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Personal Opinion based on both Article Malaysian Food is not one particular distinction of food but a culinary diversity

originating from it's multi-ethnic population of Malay, Indian, Eurasian, Chinese, Nyonya.Malay cuisine is rich and spicy arising from the use of hard spices and a wet spice mixture of "rempah" and coconut milk. Malay cuisine varies from region to region. Malaysian food from the Indian population is quite different from the Malay or Chinese cuisine. The Indians flavor hot and spicy flavors. Their staple diet usually consists of either rice or bread (chapatti, tosai (thosai, dosa in India), parrata, puri). They eat this with various curries. As in accordance with their Hindu beliefs, they do not eat beef. The food industry is an evergreen industry and halal food is the latest trend in the world market. Customers demand for halal food is increasing not only in the Islamic countries but also in Europe and America. Taking into account the increase of halal product market, the Malaysian Government intends in making Malaysia a regional halal hub. Food manufacturers in Malaysia should take this opportunity to increase the countrys halal products for export purposes. There is one thing in common among Muslims whether they live in a Muslim country like Malaysia or elsewhere, procurement and supply of halal produce, products or services can be restrictive if one depends only on local sources or markets. Variety is limited or quality can be compromised. Both spicy food and halal food are the most important factor for people in Malaysia especially muslim think when they want to eat. Within the Muslim community, halal is used to describe what is permissible both in food and in actions. We typically associate halal with food, as do many non-Muslims. Besdides that malay food is strong, spicy and aromatic, combining the rich tastes of the many herbs and spices commonly found in Southeast Asia. It is one of three major cuisines in Malaysia, and together with Chinese and Indian food, continually delight visitors to the country with its incredible variety and flavors. So as Malaysian and muslim Halal food is the main significant factor to take into consideration. But it is up to the individual wether to spicy food or not.

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