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Doopnk Choprn

1.c cc
AcknowloJgmonts ......................................................................................................... 3
lntroJuctlon .................................................................................................................. 4
Tho lnw ol puro potontlnllt, ........................................................................................... 6
Tho Lnw ol Glvlng ...................................................................................................... 11
Tho lnw ol knrmn or cnuso nnJ olloct ......................................................................... 15
Tho lnw ol lonst ollort .................................................................................................. 19
Tho lnw ol lntontlon nnJ Doslro .................................................................................... 23
Tho lnw ol Dotnchmont ............................................................................................... 28
Tho lnw ol Jhnrmn or purposo ln lllo ......................................................................... 32
Summnr, nnJ concluslon ............................................................................................. 35
l woulJ llko to oxpross m, lovo nnJ grntltuJo to tho lollowlng pooplo:
Jnnot Mllls lor lovlngl, nurturlng thls book lrom concoptlon to complotlon.
Rltn Choprn, Mnlllkn Choprn, nnJ Gnutnmn Choprn lor bolng tho llvlng oxprosslon ol Tho
Sovon Splrltunl Lnws.
Rn, Chnmbors, Gn,lo Roso, AJrlnnnn Nlonow, DnvlJ Slmon, Goorgo Hnrrlson, llvln
Hnrrlson, Nnoml JuJJ, Doml Mooro, nnJ Allco Wnlton lor tholr courngo nnJ commltmont to n
vlslon thnt ls nwosomo, lnsplrlng, lolt,, noblo, nnJ lllo-trnnslormlng.
Rogor Gnbrlol, Bront Bocvnr, Roso Buono-Mur-ph,, nnJ nll m, stnll nt tho Shnrp Contor
lor MlnJBoJ, MoJlclno lor bolng lnsplrlng oxnmplos to nll our guosts nnJ pntlonts.
Doopnk Slngh, Gootn Slngh, nnJ nll m, stnll nt unntum Publlcntlons lor tholr unllngglng
onorg, nnJ JoJlcntlon.
Murlol Nollls lor hor unlllnchlng lntontlon to mnlntnln tho hlghost lovol ol lntogrlt, ln nll our
RlchnrJ Porl lor bolng such n gront oxnmplo ol soll-rolorrnl.
Arlollo ForJ lor hor unshnknblo lnlth ln soll-knowloJgo nnJ hor lnloctlous onthuslnsm nnJ
commltmont to trnnslorm tho llvos ol so mnn, pooplo.
AnJ Blll Elkus lor hls unJorstnnJlng nnJ lrlonJshlp.
Although thls book ls tltloJ Lc SI:IIuaI Zau: o/ Succc::, lt coulJ nlso bo cnlloJ Lc SI:IIuaI Zau: o/ ZI/c, bocnuso thoso nro tho snmo prlnclplos thnt nnturo usos to cronto
ovor,thlng ln mntorlnl oxlstonco - ovor,thlng wo cnn soo, honr, smoll, tnsto, or touch.
ln m, book, C:caIIng A//Iucncc. VcaIIL Con:cIou:nc:: In ILc /IcId o/ AII /o::IIIIIIc:, l
hnvo outllnoJ tho stops to wonlth consclousnoss bnsoJ on n truo unJorstnnJlng ol tho worklngs
ol nnturo. Lc SI:IIuaI Zau: o/ Succoss lorm tho ossonco ol thls tonchlng. Whon thls
knowloJgo ls lncorporntoJ ln ,our consclousnoss, lt wlll glvo ,ou tho nblllt, to cronto unllmltoJ
wonlth wlth ollortloss onso, nnJ to oxporlonco succoss ln ovor, onJonvour.
Succoss ln lllo coulJ bo JollnoJ ns tho contlnuoJ oxpnnslon ol hnpplnoss nnJ tho progros-
slvo ronllzntlon ol worth, gonls. Succoss ls tho nblllt, to lulllll ,our Joslros wlth ollortloss onso.
