0ather does not redu/e the share o0 the mother o0 the de/eased, The .randmother o0 the de/eased has no share in the 1resen/e o0 the 0ather o0 the de/eased but she has a share in the 1resen/e o0 the .rand0ather,
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733> $$:TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( AUL(S 3= I!H(AITA!'( (>ITA7 AL-=AAAIJ9)

The third set o0 sharers are uterine brothers and sisters, The" are entitled to one-si5th i0 their number is one2 and one-third i0 the" are more than one, The husband:s share is one-hal0 o0 the 1ro1ert" o0 the de/eased wi0e i0 she has no /hildren2 but in /ase o0 /hildren it is one-0ourth, The wi0e is entitled to one-0ourth i0 the husband dies /hildlessB otherwise it is one-ei.hth, Aeal dau.hter: one-hal0 when alone2 and two-thirds i0 more than one, I0 the de/eased is sur-i-ed b" a male /hild also, the dau.hters are then treated as Asaba and the male /hild would .et double o0 what 0alls to the lot o0 dau.hters, The .randdau.hters stand on the same le-el as dau.hters, 7ut in /ase the de/eased is sur-i-ed b" one real dau.hter and one or more than one .randdau.hter the" would .et one-si5th, The .randdau.hter is not entitled to an" share i0 the de/eased is sur-i-ed b" a son2 but i0 he is sur-i-ed b" .randsons and .randdau.hters2 the" would be treated as :Asaba and the male .rand/hild would .et double o0 what .oes to the 0emale .rand/hild, =ull sister .ets one-hal0 i0 she is alone2 and two-thirds i0 the" are more than one, 'onsan.uine sister is entitled to one-hal0 i0 one2 and two thirds i0 more, Mother is entitled to one-si5th when she has a /hild or .rand/hild2 and in /ase o0 bein. /hildless she .ets one-third o0 the share, I0 the de/eased is sur-i-ed either b" 1aternal .randmother or maternal .rand- mother or e-en b" both2 the" are entitled to one-si5th, The .randmother (maternal) is de1ri-ed o0 her share i0 the mother o0 the de/eased is ali-eB and i0 0ather is ali-e the 1aternal .randmother is de1ri-ed o0 this share, (7) ?hen the heirs o0 the 0irst .rou1 ha-e re/ei-ed the res1e/ti-e shares2 the residue o0 the assets 0alls to the share o0 those relati-es who are /alled Asaba whi/h2 a//ordin. to the Shari:ah2 im1lies those relati-es in whose line o0 relationshi1 no 0emale enters, This is the se/ond .rou1 o0 inheritors, There is no 0i5ed share o0 the :Asabat, I0 the de/eased is not sur-i-ed b" an" 9haw-u:l-=ara:id2 the whole o0 the 1ro1ert" 0alls to their shareB and I0 9haw-u:I, =ara:id are there to .et their due share2 the residue will be ta6en b" the Asabat, The 0ollowin. are the :Asabat: Son: He is the 0irst to .et the residue in order o0 su//ession, The dau.hters are entitled to hal0 o0 the share as .i-en to the son, The .randsons are not entitled to an" share in the 1resen/e o0 the son, I0 the son is not li-in.2 then the .randson is entitled to a share in the inheritan/e, I0 there are more than one son2 the inheritan/e will be distributed equall" them, The 0ather2 .rand0ather and the .reat-.rand0ather are in/luded in the /ate.or" o0 9haw-u:l-=ara:id, I02 howe-er2 the de/eased is not sur-i-ed b" /ate.or" o0 a son2 .randson o0 .reat-.randson2 then the 0ather will 0all under the /ate.or" o0 :Asaba2 and2 in the absen/e o0 the 0ather2 the .rand0ather assumes that 1osition, I0 the de/eased is not sur-i-ed b" son2 or .randson or 0ather or .rand0ather2 i, e, none the :Asabat2 then the brother2 and in the absen/e o0 brother his son2 and in the absen/e o0 son2 his .rand;%2 & $#


733> $$:TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( AUL(S 3= I!H(AITA!'( (>ITA7 AL-=AAAIJ9)

son will be entitled to share in the inheritan/e as :Asaba and the 0emale would also join them in share /laimin. hal0 o0 the share as /om1ared with male, I0 un0ortunatel" the de/eased is sur-i-ed b" none o0 the abo-e-mentioned relati-es the :Asabat2 then /onsan.uine brother will be entitled to share in the inheritan/e and he will be 1re0erred to 0ull brother:s son, Then /omes the turn o0 0ull 1aternal un/le, (') The last /ate.or" o0 inheritors are 6nown ad 9haw-u:l Arham2 i, e, relations /onne/ted throu.h 0emales2 but it is in e5tremel" rare /ases that the" .et an" share in the inheritan/e, The 0ollowin. relati-es /ome under this /ate.or", The son o0 the dau.hter and dau.hter o0 the dau.hter, The son o0 the dau.hter o0 the son2 and dau.hter o0 the dau.hter o0 the son and their /hildren, Maternal .rand0ather2 maternal .rand0ather o0 the 0ather2 the .rand0ather o0 the mother2 maternal .rand0ather o0 the mother2 the .randmother o0 the mother2 the /hildren o0 the sisters2 the sisters o0 the 0ather and those o0 the mother2 et/,

'ha1ter $: Hi-e the inheritan/e to those entitled to it

7oo6 $$2 !umber 4;2#:
Usama b, Gaid re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A Muslim is not entitled to inherit 0rom a non-Muslim2 and a non-Muslim is not entitled to inherit 0rom a Muslim,

7oo6 $$2 !umber 4;2;:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Hi-e the shares to those who are entitled to them2 and what remains o-er .oes to the nearest male heir,

7oo6 $$2 !umber 4;4 :

Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Hi-e the shares to those who are entitled to them2 and what is le0t 0rom those wno are entitled to it .oes to the nearest male heir,

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733> $$:TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( AUL(S 3= I!H(AITA!'( (>ITA7 AL-=AAAIJ9)

7oo6 $$2 !umber 4;4$:

Tawus re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) narratin. that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9istribute the 1ro1ert" Ahl al-=ara:id2 a//ordin. to the 7oo6 o0 Allah2 and what is le0t out o0 them .oes to the nearest male heir,

'ha1ter 2: The law o0 inheritan/e in re.ard to al->alala (the 1erson who dies lea-in. no /hild or 1arent)
7oo6 $$2 !umber 4;42:
Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: I 0ell si/6 and there /ame to me on 0oot Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and Abu 7a6r 0or inquirin. a0ter m" health, I 0ainted, He (the Hol" @ro1het) 1er0ormed ablution and then s1rin6led o-er me the water o0 his ablution, I 0elt some relie0 and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 how should I de/ide about m" 1ro1ert"D He said nothin. to me in res1onse until this -erse 1ertainin. to the law o0 inheritan/e was re-ealed:C The" as6 "ou 0or a de/isionB sa": Allah .i-es "ou a de/ision /on/ernin. the 1erson who has neither 1arents nor /hildrenC (i-, $%%),

7oo6 $$2 !umber 4;44:

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and Abi 7a6r (Allah be 1leased with him) -isited me on 0oot in 7anu Salama2 and 0ound me un/ons/ious, He (the Hol" @ro1het) /alled 0or water and 1er0ormed ablution and s1rin6led out o0 it (the water) o-er me, I 0elt relie-ed, I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 what should I do with m" 1ro1ert"D And this -erse was re-ealed:C Allah enjoins "ou /on/ernin. "our /hildren: 0or the male is equal o0 the 1ortion o0 two 0emales,C

7oo6 $$2 !umber 4;4*:

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: ?hile I had been ill Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited me and Abu a6r (Allah be 1leased with him) was with him2 and the" both /ame wal6in. on 0oot, He (the Hol" @ro1het) 0ound me un/ons/ious, Allahs (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1er0ormed ablution and then s1rin6led o-er me the water o0 his ablution, I 0elt relie-ed re.ained m" /ons/iousness) and 0ound Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) there, I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 what should I do with m" 1ro1ert"D He .a-e me no re1l" until the -erse (i-, $%%) relatin. to the law o0 inheritan/e was re-ealed,

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733> $$:TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( AUL(S 3= I!H(AITA!'( (>ITA7 AL-=AAAIJ9)

7oo6 $$2 !umber 4;4+:

Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: ?hilo I was ill Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to me and 0ound me un/ons/ious, He (the Hol" @ro1het) 1er0ormed ablution2 and s1rin6led o-er me the water o0 his ablution, I re.ained m" /ons/iousness and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 m" /ase o0 inheritan/e is that o0 >alala, Then the -erse 1ertainin. to the inheritan/e ( o0 >alala) was re-ealed, I (one o0 the narrators) said: I said to Muhammad b, Mun6adir: (9o "ou mean this -erse)C The" as6 "ouB sa": Allah .i-es "ou de/ision in re.ard to >alalaC (i-, $%%)D He said: Kes2 it was thus re-ealed,

7oo6 $$2 !umber 4;4):

This hadith is transmitted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba but with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 $$2 !umber 4;4%:

Abu Talha re1orted: :Umar b, al->hattab (Allah be 1leased with him) deli-ered a sermon on =rida" and made a mention o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he also made a mention o0 Abu 7a6r (Allah be 1leased with him) and then said: I do not lea-e behind me an" 1roblem more di00i/ult than that o0 >alala, I did not re0er to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) more re1eatedl" than in /ase o0 the 1roblem o0 >alala2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) ne-er showed more anno"an/e to me than in re.ard to this 1roblem2 so mu/h so that he stru/6 m" /hest with his 0in.ers and said: :Umar2 does the -erse re-ealed in summer season2 at the end o0 Sura al-!isa: not su00i/e "ouD Hadrat :Umar (then) said: I0 I li-e I would .i-e su/h -erdi/t about (>alala) that e-er"one would be able to de/ide whether he reads the Eur:an or he does not,

7oo6 $$2 !umber 4;4#:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Eatada with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 4: The last -erse re-ealed was that 1ertainin. to >alala

7oo6 $$2 !umber 4;4;:
Al-7ara: (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that the last -erse re-ealed in the Hol" Eur:an is:C The" as6 thee 0or a reli.ious -erdi/tB sa": Allah .i-es "ou a reli.ious -erdi/t about >alala (the 1erson who has neither 1arents nor /hildren)C (i- $%%),

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733> $$:TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( AUL(S 3= I!H(AITA!'( (>ITA7 AL-=AAAIJ9)

7oo6 $$2 !umber 4;* :

Abu Ishaq said that he heard al-7ara: b, :A8ib (Allah be 1leased with him sa": The last -erse re-ealed (in the Hol" Euran) is that 1ertainin. to >alala2 and the last sura re-ealed is Sura al-7ara:at,

7oo6 $$2 !umber 4;*$:

Abu Ishaq said that he heard al-7ara: b, :A8ib (Allah be 1leased with him) sa": The last /om1lete sura re-ealed (in the Hol" Eur:an) is Sura Tauba (i e, al-7ara:at2 i5,)2 and the last -erse re-ealed is that 1ertainin. to >alala,

7oo6 $$2 !umber 4;*2:

Aba Ishaq re1orted this hadith on the authorit" o0 al-7ara: (Allah be 1leased with him) with a -ariation o0 words2 -i8, the last sura that was re-ealed /om1lete,

7oo6 $$2 !umber 4;*4:

Al-7ara: (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that the last -erse re-ealed was:C The" as6 o0 thee reli.ious -erdi/t,,C (i-, $%%),

'ha1ter *: He who lea-es behind 1ro1ert"2 that is 0or the heirs

7oo6 $$2 !umber 4;**:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that when the bod" o0 a dead 1erson ha-in. burden o0 debt u1on him was to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) he would as6 whether he had le0t 1ro1ert" enou.h to /lear o00 his debt2 and i0 the 1ro1ert" le0t had been su00i/ient 0or that (1ur1ose)2 he obser-ed 0uneral 1ra"er 0or him2 otherwise he said (to his /om1anions): Kou obser-e 1ra"er 0or "our /om1anion, 7ut when Allah o1ened the .atewa"s o0 -i/tor" 0or him2 he said: I am nearer to the belie-ers than themsel-es2 so i0 an"one dies lea-in. a debt2 its 1a"ment is m" res1onsibilit"2 and i0 an"one lea-es a 1ro1ert"2 it .oes to his heirs,

7oo6 $$2 !umber 4;*+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 al-Guhri throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

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733> $$:TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( AUL(S 3= I!H(AITA!'( (>ITA7 AL-=AAAIJ9)

7oo6 $$2 !umber 4;*):

Abn Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said this: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is the li0e o0 Muhammad2 there is no belie-er on the earth with whom I am not the nearest amon. all the 1eo1le, He who "ou (dies) and lea-es a debt2 I am there to 1a" it2 and he who "ou (dies) lea-in. behind /hildren I am there to loo6 a0ter them, And he who Kou lea-es behind 1ro1ert"2 that is 0or the inheritor whoe-er he is,

7oo6 $$2 !umber 4;*%:

Hammam b, Munabbih re1orted: This is what Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) narratted to us 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him), And he narrated man" ahadith2 and one was this: Allali:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him said: I am2 a//ordin. to the 7oo6 o0 Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 nearest to the belie-ers o0 all the human bein.s, So whoe-er "ou dies in debt or lea-es behind destitute /hildren2 "ou should /all me (0or hel1) )2 0or I am his .uardian, And who "ou lea-es 1ro1ert"2 his inheritor is entitled to .et it2 whoe-er he is,

7oo6 $$2 !umber 4;*#:

Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who lea-es 1ro1ert"2 that is 0or the inheritorsB and he who lea-es behind destitute /hildren2 then it is m" res1onsibilit" (to loo6 a0ter them), This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

;%% & $#


733> $$:TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( AUL(S 3= I!H(AITA!'( (>ITA7 AL-=AAAIJ9)

733> $2: TH( 733> 3= HI=TS (>ITA7 AL-HI7AT)

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733> $2: TH( 733> 3= HI=TS (>ITA7 AL-HI7AT)

A Hiba is de0ined as the trans0er o0 the 1ossession o0 1ro1ert"2 mo-able and immo-able2 0rom one 1erson to the other willin.l" and without an" reward, The one who ma6es this trans0er is 6nown as donor (?ahib)2 and the thin. trans0erred is 6nown as Mauhubah2 and the one who is donated is 6nown as Mauhub lahu (donee), The other words used in the o0 the Shar:i:ah are !ihla or :Ati""a, The a/t o0 Hiba is not /om1lete unless the donor surrenders the 1ossession o0 the thin. donated, Moreo-er2 the de/laration o0 donation should be in /lear terms without an" ambi.uit" (around them), This a/t o0 donation is based on the 0ollowin. hadith o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him):C Hi-e 1resents to one another 0or this would in/rease "our mutual lo-e,C This not onl" im1lies the le.alit" o0 .i0ts2 but the e5hortation to .i-e these to one another, There is 1er0e/t a.reement all the jurists that Hiba is -alid in Islam, The a/t o0 donation /an be made -erball" or in writin. b" an" 1erson /a1able o0 ma6in. a /ontra/t, A .i0t b" a 1erson in-ol-ed in debt is in-alid2 and .i0t in death illness /annot ta6e e00e/t be"ond one-third o0 the assets o0 the de/eased a0ter de0ra"in. all ne/essar" e51enses, The donation /an be made to a li-in. 1erson and not to one who is dead, The Shari:ah im1oses /ertain restri/tions on the 1ro1ert" whi/h is to be donated, In the 0irst 1la/e2 the 1ro1ert" must be in e5isten/e at the time when the .i0t is .i-enB hen/e the .i0t o0 oil in the sesame or o0 butter in the mil6 would not be -alid, The 1ro1ert" on/e .i-en as a .i0t /annot be re-o6ed e5/e1t in some e5traordinar" /ir/umstan/es, The 0ather is entitled to .et ba/6 the donation .i-en b" him 0rom his /hildren i0 be 0inds it /ontrar" to the laws and s1irit o0 the Shari:ah, The to re-o6e a .i0t is /alled Aaj:, This a/t o0 re-o/ation /an be done with the de/ree o0 a /om1etent /ourt,

'ha1ter $: 9isa11ro-al o0 beu"in. the donated 1ro1ert" b" the donor himsel0
7oo6 $22 !umber 4;*;:
Umar b, >hattab (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted: I donated a 1edi.ree horse in the 1ath o0 Allah, Its 1ossesser made it lan.uish, I that he would sell it at a /hea1 1ri/e, I as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about it2 whereu1on he said: 9on:t bu" it and do not .et ba/6 "our /harit"2 0or one who .ets ba/6 the /harit" is li6e a do. who swallows its -omit, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Mali6 b, Anas with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this addition:C 9on:t bu" that e-en i0 he .i-es "ou 0or one dirham,C

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733> $2: TH( 733> 3= HI=TS (>ITA7 AL-HI7AT)

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;+ :

Gaid b, Aslam re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that :Umar (Allah be 1leased with him) donated a horse in the 1ath o0 Allah, He 0ound that it had lan.uished in the hand o0 its 1ossessor2 and he was a man o0 resour/es He (Hadrat :Umar) intended to bu" it, He /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and made a mention o0 that to him2 whereu1on he said: 9on:t bu" that e-en i0 "ou .et it 0or a dirham 0or he who .ets ba/6 the /harit" is li6e a do. whi/h swallows its -omit,

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;+$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Gaid b, Aslam with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this (/han.e) that the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Mali6 and Aauh (he was the son o0 Eisirn) is more /om1lete and",

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;+2:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that :Umar b, al->hattib (Allah be 1leased with him) donated a horse in the 1ath o0 Allah and (later on) he 0ound it bein. sold2 and he de/ided to bu" that, He as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about it, whereu1on he (the Hol" 1ro1het) said: 9on:t bu" that and do not .et ba/6 what "ou .a-e in /harit",

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;+4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;+*:

Salim re1orted 0rom Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) that :Umar donated a horse in the 1ath o0 Allah and then 0ound it bein. sold2 and he de/ided to bu" that, He as6ed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about it2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Umar2 do not .et ba/6 what "ou .a-e as /harit",

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;++:

Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said this: He who .ets ba/6 his /harit" is li6e a do. whi/h -omit2 and then returns to that and eats it,

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733> $2: TH( 733> 3= HI=TS (>ITA7 AL-HI7AT)

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;+):

A hadith li6e this is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Muhammad son o0 =atima (Allah be 1leased with her) dau.hter o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;+%:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": The similitude o0 one who .i-es a /harit" and then .ets it ba/6 is li6e that o0 a do. whi/h -omits and then eats its -omit,

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;+#:

Ibn Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 3ne who .ets ba/6 the .i0t is li6e one who eats -omit,

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;+;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Eatada with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;) :

Abdullah b, Tawus re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather who re1orted 0rom Ibn Abas (Allah be 1leased with them) who re1orted 0rom Allah:s :ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he said: 3ne who .ets ba/6 his .i0t is li6e a do. whi/h -omits and then swallows that -omit,

'ha1ter 2: 9isa11ro-al o0 .i-in. 1re0eren/e to some /hildren while ma6in. donation

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;)$:
!u:man b, 7ashir re1orted that his 0ather him to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: I ha-e donated this sla-e o0 mine to m" son, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ha-e "ou donated to e-er" one o0 "our sons (a sla-e) li6e thisD He said: !o, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) said: Then ta6e him ba/6,

;#$ & $#


733> $2: TH( 733> 3= HI=TS (>ITA7 AL-HI7AT)

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;)2:

!u:man b, 7ashir re1orted: M" 0ather me to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: I ha-e donated this sla-e to m" son, whereu1on he said: Ha-e "ou made (su/h) donation to e-er" one or "our sonsD He said: !o, Thereu1on he (the-Hol" @ro1het) said: Then ta6e him ba/6,

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;)4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Gubri with di00erent /hains o0 transmitters and a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;)*:

!u:man b, 7ashir re1orted that his 0ather had donated a sla-e to him, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) said: ?ho is this sla-e (how ha-e "ou /ome to 1ossess it)D Thereu1on he (!u:man b, 7ashir) said: M" 0ather has donated it to me2 whereu1on he said: Ha-e all brothers (o0 "ours) been .i-en this .i0t as .i-en to "ouD He said: !o, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Then return him,

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;)+:

!u:man b, 7ashir re1orted: M" 0ather donated to me some o0 his 1ro1ert", M" mother Amra bint Aawaha said: I shall not be 1leased (with this a/t) until "ou ma6e Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a witness to it, M" 0ather went to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in order to ma6e him the witness o0 the donation .i-en to me, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: Ha-e "ou done the same with e-er" son o0 "oursD He said: !o, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: =ear Allah2 and obser-e equit" in /ase o0 "our /hildren, M" 0ather returned and .ot ba/6 the .i0t,

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;)):

!u:man b, 7ashir re1orted that his mother bint Aawaha as6ed his (!u:man:s) 0ather about donatin. some .i0ts 0rom his 1ro1ert" to his son, He de0erred the matter b" one "ear2 and then set 0orth to do that, She (!u:man:s mother) said: I shall not be 1leased unless "ou /all Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as witness to what "ou /on0er as a .i0t on "our son, (!u:man said): So 0ather too6 hold o0 m" hand and I was at that time a bo"2 and /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 the mother o0 this son (o0 mine)2 dau.hter o0 Aawaha wishes that I should /all "ou witness to what I /on0er as .i0t to her son, Allah:s (ma" 1ease be u1on him) said: 7ashir2 ha-e "ou an" other son besides this (son o0 "ours)D He said: Kes, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Ha-e "ou .i-en .i0ts to all o0 them li6e thisD He said: !o, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Then /all me not as witness2 0or I /annot be witness to an injusti/e,

;#2 & $#


733> $2: TH( 733> 3= HI=TS (>ITA7 AL-HI7AT)

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;)%:

!u:man b, 7ashir2 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: Ha-e "ou2 besides him2 other sonsD He said: Kes, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Ha-e "ou .i-en .i0ts to all o0 them li6e this (as "ou ha-e .i-en to !u:man)D He said: !o, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I /annot bear witness to an injusti/e,

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;)#:

!u:man b, 7ashir (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to his 0ather: 'all me not as witness to an injusti/e,

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;);:

!u:man b, 7ashir (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted: M" 0ather too6 me to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 bear witness that I ha-e .i-en su/h and su/h .i0t to !u:man 0rom m" 1ro1ert"2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Ha-e "ou /on0erred u1on all o0 "our sons as "ou ha-e /on0erred u1on !u:manD He said: !o, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 'all someone else besides me as a witness, And he 0urther said: ?ould it2 1lease "ou that the" ("our /hildren) should all beha-e -irtuousl" towards "ouD He said: Kes, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Then don:t do that (i e, don:t .i-e .i0t to one to the e5/lusion o0 others),

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;% :

!u:man b, 7ashir re1orted: M" 0ather /on0erred a .i0t u1on me2 and then me to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to ma6e him a witness (to it), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Ha-e "ou .i-en su/h .i0t to e-er" son o0 "ours (as "ou ha-e .i-en to !u:man)D He said: !o, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 9on:t "ou e51e/t .oodness 0rom them as "ou e51e/t 0rom himD He said: Kes, o0 /ourse, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I am not .oin. to bear witness to it (as it is injusti/e), Ibn Aun (one o0 the narrators) said: I narrated this hadith to Muhammad (the other narrator) who said: <eril" we narrated that lie (the Hol" @ro1het) had said: 3bser-e equit" "our /hildren,

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;%$:

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that the wi0e o0 7ashir said (to her husband): Hi-e to m" son "our sla-e as a .i0t2 and ma6e 0or me Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a witness He /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: The dau.hter o0 so and so (his wi0e Amra bint Aawaha) as6ed me to .i-e m" sla-e as a .i0t to her son2 and /all 0or me Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as a witness, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Has he (!u:man) brothersD He (7ashir) said: Kes, He (0urther) said: Ha-e "ou .i-en to all others as "ou ha-e .i-en to himD He said: !o, He said: Then it is not 0airB and -eril" I /annot bear witness but onl" to what is just,
;#4 & $#


733> $2: TH( 733> 3= HI=TS (>ITA7 AL-HI7AT)

'ha1ter 4: Al-:Umra (li0e .rant)

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;%2:
Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hoe-er a 1erson is .i0ted a li0e .rant2 then it is 0or him (belon.s to him and to his 1osterit"2 0or it belon.s to him who has been .-en it), It would not return to him who .a-e it 0or he /on0erred it as a .i0t (it be/omes the 1ro1ert" o0 the donee and as su/h) rules o0 inheritan/e will a11l" to it,

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;%4:

Faber b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1an him) as sa"in.: He who /on0erred a li0e .rant u1on a 1erson2 it be/omes his 1ossession and that o0 his su//essors2 0or he surrendered his in that b" his de/laration, (This 1ro1ert") now belon.s to one to whom this li0elon. .rant has been made2 and to his su//essors, Kah"a narrated in the be.innin. o0 his narration: ?hate-er man is .i-en a li0e .rant2 then it belon.s to him and his 1osterit",

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;%*:

Fabir b, :Abdullah al-Ansari (Allah be 1leased with him) said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hoe-er a 1erson /on0erred Umra (li0e .rant) u1on a 1erson and he sa"s: I /on0er u1on "ou this and u1on "our des/endants and an"one who sur-i-es "ou2 and that be/omes his 1ossession and that o0 his 1osterit", It would be/ome (a 1ermanent 1ossession) o0 those who were /on0erred u1on this .i0t2 and it would not return to its owner (donor)2 0or he .a-e that as a .i0t in whi/h a//rued the o0 inheritan/e,

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;%+:

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) said: The Umra 0or whi/h Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e san/tion that a 1erson wa" sa": This (1ro1ert") is 0or "ou and 0or "our des/endants, And when he said: That is 0or "ou as lon. as "ou li-e2 then it will return to its owner (a0ter the death o0 the donee), Ma:mar said: Guhri used to .i-e reli.ious -erdi/t a//ordin. to this,

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;%):

Fabir b, :Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded that whoe-er is /on0erred u1on a li0e .rant alon. with his des/endants is entitled to ma6e use o0 the 1ro1ert" /on0erred so lon. as he li-es and his su//essors (also enjo" this 1ri-ile.e), That (1ro1ert") be/omes the their de0e/t, The donor /annot (a0ter de/larin.
;#* & $#


733> $2: TH( 733> 3= HI=TS (>ITA7 AL-HI7AT)

Umra) la" down an" /ondition or ma6e an" e5/e1tion, Abu Salama said: =or he /on0erred a .rant and as su/h it be/omes herita.e, and the o0 inheritan/e abro.ated his /ondition,

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;%%:

Fabir (b, :Abdullah) (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Li0e .rant is 0or one u1on whom it is bestowed,

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;%#:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted a hadith li6e this throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;%;:

Fabir re1orted this hadith dire/tl" 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;# :

Fabir (b, :Abdullah) (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: >ee1 "our 1ro1ert" to "oursel-es and do not squander it2 0or he who /on0erred a li0e .rant u1on another that 1ro1ert" will belon. to him u1on whom it is /on0erred whether he li-es or dies2 and (would 1ass on) to his su//essors (as herita.e),

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;#$:

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir throu.h other /hains o0 transmitters2 but (with this addition o0 words) that thehadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 A""ub (these words are 0ound):C The Hel1ers (Ansar) /on0erred the bene0it o0 :Umra2 u1on the (mi.rants (Muhajirin)2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: >ee1 "our 1ro1ert" to "oursel-es,

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;#2:

Fabir (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that a woman .a-e her .arden as a li0e .rant to her son, He died and later on she also died and le0t a son behind and brothers also2 The sons o0 the woman ma6in. li0e .rant said (to those who had been /on0erred u1on this :Umra): This .arden has returned to us, The sons o0 the one who had been .i-en li0e .rant said: This belon.ed to our 0ather2 durin. his li0etime and in /ase o0 his death, The" too6 their dis1ute to Tariq2 the 0reed sla-e o0 :Uthman, He /alled Fabir and he .a-e testimon" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: Li0e .rant belon.s to one who is /on0erred u1on this (1ri-ile.e), Tariq .a-e this de/ision and then wrote to Abd al-Mali6 and in0ormed him2 Fabir bearin. witness to it, Abd al-Mali6 said: Fabir has told the

;#+ & $#


733> $2: TH( 733> 3= HI=TS (>ITA7 AL-HI7AT)

truth, Then Tariq .a-e a de/ree and2 as a result thereo02 it is to this da" that the .arden belon.s to des/endants o0 one who was /on0erred u1on the li0e .rant,

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;#4:

Sulaiman b, Kasir re1orted that Fabir .a-e this -erdi/t, The inheritor has a (to inherit) the li0e .rant a//ordin. to the statement o0 Fabir (b, :Abdullah) (Allah be 1leased with him) whi/h he narrated 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;#*:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Li0e .rant is 1ermissible,

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;#+:

Fabir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Li0e .rant is the herita.e o0 one u1on whom it is /on0erred,

7oo6 $22 !umber 4;#):

Abd Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Li0e .rant is 1ermissible, This ha: dith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Eatada with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

;#) & $#


733> $2: TH( 733> 3= HI=TS (>ITA7 AL-HI7AT)

733> $4: TH( 733> 3= 7(EU(STS (>ITA7 AL-?ASIKKA)

;#% & $#


733> $4: TH( 733> 3= 7(EU(STS (>ITA7 AL-?ASIKKA)

A bequest (?asi""a) or will is de0ined as a trans0er to /ome into o1eration a0ter the testator:s death, The testator is /alled Musi2 and the le.atee or de-isee is /alled Musa lahu2 and the e5e/utor is /alled ?asi, It is a s1iritual testament o0 a man enablin. him to ma6e u1 his short/omin.s in the worldl" li0e and se/urin. rewards in the Herea0ter, A//ordin. to the Shar:iah2 one is entitled to ma6e a will 0or one-third o0 one:s 1ro1ert" and not be"ond that so that the ri.hts o0 the heirs are not ad-ersel" a00e/ted, C A.ain2 the 1rin/i1le on whi/h the le.alit" o0 a testamentar" dis1osition is based bein. in de0ean/e 1ro tanto o0 the ri.hts o0 heirs .enerall" the law requires that su/h dis1osition should be 0or the bene0it o0 non-heirs alone, C A 0urther reason wh" a bequest in 0a-our o0 an heir is not allowed is that it would amount to .i-in. 1re0eren/e to some heirs o-er others2 thus de0eatin. the s1irit o0 the law whi/h has 0i5ed the 1ortion o0 ea/h in the inheritan/e and /ausin. dis1utes amon. 1ersons related to one another, I0 the other heirs /onsent to a bequest to one o0 them or to a bequest o0 more than one-third o0 the estate2 the abo-e reasons no hold .ood and the bequest as made will be -alidC (Abdur Aahim2 The @rin/i1les o0 Muhammadan juris1ruden/e2 11, 4$$-2), It is2 howe-er2 1re0erable and most ad-isable not to will awa" the 1ro1ert" i0 the heirs are 1oor2 be/ause it mani0ests bene-olen/e to the heirs who ha-e su1erior /laim to it 0rom the relations in whi/h the" stand, Another 1rin/i1le whi/h is obser-ed in /ase o0 bequest is that the 1ro1rietar" o0 a le.atee in a bequest is establislied i0 he a//e1ts it,

'ha1ter $: 3ne should ma6e it a 1oint to write the will

7oo6 $42 !umber 4;#%:
Ibn Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is the dut" o0 a Muslim who has somethin. whi/h is to be .i-en as a bequest not to ha-e it 0or two ni.hts without ha-in. his will written down re.ardin. it,

7oo6 $42 !umber 4;##:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Ubaidullah with the same /hain o0 transmitters, but with a -ariation o0 words,

;## & $#


733> $4: TH( 733> 3= 7(EU(STS (>ITA7 AL-?ASIKKA)

7oo6 $42 !umber 4;#;:

A hadith li6e this ha-e been narrated on the authorit" o0 !i0i:2 who based his narrations o0 the words o0 Ibn :Umar but with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 $42 !umber 4;; :

Salim re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (:Abdullah b, Umar) that he (his 0ather) had heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is not 1ro1er 0or a Muslim who has .ot somethin. to bequeathe to s1end e-en three ni.hts without ha-in. his will written down with him re.ardin. it, :Abdullah b, :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) said: (-er sin/e I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa" this I ha-e not s1ent a without ha-in. m" will (written) alon. with me, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 2: ?ill /an be made onl" 0or one-third

7oo6 $42 !umber 4;;$:
Amir b, Sa:d re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (Sa:d b, Abi ?aqqas): Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited me in m" illness whi/h me near death in the "ear o0 Hajjat-ul?ada: (=arewell @il.rima.e), I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 "ou /an well see the 1ain with whi/h I am a00li/ted and I am a man 1ossessin. wealth2 and there is none to inherit me e5/e1t onl" one dau.hter, Should I .i-e two-thirds o0 m" 1ro1ert" as SadaqaD He said: !o, I said: Should I .i-e hal0 (o0 m" 1ro1ert") as SadaqaD He said: !o, He (0urther) said: Hi-e one-third (in /harit") and that is quite enou.h, To lea-e "our heirs ri/h is better than to lea-e them 1oor2 0rom 1eo1leB that "ou would ne-er in/ur an e51ense see6in. therewith the 1leasure o0 Allah2 but "ou would be rewarded there0or2 e-en 0or a morsel o0 0ood that "ou 1ut in the mouth o0 "our wi0e, I said: Allah:s, would I sur-i-e m" /om1anionsD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I0 "ou sur-i-e them2 then do su/h a deed b" means o0 whi/h "ou see6 the 1leasure o0 Allah2 but "ou would in/rease in "our status (in reli.ion) and 1resti.eB "ou ma" sur-i-e so that 1eo1le would bene0it 0rom "ou2 and others would be harmed b" "ou, (The Hol" @ro1het) 0urther said: Allah2 /om1lete 0or m" 'om1anions their mi.ration2 and not /ause them to turn ba/6 u1on their heels, Sa:d b, >haula is2 howe-er2 un0ortunate, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0elt .rie0 0or him as he had died in Me//a,

7oo6 $42 !umber 4;;2:

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

;#; & $#


733> $4: TH( 733> 3= 7(EU(STS (>ITA7 AL-?ASIKKA)

7oo6 $42 !umber 4;;4:

:Amir b, Sa:d re1orted 0rom S:ad (b, Abu ?aqqas): Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited me to inquire a0ter m" health2 the rest o0 the hadith is the same as transmitted on the authorit" o0 Guhri2 but lie did not ma6e mention o0 the words o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in re.ard to Sa:d b, >haula e5/e1t this that he said:C He (the Hol" @ro1het) did not li6e death in the land 0rom whi/h lie had mi.rated,C

7oo6 $42 !umber 4;;*:

Mus:ab b, Sa:d re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather, I was ailin., I sent messa.e to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: @ermit me to .i-e awa" m" 1ro1ert" as I li6e, He re0used, I (a.ain) said: (@ermit me) to .i-e awa" hal0, He (a.ain re0used), I (a.ain said): Then one-third, He (the Hol" @ro1het) obser-ed silen/e a0ter (I had as6ed 1ermission to .i-e awa") one-third, He (the narrater) said: It was then that endowment o0 one-third be/ame 1ermissible,

7oo6 $42 !umber 4;;+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sima6 with the same /hain o0 transmitters, 7ut he did not mention:C It was then that one-third be/ame 1ermissible,C

7oo6 $42 !umber 4;;):

Ibn Sa:d re1orted his 0ather as sa"in.: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited me durin. m" illness, I said: I am willin. awa" the whole o0 m" 1ro1ert", He said: !o, I said: Then hal0D He said: !o, I said: Should I will awa" one-thirdD He said: Kes2 and e-en one-third is enou.h,

7oo6 $42 !umber 4;;%:

Humaid b, :Abd al-Aahman al-Him"ari re1orted 0rom three o0 the sons o0 Sa:d all o0 whom re1orted 0rom their 0ather that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited Sa:d as he was ill in Me//a, He (Sa:d) we1t, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hat ma6es "ou wee1D He said: I am a0raid I ma" die in the land 0rom where I mi.rated as Sa:d b, >haula had died, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3 Allah2 .rant health to Sa:d, 3 Allah2 .rant health to Sad, He re1eated it three times, He (Sa:d) said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I own a lar.e 1ro1ert" and I ha-e onl" one dau.hter as m" inheritor, Should I not will awa" the whole o0 m" 1ro1ert"D He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: !o, He said: (Should I not will awa"2 ) two-thirds o0 the 1ro1ert"D he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: !o, He (Sa:d) (a.ain) said: (Should I not will awa") hal0 (o0 m" 1ro1ert")D He said: !o, He (Sa:d) said: Then onethirdD Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: (Kes)2 one-third2 and one-third is quite substanial, And what "ou s1end as /harit" 0rom "our 1ro1ert" is Sadaqa and 0lour s1endin. on "our 0amil" is also Sadaqa2 and what "our wi0e eats 0rom "our 1ro1ert" is also Sadaqa2 and that "ou lea-e "our heirs
;; & $#


733> $4: TH( 733> 3= 7(EU(STS (>ITA7 AL-?ASIKKA)

well o00 (or he said: 1ros1reous) is better than to lea-e them (1oor and) 0rom 1eo1le, He (the Hol" @ro1het) 1ointed this with his hands,

7oo6 $42 !umber 4;;#:

Humaid b, Abd al-Aahmin al-Hima"ri re1orted on the authorit" o0 the three o0 the sons o0 Sa:d: The" said: Sa:d 0ell ill in Me//a, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited him to inquire a0ter his health, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 $42 !umber 4;;;:

Humaid b, Abd al-Aahman re1orted this hadith on the authorit" o0 three o0 Sa:d:s sons: Sa:d 0ell ill in Me//a and Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited him, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 $42 !umber *

Ibn :Abbas (Allah be 1leased with them) said: (I wish) i0 1eo1le would redu/e 0rom third to 0ourth (1art 0or ma6in. a will o0 their 1ro1ert")2 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: So 0ar as the third (1art) is /on/erned it is quite substantial, In the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 ?a6i (the words are)C lar.eC orC mu/hC,

'ha1ter 4: The de/eased is entitled to reward 0or the sadaqa .i-en a0ter his death
7oo6 $42 !umber * $:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted that a 1erson said to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): M" 0ather died and le0t behind 1ro1ert" without ma6in. an" will re.ardin. it, ?ould he be relie-ed o0 the burden o0 his sin. i0 I .i-e sadaqa on his behal0D He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kea,

7oo6 $42 !umber *


A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that a man said to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): M" mother died all o0 a sudden2 and I thin6 i0 she (/ould ha-e the o11ortunit") to s1ea6 she would ha-e (made a will) re.ardin. Sadaqa:, ?ill I be entitled to reward i0 I .i-e /harit" on her behal0D He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kes,

;;$ & $#


733> $4: TH( 733> 3= 7(EU(STS (>ITA7 AL-?ASIKKA)

7oo6 $42 !umber *


A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that a man /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 m" mother died all o0 a sudden without ma6in. an" will, I thin6 i0 (she /ould ha-e the o11ortunit") to s1ea6 she would ha-e made a Sadaqa, ?ould there be an" reward 0or her i0 I .i-e /harit" on her behal0D He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kes,

7oo6 $42 !umber *



This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham b, :Urwa with the same /hain o0 trans-

'ha1ter *: ?hat reward man .ets a0ter his death

7oo6 $42 !umber * +:
Abu Huraira (Allah be 1leased with him) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen a man dies2 his a/ts /ome to an end2 but three2 re/urrin. /harit"2 or 6nowled.e (b" whi/h 1eo1le) bene0it2 or a 1ious son2 who 1ra"s 0or him (0or the de/eased),

'ha1ter +: ?aq0
7oo6 $42 !umber * ):
Ibn Umar re1orted: Umar a/quired a land at >haibar, He /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his ad-i/e in re.ard to it, He said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I ha-e a/quired land in >haibar, I ha-e ne-er a/quired 1ro1ert" more -aluable 0or me than this2 so what do "ou /ommand me to do with itD Thereu1on he (Allah:s A1ostle) said: I0 "ou li6e2 "ou ma" 6ee1 the /or1us inta/t and .i-e its 1rodu/e as Sadaqa, So :Umar .a-e it as Sadaqa de/larin. that 1ro1ert" must not be sold or inherited or .i-en awa" as .i0t, And Umar de-oted it to the 1oor2 to the nearest 6in2 and to the eman/i1ation o0 sla-es2 aired in the wa" o0 Allah and .uests, There is no sin 0or one2 who administers it i0 he eats somethin. 0rom it in a reasonable manner2 or i0 he 0eeds his 0riends and does not hoard u1 .oods (0or himsel0), He (the narrator) said: I narrated this hadith to Muhammad2 but as I rea/hed the (words)C without hoardin. (0or himsel0) out o0 it,C he (Muhammad: said:C without storin. the 1ro1ert" with a -iew to be/omin. ri/h,C Ibn :Aun said: He who read this boo6 (1ertainin. to ?aq0) in0ormed me that in it (the words are)C without storin. the 1ro1ert" with a -iew to be/omin. ri/h,C

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733> $4: TH( 733> 3= 7(EU(STS (>ITA7 AL-?ASIKKA)

7oo6 $42 !umber *


This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Aun with the same /hain o0 transmitters u1 to the words:C 3r he ma" 0eed the 0riend withoiut hoardin. 0rom itC and he made no mention o0 what 0ollows,

7oo6 $42 !umber *


:Umar re1orted: I a/quired land 0rom the lands o0 >haibar, I /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: I ha-e a/quired a 1ie/e o0 land, !e-er ha-e I a/quired land more lo-ed b" me and more /herished b" me than this, The rest o0 the hadith is the same2 but he made no mention o0 this:C I narrated it to MuhammadC and what 0ollows,

'ha1ter ): He who has not an"thin. with him to will awa" should not do it
7oo6 $42 !umber * ;:
Talha b, Musarri0 re1orted: I as6ed :Abdullah b, Abu Au0a whether Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had made an" will (in re.ard to his 1ro1ert"), He said: !3, I said: Then wh" has ma6in. o0 will been made ne/essar" 0or the Muslims2 or wh" were the" /ommanded to ma6e willD Thereu1on he said: He made the will a//ordin. to the 7oo6 o0 Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/,

7oo6 $42 !umber * $ :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Mali6 b, Mi.hwal with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 words, In the hadith related b" ?a6i (the words are)C I said: How the 1eo1le ha-e been ordered about the willC B and in the hadith o0 Ibn !umair (the words are):C How the will has been 1res/ribed 0or the Muslims2 :,

7oo6 $42 !umber * $$:

A:isha re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) le0t neither dinar nor dirham (wealth in the 0orm o0 /ash)2 nor .oats (and shee1)2 nor /amels, And he made no will about an"thin. (in re.ard to his material 1ossessions2 as he had none)2

7oo6 $42 !umber * $2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

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733> $4: TH( 733> 3= 7(EU(STS (>ITA7 AL-?ASIKKA)

7oo6 $42 !umber * $4:

Aswad b, Ka8id re1orted: It was mentioned be0ore A:isha that will had been made (b" the Hol" @ro1het) in 0a-our o0 :Ali (as the @ro1het:s 0irst /ali1h)2 whereu1on she said: ?hen did he ma6e will in his 0a-ourD I had been 1ro-idin. su11ort to him (to the Hol" @ro1het) with m" /hest (or with m" la1), He as6ed 0or a tra"2 when he 0ell in m" la1 (rela5in. his bod")2 and I did not realise that he had breathed his last, ?hen did he ma6e an" will in his (:Ali:s) 0a-ourD

7oo6 $42 !umber * $*:

Sa:id b, Fubair re1orted that Ibn :Abbas said: Thursda"2 (and then said): ?hat is this Thursda"D He then we1t so mu/h that his tears moistened the 1ebbles, I said: Ibn :Abbas2 what is (si.ni0i/ant) about Thursda"D He (Ibn :Abbas) said: The illness o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 a serious turn (on this da")2 and he said: 'ome to me2 so that I should write 0or "ou a do/ument that "ou ma" not .o astra" a0ter me, The" (the 'om1anions around him) dis1uted2 and it is not meet to dis1ute in the 1resen/e o0 the A1ostle, The" said: How is lie (Allah:s A1ostle)D Has he lost his /ons/iousnessD Tr" to learn 0rom him (this 1oint), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Lea-e me, I am better in the state (than the one in whi/h "ou are en.a.ed), I ma6e a will about three thin.s: Turn out the 1ol"theists 0rom the territor" o0 ArabiaB show hos1italit" to the (0orei.n) dele.ations as I used to show them hos1italit", He (the narrator) said: He (Ibn Abbas) 6e1t silent on the third 1oint2 or he (the narrator) said: 7ut I 0or.ot that,

7oo6 $42 !umber * $+:

Sa:id b, Fubair re1orted 0rom Ibn Abbas that he said: Thursda"2 and what about Thursda"D Then tears to 0low until I saw them on his /hee6s as it the" were the strin.s o0 1earls, He (the narrator) said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7rin. me a shoulder blade and in61ot (or tablet and in61ot)2 so that I write 0or "ou a do/ument (b" 0ollowin. whi/h) "ou would ne-er .o astra", The" said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e u1on him) is in the state o0 un/ons/iousness,

7oo6 $42 !umber * $):

Ibn Abbas re1orted: ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was about to lea-e this world2 there were 1ersons (around him) in his house2 :Umar b, al->battab bein. one o0 them, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 'ome2 I ma" write 0or "ou a do/umentB "ou would not .o astra" a0ter that, Thereu1on Umar said: <eril" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is dee1l" a00li/ted with 1ain, Kou ha-e the Eur:an with "ou, The 7oo6 o0 Allah is su00i/ient 0or us, Those who were 1resent in the house di00ered, Some o0 them said: 7rin. him (the writin. material) so that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ma" write a do/ument 0or "ou and "ou would ne-er .o astra" a0ter him And some amon. them said what :Umar had (alread") said, ?hen the" indul.ed in nonsense and to dis1ute in the 1resen/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 he
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733> $4: TH( 733> 3= 7(EU(STS (>ITA7 AL-?ASIKKA)

said: Het u1 (and .o awa") :Ubaidullah said: Ibn Abbas used to sa": There was a hea-" loss2 indeed a hea-" loss2 that2 due to their dis1ute and noise, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ould not write (or di/tate) the do/ument 0or them,

;;+ & $#


733> $4: TH( 733> 3= 7(EU(STS (>ITA7 AL-?ASIKKA)

733> $*: TH( 733> 3= <3?S (>ITA7 AL-!A9HA)

;;) & $#


733> $*: TH( 733> 3= <3?S (>ITA7 AL-!A9HA)

'ha1ter $:
7oo6 $*2 !umber * $%:
Ibn Abbas re1orted that Sa:d b, Ubida as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or a de/ision about a -ow ta6en b" his mother who had died be0ore 0ul0illin. it, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: =ul0il it on her behal0,

7oo6 $*2 !umber * $#:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with a di00erent /hains o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $*2 !umber * $;:

:Abdullah b, Umar re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) sin.led out one da" 0orbiddin. us to ta6e -ows and said: It would not a-ert an"thin.B it is b" whi/h somethin. is e5tra/ted 0rom the miserl" 1erson,

7oo6 $*2 !umber * 2 :

Ibn Umar re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The -ow neither hastens an"thin. nor de0ers an"thin.2 but is the means whereb" (somethin.) is e5tra/ted 0rom the miserl" 1erson,

7oo6 $*2 !umber * 2$:

Ibn Umar re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (1eo1le) ta6in. -ows2 and said: It does not (ne/essaril") brin. .ood (in the 0orm o0 substantial2 and tan.ible results)2 but it is the meant whereb" somethin. is e5tra/ted 0rom the miserl" 1ersons,

7oo6 $*2 !umber * 22:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Mansur with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $*2 !umber * 24:

Abu Heraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not ta6e -ows2 0or a -ow has no e00e/t a.ainst =ateB it is onl" 0rom the miserl" that somethin. is e5tra/ted,

;;% & $#


733> $*: TH( 733> 3= <3?S (>ITA7 AL-!A9HA)

7oo6 $*2 !umber * 2*:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbiddin. ta6in. o0 -ows2 and said: It does not a-ert =ate2 but is the means b" whi/h somethin. is e5tra/ted 0rom the miser,

7oo6 $*2 !umber * 2+:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The -ow does not brin. an"thin. near to the son o0 Adam whi/h Allah has not ordained 0or him2 but (at times) the -ow /oin/ides with 9estin"2 and this is how somethin. is e5tra/ted 0rom the miserl" 1erson2 whi/h that miser was not willin. to .i-e,

7oo6 $*2 !umber * 2):

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 :Amr b, Abu :Amr,

'ha1ter 2: The -ow is not to be 0ul0illed whi/h is made in disobedien/e to allah2 nor that o-er whi/h a man has no /ontrol
7oo6 $*2 !umber * 2%:
Imran b, Husain re1orted that the tribe o0 Thaqi0 was the all" o0 7anu :Uqail, Thaqi0 too6 two 1ersons 0rom the 'om1aniobs o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as 1risoners, The 'am1anions o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 one 1erson at 7anu Uqail as 1risoner2 and /a1tured al-:Adbi (the she-/amel o0 the Hol" @ro1het) alon. with him, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to him and he was tied with ro1es, He said: Muhammad, He /ame near him and said: ?hat is the matter with "ouD Thereu1on he (the 1risoner) said: ?h" ha-e "ou ta6en me as 1risoner and wh" ha-e "ou / hold o0 one 1ro/eedin. the 1il.rims (the she-/amel as she /arried the Hol" @ro1het on her ba/6 and wal6ed ahead o0 the multitude)D He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: (Kours is a .reat 0ault), I (m" men) ha-e / hold o0 "ou 0or the /rime o0 "our allies2 7anu Thaqi0, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then turned awa", He a.ain /alled him and said: Muhammad2 Muhammad2 and sin/e Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was -er" /om1assionate2 and tenderhearted2 he returned to him2 and said: ?hat is the matter with "ouD He said: I am a Muslim2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Had "ou said this when "ou had been the master o0 "oursel02 "ou would ha-e .ained e-er" su//ess, He then turned awa", He (the 1risoner) /alled him a.ain sa"in.: Muhammad2 Muhammad, He /ame to him and said: ?hat is the matter with "ouD He said: I am hun.r"2 0eed me2 and I am thirst"2 so 1ro-ide me with drin6, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: That is (to
;;# & $#


733> $*: TH( 733> 3= <3?S (>ITA7 AL-!A9HA)

satis0") "our want, He was then ransomed 0or two 1ersons (who had been ta6en 1risoner b" Thaqi0), He (the narrator) said: A woman o0 the Ansar had been ta6en 1risoner and also al-Adbi: was /, The woman had been tied with ro1es, The 1eo1le were .i-in. rest to their animals be0ore their houses, She es/a1ed one 0rom the bonda.e and /ame to the /amels, As she drew near the /amels2 the" 0retted and 0umed and so she le0t them until she /ame to al-2 Adbi:, It did not 0ret and 0umeB it was do/ile She rode u1on its ba/6 and dro-e it awa" and she went o00, ?hen the" (the enemies o0 Islam) were warned o0 this2 the" went in sear/h o0 it2 but it (the she-/amel) e5hausted them, She (the woman) too6 -ow 0or Allah2 that in /ase He would sa-e her throu.h it2 she would o00er that as a sa/ri0i/e, As she rea/hed Medina2 the 1eo1le saw her and the" said: Here is al-Adbi2 the she-/amel o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), She (the woman) said that she had ta6en a -ow that i0 Allah would sa-e her on its ba/62 she would sa/ri0i/e it, The" (the @ro1het:s 'om1anions) /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and made a mention o0 that to him2 whereu1on he said: Hallowed be Allah2 how ill she rewarded it that she too6 -ow to Allah that i0 He sa-es her on its ba/62 she would sa/ri0i/e itL There is no 0ul0ilment o0 the -ow in an a/t o0 disobedien/e2 nor in an a/t o-er whi/h a 1erson has no /ontrol, In the -ersion o0 Ibn Hujr (the words are):C There is no -ow in disobedien/e to Allah,C

7oo6 $*2 !umber * 2#:

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 A""ub with the same /hain o0 transmitters and a -ariation o0 words,

'ha1ter 4: He who too6 the -ow that he would .o on 0oot to the >a:ba
7oo6 $*2 !umber * 2;:
Anas re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw an old man bein. su11orted between his two sons, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hat is the matter with himD The" said: He had ta6en the -ow to wal6 (on 0oot to the >a:ba), Thereu1on he (Allah:s A1oitle) said: Allah is indi00erent to his in0li/tin. u1on himsel0 /hastisement2 and he /ommanded him to ride,

7oo6 $*2 !umber * 4 :

Abu Huraira re1orted: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0ound an old man wal6in. between his two sons su11orted b" them2 whereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hat is the matter with himD He (the narrator) said: Allah:s Messen.er2 the" are his sons and there is u1on him the (0ul0ilment) o0 the -ow2 whereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Aide2 old man2 0or Allah is not in need o0 "ou and "our -ow,
;;; & $#


733> $*: TH( 733> 3= <3?S (>ITA7 AL-!A9HA)

7oo6 $*2 !umber * 4$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Amr b, Abu :Amr with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $*2 !umber * 42:

:Uqba b, Amir re1orted: M" sister too6 a -ow that she would wal6 bare 0oot to the house o0 Allah (>a:ba), She as6ed me to inquire 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about it, I his de/ision and he said: She should wal6 on 0oot and ride also,

7oo6 $*2 !umber * 44:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Uqba b, Amir Fuhani, but in this no mention has been made o0C bare0ootC,

7oo6 $*2 !umber * 4*:

:Uqba, b, Amir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The e51iation o0 the (brea/h o0) a -ow is the same as that o0 the (brea/h o0 an oath),

& $#


733> $*: TH( 733> 3= <3?S (>ITA7 AL-!A9HA)

733> $+: TH( 733> 3= 3ATHS (>ITA7 AL-AIMA!)

$ & $#


733> $+: TH( 733> 3= 3ATHS (>ITA7 AL-AIMA!)

'ha1ter $: It is 0orbidden to ta6e the oaths in the name o0 an"one else besides Allah
7oo6 $+2 !umber * 4+:
:Umar b, al->hattib re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah2 the Hreat and Majesti/2 0orbids "ou to swear b" "our 0athers, Umar said: 7" Allah, I ha-e ne-er sworn (b" m" 0ather) sin/e I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbiddin. it mentionin. themC on m" behal0C nor on behal0 o0 someone else,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * 4):

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Guhri e5/e1t that in the hadith narrated on the authorit" o0 Uqail the words are:C I did not ta6e oath b" (an"one else e5/e1t Allah) sin/e I heard Allah:s 0orbiddin. it, nor did I s1ea6 in su/h terms2 and the narrator did not sa"2C on m" own behal0 or on behal0 o0 someone elseC,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * 4%:

Salim re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) heard :Umar while he was ta6in. oath b" his 0ather, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * 4#:

:Abdullah (b, Umar) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0ound2 Umar b, al>hattab the riders and he was ta6in. oath b" his 0ather Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled them (sa"in.) B 3ur Allah2 the (5ated and Majesti/2 has 0orbidden "ou that "ou ta6e oath b" "our 0ather, He who ba. to ta6e an oath2 he must ta6e it b" Allah or 6ee1 quiet,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * 4;:

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * * :

Ibn :Umar heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who has to ta6e an oath2 he must not ta6e oath but b" Allah, The Euraish used to ta6e oath b" their 0athers, So he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 9o not ta6e oath b" "our 0athers,

2 & $#


733> $+: TH( 733> 3= 3ATHS (>ITA7 AL-AIMA!)

'ha1ter 2: He who ta6es an oath b" Lat and U88a2 he should sa": There is no .od but Allah
7oo6 $+2 !umber * *$:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who ta6es an oath in the /ourse o0 whi/h he sa"s: 7" Lat (and al-:U88a)2 he should sa": There is no .od but AllahB and that it an"one sa"s to his 0riend:C 'ome and I will .amble with "ou2C he should 1a" sadaqa,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * *2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * *4:

Abd al-Aahman b, Samura re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not swear b" idols2 nor b" "our 0athers,

'ha1ter 4: It is e5/ellent to brea6 the -ow i0 one 0inds it better doin. that whi/h is a.ainst this -ow one should e51iate it
7oo6 $+2 !umber * **:
Abu Musa al-Ash:ari re1orted: I /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) alon. with a .rou1 o0 Ash:arites requestin. to .i-e us a mount, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 7" Allah2 I /annot 1ro-ide "ou with a mount2 and there is nothin. with me whi/h I should .i-e "ou as a ride, He (the narrator) said: ?e sta"ed there as lon. as Allah willed, Then there were to him (to the Hol" @ro1het) /amels, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then ordered to .i-e us three white hum1ed /amels2 ?e started and said (or some o0 us said to the others): Allah will not bless us, ?e /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) him to 1ro-ide us with ridin. /amels, He swore that he /ould not 1ro-ide us with a mount2 but later on he 1ro-ided us with that, The" (some o0 the @ro1het:s 'om1anions) /ame and in0ormed him about this (ran6lin. o0 theirs)2 whereu1on he said: It was not I who 1ro-ided "ou with a mount2 but Allah has 1ro-ided "ou with that, So 0ar as I am /on/erned2 b" Allah2 i0 He so wills2 I would not swear2 but i02 later on2 I would see better than it2 I (would brea6 the -ow) and e51iate it and do that whi/h is better,

4 & $#


733> $+: TH( 733> 3= 3ATHS (>ITA7 AL-AIMA!)

7oo6 $+2 !umber * *+:

Abu Musa re1orted: M" 0riends sent me to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6in. him to 1ro-ide them with mounts as the" were .oin. alon. with him in jaish al-:Usrah (the arm" o0 destitutes or o0 means or arm" settin. out durin. the hard times and that is the o//asion o0 the e51edition o0 Tabu6) I said: A1ostle o0 Allah2 m" 0riends ha-e sent me to "ou so that "ou ma" 1ro-ide them with mounts, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 7" Allah2 I /annot 1ro-ide "ou with an"thin. to ride, And it so ha11ened that he was at that time mu/h 1erturbed, I little 6new o0 it2 so I /ame ba/6 with a hea-" heart on a//ount o0 the re0usal o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and the 0ear that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-e some 0eelin.s a.ainst me, I returned to m" 0riends and in0ormed them about what Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said, I had hardl" sta"ed 0or a little that I heard 7ilal /allin.: :Abdullah b, Eais, I res1onded to his /all, He said: Hasten to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 he is /allin. "ou2 ?hen I /ame to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) he said: Ta6e this 1air2 this 1air2 and this 1air (i, e, si5 /amels whi/h he had 0rom Sa:d)2 and ta6e them to "2 our 0riends and sa": <eril" Allah (or he said: <eril" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has 1ro-ided "ou with these animals, So ride u1on them, Abu Musa said: I went alon. with them to m" 0riends and said: <eril" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has 1ro-ided "ou with these animals 0or ridin.B but b" Allah2 I shall not lea-e "ou until some o0 "ou .o alon. with me to him who had heard the tal6 o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then I as6ed him 0or "ou2 and his re0usal 0or the 0irst time2 and then his .rantin. them to me subsequentl"B so "ou should not thin6 that I narrated to "ou somethin. whi/h he did not sa", The" said to me: 7" Allah2 in our o1inion "ou are /ertainl" truth0ul2 and we would do as "ou li6e, So Abu Musa went alon. withsome o0 the men0rom them until the" /ame to those who had heard the words o0 Allah:s (ma"2 1ea/e be u1on him) and his re0usal to (1ro-ide) them with (animals) B and subsequentl" his .rantin. (the animals) to themB and the" narrated to them e5a/tl" as Abu Masa had narrated to them,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * *):

A""ub said: ?e were sittin. in the /om1an" o0 Abu Musa that he /alled 0or 0ood and it /onsisted o0 0lesh o0 0owl, It was then that a 1erson 0rom 7anu Tamim -isited him, His /om1le5ion was red ha-in. the resemblan/e o0 a sla-e, He said to him: 'ome and (join me in 0ood), He showed relu/tan/e, He (Abu Masa) said: 'ome on2 0or I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) eatin. it (0owl:s meat)2 whereu1on that 1erson said: I saw it eatin. somethin. (o0 0ilth and rubbish) and I 0ound it re1u.nant and too6 an oath that I would ne-er eat that, He (Abu Muds) said: 'ome2 so that I would narrate to "ou about that (the in/ident 1ertainin. to -ow), (And he narrated thus): I /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) alon. with a .rou1 o0 1eo1le to the tribe o0 Ash:ari2 as6in. him to 1ro-ide us with ridin. /amels, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 7" Allah2 I /annot 1ro-ide "ou with ridin. animals, And there is nothin. with me with whi/h I /an 1ro-ide "ou a mount, ?e sta"ed (0or some time) there as Allah willed2 and there was to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e
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be u1on him) boot" o0 /amels, He /alled us and /ommanded that we should be .i-en 0i-e white hum1ed /amels, As we were about to .o ba/62 some o0 us said to the other: As we made Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) oath2 there would be no blessin. 0or us (in his .i0t), ?e went ba/6 to him and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 we /ame to "ou to 1ro-ide us with ridin. animals and "ou too6 an oath that "ou would ne-er equi1 us with mounts and then "ou ha-e 1ro-ided us with the ridin. beasts Allali:s Messen.er2 ha-e "ou 0or.ottenD Thereu1on he said: I swear b" Allah that i0 Allah so wills2 I shall not swear an oath2 and then /onsider somethin. else to be better than it without ma6in. atonement 0or m" oath and doin. the thin. that is better, So "ou .oB Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 has .i-en "ou ridin. animals,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * *%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Musa al-Ash:ari with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * *#:

Gahdam al-Farmi re1orted: ?e were in the /om1an" o0 Abu Musa, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * *;:

Gahdam al-Farmi re1orted: I -isited Abu Musa and lie was eatin. 0owl:s meat, The rest o0 the hadith is the same with this addition that he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 7" Allah2 I did not it,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * + :

Abu Musa al-Ash:ari re1orted: ?e /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) requestin. him to 1ro-ide us with ridin. /amels, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: There is nothin. with me with whi/h I should equi1 "ou, 7" Allah2 I would not 1ro-ide "ou with (ridin. /amels), Then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent to us three /amels with s1otted bum1s, ?e said: ?e /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6in. him to equi1 us with ridin. animals, He too6 an oath that he /ould not equi1 us, ?e /ame to him and in0ormed him, He said: 7" Allah2 I do not ta6e an oath2 but when I 0ind the other thin. better than that2 I do that whi/h is better,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * +$:

Abu Musa re1orted: ?e wal6ed on 0oot and /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) as6in. him to 1ro-ide us with mounts, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

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733> $+: TH( 733> 3= 3ATHS (>ITA7 AL-AIMA!)

7oo6 $+2 !umber * +2:

Abu Huraira re1orted: A 1erson sat late in the with Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and then /ame to his 0amil" and 0ound that his /hildren had .one to slee1, His wi0e 0ood 0or him, but he too6 an oath that he would not eat be/ause o0 his /hildren (ha-in. .one to slee1 without 0ood) He then .a-e 1re/eden/e (o0 brea6in. the -ow and then e51iatin. it) and ate the 0ood He then /ame to Allah s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and made mention o0 that to him2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) said: He who too6 an oath and (later on) 0ound somethin. better than that should do that2 and e51iate 0or (brea6in.) his -ow,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * +4:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who too6 an oath and then 0ound another thin. better than (this) should e51iate 0or the oath (bro6en) b" him and do (the better thin.),

7oo6 $+2 !umber * +*:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who too6 an oath and (later on) 0ound another thin. better than that2 he should do that whi/h is better2 and e51iate 0or the -ow (bro6en b" him),

7oo6 $+2 !umber * ++:

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Suhail with the same /hain o0 transmitters (with these words):C He should e51iate 0or (brea6in.) the -ow and do that whi/h is better,C

7oo6 $+2 !umber * +):

Tamim b, Tara0a re1orted: A /ame to :Adi b, Hatim and he be..ed him to .i-e him the 1ri/e o0 a sla-e2 or some 1ortion o0 the 1ri/e o0 the sla-e, He (:Adi) said: I ha-e nothin. to .i-e "ou e5/e1t m" /oat-o0-mail and helmet, I will2 howe-er2 write to m" 0amil" to .i-e that to "ou2 but he did not a.ree to that, Thereu1on :Adi was enra.ed2 and said: 7" Allah2 I will not .i-e "ou an"thin., The 1erson (then) a.reed to a//e1t that2 whereu1on he said: 7" Allah2 had I not heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.:C He who too6 an oath2 but then 0ound somethin. more 1ious in the o0 Allah2 he should (brea6 the oath) and do that whi/h is more 1ious2C I would not ha-e bro6en the oath (and thus 1aid "ou an"thin.),

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733> $+: TH( 733> 3= 3ATHS (>ITA7 AL-AIMA!)

7oo6 $+2 !umber * +%:

:Adi b, Hatim re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who too6 an oath2 but he 0ound somethin. else better than that2 should do that whi/h is better and brea6 his oath,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * +#:

:Adi re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen an"one "ou ta6es an oath2 but he 0inds (somethin.) better than that he should e51iate (the brea6in. o0 the oath)2 and do that whi/h is better,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * +;:

This hadith is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Adi b, Hatim throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * ) :

Tamim b, Tara0a re1orted that he beard :Adi b, Hatim sa" that a 1erson /ame to him and as6ed 0or one hundred dirhams, He (:Adi) said: Kou as6ed Me 0or one hundred dirhams and I am the son o0 HatimB b" Allah2 I will not .i-e "ou, 7ut then he said: (I would ha-e done that) i0 I had not heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": He who ta6es an oath2 but then 0inds somethin. better than that2 should do that whi/h is better,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * )$:

Tamim b, Tara0a re1orted: I heard :Adi b, Hatim sa" that a 1erson as6ed that and then narrated (the hadith) li6e one (mentioned abo-e)2 but he made this addition:C Here are 0our hundred (dirhams) 0or "ou out o0 m" .i0t,C

7oo6 $+2 !umber * )2:

Abd al-Aahman b, Samura re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: Abd al-Aahman b, Samura2 don:t as6 0or authorit" 0or i0 it is .ranted to "ou 0or as6in. 0or it2 "ou would be /ommissioned 0or it (without ha-in. the su11ort o0 Allah)2 but i0 "ou are .ranted it without "our as6in. 0or it, Kou would be hel1ed (b" Allah) in it, And when "ou ta6e an oath and 0ind somethin. else better than that2 e51iate 0or (brea6in.) "our oath2 and do that whi/h is better, This hadith has also been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn =arru6h,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * )4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abd al-Aahman b, Samura throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters but there is no mention o0 the wordC authorit"C,
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'ha1ter *: The oath would be /onsidered on the basis o0 the intention o0 one who ta6es an oath
7oo6 $+2 !umber * )*:
Abu Haraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Kour oath should be about somethin. re.ardin. whi/h "our /om1anion will belie-e "ou, :Amr said: 7" whi/h "our /om1anion will belie-e "ou,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * )+:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: An oath is to be inter1reted a//ordin. to the intention o0 the one who ta6es it,

'ha1ter +: (51ressin. the words C.od willin.C in the oath

7oo6 $+2 !umber * )):
Abu Huraira re1orted that (Hadrat) Sulaiman had si5t" wi-es, He (one da") said: I will -isit ea/h one o0 them e-er" ni.ht2 and e-er" one o0 them will be/ome 1re.nant and .i-e birth to a male /hild who will be a horseman and in the /ause o0 Allah, 7ut (it so ha11ened) that none o0 them be/ame 1re.nant e5/e1t one2 but she .a-e birth to an in/om1lete /hild, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Had he said Insha: Allah (i0 Hod so wills)2 then e-er" one o0 them would ha-e .i-en birth to a /hild who would ha-e been a horseman and in the /ause o0 Allah

7oo6 $+2 !umber * )%:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that Sulaiman b, 9awud2 the A1ostle o0 Allah2 obser-ed: I will ha-e an inter/ourse with se-ent" wi-es durin. the ni.htB all o0 them will .i-e birth to a male /hild who will in the /ause o0 Allah, His /om1anion or the an. I said to him: Sa"2C I0 Hod wills,C 7ut he (Hadrat Sulaimin) did not sa" so2 and he 0or.ot it, And none o0 his wi-es .a-e birth to a /hild2 but one who .a-e birth to a 1remature /hild, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Had he said Insha: Allah (i0 Hod so will), he would not ha-e 0ailed and his desire would ha-e been materialised,

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733> $+: TH( 733> 3= 3ATHS (>ITA7 AL-AIMA!)

7oo6 $+2 !umber * )#:

Abu Huraira re1orted this hadith 0rom the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * );:

Abu Huraira re1orted that Sulaiman b, 9awud said: I will /ertainl" ha-e inter/ourse with se-ent" wi-es durin. the ni.ht2 and e-er" wi0e them will .i-e birth to a /hild2 who will in the /ause o0 Allah, It was said to him: Sa":C Insha: AllahC (Hod willin.)2 but he did not sa" so and 0or.ot it, He went round them but none o0 them .i-e birth to a /hild e5/e1t one woman and that too was an in/om1lete 1erson, U1on this Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 he had saidC Insha: Allah,C he would not ha-e 0ailed2 and his desire must ha-e been 0ul0illed,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * % :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that Sulaiman b, 9awud (on/e) said: I will .o round in the to m" ninet" wi-es2 and e-er" one o0 them will .i-e birth to a /hild (who will .row u1) as a horseman and in the /ause o0 Allah His /om1anions said to him: Sa"C Insha: Allah,C but he did not sa" Inshii: Allah, He went round all o0 them but none o0 them be/ame 1re.nant but one2 and she .a-e birth to a 1remature /hild, And b" Him in ?hose hand is the li0e o0 Muhammad2 i0 he had said2 Insha: Allah (his wi-es would ha-e .i-en birth to the /hildren who would all ha-e .rown u1 into horsemen and in the wa" o0 Allah), This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Ginad with the same /hain o0 transmitters with a -ariation o0 (these words):C (-er" one o0 them .i-in. birth to a /hild2 who would ha-e in the /ause o0 Allah,C

'ha1ter ): It is 0orbidden to 1ersist in an oath whi/h /auses trouble to the 0amil"2 and is not law0ul
7oo6 $+2 !umber * %$:
Hammam b, Munabbih re1orted: This is what Abu Huraira re1orted to us 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he narrated a hadith and (one) o0 them is that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I swear b" Allah2 it is more sin0ul in Allah:s 0or one o0 "ou to 1ersist in an oath re.ardin. his 0amil" than 1a"ment o0 its e51iation whi/h Allah has im1osed u1on him (0or brea6in. the oath),

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733> $+: TH( 733> 3= 3ATHS (>ITA7 AL-AIMA!)

'ha1ter %: ?hat a non-belie-er should do with his -ow when he embra/es islam
7oo6 $+2 !umber * %2:
Ibn :Umar re1orted that Umar (b, >hattab) said: o0 Allah2 I had ta6en a -ow durin. the da"s o0 I.noran/e (Fahili""a) that I would obser-e I:ti6a0 0or a in the Sa/red Mosque, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: =ul0il "our -ow,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * %4:

This hadith is transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * %*:

:Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted that :Umar b, >hattab as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as he was at ji:rana (a town near Me//a) on his wa" ba/6 0rom Ta:i0: o0 Allah2 I had ta6en a -ow durin. the da"s o0 I.noran/e that I would obser-e I:ti6a0 0or one da" in the Sa/red Mosque, So what is "our o1inionD He said: Ho and obser-e I:ti6a0 0or a da", And Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e him a sla-e .irl out o0 the one-0i0th (o0 the s1oils o0 war meant 0or the Hol" @ro1het), And when Allah:s (ina" 1ea/e be u1on him) set the war 1risoners 0ree, :Umar b, >hattab heard their -oi/e as the" were sa"in.: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has set as 0ree, He (Hadrat :Umar) said: ?hat is thisD The" said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has set 0ree the 1risoners o0 war (whi/h had 0allen to the lot o0 1eo1le), Thereu1on he (Hadrat :Umar) said: Abdullah2 .o to that sla-e-.irl and set her 0ree,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * %+:

lbn :Umar re1orted: ?hen Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame ba/6 0rom the 7attle o0 Hunain2 Umar as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about the -ow he had ta6en durin. the da"s o0 I.noran/e that he would obser-e I:ti6a0 0or a da", The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * %):

!a0i: re1orted: A mention o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-in. :Umra 0rom ja:rina was made be0ore Ibn :Umar, He said: He did not enter into the state o0 Ihram 0rom that (1la/e)2 and Umar had ta6en a -ow o0 obser-in. I:ti6a0 0or a durin. the da"s o0 I.noran/e, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

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733> $+: TH( 733> 3= 3ATHS (>ITA7 AL-AIMA!)

7oo6 $+2 !umber * %%:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 words,

'ha1ter #: How should the masters treat their sla-es and e51iation i0 the" show hi.h-handedness
7oo6 $+2 !umber * %#:
Gadhan Abl Umar re1orted: I /ame to Ibn :Umar as he had .ranted 0reedom to a sta-e, He (the narrator 0urther) said: He too6 hold o0 a wood or somethin. li6e it 0rom the earth and said: It (0reedom o0 a sla-e) has not the reward e-ert equal to it2 but the 0a/t that I heard Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": He who sla1s his sla-e or beats him2 the e51iation 0or it is that he should set him 0ree,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * %;:

Gadhan re1orted that Ibn Umar /alled his sla-e and he 0ound the mar6s (o0 beatin.) u1on his ba/6, He said to him: I ha-e /aused "ou 1ain, He said: !o, 7ut he (Ibn Umar) said: Kou are 0ree, He then too6 hold o0 somethin. 0rom the earth and said: There is no reward 0or me e-en to the equal to it, I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who beats a sla-e without /o.ni8able o00en/e o0 his or sla1s him (without an" serious 0ault)2 then e51iation 0or it is that he should set him 0ree,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * # :

This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * #$:

Mu:awi"a b, Suwaid re1orted: I sla11ed a sla-e to us and then 0led awa", I /ame ba/6 just be0ore noon and o00ered 1ra"er behind m" 0ather, He /alled him (the sla-e) and me and said: 9o as he has done to "ou, He .ranted 1ardon, He (m" 0ather) then said: ?e belon.ed to the 0amil" o0 Muqarrin durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him, and had onl" one sla-e.irl and one o0 us sla11ed her, This news rea/hed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said: Set her 0ree, The" (the members o0 the 0amil") said: There is no other ser-ant e5/e1t she, The-

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reu1on he said: Then em1lo" her and when "ou /an a00ord to dis1ense with her ser-i/es2 then set her 0ree,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * #2:

Hilal b, Kasa0 re1orted that a 1erson .ot an.r" and sla11ed his sla-e-.irl, Thereu1on Suwaid b, Muqarrin said to him: Kou /ould 0ind no other 1art (to sla1) but the 1rominent 1art o0 her 0a/e, See I was one o0 the se-en sons o0 Muqarrin2 and we had but onl" one sla-e-.irl, The "oun.est o0 us sla11ed her2 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded us to set her 0ree, 2 ;%

7oo6 $+2 !umber * #4:

Hilal b, Kasa0 re1orted: ?e used to sell /loth in the house o0 Suwaid b, Muqarrin2 the brother o0 !u:man b, Muqarrin, There /ame out a sla-e-.irl2 and she said somethin. to a 1erson us2 and he sla11ed her, Suwaid was enra.ed-the rest o0 the hadlth is the same,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * #*:

Suwaid b, Muqarrin re1orted that he had a sla-e-.irl and a 1erson (one o0 the members o0 the 0amil") sla11ed her2 whereu1on Suwaid said to him: 9on:t "ou 6now that it is 0orbidden (to stri6e the) 0a/e, He said: Kou see I was the se-enth one m" brothers durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and we had but onl" one ser-ant, 3ne o0 us .ot enra.ed and sla11ed him, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded us to set him 0ree,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * #+:

?ahb b, Farir re1orted: Shu:ba in0ormed that Muhammad b, Mun6adir said to me: ?hat is "our nameD The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * #):

Abu Mas:ud al-7adri re1orted: I was beatin. m" sla-e with a whi1 when I heard a -oi/e behind me: Understand2 Abu MasudB but I did not re/o.nise the -oi/e due to intense, He (Abu Mas:ud) re1orted: As he /ame near me (I 0ound) that he was the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he was sa"in.: 7ear in mind2 Abu Mas:udB bear in mind, Abu Mas:ud, He (Aba Maslad) said: threw the whi1 0rom m" hand, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 7ear in mind2 Abu Mas:udB -eril" Allah has more dominan/e u1on "ou than "ou ha-e u1on "our sla-e, I (then) said: I would ne-er beat m" ser-ant in 0uture,

$ $2 & $#


733> $+: TH( 733> 3= 3ATHS (>ITA7 AL-AIMA!)

7oo6 $+2 !umber * #%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit"o A:mash but with this -ariation o0 words:C There 0ell 0rom m" hand the whi1 on a//ount o0 his (the @ro1het:s) awe,C

7oo6 $+2 !umber * ##:

Abu Mas:ud al-Ansari re1orted: ?hen I was beatin. m" ser-ant2 I heard a -oi/e behind me (sa"in.): Abu Mas:ud2 bear in mind Allah has more dominan/e o-er "ou than "ou ha-e u1on him, I turned and (0ound him) to be Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I set him 0ree 0or the sa6e o0 Allah, Thereu1on he said: Had "ou not done that2 (the .ates o0) Hell would ha-e o1ened 0or "ou2 or the 0ire would ha-e burnt "ou,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * #;:

Abu Mas:ud re1orted that he had been beatin. his sla-e and he had been sa"in.: I see6 re0u.e with Allah2 but he /ontinued beatin. him2 whereu1on he said: I see6 re0u.e with Allah:s Messen.er2 and he s1ared him, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7" Allah2 Hod has more dominan/e o-er "ou than "ou ha-e o-er him (the sla-e), He said that he set him 0ree, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but made no mention o0 (these words) o0 his: I see6 re0u.e with Allah2 I see6 re0u.e with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

'ha1ter ;: It is im1ro1er to a//use the sla-e o0 adulter"

7oo6 $+2 !umber * ; :
Abu Huraira re1orted that Abu:l-Easim (one o0 the names o0 Allah:s Nma" 1ea/e be u1on himO) said: He who a//used his sla-e o0 adulter"2 1unishment would be im1osed u1on him on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2 e5/e1t in /ase the a//usation was as he had said,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * ;$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Hha8wan (and the words are):C I heard Abu:l-Easim (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as the @ro1het o0 re1entan/e,C

$ $4 & $#


733> $+: TH( 733> 3= 3ATHS (>ITA7 AL-AIMA!)

'ha1ter $ : =eedin. o0 sla-e with what the master eats himsel0 and /lothin. him with what he wears himsel0 and not to burden him be"ond /a1a/it"
7oo6 $+2 !umber * ;2:
Al-Ma:rur b, Suwaid said: ?e went to Abu 9harr (Hhi0ari) in Aabadha and he had a mantle o-er him2 and his sla-e had one li6e it, ?e said: Abu 9harr2 had "ou joined them to.ether2 it would ha-e been a /om1lete .arment, Thereu1on he said: There was an alter/ation between me and one o0 the 1ersons amon. m" brothers, His mother was a non-Arab, I re1roa/hed him 0or his mother, He /om1lained a.ainst me to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), As I met Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) he said: Abu 9harr2 "ou are a 1erson who still has (in him the remnants) o0 the da"s (o0 I.noran/e), Thereu1on I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 he who abuses (other) 1ersons2 the" abuse (in return) his 0ather and mother, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Abu 9harr2 "ou are a 1erson who still has (the remnants) o0 I.noran/e in him The" ("our ser-ants and sla-es) are "our brothers, Allah has 1ut them in "our /are2 so 0eed them with what "ou eat2 /lothe them with what "ou wear, and do not burden them be"ond their /a1a/itiesB but i0 "ou burden them (with an unbearable burden)2 then hel1 them (b" sharin. their e5tra burden),

7oo6 $+2 !umber * ;4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash but with a -ariation o0 words2 e, ., in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Guhair and Abu Mu:awi"a a0ter his words (these words o0 the Hol" @ro1het):C Kou are a 1erson ha-in. the remnants o0 I.noran/e in him,C (these words also o//ur2 that Abu 9harr) said: (-en u1 to this time o0 m" old a.eD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kes, In the tradition transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Mu:awi"a (the words are):C Kes2 in this time o0 "our old a.e,C In the tradition transmitted on the authorit" o0 :Isa (the words are):C I0 "ou burden him (with an unbearable burden)2 "ou should sell him (and .et another sla-e who /an easil" underta6e this burden),C In the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Guhair (the words are):C Hel1 him in that (wor6),C In the hadith transmitted b" Abu Mu:awi"a (se1aratel") there is no su/h word: Then sell him or hel1 him,C This hadith /on/ludes with these words:C 9o not burden him be"ond his /a1a/it",C

7oo6 $+2 !umber * ;*:

Ma:rur b, Suwaid re1orted: I saw Abu 9harr wearin. /lothes2 and his sla-e wearin. similar ones, I as6ed him about it2 and he narrated that he had abused a 1erson durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1oe, him) and he re1roa/hed him 0or his mother, That 1erson /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and made mention o0 that to him, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma"
$ $* & $#


733> $+: TH( 733> 3= 3ATHS (>ITA7 AL-AIMA!)

1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kou are a 1erson who has (remnants o0) I.noran/e in him, Kour sla-es are brothers o0 "ours, Allah has 1la/ed them in "our hand2 and he who has his brother under him2 he should 0eed him with what he eats2 and dress him with what he dresses himsel02 and do not burden them be"ond their /a1a/ities2 and i0 "ou burden them2 (be"ond their /a1a/ities)2 then hel1 them,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * ;+:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is essential to 0eed the sla-e2 /lothe him (1ro1erl") and not burden him with wor6 whi/h is be"ond his 1ower,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * ;):

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen the sla-e o0 an"one "ou 1re1ares 0ood 0or him and he ser-es him a0ter ha-in. sat /lose to (and under.oin. the hardshi1 o0) heat and smo6e2 he should ma6e him (the sla-e) sit alon. with him and ma6e him eat (alon. with him)2 and i0 the 0ood seems to run short2 then he should s1are some 1ortion 0or him (0rom his own share) - (another narrator) 9awud said:C i, e, a morsel or twoC, * ;%

'ha1ter $$: Aeward o0 the sal-e when he is lo"al to his master and is .ood in worshi11in. Allah
7oo6 $+2 !umber * ;%:
Ibn Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen a sla-e loo6s to the wel0are o0 his master and worshi1s Allah well2 he has two rewards 0or him,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * ;#:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $+2 !umber * ;;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: =or a 0aith0ul sla-e there are two rewards, 7" him in ?hose hand is the li0e o0 Abu Huraira2 but 0or Fibad in the /ause o0 Allah2 and @il.rima.e and 6indness to m" mother2 I would ha-e 1re0erred to die as a sla-e, He (one o0 the narrators in the /hain o0 transmitters) said: This news rea/hed us that Abu Huraira did not 1er0orm @il.rima.e until his mother died 0or (6ee1in. himsel0 /onstantl") in her ser-i/e, This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Tahir but with a -ariation o0 words,
$ $+ & $#


733> $+: TH( 733> 3= 3ATHS (>ITA7 AL-AIMA!)

7oo6 $+2 !umber *$

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen a sla-e 0ul0ils obli.ation o0 Allah and obli.ation o0 his master2 he has two rewards 0or him, I narrated this to >a:b2 and >a:b said: (Su/h a sla-e) has no a//ountabilit"2 nor has a 1oor belie-er,

7oo6 $+2 !umber *$ $:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is .ood 0or a sla-e that he worshi1s Allah well2 and ser-es his master (well), It is .ood 0or him,

'ha1ter $2: He who eman/i1ates his share in the sla-e

7oo6 $+2 !umber *$ 2:
Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who .i-es u1 his share in a sla-e2 and has enou.h mone" to 1a" the 0ull 1ri/e o0 the sla-e2 then 0ull eman/i1ation de-ol-es u1on himB but i0 he has not the mone"2 then he eman/i1ated what he eman/i1ated,

7oo6 $+2 !umber *$ 4:

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who eman/i1ates his share in the sla-e2 it is his res1onsibilit" to se/ure 0ull 0reedom 0or him 1ro-ided he (the sla-e) has enou.h mone" to 1a" the (remainin.) 1ri/e2 but it he has not so mu/h mone" he would be eman/i1ated to the e5tent that the 0irst man eman/i1ated,

7oo6 $+2 !umber *$ *:

:Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who .i-es u1 his share in a sla-e2 and he has mone" enou.h to meet the 0ull 1ri/e2 a 0air 1ri/e 0or him should be 0i5edB otherwise be has eman/i1ated him to the e5tent that he has eman/i1ated,

7oo6 $+2 !umber *$ +:

This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 $+2 !umber *$ ):

Salim b, :Abdullah re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who eman/i1ates a sla-e (shared) b" him and another one2 his 0ull 1ri/e ma" be justl"
$ $) & $#


733> $+: TH( 733> 3= 3ATHS (>ITA7 AL-AIMA!)

assessed 0rom his wealth2 neither less nor more2 and he (the sla-e) would be eman/i1ated i0 he (the 1artner) would be sol-ent enou.h (to 0or.o the amount o0 his share),

7oo6 $+2 !umber *$ %:

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who .i-es u1 his share in a sla-e2 the remainin. (share) will be 1aid out o0 his ri/hes i0 his ri/hes are enou.h to meet the 1ri/e o0 the sla-e,

7oo6 $+2 !umber *$ #:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: In /ase the sla-e is owned b" two 1ersons2 and one o0 them eman/i1ates him2 he will .uarantee (his 0ull 0reedom),

7oo6 $+2 !umber *$ ;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are):C He who eman/i1ates a 1ortion in a sla-e2 he should (se/ure 0ull) 0reedom 0or him 0rom his 1ro1ert",C

7oo6 $+2 !umber *$$ :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who eman/i1ates his 1ortion in a sla-e2 0ull eman/i1ation ma" be se/ured 0or him out o0 his 1ro1ert" (i0 he has mone") i0 he has enou.h 1ro1ert" to meet (the required e51enses)2 but i0 he has not enou.h 1ro1ert"2 the sla-e should be 1ut to e5tra labour (in order to earn mone" 0or bu"in. his 0reedom)2 but he should not be o-erburdened,

7oo6 $+2 !umber *$$$:

This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are):C He will be required to wor6 (in order to se/ure 0reedom) 0or that 1or- tion in whi/h he has not been eman/i1ated2 without o-erburdenin. him,C

7oo6 $+2 !umber *$$2:

:Imran b, Husain re1orted that a 1erson who had no other 1ro1ert" eman/i1ated si5 sla-es o0 his at the time o0 his death, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled 0or them and di-ided them into three se/tions2 /ast lots them2 and set two 0ree and 6e1t 0our in sla-er"B and he (the Hol" @ro1het) s1o6e se-erel" o0 him,

$ $% & $#


733> $+: TH( 733> 3= 3ATHS (>ITA7 AL-AIMA!)

7oo6 $+2 !umber *$$4:

This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are):C A 1erson 0rom amon. the Ansar willed awa" the 0reedom o0 si5 sla-es o0 his at the time o0 his death,C

7oo6 $+2 !umber *$$*:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Imran b, Husain throu.h another /hain o0 narrators,

'ha1ter $4: The 1ermissibilit" o0 bu"in. a mudabbar sla-e

7oo6 $+2 !umber *$$+:
Fabir b, :Abdullah said that a 1erson amon. the Ansar de/lared his sla-e 0ree a0ter his death2 as he had no other 1ro1ert", This news rea/hed the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said: ?ho will bu" him 0rom meD And !u:aim b, al-!ahham him 0or hundred dirhams and he handed them o-er to him2 :Amr (one o0 the narrators) said: I heard Fabir b, :Abdullah as sa"in.: He was a 'o1ti/ sla-e2 and he died in the 0irst "ear (o0 the 'ali1hate o0 :Abdullah b, Gubair),

7oo6 $+2 !umber *$$):

Fabir is re1orted to ha-e said: A 1erson the Ansar who had no other 1ro1ert" de/lared a sla-e 0ree a0ter his death, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sold him2 and Ibn al-!ahham him and he was a 'o1ti/ sla-e (who) died in the 0irst "ear o0 the 'ali1hate o0 Ibn Gubair,

7oo6 $+2 !umber *$$%:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $+2 !umber *$$#:

This hadith has been narrated 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) throu.h other /hains o0 transmitters,

$ $# & $#


733> $+: TH( 733> 3= 3ATHS (>ITA7 AL-AIMA!)

733> $): TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( 3ATH2 =3A (STA7LISHI!H




$ $; & $#


733> $): TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( 3ATH2 =3A (STA7LISHI!H TH( A(S@3!SI7ILITK 3= MUA9(AS2 =IHHTI!H2 A(EUITAL


'ha1ter $: Al-3asamah
7oo6 $)2 !umber *$$;:
Sahl b, Abu Hathma and Aa0i: b, >hadij re1orted that :Abdullah b, Sahl b, Gaid and Muha""isa b, Mas:ud b, Gaid went out and as the" rea/hed >haibar the" were se1arated, Then Muha""isa 0ound :Abdullah b, Sahl ha-in. been 6illed, He buried him2 and then /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The" were Huwa""isa b, Mas:ud and :Abd al-Aahman b, Sahl2 and he (the latter one) was the "oun.est o0 the 1eo1le (those three who had /ome to see6 an inter-iew with the Hol" @ro1het) to tal6 be0ore his 'om1anions (had s1o6en), Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The eldest one (eldest in re.ard to a.e should s1ea6), So he 6e1t quiet2 and his /om1anions (Muha""isa and Huwa""isa) to s1ea62 and he (:Abd al Aahman) s1o6e alon. with them and the" narrated to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the murder o0 :Abdullah b, Sahl, Thereu1on he said to them: Are "ou 1re1ared to ta6e 0i0t" oaths so that "ou ma" be entitled (to blood-wit) o0 "our /om1anion (or "our man who has murdered)D The" said: How /an we ta6e an oath on a matter whi/h we ha-e not witnessedD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Then the Fews will e5onerate themsel-es b" 0i0t" oaths, The" said: How /an we a//e1t the oaths o0 1eo1le who are unbelie-ersD ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw that2 he himsel0 1aid his blood-wit,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$2 :

Sahl, b, Abu Hathma and Aa0i: b, >hadij re1orted that Muha""isa b, Mas:ud and :Abdullah b, Sahl went towards >haibar and the" se1arated near the 1alm-trees, :Abdullah b, Sahl was 6illed, The" a//used the Fews (0or this a/t), And there /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) his brother (the brother o0 the slain 1erson) :Abd al-Aahman and his /ousins Huwa""isa and Muha""isaB and :Abd al-Aahman tal6ed to him about the matter 1ertainin. to (the murder o0) his brother2 and he was the "oun.est amon. them, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Show re.ard 0or the .reatness o0 the old2 or he said: Let the eldest s1ea6in., Then the" (Huwa""isa and Muha""isa) s1o6e about the matter o0 their /om1anion (murder o0 their /ousin2 :Abdullah b, Sahl), Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Let 0i0t" (1ersons) amon. "ou ta6e oath 0or le-ellin. the /har.e (o0 murder) a.ainst a 1erson them2 and he would be surrendered to "ou, The" said: ?e ha-e not witnessed this matter oursel-es, How /an we then ta6e oathD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: The Fews will e5onerate themsel-es b" the oaths o0 0i0t" o0 them, The" said: o0 Allah2 the" are non-belie-in. 1eo1le, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1aid the blood wit 0or him, Sahl said: As one da" I entered the 0old a she-/amel those /amels hit me with its le.,

$ 2 & $#


733> $): TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( 3ATH2 =3A (STA7LISHI!H TH( A(S@3!SI7ILITK 3= MUA9(AS2 =IHHTI!H2 A(EUITAL


7oo6 $)2 !umber *$2$:

Sahl b, Abu Hathma has narrated this hadith throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters with a -ariation o0 words2 but no mention has been made o0 the hittin. b" the she-/amel,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$22:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sahl b, Abu Hathma throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$24:

7ushair b, Kasar re1orted that :Abdullah b, Sahl b, Gaid and Muha""isa b, Mas:ud b, Gaid2 both o0 them were Ansar to the tribe o0 7anu Haritha2 set out to >haibar durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), There was 1ea/e durin. those da"s and (this 1la/e) was inhabited b" the Fews, The" 1arted /om1an" 0or their (res1e/ti-e) needs, :Abdullab b, Sahl was 6illed2 and his dead bod" was 0ound in a tan6, His /om1anion (Muha""isa) buried him and /ame to Medina2 and the brothers o0 the slain :Abd al-Aahman b, Sahl, and Muha""isa and Huwa""isa told Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the /ase o0 :Abdullah and the 1la/e where he had been murdered, 7ushair re1orted on the authorit" o0 one who had seen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he had said to them: Kou ta6e 0i0t" oaths and "ou are entitled to blood-wit o0 (one) slain amon. "ou (or "our /om1anion), The" said: o0 Allah2 we neither saw (with our own e"es this murder) nor were we 1resent there, Thereu1on (Allah:s is re1orted to ha-e said): Then the Fews will e5onerate themsel-es b" ta6in. 0i0t" oaths, The" said: Allah:s Messen.er2 how /an we a//e1t the oath o0 unbelie-in. 1eo1leD 7ushair said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1aid the blood-wit himsel0,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$2*:

7ushair b, Kasar re1orted that a 1erson 0rom the Ansar to the tribe o0 7anu Haritha who was /alled :Abdullah b, Sahl b, Gaid set out and the son o0 his un/le /alled Muha""isa b, Mas:ud b, Gaid2 the rest o0 the hadith is the same u1 to the words:C Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1aid the blood-wit himsel0,C 7ushair b, Kasar re1orted that Sahl b, Abu Hathma said: 3ne /amel the /amels 1aid as blood-wit 6i/6ed me while I was in the (/amel) en/losure,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$2+:

7ushair b, Kasar al-Ansari re1orted on the authorit" o0 Sahl b, Abu Hathma al-Ansari that some men (o0 his tribe went to >haibar2 and the" were se1arated 0rom one another2 and the" 0ound one o0 them slain, The rest o0 the hadith is the same, And it was said in this /onne/tion: Allah:s
$ 2$ & $#


733> $): TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( 3ATH2 =3A (STA7LISHI!H TH( A(S@3!SI7ILITK 3= MUA9(AS2 =IHHTI!H2 A(EUITAL


(ma" 1ea/e be him) did not a11ro-e o0 his blood .o waste, He 1aid blood-wit o0 one hundred /amels o0 Sadaqa,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$2):

Abu Laila :Abdullah b, :Abd al-Aahman b, Sahl re1orted that the elderl" 1ersons o0 (the tribe) had in0ormed Sahl b, Abu Hathma that :Abdullah b, Sahl and Muha""isa went out to >haibar under some distress whi/h had a00li/ted them, Muha""isa /ame and in0ormed that Abdutlah b, Sahl had been 6illed2 and (his dead bod") had been thrown in a well or in a dit/h, He /ame to the Fews and said: 7" Allah2 it is "ou who ha-e 6illed him, The" said: 7" Allah2 we ha-e not 6illed him, He then /ame to his 1eo1le2 and made mention o0 that to them, Then /ame he and his brother Huwa""isa2 and he was older than he2 and :Abd al-Aahman b, Sahl, Then Muha""isa went to s1ea62 and it was he who had a//om1anied (:Abdullah) to >haibar2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to Muha""isa: 3bser-e .reatness o0 the .reat (he meant the seniorit" o0 a.e), Then Huwa""isa s1o6e and then Muha""isa also s1o6e, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The" should either 1a" blood-wit 0or "our /om1anion2 or be 1re1ared 0or war, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) wrote about it to them (to the Fews), The" wrote: <eril"2 b" Allah2 we ha-e not 6illed him, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to Huwa""isa and Muha""isa and Abd al-Aahman: Are "ou 1re1ared to ta6e oath in order to entitle "oursel-es 0or the blood-wit o0 "our /om1anionD The" said: !o, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Then the Fews will ta6e oath (o0 their inno/en/e), The" said: The" are not Muslims, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 howe-er2 himsel0 1aid the blood-wit to them and sent to them one hundred /amels until the" entered into their houses2 Sahl said: 3ne red she-/amel amon. them 6i/6ed me,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$2%:

Sulaiman b, Kasar2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Maimuna2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 narrated 0rom one o0 the Ansari 'om1anions o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) retained (the 1ra/ti/e) o0 Easama as it was in the 1re-Islami/ da"s,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$2#:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Shihab with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this addition:C Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) de/ided (a//ordin. to Easama) between the 1ersons o0 Ansar (and "ours) about a slain (Muslim) 0or whi/h the" made /laim a.ainst the Fews

$ 22 & $#


733> $): TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( 3ATH2 =3A (STA7LISHI!H TH( A(S@3!SI7ILITK 3= MUA9(AS2 =IHHTI!H2 A(EUITAL


7oo6 $)2 !umber *$2;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Salama b, :Abd al-Aahman and Sulaiman b, Kasar,

'ha1ter 2: @ertainin. to the /ombatants and a1ostates

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$4 :
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that some 1eo1le (to the tribe) o0 :Uraina /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at Medina2 but the" 0ound its /limate un/o.enial, So Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to them: I0 "ou so li6e2 "ou ma" .o to the /amels o0 Sadaqa and drin6 their mil6 and urine, The" did so and were all, The" then 0ell u1on the she1herds and 6illed them and turned a1ostates 0rom Islam and dro-e o00 the /amels o0 the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), This news rea/hed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he sent (1eo1le) on their tra/6 and the" were ( and handed o-er to him, He (the Hol" @ro1het) .ot their hands /ut o002 and their 0eet2 and 1ut out their e"es2 and threw them on the ston" .round until the" died,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$4$:

Anas re1orted: ( men o0 the tribe o0 :U6l /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and swore alle.ian/e to him on Islam2 but 0ound the /limate o0 that land un/o.enial to their health and thus the" be/ame si/62 and the" made /om1laint o0 that to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he said: ?h" don:t "ou .o to (the 0old) o0 our /amels alon. with our she1herd2 and ma6e use o0 their mil6 and urine, The" said: Kes, The" set out and dran6 their (/amels:) mil6 and urine and re.ained their health, The" 6illed the she1herd and dro-e awa" the /amels, This (news) rea/hed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he sent them on their tra/6 and the" were / and to him (the Hol" @ro1het), He /ommanded about them2 and (thus) their hands and 0eet were /ut o00 and their e"es were .ou.ed and then the" were thrown in the sun2 until the" died, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn al-Sabbah with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$42:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that some 1eo1le o0 the tribe o0 :U6l or :Uraina /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and the" 0ound the /limate o0 Medina un/o.enial, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded them to the mil/h she-/amels and /ommanded them to drin6 their urine and their mil6, The rest o0 the hadith is the same (and the /on/ludin. words are):C Their e"es

$ 24 & $#


733> $): TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( 3ATH2 =3A (STA7LISHI!H TH( A(S@3!SI7ILITK 3= MUA9(AS2 =IHHTI!H2 A(EUITAL


were 1ier/ed2 and the" were thrown on the ston" .round, The" were as6in. 0or water2 but the" were not .i-en water,C

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$44:

Abu Eilaba re1orted: I was sittin. behind :Umar b, :Abd al-:A8i8 and he said to the 1eo1le: ?hat do "ou sa" about al-EasamaD Thereu1on :Anbasa said: Anas b Mali6 narrated to us su/h and su/h (hadith 1ertainin. to al-Easama), I said: This is what Anas had narrated to me: @eo1le /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same, ?hen I (Abu Eilaba) 0inished (the narration o0 this hadith)2 :Anbasa said: Hallowed be Allah, I said: 9o "ou blame me (0or tellin. a lie)D He (:Anbasa) said: !o, This is how Anas b Mali6 narrated to us, 3 1eo1le o0 S"ria2 "ou would not be de1ri-ed o0 .ood2 so lon. as su/h (a 1erson) or one li6e him li-es "ou,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$4*:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: There /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ersons 0rom the tribe o0 :U6l2 but with this addition that he did not /auterise (the wounds whi/h hid been in0li/ted u1on them while 1unishin. them),

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$4+:

Anas re1orted: There /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) some 1on1le 0rom :Uraina, The" embra/ed Islam and swore alle.ian/e to him and there had s1read at that time 1leuris", The rest o0 the hadith is the same (but with this addition):C There were b" his (the @ro1het:s) side about twent" "oun. men o0 the AnsarB he sent them (behind) them (/ul1rits)2 and he also sent alon. with them one e51ert in 0ollowin. the tra/6 so that he tra/e their 0oot1rints,C

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$4):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$4%:

Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ier/ed their e"es be/ause the" had 1ier/ed the e"es o0 the she1herds,

$ 2* & $#


733> $): TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( 3ATH2 =3A (STA7LISHI!H TH( A(S@3!SI7ILITK 3= MUA9(AS2 =IHHTI!H2 A(EUITAL


'ha1ter 4: The justi0i/ation o0 qisas (retribution) when one is 6illed with stone or an" other hea-" thin. and 6illin. o0 a male 0or the murder o0 a 0emale
7oo6 $)2 !umber *$4#:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that a Few 6illed a .irl with a stone 0or her sil-er ornaments, She was to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) when there was "et some li0e in her, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said to her: Has so and so 6illed "ouD She indi/ated with the nod o0 her head: !o, He said 0or the se/ond time2 and she a.ain said: !o with the nod o0 her head, He as6ed 0or the third time2 and she said: Kes with the nod o0 her head and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded to /rush his head between two stones,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$4;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters and in the hadith narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Idris (the words are):C He (/ommanded) to /rush his head between two stones,C

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$* :

Anas re1orted that a Few 6illed a .irl o0 the Ansar 0or her ornaments and then threw her in a well and smashed her head with a stone, He was / and to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he /ommanded that he should be stoned to death, So he was stoned until he died,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$*$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A""ub with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$*2:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: A .irl was 0ound with her head /rushed between two stones, The" as6ed her as to who had done that-has so and so (done it) until the" mentioned a Few, She indi/ated with the nod o0 her head (that it was so), So the Few was /au.ht2 and he made /on0ession (o0 his .uilt), And Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded that his head be smashed with stones,

$ 2+ & $#


733> $): TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( 3ATH2 =3A (STA7LISHI!H TH( A(S@3!SI7ILITK 3= MUA9(AS2 =IHHTI!H2 A(EUITAL


'ha1ter *: ?hen an"one atta/6s the li0e o0 a 1erson2 or his limb2 and the -i/tim wards o00 the atta/6 and in sel0de0en/e either the li0e o0 the assailant is lost or his limb bro6en2 there would be no 1enalt" on the -i/tim
7oo6 $)2 !umber *$*4:
Imran b, Husain re1orted: Ka:la b, Mun"a or Ibn Uma""a with a 1erson2 and the one bit the hand o0 the other, And he tried to draw his hand 0rom his mouth and thus his 0oreteeth ware 1ulled out, The" re0erred their dis1ute to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on he said: 9oes an" one o0 "ou bite as the /amel bitesD So there is no blood-wit 0or it,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$**:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ka:la,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$*+:

:Imran b, Husain re1orted that a 1erson bit the arm o0 another 1ersonB he 1ulled it out and his 0oretooth 0ell down, This matter was ta6en to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he turned it down sa"in.: 9id "ou want to eat his 0leshD

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$*):

Sa0wan b, Ka:la re1orted that a 1erson bit the arm o0 the ser-ant o0 Ka:la b, Mun"a, He 1ulled it and his 0oretooth 0ell, The matter was re0erred to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he turned it down and said: 9id "ou intend to bite his hand2 as the /amel bitesD

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$*%:

:Imran b, Husain re1orted that a 1erson bit the hand o0 a 1erson, He withdrew his hand and his 0oretooth or 0oreteeth 0ell down, He (the man who lost his teeth) re0erred the matter to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said2 ?hat do "ou want me to doD 9o "ou as6 me that I should order him to 1ut his hand in "our month2 and "ou should bite it as the /amel bitesD (I0 "ou

$ 2) & $#


733> $): TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( 3ATH2 =3A (STA7LISHI!H TH( A(S@3!SI7ILITK 3= MUA9(AS2 =IHHTI!H2 A(EUITAL


want retaliation2 then the onl" wa" out is) that "ou 1ut "our hand in his mouth (allow him) to bite that and then draw it awa",

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$*#:

Sa0wan b, Ka:la b, Mun"a re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that there /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a 1erson who had bitten the hand o0 another 1erson and who had withdrawn his hand (and as a result thereo0) his 0oreteeth had 0allen (those whi/h had bitten), The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) turned down his (/laim)2 and said: 9o "ou wish to bite as the /amel bitesD

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$*;:

Sa0wan b, Ka:la b, Uma""a thus re1orted 0rom his 0ather: I 1arti/i1ated in the e51edition to Tabu6 with Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), And Ka:la used to sa": That was the most" o0 m" deeds2 in m" o1inion, Sa0wan said that Ka:la had stated: I had a ser-antB he quarrelled with another 1erson2 and the one bit the hand o0 the other, (:Ata: said that Sa0wan had told him whi/h one had bitten the hand o0 the other,) So he whose hand was bitten drew ill 0rom (the mouth) o0 the one who had bitten it and (in this s/u00le) one o0 his 0oreteeth was also drawn out, The" both /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he de/lared his (/laim 0or the /om1ensation o0) tooth as in-alid,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$+ :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Furaij with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter +: The -era/it" o0 r0tribution in /ase o0 tooth

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$+$:
Anas re1orted that Umm Haritha2 the sister o0 Auba""i: (she was the 0ather:s sister o0 Hadrat Anas) injured a 1erson (she bro6e his teeth), The dis1ute was re0erred to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Aetribution2 retribution, Umm Auba""i: said: o0 Allah2 will retribution be ta6en 0rom so and soD 7" Allah2 it shall not be ta6en 0rom her (i, e, 0rom Umm Haritha), Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle said: Hallowed be Allah, 3 Umm Auba""i:2 Eisas (retribution is a /ommand2 1res/ribed) in the 7oo6 o0 Allah, She said: !o2 b" Allah2 Eisas will ne-er be ta6en 0rom herB and she went on sa"in. this until the" (the relati-es o0 the one who had been injured) a//e1ted the blood-wit, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)

$ 2% & $#


733> $): TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( 3ATH2 =3A (STA7LISHI!H TH( A(S@3!SI7ILITK 3= MUA9(AS2 =IHHTI!H2 A(EUITAL


said: <eril" there are the ser-ants o0 Allah (su/h 1ious 1ersons) who2 i0 the" ta6e oath o0 Allah2 He honours it,

'ha1ter ): ?hen it is 1ermissible to ta6e the li0e o0 a muslim

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$+2:
:Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is not 1ermissible to ta6e the li0e o0 a Muslim who bears testimon" (to the 0a/t that there is no .od but Allah2 and I am the o0 Allah2 but in one o0 the three /ases: the married adulterer2 a li0e 0or li0e2 and the deserter o0 his 9in (Islam)2 abandonin. the /ommunit",

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$+4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$+*:

:Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 and said: 7" Him besides ?hom there is no .od but He2 the blood o0 a Muslim who bears the testimon" that there is no .od but Allah2 and I am His Messen.er2 ma" be law0ull" shed onl" in /ase o0 three 1ersons: the one who abandons Islam2 and deserts the /ommunit" NAhmad2 one o0 the narrators2 is doubt0ul whether the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used the word li:l-jama:ah or al-jama:ah)2 and the married adulterer2 and li0e 0or li0e,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$++:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 narrators but with a -ariation o0 words2 i, e, he did not sa": 7" Him besides ?hom there is no .od,

$ 2# & $#


733> $): TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( 3ATH2 =3A (STA7LISHI!H TH( A(S@3!SI7ILITK 3= MUA9(AS2 =IHHTI!H2 A(EUITAL


'ha1ter %: He who sheds the blood 0irst o0 all bears the burden o0 all subsequent murders
7oo6 $)2 !umber *$+):
:Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) re1orted: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: !o 1erson who is 6illed unjustl"2 but the share o0 (this o00en/e o0 his also) 0alls u1on the 0irst son o0 Adam2 0or he was the 0irst to introdu/e 6illin.,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$+%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Farir and :Isa b, Kunus with a -ariation o0 words,

'ha1ter #: The (/ases o0) bloodshed would be de/ided 0irst o0 all on the da" o0 jud.ment
7oo6 $)2 !umber *$+#:
:Abdullah b, (Mas:ud) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The 0irst (thin.) that will be de/ided amon. 1eo1le on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment will 1ertain to bloodshed,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$+;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$) :

Abu 7a6ra re1orted that (in the =arewell Address) Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Time has /om1leted a /"/le and /ome to the state o0 the da" when Allah /reated the hea-ens and the earth, The "ear is /onstituted o0 twel-e months2 o0 whi/h 0our are sa/redB three o0 them /onse/uti-e2 -i8, 9hu:l-Ea:da2 9hu:l- Hijja and Muharram2 and also Aajab the month o0 Mudar whi/h /omes between Fumada and Sha:ban, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then said: whi/h month is thisD ?e said Allah and His 6now best, He (the narrator) said: He (the Hol" @ro1het) remained silent 0or some time until we that he would .i-e it a name other than that (b" whi/h it was 6nown), He said: Is it not 9ha:l-HijjaD ?e said: Kes, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hi/h /it" is thisD ?e said: Allah and
$ 2; & $#


733> $): TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( 3ATH2 =3A (STA7LISHI!H TH( A(S@3!SI7ILITK 3= MUA9(AS2 =IHHTI!H2 A(EUITAL


His 6now best, He (the Hol" @ro1het" remained silent until we that he would .i-e it another name, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Is it not the 7alda (the /it" o0 Me//a)D ?e said: Kes, He said: ?hat da" is thisD ?e said: Allah and His 6now best, He (the Hol" @ro1het) remained silent until we that he would .i-e it another name, He said: Is it not the 9a" o0 Sa/ri0i/eD ?e said: Allah:s, "es, Thereu1on he said: Kour blood2 "our 1ro1ert" (Muhammad2 one o0 the narrators2 said: I thin62 he also said this) and "our honour are sa/red to "ou li6e the sa/redness o0 this da" o0 "ours2 in this /it" o0 "ours2 and in this month o0 "ours, Kou will soon meet "our Lord and He will as6 "ou about "our deeds, So do not turn a0ter me unbelie-ers (or mis.uided)2 some o0 "ou stri6in. the ne/6s o0 the others, 7ehold I let him who is 1resent /on-e" to him who is absent2 0or man" a one whom a messa.e is /on-e"ed has a more retenti-e memor" than one who hears, He a.ain said: 7eholdL ha-e I not deli-ered (the messa.e) to "ouD This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters2 but with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$)$:

Abu 7a6ra re1orted that when it was that da" (the $ th o0 9hu:l-Hijja) he mounted his /amel and a 1erson / its nosestrin.2 whereu1on he said: 9o "ou 6now whi/h da" is thisD The" said: Allah and His 6now best, (The Hol" @ro1het Nma" 1ea/e be u1on himO 6e1t silent) until we that he would .i-e that another name, He said: Is it not the da" o0 !ahr (Sa/ri0i/e) ($ th o0 9hu:l- Hijja)D ?e said: Allah:s Messen.er2 "es, He (a.ain) said: ?hi/h month is itD ?e said: Allah and His 6nows best, He said: Is it not 9hu:l-HijjaD ?e said: Allah:s Messen.er2 "es, He said: ?hi/h /it" is thisD ?e said: Allah and His 6now best, He (the narrator) said (that the Hol" @ro1het 6e1t silent until we that he would .i-e it another name besides its (ori.inal) name, He said: Is it not 7alda (the /it" o0 Me//a)D ?e said: Kes2 Allah:s, He (then) said: <eril" "our blood (li-es) and "our 1ro1ert" and "our honour are as sa/red unto "ou as sa/red is this da" o0 "ours2 in this month o0 "ours2 in this /it" o0 "ours, Let him who is 1resent /on-e" it to one who is absent, He then turned his attention towards two multi/oloured (bla/6 and white) rams and slau.htered them2 and two .oats2 and distributed them us,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$)2:

Abu 7a6ra re1orted that when it was the da" o0 (9hu:l-Hijja) Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) mounted the /amel and addressed and a 1erson had been holdin. its nosestrin., The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$)4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu 7a6ra throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are):C Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) addressed us on the da" o0

$ 4 & $#


733> $): TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( 3ATH2 =3A (STA7LISHI!H TH( A(S@3!SI7ILITK 3= MUA9(AS2 =IHHTI!H2 A(EUITAL


!ahr (Sa/ri0i/e) and said: ?hat da" is thisD And the rest o0 the hadith is the same e5/e1t that he did not ma6e mention o0C "our honour2C and also did not ma6e mention o0 this: He then turned his attention towards two rams and what 0ollows2 and in a hadith (the words 1ertainin. to sa/red- ness are re/orded in this wa"):C Li6e the sa/redness o0 this da" o0 "ours2 in this month o0 "ours2 in this /it" o0 "ours to the da" when "ou will meet "our Lord, 7ehold2 ha-e I not /on-e"ed (the Messa.e o0 Hod)D The" said: Kes, He said: 3 Allah2 bear witness,C

'ha1ter ;: The /on0ession o0 murder is held -alid and the 1erson whose man is 6illed is entitled to .et retribution, the o00ender has a to be. 0or remission
7oo6 $)2 !umber *$)*:
:Alqama b, ?a:il re1orted on the authorit" o0 his-0ather: ?hile I was sittin. in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 a 1erson /ame there another one with the hel1 o0 a stra1 and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 this man has 6illed m" brother, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: 9id "ou 6ill himD And the other man said: (In /ase he did not ma6e a /on0ession o0 this2 I shall brine2 a witness a.ainst him), He (the murderer) said: Kes2 I ha-e 6illed him, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?h" did "ou 6ill himD He said: I and he won stri6in. down the lea-es o0 a tree and he abused me and enra.ed me2 and to I stru/6 his head with an a5e and 6illed him2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ha-e "ou an"thin. with "ou to 1a" bloodwit on "our behal0D He said: I do not 1ossess an" 1ro1ert" but this robe o0 mine and this a5e o0 mine, He (the Hol"2 @ro1het) said: 9o "ou thin6 "our 1eo1le will 1a" ransom 0or "ouD He said: I am more insi.ni0i/ant amon. m" 1eo1le than this (that I would not be able to .et this bene0it 0rom m" tribe), He (the Hol" @ro1het) threw the stra1 towards him (the /laimant o0 the blood-wit) sa"in.: Ta6e awa" "our man, The man too6 him awa"2 and as he returned2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 he 6ills him2 he will be li6e him, He returned and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 it has rea/hed me that "ou ha-e said thatC I0 he 6illed him2 he would be li6e him,C I / hold o0 him a//ordin. to "our /ommand2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9on:t "ou li6e that he should ta6e u1on him (the burden) o0 "our sin and the sin o0 "our /om1anion ("our brother)D He said: Allah:s A1ostle2 wh" notD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be, u1on him) said: I0 it is so2 then let it be, He threw awa" the stra1 (around the o00ender) and set him 0ree,

$ 4$ & $#


733> $): TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( 3ATH2 =3A (STA7LISHI!H TH( A(S@3!SI7ILITK 3= MUA9(AS2 =IHHTI!H2 A(EUITAL


7oo6 $)2 !umber *$)+:

:Alaqama b, ?a:il re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that a 1erson was to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who had 6illed another 1erson2 and the heir o0 the 1erson slain had dra..ed him (to the Hol" @ro1het) with a stra1 around his ne/6, As he turned awa" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The 6iller and the 6illed are (doomed) to 0ire, A 1erson /ame to the other 1erson (the heir o0 the de/eased) and he re1orted to him the words o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and so he let him o00, Isma:il b, Salim said: I made a mention o0 it to Habib b, Abu Thabit and he said: Ibn Ashwa: re1orted to me that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had as6ed him to 1ardon him2 but he re0used,

'ha1ter $ : 7lood-wit o0 the /hild in the womb2 and nal murder and in /ase o0 the quasi-intentional murder
7oo6 $)2 !umber *$)):

the essentialit" o0 blood-wit in /ase o0 unintentio-

Abu Huraira re1orted that amon. two women o0 the tribe o0 Hudhail one 0lun. a stone u1on the other /ausin. an abortion to her Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) .a-e jud.ment that a male or a 0emale sla-e o0 best qualit" be .i-en as /om1ensation,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$)%:

Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e jud.ment in /ase o0 the abortion o0 a woman o0 7anu Lih"an (that the o00ender and near relati-e should .i-e /om1ensation in the 0orm o0) .ood qualit" o0 a sla-e or a sla-e-.irl, And the woman about whom the jud.ment was .i-en 0or /om1ensation died and thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e jud.ment that her inheritan/e .oes to her sons and her husband2 and the 1a"ment o0 the blood-wit lies with the 0amil" o0 (one who stru/6 her),

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$)#:

Abu Huraira re1orted that two women o0 the tribe o0 Hudhail with ea/h other and one o0 them 0lun. a stone at the other2 6illin. her and what was in her womb, The /ase was to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he .a-e jud.ment that the di"at (indemnit") o0 her

$ 42 & $#


733> $): TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( 3ATH2 =3A (STA7LISHI!H TH( A(S@3!SI7ILITK 3= MUA9(AS2 =IHHTI!H2 A(EUITAL


unborn /hild is a male or a 0emale sla-e o0 the best qualit"2 and he also de/ided that the di"at o0 the woman is to be 1aid b" her relati-e on the 0ather:s side2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) made her sons and those who were with them her heirs, Hamal b, al-!abi.ha al-Hudhali said: o0 Allah2 wh" should I 1la" blood-wit 0or one who neither dran62 nor ate2 nor s1o6e2 nor made an" noiseB it is li6e a nonentit" (it is2 there0ore2 not justi0iable to demand blood-wit 0or it), Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He seems to be one o0 the brothers o0 soothsa-ers on a//ount o0 the rh"med s1ee/h whi/h he has /om1osed,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$);:

Abu Huraira re1orted that two women rest o0 the hadith is the same but herein no mention has been made o0: He made her son and those who were with them her heirs, Someone said: ?h" should we 1a" blood-witD And he did not name Hamal b, Mali6,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$% :

Al-Mu.hira b, Shu:ba re1orted that a woman stru/6 her /o-wi0e with a tent-1ole and she was 1re.nant and she 6illed her, 3ne o0 them belon.ed to the tribe o0 Lih"an, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made the relati-es o0 the murderer res1onsible 0or the 1a"ment o0 blood-wit on her behal02 and 0i5ed a sla-e or a 0emale sla-e as the indemnit" 0or what was in her womb, 3ne o0 the 1ersons the relati-es o0 the murderer said: Should we 1a" indemnit" 0or one who2 neither ate2 nor dran62 nor made an" noise2 who was just li6e a nonentit"D Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) remar6ed: He s1ea6s rh"med 1hrases li6e the 1eo1le o0 the desert, He did im1ose indemnit" u1on them,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$%$:

Al-Mu.hira b, Shu:ba re1orted: A woman 6illed her 0ellow-wi0e with a tent-1ole, Her /ase was to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he .a-e jud.ment that blood-wit should be 1aid b" the relati-es (o0 the o00ender) on the 0ather:s side, And as she was 1re.nant2 he de/ided re.ardin. her unborn /hild that a male or a 0emale sla-e o0 .ood qualit" be .i-en, Some o0 her o00ender:s) relati-es said: Should we ma6e /om1ensation 0or one who ne-er ate2 nor dran62 nor made an" noise2 who was li6e a nonentit"D Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He was tal6in. rh"med 1hrases li6e the rh"med 1hrases o0 desert Arabs,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$%2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Mansur with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

$ 44 & $#


733> $): TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( 3ATH2 =3A (STA7LISHI!H TH( A(S@3!SI7ILITK 3= MUA9(AS2 =IHHTI!H2 A(EUITAL


7oo6 $)2 !umber *$%4:

Mansur transmitted this hadith with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 $)2 !umber *$%*:

Miswar b, Ma6hrama re1orted that :Umar b, >hattab /onsulted 1eo1le about the di"at o0 abortion o0 an unboam /hild, Mu.hira b, Shu:ba said: I bear witness to the 0a/t that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e jud.ment about it that a .ood qualit" o0 sla-e or 0emale sla-e should be .i-en 0or it, Thereu1on :Umar said: 7rin. one who ma" bear witness to "ou, Then Muhammad b, Maslama bore witness to him,

$ 4* & $#


733> $): TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( 3ATH2 =3A (STA7LISHI!H TH( A(S@3!SI7ILITK 3= MUA9(AS2 =IHHTI!H2 A(EUITAL


733> $%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @U!ISHM(!TS @A(S'AI7(9 7K ISLAM (>ITA7 AL-HU9U9)

$ 4+ & $#


733> $%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @U!ISHM(!TS @A(S'AI7(9 7K ISLAM (>ITA7 AL-HU9U9)

The 1enal laws o0 Islam are /alled Hudud in the Hadith and =iqh, This word is the 1lural o0 Hadd2 whi/h means 1re-ention2 hindran/e2 restraint2 1rohibition2 and hen/e a restri/ti-e ordinan/e or statute o0 Hod2 res1e/tin. thin.s law0ul and unlaw0ul, @unishments are di-ided into two /lasses2 one o0 whi/h is /alled Hadd and the other Ta:8ir, The Hadd is a measure o0 1unishment de0ined b" the Eur:an and the Sunnah, In Ta:8ir2 the /ourt2 is allowed to use its dis/retion in re.ard to the 0orm and measure in whi/h su/h 1unishment is to be in0li/ted, @unishments b" wa" o0 Hadd are o0 the 0ollowin. 0orms: death b" stonin.2 am1utation o0 a limb or limbs2 b" one hundred or" stro6es, The" are 1res/ribed res1e/ti-el" 0or the 0ollowin. o00en/es: adulter" /ommitted b" married 1ersons2 the0t2 hi.hwa" robber"2 drun6enness and slander im1utin. un/hastit" to women, The 1unishments des/ribed abo-e are the ma5imum 1unishments 0or the abo-e mentioned /rimes, These /an be redu/ed 6ee1in. in -iew the /ir/umstan/es in whi/h the /rimes were /ommitted2 the nature o0 the e-iden/e2 and the moti-e o0 the /riminal with whi/h he /ommitted the /rime,

'ha1ter $: @unishment 0or the0t and the minimum limit a//ordin. to whi/h it is im1osed u1on an o00ender
7oo6 $%2 !umber *$%+:
:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ut o00 the hand o0 a thie0 0or a quarter o0 a dinar rid u1wards,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *$%):

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Guhri,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *$%%:

:A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The hand o0 a thie0 should not be /ut o00 but 0or a quarter o0 a dinar and u1wards,

$ 4) & $#


733> $%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @U!ISHM(!TS @A(S'AI7(9 7K ISLAM (>ITA7 AL-HU9U9)

7oo6 $%2 !umber *$%#:

:A:isha re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The hand (o0 a thie0) should not be /ut o00 but 0or a quarter o0 a dinar and what is abo-e that,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *$%;:

:A:isha re1orted that she heard Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The hand o0 the thie0 ma" not be /ut o00 but 0or a quarter o0 a dinar and u1wards,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *$# :

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ka8id b, :Abdullah b, al-Had with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *$#$:

:A:isha re1orted that durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the hand o0 the thie0 was not /ut o00 0or less than the 1ri/e o0 a shield2 iron /oat or armour and both o0 them are -aluable,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *$#2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters2 and in the hadith narrated b" :Abd al-Aahim and Abu Usama (the words are):C That (the shield) was -aluable those da"s,C

7oo6 $%2 !umber *$#4:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e u1on him) /ut o00 the hand o0 a thie0 (in /ase o0 the the0t) o0 a shield the 1ri/e o0 whi/h was three dirhams,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *$#*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar throu.h some other /hains o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *$#+:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Let there be the /urse o0 Allah u1on the thie0 who steals an e.. and his hand is /ut o002 and steals a ro1e and his hand is /ut o00,
$ 4% & $#


733> $%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @U!ISHM(!TS @A(S'AI7(9 7K ISLAM (>ITA7 AL-HU9U9)

7oo6 $%2 !umber *$#):

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters with a -ariation o0 words,

'ha1ter 2: @rohibition o0 in rer/ession re.ardin. 1res/ribed 1unishment 0or the0t and other (/rimes) in /ase o0 im1ortant 1ersons
7oo6 $%2 !umber *$#%:
:A:isha re1orted that the Euraish had been an5ious about the Ma6h8umi woman who had /ommitted the0t2 and said: ?ho will s1ea6 to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about herD The" said: ?ho dare it2 but Usama2 the lo-ed one o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D So Usama s1o6e to him, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o "ou inter/ede re.ardin. one o0 the 1unishments 1res/ribed b" AllahD He then stood u1 and addressed (1eo1le) sa"in.: 3 1eo1le2 those who ha-e .one be0ore "ou were destro"ed2 be/ause i0 an" one o0 hi.h ran6 /ommitted the0t them2 the" s1ared himB and it an"one o0 low ran6 /ommitted the0t2 the" in0li/ted the 1res/ribed 1unishment u1on him, 7" Allah2 i0 =atima2 dau.hter o0 Muhammad2 were to steal2 I would ha-e her hand /ut o00, In the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Aumh (the words are):C <eril" those be0ore "ou 1erished,C

7oo6 $%2 !umber *$##:

:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted that the Euraish were /on/erned about the woman who had /ommitted the0t durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 in the e51edition o0 <i/tor" (o0 Me//a), The" said: ?ho would s1ea6 to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about herD The" (a.ain) said: ?ho /an dare do this but Usama b Gaid2 the lo-ed one o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D She was to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and Usama b, Gaid s1o6e about her to him (inter/eded on her behal0), The /olour o0 the 0a/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /han.ed2 and he said: 9o "ou inter/ede in one o0 the 1res/ribed 1unishments o0 AllahD He (Usama) said: o0 Allah2 see6 0or.i-eness 0or me, ?hen it was dus6, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 and .a-e an address, He (0irst) .lori0ied Allah as He deser-es2 and then said: !ow to our to1i/, This (injusti/e) destro"ed those be0ore "ou that when an" one o0 (hi.h) ran6 /ommitted the0t amon. them2 the" s1ared him2 and when an" wea6 one amon. them /ommitted the0t2 the" in0li/ted the 1res/ribed 1unishment u1on him, 7" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 e-en i0 =atima dau.hter o0 Muhammad were to /ommit the0t2 I would ha-e /ut o00 her hand, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then /ommanded about
$ 4# & $#


733> $%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @U!ISHM(!TS @A(S'AI7(9 7K ISLAM (>ITA7 AL-HU9U9)

that woman who had /ommitted the0t2 and her hand was /ut o00, :A:isha (0urther) said: Hers was a .ood res1entan/e2 and she later on married and used to /ome to me a0ter that2 and I /on-e"ed her needs (and 1roblems) to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 $%2 !umber *$#;:

:A:isha re1orted that a woman 0rom the tribe o0 Ma6h8um used to borrow thin.s (0rom 1eo1le) and then denied (ha-in. ta6en them), Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded her hand to be /ut o00, Her relati-es /ame to Usama b, Gaid and s1o6e to him (requestin. him to inter/ede on her behal0), He s1o6e to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about her, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *$; :

Faibir re1orted that a woman 0rom the tribe o0 Ma6h8um /ommitted the0t, She was to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and she re0u.e (inter/ession) 0rom Umm Salama2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7" Allah2 e-en i0 she were =atima2 I would ha-e her hand /ut o00, And thus her hand was /ut o00,

'ha1ter 4: @res/ribed 1unishment 0or an adulterer and an adulteress

7oo6 $%2 !umber *$;$:
:Ubada b, as-Samit re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Ae/ei-e (tea/hin.) 0rom me2 re/ei-e (tea/hin.) 0rom me, Allah has ordained a wa" 0or those (women), ?hen an unmarried male /ommits adulter" with an unmarried 0emale (the" should re/ei-e) one hundred lashes and banishment 0or one "ear, And in /ase o0 married male /ommittin. adulter" with a married 0emale2 the" shall re/ei-e one hundred lashes and be stoned to death,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *$;2:

:Ubada b, as-Samit re1orted that whene-er Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ei-ed re-elation2 he 0elt its ri.our and the /om1le5ion o0 his 0a/e /han.ed, 3ne da" re-elation des/ended u1on him2 he 0elt the same ri.our, ?hen it was o-er and he 0elt relie02 he said: Ta6e 0rom me, <eril" Allah has ordained a wa" 0or them (the women who /ommit 0orni/ation)2: (?hen) a married man (/ommits adulter") with a married woman2 and an unmarried male with an unmarried woman2 then in /ase o0 married (1ersons) there is (a 1unishment) o0 one hundred lashes and then stonin. (to
$ 4; & $#


733> $%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @U!ISHM(!TS @A(S'AI7(9 7K ISLAM (>ITA7 AL-HU9U9)

death), And in /ase o0 unmarried 1ersons2 (the 1unishment) is one hundred lashes and e5ile 0or one "ear,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *$;4:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Eatada with the same /hain o0 transmitters e5/e1t with this -ariation that the unmarried is to be lashed and e5iled2 and the married one is to be lashed and stoned, There is neither an" mention o0 one "ear nor that o0 one hundred,

'ha1ter *: Stonin. o0 a married adulterer

7oo6 $%2 !umber *$;*:
:Abdullah b, :Abbas re1orted that :Umar b, >hattab sat on the 1ul1it o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: <eril" Allah sent Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with truth and He sent down the 7oo6 u1on him2 and the -erse o0 stonin. was in/luded in what was sent down to him, ?e re/ited it2 retained it in our memor" and understood it, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) awarded the 1unishment o0 stonin. to death (to the married adulterer and adulteress) and2 a0ter him2 we also awarded the 1unishment o0 stonin.2 I am a0raid that with the la1se o0 time2 the 1eo1le (ma" it) and ma" sa": ?e do not 0ind the 1unishment o0 stonin. in the 7oo6 o0 Allah2 and thus .o astra" b" abandonin. this dut" 1res/ribed b" Allah, Stonin. is a dut" laid down in Allah:s 7oo6 0or married men and women who /ommit adulter" when 1roo0 is established2 or it there is 1re.nan/"2 or a /on0ession,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *$;+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter +: He who /on0esses his .uilt o0 adulter"

7oo6 $%2 !umber *$;):
Abu Huraira re1orted that a 1erson 0rom the Muslims /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) while he was in the mosque, He /alled him sa"in.: Allah:s, I ha-e /ommitted adulter", He (the Hol" @ro1het) turned awa" 0rom him2 He (a.ain) /ame round 0a/in. him and said to him: Allah:s Messen.er2 I ha-e /ommitted adulter", He (the Hol" @ro1het) turned awa" until he did that 0our times2 and as he testi0ied 0our times a.ainst his own sel02 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled him and said: Are "ou madD He said: !o, He (a.ain) said: Are "ou marriedD He said: Kes, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ta6e him
$ * & $#


733> $%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @U!ISHM(!TS @A(S'AI7(9 7K ISLAM (>ITA7 AL-HU9U9)

and stone him, Ibn Shihab (one o0 the narrators) said: 3ne who had heard Fabir b, :Abdullah sa"in. this in0ormed me thus: I was one o0 those who stoned him, ?e stoned him at the 1la/e o0 1ra"er (either that o0 :Id or a 0uneral), ?hen the stones hurt him2 he ran awa", ?e / him in the Harra and stoned him (to death), This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *$;%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h other /hains o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *$;#:

Fabir b, Samura re1orted: As he was bein. to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) I saw Ma:i8 b, Mali6-a short-statured 1erson with stron. sinews2 ha-in. no /loa6 around him, He bore witness a.ainst his own sel0 0our times that he had /ommitted adulter"2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: @erha1s ("ou 6issed her or embra/ed her), He said: !o, b" Hod2 one de-iatin. (0rom the 1ath o0 -irtue) has /ommitted adulter", He then .ot him stoned (to death)2 and then deli-ered the address: 7ehold2 as we set out 0or Fihad in the /ause o0 Allah2 one o0 "ou la..ed behind and shrie6ed li6e the bleatin. o0 a male .oat2 and .a-e a small quantit" o0 mil6, 7" Allah2 in /ase I .et hold o0 him2 I shall /ertainl" 1unish him,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *$;;:

Fabir b, Samura re1orted that there was to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a short-statured 1erson with thi/6 un/ombed hair2 mus/ular bod"2 ha-in. a mantle around him and he had /ommitted adulter", He turned him awa" twi/e and then made 1ronoun/ement about him and he was stoned, Then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?e set out 0or Fihad in the /ause o0 Allah and one o0 "ou la..ed behind and shrie6ed li6e the bleatin. o0 a male .oat and one o0 then (.oats: .a-e a small quantit" o0 mil6, In /ase Allah .i-es me 1ower o-er one o0 them2 I will 1unish him (in su/h a wa" that it ma" ha-e a deterrent e00e/t u1on others), In another narration transmitted on the authorit" o0 Sa:id b Fubair (the words are)2 that He (the Hol" @ro1het) turned him awa" 0our times,C

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, Samura throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters with the di00eren/e that alon. with the mentionin. (o0 the 0a/t) that he (the Hol" @ro1het) turned him awa" twi/e2 or thri/e,

$ *$ & $#


733> $%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @U!ISHM(!TS @A(S'AI7(9 7K ISLAM (>ITA7 AL-HU9U9)

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2 $:

Ibn Abbas re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to Ma:i8 b, Mali6: Is it true what has rea/hed me about "ouD He said: ?hat has rea/hed "ou about meD He said: It has rea/hed me that "ou ha-e /ommitted (adulter") with the sla-e-.irl o0 so and soD He said: Kes, He (the narrator) said: He testi0ied 0our times, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then made 1ronoun/ement about him and he was stoned (to death),

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2 2:

Abu Sa:id re1orted that a 1erson to the /lan o0 Aslam2 who was /alled Ma2 i8 b, Mali62 /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: I ha-e /ommitted immoralit" (adulter")2 so in0li/t 1unishment u1on me, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) turned him awa" a.ain and a.ain, He then as6ed his 1eo1le (about the state o0 his mind), The" said: ?e do not 6now o0 an" ailment o0 his e5/e1t that he has /ommitted somethin. about whi/h he thin6s that he would not be able to relie-e himsel0 o0 its burden but with the Hadd bein. im1osed u1on him, He (Ma:i8) /ame ba/6 to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he /ommanded us to stone him, ?e too6 him to the 7aqi: al-Hharqad (the .ra-e"ard o0 Medina), ?e neither tied him nor du. an" dit/h 0or him, ?e atta/6ed him with bones2 with /lods and 1ebbles, He ran awa" and we ran a0ter him until he /ame u1on the ston .round (al-Harra) and sto11ed there and we stoned him with hea-" stones o0 the Harra until he be/ame motionless (lie died), He (the Hol" @ro1het) then addressed (us) in the e-enin. sa"in. ?hene-er we set 0orth on an e51edition in the /ause o0 Allah2 some one o0 those /onne/ted with us shrie6ed (under the 1ressure o0 se5ual lust) as the bleatin. o0 a male .oat, It is essential that i0 a 1erson ha-in. /ommitted su/h a deed is to me2 I should 1unish him, He neither be..ed 0or.i-eness 0or him nor /ursed him,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2 4:

9awud narrated the hadith with the same /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are): Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood ti1 (to address the audien/e) in the e-enin. and 1raised Allah2 .lori0ied Him and then said: ?hat about the 1eo1le2 that as we set out on an e51edition2 one o0 "ou remained behind us and he shrie6ed li6e the bleatin. o0 a male .oatD 7ut he did not mention (these words): @eo1le /onne/ted with us,C

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2 *:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 9awud with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this -ariation that in the hadith narrated b" Su0"an (the words are):C He made a /on0ession o0 ha-in. /ommitted adulter"2 thri/e,C

$ *2 & $#


733> $%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @U!ISHM(!TS @A(S'AI7(9 7K ISLAM (>ITA7 AL-HU9U9)

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2 +:

Sulaiman b, 7uraida re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Ma2 i8 b, Mali6 /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said to him: o0 Allah2 1uri0" me2 whereu1on he said: ?oe be u1on "ou2 .o ba/62 as6 0or.i-eness o0 Allah and turn to Him in re1entan/e, He (the narrator) said that he went ba/6 not 0ar2 then /ame and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 1uri0" me, whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?oe be u1on "ou2 .o ba/6 and as6 0or.i-eness o0 Allah and turn to Him in re1entan/e, He (the narrator) said that he went ba/6 not 0ar2 when he /ame and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 1uri0" me, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said as he had said be0ore, ?hen it was the 0ourth time2 Allah:s (ma"2 1ea/e be u1on him) said: =rom what am I to 1uri0" "ouD He said: =rom adulter"2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed i0 he had been mad, He was in0ormed that he was not mad, He said: Has he drun6 wineD A 1erson stood u1 and smelt his breath but noti/ed no smell o0 wine, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ha-e "ou /ommitted adulter"D He said: Kes, He made 1ronoun/ement about him and he was stoned to death, The 1eo1le had been (di-ided) into two .rou1s about him (Ma:i8), 3ne o0 them said: He has been undone 0or his sins had en/om1assed him2 whereas another said: There is no re1entan/e more e5/ellent than the re1entan/e o0 Ma:i82 0or he /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and 1la/in. his hand in his (in the Hol" @ro1het:s) hand said: >ill me with stones, (This /ontro-ers" about Ma:i8) remained 0or two or three da"s, Then /ame Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to them (his 'om1anions) as the" were sittin., He .reeted them with salutation and then sat down and said: As6 0or.i-eness 0or Ma:i8 b, Mali6, The" said: Ma" Allah 0or.i-e Ma:i8 b, Mali6, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He (Ma:i8) has made su/h a re1entan/e that i0 that were to be di-ided amon. a 1eo1le2 it would ha-e been enou.h 0or all o0 them, He (the narrator) said: Then a woman o0 Hhamid2 a bran/h o0 A8d2 /ame to him and said: o0 o0 Allah2 1uri0" me2 whereu1on he said: ?oe be u1on "ouB .o ba/6 and be. 0or.i-eness 0rom Allah and turn to Him in re1entan/e, She said: I 0ind that "ou intend to send me ba/6 as "ou sent ba/6 Ma:i8, b, Mali6, He (the Hol"2 @ro1het) said: ?hat has ha11ened to "ouD She said that she had be/ome 1re.nant as a result o0 0orni/ation, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Is it "ou (who has done that)D She said: Kes, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said to her: (Kou will not be 1unished) until "ou deli-er what is there in "our womb, 3ne o0 the Ansar be/ame res1onsible 0or her until she was deli-ered (o0 the /hild), He (that Ansari) /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said the woman o0 Hhamid has .i-en birth to a /hild, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: In that /ase we shall not stone her and so lea-e her in0ant with none to su/6le him, 3ne o0 the Ansar .ot u1 and said: Allah:s A1ostle2 let the res1onsibilit" o0 his su/6lin. be u1on me, She was then stoned to death,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2 ):

:Abdullah b, 7uraida re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Ma:i8 b, Mali6 al-Aslami /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I ha-e wron.ed m"sel0B I ha-e /ommitted adulter" and I earnestl" desire that "ou should 1uri0" me, He turned him awa", 3n
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733> $%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @U!ISHM(!TS @A(S'AI7(9 7K ISLAM (>ITA7 AL-HU9U9)

the 0ollowin. da"2 he (Ma:i8) a.ain /ame to him and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I ha-e /ommitted adulter", Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) turned him awa" 0or the se/ond time2 and sent him to his 1eo1le sa"in.: 9o "ou 6now i0 there is an"thin. wron. with his mind, The" denied o0 an" su/h thin. in him and said: ?e do not 6now him but as a wise .ood man amon. us2 so 0ar as we /an jud.e, He (Ma:i8) /ame 0or the third time2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) sent him as he had done be0ore, He as6ed about him and the" in0ormed him that there was nothin. wron. with him or with his mind, ?hen it was the 0ourth time2 a dit/h was du. 0or him and he (the Hol" @ro1het) 1ronoun/ed jud.ment about him and he wis stoned, He (the narrator) said: There /ame to him (the Hol" @ro1het) a woman 0rom Hhamid and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I ha-e /ommitted adulter"2 so 1uri0" me, He (the Hol" @ro1het) turned her awa", 3n the 0ollowin. da" she said: Allah:s Messen.er2 ?h" do "ou turn me awa"D @erha1s2 "ou turn me awa" as "ou turned awa" Ma:i8, 7" Allah2 I ha-e be/ome 1re.nant, He said: ?ell2 i0 "ou insist u1on it2 then .o awa" until "ou .i-e birth to (the /hild), ?hen she was deli-ered she /ame with the /hild (wra11ed) in a ra. and said: Here is the /hild whom I ha-e .i-en birth to, He said: Ho awa" and su/6le him until "ou wean him, ?hen she had weaned him2 she /ame to him (the Hol" @ro1het) with the /hild who was holdin. a 1ie/e o0 bread in his hand, She said: Allah:s A1ostle2 here is he as I ha-e weaned him and he eats 0ood, He (the Hol" @ro1het) entrusted the /hild to one o0 the Muslims and then 1ronoun/ed 1unishment, And she was 1ut in a dit/h u1 to her /hest and he /ommanded 1eo1le and the" stoned her, >halid b ?alid /ame 0orward with a stone whi/h he 0lun. at her head and there s1urted blood on the 0a/e o0 >halid and so he abused her, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) heard his (>halid:s) /urse that he had huried u1on her, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: >halid2 be .entle, 7" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 she has made su/h a re1entan/e that e-en i0 a wron.0ul ta5-/olle/tor were to re1ent2 he would ha-e been 0or.i-en, Then .i-in. /ommand re.ardin. her2 he 1ra"ed o-er her and she was buried,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2 %:

Imran b, Husain re1orted that a woman 0rom Fuhaina /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and she had be/ome 1re.nant be/ause o0 adulter", She said: Allah:s A1ostle2 I ha-e done somethin. 0or whi/h (1res/ribed 1unishment) must be im1osed u1on me2 so im1ose that, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled her master and said: Treat her well2 and when she deli-ers brin. her to me, He did a//ordin.l", Then Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ronoun/ed jud.ment about her and her /lothes were tied around her and then he /ommanded and she was stoned to death, He then 1ra"ed o-er her (dead bod"), Thereu1on Umar said to him: Allah:s A1ostle2 "ou o00er 1ra"er 0or her2 whereas she had /ommitted adulter"L Thereu1on he said: She has made su/h a re1entan/e that i0 it were to be di-ided amon. se-ent" men o0 Medina2 it would be enou.h, Ha-e "ou 0ound an" re1entan/e better than this that she sa/r 0i/ed her li0e 0or Allah2 the Majesti/D

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2 #:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Kah"a b, Abu >athir,
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733> $%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @U!ISHM(!TS @A(S'AI7(9 7K ISLAM (>ITA7 AL-HU9U9)

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2 ;:

Abu Huraira and Gaid b >halid al-Fuhani re1orted that one o0 the desert tribes /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 I be. o0 "ou in the name o0 Allah that "ou 1ronoun/e jud.ment about me a//ordin. to the 7oo6 o0 Allah, The se/ond /laimant who was wiser than him said: ?ell2 de/ide us a//ordin. to the 7oo6 o0 Allah2 but 1ermit me (to sa" somethin.), Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on ham) said: Sa", He said: M" son was a ser-ant in the house o0 this 1erson and he /ommitted adulter" with his wi0e, I was in0ormed that m" son deser-ed stonin. to death (as 1unishment 0or this o00en/e), I .a-e one hundred .oats and a sla-e .irl as ransom 0or this, I as6ed the s/holars (i0 this /ould ser-e as an e51iation 0or this o00en/e), The" in0ormed me that m" son deser-ed one hundred lathes and e5ile 0or one "ear, and this woman deser-ed stonin. (as she was married), Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) said: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e, I will de/ide between "ou a//ordin. to the 7oo6 o0 Allah, The sla-e-.irl and the .oats should be .i-en ba/62 and "our son is to be 1unished with one hundred lashes and e5ile 0or one "ear, And2 3 Unais (b, Guhaq al-Aslami)2 .o to this woman in the mornin.2 and i0 she ma6es a /on0ession2 then stone her, He (the narrator) said: He went to her in the mornin. and she made a /on0ession, And Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made 1ronoun/ement about her and she was stoned to death,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2$ :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter ): Stonin. to death o0 jews and other dhimmis in /ase o0 adulter"

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2$$:
Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted that a Few and a Fewess were to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who had /ommitted adulter", Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to the Fews and said: ?hat do "ou 0ind in Torah 0or one who /ommits adulter"D The" said: ?e dar6en their 0a/es and ma6e them ride on the don6e" with their 0a/es turned to the o11osite dire/tion (and their ba/6s tou/hin. ea/h other)2 and then the" are ta6en round (the /it"), He said: 7rin. Torah i0 "ou are truth0ul, The" it and re/ited it until when the" /ame to the -erse 1ertainin. to stonin.2 the 1erson who was readin. 1la/ed his hand on the -erse 1ertainin. to stonin.2 and read (onl" that whi/h was) between his hands and what was subsequent to that, Abdullah b, Salim who was at that time with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 'ommand him (the re/iter) to li0t his hand, He li0ted it and there was2 underneath that2 the -erse 1ertainin. to stonin., Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ronoun/ed jud.ment about both o0 them and the" were stoned, Ab$ *+ & $#


733> $%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @U!ISHM(!TS @A(S'AI7(9 7K ISLAM (>ITA7 AL-HU9U9)

dullah b, :Umar said: I was one o0 those who stoned them2 and I saw him (the Few) 1rote/tin. her (the Fewess) with his bod",

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2$2:

Ibn Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stoned to death the Fews2 both male and 0emale2 who had /ommitted adulter", The Fews them to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him), The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2$4:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that the Fews to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a man and a woman who had /ommitted adulter", The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2$*:

Al-7ara: b, :A8ib re1orted: There ha11ened to 1ass b" Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a Few bla/6ened and lashed, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled them (the Fews) and said: Is this the 1unishment that "ou 0ind in "our 7oo6 (Torah) as a 1res/ribed 1unishment 0or adulter"D The" said: Kes, He (the Hol" @ro1het) /alled one o0 the s/holars them and said: I as6 "ou in the name o0 Allah ?ho sent down the Torah on Moses i0 that is the 1res/ribed 1unishment 0or adulter" that "ou 0ind in "our 7oo6, He said: !o, Had "ou not as6ed me in the name o0 Allah2 I would not ha-e .i-en "ou this in0ormation, ?e 0ind stonin. to death (as 1unishment 1res/ribed in the Torah), 7ut this (/rime) be/ame quite /ommon our aristo/rati/ /lass, So when we / hold o0 an" ri/h 1erson ( in this o00en/e) we s1ared him2 but when we / hold o0 a hel1less 1erson we im1osed the 1res/ribed 1unishment u1on him, ?e then said: Let us ar.ree (on a 1unishment) whi/h we /an in0li/t both u1on the ri/h and the 1oor, So ?e de/ided to bla/6en the 0a/e with /oal and 0lo. as a substitute 1unishment 0or stonin., Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3 Allah2 I am the 0irst to re-i-e Th" /ommand when the" had made it dead, He then /ommanded and he (the o00ender) was stoned to death, Allah2 the Majesti/ and Hlorious2 sent down (this -erse):C 3 Messen.er2 (the beha-iour o0) those who -ie with one another in den"in. the truth should not .rie-e "ou,,,C u1 toC is -ou/hsa0ed unto "ou2 a//e1t itC (-, *$) 2$%) It was said (b" the Fews): Ho to MuhammadB it he /ommands "ou to bla/6en the 0a/e and award (as 1unishment 0or adulter")2 then a//e1t it2 but it he .i-es -erdi/t 0or stonin.2 then a-oid it, It was (then) that Allah2 the Majesti/ and Hreat2 sent down (these -erses):C And the" who do not jud.e in a//ordan/e with what Allah has re-ealed are2 indeed2 deniers o0 the truthC (-, **) BC And the" who do not jud.e in a//ordan/e with what Allah has re-ealed-the"2 the" indeed are the wron.doersC (-, *+) BC And the" who do not jud.e in a//ordan/e with what Hod has re-ealed-the" are the iniquitous (-, *%), (All these -erses) were re-ealed in /onne/tion with the non-belie-ers,

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733> $%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @U!ISHM(!TS @A(S'AI7(9 7K ISLAM (>ITA7 AL-HU9U9)

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2$+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash u1 to the words:C Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ronoun/ed jud.ment and he was stoned (to death)C And he mentioned nothin. subsequent to that 1ertainin. to the re-elation o0 -erses,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2$):

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stoned (to death) a 1erson 0rom 7anu Aslam2 and a Few and his wi0e,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2$%:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Furaij with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2$#:

Abu Ishaq Shaibani said: I as6ed :Abdullah b, Abu Au0i i0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) awarded (the 1unishment) o0 stonin. (to death), He said: Kes, I said: A0ter Sura al-!ur was re-ealed or be0ore thatD He said: I do not 6now,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2$;:

Abu Huraira re1orted that he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen the sla-e-woman o0 an" o0 "ou /ommits adulter" and this (o00en/e o0 hers) be/omes /lear2 she should be 0lo..ed (as the 1resribed) 1unishment2 but hurl no re1roa/h at her, I0 she /ommits adulter" a.ain2 she should (a.ain be 1unished) b" but hurl no re1roa/h u1on her, It she /ommits 0orni/ation 0or the third time, and it be/omes /lear2 then he should sell her2 e-en i0 onl" 0or a ro1e o0 hair,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *22 :

This hadith his been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *22$:

Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed about the sla-ewoman who /ommitted adulter" and was not 1rote/ted (married), He said: I0 she /ommits adulter"2 then 0lo. her and it she /ommits adulter" a.ain2 then 0lo. her and then sell her e-en 0or a ro1e, Ibn Shihab said: I do not 6now whether he said this (his statement 1ertainin. to the sale o0 sla-e-woman) at the third or the 0ourth time, Ibn Shihab said that the word) da0ir (used in the te5t) means ro1e,
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733> $%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @U!ISHM(!TS @A(S'AI7(9 7K ISLAM (>ITA7 AL-HU9U9)

7oo6 $%2 !umber *222:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira and Gaid b, >halid al-Fubani2 but in this no merition is made o0 the words o0 Ibn Shihab that da0ir means ro1e,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *224:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira and Gaid b, >halid al-Fuhani in the same wa" as transmitted b" Mali6 with this (di00eren/e) tnat there is a doubt whether her sale (that o0 the sla-e-.irl /ommittin. adulter") was mentioned a0ter the third or the 0ourth time,

'ha1ter %: The 1res/ribed 1unishment should be de0erred in /ase o0 one who is in a state o0 1arturition
7oo6 $%2 !umber *22*:
Abd al-Aahman re1orted that :Ali2 while deli-erin. the address said: 3 1eo1le2 im1ose the 1res/ribed 1unishment u1on "our sla-es2 those who are married and those not married2 0or a sla-e-woman to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had /ommitted adulter"2 and he /ommitted me to 0lo. her, 7ut she had re/entl" .i-en birth to a /hild and I was a0raid that i0 I 0lo..ed her I 6ill her, So I mentioned that to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said: Kou ha-e done well,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *22+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 as-Suddi with the same /hain o0 tr8nsmitters2 but he did not mention:C Those who are married and those who are not married,C There is also an addition in it:C I s1are her until she is all,C

'ha1ter #: @res/ribed 1unishment 0or (drin6in.) wine

7oo6 $%2 !umber *22):
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that a 1erson who had drin6 wine was to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He .a-e him 0ort" stri1es with two lashes, Abu 7a6r also did that2 but when Umar (assumed the res1onsibilities) o0 the 'ali1hate2 he /onsulted 1eo1le and Abd al-Aahman said: The mildest 1unishment (0or drin6in.) is" (stri1es) and :Umar their 1res/ribed this 1unishment,

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733> $%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @U!ISHM(!TS @A(S'AI7(9 7K ISLAM (>ITA7 AL-HU9U9)

7oo6 $%2 !umber *22%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *22#:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e a beatin. with 1alm bran/hes and shoes2 and that Abu 7a6r .a-e 0ort" lashes, ?hen Umar (be/ame the 'ommander o0 the =aith0ul) and the 1eo1le went near to 1astures and towns2 he said (to the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het), ?hat is "our o1inion about lashin. 0or drin6in.D Thereu1on Abd al-Aahman b, Au0 said: M" o1inion is that "ou 0i5 it as the mildest 1unishment, Then :Umar in0li/ted" stri1es,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *22;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *24 :

Anas re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to stri6e 0ort" times with shoes and 1alm bran/hes (in /ase o0 drin6in. o0) wine, The rest o0 the hadith is the same and there is no mention o0 1astures and towns,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *24$:

Hudain b, al-Mundhir Abu Sasan re1orted: I saw that ?alid was to Uthmin b, :A00an as he had 1ra"ed two ra6:ahs o0 the dawn 1ra"er2 and then he said: I ma6e an in/rease 0or "ou, And two men bore witness a.ainst him, 3ne o0 them was Humran who said that he had drun6 wine, The se/ond one .a-e witness that he had seen him -omitin., Uthman said: He would not ha-e -omited (wine) unless he had drun6 it, He said: :Ali2 stand u1 and lash him, :Ali said: Hasan2 stand u1 and lash him, Thereu1on Hasan said: Let him su00er the heat (o0 'ali1hate) who has enjo"ed its /oolness, (:Ali 0elt anno"ed at this remar6) and he said: :Abdullah b, Fa:0ar2 stand u1 and 0lo. him2 and he to 0lo. him and :Ali /ounted the stri1es until these were 0ort", He (Hadrat :Ali) said: Sto1 now2 and then said: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e 0ort" stri1es2 and Abu 7a6r also .a-e 0ort" stri1es2 and Umar .a-e" stri1es2 and all these 0all under the /ate.or" o0 the Sunnab2 but this one (0ort" stri1es) is dearer to me,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *242:

Ali re1orted: I0 I im1ose Hadd on an"one2 and he (in /ourse o0 1unish ment) dies2 I would not mind e5/e1t in /ase o0 a drun6ard, I0 he dies, I would 1a" indemnit" 0or him be/ause the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has laid down no rule 0or it,
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733> $%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @U!ISHM(!TS @A(S'AI7(9 7K ISLAM (>ITA7 AL-HU9U9)

7oo6 $%2 !umber *244:

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Su0"an,

'ha1ter ;: !umber o0 stri1es in /ase o0 Ta:8ir

7oo6 $%2 !umber *24*:
Abu 7arda Ansari re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !one should be .i-en more than ten lashes2 but in /ase o0 an" Hadd out o0 the Huded o0 Allah,

'ha1ter $ : Im1osition o0 hadd obliterates sins

7oo6 $%2 !umber *24+:
Ubida b, as-Samit re1orted: ?hile we were in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1oi him) he said: Swear alle.ian/e to me that "ou will not asso/iate an"thin. with Allah2 that "ou will not /ommit adulter"2 that "ou will not steal2 that "ou will not ta6e an" li0e whi/h it is 0orbidden b" Allah to ta6e but with ( justi0i/ationB and whoe-er amon. "ou 0ul0ils it2 his reward is with Allah and he who /ommits an" su/h thin. and is 1unished 0or it2 that will be all atonement 0or it And i0 an"one /ommits an"thin. and Allah /on/eals (his 0ault0ls)2 his matter rests with Allah, He ma" 0or.i-e i0 He li6es2 and He ma" 1unish him i0 He li6es,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *24):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters with this addition:C He re/ited to us the -erse 1ertainin. to women2 -i82 that the" will not asso/iate an"thin. with Allah,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *24%:

:Ubida b, as-Samit re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 (a 1led.e) 0rom us as he too6 0rom the women that we will not asso/iate an"thin. with Allah and we will not steal2 and we will not /ommit adulter"2 and we will not 6ill our /hildren2 and we will not brin. /alumn" u1on one another, And he who "ou 0ul0ils (this 1led.e)2 his reward rests with Allah2 and he u1on whom "ou is im1osed the 1res/ribed 1unishment and that is /arried out2 that is his e51iation (0or that sin)2 and he whose (sins) were /o-ered b" Allah2 his matter rests with Allah, He ma" 1unish him i0 He li6es or ma" 0or.i-e him i0 He so li6es,

$ + & $#


733> $%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @U!ISHM(!TS @A(S'AI7(9 7K ISLAM (>ITA7 AL-HU9U9)

7oo6 $%2 !umber *24#:

Ubida b, as-Samit re1nrted: I was one o0 those headmen who swore alle.ian/e to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that we will not asso/iate an"thin. with Allah2 and will not /ommit adulter"2 and will not steal2 and will not 6ill an" soul whi/h Allah has 0orbidden2 but with justi/e nor 1lunder2 nor disobe" (Allah and His A1ostle)2 then @aradise (will be the reward) in /ase we do these (a/ts) B and i0 we /ommit an" outra.e (and that .oes un1unished in the world)2 it is Allah ?ho would de/ide about it, Ibn Aumh said: Its jud.ment lies with Allah,

'ha1ter $$: I0 the beast does an" harm2 or i0 one 0alls in a mine or a well2 there will be no blood-wit 0or that
7oo6 $%2 !umber *24;:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !o requital is 1a"able 0or a wound /aused b" an animal2 0or (0allin. into) a well and a mine2 and one-0i0th (is the share o0 the .o-ernment) in the buried treasure (treasure-tro-e),

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2* :

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Guhri,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2*$:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2*2:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The wound /aused (b" 0allin.) in the well2 in the mine2 and /aused b- the animal has no requital 0or itB and there is one0i0th (0or the .o-ernment) in the buried treasure,

7oo6 $%2 !umber *2*4:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira,

$ +$ & $#


733> $%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @U!ISHM(!TS @A(S'AI7(9 7K ISLAM (>ITA7 AL-HU9U9)

733> $#: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 FU9I'IAL 9('ISI3!S (>ITA7 AL-AE9IKKA)

$ +2 & $#


733> $#: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 FU9I'IAL 9('ISI3!S (>ITA7 AL-AE9IKKA)

'ha1ter $: It is the de0endant who shoulb swear (to 1ro-e his inno/en/e)
7oo6 $#2 !umber *2**:
Ibn Abbas re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 the 1eo1le were .i-en a//ordin. to their /laims2 the" would /laim the li-es o0 1ersons and their 1ro1erties2 but the oath must be ta6en b" the de0endant,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2*+:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ronoun/ed jud.ment on the basis o0 oath b" the de0endant,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2*):

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ronoun/ed jud.ment on the basis o0 an oath and a witness (b" the 1lainti00),

'ha1ter 2: Fud.ment is to be 1ronoun/ed on e-iden/e2 and one who is eloquent in his 1lea (ma" win the /ase)
7oo6 $#2 !umber *2*%:
Umm Salama re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Kou brin. to me2 0or (jud.ment) "our dis1utes2 some o0 "ou 1erha1s bein. more eloquent in their 1lea than others2 so I .i-e jud.ment on their behal0 a//ordin. to what I hear 0rom them, (7ear in mind2 in m" jud.ment) i0 I sli/e o00 an"thin. 0or him 0rom the o0 his brother2 he should not a//e1t that2 0or I sli/ed o00 0or him a 1ortion 0rom the Hell,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2*#:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

$ +4 & $#


733> $#: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 FU9I'IAL 9('ISI3!S (>ITA7 AL-AE9IKKA)

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2*;:

Umm Salama2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) heard the /lamour o0 /ontenders at the door o0 his a1artment, He went to them2 and said: I am a human bein. and the /laimants brin. to me (the dis1ute) and 1erha1s some o0 them are more eloquent than the others, I jud.e him to be on the ri.ht2 and thus de/ide in his 0a-/ur, So he whom I2 b" m" jud.ment2 (.i-e the undue share) out o0 the o0 a Muslim2, I .i-e him a 1ortion o0 =ireB he ma" burden himsel0 with it or abandon it,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2+ :

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ma:mar with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2+$:

A:isha re1orted: Hind, the dau.hter o0 :Utba2 wi0e o0 Abu Su0"an2 /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Abu Su0"an is a miserl" 1erson, He does not .i-e adequate maintenan/e 0or me and m" /hildren2 but (I am /onstrained) to ta6e 0rom his wealth (some 1art o0 it) without his 6nowled.e, Is there an" sin 0or meD Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ta6e 0rom his 1ro1ert" what is /ustomar" whi/h ma" su00i/e "ou and "our /hildren,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2+2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hair o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2+4:

A:isha re1orted that Hind /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 b" Allah2 there was no other household u1on the sur0a/e o0 the earth than "our household about whi/h I /herished Allah dis.ra/e u1on it2 (and now) there is no other household u1on the sur0a/e o0 the earth than "our household about whi/h I /herish Allah .rantin. it honour, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It is so2 b" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e She said: Allah:s Messen.er2 Abu Su0"an is a ni..ardl" 1erson, Is there an" harm 0or me i0 I s1end u1on his /hildren out o0 his wealth without his 1ermissionD Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There is no harm 0or "ou i0 "ou s1end u1on them what is reasonable,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2+*:

A:isha re1orted that Hind2 dau.hter o0 Utba h, Aabi:2 /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 b" Allah2 there was no household u1on the sur0a/e o0 the earth than "our household about whi/h I /herished that it should be dis.ra/ed, 7ut toda" there is no
$ +* & $#


733> $#: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 FU9I'IAL 9('ISI3!S (>ITA7 AL-AE9IKKA)

household on the sur0a/e o0 the earth than "our household about whi/h I /herish that it be honoured Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said, It will in/rease2 b" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e, She then said: o0 Allah2 Abu Su0"an is a ni..ardl" 1ersonB is there an" harm 0or me i0 I s1end out o0 that whi/h belon.s to him on our /hildrenD He said to her: !o2 but onl" that what is reasonable,

'ha1ter 4: It is 0orbidden to as6 man" questions and wastin. o0 wealth

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2++:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: <eril" Allah li6es three thin.s 0or "ou and He disa11ro-es three thin.s 0or "ou, He is 1leased with "ou that "ou worshi1 Him and asso/iate nor an"thin. with Him2 that "ou hold 0ast the ro1e o0 Allah2 and be not s/atteredB and He disa11ro-es 0or "ou irrele-ant tal62 1ersistent questionin. ane the wastin. o0 wealth,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2+):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Suhail with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2+%:

Mu.hira b, Shu:ba re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: <erit" Allah2 the Hlorious and Majesti/2 has 0orbidden 0or "ou: disobedien/e to mothers2 and bur"in. ali-e dau.hters2 withholdin. the o0 others in s1ite o0 ha-in. the 1ower to return that to them and demandin. that (whi/h is not one:s le.itimate, And He disa11ro-ed three thin.s 0or "ouB irrele-ant tal62 1ersistent questionin. and wastin. o0 wealth,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2+#:

A hadith li6e this has been trransmitted on the authorit" o0 Mansur with a -airiation o0 words,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2+;:

Sha:bi re1orted that the s/ribe o0 al-Mu.hira b, Shu:ba said: Mu:awi"a wrote to Mu.hira: ?rite 0or me somethin. whi/h "ou heard 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) B and he wrote:

$ ++ & $#


733> $#: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 FU9I'IAL 9('ISI3!S (>ITA7 AL-AE9IKKA)

I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in., <eril" Allah disa11ro-es three thin.q 0or "ou: irrele-ant tal62 wastin. o0 wealth and 1ersistent questionin.,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2) :

?arrad re1orted that al-Mu.hira wrote to Mu:awi"a: @ea/e be u1on "ou2 and then /omin. to the 1oirt (I should sa") that I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: <eril" Allah has @rohibited three thin.s and has 0orbidden three thin.s, He has de/lared absolutel" haram the disobedien/e o0 0ather2 bur"in. o0 dau.hters ali-e2 and withholdin. that whi/h "ou ha-e 1ower to return2 and has 0orbidden three thin.s: irrele-ant tal62 1ersistent questionin.2 and wastin. o0 wealth,

'ha1ter *: The reward o0 the jud.e when he tries to arri-e at a de/ision2 whether that de/ision is /orre/t or in/orre/t
7oo6 $#2 !umber *2)$:
:Amr b, al-:As re1orted that he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen a jud.e .i-es a de/ision2 ha-in. tried his best to de/ide /orre/tl" and is ri.ht2 there are two rewards 0or himB and i0 he .a-e a jud.ment a0ter ha-in. tried his best (to arri-e at a /orre/t de/ision) but erred2 there is one reward 0or him,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2)2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira with another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2)4:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Usama b, al-Had al-Laithi,

'ha1ter +: It is not desirable to .i-e jud.ment in a 0it o0 ra.e

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2)*:
Abd al-Aabmin b, Abu 7a6ra re1orted: M" 0ather di/tated (and I wrote 0or him) to Ubaidullah b, Abu 7a6ra while he was the jud.e o0 Sijistan: 9o not jud.e between two 1ersons when "ou are an$ +) & $#


733> $#: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 FU9I'IAL 9('ISI3!S (>ITA7 AL-AE9IKKA)

.r"2 0or I ha-e heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !one o0 "ou should jud.e between two 1ersons when he is an.r",

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2)+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abd al-Aahman b, Abu 7a6ra throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter ): Aeje/tin. o0 the wron. thin.s and the inno-ations (in reli.ion)
7oo6 $#2 !umber *2)):
:A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who inno-ates thin.s in our a00airs 0or whi/h there is no -alid (reason) (/ommits sin) and these are to be reje/ted,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2)%:

Sa:d b, Ibrahim re1orted: I as6ed Easim b, Muhammad about a 1erson who had three dwellin. houses and he willed awa" the third 1art o0 e-er" one o0 these housesB he (Easim b, Muhammad) said: All o0 them /ould be /ombined in one houseB and then said: :A:isha in0ormed me that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who did an" a/t 0or whi/h there is no san/tion 0rom our behal02 that is to be reje/ted,

'ha1ter %: An e5/ellent witness

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2)#:
Gaid b, >halid al-Fuhani re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Should I not tell "ou o0 the best witnessesD He is the one who 1rodu/es his e-iden/e be0ore he is as6ed 0or it,

$ +% & $#


733> $#: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 FU9I'IAL 9('ISI3!S (>ITA7 AL-AE9IKKA)

'ha1ter #: The di00eren/e o0 those who endea-our to arri-e at the /orre/t de/ision
7oo6 $#2 !umber *2);:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hile two women had been .oin. alon. with their two sons2 a wol0 /ame and made awa" with the /hild o0 one o0 them, 3ne o0 them said to her /om1anion: It is with "our /hild that it (the wol0) has run awa" The other one said: It has run awa" with "our /hild, The" the matter to (Hadrat) 9awud (9a-id) 0or de/ision and he made a de/ision in 0a-our o0 the elder one, The" then went to Sulaiman b, 9awud (ma" there be 1ea/e u1on both o0 them) and told them (the stor"), He said: 7rin. me a 6ni0e so that I ma" /ut him (the /hild) (into two 1arts) 0or "ou, The " one said: !o2 it /an:t be2 ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on "ou2 he (the /hild) belon.s to her (the elder), So he .a-e a de/ision in 0a-our o0 the " one, abu Huraira said: I0 e-er I heard o0 the word as-si6in at all2 it was that da", ?e /alled it b" no other name but al-Mud"a,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2% :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu a8-Ginad with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter ;: It is meritorious 0or a jud.e to brin. about /on/iliation between two /ontendin. 1ersons or 1arties
7oo6 $#2 !umber *2%$:
Hammim b, Munabbih said: Abu Huraira re1orted (so man") ahadith o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and one o0 them is this: A 1erson 0rom another 1erson a 1ie/e o0 land2 and the 1erson who had2 that land 0ound in it an earthen ware whi/h /ontained .old, The 1erson who had the land said (to the seller o0 the land): Ta6e "our .old 0rom me2 0or I onl" the land 0rom "ou and not the .old, The man who had sold the land said: I sold the land to "ou and whate-er was in it, The" re0erred the matter to a 1erson, 3ne who was made as a jud.e said to them: Ha-e "ou an" issueD 3ne o0 them said: I ha-e a bo"2 and the other said: I ha-e a "oun. dau.hter He (the jud.e) said: Marr" this "oun. bo" with the .irl2 and s1end somethin. on "oursel-es and also .i-e (some) /harit" out o0 it,
$ +# & $#


733> $#: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 FU9I'IAL 9('ISI3!S (>ITA7 AL-AE9IKKA)

'ha1ter $ : Stra" thin. 0ound b" an"one

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2%2:
Gaid b, >halid al-Fuhani re1orted: A man /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and as6ed him about 1i/6in. u1 o0 stra" arti/les, He said: Ae/o.nise (well) its ba. and the stra1 (b" whi/h it is tied) then ma6e announ/ement o0 that 0or a "ear, I0 its owner /omes (within this time return that to him)2 otherwise it is "ours, He (a.ain) said: (?hat about) the lost .oatD Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: It is "ours or 0or "our brother2 or 0or the wol0, He said: (?hat about) the lost /amelD Thereu1on he said: Kou ha-e nothin. to do with itB it has a leather ba. alon. with it2 and its shoes also, It /omes to the waterin.-1la/e2 eats (the lea-es o0 the) trees until its master 0inds him,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2%4:

Gaid b, >halid al-Fuhani re1orted that a 1erson as6ed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about 1i/6in. u1 o0 stra" arti/les2 whereu1on he said: Ma6e announ/ement about it 0or a "ear2 and re/o.nise well the stra1 and the ba. (/ontainin. that) B then s1end thatB and i0 its owner /omes2 ma6e him the 1a"ment o0 that, He (the inquirer) said: o0 Allah2 what about the lost .oatD he said: Ta6e it2 0or that is "ours or 0or "our brother2 or 0or the wol0, He (a.ain) said: (?hat about) the lost /amelD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was enra.ed until his /hee6s be/ame red (or his 0a/e be/ame red) and then said: Kou ha-e nothin. to do about thatB it has 0eet and a leather ba. (to quen/h its thirst) until its owner 0inds it,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2%*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Aabi:a b, Abu Abd al-Aahman with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this addition:C There /ame a 1erson to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) while I was with him2 and he as6ed him about 1i/6in. u1 o0 a stra" arti/le2 and he said: ?hen none /omes to demand it2 then s1end that,C

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2%+:

Gaid b, >halid al-Fuhani re1orted, There /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a 1erson2 the rest o0 the hadith is the same but with the -ariation (o0 these words): His 0a/e be/ame red2 his 0orehead too2 and he 0elt anno"edB and made an addition a0ter the words: He should ma6e announ/ement o0 that 0or a "ear2 and i0 its owner does not turn u12 then it is a trust with "ou,

$ +; & $#


733> $#: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 FU9I'IAL 9('ISI3!S (>ITA7 AL-AE9IKKA)

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2%):

Gaid b, >halid al-Fuhani2 the 'om1anion ot Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed about the 1i/6in. u1 o0 stra" .old or sil-er2 whereu1on he said: Ae/o.nise well the stra1 and the ba. (/ontainin.) that and then ma6e an announ/ement re.ardin. that 0or one "ear2 but i0 none re/o.nises it2 then s1end that and it would be a trust with "ouB and i0 someone /omes one da" to ma6e demand o0 that2 then 1a" that to him, He (the inquirer) as6ed about the lost /amel2 whereu1on he said: Kou ha-e nothin. to do with that, Lea-e that alone2 0or it has 0eet and also a leather ba.2 it drin6s water2 and eats (the lea-es) o0 the trees, He as6ed him about shee12 whereu1on he said: Ta6e it2 it is 0or "ou2 or 0or "our brother2 or 0or the wol0,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2%%:

Gaid b, >halid al-Fuhani re1orted: A 1erson as6ed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about a lost /amelB Aabi:a made this addition: He (the Hol" @ro1het) was so mu/h anno"ed that his /hee6s be/ame red,C The rest o0 the hadith is the same, He (the narrator) made this addition:C I0 its (that o0 the arti/le) owner /omes and he re/o.nises the ba. (whi/h /ontained it) and its number2 and the stra1, then .i-e that to them2 but i0 not2 then it is 0or "ou,C

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2%#:

Gaid b, >halid al-Fuhani re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed about 1i/6in. u1 o0 stra" thin.s2 whereu1on he said: Ma6e announ/ement o0 that 0or one "ear2 but i0 it is not re/o.nised (b" the owner)2 then re/o.nise its bi. and stra12 then eat itB and i0 its owner /omes2 then .i-e that to him, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Al-9ahha6 b, Uthman with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2%;:

Salama b, >uhail re1orted: I heard Sowaid b, Hha0ala sa": I went out2 and also Gaid b, Suhan and Salman b, Aabi:a 0or Fibad2 and I 0ound a whi1 and too6 it u1, The" said to me: Lea-e it, I said: !o, but I will ma6e announ/ement o0 it and i0 its owner /omes (then I will return that)2 otherwise I will use it2 and I re0used them, ?hen we returned 0rom Fihad, b" a .ood 0ortune 0or me2 I 1er0ormed @il.rima.e, I /ame to Medina and met Uba"" b, >a:b2 and related to him the a00air o0 the whi1 and their o1inion (the o1inion o0 Gaid b, Suhan and Salman b, Aabi:a) about it (i, e, I should throw it), Thereu1on he said: I 0ound a mone" ba. durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whi/h /ontained one hundred dinars, I /ame to him alon. with it2 and he said: Ma6e an announ/ement o0 it 0or one "earB so I announ/ed it2 but did not 0ind an"one who /ould (/laim it a0ter) re/o.nisin. it, I a.ain /ame to him and he said: Ma6e announ/ement 0or one "ear, So I made announ/ement o0 it2 but I 0ound none who /ould re/o.nise it, I /ame to him he said: Ma6e announ/ement o0 it 0or one "ear, I made announ/ement o0 that but did not 0ind one who /ould re/o.nise it2 whereu1on he
$ ) & $#


733> $#: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 FU9I'IAL 9('ISI3!S (>ITA7 AL-AE9IKKA)

said: @reser-e (in "our mind) its number2 its ba. and its stra12 and i0 its owner /omes (then return that to him)2 otherwise ma6e use o0 it, So I made use o0 that, I (Shu:ba) met him (Salama b, >uhail) a0ter this in Me//a2 and he said: I do not 6now whether he said three "ears or one "ear,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2# :

Shu:ba re1orted: Salama b, >uhail in0ormed me or he in0ormed 1eo1le and I was amon. them, He said: I heard Sawaid b, Hha0ala who re1orted: I went out alon. with Gaid b, Suhan and Salman b, Aabi:a2 and 0ound a whi12 the rest o0 the hadith is the same u1 to the words:C I made use o0 that,C Shu:ba said: I heard him sa" a0ter ten "ears2 that he made an announ/ement o0 it 0or one "ear,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2#$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Salama b, >uhail throu.h di00erent /hains o0 transmitters, In their ahadith2 it is three "ears2 e5/e1t in the hadith o0 Hammid b, Salama it is two "ears or three "ears, In the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Su0"an and Gaid b, Abu Unaisa and Hammid b, Salama (the words are):C I0 someone /omes and in0orms "ou about the number (o0 arti/les) o0 the ba. and the stra1s2 then .i-e that to him,C Su0"an has made this addition in the narration o0 ?a6i::C 3therwise it is li6e "our 1ro1ert",C And in the narration o0 Ibn !umair the words are:C 3therwise ma6e use o0 that,C

'ha1ter $$: Stra" thin.s o0 the 1il.rims

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2#2:
:Abd al-Aahman b, :Uthman al-Taimi re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade ta6in. into /ustod" the stra" thin. o0 the 1il.rims,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2#4:

Gaid b, >halid al-Fuhani re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in,: He who 0ound a stra" arti/le is himsel0 led astra" i0 he does not ad-ertise it,

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733> $#: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 FU9I'IAL 9('ISI3!S (>ITA7 AL-AE9IKKA)

'ha1ter $2: It is 0orbidden to mil6 an animal without the 1ermission o0 its owner
7oo6 $#2 !umber *2#*:
Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said this: !one (o0 "ou) should mil6 the animal o0 another2 but with his 1ermission, 9oes an" one o0 "ou li6e that his /hamber be raided2 and his -aults be bro6en2 and his 0oodstu00 be remo-edD <eril" the treasures 0or them (those who 6ee1 animals) are the udders o0 the animals whi/h 0eed them, So none o0 "ou should mil6 the animal o0 another but with his 1ermission,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2#+:

This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters with a -ariation o0 words,

'ha1ter $4: (ntertainment o0 the .uest

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2#):
Abd Shuraib al-Adawi re1orted: M" eare listened and m" e"e saw when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) s1o6e and said: He who belie-es In Allah and the eirea0ter should show res1e/t to the .uest e-en with utmost 6indness and /ourtes", The" said: o0 Allah2 what is this utmost 6indness and /ourtes"D He re1lied: It is 0or a da" and a, Hos1italit" e5tends 0or three da"s2 and what is be"ond that is a Sadaqa 0or himB and he who belie-es in Allah and the Herea0ter should sa" somethin. .ood or 6ee1 quiet,

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2#%:

Abu Shuriah al->hu8a:i re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: (The 1eriod o0 the entertainment o0 a .uest is three da"s2 and utmost 6indness and /ourtes" is 0or a da" and a, PC It is not 1ermissible 0or a Muslim to sta" with2 his brother until he ma6es him sin0ul, The" said: o0 Allah2 how he would ma6e him sin0ulD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: He sta"s with him (so lon.) that nothin. is le0t with him to entertain him,

$ )2 & $#


733> $#: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 FU9I'IAL 9('ISI3!S (>ITA7 AL-AE9IKKA)

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2##:

Sa:id al-Maqburi re1orted: I heard Abu Shuraih al->hu8ill sa"in.: M" ears heard and m" e"es saw and m" mind retained it2 when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) s1o6 this2 and he then narrated the hadith and made mention o0 this:C It is not 1ermissible 0or an" one o0 "ou to sta" with his brother until he ma6es him sin0ul,C

7oo6 $#2 !umber *2#;:

:Uqba b, Amir re1orted: ?e said to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): Kou send us out and we /ome to the 1eo1le who do not .i-e us hos1italit"2 so what is "our o1inionD Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 "ou /ome to the 1eo1le who order 0or "ou what is be0ittin. a .uest2 a//e1t itB but i0 the" do not, ta6e 0rom them what be0its them to .i-e to a .uest,

'ha1ter $*: It is meritorious to s1end the sur1lus wealth 0or one:s brother
7oo6 $#2 !umber *2; :
Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted: ?hile we were with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on a journe"2 a 1erson /ame u1on his mount and to stare on the and on the le0t2 (it was at this moment) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who has an e5tra mount should .i-e that to one who has no mount 0or him2 and he who has sur1lus o0 1ro-isions should .i-e them to him who has no 1ro-isions2 and he made mention o0 so man" 6inds o0 wealth until we were o0 the o1inion that none o0 us has an" o-er the sur1lus,

'ha1ter $+: In /ase the 1ro-isions run short2 these should be 1ooled
7oo6 $#2 !umber *2;$:
I"as b, Salama re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: ?e set out on an e51edition with2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?e 0a/ts hardshi1 (in .ettin. 1ro-isions) until we de/ided to slau.hter some o0 our ridin. animals, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 /ommanded us to 1ool our 1ro-isions o0 0ood, So we s1read a sheet o0 leather and the 1ro-isions o0 the 1eo1le were /olle/ted on it, I stret/hed m"sel0 to measure how mu/h that was (the and2 breadth o0 the sheet on whi/h the 1ro-isions were laid), I measured it and (0ound) that it was (in and
$ )4 & $#


733> $#: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 FU9I'IAL 9('ISI3!S (>ITA7 AL-AE9IKKA)

breadth) o0 (so mu/h si8e) on whi/h a .oat /ould sit, ?e were 0ourteen hudnred 1ersons, ?e (all) ate until we were 0ull" satis0ied and then 0illed our ba.s with 1ro-isions, Then Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Is there an" water 0or 1er0ormin. ablution, Then there /ame a man with a small bu/6et /ontainin. some water, He threw it in a basin, ?e all 0ourteen hundred 1ersons 1er0ormed ablution usin. the water in 1lent", Then there /ame a0ter that 1ersons and the" said: Is there an" water to 1er0orm ablutionD Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The ablution has alread" been 1er0ormed,

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733> $#: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 FU9I'IAL 9('ISI3!S (>ITA7 AL-AE9IKKA)

733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 ALFIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

The word Fihad is deri-ed 0rom the -erb jahada whi/h means:C he e5erted himsel0C, Thus literall"2 Fihad means e5ertion2 stri-in.B but in juridi/o-reli.ious sense2 it si.ni0ies the e5ertion o0 one:s 1ower to the utmost o0 one:s /a1a/it" in the /ause o0 Allah, This is wh" the word Fihad has been used as the anton"m to the word Eu2 ud (sittin.) in the Hol" Eur:an (i-, ;+), Thus Fihad in Islam is not an a/t o0 -iolen/e dire/ted indis/riminatel" a.ainst the non-MuslimsB it is the name .i-en to an all-round stru..le whi/h a Muslim should laun/h a.ainst e-il in whate-er 0orm or sha1e it a11ears, Eital 0i sabilillah (0i.htin. in the wa" o0 Allah) is onl" one as1e/t o0 Fihad, (-en this qital in Islam is not an a/t o0 mad brutalit", It has its material and moral 0un/tions2 i, e, sel0-1reser-ation and the 1reser-ation o0 the moral order in the world, The -erdi/t o0 all reli.ious and ethi/al 1hiloso1hies-an/ient and modern-justi0" war on moral .rounds, ?hen one nation is assailted b" the ambitions and /u1idit" o0 another2 the do/trine o0 non-resistan/e is anti-so/ial2 as it in-ol-es non-assertion2 not onl" o0 one:s own ri.hts2 but o0 those o0 others who need 1rote/tion a.ainst the 0or/es o0 t"rann" and o11ression, A Muslim is saddled with the res1onsibilities to 1rote/t himsel0 and all those who see6 his 1rote/tion, He /annot a00ord to abandon the de0en/eless 1eo1le2 old man2 women and /hildren to 1ri-ation2 su00erin. and moral 1eril, =i.htin. in Islam2 there0ore2 re1resents in Islami/ Law what is 6nown amon. ?estern jurists asC just warC, The -er" 0irst re-elation in whi/h the 1ermission to wa.e war a.ainst the 0or/es o0 e-il sums u1 the aims and obje/ts o0 qital in Islam: C @ermitted:are those who are a.ainst2 be/ause the" ha-e been o11ressed, and -eril" Hod is more @ower0ul 0or their aid, Those who ha-e been dri-en 0rom their homes unjustl" onl" be/ause the" said: :3ur Lord is Allah2 : 0or had it not been 0or :Allah:s re1ellin. someone b" means o0 others2 /loisters and /hur/hes and mosques2 wherein the name o0 Allah is o0t-mentioned2 would assuredl" ha-e been 1ulled down, <eril" Allah hel1s one who hel1s Him, LoL Allah is Stron.,"C (55ii, 4;, *$), These -erses eloquentl" s1ea6 o0 :the 0a/t that it is neither 0or the a/quisition o0 territor" nor 0or the lo-e o0 1ower and distin/tion that the Muslims ha-e been 1ermitted to raise arms a.ainst the enem", The" were allowed to do so be/ause their -er" e5isten/e had been made di00i/ult b" the hi.hhandedness o0 the Me//ans, The Hol" Eur:an has elu/idated this 1oint in the 0ollowin. -erse:

C And what reason ha-e "ou not to in the wa" o0 Allah and 0or the o11ressed amon. men and women and /hildren who sa": 3ur LordL ta6e us 0orth 0rom the town whereo0 the 1eo1le are o11ressors and .rant us 0rom Thee a 0riend and .rant us 0rom Thee a hel1erC (i-, %+),

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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

The war in Islam is wa.ed with a -iew to se/urin. libert" and 0reedom 0or those who are .roanin. under the o11ression o0 heartless t"rants, It is the bounden dut" o0 the Muslims to alle-iate their su00erin.s and /reate 0or them an atmos1here o0 1ea/e and se/urit", Then in the su//eedin. -erse a distin/tion is also drawn between two t"1es o0 war: one whi/h is 0or the sa6e o0 Allah and the other whi/h is wa.ed 0or e-il ends: C Those who belie-e in the wa" o0 Allah and those who disbelie-e in the wa" o0 de-il, So a.ainst the 0riends o0 SatanB -eril" wea6 indeed is the strate." o0 the de-ilC (i-, %)), It has been made /lear that those 1eo1le who 0or sel0-.lori0i/ation or 0or the e51loitation o0 the wea6 are in 0a/t 0riends o0 the de-ilB wheres those who raise arms to /urb t"rann" and a..ression2 to eradi/ate e-il 0rom the human so/iet"2 in the wa" o0 Allah, Mere 0i.htin. is not2 there0ore2 Fihad in IslamB it is the noble obje/ti-e alone whi/h ma6es it a sa/red 1ursuit li6e de-otion and 1ra"er, It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Musa Ash:ari that on/e a man went to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: 3ne man 0i.hts 0or the sa6e o0 s1oils o0 war2 the se/ond one 0i.hts 0or 0ame and .lor" and the third to dis1la" his /oura.e and s6illB whi/h amon. them is the 0i.hter 0or the /ause o0 AllahD U1on this the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re1lied: He who 0i.hts with the sole obje/ti-e that the word o0 Allah should be/ome su1reme is a Mujahid in the /ause o0 the Lord, A Mujahid is thus a noble 1erson who o00ers his li0e 0or the a/hie-ement o0 lo0t" ends, He is a/tuated b" human /onsiderations li0ts arms not under the im1ulse o0 0ur" and re-en.e2 but with will2 0ore-thou.ht2 tena/it" and 0ellow-0eelin.2 and his /ondu/t bears the im1rint o0 human intelle/t2 human s"m1ath" and sense o0 justi/e, The Hol" Eur:an has e51lained this 1oint in Sura An0al in these words: C 3 "ou who belie-e2 when "ou meet an enem"2 be 0irm2 and remember Allah mu/h2 that "ou ma" be su//ess0ul, And obe" Allah and His A1ostle, And 0all with no dis1utes2 lest "e 0alter and "our 0ailB but be stead0astL =or Allah is with those who 1atientl" 1erse-ere, 7e not as those who /ame 0orth 0rom their dwellin.s boast0ull", And to be seen o0 men and debar (men) 0rom the wa" o0 Allah, And Allah en/om1asses what the" doC (-iii, *+-*)), Here the Muslims ha-e been e5horted to obser-e 0i-e 1rin/i1les o0 war: 7e stead0ast in the 0a/e o0 the enem", Ha-e 0ull relian/e on the hel1 o0 Allah and remember Him mu/h, Ha-e the unit" o0 1ur1ose and solidarit" o0 /or1orate li0e alwa"s be0ore "our e"es, 7e 0ull" aware o0 the lo0t" 1ur1ose be0ore "ou in 0i.htin., 9on:t be 1roud and boast0ul in "our attitude and beha-iour, Islam has 1uri0ied e-en war o0 all its /ruelt" and horrors and has made it aC re0ormati-e 1ro/essC to deal with e-il, The Hol" Eur:an bser-es:
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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

C And in the wa" o0 Allah a.ainst those who a.ainst "ou and trans.ress not the limits, <eril" Allah lo-es not the trans.ressorsC (ii, $; ), The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has .i-en /lear instru/tions about the beha-iour o0 the Muslim arm", He obser-ed: C Set out 0or Fibad in the name o0 Allah and 0or the sa6e o0 Allah, 9o not la" hands on the old on death2 on women2 /hildren and babes, 9o not steal an"thin. 0rom the boot" and /olle/t to.ether all that 0alls to "our lot in the battle0ield and do .ood2 0or Allah lo-es the -irtuous and the 1ious,C So .reat is the res1e/t 0or humanl" 0eelin.s in Islam that e-en the wanton destru/tion o0 enem":s /ro1s or 1ro1ert" is stri/tl" 0orbidden, The ri.hteous 'ali1hs 0ollowed /losel" the tea/hin.s o0 Allah and those o0 His A1ostle in letter and s1irit the /elebrated address whi/h the 0irst 'ali1h Abu 7a6r (Allah be 1leased with him) .a-e to his arm" while sendin. her on the e51edition to the S"rian borders is 1ermeated with the noble s1irit with whi/h the war in Islam is 1ermitted, He said: C Sto12 3 1eo1le2 that I ma" .i-e "ou ten rules 0or "our .uidan/e in the battle0ield, 9o not /ommit trea/her" or de-iate 0rom the 1ath, Kou must not mutilate dead bodies, !either 6ill a /hild2 nor a woman, nor an a.ed man, 7rin. no harm to the trees2 nor burn them with 0ire2 es1e/iall" those whi/h are 0ruit0ul, Sla" not ar" o0 the enem":s 0lo/6, sa-e 0or "our 0ood, Kou are li6el" to 1ass b" 1eo1le who ha-e de-oted their li-es to monast i/ ser-i/esB lea-e them aloneC It is said that on/e at the time o0 /onquest2 a .irl was to al-Muhajir b, Abu Uma""a who had been 1ubli/l" satiri/al 1oems about Hadrat Abu 7a6r, Muhajir .ot her hand am1utated, ?hen the 'ali1h heard this news2 he was sho/6ed and wrote a letter to Muhajir in the 0ollowin. words: C I ha-e learnt that "ou laid hands on a woman who had hurled abuses on me2 and2 there0ore2 .ot her hand am1utated, Hod has not -en.ean/e e-en in the /ase o0 1ol"theism2 whi/h is a .reat /rime, He has not 1ermitted mutilation e-en with re.ard to mani0est in0idelit", Tr" to be /onsiderate and s"m1atheti/ in "our attitude towards others in 0uture, !e-er mutilate2 be/ause it is a .ra-e o00en/e, Hod 1uri0ied Islam and the Muslims 0rom rashness and e5/essi-e wrath, Kou are well aware o0 the 0a/t that those enemies 0ell into the hands o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who had been re/6lessl" abusin. himB who had turned him out o0 his homeB and who a.ainst him2 but he ne-er 1ermitted their mutilation,C Another letter written b" hadrat :Umar the Se/ond 'ali1h2 whi/h is addressed to sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas2 s1ea6s eloquentl" o0 the noble s1irit with whi/h the Muslims ha-e bear e5horted to ta6e u1 arms: C Alwa"s sear/h "our minds and hearts and stress u1on "our men the need o0 1er0e/t inte.rit" and sin/erit" in the /ause o0 Allah, There should be no material end be0ore them in la"in. down their li-es, but the" abould deem it a means whereb" the" /an 1lease their Lord and entitle them, sel-es to His 0a-our: su/h a s1irit o0 sel0lessness should be in/ul/ated in the minds o0 those who un0ortunatel"
$ )# & $#


733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

la/6 it, 7e 0irm in the thi/6 o0 the battle as Allah hel1s man a//ordin. to the 1erse-eran/e that he shows in the /ause o0 His 0aith and he would be rewarded in a//ordan/e with the s1irit o0 sa/ri0i/e whi/h he dis1la"s 0or the sa6e o0 the Lord, 7e /are0ul that those who ha-e been entrusted to "our /are re/ei-e no harm at "our hands and are ne-er de1ri-ed o0 an" o0 their le.itimate ri.hts, Su/h in 0a/t is the humane and noble attitude whi/h Islam e5horts its 0ollowers to ado1t on the battle0ield where 1assions are .enerall" let loose, It is an attitude the li6e o0 whi/h is not to be 0ound in the histor" o0 an" other nation, Has the world an" /ode o0 militar" ethi/s more noble and /om1assionate than thisDC The moral tone ado1ted b" the 'ali1h Abu 7a6r in his instru/tions to the S"rian arm" was2C sa"s a 'hristian historian2C so unli6e the 1rin/i1les o0 the Aoman .o-ernment that it must ha-e /ommanded 1ro0ound attention 0rom the subje/t 1eo1le-su/h a 1ro/lamation announ/ed to Fews and 'hristians sentiments o0 justi/e and 1rin/i1les o0 toleration whi/h neither Aoman em1erors nor orthodo5 bisho1s had e-er ado1ted as the rule o0 /ondu/t,C ?estern s/holars ha-e indul.ed in a .ood deal o0 on the question o0 the use o0 the sword in Islam, 7ut i0 one were to re0le/t /alml" on this 1oint one would be /on-in/ed that the sword has not been used re/6lessl" b" the MuslimsB it has been wielded 1urel" with humane 0eelin.s in the wider interest o0 humanit", Utmost re.ard was alwa"s shown to human li0e2 honour and 1ro1ert" e-en on the battle0ield, That is wh" in all the"-two en/ounters between the Muslims and the non-Muslims durin. the li0e o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him)2 onl" $ $# 1ersons lost their li-es on both sides, 3ut o0 this 2+; were Muslims2 whereas the remainin. %+; belon.ed to the o11osite /am1, 3ne wonders at the auda/it" o0 these writers onl" when one /om1ares the reli.ious wars o0 'harles the Hreat2 in whi/h *4 Sa5ons were 6illed in /old blood2 when one re/alls theC 0amous answer b" whi/h the @a1al Le.ate2 in the Albi.ensian war2 quieted the s/ru1les o0 a too /ons/ientious .eneral2 :>ill all2 Hod will 6now His own:,,,, ?hen we re/all the S1anish Inquisition2 the /onquest o0 Me5i/o and @eru2 the massa/re o0 St, 7artholomew2 and the sa/6 o0 Ma.debur. b" Till",C It is indeed stran.e that the /riti/ism on the use o0 sword b" Muslims emanates 0rom those whose hands are soiled in the blood o0 /ountless inno/ent human bein.s2 b" those who e5ult in the te/hniques o0 homi/ide2 who ha-e de1ersonalised war0are to su/h an e5tent that millions o0 inno/ent men and women are 1ut to death and numberless are thrown into /on/entration /am1s and 0lo..ed with steel rods and o5-hide whi1s2 and all this is done without an" qualm o0 /ons/ien/e, As human bein.s, we han. our heads down in shame when we thin6 o0 the horri0"in. atro/ities whi/h ha-e been 1er1etrated b" the modern /i-ilised men, It is estimated that, in the =irst ?orld ?ar2 ten million soldiers were 6illed and an equal number o0 /i-ilians lost their li-es2 and twent" million died on a//ount o0 wides1read e1idemi/s and 0amines throu.hout the world as an a0termath o0 this war, (/onomi/ /osts are estimated at U 44#2 2 2 o0 whi/h U $#)2 2 2 were dire/t /osts, The losses in the Se/ond ?orld ?ar were sta..erin.l" .reater as /om1ared to those in the 0irst one, Twent"-two million 1ersons were 6illed and thirt"-0our million were wounded, The estimated

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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

/ost o0 the war was U $2 4*#, r" /osts,

o0 whi/h U $2 $)%2

/onsisted o0 dire/t milita-

It is si.ni0i/ant that in the >orean ?ar2 the 0irst instan/e in whi/h an international or.anisation 0or establishin. 1ea/e utilised militar" 0or/e to su11ress a..ression2 more than one million 1ersons were 6illed whi/h added to the /i-ilian deaths in >orea and totalled about 0i-e millions,

'ha1ter $: Ae.ardin. 1ermission to ma6e a raid2 without an ultimatum2 u1on the disbelie-ers who ha-e alread" been in-ited to a//e1t islam
7oo6 $;2 !umber *2;2:
Ibn :Aun re1orted: I wrote to !a0i: inquirin. 0rom him whether it was ne/essar" to e5tend (to the disbelie-ers) an in-itation to a//e1t (Islam) be0ore mC, in. them in, He wrote (in re1l") to me that it was ne/essar" in the earl" da"s o0 Islam, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made a raid u1on 7anu Mustaliq while the" were unaware and their /attle were ha-in. a drin6 at the water, He 6illed those who and im1risoned others, 3n that -er" da"2 he /a1tured Fuwairi"a bint al-Harith, !a0i: said that this tradition was related to him b" Abdullah b, Umar who (himsel0) was amon. the raidin. troo1s,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *2;4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Aun and the name o0 Fuwairi"a bint al-Harith was mentioned be"ond an" doubt,

'ha1ter 2: A11ointment o0 the leaders o0 e51editions b" the imam and his ad-i/e to them on etiquettes o0 war and related matters
7oo6 $;2 !umber *2;*:
It has been re1orted 0rom Sulaiman b, 7uraid throu.h his 0ather that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a11ointed an"one as leader o0 an arm" or deta/hment he would es1e/iall" e5hort him to 0ear Allah and to be .ood to the Muslims who were with him, He would sa": in the name o0 Allah and in the wa" o0 Allah, a.ainst those who disbelie-e in Allah, Ma6e a hol"
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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

war2 do not embe88le the s1oilsB do not brea6 "our 1led.eB and do not mutilate (the dead) bodiesB do not 6ill the /hildren, ?hen "ou meet "our enemies who are 1ol"theists2 in-ite them to three /ourses o0 a/tion, I0 the" res1ond to an" one o0 these2 "ou also a//e1t it and withold "oursel0 0rom doin. them an" harm, In-ite them to (a//e1t) IslamB i0 the" res1ond to "ou2 a//e1t it 0rom them and desist 0rom 0i.htin. a.ainst them, Then in-ite them to mi.rate 0rom their lands to the land o0 Muhairs and in0orm them that2 i0 the" do so2 the" shall ha-e all the and obli.ations o0 the Muhajirs, I0 the" re0use to mi.rate2 tell them that the" will ha-e the status o0 7edouin Muilims and will be subje/ted to the 'ommands o0 Allah li6e other Muslims2 but the" will not .et an" share 0rom the s1oils o0 war or =ai: e5/e1t when the" a/tuall" with the Muslims (a.ainst the disbelie-ers), I0 the" re0use to a//e1t Islam2 demand 0rom them the Fi8"a, I0 the" a.ree to 1a"2 a//e1t it 0rom them and hold o00 "our hands, I0 the" re0use to 1a" the ta52 see6 Allah:s hel1 and them, ?hen "ou la" sie.e to a 0ort and the besie.ed a11eal to "ou 0or 1rote/tion in the name o0 Allah and His @ro1het2 do not a//ord to them the .uarantee o0 Allah and His @ro1het2 but a//ord to them "our own .uarantee and the .uarantee o0 "our /om1anions 0or it is a lesser sin that the se/urit" .i-en b" "ou or "our /om1anions be disre.arded than that the se/urit" .ranted in the name o0 Allah and His @ro1het be -iolated ?hen "ou besie.e a 0ort and the besie.ed want "ou to let them out in a//ordan/e with Allah:s 'ommand2 do not let them /ome out in a//ordan/e with His 'ommand2 but do so at "our (own) /ommand2 0or "ou do not 6now whether or not "ou will be able to /arr" out Allah:s behest with re.ard to them,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *2;+:

Sulaiman b, 7uraida re1otted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent an Amir with a deta/hment he /alled him and ad-ised him, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *2;):

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba,

'ha1ter 4: 'ommand to show lenien/" and to a-oid /reatin. a-ersion (towards reli.ion)
7oo6 $;2 !umber *2;%:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Masa that when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) de1uted an" o0 his 'om1anions on a mission2 he would sa": Hi-e tidin.s (to the 1eo1le) B do not /reate (in their minds) a-ersion (towards reli.ion) B show them lenien/" and do not be hard u1on them,
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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

7oo6 $;2 !umber *2;#:

It has also been narrated b" Sa:d b, Abu 7urda throu.h his 0ather throu.h his .rand0ather that the @ro1het o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent him and Mu:adh (on a mission) to the Kemen2 and said (b" wa" o0 ad-isin. them): Show lenien/" (to the 1eo1le) B don:t be hard u1on themB .i-e them .lad tidin.s (o0 9i-ine 0a-ours in this world and the Herea0ter) B and do not /reate a-ersion, ?or6 in /ollaboration and don:t be di-ided,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *2;;:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 7uraida but 0or the last two words,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4

The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) has been re1orted b" Anas b, Mali6 to ha-e said: Show lenien/"B do not be hardB .i-e sola/e and do not /reate a-ersion,

'ha1ter *: @rohibition (denun/iation) o0 brea/h o0 0aith

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4 $:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen Allah will .ather to.ether2 on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment2 all the earlier and later .enerations o0 man6ind2 a 0la. will be raised (to mar6 o00) e-er" 1erson .uilt" o0 brea/h o0 0aith2 and it will be announ/ed that this is the 1er0id" o0 so and so2 son o0 so and so (to attra/t the attention o0 1eo1le to his .uilt),

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4 2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar throu.h some other 'hains o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4 4:

This hadith has been narrated b" another /hain o0 transmitters on the authorit" o0 the same narrator2 with the wordin.: Allah will set u1 a 0la. 0or e-er" 1erson .uilt" o0 brea/h o0 0aith on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment2 and it will be announ/ed: Loo62 this is the 1er0id" o0 so and so,

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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4 *:

Ibn Umar re1orted that he heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: There will be a 0la. 0or e-er" 1er0idious 1erson on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4 +:

:Abdullah re1orted Allah:s @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There will be a 0la. 0or e-er" 1er0idious 1erson on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment2 and it would be said: Here is the 1er0id" o0 so and so,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4 ):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4 %:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There will be 0or e-er" 1er0idious 1erson on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment a 0la. b" whi/h he will be re/o.nised, It will be announ/ed: Here is the brea/h o0 0aith o0 so and so,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4 #:

Anas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said this: There would be a 0la. 0or e-er" 1er0idious 1erson on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment b" whi/h he will be re/o.nised,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4 ;:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3n the 9a" o0 Fud.ment there will be a 0la. 0i5ed behind the butto/6s o0 e-er" 1erson .uilt" o0 the brea/h o0 0aith,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4$ :

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3n the 9a" o0 Fud.ment there will be a 0la. 0or e-er" 1erson .uilt" o0 the brea/h o0 0aith, It will be raised in 1ro1ortion to the e5tent o0 his .uiltB and there is no .uilt o0 trea/her" more serious than the one /ommitted b" the ruler o0 men,

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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

'ha1ter +: Fusti0i/ation 0or the use o0 strata.em in war

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4$$:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ar is a strata.em,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4$2:

This hadith has also been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira,

'ha1ter ): 3ne should not desire an en/ounter with the enem"2 but it is essential to show 1atien/e durin. the en/ounter
7oo6 $;2 !umber *4$4:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o not desire an en/ounter with the enem"B but when "ou en/ounter them2 be 0irm,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4$*:

It is narrated b" Abu !adr that he learnt 0rom a letter sent b" a man 0rom the Aslam tribe2 who was a 'om1anion o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and whose name was :Abdullah b, Abu Au0a2 to :Umar b, :Ubaidullah when the latter mar/hed u1on Haruri""a (>hawarij) in0ormin. him that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in one o0 those da"s when lie was /on0rontin. the enem" waited until the sun had de/lined, Then he stood u1 (to address the 1eo1le) and said: 3 "e men2 do not wish 0or an en/ounter with the enem", @ra" to Allah to .rant "ou se/urit"B (but) when "ou (ha-e to) en/ounter them e5er/ise 1atien/e2 and "ou should 6now that @aradise is under the shadows o0 the swords, Then the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 (a.ain) and said: 3 Allah, Ae-ealer o0 the 7oo62 9is1erser o0 the /louds2 9e0eater o0 the hordes2 1ut our enem" to rout and hel1 us a.ainst them,

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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

'ha1ter %: 9esirabilit" o0 1ra"in. 0or -i/tor" at the time o0 /on0rontation with the enem"
7oo6 $;2 !umber *4$+:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Abu Au0a that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ursed the tribes (who had mar/hed u1on Medina with a /ombined 0or/e in + H) and said: 3 Allah2 Ae-ealer o0 the 7oo62 swi0t in (ta6in.) a//ount2 1ut the tribes to rout, 3 Lord2 de0eat them and sha6e them,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4$):

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Abu Au0a with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4$%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :U"aina throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters (who added the words)C the 9is1erser o0 /loudsC in his narration,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4$#:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said on the da" o0 the 7attle o0 Ubud: 3 Allah2 i0 Thou wilt (de0eat Muslims)2 there will be none on the earth to worshi1 Thee,

'ha1ter #: @rohibition o0 6illin. women and /hildren in war

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4$;:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah that a woman was 0ound 6illed in one o0 the battles b" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He disa11ro-ed o0 the 6illin. o0 women and /hildren,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *42 :

It is narrated b" Ibn :Umar that a woman was 0ound 6illed in one o0 these battlesB so the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the 6illin. o0 women and /hildren,
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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

'ha1ter ;: @ermissibilit" o0 6illin. women and /hildren in the raids2 1ro-ided it is not deliberate
7oo6 $;2 !umber *42$:
It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Sa:b b, Faththama that the @ro1het o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 when as6ed about the women and /hildren o0 the 1ol"theists bein. 6illed durin. the raid2 said: The" are 0rom them,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *422:

It is narrated b" Sa:b b, Faththama that he said (to the Hol" @ro1het): o0 Allah2 we 6ill the /hildren o0 the 1ol"theists durin. the raids, He said: The" are 0rom them,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *424:

Sa:b b, Faththama has narrated that the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed: ?hat about the /hildren o0 1ol"theists 6illed b" the /a-alr" durin. the raidD He said: The" are 0rom them,

'ha1ter $ : Fusti0i/ation 0or /uttin. down the trees and burnin. them
7oo6 $;2 !umber *42*:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ordered the date-1alms o0 7anu !adir to be burnt and /ut, These 1alms were at 7uwaira, Eutaibah and Ibn Aumh in their -ersions o0 the tradition ha-e added: So Allah2 the Hlorious and (5alted2 re-ealed the -erse:C ?hate-er trees "ou ha-e /ut down or le0t standin. on their trun6s2 it was with the 1ermission o0 Allah so that He ma" dis.ra/e the e-il-doersC (li5, +),

7oo6 $;2 !umber *42+:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /aused the date-1alms o0 7anu !adir to be /ut down and burnt, It is in this /onne/tion that Hassan (the 1oet) said: It was eas" 0or the nobles o0 Euraish to barn 7uwaira whose s1ar6s were 0l"in. in all dire/tions,

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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

in the same /onne/tion was re-ealed the Eur:ani/ -erse:C ?hate-er trees "ou ha-e /ut down or le0t standin. on their trun6s,C

7oo6 $;2 !umber *42):

:Abdullah b, Umar re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) burnt the date-1alms o0 7anu !adir,

