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Wireframe Texture

First I created a Surface Shader

I then plugged in a mb_amb_occlusion into the Out Colour node of the Shader

Once I had done this I altered the settings to what I desired, the colour of behind the wires (Bight Node) and the samples (Number of Contours)

By clicking this button it opens up this screen.

In the contours tab you have to enable contours by ticking the box . It is also here that you can change the colour of the contours

Then I applied it to my object.

Once its applied I had to change my render settings. Firstly I changed it so that I rendered in mental ray. Then in the features tab I enabled contour rendering by ticking the box. And lastly I ticked the around silhouette and all poly faces boxes. Allowing my texture to be visible to the camera.


Applied Shader (perspective view)

Render View

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