AnJ ,ot succoss, lncluJlng tho crontlon ol wonlth, hns nlwn,s boon conslJoroJ to bo n procoss
thnt roqulros hnrJ work, nnJ lt ls olton conslJoroJ to bo nt tho oxponso ol othors. Wo nooJ n
moro splrltunl nppronch to succoss nnJ to nllluonco, whlch ls tho nbunJnnt llow ol nll gooJ
thlngs to ,ou. Wlth tho knowloJgo nnJ prnctlco ol splrltunl lnw, wo put oursolvos ln hnrmon,
wlth nnturo nnJ cronto wlth cnrolulnoss, [o,, nnJ lovo.
Thoro nro mnn, nspocts to succoss; mntorlnl wonlth ls onl, ono componont. Moroovor,
succoss ls n [ourno,, not n Jostlnntlon. Mntorlnl nbunJnnco, ln nll lts oxprosslons, hnppons to bo
ono ol thoso thlngs thnt mnkos tho [ourno, moro on[o,nblo. But succoss nlso lncluJos gooJ
honlth, onorg, nnJ onthuslnsm lor lllo, lullllllng rolntlonshlps, crontlvo lrooJom, omotlonnl nnJ
ps,chologlcnl stnblllt,, n sonso ol woll-bolng, nnJ ponco ol mlnJ.
Evon wlth tho oxporlonco ol nll thoso thlngs, wo wlll romnln unlullllloJ unloss wo nurturo tho
sooJs ol Jlvlnlt, lnslJo us. ln ronllt,, wo nro Jlvlnlt, ln Jlsgulso, nnJ tho goJs nnJ goJJossos ln
ombr,o thnt nro contnlnoJ wlthln us sook to bo lull, mntorlnllzoJ. Truo succoss ls thoroloro tho
oxporlonco ol tho mlrnculous. lt ls tho unlolJlng ol tho Jlvlnlt, wlthln us. lt ls tho porcoptlon ol
Jlvlnlt, whorovor wo go, ln whntovor wo porcolvo - ln tho o,os ol n chllJ, ln tho bonut, ol n
llowor, ln tho lllght ol n blrJ. Whon wo bogln to oxporlonco our lllo ns tho mlrnculous oxprosslon
ol Jlvlnlt, - not occnslonnll,, but nll tho tlmo - thon wo wlll know tho truo monnlng ol succoss.
Boloro Jollnlng tho sovon splrltunl lnws, lot us unJorstnnJ tho concopt ol lnw. Lnw ls tho
procoss b, whlch tho unmnnllost bocomos tho mnnllost; lt`s tho procoss b, whlch tho obsorvor
bocomos tho obsorvoJ; lt`s tho procoss b, whlch tho soor bocomos tho sconor,; lt`s tho procoss
through whlch tho Jronmor mnnllosts tho Jronm.
All ol crontlon, ovor,thlng thnt oxlsts ln tho ph,slcnl worlJ, ls tho rosult ol tho unmnnllost
trnnslormlng ltsoll lnto tho mnnllost. Evor,thlng thnt wo boholJ comos lrom tho unknown. ur
ph,slcnl boJ,, tho ph,slcnl unlvorso - nn,thlng nnJ ovor,thlng thnt wo cnn porcolvo through
our sonsos - ls tho trnnslormntlon ol tho unmnnllost, unknown, nnJ lnvlslblo lnto tho mnnllost,
known, nnJ vlslblo.
Tho ph,slcnl unlvorso ls nothlng othor thnn tho Soll curvlng bnck wlthln ltsoll to oxporlonco
ltsoll ns splrlt, mlnJ, nnJ ph,slcnl mnttor. ln othor worJs, nll procossos ol crontlon nro procossos
through whlch tho Soll or Jlvlnlt, oxprossos ltsoll. Consclousnoss ln motlon oxprossos ltsoll ns
tho ob[octs ol tho unlvorso ln tho otornnl Jnnco ol lllo.