'ha1ter $$: The s1oils o0 war es1e/iall" made law0ul 0or this umma
7oo6 $;2 !umber *42%:
It has been narrated b" Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3ne o0 the @ro1hets made a hol" war, He said to his 0ollowers: 3ne who has married a woman and wants to /onsummate to his marria.e but has not "et done soB another who has built a house but has not "et ere/ted its roo0B and another who has .oats and 1re.nantshe-/amels and is waitin. 0or their o00s1rin.-will not a//omm1an" me, So he mar/hed on and a11roa/hed a -illa.e at or about the time o0 the Asr 1ra"ers, He said to the sun: Thou art subser-iant (to Allah) and so am I, 3 Allah2 sto1 it 0or me a little, It was sto11ed 0or him until Allah .ranted him -i/tor", The 1eo1le .athered the s1oils o0 war (at one 1la/e), A 0ire a11roa/hed the s1oils to de-our them2 but it did not de-our them, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Some o0 "ou ha-e been .uilt" o0 misa11ro1riation, So one man 0rom ea/h tribe should swear 0ealt" to me, The did so (1uttin. their hands into his), The hand o0 one man stu/6 to his hand and the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kour tribe is .uilt" o0 misa11ro1riation, Let all the members o0 "our tribe swear 0ealt" to me one b" one, The" did so2 when the hands o0 two or three 1ersons .ot stu/6 with his hand, He said: Kou ha-e misa11ro1riated, So the" too6 out .old equal in -olume to the head o0 a /ow, The"-1la/ed it amon. the s1oils on the earth, Then the 0ire a11roa/hed the s1oils and de-oured them, The s1oils o0 war were not made law0ul 0or an" 1eo1le be0ore us2 This is be/ause Allah saw our wea6ness and humilit" and made them law0ul 0or us,

'ha1ter $2: S1oils o0 war

7oo6 $;2 !umber *42#:
A hadith has been narrated b" Mus:ab b, Sa:d who heard it 0rom his 0ather as sa"in.: M" 0ather too6 a sword 0rom >hums and it to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Hrant it to me, He re0used, At this Allah re-ealed (the Eur:ani/ -erse):C The" as6 thee /on/ernin. the s1oils o0 war, Sa": The s1oils o0 war are 0or Allah and the A1ostleC (-iii, $),
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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

7oo6 $;2 !umber *42;:

A hadith has been narrated b" Mus:ab b, Sa:d who heard it 0rom his 0ather as sa"in.:C =our -erses o0 the Eur:an ha-e been re-ealed about me, I 0ound a sword (amon. the s1oils o0 war), It was to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He (m" 0ather) said: o0 Allah2 bestow it u1on me, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: @la/e it there, Then he (m" 0ather) stood u1 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: @la/e it 0rom where "ou .ot it, (At this) he (m" 0ather) said a.ain: o0 Allah2 bestow it u1on me Shall I be treated li6e one who has no share in (the boot")D The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him said: @la/e it 0rom where "ou .ot it, At this was re-ealed the -erse:C The" as6 thee about the s1oils o0 war,,,, Sa": The s1oils o0 war are 0or Allah and the Messen.erC

7oo6 $;2 !umber *44 :

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar that the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent an e51edition to !ajd and I was amon. the troo1s, The" .ot a lar.e number o0 /amels as a boot", (le-en or twel-e /amels 0ell to the lot o0 e-er" 0i.hter and ea/h o0 them also .ot one e5tra /amel,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *44$:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent an e51edition to !ajd and Ibn Umar was also amon. the troo1s2 and their share (o0 the s1oils) /ame to twel-e /amels and the" were .i-en one /amel o-er and abo-e that, and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not ma6e an" /han.e in it,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *442:

It has been narrated b" Ibn :Umar that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent an e51edition to !ajd2 and I (also) went with the troo1s, ?e .ot /amels and .oats as s1oils o0 war2 and our share amounted to twel-e /amels 1er head2 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e an e5tra /amel to ea/h o0 us,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *444:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Ubaidullah with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *44*:

Ibn Aun said: I wrote to !a0i: as6in. him about !a0l (s1oils o0 war) and be wrote to me that Ibn :Umar was amon. that e51edition, (The rest o0 the hadith is the same,)

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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

7oo6 $;2 !umber *44+:

A hadith has been narrated b" Salim who learnt it 0rom his 0ather and said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e us an e5tra (/amel) besides our share o0 >humsB (and in this e5tra share) I .ot a Shari0 (and a Shari0 is a bi. old /amel),

7oo6 $;2 !umber *44):

Ibn Shihab re1orted: It rea/hed me throu.h Ibn Umar that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e a share o0 s1oils to the troo1, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *44%:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah b, :Umar that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to .i-e (0rom the s1oils o0 war) to small troo1s seat on e51editions somethin. more than the due share o0 ea/h 0i.hter in a lar.e 0or/e, And >hums (one-0i0th o0 the total s1oils) was to be reser-ed (0or Allah and His A1ostle) in all /ases,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *44#:

Abu Muammad al-Ansari2 who was the /lose /om1anion o0 Abu Eatada, narrated the hadith (whi/h 0ollows),

7oo6 $;2 !umber *44;:

Abu Muhammad2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Abu Eatada re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Eatda and narrated the hadith,

'ha1ter $4: Ae.ardin. the o0 the 0i.hter to the o0 the one 6illed b" him in the
7oo6 $;2 !umber *4* :
Abu Eatada re1orted: ?e a//om1anied the o0 Allah (m" 1ea/e be u1on him) on an e51edition in the "ear o0 the 7attle o0 Hunain, ?hen we en/ountered the enem"2 (some o0 the Muslims turned ba/6 (in 0ear), I saw that a man 0rom the 1ol"theists o-er1owered one o0 the Muslims, I turned round and atta/6ed him 0rom behind .i-in. a blow between his ne/6 and shoulder, He turned towards me and .ra11led with me in su/h a wa" that I to see death starin. me in the 0a/e, Then death o-ertoo6 him and le0t me alone, I joined :Umar b, al->hattab who was sa"in.: ?hat has ha11ened to the 1eo1le (that the" are retreatin.)D I said: It is the 9e/ree o0 Allah, Then the 1eo1le
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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

returned, (The battle ended in a -i/tor" 0or the Muslims) and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sat down (to distribute the s1oils o0 war), He said: 3ne who has 6illed an enem" and /an brin. e-iden/e to 1ro-e it will .et his, So I stood u1 and said: ?ho will .i-e e-iden/e 0or meD Then I sat down, Then he (the Hol" @ro1het) said li6e this, I stood u1 (a.ain) and said: ?ho will bear witness 0or meD He (the Hol" @ro1het) made the same obser-ation the third time2 and I stood u1 (on/e a.ain), !ow the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hat has ha11ened to "ou2 3 Abu EatadaD Then I related the (whole) stor"2 to him, At this2 one o0 the 1eo1le said: He has told the truth, o0 Allah $ The o0 the enem" 6illed b" him are with me, @ersuade him to 0or.o his (in m" 0a-our), (3bje/tin. to this 1ro1osal) Abu 7a6r said: 7K Allah2 this will not ha11en, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) will not li6e to de1ri-e one o0 the lions 0rom amon. the lions o0 Allah who in the /ause o0 Allah and His and .i-e thee his share o0 the boot", So the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) said: He (Abu 7a6r) has told the truth2 and so .i-e the to him (Abu Eatada), So he .a-e them to me, I sold the armour (whi/h was a 1art o0 m" share o0 the boot") and with the sale 1ro/eeds a .arden in the street o0 7anu Salama, This was the 0irst 1ro1ert" I a/quired a0ter embra/in. Islam, In a -ersion o0 the hadith narrated b" Laith2 the words uttered b" Abu 7a6r are:C !o2 ne-erL He will not .i-e it to a 0o5 0rom the Euraish lea-in. aside a lion 0rom the lions o0 Allah amon.,,,,C And the hadith is /losed with the words:C The 0irst 1ro1ert" I a/quired,C

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4*$:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abd al-Aahman b, Au0 who said: ?hile I was standin. in the battle arra" on the 9a" o0 7adr2 I loo6ed towards m" and m" le0t2 and 0ound m"sel0 between two bo"s 0rom the Ansar quite "oun. in a.e, I wished I were between 1ersons, 3ne o0 them made a si.n to me and, said: Un/le2 do "ou re/o.nise Abu FahlD $ said: Kes, ?hat do "ou want to do with him2 3 m" ne1hewD He said: I ha-e been told that he abuses the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), 7" Allah2 in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 i0 I see him (I will .ra11le with him) and will not lea-e him until one o0 us who is destined to die earlier is 6illed, The narrator said: I wondered at this, Then the other made a si.n to me and said similar words, Soon a0ter I saw Abu Fahl, He was mo-in. about amon. men, I said to the two bo"s: 9on:t "ou seeD He is the man "ou were inquirin. about, (As soon as the" heard this)2 the" dashed towards him2 stru/6 him with their swords until he was 6illed, Then the" returned to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and in0ormed him (to this e00e/t), He as6ed: ?hi/h o0 "ou has 6illed himD (a/h one o0 them said: I ha-e 6illed him, He said: Ha-e "ou wi1ed "our swordsD The" said: !o, He e5amined their swords and said: 7oth o0 "ou ha-e 6illed him, He then de/ided that the o0 Abu Fahl he handed o-er to Mu:adh b, Amr b, al-Famuh, And the two bo"s were Mu:adh b, Amr b, Fawth and Mu:adh b, A0ra,

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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4*2:

Au0 b, Mali6 has narrated that a man 0rom the Him"ar tribe 6illed an enem" and wanted to ta6e the boot", >halid b, ?alid2 who was the /ommander o-er them2 0orbade2 him, :Au0 b Mali6 (the narrator) /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and in0ormed him (to this e00e/t), The latter as6ed >halid: ?hat 1re-ented "ou 0rom .i-in. the boot" to himD >halid said: I it was too mu/h, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Hand it o-er to him, !ow when >halid b" Au02 the latter 1ulled him b" his /loa6 and said (b" wa" o0 /ha0in. him): Hasn:t the same thin. ha11ened what I re1orted to "ou 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him)D ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) heard it, he was an.r" (and said): >halid2 don:t .i-e him2 >halid2 don:t .i-e him, Are "ou .oin. to desert the /ommanders a11ointed b" roeD Kour similitude and theirs is li6e a 1erson who too6 /amels and shee1 0or .ra8in., He .ra8ed them and when it was time 0or them to ha-e a drin62 he them to a 1ool, So the" dran6 0rom it2 drin6in. awa" its /lear water and lea-in. the turbid water below So the /lear water (i, e, the best reward) is 0or "ou and the turbid water (i e, blame) is 0or them,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4*4:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Au0 b, Mali6 al-Ashja:i who said: I joined the e51edition that mar/hed under Gaid b, Haritha to Muta2 and I re/ei-ed rein0orm/ement 0rom the Kemen, (A0ter this introdu/tion)2 the narrator narrated the tradition that had .one be0ore e5/e1t that in his -ersion Au0 was re1orted to ha-e said (to >halid): >halid2 didn:t "ou 6now that the o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) had de/ided In 0a-our o0 .i-in. the boot" (si8ed 0rom an enem") to one who 6illed himD He (>halid) said: Kes, but I it was too mu/h,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4**:

It has been re1orted b" Salama b, al-A6wa:: ?e the 7attle o0 Hawa8in alon. with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), (3ne da") when we were ha-in. our brea60ast with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him)2 a man /ame ridin. a red /amel, He made it 6neel down2 e5tra/ted a stri1 o0 leather 0rom its .irth and tethered the /amel with it, Then he to ta6e 0ood with the 1eo1le and loo6 (/uriousl" around), ?e were in a 1oor /ondition as some o0 us were on 0oot (bein. without an" ridin. animals), All o0 a sudden2 he le0t us hurried"2 /ame to his /amel2 untethered it2 made it 6neel down2 mounted it and ur.ed the beast whi/h ran o00 with him, A man on a brown rhe-/amel /hased him (ta6in. him 0or a s1"), Salama (the narrator) said: I 0ollowed on 0oot, I ran on until I was near the thi.h o0 the she-/amel, I ad-an/ed 0urther until I was near the haun/hes o0 the /amel, I ad-an/ed still 0urther until I / hold o0 the nosestrin. o0 the /amel, I made it 6neel down, As soon as it 1la/ed its 6nee on the .round2 I drew m" sword and stru/6 at the head2 o0 the rider who 0ell down, I the /amel dri-in. it alon. with the man:s ba..a.e and wea1ons, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame 0orward to meet me and the 1eo1le were

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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

with him, He as6ed: ?ho has 6illed the manD The 1eo1le said: Ibn A6wa:, He said: (-er"thin. o0 the man is 0or him (Ibn A6wa:),

'ha1ter $*: Additional award to the 0i.hters and re1atriation o0 the enem" 1risoners as a ransom 0or the muslims
7oo6 $;2 !umber *4*+:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Salama (b, al-A6wa:) who said: ?e a.ainst the =a8ara and Abu 7a6r was the /ommander o-er us, He had been a11ointed b" the oi Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?hen we were onl- at an hour:s distan/e 0rom the water o0 the enem"2 Abu 7a6r ordered us to atta/6, ?e made a halt durin. the last 1art o0 the tor rest and then we atta/6ed 0rom all sides and rea/hed their waterin.-1la/e where a battle was, Some o0 the enemies were 6illed and some were ta6en 1risoners, I saw a .rou1 o0 1ersons that /onsisted o0 women and /hildren, I was a0raid lest the" should rea/h the mountain be0ore me2 so I shot an arrow between them and the mountain, ?hen the" saw the arrow2 the" sto11ed, So I them2 dri-in. them alon., Amon. them was a woman 0rom 7anu =a8ara, She was wearin. a leather /oat, ?ith her was her dau.hter who was one o0 the 1rettiest .irls in Arabia, I dro-e them alon. until I them to Abu 7a6r who bestowed that .irl u1on me as a 1ri8e, So we arri-ed in Medina, I had not "et disrobed her when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) met me in the street and said: Hi-e me that .irl2 3 Salama, I said: o0 Allah2 she has 0as/inated me, I had not "et disrobed her, ?hen on the ne5t da", the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a.Btin met me in the street2 he said: 3 Salama2 .i-e me that .irl2 ma" Hod bless "our 0ather, I said: She is 0or "ou, o0 AllahL 7" Allah, I ha-e not "et disrobed her, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent her to the 1eo1le o0 Me//a2 and surrendered her as ransom 0or a number o0 Muslims who had been 6e1t as 1risoners at Me//a,

'ha1ter $+: =ai: (1ro1ert" ta6en 0rom the enem" without a 0ormal war)
7oo6 $;2 !umber *4*):
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 "ou /ome to a townshi1 (whi/h has surrendered without a 0ormal war) and sta" therein2 "ou ha-e a share (that will be in the 0orm o0 an award) in (the 1ro1erties obtained 0rom) it,
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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

I0 a townshi1 disobe"s Allah and His (and a/tuall" 0i.hts a.ainst the Muslims) one-0i0th o0 the boot" sei8ed there0rom is 0or Allah and His A1ostle and the rest is 0or "ou,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4*%:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Umar2 who said: The 1ro1erties abandoned b" 7anu !adir were the ones whi/h Allah bestowed u1on His A1ostle 0or whi/h no e51edition was underta6en either with /a-alr" or /amelr", These 1ro1erties were 1arti/ularl" meant 0or the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He would meet the annual e51enditure o0 his 0amil" 0rom the in/ome thereo02 and would s1end what remained 0or 1ur/hasin. horses and wea1ons as 1re1aration 0or Fihad,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4*#:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4*;:

It is re1orted b" Guhri that this tradition was narrated to him b" Mali6 b, Aus who said: Umar b, al->hattab sent 0or me and I /ame to him when the da" had ad-an/ed, I 0ound him in his house sittin. on his bare bed-stead2 re/linin. on a leather 1illow, He said (to me): Mali62 some 1eo1le o0 "our tribe ha-e hastened to me (with a request 0or hel1), I ha-e ordered a little mone" 0or them, Ta6e it and distribute it amon. them, I said: I wish "ou had ordered somebod" else to do this job, He said: Mali62 ta6e it (and do what "ou ha-e been told), At this moment (his man-ser-ant) Kar0a: /ame in and said: 'ommander o0 the =aith0ul2 what do "ou sa" about Uthman2 Abd al-Aabman b, :Au02 Gubair and Sa:d (who ha-e /ome to see6 an audien/e with "ou)D He said: Kes2 and 1ermitted them, so the" entered, Then he (Kar0a:) /ame a.ain and said: ?hat do "ou sa" about :Ali and Abbas (who are 1resent at the door)D He said: Kes2 and 1ermitted them to enter, Abbas said: 'ommander o0 the =aith0ul2 de/ide (the dis1ute) between me and this sin0ul2 trea/herous2 dishonest liar, The 1eo1le (who were 1resent) also said: Kes, 'ommander o0 the =aith0ul2 do de/ide (the dis1ute) and ha-e mer/" on them, Mali6 b, Aus said: I /ould well ima.ine that the" had sent them in ad-an/e 0or this 1ur1ose (b" :Ali and Abbas), :Umar said: ?ait and be 1atient, I adjure "ou b" Allah b" ?hose order the hea-ens and the earth are sustained2 don:t "ou 6now that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said:C ?e (1ro1hets) do not ha-e an" heirsB what we lea-e behind is (to be .i-en in) /harit"CD The" said: Kes, Then he turned to Abbas and :Ali and said: I adjure "ou both b" Allah b" ?hose order the hea-ens and earth are sustained2 don:t "ou 6now that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said:C ?e do not ha-e an" heirsB what we lea-e behind is (to be .i-en in) /harit"CD The" (too) said: Kes, (Then) Umar said: Allah2 the Hlorious and (5alted2 had done to His (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a s1e/ial 0a-our that He has not done to an"one else e5/e1t him, He quoted the Eur:ani/ -erse:C ?hat Allah has bestowed u1on His A1ostle 0rom (the 1ro1erties) o0 the 1eo1le o0 townshi1 is 0or Allah and His Messen.erC, The narrator said: I do not 6now whether he also re/ited the 1re-ious
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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

-erse or not, Umar /ontinued: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) distrbuted amon. "ou the 1ro1erties abandoned b" 7anu !adir, 7" Allah2 he ne-er 1re0erred himsel0 o-er "ou and ne-er a11ro1riated an"thin. to "our e5/lusion, (A0ter a 0air distribution in this wa") this 1ro1ert" was le0t o-er, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) would meet 0rom its in/ome his annual e51enditure2 and what remained would be de1osited in the 7ait-ul-Mal, ('ontinuin. 0urther) he said: I adjure "ou b" Allah b" ?hose order the hea-ens and the earth are sustained, 9o "ou 6now thisD The" said: Kes, Then he adjured Abbas and :All as he had adjured the other 1ersons and as6ed: 9o "ou both 6now thisD The" said: Kes, He said: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1assed awa"2 Abu 7a6r said:C I am the su//essor o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),C 7oth o0 "ou /ame to demand "our shares 0rom the 1ro1ert" (le0t behind b" the o0 Allah), (Ae0errin. to Hadrat :Abbas)2 he said: Kou demanded "our share 0rom the 1ro1ert" o0 "our ne1hew2 and he (re0errin. to :Ali) demanded a share on behal0 o0 his wi0e 0rom the 1ro1ert" o0 her 0ather, Abu 7a6r (Allah be 1leased with him) said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said:C ?e do not ha-e an" heirsB what we lea-e behind is (to be .i-en in) /harit",C So both o0 "ou him to be a liar2 sin0ul2 trea/herous and dishonest, And Allah 6nows that he was true2 -irtuous2 well-.uided and a 0ollower o0 truth, ?hen Abu 7a6r 1assed awa" and (I ha-e be/ome) the su//essor o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and Abu 7a6r (Allah be 1leased with him)2 "ou me to be a liar2 sin0ul2 trea/herous and dishonest, And Allah 6nows that I am true2 -irtuous2 well-.uided and a 0ollower o0 truth, I be/ame the .uardian o0 this 1ro1ert", Then "ou as well as he /ame to me, 7oth o0 "ou ha-e /ome and "our 1ur1ose is identi/al, Kou said: (ntrust the 1ro1ert" to us, I said: I0 "ou wish that I should entrust it to "ou2 it will be on the /ondition that both o0 "ou will underta6e to abide b" a 1led.e made with Allah that "ou will use it in the same wa" as the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used it, So both o0 "ou .ot it, He said: ?asn:t it li6e thisD The" said: Kes, He said: Then "ou ha-e (a.ain) /ome to me with the request that I should adjud.e between "ou, !o2 b" Allah, I will not .i-e an" other jud.ment e5/e1t this until the arri-al o0 the 9oomsda", I0 "ou are unable to hold the 1ro1ert" on this /ondition2 return it to me,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4+ :

The same hadith has been narrated b" a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters with a -ariation in wordin.: :Umar b, al->hattab sent 0or me and said: Some 0amilies 0rom "our tribe ha-e /ome to me (then 0ollows the 0ore.oin. hadith) b" Mali6 with the di00eren/e that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) would s1end on his 0amil" 0or a "ear, And sometimes Ma:mar said: He would retain sustenan/e 0or his 0amil" 0or a "ear2 and what was le0t o0 that he s1ent in the /ause o0 Allah2 the Majesti/ and (5alted,

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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

'ha1ter $): The sa"in. o0 the 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): C?e (1ro1hets) do not ha-e an" heirsB what we lea-e behind is (to be .i-en in) /harit"C
7oo6 $;2 !umber *4+$:
It is narrated on the authorit" o0 :A:isha who said: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1assed awa"2 his wi-es made u1 their minds to send :Uthman b, :A00an (as their s1o6esman) to Abu 7a6r to demand 0rom him their share 0rom the le.a/" o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), (At this)2 A:isha said to them: Hasn:t the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said:C ?e (@ro1hets) do not ha-e an" heirsB what we lea-e behind is (to be .i-en in) /harit"CD

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4+2:

It is narrated on the authorit" o0 Urwa b, Gubair who narrated 0rom A:isha that she in0ormed him that =atima2 dau.hter o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 sent someone to Abu 7a6r to demand 0rom him her share o0 the le.a/" le0t b" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0rom what Allah had bestowed u1on him at Medina and =ada6 and what was le0t 0rom one-0ilth o0 the in/ome (annuall" re/ei-ed) 0rom >haibar, Abu 7a6r said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said:C ?e (1ro1hets) do not ha-e an" heirsB what we lea-e behind is (to be .i-en in) /harit",C The household o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) will li-e on the in/ome 0rom these 1ro1erties2 but2 b" Allah2 I will not /han.e the /harit" o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0rom the /ondition in whi/h it was in his own time, I will do the same with it as the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1un him) himsel0 used to do, So Abu 7a6r re0used to hand o-er an"thin. 0rom it to =atima who .ot an.r" with Abu 7a6r 0or this reason, She 0orsoo6 him and did not tal6 to him until the end o0 her li0e, She li-ed 0or si5 months a0ter the death o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?hen she died2 her husband, :Ali b, Abu Talib2 buried her at, He did not in0orm Abu 7a6r about her death and o00ered the 0uneral 1ra"er o-er her himsel0, 9urin. the li0etime o0 =atima2 :All re/ei-ed (s1e/ial) re.ard 0rom the 1eo1le, A0ter she had died2 he 0elt estran.ement in the 0a/es o0 the 1eo1le towards him, So he to ma6e 1ea/e with Abu 7a6r and o00er his alle.ian/e to him, He had not "et owed alle.ian/e to him as 'ali1h durin. these months, He sent a 1erson to Abu 7a6r requestin. him to -isit him una//om1anied b" an"one (disa11ro-in. the 1resen/e o0 Umar), :Umar said to Abu 7a6r: 7K Allah2 "ou will not -isit them alone, Abu 7a6r said: ?hat will the" do to meD 7" Allah2 I will -isit them, And he did 1a" them a -isit alone, :All re/ited Tashahhud (as it is done in the be.innin. o0 a reli.ious sermon) B then said: ?e re/o.nise "our moral e5/ellen/e and what Allah has bestowed u1on "ou, ?e do not en-" the 0a-our (i, e, the 'ati1hate) whi/h Allah nas /on0erred u1on "ouB but "ou ha-e done it (assumed the 1osition o0 'ali1h) alone (without /onsultin. us)2 and we we had a (to be /onsulted) on a//ount o0 our 6inshi1 with the
$ #+ & $#


733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA) o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He /ontinued to tal6 to Abu 7a6r (in this -ein) until the latter:s e"es welled u1 with tears, Then Abd 7a6r s1o6e and said: 7" Allah2 in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 the 6inshi1 o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is dearer to me than the 6inshi1 o0 m" own 1eo1le, As re.ards the dis1ute that has arisen between "ou and me about these 1ro1erties2 I ha-e not de-iated 0rom the /ourse and I ha-e not .i-en u1 doin. about them what the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to do, So :Ali said to Abu 7a6r: This a0tetnoon is (0i5ed) 0or (swearin.) alle.ian/e (to "ou), So when Abu 7a6r had 0inished his Guhr 1ra"er2 he as/ended the 1ul1it and re/ited Tashahhud2 and des/ribed the status o0 :Ali2 his dela" in swearin. alle.ian/e and the e5/use whi/h lie had o00ered to him (0or this dela"), (A0ter this) he as6ed 0or Hod:s 0or.i-eness, Then :Ali b, Abu Talib re/ited the Tashahhud, e5tolled the merits o0 Abu 7a6r and (said that) his a/tion was nott 1rom1ted b" an" jealous" o0 Abu 7a6r on his 1art or his re0usal to a//e1t the hi.h 1osition whi/h Allah had /on0erred u1on him2 (addin.: ) 7ut we were o0 the o1inion that we should ha-e a share in the .o-ernment2 but the matter had been de/ided without ta6in. us into /on0iden/e2 and this dis1leased us, (Hen/e the dela" in o00erin. alle.ian/e, The Muslims were 1leased with this (e51lanation) and the" said: Kou ha-e done the thin., The Muslims were (a.ain) 0a-ourabl" in/lined to :Ali sin/e he ado1ted the 1ro1er /ourse o0 a/tion,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4+4:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :A:isha that =atima and :Abbas a11roa/hed Abu 7a6r2 soli/itin. trans0er o0 the le.a/" o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to them, At that time2 the" were demandin. his (Hol" @ro1het:s) lands at =ada6 and his share 0rom >haibar, Abu 7a6r said to them: I ha-e heard 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Then he quoted the hadith ha-in. nearl" the same meanin. as the one whi/h has been narrated b" Uqail on the authorit" o0 al-Guhri (and whi/h his .one be0ore) e5/e1t that in his -ersion he said: Then :Ali stood u12 e5tolled the merits o0 Abu 7a6r mentioned his su1eriorit"2 and his earlier a//e1tan/e o0 Islam, Then he wal6ed to Abu 7a6r and swore alle.ian/e to him, (At this) 1eo1le turned towards :Ali and said: "ou ha-e done the thin., And the" be/ame 0a-ourabl" in/lined to :Ali a0ter he had ado1ted the 1ro1er /ourse o0 a/tion,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4+*:

It has been narrated b" :Urwa b Gubair on the authorit" o0 :A:isha2 wi0e o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 that =atima2 dau.hter o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 requested Abu 7a6r2 a0ter the death o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him)2 that he should set a1art her share 0rom what the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had le0t 0rom the 1ro1erties that Hod had bestowed u1on him, Abu 7a6r said to her: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be n1on him) said:C ?e do not ha-e an" heirsB what we lea-e behind is Sadaqa (/harit"),C The narrator said: She (=atima) li-ed si5 months a0ter the death o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and she used to demand 0rom Abu 7a6r her share 0rom the le.a/" o0 the o0 Al$ #) & $#


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lah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0rom >haibar2 =ada6 and his /haritable endowments at Medina, Abu 7a6r re0used to .i-e her this2 and said: I am not .oin. to .i-e u1 doin. an"thin. whi/h the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to do, I am a0raid that it I .o a.ainst his instru/tions in an" matter I shall de-iate 0rom the /ourse, So 0ar as the /haritable endowments at Medina were /on/erned2 :Umar handed them o-er to :All and Abbas2 but :Ali .ot the better o0 him (and 6e1t the 1ro1ert" under his e5/lusi-e 1ossession), And as 0ar as >haibar and =ada6 were /on/erned :Umar 6e1t them with him2 and said: These are the endowments o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (to the Umma), Their in/ome was s1ent on the dis/har.e o0 the res1onsibilities that de-ol-ed u1on him on the emer.en/ies he had to meet, And their mana.ement was to be in the hands o0 one who mana.ed the a00airs (o0 the Islami/ State), The narrator said: The" ha-e been mana.ed as su/h u1 to this da",

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4++:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: M" heirs /annot share e-en a dinar (0rom m" le.a/") B what I lea-e behind a0ter 1a-in. mtintenan/e allowan/e to m" wi-es and remuneration to m" is (to .o in) /harit",

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4+):

A similar hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Ginad throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4+%:

It his been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said:C ?e do not ha-e an" heirsB what we lea-e behind is a /haritable endowment,C

'ha1ter $%: 9istribution o0 the s1oils amon. the 0i.hters

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4+#:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) allowed two shares 0rom the s1oils to the horseman and one share to the 0ootman,

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7oo6 $;2 !umber *4+;:

The same tradition has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ubaidullah b" a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters who do not mention the words:C 0rom the boot"C,

'ha1ter $#: The hel1 with an.els in 7adr and the 1ermissibilit" o0 the s1oils o0 war
7oo6 $;2 !umber *4) :
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Umar b, al->hattab who said: ?hen it was the da" on whi/h the 7attle o0 7adr was 0ou.ht2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ast a .lan/e at the in0idels2 and the" were one thousand while his own 'om1anions were three hundred and nineteen, The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) turned (his 0a/e) towards the Eibla Then he stret/hed his hands and his su11li/ation to his Lord:C 3 Allah2 a//om1lish 0or me what Thou hast 1romised to me, 3 Allah2 brin. about what Thou hast 1romised to me, 3 Allah2 i0 this small band o0 Muslims is destro"ed, Thou will not be worshi11ed on this earth,C He /ontinued his su11li/ation to his Lord2 stret/hin. his hands2 0a/in. the Eibla2 until his mantle sli11ed down 0rom his shoulders, So Abu 7a6r /ame to him2 1i/6ed u1 his mantle and 1ut it on his shoulders, Then he embra/ed him 0rom behind and said:, @ro1het o0 Allah2 this 1ra"er o0 "ours to "our Lord will su00i/e "ou2 and He will 0ul0il 0or "ou what He has 1romised "ou, So Allah2 the Hlorious and (5alted2 re-ealed (the Eur:ani/ -erse):C ?hen "e a11ealed to "our Lord 0or hel12 He res1onded to "our /all (sa"in.): I will hel1 "ou with one thousand an.els /omin. in su//ession,C So Allah hel1ed him with an.els, Abu Gumail said that the badith was narrated to him b" Ibn :Abbas who said: ?hile on that da" a Muslim was /hasin. a disbelie-er who was .oin. ahead o0 him2 he heard o-er him: the swishin. o0 the whi1 and the -oi/e o0 the rider sa"in.: Ho ahead2 Hai8i:mL He .lan/ed at the 1ol"theist who had (now) 0allen down on his ba/6, ?hen he loo6ed at him (/are0ull" he 0ound that) there was a s/ar on his nose and his 0a/e was torn as i0 it had been lashed with a whi12 and had turned .reen with its 1oison, An Ansari /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and related this (e-ent) to him, He said: Kou ha-e told the truth, This was the hel1 0rom the third hea-en, The Muslims that da" (i, e, the da" o0 the 7attle o0 7adr) 6illed se-ent" 1ersons and /a1tured se-ent", The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to Abu 7a6r and :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them): ?hat is "our o1inion about these /a1ti-esD Abu 7a6r said: The" are our 6ith and 6in, I thin6 "ou should release them a0ter .ettin. 0rom them a ransom, This will be a sour/e o0 to us a.ainst the in0idels, It is quite 1ossible that Allah ma" .uide them to Islam, Then the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hat is "our o1inion, Ibn >hattabD He said: o0 Allah, I do not hold the same o1inion as Abu 7a6r, I am o0 the o1inion that "ou should hand them o-er to us so that we ma"
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/ut o00 their heads, Hand o-er :Aqil to :Ali that he ma" /ut o00 his head2 and hand o-er su/h and su/h relati-e to me that I ma" but o00 his head, The" are leaders o0 the disbelie-ers and -eterans amon. them, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a11ro-ed the o1inion o0 Abu 7a6r and did not a11ro-e what I said The ne5t da" when I /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 I 0ound that both he and Abu 7a6r were sittin. sheddin. tears, I said: o0 Allah2 wh" are "ou and "our 'om1anion sheddin. tearsD Tell me the reason, =or I will wee1 ate2 i0 not2 I will at least 1retend to wee1 in s"m1ath" with "ou, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I wee1 0or what has ha11ened to "our /om1anions 0or ta6in. ransom (0rom the 1risoners), I was shown the torture to whi/h the" were subje/ted, It was to me as /lose as this tree, (He 1ointed to a tree /lose to him,) Then Hod re-ealed the -erse:C It is not be0ittin. 0or a 1ro1het that he should ta6e 1risoners until the 0or/e o0 the disbelie-ers has been /rushed,,,C to the end o0 the -erse:C so eat "e the s1oils o0 war2 (it is) law0ul and 1ure, So Allah made boot" law0ul 0or them,C

'ha1ter $;: 7indin. the 1risoners and 1uttin. them in /on0inment and justi0i/ation 0or settin. them 0ree without an" ransom
7oo6 $;2 !umber *4)$:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira who said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent some horsemen to !ajd, The" /a1tured a man, He was 0rom the tribe o0 7anu Hani0a and was /alled Thumama b, Uthal, He was the /hie0 o0 the 1eo1le o0 Kamama, @eo1le bound him with one o0 the 1illars o0 the mosque, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame out to (see) him, He said: 3 Thumama2 what do "ou thin6D He re1lied: Muhammad2 I ha-e .ood o1inion o0 "ou, I0 "ou 6ill me2 "ou will 6ill a 1erson who has s1ilt blood, I0 "ou do me a 0a-our2 "ou will do a 0a-our to a .rate0ul 1erson, I0 "ou want wealth2 as6 and "ou will .et what "ou will demand, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be 1on him) le0thim (in this /ondition) 0or two da"s2 (and /ame to him a.ain) and said: ?hat do "ou thin62 3 ThumamaD He re1lied: ?hat I ha-e alread" told "ou, I0 "ou do a 0a-our2 "ou will do a 0a-our to a .rate0ul 1erson, I0 "ou 6ill me2 "ou will 6ill a 1erson who has s1ilt blood, I0 "ou want wealth2 as6 and "ou will .et what "ou will demand, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) le0t him until the ne5t da" when he (/ame to him a.ain) and said: ?hat do "ou thin62 3 ThumamaD He re1lied: ?hat I ha-e alread" told "ou, I0 "ou do me a 0a-our2 "ou will do a 0a-our to a .rate0ul 1erson, I0 "ou 6ill me2 "ou will 6ill a 1erson who has s1ilt blood, I0 "ou want wealth as6 and "ou will .et what "ou will demand, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Set Thumama 0ree, He went to a near the mosque and too6 a bath, Then he entered the mosque and said: I bear testimon" (to the truth) that there is no .od but Allah and I testi0" that Muhammad is His bondman and His, 3 Muhammad2 b" Allah2 there was no
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0a/e on the earth more hate0ul to me than "our 0a/e2 but (now) "our 0a/e has be/ome to me the dearest o0 all 0a/es, 7" Allah2 there was no reli.ion more hate0ul to me than "our reli.ion2 but (now) "our reli.ion has be/ome the dearest o0 all reli.ions to me, 7" Allah2 there was no /it" more hate0ul to me than "our /it"2 but (now) "our /it" has be/ome the dearest o0 all /ities to me, Kour horsemen /a1tured me when I intended .oin. 0or Umra, !ow what is "our o1inion (in the matter)D The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) announ/ed .ood tidin.s to him and told him to .o on :Umra, ?hen he rea/hed Me//a2 somebod" said to him: Ha-e "ou /han.ed "our reli.ionD He said: !oL I ha-e rather embra/ed Islam with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), 7" Allah2 "ou will not .et a sin.le .rain o0 wheat 0rom Kamama until it is 1ermitted b" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4)2:

The same tradition has been narrated b" a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters with a di00eren/e in the wordin.,

'ha1ter 2 : (-a/uation o0 the jews 0rom the hija8

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4)4:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira who said: ?e were (sittin.) in the mosque when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to us and said: (Let us) .o to the Fews, ?e went out with him until we /ame to them, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 and /alled out to them (sa"in.): 3 "e assembl" o0 Fews2 a//e1t Islam (and) "ou will be sa0e, The" said: Abu:l-Easim2 "ou ha-e /ommuni/ated (Hod:s Messa.e to us), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I want this (i, e, "ou should admit that Hod:s Messa.e has been /ommuni/ated to "ou)2 a//e1t Islam and "ou would be sa0e, The" said: Abu:l-Eisim2 "ou ha-e /ommuni/ated (Allah:s Messa.e), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I want this,,, - He said to them (the same words) the third time (and on .ettin. the same re1l") he added: Kou should 6now that the earth belon.s to Allah and His A1ostle2 and I wish that I should e51el "ou 0rom this land Those o0 "ou who ha-e an" 1ro1ert" with them should sell it2 otherwise the" should 6now that the earth belon.s to Allah and His A1ostle (and the" ma" ha-e to .o awa" lea-in. e-er"thin. behind),

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4)*:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar that the Fews o0 7anu !adir and 7anu Eurai8i a.ainst the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who e51elled 7anu !adir2 and allowed Eurai8a to sta" on2 and .ranted 0a-our to them until the" too a.ainst him Then he 6illed

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their men2 and distributed their women2 /hildren and 1ro1erties amon. the Muslims2 e5/e1t that some o0 them had joined the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who .ranted them se/urit", The" embra/ed Islam, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) turned out all the Fews o0 Medlina, 7anu Eainuqa: (the tribe o0 :Abdullah b, Salim) and the Fews o0 7anu Haritha and e-er" other Few who was in Medina,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4)+:

A similar hadith has been transmitted b" a di00erent /hain o0 narrators2 but the hadith narrated b" Ibn Furaij is more detailed and /om1lete,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4)):

It has been narrated b" :Umar b, al->hattib that he heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": I will e51el the Fews and 'hristians 0rom the Arabian @eninsula and will not lea-e an" but Muslim,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4)%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Gubair with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 2$: Fusti0i/ation 0or 6illin. those .uilt" o0 brea/h o0 trust and ma6in. the 1eo1le o0 the 0ort surrender on the arbitration o0 a just 1erson
7oo6 $;2 !umber *4)#:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id al->hudri who said: The 1eo1le o0 Eurai8a surrendered a//e1tin. the de/ision o0 Sa:d b, Mu:adh about them, A//ordin.l"2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent 0or Sa:d who /ame to him ridin. a don6e", ?hen he a11roa/hed the mosque2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to the Ansar: Stand u1 to re/ei-e "our /hie0tain, Then he said (to Sa:d): These 1eo1le ha-e surrendered a//e1tin. "our de/ision, He (Sa:d) said: Kou will 6ill their 0i.hters and /a1ture their women and /hildren, (Hearin. this)2 the @ro1bot (ma" 1ea/e he t1on him) said: Kou ha-e adjud.ed b" the /ommand o0 Hod, The narrator is re1orted to ha-e said: @erha1s he said: Kou ha-e adju.ed b" the de/ision o0 a 6in., Ibn Muthanna (in his -ersion o0 the tradition) has not mentioned the alternati-e words,

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7oo6 $;2 !umber *4);:

Throu.h the same /hain o0 transmitters Shu:ba has narrated the same tradition in whi/h he sa"s that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said (to Sa:d): Kou ha-e adjud.ed a//ordin. to the /ommand o0 Hod, And on/e he said: "ou ha-e adjud.ed b" the de/ision o0 a 6in.,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4% :

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:isha who said: Sa:d was wounded on the da" o0 the 7attle o0 the 9it/h, A man 0rom the Euraish /alled Ibn al-Ariqah shot at him an arrow whi/h 1ier/ed the arter" in the middle o0 his 0orearm, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea//e be u1on him) 1it/hed a tent 0or him in the mosque and would inquire a0ter him bein. in /lose 1ro5imit", ?hen he returned 0rom the 9it/h and laid down his arms and too6 a bath2 the an.el Habriel a11eared to him and he was remo-in. dust 0rom his hair (as i0 he had just returned 0rom the battle), The latter said: Kou ha-e laid down arms, 7" Hod2 we ha-en:t ("et) laid them down, So mar/h a.ainst them, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed: ?hereD He 1oir0tad to 7anu Eurai8a, So the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) a.ainst them, The" surrendered at the /ommand o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 but he re0erred the de/ision about them to Sa:d who said: I de/ide about them that those o0 them who /an be 6illed2 their women and /hildren ta6en 1risoners and their 1ro1erties distributed (amon. the Muslims),

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4%$:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham (who learnt it 0rom his 0ather) that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said (to Sa:d): Kou ha-e adjud.ed their /ase with the jud.ment o0 Hod, the (5alted and Hlori0ied,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4%2:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :A:isha that Sa:d:s wound be/ame dr" and was .oin. to heal when he 1ra"ed: 3 Hod2 surel" Thou 6nowest that nothin. is dearer to me than that I should 0or Th" /ause a.ainst the 1eo1le who disbelie-er Kour (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and turned him out (0rom his nati-e 1la/e), I0 an"thin. "et remains to be de/ided 0rom the war a.ainst the Euraish2 s1are m" li0e so that I ma" a.ainst them in Th" /ause, 3 Lord2 I thin6 Thou hast ended the war between us and them, I0 Thou hast done so2 o1en m" wound (so that it ma" dis/har.e) and /ause m" death thereb", So the wound to bleed 0rom the 0ront 1art o0 his ne/6, The 1eo1le were not s/ared e5/e1t when the blood 0lowed towards them2 and in the mosque alon. with Sa:d:s tent was the tent o0 7anu Hhi0ar, The" said: 3 1eo1le o0 the tent2 what is it that is /omin. to us 0rom "ouD LoL it was Sa:d:s wound that was bleedin. and he died thereo0,

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7oo6 $;2 !umber *4%4:

This tradition has been narrated b" Hishim throu.h the same /hain o0 transmitters with a little di00eren/e in the wordin., He said: (His wound) to bleed that -er" and it /ontinued to bleed until he died, He has made the addition that it was then that (a non-belie-in.) 1oet said: Har62 3 Sa:d2 Sa:d o0 7anu Mu:adh2 ?hat ha-e the Euraiaa and !adir doneD 7" th" li0eL Sa:d b, Mu:adhMbrM ?as stead0ast on the morn the" de1arted, Kou ha-e le0t "our /oo6in.-1ot em1t"2 ?hile the /oo6in.-1ot o0 the 1eo1le is hot and boilin., Abu Hubab the nobleman has said2 3 Eainuqa:2 do not de1art, The" were" in their /ountr" just aa ro/6s are" in Maitan,

'ha1ter 22: Showin. 1rom1titude in jihad and .i-in. 1re/eden/e to the more ur.ent o0 the two a/tions while ma6in. a /hoi/e between them
7oo6 $;2 !umber *4%*:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah who said: 3n the da" he returned 0rom the 7attle o0 Ah8ab2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made 0or us an announ/ement that nobod" would sa" his Guhr 1ra"er but in the quarters o0 7anu Eurai8a (Some) 1eo1le2 bein. a0raid that the time 0or 1ra"er would e51ire2 said their 1ra"ers be0ore rea/hin. the street o0 7anu Eurai8a, The others said: ?e will not sa" our 1ra"er e5/e1t where the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has ordered us to sa" it e-en i0 the time e51ires, (?hen he learned o0 the di00eren/e in the -iew o0 the two .rou1s o0 the 1eo1le2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be ti1on him) did not blame an"one 0rom the two .rou1s,

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'ha1ter 24: Aeturn o0 their .i0ts to the Ansar b" the Muhajirs when the latter .rew ri/h as a rebult o0 the /onquests
7oo6 $;2 !umber *4%+:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 who said: ?hen the Muhajirs mi.rated 0rom Me//a to MedinaB the" /ame (in a state that) the" had not an"thin. (i, e, mone") in theirhands2 while the Ansar 1ossessed lands and date 1alms, The" di-ided their 1ro1erties with the Muhajirs, The Ansar di-ided and .a-e them on the /ondition that the" would .i-e hal0 the 0ruit 0rom the or/hards e-er" "ear2 and the Muhajirs would re/om1ense them b" wor6in. with them and 1uttin. in labour, The mother o0 Anas b, Mali6 was /alled Umm Sulaim and she was also the mother o0 :Abdullah b, Talha who was a brother o0 Anas 0rom his mother:s side, The mother o0 Anas had .i-en the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) her date-1alms, He bestowed them u1on Umm Aiman2 the sla-e-.irl who had been 0reed b" him and was the mother o0 Usama b, Gaid, ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0inished the war with the 1eo1le o0 >haibar and returned to Medina2 the Muhajirs returned to the Ansar all the .i0ts whi/h the" had .i-en them out o0 the 0ruits, (Anas b, Mali6 said: ) The o0, Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) returned to m" mother her date-1alms and .a-e to Umm Aiman instead o0 them date-1alms 0rom his or/hard, Ibn Shihab sa"s that Umm Aiman was the mother o0 Usama b, Gaid who was the sla-e-.irl o0 :Abdullah b, :Abd-ul-Muttalib and hailed 0rom Ab"ssinia, ?hen Amina .a-e birth to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a0ter the death o0 his 0ather2 Umm Aiman used to nurse him until he .rew u1, He (later on) 0reed her and married her to Gaid b, Haritha, She died 0i-e months a0ter the death o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4%):

It has been narrated b" Anas that (a0ter his mi.ration to Medina) a 1erson 1la/ed at the @ro1het:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) dis1osal some date-1alms .rowin. on his land until the lands o0 Eurai8a and !adir were /onquered, Then he to return to him whate-er he had re/ei-ed, (In this /onne/tion) m" 1eo1le told me to a11roa/h the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and as6 0rom him what his 1eo1le had .i-en him or a 1ortion thereo02 but the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had bestowed those trees u1on Umm Aiman, So I /ame to the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he .a-e hem (ba/6) to me, Umm Aiman (also) /ame (at this time), She 1ut the /loth round m" ne/6 and said: !o2 b" Allah2 we will not .i-e to2 "ou what he has .ranted to me, The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Umm Aiman2 let him ha-e them and 0or "ou are su/h and su/h trees instead, 7ut she said: 7" Allah2 there is no .od besides Him, !o2 ne-erL The Hol" @ro-

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1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ontinued sa"in.: (Kou will .et) su/h and su/h, until he had .ranted her ten times or nearl" ten times more (than the ori.inal .i0t),

'ha1ter 2*: Fusti0i/ation 0or ta6in. 0ood in the land o0 the enem"
7oo6 $;2 !umber *4%%:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah b, Mu.ha00al who said I 0ound a ba. /ontainin. 0at on the da" o0 the 7attle o0 >haibar, I / hold o0 it and said: I will not .i-e an"thin. toda" 0rom it to an"bod", Then I turned round and saw that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was smilin. (at m" words),

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4%#:

This tradition has been transmitted b" a di00erent /hain o0 narrators with a di00erent wordin.2 the last in the /hain bein. the same narrator2 (i, e, :Abdullah b, Mu.ha00al)2 who said: A ba. /ontainin. 0ood and 0at was thrown to us, I le1t 0orward to /at/h it, Then I turned round and saw (to m" sur1rise) the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and I 0elt ashamed o0 m" a/t in his 1resen/e,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4%;:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with a -ariation o0 words,

'ha1ter 2+: The hol" 1ro1het:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) letter to Hiraql (/easar) in-itin. him to islam
7oo6 $;2 !umber *4# :
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Abbas who learnt the tradition 1ersonall" 0rom Abu Sa0"an, The latter said: I went out (on a mer/antile -enture) durin. the 1eriod (o0 tru/e) between me and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?hile I was in S"ria2 the letter o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was handed o-er to Hiraql ('easar)2 the (m1eror o0 Aome (who was on a -isit to Ferusalem at that time), The letter was b" 9ih"a >albi who deli-ered it to the .o-ernor o0 7usra The .o-ernor 1assed it on to Hiraql2 (3n re/ei-in. the letter)2 he said: Is there an"one 0rom the 1eo1le o0 this man who thin6s that he is a 1ro1het, @eo1le said: Kes, So2 I was /alled alon. with a 0ew others 0rom the Euraish, ?e were admitted to Hiraql and he seated usbe0ore
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him, He as6ed: ?hi/h o0 "ou has /loser 6inshi1 with the man who thin6s that he is a 1ro1hetD Abu Su0"an said: I, So the" seated me in 0ront o0 him and stated m" /om1anions behind me, Then2 he /alled his inter1reter and said to him: Tell them that I am .oin. to as6 this 0ellow (i, e, Abu Su0"an) about the man who thin6s that he is a 1ro1het, It he tells me a lie2 then re0ute him, Abu Su0"an told (the narrator): 7" Hod2 i0 there was not the 0ear that 0alsehood would be im1uted to me I would ha-e lied, (Then) Hiraqi said to his inter1reter: Inquire 0rom him about his an/estr"2 I said: He is o0 .ood an/estr" amon. us, He as6ed: Has there been a 6in. amon. his an/estorsD I said: !o, He as6ed: 9id "ou a//use him o0 0alsehood be0ore he 1ro/laimed his 1ro1hethoodD I said: !o, He as6ed: ?ho are his 0ollower 1eo1le o0 hi.h status or low statusD I said: (The" are) o0 low status, He as6ed: Are the" in/reasin. in number or de/reasin.D I said, !o, the" are rather in/reasin., He as6ed: 9oes an"one .i-e u1 his reli.ion2 bein. dissatis0ied with it2 a0ter ha-in. embra/ed itD I said: !o, He as6ed: Ha-e "ou been at war with himD I said: Kes, He as6ed: How did "ou 0are in that warD I said: The war between us and him has been wa-erin. li6e a bu/6et2 u1 at one turn and down at the other (i, e, the -i/tor" has been shared between us and him b" turns), Sometimes he su00ered loss at our hands and sometimes we su00ered loss at his (hand), He as6ed: Has he (e-er) -iolated his /o-enantD I said: !o, but we ha-e re/entl" /on/luded a 1ea/e treat" with him 0or a 1etiod and we do not 6now what he is .oin. to do about it, (Abu Su0"in said on oath that he /ould not inter1olate in this dialo.ue an"thin. 0rom himsel0 more than these words ) He as6ed: 9id an"one ma6e the 1ro/lamation (30 1ro1hethood) be0ore himD I said: !o, He (now) said to his inter1reter: Tell him2 I as6ed him about his an/estr" and he had re1lied that he had the best an/estr", This is the /ase with @ro1hetsB the" are the des/endants o0 the noblest amon. their 1eo1le (Addressin. Abu Su0"an)2 he /ontinued: I as6ed "ou i0 there had been a 6in. amon. his an/estors, Kou said that there had been none, I0 there had been a 6in. amon. his an/estors2 I would ha-e said that he was a man demandin. his an/estral 6in.dom, I as6ed "ou about his 0ollowers whether the" were 1eo1le o0 hi.h or low status2 and "ou said that the" were o0 rather low status, Su/h are the 0ollowers o0 the @ro1hets, I as6ed "ou whether "ou used to a//use him o0 0alsehood be0ore he 1ro/laimed his 1ro1hethood2 and "ou said that "ou did not, So I ha-e understood that when he did not allow himsel0 to tell a lie about the 1oe1le2 he would ne-er .o to the o0 a 0alsehood about Allah, I as6ed "ou whether an"one renoun/ed his reli.ion bein. dissatis0ied with it a0ter he had embra/ed it2 and "ou re1lied in the ne.ati-e, =aith is li6e this when it enters the de1th o0 the heart (it 1er1etuates them), I as6ed "ou whether his 0ollowers were in/reasin. or de/reasin., Kou said the" were in/reasin., =aith is li6e this until it rea/hes its /onsummation, I as6ed "ou whether "ou had been at war with him2 and "ou re1lied that "ou had been and that the -i/tor" between "ou and him had been shared b" turns2 sometimes he su00erin. loss at "our hand and sometimes "ou su00erin. lost at his, This is how the @ro1hets are tried be0ore the 0inal -i/tor" its theirs, I as6ed "ou whether he (e-er) -iolated his /o-enant2 and "ou said that he did not, This is how the @ro1hets beha-e, The" ne-er -iolate (their /o-enants), I as6ed "ou whether an"one be0ore him had 1ro/laimed the same thin.2 and "ou re1lied in the ne.ati-e, I said: I0 an"one had made the same 1ro/lamation be0ore2 I would ha-e that he was a man 0ollowin. what
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had been 1ro/laimed be0ore, (Then) he as6ed: ?hat does he enjoin u1on "ouD I said: He e5horts us to o00er Salat2 to 1a" Ga6at2 to show due re.ard to 6inshi1 and to 1ra/tise /hastit", He said: It what "ou ha-e told about him is true2 he is /ertainl" a @ro1het, I 6new that he was to a11ear but I did not thin6 that he would be 0rom amon. "ou, I0 I 6new that I would be able to rea/h him, I would lo-e to meet himB and it I had been with him, I would ha-e washed his 0eet (out o0 re-eren/e), His dominion would /ertainl" e5tend to this 1la/e whi/h is under m" 0eet, Then he /alled 0or the letter o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 10a/e be u1on him) and read it, The letter ran as 0ollows:C In the name o0 Allah2 Most Hra/ious and Most Mer/i0ul, =rom Muhammad2 the o0 Allah2 to Hiraql2 the (m1eror o0 the Aomans, @ea/e be u1on him who 0ollows the .uidan/e, A0ter this2 I e5tend to "ou the in-itation to a//e1t Islam, (mbra/e Islam and "ou will be sa0e, A//e1t Islam2 Hod will .i-e "ou double the reward, And i0 "ou turn awa"2 u1on "ou will be the sin o0 "our subje/ts,C 3 @eo1le o0 the 7oo62 /ome to the word that is /ommon between us that we should worshi1 none other than Allah2 should not as/ribe an" 1artner to Him and some o0 us should not ta6e their 0ellows as Lords other than Allah, I0 the" turn awa"2 "ou should sa" that we testi0" to our bein. Muslims Niii, )*O,C ?hen he hid 0inished the readin. o0 the letter2 noise and /on0used /lamour was raise around him2 and he ordered us to lea-e, A//ordin.l"2 we le0t, (Addressin. m" /om1anions) while we were /omin. out (o0 the 1la/e), I said: Ibn Abu >absha (re0errin. sar/asti/all" to the Hol" @ro1het) has /ome to wield a .reat 1ower, LoL (e-en) the 6in. o0 the Aomans is a0raid o0 him, I /ontinued to belie-e that the authorit" o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) would trium1h until Hod imbued me with (the s1irit o0) Islam,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4#$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Shihab with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with the addition:C ?hen Allah in0li/ted de0eat on the armies o0 @ersia2 'aesar mo-ed 0rom Hims to Aelia (7ait al-Maqdis) 0or than6in. Allah as He .ranted him -i/tor",C In this hadith these words o//ur:C =rom Muhammad2 ser-ant o0 Allah and His Messen.er2C and said:C The sin o0 "our 0ollowers2C and also said the words:C to the /all o0 IslamC,

'ha1ter 2): Letters o0 the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to the 6in.s o0 disbelie-ers in-itin. them to allah2 the e5alted and .lorious
7oo6 $;2 !umber *4#2:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas that the @ro1het o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) wrote to 'hosroes (>in. o0 @ersia)2 'aesar ((m1eror o0 Aome)2 ! (>in. o0 Ab"ssinia) and e-er"
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(other) des1ot in-itin. them to Allah2 the (5alted, And this ! was not the one 0or whom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said the 0uneral 1ra"ers,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4#4:

The tradition has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 (the same narrator) throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters2 but this -ersion does not mention:C And he was not the ! 0or whom the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said the 0uneral 1ra"ers,C

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4#*:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 the same narrator throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters with the same di00eren/e in the wordin.,

'ha1ter 2%: The battle o0 Hunain

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4#+:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abbas who said: I was in the /om1an" o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the 9a" o0 Hunain, I and Abd Su0"an b, Harith b, :Abd al-Muttalib stu/6 to the Messenaer o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and we did not se1arate 0rom him, And the o0 Allah (ma" 1la/e be u1on him) was ridin. on his white mule whi/h had been 1resented to him b" =arwa b, !u0itha al-Fudhami, ?hen the Muslims had an en/ounter with the disbelie-ers2 the Muslims 0led2 0allin. ba/62 but the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to s1ur his mule towards the disbelie-ers, I was holdin. the bridle o0 the mule o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /he/6in. it 0rom .oin. -er" 0ast2 and Abu Su0"an was holdin. the stirru1 o0 the (mule o0 the) o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 who said: Abbas2 /all out to the 1eo1le o0 al-Samura, Abbas (who was a man with a loud -oi/e) /alled out at the to1 o0 the -oi/e: ?here are the 1eo1le o0 SamuraD (Abbas said: ) And b" Hod2 when the" heard m" -oi/e2 the" /ame ba/6 (to us) as /ows /ome ba/6 to their /al-es2 and said: ?e are 1resent2 we are 1resentL :Abbas said: The" to the in0idels, Then there was a /all to The Ansar, Those (who /alled out to them) shouted: 3 "e 1art" o0 the AnsarL 3 1art" o0 the AnsarL 7anu al-Harith b, al->ha8raj were the last to be /alled, Those (who /alled out to them) shouted: 3 7anu Al-Harith b, al->ha8rajL 3 7anU Harith b, al->ha8rajL And the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who was ridin. on his mule loo6ed at their with his ne/6 stret/hed 0orward and he said: This is the time when the is hot, Then the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 (some) 1ebbles and threw them in the 0a/e o0 the in0idels, Then he said: 7" the Lord o0 Muhammad2 the in0idels are de0eated, :Abbas said: I went round and saw that the battle was in the same /ondition in whi/h I had seen it, 7" Allah2

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it remained in the same /ondition until he threw the 1ebbles, I /ontinued to wat/h until I 0ound that their 0or/e had been s1ent out and the" to retreat,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4#):

A -ersion o0 the tradition has been transmitted throu.h another /hain o0 narrators, In this -ersion the words uttered b" the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (a0ter he had thrown the 1ebbles in the 0a/e o0 the enem") are re1orted as:C 7" the Lord o0 the >a:ba2 the" ha-e been de0eated,C And there is at the end the addition o0 the words:C Until Allah de0eated themC (and I ima.ine) as i0 I saw the @ro1het o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /hasin. them on his mule,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4#%:

:Abbas re1orted: I was with Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the 9a" o0 Hunain, The rest o0 the hadith is the same but with this -ariation that the hadith transmitted b" Konus and Ma:mar is more detailed and /om1lete,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4##:

It has been narratedon the authorit" o0 Abu Ishaq who said: A man as6ed 7ara: (b, :A8ib): 9id "ou run awa" on the 9a" o0 Hunain, 32 Abu UmiraD He said: !o2 b" Allah2 The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not turn his ba/6B (what a/tuall" ha11ened was that) some "oun. men 0rom amon. his /om1anions2 who were hast" and who were either without an" arms or did not ha-e abundant arms2 ad-an/ed and met a 1art" o0 ar/hers (who were so .ood shots) that their arrows ne-er missed the mar6, This 1art" (o0 ar/hers) belon.ed to 7anu Hawa8in and 7anu !adir, The" shot at the ad-an/in. "oun. men and their arrows were not li6el" to miss their tar.ets, So these "oun. men turned to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) while he was ridin. on his white mule and Abu Su0"an b, al-Harith b, :Abd al-Muttalib was leadin. him, (At this) he .ot down 0rom his mule2 in-o6ed Hod:s hel12 and /alled out: I am the @ro1het, This is no untruth, I am the son o0 :Abd al-Muttalib, Then he de1ln-ed his men into battle arra",

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4#;:

It has been narrated (throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters) b" Abu Ishiq that a 1erson said to 7ara: (b, :A8ib): Abu Umara2 did "ou 0lee on the 9a" o0 HunainD He re1lied: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not retreat, (?hat a/tuall" ha11ened was that some hast" "oun. men who were either inadequatel" armed or were unarmed met a .rou1 o0 men 0rom 7anu Hawa8in and 7anu !adir who ha11ened to be (e5/ellent) ar/hers, The latter shot at them a -olle" o0 arrows that did not miss, The 1eo1le turned to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Abu Su0"an b, Harith was leadin. his mule, So he .ot down2 1ra"ed and in-o6ed Hod:s hel1, He said: I am the @ro1het, This is no untruth, I am the son o0 Abd al-Muttalib, 3 Hod2 des/end Th" hel1, 7ara: /ontinued:
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?hen the battle .rew 0ier/e, we2 b" Hod, would see6 1rote/tion b" his side2 and the bra-est amon. us was he who /on0ronted the and it was the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4; :

It has been narrated throu.h a still di00erent /hain o0 transmitters b" the same narrator (i, e, Abu Ishaq) who said: I heard 0rom 7ara: who was as6ed b" a man 0rom the Eais tribe: 9id "ou run awa" 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the 9a" o0 HunainD 7ara: said: 7ut the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not run awa", 3n that da" 7anu Haw88in too6 1art in the battle as ar/hers (on the side o0 the disbelie-ers), ?hen we atta/6ed them2 the" retreated and we 0ell u1on the boot"B (the" rallied) and ad-an/ed towards us with arrows, (At that time) I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ridin. on his white mule and Abu Su0"an b, al-Harith was holdin. its bridle, He (the o0 Allah was sa"in.: I am the @ro1het, This is no untruth, I am a des/endant o0 :Abd al-Muttalib,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4;$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 7ara: with another /hain o0 transmitters2 but this hadith is short as /om1ared with other ahadith whi/h are more detailed,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4;2:

This tradition has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Salama who said: ?e b" the side o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at Hunain, ?hen we en/ountered the enem"2 I ad-an/ed and as/ended a hillo/6, A man 0rom the enem" side turned towards me and I shot him with an arrow, He (du/6ed and) hid himsel0 0rom me, I /ould not understand what he did2 but (all o0 a sudden) I saw that a .rou1 o0 1eo1le a11eared 0rom the other hillo/6, The" and the 'om1anions o0 the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) met in /ombat2 but the 'om1anions o0 the @ro1het turned ba/6 and I too turned ba/6 de0eated, I had two mantles2 one o0 whi/h I was wra11in. round the waist (/o-erin. the lower 1art o0 m" bod") and the other I was 1uttin. around m" shoulders, M" waistwra11er .ot loose and I held the two mantles to.ether, (In this down/ast /ondition) I 1assed b" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who was ridin. on his white mule, He said: The son o0 A6wa: 0inds himsel0 to be utterl" 1er1le5ed, ?her, the 'om1anions .athered round him 0rom all sides, the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot down 0rom his mule, 1i/6ed u1 a hand0ul o0 dust 0rom the .round2 threw it into their (enem") 0a/es and said: Ma" these 0a/es be de0ormed $ There was no one amon. the enem" whose e"es were not 0illed with the dust 0rom this hand0ul, So the" turned ba/6 0leein., and Allah the (5alted and Hlorious de0eated them2 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) distributed their boot" amon. the Muslims,


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'ha1ter 2#: The battle o0 Ta:i0

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4;4:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Amr who said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) besie.ed the 1eo1le o0 Ta:i02 but did .et -i/tor" o-er them, He said: Hod willin.2 we shall return, His 'om1anions said: Shall we de1art without ha-in. /onquered itD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (All ma6e a raid in the mornin., The" did so, and were wounded (with the arrows showered u1on them), So the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?e shall de1art tomorrow, (The narrator sa"s): (!ow) this (announ/ement) 1leased them2 and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) lau.hed at (their wa"wardness),

'ha1ter 2;: The battle o0 7adr

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4;*:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas that when (the news o0) the ad-an/e o0 Abu Su0"an (at the head o0 a 0or/e) rea/hed him, the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) held /onsultations with his 'om1anions, The narrator said: Abu 7a6r s1o6e (e51ressin. his own -iews)2 but he (the Hol" @ro1het) did not 1a" heed to him, Then s1o6e :Umar (e51ressin. his -iews)2 but he (the Hol" @ro1het) did not 1a" heed to him (too), Then Sa:d b, :Ubada stood u1 and said: o0 Allah2 "ou want us (to s1ea6), 7" Hod in ?hose /ontrol is m" li0e2 i0 "ou order us to 1lun.e our horses into the sea2 we would do so, I0 "ou order us to .oad our horses to the most distant 1la/e li6e 7ar6 alHhimad2 we would do so, The narrator said: !ow the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled u1on the 1eo1le (0or the en/ounter), So the" set out and en/am1ed at 7adr, (Soon) the water/arriers o0 the Euraish arri-ed, Amon. them was a bla/6 sla-e to 7anu al-Hajjaj, The 'om1anions o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) / him and interro.ated him about Abu Su0"an and his /om1anions, He said: I 6now nothin. about Abu Su0"an2 but Abu Fahl2 Utba2 Shaiba and Uma""a b, >hala0 are there, ?hen he said this2 the" beat him, Then he said: All ri.ht2 I will tell "ou about Abu Su0"an, The" would sto1 beatin. him and then as6 him (a.ain) about Abu Su0"an, He would a.ain sa":2 I 6now nothin. about Abu Su0"an2 but Abu Fahl, :Utba2 Shaiba and Uma""a b, >hala0 are there, ?hen he said this2 the" beat him li6ewise, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was standin. in 1ra"er, ?hen he saw this he 0inished his 1ra"er and said: 7" Allah in ?hose /ontrol is m" li0e2 "ou beat him when he is tellin. "ou the truth2 and "ou let him .o when he tells "ou a lie, The narrator said: Then the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: This is the 1la/e where so and so would be 6illed, He 1la/ed his hand on the earth (sa"in.) here and hereB (and) none o0 them 0ell awa" 0rom the 1la/e whi/h the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had indi/ated b" 1la/in. his hand on the earth,
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'ha1ter 4 : The /onquest o0 Me//a

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4;+:
It has been narrated b" :Abdullah b, Aabah 0rom Abu Huraira2 who said: Man" de1utations /ame to Mu:awi"a, This was in the month o0 Aamadan, ?e would 1re1are 0ood 0or one another, Abu Huraira was one o0 those who 0requentl" in-ited us to his house, I said: Should I not 1re1are 0ood and in-ite them to m" 1la/eD So I ordered meals to be 1re1ared Then I met Abu Huraira in the e-enin. and said: (Kou will ha-e) "our meals with me, He said: Kou ha-e 0orestalled me, I said: Kes2 and in-ited them, (?hen the" had 0inished with the meals) Abu Huraira said: Should I not tell "on a tradition 0rom "our traditions2 3 "e assembl" o0 the AnsarD He then .a-e an a//ount o0 the 'onquest o0 Me//a and said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ad-an/ed until he rea/hed Me//a, He de1uted Gubair on his 0lan6 and >halid on the le0t2 and he des1at/hed Abu Ubaida with the 0or/e that had no armour, The" ad-an/ed to the interior o0 the -alle", The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was in the midst o0 a lar.e /ontin.ent o0 0i.hters, He saw me and said: Abu Huraira, I said: I am here at "our /all2 o0 Allah I He said: Let no one /ome to me e5/e1t the Ansar2 so /all to me the Ansar (onl"), Abu Huraira /ontinued: So the" .athered round him, The Euraish also .athered their ru00ians and their (lowl") 0ollowers2 and said: ?e send these 0orward, I0 the" .et an"thin.2 we shall be with them (to share it)2 and i0 mis0ortune be0alls them2 we shall 1a" (as /om1ensation) whate-er we are as6ed 0or, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said (to the Ansar): Kou see the ru00ians and the (lowl") 0ollowers o0 the Euraish, And he indi/ated b" (stri6in.) one o0 his hands o-er the other that the" should be 6illed and said: Meet me at asSa0a, Then we went on (and) i0 an" one o0 us wanted that a /ertain 1erson should be 6illed2 he was 6illed2 and none /ould o00er an" resistan/e, Abu Huraira /ontinued: Then /ame Abu Su0"an and said: o0 Allah2 the blood o0 the Euraish has be/ome -er" /hea1, There will be no Euraish 0rom this da" on, Then he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?ho enters the house o0 Abu Su0"an2 he will be sa0e, Some o0 the Ansar whis1ered amon. themsel-es: (A0ter all)2 lo-e 0or his /it" and tenderness towards his relations ha-e o-er1owered him, Abu Huraira said: (At this moment) re-elation /ame to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and when he was .oin. to re/ei-e the Ae-elation2 we understood it2 and when he was (a/tuall") re/ei-in. it2 none o0 us would dare raise his e"es to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) until the re-elation /ame to an end, ?hen the re-elation /ame to an end2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3 "e Assembl" o0 the AnsarL The" said: Here we are at "our dis1osal2 o0 Allah, He said: Kou were sa"in. that lo-e 0or his /it" and tenderness towards his 1eo1le ha-e o-er1owered this man, The" said: So it was, He said: !o2 ne-er, I am a bondman o0 Hod and His, I mi.rated towards Hod and towards "ou, I will li-e with "ou and will die with "ou, So2 the" (the Ansar) turned towards him in tears and the" were sa"in.: 7" Allah2 we said what we said be/ause o0 our tena/ious atta/hment to Allah and His, The

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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA) o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Surel"2 Allah and His testi0" to "our assertions and a//e1t "our a1olo.", The narrator /ontinued: @eo1le turned to the house o0 Abu Su0"an and 1eo1le lo/6ed their doors, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ro/eeded until he a11roa/hed the (7la/6) Stone, He 6issed it and /ir/umambulated the >a:ba, He rea/hed near an idol b" the side o0 the >a:ba whi/h was worshi11ed b" the 1eo1le, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had a bow in his hand2 and he was holdin. it 0rom a /orner, ?hen he /ame near the idol2 he to 1ier/e its e"es with the bow and (while doin. so) was sa"in.: Truth has been established and 0alsehood has 1erished, ?hen he had 0inished the /ir/umambulation2 he /ame to Sa0a:2 as/ended it to a 0rom where he /ould see the >a:ba2 raised his hands (in 1ra"er) and to 1raise Allah and 1ra"ed what he wanted to 1ra", The tradition has been narrated b" a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters with the 0ollowin. additions: (i) Then be (the o0 Allah) said with his hands one u1on the other: >ill them (who stand in "our wa"),,,, (ii) The" (the Ansar) re1lied: ?e said so2 o0 AllahL He said: ?hat is m" nameD I am but Allah:s bondman and His,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4;):

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah b, Aabah who said: ?e /ame to Mu:awi"a b, Abu Su0"an as a de1utation and Abu Huraira was amon. us, (a/h o0 us would 1re1are 0ood 0or his /om1anions turn b" turn 0or a da", (A//ordin.l") when it was m" turn I said: Abu Huraira2 it is m" turn toda", So the" /ame to m" 1la/e, The 0ood was not "et read"2 so I said to Abu Huraira: I wish "ou /ould narrate to us a tradition 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) until the 0ood was read", ('om1l"in. with m" request) Abu Huraira said: ?e were with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the da" o0 the 'onquest o0 Me//a, He a11ointed >halid b, ?alid as /ommander o0 the 0lan62 Gubair as /ommander o0 the le0t 0lan62 and Abu :Ubaida as /ommander o0 the 0oot-soldiers (who were to ad-an/e) to the interior o0 the -alle", He (then) said: Abu Huraira2 /all the Ansar to me, So I /alled out to them and the" /ame hurriedl", He said: 3 "e Assembl" o0 the Ansaar2 do "ou see the ru00ians o0 the EuraishD The" said: Kes, He said: See2 when "ou meet them tomorrow2 wi1e them out, He hinted at this with his hand2 1la/in. his hand on his le0t and said: Kou will meet us at as-Sa0a:, (Abu Huraira /ontinued): ?hoe-er was seen b" them that da" was 1ut to death, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as/ended the mount o0 as-Sa0a:, The Ansar also /ame there and surrounded the mount, Then /ame Abu Su0"an and said: ot Allah2 the Euraish ha-e 1erished, !o member o0 the Euraish tribe will sur-i-e this da", The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ho enters the house o0 Abu Sa0"in will be sa0e2 who la"s down arms will be sa0e2 who lo/6s his door will be sa0e, (some o0) the Ansar said: (A0ter all) the man has been swa"ed b" tenderness towards his 0amil" and lo-e 0or his /it", At this2 9i-ine ins1iration des/ended u1on the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He said: Kou were sa"in. that the man has been swa"ed b" tenderness towards his 0amil" and lo-e 0or his /it", 9o "ou 6now what m" name isD I am Muhammad2 the bondman o0 Hod and His, (He re1eated this thri/e,) I

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le0t m" nati-e 1la/e 0or the ta6e o0 Allah and joined "ou, So I will li-e with "ou and die with "ou, !ow the Ansar said: 7" Hod2 we said (that) onl" out o0 our .reed 0or Allah and His, He said: Allah and His A1ostle testi0" to "ou and a//e1t "our a1olo.",

'ha1ter 4$: Aemo-al o0 the idols 0rom the -i/init" o0 the >a:ba
7oo6 $;2 !umber *4;%:
It has been narrated b" Ibn Abdullah who said: The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered Me//a, There were three hundred and si5t" idols around the >a:ba, He to thrust them with the sti/6 that was in his hand sa"in.:C Truth has /ome and 0alsehood has -anished, LoL 0alsehood was destined to -anishC (5-ii, #), Truth has arri-ed2 and 0alsehood /an neither /reate an"thin. 0rom the be.innin. nor /an It restore to li0e

7oo6 $;2 !umber *4;#:

This tradition has been narrated b" Ibn Abu !ajah throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters u1 to the word: Gahaqa2 (This -ersion) does not /ontain the se/ond -erse and substitutes Sanam 0or !usub (both the words meanC idolC orC ima.eC that is worshi11ed),

'ha1ter 42: !o quraishite will be 6illed bound hand and 0oot a0ter the /onquest o0 Me//a
7oo6 $;2 !umber *4;;:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah b, Muti: who heard 0rom his 0ather and said: I heard the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa" on the da" o0 the 'onquest o0 Me//a: !o Euraishite will be 6illed hound hand and 0oot 0rom this da" until the 9a" o0 jud.ment,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **

The same tradition has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ga6ri""a throu.h the same /hain o0 transmitters with the 0ollowin. addition:C !o rebellious Euraishite with al-Asi as his name embra/ed Islam that da" e5/e1t Muti, His name-was al-Asi2 but the o0 Allah (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) /han.ed his name to Muti,

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'ha1ter 44: The treat" o0 Hudaibi"a

7oo6 $;2 !umber ** $:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 al-7ara: b, :A8ib who said: :Ali b, Abu Talib 1enned the treat" between the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and the 1ol"theists on the 9a" o0 Hudaibi"a, He wrote: This is what Muhammad2 the o0 Allah2 has settled, The" (the 1ol"theists) said: 9o not write wordsC the o0 AllahC, I0 we 6new that "ou were the o0 Allah2 we would not a.ainst "ou, The @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to :Ali: Stri6e out these words, He (Ali) said: I am not .oin. to stri6e them out, So the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stru/6 them out with his own hand, The narrator said that the /onditions u1on whi/h the two sides had a.reed in/luded that the Muslims would enter Me//a (ne5t "ear) and would sta" there 0or three da"s2 and that the" would not enter bearin. arms e5/e1t in their sheaths or bolsters,

7oo6 $;2 !umber ** 2:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Ishaq2 who heard 7ars: b, A8ib sa": ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made 1ea/e with the 1eo1le o0 Hudaibi"a2 :Ali drew u1 the a.reement between them2 and so he wrote: Muhammad2 the o0 Allah, (This is 0ollowed b" the same wordin. as we ha-e in the 1re-ious tradition e5/e1t the omission o0 the words: This is what he has settled,)

7oo6 $;2 !umber ** 4:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 7ara: who said: ?hen the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was /he/6ed 0rom .oin. to the >a:ba2 the 1eo1le o0 Me//a made 1ea/e with him:on the /ondition that he would (be allowed to) enter Me//a (ne5t "ear) and sta" there 0or three da"s2 that he would not enter (the /it") e5/e1t with swords in their sheaths and arms en/ased in their /o-ers2 that he would not ta6e ewa" with him an"one 0rom its dwellers2 nor would he 1re-ent an"one 0rom those with him to sta" on in Me//a (i0 he so desired), He said to :Ali: ?rite down the terms settled between us, (So :Ali wrote): In the name o0 Allah2 most Hra/ious and most Mer/i0ul, This is what Muhammad2 the o0 Allah2 has settled (with the Me//ans)2 The 1ol"theists said to him: I0 we 6new that thou art the o0 o0 Allah2 we would 0ollow "ou, 7ut write: Muhammad b, :Abdullah, So he told :Ali to stri6e out these words, :Ali said: !o2 b" Allah2 I will not stri6e them out, The o0 Allah (ma" @ea/e be u1on him) said: Show me their 1la/e (on the 1ar/hment), So he (:Ali) showed him their 1la/e and he (the Hol" @ro1het) stru/6 them outB and :Ali wrote: Ibn :Abdullah, (A//ordin. to the terms o0 the treat"2 ne5t "ear) the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sta"ed there 0or three da"s ?hen it was the third da"2 the" said to :Ali: This is the last da" a//ordin. to the terms o0 "our /om1anion, So tell him to lea-e, :Ali in0ormed the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a//ordin-

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.l", He said: Kes2 and le0t (the /it"), Ibn Fanab in his -ersion o0 the tradition used:C we would swear alle.ian/e to "ouC instead o0C we would 0ollow "ouC,

7oo6 $;2 !umber ** *:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas that the Euraish made 1ea/e with the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Amon. them was Suhail b, Amr, The @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to :Ali: ?riteC In the name o0 Allah2 most Hra/ious and most Mer/i0ul,C Suhail said: As 0orC 7ismillah2C we do not 6now what is meant b"C 7ismillah-ir-Aahman-ir-AahimC (In the name o0 Allah most Hra/ious and most Mer/i0ul), 7ut write what we understand2 i, e, 7i ismi6a allahumma (in th" name, 3 Allah), Then2 the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?rite:C =rom Muhammad2 the o0 Allah,C The" said: I0 we 6new that thou welt the o0 Allah2 we would 0ollow "ou, There0ore2 write "our name and the name o0 "our 0ather, So the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?riteC =rom Muhammad b, :Abdullah,C The" laid the /ondition on the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that an"one who joined them 0rom the Muslims2 the Me//ans would not return him2 and an"one who joined "ou (the Muslims) 0rom them2 "ou would send him ba/6 to them, The 'om1anions said: o0 Allah2 should we write thisD He said: Kes, 3ne who .oes awa" 0rom us to join them-ma" Allah 6ee1 him awa"L and one who /omes to join us 0rom them (and is sent ba/6) Allah will 1ro-ide him relie0 and a wa" o0 es/a1e,

7oo6 $;2 !umber ** +:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu ?a:il who said: Sahal b, Hunai0 stood u1 on the 9a" o0 Si00in and said: 3 "e 1eo1le2 blame "oursel-es (0or want o0 dis/retion) B we were with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the 9a" o0 Hudaibi"a, I0 we had it 0it to 0i.ht2 we /ould, This was in the tru/e between the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and the 1ol"theists, Umar b, >hattab /ame2 a11roa/hed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 aren:t we 0i.htin. 0or truth and the" 0or 0alsehoodD He re1lied: 7" all means, He as6ed: Are not those 6illed 0rom our side in @aradise and those 6illed, 0rom their side in the =ireD He re1lied: Kes, He said: Then wh" should we 1ut a blot u1on our reli.ion and return2 while Allah has not de/ided the issue between them and oursel-esD He said: Son o0 >hattab2 I am the o0 Allah, Allah will ne-er ruin me, (The narrator said): Umar went awa"2 but he /ould not /ontain himsel0 with ra.e, So he a11roa/hed Abu 7a6r and said: :Abu 7a6r2 aren:t we 0i.htin. 0or truth and the" 0or 0alsehoodD He re1lied: Kes, He as6ed: Aren:t those 6illed 0rom our side in @aradise and those 6illed 0rom their side in the =ireD He re1lied: ?h" notD He (then) said: ?h" should we then dis.ra/e our reli.ion and return while Hod has not "et de/ided the issue between them and oursel-esD Abu 7a6r said: Son o0 >hattab2 -eril"2 he is the o0 Allah2 and Allah will ne-er ruin him, (The narrator /ontinued): At this (a Sura o0) the Eur:an (.i-in. .lad tidin.s o0 the -i/tor") was re-ealed to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He sent 0or Umar and made him

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read it, He as6ed: Is (this tru/e) a -i/tor"D He (the o0 Allah) re1lied: Kes, At this Umar was 1leased2 and returned,

7oo6 $;2 !umber ** ):

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shaqiq who said: I heard Sahl b, Hunai0 sa" at Si00in: 3 "e 1eo1le2 0ind 0ault with "our (own) dis/retion, 7" Allah2 on the 9a" o0 Abu Fandal (i, e, the da" o0 Hudaibi"a)2 I to m"sel0 that2 i0 I /ould2 I would re-erse the order o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (the terms o0 the tru/e bein. un1alatable), 7" Allah2 we ha-e ne-er hun. our swords on our shoulders in an" situation whatsoe-er e5/e1t when the" made eas" 0or us to realise the .oal en-isa.ed b" us2 but this battle o0 "ours (seems to be an e5/e1tion), Ibn !umair (in his -ersion) did not mention the words:C In an" situatina whatsoe-erC

7oo6 $;2 !umber ** %:

The same tradition has been narrated throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters on the authorit" o0 A:mash, This -ersion /ontains the words: Ila amrin "o08i:una instead o0 Ila amrin na:ri0uhu,

7oo6 $;2 !umber ** #:

It has been narrated throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters on the authorit" o0 Abu ?a:il who said: I heard Sahl b, Hunai0 sa" at Si00in: 7lame (the hollowness) o0 "our -iews about "our reli.ion, I to m"sel0 on the da" o0 Abu Fandal that i0 I /ould turn down the order o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 I would, The situation was so di00i/ult that i0 we mended it at one 1la/e2 it was rent at another,

7oo6 $;2 !umber ** ;:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 who said: ?hen the" ('om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) were o-erwhelmed with .rie0 and distress on his return 0rom Hudaibi"a where he had slau.htered his sa/ri0i/ial beasts (not bein. allowed to 1ro/eed to Me//a)2 the Eur:ani/ -erse: Inna 0atahna,,, la6a 0athan mobinan to 0au8an :a8iman2 was re-ealed to him, (At this) he said: 3n me has des/ended a -erse that is dearer to me than the whole world,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **$ :

This tradition has been narrated throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

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'ha1ter 4*: >ee1in. a /o-enant

7oo6 $;2 !umber **$$:
It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Hudbai0a b, al-Kaman who said: !othin. 1re-ented me 0rom bein. 1resent atL he 7attle o0 7adr e5/e1t this in/ident, I /ame out with m" 0ather Husail (to 1arti/i1ate in the 7attle)2 but we were / b" the disbelie-ers o0 Euraish, The" said: (9o) "ou intend to .o to MuhammadD ?e said: ?e do not intend to .o to him2 but we wish to .o (ba/6) to Medina, So the" too6 0rom us a /o-enant in the name o0 Hod that we would turn ba/6 to Medina and would not on the side o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), So2 we /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and related the in/ident to him, He said: 7oth2 o0 "ou 1ro/eed (to Medina) B we will 0ul0il the /o-enant made with them and see6 Hod:s hel1 a.ainst them,

'ha1ter 4+: The battle o0 Ah8ab or the battle o0 the dit/h

7oo6 $;2 !umber **$2:
It has been narrated b" Ibrahim al-Taimi on the authorit" o0 his 0ather who said: ?e were sittin. in the /om1an" o0 Hudhai0a, A man said: I0 I were in the time o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 I would ha-e b" his side and would ha-e stri-en hard 0or his /auses, Hudhai0a said: Kou ha-e done that2 (but "ou should not ma6e a 0lourish o0 "our enthusiasm), I was with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the o0 the 7attle o0 Ab8ib and we were .ri11ed b" a -iolent wind and se-ere /old, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be him) said: Har62 the man who (.oes re/onnoitrin. and) brin.s me the news o0 the enem" shall be ran6ed with me on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment b" Allah (the Hlorious and (5alted), ?e all 6e1t quiet and none o0 us res1oned to him, (A.ain) he said: Har62 a man who (.oes re/onnoitrin. and) brin.s me the news o0 the enem" shall be ran6ed with me on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment b" Allah (the Hlorious and (5alted), ?e 6e1t quiet and none o0 us res1onded to him, He a.ain said: Har62 a man who (.oes re/onnoitrin. and) brin.s me the news o0 the enem" shall be ran6ed with me on the 9a" o0 Fud.tuent b" Allah (the Hlorious and (5alted) Then he said: Het u1 Hudhai0a2 brin. me the news o0 the enem", ?hen he /alled me b" name I had no alternati-e but to .et u1, He said: Ho and brin. me in0ormation about the enem"2 and do nothin. that ma" 1ro-o6e them a.ainst me, ?hen I le0t him2 I 0elt warm as i0 I were wal6in. in a heated bath untill I rea/hed them, I saw Abu Su0"an warmin. his ba/6 a.ainst 0ire I 1ut an arrow in the middle o0 the bow, intendin. to shoot at him2 when I re/alled the words o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)C 9o not 1ro-o6e them a.ainst me,C Had I shot at him2 I would ha-e hit him, 7ut I returned and (0elt warm as i0) I were wal6in. in a heated bath (hammam), @resentin. m"-

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sel0 be0ore him2 I .a-e him in0ormation about the enem", ?hen I had done so2 I to 0eel /old2 so the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) wra11ed me in a blan6et that he had in e5/ess to his own requirement and with whi/h he used to /o-er himsel0 while sa"in. his 1ra"ers, So I /ontinued to slee1 until it was mornin., ?hen it was mornin. he said: Het u12 3 hea-" slee1er,

'ha1ter 4): The battle o0 Uhud

7oo6 $;2 !umber **$4:
It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that (when the enem" .ot the u11er hand) on the da" o0 the 7attle o0 Uhud2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was le0t with onl" se-en men 0rom the ansar and two men 0rom the Euraish, ?hen the enem" ad-an/ed towards him and o-erwhelmed him2 he said: ?hoso turns them awa" 0rom us will attain @aradise or will be m" 'om1anion in @aradise, A man 0rom the Ansar /ame 0orward and (the enem") until he was 6illed, The enem" ad-an/ed and o-erwhelmed him a.ain and he re1eated the words: ?hoso turns them awa"2 0rom us will attain @aradise or will be m" 'om1anion in @aradise, A man 0rom the Arsar /ame 0orward and until he was 6illed, This state /ontinued until the se-en Ansar were 6illed (one a0ter the other), !ow2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to his two 'om1anions: ?e ha-e not done justi/e to our 'om1anions,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **$*:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abd-ul-:A8i8 b, Abu Ha8im2 who learnt 0rom his 0ather (Abu Ha8im), The latter heard it 0rom Sahl b, Sa:d who was as6ed about the injur" whi/h the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot on the da" o0 the 7attle o0 Uhud, He said: The 0a/e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was injured2 his 0ront teeth were dama.ed and his helmet was /rushed, =atima2 the dau.hter o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 was washin. the blood (0rom his head)2 and :Ali b, Abu Talib was 1ourin. water on it 0rom a shield, ?hen =atima saw that the bleedin. had in/reased on a//ount o0 (1ourin.) water (on the wound)2 she too6 a 1ie/e o0 mat and burnt it until it was redu/ed to ashes, She 1ut the ashes on the wound and the bleedin. sto11ed,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **$+:

It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Ha8im who heard 0rom Sahl b, Sa:d, The latter was as6ed about the injur" o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He said: 7" Hod2 I 6now the 1erson who washed the wound o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 who 1oured water on it and with what the wound was treated, Then Sahl narrated the same tradition as has been

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narrated b" :Abd al-:A8l8 e5/e1t that he added the words:C And his 0a/e was injuredC and re1la/ed the wordC HushimatC b"C >usiratC (i, e, it was bro6en),

7oo6 $;2 !umber **$):

The same tradition has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sahl b, Sa:d throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters with a di00eren/e in the wordin.,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **$%:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had his 0ront teeth dama.ed on the da" o0 the 7attle o0 Uhud2 and .ot a wound on his head, He was wi1in. the blood (0rom his 0a/e) and was sa"in.: How will these 1eo1le attain sal-ation who ha-e wounded their @ro1het and bro6en his tooth while he /alled them towards HodD At this time2 Hod2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 re-ealed the <erse:C Thou hast no authorit"C (iii, $2%),

7oo6 $;2 !umber **$#:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah who said: It a11eared to me as i0 I saw the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (and heard him) relate the stor" o0 a @ro1het who had been beaten b" his 1eo1le2 was wi1in. the blood 0rom his 0a/e and was sa"in., M" Lord2 0or.i-e m" 1eo1le2 0or the" do not 6now,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **$;:

A -ersion o0 the tradition with a sli.htl" di00erent wordin. has been narrated b" another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 4%: ?rath o0 Allah u1on a 1erson who is 6illed b" the 1ro1het himsel0 (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)
7oo6 $;2 !umber **2 :
It has been narrated b" Hammam b, Munabbih who said: This is what has been related to us b" Abu Huraira 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), (?ith this introdu/tion) he narrated a number o0 traditions, 3ne o0 these was that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Hreat is the wrath o0 Allah u1on a 1eo1le who ha-e done this to the o0 Allah

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(ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he was at that time 1ointin. to his 0ront teeth, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) also said: Hreat is the wrath o0 Allah u1on a 1erson who has been 6illed b" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the wa" o0 Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious,

'ha1ter 4#: The 1erse/ution o0 the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at the hands o0 the in0idels and h"1o/rites
7oo6 $;2 !umber **2$:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Mas:ud who said: ?hile the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was sa"in. his 1ra"er near the >a:ba and Abu Fahl with his /om1anions was sittin. (near b")2 Abu Fahl said2 re0errin. to the she-/amel that had been slau.htered the 1re-ious da": ?ho will rise to 0et/h the 0oetus o0 the she-/amel o0 so and so2 and 1la/e it between the shoulders o0 Muhammad when he .oes down in 1rostration (a 1osture in 1ra"er), The one most a//ursed amon. the 1eo1le .ot u12 the 0oetus and2 when the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went down in 1rostration2 1la/ed it between his shoulders, Then the" lau.hed at him and some o0 them leaned u1on the others with lau.hter, And I stood loo6in., I0 I had the 1ower2 I would ha-e thrown it awa" 0rom the ba/6 o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had bent down his head in 1rostration and did not raise it2 until a man went (to his house) and in0ormed (his dau.hter) =atima2 who was a "oun. .irl (at that time) (about this u.l" in/ident), She /ame and remo-ed (the 0ilth" thin.) 0rom him, Then she turned towards them rebu6in. them (the mis/hie0-mon.ers), ?hen the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0inished his 1ra"er2 he in-o6ed Hod:s im1re/ations u1on them in a loud -oi/e, ?hen he 1ra"ed2 he 1ra"ed thri/e2 and when he as6ed 0or Hod:s blessin.s2 he as6ed thri/e, Then he said thri/e: 3 Allah2 it is 0or Thee to deal with the Euraish, ?hen the" heard his -oi/e2 lau.hter -anished 0rom them and the" 0eared his maledi/tion, Then he said: 3 Hod2 it is 0or Thee to deal with Abu Fahl b, Hisham2 :Utba b, Aabi:a2 Shaiba b, Aabi:a, ?alid b, Uqba2 Uma""a b, >hala02 Uqba b, Abu Mu:ait (and he mentioned the name o0 the se-enth 1erson, whi/h I did not remember), 7" 3ne ?ho sent Muhammad with truth2 I saw (all) those he had named l"in. slain on the 9a" o0 7adr, Their dead bodies were dra..ed to be thrown into a 1it near the battle0ield, Abu Ishiq had said that the name o0 ?alid b, :Uqba has been wron.l" mentioned in this tradition,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **22:

It has been narrated b" Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) who said: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was l"in. 1ostrate in 1ra"er and around him were some 1eo1le 0rom the Euraish2
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:Uqba b, Abu Mu:ait the 0oetus o0 a she-/amel and threw it on the ba/6 o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He did not raise his head until =atima arri-ed2 remo-ed it 0rom his ba/6 and /ured him who had done that (u.l" a/t), He said: 3 Allah2 it is 0or Thee to deal with the /hie0s o0 the Euraish, Abu Fahl b, Hisham2 :Utba b, Aabi:a, Uqba b, Abu Mu:ait2 Shaiba b, Aabi:a2 Uma""a b, >hala0 or Uba"" b, >hala0 (Shu:ba2 one o0 the narrator o0 this tradition is in doubt about the e5a/t 1erson), I saw that all were slain in the 7attle o0 7adr and their dead bodies were thrown into a well2 e5/e1t that o0 Uma""a or Uba"" whi/h was /ut into 1ie/es and was thrown into the well,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **24:

Abu Ishiq has narrated a similar tradition throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters and has added: He (the o0 Allah) lo-ed to re1eat the su11li/ation thri/e, He was sa"in.: 3 Allah2 it is 0or Thee to deal with the Euraish (re1eatin. these words thri/e), And amon. the Euraish2 he mentioned (the names o0) al-?alid b, :Utba and Uma""a b, >hala0, (The narrator sa"s there is no doubt about the names o0 these 1ersons but he has 0or.otten the name o0 the se-enth man),

7oo6 $;2 !umber **2*:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah that2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) turned his 0a/e towards the >a:ba and in-o6ed Hod:s im1re/ations u1on si5 men o0 the Euraish2 amori. whom were Abu Fahl, Uma""a b, >hala02 Utba b, Aabi:a2 Shaiba b, Aabi:a and :Uqba b, Abu Mu:ait I swear b" Hod that I saw them l"in. slain in the battle0ield o0 7adr, It bein. a hot da"2 their /om1le5ion had /han.ed (showin. si.ns o0 de/a"),

7oo6 $;2 !umber **2+:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 who said to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him): o0 Allah2 has there /ome u1on "ou a da" more terrible than the da" o0 Ubud, He said: I ha-e e51erien/ed 0rom th" 1eo1le and the hardest treatment I met 0rom them was what I re/ei-ed 0rom them on the da" o0 :Aqaba, I betoo6 m"sel0 to Ibn Abd Kalil b, Abd >ulal with the 1ur1ose o0 in-itin. him to Islam2 but he did not res1ond to me as I desired, So I de1arted with si.ns o0 (dee1) distress on m" 0a/e, I did not re/o-er until I rea/hed Earn al-Tha:alib, ?here I raised m" head2 loL near me was a /loud whi/h had /ast its shadow on me, I loo6ed and loL there was in it the an.el Fibril who /alled out to me and said,: Hod, the Honoured and Hlorious2 has heard what th" 1eo1le ha-e said to thee2 and how the" ha-e rea/ted to th" /all, And He has sent to thee the an.el in /har.e o0 the mountains so that thou ma"est order him what thou wishest (him to do) with2 re.ard to them, The an.el in /har.e o0 the mountains (then) /alled out to me2 .reeted me and said: Muhammad2 Hod has listened to what th" 1eo1le ha-e said to thee, I am the an.el in /har.e o0 the mountains, and th" Lord has sent me to thee so that thou ma"est order me what thou wishest, I0 thou wishest that I should brin. to.ether the two mountains that
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stand o11osite to ea/h other at the e5tremities o0 Me//a to /rush them in between2 (I would do that), 7ut the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) said to him: I rather ho1e that Hod will 1rodu/e 0rom their des/endants su/h 1ersons as will worshi1 Allah2 the 3ne2 and will not as/ribe 1artners to Him,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **2):

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fundub b, Su0"an who said: A o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was wounded in one o0 the en/ounters He said: Thou art just a little whi/h has bled2 and what thou hast e51erien/ed is in the /ause o0 Allah,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **2%:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Aswad b, Eais who said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was in a /a-e (or raid) when his was hurt,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **2#:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Aswad b, Eais who heard Fundub sa"in. that Habriel dela"ed his -isit to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) The 1ol"theists to sa" that Muhammad has been 0orsa6en, At this Allah2 the Hlorious and (5alted2 re-ealed:C ?a:dd hd wa:l-laili i8a saja2 ma wadda:6a Aabbu6a wa: ma qalaC N7" the .lorious mornin. li.ht2 and b" the when it is still: th" Lord has not 0orsa6en thee2 nor is He dis1leasedO,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **2;:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Aswad b, Eais who said: I heard Fundub b, Su0"an sa": The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0ell ill and did not wa6e u1 0or two or three ni.hts (0or 1ra"ers) A woman /ame to him and said: Muhammad2 I ho1e that "our satan has le0t "ou, I ha-en:t seen him a11roa/h "ou 0or two or three ni.hts, The narrator sa"s: At this2 Allah2 the Hlorious and (5alted2 re-ealed:C 7" the Hlorious,,,,,,C

7oo6 $;2 !umber **4 :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Aswad b, Eais with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

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'ha1ter 4;: About tae hol" 1ro1het:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /allin. 0or Allah:s hel1 and his 1atien/e o-er the 1erse/ution o0 the h"1o/rites
7oo6 $;2 !umber **4$:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Usama b, Gaid that the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) rode a don6e", It had on it a saddle under whi/h was a mattress made at =ada6 (a 1la/e near Medina), 7ehind him he seated Usama, He was .oin. to the street o0 7anu Harith al->ha8raj to inquire a0ter the health o0 Sa:d b, Ubada This ha11ened be0ore the 7attle o0 7adr, (He 1ro/eeded) until he 1assed b" a mi5ed /om1an" o0 1eo1le in whi/h were Muslims2 1ol"theists2 idol worshi11ers and the Fews and amon. them were :Abdullah b, Uba"" and :Abdullah b, Aawaha, ?hen the dust raised b" the hoo0s o0 the animal s1read o-er the /om1an"2 :Abdullah b, Uba"" /o-ered his nose with his mantle and said: 9o not s/atter the dust o-er us (!ot mindin. this remar6)2 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .reeted them2 sto11ed2 .ot down 0rom his animal2 in-ited them to Allah2 and re/ited to them the Eur:an, :Abdullah b, Uba"" said: 3 man2 i0 what "ou sa" is the truth2 the best thin. 0or "ou would be not to bother us with it in our assemblies, Het ba/6 to "our 1la/e, ?hoso /omes to "ou 0rom us2 tell him (all) this, Abdullah b, Aawaha said: 'ome to us in our .atherin.s2 0or we lo-e (to hear) it, The narrator sa"s: (At this)2 the Muslims2 the 1ol"theists and the Fews to rebu6e one another until the" were determined to /ome to blows, The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ontinued to 1a/i0" them, (?hen the" were 1a/i0ied)2 he rode his animal and /ame to Sa:d b, :Ubida, He said: Sa:d2 ha-en:t "ou heard what Abu Hubab (meanin. :Abdullah b, Uba"") has saidD He has said so and so, Sa:d said: o0 Allah2 0or.i-e and 1ardon, Hod has .ranted "ou a sublime 1osition2 (but so 0ar as he is /on/erned) the 1eo1le o0 this settlement had-de/ided to ma6e him their 6in. b" ma6in. him wear a /rown and a turban (in to6en thereo0)2 but Hod has /ir/um-ented this b" the truth He has .ranted "ou, This has made him jealous and his jealous" (must ha-e) 1rom1ted the beha-iour that "ou ha-e witnessed, So2 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e u1on him) 0or.a-e him,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **42:

A similar tradition has been narrated throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters b" Ibn Shihab with the addition o0 the words:C 7e0ore Abdullah (b, Uba"") be/ame a Muslim,C

7oo6 $;2 !umber **44:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that it was said to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): ?ould that "ou a11roa/hed Abdullah b, Uba"" (to 1ersuade him to a//e1t Islam), The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (a//ordin.l") went to him2 ridin. a don6e"2 and (a
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1art" o0) Muslims also went (with him), 3n the wa" the" had to wal6 o-er a 1ie/e o0 land a00e/ted with salinit", ?hen the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a11roa/hed him2 he said: 9o not /ome near me, 7" Allah2 the obno5ious smell o0 "our don6e" has o00ended me, (As a rejoinder to this remar6)2 a man 0rom the Ansar said: 7" Hod2 the smell o0 the don6e" o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is better than "our smell, (At this)2 a man 0rom the tribe o0 :Abdullah .ot 0urious, Then 1eo1le 0rom both sides .ot 0urious and e5/han.ed blows with sti/6s2 hands and shoes, (The narrator sa"s) that (a0ter this s/u00le) we learnt that (the Eur:ani/ -erse):C It two 1arties o0 the 7elie-ers ha-e a quarrel2 ma6e "e 1ea/e between themC (5li5, ;) was re-ealed about these 0i.htin. 1arties,

'ha1ter * : The murder o0 Abu Fahl

7oo6 $;2 !umber **4*:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said (a0ter the en/ounter at 7adr): ?ho will as/ertain 0or us what has ha11ened to Abu FahlD Ibn Mas:ud went (to .ather this in0ormation), He 0ound that the two sons o0 :A0ra: had stru/6 him and he la" /old at the 1oint o0 death, He / him b" his beard and said: Art thou Abu FahlD He said: is there an"bod" su1erior to the 1erson "ou ha-e 6illed2 or (he said) his 1eo1le ha-e 6illed him, Ibn Mas:ud sa"s that2 a//ordin. to Abu Mijla82 Abu Fahl said: AlasL a 1erson other than a 0armer would ha-e 6illed me,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **4+:

A similar tradition has been transmitted b" a di00erent /hain o0 narrators2 on the same authorit" with a di00eren/e In the wordin.,

'ha1ter *$: The murder o0 >a:b b, Ashra02 (the e-il .enius) o0 the jews
7oo6 $;2 !umber **4):
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ho will 6ill >a:b b, Ashra0D He has mali.ned Allah2 the (5alted2 and His, Muhammad b, Maslama said: o0 Allah2 do "ou wish that I should 6ill himD He said: Kes, He said: @ermit me to tal6 (to him in the wa" I deem 0it), He said: Tal6 (as "ou li6e), So2 Muhammad b, Maslama /ame to >a:b and tal6ed to him2 re0erred to the old 0riendshi1 between them and said: This man (i, e, the Hol" @ro1het) has made u1 his mind to /olle/t /harit" (0rom us) and this has 1ut us to a .reat hardshi1, ?hen be heard this2 >a:b said: 7" Hod2 "ou will be 1ut to more trouble b" him, Mu$$$+ & $#


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hammad b, Maslama said: !o doubt2 now we ha-e be/ome his 0ollowers and we do not li6e to 0orsa6e him until we see what turn his a00airs will ta6e, I want that "ou should .i-e me a loan, He said: ?hat will "ou mort.a.eD He said: ?hat do "ou wantD He said: @led.e me "our women, He said: Kou are the most handsome o0 the ArabsB should we 1led.e our women to "ouD He said: @led.e me "our /hildren, He said: The son o0 one o0 us ma" abuse us sa"in. that he was 1led.ed 0or two wasqs o0 dates2 but we /an 1led.e "ou (/ur) wea1ons, He said: All, Then Muhammad b, Maslama 1romised that he would /ome to him with Harith2 Abu :Abs b, Fabr and Abbad b, 7ishr, So the" /ame and /alled u1on him at, He /ame down to them, Su0"an sa"s that all the narrators e5/e1t :Amr ha-e stated that his wi0e said: I hear a -oi/e whi/h sounds li6e the -oi/e o0 murder, He said: It is onl" Muhammad b, Maslama and his 0oster-brother2 Abu !a:ila, ?hen a .entleman is /alled at e-en it to be 1ier/ed with a s1ear2 he should res1ond to the /all, Muhammad said to his /om1anions: As he /omes down2 I will e5tend m" hands towards his head and when I hold him 0ast2 "ou should do "our job, So when he /ame down and he was holdin. his /loa6 under his arm2 the" said to him: ?e sense 0rom "ou a -er" 0ine smell, He said: Kes2 I ha-e with me a mistress who is the most s/ented o0 the women o0 Arabia, He said: Allow me to smell (the s/ent on "our head), He said: Kes2 "ou ma" smell, So he / it and smelt, Then he said: Allow me to do so (on/e a.ain), He then held his head 0ast and said to his /om1anions: 9o "our job, And the" 6illed him,

'ha1ter *2: The battle o0 >haibar

7oo6 $;2 !umber **4%:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) raided >haibar, 3ne mornin. we o00ered 1ra"ers in the dar6ness o0 earl" dawn (near >haibar), Then the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) mounted (his horse), Abu Talha mounted his and I mounted behind Abu Talha on the same horse, The @ro1het o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) rode throu.h the streets o0 >haibar and (I rode so /lose to him) that m" 6nee tou/hed the thi.h o0 the @ro1het o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The wra11er .ot aside 0rom his thi.h2 and I /ould see its whiteness, ?hen he entered the town2 he said: Hod is Hreat, >haibar shall 0a/e destru/tion, ?hen we des/end in the /it"-square o0 a 1eo1le2 it is a bad da" 0or them who ha-e been warned (and ha-e not ta6en heed), He said these words thri/e, The 1eo1le o0 the town had just /ome out 0rom (their houses) to .o about their jobs, The" said (in sur1rise): Muhammad has /ome, ?e /a1tured >haibar b" 0or/e,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **4#:

It has been narrated (throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters) on the authorit" o0 the same narrator (i, e, Anas) who said: I was ridin. behind Abu Talha on the da" o0 the 7attle o0 >haibar (and we were
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ridin. so /lose to the Hol" @ro1het that) m" 0oot would tou/h his ?e en/ountered the 1eo1le at sunrise when the" had /ome out with their a5es2 s1ades and strin.s dri-in. their /attle alon., The" shouted (in sur1rise): Muhammad has /ome alon. with his 0or/eL The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: >haibar shall 0a/e destru/tion, 7eholdL when we des/end in the /it"-square o0 a 1eo1le2 it is a bad da" 0or those who ha-e been warned (but ha-e not ta6en heed), Allah2 the Hlorious and Majesti/2 in0li/ted de0eat u1on them,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **4;:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 $;2 !umber *** :

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Salama b, al-A6wa: who said: ?e mar/hed u1on >haibar with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?e journe"ed durin. the, 3ne o0 the 1eo1le said to (m" brother) :Amir b, al-A6wa:: ?on:t "ou re/ite to us some o0 "our -ersesD Amir was a 1oet, So he to /hant his -erses to ur.e the /amels2 re/itin.: 3 Hod2 i0 Thou hadst not .uided us ?e would ha-e neither been .uided ri.htl" nor 1ra/tised /harit"2 !or o00ered 1ra"ers, ?e wish to la" down our li-es 0or TheeB so 0or.i-e Thou our la1ses2 And 6ee1 us stead0ast when we en/ounter (our enemies), 7estow u1on us 1ea/e and tranquillit", 7ehold2 when with a /r" the" /alled u1on us to hel1, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ho is this dri-er (o0 the /amels)D The" said: It is :Amir, He said: Hod will show mer/" to him, A man said: Mart"rdom is reser-ed 0or him, o0 Allah2 would that "ou had allowed us to bene0it oursel-es 0rom his li0e, (The narrator sa"s): ?e rea/hed >haibar and besie.ed them2 and (we /ontinued the sie.e) until e5treme a00li/ted us, Then the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7ehold2 Hod has /onquered it 0or "ou, ?hen it was e-enin. o0 the da" on whi/h the /it" was /onquered, the Muslims lit man" 0ires, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hat are these 0iresD And what are the" /oo6in.D The" said: The" are /oo6in. meat, He as6ed, ?hi/h meatD The" said: That o0 domesti/ asses, He said: Let them throw it awa" and brea6 the 1ots (in whi/h it is bein. /oo6ed), A man said: 3r should the" throw it awa" and wash the 1otsD He said: The" ma" do that, ?hen the 1eo1le drew themsel-es u1 in battle arra" :Amir / hold o0 his sword that was rather short He dro-e a Few be0ore him to stri6e him with it, (As he stru/6 him)2 his sword re/oiled and stru/6 his own 6nee2 and
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:Amir died o0 the wound, ?hen the 1eo1le returned (a0ter the /onquest o0 >liaibar) and he (Salama) had / hold o0 m" hand2 and said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw that I was silent (and deje/ted) B he said: ?hat:s the matter with theeD I said to him: M" 0ather and m" mother be th" ransom2 1eo1le 1resume that :Amir:s sa/ri0i/e has been in -ain, He as6ed: ?ho has said thatD I said: So and so and Usaid b, Hudair al-Ansari, He said: ?ho has said that has lied, =or him (0or :Amir) there is a double reward, (He indi/ated this b" 1uttin. two o0 his 0in.ers to.ether,) He was a de-otee o0 Hod and a warrior 0i.htin. 0or His /ause, There will be hardl" an" Arab who /an as bra-el" as he did, Eutaiba has di00ered in a 0ew words,

7oo6 $;2 !umber ***$:

It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Salama b, A6wa: who said: 3n the da" o0 the 7attle o0 >haibar m" brother a 0ier/e b" the side o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), His sword rebounded and 6illed him, The 'om1anions o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on hill) tal6ed about his death and doubted (whether it was mart"rdom), (The" said): (He is) a man 6illed b" his own wea1on2 and e51ressed doubt about his a00air, Salama said: ?hen the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) returned 0rom >haibar2 I said: o0 Allah2 1ermit me that I ma" re/ite to "ou some raja8 -erses, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ermitted him, :Umar b, >hattab said: I 6now what "ou will re/ite, I re/ited: 7" Hod2 i0 Hod had .uided us not2 ?e would hi-e neither been .uided nor 1ra/tised /harit"2 !or o00ered 1ra"ers, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hat "ou ha-e said is true2 :I (/ontinued): And des/end on us 1ea/e and tranquillit" And 6ee1 us stead0ast i0 we en/ounter (with our enemies) And the 1ol"theists ha-e rebelled a.ainst us, ?hen I 0inished m" raja82 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ho /om1osed these -ersesD I said: The" were /om1osed b" m" brother, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ma" Hod show mer/" to himL I said: 7" Hod2 some 1eo1le are relu/tant to in-o6e Hod:s mer/" on him (be/ause) the" sa" he is a man who died b" his own sword, (Hearin. this) the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He died as Hod:s de-otee and warrior, Ibn Shihab has said: I as6ed one o0 the sons o0 Salama (b, A6wa:) about (the death o0 :Amir), He related to me a similar tradition e5/e1t that he said: ?hen I said some 1eo1le were relu/tant in-o6e Hod:s blessin.s on him2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be2 u1on him said: The" lied, (:Amir) died as Hod:s de-otee and warrior (in the /ause o0 Allah), =or him there is a double reward2 and he 1ointed out this b" 1uttin. his two 0in.ers to.ether,

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'ha1ter *4: The battle o0 Ah8ab or >handaq (the tribes or the dit/h)
7oo6 $;2 !umber ***2:
It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 7arra: who said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was /arr"in. the earth with us on the 9a" o0 Ah8ab and the whiteness o0 his bell" had been /o-ered with earth, (?hile en.a.ed in this toil) he was re/itin.: 7" Hod2 i0 Thou hadst not .uided us ?e would ha-e neither been .uided nor 1ra/tised /harit"2

!or o00ered 1ra"ers, 9es/end on us 1ea/e and tranquillit", 7ehold I these 1eo1le (the Me//ans) re0used to 0ollow us, A//ordin. to another -ersion2 he re/ited: The /hie0tains (o0 the tribes) re0used to 0ollow us ?hen the" /ontem1lated mis/hie02 we reje/ted it, And with this (-erse) he would raise his -oi/e,

7oo6 $;2 !umber ***4:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Ishaq who said: I heard 0rom 7ara: a similar tradition e5/e1t that he said:C These 1eo1le (the Me//ans) rebelled a.ainst us,C

7oo6 $;2 !umber ****:

It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Sahl b, Sa:d who said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to us while we were the dit/h and were /arr"in. the earth on our shoulders, (Seein. our /ondition)2 he said: 3 Hod2 there is no li0e but the li0e o0 the Herea0ter, So 0or.i-e Thou the Muhajirs and the Ansar,

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7oo6 $;2 !umber ***+:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3 Hod2 there is no li0e2 but the li0e o0 the Herea0ter2 So 0or.i-e Thou the Ansar and the Muhajirs,

7oo6 $;2 !umber ***):

A//ordin. to another -ersion o0 the tradition2 re1orted on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali62 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) is re1orted to ha-e said: 3 Hod2 there is no li0e but the li0e o0 the Herea0ter2 So .rant honour to the Ansar and the Muhajirs,

7oo6 $;2 !umber ***%:

A//ordin. to still another -ersion o0 the tradition narrated b" the same authorit"2 and handed down throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters2 it has been re1orted that the" (the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) were re/itin. raja8 -erses and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was (re/itin.) with them, And the" were /hantin.: 3 Hod2 there is no .ood but the .ood o0 the Herea0ter, So hel1 Thou the Ansar and the Muhajirs, Shaiban substitutedC So 0or.i-e ThouC 0orC So hel1 ThouC,

7oo6 $;2 !umber ***#:

It has been narrated (throu.h a still di0terent /hain o0 transmitters) b" Anas that the 'om1anions o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) were /hantin. on the da" o0 the 7attle o0 the 9it/h: ?e are those who ha-e sworn alle.ian/e to Muhammad (And made a /o-enant with him) to 0ollow Islam as lon. as we li-e, Hammad is not sure whether Anas said:C Ala:l-IslamC or2C Ala:l-FihadC, And the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was /hantin.: 3 Hod2 the real .ood is the .ood o0 the Herea0ter2 So 0or.i-e Thou the Ansar and the Muhajirs,

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'ha1ter **: 9hu Earad and other battles

7oo6 $;2 !umber ***;:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ka8id b, Abu :Ubaid who said that he heard Salama b, alA6wa: sa": I went out be0ore the Adhan 0or the mornin. 1ra"er had been deli-ered, The mil/h she/amels o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) were .ra8in. at 9hu Earad, :Abd alAahman b, Au0:s sla-e met me and said: The mil/h she-/amels o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had been ta6en awa", I said: ?ho has ta6en them awa"D He said: (the 1eo1le to the tribe o0) Hhata0an, I /ried thri/e: Hel1L I made the whole /it" between the two la-as hear m" /r", Then I ran in their 1ursuit until I o-ertoo6 them at 9hu Earad where the" were just .oin. to water their animals, I2 bein. an ar/her2 to shoot them with m" arrows and was sa"in.: I am the son o0 al-A6wa:, And toda" is the da" when the /owards will meet their doom, I /ontinued to /hant until I res/ued the mil/h she-/amels 0rom them2 and snat/hed 0rom them thirt" mantles, !ow2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and some other 1eo1le /ame alon., I said: @ro1het o0 Allah2 I ha-e 1re-ented them 0rom water while the" were thirst", So "ou should send a 0or/e (to 1unish them), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Ibn al-A6wa:2 "ou ha-e ta6en (what2 "ou ha-e ta6en), !ow let them .o, Then we returned and the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made me mount behind him on his she-/amel until we entered Medina,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **+ :

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Salama, He heard the tradition 0rom his 0ather who said: ?e arri-ed at Hudaibi"a with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and we were 0ourteen hundred in number, There were 0i0t" .oats 0or them whi/h /ould not be watered (b" the small quantit" o0 water in the lo/al well), So2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sat on the brin6 o0 the well, (ither he 1ra"ed or s1at into the well The water welled u1, ?e dran6 and watered (the beasts as well), Then the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled us to ta6e the -ow o0 alle.ian/e2 as he was sittin. at the base o0 a tree, I was the 0irst man to ta6e the -ow, Then other 1eo1le too6 the -ow, ?hen hal0 the number o0 1eo1le had done so2 he said to me: Kou ta6e the -ow2 Salama, I said: I was one o0 those who too6 the -ow in the 0irst instan/e, He said: (Kou ma" do) a.ain, Then the, o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw that I was without wea1ons, He .a-e me a bi. or a small shield, Then he /ontinued to administer -ows to the 1eo1le until it was the last bat/h o0 them, He said (to me): ?on:t "ou swear alle.ian/e2 SalamaD I said: o0 Allah2 I too6 the oath with the 0irst bat/h o0 the 1eo1le and then a.ain when "ou were in the middle o0 the 1eo1le, He said: (9oesn:t matter)2 "ou ma" (do so) a.ain, So I too6 the oath o0 alle.ian/e thri/e, Then he said to me: Salama2 where is the shield whi/h I .a-e to theeD I said: o0 Allah2 m" un/le :Amir met me and he was without an" wea1ons, So I .a-e the shield to him, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) lau.hed and said: Kou are li6e a 1erson o0 the da"s .one b" who said: 3
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Hod, I see6 a 0riend who is dearer to me than m"sel0, (?hen all 'om1anions had sworn alle.ian/e to the Hol" @ro1het)2 the 1ol"theists sent o0 1ea/e2 until 1eo1le /ould mo-e 0rom our /am1 to that o0 the Me//ans and -i/e -ersa, =inall"2 the 1ea/e treat" was /on/luded, I was a de1endant o0 Talha b, Ubaidullah, I watered his horse2 rubbed its ba/6, I ser-ed Talha (doin. odd jobs 0or him) and 1artoo6 0rom his 0ood, I had le0t m" 0amil" and m" 1ro1ert" as an emi.rant in the /ause o0 Allah and His (ma" 1ea/e be uron him), ?hen we and the 1eo1le o0 Me//a had /on/luded a 1ea/e treat" and the 1eo1le o0 one side to mi5 with those o0 the other2 I /ame to a tree2 swe1t awa" its thorns and la" down (0or rest) at its baseB (while I la" there)2 0our o0 the 1ol"theists 0rom the Me//ans /ame to me and to tal6 ill o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I .ot enra.ed with them and mo-ed to another tree, The" hun. their wea1ons (to the bran/hes o0 the tree) and la" down (0or rest), (?hile the" la" there)2 somebod" 0rom the lower 1art o0 the -alle" /ried out: Aun u12 3 MuhajirsL Ibn Gunaim has been murdered, I drew m" sword and atta/6ed these 0our while the" were aslee1, I sei8ed their arms and /olle/ted them u1 in m" hand2 and said: 7" the 7ein. ?ho has /on0erred honour u1on Muhammad2 none o0 "ou shall raise his head2 else I will smite his 0a/e, (Then) I /ame dri-in. them alon. to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), (At the same time), m" un/le Amir /ame (to him) with a man 0romC Abalat /alled Mi6ra8, Amir was him on a horse with a thi/6 /o-erin. on its ba/6 alon. with se-ent" 1ol"theists, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ast a .lan/e at them and said: Let them .o (so that) the" ma" 1ro-e .uilt" o0 brea/h o0 trust more than on/e (be0ore we ta6e a/tion a.ainst them), So the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or.a-e them, 3n this o//asion, Hod re-ealed the Eur:ani/ -erse:C It is He ?ho restrained their hands 0rom "ou and "our hands 0rom them in the -alle" o0 Me//a a0ter He had .ranted "ou a -i/tor" o-er themC (5l-iii, 2*), Then we mo-ed returnin. to Medina2 and halted at a 1la/e where there was a mountain between us and 7anu Lih"an who were 1ol"theists, The Messenaer o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed Hod:s 0or.i-eness 0or one who as/ended the mountain at to a/t as a s/out 0or the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his 'om1inions, I as/ended (that mountain) twi/e or thri/e that, (At last) we rea/hed Medina, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent his /amels with his sla-e2 Aabah2 and I was with him, I (also) went to the 1asture with the horse o0 Talha alon. with the /amels, ?hen the da" dawned2 Abd al-Aahman al-=a8ari made a raid and dro-e awa" all the /amels o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and 6illed the man who loo6ed a0ter them, I said: Aabah2 ride this horse2 ta6e it to Talha b, :Ubaidullah and In0orm the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that the 1ol"theists ha-e made awa" with his /amels, Then I stood u1on a hillo/6 and turnin. m" 0a/e to Medina2 shouted thri/e: 'ome to our hel1 I Then I set out in 1ursuit o0 the raiders2 shootin. at them with arrows and /hantin. a (sel0-eulo.ator") -erse in the Iambi/ metre: I am the son o0 al-A6wa: And toda" is the da" o0 de0eat 0or the mean, I would o-erta6e a man 0rom them2 shoot at him an arrow whi/h2 1ier/in. throu.h the saddle2 would rea/h his shoulder, and I would sa": Ta6e it2 /hantin. at the same time the -erse
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And I am the son o0 al-A6wa: And tod" is the da" o0 de0eat 0or the mean, 7" Hod2 I /ontinued shootin. at them and their animals, ?hene-er a horseman turned u1on me2 I would /ome to a tree and (hid m"sel0) sittin. at its base, Then I would shoot at him and hamstrin. his horse, (At last) the" entered a narrow mountain .or.e, I as/ended that mountain and held them at ba" throwin. stones at them, I /ontinued to /hase them in this wa" until I .ot all the /amels o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) released and no /amel was le0t with them, The" le0t meB then I 0ollowed them shootin. at them (/ontinuall") until the" dro11ed more than thirt" mantles and thirt" lan/es, li.htenin. their burden, 3n e-er"thin. the" dro11ed2 I 1ut a mar6 with the hel1 o0 (a 1ie/e o0) stone so that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his 'om1anions re/o.nise them (that it was boot" le0t b" the enem"), (The" went on) until The" /ame to a narrow -alle" when so and so2 son o0 7adr al-=a8ari joined them, The" (now) sat down to ta6e their brea60ast and I sat on the to1 o0 a ta1erin. ro/6, Al-=a8ari said: ?ho is that 0ellow I am seein.D The" said: This 0ellow has harassed us, 7" Hod2 he has not le0t us sin/e dus6 and has been (/ontinuall") shootin. at us until he has snat/hed e-er"thin. 0rom our hands, He said: =our o0 "ou should ma6e a dash at him (and 6ill him), (A//ordin.l")2 0our o0 them as/ended the mountain /omin. towards me, ?hen it be/ame 1ossible 0or me to tal6 to them2 I said: 9o "ou re/o.nise meD The" said: !o, ?ho are thouD I said: I am Salama2 son o0 al-A6wa:, 7" the 7ein. ?ho has honoured the /ountenan/e o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) I /an 6ill an" o0 "ou I li6e but none o0 "ou will be able to 6ill me, 3ne o0 them said: I thin6 (he is, So the" returned, I did not mo-e 0rom m" 1la/e until I saw the horsemen o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 who /ame ridin. throu.h the trees, LoL the 0oremost amon. them was A6hram al-Asadi, 7ehind him was Abu Eatada al-Ansari and behind him was al-Miqdad b, al-Aswad al->indi, I / hold o0 the rein o0 A6hram:s horse (Seein. this), the" (the raiders) 0led, I said (to A6hram): A6hram2 .uard "oursel0 a.ainst them until Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his 'om1anions join "ou, He said: ) Salama2 i0 "ou belie-e In Allah and the 9a" o0 Fud.ment and (i0) "ou 6aow that @aradise is a realit" and Hell is a realit"2 "ou should not stand between me and mart"rdom, so I let him .o, A6hram and Abd al-Aahman (=a8ari) met in /ombat, A6hram hamstrun. Abd al-Aahman:s horse and the latter stru/6 him with his lan/e and 6illed him, Abd al-Aabman turned about ridin. A6hram:s horse, Abu Eatada2 a horse-man o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 met :Abd al-Aahman (in /ombat)2 smote him with his lan/e and 6illed him, 7" the 7ein. ?ho honoured the /ountenan/e o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e oe u1on him)2 I 0ollowed them runnin. on m" 0eet (so 0ast) that I /ouldn:t see behind me the 'om1anions o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 nor an" dust raised b" their horses, (I 0ollowed them) until be0ore sunset the" rea/hed a -alle" whi/h had a s1rin. o0 water2 whi/h was /alled 9hu Earad2 so that the" /ould ha-e a drin62 0or the" were thirst", The" saw me runnin. towards them, I turned them out o0 the -alle" be0ore the" /ould drin6 a dro1 o0 its water, The" le0t the -alle" and ran down a slo1e, I ran (behind them)2 o-ertoo6 a man 0rom them2 shot him with an arrow throu.h the shoulder blade and said: Ta6e this, I
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am the son o0 al-A6wa:B and toda" is the da" o0 annihilation 0or the 1eo1le who are mean, The 0ellow (who was wounded) said: Ma" his mother wee1 o-er himL Are "ou the A6wa: who has been /hasin. us sin/e mornin.D I said: Kes2 3 enem" o0 th"sel02 the same A6wa:, The" le0t two horses dead tired on the hillo/6 and I /ame them alon. to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I met :Amir who had with him a /ontainer ha-in. mil6 diluted with water and a /ontainer ha-in. water, I 1er0ormed ablution with the water and dran6 the mil6, Then I /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) while he was at (the s1rin. o0) water 0rom whi/h I had dri-en them awa", The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had /a1tured those /amels and e-er"thin. else I had /a1tured and all the lan/es and mantles I had snat/hed 0rom the 1ol"theists and 7ilal had slau.htered a she-/amel 0rom the /amels I had sei8ed 0rom the 1eo1le2 and was roastin. its li-er and hum1 0or the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I said: o0 Allah2 let me sele/t 0rom our 1eo1le one hundred men and I will 0ollow the marauders and I will 0inish them all so that nobod" is le0t to /on-e" the news (o0 their destru/tion to their 1eo1le), (At these words o0 mine)2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) lau.hed so mu/h that his molar teeth /ould be seen in the o0 the 0ire2 and he said: Salama2 do "ou thin6 "ou /an do thisD I said: Kes2 b" the 7ein. ?ho has honoured "ou, He said: !ow the" ha-e rea/hed the land o0 Hhata0an where the" are bein. 0eted, (At this time) a man 0rom the Hhata0an /ame alon. and said: So and so slau.htered a /amel 0or them, ?hen the" were e51osin. its s6in2 the" saw dust (bein. raised 0ar o00), The" said: The" (A6wa: and his /om1anions) ha-e /ome, So, the" went awa" 0leein., ?hen it was mornin.2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3ur best horseman toda" is Abu Eatada and our best 0ootman toda" is Salama, Then he .a-e me two shares o0 the boot"the share meant 0or the horseman and the share meant 0or the 0ootman2 and /ombined both o0 them 0or me, Intendin. to return to Medina2 he made me mount behind him on his she-/amel named alAdba:, ?hile we were tra-ellin.2 a man 0rom the Ansar who /ould not be beaten in a ra/e said: Is there an"one who /ould /om1ete (with me) in ra/e to MedinaD Is there an" /om1etitorD He /ontinued re1eatin. this, ?hen I heard his tal62 I said: 9on:t "ou show /onsideration to a di.ni0ied 1erson and don:t "ou ha-e awe 0or a noble manD He said: !o2 unless he be the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I said: o0 Allah2 ma" m" 0ather and mother be th" ransom2 let me .et down so that I ma" beat this man (in the ra/e), He said: It "ou wish2 ("ou ma"), I said (to the man): I am /omin. to thee2 I then turned m" 0eet, s1ran. u1 and tan and .as1ed (0or a while) when one or two ele-ated 1la/es were le0t and a.ain 0ollowed his heel and a.ain .as1ed (0or a while) when one or two ele-ated 1la/es were le0t and a.ain dashed until I joined him and .a-e a blow between his shoulders, I said: Kou ha-e been o-erta6en2 b" Hod, He said: I thin6 so, Thus2 I rea/hed Medina ahead o0 him, 7" Hod2 we had sta"ed there onl" three ni.hts when we set out to >haibar with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), (3n the wa") m" un/le2 Amir2 to re/ite the 0ollowin. raja8 -erses 0or the 1eo1le: 7" Hod2 i0 Thou hadst not .uided us ari.ht2 ?e would ha-e neither 1ra/tised /harit" nor o00ered 1ra"ers,
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(3 HodL ) ?e /annot do without Th" 0a-oursB >ee1 us stead0ast when we en/ounter the enem"2 And des/end tranquillit" u1on us, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ho is thisD :Amir said: it is :Amir, He said: Ma" th" Hod 0or.i-e theeL The narrator said: ?hene-er the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed 0or.i-eness 0or a 1arti/ular 1erson2 he was sure to embra/e mart"rdom, Umar b, >hattab who was ridin. on his /amel /alled out: @ro1het o0 Allah2 I wish "ou had allowed us to bene0it 0rom Amir, Salama /ontinued: ?hen we rea/hed >haibar2 its 6in. named Marhab ad-an/ed brandishin. his sword and /hantin.: >haibar 6nows that I am Marhab (who beha-es li6e) A 0ull" armed2 and well-tried warrior, ?hen the war /omes s1readin. its 0lames, M" un/le2 Amir2 /ame out to /ombat with him2 sa"in.: >haibar /ertainl" 6nows that I am :Amir2 A 0ull" armed -eteran who into battles, The" e5/han.ed blows, Marbab:s sword stru/6 the shield o0 :Amir who bent 0orward to atta/6 his o11onent 0rom below2 but his sword re/oiled u1on him and /ut the main arter": in his 0orearm whi/h /aused his death, Salama said: I /ame out and beard some 1eo1le amon. the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Amir:s deed has .one wasteB he has 6illed himsel0, So I /ame to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) wee1in. and I said: o0 Allah, Amir:s deed has .one waste, The (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ho 1assed this remar6D I said: Some o0 "our 'om1anions, He said: He who has 1assed that remar6 has told a lie2 0or :Amir there is a double reward, Then he sent me to :Ali who had tore e"es2 and said: I will .i-e the banner to a man who lo-es Allah and His or whom Allah and His lo-e, So I went to :Ali2 him beadin. him alon. and he had sore e"es2 and I too6 him to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 who a11lied his sali-a to his e"es and he .ot well, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e him the banner (and :Ali went to meet Marhab in a sin.le /ombat), The latter ad-an/ed /hantin.: >haibar 6nows /ertainl" that I am Marhab2 A 0ull" armed and well-tried -alorous warrior (hero) ?hen war /omes s1readin. its 0lames, :Ali /hanted in re1l":

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I am the one whose mother named him Haidar2 (And am) li6e a lion o0 the 0orest with a terrorstri6in. /ountenan/e, I .i-e m" o11onents the measure o0 sandara in e5/han.e 0or sa: (i, e, return thir atta/6 with one that is mu/h more 0ier/e), The narrator said: :Ali stru/6 at the head o0 Mirhab and 6illed him2 so the -i/tor" (/a1ture o0 >haibar) was due to him, This lon. tradition has also been handed down Throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **+$:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 :I6rama b, Ammar,

'ha1ter *+: Ae.ardin. the word o0 .od2 the e5alted:C it is he who restrained their hands 0rom "ouC to the end o0 the -erse
7oo6 $;2 !umber **+2:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that" @ersons 0rom the inhabitants o0 Me//a swoo1ed down u1on the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0rom the mountain o0 Tan:im, The" were armed and wanted to atta/6 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his 'om1anions unawares, He (the Hol" @ro1het) /a1tured them but s1ared their li-es, So2 Hod2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 re-ealed the -erses:C It is He ?ho restrained "our hands 0rom them and their hands 0rom "ou in the -alle" o0 Me//a a0ter He had .i-en "ou a -i/tor" o-er them,C

'ha1ter *): =i.htin. o0 women side b" side with men

7oo6 $;2 !umber **+4:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas that2 on the 9a" o0 Hunain, Umm Sulaim too6 out a she had in her 1ossession, Abiu Talha saw her and said: o0 Allah2 this is Umm Sulaim, She is holdin. a, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed (her): ?hat 0or are "ou holdin. this da..erD She said: I too6 it u1 so that I ma" tear o1en the bell" o0 a 1ol"theist who /omes near me, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to smile (at these words), She said: o0 Allah2 6ill all those 1eo1le-other than us-whom thou hast de/lared to be 0ree (on the da" o0 the 'onquest o0 Me//a), (The" embra/ed Islam be/ause) the" were de0eated at "our hands (and as su/h their Islam is not de1endable), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on

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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

him) said: Umm Sulaim, Hod is su00i/ient (a.ainst the mis/hie0 o0 the 1ol"theists) and He will be 6ind to us (so "ou need not /arr" this,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **+*:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 who said that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) allowed Umm Sulaim and some other women o0 the Ansar to a//om1an" him when he went to warB the" would .i-e water (to the soldiers) and would treat the wounded,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **++:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 who said: 3n the 9a" o0 Ubud some o0 the 1eo1le2 bein. de0eated2 le0t the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him)2 but Abu Talha stood be0ore him /o-erin. him with a shield, Abu Talha was a 1ower0ul ar/her who bro6e two or three bows that da", ?hen a man would 1ass b" /arr"in. a qui-er /ontainin. arrows2 he would sa": S1are them 0or Abu Talha, ?hene-er the Hol" @ro1het (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) raised his head to loo6 at the 1eo1le2 Abd Talba would sa": @ro1het o0 Allah2 ma" m" 0ather and m" mother be th" ransom2 do not raise "our head lest "ou be stru/6 b" an arrow shot b" the enem", M" ne/6 is be0ore "our ne/6, The narrator said: I saw A:isha bint Abu 7a6r and Umm Sulaim, 7oth o0 them had tu/6ed u1 their .arments2 so I /ould me the an6lets on their 0eet, The" were /arr"in. water-s6ins on their ba/6s and would 1our water into the mouths o0 the 1eo1le, The" would then .o ba/6 (to the well)2 would 0ill them a.ain and would return to 1our water into the mouths o0 the soldiers, (3n this da"), Abu Talha:s sword dro11ed down 0rom his hands twi/e or thri/e be/ause o0 drowsiness,

'ha1ter *%: ?omen 1arti/i1ants in jihad to be .i-en a 1ri8e but not a re.ular share in the boot"2 and 1rohibition to 6ill /hildren o0 the enem"
7oo6 $;2 !umber **+):
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ka8id b, Hurmu8 that !ajda wrote to Ibn Abbas inquirin. o0 him 0i-e thin.s, Ibn Abbas said: I0 I had not the 0ear o0 /ommittin. (sin) 0or /on/ealin. the 6nowled.e I would not ha-e written to him, !ajda wrote to him sa"in. (a0ter 1raisin. the" and in-o6in. blessin.s on the @ro1het): Tell me whether the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 women to 1arti/i1ate with him in FihadB (i0 he did)2 whether he allotted them a re.ular share 0rom the boot"B whether he 6illed the /hildren o0 (the enem" in the war how lon. an or1han would be entitled to /onsideration as su/h and 0or whom the >bums (0i0th 1art o0 the boot") was boot", Ibn Abbas wrote to him: Kou ha-e written as6in. me whether the o0 Allah (ma"
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1ea/e be u1on him) too6 women with him to 1arti/i1ate in Fihad, He did ta6e them to the battle and sometimes he alon. with them, The" would treat the wounded and were .i-en a reward 0rom the boot"2 but he did not assi.n an" re.ular share 0or them, And the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not 6ill the /hildren o0 the enem"2 so thou shouldst not 6ill the /hildren, Also "ou ha-e written to me as6in. me when the or1hanhood o0 an or1han /omes to an end, 7" m" li0e2 i0 a man has be/ome bearded but is still in/a1able o0 .ettin. his due 0rom others as well u meetin. his obli.ation towards them2 (he is "et an or1han to be treated "ou su/h)2 but when he /an loo6 a0ter his interests li6e .rown-u1 1eo1le2 he is no an or1han, And "ou ha-e written to me inquirin. about >hums as to whom it is meant 0or, (In this /onne/tion) we (the 6insmen o0 the o0 Allah) used to sa": It is 0or us2 but those 1eo1le (i, e, 7anu Uma""a) ha-e denied it to us,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **+%:

This tradition has been narrated b" the .ame authorit" (Ka8id b, Hurmus) throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters with the 0ollowin. di00eren/e in the elu/idation o0 one o0 the 1oints raised b" !ajda in his letter to Ibn Abas: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used not to 6ill the /hildren2 so thou shouldst not 6ill them unless "ou /ould 6now what >hadir had 6nown about the /hild he 6illed2 or "ou /ould distin.uish between a /hild who would .row u1 to he a belie-er (and a /hild who would .row u1 to be a non-belie-er)2 so that "ou 6illed the (1ros1e/ti-e) non-belie-er and le0t the (1ros1e/ti-e) belie-er aside,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **+#:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ka8id b, Hurmu8 who said: !ajda b, :Amir al-Haruri wrote to Ibn Abbas as6in. him about the sla-e and the woman as to whether the" would .et a share 0rom the boot" (it the" 1arti/i1ated in Fihad) B about the 6illin. o0 (enem") /hildren (in war) B about the or1han as to when his or1hanhood /omes to an endB about 6insmen (o0 the Hol" @ro1het) as to who the" are, He said to Ka8id: ?rite to him, (I0 he were not li6el" to 0all into 0oll"2 I would not ha-e written to him,) ?rite: Kou ha-e written as6in. about the woman and the sla-e whether the" would .et a share o0 the boot" i0 the" 1arti/i1ated in Fihad, (Kou should 6now that) there is nothin. o0 the sort 0or them e5/e1t that the" will be .i-en a 1ri8e, And "ou ha-e written as6in. me about the 6illin. o0 the enem" /hildren in war, (Kou should understand that) the o0 Allah (ma" 1eare be u1on him) did not 6ill them, and thou shouldst not 6ill them unless thou 6new what the /om1anion o0 Moses (i, e, >hadir) 6new about the bo" he had 6illed, And "ou ha-e written as6in. me about the or1han as to when the 1eriod o0 his or1hanhood /omes to an end2 so that the sobriquet o0C or1hanC is dro11ed 0rom him, (In this re.ard2 "ou should 6now that) the sobriquetC or1hanC will not be dro11ed 0rom him until he attains maturit" o0 bod" and mind, And "ou ha-e written as6in. me about the /lose relati-es (o0 the Hol" @ro1het) as to who the" are, ?e thin6 that it is we2 but our 1eo1le ha-e denied us this (1osition and its /on/omitant,

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7oo6 $;2 !umber **+;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ka8id b, Hurmu8 throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **) :

It has been narrated on the anthorit" o0 Ka8id b, Hurmu8 who said: !ajda wrote to Ibn Abbas, I was sittin. in the /om1an" o0 Ibn :Abbas when he read his letter and wrote its re1l", Ibn Abbas said: ?ere it not 0or 1re-entin. him 0rom 0allin. into wi/6edness, I would not ha-e re1lied to his letter2 ma" he ne-er be jo"0ul, He wrote in re1l" to him re0errin. to the share o0 the /lose relati-es (o0 the Hol" @ro1het) (0rom the boot") whom Hod has mentioned, (I ha-e to tell "ou that) we we were the /lose relati-es o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 but our 1eo1le ha-e re0used to re/o.nise us as su/h, Kou ha-e as6ed about the or1han as to when his or1hanhood /omes to an end, (I ha-e to sa" that) when he rea/hes the a.e o0 marria.e2 attains maturit" o0 mind2 and his 1ro1ert" is returned to him2 then he is no an or1han, Kou ha-e inquired whether the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1o him) used to 6ill an"one 0rom the /hildren o0 the 1ol"theists in the war, (Kou should 6now that) the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used not to 6ill an" one o0 their /hildren2 and "ou (too) should not 6ill an" one o0 them2 e5/e1t when "ou 6new about them what >hadir had 6nown about the bo" whom he 6illed, And "ou ha-e inquired whether there is a 0i5ed share o0 the boot" 0or women and sla-es when the" 1arti/i1ate in a battle, (I ha-e to tell "ou that) there is no 0i5ed share 0or them e5/e1t that the" will be .i-en some reward 0rom the s1oils o0 war,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **)$:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ka8id b, Hurmu8, but not /om1lete (as we 0ind in the abo-e mentioned ahadith),

'ha1ter *#: The number o0 wars wa.ed b" the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)
7oo6 $;2 !umber **)2:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Umm :Ati""a2 the Ansarite2 who said: I too6 1art with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in se-en battles, I would sta" behind in the /am1 o0 men2 /oo6 their 0ood2 treat the wounded and nurse the ai/6,

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7oo6 $;2 !umber **)4:

A similar tradition has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham b, Hassan throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **)*:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Ishaq that :Abdullah b, Ka8id went (out o0 the /it") with 1eo1le 0or o00erin.C IstisqaC : 1ra"er (0or rain0all), He o00ered two ra6:ahs, Then he 1ra"ed 0or rain, That da" I met Gaid b, Arqam, There was onl" one man between me and him (at that time), I as6ed him: How man" militar" e51editions did the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) underta6eD He said: !ineteen e51editions, I as6ed him: 3n how man" e51editions did "ou a//om1an" himD He said: 3n se-enteen e51editions, I as6ed: ?hi/h was the 0irst e51edition he ledD He answered: 9hat-ul-2 Usair or :Ushair,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **)+:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Gaid b, Arqam that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) nineteen battles and a0ter the Mi.ration 1er0ormed onl" one @il.rima.e /alled Hajjat-ul-?ada:,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **)):

It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Gubair who heard Fabir b, Abdullah sa": I in the /om1an" o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) nineteen battles, Fabir said: I did not 1arti/i1ate in the 7attle o0 7adr and the 7attle o0 Uhud, M" 0ather 1re-ented me (0rom 1arti/i1atin. in these battles as m" a.e was tender), A0ter :Abdullah (m" 0ather) was 6illed on the 9a" o0 Ubud2 I ne-er la..ed behind the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and joined e-er" battle (he,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **)%:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 7uraida (who heard the tradition 0rom his 0ather) that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ondu/ted nineteen militar" /am1ai.ns and he (a/tuall") in o0 them,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **)#:

It has been narrated b" 7uraida who heard it 0rom his 0ather that he joined the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in si5teen militar" /am1ai.ns

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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

7oo6 $;2 !umber **);:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Salama who said: I joined se-en militar" e51editions led b" the o0 Allah himsel0 (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and nine e51editions whi/h he sent out on/e under Abu 7a6r and on/e under Usama b, Gaid,

7oo6 $;2 !umber **% :

The (0ore.oin.) tradition has also been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hatim throu.h the same /hain o0 transmitters with the di00eren/e that a//ordin. to this -ersion both these t"1es o0 e51editions were se-en in number,

'ha1ter *;: The e51edition /alled 9hat-ur-Aiqa:

7oo6 $;2 !umber **%$:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Musa (Ash:ari) who said: ?e set out on an e51edition with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?e were si5 in number and had (with us) onl" one /amel whi/h we rode turn b" turn 3ur 0eet were injured, M" 0eet were so badl" injured that m" nails dro11ed o00, ?e /o-ered our 0eet with ra.s, so this e51edition was /alled 9hat-urAiqa: (i, e, the e51edition o0 ra.s) be/ause we banda.ed our 0eet with ra.s (on that da"), Abu 7urda said: Abu Musa narrated this tradition2 and then disli6ed re1eatin. it as he did not want to .i-e an" 1ubli/it" to what he did in a noble /ause Abu Usama said: !arrators other than Abu 7uraida ha-e added to the -ersion o0 the words:C Hod will reward it,C

'ha1ter + : 9isa11ro-al o0 see6in. hel1 0rom a disbelie-er on a militar" /am1ai.n

7oo6 $;2 !umber **%2:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:isha2 wi0e o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 who said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) set out 0or 7adr, ?hen he rea/hed Harrat-ul-?abara (a 1la/e 0our miles 0rom Medina) a man met him who was 6nown 0or his -alour and /oura.e, The 'om1anions o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) were 1leased to see him, He said: I ha-e /ome so that I ma" 0ollow "ou and .et a share 0rom the boot", The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: 9o "ou belie-e in Allah and His A1ostleD He said: !o, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ho ba/62 I will not see6 hel1 0rom a Mushri6 (1ol"theist), He went on until we rea/hed Shajara2 where the man met him a.ain, He as6ed him the
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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

same question a.ain and the man .a-e him the same answer, He said: Ho ba/6, Im will not see6 hel1 0rom a Mushri6, The man returned and o-ertoo6 him at 7aida:D He as6ed him as he had as6ed 1re-iousl": 9o "ou belie-e in Allah and His A1ostleD The man said: Kes, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: Then /ome alon. with us,

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733> $;: TH( 733> 3= FIHA9 A!9 (T@(9ITI3! (>ITA7 AL-FIHA9 ?A:L-SIKAA)

733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 ALIMAAA)

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

Islam is a so/ial reli.ion2 not in the sense that it is throu.h so/iet" alone that reli.ion breathes its sa/red s1irit in the indi-iduals2 but in the sense that it aims at in/ul/atin. Hod-/ons/iousness both in indi-idual and so/iet", Fesus said: The >in.dom o0 Hea-en is within "ou, Islam 0ull" subs/ribes to this -iew2 sin/e no just 6in.dom /an be 0ounded on earth b" unjust men2 who ha-e not 0irst /reated the >in.dom o0 Hea-en in their hearts2 but Islam .oes a ste1 0orward and sa"s that the /reation o0 the >in.dom o0 Hea-en within heart is not enou.hB this >in.dom o0 Hea-en within must be e5ternalised into a >in.dom o0 Hea-en on earth2 so that the or.anised li0e o0 man ma" be built u1 on the basis o0 lo-e2 0raternit" and justi/e, It thus be/omes /lear that the Islami/ State is not an end in itsel02 but a means to an end2 the end bein. the de-elo1ment o0 a /ommunit" o0 1eo1le who stand u1 0or equit" and justi/e2 0or a.ainst wron. or2 to 1hrase it di00erentl"2 0or the /reation o0 su/h /onditions as would enable the .reatest 1ossible number o0 human bein.s to li-e s1irituall"2 morall" and 1h"si/all" in a//ordan/e with the tea/hin.s o0 Islam, Thus the 0oundin. o0 an Islami/ State is not a sort o0C worldl" a/ti-it"2C somethin. undesirable2 as some 1eo1le wron.l" su11ose2 but the sine qua non o0 so/ial justi/e2 as demanded b" Islam,C The state2C sa"s 9r lqbal2C 0rom the Islami/ stand1oint2 is an endea-our to trans0orm these ideal 1rin/i1les into s1a/e-time 0or/es2 an as1iration to reali8e them in a de0inite human or.ani8ation, It is in this sense alone that state in Islam is a theo/ra/"2 not in the sense that it is headed b" a re1resentati-e o0 Hod on earth who /an alwa"s s/reen his des1oti/ will behind his su11osed in0allibilit", As this State is meant to en0or/e the law o0 the Shari:ah within its territorial jurisdi/tion2 it is dut" bound to ma6e itsel0 an e00i/ient 0or trans0ormin. the hi.h ideals o0 Islam into realit", The Eur:an2 while enumeratin. the main 0un/tions o0 the Islami/ State2 sa"s:C Those who2 i0 ?e establish them in the land2 obser-e worshi12 and 1a" the 1oor-due and enjoin .ood and 0orbid e-ilC (55ii, *$), This shows that the 0un/tion o0 an Islami/ State is not onl" to de0end its /iti8ens 0rom e5ternal atta/6 and internal disorder2 but also to enable indi-idual man and woman to realise the tenets o0 Islam and their belie0s, in the so/ioe/onomi/ /on/erts o0 their 1ra/ti/al li0e, So 0ar as the nature o0 the Islami/ State is /on/erned2 it is theo/ra/" with re.ard to Hod in the sense that the de jure so-erei.nt" belon.s to Allah ?hose de 0a/to so-erei.nt" is inherent and mani0est in the wor6in. o0 the entire uni-erse and ?ho enjo"s e5/lusi-el" the so-erei.n 1rero.ati-e o-er all the /reation, The Hol" Eur:an has stressed this 1oint in so man" -erses: C The 'ommand is 0or none but 0or Allah: He has /ommanded that "e obe" none but Him: that is the 1athC (5ii, * ), C =ollow the re-elation sent unto "ou 0rom "our Lord2 and do not 0ollow the (so-/alled) .uardians other than HimC (-ii, 4),
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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

C And those who do not ma6e their de/isions in a//ordan/e with that re-ealed b" Allah are (in 0a/t) the deniers o0 TruthC (-, **), It thus be/omes quite /lear that a State established on the basis o0 Hod:s so-erei.nt" /annot en0or/e an" law in /ontra-ention o0 the Eur:an and the Sunnah e-en i0 all the /iti8ens ma6e a demand 0or it, An Islami/ State is2 there0ore2 theo/rati/ in one as1e/t as it is run a//ordin. to Hod-.i-en laws2 but it is alto.ether a di00ermt theo/ra/" o0 whi/h (uro1e has had the bitter e51erien/e and in whi/h2 a 1riestl" /lan is shar1l" mar6ed o00 0rom the rest o0 the 1o1ulation and e5er/ises an un/he/6ed domination and en0or/es laws o0 its own ma6in. in the name o0 Hod2 and thus im1oses its own .odhood u1on the /ommon 1eo1le, The 1riest 1uts himsel0 as a mediator between the masses and the unseen Hod, Su/h a s"stem is quite un-Islami/, The theo/ra/" built b" Islam is not ruled b" a 1arti/ular reli.ious /lass2 but b" the whole /ommunit" o0 Muslims in/ludin. the ran6 and 0ile, as Allah has not a11ointed a 1arti/ular indi-idual2 .rou12 ra/e or /lass as the re1resentati-e o0 the Aeal So-erei.n u1on the earth2 but the whole /ommunit", The Eur:an sa"s:C Allah has 1romised to those amon. "ou who belie-e and do ri.hteous deeds that He will assuredl" ma6e them to su//eed (the 1resent) rulers and .rant them -i/e.eren/" in the land just as He made those be0ore them to su//eed (others)C (i5i-, ++), This -erse ma6es it /lear that all belie-ers ha-e been /on0erred u1on the 'ali1hate and not a s1e/ial /lass or d"nast", Moreo-er2 the 'ali1hate .ranted b" Allah to the 0aith0ul is the 1o1ular -i/e.eren/" and not a limited one and thus it is run with the /onsent o0 the 1eo1le, The /on/e1ts o0 the 9i-ine o0 >in.shi1 and the in0allibilit" o0 /ler." are alien to the s1irit o0 Islam, (-er" Muslim stands on equal le-el with the other Muslim as the -i/e.erent o0 the Lord u1on the earth, !one o0 them2 there0ore2 enjo"s an" 1re0eren/e to the other b" -irtue o0 hi.h birth or to a s1e/ial reli.ious .rou1, Histor" is te1lete with instan/es o0 'ali1hs bein. to the /ourt and 1ubli/l" /riti/ised b" ordinar" men and women, (-en a lowliest /ould dare tell the 'ommander o0 the =aith0ul that he would set him li6e a s1indle i0 he de-iates an in/h 0rom the 1oth o0 ri.hteousness, This shows that the rulers and the o00i/ials in the Islami/ State are answerable both to Hod and man 0or their a/tions2 and the 1eo1le ha-e e-er" to /riti/ise, not onl" their 1ubli/ beha-iour2 but e-en their 1ri-ate a/ti-ities, In the /onte5t o0 su/h hea-" res1onsibilities the headin. o0 the Islami/ State or assum1tion o0 an" other im1ortant 1ort0olio in its set-u1 is a -er" di00i/ult job so mu/h so that that Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /om1ared it to the slau.hterin. o0 one with a blunt 6ni0e, !o 1erson2 there0ore, who is /ons/ious o0 the res1onsibilities o0 the job2 /o-ets to assume thatB he rather shir6s it and a//e1ts it onl" when he is /om1elled to do so, The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) de/lared that 1erson to be quite un0it 0or o00i/e in an Islami/ State who is /o-etous o0 it2 as he is either i.norant o0 its .ra-e res1onsibilities or desires to ta6e undue ad-anta.e o0 his o00i/ial 1ower, ?e enumerate below some o0 the im1ortant ri.hts and duties o0 an Islami/ State, As 0or the ri.hts2 the Islami/ State /an /laim 0ull lo"alt" 0rom all its /iti8en wholehearted /oo1eration in all se/tors o0 li0e and /om1lete obedien/e to the law o0 the land and the /ommands o0 the rulers so lon. as the" are in /om0ormit" with the Laws o0 the Shari:ah, 7ut where the rulers trans.ress

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

the limits o0 the /iti8ens ha-e the ri.ht2 not onl" to withdraw /o-o1eration2 but also to /he/6 the rulers 0rom a/tin. a.ainst the 'ommands o0 Aliah and His A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The /iti8ens are also required to 1a" ta5es due to the State quite willin.l" and not to misa11ro1riate its 0unds2 and to 1arti/i1ate in Fihad in an" /a1a/it" 0or whi/h the" are deemed 0it b" the authorities o0 the Islami/ State, So 0ar as the duties o0 the Islami/ State are /on/erned2 the 0irst and 0oremost dut" is to 1rote/t the li0e2 1ro1ert" and honour o0 e-er" /iti8en2 irres1e/ti-e o0 his /aste2 /reed2 /olour2 reli.ion or so/ial status, Moreo-er2 it is also the dut" o0 the Islami/ State to 1rote/t the 0reedom and indi-idual libert" o0 e-er" /iti8en so lon. as there is no -alid reason to /urtail it, It /annot be done as an arbitrar" a/t, The State is authorised to la" hands u1on it throu.h due 1ro/ess o0 law, A.ain2 0reedom o0 e51ression is one o0 the 0undamental ri.hts o0 the /iti8en whi/h an Islami/ State must res1e/t, Then2 it is also the dut" o0 the Islami/ State to see that no /iti8en remains un1ro-ided 0or in res1e/t o0 the basi/ ne/essities o0 li0e2 -i82 0ood2 othin.2 shelter2 medi/al aid and edu/ation2 0or the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said:C The .o-ernment is the .uardian o0 those who ha-e no .uardian,C Moreo-er2 the State is bound to /reate su/h /onditions in whi/h the .ood rei.ns su1reme in the so/iet" and e-il is su11ressed and e5terminated2 and its /iti8ens learn to li-e as .ood Muslims,

'ha1ter $: The 1eo1le are subser-ient to the Euraish and the /ali1hate is the o0 the Euraish
7oo6 2 2 !umber **%4:
It has been narrarted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: @eo1le are subser-ient to the Euraish: the Muslims amon. them bein. subser-ient to the Muslims amon. them2 and the disbelie-ers amon. the 1eo1le bein. subser-ient to the disbelie-ers amon. them,

7oo6 2 2 !umber **%*:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hammam b, Munabbih who said: This is one o0 the traditions narrated b" Abu Huraira 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who said: @eo1le are subser-ient to the Euraish: the Muslims amon. them bein. subser-ient to the Muslims amon. them2 and the disbelie-ers amon. them bein. subser-ient to the disbelie-ers amon. them,
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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber **%+:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, :Abdullah that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: @eo1le are the 0ollowers o0 Euraish in .ood as well as e-il (i, e, in the /ustoms o0 Islami/ as well as 1re-Islami/ times),

7oo6 2 2 !umber **%):

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The 'ali1hate will remain amon. the Euraish e-en i0 onl" two 1ersons are le0t (on the earth)2

7oo6 2 2 !umber **%%:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, Samura who said: I joined the /om1an" o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with m" 0ather and I heard him sa": This 'ali1hate will not end until there ha-e been twel-e 'ali1hs amon. them, The narrator said: Then he (the Hol" @ro1het) said somethin. that I /ould not 0ollow, I said to m" 0ather: ?hat did he sa"D He said: He has said: All o0 them will be 0rom the Euraish,

7oo6 2 2 !umber **%#:

It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, Samura who said: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": The a00airs o0 the 1eo1le will /ontinue to be /ondu/ted (well) as lon. as the" are .o-erned b" twel-e men, Then the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said words whi/h were obs/ure to me, I as6ed m" 0ather: ?hat did the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"D He said: All o0 the (twel-e men) will be 0rom the Euraish,

7oo6 2 2 !umber **%;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, Samura throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2 2 !umber **# :

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, Samura who said: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": Islam will /ontinue to be trium1hant until there ha-e been twel-e 'ali1hs, Then the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said somethin. whi/h I /ould not understand, I as6ed m" 0ather: ?hat did he sa"D He said: He has said that all o0 them (twel-e 'ali1hs) will be 0rom the Euraish,

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber **#$:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, Samura that the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: This order will /ontinue to be dominant until there ha-e been twel-e 'ali1hs, The narrator sa"s: Then he said somethin. whi/h I /ould not understand2 and I said to m" 0ather: ?hat did he sa"D M" 0ather told me that he said that all o0 them ('ali1hs) would be 0rom the Euraish,

7oo6 2 2 !umber **#2:

It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, Samura who said: I went with m" 0ather to the o0 Allah (ma" 1eea/e be u1on him) and I heard him sa": This reli.ion would /ontinue to remain 1ower0ul and dominant until there ha-e been twel-e 'ali1hs, Then he added somethin. whi/h I /ouldn:t /at/h on a//ount o0 the noise o0 the 1eo1le, I as6ed m" 0ather: ?hat did he sa"D M" 0ather said: He has said that all o0 them will be 0rom the Euraish,

7oo6 2 2 !umber **#4:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Amir b, Sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas who said: I wrote (a letter) to Fabir b, Samura and sent it to him throu.h m" ser-ant !a0i:2 as6in. him to in0orm me o0 somethin. he had heard 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He wrote to me (in re1l"): I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa" on =rida" e-enin.2 the da" on whi/h alAslami was stoned to death (0or /ommittin. adulter"): The Islami/ reli.ion will /ontinue until the Hour has been established2 or "ou ha-e been ruled o-er b" twel-e 'ali1hs2 all o0 them bein. 0rom the Euraish, also heard him sa": A small 0or/e o0 the Muslims will /a1ture the white 1ala/e2 the 1oli/e o0 the @ersian (m1eror or his des/endants, I also heard him sa": 7e0ore the 9a" o0 Fud.ment there will a11ear (a number o0) im1ostors, Kou are to .uard a.ainst them, I also heard him sa": ?hen Hod .rants wealth to an" one o0 "ou2 he should 0irst s1end it on himsel0 and his 0amil" (and then .i-e it in /harit" to the 1oor), I heard him (also) sa": I will be "our 0orerunner at the 'istern (e51e/tin. "our arri-al),

7oo6 2 2 !umber **#*:

Ibn Samura al-:Adawi re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"2 and he then narrated (the abo-e-mentioned hadith),

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

'ha1ter 2: A11ointin. an"one as a su//eedin. /ali1h or lea-in. aside the question o0 a11ointment
7oo6 2 2 !umber **#+:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, :Umar who said: I was 1resent with m" 0ather when he was wounded, @eo1le 1raised him and said: Ma" Hod .i-e "ou a noble re/om1enseL He said: I am ho1e0ul (o0 Hod:s mer/") as well as a0raid (o0 His wrath) @eo1le said: A11oint an"one as "our su//essor, He said: Should I /arr" the burden o0 /ondu/tin. "our a00airs in m" li0e as well as in m" deathD (So 0ar as 'ali1hate is /on/erned) I wish I /ould a/quit m"sel0 (be0ore the") in a wa" that there is neither an"thin. to m" /redit nor an"thin. to m" dis/redit, I0 I would a11oint m" su//essor2 (I would be/ause) one better than me did so, (He meant Abu 7a6r,) I0 I would lea-e Kou alone2 (I would do so be/ause) one better than me2 i, e, the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 did so, :Abdullah sa"s: ?hen he mentioned the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) I understood that he would not a11oint an"one as 'ali1h,

7oo6 2 2 !umber **#):

It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar who said: I entered the a1artment o0 (m" sister) Ha0sa, She said: 9o "oa 6now that "our 0ather is not .oin. to nominate his su//essorD I said: He won:t do that (i, e, he would nominate), She said: He is .oin. to do that, The narrator said: I too6 an oath that I will tal6 to him about the matter, I 6e1t quiet until the ne5t mornin.2 still I did not tal6 to him2 and I 0elt as i0 I were /arr"int2 a mountain on m" hand, At last I /ame to him and entered his a1artment, (Seein. me) he to as6 me about the /ondition o0 the 1eo1le2 and I in0ormed him (about them), Then I said to him: I heard somethin. 0rom the 1eo1le and too6 an oath that I will /ommuni/ate it to "ou, The" 1resume that "ou are not .oin. to nominate a su//essor, I0 a .ra8er o0 /amels and shee1 that "ou had a11ointed /omes ba/6 to "ou lea-in. the /attle2 "ou will (/ertainl") thin6 that the /attle are lost, To loo6 a0ter the 1eo1le is more serious and .ra-e, (The d"in. 'ali1h) was mo-ed at m" words, He bent his head in a thou.ht0ul mood 0or some time and raised it to me and said: Hod will doubtlessl" 1rote/t His reli.ion, I0 I do not nominate a su//essor (I ha-e a 1re/edent be0ore me)2 0or the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not nominate his su//essor, And i0 I nominate one (I ha-e a 1re/edent)2 0or Abu 7a6r did nominate, The narrator (Ibn Umar) said: 7" Hod, when he mentioned the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and Abu 7a6r2 I (at on/e) understood that he would not 1la/e an"one at a 1ar with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and would not nominate an"one,

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

'ha1ter 4: @rohibition o0 a desire 0or a 1osition o0 authorit" and /o-etousness thereo0

7oo6 2 2 !umber **#%:
It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 :Abd al-Aahman b, Samura who said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: :Abd al-Aahman2 do not as6 0or a 1osition o0 authorit"2 0or i0 "ou are .ranted this 1osition as a result o0 "our as6in. 0or it2 "ou will be le0t alone (without Hod:s hel1 to dis/har.e the res1onsibilities attendant thereon)2 and it "ou are .ranted it without ma6in. an" request 0or it2 "ou will be hel1ed (b" Hod in the dis/har.e o0 "our duties),

7oo6 2 2 !umber **##:

The same tradition has been narrated throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2 2 !umber **#;:

It has been narrated b" Abu Musa who said: Two o0 m" /ousins and I entered the a1artment o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), 3ne o0 them said: o0 Allah2 a11oint us rulers o0 some lands that the" and Hlorious Hod has entrusted to th" /are, The other also said somethin. similar, He said: ?e do not a11oint to this 1osition one who as6s 0or it nor an"one who is /o-etous 0or the same,

7oo6 2 2 !umber **; :

It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Musa who said: I went to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and with me were two men 0rom the Ash:ari tribe, 3ne o0 them was on m" hand and the other on m" le0t, 7oth o0 them made a request 0or a 1osition (o0 authorit") while the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was brushin. his teeth with a tooth-sti/6, He said (to me): Abu Musa (or :Abdullah b, Eais)2 what do "ou sa" (about the request the" ha-e made)D I said: 7" Hod ?ho sent thee on th" mission with truth2 the" did not dis/lose to me what the" had in their minds2 and I did not 6now that the" would as6 0or a 1osition, The narrator sa"s (while re/allin. this hadith): I -isualise as i0 I were loo6in. at the miswa6 o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) between his li1s, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?e shall not or shall ne-er a11oint to the 1ubli/ o00i/es (in our State) those who with to ha-e them2 but "ou ma" .o2 Abu Musa (or Abdullah b, Eais) (to ta6e u1 "our assi.nment), He sent him to Kemen as .o-ernor, then he sent Mu:adh b, jabal in his wa6e (to hel1 him in the dis/har.e o0 duties), ?hen Mu:adh rea/hed the /am1 o0 Abu Musa2 the latter (re/ei-ed him and) said: @lease .et "oursel0 downB and he s1read 0or him a mattress2 while there was a man bound hand and 0oot as a 1risoner, Mu:adh said: ?ho is thisD Abu Musa said: He was a Few, He
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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

embra/ed Islam, Then he re-erted to his 0alse reli.ion and be/ame a Few, Mu:adh said: I won:t sit until he is 6illed a//ordin. to the de/ree o0 Allah and His A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (in this /ase), Abu Musa said: 7e seated, It will be done, He said: I won:t sit unless he is 6illed in a//ordan/e with the de/ree o0 Allah and His A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He re1eated these words thri/e, Then Abu Musa ordered him (to be 6illed) and he was 6ilied, Then the two tal6ed o0 standin. in 1ra"er at, 3ne o0 them2 i, e, Mu:adh2 said: I slee1 (0or a 1art o0 the and stand in 1ra"er (0or a 1art) and I ho1e that I shall .et the same reward 0or stee1in. as I shall .et 0or standin. (in 1ra"er),

'ha1ter *: Undesirabilit" o0 .ettin. a 1osition o0 authorit" without ne/essit"

7oo6 2 2 !umber **;$:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu 9harr who said: I said to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): o0 Allah2 will "ou not a11oint me to a 1ubli/ o00i/eD He stro6ed m" shoulder with his hand and said: Abu 9harr2 thou art wea6 and authorit" is a trust, and on the 9a" o0 jud.ment it is a /ause o0 humiliation and re1entan/e e5/e1t 0or one who 0ul0ils its obli.ations and (1ro1erl") dis/ the duties attendant thereon,

7oo6 2 2 !umber **;2:

It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu 9harr that the o0 o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Abu 9harr2 I 0ind that thou art wea6 and I li6e 0or thee what I li6e 0or m"sel0, 9o not rule o-er (e-en) two 1ersons and do not mana.e the 1ro1ert" o0 an or1han,

'ha1ter +: The merits o0 a just ruler and the demerits o0 a t"rant ruler
7oo6 2 2 !umber **;4:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, :Umar that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7eholdL the 9is1ensers o0 justi/e will be seated on the 1ul1its o0 beside Hod2 on the side o0 the Mer/i0ul2 (5alted and HlorioUS, (ither side o0 the 7ein. is the side both bein. equall" mrneritorious, (The 9is1ensers o0 justi/e are) those who do justi/e in their rules2 in matters relatin. to their 0amilies and in all that the" underta6e to do,

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber **;*:

It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abd al-Aahman b, Shumasa who said: I /ame to A:isha to inquire somethin. 0rom her, She said: =rom whi/h 1eo1le art thouD I said: I am 0rom the 1eo1le o0 (."1t, She said: ?hat was the beha-iour o0 "our .o-ernor towards "ou in this war o0 "oursD I said: ?e did not e51erien/e an"thin. bad 0rom him, I0 the /amel o0 a man 0rom us died2 he would bestow on him a /amel, I0 an" one o0 us lost his sla-e2 he would .i-e him a sla-e, I0 an"bod" was in need o0 the basi/ ne/essities o0 li0e2 he would 1ro-ide them with 1ro-isions, She said: 7eholdL the treatment that was meted out to m" brother2 Muhammad b, Abu 7a6r2 does not 1re-ent me 0rom tellin. "ou what I heard 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He said in this house o0 mine: 3 Hod2 who (ha11ens to) a/quire some 6ind o0 /ontrol o-er the a00airs o0 m" 1eo1le and is hard u1on them-be Thou hard u1on him2 and who (ha11ens to) a/quire some 6ind o0 /ontrol o-er the a00airs o0 m" 1eo1le and is 6ind to them-be Thou 6ind to him,

7oo6 2 2 !umber **;+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abd al-Aahman b, Shumasa with another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2 2 !umber **;):

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar that the Hol" @ro1het (Ma" be u1on him) said: 7eware, e-er" one o0 "ou is a she1herd and e-er" one is answerable with re.ard to his 0lo/6, The 'ali1h is a she1herd o-er the 1eo1le and shall be questioned about his subje/ts (as to how he /ondu/ted their a00airs), A man is a .uardian o-er the members o0 his 0amil" and shal be questioned about them (as to how he loo6ed a0ter their 1h"si/al and moral well-bein.), A woman is a .uardian o-er the household o0 her husband and his /hildren and shall be questioned about them (as to how she mana.ed the household and u1 the /hildren), A sla-e is a .uardian o-er the 1ro1ert" o0 his master and shall be questioned about it (as to how he sa0e.uarded his trust), 7eware2 e-er" one o0 "ou is a .uardian and e-er" one o0 "ou shall be questioned with re.ard to his trust,

7oo6 2 2 !umber **;%:

This tradition has been narrated throu.h moreB than one /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2 2 !umber **;#:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar2 but there is (a /han.e o0 wordin.) in the hadith transmitted throu.h Guhri that he said:C I thin6 that he (the narrator) said: The man is a /ustodian o0 the wealth o0 his 0ather2 and he would be answerable 0or what is in his /ustod",C
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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber **;;:

A hadith ha-in. the same meanin. has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, :Umar,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hasan who said: Ubaidullah b Gi"ad -isited Ma:qil b, Kasir al-Mu8ani in his last iliness, Ma:qil said (to him): I am narratin. to "ou a tradition I heard 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I0 I 6new that I am to sur-i-e this illness, I would2 not narrate it to "ou, I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": I0 Hod a11ointed an"one ruler o-er a 1eo1le and he died while he was still trea/herous to his 1eo1le2 Hod would 0orbid his entr" into @aradi.e,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+ $:
It has been narrated throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters on the authorit" o0 Hasan who said: Ibn2 Gi"ad 1aid a -isit to Ma:qil b, Kasir who was seriousl" ill, Here 0ollows the same tradition as has .one be0ore with the addition that Ibn Gi"ad as6ed: ?h" didn:t "ou narrate this tradition to me be0ore this da"D Ma:qil re1rimanded him and said: I did not narrate it to "ou or I was not .oin. to narrate it to "ou,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+ 2:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Mali6 that Ubaidullah b, Gi"ad -isited Ma:qil b, Kaser in the latter:s illness, Ma:qil said to him: I am narratin. to "ou a tradition, I0 I were not at death:s door2 I would not narrate it to "ou, I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) sa": A ruler who2 ha-in. obtained /ontrol o-er the a00airs o0 the Muslims2 does not stri-e 0or their betterment and does not ser-e them sin/erel" shall not enter @aradise with them,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+ 4:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu al-Aswad who said: M" 0ather related to me that Ma:qil b, Kasir 0ell ill, :Ubaidullah b, Gi"ad /alled on him to inquire a0ter his health, Here 0ollows the tradition as narrated b" Hasan 0rom Ma:qil,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+ *:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hasan that A:idh b, :Amr who was one o0 the 'om1anions o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled on :Ubaidullah b, Gi"ad and said (to him): 3 m" son2 I ha-e heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": The worst o0 .uardians is the /ruel ruler, 7eware o0 bein. one o0 them, Ubaidullah said (to him out o0 Sit "ou
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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

down, Kou are 0rom the /ha00 o0 the 'om1anions o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), A:idh said: ?as there worthless /ha00 amon. themD Su/h worthless /ha00 a11eared a0ter them and amon. other 1eo1le,

'ha1ter ): Misa11ro1riation o0 boot" is a serious o00en/e

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+ +:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira who said: 3ne da" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood amon. us (to deli-er a sermon), He tal6ed about the misa11ro1riation o0 boot"2 and de/lared it to be a serious matter and a .ra-e sin, Then he said: I shouldn:t 0ind that an" o0 "ou should /ome on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment with a .rowlin. /amel mounted on his ne/62 and should a11eal to me 0or hel1 sa"in.:C o0 Allah2 hel1 me,C and I should sa": I ha-e no authorit" to hel1 "ouB I alread" /ommuni/ated to "ou, I shouldn:t 0ind that an" o0 "ou should /ome on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment with a bleatin. ewe mounted on his ne/62 and he should sa" to me:C o0 Allah2 hel1 me2C and I should sa": I ha-e no authorit" to hel1 "ouB I /on-e"ed to "ou, I shouldn:t 0ind that one o0 "ou should /ome on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment with a @erson /r"in. loudl" mounted on his ne/62 and he should sa" to me:C o0 Allah2 hel1 me2C and I should sa": I ha-e no authorit" to hel1 "ouB I /on-e"ed to "ou, I shouldn:t 0ind that an" one o0 "ou should /ome on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment with 0lutterin. /lothes wra11ed round his ne/6 and he should sa" to me:C o0 Allah2 hel1 me2C and I should sa": I ha-e no authorit" to hel1 "ouB I /on-e"ed to "ou, I shouldn:t 0ind that an" o0 "ou should /ome on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment with a hea1 o0 .old and sil-er 1la/ed on his ne/6 and he should sa" to me:C o0 Allah2 hel1 me,C and I should sa": I ha-e no authorit" to hel1 "ouB I alread" /on-e"ed to "ou (the warnin. 0rom the"),

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+ ):
The abo-e tradition has been narrated on the same authorit" throu.h di00erent /hains o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+ %:
Abu Huraira has narrated this hadith with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+ #:
Abu Huraira has narrated this hadith similar to the abo-e mentioned hadith,

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

'ha1ter %: A//e1tan/e o0 .i0ts on the 1art o0 state o00i/ers is 0orbidden

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+ ;:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Humaid as-Sa:idi who said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a11ointed a man 0rom the Asad tribe who was /alled Ibn Lutbi""a in /har.e o0 Sadaqa (i, e, authorised hi.n to re/ei-e Sadaqa 0rom the 1eo1le on behal0 o0 the State, ?hen he returned (with the /olli/tions)2 he said: This is 0or "ou and (this is mine as) it was 1resented to me as a .i0t, The narrator said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1od him) stood on the 1ul1it and 1raised Hod and e5tolled Him, Then he said: ?hat about a State o00i/ial whom I .i-e an assi.nment and who (/omes and) sa"s: This is 0or "ou and this has been 1resented to me as a .i0tD ?h" didn:t he remain in the house o0 his 0ather or the house o0 his mother so that he /ould obser-e whether .i0ts were 1resented to him or not, 7" the 7ein. in ?hose Hand is the li0e o0 Muhammad2 an" one o0 "ou will not ta6e an"thin. 0rom it but will brin. it on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment2 /arr"in. on his ne/6 a /amel that will be .rowlin.2 or a /ow that will be bellowin. or an ewe that will be bleatin., Then he raised his hands so that we /ould see the whiteness o0 his arm1its, Then he said twi/e: 3 Hod2 I ha-e /on-e"ed (Th" 'ommandments),

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+$ :

It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Humaid as-Sa:idi who said: The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a11ointed Ibn Lutbi""a2 a man 0rom the A8d tribe2 in /har.e o0 Sadaqa (authorisin. him to re/ei-e .i0ts 0rom the 1eo1le on behal0 o0 the State), He /ame with the /olle/tio2 .a-e it to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), and said: This wealth is 0or "ou and this is a .i0t 1resented to me, The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: ?h" didn:t "ou remain in the house o0 "our 0ather and "our mother to see whether .i0ts were 1resented to "ou or not, Then he stood u1 to deli-er a sermon, Here 0ollows the tradition li6e the tradition o0 Su0"an,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+$$:

It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Humaid as-Sa:idi who said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a11ointed a man 0rom the A8d tribe, /alled Ibn al-2 Utbi""a2 in /har.e o0 Sadaqat to be re/ei-ed 0rom 7anu Sulaim, ?hen he /ame (ba/6)2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed him to render his a//ount, He said: This wealth is 0or "ou (i, e, 0or the 1ubli/ treasur") and this is a .i0t (1resented to me), The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kou should ha-e remained in the house o0 "our 0ather and "our mother2 until "our .i0t /ame to "ou i0 "ou s1o6e the truthB then he addressed us, He 1raised Hod and e5tolled Him2 and a0terwards said: I a11oint a man 0rom "ou to a res1onsible 1ost sharin. with the authorit" that Hod has entrusted to
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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

me2 and he /omes to me sa"in.: This wealth is 0or "ou (i, e, 0or the 1ubli/ treasur") and this is a .i0t 1resented to me, ?h" did he not remain in the house o0 his 0ather and his mother and his .i0t /ame to him2 i0 he was truth0ulD 7" Hod2 an" one o0 "ou will not ta6e an"thin. 0rom (the 1ubli/ 0unds) without an" justi0i/ation2 but will meet his Lord /arr"in. it on himsel0 on the 9a" o0 jud.ment, I will re/o.nise an" one o0 "ou meetin. Allah and /arr"in. a .rowlin. /amel2 or a /ow bellowin. or a .oat bleatin., Then he raised his hands so hi.h that whiteness o0 his arm1its /ould be seen, Then he said: 3 m" Lord2 I ha-e /on-e"ed (Th" 'ommandments), The narrator sa"s: M" e"es saw (the Hol" @ro1het standin. in that 1ose) and m" ears heard (what he said),

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+$2:

This tradition has been hanoed down throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters on the authorit" o0 Hisham with -ariation in the wordin.,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+$4:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Humaid as-Sa:idi that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a11ointed a man in /har.e o0 Sadaqa (authorisin. him to re/ei-e /harit" 0rom the 1eo1le on behal0 o0 the State), He /ame (ba/6 to the Hol" 1ro1het) with a lar.e number o0 thin.s and started sa"in.: This is 0or "ou and this has been 1resented to me as a .i0t, Here 0ollows the tradition that has .one be0ore e5/e1t that :Urwa (one o0 the narrators in the /hain o0 transmitters) as6ed Abu Humaid: 9id "ou hear it 0rom the o0 Allah (himsel0) (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D He re1lied: M" ears heard it 0rom his mouth,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+$*:

It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 :Adi b, :Amira al->indi who said: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": ?hoso 0rom "ou is a11ointed b" us to a 1osition o0 authorit" and he /on/eals 0rom us a needle or somethin. smaller than that2 it would be misa11ro1riation (o0 1ubli/ 0unds) and will (ha-e to) 1rodu/e it on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment, The narrator sa"s: A dar6-/om1le5ioned man 0rom the Ansar stood u1-I /an -isualise him still-and said: o0 Allah2 ta6e ba/6 0rom me "our assi.nment, He said: ?hat has ha11ened to "ouD The man said: I ha-e heard "ou sa" so and so, He said: I sa" that (e-en) now: ?hoso 0rom "ou is a11ointed b" as to a 1osition o0 authorit"2 he should brin. e-er"thin.2 bi. o0 small2 and whate-er he is .i-en there0rom he should ta6e2 and he should restrain himsel0 0rom ta6in. that whi/h is 0orbidden,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+$+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Isma:il with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

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7oo6 2 2 !umber *+$):

Adi b, :Amira al->indi heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. (as) was narrated in the (abo-e-mentioned) hadith,

'ha1ter #: 3bedien/e to the ruler is 0orbidden in matters sin0ul2 but is otherwise obli.ator"
7oo6 2 2 !umber *+$%:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Furaij that the Eur:ani/ injun/tion:C "ou who belie-e2 obe" Allah2 His A1ostle and those in authorit" 0rom KouC (i-, +;) -was re-ealed in res1e/t o0 :Abdullah b, Hudha0a b, Eais b, Adi al-Sahmi who was des1at/hed b" the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as leader o0 a militar" /am1ai.n, The narrator said: He was in0ormed o0 this 0a/t b" Ka:la b, Muslim who was in0ormed b" Sa:id b, Fubair who in turn was in0ormed b" Ibn Abbas,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+$#:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the Hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hoso obe"s me obe"s Hod2 and whoso disobe"s me disobe"s Hod, ?hoso obe"s the /ommander (a11ointed b" me) obe"s me2 and whoso disobe"s the /ommander disobe"s me, The same tradition transmitted b" di00erent 1ersons omits the 1ortion: And whose disobe"s the /ommander disobe"s me,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+$;:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hoso obe"s me obe"s HodB and whose disobe"s me disobe"s Hod, ?hoso obe"s m" /ommander obe"s me2 and whoso disobe"s m" /ommander disobe"s me,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+2 :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+2$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira b" more than one /hain o0 transmitters,

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+22:

Hammam b, Munabbih has transmitted this hadith on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+24:

A//ordin. to one -ersion o0 the tradition2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hoso obe"s the /ommander, He did not sa":C M" /ommander,C

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+2*:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It is obli.ator" 0or "ou to listen to the ruler and obe" him in ad-ersit" and 1ros1erit"2 in 1leasure and dis1leasure2 and e-en when another 1erson is .i-en (rather undue) 1re0eren/e o-er "ou,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+2+:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu 9harr who said: M" 0riend (i, e, the Hol" @ro1het) ad-ised me to listen (to the man in 1osition o0 authorit") and obe" (him) e-en i0 he were a sla-e maimed (and disabled),

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+2):

In another -ersion o0 the tradition2 we ha-e the wordin.:C An Ab"ssinian sla-e maimed and disabled,C

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+2%:

Abu :Imran narrated this hadith with a /han.e o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+2#:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Kah"a b, Husain who learnt the tradition 0rom his .randmother, She said that she heard the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) deli-erin. his sermon on the o//asion o0 the Last @il.rima.e, He was sa"in.: I0 a sla-e is a11ointed o-er "ou and he /ondu/ts "our a00airs a//ordin. to the 7oo6 o0 Allah2 "ou should listen to him and obee" (his orders),

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+2;:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 and he said:C a sla-eC,
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7oo6 2 2 !umber *+4 :

In other -ersions o0 the abo-e tradition2 the wordin.s areC an Ab"ssinian sla-e,C andC a maimed Ab"ssinian sla-eC,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+4$:

Another -ersion o0 the tradition does not quali0" the sla-e with the e1ithetsC maimed2CC an Ab"ssinianC but ma6es the addition:C I ha-e heard the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (sa" this) at Mina or :Ara0at,C

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+42:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Kah"a b, Husain who learnt the tradition 0rom his .randmother, Umm Husain, He said:: I heard her sa": I 1er0ormed Hajjat-ul-?ada: in the /om1an" o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He said a lot o0 thin.s (on this o//asion), Then I heard him sa": I0 a maimed sla-e is a11ointed a /ommander o-er "ou the narrator sa"s: I thin6 she said:C a bla/6 sta-eC who leads "ou a//ordin. to the 7oo6 o0 Allah2 then listen to him and obe" him,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+44:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar that the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It is obli.ator" u1on a Muslim that he should listen (to the ruler a11ointed o-er him) and obe" him whether he li6es it or not2 e5/e1t that he is ordered to do a sin0ul thin., I0 he is ordered to do a sin0ul a/t2 a Muslim should neither, listen to him nor should he obe" his orders,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+4*:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 :Ubaidullah,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+4+:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu :Abd al-Aahman 0rom :Ali that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent a 0or/e (on a mission) and a11ointed o-er them a man, He 6indled a 0ire and said: (nter it, Some 1eo1le made u1 their minds to enter it (the 0ire)2 (/arr"in. out the order o0 their /ommander)2 but the others said: ?e 0led 0rom the 0ire (that:s wh" we ha-e /ome into the 0old o0 Islam), The matter was re1orted to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He said to those who 'ontem1lated enterin. (the 0ire at the order o0 their /ommander): I0 "ou had entered it2 "ou would ha-e remained there until the 9a" o0 Fud.ment, He /ommanded the a/t o0 the latter .rou1 and said: There is no submission in matters in-ol-in. Hod:s disobedien/e or dis1leasure, Submission is obli.ator" onl" in what is .ood (and reasonable),
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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+4):

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :All who said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent an e51editionand a11ointed o-er the Mujahids a man 0rom the Ansar, (?hile ma6in. the a11ointment)2 he ordered that his wor6 should be listened to and obe"ed, The" made him an.r" in a matter, He said: 'olle/t 0or me dr" wood, The" /olle/ted it 0or him, Then he said: >indle a 0ire, The" 6indled (the 0ire), Then he said: 9idn:t the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) order "ou to listen to me and obe" (m" orders)D The" said: Kes, He said: (nter the 0ire, The narrator sa"s: (At this)2 the" to loo6 at one another and said: ?e 0led 0rom the 0ire to (0ind re0u.e with) the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (and now "ou order us to enter it), The" stood quiet until his /ooled down and the 0ire went out, ?hen the" returned2 the" related the in/ident to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He said: I0 the" had entered it2 the" would not ha-e /ome out, 3bedien/e (to the /ommander) is obli.ator" onl" in what is .ood,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+4%:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 A:mash,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+4#:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0C Ubida who learnt the tradition 0rom his 0ather who2 in turn2 learnt it 0rom his own 0ather, :Ubada:s .rand0ather said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 an oath o0 alle.ian/e 0rom us on our listenin. to and obe"in. the orders o0 our /ommander in ad-ersit" and 1ros1erit"2 in 1leasure and dis1leasure (and e-en) when somebod" is .i-en 1re0eren/e o-er us2 on our a-oidin. to dis1ute the dele.ation o0 1owers to a 1erson deemed to be a 0it re/i1ient thereo0 (in the e"e o0 one who dele.ates it) and on our tellin. the truth in whate-er 1osition we be without 0earin. in the matter e0 Allah the re1roa/h o0 the re1roa/her,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+4;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Ubada b, ?alid with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+* :

The same tradition has been handed down throu.h more than one /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+*$:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Funida b, Abu Uma""a who said: ?e /alled u1on :Ubada b, Samit who was ill and said to him: Ma" Hod .i-e "ou health I !arrate to us a tradition whi/h Hod
$$+ & $#


733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

ma" 1ro-e bene0i/ial (to us) and whi/h "ou ha-e heard 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled us and we too6 the oath o0 alle.ian/e to him, Amon. the injun/tions he made bindin. u1on us was: Listenin. and obedien/e (to the Amir) in our 1leasure and dis1leasure2 in our ad-ersit" and 1ros1erit"2 e-en when somebod" is .i-en 1re0eren/e o-er us2 and without dis1utin. the dele.ation o0 1owers to a man dul" in-ested with them (3bedien/e shall be a//orded to him in all /ir/umstan/es) e5/e1t when "ou ha-e /lear si.ns o0 his disbelie0 in (or disobedien/e to) Hod-si.ns that /ould be used as a /ons/ientious justi0i/ation (0or non-/om1lian/e with his orders),

'ha1ter ;: ?hen a ruler enjoins .od-/ons/iousness and does justi/e2 he will ha-e a (.reat) reward
7oo6 2 2 !umber *+*2:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the @ro1het o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A /ommander (o0 the Muslims) is a shield 0or them, The" behind him and the" are 1rote/ted b" (him 0rom t"rants and a..ressors), I0 he enjoins 0ear o0 Hod2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 and dis1enses justi/e2 there will be a (.reat) reward 0or himB and i0 he enjoins otherwise2 it redounds on him,

'ha1ter $ : =ul0ilment o0 the /o-enant made with the /ali1hs is im1erati-e, the /ali1h to whom alle.ian/e is sworn in the 0irst instan/e has an established su1rema/" o-er those who assume 1owers later
7oo6 2 2 !umber *+*4:
It has been narrated b" Abu Huraira that the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1/ea/e be u1on him) said: 7anu Isra:il were ruled o-er b" the @ro1hets, ?hen one @ro1het died2 another su//eeded himB but a0ter me there is no 1ro1het and there will be /ali1hs and the" will be quite lar.e in number, His 'om1anions said: ?hat do "ou order us to do (in /ase we /ome to ha-e more than one 'ali1h)D He said: The one to whom alle.ian/e is sworn 0irst has a su1rema/" o-er the others, 'on/ede to them their due ri.hts (i, e, obe" them), Hod (Himsel0) will question them about the subje/ts whom He had entrusted to them,

$$+$ & $#


733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+**:

The same tradition has been transmitted b" a di00erent /hain o0 narrators,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+*+:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah who said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A0ter me there will be 0a-ouritism anad man" thin.s that "ou will not li6e, The" (his 'om1anions) said: o0 Allah2 what do "ou order that one should do it an"one 0rom us has to li-e throu.h su/h a timeD He said: Kou should dis/har.e "our own res1onsibilit" (b" obe"in. "our Amir)2 and as6 Hod to /un/ede "our (b" .uidin. the Amir to the 1ath or b" re1la/in. him b" one more just and Hod-0earin.),

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+*):

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abd al-Aahman b, Abd Aabb al->a:ba who said: I entered the mosque when :Abdullah b, :Amr b, al-:As was sittin. in the shade o0 the >a:ba and the 1eo1le had .athered around him, I betoo6 m"sel0 to them and sat near him, (!ow) Abdullah said: I a//om1anied the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on a journe", ?e halted at a 1la/e, Some o0 us to set their tents2 others to /om1ete with one another in shootin.2 and others to .ra8e their beasts2 when an announ/er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) announ/ed that the 1eo1le should .ather to.ether 0or 1ra"er2 so we .athered around the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He said: It was the dut" o0 e-er" @ro1het that has .one be0ore me to .uide his 0ollowers to what he 6new was .ood 0or them and warn them a.ainst what he 6new was bad 0or themB but this Umma o0 "ours has its da"s o0 1ea/e and (se/urit") in the be.innin. o0 its /areer2 and in the last 1hase o0 its e5isten/e it will be a00li/ted with trials and with thin.s disa.reeable to "ou, (In this 1hase o0 the Umma)2 there will be tremendous trials one a0ter the other2 ea/h ma6in. the 1re-ious one dwindle into insi.ni0i/an/e, ?hen the" would be a00li/ted with a trial2 the belie-er would sa": This is .oin. to brin. about m" destru/tion, ?hen at (the trial) is o-er2 the" would be a00li/ted with another trial2 and the belie-er would sa": This surel" is .oin. to be m" end, ?hoe-er wishes to be deli-ered 0rom the 0ire and enter the .arden should die with 0aith in Allah and the Last 9a" and should treat the 1eo1le as he wishes to be treated b" them, He who swears alle.ian/e to a 'ali1h should .i-e him the 1ied.e o0 his hand and the sin/erit" o0 his heart (i, e, submit to him both outwardl" as well as inwardl"), He should obe" him to the best o0 his /a1a/it", It another man /omes 0orward (as a /laimant to 'ali1hate)2 dis1utin. his authorit"2 the" (the Muslims) should behead the latter, The narrator sa"s: I /ame /lose to him (:Abdullah b, :Amr b, al-:As) and said to him: 'an "ou sa" on oath that "ou heard it 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D He 1ointed with his hands to his ears and his heart and said: M" ears heard it and m" mind retained it, I said to him: This /ousin o0 "ours2 Mu:awi"a2 orders us to unjustl" /onsume our wealth amon. oursel-es and to 6ill one another2 while Allah sa"s:C 3 "e who belie-e2 do not /onsume "our wealth

$$+2 & $#


733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

amon. "oursel-es unjustl"2 unless it be trade based on mutual a.reement2 and do not 6ill "oursel-es, <eril"2 Hod is Mer/i0ul to "ouC (i-, 2;), The narrator sa"s that (hearin. this) Abdullah b, :Amr b, alAs 6e1t quiet 0or a while and then said: 3be" him in so 0ar as he is obedient to HodB and diqobe" him in matters in-ol-in. disobedien/e to Hod,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+*%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash with a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+*#:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abd Aabb al->a:ba as-Sa:idl who said: I saw a .rou1 o0 1eo1le near the >a:ba,,,, Then he narrated the tradition as narrated b" A:mash,

'ha1ter $$: @atien/e at the t"rann" o0 the .o-ernors and their undue 1re0eren/es
7oo6 2 2 !umber *+*;:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Usaid b, Hudair that a man 0rom the Ansar too6 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) aside and said to him: ?ill "ou not a11oint me .o-ernor as "ou ha-e a11ointed so and soD He (the o0 Allah) said: Kou will surel" /ome a/ross 1re0erential treatment a0ter me2 so "ou should be 1atient until "ou meet me at the 'istern (Haud-i->authar),

7oo6 2 2 !umber *++ :

This tradition has been narrated on the same authorit" throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters, Another -ersion o0 the tradition narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba does not in/lude the words:C He too6 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) aside,C

$$+4 & $#


733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

'ha1ter $2: 3bedien/e to be shown to the (/ali1hs) e-en i0 the" withhold the 1eo1le:s due ri.hts
7oo6 2 2 !umber *++$:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Alqama b, ?ai:l al-Hadrami who learnt the tradition 0rom his 0ather, The latter said: Salama b, Ka8id al-ju:a0i as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): @ro1het o0 Allah2 what do "ou thin6 i0 we ha-e rulers who rule o-er us and demand that we dis/har.e our obli.ations towards them2 but the" (themsel-es) do not dis/har.e their own res1onsibilities towards usD ?hat do "ou order us to doD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a-oided .i-in. an" answer, Salama as6ed him a.ain, He (a.ain) a-oided .i-in. an" answer, Then he as6ed a.ain-it was the se/ond time or the third time-when Ash:ath b, Eais (0indin. that the Hol" @ro1het was unne/essaril" bein. 1ressed 0or answer) 1ulled him aside and said: Listen to them and obe" them2 0or on them shall he their burden and on "ou shall be "our burden,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *++2:

It has been narrated throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters, on the authorit" o0 Sima6 who said: Ash:ath b, Eais 1ulled him (Salama b, Ka8id) when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Listen to them and obe" them2 0or on them shall be the burden o0 what tne" do and on "ou shall be the burden o0 what "ou do,

'ha1ter $4: Instru/tion to sti/6 to the main bod" o0 the muslims in the time o0 trials and warnin. a.ainst those in-itin. 1eo1le to disbelie0
7oo6 2 2 !umber *++4:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hudhai0a b, al-Kaman who said: @eo1le used to as6 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about the .ood times2 but I used to as6 him about bad times 0earin. lest the" o-erta6e me, I said: o0 Allah2 we were in the midst o0 i.noran/e and e-il2 and then Hod us this .ood (time throu.h Islam), Is there an" bad time a0ter this .ood oneD He said: Kes, I as6ed: ?ill there be a .ood time a.ain a0ter that bad timeD He said: Kes2 but therein will be a hidden e-il, I as6ed: ?hat will be the e-il hidden thereinD He said: (That time will witness the rise o0) the 1eo1le who will ado1t wa"s other than mine and see6 .uidan/e other than mine, Kou will 6now .ood 1oints as well as bad 1oints, I as6ed: ?ill there be a bad time a0ter this
$$+* & $#


733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

.ood oneD He said: Kes, (A time will /ome) when there will be 1eo1le standin. and in-itin. at the .ates o0 Hell, ?hoso res1onds to their /all the" will throw them into the 0ire, I said: o0 Allah2 des/ribe them 0or us, He said: All, The" will be a 1eo1le ha-in. the same /om1le5ion as ours and s1ea6in. our, I said: o0 Allah2 what do "ou su..est i0 I ha11en to li-e in that timeD He said: Kou should sti/6 to the main bod" o0 the Muslims and their leader, I said: I0 the" ha-e no (su/h thin. as the) main bod" and ha-e no leaderD He said: Se1arate "oursel0 0rom all these 0a/tions2 thou.h "ou ma" ha-e to eat the roots o0 trees (in a jun.le) until death /omes to "ou and "ou are in this state,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *++*:

It his been narrated throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters2 on the authorit" o0 Hudhai0a b, alKaman who said: o0 Allah2 no doubt2 we had an e-il time (i, e, the da"s o0 Fahili""a or i.noran/e) and Hod us a .ood time (i, e, Islami/ 1eriod) throu.h whi/h we are now li-in. ?ill there be a bad time a0ter this .ood timeD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kes, I said: ?ill there be a .ood time a0ter this bad timeD He said: Kes, I said: ?ill there be a bad time a0ter .ood timeD He said: Kes, I said: HowD ?hereu1on he said: There will be leaders who will not be led b" m" .uidan/e and who will not ado1t m" wa"sD There will be amon. them men who will ha-e the hearts o0 de-ils in the bodies o0 human bein.s, I said: ?hat should I do, o0 Allah2 i0 I (ha11en) to li-e in that timeD He re1lied: Kou will listen to the Amir and /arr" out his ordersB e-en i0 "our ba/6 is 0lo..ed and "our wealth is snat/hed2 "ou should listen and obe",

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+++:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3ne who de0e/ted 0rom obedien/e (to the Amir) and se1arated 0rom the main bod" o0 the Muslims-i0 he died in that state-would die the death o0 one to the da"s o0 Fahili""a (i, e, would not die as a Muslim), 3ne who 0i.hts under the banner o0 a 1eo1le who ate blind (to the /ause 0or whi/h the" are 0i.htin., i, e, do not 6now whether their /ause is just or otherwise)2 who .ets 0lared u1 with 0amil" 1ride2 /alls2 (1eo1le) to 0or their, 0amil" honour2 and su11orts his 6ith and 6in (i, e, 0i.nts not 0or the /ause o0 Allah but 0or the sa6e o0 this 0amil" or tribe) -i0 he is 6illed (in this he dies as one to the da"s o0 Fhili""a, ?hoso atta/6s m" Umma (indis/riminatel") 6illin. the ri.hteous and the wi/6ed o0 them2 s1arin. not (e-en) those staun/h in 0aith and 0ul0illin. not his 1romise made with those who ha-e been .i-en a 1led.e o0 se/urit"-he has nothin. to do with me and I ha-e nothin. to do with him,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *++):

The same tradition has been narrated b" the same authorit" throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters with a di00eren/e in wordin.,
$$++ & $#


733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber *++%:

It has been narrated (throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters) on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ho de0e/ted 0rom obedien/e (to the Amir) and se1arated 0rom the main bod" o0 the Muslim-then he died in that state-would die the death o0 one to the da"s o0 Fahill""a, And he who is 6illed under the banner o0 a man who is blind (to the /ause 0or whi/h he is 0i.htin.)2 who .ets 0lared u1 with 0amil" 1ride and 0i.hts 0or his tribe-is not 0rom m" Umma2 and whoso 0rom m" 0ollowers atta/6s m" 0ollowers (indis/riminatel") 6illin. the ri.hteous and the wi/6ed o0 them2 s1arin. not (e-en) those staun/h in 0aith and 0ul0illin. not his obli.ation towards them who ha-e been .i-en a 1led.e (o0 se/urit")2 is not 0rom me (i, e, is not m" 0ollower),

7oo6 2 2 !umber *++#:

This hadlth has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Farir with the same /hain o0 transmitters with a -ariation in wordin.,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *++;:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3ne who 0ound in his Amir somethin. whi/h he disli6ed should hold his 1atien/e2 0or one who se1arated 0rom the main bod" o0 the Muslims e-en to the e5tent o0 a hands1an and then he died would die the death o0 one to the da"s o0 Fahili""a,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+) :

It has been narrated (throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters) on the authorit" o0 Ibn Abbas that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1oh him) said: 3ne who disli6es a thin. done b" his Amir should be 1atient o-er it2 0or an"one 0rom the 1eo1le who withdraws (his obedien/e) 0rom the .o-ernment2 e-en to the e5tent o0 a hands1an and died in that /onditions2 would die the death o0 one to the da"s o0 jahilli""a,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+)$:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abdullah al-7ajali that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3ne who is 6illed under the banner o0 a man who is blind (to his just /ause)2 who raises the o0 0amil" or su11orts his own tribe2 dies the death o0 one to the da"s o0 Fahili""a,

$$+) & $#


733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+)2:

It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 !a0i2 that :Abdullah b, Umar 1aid a -isit to Abdullah b, Muti: in the da"s (when atro/ities were 1er1etrated on the @eo1le 30 Medina) at Harra in the time o0 Ka8id b, Mu:awi"a, Ibn Muti: said: @la/e a 1illow 0or Abu :Abd al-Aahman (0amil" name o0 :Abdullah b, :Umar), 7ut the latter said: I ha-e not /ome to sit with "ou, I ha-e /ome to "ou to tell "ou a tradition I heard 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I heard him sa": 3ne who withdraws his band 0rom obedien/e (to the Amir) will 0ind no ar.ument (in his de0en/e) when he stands be0ore Allah on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment2 and one who dies without ha-in. bound himsel0 b" an oath o0 alle.ian/e (to an Amir) will die the death o0 one to the da"s o0 Fahill""a,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+)4:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu :Umar that he -isited Ibn Muti:2 and related 0rom the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the tradition that has .one be0ore,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+)*:

The same tradition has been transmitted b" a di00erent /hain o0 narrators,

'ha1ter $*: 9e/ision about one who tries to disru1t the unit" o0 the muslims
7oo6 2 2 !umber *+)+:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Ar0aja who said: I ha-e heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": 9i00erent e-ils will ma6e their a11earan/e in the near 0uture, An"one who tries to disru1t the a00airs o0 this Umma while the" are united "ou should stri6e him with the sword whoe-er he be, (I0 remonstran/e does not 1re-ail with him and he does not desist 0rom his disru1ti-e a/ti-ities2 he is to be 6illed,)

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+)):

In another -ersion o0 the tradition narrated on the same authorit" throu.h a di00erent /hains o0 transmitters we ha-e the words:C >ill him,C

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+)%:

It has been narrated (throu.h a still di00erent /hain o0 transmitters) on the Same authorit" (i, e, :Ar0aja) who said similarl"-but addin.:C >ill all o0 them,C I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e
$$+% & $#


733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

be u1on him) sa": ?hen "ou are holdin. to one sin.le man as "our leader2 "ou should 6ill who see6s to undermine "our solidarit" or disru1t "our unit",

'ha1ter $+: ?hen the oath o0 alle.ian/e has been obtained 0or two /ali1hs
7oo6 2 2 !umber *+)#:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Aba Sa:id al->hudri that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen oath o0 alle.ian/e has been ta6en 0or two /ali1hs2 6ill the one 0or whom the oath was ta6en later,

'ha1ter $): Fusti0i/ation 0or hatin. the amirs 0or -iolatin. the laws o0 the Shari:ah
7oo6 2 2 !umber *+);:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Umm Salama that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: In the near 0uture there will be Amirs and "ou will li6e their .ood deeds and disli6e their bad deeds, 3ne who sees throu.h their bad deeds (and tries to 1re-ent their re1etition b" his band or throu.h his s1ee/h)2 is absol-ed 0rom blame2 but one who hates their bad deeds (in the heart o0 his heart2 bein. unable to 1re-ent their re/urren/e b" his hand or his ton.ue)2 is (also) 0a0e ( so 0ar as Hod:s wrath is /on/erned), 7ut one who a11ro-es o0 their bad deeds and imitates them is s1irituall" ruined, @eo1le as6ed (the Hol" @ro1het): Shouldn:t we a.ainst themD He re1lied: !o2 as lon. as the" sa" their 1ra"ers,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+% :

It has been narrated (throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 tmnamitters) on the authorit" o0 Umm Salama (wi0e o0 the Hol" @ro1het) that he said: Amirs will be a11ointed o-er "ou2 and "ou will 0ind them doin. .ood as well as bad deeds, 3ne who hates their bad deeds is absol-ed 0rom blame, 3ne who disa11ro-es o0 their bad deeds is (also) sa0e (so 0ar as 9i-ine wrath is /on/erned), 7ut one who a11ro-es o0 their bad deeds and imitates them (is doomed), @eo1le as6ed: o0 Allah2 shouldn:t we a.ainst themD He re1lied: !o2 as lon. as the" sa" their 1ra"er, (C Hatin. and disa11ro-in.C re0ers to li6in. and disli6in. 0rom the heart,)

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+%$:

Another -ersion o0 the tradition narrated on the same authorit" attributes the same words to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) e5/e1t that it re1la/es 6ariha with an6hara and -i/e -ersa,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+%2:

Another -ersion omits a 1ortion at the end o0 the tradition-a 1ortion whi/h be.ins with man radi"a wa taba and ends with the last word o0 the tradition,

'ha1ter $%: The best and the worst or "our rulers

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+%4:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Au0 b, Mali6 that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The best o0 "our rulers are those whom "ou lo-e and who lo-e "ou2 who in-o6e Hod:s blessin.s u1on "ou and "ou in-o6e His blessin.s u1on them, And the worst o0 "our rulers are those whom "ou hate and who hate "ou and whom "ou /urse and who /urse "ou, It was as6ed (b" those 1resent): Shouldn:t we o-erthrow them with the hel1 o0 the swordD He said: !o2 as lon. as the" establish 1ra"er amon. "ou, I0 "ou then 0ind an"thin. detestable in them, Kou should hate their administration2 but do not withdraw "oursel-es 0rom their obedien/e,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+%*:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Au0 b, Mali6 al-Ashja:i who said that he heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": The best o0 "our rulers are those whom "ou lo-e and who lo-e "ou2 u1on whom "ou in-o6e Hod:s blessin.s and who in-o6e His blessin. u1on "ou, And the worst o0 "our rulers are those whom "ou hate and who hate "ou2 who /urse "ou and whom "ou /urse, (Those 1resent) said: Shouldn:t we o-erthrow them at thisD He said: !o2 as lon. as the" establish 1ra"er amon. "ou, !o2 as lon. as the" establish 1ra"er amon. "ou, Mind "ouL 3ne who has a .o-ernor a11ointed o-er him and he 0inds that the .o-ernor in an a/t o0 disobedien/e to Hod2 he should /ondemn the .o-ernor:s a/t2 in disobedien/e to Hod2 but should not withdraw himsel0 0rom his obedien/e, Ibn Fabir said: Au8aiq narrated to me this hadith, I as6ed him: Abu Miqdam2 ha-e "ou heard it 0rom Muslim b, Eara8a or did he des/ribe it to "ou and he heard it 0rom :Au0 (b, Mali6) and he transmitted this tradition o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D U1on this Au8aiq sat u1on his 6nees and 0a/in. the Eibla said: 7" Allah2 besides ?hom there is no other Hod2 I heard it 0rom Muslim b, Eara8a and he said that te had heard it 0rom Au0 (b, Mali6) and he said that he had heard it 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+%+:

The abo-e tradition has been narrated throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $#: It is .ood on the 1art o0 a leader to ta6e the oath o0 alle.ian/e 0rom his 0or/es when intendin. to and an a//ount o0 the alle.ian/e o0 .od:s 1leasure under the tree
7oo6 2 2 !umber *+%):
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir who said: ?e were one thousand and 0our hundred on the 9a" o0 Hudaibi"a, ?e swore 0ealt" to hiin (the Hol" @ro1het) and :Umar was holdin. the latter:s hand (when he was sittin.) under the tree (/alled) Samura (to administer the oath to the 'om1anions), The narrator added: ?e too6 oath to the e00e/t that we would not 0lee (0rom the battle0ield i0 there was an en/ounter with the Me//ans)2 but we did not ta6e oath to to death,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+%%:

It has been narrated (throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters) on the authorit" o0 Fabir who said: ?hile swearin. 0ealt" to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) we did not ta6e the oath to death but that we would not run awa" (0rom the battle0ield),

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+%#:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Gubair who heard Fabir bein. questioned as to how man" 1eo1le were there on the 9a" o0 Hudaibi"a He re1lied: ?e wore 0ourteen hundred, ?e swore 0ealt" to him2 and Umar was holdin. his hand while he was sittin. Under the tree (to administer the oath), The tree was Samura (a wild tree 0ound in desers), All o0 as too6 tha oath o0 0ealt" at his hands e5/e1t Fadd b, Eais al-Ansari who hid himsel0 under the bell" o0 his /amel,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+%;:

It has been narrated (throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters) on the authorit" o0 Abu Gubair who heard Fabir bein. questioned as to whether the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 the oath o0 0ealt" at 9hu:l-Hulai0a, He said: !oL 7ut he o00ered his 1ra"ers at that 1la/e2 and he administered the oath o0 0ealt" nowhere e5/e1t near the tree in (the 1lain oo Hudaibi"a, Ibn Furaij said that he was in0ormed b" Abu Gabair who heard Fabir b, Abdullah sa": The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be
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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

u1on him) 1ra"ed o-er the well at Hudaibi"a (as a result o0 whi/h its s/ant" water rose u1 and in/reased so as to be su00i/ient 0or the $* or $+ men who had en/am1ed at the 1la/e),

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+# :

It has been narrated (throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters) on the authorit" o0 Fabir who said: ?e were one thousand and 0our hundred on the 9a" o0 Hudaibi"a when the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to us: Toda" "ou are the best 1eo1le on the earth, And Fabir said: I0 I had the e"esi.ht2 I /ould show "ou the 1la/e o0 the tree,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+#$:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Salim b, Abu al-Fa:d who said: I as6ed Fabir b, :Abdullah about the number o0 the 'om1anions (o0 the Hol" @ro1het who too6 the oath o0 0ealt" under) the tree, He said: I0 we were a hundred thousand2 it (i, e, the water in the well at Hudaibi"a) would ha-e su00i/ed us2 but a/tuall" we were one thousand and 0i-e hundred,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+#2:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir who said: I0 we had been a hundred thousand in number2 it (the water) would ha-e su00i/ed us2 but a/tuall" we were 0i0teen hundred,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+#4:

It has been narrated (throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters) on the authorit" o0 Salim b, al-Fa:d who said: I as6ed Fabir: How man" were "ou on the 9a" o0 Hudaibi"aD He said: 3ne thousand and 0our hundred,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+#*:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, Abu Au0a who said: The 'om1anions o0 the Tree (i e, those who swore 0ealt" under the tree) were one thousand and three hundred2 and the 1eo1le o0 Aslam tribe were one-ei.hth o0 the Muhajirs,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+#+:

The same tradition has been handed down throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+#):

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ma:qil b, Kasar who aaid: I remember bein. 1resent on the 9a" o0 the Tree2 and the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was ta6in. the oath o0 the 1eo1le and I was holdin. a twi. o0 the tree o-er his head, ?e were 0ourteen hundred (in number), ?e did not ta6e oath to the death2 but to the e00e/t that we would not run awa" 0rom the battle0ield,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+#%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Kunus with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+##:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sa:id b, Musa""ab who said: M" 0ather was one o0 those who swore 0ealt" to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) near the tree, ?hen we 1assed that wa" ne5t "ear intendin. to 1er0orm the Hajj2 the 1la/e o0 the tree was hidden to us, I0 "ou /ould 1oint out /learl"2 "ou would (/ertainl") be 6nowin. better, It has also been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sa:id b, Musa""ib who learnt 0rom his 0ather that the" were with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the "ear o0 the Tree (i, e, in the "ear o0 the 0ealt" o0 Hod:s 1leasure sworn under the tree at Hudaibi"a)2 but ne5t "ear the" 0or.ot the s1ot o0 the tree,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+#;:

The tradition has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sa:id b, Musa""ib who learnt it 0rom his 0ather, The latter said: I had seen the tree, ?hen I /ame to the s1ot a0terwards2 I /ould not re/o.nise it,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+; :

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ka8id b, Abu Ubaid (the 0reed sla-e o0 Salama b, al-A6wa:) who said: $ as6ed Salama as to what e00e/t he had sworn 0ealt" to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the 9a" o0 Hudaibi"a, He said: To the e00e/t that we will die 0i.htin.,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+;$:

The abo-e tradition has also been handed down throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+;2:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah b, Gaid who said: A 1erson /ame to him and said: Here is Ibn Han8ala who is ma6in. 1eo1le swear alle.ian/e to him, He (2 Abdullah) as6ed: To
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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

what e00e/tD He re1lied: To the e00e/t that the" will die 0or him, :Abdullah said: I will ne-er swear alle.ian/e to this e00e/t a0ter the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

'ha1ter $;: It is 0orbidden to a Muhajir to return to his nati-e 1la/e 0or the 1ur1ose o0 resettlin. there
7oo6 2 2 !umber *+;4:
It has been narrated b" Salama b, al-A6wa: that he -isited al-Hajjaj who said to him: 3 son o0 alA6wa:2 "ou ha-e turned a1ostate and ha-e /ome to li-e a.ain in the desert with the 7edouins (a0ter "our mi.ration), He said: !o2 but the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has 1ermitted me to li-e in the desert,

'ha1ter 2 : !o mi.ration a0ter the /onquest o0 me//a but alle.ian/e /ould be sworn (to a ri.ht0ul leader) on ser-in. the /ause o0 Islam2 on 0i.htin. in the wa" o0 Allah and on 0ollowin. the 1ath o0 -irtue
7oo6 2 2 !umber *+;*:
It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Mujashi: b, Mas:ud as-Sulami who said: I /ame to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to o00er him m" 1led.e o0 mi.ration, He said: The 1eriod o0 mi.ration has e51ired (and those who wereto .et the reward 0or this .reat a/t o0 de-otion ha-e .ot it), Kou ma" now .i-e "our 1led.e to ser-e the /ause o0 Islam2 to stri-e in the wa" o0 Allah and to 0ollow the 1ath o0 -irtue,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+;+:

It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Mujashi: b, Mas:ud who said: I m" brother Abu Ma:bad to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) a0ter the /onquest o0 Me//a and said: o0 Allah2 allow him to swear his 1led.e o0 mi.ration at "our hand, He said: The 1eriod o0 mi.ration is o-er with those who had to do it (and now nobod" /an .et this meritorious distin/tions) I said: =or what a/tions will "ou allow him to bind himsel0 in oathD He said: (He /an do so) 0or ser-in. the /ause o0 Islam2 0or 0i.htin. in the wa" o0 Allah and 0or 0i.htin. in the /ause o0 -irtue, Abd

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

Uthman said: I met Abd Ma:bad and told him what I had heard 0rom Mujashi:, He said: He has told the truth,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+;):

Another -ersion o0 the tradition transmitted on the authorit" o0 Asim has the same wordin. but does not mention the name o0 Abu Ma:bad,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+;%:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said on the da" o0 the 'onquest o0 Me//a: There is no Hijra now2 but (onl") Fihad (0i.htin. 0or the /ause o0 Islam) and sin/erit" o0 1ur1ose (ha-e .reat reward) B when "ou are as6ed to set out (on an e51edition underta6en 0or the /ause o0 Islam) "ou should (readil") do so,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+;#:

The abo-e tradition has been handed down throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *+;;:

:A:isha re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed about mi.ration2 whereu1on he said: There is no mi.ration a0ter the 'onquest (o0 Me//a)2 but Fihad and sin/ere intention, ?hen "ou are as6ed to set out (0or the /ause o0 Islam)2 "ou should set out2

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id al->hudari that a 7edouin as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about Mi.ration, He re1lied: 9o "ou tal6 o0 HijraD The a00air o0 Hijra is -er" di00i/ult, 7ut ha-e "ou .ot /amelsD The bedouin said: Kes, He as6ed: 9o "ou 1a" the 1oor-rate 1a"able on their a//ountD He re1lied: Kes, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Ho on doin. .ood deeds (a/ross the seas)2 0or surel" Hod will not lea-e an" o0 "our deeds unrewarded,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *) $:
This tradition has been handed down throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitter with the addition o0 the 0ollowin. words at the end:C 9o "ou mil6 them on the da" the" arri-e at the waterD He re1lied: Kes,C

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

'ha1ter 2$: How the women swore 0ealt" (to the hol" 1ro1het)
7oo6 2 2 !umber *) 2:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :A:isha2 the wi0e o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), She said: ?hen the belie-in. women mi.rated (to Medina) and /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 the" would be tested in a//ordan/e with the 0ollowin. words o0 Allah, the" and (5alted:C 3 @ro1het2 when belie-in. women /ome to thee to ta6e the oath o0 0ealt" to thee that the" will not asso/iate in worshi1 an"thin. with Hod2 that the" will not steal, that2 the" will not /ommit adulter",,,C to the end o0 the -erse (l5, )2), ?hoso 0rom the belie-in. women a//e1ted these /onditions and a.reed to abide b" them were /onsidered to ha-e o00ered themsel-es 0or swearin. 0ealt", ?hen the" had (0ormall") de/lared their resol-e to do so2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) would sa" to them: Kou ma" .o, I ha-e /on0irmed "our 0ealt", 7" Hod2 the hand o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ne-er tou/hed the hand o0 a woman, He would ta6e the oath o0 0ealt" 0rom them b" oral de/laration, 7" Hod2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ne-er too6 an" -ow 0rom women e5/e1t that whi/h Hod had ordered him to ta6e2 and his 1alm ne-er tou/hed the 1alm o0 a woman, ?hen he had ta6en their -ow2 he would tell them that he had ta6en the oath 0rom them orall",

7oo6 2 2 !umber *) 4:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Urwa that :A:isha des/ribed to him the wa" the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 the oath o0 0ealt" 0rom women, She said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ne-er tou/hed a woman with his hand, He would onl" ta6e a -ow 0rom her and when he had ta6en the (-erbal) -ow2 he would sa": Kou ma" .o, I ha-e a//e1ted "our 0ealt",

'ha1ter 22: Swearin. 0ealt" 0or listenin. to and obe"in. the orders o0 the leader as 0ar as 1ossible
7oo6 2 2 !umber *) *:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah b, :Umar who said: ?e used to ta6e oath to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that we would listen to and obe" his orders, He would tell us (to sa" in the oath): As 0ar as it lies in m" 1ower,

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

'ha1ter 24: The a.e o0 majorit"

7oo6 2 2 !umber *) +:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar who said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ins1e/ted me on the battle0ield on the 9a" o0 Uhud2 and I was 0ourteen "ears old, He did not allow me (to ta6e 1art in the, He ins1e/ted me on the 9a" o0 >handaq-and I was 0i0teen "earsold2 and he 1ermitted me (to !a0i: said: I /ame to :Umar b, :Abd al-:A8i8 who was then 'ali1h2 and narrated this tradition to him, He said: Surel"2 this is the demar/ation between a minor and a major, So he wrote to his .o-ernors that the" should 1a" subsisten/e allowan/e to one who was 0i0teen "ears old2 but should treat those o0 lesser a.e amon. /hildren,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *) ):
This tradition has been handed down throu.h a di00erent /hain 30 transmitters with the 0ollowin. /han.e in the wordin.:C I was 0ourteen "ears old and he me too "oun. (to 1arti/i1ate in the,C

'ha1ter 2*: It is 0orbidden to ta6e the Eur:an to the land o0 the in0idels when it is 0eared that it 0all into their hands
7oo6 2 2 !umber *) %:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar who said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade that one should tra-el to the land o0 the enem" ta6in. the Eur:an with him,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *) #:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah b, Umar that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to 0orbid that one should tra-el to the land o0 the enem" ta6in. the Eur:an (with him) lest it should 0all into the hands o0 the enem",

7oo6 2 2 !umber *) ;:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o not ta6e the Eur:an on a journe" with "ou2 0or I am a0raid lost it should 0all into

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

the hands o0 the enem", A""ub (one o0 the narrators in the /hain o0 transmitters) said: The enem" ma" sei8e it and ma" quarrel with "ou o-er it,

'ha1ter 2+: Aa/e between horses and their trainin. 0or the /om1etition
7oo6 2 2 !umber *)$ :
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had a ra/e o0 the horses whi/h had been es1e/iall" 1re1ared 0or the 1ur1ose 0rom Ha0"a: to Thani""at al-?ada: (the latter bein. the winnin. 1ost)2 and o0 those whi/h had not been trained 0rom Thani""a to the mosque o0 7anu Guraiq2 and Ibn Umar was amon. those who too6 1art in this ra/e,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)$$:

This tradition has been handed down throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters with the addition o0 the 0ollowin. words 0rom Abdullah b, :Umar:C I /ame 0irst in the ra/e and m" horse jum1ed into the mosque with me,C

'ha1ter 2): Hreat bene0it in the 0orelo/6s o0 the horses

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)$2:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There will be .reat bene0it in the 0orelo/6 o0 the horses until the 9a" o0 jud.ment,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)$4:

The same tradition has been handed down throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)$*:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Farir b, Abdullah who said: I saw that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was twistin. the 0orelo/6 o0 a horse with his 0in.ers and he was sa"in.: (A .reat) bene0it, i, e, reward (0or rearin. them 0or Fihad) and s1oils o0 war2 has been tied to the 0orelo/6s o0 horses until the 9a" o0 Fud.ment,

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)$+:

The abo-e tradition has also been narrated on the authorit" o0 Kunus throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)$):

The same tradition has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Urwat al-7ariqi who said that the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Hreat .ood is atta/hed to the 0orelo/6 o0 the horses until the 9a" o0 Fud.ment,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)$%:

:Urwat al-7ariqi re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said this: Hood is tied to the 0orelo/6 o0 the horses, It ?as said to him: o0 Allah2 wh" is it soD He (the Hol" @ro1het said): =or reward and boot" until the 9a" o0 Fud.ment,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)$#:

This hadith has been narrated with the same /hain o0 transmitters with the di00eren/e that here instead o0C Urwat al-7ariqiC there isC Urwa b, ja:d,C

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)$;:

A -ersion o0 the tradition narrated on the authorit" o0 :Urwat al-7ariqi does not mention (the words):C reward and boot"C,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)2 :

A -ersion o0 the tradition transmitted on the authorit" o0 :Urwa b, al-ja:d does not mentionC reward and boot"C,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)2$:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There is a blessin. in the 0orelo/6s o0 the war horses,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)22:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

'ha1ter 2%: The horses o0 undesirable qualit"

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)24:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abn Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to disli6e the Shi6al horse,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)2*:

This tradition has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Su0"an with the addition 0rom Abd ar-Aa88aq (one o0 the narrators) e51lainin. the meanin. o0 shi6al as a bone whose ba/6 0oot and le0t 0ront 0oot or le0t ba/6 0oot and 0ront 0oot are white,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)2+:

The tradition has been handed down throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 2#: The merit o0 Fihad and /am1ai.nin. in the wa" o0 Allah
7oo6 2 2 !umber *)2):
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e u1on him) said: Allah has underta6en to loo6 a0ter the a00airs o0 one who .oes out to in His wa" belie-in. in Him and a00irmin. the truth o0 His A1ostles, He is /ommitted to His /are that Ae will either admit him to @aradise or brin. him ba/6 to his home 0rom where he set out with a reward or (his share o0) boot", 7" the 7ein. in ?hose Hand is the li0e o0 Muhammad, I0 a 1erson .ets wounded in the wa" o0 Allah2 he will /ome on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment with his wound in the same /ondition as it was when it was 0irst in0li/tedB its /olour bein. the /olour o0 blood but its smell will be the smell o0 mus6, 7"2 the 7ein. in ?hose Hand is Muhammad:s li0e2 i0 it were not to be too hard u1on the Muslime, I would not la. behind an" e51edition whi/h is .oin. to in the /ause o0 Allah, 7ut I do not ha-e abundant means to 1ro-ide them (the Mujahids) with ridin. beasts2 nor ha-e the" (i, e, all o0 them) abundant means (to 1ro-ide themsel-es with all the means o0 Fihad) so that the" /ould he le0t behind, 7" the 7ein. in ?hose Hand is la/2 I lo-e to in the wa" o0 Allah and be 6illed2 to and a.ain be 6illed and to a.ain and be 6illed,

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)2%:

The same tradition has been melted throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)2#:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira who said: Allah has underta6en to 1ro-ide 0or one who lea-es his home (onl") to 0or His /ause and to a00irm the truth o0 His wordB Allah will either admit him to @aradise or will brin. him ba/6 home 0rom where he had /ome out2 with his reward and boot",

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)2;:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3ne who is wounded in the wa" o0 Allah-and Allah 6nows better who is wounded in His wa"-will a11ear on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment with his wound bleediin., The /olour (o0 its dis/har.e) will be the /olour o0 blood2 (but) its smell will be the smell o0 mus6,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)4 :

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Haraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (-er" wound re/ei-ed b" a Muslim in the wa" o0 Allah will a11ear on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment in the same /ondition as it was when it was in0li/ted2 and would be bleedin. 1ro0usel", The /olour (o0 its dis/har.e) will be the /olour o0 blood2 but its smell will be the smell o0 mus6, 7" the 7ein. in ?hose Hand is Muhammad:s li0e2 i0 it were not hard u1on the Muslims2 I would not la. behind an" e51edition underta6en 0or Fihad2 but I do not 1ossess abundant means to 1ro-ide the Mujahids with ridin. animals2 nor do the" (i, e, all o0 them) ha-e abundant means (to 1ro-ide themsel-es with all the means o0 Fihad) to 0ollow me2 nor would it 1lease their hearts to sta" behind me,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)4$:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira who said: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": I would not sta" behind (when) an e51edition (0or Fihad was bein. mobilised) i0 it were .oin. to be too hard u1on the belie-ers,,,, This is 0ollowed b" the same words as ha-e a11eared in the 1re-ious tradition2 but this tradition has the same endin. as the 1re-ious hadith with a di00eren/e in the wordin.:C 7" the 7ein. in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 I lo-e that I should be 6illed in the wa" o0 AllahB then I should be ba/6 to li0e and be 6illed a.ain in His wa",,,,C

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)42:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 it were not hard u1on m" Umma (to 0ollow m" e5am1le)2 I would not la. behind an" e51edition-as in the traditions .one be0ore,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)44:

Another -ersion o0 the tradition narrated throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira has the same wordin. as the 1re-ious tradition:C Allah ta6es /are o0 one who .oes out in the wa" o0 AllahC but ends in the words:C I would not la. behind an" e51edition whi/h is underta6en to in the wa" o0 Allah2 the (5alted,C

'ha1ter 2;: The merit o0 mart"rdom

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)4*:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said:C !obod" who dies and has somethin. .ood 0or him with Allah will (e-er li6e to) return to this world e-en thou.h he were o00ered the whole world and all that is in its (as an indu/ement)2 e5/e1t the mart"r who desires to return and be 6illed in the world 0or the (.reat) merit o0 mart"rdom that he has seen,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)4+:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 (throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters) that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !obod" who enters @aradise will (e-er li6e to) return to this world e-en i0 he were o00ered e-er"thin. on the sur0a/e o0 the earth (as an indu/ement) e5/e1t the mart"r who will desire to return to this world and be 6illed ten times 0or the sa6e o0 the .reat honour that has been bestowed u1on him,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)4):

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira who said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed: ?hat deed /ould be an equi-alent o0 Fihad in the wa" o0 Allah2 the" and (5altedD He answered: Kou do not ha-e the to do that deed, The narrator said: The" re1eated the question twi/e or thri/e, (-er" time he answered: Kou do not ha-e the to do it, ?hen the question was as6ed 0or the third time2 he said: 3ne who .oes out 0or Fibad is li6e a 1erson who 6ee1s 0asts2 stands in 1ra"er (/onstantl")2 (obe"in.) Allah:s (behests /ontained in) the

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

-erses (o0 the Eur:an)2 and does not e5hibit an" lassitude in 0astin. and 1ra"er until the Mujihid returns 0rom Fihad in the wa" o0 Allah2 the (5alted,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)4%:

This tradition has been handed down throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)4#:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 !u:man b, 7ashir who said: As I was (sittin.) near the 1ul1it o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 a man said: I do not /are i02 a0ter embra/in. Islam2 I do not do an" .ood deed (e5/e1t) distributin. drin6in. water amon. the 1il.rims, Another said: I do not /are i02 a0ter embra/in. Islam2 I do not do an" .ood deed be"ond maintenan/e ser-i/e to the Sa/red Mosque, Another said: Fihad in the wa" o0 Allah is better than what "ou ha-e said, :Umar re1rimanded them and said: 9on:t raise "our -oi/es near the 1ul1it o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on =rida", ?hen 1ra"er was o-er2 I entered (the a1artment o0 the Hol" @ro1het) and as6ed his -erdi/t about the matter in whi/h the" had di00ered, (It was u1on this that) Allah2 the" and (5alted2 re-ealed the Eur:ani/ -erse:C 9o "ou ma6e the .i-in. o0 drin6in. water to the 1il.rims and the maintenan/e o0 the Sa/red Mosque equal to (the ser-i/e o0 those) who belie-e in Allah and the Last 9a" and stri-e hard in the /ause o0 Allah, The" are not equal in the o0 Hod, And Allah .uides not the wron.doin. 1eo1leC (i5, 2 ), This tradition has been narrated on the authorit" o0 !u:man b, 7ashir throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 4 : Merit o0 lea-in. 0or Fihad in the mornin. and e-enin.