Tho sourco ol nll crontlon ls Jlvlnlt, or tho splrlt}; tho procoss ol crontlon ls Jlvlnlt, ln
motlon or tho mlnJ}; nnJ tho ob[oct ol crontlon ls tho ph,slcnl unlvorso whlch lncluJos tho
ph,slcnl boJ,}.
Thoso throo compononts ol ronllt, - splrlt, mlnJ, nnJ boJ,, or obsorvor, tho procoss ol
obsorvlng, nnJ tho obsorvoJ - nro ossontlnll, tho snmo thlng. Tho, nll como lrom tho snmo
plnco: tho llolJ ol puro potontlnllt, whlch ls purol, unmnnllost.
Tho ph,slcnl lnws ol tho unlvorso nro nctunll, thls wholo procoss ol Jlvlnlt, ln motlon, or
consclousnoss ln motlon. Whon wo unJorstnnJ thoso lnws nnJ nppl, thom ln our llvos, nn,thlng
wo wnnt cnn bo crontoJ, bocnuso tho snmo lnws thnt nnturo usos to cronto n lorost, or n gnlnx,,
or n stnr, or n humnn boJ, cnn nlso brlng nbout tho lulllllmont ol our Joopost Joslros.
Now lot`s go ovor Lc SI:IIuaI Zau: o/ Succc:: nnJ soo how wo cnn nppl, thom ln
our llvos.
1.c |cw | (u.c
Tho sourco ol nll crontlon ls puro consclousnoss, puro potontlnllt, sooklng oxprosslon lrom
tho unmnnllost to tho mnnllost.
AnJ whon wo ronllso thnt our truo Soll ls ono ol puro potontlnllt,, wo nllgn wlth tho powor
thnt mnnllosts ovor,thlng ln tho unlvorso.
/n ILc cgInnIng ILc:c ua: ncIILc: cI:Icncc
no: non-cI:Icncc,
AII ILI: uo:Id ua: unnanI/c:I cnc:gy . . .
Lc Cnc :caILcd, uIILouI :caIL, y /I: oun
ouc: /oILIng cI:c ua: ILc:c . . .
- !ynn o/ C:caIIon, Lc HIg 1cda
ho llrst splrltunl lnw ol succoss ls tho Lnw o/ /u:c /oIcnIIaIIIy. Thls lnw ls bnsoJ on
tho lnct thnt wo nro, ln our ossontlnl stnto, puro consclousnoss. Puro consclousnoss
ls puro potontlnllt,; lt ls tho llolJ ol nll posslbllltlos nnJ lnllnlto crontlvlt,. Puro con-
sclousnoss ls our splrltunl ossonco. Bolng lnllnlto nnJ unbounJoJ, lt ls nlso puro [o,. thor
nttrlbutos ol consclousnoss nro puro knowloJgo, lnllnlto sllonco, porloct bnlnnco, lnvlnclblllt,,
slmpllclt,, nnJ bllss. Thls ls our ossontlnl nnturo. ur ossontlnl nnturo ls ono ol puro potontlnllt,.
Whon ,ou Jlscovor ,our ossontlnl nnturo nnJ know who ,ou ronll, nro, ln ILaI RnouIng
II:cI/ I: tho nblllt, to lulllll nn, Jronm ,ou hnvo, bocnuso ,ou nro tho otornnl posslblllt,, tho
lmmonsurnblo potontlnl ol nll thnt wns, ls, nnJ wlll bo. Tho Zau o/ /u:c /oIcnIIaIIIy coulJ nlso bo
cnlloJ tho Zau o/ !nIIy, bocnuso unJorl,lng tho lnllnlto Jlvorslt, ol lllo ls tho unlt, ol ono nll-
porvnslvo splrlt. Thoro ls no sopnrntlon botwoon ,ou nnJ thls llolJ ol onorg,. Tho llolJ ol puro
potontlnllt, ls ,our own Soll. AnJ tho moro ,ou oxporlonco ,our truo nnturo, tho closor ,ou nro
to tho llolJ ol puro potontlnllt,.
Tho oxporlonco ol tho Soll, or soll-rolorrnl, monns thnt our lntornnl roloronco polnt ls our
own splrlt, nnJ not tho ob[octs ol our oxporlonco. Tho opposlto ol soll-rolorrnl ls ob[oct-rolorrnl.
ln ob[oct-rolorrnl wo nro nlwn,s lnlluoncoJ b, ob[octs outslJo tho Soll, whlch lncluJo sltuntlons,
clrcumstnncos, pooplo, nnJ thlngs. ln ob[oct-rolorrnl wo nro constnntl, sooklng tho npprovnl ol
othors. ur thlnklng nnJ our bohnvlour nro nlwn,s ln nntlclpntlon ol n rosponso. lt ls thoroloro
ln ob[oct-rolorrnl wo nlso lool nn lntonso nooJ to control thlngs. Wo lool nn lntonso nooJ lor
oxtornnl powor. Tho nooJ lor npprovnl, tho nooJ to control thlngs, nnJ tho nooJ lor oxtornnl
powor nro nooJs thnt nro bnsoJ on lonr. Thls klnJ ol powor ls not tho powor ol puro potontlnllt,,
or tho powor ol tho Soll, or :caI powor. Whon wo oxporlonco tho powor ol tho Soll, thoro ls nn
nbsonco ol lonr, thoro ls no compulslon to control, nnJ no strugglo lor npprovnl or oxtornnl
ln ob[oct-rolorrnl, ,our lntornnl roloronco polnt ls ,our ogo. Tho ogo, howovor, ls not who
,ou ronll, nro. Tho ogo ls ,our soll-lmngo; lt ls ,our soclnl mnsk; lt ls tho rolo ,ou nro pln,lng.
Your soclnl mnsk thrlvos on npprovnl. lt wnnts to control, nnJ lt ls sustnlnoJ b, powor, bocnuso
lt llvos ln lonr.
Your truo Soll, whlch ls ,our splrlt, ,our soul, ls ^complotol, lroo ol thoso thlngs. lt ls
lmmuno to crltlclsm, lt ls unlonrlul ol nn, chnllongo, nnJ lt lools bononth no ono. AnJ ,ot, lt ls
nlso humblo nnJ lools suporlor to no ono, bocnuso lt rocognlzos thnt ovor,ono olso ls tho snmo
Soll, tho snmo splrlt ln Jllloront Jlsgulsos.
1.c |cw | (u.c (|c||c||| I
Thnt`s tho ossontlnl Jllloronco botwoon ob[oct-rolorrnl nnJ soll-rolorrnl. ln soll-rolorrnl, ,ou
oxporlonco ,our truo bolng, whlch ls unlonrlul ol nn, chnllongo, hns rospoct lor nll pooplo, nnJ
lools bononth no ono. Soll-powor ls thoroloro truo powor.
Powor bnsoJ on ob[oct-rolorrnl, howovor, ls lnlso powor. Bolng ogo-bnsoJ powor, lt lnsts
onl, ns long ns tho ob[oct ol roloronco ls thoro. ll ,ou hnvo n cortnln tltlo - ll ,ou`ro tho
proslJont ol tho countr, or tho chnlrmnn ol n corporntlon - or ll ,ou hnvo n lot ol mono,, tho
powor ,ou on[o, goos wlth tho tltlo, wlth tho [ob, wlth tho mono,. Ego-bnsoJ powor wlll onl,
lnst ns long ns thoso thlngs lnst. As soon ns tho tltlo, tho [ob, tho mono, go nwn,, so Joos tho
Soll-powor, on tho othor hnnJ, ls pormnnont, bocnuso lt ls bnsoJ on tho knowloJgo ol tho
Soll. AnJ thoro nro cortnln chnrnctorlstlcs ol soll-powor.
lt Jrnws pooplo to ,ou, nnJ lt nlso Jrnws thlngs thnt ,ou wnnt to ,ou. lt mngnotlzos pooplo,
sltuntlons, nnJ clrcumstnncos to support ,our Joslros. Thls ls nlso cnlloJ support lrom tho lnws
ol nnturo. lt ls tho support ol Jlvlnlt,; lt ls tho support thnt comos lrom bolng ln tho stnto ol
grnco. Your powor ls such thnt ,ou on[o, n bonJ wlth pooplo, nnJ pooplo on[o, n bonJ wlth
,ou. Your powor ls thnt ol bonJlng - n bonJlng thnt comos lrom truo lovo.