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)4;:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Lea-in. (0or Fihad) in the wa" o0 Allah in the mornin. or in the e-enin. (will merit a reward) better than the world and all that is in it,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)* :

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sahl b, Sa:d as-Sa:idi that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The journe" underta6en b" a 1erson in the mornin. (0or Fihad) in the wa" o0 Allah (will merit a reward) better than the world and all that is in it,

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)*$:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sahl b, Sa:d as-Sa:idi that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A journe" underta6en in the mornin. or e-enin. (0ond Fihad) in the wa" o0 Allah (will merit a reward) better than the world and all that is in it,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)*2:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 some 1ersons o0 m" Umma (were not to underta6e the hardshi1s o0 Fihad)2 and he (Abu Huraira) then narrated the rest o0 the hadith and then said: A journe" underta6en 0or jihad in the e-enin. or mornin. merits a reward better than the world and all that is in it,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)*4:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu A""ub that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A journe" underta6en in the mornin. or e-enin. (0or Fihad) in the wa" o0 Allah is better than (an"thin.) on whi/h the sun rises or sets,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)**:

This tradition has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu A""ub throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters ha-in. the same wordin.,

'ha1ter 4$: The hi.h 1osition reser-ed b" .od 0or Mujahids in 1aradise
7oo6 2 2 !umber *)*+:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id >hudri that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said (to him): Abu Sa:id2 whoe-er /heer0ull" a//e1ts Allah as his Lord2 Islam as his reli.ion and Mubammad as his A1ostle is ne/essaril" entitled to enter @aradise, He (Abu Sa:id) wondered at it and said: o0 Allah2 re1eat it 0or me, He (the o0 Allah) did that and said: There is another a/t whi/h ele-ates the 1osition o0 a man in @aradise to a .rade one hundred (hi.her)2 and the ele-ation between one .rade and the other is equal to the o0 the hea-en 0rom the earth, He (Abu Sa:id) said: ?hat is that a/tD He re1lied: Fihad in the wa" o0 AllahL Fihad in the wa" o0 AllahL

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

'ha1ter 42: 3ne who is 6illed in the wa" o0 Allah will ha-e all his sins blotted out e5/e1t debt
7oo6 2 2 !umber *)*):
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Eatada that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 amon. them (his 'om1anions) to deli-er his sermon in whi/h he told them that Fihad in the wa" o0 Allah and belie0 in Allah (with all His Attributes) are the most meritorious o0 a/ts, A man stood u1 and said: o0 Allah2 do "ou thin6 that i0 I am 6illed in the wa" o0 Allah2 m" sins will be blotted out 0rom meD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kes2 in /ase "ou are 6illed in the wa" o0 Allah and "ou were 1atient and sin/ere and "ou alwa"s 0a/in. the enem"2 ne-er turmin. "our ba/6 u1on him, Then he added: ?hat ha-e "ou said (now)D (?ishin. to ha-e 0urther assuran/e 0rom him 0or his satis0a/tion)2 he as6ed (a.ain): 9o "ou thin6 i0 I am 6illed in the wa" o0 Allah2 all m" sins will be obliterated 0rom meD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kes2 it "ou were 1atient and sin/ere and alwa"s 0a/in. the enem" and ne-er turnin. "our ba/6 u1on him2 (all "our la1ses would be 0or.i-en) e5/e1t debt, Habriel has told me this,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)*%:

The tradition has been narrated throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters on the authorit" o0 Abu Eatada who said: A man /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) while he was on the 1ul1it and said: 9o "ou thin6 i0 I am 6illed in the wa" o0 Allah,,, (e5/e1t this di00eren/e in its be.innin.2 the rest o0 the tradition is the same as the 1re-ious one),

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)*#:

Another -ersion o0 the tradition di00erentl" transmitted be.ins with the words:C A man /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he was sittin. on the 1ul1it,,,, He said: ?hat do "ou 0ind i0 I stri6e with the swordDC (The rest o0 the tradition is the same as the 1re-ious one,)

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)*;:

It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 :Amr b, al-:As that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: All the sins o0 a Shahid (mart"r) are 0or.i-en e5/e1t debt,

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)+ :

It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Amr b, al-:As throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9eath in the wa" o0 Allah blots out e-er"thin. e5/e1t debt,

'ha1ter 44: The souls o0 the mart"rs are in 1aradiseB the" are ali-e and 0ind their sustenan/e 0rom their lord
7oo6 2 2 !umber *)+$:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Masruq ?ho said: ?e as6ed :Abdullah about the Eur:ani/ -erse:C Thin6 not o0 those who are slain in Allah:s wa" as dead, !a"2 the" are ali-e2 0indin. their sustenan/e in the 1resen/e o0 their Lord,,C (iii, $);), He said: ?e as6ed the meanin. o0 the -erse (0rom the Hol" @ro1het) who said: The souls2 o0 the mart"rs li-e in the bodies o0 .reen birds who ha-e their nests in /handeliers hun. 0rom the throne o0 the", The" eat the 0ruits o0 @aradise 0rom where-er the" li6e and then nestle in these /handeliers, 3n/e their Lord /ast a .lan/e at them and said: 9o "e want an"thin.D The" said: ?hat more shall we desireD ?e eat the 0ruit o0 @aradise 0rom where-er we li6e, Their Lord as6ed them the same question thri/e, ?hen the" saw that the" will /ontinue to be as6ed and not le0t (without answerin. the question), the" said: 3 Lord2 we wish that Thou ma"est return our souls to our bodies so that we ma" be slain in Th" wa" on/e a.ain, ?hen He (Allah) saw that the" had no need2 the" were le0t (to their jo" in hea-en),

'ha1ter 4*: Merit o0 Fihad and o0 6ee1in. -i.ilan/e (o-er the enem")
7oo6 2 2 !umber *)+2:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id >hudri that a man /ame to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) and said: ?ho is the best o0 menD He re1lied: A man who 0i.hts in the wa" o0 Allah s1endin. his wealth and sta6in. his li0e, The man then as6ed: ?ho is ne5t to him (in e5/ellen/e)D He said: !e5t to him is a belie-er who li-es in a mountain .or.e worshi11in. hid Lord and s1arin. men 0rom his mis/hie0,

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)+4:

It has been narrated (throu.h a di0erent /hain o0 transmetters) on the same authorit" (i, e, Abu Sa:id >hadri) who said: A man as6ed: o0 Allah2 whi/h o0 men is the bestD He said: A belie-er who 0i.hts sta6in. his li0e and s1endin. his wealth in the wa" o0 Allah, He as6ed: ?ho is ne5t to him (in e5/ellen/e)D He said: !e5t to him is a man who li-es an isolated li0e in a mountain .or.e2 worshi11in. his Lord and s1arin. men 0rom his mis/hie0,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)+*:

A -ersion o0 the tradition narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Shihab has a little di00erentl" worded endin., i, e,C A man in a mountain -alle",C but did not mentionC ne5t to him a man who,,,,C

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)++:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 30 the men he li-es the best li0e who holds the reins o0 his horse (e-er read" to mar/h) in the wa" o0 Allah2 0lies on its ba/6 whene-er he hears a 0ear0ul shrie62 or a /all 0or hel12 0lies to it see6in. death at 1la/es where it /an be e51e/ted, (!e5t to him) is a man who li-es with his shee1 at a hill-to1 or in a -alle"2 sa"s his 1ra"ers re.ularl"2 .i-es Ga6at and worshi1s his Lord until death /omes to him, There is no better 1erson amon. men e5/e1t these two,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)+):

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)+%:

Two more -ersions o0 the tradition narrated b" :Abdullah b, 7adr and Abu Huraira2 res1e/ti-el"2 ha-e been handed down throu.h di00erent /hains o0 transmitters with di00eren/e in the wordin.,

'ha1ter 4+: The two men2 both o0 whom will enter 1aradise thou.h one o0 them sla"s the other
7oo6 2 2 !umber *)+#:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Hod lau.hs at the two men both o0 whom will enter @aradise (thou.h) one o0 them
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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

6ills the other, The" said: o0 Allah2 how is itD He said: 3ne o0 them 0i.hts in the wa" o0 Allah2 the" and (5alted, and dies a mart"r, Then Hod turns in mer/" to the murderer who embra/es Islam2 0i.hts in the wa" o0 Allah2 the" and (5alted2 and dies a mart"r,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)+;:

The same tradition has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Ginad (with the same /hain o0 transmitters),

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)) :

It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Hod lau.hs at the two men one o0 whom 6ills the otherB both o0 them will enter @aradise, The" (the 'om1anions) said: How2 o0 AllahD He said: 3ne is slain (in the wa" o0 Allah) and enters @aradise, Then Hod 0or.i-es the other and .uides him to IslamB then he 0i.hts in the wa" o0 Allah and dies a mart"r,

'ha1ter 4): About a man who 6illed a disbelie-er and embra/ed islam
7oo6 2 2 !umber *))$:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A disbelie-er and a belie-er who 6illed him will ne-er be .athered to.ether in Hell,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *))2:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !o two su/h 1ersons shall be to.ether in Hell as i0 one o0 them is su/h that his 1resen/e hurts the other, It was as6ed: o0 Allah2 who are the"D He said: A belie-er who 6illed a disbelie-er and (then) 6e1t to the 1ath,C

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

'ha1ter 4%: The e5/ellen/e o0 /harit" in the wa" o0 Allah and its mani0old reward
7oo6 2 2 !umber *))4:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Mas:ud al-Ansari who said A man a mu88led she-/amel and said: It is (o00ered) in the wa" o0 Allah, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: =or this "ou will ha-e se-en hundred she-/amels on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment all o0 whi/h will be mu88led,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *))*:

A similar tradition has been narrated on the authorit" o0 al-A:mash,

'ha1ter 4#: The merit o0 hel1in. the warrior (0i.htin. in the wa" o0 Allah) with somethin. to ride u1ow and loo6in. a0ter his 0amil" in his absen/e
7oo6 2 2 !umber *))+:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Mas:ud al-Ansari who said: A man /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: M" ridin. beast has been 6illed2 so .i-e me some animal to ride u1on, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I ha-e none with me, A man said: o0 Allah2 I /an .uide him to one who will 1ro-ide him with a ridin. beast, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3ne who .uides to somethin. .ood has a reward similar to that o0 its doer,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *))):

The abo-e tradition has been handed down throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *))%:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that a "oun. man 0rom Aslam tribe said: o0 Allah2 I wish to (in the wa" o0 Allah) but I don:t ha-e an"thin. to equi1 m"sel0 with 0or 0i.htin., He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Ho to so and so2 0or he had equi11ed himsel0 (0or 0i.htin.) but he 0ell ill, So2 he (the "oun. man) went to him and said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sends "ou his .reetin.s and sa"s that "ou should .i-e me the equi1a.e that "ou ha-e
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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

1ro-ided "oursel0 with, The man said (to his wi0e or maidser-ant): So and so2 .i-e him the equi1a.e I ha-e /olle/ted 0or m"sel0 and do not withhold an"thin. 0rom him, 9o not withhold an"thin. 0rom him so that "ou ma" be blessed therein,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *))#:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Gaid b, >balid al-Fuhani that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: An"bod" who equi1s a warrior (.oin. to in the wa" o0 Allah (is li6e one who a/tuall") 0i.hts, And an"bod" who loo6s well a0ter his 0amil" in his absen/e (is also li6e one who a/tuall") 0i.hts,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *));:

The abo-e tradition has been narrated on the authorit" o0 >halid al- Fuhani who said: The @ro1het o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who equi1s a warrior in the wa" o0 Allah (is li6e one who d/tuall" 0i.hts) aud he who loo6s a0ter the 0amil" o0 a warrior in the wa" o0 Allah in 0a/t 1arti/i1ated in the battle,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)% :

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id >hudri that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent a 0or/e to 7anu Lih"an (who are 0rom 7anu Hudhail2 and said: 3ne man 0rom e-er" two and the reward (will be di-ided) between the two,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)%$:

The abo-e tradition has also been narrated throu.h two di00erent /hains o0 transmitters on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id >hudri and Kah"a2 res1e/ti-el",

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)%2:

It has been narrated (throu.h a still di00erent /hain o0 transmitters) on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id >hudrl that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) des1at/hed a 0or/e to 7anu Lih"an, (and said: ) 3ne man 0rom e-er" two should join the 0or/e, Then he said to those who sta"ed behind: Those o0 "ou who will loo6 well a0ter the 0amil" and wealth o0 those who are .oin. on the e51edition will be .ettin. hal0 the reward o0 the warriors,

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

'ha1ter 4;: The wi-es o0 Mujahids2 a sa/red trust2 and sin0ulness o0 those who betra" this trust
7oo6 2 2 !umber *)%4:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sulaimin b, 7uraida who learnt the tradition 0rom his 0ather, The latter said that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The san/tit" o0 the wi-es o0 Mujahids is li6e the san/tit" o0 their mothers 0or those who sit at home (i, e do not .o out 0or Fihad), An"one who sta"s behind loo6in. a0ter the 0amil" o0 a Mujahid and betra"s his trust will be made to stand on the 9a" o0 jud.ment be0ore the Mujahid who will ta6e awa" 0rom his meritorious deeds whate-er he li6es, So what do "ou thin6 (will he lea-e an"thin.)D

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)%*:

This tradition has been narrated b" the same authorit" throu.h di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)%+:

A -ersion o0 the tradition narrated on the authorit" o0 :Alqama b, Murthad has a di00erentl" worded end: It will be said to the Mujahid: Ta6e 0rom his noble deeds whate-er "ou li6e, Then the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) turned to us and as6ed: ?hat do "ou thin6 (will he lea-e an"thin.)D - (i, e, he will ta6e awa" e-er"thin.),

'ha1ter * : Fihad not /om1ulsor" 0or those who ha-e a .enuine e5/use
7oo6 2 2 !umber *)%):
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Ishaq2 that he heard 7ara: tal6in. about the Eur:ani/ -erse:C Those who sit (at home) 0rom amon. the belie-ers and those who .o out 0or Fihad in the wa" o0 Allah are not aqualC (i-, ;+), (He said that) the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ordered Gaid (to write the -erse), He a shoulder-blade (o0 a slau.htered /amel) and ins/ribed it (the -erse) thereon, The son o0 Umm Ma6tum /om1lained o0 his blindness to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), (At this) des/ended the re-elation:C Those o0 the belie-ers who sit (at home) without an" trouble (illness2 in/a1a/it"2 disabilit")C (i-, ;+), The tradition has been handed down throu.h two other /hains o0 transmitters,

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)%%:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 7ara: who said: ?hen the Eur:ani/ -erse:C Those who sit (at home) 0rom amon. mu:minC (i-, ;*) was re-ealed2 the son o0 Umm Ma6tum s1o6e to him (the Hol" @ro1het), (At this), the words:C other than those who ha-e a trouble (illness)C were re-ealed,

'ha1ter *$: In 1roo0 o0 the mart"r:s attainin. 1aradise

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)%#:
It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Fabir that a man said: o0 Allah2 where shall I be i0 I am 6illedD He re1lied: In @aradise, The man threw awa" the dates he had in his hand and until he was 6illed (i, e, he did not wait until he /ould 0inish the dates), In the -ersion o0 the tradition narrated b" Suwaid we ha-e the words:C A man said to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), on the da" o0 Uhud,,,,,,C

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)%;:

It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 7araL : who stated: A man 0rom 7anu !abit (one o0 the Ansar tribes) /ame to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: I testi0" that there is no .od e5/e1t Allah and that thou art His bondman and, Then he went 0orward and until he was 6illed, The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He has done a little but shall be .i-en a .reat reward,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)# :

It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 who said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent 7usaisah as a s/out to see what the /ara-an o0 Abu Su0"an was doin., He /ame (ba/6 and met the Hol" @ro1het in his house) where there was nobod" e5/e1t m"sel0 and the o0 Allah, I do not remember whether he (Hadrat Anas) made an e5/e1tion o0 some wi-es o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) or not and told him the news o0 the /ara-an, (Ha-in. heard the news)2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame out (hurriedl")2 s1o6e to the 1eo1le and said: ?e are in need (o0 men) B whoe-er has an animal to ride u1on read" with him should ride with us, @eo1le to as6 him 1ermission 0or their ridin. animals whi/h were .ra8in. on the hillo/6s near Medina, He said: !o, (I want) onl" those who ha-e their ridin. animals read", So the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his 'om1anions 1ro/eeded towards 7adr and rea/hed there 0orestallin. the 1ol"theists (o0 Me//a), ?hen the 1ol"theists (also) rea/hed there2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !one o0 "ou should ste1 0orward to (do) an"thin. unless I am ahead o0 him, The 1ol"theists (now) ad-an/ed (towards us)2 and

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said, Het u1 to enter @aradise whi/h is equal in width to the hea-ens and the earth, :Umair b, al- Humam al-Ansari said: o0 Allah2 is @aradise equal in e5tent to the hea-ens and the earthD He said: Kes, :Umair said: M" .oodnessL The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed him: ?hat 1rom1ted "ou to utter these words (i, e, m" .oodnessL :)D He said: o0 Allah2 nothin. but the desire that I be amon. its residents, He said: Thou art (surel") amona its residents, He too6 out dates 0rom his ba. and to eat them, Then he said: I0 I were to li-e until I ha-e eaten all these dates o0 mine2 it would be a lon. li0e, (The narrator said): He threw awa" all the dates he had with him, Then he the enemies until he was 6illed,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)#$:

The tradition has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, Eais, He heard it 0rom his 0ather who2 while 0a/in. the enem"2 re1orted that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Surel"2 the .ates o0 @aradise are under the shadows o0 the swords, A man in a shabb" /ondition .ot u1 and saidB Abu Musa2 did "ou hear the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa" thisD He said: Kes, (The narrator said): He returned to his 0riends and said: I .reet "ou (a 0arewell .reetin.), Then he bro6e the sheath o0 his sword2 threw it awa"2 ad-an/ed with his (na6ed) sword towards the enem" and (them) with it until he was slain,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)#2:

It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that some 1eo1le /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said to him: Send with us some men who ma" tea/h us the Eur:an and the Sunnah, A//ordin.j"2 he sent se-ent" men 0rom the Ansar, The" were /alled the Ae/iters and amon. them was m" maternal un/le, Haram, The" used to re/ite the Eur:an2 dis/uss and 1onder o-er its meanin. at, In the da" the" water and 1oured it (in 1it/hers) in the mosque2 /olle/ted wood and sold it2 and with the sale 1ro/eeds 0ood 0or the 1eo1le o0 the Su00a and the need", The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent the Ae/iters with these 1eo1le2 but these (trea/herous 1eo1le) 0ell u1on them and 6illed thern be0ore the" rea/hed their destination (?hile d"in.)2 the" said: 3 Allah2 /on-e" 0rom us the news to our @ro1het that we ha-e met Thee (in a wa") that we are 1leased with Thee and Thou art 1leased with us, (The narrator said): A man atta/6ed Haram (maternal un/le o0 Anas) ) 0rom behind and smote him with a s1ear whi/h 1ier/ed him, (?hile d"in.)2 Haram said: 7" the Lord o0 the >a:ba2 I ha-e met with su//ess, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to his 'om1anions: Kour brethren ha-e been slain .rid the" were sa"in.: 3 Allah2 /on-e" 0rom us to our @ro1het the news that we ha-e met Thee in a wa" that we are 1leased with Thee and Thou art 1leased with us,

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)#4:

It has been 9e1orted on the authorit" o0 Anas who said: M" un/le and I ha-e been named a0ter him was not 1resent with the o0 Allah (ma- 1ea/e be u1on him) on the 9a" o0 7adr, He 0elt distressed about it, He would sa": I ha-e missed the 0irst battle b" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and i0 Hod now .i-es me an o11ortunit" to see a battle0ield with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 Hod will see what I do therein, He was a0raid to sa" more than this (lest he be unable to 6ee1 his word with Hod), He was 1resent with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the 9a" o0 Uhud, He met Sa:d b, Mu:adh (who was retreatin.), Anas said to him: 3 Abu :Amr2 where (are "ou .oin.)D ?oe (to thee)L I 0ind the smell o0 @aradise beside the Uhud mountain, (Ae1rimandin. Sa:d in these words) he went 0orward and thein (the enem") until he was 6illed, (The narrator sa"s), More than" wounds in0li/ted with swords2 s1ears and arrows were 0ound on his bod", His sister2 m" aunt2 ar-Auba""i:2 dau.hter o0 !adr2 said: I /ould not re/o.nise m" brother:s bod" (it was so badl" mutilated) e5/e1t 0rom his, (It was on this o//asion that) the Eur:ani/ -erse:C Amon. the 7elie-ers are men who ha-e been true to their /o-enant with Hod, 30 them some ha-e /om1leted their -ow (to the e5treme)2 and some still wait: but the" ha-e ne-er /han.ed (their determination) in the leastC (555iii, 24), The narrator said that the -erse had been re-ealed about him (Anas b, !adr) and his 'om1anions,

'ha1ter *2: 3ne who 0i.hts that the word o0 allah is e5alted 0i.hts in the wa" o0 allah
7oo6 2 2 !umber *)#*:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Musa Ash:ari that a desert Arab /ame to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 one man 0i.hts 0.r the s1oils o0 warB another 0i.hts that he ma" be remembered2 and another 0i.hts that he ma" see his (hi.h) 1osition (a/hie-ed as a result o0 his -alour in 0i.htin.), ?hi/h o0 these is 0i.htin. in the /ause o0 HodD The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ho 0i.hts so that the word o0 Allah is e5alted is 0i.htin. in the wa" o0 Allah,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)#+:

It has been narrated (throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters) on the authorit" o0 Abu Musa who said, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed whi/h o0 the men 0i.hts in the wa" o0 Allah: (one who 0i.hts) 0or dis1la"in. his -alourB (a man who) 0i.hts out o0 his 0amil" 1ride and (a man who) 0i.hts 0or the sa6e o0 show2 who these 0i.hts in the wa" o0 AllahD The

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ho 0i.hts that the word o0 Allah be e5alted 0i.hts in the wa" o0 Allah,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)#):

It has been narrated (throu.h "et another /hain o0 transmitters) on the same authorit"2 i, e, Abu Musa2 who said: ?e2 /ame to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: o0 Allah2 one o0 us hho 0i.hts to dis1la" his -alour,,, (0ollowed b" the same words as we ha-e in the 1re-ious tradition),

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)#%:

It has been narrated throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters on the same authorit"2 i, e, Abu Musa Ash:ari2 that a man as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about 0i.htin. in the wa" o0 Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 a man who 0i.hts out o0 ra.e or out o0 0amil" 1ride, He raised his head towards him-and he did so be/ause the man was standin. and said: ?ho 0i.hts that the word o0 Allah be e5alted 0i.hts in the wa" o0 Allah,

'ha1ter *4: ?ho 0or ostentation and -anit" deser-ed (1unishment in) hell
7oo6 2 2 !umber *)##:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sulaiman b, Kasar who said: @eo1le dis1ersed 0rom around Abu Huraira2 and !atil2 who was 0rom the S"rians, said to him: 3 Shai6h2 relate (to us) a tradition "ou ha-e heard 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He said: Kes, I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": The 0irst o0 men (whose /ase) will be de/ided on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment will be a man who died as a mart"r, He shall be (be0ore the Fud.ment Seat), Allah will ma6e him re/ount His blessin.s (i, e, the blessin.s whi/h He had bestowed u1on him) and he will re/ount them (and admit ha-in. enjo"ed them in his li0e), (Then) will Allah sa": ?hat did "ou do (to requite these blessin.s)D He will sa": I 0or Thee until I died as a mart"r, Allah will sa": Kou ha-e told a lie, Kou that "ou be /alled aC bra-e warriorC, And "ou were /alled so, (Then) orders will be 1assed a.ainst him and he will be dra..ed with his 0a/e downward and /ast into Hell, Then will be 0orward a man who a/quired 6nowled.e and im1arted it (to others) and re/ited the Eur:an, He will be And Allah will ma6e him re/ount His blessin.s and he will re/ount them (and admit ha-in. enjo"ed them in his li0etime), Then will Allah as6: ?hat did "ou do (to requite these blessin.s)D He will sa": I a/quired 6nowled.e and disseminated it and re/ited the Eur:an see6in. Th" 1leasure, Allah will sa": Kou ha-e told a lie, Kou a/quired 6nowled.e so that "ou be /alledC a s/holar2C and "ou re/ited the Eur:an so that it be
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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

said:C He is a EariC and su/h has been said, Then orders will be 1assed a.ainst him and he shall be dra..ed with his 0a/e downward and /ast into the =ire, Then will be a man whom Allah had made abundantl" ri/h and had .ranted e-er" 6ind o0 wealth, He will be and Allah will ma6e him re/ount His blessin.s and he will re/ount them and (admit ha-in. enjo"ed them in his li0etime), Allah will (then) as6: ?hat ha-e "ou done (to requite these blessin.s)D He will sa": I s1ent mone" in e-er" /ause in whi/h Thou wished that it should be s1ent, Allah will sa": Kou are l"in., Kou did (so) that it be said about (Kou):C He is a .enerous 0ellowC and so it was said, Then will Allah 1ass orders and he will be dra..ed with his 0a/e downward and thrown into Hell,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *)#;:

This tradition has been handed down throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter **: The reward o0 one who and .ot his share o0 the boot" and o0 one (who but did not .et an" boot"
7oo6 2 2 !umber *); :
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, :Amr that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A troo1 o0 soldiers who in tile wa" o0 Allah and .et their share o0 the boot" re/ei-e in ad-an/e two-thirds o0 their reward in the Herea0ter and onl" one-third will remain (to their /redit), I0 the" do not re/ei-e an" boot"2 the" will .et their 0ull reward,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *);$:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah b, Amr (throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters) that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A troo1 o0 soldiers2 lar.e or small2 who (in the wa" o0 Allah)2 .et their share o0 the boot" and return sa0e and sound2 re/ei-e in ad-an/e two-thirds o0 their reward (onl" one-third remainin. to their /redit to be re/ei-ed in the Herea0ter) B and a troo1 o0 soldiers2 lar.e or small2 who return em1t"-handed and are a00li/ted or wounded2 will re/ei-e their 0ull reward (in the Herea0ter),

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

'ha1ter *+: The -alue o0 an a/tion de1ends on the intention behind it

7oo6 2 2 !umber *);2:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Umar b, al->hattab that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (The -alue o0) an a/tion de1ends on the intention behind it, A man will be rewarded onl" 0or what he intended, The emi.ration o0 one who emi.rates 0or the sa6e o0 Allah and His (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is 0or the sa6e o0 Allah and His (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) B and the emi.ration o0 one who emi.rates 0or .ainin. a worldl" ad-anta.e or 0or marr"in. a woman is 0or what he has emi.rated,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *);4:

It has been narrated throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters on the authorit" o0 Su0"an who said that he heard :Umar b, al->hattab relate (this tradition) 0rom the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) while he was deli-erin. a sermon 0rom the 1ul1it,

'ha1ter *): 9esirabilit" o0 see6in. mart"rdom

7oo6 2 2 !umber *);*:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) said: ?ho see6s mart"rdom with sin/erit" shall .et its reward2 thou.h he ma" not a/hie-e it,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *);+:

It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Sahl b, Aba Umama b, Sahl b, Hunai0 who learned the tradition 0rom his 0ather who (in turn) learned it 0rom his .rand0ather-that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ho mart"rdom with sin/erit" will be ran6ed b" Allah amon. the mart"rs e-en i0 he died on his bed, In his -ersion o0 the tradition Abd Tahir did not mention the words:C with sin/erit"C,

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

'ha1ter *%: 9enun/iation o0 one who died but ne-er in the wa" o0 Allah nor did he e-er e51ress a desire or determination 0or Fihad
7oo6 2 2 !umber *);):
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3ne who died but did not in the wa" o0 Allah nor did he e51ress an" desire (or determination) 0or Fihid died the death o0 a h"1o/rite, :Abdullah b, Mubara6 said: ?e thin6 the hadith 1ertained to the time o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

'ha1ter *#: Aeward o0 those who /ould not join a Fihad e51edition on a//ount o0 illness or some other e5/use
7oo6 2 2 !umber *);%:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir who said: ?e were with the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on an e51edition, He said: There are some 1eo1le in Medina, The" are with "ou whene-er "ou /o-er a distan/e or /ross a -alle", The" ha-e been detained b" illness,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *);#:

In a -ersion o0 the tradition narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash2 we ha-e the words:C The" will share with "ou the reward (0or Fihid),C

'ha1ter *;: The merit o0 joinin. a na-al e51edition 0or Fihad

7oo6 2 2 !umber *);;:
It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to -isit Umm Haram dau.hter o0 Milhan (who was the sister o0 his 0oster-mother or
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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

his 0ather:s aunt), She was the wi0e o0 :Ubada b, Samit2 3ne da" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1aid her a -isit, She entertained him with 0ood and then sat down to rub his head, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) do8ed o00 and when he wo6e u1 (a0ter a while)2 he was lau.hin., She as6ed: ?hat made "ou lau.h, o0 AllahD He said: Some 1eo1le 0rom m" Umma were 1resented to me who were 0i.hters in the wa" o0 Allah and were sailin. in this sea, (Hlidin. smoothl" on the water)2 the" a11eared to be 6in.s or li6e 6in.s (sittin.) on thrones (the narrator has a doubt about the a/tual e51ression used b" the Hol" @ro1het), She said: o0 Allah2 1ra" to Allah that He ma" in/lude me amon. these warriors, He 1ra"ed 0or her, Then he 1la/ed his head (down) and do8ed o00 (a.ain), He wo6e u1 lau.hin.2 as be0ore, (She said) I said: o0 Allah2 what ma6es "ou lau.hD He re1lied: A 1eo1le 0rom m" Umma were 1resented to me, The" were 0i.hters in Allah:s wa", (He des/ribed them in the same words as he had des/ribed the 0irst warriors,) She said: o0 Allah2 1ra" to Hod that He ma" in/lude me amon. these warriors, He said: Kou are amon. the 0irst ones, Umm Haram dau.hter o0 Milhan sailed in the aea in the time o0 Mu:awi"a, ?hen she /ame out o0 the sea and (was .oin. to mount a ridin. animal) she 0ell down and died,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *%

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Umm Haram (and she was the aunt o0 Anas) who said: The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to us one da" and had a na1 in our house, ?hen he wo6e u12 he was lau.hin., I said: o0 Allah2 what made "ou lau.hD He said: I saw a 1eo1le 0rom m" 0ollowers sailin. on the sur0a/e o0 the sea (loo6in.) li6e 6in.s (sittin.) on their thrones, I said: @ra" to Allah that He ma" in/lude me amon. them, He said: Kou will hi1 amon. them, He had a (se/ond) nti12 wo6e u1 and was lau.hin., I as6ed him (the reason 0or his lau.hter), He .a-e the same re1l", I said: @ra" to Allah that He ma" in/lude me amon. them, He said: Kou are amon. the 0irst ones, Anas said: :Ubada b, Samit married her, He joined a na-al e51edition and too6 her alon. with him, ?hen she returned2 a mule was 0or her, ?hile mountin. it she 0ell down2 bro6e her ne/6 (and died),

7oo6 2 2 !umber *% $:
It has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Umm Haram dau.hter o0 Milhan (throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters), She said: 3ne da" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sle1t (at a 1la/e) near me, He wo6e u1 smilin., She said: o0 Allah, what made thee lau.hD He said: A 1eo1le 0rom m" 0ollowers were 1resented to me, The" were sailin. on the sur0a/e o0 this .reen sea,,, (here 0ollows the tradition that has .one be0ore),

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber *% 2:
It has been re1orted b" :Abdullah b, :Abd al-Aahman that he heard Anas b, Mali6 sa": The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1aid a -isit to Milhan:s dau.hter2 maternal aunt o0 Anas (and the sister o0 the Hol" @ro1het:s 0oster-mother), He 1la/ed his head near her (0rom this 1oint onward2 the narrator /arried on the 1re-ious tradition to its end),

'ha1ter + : The merit o0 6ee1in. wat/h in the wa" o0 Allah2 the" and e5alted
7oo6 2 2 !umber *% 4:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Salman who said: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": >ee1in. wat/h 0or a da" and a is better (in 1oint o0 reward) than 0astin. 0or a whole month and standin. in 1ra"er e-er", I0 a 1erson dies (while2 1er0ormin. this dut")2 his (meritorious) a/ti-it" will /ontinue and he will .o on re/ei-in. his reward 0or it 1er1etuall" and will be sa-ed 0rom the torture o0 the .ra-e,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *% *:
This tradition has been handed down on the authorit" o0 Salman al->hair throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter +$: About the mart"rs

7oo6 2 2 !umber *% +:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the2 o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hile a man wal6s alon. a 1ath2 0inds a thorn" twi. l"in. on the wa" and 1uts it aside2 Allah would a11re/iate it and 0or.i-e him The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The mart"rs are o0 0i-e 6inds: one who dies o0 1la.ueB one who dies o0 diarrhoea (or /holera) B one who is drownedB one who is buried under debris and one who dies 0i.htin. in the wa" o0 Allah,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *% ):
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira (throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters) that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hom do "ou /onsider to be a mart"r amon. "ouD The" (the 'om1anions) said: Messen.er2 o0 Allah2 one who is slain in the wa" o0 Allah is a mar-

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

t"r, He said: Then (i0 this is the de0inition o0 a mart"r) the mart"rs o0 m" Umma will be small in number, The" as6ed: o0 Allah2 who are the"D He said: 3ne who is slain in the wa" o0 Allah is a mart"rB one who dies in the wa" o0 Allah2 is a mart"rB one who dies o0 1la.ue is a mart"rB one who dies o0 /holera is a mart"r, Ibn Miqsam said: I testi0" the truth o0 "our 0ather:s statement (with re.ard to this tradition) that the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3ne who is drowned is a mart"r,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *% %:
A -ersion o0 the tradition narrated on the authorit" o0 Suhail /ontains the additional words:C And one who is drowned is a mart"r,C

7oo6 2 2 !umber *% #:
Another -ersion o0 the tradition narrated on the authorit" o0 Suhail thou/h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters /ontains the additional words:C A drowned 1erson is a mart"r,C

7oo6 2 2 !umber *% ;:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ha0sa dau.hter o0 Sirin who said: Anas b, Mali6 as6ed me the /ause o0 death o0 Kah"a b, :Abu :Amra, I said: (He died) o0 1la.ue, He said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said that death b" 1la.ue is mart"rdom 0or a Muslim,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *%$ :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Asim throu.h the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter +2: The merit o0 ar/her" and indu/in. others to learn it and denun/iation o0 one who learnt the art and then ne.le/ted it
7oo6 2 2 !umber *%$$:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Amir who said: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"-and he was deli-erin. a sermon 0rom the 1ul1it: @re1are to meet them with as mu/h as "ou /an a00ord, 7eware2 /onsists in ar/her", 7eware2 /onsists in ar/her", 7eware2 /onsists in ar/her",

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber *%$2:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Uqba b, Amir who said: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": Lands shall be thrown o1en to "ou and Allah will su00i/e "ou (a.ainst "our enemies)2 but none o0 "ou should .i-e u1 1la"in. with his arrows,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *%$4:

This tradition has also been narrated on the same authorit" throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *%$*:

It has been re1orted b" :Abd al-Aahman b, Shamasa that =uqaim al- La6hmi said to Uqba b, Amir: Kou 0requent between these two tar.ets and "ou are an old man2 so "ou will be 0indin. it -er" hard, :Uqba said: 7ut 0or a thin. I heard 0rom the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 I would not strain m"sel0, Harith (one o0 the narrators in the /hain o0 transmitters) said: I as6ed Ibn Shamasa: ?hat was thatD He said that he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?ho learnt ar/her" and then .a-e it u1 is not 0rom us, or he has been .uilt" o0 disobedien/e (to Allah:s A1ostle),

'ha1ter +4: Sa"in. o0 the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): CA .rou1 o0 1eo1le 0rom m" umma will alwa"s remain on the 1ath and /ontinue to be trium1hantB their o11onents shall not be able to do them an" harmC
7oo6 2 2 !umber *%$+:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Thauban that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A .rou1 o0 1eo1le 0rom m- Umma will alwa"s remain trium1hant on the 1ath and /ontinue to be trium1hant (a.ainst their o11onents), He who deserts them shall not be able to do them an" harm, The" will remain in this 1osition until Allah:s, 'ommand is e5e/uted (i, e, Ea"amah is established), In Eutaiba:s -ersion o0 the tradition2 we do not ha-e the words:C The" will remain in this 1osition,C

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber *%$):

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Mu.hira who said: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": A .rou1 o0 1eo1le 0rom m" Umma will /ontinue to be trium1hant o-er the 1eo1le until the 'ommand o0 Allah o-erta6es them while the" are still trium1hant, The same tradition has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters on the same authorit",

7oo6 2 2 !umber *%$%:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, Samura that the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: This reli.ion will /ontinue to e5ist2 and a .rou1 o0 1eo1le 0rom the Muslims will /ontinue to 0or its 1rote/tion until the Hour is established,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *%$#:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, :Abdullah who said: I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": A .rou1 o0 1eo1le 0rom m" Umma will /ontinue to In de0en/e o0 truth and remain trium1hant until the 9a" o0 jud.ment,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *%$;:

It his been narrated on the authorit" o0 Umair b, Umm Hani who said: I heard Mu:awi"a sa" (while deli-erin. a sermon 0rom the 1ul1it) that he heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": A .rou1 o0 1eo1le 0rom m" Umma will /ontinue to obe" Allah:s 'ommand2 and those who desert or o11ose them shall not be able to do them an" harm, The" will be dominatin. the 1ee1le until Allah:s 'ommand is e5e/uted (i, e, Aesurre/tion is established),

7oo6 2 2 !umber *%2 :

It has been related b"2 Ka8id b, al-Asamm that he heard Mu:awi"a b, Abu S0"an quote a tradition 0rom the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whi/h he related 0rom the @ro1het (mail 1ea/e he u1on him) -and he did not hear him quote 0rom the Hol" @ro1het (mas" 1ea/e be u1on him) an" tradition other than this in the /ourse o0 his sermon 0rom the 1ul1it-that whom Allah wants to do a 0a-our2 He .rants him an understandin. o0 reli.ion, A .rou1 o0 1eo1le 0rom the Muslims will remain on the @ath and /ontinue until the 9a" o0 Fud.ment to trium1h o-er those who o11ose them,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *%2$:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abd al-Aahman b, Shamasa al- Mahri who said: I was in the /om1an" o0 Maslama b, Mu6hallad2 and :Abdullah b, :Amr b, :As was with him, :Abdullah said: The Hour shall some oni" when the worst t"1e o0 1eo1le are le0t on the earth, The" will be worse
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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

than the 1eo1le o0 1re-Islami/ da"s, The" will .et whate-er the" as6 o0 Allah, ?hile we were "et sittin. when :Uqba b, :Amir /ame2 and Maslama said to him: :Uqba2 listen to what :Abdullah sa"s, :Uqba said: He 6nows betterB so 0ar as I am /on/erned2 I heard the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": A .rou1 o0 1eo1le 0rom m" Umma will /ontinue to in obedien/e to the 'ommand o0 Allah2 remainin. dominant o-er their enemies, Those who will o11ose them shall not do them an" harm, The" will remain ill this /ondition until the Hour o-erta6es them, (At this) :Abdullah said: Kes, Then Allah will raise a wild whi/h will be 0ra.rant li6e mus6 and whose tou/h will be li6e the tou/h o0 sil6B (but) it will /ause the death o0 all (0aith0ul) 1ersons2 not lea-in. behind a sin.le 1erson with an iota o0 0aith in his heart, Then onl" the worst o0 men will remain to be o-erwhelmed b" the Hour,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *%22:

It has been narrated b" Sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The 1eo1le o0 the ?est will /ontinue to trium1hantl" 0ollow the truth until the Hour is established,

'ha1ter +*: >ee1in. the .ood o0 the animals in -iew durin. a journe" and 0orbiddan/e 0rom haltin. 0or the on the tra/6
7oo6 2 2 !umber *%24:
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen "ou journe" throu.h a 0ertile land2 "ou should (.o slow and) .i-e the /amels a /han/e to .ra8e in the land, ?hen "ou tra-el In an arid (land) where there is s/ar/it" o0 -e.etation2 "ou should qui/6en their 1a/e (lest "our /amels .row 0eeble and ema/iated 0or la/6 o0 0odder), ?hen "ou halt 0or the ni.ht2 a-oid (1it/hin. "our tent on) the road2 0or it is the abode o0 no5ious little animals at,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *%2*:

It has been narrated (throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters) on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen "ou tra-el (throu.h a land) where there is 1lent" o0 -e.etation2 "ou should (.o slow and) .i-e the /amels a /han/e to enjo" the bene0it o0 the earth, ?hen "ou tra-el (throu.h a land) where there is s/ar/it" o0 -e.etation2 "ou should hasten with them (so that "ou ma" be able to /ross that land while "our animals ore still in a .ood /ondition o0 health), ?hen "ou ma6e a halt 0or the ni.ht2 a-oid (doin. so on) the road2 0or the tra/6s are the 1athwa"s o0 wild beasts or the abode o0 no5ious little animals,
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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

'ha1ter ++: Tra-ellin.2 a tortuous e51erien/e-desirabilit" o0 a tra-eller:s hastenin. his return to his 0amil" a0ter the transa/tion o0 his business
7oo6 2 2 !umber *%2+:
3n the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Tra-ellin. is a tortuous e51erien/e, It de1ri-es a 1erson o0 his slee1, his 0ood and drin6, ?hen one o0 "ou has a//om1lished his 1ur1ose2 he should hasten his return to his 0amil",

'ha1ter +): Undesirabilit" o0 returnin. to one:s 0amil" at (a0ter a lon. absen/e 0rom home)
7oo6 2 2 !umber *%2):
It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) would not /ome (ba/6) to his 0amil" b", He would /ome to them in the mornin. or in the e-enin., Another -ersion o0 the tradition narrated on the some authorit" is a little di0ierentl" worded, It sa"s: (He) would not enter (u1on his household at,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *%2%:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, :Abdullah who said: ?e a//om1anied the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on an e51edition, ?hen we /ame (ba/6) to Medina and were .oin. to enter our houses2 he said: ?ait and enter ("our houses) in the later 1art o0 the e-enin. so that a woman with dishe-elled hair ma" ha-e used the /omb2 and a woman whose husband has been awa" 0rom home ma" ha-e remo-ed the hair 0rom her 1ri-ate 1arts,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *%2#:

It has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 one o0 "ou /omes (ba/6 0rom a journe") at, he should not enter his house as a -isitor (but should wait) until a woman whose husband has been awa" 0rom house has remo-ed the hair 0rom her 1ri-ate 1arts and a woman with dishe-elled hair has /ombed her hair,

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

7oo6 2 2 !umber *%2;:

This tradition has been handed down throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *%4 :

It has been narrated (throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 tranmitten) on the authorit" o0 Fabir who said: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade that a man should /ome to his 0amil" li6e (an une51e/ted) -isitor doubtin. their 0idelit" and s1"in. into their la1ses,

7oo6 2 2 !umber *%4$:

A -ersion o0 the tradition narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir (but throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters) mentions the undesirabilit" o0 /oinin. to one:s house li6e a -isitor2 but does not /ontain the words:C 9oubtin. their 0idelit" or s1"in. into their la1ses,C

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733> 2 : TH( 733> 3! H3<(A!M(!T (>ITA7 AL-IMAAA)

733> 2$: TH( 733> 3= HAM(S A!9 TH( A!IMALS ?HI'H MAK A!I!ALS THAT AA( T3 7( (AT(! (>ITA7-US-SAI9 ?A:L-9HA7A:IH
?A MA 7( SLAUHHT(A(9 A!9 TH(


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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 2$: TH( 733> 3= HAM(S A!9 TH( A!IMALS ?HI'H MAK 7( SLAUHHT(A(9 A!9 TH( A!I!ALS THAT AA( T3 7( (AT(!


'ha1ter $: Huntin. with the hel1 o0 trained do.s

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%42:
:Adi b, Hatim re1orted: I said: o0 Allah2 I set o00 trained do.s and the" /at/h 0or me (the .ame) and I re/ite the /ame o0 Allah o-er it (I slau.hter the .ame b" re/itin. 7ismillah-i-Allah-oA6bar)2 whereu1on he said: ?hen "ou set o00 "our trained do.s and "ou re/ited the name o0 Allah (while settin. them o00)2 then eat (the .ame), I said: (-en i0 them (the trained do.s) 6ill that (the .ame)D He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: (-en i0 these 6ill2 but (on the /ondition) that no other do.2 whi/h "ou did not set o00 (alon. with "our do.s)2 1arti/i1ates (in /at/hin. the .ame), I said to him: I throw Mi:rad2 a hea-" 0eatherless blunt arrow2 0or huntin. and 6illin. (the .ame), Thereu1on he said: ?hen "ou throw Mi:rad2 and it 1ier/es2 then eat2 but i0 it 0alls 0latl" (and beats the .ame to death)2 then do not eat that,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%44:

:Adi b, Hatim re1orted: I as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: ?e are a 1eo1le who hunt with these (trained) do.s2 then (what should we do)D Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hen "ou set o0 "our trained do.s ha-in. re/ited the name o0 Allah2 then eat what these (hounds) ha-e / 0or "ou2 o-en i0 it (the .ame) is 6illed2 1ro-ided (the huntin. do.) has not eaten (an" 1art o0 the .ame), I0 it has eaten (the .ame)2 then "ou don:t eat it as I 0ear that it ha-e / 0or its own sel0, And do not eat in /ase other do.s ha-e joined "our trained do.s,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%4*:

:Adi b, Hatim re1orted that he as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about (huntin.) with the hel1 o0 an arrow ha-in. a stub end, He said: I0 it stri6es (the .ame) with its 1oint2 then eat2 but i0 it stri6es 0latl" and it dies2 that is ?aqidh (beaten into death)2 do not eat that, I as6ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about (huntin. with the hel1 o0) do.s2 whereu1on he said, ?hen "ou send "our do. (0or huntin.) re/itin. the name o0 Allah2 then eat (the .ame)2 but i0 some 1art o0 it is eaten (b" the do.s2 then do not eat that2 0or it ("our do.) has / that (the-.ame) 0or itsel0, I (a.ain) said: I0 I 0ind alon. with m" do. another do.2 and do not 6now whi/h o0 (the do.s) has / (the .ame), then (what should I do)D Thereu1on he (:Allah:s said: Then don:t eat that2 0or "ou re/ited the name o0 Allah on "our do. and not on the other one,

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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 2$: TH( 733> 3= HAM(S A!9 TH( A!IMALS ?HI'H MAK 7( SLAUHHT(A(9 A!9 TH( A!I!ALS THAT AA( T3 7( (AT(!


7oo6 2$2 !umber *%4+:

Adi b, Hatim re1orted: I as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about Mi:rad (i, e, huntin. with the hel1 o0 arrow ha-in. a stub end2 and he stated the same (as we 0ind in the 1re-ious hadith),

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%4):

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 :Adi b, Hatim with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%4%:

:Adi b, Hatim re1orted: I as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about huntin. the .ame with the hel1 o0 Mi:rad2 whereu1on he said: I0 it stri6es (the .ame) with its 1oint2 then eat it2 but i0 it stri6es 0lat2 that is (the .ame is) beaten (into death)2 (then do not eat that) :Adi 0urther said: I as6ed him about huntin. with the hel1 o0 a do.2 whereu1on he said: I0 that (the do.) /at/hes it (the .ame) 0or "ou and does not eat out o0 that2 then "ou eat (the .ame) 0or 9ha6at (slau.hterin.) o0 that is its bein. / b" it (b" the do.), 7ut i0 "ou 0ind another do. besides it2 and "ou 0ear that that do. (the se/ond one) had / it (the .ame) alon. with that ("our do.) and 6illed it, then don:t eatB 0or "ou re/ited the name o0 Allah on "our do. and did not re/ite that on the other one (whi/h joined "our do. in/identall"),

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%4#:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ga6ari"a b, Abu Ga:ida with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%4;:

Sha:bi re1orted: I heard Adi b, Hatim sa"-and he was our nei.hbour2 and our 1artner and /o wor6er at !ahrain-that he as6ed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) sa"in.: I let o00 m" do. and 0ind another do. alon. with m" do. and that (an" one o0 them) /at/hes the (.ame)2 but I do not 6now whi/h one had / it2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Then don:t eat that2 0or "ou re/ited the name o0 Allah while lettin. o00 "our do. and did not re/ite on the other,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%* :

This hadith has been narrated oi0 the authorit" o0 :Adi b, Hatim throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 2$: TH( 733> 3= HAM(S A!9 TH( A!IMALS ?HI'H MAK 7( SLAUHHT(A(9 A!9 TH( A!I!ALS THAT AA( T3 7( (AT(!


7oo6 2$2 !umber *%*$:

Adi b, Hatim re1orted: Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: ?hen "ou let o00 "our do.2 re/ite the name o0 Allah2 and i0 it /at/hes (.ame 0or "ou) and "ou 0ind it ali-e2 then slau.hter itB i0 "ou 0ind it 6illed and that ("our do.) has eaten nothin. out o0 that2 (e-en then) "ou ma" eat itB but i0 "ou 0ind alon. with "our do. another do.2 and (the .ame an) dead2 then don:t eat2 0or "ou do not 6now whi/h o0 the two has 6illed it, And i0 "ou shoot "our arrow2 re/ite the name o0 Allah2 but i0 it (.ame) .oes out o0 "our 0or a da" and "ou do not 0ind on that but the mar6 o0 "our arrow2 then eat that it "ou so li6e2 but i0 "ou 0ind it drowned in water2 then don:t eat that,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%*2:

:Adi b, Hatim re1orted: I as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about huntin., He said: ?hen "ou shoot "our arrow2 re/ite the name o0 Allah2 and i0 "ou 0ind it (the arrow) 6illed (that), then eat2 e5/e1t when "ou 0ind it 0allen into water2 0or in that /ase "ou do not 6now whether it is water that /aused its death or "our arrow,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%*4:

Abu Tha:laba al->hushani re1orted: I /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 we are in the land o0 the @eo1le o0 the 7oo62 (so) we eat in their utensils2 and (li-e) in a huntin. re.ion, where I hunt with2 the hel1 o0 m" bow2 and hunt with m" trained do.2 or with m" do. whi/h is not trained, So in0orm me what is law0ul (Halal) 0or us out o0 that, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Ae.ardin. what "ou ha-e mentioned o0 the 0a/t that "ou li-e in the land to the @eo1le o0 the 7oo6 and so "ou eat in their utensils2 but i0 "ou /an .et utensils other than theirs2 then don:t eat in themB but i0 "ou do not 0ind an"2 then wash them and eat in them, And re.ardin. what "ou ha-e mentioned about ("our li-in.) in a huntin. re.ion2 what "ou hunt2 (stri6e) with the hel1 o0 "our bow2 re/ite the name o0 Allah (while shootin. an arrow) and then eatB and what "ou /at/h with the hel1 o0 "our trained do.2 re/ite the name o0 Allah (while lettin. oil) the do. and then eat it2 and what "ou .et with the hel1 o0 "our untrained do.2 (i0 "ou 0ind it ali-e) and slau.hter it (a//ordin. to the law o0 the Shari:ah)2 eat it,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%**:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Haiwa with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but with a -ariation o0 words,

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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 2$: TH( 733> 3= HAM(S A!9 TH( A!IMALS ?HI'H MAK 7( SLAUHHT(A(9 A!9 TH( A!I!ALS THAT AA( T3 7( (AT(!


'ha1ter 2: ?hen the .ame .oes out o0 si.ht2 but is later on 0ound
7oo6 2$2 !umber *%*+:
Abu Tha:laba re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said this: I0 "ou shoot with "our arrow and (the .ame) .oes out o0 "our and "ou 0ind it (later on)2 then eat that i0 it has not .one rotten,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%*):

Abu Tha:laba re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. about one who /omes three da"s later on the .ame he has shot: (at it2 1ro-ided it has not .one rotten,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%*%:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Tha:laba al- >hushani with a -ariation o0 (words): He (the Hol" @ro1het) said in re.ard to the .ame 6illed b" (a trained) do.: (at a0ter three da"s 1ro-ided it has not .one rotten,

'ha1ter 4: It is unlaw0ul to eat 0an.ed beasts o0 1re" and birds with talons
7oo6 2$2 !umber *%*#:
Abu Tha:laba re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on 1rohibited the eatin. o0 e-er" 0an.ed beast o0 1re", Guhri added: ?e did not bear o0 it until we /ame to S"ria,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%*;:

Abu Tha:laba al->hushani re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibited the eatin. o0 all 0an.ed beasts, Ibn Shihab said: I did not bear o0 this 0rom our :Ulama: in the Hija82 until Abu Idris narrated that to me and he was one o0 the jurists o0 S"ria,


& $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 2$: TH( 733> 3= HAM(S A!9 TH( A!IMALS ?HI'H MAK 7( SLAUHHT(A(9 A!9 TH( A!I!ALS THAT AA( T3 7( (AT(!


7oo6 2$2 !umber *%+ :

Abu Tha:laba al->hushani re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. 1rohibited the eatin. o0 all 0an.ed beasts o0 1re", This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters2 but with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%+$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The eatin. o0 all 0an.ed beasts o0 1re" is unlaw0ul, This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%+2:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibited the eatin. o0 all 0an.ed beasts o0 1re"2 and all the birds ha-in. talons,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%+4:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%+*:

Ibn Abbas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (the eatin.) o0 all the 0an.ed beasts o0 1re"2 and o0 all the birds ha-in. talons,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%++:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter *: It is 1ermissible to eat the animals o0 water e-en i0 the" are dead
7oo6 2$2 !umber *%+):
Fabir re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) sent us (on an e51edition) and a11ointed Abu :Ubaida our /hie0 that we inter/e1t a /ara-an o0 the Euraish and 1ro-ided us with a ba. o0 dates, And he 0ound 0or us nothin. besides it, Abu Ubaida .a-e ea/h o0 us one date (e-er"da"), I (Abu Gubair2 one o0 the narrators) said: ?hat did "ou do with thatD He said: ?e su/6ed
$2 $ & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 2$: TH( 733> 3= HAM(S A!9 TH( A!IMALS ?HI'H MAK 7( SLAUHHT(A(9 A!9 TH( A!I!ALS THAT AA( T3 7( (AT(!


that just as a bab" su/6s and then dran6 water o-er that2 and it su00i/ed us 0or the da" until, ?e beat o00 lea-es with the hel1 o0 our sta00s2 then dren/hed them with water and ate them, ?e then went to the /oast o0 the sea2 and there rose be0ore us on the /oast o0 the sea somethin. li6e a bi. mound, ?e /ame near that and we 0ound that it was a beast2 /alled al-:Anbar (s1erma/eti whale), Abu :Ubaida said, It is dead, He then said: !o (but it does not matter)2 we ha-e been sent b" the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the 1ath o0 Allah and "ou are hard 1ressed (on a//ount o0 the s/ar/it" o0 0ood)2 so "ou eat that, ?e three hundred in number sta"ed there 0or a month2 until we .rew bul6", He (Fabir) said: I saw how we e5tra/ted 1it/her a0ter 1it/her 0ull o0 0at 0rom the /a-it" o0 its e"e2 and sli/ed 0rom it /om1a/t 1ie/e o0 meat equal to a bull or li6e a bull, Abu :Ubaida /alled 0orth thirteen men 0rom us and he made them sit in the /a-it" o0 its e"e2 and he too6 hold o0 one o0 the ribs o0 its /hest and made it stand and then saddled the bi..est o0 the /amels we had with us and it 1assed under it (the ar/hed rib)2 and we 1ro-ided oursel-es with 1ie/es o0 boiled meat (es1e/iall" 0or use in our journe"), ?hen we /ame ba/6 to Medina2 we went to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and made a mention o0 that to him2 whereu1on he said: That was a 1ro-ision whi/h Allah had 0orth 0or "ou, Is there an" 1ie/e o0 meat (le0t) with "ou2 so tnat "ou .i-e to us thatD He (Fabir) said: ?e sent to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) tome o0 that (a 1ie/e o0 meat) and he ate it,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%+%:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) sent us (on an e51edition), ?e were three hundred riders and our /hie0 (leader) was :Ubaida b, al-Farrah, ?e were on the loo6 out 0or a /ara-an o0 the Euraish, So we sta"ed on the /oast 0or hal0 a month2 and were so mu/h a00li/ted b" e5treme that we (were obli.ed) to eat lea-es, That is wh" it was /alled the 9eta/hment o0 the Lea-es, The o/ean /ast out 0or us an animal whi/h was /alled al-:Anbar (whale), ?e ate o0 that 0or hal0 o0 the month and rubbed its 0at on our (bodies) until our bodies be/ame stout, Abu :Ubaida / hold o0 one o0 its ribs and 0i5ed that u1, He then /ast a .lan/e at the tallest man o0 the arm" and the hi.hest o0 the /amels, and then made him ride o-er that2 and that-tnan 1assed beneath it (the rib)2 and man" a man /ould sit in its e"e-so/6et2 and we e5tra/ted man" 1it/hers o0 0at 0rom the /a-it" o0 its e"e, ?e had small ba.s /ontainin. dates with us (be0ore 0indin. the whale), :Ubaida .a-e e-er" 1erson us a hand0ul o0 dates (and when the 1ro-ision ran short)2 he then .a-e ea/h one o0 us one date, And when that (sto/6) was e5hausted2 we 0elt its loss,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%+#:

:Amr re1orted on the authorit" o0 Fabir that in the e51edition o0 >habat (lea-es) a 1erson slau.htered three /amels2 then three2 then three2 then Abu :Ubaida 0orbade him (to do so 0earin. that the rides ma" be/ome short),

$2 2 & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 2$: TH( 733> 3= HAM(S A!9 TH( A!IMALS ?HI'H MAK 7( SLAUHHT(A(9 A!9 TH( A!I!ALS THAT AA( T3 7( (AT(!


7oo6 2$2 !umber *%+;:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent us (on an e51edition)2 and we were three hundred in number2 and we were /arr"in. our ba.s o0 1ro-isions around our ne/6s,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%) :

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent on in e51edition a deta/hment /onsistin. o0 three hundred (1ersons) and a11ointed Abu :Ubaida b, Farrah as their /hie0, Their 1ro-isions ran short: :Abu :Ubaida /olle/ted their 1ro-isions in the 1ro-ision ba., and he 0ed us (0or some time), Later on when the 1ro-isions ran short he .a-e us one date e-er" da",

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%)$:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent an e51edition to the sea /oast and I was one amon. them, The rest o0 the hadith is the same with a -ariation o0 wordin. that in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 ?ahb b, >aisan (the words are):C The arm" ate out o0 that (the whale) 0or ei.hteen da"s,C

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%)2:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent an e51edition to the land o0 the tribe o0 Fuhaina2 and a11ointed a 1erson as a /hie0 o-er them,

'ha1ter +: The eatin. o0 the 0lesh o0 domesti/ asses is unlaw0ul

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%)4:
:Ali b, Abi Talib re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade on the 9a" o0 >haibar tem1orar" marria.e (Muta:) with women and the eatin. o0 the 0lesh o0 domesti/ asses,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%)*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

$2 4 & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 2$: TH( 733> 3= HAM(S A!9 TH( A!IMALS ?HI'H MAK 7( SLAUHHT(A(9 A!9 TH( A!I!ALS THAT AA( T3 7( (AT(!


7oo6 2$2 !umber *%)+:

Abu Tha:laba re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibited (the eatin.) o0 the 0lesh o0 domesti/ asses,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%)):

Ibn Umar re1orted that Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the eatin. o0 the 0lesh o0 domesti/ asses,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%)%:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the eatin. o0 the (0lesh) o0 domesti/ asses on the 9a" o0 >haibar in s1ite o0 the 0a/t that 1eo1le needed that,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%)#:

Shaibani re1orted: I as6ed :Abdullah b, Abu Au0a about (the law0ulness or unlaw0ulness o0) the 0lesh o0 the domesti/ asses, He said: ?e e51erien/ed on the 9a" o0 >haibar as we were with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?e 0ound domesti/ asses in the e5terior o0 Medina, ?e slau.htered them and our earthen 1ots were boilin. when the announ/er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made an announ/ement that the earthen 1ots should be turned u1side down and nothin. o0 the 0lesh o0 the domesti/ asses should be eaten, I said: ?hat 6ind o0 1rohibition is it that he (the Hol" @ro1het) has madeD He said: ?e dis/ussed it -oursel-es, Some o0 us aaid that it has been de/lared unlaw0ul 0or e-er2 (whereas others said) it has been de/lared unlaw0ul sin/e one-0i0th (o0 the boot") has not been .i-en (to the treasur"2 as is le.all" required),

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%);:

Sulaiman Shaibini re1orted: I heard Abdullah b, Abu Au0a sa": ?e were smitten with durin. the ni.hts o0 >haibar, 3n the 9a" o0 >haibar2 we 0ell u1on domesti/ asses and we slau.htered them2 and when our earthen 1ots boiled with them2 the announ/er o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made an annoan/ement that the earthen 1ots should be turned o-er2 and nothin. should be eaten o0 the 0lesh o0 the domesti/ asses, Some o0 the 1eo1le said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0orbidden (the use o0 this 0lesh) 0or one-0i0th (due to the State) has not been 1aid2 while others said: He 1rohibited it 0or e-er,

$2 * & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 2$: TH( 733> 3= HAM(S A!9 TH( A!IMALS ?HI'H MAK 7( SLAUHHT(A(9 A!9 TH( A!I!ALS THAT AA( T3 7( (AT(!


7oo6 2$2 !umber *%% :

:Adi (he was the son o0 Thabit) said: I heard al-7ara: and :Abdullah b, Abu Au0a sa": ?e 0ound domesti/ asses and we /oo6ed them, Then the announ/er o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made an announ/ement that the earthen 1ots should be turned o-er,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%%$:

Al-7ara: said: ?e 0ound on the 9a" o0 >haibar domesti/ asses2 and the announ/er o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made an announ/ement that the earthen 1ots should be turned o-er,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%%2:

7ara was heard sa"in.: ?e were 0orbidden (to eat) the 0lesh o0 the domesti/ asses,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%%4:

7ara: b, :A8ib re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded us to throw awa" the 0lesh o0 domesti/ asses whether un/oo6ed or /oo6edB he then ne-er /ommanded us to eat that, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Asim with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%%*:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: I do not 6now whether Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibited (the eatin. o0 the domesti/ ass) due to the 0a/t that the" were the beasts o0 burden 0or the 1eo1le2 so he (the Hol" @ro1het) did not li6e their beasts o0 burden to be destro"ed (as a matter o0 e51edien/")2 or he 1rohibited the use o0 the 0lesh o0 domesti/ asses (not as an e51edien/" but as a law o0 the Shari:ah) on the 9a" o0 >haibar,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%%+:

Salama b, A6wa: re1orted: ?e went to >haibar with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Then Allah .ranted (us) -i/tor" o-er them, 3n that -er" e-enin. o0 the da" when the" had been .ranted -i/tor"2 the" lit man" 0ires, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hat are those 0ires and what 0or those ha-e been litD The" said: (These ha-e been lit) 0or (/oo6in.) the 0lesh, Thereu1on he said: 30 what 0leshD The" said: =or the 0lesh o0 the domesti/ asses, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e bo u1on him) said: Throw that awa" and brea6 them (the earthen 1ots in whi/h the 0iesa was bein. /oo6ed), A 1erson said: o0 Allah2 should we throw it awa" and wash them (the /oo6in. 1ots)D He said: Kou ma" do so,

$2 + & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 2$: TH( 733> 3= HAM(S A!9 TH( A!IMALS ?HI'H MAK 7( SLAUHHT(A(9 A!9 TH( A!I!ALS THAT AA( T3 7( (AT(!


7oo6 2$2 !umber *%%):

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ka8id b, Abu Ubaid,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%%%:

Anas re1orted: ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /onquered >haibar2 we / hold o0 the asses outside the -illa.e, ?e /oo6ed them (their 0lesh), Then the announ/er o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made the announ/ement: Listen2 -eril" Allah and His ha-e 1rohibited "ou (the eatin. o0) their (0lesh)2 0or it is a loathsome e-il o0 Satan:s doin., Then the earthen 1ots were turned o-er alon. with what was in them2 and these were brimmin. (with 0lesh) at that time,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%%#:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: ?hen it was the 9a" o0 >haibar a -isitor /ame and said: o0 Allah2 the asses ha-e been eaten, Then another /ame and said: o0 Allah2 the asses are bein. destro"ed, Then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded Abu Talha to ma6e an announ/ement that Allah and His ha-e 1rohibited "ou (0rom eatin.) o0 the 0lesh o0 (domesti/) asses2 0or these are loathsome or im1ure, He (the narrator) said: The earthein 1ots were turned o-er alon. with what was in them,

'ha1ter ): @ertainin. to the eatin. o0 the 0lesh o0 the horse

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%%;:
Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibited eatin. o0 the 0lesh o0 domesti/ asses on the 9a" o0 >haibar2 and 1ermitted the /oo6in. o0 the 0lesh o0 horses,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%# :

Fabir b, :Abdullah is re1orted to ha-e said: ?e ate durin. the time o0 >haibar the (0lesh) o0 horses and o0 wild asses2 but Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibited us (to eat) the 0lesh o0 domesti/ asses, This hadith has hen transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Furaij,

$2 ) & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 2$: TH( 733> 3= HAM(S A!9 TH( A!IMALS ?HI'H MAK 7( SLAUHHT(A(9 A!9 TH( A!I!ALS THAT AA( T3 7( (AT(!


7oo6 2$2 !umber *%#$:

Asma: re1orted: ?e slau.htered a horse and ate it durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%#2:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Hisham,

'ha1ter %: @ertainin. to the 0lesh o0 the li8ard

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%#4:
Ibn :Umar re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed about the eatin. o0 (the 0lesh) o0 the li8ard2 whereu1on he said: I am neither the eater o0 it nor its 1rohibitor,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%#*:

Ibn :Umar re1orted: A 1erson as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about the eatin. o0 the li8ard2 whereu1on he said, I neither eat it2 nor do I 1rohibit it,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%#+:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that a 1erson as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as he was sittin. on the 1ul1it about the eatin. o0 the li8ard2 whereu1on he said: I neither eat it2 nor do I 1rohibit it,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%#):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Ubaidullah with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%#%:

A hadith 1ertainin. to the eatin. o0 the li8ard is transmitted 0rom the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar2 but in this -er" hadith narrated throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters there is a -ariation o0 wordin. (and the words are):C A li8ard was to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) but he neither ate that nor de/lared it unlaw0ul,C And in the hadith transmitted throu.h Usama (the words are):C The man (inquirer) was standin. in the mosque and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was sittin. on the 1ul1it,C

$2 % & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 2$: TH( 733> 3= HAM(S A!9 TH( A!IMALS ?HI'H MAK 7( SLAUHHT(A(9 A!9 TH( A!I!ALS THAT AA( T3 7( (AT(!


7oo6 2$2 !umber *%##:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that there were some 1ersons with Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0rom amon. his 'om1anions2 Sa:d bein. one o0 them, There was to them the 0lesh o0 the li8ard when a lad" the wi-es o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It is the 0lesh o0 the li8ard, Thereu1on Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) Said: (at2 0or it is law0ul2 but it is not m" diet,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%#;:

Taubat Al-:Anbari re1orted: Al-Sha:bi (one o0 the narrators) as6ed me i0 I had heard the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Hasan 0rom the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He said: I sat in the /om1an" i0 Ibn :Umar 0or two "ears or a "ear and a hal0 but I did not hear narrated 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) but this one (1ertainin. to the 0lesh o0 the li8ard) as narrated b" Mu:adh,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%; :

:Abdullah b, :Abbas re1orted: I and >halid b, ?alid went to the a1artment o0 Maimuna alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and there was 1resented to him a roasted li8ard, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stret/hed his hand towards It2 whereu1on some o0 the women who had been in the house o0 Maimuna said: In0orm Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) what he intends to eat, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) li0ted his hand, I said: o0 Allah2 Is it 0orbiddenD He said: !o, It is not 0ound in the land o0 m" 1eo1le2 and I 0eel that I ha-e no li6in. 0or it, >halid said: I then /hewed and ate it2 while2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was loo6in. (at me),

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%;$:

:Abdullah b, :Abbas re1orted that >halid b, ?alid who is /alled the Sword o0 Allah had in0ormed him that he -isited Maimuna2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and she was the sister o0 his mother (that o0 >halid) and that o0 :Ibn Abbas2 and he 0ound with her a roasted li8ard whi/h her sister Hu0aida the dau.hter o0 al-Harith had 0rom !ajd2 and she 1resented that li8ard to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), It was rare that some 0ood was 1resented to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and it was not mentioned or named, ?hile Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was about to stret/h 0orth his hand towards the li8ard2 a woman 0rom the women 1resent there in0ormed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) what the" had 1resented to him, The" said: o0 Allah2 it is a li8ard, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) withdrew his hand2 whereu1on >halid b, ?alid said: o0 Allah2 is a li8ard 0orbiddenD There o1on he
$2 # & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 2$: TH( 733> 3= HAM(S A!9 TH( A!IMALS ?HI'H MAK 7( SLAUHHT(A(9 A!9 TH( A!I!ALS THAT AA( T3 7( (AT(!


said: !o2 but it is not 0ound in the land o0 m" 1eo1le2 and I 0eel that I ha-e no li6in. 0or it, >halid said: I then /hewed and ate it2 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was loo6in. at me and he did not 0orbid (me to eat it),

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%;2:

>halid b, ?alid re1orted that he -isited Maimuna dau.hter o0 al-Harith with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and she was the sister o0 his mother, She 1resented to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the 0lesh o0 a li8ard whi/h Umm Hu0aid dau.hter o0 al-Harith had 0rom !ajd2 and she had been married to a 1erson to 7anu Fa:0ar, It was the habit o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) not to eat an"thin. until he 6new what that was, The rest o0 the hadith is the same but with this (addition):C Ibn al-Asamm narrated it 0rom Maimuna and he was under her /are,C

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%;4:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: ?hile we were in the house o0 Maimuna there were to Allah:s two roasted li8ards, Here no mention is made o0 al- :Asamm narratin. 0rom Maimuna,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%;*:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that there had been to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the 0lesh o0 a li8ard and >halid b, ?alid was also 1resent there, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%;+:

Sa:id b, Fubair re1orted that he heard Ibn :Abbas sa"s: The sister o0 m" mother Umm Hu0aid 1resented to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /lari0ied butter (.hee)2 /heese and some li8ards, He ate out o0 the /lari0ied butter and /heese2 but lett the li8ard 0indin. no li6in. 0or it, 7ut it was eaten on the table o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Had it been 0orbidden (haram)2 it /ould not be eaten on the table o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%;):

Ka8id b, al-Asamm re1orted: A newl" wedded 1erson o0 Medina in-ited us to a weddin. 0east2 and he ser-ed us thirteen li8ards, There were those who ate it and those who abandoned it, I met Ibn :Abbas the ne5t da"2 and in0ormed him (about this) in the 1resen/e o0 man" 1ersons, Some o0 them said that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had obser-ed: I neither eat it nor 0orbid (an"one) 0rom eatin. it2 nor de/lare it to be unlaw0ul, Thereu1on Ibn :Abbas said: Sad it is what "ou sa"L Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has not been sent2 but (to de/lare in /lear words) the law0ul
$2 ; & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 2$: TH( 733> 3= HAM(S A!9 TH( A!IMALS ?HI'H MAK 7( SLAUHHT(A(9 A!9 TH( A!I!ALS THAT AA( T3 7( (AT(!


and the unlaw0ul (thin.s), ?e were on/e with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be, u1on him) as he was with Maimuna2 and there were with him al-=adl b, :Abbas2 >halid b, ?alid and some women (also) when a tra" o0 0ood /ontainin. 0lesh was 1resented to him, As Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was about to eat that2 Maimuna said: It is the 0lesh o0 the li8ard, He withdrew his hand sa"in.: That is the 0lesh whi/h I ne-er eatB but he said to them (those who were 1resent there): Kou ma" eat, Al-=adl ate out o0 that2 so did >halid b ?alid2 and the women, Maimuna (howe-er) said: I do not eat an"thin. but that whi/h Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) eats,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%;%:

Abu Gubair re1orted that he heard Fabir b, :Abdullah sa"in. that there was 1resented to Allah:s (the 0lesh) o0 the li8ard2 but he re0used to eat that2 sa"in.: I do not 6nowB 1erha1s it (li8ard) (be one o0 those nati-es o0) the distant 1ast whose (0orms) had beer2 distorted,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%;#:

Abu Gubair re1orted: I as6ed Fabir about ithe eatin.) o0 the li8ard2 whereu1on he said: 9on:t eat that as he (the Hol" @ro1het) 0elt dis.ust, He (the narrator) said that Umar b, al->hattab reminded: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not de/lare it to be unlaw0ul, Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 has (made it a sour/e) o0 bene0it 0or more than one (1ersons), It is a /ommon diet o0 the she1herds, Had it been with me2 I would ha-e eaten that,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *%;;:

Abu Sa:id re1orted that a 1erson said: o0 Allah2 we li-e in a land aboundin. in li8ards2 so what do "ou /ommand or what -erdi/t "ou .i-e (about eatin. o0 it)D Thereu1on he said: It was mentioned to me that a 1eo1le 0rom amon. 7ani Isra:il were distorted (so there is a li6elihood that those 1eo1le ha-e been distorted in the sha1e o0 li8ards), So he neither /ommanded (us to eat that) nor 0orbade (us), Abu Sa:id said: A0ter some time Umar said: Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 has made it (a sour/e o0) bene0it 0or more than one (1erson)2 0or it is the /ommon diet o0 she1herds, Had it been with me2 I would ha-e eaten that, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) disli6ed it,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *#

Abu Sa:id re1orted that an Arab o0 the desert /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: I li-e in a low land aboundin. in li8ards2 and these are the /ommon diet o0 m" 0amil"2 but he (the Hol" @ro1het) did not ma6e an" re1l", ?e said to him: Ae1eat it ("our 1roblem) and so he re1eated it2 but he did not ma6e an" re1l", (It was re1eated thri/e ) Then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled him out at the third time sa"in.: 3 man o0 the desert2 -eril" Allah /ursed or sho-

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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 2$: TH( 733> 3= HAM(S A!9 TH( A!IMALS ?HI'H MAK 7( SLAUHHT(A(9 A!9 TH( A!I!ALS THAT AA( T3 7( (AT(!


wed wrath to a tribe o0 7ani Isra:il and distorted them to beasts whi/h mo-e on the earth, I do not 6now2 1erha1s this (li8ard) ma" be one o0 them, So I do not eat it2 nor do I 1rohibit the eatin. o0 it,

'ha1ter #: @ermissibilit" o0 eatin. lo/usts

7oo6 2$2 !umber *# $:
Ibn Abu Au0a re1orted: ?e went on se-en e51editions with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and ate lo/usts,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *# 2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Ka:0ur with the same /hain o0 transmitters, Abu 7a6r (one o0 the narrators) saidC se-en e51editions2C whereas Ishaq saidC si52C and Ibn Umar saidC si5C orC se-enC,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *# 4:

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Ka:0ur with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 and he mentioned se-en e51editions,

'ha1ter ;: @ermissibilit" o0 eatin. the 0lesh o0 the hare

7oo6 2$2 !umber *# *:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: ?e /hased a hare at Marr a8-Gahrin (a -alle" near Me//a), The" (m" /om1anions) ran2 but 0elt e5haustedB I also tried until I / hold o0 it, I it to Abu Talha, He slau.htered it and sent its haun/h and two hind le.s to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) throu.h meB and he a//e1ted them, This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Kah"a with a /han.e o0 wordin.,

$2$$ & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 2$: TH( 733> 3= HAM(S A!9 TH( A!IMALS ?HI'H MAK 7( SLAUHHT(A(9 A!9 TH( A!I!ALS THAT AA( T3 7( (AT(!


'ha1ter $ : It is 1ermissible to ma6e use o0 thin.s ne/essar" 0or huntin. and /hasin. but the use o0 small 1ebbles is disa11ro-ed
7oo6 2$2 !umber *# +:
Ibn 7uraida re1orted that Abdullah b, al-Mu.ha00al saw a 1erson 0rom his /om1anions throwin. small 1ebbles2 whereu1on he said: 9on:t throw 1ebbles, 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not li6e it2 or he 0orbade o0 1ebbles sin/e neither the .ame is ta6en thereb"2 nor an enem" de0eated, but it ma" brea6 a tooth or 1ut out an e"e, He2 a0terwards2 a.ain saw him 1ebbles2 and said to him: I in0orm "ou that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not a11ro-e or he 0orbade o0 1ebbles2 but i0 I see "ou a.ain 1ebbles, I will not s1ea6 with "ou,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *# ):

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 >ahmas,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *# %:

:Abdullah b, Mu.ha00al re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibited throwin. o0 1ebbles, Ibn Fa:0ar re1orted (in the narration transmitted b" him) that he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: It neither in0li/ts de0eat to the enem" nor 6ills the .ame but brea6s the tooth and 1uts the e"e out, This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Mahdi with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *# #:

Sa:id b, Fubair re1orted that, a near one o0 :Abdullah b, Mu.ha00al threw 1ebbles, He 1rohibited him (to do so), He said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 1rohibited the throwin. o0 1ebbles b" sa"in.: It does not /at/h the .ame2 nor does it in0li/t de0eat on the enem"2 but brea6s the tooth and 1uts the e"e out, He (the near one o0 Abdullah b, Mu.hadal) a.ain re1eated it (the a/t o0 throwin. o0 1ebbles) whereu1on he said: I narrate to "ou that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on hish) disli6ed and 1rohibited throwin. o0 1ebbles2 but I see "ou a.ain throwin. 1ebblesB I (would there0ore) not s1ea6 with "ou,

$2$2 & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 2$: TH( 733> 3= HAM(S A!9 TH( A!IMALS ?HI'H MAK 7( SLAUHHT(A(9 A!9 TH( A!I!ALS THAT AA( T3 7( (AT(!


7oo6 2$2 !umber *# ;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A""ub with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $$: Hood attitude e-en in slau.hter and 6illin. and shar1enin. o0 lar.e 6ni0e
7oo6 2$2 !umber *#$ :
Shaddid b, Aus said: Two are the thin.s whi/h I remember Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: <eril" Allah has enjoined .oodness to e-er"thin.B so when "ou 6ill2 6ill in a .ood wa" and when "ou slau.hter2 slau.hter in a .ood wa", So e-er" one o0 "ou should shar1en his 6ni0e2 and let the slau.htered animal die /om0ortabl",

7oo6 2$2 !umber *#$$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 >halid al-Hadhdha: throu.h di00erent /hains o transmitters,

'ha1ter $2: It is 0orbidden to tie the animals (and then 6ill them)
7oo6 2$2 !umber *#$2:
Hishim b, Gaid b, Anas b, Mili6 re1orted: I -isited the house o0 al-Ha6am b, A""ub alon. with m" .rand0ather Anas b, Mili62 (and there) some 1eo1le had made a hen a and were shootin. arrows at her, Thereu1on Asas said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0orbidden t"in. o0 the animals (and ma6in. them the tar.ets o0 arrows2 et/,), This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba throu.h other /hains o0 transmitters,

$2$4 & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 2$: TH( 733> 3= HAM(S A!9 TH( A!IMALS ?HI'H MAK 7( SLAUHHT(A(9 A!9 TH( A!I!ALS THAT AA( T3 7( (AT(!


'ha1ter $4: It is 0orbidden to tie the animal and ma6e it a o0 arrows
7oo6 2$2 !umber *#$4:
Ibn :Abbas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said this: 9o not ma6e an"thin. ha-in. li0e as a,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *#$*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *#$+:

Sa:id b, Fubair re1orted that Ibn :Umar ha11ened to 1ass b" a 1art" o0 men who had tied a hen and were shootin. arrows at it, As soon as the" saw Ibn :Umar2 the" s/attered 0rom it, Thereu1on Ibn Umar said: ?ho has done thisD <eril" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has in-o6ed /urse u1on him who does this,

7oo6 2$2 !umber *#$):

Sa:id b, Fubair re1orted that Ibn :Umar ha11ened to 1ass b" some "oun. men o0 the Euraish who had tied a bird (and th2 is made it a at whi/h the" had been shootin. arrows (-er" arrow that the" missed /ame into the 1ossession o0 the owner o0 the bird, So no sooner did the" see Ibn :Umar the" went awa", Thereu1on Ibn :Umar said: ?ho has done thisD Allah has /ursed him who does this, <eril" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in-o6ed /urse u1on one who made a li-e thin. the (o0 one:s mar6smanshi1),

7oo6 2$2 !umber *#$%:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade that an" beast should be 6illed a0ter it has been tied,

$2$* & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 2$: TH( 733> 3= HAM(S A!9 TH( A!IMALS ?HI'H MAK 7( SLAUHHT(A(9 A!9 TH( A!I!ALS THAT AA( T3 7( (AT(!


733> 22: TH( 733> 3= SA'AI=I'(S (>ITA7 AL-A9AHI)

$2$+ & $#


733> 22: TH( 733> 3= SA'AI=I'(S (>ITA7 AL-A9AHI)

Aeli.ion2 at its hi.hest and best2 is the de-otion o0 the total sel02 throu.h ser-i/e and adoration2 to the" ?ho /ontrols the uni-erse, In this sense all the mani0old rites2 /onse/rations2 and 1uri0i/ations2 o00erin.s and sa/red 0easts2 all the wor6in. o0 as/eti/ism and moralit" are onl" the indire/t e51ression o0 the inner e51erien/e o0 reli.ion-the e51erien/e o0 trust2 surrender2 "earnin. and enthusiasm, Sa/ri0i/e2 whether that o0 wealth or desires2 is the 1ra/ti/al 1roo0 o0 man:s de-otion to his 'reator, It is in 0a/t reli.ion in a/tion, The Hol" Eur:an e51resses this attitude o0 mind and heart in the 0ollowin. words:C Sa": Trul"2 m" 1ra"er and m" ser-i/e o0 sa/ri0i/e2 and m" li-in. and m" d"in. are 0or Hod (alone)2 the Sustainer o0 all the worlds2 in ?hose 9i-init" none has a share, Thus I ha-e been bidden-and I am 0oremost amon. those who surrender themsel-es unto HimC (-i, $)2-$)4), The :Id al-Adha is /ommemorati-e o0 that un1aralleled a/t o0 de-otion o0 that noble soul, Abraham (1ea/e be u1on him)2 who2 in obedien/e to the 'ommand o0 his Lord2 readil" o00ered the li0e o0 his son Isma:il, The Hol" Eur:an narrates this soul- stirrin. e-ent in these words:C And when he (Isma:il) attained the a.e to assist him in his (Abrahm:s) wor62 he (Abraham) said: 3 m" sonL I see in -ision that I o00er thee in sa/ri0i/e, !ow see what is th" -iew, The son said: 3 m" 0ather2 do as thou art /ommanded, Thou wilt 0ind me2 i0 Hod so wills2 1atient, So when the" both had surrendered themsel-es to (Allah)2 and he laid him down 1rostrate on his 0orehead (0or sa/ri0i/e)2 ?e /alled out to him: 3 Abraham2 thou hast indeed 0ul0illed the -ision, Thus do ?e reward the doers o0 .ood, Surel" this is a mani0est trial, And ?e ransom- ed him with a .reat sa/ri0i/e, And ?e le0t (this blessin.) 0or him amon. the later .enerations, @ea/e be u1on Abraham I Thus indeed do ?e reward those who do .oodB 0or he was one o0 3ur belie-in. ser-antsC (555-ii, $ 2-$$$) In the abo-e-quoted -erses :a5im (.reat)2 the adje/ti-e quali0"in.C Sa/ri0i/e,C ma" be understood both in literal and 0i.urati-e sense, In literal sense it im1lies that a bi. ram was substituted, The 0i.urati-e sense is e-en more im1ortant, It was indeed a .reat and momentous o//asion2 when two men with /on/entrated will ran.ed themsel-es in ran6s o0 those to whom sel0-sa/ri0i/e in the ser-i/e o0 Hod was the su1reme thin. in li0e, Similarl"2 the wordsC thou hast indeed 0ul0illed the -isionC show that it was not in 0a/t the a/t o0 slau.hterin. whi/h was needed 0or the 0ul0ilment o0 the -ision2 but it was the attitude o0 submission and surrender2 an attitude o0 1re1aredness to sa/ri0i/e one:s all in the 1ath o0 Allah, that was demanded o0 Abraham and his illustrious son2 and the" eminentl" stood this test, Aeadiness to Sa/ri0i/e 3ne:s Li0e, In Islam the a/t o0 sa/ri0i/e is the s"mbol o0 a Muslim:s readiness to la" down his li0e2 and to sa/ri0i/e all his interests and desires in the /ause o0 truth, The 1ur1ose o0 sa/ri0i/e is not 0ul0illed onl" b" sheddin. the blood o0 an animal2 but it is reall" 0ul0illed when a man submits himsel0 /om1letel" to the /ommand o0 Allah, This has been /learl" laid down in Sura Hajj2 -erse 4%BC !ot their 0lesh2 nor their blood rea/hes Allah2 but it is the 1iet" 0rom "ou that rea/hes
$2$) & $#


733> 22: TH( 733> 3= SA'AI=I'(S (>ITA7 AL-A9AHI)

Him,C This -erse eloquentl" s1ea6s o0 the 0a/t that sa/ri0i/e in Islam is nothin. else than a natural e51ression o0 homa.e and .ratitude to the 'reator, It is the s1irit o0 willin. de-otion and /heer0ul obedien/e underl"in. sa/ri0i/es that is a//e1ted b" Allah ?ho is the =ountainhead o0 all moralit", It is onl" 1iet" o0 heart, nobilit" o0 soul and ri.hteousness o0 /ondu/t2 that is a//e1table to Him, It is essentiall" s"mboli/2 an e5ternal s"mbol o0 dedi/ation2 de-otion to Allah, Ta0sir Ibn >athir stresses this 1oint:C The man who o00ers sa/ri0i/e should 6ee1 this 0a/t u11ermost in his mind that the most im1ortant moti-e behind this is the willin. submission to AllahC : (<ol, <I2 1, $#4), Su/h truths2 so sel0-e-ident to the Muslim readers2 needed a /lear and em1hati/ enun/iation in -iew o0 the horrible mis/on/e1tions whi/h had /rowded round the a/t o0 sa/ri0i/e be0ore Islam, C Throu.hout the Semiti/ 0ield2C obser-es Aobertson Smith2 in his well 6nown boo6, The Aeli.ion o0 the Semiti/s2 the 0undamental idea o0 sa/ri0i/e was that o0 /ommunion between the Hod and his worshi11er b" joint 1arti/i1ation in the li-in. 0lesh and blood o0 a sa/red -i/timC (1, *;), C The Hree6s also loo6ed u1on sa/ri0i/e as a :'ommunion 0east: with the 9i-init"2 in whi/h the Hod and his 1eo1le be/ame o0 one 0lesh b" 1arta6in. to.ether o0 the 0lesh o0 the -i/timB the animal was re.arded2 as in some de.ree2 di-ine2 as ha-in. the di-ine s1irit in/arnate in it, Amon. the 7ab"lonians the .ods 0east in hea-en2 the" eat the o00erin.s2 the" s/ent the sa-our2 li6e 0lies do the" .ather themsel-es to.ether with the o00erersC (Hastin.s2 (n/"/lo1edia o0 Adi.ion S (thi/s2 Arti/leC Sa/ri0i/eC ), The Hol" Eur:an stri6es at the -er" root o0 su/h wron. /on/e1ts o0 sa/ri0i/e and asserts thatC it is neither the 0lesh nor the blood o0 (animals) that rea/hes Allah2 but it is "our 1iet" that rea/hes Him2C 0or Hod does not stand In need o0 0ood or blood, ?hat He2 in 0a/t2 desires is the de-otion and 1iet" o0 our hearts, and2 as a s"mbol o0 su/h o00er2 the -isible institution o0 sa/ri0i/e has been instituted, The Hol" Eur:an has 0urther elu/idated the main 1ar1ose o0 the institution o0 sa/ri0i/e,C =or e-er" 1eo1le did ?e a11oint rites (o0 sa/ri0i/e) that the" /elebrate the name o0 Hod o-er the sustenan/e He .a-e them 0rom animals (0it 0or 0ood), 7ut "our Hod is 3ne Hod, Sub- mit then "our wills to him (in Islam),,,, The sa/ri0i/ial /amels ?e ha-e made 0or "ou as amon. the s"mbols 0rom Hod, In them is (mu/h) .ood 0or "ou So mention the name o0 Allah on them standin. in a row, Then when the" 0all down on their sides2 eat o0 them2 0eed the /ontented one and the, Thus ha-e ?e made them subser-ient to "ou that "ou ma" be .rate0ulC (55ii, 4*-4#), The Eur:an testi0ies to the histori/al 0a/t that whate-er ma" be the outward s"mbols o0 sa/ri0i/e2 it has been a//e1ted in one 0orm or another b" all the nations o0 the world, It had been a 0undamental element o0 both Fewish and Hentile reli.ions2 and 'hristianit", It had been /orru1ted b" man" wron. 1ra/ti/es and been o-erlaid b" man" wron. notions be0ore the ad-ent o0 Islam, Islam 1uri0ies it 0rom all wron. notions and 1ra/ti/es /onne/ted with it2 and ma6es it e51li/itl" /lear that the a/t o0 sa/ri0i/e is an outward s"mbol o0 man:s readiness to la" down his li0e2 i0 required2 and to surrender all his interests in the /ause o0 truth and ri.hteousness,

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733> 22: TH( 733> 3= SA'AI=I'(S (>ITA7 AL-A9AHI)

The wordsC ?e ha-e made them (subser-ient) to "ouC ha-e a -er" wide si.ni0i/an/e, A Muslim has been awa6ened to the realisation o0 the 0a/t that i0 the" o00er as a sa/ri0i/e an animal o-er whi/h the" hold /ontrol2 it is their bounden dut" to la" down their li-es in the wa" o0 Allah2 ?ho is not onl" their Master2 but also their 'reator and Sustainer and ?ho, there0ore2 e5er/ises a 0ar .reater authorit" o-er them than the" do o-er the animals, This should be the true moti-e o0 sa/ri0i/e2 and it is with this s1irit that this a/t should be 1er0ormed, The Eur:ani/ wordsC To Him is a//e1table obser-an/e o0 dut" on "our 1artC ma6e it abundantl" /lear that the 1re-alent idea o0 atonement thatC it is the blood that ma6eth an atonement 0or the soulC (Le-iti/usB $%: $$) has no 0oundation in Islam, The e51iation o0 sin in Islam rests entirel" on the .ood deeds o0 men2 re1entan/e o0 the ?inners and the =or.i-in. and Mer/i0ul nature o0 Hod :This 0a/t /uts the .round 0rom under the 0eet o0 an" theor" o0 an atonin. sa/ri0i/e, The o1enin. -erseC =or e-er" 1eo1le did ?e a11oint rites (o0 sa/ri0i/e) that the" /elebrate the name o0 Hod o-er the beast /attle wherewith He bath 1ro-ided them2C s1ea6s o0 the 0a/t that the -er" idea o0 human sa/ri0i/e is re1u.nant to the true reli.ion and Allah has ne-er .i-en it san/tion, This 1ra/ti/e o0 human sa/ri0i/e was not un/ommon be0ore Islam,C 7oth on the mainland o0 Hree/e and in the Hree6 /olonies human sa/ri0i/e was 1ra/tised2 usuall" as a means towards e51ulsion o0 e-ilC ((n/"do1aedia 7ritanni/a2 Arti/le:onC Sa/ri0i/eC ), it o//u1ied a 1rominent 1la/e in the ritual o0 the mother .oddesses o0 an/ient times, C The ordinar" 0orm o0 sa/ri0i/e2C sa"s (, 3, Fames2 in his 0amous boo62 The ori.ins o0 Sa/ri0i/e2C /onsisted in stri11in. the -i/tim o0 his ornaments2 stret/hin. him o-er the /on-e5 sa/ri0i/ial stones and while 0are 1riests held his arms2 le.s2 head2 the hi.h 1riests or sa/ri0i/er /ut o1en his breast with a 0lint or obsidian 6ni0e2 and tore out the heart, This was held u1 to the sun to 1ro-ide it with nourishment2 be0ore it was /ast into a basin o0 'o1al 1la/ed in a 1osition to enable the blood and in/ense to as/end to the .ods, The bod" was hurled down the ste1s o0 the tem1le to the /ourt where it was sei8ed b" the 1riest or b" the warrior who /a1tured the -i/tim, Some times a solemn 0east was then held on the 0lesh2 the s6in ha-in. 0irst been remo-ed to be worn /eremoniall" b" men who seem to ha-e a/quired thereb" the 0ertilisin. nd health-.i-in. qualities o0 the -i/tim, Some o0 the blood was /arried to /ertain tem1les and smeared on the hi1s o0 the o0 .odsC (11, #*-)), Islam has not onl" e5terminated the -er" idea o0 human sa/ri0i/e2 but has /om1letel" ended all su/h inhuman 1ra/ti/es whi/h were -er" /ommon with the 1eo1le be0ore Islam, The Hol" Eur:an ma6es a 1ointed re0eren/e to the 0a/t that this sa/ri0i/e o0 animals is /ommemorati-e o0 Abraham:s o00er o0 his son:s li0e at the 'ommand o0 Allah2 who was substituted b" a ram2 and it has been 1er1etuated b" Islam, It is narrated that on/e the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed him about the sa/ri0i/e, He re1lied:C This is /ommemorati-e Sunnah o0 "our 0ather AbrahamC (-ide Ibn >athir2 <ol, III2 1, 22$), That this 1ra/ti/e o0 sa/ri0i/e was alread" 1re-alent the 1eo1le be0ore Islam /an be well borne out b" the 0a/t that we 0ind /lear re0eren/es to it in the 1oetr" o0 1re-Islami/ Arabia, The well, 6nown 1oet Uma""a obser-es:

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733> 22: TH( 733> 3= SA'AI=I'(S (>ITA7 AL-A9AHI)

Abraham was one who would 0ul0il the and o00er sa/ri0i/es 0or Allah:s sa6e, Thus he o00ered the li0e o0 his onl" son whose se1aration and whose ris6 o0 li0e2 he /ould not bear, He said2C 3 m" son I ha-e 1led.ed "ou to Allah, Ma" I sa/ri0i/e m" li0e 0or "ouL 7e stead0ast and 0irm,C He had hardl" ta6en o00 the shirt o0 his son2 when Allah substituted Isma:il b" a stout ram, !ot onl" this 1ra/ti/e o0 sa/ri0i/e has been 1reser-ed in Islam2 but e-en the wa" o0 Abraham:s has been de/lared to he one o0 ri.hteousness and truth0ulness: C Sa": 7ehold2 m" Lord has .uided me to a wa" that is reli.ion o0 @ath-the @ath (trodden) b" Abraham2 who was wholl" de-oted to Hod2 and was not o0 those who as/ribe di-init" to an" beside himC (-i, $)$), (-en the Millat has been assi.ned a name a0ter the name o0 Abraham: C He hath sele/ted "ou and hath not 1la/ed u1on "ou an" hardshi1 in reli.ion-the reli.ion o0 "our 0ather2 Abraham, He named "ou Muslims be0ore this2 and in this2 that the ma" be a witness to "ou and "ou ma" he witnesses to man6indC (55ii, %#), Histori/al 'ontinuit"2 The /onstant re0eren/e to the earlier @ro1hets and the Eur:ani/ testimon" to their ri.hteousness and the 1reser-ation o0 some o0 their reli.ious 1ra/ti/es ha-e been done to awa6en the 1eo1le to the realisation o0 a 0undamental 0a/t2 i, e, the 0a/t o0 the histori/al /ontinuit" o0 reli.ious e51erien/e, The Muslims ha-e been as6ed to belie-e in that whi/h has been re-ealed unto @ro1het Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as well as in that whi/h was re-ealed be0ore him, Li0e-so the Eur:an tea/hes us-is not a series o0 dis/onne/ted 1arts but a /ontinuous2 or.ani/ 1ro/ess: and this law a11lies also to the law o0 the mind2 o0 whi/h man:s reli.ious e51erien/e (in its /umulati-e sense) is a 1art, To ma6e reli.ious e51erien/e more li-in.2 to set Allah the (-er-li-in. with lo-in. -i-idness be0ore the e"es o0 li-in. men2 to ma6e them 0eel Him as a/tuall" and eternall" 1resent in their li-es2 man needs a 1ath2 /lear-/ut 1ath2 li.htened with .lories o0 the Messen.ers o0 Allah-a 1ath on whi/h one should not 0eel lonel" but the o0 /omradeshi1 o0 those noble souls u1on whom Allah has bestowed His /hoi/est blessin.s, A 0ew words ma" be said about the wa" how an animal should be slau.htered a//ordin. to the tea/hin.s o0 Islam, Three are the aims whi/h should be 6e1t be0ore the mind while slau.hterin. the animal:

It should be slau.htered b" re/itin. the name o0 Allah and .lori0"in. Him,

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733> 22: TH( 733> 3= SA'AI=I'(S (>ITA7 AL-A9AHI)

It should be slau.htered with a shar1 6ni0e so that its ju.ular -ein ma" be /ut with the minimum 1ossible 1ain and its s6in should not be remo-ed and limbs should not be /ut so lon. as there is an" si.n o0 li0e in it, The head should not be remo-ed 0rom the bod" abru1tl" but onl" the ju.ular -ein should be /ut so that e-en the last dro1 o0 blood 0lows out o0 its bod", I0 the animal is beheaded with a stro6e2 the blood /on.eals in its -eins whi/h ma6es the 0lesh distaste0ul and 1erni/ious to health,

'ha1ter $: The 1ro1er time 0or sa/ri0i/e

7oo6 222 !umber *#$#:
Fundab b, Su0"an re1orted: I was with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the da" o0 :Id al-Adha, ?hile he had not returned a0ter ha-in. o00ered (the Id 1ra"er) and 0inished it2 he saw the 0lesh o0 the sa/ri0i/ial animals whi/h had been slau.htered be0ore he had /om1leted the 1ra"er, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 3ne who slau.htered his sa/ri0i/ial animal be0ore his 1ra"er or our 1ra"er (:Id)2 he should slau.hter another one in its stead2 and he who did not slau.hter2 he should slau.hter b" re/itin. the name o0 Allah,

7oo6 222 !umber *#$;:

Fundab b, Su0"an re1orted: I was with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (on the o//asion) o0 :Id al-Adha, A0ter he had /om1leted the 1ra"er with 1eo1le2 he 0ound that the .oats had been slau.htered2 whereu1on he said: He who slau.htered sa/ri0i/ial animal be0ore the 1ra"er should slau.hter a .oat (a.ain) in its stead and he who has not slau.htered he should slau.hter it b" re/itin. the name o0 Allah,

7oo6 222 !umber *#2 :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 al-Aswad b, Eais with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 222 !umber *#2$:

Fundab al-7ajali re1orted: I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) obser-in. (:Id) 1ra"er on the 9a" o0 Sa/ri0i/e ($ th o0 9hu:l-Hijja) and then deli-erin. a sermon and he said: He who sa/ri0i/ed the (animal) be0ore o00erin. (:Id) 1ra"er2 he should o00er a.ain in its stead2 and he who did not sa/ri0i/e the animal should slau.hter it b" re/itin. the name o0 Allah,

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733> 22: TH( 733> 3= SA'AI=I'(S (>ITA7 AL-A9AHI)

7oo6 222 !umber *#22:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 222 !umber *#24:

Al-7ara: re1orted: M" maternal un/le Abu 7urda sa/ri0i/ed his animal be0ore (:Id) 1ra"er, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: That is a .oat (slau.htered 0or the sa6e o0) 0lesh (and not as a sa/ri0i/e on the da" o0 Adha), He said: I ha-e a lamb o0 si5 months, Thereu1on he said: 300er it as a sa/ri0i/e2 but it will not justi0" 0or an"one e5/e1t "ou2 and then said: He who sa/ri0i/ed (the animal) be0ore (:Id) 1ra"er2 he in 0a/t slau.htered it 0or his own sel02 and he who slau.htered a0ter 1ra"er2 his ritual o0 sa/ri0i/e be/ame /om1lete and he in 0a/t obser-ed the reli.ious 1ra/ti/e o0 the Muslims,

7oo6 222 !umber *#2*:

Al-7ara: b, :A8ib re1orted that his maternal:un/le Abu 7urda b, !i"ar sa/ri0i/ed his animal earlier than the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had sa/ri0i/ed, Thereu1on he said: A1ostle o0 Allah2 it is the da" o0 meat and it is not desirable (to ha-e 0or it and not to ma6e use o0 it immediatel")2 so I hastened in o00erin. m" animal as a sa/ri0i/e2 so that I 0eed m" 0amil" and nei.hbours and m" 6ith and 6in, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 300er a.ain "our sa/ri0i/e, He said: o0 Allah2 I ha-e a small mil/h .oat o0 less than one "ear2 and that is better than two dr" .oats (0rom whi/h onl") meat (/an be a/quired), Thereu1on he said: That is better than the two animals o0 sa/ri0i/e on "our behal02 and the sa/ri0i/e o0 a .oat2 o0 less than si5 months shall not be a//e1ted as a sa/ri0i/e on behal0 o0 an"one a0ter "our (sa/ri0i/e),

7oo6 222 !umber *#2+:

Al-7ara: b, :A8ib re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) deli-ered an address on the da" (o0 !ahr) in whi/h he said: !one o0 "ou should o00er sa/ri0i/e o0 animals until he has /om1leted the (:Id) 1ra"er, Thereu1on m" maternal un/le said: o0 Allah2 it is the da" o0 meat2 so it is not desirable (to 6ee1 m" 0amil" in the state o0, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 222 !umber *#2):

Al-7ara: re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: He who obser-es 1ra"er li6e our 1ra"er and turns his 0a/e towards our Eibla (in 1ra"er) and who o00ers sa/ri0i/es (o0 animals) as we do2 he must not slau.hter the (animal as a sa/ri0i/e) until he has /om1leted the 1ra"er, Thereu1on m" maternal un/le said: o0 Allah2 I ha-e sa/ri0i/ed the animal on behal0 o0 m" son, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: This is the thin. in whi/h "ou ha-e made

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733> 22: TH( 733> 3= SA'AI=I'(S (>ITA7 AL-A9AHI)

haste 0or "our 0amil", He said: I ha-e a .oat with me better than two .oats, Thereu1on he said: Sa/ri0i/e it 0or that is the best,

7oo6 222 !umber *#2%:

Al-7ara: b, :A8ib re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: The 0irst (a/t) with whi/h we started our da" (the da" o0 :Id-ul Adha) was that we o00ered 1ra"er, ?e then returned and sa/ri0i/ed the animals and he who did that in 0a/t adhered to our Sunnah (1ra/ti/e), And he who slau.htered the (animal on that da" be0ore the :Id 1ra"er)2 0or him (the slau.hterin. o0 animal was dire/ted to the a/quirin. o0) meat 0or his 0amil"2 and there is nothin. o0 the sort o0 sa/ri0i/e in it, It was Abu 7urda b, !i"ar who had slau.htered (the animal be0ore the :Id 1ra"er), He said: I ha-e a small lamb2 o0 less than one "ear2 but better than that o0 more than a "ear, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) qaid: Sa/ri0i/e it2 but it will not su00i/e (as a sa/ri0i/e) 0or an"one a0ter "ou,

7oo6 222 !umber *#2#:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 al-7ara: b, :A8ib throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 222 !umber *#2;:

al-7ara: b, :A8ib re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) addressed us on the da" o0 !ahr a0ter the (:Id) 1ra"er, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 222 !umber *#4 :

Al-7ara: b, :A8ib re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) addressed us on the da" o0 !ahr and said: !one should sa/ri0i/e the animal unless he has /om1leted the (:Id) 1ra"er, A 1erson said: I ha-e a mil/h .oat o0 less than one "ear2 better than two 0at .oats, Thereu1on he said: Sa/ri0i/e it2 and no .oat o0 less than a "ear o0 a.e will be a//e1ted as sa/ri0i/e a0ter "ou,

7oo6 222 !umber *#4$:

Al-7ara: b, :A8ib re1orted that Abu 7urda slau.htered the animal as a sa/ri0i/e be0ore the (:Id) 1ra"er, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 300er a substitute 0or it (sin/e it does not absol-e "ou o0 the res1onsibilit" o0 sa/ri0i/e), Thereu1on he said: Allah:s, I ha-e nothin. with me but a .oat o0 less than si5 months, Shu:ba (one o0 the narrators) said: I thin6 he (al7ara: b, :A8ib also) said: And it is better than a .oat o0 one "ear, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ma6e it a substitute 0or that (and sa/ri0i/e it)2 but it will not su00i/e 0or an"one (as a sa/ri0i/e) a0ter "ou,
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733> 22: TH( 733> 3= SA'AI=I'(S (>ITA7 AL-A9AHI)

7oo6 222 !umber *#42:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but did not mention tht doubt (e51ressed in his statement) That is (the .oat o0 less than a "ear) is better than a .oat o0 more than one "ear,

7oo6 222 !umber *#44:

Anas (b, Mali6) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said on the da" o0 !ahr (Sa/ri0i/e): He who slau.htered (the animal as a sa/ri0i/e) be0ore the (:Id) 1ra"er, should re1eat it (i, e, o00er another animal), Thereu1on a 1erson stood u1 and said: o0 Allah2 that is the da" when meat is mu/h desired2 and he also made a mention o0 the need o0 his nei.hbour2 and 1erha1s Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) attested it, He (the 1erson who had sa/ri0i/ed the animal be0ore the :Id 1ra"er) said: I ha-e a .oat o0 less than one "ear o0 a.e with me and I li6e it more than two 0lesh" .oatsB should I o00er it as a sa/ri0i/eD He 1ermitted him to do so, He (the narrator) said: I do not 6now whether this 1ermission was .ranted to an"one else besides him or not, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then turned towards two rams, and he slau.htered them2 and the 1eo1le: /ame to the .oats and .ot them distributed themsel-es (0or o00erin. them as sa/ri0i/e),

7oo6 222 !umber *#4*:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) o00ered the :Id 1ra"er and then deli-ered the sermon .i-in. the /ommand: He who slau.htered the animal be0ore 1ra"er should slau.hter (another animal as a sa/ri0i/e), The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 222 !umber *#4+:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) addressed us on the da" o0 :Id al-Adha, He smelt the odour o0 0lesh and he 1rohibited thern 0rom slau.hterin. (the animals be0ore the :Id 1ra"er)2 sa"in.: He who slau.htered the animals (be0ore the :Id 1ra"er) should do that a.ain (as it is not -alid as a sa/ri0i/e),

'ha1ter 2: 30 what a.e the animal is to be sa/ri0i/ed

7oo6 222 !umber *#4):
Fabir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Sa/ri0i/e onl" a .rown-u1 animal2 unless it is di00i/ult 0or "ou2 in whi/h /ase sa/ri0i/e a ram (o0 e-en less than a "ear2 but more than si5 months: a.e),
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733> 22: TH( 733> 3= SA'AI=I'(S (>ITA7 AL-A9AHI)

7oo6 222 !umber *#4%:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) led us in the :Id 1ra"er in Medina on the 9a" o0 Sa/ri0i/e, Some 1ersons slau.htered their animals ahead o0 him under the im1ression that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had-alread" o00ered sa/ri0i/e, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Those who had slau.htered their animals ahead o0 him should slau.hter the other ones in their stead, And the" should not sa/ri0i/e the animal be0ore Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had sa/ri0i/ed (his animal)

7oo6 222 !umber *#4#:

Uqba b, :Amir re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e the .i0ts o0 .oats to be distributed his 'om1anions, The" sa/ri0i/ed them2 but a lamb o0 one "ear o0 a.e was le0t, (Someone) made a mention o0 that to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on he said: Kou sa/ri0i/e it,

7oo6 222 !umber *#4;:

Amir al-Fuhani re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) distributed sa/ri0i/ial animals ( us 0or sa/ri0i/in. them on :Id al-Adha), So we sa/ri0i/ed them, There 0ell to m" lot a lamb o0 less than one "ear I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 there has 0allen to m" lot a lamb (Fadha:a)2 whereu1on he said: Sa/ri0i/e that,

7oo6 222 !umber *#* :

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 :Uqba b, :Amir al-Fuhan with a /han.e o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter 4: It is meritorious to sa/ri0i/e the animal with one:s own hand and so is meritorious the re/itation o0 7ismillah (in the name o0 Allah) and Ta6bir (Allah-o-A6bar)
7oo6 222 !umber *#*$:
Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa/ri0i/ed with his own hands two horned rams whi/h were white with bla/6 mar6in.s re/itin. the name o0 Allah and .lori0"in. Him (sa"in. Allah-o-A6bar), He 1la/ed his 0oot on their sides (while sa/ri0i/in.),
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733> 22: TH( 733> 3= SA'AI=I'(S (>ITA7 AL-A9AHI)

7oo6 222 !umber *#*2:

Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa/ri0i/ed two horned rams o0 white /olour with bla/6 mar6in.s o-er them, He also stated: I saw him sa/ri0i/in. them with his own hand and saw him 1la/in. his 0oot on their sides2 and re/ited the name o0 Allah and Hlori0ied Him,

7oo6 222 !umber *#*4:

Shu:ba re1orted: Eatada in0ormed me that he had heard Anas sa"in. that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be n1on him) sa/ri0i/ed (the horned rams) and li6e that, I said: 9id "ou (Eatada) hear 0rom AnasD He said, Kes,

7oo6 222 !umber *#**:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Anas with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 222 !umber *#*+:

:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded that a ram with bla/6 le.s2 bla/6 bell" and bla/6 (/ir/les) round the e"es should be to him2 so that he should sa/ri0i/e it, He said to :A:isha: Hi-e me the lar.e 6ni0e2 and then said: Shar1en it on a stone, She did that, He then too6 it (the 6ni0e) and then the ramB he 1la/ed it on the .round and then sa/ri0i/ed it2 sa"in.: 7ismillah2 Allah-humma Taqabbal min Muhammadin wa Al-i-Muhammadin2 wa min Ummati Muhammadin (In the name o0 Allah2C 3 Allah2 a//e1t Nthis sa/ri0i/eO on behal0 o0 Muhammad and the 0amil" o0 Muhammad and the Umma o0 MuhammadC ),

'ha1ter *: @ermissibilit" o0 slau.hterin. the animal with an"thin. whi/h ma" ma6e its blood 0low2 e5/e1t tooth2 nail and bone
7oo6 222 !umber *#*):
Aa0i: b, >hadij is re1orted to ha-e said: Allah:s Messen.er2 we are .oin. to en/ounter the enem" tomorrow2 but we ha-e no 6ni-es with us, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ma6e haste or be /are0ul (in ma6in. arran.ements 0or 1ro/urin. 6ni-es) whi/h would let the blood 0low (and alon. with it) the name o0 Allah is also to be re/ited, Then eat2 but not the tooth or nail, And I am .oin. to tell "ou wh" it is not 1ermissible to slau.hter the animal with the hel1 o0 tooth and boneB and as 0or the nail, it is a bone2 and the bone is the 6ni0e o0 Ab"ssinians, He (the nar-

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733> 22: TH( 733> 3= SA'AI=I'(S (>ITA7 AL-A9AHI)

rator) said: There 0ell to our lot as s1oils o0 war /amels and .oats2 and one o0 the /amels amon. them be/ame wild, A 1erson ( usl stru/6 It with an arrow whi/h it under /ontrol, whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: This /amel be/ame wild li6e wild animals2 so i0 "ou 0ind an" animal .ettin. wild2 "ou do the same with that

7oo6 222 !umber *#*%:

Aa0i: b, >hadij re1orted: ?hile we were with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) in 9hu:I-Hulai0a in Tihama2 we .ot hold o0 .oats and /amels, Some 1ersons ( us) made haste and boiled (the 0lesh o0 .oats and /amels) in their earthen 1ots, He then /ommanded and these were turned o-erB then he equalised ten .oats 0or a /amel, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 222 !umber *#*#:

Aa0i: b, >hadij re1orted 0rom his .rand0ather that he said: Allah:s Messen.er2 we are .oin. to en/ounter the enem" tomorrow2 but we do not ha-e lon. 6ni-es with us2 should we then slau.hter them with the 1eel o0 the reedD The rest o0 the hadith is the same, (And at the end the words are):C A /amel be/ame wild (and .ot out o0 our /ontrol), ?e atta/6ed it with arrows until we made it 0all down,C This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sa:id b, Masruq with the same /hain o0 transmitters with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 222 !umber *#*;:

Aa0i: b, >hadij re1orted that he said: Allah:s Messen.er2 we are .oin. to en/ounter the enem" tomorrow, and we do not ha-e lar.e 6ni-es with us, The rest o0 the hadith is the same2 but no mention is made o0 this:C The 1eo1le hastened and the" boiled (0lesh) in the earthen 1ots, He (the Hol" @ro1het)2 /ammanded and these were turned o-er and the narrator narrated the whole e-ent,

$22) & $#


733> 22: TH( 733> 3= SA'AI=I'(S (>ITA7 AL-A9AHI)

'ha1ter +: It was not 1ermissible to eat the 0lesh o0 sa/ri0i/ial animals be"ond three da"s at the be.innin. o0 islam2 but this 1rohibition was abro.ated2 and now it is 1ermissible
7oo6 222 !umber *#+ :
Abu Ubaid re1orted: I was with :Ali b, Abi Talib on the o//asion o0 the :Id da", He started with the :Id 1ra"er be0ore deli-erin. the sermon2 and said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade us to eat the 0lesh o0 our sa/ri0i/ial animals be"ond three da"s,

7oo6 222 !umber *#+$:

Abu :Ubaid2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Ibn A8har2 re1orted that he said :Id (1ra"er) with Umar b, al>hattab2 and then said the :Id (1ra"er) with :Ali b, Abu Talib, He (the narrator 0urther) re1orted: He led us in 1ra"er be0ore deli-erin. the sermon and then addressed the 1eo1le sa"in.: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has 0orbidden "ou to eat the 0lesh o0 "our sa/ri0i/ial animals be"ond three ni.hts2 so do not eat that,

7oo6 222 !umber *#+2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 222 !umber *#+4:

Ibn :Umar re1orted 6llah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: !one o0 "ou sh/uld eat the 0lesh o0 his sa/ri0i/ial animal be"ond three da"s,

7oo6 222 !umber *#+*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 222 !umber *#++:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade that the 0lesh o0 sa/ri0i/ial animals be eaten be"ond three (da"s) Salim (son o0 Ibn Umar) said: Ibn :Umar did not eat the 0lesh o0 the sa/ri0i/ial animals be"ond three (da"s), Ibn Abu :Umar said:C 7e"ond three da"s,C
$22% & $#


733> 22: TH( 733> 3= SA'AI=I'(S (>ITA7 AL-A9AHI)

7oo6 222 !umber *#+):

Abdullah b, ?aqid re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (1eo1le) to /at the 0lesh o0 sa/ri0i/ed animals be"ond three da"s, Abdullah b, Abu 7a6r said2 I made a mention o0 that to :Amra2 whereu1on she said: He has told the truth2 0or I heard :A:isha sa": The 1oor amon. the 1eo1le o0 the desert /ome (to the towns) on the o//asion o0 Id al-Adha durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), U1on this Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Aetain with "ou (the 0lesh) su00i/in. 0or three (da"s)2 and whate-er is le0t out o0 that .i-e in /harit", A0ter this, the" (the Muslims) said: Allah:s Messen.er2 the 1eo1le ma6e waters6ins with the (hides) o0 their sa/ri0i/ed animals and the" melt 0at out o0 them, Thereu1on he said, ?hat the thenD The" said: Kou 0orbade (us) to eat the 0lesh o0 sa/ri0i/ial animals be"ond threoq (da"s)2 whereu1on he said: I 0orbade "ou 0or those (1oor 1ersons) who 0lo/6ed (to the towns on this o//asion 0or .ettin. meat) but now when (this situation has im1ro-ed) "ou ma" eat2 1reser-e and .i-e -in /harit",

7oo6 222 !umber *#+%:

Fabir re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade eatin. o0 the 0lesh o0 sa/ri0i/ed animals be"ond three (da"s), but a0terwards said: (at2 ma6e a 1ro-ision2 and 6ee1 it,

7oo6 222 !umber *#+#:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted: ?e did not eat the 0lesh o0 our sa/ri0i/ial animals be"ond three da"s in Mina, Then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ermitted us sa"in.: (at and ma6e it a 1ro-ision (0or journe"), I as6ed :Ata: whether Fabir had also said: Till we /ame to Medina, He said: Kes,

7oo6 222 !umber *#+;:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: ?e did not eat the 0lesh o0 sa/ri0i/ed animals be"ond three (da"s)2 but then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded us to ma6e it a 1ro-ision 0or journe" and /at it (be"ond three da"s),

7oo6 222 !umber *#) :

Fabir re1orted: ?e made 1ro-ision (out o0 the 0lesh o0 sa/ri0i/ed animals 0or our journe") to Medina durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 222 !umber *#)$:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: 3 1eo1le o0 Medina2 do not eat the 0lesh o0 sa/ri0i/ed animals be"ond three da"s, Ibn al-Muthanni said: Three da"s, The" (the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) /om1lained to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e
$22# & $#


733> 22: TH( 733> 3= SA'AI=I'(S (>ITA7 AL-A9AHI)

he u1on him) that the" had /hildren and ser-ants o0 theirs (to 0eed)2 whereu1on he said: (at2 and 0eed others2 and store2 and ma6e it a 1ro-ision o0 0ood,

7oo6 222 !umber *#)2:

Salama b, al-A6wa: re1orted Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: He who sa/ri0i/es (animal) amon. "ou nothin. should be le0t in his house (out o0 its 0lesh) on the mornin. o0 the third da", ?hen it was the ne5t "ear the" (his 'om1anions) said: Should we do this "ear as we did darin. the 1re-ious "earD Thereu1on he said: 9on:t do that2 0or that was a "ear when the 1eo1le were hard 1ressed (on a//ount o0 1o-ert"), so I wanted that the (0lesh) be distributed them,

7oo6 222 !umber *#)4:

Thauban re1orted that Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) slau.htered his sa/ri0i/ial animal and then said: Thauban2 ma6e his meat usable (0or journe")2 and I /ontinuousl" ser-ed him that until he arri-ed in Medina,

7oo6 222 !umber *#)*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Mu:awi"a b, Salih with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 222 !umber *#)+:

Thauban2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me on the o//asion o0 Hajjat-al-?ada: (the =arewell @il.rima.e): Ma6e the 0lesh usable, So I made it usable (0or him) and he ate it /onstantl" until he rea/hed Medina, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Kab"a b, Ham8a with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but he did not sa": 3n the o//asion o0 Hajjat-al-?ada:,

7oo6 222 !umber *#)):

Abdullah b, 7uraida re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said this: I 1rohibited "ou 0rom -isitin. the .ra-es2 but (now) "ou ma" -isit them2 and I 1rohibited "ou (0rom eatin.) the 0lesh o0 sa/ri0i/- ed animals be"ond three da"s2 but now 6ee1 it as lon. as "ou li6e, I 1rohibited "ou 0rom the use o0 !abidh e5/e1t (that 1reoared) in dr" waters6ins, !ow drin6 (!abidh 1re1ared in an" utensil)2 but do not drin6 when it be/omes into5i/ant,

$22; & $#


733> 22: TH( 733> 3= SA'AI=I'(S (>ITA7 AL-A9AHI)

7oo6 222 !umber *#)%:

Ibn 7uraida2 on the authorit" o0 his 0ather2 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said this: I used to 0orbid "ou, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

'ha1ter ): Sa/ri0i/in. o0 =ara: and :Atira are idolatrous 1ra/ti/es

7oo6 222 !umber *#)#:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: (The sa/ri0i/e o0 =ara: and :Atira) has no (san/tion in Islam), Ibn Aa0i: made this addition in his narration that =ara: means the 0irst-born "oun. one o0 a /amel,

'ha1ter %: It is not 1ermissible 0or one who intends to sa/ri0i/e the animal to .et one:s hair or nails /ut a0ter the be.innin. o0 9hu:l-Hijja
7oo6 222 !umber *#);:
Umm Salama re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said this: ?hen an" one o0 "ou intendin. to sa/ri0i/e the animal enters in the month (o0 9hu:l-Hijja) he should not .et his hair or nails tou/hed (/ut), It was said to Su0"an that some o0 the (s/holars) did not deem this hadith to be Ma00u:, He said: 7ut I deem it as Mar0u: (i, e, /hain o0 narration tra/eable u1 to the Hol" @ro1het),

7oo6 222 !umber *#% :

Umm Salama re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 an"one o0 "ou intends to o00er sa/ri0i/e he should not .et his hair /ut or nails trimmed,

7oo6 222 !umber *#%$:

Umm Salama re1orted (these words) dire/tl" 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): I0 an"one has in his 1ossession a sa/ri0i/ial animal to o00er as a sa/ri0i/e (on :Id al-Adha)2 he should not .et his hair /ut and nails trimmed a0ter he has entered the 0irst da"s o0 9hu:l Hijja

$24 & $#


733> 22: TH( 733> 3= SA'AI=I'(S (>ITA7 AL-A9AHI)

7oo6 222 !umber *#%2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Amr b, Muslim with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 222 !umber *#%4:

Umm Salama2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to ha-e said: He who has a sa/ri0i/ial animal with him whom (he intends) to o00er as sa/ri0i/e2 and he enters the month o0 9hu:I-Hijja2 he should not .et his hair /ut or nails trimmed until he has sa/ri0i/ed the animal,

7oo6 222 !umber *#%*:

:Amr b, Muslim b, :Ammar al-Laithi re1orted: ?hile we were in a bathroom just be0ore :Id alAdha some o0 the 1ersons tried to remo-e the hair with the hel1 o0 hair-remo-in. /hemi/als, Thereu1on some o0 the 1eo1le ownin. the bath (or some o0 the 1eo1le sittin. therein) said that Sa:id b, Musa""ib did not a11ro-e o0 it2 or he 1rohibited it, Then I met Sa:id b, Musa""ib and made a mention o0 that to him2 whereu1on he said: 3 m" ne1hew2 this is the hadith whi/h has been 0or.otten2 and abandoned, Umm Salama2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 narrated to me Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said as narrated abo-e,

7oo6 222 !umber *#%+:

Amr b, Muslim al-Fundani re1orted that Ibn Musa""ib had told him that it was Umm Salama2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 who had in0ormed him o0 that as narrated abo-e,

'ha1ter #: It is 0orbidden to sa/ri0i/e the animal 0or an"one besides Allah2 the (5alted2 and /urse u1on one who does it
7oo6 222 !umber *#%):
Abu Tu0ail :Amir b, ?ithila re1orted: I was in the /om1an" o0 :Ali b, Abi Talib2 when a 1erson /ame to him2 and said: ?hat was it that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) told "ou in se/retD Thereu1on he (liadrat :All) was enra.ed and said: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not tell me an"thin. in se/ret that he hid 0rom 1eo1le2 e5/e1t that he told me 0our thin.s, He said: 'ommader o0 =aith0ul2 what are theseD He said: Allah /ursed him who /ursed his 0atherB Allah /ursed him

$24$ & $#


733> 22: TH( 733> 3= SA'AI=I'(S (>ITA7 AL-A9AHI)

who sa/ri0i/ed 0or an"one besides AllahB and Allah /ursed him who a//ommodates an inno-ator (in reli.ion) B and Allah /ursed him who /han.ed the minarets (the boundar" lines) o0 the land,

7oo6 222 !umber *#%%:

Abu Tu0ail re1orted: ?e said to :Ali b, Abi Talib: In0orm us about somethin. whi/h Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) told "ou in se/ret2 whereu1on he said: He told me nothin. in se/ret whi/h he bid 0rom 1eo1le2 but I heard him sa": Allah /ursed him who sa/ri0i/ed 0or an"one besides AllahB and /ursed him who a//ommodated an inno-atorB and Allah /ursed him who /ursed his 1arents and Allah /ursed him who /han.ed the boundar" lines (o0 the land 1ossessed b" him),

7oo6 222 !umber *#%#:

Abu Tu0ail re1orted: :Ali was as6ed whether Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had showed s1e/ial 0a-our (b" dis/losin. to him) a thin. (whi/h he 6e1t se/ret 0rom others), Thereu1on he said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sin.led us not 0or (dis/losin. to us) an"thin. (se/ret) whi/h he did not ma6e 1ubli/2 (but those 0ew thin.s) whi/h lie in the sheath o0 m" sword, He drew out the written do/ument /ontained in it and on that (it was mentioned): Allah /ursed him who sa/ri0i/ed 0or an"one else besides AllahB and Allah /ursed him who stole the si.n1osts (demar/atin. the boundar" lines o0 the) landB and Allah /ursed him who /ursed his 0atherB and Allah /ursed him who a//ommodated an inno-ator (in reli.ion),

$242 & $#


733> 22: TH( 733> 3= SA'AI=I'(S (>ITA7 AL-A9AHI)

733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

$244 & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

'ha1ter $: =orbiddan/e o0 wine

7oo6 242 !umber *#%;:
:Ali b, Abu Talib re1ortedB There 0ell to m" lot alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) an old she-/amel 0rom the s1oils o0 7adr, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ranted me another /amel, I made them 6neel down one da" at the door o0 an Ansari2 and I wanted to /arr" on them Idh6hir (a 6ind o0 .rass) in order to sell that, There was with me a .oldsmith o0 the tribe o0 Eainuqa:, I to .i-e a weddin. 0east (on the o//asion o0 marria.e with) =atima with the hel1 o0 that (the 1ri/e a//rued 0rom the sale o0 this .rass), And Ham8a b, :Abd al-Muttalib was bus" in drin6in. in that house in the /om1an" o0 a .irl who was to him, She said: Ham8a2 .et u1 0or slau.hterin. the 0at she-/amels, Ham8a atta/6ed them with the sword and /ut o00 their hum1s and ri11ed their haun/hes2 and then too6 out their li-ers, I said to Ibn Shihab: 9id he ta6e out an"thin. 0rom the hum1D He said: He /ut o00 the hum1s alto.ether, Ibn Shihab re1orted :Ali ha-in. said: I saw this (horrible) and it sho/6ed me2 and I /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and there was Gaid b2 Haritha with him and /ommuni/ated to him this news, He /ame in the /om1an" o0 Gaid and I also went alon. with him and he went to Ham8a and he e51ressed with him, Ham8a raised his e"es and said: Are "ou (not) but the ser-ants o0 m" 0atherD Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) turned ba/6 on his heels (on hearin. this) until he went awa" 0rom them,

7oo6 242 !umber *## :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Furaij with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 242 !umber *##$:

Husain b, :Ali re1orted :Ali ha-in. said: There 0ell to m" lot a she-/amel out o0 the s1oils o0 war on the 9a" o0 7adr2 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e me (another) she-/amel on that da" out o0 the >hums (one-0i0th reser-ed 0or Allah and His, ?hen I made u1 m" mind to /onsummate m" marria.e with =atima2 the dau.hter o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 I 1re-ailed u1on a .oldsmith o0 the tribe o0 Eainuqa: to .o alon. with me so that we brin. Idh6hir wishin. to sell that to the .oldsmiths and thus I should be able to arran.e m" weddin. 0east, ?hile I was the equi1ments, i, e, litters2 sa/6s and ro1es2 m" two she-/amels were sittin. down at the side o0 the a1artment o0 a 1erson o0 the Ansar, I /olle/ted (the di00erent arti/les o0 equi1ment) and 0ound to m" sur1rise that their hum1s had been /ho11ed o00 and their haun/hes had been /ut o00 and their li-ers had been ta6en out, I /ould not hel1 wee1in. when I saw that o0 theirs, I said: ?ho has done thatD The" said: Ham8a b, :Abd al-Muttalib has done this, and he is in this house dead drun6 in the /om1an" o0 some o0 the Ansair with .irl be0ore him and his /om1anions, She said in her son.: 3 Ham8a, .et u1 and atta/6 these 0alt" she-/a$24* & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

mels, Thereu1on Ham8a stood u1 with a sword (in his hand) and /ut o00 their hum1s and ri11ed their haun/hes and tore out their li-ers, :Ali said: I went awa" until I /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and there was with him Gaid b, Haritha, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/o.nised 0rom m" 0a/e what I had e51erien/ed2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hat has ha11ened to "ouD I said: o0 Allah2 b" Allah2 I ha-e ne-er seen (su/h an un0ortunate da") as this da", Ham8a has /ommitted a..ression to m" she-/amels2 and has /ut o00 their hum1s, and ri11ed their haun/hes2 and he is in a house in the /om1an" o0 some drun6ards, (Hearin. this) Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent 0or his mantle and2 1uttin. it on him2 he 1ro/eeded2 and I and Gaid b, Haritha 0ollowed him2 until he /ame to the door (o0 the house) in whi/h there was Ham8a, He (the Hol" @ro1het) 1ermission whi/h the" .ranted him, and the" were all drun6, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to re1rimand Ham8a 0or what he had done, Ham8a:s e"es were red, He /ast a .lan/e at Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and then loo6ed towards his 6nees, and then li0ted his e"es and /ast a .lan/e at his waist and then li0ted his e"es and saw his 0a/e, And then Ham8a said: Are "ou an"thin. but the sla-es o0 m" 0atherD Alah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to 6now that he was into5i/ated2 and he thus turned u1on his heels2 and /ame out2 and we also /ame out alon. with him,

7oo6 242 !umber *##2:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: I was the /u1-bearer o0 some 1eo1le in the house o0 Abu Talha on the da" when liquor was 0orbidden, Their liquor had been 1re1ared 0rom dr" dates or 0resh dates when the announ/er made the announ/ement, He (Abu Talha) said to me: Ho out and 0ind out (what the announ/ement is), I .ot out (and 0ound) an announ/er ma6in. this announ/ement: 7ehold2 liquor has been de/lared unlaw0ul, He said: The liquor (was s1ilt and) 0lawed in the lanes o0 Medina, Abu Talha said to me: Ho out and S1ill it2 and I s1ilt it, The" said or some o0 them said: Su/h and su/h were 6illed2 su/h and su/h were 6illed 0or (the wine) had been in their stoma/hs, He (the narrator) said, I do not 6now whether it is the narration transmitted b" Anas2 (or b" someone else), Then Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 re-ealed:C There shall be no sin (im1uted) unto those who ha-e belie-ed and done .ood wor6s 0or what the" ma" ha-e eaten as lon. as the" 0ear (Allah) and belie-e and do .ood wor6sC (-, ;4),

7oo6 242 !umber *##4:

:Abd al-A8i8 b, Suhaib re1orted: The" (some 1ersons) as6ed Anas b, Mali62 about =adi6h (that is2 a wine 1re1ared 0rom 0resh dates)2 whereu1on he said: There was no liquor with us e5/e1t this =adi6ih o0 "ours, It was onl" this =adi6h that I had been ser-in. to Abu Talha and Abu A""ub and some 1ersons 0rom the 'om1anions o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in our house, ?hen a 1erson /ame and said: Has the news rea/hed "ouD ?e said2 !o, He said: <eril" liquor has been de/lared 0orbidden, Thereu1on2 Abd Talha said: Anas2 s1ill these lar.e 1it/hers, He (the narra-

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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

tor) said: The" then ne-er re-erted to it2 nor e-en as6ed about this a0ter the announ/ement b" that 1erson,

7oo6 242 !umber *##*:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: I was standin. the un/les o0 m" tribe ser-in. them =adi6h while I was the "oun.est o0 them2 when a 1erson /ame and said: <eril" the use o0 liqour has been 1rohibited, The" said: Anas2 s1ill it awa", So I s1ilt it, He (one o0 the narrators, Sulaiman Taimi) said that he as6ed Anas what that was (the =adi6h), He said: It had been 1re1ared 0rom unri1e and ri1e dates, Abu 7a6r b, Anas said: It was their liquor in those da"s, Sulaiman said: A 1erson narrated it to me 0rom Anas b, Mali6 that he had said so,

7oo6 242 !umber *##+:

Anas re1orted: I was standin. the members o0 m" (tribe) and ser-in. them liquor, The rest o0 the hadith is the same2 but with this -ariation that Abu 7a6r b, Anas said: It was their liquor in those da"s (1re1ared 0rom dates)2 and Anas was 1resent there and he did not den" this (0a/t) Mu:tamir re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: A 1erson who was with me told me that he had heard Anas sa"in. that that was their liquor in those da"s,

7oo6 242 !umber *##):

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted I was ser-in. wine to Abu Talha2 and Abu 9ujana, and Mu:adh b, jabal admidst a .rou1 o0 Ansar when a -isitor /ame to us and said There is a 0resh newsB the (-erses) /on/ernin. the 1rohibition o0 liquor ha-e been re-ealed, So we s1ilt it on that da"B and it was a mi5ture o0 dr" dates and 0resh dates, Anas b, Mali6 said: ?hil >hamr was de/lared unlaw0ul2 the /ommon liquor o0 theirs was then a mi5ture o0 dr" dates and 0resh dates,

7oo6 242 !umber *##%:

Anas b, Mali6 said: I was ser-in. wine to Abu Talha2 Abu 9ujana2 and Suhail b, 7aida: 0rom a waters6in whi/h /ontained the mi5ture o0 unri1e dates and 0resh dates, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 242 !umber *###:

Anas b, Mali6 is re1orted to ha-e said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0orbidden to mi5ture 0resh dates and unri1e dates and then drin6in. (the wine 1re1ared out o0 it)2 and that was their /ommon into5i/ant when liquor was 1rohibited,

$24) & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber *##;:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: I was ser-in. drin6 to Abu :Ubaida b, jarrah2 Abu Talha and Uba"" b, >a:b 1re1ared 0rom unri1e dates and 0resh dates when a -isitor /ame and he said: <eril" liquor has been 1rohibited, Thereu1on2 Abu Talha said: Anas2 stand u1 and brea6 this 1it/her, I stool u1 and (too6 hold) o0 a 1ointed stone and stru/6 the 1it/her with its lower 1art until it bro6e into 1ie/es,

7oo6 242 !umber *#; :

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: Allah re-ealed the -erse in whi/h Allah 1rohibited the use o0 liquor, In those da"s no other liquor was drun6 but that 1re1ared 0rom dates,

'ha1ter 2: It is 0orbidden to 1re1are 0rom 6hamr (wine)

7oo6 242 !umber *#;$:
Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed about the use o0 >hamr 0rom whi/h is 1re1ared, He said: !o (it is 1rohibited),

'ha1ter 4: It is 0orbidden to use wine as a medi/ine

7oo6 242 !umber *#;2:
?a:il al-Hadrami re1orted that Tariq b, Suwaid a-Fu:0i as6ed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about liquor, He 0orbade (its use) and he e51ressed hatred that it should be 1re1ared, He (Tariq) said: I 1re1are it as a medi/ine2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: It is no medi/ine2 but an ailment,

'ha1ter *: The wine whi/h is 1re1ared 0rom dates and .ra1es is also 6hamr
7oo6 242 !umber *#;4:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: ?ine is 1re1ared 0rom the (0ruit) o0 these two trees-date-1alm and -ine,

$24% & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber *#;*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 242 !umber *#;+:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?ine /omes 0rom -ine and date-1alms, Abu >uraib has narrated it with a -ariation o0 words,

'ha1ter +: It is not a11ro-ed to 1re1are !abidh b" mi5in. dr" dates and .ra1es
7oo6 242 !umber *#;):
Fabir b, :Abdullah al-Ansari re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e u1on him) 1rohibited the mi5in. o0 .ra1es and 0resh dates2 and dr" dates and 0resh dates,

7oo6 242 !umber *#;%:

Fabir b, :Abdullah al-Ansari re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibited the (1re1aration o0) !abidh b" mi5in. to.ether 0resh dates and .ra1es2 and he 1rohibited the 1re1aration o0 !abidh b" mi5in. the 0resh dates and unri1e dates to.ether,

7oo6 242 !umber *#;#:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not mi5 0resh dates and dr" dates2 and .ra1es and 0resh dates 0or 1re1arin. !abidh,

7oo6 242 !umber *#;;:

Fabir b, Abdullah al-Ansari re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) @rohibited the 1re1aration o0 !abidh b" mi5in. .ra1es and 0resh dates, and he 0orbade the 1re1aration o0 !abidh b" mi5in. unri1e dates with 0resh dates,

7oo6 242 !umber *;

Abu Sa:id re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibited that 0resh dates and .ra1es be mi5ed to.ether and that 0resh dates and unri1e dates be mi5ed to.ether,

$24# & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber *; $:

Abu Sa:id re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibited us to mi5 .ra1es and dr" dates to.ether and unri1e dates and dr" dates (to 1re1are !abidh,

7oo6 242 !umber *; 2:

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abi Maslama with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 242 !umber *; 4:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who "ou drin6s !abidh should drin6 that (1re1ared either 0rom) .ra1es alone2 or 0rom dates alone2 or 0rom unri1e dates alone (and not b" mi5in. them with one another), Isma:il b, Muslim al-:Abadi re1orted on the authorit" o0 the same /hain o0 transmitters: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibited us that we should mi5 dr" dates with unri1e dates or (mi5) .ra1es with dr" dates (and 1re1are !abidh), He also said: He who "ou drin6s-the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 242 !umber *; *:

Abu Eatada2 on the authorit" o0 his 0ather2 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said this: 9o not 1re1are !abidh b" mi5in. nearl" ri1e dates and 0resh dates to.ether2 and do not 1re1are !abidh b" mi5in. .ra1es and dates to.ether2 but 1re1are !abidh 0rom ea/h (one o0 them) se1aratel",

7oo6 242 !umber *; +:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Kah"a b, Abu >athir with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 242 !umber *; ):

Abu Eatada re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not 1re1are !abidh b" mi5in. nearl" ri1e and 0resh dates and do not 1re1are !abidh b" mi5in. to.ether 0resh dates and .ra1es2 but 1re1are !abidh out o0 ea/h (one o0 them) se1aratel", Kah"a stated that he had met :Abdullah b, Abu Eatada and he narrated it on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said this, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Kah"a b, Abu >athir throu.h these two /hains o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 words,

$24; & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber *; %:

:Abdullah b, Abu Eatada2 on the authorit" o0 his 0ather2 re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbiddin. the 1re1aration o0 the mi5ture o0 ri1e dates and unri1e dates2 and the mi5ture o0 .ra1es and dates2 and that o0 nearl" ri1e dates and 0resh dates but the @ro1het said: @re1are the !abidh 0rom ea/h one o0 them se1aratel",

7oo6 242 !umber *; #:

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Eatada throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 242 !umber *; ;:

Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (the 1re1aration o0 !abidh) 0rom .ra1es and dates2 and unri1e dates and dr" dates (b" mi5in. them to.ether), He (the Hol" @ro1het also) said: @re1are !abidh 0rom ea/h one o0 them se1aratel", This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 242 !umber *;$ :

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the mi5in. o0 dates and .ra1es to.ether2 and mi5in. o0 unri1e dates and ri1e dates to.ether (0or 1re1arin. !abidh)2 and he wrote to the 1eo1le o0 Furash (in Kemen) 0orbiddin. them to 1re1are the mi5ture o0 dates and .ra1es, This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 242 !umber *;$$:

Ibn Umar re1orted that he was 0orbidden to 1re1are !abidh b" mi5in. unri1e dates and 0resh dates2 and dates with .ra1es,

7oo6 242 !umber *;$2:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that the" were 0orbidden to 1re1are !abidh b" mi5in. dr" dates and 0resh dates and dates and .ra1es to.ether,

$2* & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

'ha1ter ): It is 0orbidden to 1re1are !abidh in -arnished jar2 .ourd2 .reen 1it/her2 and hollow stum1s
7oo6 242 !umber *;$4:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the 1re1aration o0 !abidh in .ourd or -arnished jar,

7oo6 242 !umber *;$*:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not 1re1are !abidh in .ourd or jar or in a 1it/her besmeared with 1it/h (6nown as .reen 1it/her),

7oo6 242 !umber *;$+:

Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (the 1re1aration o0 !abidh) in -arnished jar2 1it/her besmeared with .reen 1it/h and hollow stum1, It was said to Abu Huraira: ?hat that Hantama wasD He said: It is .reen 1it/her (besmeared with 1it/h),

7oo6 242 !umber *;$):

Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to the .rou1 o0 Abd alEais: I 0orbid "ou (to 1re1are !abidh) in .ourd, and .reen 1it/her2 hollow stum1 and -arnished jar and the waters6in ha-in. its u11er end /ut2 but (1re1are it) in "our small waters6in2 and tie its mouth

7oo6 242 !umber *;$%:

:Ali re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade to 1re1are !abidh in .ourd and -arnished jar, This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 242 !umber *;$#:

Ibrahim re1orted: I said to Aswad i0 he had as6ed the Mother o0 the 7elie-ers (in whi/h utensils) he (the Hol" @ro1het) disa11ro-ed the 1re1aration o0 !abidh, He (Aswad) said: Kes, I said: Mother o0 the 7elie-ers2 in0orm me about the utensils in whi/h) Allah:s A1ostle 0orbade to 1re1are !abidh, She (Hadrat :A:isha) said: He 0orbade us2 the members o0 his 0amil"2 to 1re1are !abidh in .ourd2 or -arnished jar, I said to him: 9o "ou remember .reen 1it/her2 and 1it/herD He said: I narrated to "ou what I ha-e heardB should I narrate to "ou whi/h I did not hearD
$2*$ & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber *;$;:

:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (the 1re1aration) o0 !abidh in .ourd and -arnished jar,

7oo6 242 !umber *;2 :

Thumama b, Ha8n Al-Eushairi re1orted: I met :A:isha and as6ed her (about the utensils in whi/h) !abidh (ma" be 1re1ared), She narrated to me that a .rou1 o0 :Abd al-Eais /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and as6ed: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about !abidh, He (the Hol" @ro1het) 0orbade them to 1re1are !abidh in -arnished jar2 hollow stum1s and .ourd and .reen 1it/her,

7oo6 242 !umber *;2$:

:A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbiddin. (the 1re1aration o0 !abidh) in -arnished jar2 .reen 1it/her2 .ourd2 and hollow stum12

7oo6 242 !umber *;22:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ishaq b, Suwaid2 with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 242 !umber *;24:

Ishaq b, Suwaid re1orted throu.h the same /hain o0 transmitters but 0or the di00eren/e that he substituted the wordC .ourdC 0orC waters6inC (meant 0or 1reser-in. wine),

7oo6 242 !umber *;2*:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that there /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a .rou1 o0 1eo1le 0rom the tribe o0 :Abd al-Eais, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to them: I 0orbid "ou to 1re1are !abidh in .ourd2 in 1it/her besmeared with 1it/h2 in hollow stum1 and in waters6in (meant 0or 1reser-in. wine), In the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Hammad the word,C .ourdC has been used in 1la/e o0C waters6inC,

7oo6 242 !umber *;2+:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the (1re1aration o0 !abidh) in .ourd in 1it/her besmeared with 1it/h2 in -arnished jar2 and in hollow stum1s,

$2*2 & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber *;2):

Ibn Abbas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade2 the 1re1aration o0 !abidh in .ourd2 in -arnished jar2 hollow stum1 and 0rom mi5in. u1 ri1e dates with nearl" ri1e dates,

7oo6 242 !umber *;2%:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (1re1aration) o0 !abidh in .ourd2 in hollow stum1 and in -arnished jar,

7oo6 242 !umber *;2#:

Abu Sa:id re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (the 1re1aration) o0 !abidh in a .reen 1it/her (besmeared with 1it/h),

7oo6 242 !umber *;2;:

Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (the 1re1aration) o0 !abidh in .ourd2 in 1it/her besmeared with .reen 1it/h2 in hollow stum1 and in -arnished jar,

7oo6 242 !umber *;4 :

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Eatada with the same /hain o0 transmitters that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (the 1re1aration o0) !abidh2 the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 242 !umber *;4$:

Abu Sa:id re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade drin6in. in .reen 1it/her2 in .ourd and in the hollow stum1,

7oo6 242 !umber *;42:

Sa:id b, Fubair re1orted: I bear testimon" to the 0a/t that Ibn :Umar and Ibn :Abbas testi0ied to the 0a/t that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (the 1re1aration) o0 !abidh in .ourd in -essel besmeared with 1it/h and hollow stum1,

$2*4 & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber *;44:

Sa:id b, Fubair re1orted: I as6ed Ibn :Umar about (the 1re1aration o0) !abidh in a .reen 1it/her (besmeared with 1it/h)2 whereu1on he said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the (1re1aration o0) !abidh in .reen 1it/her (besmeared with 1it/h), I then /ame to Ibn Abbas and said: 9o "ou hear what Ibn :Umar has saidD Thereu1on he said: ?hat does he sa"D I said: He stated that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has 0orbidden the (1re1aration o0) !abidh in a .reen 1it/her (besmeared with 1it/h)2 whereu1on he said: Ibn :Umar has told the truth, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) de/lared unlaw0ul the 1re1aration o0 !abidh in a .reen 1it/her (besmeared with 1it/h), I said: ?hat is this thin.2 the !abidh o0 a 1it/her (!abidh 1re1ared in a 1it/her)D Thereu1on2 he said: (-er"thin. that is 1re1ared in earthen 1it/her,

7oo6 242 !umber *;4*:

Ibn :Umar re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) addressed 1eo1le in one o0 his e51editions, Ibn :Umar said: I went 0orward to him but he went awa" be0ore I rea/hed him, I as6ed (the 1eo1le 1resent there): ?hat did he sa"D The" said that he (the Hol" @ro1het) had 0orbidden the 1re1aration o0 !abidh in .ourd and -arnished jar,

7oo6 242 !umber *;4+:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar with di00erent /hains o0 transmitters but the" ha-e not mentioned:C In one o0 his e51editionsC e5/e1t Mali6 and Usama,

7oo6 242 !umber *;4):

Thabit re1orted: I said to Ibn :Umar that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0orbidden the 1re1aration o0 !abidh in the .reen 1it/her (besmeared with 1it/h), He said: This is what the" stated, I said: 9id Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbid thisD He said: The" said so,

7oo6 242 !umber *;4%:

A 1erson as6ed Ibn :Umar i0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the 1re1aration o0 !abidh in a .reen 1it/her (besmeared with 1it/h), He said: Kes, Then Tawus said: 7" Allah2 I heard it 0rom him,

7oo6 242 !umber *;4#:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that a 1erson /ame to him and said: 9id Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbid the 1re1aration o0 !abidh in a .reen 1it/her (besmeared with 1it/h and) in -arnished jarD He said: Kes,
$2** & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber *;4;:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (the 1re1aration) o0 !abidh in a .reen 1it/her (besmeared with 1it/h) and in -arnished jar,

7oo6 242 !umber *;* :

Ibrahim b, Maisarah re1orted that he heard Tawus as sa"in.: I was sittin. with Ibn :Umar when a man /ame to him2 and said: 9id Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbid the 1re1aration o0 !abidh in a .reen 1it/her (besmeared with 1it/h)2 in -arnished jar and in .ourdD Thereu1on he said: Kes,

7oo6 242 !umber *;*$:

Muharib b, 9ithar re1orted: I heard Ibn :Umar sa": Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (the 1re1aration o0 !abidh) in a 1it/her besmeared with 1it/h2 in .ourd2 in -arnished jar, He said2 I heard it 0rom him more than on/e,

7oo6 242 !umber *;*2:

Muharib b, 9ithar re1orted a hadith li6e this on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters, He (the narrator) said: I thin6 he also made a mention o0 hollow stum1,

7oo6 242 !umber *;*4:

:Uqba b, Huraith said: I heard Ibn :Umar sa"in.: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (the 1re1aration o0 !abidh) in a .reen 1it/her (besmeared with 1it/h)2 in -arnished jar2 and in .ourd2 and he said: @re1are !abidh in small waters6ins,

7oo6 242 !umber *;**:

Fabalah re1orted: I heard Ibn :Umar narratin. that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0orbidden (the 1re1aration o0 !abidh) in the 1it/her besmeared with 1it/h, I said to him: ?hat is HuntamaD He said: It is a 1it/her (besmeared with 1it/h),

7oo6 242 !umber *;*+:

Gadhan re1orted: I said to Ibn :Umar: Tell me in "our own and then e51lain it to me in an" be/ause "our is di00erent 0rom our (about the -essels) in whi/h Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has 0orbidden (us) to drin6, He said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has 0orbidden (the 1re1aration) o0 !abidh in Hantama and that is a 1it/her (besmeared with 1it/h)2 in .ourd and that is 1um16in2 in the -arnished jar2 in hollow stum1 and in
$2*+ & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

wooden -essels, This !aqir is the wood o0 date-1alm 0rom whi/h the -essel is 0ashioned out or hollowed out2 but he /ommanded us to 1re1are !abidh in waters6ins,

7oo6 242 !umber *;*):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 242 !umber *;*%:

Sa:id b, Musa""ib re1orted: I heard :Abdullah b :Umar sa"in. this near the 1ul1it while 1ointin. towards the 1ul1it o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): A .rou1 o0 the tribe o0 :Abd alEais /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and as6ed him about (-essels) whi/h (be used 0or 1re1arin. !abidh and) drin6in. in them, He (the Hol" @ro1het) 0orbade them (to use) .ourd2 hollow stum12 -essel besmeared with 1it/h, I said to him: Abu Muhammad2 (what about) -arnished jarD and we thin6 he had 0or.otten to mention the word :-arnished jarC, Thereu1on he said: I did not hear it 0rom him on that da"2 i, e, 0rom :Abdullah b, :Umar2 and he hated that (i, e, 1re1aration o0 !abidh in .ourd),

7oo6 242 !umber *;*#:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Fabir and Ibn Umar that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (the 1re1aration) o0 !abidh in hollow stum1 and -arnished jar and .ourd,

7oo6 242 !umber *;*;:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (the 1re1aration) o0 !abidh in .reen 1it/her2 in -arnished jar2 in hollow stum12 and when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not 0ind an"thin. to 1re1are !abidh in that (i, e, waters6in)2 it was 1re1ared 0or him in a bi. bowl made o0 stone,

7oo6 242 !umber *;+ :

This hadith is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, Abdullah that !abidh was 1re1ared 0or him in a bi. bowl o0 stone,

7oo6 242 !umber *;+$:

Fabir re1orted that !abidh was 1re1ared 0or Allan:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in a waters6in2 but i0 the" did not 0ind waters6in it was 1re1ared in a bi. bowl o0 stone, 3ne o0 the 1ersons and I had heard 0rom Abu Gubair that it was 7iram (a -essel made o0 stone),

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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber *;+2:

:Abdullah b, 7uraida2 on the authorit" o0 his 0ather2 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I had 0orbidden "ou 0rom the 1re1aration o0 !abidh e5/e1t in a waters6in, 7ut now "ou ma" drin6 in all -essels2 but do not drin6 what is into5i/ant,

7oo6 242 !umber *;+4:

Ibn 7uraida2 on the authorit" o0 his 0ather2 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I had 0orbidden "ou (0rom the 1re1aration o0 !abidh) and drin6in. it in /ertain -essels2 (but now "ou ma" do so i0 "ou li6e) 0or it is not -essels or a -essel that ma6es a thin. law0ul or unlaw0ul, It is e-er" into5i/ant that is unlaw0ul,

7oo6 242 !umber *;+*:

Ibn 7uraida2 on the authorit" o0 his 0ather2 re1orted Allah:s (ma" @ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I had 0orbidden "ou 0rom the drin6in. (and 1re1aration o0) !abidh in the -essels made out o0 leather2 but (now) "ou ma" drin6 in all -essels2 but "ou do not drin6 an into5i/ant,

7oo6 242 !umber *;++:

:Abdullah b, :Amr re1orted that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (the 1re1aration) o0 !abidh in -essels2 the" said all the 1eo1le /annot (a00ord to ha-e) them, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then .ranted them 1ermission (to 1re1are) !abidh in a .reen 1it/her2 but not in those besmeared with 1it/h,

'ha1ter %: (-er" into5i/ant is 6hamr and e-er" 6hamr is 0orbidden

7oo6 242 !umber *;+):
:A:isha re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed about 7it2 whereu1on he said: (-er" drin6 that /auses into5i/ation is 0orbidden,

7oo6 242 !umber *;+%:

:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed about it2 whereu1on he said that e-er"thin. that /auses into5i/ation is 0orbidden,

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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber *;+#:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Guhri with this /hain o0 transmitters but in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Su0"an and Salih (these words are not 0ound)C she was as6ed about 7itC, (These words are 0ound in the hadith) transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ma:mar and in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Salih (onl" these words are 0ound) that she (Hadrat :A:isha) had heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": (-er" into5i/atin. drin6 is 0orbidden,

7oo6 242 !umber *;+;:

Abu Musa re1orted: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent me and Mu:adh b, Fabal to Kemen, I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 there is 1re1ared in our land a wine out o0 barle" whi/h is 6nown as Mi8r (beer o0 our times) and a wine 0rom hone" whi/h is 6nown as 7it2 (are these also 0orbiddenD )2 whereu1on he said: (-er" into5i/ant is 0orbidden,

7oo6 242 !umber *;) :

Abu 7urda re1orted on the authorit" o0 his .rand0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent him and Mu:adh b, Fabal to Kemen and said to them: Hi-e .ood tidin.s to the (1eo1le), and ma6e thin.s eas" (0or them)2 tea/h (them)2 and do not re1el (them) B and I thin6 he also said: 'oo1erate /heer0ull" with ea/h other, ?hen he (the Hol" @ro1het) turned his ba/62 Abu Musa returned to him and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 the" (the 1eo1le o0 Kemen) ha-e a drin6 whi/h is (made) 0rom hone" and whi/h is 1re1ared b" /oo6in. it until it /oa.ulates2 and Mi8r is 1re1ared 0rom barle"2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (-er" into5i/ant that detains "ou 0rom 1ra"er is 0orbidden,

7oo6 242 !umber *;)$:

Abu 7urda re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent me and Mu:adh to Kemen sa"in.: 'all 1eo1le (to the 1ath o0 ri.hteousness) and .i-e .ood tidin.s to the (1eo1le)2 and do not re1el them2 ma6e thin.s eas" 0or them and do not ma6e thin.s di00i/ult, I (7urda) said: Allah:s Messen.er2 .i-e us a reli.ious -erdi/t about two 6inds o0 drin6s whi/h we 1re1are in Kemen, 3ne is 7it: whi/h is 1re1ared 0rom hone"B it is a 0ermented !abidh and is stron. and turns into wine2 and (the se/ond is) Mi8r whi/h is 1re1ared 0rom millet and barle", Thereu1on2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 who had been .i0ted with the most eloquent and 1ith" e51ressions2 said: I 0orbid "ou 0rom e-er" into5i/ant that 6ee1s "ou awa" 0rom 1ra"er,

7oo6 242 !umber *;)2:

Fabir re1orted that a 1erson /ame 0rom Faishan2 a town o0 Kemen2 and he as6ed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about the wine whi/h was drun6 in their land and whi/h was 1re1ared
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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

0rom millet and was /alled Mi8r, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed whether that was into5i/atin., He said: Kes, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (-er" into5i/ant is 0orbidden, <eril" Allah the (5alted and Majesti/2 made a /o-enant to those who dran6 into5i/ants to ma6e their drin6 Tinat al->habal, The" said: Allah:s Messen.er2 what is Tinat aO->habalD He said: It is the sweat o0 the deni8ens o0 Hell or the dis/har.e o0 the deni8ens o0 Hell,

7oo6 242 !umber *;)4:

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: (-er" into5i/ant is >hamr and e-er" into5i/ant is 0orbidden, He who drin6s wine in this world and dies while he is addi/ted to it2 not ha-in. re1ented2 will not be .i-en a drin6 in the Herea0ter,

7oo6 242 !umber *;)*:

Ibn :Umar2 throu.h another /hain o0 transmittersB re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said this: (-er" into5i/ant is >hamr and e-er" into5i/ant is 0orbidden,

7oo6 242 !umber *;)+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Musa b, Uqba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 242 !umber *;)):

!a0i: re1orted Ibn :Umar as sa"in.: I do not 6now this but 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who said: (-er" into5i/ant is >hamr and e-er" >hamr is 0orbidden,

7oo6 242 !umber *;)%:

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who dran6 (wine) in this world would be de1ri-ed o0 it in the Herea0ter,

7oo6 242 !umber *;)#:

Ibn :Umar said: He who dran6 wine in the world and did not re1ent would be de1ri-ed o0 it (the 1ure drin6) in the Herea0ter, It was said to Mali6: Is this hadith Mar0u:D He said: Kes,

7oo6 242 !umber *;);:

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who dran6 wine in this world will not be 1ro-ided with 1ure drin6 in the Herea0ter2 e5/e1t in /ase he re1ents,

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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber *;% :

Ibn :Umar re1orted this hadith 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter #: @ermissibilit" to use nabidh whi/h is not stron. and has not turned into into5i/ant
7oo6 242 !umber *;%$:
Ibn :Abbas re1orted that !abidh was 1re1ared 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the be.innin. o0 the and he would drin6 it in the mornin. and the 0ollowin. and the 0ollowin. da" and the a0ter that u1 to the a0ternoon, I0 an"thin. was le0t out o0 that he .a-e it to his ser-ant2 or .a-e orders 0or it to be 1oured out,

7oo6 242 !umber *;%2:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that !abidh was 1re1ared 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the waters6in2 Shu:ba said: It was the o0 Monda", He dran6 it on Monda" and on Tuesda" u1 to the a0ternoon2 and I0 an"thin. was le0t out o0 it he .a-e it to his ser-ant or 1oured it out,

7oo6 242 !umber *;%4:

Ibn Abbas re1orted that raisins were stee1ed in water 0or the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he would drin6 it on that da" and on the ne5t da" and on the 0ollowin. da" until the e-enin. o0 the third da", He would then order it to be drun6 b" (other 1eo1le) or to be thrown awa",

7oo6 242 !umber *;%*:

Ibn Abbas re1orted that !abidh was 1re1ared 0rom raisins 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the waters6in and he would drin6 it on that da" and on the ne5t da" and the da" 0ollowin. and when It was the e-enin. o0 the third da"2 and he would drin6 it and .i-e it to (his 'om1anions) and i0 somethin. was le0t o-er2 he threw that awa",

7oo6 242 !umber *;%+:

Kah"a Abu :Umar al-!a6hai re1orted that some 1eo1le as6ed Ibn Abbas about the sale and 1ur/hase o0 wine and its /ommer/e, He as6ed (them): Are "ou MuslimsD The" said2 Kes, Thereu1on he said: Its sale and 1ur/hase and its trade are not 1ermissible, The" then as6ed him about !abidh and he said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out on a journe" and then /ame ba/6
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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

and some 1ersons his 'om1anions 1re1ared !abidh 0or him in .reen 1it/her2 hollow stum1 and .ourd, He /ommanded it to be thrown awa"2 and it was done a//ordin.l", He then ordered them (to 1re1are it,) in a waters6in and it was 1re1ared in that b" stee1in. raisins in water2 and it was 1re1ared in the, In the mornin. he dran6 out o0 that and on that da" and then the ne5t ni.ht2 and then on the ne5t da" until the e-enin., He dran6 and .a-e others to drin6, ?hen it was mornin. (o0 the third he /ommanded what was le0t o0 that to be thrown awa",

7oo6 242 !umber *;%):

Thumama (i, e, Ibn Ha8n al-Eushairi) re1orted: I met :A:isha and as6ed her about !abidh (that was ser-ed to the Hol" @ro1het), :A:isha /alled an Ab"ssinian maid (ser-ant) and said: As6 her (about it) 0or it was he2 who 1re1ared the !abidh 0or the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The Ab"ssinian (maid-ser-ant) said: I 1re1ared !abidh 0or him in a waters6in in the and tied its mouth and then sus1ended itB and when it was mornin. he (the Hol" @ro1het) dran6 0rom it,

7oo6 242 !umber *;%%:

:A:isha re1orted: ?e 1re1ared !abidh 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in a waters6in2 the u11er 1art o0 whi/h was tied and it (the waters6in) had a hole (in its lower 1art), ?e 1re1ared the !abidh in the mornin. and he dran6 it in the e-enin. and we 1re1ared the !abidh in the ni.ht2 and he would drin6 it in the mornin.,

7oo6 242 !umber *;%#:

Sahl b, Sa:d re1orted that Abu Usaid al-Sa:idi in-ited Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to his weddin. 0east2 and his wi0e had been ser-in. them on that da" while "et a bride, Sahl said : 9o "ou 6now what she ser-ed as a drin6 to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D She stee1ed the dates in water durin. the in a bi. bowl2 and when he (the Hol" @ro1het) had eaten 0ood she ser-ed him this drin6,

7oo6 242 !umber *;%;:

Sahl re1orted that Abu Usaid al-Sa:idi /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) B the rest o0 the hadith is the same2 but he did not mention this: when he had eaten (the 0ood) she .a-e him this to drin6C,

7oo6 242 !umber *;# :

Sahl b, Sa:d re1orted (this hadith throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters) and he said (these words):C In a bi. bowl o0 stone2 and when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had ta6en the 0ood2 she dren/hed the dates and ser-ed (this) es1e/iall" to him,C
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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber *;#$:

Sahl b, Sa:d re1orted: An Arab woman was mentioned be0ore Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He /ommanded Abu Usaid to send a messa.e to her and he (a//ordin.l") sent a messa.e to her, She /ame and sta"ed in the 0ortresses o0 7anu Sa:idah, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out until he /ame to her while she was (at that time) sittin. with her head down/ast, ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) tal6ed to her2 she said: I see6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom "ou, Thereu1on he said: I (ha-e de/ided to) 6ee1 "ou awa" 0rom me, The" (the 1eo1le near her) said: 9o "ou 6now who he isD She said: !o, The" said: He is the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He /ame to "ou in order to .i-e "ou the 1ro1osal o0 marria.e, She said: Then I am the most un0ortunate woman be/ause o0 this (i, e, m" de0ian/e), Sahl said: Allah:s, (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then set 0orth on that da" until he sat in the Saqi0a o0 7anu Sa:idah alon. with his 'om1anions, He then said to Sahl: Ser-e us drin6, He (Sahl) said: I out 0or them this bowl (/ontainin. drin6) and ser-ed them this, Abu Ha8im said: Sahl out this /u1 0or us and we also dran6 0rom that, Then :Umar b, :Abd al-:A8i8 as6ed him to .i-e that (/u1) as a .i0t to him and he .a-e (it to) him as a .i0t, In the narration o0 Abu 7a6r b, Ishaq (the words) are:C Sahl2 ser-e us drin6,C

7oo6 242 !umber *;#2:

Anas re1orted: I ser-ed drin6 to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in this /u1 o0 mine: hone"2 !abidh2 water and mil6,

'ha1ter ;: It is .ood to drin6 mil6

7oo6 242 !umber *;#4:
Abu 7a6r Siddiq re1orted: As we went alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0rom Me//a to Medina2 we 1assed b" a she1herd and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was 0eelin. thirst", He (Abu 7a6r Siddiq) said: I mil6ed 0or him a small quantit" o0 mil6 (0rom his .oat) and it to him (the Hol" @ro1het)2 and he dran6 it and I was -er" ha11",

7oo6 242 !umber *;#*:

Al-7ara: re1orted: ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went 0orth 0rom Me//a to Medina2 Suraqa b, Mali6 b, Fu:shum 1ursued him, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in-o6ed /urse u1on him2 and his horse san6 (in the desert), He (Suraqa) said: (Allah:s in-o6e blessin.s 0or me and I will do no harm to "ou, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then su11li/ated Allah, (At that time) he (the Hol" @ro1het) 0elt thirst"2 and the" ha11ened to 1ass b" a she1herd, Abu 7a6r Siddiq said: I too6 hold o0 a bowl and mil6ed some mil6 into it 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and .a-e it to him, He dran6 it and I was 1leased,
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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber *;#+:

Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was 1resented two /u1s at 7ait al-Maqdis on the o0 Hea-enl" Fourne"2 one /ontainin. wine and the other /ontainin. mil6, He loo6ed at both o0 them2 and be too6 the one /ontainin. mil62 whereu1on Habriel (1ea/e be u1on him) said: @raise is due to Allah ?ho .uided "ou to the true natureB had "ou ta6en the one /ontainin. wine2 Kour Umma would ha-e .one astra",

7oo6 242 !umber *;#):

This hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters2 but he did not mention Aelia ('a1itolina, i, e, 7ait al-Maqdis),

'ha1ter $ : 'ommand 1ertainin. to the /o-erin. o0 -essels2 and ti.htenin. (the mouths) o0 waters6ins2 et/,
7oo6 242 !umber *;#%:
Abu Humaid Sa:idi re1orted: I /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with a /u1 o0 mil6 0rom !aqi: whi/h had no /o-er o-er it2 whereu1on he said: ?h" did "ou not /o-er itD - e-en i0 "ou had /o-ered it onl" with a sti/6, Abu Humaid said that he had been ordered that waters6ins be tied durin. the ni.ht2 and the doors be /losed durin. the,

7oo6 242 !umber *;##:

Abu Humaid Sa:idi re1orted throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters that he to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a /u1 /ontainin. mil62 but there is no mention o0 the wordC in the

7oo6 242 !umber *;#;:

Fabir b :Abdullah re1orted: ?e were with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and lie as6ed 0or water, A 1erson said: Allah:s Messen.er2 ma" we not .i-e "ou !abidh to drin6D He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kes ("ou ma"), He (the narrator) said: Then that 1erson went out s1eedil" and a /u1 /ontainin. !abidh2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?h" did "ou not /o-er itD - e-en i0 it is with a wood, He said that then he dran6 it,

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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber *;; :

Fabir re1orted that a 1erson who was 6nown as Abu Humaid 0or him (the Hol" @ro1het) a /u1 o0 mil6 0rom al-!aqi:, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: ?h" did "ou not /o-er it e-en with a wood a/ross itD

7oo6 242 !umber *;;$:

Fabir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 'o-er -essels2 waters6ins2 /lose the doors and e5tin.uish the lam1s2 0or the Satan does not loosen the waters6in2 does not o1en the door and does not un/o-er the -essels, And i0 one "ou 0ails to 0ind (somethin.) to /o-er it well2 he should /o-er it b" 1la/in. (a 1ie/e o0) wood a/ross it, Eutaiba did not mention the /losin. o0 the doors in the hadith transmitted b" him,

7oo6 242 !umber *;;2:

This hadith is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Fabir but with a /han.e o0 wordin.2 and he did not mention the words:C @uttin. a sti/6 a/ross the -essel,C

7oo6 242 !umber *;;4:

Fabir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Shut the doorsB the rest o0 the hadith is the same but with a -ariation o0 wordin.: 'o-er the utensils2 and 0urther said: It (the mouse) ma" set 0ire to the /lothes o0 the residents o0 the house,

7oo6 242 !umber *;;*:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Fabir throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 words:C The mouse ma" set the house on 0ire o-er its inhabitants,C

7oo6 242 !umber *;;+:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: ?hen the win.s o0 the (s1read) or it is ni.ht2 restrain "our /hildren (0rom .oin. out)2 0or the Satan is abroad at that time2 and when a 1art o0 the is 1assed2 0ree them and shut the doors, ma6in. mention o0 Hod:s name2 0or the Satan does not o1en a /losed doorB and ti.hten the (mouths o0 waters6ins and mention the name o0 Allah2 /o-er "our utensils and mention the name o0 Allah e-en thou.h "ou should just 1ut somethin. on them2 and e5tin.uish "our lam1s,

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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber *;;):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, Abdullah throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 242 !umber *;;%:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Furaij,

7oo6 242 !umber *;;#:

Fabir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not let "our animals and /hildren .o out when the sun sets until the 0irst and the dar6est 1art o0 the is o-er2 0or the Satan is let loose with the sin6in. o0 the sun until the dar6est 1art o0 the is o-er,

7oo6 242 !umber *;;;:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted this hadith throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters2

7oo6 242 !umber +

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 'o-er the -essels and tie the waters6in2 0or there is a in a "ear when 1estilen/e des/ends2 and it does not 1ass an un/o-ered -essel or an untied waters6in but some o0 that 1estilen/e des/endin. into it,

7oo6 242 !umber +


This hadith is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Laith b, Sa:d with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but with a -ariation in wordin. (and that is that) he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: There is a da" in a "ear when des/ends the 1estilen/eB at the end o0 the hadith Laith said that the non Arabs sa-e themsel-es 0rom it in >anun Awwal (this is the month o0 9e/ember),

7oo6 242 !umber +


Salim2 on the authorit" o0 his 0ather2 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: 9o not lea-e the 0ire burnin. in "our houses when "ou .o to slee1,

7oo6 242 !umber +


Abu Musa re1orted that a house was burnt down in Medina durin. the o-er its inhabitants, ?hen their matter was re1orted to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 he saidB This 0ire is an enem" o0 "ours, So when "ou .o to slee12 e5tin.uish it,
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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

'ha1ter $$: (tiquette relatin. to eatin. and drin6in.

7oo6 242 !umber + *:
Hudhai0a re1orted: ?hen we attended a dinner alon. with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) we did not la" our hands on the 0ood until Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had laid his hand and /ommen/ed eatin. (the 0ood), 3n/e we went with him to a dinner when a .irl /ame rushin.l" as it someone had been 1ursuin. her, She was about to la" her hand on the 0ood2 when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) / her hand, Then a desert Arab /ame there (rushin.l") as i0 someone had been 1ursuin. him, He (the Hol" @ro1het) / his handB and then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Satan /onsiders that 0ood law0ul on whi/h Allah:s name is not mentioned, He had this .irl so that the 0ood be made law0ul 0or him and I / her hand, And he had a desert Arab so that (the 0ood) be law0ul 0or him, So I / his hand, 7" Him2 in ?hose hand is m" li0e2 it was (Satan:s) hand that was in m" hand alon. with her hand,

7oo6 242 !umber +


Hudhai0a b, al-Kaman re1orted: ?hen we were in-ited to a dinner with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) B the rest o0 hadith is the same but there is a -ariation o0 wordin. (and the -ariation is) that in that hadith the desert Arab 1re/edes the arri-al o0 that .irl2 and at the /on/lusion there is an addition (to this e00e/t):C He (the Hol" @ro1het) then mentioned the name o0 Allah and ate,C This hadith is re1orted on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 242 !umber +


Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen a 1erson enters his house and mentions the name o0 Allah at the time o0 enterin. it and while eatin. the 0ood2 Satan sa"s (addressin. himsel0: Kou ha-e no 1la/e to s1end the and no e-enin. mealB but when he enters without mentionin. the name o0 Allah2 the Satan sa"s: Kou ha-e 0ound a 1la/e to s1end the ni.ht2 and when he does not mention the name o0 Allah while eatin. 0ood2 he (the Satan) sa"s: Kou ha-e 0ound a 1la/e to s1end the and e-enin. meal, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, Abdullah throu.h the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 242 !umber +


Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: 9o not eat with "our le0t hand2 0or the Satan eats with his le0t hand,
$2+) & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber +


Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen an" one o0 "ou intends to eat (meal)2 he should eat with his hand, and when he (intends) to drin6 he should drin6 with his hand2 0or the Satan eats with his le0t hand and drin6s with his le0t hand,

7oo6 242 !umber +


This hadith is re1orted b" Guhri on the authorit" o0 Su0"an with a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 242 !umber + $ :

Salim2 on the authorit" o0 his 0ather2 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !one o0 "ou should eat with his le0t hand and drin6 with that (le0t hand)2 0or the Satan eats with le0t hand and drin6s with that (hand), !a0i: has made this addition in that:C 9o not ta6e u1 an"thin. with that (le0t hand) and do not .i-e an"thin. with thatC B and in the narration transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Tahir there is a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 242 !umber + $$:

Salama b, A6wa: re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that a 1erson ate in the 1resen/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with his le0t hand2 whereu1on he said: (at with "our hand, He said: I /annot do that2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Ma" "ou not be able to do that, It was -anit" that 1re-ented him 0rom doin. it2 and he /ould not raise it (the hand) u1 to his mouth,

7oo6 242 !umber + $2:

:Umar b, Abu Salama re1orted: I was under the /are o0 Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and as m" hand used to roam about in the dish he said to me: 7o"2 mention the name o0 Allah2 and eat with "our hand and eat 0rom what is near to "ou,

7oo6 242 !umber + $4:

Umar b, Abu Salama re1orted: I (had the o11ortunit") one da" to dine with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and I 1i/6ed u1 0lesh 0rom around the dish, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (at 0rom that whi/h is near to "ou,

7oo6 242 !umber + $*:

Abu Sa:id (>hudri) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade 0rom turnin. the waters6ins u1side down and drin6in. 0rom its mouth,
$2+% & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber + $+:

Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted that Allah:s2 (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) 0orbade 0rom turnin. the waters6ins u1side down and drin6in. 0rom their mouths,

7oo6 242 !umber + $):

This hadith has been re1orted 0rom Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but he also said that I6htinath means that its head (i, e,2 o0 the waters6in) be turned u1side down and then (water) be dran6 0rom that,

'ha1ter $2: 9isa11ro-al o0 drin6in. water while standin.

7oo6 242 !umber + $%:
Anas re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) disa11ro-ed the drin6in. o0 water while standin.,

7oo6 242 !umber + $#:

Anas re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade that a 1erson should drin6 while standin., Eatada re1orted: ?e said to him: ?hat about eatin.D Thereu1on he (Anas) said: That is e-en worse and more detestable (abominable),

7oo6 242 !umber + $;:

This hadith is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Anas with a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters2 but no mention is mane o0 the words o0 Eatada,

7oo6 242 !umber + 2 :

Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) warned a.ainst drin6in. while standin.,

7oo6 242 !umber + 2$:

Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted this hadith throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters but with a sli.ht2 -ariation o0 wordin.,

$2+# & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber + 22:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !one o0 "ou should drin6 while standin.B and i0 an"one 0or.ets2 he must -omit,

'ha1ter $4: @ermissibilit" o0 drin6in. Gam8am (water) while standin.