How cnn wo nppl, tho Zau o/ /u:c /oIcnIIaIIIy, tho llolJ ol nll posslbllltlos, to our llvos? ll
,ou wnnt to on[o, tho bonollts ol tho llolJ ol puro potontlnllt,, ll ,ou wnnt to mnko lull uso ol tho
crontlvlt, whlch ls lnhoront ln puro consclousnoss, thon ,ou hnvo to hnvo nccoss to lt. no wn,
to nccoss tho llolJ ls through tho Jnll, prnctlco ol sllonco, moJltntlon, nnJ non-[uJgmont. SponJlng
tlmo ln nnturo wlll nlso glvo ,ou nccoss to tho qunlltlos lnhoront ln tho llolJ: lnllnlto crontlvlt,,
lrooJom, nnJ bllss.
Prnctlclng sllonco monns mnklng n commltmont to tnko n cortnln nmount ol tlmo to slmpl,
Bo. Exporlonclng sllonco monns porloJlcnll, wlthJrnwlng lrom tho nctlvlt, ol spooch. lt nlso
monns porloJlcnll, wlthJrnwlng lrom such nctlvltlos ns wntchlng tolovlslon, llstonlng to tho rn-
Jlo, or ronJlng n book. ll ,ou novor glvo ,oursoll tho opportunlt, to oxporlonco sllonco, thls
crontos turbulonco ln ,our lntornnl Jlnloguo.
Sot nslJo n llttlo tlmo ovor, onco ln n whllo to oxporlonco sllonco. r slmpl, mnko n com-
mltmont to mnlntnln sllonco lor n cortnln porloJ onch Jn,. You coulJ Jo lt lor two hours, or ll
thnt sooms n lot, Jo lt lor n ono-hour porloJ. AnJ ovor, onco ln n whllo oxporlonco sllonco lor
nn oxtonJoJ porloJ ol tlmo, such ns n lull Jn,, or two Jn,s, or ovon n wholo wook.
Whnt hnppons whon ,ou go lnto thls oxporlonco ol sllonco? lnltlnll, ,our lntornnl Jlnloguo
bocomos ovon moro turbulont. You lool nn lntonso nooJ to sn, thlngs. l`vo known pooplo who
go nbsolutol, crnz, tho llrst Jn, or two whon tho, commlt thomsolvos to nn oxtonJoJ porloJ ol
sllonco. A sonso ol urgonc, nnJ nnxlot, suJJonl, comos ovor thom. But ns tho, stn, wlth tho
oxporlonco, tholr lntornnl Jlnloguo boglns to quloton. AnJ soon tho sllonco bocomos prolounJ.
Thls ls bocnuso nltor n whllo tho mlnJ glvos up; lt ronllzos thoro ls no polnt ln golng nrounJ nnJ
nrounJ ll ,ou - tho Soll, tho splrlt, tho cholco-mnkor - nro not golng to sponk, porloJ. Thon,
ns tho lntornnl Jlnloguo qulotons, ,ou bogln to oxporlonco tho stlllnoss ol tho llolJ ol puro
Prnctlclng sllonco porloJlcnll, ns lt ls convonlont to ,ou ls ono wn, to oxporlonco tho Zau
o/ /u:c /oIcnIIaIIIy. SponJlng tlmo onch Jn, ln moJltntlon ls nnothor. lJonll,, ,ou shoulJ moJl-
tnto nt lonst thlrt, mlnutos ln tho mornlng, nnJ thlrt, mlnutos ln tho ovonlng. Through moJltn-
tlon ,ou wlll lonrn to oxporlonco tho llolJ ol puro sllonco nnJ puro nwnronoss. ln thnt llolJ ol
puro sllonco ls tho llolJ ol lnllnlto corrolntlon, tho llolJ ol lnllnlto orgnnlzlng powor, tho ultlmnto
grounJ ol crontlon whoro ovor,thlng ls lnsopnrnbl, connoctoJ wlth ovor,thlng olso.
1.c cc (|.||uc| |cw | uc e
ln tho lllth splrltunl lnw, tho Zau o/ /nIcnIIon and Lc:I:c, ,ou wlll soo how ,ou cnn lntro-
Juco n lnlnt lmpulso ol lntontlon ln thls llolJ, nnJ tho crontlon ol ,our Joslros wlll como nbout
spontnnoousl,. But llrst, ,ou hnvo to oxporlonco stlllnoss. Stlllnoss ls tho llrst roqulromont lor
mnnllostlng ,our Joslros, bocnuso ln stlllnoss llos ,our connoctlon to tho llolJ ol puro potontlnllt,
thnt cnn orchostrnto nn lnllnlt, ol Jotnlls lor ,ou.
lmnglno throwlng n llttlo stono lnto n stlll ponJ nnJ wntchlng lt rlpplo. Thon, nltor n whllo,
whon tho rlpplos sottlo Jown, porhnps ,ou throw nnothor llttlo stono. Thnt`s oxnctl, whnt ,ou
Jo whon ,ou go lnto tho llolJ ol puro sllonco nnJ lntroJuco ,our lntontlon. ln thls sllonco, ovon
tho lnlntost lntontlon wlll rlpplo ncross tho unJorl,lng grounJ ol unlvorsnl consclousnoss, whlch
connocts ovor,thlng wlth ovor,thlng olso. But, ll ,ou Jo not oxporlonco stlllnoss ln consclous-
noss, ll ,our mlnJ ls llko n turbulont oconn, ,ou coulJ throw tho Emplro Stnto BullJlng lnto lt,
nnJ ,ou woulJn`t notlco n thlng. ln tho Blblo ls tho oxprosslon, Bo stlll, nnJ know thnt l nm
GoJ. Thls cnn onl, bo nccompllshoJ through moJltntlon.
Anothor wn, to nccoss tho llolJ ol puro potontlnllt, ls through tho prnctlco ol non-[uJg-
mont. JuJgmont ls tho constnnt ovnluntlon ol thlngs ns rlght or wrong, gooJ or bnJ. Whon ,ou
nro constnntl, ovnluntlng, clnssll,lng, lnbollng, nnnl,zlng, ,ou cronto n lot ol turbulonco ln ,our
lntornnl Jlnloguo. Thls turbulonco constrlcts tho llow ol onorg, botwoon ,ou nnJ tho llolJ ol
puro potontlnllt,. You lltornll, squoozo tho gnp botwoon thoughts.
Tho gnp ls ,our connoctlon to tho llolJ ol puro potontlnllt,. lt ls thnt stnto ol puro nwnro-
noss, thnt sllont spnco botwoon thoughts, thnt lnnor stlllnoss thnt connocts ,ou to truo powor.
AnJ whon ,ou squoozo tho gnp, ,ou squoozo ,our connoctlon to tho llolJ ol puro potontlnllt,
nnJ lnllnlto crontlvlt,.
Thoro ls n prn,or ln A Courso ln Mlrnclos thnt stntos, ToJn, l shnll [uJgo nothlng thnt
occurs. Non-[uJgmont crontos sllonco ln ,our mlnJ. lt ls n gooJ lJon, thoroloro, to bogln ,our
Jn, wlth thnt stntomont. AnJ throughout tho Jn,, romlnJ ,oursoll ol thnt stntomont onch tlmo
,ou cntch ,oursoll [uJglng. ll prnctlclng thls procoJuro lor tho wholo Jn, sooms too Jllllcult,
thon ,ou mn, slmpl, sn, to ,oursoll, For tho noxt two hours, l won`t [uJgo nn,thlng, or For
tho noxt hour, l wlll oxporlonco non-[uJgmont. Thon ,ou cnn oxtonJ lt grnJunll,.