7oo6 242 !umber + 24:
Ibn Abbas re1orted: I ser-ed, (water o0) Gam8am to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he dran6 it while standin.,

7oo6 242 !umber + 2*:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) dran6 (water) 0rom Gam8am in a bu/6et while he was standin.,

7oo6 242 !umber + 2+:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) dran6 (water) 0rom Gam8am while he was standin.,

7oo6 242 !umber + 2):

Ibn :Abbas re1orted: I ser-ed (water 0rom) Gam8am to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he dran6 while standin.2 and he as6ed 0or it while he was near the House (i, e, House o0 Allah->a:ba),

7oo6 242 !umber + 2%:

This hadith is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

$2+; & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

'ha1ter $*: It is re1u.nant to breathe in a -essel and a11re/iable to breathe three times outside the -essel in /ourse o0 drin6in.
7oo6 242 !umber + 2#:
Abu Eatada re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade breathin. in a -essel,

7oo6 242 !umber + 2;:

Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to breathe three times in the /ourse o0 a drin6 (i, e, he dran6 in three .ul1s),

7oo6 242 !umber + 4 :

Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) breathed three times (outside the -essel) in the /ourse o0 a drin6 and said: It is more thirst- quen/hin.2 healthier and more wholesome, Anas said: So I also breathe three times in the /ourse o0 a drin6,

7oo6 242 !umber + 4$:

This hadith is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Anas with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter $+: It is desirable to /ir/ulate water or mil6 (in an assembl") 0rom the side o0 the one who ser-es
7oo6 242 !umber + 42:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that there was to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a /u1 o0 mil6 mi5ed with water2 while there was on his a desert Arab and on his le0t Abu 7a6r, He (the Hol" @ro1het) dran6B he then .a-e it to the desert Arab and said: (Hi-e to one) who is on the ri.ht2 then a.ain who is on the,

$2) & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber + 44:

Anas re1orted: The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) /ame to Medina when I was ten "ears old and he died when I was twent" "ears old, M" mother e5horted me to ser-e him, He (the Hol" @ro1het) /ame to our house2 and we ruined a 0labb" .oat 0or him and mi5ed it (the mil6) with water 0rom the well o0 the house, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) dran6 that, Umar and Abu 7a6r on his le0t side said to him: Allah:s Messen.er2 .i-e it to Abu 7a6r2 but he (the Hol" @ro1het) .a-e it to the desert Arab who was on his, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who is on the ri.ht2 then he who is on the,

7oo6 242 !umber + 4*:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to our house and he as6ed 0or a drin6, ?e mil6ed a .oat 0or him and then mi5ed it (the mil6) with the water o0 this well o0 mine, I .a-e it to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he dran6 it2 while Abu 7a6r was on his le0t and :Umar was in 0ront o0 him2 and a desert Arab was on his, ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0inished the drin62 Umar said: Allah:s Messen.er2 here is Abu 7a6r2 .i-e him to drin6B but Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e it to the desert Arab and he le0t out Abu 7a6r and Umar, And Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Those on the ri.ht2 those on the ri.ht2 those on the (deser-e 1re0eren/e), Anas said: This is the Sunnah2 this is the Sunnah2 this is the Sunnah,

7oo6 242 !umber + 4+:

Sahl b, Sa:d Sa:idi re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was .i-en a drin62 and he dran6 0rom that2 and there was on his side a bo", and on his le0t some old men, He said to the bo": 9o "ou 1ermit me to .i-e it to them (the old men)2 but that bo" said: b" Hod, I will not .i-e 1re0eren/e at "our hand o-er me in m" share, He (the narrator) said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then .a-e it in his hand,

7oo6 242 !umber + 4):

This hadith is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Sahl b, Sa:d with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

$2)$ & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

'ha1ter $): The merit o0 li/6in. the 0in.ers a0ter ta6in. 0ood and wi1in. the dish (with 0in.ers) and eatin. o0 the 0allen mouth0ul a0ter remo-in. the dirt sti/6in. to it
7oo6 242 !umber + 4%:
Ibn :Abbas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him,) as sa"in.: ?hen an" one o0 "ou eats 0ood he should not wi1e his hand until he has li/6ed it himsel0 or has .i-en it to someone else to li/6,

7oo6 242 !umber + 4#:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen an" one o0 "ou eats 0ood he should not wi1e his hand until he has li/6ed it or .ot it li/6ed b" (someone else),

7oo6 242 !umber + 4;:

Ibn >a:b b, Mali6 re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that he saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) li/6in. his three 0in.ers (a0ter ha-in. 0inished the 0ood), Ibn Hatim made no mention o0C threeC, This hadith is also narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 242 !umber + * :

Ibn >a:b b, Mali6 re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to eat (0ood) with three 0in.ers and he li/6ed his hand be0ore wi1in. it (with towel),

7oo6 242 !umber + *$:

:Abdullah b, >a:b re1orted that his 0ather >a:b narrated to him that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to eat with three 0in.ers and when he had 0inished (eatin.)2 he li/6ed them,

7oo6 242 !umber + *2:

A hadith li6e this has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 >a:b b, Mali6 throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

$2)2 & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber + *4:

Fabir re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded the li/6in. o0 0in.ers and the dish2 sa"in.: Kou do not 6now in what 1ortion the blessin. lies,C

7oo6 242 !umber + **:

Fabir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen an" one o0 "ou dro1s a mouth0ul he should 1i/6 it u1 and remo-e an" o0 the 0ilth on it2 and then eat it2 and should not lea-e it 0or the Satan2 and should not wi1e his hand with towel until he has li/6ed his 0in.ers2 0or he does not 6now in what 1ortion o0 the 0ood the blessin. lies,

7oo6 242 !umber + *+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Su0"an with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 242 !umber + *):

Fabir re1orted: I heard Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Satan is 1resent with an" one o0 "ou in e-er"thin. he doesB he is 1resent e-en when he eats 0oodB so i0 an" one o0 "ou dro1s a mouth0ul he should remo-e awa" an"thin. 0ilth" on it and eat it and not lea-e 0or the de-ilB and when he 0inishes (0ood) he should li/6 his 0in.ers2 0or he does not 6now in what 1ortion o0 his 0ood the blessin. lies,

7oo6 242 !umber + *%:

This hadith is re1orted on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 words but no mention is made o0 the 0irst 1art o0 the hadith2 i, e, the Satan is 1resent with an" one o0 "ou,

7oo6 242 !umber + *#:

Fabir re1orted 0rom Allah:s, (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about mentionin. the li/6in. (o0 0in.ers) and the (0allin. o0) the mouth0ul,

7oo6 242 !umber + *;:

Anas re1orted that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ate 0ood he li/6ed his three 0in.ers2 and he said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou dro1s a mouth0ul he should remo-e an"thin. 0ilth" 0rom it and then eat it2 and should not lea-e it 0or the Satan, He also /ommanded us that we should wi1e the dish sa"in.: Kou do not 6now in what 1ortion o0 "our 0ood the blessin. lies,
$2)4 & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber + + :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen an" one o0 "ou /ats 0ood he should li/6 his 0in.ers2 0or hen does not 6now in what 1art o0 the 0ood sti/6in. to his 0in.ers the blessin. lies, This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Hammad with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter $%: ?hat should the .uest do i0 an unin-ited 1erson a//om1anies him and the merit o0 in-itin. that 1erson to 0east
7oo6 242 !umber + +$:
Abu Mas:ud Ansari re1orted that a 1erson 0rom the Ansar who was /alled Abu Shu:aib had a sla-e who was a but/her (b" 1ro0ession), He (Abu Mas:ud) saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and 0ound si.ns o0 on his 0a/e, He said to the ser-ant: "e2 1re1are 0or us 0ood su00i/ient 0or 0i-e 1ersons2 0or I intend to in-ite Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who would be the 0i0th the 0i-e, He (the narrator) re1orted that he then 1re1ared the 0ood and /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and in-ited all the 0i-e (in/ludin. him) who was the 0i0th them to the 0east, A man 0ollowed him and when Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) rea/hed the door2 he said: This man has 0ollowed usB i0 "ou li6e "ou ma" 1ermit him (to join the meal) and i0 "ou li6e he /an .o ba/6, Thereu1on the 1erson said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I 1ermit him,

7oo6 242 !umber + +2:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Mas:ud Ansari throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 242 !umber + +4:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Fabir also,

7oo6 242 !umber + +*:

Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had a nei.hbour who was @ersian (b" des/ent)2 and he was e51ert in the 1re1aration o0 sou1, He 1re1ared (sou1) 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and then /ame to him to in-ite him (to that 0east), He (Allah:s said: Here is :A:isha also (and "ou should also in-ite her to the 0ood), He said: !o, Thereu1on Allah:s

$2)* & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A) (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) also said: !o (then I /annot join the 0east), He returned in-itin. him2 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: She is also there (i, e, :A:isha should also be in-ited), He said: !o, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) also said: !o (and de/lined his o00er), He returned a.ain to in-ite him and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a.ain said: She is also there, He (the host) said:C KesC 0or the third time, Then he a//e1ted his in-itation2 and both o0 them set out until the" /ame to his house,

'ha1ter $#: @ermissibilit" o0 a 1erson:s ta6in. an"one alon. with him where the host is -er" intimate with the .uest
7oo6 242 !umber + ++:
Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out (o0 his house) one da" or one ni.ht2 and there he 0ound Abu 7a6r and :Umar also, He said: ?hat has "ou out o0 "our houses at this hourD The" said: Allah:s Messen.er2 it is, Thereu1on he said: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 what has "ou out has me out tooB .et u1, The" .ot u1 alon. with him, and (all o0 them) /ame to the house o0 an Ansari2 but he was not at home, ?hen his wi0e saw him she said: Most wel/ome2 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be U1on him) said to her: ?here is so and soD She said: He has .one to .et some 0resh water 0or us, ?hen the Ansari /ame and he saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his two 'om1anions2 he said: @raise be to Allah2 no one has more honourable .uests toda" than I (ha-e), He then went out and them a bun/h o0 ri1e dates2 dr" dates and 0resh dates2 and said: (at some o0 them, He then too6 hold o0 his lon. 6ni0e (0or slau.hterin. a .oat or a shee1), Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: 7eware o0 6illin. a mil/h animal, He slau.htered a shee1 0or them and a0ter the" had eaten o0 it and o0 the bun/h and dran62 and when the" had ta6en their 0ill and had been 0ull" satis0ied with the drin62 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to Abu 7a6r and Umar: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 "ou will /ertainl" be questioned about this bount" on the 9a" o0 jud.ment, "ou out o0 "our house2 then "ou did not return until this bount" /ame to "ou,

7oo6 242 !umber + +):

Abu Huraira re1orted: 3ne da" while Abu 7a6r was sittin. and there was with him Umar also there /ame to them Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said: ?hat ma6es "ou sta" hereD The" said: It is that has us out 0rom our houses, 7" Him ?ho has stint "ou with TruthB the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

$2)+ & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber + +%:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: ?hen the dit/h was du.2 I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) 0eelin. -er" hun.r", I /ame to m" wi0e and said to her: Is there an"thin. with "ouD I ha-e seen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0eelin. e5tremel" hun.r", She out a ba. o0 1ro-isions whi/h /ontained a sa:2 o0 barle", ?e had also with us a lamb, I slau.htered it, She .round the 0lour, She 0inished (this wor6) alon. with me, I /ut it into 1ie/es and 1ut it in the earthen 1ot and then returned to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (0or in-itin. him), She said: 9o not humiliate me in the 1resen/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and those who are with him, ?hen I /ame to him I whis1ered to him sa"in.: Allah:s Messen.er2 we ha-e slau.htered a lamb 0or "ou and she has .round a sa: o0 barle" whi/h we had with us, So "ou /ome alon. with a .rou1 o0 1eo1le with "ou, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said loudl": 3 1eo1le o0 the dit/h2 Fabir has arran.ed a 0east 0or "ou2 so (/ome alon.), Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o not remo-e "our earthen 1ot 0rom the hearth and do not ba6e the bread 0rom the 6neaded 0lour until I /ome, So I /ame and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame and he was ahead o0 the 1eo1leB and I /ame to m" wi0e and she said (to me): Kou will be humbled, I said: I did what "ou had as6ed me to do, She (his wi0e) said: I out the 6neaded 0lour and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ut some sali-a o0 his in that and blessed It, He then 1ut sali-a in the earthen 1ot and blessed it and then said, 'all another ba6er who /an ba6e with "ou, and brin. out the sou1 0rom it2 but do not remo-e it 0rom the hearth2 and the .uests were one thousand, (Fabir said): I ta6e an oath b" Allah that all o0 them ate (the 0ood to their 0ill) until the" le0t it and went awa" and our earthen 1ot was brimmin. o-er as be0ore2 and so was the /ase with our 0lour2 or as 9ahha6 (another narrator) said: It (the 0lour) was in the same /ondition and loa-es had been 1re1ared 0rom that,

7oo6 242 !umber + +#:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Abu Talha said to Umm Sulaim: I 0elt some 0eebleness in the -oi/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and 1er/ei-ed that it was due to hun.erB so ha-e "ou an"thin. with "ouD She said: Kes, She out barle" loa-es2 then too6 out a head-/o-erin. o0 hers2 in a 1art o0 whi/h she wra11ed those loa-es and then 1ut them beneath m" mantle and /o-ered me with a 1art o0 it, She then sent me to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I set 0orth and 0ound Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sittin. in the mosque in the /om1an" o0 some 1ersons, I stood near them2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Has Abu Talha sent "ouD I said2 Kes, He said: Is it 0or a 0eastD I said, Kes, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to:those who were with him to .et u1 He went 0orth and so I did be0ore them2 until I /ame to Abu Talha and in0ormed him, Abu Talba said: Umm Sulaim2 here /omes Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) alon. with 1eo1le and we do not ha-e enou.h (0ood) to 0eed them, She said: Allah and His 6now best, Abu Talha went out (to re/ei-e him) Until he met Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame
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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

0orward alon. with him until the" both (Allah:s Messen.er2 alon. with Abu Talha) /ame in, Then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Umm Sulaim, brin. 0orth that whi/h "ou ha-e with "ou, She the bread, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded that the bread be bro6en into small 1ie/es2 and when Umm Sulaim had squee8ed a small waters6in and 1ut seasonin. on it2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited somethin. re.ardin. it what Allah wished him to sa", He then said: Allow ten (.uests to /ome in and ha-e their meals), He 1ermitted themB the" ate until the" had their 0ill, The" then went out, He (the Hol" @ro1het) a.ain said: @ermit ten (more) and he (the host .a-e 1ermission to them, The" ate until the" had enou.h, Then the" went out, he a.ain said: @ermit ten (more) until all the 1eo1le had eaten to their 0ill2 and the" were se-ent" or" 1ersons,

7oo6 242 !umber + +;:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: Abu Talha sent me to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in order to in-ite him (0or meal), She had 1re1ared a meal, So I /ame and 0ound Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) alon. with some 1eo1le, He loo6ed at me2 and I 0elt sh" and said: A//e1t the in-itation o0 Abu Talha, He (the Hol" @ro1het) as6ed the 1eo1le to .et u1, Thereu1on Abu Talha said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I ha-e 1re1ared somethin. 0or "ou, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) tou/hed (the 0ood) and in-o6ed blessin.s u1on it2 and then said: Let ten 1ersons 0rom m" 'om1anions enter (the house), He then said: (at2 and (in the meanwhile) out somethin. 0rom between his 0in.ers 0or them, The" then to eat until the" had their 0ill and then went out, He then as6ed ten more men (to ha-e the meal) and the" ate to their 0ill2 and the ten 1ersons went on .ettin. in (and eatin. the 0ood) and then .ettin. out until none was le0t them who had not .ot in and eaten to his 0ill, He then /olle/ted (the remainin. 1art o0 the 0ood) and it (the quantit" o0 the 0ood) was the same (as it had been 1rior to the ser-in. o0 .uests),

7oo6 242 !umber + ) :

Anas b Mali6 re1orted: Abu Talha sent me to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) B the rest o0 the hadith is the same2 but :there is a -ariation o0 wordin. that he said at the end (The Hol" @ro1het) too6 what was le0t (o0 the 0ood) and /olle/ted it and then in-o6ed blessin.s u1on it and it returned to its ori.inal state, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then said Ta6e this,

7oo6 242 !umber + )$:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: Abu Talha ordered Umm Sulaim to 1re1are a meal s1e/iall" 0or Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He then sent me to him (to the Hol" @ro1het) B the rest o0 the hadith is the same (but there is a -ariation o0 wordin.):C Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1la/ed his hand and mentioned the name o0 Allah u1on that2 and then said: Admit ten men, He (Abu Talha) admitted them and the" .ot in, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: (at while mentionin. the
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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

name o0 Allah u1on it (the meal), The" ate until" 1ersons had ta6en the 0ood, Then Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had his meal and so the members o0 the household2 and still the" le0t some 0ood,C

7oo6 242 !umber + )2:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted this in/ident 1ertainin. to the 0east .i-en b" Abu Talha to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with the addition o0 these words:C Abu Talha stood at the door (to wel/ome the honourable .uest) until Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e/ be u1on him) /ame there2 He (Abu Talha) said to him: Allah:s Messen.er2 the thin. (we intend to o00er "ou as a meal) is small in quantit", Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 7rin. that2 0or Allah will soon bless it (and in/rease it),

7oo6 242 !umber + )4:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted this hadith (with a -ariation o0 wordin.) Then AlIah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ate and the 1eo1le o0 his house also ate, but (still) there was le0t a sur1lus2 whi/h the" sent to their nei.hbours,

7oo6 242 !umber + )*:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: Abu Talha saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) l"in. down u1on his bell" in the mosque, He /ame to Umm Sulaim and said: I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) l"in. down u1on the bell" in the mosque2 and I thin6 he is hun.r", The rest o0 the hadith is the same (but with the addition o0 these words) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ate (the 0ood) and so did Abu Talha2 Umm Sulaim and Anas b, Mali62 but there was le0t some, thin. whi/h we 1resented to our nei.hbours,

7oo6 242 !umber + )+:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: I -isited Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) one da" and 0ound him sittin. in the /om1an" o0 his 'om1anions and tal6in. to them2 and he had tied his bell" with a banda.e, Usama said: I am in doubt whether there was stone on that (his bell") or not, I as6ed some o0 his 'om1anions wh" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had banda.ed his bell", The" said: (He has done that to relie-e) his, I went to Abu Talha2 the husband o0 Umm Sulaim2 the dau.hter o0 Milhan2 and said to him: =ather2 I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. banda.ed his bell", I as6ed some o0 his 'om1anions (the reason o0 it) and the" said that it was due to, Abu Talha /ame to m- mother and said: Is there an"thin.D She said: Kes2 I ha-e some 1ie/es o0 bread with me and some dates, I0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /omes to us alone we /an 0eed him to his 0ill2 but i0 someone /omes alon. with him this would be insu00i/ient 0or them, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber + )):

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted this hadith 1ertainin. to the entertainment o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) b" Abu Talha throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $;: @ermissibilit" o0 eatin. sou1 and merit o0 eatin. 1um16in

7oo6 242 !umber + )%:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: A tailor in-ited Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to a meal whi/h he had 1re1ared, Anas b, Mali6 said: I went alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to that 0east, He 1resented to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) barle" bread and sou1 /ontainin. 1um16in2 and sli/ed 1ie/es o0 meat, Anas said: I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .oin. a0ter the 1um16in round the dish2 so I ha-e alwa"s li6ed the 1um16in sin/e that da",

7oo6 242 !umber + )#:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that a 1erson in-ited Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to a meal, I also went alon. with him, He sou1 /ontainin. 1um16in, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ate that 1um16in with relish, He (Anas) said: ?hen I saw that I to 1la/e it be0ore him2 and did not eat it (m"sel0), Anas said: It was sin/e then that 1um16in was alwa"s m" 0a-ourite (0ood),

7oo6 242 !umber + );:

Anas b, Mali6 rd1orted that a tailor in-ited Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to a 0east, There has been an addition to this that Thabit said: I heard Anas sa"in. that an" meal that was 1re1ared 0or me a0ter that I tried that it should /ontain 1um16in,

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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

'ha1ter 2 : 9esirabilit" o0 e5tra/tin. stones 0rom the dates and o0 the .uest:s in-o6in. blessin. 0or the host
7oo6 242 !umber + % :
:Abdullah b, 7usr re1orted: AUah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to m" 0ather and we to him a meal and a 1re1aration 0rom dates2 /heese and butter, He ate out o0 that, He was then .i-en dates whi/h he ate but he 1la/ed their stones between his 0in.ers2 and he joined his and middle, Shu:ba re1orted: I thin6 that this hadith Hod:s willin. also /ontains (these words): @uttin. o0 date stones between two 0in.ers, Then a drin6 was 0or him and he dran6 it2 and then .a-e it to one who was on his side, He (the narrator) said: M" 0ather too6 hold o0 the rein o0 his ridin. animal and requested him to su11li/ate 0or us, Thereu1on he said: 3 Allah, bless them in what Thou hast 1ro-ided them as a sustenan/eB and 0or.i-e them and ha-e mer/" u1on them,

7oo6 242 !umber + %$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters and the" did not doubt about 6ee1in. the dates between his 0in.ers (as is e51ressed in the 1re-ious hadith),

'ha1ter 2$: (atin. /u/umber with dates

7oo6 242 !umber + %2:
:Abdullah b, Fa:0ar re1orted: I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) eatin. /u/umber with 0resh dates,

'ha1ter 22: 3ne should show modest" while eatin. and the wa" how one should sit
7oo6 242 !umber + %4:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: I saw Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) squattin. and eatin. dates,

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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber + %*:

Anas re1orted that there were to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) dates, He distributed them in the state that he had been sittin. (in an eas" 1osture) and he had also been eatin. them a (bit) qui/6l",

'ha1ter 24: It is 0orbidden to eat two dates or two morsels simultaneousl"

7oo6 242 !umber + %+:
Fabala b, Suhaim re1orted: Ibn Gubair used to 1ro-ide us with dates durin. the time that the 1eo1le were hard 1ressed be/ause o0 0amine (3n/e) as we were bus" in eatin. there ha11ened to a11ear be0ore us Ibn :Umar, He said: 9on:t eat two dates to.ether2 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade eatin. them to.ether but onl" a0ter see6in. 1ermission 0rom his brother (1artner), Shu:ba said: I do not thin6 these words 1ertainin. to see6in. 1ermission but 0rom the words o0 Ibn :Urnar,

7oo6 242 !umber + %):

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters but these words o0 his (are not 0ound):C The 1eo1le were hard 1ressed be/ause o0 the 0amine durin. those da"s,C

7oo6 242 !umber + %%:

Fabala b, Suhaim re1orted: I heard Ibn :Umar as sa"in. that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade an"one ta6in. two dates to.ether without see6in. the /onsent o0 his /om1anions,

'ha1ter 2*: It is 1ermissible to store dates and /orn 0or the sustenan/e o0 one:s /hildren
7oo6 242 !umber + %#:
:A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A 0amil" whi/h has dates will not be hun.r",

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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber + %;:

:A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: :A:isha a 0amil" whi/h has no dates (in their house) its members will be hun.r"B (or) :A:isha the 0amil" whi/h has no dates its members ma" be hun.r", He said this twi/e or thri/e,

'ha1ter 2+: (5/ellen/e o0 the dates o0 medina

7oo6 242 !umber + # :
Amir b, Sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas2 on the authorit" o0 his 0ather2 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: He who ate se-en dates (o0 the land situated) between these two la-a 1lains in the mornin.2 no 1oison will harm him until it is e-enin.,

7oo6 242 !umber + #$:

:Amir b, Sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who ate se-en :ajwa: dates in the mornin.2 1oison and ma.i/ will not harm him on that da",

7oo6 242 !umber + #2:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Hashim with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 242 !umber + #4:

:A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The :ajwa: dates o0 :Ali"a: /ontain heatin. e00e/ts and these are antidote in the earl" mornin.,

'ha1ter 2): (5/ellen/e o0 tru00les and their use as a medi/ine 0or the e"es
7oo6 242 !umber + #*:
Sa:id b, Gaid b, :Amr b, !u0ail re1orted: I heard Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Tru00les are a 6ind o0 :Manna: and their jui/e is a medi/ine 0or the e"es,

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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber + #+:

Sa:id b, Gaid re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Tru00les are a 6ind o0 blessin. and their jui/e is a medi/ine 0or the e"es, Shu:ba said: ?hen Ha6am narrated this hadith to me2 I did not deem it as a Mun6ar hadith be/ause o0 the narration o0 Abd al-Mali6,

7oo6 242 !umber + #):

Sa:id b, Gaid b, :Amr b, !u0ail re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Tru00les are a 6ind o0 :Manna: whi/h Allah the Hlorious and (5alted2 sent down u1on the 1eo1le o0 Israil2 and its jui/e is a medi/ine 0or the e"es,

7oo6 242 !umber + #%:

Sa:id b, Gaid re1orted Allal a (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Tru00les are a 6ind o0 :Manna: whi/h Allah sent down u1on Moses and their jui/e is a medi/ine 0or the e"es,

7oo6 242 !umber + ##:

Sa:id b, Gaid re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Tru00les are :Manna: whi/h Allah2 the (5alted the Majesti/2 sent to the 1eo1le o0 Israil2 and its jui/e is a medi/ine 0or the e"es,

7oo6 242 !umber + #;:

Sa:id b, Gaid re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Tru00les are :Manna: and its jui/e is the medi/ine 0or the e"es,

'ha1ter 2%: The merit o0 the 0ruit o0 ara6 tree

7oo6 242 !umber + ; :
Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted: ?e were with the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at Marr a8-Gahran2 and we were 1lu/6in. the 0ruit o0 the Ara6 tree2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) said: @lu/6 onl" its bla/6 ones (0or the" are the most 1leasant), ?e said: Allah:s Messen.er2 it seems "ou she1herded the 0lo/6, He said: Kes, Has there been a 1ro1het who did not she1herd it (or some words li6e it)D

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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

'ha1ter 2#: The merit o0 as a /ondiment

7oo6 242 !umber + ;$:
:A:isha re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The best o0 /ondiments or /ondiment is,

7oo6 242 !umber + ;2:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Sulaiman b, 7ilal with the same /hain o0 transmitters and he is re1orted to ha-e said:C The best /ondiment,C And he did not doubt (about this word),

7oo6 242 !umber + ;4:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed his 0amil" 0or /ondiment, The" (the members o0 his household) said: ?e ha-e nothin. with us but, He as6ed 0or it2 he to eat it2 and then said: < is a .ood /ondiment2 is a .ood /ondiment,

7oo6 242 !umber + ;*:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 hold o0 m" hand one da" (and led me) to his residen/e, There was 1resented to him some 1ie/es o0 bread2 whereu1on he said: Is there no /ondimentD The" (the members o0 his household) said: !o2 e5/e1t some, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: < is a .ood /ondiment, Fabir said: I ha-e alwa"s lo-ed sin/e I heard it trom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Talha said: I ha-e alwa"s lo-ed sin/e I heard about it 0rom Fabir,

7oo6 242 !umber + ;+:

This hadith is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, :Abdullah that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 hold o0 his hand and led him to his residen/e as narrated abo-e u1 to the words:C < is a .ood /ondiment,C 7ut in the hadith transmitted throu.h this /hain o0 transmitters2 there is no mention o0 the subsequent 1art,

7oo6 242 !umber + ;):

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: ?hile I was sittin. in m" house there ha11ened to 1ass b" me Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He made a .esture to me and I stood u1 0or him, He too6 hold o0 m" hand until we /ame to one o0 the a1artments o0 his wi-es, He entered and then as6ed me to .et in, So I entered and there was a /urtain beside her, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Is there an"

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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

0ood (with "ou)D The" (the members o0 the household) said: Kes And then there were three loa-es o0 bread 0or him (the Hol" @ro1het) and 1la/ed in the bas6et o0 1alm lea-es, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1i/6ed u1 one loa0 and 1la/ed that be0ore him2 and then 1i/6ed u1 another one and 1la/ed it be0ore me, He then 1i/6ed u1 the third one and bro6e it into two 1arts2 and 6e1t the one-hal0 be0ore him and the other hal0 be0ore me2 and then said: Is there an" /ondimentD The" (the members o0 the household) said: There is nothin. (in the 0orm o0 /ondiment) but some onl", He said: 7rin. that2 0or is a .ood /ondiment,

'ha1ter 2;: @ermissibilit" o0 eatin. .arli/2 but a-oidin. it when one intends to tal6 to eminent 1ersons
7oo6 242 !umber + ;%:
Abd A""db Ansari re1orted that when 0ood was to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) he ate out o0 that2 and sent the remainin. 1art to me2 and one da" he sent to me the le0t-o-erB (I 0ound that he) had not ta6en 0rom it at all 0or it in/luded .arli/, I as6ed him whether that was 0orbidden2 whereu1on he said: !o2 but I do not li6e it be/ause o0 its odour, He (Abu A""ub Ansiri) said: Then I also do not li6e what "ou do not li6e,

7oo6 242 !umber + ;#:

This Hadith is narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 242 !umber + ;;:

A0lah2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Abu A""ub Ansiri2 re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had ali.hted in his house (-i8, o0 Abu A""ub Ansari at the time o0 his emi.ration to Medina) and he o//u1ied the lower store"2 whereas Abu A""ub Ansari li-ed in the u11er store", 3ne ni.ht2 Abu A""ub Ansari .ot u1 and said (to himsel0): (How un0ortunate it is) that we wal6 abo-e the head o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 so the" went aside and s1ent the in a noo6 and then told Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about it whereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The lower store" is more /om0ortable (0or me), but he (Abu A""ub Ansari) said: ?e (would not li-e) o-er the roo0 under whi/h "ou li-e, So Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) shi0ted to the u11er store"2 whereas Abu A""ub Ansari shi0ted to the lower store"B and he (Abu A""ub Ansari) used to 1re1are 0ood 0or Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) B and when it was (ba/6) to him he as6ed (to lo/ate) the 1art2 where his 0in.ers had tou/hed (the 0ood)2 and he 0ollowed his 0in.ers on that 1art where his 0in.ers (those o0 the Hol" @ro1het) had tou/hed it, (3ne da") he 1re1ared 0ood whi/h /ontained .arli/2 and when it was returned to him he as6ed (to lo/ate) the 1art whi/h the 0in.ers o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had tou/hed, It was said to
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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

him that he had not eaten (the 0ood), He (Abd A""ub Ansari) was distressed and went u1 to him (to the Hol" @ro1het) and said: Is it 0orbiddenD 7ut Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !o2 (it is not 0orbidden)2 but I do not li6e it, and he (Abu A""ub Ansari) said: I also do not li6e what "ou do not li6e or whi/h "ou did not li6e, He (Abu A""ub Ansari) said: (The Hol" @ro1het did not eat .arli/) as Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was -isited (b" an.els) and him the messa.e o0 Allah,

'ha1ter 4 : Showin. honour to the .uest and the merit o0 ma6in. o0 sa/ri0i/e 0or him
7oo6 242 !umber +$ :
Abu Huraira re1orted that a 1erson /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: I am hard 1ressed b", He sent (messa.e) to one o0 his wi-es (to 1ro/ure 0ood 0or him), but she said: 7" Him ?ho has sent "ou with Truth2 thrre is nothin. with me (to ser-e him) but onl" water, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then sent the (same) messa.e to another2 and she .a-e the same re1l"2 until all o0 them .a-e the same re1l": 7" Him ?ho has sent thee with the Truth2 there is nothin. with me but onl" water2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Allah would show mer/" to him who will entertain this .uest, A 1erson 0rom the Ansar stood u1 and said: o0 Allah2 I (am read" to entertain), He too6 him to his house and said to his wi0e: Is there an"thin. with "ou (to ser-e the .dest)D She said: !o2 but onl" a subsisten/e 0or our /hildren, He said: 9istra/t their attention with somethin.2 and when the .uest enters e5tin.uish the lam1 and .i-e him the im1ression that we are eatin., So the" sat down, and the .uest had his meal, ?hen it was mornin. he went to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who said: Allah was well 1leased with what "ou both did 0or "our .uest this,

7oo6 242 !umber +$ $:

Abu Huraira re1orted that a .uest s1ent the with a 1erson 0rom the Ansar who had nothin. with him but 0ood (su00i/ient) 0or his own sel0 and his /hildren, He said to his wi0e: (Lull) the /hildren to slee12 and 1ut out the lam12 and ser-e the .uest with what "ou ha-e with "ou, It was on this o//asion that this -erse was re-ealed:C Those who 1re0er the need" to their own sel-es in s1ite o0 the 0a/t that the" are themsel-es in 1ressin. needC (Li5, ;),

7oo6 242 !umber +$ 2:

Abu Huraira re1orted that a man /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) so that he should entertain him as a .uest2 but he had nothin. with whi/h he /ould entertain him, He2 there0ore2 as6ed i0 there was an" 1erson who would entertain him (assurin. the audien/e) that Allah would
$2%) & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

show mer/" to him, A 1erson 0rom the Ansar who was /alled Abu Talha stood u1 and he too6 him to his house, The rest o0 the hadith is the same and mention is (also) made in that about the re-elation o0 the -erse as narrated b" ?a6i:,

7oo6 242 !umber +$ 4:

Miqdad re1orted: I and two o0 m" /om1anions were so mu/h a00li/ted b" that we had lost our 1ower o0 seein. and hearin., ?e 1resented oursel-es (as .uests) to the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 but none them would entertain us, So we /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he too6 us to his residen/e and there were three .oats, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Mil6 these 0or us, So we mil6ed them and e-er" 1erson us dran6 his share and we set aside the share o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), (It was his habit) to /ome durin. the and .reet (the 1eo1le 1resent there) in a manner that would not wa6e u1 one in slee1 but ma6e one who was awa6e hear it, He would then .o to the mosque and sa" 1ra"er2 then .o to the mil6 and drin6 it, Miqdad added: 3ne the Satan /ame to me when I had ta6en m" share2 and he said: Muhammad has .one to the Ansar2 who would o00er him hos1italit" and he would .et what is with them2 and he has no need 0or this (o0 mil6), So I too6 (that mil6) and dran6 it2 and when it had 1enetrated dee1l" in m" stoma/h and I was /ertain that there was no wa" out (but to di.est it)2 the Satan aroused (m" sense o0) remorse and said: ?oe be to theeL what ha-e "ou doneD Kou ha-e ta6en the drin6 reser-ed 0or MuhammadL ?hen he would /ome and he would not 0ind it2 he would /urse "ou2 and "ou would be ruined2 and thus there would .o (waste) this world and the Herea0ter (0or) "ou, There was a sheet o-er meB as I 1la/ed (1ulled) it u1on m" 0eet2 m" head was un/o-ered and as I 1la/ed it u1on m" head2 m" 0eet were un/o-ered2 and I /ould not slee12 but m" two /om1anions had .one to slee1 0or the" had not done what I had done, There /ame Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he .reeted as he used to .reet (b" sa"in. as-Salamu :Alai6um), He then /ame to the mosque and obser-ed 1ra"er and then /ame to his drin6 (mil6) and un/o-ered it2 but did not 0ind an"thin. in it, He raised his head towards the s6"2 and I said (to m"sel0) that he (the Hol" @ro1het) was .oin. to in-o6e /urse u1on me and I would be thus ruinedB but he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Allah2 0eed him who 0ed me and .i-e drin6 to him who 1ro-ided me drin6, I held the sheet u1on m"sel0 (and when he had su11li/ated)2 I too6 hold o0 the 6ni0e and went to the .oats (1ossessed b" the Hol" @ro1het) so that I ma" slauhter one 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whi/h was the 0attest them2 and in 0a/t all o0 them were mil/h .oatsB then I too6 hold o0 the -essel whi/h belon.ed to the 0amil" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in whi/h the" used to mil6 and drin6 there0rom2 and mil6ed them in that until it swelled u1 with 0oam, I /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said: Ha-e "ou ta6en "our share o0 the mil6 durin. the ni.htD I said: 9rin6 it, and he dran6 itB he then handed o-er (the -essel) to me and I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 drin6 it2 and he dran6 it and handed o-er (the -essel) to me a.ain2 I then 1er/ei-ed that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had been satiated and I had .ot his blessin.s, I burst into lau.hter (so mu/h) so that I 0ell u1on the .round2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Miqdad2 it must be one o0 "our mi$2%% & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

s/hie0s, I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 this a00air o0 mind is li6e this and this, and I ha-e done so, Thereu1on, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: This is nothin. but a mer/" 0rom Allah, ?h" is it that "ou did not .i-e me an o11ortunit" so that we should ha-e awa6ened our two 0riends and the" would ha-e .ot their share (o0 the mil6)D I said: 7" Him ?ho has sent "ou with Truth, I do not mind whate-er "ou .i-e (to them)2 and whate-er the (other) 1eo1le ha11en to .et2 when I had .ot it alon. with "ou 0rom amon. the 1eo1le,

7oo6 242 !umber +$ *:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Mu.hira with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 242 !umber +$ +:

:Abd al-Aahman b, Abu 7a6r re1orted: ?e were one hundred and thirt" (1ersons) with Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9oes an" one o0 Kou 1ossess 0oodD There was a 1erson with (us) who had a sa: o0 0lour or somethin. about that2 and it was 6neaded, Then a tall 1ol"theist with dishe-elled hair /ame dri-in. his 0lo/6 o0 shee1, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ould "ou li6e to sell it (an" one o0 these .oats) or o00er it as a .i0t or a 1resentD He said: !o2 (I am not 1re1ared to o00er as a .i0t)2 but I would sell it, He (the Hol" @ro1het) a shee1 0rom him2 and it was slau.htered and its meat was 1re1ared2 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded that its li-er should be roasted, He (the narrator) said: 7" Allah2 none amon. one hundred and thirt" 1ersons was le0t whom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had not .i-en a 1art out o0 her li-erB i0 an"one was 1resent he .a-e it to him, but i0 he was absent it was set aside 0or him, And he (the Hol" @ro1het) 0illed two bowls (one with sou1 and the other with mutton) and we all ate out o0 them to our hearts: /ontent2 but (still) some 1art was (le0t) in (those) two bowls2 and I 1la/ed it on the /amel- (or words to the same e00e/t),

7oo6 242 !umber +$ ):

:Abd al-Aabman b, Abu 7a6r re1orted that the 1eo1le o0 Su00a were -er" 1oor, 3n/e the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said (to his 'om1anions): He who "ou has 0ood 0or two 1ersons should ta6e three (.uests with him), and he who has with him 0ood 0or 0our 1ersons should ta6e 0i-e or si5 (.uests with him 0or entertainin. them), It was (in a//ordan/e with these instru/tions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) that Abu 7a6r three 1ersons2 and the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ten 1ersons (as .uests to their res1e/ti-e houses), Abu 7a6r had three 1ersons (he himsel02 and m"sel0)2 m" 0ather and m" mother (alon. with therm), He (the narrator) said: I do not 6now whether he also said: M" wi0e and one ser-ant who was /ommon between our house and that o0 Abu 7a6r, Abu 7a6r had had his e-enin. meal with Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He sta"ed here until 1ra"er had been o00ered, He then /ame ba/6 (to the house o0 Allah:s A1ostle) and sta"ed there until Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0elt drows" and
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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

(Abu 7a6r) then /ame (ba/6 to his own house) when (a /onsiderable) 1art o0 the had been o-er2 as Allah had desired, His wi0e said to him: ?hat held "ou ba/6 0rom "our .uestsD He said: 3hL ha-e "ou not ser-ed them the e-enin. meal (b" this time)D She said: It was in 0a/t ser-ed to them, but the" re0used to eat until "ou /ame, He (:Abd al-Aahman) said: I slun6 awa" and bid m"sel0, He (Abu 7a6r) said: 32 "ou stu1id 0ellow2 and he re1rimanded me2 and said to the .uests: (at2 thou.h it ma" not be 1leasant now, He said: 7" Allah, I will ne-er eat it He (:Abd al-Aahman) said: 7" Allah, we did not ta6e a morsel when 0rom beneath that (there a11eared) more until the" had eaten to their 0ill2 and loL it was more than what it was be0ore, Abu 7a6r saw that and 0ound that it was so or more than that, He said to his wi0e: Sister o0 7and =iris2 what is th-isD She said: 7" the /oolness o0 m" e"es, it is in e5/ess b" three times o-er the 1re-ious one, Then Abu 7a6r ate sa"in.: That was 0rom the Satan (-i8, his -ow 0or not eatin. the 0ood), He then too6 a morsel out o0 that and then too6 it (the rest) to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and it was 6e1t there until mornin.2 and durin. (those da"s) there was a /o-enant between us and some other 1eo1le2 and the 1eriod o0 /o-enant was o-er2 and we had a11ointed twel-e o00i/ials with e-er" 1erson them, It is Allah onl" ?ho 6nows as to how man" 1eo1le were there with ea/h o0 them, He sent (this 0ood to them) and all o0 them ate out o0 it,

7oo6 242 !umber +$ %:

:Abd al-Aahman b, Abd 7a6r re1orted: There /ame to our house some .uests, It was a /ommon 1ra/ti/e with m" 0ather to (.o) and tal6 to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) durin. the, ?hile .oin. he said: :Abd al-Aahman2 entertain the .uests, ?hen it was e-enin. we ser-ed the 0ood to them2 but the" re0used sa"in.: So lon. as the owner o0 the house does not /ome and join us2 we would not ta6e the meal, I said to them: He (:Abd 7a6r) is a stern 1erson2 and i0 "ou would not do that (i0 "ou do not ta6e the 0ood), I 0ear2 I ma" be harmed b" him2 but the" re0used, As he (m" 0ather) /ame2 the 0irst thin. he as6ed was: Ha-e "ou ser-ed the .uestsD The" (the 1eo1leo0 the household) said: ?e ha-e not ser-ed them so0ar, He said: 9id I not /ommand :Abd al-Aahman (to do this)D He (:Abd al-Aahman) said: I slun6 awa" and 6e1t m"sel0 awa" b" that time, He a.ain said: 3 stu1id 0ellow2 I as6 "ou on oath that In /ase "ou hear m" -oi/e "ou /ome to me, I /ame and said: 7" Allah2 there is no 0ault o0 mine, These are "our .uestsB "ou ma" as6 them, I 1ro-ided them with 0ood but the" re0used to eat until "ou /ame, He said to them: ?h" is it that "ou did not a//e1t our 0oodD 7" Allah2 I shall not e-en ta6e 0ood (as "ou ha-e not ta6en), The" said: 7" Allah2 we would not ta6e until "ou join us, Thereu1on he Abu 7a6r) said: I ha-e ne-er seen a more un0ortunate than this, ?oe be to theeL that "ou do not a//e1t 0rom us 0ood 1re1ared 0or "ou, He a.ain said: ?hat I did 0irst (that is the ta6in. o0 -ow 0or not eatin. the 0ood) was 1rom1ted b" the Satan, 7rin. the 0ood, The 0ood was brou.ht2 and he ate b" re/itin. the name o0 Allah and the" also ate2 and when it was mornin. he /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 their oath (that o0 the .uests) /ame to be true2 but mine was not true2 and a0ter that he in0ormed him o0 the whole in/ident, He said: Kour oath /ame to be the most true and "ou are the best o0 them, He (the narrator) said, I do not 6now whether he made an atonement 0or it,
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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

'ha1ter 4$: (5/ellen/e o0 sharin. the small 0ood

7oo6 242 !umber +$ #:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: =ood 0or two 1ersons su00i/es three 1ersons and 0ood 0or three 1ersons su00i/es 0our 1ersons,

7oo6 242 !umber +$ ;:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: I heard Allah:, s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: =ood 0or one 1erson su00i/es two 1ersons and 0ood 0or two 1ersons su00i/es 0our 1ersons2 and 0ood 0or 0our 1ersons su00i/es 1ersonsB and in the tradition transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ishaq there is no mention o0 the 0a/t that he heard it dire/tl" (0rom the Hol" @ro1het),

7oo6 242 !umber +$$ :

A hadith li6e this is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Fabir but with a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 242 !umber +$$$:

Fabir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: =ood 0or one su00i/es two and 0ood 0or two su00i/es 0or tour,

7oo6 242 !umber +$$2:

Fabir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: =ood 0or one (1erson) sq00i/es two2 and 0ood 0or two (1ersons) su00i/es 0our 1ersons and 0ood 0or 0our 1ersons su00i/es 1ersons,

'ha1ter 42: A belie-er rats in one intestine whereas a non-belie-er eats in se-en intestines
7oo6 242 !umber +$$4:
Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that a non-Muslim eats in se-en intestines whereas a Muslim eats in one intestine,

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733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

7oo6 242 !umber +$$*:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar but with a di00erent /hain oi transmitters,

7oo6 242 !umber +$$+:

!a0i: re1orted that Ibn :Umar saw a 1oor man, He 1la/ed 0ood be0ore him and he ate mu/h, He (Ibn :Umar) said: He should not /ome to me, 0or I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that the non-Muslim eats in se-en intestines,

7oo6 242 !umber +$$):

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A belie-er eats in one intestine2 whereas a non-belie-er eats in se-en intestines,

7oo6 242 !umber +$$%:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Fabir,

7oo6 242 !umber +$$#:

Abu Musa re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A belie-er eats in one intestine2 whereas a non-belie-er eats in se-en intestines,

7oo6 242 !umber +$$;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira with a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 242 !umber +$2 :

Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in-ited a non-Muslim, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded that a .oat be mil6ed 0or him, It was mil6ed and he dran6 its mil6, Then the se/ond one was mil6ed and he dran6 its mil62 and then the other one was mil6ed and he dran6 its mil6, till he dran6 the mil6 o0 se-en .oats, 3n the ne5t mornin. he embra/ed Islam, And Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded that a .oat should be mil6ed 0or him and he dran6 its mil6 and then another was mil6ed but he did not 0inish it2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A belie-er drin6s In one intestine whereas a non-belie-er drin6s in se-en intestines,

$2#$ & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

'ha1ter 44: 9on:t 0ind 0ault with 0ood (ser-ed to "ou)

7oo6 242 !umber +$2$:
Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ne-er 0ound 0ault with 0ood (ser-ed to him), I0 he li6ed an"thin.2 he ate it and i0 he did not li6e it he le0t it,

7oo6 242 !umber +$22:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 242 !umber +$24:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash,

7oo6 242 !umber +$2*:

Abu Huraira re1orted: I ne-er saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0indin. 0ault with 0ood (ser-ed to him) B i0 he li6ed it he ate it2 and i0 did not li6e it he 6e1t silent,

7oo6 242 !umber +$2+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

$2#2 & $#


733> 24: TH( 733> 3= 9AI!>S (>ITA7 AL-ASHAI7A)

733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

$2#4 & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

'ha1ter $: The use o0 .old and sil-er -essels is 0orbidden to men and women and it is also 1rohibited to drin6 in them
7oo6 2*2 !umber +$2):
Umm Salama2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said: He who drin6s in the -essel o0 sil-er in 0a/t drin6s down in his bell" the 0ire o0 Hell,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$2%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Ubaidullah throu.h other /hains o0 transmitters: He who eats or drin6s in the -essel o0 sil-er and .old2 - but there is no mention in an" one o0 them o0 the words 1ertainin. to eatin. and .old,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$2#:

Abd al-Aahman re1orted on the authorit" o0 his mother:s sister Umm Salama who said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who dran6 in -essels o0 .old or sil-er he in 0a/t dran6 down in his bell" the 0ire o0 Hell,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$2;:

Mu:awi"a b, Suwaid b, Muqarrin re1or5ed: I -isited al-7ara: b, :A8ib and heard him sa": Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded us to do se-en thin.s and 0orbade us to do se-en (thin.s), He /ommanded us to -isit the si/62 to 0ollow the 0uneral 1ro/ession2 to answer the snee8er2 to 0ul0il the -ow2 to hel1 the 1oor2 to a//e1t the in-itation and to .reet e-er"bod"2 and he 0orbade us to wear rin.s or .old rin.s2 to drin6 in sil-er (-essels)2 and to use the saddle /loth made o0 red sil62 and to wear .arments made o0 Eassi material2 or .arments made o0 sil6 or bro/ade and -el-et,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$4 :

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ash:ath b, Sulaim with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a /han.e o0 wordin. that he made no mention o0:C to 0ul0il the -owsC but substituted these words:C 0indin. o0 the lost arti/lesC,

$2#* & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$4$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ash:ath b, Abu ashSha:tha: with the same /hain o0 transmitters (and with these words): There is no doubt about the words: To 0ul0il the -ows were mentioned and this addition had been made in the, hadith: (The Hol" @ro1het) 0orbade drin6in. in sil-er -essels2 0or one who drin6s (in them) in this world would not drin6 (in them) in the Herea0ter,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$42:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ash:ath b, Sulaim with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this di00eren/e that instead o0 the words: I0sha as-Salam (s1readin. the salutations)2 he substituted the words Aadd as-Saldm (i, e, res1ondin. to the words o0 salutation) and he said: He 0orbade (the use o0) .old rin.,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$44:

This hadith has been narrated on the auttiniit" o0 Ash:ath b, Sulaim with the same /hain o0 transmitters but the words (1ertainin. to) I0sha as-Salam and the (use) o0 .old rin. ha-e been re1orted without doubt,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$4*:

:Abdullah b, U6aim re1orted: ?hile we were with Hudhai0a in Mada:in he as6ed 0or water, A a drin6 0or him in a sil-er -essel, He (Hudhai0a) threw it awa" sa"in.: I in0orm "ou that I ha-e alread" /on-e"ed to him that he should not ser-e me drin6 in it (sil-er -essel) 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: 9o not drin6 in .old and sil-er -essels2 and do not wear bro/ade or sil62 0or these are meant 0or them (the non-belie-ers) in this world2 but the" are meant 0or "ou in the Herea0ter on the 9a"2 o0 Aesurre/tion,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$4+:

This badith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, U6aim with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$4):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 lbn :U6aim throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters2 but in this hadith no mention is made o0 the words:2 3n the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tionC

$2#+ & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$4%:

Shu:ba re1orted 0rom al-Ha6am that he heard :Abd al-Aahmin (i, e, Ibn Abu Laila) as sa"in.: I 1ersonall" saw Hudhai0a as6in. 0or water in Mada:in and a man .i-in. it to him in a sil-er -essel, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$4#:

This badith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters, but there is no mention o0 the 0a/t: :2 I 1ersonall" saw himC in this hadith,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$4;:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Hudhaila with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$* :

:Abd al-Aahmin b, Abu Laili re1orted that Hudhai0a as6ed 0or water and a Ma.ian .a-e him water in a sil-er -essel2 whereu1on he said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not wear sil6 or bro/ade and do not drin6 i0i -essels o0 .old and sil-er2 and do not eat in the dishes made o0 them (i, e, .old and sil-er)2 0or these are 0or them (the non-belie-ers) in this world,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$*$:

Ibn Umar re1orted that Umar b, >hattab saw (some one sellin.) the .arments o0 sil6 at the door o0 the mosque2 whereu1on he said: Allah:s Messen.er2 would that "ou bu" it and wear it 0or the 1eo1le on =rida" and 0or (re/ei-in.) the dele.ations when the" /ome to "ouD U1on this, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: .o who wears it has no share (o0 reward) in the Herea0ter, Then these .arments were sent to AllahC s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he 1resented one o0 these sil6 .arment to Umar, Thereu1on Umar said: Kou ma6e me wear (this sil6 .arment) ?hereas "ou said about the sil6 .arment o0 Utarid (the 1erson who had been bus" sellin. this .arment at the door o0 the mosque) what "ou had to sa"2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I ha-e not 1resented "ou this 0or wearin. it (but to ma6e use o0 its 1ri/e) B so :Umar 1resented it to his 1ol"theist brother in Me//a,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$*2:

This hadith has been narrated b" Ibn Umar throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

$2#) & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$*4:

Ibn Umar re1orted that Umar saw Utarid al-Tamimi standin. in the mar6et (and sellin.) the sil6 .arments2 and he was the 1erson who went to (/ourts o0) 6in.s and .ot (hi.h 1ri/es) 0or these .arments 0rom them, Umar said: Allah:s I saw :Utarid standin. in the mar6et with a sil6 .armentB would that "ou bu" and wear it 0or (re/ei-in.) the dele.ations o0 Arabs when the" -isit "ouD I (the narrator) said: I thin6 he (:Umar) also said: Kou ma" wear it on =rida" (also), Thereu1on2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) said: He who wears sil6 in this world has no share in the Herea0ter, Later on when these sil6 .arments were 1resented to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) he 1resented one sil6 .arment to :Umar and 1resented one also to Usama b, Gaid and .a-e one to :Ali b, Abu :Talib, sa"in.: Tear them and ma6e head /o-erin.s 0or "our ladies, :Umar /ame /arr"in. his .arment and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 "ou ha-e sent it to me2 whereas "ou had said "esterda" about the (sil6) .arment o0 Utarid what "ou had to sa", He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I ha-e not sent it to "ou that "ou wear it2 but I ha-e sent It to "ou so that "ou ma" deri-e bene0it out o0 itB and Usama (donned) the .arment (1resented to him) and a11eared to be bris62 whereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) loo6ed at him with a loo6 b" whi/h he 1er/ei-ed that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not li6e what he had done, He said: Allah:s, wh" is it that "ou loo6 at me li6e this, whereas "ou "oursel0 1resented it to meD He said: I ne-er sent it to "ou to wear it2 but I sent It to "ou so that "ou ma" tear it and ma6e out head /o-erin. 0or "our ladies,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$**:

Abdullah b, Umar re1orted: :Umar b, at->hattab 0ound a sil6 .arment bein. sold in the mar6etB he 1ur/hased it and it to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 .et it and adorn "oursel0 (b" wearin. it) on the :Id (da"s) and 0or the dele.ation, Thereu1on2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: That is the dress o0 one who has no share (in the Herea0ter), :Umar sta"ed there so lon. as Allah wished, Then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent him a sil6 /loa6, :Umar /ame ba/6 with that to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s, "ou said that it is the dress o0 one who has no share in the Herea0ter2 but then "ou sent it to me, Thereu1on2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kou sell it and meet "our need (with its 1ro/eeds),

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$*+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Shihab with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$*):

lbn :Umar re1orted that :Umar saw a 1erson o0 the tribe o0 :Utirid sellin. a .arment made o0 bro/ade or sil6 and said to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): ?ould that "ou bu" itD Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: He who wears it has no share 0or him in the Herea0ter, Then Allah:s
$2#% & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH) (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was 1resented with a stri1ed sil6 .arment and he sent it to him (:Umar), He (2 Umar) said: Kou sent it to me whereas I heard 0rom "ou about it what "ou had to sa"2 whereu1on he (Allah:s said: I sent it to "ou so that "ou ma" bene0it b" it,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$*%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin. (and the words are that the Hol" @ro1het) said: I sent it to "ou so that "ou deri-e bene0it 0rom it, but I did not send it to "ou to wear it,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$*#:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that :Umar saw a 1erson with a .arment o0 bro/ade and he it to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) -the rest o0 the hadith is the same2 e5/e1t 0or the words that he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I sent it to "ou that "ou .et mone" thereb",

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$*;:

Abdullah, the 0reed sla-e o0 Asma: (the dau.hter o0 Abu 7a6r), the maternal un/le o0 the son o0 :Ata2 re1orted: Asma: sent me to :Abdullah b, :Umar sa"in.: The news has rea/hed me that "ou 1rohibit the use o0 three thin.s: the stri1ed robe, saddle /loth made o0 red sil6, and the 0astin. in the hol" month o0 Aajab, :Abdullah said to me: So 0ar as what "ou sa" about 0astin. in the month o0 Aajab2 how about one who obser-es /ontinuous 0astin.D -and so 0ar as what "ou sa" about the stri1ed .arment2 I heard Umar b, >hatab sa" that he had heard 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): He who wears sil6 .arment has no share 0or him (in the Herea0ter)2 and I am a0raid it ma" not be that stri1ed .armentB and so 0ar as the red saddle /lotb is /on/erned that is the saddle /loth o0 Abdullah and it is red, I went ba/6 to Asma: and in0ormed her, whereu1on she said: Here is the /loa6 o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), and she out to me that /loa6 made o0 @ersian /loth with a hem o0 bro/ade2 and its slee-es bordered with bro/ade and said: This wall Allah:s /loa6 with :A:isha until she died2 and when she died, I .ot 1ossession o0 it, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to wear that2 and we waslied it 0or the si/6 and /ure thereb",

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$+ :

>hali0a b, >a:b Ab'i 9hub"an re1orted: I heard :Abdullah b, Gubair addressin. the 1eo1le and sa"in.: 7eholdL do not dress "uor women with sil6 /lothes 0or I heard :Umar b, >hattab as sa"in1 that he had heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not wear sil62 0or one who wear it in this world will not wear it in the Herea0ter,

$2## & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$+$:

:Asim al-Abwal re1orted on the authorit" Abu Uthman sa"in.: :Umar wrote to us when we were in Adharba:ijan sa"in.: :Utba b, =arqad2 this wealth is neither the result o0 "our own labour nor the result o0 the labour o0 "our 0ather2 nor the result o0 the labour o0 "our mother2 so 0eed Muslims at their own 1la/es as "ou 0eed (members o0 "our 0amil" and "oursel-es at "our own residen/e)2 and beware o0 the li0e o0 1leasure2 and the dress o0 the 1ol"theists and wearin. o0 sil6 .arments2 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the wearin. o0 sil6 .arments2 but onl" this mu/h2 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) raised his, and middle and he joined, them (to indi/ate that onl" this mu/h sil6 /an be allowed in the dress o0 a man), :Asim said also: This is what is re/orded in the lette,2 (sent to us)2 and Guhair raised his two 0in.ers (to .i-e an idea o0 the e5tent to whi/h sil6 ma" be used),

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$+2:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 :Asim,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$+4:

Abu :Uthman re1orted: ?hile we were with :Utba b, =arqad there /ame a letter o0 :Umar (/ontainin. the instru/tions) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: !one should wear sil6 (with the e5/e1tion o0 so mu/h) but he will ha-e nothin. o0 it in the Herea0ter, Abu :Uthman said: To the e5tent o0 two 0in.ers whi/h are /lose to the thumb2 and I was shown the (sil6) borders o0 the Ta"alisa mantle (whi/h were about two 0in.ers in breadth and I saw them,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$+*:

Eatada re1orted: I heard Abe :Uthman al-!ahdi as sa"in.: There /ame to us a letter o0 :Umar as we were in Adharba:ijan or in S"ria in the /om1an" o0 :Utba b, =arqad (and the letter ran thus): A0ter (usual 1raise and .lori0i/ation o0 Allah) it is stated that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has 0orbidden the use o0 sil6 btit to the e5tent o0 these two 0in.ers2 and Abu Uthman said: ?e at on/e understood b" these words that he meant (sil6) 1atterns on (the /loth),

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$++:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Eatada but there is no mention o0 the words o0 Abd Uthman,

$2#; & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$+):

Suwaid b, Hha0ala said: :Umar addressed us at a 1la/e 6nown as Fabi"a (S"ria) and he said: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade us the wearin. o0 sil6 but to the e5tent o0 two or three 0in.ers or 0our 0in.ers,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$+%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Eatada with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$+#:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted that one da" Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ut on a /loa6 made o0 bro/ade2 whi/h had been 1resented to him, He then qui/6l" 1ut it o00 and sent it to :Umar b, >hattab2 and it was said to him: o0 Allah, wh" is it that "ou 1ut it o0 immediatel", whereu1on he said: Habriel 0orbade me 0rom it (i, e, wearin. o0 3ds .arment)2 and :Umar /ame to him wee1in. and said: o0 Allah "ou disa11ro-ed a thin. but "ou .a-e it to me, ?hat about me2 thenD Thereu1on be (the Hol" @ro1het) ?d: I did not .i-e it to "ou to wear it2 but I .a-e "ou that "ou sell itB and so he (Hadrat Umar) sold it 0or two thousand dirhams,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$+;:

:Ali re1orted: A sil6 /loa6 was 1resented to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), and he sent it to me and I wore it, but then 0ound some si.n o0 disa11ro-al u1on his 0a/e2 whereu1on he said: I did not send it to "ou that "ou wear it2 but I sent it to "ou so that "ou tear it and ma6e out head dream 0or "our women,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$) :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Mubammad b, Fa:0ar but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$)$:

:Ali re1orted that U6aidir o0 9uma 1resented to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a sil6 .arment2 and he 1resented it to :Ali, and said: Tear it to ma6e head /o-erin. 0or =itimas out o0 it, This tradition is transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu 7a6r2 and Abu >uraib said: Amon. the women,

$2; & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$)2:

:Ali b, Abu Talib re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e me to wear a .arment in the 0orm o0 sil6 /loa6, I went out wearin. it2 but saw si.ns o0 on his 0a/e2 so I tore it and distributed it m" women,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$)4:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" @ea/e be u1on him) sent a sil6 .own to :Umar2 whereu1on :Umar said: Kou sent it to me whereas "ou said what "ou had to2 sa" (i, e, it is 0orbidden 0or men), Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I did not send it to "ou so that "ou wear it2 but I sent it to "ou so that "ou deri-e bene0it 0rom its 1ri/e,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$)*:

Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who wore sil6 in this world would not wear it in the Herea0ter,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$)+:

Abu Umama re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: He who wore sil6 in this world would not wear it in the Herea0ter,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$)):

Uqba b, :Amir said: A sil6 .o -n was 1resented to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he wore it and obser-ed 1ra"er in it and then returned and 1ut it o00 so -iolentl" as i0 he des1ised it, He then said: It does not be0it the Hod0earin. 1ersons,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$)%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 a8id b, Abu Habib with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

$2;$ & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

'ha1ter 2: It is 1ermissible 0or a man to wear sil6 be/ause o0 it/h or some other reason
7oo6 2*2 !umber +$)#:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted to them (his /om1anions) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had .ranted /on/ession to Abd al-Aahman b, QAn0 and Gubair b, :Awwam 0or the wearin. o0 a sil6 shirt durin. the journe" and be/ause o0 it/h whi/h the" both had or an" other disease 0rom whi/h both o0 them had been su00erin.,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$);:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sa:d with the same /hain o0 transmitters but there is no mention o0 the wordC journe"C,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$% :

Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ranted /on/ession2 or Gubair b, Awwam and :Abd Al-Aahman b, Au0 were .ranted /on/ession2 0or the wearin. o0 sil6 be/ause o0 the it/h that the" both had,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$%$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$%2:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that :Abd al-Aahman b, Au0 and Gu:bair, b, :Awwam /om1lained to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about li/eB he .ranted them /on/ession to wear shirts o0 sil6,

'ha1ter 4: It is not 1ermissible 0or a man to wear /lothes o0 "ellow /olour

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$%4:
:Abdullah b, :Amr b, al-As re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw me wearin. two /lothes d"ed in sa00ron, whereu1on he said: These are the /lothes (usuall" worn b") the non-belie-ers2 so do not wear them,
$2;2 & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$%*:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Kah"a b, Abu >athir with the same /hain o0 trarnmitteis,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$%+:

:Abdullah b, :Amr re1orted: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw me in two /lothes d"ed in sa00ron2 whereu1on he said: Has "our mother ordered "ou to do soD And I said: I will wash them, He said: 7ut burn them,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$%):

:Ali b, Abu Talib re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade wearin. o0 sil6 and "ellow /lothes2 and the .old rin.2 and the re/itin. o0 the Eur:an in the ru6u: (state o0 6neelin. in 1ra"er),

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$%%:

Ali b, Abu Talib re1orted: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade me to re/ite the Eur:an while I am in ru6uB and the wearin. o0 .old and /lothes d"ed in sa00ron,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$%#:

:Ali b, Abu Talib re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade me to use .old rin.s, to wear sil6 /lothes and to re/ite the Eur:an in ru6u: and sajda (1rostration)2 and to wear "ellow .arments,

'ha1ter *: (5/ellen/e o0 wearin. the mantles o0 "emen

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$%;:
Eatada said: ?e as6ed Anas b, Mali6 whi/h .arment did Allah:s ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) lo-e or li6e (to wear), He said: The mantle o0 Kemen,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$# :

Anas re1orted that the .arment most li6ed b" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was the mantle o0 Kemen,

$2;4 & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

'ha1ter +: Modest" in /ase o0 .arments and 1re0eren/e 0or t"ie /oarse /loth 0or wearin. and the 1ermissibilit" o0 wearin. /loth made o0 (/amel:s) hair
7oo6 2*2 !umber +$#$:
Abu 7urda re1orted: I -isited A:isha and she out 0or us the /oarse lower .ar0nent (o0 Allah:s made in Kemen and /lothes made out o0 Mulabbada /loth2 and she swore in the name o0 Allah that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) died in these two /lothes,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$#2:

Abu 7urda re1orted that A:isha out 0or us the lower .arment and the u11er .arment made o0 the Mulabbada /loth and said: It was in these (/lothes) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) died, Ibn Hatim (one o0 the narrators) in his narration ?d: The lower .arment o0 /oarse /loth,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$#4:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 A""ub with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$#*:

A:isha re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out one mornin. wearin. a blan6et made o0 (/amel:s or shee1:s) bla/6 hair with 1atterns o0 /amel saddles u1on it,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$#+:

A:isha re1orted that the 1illow on whi/h Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/lined was o0 leather stu00ed with 1alm 0ibre,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$#):

A:isha re1orted that the beddin. on whi/h, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sle1t was made o0 leather stu00ed with 1alm 0ibre,

$2;* & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$#%:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Hisham b, :Urwa with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter ): It is 1ermissible to use /ar1ets

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$##:
Fabir re1orted: ?hen I was married2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) as6ed me i0 I had .ot the /ar1et, I said: How /an we ha-e /ar1etsD (i, e, I am so 1oor that I /annot e-en thin6 o0 /ar1ets), whereu1on he said: Kou shall soon 1ossess them,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$#;:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted: ?hen I was married, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed me i0 I had .ot /ar1ets, I said: How /an we ha-e /ar1etsD Thereu1on he ?d: Kou will soon ha-e, Fabir said: M" wi0e had 1ossessed a /ar1et, and I said to her to remo-e that awa" 0rom me2 but she would sa"L Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be n1on him) had said: Kon will soon ha-e, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Su0"in with the saule /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter %: 9isa11ro-al o0 6ee1in. more beddin.s and /lothes than are .enuinel" needed
7oo6 2*2 !umber +$; :
Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s Messen.or (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There should be a beddin. 0or a man, a beddin. 0or his wi0e and the third one 0or the .uest2 and the 0ourth one is 0or the Satan,

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733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

'ha1ter #: It is 0orbidden to trail one:s .arment out o0 /on/eit or 1ride

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$;$:
Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: Allah will not loo6 u1on him who trails his .arment out o0 1ride,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$;2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar throu.h other /hains o0 transmitters also with the addition o0 these words:C 3n the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,C

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$;4:

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: He who trails his (lower) .arment out o0 1ride2 Allah will not loo6 toward him on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$;*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$;+:

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: He who trailed his .arment out o0 1ride2 Allah would not loo6 toward him on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$;):

Salim re1orted: I heard Ibn Umar as sa"in. that he had heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. li6e this (as mentioned abo-e) but with a -ariation o0 wordin. Nthat instead o0 the word thaub (/loth) there is the word thi"ab (the /lothes) O,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$;%:

Muslim b, Kannaq re1orted that Ibn Umar saw a 1erson trailin. his lower .arment2 whereu1on he said: =rom whom do "ou /omeD He des/ribed his relationshi1 (with the tribe he belon.ed) and it was 0ound that he belon.ed to the tribe o0 Laith, Ibn, Umar re/o.nised him and said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with these two ears o0 mine sa"in.: He who trailed his lower .ar$2;) & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

ment with no other intention but 1ride2 Allah would not loo6 toward him on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$;#:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Muslim b, Kannaq throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +$;;:

Mubammad b, :Abbad b, ja:0ar re1orted: I ordered Muslim b, Kasar2 the 0reed sla-e o0 !a0i: b, :Abd al-Harith2 while I was sittin. between them2 that he should as6 Ibn :Umar i0 he had heard an"thin. 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ertainin. to one who trails his lower .arment out o0 1ride, He said: I heard him (the Hol" @ro1het) as sa"in.: Allah will not loo6 toward him on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2

Ibn :Umar re1orted: I ha11ened to 1ass be0ore Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on bin) with m" lower .arment trailin. (u1on the .round), He said: :Abdullah2 tu. u1 "our lower .arment22 I tu..ed it u12 and he a.ain said: Tu. it still 0urther2 and I tu..ed it still 0urther and I went on it a0terward2 whereu1on some o0 the 1eo1le said: To what e5tentD Thereu1on he said: To the middle o0 the shan6s,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2 $:

Abu Huraire re1orted that he saw a 1erson whose lower .arment bad been trailin, and he was stri6in. the .round with his 0oot (/on/eitedl"), He was the Amir o0 7ahrain and it was bein. said: Here /omes the Amir2 here /omes the Amir, He (Abu Huraira) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah will not loo6 toward him who trails his lower .arment out o0 1ride,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2 2:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters and in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn ja:0ar (the words are): Marwan had made Abu Huraira as his de1ut", and in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Muthanna (the words are), Abu Huraira was the Ho-ernor o0 Medina,

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733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

'ha1ter ;: It is 0orbidden to wal6 with 1ride2 o-er 1leased with 0ine /lothes
7oo6 2*2 !umber +2 4:
Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said that there was a 1erson who used to wal6 with 1ride be/ause o0 his thi/6 hair and 0ine mantles, He was made to sin6 in the earth and he would .o on sin6in. in the earth until the Last Hour would /ome,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2 *:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira but with a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2 +:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There was a 1erson who wal6ed with 1ride be/ause o0 his (0ine) mantles and well 1leased with his 1ersonalit", Allah made him sin6 in the earth and he would .o on sin6in. in that until the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2 ):

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira but with a -ariation o0 wordin.: ?hile there was a man who strutted in his two mantles,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2 %:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There was a 1erson (li-in. be0ore "ou) who too6 1ride in his /loa6, the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

'ha1ter $ : About the rin. made o0 .old

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2 #:
Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the wearin. o0 .old rin.,

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733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2 ;:

Abdullah b, :Abbas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw a 1erson wearin. a .old rin. in his hand, He (the Hol" @ro1het) 1ulled it o00 and threw it awa"2 sa"in.: 3ne o0 "ou is wishin. li-e /oal 0rom Hell, and 1uttin. it on his hand, It was said to the 1erson a0ter Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had le0t: Ta6e "our rin. (o0 .old) and deri-e bene0it out o0 it, whereu1on he said: !o2 b" Allah2 I would ne-er ta6e it when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has thrown it awa",

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2$ :

:Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1ol him) .ot 0ashioned a rin. o0 .old but he 6e1t its stone on the inner side o0 his 1alm as he wore it2 so the 1eo1le (0ollowin. his e5am1le) .ot 0ashioned (su/h rin.s), Then one da" as he sat on the 1ul1it he 1ulled it awa" sa"in.: I wore this rin. and 6e1t its stone towards the inner side, He then threw it awa"2 and said: 7" Allah2 I will ne-er wear itB so the 1eo1le threw their rin.s awa",

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2$$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar throu.h other /hains o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter $$: ?earin. o0 sil-er rin. b" Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in whi/h were en.ra-ed the words (Muhammad2 the o0 Allah) and a0ter him his su//essors wore it
7oo6 2*2 !umber +2$2:
Ibn Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had made 0or himsel0 a rin. o0 sil-er2 and he (wore it in his, then it was in Abu 7a6r:s, then it was in:Umar:s, then it was in :Uthman:s, until it 0ell into the well o0 Aris and it had these words en.ra-ed u1on it (Muhammad2 o0 Allah), Ibn !umair narrated it with a -ariation o0 words,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2$4:

Ibn Umar re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on hirn) had made 0or himsel0 a .old rin.B then lie dis/arded it, and then made 0or himsel0 a sil-er rin., and had these words en.ra-ed
$2;; & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

u1on it (Mubamrnad2 o0 Allah)2 and said: !o one should en.ra-e an"thin. li6e the en.ra-in. o0 this rin. o0 mine, and when he ?ore it, he 6e1t its stone towards the inside o0 his 1alm2 and it was this whi/h 0ell down (0rom the hands) o0 Mu:a"qib into the well o0 Aris,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2$*:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had made 0or him a sil-er rin., and .ot en.ra-ed on it (Mubamrnad2 o0 Allah) and said to the 1eo1le I ha-e .ot made a rin. o0 sil-er and en.ra-ed in it (these words) (Mubamrnad2 o0 Allah), So none should en.ra-e these (words) li6e this en.ra-ement,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2$+:

This hadith nas been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Anas throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters but there is no mention o0 the words (Mubamrnad2 o0 Allah) in it,

'ha1ter $2: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot made 0or himsel0 a rin. when he de/ided to write letters to the non-arabs
7oo6 2*2 !umber +2$):
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) de/ided to write letters to the 7"8antine ((m1eror) the" (his 'om1anions) told him that the" would not read a letter unless it is sealed, (Then) Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had a sil-er rin. made (0or himeal0)2 (its sha1e is to -i-id in m" mind) as i0 I see its bri.htness in the band o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and its en.ra-ement was (Muhamrnad2 o0 Allah),

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2$%:

Anas re1orted that when Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) de/ided to write (letters) to non-Arabs (i, e, @ersian and 7"8antine (m1erors) it was said to him that the non-Arabs would not a//e1t a letter but that ha-in. a seal o-er itB so he (the Hol" @ro1het) .ot a sil-er rin. made, He (Anas) said: I 1er/ei-e as i0 I am loo6in. at its bri.htness in his hand,


& $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2$#:

Anas re1orted that when Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) de/ided to write to the >isri (the >in. o0 @ersia)2 'aesar ((m1eror o0 Aome)2 and the ! (the (m1eror o0 Ab"ssinia)2 it was said to him that the" would not a//e1t the letter without the seal o-er itB so Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot a seal made2 the rin. o0 whi/h was made o0 sil-er and there was en.ra-ed on it, (Mubammad, the o0 Allab),

'ha1ter $4: @ertainin. to the dis/ardin. o0 rin.s

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2$;:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: I saw one da" on the o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be U1on him) a sil-er rin.B so the 1eo1le also .ot sil-er rin.s made and wore them Then Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) dis/arded his rin.2 and the 1eo1le also dis/arded their rin.s,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +22 :

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that one da" he saw on the o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a sil-er rin.2 and the 1eo1le also made sil-er rin.s and 1ut them on, Then Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) threw his rin. awa"2 and so the 1eo1le also threw awa" their rin.s,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +22$:

A hadith li6e this has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Furaij with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +222:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that the rin. o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was made o0 sil-er and it had an Ab"ssinian stone in it,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +224:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) wore a sil-er rin. on his hand whi/h had an Ab"ssinian stone in it2 and he 6e1t its stone towards the 1alm,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +22*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Kunus b, Ka8id with the same /hain o0 transmitters,
$4 $ & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

7oo6 2*2 !umber +22+:

Anas re1orted that the rin. o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was on this2 and he 1ointed toward the little o0 his le0t hand,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +22):

Ali re1orted: He the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 0orbade me that I should wear m" rin. in this ( or in that near it, :Asim (one o0 the narrators in the /hain o0 transmitters) said: He did not remember whi/h o0 the two (0in.ers) he 1ointed outB and he 0orbade to wear Eassi material (sil6 .arments)2 and to sit on the sil6 saddle /loth2 and he said: As re.ards Eassi2 it is a -arie.ated .arment whi/h was 0rom (."1t and S"ria whi/h had 0i.ures u1on it2 and as re.ards Ma"athir2 it is somethin. whi/h women 1re1ared 0or their husbands as red /loths 0or their saddles,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +22%:

A hadith li6e this has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 :Ali throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +22#:

:Ali b, Abu Talib re1orted that he (Allah:, s A1ostle) 0orbade or 0orbade me, the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +22;:

:Ali re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade me that I should wear a rin. in this and that o0 mine2 and he 1ointed to the middle and the ne5t one,

'ha1ter $*: @ertainin. to the wearin. o0 sandals (or shoes)

7oo6 2*2 !umber +24 :
Fabir re1orted: I heard Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in. durin. an e51edition in whi/h we also 1arti/i1ated: Ma6e a .eneral 1ra/ti/e o0 wearin. sandals2 0or a man is ridin. as it were when he wears sandals,

$4 2 & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

7oo6 2*2 !umber +24$:

Abu Huraire re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen one o0 "ou 1uts on sandals2 he should 0irst 1ut in the 0oot2 and when he ta6es o00 he should ta6e o00 the le0t one 0irst2 or he should 1ut them on to.ether or ta6e them o00 to.ether,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +242:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !one o0 "ou should wal6 in one sandalB either he should wear the two or should ta6e o00 the two,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +244:

Abu Aa8in re1orted: Abu Huraira /ame to us and he stru/6 his 0orehead with his hand and said: 7ehold I "ou tal6 "oursel0 that I attribute wron.l" to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (/ertain thin.s) in order to .uide "ou to the 1ath, In su/h a /ase2 I would m"sel0 .o astra", Listen, I bear testimon" to the 0a/t that I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: ?hen the thon. o0 an" one o0 "ou is bro6en2 he should not wal6 in the se/ond one until he has .ot it re1aired, This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira with a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $+: 'ommand /on/ernin. the wra11in. u1 o0 .arment /om1letel" lea-in. no o1enin. 0or the arms and sittin. with sin.le .arment wra11ed around ones 6nees
7oo6 2*2 !umber +24*:
Fabir re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade that a man should eat with the le0t hand or wal6 with one sandal or wra1 himsel0 /om1letel" lea-in. no o1enin. 0or the arms (to draw out) or su11ort himsel0 when sittin. with a sin.le .arment wra11ed round his 6nees whi/h ma" e51ose his 1ri-ate 1arts,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +24+:

Fabir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen the thon. o0 the shoe o0 an" one o0 "ou is /ut o00, he should not wal6 with one sandal until he has .ot the thon. re1aired2

$4 4 & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

and he should not wal6 with one shoe and he should not eat with his le0t hand and should not wra1 his /loth round his 6nees or wra1 himsel0 /om1letel" lea-in. no room 0or the arins,

'ha1ter $): It is 1rohibited to lie down on one:s ba/6 and 1la/in. o0 one:s 0oot u1on the other
7oo6 2*2 !umber +24):
Fabir re1orted that Allab:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the wra11in. o0 onesel0 /om1letel" lea-in. no room 0or the arm and su11ortin. onesel0 when sittin. with a sin.le .arment wra11ed round one:s 6nees and a 1erson raisin. one o0 his 0eet and 1la/in. it on the other while l"in. on his ba/6, 2+$2

7oo6 2*2 !umber +24%:

Fabir, b, Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not wal6 in one sandal and do not wra1 the lower .arment round "our 6nees and do not eat with "our le0t hand and do not wra1 "oursel0 /om1letel" lea-in. no room 0or the arms (to draw out) and do not 1la/e one o0 "our 0eet u1on the other while l"in. on "our ba/6,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +24#:

Falbir b, Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !one o0 "ou should lie on his ba/6 and 1la/e one o0 his 0eet u1on the other,

'ha1ter $%: @ermissibilit" o0 1la/in. one:s 0oot u1on the other while l"in.
7oo6 2*2 !umber +24;:
:Abbad b, Tamim re1orted 0rom his un/le that he saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) l"in. in the mosque and 1la/in. his one 0oot u1on the other,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2* :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitter,

$4 * & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

'ha1ter $#: @rohibition o0 usin. /lothes d"ed in sa0eron 0or men

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2*$:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) 0orbade d"ein. (one:s /loth or hair) in sa00ron, Hammad said that it 1ertains to men onl",

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2*2:

Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade that a 1erson should (wear) /lothes d"ed in sa00ron,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2*4:

Fabir re1orted that when Abu Euba0a (0ather o0 Abu 7a6r) /ame in the "eu o0 <i/tor" or on the 9a" o0 <i/tor" (to the Hol" @ro1het to 1led.e his alle.ian/e to him) his head and his beard were white li6e h"sso1, He (the Hol" @ro1het) /ommaded or the women were /ommanded b" him that the" should /han.e this with somethin. (that the /olour o0 his hair should be /han.ed),

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2**:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that Abu Euba0a was led (to the andien/e o0 the Hol" @ro1het) on the da" o0 the 'onquest o0 Me//a and his head and beard were white li6e h"sso12 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 'han.e it with somethin. but a-oid bla/6,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2*+:

Abu Horaira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Fews and the 'hristians do not d"e (their hair)2 so o11ose them,

'ha1ter $;: An.els do not enter a house in whi/h there is a do. or a 1i/ture
7oo6 2*2 !umber +2*):
A:isha re1orted that Habriel (1ea/e be u1on him) made a 1romise with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to /ome at a de0inite hourB that hour /ame but he did not -isit him, And there
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733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

was in his hand (in the hand o0 Allah:s A1ostle) a sta00, He threw it 0rom his hand and said: !e-er has Allah or His messen.ers (an.els) e-er bro6en their 1romise, Then he /ast a .lan/e (and b" /han/e) 0ound a 1u11" under his /ot and said: :A:isha2 when did this do. enter hereD She said: 7K Allah2 I don:t 6now He then /ommanded and it was turned out, Then Habriel /ame and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: Kou 1romised me and I waited 0or "ou, but "ou did not /ome2 whereu1on he said: It was the do. in "our house whi/h 1re-ented me (to /ome)2 0or we (an.els) do not enter a house in whi/h there is a do. or a 1i/ture,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2*%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Ha8im with the same /hain o0 transmitters that Habriel had 1romised Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he would /omeB the rest o0 the hadith is the same2 but it is not so" as the other one,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2*#:

Maimuna re1orted that one mornin. Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was silent with .rie0, Maimuna said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I 0ind a /han.e in "our mood toda", Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Habriel had 1romised me that he would meet me toni.ht2 but he did not meet me, 7" Allah2 he ne-er bro6e his 1romises2 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) s1ent the da" in this sad (mood), Then it o//urred to him that there had been a 1u11" under their /ot, He /ommanded and it was turned out, He then too6 some water in his hand and s1rin6led it at that 1la/e, ?hen it was e-enin. Habriel met him and he said to him: "ou 1romised me that "ou would meet me the 1re-ious, He said: Kes2 but we do not enter a house in whi/h there is a do. or a 1i/ture, Then on that -er" mornin. he /ommanded the 6illin. o0 the do.s until he announ/ed that the do. 6e1t 0or the or/hards should also be 6illed2 but he s1ared the do. meant 0or the 1rote/tion o0 e5tensi-e 0ields (or bi. .ardens),

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2*;:

Abu Talha re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: An.els do not enter a house in whi/h there is a do. or a 1i/ture,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2+ :

Abu Talha re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: An.els do not enter the house in whi/h there is a do. or a statue,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2+$:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters,
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733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2+2:

Abu Tilha2 the 'om1anion o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: <eril"2 an.els do not enter the house in whi/h there is a 1i/ture, 7usr re1orted: Gaid 0ell ill and we went to inquire a0ter his health and (0ound) that there was at his door a /urtain with a 1i/ture on it, I said to :Ubaidullah >haulani who had been under the 1atrona.e o0 Maimuna2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): 9id not Gaid himsel0 in0orm us be0ore about (the Hol" @ro1het:s /ommand 1ertainin. to the 1i/tures)2 whereu1on :Ubaidullah said: 9id "ou not hear when he said:C (5/e1t the 1rints on the /lothCD

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2+4:

Abu Talha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: An.els do not enter a house in whi/h there is a 1i/ture, 7usr said: Gaid b, >halid 0ell si/6 and we -isited him to inquire a0ter his health, As we were in his house (we saw) a /urtain ha-in. 1i/tures on it, I said to :Ubaidullah >haulani: 9id he not narrate to us (the Hol" @ro1het:s /ommand 1ertainin. to 1i/tures)D Thereu1on he said: He in 0a/t did that (but he also said): (5/e1t the 1rints u1on the /loth, 9id "ou not hear thisD I said: !o2 whereu1on He said: He had in 0a/t made a mention o0 this,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2+*:

Abu Talha Ansari re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: An.els do not enter the house in whi/h there is a 1i/ture or 1ortraits, I /ame to :A:isha and said to her: This is a news that I ha-e re/ei-ed that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: An.els do not enter the house in whi/h there is a 1i/ture or a do.2 (and 0urther added) whether she had heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ma6in. a mention o0 it, She said: !o (I did not hear this m"sel0)2 but I narrate to "ou what I saw him doin., I bear testimon" to the 0a/t that he (the Hol" @ro1het) set out 0or an e51edition, I too6 a /ar1et and s/reened the door with it, ?hen he (the Hol" @ro1het) /ame ba/6 he saw that /ar1et and I 1er/ei-ed si.ns o0 disa11ro-al on his 0a/e, He 1ulled it until it was torn or it was /ut (into 1ie/es) and he said: Hod has not /ommanded us to /lothe stones and /la", ?e /ut it (the /urtain) and 1re1ared two 1illowa out o0 it b" stu00in. them with the 0ibre o0 date1alms and he (the Hol" @ro1het) did not 0ind 0ault with it,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2++:

A:isha re1orted: ?e had a /urtain with us whi/h had 1ortraits o0 birds u1on it, ?hene-er a -isitor /ame2 he 0ound them in 0ront o0 him, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1o1 him) said to me: 'han.e them2 0or whene-er I enter the room) I see them and it brin.s to m" mind (the 1leasures) o0 worldl" li0e, She said: ?e had with us a sheet whi/h had sil6 u1on it and we used to wear it, This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Muthanna but with this addition: :Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not /ommand us to tear that,C
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733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2+):

A:isha re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame ba/6 0rom the journe" and I had s/reened m" door with a /urtain ha-in. 1ortraits o0 win.ed horses u1on it, He /ommanded me and I 1ulled it awa",

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2+%:

This hadith has been narr1ted on the authorit" o0 ?a6i: with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2+#:

A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered (m" a1artment) and I had hun. (on the door o0 m" a1artment) a thin /urtain ha-in. 1i/tures on it, The /olour o0 his 0a/e underwent a /han.e, He then too6 hold o0 that /urtain and tore it and then said: The most .rie-ous tor0nent 0or the 1eo1le on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion would be 0or those who tr" to imitate Allah in the a/t o0 /reation,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2+;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:isha throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin. (and the -ariation is that the narrator is re1orted to ha-e said): He (the Hol" @ro1het) in/lined towards that /urtain and tore it with his hand,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2) :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2)$:

A:isha re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited me, and I had a shel0 with a thin /loth /urtain, o-er it and on whi/h there were 1ortraits, !o sooner did he see it than he tore it and the /olour o0 his 0a/e underwent a /han.e and he said: A:isha2 the most .rie-ous torment 0rom the Hand o0 Allah on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion would be 0or those who imitate (Allah) in the a/t o0 His /reation, A:isha said: ?e tore it into 1ie/es and made a /ushion or two /ushions out o0 that,

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733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2)2:

A:isha re1orted she had a /loth ha-in/2 1i/tures u1on it and it was u1on the shel0 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ta6e it (awa") 0rom me (0rom m" so I remo-ed it and made /ushions 0rom that,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2)4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2)*:

A:isha re1orted: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited me when I had s/reened (m" door) with a /ar1et ha-in. 1i/tures on it, He remo-ed it and we made /ushions out o0 that,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2)+:

A:isha2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted that she had hun. a /urtain whi/h had 1i/tures u1on it, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) entered (the room) and he 1ulled it, A:isha said: I then tore it and 1re1ared two /ushions out o0 that, A 1erson who was then in that /om1an" and whose name was Aabi:a b, :Ata2 the 0reed sla-e o0 7anu Guhra2 as6ed: 9id "ou hear Abu Mabammad ma6in. a mention o0 A:isha ha-in. stated that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to re/line u1on themD lbn al-Easim said: !o2 but I heard Easim b, Muhammad sa"in. so,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2)):

A:isha re1orted that she a /ar1et whi/h had 1i/tures on it, ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw that2 he sta"ed at the door and did not .et in, I 1er/ei-ed or I was made to 1er/ei-e u1on his 0a/e si.ns o0 dis.ust, She said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I o00er re1entan/e to Allah and His, (but tell me) what is the sin that I ha-e /ommitted, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hat is this /ar1etD She said: I it 0or "ou so that "ou sit on it and ta6e rest, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The owners o0 these 1i/tures would be tormented and the" would be as6ed to brin. to li0e what the" tried to /reate, He then said: An.els do not enter the house in whi/h there is a 1i/ture,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2)%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:isha throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters also, Some o0 the other ahadith narrated throu.h other /hains o0 transmitters are more /om1lete and there is an addition in them (transmitted throu.h other /hains o0 transmitters), In the hadith trans$4 ; & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

mitted on the authorit" o0 the ne1hew o0 Majishun she (A:isha) is re1orted to ha-e said: I too6 it and 1re1ared two /ushions out o0 that and he (the Hol" @ro1het) used to re/line a.ainst them in the house,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2)#:

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: Those who 1aint 1i/tures would be 1unished on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion and it would be said to them: 7reathe soul into what "ou, ha-e /reated,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2);:

Ibn :Umar re1orted a hadith li6e this throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2% :

:Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: <erit" the most .rie-ousl" tormented 1eo1le on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion would be the 1ainters o0 1i/tures, Ashajj (one o0 the narrators) in the hadith narrated b" him did not ma6e mention o0 the wordC -erit"C,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2%$:

This haditli has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Mu:awi"a throu.h another /hain o0 tranmitters (and the words are):C <erit"2 the most .rie-ousl" tormented 1eo1le amon.est the deni8ens o0 Hall on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion would be the 1ainters o0 1i/tures, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2%2:

Muslim b, Subaih re1orted: I was with Masriuq in the house whi/h had the 1ortra"als o0 Mar" (hadrat Mar"an), Thereu1on Masriuq said: These are 1ortraits o0 >isra, I said: !o2 these are o0 Mar", Masruq said: I heard Abdullah b2 Mas:ud as sa"in. Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: The most .rie-ousl" tormented 1eo1le on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion would be the 1ainters o0 1i/tures, (Muslim said): I read this be0ore !asr b, :Ali at-Fahdami and he read it be0ore other narrators2 the last one bein. Ibn Sa:id b Abl at Hasan that a 1erson /ame to Ibn :Abbas and said: I am the 1erson who 1aints 1i/turesB .i-e me a reli.ious -erdi/t about them, He (Ibn :Abbas) said to him: 'ome near me (still 0urther), He /ame near him so mu/h so that he 1la/ed his hand u1on his head and said: I am .oin. to narrate to "or what I heard 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I heard him sa": All the 1ainters who ma6e 1i/tures would be in the 0ire o0 Hell, The soul will be breathed in e-er" 1i/ture 1re1ared b" him and it shall 1unish him in the Hell2 and he (Ibn :Abbas) said: I0 "ou ha-e to do it at all2 then 1aint the 1i/tures o0 trees and li0eless thin.sB and !asr b, :Ali /on0irmed it,

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733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2%4:

Anas b, Mali6 said: I was sittin. with Ibn Ahbas when he .a-e reli.ious -erdi/ts but he did not sa" that it was Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who had said that, Howe-er when a man said to him (Ibn :Abbas): I am the 1ainter o0 these 1i/tures, Ibn :Abbas said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who 1ainted 1i/tures in the world would be /om1elled to breathe soal in them on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2 but he would not be able to breathe soul (in them),

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2%*:

!adr b, Anas re1orted that a 1erson /ame to Ibn :Abbas and he narrated (the abo-e menlioned hadith) 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2%+:

Abu Gur:a re1orted: I -isited the house o0 Marwan in the /om1an" o0 Abu Huraira and he 0ound 1i/tures there, whereu1on he said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah2 the Hlorious and (5alted2 said: ?ho is a more wron.doer than one who tries to /reate /reation li6e Mine /reation, Let him /reate an atom or a .rain o0 wheat or that o0 barle", This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Gur:a and he said: Abu Huraira went to the house o0 Sa:ld or Marwan whi/h the" had built in Medina and he (Abu Huraira) saw a 1ainter who had been 1aintin. 1i/tures in his house2 whereu1on he told that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said li6e this2 but he made no mention o0 the words:C Let him /reate the .rain o0 barle",C

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2%):

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: An.els do not enter the house in whi/h there are 1ortra"als or 1i/tures,

'ha1ter 2 : 9isa11ro-al o0 settin. out on a journe" alon. with a do. and bells
7oo6 2*2 !umber +2%%:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: An.els do not a//om1an" the tra-ellers who ha-e with them a do. and a bell,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2%#:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Suhail with the same /hain o0 transmitters,
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733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2%;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The bell is the musi/al instrument o0 the Satan,

'ha1ter 2$: 9isa11ro-al o0 the ne/6la/e round the /amels: ne/6s
7oo6 2*2 !umber +2# :
Abu 7ashir Ansari re1orted that he had had (the o11ortunit" o0 a//om1an"in. Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in some o0 his journe"s, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent one o0 his messen.ers :Abdullah b Abi 7a6r said: I thin6 he said (these words) when the 1eo1le were at the 1la/es o0 rest: !o ne/6la/e o0 strin.s be le0t on the ne/6s o0 the /amels or the ne/6la/e 6e1t unbro6en, Imam Mali6 said: To m" mind (this 1ra/ti/e) o0 wearin. ne/6la/e round the ne/6s o0 /amels or animals was be/ause o0 the 0a/t that the" (wanted to sa-e them) 0rom the in0luen/e o0 the e-il e"e,

'ha1ter 22: It is 0orbidden to beat the animal on the 0a/e or /auterise at the 0a/e
7oo6 2*2 !umber +2#$:
Fabir re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade (the animals to be beaten) on the 0a/e or /auterisation on the 0a/e,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2#2:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, :Abdullah throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2#4:

Fabir re1orted that there ha11ened to 1ass be0ore Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) an ass the 0a/e o0 whi/h had been /auterised2 whereu1on he said: Allah has /ursed one who has /auterised it (on the 0a/e),

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733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2#*:

Ibn Abbas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw an ass whi/h had been /auterised on the 0a/e, He disa11ro-ed o0 it sa"in.: 7" Allah2 I do not /auterise (the animal) but on a 1art at a distan/e 0rom the 0a/e2 and /ommanded (0or the /auterisation) o0 his ass and it was /auterised on the butto/6s and he was the 0irst to /auterise on the butto/6s,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2#+:

Anas re1orted that Umm Sulaim .a-e birth to a /hild, She said to him: Anas2 see that nothin. is .i-en to this /hild until he is to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the mornin.2 so that he should /hew some dates and tou/h his 1alate with it, I went to him in the mornin. and he was in the .arden at that time ha-in. the mantle o0 Fauni""a o-er him and he was bus in /auterisin. (the /amels) whi/h had been to him (as s1oils o0 war) in -i/tor" (o-er the enem"),

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2#):

Anas re1orted that when his mother .a-e birth to a /hild the" that /hild to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) so that he /hew some dates and tou/h his 1alate with them, and Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was at that time in the 0old bus" in /auterisin. the animals Shu:ba said: So 0ar as I 6now (he was /auterisin.) their ears,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2#%:

Anas re1orted: ?e went to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as he was in the 0old and he was /auterisin. the animals o0 the 0lo/6 and I thin6 (he was /auterisin. them) on their ears, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2##:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: I saw in the hand o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) an instrument 0or /auterisation and he was /auterisin. the /ara/ia /olle/ted as Ga6at,

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733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

'ha1ter 24: 9isa11ro-al o0 ha-in. a 1art o0 the head sha-en and lea-in. a 1art unsha-ed
7oo6 2*2 !umber +2#;:
Ibn Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade Ea8a, I said to !a0i: ?hat is Ea8a:D He said: This means ha-in. a 1art o0 a bo":s head sha-ed and lea-in. a 1art unsha-en,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2; :

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 :Ubaidullah with the same /hain o0 transmitters, and the e51osition o0 Ea8a: is the same as that o0 Abu Usama,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2;$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Umar b, !a0i: with the same /hain o0 transmitters and Muhammad b, Muthanna as well as :Umar b, !a0i ha-e .i-en the same e51osition (o0 the word Ea8a:) in their narration,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2;2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 2*: @rohibition o0 sittin. on the roadsides and to honour the obli.ations o0 the roadside
7oo6 2*2 !umber +2;4:
Abu Sa:id >budri re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A-oid sittin. on the 1aths, The" (his 'om1anions) said: Allah:s, there is no other hel1 to it (but to sit here as we) hold our meetin.s and dis/uss matters there, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 "ou ha-e to sit at all2 the. 0ul0il the ri.hts2 o0 the 1ath, The" said: ?hat are their ri.htsD Thereu1on he said: >ee1in. the e"e downward (so that "ou ma" not stare at the women)2 re0rainin. 0rom doin. some harm to the other and e5/ mutual .reetin.s (sa"in. as-Salamu :Alai6um to one another) and /ommandin. the .ood and 0orbiddin. the e-il,

$4$* & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2;*:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Gaid b, Aslam with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 2+: It is 0orbidden to add 0alse hair to one:s head2 or to 1lu/6 the e"ebrow or to se1arate the teeth
7oo6 2*2 !umber +2;+:
Asma:2 dau.hter o0 Abu 7a6r2 re1orted that a woman /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: I ha-e a dau.hter who has been newl" wedded, She had an atta/6 o0 small1o5 and thus her hair had 0allenB should I add 0alse hair to her headD Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah has /ursed the woman who adds some 0alse hair and the woman who as6s 0or it,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2;):

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2;%:

Asma:2 dau.hter o0 Abu 7a6r2 re1orted that a woman /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: I ha-e married m" dau.hter (whose) hair o0 head ha-e 0allen, Her s1ouse li6es them (the lon. hair), Allah:s (ma" add 0alse hair to her headD He 0orbade her to do this,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2;#:

A:isha re1orted that a .irl o0 the Ansar who had 0allen ill and had lost the hair was married, The" (her relati-es) o0 addin. 0alse hair (to her head), so the" as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about it2 whereu1on he /ursed the woman who adds 0alse hair and the woman who as6s 0or it,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +2;;:

A:isha re1orted that a woman 0rom the Ansar married her dau.hter who had lost her hair be/ause o0 illness, She /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Her husband wants that 0alse hair should be aaded to her head, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said:
$4$+ & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

The woman who adds 0alse hair has been /ursed, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 !a0i: with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +4

Ibn Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ursin. the woman who added 0alse hair and the woman who as6ed 0or tattoos, This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abdullah throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +4 $:

:Abdullah re1orted that Allah had /ursed those women who tattooed and who ha-e themsel-es tattooed2 those who 1lu/6 hair 0rom their 0a/es and those who ma6e s1a/es between their teeth 0or beauti0i/ation / what Hod has /reated, This news rea/hed a woman o0 the tribe o0 Asad who was /alled Umm Ka:qub and she used to re/ite the Hol" Eur:an, She /ame to him and said: ?hat is this news that has rea/hed me 0rom "ou that "ou /urse those women who tattooed and those women who ha-e themsel-es tattooed2 the women who 1lu/6 hair 0rom their 0a/es and who ma6e s1a/es between their teeth 0or beauti0i/ation / what Hod has /reatedD Thereu1on :Abdullah said: Should I not /urse one u1on whom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has in-o6ed /urse and that is in the 7oo6 also, Thereu1on that woman said: I read the Eur:an 0rom /o-er to /o-er2 but I did not 0ind that in it, whereu1on he said: I0 "ou had read (thorou.hl") "ou would ha-e de0initel" 0ound this in that (as) Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 has said:C ?hat Allah:s brin.s 0or "ou a//e1t that, and what he has 0orbidden "ou, re0rain 0rom that,C That woman said: I 0ind this thin. in "our wi0e e-en now, Thereu1on he said: Ho and see her, She re1orted: I went to the wi0e o0 :Abdullah but 0ound nothin. o0 this sort in her, She /ame ba/6 to him and said: I ha-e not seen an"thin., whereu1on he said: Had there been an"thin. li6e it in her2 I would ha-e ne-er sle1t with her in the bed,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +4 2:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Mansur with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +4 4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Mansur without the stor" 1ertainin. to Umm Ka:qub,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +4 *:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abdullah,
$4$) & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

7oo6 2*2 !umber +4 +:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re1rimanded that a woman should add an"thin. to her head (in the 0orm o0 arti0i/ial hair),

7oo6 2*2 !umber +4 ):

Abd al-Aahman b, :Au0 said that he heard Mu:awi"a b Su0"in durin. the season o0 Hajj, (sa"in.) as he sat u1on the 1ul1it holdin. a bun/h o0 hair in his hand whi/h was (1re-iousl") in the hand o0 his sentinel: 3 1eo1le o0 Medina2 where are "our s/holarsD I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbiddin. this and sa"in.: That the 1eo1le o0 7ani Isra:il were ruined at the time when their women wore shu/h hair,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +4 %:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Guhri but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +4 #:

Sa:id b, Musa""ib re1orted: Mu:awi"a /ame to Medina and he addressed us and he too6 out a bun/h o0 hair and said: ?hat do I see that one o0 "ou does but that what the Fews didD (I /an well re/all) that when this a/t (addin. o0 arti0i/ial hair) rea/hed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 he named it as /heatin.,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +4 ;:

Sa2 id b, Musa""ib re1orted that Mu:awi"a said one da": Should I narrate to "ou the e-il ma6e-u1, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade /heatin., It was durin. that time that a 1erson /ame with a sta00 and there was a /loth on its head2 whereu1on Mu2 awi"a said: 7ehold2 that is /heatin., Eatada said: This im1lies how women arti0i/iall" in/rease their hair with the hel1 o0 ra.s,

'ha1ter 2): The women who are na6ed e-en in their dresses2 who de-iate 0rom the 1ath and lead their husbands astra"
7oo6 2*2 !umber +4$ :
AbU Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said this: Two are the t"1es o0 the deni8ens o0 Hell whom I did not see: 1eo1le ha-in. 0lo.s li6e the tails o0 the o5 with
$4$% & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

them and the" would be beatin. 1eo1le2 and the women who would be dressed but a11ear to be na6ed2 who would be in/lined (to e-il) and ma6e their husbands in/line towards it, Their heads would be li6e the hum1s o0 the bu6ht /amel in/lined to one side, The" will not enter @aradise and the" would not smell its odour whereas its odour would be smelt 0rom su/h and su/h distan/e,

'ha1ter 2%: @rohibition o0 wearin. the .arment o0 0alsehood

7oo6 2*2 !umber +4$$:
A:isha re1orted that a woman said: Allah:s Messen.er2 ma" I sa" to m" (/o-wi0e) that m" husband has .i-en me (su/h and su/h) a thin. but whi/h he has not in 0a/t .i-es meD :Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The one who ma6es a 0alse statement o0 that whi/h one has not been .i-en is li6e one who wears a .arment o0 0alsehood,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +4$2:

Asma: re1orted that a woman /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: I ha-e a /o-wi0e, Is there an" harm 0or me i0 I .i-e her the 0alse im1ression (o0 .ettin. somethin. 0rom m" husband whi/h he has not in 0a/t .i-en me)D Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The one who /reates su/h a (0alse im1ression) o0 re/ei-in. what one has not been .i-en is li6e one who wears the .arment o0 0alsehood,

7oo6 2*2 !umber +4$4:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

$4$# & $#


733> 2*: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 'L3TH(S A!9 9('3AATI3! (>ITA7 AL-LI7AS ?A:L-GI!AH)

733> 2+: TH( 733> 3! H(!(AAL 7(HA<I3UA (>ITA7 ALA9A7)

$4$; & $#


733> 2+: TH( 733> 3! H(!(AAL 7(HA<I3UA (>ITA7 AL-A9A7)

'ha1ter $: =orbiddan/e in /allin. one (other than Allah:s a1ostle) with the 6un"a o0 Abu:l-Easim and the 0a/t 1ertainin. to .ood names
7oo6 2+2 !umber +4$*:
Anas re1orted that 1erson at 7aqi: /alled another 1erson asC Abu:l- Easim2C and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) turned towards him, He (the 1erson who had uttered these words) said: o0 Allah2 I did not mean "ou2 but I /alled su/h and su/h (1erson)2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kou ma" /all "oursel0 b" m" name2 but not b" m" 6un"a,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4$+:

Ibn Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The names dearest to Allah are :Abdullah and :Abd al-Aahman,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4$):

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that a /hild was born to a 1er0on us and he .a-e him the name o0 Muhammad, Thereu1on his 1eo1le said: ?e will not allow Kou to .i-e the name o0 Muhammad (to "our /hild) a0ter the name o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He set 0orth with his son /arr"in. him on his ba/6 and /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him:2 and said: Allah:s a son has been born to me and I ha-e.i-en him the name a0ter the name o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Hi-e him m" name but do not .i-e him m" 6un"a2 0or I am Easim in the sense that I distribute (the s1oils o0 war) and the dues o0 Ga6at "ou,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4$%:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that a /hild was born to one o0 the 1ersons us and he de/ided to .i-e him the name o0 Muhammad ?e said: ?e will not allow "ou to .i-e the name a0ter the name o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) until "ou as6 him (the Hol" @ro1het), So he (that 1erson) /ame and said (to the Hol" @ro1het): A /hild was born in m" house and I wanted to .i-e him the name (o0 Muhammad) a0ter the name o0 Allah:s Messen.er2 whereas m" 1eo1le did not allow me that I should name him a0ter that (sa/red) name until I ha-e as6ed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in this /onne/tion2 whereu1on he said: Hi-e him the name a0ter m" name2 but do not /all him b" m" 6un"a2 0or I ha-e been sent as a Easim as I distribute "ou,

$42 & $#


733> 2+: TH( 733> 3! H(!(AAL 7(HA<I3UA (>ITA7 AL-A9A7)

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4$#:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Husain ?ith the same /hain o0 transmitters but no mention is made o0 these words:C (I ha-e been sent as a distributor)2 so I distribute "ou,C

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4$;:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Hi-e the name a0ter m" name2 but do not .i-e (the 6un"a o0 Abu:l-Easim a0ter m") 6un"a2 0or I am Abu:l-Easim (in the sense) that I distribute "ou (the s1oils o0 war) and disseminate the 6nowled.e (o0 re-elation), This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu 7a6r but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +42 :

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters but there is a -ariation (o0 wordin.) that2 instead o0 the word 7u:ithat (I ha-e been sent)2 the word ju:ilat (I ha-e been made) has been used,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +42$:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that a /hild was born to a 1erson 0rom the Ansar and he made u1 his mind to .i-e him the name o0 Muhammad, He /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and2 as6ed him (about it)2 whereu1on he said: The Ansar ha-e done well to .i-e the name (to "our /hildren) a0ter m" name2 but do not .i-e them the 6un"a a0ter m" 6un"a,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +422:

This hadith has been narrated throu.h di00erent /hains o0 transmitters on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +424:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: A /hild was born in the house o0 a 1erson us2 and he .a-e him the name o0 Easim, ?e said: ?e will not allow "ou (to .i-e the name) to "our /hild as Easim (and thus ado1t the 6un"a o0 Abu:l-Easim) and /oal "our e"es, He (that 1erson) /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and made a mention o0 that to him2 whereu1on he said: 'all "our son :Abd al-Aahman,

$42$ & $#


733> 2+: TH( 733> 3! H(!(AAL 7(HA<I3UA (>ITA7 AL-A9A7)

7oo6 2+2 !umber +42*:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn U"aina2 but there is no mention o0 this:C ?e will not allow "ou to /ool "our e"es,C

7oo6 2+2 !umber +42+:

Abu Huraira re1orted that Abu:l-Easim (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Hi-e name (to "our /hildren) a0ter m" name but do not .i-e the 6un"a (o0 Abu:l- Easim) a0ter m" 6un"a, :Amr re1orted 0rom Abu Huraira that he did not sa" that he had heard it dire/tl" 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 2+2 !umber +42):

Mu.hira b, Shu:ba re1orted: ?hen I /ame to !ajran2 the" (the 'hristians o0 !ajran) as6ed me: Kou readC 3 sister o0 HarunC (i, e, Hadrat Mar"am) in the Eur:an2 whereas Moses was born mu/h be0ore Fesus, ?hen I /ame ba/6 to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) I as6ed him about that2 whereu1on he said: The (1eo1le o0 the old a.e) used to .i-e names (to their 1ersons) a0ter the names o0 A1ostles and 1ious 1ersons who had .one be0ore them,

'ha1ter 2: 9isa11ro-al o0 .i-in. u.l" names and su/h names as /an be treated as ill omens
7oo6 2+2 !umber +42%:
Samura b, Fundub re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade us to .i-e names to our ser-ants as these 0our names: A0lah (Su//ess0ul)2 Aabdh (@ro0it)2 Kasar (?ealth)2 and !a0i: (7ene0i/ial),

7oo6 2+2 !umber +42#:

Samura b, Fundub re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9on:t .i-e names to "our ser-ants as Aabdh2 :Ka ar2 A0lah and !a0i:,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +42;:

Samura b, Fundub re1rted: The dearest words to Allah are 0our: Subhan Allah (Hallowed be Allah)2 Al-Hamdulillah (@raise be to Allah)2 ?a la ilaha illa-Allah (There is no .od but Allah)2 Allah-o-A6bar (Hod is the Hreatest), There is no harm 0or "ou in whi/h order "ou (them while remembe-

$422 & $#


733> 2+: TH( 733> 3! H(!(AAL 7(HA<I3UA (>ITA7 AL-A9A7)

rin. Allah)2 and he also said: 9o not .i-e these names to "our ser-ants2 Kasar and Aabah and !a0i and !ajth,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +44 :

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba and there is no mention but o0 the 0a/t about .i-in. the name to the ser-ant and there is no mention o0 the 0our e51ressions (o0 remembran/e) and he did not mention the 0our words

7oo6 2+2 !umber +44$:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) de/ided to 0orbid (his 0ollowers) to name 1ersons as Ka:la ((le-ated)2 7ara6a (7lessin.)2 A0lah (Su//ess0ul)2 Kasar and !a0i:2 but I saw that he 6e1t silent a0ter that and he did not sa" an"thin. until Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) died, And he did not 0orbid (his 0ollowers to do this)2 then :Umar de/ided to 1rohibit (1eo1le) 0rom .i-in. these names2 but later on .a-e u1 the idea,

'ha1ter 4: (5/ellen/e o0 / u.l" names to .ood names

7oo6 2+2 !umber +442:
Ibn :Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /han.ed the name o0 :Asi"a (9isobedient) and said: Kou are Famila (i, e, .ood and handsome), Ahmad (one o0 the narrators) narrated it with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +444:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that :Umar had a dau.hter who was /alled :Asi"a, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e her the name o0 Famila,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +44*:

Ibn Abbas re1orted that the name o0 Fuwairl"a (the wi0e o0 the Hol" @ro1het) was 7arra (@ious), Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /han.ed her name to Fuwairi"a and said: I did not li6e that it should be said: He had /ome out 0rom 7arra (@ious), The hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Abi :Umar is sli.htl" di00erent 0rom it,

$424 & $#


733> 2+: TH( 733> 3! H(!(AAL 7(HA<I3UA (>ITA7 AL-A9A7)

7oo6 2+2 !umber +44+:

Abu Huraira re1orted that the name o0 Gainab was 7arra, It was said o0 her: She 1resents hersel0 to be inno/ent, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e her the name o0 Gainab,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +44):

Gainab2 dau.hter o0 Umm Salama2 re1orted: M" name 0irst was 7arra, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e me the name o0 Gainab, Then there entered (into the house o0 Allah:s @ro1het as a wi0e) Gainab2 dau.hter o0 Fahsh2 and her name was also 7arra2 and he .a-e her the name o0 Gainab,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +44%:

Muhammad b, :Amr b, :Ata: re1orted: I had .i-en the name 7arra to m" dau.hter, Gainab2 dau.hter o0 Abu Salama2 told me that Allah:s: (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0orbidden me to .i-e this name, (She said): I was also /alled 7arra2 but Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9on:t hold "oursel0 to be 1ious, It is Hod alone who 6nows the 1eo1le o0 1iet" amon. "ou, The" (the 'om1anions) said: Then2 what name should we .i-e to herD He said: !ame her as Gainab,

'ha1ter *: It is 0orbidden to /all the ruler as the 6in. o0 6in.s or Shahinshah

7oo6 2+2 !umber +44#:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The -ilest name in Allah:s is Mali6 al-Amidh (>in. o0 >in.s), The narration transmitted on the authorit" o0 Shaiba (/ontains these words): There is no 6in. but Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious, Su0"an said: Similarl"2 the word Shahinshah (is also the -ilest a11ellation), Ahmad b, Hanbal said: I as6ed Abu :Amr about the meanin. o0 A6hna, He said: The -ilest,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +44;:

Abu Huraira re1orted 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) so man" ahadith and one o0 them was this that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The most wret/hed 1erson in the o0 Allah on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion and the worst 1erson and o0 His wrath would o0 the 1erson who is /alled Mali6 al-Amla6 (the >in. o0 >in.s) 0or there is no 6in. but Allah,

$42* & $#


733> 2+: TH( 733> 3! H(!(AAL 7(HA<I3UA (>ITA7 AL-A9A7)

'ha1ter +: The e5/ellen/e o0 Tahni6 o0 the new-born /hild at the time o0 its birth, and2 o0 /arr"in. it to a 1ious 1erson so that he ma" so-ten some dates and rub its 1alate with them2 and 1ermissibilit" o0 .i-in. the name on the da" o0 its birth and the e5/ellen/e o0 su/h names as :Abdullah2 Ibrahim and the names o0 all the a1ostles o0 Allah (1ea/e be u1on them)
7oo6 2+2 !umber +4* :
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: I too6 :Abdullah b, Abi Talha Ansari to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at the time o0 his birth, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was at that time wearin. a woollen /loa6 and besmearin. the /amels with tar, He said: Ha-e "ou .ot with "ou the datesD I said: Kes, He too6 hold o0 the dates and 1ut them in his mouth and so0tened them2 then o1ened the mouth o0 the in0ant and 1ut that in it and the /hild to li/6 it, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The Ansar ha-e a li6in. 0or the dates2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) .a-e him the name o0 :Abdullah,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4*$:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that the son o0 Abu Talha had been ailin., Abu Talha set out (on a journe") and his son breathed his last (in his absen/e), ?hen Abu Talha /ame ba/62 he said (to his wi0e): ?hat about m" /hildD Umm Sulaim (the wi0e o0 Abu Talha) said: He is now in a more /om0ortable state than be0ore, She ser-ed him the e-enin. meal and he too6 it, He then /ame to her (and had se5ual inter/ourse with her) and when it was all o-er she said: Ma6e arran.ements 0or the burial o0 the /hild, ?hen it was mornin., Abu Talha /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and in0ormed him2 whereu1on he said: 9id "ou s1end the with her, He said: Kes, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then said: 3 Allah2 bless both o0 them (and as a result o0 blessin.) she .a-e birth to a /hild, Abu Talha said to me (Anas b, Mali6) to ta6e the /hild2 (so I too6 him) and /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), She (Umm Sulaim) also had sent some dates (alon. with the /hild), Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 him (the /hild) (in his la1) and said: Is there an"thin. with "ou (0or Tahni6), The" (the 'om1anions) said: Kes, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6

$42+ & $#


733> 2+: TH( 733> 3! H(!(AAL 7(HA<I3UA (>ITA7 AL-A9A7)

hold o0 them (dates and /hewed them), He then 1ut them (the /hewed dates) in the mouth o0 the /hild and then rubbed his 1alate and .a-e him the name o0 :Abdullah,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4*2:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Anas throu.h another /hain o0 transmit ters,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4*4:

Abu Musa re1orted: A /hild was born in m" house and I him to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1od him) and he .a-e him the name o0 Ibrahim and he rubbed his 1alate with dates,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4**:

:Urwa b, Gubair and =atima dau.hter o0 Mandhir b, Gubair2 re1orted that Asma: dau.hter o0 Abu 7a6r was at the time o0 mi.ration in the 0amil" wa" with :Abdullah b, Gubair (in her womb), She /ame to Euba: and .a-e birth to :Abdullah at that 1la/e and then sent him to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) so that he should rub his 1alate with /hewed dates, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) too6 hold o0 him (the /hild) and he 1la/ed him in his la1 and then /alled 0or dates, :A:isha said: Some time was s1ent be0ore we were able to 0ind them, He (the Hol" @ro1het) /hewed them and then 1ut his sali-a in his mouth, The 0irst thin. that entered his stoma/h2 was the sali-a o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Asma: said: He then rubbed him and blessed him and .a-e him the name o0 Abdullah, He (:Abdullah) went to him (the Hol" @ro1het) when he had attained the a.e o0 se-en or "ears in order to 1led.e alle.ian/e to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as Gubair had /ommanded him to do, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) smiled when he saw him /omin. towards him and then a//e1ted his alle.ian/e,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4*+:

Asma: re1orted that she had be/ome 1re.nant at Me//a with Abdullah b, Gubair (in her womt) and she (0urther) said: I set out (0or mi.ration to Medina) as I was in the ad-an/ed sta.e o0 1re.nan/", I /ame to Medina and .ot down at the 1la/e 6nown as Euba: and .a-e birth to a /hild there, Then I /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him), He 1la/ed him (the /hild) in his la1 and then /ommanded 0or the dates to be, He /hewed them and then 1ut the sali-a in his mouth, The 0irst thin. whi/h went into his stoma/h was the sali-a o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He then rubbed his 1alate with dates and then in-o6ed blessin.s 0or him and blessed him, He was the 0irst /hild who was born in Islam (a0ter Mi.ration),

$42) & $#


733> 2+: TH( 733> 3! H(!(AAL 7(HA<I3UA (>ITA7 AL-A9A7)

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4*):

Asma:2 dau.hter o0 Abu 7a6r2 re1orted that when she mi.rated to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in Medina she was in the 0amil" wa" with Abdullah b, Gubair in her womb,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4*%:

:A:isha re1orted that the new-born in0ants were to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He blessed them and rubbed their 1alates with dates,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4*#:

:A:isha re1orted: ?e too6 :Abdullah b, Gubair to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) so that he should 1ut sali-a in his mouth and we had to ma6e a .ood deal o0 e00ort in order to 1ro/ure them,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4*;:

Sahl b, Sa:d re1orted that Mundhir b, Aba Usaid was to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at the time o0 his birth Allah:s, A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1la/ed him on his thi.h and Ab0i Usaid 6e1t sittin. there, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had been o//u1ied with somethin. else be0ore him, Abu Usaid /ommanded his /hild to be li0ted 0rom the la1 o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and so he was li0ted, ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0inished the wor6 he said: ?here is the /hildD Abd Usaid said: Allah:s Messen.er2 we too6 him awa", He said: ?hat is his nameD He saidB Allah:s Messen.er2 it is so and so2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: !a"2 his name is Mundhir2 and named him Mundhir on that da",

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4+ :

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had the sublimest /hara/ter amon. man6ind, I had a brother who was /alled Abd :Umair, I thin6 he was weaned, ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) /ame to our house he saw him2 and said: Abu :Umair2 what has the s1arrow doneD He (Anas) said that he had been 1la"in. with that,

'ha1ter ): @ermissibilit" o0 /allin. one as Cm" sonC2 besides one:s own son
7oo6 2+2 !umber +4+$:
Anas b Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) addressed me: 3 M" Son,

$42% & $#


733> 2+: TH( 733> 3! H(!(AAL 7(HA<I3UA (>ITA7 AL-A9A7)

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4+2:

Mu.hira b, Shu:ba re1orted that none else had as6ed more questions 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about the 9ajjal than I2 but he sim1l" said in a mood): 32 m" son2 wh" are "ou worried be/ause o0 himD He will not harm "ou, I said: The 1eo1le thin6 that he would ha-e with him ri-ers o0 water and mountains o0 bread2 whereu1on he said: He would be more insi.ni0i/ant in the o0 Allah than all these thin.s ( to him),

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4+4:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ismail2 with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter %: As6in. 1ermission to enter a house

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4+*:
Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted: I wins sittin. in Medina in the /om1an" o0 the Ansar that Abu Musa /ame tremblin. with 0ear, ?e said to him: ?hat is the matterD He said: :Umar (Allah be 1leated with him) sent 0or me, I went to him and 1aid him salutation thri/e at (his) door but he made no res1onse to me and so I /ame ba/6 Thereu1on he (:Umar) said: ?hat stood in "our wa" that "ou did not turn u1D I said: I did /ome to "ou and 1aid "ou salutations at "our door three times but I was not .i-en an" res1onse2 so I /ame ba/6 as the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou see6s 1ermission three times and he i, e not .ranted 1ermission2 he should /ome ba/6, Umar said: 7rin. a witness to su11ort that "ou sa"2 otherwise I shall ta6e "ou to tas6, Uba"" b, >a:b said: !one should stand with him (as a witness) but the "oun.est the 1eo1le, Abu Sa:id said: I am the "oun.est the 1eo1le2 whereu1on he said: Then "ou .o with him (to su11ort his /ontention),

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4++:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ka8id b, >husai0a with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this addition: Abu Sa:id said: So I stood u12 and went to :Umar and .a-e witness (to what Abu Musa had said),

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4+):

Abd Sa:id >hudri re1orted: ?e were in the /om1an" o0 Uba"" b, >a:b that Abu Musa Ash:ari /ame there in a state o0, He stood (be0ore us) and said: I as6 "ou to bear witness in the name o0 Allah whether an"one "ou heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: @ermissi$42# & $#


733> 2+: TH( 733> 3! H(!(AAL 7(HA<I3UA (>ITA7 AL-A9A7)

on (0or enterin. the house) should be three times and i0 1ermission is .ranted to "ou (then .et in), otherwise .o ba/6, Uba"" b, >a:b said: ?hat is the iiiatterD He said: I 1ermission "esterda" 0rom :Umar b, >hattab three times but he did not 1ermit me2 so I /ame ba/6B then I went to him toda" and -isited him and in0ormed him that I had /ome to him "esterda" and .reeted him thri/e2 then /ame ba/62 whereu1on he said: Kes2 we did hear "ou but be were at that time bus"2 but wh" did "ou not see6 1ermission (0urther and "ou must ha-e ne-er .one ba/6 until "ou were 1ermitted to do so), He said: I 1ermission (in the manner) that I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said (in /onne/tion :?ith the see6in. o0 1ermission 0or enterin. the house o0 a, Thereu1on he (Hadrat Umar) said: 7" Allah2 I shall torture "our ba/6 and "our stoma/h unless "ou brin. one who ma" bear witness to what "ou state, :Uba"" b, >a:b said: 7" Allah2 none should stand with "ou (to bear testimon") but the "oun.est us, And he there0ore2 said to Abu Sa:id: Stand u1, So I stood u1 until I /ame to Umar and said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa" this,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4+%:

Abu Sa:id re1orted that Abu Musa al-Ash:ari /ame to the door o0 :Umar and his 1ermission (to .et into his house), Umar said: That is on/e, He a.ain 1ermission 0or the se/ond time and :Umar said: It is twi/e, He a.ain 1ermission 0or the third time and Umar said: It is thri/e, He (Abu Musa) then went ba/6, He (Hadrat :Umar) (sent someone) to 1ursue him so that he should be ba/6, Thereu1on he (Hadrat Umar) said: I0 this a/t (o0 "ours is in a//ordan/e with the /ommand o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) "ou ha-e 1reser-ed in "our mind2 then it is all ri.ht2 otherwise (I shall .i-e "ou su/h a se-ere 1unishment) that it will ser-e as an e5am1le to others, Abu Sa:id said: Then he (Abu Musa) /ame to us and said: 9o "ou remember Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said this:C @ermission is 0or three timesCD The" ('om1anions sittin. in that /oth1an") to lau.h2 whereu1on he (Abu Musa) said: There /omes to "ou "our Muslim brother who had been 1erturbed and "ou lau.h, Abu Sa:id said: (?ell)2 "ou .o 0orth, I shall be "our 1arti/i1ant in this trouble o0 "ours, So he /ame to him (Hadrat Umar) and said: Here is Abu Sa:id (to su11ort m" statement),

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4+#:

This hadith bu been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id >hudri throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4+;:

:Ubaid b, Umair re1orted that Abu Musa 1ermission 0rom Umar (to enter the house) three times2 and 0indin. him bus" /ame ba/62 whereu1on Umar said (to the Inmates o0 his house): 9id "ou not hear the -oi/e o0 :Abdullah b, Eais (the >un"a o0 Abu Musa Ash:ari)D He was /alled ba/6, and he
$42; & $#


733> 2+: TH( 733> 3! H(!(AAL 7(HA<I3UA (>ITA7 AL-A9A7)

(Hadrat :Umar) said: ?hat did 1rom1t "ou to do itD Thereu1on2 he said: This is how we ha-e been /ommanded to a/t, He (Hadrat :Umar) said: 7rin. e-iden/e (in su11ort o0) it2 otherwise I shall deal (stri/tl") with "ou, So he (Abu Musa) set out and /ame to the meetin. o0 the Ansar and as6ed them to bear witness be0ore hadrat Umar about this, The" (the 'om1anions 1resent there) said: !one but the "oun.est us would bear out this 0a/t, So Abu Sa:id >hudri (who was the "oun.est one in that /om1an") said: ?e ha-e been /ommanded to do so (while -isitin. the house o0 other 1eo1le), Thereu1on :Umar said: This /ommand o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had remained hidden 0rom me u1 till now due to (m") business in the mar6et,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4) :

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Furaij2 but there is no mention o0 the wordsC business in the mar6etC,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4)$:

Abu Musa Ash:ari re1orted that he went to :Umar b, >hattab and .reeted him b" sa"in.: As-Salamu-:Alai6um2 here is :Abdullah b, Eais2 but he did not 1ermit him (to .et in), He (Abu Musa Ash:ari) a.ain .reeted him with as-Salamu-:Alai6um and said: Here is Abu Musa2 but he (Hadrat :Umar) did not 1ermit him (to .et in), He a.ain said: As-Salam-u-:Alai6um2 (and said) here is Ash:ari2 (then re/ei-in. no res1onse he /ame ba/6), He (Hadrat :Umar) said: 7rin. him ba/6 to me2 brin. him ba/6 to me So he went there (in the 1resen/e o0 Hadrat :Umar) and he said to him: Abu Musa2 what made "ou .o ba/62 while we were bus" in some wor6D He said: I heard Allah:s (ma", 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: @ermission should be thri/e, And i0 "ou are 1ermitted2 (then .et in)2 otherwise .o ba/6, He said: 7rin. witness to this 0a/t2 otherwise I shall do this and that2 i, e, I shall 1unish "ou, Abu Musa went awa" and :Umar said to him (on his de1arture): It he (Abu Musa) 0inds a witness he should meet him b" the side o0 the 1ul1it in the e-enin. and it he does not 0ind a witness "ou would not 0ind him there, ?hen it was e-enin. he (Hadrat :Umar) 0ound him (Abu Musa) there, He (Hadrat :Umar) said: Abu Musa2 ha-e "ou been able to 0ind a witness to what "ou ha-e saidD He said: Kes, Here is Uba"" bin >a:b2 whereu1on he (Hadrat :Umar) said: Kes2 he is an authenti/ (witness), He (Hadrat :Umar) said: Abu Tu0ail (the 6un"a o0 Uba"" b, >a:b)2 what does he (Abu Musa sa"D Thereu1on he said: Ibn >hattab2 I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. so, 9o not 1ro-e to be a hard (tas6-master) 0or the 'om1anions o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on he Hadrat :Umar said: Hallowed be Allah, I had heard somethin. (in this /onne/tion)2 but I wished it to be established (as an undeniable 0a/t),

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4)2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Talha b, Kah"a with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this -ariation o0 wordin.: He (Hadrat :Umar) said: Abu Mundhir (the >un"a o0 Uba"" b,
$44 & $#


733> 2+: TH( 733> 3! H(!(AAL 7(HA<I3UA (>ITA7 AL-A9A7)

>a:b)2 did "ou hear this 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D Thereu1on he said: Kes, and he 0urther said: Ibn >hattab2 do not be a torment 0or the 'om1anions o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him), !o mention has2 howe-er2 been made o0 the words o0 :Umar:C Hallowed be AllahC and what 0ollows subsequentl",

'ha1ter #: 9isa11ro-al o0 sa"in.: It is iC in res1onse to one:s inquir" while see6in. 1ermission to .et in the house
7oo6 2+2 !umber +4)4:
Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted: I /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and /alled him (with a -iew to see6in. 1ermission), whereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ho is itD I said: It is I, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) /ame out sa"in.: It is I, it is I,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4)*:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted: I 1ermission 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1oh him) to see him, He said: ?ho is itD I said: It is I, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It is I, it is I (these words lead me to no /on/lusion),

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4)+:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with a -ariation o0 wordin. and that is: The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) uttered these words: It is I, it is I,C in the manner as i0 he disa11ro-ed o0 this,

'ha1ter ;: It is 0orbidden to 1ee1 into the house o0 another 1erson

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4)):
Sahl b, Sa:d as-Sa:id re1orted that a 1erson 1ee1ed throu.h the hole o0 the door o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and at that time Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had with him a s/rat/hin. instrument with whi/h he had been s/rat/hin. his head, ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw him, he said: I0 I were to 6now that "ou had been 1ee1in. throu.h the

$44$ & $#


733> 2+: TH( 733> 3! H(!(AAL 7(HA<I3UA (>ITA7 AL-A9A7)

door2 I would ha-e thrust that into "our e"es2 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: @ermission is needed as a 1rote/tion a.ainst .lan/e,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4)%:

Sahl b, Sa:d as-Sa:idi re1orted that a 1erson 1ee1ed throu.h the hole o0 the door o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he had with him some 1ointed thin. with whi/h he had been adjustin. (the hair o0 his head), Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: I0 I were to 6now that "ou had been 1ee1in., I would ha-e thrust it in "our e"es, Allah has 1res/ribed see6in. 1ermission be/ause o0 1rote/tion a.ainst .lan/e,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4)#:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Sahl b, Sa:d as-Sa:idi with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4);:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that a 1erson 1ee1ed in some o0 the holes (in the doors) o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (and he 0ound him) standin. u1 (li0tin.) an arrow or some arrows, The narrator said: I 1er/ei-ed as i0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was .oin. to 1ier/e (his e"es),

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4% :

Abu Huraira re1orted ha-in. heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": He who 1ee1ed into the house o0 1eo1le without their /onsent2 it is 1ermissible 0or them to 1ut out his e"es,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4%$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 a 1erson were to /ast a .lan/e in "our (house) without 1ermission2 and "ou had in "our hand a sta00 and "ou would ha-e thrust that in his e"es2 there is no harm 0or "ou,

$442 & $#


733> 2+: TH( 733> 3! H(!(AAL 7(HA<I3UA (>ITA7 AL-A9A7)

'ha1ter $ : Sudden .lan/e

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4%2:
Farir b, :Abdullah re1orted: I as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about the sudden .lan/e (that is /ast) on the 0a/e (o0 a non-Mahram), He /ommanded me that I should turn awa" m" e"es,

7oo6 2+2 !umber +4%4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Kunus throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

$444 & $#


733> 2+: TH( 733> 3! H(!(AAL 7(HA<I3UA (>ITA7 AL-A9A7)

733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

$44* & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

Fust as the 0a/e is the inde5 to the mind2 in the same wa" the words o0 .reetin.s whi/h are e5/han.ed 1eo1le indi/ate the s1iritual role o0 a so/iet", The .estures2 and the e51ressions o0 salutations are2 there0ore2 the indi/ators o0 the ideals 0or whi/h a 1arti/ular so/iet" stands, The /ommon 1ra/ti/e with the 1re-Islami/ Arabs and the modern ?est is to .reet one another with Hood Mornin. and Hood (-enin. a//om1anied b" a .esture o0 the hand or the noddin. o0 head, These words ha-e no s1iritual and moral si.ni0i/an/e2 but just a wish that one should 0ind one:s mornin.s and e-enin.s ha11", The words o0 .reetin. whi/h Islam has e5horted its 0ollowers to use at the time o0 meetin. are as-Salam-u-:Alai6um whi/h ha-e a dee1 s1iritual and moral si.ni0i/an/e behind them Sin/e the 1redominant 0eature o0 Islami/ 0aith and 1ra/ti/e is 1ea/e within and 1ea/e without2 it has2 there0ore2 been made a wat/hword whi/h should be re1eated on e-er" o//asion when two Muslims meet so that the utmost im1ortan/e o0 1ea/e should be /onstantl" in/ul/ated in the mind o0 e-er" Muslim2 and he should ha-e 0ull /ons/iousness o0 the .reat realit" that he li-es in this world as a o0 1ea/e 0or man6ind, 1ea/e indi-iduals and nations, -The se/ond im1ortant 0eature o0 words o0 .reetin. in Islam is that the" /on-e" the messa.e o0 1ea/e not onl" to the 1erson who is .reeted but to the whole o0 the Muslim so/iet" as it is the 1lural 1ronoun that is used 0or the blessin. o0 1ea/e, (The 1ronoun:Alai6um has a e-r" wide ran.e and all the Muslims /ome within its orbit,) The two words as-Salam-u-:Alai6um ma" be /alled the irredu/ible minimum whi/h are essential 0or .reetin. one another, The Muslims ha-e been /ommanded to add to this e51ression some other words with a -iew to e5/ellin. one another in showerin. blessin. u1on the Muslims, The words asSalam-u-:Alai6um are .enerall" su00i5ed with these words Aahmat Allah wa 7ara6aatuh (mer/" o0 Allah and His bleasin.s), These three words:C 1ea/e,,,2 mer/"C andC blessin.s o0 AllahC in 0a/t 0orm the sum and substan/e o0 Islam and the Muslims are as6ed to shower u1on one another these benedi/tions, so that the" ma" be able to li-e in this world and the Herea0ter in 1er0e/t 1ea/e and tranquillit" and blessin.s and mer/" o0 Allah around him, A//ordin. to Imam !awawl2 .reetin. with the words o0 as-Salam-u-:Alai6um is a Sunnah2 and res1ondin. to it is ?ajib (obli.ator")2 but this essentialit" is o0 the nature o0 >i0a"a2 meanin. thereb" that i0 a 0ew 1ersons out o0 the whole assembl" or .rou1 res1ond to the .reetin. it will absol-e all o0 the res1onsibilit" o0 res1onse but i0 no res1onse /omes 0orth 0rom an" quarter all are held res1onsible 0or it,

$44+ & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

'ha1ter $: The rider should 0irst .reet the 1edestrian and the small number should .reet the lar.e number o0 1ersons
7oo6 2)2 !umber +4%*:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The rider should 0irst .reet the 1edestrian2 and the 1edestrian the one who is seated and a small .rou1 should .reet a .rou1 (with as-Salam-u-:Alai6um),

'ha1ter 2: The dut" that one owes on the roadside is to res1ond the .reetin. o0 as-Salaam-u-:Alai6um
7oo6 2)2 !umber +4%+:
Abu Talha re1orted: ?hile ?e were sittin. in 0ront o0 the houses and tal6in. oursel-es2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha11ened to /ome there, He stood b" us and said: ?hat about "ou a1d "our meetin.s on the 1athsD A-oid these meetin.s on the 1aths, ?e said: ?e were sittin. here without (an" intention o0 doin. harm to the 1assers-b") B we are sittin. to dis/uss matters and to hold /on-ersation oursel-es, Thereu1on he said: I0 there is no hel1 (0or "ou but to sit on these 1aths)2 then .i-e the 1aths their ri.hts and these are lowerin. o0 the .a8e2 e5/ o0 .reetin.s and .ood /on-ersation,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +4%):

Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A-oid sittin. on the 1aths, The" (the 'om1anions) said: Allah:s Messen.er2 we /annot hel1 but holdin. our meetin.s (in these 1aths) and dis/uss matters (there), Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 "ou insist on holdin. meetin.s2 then .i-e the 1ath its due, The" said: ?hat are its due ri.htsD U1on this he said: Lowerin. the .a8e2 re0rainin. 0rom doin. harm2 e5/ o0 .reetin.s, /ommandin. o0 .ood and 0orbiddin. 0rom e-il,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +4%%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Gaid b, Aslam with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

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733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

'ha1ter 4: The o0 a muslim u1on another muslim is that his .reetin. should be res1onded
7oo6 2)2 !umber +4%#:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: =i-e are the ri.hts o0 a Muslim o-er his brother: res1ondin. to salutation2 sa"in. Karhamu6 Allah when an"bod" snee8es and sa"s al-Hamdulillah2 -isitin. the si/6, 0ollowin. the bier, : Abd al-Aa88aq said that this hadith has been transmitted as mursal hadith 0rom Guhri and he then substantiated it on the authorit" o0 Ibn Musa""ib,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +4%;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Si5 are the ri.hts o0 a Muslim o-er another Muslim, It was said to him: Allah:s Messen.er2 what are theseD Thereu1on he said: ?hen "ou meet him2 o00er him .reetin.sBwhen he in-ites "ou to a 0east a//e1t it, when he see6s "our /oun/il .i-e him2 and when he snee8es and sa"s:C All 1raise is due to Allah2C "ou sa" Karhamu6 Allah (ma" Allah show mer/" to "ou) B and when he 0ails ill -isit himB and when he dies 0ollow his bier,

'ha1ter *: @rohibition o0 sa"in. 0irst as-Salam-u-:Alai6um to the 1eo1le o0 the boo62 and how their salutations should be res1onded
7oo6 2)2 !umber +4# :
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen the @eo1le o0 the 7oo6 o00er "ou salutations2 "ou should sa": The same to "ou,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +4#$:

Anas re1orted that the 'om1anions o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: The @eo1le, o0 the 7oo6 o00er us salutations (b" sa"in. as-Salamu- :Alai6um), How should we re/i1ro/ate themD Thereu1on he said: Sa": ?a :Alai6um (and u1on "ou too),

$44% & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber +4#2:

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen the Fews o00er "ou salutations2 tome o0 them sa" as-Sam-u-:Alai6um (death be u1on "ou), Kou should sa" (in res1onse to it): Let it be u1on "ou,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +4#4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +4#*:

:A:isha re1orted that a .rou1 o0 Fews /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his audien/e and said: As-Sam-u-:Alai6um, A:isha said in res1onse: As-Sim-u-:Alai6um (death be u1on "ou) and /urse also2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: :A:isha2 -eril" Allah loes 6indness in e-er" matter, She said: 9id "ou bear what the" saidD Thereu1on he said: 9id "ou not hear that I said (to them): ?a :Alai6um,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +4#+:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Guhri that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I said :Alai6am2 and the transmitter did not ma6e mention o0 the wordC andC,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +4#):

:A:isha re1orted that some Fews /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and the" said: Abu:l-Easim (the >un"a o0 the Hol" @ro1het)2 as-Sam-u-:Alai6um2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?a :Alai6um, A:isha re1orted: In res1onse to these words o0 theirs2 I said: 7ut let there be death u1on "ou and dis.ra/e also2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: :A:isha2 do not use harsh words, She said: 9id "ou hear what the" saidD Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 9id I not res1ond to them when the" said thatB I said to them: ?a:Alai6um (let it be u1on "ou),

7oo6 2)2 !umber +4#%:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 A:8nash with a -ariation o0 wordin., :A:isha understood their meanin. and /ursed them and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: :A:isha, (do not do that) 0or Allah does not li6e the use o0 harsh words2 and it was at this sta.e that this -erse o0 Allah, the (5alt, ed and Hlorious, was re-ealed:C And when the" /ome to thee2 the" .reet thee with a .reetin. with whi/h Allah .reets thee notC (I-iii, #) to the end o0 the -erse,

$44# & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber +4##:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted that some 1eo1le 0rom the Fews said to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) Abu:l-Easim, as-Sam-u-:Alai6um2 whereu1on he said: ?a :Alai6um2 A:isha was enra.ed and as6ed him (Allah:s A1ostle) whether he had not heard what the" had said, He said2 I did hear and I retorted to them (and the /urse that I in-o6ed u1on them would re/ei-e res1onse 0rom Allah)2 but (the /urse that the" in-o6ed u1on us) would not be res1onded,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +4#;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not .reet the Fews and the 'hristians be0ore the" .reet "ou and when "ou meet an" one o0 them on the roads 0or/e him to .o to the narrowest 1art o0 it,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +4; :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Suhail with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin., The hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 ?a6i:2 the words are :?hen "ou meet the Fews,C And in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba2 the words are: :?hen "ou meet the @eo1le o0 the 7oo6,C And in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Farir the words are:C ?hen "ou meet them2C but none the 1ol"theists has been mentioned e51li/itl" b" name,

'ha1ter +: (5/ellen/e o0 .reetin. the /hildren

7oo6 2)2 !umber +4;$:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha11ened to 1ass b" "oun. bo"s he would .reat them, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sa""ar with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +4;2:

Sa""ar re1orted: I was wal6in. with Thibit al-7unani that he ha11ened to 1ass b" /hildren and he .reeted them, And Thibit re1orted that he wal6ed with Anas and he ha11ened to 1ass b" /hildren and he .reeted them, and Anas re1orted that he wal6ed with Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on, him) and he ha11ened2 to 1ass b" /hildren and he .reeted them,

$44; & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

'ha1ter ): @ermissibilit" o0 .i-in. 1ermission (to enter the house) b" raisin. the /urtain or ma6in. some other si.ns li6e it
7oo6 2)2 !umber +4;4:
Ibn Mas:ud re1orted: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: The si.n that "ou ha-e been 1ermitted to /ome in is that the /urtain is raised or that "ou hear me s1ea6in. quietl" until I 0orbid "ou,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +4;*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Ubaidullah with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter %: @ermissibilit" o0 women .oin. out in the 0ields 0or easin. themsel-es
7oo6 2)2 !umber +4;+:
A:isha re1orted that Sauda (Allah he 1leated with her) went out (in the 0ields) in order to answer the /all o0 nature e-en a0ter the time when -eil had been 1res/ribed 0or women, She had been a bul6" lad"2 si.ni0i/ant in the women2 and she /ould not /on/eal hersel0 0rom him who had 6nown her, :Umar b, >hattab saw her and said: Sauda2 b" Allah2 "ou /annot /on/eal 0rom us, There0ore2 be /are0ul when "ou .o out, She (:A:isha) said: She turned ba/6, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was at that time in m" house ha-in. his e-enin. meal and there was a bone in his hand, She (Sauda) /line and said: Allah:s, I went out and :Umar said to me so and so, She (:A:isha) re1orted: There /ame the re-elation to him and then it was o-erB the bone was then in his hand and he had not thrown it and he said:C @ermission has been .ranted to "ou that "ou ma" .o out 0or "our needs,C

7oo6 2)2 !umber +4;):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 and the words are: She (Sauda) was a woman who loo6ed to be si.ni0i/ant the 1eo1le (so 0ar as the bul6 o0 her) bod" was /on/erned, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

$4* & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber +4;%:

:A:isha re1orted that the wi-es o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to .o out in the /o-er o0 when the" went to o1en 0ields (in the outs6irts o0 Medina) 0or easin. themsel-es, :Umar b >hattab used to sa": Allah:s Messen.er2 as6 "our ladies to obser-e -eil2 but Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not do that, So there went out Sauda2 dau.hter o0 Garn:a2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 durin. one o0 the ni.hts when it was dar6, She was a tall statured lad", :Umar /alled her sa"in.: Sauda2 we re/o.nise "ou, (He did this with the ho1e that the -erses 1ertainin. to -eil would be re-ealed,) :A:isha said: Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 then re-ealed the -erses 1ertainin. to -eil,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +4;#:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Shihab with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter #: It is 1rohibited to sit with a stran.e lad" in 1ri-a/" or to enter her house when she is alone
7oo6 2)2 !umber +4;;:
Fabir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 7ehold2 no 1erson should s1end the with a married woman2 but onl" in /ase he is married to her or he is her Mahram,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*

:Uqba b, Amir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 7eware o0 .ettin.2 into the houses and meetin. women (in se/lusion), A 1erson 0rom the Ansir said: Allah:s Messen.er2 what about husband:s brother2 whereu1on he said: Husband:s brother is li6e death,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +* $:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ka8id b, Abu Habib with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +* 2:

Ibn ?ahb re1orted: I heard Laith b, Said as sa"in.: Al-Ham- means the brother o0 husband or li6e it 0rom the relati-es o0 the husband2 0or e5am1le2 /ousin2 et/,

$4*$ & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber +* 4:

:Abdullah b, :Amr, b, al-:As re1orted that some 1ersons 0rom 7anu Hisham entered the house o0 Asma: dau.hter o0 :Umais when Abu 7a6r also entered (and she was at that time his wi0e), He (Abu 7a6r) saw it and disa11ro-ed o0 it and he made a mention o0 that to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: I did not see but .ood onl" (in m" wi0e), Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: <eril" Allah has made her immune 0rom all this, Then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood on the 1ul1it and said: A0ter this da" no man should enter the house o0 another 1erson in his absen/e2 but onl" when he is a//om1anied b" one 1erson or two 1ersons,

'ha1ter ;: It is e5/ellent to tell a man when one is a//om1anied b" one:s wi0e or mahram lad" that she is one:s wi0e or mahram and to remo-e his doubt
7oo6 2)2 !umber +* *:
Anas re1orted that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was in the /om1an" o0 one o0 his wi-es a 1erson ha11ened to 1ass b" them, He /alled him and when he /ame2 he said to him: so and so2 she was m" su/h and su/h wi0e, Thereu1on he said2 Allah:s Messen.er2 i0 I were to doubt at all2 I would ha-e entertained no doubt about "ou at least, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: <eril" Satan /ir/ulates in the bod" li6e blood,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +* +:

Sa0i""a dau.hter o0 Hu""a" (the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle) re1orted that while Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be, u1on him) had been obser-in. I:ti6a02 I /ame to -isit him one and tal6ed with him 0or some time, Then I stood u1 to .o ba/6 and he (Allah:s A1ostle) also stood u1 with me in order to bid me .ood-b"e, She was at that time residin. in the house o0 Usama b, Gaid, The two 1ersons 0rom the Ansar ha11ened to 1ass b" him, ?hen the" saw Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), the" to wal6 swi0tl"2 thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to them: ?al6 /alm"2 she is Sa0i""a dau.hter o0 Hu""a",,, 7oth o0 them said: Messen.er2 hallowed be Allah2 (we /annot /on/ei-e o0 ab,2 u. doubt0ul e-en in the remotest /orners o0 our minds)2 whereu1on he said: Satan /ir/ulates in the bod" o0 man li6e the /ir/ulation o0 blood and I was a0raid lest it should instill an" e-il in "our heart or an"thin., This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Sa0i""a2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters (and the words) are:C She went to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to -isit him as he was obser-in. I:ti6a0 in the mosque durin. Aamadan, She tal6ed with him 0or some time and then stood u1 to .o ba/6 and Alli6h:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 in order to bid her .ood-b"e,C The rest
$4*2 & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

o0 the hadith is the same e5/e1t with the -ariation o0 the words that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said:C Satan 1enetrates in man li6e the 1enetration o0 blood (in e-er" 1art o0 bod"),C

'ha1ter $ : I0 a 1erson /omes to a meetin. and 0inds s1a/e there he should sit there2 otherwise he should de1art
7oo6 2)2 !umber +* ):
Abu ?aqid al-Laith re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was sittin. in the mosque alon. wish tome 1eo1le when there /ame to him three 1ersonsB two o0 them ste11ed 0orward to the dire/tion o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and one o0 them went awa", The two stood b" the side o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and one o0 them 0ound a s1a/e in his /ir/le and he sat in thatB and the other one sat behind him and the third one went awa", ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0inished his wor62 he said, Should I not in0orm "ou about these three 1ersonsD 3ne o0 them re0u.e with Allah and Allah .a-e him re0u.e and the se/ond one 0elt sh" and Allah showed 6indness to has sh"ness (and so he was a//ommodated in that meetin.)2 and the last one re-erted and Allah turned awa" His attention 0rom him,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +* %:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ishaq b, :Abdullah b, Talha with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $$: i0 a 1erson .oes awa" 0rom the 1la/e o//u1ied b" him2 he has a better to o//u1" it a0ter /omin. ba/6
7oo6 2)2 !umber +* #:
Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: !one o0 "ou should ma6e another one stand in the meetin. and then o//u1" his 1la/e,

$4*4 & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber +* ;:

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !o 1erson should as6 another 1erson to stand at his 1la/e and then he should himsel0 sit there2 but he should sim1l" sa": Ma6e room and a//ommodate,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*$ :

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters, but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*$$:

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !one should ma6e one:S brother stand and then sit at his 1la/e (and it was /ommon with) Ibn Umar that when an" 1erson stood in the /om1an" (with a -iew to ma6in. room 0or him) he did not sit there,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*$2:

This hadith hilt been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ma:mar with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*$4:

Fabir re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) as sa"in.: !one "ou should ma6e his brother stand on =rida" (durin. the / 1ra"er) and then o//u1" his-1la/e, but he should onl" sa" to him (A//ommodate me),

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*$*:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen an"one "ou stands u12 and in the badltb transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu :Awina2 the words are:C He who stands in his 1la/e and (.oes awa") and then /omes ba/6 to it2 he his the .reatest (to o//u1" that),

$4** & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

'ha1ter $2: The entran/e o0 the eunu/h (in a house where there are 0emale inmates) is 1rohibited
7oo6 2)2 !umber +*$+:
Umm Salama re1orted that she had a eunu/h (as a sla-e) in her house, Allah:s ima" 1ea/e be u1on him) was on/e in the house that he (the eunu/h) said to the brother o0 Umm Salama: Abdullahb, Aba Uma""a, i0 Allah .rants "ou -i/tor" in Ta:i0 on the ne5t da"2 I will show "ou the dau.hter o0 Hhailan 0or she has 0our 0olds (u1on her bod") on the 0ront side o0 her stoma/h and 0olds on the ba/6, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) heard this and he said: Su/h (1eo1le) should not -isit "ou,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*$):

:A:isha re1orted that a eunu/h used to /ome to the wi-es o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and the" did not And an"thin. obje/tionable in his -isit /onsiderin. him to be a male without an" se5ual desire, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) one da" /ame as he was sittin. with some o0 his wi-es and he was bus" in des/ribin. the bodil" /hara/teristi/s o0 a lad" and sa"in.: As the /omes in 0ront tour 0olds a11ear on her 0ront side and as she turns her ba/6 0olds a11ear on the ba/6 side, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I me that he 6nows these thin.sB do not2 there0ore, allow him to /ater, She (C A:isha) said: Then the" to obser-e -eil 0rom him,

'ha1ter $4: @ermission o0 seatin. a woman on the ride behind one:s ba/6 i0 one 0inds her /om1letel" e5hausted in the wa"
7oo6 2)2 !umber +*$%:
Asma: dau.hter o0 Abu 7a6r re1orted that the was married to Gubair, He had neither land nor wealth nor sla-e nor an"thin. else li6e it e5/e1t a bom, She 0urther said: I .ra8ed his horse, 1ro-ided 0odder to it and loo6ed a0ter it2 and .round dates 0or his /amel, 7esides this2 I .ra8ed the /amel2 made arran.ements 0or 1ro-idin. it with water and 1at/hed u1 the leather bu/6et and 6neaded the 0lour, 7ut I was not 1ro0i/ient in ba6in. the bread2 so m" 0emale nei.hbours used to ba6e bread 0or me and the" were sin/ere women, She 0urther said: I was /arr"in. on m" head the stones o0 the dates 0rom the land o0 Gubair whi/h Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had endowed him and it was at a distan/e o0 two miles (0rom Medina), She add: As I was one da" /arr"in. the atones o0 dates
$4*+ & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

u1on m" head I ha11ened to meet Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) alon. with a .rou1 o0 his 'om1anions, He /alled me and said (to the /amel) to sit down so that he should ma6e /ite ride behind hirn, (I told m" husband: ) I 0elt sh" and remembered "our jealous"2 whereu1on he said: 7" Allah, the /arr"in. o0 the stone dates u1on "our bead is more se-ere a burden than ridin. with him, She said: (I led the li0e o0 hardshi1) until Abu 7a6r sent a0terwards a 0emale ser-ant who too6 u1on hersel0 the res1onsibilit" o0 loo6in. a0ter the horse and I 0elt as it she had eman/i1ated me,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*$#:

Asma: re1orted: I 1er0ormed the household duties o0 Gubair and he had a horseB I used to loo6 a0ter it, !othin. was more burdensome 0or me than loo6in. a0ter the horse I used to brin. .rass 0or it and loo6ed a0ter it2 then I .ot a ser-ant as Allah:s A1ustle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had some 1risoners o0 war in his 1ossession, He .a-e me a 0emale ser-ant, She (the 0emale ser-ant) then to loo6 a0ter the horse and thus relie-ed me o0 this burden, A 1erson /ame and he said: Mother o0 :Abdullah2 I am a destitute 1erson and I intend that I should start business under the shadow o0 "our house, I (Asma:) said: I0 I .rant "ou 1ermission2 Gubair ma" not a.ree to that2 so "ou /ome and ma6e a demand o0 it when Gubair is also 1resent there, He /ame a//ordin.l" 0ind said: Mother o0 :Abdullah, I am a destitute 1erson, I intend to start t mall business in the shadow o0 "our house, I said: Is there not in Medina (an" 1la/e 0or startin. the business) e5/e1t m" houseD Gubair said: ?h" is it that "ou 1rohibit the destitute man to start business hereD So he started business and he (earned so mu/h) that we sold our sla-e-.irl to him There /ame Gubair to me while the mone" was in m" la1, He said: Hi-e this to me, I said: (I intend) to s1end it as /harit",

'ha1ter $*: It is 1rohibited 0or two 1ersons to /on-erse se/retl" without the /onsent o0 the third one
7oo6 2)2 !umber +*$;:
Ibn Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen there are three (1ersons)2 two should not /on-erse se/retl" between themsel-es to the e5/lusion o0 the (third) one,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*2 :

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 lbn :Umar throu.h two di00erent /hains o0 transmitters,

$4*) & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*2$:

:Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 "ou are three2 two "ou should not /on-erse se/retl" between "oursel-es to the e5/lusion o0 the other (third one)2 unti some other 1eo1le join him (and dis1el his loneliness)2 0or it ma" hurt his 0eelin.s,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*22:

:Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 "ou are three2 two should not /on-erse se/retl" to the e5/lusion o0 "our /om1anion 0or that hurts his 0eelin.s,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*24:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $+: Medi/ine and s1ell

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*2*:
:A:isha (the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle) said: ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0ell ill, Habriel used to re/ite these -erses,C In the name o0 Allah, He ma" /ure "ou 0rom all 6inds o0 illness and sa0e.uard -ou 0rom the e-il o0 a jealous one when he 0eels jealous and 0rom the e-il in0luen/e o0 e"e,C

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*2+:

Abu Sa:id re1orted that Habriel /ame to AFlah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Muhammad2 ha-e "ou 0allen illD Thereu1on he said: Kes, He (Habriel) said:C In the name o0 Allah I e5er/ise "ou 0rom e-er"thin. and sa0e.uard "ou 0rom e-er" e-il that ma" harm "ou and 0rom the e"e o0 a jealous one, Allah would /ure "ou and I in-o6e the name o0 Allah 0or "ou,C

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*2):

Abu Huraira re1orted so man" abidith 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The in0luen/e o0 an e-il e"e is a 0a/t,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*2%:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The in0luen/e o0 an e-il e"e is a 0a/tB i0 an"thin. would 1re/ede the destin" it would be the in0luen/e o0 an e-il e"e2 and when "ou are as6ed to ta6e bath (as a /ure) 0rom the in0luen/e o0 an e-il e"e2 "ou should ta6e bath,
$4*% & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

'ha1ter $): Ma.i/ and s1ell

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*2#:
A:isha re1orted that a Few 0rom amon. the Fews o0 7anu Guraiq who was /alled Labid b, al-A:sam /ast s1ell u1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with the result that he (under the in0luen/e o0 the s1ell) 0elt that he had been doin. somethin. whereas in 0a/t he had not been doin. that, (This state o0 a00airs lasted) until one da" or durin. one Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made su11li/ation (to dis1el its e00e/ts), He a.ain made a su11li/ation and he a.ain did this and said to :A:isha: 9o "ou 6now that Allah has told me what I had as6ed HimD There /ame to me two men and one them sat near m" head and the other one near m" 0eet and he who sat near m" head said to one who sat near m" 0eet or one who sat near m" 0eet said to one who sat near m" head: ?hat is the trouble with the manD He said: The s1ell has a00e/ted him, He said: ?ho has /ast thatD He (the other one) said: It was Labid b, A:sam (who has done it), He said: ?hat is the thin. b" whi/h he transmitted its e00e/tD He said: 7" the /omb and b" the hair stu/6 to the /omb and the s1athe o0 the date-1alm, He said: ?here is tba1 He re1lied: In the well o0 9hi Arwan, She said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent some o0 the 1ersons 0rom amon. his 'om1anions there and then said: :A:isha, b" Allah2 its water was "ellow li6e henna and its trees were li6e heads o0 the de-ils, She said that she as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as to wh" he did not burn that, He said: !o2 Allah has /ured me and I do not li6e that I should indu/e 1eo1le to /ommit an" hi.h-handedness in re.ard (to one another)2 but I onl" /ommanded that it should be buried,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*2;:

:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was a00e/ted with a s1ell2 the rest o0 the hadith is the same but with this -ariation o0 wordin.:C Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went to the well and loo6ed towards it and there were trees o0 date-1alm near it, I (:A:isha) said: I as6ed Allah:S (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to brin. it out2 and $ did not sa": ?h" did not "ou burn itDC And there is no mention o0 these words:C I /ommanded (to bur" them and the" buried,C

'ha1ter $%: @oison

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*4 :
Anas re1orted that a Fewess /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with 1oisoned mutton and he too6 o0 that what had been to him (Allah:s, (?hen the e00e/t o0 this 1oison were 0elt b" him) he /alled 0or her and as6ed her about that2 whereu1on she said: I had determined to 6ill "ou, Thereu1on he said: Allah will ne-er .i-e "ou the 1ower to do it, He (the nar-

$4*# & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

rator) said that the" (the 'om1anion:s o0 the Hol" @ro1het) said: Should we not 6ill herD Thereu1on he said: !o, He (Anas) said: I 0elt (the a00e/ts o0 this 1oison) on the u-ula o0 Allah:s,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*4$:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that a Fewess 1oisoned meat and then ser-ed it to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)

'ha1ter $#: The e5/ellen/e o0 /urin. the 1atient with the hel1 o0 in/antation
7oo6 2)2 !umber +*42:
:A:isha re1orted: ?hen an" 1erson us 0ell ill2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) used to rub him with his band and then sa": 3 Lord o0 the 1eo1le2 .rant him health2 heal him2 0or Thou art a Hreet Healer, There is no healere2 but with Th" healin. @ower one is healed and illness is remo-ed, She 0urther added: ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0ell ill2 and his illness too6 a serious turn I too6 hold o0 hie hand to that I should do with it what he ward to do with that (i, e, I would rub his bod" with his sa/red hand), 7ut he withdrew his hand 0rom m" hand and then said: 3 Allah2 1ardon me and ma6e me join the /om1anion, shi1 on She said, I was .a8in. at him /onstantl" whereas he had 1assed awa",

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*44:

This, hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are):C He rubbed him with his handC and (in) the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Thauri (the words are),C He used to rub with his hand,C This hadith has been re1orted throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*4*:

:A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited the si/6 he would sa": Lord o0 the 1eo1le, remo-e the disease2 /ure him2 0or Thou art the .reat 'urer2 there is no /ure but throu.h Thine healin. @ower2 whi/h lea-es nothin. o0 the disease,

$4*; & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*4+:

:A:isha re1orted that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to -isit an" si/6 he su11li/ated 0or him and said: Lord o0 the 1eo1le2 remo-e the malad"2 /ure him 0or Thou art a .reat 'urer, There is no /ure but throu.h Thine healin. @ower whi/h lea-es no trouble2 and in the narration transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu 7a6r there is a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*4):

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 :A:isha throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*4%:

:A:isha re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to re/ite (this su11li/ation) as the words o0 in/antation:C Lord o0 the 1eo1le2 remo-e the trouble 0or in Thine Hand is the /ureB none is there to relie-e him (the burden o0 disease) but onl" Thou,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*4#:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitted,

'ha1ter $;: 'urin. o0 the 1atient with the re/itation o0 Mu:awwidhatan (suras /5iii,2 /5i-,)
7oo6 2)2 !umber +*4;:
:A:isha re1orted that when an" o0 the members o0 the household 0ell ill Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to blow o-er him b" re/itin. Mu:awwidhatan2 and when he su00ered 0rom illness o0 whi/h he died I used to blow o-er him and rubbed his bod" with his hand 0or his hand had .reater healin. 1ower than m" hand,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +** :

:A:isha re1orted that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0ell ill2 he re/ited o-er his bod" Mu:awwidhatan and blew o-er him and when his si/6ness was a..ra-ated I used to re/ite o-er him and rub him with his band with the ho1e that it was more blessed,

$4+ & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber +**$:

This hadith has been narrated throu.h some other /hains o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin., In the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Kanus and Gi"ari (the words are):C ?hen Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0ell ill2 he blew o-er his bod" b" re/itin. Mu:awwidhatan and rubbed him with his hand,

'ha1ter 2 : The e5/ellen/e o0 /urin. (with the hel1 o0 in/antation) the in0luen/e o0 the e-il e"e and small 1ustules and the 1oison (es1e/iall" o0 sna6e and s/or1ion)
7oo6 2)2 !umber +**2:
:Abd al-Aahman b, al-Aswad re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: I as6ed :A:isha about in/antation, She said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had .ranted its san/tion to the members o0 a 0amil" o0 the Ansir 0or in/antation in /urin. e-er" t"1e o0 1oison,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +**4:

:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ranted san/tion to the members o0 a 0amil" o0 the Ansir 0or in/antation (0or remo-in. the e00e/ts) o0 the 1oison o0 the s/or1ion,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +***:

:A:isha re1orted that when an" 1erson 0ell ill with a disease or he had an" ailment or he had an" injur"2 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1la/ed his u1on the .round and then li0ted it b" re/itin. the name o0 Allah, (and said): The dust o0 our .round with the sali-a o0 an" one o0 us would ser-e as a means whereb" our illness would be /ured with the san/tion o0 Allab, This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Abu Shaiba and Gubair with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +**+:

:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded the use o0 in/antation 0or /urin. the in0luen/e o0 an e-il e"e,

$4+$ & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber +**):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Mis:ar with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +**%:

:A:isha re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) /ommanded me that I should ma6e use o0 in/antation 0or /urin. the in0luen/e o0 an e-il e"e,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +**#:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted in /onne/tion with in/antation that he had been .ranted san/tion (to use in/antation as a remed") 0or the stin. o0 the s/or1ion and 0or /urin. small 1ustules and dis1ellin. the in0luen/e o0 an e-il e"e,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +**;:

Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ranted him san/tion to use in/antation (as a /ure) 0or the2 in0luen/e o0 an e-il e"e2 the stin. o0 the s/or1ion and small 1ustules,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*+ :

Umm Salama2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to a small .irl in the house o0 Umm Salama that he had been seein. on her 0a/e bla/6 stains and told her that that was due to the in0iluen/e o0 an e-il e"e2 and he as6ed that she should be /ured with the hel1 o0 in/antation (ho1in.) that her 0a/e should be/ome s1otles,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*+$:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ranted san/tion to the 0amil" o0 Ha8m 0or in/antation (in miti.atin. the e00e/t o0 the 1oison o0) the sna6e2 and2 he said -to Asma: dau.hter o0 :Umais: ?hat is this that I see the /hildren o0 m" brother leanD Are the" not 0ed 1ro1erl"D She said: !o2 but the" 0all under the in0luen/e o0 an e-il e-e, He said: Use in/antation She re/ited (the words o0 in/antation be0ore him)2 whereu1on he (b" a11ro-in. them) said: Kes2 use this in/antation 0or them,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*+2:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ranted a s1e/ial san/tion 0or in/antation in /ase o0 the sna6e 1oison to a tribe o0 :Amr, Abu Gubair said: I heard Fabir b, :Abdullah as sa"in. that the s/or1ion stun. one o0 us as we were sittin. with Allah:s (ma"
$4+2 & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

1ea/e u1on him), A 1erson said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I use in/antation (0or /urin. the e00e/t, o0 stin.)2 whereu1on he said: He who is /om1etent "ou to bene0it his brother should do so,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*+4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Furaij with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*+*:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted I had a maternal un/le who treated the stin. o0 the s/or1ion with the hel1 o0 in/antation, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade in/antation, He /ame to him and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 "ou 0orbade to 1ra/tise in/antation2 whereas I em1lo" it 0or /urin. the stin. o0 the s/or1ion2 whereu1on he said: He who "ou is /a1able o0 em1lo"in. it as a means to do .ood should do that,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*++:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*+):

Fabir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1rohibited in/antation, Then the 1eo1le o0 Amr b, Ha8m /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: ?e 6now an in/antation whi/h we use 0or /urin. the stin. o0 the s/or1ion but "ou ha-e 1rohibited it, The" re/ited (the words o0 in/antation) be0ore him2 whereu1on he said: I do not see an" harm (in it)2 so he who "ou is /om1etent to do .ood to his brother should do that,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*+%:

:Au0 b, Mali6 Ashja:i re1orted ?e 1ra/tised in/antation in the 1re-Islami/ da"s and we said: Allah:s, what is "our o1inion about itD He said: Let me 6now "our in/antation and said: There is no harm in the in/antation whi/h does not sma/6 o0 1ol"theism,

$4+4 & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

'ha1ter 2$: @ermissibilit" o0 .ettin. reward 0or in/antations 0rom the words o0 the Eur:an
7oo6 2)2 !umber +*+#:
Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted that some 1ersons the 'om1anions o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) set out on a journe" and the" ha11ened to 1ass b" a tribe 0rom the tribes o0 Arabia, The" demanded hos1italit" 0rom the members o0 that tribe2 but the" did not e5tend an" hos1italit" to them, The" said to them: Is there an" in/antator "ou2 at the /hie0 o0 the tribe has b.en stun. b" a s/or1ionD A 1erson us said: :Kes, So he /ame to him and he 1ra/tised in/an- tation with the hel1 o0 Sura al-=atiha and the 1erson be/ame all, He was .i-en a 0lo/6 o0 shee1 (as re/om1ense)2 but he re0used to a//e1t that2 sa"in.: I shall ma6e a mention o0 it to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and i0 he a11ro-es o0 it, then I shall a//e1t it, So we /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and made a mention o0 that to him and he (that 1erson) said: Allah:s b" Allah2 I did not 1ra/ti/e in/antation but with the hel1 o0 Sura al-=atiha o0 the Hol" 7oo6, He (the Hol" @ro1het) smiled and said: How did "ou /ome to 6now that it /an be used (as in/a/tation)D - and then said: Ta6e out o0 that and allo/ate a share 0or me alon. with "our share,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*+;:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu 7ishr with the same the same /hain o0 transmitters (with these words): That he re/ited Umm-ul-Eur:an (Sura =atiha)2 and he /olle/ted his s1ittle and he a11lied that and the 1erson be/ame all,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*) :

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted, ?e landed at a 1la/e where a woman /ame to us and said: A s/or1iorn has bitten the /hie0 o0 the tribe, Is there an" in/antator "ouD A 1erson us stood u1 (and went with her), ?e had no idea that he had been a .ood in/antator but he 1ra/tised in/antation with the hel1 o0 Sura al -=atiha and the (the /hie0) was all, The" .a-e him a 0lo/6 o0 shee1 and ser-ed us mil6, ?e said (to him): Are "ou a .ood in/antator" Thereu1on he said: I did not do it but b" the hel1 o0 Sura al-=itiha, He /aid: 9o not dri-e (these .oats) until we .o to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and 0ind out (whether it is 1ermissible to a//e1t ( this reward o0 in/antation), So we /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on hin) and made a rrention o0 that to him2 whereu1on he said: How did "ou /ome to 6now that this (Sura al-=atiha) /ould be used as an in/antationD So distribute them ( those who had been 1resent there with him) and allo/ate a share o0 mine also,

$4+* & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*)$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters and he said: There stood u1 with her a 1erson us whom we did not 6now be0ore as an in/antator,

'ha1ter 22: (5/ellen/e o0 1la/in. one:s hands at the s1ot o0 1ain at the time o0 1ra/tisin. in/antation
7oo6 2)2 !umber +*)2:
Uthman b, Abu al-:As Al-Thaqa0i re1orted that he nade a /om1laint o0 1ain to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he 0elt in his bod" at the time he had be/ome Muslim, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: @la/e "our hand at the 1la/e where "ou 0eel 1ain in "our bod" and sa" 7ismillah (in the name o0 Allah) three times and se-en times A:udhu billahi wa qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu wa u6hdhiru (I see6 re0u.e with Allah and with His @ower 0rom the e-il that I 0ind and that I 0ear),

'ha1ter 24: See6in. re0u.e a.ainst satan 0rom the e-il 1rom1tin.s in the 1ra"er
7oo6 2)2 !umber +*)4:
Uthman b, Abu al-:As re1orted that he /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 the Satan inter-enes between me and m" 1ra"er and m" re/itin. o0 the Eur:an and he /on0ounds me, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said:2 That is (the doin. o0 the Satan) who is 6nown as >hin8ab2 and when "ou 1er/ei-e its e00e/t2 see6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom it and s1it three times to "our le0t, I did that and Allah dis1elled that 0rom me,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*)*:

:Uthman b, Abu al-:As re1orted that he /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he narrated li6e this, In the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Salam b, !uh there is no mention o0 three times2

$4++ & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*)+:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 :Uthman b, Abu al-:As with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter 2*: There is a remed" 0or e-er" malad" and it is e5/ellent to .et treatment
7oo6 2)2 !umber +*)):
Fabir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is a remed" 0or e-er" malad"2 and when the remed" is a11lied to the disease it is /ured with the 1ermission o0 Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*)%:

Fabir re1orted that he -isited Muqanna: and then said: I will not .o awa" unless "ou .et "oursel0 /u11ed2 0or I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": It is a remed",

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*)#:

:Asim b, :Umar b, Eatada re1orted: There /ame to our house :Abdullah and another 1erson 0rom the members o0 the household who /om1lained o0 a wound, Fabir said: ?hat ails "ouD He said: There is a wound whi/h is -er" 1ain0ul 0or me2 whereu1on he said: 7o"2 brin. to me a /u11er, He said: :Abdullah2 what do "ou intend to do with the /u11erD I said: I would .et this wound /u11ed, He said: 7" Allah, o-en the tou/h o0 0l" or /loth /auses me 1ain (and /u11in.) would thus /ause me (unbearable) 1ain, And when he saw him 0eelin. 1ain (at the idea o0 /u11in.)2 he said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 there is an" e00e/ti-e remed" "our remedies2 these are (three): 'u11in.2 drin6in. o0 hone" and /auterisation with the hel1 o0 0ire, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: As 0or m"sel0 I do not li6e /auterisation, The /u11er was /alled and he /u11ed him and he was all,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*);:

Fabir re1orted that Umm Salama 1ermission 0rom Allah:s (ma" Allah:s 1ea/e u1on him) tor .ettin. hersel0 /u11ed, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed Abu Taiba to /u1 her, He (Fabir) said: I thin6 he (Abu Taiba) was her 0aster brother or a "oun. bo" be0ore enterin. u1on the adoles/ent 1eriod,

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733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*% :

Fabir re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent a 1h"stian to Uba"" b, >a:b, He /ut the -ein and then /auterised it,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*%$:

A:mash re1orted this with the same /hain o0 transmitters and he made no mention o0 the 0a/t that he /ut one o0 his -eins,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*%2:

Fabir b, :Abdillah re1orted that on the da" o0 Ah8ab Uba"" re/ei-ed the wound o0 an arrow in his medial arm -ein, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /auterised it,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*%4:

Fabir re1orted that Sa:d b, Mu:adh re/ei-ed a wound o0 the arrow in his -ein, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /auterised it with a rod and it was swollen2 to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did it 0or the se/ond time,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*%*:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot himsel0 /u11ed and .a-e to the /u11er his and he 1ut the medi/ine in the nostril,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*%+:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot himsel0 /u11ed and ne-er withheld the o0 an"one,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*%):

Ibn Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The 0e-er 0rom the -ehement o0 the (heat o0 Hell)2 so /ool it with the hel1 o0 water,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*%%:

Ibn Umar re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: =e-er is due to -ehemen/e o0 the beat o0 Hell2 so /ool it with water,

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733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*%#:

Ibn Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: =e-er is 0rom the -ehement o0 the 0ire o0 Hell2 so e5tin.uish it with water,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*%;:

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: =e-er is 0rom the -ehement o0 the Hell-0ire2 so /ool it with water,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*# :

:A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: =e-er is 0rom the -ehement o0 the Hell-0ire2 so /ool it with water,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*#$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*#2:

Asma: re1orted that a woman runnin. hi.h 0e-er was to her, She as6ed water to be and then s1rin6led it in the o1enin. o0 a shirt at the u11ermost 1art o0 the /hest and said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: 'ool (the 0e-er) with water, 0or it is be/ause o0 the -ehemen/e o0 the beat o0 Hell,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*#4:

Hisham re1orted this hadith with the same /hain o0 transmitters, In the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn !umair (the words are):C She 1oured water on her sides and in the o1enin. o0 the shirt at the u11ermost 1art o0 the /hest,C There is no mention o0 these words:C It is 0rom the -ehemen/e o0 the heat o0 the Hell,C This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Usama with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*#*:

Aa0i: b, >hadij re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The 0e-er is due to the intense heat o0 the Hell2 so /ool it with water,

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733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*#+:

Aa0i: b, >hadij re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The 0e-er is due to the intense heat o0 Hell2 so /ool it down in "our (bodies) with water, Abu 7a6r has made no mention o0 the wordC 0rom "ouC (:an6um)2 but he said that Aa0i: b, >hadij had in0ormed him o0 it,

'ha1ter 2+: 9isa11ro-al o0 a11l"in. remed" b" 1ourin. the medi/ine in the mouth 0or/ibl"
7oo6 2)2 !umber +*#):
:A:isha re1orted: we (intended to 1our) medi/ine in the mouth o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in his illness2 but he 1ointed out (with the .esture o0 his hand) that it should not be 1oured into the mouth a.ainst his will, ?e said: (It was 1erha1s due to the natural) a-ersion o0 the 1atient a.ainst medi/ine, ?hen he re/o-ered2 he said: Medi/ine should be 1oured into the mouth o0 e-er" one o0 "ou e5/e1t Ibn :Abbas2 0or he was not 1resent "ou,

'ha1ter 2): Treatment with the hel1 o0 Indian aloeswood

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*#%:
Umm Eais2 dau.hter o0 Mihsan2 the sister o0 :U6asha b, Mihsan said: I -isited Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) alon. with m" son who had not2 b" that time2 been weaned and he 1issed o-er his (/lothes), He ordered water to be and s1rin6led (it) o-er them, She (0urther) said: I -isited him (Allah:s A1ostle) alon. with m" son and I had squee8ed the swellin. in the u-ula2 whereu1on he said: ?h" do "ou a00li/t "our /hildren b" /om1ressin. li6e thisD Use this Indian aloeswood2 0or it /ontains se-en t"1es o0 remedies2 one amon. them bein. a remed" 0or 1leuris", It is a11lied throu.h the nose 0or a swellin. o0 the u-ula and 1oured into the side o0 the mouth 0or 1leuris",

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*##:

Umm Eais2 dau.hter o0 Mihsan2 was one o0 the earlier 0emale emi.rants who had 1led.ed alle.ian/e to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), She was the sister o0 U6isha b, Mihsan2 one o0 the 1osterit" o0 Asad b, >hu8aima, She re1orted that she /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) alon. with her son who had not attained the a.e o0 weanin. and she had /om1ressed the swellin. o0 his u-ula, (Kunus said: She /om1ressed the u-ula be/ause she was a0raid that there
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733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

be swellin. o0 u-ula,) Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?h" do "ou a00li/t "our /hildren b" /om1ressin. in this wa"D Kou should use Indian aloeswood2 0or it has se-en remedies in it2 one o0 them bein. the remed" 0or 1leuris", Ubaidullah re1orted that she had told that that was the /hild who 1issed in the la1 o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled 0or water and s1rin6led it on his imrine2 but he did not wash it well,

'ha1ter 2%: Aemed" b" a11l"in. !i.ella

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*#;:
Abu Huraira re1orted that he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !i.ella seed is a remed" 0or e-er" disease e5/e1t death, This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*; :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is no disease 0or whi/h !i.ella seed does not 1ro-ide remed",

'ha1ter 2#: Talbina .i-es /om0ort to the 1atient

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*;$:
:A:isha the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen there was an" berea-ement in her 0amil" the women .athered there 0or /ondolen/e and the" de1arted e5/e1t the members o0 the 0amil" and some sele/ted 1ersons, She as6ed to 1re1are talbina in a small /ouldron and it was /oo6ed and then tharid was 1re1ared and it was 1oured o-er talbina2 then she said: (at it2 0or I heard Allah:s (ma" 1eade be u1on him) as sa"in.: Talbina .i-es /om0ort to the a..rie-ed heart and it lessens .rie0,

'ha1ter 2;: Aemed" with the hel1 o0 hone"

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*;2:
Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted that a 1erson /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and told him that his brother:s bowels were loose, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Hi-e him hone", So he .a-e him that and then /ame and said: I .a-e him hone" but it has onl"
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733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

made his bowels more loose, He said this three timesB and then he /ame the 0ourth time2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Hi-e him hone", He said: I did .i-e him2 but it has onl" made his bowels more loose2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah has s1o6en the truth and "our brother:s bowels are in the wron., So he made him drin6 (hone") and he was re/o-ered, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id >hudri throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter 4 : @la.ue2 ill omen and ma.i/

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*;4:
:Amir b, Sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that he as6ed Usama b, Gaid: ?hat ha-e "ou heard 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about 1la.ueD Thereu1on Usama said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: @la.ue is a /alamit" whi/h was sent to 7ani Isra:il or u1on those who were be0ore "ou, So when "ou hear that it has bro6en out in a land2 don:t .o to it2 and when it has bro6en out in the land where "ou are2 don:t run out o0 it, In the narration transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu !adr there is a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*;*:

Usama b, Gaid re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: @la.ue is the si.n o0 a /alamit" with whi/h Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 a00e/ts 1eo1le 0rom His ser-ants, So when "ou hear about it2 don:t enter there (where it has bro6en out)2 and when it has bro6en out in a land and "ou are there2 then don:t run awa" 0rom it,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*;+:

Usama re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: @la.ue is a /alamit" whi/h was in0li/ted on those who were be0ore "ou2 or u1on 7ani Isra:il, So when it has bro6en out in a land2 don:t run out o0 it2 and when it has s1read in a land2 then don:t enter it,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*;):

:Amir b, Sa:d re1orted that a 1erson as6ed Sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas about the 1la.ue2 whereu1on Usama b, Gaid said: I would in0orm "ou about it, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It is a /alamit" or a disease whi/h Allah sent to a .rou1 o0 7ani Isra:il2 or to the 1eo1le who were be0ore "ouB so when "ou hear o0 it in land2 don:t enter it and when it has bro6en out in "our land2 don:t run awa" 0rom it,

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733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*;%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Furaij throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*;#:

Usama b, Gaid re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said this: This /alamit" or illness was a 1unishment with whi/h were 1unished some o0 the nations be0ore "ou, Then it was le0t u1on the earth, It .oes awa" on/e and /omes ba/6 a.ain, He who heard o0 its 1resen/e in a land should not .o towards it2 and he who ha11ened to be in a land where it had bro6en out should not 0l" 0rom it,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +*;;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++

Shu:ba re1orted 0rom Habib: ?hile we were in Medina we heard o0 1la.ue ha-in. bro6en out in >u0a, :Ata b, Kasir and others said to me that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said, I0 "ou are in a land where it (this s/our.e) has bro6en out2 don:t .et out o0 it2 and i0 "ou were to 6now that it had bro6en (in another land2 then don:t enter it, I said to him: =rom whom (did "ou hear it)D The" said: :Amir b, Sa:d has narrated it, So I /ame to him, The" said that he was not 1resent there, So I met his brother Ibrahim b, Sa:d and as6ed him, He said: I bear testimon" to the 0a/t that Usama narrated it to Sa:d sa"in.: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that it is a Hodsent 1unishment 0rom the /alamit" or 0rom the remnant o0 the /alamit" with whi/h 1eo1le were a00li/ted be0ore "ou, So when it is in a land and "ou are there2 don:t .et out o0 it2 and i0 (this news rea/hes "ou) that it has bro6en out in a land2 then don:t enter therein, Habib said: I said to Ibrahim: 9id "ou hear Usama narratin. it to Sa:d and he was not den"in. it, He said: Kes,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++ $:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters e5/e1t 0or the 0a/t that no mention has been made o0 the a//ount o0 :Ata b, Kasir as in the 1re-ious hadith,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++ 2:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Sa:d b, Mali62 >hu8aima b, Thabit and Usama b, Gaid,

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733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++ 4:

Ibrahim b, Sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas re1orted: Usama b, Gaid and Sa:d had been sittin. and the" had been /on-ersin. and the" said this: This hadith has been transmitted b" Ibrahim b, Sa:d b, Mali6 on the authorit" o0 his 0ather,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++ *:

:Abdullah b, :Abbas re1orted: Umar b, >hattab set out 0or S"ria, As he /ame at Sar.h (a town b" the side o0 Hija8 on the wa" to S"ria)2 there met him the /ommander o0 the 0or/es2 Abu Ubaida b, Fandb2 and his /om1anions, The" in0ormed him that a s/our.e had bro6en out in S"ria, Ibn :Abbas 0urther re1orted that :Umar said: 'all to me tile earliest emi.rants, So I /alled them, He (Hadrat :Umar) their ad-i/e2 and the" told him that the s/our.e had bro6er2 out in S"ria, There was a di00eren/e o0 o1inion (whether the" should 1ro/eed 0urther or .o ba/6 to their homes in su/h a situation), Some o0 them said: Kou (:Umar) ha-e set 0orth 0or a tas62 and2 there0ore2 we would not ad-ise "ou to .o ba/62 whereas some o0 them said: Kou ha-e alon. with "ou the remnants (o0 the sa/red .ala5") o0 men and (the blessed) 'om1anions o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 so we would not ad-ise "ou to .o 0orth towards this /alamit" (with su/h eminent 1ersons and thus e51ose them deliberatel" to a, He (Hadrat :Umar) said: Kou /an now .o awa", He said: 'all to me the Ansar, So I /alled them to him2 and he /onsulted them2 and the" trod the same 1ath as was trodden b" the Muhajirin2 and the" di00ered in their o1inions as the" had di00ered, He said: !ow2 "ou /an .o, He a.ain said: 'all to me the old 1ersons o0 the Euraish who had mi.rated be0ore the <i/tor" (that is the <i/tor" o0 Me//a)2 so I /alled them (and Hadrat :Umar /onsulted them) and not e-en two 1ersons di00ered (0rom the o1inion held b" the earlier dele.ates), The" said: 3ur o1inion is that "ou better .o ba/6 alon. with the 1eo1le and do not ma6e them .o to this s/our.e2 So :Umar made announ/ement to the 1eo1le: In the mornin. I would be on the ba/6 o0 m" side, So the" (set 0orth in the mornin.)2 whereu1on Abu :Ubaida b, Farrah said: Are "ou .oin. to run awa" 0rom the 9i-ine 9e/reeD Thereu1on :Umar said: Had it been someone else to sa" this besides "ouL :Umar (in 0a/t) did not a11ro-e o0 his o11osin. (this de/ision) and he said: Kes2 we are runnin. 0rom the 9i-ine 9e/ree (to the) 9i-ine 9e/ree, Kou should thin6 i0 there had been /amels 0or "ou and "ou ha11ened to .et down in a -alle" ha-in. two sides2 one o0 them /o-ered with -erdure and the other bein. barren2 would "ou not (be doin.) a//ordin. to the 9i-ine 9e/ree i0 "ou .ra8e them in -erdureD And in /ase "ou .ra8e them in the barren land (e-en then "ou would be .ra8in. them) a//ordin. to the 9i-ine 9e/ree, There ha11ened to /ome :Abd al-Aahman b, :Au0 and he had been absent in /onne/tion with some o0 his needs, He said: I ha-e with me a 6nowled.e o0 it2 that I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 "ou hear o0 its 1resen/e (the 1resen/e o0 1la.ue) in a land2 don:t enter it2 but i0 it s1reads in the land where "ou are2 don:t 0l" 0rom it, Thereu1on :Umar b, >hattab 1raised Allah and then went ba/6D

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733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++ +:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ma:mar with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this addition:C 9o "ou thin6 that he would .ra8e in the barren land but would abandon the .reen landD ?ould "ou not attribute it to be a 0ailin. on his 1artD He said: Kes, He said: Then 1ro/eed, And he mo-ed on until he /ame to Medina, And he said to me: This is the 1la/e2 or he said: That is the destination i0 Allah so wills,C This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, Harith with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++ ):

:Amir b, Aabi:ah re1orted: :Umar went to S"ria and as he /ame to Sar.h2 in0ormation was .i-en to him that an e1idemi/ had bro6en out in S"ria, :Abd al-Aahman b, :Au0 narrated to him that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: ?hen "ou hear o0 its 1resen/e in a land2 don:t mo-e towards it2 and when it brea6s out in a land and "ou are therein2 then don:t run awa" 0rom it, So :Umar b, >hattab /ame ba/6 0rom Sar.h, Salim b, :Abdullah re1orted that :Umar went ba/62 alon. with 1eo1le on hearin. the hadith re1orted on the authorit" o0 :Abd al-Aahman b, :Au0,

'ha1ter 4$: There is no in0e/tion2 no e-il omen2 no hama2 no sa0ar2 no star 1romisin. rain2 no .houl and the ill should not .o to those who are health"
7oo6 2)2 !umber ++ %:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is no in0e/tion2 no sa0ar2 no hama, A desert Arab said: Allah:s Messen.er2 how is it that when the /amel is in the sand it is li6e a deer-then a /amel a00li/ted with s/ab mi5es with it and it is a00e/ted b" subD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?ho in0e/ted the 0irst oneD

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++ #:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is no transiti-e disease2 no e-il omen2 no sa0ar2 no hama, A desert Arab said: Allah:s2,,,, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

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733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++ ;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is no trahsiti-e disease, Thereu1on a desert Arab stood u1, The rest o0 the hadith is the same and in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Guhri: the @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is re1orted to ha-e said: There is no transiti-e disease2 no sa0ar2 no hama,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++$ :

Abu Salama h, :Abd al-Aahman b, :Au0 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is no transiti-e disease2 but he is also re1orted to ha-e said: A si/6 1erson should not be ta6en to one who is health", Abu Salama said that Abu Huraira used to narrate these two (di00erent ahadith) 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 but a0terwards Abu Huraira be/ame silent on these words:C There is no transiti-e disease2C but he stu/6 to this that the si/6 1erson should not be ta6en to one who is health", Harith b, Abu 9hubab (and he was the 0irst /ousin o0 Abu Huraira) said: Abu Huraira2 I used to hear 0rom "ou that "ou narrated to us alon. with this hadith and the other one also (there is no transiti-e disease)2 but now "ou obser-e silen/e about it, Kou used to sa" that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There is no transiti-e disease, Abu Huraira denied ha-in. an" 6nowled.e o0 that2 but he said that the si/6 /amel should not be ta6en to the health" one, Harith2 howe-er2 did not a.ree with him2 whi/h irritated Abu Huraira and he said to him some words in the Ab"ssinian, He said to Harith: 9o "ou 6now what I said to "ouD He said: !o, Abu Huraira said: I sim1l" denied ha-in. said it, Abu Salama sad: 7" m" li0e2 Abu Huraira in 0a/t used to re1ort Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: There is no transiti-e disease, I do not 6now whether Abu Huraira has 0or.otten it or he deemed it an abro.ated statement in the o0 the other one,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++$$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is no transiti-e disease and he also re1orted alon. with it: The ill should not be ta6en to the health",

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++$2:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++$4:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is no transiti-e disease2 no huma2 no star 1romisin. rain2 no sa0ar,

$4)+ & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++$*:

Fabir re1orted Allal:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is no transiti-e disease2 no ill omen2 no .houl,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++$+:

Fabir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is no transiti-e disease2 no .houl2 no sa0ar,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++$):

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is no transiti-e disease2 no sa0ar2 no .houl, He (the narrator) said: I heard Abu Gubair sa": Fabir e51lained 0or them the word sa0ar, Abu Gubair said: sa0ar means bell", It was said to Fabir: ?h" is it soD He said that it was held that sa0ar im1lied the worms o0 the bell"2 but he .a-e no e51lanation o0 .houl, Abu Gubair said: Hhoul is that whi/h 6ills the tra-ellers,

'ha1ter 42: 3men2 di-ination and that whi/h is unlu/6"

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++$%:
Abu Huraira re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is no di-ination but the best t"1e is the .ood omen, It was said to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): ?hat is .ood omenD Thereu1on he said: A .ood word whi/h one o0 "ou hears,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++$#:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++$;:

Anas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is no transiti-e disease2 no di-ination2 but .ood omen 1leases me2 i, e, the .ood word or a .ood word,

$4)) & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++2 :

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is no transiti-e disease2 no di-ination2 but .ood omen 1leases me, It was said: ?hat is .ood omenD He said: Sa/red words,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++2$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is no transiti-e disease2 no di-ination2 but I li6e .ood words,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++22:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is no transiti-e disease2 no hama2 no di-ination2 but I li6e .ood omen,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++24:

:Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 there be bad lu/62 it is in the house2 and the wi0e2 and the horse,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++2*:

:Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in., There is no transiti-e disease2 no ill omen2 and bad lu/6 is lound in the house2 or wi0e or horse,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++2+:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Guhri with other /hains o0 transmitters but with -ariations o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++2):

:Umar b, Muhammad b, Gaid re1orted that he heard his 0ather narratin. 0rom Ibn :Umar that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said, I0 bad lu/6 is a 0a/t2 then it is in the horse2 the woman and the house,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++2%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters but there is no mention o0 the wordC HaqqCC (0a/t),

$4)% & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++2#:

:Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 there is bad lu/6 in an"thin.2 it is the horse2 the abode and the woman,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++2;:

Sahl b, Sa:d re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 bad lu/6 were to be in an"thin.2 it is 0ound in the woman2 the horse and the abode,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++4 :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sahl b, Sa:d with a di0terent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++4$:

Fabir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 bad lu/6 were to be in an"thin.2 it is 0ound in the land2 in the ser-ant and in the horse,

'ha1ter 44: >ahanat (di-ination) is 1rohibited and it is 0orbidden to .o to the >ahin

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++42:
Mu:awi"a b, al-Ha6am as-Sulami re1orted: I said: o0 Allah2 there were thin.s we used to do in the 1re-Islami/ da"s, ?e used to -isit >ahins2 whereu1on he said: 9on:t -isit >ahins, I said: ?e used to ta6e omens, He said: That is a sort o0 1ersonal whim o0 "ours2 so let it not 1re-ent "ou (0rom doin. a thin.),

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++44:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Guhri with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++4*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Mu:awi"a b, Ha6am as-Sulami throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters, The hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Kah"a b, Abu >athir (there is an addition o0 these words): I said: Amon. us there are men who draw lines and thus ma6e di-ination,

$4)# & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

?hat about thisD Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: There was a @ro1het who drew lines2 so whose lines a.ree with his line 0or him it is allowable,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++4+:

:A:isha re1orted: I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 the 6ahins used to tell us about thin.s (unseen) and we 0ound them to be true, Thereu1on he said: That is a word 1ertainin. to truth whi/h a jinn snat/hes and throws into the ear o0 his 0riend2 and ma6es an addition o0 one hundred lies to it,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++4):

:Urwa re1orted 0rom :A:isha that she said that 1eo1le as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about the 6ahins, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to them: It is nothin. (i, e, it is a mere su1erstition), The" said: Allah:s Messen.er2 the" at times narrate to us thin.s whi/h we 0ind true, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: That is a word 1ertainin. to truth whi/h a jinn snat/hes awa" and then /a/6les into the ear o0 his 0riend as the hen does, And then the" mi5 in it more than one hundred lies,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++4%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++4#:

:Abdullah, Ibn :Abbas re1orted: A 1erson 0rom the Ansar who was the 'om1anions o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re1orted to me: As we were sittin. durin. the with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 a meteor shot .a-e a da88lin., Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hat did "ou sa" in the 1re-Islami/ da"s when there was su/h a shot (o0 meteor)D The" said: Allah and His 6now best (the a/tual 1osition)2 but we2 howe-er2 used to sa" that that -er" a .reat man had been born and a .reat man had died2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (These meteors) are shot neither at the death o0 an"one nor on the birth o0 an"one, Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 issues 'ommand when He de/ides to do a thin., Then (the An.els) su11ortin. the Throne sin. His .lor"2 then sin. the dwellers o0 hea-en who are near to them until this .lor" o0 Hod rea/hes them who are in the hea-en o0 this world, Then those who are near the su11orters o0 the Throne as6 these su11orters o0 the Throne: ?hat "our Lord has saidD And the" a//ordin.l" in0orm them what He sa"s, Then the dwellers o0 hea-en see6 in0ormation 0rom them until this in0ormation rea/hes the hea-en o0 the world, In this 1ro/ess o0 transmission (the jinn snat/hes) what he to o-erhear and he /arries it to his 0riends, And when the An.els see the jinn the" atta/6 them with meteors, I0 the" narrate onl" whi/h the" mana.e to snat/h that is /orre/t but the" allo" it with lies and ma6e additions to it,

$4); & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++4;:

The hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri throu.h the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++* :

Sa0i""a re1orted 0rom some o0 the wi-es o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: He who -isits a di-ner (:Arra0) and as6s him about an"thin.2 his 1ra"ers e5tendin. to 0ort" ni.hts will not be a//e1ted,

'ha1ter 4*: It is ad-isable to a-oid mi5in. with the le1er

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++*$:
:Amr b, Sharid re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that there was in the dele.ation o0 Thaqi0 a le1er, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent a messa.e to him: ?e ha-e a//e1ted "our alle.ian/e2 so "ou ma" .o,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++*2:

:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded the 6illin. o0 a sna6e ha-in. stri1es o-er it2 0or it a00e/ts e" and mis/arries 1re.nan/",

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++*4:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Hisham, He said: The short-tailed sna6e and the sna6e ha-in. stri1es o-er it should be 6illed,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++**:

Salim2 on the authorit" o0 his 0ather, re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: >ill the sna6es ha-in. stri1es o-er them and short-tailed sna6es2 0or these two t"1es /ause mis/arria.e (o0 a 1re.nant woman) and the" a00e/t the e" ad-ersel", So Ibn :Umar used to 6ill e-er" sna6e that he 0ound, Abu Lubaba b, :Abd al-Mundhir and Gaid b, >hattab saw him 1ursuin. a sna6e2 whereu1on he said: The" were 0orbidden (to 6ill) those sna6es who li-e in houses,

$4% & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++*+:

Ibn :Umar re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommandin. the 6illin. o0 do.s and the 6illin. o0 the stri1ed and the short-tailed sna6es2 0or both o0 them a00e/t the e" ad-ersel" and /ause mis/arria.e, Guhri said: ?e o0 their 1oison (the 1erni/ious e00e/ts o0 these two), Allah2 howe-er2 6nows best, :Abdullah b, :Umar said: I did not s1are an" sna6e, I rather 6illed e-er"one that I saw, 3ne da" as I was 1ursuin. a sna6e 0rom the sna6es o0 the house2 Gaid b, >hattab or Abu Lubaba ha11ened to 1ass b" me and 0ound me 1ursuin. it, He said: :Abdullah2 wait, I said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded (us) to 6ill them2 whereu1on he said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the 6illin. o0 the sna6es o0 the houses, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++*):

!a0i: re1orted that Abu Lubaba tal6ed to Ibn :Umar to o1en a door in his house whi/h would brin. them nearer to the mosque and the" 0ound a 0resh slou.h o0 the sna6e2 whereu1on :Abdullah said: =ind it out and 6ill it, Abu Lubaba said: 9on:t 6ill them2 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the 6illin. o0 the sna6es 0ound in houses,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++*%:

!a0i: re1orted that Ibn :Urnar used to 6ill all t"1es o0 sna6es until Abu Lubaba b, :Abd al-Mundhir 7adri re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0orbidden the 6illin. o0 the sna6es o0 the houses2 and so he abstained 0rom it,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++*#:

!a0i: re1orted that he heard Abu Lubaba in0ormin. Ibn :Umar that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0orbidden the 6illin. o0 domesti/ sna6es,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++*;:

:Abdullah re1orted that Abu Lubaba had in0ormed him that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0orbidden the 6illin. o0 the sna6es 0ound in the house,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +++ :

!a0i: re1orted that Abu Lubaba b, :Abd al-Mundhir al-Ansari (0irst) li-ed in Euba, He then shi0ted to Medina and as he was in the /om1an" o0 :Abdullah b, :Umar o1enin. a window 0or him2 he suddenl" saw a sna6e in the house, The" (the inmates o0 the house) attem1ted to 6ill that, Thereu1on
$4%$ & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

Abu Lubaba said: The" had been 0orbidden to ma6e an attem1t to 6ill house sna6es and the" had been /ommanded to 6ill the sna6es ha-in. small tails2 small sna6es and those ha-in. strea6s o-er them2 and it was said: 7oth o0 them a00e/t the e"es and /ause mis/arria.e to women,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +++$:

!a0i: re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that as :Abdullah b, :Umar saw one da" (standin.) near the ruin (o0 his house) the slou.h o0 a sna6e and said (to the 1eo1le around him): @ursue this sna6e and 6ill it, Abu Lubaba Ansari said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He 0orbade the 6illin. o0 sna6es 0ound in the houses e5/e1t the short-tailed sna6es and those ha-in. strea6s u1on them2 0or both o0 them obliterate e" and a00e/t that whi/h is in the wombs o0 (1re.nant) women,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +++2:

!a0i: re1orted that Abu Lubaba ha11ened to 1ass b" Ibn :Umar who li-ed in the 0orti0ied 1la/e near the house o0 :Umar b, >hattab and was bus" in 6ee1in. his e"es u1on a sna6e and 6illin. it2 the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +++4:

:Abdullah re1orted: ?e were with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in a /a-e when there was re-ealed to him (the Sura al-Mursalat2 i, e, Sura l55-ii,:C 7" those sent 0orth to s1read .oodnessC ) and we had just heard (it) 0rom his li1s that there a11eared be0ore us a sna6e, He said: >ill it, ?e hastened to 6ill it2 but it sli11ed awa" 0rom us2 thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah sa-ed it 0rom "our harm just as he sa-ed "ou 0rom its e-il,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +++*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 al-A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++++:

:Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded a Muhrim (one who is in the state o0 1il.rima.e) to 6ill the sna6e at Mina,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +++):

:Abdullah re1orted: ?hile we were with the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the /a-e2 the rest o0 the hadith is the same as the one narrated abo-e,

$4%2 & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber +++%:

Abu as-Sa:ib2 the 0reed sla-ed o0 Hisham b, Guhra2 said that he -isited Abu Sa:id >hudri in his house2 (and he 0urther) said: I 0ound him sa"in. his 1ra"er2 so I sat down waitin. 0or him to 0inish his 1ra"er when I heard a stir in the bundles (o0 wood) l"in. in a /omer o0 the house, I loo6ed towards it and 0ound a sna6e, I jum1ed u1 in order to 6ill it2 but he (Abu Sa:id >hudri) made a .esture that I should sit down, So I sat down and as he 0inished (the 1ra"er) he 1ointed to a room in the house and said: 9o "ou see this roomD I said: Kes, He said: There was a "oun. man us who had been newl" wedded, ?e went with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (to 1arti/i1ate in the 7attle) o0 Tren/h when a "oun. man in the midda" used to see6 1ermission 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to return to his 0amil", 3ne da" he 1ermission 0rom him and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (a0ter .rantin. him the 1ermission) said to him: 'arr" "our wea1ons with "ou 0or I 0ear the tribe o0 Eurai8a (ma" harm "ou), The man /arried the wea1ons and then /ame ba/6 and 0ound his wi0e standin. between the two doors, He bent towards her smitten b" jealous" and made a dash towards her with a s1ear in order to stab her, She said: >ee1 "our s1ear awa" and enter the house until "ou see that whi/h has made me /ome out, He entered and 0ound a bi. sna6e /oiled on the beddin., He darted with the s1ear and 1ier/ed it and then went out ha-in. 0i5ed it in the house2 but the sna6e qui-ered and atta/6ed him and no one 6new whi/h o0 them died 0irst2 the sna6e or the "oun. man, ?e /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and made a mention to him and said: Su11li/ate to Allah that that (man) ma" be ba/6 to li0e, Thereu1on he said: As6 0or.i-eness 0or "our /om1anion and then said: There are in Medina jinns who ha-e a//e1ted Islam2 so when "ou see an" one o0 them2 1ronoun/e a warnin. to it 0or three da"s2 and i0 the" a11ear be0ore "ou a0ter that2 then 6ill it 0or that is a de-il,

7oo6 2)2 !umber +++#:

Asma: b, :Ubaid re1orted about a 1erson who was /alled as-Sa:ib ha-in. said: ?e -isited Abu Sa:id >hudri, ?hen we had been sittin. (with him) we heard a stir under his bed, ?hen we loo6ed we 0ound a bi. sna6e2 the rest o0 the hadith is the same, And in this Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is re1orted to ha-e said: <eril" in these houses there li-e a.ed (sna6es)2 so when "ou see one o0 them2 ma6e li0e hard 0or it 0or three da"s2 and i0 it .oes awa" (well and .ood)2 otherwise 6ill it 0or (in that /ase) it would be a nonbelie-er, And he (the Hol" @ro1het) said (to his 'om1anions): Ho and bur" "our /om1anion (who had died b" the sna6e bite),

7oo6 2)2 !umber +++;:

Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted Allah:s ha-in. said: There is a .rou1 o0 jinns in Medina who a//e1ted Islam2 so he who would see an"thin. 0rom these o//u1ants should warn him three timesB and i0 he a11ears a0ter that2 he should 6ill him 0or he is a satan,

$4%4 & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

'ha1ter 4+: The desirabilit" o0 6illin. a .e/6o (house li8ard)

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++) :
Umm Shari6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded her to 6ill .e/6os, This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Abi Shaiba with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++)$:

Umm Shari6 re1orted that she /onsulted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in re.ard to 6illin. o0 .e/6os2 and he /ommanded to 6ill them and Umm Shari6 is one o0 the women o0 7ani :Amir b, Luwa"", This hadith has been re1orted throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters with the same meanin.,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++)2:

:Amir b, Sa:d re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded the 6illin. o0 .e/6os2 and he /alled them little no5ious /reatures,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++)4:

:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said about the .e/6o as a no5ious /reatureC, Harmala made this addition that she said: I did not hear that he had /ommanded to 6ill them,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++)*:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who 6illed a .e/6o with the 0irst stro6e 0or him is su/h and su/h a reward2 and he who 6illed it with a se/ond stro6e 0or him is su/h and su/h reward less than the 0irst one2 and he who 6illed it with the third stro6e 0or him is su/h and su/h a reward less than the se/ond one,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++)+:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are): - He who 6illed a .e/6o with the 0irst stro6e 0or him are ordained one hundred -irtues2 and with the se/ond one less than that and with the third one less than that,

$4%* & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++)):

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. (that he who 6ills a .e/6o) with the 0irst stro6e there are se-ent" rewards 0or him,

'ha1ter 4): @rohibition-o0 6illin. the ants

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++)%:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: An ant had bitten a @ro1het (one the earlier @ro1hets) and he ordered that the /olon" o0 the ants should be burnt, And Allah re-ealed to him:C 7e/ause o0 an ant:s bite "ou ha-e burnt a /ommunit" 0rom the /ommunities whi/h sin.s M" .lor",C

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++)#:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: An A1ostle 0rom the A1ostles o0 Allah en/am1ed under a tree2 and an ant bit him2 and he /ommanded his to be remo-ed 0rom underneath the tree, He then /ommanded and it was burnt2 and Allah re-ealed to bin):C ?h" one ant (whi/h had bitten "ou) was not 6illedDC

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++);:

Abu Huraira re1orted so man" ahadith and one o0 them was this that Allah: (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an A1ostle 0rom the A1ostles o0 Allah /ame to sit under a tree an ant bit him, He /ommanded his lu..a.e to be remo-ed 0rom under the tree and he /ommanded it to be burnt in the 0ire and Allah re-ealed to him:C ?h" one ant (whi/h had bitten "ou) was not 6illed (and wh" did "ou burn the others)D

'ha1ter 4%: It is 0orbidden to 6ill the /at

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++% :
!a0i: re1orted 0rom :Abdullah that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A woman was 1unished be/ause she had 6e1t a /at tied until it died2 and (as a 1unishment o0 this o00en/e) she was thrown into the Hell, She had not 1ro-ided it with 0ood2 or drin62 and had not 0reed her so that she /ould eat the inse/ts o0 the earth,

$4%+ & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++%$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++%2:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar also,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++%4:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A woman was 1unished be/ause o0 a /at, She had neither 1ro-ided her with 0ood nor drin62 nor set her 0ree so that she eat the inse/ts o0 the earth,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++%*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++%+:

Abu Huraira re1orted this hadith throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++%):

Hammam b, Manabbih re1orted this hadith on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira,

'ha1ter 4#: The merit o0 su11l"in. water and 0ood to animals

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++%%:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.s: A 1erson su00ered 0rom intense thirst while on a journe"2 when he 0ound a well, He /limbed down into it and dran6 (water) and then /ame out and saw a do. lollin. its ton.ue on a//ount o0 thirst and eatin. the moistened earth, The 1erson said: This do. has su00ered 0rom thirst as I had su00ered 0rom it, He /limbed down into the well2 0illed his shoe with water2 then / it in his mouth until he /limbed u1 and made the do. drin6 it, So Allah a11re/iated this a/t o0 his and 1ardoned him, Then (the 'om1anions

$4%) & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

around him) said: Allah:s Messen.er2 is there 0or us a reward e-en 0or (ser-in.) su/h animalsD He said: Kes2 there is a reward 0or ser-i/e to e-er" li-in. animal,

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++%#:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1a/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A 1rostitute saw a do. mo-in. around a well on a hot da" and out its ton.ue be/ause o0 thirst, She drew water 0or it in her shoe and she was 1ardoned (0or this a/t o0 hers),

7oo6 2)2 !umber ++%;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There was a do. mo-in. around a well whom thirst would ha-e 6illed, Suddenl" a 1rostitute 0rom the 1rostitutes o0 7ani Isra:il ha11ened to see it and she drew water in her shoe and made it drin62 and she was 1ardoned be/ause o0 this,

$4%% & $#


733> 2): TH( 733> 3! SALUTATI3!S A!9 HA((TI!HS (>ITA7 AS-SALAM)

'3AA('T ?3A9S (>ITA7 ALAL=AG MI! AL-A9A7 ?A HHAIAIHA) 733> 2%: TH( 733> '3!'(A!I!H TH( US( 3=

$4%# & $#


733> 2%: TH( 733> '3!'(A!I!H TH( US( 3= '3AA('T ?3A9S (>ITA7 AL-AL=AG MI! AL-A9A7 ?A HHAIAIHA)

'ha1ter $: @rohibition o0 abusin. time (dahr)

7oo6 2%2 !umber ++# :
Abu Huraira re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 said: The son o0 Adam abuses 9ahr (the time)2 whereas I am 9ahr sin/e in M" hand are the da" and the,

7oo6 2%2 !umber ++#$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 said: The son o0 Adam dis1leases Me b" abusin. 9ahr (time)2 whereas I am 9ahr--I alternate the and the da",

7oo6 2%2 !umber ++#2:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 said: The son o0 Adam /auses Me 1ain as he sa"s: ?oe be u1on the Time, !one o0 "ou should sa" this: ?oe be u1on the Time2 as I am the Time (be/ause) I alternate the da" and the ni.ht2 and when I wish I /an 0inish them u1,

7oo6 2%2 !umber ++#4:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !one o0 "ou should sa": ?oe be u1on the Time2 0or -eril" Allah is the Time,

7oo6 2%2 !umber ++#*:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not abuse Time2 0or it is Allah ?ho is the Time,

'ha1ter 2: 9isa11ro-al o0 namin. the -ine as a 6arm

7oo6 2%2 !umber ++#+:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !one o0 "ou should abuse Time 0or it is Allah ?ho is the Time2 and none o0 "ou should /all :Inab (.ra1e) as al-6arm2 0or 6arm is a Muslim 1erson,

$4%; & $#


733> 2%: TH( 733> '3!'(A!I!H TH( US( 3= '3AA('T ?3A9S (>ITA7 AL-AL=AG MI! AL-A9A7 ?A HHAIAIHA)

7oo6 2%2 !umber ++#):

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not use the word 6arm (0or wine) 0or worth" o0 res1e/t is the heart o0 a belie-er,

7oo6 2%2 !umber ++#%:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not name .ra1e as 6arm2 0or worth" o0 res1e/t is a Muslim,

7oo6 2%2 !umber ++##:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !one o0 "ou should use the word al-harin (0or .ra1e) 0or the heart o0 a belie-er is 6arm (worth" o0 res1e/t),

7oo6 2%2 !umber ++#;:

Abu Huraira re1orted 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -arious ahadith2 one o0 whi/h is this that he said: !one o0 "ou should use the word al-6arm 0or :Inab2 0or 6arm (worth" o0 res1e/t) is a Muslim 1erson,

7oo6 2%2 !umber ++; :

:Alqama b, ?a:il re1orted2 0rom his 0ather2 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: 9o not sa" al-6arm (0or the word -ine) but sa" al-habala (that is .ra1e), This hadith has been re1orted b" Alqama b, ?a:il on the authorit" o0 his 0ather with a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters and with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter 4: The 1ro1er use o0 the words: bondman2 sla-e-.irl2 al-maula and as-sa""id
7oo6 2%2 !umber ++;$:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !one o0 "ou should sa": M" bondman and m" sla-e-.irl2 0or all o0 "ou are the bondmen o0 Allah2 and all "our women are the sla-e-.irls o0 AllahB but sa": M" ser-ant2 m" .irl2 and m" "oun. man and m" "oun. .irl,

$4# & $#


733> 2%: TH( 733> '3!'(A!I!H TH( US( 3= '3AA('T ?3A9S (>ITA7 AL-AL=AG MI! AL-A9A7 ?A HHAIAIHA)

7oo6 2%2 !umber ++;2:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !one o0 "ou should sa": M" bondman2 0or all o0 "ou are the bondmen o0 Allah2 but sa": M" "oun. man2 and the ser-ant should not sa": M" Lord2 but should sa": M" /hie0,

7oo6 2%2 !umber ++;4:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 al-A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 and the words are that the ser-ant should not sa" to his /hie0: M" Lord2 and Abu Mu:awi"a made an addition:C =or it is Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 ?ho is "our Lord,C

7oo6 2%2 !umber ++;*:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) so man" ahadith and one o0 them is this that Allah:s Messenaer (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !one o0 "ou should sa": Su11l" drin6 to "our lord2 0eed "our lord2 hell) "our lord in 1er0ormin. ablution2 and none o0 "ou should sa": M" Lord, He should sa": M" /hie02 m" 1atronB and none o0 "ou should sa": M" bondman2 m" sla-e-.irl2 but sim1l" sa": M" bo"2 m" .irl2 m" ser-ant,

'ha1ter *: 9isa11ro-al o0 usin. the 1hrase: CM" soul has be/ome e-ilC
7oo6 2%2 !umber ++;+:
:A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: !one o0 "ou should sa":C M" soul has be/ome e-il2C but he should sa":C M" soul has be/ome remorseless,C This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ab0l 7a6r with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2%2 !umber ++;):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abia Mu:iwi"a with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2%2 !umber ++;%:

Abu Umama b, Sahl b, Hunai02 on the authorit" o0 his 0ather2 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !one o0 "ou should sa":C M" soul has be/ome e-il2C but he should sa":C M" soul has be/ome remorseless,C

$4#$ & $#


733> 2%: TH( 733> '3!'(A!I!H TH( US( 3= '3AA('T ?3A9S (>ITA7 AL-AL=AG MI! AL-A9A7 ?A HHAIAIHA)

'ha1ter +: The use o0 mus6 and that is the best s/ent2 and the disa11ro-al o0 reje/tin. the .i0t o0 s/ent and 0lower
7oo6 2%2 !umber ++;#:
Abd Sa:id >hudri re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There was a woman 0rom 7ani Isra:il who was short-statured and she wal6ed in the /om1an" o0 two tall women with wooden sandals in her 0eet and a rin. o0 .old made o0 1lates with mus6 0illed in them and then loo6ed u12 and mus6 is the best o0 s/entsB then she wal6ed between two women and the" (the 1eo1le) did not re/o.nise her2 and she made a .esture with her hand li6e this2 and Shu:ba shoo6 his hand in order to .i-e an indi/ation how she shoo6 her hand,

7oo6 2%2 !umber ++;;:

Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made a mention o0 a woman o0 7ana Isra:il who had 0illed her rin. with mus6 and mus6 is the most 0ra.rant o0 the s/ents,

7oo6 2%2 !umber +)

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who is 1resented with a 0lower should not reje/t it2 0or it is to /arr" and 1leasant in odour,

7oo6 2%2 !umber +) $:

!a0i: re1orted that when Ibn Umar wanted 0umi.ation he .ot it 0rom aloeswood without mi5in. an"thin. with it2 or he 1ut /am1hor alon. with aloeswood and then said: This is how Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0umi.ated,

$4#2 & $#


733> 2%: TH( 733> '3!'(A!I!H TH( US( 3= '3AA('T ?3A9S (>ITA7 AL-AL=AG MI! AL-A9A7 ?A HHAIAIHA)

733> 2#: TH( 733> 3= @3(TAK (>ITA7 AL-SHJIA)

$4#4 & $#


733> 2#: TH( 733> 3= @3(TAK (>ITA7 AL-SHJIA)

'ha1ter $:
7oo6 2#2 !umber +) 2:
:Amr b, Sharid re1orted his 0ather as sa"in.: 3ne da" when I rode ehind Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 he said (to me): 9o "ou remember an" @oetr" o0 Uma""a b, Abu Salt, I said: Kes, He said: Then .o on, I re/ited a /ou1let2 and he said: Ho on, Then I a.ain re/ited a /ou1let and he said: Ho on, I re/ited one hundred /ou1lets (o0 his 1oetr"), This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Sharid throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 2#2 !umber +) 4:

:Amr b, Sharid re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed him to re/ite 1oetr-2 the rest o0 the hadith is the same2 out with this addition:C He (that is Uma""a b, Abu Sharid was about to be/ome a muslim and in the hadith transmitted on the authorit"2 o0 Ibn Mahdi (the words are)C He was almost a Muslim in his 1oetr",C

7oo6 2#2 !umber +) *:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The truest word s1o6en b" an Arab (1re-Islami/) in 1oetr" is this -erse o0 Labid:C 7eholdL a1art 0rom Allah e-er"thin. is -ain,C

7oo6 2#2 !umber +) +:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The truest word uttered b" a 1oet is this -erse o0 Labid:C 7eholdL a1art 0rom Allah e-er"thin. is -ain2C and Uma""a b, Abu Salt was almost a Muslim,

7oo6 2#2 !umber +) ):

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The truest -erse re/ited b" a 1oet is: 7elioldL a1art 0rom Allah e-er"thin. is -ain2C and Ibn Abu Salt was almost a Muslim,

7oo6 2#2 !umber +) %:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The truest /ou1let re/ited b" a 1oet is:C 7eholdL a1art 0rom Allah e-er"thin. is -ain2C and he made no addition to it,

$4#* & $#


733> 2#: TH( 733> 3= @3(TAK (>ITA7 AL-SHJIA)

7oo6 2#2 !umber +) #:

Abu Huraira re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The truest word whi/h the 1oet stated is the word o0 Labid:C 7eholdL a1art 0rom Allah e-er"thin. is -ain,C

7oo6 2#2 !umber +) ;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be o1on him) as sa"in.: It is better 0or a man:s bell" to be stu00ld with 1us whi/h /orrodes it than to stu00) one:s mind with 0ri-olous 1oetr", Abd 7a6r has re1orted it with a -ariation 30 wordin.,

7oo6 2#2 !umber +)$ :

Sa:d re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is better 0or the bell" o0 an" one o0 "ou to be stu00ed with 1us rather than to stu00 (one:s mind) with 1oetr",

7oo6 2#2 !umber +)$$:

Abu SaJid >hudri re1orted: ?e were .oin. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), As we rea/hed the 1la/e (6nown as) Arj there met (us) a 1oet who had been re/itin. 1oetr", Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 'at/h the satan or detain the satan2 0or 0illin. the bell" o0 a man with 1us is bettin. than stu00in. his brain with 1oetr",

'ha1ter 2: It is 1rohibited to 1la" /hess

7oo6 2#2 !umber +)$2:
7uraida re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who 1la"ed /hess is li6e one who d"ed his hand with the 0lesh and blood o0 swine,

$4#+ & $#


733> 2#: TH( 733> 3= @3(TAK (>ITA7 AL-SHJIA)

733> 2;: TH( 733> 3= <ISI3! (>ITA7 AL-AUKA)

$4#) & $#


733> 2;: TH( 733> 3= <ISI3! (>ITA7 AL-AUKA)

'ha1ter $:
7oo6 2;2 !umber +)$4:
Abu Salama re1orted: I used to see dreams (and was so mu/h 1erturbed) that I to qui-er and ha-e tem1erature2 but did not /o-er m"sel0 with a mantle, I met Abu Eatada and made a mention o0 that to him, He said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A .ood -ision /omes 0rom Allah and a (bad) dream (hulm) 0rom de-il, So when one o0 "ou sees a bad dream (hulm) whi/h he does not li6e2 he should s1it on his le0t side thri/e and see6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom its e-ilB then it will not harm him,

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)$*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Eatada2 but there is no mention o0 the words o0 Abu Salama:C I saw dreams (whi/h 1erturbed me) but I did not /o-er m"sel0 with a mantle,C

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)$+:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but it does not /ontain the words:C I 0elt disturbed be/ause o0 that2C and there is an addition o0 these words in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Kunus:C Then s1it thri/e on the le0t side when "ou .et u1 0rom slee1,C

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)$):

Abu Eatada re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A .ood -ision is 0rom Allah and a bad dream (hulm) is 0rom the satanB so i0 one o0 "ou sees an"thin. (in a dream whi/h he disli6es2 he should s1it on his le0t side thri/e and see6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom its e-il2 and then it will ne-er harm him, Abu Salama said: I used to see dreams wei.hin. more hea-il" u1on me than a mountainB but sin/e I heard this hadith I don:t /are 0or it (its burden),

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)$%:

Abu Salama re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I used to see dreams2 but the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Laith b, !u:man2 the words o0 Abu Salama at the /on/ludin. 1art o0 the hadith are not mentioned, Ibn Aumh has re1orted in the hadith:C He (one who slee1s) should /han.e the side on whi/h he had been l"in. be0ore,C

$4#% & $#


733> 2;: TH( 733> 3= <ISI3! (>ITA7 AL-AUKA)

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)$#:

Abu Eatada re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The .ood -ision are 0rom Allah and the e-il dreams are 0rom the satan, I0 one sees a dream whi/h one does not li6e2 one should s1it on one:s le0t side and see6 the re0u.e o0 Allah 0rom the satanB it will not do one an" harm2 and one should not dis/lose it to an"one and i0 one sees a .ood -ision one should 0eel 1leased but should not dis/lose it to an"one but whom one lo-es,

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)$;:

Abu Salama re1lied: I used to see (su/h horrible dreams) that I 0ell ill, I saw Abu Eatada who also said: I used to see dreams whi/h made me si/6 until I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Hood dreams are 0rom Allah2 so i0 an" one o0 "ou sees whi/h he li6es he should not dis/lose it to one but whow he lo-es2 but i0 he sees somethin. whi/h he does not li6e he should s1it on his le0t side thri/e and see6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom the mis/hie0 o0 the satan and its mis/hie0 (i, e, o0 the dream)2 and he should not relate it to an"one2 then it would not harm him,

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)2 :

Fabir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 an"one sees a dream whi/h he does not li6e2 lie should s1it on his le0t side,

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)2$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen the time draws near (when the Aesurre/tion is near) a belie-er:s dream /an hardl" be 0alse, And the truest -ision will be o0 one who is himsel0 the most truth0ul in s1ee/h2 0or the -ision o0 a Muslim is the 0ort"0i0th 1art o0 @ro1he/"2 and dreams are o0 three t"1es: one .ood dream whi/h is a sort o0 .ood tidin.s 0rom AllahB the e-il dream whi/h /auses 1ain is 0rom the satanB and the third one is a su..estion o0 one:s own mindB so i0 an" one o0 "ou sees a dream whi/h he does not li6e he should stand ti1 and o00er 1ra"er and he should not relate it to 1eo1le2 and he said: I would lo-e to see 0etters (in the dream)2 but I disli6e wearin. o0 ne/6la/e2 0or the 0etters is (an indi/ation o0) one:s stead0astness in reli.ion, The narrator said: I do not 6now whether this is a 1art o0 the hadith or the words o0 Ibn Sirin,

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)22:

Abu Huraira re1orted: I lo-e to see 0etters but I hate ne/6la/e (in a dream)2 0or 0etters si.ni0ies one:s stead0astness in reli.ion2 and he also re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The -ision o0 a belie-er is 0ort"-si5th 1art o0 @ro1he/",

$4## & $#


733> 2;: TH( 733> 3= <ISI3! (>ITA7 AL-AUKA)

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)24:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira and the words are:C ?hen the time draws near2C the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)2*:

Muhammad b, Sirin re1orted 0rom Abu Huraira a hadith 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he mentioned in his hadith his words:C I disli6e sha/6les2C u1 to the end o0 his statement2 but he made no mention o0 this:C A -ision is a 0ort"-si5th 1art o0 @ro1he/",C

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)2+:

Ubida b, as-Samit re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The -ision o0 a belie-er is the 0ort"-si5th 1art o0 @ro1he/",

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)2):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)2%:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: <eril" the -ision o0 a belie-er is one o0 the 0ort"-si5th 1art o0 @ro1he/",

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)2#:

Allah:s (ma" 1ea/eB be u1on him) said: The -ision o0 a Muslim whi/h he sees or whi/h is shown to him2 and in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Alushir (the words are):C The 1ious dream is the 0ort"-si5th 1art o0 @ro1he/",C

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)2;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The -ision E0 a 1ious man is the 0ort"-si5th 1art o0 @ro1he/",

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)4 :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Kah"i b, Abu >athir with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

$4#; & $#


733> 2;: TH( 733> 3= <ISI3! (>ITA7 AL-AUKA)

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)4$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huiaira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)42:

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The 1ious dreams are the se-entieth 1art o0 @ro1he/",

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)44:

This hadith has been re1orted on tile authorit" o0 :Ubaidullah with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)4*:

A hadith li6e this has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 !a0i: with the same /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are):C I thin6 Ibn :Uniar said: The se-entieth 1art 0rom @ro1he/",C

'ha1ter 2: The sa"in. o0 the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): he who sees me in a dream in 0a/t sees me
boo6 2;2 number +)4+:
abu huraira re1orted allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: he who saw me in a dream in 0a/t saw me2 0or the satan does not a11ear in m" 0orm,

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)4):

Abu Huraira re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who saw me in a dream would soon see me in the state o0 wa6e0ulness2 or as i0 he saw me in a state o0 wa6e0ulness2 0or the satan does not a11ear in m" 0orm,

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)4%:

Abu Eatada re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who saw me in dream in 0a/t saw the truth (what is true),

$4; & $#


733> 2;: TH( 733> 3= <ISI3! (>ITA7 AL-AUKA)

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)4#:

Fabir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who saw me in slee1 in 0a/t saw me2 0or it is not 1ossible 0or the satan to a11ear in m" 0ormB and he also said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou sees a hulm he should not in0orm an"one2 0or it is a sort o0 -ain s1ort o0 de-il in the state o0 slee1,

'ha1ter 4: 9o not in0orm the -ain s1ort o0 de-il in a dream

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)4;:
Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who saw me in a dream in 0a/t saw me2 0or the satan /annot assume m" 0orm,

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)* :

Fabir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There /ame to him (the Hol" @ro1het) a desert Arab and said: I saw in a dream that I had been beheaded and I had been 0ollowin. it (the se-ered head), Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re1rimanded him sa"in.: 9o not in0orm about the -ain s1ortin. o0 de-il with "ou durin. the,

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)*$:

Fabir re1orted that there /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a desert Arab and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I saw in the state o0 stee1 as i0 m" head had been /ut o00 and I had been mo-in. on haltin.l" a0ter it, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to that desert Arab: 9o not narrate to the 1eo1le the -ain s1ortin. o0 satan with "ou in "our slee1 and (the narrator) also said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in his subsequent address: !one "ou should narrate the -ain s1ortin. o0 de-il with him in the dream,

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)*2:

Fabir re1orted that a:1erson /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I ha-e seen in the state o0 slee1 as i0 m" head had been /ut o00, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) lau.hed and said: ?hen the satan 1la"s with an" one o0 "ou in the state o0 stee12 do not inention it to the 1eo1leB and in the hadith transmitted b" Abu 7a6r (the words are):C I0 one o0 "ou is 1la"ed with2 and he did not ma6e an" mention o0 the word:C Satan,C

$4;$ & $#


733> 2;: TH( 733> 3= <ISI3! (>ITA7 AL-AUKA)

'ha1ter *: @ertainin. to the inter1retation o0 dreams

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)*4:
It is re1orted eith0r on the authorit" o0 Ibn Abbas or on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that a 1erson /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I saw while I was slee1in. durin. the (this -ision) that there was a /ano1" 0rom whi/h butter and hone" were tri/6lin. and I also saw 1eo1le /olle/tin. them in the 1alms o0 their hands2 some more2 some less2 and I also saw a ro1e /onne/tin. the earth with the s6" and I saw "ou /at/hin. hold o0 it and risin. towards the hea-enB then another 1erson a0ter "ou /at/hin. hold o0 it and risin. towards (Hea-en) B then another 1erson /at/hin. hold o0 it2 but it was bro6en while it was rejoined 0or him and he also /limbed u1, Abu 7a6r said: Allah:s Messen.er2 ma" m" 0ather be sa/ri0i/ed 0or "ou2 b" Allah2 allow me to inter1ret it, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sail: ?ell2 .i-e its inter1retation, Thereu1on Abu 7a6r said: The /ano1" si.ni0ies the /ano1" o0 Islam and that what it tri/6les out o0 it in the 0orm o0 butter and hone" is the Hol" Eur:an and its sweetness and so0tness and what the 1eo1le .et hold o0 it in their 1alms im1lies major 1ortion o0 the Eur:an or the small 1ortionB and so 0ar as the ro1e joinin. the s6" with the earth is /on/erned2 it is the Truth b" whi/h "ou stood (in the worldl" li0e) and b" whi/h Allah would raise "ou (to Hea-en), Then the 1erson a0ter "ou would ta6e hold o0 it and he would also /limb u1 with the hel1 o0 it, Then another 1erson would ta6e hold o0 it and /limb u1 with the hel1 o0 it, Then another 1erson would ta6e hold o0 it and it would be bro6enB then it would be rejoined 0or him and he would /limb u1 with the hel1 o0 it, Allah:s Messen.er2 ma" m" 0ather be ta6en as a ransom 0or "ou2 tell me whether I ha-e inter1reted it /urre/tl" or I ha-e made an error, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kou ha-e inter1reted a 1art o0 it /orre/tl" and "ou ha-e erred in inter1retin. a 1art o0 it, Thereu1on he said: Allah:s Messen.er2 b" Allah2 tell me that 1art where I ha-e /ommitted an error, Thereu1on he said: 9on:t ta6e oath,

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)**:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that there /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a 1erson as he was returnin. 0rom Uhud and lie :said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I saw in slee1 durin. the a /ano1" tri/6lin. butter and hone"B the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)*+:

It is re1orted either on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas or on that o0 Abu Huraira that a 1erson /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: <eril" I saw durin. the a /ano1"B the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

$4;2 & $#


733> 2;: TH( 733> 3= <ISI3! (>ITA7 AL-AUKA)

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)*):

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to sa" to his 'om1anions: He who "ou sees a -ision should narrate it and I would inter1ret it 0or him2 and a 1erson /ame and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I saw a /ano1", The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

'ha1ter +: The -ision o0 the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)
7oo6 2;2 !umber +)*%:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I saw durin. the that whi/h a 1erson sees durin. the slee1 as i0 we are in the house o0 :Uqba b, Aa0i: that there was to us the 0resh dates o0 Ibn Tab, I inter1reted it as the sublimit" 0or us in the world and .ood endin. in the Herea0ter and that our reli.ion is .ood,

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)*#:

Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I saw in a dream that I was usin. miswa6 and the two 1ersons /ontended to .et it 0rom me2 the one bein. older than the other one, I .a-e the miswa6 to the " one, It was said to me to .i-e that to the older one and I .a-e it to the older one,

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)*;:

Abu Musa re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I saw in slee1 that I was about to mi.rate 0rom Me//a to a land aboundin. in 1almtrees and I .uessed that it would be Kamama or Hajar2 but it was the /it" o0 Kathrib (the old name o0 Medina)2 and I saw in this dream o0 mine that I was brandishin. a sword and its u11er end was bro6en and this is what 0ell (in the 0orm o0 mis0ortune to the belie-ers on the 9a" o0 Ubud), I brandished (the sword) 0or the se/ond time and it be/ame all and this is what /ame to be true when Allah .ranted us -i/tor" and solidarit" o0 the belie-ers, And I saw therein /ows also and Allah is the 9oer o0 .ood, These meant the .rou1 0rom the belie-ers on the 9a" o0 Ubud and the .oodness whi/h Allah a0ter that and the reward o0 attestation o0 his Truth whi/h Allah to us a0ter the 9a" o0 7adr,

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)+ :

Ibn Abbas re1orted that Musailima al->adhdhab (the .reater liar) (who /laimed 1ro1hethood a0ter the death o0 the Hol" @ro1het) /ame durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on
$4;4 & $#


733> 2;: TH( 733> 3= <ISI3! (>ITA7 AL-AUKA)

him) to Medina and said: I0 Muhammad assi.ns his /ali1hate to me a0ter him I would 0ollow2 and there /ame alon. with him a lar.e bod" o0 1ersons o0 his tribe and there /ame to him Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) alon. with Thabit b, Eais b, Shammas and the @ro1het o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had a 1ie/e o0 wood in his hand until he /ame in 0ront o0 Musailima in the /om1an" o0 his /om1anions and said: I0 "ou were to as6 e-en this (wood)2 I would ne-er .i-e it to "ou, I am not .oin. to do an"thin. a.ainst the will o0 Hod in "our /ase2 and i0 "ou turn awa" (0rom what I sa") Allah will destro" "ou, And I 0ind "ou in the same state whi/h I was shown (in the dream) and here is Thabit and he would answer "ou on m" behal0, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then went ba/6, Ibn :Abbas said: I as6ed the (meanin.s o0 the) words o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him):C Kou are the same what I was made to see about "ou in m" dream,C and Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s, (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hile I was slee1in. I saw in m" hands two .old ban.les, This had a disturbin. e00e/t u1on me and I was .i-en a su..estion in the slee1 that I should blow o-er them2 so I blew o-er them and the" were no more, And I inter1reted these (two ban.les) as the two .reat liars who would a11ear a0ter me and the one them was :Anasi the inhabitant o0 San:a: and the other one Musailima the inhabitant o0 Kamama,

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)+$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hile I was slee1in.2 the treasures o0 the earth were 1resented to me and I was made to wear in m" hands two .old ban.les, I 0elt a sort o0 burden u1on me and I was disturbed and it was su..ested to me that I should blow o-er them2 so I blew and both o0 them disa11eared, I inter1reted them as two .reat liars who would a11ear at an" time2 one is the inhabitant o0 Sana: and the other is that o0 Kamama,

7oo6 2;2 !umber +)+2:

Samura b, Fundab re1orted that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 1er0ormed his dawn 1ra"er he turned his 0a/e towards them (that is towards his 'om1anions) and said: 9id an" one o0 "ou see an" -ision last ni.htD

$4;* & $#


733> 2;: TH( 733> 3= <ISI3! (>ITA7 AL-AUKA)

733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3=

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL=A9A:IL)

H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

$4;+ & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

'ha1ter $: Inter/ession b" the a1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and the 1a"in. o0 salutations b" a stone to him be0ore his ad-ent as a 1ro1het
7oo6 4 2 !umber +)+4:
?athila b, al-Asqa: re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: <eril" Allah .ranted eminen/e to >inana 0rom the des/endants o0 Isma:il and he .ranted eminen/e to the Euraish >inana and he .ranted eminen/e to the Euraish 7anu Hashim and he .ranted me eminen/e/e 0rom the tribe o0 7anu Hashim,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +)+*:

Fabir b, Samura re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I re/o.nise the stone in Me//a whi/h used to 1a" me salutations be0ore m" ad-ent as a @ro1het and I re/o.nise that e-en now,

'ha1ter 2: The eminen/e o0 our 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) o-er the whole /reation
7oo6 4 2 !umber +)++:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I shall be 1re-eminent the des/endants o0 Adam on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion and I will be the 0irst inter/essor and the 0irst whose inter/ession will be a//e1ted (b" Allah),

$4;) & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

'ha1ter 4: The mira/les o0 the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)
7oo6 4 2 !umber +)+):
Anas re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled 0or water and he was .i-en a -essel and the 1eo1le to 1er0orm ablution in that and I /ounted (the 1ersons) and the" were between 0i0t" and" and I saw water whi/h was s1outin. 0rom his 0in.ers,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +)+%:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) durin. the time o0 the a0ternoon 1ra"er and the 1eo1le as6in. 0or water 0or 1er0ormin. ablution whi/h the" did not 0ind, (A small quantit") o0 water was to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he 1la/ed his hand in that -essel and /om- manded 1eo1le to 1er0orm ablution, I raw water s1outin. 0rom his 0in.ers and the 1eo1le 1er0ormin. ablution until the last them 1er0ormed it,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +)+#:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his 'om1anions were at a 1la/e 6nown as a8-Gaura: (a8-Gaurd: is a 1la/e in the ba8ar o0 Medina near the mosque) that he /alled 0or a -essel /ontainin. water, He 1ut his hand in that, And there to s1out (water) between his 0in.ers and all the 'om1anions 1er0ormed ablution, Eatada2 one o0 the narrators in the /hain o0 narrators2 said: Abu Ham8a (the 6un"a o0 Hadrat Anas b, Mali6)2 how man" 1eo1le were the"D He said: The" were about three hundred,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +)+;:

Anas re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was at a8-Gaura: and a -essel /ontainin. water was to him in whi/h his /ould not be /om1letel" di11ed or /om1letel" /o-eredB the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +)) :

Fabir re1orted that Umm Mali6 used to send /lari0ied butter in a small s6in to the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Her sons would /ome to her and as6 0or seasonin. when the" had nothin. with them (in the 0orm o0 /ondiments) and she would .o to that (s6in) in whi/h she o00ered (/lari0ied butter) to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and she would 0ind in that /lari0ied butter and it

$4;% & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

6e1t 1ro-idin. her with seasonin. 0or her household until she had (/om1letel") squee8ed it, She /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and (in0ormed him about it), Thereu1on2 he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 9id "ou squee8e itD She said: Kes, Thereu1on he said: I0 "ou had le0t it in that -er" state2 it would ha-e 6e1t on 1ro-id- in. "ou (the /lari0ied butter) on end,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +))$:

Fabir re1orted that a 1erson /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and as6ed 0or 0ood, And he .a-e him hal0 a wasq o0 barle"2 and the 1erson and his wi0e and their .uests 6e1t on ma6in. use o0 it (as a 0ood) until he wei.hed it (in order to 0ind out the a/tual quantit"2 and it was no more), He /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (and in0ormed him about it), He said: Had "ou not wei.hed it2 "ou would be eatin. out o0 it and it would ha-e remained inta/t 0or "ou,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +))2:

Mu:adh b, Fabal re1orted that he went alon. with Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the e51edition o0 Tabu6 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) /ombined the 1ra"ers, He o00ered the noon and a0ternoon 1ra"ers to.ether and the sunset and 1ra"ers to.ether and on the other da" he de0erred the 1ra"ersB he then /ame out and o00ered the noon and a0ternoon 1ra"ers to.ether, He then went in and (later on) /ame out and then a0ter that o00ered the sunset and 1ra"ers to.ether and then said: Hod willin.2 "ou would rea/h b" tomorrow the 0ountain o0 Tabu6 and "ou should not /ome to that until it is dawn2 and he who "ou ha11ens to .o there should not tou/h its water until I /ome, ?e /ame to that and two 1ersons ( us rea/hed that 0ountain ahead o0 us, It was a thin 0low o0 water li6e the shoela/e, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed them whether the" had tou/hed the water, The" said: Kes, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) s/olded them2 and he said to them what he had to sa" b" the will o0 Hod, The 1eo1le then too6 water o0 the 0ountain in their 1alms until it be/ame somewhat si.ni0i/ant and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) washed his hands and his 0a/e too in it2 and then2 too6 it a.ain in that (0ountain) and there .ushed 0orth abundant water 0rom that 0ountain2 until all the 1eo1le dran6 to their 0ill, He then said: Mu:adh2 it is ho1ed that i0 "ou li-e lon. "ou would see its water irri.atin. well the .ardens,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +))4:

Abu Humaid as-Sa:idi re1orted: ?e went out with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the e51edition to Tabu6 and we /ame to a wadi where there was a .arden to a woman, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said, Ma6e an assessment (o0 the 1ri/e o0 its 0ruit), And Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) also made an assessment and it was ten wasqs, He as6ed that lad" (to /al/ulate the amount) until the" would2 Hod willin.2 /ome ba/6 to her, So we 1ro/eeded on until we /ame to Tabu6 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The -iolent storm

$4;# & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

will o-erta6e "ou durin. the ni.ht2 so none "ou should stand u1 and he who has a /amel with him should hobble it 0irml", A -iolent storm blew and a 1erson who had stood u1 was /arried awa" b" the storm and thrown between the mountains o0 Ta"", Then the o0 the son o0 al :Alma:2 the ruler o0 Aila2 /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with a letter and a .i0t o0 a white mule, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) wrote him (the re1l") and 1resented him a /loa6, ?e /ame ba/6 until we halted in the ?adi al-Eura, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed that lad" about her .arden and the 1ri/e o0 the 0ruits in that, She said: Ten wasqs, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I am .oin. to de1art2 and he who "ou wishes ma" de1art with me but he who wants to sta" ma" sta", ?e resumed the journe" until we /ame to the outs6irts o0 Medina, (It was at this time) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: This is Taba2 this is Uhud2 that is a mountain whi/h lo-es us and we lo-e it2 and then said: The best the houses o0 the Ansar is the house o0 7ani !ajjar, Then the house o0 7ani Abd al-Ashhal2 then the house o0 7ani Abd al-Harith b, >ha8raj2 then the house o0 7ani Sa:ida2 and there is .oodness in all the houses o0 the Ansar, Said b, Ubada /ame to us and Abu Usaid said to him: 9id "ou not see that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has de/lared the houses o0 the Ansar .ood and he has 6e1t us at the end, Said met Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 "ou ha-e de/lared the house o0 the Ansar as .ood and ha-e 6e1t us at the end2 whereu1on he said: Is it not enou.h 0or "ou that "ou ha-e been /ounted the .ood,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +))*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Amr b, Kah"a with the same /hain o0 transmitters u1 to the words: There is .ood in all the houses o0 the Ansar2 and there is no mention o0 the subsequent e-ent 1ertainin. to Sa:d b, :Ubada,

'ha1ter *: The relian/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on Allah the e5alted2 and Allah:s 1rote/tin. him a.ainst the 1eo1le
7oo6 4 2 !umber +))+:
Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted: ?e went alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on an e51edition towards !ajd and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0ound us in a -alle" aboundin. in thorn" trees, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sta"ed 0or rest under a tree and he sus1ended his sword b" one o0 its bran/hes under whi/h he was ta6in. rest, The 1ersons s/attered in the -alle" and the" also to ta6e rest under the shade o0 trees2 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A 1erson /ame to me while I was aslee1 and he too6 hold o0 the
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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

sword, I wo6e u1 and 0ound him standin. u1on m" head and I had hardl" be/ome alert (and saw) that the sword was in his hand, And he said: ?ho /an 1rote/t "ou 0rom meD I said: Allah, He a.ain said: ?ho /an 1rote/t "ou 0rom meD I said: Allah, He 1ut his sword in the sheath (and "ou /an see) this man sittin. here, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not in an" wa" tou/h him,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +))):

Fabir b, :Abdullah al-Ansiri2 who was one the 'om1anions o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted that he went on an e51edition alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) towards !ajd and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sta"ed there2 and when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame ba/6 he also /ame ba/6 alon. with him, The"2 0or one da"2 sta"ed 0or restB the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +))%:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: ?e went alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and as we rea/hed the 1la/e 9hat-ur-Aiqa:B the rest o0 the hadith is the same2 but there is no mention o0 the word that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not harm him,

'ha1ter +: @ertainin. to the similitude with whi/h Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has been sent with .uidan/e and 6nowled.e
7oo6 4 2 !umber +))#:
Abu Musa re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The similitude o0 that .uidan/e and 6nowled.e with whi/h Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 has sent me is that o0 rain 0allin. u1on the earth, There is a .ood 1ie/e o0 land whi/h re/ei-es the rain0all (ea.erl") and as a result o0 it there is .rown in it herba.e and .rass abundantl", Then there is a land hard and barren whi/h retains water and the 1eo1le deri-e bene0it 0rom it and the" drin6 it and ma6e the animals drin6, Then there is another land whi/h is barren, !either water is retained in it2 nor is the .rass .rown in it, And that is the similitude o0 the 0irst one who de-elo1s the understandin. o0 the reli.ion o0 Allah and it be/omes a sour/e o0 bene0it to him with whi/h Allah sent me, (The se/ond one is that) who a/quires the 6nowled.e o0 reli.ion and im1arts it to others, (Then the other t"1e is) one who does not 1a" attention to (the re-ealed 6nowled.e) and thus does not a//e1t .uidan/e o0 Allah with whi/h I ha-e been sent,


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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

'ha1ter ): The e5treme lo-e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or his umma2 and his e5treme an5iet" to warn them a.ainst that whi/h is a sour/e o0 trouble to them
7oo6 4 2 !umber +));:
Abu Musa re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The similitude o0 mine and o0 that with whi/h Allah sent me is that o0 a 1erson who /ame to us and said: 3 1eo1le2 I ha-e seen an arm" with m" e"es and I am a 1lain warner (and issue "ou warnin.) that "ou should immediatel" mana.e to 0ind an es/a1e, A .rou1 o0 1eo1le 0rom them 1a"in. heed (to his warnin.) 0led to a 1la/e o0 1rote/tion and a .rou1 them belied him and the mornin. o-ertoo6 them in their houses and the arm" atta/6ed them and 6illed them and the" were routed, And that is the similitude o0 the one who obe"ed me2 0ollowed with whi/h I had been sent and the similitude o0 the other is o0 one who disobe"ed and belied me and the Truth with whi/h I ha-e been sent,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +)% :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The similitude o0 mine and that o0 m" Umma is that o0 a 1erson who lit 0ire and there to 0all into it inse/ts and moths, And I am there to hold "ou ba/62 but "ou 1lun.e into it,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +)%$:

Hammam b, Munabbih re1orted: Abu Huraira re1orted us some ahadith 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) man"2 (and) one is this that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A 1erson lit 0ire and when the atmos1here was a.low2 moths and inse/ts to 0all into the 0ire2 but I am there to hold them ba/62 but the" are into it des1ite m" e00orts2 and he 0urther added: That is "our e5am1le and mine, I am there to hold "ou ba/6 0rom 0ire and to sa-e "ou 0rom it2 but "ou are into it des1ite m" e00orts,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +)%2:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in., M" e5am1le and "our e5am1le is that o0 a 1erson who lit the 0ire and inse/ts and moths to 0all in it and he

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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

would be ma6in. e00orts to ta6e them out2 and I am .oin. to hold "ou ba/6 0rom 0ire2 but "ou are sli11in. 0rom m" hand,

'ha1ter %: The 0inalit" o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)

7oo6 4 2 !umber +)%4:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The similitude o0 mine and that o0 the A1ostles (be0ore me) is that o0 a 1erson who /onstru/ted a buildin. and he built it 0ine and well and the 1eo1le went round it sa"in.: !e-er ha-e we seen a buildin. more im1osin. than this, but 0or one bri/62 and I am that bri/6 (with whi/h "ou .i-e the 0inishin. tou/h to the buildin.),

7oo6 4 2 !umber +)%*:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The similitude o0 mine and that o0 the A1ostles be0ore me is that o0 a 1erson who built a house quite im1osin. and beauti0ul and he made it /om1lete but 0or one bri/6 in one o0 its /orners, @eo1le to wal6 round it2 and the buildin. 1leased them and the" would sa": 7ut 0or this bri/6 "our buildin. would ha-e been 1er0e/t, Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: And I am that 0inal bri/6,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +)%+:

Abu Hurairh re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The similitude o0 mine and that o0 the A1ostles be0ore me is that o0 a 1erson who built a house quite im1osin. and beauti0ul2 but 0or one bri/6 in one o0 its /orners, @eo1le would .o round it2 a11re/iatin. the buildin.2 but sa"in.: ?h" has the bri/6 not been 0i5ed hereD He said: I am that bri/6 and I am the last o0 the A1ostles,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +)%):

Abu Sa:id re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The similitude o0 mine and that o0 the A1ostlesB the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

7oo6 4 2 !umber +)%%:

Fabir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The similitude o0 mine and that o0 the A1ostles is li6e that o0 a 1erson who built a house and he /om1leted it and made it 1er0e/t but 0or the s1a/e o0 a bri/6, @eo1le entered therein and the" were sur1rised at it and said: Had there been a bri/6 (it would ha-e been /om1lete in all res1e/ts), Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I am that 1la/e where the bri/6 (/om1letin. the buildin. is to be 1la/ed)2 and I ha-e /ome to 0inalise the /hain o0 A1ostles,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +)%#:

This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter #: ?hen Allah the e5alted intends to show mer/" to an umma his 1ro1het is /alled ba/6 to his eternal home when the umma is sa0e 0rom the wrath o0 .od
7oo6 4 2 !umber +)%;:
Abu Musa re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 intends to show mer/" to an Umma 0rom His ser-ants He /alls ba/6 His A1ostle to his eternal home and ma6es him a and re/om1ense in the world to /omeB and when He intends to /ause destru/tion to an Umma2 He 1unishes it while its A1ostle is ali-e and He destro"s it as he (the A1ostle) witnesses it and he /ools his e"es b" destru/tion as the" had belied him and disobe"ed his /ommand,

'ha1ter ;: The /istern o0 our a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and its /hara/teristi/s
7oo6 4 2 !umber +)# :
Fundab re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I shall be there at the 'istern be0ore "ou,
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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

7oo6 4 2 !umber +)#$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fundab throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +)#2:

Sahl (b, Sa:d) re1orted: I heard Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I shall .o to the 'istern be0ore "ou and he who /omes would drin6 and he who drin6s would ne-er 0eel thirst"2 and there would /ome to me 1eo1le whom I would 6now and who would 6now me, Then there would be inter-ention between me and them, Abu Ha8im said that !u:man b, Abu :A""ash heard it and I narrated to them this hadith2 and said: Is it this that "ou heard Sahl sa"in.D He said: Kes2 and I bear witness to the 0a/t that I heard it 0rom Abu Sa:id >hudri also2 but he made this addition that he (the Hol" @ro1het) would sa": The" are m" 0ollowers2 and it would be said to him: Kou do not 6now what the" did a0ter "ou and I will sa" to them: ?oe to him who / (his reli.ion) a0ter me,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +)#4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id >hudri throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +)#*:

Abdullah b, :Amr al-:As2 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: M" 'istern (is as wide and broad that it requires) a motith:s journe" (to .o round it) all2 and its sides are equal and its water is whiter than sil-er2 and its odour is more 0ra.rant than the 0ra.ran/e o0 mus62 and its ju.s (1la/ed round it) are li6e stars in the s6"B and he who would drin6 0rom it would ne-er 0eel thirst" a0ter that, Asma:2 dau.hter o0 Abu 7a6r said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I would be on the 'istern and so that I would be seein. those who would be /omin. to me 0rom "ou2 but some 1eo1le would be detained (be0ore rea/hin. me), I would sa": M" Lord2 the" are m" 0ollowers and belon. to m" Umma2 and it would be said to me: 9o "ou 6now what the" did a0ter "ouD 7" Allah2 the" did not do .ood a0ter "ou2 and the" turned ba/6 u1on their heels, He (the narrator) said: lbn Abu Mulai6a used to sa" (in su11li/ation): 3 Allah2 I see6 re0u.e with Thee that we should turn ba/6 u1on our heels or 1ut to an" trial about our reli.ion,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +)#+:

:A:isha re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa" in the /om1an" o0 his 'om1anions: I would be on the 'istern waitin. 0or those who would be /omin. to me 0rom "ou, 7" Allah2 some 1ersons would be 1re-ented 0rom /omin. to me2 and I would sa": M" Lord2 the"

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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

are m" 0ollowers and 1eo1le o0 m" Umma, And He would sa"2: Kou don:t 6now what the" did a0ter "ouB the" had been /onstantl" turnin. ba/6 on their heels (0rom their reli.ion),

7oo6 4 2 !umber +)#):

Umm Salama2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said I used to hear 0rom 1eo1le ma6in. a mention o0 the 'istern2 but I did not hear about it 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), 3ne da" while a .irl was /ombin. me I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa":C 3 1eo1le,C I said to that .irl: >ee1 awa" 0rom me, She said: He (the Hol" @ro1het) has addressed the men onl" and he has not in-ited the attention o0 the women, I said: I am the 1eo1le also (and ha-e thus e-er" to listen to the thin.s 1ertainin. to reli.ion), Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I shall be "our on the 'isternB there0ore2 be /autious lest one o0 "ou should /ome (to me) and ma" be dri-en awa" li6e a stra" /amel, I would as6 the reasons2 and it would be said to me: Kou don:t 6now what inno-ations the" made a0ter "ou, And I would then also sa": 7e awa",

7oo6 4 2 !umber +)#%:

Umm Salama re1orted that she heard Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in. this as he was sittin. on the 1ul1it and she was .ettin. her hair /ombed, (He uttered these words):C 3 1eo1le,C And she said to one who was /ombin.: Lea-e m" headB the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +)##:

Uqba b, :Amir re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) one da" went out and he o00ered 1ra"er o-er the mart"rs o0 Uhud just as 1ra"er is o00ered o-er the dead, He then /ame ba/6 and sat on 1ul1it and said: I shall be 1resent there (at the 'istern) be0ore "ou, I shall be "our witness and2 b" Allah2 I 1er/ei-e as i0 I am seein. with m" own e"es m" 'istern at this -er" state and I ha-e been .i-en the 6e"s o0 the treasures o0 the earth or the 6e"s o0 the earth and2 b" Allah2 I am not a0raid /on/ernin. "ou that "ou would asso/iate an"thin. (with Allah a0ter me)2 but I am a0raid that "ou would be -"in. with one another (0or the 1ossession o0) the treasures o0 the earth,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +)#;:

Uqba b, :Amir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah:s o00ered 1ra"er o-er those who had 0allen mat"rs at Uhud, He then /limbed the 1ul1it as i0 someone is sa"in. .ood-b"e to the li-in. and the dead2 and then said: I shall be there as "our 1rede/esor on the 'istern be0ore "ou2 and it is as wide as the distan/e between Aila and Fuh0a (Aila is at the to1 o0 the .ul0 o0 :Aqaba), I am not a0raid that "ou would asso/iate an"thin. with Allah a0ter me2 but I am a0raid that "ou ma" be (allured) b" the world and (-ie) with one another (in 1ossessin. material we$* + & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

alth) and 6illin. one another2 and "ou would be destro"ed as were destro"ed those who had .one be0ore "ou, :Uqba said that that was the last o//asion that he saw Allah:s on the 1ul1it,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +); :

:Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.B I shall be there at the 'istern be0ore "ou2 and I shall ha-e to /ontend 0or some 1eo1le2 but I shall ha-e to "ield, I would be sa"in.: M" Lord2 the" are m" 0riends2 the" are m" 0riends2 and it would be said: Kou don:t 6now what inno-ations the" made a0ter "ou,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +);$:

The hadith has been narrated on the authorit" ot al-A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters but no mention is made o0:C The" are m" /om1anionsB the" are m" /om1anions,C

7oo6 4 2 !umber +);2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +);4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hudhai0a throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +);*:

Haritha re1orted that he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: His 'istern would be as e5tensi-e as the distan/e between San:a: and Medina, Mustaurid (one o0 the narrators) said: 9id "ou not hear an"thin. about the utensilsD Thereu1on he said, !o, Mustaurid said: Kou would 0ind that the utensils would be li6e stars,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +);+:

Haritha b, ?ahb al->hu8a:i re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) words /on/ernin. the 'istern li6e it2 but he made no mention o0 the words o0 Mustaurid,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +);):

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is be0ore "ou a 'istern and the distan/e between its two sides is as it is between Farba: and Adhruh,

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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

7oo6 4 2 !umber +);%:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar and the words are: That he said there would be be0ore "ou a 'istern e5tendin. 0rom jarba: and Adhruh and the same has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Muthanna and the wordin. is:C M" 'istern,C

7oo6 4 2 !umber +);#:

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted on the authorit"2 o0 :Ubaidullah with this addition: Ubaidullah was as6ed (about these two names2 i, e, Farba: and Adhruh), He said: These are the two towns o0 S"ria and there is between them the distan/e whi/h /an be /o-ered in three ni.hts2 and the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn 7ishr (the words are),C Three da"s,C

7oo6 4 2 !umber +);;:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%

:Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There would be be0ore "ou a 'istern (as e5tensi-e) as there is the distan/e between Farba: and Adhruh and there would be ju.s li6e stars in the s6"B he who would /ome to that and drin6 0rom it would ne-er 0eel thirst" a0ter that,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +% $:
Abu 9harr said: Allah:s Messen.er2 what about the -essels o0 that 'isternD He said: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is the li0e o0 Muhammad2 the -essels would outnumber the stars in the s6" and its 1lanets shinin. on a dar6 /loudless, These would be the -essels o0 @aradise, He who drin6s out o0 it (the 'istern) would ne-er 0eel thirst", There would 0low in it two s1outs 0rom @aradise and he who would drin6 out o0 it would not 0eel thirst"B and the distan/e between its (two /orners) is that between :Amman and Aila2 and its water is whiter than mil6 and sweeter than hone",

7oo6 4 2 !umber +% 2:
Thauban re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I would be 1ushin. ba/6 0rom m" 'istern the /rowd o0 1eo1le, I would stri6e awa" 0rom it (the 'istern) with m" sta00 the 1eo1le o0 Kemen until the water (o0 the Haud) would s1out 0orth u1on them, He was as6ed about its breadth, He said: =rom this 1la/e o0 mine to :Amman2 and he was as6ed about the drin6 and he said:

$* % & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

It is whiter than mil6 and sweeter than hone", There would s1out into it two streamlets ha-in. their sour/es in @aradise, the one is 0rom .old and the other is 0rom sil-er, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters and the words are:C I would be on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion near the ban6 o0 the 'istern,C

7oo6 4 2 !umber +% 4:
Thaubin re1orted this hadith 1ertainin. to the 'istern, Muhammad b, 7ashshar said: I said to Kah"a b, Hammad: This is the hadith that I heard 0rom Abu :Awana and he said: I also heard it 0rom Shu:ba, I said: !arrate that to me and he narrated that to me,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +% *:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I will dri-e awa" 0rom m" 'istern 1eo1le just as the stra" /amels are dri-en awa", This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain ot transmitters,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +% +:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: M" 'istern would be as e5tensi-e as the distan/e between Aila and San:a2 o0 Kemen2 and there would be in it ju.s li6e stars in the s6",

7oo6 4 2 !umber +% ):
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Some 1ersons 0rom m" asso/iates would turn to m" 'isternB when I would see them and the" would be 1resented to me2 the" would be detained in the wa" while /omin. to me, I would sa": M" Lord2 the" are m" /om1anions2 the" are m" /om1anions2 and it would be said to me: Kou don:t 6now what inno-ations the" made a0ter "ou,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +% %:
Anas re1orted a hadith li6e this 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he made this addition:C The -essels would be as numerous as the number o0 stars,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +% #:
Anas b, Mili6 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There would be su/h a -ast distan/e between the sides o0 m" 'istern as it is between Sana: and Medina,
$* # & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

7oo6 4 2 !umber +% ;:
Anas re1orted this hadith with this /han.e that there was some doubt between (1la/es mentioned) and there is a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%$ :

Anas re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Kou would be shown in it ju.s o0 .old and sil-er (as numerous) as the number o0 stars in the s6", This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 with this addition:C More numerous than stars in the s6",C

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%$$:

Fabir b, Samura re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 7ehold2 I shall be 1resent ahead o0 "ou on the 'istern2 and the distan/e between its di00erent sides would be li6e that between Sana: and Aila2 and its ju.s would be li6e stars in the s6",

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%$2:

:Amir b, Sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas re1orted: I wrote (a letter) to Fabir b, Samura (and it was sent) throu.h m" ser-ant !a0i: as6in. him to in0orm me about somethin. (1ertainin. to the Haud >authar), He wrote to me: I heard him (the Hol" @ro1het) sa": I shall be there ahead o0 "ou at the Haud >authar,

'ha1ter $ : The an.els alon. with Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the battle o0 Uhud
7oo6 4 2 !umber +%$4:
Sa:d re1orted that on the 9a" o0 Ubud I saw on the side o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and on his le0t side two 1ersons dressed in white /lothes and whom I did not see be0ore nor a0ter that2 and the" were Habriel and Mi/hael (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them),

$* ; & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%$*:

Sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas re1orted: I saw on the side o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and on his le0t side two 1ersons with white /lothes on the 9a" o0 Uhtid 0i.htin. a des1erate 0i.ht2 and I saw them neither be0ore nor a0ter that,

'ha1ter $$: The -alour and /oura.e o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)
7oo6 4 2 !umber +%$+:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was the sublimest amon. 1eo1le (in /hara/ter) and the most .enerous them and he was the bra-est o0 men, 3ne the 1eo1le o0 Medina 0elt disturbed and set 0orth in the dire/tion o0 a sound when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) met them on his wa" ba/6 as he had .one towards that sound ahead o0 them, He was on the horse o0 Abu Talha whi/h had no saddle o-er it2 and a sword was slun. round his ne/62 and he was sa"in.: There was nothin. to be a0raid o02 and he also said: ?e 0ound it (this horse) li6e a torrent o0 water (indi/atin. its swi0t-0ootedness)2 whereas the horse had been slow be0ore that time,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%$):

Anas re1orted that there was /onsternation in Medina, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) borrowed the horse 0rom Abu Talha whi/h was /alled Mandub, He rode it and said: ?e ha-e 0ound no reason 0or /onsternation2 and we ha-e 0ound it to be (as qui/6 as a torrent) o0 water,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%$%:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Anas with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

$*$ & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

'ha1ter $2: Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was the most .enerous o0 1eo1leB his .enerosit" was li6e the blowin. o0 wind
7oo6 4 2 !umber +%$#:
Ibn :Abbas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was the most .enerous o0 1eo1le in /harit"2 but he was .enerous to the utmost in the month o0 Aamadan, Habriel (1ea/e be u1on him) would meet him e-er" "ear durin. the month o0 Aamadin until it ended2 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited to him the Eur:anB and when Habriel met him Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was most .enerous in .i-in. /harit" li6e the blowin. wind,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%$;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $4: The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is the best 1eo1le in dis1osition and beha-iour
7oo6 4 2 !umber +%2 :
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: I ser-ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or ten "ears2 and2 b" Allah2 he ne-er said to me an" harsh word2 and he ne-er said to me about a thin. as to wh" I had done that and as to wh" I had not done that, Abu Aabi: has made this addition (in this narration):C The wor6 whi/h a ser-ant should do,C There is no mention o0 his wordsC 7" AllahC,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%2$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%22:

Anas re1orted: ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to Medina2 Abla Talha too6 hold o0 m" hand and me to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Al$*$$ & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

lah:s Messen.er2 Anas is a 1rudent "oun. bo"2 and he will ser-e "ou, He (Anas) said: I ser-ed him in journe" and at home2 but2 b" Allah2 he ne-er as6ed me about a thin. whi/h I did as to wh" I did so2 nor about a thin. whi/h I did not do as to wh" I had not done that,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%24:

Anas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I ser-ed the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or nine "ears2 and I do not 6now (o0 an" instan/e) when he said to me: ?h" "ou ha-e done this and that2 and he ne-er 0ound 0ault with me in an"thin.,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%2*:

Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had the best dis1osition 1eo1le, He sent me on an errand one da"2 and I said: 7" Allah2 I would not .o, I had2 howe-er2 this idea in m" mind that I would do as Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had /ommanded me to do, I went out until I ha11ened to /ome a/ross /hildren who had been 1la"in. in the street, In the meanwhile2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame there and he / me b" the ba/6 o0 m" ne/6 0rom behind me, As I loo6ed towards him I 0ound him smilin. and he said: Unais2 did "ou .o where I /ommanded "ou to .oD I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 "es2 I am .oin., Anas 0urther said: I ser-ed him 0or nine "ears but I 6now not that he e-er said to me about a thin. whi/h I had done wh" I did that2 or about a thin. I had le0t as to wh" I had not done that,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%2+:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was the best 1eo1le in dis1osition and beha-iour,

'ha1ter $*: It is -er" seldom that Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said CnoC to an"one when as6ed to .i-e an"thin.2 and he .a-e /harit" to the 1eo1le -er" 0reel"
7oo6 4 2 !umber +%2):
Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: It ne-er ha11ened that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed 0or an"thin. and he said: !o,

$*$2 & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%2%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, :Abdullah throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%2#:

Musa b, Anas re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: It ne-er ha11ened that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed an"thin. 0or the sa6e o0 Islam and he did not .i-e that, There /ame to him a 1erson and he .a-e him a lar.e 0lo/6 (o0 shee1 and .oats) and he went ba/6 to his 1eo1le and said: M" 1eo1le2 embra/e Islam2 0or Muhammad .i-es so mu/h /harit" as i0 he has no 0ear o0 want,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%2;:

Anas :b, Mali6 re1orted that a 1erson requested Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to .i-e him a -er" lar.e 0lo/6 and he .a-e that to him, He /ame to his tribe and said: 3 1eo1le2 embra/e Islam, 7" Allah2 Muhammad donates so mu/h as i0 he did not 0ear want, Anas said that the 1erson embra/ed Islam 0or the sa6e o0 the world but later he be/ame Muslim until Islam be/ame dearer to him than the world and what it /ontains,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%4 :

Ibn Shihab re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went on the e51edition o0 <i/tor"2 i, e, the <i/tor" o0 Me//a2 and then he went out alon. with the Muslims and the" at Hunain2 and Allah .ranted -i/tor" to his reli.ion and to the Muslims2 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e one hundred /amels to Sa0wan b, Uma""a, He a.ain .a-e him one hundred /amels2 and then a.ain .a-e him one hundred /amels, Sa:id b, Musa""ib said that Sa0wan told him: (7" Allah) Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e me what he .a-e me (and m" state o0 mind at that time was) that he was the most detested 1erson 1eo1le in m" e"es, 7ut he /ontinued .i-in. to me until now he is the dearest o0 1eo1le to me,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%4$:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: In /ase we .et wealth 0rom 7ahrain2 I would .i-e "ou so mu/h and so mu/hB he made an indi/ation o0 it with both his hands, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) died be0ore wealth 0rom 7ahrain /ame2 and it 0ell to the lot o0 Abu 7a6r a0ter him, He /ommanded the announ/er to ma6e announ/ement to the e00e/t that he to whom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had held out 1romise or owed an" debt should /ome (to him), I /ame and said: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said to me: In
$*$4 & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

/ase there /omes to us the wealth o0 7ahrain I shall .i-e "ou so mu/h2 and so mu/h, Abu 7a6r too6 a hand0ul (o0 the /oins) and .a-e that to me on/e and as6ed me to /ount them I /ounted them as 0i-e hundred dinars and he said: Here is double o0 this 0or "ou,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%42:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: ?hen Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) died2 there /ame to Ab0i 7a6r wealth 0rom al-:Ala: b, al-Hadrami, Abu 7a6r said: He to whom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) owed an" debt or held out an" 1romise should /ome to usB the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

'ha1ter $+: The mer/" and tenderness shown b" Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) towards /hildren2 members o0 his 0amil"2 and his humilit" and his sublime qualities
7oo6 4 2 !umber +%44:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A /hild was born into me this and I named him a0ter the name o0 m" 0ather Ibrihim, He then sent him to Umm Sai02 the wi0e o0 a bla/6smith who was /alled Abu Sai0, He (the Hol" @ro1het) went to him and I 0ollowed him until we rea/hed Abu Sai0 and he was blowin. 0ire with the hel1 o0 bla/6smith:s bellows and the house was 0illed with smo6e, I hastened m" ste1 and went ahead o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Abu Sai02 sto1 it2 as there /omes Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him), He sto11ed and Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled 0or the /hild, He embra/ed him and said what Allah had desired, Anas said: I saw that the bo" breathed his last in the 1resen/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The e"es o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) shed tears and he said: Ibrahim2 our e"es shed tears and our hearts are 0illed with .rie02 but we do not sa" an"thin. e5/e1t that b" whi/h Allah is 1leased, 3 Ibrahim2 we are .rie-ed 0or "ou,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%4*:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: I ha-e ne-er seen an"one more 6ind to one:s 0amil" than Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and Ibrahim was sent to the suburb o0 Medina 0or su/6lin., He used to .o there and we a//om1anied him, He entered the house2 and it was 0illed with smo6e as his 0oster0ather was a bri/6smith, He too6 him (his son Ibrihim) and 6issed him and then /ame ba/6, :Amr
$*$* & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

said that when Ibrihim died, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ibrihim is m" son and he dies as a su/6lin. babe, He has now two 0oster-mothers who would /om1lete his su/6lin. 1eriod in @aradise,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%4+:

:A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) re1orted that there /ame a 0ew desert Arabs to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: 9o "ou 6iss "our /hildrenD He said: Kes, Thereu1on the" said: 7" Allah but we do not 6iss our /hildren, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Then what /an I do i0 Allah has de1ri-ed "ou o0 mer/"D Ibn !umair said: (?e has de1ri-ed) "our heart o0 mer/",

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%4):

Abu Huraira re1orted that al-Aqra: b, Habis saw Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 6issin. Hasan, He said: I ha-e ten /hildren2 but I ha-e ne-er 6issed an" one o0 them2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who does not show mer/" (towards his /hildren)2 no mer/" would be shown to him,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%4%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, :Abdullah throu.h di00erent /hains o0 transmitters and the words are:C That the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who shows no mer/" to the 1eo1le2 Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 does not show mer/" to him,C

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%4#:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $): The utmost modest" o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)
7oo6 4 2 !umber +%4;:
Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was more modest than the behind the /urtain (or in the a1artment)2 and when he disli6ed an"thin.2 we re/o.nised that 0rom his 0a/e,

$*$+ & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%* :

Masruq re1orted: ?e went to Abdullah b, :Amr when Mu:dwi"a /ame to >u0a2 and he made a mention o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: He was ne-er immoderate in his tal6 and he ne-er re-iled others, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) also said: The best "ou are those who are best in morals, Uthman said: ?hen he /ame to >u0a alon. with Mu:awi"a,,, (The rest o0 the hadith is the same),

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%*$:

This hadith had been narrated on the authorit" o0 al-A:mash throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters also,

'ha1ter $%: The smilin. o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on:him) and his e5/ellent beha-iour
7oo6 4 2 !umber +%*2:
Sima6 b, Harb re1orted: I said to Fabir b, Samura: 9id "ou ha-e the 1ri-ile.e o0 sittin. in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D He said: Kes2 -er" 0requentl"2 and added: He did not stand u1 (and .o) 0rom the 1la/e where he o00ered the dawn 1ra"er until the sun rose2 and a0ter the risin. o0 the sun he stood u12 and the" (his 'om1anions) entered into /on-ersation with one another and the" tal6ed o0 the thin.s (that the" did durin. the 9a"s o0 I.noran/e)2 and the" lau.hed (on their unreasonable and ridi/ulous a/ts), Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) smiled onl",

'ha1ter $#: The mer/" and /om1assion o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or women and his /ommand to the /amel-dri-er to dri-e the mount slowl" on whi/h the" ride
7oo6 4 2 !umber +%*4:
Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had in one o0 his journe"s his bla/6 sla-e who was /alled Anjasha alon. with him, He .oaded b" the son.s o0 /amel-dri-er,

$*$) & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Anjasha2 dri-e slowl" as "ou are dri-in. (the mounts who are /arr"in.) .lass -essels

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%**:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%*+:

Anas re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to his wi-es as the /amel-dri-er who was /alled Anjasha had been2 dri-in. (the /amels) on whi/h (the" were ridin.), Thereu1on he said: Anjasha2 be /are0ul2 dri-e slowl" 0or "ou are dri-in. the mounts who /arr" -essels o0 .lass, Abu Eilaba said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) uttered words whi/h i0 someone had uttered "ou2 "ou would ha-e 0ound 0ault with him,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%*):

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Umm Sulaim was with the wi-es o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and a /amel-dri-er had been dri-in. (the /amels) oil whi/h the" were ridin., Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Anjasha2 dri-e slowl"2 0or "ou are /arr"in. (on the /amels) -essels o0 .lass,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%*%:

Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had a /amel-dri-er who had a -er" melodious -oi/e, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: Anjasha2 dri-e slowl"B do not brea6 the -essels o0 .lass2 meanin. the wea6 women,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%*#:

Anas re1orted this hadith throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters2 but he made no mention o0 a /amel-dri-er ha-in. a melodious -oi/e,

$*$% & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

'ha1ter $;: The nearness o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to the 1eo1le and their see6in. blessin.s 0rom him (and his 1ossessions)
7oo6 4 2 !umber +%*;:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had /om1leted his dawn 1ra"er2 the ser-ants o0 Medina /ame to him with utensils /ontainin. water2 and no utensil was in whi/h he did not di1 his handB and sometime the" /ame in the /old dawn (and he did not 0eel relu/tant in a//edin. to their request e-en in the /old weather) and di11ed his hand in them,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%+ :

Anas re1orted: I saw when the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot his hair /ut b" the barber2 his 'om1anions /ame round him and the" ea.erl" wanted that no hair should 0all but in the hand o0 a 1erson,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%+$:

Anas re1orted that a woman had a 1artial deran.ement in her mind2 so she said, Allah:s Messellaer2 I want somethin. 0rom "ou, He said: Mother o0 so and so2 see on whi/h side o0 the road "ou would li6e (to stand and tal6) so that I ma" do the need0ull 0or "ou, He stood aside with her on the roadside until she .ot what she needed,

'ha1ter 2 : The hatred o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a.ainst sin and the ado1tin. o0 a /ourse o0 a/tion whi/h is easier to ado1t 0rom the 1ermissible a/ts
7oo6 4 2 !umber +%+2:
:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said that whene-er he had to /hoose between two thin.s he ado1ted the easier one2 1ro-ided it was nor sin2 but i0 it was an" sin he was the one wio was the 0arthest 0rom it o0 the 1eo1leB and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)
$*$# & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

ne-er too6 re-en.e 0rom an"one be/ause o0 his 1ersonal .rie-an/e2 unless what Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 had made in-iolable had been -iolated,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%+4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Shibab throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%+*:

:A:isha re1orted: !e-er did Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ma6e a /hoi/e between two thin.s but ado1tin. the easier one as /om1ared to the di00i/ult one2 but his /hoi/e 0or the easier one was onl" in /ase it did not in-ol-e an" sin2 but i0 it in-ol-ed sin he was the one who was the 0arthest 0rom it the 1eo1le,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%++:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%+):

:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ne-er beat an"one with his hand2 neither a woman nor a ser-ant2 but onl"2 in the /ase when he had been 0i.htin. in the /ause o0 Allah and he ne-er too6 re-en.e 0or an"thin. unless the thin.s made in-iolable b" Allah were made -iolableB he then too6 re-en.e 0or Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%+%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

$*$; & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

'ha1ter 2$: The 0ra.ran/e o0 the sa/red bod" o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and its a.ilit" and so0tness and the blessin.s o0 its tou/h
7oo6 4 2 !umber +%+#:
Fabir b, Samura re1orted: I 1ra"ed alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the 0irst 1ra"er, He then went to his 0amil" and I also went alon. with him when he met some /hildren (on the wa"), He to 1at the /hee6s o0 ea/h one o0 them, He also 1atted m" /hee6 and I e51erien/ed a /oolness or a 0ra.ran/e o0 his hand as i0 it had been out 0rom the s/ent ba. o0 a 1er0umer,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%+;:

Anas re1orted: I ne-er smelt amber.ris or mus6 as 0ra.rant as the 0ra.ran/e o0 the bod" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and I ne-er tou/hed bro/ade or sil6 and 0ound it as so0t as the bod" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%) :

Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had a -er" 0air /om1le5ion and (the dro1s) o0 his 1ers1iration shone li6e 1earls2 and when he wal6ed he wal6ed in/linin. 0orward2 and I ne-er tou/hed bro/ade and sil6 (and 0ound it) as so0t as the so0tness o0 the 1alm o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and I ne-er smelt mus6 or amber.ris and 0ound its 0ra.ran/e as sweet as the 0ra.ran/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%)$:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to /ome to our house and there was 1ers1iration u1on his bod", M" mother a bottle and to 1our the sweat in that, ?hen Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot u1 he said: Umm Sulaini2 what is this that "ou are doin.D Thereu1on she said: That is "our sweat whi/h we mi5 in our 1er0ume and it be/omes the most 0ra.rant 1er0ume,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%)2:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to the house o0 Umm Sulaim and sle1t in her bed while she was awa" 0rom her house, 3n the other da" too he sle1t in her bed, She /ame and it was said to her: It is Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who is ha-in.
$*2 & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

siesta in "our house2 l"in. in "our bed, She /ame and 0ound him sweatin. and his sweat 0allin. on the leather /loth s1read on her bed, She o1ened her s/ent-ba. and to 0ill the bottles with it, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was startled and wo6e u1 and said: Umm Sulaim2 what are "ou doin.D She said: Allah:s Messen.er2 we see6 blessin.s 0or our /hildren throu.h it, Thereu1on he said: Kou ha-e done somethin.,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%)4:

Umm Sulaim re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited her house and (too6 rest) and she s1read a 1ie/e o0 /loth 0or him and he had had a siesta on it, And he sweated 1ro0usel" and she /olle/ted his sweat and 1ut it in a 1er0ume and in bottles, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Umm Sulaim2 what is thisD She said: It is "our sweat2 whi/h I 1ut in m" 1er0ume, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sweated in /old weather when re-elation des/ended u1on him,

'ha1ter 22: Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ershired when re-elation des/ended u1on him
7oo6 4 2 !umber +%)*:
:A:isha re1orted: ?hen re-elation des/ended u1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) e-en durin. the /old da"s2 his 0orehead 1ers1ired,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%)+:

:A:isha re1orted that Harith b, Hisham as6ed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): How does the the wahi (ins1iration) /ome to "ouD He said: At times it /omes to me li6e the o0 a bell and that is most se-ere 0or me and when it is o-er I retain that (what I had re/ei-ed in the 0orm o0 wahi)2 and at times an An.el in the 0orm o0 a human bein. /omes to me (and s1ea6s) and I retain whate-er he s1ea6s,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%)):

:Ubida b, Samit re1orted that when wahi (ins1iration) des/ended u1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 he 0elt a burden on that a//ount and the /olour o0 his 0a/e underwent a /han.e,

$*2$ & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%)%:

:Ubida b, Samit re1orted that when wahi des/ended u1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 he lowered his head and so lowered his 'om1anions their heads2 and when (this state) was o-er2 he raised his head,

'ha1ter 24: @ertainin. to the hair o0 the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 his 0eatures
7oo6 4 2 !umber +%)#:
Ibn Abbas re1orted that the @eo1le o0 the 7oo6 used to let their hair 0all (on their 0oreheads) and the 1ol"theists used to 1art them on their heads2 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) li6ed to /on0orm his beha-iour to the @eo1le o0 the 7oo6 in matters in whi/h he re/ei-ed no /ommand (0rom Hod) B so Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) let 0all his hair u1on his 0orehead2 and then he to 1art it a0ter this,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%);:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Shihab with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 2*: 'on/ernin. the /hara/teristi/ 0eatures o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he was the most handsome o0 the 1eo1le
7oo6 4 2 !umber +%% :
Al-7ara: re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was o0 medium hei.ht2 ha-in. broad shoulders2 with his hair down on the lobes o0 his ears, He 1ut on a red mantle o-er him2 and ne-er ha-e I seen an"one more handsome than Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%%$:

Al-7ara: re1orted: !e-er did I see an"one more handsome than Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the red mantle, His hair had been down on the shoulders and his shoulders were -er" broad2 and he was neither -er" tall nor short-statured, Ibn >uraib said he had hair,
$*22 & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%%2:

Al-7ara: re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had the most handsome 0a/e men and he had the best dis1osition and he was neither -er" tall nor short-statured,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%%4:

Eatada re1orted: I as6ed Anas b, Mali6: How was the hair o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D Thereu1on he said: His hair was neither -er" /url" nor -er" strai.ht2 and the" hun. o-er his shoulders and earlobes,

'ha1ter 2+: @ertainin. to the /hara/teristi/ 0eatures o0 the 0a/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and his e"es and his heels
7oo6 4 2 !umber +%%*:
Anas re1orted that the hair o0 Allah:s (ma", 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame u1on his shoulders,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%%+:

Anas re1orted that the hair o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) rea/hed hal0 o0 the earlobe,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%%):

Fabir b, Samura re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had a broad 0a/e with reddish (wide) e"es2 and lean heels, Shu:ba re1orted: I said to Sima6: ?hat does this dali-ul-0am meanD And he said: This means broad 0a/e, I said: ?hat does this ash6al meanD He said: Lon. in the slit o0 the e"e, I said: ?hat is this manhus-ul-aqibainD He said: It im1lies little 0lesh at the heels,

$*24 & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

'ha1ter 2): Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e ae u1on him) had a white ele.ant 0a/e
7oo6 4 2 !umber +%%%:
Furairi re1orted: I said to Abu Tu0ail: 9id "ou see Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D He said: Kes2 he had a white handsome 0a/e, Muslim b, Hajjaj said: Abu Tu0ail who died in $ was the last o0 the 'om1anions o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Hijra

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%%#:

Abu Tu0ail re1orted: I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and there is one the 1eo1le o0 the earth who (are li-in. at the 1resent time and) had seen him e5/e1t me, I said to him: How did "ou 0ind himD He said: He had an ele.ant white /olor2 and he was o0 an a-era.e,

'ha1ter 2%: @ertainin. to the old a.e o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)
7oo6 4 2 !umber +%%;:
Ibn Sirin re1orted: Anas b, Mali6 was as6ed whether Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) d"ed his hair, He said: He had not be/ome old enou.h to ha-e white hair, Ibn Idris said that he had a 0ew white hair, Abu 7a6r and Umar2 howe-er2 d"ed hair with hina: (henna),

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%# :

Ibn Sirin re1orted: I as6ed Anas b, Mali6 whether Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) d"ed his hair, He said: He had not rea/hed the sta.e when (he needed) d"ein. (o0 his white hair), He had a 0ew white hair in his beard, I said to him: 9id Abu 7a6r d"e his hairD He said: Kes2 with hina: (henna),

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%#$:

Muhammad b, Sirin re1orted: I as6ed Anas b, Mali6 whether Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) d"ed his hair, He said: He had but little white hair,

$*2* & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%#2:

Thabit re1orted that Anas b, Mali6 was as6ed about the d"ein. (o0 the hair o0) Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Thereu1on he said,: (The" were so 0ew) that i0 I so li6ed I /ould /ount their number in his head2 and he 0urther said: (That is) he did not d"e, Abu 7a6r2 howe-er2 d"ed them and so did :Umar d"e them with 1ure henna,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%#4:

Anas b, Mali6 did not li6e that a 1erson should 1i/6 out his white hair 0rom his head or beard2 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not d"e2 and there was some whiteness in his hair at his /hin2 on his tem1les and -er" little on his head, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Muthanna throu.h the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%#*:

Anas (b, Mali6) was as6ed about the old a.e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He said: Allah did not blemish him with white hair,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%#+:

Abu Fuhai0a re1orted: I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. some whiteness (in hair) at this 1la/e2 and Guhair 1la/ed one o0 his 0in.ers at his /hin, Fuhai0a was as6ed how old he had been at that time, He said: I made arrows and 1ut 0eathers to them (i, e, I had 1assed m" /hildhood),

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%#):

Abu Fuhai0a re1orted: I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he had white /om1le5ion and had some white hair2 and Hasan b, :Ali resembled him,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%#%:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Fuhai0a with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%##:

Fabir b, Samura was as6ed about the old a.e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He said: ?hen he oiled his head nothin. was seen (as a mar6 o0 old a.e) and when he did not a11l" oil somethin. (o0 the old a.e) be/ame -isible,
$*2+ & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%#;:

Fabir b, Samura re1orted that there had a11eared some whiteness on the 0ront 1art o0 the head and beard o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?hen he a11lied oil2 it did not be/ome -isible2 but when he did not (a11l") oil2 it be/ame a11arent, And he had a thi/6 beard, A 1erson said: His 0a/e was as ( as the sword, Thereu1on he (Fabir) said: !o2 it was round and li6e the sun and the moon, And I saw the seal near his shoulder o0 the si8e o0 a 1i.eon:s e.. and its /olor was the same as that o0 his bod",

'ha1ter 2#: The 0a/t 1ertainin. to the seal o0 his 1ro1hethood2 its /hara/teristi/ 0eature and its lo/ation on his bod"
7oo6 4 2 !umber +%; :
Fabir, Samura re1orted: I saw the seal on his ba/6 as i0 it were a 1i.eon:s e..,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%;$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sima6 with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%;2:

As-Sa:ib b, Ka8id re1orted: M" mother:s sister too6 me to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 here is the son o0 m" sister and he is ailin., He tou/hed m" head and in-o6ed blessin.s u1on me, He then 1er0ormed ablution and I dran6 the water le0t 0rom his ablutionB then I stood behind him and I saw the seal between his shoulders,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%;4:

Abdullah b, Sarjis re1orted: I saw Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and ate with him bread and meat2 or he said Tharid (bread soa6ed in sou1), I said to him: 9id Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) see6 0or.i-eness 0or "ouD He said: Kes2 and 0or "ou2 and he then re/ited this -erse:C As6 0or.i-eness 0or th" sin and 0or the belie-in. men and belie-in. womenC (5l-ii, $;), I then went a0ter him and saw the Seal o0 @ro1hethood between his shoulders on the le0t side o0 his shoulder ha-in. s1ots on it li6e moles,

$*2) & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

'ha1ter 2;: The qualities o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and a.e when he was .i-en the ministr" o0 a1ostlehood and the duration o0 his li0e,
7oo6 4 2 !umber +%;*:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was neither -er" /ons1i/uousl" tall nor short-statured2 and his /olor was neither .larin.l" white nor brownB his hair was neither -er" /url" nor -er" strai.htB Allah /ommissioned him (as a @ro1het) when he had rea/hed the a.e o0 0ort" "ears2 and he sta"ed in Me//a 0or ten "ears and 0or ten "ears in MedinaB Allah too6 him awa" when he had just rea/hed the a.e o0 si5t"2 and there had not been twent" white hair in his head and beard,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%;+:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 with this addition that instead o0 the word al-Amhaq there is the word A8har,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%;):

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) died when he was si5t"three "ears old2 and so was the /ase with Abu 7a6r2 and so was the /ase with Umar who was also si5t"-three (when he died),

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%;%:

:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) died when he had attained the a.e o0 si5t"-three, And a hadith li6e this had been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Sa:id b, Musa""ib,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +%;#:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Shihab throu.h the same /hain o0 transmitters,

$*2% & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

'ha1ter 4 : How lon. did the a1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sta" in Medina and Me//a
7oo6 4 2 !umber +%;;:
:Amr re1orted: I said to :Urwa: How lon. did Allah:s A1ostle - (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sta" in Me//aD He said: =or ten "ears, I said: Ibn :Abbas sa"s (that he sta"ed in Me//a) 0or thirteen "ears,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#

:Amr re1orted: I said to :Urwa: How lon. did Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sta" in Me//aD He said: =or ten "ears, I said: Ibn Abbas sa"s it is some "ears abo-e ten, He (:Urwa) 0or.i-eness 0or him and said: His statement is based on the -erse o0 a 1oet,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +# $:
Ibn :Abbas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sta"ed in Me//a 0or thirteen "ears and he died when he had attained the a.e o0 si5t" three "ears,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +# 2:
Ibn :Abbas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sta"ed in Me//a 0or thirteen "ears (a0ter he had re/ei-ed re-elation) and sta"ed in Medina 0or ten "ears2 and he was si5t"-three when he died,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +# 4:
Abu Ishaq re1orted: I was sittin. with :Abdullah b, :Utba and there was a dis/ussion about the a.e o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Some o0 the 1ersons said: Abu 7a6r was older than Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), :Abdullah said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) died when he was si5t"-three2 and Abu 7a6r died when he was si5t"-three and so :Umar 0ell as a mart"r when he was si5t"-three, A 1erson 0rom the 1eo1le who was /alled :Amir b, Sa:d re1orted that Fabir had said: ?e were sittin. with Mu:awi"a that there was a dis/ussion about the a.e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Thereu1on Mu:awi"a said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) died when he had attained the a.e o0 si5t"-three2 and Abu 7a6r died when he had attained the a.e o0 si5t"-three2 and Umar 0ell as a mart"r when he had attained the a.e o0 si5t"three,

$*2# & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

7oo6 4 2 !umber +# *:
Fabir re1orted that he heard Mu:awi"a sa" in his address that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) died at the a.e o0 si5t"-three2 so was the /ase with Abu 7a6r and :Umar2 and I (am now) si5t"-three,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +# +:
:Ammar2 the 0reed sla-e o0 7anu Hashim2 re1orted: I as6ed Ibn :Abbas how old was he when death o-ertoo6 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He said: I little 6now that su/h a thin. is not 6nown to a man li6e "ou who belon. to his 1eo1le, He said: I as6ed 1eo1le about it but the" di00ered with me2 and I li6ed to 6now "our o1inion about it, He said: 9o "ou 6now /ountin.D He said: Kes, He then said: 7ear this in mind -er" well that he was /ommissioned (as a @ro1het) at the a.e o0 0ort"2 and he sta"ed in Me//a 0or 0i0teen "earsB sometime in 1ea/e and sometime in dread2 and (li-ed) 0or ten "ears a0ter his mi.ration to Medina,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +# ):
This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Kunus with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +# %:
Ammar2 the 0reed sla-e o0 7anu Hashim2 re1orted that Ibn :Abbas said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) died when he had attained the a.e o0 si5t"-0i-e,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +# #:
This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 >halid with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +# ;:
Ibn :Abbas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sta"ed in Me//a 0or 0i0teen "ears (a0ter his ad-ent as a @ro1het) and he heard the -oi/e o0 Habriel and saw his radian/e 0or se-en "ears but did not see an" -isible 0orm2 and then re/ei-ed re-elation 0or ten "ears2 and he sta"ed in Medina 0or ten "ears,

$*2; & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

'ha1ter 4$: @ertainin. to the name o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)
7oo6 4 2 !umber +#$ :
Fubair b, Mut:im re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I am Muhammad and I am Ahmad2 and I am al-Mahi (the obliterator) b" whom unbelie0 would be obliterated2 and I am Hashir (the .atherer) at whose 0eet man6ind will be .athered2 and I am :Aqib (the last to /ome) a0ter whom there will be no @ro1het,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#$$:

Fubair b, Mut:im re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I ha-e man" names: I am Muhammad2 I am Ahmad2 I am al-Mahi throu.h whom Allah obliterates unbelie02 and I am Hashir (the .atherer) at whose 0eet 1eo1le will be .athered2 and I am :Aqib (a0ter whom there would be none)2 and Allah has named him as /om1assionate and mer/i0ul,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#$2:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ma:mar (and the words are): I said to Guhri: ?hat does (the word) al-:Aqib im1l"D He said: 3ne a0ter whom there is no @ro1het2 and in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ma:mar and :Uqail there is a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#$4:

Abu Musa Ash:ari re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) mentioned man" names o0 his and said: I am Muhammad2 Ahmad, Muqa00i (the last in su//ession)2 Hashir2 the @ro1het o0 re1entan/e2 and the @ro1het o0 Mer/",

$*4 & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

'ha1ter 42: The 6nowled.e o0 allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about allah and his utmost 0ear o0 him
7oo6 4 2 !umber +#$*:
:A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did an a/t2 and held it to be -alid, This news rea/hed some 1ersons his 'om1anions (and it was 0elt) that the" did not a11ro-e o0 it and a-oided (it), This rea/tion o0 theirs was /on-e"ed to him, He stood to deli-er an addressB and said: ?hat has ha11ened to the 1eo1le to whom there was /on-e"ed on m" behal0 a matter 0or whi/h I .ranted 1ermission and the" disa11ro-ed it and a-oided itD 7" Allah2 I ha-e the best 6nowled.e o0 Allah them2 and I 0ear Him most them,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#$+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#$):

:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ranted 1ermission 0or doin. a thin.2 but some 1ersons the 1eo1le a-oided it, This was /on-e"ed to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he was so mu/h anno"ed that the si.n o0 his a11eared on his 0a/e, He then said: ?hat has ha11ened to the 1eo1le that the" a-oid that 0or whi/h 1ermission has been .ranted to meD 7" Allah2 I ha-e the best 6nowled.e o0 Allah them2 and 0ear Him most them,

'ha1ter 44: It is obli.ator" 0or a muslim to 0ollow the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) earnestl"
7oo6 4 2 !umber +#$%:
:Urwa b, Gubair re1orted that :Abdullah b, Gubair had narrated to him that a 1erson 0rom the Ansar dis1uted with Gubair in the 1resen/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in re.ard to the waterin. 1la/es o0 Harra 0rom whi/h the" watered the date-1alms, The Ansari said: Let the water 0low2 but he (Gubair) re0used to do this and the dis1ute was to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e
$*4$ & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

be u1on him) and he said to Gubair: Gubair2 water ("our date-1alms)2 then let the water 0low to "our nei.hbor, The Ansari was enra.ed and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 ("ou ha-e .i-en this de/ision) 0or he is the son o0 "our 0ather:s sister, The 0a/e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) underwent a /han.e2 and then said: Gubair2 water ("our date-1alms)2 then hold it until it rises u1 to the walls, Gubair said: I thin62 b" Allah2 that this -erse:C !a"2 b" the Lord2 the" will not (reall") (belie-e) until the" ma6e thee a jud.e o0 what is in dis1ute amon. them2 and 0ind in this no disli6e o0 what thou de/idest and submit with 0ull submissionC (i-, )+),

'ha1ter 4*: Aes1e/t o0 allah:s and abandonin. o0 too man" questions es1e/iall" those 0or whi/h there is no .enuine need
7oo6 4 2 !umber +#$#:
Abu Huraira re1orted that he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A-oid that whi/h I 0orbid "ou to do and do that whi/h I /ommand "ou to do to the best o0 "our /a1a/it", <eril" the 1eo1le be0ore "ou went to their doom be/ause the" had 1ut too man" questions to their @ro1hets and then disa.reed with their tea/hin.s,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#$;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Shihab with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#2 :

This hadith has been narrated b" Abu Huraira throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are) that he re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: Abandon that whi/h I ha-e as6ed "ou to abandon2 0or the 1eo1le be0ore "ou went to their doom (0or as6in. too man" questions),

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#2$:

Amir b, Sa:d re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The .reatest sinner the Muslims is one who as6ed about a thin. (0rom Allah:s A1ostle) whi/h had not been 0orbidden 0or the Muslims and it was 0orbidden 0or them be/ause o0 his 1ersistentl" as6in. about it,

$*42 & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#22:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 :Amir b, Sa:d and the words are, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The .reatest sinner o0 the Muslims Muslims is one who as6ed about a /ertain thin. whi/h had not been 1rohibited and it was 1rohibited be/ause o0 his as6in. about it, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters and with this addition:C A 1erson as6ed about a thin. 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he indul.ed in hair-s1littin.,C

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#24:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that somethin. was /on-e"ed to him (the Hol" 1ro1het) about his 'om1anions2 so he addressed them and said: @aradise and Hell were 1resented to me and I ha-e ne-er seen the .ood and e-il as (I did) toda", And i0 "ou were to 6now "ou would ha-e we1t more and lau.hed less, He (the narrator) said: There was nothin. more burdensome 0or the 'om1anions o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) than this, The" /o-ered their heads and the sound o0 wee1in. was heard 0rom them, Then there stood u1 :Umar and he said: ?e are well 1leased with Allah as our Lord2 with Islam as our /ode o0 li0e and with Muhammad as our A1ostle2 and it was at that time that a 1erson stood u1 and he said: ?ho is m" 0atherD Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kour 0ather is so and soB and there was re-ealed the -erse:C 3 "ou who belie-e2 do not as6 about matters whi/h2 i0 the" were to be made mani0est to "ou (in terms o0 law)2 /ause to "ou harmC (-, $ $),

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#2*:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that a 1erson said: Allah:s Messen.er2 who is m" 0atherD And he said: Kour 0ather is so and so2 and there was re-ealed this -erse:C 9o not as6 about matters whi/h2 i0 the" were to be made mani0est to "ou2 /ause "ou harmC (-, $ $),

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#2+:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him stood when the sun had 1assed the meridian and he led them noon 1ra"er and a0ter obser-in. salutations (/om1letin. the 1ra"er) he stood u1on the 1ul1it and tal6ed about the Last Hour and made a mention o0 the im1ortant 0a/ts 1rior to it and then said: He who desires to as6 an"thin. 0rom me let him as6 me about it, 7" Allah2 I shall not mo-e 0rom this 1la/e so lon. as I do not in0orm "ou about that whi/h "ou as6, Anas b, Mali6 said: @eo1le to shed tears 1ro0usel" when the" heard this 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said it re1eatedl": Kou as6 me, Thereu1on :Abdullah b, Hudha0a stood u1 and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 who is m" 0atherD He said: Kour 0ather is Hudha0a2 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said re1eatedl": As6 me2 and (it was at this jun/ture that :Umar 6nelt down and said): ?e are well 1leased with Allah as
$*44 & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

our Lord2 with Islam as our /ode o0 li0e and with Muhammad as the (o0 Allah), Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 6e1t quiet so lon. as :Umar s1o6e, Then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (The 9oom) is nearB b" Him2 in ?hose Hand is the li0e o0 Muhammad2 there was 1resented to me the @aradise and Hell in the noo6 o0 this en/losure2 and I did not see .ood and e-il li6e that o0 the 1resent da", Ibn Shihab re1orted: Ubaidullah b, :Abdullah b, :Utba told me that the mother o0 :Abdullah b, Hudha0a told :Abdullah b, Hudha0a: I ha-e ne-er heard o0 a son more disobedient than "ou, 9o "ou 0eel "oursel0 immune 0rom the 0a/t that "our mother /ommitted a sin whi/h the women in the 1re-Islami/ 1eriod /ommitted and then "ou dis.ra/e her in the e"es o0 the 1eo1leD :Abdullah b, Hudha0a said: I0 m" 0atherhood were to be attributed to a bla/6 sla-e I would ha-e /onne/ted m"sel0 with him,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#2):

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Guhri with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#2%:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that the 1eo1le as6ed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) until he was hard 1ressed, He went out one da" and he o//u1ied the 1ul1it and said: As6 me and I shall lea-e no question o0 "ours unanswered 0or "ou2 and when the 1eo1le heard about it the" were o-erawed2 as i0 (somethin. tra.i/) was .oin. to ha11en, Anas said: I to loo6 towards the and the le0t and (0ound) that e-er" 1erson was wee1in. wra11in. his head with the /loth, Then a 1erson in the mosque bro6e the i/e and the" used to dis1ute with him b" attributin. his 0atherhood to another man than his own 0ather, He said: Allah:s A1ostle2 who is m" 0atherD He said: Kour 0ather is Hudha0a, Then :Umar b, >hattab (Allah be 1leased with him) dared sa" somethin. and said: ?e are well 1leased with Allah as our Lord2 with Islam as our /ode o0 li0e and with Muhammad as our Messen.er2 see6in. re0u.e with Allah 0rom the e-il o0 Turmoil, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !e-er did I see the .ood and e-il as toda", @aradise and Hell were .i-en a -isible sha1e be0ore me (in this worldl" li0e) and I saw both o0 them near this well,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#2#:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Eatada,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#2;:

Abu Musa re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed su/h thin.s whi/h he disa11ro-ed and when the" 1ersisted on as6in. him he 0elt enra.ed and then said to the 1eo1le: As6 me what "ou wish to as6, Thereu1on a 1erson said: ?ho is m" 0atherD He said: Kour 0ather is Hudha0a, Then another 1erson stood u1 and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 who is m" 0atherD He said: Kour 0a$*4* & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

ther is Salim2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Shaiba, ?hen :Umar saw the si.ns o0 u1on the 0a/e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 he said: Allah:s Messen.er2 we as6 re1entan/e 0rom Allah, And in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu >uraib (the words are):C Allah:s Messen.er2 who is m" 0atherD He said: Kour 0ather is Salim2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Shaiba,C

'ha1ter 4+: It is obli.ator" to 0ollow the 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in all matters 1ertainin. to reli.ion2 but one is 0ree to a/t on one:s own o1inion in matters whi/h 1ertain to te/hni/al s6ill
7oo6 4 2 !umber +#4 :
Musa b, Talha re1orted: I and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha11ened to 1ass b" 1eo1le near the date-1alm trees, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hat are these 1eo1le doin.D The" said: The" are .ra0tin.2 i, e, the" /ombine the male with the 0emale (tree) and thus the" "ield more 0ruit, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I do not 0ind it to be o0 an" use, The 1eo1le were in0ormed about it and the" abandoned this 1ra/ti/e, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (was later) on in0ormed (that the "ield had dwindled)2 whereu1on he said: I0 there is an" use o0 it2 then the" should do it2 0or it was just a 1ersonal o1inion o0 mine2 and do not .o a0ter m" 1ersonal o1inionB but when I sa" to "ou an"thin. on behal0 o0 Allah2 then do a//e1t it2 0or I do not attribute lie to Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#4$:

Aa0i: b, >hadij re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to Medina and the 1eo1le had been .ra0tin. the trees, He said: ?hat are "ou doin.D The" said: ?e are .ra0tin. them2 whereu1on he said: It ma" 1erha1s be .ood 0or "ou i0 "ou do not do that2 so the" abandoned this 1ra/ti/e (and the date-1alms) to "ield less 0ruit, The" made a mention o0 it (to the Hol" @ro1het)2 whereu1on he said: I am a human bein.2 so when I /ommand "ou about a thin. 1ertainin. to reli.ion2 do a//e1t it2 and when I /ommand "ou about a thin. out o0 m" 1ersonal o1inion2 6ee1 it in mind that I am a human bein., :I6rima re1orted that he said somethin. li6e this,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#42:

Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha11ened to 1ass b" the 1eo1le who had been bus" in .ra0tin. the trees, Thereu1on he said: I0 "ou were not to do it2 it be .ood
$*4+ & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

0or "ou, (So the" abandoned this 1ra/ti/e) and there was a de/line in the "ield, He (the Hol" @ro1het) ha11ened to 1ass b" them (and said): ?hat has .one wron. with "our treesD The" said: Kou said so and so, Thereu1on he said: Kou ha-e better 6nowled.e (o0 a te/hni/al s6ill) in the a00airs o0 the world,

'ha1ter 4): The merit o0 loo6in. at the 0a/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and 0or it
7oo6 4 2 !umber +#44:
Abu Huraira re1orted so man" :ahadith 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and one amon. them was that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is re1orted to ha-e said: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is the li0e o0 Muhammad2 a da" would /ome to "ou when "ou would not be able to see me2 and the .lim1se o0 m" 0a/e would be dearer to one than one:s own 0amil"2 one:s 1ro1ert" and in 0a/t e-er"thin., This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ishaq with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter 4%: The merits o0 Fesus 'hrist (1ea/e be u1on him)

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#4*:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I am most a6in to the son o0 Mar" amon. the whole o0 man6ind and the @ro1hets are o0 di00erent mothers2 but o0 one reli.ion2 and no @ro1het was raised between me and him (Fesus 'hrist),

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#4+:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I am most a6in to Fesus 'hrist amon. the whole o0 man6ind2 and all the @ro1hets are o0 di00erent mothers but belon. to one reli.ion and no @ro1het was raised between me and Fesus,

$*4) & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#4):

Abu Huraira re1orted man" ahadith 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and one is that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I am most /lose to Fesus2 son o0 Mar"2 amon. the whole o0 man6ind in this worldl" li0e and the ne5t li0e, The" said: Allah:s how is itD Thereu1on he said: @ro1hets are brothers in 0aith2 ha-in. di00erent mothers, Their reli.ion is2 howe-er2 one and there is no A1ostle between us (between I and Fesus 'hrist),

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#4%:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !o /hild is born but he is 1ri/6ed b" the satan and he be.ins to wee1 be/ause o0 the 1ri/6in. o0 the satan e5/e1t the son o0 Mar" and his mother, Abu Huraira then said: Kou ma" re/ite i0 "ou so li6e (the -erse):C I see6 Th" 1rote/tion 0or her and her o00s1rin. a.ainst satan the a//ursedC (iii, 4)), This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are):C The newborn /hild is tou/hed b" the satan (when he /omes in the world) and he starts /r"in. be/ause o0 the tou/h o0 satan,C In the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Shu:aib there is a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#4#:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The satan tou/hes e-er" son o0 Adam on the da" when his mother .i-es birth to him with the e5/e1tion o0 Mar" and her son,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#4;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The /r"in. o0 the /hild (starts) when the satan be.ins to 1ri/6 him,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#* :

Abu Huraira re1orted ahadith 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (and one o0 them was) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said Fesus son o0 Mar" saw a 1erson /ommittin. the0tB thereu1on Fesus said to him: Kou /ommitted the0t, He said: !a", 7" Him besides ?hom there is no .od (I ha-e not /ommitted the0t), Thereu1on Fesus said: I a00irm m" 0aith in Allah It is m" ownsel0 that de/ei-ed me,

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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

'ha1ter 4#: The merits o0 Ibrahim2 the 0riend o0 Allah (1ea/e be u1on him)
7oo6 4 2 !umber +#*$:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that a 1erson /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: 32 the best o0 /reationB thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He is Ibrahim (1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#*2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas throu.h a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#*4:

Anas re1orted a hadith li6e this 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#**:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said that Ibrahim /ir/um/ised himsel0 with the hel1 o0 ad8 when he was ei/lht" "ears old,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#*+:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?e ha-e more /laim to doubt than Ibrahim (1ea/e be u1on him) when he said2 M" Lord2 show me how thou wilt qui/6en the dead, He said: 7elie-eth thou notD He said: Kes2 but that m" heart rest at ease (the Hol" Eur:an, 2) ), Ma" Lord ha-e mer/" on Lot that he wanted a stron. su11ort and had I sta"ed in the 1rison as lon. as Kusu0 sta"ed I would ha-e res1onded to him who in-ited me,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#*):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#*%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,
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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#*#:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. @ro1het Ibrahim (1ea/e be u1on him) ne-er told a lie but onl" thri/e: two times 0or the sa6e o0 Allah (0or e5am1le2 his words):C I am si/62C and his words:C 7ut it was the bi. one them whi/h has done thatC and be/ause o0 Sara (his wi0e), He had /ome in a land inhabited b"" and /ruel men alon. with Sara, She was -er" .ood-loo6in. the 1eo1le2 so he said to her: I0 these were to 6now that "ou are m" wi0e the" would snat/h "ou awa" 0rom me2 so i0 the" as6 "ou tell that "ou are m" sister and in 0a/t "ou are m" sister in Islam2 and I do not 6now o0 an" other Muslim in this land besides I and "ou, And when the" entered that land the t"rants /ame to see her and said to him (the 6in.): :there /omes to "our land a woman2 whom "ou alone deser-e to 1ossess2 so he (the 6in.s sent someone (towards her) and she was and Ibrahim (1ea/e be u1on him) stood in 1re"er2 and when she -isited him (the t"rant 6in. /ame) he /ould hel1 but stret/h his hand towards her and his hand was tied u1, He said: Su11li/ate Allah so that He ma" release m" hand and I will do no harm to "ou, She did that and the man re1eated (the same hi.hhandedness) and his hand was a.ain tied u1 more ti.htl" than on the 0irst o//asion and he said to her li6e that and she a.ain did that (su11li/ated)2 but he re1eated (the same hi.hhandedness and his hands were tied u1 more ti.htl" than on the 1re-ious o//asion), He then a.ain said: Su11li/ate "our Lord so that He ma" set m" hand 0reeB b", I llah I shall do no harm to "ou, She did and his hand was 0reed, Then he /alled the 1erson who had her and said to him: Kou ha-e to me the satan and "ou ha-e not to me a human bein.2 so turn them out 0rom m" land2 and he .a-e Hajira as a .i0t to her, She returned (alon. with Hajira) and when Ibrahim (1ea/e be u1on him) saw her2 he said: How ha-e "ou returnedD She said: ?ith 0ull sa0et" (ha-e I returned), Allah held the hand o0 that debau/h and he .a-e me a maid-ser-ant, Abu Hiaraira said: 3 sons o0 the rain o0 the s6"2 she is "our mother,

'ha1ter 4;: @ertainin. to the merits o0 Moses (1ea/e be u1on him)

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#*;:
Hammam b, Munabbih re1orted that Abu Huraira re1orted man" ahadith 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and one2 o0 them s1ea6s that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is re1orted to ha-e said: 7anu Isra:il used to ta6e bath (to.ether) na6ed and thus saw 1ri-ate 1arts o0 one another2 but Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) used to ta6e bath alone (in 1ri-a/")2 and the" said: 7" Allah2 nothin. 1re-ents Moses to ta6e bath alon. with usB but s/rotal hernia, 3ne da" when he (Moses) was ta6in. bath (alone) he 1la/ed his /lothes u1on a stone2 but the stone to mo-e alon. with his /lothes, Moses ra/ed a0ter it sa"in.: M" .arment2 stoneB until (some o0 the 1eo1le) o0 7anu

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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

Isra:il loo6ed at the 1ri-ate 1arts o0 Moses2 and the" said: 7" Allah2 there is no trouble with Moses, The stone sto11ed a0ter he (Moses) had been seen, He too6 hold o0 his .arments and stru/6 the stone, Abu Huraira said: I swear b" Allah that there were si5 or se-en s/ars on the stone be/ause o0 the stri6in. o0 stone b" Moses (1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#+ :

Abu Huraira re1orted that Moses was a modest 1erson, He was ne-er seen na6ed and 7anu Isra:iI said: (He was a0raid to e51ose his 1ri-ate 1art) be/ause he had been su00erin. 0rom s/rotal hernia, He (one da") too6 bath in water and 1la/ed his .arments u1on a stone, The stone to mo-e on qui/6l", He 0ollowed that and stru/6 it with the hel1 o0 a stone (sa"in.): 3 stone2 m" .armentB 3 stone2 m" .arments2 3 stoneB until it sto11ed near the bi. .atherin. o0 Isrii:ll2 and this -erse was re-ealed (1ertainin. to the in/ident):C 3 "ou who belie-e2 be not Ii6e those who mali.ned Moses2 but Allah /leared him o0 what the" said2 and he was worth" o0 re.ard with AllahC (555iii, );),

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#+$:

Abu Huraira re1orted that the An.el o0 9eath was sent to Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) to in0orm o0 his Lord:s summons, ?hen he /ame2 he (Moses) bo5ed him and his e"e was 6no/6ed out, He (the An.el o0 9eath) /ame ba/6 to the Lord and said: Kou sent me to a ser-ant, who did not want to die, Allah restored his e"e to its 1ro1er 1la/e (and re-i-ed his e" and then said: Ho ba/6 to him and tell him that i0 he wants li0e he must 1la/e his hand on the ba/6 o0 an o52 and he would be .ranted as man" "ears o0 li0e as the number o0 hair /o-ered b" his hand, He (Moses) said: M" Lord what would ha11en then He said: Then "ou must /ourt death, He said: Let it be now, And he su11li/ated Allah to brin. him /lose to the sa/red land, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 I were there2 I would ha-e shown "ou his .ra-e beside the road at the red mound,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#+2:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said that the An.el o0 9eath /ame to Moses and said: Aes1ond (to the /all) o0 Allah (i, e, be 1re1ared 0or death), Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e a blow at the e"e o0 the An.el o0 9eath and 6no/6ed it out, The An.el went ba/6 to Allah (the (5alted) and said: Kou sent me to "our ser-ant who does not li6e to die and he 6no/6ed out m" e"e, Allah restored his e"e to its 1ro1er 1la/e (and re-i-ed his e" and said: Ho to M" ser-ant and sa": 9o "ou want li0eD And in /ase "ou want li0e2 6ee1 "our hand on the bod" o0 the o5 and "ou would li-e su/h number o0 "ears as the (number o0) hair "our hand /o-ers, He (Moses) said: ?hat2 thenD He said: Then "ou would die2 whereu1on he (Moses) said: Then wh" not nowD (He then 1ra"ed): Allah2 /ause me to die /lose to the sa/red land, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be

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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

u1on him) said: Had I been near that 1la/e I would ha-e shown his .ra-e b" the side o0 the 1ath at the red mound, This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ma:mar,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#+4:

Abu Huraira re1orted: ?hile a Few was sellin. .oods2 he was .i-en somethin. whi/h he did not a//e1t or he did not a.ree (to a//e1t) that :Abdul :A8l8 (one o0 the narrators) is doubt0ul about it, He (the Few) said: 7" Allah2 ?ho /hose Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) amon. man6ind, A 1erson 0rom the Ansar heard it and .a-e a blow at his 0a/e sa"in.: (Kou ha-e the auda/it") to sa": 7" Him ?ho /hose Moses man6ind2 whereas Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is li-in. us, The Few went to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Abu:l-Easim2 I am a 9himmi and (thus need "our 1rote/tion) b" a /o-enant2 and added: Su/h and su/h 1erson has .i-en a blow u1on m" 0a/e, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?h" did "ou .i-e a blow on his 0a/eD He said: Allah:s Messen.er2 this man said: 7" Him ?ho /hose Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) man6ind2 whereas "ou are li-in. us, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) be/ame an.r" and si.ns o0 /ould be seen on his 0a/e2 and then said: 9on:t ma6e distin/tion the @ro1hets o0 Allah, ?hen the horn will be blown and whate-er is in the hea-ens and the earth would swoon but he whom Allah .rants e5/e1tion2 then another horn will be blown and I would be the 0irst those who would re/o-er and Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) would be /at/hin. hold o0 the Throne and I do not 6now whether it is a /om1ensation 0or that when he swooned on the 9a" o0 Tur or he would be resurre/ted be0ore me and I do not sa" that an"one is more e5/ellent than Kunus son o0 Matta (1ea/e he u1on him), This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Salama with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#+*:

Abu =luraira re1orted that two 1ersons2 one 0rom the Fews and the other 0rom the Muslims2 0ell into dis1ute and to abuse one another, The Muslim said: 7" Him ?ho /hose Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the worlds, And the Few said: 7" Him ?ho /hose Moses in the worlds, Thereu1on the Muslim li0ted his hand and sla11ed at the 0a/e o0 the Few, The Few went to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and told him about his a00air and the a00air o0 the Muslim, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) laid: 9on:t ma6e me su1erior to Moses 0or man6ind will swoon and I would be the :0irst to re/o-er 0rom it and Moses would be at that time sei8in. the side o0 the Throne and I do not 6now (whether) he would swoon and would re/o-er be0ore me or Allah would ma6e an e5/e1tion 0or him,

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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#++:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A 1erson 0rom the Muslims and a 1erson 0rom the Fews 0ell into dis1ute and re-iled ea/h other, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#+):

Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted that a Few who had re/ei-ed a blow at his 0a/e /ame to Allali:2 B (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) B the rest o0 the hadith is the same2 u1 to the hand (where the words are): That he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I do not 6now whether he would be one who would 0all into swoon and would re/o-er be0ore me or he would be /om1ensated 0or his swoonin. at Tur (and thus he would not swoon on this o//asion) o0 Aesurre/tion,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#+%:

Abu Sa:id >udari re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in.2 said this: 9on:t ma6e distin/tion the A1ostles, This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters also,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#+#:

Anas b, mali6 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I /ame, And in the narration transmitted on the authorit" o0 Haddib (the words are): I ha11ened to 1ass b" Moses on the o//asion o0 the ! journe" near the red mound (and 0ound him) sa"in. his 1ra"er in his .ra-e,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#+;:

Anas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I ha11ened to 1ass b" Moses as he was bus" in sa"in. 1ra"er in his .ra-e2 and in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 :Isa there is an addition o0 these words:2 I ha11ened to 1ass on the o//asion o0 the ! journe",C In the hadith 1ertainin. to Kunus (1ea/e be u1on him) the words o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) are:C It is not meet 0or a2 ser-ant that he should sa":C I am better than Kunus (jonah) son o0 Matta,C

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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#) :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ra/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that Allah2 the (5alted and Majesti/2 said: It is not meet 0or a ser-ant o0 Mine that he should sa": I am better than Kunus b, Matta (1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#)$:

Abu al-Ali"a said: The son o0 the un/le o0 "our @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 i, e, Ibn Abbas2 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is not meet 0or a ser-ant that he should sa": I am better than Kunus b, Matta (and this Matta) is the name o0 his 0ather,

'ha1ter * : The merits o0 Kusu0 (Fose1h) (1ea/e be u1on him)

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#)2:
Abu Huraira re1orted: It was said to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as to who was the most worth" o0 res1e/t 1eo1le, He said: The most Hod-/ons/ious "ou The" said: It is not this that we are as6in. about2 whereu1on he said: Then he is Kusu02 the A1ostle o0 Aliah and the son o0 Allah:s A1ostle2 Ka:qub2 who was also the son o0 Allah:s A1ostle2 the 0riend o0 Allah (Ibrahim) The" said: This is not what we are as6in. "ou, He said: Kou mean the tribes o0 ArabiaD Those who are .ood in 1re-Islami/ da"s are .ood in Islam (a0ter embra/in. Islam) when the" .et an understandin. o0 it,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#)4:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Ga6ari""a (1ea/e be u1on him) was a /ar1enter,

'ha1ter *$: The merits o0 Hadrat >hadir (1ea/e be u1on him)

boo6 4 2 number +#)*:
Sa:id b, Fubair re1orted: I said to Ibn Abbas that !au0 al-7i6ali was o0 the o1inion that Moses (1ea/e be u1on him)2 the A1ostle o0 7ani Isra:il2 was not the same who a//om1anied >hadir2 whereu1on
$**4 & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

he said: The enem" o0 Allah tells a lie, I heard Uba"" b, >a:b sa": Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 to .i-e sermon to the 1eo1le o0 Isra:il, He was as6ed as to who the 1eo1le has the best 6nowled.e2 whereu1on he said: I ha-e the best 6nowled.e, Thereu1on Allah was anno"ed with him that he did not attribute (the best 6nowled.e) to Him, He re-ealed to him: A ser-ant M" ser-ants is at the jun/tion o0 two ri-ers who has more 6nowled.e than "ours, Moses said: How /an I meet himD It was said to him: 'arr" a 0ish in the lar.e bas6et and the 1la/e where "ou 0ind it missin. there "ou will 0ind him, Thereu1on Moses 1ro/eeded 0orth alon. with a "oun. man (Kusha:), Foshua b, !an and Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) 1ut the 0ish in the bas6et and there went alon. with him the "oun. man (Kusha:) until the" /ame to a /ertain ro/6 and Moses and his /om1anion went to slee1 and the 0ish stirred in that bas6et and 0ell into the o/ean and Allah sto11ed the /urrent o0 water li6e a -ault until the wa" was made 0or the 0ish, Moses and his "oun, /om1anion were astonished and the" wal6ed 0or the rest o0 the da" and the and the 0riend o0 Moses 0or.ot to in0orm him o0 this in/ident, ?hen it was mornin.2 Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) said to the "oun. man: 7rin. 0or us the brea60ast 0or we are dead tired be/ause o0 this journe"2 and the" did not 0eel e5hausted until the" had 1assed that 1la/e where the" had been /ommanded (to sta"), He said: 9on:t "ou 6now that when we rea/hed the Sa6hra (ro/6) I 0or.ot the 0isii and noth n. made me it but the satan that I, /ould nit remember itD How stran.e is it that the 0ish 0ound a wa" in the ri-erD Moses said: That was what we had been aimin. at, Then both o0 them retra/ed their ste1s until the" rea/hed Sa6hraB there the" saw a man /o-ered with a /loth, Moses .reeted him, >hadir said to him: ?here is as-Salam in our /ountr",D He said: I am Moses2 whereu1on he (>hadir) said: Kou mean the Moses o0 7ani Isra:ilD He said: Kes, He (>hadir) said: Kou ha-e a 6nowled.e out o0 the 6nowled.e o0 Allah whi/h in 0a/t Allah im1arted to "ou and about that I 6now nothin. and I ha-e 6nowled.e out o0 Allah:s 6nowled.e whi/h He im1arted to me and about that "ou do not 6now, Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: Ma" I 0ollow "ou so that "ou ma" tea/h me that with whi/h "ou ha-e been ri.hteousness, He said: Kou will not be able to bear with meB how "ou will be able to bear that about whi/h "ou do not 6nowD Moses said: Thou wilt 0ind me 1atient2 nor shalt I disobe" "ou in, >hadir said to him: I0 "ou were to 0ollow me2 then do not as6 me about an"thin. until I m"sel0 s1ea6 to "ou about it, He said: Kes, So >hadir and Moses set 0orth on the ban6 o0 the ri-er that there /ame be0ore them a boat, 7oth o0 theni tal6ed to them (the owners o0 the boat) so that the" /arr" both o0 them, The" had re/o.nised >hadir and the" /arried them 0ree, >hadir thereu1on too6 hold o0 a 1lan6 in the boat and bro6e it awa", Moses said: These 1eo1le ha-e /arried us without an" /har.e and "ou attem1t to brea6 their boat so that the 1eo1le sailin. in the boat ma" drown, This is (somethin.) .rie-ous that "ou ha-e done, He said: 9id I not sa" that "ou would not bear with meD He said: 7lame me not 0or what I 0or.ot and be not hard u1on what I did, Then both o0 them .ot down 0rom the boat and to wal6 alon. the /oastline that the" saw a bo" who had been 1la"in. with other bo"s, >hadir 1ulled u1 his head and 6illed him, Moses said: Ha-e "ou 6illed an inno/ent 1erson who is in no wa" .uilt" o0 sla"in. anotherD Kou ha-e done somethin. horrible, Thereu1on he said: 9id I not sa" to "ou that "ou will not be able to bear with meD He (Moses) said: This (a/t) is more .rie-ous
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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

than the 0irst one, He (Moses) 0urther said, I0 I as6 "ou about an"thin. a0ter this2 6ee1 not /om1an" with me2 then "ou would no doubt 0ind (a 1lausible) e5/use 0or this, Then the" both wal6ed on until the" rea/hed the inhabitants o0 a -illa.e, The" as6ed its inhabitants 0or 0ood but the" re0used to entertain them as their .uests, The" 0ound in it a wall whi/h had been bent on one side and was about to 0all, >hadir set it with his own hand, Moses2 said to him: It is the 1eo1le to whom we /ame but the" showed us no hos1italit" and the" did not ser-e us 0ood, I0 "ou wish "ou /an .et 0or it, He (>hadir) said: This is the 1artin. o0 wa"s between mt and "ou, !ow I wish to re-eal to "ou the si.ni0i/an/e o0 that 0or whi/h "ou /ould not bear with me, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said, Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on MosesL I wish i0 Moses /ould show 1atien/e and a (0uller) stor" o0 both o0 them /ould ha-e been told, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said that the 0irst thin. whi/h Moses said was out o0 0or.et0ulness, Then there /ame a s1arrow until it 1er/hed on the wall o0 the boat and too6 water 0rom the o/ean, Thereu1on2 >hadir said: M" 6nowled.e and "our 6nowled.e in /om1arison with the 6nowled.e o0 Allah is e-en less than the water ta6en b" the s1arrow in its bea6 in /om1arison to the water o0 the o/ean2 and Sa:id b, jubair used to re/ite (-erses %; and # o0 Sura >ah0) in this wa": There was be0ore them a 6in. who used to sei8e e-er" boat b" 0or/e whi/h was in order2 the bo" was an unbelie-er,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#)+:

Sa2 id b, jubair re1orted that it was said to Ibn :Abbas that !au0 al-7i6ali was o0 the o1inion that Moses who went in sear/h o0 6nowled.e was not the Moses o0 7ani Isra:il, He said: Sa:id2 did "ou hear it 0rom himD I said: Kes, Thereu1on he said that !au0 had not stated the 0a/t, Uba"" b, >a:b narrated to us that he had heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Moses had been deli-erin. sermons to his 1eo1le, And he made this remar6: !o 1erson u1on the earth has better 6nowled.e than I or nothin. better than mine, Thereu1on Allah re-ealed to him: I 6now one who is better than "ou (in 6nowled.e) or there is a 1erson on the earth ha-in. more 6nowled.e than "ou, Thereu1on he said: M" Lord2 dire/t me to him, It was said to him: >ee1 a salted 0ish as a 1ro-ision 0or journe", The 1la/e where that 0ish would be lost (there "ou will 0ind that man), So he set 0orth and a "oun. sla-e alon. with him until the" /ame to a 1la/e Sa6hra, but he did not 0ind an" /lue, So he 1ro/eeded on and le0t that "oun. man there, The 0ish to stir in water and the water assumed the 0orm o0 an ar6 o-er the 0ish, The "oun. man said: I should meet Allah:s A1ostle (1ea/e be u1on him) and in0orm him2 but he was made to and when the" had .one be"ond that 1la/e2 he (Moses) said to the "oun. man: 7rin. brea60ast, ?e ha-e been e5hausted be/ause o0 the journe"2 and he (Moses) was not e5hausted until he had /rossed that (1arti/ular) 1la/e (where he had) to meet >hadir2 and the "outh was reminded and said: 9id "ou not see that as we rea/hed Sa6hra I 0or.ot the 0ish and it is satan alone who has made me 0or.et0ul o0 it:D It is stran.e that he has been able to 0ind wa" in the o/ean too, He said: This is what we 0or us,

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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

The" returned retra/in. their ste1s2 and he (his /om1anion) 1ointed to him the lo/ation (where) the 0ish (had been lost), Moses to sear/h him there, He suddenl" saw >hadir wra11ed in a /loth and l"in. on his ba/6, He said to him: As-Salamu-:Alai6um, He remo-ed the /loth 0rom his 0a/e and said: ?a :Alai6um-us-SalamL ?ho are "ouD He said: I am Moses, He said: ?ho MosesD He said: Moses 30 7ani Isra:il, He said: ?hat "ou hereD He said: I ha-e /ome so that "ou ma" tea/h me what "ou ha-e been o0 ri.hteousness, He said: Kou shall ha-e to bear with me2 and how /an "ou ha-e 1atien/e about a thin. o0 whi/h "ou ha-e no /om1rehensi-e 6nowled.eD Kou will not ha-e 1atien/e when "ou see me doin. a thin. I ha-e been ordered to do, He said: I0 Allah 1leases2 "ou will 0ind me 1atient2 nor shall I disobe" "ou in, >hadir said: I0 "ou 0ollow me2 don:t as6 me about an"thin. until I e51lain it to "ou, So the" went on until the" embar6ed u1on a boat, He (>hadir) made a hole in that, Thereu1on he (Moses) said: Kou ha-e done this so that "ou ma" drown the 1ersons sittin. in the boat, Kou ha-e done somethin. .rie-ous, Thereu1on he said: 9id I not tell "ou that "ou will not be able to bear with meD Thereu1on he (Moses) said: 7lame me not 0or what I 0or.ot and be not hard u1on me 0or what I did, (>hadir .a-e him another /han/e,) So the" went on until the" rea/hed a 1la/e where bo"s were 1la"in., He went to one o0 them and / hold:o0 one (a11arentl") at random and 6illed him, Moses (1ea/e be u1on him) 0elt a.itated and said: Kou ha-e 6illed an inno/ent 1erson not .uilt" o0 sla"in. another, Kou ha-e done somethin. aboininable, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on us and Moses, Had he shown 1atien/e he would ha-e seen wonder0ul thin.s2 but 0ear o0 blame2 with res1e/t to his /om1anion2 sei8ed him and he said: I0 I as6 an"thin. a0ter this2 6ee1 not /om1an" with me, Kou will then ha-e a -alid e5/use in m" /ase2 and had he (Moses) shown 1atien/e he would ha-e seen man" wonder0ul thin.s, He (the narrator) said: ?hene-er he (the Hol" @ro1het) made mention o0 an" @ro1het2 he alwa"s said: Ma" there be mer/" o0 Allah u1on us and u1on m" brother so and so, The"2 howe-er2 1ro/eeded on until the" /ame to the inhabitants o0 a -illa.e who were -er" miserl", The" went to the meetin. 1la/es and as6ed 0or hos1italit" but the" re0used to show an" hos1italit" to them, The" both 0ound in that -illa.e a wall whi/h was about to 0all, He (>hadir) set it, Thereu1on he (Moses) said: I0 "ou so li6ed, "ou /ould .et 0or it, Thereu1on he said: This is the 1artin/e2 o0 wa"s between me and "ou2 and2 ta6in. hold o0 his /loth2 he said: !ow I will e51lain to "ou the real si.ni0i/an/e (o0 all these a/ts) 0or whi/h "ou /ould not show 1atien/e, As 0or the boat2 it belon.ed to the 1oor 1eo1le wor6in. on the ri-er and I intended to dama.e it 0or there was ahead o0 them (a 6in.) who sei8ed boats b" 0or/e, (?hen he /ame) to /at/h hold o0 it he 0ound it a dama.ed boat2 so he s1ared it (and later on) it was set with wood, So 0ar as the bo" is /on/erned2 he has been2 b" -er" nature2 an unbelie-er2 whereas his 1arents lo-ed him -er" mu/h, Had he .rown u1 he would ha-e in-ol-ed them in wron.doin. and unbelie02 so we wished that their Lord should .i-e them in its 1la/e one better in 1urit" and /lose to mer/", And as 0or the wall it belon.ed to two or1han bo"s in the /it" and there was beneath it a (treasure) to them2,,, u1 to the last -erse, This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Ishaq,

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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#)):

Ibn :Abbas has re1orted this hadith on the authorit" o0 Uba"" b, 6a:b that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to re/ite this,

7oo6 4 2 !umber +#)%:

:Utba b, Mas2 ud re1orted that :Abdullah b, :Abbas /ontended with Hurr b, Eais b, Hisn al-=a8ari aboat the /om1anion o0 Moses (1ea/e be u1on hiin), Ibn :Abbas said that he was >hadir, There ha11ened to 1ass Uba"" b, >a:b Ansari, Ibn Abbas /alled him and said: Abu Tu0ail2 /ome to us, There has been a di00eren/e o0 o1inion between me and m" 0riend about the /om1anion o0 Moses whom he wanted to meet on the wa", 9id hear an"thin. 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ma6in. a mention o0 an"thin.D Uba"" said: I heard Allah:s (ma" @ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: As Moses was the .rou1 o0 7ani Isra:il2 there /ame to him a 1erson and he said to him: 9o "ou 6now an"one ha-in. better 6nowled.e than "ouD Moses said: !o, Thereu1on Allah re-ealed to Moses: 30 /ourse2 there is 3ur ser-ants >hadir (who has better 6nowled.e) than "ou, Moses as6ed the wa" o0 meetin. him, Allah made the 0ish a si.n and it was said to him: ?here "ou miss the 0ish return to that (1la/e) and "ou will soon 0ind him, So Moses mo-ed on as Allah wished him to mo-e on, He then said to his "oun. /om1anion: 7rin. 0or us the brea60ast, Thereu1o1 that "oun. man said to Moses, when he as6ed him 0or the brea60ast: 9on:t "ou see that as we had rea/hed the Sa6hra I 0or.ot the 0ish and nobod" made it (in our mind) but the satan that I should remind "ou o0 itD Mosed said to that "oun. man: This was what we wanted, So the" retra/ed their ste1s and met >hadir and the e-ents whi/h 0ollowed ha-e been des/ribed in His 7oo6 e5/e1t that Kunus (the narrator) said that he 0ollowed the tra/es o0 0ish in the o/ean,

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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 4 : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( (T'(LL(!T EUALITI(S 3= TH( H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! TH(M) A!9 HIS

'3M@A!I3!S (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL)

733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH(

H3LK @A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

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733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

'ha1ter $: The merits o0 Abu 7a6r Siddiq (Allah be 1leased with him)
7oo6 4$2 !umber +#)#:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Abu 7a6r Siddiq re1orted him thus: I saw the 0eet o0 the 1ol"theists -er" /lose to us as we were in the /a-e, I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 i0 one them were to see at his 0eet he would ha-e surel" seen us, Thereu1on he said: Abu 7a6r2 what /an be0all twain who ha-e Allah as the third 3ne with them,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +#);:

Abu Sa:id re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sat on the 1ul1it and said: Allah .a-e a /hoi/e to His ser-ant that he ma" o1t the beauties o0 the world or that whi/h is with Him and the ser-ant /hose that whi/h was with Him, Thereu1on Abu 7a6r we1t and he we1t bitterl" and said: Let our 0athers and our mothers be ta6en as ransom 0or "ou, It was Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who had been .i-en the /hoi/e and Abu 7a6r 6new it better than us2 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is re1orted to ha-e said: 7ehold2 o0 all 1eo1le the most .enerous toward me in re.ard to his /om1anionshi1 and his 1ro1ert" was Abu 7a6r and were I to /hoose an"one as m" bosom 0riend2 I would ha-e /hosen Abu 7a6r as m" dear 0riend2 but (0or him) I /herish Islami/ brotherliness and lo-e, There shall be le0t o1en no window in the mosque e5/e1t Abu 7a6r:s window,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +#% :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id >hudri throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +#%$:

:Abdullah b, Mas:ud re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 I were to /hoose a bosom 0riend I would ha-e de0initel" /hosen Abu 7a6r as m" bosom 0riend2 but he is m" brother and m" /om1anion and Allah2 the (5alted and Hliorious, has ta6en "our brother and /om1anion (meanin. @ro1het himsel0) as a 0riend,

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733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber +#%2:

Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 I were to /hoose 0rom m" Umma an"one as m" bosom 0riend2 I would ha-e /hosen Abu 7a6r,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +#%4:

:Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 I were to /hoose as m" bosom 0riend I would ha-e /hosen the son o0 Abu Euha0a (Abu 7a6r) as m" bosom 0riend,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +#%*:

Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 I were to /hoose the 1eo1le o0 earth someone as m" bosom 0riend2 I would ha-e /hosen the son o0 Abu Euha0a as m" 0riends but Hod has ta6en "our /om1anion as a 0riend,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +#%+:

This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters and the one narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah (the words are):C Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is re1orted to ha-e said: 7ehold I am 0ree 0rom the de1enden/e o0 all bosom 0riends and i0 I were to /hoose an"one as bosom 0riend I would ha-e ta6en Abu 7a6r as m" bosom 0riend, Allah has ta6en "our /om1anion as a 0riend,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +#%):

:Amr b, al-:As re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent him in /ommand o0 the arm" des1at/hed to 9hat-as-Salasil, ?hen :Amr b, al-:As /ame ba/6 to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) he said: ?ho 1eo1le are dearest to "ouD He said: A:isha, He then said: ?ho menD He said: Her 0ather2 and I said: And who ne5tD He said: Umar, He then enumerated some other men,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +#%%:

Ibn Abu Mulai6a re1orted: I heard A:isha as sa"in. and she was as6ed as to whom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) would ha-e nominated his su//essor i0 he had to nominate one at all, She said: Abu 7a6r, It was said to her: Then whom a0ter Abu 7a6rD She said: Umar, It was said to her, Then whom a0ter :UmarD She said: Abu Ubaida b, Farrab2 and then she 6e1t quiet at this,

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733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber +#%#:

Muhammad b, Fubair b, Mut:im re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that a woman as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about somethin. but lit2 told her to /ome to him on some other o//asion2 whereu1on she said: ?hat in "our o1inion (should I do) i0 I /ome to "ou but do not 0ind "ou2 and it seemed as i0 she meant that he die, Thereu1on he said: I0 "ou do not 0ind me2 then /ome to Abu 7a6r, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fubair b, Mut:im throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are) that a woman /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and dis/ussed with him somethin. and he .a-e a /ommand as we 0ind in the abo-e-mentioned narration,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +#%;:

A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in his (last) illness as6ed me to /all Abu 7a6r2 her 0ather2 and her brother too2 so that he write a do/ument2 0or he 0eared that someone else be desirous (o0 su//eedin. him) and that some /laimant ma" sa": I ha-e better /laim to it2 whereas Allah and the =aith0ul do not substantiate the /laim o0 an"one but that o0 Abu 7a6r,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +## :

Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ho "ou is obser-in. 0astthis da"D Abu 7a6e said: It is I, He (a.ain) said: ?ho "ou has 0ollowed the bier toda"D Abu 7a6r said: It is I, He (the Hol" @ro1het) a.ain said: ?ho "ou has ser-ed 0ood to the need"D Abu 7a6r said: It is I, He (a.ain) said: ?ho "ou has toda" -isited the si/6D Abu 7a6r said: It is I, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He must .et into @aradise who /ombines in himsel0 (all these noble qualities and -irtues),

7oo6 4$2 !umber +##$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A 1erson had been dri-in. an o5 loaded with lu..a.e, The o5 loo6ed towards him and said: I ha-e not been /reated 0or this but 0or lands (i, e, 0or 1lou.hin. the land and 0or drawin. out water 0rom the wells 0or the 1ur1ose o0 irri.atin. the lands), The 1eo1le said with sur1rise and awe: Hallowed be Allah2 does the o5 s1ea6D Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I belie-e it and so do Abu 7a6r and :Umar, Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A she1herd was tendiri. the 0lo/6 when a wol0 /ame there and too6 awa" one .oat, Tile she1herd 1ursued it (the wol0) and res/ued it (the .oat) 0rom that (wol0), The wol0 loo6ed towards him and said: ?ho would sa-e it

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733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

on the da" when there will be no she1herd e5/e1t meD Thereu1on 1eo1le said: Hallowed be Allah I Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I belie-e in it and so do Abu 7a6r and Umar belie-e,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +##2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Shihab with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but there is no mention o0 the stor" 1ertainin. to the o5,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +##4:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Guhri2 and there is a /lear mention o0 the stories o0 o5 and .oat (and the words are): I belie-e in it and so do Abu 7a6r and Umar2 but the" were not at that time 1resent there,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +##*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transrritters,

'ha1ter 2: The e5/ellent qualities o0 :Umar (Allah be 1leased with him)

7oo6 4$2 !umber +##+:
Ibn Abu Mulai6a re1orted: I heard Ibn :Abbas as sa"in.: ?lien :Umar b, >hatab was 1la/ed in the /o00in the 1eo1le .athered around him, The" 1raised him and su11li/ated 0or him be0ore the bier was li0ted u12 and I was one them, !othin. attra/ted m" attention but a 1erson who .ri11ed m" shoulder 0rom behind, I saw towards him and 0ound that he was :All, He in-o6ed Allah:s mer/" u1on :Umar and said: Kou ha-e le0t none behind "ou (whose) deeds (are so en-iable) that I lo-e to meet Allah with them, 7" Allah2 I ho1ed that Allah would 6ee1 "ou and "our two asso/iates to.ether, I had o0ten heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I /ame and there /ame too Abu 7a6r and :UmarB I entered and there entered too Abu 7a6r and :UmarB I went out and there went out too Abu 7a6r and :Umar2 and I ho1e and thin6 that Allah will 6ee1 "ou alon. with them,

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733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber +##):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Umar b, Sa:id with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +##%:

Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa" in.: ?hile I was aslee1 I saw 1eo1le bein. 1resented to me (in a dream) and the" wore shirts and some o0 these rea/hed u1 to the breasts and some e-en be"ond them, Then there ha11ened to 1ass :Umar b, >hattab and his shirt had been trailin., The" said: Allah:s Messeneer2 how do "ou inter1ret the dreamD He said: (As o0) 0aith,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +###:

Ham8a b, Abdullah b, :Umar b, >hattab re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hile I was aslee1 I saw (in a dream) a /u1 /ontainin. mil6 bein, 1resented to me, I too6 out o0 that until I 1er/ei-ed 0reshness bein. re0le/ted throu.h m" nails, Then I 1resented the le0to-er to :Umar b, >hattab, The" said: Allah:s =ow do "ou inter1ret itD He said: This im1lies 6nowled.e,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +##;:

This hadith has beer, narrated on the authorit" o0 Kunus with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +#; :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hile I was aslee1 I saw m"sel0 on a well with a leathern bu/6et on a 1ulle", I drew (water) out o0 that as Allah wished me (to draw), Then the son o0 Abu Euha0a (Abu 7a6r) drew 0rom it one bu/6et0ul or two and there was some wea6ness in drawin. that (ma" Allah 0or.i-e him), Then that bu/6et (/han.ed into a lar.e bu/6et) and Ibn >hattab drew it, I did not see an" stron.est man drawin. it li6e :Umar b, >hattab, He out so mu/h water that the /amels o0 the 1eo1le had enou.h to drin6 and then laid down (0or rest),

7oo6 4$2 !umber +#;$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Kunus throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

$*+4 & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber +#;2:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I saw Ibn Abu Euha0a drawin. (water) B the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +#;4:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hile I was aslee1 I saw m"sel0 drawin. water 0rom m" tan6 in order to quen/h the thirst o0 the 1eo1le that there /ame to me Abu 7a6r, He too6 hold o0 the leathern bu/6et 0rom m" hand so that he should ser-e water to the 1eo1le, He drew two bu/6et0uls and there was some wea6ness in his drawin. (Allah ma" 0or.i-e him), Then there /ame Ibn >hattab and he too6 hold o0 that2 and I did not see a 1erson than he (drawin. water) until the 1eo1le went awa" with their thirst quen/hed and the tan6 0illed with water,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +#;*:

Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I saw (in a dream) as i0 I was drawin. water with a leathern bu/6et on a wooden 1ulle", There /ame Abu 7a6r and he drew out a bu/6et0ul or two and as he drew out2 some wea6ness (was 1er/ei-ed in it) (ma" Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 0or.i-e him), Then Umar /ame in order to ser-e water -and the bu/6et was /han.ed into a lar.e leather bu/6et and I did not see su/h a wonder0ul man 1ersons (drawin. water) and he went on ser-in. water to the 1eo1le until the" were 0ull" satis0ied and then went to their restin. 1la/es,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +#;+:

Salim b, :Abdullah re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather some o0 the dreams o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ertainin. to Abu 7a6r and Umar b, >hattab (Allah be 1leased with them) and a hadith li6e this,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +#;):

Fabir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I entered @aradise and saw in it a house or a 1ala/e, I said: =or whom is it resersredD The" (the An.els) said: It is 0or :Umar b, >hattab, (The Hol" @ro1het said to :Umar b, >hattab): I intenied to .et into it but I o0 "our 0eelin.s, Thereu1on :Umar we1t and said: A1ostle o0 Allah2 /ould I 0eel an" jealous" in "our /aseD

$*+* & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber +#;%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +#;#:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?tiile:l was aslee1 I saw m"sel0 in @aradise and a woman 1er0ormin. ablution b" the side o0 a 1ala/e, I said: =or whom is it meantD The" said: It is meant 0or :Umar b, >hattab, (The Hol" @ro1het) said: There /ame a/ross m" mind the 0eelin. o0 Umar and so I turned ba/6 and went awa", Abu Huraira said: :Umar we1t as we were 1resent in that meetin. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) us and Umar said: Allah:s Messen.er2 ma" m" 0ather and mother be ta6en as ransom 0or "ou, 'ould I at all 0eel an" jealous" about "ouD This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Shihab with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +#;;:

Sa:d b, ?aqqas re1orted that Umar 1ermission 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to -isit him when some women o0 the Euraish were bus" in tal6in. with him and raisin. their -oi/es abo-e his <oiee, ?hen:Umar 1ermission the" stood u1 and went hurriedl" behind the /urtain, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e him 1ermission smilin.l", Thereu1on :Umar said: Allah:s Messen.er2 ma" Allah 6ee1 "ou ha11" all "our li0e, Then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I wonder at these women who were with me and no sooner did the" hear "our -oi/e2 the" immediatel" went behind the /urtain, Thereu1on :Umar said: Allah:s Messen.er2 "ou ha-e more that the" should 0ear "ou, Then Umar (addressin. the women) said: 3 "e enemies o0 "oursel-es2 do "ou 0ear me and 0ear not the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D The" said: Kes2 "ou are harsh and stri/t as /om1ared to the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Thereu1on2 Allah:s (ma"1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 i0 satan would en/ounter "ou in the wa" he would /ertainl" ta6e a di00erent wa" 0rom that o0 "ours,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;

Abu Huraira re1orted that Umar b, >hattab /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) while there were some women with him and the" were raisin. their -oi/es abo-e the -oi/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and when Umar 1ermission to .et into the house the" went behind the /urtain hurriedl", The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

$*++ & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber +; $:

A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There had been amon. the 1eo1le be0ore "ou ins1ired 1ersons and i0 there were an" su/h amon. m" Umma Umar b, >hattab would be one o0 them, Ibn ?ahb e51lained the word Muhaddathun as those who re/ei-e hint 0rom the Hi.h (Mulhamun),

7oo6 4$2 !umber +; 2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sa:d b, Ibrahim with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +; 4:

Ibn Umar re1orted Umar as sa"in.: M" lord /on/orded with (m" jud.ments) on three o//asions, In /ase o0 the Station o0 Ibrahim2 in /ase o0 the obser-an/e o0 -eil and in /ase o0 the 1risoners o0 7adr,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +; *:

Ibn Umar re1orted that when :Abdullah b, Uba"" b, Salul (the h"1o/rite) died2 his son Abdullah b, Abdullah /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on -him) and as6ed him to .i-e his shirt whi/h should be used 0or the /o00in o0 his 0ather, He .a-e that to him, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 to sa" 1ra"er o-er him Thereu1on I Umar / hold o0 the /lothe o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 are "ou .oin. to o00er 1ra"er2 whereas Allah has 0orbidden to o00er 1ra"er 0or him2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah has .i-en me a /hoi/e sa"in.: As6 0or.i-eness 0or them or "ou ma" not as6 0or themB e-en i0 "ou as6 0or them se-ent" times2 I will ma6e an addition to the se-ent", He was a h"1o/rite and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said 1ra"er o-er him that Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 re-ealed the -erse:C And ne-er 1ra" o-er an" one o0 them that has died and ne-er should "ou stand b" his .ra-eC (i5, #*),

7oo6 4$2 !umber +; +:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Ubaidullah with the same /hain o0 transmitter but with the addition o0 the words:C He abandoned sa"in. 1ra"er o-er the h"1o/rites who had died,C

$*+) & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

'ha1ter 4: Merits o0 Uthamn b, :A00an (Allah be 1leased with him)

7oo6 4$2 !umber +; ):
A:isha re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was l"in. in the bed in m" a1artment with his thi.h or his shan6 un/o-ered that Abu 7a6r 1ermission to .et in, It was .i-en to him and he /on-ersed in the same -er" state (the @ro1het:s thi.h or shan6 un/o-ered), Then :Umar 1ermission 0or .ettin. in and it was .i-en to him and he /on-ersed in that -er" state, Then :Uthman 1ermission 0or .ettin. inB Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sat down and he set his /lothes, Mubammad (one o0 the narrators) said: I do not sa" that it ha11ened on the same da", He (:Uthman) then entered and /on-ersed and as he went out2 A:isha said: Abu 7a6r entered aind "ou did not stir and did not obser-e mu/h /are (in "our /lothes)2 then :Umar entered and "ou did not stir and did not arran.e "our /lothes2 then :Uthman entered and "ou .ot u1 and set "our /lothes ri.ht2 thereu1on he said: Should I not show modest" to one whom e-en the An.els show modest",

7oo6 4$2 !umber +; %:

A:isha2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma- 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and Uthman both re1orted that Abu 7a6r 1ermission 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or entran/e (in his a1artment) as he had been l"in. on his bed /o-ered with the bed-sheet o0 A:isha2 and he .a-e 1ermission to Abu 7a6r in that -er" state and he2 ha-in. his need 0ul0illed2 went ba/6, Then Umar 1ermission and it was .i-en to him in that -er" state and2 a0ter ha-in. his need 0ul0illed2 he went ba/6, And :Uthman re1orted: Then I 1ermission 0rom him and he .ot u1 and raid to A:isha: ?ra1 "oursel0 well with "our /loth2 then I .ot m" need 0ul0illed and /ame ba/6, And A:isha said: Allah:s Messen.er2 wh" is it that I did not see "ou 0eelin. an" an5iet" in /ase o0 dressin. 1ro1erl" in the 1resen/e o0 Abu 7a6r and :Umar (Allah be 1leased with them) as "ou showed in /ase o0 :Uthman, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: <eril" Uthman is a 1erson who is -er" modest and I was a0raid that i0 I 1ermitted him to enter in this -er" state he would not in0orm me o0 his need,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +; #:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Uthman and A:isha with the same wordin.,

$*+% & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber +; ;:

Abu Musa al-Ash:ari re1orted that while Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was in one o0 the .ardens o0 Medina2 re/linin. a.ainst a 1illow and 0i5in. a sti/6 in a mud2 that a 1erson /ame as6in. 0or the .ate to be o1ened2 whereu1on he said: 31en it 0or him and .i-e him .lad tidin.s o0 @aradise and2 lo2 it was Abu 7a6r, I o1ened (the .ate) 0or him and .a-e him the .lad tidin.s o0 @aradise, Then another 1erson as6ed 0or the door to be o1ened2 whereu1on he said: 31en it and .i-e him the .lad tidin.s o0 @iradise, He said: I went awa" and2 lo2 it was :Umar, I o1ened it 0or him and .a-e him the .lad tidin.s o0 @aradise, Then still another man as6ed 0or the door to be o1ened2 and thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 31en it and .i-e him the .lad tidin.s o0 @aradise a0ter a trial would a00li/t him, I went and2 lo2 it was :Uthman b, :A00an, $ o1ened the door and .a-e him the .lad tidin.s o0 @aradise and in0ormed him (what the Hol" @ro1het had said), Thereu1on he said: 3 Allah2 .rant me stead0astness, Allah is one ?hose hel1 is to be,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;$ :

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Musa al-Ash:ari with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;$$:

Abu Musa Ash:ari re1orted that he 1er0ormed ablution in his house and then /ame out sa"in.: I would remain with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the whole da" lon., He /ame to the mosque2 and as6ed about Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The" (his 'om1anions) said: He has .one in this dire/tion, He (Abu Musa Ash:ari) said: I 0ollowed his ste1s as6in. about him until I /ame to 7i:r Aris (it is a well in the suburb o0 Medina), I sat b" its wooden door until Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had relie-ed himsel0 and then 1er0ormed ablution, I went to him and he was sittin. with his shan6s un/o-ered h1 to the 6nees and his le.s dan.l- in. in that well, I o00ered him salutations, I then /ame ba/6 and sat at the door as i0 I had been a /hamberlain at the door o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that da", There /ame Abu 7a6r and 6no/6ed the door and I said: ?ho is itD He said: This is Abu 7a6r, I said: ?ait2 1lease, I went and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 here is Abu 7a6r see6in. 1ermission, Thereu1on he said: Admit him and .i-e him .lad tidin.s o0 @aradise, I /ame and I said to Abu 7a6r to .et in (and also told him) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was .i-in. him the .lad tidin.s o0 @aradise, Abu 7a6r .ot in and sat on the side o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and dan.led his 0eet in the well as Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had done2 and he un/o-ered his shan6s, I then returned and sat there and I had le0t m" brother as he had been 1er0ormin. ablution and he was to meet me and I said: I0 Allah would intend .oodness 0or su/h and su/h he would intend .oodness 0or his brother and He would brin. him, I was thin6in. this that a 1erson stirred the door, I said: ?ho is it, He said: This

$*+# & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

is Umar b,2 >hattab, I said: ?ait, Then I /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 .reeted him and said: Here is :Umar see6in. "our, 1ermission to .et in, Thereu1on he said: Let him /ome in and .i-e him .lad tid- in.s o0 @aradise, I /ame to Umar and said: There is 1ermission 0or "ou and .lad tidin.s 0or "ou 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or @aradise, He .ot in and sat on the le0t side o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with his 0eet dan.lin. in the well, I then returned and sat and said: I0 Allah would intend .oodness 0or su/h and su/h (that is 0or his brother)2 He would brin. him, And I was /ontem1lat- in. o-er it that a man stirred the door and I said: ?ho is itD He said: This is Uthman b, A00an, I said: ?ait2 1lease, I then /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and in0ormed him, and he said: Admit him and .i-e him .lad tidin.s (and in0orm) him o0 the turmoil whi/h he shall ha-e to 0a/e, I /ame and said: Het in2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .i-es "ou the .lad tidin.s o0 @aradise alon. with the trial whi/h "ou shall ha-e to 0a/e, He .ot in and saw the ele-ated 1lan round the well 0ull" o//u1ied, He sat on the other side, Shari6 said that Sa:id b, al-Musa""ib re1orted: I drew a /on/lusion 0rom it that their .ro-es would be (in this -er" state2 the .ra-es o0 Hadrat Abu 7a6r2 :Umar =aruq b" the tide o0 the Hol" @ro1het Nma" 1ea/e be u1on himO and the .ra-e o0 Hadrat :Uthman awa" 0rom their .ra-es), Abu Musa, re1orted: I set out with the intention (o0 meetin.) Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and /ame to 6now that he had .one to the .ardens (in the suburb o0 Medina), I 0ollowed him and 0ound him in a .arden sittin. u1on an ele-ated 1la/e round the well with his shan6s un/o-ered whi/h had been dan.lin. in the well, The rest o0 the hadith is the same but with this -ariation that there is no mention o0 the words o0 Sa:id: all drew a /on/lusion 0rom it 1ertainin. to their .ra-es,C

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;$2:

Sa:id b, al-Musa""ib re1orted Abu Musa Ash:ari ha-in. said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) set out one da" to the suburbs o0 Medina 0or relie-- in. himsel0, I 0ollowed his ste1s, The rest o0 the hadith is the same, Ibn Musa""ib said: I /on/luded (0rom the manner o0 their sittin.) the (order) o0 their .ra-es, (The three) would be to.ether (the .ra-es o0 the Hol" @ro1het2 Hadrat Abu 7a6r and Hadrat Umar) and that o0 :Uthman would be se1arate (0rom them),

'ha1ter *: The merits o0 :Ali b, Abi Talib (Allah be 1leased with him)
7oo6 4$2 !umber +;$4:
Amir b Sa:d b, Abi ?aqqas re1orte (l on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) addressin. :All said: Kou are in the same 1osition with relation to me as Aaron$*+; & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

(Harun) was in relation to Moses but with (this e51li/it di00eren/e) that there is no 1ro1het a0ter me, Sa:d said: I had an earnest desire to hear it dire/tl" 0rom Sa:d2 so I met him and narrated to him what (his son) Amir had narrated to me2 whereu1on he said: Kes2 I did hear it, I said: 9id "ou hear it "oursel0D Thereu1on he 1la/ed his 0in.ers u1on his ears and said: Kes2 and i0 not2 let both m" ears be/ome dea0,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;$*:

Sa:d b, Abi ?aqqas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) le0t :Ali b, Abi Talib behind him (as he 1ro/eeded) to the e51edition o0 Tabu62 whereu1on he (:Ali) said: Allah:s Messen.er2 are "ou lea-in. me behind women *nd /hildrenD Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Aren:t "ou satis0ied with bein. unto me what Aaron was unto Moses but with this e5/e1tion that there would be no 1ro1het a0ter me,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;$+:

This hadith has been narrated, on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters, Amir b, Sa:d b, Abi ?aqqas re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Muawi"a b, Abi Su0"in a11ointed Sa:d as the Ho-ernor and said: ?hat 1re-ents "ou 0rom abusin. Abu Turab (Hadrat :Ali)2 whereu1on be said: It is be/ause o0 three thin.s whi/h I remember Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said about him that I would not abuse him and e-en i0 I 0ind one o0 those three thin.s 0or me2 it would be more dear to me than the red /amel., I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa" about :Ali as he le0t behind hrin in one o0 his /am1ai.ns (that was Tabu6), :All said to him: Allah:s Messen.er2 "ou lea-e me behind alon. with women and /hildren, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: Aren:t "ou satis0ied with bein. unto me what Aaron was unto Moses but with this e5/e1tion that there is no 1ro1hethood a0ter me, And I (also) heard him sa" on the 9a" o0 >haibar: I would /ertainl" .i-e this standard to a 1erson who lo-es Allah and his and Allah and his lo-e him too, He (the narrator) said: ?e ha-e been an5iousl" waitin. 0or it2 when he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 'all :Ali, He was /alled and his e"es were in0lamed, He a11lied sali-a to his e"es and handed o-er the standard to him2 and Allah .a-e him -i/tor", (The third o//asion is this) when the (0ollowin.) -erse was re-ealed:C Let us summon our /hildren and "our /hildren,C Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled :Ali2 =itima2 Hasan and Husain and said: 3 Allah2 the" are m" 0amil",

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;$):

Sa:d re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. to :Ali: Aren:t "ou satis0ied with bein. unto me what Aaron was unto MosesD

$*) & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;$%:

Suhail re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said on the 9a" o0 >haibar: I shall /ertainl" .i-e this standard in the hand o0 one who lo-es Allah and his and Allah will .rant -i/tor" at his hand, Umar b, >hattab said: !e-er did I /herish 0or leadershi1 but on that da", I /ame be0ore him with the ho1e that I ma" be /alled 0or this2 but Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled :Ali b, Abu Talib and he /on0erred (this honour) u1on him and said: @ro/eed on and do not loo6 about until Allah .rants "ou -i/tor"2 and :Ali went a bit and then halted and did not loo6 about and then said in a loud -oi/e: Allah:s Messen.er2 on what issue should I with the 1eo1leD Thereu1on he (the @ro1het) said: with them until the" bear testimon" to the 0a/t that there is no .od but Allah and Muhammad is his Messen.er2 and when the" do that then their blood and their ri/hes are in-iolable 0rom "our hands but what is justi0ied b" law and their re/6onin. is with Allah,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;$#:

Sahl b, Sa:d re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said on the 9a" o0 >haibar: I would /ertainl" .i-e this standard to a 1erson at whose hand Allah would .rant -i/tor" and who lo-es Allah and His and Allah and His lo-e him also, The 1eo1le s1ent the thin6in. as to whom it would be .i-en, ?hen it was mornin. the 1eo1le hastened to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) all o0 them ho1in. that that would be .i-en to him, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?here is :Ali b, Abu TalibD The" said: Allah:s Messen.er2 his e"es are sore, He then sent 0or him and he was and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a11lied sali-a to his e"es and in-o6ed blessin.s and he was all ri.ht2 as i0 he had no ailment at all2 and /ora0erred u1on him the standard, :Ali said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I will them until the" are li6e us, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Ad-an/e /autiousl" until "ou rea/h their o1en 1la/es2 therea0ter in-ite them to Islam and in0orm them what is obli.ator" 0or them 0rom the ri.hts o0 Allah2 0or2 b" Allah2 i0 Allah .uides e-en one 1erson throu.h "ou that is better 0or "ou than to 1ossess the most -aluable o0 the /amels,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;$;:

Salama b, A6wa: re1orted that it was :Ali whom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) le0t behind him (in the /har.e o0 his 0amil" and the Islami/ State) on the o//asion o0 the /am1ai.n o0 >haibar2 and his e"es were in0lamed and he said: Is it 0or me to remain behind Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D So he went 0orth and rejoined Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and on the e-enin. o0 that (a0ter whi/h) ne5t mornin. Allah .ranted -i/tor", Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I will /ertainl" .i-e this standard to a man whom Allah and His lo-e, or he said: ?ho lo-es Allah or His and Allah will .rant him -i/tor" throu.h him2

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733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

and2 lo2 we saw :Ali whom we least e51e/ted (to be 1resent on that o//asion), The" (the 'om1anions) said: Here is :Ali, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on hin) .a-e him the standard, Allah .ranted -i/tor" at his hand,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;2 :

Ka8id b, Ha""an re1orted2 I went alon. with Husain b, Sabra and :Umar b, Muslim to Gaid b, Arqam and2 as we sat b" his side2 Husain said to him: Gaid, "ou ha-e been able to a/quire a .reat -irtue that "ou saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) listened to his tal62 b" his side in (di00erent) battles2 o00ered 1ra"er behind me, Gaid2 "ou ha-e in 0a/t earned a .reat -irtue, Gaid2 narrate to us what "ou heard 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He said: I ha-e .rown old and ha-e almost s1ent m" a.e and I ha-e 0or.otten some o0 the thin.s whi/h I remembered in /onne/tion with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 so a//e1t whate-er I narrate to "ou2 and whi/h I do not narrate do not /om1el me to do that, He then said: 3ne da" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 to deli-er sermon at a waterin. 1la/e 6nown as >humm situated between Me//a and Medina, He 1raised Allah2 e5tolled Him and deli-ered the sermon and, e5horted (us) and said: !ow to our 1ur1ose, 3 1eo1le2 I am a human bein., I am about to re/ei-e a (the an.el o0 death) 0rom m" Lord and I2 in res1onse to Allah:s /all2 (would bid .ood-b"e to "ou)2 but I am lea-in. amon. "ou two" thin.s: the one bein. the 7oo6 o0 Allah in whi/h there is .uidan/e and li.ht2 so hold 0ast to the 7oo6 o0 Allah and adhere to it, He e5horted (us) (to hold 0ast) to the 7oo6 o0 Allah and then said: The se/ond are the members o0 m" household I remind "ou (o0 "our duties) to the members o0 m" 0amil", He (Husain) said to Gaid: ?ho are the members o0 his householdD Aren:t his wi-es the members o0 his 0amil"D Thereu1on he said: His wi-es are the members o0 his 0amil" (but here) the members o0 his 0amil" are those 0or whom a//e1tan/e o0 Ga6at is 0orbidden, And he said: ?ho are the"D Thereu1on he said: :Ali and the o00s1rin. o0 :Ali2 :Aqil and the o00s1rin. o0 :Aqil and the o00s1rin. o0 Fa:0ar and the o00s1rin. o0 :Abbas, Husain said: These are those 0or whom the a//e1tan/e o0 Ga6at is 0orbidden, Gaid said: Kes,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;2$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Gaid b, Arqam throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;22:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Ha""an but with this addition:C The 7oo6 o0 Allah /ontains .uidan/e2 the li.ht2 and whoe-er adheres to it and holds it 0ast2 he is u1on .uidan/e and whosoe-er de-iates 0rom it .oes astra",

$*)2 & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;24:

Ka8id b, Ha""an re1orted: ?e went to him (Gaid b, Arqam) and said to him, Kou ha-e 0ound .oodness (0or "ou had the honour) to li-e in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and o00ered 1ra"er behind him2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same but with this -ariation o0 wordin. that lie said: 7ehold2 0or I am lea-in. "ou two" thin.s2 one o0 whi/h is the 7oo6 o0 Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 and that is the ro1e o0 Allah, He who holds it 0ast would be on .uidan/e and he who abandons it would be in error2 and in this (hadith) these words are also 0ound: ?e said: ?ho are the members o0 the householdD Aren:t the wi-es (o0 the Hol" @ro1het) in/luded the members o0 his house holdD Thereu1on he said: !o2 b" Allah2 a woman li-es with a man (as his wi0e) 0or a /ertain 1eriodB he then di-or/es her and she .oes ba/6 to her 1arents and to her 1eo1leB the members o0 his household in/lude his ownsel0 and his 6ith and 6in (who are related to him b" blood) and 0or him the a//e1tan/e o0 Ga6at is 1rohibited,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;2*:

Sahl b, Sa:d re1orted that a 1erson 0rom the o00s1rin. o0 Marwan was a11ointed as the .o-ernor o0 Medina, He /alled Sahl b, Sa:d and ordered him to abuse All Sahl re0used to do that, He (the .o-ernor) said to him: I0 "ou do not a.ree to it (at least) sa": Ma" Allah /urse Abu Turab, Sahl said: There was no name dearer to All than Abu Turab (0or it was .i-en to him b" the Hol" @ro1het himsel0) and he 0elt deli.hted when he was /alled b" this name, He (the .o-ernor) said to him: !arrate to us the stor" o0 his bein. nanied as Abu Turab, He said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to the house o0 =atima and he did not 0ind :Ali in the houseB whereu1on he said: ?here is "our un/le:s sonD She said: (There /ro11ed u1 somethin.) between me and him whi/h had anno"ed him with me, He went out and did not rest here, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to a 1erson to 0ind out where he was, He /ame and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 he is slee1in. in the mosque, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to him and 0ound him l"in. in the mosque and saw that his mantle had sli11ed 0rom his ba/6 and his ba/6 was /o-ered with dust and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to wi1e it awa" 0rom him (0rom the bod" o0 Hadrat :Ali) sa"in.: Het u12 /o-ered with dustB .et u12 /o-ered with dust,

'ha1ter +: Merits o0 Sa:d b, Abi ?aqqas (Allah be 1leased with him)

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;2+:
:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) la" on bed durin. one and said: ?ere there a 1ious 1erson 0rom m" /om1anions who should 6ee1 a wat/h 0or me du$*)4 & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

rin. the ni.httD She said: ?e heard the noise o0 arms2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ho is itD And Sa:d b, Abi ?aqqas said: Allah:s, I ha-e /ome to ser-e as "our sentinel, :A:isha said: Allah: s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sle1t (su/h a sound slee1) that I heard the noise o0 his snorin.,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;2):

:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) laid down on bed durin. one on his arri-al at Medina and said: ?ere there a 1ious 1erson 0rom m" 'om1anions who should 6ee1 a wat/h 0or me durin, the ni.htD She (A:isha) re1orted: ?e were in this state that we heard the / noise o0 arms, lie (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?ho is itD He said: This is Sa:d b, Abi ?aqqas, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: ?hat brin.s "ou hereD Thereu1on he said: I harboured 0ear (lest an" harm should /ome to) Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 so I /ame to ser-e as "our sentinel, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in-o6ed blessin.s u1on him, He then sle1t, This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Aumh with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;2%:

:Abdullah b, :Amir b, Aabi re1orted A:isha as sa"in.: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went to bed one ni.htB the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;2#:

:Abdullah b, Shaddad re1orted that he heard :Allahs sa"in.: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not .ather his 1arents e5/e1t in /ase o0 Sa:d b, Mali6 that he said to him on the 9a" o0 Ubud: Shoot an arrow2 ma" m" 0ather and mother be ta6en as ransom 0or "ou,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;2;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Ali throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;4 :

Sa:d b Abi ?aqqqs said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) .athered his 1arents 0or me on the 9a" o0 Uhud,

$*)* & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;4$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Kab"l b, Sa:id with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;42:

:Amir b, Sa:d re1orted oLi the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .athered 0or him on the 9a" o0 Uhud his 1arents when a 1ol"theist had set 0ire to (i, e, atta/6ed 0ier/el") the Muslims, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: (Sa:d)2 shoot an arrow2 (Sa:d)2 ma" m" mother and 0ather be ta6en as ransom 0or "ou, I drew an arrow and I shot a 0eatherless arrow at him aimin. his side that lie 0ell down and his 1ri-ate 1arts were e51osed, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) lau.hed that I saw his 0ront teeth,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;44:

Mus:ab b, Sa:d re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that man" -erses o0 the Eur:an had been re-ealed in /onne/tion with him, His mother Umm Sa:d had ta6en oath that she would ne-er tal6 with him until he abandoned his 0aith and she neither ate nor dran6 and said: Allah has /ommanded "ou to treat well "our 1arents and I am "our mother and I /ommand "ou to do this, She 1assed three da"s in this state until she 0ainted be/ause o0 e5treme and at that time her son whose name was Umara stood u1 and ser-ed her drin6 and she to /urse Sa:d that Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorions2 re-ealed these -erses o0 the Hol" Eur:an:C And ?e ha-e enjoined u1on a 1erson .oodness to his 1arents but i0 the" /ontend with thee to asso/iate (others) with Me o0 whi/h "ou ha-e no 6nowled.e2 then obe" them notC (55i5, #) B Treat thein with /ustomar" .ood in this worldC (555i, $+), He also re1orted that there 0ell to the lot o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) hu.e s1oils o0 war and there was one sword in them, I 1i/6ed that u1 and /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: 7estow this sword u1on me (as m" share in the s1oils o0 war) and "ou 6now m" state, Thereu1on he said: Aeturn it to the 1la/e 0rom where "ou 1i/6ed it u1, I went ba/6 until I de/ided to throw it in a store but m" soul re1ulsed me so I /ame ba/6 and as6ed him to .i-e that sword to me, He said in a loud -oi/e to return it to the 1la/e 0rom where I had 1i/6ed it u1, It was on this o//asion that this -erse was re-ealed:C The" as6ed about the s1oils o0 warC (-iii, $), He 0urther said: I on/e 0ell ill and sent a messa.e to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He -isited me and I said to him: @ermit me to distribute (in /harit") m" 1ro1ert" as mu/h as I li6e, He did not a.ree, I said: (@ermit me to distribute) hal0 o0 it, He did not a.ree, I said: (@ermit me to distribute) the third 1art2 whereu1on he 6e1t quiet and it was a0ter this (that the distribution o0 one:s 1ro1ert" in /harit") to the e5tent o0 one-third was held -alid, He 0urther said: I /ame to a .rou1 o0 1ersons o0 the Ansir and Muhajirin and the" said: 'ome2 so that we ma" ser-e "ou wine2 and it was be0ore the use o0 wine had been 1rohibited, I went to them in a .arden and there had been with them the roasted head o0 a /amel and a

$*)+ & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

small water-s6in /ontainin. wine, I ate and dran6 alon. with them and there /ame under dis/ussion the Ansr (Hel1ers) and Muhajirin (immi.rants), I said: The immi.rants are better than the Ansar2 that a 1erson 1i/6ed u1 a 1ortion o0 the head (o0 the /amel and stru/6 me with it that m" nose was injured, I /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and in0ormed him o0 the situation that Aliah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 re-ealed -erses 1ertainin. to wine:C Into5i/ants and the .ames o0 /han/e and (sa/ri0i/in. to) stones set u1 and (di-inin. b") arrows are onl" an un/leanliness2 the de-il:s wor6C (-, ; ),

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;4*:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Sima6 and the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba (the words are): ?hen the" intended to 0eed her (Sa:d:, s mother)2 the" o1ened her mouth with the hel1 o0 a sti/6 and then 1ut the 0eed in her mouth2 and in the same hadith the words are: He stru/6 the nose o0 Sa:d and it was injured and Sa:d had (the mar6) o0 wound on his nose,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;4+:

Sa:d re1orted: This -erse was re-ealed in relation to si5 1ersons and I and Ibn Mas:ud were them, The 1ol"theists said to him (the Hol" @ro1het): 9o not 6ee1 su/h 1ersons near "ou, It was u1on this that (this -erse was re-ealed):C 9ri-e not awa" those who /all u1on their Lord mornin. and e-enin. desirin. onl" His 1leasureC (-i, +2),

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;4):

Sa:d re1orted: ?e were si5 men in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (2 na" 1ea/e be u1on him) that the 1ol"theists said to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): 9ri-e them awa" so that the" ma" not be o-erbold u1on us, He said: I2 Ibn Mas:ud and a 1erson 0rom the tribe o0 Hudhail2 7ilal and two other 1ersons2 whose names I do not 6now (were su/h 1ersons), And there o//urred to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) what, Allah wished and he tal6ed with himsel0 that Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 re-ealed:C 9o not dri-e awa" those who /all their Lord mornin. and e-enin. desirin. to see6 His 1leasure,C

$*)) & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

'ha1ter ): The merits o0 Gubair And Talha (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them)
7oo6 4$2 !umber +;4%:
Abu :Uthman re1orted on one o0 the da"s when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was 0i.htin. and none remained with him sa-e Talha and Sa:d,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;4#:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) e5hortin. 1eo1le on the 9a" o0 the 7attle o0 the 9it/h to, Gubair said: I am read" (to 1arti/i1ate), He then a.ain e5horted and he a.ain said: I am read" to 1arti/i1ate, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7ehold, 0or e-er" @ro1het there is a hel1er and m" hel1er is Gubair,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;4;:

Fabir re1orted this hadith throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;* :

:Abdullah b, Gubair re1orted on the 9a" o0 the 7attle o0 the Tren/h: I and Umar b, Abu Salama were with women 0ol6 in the 0ort o0 Hassan (b, Thabit), He at one time leaned 0or me and I /ast a .lan/e and at anothertime I leaned 0or him and he would see and I re/o.nised m" 0ather as he rode on his horse with his arms towards the tribe o0 Eurai8ah, :Abdullah b, :Urwa re1orted 0rom Abdullah b, Gubair: I made a mention o0 that to m" 0ather2 whereu1on he said: M" son2 did "ou see me (on that o//asion)D He said: Kes, Thereu1on he said: 7" Allah2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) addressed me sa"in.: I would sa/ri0i/e 0or thee m" 0ather and m" mother,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;*$:

:Abdullah b, Gubair re1orted: ?hen it was the 9a" o0 the 7attle o0 the 9it/h I and :Umar b, Salama were in the 0ort in whi/h there were women2 i, e, the wi-es o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) B the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;*2:

Abu Huraira re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was u1on the mountain o0 Hira2 : and there were alon. with him Abu 7a6r2 Umar2 Uthman, :Ali2 Talha2 :Gubair2 that the moun$*)% & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

tain stirredB thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7e /alm2 there is none u1on "ou but a @ro1het2 a =iddle (the testi0ier o0 truth) and a Mart"r,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;*4:

Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was on the mountain o0 Hira: that it stirredB thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: HiraL be /alm2 0or there is none u1on "ou but a @ro1het2 a Siddiq2 a Shahid2 and there were u1on it Allah:s @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 Abu 7a6r2 :Umar2 Uthman2 :Ali2 Talha2 Gubair2 Sa:d b, Abi ?aqqas (Allah be 1leased witli them),

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;**:

Hisham re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather (:Urwa b, Gubair) that A:isha said: 7K Allah2 both 0athers o0 "ours are those who ha-e been men, tioned in this -erse:C Those who res1onded to the /all o0 Allah and the a0ter the mis0ortune had 0allen u1on theinC,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;*+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hishan throu.h the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this addition (that b" both 0athers o0 "ours) he meant Abu 7a6r and Gubair,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;*):

:Urwa re1orted: :Aisha said to me: Kour 0athers (Gubair and Abu 7a6r) were those about whom (it has been re-ealed):C Those who res1onded to the /all o0 Allah and His a0ter the mis0ortune had 0allen u1on them,C

'ha1ter %: The merits o0 Abu :Ubaida b, Farhah (Allah be 1leased with him)
7oo6 4$2 !umber +;*%:
Anas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: =or e-er" Umma there is a man o0 trust and the man o0 trust o0 this Umma is Abu :Ubaida b, Farrah,

$*)# & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;*#:

Anas re1orted that the 1eo1le o0 Kemen /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Send with us a 1erson who should tea/h us Sunnah and al-Islam2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) / hold o0 the hand o0 Ubaida and said: He is a man o0 trust o0 this Umma,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;*;:

Hudhai0a re1orted that the 1eo1le o0 !ajran /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 send alon. with us a man o0 trustB whereu1on he said: I would de0initel" send to "ou a man o0 trust2 a man o0 trust in the true sense o0 the term, Thereu1on his 'om1anions loo6ed u1 ea.erl" and he sent Abu Ubaida b, Farrah,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;+ :

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Ishaq with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter #: The merits o0 Hasan and Husain (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them)
7oo6 4$2 !umber +;+$:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. to Hasan: 3 Allah2 behold2 I lo-e him, Thou too lo-e him and lo-e one who lo-es him,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;+2:

Abu Huraira re1orted: I went alon. with Allalh:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at a time durin. the da" but he did not tal6 to me and I did not tal6 to him until he rea/hed 7a8ar o0 7an0i Eainuqal, He /ame ba/6 to the tent o0 =atima and said: Is the little /ha1 (meanin. Hasan) thereD ?e were under the im1ression that his mother had detained him in order to bathe him and dress him and .arland him with a sweet .arland, !ot mu/h time had 1assed that he (Hasan) /ame runnin. until both o0 them embra/ed ea/h other2 thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3 Allah2 I lo-e himB lo-e him Thou and lo-e one who lo-es him (Hasan),

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;+4:

Al-7ara: b, A8ib re1orted: I saw Hasan b, :Ali u1on the shoulders o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he was sa"in.: 3 Allah2 I lo-e him2 and lo-e him Thou,
$*); & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;+*:

I"as re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: I (had the honour o0) leadin. the white mule on whi/h rode Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and with him were Hasan and Husain2 till it rea/hed the a1artment o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The one them was seated be0ore him and the other one was seated behind him,

'ha1ter ;: Thee merits o0 the 0amil" o0 the 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)
7oo6 4$2 !umber +;++:
:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out one nornin. wearin. a stri1ed /loa6 o0 the bla/6 /amel:s hair that there /ame Hasan b, :Ali, He wra11ed hitn under it2 then /ame Husain and he wra11ed him under it alon. with the other one (Hasan), Then /ame =atima and he too6 her under it2 then /ame :Ali and he also too6 him under it and then said: Allah onl" desires to ta6e awa" an" un/leanliness 0rom "ou2 3 1eo1le o0 the household2 and 1uri0" "ou (thorou.h 1uri0"in.)

'ha1ter $ : Merits o0 Gaid b, Hari:th and Usama b, Gaid (allah be 1leased with them)
7oo6 4$2 !umber +;+):
Salim b, :Abdullah re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: ?e were in the habit o0 /allin. Gaid b, Harith as Gaid b, Muhammad until it was re-ealed in the Eur:an:C 'all them b" the names o0 their 0athers, This is more equitable with AllahC (This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Eutaiba b, Sa:d)

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;+%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" :Abdullah throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

$*% & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;+#:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent an e51edition and a11ointed Usama b, Gaid as its /hie0, The 1eo1le obje/ted to his /ommand2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 and said: Kou obje/t to his /ommand and be0ore this "ou obje/ted to the /ommand o0 his 0ather (Gaid), 7" Allah2 he was 0it as the /ommander and he was one o0 the dearest o0 1ersons to me and a0ter him2 beholdL this one (Usama) is one o0 the dearest o0 1ersons to me,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;+;:

Salim re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said on the 1ul1it: Kou obje/t to the /ommand o0 Usima b, Gaid as "ou had obje/ted be0ore to the /ommand o0 his 0ather (Gaid), 7" Allah2 he was most /om1etent 0or it and2 b" Allah2 he was dearest to me 1eo1le and2 b" Allah2 the same is the /ase with Usama b, Gaid, He is most dear to me a0ter him and I ad-ise "ou to treat him well 0or he is 1ious "ou,

'ha1ter $$: The merits o0 :Abdullah b, Fa:0ar (Allah be 1leased with him)
7oo6 4$2 !umber +;) :
Abdullah b, Abu Mulai6a re1orted that Abdullah b, Fa0ar said to Ibn Gubair: 9o "ou remember (the o//asion) when we three (i, e, I2 "ou and lbn :Abbas) met Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he mounted us (on his /amel) but le0t "ouD He said: Kes,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;)$:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Habib b, Ash-Shahid,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;)2:

Abdullah b, Fa:0ar re1orted that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be2 u1on him) /ame ba/6 0rom a journe"2 the /hildren o0 his 0amil" used to a//ord him wel/ome, It was in this wa" that on/e he /ame ba/6 0rom a journe" and I went to him 0irst o0 all, He mounted me be0ore him, Then there /ame one o0 the two sons o0 =atima and he mounted him behind him and this is how we three entered Medina ridin. on a beast,

$*%$ & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;)4:

Abdullah b, Fa:a:0ar re1orted that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame ba/6 0rom a journe" he met us, 3n/e he met me2 Hasan or Husain2 and he mounted one o0 us be0ore him and the other one behind him until we entered Medina,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;)*:

Abdullah b, Fa:0ar re1orted that one da" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) mounted me behind him and narrated to me somethin. in se/ret whi/h I would narrate to none 1eo1le,

'ha1ter $2: The merits o0 Hadrat >hadija2 mother o0 the 0aith0ul (Allah be 1leased with her)
7oo6 4$2 !umber +;)+:
Abdullah b, Fa:0ar re1orted that he heard :All sa" in >ul0a that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The best o0 the women o0 her time was Mar"2 dau.hter o0 :Imran2 and the best o0 the women o0 her time was >hadija2 dau.hter o0 6huwailid, Abu >uraib said that ?a6il 1ointed towards the s6" and the earth

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;)):

Abu Musa re1orted Allali:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There are man" 1ersons men who are quite 1er0e/t but there are not 1er0e/t women e5/e1t Mar"2 dau.hter o0 :Imran2 Asi"a wi0e o0 @haraoh2 and the e5/ellen/e o0 :A:isha as /om1ared to women is that o0 Tharid o-er all other 0oods,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;)%:

Abu Huraira re1orted that Habriel /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 lo, >hadija is /omin. to "ou with a -essel o0 seasoned 0ood or drin6, ?hen she /omes to "ou2 o00er her .reetin.s 0rom her Lord2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 and on m" behal0 and .i-e her .lad tidin.s o0 a 1ala/e o0 jewels in @aradise wherein there is no noise and no toil, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

$*%2 & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;)#:

Ismail re1orted: I said to :Abdullah b, Abi Au0a: 9id Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .i-e .lad tidin.s o0 @aradise to >hadijaD He said: Kes, He did .i-e .lad tidin.s to her o0 a 1ala/e o0 jewels in @aradise wherein there would be no noise and no toil,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;);:

This hadith has been narrated on the a tliorit" o0 Ibn Abi Au0a throu.h other /hains o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;% :

:A:isha re1orted that Allali:s2 (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) .a-e .rid tidin.s to >hadija int >huwailid o0 a 1ala/e in @aradise,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;%$:

:A:isha re1orted: !e-er did I 0eel jealous o0 an" woman as I was jealous o0 >hadija, She had died three "ears be0ore he (the Hol" @ro1het) married me, I o0ten heard him 1raise her2 and his lord2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 had /ommanded him to .i-e her the .lad tidin.s o0 a 1ala/e o0 jewels in @aradise: and whene-er he slau.htered a shee1 he 1resented (its meat) to her 0emale /om1anions,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;%2:

:A:isha re1orted: !e-er did I 0eel jealous o0 the wi-es o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) but in /ase o0 >hadija2 althou.h I did no2 (ha-e the 1ri-ile.e to) see her, She 0urther added that whene-er Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) slau.htered a shee12 he said: Send it to the /om1anions o0 >hadija I anno"ed him one da" and said: (It is) >hadija onl" who alwa"s 1re-ails u1on "our mind, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Her lo-e had been nurtured in m" heart b" Allah Himsel0,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;%4:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Usama u1 to the slau.hterin. o0 a shee12 but he, did not ma6e mention o0 the subsequent words,

$*%4 & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;%*:

:A:isha re1orted: !e-er did I 0eel jealous o0 an" wi0e the wi-es o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as I 0eel in /ase o0 >hadija (thou.h I had ne-er seen her)2 0or he 1raised her -er" o0ten,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;%+:

:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not marr" an" other woman till her (>hadija:s) death,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;%):

A:isha re1orted that Hala b, >huwailid (sister o0 >hadija) 1ermission 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to see him and he was reminded o0 >hadija:s (manner o0) as6in. lea-e to enter and (was o-erwhelmed) with emotions thereb" and said: 3 Allah2 it is Hala2 dau.hter o0 >huwailid2 and I 0elt jealous and said: ?h" do "ou remember one o0 those old women o0 the Euraish with .ums red and who is lon. dead-while Allah has .i-en "ou a better one in her steadD

'ha1ter $4: The merits o0 :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her)

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;%%:
:A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: I saw "ou in a dream 0or three ni.hts when an an.el "ou to me in a sil6 /loth and he said: Here is "our wi0e2 and when I remo-ed (the /loth) 0rom "our 0a/e2 lo2 it was "oursel02 so I said: I0 this is 0rom Allah2 let Him /arr" it out,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;%#:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;%;:

:A:isha re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: I /an well dis/ern when "ou are 1leased with me and when "ou are anno"ed with me, I said: How do "ou dis/ern itD Thereu1on be said: ?hen "ou are 1leased with me "ou sa"BC !o2 b" the Lord o0 Muhammad2C and when "ou

$*%* & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

are anno"ed with me2 "ou sa":C !o2 b" the Lord o0 Ibrahim,C I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 b" Allah2 I in 0a/t lea-e "our name (when I am anno"ed with "ou),

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;# :

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Hishim b, :Urwa with the same /hain o0 transmitters u1 to the words:C !o2 b" the Lord o0 Ibrahim2C and he did not ma6e mention o0 what 0ollows subsequentl",

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;#$:

:A:isha re1orted that she used to 1la" with dolls in the 1resen/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and when her 1la"mates /ame to her the" le0t (the house) be/ause the" 0elt sh" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereas Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent them to her,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;#2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;#4:

:A:isha re1orted that 1eo1le sent their .i0ts when it was the turn o0 :A:isha see6in. thereb" the 1leasure o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;#*:

:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said: The wi-es o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent =atima2 the dau.hter o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), She ouaht 1ermission to .et in as he had been l"in. with me in m" mantle, He .a-e her 1ermission and she said: Allah:s Messen.er2 -eril"2 "our wi-es ha-e sent me to "ou in order to as6 "ou to obser-e equit" in /ase o0 the dau.hter o0 Abu Euha0a, She (:A:isha) said: I 6e1t quiet, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to her (=atima): dau.hter2 don:t "ou lo-e whom I lo-eD She said: Kes2 (I do), Thereu1on he said: I lo-e this one, =atima then stood u1 as she heard this 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and went to the wi-es o0 Allatt:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and in0ormed them o0 what she had said to him and what Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said to her, Thereu1on the" said to her: ?e thin6 that "ou ha-e been o0 no a-ail to us, Kou ma" a.ain .o to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and tell him that his wi-es see6 equit" in /ase o0 the dau.hter o0 Abu Euha0a, =iti$*%+ & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

ma said: 7" Allah2 I will ne-er tal6 to him about this matter, :A:isha (0urther) re1orted: The wi-es o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then sent Gainab b, jahsh2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and she was one who was somewhat equal in ran6 with me in the e"es o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and I ha-e ne-er seen a woman more ad-an/ed in reli.ious 1iet" than Gainab2 more Hod-/ons/ious2 more truth0ul2 more ali-e to the ties o0 blood2 more .enerous and ha-in. more, sense o0 sel0-sa/ri0i/e in 1ra/ti/al li0e and ha-in. more /haritable dis1osition and thus more /lose to Hod2 the (5alted2 than her, She2 howe-er2 lost tem1er -er" soon but was soon /alm, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ermitted her to enter as she (:A:isha) was alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in her mantle2 in the same -er" state when =atima had entered, She said: Allah:s Messen.er2 "our wi-es ha-e sent me to "ou see6in. equit" in /ase o0 the dau.hter o0 Abu Euha0a, She then /ame to me and showed harshness to me and I was seein. the e"es o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whether he would 1ermit me, Gainab went on until I /ame to 6now that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) would not disa11ro-e i0 I retorted, Then I e5/han.ed hot words until I made her quiet, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) smiled and said: She is the dau.hter o0 Abu 7a6r, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;#+:

:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) durin. his last illness) inquired: ?here I would be tomorrow2 where I would be tomorrow (thin6in.2 that the turn o0 :A:isha was not -er" near) and when it was m" turn2 Allah /alled him to his Hea-enl" Home and his head was between m" ne/6 and /hest,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;#):

A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at the time o0 breathin. his last was re/linin. a.ainst her /hest and she was leanin. o-er him and listenin. to him as he was sa"in.: 3 Allah2 .rant me 1ardon2 show mer/" to me2 enjoin me to /om1anions (on Hi.h),

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;#%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;##:

:A:isha re1orted: I heard that ne-er a 1ro1het dies until he is .i-en an o1tion to o1t the li0e o0 (this) world or that o0 the Herea0ter, She 0urther said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa" in his last illness in whi/h he: died, I heard him sa"in. in .ru00ness o0 the -oi/e: Alon. with those 1ersons u1on whom Allah bestowed 0a-ours 0rom the A1ostles2 the testi0iers o0 truth2 the
$*%) & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

mart"rs2 the 1ious and .oodl" /om1an" are the" (i-, );), (It was on bearin. these words) that I that he had been .i-en /hoi/e (and he o1ted to li-e with these 1ious 1ersons in the @aradise),

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;#;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sa:d with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;; :

:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted that he used to sa": !e-er a 1ro1het dies in a state that he is not made to see his abode in @aradise2 and then .i-en a /hoi/e, :A:isha said that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was about to lea-e the world2 his head was o-er her thi.h and he had 0allen into swoon three times, ?hen he 0elt relie0 his e"es were 0i5ed at the /eilin., He then said: 3 Allah2 alon. with the hi.h /om1anions (i, e, alon. with the A1ostles who li-e in the most ele-ated 1la/e o0 the @aradise), (3n hearin. these words)2 I then said (to m"sel0) He is not .oin. to o1t us and I remembered a hadith whi/h he had narrated to us as he was health" and in whi/h he said: !o 1ro1het dies until he sees his abode in @aradise2 he is then .i-en a /hoi/e, :A:isha said: These were the last words whi/h Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) s1o6e (the words are): 3 Allah2 with /om1anions on Hi.h,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;;$:

:A:isha re1orted that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) set ont on a journe"2 he used to /ast lots his wi-es, 3n/e this lot /ame out in m" 0a-our and that o0 Ha0sa, The" (Ha0si2 and :A:isha) both went alon. with him and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to tra-el (on /amel) when it was alon. with :A:isha and tal6ed with her, Ha0sa said to :A:isha: ?ould "ou li6e to ride u1on m" /amel and allow me to ride u1on "our /amel and "ou would see (what "ou do not .enerall" see) and I would see (what I do not see) .enerall"D She said: Kes, So :A:isha rode u1on the /amel o0 Ha0sa and Ha0sa rode u1on the /amel o0 :A:isha and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame near the /amel o0 :A:isha, (whereas) Ha0sa had been ridin. o-er that, He .reeted her and then rode with her until the" /ame down, She (:A:isha) thus missed (the /om1an" o0 the Hol" @ro1het) and when the" sat down2 :A:isha 0elt jealous, She 1ut her 0oot in the .rass and said: 3 Allah2 let the s/or1ion stin. me or the ser1ent bite me, And so 0ar as th" is /on/erned2 I /annot sa" an"thin. about him,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;;2:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The e5/ellen/e o0 :A:isha o-er women is li6e the e5/ellen/e o0 Tharid o-er all other 0oods,
$*%% & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;;4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 throu.h other /hains o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;;*:

:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to her: Habriel o00ered "ou .reetin.s and I said: So there should be 1ea/e and mer/" o0 Allah u1on him,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;;+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :A:isha throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;;):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ga6ri""a: throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;;%:

:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: :A:isha2 here is Habriel o00erin. "ou .reetin.s, She said: $ made a re1l": Let there be 1ea/e and blessin.s o0 Allah u1on him2 and added: He sees what I do not see,

'ha1ter $*: The hadith o0 Umm Gara

7oo6 4$2 !umber +;;#:
:A:isha re1orted that (one da") there sat to.ether ele-en women ma6in. an e51li/it 1romise themsel-es that the" would /on/eal nothin. about their s1ouses, The 0irst one said: M" husband is a sort o0 the meat o0 a lean /amel 1la/ed at the to1 o0 a hill2 whi/h it is di00i/ult to /limb u12 nor (the meat) is .ood enou.h that one 0inds in onesel0 the ur.e to ta6e it awa" (0rom the to1 o0 that mountain), The se/ond one said: M" husband (is so bad) that I am a0raid I would not be able to des/ribe his 0aults-both -isible and in-isible /om1letel", The third one said: M" husband is a lon.-statured 0ellow (i, e, he la/6s intelli.en/e), I0 I .i-e -ent to m" 0eelin.s about him2 he would di-or/e me2 and i0 I 6ee1 quiet I would be made to li-e in a state o0 sus1ense (neither /om1letel" abandoned b" him nor entertained as wi0e),

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733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

The 0ourth one said: M" husband is li6e the o0 Tihama (the o0 Hija8 and Me//a)2 neither too /old nor hot2 neither there is an" 0ear o0 him nor .rie0, The 0i0th one said: M" husband is (li6e) a leo1ard as he enters the house2 and beha-es li6e a lion when he .ets out2 and he does not as6 about that whi/h he lea-es in the house, The si5th one said: So 0ar as m" husband is /on/erned2 he eats so mu/h that nothin. is le0t ba/6 and when he drin6s he drin6s that no dro1 is le0t behind, And when he lies down he wra1s his bod" and does not tou/h me so that he ma" 6now m" .rie0, The se-enth one said: M" husband is hea-" in s1irit2 ha-in. no bri.htness in him2 im1otent2 su00erin. 0rom all 6inds o0 /on/ei-able diseases2 hea-in. su/h rou.h manners that he ma" brea6 m" head or wound m" bod"2 or ma" do both, The ei.hth one said: M" husband is as sweet as the sweet-smellin. 1lant2 and as so0t as the so0tness o0 the hare, The ninth one said: M" husband is the master o0 a lo0t" buildin.2 lon.-statured2 ha-in. hea1s o0 ashes (at his door) and his house is near the meetin. 1la/e and the inn, The tenth one said: M" husband is Mali62 and how 0ine Mali6 is2 mu/h abo-e a11re/iation and 1raise (o0 mine), He has man" 0olds o0 his /amel2 more in number than the 1astures 0or them, ?hen the" (the /amels) hear the sound o0 musi/ the" be/ome sure that the" are .oin. to be slau.htered, The ele-enth one said: M" husband is Abu Gara:, How 0ine Abu Gara: isL He has sus1ended in m" ears hea-" ornaments and (0ed me liberall") that m" sinews and bones are /o-ered with 0at, So he made me ha11", He 0ound me amon. the she1herds li-in. in the side o0 the mountain2 and he made me the owner o0 the horses2 /amels and lands and hea1s o0 .rain and he 0inds no 0ault with me, I slee1 and .et u1 in the mornin. (at m" own sweet will) and drin6 to m" heart:s /ontent, The mother o0 Abu Gara:2 how 0ine is the mother o0 Abu Gara:L Her bundles are hea-il" 1a/6ed (or re/e1ta/les in her house are 0illed to the brim) and the house quite s1a/ious, So 0ar as the son o0 Abu Gara: is /on/erned2 his bed is as so0t as a .reen 1alm-sti/6 drawn 0orth 0rom its bar62 or li6e a sword drawn 0orth 0rom its s/abbard2 and whom just an arm o0 a lamb is enou.h to satiate, So 0ar as the dau.hter o0 Abu Gara: is /on/erned2 how 0ine is the dau.hter o0 Abu Gara:2 obedient to her 0ather2 obedient to her mother2 wearin. su00i/ient 0lesh and a sour/e o0 jealous" 0or her /o-wi0e, As 0or the sla-e-.irl o0 Abu Gara:2 how 0ine is sheB she does not dis/lose our a00airs to others (outside the 0our walls o0 the house), She does not remo-e our wheat2 or 1ro-ision2 or ta6e it 0orth2 or squander it2 but she 1reser-es it 0aith0ull" (as a sa/red trust), And she does not let the house 0ill with rubbish, 3ne da" Abu Gara: went out (o0 his house) when the mil6 was /hurned in the -essels2 that he met a woman2 ha-in. two /hildren li6e leo1ards 1la"in. with her 1ome.ranates (/hest) under her -est, He di-or/ed me (Umm Gara:) and married that woman (whom Abu Gara:) met on the wa", I (Umm Gara:) later on married another 1erson2 a /hie02 who was an e51ert rider2 and a 0ine ar/her: he bestowed u1on me man" .i0ts and .a-e me one 1air o0 e-er" 6ind o0 animal and said: Umm Gara:2 ma6e use o0 e-er"$*%; & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

thin. ("ou need) and send 0orth to "our 1arents (but the 0a/t) is that e-en i0 I /ombine all the .i0ts that he bestowed u1on me2 the" stand no /om1arison to the least .i0t o0 Abu Gara:, :A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: I am 0or "ou as Abu Gara: was 0or Umm Gara:, This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Hisham b, :Urwa but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter $+: The merits o0 =atima2 dau.hter o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)
7oo6 4$2 !umber +;;;:
Miswar b, Ma6hramali re1orted that he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"2 as he sat on the 1ul1it: The sons o0 Hisham b, Mu.hira ha-e as6ed m" 1ermission to marr" their dau.hter with :Ali b, Abi Talib (that re0ers to the dau.hter o0 Abu Fahl 0or whom :All had sent a 1ro1osal 0or marria.e), 7ut I would not allow them2 I would not allow them2 I would not allow them (and the onl" alternati-e 1ossible is) that :Ali should di-or/e m" dau.hter (and then marr" their dau.hter)2 0or m" dau.hter is 1art o0 me, He who disturbs her in 0a/t disturbs me and he who o00ends her o00ends me,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )

Miswar b, Ma6hramah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: =atima is a 1art o0 me, He in 0a/t tortures me who tortures her,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )


(Imam Gain-ul-:Abidin) :Ali b, Husain re1orted that when the" /ame to Medina 0rom Ka8id b, Mu:awi"a a0ter the mart"rdom o0 Husain b, :Ali (Allah be 1leased with him) Miswar b, Ma6hramah met him and said to him: Is there an" wor6 0or me whi/h "ou as6 me to doD I said to him: !o, He a.ain said to me: ?ould "ou not .i-e me the sword o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or I 0ear that the 1eo1le ma" snat/h it 0rom "ouD 7" Allah2 i0 "ou .i-e that to me2 no one would be able to ta6e it awa"2 so lon. as there is li0e in me, <eril" :Ali b, Abi Talib sent a 1ro1osal o0 marria.e to the dau.hter o0 Abu Fahl in s1ite o0 (the 0a/t that his wi0e) =atima (had been li-in. in his house), Thereu1on I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa" while addressin. the 1eo1le on the 1ul1it, I was adoles/in. in those da"s, He said: =atima is a 1art o0 me and I 0ear that she ma" be 1ut to trial in re.ard to reli.ion, He then made a mention o0 his son-in law who had been 0rom the
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733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

tribe o0 :Abd Shams and 1raised his beha-iour as a son-in-law and said: ?hate-er he said to me he told the truth and whate-er he 1romised he 0ul0illed it 0or me, I am not .oin. to de/lare 0orbidden what is law0ul and ma6e law0ul what is 0orbidden2 but2 b" Allah2 the daa.hter o0 Allah:s and the dau.hter o0 the enem" o0 Allah /an ne-er be /ombined at one 1la/e,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )


:Ali b, Husain re1orted that Miswar b, Ma6hramah in0ormed him that :Ali b, Abi Talib sent the 1ro1osal o0 marria.e to the dau.hter o0 Abu Fahl as he had =atima2 the dau.hter o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 (as his wi0e), ?hen =atima heard about it2 she /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: The 1eo1le sa" that "ou ne-er 0eel an.r" on a//ount o0 "our dau.hters and now :Ali is .oin. to marr" the dau.hter o0 Abu Fahl, Ma6hramah said: Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) rose u1 and I heard him re/itin. Tashahhud and sa": !ow to the 1oint, I .a-e a dau.hter o0 mine (Gainab) to Abu:l-:As b, Aabi2 and he s1o6e to me and s1o6e the truth, <eril" =atima2 the dau.hter o0 Muhammad2 is a 1art o0 me and I do not a11ro-e that she ma" be 1ut to an" trial and b" Allah2 the dau.hter o0 Allah:s /annot be /ombined with the dau.hter o0 Hod:s enem" (as the /o-wi-es) o0 one 1erson, Thereu1on :Ali .a-e u1 (the idea o0 his intended) marria.e, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )


:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled his dau.hter =atima (durin. his last illness), He said, to her somethin. se/retl" and she we1t, He a.ain said to her somethin. se/retl" and she lau.hed, :A:isha 0urther re1orted that she said to =atima: ?hat is that whi/h Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to "ou se/retl" and "ou we1t and then said to "ou somethin. se/retl" and "ou lau.hedD Thereu1on she said: He in0ormed me se/retl" o0 his death and so I we1t, He then a.ain in0ormed me se/retl" that I would be the 0irst the members o0 his 0amil" to 0ollow him and so I lau.hed,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )


:A:isha re1orted: ?e2 the wi-es o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 were with him (durin. his last illness) and none was absent there0rom that =atima2 who wal6ed a0ter the st"le o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 /ame there2 and when he saw her he wel/omed her sa"in.: Kou are wel/ome2 m" dau.hter, He their made her sit on his side or on his le0t side, Then he said somethin. se/retl" to her and she we1t bitterl" and when he 0ound her (1lun.ed) in .rie0 he said to her somethin. se/retl" 0or the se/ond time and she lau.hed, I (:A:isha) said to her: Allah:s has sin.led "ou the women (o0 the 0amil") 0or tal6in. (to "ou somethin. se/ret-

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733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

l") and "ou we1t, ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/o-ered 0rom illness2 I said to her, ?hat did Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa" to "ouD Thereu1on she said: I am not .oin. to dis/lose the se/ret o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) died2 I said to her: I adjure "ou b" the that I ha-e u1on "ou that "ou should narrate to me what Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to "ou, She said: Kes2 now I /an do that (so listen to it), ?hen he tal6ed to me se/retl" 0or the 0irst time he in0ormed me that Habirel was in the habit o0 re/itin. the Eur:an alon. with him on/e or twi/e e-er" "ear2 but this "ear it had been twi/e and so he 1er/ei-ed his death quite near2 so 0ear Allah and be 1atient (and he told me) that he would be a be0ittin. 0orerunner 0or me and so I we1t as "ou saw me, And when he saw me in .rie0 he tal6ed to me se/retl" 0or the se/ond time and said: =atima2 are "ou not 1leased that "ou should be at the head o0 the belie-in. women or the head o0 this UmmaD I lau.hed and it was that lau.hter whi/h "ou saw,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )


:A:isha re1orted that all the wi-es o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had .athered (in her a1artment) durin. the da"s o0 his (@ro1het:s) last illness and no woman was le0t behind that =atima2 who wal6ed a0ter the st"le o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 /ame there, He wel/omed her b" sa"in.: Kou are wel/ome2 m" dau.hter2 and made her sit on his side or on his le0t side2 and then tal6ed somethin. se/retl" to her and =itima we1t, Then he tal6ed somethin. se/retl" to her and she lau.hed, I said to her: ?hat ma6es "ou wee1D She saidB I am not .oin. to di-ul.e the se/ret o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I (:A:isha) said: I ha-e not seen (an"thin. ha11enin.) li6e toda"2 the ha11iness bein. more /lose to .rie0 (as I see toda") when she we1t, I said to her: Has Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sin.led "ou out 0or sa"in. somethin. lea-in. us asideD She then we1t and I as6ed her what he said2 and she said: I am not .oin. to di-ul.e the se/rets o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), And when he died I a.ain as6ed her and she said that he (the Hol" @ro1het) told her: Habriel used to re/ite the Eur:an to me on/e a "ear and 0or this "ear it was twi/e and so I 1er/ei-ed that m" death had drawn near2 and that I (:A:isha) would be the 0irst the members o0 his 0amil" who would meet him (in the Herea0ter), He shall be m" .ood 0orerunner and it made me wee1, He a.ain tal6ed to me se/retl" (sa"in.): Arn:t "ou 1leased that "ou should be the so-erei.n the belie-in. women or the head o0 women o0 this UmmaD And this made me lau.h,

$*#2 & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

'ha1ter $): The merits o0 Umm Salama2 the Mother o0 the 0aith0ul (Allah be 1leased with her)
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) ):
Salman re1orted: In /ase it lies in "our 1ower don:t be one to enter the ba8ar 0irst and the last to .et out o0 that be/ause there is a bustle and the standard o0 Satan is set there, He said: I was in0ormed that Habriel (Allah be 1leased with him) /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and there was with him Umin Salama and he to tal6 with him, He then stood u12 whereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to Umm Salama: (9o "ou 6now) who was he and what did he sa"D She said: He was 9ih"a (>albi), He re1orted Umm Salama ha-in. said: 7" Allah2 I did not deem him but onl" he (9ih"a) until I heard the address o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in0ormin. him about us, He (the narrator) said: I said to Uthman: =rom whom did "ou hear itD He said: =rom Usima b, Gaid,

'ha1ter $%: (5/ellen/e o0 Gainab2 the mother o0 the 0aith0ul (Allah be 1leased with her)
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) %:
:A:isha2 the Mother o0 the =aith0ul2 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3ne who has the lon.est hands "ou would meet me most immediatel", She 0arther said: The" (the wi-es o0 Allah:s A1ostle) used to measure the hands as to whose hand was the lon.est and it was the hand o0 Gainab that was the lon.est them2 as she used to wor6 with her hand and S1end (that in/ome) on /harit",

'ha1ter $#: The merits o0 Umm Aiman (Allah be 1leased with her)
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) #:
Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went to Umm Aiman and I went alon. with him and she ser-ed him a drin6 in a -essel and he re1orted that the narrator said: I do

$*#4 & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

not 6now whether it was be/ause o0 the 0astin. (or 0or an" other reason) that he (the Hol" @ro1het) re0used to a//e1t that, She raised her -oi/e and showed anno"an/e to him,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )


Anas re1orted that a0ter the death o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) Abu 7a6r said to :Umar: Let us -isit Umm Aiman as Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to -isit her, As we /ame to her2 she we1t, The" (Abu 7a6r and Umar) said to her: ?hat ma6es "ou wee1D ?hat is in store (in the ne5t world) 0or (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is better than (this worldl" li0e), She said: I wee1 not be/ause I am i.norant o0 the 0a/t that what is in store 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (in the ne5t world) is better than (this world)2 but I wee1 be/ause the re-elation whi/h /ame 0rom the Hea-en has /eased to /ome, This mo-ed both o0 them to tears and the" to wee1 alon. with her,

'ha1ter $;: The merits o0 Umm Sulaim2 the mother o0 Anas b, Mali62 and 7ilal (Allah be 1leased with both o0 them)
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) $ :
Anas re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not enter the house o0 an" woman e5/e1t that o0 his wi-es and that o0 Umm Sulaim, He used to -isit her, It was said to him wh" it was so2 whereu1on he said: I 0eel .reat /om1assion 0or her, Her brother was 6illed while he was with me,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) $$:

Anas re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I entered @aradise and heard the noise o0 ste1s, I said: ?ho is itD The" said: She is Hhumaisa2 dau.hter o0 Milhan2 the mother o0 Anas b, Mali6,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) $2:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: I was shown @aradise and I saw the wi0e o0 Abu Talha (i, e, Umm Sulaim) and I heard the noise o0 ste1s be0ore me and2 lo2 it was that o0 7ilal,

$*#* & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

'ha1ter 2 : The merits o0 Abu Talha ansari

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) $4:
Anas re1orted that the son o0 Abu Talba who was born o0 Umm Sulaim died, She (Umm Sulaim) said to the members o0 her 0amil": 9o not narrate to Abu Talha about his son until I narrate it to him, Abu Talha /ame (home) B she 1resented to him the su11er, He too6 it and dran6 water, She then embellished hersel0 whi/h she did not do be0ore, He (Abu Talha) had a se5ual inter/ourse with her and when she saw that he was satis0ied a0ter se5ual inter/ourse with her2 she said: Abu Talha2 i0 some 1eo1le borrow somethin. 0rom another 0amil" and then (the members o0 the 0amil") as6 0or its return2 would the" resist its returnD He said: !o, She said: I in0orm "ou about the death o0 "our son, He was anno"ed2 and said: Kou did not in0orm me until I had a se5ual inter/ourse with "ou and "ou later on .a-e me in0ormation about m" son, He went to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and in0ormed him what had ha11ened, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ma" Allah bless both o0 "ou in the s1ent b" "ouL He (the narrator) said: She be/ame 1re.nant, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) was in the /ourse o0 a journe" and she was alon. with him and when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame ba/6 to Medina 0rom the journe" he did not enter (his house) (durin. the, ?hen the 1eo1le /ame near Medina2 she 0elt the 1an.s o0 deli-er", He (Abu Talha) remained with her and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ro/eeded on, Abu Talha said: 3 Lord2 "ou 6now that I lo-e to .o alon. with Allah:s when he .oes out and enter alon. with him when he enters and I ha-e been detained as Thou seest, Umm Sulaim said: Abu Talha2 I do not 0eel (so mu/h 1ain) as I was 0eelin. 0ormerl"2 so better 1ro/eed on, So we 1ro/eeded on and she 0elt the 1an.s o0 deli-er" as the" rea/hed (Medina) and a /hild was born and m" mother said to me: Anas2 none should su/6le him until "ou .o to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) tomorrow mornin., And when it was mornin. I /arried him (the /hild) and went alon. with him to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e beu1on him), He said: I saw that he had in his hand the instrument 0or the /auterisation o0 the /amels, ?hen he saw me, he said: This is2 1erha1s2 what Umm Sulaim has .i-en birth to, I said: Kes, He laid down that instrument on the .round, I that /hild to him and 1la/ed it in his la1 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed Ajwa dates o0 Medina to be and so0tened them in his month, ?hen these had be/ome 1alatable he 1la/ed them in the mouth o0 that /hild, The /hild to taste them, Then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: See what lo-e the Ansar ha-e 0or dates, He then wi1ed his 0a/e and named him :Abdullah,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) $*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,
$*#+ & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

'ha1ter 2$: The merits o0 7ilal (Allah be 1leased with him)

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) $+:
Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to 7ilal: 7ilal2 narrate to me whi/h a/t at the time o0 mornin. 1ra"er "ou did in Islam 0or whi/h "ou ho1e to re/ei-e .ood reward2 0or I heard durin. the the sound o0 "our ste1s be0ore me in @aradise, 7ilal said: I did not do an" a/t in Islam 0or whi/h I ho1e to .et an" bene0it but this that when I 1er0orm /om1lete ablution durin. the or da" I obser-e 1ra"er with that 1uri0i/ation what Allah has ordained 0or me to 1ra",

'ha1ter 22: The merits o0 :Abdullah b, Mas:ud and that o0 his mother (Allah be 1leased with them)
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) $):
Abdullah re1orted that when this -erse was re-ealed:C There is no harm on 1ersons who belie-e and 1er0orm .ood a/ts2 what the" had eaten (0ormerl") when the" a-oided it (now) and the" a00irmed their 0aithC (-, ;4) u1 to the end, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: Kou are one them,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) $%:

Abu Musa re1orted: ?hen I and m" brother /ame 0rom Kemen we used to /onsider Ibn Mas:ud and his mother the members o0 the household, o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) be/ause o0 their -isitin. them 0requentl" and sta"in. there 0or lon. (1eriods o0) time,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) $#:

Abu Musa, re1orted: I /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and that :Abdullah was the members o0 the 0amil"2 or li6e that,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) $;:

Abu Ishaq re1orted that he heard Abu:l-Ahwas sa": I was alon. with Abu Musa and Abu Mas:ud as Ibn Mas:ud died and one o0 them said to the other: 9o "ou 0ind one li6e him besides himD Thereu$*#) & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

1on he said: 9o "ou sa" this (no one /an be his ri-al)D He was admitted (to the /om1an" o0 the Hol" @ro1het) whereas we were detained and he had been 1resent in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whereas we had been absent,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) 2 :

Abu Ahwas re1orted: ?e were in the house o0 Abu Musa alon. with some o0 the /om1anions o0 :Abdullah and the" were loo6in. at the Hol" 7oo6, :Abdullah stood u12 whereu1on Abu Mas:ud said: I do not 6now whether Allah:s Messen.er2 (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has le0t a0ter him one ha-in. a better 6nowled.e (o0 Islam) than the man who is standin., Abu Musa said: I0 "ou sa" this2 that is /orre/t2 be/ause he had been 1resent when we had been absent and he was 1ermitted when we were detained,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) 2$:

Gaid b, ?ahab re1orted: I was sittin. alon. with Hudhai0a and Abu Musa2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) 22:

:Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) re1orted that he (said to his /om1anions to /on/eal their /o1ies o0 the Eur:an) and 0urther said: He who /on/eals an"thin. he shall ha-e to brin. that whi/h he had /on/ealed on the 9a" o0 jud.ment2 and then said: A0ter whose mode o0 re/itation "ou /ommand me to re/iteD I in 0a/t re/ited be0ore AIlah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) more than se-ent" /ha1ters o0 the Eur:an and the 'om1anions o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 6now it that I ha-e better understandin. o0 the 7oo6 o0 Allah (than the" do)2 and i0 I were to 6now that someone had better understandin. than I2 I would ha-e .one to him, Shaqiq said: I sat in the /om1an" o0 the 'om1anions o0 Mub6mmad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) but I did not hear an"one ha-in. reje/ted that (that is2 his re/itation) or 0indin. 0ault with it,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) 24:

Abdullah re1orted: 7" Him besides ?hom there is no .od2 there is no /ha1ter in the 7oo6 o0 Allah about whi/h I do not 6now as to where it was re-ealed and there is no -erse about whi/h I do not 6now in what /onte5t it was re-ealed2 and i0 I were to 6now o0 one ha-in. a better understandin. o0 the 7oo6 o0 Allah than I (and I /ould rea/h him) on the ba/6 o0 the mule2 I would ha-e de0initel" .one to him on /amel:s ba/6,

$*#% & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) 2*:

Masruq re1orted: ?e used to .o to Abdullah b, :Amr and tal6 to him2 Ibn !umair said: 3ne da" we made a mention o0 Abdullah b, Mas:ud2 whereu1on he said: Kou ha-e made mention o0 a 1erson whom I lo-e more than an"thin. else, I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Learn Eur:an 0rom 0our 1ersons: Ibn Umm :Abd (i, e, :Abdullah b, Mas:ud) he started 0rom him-then Mu:adh b, Fabal and Uba""a b, >a:b2 then Salim the all" o0 Abu Hudhai0a,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) 2+:

Masruq re1orted: ?e were in the /om1an" o0 Abdullah b :Amr that we made a mention o0 a hadith 0rom Abdullah b, Mas:udB thereu1on he said: That is a 1erson whose lo-e e-er remains (0resh in m" heart) a0ter I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Learn Eur:an 0rom 0our 1ersons: Ibn Umm :Abd2 i e, Abdullah b, Mas:ud and he started 0rom his name-then Uba"" b, >a:b and Mu:adh b Fabal, Guhri did not ma6e a mention o0 the words "aquluhu in his narration

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) 2):

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu 7a6r b, Abu Shaiba and Abu >uraib2 and both o0 them said: Abu Mu:awi"a narrated to us 0rom A:mash on the authorit" o0 Farir and ?a6i:2 and in a narration o0 Abu 7a6r transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Mu:awi"a the mention o0 Mu:adh has 1re/eded Uba"":s2 and in the narration transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu >uraib2 the name o0 Uba"" 1re/eded Mu:ddh:s, This tradition has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Shulba throu.h A:mash2 but there is a di00eren/e o0 order o0 the 0our,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) 2%:

Masruq re1orted: The" made a mention o0 Ibn Mas:ud be0ore :Abdullah b, Amr2 whereu1on he said: He is a 1erson whose lo-e is alwa"s 0resh in m" heart a0ter I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Learn the re/ita- tion o0 the Eur:an 0rom 0our 1ersons: 0rom Ibn Mas:ud2 Salim2 the all" o0 Abu Hudhai0a2 Uba"" b, >a:b2 Mu:adh b, Fabal,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) 2#:

Ubaidullah b, Mu:adh re1orted it on the authorit" o0 his 0ather Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters and he made this addition, He made a mention o0 these two names but I do not 6now whose name he mentioned 0irst,

$*## & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) 2;:

Anas is re1orted to ha-e said: =our 1ersons /olle/ted the Eur:an durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and all o0 them were Ansar: Mu:adh b, Fabal2 Uba"" b, >a:b2 Gaid b, Thabit2 Abu Gaid, Eatada said: Anas2 who was Abu GaidD He said: He was one o0 m" un/les,

'ha1ter 24: The merits o0 Uba"" b, >a:b and a .rou1 o0 Ansar (Allah be 1leased with them)
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) 4 :
Hammam said: I said to Anas b, Mali6: ?ho /olle/ted the Eur:an durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D He said: =our (1ersons)2 all o0 them to Ansir: Uba"" b, >a:b2 Mu:adh b, Fabal2 Gaid b, Thabit and a 1erson 0rom the Ansar whose >un"a was Abu Gaid,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) 4$:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to Uba"": <eril" Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 has /ommanded me to re/ite the Eur:an to "ou2 whereu1on he said: (Has) Allah mentioned m" name to "ouD He said: Allah has mentioned "our name to me, Thereu1on he to shed tears (o0 jo")

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) 42:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to Uba"" b, >a:b: I ha-e been /ommanded to re/ite to "ou the Sura (al- 7a""inah) whi/h o1ens with these words (Lam Ka6unil-ladhi"na >a0aruu) He said: Has he mentioned to "ou m" nameD He said: KesB thereu1on he shed tears o0 jo", This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

$*#; & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

'ha1ter 2*: The merits o0 Sa:d b Mu:adh (Allah be 1leased with him)
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) 44:
Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. while the bier o0 Sa:d b, Mu:adh was 1la/ed be0ore them: The Throne o0 the most Hra/ious shoo6 at the death o0 Sa:d b, Mu:adh,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) 4*:

Fabir re1orted that the Throne o0 the most 'om1assionate shoo6 be/ause o0 the death o0 Sa:d b, Mu:adh,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) 4+:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"- in.: That his bier (that o0 Sa:d) was 1la/ed (be0ore them) and the Throne o0 the most 'om1assionate shoo6,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) 4):

Al-7ara: re1orted that a .arment o0 sil6 was 1resented to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), His 'om1anions tou/hed it and admired its so0tnessB there- u1on he said: 9o "ou admire the so0tness o0 this (/loth)D The hand6er/hie0s o0 Sa:d b, Mu:adh in @aradise are better than this,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) 4%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) 4#:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba /ombinin. the two /hains o0 transmitters, Anas b Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was 1resented a .arment o0 sundus and he 1rohibited the use o0 sil6, The 1ersons admired it2 whereu1on he said: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is the li0e o0 Muhammad2 the 6er/hie0s o0 Sa:d b, Mu:adh in @aradise are better than this,

$*; & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) 4;:

Anas re1orted the 6in. o0 9umat al-Fandal 1resented to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the .arment and lie made no mention (o0 the 0a/t) that he 1rohibited the use o0 sil6,

'ha1ter 2+: The merits o0 Abu 9ujana (Allah be 1leased with him)
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) * :
Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 hold o0 his sword on the 9a" o0 Uhud and said: ?ho would ta6e it 0rom meD All the 1ersons stret/hed their hands sa"in.: I would do it2 I would do it, He (Allah:s A1ostle) said: ?ho would ta6e it in order to 0ul0il its ri.htsD Then the 1eo1le withdrew their hands, Sima6 b, >harasha Abu 9ujana said: I am here to ta6e it and 0ul0il its ri.hts, He too6 it and stru/6 the heads o0 the 1ol"theists,

'ha1ter 2): The merits o0 :Abdullah b, :Amr b, Haram2 the 0ather o0 Fabir (allah be 1leased with him)
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) *$:
Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: The dead bod" o0 m" 0ather was and he was /o-ered (with /loth) and it had been mutilated, I made an attem1t to li0t the /loth2 but m" 1eo1le 1rohibited me to do so, I a.ain made an attem1t to li0t the /loth2 but m" 1eo1le 1rohibited me, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) li0ted it or he /ommanded it to be li0ted, He heard the noise (o0 a loud) wee1in.2 or the noise o0 a woman mourner, He inquired who she was, The" said: The dau.hter o0 :Amr or the sister o0 Amr2 whereu1on he said: ?h" does she wee1D The An.els 1ro-ide him shade with the hel1 o0 their ?in.s until he would be li0ted (to his hea-enl" abode)

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) *2:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: M" 0ather 0ell as a mart"r on the 9a" o0 Uhud and I attem1ted to un/o-er his 0a/e and wee12 but the" (the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) 0orbade me to do this2 whereas Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not 0orbid me and =atima bint Amr2 the sister o0 m" 0ather2 was also wee1in. There- u1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kou ma"
$*;$ & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

wee1 or "ou ma" not wee1B the An.els 1ro-ide him shade with the hel1 o0 their win.s until "ou li0t him (to be buried in the .ra-e),

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) *4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters2 but with this di00eren/e that there is no mention o0 the An.els and the wee1in. o0 a 0emale mourner,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) **:

Fabir re1orted: M" 0ather was in a state that his ears had been /ut o00 and (his dead bod") was 1la/ed be0ore Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

'ha1ter 2%: The merits o0 Fulaibib (Allah be 1leased with him)

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) *+:
Abu 7ar8a re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was there in a battle0ield that Allah /on0erred u1on him the s1oils o0 war, He said to his 'om1anions: Is an"one missin. "ouD The" said: So and so and so, He a.ain said: Is there an"one missin. "ouD The" said: So and so and so, He then said: Is there an"one missin. "ouD The" said: !o, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 7ut I am missin. Fulaibib, The" (his 'om1anions) sear/hed him those who had been 6illed and the" 0ound him b" the side o0 se-en (dead bodies) whom he had 6illed and he had been 6illed (b" the o11oments), Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame there and stood (b" his side) and said: He 6illed se-en (1ersons), Then (his o11onents) 6illed him, He is mine and I am his, He then 1la/ed him u1on his hands and there was none else to li0t but Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Then the .ra-e was du. 0or him and he was 1la/ed in the .ra-e and no mention is made o0 a bath,

$*;2 & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

'ha1ter 2#: The merits o0 Abu 9harr (Allah be 1leased with him)
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) *):
:Abdullah b, Samit re1orted that Abu 9harr said: ?e set out 0rom our tribe Hha0ir who loo6 u1on the 1rohibited months as 1ermissible months, I and m" brother Unais and our mother sta"ed with our maternal un/le who treated us well, The men o0 his tribe 0ell jealous and the" said: ?hen "ou are ana" 0rom "our house2 Unais /ommits adulter" with "our wi0e, 3ur -naternal un/le /ame and he a//used us o0 the sin whi/h was /on-e"ed to him, I said: Kou ha-e undone the .ood "ou did to us, ?e /annot sta" with "ou a0ter this, ?e /ame to our /amels and loaded (our) lu..a.e, 3ur maternal un/le to wee1 /o-erin. himsel0 with (a 1ie/e o0) /loth, ?e 1ro/eeded on until we en/am1ed b" the side o0 Me//a, Unais /ast lot on the /amels (we had) and an equal number (abo-e that), The" both went to a >ahin and he made Unais win and Unais /ame with our /amels and an equal number alon. with them, He (Abu 9harr) said: M" ne1hew2 I used to obser-e 1ra"er three "ears be0ore m" meetin. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I said: =or whom did "ou sa" 1ra"erD He said: =or Allah, I said: To whi/h dire/tion did "ou turn "our 0a/e (0or obser-in. 1ra"er)D He said: I used to turn m" 0a/e as Allah has dire/ted me to turn m" 0a/e, I used to obser-e the 1ra"er at the time o0 the end o0 and I 0ell down in 1rostration li6e the mantle until the sun rose o-er me, Unais said: I ha-e a wor6 in Me//a2 so "ou better sta" here, Unais went until he /ame to Me//a and he /ame to me late, I said: ?hat did "ou doD He said: I met a 1erson in Me//a who is on "our reli.ion and he /laims that -eril" it is Allah ?ho has sent him, I said: ?hat do the 1eo1le sa" about himD He said: The" sa" that he is a 1oet or a >ahin or a ma.i/ian, Unais who was himsel0 one o0 the 1oets said, I ha-e heard the words o0 a >ahin but his words in no wa" resemble his (words), And $ also /om1ared his words to the -erses o0 1oets but su/h words /annot be uttered b" an" 1oet, 7" Allah2 he is truth0ul and the" are liars, Then I said: "ou sta" here2 until I .o2 so that I should see him, He said: I /ame to Me//a and I sele/ted an insi.ni0i/ant 1erson 0rom them and said to him: ?here is he whom "ou /all as-SabiD He 1ointed out towards me sa"in.: He is Sabi, Thereu1on the 1eo1le o0 the -alle" atta/6ed me with sods and bows until I 0ell down un/ons/ious, I stood u1 a0ter ha-in, re.ained m" /ons/iousness and I 0ound as i0 I was a red idol, I /ame to Gam8arn and washed blood 0rom me and dran6 water 0rom it and listen2 3 son o0 m" brother2 I sta"ed there 0or thirt" ni.hts or da"s and there was no 0ood 0or me but the water o0 Gam8arn, And I be/ame so bul6" that there a11eared wrin6les u1on m" stoma/h2 and I did not 0eel an" in m" stoma/h, It was durin. this time that the 1eo1le o0 Me//a sle1t in the moonlit and none was there to eir/umambulate the House but onl" two women who had been in-o6in. the name o0 Isa0a2 and !a:ila (the two idols),

$*;4 & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

The" /ame to me while in their /ir/uit and I said: Marr" one with the other2 but the" did not dissuade 0rom their in-o6in., The" /ame to me and I said to them: Insert wood (in the idols: 1ri-ate 1arts), (I said this to them in su/h 1lain words) as I /ould not e51ress in meta1hori/al terms, These women went awa" /r"in. and sa"in.: Had there been one our 1eo1le (he would ha-e a lesson to "ou 0or the obs/ene words used 0or our idols be0ore us), These women met Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and Abu 7a6r who had also been /omin. down the hill, He as6ed them: ?hat has ha11ened to "ouD The" said: There is Sabi2 who has hidden himsel0 between the >a:ba and its /urtain, He said: ?hat did he sa" to "ouD The" said: He uttered su/h words be0ore us as we /annot e51ress, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame and he 6issed the 7la/6 Stone and /ir/umambulated the House alon. with his 'om1anion and then obser-ed 1ra"er2 and when he had 0inished his 1ra"er2 Abu 9harr said: I was the 0irst to .reet him with the salutation o0 1ea/e and uttered (these words) in this wa"B Allah:s Messen- .er2 ma" there be 1ea/e u1on "ou2 whereu1on he said: It ma" be u1on "ou too and the mer/" o0 Allah, He then said: ?ho are "ouD I said: =rom the tribe o0 Hhi0ar, He leaned his hand and 1la/ed his on his 0orehead and I said to m"sel0: @erha1s he has not li6ed it that I belon. to the tribe o0 Hhi0ar, I attem1ted to /at/h hold o0 his hand but his 0riend who 6new about him more than I dissuaded me 0 rom doin. so, He then li0ted his head and said: Sin/e how lon. ha-e "ou been hereD I said: I ha-e been here 0or the last thirt" ni.hts or da"s, He said: ?ho has been 0eedin. "ouD I said: There has been no 0ood 0or me but the water o0 Gam8am, I ha-e .rown so bul6" that there a11ear wrin6les u1on m" stoma/h and I do not 0eel an", He said: It is blessed (water) and it also ser-es as 0ood, Thereu1on Abu 7a6r said: Allah:s Messen.er2 let me ser-e as a host to him 0or toni.ht2 and then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ro/eeded 0orth and so did Abu 7a6r and I went alon. with them, Abu 7a6r o1ened the door and then he 0or us the raisins o0 Ta:i0 and that was the 0irst 0ood whi/h I ate there, Then I sta"ed as lon. as I had to sta", I then /ame to Allah:s Messenaer (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he said: I ha-e been shown the land abound- in. in trees and I thin6 it /annot be but that o0 Kathrib (that is the old name o0 Medina), Kou are a 1rea/her to "our 1eo1le on m" behal0, I ho1e Allah would bene0it them throu.h "ou and He would reward "ou, I /ame to Unais and he said: ?hat ha-e "ou doneD I said: I ha-e done that I ha-e embra/ed Islam and I ha-e testi0ied (to the 1ro1hethood o0 Allah:s, He said: I ha-e no a-ersion 0or "our reli.ion and I also embra/e Islam and testi0" (to the 1ro1hethood o0 Muhammad), Then both o0 us /ame to our mother and she said: I ha-e no a-ersion 0or "our reli.ion and I also embra/e Islam and testi0" to the 1ro1hethood o0 Muhammad, ?e then loaded our /amels and /ame to our tribe Hhi0ir and hal0 o0 the tribe embra/ed Islam and their /hie0 was Aimi: b, Aahada Hhi0irl and he was their leader and hall o0 the tribe said: ?e will embra/e Islam when Allah:s (ma" 12, a/e be u1on him) would /ome to Medina2 and when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to Medina the remainin. hal0 also embra/ed Islam, Then a tribe Aslam /ame to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 we also embra/e Islam li6e our brothers who ha-e embra/ed Islam, And the"

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733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

also embra/ed Islam, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah .ranted 1ardon to the tribe o0 Hhi0ar and Allah sa-ed (0rom destru/tion) the tribe o0 Aslam,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) *%:

This hadlth has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Humaid b, Hilal with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this addition:C As I /ame to Me//a2 Unais said: (?ell)2 .o but be on "our .uard a.ainst the Me//ans 0or the" are his enemies and are anno"ed with him,C

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) *#:

Abdullah b, Samit re1orted that Abu 9harr said: Son o0 m" brother2 I used to obser-e 1ra"er two "ears be0ore the ad-ent o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I said: To whi/h dire/tion did "ou turn "our 0a/eD He said: To whi/h Allah dire/ted me to turn m" 0a/e, The rest o0 the hadith is the same but with this addition that the" went to a >ahin and his brother Unais to 1raise him until he (in -erses de/lared) him (Unais) as winner (in the /ontest o0 1oetr")2 and so we .ot his /amels2 mi5ed them with our /amels2 and there is in this hadith also these words that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame there and he /ir/umambulated the House and obser-ed two Aa6:ahs o0 1ra"er behind the Station (o0 Ibrahim), I /ame to him and I was the 0irst 1ersons to .reet him with Assalam-o-:Alai6um2 and I said to Allah:s Let there be 1ea/e u1on "ou, And he said: Let there be 1ea/e u1on "ou tooB who are "ouD And in the hadith (these words are) also 0ound: Sin/e how lon. ha-e "ou been hereD And Abu 7a6r said: Let him be m" .uest,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) *;:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that when Abu 9harr heard o0 the ad-ent o0 the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in Me//a he said: 7rother2 ride in this -alle" and brin. in0ormation 0or me about the 1erson who /laims that there /omes to him in0ormation 0rom the Hea-ens, Listen to his words and then /ome to me, So he rode on until he /ame to Me//a and he heard his words (the sa/red words o0 the Hol" @ro1het) and then /ame ba/6 to Abu 9harr and said: I ha-e seen him e5hortin. (1eo1le) to de-elo1 .ood morals and his e51ressions /an in no wa" be termed as 1oetr", He (Abu 9harr) said: I ha-e not been satis0ied with it re.ardin. that whi/h I had in m" mind (as I sent "ou), So he too6 u1 1ro-isions 0or the journe" and a small water-s6in /on- tainin. water (and set 0orth) until he /ame to Me//a, He /ame to the mosque (>a:ba) and to 0ind out Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he did not re- /o.nise him (the Hol" @ro1het) and he did not e-en li6e that he should as6 about him 0rom an"one until it was ni.ht2 and he sle1t, :All saw him and 0ound him to be a, So he went with him, He 0ollowed hi-e but one did not ma6e an" inquir" 0rom the other about an"thin. until it was mornin., He then the water and his 1ro-isions to the mosque and s1ent a da" there2 but he did not see Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) until it was, He then re-

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733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

turned to his bed that there ha11ened to 1ass :Ali and he said: This man has not been able to 0ind his destination until this time, He made him stand and he went with him and no one made an in- quir" 0rom his /om1anion about an"thin., And when it was the third da" he did the same, :Ali made him stand u1 and him alon. with him, He said: 7" Him2 besides ?hom there is no .od2 wh" don:t "ou tell me (the reason) whi/h "ou here to this townD He said: (I shall do this) 1ro-ided "ou hold me 1romise and a /o-enant that "ou would .uide me, He then did that, He (:Ali) said: <eril"2 he Is truth0ul and he is a o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and when it is mornin.2 0ollow me and i0 I would sa" an"thin. 0rom whi/h I would sense 0ear about "ou I would stand (in a manner) as i0 I was throwin. water and i0 I mo-e on2 "ou then 0ollow me until I .et in (some house), He did that and I 0ollowed him until he /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He entered (the house) o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) alon. with him and listened to his words and embra/ed Islam at his -er" 1la/e, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: Ho to "our 1eo1le and in0orm them until m" /ommand rea/hes "ou, Thereu1on he said: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 I shall sa" to the 1eo1le o0 Me//a this thin. at the to1 o0 m" -oi/e So he set 0orth until he /ame to the mosque and then s1o6e at the to1 o0 his -oi/e (sa"in.): I bear testimon" to the 0a/t that there is no .od but Allah and that Muhammad is the o0 Allah, The 1eo1le atta/6ed him and made him 0all down when :Abbas /ame and he leaned o-er him and said: ?oe be u1on "ou2 don:t "ou 6now that he is 0rom the tribe o0 Hhi0ar and "our trad- in. route to S"ria 1asses throu.h (the settlements o0 this tribe)2 and he res/ued him, He (Abu 9harr) did the same on the ne5t da" and the" (the Me//ans) a.ain atta/6ed him and Abbas leaned u1on him and he res/ued him,

'ha1ter 2;: The merits o0 Farir b, Abdullah (Allah be 1leased with him)
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) + :
() + ) Farir b, :Abdullah said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ne-er re0used me 1ermission to see him sin/e I embra/ed Islam and ne-er loo6ed at me but with a smile,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) +$:

Farir re1orted: Sin/e I embra/ed Islam Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ne-er re0used to see me and he did not see me but with a smile on his 0a/e, Ibn !umair has made this addition to this hadith whi/h has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Idris that he (Farir) made this /om1laint to him (to the Hol" @ro1het): I /annot sit u1on the horse with 0irmness2 whereu1on he (Allah:s A1ostle) stru/6 his /hest with his hand and 1ra"ed: 3 Allah2 ma6e him stead0ast and ri.htl"-.uided,

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733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) +2:

Fabir re1orted that there was in 1re-Islami/ da"s a tem1le /alled 9hu:l- >halasah and it was /alled the Kamanite >a:ba or the northern >a:ba, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said unto me: ?ill "ou rid me o0 9hu:l->halasah and so I went 0orth at the head o0 4+ horsemen o0 the tribe o0 Ahmas and we destro"ed it and 6illed whomsoe-er we 0ound there, Then we /ame ba/6 to him (to the Hol" @ro1het) and in0ormed him and he blessed us and the tribe o0 Ahmas,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) +4:

Farir b, :Abdullah al-7ajali said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: 'an:t on rid me o0 9hu:I->halasah2 the idol-house o0 >hath:am2 and this idol-house was /alled the Kamanite >a:ba, So I went alon. with $+ horsemen and I /ould not sit with stead0astness u1on the horse, I made the mention o0 it to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he stru/6 his hand on m" /hest and said: 3 Allah2 .rant him stead0astness and ma6e him the .uide o0 ri.hteousness and the ri.htl"-.uided one, So he went awa" and he set 0ire to it, Then Farir sent some 1erson to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whose >un"a was Abu Arta to .i-e him the ha11" news about that, He /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: I ha-e not /ome to "ou (but with the news) that we ha-e le0t 9hu:l->halasah as a s/abed /amel, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) blessed the horses o0 Ahmas and the men o0 their tribe 0i-e times,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) +*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ismail with di00erent /hains o0 transmitters and in the badith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Marwan (the words are):C A 1erson .i-in. the .lad tidin.s on behal0 o0 Farir /ame or Abu Husain b, Aabi:a /ame in order to .i-e .lad tidin.s to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

'ha1ter 4 : The merits o0 :Abdullah b, Abbas (Allah be 1leased with him)

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) ++:
Ibn :Abbas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to 1ri-" and I 1la/ed 0or him water 0or ablution2 ?hen he /ame out he said: ?ho 1la/ed it hereD And in a -ersion o0 Guhair the" (the 'om1anions) said2 and in the -ersion o0 Abu 7a6r (the words are): I said: It is Ibn :Abbas (who has done that)2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Ma" Allah .rant him dee1 understandin. o0 reli.ion,
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733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

'ha1ter 4$: The merits o0 Abdullah b, Umar (Allah be 1leased with him)
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) +):
Ibn :Umar re1orted: I saw in a state o0 slee1 as i0 I ha-e in m" hand a 1ie/e o0 sil6 /loth and there is no 1la/e in the @aradise where I intend to rea/h but that 1ie/e o0 /loth does not 0l" towards it, I made a mention o0 it to Ha0sa (the sister o0 Ibn :Umar) and Ha0sa made a mention o0 it to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I 0ind :Abdullah b :Umar a 1ious 1erson,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) +%:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that when a 1erson saw an"thin. in slee1 durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) he narrated it to Allah:s Messen.er2 and I also had a that I should also see in a dream somethin. whi/h I should narrate to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and I was at that time an unmarried "oun. man, I was slee1in. in the mosque durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) tl) at I saw in a dream as i0 two An.els ha-e ta6en hold o0 me and the" ha-e /arried me to the 0ire2 and2 lo2 it was built li6e the easin. o0 a well and had two 1illars li6e those o0 a wellB and2 lo2 there were 1eo1le in it whom I 6new and I /ried out: I see6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom Hell-0ireB I see6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom Hell-0ire, Then another An.el joined the two others2 and said unto me: Kou need not 0ear I narrated this dream to lla0sa and she narrated it to Allah:s Messen.er2 whereu1on Allah:s A1ostle said: ?orth" is this man Abdullah2 3 that he would 1ra" at ni.ht2 and Silim added that Abdullah a0terwards sle1t onl" but 0or a small 1art o0 the,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) +#:

Ibn Umar re1orted: I used to s1end ni.hts in the mosque and b" that time I had no wi0e and /hildren, I saw in a dream as i0 I am bein. ta6en to a well, I made a mention o0 it to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/ebe u1on him), The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

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733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

'ha1ter 42: The merits o0 Anas b, Mali6 (Allah be 1leased with him)
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) +;:
Anas re1orted that Umm Sulaim said (to the Hol" @ro1het) Allah:s Messen.er2 here is "our ser-ant Anas2 in-o6e blessin.s o0 Allah u1on him, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 3 Allah2 ma6e an in/rease in his wealth2 and 1ro.en"2 and /on0er blessin.s u1on him in e-er"thin. Thou hast bestowed u1on him,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) ) :

Anas re1orted (that his mother) Umm Sulaim said (to the Hol" @ro1het) Allah:s Messen.er2 here is "our ser-ant Anas, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) )$:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Anas throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) )2:

Anas re1ortedAllah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited us and there was none else (in the house) but I2 m" mother and m" mother:s sister Umm Haram, M" mother said to him: Allah:s Messen.er2 here is a small ser-ant o0 "ours2 in-o6e blessin.s o0 Allah u1on him, And he in-o6ed blessin.s 0or me (that I should be bestowed u1on) e-er" .ood and this was what he (said) at the end o0 what be su11li/ated 0or me: 3 Allah2 ma6e an in/rease in his wealth2 and 1ro.en"2 and /qn0er blessin.s (u1on him) in (ea/h one) o0 them,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) )4:

Anas re1orted: M" mother Umm Anas /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), And she 1re1ared m" lower .arment out o0 the hal0 o0 her headdress and (with the other hal0) she /o-ered m" u11er bod" and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 here is m" son UnaisB I ha-e him to "ou 0or ser-in. "ou, In-o6e blessin.s o0 Allah u1on him, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 3 Allah2 ma6e an in/rease in his wealth2 and 1ro.en", Anas said: 7" Allah2 m" 0ortune is hu.e and m" /hildren2 and .rand-/hildren are now more than one hundred,

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733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) )*:

Anas b, Mali6 said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1assed (b" our house) that m" mother Umm Sulaim listened to his -oi/e and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 let m" 0ather and mother be sa/ri0i/ed 0or thee2 here is Unais (and requested him to in-o6e blessin.s u1on me), So Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in-o6ed three blessin.s u1on me, I ha-e seen (the results) o0 the two in this -er" world (in re.ard to wealth and 1ro.en") and I ho1e to see (the result) o0 the third one in the Herea0ter,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) )+:

Anas re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to me as I was 1la"in. with 1la"mates, He .reeted and sent me on an errand and I made dela" in .oin. to m" mother, ?hen I /ame to her she said: ?hat detained "ouD I said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent me on an errand, She said: ?hat was the 1ur1oseD I said: It is somethin. se/ret, Theru1on she said: 9o not then di-ul.e the se/ret o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to an"one, Anas said: 7" Allah2 i0 I were to di-ul.e it to an"one2 then2 3 Thabit2 I would ha-e di-ul.ed it to "ou,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) )):

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) told me somethin. se/retl", I in0ormed none about that and Umm Sulaim as6ed me about it2 but I did not tell her e-en,

'ha1ter 44: The merits o0 :Abdullah b, Salam (Allah be 1leased with him)
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) )%:
:Amir b, Sa:d re1orted that he heard his 0ather (Sa:d b, Abi ?aqqas) sa": ne-er heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa" unto one li-in. and mo-in. about that he was in @aradise e5/e1t to :Abdullah b, Salim,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) )#:

Eais b, :Ubada re1orted: I was in the /om1an" o0 some 1ersons2 whom some were the 'om1anions o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in Medina2 that there /ame a 1erson whose 0a/e de1i/ted the 0ear (o0 Allah), Some 1eo1le said: He is a 1erson 0rom the 1eo1le o0 @aradiseB he is a 1erson 0rom the 1eo1le o0 @aradise, He obser-ed two short ra6:ahs o0 1ra"er


& $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

and then went out, I 0ollowed him and he .ot into his house and I also .ot in and we to /on-erse with ea/h other, And when he be/ame 0amiliar (with me) I said to Him: ?hen "ou entered (the mosque) be0ore ("our entran/e in the house) a 1erson said so and so (that "ou are the 1eo1le o0 @aradise)2 whereu1on he said: It is not meet 0or an"one to sa" an"thin. whi/h he does not 6now, I shall (now) tell "ou wh" the" (sa") this, I saw a dream durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and narrated it to him, I seemed to be in a .arden Nhe des/ribed its -astness2 its ri/h 0ru/ti0i/ation and its -erdureOB in the midst o0 it2 there stood an iron 1illar2 with its base in the earth and its summit in the s6": and u1on its summit there was a handhold, It was said to me: 'limb u1 this (1illar), I said to him (-isitant in the dream): I am unable to do it, Thereu1on a hel1er /ame to me2 and he (su11orted) me (b" /at/hin. hold o0 m") .arment 0rom behind and thus hel1ed me with his hand and so I /limbed u1 till I was at the summit o0 the 1illar2 and .ras1ed the handhold, It was said to me: Ho d it ti.htl", It was at this that I wo6e u1 when (the handhold) was in 0the .ri1) o0 m" hand, I narrated it (the dream) to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on he said: That .arden im1lies al-Islam and that 1illar im1lies the 1illar o0 Islam, And that handhold is the 0irmest 0aith (as re0ered to in the Eur:an), And "ou will remain atta/hed to Islam until "ou shall die, And that man was :Abdullah b, Salim,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) );:

Eais b, :Ubaida re1orted: I was (sittin.) in a /om1an" in whi/h there were (besides others) Sa:d b, Mali6 and Ibn :Umar that :Abdullah b, Saliim ha11ened to 1ass (b" that side), The" (the 1eo1le sittin. in that /om1an") said: He is a 1erson 0rom the dwellers o0 @aradise, I stood u1 and said to him: The" sa" su/h and su/h (thin. about "ou)2 whereu1on he said: Hallowed be Allah2 it is not meet 0or them to sa" (an"thin.) o0 whi/h The" ha-e no 6nowled.e, <eril" I saw as i0 a 1illar had been raised in a .reen .arden and there had been 0i5ed at its (u11er) end a handhold and there was a hel1er at its base, It was said to me: 'limb u1, So I /limbed u1 and / hold o0 the haildhold, I narrated (the /ontents o0 this dream) to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on he said: :Abdullah would die in a state that he would be /at/hin. hold o0 the 0irmest handhold (he would die holdin. 0ast to the 0aith),

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) % :

>harasha b, Hurr re1orted: I was sittin. in a /ir/le in the mosque o0 Medina and there was an old man2 quite handsome, He was :Abdullah b, Salim, He was tellin. .ood thin.s to them (to the 1eo1le sittin. in that /om1an"), As he stood u1 (to de1art) the 1eo1le said: He who is desirous o0 loo6in. at a 1erson 0rom the 1eo1le o0 @aradise should see him, I said: 7" Allah2 I will 0ollow him2 and would tr" to 6now his residen/e, So I 0ollowed him and he wal6ed on until he rea/hed the outs6irts o0 Medina, He then entered his house, I 1ermission 0rom him to .et in2 and he .ranted me the 1ermission2 sa"in.: M" ne1hew2 what is the need (that has "ou here)D I said to him: As "ou
$+ $ & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

stood u12 I heard 1eo1le sa" about "ou: He who is desirous o0 seein. a 1erson 0rom amon. the 1eo1le o0 @aradise should loo6 at him, So I be/ame desirous o0 a//om1an"in. "ou, He (:Abdullah b, Salim) said: It is Allah ?ho 6nows best about the 1eo1le o0 @aradise, I would2 howe-er2 narrate to "ou as to wh" the" said li6e it, (The stor" is) that while I was aslee1 (one there /ame to me a 1erson (in the dream) who as6ed me to stand u1, (So I stood u1) and he / hold o0 m" hand and I wal6ed alon. with him2 and2 lo2 I 0ound some 1aths on m" le0t and I was about to set out u1on them, Thereu1on he said to me 9o not set "oursel0 on (them) 0or these are the 1aths o0 the le0tists (deni8ens o0 Hell-0ire), Then there were 1aths leadin. to the side2 whereu1on he said: Set "oursel0 on these 1aths, ?e /ame a/ross a hill and he said to me: 'limb u12 and I attem1ted to /limb u1 that I 0ell u1on m" butto/6s, I made se-eral attem1ts (but 0ailed to su//eed), He led until he /ame to a 1illar (so hi.h) that its u11er end tou/hed the s6" and its base was in the earth, And there was a handhold at its u11er end, He said to me 'limb o-er it, I said: How /an I /limb u1on it2 as its u11er end tou/hes the s6"D He / hold o0 m" hand and 1ushed me u1 and I 0ound m"sel0 sus1ended with the handhold, He then stru/6 the 1illar and it 0ell down2 but I remained atta/hed to that handhold until it was mornin. (and the dream was thus o-er), I /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and narrated it to him, He said: So 0ar as the 1aths whi/h "ou saw on "our le0t are /on/erned2 these are 1aths o0 the le0tists (deni8ens o0 Hell) and the 1aths whi/h "ou saw on "our ri.ht2 these are the 1aths o0 the ri.htists (the dwellers o0 @aradise) and the mountain re1resents the destination o0 the mart"rs whi/h "ou would not be able to attain, The 1illar im1lies the 1illar o0 Islam, and so 0ar as the handhold is /on/erned2 it im1lies the handhold o0 Islam2 and "ou would hold to it 0astl" until "ou would meet death,

'ha1ter 4*: The merits o0 Hassan b, Thabit (Allah be 1leased with him)
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) %$:
Abu Huraira re1orted that :Umar ha11ened to 1ass b" Hassan as he was re/itin. -erses in the mosque, He (Hadrat :Umar) loo6ed towards him (meanin.0ull")2 whereu1on he (.assin) said: I used to re/ite (-erses) when one better than "ou (the Hol" @ro1het) had been 1resent (here), He then loo6ed towards Abu Huraira and said to him: I adjure "ou b" Allah (to tell) i0 "ou had not heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: (Hassan)2 .i-e a re1l" on m" behal0B Allah I hel1 him with Auh-ul-Eudus, He (Abu Huraira) said: 7" Allah2 it is so (i, e, the Hol" @ro1het a/tuall" said these words),

$+ 2 & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) %2:

Ibn Musa""ib re1orted that Hassan said to a /ir/le in whi/h there was also Abu Huraira: Abu Huraira2 I adjure "ou b" Allah (to tell) whether "ou-had not heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in. li6e this,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) %4:

:Abd al-Aahman re1orted that he heard Hassin b, Thabit al-Ansari /all Abu Huraira to bear witness b" sa"in.: I adjure "ou b" Allah i0 "ou had not heard Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: Hassin2 .i-e a re1l" on behal0 o0 the o0 Allah, 3 Allah2 hel1 him with Auh-ulEudus, Abu Huraira said: Kes2 it is so,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) %*:

Al-7ari: b, :A8ib re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Hassan b, Thibit2 write satire (a.ainst the non-belie-ers) B Habriel is with "ou, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) %+:

Hisham re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Hassan b, Thabit tal6ed mu/h about :A:isha, I s/olded him2 whereu1on she said: M" ne1hew2 lea-e him 0or he de0ended Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) %):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hishim with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) %%:

Masruq re1orted: I -isited :A:isha when Hassin was sittin. there and re/itin. -erses 0rom his /om1ilation: She is /haste and 1rudent, There is no /alumn" a.ainst her and she rises u1 earl" in the mornin. without eatin. the meat o0 the un- mind0ul, :A:isha said: 7ut "ou are not so, Masruq said: I said to her: ?h" do "ou 1ermit him to -isit "ou2 whereas Allah has said:C And as 0or him amon. them who too6 u1on himsel0 the main 1art thereo02 he shall ha-e a .rie-ous 1unishmentC (TTI<, ll)D Thereu1on she said: ?hat tornient /an be more se-ere than this that he has be/ome blindD He used to write satire as a rebuttal on behal0 o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

$+ 4 & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) %#:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) %;:

:A:isha re1orted that Hassin said: Allah:s Messen.er2 1ermit me to write satire a.ainst Abu Su0"an2 whereu1on he said: How /an it be be/ause I am also related to himD Thereu1on he (Hassan) said: 7" Him ?ho has honoured "ou, I shall draw "ou out 0rom them (their 0amil") just as hair is drawn out 0rom the 0ermented (0lour), Thereu1on Hassan said: The di.nit" and .reatness belon.s to the tribe o0 7int Ma6h8um 0rom the tribe o0 Hisham2 whereas "our 0ather was a sla-e,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) # :

:Urwa re1orted on the same /hain o0 transmitters that Hassan b, Thabit 1ermission 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to satirise a.ainst the 1ol"theists2 but he did not mention Abu Su0"an, And instead o0 the word al- >hamir2 the word al-:Ajin was used,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) #$:

:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1ort him) said, Satirise a.ainst the (nonbelie-in. the) Euraish2 0or (the satire) is more .rie-ous to them than the hurt o0 an arrow, So he (the Hol" @ro1het) sent (someone) to Ibn Aawiha and as6ed him to satirise a.ainst them2 and he /om1osed a satire2 but it did not a11eal to him (to the Hol" @ro1het), He then sent (someone) to >a:b b, Mali6 (to do the same2 but what he /om1osed did not a11eal to the Hol" @ro1het), He then sent one to Hassan b, Thabit, As he .ot into his 1resen/e2 Hassan said: !ow "ou ha-e /alled 0or this lion who stri6es (the enemies) with his tail, He then out his ton.ue and to mo-e it and said: 7" Him ?ho has sent "ou with Truth2 I shall tear them with m" ton.ue as the leather is torn, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9on:t be hast"B (let) Abu 7a6r who has the best 6now- led.e o0 the linea.e o0 the Euraish draw a distin/tion 0or "ou in re.ard to m" linea.e2 as m" linea.e is thesame as theirs, Hassan then /ame to him (Abu 7a6r) and a0ter ma6in. inquir" (in re.ard to the linea.e o0 the Hol" @ro1het) /ame ba/6 to him (the hol" @ro1het) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 he (Abu 7a6r) has drawn a distin/tion in -our linea.e (and that o0 the Euraish) 7" Him ?ho has sent "ou with Truth2 I shall draw out 0rom them ("our name) as hair is drawn out 0rom the 0lour, :A:isha said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. to Hassin: <eril" Auh-ul- Eudus would /ontinue to hel1 "ou so lon. as "ou 1ut u1 a de0en/e on behal0 o0 Allah and His, And she said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: Hassan satirised a.ainst them and .a-e satis0a/tion to the (Muslims) and disquieted (the non-Muslims),

$+ * & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

Kou satirised Muhammad2 but I re1lied on his behal02 And there is reward with Allah 0or this, Kou satirised Muhammad, -irtuous2 ri.hteous2 The A1ostle o0 Allah2 whose nature is truth0ulness, So -eril" m" 0ather and his 0ather and m" honour Are a 1rote/tion to the honour o0 MuhammadB Ma" I lose m" dear dau.hter2 i0 "ou don:t see her2 ?i1in. awa" the dust 0rom the two sides o0 >ada:2 The" 1ull at the rein2 .oin. u1wardB 3n their shoulders are s1ears thirstin. (0or the blood o0 the enem") B our steeds are sweatin.-our women wi1e them with their mantles, I0 "ou had not inter0ered with us2 we would ha-e 1er0ormed the :Umra2 And (then) there was the <i/tor"2 and the dar6ness /leared awa", 3therwise wait 0or the 0i.htin. on the da" in whi/h Allah will honour whom He 1leases, And Allah said: I ha-e sent a ser-ant who sa"s the Truth in whi/h there is no ambi.uit"B And Allah said: I ha-e 1re1ared an arm"-the" are the Ansar whose obje/t is 0i.htin. (the enem")2 There rea/hes e-er" da" 0rom Ma:add abuse2 or 0i.htin. or satireB ?hoe-er satirises the A1ostle 0rom "ou2 or 1raises him and hel1s it is all the same2 And Habriel2 the A1ostle o0 Allah is amon. us2 and the Hol" S1irit who has no mat/h,

'ha1ter 4+: The merits o0 Abu Huraira al-9awsi alKamani (Allah be 1leased with him)
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) #2:
Abu Huraira re1orted: I in-ited m" mother2 who was a 1ol"tlieist2 to Islam, I in-ited her one da" and she said to me somethin. about Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whi/h I hated, I /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) wee1in. and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I in-ited m" mother to Islam but she did not a//e1t (m" in-itation), I in-ited her toda" but she said to me somethin. whi/h I did not li6e, (>indl") su11li/ate Allah that He ma" set the mother o0 Abu Huraira, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3 Allah2 set the mother o0 Abu
$+ + & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

Huraira on the 1ath, I /ame out quite 1leased with the su11li/ation o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and when I /ame near the door it was /losed 0rom within, M" mother heard the noise o0 m" 0ootste1s and she said: Abu Huraira2 just wait2 and I heard the noiee o0 0allin. o0 water, She too6 a bath and 1ut on the shirt and qui/6l" /o-ered her head with a headdress and o1ened the door and then said: Abu Huraira2 I bear witness to the 0a/t that there is no .od but Allah and Mubammad is His bondsman and His, He (Abu Huraira) said: I went ba/6 to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and (this time) I was sheddin. the tears o0 jo", I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 be ha11"2 0or Allah has res1onded to "our su11li/ation and He has set on the 1ath the mother o0 Abu Huraira, He (the Hol" @ro1het) 1raised Allah2 and e5tolled Him and uttered .ood words, I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 su11li/ate to Allah so that He ma" instil lo-e o0 mine and that o0 m" mother too in the belie-in. ser-ants and let our hearts be 0illed with their lo-e2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3 Allah2 let there be lo-e o0 these ser-ants o0 "ours2 i, e, Abu Huraira and his mother2 in the hearts o0 the belie-in. ser-ants and let their hearts be 0illed with the lo-e o0 the belie-in. ser-ants, (Abu Huraira said: This 1ra"er) was so well .ranted b" Allah that no belie-er was e-er born who heard o0 me and who saw me but did not lo-e me,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) #4:

Al-A:raj re1orted that he heard Abu Huraira as sa"in.: Kou are under the im1ression that Abu Huraira transmits so man" ahadith 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e u1 u1on him) B (bear in mind) Allah is the .reat Ae/6oner, I was a 1oor man and I ser-ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) bein. satis0ied with bare subsisten/e2 whereas the immi.rants remained bus" with transa/tions in the ba8arB while the Ansar had been en.a.ed in loo6in. a0ter their 1ro1erties, (He 0urther re1orted) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who s1reads the /loth would not an"thin. that he would hear 0rom me, I s1read m" /loth until he narrated somethin., I then 1ressed it a.ainst m" (/hest)2 so I ne-er 0or.ot an"thin. that I heard 0rom him,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) #*:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira but with the -ariation that the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Mali6 /on/lude with the words o0 Abu Huraira and there is no mention o0 a transmission o0 these 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him):C who s1reads his /loth2C to the end,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) #+:

:A:isha re1orted: 9on:t "ou 0eel sur1rised at Abu HurairaD He /ame (one da") and sat beside the noo6 o0 m" a1artment and to narrate (the hadith o0 Allah:s A1ostle), I was hearin. while I was en.a.ed in e5tollin. Allah (re/itin. Subhan Allah) /onstantl", He stood u1 be0ore I 0inished m" re1e-

$+ ) & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

tition o0 Subhan Allah, i0 I were to meet him I would ha-e warned him in stern words that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not s1ea6 so qui/6l" as "ou tal6, Ibn Shihab transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Musa""ib that Abu Huraira said: @eo1le sa" that Abu Huraira transmits so man" ahadith2 whereas Allah is the Ae/6oner2 and the" sa": How is it with Muhajirs and the Ansar that the" do not narrate ahadith li6e him (li6e Abu Huraira)D Abu Huraira said: I tell "ou that m" brothers 0rom Ansar remained bus" with their lands and m" brothers Muhajirs were bus" in transa/tions in the ba8ars2 but I alwa"s 6e1t m"sel0 atta/hed to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with bare subsisten/e, I remained 1resent (in the /om1an" o0 the Hol" @ro1het)2 whereas the" had been absent, I retained in m" mind (what the Hol" @ro1het said)2 whereas the" 0or.ot it, 3ne da" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who "ou s1reads the /loth and listens to m" tal6 and would then 1ress it a.ainst his /hest would ne-er an"thin. heard 0rom me, So I s1read m" mantle and when he had /on/luded his tal6 I then 1ressed it a.ainst m" /hest and so I ne-er 0or.ot a0ter that da" an"thin. that he (the Hol" @ro1het) said, And i0 these two -erses would not ha-e been re-ealed in the 7oo6 I would ha-e ne-er transmitted an"thin. (to an"bod"):C Those who /on/eal the /lear e-iden/e and the .uidan/e that ?e re-ealedC (ii, $+;) ti1 to the last -erse,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) #):

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira (and the words are): Kou sa" that Abu Huraira narrates so man" ahadith 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) B the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

'ha1ter 4): The merits o0 the 1arti/i1ants in the battle o0 7adr (Allah be 1leased with them) and the stor" o0 Hatib b, Abu 7alta:a
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) #%:
Ubaidullah b, Aa0i:2 who was the s/ribe o0 :All2 re1orted: I heard :Ali (Allah be 1leased with him) as sa"in.: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent me and Gubair and Miqdad sa"in.: Ho to the .arden o02 >ha6h Nit is a 1la/e between Medina and Me//a at a distan/e o0 twel-e miles 0rom MedinaO and there "ou will 0ind a woman ridin. a /amel, She would be in 1ossession o0 a letter2 whi/h "ou must .et 0rom her, So we rushed on horses and when we met that woman2 we as6ed her to deli-er that letter to us, She said: There is no letter with me, ?e said: (ither brin. out that letter or we would ta6e o00 "our /lothes, She out that letter 0rom (the 1laited hair o0) her head, ?e deli-ered that letter to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in whi/h Hatib b, Abu 7alta:a had in0ormed some 1eo1le the 1ol"theists o0 Me//a about the a00airs o0 Allah:s (ma"
$+ % & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

1ea/e be u1on him), Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Hatib2 what is thisD He said: Allah:s messen.er2 do not be hast" in m" intention, I was a 1erson atta/hed to the Euraish, Su0"an said: He was their all" but had no relationshi1 with them, (Hatib 0urther said): Those who are with "ou the emi.rants ha-e blood-relationshi1 with them (the Euraish) and thus the" would 1rote/t their 0amilies, I wished that when I had no blood-relationshi1 with them I should 0ind some su11orters 0rom ( them) who would hel1 m" 0amil", I ha-e not done this be/ause o0 an" unbelie0 or a1ostas" and I ha-e no li6in. 0or the unbelie0 a0ter I ha-e (a//e1ted) Islam, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kou ha-e told the truth, :Umar said: Allah:s Messen.er2 1ermit me to stri6e the ne/6 o0 this h"1o/rite, 7ut he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: He was a 1arti/i1ant in 7adr and "ou little 6now that Allah re-ealed about the 1eo1le o0 7adr: 9o what "ou li6e 0or there is 0or.i-eness 0or "ou, And Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 said:C 3 "ou who belie-e2 do not ta6e M" enem" and "our enem" 0or 0riendsC (l5, $), And there is no mention o0 this -erse in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu 7a6r and Gubair and Ishaq has in his narration made a mention o0 the re/itation o0 this -erse b" Su0"an,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) ##:

:Ali re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent me and Abu Marthad al-Hhitna-i and Gubair b, :Awwam and we were all riders2 and he said: Aide on until "ou rea/h the .arden o0 >ha6h 0or there is a woman the 1ol"theists and there is a letter with her sent b" Hatib to the 1ol"theistsB the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) #;:

Fabir re1orted that a sla-e o0 Hatib /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /om1lainin. a.ainst Hatib and said: Hatib will de0initel" .o to Hell, (7ut) Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kou tell a lieB he would not .et into that 0or he had ta6en 1art in 7adr and in (the e51edition o0) Hudaibi"a,

'ha1ter 4%: The merits o0 those who owed alle.ian/e under the tree (Allah be 1leased with them)
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) ; :
Umm Mubashshir re1orted that she heard Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. in 1resen/e o0 Ha0sa: Hod willin.2 the 1eo1le o0 the Tree would ne-er enter the 0ire o0 Hell one those who owed alle.ian/e under that, She said: Allah:s Messen.er2 wh" notD He s/olded her, Ha0sa said: And there is none "ou but shall ha-e to 1ass o-er that (narrow 7rid.e), Thereu1on Al$+ # & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

lah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 has said: ?e would res/ue those 1ersons who are Hod-/ons/ious and we would lea-e the t"rants to their 0ate there (5i5, %2),

'ha1ter 4#: The merits o0 Abu Mu:sa Ashiari and Abu :Amir (Allah be 1leased with them)
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) ;$:
Abu Musa re1orted: I was in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as he had been sittin. in Fi:rana (a 1la/e) between Me//a and Medina and 7ilal was also there2 that there /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a desert Arab2 and he said: Muhammad2 0ul0ill "our 1romise that "ou made with me, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: A//e1t .lad tidin.s, Thereu1on the desert Arab said: Kou shower .lad tidin.s u1on me -er" mu/hB then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) turned towards Abu Musa and 7ilal seemin.l" in a state o0 anno"an/e and said: <eril" he has reje/ted .lad tidin.s but "ou two should a//e1t them, ?e said: Allah:s Messen.er2 we ha-e readil" a//e1ted them, Then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled 0or a /u1 o0 water and washed his hands in that and 0a/e too and 1ut the sali-a in it and then said: 9rin6 out o0 it and 1our it o-er "our 0a/es and o-er "our /hest and .ladden "oursel-es, The" too6 hold o0 the /u1 and did as Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had /ommanded them to do, Thereu1on Umm Salama /alled 0rom behind the -eil: S1are some water in "our -essel 0or "our mother also2 and the" also .a-e some water whi/h had been s1ared 0or her,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) ;2:

Abu 7urda re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that when Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had been 0ree 0rom the 7attle o0 Hunain2 he sent Abu :Amir as the head o0 the arm" o0 Autas, He had an en/ounter with 9uraid b, asVSimma, 9uraid was 6illed and Allah .a-e de0eat to his 0riends, Abu Musa said: He (the Hol" @ro1het) sent me alon. with Abu :Amir and Abu :Amir re/ei-ed a wound in his 6nee 0rom the arrow2 (shot b") a 1erson o0 7ani Fusham, It stu/6 in his 6nee, I went to him and said: Un/le2 who shot an arrow u1on "ouD Abu :Amir 1ointed out to Abu Musa and said: <eril" that one who shot an arrow u1on me in 0a/t 6illed me, Abu Musa said: I 0ollowed him with the determination to 6ill him and o-ertoo6 him and when he saw me he turned u1on his heels, I 0ollowed him and I said to him: 9on:t "ou 0eel ashamed (that "ou run)2 aren:t "ou an ArabD ?h" don:t "ou sto1D He sto11ed and I had an en/ounter with him and we e5/han.ed the stro6es o0 (swords), I stru/6 him with the sword and 6illed him, Then I /ame ba/6 to Abu Amir and said: <eril" Allah has 6illed the one who 6illed "ou, And he said: !ow draw out this arrow, I drew out the arrow and there

$+ ; & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

/ame out 0rom that (wound) water, Abu :Amir said: M" ne1hew2 .o to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and /on-e" m" .reetin.s to him and tell him that Abu Amir be.s "ou to as6 0or.i-eness 0or him, And Abu Amir a11ointed me as the /hie0 o0 the 1eo1le and he died a0ter a short time, ?hen I /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) I -isited him and he had been l"in. on the /ot wo-en b" strin.s and there was (no) bed o-er it and so there had been mar6s o0 the strin.s on the ba/6 o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and on his sides, I narrated to him what had ha11ened to us and narrated to him about Abu Amir and said to him that he had made a request to the e00e/t that 0or.i-eness should be 0or him (0rom Allah), Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be, u1on him) /alled 0or water and 1er0ormed ablution with it, He then li0ted his hands and said, 3 Allah2 .rant 1ardon to Th" ser-ant Abu Amir, (The Hol" @ro1het had raised his hands so hi.h 0or su11li/ation) that I saw the whiteness o0 his arm1its, He a.ain said: 3 Allah2 .rant him distin/tion the majorit" o0 Thine /reated bein.s or 0rom the 1eo1le, I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 as6 0or.i-eness 0or me too, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah2 0or.i-e the sins o0 Abdullah b, Eais (Abu Musa Ash:ari) and admit him to an ele-ated 1la/e on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion, Abu 7urda said: 3ne 1ra"er is 0or abu :Amir and the other is tor Abu Musa,

'ha1ter 4;: The merits o0 the Ash:arites (Allah be 1leased with them)
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) ;4:
Abu Musa re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I re/o.nise the -oi/e o0 the Ash:arites while the" re/ite the Eur:an as the" arri-e durin. the and I also re/o.nise their station 0rom the re/ital o0 the Eur:an durin. the time2 althou.h I ha-e not seen their en/am1ments as the" en/am1 durin. the da" time, And there is a 1erson them2 Ha6imB when he en/ounters the horsemen or the enemies he sa"s to them: M" 0riends /ommand "ou to wait 0or them,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) ;*:

Abu Musa re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen the Ash:arites run short o0 1ro-isions in the /am1ai.ns or run short o0 0ood 0or their /hildren in Medina the" /olle/t whate-er is with them in the /loth and then 1arta6e equall" 0rom one -essel, The" are 0rom me and I am 0rom them,

$+$ & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

'ha1ter * : The merits o0 Abu Su0"an b, Harb (Allah be 1leased with him)
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) ;+:
Ibn Abbas re1orted that the Muslims neither loo6ed to Abu Su0"an (with res1e/t) nor did the" sit in his /om1an", he (Abu Su0"an) said to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): Allah:s A1ostle2 /on0er u1on me three thin.s, He re1lied in the a00irmati-e, He (0urther) said: I ha-e with me the most handsome and the best (woman) Umm Habiba2 dau.hter o0 Abu Su0"anB marr" her2 whereu1on he said: Kes, And he a.ain said: A//e1t Mu:awi"a to ser-e as "our s/ribe, He said: Kes, He a.ain said: Ma6e me the /ommander (o0 the Muslim arm") so that I should a.ainst the unbelie-ers as I a.ainst the Muslims, He said: Kes, Abu Gumnail said: I0 he had not as6ed 0or these three thin.s 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 he would ha-e ne-er /on0erred them u1on him2 0or it was (his habit) to a//ede to e-er"bod":s (earnest) request,

'ha1ter *$: The merits o0 Fa:0ar b, Abi Talib and Asma: bint Umais and o0 the 1eo1le o0 the boats (Allah be eased with them)
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) ;):
Abu Musa re1orted: ?e were in Kemen when we heard o0 the mi.ration o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?e also set out as immi.rants to him, And I was a//om1anied b" two brothers o0 mine2 I bein. the "oun.est o0 themB one o0 them was Abu 7urda and the other one was Abu Auhm2 and there were some other 1ersons with them, Some sa" the" were 0i0t"-three or 0i0t"-two 1ersons o0 m" tribe, ?e embar6ed u1on a boat2 and the boat sailed awa" to the ! o0 Ab"ssinia, There we met Fa:0ar b, Abu Talib and his /om1anions, Fa:0ar said: Allall:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has sent us here and has /ommanded us to sta" here and "ou should also sta" with us, So we sta"ed with him and we /ame ba/6 (to Medina) and met Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) when >haibar had been /onquered, He (the Hol" @ro1het) allo/ated a share to us and in the ordinar" /ourse he did not allo/ate the share to one who had been absent on the o//asion o0 the /onquest o0 >haibar but /on0erred (a share) u1on him onl" who had been 1resent there with him, He2 howe-er2 made an e5/e1tion 0or the 1eo1le o0 the boat2 -i8, 0or Fa:0ar and his /om1anions, He allo/ated a share to them2 and some 1ersons 0rom the 1eo1le said to us2 -i8, the 1eo1le o0 the boat: ?e ha-e 1re/eded "ou in mi.ration, Asma: bint :Umais who had mi.rated to Ab"ssinia and had
$+$$ & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

/ome ba/6 alon. with them (alon. with immi.rants) -isited Ha0sa2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), (A//ordin.l")2 Umar had been sittin. with her (Ha0sa), As :Umar saw Asma2 he said: ?ho is sheD She (Ha0sa) said: She is Asma2 dau.hter o0 :Umais, He said: She is an Ab"ssinian and a sea-woman, Asma said: Kes2 it is so, Thereu1on :Umar said: ?e 1re/eded "ou in mi.ration and so we ha-e more to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as /om1ared with "ou, At this she 0elt anno"ed and said: :Umar2 "ou are not statin. the 0a/tB b" Allah2 "ou had the 1ri-ile.e o0 bein. in the /om1an" o0 the (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who 0ed the hun.r" amon. "ou and instru/ted the i.norant "ou2 whereas we had been 0ar (0rom here) in the land o0 Ab"ssinia the enemies and that was all 0or Allah and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and2 b" Allah2 I would ne-er ta6e 0ood nor ta6e water unless I ma6e a mention to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) o0 what "ou ha-e said, ?e remained in that /ountr" in /onstant trouble and dread and I shall tal6 about it to Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) and as6 him (about it), 7" Allah2 I shall not tell a lie and de-iate (0rom the truth) and add an"thin. to that, So2 when Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame2 she said: Allah:s A1ostle2 :Umar sa"s so and so, U1on this Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: His is not more than "ours2 0or him and his /om1anions there is one mi.ration2 but 0or "ou2 i, e, 0or the 1eo1le o0 the boat2 there are two mi.rations, She said: I saw Abu Musa and the 1eo1le o0 the boat /omin. to me in .rou1s and as6in. me about this hadith2 be/ause there was nothin. more 1leasin. and more si.ni0i/ant 0or them than this, Abu 7urda re1orted that Asma said: I saw Abu Musa2 as6in. me to re1eat this hadith to him a.ain and a.ain,

'ha1ter *2: The merits o0 Salman2 Suhaib and 7ilal (allah be 1leased with them)
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) ;%:
:A:idh b, Amr re1orted that Abu Su0"an /ame to Salman2 Suhaib and 7ilal in the 1resen/e o0 a .rou1 o0 1ersons, The" said: 7" Allah2 the sword o0 Allah did not rea/h the ne/6 o0 the enem" o0 Allah as it was required to rea/h, Thereu1on Abu 7a6r said: 9o "ou sa" this to the old man o0 the Euraish and their /hie0D Then he /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on:him) and in0ormed him o0 this, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Abu 7a6r2 "ou ha-e 1erha1s anno"ed them and i0 "ou anno"ed them "ou ha-e in 0a/t anno"ed "our Lord, So Abu 7a6r /ame to them and said: 3 m" brothers2 I ha-e anno"ed "ou, The" said: !o2 our brother2 ma" Allah 0or.i-e "ou

$+$2 & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

'ha1ter *4: The merits o0 the Ansar (Allah be 1leased with them)
7oo6 4$2 !umber ) ;#:
Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted that it was /on/ernin. them (the Ansar) that this -erse was re-ealed2 that when the two .rou1s "ou were about to lose heart and Allah was the Huardian o0 them both, This /on/erned 7anu Salama and 7anu Haritha and we did not li6e that Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 should not ha-e re-ealed this -erse 0or the 0a/t that Allah (.a-e an assuran/e) o0 bein. the Huardian o0 both,

7oo6 4$2 !umber ) ;;:

Gaid b, Arqam re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3 Allah22 .rant 0or.i-eness to the Ansar2 the o00s1rin. o0 the Ansar and the o00s1rin. o0 the o00s1rin. o0 the Ansar, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shulba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$

Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or.i-eness 0or the Ansar and he said: I thin6 (he also 0or.i-eness) 0or the /hildren o0 the Ansar and the sla-es and the 0reed men o0 the Ansar, I ha-e no doubt about it,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$ $:

Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw /hildren and women o0 the Ansar /omin. ba/6 0rom a weddin. 0east, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 motionless (as a mar6 o0 res1e/t) and said: 3 Allah2 (bear witness) (and addressin. the Ansar)2 said: Kou are dearest to me 1eo1le2 (and said: 3 Allah (bear witness) (and addressin. the Ansar)2 said: Kou are dearest to me 1eo1le, And he meant Ansar,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$ 2:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that a woman 0rom the Ansar /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood aside with her and said: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 "ou are dearest to me the 1eo1le, He re1eated it thri/e, This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

$+$4 & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$ 4:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Ansar are m" 0amil" and m" trusted 0riends, and the 1eo1le would in/rease in number whereas the" (the Ansar) would be/ome less and less2 so a11re/iate the deeds o0 those 0rom them who do .ood and o-erloo6 their 0ailin.s,

'ha1ter **: The merits o0 the settlements o0 the Ansar

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$ *:
Abu Usaid re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The worthiest /lans o0 the Ansar are 7anu !ajjar2 therea0ter 7anu al-AshhalB therea0ter 7anu Harith b, 7anu >ha8rajB therea0ter 7anu Sa:idah and there is .oodness in all /lans o0 the Ansar, Sa:d said: I see that he (the Hol" @ro1het) has 1la/ed others abo-e us, It was said to (him): He has 1la/ed "ou abo-e man" others,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$ +:

Abu Usaid Ansari has re1orted this hadith throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters, ?hen the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was mar/hin. towards 7adr in order

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$ ):

Anas re1orted a hadith li6e this 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) but he has made no mention in the hadith o0 the words o0 Sa:d,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$ %:

Ibrahim b, Muhammad b, Talha re1orted: I heard Abu Sa:ld deli-erin. an address in the 1resen/e o0 Abu :Utba that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The worthiest settlements o0 the Ansar are those o0 7anu !ajjar2 then o0 7anu :Abu al-Ashhal and then o0 7anu Harith and then o0 7anu >ha8raj and then o0 the /lan o0 7anu Sa:idah2 and i0 I were to .i-e 1re0eren/e to an"one besides them I would ha-e .i-en 1re0eren/e to m" relati-es,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$ #:

Abu Usaid Ansar re1orted: I bear witness to the 0a/t that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The best settlements o0 the Ansar are o0 those o0 7anu !ajjar2 then o0 7anu :Abu al-Aslihal and then o0 7anu Harith b, >ha8raj2 then o0 7anu Sa:ida and there is in e-er" settlement o0 the Ansar

$+$* & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

.ood, Abu Salama re1orted that Abu Usaid said: 'an I tell a Iie about Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D And i0 I were a liar2 I would ha-e started with m" tribe 7anu Sa:ida, This was /on-e"ed to Sa:d b, :Ubida and he 0ound (ran6lin.) in his mind and said: ?e ha-e been le0t behind (in the sense) that we ha-e been (mentioned) last o0 the 0our, He (Sa:d) sid: Saddle m" 1on" so that I should .o to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), His ne1hew saw him and said: Are "ou .oin. to /ontradi/t (the order o0) 1re/eden/e set b" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereas Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has the best 6nowled.e o0 itD Is it not su00i/ient 0or "ou that "ou are the 0ourth the 0our (best tribes o0 the Ansar)D So he returned and said: Allah and His 6now best2 and he /ommanded that his 1on" should be unsaddled,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$ ;:

Abu Usaid Ansari re1orted that he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The worthiest o0 the Ansar or the worthiest o0 the settlements and the /lans o0 AnsarB the rest o0 the hadith is the same2 but there is no mention o0 the stor" o0 Sa:d b, :Ubida (Allah be 1leased with him),

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$$ :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. in a lar.e .atherin. o0 the Muslims: Should I not tell "ou o0 the best /lans o0 the AnsarD The" said: Allah:s Messen.er2 (6indl") do this, Thereu1on Allah:s said: That is 7anu Abd al-Ashhal, The" said: Allah:s Messen.er2 then ne5tD He said: 7anu !ajjar, The" a.ain said: Allah:s Messen.er2 then ne5tD He said: Then o0 7anu Harith b, >ha8raj, The" then said: Allah:s Messen.er2 then ne5tD He said, Then o0 7anu Sa:ida, The" said: Allah:s Messen.er2 then ne5tD He said: There is .ood in all the /lans o0 the Ansar, It was u1on this that Sa:d b, Ubida stood u1 in anno"an/e and said: Are we the last o0 the 0our as Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has determined (the order o0 1re/eden/e) o0 their /lansD He de/ided to tal6 with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on this issue2 but the 1eo1le 30 his tribe said to him: 7e seated2 are "ou not ha11" with this that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has mentioned "our /lan as one o0 the 0our (best) /lans and those whom he le0t and did not mention (the order o0 their 1re/eden/e) are more than those whom he mentionedD And Sa:d b, :Ubada dro11ed the idea o0 tal6in. to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (on this issue),

$+$+ & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

'ha1ter *+: @ertainin. to the .ood whi/h lies in a//om1an"in. the Ansar (Allah be 1leased with them)
7oo6 4$2 !umber )$$$:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: I set out alon. with Fabrir b, :Abdullah al-7ajali on a journe" and he used to ser-e me, I said to him: 9on:t do that, Thereu1on he said: I ha-e seen Ansar doin. this with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I swore b" Allah whene-er I a//om1an" an" one o0 the Ansar2 I would ser-e him and Ibn Muthanni2 and Ibn 7ashshir made this addition in their narrations: Farir was older than Anas2 and Ibn 7ashshir said: He was o0 a more ad-an/ed a.e as /om1ared with Anas, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in-o6ed blessin.s 0or the tribes o0 Hhi0ar and Aslam,

'ha1ter *): Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in-o6ed blessin.s u1on the tribes o0 Hhi0ar and Aslam
7oo6 4$2 !umber )$$2:
Abu 9harr re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Ho to "our 1eo1le and sa" that the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"s: Hhi0ar (is a tribe) to whom Allah .ranted 1ardon2 and Aslam (is the tribe) to whom Allah .ranted sa0et",

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$$4:

Abu 9harr re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: To the tribe o0 Aslam Allah has .ranted sa0et" and to the tribe o0 Hhi0ar Allah has .ranted 1ardon,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$$*:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$$+:

This hadith has been narrated throu.h other /hains o0 transmitters but all o0 them narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: To the tribe o0 Aslam Allah has .ranted sa0et" and to the tribe o0 Hhi0ar Allah has .ranted 1ardon,
$+$) & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$$):

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: To the tribe o0 Aslam Allah has .ranted sa0et" and to the tribe o0 Hhi0ar Allah has .ranted 1ardon, <eril" it is not I that sa" this2 but (it is) Allah the (5alted and Hlorious, (who) sa"s this,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$$%:

>hu0a0 b, Fura: re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said in 1ra"er: 3 Allah2 hurl /urse u1on the tribe o0 Lih"an and Ai:l aid 9ha6wan and Usa""a 0or the" disobe"ed Allah and His Messen.er2 (and 0or) Hhi0ar Allah has .ranted 1ardon and 0or the tribe o0 Aslam Allah has .ranted sa0et",

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$$#:

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah has .ranted 1ardon to the tribe o0 Hhi0ar and to the tribe o0 Aslam Allah has .ranted sa0et" and as 0or Usa""a tribe2 the" disobe"ed Allah and His,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$$;:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar with a -ariation o0 wordin. (and the wordin.) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said this on the 1ul1it, This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Umar but throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter *%: The merits o0 the tribes o0 Hhi0ar2 Ashja:2 Mu8aina2 Tamim2 9aws and Ta""i
7oo6 4$2 !umber )$2 :
Abu A""ub re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The tribes o0 Ansar2 Mu8aina and Fuhaina and Hhi0ar and Ashja: and those 0rom 7anu :Abdullah2 the" are m" 0riends the 1eo1le and Allah and His are their 1rote/tors,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$2$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Euraish2 Ansar2 Mu8aina2 Fuhaina and Hhi0ar2 the" are m" 0riends and there is no 0riend o0 theirs besides Allah and His,
$+$% & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$22:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Sa:d b, Ibrahim with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$24:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The tribes o0 Ashja:2 Hhi0ar and Mu8aina and 0rom the tribe o0 Fuhaina the" are better than 7anu Tamim2 7anu Amir and the allies o0 Asad and Hhat0an,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$2*:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is the li0e o0 Muhammad2 (the tribes o0) Hhi0ar2 Aslam2 Mu8aina2 or 0rom the tribe o0 Fuhaina or 0rom the tribe o0 Mu8aina2 the" would be better in the e"e o0 Allah than Asad2 Ta""i2 and Hhat0an on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$2+:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Aslam2 Hhi0ar or some 1eo1le 0rom Mu8aina2 Fuhaina (with the -ariation o0 words) are better in the e"e o0 Allah than Asad2 Hhat0an2 Hawi8in and Tamim, The narrator said: I thin6 he also said:C 3n the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,C

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$2):

Abu 7a6ra re1orted 0rom his 0ather that al-Aqra: b, Habis re1orted that he /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said to him: How did the tribes o0 Aslam2 Hhi0ar2 Mu8aina (and I thin6 he also said Fuhaina and the narrator is in doubt about it) owe alle.ian/e to "ou2 whereas the" 1lundered the 1il.rimsD Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said:C "ou were to sa" that Aslam2 Hhi0ar2 Mu8aina and I thin6 Fuhaina are better than 7anu Tamim2 7anu :Amir and Asad2 Hhat0an2 then would these 1eo1le (o0 latter .rou1 o0 tribes) be in lossD He said: Kes, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 these 1eo1le are better than 7anu Tamim2 7anu Amir2 Asad and Hhat0an2 and in this hadith o0 Abu Shaiba (these words are not 0ound) that Muhammad (the narrator) had a doubt about,

$+$# & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$2%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Ka:qub 9abbi with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$2#:

Abu 7a6ra re1orted 0rom the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that Aslam2 Hhi0ar2 Mu8aina and Fuhaina are better than 7anu Tamim2 7anu Amir and their allies 7anu Asad and Hhat0an,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$2;:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu 7ishr with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$4 :

Abu 7a6ra re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hat is "our -iew i0 Fuhaina2 Aslam2 Hhi0ar were better than 7anu Tamim2 7anu :Abdullah b, Hhat0an and :Amir b, Sa:sa:a: res1e/ti-el" (then what would be status o0 the latter one)D He said this in a loud -oi/e, The" said: Allah:s Messen.er2 the" would be de0initel" at a loss and disad-anta.e, Thereu1on he said: The" (the 0irst .rou1) are de/idedl" better than the othersB and in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu >uraib the words are: It "ou were to 0ind that Fuhaina2 Mu8aina and Aslam and Hhi0ar (are better than,,,),

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$4$:

:Adi b, Hatim re1orted: I /ame to Umar b, >hattab and he said to me: The 0irst /onsi.nment o0 Sadaqa to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whi/h bri.htened the 0a/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and the 0a/es o0 his 'om1anions was that o0 Ta""i,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$42:

Abu Huraira re1orted that Tu0ail and his /om1anions said: Allah:s Messen.er2 the tribe o0 9aws has disbelie-ed and has belied "ou2 so in-o6e /urse u1on them, It was said: Let 9aws be destro"ed2 whereu1on he (Allah:s said: Allah .uide the tribe o0 9aws and dire/t them to me,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$44:

Abu Huraira re1orted: Sin/e I heard three thin.s 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) m" lo-e 0or 7anu Tamim is ne-er on the de/line (and these thin.s are): I heard Allah:s
$+$; & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

(ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. about them that the" would 1ut u1 stout resistan/e a.ainst 9ajjal m" Umma, And he (the narrator) said: (?hen) the /onsi.nment o0 Ga6at was to him2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: This is the /harit" o0 our 1eo1le2 and there was one sla-e-.irl in the house o0 :A:isha and she was 0rom the tribe o0 7anu TamimB thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Set her 0ree2 0or she is 0rom the o00s1rin. o0 Isma:il, The other hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$4*:

Abu Huraira re1orted: There are some distin.uishin. 0eatures o0 7anu Tamim whi/h I heard 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and m" lo-e 0or them is ne-er on the de/line a0ter that and the words are: The" are the bra-est 1eo1le in the battle0ield and there is no mention o0 (the word)C 9ajjalC,

'ha1ter *#: The best 1ersons

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$4+:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Kou would 0ind 1eo1le li6e those o0 mine2 the .ood "ou in the 9a"s o0 I.noran/e would be .ood "ou in the da"s o0 Islam2 1ro-ided the" ha-e an understandin. o0 it and "ou will 0ind .ood 1eo1le the 1ersons who would be a-erse to 1osition o0 authorit" until it is thrust u1on them2 and "ou will 0ind the worst 1ersons one who has double 0a/e, He /omes with one 0a/e to them and with the other 0a/e to the others,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$4):

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Gur:a with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter *;: 'on/ernin. the merits o0 the women o0 the Euraish

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$4%:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Hood the women are those who ride /amels, 3ne o0 them said: The" are 1ious women o0 the Euraish2 and the
$+2 & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

other one said: The women o0 the Euraish are 6ind to the or1hans in their /hildhood and loo6 a0ter the wealth o0 their s1ouses,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$4#:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira with a -ariation o0 wordin. and there is no wordC or1hanC,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$4;:

Abu Huraira re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The women o0 the Euraish are .ood the women0ol6, The" ride /amels and show a00e/tion to their /hildren and 8ealousl" .uard the wealth o0 their husbands, Abu Huraira said at the end o0 this narration that Mar"2 the dau.hter o0 Imran2 ne-er rode the /amel,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$* :

Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e a 1ro1osal o0 marria.e to Umm Hani2 the dau.hter o0 Abu Talib2 whereu1on she said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I am o0 an ad-an/ed a.e with a (lar.e) 0amil", Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The best women are those who ride (the /amels) B the rest o0 the hadith is the same but with this di00eren/e that2 instead o0 the word Ar:a the word Ahna has been used (and the /om1lete senten/e is li6e this): That the" treat /hildren in their /hildhood with a00e/tion,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$*$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The best women who ride the /amels are the 1ious women o0 the EuraishB the" treat with a00e/tion /hildren in their /hildhood and 6ee1 a stri/t wat/h on the wealth o0 their s1ouses,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$*2:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

$+2$ & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

'ha1ter + : =raternit" established b" Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the /om1anions (allah be 1leased with them)
7oo6 4$2 !umber )$*4:
Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) established 0raternit" between Abu Ubaida b, Farrah and Abu Talha,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$**:

It was said to Anas b, Mali6: Kou must ha-e heard this that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There is no allian/e (hil0) o0 brotherhood in Islam, Anas said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) established the bond o0 0raternit" between the Euraish and the Ansar in his home,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$*+:

Anas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) established 0raternit" between the Euraish and the Ansar in his house at Medina,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$*):

Fubair b, Mut:im re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is no allian/e (hil0) in Islam but (the hil0) established in the 1re-Islami/ da"s (0or .ood), Islam intensi0ies and stren.thens it,

$+22 & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

'ha1ter +$: The 1resen/e o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is a sour/e o0 se/urit" 0or the /om1anions and the 1resen/e o0 the /om1anions is a sour/e o0 se/urit" 0or the umma
7oo6 4$2 !umber )$*%:
Abu 7urda re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: ?e o00ered the sunset 1ra"er alon. with Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?e then said: I0 we sit (alon. with Allah:s and obser-e 1ra"er with him it would be -er" .ood2 so we sat down and he /ame to us and said: Kou are still sittin. here, I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 we obser-ed e-enin. 1ra"er with "ou2 then we said: Let us sit down and obser-e 1ra"er alon. with "ou2 whereu1on he said: Kou ha-e done well or "ou ha-e done, He then li0ted his head towards the s6" and it o0ten ha11ened that as he li0ted his head towards the s6"2 he said: The stars are a sour/e o0 se/urit" 0or the s6" and when the stars disa11ear there /omes to the s6"2 i, e, (it meets the same 0ate) as it has been 1romised (it would 1lun.e into dar6ness), And I am a sour/e o0 sa0et" and se/urit" to m" 'om1anions and when I would .o awa" there would 0all to the lot (o0 m" 'om1anions) as the" ha-e been 1romised with and m" 'om1anions are a sour/e o0 se/urit" 0or the Umma and as the" would .o there would 0all to the lot o0 m" Umma as (its 1eo1le) ha-e been 1romised,

'ha1ter +2: The merits o0 the /om1anions o0 the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and o0 those who are ne5t to them and then o0 those who are ne5t to them
7oo6 4$2 !umber )$*#:
Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A time would /ome 0or the 1eo1le when .rou1s o0 1eo1le would set out 0or 0i.htin. in the /ause o0 Allah and it would be said to them: Is there one "ou who saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D And the" would sa": Kes2 and the" would be -i/torious, Then the 1eo1le would set out 0or 0i.htin. in the /ause o0 Allah and it would be said to them: Is there one "ou who saw those (who ha-e had

$+24 & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

the 1ri-ile.e o0 sittin. in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D And the" would sa": Kes2 and -i/tor" would be .ranted to them, Then a .rou1 o0 1ersons would set out 0or 0i.htin. in the /ause o0 Allah and it would be said to them: Is there one "ou who saw one o0 those who saw those who (had the 1ri-ile.e) o0 sittin. in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D And the" would sa": Kes2 and the <i/tor" would be .ranted to them,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$*;:

Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There would /ome to the 1eo1le a time when a deta/hment would be sent 0or 0i.htin. in the /ause o0 Allah and the" would sa": See2 i0 "ou /an 0ind them someone 0rom the 'om1anions o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The" would 0ind a 1erson and the" would be .ranted -i/tor" be/ause o0 him, Then a se/ond deta/hment would be sent to them and the" would sa": 9o "ou 0ind them one who had had the 1ri-ile.e o0 seein. the 'om1anions o0 the A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D -and the -i/tor" would be .ranted to them be/ause o0 him, Then the third deta/hment would be sent and it would be said to them: See2 i0 "ou 0ind them (who had had the honour o0 seein. one) who saw those who saw the 'om1anions o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Then the 0ourth deta/hment would be sent and it would be said to them: See it "ou 0ind them one who had the 1ri-ile.e (o0 seein.) one who saw those who saw those who saw the 'om1anions o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and a 1erson would be 0ound and the" would be .ranted -i/tor" be/ause o0 him,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$+ :

Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The best o0 m" Umma would be those o0 the .eneration nearest to mine, Then those nearest to them2 then those nearest to them2 then 1eo1le would /ome whose witness would 1re/ede the oath and the oath will 1re/ede the witness, Hannad has not made the mention o0 Earn in his narration, Eutaiba said that2 instead o0 the word Eaum2 the word Aqwam has been used,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$+$:

Abdullah re1orted: It was as6ed 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who the 1eo1le were the best, He said: (@eo1le) o0 m" .eneration2 then those ne5t to them2 then those ne5t to them2 then there would /ome a 1eo1le whose e-iden/e would 1re/ede their oath and their oath would 1re/ede their e-iden/e, Ibrahim said: The" 0orbade us to ma6e -ows and bear witness when we were too "oun.,

$+2* & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$+2:

This hadith has been transmitted b" Mansur on the authorit" o0 Abu al-Ahwas and Farir with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$+4:

:Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The best amon. 1eo1le are o0 m" .eneration2 then those ne5t to them, (The narrator said): I do not 6now whether (he said) it three times or 0our times, Then there would 0ellow a0ter them su/h 1ersons whose e-iden/e would 1re/ede the oath2 and in /ase o0 some others2 the oath (would 1re/ede) the e-iden/e,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$+*:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma"2 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The best a.e o0 m" Umma is one in whi/h I was sent (b" Allah as an A1ostle)2 then the one ne5t to that, (The narrator said): And Allah 6nows best whether he stated this third (time) or not, Then there would /ome 1eo1le who would lo-e (to loo6) bul6" and the" would hasten to the witness bo5 be0ore the" are as6ed to bear witness,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$++:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters (but with this -ariation) that Abu Huraira said: I do not 6now whether he (the Hol" @ro1het) said (these words:C Then ne5tC ) twi/e or thri/e,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$+):

Imran b, Husain re1orted (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The best amon. "ou (are) the 1eo1le (who belon. to) m" a.e, Then those ne5t to them2 then those ne5t to them2 then those ne5t to them, :Imran said: I do not 6now whether Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said twi/e or thri/e (the words:C Then ne5tC ) a0ter (sa"in.) about his (own a.e but he then said): Then a0ter them (a0ter su//essors or those who would su//eed them) would /ome a 1eo1le who would .i-e e-iden/e be0ore the" are as6ed 0or it2 and would be dishonest and not trustworth"2 who would ma6e -ows but would not 0ul0il them2 and would be si.ni0i/ant in bein. bul6",

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$+%:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are): I do not 6now whether he made a mention o0 two .enerations a0ter his .eneration or

$+2+ & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

o0 the third one too, Shababa said: I heard this 0rom Gahdam b, Mudarrib as he /ame to me ridin. a horse 0or some need and he narrated it to me that he had heard it 0rom :Imran b, Husain2 and in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Kah"a and Shababa (the words are): The" ta6e an oath but the" do not 0ul0il it2 and in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 7ah8 there the word is Ka0un as transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Fa:0ar,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$+#:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Imran b, Husain throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are): The best .eneration o0 this Umma is the .eneration to whi/h I ha-e been sent2 then the ne5t one2 and there is an addition in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu :Awana (and the words are): And Allah 6nows best whether he made a mention o0 the third (.eneration) or notB the rest o0 the hadith is the same as transmitted b" Gahdam on the authorit" o0 :Imran, And in the hadith transmitted b" Hisham on the authorit" o0 Eatada there is an addition o0 these words: The" ta6e an oath whereas the" are not as6ed to ta6e,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$+;:

:A:isha re1orted that a 1erson as6ed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as to who the 1eo1le were the best, He said: 30 the .eneration to whi/h I belon.2 then o0 the se/ond .eneration (.eneration adja/ent to m" .eneration)2 then o0 the third .eneration (.eneration adja/ent to the se/ond .eneration),

'ha1ter +4: Meanin. o0 the sa"in. o0 the 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): C!o 1erson would sur-i-e a0ter a /entur" who is li-in. b" this time o0 mineC
7oo6 4$2 !umber )$) :
:Abdullah b, Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) led us :Isha: 1ra"er at the latter 1art o0 the and when he had /on/luded it b" salutations he stood u1 and said: Ha-e "ou seen this o0 "oursD At the end o0 one hundred "ears a0ter this none would sur-i-e on the sur0a/e o0 the earth (0rom amount m" 'om1anions), Ibn Umar said: @eo1le were (not understandin.) these words o0 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whi/h had been uttered 1ertainin. to one hundred "ears, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in 0a/t meant (b" these words) that on that da" none 0rom those who had been li-in. u1on the earth (0rom his 'om1anions) would sur-i-e (a0ter one hundred "ears) and that would be the end o0 this .eneration,
$+2) & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$)$:

This hadith has been transmitted b" Guhri on the authorit" o0 Ma:mar,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$)2:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. this one month be0ore his death: Kou as6ed me about the Last Hour whereas its 6nowled.e is with Allah, I2 howe-er2 ta6e an oath and sa" that none u1on the earth2 the /reated bein.s (0rom m" 'om1anions)2 would sur-i-e at the end o0 one hundred "ears, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Furaij with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but there is no mention o0 the words:C one month be0ore his deathC,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$)4:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. one mouth be0ore his death (or somethin. li6e it): !one the /reated bein.s who had been li-in. b" that time (durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s A1ostle),,,, :Abd al-Aahman has inter1reted these words o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as: The (o0 the 1eo1le) would be diminished,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$)*:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Sulaiman Taimi throu.h other /hains o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$)+:

Abu Sa:id re1orted that when Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame ba/6 0rom Tabu6 the" (his 'om1anions) as6ed about the Last Hour, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There would be none the /reated bein.s li-in. on the earth (who would sur-i-e this /entur"),

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$)):

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !one the /reated bein.s (0rom m" 'om1anions) would sur-i-e a0ter one hundred "ears, Salim said: ?e made a mention o0 it to him (Fabir)2 whereu1on he said: It means those who had been li-in. on that da",

$+2% & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

'ha1ter +*: It is 0orbidden to re-ile the /om1anions o0 the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)
7oo6 4$2 !umber )$)%:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o not re-ile m" 'om1anions2 do not re-ile m" 'om1anions, 7" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 i0 one "ou would ha-e s1ent as mu/h .old as Uhud it would not amount to as mu/h as one mu/h on behal0 o0 one o0 them or hal0 o0 it,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$)#:

Abu Sa:id re1orted there was some alter/ation between >halid b, ?alid and Abd al-Aahman b, :Au0 and >halid re-iled him, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !one should re-ile m" 'om1anions, 0or i0 one "ou were to s1end as mu/h .old as Uhud2 it would not amount to as mu/h as one mudd o0 one o0 them or hal0 o0 it,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$);:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 al-A:mash and there is no mention b" Shu:ba and ?a6i: o0 :Abd al-Aahman b, Au0 and >halid,

'ha1ter ++: The merits o0 Uwais Earani (allah be 1leased with him)
7oo6 4$2 !umber )$% :
Usair b, Fabir re1orted that a dele.ation 0rom >u0a /ame to :Umar and there was a 1erson them who jeered at Uwais, Thereu1on Umar said: Is there us one 0rom EaranD That 1erson /ame and Umar said: <eril" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has said: There would /ome to "ou a 1erson 0rom Kemen who would be /alled Uwais and he would lea-e none in Kemen (behind him) e5/e1t his mother2 and he would ha-e the whiteness (due to le1ros") and he su11li/ated Allah and it was /ured e5/e1t 0or the si8e o0 a dinar or dirham, He who "ou meets him should as6 him to su11li/ate 0or 0or.i-eness (0rom Allah) 0or "ou,

$+2# & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$%$:

:Umar b, >hattab re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?orth" the su//essors would be a 1erson who would be /alled Uwais, He would ha-e his mother (li-in. with him) and he would ha-e (a small) si.n o0 le1ros", As6 him to be. 1ardon 0or "ou (0rom Allah),

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$%2:

Usair b, Fabir re1orted that when 1eo1le 0rom Kemen /ame to hel1 (the Muslim arm" at the time o0 jihad) he as6ed them: Is there "ou Uwais b, :AmirD (He /ontinued 0indin. him out) until he met Uwais, He said: Are "ou Uwais b,2 AmirD He said: Kes, He said: Are "ou 0rom the tribe o0 EaranD He said: Kes, He (Hadrat) :Umar (a.ain) said: 9id "ou su00er 0rom le1ros" and then "ou were /ured 0rom it but 0or the s1a/e o0 a dirhamD He said: Kes, He (:Umar) said: Is "our mother (li-in.)D He said: Kes, He (:Umar) said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa": There would /ome to "ou Uwais b, Amir with the rein0or/ement 0rom the 1eo1le o0 Kemen, (He would be) 0rom Earan2 (the bran/h) o0 Murid, He had been su00erin. 0rom le1ros" 0rom whi/h he was /ured but 0or a s1ot o0 a dirham, His treatment with his mother would ha-e been e5/ellent, I0 he were to ta6e an oath in the name o0 Allah2 He would honour that, And i0 it is 1ossible 0or "ou2 then do as6 him to be. 0or.i-eness 0or "ou (0rom "our Lord), So he (Uwais) be..ed 0or.i-eness 0or him, Umar said: ?here do "ou intend to .oD He said: To >u0a, He (:Umar) said: Let me write a letter 0or "ou to its .o-ernor2 whereu1on he (Uwais) said: I lo-e to li-e the 1oor 1eo1le, ?hen it was the ne5t "ear2 a 1erson 0rom amon. the elite (o0 >u0a) 1er0ormed Hajj and he met Umar, He as6ed him about Uwais, He said: I le0t him in a state with means o0 sustenan/e, (Thereu1on) Umar said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There would /ome to "ou Uwais b, :Amir2 o0 Earan2 a bran/h (o0 the tribe) o0 Murid2 alon. with the rein0or/ement o0 the 1eo1le o0 Kemen, He had been su00erin. 0rom le1ros" whi/h would ha-e been /ured but 0or the s1a/e o0 a dirham, His treatment with his mother would ha-e been -er" 6ind, I0 he would ta6e an oath in the name o0 Allah (0or somethin.) He would honour it, As6 him to be. 0or.i-eness 0or "ou (0rom Allah) in /ase it is 1ossible 0or "ou, So he /ame to Uwais and said,: 7e. 0or.i-eness (0rom Allah) 0or me, He (Uwais) said: Kou ha-e just /ome 0rom a sa/red journe" (Hajj) B "ou2 there0ore2 as6 0or.i-eness 0or me, He (the 1erson who had 1er0ormed Hajj) said: As6 0or.i-eness 0or me (0rom Allah), He (Uwais a.ain) said: Kou ha-e just /ome 0rom the sa/red journe"2 so "ou as6 0or.i-eness 0or me, (Uwais 0urther) said: 9id "ou meet UmarD He said: Kes, He (Uwais) then be..ed 0or.i-eness 0or him (0rom Allah), So the 1eo1le /ame to 6now about (the status o0 reli.ious 1iet") o0 Uwais, He went awa" (0rom that 1la/e), Usair said: His /lothin. /onsisted o0 a mantle2 and whosoe-er saw him said: =rom where did Uwais .et this mantleD

$+2; & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

'ha1ter +): Instru/tions o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in re.ard to the 1eo1le o0 e."1t
7oo6 4$2 !umber )$%4:
Abu 9harr re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Kou would soon /onquer a land where 1eo1le are in the habit o0 usin. 0oul, The" ha-e a o0 6inshi1 u1on "ou, And when "ou see two 1ersons 0i.htin. 0or the s1a/e o0 a bri/62 then .et out o0 that, He (Abu 9harr) then ha11ened to 1ass b" Aabila and :Abd al-Aahman2 the two sons o0 Shurahbil b, Hasana2 and the" had been dis1utin. 0or the s1a/e o0 a bri/6, So he le0t the land,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$%*:

Abu 9harr re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Kou would soon /onquer (."1t and that is a land whi/h is 6nown (as the land o0 al-qirat), So when "ou /onquer it2 treat its inhabitants well, =or there lies u1on "ou the res1onsibilit" be/ause o0 blood-tie or relationshi1 o0 marria.e (with them), And when "ou see two 1ersons 0allin. into dis1ute themsel-es 0or the s1a/e o0 a bri/62 than .et out o0 that, He (Abu 9harr) said: I saw Abd al-Aahman b, Shurahbil b, Hasana and his brother Aabi:a dis1utin. with one another 0or the s1a/e o0 a bri/6, So I le0t that (land),

'ha1ter +%: The merits o0 the 1eo1le o0 :Uman

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$%+:
Abu 7ar8a re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent a 1erson to a tribe the tribes o0 Arabia, The" re-iled him and beat him, He /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and narrated to him (the stor" o0 atro/ities 1er1etrated u1on him b" the 1eo1le o0 the tribe), Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I0 "ou were to /ome to the 1eo1le o0 :Uman2 the" would ha-e neither re-iled "ou nor beaten "ou,

$+4 & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

'ha1ter +#: @ertainin. to the .reat liar o0 Thaqi0 and the .reat slau.hterer
7oo6 4$2 !umber )$%):
Abu !au0al re1orted: I saw (the dead bod") o0 Abdullah b, Gubair on the road o0 Medina (leadin. to Me//a), The Euraish 1assed b" it and other 1eo1le too2 that Abdullah b, Umar ha11ened to 1ass b" it, He stood u1 there and said: Ma" there be 1ea/e u1on "ou2 Abu >hubaib (the >un"a o0 Hadrat :Abdullah b, Gubair)2 ma" there be 1ea/e u1on "ou Abu >hubaib2 ma" there be 1ea/e u1on "ou2 Abu >hubaibL 7" Allah2 I used to 0orbid "ou 0rom thisB b" Allah2 I used to 0orbid "ou 0rom this2 b" Allah I used to 0orbid "ou 0rom this, 7" Allah2 so 0ar as I 6now2 "ou had been -er" mu/h de-oted to 0astin. and 1ra"er and "ou had been 1a"in. -er" mu/h /are to /ementin. the ties o0 blood, 7" Allah2 the .rou1 to whi/h "ou belon. (are labelled) as (a) wi/6ed (1erson) is indeed a 0ine .rou1, Then :Abdullah b, :Umar went awa", The stand :Abdullah (b, :Umar) too6 in re.ard to the inhuman treatment (meted out to :Abdullah b, Gubair) and his words (in that /onne/tion) were /on-e"ed to Hajjaj (b, Kusu0) and (as a /onsequen/e o0 that) he (the bod" o0 Abdullah b, Gubair) was down 0rom the stum1 (the s/a00old) b" whi/h it was and thrown into the .ra-es o0 the Fews, He (Hajjaj) sent (his to Asma: (bint Abu 7a6r2 :Abdullah:s mother), 7ut she re0used to /ome, He a.ain sent the to her with the messa.e that she must /ome2 otherwise he would brin. her 0or/ibl" /at/hin. hold o0 her hair, 7ut she a.ain re0used and said: 7" Allah2 I will not /ome to "ou until "ou send one to me who would dra. me b" 1ullin. m" hair, Thereu1on he said: 7rin. me m" shoes, He 1ut on his shoes and wal6ed on qui/6l" swollen with -anit" and 1ride until he /ame to her and said: How do "ou 0ind what I ha-e done with the enem" o0 AllahD She said: I 0ind that "ou wron.ed him in this world2 whereas he has s1oiled "our ne5t li0e, It has been /on-e"ed to me that "ou used to /all him (:Abdullah b, Gubair) as the son o0 one ha-in. two belts, 7" Allah2 I am indeed (a woman) o0 two belts, 3ne is that with the hel1 o0 whi/h I used to sus1end hi.h the 0ood o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and that o0 Abu 7a6r (ma6in. it out o0 the rea/h) o0 animals and2 so 0ar as the se/ond belt is /on/erned2 that is the belt whi/h no woman /an dis1ense with, <eril" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) told us that in Thaqi02 there would be born a .reat liar and .reat murderer, The liar we ha-e seen2 and as 0ar as the murderer is /on/erned2 I do not 0ind an"one else besides "ou, :Thereu1on he (Hajjaj) stood u1 and did not .i-e an" re1l" to her,

$+4$ & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

'ha1ter +;: The merits o0 the 1eo1le o0 @ersia

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$%%:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 the din were at the @leiades2 e-en then a 1erson 0rom @ersia would ha-e ta6en hold o0 it2 or one the @ersian des/ent would ha-e surel" 0ound it,

7oo6 4$2 !umber )$%#:

Abu Huraira re1orted: ?e were sittin. in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that Sura al-Fumu:a was re-ealed to him and when he re/ited (these words):C 3thers 0rom them who ha-e not "et joined them2C a 1erson them (those who were sittin. there) said: Allah:s Messen.erL 7ut Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made no re1l"2 until he questioned him on/e2 twi/e or thri/e, And there was us Salman the @ersian, The A1ostle o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1la/ed his hand on Salman and then said: (-en i0 0aith were near the @leiades2 a man 0rom these would surel" 0ind it,

'ha1ter ) : The similitude o0 1ersons is that o0 /amels that one out o0 hundred is not 0ound 0it 0or ridin.
7oo6 4$2 !umber )$%;:
Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Kou would 0ind 1eo1le li6e one hundred /amels and "ou would not 0ind e-en one (/amel) 0it 0or ridin.,

$+42 & $#


733> 4$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( M(AITS 3= TH( '3M@A!I3!S (ALLAH 7( @L(AS(9 ?ITH TH(M) 3= TH( H3LK

@A3@H(T (MAK @(A'( 7( U@3! HIM) (>ITA7 AL-=A9A:IL AL-SAHA7AH)

733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H
3= TH(


$+44 & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

'ha1ter $: @oliteness towards 1arents and their to it

7oo6 422 !umber )$# :
Abu Huraira re1orted that a 1erson /ame to Allah2 :s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: ?ho amon. the 1eo1le is most deser-in. o0 a 0ine treatment 0rom m" handD He said: Kour mother, He a.ain said: Then who (is the ne5t one)D He said: A.ain it is "our mother (who deser-es the best treatment 0rom "ou), He said: Then who (is the ne5t one)D He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: A.ain2 it is "our mother, He (a.ain) said: Then whoD Thereu1on he said: Then it is "our 0ather, In the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Eutalba2 there is no mention o0 the wordC the 1eo1leC,

7oo6 422 !umber )$#$:

Abu Huraira re1orted that a 1erson said: Allah:s Messen.er2 who the 1eo1le is most deser-in. o0 m" .ood treatmentD He said: Kour mother2 a.ain "our mother2 a.ain "our mother2 then "our 0ather2 then "our nearest relati-es a//ordin. to the order (o0 nearness),

7oo6 422 !umber )$#2:

Abu Huraira re1orted: A 1erson /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The rest o0 the hadith is the same as transmitted b" jarir but with this addition: 7" "our 0ather2 "ou would .et the in0ormation,

7oo6 422 !umber )$#4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Shubruma with the same /hain o0 transmitters and the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 ?uhaib there is a -ariation o0 wordin., Same is the /ase with the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Muhammad b, Talha (and the words are):C ?ho the 1eo1le deser-es the best treatment 0rom meC,

7oo6 422 !umber )$#*:

Abdullah b, :Anir re1orted that a 1erson /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and 1ermission (to 1arti/i1ate) in Fihad2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Are "our 1arents li-in.D He said: Kes, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kou should 1ut in "our best e00orts (in their) ser-i/e,

$+4* & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

7oo6 422 !umber )$#+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Habib with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 422 !umber )$#):

Ka8id b, Abu Habib re1orted that !a:im2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Umm Salama2 re1orted to him that :Abdullah b, :Amr b, :As said: There /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a 1erson and said: I owe alle.ian/e to "ou 0or mi.ration and Fihad see6in. reward onl" 0rom Allah, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Is one 0rom "our 1arents li-in.D He said: Kes2 o0 /ourse2 both are li-in., He 0urther as6ed: 9o "ou want to see6 reward 0rom AllahD He said: Kes, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ho ba/6 to "our 1arents and a//ord them bene-olent treatment,

'ha1ter 2: The 1re0eren/e o0 bene-olent treatment to 1arents o-er -oluntar" 1ra"ers2 et/,
7oo6 422 !umber )$#%:
Abu Huraira re1orted that Furaij was one who was de-oted to (1ra"er) in the tem1le, His mother /ame to him, Humaid said that Abu Aa0i: demonstrated be0ore us li6e the demonstration made b" abu Huraira to whom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had demonstrated as his mother /alled him 1la/in. her 1alms u1on the e"ebrows and li0tin. her head 0or /allin. him and said: Furaij2 it is "our mother2 so tal6 to her, She 0ound him at that time absorbed in 1ra"er2 so he said (to himsel0): 3 Lord2 m" mother (is /allin. me) (whereas I am absorbed) in m" 1ra"er, He o1ted 0or 1ra"er, She (his mother) went ba/62 then /ame a.ain 0or the se/ond time and said: 3 Furaij2 it is "our mother (/allin. "ou)2 so tal6 to me, He said: 3 Allah, there is m" mother also and m" 1ra"er2 and he o1ted 0or 1ra"er, She said: 3 Allah2 this Furaij is m" son, I 1ra" to tal6 to him but he re0uses to tal6 to me, 3 Allah2 don:t brin. death to him unless he has seen the 1rostitutes2 and had she in-o6ed the /urse u1on him (0rom the heart o0 her heart) he would ha-e been in-ol-ed in some turmoil, There was a she1herd li-in. near b" his tem1le (the tem1le where Furaij was en.a.ed in 1ra"er), It so ha11ened that a woman o0 that -illa.e /ame there and that she1herd /ommitted 0orni/ation with her and she be/ame 1re.nant and .a-e birth to a /hild, It was said to her: ?hose /hild is thisD She said: He is the /hild o0 one who is li-in. in this tem1le, So there /ame 1ersons with hat/hets and s1ades, The" /alled Furaij, He was absorbed in 1ra"er and he did not tal6 to them and the" were about to demolish that tem1le that he saw them and then /ame to them and the" said: As6 her (this woman) what she sa"s, He smiled and then tou/hed the head o0 the /hild and said: ?ho is "our 0atherD He (the /hild) said: M" 0ather is the she1herd o0 the shee12 and when the" heard this2 the" said: ?e are 1re1ared to re-

$+4+ & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

build with .old and sil-er what we ha-e demolished 0rom "our tem1le, He said: !o2 rebuild it with /la" as it had been be0ore, He then went u1 (to his room and absorbed himsel0 in 1ra"er),

7oo6 422 !umber )$##:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !one s1o6e in the /radle but onl" three (1ersons)2 'hrist son o0 Mar"2 the se/ond one the /om1anion o0 Furaij, Furaij had .ot /onstru/ted a tem1le and /on0ined himsel0 in that, His mother /ame to him as he was bus" in 1ra"er and she said: Furaij, He said: M" Lord2 m" mother (is /allin. me while I am en.a.ed in) m" 1ra"er, He /ontinued with the 1ra"er, She returned and she /ame on the ne5t da" and he was bus" in 1ra"er2 and she said: Furaij, And he said: M" Lord2 m" mother (is /allin. me while I am en.a.ed) in 1ra"er2 and he /ontinued with the 1ra"er and she went ba/62 and then on the ne5t da" she a.ain /ame and he was bus" in 1ra"er and she said: Furaij, And he said: M" Lord2 m" mother (is /allin. me while I am en.a.ed in m" 1ra"er2 and he /ontinued with the 1ra"er2 and she said: M" Lord2 don:t .i-e him death unless he has seen the 0ate o0 the 1rostitutes, The stor" o0 Furaij and that o0 his meditation and 1ra"er .ained /urren/" 7ani Isra:il, There was a 1rostitute who had been a beaut" in/arnate, She said (to the 1eo1le): I0 "ou li6e I /an allure him to e-il, She 1resented hersel0 to him but he 1aid no heed (to her), She /ame to a she1herd who li-ed near the tem1le and she o00ered hersel0 to him and he had a se5ual inter/ourse with her and so she be/ame 1re.nant arid when she .a-e birth to a /hild she said: This is 0rom Furaij, So the" /ame and as6ed him to .et down and demolished the tem1le and to beat him, He said: ?hat is the matterD The" said: Kou ha-e /ommitted 0orni/ation with this 1rostitute and she has .i-en birth to a /hild 0rom "our loins, He said: ?here is the /hildD The" him (the /hild) and he said: just lea-e me so that I should obser-e 1ra"er, And he obser-ed 1ra"er and when he 0inished2 he /ame to the /hild, He stru/6 his stoma/h and said: 3 bo"2 who is "our 0atherD lie said: He is su/h she1herd, So the" turned towards Furaij2 6issed him and tou/hed him (0or see6in. blessin.) and said: ?e are 1re1ared to /onstru/t "our tem1le with .old, He said, !o2 just rebuild it with mud as it had been2 and the" did that, Then there was a babe who was su/6in. his mother that a 1erson dressed in 0ine .arment /ame ridin. u1on a beast, His mother said: 3 Allah2 ma6e m" /hild li6e this one, He (the babe) le0t su/6in. and to see towards him2 and said: 3 Allah2 don:t ma6e me li6e him, He then returned to the /hest and to su/6 the mil6 o0 his mother, He (Abu Huraira) said: I 1er/ei-ed as i0 I am seein. Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as he is e51lainin. the s/ene o0 his su/6in. mil6 with his in his mouth and su/6in. that, He (Abu Huraira) 0urther re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" be 1ea/e u1on him) as sa"in.: There ha11ened to 1ass b" him a .irl who was bein. beaten and the" were sa"in.: Kou ha-e /ommitted adulter" and "ou ha-e /ommitted the0t and she was sa"in.: Allah is enou.h 0or me and He is m" .ood @rote/tor2 and his mother said: 3 Allah2 don:t ma6e m" /hild li6e her and he le0t su/6in. the mil62 and loo6ed towards her and said: 3 Allah2 ma6e me li6e her2 and there was a tal6 between them, She said: 3 with sha-en head2 a .ood-loo6in. 1erson ha11ened to 1ass b" and I said: 3 Allah2 ma6e m" /hild li6e him2 and "ou said: 3 Allah2 don:t ma6e me li6e him2 and the" 1assed b" a .irl
$+4) & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

while the" were beatin. her and sa"in.: Kou /ommitted 0orni/ation and "ou /ommitted the0t2 and I said: 3 Allah2 don:t ma6e m" /hild li6e her2 and "ou said: 3 Allah2 ma6e me li6e her, Thereu1on he said: That 1erson was a t"rant2 and I said: 3 Allah2 don:t ma6e me li6e him2 and the" were sa"in. about her: Kou /ommitted 0orni/ation whereas in 0a/t she had not /ommitted that and the" were sa"in.: Kou ha-e /ommitted the0t whereas she had not /ommitted the0t2 so I said: 3 Allah2 ma6e me li6e her,

7oo6 422 !umber )$#;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Let him be humbled into dustB let him be humbled into dust, It was said: Allah:s Messen.er2 who is heD He said: He who sees either o0 his 1arents durin. their old a.e or he sees both o0 them2 but he does not enter @aradise,

7oo6 422 !umber )$; :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Let him be humbled2 let him be humbled, It was said: Allah:s Messen.er2 who is heD He said, He who 0inds his 1arents in old a.e2 either one or both o0 them2 and does not enter @aradise,

7oo6 422 !umber )$;$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Let him be humbled thri/e2 and the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

'ha1ter 4: >indness towards the 0riends o0 one:s 0ather and mother

7oo6 422 !umber )$;2:
Ibn 9inar re1orted that a desert Arab met Abdullah b, :Umar on the wa" to Me//a, :Abdullah .reeted him and mounted him u1on the don6e" on whi/h he had been ridin. and .a-e him the turban that he had on his head, Ibn 9inar (0urther) re1orted: ?e said to him (:Abdullah b, :Umar): Ma" Allah do .ood to "ou2 these are desert Arabs and the" are satis0ied e-en with (thin.s), Thereu1on Abdullah said: His 0ather was lo-ed dearl" b" :Umar b, >hattib and I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The 0inest a/t o0 .oodness on the 1art o0 a son is to treat 6indl" the lo-ed ones o0 his 0ather,

$+4% & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

7oo6 422 !umber )$;4:

:Abdullah b, Umar re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The 0inest a/t o0 .oodness is that a 1erson should treat 6indl" the lo-ed ones o0 his 0ather,

7oo6 422 !umber )$;*:

Abdullah b, 9inar re1orted that when :Abdullah b, :Umar set out to Me/ea2 :he 6e1t a don6e" with him whi/h he used as a di-ersion 0rom the tedium o0 journe" on the /amel:s ba/6 and had a turban whi/h he tied round his head, 3ne da"2 as he was ridin. the don6e" a desert Arab ha11ened to 1ass b" him, He (:Abdullah b, :Umar) said: Arn:t "ou so and soD He said: Kes He .a-e him his don6e" and said: Aide it2 and tie the turban round "our head, Some o0 his /om1anions said: Ma" Allah 1ardon "ou2 "ou .a-e to this desert Arab the don6e" on whi/h "ou enjo"ed ride 0or di-ersion and the turban whi/h "ou tied round "our, head, Thereu1on he said: <eril" I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The 0inest a/t o0 .oodness is the 6ind treatment o0 a 1erson to the lo-ed ones o0 his 0ather a0ter his death and the 0ather o0 this 1erson was a 0riend o0 :Umar,

7oo6 422 !umber )$;+:

!awwas b, Sim:an al-Ansiri re1orted: I as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about -irtue and -i/e, He said: <irtue is a 6ind dis1osition and -i/e is what ran6les in "our heart and that "ou disa11ro-e that 1eo1le should /ome to 6now o0 it,

7oo6 422 !umber )$;):

!awwis b, Sim:in re1orted: I sta"ed with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or one "ear, ?hat obstru/ted me to mi.rate was (nothin.) but (1ersistent) inquiries 0rom him (about Islam), (It was a /ommon obser-ation) that when an"one o0 us mi.rated (to Medina) he /eased to as6 (too man" questions) 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), So I as6ed him about -irtue and -i/e, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: <irtue is a 6ind dis1osition and -i/e is what ran6les in "our mind and that "ou disa11ro-e o0 its bein. 6nown to the 1eo1le,

$+4# & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

'ha1ter *: Foinin. the tie o0 relationshi1 and 1rohibition to brea6 it

7oo6 422 !umber )$;%:
Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: <eril" Allah /reated the uni-erse and when He had 0inished that2 ties o0 relationshi1 /ame 0orward and said This is the 1la/e 0or him who see6s re0u.e 0rom se-erin. (o0 blood-relationshi1), He said: Kes, Are "ou not satis0ied that I should 6ee1 relationshi1 with one who joins "our ties o0 relationshi1 and se-er it with one who se-ers "our (ties o0 relationshi1)D The" (the ties o0 blood) said: 'ertainl" so, Thereu1on He said: ?ell2 that is how thin.s are 0or "ou, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then said: Ae/ite i0 "ou li6e:C 7ut i0 "ou turn awa" "ou are sure to ma6e mis/hie0 in the land and /ut o00 the ties o0 6inshi1, Those it is whom Allah has /ursed2 so He has made them dea0 and blinded their e"es, 9o the" not re0le/t on the Eur:anD 3r2 are there lo/6s on their heartsDC,

7oo6 422 !umber )$;#:

:A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The tie o0 6inshi1 is sus1ended to the Throne and sa"s: He who unites me Allah would unite him and he who se-ered me Allah would se-er him,

7oo6 422 !umber )$;;:

Fubair b, Mut:im re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The se-erer would not enter @aradise, Ibn Umar said that Su0"an (e51lained it as): 3ne who se-ers the tie o0 6inshi1 would not enter @aradise,

7oo6 422 !umber )2

Fubair b, Mutlim re1orted that his 0ather narrated to him that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The se-erer o0 the tie o0 6inshi1 would not .et into @aradise,

7oo6 422 !umber )2 $:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

$+4; & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

7oo6 422 !umber )2 2:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who is desirous that his means o0 sustenan/e should be e51anded 0or him or his a.e ma" be len.thened2 should join the tie o0 relationshi1,

7oo6 422 !umber )2 4:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who li6es that his sustenan/e should be e51anded and his a.e ma" be len.thened should join the tie o0 6inshi1,

7oo6 422 !umber )2 *:

Abu Huraira re1orted that a 1erson said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I ha-e relati-es with whom I tr"2 to ha-e /lose relationshi12 but the" se-er (this relation), I treat them well2 but the" treat me ill, I am sweet to them but the" are harsh towards me, U1on this he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I0 it is so as "ou sa"2 then "ou in 0a/t throw hot ashes (u1on their 0a/es) and there would alwa"s remain with "ou on behal0 o0 Allah (an An.el to su11ort "ou) who would 6ee1 "ou dominant o-er them so lon. as "ou adhere to this (1ath o0 ri.hteousness),

'ha1ter +: =orbiddan/e o0 nursin. mutual jealous"2 mutual hatred and mutual hostilit"
7oo6 422 !umber )2 +:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !either nurse mutual hatred2 nor jealous"2 nor enmit"2 and be/ome as 0ellow, brothers and ser-ants o0 Allah, It is not law0ul 0ora Muslim that he should 6ee1 his relations estran.ed with his brother be"ond three da"s,

7oo6 422 !umber )2 ):

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. li6e this, This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 422 !umber )2 %:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters with the addition o0 Ibn U"aina (and the words are):C 9o not /ut o00 (mutual relations),C

$+* & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

7oo6 422 !umber )2 #:

This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters and the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abd al-Aa88iq (the words are):C !either nurse .rud.e nor se-er (the ties o0 6inshi1)2 nor nurse enmit",C

7oo6 422 !umber )2 ;:

Anas re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !urse no .rud.e2 nurse no a-ersion and do not se-er ties o0 6inshi1 and li-e li6e 0ellow-brothers as ser-ants o0 Allah, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this addition:C As Allah has /ommanded "ou,C

'ha1ter ): It is 0orbidden 0or a muslim to ha-e estran.ed relations with the other muslim be"ond three da"s without an" reason o0 Shari:ah
7oo6 422 !umber )2$ :
Abu A""ub Ansiri re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is not 1ermissible 0or a Muslim to ha-e estran.ed relations with his brother be"ond three ni.hts2 the one turnin. one wa" and the other turnin. the other wa" when the" meetB the better o0 the two is one who is the 0irst to .i-e a .reetin.,

7oo6 422 !umber )2$$:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Guhri with a -ariation o0 wordin. (and the words are):C The one turnin. awa" and the other turnin. awa" when the" meet and one a-oids the other and the other also a-oids him,C

7oo6 422 !umber )2$2:

:Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is not 1ermissible 0or a Muslim to ha-e estran.ed relations with his brother be"ond three da"s,

$+*$ & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

7oo6 422 !umber )2$4:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There should be no estran.ed relations be"ond three da"s,

'ha1ter %: =orbiddan/e o0 sus1i/ion2 0ault-0indin.2 and biddin. a.ainst the other (0or raisin. the 1ri/e)
7oo6 422 !umber )2$*:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A-oid sus1i/ion2 0or sus1i/ion is the .ra-est lie in tal6 and do not be inquisiti-e about one another and do not s1" u1on one another and do not 0eel en-" with the other2 and nurse no mali/e2 and nurse no a-ersion and hostilit" a.ainst one another, And be 0ellow-brothers and ser-ants o0 Allah,

7oo6 422 !umber )2$+:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9on:t ha-e estran.ed relations (with the others) and don:t nurse enmit" and don:t enter into a transa/tion when the other (has alread" entered) and be 0ellow-brothers and ser-ants o0 Allah,

7oo6 422 !umber )2$):

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in., 9on:t nurse mali/e a.ainst one another2 don:t nurse a-ersion a.ainst one another and don:t be inquisiti-e about one another and don:t outbid one another (with a -iew to raisin. the 1ri/e) and be 0ellow-brothers and ser-ants o0 Allah,

7oo6 422 !umber )2$%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmit ters (and the words are):C 9on:t se-er relations o0 6inshi12 don:t bear enmit" a.ainst one another2 don:t bear a-ersion a.ainst one another and don:t 0eel en-" a.ainst the other and li-e as 0ellow-brothers as Allah has /ommanded "ou,

7oo6 422 !umber )2$#:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9on:t bear a-ersion a.ainst one another and don:t be jealous o0 one another and be ser-ants o0 Allah,
$+*2 & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

'ha1ter #: It is 0orbidden to 1er1etrate atro/it" u1on a muslim2 to humiliate him2 to insult him2 and in-iolable is his blood2 honour and wealth
7oo6 422 !umber )2$;:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9on:t nurse .rud.e and don:t bid him out 0or raisin. the 1ri/e and don:t nurse a-ersion or enmit" and don:t enter into a transa/tion when the others ha-e entered into that transa/tion and be as 0ellow-brothers and ser-ants o0 Allah, A Muslim is the brother o0 a Muslim, He neither o11resses him nor humiliates him nor loo6s down u1on him, The 1iet" is here2 (and while sa"in. so) he 1ointed towards his /hest thri/e, It is a serious e-il 0or a Muslim that he should loo6 down u1on his brother Muslim, All thin.s o0 a Muslim are in-iolable 0or his brother in 0aith: his blood2 his wealth and his honour,

7oo6 422 !umber )22 :

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira with some addition (and it is this):C <eril" Allah does not loo6 to "our bodies nor to "our 0a/es but He loo6s to "our hearts2C and he 1ointed towards the heart with his 0in.ers,

7oo6 422 !umber )22$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1qn him) as sa"in.: <eril" Allah does not loo6 to "our 0a/es and "our wealth but He loo6s to "our heart and to "our deeds,

'ha1ter ;: It is 0orbidden to nurse ran/our

7oo6 422 !umber )222:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The .ates o0 @aradise are not o1ened but on two da"s2 Monda" and Thursda", and then e-er" ser-ant (o0 Allah) is .ranted 1ardon who does not asso/iate an"thin. with Allah e5/e1t the 1erson in whose (heart) there is ran/our a.ainst his brother, And it would be said: Loo6 towards both o0 them until there is re/on/iliationB loo6 toward both o0 them until there is re/on/iliationB loo6 towards both o0 them until there is re/on/iliation, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Suhail who narrated it on the aut-

$+*4 & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

horit" o0 his 0ather with the /hain o0 transmitters o0 MaIi62 but with this -ariation o0 wordin.:2 (Those would not be .ranted 1ardon) who b"/ott ea/h other,C

7oo6 422 !umber )224:

Abu Huraira re1orted it as a mar0u: hadith (and the words are): The deeds are 1resented on e-er" Thursda" and =rida" and Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious, .rants 1ardon to e-er" 1erson who does not asso/iate an"thin. with Allah e5/e1t the 1erson in whose (heart) there is ran/our a.ainst his brother, It would be said: @ut both o0 them o00 until the" are re/on/iled,

7oo6 422 !umber )22*:

Abu Huraim re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. The deeds o0 1eo1le would be 1resented e-er" wee6 on two da"s2 -i8, Monda" and Thursda"2 and e-er" belie-in. ser-ant would be .ranted 1ardon e5/e1t the one in whose (heart) there is ran/our a.ainst his brother and it would he said: Lea-e them and 1ut them o00 until the" are turned to re/on/iliation,

'ha1ter $ : Merit o0 lo-e 0or the sa6e o0 Allah

7oo6 422 !umber )22+:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: <eril", Allah would sa" on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion: ?here are those who ha-e mutual lo-e 0or M" Hlor":s sa6eD Toda" I shall shelter them in M" shadow when there is no other shadow but the shadow o0 Mine,

7oo6 422 !umber )22):

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A 1erson -isited his brother in another town and Allah de1uted an An.el to wait 0or him on his wa" and when he /ame to him he said: ?here do "ou intend to .oD He said: I intend to .o to m" brother in this town, He said: Ha-e "ou done an" 0a-our to him (the re1a"ment o0 whi/h "ou intend to .et)D He said: !o2 e5/e1tin. this that I lo-e Mm 0or the sa6e o0 Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious, Thereu1on he said: I am a to "ou 0rom2 Allah: (to in0orm "ou) that Allah lo-es "ou as "ou lo-e him (0or His sa6e) This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hammid b, Salama with the same o0 transmitters,

$+** & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

'ha1ter $$: Merit o0 -isitin. the si/6

7oo6 422 !umber )22%:
Abu Aabi: re1orted dire/tl" 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e u1on him) as sa"in.: The one who -isits the si/6 is in 0a/t li6e one who is in the 0ruit .arden o0 @aradise so lon. as he does not return,

7oo6 422 !umber )22#:

Thauban2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who -isits the si/6 /ontinues to remain in the 0ruit .arden o0 @aradise until he returns,

7oo6 422 !umber )22;:

Thauban re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: <eril"2 when a Muslim -isits his brother in Islam he is su11osed to remain in the 0ruit .arden o0 @aradise until he returns,

7oo6 422 !umber )24 :

Thauban2 the 0reed sla-e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who -isits the si/6 is su11osed to remain in the 0ruit .arden o0 @aradise, It was said: Allah:s Messen.er2 what is this >hur0at-ul-jannahD He said: It is a 1la/e aboundin. in 0ruits,

7oo6 422 !umber )24$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Asim al-Ahwal with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 422 !umber )242:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: <eril"2 Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 would sa" on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion: 3 son o0 Adam2 I was si/6 but "ou did not -isit Me, He would sa": 3 m" LordB how /ould I -isit Thee whereas Thou art the Lord o0 the worldsD Thereu1on He would sa": 9idn:t "ou 6now that su/h and su/h ser-ant o0 Mine was si/6 but "ou did not -isit him and were "ou not aware o0 this that i0 "ou had -isited him2 "ou would ha-e 0ound Me b" himD 3 son o0 Adam2 I as6ed 0ood 0rom "ou but "ou did not 0eed Me, He would sa": M" Lord2 how /ould I 0eed Thee whereas Thou art the Lord o0 the worldsD He said: 9idn:t "ou 6now that su/h and

$+*+ & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

su/h ser-ant o0 Mine as6ed 0ood 0rom "ou but "ou did not 0eed him2 and were "ou not aware that i0 "ou had 0ed him "ou would ha-e 0ound him b" M" sideD (The Lord would a.ain sa": ) 3 son o0 Adam2 I as6ed drin6 0rom "ou but "ou did not 1ro-ide Me, He would sa": M" Lord2 how /ould I 1ro-ide Thee whereas Thou art the Lord o0 the worldsD Thereu1on He would sa": Su/h and su/h o0 ser-ant o0 Mine as6ed "ou 0or a drin6 but "ou did not 1ro-ide him2 and had "ou 1ro-ided him drin6 "ou would ha-e 0ound him near Me,

'ha1ter $2: ?hene-er a belie-er 0alls si/6 or is stri/6en with .rie0 or somethin. li6e it2 there is a reward 0or him e-en i0 it is 1ri/6in. o0 a thorn
7oo6 422 !umber )244:
:A:isha re1orted2 I did not see an"one else bein. a00li/ted with more se-ere illness than Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), In the narration transmitted b" :Uthman there is a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 422 !umber )24*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash throu.h other /hains o0 transmitters,

7oo6 422 !umber )24+:

:Abdullah re1orted: I -isited Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as he was runnin. hi.h tem1erature, I tou/hed his bod" with m" bard and said to him: Allah:s Messen.er2 "ou are runnin. hi.h tem1erature2 whereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kes2 it is so, I /om1arati-el" ha-e a more se-ere 0e-er than an" one o0 "ou, I said: Is it be/ause there is a double reward in store 0or "ouD Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kes2 it is so, And Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a.ain said: ?hen a Muslim 0alls ill2 his /om1ensation is that his minor sins are obliterated just as lea-es tall (in autumn), In the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Gubair there is (no mention o0 these words):C I tou/hed his bod" with m" hands,C

7oo6 422 !umber )24):

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 jarir and the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Mu:awi"a there is an addition o0 these words: He said: Kes2 b" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 there is no Muslim u1on the earth,C The rest o0 the hadith is the same,
$+*) & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

7oo6 422 !umber )24%:

Aswad re1orted that some "oun. men 0rom the Euraish -isited :A:isha as she was in Mina and the" were lau.hin., She said: ?hat ma6es "ou lau.hD The" said: Su/h and su/h 1erson stumbled a.ainst the ro1e o0 the tent and he was about to brea6 his ne/6 or lose his e"es, She said: 9on:t lau.h 0or I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 a Muslim runs a thorn or (.ets into trouble) se-ere than this2 there is assured 0or him (a hi.her) ran6 and his sins are obliterated,

7oo6 422 !umber )24#:

:A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A belie-er does not re/ei-e (the trouble) o0 runnin. a thorn or more than that but Allah ele-ates him in ran6 or e00a/es his sins be/ause o0 tbat,

7oo6 422 !umber )24;:

:A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A belie-er does not under.o (the trouble) o0 runnin. a thorn or more than that when Allah e00a/es his sins,

7oo6 422 !umber )2* :

:A:isha said: !o trouble /omes to a belie-er e-en i0 it is the 1ri/6in. o0 a thorn that it be/omes (the means) whereb" his sins are e00a/ed or his sins are obliterated, Ka8id sa"s: He does not 6now whi/h word :Urwa said (whether he said Eussa or >u00ira),

7oo6 422 !umber )2*$:

:A:isha re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is nothin. (in the 0orm o0 trouble) that /omes to a belie-er e-en i0 it is the 1ri/6in. o0 a thorn that there is de/reed 0or him b" Allah .ood or his sins are obliterated,

7oo6 422 !umber )2*2:

Abu Sa:id and abu Huraira re1orted that the" heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !e-er a belie-er is stri/6en with dis/om0ort2 hardshi1 or illness2 .rie0 or e-en with mental worr" that his sins are not e51iated 0or him,

7oo6 422 !umber )2*4:

Abu Huraira re1orted that when this -erse was re-ealed:C ?hoe-er does e-il will be requited 0or itC2 and when this was /on-e"ed to the Muslims the" were .reatl" 1erturbed, Thereu1on Allah:s Mes$+*% & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7) (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7e moderate and stand 0irm in trouble that 0alls to the lot o0 a Muslim (as that) is an e51iation 0or himB e-en stumblin. on the 1ath or the 1ri/6in o0 a thorn (are an e51iation 0or him), Muslim said that :Umar b, Abd al-Aahman Muhaisin was 0rom the 1eo1le o0 Me//a,

7oo6 422 !umber )2**:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited Umm Sa:ib or Umm Musa""ib and said: Umm Sa:ib or Umm Musa""ib, wh" is it that "ou are shi-erin.D She said:C It is 0e-er and ma" it not be blessed b" Allah2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 9on:t /urse 0e-er 0or it e51iates the sir o0 the 1osterit" o0 Adam just as 0urna/e remo-es the allo" o0 iron,

7oo6 422 !umber )2*+:

:Ata: b, Abi Aabih said: Ibn Abbas said to me: Ma" I show "ou a woman o0 @aradiseD I said: Kes, He said: Here is this dar6-/om1le5ioned woman, She /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: I am su00erin. 0rom 0allin. si/6ness and I be/ome na6edB su11li/ate Allah 0or me2 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Show enduran/e as "ou /an do and there would be @aradise 0or "ou and2 i0 "ou desire2 I su11li/ate Allah that He ma" /ure "ou, She said: I am 1re1ared to show enduran/e (but the unbearable trouble is) that I be/ome na6ed2 so su11li/ate Allah that He should not let me be/ome na6ed2 so he su11li/ated 0or her,

'ha1ter $4: It is 0orbidden to /ommit o11ression

7oo6 422 !umber )2*):
Abu 9harr re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 said: M" ser-ants2 I ha-e made o11ression unlaw0ul 0or Me and unlaw0ul 0or "ou2 so do not /ommit o11ression a.ainst one another, M" ser-ants2 all o0 "ou are liable to err e5/e1t one whom I .uide on the 1ath2 so see6 .uidan/e 0rom Me so that I should dire/t "ou to the 1ath, 3 M" ser-ants2 all o0 "ou are hun.r" (need") e5/e1t one whom I 0eed2 so be. 0ood 0rom Me2 so that I ma" .i-e that to "ou, 3 M" ser-ants2 all o0 "ou are na6ed (need /lothes) e5/e1t one whom I 1ro-ide .arments2 so be. /lothes 0rom Me2 so that I should /lothe "ou, 3 M" ser-ants2 "ou /ommit error and da" and I am there to 1ardon "our sins2 so be. 1ardon 0rom Me so that I should .rant "ou 1ardon, 3 M" ser-ants2 "ou /an neither do Me an" harm nor /an "ou do Me an" .ood, 3 M" ser-ants2 e-en i0 the 0irst "ou and the last "ou and e-en the whole o0 human ra/e o0 "ours2 and that o0 jinns e-en2 be/ome (equal in) Hod-/ons/ious li6e the heart o0 a sin.le 1erson "ou2 nothin. would add to M" @ower, 3 M" ser-ants2 e-en i0 the 0irst

$+*# & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

"ou and the last "ou and the whole human ra/e o0 "ours and that o0 the Finns too in unison be/ome the most wi/6ed (all beatin.) li6e the heart o0 a sin.le 1erson2 it would /ause no loss to M" @ower, 3 M" ser-ants2 e-en i0 the 0irst "ou and the last "ou and the whole human ra/e o0 "ours and that o0 jinns also all stand in one 1lain .round and "ou as6 Me and I /on0er u1on e-er" 1erson what he as6s 0or2 it would not, in an" wa"2 /ause an" loss to Me (e-en less) than that whi/h is /aused to the o/ean b" di11in. the needle in it, M" ser-ants2 these 0or "ou I shall reward "ou 0or thern2 so he who deeds o0 "ours whi/h I am re/ordin. 0inds .ood should 1raise Allah and he who does not 0ind that should not blame an"one but his ownsel0, Sa:id said that when Abu Idris >haulini narrated this hadith he 6nelt u1on his 6nees,

7oo6 422 !umber )2*%:

Abu 9harr re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that he re1orted it 0rom his Lord2 the (5alted and Hlorious: <eril" I ha-e made o11ression unlaw0ul 0or Me and 0or M" ser-ants too2 so do not /ommit o11ression, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 422 !umber )2*#:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7e on "our .uarda.ainst /ommittin. o11ression2 0or o11ression is a dar6ness on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2 and be on "our .uard a.ainst 1ettimindedness 0or 1ettimindedness destro"ed those who were be0ore "ou2 as it in/ited them to shed blood and ma6e law0ul what was unlaw0ul 0or them,

7oo6 422 !umber )2*;:

Ibu :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 311ression is the dar6ness on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

7oo6 422 !umber )2+ :

Salim re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A Muslim is the brother o0 a 0ellow-Muslim, He should neither /ommit o11ression u1on him nor ruin him2 and he who meets the need o0 a brot:ier2 Allah would meet bi. needs2 and he who relie-ed a Muslim 0rom hardshi1 Allah would relie-e him 0rom the hardshi1s to whi/h he would be 1ut on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2 and he who did not e51ose (the 0ollies o0 a Muslim) Allah would /on/eal his 0ollies on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

$+*; & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

7oo6 422 !umber )2+$:

Abu Huraira, re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o "ou 6now who is 1oorD The" (the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) said: A 1oor man us is one who has neither dirham with him nor wealth, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: The 1oor o0 m" Umma would be he who would /ome on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/ton with 1ra"ers and 0asts and Ga6at but (he would 0ind himsel0 ban6ru1t on that da" as he would ha-e e5hausted his 0unds o0 -irtues) sin/e he hurled abuses u1on others2 /alumn" a.ainst others and unlaw0ull" /onsumed the wealth o0 others and shed the blood o0 others and beat others2 and his -irtues would be /redited to the a//ount o0 one (who su00ered at his hand), And i0 his .ood deeds 0all short to /lear the a//ount2 then his sins would be entered in (his a//ount) and he would be thrown in the Hell-=ire,

7oo6 422 !umber )2+2:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The /laimants would .et their /laims on the 9a" o0 Aessure/tion so mu/h so that the hornless shee1 would .et its /laim 0rom the horned shee1,

7oo6 422 !umber )2+4:

Abu Musa re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 .rants res1ite to the o11essor, 7ut when He la"s Hand u1on him2 He does not then let him o00, Ae (the Hol" @ro1het) then re/ited this -erse:C Su/h is the /hastisement o0 th" Lord when He /hastises the towns (inhabited b") wron.doin. 1ersons, Surel"2 His 1unishment is 1ain0ul2 se-ereC (5i, $ 4),

'ha1ter $*: Hel1 "our brother whether iie is an o11ressor or an o11ressed one
7oo6 422 !umber )2+*:
Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted that two "oun. men2 one 0rom the Muhajirin (emi.rants) and the other one 0rom the An.r (hel1ers) 0ell into dis1ute and the Muhajir /alled his 0ellow Muhajirin2 and the Ansari (the hel1er) /alled the Ansar (0or hel1), In the meanwhile2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame there and said: ?hat is this2 the 1ro/lamation o0 the da"s o0 jahili"a (i.noran/e)D The" said: Allah:s Messen.er2 there is nothin. serious, The two "oun. men 0ell into dis1ute and the one stru/6 at the ba/6 o0 the other, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?ell2 a 1erson should hel1

$++ & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

his brother whether he is an o11ressor or an o11ressed, I0 he is the o11ressor he should 1re-ent him 0rom doin. it2 0or that is his hel1B and i0 he is the o11ressed he should be hel1ed (a.ainst o11ression),

7oo6 422 !umber )2++:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted: ?e were alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in an e51edition that a 1erson 0rom the emi.rants stru/6 at the ba/6 o0 a 1erson 0rom the Ansir, The Ansiri said: 3 AnsarL And the Muhijir said: 3 (mi.rantsL Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hat are these 1ro/lamations o0 the 9a"s o0 I.noran/eD The" said: Allah:s Messen.er2 a 1erson 0rom the emi.rants stru/6 at the ba/6 o0 an Ansari2 whereu1on he said: It is somethin. dis.ustin., :Abdullah b, Uba"" heard it and said: The" ha-e indeed done it, 7" Allah2 when we would return to Medina the res1e/table them (the Ansar) would turn awa" the mean (the emi.rants), Thereu1on :Umar said: @ermit me so that I should stri6e the ne/6 o0 this h"1o/rite, 7ut he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Lea-e him2 the 1eo1le ma" not sa" that Muhammad 6ills his /om1anions,

7oo6 422 !umber )2+):

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that a 1erson 0rom the emi.rants stru/6 the ba/6 o0 an Ansari, He /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and as6ed 0or /om1ensation, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Lea-e it, 0or it is somethin. dis.ustin., Ibn Mansur said that in the narration transmitted on the authorit" o0 Amr (these words are also 0ound):C I heard Fabir,C

'ha1ter $+: There should be mutual 0ellow-0eelin. and lo-e and the will to hel1 ea/h other the belie-ers
7oo6 422 !umber )2+%:
Abu Musa re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A belie-er is li6e a bri/6 0or another belie-er2 the one su11ortin. the other,

7oo6 422 !umber )2+#:

!u:man b, 7ashir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The similitude o0 belie-ers in re.ard to mutual lo-e2 a00e/tion2 0ellow-0eelin. is that o0 one bod"B when an" limb o0 it a/hes2 the whole bod" a/hes2 be/ause o0 slee1lessness and 0e-er,
$++$ & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

7oo6 422 !umber )2+;:

!u:man b, 7ashir re1orted a hadith li6e this 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 422 !umber )2) :

!u:man b, 7ashir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The belie-ers are li6e one 1ersonB i0 his head a/hes2 the whole bod" a/hes with 0e-er and slee1lessness,

7oo6 422 !umber )2)$:

!u:man b, 7ashir re1orted that Muslims are li6e one bod" o0 a 1ersonB i0 the e"e is sore2 the whole bod" a/hes2 and i0 the head a/hes2 the whole bod" a/hes,

7oo6 422 !umber )2)2:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 !u:man b, 7ashir throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $): It is 0orbidden to indul.e in abusin.

7oo6 422 !umber )2)4:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen two 1ersons indul.e in hurlin. (abuses) u1on one another2 it would be the 0irst one who would be the sinner so lon. as the o11ressed does not trans.ress the limits,

'ha1ter $%: The merits o0 0or.i-eness and humilit"

7oo6 422 !umber )2)*:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 'harit" does not in an" wa" de/rease the wealth and the ser-ant who 0or.i-es Allah adds to his res1e/t2 and the one who shows humilit" Allah ele-ates him in the estimation (o0 the 1eo1le),

$++2 & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

'ha1ter $#: The 1rohibition o0 ba/6bitin.

7oo6 422 !umber )2)+:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9o "ou 6now what is ba/6bitin.D The" (the 'om1anions) said: Allah and His 6now best, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 7a/6bitin. im1lies "our tal6in. about "our brother in a manner whi/h he does not li6e, It was said to him: ?hat is "our o1inion about this that i0 I a/tuall" 0ind (that 0ailin.) in m" brother whi/h I made a mention o0D He said: I0 (that 0ailin.) is a/tuall" 0ound (in him) what "ou assert2 "ou in 0a/t ba/6bited him2 and i0 that is not in him it is a slander,

'ha1ter $;: Tidin.s 0or one whose 0aults allah /on/ealed in this worldB he will also /on/eal his 0aults in the herea0ter
7oo6 422 !umber )2)):
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The ser-ant (whose 0ault) Allah /on/eals in this world2 Allah would also /on/eal (his 0aults) on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

7oo6 422 !umber )2)%:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The ser-ant (who /on/eals) the 0aults o0 others in this world2 Allah would /on/eal his 0aults on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

'ha1ter 2 : A//ordin. o0 bene-olent treatment to one 0rom whom one e51e/ts trans.ression
7oo6 422 !umber )2)#:
A:isha re1orted that a 1erson 1ermission 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to see him, He said: Hrant him 1ermission, (and also added: ) He is a bad son o0 his tribe or he is a bad 1erson o0 his tribe, ?hen he /ame in he used 6ind words 0or him, :A:isha re1orted that she said: Allah:s Messen.er2 "ou said about him what "ou had to sa" and then "ou treated him with 6indness, He

$++4 & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

said: A:isha2 -eril" in the e"e o0 Allah2 worst the 1erson in ran6 on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion is one whom the 1eo1le abandon or desert out o0 the 0ear o0 inde/en/",

7oo6 422 !umber )2);:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Mun6adir with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter 2$: Merit o0 bene-olent treatment

7oo6 422 !umber )2% :
Farir re1orted 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): He who is de1ri-ed o0 tenderl" 0eelin.s is in 0a/t de1ri-ed o0 .ood,

7oo6 422 !umber )2%$:

Farir re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who is de1ri-ed o0 tenderl" 0eelin.s is in 0a/t de1ri-ed o0 .ood,

7oo6 422 !umber )2%2:

Farir b, :Abdullah re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who is de1ri-ed o0 tenderl" 0eelin.s is in 0a/t de1ri-ed o0 .ood and he who is de1ri-ed o0 tenderl" 0eelin.s is in 0a/t de1ri-ed o0 .ood,

7oo6 422 !umber )2%4:

:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: :A:isha2 -eril" Allah is 6ind and He lo-es 6indness and /on0ers u1on 6indness whi/h he does not /on0er u1on se-erit" and does not /on0er u1on an"thin. else besides it (6indness),

7oo6 422 !umber )2%*:

:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: >indness is not to be 0ound in an"thin. but that it adds to its beaut" and it is not withdrawn 0rom an"thin. but it ma6es it de0e/ti-e,

$++* & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

7oo6 422 !umber )2%+:

This hadith has been re1orted b" Miqdam b, Shuraih b, Hani with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this addition:C :A:isha mounted u1on a wild /amel and she to ma6e that .o round and round, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kou should show 6indness2 and then he made a mention o0 this hadith,

'ha1ter 22: It is 0orbidden to /urse the beasts

7oo6 422 !umber )2%):
:Imran b, Husain re1orted: ?e were with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in some o0 his journe"s and there was a woman 0rom the Ansar ridin. a she-/amel that it shied and she in-o6ed /urse u1on that, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) heard it and said: Unload that and set it 0ree 0or it is a//ursed, :Imran said: I still 1er/ei-e that (dromedar") wal6in. 1eo1le and none ta6in. an" noti/e o0 that,

7oo6 422 !umber )2%%:

:Imran re1orted: I 1er/ei-e as i0 I am loo6in. towards that dromedar"2 and in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Thaqa0i (the words are):C Unload it and ma6e its ba/6 bare 0or it is a//ursed,C

7oo6 422 !umber )2%#:

Abu 7ur8a al-Aslami re1orted that a sla-e-.irl was ridin. a dromedar" and there was also the lu..a.e o0 1eo1le u1on it, that she suddenl" saw Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The wa" o0 the mountain was narrow and she said (to that dromedar"): Ho ahead (but that dromedar" did not mo-e), She (that sla-e-.irl)2 out o0 an.er2 said: 3 Allah2 let that (dromedar") be damned, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Let the dromedar" on whi/h the /urse has been in-o6ed not 1ro/eed with us,

7oo6 422 !umber )2%;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sulaiman Taimi with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 words (and that is):C 7" Allah2 let that a//om1an" us not whi/h has been damned2 or he said li6e it,C

$+++ & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

7oo6 422 !umber )2# :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It does not seem 1ro1er 0or Siddiq that he should be an in-o6er o0 /urse, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu >uraib with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 422 !umber )2#$:

Gaid b, Aslam re1orted that :Abd al-Mali6 b, Marwan sent some domesti/ .oods 0or de/oration to Umm 9arda: on his own behal02 and when it was :Abd al-Mali6 .ot u1 and /alled 0or the ser-ant, It seemed as i0 he (the ser-ant) was late (in res1ondin. to his /all)2 so he (:Abd al-Mali6) in-o6ed /urse u1on him2 and when it was mornin. Umm 9arda: said to him: I heard "ou /ursin. "our ser-ant durin. the when "ou /alled him2 and she said: I heard Abu 9arda: as sa"in. that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The in-o6er o0 /urse would neither be inter/essor nor witness on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

7oo6 422 !umber )2#2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Gaid b, Aslam with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 422 !umber )2#4:

Umm 9arda: re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu 9arda: as sa"in.: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The in-o6er o0 /urse would neither be witness nor inter/essor on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

7oo6 422 !umber )2#*:

Abu Huraira re1orted it was said to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): In-o6e /urse u1on the 1ol"theists2 whereu1on he said: I ha-e not been sent as the in-o6er o0 /urse2 butC I ha-e been sent as mer/",C

$++) & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

'ha1ter 24: He u1on whom allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in-o6ed /urse whereas he in 0a/t did not deser-e it2 it would be a sour/e o0 reward and mer/" 0or him
7oo6 422 !umber )2#+:
A:isha re1orted that two 1ersons -isited Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and both o0 them tal6ed about a thin.2 o0 whi/h I am not aware2 but that anno"ed him and he in-o6ed /urse u1on both o0 them and hurled maledi/tion2 and when the" went out I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 the .ood would rea/h e-er"one but it would not rea/h these two, He said: ?h" soD I said: 7e/ause "ou ha-e in-o6ed /urse and hurled maledi/tion u1on both o0 them, He said: 9on:t "ou 6now that I ha-e made /ondition with m" Lord sa"in. thus: 3 Allah2 I am a human bein. and that 0or a Muslim u1on whom I in-o6e /urse or hurl maledi/tion ma6e it a sour/e o0 1urit" and reward,

7oo6 422 !umber )2#):

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters and the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 :Isa (the words are):C He had a 1ri-ate meetin. with them and hurled maledi/tion u1on them and /ursed them and sent them out,C

7oo6 422 !umber )2#%:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 3 Allah2 I am a human bein. and 0or an" 1erson Muslims u1on whom I hurl maledi/tion or in-o6e /urse or .i-e him whi11in. ma6e it a sour/e o0 1urit" and mer/",

7oo6 422 !umber )2##:

Fabir re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a hadith li6e it but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 422 !umber )2#;:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 A:mash and in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 :Isa the words are: Ma6e it a sour/e o0 reward2 and in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira (the words are):C Ma6e it a sour/e o0 mer/",C
$++% & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

7oo6 422 !umber )2; :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 3 Allah2 I ma6e a /o-enant with Thee a.ainst whi/h Thou wouldst ne-er .o, I am a human bein. and thus 0or a Muslim whom I .i-e an" harm or whom I s/old or u1on whom I in-o6e /urse or whom I beat2 ma6e this a sour/e o0 blessin.2 1uri0i/ation and nearness to Thee on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

7oo6 422 !umber )2;$:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Ginad with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 422 !umber )2;2:

A hadith li6e this has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 422 !umber )2;4:

Salim2 the 0reed sla-e o0 !asri""in2 said: I heard Abu Huraira as sa"in. that he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 3 Allah2 Muhammad is a human bein., I lose m" tem1er just as human bein.s lose tem1er2 and I ha-e held a /o-enant with Thee whi/h Thou wouldst not brea6: =or a belie-er whom I .i-e an" trouble or in-o6e /urse or beat2 ma6e that an e51iation (o0 his sins and a sour/e o0) his nearness to Thee on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

7oo6 422 !umber )2;*:

Abu Huraira re1orted that he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 3 Allah2 0or an" belie-in. ser-ant whom I /urse ma6e that as a sour/e o0 nearness to Thee on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

7oo6 422 !umber )2;+:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I ha-e held /o-enant with Thee whi/h Thou wouldst not brea62 so 0or an" belie-er whom I /urse or beat2 ma6e that an e51iation on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

7oo6 422 !umber )2;):

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I am a human bein. and I ha-e made this term with m" Lord2 the (5alted and Hlorious: =or an" ser-ant

$++# & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

Muslims whom I /urse or s/old2 ma6e that a sour/e o0 1urit" and reward, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Furaij with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 422 !umber )2;%:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that there was an or1han .irl with Umm Sulaim (who was the mother o0 Anas), Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw that or1han .irl and said: 32 it is "ouB "ou ha-e .rown "oun., Ma" "ou not ad-an/e in "earsL That sla-e-.irl returned to Umm Sulaim wee1in., Umm Sulaim said: 3 dau.hter2 what is the matter with "ouD She said: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has in-o6ed /urse u1on me that I should not .row in a.e and thus I would ne-er .row in a.e2 or she said2 in m" ( o0 li0e, Umm Sulaim went out wra11in. her head-dress hurriedl" until she met Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He said to her: Umm Sulaim2 what is the matter with "ouD She said: Allah:s A1ostle2 "ou in-o6ed /urse u1on m" or1han .irl, He said: Umm Sulaim2 what is thatD She said: She (the or1han .irl) states "ou ha-e /ursed her sa"in. that she not .row in a.e or .row in li0e, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) smiled and then said: Umm Sulaim2 don:t "ou 6now that I ha-e made this term with m" Lord, And the term with m" Lord is that I said to Him: $ am a human bein. and I am 1leased just as a human bein. is 1leased and I lose tem1er just as a human bein. loses tem1er2 so 0or an" 1erson 0rom m" Ummah whom I /urse and he in no wa" deser-es it2 let that2 3 Lord2 be made a sour/e o0 1uri0i/ation and 1urit" and nearness to (Allah) on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

7oo6 422 !umber )2;#:

Ibn Abbas re1orted: I was 1la"in. with /hildren that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha11ened to 1ass b" (us), I hid m"sel0 behind the door, He (the Hol" @ro1het) /ame and he 1atted u1on m" shoulders and said: Ho and /all Mu:awi"a, I returned and said: He is bus" in ta6in. 0ood, He a.ain as6ed me to .o and /all Mu:swi"a to him, I went (and /ame ba/6) and said that he was bus" in ta6in. 0ood2 whereu1on he said: Ma" Allah not 0ill his bell"L Ibn Muthanna2 said: I as6ed Umm Uma""a what he meant b" the word Hatani, He said: It meansC he 1atted m" shouldersC,

7oo6 422 !umber )2;;:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Abbas with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

$++; & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

'ha1ter 2*: The /ondemnation o0 one who 1la"s a double .ame and the 1rohibition o0 this beha-iour
7oo6 422 !umber )4 :
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The worst the 1eo1le is the double-0a/ed oneB he /omes to some 1eo1le with one 0a/e and to others with the other 0a/e,

7oo6 422 !umber )4 $:

Abu Huraira re1orted that he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The worst 1eo1le is one with the double 0a/e, He /omes to some 1eo1le with one 0a/e and to others with the other 0a/e,

7oo6 422 !umber )4 2:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Kou will 0ind the worst the 1eo1le one ha-in. double 0a/e, He /omes to some 1eo1le with one 0a/e and to the others with the other 0a/e,

'ha1ter 2+: =orbiddan/e o0 tellin. a lie and the /ases in whi/h tellin. o0 lie is 1ermissible
7oo6 422 !umber )4 4:
Humaid b, :Abd al-Aahman b, :Au0 re1orted that his mother Umm >ulthum dau.hter o0 :Uqba b, Abu Mu:ait2 and she was one the 0irst emi.rants who 1led.ed alle.ian/e to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 as sa"in. that she heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A liar is not one who tries to brin. re/on/iliation 1eo1le and s1ea6s .ood (in order to a-ert dis1ute)2 or he /on-e"s .ood, Ibn Shihab said he did not hear that e5em1tion was .ranted in an"thin. what the 1eo1le s1ea6 as lie but in three /ases: in battle2 0or re/on/iliation 1ersons and the narration o0 the words o0 the husband to his wi0e2 and the narration o0 the words o0 a wi0e to her husband (in a twisted 0orm in order to brin. re/on/iliation between them),

$+) & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

7oo6 422 !umber )4 *:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Shihab with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 422 !umber )4 +:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Guhri with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter 2): Serious 1rohibition o0 tale-/arr"in.

7oo6 422 !umber )4 ):
:Abdullah b, Mas:ud re1orted that Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Should I in0orm "ou that slanderin.2 that is in 0a/t a tale-/arr"in. whi/h /reates dissension 1eo1le2 (and) he (0urther) said: The 1erson tells the truth until he is re/orded as truth0ul2 and lie tells a lie until lie is re/orded as a liar,

'ha1ter 2%: The e-il o0 a lie and the .oodness o0 truth and its merit
7oo6 422 !umber )4 %:
:Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Truth leads one to @aradise and -irtue leads one to @aradise and the 1erson tells the truth until he is re/orded as truth0ul2 and lie leads to obs/enit" and obs/enit" leads to Hell2 and the 1erson tells a lie until he is re/orded as a liar,

7oo6 422 !umber )4 #:

:Abdullah b, Mas:ud re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Tellin. o0 truth is a -irtue and -irtue leads to @aradise and the ser-ant who endea-ours to tell the truth is re/orded as truth0ul2 and lie is obs/enit" and obs/enit" leads to Hell-=ire2 and the ser-ant who endea-ours to tell a lie is re/orded as a liar, Ibn Abu Shaiba re1orted this 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

$+)$ & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

7oo6 422 !umber )4 ;:

:Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is obli.ator" 0or "ou to tell the truth2 0or truth leads to -irtue and -irtue leads to @aradise2 and the man who /ontinues to s1ea6 the truth and endea-ours to tell the truth is e-entuall" re/orded as truth0ul with Allah2 and beware o0 tellin. o0 a lie 0or tellin. o0 a lie leads to obs/enit" and obs/enit" leads to Hell-=ire2 and the 1erson who 6ee1s tellin. lies and endea-ours to tell a lie is re/orded as a liar with Allah,

7oo6 422 !umber )4$ :

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters and no mention is made in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 :Isa (o0 these words):C He who endea-ours to tell the truth and endea-ours to tell a lie2C and in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Mushir (the words are):C Until Allah re/ords itC,

'ha1ter 2#: The merit o0 sel0-/ontrol at the time o0

7oo6 422 !umber )4$$:
Abdullah b, Mas:ud re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hom do "ou /ount asC AaqubC "ouD The" (his 'om1anions) said: 3ne who has no /hildren (the /hildren are born unto him but the" do not sur-i-e), Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: He is not a Aaqub but Aaqub is one who does not 0ind his /hild as the 0orerunner (in @aradise), He then said: ?hom do "ou /ount as a wrestler "ouD ?e said: He who wrestles with 1ersons, He said: !o2 it is not he but one who /ontrols himsel0 when in a 0it o0 ra.e,

7oo6 422 !umber )4$2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 422 !umber )4$4:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The stron.-man is not one who wrestles well but the stron. man is one who /ontrols himsel0 when he is in a 0it o0 ra.e,

$+)2 & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

7oo6 422 !umber )4$*:

Abu Huraira re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 3ne is not stron. be/ause o0 one:s wrestlin. s6ill0ull", The" said: Allah:s Messen.er2 then who is stron.D He said: He who /ontrols his when he is in a 0it o0 ra.e,

7oo6 422 !umber )4$+:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 422 !umber )4$):

Sulaiman b, Surad re1orted that two 1ersons abused ea/h other in the 1resen/e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and the e"es o0 one o0 them be/ame red as embers and the -eins o0 his ne/6 were swollen, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I 6now o0 a wordin.2 i0 he were to utter that2 his 0it o0 ra.e (would be no more and that wordin. is): I see6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom Satan the a//ursed, The 1erson said: 9o "ou 0ind an" madness in meD Ibn al-:Ala: said: 9o "ou see itD And he made no mention o0 the 1erson,

7oo6 422 !umber )4$%:

Sulaiman b, Surad re1orted that two 1ersons abused ea/h other in the 1resen/e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and one o0 them 0ell into a ra.e and his 0a/e be/ame red, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw him and said: I 6now o0 a wordin.B i0 he were to utter that2 he would .et out (o0 the 0it o0 (and the wordin. is): I see6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom Satan2 the a//ursed, Thereu1on2 a 1erson went to him who had heard that 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said to him: 9o "ou 6now what Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saidD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I 6now o0 a wordin.B i0 he were to sa" that2 (the 0it) would be no more (and the words are): I see6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom Satan2 the a//ursed, And the 1erson said to him: 9o "ou 0ind me madD

7oo6 422 !umber )4$#:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

$+)4 & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

'ha1ter 2;: It is the -er" nature o0 man that he loses /ontrol

7oo6 422 !umber )4$;:
Anas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen Allah 0ashioned Adam in @aradise2 He le0t him as He li6ed him to lea-e, Then Iblis roamed round him to see what a/tuall" that was and when he 0ound him hollow 0rom within2 he re/o.nised that he had been /reated with a dis1osition that he would not ha-e /ontrol o-er himsel0,

7oo6 422 !umber )42 :

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Humaid with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 4 : It is 0orbidden to stri6e at the 0a/e

7oo6 422 !umber )42$:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen an" one o0 "ou 0i.hts with his brother he should a-oid stri6in. at the 0a/e,

7oo6 422 !umber )422:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Ginad and he said:C ?hen one "ou stri6es (at the 0a/e),C

7oo6 422 !umber )424:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen an" one o0 "ou 0i.hts with his brother2 he should s1are his 0a/e,

7oo6 422 !umber )42*:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen an" one o0 "ou 0i.hts with his brother2 he should not sla1 at the 0a/e,

$+)* & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

7oo6 422 !umber )42+:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira and in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Hatim Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is re1orted to ha-e said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou 0i.hts with his brother2 he should a-oid his 0a/e 0or Allah /reated Adam in His own ima.e,

7oo6 422 !umber )42):

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen an" one o0 "ou 0i.hts with his brother2 he should a-oid the 0a/e,

'ha1ter 4$: Hrim warnin. to one who torments 1eo1le without an" -alid justi0i/ation
7oo6 422 !umber )42%:
:Urwa re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Hisham b, Ha6im b, Hi8am ha11ened to 1ass b" some 1eo1le in S"ria who had been made to stand in the sun and oli-e-oil was bein. 1oured u1on their heads, He said: ?hat is thisD It was said: The" are bein. 1unished 0or (not 1a"in.) the >haraj (the .o-ernment re-enue), Thereu1on he said: Allah would 1unish those who torment 1eo1le in this world (without an" .enuine reason),

7oo6 422 !umber )42#:

Hisham re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Hisham b, Ha6im b, Hi8am ha11ened to 1ass b" 1eo1le2 the 0armers o0 S"ria2 who had been made to stand in the sun, He said: ?hat is the matter with themD The" said: The" ha-e been detained 0or Fi8"a, Thereu1on Hisham said: I bear testimon" to the 0a/t that I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah would torment those who torment 1eo1le in the world,

7oo6 422 !umber )42;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters and he made this addition o0 Farir that (Hisham b, Ha6im) went to Umair b, Sa:d who was then ruler in @alestine and he narrated to him this hadith and he (submittin. be0ore the words o0 the @ro1het) /ommanded that the" should be let o00 and so the" were let o00,

$+)+ & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

7oo6 422 !umber )44 :

:Urwa b, Gubair re1orted that Hisham b, Ha6im 0ound a 1erson (the ruler o0 Hims) who had been detainin. some !abateans in /onne/tion with the dues o0 Fi8"a, He said: ?hat is thisD I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah would torment those 1ersons who torment 1eo1le in the world,

'ha1ter 42: He who .oes in the mosque or in the ba8ar or a 1la/e o0 .atherin. li6e it with a wea1on should see that the s1earhead does not harm an"one
7oo6 422 !umber )44$:
:Amr heard Fabir as sa"in.: A 1erson ha11ened to /ome to the mosque with an arrowB thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: Ta6e hold o0 its 1ointed head,

7oo6 422 !umber )442:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted that a 1erson ha11ened to /ome to the mosque with arrows and their iron-ends were e51osed2 so he was /ommanded that he should .ras1 the 1ointed heads so that these not do an" harm to a Muslim,

7oo6 422 !umber )444:

Fabir re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded a 1erson who had been distributin. arrows 0reel" in the mosque that he should not mo-e about in the mosque but b" /at/hin. hold o0 their iron-heads, Ibn Aumh narrated this with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 422 !umber )44*:

Abd Musa re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen an" one o0 "ou ha11ens to .o to a meetin. or the ba8ar with an arrow in his hand he must .ras1 its 1ointed headB then (he a.ain said): He must .ras1 its 1ointed head, Abu Musa said: 7" Allah2 we did not /ourt death until some o0 us had 0lun. arrows u1on the 0a/es o0 one another,

$+)) & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

7oo6 422 !umber )44+:

Abu Musa re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) assa"in.: He who "ou mo-es in the mosque or in the ba8ar and there is an arrow with him he should ta6e hold o0 its ironhead in his 1alm2 so that none the Muslims should re/ei-e an" injur" 0rom it2 or he said2 should /at/h its iron-head,

'ha1ter 44: The 1rohibition o0 1ointin. a wea1on towards a muslim

7oo6 422 !umber )44):
Abu Huraira re1orted: Abu:l-Easim (the 6un"a o0 Allah:s Messen.er2 ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said: He who 1ointed a wea1on towards his brother the an.els in-o6e /urse u1on him e-en i0 he is his real brother so lon. as he does not abandon it (the 1ointin. o0 wea1on towards one:s brother Muslim),

7oo6 422 !umber )44%:

Abu Huraira re1orted a hadith li6e this 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 422 !umber )44#:

Abu Huraira re1orted a hadith 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) B (one o0 them was this) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !one "ou should 1oint a wea1on towards his brother2 0or he does not 6now that Satan /ause the wea1on (to sli1) 0rom his hand and (he ma" injure an"one) and thus he ma" 0all into Hell-=ire,

'ha1ter 4*: The merit o0 remo-in. o0 an"thin. troublesome 0rom the 1ath
7oo6 422 !umber )44;:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hile a 1erson was .oin. alon. the 1ath he 0ound a thorn" bran/h u1on it, He 1ushed it to a side and Allah a11ro-ed (this a/tion) o0 his and (as a mar6 o0 a11re/iation) .ranted him 1ardon,
$+)% & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

7oo6 422 !umber )4* :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A 1erson while wal6in. alon. the 1ath saw the bran/hes o0 a tree l"in. there, He said: 7" Allah2 I shall remo-e these 0rom this so that these ma" not do harm to the Muslims2 and he was admitted to @aradise,

7oo6 422 !umber )4*$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that he saw a 1erson enjo"in. himsel0 in @aradise be/ause o0 the tree that he /ut 0rom the 1ath whi/h was a sour/e o0 in/on-enien/e to the 1eo1le,

7oo6 422 !umber )4*2:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that there was a tree whi/h /aused in/on-enien/e to the MuslimsB a 1erson /ame there and /ut that (tree) (and thus entered ) @aradise),

7oo6 422 !umber )4*4:

Abu 7ar8a re1orted: I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 tea/h me somethin. so that I ma" deri-e bene0it 0rom it, He said: Aemo-e the troublesome thin. 0rom the 1aths o0 the Muslims,

7oo6 422 !umber )4**:

Abu 7ar8a re1orted that he said to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): Allah:s Messen.er2 I do not 6now whether I would sur-i-e a0ter "ou2 so /on0er u1on me somethin. b" whi/h Allah should bene0it me, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o this and that and remo-e the troublesome thin.s 0rom the 1aths,

'ha1ter 4+: =orbiddan/e o0 tormentin. the /at or the animals li6e that whi/h do not harm
7oo6 422 !umber )4*+:
Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A woman was tormented be/ause o0 a /at whi/h she had /on0ined until it died and she had to .et into Hell, She did not allow it either to eat or drin6 as it was /on0ined2 nor did she 0ree it so that it eat the inse/ts o0 the earth,

$+)# & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

7oo6 422 !umber )4*):

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters, And Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A woman was tormented be/ause o0 a /at whi/h she had tied and thus allowed it neither to eat or drin6 nor set it 0ree so that it eat the inse/ts o0 the earth,

7oo6 422 !umber )4*%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 422 !umber )4*#:

Abu Huraira re1orted 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) A hadith out o0 whi/h one was this that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A woman .ot into Hell-=ire be/ause o0 a /at whom she had tied2 and thus it /ould not eat2 and she did not let it 0ree so that it /ould de-our the inse/ts o0 the earth2 until it died,

'ha1ter 4): The 1rohibition o0 1ride and -anit"

7oo6 422 !umber )4*;:
Abu Sa:id >hudri and Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 said: Hlor" is His lower .arment and Majest" is His /loa6 and (Allah sa"s2 ) He who /ontends with Me in re.ard to them I shall torment him,

'ha1ter 4%: It is 0orbidden to be/ome 0rustrated in re.ard to the mer/" o0 Allah

7oo6 422 !umber )4+ :
Fundub re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stated that a 1erson said: Allah would not 0or.i-e su/h and su/h (1erson), Thereu1on Allah the (5alted and Hlorious2 said: ?ho is he who adjures about Me that I would not .rant 1ardon to so and soB I ha-e .ranted 1ardon to so and so and blotted out his deeds (who too6 an oath that I would not .rant 1ardon to him),

$+); & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

'ha1ter 4#: The merits o0 the wea6 and downtrodden 1eo1le

7oo6 422 !umber )4+$:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) as sa"in.: Man" a 1erson with dishe-eled hair and /o-ered with dust is turned awa" 0rom the doors (whereas he is held in su/h a hi.h esteem b" Allah) that i0 he were to adjure in the name o0 Allah (about an"thin.) Allah would 0ul0il that,

'ha1ter 4;: It is 0orbidden to use the e51ression: CThe 1eo1le are undoneC
7oo6 422 !umber )4+2:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen a 1erson sa"s that 1eo1le are ruined he is himsel0 ruined, Abu Ishaq said: I do not 6now whether he saidC ahla6ahum or ahla6uhum,

7oo6 422 !umber )4+4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Suhail with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter * : 7ene-olent treatment towards the nei.hbour

7oo6 422 !umber )4+*:
:A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Habriel im1ressed u1on me (6ind treatment) towards the nei.hbour (so mu/h) that I as i0 he would /on0er u1on him the ( o0 inheritan/e,

7oo6 422 !umber )4++:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :A:isha throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,
$+% & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

7oo6 422 !umber )4+):

Ibn Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Habriel im1ressed u1on me (the 6ind treatment) towards the nei.hbour (so mu/h) that I as i0 he would soon /on0er u1on him the ( o0 inheritan/e,

7oo6 422 !umber )4+%:

Abu 9harr re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Abu 9harr2 when "ou 1re1are the broth2 add water to that and .i-e that (as a 1resent) to "our nei.hbour,

7oo6 422 !umber )4+#:

Abu 9harr re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded me thus: ?hene-er "ou 1re1are a broth2 add water to it2 and ha-e in "our mind the members o0 the household o0 "our nei.hbours and then .i-e them out o0 this with /ourtes",

'ha1ter *$: (5/ellen/e o0 meetin. one with a /reer0ul /ountenan/e

7oo6 422 !umber )4+;:
Abu 9harr re1orted: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: 9on:t /onsider an"thin. insi.ni0i/ant out o0 .ood thin.s e-en i0 it is that "ou meet "our brother with a /heer0ul /ountenan/e,

'ha1ter *2: The merit o0 re/ommendation whi/h in-ol-es nothin. unlaw0ul

7oo6 422 !umber )4) :
Abu Musa re1orted that when an" need" (1erson) /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with a need he /ommanded him to his 'om1anions2 sa"in.: Ma6e a re/ommendation 0or him2 and "ou would .et the reward, Allah2 howe-er2 .i-es the -erdi/t throu.h the ton.ue o0 His A1ostle what He li6es most,

$+%$ & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

'ha1ter *4: The merit o0 .ood /om1an" and a-oidan/e 0rom e-il /om1an"
7oo6 422 !umber )4)$:
Abu Musa re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The similitude o0 .ood /om1an" and that o0 bad /om1an" is that o0 the owner o0 mus6 and o0 the one (iron-smith) blowin. bellows2 and the owner o0 mus6 would either o00er "ou 0ree o0 /har.e or "ou would bu" it 0rom him or "ou would, smell its 1leasant odour2 and so 0ar as one who blows the, bellows is /on/erned2 he would either burn "our /lothes or "ou shall ha-e to smell its re1u.nant smell,

'ha1ter **: The merit o0 a//ordin. bene-olent treatment to dau.hters

7oo6 422 !umber )4)2:
:A:isha2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said: A woman /ame to me alon. with her two dau.hters, She as6ed me 0or (/harit") but she 0ound nothin. with me e5/e1t one date2 so I .a-e her that, She a//e1ted it and then di-ided it between her two dau.hters and hersel0 ate nothin. out o0 that, She then .ot u1 and went out2 and so did her two dau.hters, (In the meanwhile) Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited me and I narrated to him her stor", Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who is in-ol-ed (in the res1onsibilit") o0 ( u1) dau.hters2 and he a//ords bene-olent treatment towards them2 there would be 1rote/tion 0or him a.ainst Hell-=ire,

7oo6 422 !umber )4)4:

:A:isha re1orted: A 1oor woman /ame to me alon. with her dau.hters, I .a-e her three dates, She .a-e a date to ea/h o0 them and then she too6 u1 one date and that to her mouth in order to eat that2 but her dau.hters e51ressed desire to eat it, She then di-ided the date that she intended to eat between them, This (6ind) treatment o0 her im1ressed me and I mentioned that whi/h she did to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Thereu1on he said: <eril" Allah has assured @aradise 0or her2 be/ause o0 (this a/t) o0 her2 or He has res/ued her 0rom Hell-=ire,

$+%2 & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

7oo6 422 !umber )4)*:

Mali6 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He2 who u1 two .irls 1ro1erl" till the" .rew u12 he and I would /ome (to.ether) (-er" /losel") on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2 and he interla/ed his 0in.ers (0or e51lainin. the 1oint o0 nearness between him and that 1erson),

'ha1ter *+: The merit o0 one who resi.ns himsel0 to the will o0 .od /alml" at the time o0 the death o0 one:s son
7oo6 422 !umber )4)+:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: An"one the Muslims2 three o0 whose /hildren die2 and he resi.ns himsel0 /alml" to the will o0 Hod2 =ire will not tou/h him but 0or the 0ul0ilment o0 the oath,

7oo6 422 !umber )4)):

This hadith has been re1orted b" Guhri on the authorit" o0 Mali62 and in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Su0"an (the words are):C He would enter into =ire2 e5/e1t 0or the 0ul0ilment o0 the oath,C

7oo6 422 !umber )4)%:

Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to a woman o0 the Ansar: In /ase an"one "ou sees the sad demise o0 three /hildren o0 (hers) and she resi.ns hersel0 to the will o0 Hod ho1in. to .et reward2 she would be admitted to @aradise, A woman 0rom them said: Allah:s Messen.er2 e-en i0 the" (the /hildren who die) are two, Thereu1on2 he (the Hol" @ro1het2 ) said: (-en i0 the" are two,

7oo6 422 !umber )4)#:

Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted that a woman /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 men re/ei-e "our instru/tionsB 6indl" allo/ate at "our /on-enien/e a da" 0or us also2 on whi/h we would /ome to "ou and "ou would tea/h us what Allah has "ou, He said: Kou assemble on su/h and su/h a da", The" assembled and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to them and them what Allah had him and he then said: !o woman
$+%4 & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7) "ou who sends her three /hildren as her 0orerunners (in the Herea0ter) but the" would ser-e him as a 1rote/tion a.ainst Hell-=ire, A woman said: ?hat about two and two and twoD Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (-en i0 the" are two and two and two,

7oo6 422 !umber )4);:

Abu Huraira re1orted that he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Three (/hildren) who die in /hildhood,

7oo6 422 !umber )4% :

Abu Hassan re1orted: I said to Abu Huraira that m" two /hildren had died, ?ould "ou narrate to me an"thin. 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a hadith whi/h would soothe our hearts in our berea-ementsD He said: Kes, Small /hildren are the 0owls o0 @aradise, I0 one o0 them meets his 0ather (or he said his 1arents) he would ta6e hold o0 his /loth2 or he said with his hand as I ta6e hold o0 the hem o0 "our /loth (with m" hand), And he (the /hild) would not ta6e o00 (his hand) 0rom it until Allah /auses his 0ather to enter @aradise, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Tamim with the same /hain o0 transmitters, And he is re1orted to ha-e said: 9id "ou hear 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) an"thin. whi/h ma" soothe our heart in our berea-ementsD He said: Kes,

7oo6 422 !umber )4%$:

Abu Huraira re1orted that a woman /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with her /hild and said: Allah:s A1ostle2 in-o6e Allah:s blessin. u1on him 0or I ha-e alread" buried three, He said: Kou ha-e buried threeL She said: Kes, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kou ha-e2 indeed2 sa0e.uarded "oursel0 a.ainst the torment o0 Hell with a stron. sa0e.uard, :Umar has made a mention o0 his 0ather2 whereas others ha-e not made a mention o0 his 0ather,

7oo6 422 !umber )4%2:

Abu Huraira re1orted that a woman /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with her /hild and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 he is ailin.2 and I am a0raid (that he ma" die)2 as I ha-e alread" buried three, Thereu1on he said: It (their sad demise) would be a 1rote/tion a.ainst Hell-=ire 0or "ou, Guhair has not mentioned the 6un"a o0 Abu Hhi"athB he has mentioned his name,

$+%* & $#

SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

'ha1ter *): ?hen Allah lo-es a ser-ant2 his 0ellowser-ants also to lo-e him
7oo6 422 !umber )4%4:
Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen Allah lo-es a ser-ant2 He /alls Habriel and sa"s: <eril"2 I so and soB "ou should also lo-e him2 and then Habriel be.ins to lo-e him, Then he ma6es an announ/ement in the hea-en sa"in.: Allah lo-es so and so and "ou also lo-e him2 and then the inhabitants o0 the Hea-en (the An.els) also to lo-e him and then there is /on0erred honour u1on him in the earthB and when Allah is an.r" with an" ser-ant He /alls Habriel and sa"s: I am an.r" with su/h and su/h and "ou also be/ome an.r" with him2 and then Habriel also be/omes an.r" and then ma6es an announ/ement the inhabitants o0 hea-en: <eril" Allah is an.r" with so-and so2 so "ou also be/ome an.r" with him2 and thus the" also be/ome an.r" with him, Then he be/omes the obje/t o0 wrath on the earth also,

7oo6 422 !umber )4%*:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Suhail with the same /hain o0 transmitters e5/e1t with this -ariation that in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 :Ali: b, Musa""ib2 there is no mention o0 (the word)C An.erC,

7oo6 422 !umber )4%+:

Suhail b, Abi Salih2 re1orted: ?e were in Ara0a that there ha11ened to 1ass Umar b, Abd al-:A8i8 and he was the Amir o0 Hajj, @eo1le stood u1 in order to /at/h a .lim1se o0 him, I said to m" 0ather: =ather2 I thin6 that Allah lo-es Umar b, Abd al- :A8i8, He said: How is itD I said: It is be/ause o0 the lo-e in 1eo1le:s heart 0or him, Thereu1on he said: 7" 3ne ?ho /reated "our 0ather2 I heard Abu Huraira narratin. 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a hadith li6e one transmitted on the authorit" o0 Suhail,

'ha1ter *%: Souls are troo1s /olle/ted to.ether

7oo6 422 !umber )4%):
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) Sa"in.: Souls are troo1s /olle/ted to.ether and those who 0amiliarised with ea/h other (in the hea-en 0rom where these /ome)

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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

would ha-e a00init"2 with one another (in the world) and those them who o11osed ea/h other (in the Hea-en) would also be di-er.ent (in the world),

7oo6 422 !umber )4%%:

Abu Huraira narrated dire/tl" 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he said: @eo1le are li6e mines o0 .old and sil-erB those who were e5/ellent in Fahili"a (durin. the da"s o0 i.noran/e) are e5/ellent In Islam2 when the" ha-e2 an understandin.2 and the souls are troo1s /olle/ted to.ether and those who had a mutual 0amiliarit" themsel-es in the store o0 1renatal e5isten/e would ha-e a00init" them2 (in this world also) and those who o11osed one o0 them2 would be at -arian/e with one another,

'ha1ter *#: A 1erson would be alon. with him whom he lo-es

7oo6 422 !umber )4%#:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that a desert Arab said to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): ?hen would be the Last HourD Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hat 1re1aration ha-e "ou made 0or thatD Thereu1on he said: The lo-e o0 Allah and o0 His (that is m" 1re1aration 0or the Last Hour) (0or the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion), Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kou would be alon. with one whom "ou lo-e,

7oo6 422 !umber )4%;:

Anas re1orted that a 1erson said to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): ?hen would be the Last HourD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hat 1re1aration ha-e "ou made 0or thatD And he .a-e no details2 but said: I lo-e Allah and His, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kou would be alon. with one whom "ou lo-e, Anas b, Mali6 re1orted throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters that a desert Arab /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on2 him)2 the rest o0 the hadith is the same but with this -ariation that he said: I ha-e not made mu/h 1re1arations whi/h merit a11re/iation 0or m"sel0,

7oo6 422 !umber )4# :

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that a 1erson /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said to Allah:s ?hen would be the Last HourD Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hat 1re1aration ha-e "ou made 0or the Last HourD He said: The lo-e o0 Allah and o0 His (is m"
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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

onl" 1re1aration), Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kou would be alon. with one whom "ou lo-e, Anas said: !othin. 1leased us more a0ter a//e1tin. Islam than the words o0 Allah:s A1ostle: Kou would be alon. with one whom "ou lo-e, And Anas said, I lo-e Allah and His and Abu 7a6r and Umar2 and I ho1e that I would be alon. with them althou.h I ha-e not a/ted li6e them,

7oo6 422 !umber )4#$:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) this hadith throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters but he did not ma6e mention o0 the words o0 Anas: I lo-e2 and what 0ollows subsequentl",

7oo6 422 !umber )4#2:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and I were /omin. out o0 the mosque that we met a 1erson on the threshold o0 the mosque and he said to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): ?hen would be the Last HourD Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hat 1re1aration ha-e "ou made 0or thatD The man be/ame silent and then said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I ha-e made no si.ni0i/ant 1re1aration with 1ra"er and 0astin. and /harit" but I2 howe-er2 lo-e Allah and His, Thereu1on (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kou would be alon. with one whom "ou lo-e,

7oo6 422 !umber )4#4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 422 !umber )4#*:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Anas with a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 422 !umber )4#+:

:Abdullah re1orted that a 1erson /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): ?hat is "our o1inion about the 1erson who lo-es the 1eo1le but his (a/ts or deeds are not identi/al to theirs)D Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A 1erson would be alon. with one whom he lo-es,

7oo6 422 !umber )4#):

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah,

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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

7oo6 422 !umber )4#%:

Abu Musa2 re1orted that a 1erson /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) B the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

'ha1ter *;: ?hen a 1ious 1erson is 1raised that is .lad tidin.s 0or him
7oo6 422 !umber )4##:
Abu 9harr re1orted: It was said to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): ?hat is "our o1inion about the 1erson who has done .ood deeds and the 1eo1le 1raise himD He said: It is .lad tidin.s 0or a belie-er (whi/h he has re/ei-ed in this mortal world),

7oo6 422 !umber )4#;:

This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters also and the one transmitted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba (the words are):C @eo1le lo-e him,C In the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 :Abd-us-Samad (the words are):C @eo1le 1raise him as stated b" Hammad,C

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SAHIH MUSLIM 733> 42: TH( 733> 3= <IATU(2 H339 MA!!(AS A!9 F3I!I!H 3= TH( TI(S 3= A(LATI3!SHI@ (>ITA7 AL-7IAA ?AS-SALATI-?A:L-A9A7)

733> 44: TH( 733> 3= 9(STI!K (>ITA7-UL-EA9A)

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733> 44: TH( 733> 3= 9(STI!K (>ITA7-UL-EA9A)

?hether the 0ate o0 man is 1redestined or he himsel0 is the ar/hite/t o0 it2 is a question whi/h has been -er" o0ten dis/ussed b" s/holars o0 all times, This 1roblem is si.ni0i/antl" im1ortant as no sensible man, not e-en the man in the street2 /an a00ord to i.nore it, =aith in Taqdir (9estin") has a -er" dee1 im1a/t u1on our li-es and we alwa"s 0ind our li-es os/illatin. between determinism and 0reewill, As a man loo6s around himsel0 and loo6s to his own sel0 and within himsel02 he 0inds that there are hundred and one thin.s in sha1in. and resha1in. o0 whi/h he has no hand2 e, ., in determinin. the /limate o0 the land in whi/h he is born2 in /analisin. the /ourses o0 ri-ers whi/h 0low therein and in determinin. the nature o0 the soil thereo0, He 0inds himsel0 absolutel" 1owerless, As he loo6s to himsel0 he 0inds that there are so man" thin.s In him whi/h are be"ond his /ontrol2 -i8, the measure o0 intelle/t he has been endowed with2 the sha1e and 0orm o0 his 1h"si/al stru/ture with whi/h he has been sent to this world2 and the in/linations and so man" other qualities o0 head and heart whi/h are embedded in his -er" nature, In all these as1e/ts o0 li0e he 0inds himsel0 hel1less be0ore the Hreat and" @ower that /reated him, 3n the other hand2 there are so man" thin.s in whi/h man 0inds himsel0 quite em1owered, As he loo6s to the mar-ellous a/hie-ements o0 man des1ite all odds2 he 0inds it di00i/ult to belie-e that he is a mere 1u11et in the" hand o0 !ature, This 1roblem o0 1redestination and 0reewill2 in whi/h man 0inds his li0e has been adequatel" sol-ed b" the Eur:an and the Sunnah, ?e .i-e below a brie0 summar" o0 their elu/idations, The 0irst 1rin/i1le whi/h Islam la"s down in re.ard to Taqdir is that man is neither /om1letel" the master o0 his 0ate nor is he bound to the blind law o0 1redestination, So 0ar as the so-erei.nt" o0 Allah:s ?ill is /on/erned2 it is all-1er-adin. and nothin. 0alls outside its orbit, !ot e-en a lea02 there0ore2 stirs without His ?ill, It is His ?ill that 1re-ails e-er"where, To Hod belon.s the so-erei.nt" o0 Hea-ens and the (arth, He /reated what He 1leaseth2 .i-in. to whom He 1leaseth 0emales and to whom He 1leaseth males or /onjoinin. them males and 0emales2 and He ma6eth whom He 1leaseth barren2 -eri0" He hath 6nowled.e and 1ower (5lii, *#), Men are2 there0ore2 /om1letel" subordinate to the o-errulin. 1ower o0 Hod2 the" /annot do an"thin. unless Hod wills so, C ?hom Hod .uideth he is the ri.htl"-.uided, ?hom he sendeth stra"2 thou wilt not 0ind a 1atron to set him (5-iii, $)), His" .ras1 is2 there0ore2 o-er e-er"thin., The" Lord2 ?ho has /reated e-er"thin. and has determined its nature and /ourse2 has in His in0inite wisdom and mer/" /on0erred u1on man a limited autonom" a//ordin. to whi/h a man is 0ree to do or not to do a /ertain thin., It is be/ause o0 this autonom" enjo"ed b" man that he is hold a//ountable 0or his deeds, The /on/e1t o0 hu-

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733> 44: TH( 733> 3= 9(STI!K (>ITA7-UL-EA9A)

man res1onsibilit" and that o0 his answerabilit" 0or his deeds and misdeeds be/omes meanin.less i0 he is su11osed to be de1ri-ed o0 this autonom", There are2 a lar.e number o0 -erses in the Hol" Eur:an whi/h ma6e a 1ointed re0eren/e to the autonom" /on0erred u1on man, Man shall ha-e nothin. but that what he stri-es 0or (liii, 4;), Allah does not /han.e the /ondition o0 a 1eo1le until the" /han.e it themsel-es (-iii, +4B 5iii, $$), Those who stri-e in His 1ath2 are .uided in the 1ath2 while those who 1ersist in denial and sin0ul li-i0i. ha-e their hearts sealed a.ainst 0aith (ii, %2 2)B i-, $++B -B, i, $ 2), Allah does not /om1el belie0 and lea-es the 1eo1le 0ree to belie-e or disbelie-e (-i, 4+2 $+ B 5-i-, ;), ?hoe-er has done an atorn:s o0 .ood shall meet with its reward and whoe-er has done an atom:s o0 e-il shall meet with its /onsequen/es (5/i5, %-#), It should be borne in mind in this /onne/tion that the word Taqdir used in the Eur:an does not alwa"s si.ni0" somethin. 1redestined, It at times im1lies a measure or the latent 1otentialities or 1ossibilities with whi/h Allali /reated man and all thin.s o0 !ature, =or e5am1le: He /reated e-er"thin. 0or its 9estin" (or its Measure) (55-, 2), In Sura +*2 -erse ; (the words are): ?e /reated e-er"thin. a//ordin. to a Measure or 9estin", In both these -erses 9estin" im1iies the inward rea/h o0 thin.s2 their latent 1otentialities or 1ossibilities, The idea o0 9estin" as we 0ind in the hadith that Hod wrote down the de/rees re.ardin. the /reated world 0i0t" thousand "ears be0ore He /reated the Hea-ens and the (arth does not in an" wa" mean that Hod /reated a blo/6 Uni-erse2 0inished o00 and /om1lete2 bound to the iron 0ormulae o0 !ature, Here the idea behind Taqdir is that the /reation o0 this uni-erse is not a//idental but somethin. 1re1lanned and 1re-/on/ei-ed and it was sha1ed a//ordin. to the Hrand 9esi.n o0 the Hreatest 9esi.ner, There is no element o0 /han/e in the /reation o0 this Uni-erse, (-er"thin. is well-set and well-1lanned, The idea that Allah has a 0ore6nowled.e o0 e-er"thin. that He /reated and the e-ents un0old themsel-es e5a/tl" a//ordin. to it2 does not im1l" that human bein.s ha-e been /om1letel" de1ri-ed o0 the 0reedom o0 a/tion, The 0ore6nowled.e o0 Hod is an a/6nowled.ed 0a/t2 but it should not be inter1reter in the sense o0 1redestination2 0or i0 we do so we shall ha-e to /on/ei-e o0 eternit" as a storehouse o0 read"-made e-ents2 0rom whi/h the" dro1 one b" one li6e 1arti/les o0 sand in a .lass hour, I0 we ta6e the 0ore6nowled.e to be a re0le/tin. mirror we shall ha-e to de1ri-e the 'reator and the 'ontroller o0 the Uni-erse o0 His 'reati-e a/ti-it", 9r Muhammad Iqbal has shed a .ood deal o0 o-er this 1roblem, He sa"s:C 9i-ine 6nowled.e must be /on/ei-ed as a li-in. /reati-e a/ti-it" to whi/h the obje/ts that a11ear to e5ist in their own are or.ani/all" related, 7" /on/ei-in. Hod:s 6nowled.e as a 6ind o0 re0le/tin. mirror2 we no doubt sa-e His 0ore-6nowled.e o0 0uture e-ents2 but it is ob-ious that we do so at the e51ense o0 His

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733> 44: TH( 733> 3= 9(STI!K (>ITA7-UL-EA9A)

0reedom, The 0uture /ertainl" 1re-e5ists in the or.ani/ whole o0 Hod:s /reati-e li0e2 but it 1re-e5ists as an o1en 1ossibilit"2 not as a 0i5ed order o0 e-ents with de0inite outlines,C ?e should bear in mind that the idea o0 1ut2 1resent and 0uture is somethin. relati-e and is /on/ei-ed b" the inite wind o0 man, It is, howe-er2 a .reat now in the e"e o0 the All-Seein. Hod, The whole e51anse o0 eternit" lies be0ore Him in the sha1e o0 now, >nowled.e is2 there0ore2 an a/t o0 /reati-e a/ti-it" and not the mere re0le/tion o0 it, ?hen He de/rees a thin. it ha11ens and He 6nows it be0ore it ha11ens, Hod in Islam is not2 there0ore2 a 1risoner o0 ne/enit", He is a 0ree 'reator, The /on/e1t o0 1redestination in Islam2 there0ore2 does not in an" wa" mean hel1less abandonment o0 onesel0 to otherwise unwel/ome 0ate, It means rather /o-o1eration with Hod2 stud"in. His will and onesel0 into unison with His @lannin. ?ill, 9estin" as /on/ei-ed b" Islam is2 thus2 b" no stret/h o0 ima.ination2 0atal to the 0reedom o0 /ondu/t and un0oldment o0 one:s inherent 1ossibilitiesB it is a sour/e o0 ins1iration and en/oura.ement and o1ens u1 -ast 0ields o0 human a/ti-it", It is not a messa.e o0 des1onden/" and des1air2 but a sour/e o0 sola/e2 /om0ort and ins1iration and a 1ower0ul means o0 e-o6in. a sense o0 1iet" and humilit" and sel0-surrender to the ?ill o0 Hod, It does not in/ul/ate in mind 0rustration and 1essimism2 ma6in. his li0e dar6 and drear"2 de-oid o0 ho1e and 1romise 0or the 0uture2 but it tea/hes him to 1ut his heart and soul in the sublime wor6 as assi.ned to him b" his Master,

'ha1ter $: The .rowth o0 a /hild in the womb o0 a mother and his destin" in re.ard to his li-elihood2 his deeds2 both .ood and e-il
7oo6 442 !umber )4; :
Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who is the most truth0ul (o0 the human bein.s) and his bein. truth0ul (is a 0a/t) said: <eril" "our /reation is on this wise, The /onstituents o0 one o0 "ou are /olle/ted 0or 0ort" da"s in his mother:s womb in the 0orm o0 blood2 a0ter whi/h it be/omes a /lot o0 blood in another 1eriod o0 0ort" da"s, Then it be/omes a lum1 o0 0lesh and 0ort" da"s later Allah sends His an.el to it with instru/tions /on/ernin. 0our thin.s2 so the an.el writes down his li-elihood2 his death2 his deeds2 his 0ortune and mis0ortune, 7" Him2 besides ?hom there is no .od2 that one "ou a/ts li6e the 1eo1le deser-in. @aradise until between him and @aradise there remains but the distan/e o0 a /ubit2 when suddenl" the writin. o0 destin" o-er/omes him and he be.ins to a/t li6e the deni8ens o0 Hell and thus enters Hell2 and another one a/ts in the wa" o0 the deni8ens o0 Hell2 until there remains between him and Hell a distan/e o0 a /ubit that the writin. o0 destin" o-er/omes him and then he be.ins to a/t li6e the 1eo1le o0 @aradise and enters @aradise,

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733> 44: TH( 733> 3= 9(STI!K (>ITA7-UL-EA9A)

7oo6 442 !umber )4;$:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters and in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 ?a6i: (the words are):C The /reation o0 an" one o0 "ou is li6e this that (semen) is /olle/ted in the womb o0 the mother 0or 0ort" ni.hts2C and in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba (the words are):C =ort" ni.hts and 0ort" da"s,C And in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Farir and :Isa (the words are):C =ort" da"s,C

7oo6 442 !umber )4;2:

Hudhai0a b, Usaid re1orted dire/tl" 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that lie said: ?hen the dro1 o0 (semen) remains in the womb 0or 0ort" or 0i0t" (da"s) or 0ort" ni.hts2 the an.el /omes and sa"s: M" Lord2 will he be .ood or e-ilD And both these thin.s would be written, Then the an.el sa"s: M" Lord2 would he be male or 0emaleD And both these thin.s are written, And his deeds and a/tions2 his death2 his li-elihoodB these are also re/orded, Then his do/ument o0 destin" is rolled and there is no2 addition to and subtra/tion 0rom it,

7oo6 442 !umber )4;4:

:Abdullah b, Mas:ud re1orted: (-il one is he who is e-il in the womb o0 his mother and the .ood one is he who ta6es lesson 0rom the (0ate o0) others, The narrator /ame to a 1erson 0rom the 'om1anion o0 Allah:s Me (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who was /alled Hudhai0a b, Usaid Hhi0ari and said: How /an a 1erson be an e-il one without (/ornmittiln. an e-il) deedD Thereu1on the 1erson said to him: Kou are sur1rised at this2 whereas I ha-e heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa-in.: ?hen 0ort" ni.hts 1ass a0ter the semen .ets into the womb2 Allah sends the an.el and .i-es him the sha1e, Then he /reates his sense o0 hearin.2 sense o0 si.ht2 his s6in2 his 0lesh2 his bones2 and then sa"s: M" Lord2 would he be male or 0emaleD And "our Lord de/ides as He desires and the an.el then 1uts down that also and then sa"s: M" Lord2 what about his a.eD And "our Lord de/ides as He li6es it and the an.el 1uts it down, Then he sa"s: M" Lord2 what about his li-elihoodD And then the Lord de/ides as He li6es and the an.el writes it down2 and then the an.el .ets out with his s/roll o0 destin" in his hand and nothin. is added to it and nothin. is subtra/ted 0rom it,

7oo6 442 !umber )4;*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, Mas:ud throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 442 !umber )4;+:

Abu Tu0ail re1orted: I -isited Abu Sariha Hudhai0a b, Usaid al-Hhi0ari who said: I listened with these two ears o0 mine Allahs (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The semen sta"s in the
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733> 44: TH( 733> 3= 9(STI!K (>ITA7-UL-EA9A)

womb 0or 0ort" ni.hts2 then the an.el2 .i-es it a sha1e, Gubair said: I thin6 that he said: 3ne who 0ashions that and de/ides whether he would be male or 0emale, Then he (the an.el) sa"s: ?ould his limbs be 0ull or im1er0e/tD And then the Lord ma6es thein 0ull and 1er0e/t or otherwise as He desires, Then he sa"s: M" Lord2 what about his li-elihood2 and his death and what about his dis1ositionD And then the Lord de/ides about his mis0ortune and 0ortune,

7oo6 442 !umber )4;):

Hadhai0a b, Usaid Hhi0ari2 a 'om1anion o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted it dire/tl" 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e u1on him), as he said: There is an an.el who loo6s a0ter the womb when Allah de/ides to /reate an"- thin. a0ter more than 0ort" ni.hts are o-erB the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 442 !umber )4;%:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted dire/tl" 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he said: Allah2 the (5lated and Hlorious2 has a11ointed an an.el as the /areta6er o0 the womb2 and he would sa": M" Lord2 it is now a dro1 o0 semenB m" Lord2 It is now a /lot o0 bloodB m" Lord2 it has now be/o me a lum1 o0 0lesh2 and when Allah de/ides to .i-e it a 0inal sha1e2 the an.el sa"s: M" Lord2 would it be male or 0emale or would he be an e-il or a .ood 1ersonD ?hat about his li-elihood and his a.eD And it is all written as he is in the womb o0 his mother,

7oo6 442 !umber )4;#:

All re1orted: ?e were in a 0uneral in the .ra-e"ard o0 Hharqad that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to us and we sat around him, He had a sti/6 with him, He lowered his head and to s/rat/h the earth with his sti/62 and then raid: There is not one "ou whom a s/at in @aradise or Hell has not been allotted and about whom it has not been written down whether he would be an e-il 1erson or a blessed 1erson, A 1erson said: Allah:s Messen.er2 should we not then de1end n1on our destin" and abandon our deedsD Thereu1on he said: A/ts o0 e-er"one will be 0a/ilitated in2 that whi/h has been /reated 0or him so that whoe-er belon.s to the /om, 1an" o0 the blessed will ha-e .ood wor6s made easier 0or himand whoe-er belon.s to the un0ortunate ones will ha-e e-il a/ts made easier 0or him, He then re/ited this -erse (0rom the Eur:an):C Then2 who .i-es to the need" and .uardsa.ainst e-il and a//e1ts the e5/ellent (the truth o0 Islam and the 1ath o0 ri.hteousness it 1res/ribes)2 ?e shall ma6e eas" 0or him the eas" end and who is miserl" and /onsiders himsel0 abo-e need2 ?e shall ma6e eas" 0or him the di0i/ult endC, (T'ii, +-$ ),

7oo6 442 !umber )4;;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Mansur with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,
$+#* & $#


733> 44: TH( 733> 3= 9(STI!K (>ITA7-UL-EA9A)

7oo6 442 !umber )*

:Ali re1orted that one da" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was sittin. with a wood in his hand and he was s/rat/hin. the .round, He raised his head and said: There is not one "ou who has not been allotted his seat in @aradise or Hell, The" said: Allah:s, then2 wh" should we 1er0orm .ood deeds2 wh" not de1end u1on our destin"D Thereu1on he said, !o2 do 1er0orm .ood deeds2 0or e-er"one is 0a/ilitated in that 0or whi/h he has been /reatedB then he re/ited this -erse:C Then2 who .i-es to the need" and .uards a.ainst e-il and a//e1ts the e5/ellent (the truth o0 Islam and the 1ath o0 ri.hteousness it 1res/ribes)2 ?e shall ma6e eas" 0or him the eas" end,,,C (5/ii, +-$ ),

7oo6 442 !umber )* $:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Ali throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 442 !umber )* 2:

Fabir re1orted that Suriqa b, Mali6 b, Fu:shuin /ame and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 e51lain our reli.ion to us (in a wa") as i0 we ha-e been /reated just now, ?hosoe-er deeds we do toda"2 is it be/ause o0 the 0a/t that-the 1ens ha-e dried (a0ter re/ordin. them) and the destitiles ha-e to o1erate or these ha-e e00e/ts in 0utureD Thereu1on he said: The 1ens ha-e dried tmd destinies ha-e be.un to o1erate, (Suraqa b, Mali6) said: I0 it Is so2 then what is the use o0 doin. .ood deedsD Guhair said: Then Abu Gubair said somethin. but I /ould not understand that and I said, ?hat did he sa"D Thereu1on he said: A/t2 0or e-er"one is 0a/ilitated what he intends to do,

7oo6 442 !umber )* 4:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Fabir b, Abdullah with the same wordin. (and in/ludes these words):C Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (-er" doer o0 deed is 0a/ilitated in his a/tion,C

7oo6 442 !umber )* *:

:Imran b, Husain re1otted that it was said to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): Has there been drawn a distin/tion between the 1eo1le o0 @aradise and the deni8ens o0 hellD He said: Kes, It was a.ain said: (I0 it is so)2 then ?hat is the use o0 doin. .ood deedsD Thereu1on he said: (-er"one is 0a/ilitated in what has been /reated 0or him,

$+#+ & $#


733> 44: TH( 733> 3= 9(STI!K (>ITA7-UL-EA9A)

7oo6 442 !umber )* +:

This hadith has been narrated throu.h other /hains o0 transmiters with -ariations o0 wordin.,

7oo6 442 !umber )* ):

Abu al-Aswad re1orted that :Imran b Husain as6ed him: ?hat is "our -iew2 what the 1eo1le do toda" in the world2 and stri-e 0or2 is it somethin. de/reed 0or them or 1reordained 0or them or will their 0ate in the Herea0ter be deterrained b" the 0a/t that their @ro1hets them tea/hin. whi/h the" did not a/t u1onD I said: 30 /ourse2 it is somethin. whi/h is 1redetermined 0or them and 1reordained 0or them, He (0urther) said: Then2 would it not be an injusti/e (to 1unish them)D I 0elt .reatl" disturbed be/ause o0 that2 and said: (-er"thin. is /reated b" Allah and lies in His @ower, He would not be questioned as to what He does2 but the" would be questionedB thereu1on he said to me: Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on "ou2 I did not mean to as6 "ou but 0or testin. "our intelli.en/e, Two men o0 the tribe o0 Mu8aina /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 what is "our o1inion that the 1eo1le do in the world and stri-e 0or2 is somethin. de/reed 0or themB somethin. 1reordained 0or them and will their 0ate in the Herea0ter be determined b" the 0a/t that their @ro1hets them tea/hin.s whi/h the" did not a/t u1on, and thus the" be/ame deser-in. o0 1unishmentD Thereu1on2 he said: 30 /ourse2 it ha11ens as it is de/reed b" 9estin" and 1reordained 0or them2 and this -iew is /on0irmed b" this -erse o0 the 7oo6 o0 Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious:C 'onsider the soul and Him ?ho made it 1er0e/t2 then breathed into it its sin and its 1iet"C (5/i, #),

7oo6 442 !umber )* %:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: <eril"2 a 1erson 1er0orms deeds 0or a lon. time li6e the deeds o0 the 1eo1le o0 @aradise, Then his deeds are terminated li6e the deeds o0 the 1eo1le o0 Hell and2 -eril"2 a 1erson 1er0orms deeds li6e the deni8ens o0 =ire 0or a lon. time2 and then this deed o0 his is ultimatel" 0ollowed b" the deeds o0 the 1eo1le o0 @aradise,

7oo6 442 !umber )* #:

Sahl b, Sa:d re1orted it 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that a 1erson 1er0orms deeds li6e the deeds o0 the 1eo1le o0 @aradise a11arentl" be0ore 1eo1le and he would be the dwellers o0 Hell and a 1erson a/ts a11arentl" li6e the 1eo1le o0 Hell2 but (in 0a/t) he would be amon. the dwellers o0 @aradise,

$+#) & $#


733> 44: TH( 733> 3= 9(STI!K (>ITA7-UL-EA9A)

'ha1ter 2: The e5/han.e o0 ar.uments between Adam and Moses (allah be 1leased with both o0 them)
7oo6 442 !umber )* ;:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There was ar.ument between Adam and Moses, Moses said to Adam: Kou are our 0ather, Kou did us harm and /aused us to .et out o0 @aradise, Adam said to him: Kou are Moses, Allah sele/ted "ou (0or dire/t /on-ersation with "ou) and wrote with His own Hand the 7oo6 (Torah) 0or "ou, 9es1ite this "ou blame me 0or an a/t whi/h Allah had ordained 0or me 0ort" "ears be0ore He /reated me, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said:, This is how Adam /ame the better o0 Moses and Adam /ame the better o0 Moses,

7oo6 442 !umber )*$ :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There was ar.ument between Adam and Moses2 and Adam /ame the better o0 Moses, Moses said to him: Kou are the same Adam who misled 1eo1le2 and /aused them to .et out o0 @aradise, Adam said: Kou are the same (Moses) whom Allah endowed the 6nowled.e o0 e-er"thin. and sele/ted him the 1eo1le as His, He said: Kes, Adam then a.ain said: (-en then "ou blame me 0or an a00air whi/h had been ordained 0or me be0ore I was /reated,

7oo6 442 !umber )*$$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There was an ar.ument between Adam and Moses (1ea/e be u1on both o0 them) in the 1resen/e o0 their Lord, Adam /ame the better o0 Moses, Moses said: Are "ou that Adam whom Allah /reated with His Hand and breathed into himHis s1rit2 and /ommanded an.els to 0all in 1rostration be0ore him and He made "ou li-e in @aradise with /om0ort and ease, Then "ou /aused the 1eo1le to .et down to the earth be/ause o0 "our la1se, Adam said: Are "ou that Moses whom Allah sele/ted 0or His Messen.ershi1 and 0or His /on-ersation with him and /on0erred u1on "ou the tablets2 in whi/h e-er"thin. was /learl" e51lained and .ranted "ou the audien/e in order to ha-e /on0idential tal6 with "ou, ?hat is "our o1inion2 how lon. Torah would ha"e been written be0ore I was /reatedD Moses said: =ort" "ears be0ore, Adam said: 9id "ou not see these words: Adam /ommitted an error and he was enti/ed to (do so), He (Moses) said: Kes, ?hereu1on2 he (Adam) said: 9o "ou then blame me 0or an a/t whi/h Allah had ordained 0or me 0ort" "ears be0ore He /reated meD Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: This is how Adam /ame the better o0 Moses,

$+#% & $#


733> 44: TH( 733> 3= 9(STI!K (>ITA7-UL-EA9A)

7oo6 442 !umber )*$2:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There was an ar.ument between Adam and Moses, Moses said: Are "ou that Adam whose la1se /aused "ou to .et out o0 @aradiseD Adam said to him: Are "ou that Moses whom Allah sele/ted 0or His Messen.ershi12 0or His /on-ersation and "ou blame me 0or an a00air whi/h had been ordained 0or me be0ore I was /reatedD This is how Adam /ame the better o0 Moses,

7oo6 442 !umber )*$4:

Abu Huraira narrated a hadith li6e this throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 442 !umber )*$*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 442 !umber )*$+:

Abu Huraira re1orted a hadith li6e this throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 442 !umber )*$):

Abdullah b, :Amr b, al-:As re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah ordained the measures (o0 qualit") o0 the /reation 0i0t" thousand "ears be0ore He /reated the hea-ens and the earth2 as His Throne was u1on water,

7oo6 442 !umber )*$%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Hani with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but there is no mention o0C His Throne was u1on water,C

'ha1ter 4: Allah turns the hearts as he desires

7oo6 442 !umber )*$#:
Abdullah b, Amr b, al-:As re1orted that he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: <eril"2 the hearts o0 all the sons o0 Adam are between the two 0in.ers out o0 the 0in.ers o0 the 'om1assionate Lord as one heart, He turns that to an" (dire/tion) He li6es, Then Allahs (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah2 the Turner o0 the hearts2 turn our hearts to Thine obedien/e,

$+## & $#


733> 44: TH( 733> 3= 9(STI!K (>ITA7-UL-EA9A)

'ha1ter *: There is a measure 0or e-er"thin.

7oo6 442 !umber )*$;:
Tawus re1orted: I 0ound some 'om1anions o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: (-er"thin. is b" measure, And he 0urther said: I heard Abdullah b, :Umar as sa"in.: There is a neasure 0or e-er"thin.-e-en 0or in/a1a/it" and-/a1abilit",

7oo6 442 !umber )*2 :

Abu Huraira re1orted that the 1ol"theists o0 the Euraish /ame to ha-e an ar.ument with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in re.ard to 9estin" and then this -erse was re-ealed:C 3n the da" when the" are dra..ed into the =ire u1on their 0a/es2 taste the tou/h o0 =ire, Surel"2 ?e ha-e /reated e-er"thin. a//ordin. to a measureC (li-, *#),

'ha1ter +: The measure o0 the son o0 adam in re.ard to adulter"2 et/,

7oo6 442 !umber )*2$:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: <eril" Allah has 0i5ed the -er" 1ortion o0 adulter" whi/h a man will indul.e in2 and whi/h he o0 ne/essit" must /omrriit, The adulter" o0 the e"e is the lust0ul loo62 and the adulter" o0 the ton.ue is the li/entious s1ee/h2 the heart desires and "earns2 whi/h the 1arts ma" or ma" not 1ut into e00e/t,

7oo6 442 !umber )*22:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in., Allah 0i5ed the -er" 1ortion o0 adulter" whi/h a man will indul.e in, There would be no es/a1e 0rom it, The adulter" o0 the e"e is the lust0ul loo6 and the adulter" o0 the ears is listenin. to -olu1tuous (son. or tal6) and the adulter" o0 the ton.ue is li/entious s1ee/h and the adulter" o0 the hand is the lust0ul .ri1 (embra/e) and the adulter" o0 the 0eet is to wal6 (to the 1la/e) where he intends to /ommit adulter" and the heart "earns and desires whi/h he ma" or ma" not 1ut into e00e/t,

$+#; & $#


733> 44: TH( 733> 3= 9(STI!K (>ITA7-UL-EA9A)

'ha1ter ): (-er"one is born a//ordin. to his true nature and the /ommand 1ertainin. to the demise o0 the /hildren o0 the in0idels and o0 the /hildren o0 the muslims
7oo6 442 !umber )*24:
There is none born but is /reated to his true nature (Islam), It is his 1arents who ma6e him a Few or a 'hristian or a Ma.ian quite as beasts 1rodu/e their "oun. with their limbs 1er0e/t, 9o "ou see an"thin. de0i/ient in themD Then he quoted the Eur:an,2 The nature made b" Allah in whi/h He has /reated men there is no alterin. o0 Allah:s /reationB that is the reli.ionC (555, 44)

7oo6 442 !umber )*2*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters and there is no mention o0 his de0i/ien/" in limbs,

7oo6 442 !umber )*2+:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !o /hild is born but u1on =itra, He then said, Ae/ite: The nature made b" Allah in whi/h He /reated man2 there is no alterin. o0 Allah:s natureB that is the reli.ion,C

7oo6 442 !umber )*2):

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !o babe is born but u1on =itra, It is his 1arents who ma6e him a Few or a 'hristian or a @ol"theist, A 1erson said: Allah:s Messen.er2 what is "our o1inion i0 the" were to die be0ore that (be0ore rea/hin. the a.e o0 adoles/en/e when the" /an distin.uish between and wron.)D He said: It is Allah alone ?ho 6nows what the" would be doin.,

7oo6 442 !umber )*2%:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Mu:awi"a that (the Hol" @ro1het) said: (-er" new-born babe is born on the millat (o0 Islam and he) remains on this until his ton.ue is enabled to e51ress himsel0,

$+; & $#


733> 44: TH( 733> 3= 9(STI!K (>ITA7-UL-EA9A)

This hadith has been narratted on the authorit" o0 Abu Mu:awi"a throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are):C (-er" /hild is born but on this =itra so lon. as he does not e51ress himsel0 with his ton.ue,C

7oo6 442 !umber )*2#:

Abu Huraira re1orted 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1om him) man" ahadith and one them is that he is re1orted to ha-e said: An in0ant is born a//ordin. to his (true) nature, It is his 1arents ?ho ma6e him a Few2 a 'hristian2 just as a she-/amel .i-es birth to its "oun. ones, 9o "ou 0ind an" de0i/ien/" in their limbsD Kou /ut their ears (i, e, a0ter birth), The" (the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) said: ?hat is "our o1inion about him who dies in in0an/"D Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It is Allah alone ?ho 6nows best what the" would be doin.,

7oo6 442 !umber )*2;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The mother o0 e-er" 1erson .i-es him birth a//ordin. to his true nature, It is subsequentl" his 1arents who ma6e him a Few or a 'hristian or a Ma.ian, Had his 1arents been Muslim he would ha-e also remained a Muslim, (-er" 1erson to whom his mother .i-es birth (has two as1e/ts o0 his li0e) B when his mother .i-es birth Satan stri6es him but it was not the /ase with Mar" and her son (Fesus 'hrist),

7oo6 442 !umber )*4 :

Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed about the /hildren o0 the 1ol"theists2 whereu1on he said: It is Allah ?ho 6nows best what the" would be doin.,

7oo6 442 !umber )*4$:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Shu:aib and Ma:qil with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 442 !umber )*42:

Abu Huraira re1orted that Allahs (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed about the /hildren o0 the 1ol"theists who die "oun., Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It is Allah ?ho 6nows what the" would be doin.,

$+;$ & $#


733> 44: TH( 733> 3= 9(STI!K (>ITA7-UL-EA9A)

7oo6 442 !umber )*44:

Ibn Abbas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed about the /hildren o0 the 1ol"theists2 whereu1on he said: It is Allah alone ?ho 6nows what the" would be doin. a//ordin. to their /reation,

7oo6 442 !umber )*4*:

Uba"" b, >a:b re1orted that AUah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The "oun. man whom >hadir 6illed was a non-belie-er b" his -er" nature and had he sur-i-ed he would ha-e in-ol-ed his 1arents in de0ian/e and unbelie0,

7oo6 442 !umber )*4+:

:A:isha2 the mother o0 the belie-ers2 re1orted that a /hild died and I said: There is ha11iness 0or this /hild who is a bird 0rom the birds o0 @aradise, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9on:t "ou 6now that Allah /reated the @aradise and He /reated the Hell and He /reated the dwellers 0or this (@aradise) and the deni8ens 0or this (Hell)D

7oo6 442 !umber )*4):

:A:isha2 the mother o0 the belie-ers2 said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was /alled to lead the 0uneral 1ra"er o0 a /hild o0 the Ansar, I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 there is ha11iness 0or this /hild who is a bird 0rom the birds o0 @aradise 0or it /ommitted no sin nor has he rea/hed the a.e when one /an /ommit sin, He said: :A:isha2 1er ad-enture2 it ma" be otherwise2 be/ause Hod /reated 0or @aradise those who are 0it 0or it while the" were "et in their 0ather:s loins and /reated 0or Hell those who are to .o to Hell, He /reated them 0or Hell while the" were "et in their 0ather:s loins,

7oo6 442 !umber )*4%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Kah"a with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter %: The s1an o0 li0e and li-elihood does not in/rease or de/rease be"ond that what is laid down
7oo6 442 !umber )*4#:
Abdullah re1orted that Umm Habiba2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 said: Allah2 enable me to deri-e bene0it 0rom m" husband2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and 0rom m" 0ather Abu Su0"an and 0rom m" brother Mu:awi"a, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be
$+;2 & $#


733> 44: TH( 733> 3= 9(STI!K (>ITA7-UL-EA9A)

u1on him) said: Kou ha-e as6ed 0rom Allah about durations o0 li0e alread" set2 and the o0 da"s alread" allotted and the sustenan/es the share o0 whi/h has been 0i5ed, Allah would not do an"thin. earlier be0ore its due time2 or He would not dela" an"thin. be"ond its due time, And i0 "ou were to as6 Allah to 1ro-ide "ou re0u.e 0rom the torment o0 the Hell=ire2 or 0rom the torment o0 the .ra-e2 it would ha-e .ood in store 0or "ou and better 0or "ou also, He (the narrator) 0urther said: Mention was made be0ore him about mon6e"s2 and Mis:ar (one o0 the narrators) said: I thin6 that (the narrator) also (made a mention) o0 the swine2 whi/h had su00ered metamor1hosis, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: <eril"2 Allah did not /ause the ra/e o0 those whi/h su00ered metamor1hosis to .row or the" were not sur-i-ed b" "oun. ones, Mon6e"s and swine had been in e5isten/e e-en be0ore (the metamor1hosis o0 the human bein.s),

7oo6 442 !umber )*4;:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Mis:ar with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this -ariation that the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn 7ishr and ?a6i:2 the torment o0 the Hell-=ire and the torment o0 .ra-e ha-e been mentioned to.ether (and there is no /onjun/tionC iwC orC between them),

7oo6 442 !umber )** :

Ibn Mas:dd re1orted that Umm Habiba said: Allah2 enable me to deri-e bene0it 0rom m" husband2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and 0rom m" 0ather Abu Su0"an2 and 0rom m" brother Mu:awi"a, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to her: <eril"2 "ou ha-e as6ed Allah about the durations o0 li0e alread" set2 and the ste1s whi/h "ou would ta6e2 and the sustenan/es the share o0 whi/h is 0i5ed, !othin. would ta6e 1la/e earlier than its due time2 and nothin. would be de0erred be"ond that when it is due, So2 i0 "ou were to as6 Allah about "our sa0et" 0rom the torment o0 Hell-=ire and 0rom the torment o0 the .ra-e2 it would ha-e been better 0or "ou, A 1erson said: Allah:s Messen.er2 what about those a1es and swine whi/h su00ered metamor1hosisD Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: <eril"2 Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 did not destro" a 1eo1le or did not torment a 1eo1le2 and let their ra/e .row, A1es and swine had been e-en be0ore that (when the deniers o0 truth were tormented and su00ered metamor1hosis), This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Su0"in throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

$+;4 & $#


733> 44: TH( 733> 3= 9(STI!K (>ITA7-UL-EA9A)

'ha1ter #: A00air 1ertainin. to stren.th2 and sheddin. o00 wea6ness2 and see6in. hel1 0rom Allah and trust in the measures set b" Allah
7oo6 442 !umber )**$:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A stron. belie-er is better and is more lo-able to Allah than a wea6 belie-er2 and there is .ood in e-er"one2 (but) /herish that whi/h .i-es "ou bene0it (in the Herea0ter) and see6 hel1 0rom Allah and do not lose heart2 and i0 an"thin. (in the 0orm o0 trouble) /omes to "ou2 don:t sa": I0 I had not done that2 it would not ha-e ha11ened so and so2 but sa": Allah did that what He had ordained to do and "ourC i0C o1ens the (.ate) 0or the Satan,

$+;* & $#


733> 44: TH( 733> 3= 9(STI!K (>ITA7-UL-EA9A)

733> 4*: TH( 733> 3= >!3?L(9H( (>ITA7 AL-JILM)

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733> 4*: TH( 733> 3= >!3?L(9H( (>ITA7 AL-JILM)

'ha1ter $: @rohibition o0 ma6in. a hot 1ursuit o0 the alle.ories /ontained in the Eur:an2 and a-oidin. those who do it2 and o0 dis1utation in the Eur:an
7oo6 4*2 !umber )**2:
:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited (these -erses o0 the Eur:an):C He it is ?ho re-ealed to thee (Muhammad) the 7oo6 (the Eur:an) wherein there are /lear re-elations-these are the substan/e o0 the 7oo6 and others are alle.ori/al (-erses), And as 0or those who ha-e a "earnin. 0or error the" .o a0ter the alle.ori/al -erses see6in. (to /ause) dissension2 b" see6in. to e51lain them, And none 6nows their im1li/ations but Allah2 and those who are sound in 6nowled.e sa": ?e a00irm our 0aith in e-er"thin. whi/h is 0rom our Lord, It is onl" the 1ersons o0 understandin. who reall" heedC (iii, )), :A:isha (0urther) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said (in /onne/tion with these -erses): ?hen "ou see su/h -erses2 a-oid them2 0or it is the" whom Allah has 1ointed out (in the mentioned -erses),

'ha1ter 2: @errainin. to a dis1utationist

7oo6 4*2 !umber )**4:
:Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted: I went to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the mornin. and he heard the -oi/e o0 two 1ersons who had an ar.umenta- tion with ea/h other about a -erse, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to us (and) the (si.ns) o0 /ould be seen on his 0a/e, He said: <eril"2 the (1eo1les) be0ore "ou were ruined be/ause o0 their dis1utation in the 7oo6,

7oo6 4*2 !umber )***:

Fundub b, :Abdullah al-7ajali re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Ae/ite the Eur:an as lon. as "our hearts a.ree to do so2 and when "ou 0eel -arian/e between them (between "our hearts and ton.ues)2 then .et u1 (and lea-e its re/ital 0or the time bein.),

7oo6 4*2 !umber )**+:

Fundub (i, e, Ibn :Abdullah) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ae/ite the Eur:an as lon. as "our hearts a.ree to do so and when "ou 0ind -arian/e between them2 then stand u1,

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733> 4*: TH( 733> 3= >!3?L(9H( (>ITA7 AL-JILM)

7oo6 4*2 !umber )**):

Abu Imran re1orted that Fundub told us as we we-re "oun. bo"s li-in. in >il0a2 that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said: Ae/ite the Eur:an, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 4*2 !umber )**%:

:A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The most des1i/able 1ersons in the e"e o0 Allah is one who tries to 0all into dis1ute with others (0or nothin. but onl" to dis1la" his 6nowled.e and 1ower o0 ar.umentation),

'ha1ter 4: =ollowin. the 0ootste1s o0 the Fews and the 'hristians

7oo6 4*2 !umber )**#:
Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Kou would tread the same 1ath as was trodden b" those be0ore "ou in/h b" in/h and ste1 b" ste1 so mu/h so that i0 the" had entered into the hole o0 the li8ard2 "ou would 0ollow them in this also, ?e said: Allah:s Messen.er2 do "ou mean Fews and 'hristians (b" "our words)C those be0ore "ouCD He said: ?ho else (than those two reli.ious .rou1s)D

7oo6 4*2 !umber )**;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Ata: b, Kasir throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter *: Those who indul.ed in hair-s1littin. were ruined

7oo6 4*2 !umber )*+ :
Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Auined2 were those who indul.ed in hair-s1littin., He (the Hol" @ro1het) re1eated this thri/e,

$+;% & $#


733> 4*: TH( 733> 3= >!3?L(9H( (>ITA7 AL-JILM)

'ha1ter +: >nowled.e would be ta6en awa"2 and i.noran/e would 1re-ail u1on 1eo1le and the turmoil at the end o0 the world
7oo6 4*2 !umber )*+$:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It is 0rom the /onditions o0 the Last Hour that 6nowled.e would be ta6en awa" and i.noran/e would 1re-ail (u1on the world)2 the liquor would be drun62 and adulter" would be/ome rain1ant,

7oo6 4*2 !umber )*+2:

Eatida re1orted that Anas b, Mali6 said: Ma" I not narrate to "ou a hadith whi/h I heard 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whi/h no one would narrate to "ou a0ter me who would ha-e 1ersonall" heard it 0rom him (the Hol" @ro1het) (as I ha-e the .ood 0ortune to do so)D -C It is 0rom the si.ns o0 the Last Hour that 6nowled.e would be ta6en awa"2 i.noran/e would 1re-ail u1on (the world)2 adulter" would be/ome /ommon2 wine would be drun62 the number o0 men will 0all short and the women would sur-i-e (and thus su/h a dis1arit" would arise in the number o0 men and women) that there would be one man to loo6 a0ter 0i0t" women,

7oo6 4*2 !umber )*+4:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 throu.h another /hain o0 narrators2 but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4*2 !umber )*+*:

Abu ?a:il re1orted: I was sittin. with :Abdullah and Abu Musa that the" re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: @rior to the Last Hour2 there would be a time when 6nowled.e would be ta6en awa"2 and i.noran/e would ta6e its 1la/e and there would be bloodshed on a lar.e s/ale,

7oo6 4*2 !umber )*++:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) and Abu Musa (al-Asha:ri) throu.h other /hains o0 transmitters,

$+;# & $#


733> 4*: TH( 733> 3= >!3?L(9H( (>ITA7 AL-JILM)

7oo6 4*2 !umber )*+):

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Musa throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4*2 !umber )*+%:

Abu ?a:il re1orted: I was sittin. with Abu Musa and :Abdullah and the" were /on-ersin. with ea/h other and Abu Musa re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. (that we 0ind in the abo-e-mentioned ahadith),

7oo6 4*2 !umber )*+#:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: (?hen) the time would draw /lose to the Last Hour2 6nowled.e would be snat/hed awa"2 turmoil would be ram1ant2 miserliness would be 1ut (in the hearts o0 the 1eo1le) and therewould be mu/h bloodshed, The" said: ?hat is al-harjD Thereu1on he said: It is bloodshed,

7oo6 4*2 !umber )*+;:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4*2 !umber )*) :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: The time would draw /lose to the Last Hour and 6nowled.e would de/rease, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 4*2 !umber )*)$:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h other /hains o0 narrators and there is no mention o0:C Miserliness would be 1ut (in the hearts o0 the 1eo1le),C

7oo6 4*2 !umber )*)2:

:Abdullah b, :Amr b, al-:As re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: <eril"2 Allah does not ta6e awa" 6nowled.e b" snat/hin. it 0rom the 1eo1le but He ta6es awa" 6nowled.e b" ta6in. awa" the s/holars2 so that when He lea-es no learned 1erson2 1eo1le turn to i.norant as their2 leadersB then the" are as6ed to deli-er reli.ious -erdi/ts and the" deli-er them without 6nowled.e2 the" .o astra"2 and lead others astra",

$+;; & $#


733> 4*: TH( 733> 3= >!3?L(9H( (>ITA7 AL-JILM)

7oo6 4*2 !umber )*)4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, Umar throu.h other /hains o0 transmitters2 but in the hadith transmitted b" Umar b, :Ali there is an addition o0 these words:2 I met :Abdullah b, :Amr at the end o0 the "ear and I as6ed him about it2 and he narrated to us the hadith as he had narrated be0ore that he had heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.,,,, (The rest o0 the hadith is the same),

7oo6 4*2 !umber )*)*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, Amr b, al-:As throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4*2 !umber )*)+:

:Urwa b, Gubair re1orted that :A:isha said to him: This news has rea/hed me that :Abdullah b, :Amr al-:As would 1ass b" us durin. the Hajj season2 so "ou meet him and as6 him (about reli.ious matters) as he has a/quired .reat 6nowled.e 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I thus met him and as6ed him about thin.s whi/h he narrated 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), And these the one he mentioned was that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: <eril"2 Allah does not ta6e awa" 6nowled.e 0rom 1eo1le dire/tl" but he ta6es awa" the s/holars and /onsequentl" ta6es awa" (6nowled.e) alon. with them and lea-es 1ersons the i.norant as their leaders who deli-er reli.ious -erdi/ts without (adequate) 6nowled.e and themsel-es .o astra" and lead others astra", :Urwa said: ?hen I narrated this to :A:isha2 she deemed it too mu/h (to belie-e) and thus showed relu/tan/e to a//e1t that (as 1er0e/tl" true) and said to2 :Urwa: 9id he (:Abdullah b, :Amr) sa" to "ou that he had heard Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: (:Urwa had 0or.otten to as6 this 0rom :Abdullah b, :Amr), So when it was the ne5t "ear2 she (:A:isha) said to him (:Urwa): Ibn Amr has /ome (0or Hajj)2 so meet him, tal6 to him and as6 him about this hadith that he narrated to Kou (last "ear on the o//asion o0 the Hajj) 1ertainin. to 6nowled.e, He (:Urwa)2 said: So I met him2 and as6ed about it and he narrated to me e5a/tl" li6e one that he had narrated (to me) 0or the 0irst time, So when I in0ormed her (:A:isha) about that2 she said: I do not thin6 but this that he has /ertainl" told the truth and I 0ind that be has neither made an" addition to it2 nor missed an"thin. 0rom it,


& $#


733> 4*: TH( 733> 3= >!3?L(9H( (>ITA7 AL-JILM)

'ha1ter ): @ertainin. to one who introdu/ed somethin. .ood or e-il2 or he who /alled to ri.hteousness or to the 1ath o0 error
7oo6 4*2 !umber )*)):
Farir b, Abdullah re1orted that some desert Arabs /lad in woollen /lothes /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He saw them in sad as the" had been hard 1ressed b" need, He (the Hol" @ro1het) e5horted 1eo1le to .i-e /harit"2 but the" showed some relu/tan/e until (si.ns) o0 /ould be seen on his 0a/e, Then a 1erson 0rom the Ansar /ame with a 1urse /ontainin. sil-er, Then /ame another 1erson and then other 1ersons 0ollowed them in su//ession until si.ns o0 ha11iness /ould be seen on his (sa/red) 0a/e, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who introdu/ed some .ood 1ra/ti/e in Islam whi/h was 0ollowed a0ter him (b" 1eo1le) he would be assured o0 reward li6e one who 0ollowed it2 without their rewards bein. diminished in an" res1e/t, And he who introdu/ed some e-il 1ra/ti/e in Islam whi/h had been 0ollowed subsequentl" (b" others)2 he would be required to bear the burden li6e that o0 one who 0ollowed this (e-il 1ra/ti/e) without their:s bein. diminished in an" res1e/t,

7oo6 4*2 !umber )*)%:

Farir re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) deli-ered an address in whi/h he e5horted 1eo1le to .i-e /harit",

7oo6 4*2 !umber )*)#:

Farir b, :Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The ser-ant does not introdu/e .ood 1ra/ti/e whi/h is 0ollowed a0ter him,,,, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 4*2 !umber )*);:

Farir transmitted this hadith 0rom his 0ather throu.h another /hain o0 narrators,

7oo6 4*2 !umber )*% :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who /alled (1eo1le) to ri.hteousness2 there would be reward (assured) 0or him li6e the rewards o0 those who adhered to it2 without their rewards bein. diminished in an" res1e/t, And he who /alled (1eo1le) to error2

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733> 4*: TH( 733> 3= >!3?L(9H( (>ITA7 AL-JILM)

he shall ha-e to /arr" (the burden) o0 its sin2 li6e those who /ommitted it2 without their sins bein. diminished in an" res1e/t,

$) 2 & $#


733> 4*: TH( 733> 3= >!3?L(9H( (>ITA7 AL-JILM)

733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS (>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

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733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

Su11li/ation is in 0a/t not onl" the s1ontaneous out1ourin.s o0 man:s heart be0ore his Lord2 but it is an e51ression o0 his sense o0 nearness to Him2 o0 His and @ower2 o0 his /on0iden/e in His mer/"2 .ra/e and blessin.s, I0 one were to 6now how mu/h a man su11li/ates2 and what he su11li/ates about2 and how he su11li/ates2 one would be able to see how mu/h s1iritualit" is there in his soul, ?hen a man without an" witness s1ea6s with Allah2 the soul stands un-eiled be0ore its 'reator, The hi.her the note he stri6es in his out1ourin.2 the hi.her is the qualit" o0 the 0aith that is im1rinted u1on his soul2 and ser-es as a ba/6.round to all his and a/ti-it", Thus to understand the s1irit o0 an" reli.ion and a11raise its -alue to li0e and so/iet"2 su11li/ations ser-e as the 6e", The @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was a .reat belie-er in su11li/ation and 1ra"er, He made su11li/ations to his Lord with 8eal and 0er-our2 rarel" to be 0ound in the reli.ious literature o0 the world, 3ne who /ares to read them /annot but be o-erwhelmed with the de1th o0 0eelin.s with whi/h the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a11roa/hes his Lord2 his intense lo-e 0or the Hreat Master2 his dee1 0aith in His unbounded =a-ours2 his unsha6eable /on0iden/e in His 9i-ine Mer/" and un0lin/hin. 0aith in His and @ower2 and his sense o0 dee1 humilit" be0ore Him, These are in 0a/t the multi-/oloured threads with whi/h is wo-en the deli/ate 1attern o0 the @ro1het:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) su11li/ations, In Islam the su11li/ation whi/h a Muslim has been instru/ted to ma6e whether sin.l" or in / whether at the a11ointed hour o0 ritual 1ra"er or at an" sudden /all or ur.e to His Lord2 re0le/ts the one sin.le attitude o0 submission2 humilit" and /loseness to Hod, ?hate-er is the state o0 s1iritual ele-ation o0 the su11li/ation he is made to 6ee1 this 0a/t /onstantl" in his mind that he is a humble ser-ant o0 the Lord, That is the reason wh" most o0 the su11li/ations in Islam o1en with an in-o/ation o0 the 9i-ine 7ein.B either the 1ersonal name o0 Hod2 i, e, Allah2 is used or the des/ri1ti-e title o0 His Attributes are /alled out in order to ma6e the worshi11er /ons/ious o0 his own wea6 and de1endent sel0 be0ore his Master, In Islam man see6s to mo-e Hod to hel1 and .rant him what he desires2 and at the same time he see6s un/ons/iousl" to wor6 u1on himsel0 throu.h the realisation o0 what Hod means to him2 to stren.then2 to renew and to re0resh his own inner li0e, ?hile the e51ression o0 de1enden/e and trust is in realit" a 1rerequisite o0 su11li/ation in Islam2 it /o-ers the whole ran.e o0 human li0e with all its needs2 and 1roblems, Su11li/ation 0inds e51ression in a dee1 and ur.ent 0or sel0 1reser-ation and deli-eran/e 0rom the o11ressi-e situation2 0or.i-eness o0 sins2 ele-ation o0 the soul2 .oodness o0 the worldl" li0e and that o0 the Herea0ter, This /ons/iousness o0 one:s absolute de1enden/e u1on Him2 whi/h 1er-ades the entire sto/6 o0 the @ro1het:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) su11li/ations2 shows man:s attitude o0 1er0e/t resi.nation be0ore the" ?ill o0 the Master2 but this resi.nation has nothin. o0 the s1irit o0 des1onden/e and des1air in itB it rather illuminates ho1e out o0 /on-i/tion that the 7ein. ?ho is the Lord o0 man:s 0ate /an also hel1 him and sa-e him e-en in the most tr"in. /ir/umstan/es,
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733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

The su11li/ations o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) eminentl" /ombine in themsel-es the m"sti/al and the reli.ious traits, ?hile the Muslim su11li/ates2 he2 li6e a m"sti/2 beholds undisturbed with /on/entrated .a8e one Su1reme S1iritual Aealit" ?ho is the (mbodiment and Ae1ositor" o0 all -alues, 7ut2 unli6e m"sti/s2 he2 in the hour o0 /ontem1lation in su11li/ation2 does not lose himsel0 but realises himsel0 to be a humble ser-ant o0 Hod and therein lies his s1iritual and unwa-erin. /on0iden/e in Hod, The one more distin.uishin. 0eature o0 the su11li/ations b" Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is that these are all 1ermeated with the s1irit o0 so/ial 0ellowshi1, The" do not ur.e man to stand 0a/e to 0a/e with Hod in absolute loneliness2 isolated 0rom all other human bein.s, Herein the su11liant be.s his Lord with the 0ull /ons/iousness o0 human brotherhood and with a 0eelin. that the distress whi/h -e5es him is not his onl"2 it is that o0 his brethren, The .ra/es o0 Hod and the sal-ation 0or whi/h he lon.s are also the o0 all belie-ers2 na"2 o0 the entire humanit", There is no doubt a dee1 tou/h o0 intimate 1ersonal and indi-idual /onta/t with Hod in these su11li/ations2 but this /onta/t is not o0 the nature o0 a non-Muslim m"sti/ in whi/h the soul is su11osed to be uni0ied with Hod losin. all its indi-idual identit", Here the soul has a /ommunion with Allah with 0ull /ons/iousness o0 man:s own sel02 his so/ial surroundin.s and res1onsibilities, That is wh" most o0 the su11li/ations ha-e been e51ressed in the 0ormC ?eC and UsC,

'ha1ter $: (5hortation 0or the remembran/e o0 Allah2 the (5alted

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*%$:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 thus stated: I am near to the o0 M" ser-ant as he thin6s about Me2 and I am with him as he remembers Me, And i0 he remembers Me in his heart2 I also remember him in M" Heart2 and i0 he remembers Me in assembl" I remember him in assembl"2 better than his (remembran/e)2 and i0 he draws near Me b" the s1an o0 a 1alm2 I draw near him b" the /ubit2 and i0 he draws near Me b" the /ubit I draw near him b" the s1a/e (/o-ered b") two hands, And i0 he wal6s towards Me2 I rush towards him,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*%2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but there is no mention o0 these words:C He draws near Me b" the s1a/e o0 a hand2 I draw near him b" the s1a/e (/o-ered) b" two hands,C

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733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*%4:

Hammam b, Munabbih re1orted so man" ahadith 0rom Abu Huraira and one out o0 them is this that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said that Allah thus stated: ?hen M" ser-ant draws /lose to me b" the s1an o0 a 1alm2 I draw /lose to him b" the s1a/e o0 a /ubit2 and when he draws /lose to Me b" the s1a/e o0 a /ubit2 I draw /lose to him b" the s1a/e (/o-ered) b" two hands2 and when he draws /lose to Me b" the s1a/e (/o-ered b") two hands2 I .o in hurr" towards him,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*%*:

Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was tra-ellin. alon. the 1ath leadin. to Me//a that he ha11ened to 1ass b" a mountain /alled Fumdan, He said: @ro/eed on2 it is Fumdan2 Mu0arradun ha-e .one ahead, The" (the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) said: Allah:s Messen.er2 who are Mu0arradunD He said: The" are those males and 0emales who remember Allah mu/h,

'ha1ter 2: The names o0 Allah2 the (5alted2 and the merit o0 one who enumerates them
7oo6 4+2 !umber )*%+:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There are ninet"nine names o0 AllahB he who /ommits them to memor" would .et into @aradise, <eril"2 Allah is 3dd (He is one2 and it is an odd number) and He lo-es odd number, And in the narration o0 Ibn :Umar (the words are):C He who enumerated them,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*%):

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: <eril"2 there are ninet"nine names 0or Allah2 i, e, hundred e5/e1tin. one, He who enumerates them would .et into @aradise, And Hammam has made this addition on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira who re1orted it 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he said:C He is 3dd (one) and lo-es odd number,C

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733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

'ha1ter 4: Su11li/ation should be made with /on-i/tion and will

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*%%:
Anas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen one o0 "ou ma6es su11li/ation2 he should su11li/ate with a will and should not sa": 3 Allah2 /on0er u1on me i0 Thou li6est2 0or there is none to /oer/e Allah,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*%#:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen one o0 "ou ma6es a su11li/ation (to his Lord) one should not sa": 3 Allah2 .rant me 1ardon2 i0 Thou so li6est2 but one should be. one:s (Lord) with a will and 0ull de-otion2 0or there is nothin. so .reat in the e"e o0 Allah whi/h He /annot .rant,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*%;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !one o0 "ou should sa" to Allah (li6e this): 3 Allah2 .rant me mer/"2 i0 thou so li6est, The su11li/ation (o0 his) should (be 1ermeated with) /on-i/tion (that it would be a//e1ted b" the Lord)2 0or Allah is the 9oer o0 (e-er"thin.) He li6es to do2 and there is none to 0or/e Him (to do or not to do this or that),

'ha1ter *: It is not somethin. a11re/iable to ma6e request 0or death 0rom the lord when one is in trouble
7oo6 4+2 !umber )*# :
Anas (b, Mali6) re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in., !one o0 "ou should ma6e a request 0or death be/ause o0 the trouble in whi/h he is in-ol-ed2 but i0 there is no other hel1 to it2 then sa": 3 Allah2 6ee1 me ali-e as lon. as there is .oodness in li0e 0or me and brin. death to me when there is .oodness in death 0or me,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*#$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters2 but with a small -ariation o0 wordin.,
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733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*#2:

!adr b, Anas re1orted2 as when Anas was ali-e2 that he said: Had Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) not stated this,,C !one should ma6e a request 0or death2C I would ha-e de0initel" done that,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*#4:

Abu Ha8im re1orted: I -isited >habbab who bad se-en /auteries on his stoma/h and he s aid: Had Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) not 0orbidden us to /all 0or death2 I would ha-e done so,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*#*:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Isma:il throu.h other /hains o0 narrators,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*#+:

Hammam b, Munabbih said: Abu Huraira narrated to us ahadith 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and out o0 these one is that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !one "ou should ma6e a request 0or death2 and do not /all 0or it be0ore it /omes2 0or when an" one o0 "ou dies2 he /eases (to do .ood) deeds and the li0e o0 a belie-er is not 1rolon.ed but 0or .oodness,

'ha1ter +: He who lo-es to meet Allah2 Allah also lo-es to meet him2 and he who disli6es to meet Allah2 allah also abhors to meet him
7oo6 4+2 !umber )*#):
Ubida b, Samit re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who lo-es to meet Allah2 Allah also lo-es to meet him2 and he who disli6es to meet Allah2 Allah also abhors to meet him,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*#%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Ubada b, Samit throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

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733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*##:

A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who lo-es to meet Allah2 Allah lo-es to meet him2 and he who disli6es to meet Allah2 Allah abhors to meet him, I (:A:isha) said: Allah:s A1ostle2 so 0ar as the 0eelin. o0 a-ersion a.ainst death is /on/erned2 we all ha-e this 0eelin., Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: It is not that (whi/h "ou /onstrue)2 but (this) that when a belie-er (at the time o0 death) is .i-en the .lad tidin.s o0 the mer/" o0 Allah2 His @leasure2 and o0 @aradise2 he lo-es to meet Allah2 and Allah also lo-es to meet him2 and when an unbelie-er is .i-en the news o0 the torment at the Hand o0 Allah2 and Hardshi1 to be im1osed b" Him2 he disli6es to meet Allah and Allah also abhors to meet him,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*#;:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Eatida with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*; :

:A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who lo-es to meet Allah2 Allah also lo-es to meet him2 and who disli6es to meet Allah2 Allah abhors to meet him, There is death be0ore (one is able to) meet Allah,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*;$:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:isha throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*;2:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who lo-es meetin. Allah2 Allah lo-es to meet him2 and he who disli6es to meet Allah2 Allah abhors to meet him, I (Shuraih b, Hani2 one o0 the narrators) /ame to A:isha and said to her: Mother o0 the 0aith0ul2 I heard Abu Huraira narrate 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whi/h2 i0 it is a/tuall" so2 is a destru/tion to us, Thereu1on she said: Those are in 0a/t ruined who are ruined at the words o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?hat are (the words whi/h in "our o1inion would /ause "our destru/tion)D He said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had stated: He who lo-es to meet Allah2 Allah too lo-es to meet him2 and he who disli6es to meet Allah2 Allah too abhors to meet him2 and there is none us who dons not hate death, Thereu1on she said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has in 0a/t stated this2 but it does not mean what "ou /onstrue2 but it im1lies (the time) when one loses the lustre o0 the e"e2 and there is rattlin. in the throat2 shudder in the bod" and /on-ulsion in 0in.ers (at the time o0 death), (It is about this time) that it has been said: He
$) ; & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

who lo-es to meet Allah2 Allah would lo-e to meet him2 and he who disli6es to meet Allah2 Allah would abhor to meet him

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*;4:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Mutarri0 with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*;*:

Abu Musa re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who lo-es to meet Allah2 Allah too lo-es to meet him2 and he who disli6es to meet Allah2 Allah abhors to meet him,

'ha1ter ): Merit o0 remembran/e o0 allah and /allin. him2 and nearness to Allah2 the (5alted
7oo6 4+2 !umber )*;+:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him as sa"in. that Allah thus stated: I li-e in the o0 M" ser-ant as he thin6s o0 Me and with him as he /alls Me,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*;):

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 said: ?hen M" ser-ant draws /lose to Me b" the s1an o0 a 1alm2 I draw /lose to him b" the /ubit and when he draws /lose to Me b" the /ubit2 I draw /lose to him b" the s1a/e (/o-ered) b" two hands2 and when he draws /lose to Me b" the s1a/e (/o-ered) b" two hands2 I .o in hurr" towards him,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*;%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Mu:tamar 0rom his 0ather with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*;#:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 thus stated: I li-e in the o0 M" ser-ant as he thin6s about Me2 and I am with him2 as he remembers Me And i0 he remembers Me in his heart2 I also remember him in M" Heart2 and i0 he remembers Me in assembl" I remember him in the assembl"2 better than he (does
$)$ & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

that)2 and i0 he draws near Me b" the s1an o0 a 1alm I draw near him b" the /ubit2 and i0 he draws near Me b" the /ubit I draw near him b" the s1a/e (/o-ered b") two hands, And it he wal6s towards Me2 I rush towards him,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )*;;:

Abu 9harr re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 stated:C He who /omes with .oodness2 there are in store 0or him ten li6e those and e-en more than those: :And he who /omes with -i/e2 : it is onl" 0or that that he is /alled to a//ount, I e-en 0or.i-e him (as I li6e) and he who draws /lose to Me b" the s1an o0 a 1alm I draw /lose to him b" the /ubit2 and he who draws /lose to Me b" the /ubit I draw /lose to him b" the s1a/e (/o-ered) b" two hands2 and he who wal6s towards Me I rush towards him2 and he who meets Me in the state that his sins 0ill the earth2 but not asso/iatin. an"thin. with Me2 I would meet Him with the same (-astness) o0 1ardon (on M" behal0),C This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 ?a6i:,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+

A hadith li6e this has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters and he (0urther) said: There is 0or him ten li6e that (the .ood he 1er0ormed) or more than that,

'ha1ter %: The disa11ro-al o0 su11li/ation in whi/h a request is made to Allah 0or 1unishment o0 one:s (misdeeds) in the world
7oo6 4+2 !umber )+ $:
Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited a 1erson 0rom the Muslims in order to inquire (about his health) who had .rown 0eeble li6e the /hi/6en, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9id "ou su11li/ate 0or an"thin. or be. o0 Him about thatD He said: Kes, I used to utter (these words): Im1ose 1unishment u1on me earlier in this world2 what Thou art .oin. to im1ose u1on me in the Herea0ter, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Hallowed be Allah2 "ou ha-e neither the 1ower nor 0orbearan/e to ta6e u1on "oursel0 (the burden o0 His @unishment), ?h" did "ou not sa" this: 3 Allah2 .rant us .ood in the world and .ood in the Herea0ter2 and sa-e us 0rom the torment o0 =ire, He (the Hol" @ro1het) made this su11li/ation (0or him) and he was all,

$)$$ & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+ 2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Humaid with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+ 4:

Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) -isited a 1erson 0rom his 'om1anions who had .rown as 0eeble as the /hi/6en, The rest o0 the hadith is the same2 but with this -ariation that he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kou ha-e not 1ower enou.h to under.o the torment im1osed b" Allah, And there is no mention o0: He su11li/ated Allah 0or him and He /ured him,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+ *:

This hadith had been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Anas throu.h another /hain o0 narrators,

'ha1ter #: Merits o0 the assemblies in whi/h allah is remembered

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+ +:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. Allah has mobile (squads) o0 an.els2 who ha-e no other wor6 (to attend to but) to 0ollow the assemblies o0 9hi6r and when the" 0ind su/h assemblies in whi/h there is 9hi6r (o0 Allah) the" sit in them and some o0 them surround the others with their win.s till the s1a/e between them and the s6" o0 the world is 0ull" /o-ered2 and when the" dis1erse (a0ter the assembl" o0 9hi6r is adjourned) the" .o u1ward to the hea-en and Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 as6s them althou.h He is best in0ormed about them: ?here ha-e "ou /ome 0romD The" sa": ?e /ome 0rom Thine ser-ants u1on the earth who had been .lori0"in. Thee (re/itin. Subhan Allah)2 utterin. Thine Hreatness (sa"in. Allah o-A6bar) and utterin. Thine 3neness (La ilaha ill Allah) and 1raisin. Thee (utterin. al-Hamdu Lillah) and o0 Thee, 7e would sa": ?hat do the" be. o0 MeD The" would sa": The" be. o0 Thee the @aradise o0 Thine, He (Hod) would sa": Ha-e the" seen M" @aradiseD The" said: !o2 our Lord, He would sa": (?hat it would be then) i0 the" were to see Mine @aradiseD The" (the an.els) said: The" see6 Thine 1rote/tion, He (the Lord) would sa": A.ainst what do the" see6 1rote/tion o0 MineD The" (the an.els) would sa": 3ur Lord2 0rom the Hell-=ire, He (the Lord) would sa": Ha-e the" seen M" =ireD The" would sa": !o, He (the Lord) would sa": ?hat it would be i0 the" were to see M" =ireD The" would sa": The" be. o0 Thee 0or.i-eness, He would sa": I .rant 1ardon to them2 and /on0er u1on them what the" as6 0or and .rant them 1rote/tion a.ainst whi/h the" see6 1rote/tion, The" (the an.els) would a.ain sa":
$)$2 & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

3ur Lord2 there is one them su/h and su/h sim1le ser-ant who ha11ened to 1ass b" (that assembl") and sat there alon. with them (who had been 1arti/i1atin. in that assembl"), He (the Lord) would sa": I also .rant him 1ardon2 0or the" are a 1eo1le the seat-0ellows o0 whom are in no wa" un0ortunate,

'ha1ter ;: The merit o0 this (su11li/ation): C3 Allah2 .rant us the .ood in the world and .ood in the herea0ter and sa-e us 0rom the torment o0 hellC
7oo6 4+2 !umber )+ ):
Eatada as6ed Anas whi/h Su11li/ation Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0requentl" made, He said: The su11li/ation that he (the Hol" @ro1het made -er" 0requentl" is this:C 3 Allah2 .rant us the .ood in this world and the .ood in the Herea0ter and sa-e us 0rom the torment o0 Hell-=ire,C He (Eatada) said that whene-er Anas had to su11li/ate he made this -er" su11li/ation2 and whene-er he (intended) to ma6e another su11li/ation he (inserted) this -er" su11li/ation in that,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+ %:

Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to su11li/ate (in these words):C 3ur Lord2 .rant us the .ood in this world and the .ood in the Herea0ter and sa-e us 0rom the torment o0 Hell =ire,C

'ha1ter $ : The merit o0 1ronoun/in. Tahlil2 Tasbih and su11li/ation

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+ #:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who uttered these words:C There is no .od but Allah2 the 3ne2 ha-in. no 1artner with Him, So-erei.nt" belon.s to Him and all the 1raise is due to Him2 and He is @otent o-er e-er"thin.C one hundred times e-er" da" there is a reward o0 eman/i1atin. ten sla-es 0or him2 and there are re/orded hundred -irtues to his /redit2 and hundred -i/es are blotted out 0rom his s/roll2 and that is a sa0e.uard 0or him a.ainst the Satan on that da" till e-enin. and no one brin.s an"thin. more e5/ellent than this2 e5/e1t one who has done more than this (who utters these words more than one hundred times and does more .ood a/ts)
$)$4 & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

and he who utters:C Hallowed be Allah2 and all 1raise is due to Him2C one hundred times a da"2 his sins are obliterated e-en i0 the" are equal to the e5tent o0 the 0oam o0 the o/ean,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+ ;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who re/ites in the mornin. and in the e-enin. (these words):C Hallowed be Allah and all 1raise is due to HimC one hundred times2 he would not brin. on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion an"thin. e5/ellent than this e5/e1t one who utters these words or utters more than these words,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+$ :

:Amr b, Maimun re1orted: He who uttered:C There is no .od but Allah2 the 3ne2 ha-in. no 1artner with Him2 His is the So-erei.nt" and all 1raise is due to Him and He is @otent o-er e-er"thin.C ten times2 he is li6e one who eman/i1ated 0our sla-es 0rom the 1ro.en" o0 Isma:il, Aabi: b, >huthaim narrated a hadith li6e this, Sha:bi re1orted: I said to Aabi:: =rom whom did "ou hear itD He said: =rom :Amr b, Maimun, I /ame to :Amr b, Maimun and said to him: =rom whom did "ou hear this hadithD He said: 0rom Ibn Abi Laila, I /ame to Ibn Abi Laila and said to him: =rom whom did "ou hear this hadithD He said: =rom Abu A""ub Ansari2 who narrated 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+$$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Two are the e51ressions whi/h are on the ton.ue2 but hea-" in s/ale2 dear to the 'om1assionate 3ne:C Hallowed be Allah and 1raise is due to HimC BC Hallowed be Allah2 the Hreat,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+$2:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The utterin. o0 (these words):C Hallowed be AllahB all 1raise is due to Allah2 there is no .od but Allah and Allah is the Hreatest2C is dearer to me than an"thin. o-er whi/h the sun rises,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+$4:

Mu:sab b, Sa:d re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that a desert Arab /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said to him: Tea/h me the words whi/h I should (o0ten) utter, He said: Utter2C There is no .od but Allah2 the 3ne2 ha-in. no 1artner with Him, Allah is the Hreatest o0 the .reat and all 1raise is due to Him, Hallowed be Allah2 the Lord o0 the worlds2 there is no and @ower but that o0 Allah2 the All-@ower0ul and the ?ise,C He (that desert Arab) said: These all (.lori0")
$)$* & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

m" Lord, 7ut what about meD Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Kou should sa":C 3 Allah2 .rant me 1ardon2 ha-e mer/" u1on me2 dire/t me to ri.hteousness and 1ro-ide me sustenan/e,C Musa (one o0 the narrators) said: I thin6 he also said:C Hrant me sa0et",C 7ut I /annot sa" 0or /ertain whether he said this or not, Ibn Abi Shaiba has not made a mention o0 the words o0 Musa in his narration,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+$*:

Abu Mali6 Ashaja:i re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that whene-er a 1erson embra/ed Islam2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) instru/ted him to re/ilte:C 3 Allah2 .rant me 1ardon2 ha-e mer/" u1on me2 dire/t me to the 1ath o0 ri.hteousness and 1ro-ide me sustenan/e,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+$+:

Abu Mali6 re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that when a 1erson embra/ed Islam2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to tea/h him how to obser-e 1ra"er and then /ommanded him to su11li/ate in these words:C 3 Allah2 .rant me 1ardon2 ha-e mer/" u1on me2 dire/t me to the 1ath o0 ri.hteousness2 .rant me 1rote/tion and 1ro-ide me sustenan/e,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+$):

Abu Mali6 re1orted on the authorit" 30 his 0ather that he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. to the 1erson who bad /ome to him and as6ed him as to how he should be. his Lord2 that he should utter these words:C 3 Allah2 .rant me 1ardon2 ha-e mer/" u1on me2 1rote/t me2 1ro-ide me sustenan/e2C and he /olle/ted his 0in.ers to.ether e5/e1t his thumb and said: It is in these words (that there is su11li/ation) whi/h sums u1 0or "ou (the .ood) o0 this world and that o0 the Herea0ter,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+$%:

Mus:ab b, Sa:d re1orted that his 0ather told him that he had been in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he said: Is one "ou 1owerless to .et one thousand -irtues e-er" da", those who had been sittin. there2 one as6ed: How one us /an .et one thousand -irtues e-er" da"D He said: Ae/ite:C Hallowed be AllahC one hundred times 0or (b" re/itin. them) one thousand -irtues are re/orded (to "our /redit) and one tbousand -i/es are blotted out,

$)$+ & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

'ha1ter $$: The merit o0 an assembl" 0or the re/itation o0 the Eur:an or 0or tiie 9hi6r (remembran/e o0 Allah)
7oo6 4+2 !umber )+$#:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who alle-iates the su00erin. o0 a brother out o0 the su00erin.s o0 the world2 Allah would alle-iate his su00erin. 0rom the su00erin.s o0 the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2 and he who 0inds relie0 0or one who is hard 1ressed2 Allah would ma6e thin.s eas" 0or him in the Herea0ter2 and he who /on/eals (the 0aults) o0 a Muslim2 Allah would /on/eal his 0aults in the world and in the Herea0ter, Allah is at the ba/6 o0 a ser-ant so lon. as the ser-ant is at the ba/6 o0 his brother2 and he who treads the 1ath in sear/h o0 6now- led.e2 Allah would ma6e that 1ath eas"2 leadin. to @aradise 0or him and those 1ersons who assemble in the house amon. the houses o0 Allah (mosques) and re/ite the 7oo6 o0 Allah and the" learn and tea/h the Eur:an (amon. themsel-es) there would des/end u1on them the tranquillit" and mer/" would /o-er them and the an.els would surround them and Allah ma6es a mention o0 them in the 1resen/e o0 those near Him2 and he who is slow-1a/ed in doin. .ood deeds2 his (hi.h) des/ent does not ma6e him .o ahead,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+$;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+2 :

A.harr Abi Muslim re1orted: I bear witness to the 0a/t that both Abu Huraira and Abu Sa:id >hudri were 1resent when Allah:s ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The 1eo1le do not sit but the" are surrounded b" an.els and /o-ered b" Mer/"2 and there des/ends u1on them tranquillit" as the" remember Allah2 and Allah ma6es a mention o0 them to those who are near Him, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+2$:

Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted that Mu:awi"a went to a /ir/le in the mosque and said: ?hat ma6es "ou sit hereD The" said: ?e are sittin. here in order to re- member Allah, He said: I adjure "ou b" Allah (to tell me whether "ou are sittin. here 0or this -er" 1ur1ose)D The" said: 7" Allah2 we are sit$)$) & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

tin. here 0or this -er" 1ur1ose, Thereu1on2 he said: I ha-e not demanded "ou to ta6e an oath2 be/ause o0 an" alle.ation a.ainst "ou and none o0 m" ran6 in the e"e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is the narrator o0 so 0ew ahadith as I am, The 0a/t is that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out to the /ir/le o0 his 'om1anions and said: ?hat ma6es "ou sitD The" said: ?e are sittin. here in order to remember Allah and to 1raise Him 0or He .uided us to the 1ath o0 Islam and He /on0erred 0a-ours u1.n us, Thereu1on he adjured b" Allah and as6ed i0 that onl" was the 1ur1ose o0 their sittin. there, The" said: 7" Allah2 we are not sittin. here but 0or this -er" 1ur1ose2 whereu1on he (the said: I am not as6in. "ou to ta6e an oath be/ause o0 an" alle.ation a.ainst "ou but 0or the 0a/t that Habriel /ame to me and he in0ormed me that Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 was tal6in. to the an.els about "our ma.ni0i/en/e,

'ha1ter $2: (5/ellen/e o0 see6in. 0or.i-eness 0rom allah and see6in. that -er" mu/h
7oo6 4+2 !umber )+22:
Al-A.harr al-Mu8ani2 who was one the 'om1anions (o0 the Hol" @ro1het) re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There is (at times) some sort o0 shade u1on m" heart2 and I see6 0or.i-eness 0rom Allah a hundred times a da",

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+24:

Al-A.harr al-Mu8ani who was 0rom the 'om1anions o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re1orted that Ibn :Umar stated to him that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e :be u1on him) said: 3 1eo1le2 see6 re1entan/e 0rom Allah, <eril"2 I see6 re1entan/e 0rom Him a hundred times a da",

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+2*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+2+:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"- in.: He who see6s re1entan/e (0rom the Lord) be0ore the risin. o0 the sun 0rom the west (be0ore the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion)2 Allah turns to him with Mer/",

$)$% & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

'ha1ter $4: (5/ellen/e o0 rememberin. Allah in a low -oi/e

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+2):
Abu Musa re1orted: ?e were alon. with Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on a journe" when the 1eo1le to 1ronoun/e Allah-o-A6bar in a loud -oi/e, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3 1eo1le2 sh mer/" to "oursel-es 0or "ou are not /allin. 3ne ?ho is dea0 or absent, <eril"2 "ou are /allin. 3ne ?ho is All-Hearin. (and) !ear to "ou and is with "ou, Abu Musa told that he had been behind him (the Hol" @ro1het) and re/itin.:C There is neither nor 1ower but that o0 Allah,C He (the Hol" @ro1het)2 while addressin. :Abdullah b, Eais2 said: Should I not dire/t "ou to a treasure 0rom the treasurers o0 @ara- diseD I (:Abdullah b, Eais) said: Allah:s Messen.er2 do it2 o0 /ourse, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Then re/ite:C There is no and no 1ower but that o0 Allah,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+2%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Asim with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+2#:

Abu Musa re1orted that he (and his other /om1anions) were /limbin. u1on the hillo/6 alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and when an" 1erson /limbed u12 he 1ronoun/ed (loudl"):C There is no .od but Allah2 Allah is the Hreatest,C Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: <eril"2 "ou are not su11li/atin. 3ne ?ho is dea0 or absent, He said: Abu Musa or Abdullah b Eais2 should I not dire/t "ou to the words (whi/h 0orm) the treasure o0 @aradiseD I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 what are theseD He said:C There is no and no 1ower but that o0 Allah,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+2;:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Musa with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+4 :

Abu Musa re1orted: ?e were alon. with Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on a journe"B the rest o0 the hadith is the same as transmitted b" A:sim,

$)$# & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+4$:

Abu Musa2 re1orted, ?e were alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in an e51edition, The rest o0 the hadith is the same (and there is an addi- tion o0 these words in that):C He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: He ?hom "ou are su1- 1li/atin. is nearer to e-er" one o0 "ou than the ne/6 o0 his /amel,C And there is no mention o0 these words:C There is no and no 1ower but that o0 Allah,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+42:

Abu Musa Ash:ari re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: Should I not dire/t "ou to the words 0rom the treasures o0 @aradise2 or he said: Li6e a treasure 0rom the treasures o0 @aradiseD I said: 30 /ourse2 do that, Thereu1on he said:C There is no and no 1ower but that o0 Allah,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+44:

Abu 7a6r re1orted that he said to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): Tea/h me a su11li/ation whi/h I should re/ite in m" 1ra"er, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Ae/ite:C 3 Allah2 I ha-e done .reat wron. to m"sel0,C A//ordin. to Eutaiba (the words were: ) mu/h (wron.) -there is none to 0or.i-e the sins but Thou onl"2 sa":C Hrant me 1ardon 0rom Th"sel02 ha-e mer/" u1on me 0or Thou art mu/h =or.i-in. and 'om1assionate,C This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 :Amr b, al-:As that Abu 7a6r Siddiq said to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): Allah:s, tea/h me a su11li/ation whi/h I should ma6e in m" 1ra"er and in m" house, The rest o0 the hadith is the same e5/e1t with this -ariation that he said: Mu/h wron. (Gulman >athira),

'ha1ter $*: Su11li/ation 0or the sa0e.uard o0 one:s sel0 a.ainst the e-il o0 the turmoil
7oo6 4+2 !umber )+4*:
:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to ma6e these su11li/ations:C 3 Allah2 I see6 re0u.e in Thee 0rom the trial o0 Hell-=ireB and 0rom the torment o0 Hell-=ireB and 0rom the trial o0 the .ra-e and torment o0 the .ra-eB and 0rom the e-il o0 the trial o0 the a00luen/e and 0rom the e-il o0 the trial o0 1o-ert" and I see6 re0u.e in Thee 0rom the e-il o0 the turmoil o0 the 9ajjal, 3 Allah2 wash awa" m" sins with snow and hail water2 1uri0" m" heart 0rom the sins as is 1uri0ied the white .arment 0rom the dirt2 and 6ee1 awa" at a distan/e the sins 0rom me

$)$; & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

as "awns the distan/e between the (ast and the ?estB 3 Allah2 I see6 re0u.e in Thee 0rom sloth2 0rom senilit"2 0rom sin2 and 0rom debt,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+4+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+4):

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to sa":C 3 Allah2 I see6 re0u.e in Thee 0rom in/a1a/it"2 0rom indolen/e2 0rom /owardi/e2 0rom senilit"2 0rom miserliness2 and I see6 re0u.e in Thee 0rom the torment o0 the .ra-e and 0rom trial o0 the li0e and death,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+4%:

Anas re1orted 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (this su11li- /ation) but with this -ariation that these words are not 0ound in that su11li/ation:C =rom the trial o0 li0e and death,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+4#:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to see6 re0u.e in Allah 0rom su/h thin.s as mentioned in the abo-e-mentioned hadith and 0rom :miserlinessC too,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+4;:

Anas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) wed to ma6e this su11li/ation:C 3 Allah2 I see6 re0u.e in Thee 0rom miserliness2 0rom sloth and 0rom de/re1itude,C

'ha1ter $+: See6in. o0 re0u.e in allah 0rom the e-il o0 destin" and 0rom the se-erit" o0 /alamit"
7oo6 4+2 !umber )+* :
Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to see6 re0u.e (in Allah) 0rom the e-il o0 destin" and 0rom 0allin. into the hand o0 /alamit" and 0rom the mo/6er" o0 (trium1hant) enemies and 0rom the hardshi1 o0 miser", Abu Su0"an re1orted: I am in doubt that I ha-e made an addition o0 one word in this su11li/ation,

$)2 & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+*$:

>haula bint Ha6im Sulami""a re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen an"one lands at a 1la/e2 and then sa"s:C I see6 re0u.e in the @er0e/t ?ord o0 Allah 0rom the e-il o0 what He has /reated2C nothin. would harm him until he mar/hes 0rom that sto11in. 1la/e,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+*2:

>haula bint Ha6im Sulami""a re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen an" one o0 "ou sta"s at a 1la/e2 he should sa":C I see6 re0u.e in the @er0e/t ?ord o0 Allah 0rom the e-il o0 that He /reated,C !othin. would then do him an" harm until he mo-es 0rom that 1la/e, Abu Huraira re1orted that a 1erson /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said:C Allah:s Messen.er2 I was stun. b" a s/or1ion durin. the, Thereu1on he said: Had "ou re/ited these words in the e-enin.:C I see6 re0u.e in the @er0e/t ?ord o0 Allah 0rom the e-il o0 what He /reated2C it would not ha-e done an" harm to "ou,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+*4:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter $): Su11li/ation at the time o0 slee1in. and .oin. to bed

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+**:
Al-7ara: b, :A8ib re1orted that Allah:s2 (ma" 1ea/e be u1on said: ?hen "ou .o to bed2 1er0orm ablution as is done 0or 1ra"erB then lie down 1n the side and re/ite:C 3 Allah2 I turn m" 0a/e towards Thee and entrust m" a00air to Thee, I retreat unto Thee 0or 1rote/tion with ho1e in Thee and 0ear o0 Thee, There is no resort and no deli-erer (0rom hardshi1) but Thou onl", I a00irm m" 0aith in Thine boo6s whi/h Thou re-ealed and in Thine A1ostles whom Thou sent,C Ma6e this as the last word o0 "ours (when "ou .o to slee1) and in /ase "ou die durin. that ni.ht2 "ou would die u1on =itra (u1on Islam), And as I re1eated these words in order to /ommit them to memor"2 I said:C I a00irm m" 0aith in Th" (Aasul) whom Thou sent,C He said: Sa":C I a00irm m" 0aith in the A1ostle (!abi) whom Thou sent,C

$)2$ & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+*+:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 al-7ara: b, :A8ib with a -ariation o0 wordin. and there is this addition in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Husain:C In /ase "ou .et u1 in the mornin.2 "ou will .et u1 with bliss,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+*):

Al-7ara: b, :A8ib re1orted that Allah:s (in ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded a 1erson (in these words): ?hen "ou .o to bed durin. ni.ht2 "ou should sa":C 3 Allah2 I surrender m"sel0 to Thee and entrust m" a00air to Thee2 with ho1e in Thee and 0ear o0 Thee, There is no resort and no deli-erer (0rom hardshi1 but Thou), I a00irm m" 0aith in the 7oo6 whi/h Thou re-ealed and in the Messen.ers whom Thou sent,C I0 "ou die in this state "ou would die on =itra2 and Ibn 7ashshdr did not ma6e a mention o0C ni.htC in this hadith,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+*%:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 al-7ara: b, :A8ib that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to a 1erson: 32 so and so2 as "ou .o to "our bedB the rest o0 the hadith is the same but with this -ariation o0 wordin. that he said:C Thine A1ostle whom Thou sent,C I0 "ou die that "ou would die on =itra and i0 "ou .et u1 in the mornin. "ou would .et u1 with a bliss,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+*#:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 al-7ara: b, :A8ib that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded a 1erson (in these words) and there is no mention o0 this:C i0 "ou .et u1 in the mornin. "ou would .et u1 with a bliss,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+*;:

Al-7ara: re1orted that whene-er Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went to bed2 he said:C 3 Allah2 it is with Thine !ame that I li-e and it is with Thine !ame that I die,C And when he .ot u1 he used to sa":C @raise is due to Allah2 ?ho .a-e us li0e a0ter our death (slee1) and unto Thee is resurre/tion,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )++ :

Abdullah b, :Umar /ommanded a 1erson that as he went to bed2 he should sa":C 3 Allah2 Thou /reated m" bein. and it is 0or Thee to ta6e it to its ultimate .oal, And its death and li0e is due to Thee2 and i0 Thou .i-est it li0e2 sa0e.uard itB and i0 Thou death2 .rant it 1ardon, 3 Allah2 I be. o0

$)22 & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

Thee sa0et",C A 1erson said to him: 9id "ou hear it 0rom UmarD Thereu1on he said: (I ha-e heard 0rom one) who is better than Umar2 -i8, 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Ibn !a0i2 re1orted this on the authorit" o0 Abdullah b, Harith but he did not ma6e mention o0 thisC that he heard it himsel0C,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )++$:

Suhail re1orted that Abu Salih used to /ommand us (in these words): ?hen an" one o0 "ou intends to .o to slee12 he should lie on the bed on his side and then sa":C 3 Allah, the Lord o0 the Hea-ens and the Lord o0 the (arth and Lord o0 the Ma.ni0i/ent Throne2 our Lord2 and the Lord o0 e-er-thina2 the S1litter o0 the .rain o0 /orn and the datestone (or 0ruit 6ernal)2 the Ae-ealer o0 Torah and Injil (7ible) and 'riterion (the Hol" Eur:an)2 I see6 re0u.e in Thee 0rom the e-il o0 e-er"- thin. Thou art to sie8e b" the 0orelo/6 (Thou hast 1er0e/t /ontrol o-er it), 3 Allah2 Thou art the =irst2 there is be0ore Thee2 and Thou art the Last and there is a0ter Thee2 and Thou art (-ident and there is nothin. abo-e Thee2 and Thou art Innermost and there is nothin. be"ond Thee, Aemo-e the burden o0 debt 0rom us and relie-e us 0rom want,C Abu Salih used to narrate it 0rom Abu Huraira who narrated it 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 4+2 !umber )++2:

Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to /ommand us that as we .o to our bedo2 we should utter the words (as mention- ed abo-e) and he also said (these words):C =rom the e-il o0 e-er" animal2 Thou hast hold u1on its 0orelo/6 (Thou bast 0ull /ontrol o-er it),C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )++4:

Abu Huraira re1orted that =atima (the dau.hter o0 the Hol" @ro1het) /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and as6ed 0or a ser-ant, He said to her: Sa":C 3 Allah2 the Lord o0 the se-en hea-ensC B the rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )++*:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"- in.: ?hen an" one o0 "ou .oes to bed2 he should ta6e hold o0 the hem o0 his lower .arment and then should /lean (his bed) with the hel1 o0 that and then should re/ite the name o0 Allah 0or he himsel0 does tiot 6now what he le0t behind him on his bed2 and when he intends to lie on bed2 he should lie on his side and utter these words:C Hallowed be Allah2 m" Lord, It is with Thine (.ra/e) that I 1la/e m" side (u1on the bed) and it is with Thee that I ta6e it u1 (a0ter slee1)2 and in /ase Thou withholdst m" bein. (i0 thou

$)24 & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

/ausest me to die)2 then .rant 1ardon to m" bein.2 and i0 Thou 6ee1st (this 1ro/ess o0 breathin. on)2 then 1rote/t it with that with whi/h Thou 1rote/ted Thine 1ious ser-ants,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+++:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ubaidullah b, Umar with the same /hain o0 transmitters and he said: Then utter:C M" Lord, with Thine name I 1la/e m" side and i0 Thou 6ee1est me ali-e ha-e mer/" u1on m"sel0C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )++):

Anas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen "ou .o to bed2 sa":C @raise is due to Allab ?ho 0ed us2 1ro-ided us drin62 su00i/ed us and 1ro-ided us with shelter2 0or man" a 1eo1le there is none to su00i/e and none to 1ro-ide shelter,C

'ha1ter $%: Ae0u.e 0rom the e-il o0 what one has done and what one has not done
7oo6 4+2 !umber )++%:
=arwa: b, !au0al Ashja:i re1orted: I as6ed: :A:isha2 in what words did Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) su11li/ate AllahD She said that he used to utter:C I see6 re0u.e in Thee 0rom the e-il o0 what I did and 0rom the e-il o0 what I did not,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )++#:

=arwa: b, !au0al re1orted: I as6ed :A:isha about the su11li/ation that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made, She said that he used to sa":C 3 Allah2 I see6 re0u.e in Thee 0rom the e-il o0 what I ha-e done and 0rom the e-il o0 what I ha-e not done,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )++;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Muhammad b, ja:0ar throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

$)2* & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+) :

=arwa: b, !au0al re1orted on the authorit" o0 :A:isha that Allah:s Mes- (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to su11li/ate (in these words):C 3 Allah2 I see6 re0u.e in Thee 0rom the e-il o0 what I did and 0rom the e-il o0 what I did not,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+)$:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to sa":C 3 Allah2 it is unto Thee that I surrender m"sel0, I a00irm m" 0aith in Thee and re1ose m" trust in Thee and turn to Thee in re1entan/e and with Th" hel1 m" ad-ersaries, 3 Allah2 I see6 re0u.e in Thee with Thine @owerB there is no .od but Thou2 lest Thou leadest me astra", Thou art e-er-li-in. that dieth not2 while the Finn and man6ind die,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+)2:

Abu Huraira re1orted that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) set out on a journe" in the mornin.2 he used to sa":C A listener listened to our 1raisin. Allah (0or) His .oodl" trial o0 us, 3ur LordL a/om1an" us2 .uard us and bestow u1on us Th" .ra/e, I am see6er o0 re0u.e in Allah 0rom the =ire,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+)4:

Abu Musa Ash:ari re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allahs A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to su11li/ate in these words:C 3 Allah2 0or.i-e me m" 0aults2 m" i.noran/e2 m" immoderation in m" /on/erns, And Thou art better aware (o0 m" a00airs) than m"sel0, 3 Allah2 .rant me 0or.i-eness (o0 the 0aults whi/h I /ommitted) seriousl" or otherwise (and whi/h I /ommitted inad-ertentl" and de- liberatel", All these (0ailin.s) are in me, 3 Allah2 .rant me 0or.i-eness 0rom the 0ault whi/h I did in haste or de0erred2 whi/h I /ommitted in 1ri-a/" or in 1ubli/ and Thou art better aware o0 (them) than m"sel0, Thou art the =irst and the Last and o-er all thin.s Thou art 3mni1otent,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+)*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+)+:

Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to su11li/ate (in these words):C 3 Allah2 set 0or me m" reli.ion whi/h is the sa0e.uard o0 m" a00airs, And set 0or me the a00airs o0 m" world wherein is m" li-in., And set 0or me m" Herea0ter on whi/h de-

$)2+ & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

1ends m" a0ter-li0e, And ma6e the li0e 0or me (a sour/e) o0 abundan/e 0or e-er" .ood and ma6e m" death a sour/e o0 /om0ort 0or me 1rote/tin. me a.ainst e-er" e-il,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+)):

Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to su11li/ate (in these words):C 3 Allah, I be. o0 Thee the .uidan/e2 sa0e.uard a.ainst e-ils2 /hastit" and 0reedom 0rom want,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+)%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Ishaq with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+)#:

Gaid b, Alqam re1orted: I am not .oin. to sa" an"thin. but onl" that whi/h Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1.n him) used to sa", He used to su11li/ate:C 3 Allah2 I see6 re0u.e in Thee 0rom in/a1a/it"2 0rom sloth2 0rom /owardi/e2 0rom miserliness2 de/re1itude and 0rom torment o0 the .ra-e, 3 Allah2 .rant to m" soul the sense o0 ri.hteousness and 1uri0" it2 0or Thou art the 7est @uri0ier thereo0, Thou art the @rote/tin. =riend thereo02 and Huardian thereo0, 3 Allah2 I see6 re0u.e in Thee 0rom the 6nowled.e whi/h does not bene0it2 0rom the heart that does not entertain the 0ear (o0 Allah)2 0rom the soul that does not 0eel /ontented and the su11li/ation that is not res1onded,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+);:

Abdullah b, Mas:ud re1orted that when it was e-enin. Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to su11li/ate:C ?e entered u1on e-enin. and the whole >in.dom o0 Allah also entered u1on e-enin. and 1raise is due to Allah, There is no .od but Allah2 the 3ne ?ho has no 1artner with Him,C Hasan said that Gubaid re1orted to him that he memorised it 0rom Ibrahim in these -er" words,C His is the So-erei.nt" and @raise is due to Him2 and He is @otent o-er e-er"thin., 3 Allah2 I be. o0 Thee the .ood o0 this and I see6 re0u.e in Thee 0rom the e-il o0 this and the e-il whi/h 0ollows it, 3 Allah2 I see6 re0u.e in Thee 0rom sloth2 0rom the e-il o0 -anit", 3 Allah2 I see6 re0u.e in Thee 0rom torment in the Hell-=ire and 0rom torment in the .ra-e,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+% :

Abdullah re1orted that when it was e-enin. Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to su11li/ate:C ?e ha-e entered u1on e-enin. and so2 too2 the whole >in.dom o0 Allah has entered u1on e-enin., @raise is due to Allah, There is no .od but Allah2 the 3ne ha-in. no 1artner with Him,C
$)2) & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

He (the narrator) said: I thin6 that he also uttered (in this su11li/ation these words):C His is tne So-er/i.nt" and to Him is 1raise due and He is @otent o-er e-er"thin., M" Lord2 I be. o0 Thee .ood that lies in this and .ood that 0ollows it and I see6 re0u.e in Thee 0rom the e-il that lies in this and 0rom the e-il o0 that whi/h 0ollows it, M" Lord2 I see6 re0u.e in Thee 0rom sloth2 0rom the e-il o0 -anit", M" Lord2 I see6 re0u.e in Thee 0rom torment o0 the Hell-=ire and 0rom torment o0 the .ra-e,C And when it was mornin. he said li6e this:C ?e entered u1on mornin. and the whole >in.dom o0 Allah enter ed u1on mornin.,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+%$:

Abdullah re1orted that when it was e-enin. Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to su11li/ate:C ?e ha-e entered u1on e-enin. and so has the >in.dom o0 Allah entere d u1on e-enin.B 1raise is due to Allah2 there is no .od but Allah the 3ne2 and there is no 1artner with Him, 3 Allah2 I be. o0 Thee the blessin. o0 this and the blessin. o0 that whi/h lies in it, I see6 re0u.e in Thee 0rom the e-il o0 it and what lies in it, 3 Allah2 I see6 re0u.e in Thee 0rom sloth2 0rom de/re1itude2 0rom the e-il o0 -anit"2 0rom trial o0 the world2 and 0rom torment o0 the .ra-e,C Gubaid2 throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters2 has narrated on the authorit" o0 Abdullah dire/tl" this addition:C There is no .od but Allah2 the 3ne2 there is no 1artner with Him2 His is the So-erei.nt" and to Him is 1raise due and He is @otent o-er e-er"thin.,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+%2:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that Allah:s Messen.eB (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to su11li/ate thus:C There is no .od but Allah2 the 3ne ?ho /on0erred u1on His armies the honour o0 -i/tor" and hel1ed His ser-ant rout the /lansB there is nothin. a0ter that,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+%4:

:Ali re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: Sa"2C 3 Allah2 dire/t me to the 1ath and ma6e me adhere to the 1ath2C and when "ou ma6e a mention o0 .uidan/e2 6ee1 in mind the 1ath and when "ou /onsider o0 the (1ath)2 6ee1 in mind the strai.htness o0 the arrow,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+%*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Asim b, >ulaib with the same /hain o0 transmitters that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to me: Sa":C 3 Allah2 I be. o0 Thee ri.hteousness and adherin. to the 1ath,C

$)2% & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

'ha1ter $#: The re/itin. o0 Subhan Allah in the mornin. and at the time o0 slee1in.
7oo6 4+2 !umber )+%+:
Fuwairi"a re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame out 0rom (her a1artment) in the mornin. as she was bus" in obser-in. her dawn 1ra"er in her 1la/e o0 worshi1, He /ame ba/6 in the 0orenoon and she was still sittin. there, He (the Hol" @ro1het) said to her: Kou ha-e been in the same seat sin/e I le0t "ou, She said: Kes, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I re/ited 0our words three times a0ter I le0t "ou and i0 these are to be wei.hed a.ainst what "ou ha-e re/ited sin/e mornin. these would outwei.h them and (these words) are:C Hallowed be Allah and 1raise is due to Him a//ordin. to the number o0 His /reation and a//ordin. to the 1leasure o0 His Sel0 and a//ordin. to the o0 His Throne and a//ordin. to the in6 (used in re/ordin.) words (0or His @raise),C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+%):

Fuwairi"a re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha11ened to 1ass b" her as she was obser-in. her dawn 1ra"erB or a0ter she had obser-ed her dawn 1ra"er, The rest o0 the hadith is the same but with this -ariation that he said:C Hallowed be Allah a//ordin. to the number o0 His /reation2 hallowed be Allah a//ordin. to the 1leasure o0 His Sel02 hallowed be Allah a//ordin. to the o0 His Throne2 hallowed be Allah a//ordin. to the in6 used in re/ordin. His words,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+%%:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Ali that =atima had /orns in her hand be/ause o0 wor6in. at the hand-mill, There had 0allen to the lot o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) some 1risoners o0 war, She (=atima) /ame to the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) but she did not 0ind him (in the house), She met A:isha and in0ormed her (about her hardshi1), ?hen Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame2 she ( A:isha) in0ormed him about the -isit o0 =atima, A7ah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to them (=itima and her 0amil"), The" had .one to their beds, :Ali 0urther (re1orted): ?e tried to stand u1 (as a mar6 o0 res1e/t) but Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: >ee1 to "our beds2 and he sat us and I 0elt /oldness o0 his 0eet u1on m" /hest, He then said: Ma" I not dire/t "ou to somethin. better than what "ou ha-e as6ed 0orD ?hen "ou .o to "our bed2 "ou should re/ite Ta6bir (Allah-o-A6bar) thirt"-0our times and Tasbih (Subhdn Allah) thirt"three times and Tahmid (al-Hamdu li-Allah) thirt"-three times2 and that is better than the ser-ant 0or "ou,

$)2# & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+%#:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters but, with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+%;:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Abi Laili but with this addition:C Ali said: (-er sin/e I heard this (su11li/ation) 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 I ne-er abandoned it, It was said to him2 !ot e-en in the o0 Si00in (battle o0 Si00in)D He sad: Kes2 not e-en in the o0 Si00in2C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+# :

Abu Huraira re1orted that =atima /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and as6ed 0or a ser-ant and told him o0 the hardshi1 o0 household wor6, He said: Kou would not be able to .et a ser-ant 0rom us, Ma" I not dire/t "ou to what is better than the ser-ant 0or "ouD Ae/ite Subhaana Allah thirt"-three times2 al- Hamdu li-Allah thirt"-three times and Allah-o-A6bar thirt"-0our times as "ou .o to bed, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Suhail with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $;: The e5/ellen/e o0 su11li/atin. at the time o0 the /rowin. o0 the /o/6 in the mornin.
7oo6 4+2 !umber )+#$:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"- in., ?hen "ou listen to the /rowin. o0 the /o/62 as6 Allah 0or His 0a-our as it sees An.els and when "ou listen to the bra"in. o0 the don6e"2 see6 re0u.e in Allah 0rom the Satan 0or it sees Satan,

'ha1ter 2 : Su11li/ation durin. the time o0 trouble

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+#2:
Ibn :Abbas re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to su11li/ate durin. the time o0 trouble (in these words):C There is no .od but Allah2 the Hreat2 the Tolerant2 there is no .od

$)2; & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

but Allah2 the Lord o0 the Ma.ni0i/ent Throne There is no .od but Allah2 the Lord o0 the Hea-en and the earth2 the Lord o0 the (di0"in. Throne,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+#4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+#*:

Ibn Abbas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to su11li/ate (with these words) and he (uttered these words) at the time o0 troubleB the rest o0 the hadith is the same e5/e1t with this di00eren/e that insted o0 sa"in.:C The Lord o0 hea-en and the earth2C he said:C The Lord o0 the hea-en and that o0 the earth,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+#+:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted this hadith throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters with a sli.lit -ariation o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter 2$: The merit o0 Subhan Allah wa bi Hamdihi

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+#):
Abu 9harr re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was as6ed as to whi/h words were the best, He said: Those 0or whi/h Allah made a /hoi/e 0or His An.els and His ser-ants (and the words are):C Hallowed be Allah and 1raise is due to Him,C

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+#%:

Abu 9harr re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Should I not in0orm "ou about the words li6ed most b" AllahD I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 do in0orm me about the words li6ed most b" Allah, He said: <eril"2 the words li6ed most b" Allah are:C hallowed be Allah and 1raise is due to Him,C

$)4 & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

'ha1ter 22: (5/ellen/e o0 su11li/atin. 0or the muslims behind their ba/6 (in their absen/e)
7oo6 4+2 !umber )+##:
Abu 9harr re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There is no belie-in. ser-ant who su11li/ates 0or his brother behind his ba/6 (in his absen/e) that the An.els do not sa": The same be 0or "ou too,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+#;:

Umm 9arda: re1orted: M" husband re1orted that he heard Allah:s Mes- (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who su11li/ates 0or his brother behind his ba/6 (in his absen/e)2 the An.el /ommissioned (0or /arr"in. su11li/ation to his Lord) sa"s: Amen2 and it is 0or "ou also,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+; :

Sa0wan (and he was Ibn :Abdullah b, Sa0wan2 and he had been married to Umm 9arda:) re1orted: I -isited Abu 9arda:s house in S"ria, I did not 0ind him there but Umm 9arda: (was 1resent at the house), She said: 9o "ou intend to 1er0orm Hajj durin. this "earD I said: Kes, She said: 9o su11li/ate Allah 0or blessin.s u1on us2 0or Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on hiin) used to sa": The su11li/ation o0 a Muslim 0or his brother at his ba/6 (in his absen/e) is res1onded so lon. as he ma6es a su11li/ation 0or blessin.s 0or his brother and the /ommissioned An.el sa"s: Amen2 and sa"s: Ma" it be 0or "ou too I I went to the ba8ar and met Ab0i 9ardi: and he narrated li6e this 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+;$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sa0wan b, :Abdullah b, Sa0wan with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

$)4$ & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

'ha1ter 24: (5/ellen/e o0 re/itin. al-Hamdu li-Allah a0ter eatin. and drin6in.
7oo6 4+2 !umber )+;2:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah is 1leased with His ser-ant who sa"s: Al-Hamdu lillah ?hile ta6in. a morsel o0 0ood tnd while drin6in.,

'ha1ter 2*: Su11li/ation is .ranted i0 the su11li/ant does not show im1atien/e
7oo6 4+2 !umber )+;4:
Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The su11li/ation o0 e-er" one o0 "ou is .ranted i0 he does not .row im1atient and sa"s: I su11li/ated but it was not .ranted,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+;*:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The su11li/ation o0 one o0 "ou is .ranted i0 he does not .row im1atient and sa"- I su11li/ated m" Lord but it was not .ranted,

7oo6 4+2 !umber )+;+:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The su11li/ation o0 the ser-ant is .ranted in /ase he does not su11li/ate 0or sin or 0or se-erin. the ties o0 blood2 or he does not be/ome im1atient, It was said: Allah:s Messen.er2 what does:C I0 he does not .row im1atientC im1l"D He said: That he should sa" li6e this: I su11li/ated and I su11li/ated but I did not 0ind it bein. res1onded, and theu he be/omes 0rustrated and abandons su11li/ation,

$)42 & $#


733> 4+: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( A(M(M7AA!'( 3= ALLAH2 SU@@LI'ATI3!2 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 S((>I!H =3AHI<(!(SS

(>ITA7 AL-9HI>A)

733> 4): TH( 733> 3= H(AATM(LTI!H TAA9ITI3!S (>ITA7 AL-AIEAE)

$)44 & $#


733> 4): TH( 733> 3= H(AAT-M(LTI!H TAA9ITI3!S (>ITA7 AL-AIEAE)

'ha1ter $: The majorit" in 1aradise would /onsist o0 the 1oor 1ious 1ersons and the majorit" o0 the deni8ens o0 hell would /onsist o0 women2 and the trial b" means o0 women
7oo6 4)2 !umber )+;):
Usama b, Gaid re1orted that Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I stood at the door o0 @aradise and I 0ound that the o-erwhelmin. majorit" o0 those who entered therein was that o0 1oor 1ersons and the wealth" 1ersons were detained to .et into that, The deni8ens o0 Hell were /ommanded to .et into Hell2 and I stood u1on the door o0 =ire and the majorit" them who entered there was that o0 women,

7oo6 4)2 !umber )+;%:

Ibn Abbas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I had a /han/e to loo6 into the @aradise and I 0ound that majorit" o0 the 1eo1le was 1oor and I loo6ed into the =ire and there I 0ound the majorit" /onstituted b" women,

7oo6 4)2 !umber )+;#:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Abbas throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4)2 !umber )+;;:

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stated li6e this: Ae loo6ed into the =ire o0 Hell, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 4)2 !umber ))

Imran b, Husain re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: the inmates o0 @aradise the women would 0orm a minorit",

7oo6 4)2 !umber )) $:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Mutarri0 throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,
$)4* & $#


733> 4): TH( 733> 3= H(AAT-M(LTI!H TAA9ITI3!S (>ITA7 AL-AIEAE)

7oo6 4)2 !umber )) 2:

:Abdullah b, Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) su11li/ated in these words:C 3 Allah2 I see6 re0u.e in Thee 0rom the withdrawal o0 Thine blessin. and the /han.e o0 Thine 1rote/tion (0rom me) and 0rom the sudden wrath o0 Thine2 and 0rom e-er" dis1leasure o0 Thine,C

7oo6 4)2 !umber )) 4:

Usama b, Gaid re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I ha-e not le0t a0ter me an" (/han/e) o0 turmoil more injurious to men than the harm done to the men be/ause o0 women,

7oo6 4)2 !umber )) *:

Usama b, Gaid b, Harith and Sa:id b, Gaid b, :Amr b, !au0al both re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I ha-e not le0t a0ter me turmoil 0or the 1eo1le but the harm done to men b" women,

7oo6 4)2 !umber )) +:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sulaiman Taimi with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4)2 !umber )) ):

Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The world is sweet and .reen (allurin.) and -eril" Allah is .oin. to install "ou as -i/e.erent in it in order to see how "ou a/t, So a-oid the allurement o0 women: -eril"2 the 0irst trial 0or the 1eo1le o0 Isri:ll was /aused b" women, And in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn 7ashshar the words are:C So that He should see how "ou a/t,C

'ha1ter 2: The stor" o0 the three 1ersons o0 the /a-e and their ma6in. .ood deeds o0 theirs as the means o0 riddan/e
7oo6 4)2 !umber )) %:
:Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Three 1ersons set out on a journe", The" were o-erta6en b" rain and the" had to 0ind 1rote/tion in a mountain /a-e
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733> 4): TH( 733> 3= H(AAT-M(LTI!H TAA9ITI3!S (>ITA7 AL-AIEAE)

where at its mouth there 0ell a ro/6 o0 that mountain and thus blo/6ed them alto.ether, 3ne o0 them said to the others: Loo6 to "our .ood deeds that "ou 1er0ormed 0or the sa6e o0 Allah and then su11li/ate Allah2 the (5alted2 that He res/ue "ou (0rom this trouble), 3ne o0 them said: Allah2 I had m" 1arents who were old and m" wi0e and m" small /hildren also, I tended the 0lo/6 and when I /ame ba/6 to them in the e-enin.2 I mil6ed them (the shee12 .oats2 /ows2 et/,) and 0irst ser-ed that mil6 to m" 1arents, 3ne da" I was obli.ed to .o out to a distant 1la/e in sear/h o0 0odder and I /ould not /ome ba/6 be0ore e-enin. and 0ound them (the 1arents) aslee1, I mil6ed the animals as I used to mil6 and mil6 to them and stood b" their heads a-oidin. to disturb them 0rom slee1 and I did not deem it ad-isable to ser-e mil6 to m" /hildren be0ore ser-in. them, M" /hildren we1t near m" 0eet, I remained there in that -er" state and m" 1arents too until it was mornin., And ( Allah) i0 Thou art aware that I did this in order to see6 Thine 1leasure2 .rant us riddan/e 0rom this trouble, (The ro/6 sli11ed a bit) that the" /ould see the s6", The se/ond one said: Allah2 I had a 0emale /ousin whom I lo-ed more than the men lo-e the women, I wanted to ha-e se5ual inter/ourse with herB she re0used but on the /ondition o0 .ettin. one hundred dinirs, It was with -er" .reat di00i/ult" that I /ould /olle/t one hundred dinirs and then 1aid them to her and when I was .oin. to ha-e a se5ual inter/ourse with her2 that she said: Ser-ant o0 Allah2 0ear Allah and do not brea6 the seal (o0 /hastit") but b" law0ul means, I .ot u1, Allah2 i0 Thou art aware that I did this in order to see6 Thine 1leasure2 rid us 0rom this trouble, The situation was somewhat eased 0or them, The third one said: Allah2 I em1lo"ed a wor6man 0or a measure o0 ri/e, A0ter he had 0inished his wor6 I .a-e him his dues (in the 0orm o0) a measure o0 ri/e2 but he did not a//e1t them, I used these ri/e as seeds2 and that .a-e a bum1er /ro1 and I be/ame ri/h enou.h to ha-e /ows and 0lo/6s (in m" 1ossession), He /ame to me and said: =ear Allah2 and /ommit no /ruelt- u1on me in re.ard to m" dues, I said to him: Ta6eawa" this 0lo/6 o0 /ows and shee1, He said: =ear Allah and do not ma6e a 0un o0 me, I said: I am not ma6in. a 0un o0 "ou, Kou ta6e the /ows and the 0lo/6s, So he too6 them, ble, Allah2 i0 Thou art aware that I did it 0or Thine 1leasure2 /ase the situation 0or us, And Allah relie-ed them 0rom the rest o0 the trou-

7oo6 4)2 !umber )) #:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Musa b, :Uqba but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4)2 !umber )) ;:

Abdullah b :Umar re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Three 1ersons to the earlier Ummahs set out on a journe" until the" had to s1end a in a /a-e, The rest o0 the hadith is the same and the additional words are:C A 1erson them said: Allah2 I had m" a.ed 1arents and I ser-ed them mil6 be0ore I (ser-ed that) to m" wi0e2 /hildren and m" ser-ants,C And in /ase o0 the se/ond one2 the words are:C She a-oided me until she was hard 1ressed be/ause o0 0amine and she /ame to me and I .a-e her one hundred and twent" diiiirsC And in
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733> 4): TH( 733> 3= H(AAT-M(LTI!H TAA9ITI3!S (>ITA7 AL-AIEAE)

/ease o0 the third one (the words are):C I in-ested his wa.es2 and it 1ro0it and2 as a result thereo02 the mer/handise in/reased and there was abundan/e o0 .oods,C And he (the narrator said) that the" .ot out o0 the /a-e and to wal6,

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733> 4): TH( 733> 3= H(AAT-M(LTI!H TAA9ITI3!S (>ITA7 AL-AIEAE)

733> 4%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 (TH3ATATI3! T3 A(@(!TA!'( (>ITA7 AL-TAU7A)

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733> 4%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 (TH3ATATI3! T3 A(@(!TA!'( (>ITA7 AL-TAU7A)

'ha1ter $: (5hortation 0or re1entan/e

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))$ :
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 said: I li-e in the o0 M" ser-ant and I am with him as he remembers Me, (The Hol" @ro1het) 0urther said: 7" Allah2 Allah is more 1leased wth the re1entan/e o0 His ser-ant than what one o0 "ou would do on 0indin. the lost /amel in the waterless desert, ?hen he draws near Me b" the s1an o0 his hand, I draw near him b" the o0 a /ubit and when he draws near Me b" the o0 a /ubit, I draw near him b" the o0 a 0athom and when he draws near Me wal6in. I draw /lose to him hurriedl",

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))$$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah is more 1leased with the re1entan/e o0 His ser-ant when he turns 1enitentl" towards Him than one o0 "ou would be on 0indin. the lost /amel,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))$2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))$4:

Harith b, Suwaid said: I went to see :Abdullah to inquire about his health as he was si/6 and he narrated to us a hadith o0 Allahs (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah is more 1leased with the re1entan/e o0 His belie-in. ser-ant than a 1erson who loses his ridin. beast /arr"in. 0ood and drin6, He slee1s (bein. disa11ointed o0 its re/o-er") and then .ets u1 and .oes in sear/h 0or that2 until he is stri/6en with thirst, then /omes ba/6 to the 1la/e where he had been be0ore and .oes to slee1 /om1letel" e5hausted 1la/in. his head u1on his hands waitin. 0or death, And when he .ets u12 lot there is be0ore him his ridin. beast and his 1ro-isions o0 0ood and drin6, Allah is more 1leased with the re1entan/e o0 His ser-ant than the re/o-er" o0 this ridin. beast alon. with the 1ro-isions (o0 0ood and drin6),

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))$*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

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733> 4%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 (TH3ATATI3! T3 A(@(!TA!'( (>ITA7 AL-TAU7A)

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))$+:

:Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah is more 1leased with the re1entan/e o0 a belie-in. man, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))$):

!u:man b, 7ashir re1orted: Allah is more 1leased with the re1entan/e o0 a belie-in. ser-ant than o0 a 1erson who set out on a journe" with a 1ro-ision o0 0ood and drin6 on the ba/6 o0 his /amel, He went on until he /ame to a waterless desert and he 0elt li6e slee1in., So he .ot down under the shade o0 a tree and was o-er/ome b" slee1 and his /amel ran awa", As he .ot u1 he tried to see (the /amel) standin. u1on a mound, but did not 0ind it, He then .ot u1on the other mound2 but /ould not see an"thin., He then /limbed u1on the third mound but did not see an"thin. until he /ame ba/6 to the 1la/e where he had been 1re-iousl", And as he was sittin. (in utter disa11ointment) there /ame to him the /amel2 till that (/amel) 1la/ed its nosestrin. in his hand, Allah is more 1leased with the re1entan/e o0 His ser-ant than the 1erson who 0ound (his lost /amel) in this -er" state, Sima6 re1orted that Sha:bi was o0 the o1inion that !u:min tra/ed it to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Sima62 howe-er2 did not hear that himsel0,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))$%:

Al-7ara: b, :A8ib re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hat is "our o1inion about the o0 a 1erson whose /amel loaded with the 1ro-isions o0 0ood and drin6 is lost and that mo-es about with its nosestrin. trailin. u1on the waterless desert in whi/h there is neither 0ood nor drin62 and lie wanders about in sear/h o0 that until he is /om1letel" e5hausted and then a//identall" it ha11ens to 1ass b" the trun6 o0 a tree and its nosestrin. .ets entan.led in that and he 0inds it entan.led thereinD He (in res1onse to the question o0 the Hol" @ro1het) said: Allah:s Messen.er2 he would 0eel hi.hl" deli.hted, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said, 7" Allah2 Allah is more deli.hted at the re1entan/e o0 His ser-ant than that 1erson (as he 0inds his lost) /amel,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))$#:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah is more 1leased with the re1entan/e o0 a ser-ant as he turns towards Him 0or re1entan/e than this that one "ou is u1on the /amel in a waterless desert and there is u1on (that /amel) his 1ro-ision o0 0ood and drin6 also and it is lost b" him2 and he ha-in. lost all ho1e (to .et tbat) lies down in the shadow and is disa11ointed about his /amel and there he 0inds that /amel standin. be0ore him, He ta6es hold o0 his nosestrin. and then out o0 boundless jo" sa"s: Thine Lord, He /ommits this mista6e out o0 e5treme, Lord2 Thou art m" ser-ant and I am

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733> 4%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 (TH3ATATI3! T3 A(@(!TA!'( (>ITA7 AL-TAU7A)

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))$;:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah is more 1leased with the re1entan/e o0 His ser-ant than i0 one o0 "ou .ets u1 and he 0inds his /amel missin. in a waterless desert (and then he a//identall" 0inds it), This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 2: The obliteration o0 sins with the hel1 o0 see6in. 0or.i-eness 1rom Allah
7oo6 4%2 !umber ))2 :
Abu Sirma re1orted that when the time o0 the death o0 Abu A""ub Ansari drew near2 he said: I used to /on/eal 0rom "ou a thin. whi/h I heard 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"iri.: Had "ou not /ommitted sins2 Allah would ha-e into e5isten/e a /reation that would ha-e /ommitted sin (and Allah) would ha-e 0or.i-en them,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))2$:

Abu A""ub Ansari re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 "ou were not to /ommit sins2 Allah would ha-e swe1t "ou out o0 e5isten/e and would ha-e re1la/ed "ou b" another 1eo1le who ha-e /ommitted sin2 and then as6ed 0or.i-eness 0rom Allah2 and He would ha-e .ranted them 1ardon,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))22:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 i0 "ou were not to /ommit sin2 Allah would swee1 "ou out o0 e5isten/e and He would re1la/e ("ou b") those 1eo1le who would /ommit sin and see6 0or.i-eness 0rom Allah2 and He would ha-e 1ardoned them,

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733> 4%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 (TH3ATATI3! T3 A(@(!TA!'( (>ITA7 AL-TAU7A)

'ha1ter 4: The e5/ellen/e o0 /onstant remembran/e o0 Allah and meditation in the a00airs o0 the herea0ter and 1ermission o0 abandonin. it at times and attendin. to the a00airs o0 the world
7oo6 4%2 !umber ))24:
Han8ala Usa""idi2 who was the s/ribes o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), re1orted: I met Abu 7a6r, He said: ?ho are "ouD He (Han8ala) said: Han8ala has turned to be a h"1o/rite, He (Abu 7a6r) said: Hallowed be Allah2 what are "ou sa"in.D Thereu1on he said: I sa" that when we are in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) we 1onder o-er Hell=ire and @aradise as i0 we are seein. them with our -er" e"es and when we are awa" 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) we attend to our wi-es2 our /hildren2 our businessB most o0 these thin.s (1ertainin. to A0ter-li0e) sli1 out o0 our minds, Abu 7a6r said: 7" Allah2 I also e51erien/e the same, So I and Abu 7a6r went to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said to him: Allah:s Messen.er2 Han8ala has turned to be a h"1o/rite, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hat has ha11ened to "ouD I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 when we are in "our /om1an"2 we are reminded o0 Hell-=ire and @aradise as i0 we are seein. them with our own e"es2 but whene-er we .o awa" 0rom "ou and attend to our wi-es2 /hildren and business2 mu/h o0 these thin.s .o out o0 our minds, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 i0 "our state o0 mind remains the same as it is in m" 1resen/e and "ou are alwa"s bus" in remembran/e (o0 Allah)2 the An.els will sha6e hands with "ou in "our beds and in "our 1aths but2 Han8ala2 time should be de-oted (to the worldl" a00airs) and time (should be de-oted to 1ra"er and meditation), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said this thri/e,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))2*:

Han8ala re1orted: ?e were in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he deli-ered to us a sermon and made a mention o0 Hell-=ire, Then I /ame to m" house and to lau.h with m" /hildren and s1ort with m" wi0e, (Han8ala) 0urther re1orted: I went out and met Abu 7a6r and made a mention o0 that to him, Thereu1on he said: I ha-e done the same as "ou ha-e mentioned, So we went to see Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said to him: Allah:s Messen.er2 Han8ala has turned to he a h"1o/rite, And he (the Hol" @ro1het) said Show res1ite, And then I narrated to him the stor"2 and Abu 7a6r said: I ha-e done the same as he has done, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Han8ala2 there is a time 0or worldl" a00airs and a time 0or (worshi1 and de-otion)2 and i0 "our state o0 mind is alwa"s the same as it is at the time o0 remembran/e o0 Allah2 the

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733> 4%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 (TH3ATATI3! T3 A(@(!TA!'( (>ITA7 AL-TAU7A)

An.els would sha6e hands with "ou and would .reet "ou on the 1ath b" sa"in.: As-Salamu-Alai6um,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))2+:

Han8ala Taimi U0a""idi2 the s/ribe o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted: ?e were in the 1resen/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he to our minds the 1roblems 1ertainin. to @aradise and Hell-=ire, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

'ha1ter *: The mer/" o0 Allah 1redominates his wrath

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))2):
Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen Allah /reated the /reation as He was u1on the Throne2 He 1ut down in His 7oo6: <eril"2 M" mer/" 1redominates M" wrath,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))2%:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 said: M" mer/" e5/els M" wrath,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))2#:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen Allah /reated the /reation2 He ordained 0or Himsel0 and this do/ument is with Him: <eril"2 M" mer/" 1redominates M- wrath,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))2;:

Abu Huraira re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah /reated mer/" in one hundred 1arts and He retained with Him ninet"-nine 1arts2 and He has sent down u1on the earth one 1art2 and it is be/ause o0 this one 1art that there is mutual lo-e amon. the /reation so mu/h so that the animal li0ts u1 its hoo0 0rom its "oun/2 one2 0earin. that it harm it,

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733> 4%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 (TH3ATATI3! T3 A(@(!TA!'( (>ITA7 AL-TAU7A)

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))4 :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah /reated one hundred (1arts o0 mer/") and He distributed one His /reation and 6e1t this one hundred e5/e1tin. one with Himsel0 (0or the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion),

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))4$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There are one hundred (1arts o0) mer/" 0or Allah and He has sent down out o0 these one 1art o0 mer/" u1on the jinn and human bein.s and the inse/ts and it is be/ause o0 this (one 1art) that the" lo-e one another2 show 6indness to one another and e-en the beast treats its "oun. one with a00e/tion2 and Allah has reser-ed ninet"nine 1arts o0 mer/" with whi/h He would treat His ser-ants on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))42:

Salman =arisi re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: <eril"2 there are one hundred (1arts o0) mer/" 0or Allah2 and it is one 1art o0 this mer/" b" -irtue o0 whi/h there is mutual lo-e between the 1eo1le and ninet"-nine reser-ed 0or the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))44:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Mu:tamir2 re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))4*:

Salman re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: <eril"2 Allah /reated2 on the same -er" da" when He /reated the hea-ens and the earth2 one hundred 1arts o0 mer/", (-er" 1art o0 mer/" is /oe5tensi-e with the s1a/e between the hea-ens, and the earth and He out o0 this mer/" endowed one 1art to the earth and it is be/ause o0 this that the mother shows a00e/tion to her /hild and e-en the beasts and birds show 6indness to one another and when there would be the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2 Allah would ma6e 0ull (use o0 Mer/"),

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))4+:

:Umar b, >hattab re1orted that there were some 1risoners to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whom there was also a woman2 who was sear/hin. (0or someone) and when she 0ound a /hild the 1risoners2 she too6 hold o0 it2 1ressed it a.ainst her /hest and 1ro-ided it su/6, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o "ou thin6 this wo$)** & $#


733> 4%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 (TH3ATATI3! T3 A(@(!TA!'( (>ITA7 AL-TAU7A)

man would e-er a00ord to throw her /hild in the =ireD ?e said: 7" Allah2 so 0ar as it lies in her 1ower2 she would ne-er throw the /hild in =ire, : Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah is more 6ind to His ser-ants than this woman is to her /hild,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))4):

:Ala: re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather who re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 a belie-er were to 6now the 1unishment (in Hell) none would ha-e the auda/it" to as1ire 0or @aradise (but he would earnestl" desire to be res/ued 0rom Hell)2 and i0 a non-belie-er were to 6now what is there with Allah as a mer/", none would ha-e been disa11ointed in re.ard to @aradise,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))4%:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that a 1erson who had ne-er done an" .ood deed as6ed the members o0 his 0amil" to burn his dead bod" when he would die and to s/atter hal0 o0 its ashes o-er the land and hal0 in the o/ean, 7" Allah2 i0 Allah 0inds him in His .ri12 He would torment him with a torment with whi/h He did not a00li/t an"one the 1eo1le o0 the worldB and when the 1erson died2 it was done to him as he had /ommanded (his 0amil") to do, Allah /ommanded the land to /olle/t (the ashes s/attered on it) and He /ommanded the o/ean and that /olle/ted (ashes) /ontained in it, Allah questioned him wh" he had done, that He said: M" Lord2 it is out o0 Thine 0ear that I ha-e done it and Thou art well aware o0 it2 and Allah .ranted him 1ardon:,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))4#:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that a 1erson /ommitted sin be"ond measure and when he was .oin. to die2 he le0t this will: (?hen I die)2 bum m" dead bod" and then /ast them (the ashes) to the wind and in the o/ean, 7" Allah2 i0 m" Lord ta6es hold o0 me2 He would torment me as He has not tormented an"one else, The" did as he had as6ed them to do, He (the Lord) said to the earth: Aeturn what "ou ha-e ta6en, And he was thus restored to his (ori.inal 0orm), He (Allah) said to him: ?hat 1rom1ted "ou to do thisD He said: M" Lord2 it was Thine 0ear or Thine awe2 and Allah 1ardoned him be/ause o0 this, Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that a woman was thrown into Hell-=ire be/ause o0 a /at whom she had tied and did not 1ro-ide it with 0ood, nor did she set it 0ree to /at inse/ts o0 the euth until it died in/h b" in/h, Guhri said: (These two ahidith) show that a 1erson rhould neither 0eel /on0ident (o0 .ettin. into @aradise) be/ause o0 his deeds2 nor should he lose (all ho1es) o0 .ettin. into @aradise,

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733> 4%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 (TH3ATATI3! T3 A(@(!TA!'( (>ITA7 AL-TAU7A)

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))4;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that a ser-ant trans.ressed the litnit in /ommittin. sins, The rest o0 the hadith is the same but there is no mention o0 the stor" o0 the /at in it and in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Giibaidl (the words are):C Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 said to e-er"thin. whi/h had ta6en a 1art o0 lies ashes to return what it had ta6en,C

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))* :

Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said that a 1erson the earlier nations be0ore "ou was /on0erred 1ro1ert" and /hildren b" Allah2 He said to his /hildren: :Kou must do as I /ommand "ou to do2 otherwise I will ma6e others besides "ou as m" inheritors, As I die2 burn m" bod" and blow m" ashes in the wind as I do not 0ind an" merit o0 mine whi/h would 1lease Allah2 and i0 Allah were to ta6e hold o0 me2 He would 1unish me, He too6 a 1led.e 0rom them and the" did as he /ommanded thein to do, Allah said: ?hat 1rom1ted "ou to do thisD He said: M" Lord, Thine 0ear2 and Allah did not 1unish him at all,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))*$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin. and Eatada e51lained the wordC lam "asiruC as:C I 0ind no .ood in store 0or r5ie in the e"e o0 Allah,C

'ha1ter +: Ae1entan/e is a//e1ted so lon. as one re1ents a0ter /ommittin. sins

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))*2:
Abu Huraira re1orted 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that his Lord2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 thus said, A ser-ant /ommitted a sin and he said: 3 Allah2 0or.i-e me m" sins2 and Allah (the (5alted and Hlorious) said: M" ser-ant /ommited a sin and then he /ame to realise that he has a Lord ?ho 0or.i-es the sins and ta6es to a//ount (the sinner) 0or the sin, He then a.ain /ommitted a sin and said: M" Lord2 0or.i-e me m" sin2 and Allah2 the (5alted and Hi.h2 said: M" ser-ant /ommitted a sin and then /ame to realise that he has a Lord ?ho would 0or.i-e his sin or would ta6e (him) to a//ount 0or the sin, He a.ain /ommitted a sin and said: M" Lord2 0or.i-e me 0or m" sin2 and Allah (the (5alted and Hi.h) said: M" ser-ant sas /ommitted a sin and then /ame to realise that he has a Lord ?ho 0or.i-es the sins or ta6es (him) to a//ount 0or sin, .ranted "ou 0or.i-eness,
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ser-ant2 do what "ou li6e, I ha-e


733> 4%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 (TH3ATATI3! T3 A(@(!TA!'( (>ITA7 AL-TAU7A)

:Abd al-A:la said: I do not 6now whether he said thri/e or 0our times to doC what "ou desireC, The hadlth has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abd al-A:la b, Hammad with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))*4:

Abu Huraira re1orted lie heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that a ser-ant /ommitted a sin, The rest o0 the hadith is the same2 but there is a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))**:

Abu Mu:sa re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 Stret/hes out His Hand durin. the so that the 1eo1le re1ent 0or the 0ault /ommitted 0rom dawn till dus6 and He stret/hes out His Hand darin. the da" so that the 1eo1le ma" re1rint 0or the 0ault /ommitted 0rom dus6 to dawn, (He would a//e1t re1entan/e) be0ore the sun rises in the west (be0ore the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion), A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter ): Allah:s sense o0 honour2 and his 1rohibition o0 the abominable a/ts
7oo6 4%2 !umber ))*+:
:Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !othin. is more lo-eable to Allah than His 1raise as He has 1raised Himsel0 and no one is more sel0-res1e/tin. than Allah Himsel0 and it As be/ause o0 this that He has 1rohibited abominable a/ts,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))*):

:Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !one is more sel0-res1e/tid. than Allah and it is be/ause o0 this that He has 1rohibited abominable a/ts-both -isible and in-isible-and none lo-es His 1raise more than Allah Himsel0,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))*%:

:Abdullah b, Mas:ud re1orted it dire/tl" 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he said: !one is more sel0-res1e/tin. than Allah and it is be/ause o0 this that He has 1rohibited abominable a/ts-both -isible and in-isible and nothin. is lo-ed b" Allah more than the 1raise o0 His 3wnsel0 and it is be/ause o0 this that He has 1raised Himsel0,
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7oo6 4%2 !umber ))*#:

Abdullah b, Mas:ud re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !one lo-es one:s own 1raise more than Allah2 the (5alted and Hlurious2 does, It is be/ause o0 this that He has 1raised Himsel02 and none is more sel0-res1e/tin. than Allah and it is be/ause o0 this that He has 1rohibited abominable a/ts and there is none who is more an5ious to a//e1t the a1olo.ies o0 the 1eo1le than Allah Himsel0 and it is be/ause o0 this that He has re-ealed the 7oo6 and sent the Messen.ers,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))*;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah is sel0-res1e/tin. and a belie-er is also sel0-res1e/tin. and the res1e/t o0 Allah is injured i0 a belie-er does what He has 0orbidden him to do,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))+ :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Asma: dau.hter o0 Abu 7a6r2 throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))+$:

Abu Salama re1orted 0rom Abu Huraira that he narrated that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on hin) said: There is none more sel0-res1e/tin. than Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious There is no mention o0 the narration o0 Asma:,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))+2:

Asma: re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There is none more sel0-res1e/tin. than Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))+4:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him ) as sa"in.: A belie-er is sel0-res1e/tin. and Allah is e5tremel" sel0-res1e/tin.,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))+*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

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'ha1ter %: The words o0 Allah CThe .ood deeds ta6e awa" the e-il deedsC
7oo6 4%2 !umber ))++:
:Abdullah b, Mas:ud re1orted that a 1erson 6issed a woman and he /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and made a mention o0 that to him, It was (on this o//asion) that this -erse was re-ealed:C And obser-e 1ra"er at the (two) ends o0 the da" and in the 0irst hours o0 the, Surel"2 .ood deeds ta6e awa" e-il deeds, That is a reminder 0or the mind0ulC (5i, $$+), That 1erson said: Allah:s Messen.er2 does it /on/ern me onl"D He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: It /on/erns e-er" one o0 m" Unimah2 who a/ts a//ordin. to it,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))+):

Ibn Mas:ud re1orted that a 1erson /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and told him that he had 6issed a woman or tou/hed her with his hand or did somethin. li6e this, He inquired o0 him about its e51iation, It was (on this o//asion) that Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 re-ealed this -erse (as mentioned abo-e),

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))+%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sulaiman Taimi with the same /hain o0 transmitters that a 1erson had ta6en libert" with a woman less than 0omi/ation, He /ame to :Umar b, >hattab and he too6 it to be a serious o00en/e, Then he /ame to Abu 7a6r and he also too6 it to be a serious o00en/e, Then he /ame the Allahs A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he made a mention o0 this to him, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))+#:

:Abdullah re1orted that a 1erson /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I s1orted with a woman in the outs6irts o0 Medina2 and I ha-e /ommitted an o00en/e short o0 0orni/ation, Here I am (be0ore "ou)2 6indl" deli-er -erdi/t about me whi/h "ou deem 0it, Unar said: Allah /on/ealed "our 0ault, Kou had better /on/eal it "oursel0 also, Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 howe-er2 .a-e no re1l" to him, The man stood u1 and went awa" and Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent a 1erson a0ter him to /all him and be re/ited this -erse:C And obser-e 1ra"er at the ends o0 the da" and in the 0irst hours o0 the, Surel"2 .ood deeds ta6e awa" e-il deeds, That is a reminder 0or the mind0ulC (5i, $$+), A 1erson the 1eo1le said: Allah:s A1ostle2 does it /on/ern this marn onl"D Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: !o2 but the 1eo1le at lar.e,
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7oo6 4%2 !umber ))+;:

This hadith has been transmitted b" Abu al-Ahwas and in this (these words are) also 0ound: Mu:adh said: Allah:s Messen.er2 does it /on/ern this 1arti/ular /ase or to all o0 usD And he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 30 /ourse2 to all o0 "ou,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))) :

Anas re1orted that a 1erson /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I ha-e /ommitted an o00en/e whi/h deser-es im1osition o0 haad2 so im1ose it u1on me a//ordin. to the 7oo6 o0 Allah, Thereu1on he said: ?ere "ou not 1resent with us at the time o0 1ra"erD He said: Kes, Thereu1on he said: Kou ha-e been .ranted 1ardon,

7oo6 4%2 !umber )))$:

Abu Umama re1orted: ?e were sittin. in the mosque in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), A 1erson /ame there and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I ha-e /ommitted an o00en/e whi/h deser-es the im1osition o0 hadd u1on me2 so im1ose it u1on me, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 6e1t silent, He re1eated it and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I ha-e /ommitted an o00en/e whi/h deser-es the im1osition o0 hadd u1on me2 so im1ose it u1on me, He (the Hol" @ro1het) 6e1t silent2 and it was at this time that Iqama was 1ronoun/ed 0or 1ra"er (and the 1ra"er was obser-ed), And when Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had /on/luded the 1a"er that 1erson 0ollowed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Abu Umama said: I too 0ollowed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a0ter he had /on/luded the 1ra"er2 so that I should 6now what answer he would .i-e to that 1erson, That 1erson remained atta/hed to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I ha-e /ommitted an o00en/e whi/h deser-es im1osition o0 hadd u1on me2 so im1ose it u1on me, Abu Umama re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: 9idn:t "ou see that as "ou .ot out o0 the house2 "ou 1er0ormed ablution 1er0e/tl" well, He said: Allah:s Messen.er2 o0 /ourse, I did it, He a.ain said to him: Then "ou obser-ed 1ra"er alon. with us, He said: Allah:s Messen.er2 "es2 it is so, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: <eril"2 Allah has e5em1ted "ou 0rom the im1osition o0 hadd2 or he said, =rom "our sin,

7oo6 4%2 !umber )))2:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There was a 1erson be0ore "ou who had 6illed ninet"-nine 1ersons and then made an inquir" about the learned 1ersons o0 the world (who /ould show him the wa" to sal-ation), He was dire/ted to a mon6, He /ame to him and told him that he had 6illed ninet"-nine 1ersons and as6ed him whether there was an" s/o1e 0or his re1entan/e to be a//e1ted, He said: !o, He 6illed him also and thus /om1leted one hundred, He then as6ed about the learned 1ersons o0 the earth and he was dire/ted to a s/holar2 and
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733> 4%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 (TH3ATATI3! T3 A(@(!TA!'( (>ITA7 AL-TAU7A)

he told him that he had 6illed one hundred 1ersons and as6ed him whether there was an" s/o1e 0or his re1entan/e to be a//e1ted, He said: KesB what stands between "ou and the re1entan/eD Kou better .o to su/h and su/h landB there are 1eo1le de-oted to 1ra"er and worshi1 and "ou also worshi1 alon. with them and do not /ome to the land o0 "ours sin/e it was an e-il land (0or "ou), So he went awa" and he had hardl" /o-ered hal0 the distan/e when death /ame to him and there was a dis1ute between the an.els o0 mer/" and the an.els o0 1unishment, The an.els o0 mer/" said: This man has /ome as a 1enitant and remorse0ul to Allah and the an.els o0 1unishment said: He has done no .ood at all, Then there /ame another an.el in the 0orm o0 a human bein. in order to de/ide between them, He said: Kou measure the land to whi/h he has drawn near, The" measured it and 0ound him nearer to the land where he intended to .o (the land o0 1iet")2 and so the an.els o0 mer/" too6 1ossession o0 it, Eatada said that Hasan told him that it was said to them that as death a11roa/hed him2 he /rawled u1on his /hest (and mana.ed) to sli1 in the land o0 mer/",

7oo6 4%2 !umber )))4:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that a man 6illed ninet"-nine 1ersons and then he to ma6e an inquir" whether there was an" wa" le0t 0or him 0or re1entan/e, He /ame to a mon6 and as6ed him about that2 and he said: There is no /han/e 0or re1entan/e 0or "ou, He 6illed the mon6 also and then to ma6e an inquir" and mo-ed 0rom one -illa.e to another -illa.e where there li-ed 1ious 1ersons2 and as he had /o-ered some distan/e2 he was o-erta6en b" death2 but he mana.ed to /rawl u1on his /hest (to the side nearer to the 1la/e where the 1ious men li-ed), He died and then there was a dis1ute between the an.els o0 mer/" and the an.els o0 1unishment and (when it was measured) he was 0ound to be nearer to the -illa.e where 1ious 1ersons were li-in. equal to the S1a/e o0 a s1an and he was thus in/luded amon. them,

7oo6 4%2 !umber )))*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Eatida with the same /hain o0 transmitters but (with this -ariation o0 wordin.):C Allah /ommanded the earth (0rom where) he wanted to /ome out to mo-e itsel0 awa" and to the other earth (where he wanted to .o) to draw nearer,C

'ha1ter #: Throwin. o0 non-belie-ers in hell-0ire 0or belie-ers as di-ine .ra/e and mer/"
7oo6 4%2 !umber )))+:
Abu Musa: re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen it will be the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion Allah would deli-er to e-er" Muslim a Few or a 'hristian and sa": That is "our res/ue 0rom Hell-=ire,
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733> 4%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 (TH3ATATI3! T3 A(@(!TA!'( (>ITA7 AL-TAU7A)

7oo6 4%2 !umber )))):

Abu 7urda re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !o Muslim would die but Allah would admit in his stead a Few or a 'hristian in Hell-=ire, :Umar b, Abd al-:A8i8 too6 an oath: 7" 3ne besides ?hom there is no .od but He2 thri/e that his 0ather had narrated that to him 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 4%2 !umber )))%:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 :Aun b, Utba,

7oo6 4%2 !umber )))#:

Abu 7urda re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There would /ome 1eo1le the Muslims on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion with as hea-" sins as a mountain2 and Allah would 0or.i-e them and He would 1la/e in their stead the Fews and the 'hristians, (As 0ar as I thin6)2 Abu Aaub said: I do not 6now as to who is in doubt, Abu 7urda said: I narrated it to :Umar b, :Abd al-:A8i82 whereu1on he said: ?as it "our 0ather who narrated it to "ou 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D I said: Kes,

7oo6 4%2 !umber )));:

Sa0wan b, Muhri8 re1orted that a 1erson said to Ibn :Umar: How did "ou hear Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. somethin. about intimate /on-ersationD He said: I heard him sa": A belie-er will be to his Lord2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion and He would 1la/e u1on him His -eil (o0 and ma6e him /on0ess his 0aults and sa": 9o "ou re/o.nise ("our 0aults)D He would sa": M" Lord2 I do re/o.nise (them), He (the Lord) would sa": I /on/ealed them 0or "ou in the world, And toda" I 0or.i-e them, And he would then be .i-en the 7oo6 /ontainin. (the a//ount o0 his) .ood deeds, And so 0ar as the non-belie-ers and h"1o/rites are /on/erned2 there would be .eneral announ/ement about them be0ore all /reation tellin. them that these (1eo1le2 i, e, non-belie-ers and h"1o/rites) told a lie about Allah,

'ha1ter ;: @ertainin. to the re1entan/e o0 >a:b b, Mali6 and his /om1anions

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))% :
Ibn Shihab re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made an e51edition to Tabu6 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) had in his mind (the idea o0 threatenin. the) 'hristians o0 Arabia in
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733> 4%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 (TH3ATATI3! T3 A(@(!TA!'( (>ITA7 AL-TAU7A)

S"ria and those o0 Aome, Ibn Shihab (0urther) re1orted that :Abd al-Aahman b, :Abdullah b, >a:b in0ormed him that Abdullah b, >a:b who ser-ed as the .uide o0 >a:b b, :Mali6 as he be/ame blind that he heard >a:b b, Mali6 narrate the stor" o0 his remainin. behind Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0rom the 7attle o0 Tabu6, >a:b b, Mali6 said: I ne-er remained behind Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0rom an" e51edition whi/h he undertoo6 e5/e1t the 7attle o0 Tabu6 and that o0 the 7attle o0 7adr, So 0ar as the 7attle o0 7adr is /on/erned2 nobod" was blamed 0or remainin. behind as Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and the Muslims (did not set out 0or atta/6 but 0or wa"la"in.) the /ara-an o0 the Euraish2 but it was Allah ?ho made them /on0ront their enemies without their intention (to do so), I had the honour to be with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the o0 :Aqaba when we 1led.ed our alle.ian/e to Islam and it was more dear to me than m" 1arti/i1ation in the 7attle o0 7adr2 althou.h 7adr was more 1o1ular 1eo1le as /om1ared with that (Tabu6), And this is m" stor" o0 remainin. ba/6 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on the o//asion o0 the 7attle o0 Tabu6, !e-er did I 1ossess means enou.h and (m" /ir/umstan/es) more 0a-ourable than at the o//asion o0 this e51edition, And2 b" Allah2 I had ne-er be0ore this e51edition simultaneousl" in m" 1ossession two rides, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) set out 0or this e51edition in e5tremel" hot seasonB the journe" was lon. and the land (whi/h he and his arm" had to /o-er) was waterless and he had to /on0ront a lar.e arm"2 so he in0ormed the Muslims about the a/tual situation (the" had to 0a/e)2 so that the" should adequatel" equi1 themsel-es 0or this e51edition2 and he also told them the destination where he intended to .o, And the Muslims who a//om1anied Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at that time were lar.e in numbers but there was no 1ro1er re/ord o0 them, >a:b (0urther) said: =ew were the 1ersons who wanted to absent themsel-es2 and were under the im1ression that the" /ould easil" /on/eal themsel-es (and thus remain undete/ted) until re-elations 0rom Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious (des/ended in /onne/tion with them), And Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) set out on an e51edition when the 0ruits were ri1e and their shadows had been len.thened, I had wea6ness 0or them and it was durin. this season that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made 1re1arations and the Muslims too alon. with them, I also set out in the mornin. so that I should ma6e 1re1arations alon. with them but I /ame ba/6 and did nothin. and said to m"sel0: I ha-e means enou.h (to ma6e 1re1arations) as soon as I li6e, And I went on doin. this (1ost1onin. m" 1re1arations) until 1eo1le were about to de1art and it was in the mornin. that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) set out and the Muslims too alon. with him2 but I made no 1re1arations, I went earl" in the mornin. and /ame ba/62 but I made no de/ision, I /ontinued to do so until the" (the Muslims) hastened and /o-ered a .ood deal o0 distan/e, I also made u1 m" mind to mar/h on and to meet them, ?ould that I had done that but 1erha1s it was not destined 0or me, A0ter the de1arture o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as I went out 1eo1le2 I was sho/6ed to 0ind that I did not 0ind an"one li6e me but 1eo1le who were labelled as h"1o/rites or the 1eo1le whom Allah .ranted e5em1tion be/ause o0 their in/a1a/it" and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 no noti/e o0 me until he had rea/hed Tabu6, (3ne da" as he was sittin. the 1eo1le in Tabu6) he said: ?hat has ha11ened to >a:b
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b, Mali6D A 1erson 0rom 7anu: Salama said: Allah:s Messen.er2 the (beaut") o0 his /loa6 and his a11re/iation o0 his sides ha-e allured him and he was thus detained, Mua:dh b, Fabal said: ?oe be u1on that what "ou /ontend, Allah:s Messen.er2 b" Allah2 we 6now nothin. about him but .ood, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 howe-er2 6e1t quiet, It was durin. that time that he (the Hol" @ro1het) saw a 1erson (dressed in all white (.arment) shatterin. the illusion o0 e"e (mira.e), Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ma" he be Abu >haithama and2 lo2 it was Abu >haithama al-Ansari and he was that 1erson who /ontributed a sa: o0 dates and was s/o00ed at b" the h"1o/rites, >a:b b, Mali6 0arther said: ?hen this news rea/hed me that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was on his wa" ba/6 0rom Tabu6 I was .reatl" 1erturbed, I o0 0abri/atin. 0alse stories and as6ed m"sel0 how I would sa-e m"sel0 0rom his on the 0ollowin. da", In this /onne/tion2 I the hel1 o0 e-er" 1rudent man 0rom the members o0 m" 0amil" and when it was said to me that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was about to arri-e2 all the 0alse ideas banished (0rom m" mind) and I /ame to the /on/lusion that nothin. /ould sa-e me but the tellin. o0 truth2 so I de/ided to s1ea6 the truth and it was in the mornin. that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) arri-ed (in Medina), And it was his habit that as he /ame ba/6 0rom a journe" he 0irst went to the mosque and obser-ed two Aa6:ahs o0 na0l 1ra"er (as a mar6 o0 .ratitude) and then sat 1eo1le, And as he did that2 those who had remained behind him to 1ut 0orward their e5/uses and ta6e an oath be0ore him and the" were more than" 1ersons, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a//e1ted their e5/uses on the -er" 0a/e o0 them and a//e1ted their alle.ian/e and 0or.i-eness 0or them and le0t their se/ret (intentions) to Allah2 until I 1resented m"sel0 to him, I .reeted him and he smiled and there was a tin.e o0 in that, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then said to me: 'ome 0orward, I went 0orward until I sat in 0ront o0 him, He said to me: ?hat 6e1t "ou ba/6D 'ould "ou not a00ord to .o in 0or a rideD I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 b" Allah2 i0 I were to sit in the 1resen/e o0 an"bod" else 0rom the worldl" 1eo1le I would ha-e de0initel" sa-ed m"sel0 0rom his on one 1rete5t (or the other) and I ha-e also the 6na/6 to 0all into ar.umentation2 but2 b" Allah2 I am 0ull" aware o0 the 0a/t that i0 I were to 1ut 0orward be0ore "ou a 0alse e5/use to 1lease "ou Allah would de0initel" 1ro-o6e "our wrath u1on me2 and i0 I s1ea6 the truth "ou ma" be anno"ed with me2 but I ho1e that Allah would ma6e its end well and2 b" Allah2 there is no -alid e5/use 0or me, 7" Allah2 I ne-er 1ossessed so .ood means2 and I ne-er had su/h 0a-ourable /onditions 0or me as I had when I sta"ed behind "ou (0ailed to join the e51edition), Thereu1on2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: This man told the truth2 so .et u1 until Allah .i-es a de/ision in "our /ase, I stood u1 and some 1eo1le o0 7anu: Salama 0ollowed me in hot haste2 and the" said to me: 7" Allah2 we do not 6now about "ou that "ou /ommitted a sin 1rior to this, Kou2 howe-er2 showed inabilit" to 1ut 0orward an e5/use be0ore Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as those who sta"ed behind him ha-e 1ut 0orward e5/uses, It would ha-e been enou.h 0or the 0or.i-eness o0 "our sin that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) would ha-e 0or.i-eness 0or "ou, 7" Allah2 the" /ontinued to in/ite me until I o0 .oin. ba/6 to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and /ontradi/t m"sel0, Then I said to them: Has an"one else also
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met the same 0ateD The" said: Kes2 two 1ersons ha-e met the same 0ate as has 0allen to "ou and the" ha-e made the sane statement as "ou ha-e made2 and the same -erdi/t has been deli-ered in their /ase as it has been deli-ered in "our /ase, I said: ?ho are the"D The" said: Murara b, ar-Aabi:a :Amiri and Hilal b, Uma""a al-?aqa0i, The" made a mention o0 these two 1ious 1ersons to me who had 1arti/i1ated in the 7attle o0 7adr and there was an e5am1le 0or me in them, I went awa" when the" named these two 1ersons, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0orbade the !luslims to tal6 with three o0 us 0rom those (1ersons) who had sta"ed behind him, The 1eo1le to a-oid us and their attitude towards us underwent a /han.e and it seemed as i0 the whole atmos1here had turned (hostile) a.ainst us and it was in 0a/t the same atmos1here ot whi/h I was 0ull" aware and in whi/h I had li-ed (0or a 0airl" lon. time), ?e s1ent 0i0t" ni.hts in this -er" state and m" two 0riends /on0ined themsel-es withen their houses and s1ent (most o0 the) time in wee1in.2 but as I was "oun. and stron. them I .ot (out o0 m" house)2 1arti/i1ated in / 1ra"ers2 mo-ed about in the ba8arB but none s1o6e to me, I /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as he sat (1eo1le) a0ter the 1ra"er2 .reeted him and as6ed m"sel0 whether his li1s stirred in res1onse to m" .reetin.s (or not), Then I obser-ed 1ra"er beside him and loo6ed at him with stealin. .lan/es and when I attended to m" 1ra"er2 he loo6ed at me and when I /ast a .lan/e at him he turned awa" his e"es 0rom me, And when the harsh treatment o0 the Muslims towards me e5tended to a (/onsiderable) o0 time2 I wal6ed until I /limbed u1on the wall o0 the .arden o0 Abu Eatada2 and he was m" /ousin2 and I had the .reatest lo-e 0or him, I .reeted him but2 b" Allah2 he did not res1ond to m" .reetin.s, I said to him: Abu Eatada2 I adjure "ou b" Allah2 arn:t "ou well aware o0 the 0a/t that I lo-e Allah and His (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the most, He 6e1t quiet, I a.ain re1eated sa"in.: I adjure "ou b" Allah, arn:t "ou well aware o0 the 0a/t that I lo-e Allah and His (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the most, He 6e1t quiet, I a.ain adjured him2 whereu1on he said: Allah and the (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) are best aware o0 it, M" e"es to shed tears and I /ame ba/6 /limbin. down 0rom the wall and as I was wal6in. in the ba8ar o0 Medina a !abatean 0rom the !abateans o0 S"ria2 who had /ome to sell 0ood.rains in Medina2 as6ed 1eo1le to dire/t him to >a:b b, Mali6, @eo1le .a-e him the indi/ation b" 1ointin. towards me, He /ame to me and deli-ered to me a letter o0 the >in. o0 Hhassan and as I was a s/ribe I read that letter and it was written li6e this:C 'omin. to m" 1oint2 it has been /on-e"ed to us that "our 0riend (the Hol" @ro1het) is subje/tin. "ou to /ruelt" and Allah has not /reated "ou 0or a 1la/e where "ou are to be de.raded and where "ou /annot 0ind "our 1la/e2 so "ou /ome to us that we should a//ord "ou honour, As I read that letter I said: This is also a /alamit"2 so I burnt it in the o-en, ?hen out o0 the 0i0t" da"s2 0ort" da"s had 1assed and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ei-ed no re-elation2 there /ame the o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to me and said: <eril"2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has /ommanded "ou to remain se1arate 0rom "our wi0e, I said: Should I di-or/e her or what (else) should I doD He said: !o2 but onl" remain se1arate 0rom her and don:t ha-e se5ual /onta/t with her,

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The same messa.e was sent to m" /om1anions, So I said to m" wi0e: Kou better .o to "our 1arents and sta" there with them until Allah .i-es the de/ision in m" /ase, The wi0e o0 Hilal b, Uma""a /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 Hilal b, Uma""a is a senile 1erson2 he has no ser-ant, 9o "ou disa11ro-e o0 m" ser-in. himD He said: !o2 but don:t .o near him, She said: 7" Allah2 he has no su/h instin/t in him, 7" Allah2 he s1ends his time in wee1in. 0rom that da" to this da", Some o0 the members o0 m" 0amil" said to me: ?ere "ou to see6 1ermission 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in re.ard to "our wi0e as he has .ranted 1ermission to the wi0e o0 Hilal b, Uma""a to ser-e him, I said: I would not see6 1ermission 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 0or I /annot sa" what Allah:s A1ostle ma" sa" in res1onse to see6in. m" 1ermission, Moreo-er2 I am a "oun. man, It was in this state that I s1ent ten more ni.hts and thus 0i0t" ni.hts had 1assed that (1eo1le) had obser-ed bo"/ott with us, It was on the mornin. o0 the 0i0tieth that I obser-ed m" dawn 1ra"er and was sittin. on one o0 the roo0s o0 our houses, And I was in 0a/t sittin. in that -er" state whi/h Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 has des/ribed about us in these words:C Li0e had be/ome hard 0or m"sel0 and the earth had /om1ressed des1ite its -astness2C that I heard the noise o0 an announ/er 0rom the 1ea6 o0 the hill o0 Sal: sa"in. at the to1 o0 his -oi/e: >a:b b, Mali62 there is .lad tidin.s 0or "ou, I 0ell down in 1rostration and /ame to realise that there was (a messa.e o0) relie0 0or me, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had in0ormed the 1eo1le o0 the a//e1tan/e o0 our re1entan/e b" Allah as he o00ered the dawn 1ra"er, So the 1eo1le went on to .i-e us .lad tidin.s and some o0 them went to m" 0riends in order to .i-e them the .lad tidin.s and a 1erson .allo1ed his horse and /ame 0rom the tribe o0 Aslam and his horse rea/hed me more qui/6l" than his -oi/e, And when he /ame to me whose sound I heard2 he .a-e me the .lad tidin.s, I too6 o00 m" /lothes and /lothed him with them be/ause o0 his .ood news to me and2 b" Allah2 I 1ossessed nothin. else (in the 0orm o0 /lothes) than these two on that o//asion2 and I as6ed one to lend me two /lothes and dressed m"sel0 in them, I /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and on m" wa" I met .rou1s o0 1eo1le who .reeted me be/ause o0 (the a//e1tan/e o0) re1entan/e and the" said: Here is a .reetin. 0or "ou 0or "our re1entan/e bein. a//e1ted b" Allah, (I mo-ed on) until I /ame to the mosque and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had been sittin. there 1ersons, So Talha b, :Ubaidullah .ot u1 and rushed towards me and he shoo6 hands with me and .reeted me and2 b" Allah2 no 1erson stood u1 (to .reet me) 0rom the emi.rants e5/e1t he, >a:b said that he ne-er 0or.ot (this .ood .esture o0) Talha, >a:b 0urther said: I .reeted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) with Assalam-o-:Alai6am and his 0a/e was .listenin. be/ause o0 deli.ht2 and he said: Let there be .lad tidin.s and blessin.s 0or "ou2 the li6e o0 whi/h ("ou ha-e neither 0ound nor "ou will 0ind2 as "ou 0ind toda") sin/e "our mother .a-e "our birth, I said: Allah:s, is this a//e1tan/e o0 re1entan/e 0rom "ou or 0rom AllahD He said: !o2 (it is not 0rom ma)2 it is 0rom Allah2 and it was /ommon with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that as he was ha11" his 0a/e bri.htened u1 and it loo6ed li6e a 1art o0 the moon and it was 0rom this that we re/o.nised it (his, As I sat be0ore him2 I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 am I allowed to .i-e in /harit" m" wealth 0or Allah:s sa6e and 0or the sa6e o0 His (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on
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him) said: >ee1 some 1ro1ert" with "ou as it is better 0or "ou, I said: I shall 6ee1 with me that 1art (o0 m" 1ro1ert") whi/h 0ell to m" lot (on the o//asion o0 the e51edition o0) >haibar, I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 -eril"2 Allah has .ranted me sal-ation be/ause o0 truth and2 there0ore2 (I thin6) that re1entan/e im1lies that I should not s1ea6 an"thin. but truth as lon. as I li-e, He said: 7" Allah2 I do not 6now whether an"one the Muslims was 1ut to more se-ere trial than I b" Allah be/ause o0 tellin. the truth, And sin/e I made a mention o0 this to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) u1 to this da" I ha-e not told an" lie and2 b" Allah2 I ha-e de/ided not to tell a lie and I ho1e that Allah would sa-e me (0rom trials) 0or the rest o0 m" li0e and Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 re-ealed these -erses:C 'ertainl"2 Allah has turned in Mer/" to the @ro1het and the emi.rants and the hel1ers who 0ollowed him in the hour o0 hardshi1 a0ter the hearts o0 a 1art o0 them were about to de-iateB then He turned to them in mer/", Surel"2 to them He is 'om1assionate2 Mer/i0ul and (He turned in Mer/") to the three who were le0t behind until the earth des1ite its -astness be/ame strait 0or them and their souls were also straitened to them,C And this re-elation rea/hed u1 to the (words):C 3 "ou who belie-e2 de-elo1 Hod /ons/iousness2 and be with the truth0ulC (i5, $$%-$$#), >a:b said: 7" Allah2 sin/e Allah dire/ted me to Islam there has been no blessin. more si.ni0i/ant 0or me than this truth o0 mine whi/h I s1o6e to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and i0 I were to tell a lie I would ha-e been ruined as were ruined those who told lies2 0or in re.ard to those who told lies Allah used harshest words used 0or an"one as He des/ended re-elation (and the words o0 Allah are):C The" will swear b" Allah to "ou when "ou return to them so that "ou ma" lea-e them alone, So lea-e them alone, Surel"2 the" are un/lean and their resort is Hell2 re/om1ense 0or what the" earned, The" will swear to "ou that "ou ma" be 1leased with them but i0 "ou are 1leased with them2 "et surel" Allah is not 1leased with the trans.ressin. 1eo1leC (i5, ;+-;)), >:ab said that the matter o0 us three 1ersons was de0erred as /om1ared with those who too6 an oath in the 1resen/e o0 Allahs (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he a//e1ted their alle.ian/e and 0or.i-eness 0or them and Allah did not .i-e an" de/ision in re.ard to us, It was Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 ?ho .a-e de/isions in our /ase2 three who remained behind, (The words o0 the Eur:an)C the three who were le0t behindC do not mean that we remained ba/6 0rom Fihad but these im1l" that He 6e1t our matter behind them who too6 oath and 1resented e5/use be0ore Him, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

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:Abdullah b, >:ab2 who was his (>a:b:s) .uide as he be/ame blind2 re1orted that he heard 0rom >a:b b, Mali6 the stor" o0 his sta"in. behind Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0rom the e51edition o0 Tabu6, The rest o0 the hadith is the same (but with this -ariation) that in the narration transmitted on the authorit" o0 Kunus (the words are): ?hen Allah:s (ma", 1ea/e be u1on him) intended to set on an e51edition he 6e1t It as a se/ret2 but, be did not do so in thi/, e51edition, And in the narration transmitted on the authorit" o0 Muhammad b, Abdullah b, Muslim2 there is no mention

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o0 Abu >haithana (Allah be 1leased with him) and no mention o0 his meetin. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

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It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abdullah b, >:ab and he was the .uide o0 >a:b as he lost his e" and he was the .reatest s/holar his 1eo1le and he retained in his mind man" ahadith o0 the 'om1anions o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He said: I heard m" 0ather >a:b b, Mali62 and he 0as one o0 those three whose re1entan/e was a//e1ted (b" Allah), He transmitted that He ne-er la..ed behind Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0rom an" e51edition that he undertoo6 e5/e1t two e51editionsB the rest o0 the hadith is the same2 and in the tradition narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters the words are:C That Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) set out on an e51edition with a lar.e number o0 1ersons more than ten thousand and this /ould not be re/orded in the /ensus re.ister,C

'ha1ter $ : Hadith 1ertainin. to the lie about (hadrat) :A:isha Siddiqa (Allah be 1leased with her) and a//e1tin. o0 re1entan/e o0 those who 0alse alle.ation about her
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Sa:id b, Musa""ib2 :Urwa b, Gubair2 :Alqama b, ?aqqas and :Ubaidullah b, Abdullah b, :Utba b, Mas:ud--all o0 them re1orted the stor" o0 the 0alse alle.ation a.ainst :A:isha2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), And the" (the slanderers) said what the" had to sa"2 but Allah e5onerated her o0 this /har.e and all o0 them re1orted a 1art o0 the hadith and some o0 them who had better memories re1orted more and with better retention2 and I tried to retain this hadith (listenin.) 0rom e-er" one o0 them that the" re1orted to me and some o0 them attested the other, (The sumaried substan/e o0 the 0alse alle.ation is this): :A:isha said: ?hene-er Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) intended to set out on a journe" he /ast lots his wi-es and he too6 one with him in whose 0a-our the lot was /ast, It so ha11ened that he /ast lots us while settin. out on a battle and it was /ast in m" 0a-our2 so I set out alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), This relates to the 1eriod when the re-elation /on/ernin. the /ommands o0 -eil had been made, I was /arried in a haudaj and I was down where we had to sta", In short2 when we set out 0or return journe" 0rom the e51edition and our /ara-an was near Medina2 Allah:s
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(ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded one to mar/h 0orward, I also .ot u1 when the /ommand 0or the mar/h was .i-en and mo-ed on until I went out o0 the en/am1ments o0 the arm" and a0ter relie-in. m"sel0 I /ame to m" 1la/e, I tou/hed m" /hest and 0ound that m" ne/6la/e whi/h had been made o0 the stones o0 8a0ar had been bro6en, I retra/ed m" ste1s and tried to sear/h m" ne/6la/e and this detained me there, The .rou1 o0 1eo1le who saddled m" ride and 1la/ed m" haudaj /arr"in. me u1on the /amels mar/hed on, The" were under the im1ression that I was in it, The women in those da"s were o0 and the" did not wear mu/h 0lesh2 as the" ate less 0oodB so the" did not 1er/ei-e the o0 m" haudaj as the" 1la/ed it u1on the /amel as I was a "oun. .irl at that time, So the" dro-e the /amel and (et out and I 0ound m" ne/6la/e a0ter the arm" had mar/hed, I /ame to m" 1la/e and there was none to /all and none to res1ond (the /all),

I waited at m" 1la/e under the im1ression that when the 1eo1le would riot 0ind me the" would /ome ba/6, So I 6e1t sittin. at m" 1la/e, I was o-er1owered b" slee1 and sle1t, Sa0wan b, Mu:attal Sulami 9ha6wini2 who had la..ed behind the arm" be/ause o0 ta6in. rest /ame to m" 1la/e wal6in. in the latter 1art o0 the and he saw the bod" o0 a 1erson who was aslee1, He /ame to me and re/o.nised me as he had seen rue be0ore it was enjoined to obser-e 1urda, I .ot a1 b" his -oi/e as he re/ited Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji:un Nwe are 0or Allah and to Him we ha-e to return, O and I /o-ered m" head with m" headdress, 7" Allah2 he did not s1ea6 to me a word and I did not hear a word 0rom him e5/e1t Inna lillahi, He made his /amel 6neel down and I amounted the /amel as he 1ressed tLe /amel:s 0orele. and he mo-ed on leanin. the /amel b" the nose strin. on whi/h I was ridin. until we /ame to the arm" where it had en/am1ed 0or rest be/ause o0 e5treme heat, ?oe be u1on those who harboured doubts about me and the most notorious amon. them was :Abdullah b, Uba""2 the .reat h"1o/rite, ?e /ame to Medina and I 0ell si/6 0or a month, The 1eo1le had been deliberatin. o-er the statements o0 those who had these /alumnies a.ainst me, I was absolutel" unaware o0 an"thin. /on/ernin. that, This2 howe-er2 /aused doubt in m" mind that I did not see Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him,) treatin. me with su/h 6indness with whi/h he treated me as I 0ell ill be0ore this, The Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) would /oome and .reet me with Assalamo-:Alai6um and onl" as6 me how I was, This /aused doubt in m" mind2 but I was unaware o0 the e-il, I we1t outside des1ite m" 0ailin. health and there went alon. with me Umm Mistah and she said the dau.hter o0 Abu Ahm b, Muttalib b, :Abd Mana0 and his mother was the dau.hter o0 Sa6hr b, :Amir2 the sister o0 the mother o0 Abu 7a6r Sidiq and his son was Mistah b, Uthatha b, :Abbad b, Muttalib, I and the dau.hter o0 Abu Aahm set towards the dire/tion o0 m" house, Somethin. .ot into the head dress o0 Umm Mistah and she said: ?oe be u1on Mistah, And I said, ?oe be u1on what "ou sa", 9o "ou /urse 1eo1le who had 1arti/i1ated in 7adrD She said: Inno/ent woman2 ha-e "ou not heard what he saidD I said: ?hat did he sa"D She /on-e"ed to me the statement o0 those who had 0alse alle.ations a.ainst me, So m" illness was a..ra-ated, I went to m" house and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to me and he .reeted me and then said: How is that womanD I said: 9o "ou 1ermit me to .o to the (house) o0 m" 1arentsD
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She (0urther) said: I had at that time made u1 m" mind to /on0irm this news 0rom them, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ermitted me, So I /ame to (the house o0) m" 1arents and said to m" mother: Mother2 do "ou 6now what the 1eo1le are tal6in. aboutD She said: M" dau.hter2 "ou should not worr", 7" Allah2 i0 there is a handsome woman who is lo-ed b" her husband and he has /o-wi-es also the" tal6 man" a thin. about her, I said: Hallowed be Allah2 what are the 1eo1le tal6in. aboutD I we1t durin. the whole until it was mornin. and I did not ha-e a win6 o0 slee1 and I we1t e-en in the mornin., As the re-elation was dela"ed (in re.ard to this matter)2 so Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled :Ali ibn Abi :Talib and Usama b, Gaid in order to see6 their ad-i/e in re.ard to the se1aration o0 his wi0e, Usama b, Gaid told Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be a1en him) about the inno/en/e o0 his wi-es and what he 6new about his lo-e 0or them, He said: Allah:s Messen.er2 the" are "our wi-es and we 6now nothin. else about thembut .oodness, And as 0or :Ali b, Abu Talib2 he said: Allah has not 1ut an" unne/essar" burden u1on "ou (in re.ard to "our wi-es), There are a number o0 women besides her and i0 "ou as6 that maidser-ant (7arira) she will tell "ou the truth, So2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /alled 7ailra and said: 7arira2 did "ou see an"thin. in :A:isha whi/h /an /ause doubt about herD 7arira said: 7" Him ?ho sent thee with the truth2 I ha-e seen nothin. obje/tionable in her but onl" this mu/h that she is a "oun. .irl and she .oes to slee1 while 6neadin. the 0lour and the lamb eats that, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) mounted the 1ul1it and -indi/ation a.ainst :Abdullah b, Uba"" b, Salul2 and he 0urther said: ?ho would e5onerate me 0rom im1utations o0 that 1erson who has troubled (me) in re.ard to m" 0amil"D 7" Allah2 I 0ind nothin. in m" wi0e but .oodness and the 1erson whom the 1eo1le ha-e mentioned in this /onne/tion is2 a//ordin. to m" 6nowled.e2 a thorou.hl" 1ious 1erson2 and he did ne-er .et into m" house but alon. with me, Sa:d b, Mu:adh stood u1 and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I de0end "our honour a.ainst him, I0 he belon. to the tribe o0 Aus we would stri6e his ne/6 and i0 he belon.s to the tribe o0 our brother >ha8raj and "ou order us we would /om1l" with "our order, Then Sa:d b, :Ubada stood u1, He was /hie0 o0 the >ha8raj tribe, He was otherwise a 1ioas man but he had some what tribal 1artisanshi1 in him and he said to Sa:d b, Mu:adh: 7" the e-erlastin. e5isten/e o0 Allah, "ou are not statin. the 0a/t2 "ou will not be able to 6ill him and "ou will not ha-e the 1ower to do so, Thereu1on2 Usaid b, Hudair stood u12 and he was the 0irst /ousin o0 Sa:d b, Mu:adh and said to Sa:d b, :Ubada: 7" the e-erlastin. e5isten/e o0 Allah2 "ou are not statin. the 0a/t, ?e would 6ill him, Kou are a h"1o/rite and so "ou ar.ue in de0en/e o0 the h"1o/rites2 and thus both the tribes Aus and >ha8raj were 0lared u12 until the" were about to 0all u1on one another and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 6e1t standin. u1on the 1ul1it and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) tried to subside their until the" be/ame silent and thus there was silen/e, :A:isha 0urther re1orted: I s1ent the whole da" in wee1in. and e-en the and /ould not ha-e a win6 o0 slee1 e-en ne5t, M" 1arents that this /onstant wee1in. o0 mine would brea6 m" heart, I we1t and the" sat beside me, In the meanwhile a woman o0 the Ansar /ame to see me, I 1ermitted her to see me and she also to wee1, And we were in this -er" state that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame and he .reeted me and then sat down, He had ne-er sat with
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733> 4%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 (TH3ATATI3! T3 A(@(!TA!'( (>ITA7 AL-TAU7A)

me sin/e a month when this rumour was a0loat2 and there was no re-elation (to /larit") m" /ase, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited Tashahhud (there is no .od but Allah and Muhammad is His A1ostle) and then said: 'omin. to the 1oint2 :A:isha2 this is what has rea/hed me about "ou and i0 "ou are inno/ent2 Allah would Himsel0 -indi/ate "our honour2 and i0 a//identall" there has been a la1se on "our 1art so/6 0or.i-eness o0 AllahB He will 1ardon thee 0or when a ser-ant ma6es a /on0ession o0 his 0ault and turns (to Him) 1enitentl"2 Allah also turns to him (mer/i0ull") a//e1tin. his re1entan/e, ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) tal6ed2 m" tears dried u1 and not e-en a sin.le dro1 o0 tear was 1er/ei-ed b" me (rollin. out o0 m" e"es), I said to m" 0ather: Kou .i-e a re1l" to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on m" behal0, He said: 7" Allah2 I do not 6now what I should sa" to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I then said to m" mother: Hi-e a re1l" to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on m" behal02 but she said: 7" Allah2 I do not 6now what I should sa" to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I was a small .irl at that time and I had not read mu/h o0 the Eur:an (but I said): 7" Allah2 I 1er/ei-e that "ou ha-e heard about this and it has settled down in "our mind and "ou ha-e ta6en it to be true2 so i0 I sa" to "ou that I am quite inno/ent2 and Allah 6nows that I am inno/ent2 "ou would ne-er belie-e me to be true2 and i0 I /on0ess to (the alle.ed) la1se be0ore "ou2 whereas Allah 6nows that I am /om1letel" inno/ent (and I ha-e not /ommitted this sin at all)2 in that /ase Kou will ta6e me to be true and2 b" Allah2 I2 there0ore2 0ind no other alternati-e 0or me and 0or "ou e5/e1t that what the 0ather o0 Kousu0 said:2 (M" /ourse is) /omel" 1atien/e, And Allah it is ?hose hel1 is to be 0or in that (1redi/ament) whi/h "e des/ribeC (5ii $#), A0ter this I turned m" 0a/e to the other side and la" down on m" bed, 7" Allah2 I was 0ull" aware o0 this 0a/t that I was inno/ent but I did not e51e/t that Allah would des/end ?ah" Matlu (Eur:ani/ ?ah") in m" /ase as I did not thin6 m"sel0 so mu/h im1ortant that Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 would s1ea6 in this matter in words to be re/ited, I onl" ho1ed that Allah would in -ision .i-e an indi/ation o0 m" inno/en/e to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) durin. his slee1, And2 b" Allah2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had not mo-ed an in/h 0rom where he had been sittin. and none 0rom the members o0 m" 0amil" had .one that Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 des/ended re-elation u1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) there and then and he 0elt the burden whi/h he used to 0eel at the time o0 re/ei-in. re-elation, He to 1ers1ire be/ause o0 the burden o0 words o0 Allah as the" des/ended u1on him e-en durin. the winter season and there 0ell the dro1s o0 his sweat li6e sil-er" beads, ?hen this state o0 re/ei-in. re-elation was o-er2 the o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) smiled and the 0irst words whi/h he s1o6e to me were that he said: :A:isha2 there is .lad tidin.s 0or "ou, <eril"2 Allah has -indi/ated "our honour2 and m" mother who had been standin. b" me said: Het u1 (and than6 him2 i, e, the Hol" @ro1het), I said: 7" Allah2 I shall not than6 him and laud him but Allah ?ho has des/ended re-elation -indi/atin. m" honour, She (:A:isha) said: Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 re-ealed:C :<eril"2 those who s1read the slander are a .an. amon. "ouC (and) ten (subsequent) -erses in re.ard to m" inno/en/e, She 0urther said: Abu 7a6r used to .i-e to Mistah (some sti1end) as a to6en o0 6inshi1 with him and 0or his 1o-ert" and he (Abu 7a6r) said: 7" Allah2 now I would not s1end an"thin. 0or him, :A:isha said: It was
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733> 4%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 (TH3ATATI3! T3 A(@(!TA!'( (>ITA7 AL-TAU7A)

u1on this that Allah the (5alted and Hlorious re-ealed this -erse:C And let not those who 1ossess di.nit" and ease amon. "ou swear to .i-e to the near o0 the 6inC u1 toC Kearn "e not that Allah ma" 0or.i-e "ouDC Hibban b, Musa: said that :Abdullah b, Mubara6 used to sa": It is a -erse /ontained in the 7oo6 whi/h most (eminentl") bri.htens the ho1e, Abu 7a6r said: 7" Allah2 I wish that Allah should 1ardon me, I shall ne-er sto1 this sti1end, So he /ontinued to .i-e him the sti1end whi/h he had withdrawn, :A:isha said that Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed Gainab2 dau.hter o0 Fahsh2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 about me what she 6new or what she had seen in me2 and she said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I shall not sa" an"thin. without hearin. (with m" ears) and seein. with m" e"es, 7" Allah2 I 0ind nothin. in her but .oodness, (And she stated this in s1ite o0 the 0a/t) that she was the onl" lad" who the wi-es o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to -ie with me but Allah sa-ed her in 0alse alle.ation a.ainst me be/ause o0 her Hod-/ons/iousness, Her sister Hamna bint Fahsh2 howe-er2 o11osed her and she was undone alon. with others,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))%*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri throu.h other /hains o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin., In the hadith transmitters on the authorit" o0 :Urwa2 there is an addition o0 these words:C :A:isha did not li6e that Hassan should be rebu6ed in her 1resen/e and she used to sa": It was he who wrote this -erse also:C :<eril"2 m" 0ather and m" mother and m" honour2 those are all meant 0or de0endin. the honour o0 Muhammad a.ainst "ou,C And :Urwa 0urther re1orted that :A:isha said: 7" Allah2 the 1erson2 about whom the alle.ation was trade used to sa": Hallowed be Allah2 b" 3ne2 in ?hose hand is m" li0e2 I ha-e ne-er un-eiled an" woman2 and then he die2 S as a mart"r in the /ause o0 Allah2 and in the narration transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ka:qub b, Ibrahim,2 the word is Mu:irin and in the narration transmitted on the:authorit" o0 :Abd al-Aa88aq it is Mu.hirin, :Abd b, Humaid said: I said to :Abd al-Aa88aq: ?hat does this word Mu.hirin meanD And he said: Al- wa.hra means intense heat,

7oo6 4%2 !umber ))%+:

:A:Isha re1orted: ?hen I /ame under dis/ussion what the 1eo1le had to sa" about me2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 0or deli-erin. an address and he re/ited tashahhud (I bear witness to the 0a/t that iheie is no .od but Allah) and 1raised Allah2 lauded Him what He ri.htl" deser-es and then said: 'omin. to the 1oint, Hi-e me an ad-i/e about them who ha-e 0alse /har.e about m" 0amil", 7" Allah2 I 6now no e-il in the members o0 m" 0amil" and the 1erson in /onne/tion with whom the 0alse /har.e is bein. le-elled2 I 6now no e-il in him too, And he ne-er entered m" house but in m" 1resen/e and when I was awa" on a journe"2 he remained with me e-en in that, The rest o0 the hadith is the same but with this /han.e that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to m" house and as6ed m" maidser-ant and she said: 7" Allah2 I 6now no 0ault in her but this that she slee1s2 and .oat /omes and eats the 6neaded 0lour, Some o0 the 'om1anions (o0
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733> 4%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 (TH3ATATI3! T3 A(@(!TA!'( (>ITA7 AL-TAU7A)

the Hol" @ro1het) s/olded her and said: State the 0a/t be0ore Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and the" e-en made a 1ointed re0eren/e (to this in/ident), She said: .allowed be Allah, 7" Allah2 I 6now about her as does the jeweller 6now about the 1ure 1ie/e o0 .old, And when this news rea/hed the 1erson in /onne/tion with whom the alle.ation was made he said: Hallowed be Allah, 7" Allah2 I ha-e ne-er un-eiled an" woman, :A:isha said: He 0ell as a mart"r in the /ause o0 Allah2 and there is this addition in this hadith that the 1eo1le who had 0alse alle.ation them were Mistah and Hamna and Hassan, And so 0ar as the h"1o/rite :Abdullah b, Uba"" is /on/erned2 he was one who tried his best to .ather the 0alse news and then .a-e them the wind, And he was in 0a/t a 0abri/ator and there was Hamna2 dau.hter o0 Fahsh with him,

'ha1ter $$: The e5oneration o0 the sla-e.irl o0 Allah:s a1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0rom a 0alse /har.e
7oo6 4%2 !umber ))%):
Anas re1orted that a 1erson was /har.ed with 0orni/ation with the sla-e.irl o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to :Ali: Ho and stri6e his ne/6, :Ali /ame to him and he 0ound him in a well ma6in. his bod" /ool, :Ali said to him: 'ome out2 and as he too6 hold o0 his hand and him out2 he 0ound that his se5ual had been /ut, Hadrat :Ali re0rained 0rom stri6in. his ne/6, He /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 he has not e-en the se5ual with him,

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733> 4%: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 A(@(!TA!'( A!9 (TH3ATATI3! T3 A(@(!TA!'( (>ITA7 AL-TAU7A)

733> 4#: @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( 'HAAAT(AISTI'S 3= TH( HK@3'AIT(S A!9 '3MMA!9 '3!'(A!I!H TH(M (>ITA7 SI=AT AL-MU!A=IEI! ?A AH>AMIHIM)

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'ha1ter $:
7oo6 4#2 !umber ))%%:
Gaid b, Arqam re1orted: ?e set out on a journe" alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in whi/h we 0a/ed man" hardshi1s, :Abdullah b, Uba"" said to his 0riends: 9o not .i-e what "ou ha-e in "our 1ossession to those who are with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) until the" desert him, Gubair said: That is the re/itin. o0 that 1erson who re/ited as min haulahu (0rom around him) and the other re/itin. is man haulahia (who are around him), And in this /ase when we would return to Medina the honourable would dri-e out the meaner there0rom (l5i-, #), I /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and in0ormed him about that and he sent someone to :Abdullah b, Uba"" and he as6ed him whether he had said that or not, He too6 an oath to the 0a/t that he had not done that and told that it was Gaid who had stated a lie to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Gaid said: I was mu/h 1erturbed be/ause o0 this until this -erse was re-ealed attestin. m" truth:C ?hen the h"1o/rites /omeC (l5iii, $), Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then /alled them in order to see6 0or.i-eness 0or them2 but the" turned awa" their heads as i0 the" were hoo6s o0 wood 0i5ed in the wall (l5iii, *)2 and the" were in 0a/t a11arentl" .ood-loo6in. 1ersons,

7oo6 4#2 !umber ))%#:

Fabir re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to the .ra-e o0 :Abdullah b, Uba""2 him out 0rom that2 1la/ed him on his 6nee and 1ut his sali-a in his mouth and shrouded him in his own shirt and Allah 6nows best,

7oo6 4#2 !umber ))%;:

Fabir b, :Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to the .ra-e o0 :Abdullah b, Uba"" as he was 1la/ed in that, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 4#2 !umber ))# :

Ibn :Umar re1orted that when :Abdullah b, Uba"" b, Salul died, His son :Abdullah b, :Abdullah (b, Uba"") /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and be..ed him that he should .i-e him his shirt whi/h he would use as a /o00in 0or his 0ather2 he .a-e him that, He then be..ed that he should /ondu/t 0uneral 1ra"er 0or him, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had hardl" .ot u1 to obser-e the 1ra"er 0or him that :Umar stood u1 and / hold o0 the .arment o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 are "ou .oin. to /ondu/t 1ra"er 0or this man2 whereas Allah has 0orbidden "ou to o00er 1ra"er 0or himD Thereu1on Allah:s
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(ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah has .i-en me an o1tion as He has said:C Kou ma" be. 1ardon 0or them or "ou ma" not be. 1ardon 0or them2 and e-en i0 "ou be. 1ardon 0or them2 se-ent" timesC (i5, # )2 and I am .oin. to ma6e an addition to the se-ent", He was a h"1o/rite and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) o00ered 1ra"er 0or him and Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 re-ealed this -erse:C 9o not o00er 1ra"er 0or an" one o0 them at all and do not stand u1on their .ra-es 0or (o00erin. 1ra"er o-er them)C (i5, #*),

7oo6 4#2 !umber ))#$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this addition:C He then abandoned o00erin. (0uneral) 1ra"er 0or them,C

7oo6 4#2 !umber ))#2:

Ibn Mas:ud re1orted that there .athered near the House three 1ersons whom two were Euraishi and one was a Thaqa0i or two were Thaqa0is and one was a Euraishi, The" la/6ed understandin. but wore more 0lesh, 3ne o0 them said: 9o "ou thin6 that Allah hears as we s1ea6D The other one said: He does hear when we s1ea6 loudl" and He does not hear when we s1ea6 in undertones2 and still the other one said: I0 He listens when we s1ea6 loudl"2 He also listens when we s1ea6 in undertones, It was on this o//asion that this -erse was re-ealed:C Kou did not /on/eal "oursel-es lest "our ears2 "our e"es and "our s6ins would stand witness a.ainst "ouC (5li, 22),

7oo6 4#2 !umber ))#4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4#2 !umber ))#*:

Gaid b, Thabit re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) set out 0or Uhud, Some o0 those 1ersons who were with them /ame ba/6, The 'om1anions o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) were di-ided in two .rou1s, 3ne .rou1 said: ?e would 6ill them2 and the other one said: !o2 this should not be done2 and it was on this o//asion that this -erse was re-ealed:C ?h" should "ou2 then2 be two 1arties in relation to h"1o/ritesDC (i-, ##),

7oo6 4#2 !umber ))#+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

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7oo6 4#2 !umber ))#):

Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted that durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the h"1o/rites beha-ed in this wa" that when Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) set out 0or a battle2 the" 6e1t themsel-es behind2 and the" be/ame ha11" that the" had mana.ed to sit in the house /ontrar" to (the a/t o0) Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and when Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) /ame ba/62 the" 1ut 0orward e5/uses and too6 oath and wished that 1eo1le should laud them 0or the deeds whi/h the" had not done, It was on this o//asion that this -erse was re-ealed:C Thin6 not that those who e5ult in what the" ha-e done2 and lo-e to be 1raised 0or what the" ha-e not done-thin6 not them to be sa0e 0rom the /hastisementB and 0or them is a 1ain0ul /hastisementC (iii, $#),

7oo6 4#2 !umber ))#%:

Humaid b, :Abd al-Aahman b, :Au0 re1orted that Marwan said to Aa0i:2 his /hamberlain2 that he should .o to Ibn :Abbas and as6 him: I0 e-er" one o0 us be 1unished 0or his bein. ha11" u1on his deed and 0or his bein. 1raised 0or what he has not done2 nobod" would be sa-ed 0rom the torment, Ibn :Abbas said: ?hat "ou ha-e to do with this -erseD It has been in 0a/t re-ealed in /onne/tion with the 1eo1le o0 the 7oo6,C Then Ibn Abbas re/ited this -erse:C ?hen Allah too6 a /o-enant 0rom those who had been .i-en the 7oo6: Kou shall e51lain it to 1eo1le and shall not /on/eal thisC (iii, $#))2 and then Ibn :Abbas re/ited this -erse:C Thin6 not that those who e5ult in what the" ha-e done and lo-e to be 1raised 0or what the" ha-e not doneC (iii, $#)), Ibn :Abbas (0urther) said: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed them about somethin. and then the" /on/ealed that and the" told him somethin. else and the" went out and the" that the" had in0ormed him as lie had as6ed them and the" 0elt ha11" o0 what the" had /on/ealed,

7oo6 4#2 !umber ))##:

Eais re1orted: I said to :Ammar: ?hat is "our o1inion about that whi/h "ou ha-e done in /ase (o0 "our sidin. with Hadrat :Ali)D Is it "our 1ersonal o1inion or somethin. "ou .ot 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D :Ammar said: ?e ha-e .ot nothin. 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whi/h 1eo1le at lar.e did not .et2 but Hudhai0a told me that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had es1e/iall" told him his 'om1anion2 that there would be twel-e h"1o/rites out o0 whom would not .et into @aradise2 until a /amel would be able to 1ass throu.h the needle hole, The ul/er would be itsel0 su00i/ient (to 6ill), So 0ar as 0our are /on/erned2 I do not remember what Shu:ba said about them,

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7oo6 4#2 !umber ))#;:

Eais b, :Ubad re1orted: ?e said to :Ammar: ?as "our 0i.htin. (on the side o0 :Ali in the 7attle o0 Si00in) a matter o0 "our own /hoi/e or "ou .ot its hints 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0or it2 is li6el" 0or one to err in one:s own dis/retion or was it be/ause o0 an" /o-enant that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot 0rom "ouD He said: It was not be/ause o0 an" /o-enant that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot 0rom us whi/h he did .et 0rom other 1eo1le2 and he 0urther said that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said:C In m" Ummah,C And I thin6 that Hudhai0a re1orted to me and a//ordin. to Hhundar (the words are) that he said: In m" Ummah2 there would be twel-e h"1o/rites and the" would not be admitted to @aradise and the" would not smell its odour2 until the /amel would 1ass throu.h a needle:s hole, 9ubaila (ul/er) would be enou.h to (torment them) -a 6ind o0 0lame o0 =ire whi/h would a11ear in their shoulders and it would 1rotrude 0rom their /hest,

7oo6 4#2 !umber )); :

Abu Tu0ail re1orted that there was a dis1ute between Hudhai0a and one 0rom the 1eo1le o0 Aqaba as it ha11ens 1eo1le, He said: I adjure "ou b" Allah to tell me as to how man" 1eo1le 0rom Aqaba were, The 1eo1le said to him (Hudhai0a) to in0orm him as he had as6ed, ?e ha-e been in0ormed that the" were 0ourteen and I0 "ou are to be /ounted them2 then the" would be 0i0teen and I state b" Allah that twel-e them were the enemies o0 Allah and o0 His (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in this world, The rest o0 the three 1ut 0orward this e5/use: ?e did not hear the announ/ement o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and we were not aware o0 the intention o0 the 1eo1le as he (the Hol" @ro1het) had been in the hot atmos1here, He (the Hol" @ro1het) then said: The water is small in quantit" (at the ne5t station), So nobod" should .o ahead o0 me2 but he 0ound 1eo1le who had .one ahead o0 him and he /ursed them on that da",

7oo6 4#2 !umber ));$:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who /limbed this hill2 the hill o0 Murar2 his sins would be obliterated as were obliterated the sins o0 7ani Isra:il, So the 0irst to ta6e their horses were the 1eo1le o0 7anu >ha8raj, Then there was a /easeless 0low o0 1ersons and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to them: All o0 "ou are those who ha-e been 1ardoned e5/e1t the owner o0 a red /amel, ?e /ame to him and said to him: Kou also /ome on2 so that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ma" see6 0or.i-eness 0or "ou, 7ut he said: 7" Allah2 so 0ar as I am /on/erned2 the 0indin. o0 somethin. lost is dearer to me than see6in. o0 0or.i-eness 0or me b" "our /om1anion (the Hol" @ro1het)2 and he remained bus" in 0indin. out his lost thin.,

$))# & $#


7oo6 4#2 !umber ));2:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who would /limb this hill o0 Murar, The rest o0 the hadith is the same but with this -ariation that it was a desert Arab who was 0indin. out his lost thin.,

7oo6 4#2 !umber ));4:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: There was a 1erson us who belon.ed to the tribe o0 7ani !ajjar and he re/ited Sura al-7aqarah and Surat Al-i-:Imran and he used to trans/ribe 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He ran awa" as a rebel and joined the @eo1le o0 the 7oo6, The" .a-e it mu/h im1ortan/e and said: He is the 1erson who used to trans/ribe 0or Muhammad and the" were mu/h 1leased with him, Time rolled on that Allah /aused his death, The" du. the .ra-e and buried him therein2 but the" 0ound to their sur1rise that the earth had thrown him out o-er the sur0a/e, The" a.ain du. the .ra-e 0or him and buried him but the earth a.ain threw him out u1on the sur0a/e, The" a.ain du. the .ra-e 0or him and buried him but the earth a.ain threw him out u1on the sur0a/e, At last the" le0t him unburied,

7oo6 4#2 !umber ));*:

Fabir re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame ba/6 0rom a journe" and as he was near Medina2 there was su/h a -iolent .ale that the mountain seemed to be 1ressed, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: This wind has 1erha1s been made to blow 0or the death o0 a h"1o/rite2 and as he rea/hed Medina a notorious h"1o/rite 0rom the h"1o/rites had died,

7oo6 4#2 !umber ));+:

I"as re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: ?e went alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to -isit a 1erson su00erin. 0rom 0e-er, ?hen I 1la/ed m" hand u1on him2 I said: 7" Allah2 I ha-e ne-er seen2 till this da"2 a 1erson runnin. hi.her tem1erature than he, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 turnin. his 0a/e to his /om1anions2 said: Ma" I not in0orm "ou o0 a se-erer tem1erature than this whi/h these two 1ersons would run on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tionD And the" were two h"1o/rites ridin. u1on the /amel turnin. their ba/6 towards (the Muslims),

7oo6 4#2 !umber ));):

Ibn Umar re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The similitude o0 a h"1o/rite is that o0 a shee1 whi/h roams aimlessl" between two 0lo/6s, She .oes to one at one time and to the other at another time,

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7oo6 4#2 !umber ));%:

Ibn Umar re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in. li6e this but with this /han.e o0 words:C She sometimes 0inds a wa" in one 0lo/6 and then in another 0lo/6,C

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FU9H(M(!T2 @AAA9IS( A!9 H(LL (>ITA7 SI=AT AL-EIKAMAH ?A:L FA!!A ?A:!-!AA) 733> 4;: TH( 733> HI<I!H 9(S'AI@TI3! 3= TH( 9AK 3=

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733> 4;: TH( 733> HI<I!H 9(S'AI@TI3! 3= TH( 9AK 3= FU9H(M(!T2 @AAA9IS( A!9 H(LL (>ITA7 SI=AT AL-EIKAMAH
?A:L FA!!A ?A:!-!AA)

'ha1ter $: 9es/ri1tion o0 the da" o0 jud.ment2 1aradise and hell

7oo6 4;2 !umber ));#:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A bul6" 1erson would be on the 9a" o0 jud.ment and he would not /arr" the to the e"e o0 Allah equal e-en to that o0 a .nat, !or shall ?e set u1 a balan/e 0or them on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tionC (5-iii, $ +),

7oo6 4;2 !umber ));;:

Abdullah b, Mas:ud re1orted that a Few s/holar /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) and said, Muhammad2 or Abu al-Easim2 -eri0"2 Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious, would /arr" the Hea-ens on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment u1on one and earths u1on one and the mountains and trees u1or one and the o/ean and moist earth u1on one 0a/t the whole o0 the /reation u1on one 0in.er2 and then He would stir them and sa": I am "our Lord2 I am "our Lord, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) smiled testi0"in. what that s/holar had said, He then re/ited this -erse:C And the" honour not Allah with the honour due to HimB and the whole earth will be in His .ri1 on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion and the hea-enQ rQUtd u1 in His hand, Hlor" be to Him I and hi.hl" (5alted is Ae abo-e what the" asso/iate (with Him)C (555i5, )%),

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%

This hadlth has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Mansur with the same /hain o0 truemittm (and the words are): A Few s/holar /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The rest o0 the hadith is the same2 but there is no mention o0C then He would stir them,C 7ut there is this addition:C I saw Allah:s Messen./r (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) smilin. so mu/h that his 0ront teeth a11eared and testi0"in. him (th Few s/holar) B then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited the -erse:C And the" honour not Allah with the honour due to HimC (555i5, )%),

7oo6 4;2 !umber )% $:

Abdullah re1orted that a 1erson 0rom the @eo1le o0 the 7oo6 /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) and said: Abu al-Easim2 -eri0"2 Allah would /arr" tho Aea-mo u1on one and the earths u1on one and the trees and moist earth u1on one and in 0a/t the whole o0 the /reation u1on one and then sa": I am "our Lord, I an "our Lord, And he (the narrator) 0urther

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733> 4;: TH( 733> HI<I!H 9(S'AI@TI3! 3= TH( 9AK 3= FU9H(M(!T2 @AAA9IS( A!9 H(LL (>ITA7 SI=AT AL-EIKAMAH
?A:L FA!!A ?A:!-!AA)

said: I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0oolin. so mu/h h11" that his 0ront teeth be/ame -isible and then he re/ited the Kei0e:C And the" honour not Allah with the honour due to HimC (555i5, )%),

7oo6 4;2 !umber )% 2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )% 4:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allan2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 will ta6e in His .ri1 the earth ou the 9a" o0 Fud.ment and He would roll u1 the s6" in His hand and would sa": I am the LordB wbere are the so-erei.ns o0 the worldD

7oo6 4;2 !umber )% *:

Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa"in.: Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 would 0old the Hea-ens on the 9a" o0 Fud.ment and then He would 1la/e them on His hand and sa": I am the LordB where are the" and where are the 1roud (toda")D He would 0old the: earth (1la/in. it) on the le0 t hand and sa": I am the LordB where are the" and where are the 1roud (toda")D

7oo6 4;2 !umber )% +:

Abdullah b, Miqsam re1orted that he saw Abdullah b, Umar as he narrated Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 would ta6e in His hand His Hea-ens and His (arth2 and would sa": I am Allah, And He would /len/h His 0in.ers and then would o1en them (and sa"): I am "our Lord, I saw the 1ul1it in /ommotion 0rom underneath be/ause o0 somethin. (-ib-atin.) there, And (I 0elt this /ommotion so mu/h) that I said (to m"sel0): It ma" not 0all with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) u1on it,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )% ):

Abdullah b, Miqsam re1orted that :Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted: I saw Allah:h (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) u1on the 1ul1it and he was sa"in. that the" Lord2 the (5alted and Hlorious would ta6e hold o0 the Hea-ens and earth in His hand, The rest o0 the hadith is the same2

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733> 4;: TH( 733> HI<I!H 9(S'AI@TI3! 3= TH( 9AK 3= FU9H(M(!T2 @AAA9IS( A!9 H(LL (>ITA7 SI=AT AL-EIKAMAH
?A:L FA!!A ?A:!-!AA)

'ha1ter 2: The be.innin. o0 the /reation and the /reation o0 Adam (1ea/e be u1on him)
7oo6 4;2 !umber )% %:
Abu Haraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 hold o0 m" hands and said: Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 /reated the /la" on Saturda" and He /reated the mountains on Sunda" and He /reated the trees on Monda" and He /reated the thin.s entailin. labour on Tuesda" and /reated on ?ednesda" and lie /aused the animals to s1read on Thursda" and /reated Adam (1ea/e be u1on him) a0ter :Asr on =rida"Bthe last /reation at the last hour o0 the hours o0 =rida"2 i, e, between a0ternoon and,

'ha1ter 4: @ertainin. to re-birth2 assemblin. and /hara/teristi/s o0 the earth on the da" o0 resurre/tion
7oo6 4;2 !umber )% #:
Sahl b, Sa:d re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The 1eo1le will be assembled on tee 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion on a white 1lain with a reddish tin.e li6e the loa0 o0 white bread with no mar6s set u1 0or an"one,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )% ;:

:A:isha re1orted: I as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about the words o0 Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious:C The da" when the earth would be /han.ed 0or another earth and Hea-en would be /han.ed 0or another Hea-en (Ti<, *#)2 (and inquired: ) (Allah:s where would the 1eo1le be on tnat da"D He said: The" would be on the Sirit,

'ha1ter *: The 0east 0or the inhabitants o0 1aradise

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%$ :
Abu al-Sa:id >hudri re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that the earth would turn to be one sin.le bread on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion and the" would turn it in His hand as one o0 "ou turns a loa0 while on a journe", It would be a 0east arran.ed in the honour o0 the

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733> 4;: TH( 733> HI<I!H 9(S'AI@TI3! 3= TH( 9AK 3= FU9H(M(!T2 @AAA9IS( A!9 H(LL (>ITA7 SI=AT AL-EIKAMAH
?A:L FA!!A ?A:!-!AA)

1eo1le o0 @aradise, He (the narrator) 0urther narrated that a 1erson 0rom amon. the Fews /ame and he said: Abu al-Easim2 ma" the 'om1assionate Lord be 1leased with "ouL Ma" I in0orm "ou about the 0east arran.ed in honour o0 the 1eo1le o0 @aradise on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tionD He said: 9o it2 o0 /ourse, He said: The earth would be/ome one sin.le bread, Then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) loo6ed towards us and lau.hed until his molar teeth be/ame -isible, He then a.ain said: Ma" I in0orm "ou about that with whi/h the" would season itD He said: 9o it2 o0 /ourse, He said: Their seasonin. would be balim and 0ish, The 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hat is this balamD He said: 35 and 0ish 0rom whose e5/essi-e li-ers se-ent" thousand 1eo1le would be able to eat,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%$$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 ten s/holars o0 the Fews would 0ollow me2 no Few would be le0t u1on the sur0a/e o0 the earth who would not embra/e Islam,

'ha1ter +: The question o0 a jew 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about soul and his words, CThe" as6 thee about the soulC
7oo6 4;2 !umber )%$2:
:Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) re1orted: As I was .oin. aloo. with Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in a /ulti-able land and he (the Hol" @ro1het) was wal6in. with the su11ort o0 a wood2 a .rou1 o0 Fews ha11ened to meet him, Some o0 them said to the others: As6 him about the Soul, The" said: ?bat is "our doubt about itD There is a 1ossibilit" that "ou ma" as6 him about an"thin. (the answer o0) whi/h "ou ma" not li6e, The" said: As6 him, So one them as6ed him about the Soul, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 6e1t quiet and he .a-e no re1l" and I /ame to 6now that re-elation was bein. sent to him2 so I stood at m" 1la/e and thus this re-elation des/ended u1on him:C The" as6 thee :about Soul, Sa": The Soul is b" the 'ommandment o0 m" Lord2 and o0 >nowled.e "ou are .i-en but a littleC (5-ii, +#),

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%$4:

Abdullah re1orted: I was wal6in. alon. with Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in a 0ield o0 Medina, The rest o0 the hadith is the same2 but there is a -ariation o0 wordin.,

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733> 4;: TH( 733> HI<I!H 9(S'AI@TI3! 3= TH( 9AK 3= FU9H(M(!T2 @AAA9IS( A!9 H(LL (>ITA7 SI=AT AL-EIKAMAH
?A:L FA!!A ?A:!-!AA)

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%$*:

Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on hI) was re/linin. a.ainst a tree in the .arden, The rest o0 the hadith is the same, but there is a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%$+:

>habbab re1orted that al-As b, ?a:il owed debt to me, I /ame to him in order to demand that, He said: I will ne-er re1a" "ou unless "ou belie Mubammad, I said: I would ne-er belie Mubammad until "ou die and "ou are a.ain raised u1, He said: ?hen I would be raised u1 a0ter death2 I would re1a" "our debt when I would .et m" 1ro1ert" and /hildren ba/6, ?a6i: said: This is how Almash has narrated and it was on this o//asion that this -erse was re-ealed:C Hast thou seen him who dis, belie-es in 3ur messa.e and sa"s: I shall /ertainl" be .i-en wealth and /hildren: (5is2 %%) u1 toC he would /ome to Us aloneC (5iT, # ),

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%$):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 >habbib throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters and the words are, I in the 1re-Islami/ da"s used to wor6 as an iron-smith, I did some wor6 0or :As b, ?a:il and /ame to him 0or .ettin. the remuneration o0 m",

'ha1ter ): @ertainin. to the words o0 allaiih: Allah would ne-er 1unish them so lon. as "ou are themC
7oo6 4;2 !umber )%$%:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Abu Fahl said: 3 Allah2 i0 he is true2 then shower u1on us the -olle" o0 stones 0rom the s6" or in0li/t u1on us a .rie-ous torment2 and it was on this o//asion that this -erse was re-ealed:C :Allah would ne-er torment them so lon. as "ou are them, And Allah is not .oin. to torment them as lon. as the" see6 0or.i-eness, And wh" is it that Allah should not torment them and the" 1re-ent 1eo1le 0rom /omin. to the sa/red mosque,,,,C (-iii, 4*) to the end,

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733> 4;: TH( 733> HI<I!H 9(S'AI@TI3! 3= TH( 9AK 3= FU9H(M(!T2 @AAA9IS( A!9 H(LL (>ITA7 SI=AT AL-EIKAMAH
?A:L FA!!A ?A:!-!AA)

'ha1ter %: @ertainin. to the words o0 Allah: C!a"2 but -eril" man is inordinate2 be/ause he loo6s u1on himsel0 as sel0-su00i/ientC
7oo6 4;2 !umber )%$#:
Abu Huraira re1orted that Abu Fahl as6ed (1eo1le) whether Mubammad 1la/ed his 0a/e (on the .round) in their 1resen/e, It was said to him: Kes, He said: 7" Lit and U88a, I0 I were to see him do that2 I would tram1le his ne/62 or I would beamear his 0a/e with dust, He /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as he was en.a.ed in 1ra"er and o0 tram1lin. his ne/6 (and the 1eo1le sa") that he /ame near him but turned u1on his heels and tried to re1ulse somethin. with his hands, It was said to him: ?hat is the matter with "ouD He said: There is between me and him a dit/h o0 0ire and terror and win.s, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) said: I0 he were to /ome near me the an.els would ha-e torn him to 1ie/es, Then Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 re-ealed this -erse- (the narrator) said: ?e do not whether it is the hadith transmitted te Abu Huraira or somethin. /on-e"ed to him 0rom another sour/e:C !a"2 man is surel" inordinate2 be/ause he loo6s u1on himsel0 as sel0-su00i/ient, Surel" to th" Lord is the return, Hast thou seen him who 0orbids a ser-ant when he 1ra"sD Seest thou i0 he is on the wa"2 or enjoins obser-an/e o0 1iet"D Seest thou i0 he NAbu FahOO denies and turns awa"D >nowest he not that Allah seesD !a", i0 he desists not2 ?e will sei8e him b" the 0orelo/6-a l"in.2 sin0ul 0orelo/6, Then let him summon his /oun/il, ?e will summon the .uards o0 the Hell, !a"L 3be" not thou himC (I/-i, )-$;), (Aather 1rostrate th"sel0,) Ubaidullah made this addition: It was a0ter this that (1rostration) was enjoined u1on and Ibn Abd alAla made this addition that b" !adia he meant his 1eo1le,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%$;:

Masruq re1orted: ?e were sittin. in the /om1an" o0 Abdullah and he was l"in. on the bed that a 1erson /ame and said: Abd Abd al-Aabmin2 a stor"-teller at the .ates o0 >inda sa"s that the -erse (o0 the Eur:an) whi/h deals with theC smo6eC im1lies that whi/h is about to /ome and it would hold the breath o0 the in0idels and would in0li/t the belie-ers with /old, Thereu1on Abdullah .ot u1 and said in, 3 1eo1le2 0ear Allah and sa" onl" that whi/h one 6nows "ou and do not sa" whi/h he does not 6now and he should sim1l" sa": Allah has the best 6nowled.e 0or He has the best 6nowled.e all o0 "ou, It does not beho-e him to sa" that whi/h he does not 6now, Allah has the best 6nowled.e o0 it, <eril" Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 said to His @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to state:C I do not as6 0rom "ou an" remuneration and I am not the one to 1ut "ou in trouble2C and when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw 1eo1le turnin. ba/6 (0rom reli.ion) he said: 3 Allah2 a00li/t thern with se-en 0amines as was done in the /ase o0 Kusu02 so the" were a00li/ted
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733> 4;: TH( 733> HI<I!H 9(S'AI@TI3! 3= TH( 9AK 3= FU9H(M(!T2 @AAA9IS( A!9 H(LL (>ITA7 SI=AT AL-EIKAMAH
?A:L FA!!A ?A:!-!AA)

with 0amine b" whi/h the" were 0or/ed to eat e-er"thin. until the" were obli.ed to eat the hides and the dead bodies be/ause o0 hun.er2 and e-er" one o0 them loo6ed towards the s6" and he 0ound a smo6e, And Abu Su0"an /ame and he said: Muhammad2 "ou ha-e /ome to /ommand us to obe" Allah and /ement the ties o0 blood- relation whereas "our 1eo1le are undoneB su11li/ate Allah 0or tli/m, Thereu1on Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 said:C ?ait 0or the da" when there would be /lear smo6e 0rom the s6" whi/h would en-elo1 1eo1le and that would be .rie-ous tori-entC u1 to the words:C "ou are .oin. to return to (e-il),C (i0 this -erse im1lied the torment o0 the ne5t li0e) /ould the /hastisement o0 the ne5t (li0e) be a-erted (as the Eur:an states): 3n the da" when ?e sei8e (them) with the most -iolent sei8in.B surel" ?e shall e5a/t retributionC (5li-, $))D The sei8in. (in the hadith) im1lies that o0 the 9a" o0 7adr, And so 0ar as the si.n o0 smo6e2 sei8in.2 ine-itabilit" and si.ns o0 Aome are /on/ern- ed2 the" ha-e be/ome thin.s o0 the 1ast now,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%2 :

Masruq re1orted that there /ame to Abdullah a 1erson and said: I ha-e le0t behind in the mosque a man who e51lains the Eur:an a//ordin. to his 1ersonal dis/retion and he e51lained this -erse:C So wait 0or the da" when the Hea-en brin.s a /lear smo6e,C He sa"s that a smo6e would /ome to the 1eo1le on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion anl it will withhold breath and the" would be in0li/ted with /old, :Abdullah said: He who has 6nowled.e should sa" somethin. and he who has no 6nowled.e should sim1l" sa": Allah is best aware, This re0le/ts the understandin. o0 a 1erson that he should sa" about that whi/h he does not 6now that it is Allah who 6nows best, The 0a/t is that when the Euraish disobe"ed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) he su11li/ated Allah that the" should be a00li/ted with 0amine and star-ation as was done in /ase o0 Kusu0, And the" were so mu/h hard 1ressed that a 1erson would a/e the s6" and he would see between him and the s6" somethin. li6e smo6e and the" were so mu/h hard 1ressed that the" to /at the bones2 and a 1erson /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s, see6 0or.i-eness 0or the tribe o0 Mudar 0or (its 1eo1le) ha-e been undone, The (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: =or MudarD Kou are o-erbold2 but he su11li/ated Allah 0or them, It was u1on this that this -erse was re-ealed:C ?e shall remo-e the /hastisement a little2 but the" will surel" return to e-ilC (5li-, $+), lie (the narrator) said: There was a down1oor o0 rain u1on them, ?hen there was some relie0 0or them the" returned to the same 1osition as the" had been be0ore2 and Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 re-ealed this -erse:C So wait 0or the da" when the hea-en brin.s a /lear smo6e en-elo1in. 1eo1le, This is a .rie-ous torment on the da" when ?e sei8e them with the most -iolent sei8in.B surel"2 ?e shall e5a/t retribution,C And this (sei8in.) im1lied (7attle) o0 7adr,

$)%# & $#


733> 4;: TH( 733> HI<I!H 9(S'AI@TI3! 3= TH( 9AK 3= FU9H(M(!T2 @AAA9IS( A!9 H(LL (>ITA7 SI=AT AL-EIKAMAH
?A:L FA!!A ?A:!-!AA)

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%2$:

Abdullah said that 0i-e si.ns ha-e (be/ome thin.s) o0 the 1ast (and ha-e 1ro-ed the truth o0 the Hol" @ro1het): ((n-elo1in.) b" the smo6e2 ine-itable (1unishment to the Me//ans at 7adr)2 (the -i/tor" o0) Aome2 (-iolent) sei8in. (o0 the Me//ans at 7adr) and (the s1littin. u1 o0) the Moon,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%22:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%24:

Uba"" b, >a:b re1orted that the words o0 Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious:C ?e will2 surel"2 ma6e them taste the lesser 1unishment be0ore the se-erer 1unishment (that ha1l" the" ma" return)C (555ii, 2$) im1l" the torments o0 the world, (-i/tor" o0) Aome2 sei8in. (o0 the Me//ans)2 or smo6e, And Shalba was in doubt about sei8in. or smo6e,

'ha1ter #: The s1littin. u1 o0 the moon (a .reat mira/le)

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%2*:
Abu Ma:mar re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abdullah that the moon was s1lit u1 durin. li0etime b" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in two 1arts and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7ear testimon" to this,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%2+:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abdullah b, Mas:ud (who said): ?e were alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at Mina2 that moon was s1lit u1 into two, 3ne o0 its 1arts was behind the mountain and the other one was on this side o0 the mountain, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1bn him) said to us: 7ear witness to this,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%2):

:Abdullah b, Mas:ud re1orted that the moon was s1lit u1 in two 1arts durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The mountain /o-ered one o0 its 1arts and one 1art o0 it was abo-e the mountain and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7ear witness to this,

$)%; & $#


733> 4;: TH( 733> HI<I!H 9(S'AI@TI3! 3= TH( 9AK 3= FU9H(M(!T2 @AAA9IS( A!9 H(LL (>ITA7 SI=AT AL-EIKAMAH
?A:L FA!!A ?A:!-!AA)

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%2%:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%2#:

Anas re1orted that the 1eo1le o0 Me//a demanded 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he should show them (some) si.ns (mira/les) and he showed tli/in the s1littin. o0 the moon, This hadlth has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%2;:

Anas re1orted that the moon was s1lit u1 in two 1arts and in the hadith re/orded in Abu 9awud2 the words are:C The moon was s1lit u1 into two 1arts durin. the li0e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),C

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%4 :

Ibn :Abbas re1orted that the moon was s1lit u1 durin. the li0etime o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him),

'ha1ter ;: There is none to show more 1atien/e than Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 on attributin. wron. thin.s to him
7oo6 4;2 !umber )%4$:
AbU Musa re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There is none to show more 1atien/e at listenin. to the most ir6some thin.s than Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious, : @artnershi1 is asso/iated to Him (1ol"theism), and (0atherhood) o0 a /hild is attributed to HiM2 but in s1ite o0 this He 1rote/ts them (1eo1le) and 1ro-ides them sustenan/e, This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Muas with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

$)# & $#


733> 4;: TH( 733> HI<I!H 9(S'AI@TI3! 3= TH( 9AK 3= FU9H(M(!T2 @AAA9IS( A!9 H(LL (>ITA7 SI=AT AL-EIKAMAH
?A:L FA!!A ?A:!-!AA)

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%42:

Abdullah b, Eais re1orted 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that none is more 0orbearin. in listenin. to the most ir6some thin.s than Allah2 the (5alted, The" asso/iate ri-als with him2 attribute sonhood to Him2 but in s1ite o0 this He 1ro-ides them sustenan/e2 .rants them sa0et"2 /on0ers u1on them so man" thin.s,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%44:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah2 the (5alted and Hi.h2 would sa" to one who shall ha-e to under.o the least torture (on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion): ?ould "ou li6e to .o as ransom i0 "ou had all worldl" ri/hesB he would sa": Kes, Allah would sa" to him: ?hen "ou were in the loins o0 Adam2 I demadded 0rom "ou somethin. easier than this that "ou should not asso/iate an"thin. with Me, (The narrator sa"s): I thin6 He also said: I would not /ause "ou to enter Hell-=ire but "ou de0ied and attributed 9i-init" (to others besides Me),

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%4*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters2 but with a -ariation o0 wordin. (and the words are): I shall /ause him to enter Hell,C (The words subsequent to these) ha-e not been mentioned,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%4+:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u n him) said: It would be said to the non-belie-ers on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion: I0 "ou were to 1ossess .old2 0illin. the whole earth2 would "ou li6e to se/ure "our 0reedom b" 1a"in. thatD He would sa": Kes, Thereu1on it would be said to him: Somethin. easier (than this) was demanded 0rom "ou (but "ou 1aid no heed to it),

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%4):

Anas re1orted this hadlth throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters and the words are:C It would be said to him: Kou ha-e told a lieB what had been demanded 0rom "ou was quite easier than this (the belie0 in the 3neness o0 Allah),C

$)#$ & $#


733> 4;: TH( 733> HI<I!H 9(S'AI@TI3! 3= TH( 9AK 3= FU9H(M(!T2 @AAA9IS( A!9 H(LL (>ITA7 SI=AT AL-EIKAMAH
?A:L FA!!A ?A:!-!AA)

'ha1ter $ : The non-belie-ers would be made to /rawl on their 0a/es

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%4%:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that a 1erson said: Allah:s Messen.er2 how the non-belie-ers would be made to assemble on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion (b" /rawlin.) on their 0a/esD Thereu1on he said: Is He ?ho is 1ower0nl to ma6e them wal6 on their 0eet is not 1ower0ul enou.h to ma6e them (/rawl) u1on their 0a/es on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tionD Eatada said: 30 /onrse2 it is so, (He adjured): 7" the o0 our Lord,

'ha1ter $$: 9i11in. o0 the most a00luent 1eo1le o0 the world in the hell-0ire and di11in. o0 the most (worldl") miserable in 1aradise
7oo6 4;2 !umber )%4#:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said that one the deni8ens o0 Hell who had led a li0e o0 ease and 1lent" the 1eo1le o0 the world would be made to di1 in =ire onl" on/e on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion and then it would be said to him: 32 son o0 Adam2 did "ou 0ind an" /om0ort2 did "ou ha11en to .et an" material blessin.D He would sa": 7" Allah2 no2 m" Lord, And then that 1erson 0rom the 1ersons o0 the world be who had led the most miserable li0e (in the world) 0rom the inmates o0 @aradise, and he would be made to di1 on/e in @aradise and it would be said to him, 2 son o0 Adam2 did "ou 0a/e2 an" hardshi1D 3r had an" distress 0allen to "our lotD And he would sa": 7" Allah2 no2 m" Lord2 ne-er did I 0a/e an" hardshi1 or e51erien/e an" distress,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%4;:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: <eril"2 Allah does nut treat a belie-er unjustl" in re.ard to his -irtues, He would /on0er u1on him (His blessin.) in this world and would .i-e him reward in the Herea0ter, And as re.ards a non-belie-er, he would be made to taste the reward (o0 -irtue in this world) what as has done 0or himsel0 so mu/h that when it would be the Herea0ter, he would 0ind no -irtue 0or whi/h he should be rewarded,

$)#2 & $#


733> 4;: TH( 733> HI<I!H 9(S'AI@TI3! 3= TH( 9AK 3= FU9H(M(!T2 @AAA9IS( A!9 H(LL (>ITA7 SI=AT AL-EIKAMAH
?A:L FA!!A ?A:!-!AA)

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%* :

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) thus told him: ?hen a non-belie-er does .ood he is made to taste Its reward in this world, And so 0ar as the belie-er is /on/erned2 Allah stores (the reward) o0 his -irtues 0or the Herea0ter and 1ro-ides him sustenan/e in a//ordan/e with his obedien/e to Him,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%*$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $2: The similitude o0 a belie-er and a non-belie-er

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%*2:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Similitude o0 a belie-er is that o0 (a standin.) /ro1 whi/h the air /ontinues to toss 0rom one side to anotherB in the same wa" a belie-er alwa"s (re/ei-es the stro6es) o0 mis0ortune, The similitude o0 a h"1o/rite is that o0 a /"1ress tree whi/h does not mo-e until it is u1rooted,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%*4:

This badith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%**:

>a:b re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said that the similitude o0 a belie-er is that o0 a standin. /ro1 in a 0ield whi/h is sha6en b" wind and then it /omes to its ori.inal 1osition but it stands at its roots, The similitude o0 a non-belie-er is that o0 a /"1ress tree whi/h stands on its roots and nothin. sha6es it but it is u1rooted (with) one (-iolent stro6e),

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%*+:

>a:b b, Mali6 re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that the similitude o0 a belie-er is that o0 a standin. /ro1, The wind sometimes sha6es it and sometimes raises it u1 and then it /omes to its destined end, And the similitude o0 a h"1o/rite is that o0 a /"1ress tree whi/h is not a00e/ted b" an"thin.
$)#4 & $#


733> 4;: TH( 733> HI<I!H 9(S'AI@TI3! 3= TH( 9AK 3= FU9H(M(!T2 @AAA9IS( A!9 H(LL (>ITA7 SI=AT AL-EIKAMAH
?A:L FA!!A ?A:!-!AA)

but is u1rooted on/e 0or all, This badith has been narrated throu.h another /hain2 o0 transmitters also,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%*):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn >a:b throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter $4: The belie-er is li6ened to the date-1alm tree

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%*%:
:Abdullah b, Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There is a tree trees2 the lea-es o0 whi/h do not wither and that is li6e a MuslimB tell me whi/h that (tree) /an beD The 1eo1le to thin6 o0 the trees o0 the 0orest, Abdullah said: I that it /ould be the date-1alm tree2 but I 0elt hesitant (to sa" that), The" (the 'om1anions) then said: Allah:s Messen.er2 (6indl") tell us whi/h that /an beD Thereu1on he said: It is the date-1alm tree, I made a mention o0 that to :Umar2 whereu1on he said: Had "ou said that it meant the date-1alin tree2 this statement o0 "ours (would ha-e been dearer to me) than su/h and su/h thin.s,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%*#:

Ibn Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) one da" said to his 'om1anions: Tell me about a tree whi/h has resemblan/e with a belie-er, The 1eo1le to mention (di00erent) trees o0 the 0orest, Ibn :Umar said: It was instilled in m" mind or in m" heart and it stu/6 therein that it im1lied the date- 1alm tree, I made u1 m" mind to ma6e a mention o0 that but /ould not do that be/ause o0 the 1resen/e o0 the elderl" 1eo1le there, ?hen there was a hush them (a0ter the" had e51ressed their -iews)2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It Is the date-1alm tree,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%*;:

Mujahid said: (I ha-e had the 1ri-ile.e) o0 a//om1an"in. Ibn :Umar u1 to Medina but I did not hear him narrate an"thin. 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) e5/e1t one hadith, And he said: ?e were in the 1resen/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that there was to him the 6ernel o0 a date, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

$)#* & $#


733> 4;: TH( 733> HI<I!H 9(S'AI@TI3! 3= TH( 9AK 3= FU9H(M(!T2 @AAA9IS( A!9 H(LL (>ITA7 SI=AT AL-EIKAMAH
?A:L FA!!A ?A:!-!AA)

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%+ :

Mujahid re1orted: I heard Ibn :Umar as sa"in.: There was to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the 6ernel, The rest o0 the hadith is tile same,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%+$:

Ibn Umar re1orted: ?e were:in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he said: Tell me o0 a tree whi/h has resemblan/e to a Muslim and the lea-es o0 whi/h do not wither, Ibrahim said that 1erha1s Imam Muslim had stated li6e this: It /onstantl" bears 0ruit but I ha-e2 howe-er2 seen NIt does not bear 0ruit /onstantl"O, Ibn Umar said: It /rossed m" mind that it /ould be the date-1alm tree2 but as I saw Aba 7a6r and Umar obser-e silen/e2 I did not deem it 0it that I should s1ea6 or I should sa" somethin., :Umar said: Had "ou said so2 it would ha-e been dearer to me than su/h and su/h thin.,

'ha1ter $*: The mis/hie0 o0 satan in the muslim so/iet" and sendin. his deta/hments 0or the /reation o0 turmoil2 and there is a de-il atta/hed to e-er" 1erson
7oo6 4;2 !umber )%+2:
Fabir re1orted: I heard Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: <eril"2 the Satan has lost all ho1es that the worshi11ers would e-er worshi1 (him) in the 1eninsula o0 Arabia2 but he (is ho1e0ul) that he would sow the seed o0 dissension them,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%+4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%+*:

Fabir re1orted: I heard Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The throne o0 Iblis is u1on the o/ean and he sends deta/hments (to di00erent 1arts) inorder to 1ut 1eo1le to trial and the most im1ortant 0i.ure in his e"es is one who is most notorious in sowin. the seed o0 dissension,

$)#+ & $#


733> 4;: TH( 733> HI<I!H 9(S'AI@TI3! 3= TH( 9AK 3= FU9H(M(!T2 @AAA9IS( A!9 H(LL (>ITA7 SI=AT AL-EIKAMAH
?A:L FA!!A ?A:!-!AA)

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%++:

Fabir re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Iblis 1la/es his throne u1on waterB he then sends deta/hments (0or /reatin. dissension) B the nearer to him in tan6 are those who are most notorious in /reatin. dissension, 3ne o0 them /omes and sa"s: I did so and so, And he sa"s: Kou ha-e done nothin., Then one them /omes and sa"s: I did not s1are so and so until I sowed the seed o0 dis/ord between a husband and a wi0e, The Satan .oes near him and sa"s: :Kou ha-e done well, A:mash said: He then embra/es him,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%+):

Fabir re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1qn him) said: The Satan sends deta/hments o0 his own in order to 1ut 1eo1le to trial and the hi.hest in ran62 in his e"es2 is one who is most notorious in sowin. the seed o0 dissension,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%+%:

Abdullah b, Mas:ud re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There is none "ou with whom is not an atta/he 0rom the jinn (de-il), The" (the 'om1anions) said: Allah:s Messen.er2 with "ou tooD Thereu1on he said: Kes2 but Allah hel1s me a.ainst him and so I am sa0e 0rom his hand and he does not /ommand me but 0or .ood,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%+#:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Mansiir with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%+;:

A:isha the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted that one da" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame out o0 her (a1artment) durin. the and she 0elt jealous, Then he /ame and he saw me (in what a.itated state o0 mind) I was, He said: A:isha2 what has ha11ened to "ouD 9o "ou 0eel jealousD Thereu1on she said: How /an it he (that a woman li6e me) should not 0eel jealous in re.ard to a husband li6e "ou, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It was "our de-il who had /ome to "ou2 and she said: Allah:s Mes- sen.er2 is there alon. with me a de-ilD He said: Kes, I said: Is de-il atta/hed to e-er"oneD He said: Kes, I (Aisha) a.ain said: Allah:s Messen.er2 is it with "ou alsoD He said: Kes2 but m" Lord has hel1ed me a.ainst him and as su/h I am ab solutel" sa0e 0rom his mis/hie0,

$)#) & $#


733> 4;: TH( 733> HI<I!H 9(S'AI@TI3! 3= TH( 9AK 3= FU9H(M(!T2 @AAA9IS( A!9 H(LL (>ITA7 SI=AT AL-EIKAMAH
?A:L FA!!A ?A:!-!AA)

'ha1ter $+: !one would attain sal-ation be/ause o0 his deeds but it is throu.h lord:s mer/" (that he would attian that)
7oo6 4;2 !umber )%) :
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !one "ou would attain sal-ation 1urel" be/ause o0 his deeds, A 1erson said: Allah:s Messen.er2 e-en "ou also, Thereu1on he said: Kes, !ot e-en I2 but that Allah wra1s me in Mer/"2 but "ou should a/t with moderation, This badith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 7u6air b, al-Ashajj with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%)$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is none whose deeds alone would entitle him to .et into @aradise, It was said to him: And2 Allah:s Messen.er2 not e-en "ouD Thereu1on he said: !ot e-en I2 but that m" Lord wra1s me in Mer/",

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%)2:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is none "ou whose deeds alone would attain sal-ation 0or him, The" (the 'om1anions) said: Allah:s Messen.er2 not e-en "ouD He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: !ot e-en I2 but that Allah wra1s me in Mer/" and He .rants me 1ardon, Ibn :Aun 1ointed towards his head with his hand sa"in.: !ot e-en I2 but that Allah wra1s me in His =or.i-eness and Mer/",

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%)4:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There is none whose deeds alone /an:se/ure sal-ation 0or him, The" said: Allah:s Messen.er2 not e-en "ouD Thereu1on he said: !ot e-en I2 but that2 the Mer/" o0 Allah should ta6e hold o0 me,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%)*:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !one "ou /an .et, into @aradise b" -irtue o0 his deeds alone, The" said: Allah:s Messen.er2 not e-en "ouD Thereu1on he said: !ot e-en I2 but that Allah should wra1 me in His Hra/e and Mer/",

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733> 4;: TH( 733> HI<I!H 9(S'AI@TI3! 3= TH( 9AK 3= FU9H(M(!T2 @AAA9IS( A!9 H(LL (>ITA7 SI=AT AL-EIKAMAH
?A:L FA!!A ?A:!-!AA)

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%)+:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 3bser-e moderation in deeds (and i0 it is not 1ossible2 tr" to be near moderation) and understand that none "ou /an attain sal-ation be/ause o0 his deeds alone, The" said: Allah:s Messen.er2 not e-en "ouD Thereu1on he said: !ot e-en I2 but that Allah should wra1 me in His Mer/" and Hra/e,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%)):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%)%:

A hadith li6e this has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash throu.h two other /hains o0 transmitters, The wordin. is2 howe-er2 the same,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%)#:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters with this addition:C Hi-e them .lad tidin.sC,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%);:

Fabir re1orted: I heard Allah:s A1oetle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !one o0 "ou would .et into @aradise be/ause o0 his .ood deeds alone2 and he would not be res/ued 0rom =ire2 not e-en I2 but be/ause o0 the Mer/" o0 Allah,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%% :

A:isha2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to sa": 3bser-e moderation (in doin. deeds)2 and i0 "/iu 0ail to obser-e it 1er0e/tl"2 tr" to do as mu/h as "ou /an do (to li-e u1 to this ideal o0 moderation) and be ha11" 0or none would be able to .et into @aradise be/ause o0 his deeds alone, The" (the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) said: Allah:s Messen.er2 not e-en thouD Thereu1on he said: !ot e-en I2 but that Allah wra1s me in His Mer/"2 and bear this in mind that the deed lo-ed most b" Allah is one whi/h is done /onstantl" e-en thou.h it is insi.ni0i/ant,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%%$:

This badith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Musa b, :Uqba with the same /hain o0 transmitters and he did not ma6e a mention o0:C 7e ha11"C,
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733> 4;: TH( 733> HI<I!H 9(S'AI@TI3! 3= TH( 9AK 3= FU9H(M(!T2 @AAA9IS( A!9 H(LL (>ITA7 SI=AT AL-EIKAMAH
?A:L FA!!A ?A:!-!AA)

'ha1ter $): The doin. o0 .ood deeds -er" 0requentl" and 1uttin. one:s best e00orts in de-otion to Allah
7oo6 4;2 !umber )%%2:
Mu.hira b, Shu:ba re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) worshi11ed so mu/h that his 0eet were swollen, It was said to him: (?h" do "ou under.o so mu/h hardshi1 des1ite the 0a/t that) Allah has 1ardoned 0or "ou "our earlier and later sinsD Thereu1on he said: Ma" I not (1ro-e m"sel0) to be a .rate0ul ser-ant (o0 Allah)D

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%%4:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Mu.hira b, Shu:ba and the words are: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 6e1t standin. in 1ra"er (0or su/h lon. hours) that his 0eet were swollen, The" (his 'om1anions) said: <eril"2 Allah has 1ardoned 0or thee the earlier and the later o0 thine sins, Thereu1on he said: Should I not 1ro-e m"sel0 to be a .rate0ul ser-ant (o0 Allah)D

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%%*:

A:isha re1orted that when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) o//u1ied himsel0 in 1ra"er2 he obser-ed su/h a (lon.) qi"lm (1osture o0 standin. in 1ra"er) that his 0eet were swollen, A:isha said: Allah:s "ou do this (in s1ite o0 the 0a/t) that "our earlier and later sins ha-e been 1ardoned 0or "ouD Thereu1on2 he said, A:isha should I not 1ro-e m"sel0 to be a than6s.i-in. ser-ant (o0 Allah)D

'ha1ter $%: Moderation in .i-in. sermon

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%%+:
Shaqiq re1orted: ?e were sittin. at the door o0 Abdullah (b, Mas:ud) waitin. 0or him (to /ome out and deli-er a sermon to us), It was at this time that there ha11ened to 1ass b" us Ka8id b, Mu:awi"a an-!a6ha:i, ?e said: In0orm him (:Abdullah b, Mas:ud) o0 our 1resen/e here, He went in and Abdullah b, Mas:ud lost no time in /omin. out to us and said: I was in0ormed o0 "our 1resen/e here but nothin. hindered me to /ome out to "ou but the 0a/t that I did not li6e to bore "ou (b" stu00in. "our minds with sermons) as Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not deli-er us sermon on /ertain da"s 0earin. that it 1ro-e to be borin. 0or us,

$)#; & $#


733> 4;: TH( 733> HI<I!H 9(S'AI@TI3! 3= TH( 9AK 3= FU9H(M(!T2 @AAA9IS( A!9 H(LL (>ITA7 SI=AT AL-EIKAMAH
?A:L FA!!A ?A:!-!AA)

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%%):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah throu.h other /hains o0 transmitters,

7oo6 4;2 !umber )%%%:

Shaqiq b, ?i:il re1orted that :Abdullah used to .i-e us sermon on e-er" Thursda", A 1erson said: Abu :Abd al-Aahman2 we lo-e "our tal6 and so we "earn (to listen to "ou) and earnestl" desire that "ou should deli-er us le/ture e-er" da", Thereu1on he said: There is nothin. to hinder me in .i-in. "ou tal6 (e-er" da") but the 0a/t that "ou ma" be bored, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not deli-er sermons on /ertain da"s (0earin. that we be bored),

$); & $#


733> 4;: TH( 733> HI<I!H 9(S'AI@TI3! 3= TH( 9AK 3= FU9H(M(!T2 @AAA9IS( A!9 H(LL (>ITA7 SI=AT AL-EIKAMAH
?A:L FA!!A ?A:!-!AA)

733> * : TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @AAA9IS(2 ITS 9(S'AI@TI3!2 ITS 73U!TI(S A!9 ITS I!TIMAT(S (>ITA7 AL-FA!!AT ?A SI=AT !A:IMIHA ?A AHLIHA)

$);$ & $#


'ha1ter $:
7oo6 * 2 !umber )%%#:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: The @aradise is surrounded b" hardshi1s and the Hell-=ire is surrounded b" tem1tations,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )%%;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )%# :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that: Allah the (5alted and Hlorious2 said: I ha-e 1re1ared 0or M" 1ious ser-ants whi/h no e"e has e-er seen2 and no ear has e-er heard2 and no human heart has e-er 1er/ei-ed but it is testi0ied b" the 7oo6 o0 Allah, He then re/ited:C !o soul 6nows what /om0ort has been /on/ealed 0rom them2 as a reward 0or what the" didC, (555ii, $%)

7oo6 * 2 !umber )%#$:

Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 said: I ha-e 1re1ared 0or M" 1ious ser-ants whi/h no e"e (has e-er) seen2 no ear has (e-er) heard and no human heart has e-er 1er/ei-ed those bounties lea-in. a1art (those bounties) about whi/h Allah has in0ormed "ou,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )%#2:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said that Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 said: I ha-e 1re1ared 0or M" 1ious ser-ants whi/h the e"e has seen not2 and the ear has heard not and no human heart has e-er 1er/ei-ed su/h bounties lea-in. aside those about whi/h Allah has in0ormed "ou, He then re/ited:C !o soul 6nows what /om0ort has been hidden 0or theinC,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )%#4:

Sahl b, Sa:d as-Sa:idi re1orted: I was in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he .a-e a des/ri1tion o0 @aradise and then Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /on/luded with these words: There would be bounties whi/h the e"e has not seen and the ear has not
$);2 & $#


heard and no human heart has e-er 1er/ei-ed them, He then re/ited this -erse:C The" 0orsa6e (their) beds2 /allin. u1on their Lord in 0ear and in ho1e2 and s1end out o0 what ?e ha-e .i-en them, So no soul 6nows what re0reshment o0 the e"es is hidden 0or them: a reward 0or what the" didC (555ii, $)$%)

'ha1ter 2: There is in 1aradise a tree under the shadow o0 whi/h a rider /an tra-el 0or a hundred "ears and e-en then he would not be able to /o-er it
7oo6 * 2 !umber )%#*:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: In @aradise2 there is a tree under the shadow o0 whi/h a rider /an tra-el 0or a hundred "ears,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )%#+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters with the addition o0 these words:C He will not be able to /o-er this distan/e,C

7oo6 * 2 !umber )%#):

Sahl b, Sa:d re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: In @aradise2 there is a tree under the shadow o0 whi/h a rider /an tra-el 0or a hundred "ears without /o-erin. (the distan/e) /om1letel", This hadith has also been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id al->hudri that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) is re1orted to ha-e said: In @aradise2 there is a tree under the shadow o0 whi/h a rider o0 a 0ine and swi0t-0ooted horse would tra-el 0or a hundred "ears without /o-erin. the distan/e /om1letel", There would be the 1leasure o0 Allah 0or the inmates o0 @aradise and He would ne-er be anno"ed with them,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )%#%:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said that Allah would sa" to the inmates o0 @aradise: 32 9wellers o0 @aradise2 and the" would sa" in res1onse: At th" ser-i/e and 1leasure2 our Lord2 the .ood is in Th" Hand, He (the Lord) would sa": Are "ou well 1leased nowD The" would sa": ?h" should we not be 1leased2 3 Lord2 when Thou hast .i-en us what Thou hast not .i-en to an" o0 Th" /reaturesD He would2 howe-er2 sa": Ma" I not .i-e "ou (somethin.) e-en more e5/ellent than thatD And the" would sa": Lord2 what thin. /an be more e5/ellent than thisD

$);4 & $#


And He would sa": I shall /ause M" 1leasure to u1on "ou and I shall ne-er be a0terwards anno"ed with "ou,

'ha1ter 4: The inmates o0 1aradise would see the inmates o0 the u11er a1artment as are seen the 1lanets in the s6"
7oo6 * 2 !umber )%##:
Sahl b, Sa:d re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The inmates o0 @aradise will loo6 to the u11er a1artment o0 @aradise as "ou see the 1lanets in the s6", I narrated this hadith to !u:man b, Abi :A""ash and he said: I heard Abu Sa:id al->hudri as sa"in.: As "ou see the shinin. 1lanets in the eastern and western (sides o0) hori8on,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )%#;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Ha8im throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )%; :

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The inmates o0 @aradise would see the inmates o0 the a1artment o-er them just as "ou see the shinin. 1lanets whi/h remain in the eastern and the western hori8on be/ause o0 the su1eriorit" some ha-e o-er others, The" said: Allah:s Messen.er2 would in these abodes o0 A1ostles others besides them not be able to rea/hD He said: Kes2 the" will2 b" Him2 in ?hose hand is m" li0e2 those who belie-e in Hod and a/6nowled.e the Truth2 will rea/h them,

$);* & $#


'ha1ter *: He who would lo-e to ha-e a .lim1se o0 the sa/red 0a/e o0 the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) e-en at the /ost o0 his whole 1ro1ert" and his 0amil"
7oo6 * 2 !umber )%;$:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The 1eo1le most lo-ed b" me 0rom m" Ummah would be those who would /ome a0ter me but e-er"one them would ha-e the 6eenest desire to /at/h a .lim1se o0 me e-en at the /ost o0 his 0amil" and wealth,

'ha1ter +: There is a street in 1aradise where the inmates o0 1aradise would .et 0a-our and .ra/e
7oo6 * 2 !umber )%;2:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: In @aradise there is a street to whi/h the" would /ome e-er" =rida", The north wind will blow and would s/atter 0ra.ran/e on their 0a/es and on their /lothes and would add to their beaut" and lo-eliness2 and then the" would .o ba/6 to their 0amil" a0ter ha-in. an added lustre to their beaut" and lo-eliness2 and their 0amil" would sa" to them: 7" Allah2 "ou ha-e been in/reased in beaut" and lo-eliness a0ter lea-in. us2 and the" would sa": 7" Allah2 "ou ha-e also in/reased in beaut" and lo-eliness a0ter us,

$);+ & $#


'ha1ter ): The 0irst .rou1 that would be admitted to 1aradise would be li6e the 0a/e o0 the 0ull moon and the des/ri1tion o0 their qualities and their s1ouses
7oo6 * 2 !umber )%;4:
Muhammad re1orted that some (1ersons) stated with a sense o0 1ride and some dis/ussed whether there would be more men in @aradise or more women, It was u1on this that Abu Huraira re1orted that Abu:l Easim (the Hol" @ro1het) (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The (members) o0 the 0irst .rou1 to .et into @aradise would ha-e their 0a/es as as 0ull moon durin. the ni.ht2 and the ne5t to this .rou1 would ha-e their 0a/es as as the shinin. stars in the s6"2 and e-er" 1erson would ha-e two wi-es and the marrow o0 their shan6s would .limmer beneath the 0lesh and there would be none without a wi0e in @aradise,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )%;*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )%;+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The (members o0 the) 0irst .rou1 whi/h would .et into @aradise will ha-e their 0a/es as as stars in the s6", The" would neither 1ass water2 nor -oid e5/rement2 nor will the" su00er 0rom /atarrh2 nor will the" s1it2 and their /ombs would be made o0 .old2 and their sweat will be mus62 the 0uel o0 their bra8ier will be aloes2 and their wi-es will be lar.e-e"ed maidens and their 0orm would be ali6e as one sin.le 1erson a0ter the 0orm o0 their 0ather (Adam) si5t" /ubits tall,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )%;):

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The 0irst .rou1 o0 m" Ummah to .et into @aradise would be li6e a 0ull moon in the, Then those who would be ne5t to themB the" would be li6e the most si.ni0i/antl" .litterin. stars in re.ard to bri.htness2 then a0ter them (others) in ran6s, The" would neither -oid e5/rement2 nor 1ass water2 nor su00er 0rom /atarrh2

$);) & $#


nor would the" s1it, And their /ombs would be made o0 .old2 and the 0uel o0 their bra8iers would be aloes and their sweat would be mus6 and their 0orm would be the 0orm o0 one sin.le 1erson a//ordin. to the o0 their 0ather si5t" /ubits tall, This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Abi Shaiba with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter %: The des/ri1tion o0 1aradise and the remembran/e o0 Allah b" its inmates mornin. and e-enin.
7oo6 * 2 !umber )%;%:
Hammam b, Munabbih re1orted: These are some o0 the ahidith whi/h Abu Huraira re1orted 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and one is this that he is re1orted to ha-e said: The (members o0 the) 0irst .rou1 that would be admitted to @aradise would ha-e their 0a/es as as 0ull moon durin. the, The" would neither s1it nor su00er /atarrh2 nor -oid e5/rement, The" would ha-e their utensils and their /ombs made o0 .old and sil-er and the 0uel o0 their bra8iers would be aloes and their sweat would be mus6 and e-er" one o0 them would ha-e two s1ouses (so beauti0ul) that the marrow o0 their shan6s would be -isible throu.h the 0lesh, There would be no dissension them and no enmit" in their hearts, Their hearts would be li6e one heart2 .lori0"in. Allah mornin. and e-enin.,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )%;#:

Fabir re1orted: I heard Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. that the inmates o0 @aradise would eat and drin6 but would neither s1it2 nor 1ass water2 nor -oid e5/rement2 nor su00er /atarrah, It was said: Then2 what would ha11en with 0oodD Thereu1on he said: The" would bel/h and sweat (and it would be o-er with their 0ood)2 and their sweat would be that o0 mus6 and the" would .lori0" and 1raise Allah as easil" as "ou breathe,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )%;;:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 A:mash with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said that the inmates o0 @aradise would eat therein and the" would also drin62 but the" would neither -oid e5/rement2 nor su00er /atarrh2 nor 1ass water2 and their eatin. (would be di.ested) in the 0orm o0 bel/hin. and their sweat would be mus6 a.ed the" would .lori0" and 1raise Allah as easil" ai "ou breathe,
$);% & $#


7oo6 * 2 !umber )# $:
This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Fabir with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter #: The e-erlastin. bliss 0or the inmates o0 1aradise

7oo6 * 2 !umber )# 2:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who would .et into @aradise (would be made to enjo" su/h an e-erlastin.) bliss that he would neither be/ome destitute2 nor would his /lothes wear out2 nor his "outh would de/line,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )# 4:
Abu Sa:id al->hudri and Abu Huraira both re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There would be an announ/er (in @aradise) who would ma6e this announ/ement: <eril" I there is in store 0or "ou (e-erlastin.) health and that "ou should ne-er 0all ill and that "ou li-e (0or e-er) and do not die at all, And that "ou would remain "oun. and ne-er .row old, And that "ou would alwa"s li-e in a00luent /ir/umstan/es and ne-er be/ome destitute2 as words o0 Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 are:C And it would be announ/ed to them: This is the @aradise, Kou ha-e been made to inherit it 0or what "ou used to doC, (<IIB *4)

'ha1ter ;: The des/ri1tion o0 the tents 0or the inmates o0 1aradise

7oo6 * 2 !umber )# *:
Abu 7a6r b, Abdullah b, Eais re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said that in @aradise there would be 0or a belie-er a tent o0 a sin.le hollowed 1earl the breadth o0 whi/h would be si5t" miles, It would be meant 0or a belie-er and the belie-ers would .o around it and none would be able to see the others,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )# +:
Abu 7a6r b, Abdullah b, Eais re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said that in @aradise there would be a tent made o0 a sin.le hollowed 1earl2 the
$);# & $#


breadth o0 whi/h would be si5t" miles 0rom all sides and there would li-e a 0amil" in ea/h /orner and the other would not be able to see the belie-er who .oes around them,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )# ):
This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu 7a6r b, Abu Musa b, Eais who2 on the authorit" o0 his 0ather2 re1orted the A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to ha-e said that there would be a tent made o0 a 1earl whose towards the s6" would be si5t" miles, In ea/h /orner2 there would be a 0anail" o0 the belie-er2 out o0 0or the others,

'ha1ter $ : ?hat ri-ers o0 the world would be 0ound in 1aradise

7oo6 * 2 !umber )# %:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Saihan2 Faihan2 (u1hrates and !ile are all amon. the ri-ers o0 @aradise,

'ha1ter $$: There would enter 1aradise some 1eo1le whose hearts would be:li6e those o0 birds
7oo6 * 2 !umber )# #:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There would enter @aradise 1eo1le whose hearts would be li6e those o0 the hearts o0 birds,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )# ;:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 /reated Adam in His own ima.e with His o0 si5t" /ubits2 and as He /reated him He told him to .reet that .rou12 and that was a 1art" o0 an.els sittin. there2 and listen to the res1onse that the" .i-e him2 0or it would 0orm his .reetin. and that o0 his o00s1rin., He then went awa" and said: @ea/e be u1on "ouL The" (the an.els) said: Ma" there be 1ea/e u1on "ou and the Mer/" o0 Allah2 and the" made an addition o0C Mer/" o0 AllahC, So he who would .et into @aradise would .et in the 0orm o0 Adarn2 his bein. si5t" /ubits2 then the 1eo1le who 0ollowed him /ontinued to diminish in si8e u1 to this da",
$);; & $#


'ha1ter $2: The des/ri1tion o0 hell and the intensit" o0 its heat and torments
7oo6 * 2 !umber )#$ :
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Hell would he on that da (the 9a" o0 jud.ment) with se-ent" bridles and e-er" bridle would be /ontrolled b" se-ent" an.els,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#$$:

Abil Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as se"in.: The 0ire whi/h sons o0 Adam burn is onl" one-se-entieth 1art o0 the =ire o0 Hell, His 'om1anions said: 7" Allah2 e-en ordinar" 0ire would ha-e been enou.h (to burn 1eo1le), Thereu1on he said: It is si5t"-nine 1arts in e5/ess o0 (the heat o0) 0ire in this world ea/h o0 them bein. equi-alent to their heat,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#$2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abn Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#$4:

Abu Huraira re1orted: ?e were in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that we heard a terrible sound, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o "ou 6now what (sound) is thisD ?e said: Allah and His 6now best, Thereu1on he said: That is a stone whi/h was thrown se-ent" "ears be0ore in Hell and it has:been /onstantl" sli11in. down and now it has rea/hed its base,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#$*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ab0i Huraira with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this /han.e o0 wordin. that the Hol" @ro1het (ma", 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It rea/hed at its base and "ou heard its sound,


& $#


7oo6 * 2 !umber )#$+:

Samura b, Fundub re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e -be u1on him) as sa"in.: There will be some to whose an6els the 0ire will rea/h2 some to whose 6nees2 some to whose waist the 0ire will rea/h2 and some to whose /ollar-bone the 0ire will rea/h,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#$):

Samura b, Fundub re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There would be amon. them those to whom the 0ire will rea/h u1 to their an6els and to some o0 them the 0ire would rea/h their 6nees and to some it would rea/h their waists and to some it would rea/h u1 to their /ollar-bones,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#$%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sa:id with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter $4: The" and the 1roud would .et into the 0ire o0 hell and the humble and mee6 would .et into 1aradise
7oo6 * 2 !umber )#$#:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"- in.: There was a dis1ute between the Hell and the @aradise and it (the Hell) said: The" and the 1roud would 0ind abode in me, And the @aradise said: The mee6 and the humble would 0ind their abode in me, Thereu1on Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 (addressin. the Hell) said: Kou are (the means) o0 M" 1unishment b" whi/h I 1unish those o0 M" ser-ants whom I wish, (And addressin. the @aradise) He said: Kou are onl" M" Mer/" b" means o0 whi/h $ shall show mer/" to those whom I wish2 but ea/h one o0 "ou would be 0ull,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#$;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"- in.: The Hell and the @aradise 0ell into dis1ute and the Hell said: I ha-e been dis- tin.uished b" the 1roud and the", And the @aradise said: ?hat is the matter with me that the mee6 and the humble 1eo1le and the downtrodden and the sim1le enter meD Thereu1on Allah said to the @aradise: Kou are (the
$% $ & $#


means) o0 M" Mer/" whereb" I show mer/" to those o0 M" ser-ants whom $ wish2 and He said to the Hell: Kou are (the means) o0 1unishment whereb" $ 1unish those o0 M" ser-ants whoml wish, 7oth o0 "ou will be 0ull, The Hell will riot be 0illed u1 until Allah 1uts down His 0oot in it, The Hell would sa": (nou.h2 enou.h2 enou.h2 and at that time it will be 0illed u12 all its 1arts inte.rated to.ether,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#2 :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The @aradise and the Hell dis1uted with ea/h other, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#2$:

Hammam b, Munabbih re1orted that Abu Huraira narrated to them some ahadith o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and one o0 them is this that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The @aradise and the Hell 0ell into dis1ute and the Hell said: $ ha-e been distin.uished 0or a//ommodatin. (the" and 1roud in me)2 and the @aradise said: ?hat is the matter that the mee6 and the humble and the downtrodden and sim1le would 0ind an abode in meD Thereu1on Allah said to @aradise: Kou are a (means) o0 M" Mer/", $ shall show mer/" throu.h "ou to one whom I will 0rom M" ser-ants, And lie said to the Hell: Kou are a (si.n) o0 M" /hastisement and I shall /hastise throu.h "ou an"one whom I will 0rom M" ser-ants and both o0 "ou2 would be 0ull, And as re.ards the Hell it would not be 0ull until Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 1la/es His 0oot therein2 and it would sa": (nou.h2 enou.h2 enou.h2 and it would be then 0ull and the one 1art would draw -er" /lose to the other one and Allah would not treat unjustl" an"one His /reation and He would /reate another /reation 0or the @aradise (to a//ommodate it),

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#22:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The @aradise and the Hell dis1uted with ea/h other, The rest o0 the hadith is the same as transmitted b" Abu Huraira u1 to the words:,C It is essential 0or Me to 0ill u1 both o0 "ou,C

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#24:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said that the Hell would /ontinue to sa": Is there an"thin. more2 until Allah2 the (5alted and Hi.h2 would 1la/e His 0oot therein and that would sa": (nou.h2 enou.h2 b" Kour Honour2 and some 1arts o0 it would draw /lose to the other,

$% 2 & $#


7oo6 * 2 !umber )#2*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#2+:

:Abd al-?ahhab b, Ata: re1orted in /onne/tion with the words o0 Allah2 the (5alted and the Hlorious: ?e would sa" to Hell on the 9a" o0 Aessure/tion: Ha-e "ou been /om1letel" 0illed u1D and it would sa": Is there an"thin. -moreD And he stated on the authorit" o0 Anas b, Mali6 that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (The sinners) would be thrown therein and it would /ontinue to sa": Is there an"thin. more2 until Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 would 6ee1 His 0oot there- in and some o0 its 1art would draw /lose to the other and it would sa": (nou.h2 enou.h2 b" Th" Honour and b" Th" 9i.nit"2 and there would be enou.h s1a/e in @aradise until Allah would /reate a new /reation and He would ma6e them a//ommo- date that s1are 1la/e in @aradise,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#2):

Anas re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There would be le0t some s1a/e in @aradise as Allah would li6e that to be le0t, Then Allah would /reate another /reation as He would li6e,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#2%:

Abu Sa:id re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9eath would be on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion, in the 0orm o0 a white-/oloured ram, Abu >uraib made this addition: Then it would be made to stand between the @aradise and the Hell, So 0ar as the rest o0 the hadith is /on/erned there is 1er0e/t a.reement (between the two narrators) and it would be said to the inmates o0 @aradise: 9o "ou re/o.nise thisD The" would raise u1 their ne/6s and loo6 towards it and sa": Kes2 : it is death, Then it would be said to the inmates o0 Hell-=ire,, 9o "ou re/o.nise thisD And the" would raise u1 their ne/6s and loo6 and sa": Kes2 it is death, Then /ommand would be .i-en 0or slau.hterin. that and then it would be said: inmates o0 @aradise22 there is an e-erlastin. li0e 0or "ou inmates o0 and no death, And then (addressin.) to the inmates o0 the Hell-=ire2 it would be said:

Hell-=ire2 there is an e-erlastin. li-in. 0or "ou and no death, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be uIon him) then re/ited this -erse 1ointin. with his hand to this (material) world:C ?arn them2 this 9a" o0 disma"2 and when their a00airs would be de/ided and the" would be un- mind0ul and the" belie-e notC (5i5, 4;),

$% 4 & $#


7oo6 * 2 !umber )#2#:

Abu Sa:id re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen the inmates o0 @aradise would be admitted to @aradise and the inmates o0 Hell would be admitted to Hell2 it would be said (to the inmates o0 @aradise): inmates o0 @aradise, The rest o0 the hadith is the same but with this -ariation (that he onl") said, That is the word o0 Allah2 the (5alted, And he did not sa": Then Allah:s Mes- (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) re/ited2 and he did not ma6e a mention o0 his ha-in. 1ointed with his hand towards the (material) world,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#2;:

Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah would admit the inmates o0 @aradise into @aradise and the inmates o0 Hell into Hell, Then the announ/er would stand between them and sa": inmates o0 @aradise2 there is no death 0or "ou2 inmates o0 Hell2 there is no death 0or "ou, Kou would li-e 0or e-er therein,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#4 :

Umar b, Muhammad b, Gaid b, :Abdullah b, :Umar b, al->hattab re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather Abdullah b, Umar that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e bi. u1on him) said: ?hen the inmates o0 @aradise would .o to @aradise and the inmates o0 Hell would .o to Hell2 death would be /alled and it would be 1la/ed between the @aradise and the Hell and then slau.htered and then the announ/er would announ/e: =ire, inmates o0 @aradise2 no death Inmates o0 Hell-=ire2 no death, And it would in, /rease the o0 the inmates o0 @aradise and it would in/rease the .rie0 o0 the inmates o0 Hell-

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#4$:

It is transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The molar tooth o0 an unbelie-er or the /anine teeth o0 an unbelie-er will be li6e Ubud and the thi/6ness o0 his s6in a three journe",

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#42:

Abu Huraira re1orted dire/tl" 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he said: The distan/e o0 the two shoulders o0 the non-belie-er in Hell will be a three-da" journe" 0or a swi0t rider,

$% * & $#


7oo6 * 2 !umber )#44:

Haritha b, ?ahb re1orted that he heard Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Ma" I not in0orm "ou about the inmates o0 @aradiseD The" said: 9o this2 o0 /ourse, Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (-er" humble 1erson who is /onsidered to be humble i0 he were to adjure In the name o0 Allah2 He would 0ul0il it, He then said: Ma" I not in0orm "ou about the deni8ens o0 Hell-=ireD The" said: Kes, And he said: (-er""2 0at and 1roud (1erson),

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#4*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#4+:

Haritha b, ?ahb al->hu8aIi re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Ma" I not in0orm "ou about the inmates o0 @aradiseD (And then in0ormin. about them) said: (-er" mee6 1erson who is /onsidered to be humble and i0 the" were to adjure in the name o0 Allah2 Allah would /ertainl" 0ul0il it, Ma" I not in0orm "ou about the inmates o0 Hell-=ireD The" are all 1roud2 mean and",

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#4):

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"- in.: Man" a 1eo1le with dishe-elled hair are dri-en awa" 0rom the door (but the" are so 1ious) that i0 the" are to swear in the name o0 Allah2 He would de0initel" 0ul0il that,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#4%:

:Abdullah b, Gam:a re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) deli-ered an address and he made a mention o0 the dromedar" and also made a mention o0 one (base 1erson) who /ut o00 Its hind le.s2 and he re/ited:C ?hen the basest o0 them bro6e 0orth with mis/hie0C (5ei, $2), ?hen A mis/hie-ous 1erson2 stron. e-en be/ause o0 the o0 a 0amil" li6e Abu Gam:a2 bro6e 0orth, He then deli-ered instru/tion in re.ard to the women sa"in.: There is "ou who beats his woman2 and in the narration on the authorit" o0 Abu 7a6r2 the words are: He 0lo.s her li6e a sla-e-.irl, And in the narration o0 Abu >uraib (the words are): He 0lo.s li6e a sla-e and then /om0orts his bed with the hel1 o0 that at the end o0 the da"2 and he then ad-ised in re.ard to lau.hin. o0 1eo1le at the brea6in. o0 wind and said: 3ne o0 "ou lau.hs at that whi/h "ou "oursel0 do,

$% + & $#


7oo6 * 2 !umber )#4#:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"- in.: I saw :Amr b, Luha"" b, Eam:a b, >hindi02 brother o0 7ani >a:b2 his Intestines in =ire,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#4;:

Sa:id b, Musa""ib e51lainedC al-bahiraC as that animal whi/h is not mil6ed but 0or the idols, and none the 1eo1le mil6s them2 andC as-sa:ibaC as that animal whi/h is let loose 0or the deities, !othin. is loaded o-er it2 and Ibn Musa""ib narrated that Abu Huraira stated that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I saw :Amr b, :Amir al->hu8ili his intestines in 0ire and he was the 0irst who de-oted animals to deit",

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#* :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Two are the t"1es the deni8ens o0 Hell2 the one 1ossessin. whi1s li6e the tail o0 an o5 and the" 0lo. 1eo1le with their hel1, (The se/ond one) the women who would be na6ed in s1ite o0 their bein. dressed2 who are sedu/ed (to wron. 1aths) and sedu/e others with their hair hi.h li6e hum1s, These women would not .et into @aradise and the" would not 1er/ei-e the odour o0 @aradise2 althou.h its 0ra.ran/e /an be 1er/ei-ed 0rom su/h and su/h distan/e (0rom .reat distan/e),

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#*$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 "ou sur-i-e 0or a time "ou would /ertainl" see 1eo1le who would ha-e whi1s in their hands li6e the tail o0 an o5, The" would .et u1 in the mornin. under the wrath o0 Allah and the" would .et into the e-enin. with the o0 Allah,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#*2:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 "ou li-e 0or a time2 "ou would /ertainl" see 1eo1le .et u1 (in the mornin.) in the wrath o0 Allah and .ettin. into the e-enin. under the /urse o0 Allah2 and there would be in their hands (whi1s) li6e the tail o0 an o5,

$% ) & $#


'ha1ter $*: @ertainin. to the destru/tion o0 the world and assemblin. on the da" o0 resurre/tion
7oo6 * 2 !umber )#*4:
This hadith has been narrated throu.h 0i-e di00erent /hains o0 transmitters and all o0 them are narrated on the authorit" o0 Mustaurid2 brother o0 7ani =ihr2 that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7" Allah2 this world (is so 0i/ant in /om1arison) to the Herea0ter that i0 one o0 "ou should di1 his (and wnile sa"in. this Kah". 1ointed with his -in the o/ean and then he should see as to what has stu/6 to it, This hadith has been narrated throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters also but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#**:

:A:isha re1orted that she heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The 1eo1le would be assembled on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion bare0ooted2 na6ed and un/ir/um/ised, I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 will the male and the 0emale be to.ether on the 9a" and would the" be loo6in. at one anotherD U1on this Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: :A:isha2 the matter would be too serious 0or them to loo6 to one another,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#*+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hatim b, Abi Sa.hira with the same /hain o0 transmitters and there is no mention o0 the wordC un/ir/um- /ised,C

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#*):

Ibn Abbas re1orted that he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) deli-er an address and he was sa"in. that the" would meet Allah bare0ooted2 na6ed and un/ir/um/ised,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#*%:

This hadith has been narrated throu.h other /hains o0 transmitters on the authorit" o0 Ibn Abbas2 (and) the words are: ?hile Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 to deli-er a sermon2 he said: 1eo1le2 Allah would ma6e "ou assemble bare0ooted2 na6ed and un/ir/um/ised (and then re/ited the words o0 the Eur:an):C As ?e /reated "ou 0or the 0irst time2 ?e shall re1eat it, (It is) a 1romise (bindin.) u1on us, LoL ?e are to 1er0orm it2 and the 0irst 1erson who would be /lothed on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion would be (Hadrat) Ibrahim (1ea/e be u1on him)C and2 beholdL some 1ersons

$% % & $#


o0 m" Ummah would be and ta6en to the le0t and I would sa": M" Lord2 the" are m" /om1anions2 and it would be said: Kou do not 6now what the" did a0ter "ou2 and I would sa" just as the 1ious ser-ant (Hadrat :Isa) said:2 I was a witness re.ardin. them as I remained amon. them and Thou art a witness o-er e-er"thin.2 so i0 Thou /hastisest them2 the" are Th" ser-ants and i0 Thou 0or- .i-est them2 Thou art"2 ?iseC (-, $$%-$$#), And it would be said to him: The" /onstantl" turned to their heels sin/e "ou le0t them, This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 ?a6i: and Mu:adh (and the words are):C ?hat new thin.s the" 0abri/ated,C

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#*#:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.2 The 1eo1le will be assembled in three /ate.ories, Those desirous (o0 @aradise)2 0earin. (Hell)2 /omin. two u1on the /ameO2 three u1on the /amel2 0our u1on the /amel2 ten u1on the /amel and the rest will be assembled2 Hell=ire bein. with them when the" are at midda" where the" would s1end the and where the" would s1end the mornin. and where the" would s1end the e-enin.,

'ha1ter $+: The des/ri1tion o0 the da" o0 resurre/tion (ma" Allah sa-e us 0rom its terrors)
7oo6 * 2 !umber )#*;:
Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen the 1eo1le would stand be0ore Allah, the Lord o0 the worlds2 ea/h one o0 them would stand submer.ed into 1ers1iration u1 to hal0 o0 his ears2 and there is no mention o0 theC da"C in the badlth transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Muthanni,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#+ :

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar but with a -ariation o0 wordin. (and the words are):C 3ne o0 them would be /om1letel" submer.ed in 1ers1iration u1 to hal0 o0 his ears,C

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#+$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"- in.: The 1ers1iration would s1read on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion u1on the earth to the e5tent o0 se-ent" /ubits and it would rea/h u1 to their mouths or u1 to their ears, Thaur is not sure (whi/h words) he used (mouth or ears),
$% # & $#


7oo6 * 2 !umber )#+2:

Miqdad b, Aswad re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) as sa"in.: 3n the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion2 the sun would draw so /lose to the 1eo1le that there woum be le0t onl" a distan/e o0 one mile, Sulaim b, Amir said: 7" Allah2 I do not 6now whether he meant b"C mileC the mile o0 the (material) earth or dn instrument used 0or a11l"in. /oll"rium to the e"e, (The Hol" @ro1het is2 howe-er2 re1orted to ha-e said): The 1eo1le would be submer.ed in 1ers1iration a//ordin. to their deeds2 some u1 to their, 6nees2 Some u1 to the waist and some would ha-e the bridle o0 1ers1iration and2 while sa"in. this2 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ointed his hand towards his mouth,

'ha1ter $): The qualities b" whi/h the inmates o0 1aradise and the deni8ens o0 hell /an be re/o.nised in this world
7oo6 * 2 !umber )#+4:
:I"ad b, Him-ar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 while deli-erin. a sermon one da"2 said: 7ehold2 m" Lord /ommanded me that I should tea/h "ou whi/h "ou do not 6now and whi/h He has me toda", (He has instru/ted thus): The 1ro1ert" whi/h I ha-e /on0erred u1on them is law0ul 0or them, I ha-e /reated M" ser-ants as one ha-in. a natural in/lination to the worshi1 o0 Allah but it is Satan who turns them awa" 0rom the reli.ion and he ma6es unlaw0ul what has been de/lared law0ul 0or them and he /ommands them to as/ribe 1artnershi1 with Ae2 althou.h he has no justi0i/ation 0or that, And -eril"2 Allah loo6ed towards the 1eo1le o0 the world and He showed hatred 0or the Arabs and the non-Arabs2 but with the e5/e1tion o0 some remnants 0rom the @eo1le o0 the 7oo6, And He (0urther) said: I ha-e sent thee (the Hol" @ro1het) in order to 1ut "ou to test and 1ut (those to test) throu.h "ou, And I sent the 7oo6 to "ou whi/h /annot be washed awa" b" water2 so that "ou ma" re/ite it while in the state o0 wa6e0ulness or slee1, <eril"2 Allah /ommanded me to burn (6ill) the Euraish, I said: M" Lord2 the" would brea6 m" head (li6e the tearin.) o0 bread2 and Allah said: Kou turn them out as the" turned "ou out2 "ou a.ainst them and ?e shall hel1 "ou in this2 "ou should s1end and "ou would be /on0erred u1on, Kou send an arm" and I would send an arm" 0i-e times .reater than that, a.ainst those who disobe" "ou alon. with those who obe" "ou, The inmates o0 @aradise are three: 3ne who wields authorit" and is just and 0air2 one who Is truth0ul and has been endowed with 1ower to do .ood deeds, And the 1erson who is mer/i0ul and 6ind hearted towards his relati-es and to e-er" 1ious Muslim2 and one who does not stret/h his hand in s1ite o0 ha-in. a lar.e 0amil" to su11ort, And He said: The inmates o0 Hell are 0i-e: the wea6 who la/6 1ower to (a-oid e-il)2 the (/are0ree) who 1ursue (e-er"thin. irres1e/ti-e o0 the 0a/t that it is .ood or e-il) and who do not ha-e an" /are 0or their 0amil" or 0or their wealth, And
$% ; & $#


those dishonest whose .reed /annot be /on/ealed e-en in the /ase o0 minor thin.s, And the third, who betra" "ou, mornin. and e-enin.2 in re.ard to "our 0amil" and "our 1ro1ert", He also made a mention o0 the miser and the liar and those who are in the habit o0 abusin. 1eo1le and usin. obs/ene and 0oul, Abu Hhassan in his narration did not ma6e mention o0C S1end and there would be s1ent 0or "ou,C

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#+*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Eatada with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#++:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 :I"ad b, Himar that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .a-e an address one da", The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#+):

I"ad, b, Himar re1orted tbat2 while Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was deli-erin. an address2 he stated that Allah /ommanded me The rest o0 the hadith is the same2 and there is an addition in it:C Allah re-ealed to me that we should be humble oursel-es and none should show 1ride u1on the others2 And it does not beho-e one to do so2 and He also said: There are amon. "ou 1eo1le to 0ollow not /arin. a bit 0or their 0amil" and 1ro1ert", Eatada said: Abu Abdullah2 would this ha11enD Thereu1on he said: Kes, 7" Allah2 I 0ound this in the da"s o0 i.noran/e that a 1erson .ra8ed the .oat o0 a tribe and did not 0ind an"one but their sla-e-.irl (and he did not s1are her) but /ommitted adulter" with her,

'ha1ter $%: The dead would be shown his seat in 1aradise and hell2 and the a00irmation o0 the torment o0 the .ra-e and see6in. re0u.e 0rom it
7oo6 * 2 !umber )#+%:
Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"- in.: ?hen an" one o0 "ou dies2 he is shown his seat (in the Herea0ter) mornin. and e-enin.B i0 he is the inmates o0 @aradise (he is shown the seat) 0rom the inmates o0 @aradise and i0 he is one 0rom the deni8ens o0 Hell (he is shown the seat) 0rom the deni8ens o0 Hell2 and it would be said to
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him: That is "our seat until Allah raises "ou on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion (and sends "ou to "our 1ro1er seat),

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#+#:

Ibn Umar re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen a 1erson dies2 he is shown his seat mornin. and e-enin., I0 he is one the inmates o0 @aradise (he is shown his seat) in @aradise and i0 he is one the deni8ens o0 Hell-=ire (he is shown his seat) in the Hell=ire, Then it is said to him: That is "our seat where "ou would be sent on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#+;:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted: I did not hear this badith 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) dire/tl" but it was Gaid b, Thibit who narrated it 0rom him, As Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was .oin. alon. with us towards the dwellin.s o0 7ani an-!ajjar2 ridin. u1on his 1on"2 it shied and he was about to 0all, He 0ound 0our2 0i-e or si5 .ra-es there, He said: ?ho "ou 6nows about those l"in. in the .ra-esD A 1erson said: It is I, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: In what state did the" dieD He said: The" died as 1ol"theists, He said: These 1eo1le are 1assin. throu.h the ordeal in the .ra-es, I0 it were not the reason that "ou would sto1 bur"in. ("our dead) in the .ra-es on listenin. to the torment in the .ra-e whi/h I am listenin. to2 I would ha-e /ertainl" made "ou hear that, Then turnin. his 0a/e towards us2 he said: See6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom the torment o0 Hell, The" said: ?e see6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom the torment o0 Hell, He said: See6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom the torment o0 the .ra-e, The" said: ?e see6 re0u.e with Allali 0rom the torment o0 the .ra-e, He said: See6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom turmoil2 its -isible and in-isible (as1e/ts)2 and the" said: ?e see6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom turmoil and its -isible and in-isible as1e/ts and he said: See6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom the turmoil o0 the 9ajjal2 and the" said ?e see6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom the turmoil o0 the 9ajjal,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#) :

Anas re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 "ou were not (to abandon) the bur"in. o0 the dead (in the .ra-e)2 I would ha-e /ertainl" su11li/ated Allah that He should ma6e "ou listen the torment o0 the .ra-e,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#)$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu A""ub throu.h some other /hains o0 transmitters (and the words are):C Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went out a0ter the sun had set and he heard some sound and said: It is the Fews who are bein. tormented in their .ra-es,

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7oo6 * 2 !umber )#)2:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: ?hen the ser-ant is 1la/ed in his .ra-e and his /om1anions retra/e their ste1s arid he hears the noise o0 the 0ootste1s2 then two an.els /ome to him and ma6e him sit and sa" to him: ?hat "ou ha-e to sa" about this 1erson (the Hol" @ro1het)D I0 he is d belie-er2 lie would sa": I bear testimon" to the 0a/t that he is a ser-ant o0 Allali and His, Then it would be said to him: Loo6 to "our seat in the Hell- =ire2 0or Allah has substituted (the seat o0 "ours) with a seat in @aradise, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He would be shown both the seats, Eatada said: It was mentioned to us that his .ra-e (the .ra-e o0 a belie-er) e51ands to se-ent" /ubits and is 0ull with -erdure until the 9a" when the" would be resurre/ted,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#)4:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen the dead bod", is 1la/ed in the .ra-e2 he listens to the sound o0 the shoes (as his 0riends and relati-es return a0ter bur"in. him),

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#)*:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen the ser-ant is 1la/ed in his .ra-e and his 0riends retra/e their ste1s, The rest o0 the liadith is the same as transmitted b" Eatada,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#)+:

Al-7ara: b, :A8ib re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: This -erse:C Allah .rants stead0astness to those who belie-e with 0irm word2C was rereaied in /onne/tion with the torment o0 the .ra-e, It would be said to him: ?ho is "our LordD And he would sa": Allah is m" Lord and Muhammad is m" A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and that is (what is im1lied) b" the words o0 Allah2 the (5alted:C Allah 6ee1s stead0ast those who belie-e with 0irm word in this world and in the Herea0ter,C

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#)):

Al-7ara: b, :A8ib re1orted that this -erse:C Allah 6ee1s stead0ast those who belie-e with 0irm word in thBs world and the Herea0ter2C was re-ealed in /on- ne/tion with the torment o0 the .ra-e,

$%$2 & $#


7oo6 * 2 !umber )#)%:

Abu Huraira re1orted: ?hen the soul o0 a belie-er would .o out (o0 his bod") it would be re/ei-ed b- two an.els who would ta6e it to the s6", Hammad (one o0 the narrators in the /hain o0 transmitters) mentioned the swetness o0 its odour2 (and 0urther said) that the dwellers o0 the s6" sa": Here /omes the 1ious soul 0rom the side o0 the earth Let there be blessin.s o0 Allah u1on the bod" in whi/h it resides, And it is /arried (b" the an.els) to its Lord2 the (5alted and Hlorious, He would sa": Ta6e it to its destined end, And i0 he is a nonbelie-er and as it (the soul) lea-es the bod"-Hammad made a mention o0 its 0oul smell and o0 its bein. /ursed-the dwellers o0 the s6" sa": There /omes a dirt" soul 0rom the side o0 the earth2 and it would be said: Ta6e it to its destined end, Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ut a thin /loth whi/h was with him u1on his nose while ma6in. a mention (o0 the 0oul smell) o0 the soul o0 a non-belie-er,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#)#:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: ?e were alon. with Umar between Me//a and Medina that we to loo6 0or the new moon, And I was a man with shar1 e"e- si.ht2 so I /ould see it2 but none e5/e1t me saw it, I to sa" to :Umar: 9on:t "ou see itD 7ut he would not see it, Thereu1on Umar said: I would soon be able to see it (when it will shine more bri.htl"), I la" u1on bed, He then made a mention o0 the 1eo1le o0 7adr to us and said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) showed us one da" be0ore (the a/tual battle) the 1la/e o0 death o0 the 1eo1le (1arti/i1atin.) in (the 7attle) o0 7adr and he was sa"in.: This would be the 1la/e o0 death o0 so and so tomorrow2 i0 Allah wills, Umar said: 7" Him ?ho sent him with truth2 the" did not miss the 1la/es (o0 their death) whi/h Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 1ointed 0or them, Then the" were all thrown in a well one a0ter another, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then went to them and said: 32 so and so2 the son o0 so and soB 3 so and so2 the son o0 so and so2 ha-e "ou 0ound /orre/t what Allah and His had 1romised "ouD I ha-e2 howe-er2 0ound absolutel" true what Allah had 1romised with me, Umar said: Allah:s Messen.er2 how are "ou tal6in. with the bodies without soul in them, Thereu1on he said: Kou /annot hear more distin/tl" than (their hearin.) o0 what I sa"2 but with this e5/e1tion that the" ha-e not 1ower to ma6e an" re1l",

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#);:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) let the dead bodies o0 the unbelie-ers who in 7adr (lie unburied) 0or three da"s, He then /ame to them and sat b" their side and /alled them and said: 3 Abu Fahl b, Hisham2 3 Uma""a b, >hala02 3 Utba b, Aab:ila2 3 Shaiba b, Aabi:a2 ha-e "ou not 0ound what "our Lord had 1romised with "ou to be /orre/tD As 0or me2 I ha-e 0ound the 1romises o0 m" Lord to be (1er0e/tl") /orre/t, Umar listened to the words o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 how do the" listen and res1ond to

$%$4 & $#


"ouD The" are dead and their bodies ha-e de/a"ed, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 what I am sa"in. to them2 e-en "ou /annot hear more distin/tl" than the"2 but the" la/6 the 1ower to re1l", Then he /ommanded that the" should be buried in the well o0 7adr,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#% :

Aba Talha re1orted: ?hen it was the 9a" o0 7adr and Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had .ained -i/tor" o-er them (the Me//ans)2 he /ommanded more than twent" 1ersons2 and in another hadith these are /ounted as twent"-0our 1ersons2 0rom the non-belie-ers o0 the Euraish to be thrown into the well o0 7adr, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

'ha1ter $#: The re/6onin. on the da" o0 jud.ment is a 0a/t

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#%$:
:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who is ta6en to a//ount on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion is in 0a/t 1ut to torment, I said: Has Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 not said this: :He will be made subje/t to an eas" re/6onin.C (I555i-, #)D Thereu1on he said: (?hat it im1lies) is not the a/tual re/6onin.2 but onl" the 1resentation o0 one:s deeds to Him, He who is thorou.hl" e5amined in re/6onin. is 1ut to torment,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#%2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A""ub with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#%4:

:A:isha re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: (-er"one who is re/6oned thorou.hl" is undone, I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 has Allah not /alled (re/6onin.) as eas" re/6onin.D Thereu1on he said,, It im1lies onl" 1resenta- tion o0 (one:s deeds to Him)2 but i0 one is thorou.hl" e5amined in re/6onin.2 he in 0a/t is undone,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#%*:

:A:isha re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who is e5amined thorou.hl" In re/6onin. is undone,
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'ha1ter $;: It is essential to ho1e .ood 0rom Allah

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#%+:
Fabir re1orted: I heard Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. three da"s be0ore his death: !one o0 "ou should /ourt death but onl" ho1in. .ood 0rom Allah

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#%):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#%%:

Fabir b, :Abdullah al-Ansari re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sa" three da"s be0ore his death: !one o0 "ou should die but ho1in. onl" .ood 0rom Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#%#:

Fabir re1orted: I heard Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in., (-er" ser-ant would be raised (in the same -er" state) in whi/h he dies,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )#%;:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 A:mash but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 * 2 !umber )## :

Abdullah b, Umar re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen Allah intends to /hastise a 1eo1le2 He /hastises all o0 them then the" would be raised a//ordin. to their deeds,

$%$+ & $#


733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS
3= TH(


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733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

'ha1ter $:
7oo6 *$2 !umber )##$:
Gainab bint Fahsh re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot u1 0rom slee1 sa"in.: There is no .od but AllahB there is a destru/tion in store 0or Arabia be/ause o0 turmoil whi/h is at hand2 the barrier o0 Ho. and Ma.o. has o1ened so mu/h, And Su0"an made a si.n o0 ten with the hel1 o0 his hand (in order to indi/ate the width o0 the .a1) and I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 would we be 1erished in s1ite o0 the 0a/t that there would be .ood 1eo1le usD Thereu1on he said: 30 /ourse2 but onl" when the e-il 1redominates,

7oo6 *$2 !umber )##2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Gainab bint Fahsh with a -ariation in the /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 *$2 !umber )##4:

Gainab bint Fahsh2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 re1orted that one da" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame out in a state o0 e5/itement with his 0a/e quite red, And he was sa"in.: There is no .od but AllahB there is a destru/tion in store 0or Arabia be/iuse o0 the turmoil whi/h is near at hand as the barrier o0 Ho. and Ma.o. has been o1ened li6e it2 and he (in order to e51lain it) made a rin. with the hel1 o his thumb and, I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 would we be destro"ed des1ite the 0a/t that there would be 1ious 1eo1le usD He said: Kes2 when the e-il would 1redominate,

7oo6 *$2 !umber )##*:

This hadith has been narrated oil the authorit" o0 Guhri with a di00erent /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 *$2 !umber )##+:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Toda" the wall (barrier) o0 Ho. and Ma.o. has been o1ened so mu/h2 and ?Uhaib (in order to e51lain it) made the 0i.ure o0 ninet" with the hel1 o0 his hand,

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733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

'ha1ter 2: The sin6in. o0 an arm" in the earth whi/h would atta/6 the house
7oo6 *$2 !umber )##):
Harith b Abi Aabi:a and :Abdullah b, Sa0wan both went to Umm Salama2 the Mother o0 the =aith0ul2 and the" as6ed her about the arm" whi/h would be sun6 in the earth2 and this relates to the time when Ibn Gubair (was the .o-ernor o0 Me//a), She re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said that a see6er o0 re0u.e would see6 re0u.e in the Sa/red House and an arm" would be sent to him (in order to 6ill him) and when it would enter a 1lain .round2 it would be made to sin6, I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 what about him who would be made to a//om1an" this arm" will" nill"D Thereu1on he said: He would be made to sin6 alon. with them bu0 he would be raised on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion on the basis o0 his intention, Abu Fa:0ar said, : This 1lain2 .round means the 1lain .round o0 Medina,

7oo6 *$2 !umber )##%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah b, Au0ai2 with the same /hain o0 transmitters (but with the addition o0 these words):C ?hen I met Abu Fa:0ar I told him that she (sim1l") meant the 1lain .round, Thereu1on Abu Fa:0ar said: !o2 b" Hod2 she meant the 1lain .round o0 Medina,

7oo6 *$2 !umber )###:

Abdullah b, Sa0wan re1orted that Ha0sa told him that she had heard Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: An arm" would atta/6 this House in order to a.ainst the inhabitants o0 this House and when it would be at the 1lain .round the ran6s in the /entre o0 the arm" would be sun6 and the -an.uard would /all the rear 0lan6s o0 the arm" and the" would also be sun6 and no 0lan6 would be le0t e5/e1t some 1eo1le who would .o to in0orm them (their 6ith and 6in), A 1erson (who had been listenin. to this badith 0rom Abdullah b, Sa0wan) said: I bear testimon" in re.ard to "ou that "ou are not im1utin. a lie to Ha0sa, And I bear testimon" to the 0a/t that Ha0sa is not tellin. a lie about Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 *$2 !umber )##;:

Abdullah b, Sa0wan re1orted the Mother o0 the =aith0ul as sa"in. that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The" would soon see6 1rote/tion in this House2 -i8, >a:ba (the de0en/eless)2 1eo1le who would ha-e nothin. to 1rote/t themsel-es in the sha1e o0 wea1ons or the o0 the
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733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

1eo1le, An arm" would be sent to (and 6ill) them and when the" would enter a 1lain .round the arm" would be sun6 in it, Kiisu0 (one o0 the narrators) said: It was a 1eo1le o0 S"ria (hordes o0 Hajjaj) who had been on that da" /omin, towards Me//a 0or an atta/6 (on :Abdulllah b, Gubair) and Abdullah b, Sa0wan said: 7" Hod2 it does not im1l" this arm",

7oo6 *$2 !umber )#; :

:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was startled in the state o0 slee1, ?e said: Allah:s Messen.er2 "ou ha-e done somethin. in the state o0 "our slee1 whi/h "ou ne-er did be0ore2 Thereu1on he said: Stran.e it is that some2 1eo1le o0 m" Ummah would atta/6 the House (>a:ba) (0or 6illin.) a 1erson who would belon. to the tribe o0 the Euraish and he would tr" to see6 1rote/tion in the House, And when the" would rea/h the 1lain .round the" would be sun6, ?e said: Allah:s Messen.er2 all sorts o0 1eo1le thron. the 1ath, Thereu1on he said: Kes2 there would be them 1eo1le who would /ome with de0inite desi.ns and those who would /ome under duress and there would be tra-ellers also2 but the" would all be destro"ed throu.h one (stro6e) o0 destru/tion, thou.h the" would be raised in di00erent states (on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion), Allah would2 howe-er2 raise them a//ordin. to their intention,

'ha1ter 4: The turmoil would /ome li6e rain0all

7oo6 *$2 !umber )#;$:
Usama re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /limbed u1 a battlement the battlements o0 Medina and then said: Kou do not see what I am seein. and I am seein. the 1la/es o0 turmoil between "our houses as tile 1la/es o0 rain0all,

7oo6 *$2 !umber )#;2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 *$2 !umber )#;4:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There will be soon a 1eriod o0 turmoil in whi/h the one who sits will be better than one who stands and the one who stands will be better than one who wal6s and the one who wal6s will be better than one who runs, He who would wat/h them will be drawn b" them, So he who 0inds a re0u.e or shelter a.ainst it should ma6e it as his resort,

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733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

7oo6 *$2 !umber )#;*:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira but with this -ariation o0 wordin. that in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu 7a6r2 there is an addition o0 these words:C There is a 1ra"er amon. 1ra"ers (:Asr) and one who misses it is as i0 his 0amil" and 1ro1ert" ha-e been ruined,C

7oo6 *$2 !umber )#;+:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There would be turmoil and the one who would slee1 would be better than who would be awa6e and the one who would be awa6e would be better than one who would stand and one who would stand would be better than one who would run, So he who 0inds re0u.e or shelter should ta6e that re0u.e or shelter,

7oo6 *$2 !umber )#;):

Abu 7a6ra re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There would soon be turmoil, 7eholdL there would be turmoil in whi/h the one who would be seated would be better than one who would stand and the one who would stand would be better than one who would run, 7eholdL when the turmoil /omes or it a11ears2 the one who has /amel should sti/6 to his /amel and he who has shee1 or .oat should sti/6 to his shee1 and .oat and he who has land should sti/6 to the land, A 1erson said: :Allah:s Messen.er2 what is "our o1inion about one who has neither /amel nor shee1 nor landD Thereu1on2 he said: He should ta6e hold o0 his sword and beat its ed.e with the hel1 o0 stone and then tr" to 0ind a wa" o0 es/a1e, 3 Allah2 I ha-e /on-e"ed (Th" Messa.e) B 3 Allah2 I ha-e /on-e"ed (Th" Messa.e) B 3 Allah2 I ha-e /on-e"ed (Th" Messa.e), A 1erson said: Allah:s Messen.er2 what is "our o1inion it I am drawn to a ran6 in s1ite o0 m"sel02 or in one o0 the .rou1s and made to mar/h and a man stri6es with his sword or there /omes an arrow and 6ills meD Thereu1on he said: He will bear the 1unishment o0 his sin and that o0 "ours and he would be one the deni8ens o0 Hell,

7oo6 *$2 !umber )#;%:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 ?a6i: with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

$%2 & $#


733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

'ha1ter *: ?hen two muslims /on0ront ea/h other with swords

7oo6 *$2 !umber )#;#:
Ahna0 b, Eais re1orted: I set out with the intention o0 hel1in. this 1erson (Hadrat :Ali) that Abu 7a6ra met me, He said: Ahna02 where do "ou intend to .oD I said: I intend to hel1 the /ousin o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 -i8, :Ali, Thereu1on he said to me: Ahna02 .o ba/62 0or I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen two Muslims /on0ront one another with swords (in hands) both the sla"er and the slain would be in =ire, He (Ahna0) said: I said2 or it was said: Allah:s Messen.er2 it ma" be the /ase o0 one who 6ills, but what about the slain (wh" he would be 1ut in Hell-=ire)D Thereu1on he said: He also intended to 6ill his /om1anion,

7oo6 *$2 !umber )#;;:

Ahna0 b, Eais re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu 7a6ra that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen two Muslims /on0ront ea/h other with their swords2 both the sla"er and the slain are doomed to Hell-=ire,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hammad throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 *$2 !umber ); $:

Abu 7a6ra re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen two Muslims (/on0ront ea/h other) and the one them atta/6s his brother with a wea1on2 both o0 them are at the brin6 o0 Hell-=ire, And when one o0 them 6ills his /om1anion2 both o0 them .et into Hell-=ire,

7oo6 *$2 !umber ); 2:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) man" ahadith and one o0 them was this: The last Hour will not /ome until the two 1arties (o0 Muslims) /on0ront ea/h other and there is a lar.e-s/ale massa/re them and the /laim o0 both o0 them is the same,

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7oo6 *$2 !umber ); 4:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The last Hour will not /ome unless there is mu/h bloodshed, The" said: ?hat is harjD Thereu1on he said: 7loodshed, bloodshed,

'ha1ter +: This Ummah would be destro"ed b" 6illin. one another

7oo6 *$2 !umber ); *:
Thauban re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Allah drew the ends o0 the world near one another 0or m" sa6e, And I ha-e seen its eastern and western ends, And the dominion o0 m" Unimah would rea/h those ends whi/h ha-e been drawn near me and I ha-e been .ranted the red and the white treasure and I be..ed m" Lord 0or m" Ummah that it should not be destro"ed be/ause o0 0amine2 nor be dominated b" an enem" who is not them to ta6e their li-es and destro" them root and bran/h2 and m" Lord said: Muhammad2 whene-er I ma6e a de/ision2 there is none to /han.e it, ?ell2 I .rant "ou 0or "our Ummah that it would not be destro"ed b" 0amine and it would not be dominated b" an enem" who would not be it and would ta6e their li-es and destro" them root and bran/h e-en i0 all the 1eo1le 0rom the di00erent 1arts o0 the world join hands to.ether (0or this 1ur1ose)2 but it would be 0rom them2 -i8, "our Ummah2 that some 1eo1le would 6ill the others or im1rison the others,

7oo6 *$2 !umber ); +:

Thauban re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said, <eril"2 Allah drew the ends o0 the world near me until I saw its /ast and west an He bestowed u1on me two treasures2 the red and the white, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 *$2 !umber ); ):

:Amir b, Sa:d re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that one da" Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame 0rom a hi.h2 land, He 1assed b" the mosque o0 7anu Mu:awi"a2 went in and obser-ed two ra6:ahs there and we also obser-ed 1ra"er alon. with him and he made a lon. su11li/ation to his Lord, He then /ame to us and said: I as6ed m" Lord three thin.s and He has .ranted me two but has withheld one, I be..ed m" Lord that m" Ummah should not be destro"ed be/ause o0 0amine and He .ranted me this, And I be..ed m" Lord that m" Ummah should not be destro"ed b" drow-

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nin. (b" delu.e) and He .ranted me this, And I be..ed m" Lord that there should be no bloodshed amon. the 1eo1le o0 m" Ummah, but He did not .rant it,

7oo6 *$2 !umber ); %:

Amir b, Sa:d re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame with a .rou1 o0 his 'om1anions and he 1assed b" the mosque o0 7anu Mu:awi"a, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

'ha1ter ): The e-ents 0oretold b" the hol" 1ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about the last hour
7oo6 *$2 !umber ); #:
Hudhai0a b, al-Kaman re1orted: 7" Allah2 I ha-e the best 6nowled.e 1eo1le about e-er" turmoil whi/h is .oin. to a11ear in the 1eriod inter-enin. me and the Last HourB and it is not 0or the 0a/t that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) told me somethin. /on0identiall" 1ertainin. to it and he did not tell an"bod" else about it2 but it is be/ause o0 the 0a/t that I was 1resent in the assembl" in whi/h he had been des/ribin. the turmoil, and he es1e/iall" made a mention o0 three turmoils whi/h would not s1are an"thin. and these there would be turmoils li6e storms in the hot season, Some o0 them would be -iolent and some o0 them would be /om1arati-el" mild, Hudhai0a said: All (who were 1resent) e5/e1t I ha-e .one (to the ne5t world),

7oo6 *$2 !umber ); ;:

Hudhai0a re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood be0ore us one da" and he did not lea-e an"thin. unsaid (that he had to sa") at that -er" s1ot whi/h would ha11en (in the sha1e o0 turmoil) u1 to the Last Hour, Those who had to remember them 1reser-ed them in their minds and those who /ould not remember them 0or.ot them, M" 0riends 6new them and there are /ertain thin.s whi/h sli1 out o0 m" mind2 but I re/a1itulate them when an"one ma6es a mention o0 them just as a 1erson is lost 0rom one:s mind but is re/alled to him on seein. his 0a/e,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );$ :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 A:mash with the same /hain o0 transmitters u1 to the words: And he 0or.ot who had to that and, he did not ma6e a mention o0 what 0ollows a0ter this,

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7oo6 *$2 !umber );$$:

Hudhai0a re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in0ormed me o0 what is .oin. to ha11en be0ore the a11roa/h o0 the Last Hour, And there is nothin. that I did not as6 him in this /onne/tion e5/e1t this that I did not as6 him as to what would turn the 1eo1le o0 Medina out 0rom Medina,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );$2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );$4:

Abu Gaid (-i8, Amr b, A6htab) re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) led us in the dawn 1ra"er and then mounted the 1ul1it and addressed us until it was (time 0or the) noon 1ra"er, He then /ame down the 1ul1it and obser-ed 1ra"er and then a.ain mounted the 1ul1it and a.ain addressed us until it was time 0or the :Asr 1ra"er, He then a.ain /ame down and obser-ed the 1ra"er and a.ain mointed the 1ul1it and addressed us until the sun was set and he in0ormed (about) e-er"thin. (1ertainin. to turmoil) that la" hidden in the 1ast and what lies in (the womb) o0) the 0uture and the most learned us is one who remembers them well

'ha1ter %: The turmoil would .o li6e the mountin. wa-es o0 the o/ean
7oo6 *$2 !umber );$*:
Hudhai0a re1otted: ?e were one da" in the /om1an" o0 :Umar that he said: ?ho "ou has 1reser-ed in his mind most 1er0e/tl" the hadith o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in re.ard to the turmoil as he told about itD I said: It is I, Thereu1on he said: Kou are bold (enou.h to ma6e this /laim), And he 0urther said: HowD I said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There would (0irst) be turmoil 0or a 1erson in re.ard to his 0amil"2 his 1ro1ert"2 his own sel02 his /hildren2 his nei.hbours (and the sins /omnaitted in their /onne/tion) would be e51iated b" 0astin.2 1ra"er2 /harit"2 enjoinin. .ood and 1rohibitin. e-il, Thereu1on :Umar said: I do not mean (that turmoil on a small s/ale) but that one whi/h would eme-.e li6e the mountin. wa-es o0 the o/ean, I said: 'ommander o0 the =aith0ul2 "ou ha-e nothin. to do with it2 0or the door is /losed between "ou and that, He said: ?ould that door be bro6en or o1enedD I said: !o2 it would be bro6en, Thereu1on he said: Then it would not be /losed des1ite best e00orts, ?e said to Hudhai0a: 9id Umar 6now the doorD Thereu1on he said: Kes2 he 6new it (0or /ertain) just as one 6nows that 1re/ede
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the ne5t da", And I narrated to him somethin. in whi/h there was nothin. 0abri/ated, Shaqiq (one o0 the narrators) said: ?e dared not as6 Hudhai0a about that door, So we requested Masrdq to as6 him, So he as6ed him and he said: (7" that door2 he meant) :Umar,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );$+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hudhai0a throu.h other /hains o0 transmitters also,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );$):

Hudhai0a re1orted that Umar said: ?ho would narrate to us (the ahadith 1ertainin. to turmoil) and he re1orted a badith similar to these ahadith,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );$%:

Fundub re1orted: I /ame on the da" o0 Fara:a that a 1erson was (0ound) sittin., I said: The" would shed their blood toda", That 1erson said: 7" Allah, not at all, I said: 7" Allah2 o0 /ourse2 the" would do it, He said: 7" Allah2 the" would not do it, I said: 7" Allah2 o0 /ourse2 the" would do it, He said: 7" Allah2 the" would not do it2 and I ha-e heard a hadith o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) whi/h I am narratin. to "ou in this /onne/tion, I said: Kou are a bad seat 0ellow, I ha-e been o11osin. "ou sin/e mornin. and "ou are listenin. to me in s1ite o0 the 0a/t that "ou ha-e heard a hadith 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (/ontrar" to ra" statement), I m"sel0 0elt that there was no use o0 this anno"an/e, (He /ould tell me earlier that it was a hadith o0 the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on himO2 and I would not ha-e o11osed him at all,) I turned m" 0a/e toward him and as6ed him and he was Hadrat Hudhai0a,

'ha1ter #: The last hour would not /ome until the eu1iirates un/o-ers a treasure o0 .old
7oo6 *$2 !umber );$#:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Last Hour would not /ome be0ore the (u1hrates un/o-ers a mountain o0 .old2 0or whi/h 1eo1le would, !inet"nine out o0 ea/h one hundred would die but e-er" man them would sa" that 1erha1s he would be the one who would be sa-ed (and thus 1ossess this .old),

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7oo6 *$2 !umber );$;:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Suhail with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this addition:C M" 0ather said: I0 "ou see that2 do not e-en .o near it,C

7oo6 *$2 !umber );2 :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Last Hour would not /ome unless the (u1hrates would un/o-er a treasure o0 .old2 so he who 0inds it should not ta6e an"thin. out o0 that,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );2$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The (u1hrates would soon un/o-er a mountain o0 .old but he who is 1resent there should not ta6e an"thin. 0rom that,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );22:

:Abdullah b, Harith b, !au0al re1orted: I was standin. alon. with Uba"" b, >a2 b and he said: The o1inions o0 the 1eo1le di00er in re.ard to the a/hie-ement o0 worldl" ends, I said: Kes2 o0 /ourse, Thereu1on he said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The (u1hrates would soon un/o-er a mountain o0 .old and when the 1eo1le would bear o0 it the" would 0lo/6 towards it but the 1eo1le who would 1ossess that (treasure) (would sa"): I0 we allow these 1ersons to ta6e out o0 it the" would ta6e awa" the whole o0 it, So the" would and ninet"-nine out o0 one hundred would be 6illed, Abu >amil in his narration said: I and Abu >a:b stood under the shade o0 the battlement o0 Hassan,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );24:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Iraq would withhold its dirhams and qa0i8B S"ria would withhold its mudd and dinar and (."1t would withhold its irdab and dinar and "ou would re/oil to that 1osition 0rom where "ou started and "ou would re/oil to that 1osition 0rom where "ou started and "ou would re/oil to that 1osition 0rom where "ou started2 the bones and the 0lesh o0 Abu Huraira would bear testimon" to it,

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'ha1ter ;: @ertainin. to the /onquest o0 'onstantino1le and the a11earan/e o0 the 9ajjal and des/ent o0 Fesus2 son o0 Mar" (Fesus 'hrist)
7oo6 *$2 !umber );2*:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Last Hour would not /ome until the Aomans would land at al-A:maq or in 9abiq, An arm" /onsistin. o0 the best (soldiers) o0 the 1eo1le o0 the earth at that time will /ome 0rom Medina (to /ountera/t them), ?hen the" will arran.e themsel-es in ran6s2 the Aomans would sa": 9o not stand between us and those (Muslims) who too6 1risoners 0rom us, Let us with themB and the Muslims would sa": !a"2 b" Allah2 we would ne-er .et aside 0rom "ou and 0rom our brethren that "ou ma" them, The" will then and a third (1art) o0 the arm" would run awa"2 whom Allah will ne-er 0or.i-e, A third (1art o0 the arm"), whi/h would be /onstituted o0 e5/ellent mart"rs in Allah:s e"e2 would be 6illed ani the third who would ne-er be 1ut to trial would win and the" would be /onquerors o0 'onstantino1le, And as the" would be bus" in distributin. the s1oils o0 war ( themsel-es) a0ter their swords b" the oli-e trees2 the Satan would /r": The 9ajjal has ta6en "our 1la/e amon. "our 0amil", The" would then /ome out2 but it would be o0 no a-ail, And when the" would /ome to S"ria2 he would /ome out while the" would be still 1re1arin. themsel-es 0or battle drawin. u1 the ran6s, 'ertainl"2 the time o0 1ra"er shall /ome and then Fesus (1ea/e be u1on him) son o0 Mar" would des/end and would lead them in 1ra"er, ?hen the enem" o0 Allah would see him2 it would (disa11ear) just as the salt dissol-es itsel0 in water and i0 he (Fesus) were not to /on0ront them at all2 e-en then it would dissol-e /om1letel"2 but Allah would 6ill them b" his hand and he would show them their blood on his lan/e (the lan/e o0 Fesus 'hrist),

'ha1ter $ : The last hour would /ome when the romans would ha-e the ma5imum 1o1ulation
7oo6 *$2 !umber );2+:
Mustaurid al-Eurashi re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Last Hour would /ome (when) the Aomans would 0orm a majorit" 1eo1le, :Amr said to him (Mustaurid Eurashi): See what "ou are sa"in.D He said: I sa" what I heard 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Thereu1on he said: I0 "ou sa" that2 it is a 0a/t 0or the" ha-e 0our qualities, The" ha-e the 1atien/e to under.o a trial and immediatel" restore themsel-es to sanit" a0ter
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trouble and atta/6 a.ain a0ter, The" (ha-e the qualit") o0 bein. .ood to the destitute and the or1hans2 to the wea6 and2 0i0thl"2 the .ood qualit" in them is that the" 1ut resistan/e a.ainst the o11ression o0 6in.s,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );2):

Mustaurid Eurashi re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Last Hour would /ome when the Aomans would 0orm a majorit" 1eo1le, This rea/hed :Amr b, al-:As and he said: ?hat are these ahadith whi/h are bein. transmitted 0rom "ou and whi/h "ou /laim to ha-e heard 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D Mustaurid said to him: I stated onl" that whi/h I heard 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Thereu1on :Amr said: I0 "ou state this (it is true)2 0or the" ha-e the 1ower o0 toleran/e 1eo1le at the time o0 turmoil and restore themsel-es to sanit" a0ter trouble2 and are .ood 1eo1le so 0ar as the destitute and the wea6 are /on/erned,

'ha1ter $$: There would be mu/h bloodshed amon. romans at the time o0 the a11earan/e o0 the 9ajjal
7oo6 *$2 !umber );2%:
Kusair b, Fabir re1orted: 3n/e there blew a red storm in >u0ah that there /ame a 1erson who had nothin. to sa" but (these words): Abdullah b, Mas:ud2 the Last Hour has /ome, He (:Abdullah b, Mas:ud) was sittin. re/linin. a.ainst somethin.2 and he said: The Last Hour would not /ome until the 1eo1le di-ide in- heritan/e and rejoi/e o-er boot"2 and then said 1ointin. towards S"ria2 with the .esture o0 his hand li6e this: The enem" shall muster a.ainst Muslims and the Muslims will muster a.ainst them (S"rians), I said: Kou mean AomeD And he said: Kes2 and there would be a terrible and the Muslims would 1re1are a deta/hment (0or 0i.htin. unto death) whi/h would not return but -i/torious, The" will until will inter-ene themB both the sides will return without bein. -i/torious and both will be wi1ed out, The Muslims will a.ain 1re1are a deta/hment 0or 0i.htin. unto death so that the" ma" not return but -i/torious, ?hen it would be the 0ourth da"2 a new deta/hment out o0 the remnant o0 the Muslims would be 1re1ared and Allah will de/ree that the enem" should be routed, And the" would su/h a the li6e o0 whi/h would not be seen2 so mu/h so that e-en i0 a bird were to 1ass their 0lan6s2 it would 0all down dead be0ore rea/hin. the end o0 them, (There would be su/h a massa/re) that when /ountin. would be done2 (onl") one out o0 a hundred men related to one another would be 0ound ali-e, So what /an be the jo" at the s1oils o0 su/h war and what inheritan/e would be di-idedL The" would be in this -er" state that the" would hear o0 a /alamit" more horrible than this, And a /r" would rea/h them: The 9ajjil has ta6en

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"our 1la/e amon. "our o00- s1rin., The" will2 there0ore2 throw awa" what would be in their hands and .o 0orward sendin. ten horsemen2 as a s/outin. 1art", Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I 6now their names and the names o0 their 0ore0athers and the /olour o0 their horses, The" will be best horsemen on the sur0a/e o0 the earth on that da" or the best horsemen on the sur0a/e o0 the earth on that da",

7oo6 *$2 !umber );2#:

Fabir re1orted: I was in the /om1an" o0 Ibn Mas:ud that there blew a red storm, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );2;:

Fabir re1orted: I was in the house o0 :Abdullah b, Mas:ud and the house was 0ull" 1a/6ed that a red storm blew in >u0ah,

'ha1ter $2: The /onquests o0 the muslims be0ore the a11earan/e o0 the 9ajjal
7oo6 *$2 !umber );4 :
!a0i: b, Utba re1orted: ?e were with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in an e51edition that there /ame a 1eo1le to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 0rom the dire/tion o0 the west, The" were dressed in woollen /lothes and the" stood near a hillo/6 and the" met him as Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was sittin., I said to m"sel0: 7etter .o to them and stand between him and them that the" ma" not atta/6 him, Then I that 1erha1s there had been .oin. on se/ret ne.otiation them, I howe-er2 went to them and btood between them and him and I remember 0our o0 the words (on that o//asion) whi/h I re1eat (on the 0in.ers o0 m" hand) that he (Allah:s said: Kou will atta/6 Arabia and Allah will enable "ou to /onquer it2 then "ou would atta/6 @ersia and He would ma6e "ou to 'onquer it, Then "ou would atta/6 Aome and All.Lh will enable "ou to /onquer it2 then "ou would atta/6 the 9ajjal and Allah will enable "ou to /onquer him, !a0i: said: Fabir2 we that the 9ajjal would a11ear a0ter Aome (S"rian territor") would be /onquered,

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'ha1ter $4: The si.ns be0ore the a11roa/h o0 the last hour
7oo6 *$2 !umber );4$:
Hudhai0a b, Usaid Hhi0ari re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to us all o0 a sudden as we were (bus" in a dis/ussion), He said: ?hat do "ou dis/uss aboutD The" (the 'om1anions) said, ?e are dis/ussin. about the Last Hour, Thereu1on he said: It will not /one until "ou see ten si.ns be0ore and (in this /onne/tion) he made a mention o0 the smo6e2 9ajjal2 the beast2 the risin. o0 the sun 0rom the west2 the des/ent o0 Fesus son o0 Mar" (Allah be 1leased with him)2 the Ho. and Ma.o.2 and land-slidin.s in three 1la/es2 one in the east2 one in the west and one in Arabia at the end o0 whi/h 0ire would burn 0orth 0rom the Kemen2 and would dri-e 1eo1le to the 1la/e o0 their assembl",

7oo6 *$2 !umber );42:

Hudhai0a b, Usaid re1orted: Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was in an a1artment and we were beneath that that he 1ee1ed in and said to us: ?hat are "ou dis/ussin. aboutD ?e said: (?e are dis/ussin. about the Last) Hour, Thereu1on he said: The Last Hour would not /ome until the ten si.ns d11ear: land-slidin. in the east2 and land-slidin. in the west2 and land-slidin. in the 1eninsula o0 Arabia2 the smo6e2 the 9ajjal2 the beast o0 the earth2 Ho. and Ma.o.2 the risin. o0 the sun 0rom the west and the 0ire whi/h would emit 0rom the lower 1art o0 :Adan, Shu:ba said that :Abd al-:A8i8 b, Au0ai: re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Tu0ail who re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu Sariha a hadith li6e this that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not ma6e a mention o0 (the tenth si.n) but he said that out o0 the ten one was the des/ent o0 Fesus 'hrist2 son o0 Mar" (1ea/e be u1on him)2 and in another -ersion it is theb lowin. o0 the -iolent .ale whi/h would dri-e the 1eo1le to the o/ean,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );44:

Abu Sariha re1orted: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was in an (u11er) a1artment and we were standin. lower to him and dis/ussin. (about the Last Hour), The rest o0 the hadith is the same2 and Shu:ba said: I thin6 he also said these words: The 0ire would des/end alon. with them where the" would land and where the" would ta6e rest (durin. midda" (it would also /ool down 0or a while), Shu:ba said: This hadith has been transmitted to me throu.h Abu Tu0ail and Abu Sariha and none /ould tra/e it ba/6 dire/tl" to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e b,, u1on him), Howe-er2 there is a mention o0 the des/ent o0 Fesus 'hrist son o0 Mar" in one -ersion and in the other there is a mention o0 the blowin. o0 a -iolent would dri-e them to the o/ean,

$%4 & $#


733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

7oo6 *$2 !umber );4*:

Abu Sariha re1orted: ?e were dis/ussin. the Last Hour) that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) loo6ed towards us, The rest o0 the hadith is the same and the tenth (si.n) was the des/ent o0 Fesus 'hrist son o0 Mar"2 and Shu:ba said: :Abd al-:A8i8 did not tra/e it dire/tl" to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

'ha1ter $*: The last hour would not /ome until the 0ire emits 0rom the earth o0 Hija8
7oo6 *$2 !umber );4+:
Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The Last Hour would not /ome until 0ire emits 0rom the earth o0 Hija8 whi/h would illuminate the ne/6s o0 the /amels o0 the 7usra,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );4):

Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (The Last Hour would not /ome) until the habitations o0 Medina would e5tend to Ihab or Kahab, Gubair said: I said to Suhail how 0ar these were 0rom Medina, He said: So and so miles,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );4%:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The 0amine would not brea6 otit be/ause o0 drou.ht2 but there would be 0amine des1ite hea-" rain0all as nothin. would .row 0rom the earth,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );4#:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. (in a state) that he had turned his 0a/e towards the east: 7ehold2 turmoil would a11ear 0rom this side2 0rom where the horns o0 Satan would a11ear,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );4;:

Ibn :Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood b" the door (o0 the a1artment o0) .a0sa and2 1ointin. towards the east2 he said: The turmoil would a11ear 0rom this side2 -i8, where the horns o0 Satan would a11ear2 and he uttered these words twi/e or thri/e and Ubaidul$%4$ & $#


733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

lah b, Sa:ld in his narration said, The o0 Allah (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had been standin. b" the door o0 :A:isha,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );* :

Salim b, Abdullah re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 while turnin. his 0a/e towards the east2 said: The turmoil would a11ear 0rom this sideB -eril"2 the turmoil would a11ear 0rom this sideB -eril"2 the turmoil, would a11ear 0rom this side-the side where a11ear the horns o0 Satan,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );*$:

Ibn Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame out 0rom the house o0 :A:isha and said: It would be 0rom this side that there would a11ear the o0 unbelie02 -i8, where a11ear the horns o0 Satan, i, e, /ast,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );*2:

Ibn Umar re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. while 1ointin. his hands towards the east: The turmoil would a11ear 0rom this sideB -eril"2 the turmoil would a11ear 0rom this side (he re1eated it thri/e) where a11ear the horns o0 Satan,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );*4:

Ibn =udail re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that he heard Salim b, :Abdullah b, :Umar as sa"in.: 3 1eo1le o0 Iraq2 how stran.e it is that "ou as6 about the minor sins but /ommit major sinsD I heard 0rom m" 0ather :Abdullah b, :Umar2 narratin. that he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. while 1ointin. his hand towards the east: <eril", the turmoil would /ome 0rom this side2 0rom where a11ear the horns o0 Satan and "ou would stri6e the ne/6s o0 one anotherB and Moses 6illed a 1erson 0rom amon. the 1eo1le o0 @haraoh unintentionall" and Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 said:C Kou 6illed a 1erson but ?e relie-ed "ou 0rom the .rie0 and tried "ou with (man" a) trialC (55, * ), Ahmad b, Umar re1orted this hadith 0rom Salim2 but he did not ma6e a mention o0 the words:C I heardC,

$%42 & $#


733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

'ha1ter $+: The last hour would not /ome until the women o0 the tribe o0 9aus would .o round 9hi al>halasa
7oo6 *$2 !umber );**:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Last Hour would not /ome until the women o0 the tribe o0 9aus would be seen .oin. round 9hi al->halasa (0or worshi1) and 9hi al->halasa is a 1la/e in Tabala2 where there was a tem1le in whi/h the 1eo1le o0 the tribe o0 9aus used to worshi1 the idol,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );*+:

:A:isha re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The (s"stem) o0 and da" would not end until the 1eo1le ha-e ta6en to the worshi1 o0 Lat and :U88a, I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I thin6 when Allah has re-ealed this -erse:C He it is ?ho has sent His with .uidan/e2 and true reli.ion2 so that He ma" /ause it to 1re-ail u1on all reli.ions2 thou.h the 1ol"theists are a-erse (to it)C (i5, 44)2 it im1lies that (this 1romise) is .oin. to be 0ul0illed, Thereu1on he (Allah:s A1ostle) said: It would ha11en as Allah would li6e, Then Allah would send the sweet 0ra.rant air b" whi/h e-er"one who has e-en a mustard .rain o0 0aith in Him would die and those onl" would sur-i-e who would ha-e no .oodness in them, And the" would re-ert to the reli.ion o0 their 0ore0athers,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );*):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Fa:0ar with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

$%44 & $#


733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

'ha1ter $): The last hour would not /ome until a 1erson would 1ass b" a .ra-e and wish that he should ha-e been the o//u1ant o0 that .ra-e be/ause o0 this /alamit"
7oo6 *$2 !umber );*%:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Last Hour would not /ome until a 1erson would 1ass b" a .ra-e o0 another 1erson and he would sa": I wish it had been m" abode,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );*#:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 7" Him2 in ?hose hand is m" li0e2 the world would not /ome to an end until a 1erson would 1ass b" a .ra-e2 would roll o-er it and e51ress the desire that he should be in the 1la/e o0 the o//u1ant o0 that .ra-e not be/ause o0 reli.ious reasons but be/ause o0 this /alamit",

7oo6 *$2 !umber );*;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 a time would /ome when the murderer would not 6now wh" he has /ommitted the murder2 and the -i/tim would not 6now wh" he has been 6illed,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );+ :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The world would not /ome to an end until a da" would /ome to the 1eo1le on whi/h the murderer would not 6now as to wh" he has 6illed and the slain would not 6now as to wh" he has been murdered, It would be said: ?h" would It ha11enD To whi/h he re1lied: It would be be/ause o0 .eneral massa/re and bloodshed, And the slau.hterers and the slain would be in =ire2 and in the narration o0 Ibn Aban2 the name o0 Abu Isma:il has been mentioned,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );+$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The >a:ba would be destro"ed b" an Ab"ssinian ha-in. two small shan6s,
$%4* & $#


733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

7oo6 *$2 !umber );+2:

(The abo-e mentioned) hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );+4:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: It would be an Ab"ssinian ha-in. two small shan6s who would destro" the House ol Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );+*:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Last Hour would not /ome be0ore a 1erson o0 Eahtan /omes 0orth dri-in. 1eo1le with his sti/6,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );++:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The da" and the would not /ome to an end be0ore a man /alled al-Fahjah would o//u1" the throne,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );+):

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Last Hour would not /ome unless "ou with 1eo1le whose 0a/es are li6e hammered shields and the Last Hour would not /ome until "ou would a.ainst those wearin. the shoes o0 hair,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );+%:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Last Hour would not /ome until a 1eo1le wearin. shoes o0 hair a.ainst "ou ha-in. their 0a/es li6e hammered shields,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );+#:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Last Hour would not /ome until "ou with a 1eo1le wearin. shoes o0 hair and the Last Hour would not /ome until "ou with a 1eo1le ha-in. small e"es and broad snub noses,

$%4+ & $#


733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

7oo6 *$2 !umber );+;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Last Hour would not /ome until the Muslims with the Tur6s-a 1eo1le whose 0a/es would be li6e hammered shields wearin. /lothes o0 hair and wal6in. (with shoes) o0 hair,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );) :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Kou shall in the hours to /ome a.ainst a nation wearin. shoes made o0 hair and 0a/es li6e hammered shields2 with red /om1le5ion and small e"es,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );)$:

Abu !adra re1orted:C ?e were in the /om1an" o0 Fabir b, :Abdulldh that he said it ma" ha11en that the 1eo1le o0 Iraq ma" not send their qa0i8 and dirhams (their measures o0 0ood stu00 and their mone"), ?e said: ?ho would be res1olisible 0or itD He said: The nonVArabs would 1re-t them, He a.ain said: There is the 1ossibilit" that the 1eo1le o0 S"ria ma" not send their dinar and mudd, ?e said: ?ho would be res1onsible 0or itD He said This 1re-ention would be made b" the Aomans, He (Fabir b, Abdullab) 6e1t quiet 0or a while and then re1orted Allah:2 s Messen.dt (ma" 1eas be u1on him) ha-in. said There would be a /ali1h in the last (1eriod) o0 m" Ummah who would 0reel" .i-e hand0uls o0 wealth to thd 1eo1le wiothout /ountin. it, I said to Abu !adra and Abu al-:Ala: 93 "ou mean :Umarb, :Abd al-A8i8D The" said: !o (he would be Imam Mahdi,),

7oo6 *$2 !umber );)2:

This hadith hab been narrated b" Sa:id with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );)4:

Abu Sa:id re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) I said: There would be amon.est "our /ali1hs a /ali1h who would .i-e hand0uls o0 wealth to the2 but wbuld not /ount it, In, the narration transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn Hujr2 there is a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );)*:

Abu Sa:id and Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There would be in the last 1hase o0 the time a /ali1h who would distribute wealth but would not /ount,

$%4) & $#


733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

7oo6 *$2 !umber );)+:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );)):

Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted: 3ne who Is better than I in0ormed me2 that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to :Ammar as he was the dit/h (on the o/asion o0 the 7attle o0 the 9it/h) wi1in. o-er his head: 3 son o0 Summa""a "ou will be in-ol-ed in trouble and a .rou1 o0 the rebels would 6ill "ou,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );)%:

This hadith has been transmitted on the same authorit" but with this -ariation that the hadith trarismitted on the authorit" o0 !abra (the words are): 3ne ?ho is better than I in0ormed me2 and he was Abu Eatatda2 and in the hadith transmitted on the authorit" o0 >halid instead o0 the word :buVus: there is :d"s: or :"adis:2 i, e,:C how sad it isC,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );)#:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Umm Salama that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to :Ammar: A .rou1 o0 rebels would 6ill "ou,

7oo6 *$2 !umber ););:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Umm Salam throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );% :

Unmm Salama re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A band o0 rebels would 6ill :Ammar,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );%$:

Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: This tribe o0 the Euraish would 6ill (1eo1le) o0 w" Ummah, The" (the 'om1anions) said: ?hat us to do (in su/h a situations)D Thereu1on he said: ?ould that the 1eo1le remain aside 0rom them (and not besmear their hand with the blood o0 the Muslim),

$%4% & $#


733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

7oo6 *$2 !umber );%2:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );%4:

Abu Huraira re1orted that Allh:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: (>husrau 6in. o0 @ersia) would die and Eaisar ('easar >in. o0 Aome) would dieB there would be no Eaisar a0ter him2 but2 b" one in ?hose Hand is m" li0e2 "ou would s1end their treasures in the /ause o0 Allah,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );%*:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Guhri,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );%+:

Hammam b, Munabbih re1orted: This is what Abu Huraira re1orted 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and in this /onne/tion he re1orted so man" hadith (and one o0 them was this): Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: >isra would die and then there would be no >isra a0ter him, Eaisar would die and there would be no Eaisar a0ter him2 but "ou will distribute their threasuers in the/ause o0 Allah,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );%):

Fabir b, Samura re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen >isra would die there would be no >isra a0ter himB the rest o0 the hadith is the same as Abu Huraira re1orted,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );%%:

Fabir b, Samura re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (as sa"in.t There would lie o1en 0or a .rou1 o0 Muslims2 or 0or a .rou1 o0 belie-ers2 the treasures o0 the 0amil" o0 >isra whi/h would be in the whit (1ala/e), In a -ersion o0 Eutaiba there is de0initel" the wordC MuslimC,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );%#:

Fabir b, Samura re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a hadith li6e this,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );%;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e he u1on him) sa"in.: Kou ha-e heard about a /it" the one side o0 whi/h is in the land and the other is in the sea ('onstantino1le), The" said: Allall:s
$%4# & $#


733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

Messen.er2 "es, Thereru1on he said: The Last Hour would not /moe unlesss se-ent" thousand 1ersons 0rom 7ani lsra:il would atta/6 it, ?hen the" would land there2 the" will neither with wea1ons nor would shower arrows but would onl" sa":C There is no .od but Allah and Allah is the Hreatest2C that one side o0 it would 0all, Thaur (one o0 the narrators) said: I thin6 that he said: The 1art b" the side o0 the o/ean, Then the" would sa" 0or the se/ond time:C There is no .od but Allah and Allah is the HreatestC that the se/ond side would also 0all2 and the" would sa":C There is no .od but Allah and Allah is the Hreatest2C that the .ates would be o1ened 0or them and the" would enter therein and2 the" would be /olle/tin. s1oils o0 war and distributin. them themsel-es that a noise would be heard and It would be said: <eril"2 9ajjal has /ome, And thus the" would lea-e e-er"thin. there and would turn to him,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );# :

Thaur b, Gaid has narrated this hadith with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );#$:

Ibn :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Kou will a.ainst the Fews and "ou will 6ill them until e-en a stone would sa": 'ome here2 Muslim2 there is a Few (hidin. himsel0 behind me) B 6ill him,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );#2:

Ubaidullah has re1orted this hadith with this /hain o0 transmitters (and the ?ords are):C There is a Few behind me,C

7oo6 *$2 !umber );#4:

Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Kou and the Fews would a.ainst one another until a stone would sa": Muslim2 here is a Few behind meB /ome and 6ill him,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );#*:

Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The Fews will a.ainst "ou and "ou will .ain -i/tor" o-er them until the stone would sa": Muslim2 here is a Few behind meB 6ill him,

$%4; & $#


733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

7oo6 *$2 !umber );#+:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The last hour would not /ome unless the Muslims will a.ainst the Fews and the Muslims would 6ill them until the Fews would hide themsel-es behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would sa": Muslim2 or the ser-ant o0 Allah2 there is a Few behind meB /ome and 6ill himB but the tree Hharqad would not sa"2 0or it is the tree o0 the Fews,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );#):

Fabir b, Samura re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 7e0ore the Last Hour there would be man" liars2 and there is an addition in the badith transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Ahwas o0 these words:C I said to him: 9id "ou hear it 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D He said: Kes,C

7oo6 *$2 !umber );#%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sima6 with the same /hain o0 transmitters, and Sima6 said: I heard m" brother sa" that jabir had stated: 7e on "our .uard a.ainst them,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );##:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Last Hour would not /ome until there would arise about thirt" im1ostors2 liars2 and ea/h one o0 them would /laim that he is a o0 Allah,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );#;:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter $%: Stor" o0 Ibn Sa""ad

7oo6 *$2 !umber );; :
:Abdullah re1orted: ?e were alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that we ha11ened to 1ass b" /hildren whom there was Ibn Sa""ad, The /hildren made their wa" but Ibn Sa""ad 6e1t sittin. there (and it seemed) as i0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not li6e it (his sittin. with the /hildren) and said to him: Ma" "our nose he besmeared with dust2

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don:t "ou bear testimon" to the 0a/t that I am the o0 AllahD Thereu1on he said: !o2 but "ou should bear testimon" that I am the o0 Allah, Thereu1on :Umar b, >hattab said: Allah:s Messen.er2 1ermit me that I should 6ill him, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 he is that 1erson who is in "our mind (9ajjal )2 "ou will not be able to 6ill him,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );;$:

:Abdullah re1orted: ?e were wal6in. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that Ibn Sa""ad ha11ened to 1ass b" him, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: I ha-e /on/ealed 0or "ou (somethin. to test "ou2 so tell me that), He said: It is 9u6h, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: 7e o00, Kou /annot .et 0arther than "our ran62 whereu1on :Umar said: Allah:s Messen.er2 1ermit me to stri6e his ne/6, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Lea-e himB i0 he is that one (9ajjal) whom "ou a11rehend2 "ou will not be able to 6ill him,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );;2:

Abu Sa:id re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) met him (Ibn Sa""ad) and so did Abu 7a6r and :Umar on some o0 the roads o0 Medina, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o "ou bear testimon" to the 0a/t that I am the o0 AllahD Thereu1on he said: 9o "ou bear testimon" to the 0a/t that I am the o0 AllahD Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I a00irm m" 0aith in Allah and in His An.els and in His 7oo6s2 and what do "ou seeD He said: I see the throne o-er water, ?hereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Kou see the throne o0 Iblis u1on the water2 and what else do "ou seeD He said: I see two truth0uls and a liar or two liars and one truth0ul, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Lea-e him He has been /on0ounded,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );;4:

Fabir b :Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) met Ibn Sa:id (Sa""ad) and there were with him Abu 7a6r and :Umar and Ibn Sa""ad was in the /om1an" o0 /hildren, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

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Abu Sa:id re1orted: I a//om1anied Ibn Sa""ad to Me//a and he said to me: ?hat I ha-e .athered 0rom 1eo1le is that theu thin6 that I am 9ajjal, Ha-e "ou not hearde Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e u1on him) as sa"in.: He will ha-e no no /hildren2 I said: Kes2 o0 /ourse, Thereu1on he said: 7ut I ha-e /hildren, Ha-e "ou not heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He would not enter Me//a and MedinaD I said: Kes2 o0 /ourse, Thereu1on he said I ha-e been on/e in Medina
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and now I intend to .o to Me//a, And he said to me at the end o0 his tal6: 7" Allah: I 6now his 1la/e o0 birth his abode where he is just now, He (Abu Sa:id) said: This /aused /on0usion in m" mind (in re.ard to his identit"),

7oo6 *$2 !umber );;+:

Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted: Ibn Sa:id said to me somethhin. 0or whi/h I 0elt ashamed, He said: I /an e5/use othersB but what has .one wron. with "ou2 3 'om1anions o0 Muhammad2 that "ou ta6e me as 9ajjalD Has Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) not said that he would be a Few whereas I am a Muslim and he also said that he would not ha-e /hildren2 whereas I ha-e /hildren2 and he also said: -er"l"2 Allah has 1rohibited him to enter Me//a whereas I ha-e 1er0ormed @il.rima.e2 atid, he went on sa"in. this that I was about to be im1ressed b" his tall6, He (howe-er) said this also: I 6now where he (9ajjal) is and I 6now his 0ather abd I mother2 and it was said to him: ?on:t "ou 0eel 1leased i0 "ou would be the same 1ersonD Thereu1on he said: I0 this o00er is made to me2 I would noT resent that,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );;):

Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted: ?e /ame ba/6 a0ter ha-in. 1ewr0ormed @il.rima.e or :Umra and lbn Sa:id was alon. with us, And w2 e en/am1ed at a 1la/e and the 1eo1le dis1ersed and I and he were le0t behind, I 0elt terribl" 0ri.htend 0rom him as it was said about him that he was the 9ajjal, He his .oods and 1la/ed them b" m" lu..a.e and I said: It is intense heat, ?ould "ou not 1la/e that under that treeD And he did that, Then ther a11eared be0ore us a 0lo/6 o0 shee1, He went and a /u1 o0 mil6 and said: Abu Sa:id2 drin6 that, I said it is intense heat and the mil6 is also hot (whereas the 0a/t was) that I did not li6e to drin6 0rom his hands or to o1r to ta6e it 0rom his hand and he said: Abu Sa:id2 I thin6 that I should ta6e a ro1e and sus1end it b" the tree and then /oimmit su/ide be/ause o0 the tal6s o0 the 1eo1le2 and he 0urtlier said, Abu Sa:id he who is in.noran o0 the sa"in. o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (he is to be 1ardoned)2 but 3 1eo1le o0 Ansar2 is this hadith o0 Allah:s Messen.ern (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /on/ealed 0rom "ou whereas "ou ha-e the best 6onowled.e o0 t this hadith o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1eo1leD 9id Allalt:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) not sa" that he (9ajjal) would be a non belie-er whereas I am a belie-erD did Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) not sa" he would be barren and no /hild would be born to hirn2 whereas I ha-e le0t m" /hildren in MedinaD 9id Allh:s (ma" 1ea/e u1on him) not sa": He would not .et into Medina and Me//a whereas I ha-e been /omin. 0rom Medina and now I intend to .o to Me//aD Abu Sa:id said: I was about to a//e1t the e5/use 1ut 0orward b" him, that he said: I 6now the 1la/e where he would be born and where he is now, So I said to him: Ma" "our whole da"b be s1ent

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7oo6 *$2 !umber );;%:

This hadith has transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Sa:id that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as6ed Ibn Sa:id about the earth o0 @aradise, Thereu1on he said: Abu:l-Easim2 It is li6e a 0ine white mus62 whereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: :Kou ha-e told the the truth,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );;#:

Abu Sa:id re1orted that Ibn Sa""ad as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about the earth o0 @aradise, ?hereu1on he said: It is li6e white shinin. 1ure mus6,

7oo6 *$2 !umber );;;:

:Muhammad b, Mun6adir re1orted: As I saw Fabir b, :Abdullah ta6in. an oath in the name o0 Allah that it was Ibn Sa:id who was the 9ajjal I said: 9o "ou ta6e an oath in the name o0 AllahD Thereu1on he said: I heard :Umar ta6in. an oath in the 1resen/e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to this e00e/t but Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) did not disa11ro-e o0 it,

7oo6 *$2 !umber %

:Abdullah b, Umar re1orted: :Umar b, >hattab went alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the /om1an" o0 some 1ersons toIbn Sa""ad that he 0ound him 1la"in. with /hildren near the bettlement o0 7ani Ma.hala and Ibn Sa""ad was at that time just at the threshold o0 adoles/en/e and he did not 1er/ei-e (the 1resen/e o0 Hol" @ro1het) until Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stru/6 his ba/6 with his hands, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ibn Sa""ad2 don:t "ou bear witness that I am the o0 AllahD Ibn Sa""ad loo6ed toward him and he said: I bear witness to the 0a/t that "ou the o0 the unlettered, Ibn Sa""ad said to the Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): 9o "ou bear witness to the 0a/t that I am the o0 AllahD Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) reje/ted this and said: I a00irm m" 0aith in Allah and in His messen.ers, Then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: ?hat do "ou seeD Ibn Sa""ad said: It us a 9u6h, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Ma" "ou be dis.ra/ed and dishonoured2 "ou would not not be able to .o be"ond "our ran6, :Umar b, >hattab said: Allah:s Messen.er2 1ermit me that I should stri6e his ne/6, Theru1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 he is the same (9ajjal) who would a11ear near the Last Hour2 "ou would not be able to o-er1ower him2 and he is not that ther is no .ood 0or "ou to 6ill him, :Abdullah b, :Umar 0urther narrated that a0ter some time Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and Uba"" b, >a:b went towards the 1alm trees where Ibn Sa""ad was, ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went near the tree he hid himsel0 behind a tree with the intention o0 hearin. somethin. 0rom Ibn sa""ad be0ore Ibn Sa""ad /ould see him2 but Allah:s (ma" 1/5/e be u1on him) saw him on a bed with a blan6et around him 0rom whi/h a murmurin. sound was bein.
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heard and Ibn Sa""ad:s mother saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) behind the trun6 o0 the 1alm tree, She said to Ibn Sa""ad: Sa0 (that bein. his name)2 here is Muhammad, Thereu1on Ibn Sa""ad jum1ed u1 murmurin. and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 she had le0t him alone he would ha-e made thin.s /lear, Abdullah b, Umar told that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stood u1 the 1eo1le and lauded Allah as He deser-ed2 then he made a mention o0 the 9ajjal and said: I warn "ou o0 him and there is no @ro1het who has not warned his 1eo1le a.ainst the 9ajjal, (-en !oah warned (a.ainst him) but I am .oin. to tell "ou a thin. whi/h no @ro1het told his 1eo1le, Kou must 6now that he (the 9ajjal) is one-e"ed and Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 is not one-e"ed, Ibn Shihab said: :Umar b, Thabit al-Ansari in0ormed me that some o0 the 'om1anions o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in0ormed him that the da" when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) warned 1eo1le a.ainst the 9ajjal2 he also said: There would be written between his two e"es (the word) >a0ir (in0idel) and e-er"one who would resent his deeds would be able to read or e-er" Muslim would be about to read2 and he also said: 7ear this thin. in mind that none "ou would be able to see Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 until he dies,

7oo6 *$2 !umber %


Abdullah b, Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went alon. with him in the /om1an" o0 some 1ersons and there was Umar b, >hattab also them till the" saw Ibn Sa""ad as a "oun. bo" just on the threshold o0 adoles/en/e 1la"in. with /hildren near the battlement o0 7ani Mu:awi"aB the rest o0 the hadith is the same but with these /on/ludin. words:C Had his mother le0t him (to murmur) his matter would ha-e be/ome /lear,C

7oo6 *$2 !umber %


Ibn :Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha11ened to 1ass b" Ibn Sa""ad alon. with his 'om1anions in/ludin. :Umar b, >hattab as he was 1la"in. with /hildren near the battlement o0 7ani Ma.hala and he was also a /hild b" that time, The rest o0 the hadith is the same as narrated b" Ibn Umar (in whi/h there is a mention o0) settin. out o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) alon. with Uba"" b, >a:b towards the date-1alm trees,

7oo6 *$2 !umber %


!a0i: re1orted that Ibn :Umar met Ibn Si:id on some o0 the 1aths o0 Medina and he said to him a word whi/h enra.ed him and he was so mu/h swollen with that the wa" was blo/6ed, Ibn :Umar went to Ha0sa and in0ormed her about this, Thereu1on she said: Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on "ou2 wh" did "ou in/ite Ibn Sa""ad in s1ite o0 the 0a/t that "ou 6new it would be the e5treme whi/h would ma6e 9ajjal a11ear in the worldD

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!a0i: re1orted that Ibn :Umar said: I met lbn Sa""ad twi/e and said to some o0 them (his 0riends): Kou state that it was he (the 9ajjal), He said: 7" Allah2 it is not so, I said: Kou ha-e not told me the truthB b" Allah some o0 "ou in0ormed me that he would not die until he would ha-e the lar.est number o0 o00s1rin. and hu.e wealth and it is he about whom it is so, Then Ibn Sa""ad tal6ed to us, I then de1arted and met him a.ain 0or the se/ond time and his e"e had been swollen, I said: ?hat has ha11ened to "our e"eD He said: I do not 6now, I said: This is in "our head and "ou do not 6now about itD He said: I0 Allah so wills He /an /reate it (e"e) in "our sta00, He then 1rodu/ed a sound li6e the bra"in. o0 a don6e", Some o0 m" /om1anions that I had stru/6 him with the sta00 as he was with me that the sta00 bro6e into 1ie/es2 but2 b" Allah2 I was not /ons/ious o0 it, He then /ame to the Mother o0 the =aith0ul (Ha0sa) and narrated it to her and she said: ?hat /on/ern "ou ha-e with himD 9on:t "ou 6now that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said that the 0irst thin. (b" the in/itement o0 whi/h) he would /ome out be0ore the 1ubli/ would be his an.erD

'ha1ter $#: A//ount o0 the 9ajjal and his 0eatures and what would be alon. with him
7oo6 *$2 !umber % +:
Ibn Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), made a mention o0 9ajjil in the 1resen/e o0 the 1eo1le and said: Allah is not one-e"ed and behold that 9ajjal is blind o0 the e"e and his e"e would be li6e a 0loatin. .ra1e,

7oo6 *$2 !umber %



This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn :Umar throu.h another /hain o0 transmit-

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Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There is ne-er a 1ro1het who has not warned the Ummah o0 that one-e"ed liarB behold he is one-e"ed and "our Lord is not one-e"ed, 3n his 0orehead are the letters 6 0, r, (>a0ir),

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Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There would be written three letters 6, 0, r,2 i, e, >a0ir2 between the e"es o0 the 9ajjal,

7oo6 *$2 !umber %


Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9ajjal is blind o0 one e"e and there is written between his e"es the wordC >a0irC, He then s1elled the word as 6, 0, r,2 whi/h e-er" Muslim would be able to read,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % $ :

Hudhal0a re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9ajjal is blind o0 le0t e"e with thi/6 hair and there would be a .arden and 0ire with him and his 0ire would be a .arden and his .arden would be 0ire,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % $$:

Hudhai0a re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: the 9ajjal would ha-e with him water and 0ire and his 0ire would ba"s the e00e/t o0 /old water and his water would ha-e the e00e/t o0 0ire2 so don:t 1ut "oursel0 to ruin, Abu Mas:ud re1orted: I also heard it 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 *$2 !umber % $2:

:Uqba b, :Amr Abu Mas:ud al-Ansari re1orted: I went to Hudhai0a b, Kaman and said to him: !arrate what "ou ha-e heard 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ertainin. to the 9ajjal, He said that the 9ajjal would a11ear and there would be alon. with him water ant 0ire and what the 1eo1le would see as water that would be 0ire and that would burn and what would a11ear as 0ire that would be water and an" one o0 "ou who would see that should 1lun.e in that whi/h he sees as 0ire 0or it would be sweet2 1ure water2 and :Uqba said: I also heard it2 testi0"in. Hudhai0a,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % $4:

Hudhai0a and Ibn Mas:ud met to.ether, Hudhai0a said: I 6now more than "ou as to what there would be alon. with the 9ajjal, There would be alon. with him two /anals (one 0lowin. with water) and the other one (ha-in.) 0ire (within it)2 and what "ou would see as 0ire would be water and what "ou would see as water would be 0ire, So he who "ou is able to see that and is desirous o0 water should drin6 out o0 that whi/h he sees as 0ire,

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7oo6 *$2 !umber % $*:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Ma" I not in0orm "ou about the 9ajjal what no A1ostle o0 Allah narrated to his 1eo1leD He would be blind and he would brin. alon. with him an Ima.e o0 @aradise and Hell-=ire and what he would /all as @aradise that would be Hell-=ire and I warn "ou as !oah warned his 1eo1le,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % $+:

An-!awwas b, Sam:an re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) made a mention o0 the 9ajjal one da" in the mornin., He sometimes des/ribed him to be insi.ni0i/ant and sometimes des/ribed (his turmoil) as -er" si.ni0i/ant rand we 0elt) as i0 he were in the /luster o0 the date-1alm trees, ?hen we went to him (to the Hol" @ro1het) in the e-enin. and he read (the si.ns o0 0ear) in our 0a/es2 he said: ?hat is the matter with "ouD ?e said: Allah:s Messen.er2 "ou made a mention o0 the 9ajjal in the mornin. (sometimes des/ribin. him) to be insi.ni0i/ant and sometimes -er" im1ortant2 until we to thin6 as i0 he were 1resent in some (near) 1art o0 the /luster o0 the dat1alm trees, Thereu1on he said: I harbour 0ear in re.ard to "ou in so man" other thin.s besides the 9ajjal, I0 he /omes 0orth while I am amon. on2 I shall /ontend with him on "our behal02 but i0 he /omes 0orth while I am not "ou2 a man must /ontend on his own behal0 and Allah would ta6e /are o0 e-er" Muslim on m" behal0 (and sa0e.uard him a.ainst his e-il), He (9ajjal) would be a "oun. man with twisted2 /ontra/ted hair2 and a blind e"e, I /om1are him to :Abd-ul-:U88a b, Eatan, He who "ou would sur-i-e to see him should re/ite o-er him the o1enin. -erses o0 Sura >ah0 (5-iii,), He would a11ear on the wa" between S"ria and Iraq and would s1read mis/hie0 and le0t, 3 ser-ant o0 AllahL adhere (to the 1ath o0 Truth), ?e said: Allah:s Messen.er2 how lon. would he sta" on the earthD He said,, =or 0ort" da"s2 one da" li6e a "ear and one da" li6e a month and one da" li6e a wee6 and the rest o0 the da"s would be li6e "our da"s, ?e said: Allah:s Messen.er2 would one da":s 1ra"er su00i/e 0or the 1ra"ers o0 da" equal to one "earD Thereu1on he said: !o2 but "ou must ma6e an estimate o0 time (and then obser-e 1ra"er), ?e said: Allah:s Messen.er2 how qui/6l" would he wal6 u1on the earthD Thereu1on he said: Li6e /loud dri-en b" the wind, He would /ome to the 1eo1le and in-ite them (to a wron. reli.ion) and the" would a00irm their 0aith in him and res1ond to him, He would then .i-e /ommand to the s6" and there would be rain0all u1on the earth and it would .row /ro1s, Then in the e-enin.2 their 1osturin. animals would /ome to them with their hum1s -er" hi.h and their udders 0ull o0 mil6 and their 0lan6s stret/hed, He would then /ome to another 1eo1le and in-ite them, 7ut the" would reje/t him and he would .o awa" 0rom them and there would be 0or them and nothin. would be le0 t with them in the 0orm o0 wealth, He would then wal6 throu.h the waste2 land and sa" to it: 7rin. 0orth "our treasures2 and the treasures would /ome out and /olle/t (themsel-es) be0ore him li6e the swarm o0 bees, He would then /all a 1erson brimmin. with "outh and stri6e him with the sword and /ut him into two 1ie/es and
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733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

(ma6e these 1ie/es lie at a distan/e whi/h is .enerall") between the ar/her and his, He would then /all (that "oun. man) and he will /ome 0orward lau.hin. with his 0a/e .leamin. (with ha11iness) and it would at this -er" time that Allah would send 'hrist2 son o0 Mar"2 and he will des/end at the white minaret in the eastern side o0 9ams/us wearin. two .arments li.htl" d"ed with sa00ron and 1la/in. his hands on the win.s o0 two An.els, ?hen he would lower his head2 there would 0all beads o0 1ers1iration 0rom his head2 and when he would raise it u12 beads li6e 1earls would s/atter 0rom it, (-er" non-belie-er who would smell the odour o0 his sel0 would die and his breath would rea/h as 0ar as he would be able to see, He would then sear/h 0or him (9ajjal) until he would /at/h hold o0 him at the .ate o0 Ludd and would 6ill him, Then a 1eo1le whom Allah had 1rote/ted would /ome to Fesus2 son o0 Mar"2 and he would wi1e their 0a/es and would in0orm them o0 their ran6s in @aradise and it would be under su/h /onditions that Allah would re-eal to Fesus these words: I ha-e 0orth 0rom M" ser-ants su/h 1eo1le a.ainst whom none would be able to 0i.htB "ou ta6e these 1eo1le sa0el" to Tur2 and then Allah would send Ho. and Ma.o. and the" would swarm down 0rom e-er" slo1e, The 0irst o0 them would 1ass the la6e o0 Tiberin. and drin6 out o0 it, And when the last o0 them would 1ass2 he would sa": There was on/e water there, Fesus and his /om1anions would then be besie.ed here (at Tur2 and the" would be so mu/h hard 1ressed) that the head o0 the o5 would be dearer to them than one hundred dinirs and Allah:s A1ostle2 Fesus2 and his /om1anions would su11li/ate Allah2 ?ho would send to them inse/ts (whi/h would atta/6 their ne/6s) and in the mornin. the" would 1erish li6e one sin.le 1erson, Allah:s A1ostle2 Fesus2 and his /om1anions would then /ome down to the earth and the" would not 0ind in the earth as mu/h s1a/e as a sin.le s1an whi/h is not 0illed with their 1utre0a/tion and sten/h, Allah:s A1ostle2 Fesus2 and his /om1anions would then a.ain besee/h Allah2 ?ho would send birds whose ne/6s would be li6e those o0 ba/trin /amels and the" would /arr" them and throw them where Hod would will, Then Allah would send rain whi/h no house o0 /la" or (the tent o0) /amels: hairs would 6ee1 out and it would wash awa" the earth until it /ould a11ear to be a mirror, Then the earth would be told to brin. 0orth its 0ruit and restore its blessin. and2 as a result thereo02 there would .row (su/h a bi.) 1ome.ranate that a .rou1 o0 1ersons would be able to eat that2 and see6 shelter under its s6in and mil/h /ow would .i-e so mu/h mil6 that a whole 1art" would be able to drin6 it, And the mil/h /amel would .i-e su/h (a lar.e quantit" o0) mil6 that the whole tribe would be able to drin6 out o0 that and the mil/h shee1 would .i-e so mu/h mil6 that the whole 0amil" would be able to drin6 out o0 that and at that time Allah would send a 1leasant wind whi/h would soothe (1eo1le) e-en under their arm1its2 and would ta6e the li0e o0 e-er" Muslim and onl" the wi/6ed would sur-i-e who would /ommit adulter" li6e asses and the Last Hour would /ome to them,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % $):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fabir with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this addition that Ho. and Ma.o. would wal6 until the" would rea/h the mountain o0 al->ha-

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733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

mar and it is a mountain o0 7ait-ul-Maqdis and the" would sa": ?e ha-e 6illed those who are u1on the earth, Let us now 6ill those who are In the s6" and the" would throw their arrows towards the s6" and the arrows would return to them besmeared with blood, And in the narration o0 Ibn Hujr (the words are):C I ha-e sent su/h 1ersons (Ho. and Ma.o.) that none would dare a.ainst them,

'ha1ter $;: The /hara/teristi/ o0 the 9ajjal and a ban on his entr" to Medina and his 6illin. o0 a belie-er and then restorin. him to li0e
7oo6 *$2 !umber % $%:
Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) one da" .a-e a detailed a//ount o0 the 9ajjal and in that it was also in/luded: He would /ome but would not be allowed to ether the mountain 1asses to Medina, So he will at some o0 the barren tra/ts near Medina2 and a 1erson who would be the best o0 men or one 0rom the best o0 men would sa" to him: I bear testimon" to the 0a/t that "ou are 9ajjal about whom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had in0ormed us, The 9ajjal would sa": ?hat is "our o1inion i0 I 6ill this (1erson)2 then I brin. him ba/6 to li0eB e-en then will "ou harbour doubt in this matterD The" would sa": !o, He would then 6ill (the man) and then brin. him ba/6 to li0e, ?hen he would brin. thaI 1erson to li0e2 he would sa": 7" Allah2 I had no better 1roo0 o0 the 0a/t (that "ou are a 9ajjal) than at the 1resent time (that "ou are a/tuall" so), The 9ajjal would then ma6e an attem1t to 6ill him (a.ain) but he would not be able to do that, Abu Ishaq re1orted that it was said: That 1erson would be >hadir (Allah be 1leased with him),

7oo6 *$2 !umber % $#:

This hadith has been narrated b" Guhri with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % $;:

Abu Sa:id al->hudri re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The 9ajjal would /ome 0orth and a 1erson 0rom the belie-ers would .o towards him and the armed men o0 the 9ajjal would meet him and the" would sa" to him: ?here do "ou intend to .oD He would sa": I intend to .o to this one who is /omin. 0orth, The" would sa" to him: 9on:t "ou belie-e in our LordD He would sa": There is nothin. hidden about our Lord, The" would sa": >ill him, Then some them would sa": Has "our master (9ajjal) not 0orbidden "ou to 6ill an"one without (his /onsent)D And so the" would ta6e him to the 9ajjal and when the belie-er would see him2 he would
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733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

sa": 3 1eo1le, he is the 9ajjil about whom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) has in0ormed (us), The 9ajjal would then order 0or brea6in. his head and utter (these words): 'at/h hold o0 him and brea6 his head, He would be stru/6 e-en on his ba/6 and on his stoma/h, Then the 9ajjal would as6 him: 9on:t "ou belie-e in meD He would sa": Kou are a 0alse Masih, He would then order him to be torn (into 1ie/es) with a saw 0rom the 1artin. o0 his hair u1 to his le.s, A0ter that the 9ajjal would wal6 between the two 1ie/es, He would then sa" to him: Stand2 and he would stand ere/t, He would then sa" to him: 9on:t "ou belie-e in meD And the 1erson would sa": It has onl" added to m" /on/ernin. "ou (that "ou are reall" the 9ajjal), He would then sa": 3 1eo1le2 he would not beha-e with an"one 1eo1le (in su/h a manner) a0ter me, The 9ajjal would tr" to /at/h hold o0 him so that he should 6ill him (a.ain), The s1a/e between his ne/6 and /ollar bone would be turned into /o11er and he would 0ind no means to 6ill him, So he would /at/h hold o0 him b" his hand and 0eet and throw him (into the air) and the 1eo1le would thin6 as i0 he had been thrown in the Hell-=ire whereas he would be thrown in @aradise, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He would be the most eminent 1ersons in re.ard to mart"rdom in the e"e o0 the Lord o0 the world,

'ha1ter 2 : The 9ajjal would be -er" insi.ni0i/ant in the e"e o0 Allah2 the Majesti/ and Hlorious
7oo6 *$2 !umber % 2 :
Mu.hira b, Shu:ba re1orted: !o one as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) more about 9ajjil than I as6ed him, He said: He should not be a sour/e o0 worr" to "ou 0or he would not be able to do an" harm to "ou, I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 it is alle.ed that he would ha-e alon. with him (abundan/e o0) 0ood and water, Thereu1on he said: He would be -er" insi.ni0i/ant in the e"e o0 Allah (e-en) with all this,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % 2$:

Mu.hira b, Shu:ba re1orted that none as6ed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about 9ajjal more than I as6ed him, I (one o0 the narrators other than Mu.hlra b, Shu:ba) said: ?hat:did "ou as6D Mu.hira re1lied: I said that the 1eo1le alle.ed that he would ha-e a mountain load o0 bread and mutton and ri-ers o0 water, Thereu1on he said: He would be more insi.ni0i/ant in the e"e o0 Allah /om1ared with all this,

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733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

7oo6 *$2 !umber % 22:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Isma:il throu.h other /hains o0 transmitters with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

'ha1ter 2$: The a11earan/e o0 the 9ajjal and his sta" u1on the earth and the des/ent o0 Fesus and his 6illin. him (9ajjal) and the de1arture o0 .ood 1eo1le o0 stron. /on-i/tion and the sur-i-al o0 the wi/6ed 1eo1le and the worshi1 o0 idols and the blowin. o0 the trum1et and the raisin. u1 0rom the .ra-es
7oo6 *$2 !umber % 24:
:Abdullah b, :Amr re1orted that a 1erson /ame to him and said: ?hat is this hadith that "ou narrate that the Last Hour would /ome at su/h and su/h timeD Thereu1on he said: Hallowed be Allah2 there is no .od but Allah (or the words to the same e00e/t), I ha-e de/ided that I would not narrate an"thin. to an"one now, I had onl" said that "ou would see a0ter some time an im1ortant e-ent that the (sa/red) House (>a:ba) would be burnt and it would ha11en and de0initel" ha11en, He then re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The 9ajjal would a11ear in m" Ummah and he would sta" (in the world) 0or 0ort"-I /annot sa" whether he meant 0ort" da"s2 0ort" months or 0ort" "ears, And Allah would then send Fesus son o0 Mar" who would resemble :Urwa b Mas:ud, He (Fesus 'hrist) would /hase him and 6ill him, Then 1eo1le would li-e 0or se-en "ears that there would be no ran, /our between two 1ersons, Then Allah would send /old wind 0rom the side o0 S"ria that none would sur-i-e u1on the earth ha-in. a s1e/6 o0 .ood in him or 0aith in him but he would die2 so mu/h so that e-en i0 some "ou were to enter the innermost 1art o0 the mountain2 this wind would rea/h that 1la/e also and that would /ause his heath, I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 3nl" the wi/6ed 1eo1le would sur-i-e and the" would be as /areless as birds with the /hara/tertisti/s o0 beasts, The" would ne-er a11re/iate the .ood nor /ondemn e-il, Then the Satan would /ome to them in human 0orm and would sa": 9on:t "ou res1ondD And the" would sa": ?hat do "ou order usD And he would /ommand them to worshi1 the idols but2 in s1ite o0 this2 the" would ha-e abundan/e o0 sustenan/e and lead /om0ortable li-es, Then the trum1et would be blown and no one would hear that but he would bend h0s ne/6 to one side and raise it 0rom the other side and the 0irst one to hear that trum1et would be the 1erson who would be bus" in settin.
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733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH) the tan6 meant 0or 1ro-idin. water to the /amels, He would swoon and the other 1eo1le would also swoon2 then Allah would send or He would /ause to send rain whi/h would be li6e dew and there would .row out o0 it the bodies o0 the 1eo1le, Then the se/ond trum1et would be blown and the" would stand u1 and to loo6 (around), Then it would be said: 3 1eo1le2 .o to "our Lord2 and ma6e them stand there, And the" would be questioned, Then it would be said: 7rin. out a .rou1 (out o0 them) 0or the Hell-=ire, And then it would be as6ed: How mu/hD It would be said: !ine hundred and nint"-nine out o0 one thousand 0or the Hell-=ire and that would be the da" whi/h would ma6e the /hildren old be/ause o0 its terror and that would be the da" about whi/h it has been said:C 3n the da" when the shan6 would be un/o-eredC (l5-iii, *2),

7oo6 *$2 !umber % 2*:

Ka:qub b, :Asim b, Urwa b, Mas:ud re1orted: I heard a 1erson sa"in. to :Abdullah b, Amr: Kou sa" that the Last Hour would /ome at su/h and su/h time2 whereu1on he said: I had made u1 m" mind that I would not narrate an"thin. to "ou, I onl" said: 7ut "ou would soon see a0ter some time a -er" si.ni0i/ant a00air2 0or e5am1le the burnin. o0 the House (>a:ba), Shu:ba said li6e this and :Abdullah b Amr re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: The 9ajjal would a11ear in m" Ummah, And in another hadith (the words are): !one would sur-i-e who would ha-e e-en a s1e/6 o0 0aith in his heart2 but he would be dead, Muhammad b, ja:0ar re1orted that Shu:ba narrated to him this hadith man" a time and I also read it out to him man" a time,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % 2+:

Abdullah b, :Amr re1orted: I /ommitted to memor" a hadith 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and I did not it a0ter I had heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The 0irst si.n (nut o0 the si.ns o0 the a11earan/e o0 the 9ajjal) would be the a11earan/e o0 the sun 0rom the west2 the a11earan/e o0 the beast be0ore the 1eo1le in the 0orenoon and wh6/h o0 the two ha1- 1ens 0irst2 the se/ond one would 0ollow immediatel" a0ter that,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % 2):

Abu Gur:a re1orted that three 1ersons Muslims had been sittin. in Medina in the 1resen/e o0 Marwan b, Ha6am and the" heard him narrate these si.ns 0rom him and the 0irst them was the a11earan/e o0 the 9ajjal, :Abdullah b, :Amr re1orted that Marwin said nothin. (1arti/ular in this /onne/tion), I2 howe-er2 heard a hadith 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and I did not that a0ter I had heard that 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he re1orted a hadith li6e the 0ore.oin.,

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733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

7oo6 *$2 !umber % 2%:

Abu Gur:a re1orted that there was a dis/ussion in the 1resen/e o0 Marwan about the Last Hour2 and Abdullah b, :Amr said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in., The rest o0 the hadith is the same2 but there is no mention o0 0orenoon,

'ha1ter 22: The hadith 1ertainin. to the s1" o0 the 9ajjal

7oo6 *$2 !umber % 2#:
Amir b, Sharahil Sha:bi Sha:b Hamdan re1orted that he as6ed =atima2 dau.hter o0 Eais and sister o0 ad-9ahha6 b, Eais and she was the 0irst the emi.rant women: !arrate to me a hadith whi/h "ou had heard dire/tl" 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and there is no e5tra lin6 in between them, She said: <er" well2 i0 "ou li6e2 I am 1re1ared to do that2 and he said to her: ?ell2 do It and narrate that to me, She said: I married the son o0 Mu.hira and he was a /hosen "oun. man o0 Euraish at that time2 but he 0ell as a mart"r in the 0irst Fihad (0i.htin.) on the side o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?hen I be/ame a widow2 :Abd al-Aahman b, Au02 one the .rou1 o0 the 'om1anions o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 sent me the 1ro1osal o0 marria.e, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) also sent me su/h a messa.e 0or his 0reed sla-e Usama b, Gaid, And it had been /on-e"ed to me that Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) had said (about Usama): He who lo-es me should also lo-e Usima, ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) tal6ed to me (about this matter)2 I said: M" a00airs are in "our hand, Kou ma" marr" me to an"one whom "ou li6e, He said: Kou better shi0t now to the house o0 Umm Shari62 and Umm Shari6 was a ri/h lad" 0rom the Anqir, She s1ent .enerousl" 0or the /ause o0 Allah and entertained .uests -er" hos1itabl", I said: ?ell2 I will do as "ou li6e, He said: 9o not do that 0or Umm Shari6 is a woman who is -er" 0requentl" -i8ited b" .uests and I do not li6e that "our head ma" be un/o-ered or the /loth ma" be remo-ed 0rom "our shan6 and the stran.ers ma" /at/h o0 them whi/h "ou abhor, Kou better shi0t to the house o0 "our /ousin :Abdullah b, :Amr b, Umm Ma6tum and he is a 1erson o0 the 7ani =ihr bran/h o0 the Euraish2 and he belon.ed to that tribe (to whi/h =atima) belon.ed, So I shi0ted to that house2 and when m" 1eriod o0 waitin. was o-er2 I heard the -oi/e o0 an announ/er ma6in. an announ/ement that the 1ra"er would be obser-ed in the mosque (where) / 1ra"er (is obser-ed), So I set out towards that mosque and obser-ed 1ra"er alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and I was in the row o0 the women whi/h was near the row o0 men, ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0inished his 1ra"er2 he sat on the 1ul1it smilin. and said: (-er" worshi11er should 6ee1 sittin. at his 1la/e, He then said: 9o "ou 6now wh" I had as6ed "ou to as$%+4 & $#


733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

sembleD The" said: Allah and His 6now best, He said: 7" Allah, I ha-e not made "ou assemble 0or e5hortation or 0or a warnin.2 but I ha-e detained "ou here2 0or Tamim 9ari2 a 'hristian2 who /ame and a//e1ted Islam2 told me somethin.2 whi/h a.rees with what I was-tellin.2 "uu about the 9ajjal, He narrated to me that he had sailed in a shi1 alon. with thirt" men o0 7ani La6hm and 7ani Fudham and had been tossed b" wa-es in the o/ean 0or a month, Then these (wa-es) too6 them (near) the land within the o/ean (island) at the time o0 sunset, The" sat in a small side-boat and entered that Island, There was a beast with lon. thi/6 hair (and be/ause o0 these) the" /ould not distin.uish his 0a/e 0rom his ba/6, The" said: ?oe to "ou2 who /an "ou beD Thereu1on it said: I am al-Fassasa, The" said: ?hat is al-FassasaD And it said: 3 1eo1le2 .o to this 1erson in the monaster" as he is -er" mu/h to 6now about "ou, He (the narrator) said: ?hen it named a 1erson 0or us we were a0raid o0 it lest it should be a 9e-il, Then we hurriedl" went on till we /ame to that monaster" and 0ound a well-built 1erson there with his hands tied to his ne/6 and ha-in. iron sha/6les between his two le.s u1 to the an6les, ?e said: ?oe be u1on thee2 who are "ouD And he said: Kou would soon /ome to 6now about me, but tell me who are "ou, ?e said: ?e are 1eo1le 0rom Arabia and we embar6ed u1on a boat but the sea-wa-es had been dri-in. us 0or one month and the" as near this island, ?e .ot Into the side-boats and entered this island and here a beast met us with 1ro0usel" thi/6 hair and be/ause o0 the thi/6ness o0 his hair his 0a/e /ould not be distin.uished 0rom his ba/6, ?e said: ?oe be to thee2 who are "ouD It said: I am al- Fassasa, ?e said: ?hat is al-FassasaD And it said: Kou .o to this -er" 1erson in the monaster" 0or he is ea.erl" waitin. 0or "ou to 6now about "ou, So we /ame to "ou in hot haste 0earin. that that be the 9e-il, He (that /hained 1erson) said: Tell me about the date-1alm trees o0 7aisan, ?e Said: About what as1e/t o0 theirs do "ou see6 in0ormationD He said: I as6 "ou whether these trees bear 0ruit or not, ?e said: Kes Thereu1on he said: I thin6 these would not bear 0ruits, He said: In0orm me about the la6e o0 Tabari""aD ?e said: ?hi/h as1e/t o0 it do "ou want to 6nowD He said: Is there water in itD The" said: There is abundan/e o0 water in it, Thereu1on he said: I thin6 it would soon be/ome dr", He a.ain said: In0orm me about the s1rin. o0 Gu.har, The" said: ?hi/h as1e/t o0 it "ou want to 6nowD He (the /hained 1erson) said: Is there water in it and does it irri.ate (the land)D ?e said to him: Kes2 there is abundan/e o0 water in it and the inhabitants (o0 Medina) irri.ate (land) with the hel1 o0 it2 He said: In0orm me about the unlettered @ro1hetB what has he doneD ?e said: He has /ome out 0rom Me//a and has settled In Kathrib (Medina), He said: 9o the Arabs a.ainst himD ?e said: Kes, He said: How did he deal with himD ?e in0ormed him that he had o-er/ome those in his nei.hbourhood and the" had submitted themsel-es be0ore him, Thereu1on he said to us: Had it a/tuall" ha11enedD ?e said: Kes, Thereu1on he said: I0 it is so that is better 0or them that the" should show obedien/e to him, I am .oin. to tell "ou about, m"sel0 and I am 9ajjal and would be soon 1ermitted to .et out and so I shall .et out and tra-el in the land2 and will not s1are an" town where I would not sta" 0or 0ort" ni.hts e5/e1t Me//a and Medina as these two (1la/es) are 1rohibited (areas) 0or me and I would not ma6e an attem1t to enter an" one o0 these two, An an.el with a sword in his hand would /on0ront me and would bar m" wa" and there would be an.els to .uard e-er" 1assa.e
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leadin. to itB then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) stri6in. the 1ul1it with the hel1 o0 the end o0 his sta00 said: This im1lies Taiba meanin. Medina, Ha-e I not2 told "ou an a//ount (o0 the 9ajjal) li6e thisD :The 1eo1le said: Kes2 and this a//ount narrated b" Tamim 9ari was li6ed b" me 0or it /orroborates the a//ount whi/h I .a-e to "ou in re.ard to him (9ajjal) at Medina and Me//a, 7ehold he (9ajjal) is in the S"rian sea (Mediterranian) or the Kemen sea (Arabian sea), !a"2 on the /ontrar"2 he As In the east2 he is in the east2 he is in the east2 and he 1ointed with his hand towards the east, I (=atima bint Eais) said: I 1reser-ed It In m" mind (this narration 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him),

7oo6 *$2 !umber % 2;:

Al-Sha:bi re1orted: ?e -isited =atima b, Eais and she ser-ed us 0resh dates whi/h are /alled rutab and she also ser-ed us barle", I as6ed her about that woman in whose /ase three di-or/es had been 1ronoun/ed as to how mu/h time she should /ount as the waitin. 1eriod, She said: M" husband 1ronoun/ed three di-or/es in m" /ase and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ermitted me to s1end an" waitin. 1eriod in m" 0amil", (It was durin. this 1eriod) that announ/ement was made 0or the 1eo1le to obser-e 1ra"er in the Mosque, I went there alon. with 1eo1le and I was in the 0ront row meant 0or women and it was adja/ent to the last row o0 men and I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) deli-er sermon sittin. on the 1ul1it, He said: The /ousin o0 Tamim (9ari) sailed in the o/ean, The rest o0 the hadith is the same but with this addition:C (I see) as i0 I am loo6in. to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1ointin. his rod towards the land (and sa"in.): It is Taiba2 i, e, Medina,C

7oo6 *$2 !umber % 4 :

Tamim 9ari /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and in0ormed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he sailed in an o/ean and his shi1 lost dire/tion and thus landed at an island, The" mo-ed about in that land in sear/h o0 water, There the" saw a 1erson who had been 1ullin. his hair, The rest o0 the hadith is the same, And he (9ajjal) said: I0 I were to be 1ermitted to set out I would ha-e /o-ered all the lands e5/e1t Taiba, Then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (Tamim 9ari) be0ore the 1ubli/ and he narrated to them and said: That is Taiba and that is the 9ajjal,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % 4$:

=atima b, Eais re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sat on the 1ul1it and said: 3 1eo1le2 Tamim 9ari has re1orted to me that some 1ersons o0 his tribe sailed in the o/ean in a boat and it /a1sised and then some o0 them tra-elled on one o0 the 1lan6s o0 the boat and the" went to an island in the o/ean, The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

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733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

7oo6 *$2 !umber % 42:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There will be no land whi/h would not be /o-ered b" the 9ajjal but Me//a and Medina2 and there would no 1assa.e out o0 the leadin. to them whi/h would not be .uarded b" an.els arran.ed in rows, Then he (the 9ajjal) would a11ear in a barren 1la/e adja/ent to Medina and it would ro/6 three times that e-er" unbelie-er and h"1o/rite would .et out o0 it towards him,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % 44:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Anas that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said this but with this addition that (the 9ajjal would /ome) and 1it/h his tent in the waste-land o0 Furu0 and thus there would /ome out o0 (the /it") e-er" h"1o/rite2 man and woman,

'ha1ter 24: The remainin. ahadith 1ertainin. to the 9ajjal

7oo6 *$2 !umber % 4*:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The 9ajjal would be 0ollowed b" se-ent" thousand Fews o0 Is0ahan wearin. @ersian shawls,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % 4+:

Umm Shari6 re1orted: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The 1eo1le would run awa" 0rom the 9ajjal see6in. shelter in the mountains, She said: ?here would be the Arabs then in that da"D He said: The" would be small in number,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % 4):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Ibn Furaij with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % 4%:

Abu Eatada re1orted: ?e used to .o to Imran b, Husain 1assin. in 0ront o0 Hisham b, :Amir, He2 one da"2 said: Kou 1ass b" me (in order) to .o to some 1er- sons but ( ttie li-in. 1ersons) none remained in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) more than I and none 6nows more ahadith than I, I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There

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733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

would be no /reation (/reatin. more trouble) than the 9ajjal 0rom the /reation o0 Adam to the Last Hour,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % 4#:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 :Imran b, Husain with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % 4;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) ha-in. said: Hasten to do .ood deeds be0ore si5 thin.s ha11en: the risin. o0 the sun 0rom the west2 the smo6e2 the 9ajjal2 the beast and (the death) o0 one o0 "ou or the .eneral turmoil,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % * :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Hasten in 1er0ormin. these .ood deeds (be0ore these) si5 thin.s (ha11en): (the a11earan/e) o0 tribe 9ijjal2 the smo6e2 the beast o0 the earth2 the risin. o0 the sun 0rom the west2 the .eneral turmoil (leadina to lar.e-s/ale massa/re) and death o0 masses and indi-iduals,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % *$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Eatada throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter 2*: The e5/ellen/e o0 worshi1 in the 1eriod o0 .eneral turmoil

7oo6 *$2 !umber % *2:
Ma:qil b, Kasar re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?orshi1in. durin. the 1eriod o0 wides1read turmoil is li6e emi.ration towards me,

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733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

'ha1ter 2+: A11roa/h o0 the last hour

7oo6 *$2 !umber % *4:
Abdullah re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Last Hour would a00e/t (most terribl") the wi/6ed 1ersons,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % **:

This hadith has been re1orted b" Sahl b, Sa:d that he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I and the Last Hour are (/lose to ea/h other) li6e this (and he2 in order to e51lain it) 1ointed (b" joinin. his) 0ore0in.er2 (one) ne5t to the thumb and the middle (to.ether),

7oo6 *$2 !umber % *+:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I and the Last Hour ha-e been sent li6e this, Shu:ba said: I heard Eatada as sa"in. in his narration: The e5/ellen/e o0 one o-er the other, And I do not 6now whether he narrated it 0rom Anas or Eatada himsel0 said so,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % *):

Shu:ba re1orted: I heard Eatada and Abu Ta""ab narratin. that both o0 them heard Anas as narratin. that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I and the Last Hour ha-e been sent li6e this2 and Shu:ba drew his and middle near ea/h other while narratin. it,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % *%:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % *#:

Anas re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. li6e this2 but he narrated it throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % *;:

Anas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I and the Last Hour ha-e been sent li6e this and (he while doin. it) joined the with the middle,

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733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

7oo6 *$2 !umber % + :

:A:isha re1orted that when the desert Arabs /ame to Allable (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the" as6ed about the Last Hour as to when that would /ome, And he loo6ed towards the "oun.est them and said: I0 he li-es he would not .row -er" old that he would 0ind "our Last Hour /omin. to "ou the would see "ou d"in.),

7oo6 *$2 !umber % +$:

Anas re1orted that a 1erson as6ed Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as to when the Last Hour would /ome, He had in his 1resen/e a "oun. bo" o0 the Ansar who was /alled Mabammad, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on bion) said: I0 this "oun. bo" li-es, he ma" not .row -er" old till (he would see) the Last Hour /omin. to "ou,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % +2:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that a 1erson as6ed Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him): ?hen would the Last Hour /omeD Thereu1on Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) 6e1t quiet 0or a while, then loo6ed at a "oun. bo" in his 1resen/e to the tribe o0 A8d Shanilwa and he said: I0 this bo" li-es he would not .row -er" old till the Last Hour would /ome to "ou, Anas said that this "oun. bo" was o0 our a.e darin. those da"s,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % +4:

Anas re1orted: A "oun. bo" o0 Mu.hira b, Shu:ba ha11ened to 1ass b" (the Hol" @ro1het) and he was o0 m" a.e Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be a1on him) said: I0 he li-es lon. he would not .row -er" old till the Last Hour would /ome (to the old @eo1le o0 this .eneration),

7oo6 *$2 !umber % +*:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The Last Hour would /ome (so sudden) that a 1erson would be mil6in. the she- /amel and the (mil6) would not rea/h the brim o0 the -essel that the Last Hour would /ome2 and the two 1ersons would be en.a.ed in bu"in. and sellin. o0 the /lothes and their bar.ain would not be stru/6 be0ore the Last Hour would /ome, And someone would be settin. his tan6 in order and he would ha-e hardl" set it when the Last Hour would /ome,

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733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

'ha1ter 2): The inter-al between two blowin.s o0 the trum1et

7oo6 *$2 !umber % ++:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 7etween the two blowiin.s o0 the trum1et (there would be an inter-al o0 0ort"), The" said: Abu Huraira2 do "ou mean 0ort" da"sD He said: I /annot sa" an"thin., The" said: 9o "ou mean 0ort- monthsD He said: I /annot sa" an"thin. The" said: 9o "ou mean 0ort" "earsD He said: I /annot sa" an"thin., Then Allah would /ause the water to2 des/end 0rom the s6" and the" (1eo1le) will s1rout li6e -e.etable The onl" thin. in a man whi/h would not de/a" would be one bone (s1inal /hord) 0rom whi/h the whole 0rame would be re/onstituted on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion,

7oo6 *$2 !umber % +):

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"- in.: The earth would /onsume e-er" son o0 Adam e5/e1t his s1inal /hord 0rom whi/h his bod" would be re/onstituted (on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion),

7oo6 *$2 !umber % +%:

Abu Huraira re1orted so man" ahadith 0rom Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and these one was this that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: There is a bone in the human bein. whi/h the earth would ne-er /onsume and it is 0rom this that new bodies would be re/onstituted (on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion), The" said: Allah:s Messen.er2 whi/h bone is thatD Thereu1on he said: It is the s1inal bone,

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733> *$: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 TH( TUAM3IL A!9 @3AT(!TS 3= TH( LAST H3UA (>ITA7 AL-=ITA! ?A ASHAAT ASSAJAH)

733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

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733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

'ha1ter $:
7oo6 *22 !umber % +#:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The world is a 1rison-house 0or a belie-er and @aradise 0or a non-belie-er,

7oo6 *22 !umber % +;:

Fabir b, Abdullah re1orted that Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1 (-a/e be u1on him) ha11ened to wal6 throu.h the ba8ar /omin. 0rom the side o0 :Ali"a and the 1eo1le were on both his sides, There he 0ound a dead lamb with -er" short ears, He too6 hold o0 his ear and said: ?ho "ou would li6e to ha-e this 0or a dirhamD The" said: ?e do not li6e to ha-e it e-en 0or less than that as it is o0 no use to us, He said: 9o "ou wish to ha-e it (0ree o0 an" /ost)D The" said: 7" Allah2 e-en i0 it were ali-e (we would not ha-e li6ed to 1ossess that)2 0or there is dete/t in it as its ear is -er" shortB now it is dead also, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 7" Allah2 this world is more insi.ni0i/ant in the e"e o0 Allah as it (this dead lamb) is in "our e"e,

7oo6 *22 !umber % ) :

Fabir re1orted Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) narratin. a hadith li6e this with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 *22 !umber % )$:

Mutarri0 re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: I /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as he was re/itin.:C Abundan/e di-erts "ouC (/ii, $), He said: The son o0 Adam /laims: M" wealth2 m" wealth, And he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: 3 son o0 Adam, is there an"thin. as "our e5/e1t that whi/h "ou /onsumed2 whi/h "ou utilised2 or whi/h "ou wore and then it was worn out or "ou .a-e as /harit" and sent it 0orwardD

7oo6 *22 !umber % )2:

Mutarri0 re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather: I went to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

7oo6 *22 !umber % )4:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A ser-ant sa"s2 M" wealth, m" wealth2 but out o0 his wealth three thin.s are onl" his: whate-er he eats and ma6es use o0
$%)2 & $#


733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

or b" means o0 whi/h he dresses himsel0 and it wears out or he .i-es as /harit"2 and this is what he stored 0or himsel0 (as a reward 0or the Herea0ter)2 and what is be"ond this (it is o0 no use to "ou) be/ause "ou are to de1art and lea-e it 0or other 1eo1le, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 al-:Ala: b, :Abd al-Aahman with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 *22 !umber % )*:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Three thin.s 0ollow the bier o0 a dead man, two o0 them /ome ba/6 and one is le0t with him: the members o0 his 0amil", wealth and his-.ood deeds, The members o0 his 0amil" and wealth /ome ba/6 and the deeds alone are le0t with him,

7oo6 *22 !umber % )+:

:Amr b, :Au02 who was an all" o0 7anu :Amir b, Luwa"" (and he was one them) who 1arti/i1ated in 7adr alon. with Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him), re1orted that2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) sent Abu Ubaida b, Farrah to 7ahrain 0or /olle/tin. Fi8"a and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had made a tru/e with the 1eo1le o0 7ahrain and had a11ointed :Ala: b, Hadrami and Abu Ubaida (0or this 1ur1ose), The" /ame with wealth 0rom 7ahrain and the Ansar beard about the arri-al o0 Abu Ubaida and the" had obser-ed the dawn 1ra"er alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and when Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0inished the 1ra"er the" (the Ansar) /ame be0ore him and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) smiled as he saw them and then said: I thin6 "ou ha-e heard about the arri-al o0 Abu Ubaida with .oods 0rom 7ahrain, The" said: Allah:s, "es2 it is so, Thereu1on he said: 7e ha11" and be ho1e0ul o0 that what .i-es "ou, 7" Allah2 it is not the 1o-ert" about whi/h I 0ear in re.ard to "ou but I am a0raid in "our /ase that (the worldl") ri/hes wa" be .i-en to "ou as were .i-en to those who had .one be0ore "ou and "ou to -ie with one another 0or them as the" -ied 0or them, and these ma" destro" "ou as these destro"ed them,

7oo6 *22 !umber % )):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Guhri as re1orted b" Kunus with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 *22 !umber % )%:

:Abdullah b, :Amr b, al-As re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: How would "ou be2 1eo1le, when @ersia and Aome would be /onquered 0or "ouD :Abd at-Aahman b Au0 said: ?e would sa" as Allah has /ommanded us and we would e51ress our .ratitude to Allah Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: !othin. else besides itD Kou would (in 0a/t) -ie with one another2 then "ou would 0eel jealous, then "our relations would be estran.ed and then
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733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

"ou will bear enmit" a.ainst one another, or somethin. to the same e00e/t, Then "ou would .o to the 1oor emi.rants and would ma6e some the masters o0 the others,

7oo6 *22 !umber % )#:

Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen one o0 "ou loo6s at one who stands at a hi.her le-el than "ou in re.ard to wealth and 1h"si/al stru/ture he should also see one who stands at a lower le-el than "ou in re.ard to these thin.s (in whi/h he stands) at a hi-her le-el (as /om1ared to him),

7oo6 *22 !umber % );:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 *22 !umber % % :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Loo6 at those who stand at a lower le-el than "ou but don:t loo6 at those who stand at a hi.her le-el than "ou2 0or this would ma6e the 0a-ours (/on0erred u1on "ou b" Allah) insi.ni0i/ant (in "our e"es), Abu Mu:awi"a said: U1on "ou,

7oo6 *22 !umber % %$:

Abu Huraira2 narrated that he beard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: There were three 1ersons in 7ani Isra:il2 one su00erin. 0rom le1ros"2 the other bald-headed and the third one blind, Allah de/ided to test them, So He sent an an.el who /ame to one who was su00erin. 0rom le1ros" and said: ?hi/h thin. do "ou li6e mostD He said: 7eauti0ul /olour and 0ine s6in and remo-al o0 that whi/h ma6es me detestable in the e"e o0 1eo1le, He wi1ed him and his illness was no more and he was /on0erred u1on beauti0ul /olour and beauti0ul s6in, He (the an.el) a.ain said: ?hi/h 1ro1ert" do "ou li6e mostD He said: 'amels2 or he said: The /ow the narrator is2 howe-er2 doubt0ul about it2 but (out o0 the 1ersons) su00erin. 0rom le1ros" or baldness one o0 them de0initel" said: The /ameO, And the other one said: 'ow, And he (one who demanded /ameO) was bestowed u1on a she/amel2 in an ad-an/ed sta.e o0 1re.nan/"2 and while .i-in. he said: Ma" Allah bless "ou in this I Then he /ame to the bald-headed 1erson and said: ?hi/h thin. do "ou li6e mostD He said: 7eauti0ul hair and that (this baldness) ma" be remo-ed 0rom me be/ause o0 whi/h 1eo1le hate me He wi1ed his bod" and his illness was remo-ed and he was bestowed u1on beauti0ul hair2 and the an.el said: ?hi/h wealth do "ou li6e mostD He said: The /ow, And he was .i-en a 1re.nant /ow and while handin. it o-er to him he (the an.el) said: Ma" Allah bless "ou in this I Then he /ame to the blind man and he said: ?hi/h thin. do "ou li6e mostD He said: Allah should restore m" e" so that I should be able to see 1eo1le with the hel1 o0 that, He wi1ed his bod" and Allah restored to him his e"esi.ht2
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733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

and he (the an.el) also said: ?hi/h wealth do "ou li6e mostD He said, The 0lo/6 o0 shee1, And he was .i-en a 1re.nant .oat and that .a-e birth to "oun. ones and it so ha11ened that one -alle" abounded in /amels and the other one in .oats and the third one in shee1, He then /ame to one su00erin. 0rom le1ros" in his (old) 0orm and sha1e and he said: I am a 1oor 1erson and m" 1ro-ision has run short in m" journe" and there is none to ta6e me to m" destination e5/e1t with the hel1 o0 Allah and "our 0a-our, I be. o0 "ou in His name ?ho .a-e "ou 0ine /olour and 0ine s6in2 and the /amel in the sha1e o0 wealth (to /on0er u1on me) a /amel whi/h should /arr" me in m" journe", He said: I ha-e man" res1onsibilities to dis/har.e, Thereu1on he said: I 1er/ei-e as i0 I re/o.nise "ou, ?ere "ou not su00erin. 0rom le1ros" whom 1eo1le hated and "ou were a destitude and Allah /on0erred u1on "ou (wealth) He said: I ha-e inherited this 1ro1ert" 0rom m" 0ore0athers, Thereu1on he said: I0 "ou are a liar ma" Allah /han.e "ou to that -er" 1osition in whi/h "ou had been, He then /ame to the one who was bald-headed in his (old) 0orm and said to him the same what he had said to him (one su00erin. 0rom le1ros") and he .a-e him the same re1l" as he had .i-en him and he said: I0 "ou :are a liar2 ma" Allah turn "ou to "our 1re-ious 1osition in whi/h "ou had been, And then he /ame to the blind man in his (old) 0orm and sha1e and he said: I am a destitute 1erson and a wa"0arer, M" 1ro-ision ha-e ran short and toda" there is no wa" to rea/h the destination but with the hel1 o0 Allah and then with "our hel1 and I be. o0 "ou in the (name) o0 3ne ?ho restored "our e" and .a-e "ou the 0lo/6 o0 shee1 to .i-e me a shee1 b" whi/h I should be able to ma6e m" 1ro-isions 0or the journe", He said: I was blind and Allah restored to me m" e"esi.htB "ou ta6e whate-er "ou li6e and lea-e whate-er "ou li6e, 7" Allah, I shall not stand in "our wa" toda" 0or what "ou ta6e in the name o0 Hod, Thereu1on2 he said: Kou 6ee1 with "ou what "ou ha-e (in "our 1ossession), The 0a/t is that "ou three were 1ut to test and Allah is well 1leased with "ou and He is anno"ed with "our /om1anions,

7oo6 *22 !umber % %2:

It is re1orted on the authorit" o0 Amir b, Sa:d that Sa:d b, Abi ?aqqas was in the 0old o0 his /amels that his son :Umar /ame to him, ?hen Sa:d saw him he said: I see6 re0u.e with Allah 0rom the mis/hie0 o0 this rider, And as he .ot down he said to him: Kou are bus" with "our /amels and "our shee1 and "ou ha-e abandoned 1eo1le who are /ontendin. with one another 0or 6in.dom, Sa:d stru/6 his /hest and said: >ee1 quite, I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: Allah lo-es the ser-ant who is Hod-/ons/ious and is 0ree 0rom want and is hidden (0rom the -iew o0 1eo1le),

7oo6 *22 !umber % %4:

Sa:d b, Abu ?aqqas is re1orted to ha-e2 said: 7" Allah2 I am the 0irst 1erson the Arabs to throw an arrow in the /ause o0 Allah and we used to .o with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and there was no 0ood 0or us to eat but onl" the lea-es o0 hubla and samur trees (the" are wild trees) and as a result thereo0 one us would relie-e himsel0 as does the .oat, (How stran.e it is) that now the 1eo1le o0 7anu Asad (the 1ro.en" o0 Gubair) instru/t me in reli.ion and tr" to im1o$%)+ & $#


733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

se 1unishment u1on me (in re.ard to it), I0 it is so (that I am so i.norant o0 reli.ion)2 then indeed2 I am undone and m" deeds ha-e been lost, Ibn !umair2 howe-er2 did not ma6e a mention o0 the word (idhan) thusD (in his narration),

7oo6 *22 !umber % %*:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Isma:il b, >halid with the same /hain o0 transmitters and the words are:C 3ne us would relie-e himsel0 as the .oats do without an"thin. mi5in. with its e5/rement,C

7oo6 *22 !umber % %+:

:Umair al-:Adawi re1orted: :Utba b, Hha8wan deli-ered us a sermon and he 1raised Allah and lauded Him2 then said: !ow /omin. to the 1oint2 -eril" the world has been .i-en the news o0 its end and that too quite earl", !othin. would be le0t out o0 it but onl" water le0t in the utensil whi/h its owner lea-es2 and "ou are .oin. to shi0t to an abode whi/h 6nows no end2 and "ou should shi0t with the .ood be0ore "ou2 0or we ha-e been told that a stone would be thrown at one side o0 the Hell and it would .o down e-en 0or se-ent" "ears but would not be able to rea/h its bottom, 7" Allah2 it would be 0ull" 1a/6ed, 9o "ou 0ind it somethin. stran.e2 and it has been mentioned that there "awns a distan/e whi/h one would be able to /o-er in 0ort" "ears 0rom one end to another o0 @aradise2 and a da" would /ome when it would be 0ull" 1a/6ed and "ou must be 6nowin. that I was the se-enth se-en who had been with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and we had nothin. to eat but the lea-es o0 the tree until the /orners o0 the mouth were injured, ?e 0ound a sheet whi/h we tore in two and di-ided between m"sel0 and Sa:d b, Mali6, I made the lower .arment with halt o0 it and so did Sa:d ma6e the lower .arment with hal0 o0 it and toda" there is none us who has not be/ome the .o-ernor o0 a /it" 0rom the /ities (o0 the Islami/ 'ommonwealth) and I see6 re0u.e with Allah that I should /onsider m"sel0 .reat whereas I am insi.ni0i/ant in the e"e o0 Allah, @ro1hethood does not remain 0or e-er and its im1a/t 0ades with the result that it / e-entuall" into 6in.shi12 and "ou would soon /ome to 6now and e51erien/e those rulers who would /ome a0ter us and see (how 0ar the" are 0rom reli.ion),

7oo6 *22 !umber % %):

>halid b, :Umair re1orted and he had seen the 1re-Islami/ da"s also2 that :Uqba b, Hha8wan deli-ered this address and he was the .o-ernor o0 7asra, The rest o0 the hadith is the same as transmitted b" Shaiban,

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733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

7oo6 *22 !umber % %%:

>halid b, Umair re1orted: I heard Uqba b, Hha8wan as sa-in.: I 0ound m"sel0 as the se-enth the se-en who had been alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), ?e had nothin. to eat but the lea-es o0 hubla (a wild tree) until the /orners o0 our mouths were injured,

7oo6 *22 !umber % %#:

Abu Huraira re1orted that the" (the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het) said: Allah:s Messen.er2 will we be able to see our Lord on the 9a" o0 Fud.mentD He said: 9o "ou 0eel an" di00i/ult" in seein. the sun in the noon when there is no /loud o-er itD The" said: !o, He a.ain said: 9o "ou 0eel an" di00i/ult" in seein. the moon on the 0ourteenth when there is no /loud o-er itD The" said: !o, Thereu1on he said: 7" Allah ?ho is 3ne in ?hose Hand is m" li0e, "ou will not 0a/e an" di00i/ult" in seein. "our Lord but onl" so mu/h as "ou 0eel in seein. one o0 them, Then Allah would sit in jud.ment u1on the ser-ant and would sa": 32 so and so2 did I not honour "ou and ma6e "ou the /hie0 and 1ro-ide "ou the s1ouse and subdue 0or "ou horses2 /amels2 and a00orded "ou an o11ortunit" to rule o-er "our subje/tsD He would sa": Kes, And then it would be said: 9id "ou not thin6 that "ou would meet UsD And he would sa": !o, Thereu1on He (Allah) would sa": ?ell2 ?e "ou as "ou 0or.ot Us, Then the se/ond 1erson would be 0or jud.ment, (And Allah would) sa": 2 so and so, did ?e not honour "ou and ma6e "ou the /hie0 and ma6e "ou 1air and subdue 0or "ou horses and /amels and a00ord "ou an o11ortunit" to rule o-er "our subje/tsD He would sa": Kes2 m" Lord, And He (the Lord) would sa": 9id "ou not thin6 that "ou would be meetin. UsD And he would sa": !o, And then He (Allah) would sa": ?ell2 I "ou toda" as "ou 0or.ot Us, Then the third -one would be and He (Allah) would sa" to him as He said be0ore, And he (the third 1erson) would sa": 32 m" Lord2 I a00irmed m" 0aith in Thee and in Th" 7oo6 and in Th" and I obser-ed 1ra"er and 0asts and .a-e /harit"2 and he would s1ea6 in .ood terms li6e this as he would be able to do, And He (Allah) would sa": ?ell2 ?e will brin. our witnesses to "ou, And the man would thin6 in his mind who would bear witness u1on him and then his mouth would be sealed and it would be said to his thi.hs2 to his 0lesh and to his bones to s1ea6 and his thi.hs, 0lesh and bones would bear witness to his deeds and it would be done so that he should not be able to ma6e an" e5/use 0or himsel0 and he would be a h"1o/rite and Allah would be anno"ed with him,

7oo6 *22 !umber % %;:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted: ?e were in the /om1an" o0 Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) that he smiled and said: 9o "ou 6now wh" I lau.hedD ?e said: Allah and His Messen.er2 6now best, Thereu1on he said: It was be/ause o0 the (0a/t that there /ame to m" mind the) tal6 whi/h the ser-ant would ha-e with his Lord, (on the 9a" o0 jud.ment), He would sa": M" Lord2 ha-e "ou not .uaranteed me 1rote/tion a.ainst injusti/eD He would sa": Kes, Then the ser-ant would sa": I do not deem -alid an" witness a.ainst me but m" own sel02 and He would sa": ?ell2 enou.h would he the

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733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

witness o0 "our sel0 a.ainst "ou and that o0 the two an.els who had been a11ointed to re/ord "our deeds, Then the seal would be set u1on his mouth and it would be said to his hands and 0eet to s1ea6 and the" would s1ea6 o0 his deeds, Then the mouth would be made 0ree to tal62 he would sa" (to the bands and 0eet): 7e awa"2 let there be /urse o0 Allah u1on "ou, It was 0or "our sa0et" that I /ontended,

7oo6 *22 !umber % # :

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 3 Allah2 ma6e 0or the 0amil" o0 Muhammad the 1ro-ision whi/h is a bare subsisten/e,

7oo6 *22 !umber % #$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: :Amr (the words are):C 3 Allah2 1ro-ide us subsisten/eC Allah2 1ro-ide 0or the2 0amil" o0 Muhammad their subsisten/e2 and in the narration transmitted on the authorit" o0

7oo6 *22 !umber % #2:

:Umara b, al-Ea:qa: re1orted this hadith with the same /hain o0 transmitters but instead o0 the wordC qutC (bare subsisten/e) there has been used the wordC >a0a0C (adequate means to meet the needs),

7oo6 *22 !umber % #4:

:A:isha re1orted: !e-er had the 0amil" o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) eaten to the 0ill sin/e their2 arri-al in Medina with the bread o0 wheat 0or three su//essi-e ni.hts until his (Hol" @ro1het:s) death,

7oo6 *22 !umber % #*:

:A:isha re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: !e-er did Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) eat to his 0ill the bread o0 wheat 0or three su//essi-e da"s until he had run the /ourse o0 his li0e,

7oo6 *22 !umber % #+:

:A:isha re1orted: !e-er did the 0amil" o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) eat to the 0ill the bread o0 barle" 0or two su//essi-e da"s until Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) died,

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733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

7oo6 *22 !umber % #):

:A:isha re1orted: !e-er /ould the 0amil" o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (a00ord to /at to the 0ill) the bread o0 wheat be"ond three da"s (su//essi-el"),

7oo6 *22 !umber % #%:

:A:isha re1orted: !e-er /ould the 0amil" o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e, be u1on him) (a00ord to eat) the bread o0 wheat 0or three (su//essi-e da"s) until he ran the /ourse o0 his li0e,

7oo6 *22 !umber % ##:

:A:isha re1orted: !e-er /ould the 0amil" o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (a00ord to eat) the bread o0 wheat 0or two da"s su//essi-el", (-en (out o0 these two da"s) one (was su/h wherein he /ould .et) onl" a date,

7oo6 *22 !umber % #;:

:A:isha re1orted: ?e the 0amil" o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to s1end (the whole) month in whi/h we (did not need to) 6indle the 0ire as (we had nothin. to /oo6) B we had onl" dates and water (to 0ill our bellies),

7oo6 *22 !umber % ; :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Urwa with the same /hain o0 transmitters (and the words are):C ?e used to s1end-C And he did not ma6e a mention o0 the 0amil" o0 Muhammad (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and Abu >uraib made this addition to his hadith whi/h was transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ibn !umair (and the words are):C 7ut this that there was to us some meat,C

7oo6 *22 !umber % ;$:

:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) died (in su/h a state) that there had been nothin. in m" wooden tub whi/h a li-in. bein. /ould a00ord to eat but a hand0ul o0 barle" therein, I had been eatin. out o0 that 0or a 0airl" lon. duration when I o0 measurin. it and it was almost 0inished,

7oo6 *22 !umber % ;2:

:A:isha used to sa" to :Urwa: Son o0 m" sister2 b" Allah2 I used to see the new moon2 then the new moon2 then the new moon2 i, e, three moons in two months2 and 0ire was not 6indled in the house o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), I (:Urwa) said: Auntie2 then what were "our means o0
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733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

sustenan/eD She said: 9ates and water, 7ut it (so ha11ened) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had some Ansar as his nei.hbours and the" had mil/h animals and the" used to send to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) some mil6 o0 their (animals) and he ser-ed that to us,

7oo6 *22 !umber % ;4:

:Urwa b, Gubair re1orted on the authorit" o0 :A:isha2 the wi0e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 that she said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) died (in a state) that it ne-er ha11ened that he /ould eat to his 0ill the bread with oli-e oil twi/e durin. a da",

7oo6 *22 !umber % ;*:

:A:isha re1orted this hadith throu.h other /hains o0 transmitters also (and the words are) that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) died (in a state) when the 1eo1le /ould a00ord to eat onl" the dates and water,

7oo6 *22 !umber % ;+:

:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had died in a state that the" /ould a00ord to /at two thin.s onl": water and dates,

7oo6 *22 !umber % ;):

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Su0"an and the words are:C ?e /ould not a00ord to eat to the 0ill e-en dates and water,C

7oo6 *22 !umber % ;%:

Abu Huraira re1orted: 7" Him in ?hose Hand is m" li0e and Ibn :Abbad also said: 7" 3ne in ?hose hand is the li0e o0 Abu Huraira2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ould not a00ord to 1ro-ide adequate 0ood to his 0amil" whi/h /ould (0ill their bellies) with bread and wheat 0or three da"s su//essi-el" until he le0t the world,

7oo6 *22 !umber % ;#:

Abu Ha8im re1orted: I saw Abu Huraira 1oint with his man" a time and sa"in.: 7" 3ne in ?hose Hand is the li0e o0 Abu Huraira2 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ould not eat to his 0ill and 1ro-ide his 0amil" bread o0 wheat be"ond three da"s su//essi-el" until he le0t the world,

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733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

7oo6 *22 !umber % ;;:

!u:man b, 7ashir said: 9on:t "ou eat and drin6 a//ordin. to "our heart:s desire2 whereas I saw that "our @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) (at times) /ould not 0ind e-en an in0erior qualit" o0 the dates with whi/h he /ould 0ill his bell"D Eutaiba2 howe-er2 did not ma6e a mention o0 It,

7oo6 *22 !umber %$

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sima6 with the same /hain o0 transmitters2 with this addition o0 words:C Kou are not satis0ied with the qualities o0 dates and butter,C

7oo6 *22 !umber %$ $:

Sima6 b, 7arb re1orted: I heard !u:man deli-er an address in whi/h he said that (Hadrat) Umar made a mention o0 what had 0allen to the lot o0 1eo1le out o0 the material world and he said: I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) s1end the whole da" bein. u1set be/ause o0 and he /ould not .et e-en an interior qualit" o0 dates with whi/h he /ould 0ill his bell",

7oo6 *22 !umber %$ 2:

:Abd al-Aahman al-Hubuli re1orted: I heard that a 1erson as6ed :Abdullah b, :Amr b, :Asas sa"in.: Are we not the destitute o0 the emi.rantsD Abdullah said to him: Ha-e "ou a s1ouse with whom "ou li-eD He said: Kes, He a.ain said: Then "ou are the ri/h, He said: I ha-e a ser-ant also, Thereu1on he (Abdullah b, :Amr b, :As) said: Then "ou are the 6in.s, Abu :Abdal-Aahman re1orted that three 1ersons /ame to :Abdullah b, Amr b, :As while I was sittin. with him and the" said: 7" Allah2 we ha-e nothin. with us either in the 0orm o0 1ro-ision2 ridin. animals or wealth, Thereu1on he said to them: I am 1re1ared to do whate-er "ou li6e, I0 "ou /ome to us2 we would .i-e "ou what Allah would ma6e a-ailable 0or "ou, and i0 "ou li6e I would ma6e a mention o0 "our /ase to the ruler2 and i0 "ou li6e "ou /an show 1atien/e also, 0or I ha-e beard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: 9estitute the emi.rants would 1re/ede the ri/h emi.rants b" 0ort" "ears in .ettin. into @aradise on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion, Thereu1on the" said: ?e then2 show 1atien/e and do not as6 0or an"thin.,

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733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

'ha1ter 2: 9o not enter but w0e1in.l" the habitations o0 those who /ommitied atro6ities u1on themsel-es
7oo6 *22 !umber %$ 4:
:Abdullah b, Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said in /onne/tion with the 1eo1le o0 Hijr (Thamud): 9o not enter but wee1in.l" (the habitations) o0 these 1eo1le who bad been 1unished b" (Allah)2 and in /ase "ou do not 0eel in/lined to wee12 then do not enter (these habitations) that "ou ma" not meet the same /alamit" as had 0allen to their lot,

7oo6 *22 !umber %$ *:

Ibn Shihab re1orted2 and he had been tal6in. about the ston" abodes o0 Thamud2 and he said: Salim b, :Abdullah re1orted that :Abdullah b, Umar said: ?e were 1assin. alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) throu.h the habitations o0 Hijr2 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o not enter but wee1in.l" the habitations o0 these 1ersons who /ommitted t"rann" amon. themsel-es2 lest the same /alamit" should 0all u1on "ou as it 0ell u1on them, He then ur.ed his mount to 1ro/eed qui/6l" and 1ass throu.h that -alle" hurriedl",

7oo6 *22 !umber %$ +:

Abdullah b, :Umar re1orted that the 1eo1le en/am1ed alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the -alle" o0 Hijr2 the habitations o0 Thamud2 and the" quen/hed their thirst 0rom the wells thereo0 and 6neaded the 0lour with it, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded that the water /olle/ted 0or drin6in. should be s1ilt and the 0lour should be .i-en to the /amels and /ommanded them that the water 0or drin6in. should be ta6en 0rom that well where the she-/amel (o0 Hadrat Salih) used to /ome,

7oo6 *22 !umber %$ ):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 :Abdullah with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

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733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

'ha1ter 4: 7ene-olent treatment to the widows2 or1hans and the 1oor

7oo6 *22 !umber %$ %:
Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3ne who ma6es e00orts (0or earnin. to be s1ent) on a widow and the destitute is li6e a stri-er in the /ause o0 Allah2 and I thin6 he also said: He is li6e one who /onstantl" stands 0or 1ra"er and obser-es 0ast without brea6in. it,

7oo6 *22 !umber %$ #:

Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 3ne who loo6s a0ter the or1han whether he is his relati-e or not2 I and he would be to.ether in @aradise li6e this2 and Mali6 (e51lained it) with the .esture b" drawin. his inde5 and middle /lose to.ether,

'ha1ter *: (5/ellen/e o0 buildin. mosques

7oo6 *22 !umber %$ ;:
Abdullah al->haulani re1orted that when Uthman b, :A00an tried to rebuild the mosque o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) the 1eo1le to tal6 about this, Uthman b, :A00an said: Kou dis/uss it -er" mu/h whereas I ha-e heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who builds a mosque-- and the narrator 7u6air said: I thin6 he also said: (0or) see6in. the 1leasure o0 Allah- Allah would build (a similar house 0or him in @aradise), and in the narration o0 Harun (the words are):C A house 0or him in @aradise,C

7oo6 *22 !umber %$$ :

Mahmud b, Labid re1orted that :Uthman b, :A00an de/ided to rebuild the mosque (o0 Allah:s A1ostle in Medina) but the 1eo1le did not li6e this idea and the" wished that it should be 1reser-ed in the same (old) 0orm, Thereu1on he (Hadrat :Uthman) said: I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who builds a mosque 0or Allah2 Allah would build 0or him (a house) in @aradise li6e it,

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733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

7oo6 *22 !umber %$$$:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Fa:0ar with the same /hain o0 transmitters with this -ariation (that the words are):C Allah would build 0or him a house in @aradise,C

'ha1ter +: 'harit" to be .i-en to the 1oor or the wa"0arers

7oo6 *22 !umber %$$2:
Abu Huraira re1orted: ?hile a 1erson was in the wilderness he heard a -oi/e 0rom the /loud (/ommandin. it thus): Irri.ate the .arden o0 so and so, (A0ter that the /louds slin6ed aside and 1oured water on a ston" .round, It 0illed a /hannel the /hannels o0 that land and that 1erson 0ollowed that water and he 0ound a 1erson standin. in the .arden bus" in / the /ourse o0 water with the hel1 o0 a hat/het, He said to him: Ser-ant o0 Allah2 what is "our nameD he said: So and so, And it was that -er" name whi/h he had heard 0rom the /louds, and he said to him: Ser-ant o0 Allah2 wh" do "ou as6 me m" nameD He said: I beard a -oi/e 0rom the /louds o0 whi/h It is the down1our2 sa"in.: ?ater the .arden o0 so and to, li6e "our name, ?hat do "ou do (0or the 0a-our) shown to "ou b" Allah in this matterD He said: !ow as "ou state so, I loo6 what "ield I .et 0rom it, and I .i-e one-third as /harit" out o0 it and I and m" /hildren eat one-third o0 it and one-third I return to it as in-estment,

7oo6 *22 !umber %$$4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 ?ahb b, >aisan with the same /hain o0 transmitters but with this /han.e that he said:C I earmar6 one-third 0or the 1oor2 the need" and the wa"0arers,C

'ha1ter ): He who asso/iates one as an obje/t o0 worshi1 with allah in his deeds
7oo6 *22 !umber %$$*:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as statin. that Allah the Most Hi.h and (5alted said: I am the 3ne2 3ne ?ho does not stand in need o0 a 1artner, I0 an"one does an"thin. in whi/h he asso/iates an"one else with Me2 I shall abandon him with one whom he asso/iates with Allah,
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733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

'ha1ter %: The 1rohibition o0 simulation and ostentation

7oo6 *22 !umber %$$+:
Ibn Abbas re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: I0 an"one wants to ha-e his deeds widel" 1ubli/ised2 Allah will 1ubli/ise (his humiliation), And i0 an"one ma6es a h"1o/riti/al dis1la" (o0 his deeds) Allah will ma6e a dis1la" o0 him,

7oo6 *22 !umber %$$):

Fundub re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: He who wants to 1ubli/ise (his deeds)2 Allah will 1ubli/ise (his humilit")2 and he who ma6es a h"1o/riti/al dis1la" (o0 his deeds)2 Allah will ma6e a dis1la" o0 him,

7oo6 *22 !umber %$$%:

Su0"an re1orted this hadith with the same /hain o0 transmitters and he made this addition:C I did not hear an"one sa"in. besides him that it was Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) who had said so,C

7oo6 *22 !umber %$$#:

Salama b, >uhail re1orted: I heard 0rom Fundub but I did not hear him sa" li6e this:C I beard Allah:s (wa" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in. this,C

7oo6 *22 !umber %$$;:

Abu Su0"an re1orted li6e that as as-Saduq al-Amin al-?alid b, Harb narrated with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter #: @ertainin. to the .uardin. o0 ton.ue

7oo6 *22 !umber %$2 :
Abu Huraira re1orted that he heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The ser-ant s1ea6s words 0or whi/h he is sent down to the Hell-=ire 0arther than the distan/e between the /ast and the west,

$%%+ & $#


733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

7oo6 *22 !umber %$2$:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The ser-ant s1ea6s words that he does not understand its re1er/ussions but he sin6s down in Hell-=ire 0arther than the distan/e between the east and the west,

'ha1ter ;: The 1unistiment o0 one who /ommands others to do .ood but does not do it himsel0 and re 0orbids others to do e-il but does not himsel0 re0rain 0rom it
7oo6 *22 !umber %$22:
Shaqiq re1orted that it was said to Usama b, Gaid: ?h" don:t "ou -isit :Uthman and tal6 to himD Thereu1on he said: 9o "ou thin6 that I ha-e not tal6ed to him but that I ha-e made "ou hearD 7" Allah, I ha-e tal6ed to him (about thin.s) /on/ernin. me and him and I did not li6e to di-ul.e those thin.s about whi/h I had to ta6e the initiati-e and I do not sa" to m" ruler:C Kou are the best amon. 1eo1le2C a0ter I beard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A man will be on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion and thrown in Hell-=ire and his intestines will 1our 0orth in Hell and he will .o round alon. with them2 as an ass .oes round the mill, stone, The deni8ens o0 Hell would .ather round him and sa": 2 so and so2 what has ha11ened to "ouD ?ere "ou not enjoinin. us to do what was re1utable and 0orbid us to do what was disre1utableD He will sa": 30 /ourse2 it is soB I used to enjoin (u1on 1eo1le) to do what was re1utable but did not 1ra/tise that m"sel0, I had been 0orbiddin. 1eo1le to do what was disre1utable2 but 1ra/tised it m"sel0,

7oo6 *22 !umber %$24:

Abu ?a:il re1orted: I was in the /om1an" o0 Usama b, Gaid that a 1erson said: ?hat 1re-ents "ou to -isit Uthman and tal6 to him 0or what he doesD The rest o0 the hadith is the same,

'ha1ter $ : It is 0orbidden to 1ubli/ise one:s sins

7oo6 *22 !umber %$2*:
Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: All the 1eo1le o0 m" Ummah would .et 1ardon 0or their sins e5/e1t those who 1ubli/ise them, And (it means) that a ser-

$%%) & $#


733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

-ant should do a deed durin. the and tell the 1eo1le in the mornin. that he has done so and so2 whereas Allah has /on/ealed it, And he does a deed durin. the da" and when it is he tells the 1eo1le2 whereas Allah has /on/ealed it, Guhair has used the word hijar 0or 1ubli/isin.,

'ha1ter $$: Snee8in. and the disa11ro-al o0 "awnin.

7oo6 *22 !umber %$2+:
Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that two 1ersons snee8ed in the 1resen/e o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He (the o0 Allah) in-o6ed mer/" 0or one2 and did not in-o6e 0or the other, The one 0or whom he had not 1ra"ed said: So and so snee8ed and "ou said: Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on "ou, I also snee8ed but "ou did not utter these words 0or me, Thereu1on he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: That 1erson 1raised Allah2 and "ou did not 1raise Allah,

7oo6 *22 !umber %$2):

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Anas throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 *22 !umber %$2%:

Abu 7urda re1orted: I -isited Abu Musa2 as he was in the house o0 the dau.hter o0 =adl b, :Abbas, I snee8ed but he did not res1ond to it (b" sa"in.): Allah ma" ha-e mer/" u1on "ou, Then she snee8ed and he (=adl b, :Abbas) said: Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on "ou, I /ame ba/6 to m" mother and in0ormed her about it2 and when he /ame to her she said: M" son snee8ed in "our 1resen/e and "ou did not sa":C Allah ma" ha-e mer/" u1on "ou2 and she snee8ed and "ou said 0or her:C Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on "ou,C Thereu1on he said: Kour son snee8ed but he did not 1raise Allah and I did not be. mer/" o0 Allah 0or him and she snee8ed and she 1raised Allah and so I said: Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on "ou2 as I heard Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: ?hen an" one o0 "ou snee8es he should 1raise Allah and the other should sa": Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on "ou2 and i0 he does not 1raise Allah2 no mer/" should be be..ed 0or him,

7oo6 *22 !umber %$2#:

I"as b, Salama b, al-A6wa re1orted that his 0ather re1orted to him that he heard Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: A 1erson snee8ed in his 1resen/e and he said to him: Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on "ou, And he then snee8ed 0or the se/ond time and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said to him: He is su00erin. 0rom /old (and no res1onse is ne/essar"),

$%%% & $#


733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

7oo6 *22 !umber %$2;:

Abu Huraira re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) as sa"in.: The "awnin. as 0rom the de-il, So when one o0 "ou "awns he should tr" to restrain it as 0ar as it lies in his 1ower,

7oo6 *22 !umber %$4 :

The son o0 Abu Said al->hudri re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen one o0 "ou "awns2 he should 6ee1 his mouth shut with the hel1 o0 his hand2 0or it is the de-il that enters therein,

7oo6 *22 !umber %$4$:

The son o0 Abu Said al->hudri re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen one o0 "ou "awns2 he should tr" to restrain it with /ue hel1 o0 his hand sin/e it is the Satan that enters therein,

7oo6 *22 !umber %$42:

The son o0 Abu Said al->hudri re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said, ?hen one o0 "ou "awns while en.a.ed in 1ra"er2 he should tr" to restrain so 0ar as it lies in his 1ower2 sin/e it is the Satan that enter therein,

7oo6 *22 !umber %$44:

Abu Said al->hudri re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a hadith li6e this throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $2: Mis/ellaneous ahadith

7oo6 *22 !umber %$4*:
:A:isha re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The An.els were born out o0 and the Finns were born out o0 the s1ar6 o0 0ire and Adam was born as he has been de0ined (in the Eur:an) 0or "ou (i, e, he is 0ashioned out o0 /la"),

7oo6 *22 !umber %$4+:

Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: A .rou1 o0 7ani Isra:il was lost, I do not 6now what ha11ened to it2 but I thin6 (that it :underwent a 1ro/ess o0 metamor1hosis) and assumed the sha1e o0 rats, 9on:t "ou see when the mil6 o0 the /amel is 1la/ed be0ore
$%%# & $#


733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

them2 these do not drin6 and when the mil6 o0 .oat is 1la/ed be0ore them2 these do drin6, Abu Huraira said: I narrated this -er" hadith to >a:b and he said: 9id "ou hear this 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D I (Abu Huraira) said: Kes, He said this a.ain and a.ain2 and I said: Ha-e I read TorahD This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Ishaq with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 *22 !umber %$4):

Abu Huraira re1orted that the rat (is the result o0) metamor1hosis (o0 a .rou1 o0 7ani Isra:il) and the 1roo0 o0 this is that when the mil6 o0 .oat is 1la/ed be0ore it2 it drin6s it2 and when the mil6 o0 the /amel is 1la/ed be0ore it2 it would not taste it at all, >a:b said: 9id "ou hear it 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)D Thereu1on he said: Has Torah been re-ealed to meD

'ha1ter $4: The belie-er does not 1ro-ide o11ortunit" to be stun. twi/e 0rom one (and the same) hole
7oo6 *22 !umber %$4%:
Abu Huraira re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: The belie-er does not allow to be stun. twi/e 0rom one (and the same) hole, This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu Huraira throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $*: (-er" a/t o0 a belie-er is a blessin. 0or him

7oo6 *22 !umber %$4#:
Suhaib re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Stran.e are the wa"s o0 a belie-er 0or there is .ood in e-er" a00air o0 his and this is not the /ase with an"one else e5/e1t in the /ase o0 a belie-er 0or i0 he has an o//asion to 0eel deli.ht2 he than6s (Hod)2 thus there is a .ood 0or him in it2 and i0 he .ets into trouble and shows resi.nation (and endures it 1atientl")2 there is a .ood 0or him in it,

$%%; & $#


733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

'ha1ter $+: It is 1rohibited to 1raise an"one so mu/h that there ma" be 0ear o0 his bein. into5i/ated be/ause o0 that
7oo6 *22 !umber %$4;:
:Abd al-Aahman b, Abu 7a6ra re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that a 1erson 1raised another 1erson in the 1resen/e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 whereu1on he said: ?oe be to thee2 "ou ha-e bro6en the ne/6 o0 "our 0riend2 "ou ha-e bro6en the ne/6 o0 "our 0riend-he said this twi/e, I0 one o0 "ou has to 1raise his 0riend at all2 he should sa": I thin6 (him to be) so and Allah 6nows it well and I do not 6now the se/ret o0 the heart and Allah 6nows the destined end2 and I /annot testi0" his 1urit" a.ainst Allah but (he a11ears) to be so and so,

7oo6 *22 !umber %$* :

Abd al-Aahman b, Abu 7a6ra re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that a 1erson was mentioned in the 1resen/e o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and a 1erson said: Allah:s Messen.er2 no 1erson is more e5/ellent than he a0ter Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Thereu1on Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?oe be to thee2 "ou ha-e bro6en the ne/6 o0 "our 0riend2 and he said this twi/e, Then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: I0 an"one has to 1raise his brother at all2 he should sa": I thin6 him to be so and so2 and e-en on this he should sa": I do not /onsider an"one 1urer than Allah (/onsiders), This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 *22 !umber %$*$:

Abu Musa re1orted Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) saw a 1erson laudin. another 1erson or 1raisin. him too mu/h, Thereu1on he said: Kou 6illed him2 or "ou sli/ed the ba/6 o0 a 1erson,

7oo6 *22 !umber %$*2:

Abu Ma:mar re1orted that a 1erson lauded a ruler the rulers and Miqdad to throw dust u1on him and he said: Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ommanded us that we should throw dust u1on the 0a/es o0 those who shower too mu/h 1raise,

$%# & $#


733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

7oo6 *22 !umber %$*4:

Hammam b, al-Harith re1orted that a 1erson to 1raise :Uthman and Miqdad sat u1on his 6neeB and he was a bul6" 1erson and to throw 1ebbles u1on his (0latterer:s) 0a/e, Thereu1on :Uthman said: ?hat is the matter with "ouD And he said: <eril"2 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?hen "ou see those who shower (undue) 1raise (u1on others)2 throw dust u1on their 0a/es,

7oo6 *22 !umber %$**:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Miqdad throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,

'ha1ter $): The older one is to be 1re0erred

7oo6 *22 !umber %$*+:
:Abdullah b, Umar re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It was shown in a -ision that I was rinsin. m" mouth with miswa6 and two 1ersons to /ontend with one another 0or .ettin. that miswa6, 3ne was older than the other, I .a-e the miswa6 to the " one them2 but it was said to me: (Let it be .i-en) to the older one, So I .a-e it to the older one,

'ha1ter $%: To state hadith a0ter its -eri0i/ation and re/ordin. o0 C6nowled.eC
7oo6 *22 !umber %$*):
It was re1orted that Abu Huraira used to sa": Listen to me2 inmate o0 the a1artmentB listen to me2 inmate o0 the a1artment2 while :A:isha (Allah be 1leased with her) had been bus" in obser-in. 1ra"er, As she 0inished 1ra"er2 she said toC Urwa: 9id "ou hear his wordsD And this is how Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) used to utter (so distin/tl") that i0 one intended to /ount (the words uttered) he would be able to do so,

7oo6 *22 !umber %$*%:

Abu Sa:id >hudri re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: 9o not ta6e down an"thin. 0rom me2 and he who too6 down an"thin. 0rom me e5/e1t the Eur:an2 he should e00a/e that and narrate 0rom me2 0or there is no harm in it and he who attributed an" 0alsehood to me-

$%#$ & $#


733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

and Hammam said: I thin6 he also said:C deliberatel"C -he should in 0a/t 0ind his abode in the Hell=ire,

'ha1ter $#: The stor" o0 the 1eo1le o0 the dit/h2 the ma.i/ian2 the mon6 and the sla-e
7oo6 *22 !umber %$*#:
Suhaib re1orted that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) thus said: There li-ed a 6in. be0ore "ou and he had a (/ourt) ma.i/ian, As he (the ma.i/ian) .rew old2 he said to the 6in.: I ha-e .rown old2 send some "oun. bo" to me so that I should tea/h him ma.i/, He (the 6in.) sent to him a "oun. man so that he should train him (in ma.i/), And on his wa" (to the ma.i/ian) he (the "oun. man) 0ound a mon6 sittin. there, He (the "oun. man) listened to his (the mon6:s) tal6 and was im1ressed b" it, It be/ame his habit that on his wa" to the ma.i/ian he met the mon6 and set there and he /ame to the ma.i/ian (late), He (the ma.i/ian) beat him be/ause o0 dela", He made a /om1laint o0 that to the mon6 and he said to him: ?hen "ou 0eel a0raid o0 the ma.i/ian2 sa": Members o0 m" 0amil" had detained me, And when "ou 0eel a0raid o0 "our 0amil" "ou should sa": The ma.i/ian had detained me, It so ha11ened that there /ame a hu.e beast (o0 1re") and it blo/6ed the wa" o0 the 1eo1le2 and he (the "oun. bo") said: I will /ome to 6now toda" whether the ma.i/ian is su1erior or the mon6 is su1erior, He 1i/6ed u1 a stone and said: 3 Allah2 i0 the a00air o0 the mon6 is dearer to Thee than the a00air o0 the ma.i/ian2 /ause death to this animal so that the 1eo1le should be able to mo-e about 0reel", He threw that stone towards it and 6illed it and the 1eo1le to mo-e about (on the 1ath 0reel"), He (the "oun. man) then /ame to that mon6 and In0ormed him and the mon6 said: Sonn"2 toda" "ou are su1erior to me, Kour a00air has /ome to a sta.e where I 0ind that "ou would be soon 1ut to a trial2 and in /ase "ou are 1ut to a trial don:t .i-e m" /lue, That "oun. man to treat the blind and those su00erin. 0rom le1ros" and he in 0a/t to /ure 1eo1le 0rom (all 6inds) o0 illness, ?hen a /om1anion o0 the 6in. who had .one blind heard about him2 he /ame to him with numerous .i0ts and said: I0 "ou /ure me all these thin.s /olle/ted to.ether here would be "ours, 7e said: I m"sel0 do not /ure an"one, It is Allah ?ho /ures and i0 "ou a00irm 0aith in Allah2 I shall also su11li/ate Allah to /ure "ou, He a00irmed his 0aith in Allah and Allah /ured him and he /ame to the 6in. and sat b" his side as he used to sit be0ore, The 6in. said to him: ?ho restored "our e"esi.htD He said: M" Lord, Thereu1on he said: It means that "our Lord is 3ne besides me, He said: M" Lord and "our Lord is Allah2 so he (the 6in.) too6 hold o0 him and tormented him till he .a-e a /lue o0 that bo", The "oun. man was thus summoned and the 6in. said to him: 3 bo"2 it has been /on-e"ed to me that "ou ha-e be/ome so mu/h 1ro0i/ient in "our ma.i/ that "ou /ure the blind and those su00erin. 0rom le1ros" and "ou do su/h and su/h thin.s, Thereu1on he said: I do not /ure an"oneB it is Allah ?ho /ures2 and he (the 6in.) too6 hold o0 him and to torment him, So he .a-e a /lue o0 the mon6, The mon6 was thus
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733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

summoned and it was said to him: Kou should turn ba/6 0rom "our reli.ion, He2 howe-er2 re0used to do so, He (ordered) 0or a saw to be (and when it was done) he (the 6in.) 1la/ed it in the middle o0 his head and tore it into 1arts till a 1art 0ell down, Then the /ourtier o0 the 6in. was and it was said to him: Turn ba/6 0rom "our reli.ion, Arid he re0used to do so2 and the saw was 1la/ed in the midst o0 his head and it was torn till a 1art 0ell down, Then that "oun. bo" was and it was said to him: Turn ba/6 0rom "our reli.ion, He re0used to do so and he was handed o-er to a .rou1 o0 his /ourtiers, And he :said to them: Ta6e him to su/h and su/h mountainB ma6e him /limb u1 that mountain and when "ou rea/h its to1 (as6 him to renoun/e his 0aith) but i0 he re0uses to do so2 then throw him (down the mountain), So the" too6 him and made him /limb u1 the mountain and he said: 3 Allah2 sa-e me 0rom them (in an" wa") Thou li6est and the mountain to qua6e and the" all 0ell down and that 1erson /ame wal6in. to the 6in., The 6in. said to him: ?hat has ha11ened to "our /om1anionsD He said: Allah has sa-ed me 0rom them, He a.ain handed him to some o0 his /ourtiers and said: Ta6e him and /arr" him in a small boat and when "ou rea/h the middle o0 the o/ean (as6 him to renoun/e) his reli.ion2 but i0 he does not renoun/e his reli.ion throw him (into the water), So the" too6 him and he said: 3 Allah2 sa-e me 0rom them and what the" want to do, It was quite soon that the boat turned o-er and the" were drowned and he /ame wal6in. to the 6in.2 and the 6in. said to him: ?hat has ha11ened to "our /om1anionsD He said: Allah has sa-ed me 0rom them2 and he said to the 6in.: Kou /annot 6ill me until "ou do what I as6 "ou to do, And he said: ?hat is thatD He said: Kou should .ather 1eo1le in a 1lain and han. me b" the trun6 (o0 a tree), Then ta6e hold o0 an arrow 0rom the qui-er and sa": In the name o0 Allah2 the Lord o0 the worldsB then shoot an arrow and i0 "ou do that then "ou would be able to 6ill me, So he (the 6in.) /alled the 1eo1le in an o1en 1lain and tied him (the bo") to the trun6 o0 a tree2 then he too6 hold o0 an arrow 0rom his qui-er and then 1la/ed the arrow in the bow and then said: In the name o0 Allah2 the Lord o0 the "oun. bo"B he then shot an arrow and it bit his tem1le, He (the bo") 1la/ed his hands u1on the tem1le where the arrow had bit him and he died and the 1eo1le said: ?e a00irm our 0aith in the Lord o0 this "oun. man2 we a00irm our 0aith in the Lord o0 this "oun. man2 we a00irm our 0aith in the Lord o0 this "oun. man, The /ourtiers /ame to the 6in. and it was said to him: 9o "ou see that Allah has a/tuall" done what "ou aimed at a-ertin., The" (the 1eo1le) ha-e a00irmed their 0aith in the Lord, He (the 6in.) /ommanded dit/hes to be du. at im1ortant 1oints in the 1ath, ?hen these dit/hes were du.2 and the 0ire was lit in them it was said (to the 1eo1le): He who would not turn ba/6 0rom his (bo":s) reli.ion would be thrown in the 0ire or it would be said to them to jum1 in that, (The 1eo1le /ourted death but did not renoun/e reli.ion) till a woman /ame with her /hild and she 0elt hesitant in jum1in. into the 0ire and the /hild said to her: mother2 endure (this ordeal) 0or it is the Truth,

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733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

'ha1ter $;: The stor" o0 Abu al-Kasar and the" hadith o0 Fabir
7oo6 *22 !umber %$*;:
:Ubadab, ?alid b, Samit re1orted: I and m" 0ather set out in sear/h o0 6nowled.e to a tribe o0 the Ansar be0ore their death (i, e, be0ore the 'om1anions o0 the Hol" @ro1het le0t the world) and I was the 0irst to meet Abu Kasar2 a 'om1anion o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and there was a "oun. man with him who /arried the re/ord o0 letters with him and there was a mantle 1re1ared b" the tribe o0 Ma:a0iri u1on him, And his ser-ant too had a Ma:a0iri mantle o-er him, M" 0ather said to him: M" un/le2 I see the si.ns o0 or that o0 a.on" on "our 0a/e, He said: Kes2 su/h and su/h 1erson2 the son o0 so and so2 o0 the tribe o0 Harami owed me a debt, I went to his 0amil"2 e5tended salutations and said: ?here is heD The" said: He is not here, Then /ame out to me his son who was at the threshold o0 his "outh, I said to him: ?here is "our 0atherD He said: !o sooner did he hear "our sound than he hid himsel0 behind m" mother:s bedstead, I said to him: ?al6 out to me2 0or I 6now where "ou are, He /ame out, I said to him: ?hat 1rom1ted "ou to hide "oursel0 0rom meD He said: 7" Hod2 whate-er I would sa" to "ou would not be a lie, 7" Allah2 I 0ear that I should tell a lie to "ou and in /ase o0 ma6in. 1romise with "ou I should brea6 it2 as "ou are the 'om1anion o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), The 0a/t is that I was hard u1 in re.ard to mone", I said: 9o "ou adjure b" AllahD He said: I adjure b" Allah, I said: 9o "ou adjure b" AllahD He said: I adjure b" Allah, I said: 9o "ou adjure b" AllahD He said: I adjure b" Allah, Then he his 1romissor" note and he wrote o00 (the debt) with his hand and said: Ma6e 1a"ment when "ou 0ind "oursel0 sol-ent enou.h to 1a" me ba/6B i0 "ou are not2 then there is no liabilit" u1on "ou, These two e"es o0 mine saw2 and he (Abu:I-Kasar) 1la/ed his 0in.ers u1on his e"es and these two ears o0 mine heard and m" heart retained2 and he 1ointed towards his heart that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: He who .i-es time to one who is 0inan/iall" hard u1 (in the 1a"ment o0 debt) or writes o00 his debt2 Allah will 1ro-ide him His shadow, I said to him: M" un/le2 i0 "ou .et the /loa6 o0 "our ser-ant and "ou .i-e him "our two /lothes2 or ta6e his two /lothes o0 Ma:a0ir and .i-e him "our /loa62 then there would be one dress 0or "ou and one 0or him, He wi1ed m" head and said: 3 Allah2 bless the son o0 m" brother, 32 son o0 m" brother2 these two -er" e"es o0 mine saw and these two ears o0 mine listened to and this heart o0 mine retained this2 and he 1ointed towards the heart that Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: =eed them (the ser-ants) and /lothe them (the ser-ants) what "ou wear2 and i0 I .i-e him the .oods o0 the world2 it is eas" 0or me than this that he should ta6e m" -irtues on the 9a" o0 Aesurre/tion, ?e went on till we /ame to Fabir b, Abdullah in the mosque and he was bus" in obser-in. 1ra"er in one /loth whi/h he had joined at its o11osite ends, I made m" wa" throu.h the 1eo1le till I sat between him and the Eibla and I said: Ma" Allah ha-e mer/" u1on "ou, 9o "ou obser-e 1ra"er with one /loth on "our bod" whereas "our mantle is l"in. at "our sideD He 1ointed me with his hand towards m" breast just
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733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

li6e this and he se1arated his 0in.ers and bent them in the sha1e o0 a bow, And (he said): I that a 0ool li6e "ou should /ome to me so that he should see me as I do and he should then also do li6e it, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ame to us in this -er" mosque and he had in his hand the twi. o0 the 1alm-tree and he saw mu/us towards the Eibla o0 the mosque and he erased it with the hel1 o0 the twi., He then /ame to us and said: ?ho "ou li6es that Allah should turn His 0a/e awa" 0rom himD ?e were a0raid, He then a.ain said: ?ho "ou li6es that Allah should turn His 0a/e awa" 0rom himD ?e were a0raid, He a.ain said: ?ho "ou li6es that Allah should turn His 0a/e awa" 0rom himD ?e said: Allah:s Messen.er2 none o0 us li6es it, And he said: I0 one "ou stands 0or 1ra"er2 Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 is be0ore him he should not s1it in 0ront o0 him2 or on his side2 but should s1it on his le0t side beneath his le0t 0oot and i0 he is im1elled to do so all o0 a sudden (in s1ite o0 himsel0) he should then s1it in his /loth and 0old it in some 1art o0 it, (and he 0urther said: ) 7rin. some sweet-smellin. thin., A "oun. man who belon.ed to our tribe stood u12 went and s/ent in his 1alm, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) too6 that and a11lied it to the end o0 that twi. and then tou/hed the 1la/e where there had been mu/us, Fabir said: This is wh" "ou should a11l" s/ent to "our mosques, It is re1orted on the same authorit": ?e set out alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) on an e51edition o0 7atn 7uwat, He (the Hol" @ro1het) was in sear/h o0 al-Majdi b, :Amr alFuhani, (?e had so equi1ment) that 0i-e, si5 or se-en o0 us had one /amel to ride and so we mounted it turn b" turn, 3n/e there wan, the turn o0 an Ansari to ride u1on the /amel, He made it 6neel down to ride o-er it (and a0ter ha-in., mounted it)2 he tried to raise it u1 but it hesitated, So he said, Ma" there be /urse o0 Allah u1on "ouL Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ho is there to /urse his /amelD He said: Allah:s Messen.er2 it: is I, Thereu1on he said: Het down 0rom the /amel and let us not ha-e in our /om1an" the /ursed one, 9on:t /urse "our own sel-es2 nor "our /hildren, nor "our, There is the 1ossibilit" that "our /urse ma" s"n/hronies with the time when Allah is about to /on0er u1on "ou what "ou demand and thus "our 1ra"er ma" be readil" res1onded, It is re1orted on the same authorit": ?e set out on an e51edition alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) until it was e-enin.2 and we had been near a, water reser-oir o0 Arabia, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ho would be the 1erson who would .o ahead and set the reser-oir and drin6 water himsel0 and ser-e us with itD Fabir said: I stood u1 and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 it is I who am read" to do that, Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: ?ho is the 1erson to a//om1an" FabirD And then Fabbar b, Sa6hr stood u1, So we went to that well and 1oured in that tan6 a bu/6et or two o0 water and 1lastered it with /la" and then to 0ill it (with water) until it was 0illed to the brim, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) was the 0irst who a11eared be0ore us2 and he said: 9o "ou (both) 1ermit me to drin6 water out o0 itD ?e said: Kea2 Allah:s, He led his /amel to drin6 water and it dran6, He then 1ulled its rein and it stret/hed its le.s and to urinate, He then too6 it aside and made it 6neel down at another 1la/e and then /ame to the tan6 and 1er0ormed ablution, I then .ot u1 and 1er0ormed ablution li6e the ablution o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and Fabbar b, Sa6hr went in or$%#+ & $#


733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

der to relie-e himsel0 and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) .ot u1 to obser-e 1ra"er and there was a mantle o-er me, I tried to in-ert its ends but it was too short (to /o-er m" bod" easil"), It had its borders, I then in-erted it (the mantle) and drew its o11osite ends and then tied them at m" ne/6, I then /ame and stood u1on the le0t side o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He / hold o0 me and made me .o round behind him2 until he made me stand on his side, Then Fabbar b, Sa6hr /ame, He 1er0ormed ablution and then /ame and stood on the le0t side o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) / hold o0 our hands to.ether2 1ushed us ba/6 and made us stand behind him, Then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) to loo6 u1on me with dartin. loo6s2 but I did not 1er/ei-e that, A0ter that I be/ame aware o0 it and he 1ointed with the .esture o0 his hand that I should wra1 m" loin/loth, ?hen Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had 0inished the 1ra"er2 he said: FabirL I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 at th" be/6 and /all, He said: ?hen the /loth around "ou is inadequate2 then tie the o11osite ends but when it is small2 tie it o-er the lower bod", Fabir re1orted: ?e set out on an e51edition with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and the onl" means o0 sustenan/e 0or e-er" 1erson us was onl" one date 0or a da" and we used to /hew it, And we stru/6 the lea-es with the hel1 o0 our bow and ate them until the sides o0 our mouths were injured, It so ha11ened one da" that a 1erson was o-erloo6ed and not .i-en a date, ?e /arried that 1erson and bore witness to the 0a/t that he had not been .i-en that date so he was o00ered that and he .ot u1 and re/ei-ed that, Fabir re1orted: ?e set out on an e51edition alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) until we .ot down at a s1a/ious -alle" and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) went to relie-e himsel0, I 0ollowed him with a bu/6et 0ull o0 water and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) loo6ed about and he 0ound no 1ri-a/" but two trees at the end o0 the -alle" and Allah:s (ma", 1ea/e be u1on him) went to one o0 them and too6 hold o0 one o0 its twi.s and said: 7e thou under m" /ontrol b" the 1ermission o0 Allah2 and so it /ame under his /ontrol li6e the /amel who has its nosestrin. in the hand o0 its rider2 and then he /ame to the se/ond tree and too6 hold o0 a twi. and said: 7e thou under m" /ontrol with the 1ermission o0 Allah2 and it /ame under his /ontrol2 and when he /ame in the middle o0 the two trees he joined to.ether the two twi.s and said: join with the 1ermission o0 Allah, Fabir said: I was a0raid lest Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) should be aware o0 m" nearness and .o still 0arther, And Muhammad b, Abbad has used the wordC 0aitab:dC and I to tal6 to m"sel0, And as I saw2 I suddenl" 0ound Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) be0ore me and the two trees were se1arated and ea/h one o0 them was standin. at its 1la/e, I saw Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) standin. 0or a short time2 noddin. his head towards and le0t, Isma:il 1ointed towards the and le0t with the hel1 o0 his head (in order to demonstrate how the Hol" @ro1het had 1ointed), Then he (the Hol" @ro1het) /ame to me and said: Fabir did "ou see m" 1la/e where I was standin.D I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 "es, He then said: Then "ou should .o to those two trees and /ut a twi. 0rom ea/h o0 them and .o to that 1la/e with them where I was standin. and stand there where I was standin. and 1la/e a twi. on the and a twi.

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733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

on the le0t, Fabir said: I set out and too6 hold o0 a stone and bro6e it and shar1ened it and then I /ame to those trees and /ut a twi. 0rom ea/h one o0 them, I then /ame them until I stood at the 1la/e where Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had been standin. and 1la/ed a twi. on the and a twi. on the le0t, Then I met him and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I ha-e done that2 but (6indl") e51lain to me the reason 0or it, Thereu1on he said: I 1assed b" two .ra-es the o//u1ants o0 whi/h had been under.oin. torment, I li6ed to ma6e inter/ession 0or them so that the be relie-ed o0 this torment " as lon. as these twi.s remain 0resh, Fabir said: ?e /ame ba/6 to the (/am1 o0 the) arm" and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Fabir2 /all 1eo1le 0or 1er- 0ormin. wudu, I /ried: 'ome and 1er0orm wudu2 /ome and 1er0orm wudu2 /ome and 1er0orm wudu, I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 there is not e-en a dro1 o0 water in the arm" /am12 and there, was a 1erson who used to /ool the water 0or Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) in the old water-s6in whi/h 6e1t b" the twi., He as6ed me to .o to su/h and su/h Ansari and as6 him to see i0 there was an" water in that s6in, I went to him and /ast a .lan/e in it but did not 0ind an"thin. but a dro1 in the mouth o0 that water-s6in and i0 I were to draw that2 the water-s6in:s2, dried 1art would su/6 it u1, I /ame to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 I ha-e not 0ound an"thin. in it but a dro1 o0 water in the mouth o0 the water-s6in and now i0 I were to draw that2 it would be absorbed, He said: Ho and brin. that to me, I that to him, He too6 hold o0 it -and to utter somethin. whi/h I /ould not understand and then 1ressed it with his hand and .a-e that to me and said: Fabir2 announ/e 0or the tub to be, So I announ/ed that the tub o0 the arm" (be, It was a//ordin.l" and I 1la/ed it be0ore him (the Hol" @ro1het), Thereu1on Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) 1la/ed his hands in the tub li6e this: with his 0in.ers stret/hed out2 and then he 1la/ed his 0in.ers at the bottom o0 the tub and said: Fabir2 ta6e it (that waters-s6in) and 1our water o-er me2 b" re/itin. 7ismillah2 and I 1oured water and I said: 7ismillah2 and 0ound water s1routin. out between the 0in.ers o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), Then that tub .ushed 0orth until it was 0illed u1 and the (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: Fabir2 ma6e an announ/ement to the e00e/t: He who needs water should ta6e that, Fabir said: The 1eo1le /ame and .ot water until the" were all satiated, I said: Is there an"one le0t who wants to .et itD And Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) then li0ted u1 his hand 0rom that tub and it was still 0ull, Then the 1eo1le made a /om1laint to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) about and he said: Ma" Allah 1ro-ide "ou 0oodL ?e /ame to the ban6 o0 the o/ean and the o/ean was tossin. and it threw out a bi. animal and we lit 0ire and /oo6ed it and too6 it until we had eaten to our heart:s /ontent, Fabir said: I and su/h and su/h 0i-e 1ersons entered Its so/6et and nobod" /ould see us until we had /ome out2 and we too6 hold o0 one o0 its ribs and twisted it into a sort o0 ar/h2 then we /alled the tallest o0 the 1ersons o0 the arm" and the hu.est o0 the /amels o0 the arm" and it had the bi. saddle o-er it2 and it /ould easil" 1ass throu.h it without the rider ha-in. need to bend down,

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733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

'ha1ter 2 : The a//ount o0 1ro1het:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) emi.ration

7oo6 *22 !umber %$+ :
Al-7ara: b, :A8ib re1orted that Abu 7a6r Siddlq /ame to the residen/e o0 m" 0ather (:A8ib) and a haudaj 0rom him and said to :A8ib: Send "our son to m" residen/e (to /arr" this haudaj)2 and m" 0ather said to me: 'arr" it (0or him), So I /arried it and there went alon. with him (with Abu 7a6r) m" 0ather in order to 0et/h its 1ri/e and he (:A8ib) said to Abu 7a6r: Abu 7a6r2 narrate to me what "ou both did on the when "ou set out on a journe" alon. with Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him), He said: ?e set out durin. the and went on wal6in. until it was noon2 and the 1ath was -a/ant and so none 1assed b" that (until) there a11eared 1rominentl" be0ore us a lar.e ro/6, It had its shade and the ra"s o0 the sun did not rea/h that 1la/e, So we .ot down at that 1la/e, I then went to the ro/6 and le-elled the .round with m" hands at the 1la/e where the Hol" @ro1het (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) would ta6e rest under its shade, I then set the beddin. and said: Allah:s Messen.er2 .o to slee1 and I shall 6ee1 a wat/h around "ou, I went out and wat/hed around him, There we saw a she1herd mo-in. towards that ro/6 with his 0lo/6 and he intended what we intended (i, e, ta6in. rest), I met him and said to him: Koun. bo"2 to whi/h 1la/e do "ou belon.D He said: I am a 1erson 0rom Medina, I said2 is there an" mil6 in the udders o0 "our shee1 and .oatsD He said: Kes, He too6 hold o0 a .oat2 and I said to him: 'lean the udder well so that it should be 0ree 0rom hair2 dust and im1urit", I saw al-7ara: stri6in. his hand u1on the other (to .i-e an indi/ation) how he did that, He mil6ed the .oat 0or me in a wooden /u1 whi/h he had with him and I had with me a bu/6et in whi/h I 6e1t water 0or drin6in. and 0or 1er0ormin. ablution, I /ame to Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and did not li6e to awa6en him 0rom slee1 but he was a//identall" startled 0rom the slee1, I 1oured water u1on the mil6 (till It was /old) and I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 ta6e this mil6, He then too6 It and I was deli.hted and he (the Hol" @ro1het) said: Is now not the time to mar/h onD I said: 30 /ourse, So he mar/hed on a0ter the sun had 1assed the meridian and Suraqa b, Mali6 1ursued us and we had been wal6in. on so0t2 le-el .round, I said: Allah:s Messen.er2 we are about to be o-erta6en b" them, Thereu1on he said: 7e not .rie-ed, <eril"2 Allah is with us, Then Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ursed him and his horse san6 into the earth, I thin6 he also said: I 6now "ou ha-e hurled /urse u1on me, So su11li/ate Allah 0or me and I ta6e an oath that I shall turn e-er"one awa" who would /ome in sear/h o0 "ou, So he (Allah:s su11li/ated Allah and he was res/ued and he /ame ba/6 and to e-er"one he met2 he said: I ha-e /ombed all this side, In short2 he di-erted e-er"one whom he met and he in 0a/t 0ul0illed his 1romise, Al-7ara: re1orted: Abu 7a6r 1ur/hased a saddle 0rom me 0or thirteen dirhamsB the rest o0 the hadith is the same2 and in the narration o0 Uthman b, :Umar2 the words are: He (Suraqa b, Mali6) drew near Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him)2 and he (the Hol" @ro1het) /ursed him and his /amel san6 in the earth u1 to the bell" and he jum1ed 0rom that and said: Muhammad2 I am 0ull" awa$%## & $#


733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

re o0 It that it is "our doin., Su11li/ate Allah that He should res/ue me 0rom it in whi/h I am (1it/h0or6ed) and I .i-e "ou a solemn 1led.e that I shall 6ee1 this as a se/ret 0rom all those who are /omin. a0ter me, Ta6e hold o0 an arrow out o0 it (qui-er) 0or "ou will 0ind m" /amels and m" sla-es at su/h and su/h 1la/e and "ou /an .et whate-er "ou need (on showin. this arrow), He (the Hol" @ro1het) said: I don:t need "our /amels, And we (the Hol" @ro1het and Abu 7a6r) /ame to Medina durin. the and the 1eo1le to /ontend as to where Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) should reside and he en/am1ed in the tribe o0 !ajjar who were related to :Abd ul-Muttalib 0rom the side o0 mother, Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) honoured them2 then 1eo1le /limbed u1on house-to1 and women also and bo"s s/attered in the wa"2 and the" were all /r"in.: Muhammad2 o0 Allah2 Muhammad2 o0 Allah,

$%#; & $#


733> *2: TH( 733> @(ATAI!I!H T3 @I(TK A!9 S3=T(!I!H 3= H(AATS (>ITA7 AL-GUH9 ?A AL-AAEA:IE)

733> *4: TH( 733> 3= '3MM(!TAAK (>ITA7 ALTA=SIA)

$%; & $#


733> *4: TH( 733> 3= '3MM(!TAAK (>ITA7 AL-TA=SIA)

'ha1ter $:
7oo6 *42 !umber %$+$:
Hammim b, Munabbih re1orted: This is what Abu Huraira re1orted to us 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and in this /onne/tion he narrated some o0 the ahadith and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) said: It was said to 1eo1le o0 Israel: (nter this land sa"in. Hitta (Aemo-e Thou 0rom us the burden o0 our sins)2 whereu1on ?e would 0or.i-e "ou "our sins2 but the" twisted (this statement) and entered the .ate u1on their bree/h and said: TheC .rain in the ear,C

7oo6 *42 !umber %$+2:

Anas b, Mali6 re1orted that Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 sent re-elation to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) just be0ore his death in qui/6 su//ession until he le0t 0or his hea-enl" home2 and the da" when he died2 he re/ei-ed the re-elation 1ro0usel",

7oo6 *42 !umber %$+4:

Tariq b, Shihab re1orted that a Few said to:Umar: Kou re/ite a -erse whi/h2 i0 it had been re-ealed in relation to us2 we would ha-e ta6en that da" as the da" o0 rejoi/in., Thereu1on :Umar said: I 6now where it was re-ealed and on the da" when it was re-ealed and where Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had been at that time when it was re-ealed, It was re-ealed on the da" o0 :Ara0a (ninth o0 9hu:l Hijjah) and Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had been sta"in. in :Ara0at, Su0"an said: I doubt2 whether it was =rida" or not (and the -erse re0erred to) is this:C Toda" I ha-e 1er0e/ted "our reli.ion 0or "ou and /om1leted M" 0a-ours u1on "ouC (-, *),

7oo6 *42 !umber %$+*:

Tariq b, Shihab re1orted that a Few said to :Umar: I0 this -erse were re-ealed in relation to the Fews (i, e,C This da" I ha-e 1er0e/ted "our reli.ion 0or "ou and ha-e /om1leted M" 0a-ours 0or "ou and ha-e /hosen 0or "ou al-Islam as reli.ionC ) we would ha-e ta6en the da" o0 rejoi/in. on whi/h this -erse was re-ealed, Thereu1on :Umar said: I 6now the da" on whi/h it was re-ealed and the hour when it was re-ealed and where Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had been when it was re-ealed, It was re-ealed on the o0 =rida" and we were in :Ara0at with Alleh:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at that time,

$%;$ & $#


733> *4: TH( 733> 3= '3MM(!TAAK (>ITA7 AL-TA=SIA)

7oo6 *42 !umber %$++:

Tariq b, Shihab re1orted that a Few /ame to :Umar and said: 'ommander o0 the =aith0ul2 there is a -erse in "our 7oo62 whi/h "ou re/ite, Had it been re-ealed in /onne/tion with the Fews2 we would ha-e ta6en it as the da" o0 rejoi/in., Thereu1on he said: ?hi/h -erse do "ou meanD He re1lied:C This da" I ha-e 1er0e/ted "our reli.ion 0or "ou and I ha-e /om1leted M" 0a-ours u1on "ou and I ha-e /hosen al-Islam as reli.ion 0or "ou,C Umar said2 I 6now the da" when it was re-ealed and the 1la/e where it was re-ealed, It was re-ealed to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) at :Ara0at on =rida",

7oo6 *42 !umber %$+):

:Urwa b, Gubair re1orted that he as6ed :A:isha about the words o0 Allah:C I0 "ou 0ear that "ou will not be able to maintain equit" the or1han .irls2 then marr" (those) "ou li6e 0rom the women two2 three or 0our,C She said: 32 the son o0 m" sister2 the or1han .irl is one who is under the 1atrona.e o0 her .uardian and she shares with him in his 1ro1ert" and her 1ro1ert" and beaut" 0as/inate him and her .uardian ma6es u1 his mind to marr" her without .i-in. her due share o0 the weddin. mone" and is not 1re1ared (to 1a" so mu/h amount) whi/h an"one else is 1re1ared to 1a" and so Allah has 0orbidden to marr" these .irls but in /ase when equit" is obser-ed as re.ards the weddin. mone" and the" are 1re1ared to 1a" them the 0ull amount o0 the weddin. mone" and Allah /ommanded to marr" other women besides them a//ordin. to the li6in. o0 their heart, :Urwa re1orted that :A:isha said that 1eo1le to see6 -erdi/t 0rom Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) a0ter the re-elation o0 this -erse about them (or1han .irls) and Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 re-ealed this -erse:C The" as6ed thee -erdi/t about womenB sa": Allah .i-es -erdi/t to "ou in re.ard to them and what is re/ited to "ou in the 7oo6 about or1han woman2 whom "ou .i-e not what is ordained 0or them while "ou li6e to marr" themC (i-, $2)), She said: The wordin. o0 AllahC what is re/ited to "ouC in the 7oo6 means the 0irst -erse2 i, e,C i0 "ou 0ear that "ou ma" not be able to obser-e equit" in /ase o0 an or1han woman2 marr" what "ou li6e in /ase o0 womanC (i-, 4), :A:isha said: (And as 0or this -erse Ni-, $2)O2 i, e, and "ou intendC to marr" one o0 them 0rom the or1han .irlsC it 1ertains to one who is in /har.e (o0 or1hans) ha-in. small amount o0 wealth and less beaut" and the" ha-e been 0orbidden that the" should marr" what the" li6e o0 her wealth and beaut" out o0 the or1han .irls2 but with equit"2 be/ause o0 their disli6in. 0or them,

7oo6 *42 !umber %$+%:

:Urwa re1orted that he as6ed :A:isha about the words o0 Allah:C I0 "ou 0ear that "ou will not be able to obser-e equit" in /ase o0 or1han .irlsC B the rest o0 the hadith is the same but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

$%;2 & $#


733> *4: TH( 733> 3= '3MM(!TAAK (>ITA7 AL-TA=SIA)

7oo6 *42 !umber %$+#:

:A:isha said that as 0or the words o0 Allah:C I0 "ou 0ear that "ou would not be able to obser-e equit" in /ase o0 or1han .irls)2C it was re-ealed in re0eren/e to a 1erson who had an or1han .irl (as his ward) and he was her .uardian2 and her heir2 and she 1ossessed 1ro1ert"2 but there was none to /ontend on her behal0 e5/e1t her ownsel0, And he (her .uardian) did not .i-e her in marria.e be/ause o0 her 1ro1ert" and he tortured her and ill-treated her2 it was in relation to her that (Allah said: )C I0 "ou 0ear that "ou would not be able to obser-e equit" in /ase o0 or1han .irls2 then marr" whom "ou li6e amon. women2C i, e, whate-er I ha-e made law0ul 0or "ou and lea-e her whom "ou are 1uttin. to torture,

7oo6 *42 !umber %$+;:

:A:isha said in /onne/tion with His words (those o0 Allah):C ?hat is re/ited to "ou in the 7oo6 about or1han women whom "ou .i-e not what is ordained 0or them2 while "ou li6e to marr" them2C these were re-ealed in /onne/tion with an or1han .irl who was in the /har.e o0 the 1erson and she shared with him in his 1ro1ert" and he was relu/tant to marr" her himsel0 and was also unwillin. to marr" her to someone else (0earin.) that (that 1erson) would share in his 1ro1ert" (as the husband o0 that .irl)2 1re-entin. her to marr"2 neither marr"in. her himsel0 nor marr"in. her to another 1erson,

7oo6 *42 !umber %$) :

Hisham re1orted that :A:isha said in /onne/tion with the words o0 Allah:C The" as6 thee the reli.ious -erdi/t about women2 sa": Allah .i-es "ou the -erdi/t about themC (i-, $2))2 that these relate to an or1han .irl who is in /har.e o0 the 1erson and she shares with him in his 1ro1ert" (as a heir) e-en in the date-1alm trees and he is relu/tant to .i-e her hand in marria.e to an" other 1erson lest he (her husband) should 1arta6e o0 his 1ro1ert"2 and thus 6ee1 her in a lin.erin. state,

7oo6 *42 !umber %$)$:

Hisham re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that :A:isha said in /onne/tion with His (Allah:s) words:C And whoe-er is 1oor let him ta6e reasonabl" (out o0 it)C that it was re-ealed in /onne/tion with the /ustodian o0 the 1ro1ert" o0 an or1han2 who is in /har.e o0 her and loo6s a0ter herB In /ase he is 1oor2 he is allowed to eat out o0 that,

7oo6 *42 !umber %$)2:

:A:isha re1orted in /onne/tion with the words o0 Allah2 the (5alted:C He who is ri/h should abstain2 and he who is 1oor ma" reasonabl" eat (out o0 it)C that this was re-ealed in relation to the .uardian

$%;4 & $#


733> *4: TH( 733> 3= '3MM(!TAAK (>ITA7 AL-TA=SIA)

o0 an or1han who is 1oorB he ma" .et out o0 that what is reasonable 6ee1in. in -iew his own status o0 sol-en/",

7oo6 *42 !umber %$)4:

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Hisham with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 *42 !umber %$)*:

:A:isha re1orted that these words o0 Allah:C ?hen the" /ame u1on "ou 0rom abo-e "ou and 0rom below "ou and when the e"es turned dull and the hearts rose u1 to the throatsC (555iii, $ ) 1ertain to the da" o0 9it/h,

7oo6 *42 !umber %$)+:

:A:isha said in /onne/tion with the -erse:C And i0 a woman has reason to 0ear ill-treatment 0rom her husband or that he turn awa" 0rom herC (i-, $2#) that it was re-ealed in /ase o0 a woman who had lon. asso/iation with a 1erson (as his wi0e) and now he intends to di-or/e her and she sa"s: 9o not di-or/e me2 but retain me (as wi0e in "our house) and "ou are 1ermitted to li-e with another wi0e, It is in this /onte5t that this -erse was re-ealed,

7oo6 *42 !umber %$)):

:A:isha said in /onne/tion with these words o0 Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious:C And i0 a woman has reason to 0ear ill-treatment 0rom her husband or that he turn awa" 0rom herC that it was re-ealed in /ase o0 a woman who li-ed with a 1erson and 1erha1s he does not want to 1rolon. (his relationshi1 with her) whereas she has had se5ual relationshi1 with him (and as a result thereo0) she .ot a /hild 0rom him and she does not li6e that she should be di-or/ed2 so she sa"s to him: I 1ermit "ou to li-e with the other wi0e,

7oo6 *42 !umber %$)%:

:Urwa re1orted on the authorit" o0 his 0ather that :A:isha said to him: 32 the son o0 m" sister2 the Muslims were /ommanded to see6 0or.i-eness 0or the 'om1anions o0 Allah:s A1ostle (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) but the" re-iled him,

7oo6 *42 !umber %$)#:

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Abu Usama with the same /hain o0 narrators,

$%;* & $#


733> *4: TH( 733> 3= '3MM(!TAAK (>ITA7 AL-TA=SIA)

7oo6 *42 !umber %$);:

Sa:id b, Fubair re1orted: The inhabitants o0 >u0a di00ered in re.ard to this -erse:C 7ut whoe-er sla"s another belie-er intentionall"2 his requital shall be HellC (i-, ;2)2 so I went to Ibn :Abbas and as6ed him about it2 whereu1on he said: This has been re-ealed and nothin. abro.ated it,

7oo6 *42 !umber %$% :

This hadith has been transmitted on the authorit" o0 Shu:ba with the same /hain o0 narrators but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 *42 !umber %$%$:

Sa:id b, Fubair re1orted: :Abd al Aahman b, Ab8i /ommanded me that I should as6 Ibn :Abbas about these two -erses:C He who sla"s a belie-er intentionall" his requital shall be Hell where he would abide 0or e-erC (i-, ;2), So2 I as6ed him and he said: !othin. has abro.ated it, And as 0or this -erse:C And the" who /all not u1on another .od with Allah and sla" not the soul whi/h Allah has 0orbidden2 e5/e1t in the /ause o0 justi/eC (55-, )#)2 he (Ibn Abbas) said: This has been re-ealed in re.ard to the 1ol"theists,C

7oo6 *42 !umber %$%2:

Ibn :Abbas said: This -erse was re-ealed in Me//a:C And the" who /all not u1on another .od with Allah and sla" not the soul whi/h Allah has 0orbidden e5/e1t in the /ause o0 justi/eC u1 to the word Muhdana (abased), Thereu1on the 1ol"theists said: Islam is o0 no a-ail to us 0or we ha-e made 1eer with Allah and we 6illed the soul whi/h Allah had 0orbidden to do and we /ommitted debau/her"2 and it was (on this o//asion) that Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 re-ealed this -erse:C (5/e1t him who re1ents and belie-es and does .ood deedsC u1 to the end Ibn :Abbis sa"s: He who enters the 0old o0 Islam and understands its /ommand and then 6ills the soul there is no re1entan/e 0or him,

7oo6 *42 !umber %$%4:

Sa:id b, Fubair re1orted: I said to Ibn Abbas: ?ill the re1entan/e o0 that 1erson be a//e1ted who 6ills a belie-er intentionall"D He said: !o, I re/ited to him this -erse o0 Sura al-=urqan (5i5,):C And those who /all not u1on another .od with Allah and sla" not the soul whi/h Allah has 0orbidden e5/e1t in the /ause o0 justi/eC to the end o0 the -erse, He said: This is a Me//an -erse whi/h has been abro.ated b" a -erse re-ealed at Medina:C He who sla"s a belie-er intentionall"2 0or him is the requital o0 Hell-=ire where he would abide 0or e-er2C and in the narration o0 Ibn Hisham (the words are): I re/ited to him this -erse o0 Sura al-=urqan:C (5/e1t one who made re1entan/e,C

$%;+ & $#


733> *4: TH( 733> 3= '3MM(!TAAK (>ITA7 AL-TA=SIA)

7oo6 *42 !umber %$%*:

Ubaidullah b, :Abdullah b, :Utba re1orted: Ibn Abbas said to me: 9o "ou 6now-and in the words o0 Harun (another narrator): Are "ou aware o0-the last Sura whi/h was re-ealed in the Eur:an as a wholeD I said: Kes2C ?hen /ame the hel1 0rom Allah and the -i/tor"C (/5,), Thereu1on2 he said: Kou ha-e told the truth, And in the narration o0 Abu Shaiba (the words are): 9o "ou 6now the SuraD And he did not mention the wordsC the last oneC,

7oo6 *42 !umber %$%+:

This hadith has been re1orted on the authorit" o0 Abu :Umais throu.h the same /hain o0 transmitters but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,

7oo6 *42 !umber %$%):

Ibn Abbas re1orted that some Muslims met a 1erson with a small 0lo/6 o0 shee1, He said: As-Salam-o-:Alai6um, The" / hold o0 him and 6illed him and too6 1ossession o0 his 0lo/6, Then this -erse was re-ealed:C He who meets "ou and e5tends "ou salutations2 don:t sa": Kou are not a MuslimC (i-, ;*), Ibn :Abbas2 howe-er2 re/ited the word as-Salam instead o0C as-SalamC,

7oo6 *42 !umber %$%%:

7ara: re1orted: ?hen the Ansar 1er0ormed the @il.rima.e2 the" did not enter their houses but 0rom behind, A 1erson 0rom the Ansar /ame and he to enter 0rom his door but it was said to him (wh" he was doin. somethin. in /ontra-ention to the /ommon 1ra/ti/e o0 /omin. to the houses 0rom behind), Then this -erse was re-ealed,C @iet" is not that "ou /ome to the doors 0rom behindC (ii, $#;),

'ha1ter 2: @ertainin. to the -erse: CHas not the time "et /ome 0or the belie-ers that their hearts should be humble 0or the remembran/e o0 AllahDC (l-ii, $))
7oo6 *42 !umber %$%#:
Ibn Mas:ud said: Sin/e our a//e1tan/e o0 Islam and the re-elation o0 this -erse in whi/h Allah has shown anno"an/e to us:C Has not the time "et /ome 0or the belie-ers that their hearts should be humble 0or the remembran/e o0 AllahDC (l-ii, $))2 there was a .a1 o0 0our "ears,

$%;) & $#


733> *4: TH( 733> 3= '3MM(!TAAK (>ITA7 AL-TA=SIA)

'ha1ter 4: @ertainin. to the words o0 Allah: CAdorn "oursel0 at e-er" 1la/e o0 worshi1C (-ii, 4$)
7oo6 *42 !umber %$%;:
Ibn Abbas re1orted: 9urin. the 1re-Islami/ da"s women /ir/umambulated the >a:ba na6edl"2 and said: ?ho would 1ro-ide /loth to /o-er the one who is /ir/umambulatin. the >a:ba so that she would /o-er her 1ri-ate 1artsD And then she would sa": Toda" will be e51osed the whole or the 1art and what is e51osed I shall not ma6e it law0ul, It was in this /onne/tion that the -erse was re-ealed:C Adorn "oursel0 at e-er" 1la/e o0 worshi1C (-ii, 4$),

'ha1ter *: 'om1el not "our sla-e-.irls to 1rostitution

7oo6 *42 !umber %$# :
Fabir re1orted that :Abdullah b, Uba"" b, Salul used to sa" to his sla-e-.irl: Ho and 0et/h somethin. 0or us b" /ommittin. 1rostitution, It was in this /onne/tion that Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious2 re-ealed this -erse:C And /om1el not "our sla-e-.irls to 1rostitution when the" desire to 6ee1 /haste in order to see6 the 0rail .oods o0 this world:s li0e2 and whoe-er /om1els them2 then surel" a0ter their /om1ulsion Allah is =or.i-in.2 Mer/i0ulC (55i-, 44),

7oo6 *42 !umber %$#$:

Fabir re1orted that :Abdullah b, Uba"" b, Salul had two sla-e-.irlsB one was /alled Musai6a and the other one was /alled Umaima and he /om1elled them to 1rostitution (0or whi/h:Abdullah b, Uba"" b, Salul /om1elled them), The" made a /om1laint about this to Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and it was u1on this that this -erse was re-ealed:C And /om1el not "our sla-e-.irls to 1rostituteC u1 to the words:C Allah is =or.i-in.2 Mer/i0ul,C

$%;% & $#


733> *4: TH( 733> 3= '3MM(!TAAK (>ITA7 AL-TA=SIA)

'ha1ter +: @ertainin. to the words o0 Allah: CThose whom the" /all u1on2 themsel-es see6 the means o0 a//ess to their lordC (5-ii, +%)
7oo6 *42 !umber %$#2:
Abdullah b, Mas:ud re1orted in /onne/tion with the words o0 Allah2 the (5alted and Hlorious:C Those to whom the" /all u1on2 themsel-es see6 the means or a//ess to their Lord as to whoe-er o0 them be/omes nearestC (5-ii, +%) that it related to a 1art" o0 Finn who were bein. worshi11ed and the" embra/ed Islam but those who worshi11ed them 6e1t on worshi11in. them (thou.h the Finn whom the mis.uided 1eo1le worshi11ed had be/ome Muslims), It was then that this -erse was re-ealed,

7oo6 *42 !umber %$#4:

Abdullah b, Mas:ud re1orted in /onne/tion with the -erse:C Those whom the" /all u1on2 themsel-es see6 the means o0 a//ess to their Lord2C that it related to a .rou1 o0 1eo1le who worshi11ed a 1art" the Finn, The .rou1 0rom the Finn embra/ed Islam2 but the 1eo1le 6e1t worshi11in. them as the" did be0ore2 and it was (on this o//asion) that the -erse was re-ealed:C Those whom the" /all u1on2 themsel-es see6 the means o0 a//ess to their Lord,C This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Sulaimin with the same /hain o0 transmitters,

7oo6 *42 !umber %$#*:

Abdullah b, Mas:ud said in /onne/tion with the -erse:C Those whom the" /all u1on2 themsel-es see6 the means o0 a//ess to their Lord2C that that -erse was re-ealed in /onne/tion with a 1art" o0 Arabs who used to worshi1 a .rou1 the jinnB the jinn embra/ed Islam but the 1eo1le 6e1t worshi11in. them without bein. /ons/ious o0 it, Then this -erse was re-ealed:C Those whom the" /all u1on2 themsel-es see6 the means o0 a//ess to their Lord,C

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733> *4: TH( 733> 3= '3MM(!TAAK (>ITA7 AL-TA=SIA)

'ha1ter ): @ertainin. to suras Tauba2 al-An0al and Hashr

7oo6 *42 !umber %$#+:
Sa:id b, Fubair re1orted: I said to Ibn :Abbas about Sura Tauba2 whereu1on he said: As 0or Sura Tauba2 it is meant to humiliate (the non-belie-ers and the h"1o/rites), There is /onstantl" re-ealed in it (the 1ronoun) minhum (o0 them) and minhom (o0 them2 i, e, su/h is the /ondition o0 some o0 them) till the" (the Muslims) that none would be le0t unmentioned out o0 them who would not be blamed (0or one 0ault or the other), I a.ain said: ?hat about Sura An0alD He said: It 1ertains to the 7attle o0 7adr, I a.ain as6ed him about Sura al-Hashr, He said: It was re-ealed in /onne/tion with (the tribe) o0 7anu !adir,

'ha1ter %: @ertainin. to the 1rohibition o0 wine

7oo6 *42 !umber %$#):
Ibn :Umar re1orted that Umar deli-ered a sermon on the 1ul1it o0 Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and he 1raised Allah and lauded Him and then said: !ow /omin. to the 1oint, 7ehold I when the /ommand 1ertainin. to the 1rohibition o0 wine was re-ealed2 it was 1re1ared 0rom 0i-e thin.s: 0rom wheat2 barle"2 date2 .ra1e2 hone"B and wine is that whi/h /louds the intelle/tB and 3 1eo1le2 I wish Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) /ould ha-e e51lained to us in (more) detail the laws 1ertainin. to the inheritan/e o0 the .rand0ather2 about one who dies lea-in. no issue2 and some o0 the 1roblems 1ertainin. to interest,

7oo6 *42 !umber %$#%:

Ibn :Umar re1orted: I heard :Umar b, >hattab deli-erin. sermon on the 1ul1it ol Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) and sa"in.:: !ow2 /omin. to the 1oint2 3 1eo1le2 there was re-ealed (the /ommand 1ertainin. to the 1rohibition o0 wine) and it was 1re1ared (at that time) out o0 0i-e thin.s: .ra1e2 date2 hone"2 wheat2 barle"2 and wine is that whi/h /louds the intelle/t2 and2 3 1eo1le2 I wish Allah:s (ma" 1ea/e be u1on him) had e51lained to us in .reater detail three thin.s: the inheritan/e o0 the .rand0ather2 o0 one who dies without lea-in. an" issue2 and some o0 the 1roblems o0 interest,

7oo6 *42 !umber %$##:

This hadith has been transmitted on the same authorit" but with a -ariation o0 wordin.,
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733> *4: TH( 733> 3= '3MM(!TAAK (>ITA7 AL-TA=SIA)

'ha1ter #: @ertainin. to the -erse: CThese two ad-ersaries who dis1ute about their LordC (55ii, $;)
7oo6 *42 !umber %$#;:
Abu 9harr too6 an oath that this -erse:C These two ad-ersaries who dis1ute about their LordC (55ii, $;) was re-ealed in /onne/tion with those who on the 9a" o0 7adr /ame out (o0 rows to a.ainst the non-belie-ers and the" were) Ham8a2 :Ali2 :Ubaida b, Harith (0rom the side o0 the Muslims) and :Utba and Shaiba2 both o0 them the sons o0 Aabi:a and ?alid b, :Utba (0rom the side o0 the non-belie-ers o0 Me//a),

7oo6 *42 !umber %$; :

This hadith has been narrated on the authorit" o0 Abu 9harr throu.h another /hain o0 transmitters,


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