Through sllonco, through moJltntlon, nnJ through non-[uJgmont, ,ou wlll nccoss tho llrst
lnw, tho Zau o/ /u:c /oIcnIIaIIIy. nco ,ou stnrt Jolng thnt, ,ou cnn nJJ n lourth componont
to thls prnctlco, nnJ thnt ls rogulnrl, sponJlng tlmo ln Jlroct communlon wlth nnturo. SponJlng
tlmo ln nnturo onnblos ,ou to sonso tho hnrmonlous lntornctlon ol nll tho olomonts nnJ lorcos ol
lllo, nnJ glvos ,ou n sonso ol unlt, wlth nll ol lllo. Whothor lt bo n stronm, n lorost, n mountnln,
n lnko, or tho sonshoro, thnt connoctlon wlth nnturo`s lntolllgonco wlll nlso holp ,ou nccoss tho
llolJ ol puro potontlnllt,.
You must lonrn to got ln touch wlth tho lnnormost ossonco ol ,our bolng. Thls truo ossonco
ls bo,onJ tho ogo. lt ls lonrloss; lt ls lroo; lt ls lmmuno to crltlclsm; lt Joos not lonr nn, chnllongo.
lt ls bononth no ono, suporlor to no ono, nnJ lull ol mnglc, m,stor,, nnJ onchnntmont.
Accoss to ,our truo ossonco wlll nlso glvo ,ou lnslght lnto tho mlrror ol rolntlonshlp, bo-
cnuso nll rolntlonshlp ls n rolloctlon ol ,our rolntlonshlp wlth ,oursoll. For oxnmplo, ll ,ou hnvo
gullt, lonr, nnJ lnsocurlt, ovor mono,, or succoss, or nn,thlng olso, thon thoso nro rolloctlons ol
gullt, lonr, nnJ lnsocurlt, ns bnslc nspocts ol ,our porsonnllt,. No nmount ol mono, or succoss
wlll solvo thoso bnslc probloms ol oxlstonco; onl, lntlmnc, wlth tho Soll wlll brlng nbout truo
honllng. AnJ whon ,ou nro grounJoJ ln tho knowloJgo ol ,our truo Soll - whon ,ou ronll,
unJorstnnJ ,our truo nnturo - ,ou wlll novor lool gullt,, lonrlul, or lnsocuro nbout mono,, or
nllluonco, or lullllllng ,our Joslros, bocnuso ,ou wlll ronllzo thnt tho ossonco ol nll mntorlnl
wonlth ls lllo onorg,, lt ls puro potontlnllt,. AnJ puro potontlnllt, ls ,our lntrlnslc nnturo.
` 1.c |cw | (u.c (|c||c|||

As ,ou gnln moro nnJ moro nccoss to ,our truo nnturo, ,ou wlll nlso spontnnoousl, rocolvo
crontlvo thoughts, bocnuso tho llolJ ol puro potontlnllt, ls nlso tho llolJ ol lnllnlto crontlvlt, nnJ
puro knowloJgo. Frnnz Knlkn, tho Austrlnn phllosophor nnJ poot, onco snlJ, You nooJ not
lonvo ,our room. Romnln slttlng nt ,our tnblo nnJ llston. You nooJ not ovon llston, slmpl, wnlt.
You nooJ not ovon wnlt, [ust lonrn to bocomo qulot, nnJ stlll, nnJ solltnr,. Tho worlJ wlll lrool,
ollor ltsoll to ,ou to bo unmnskoJ. lt hns no cholco; lt wlll roll ln ocstns, nt ,our loot.
Tho nllluonco ol tho unlvorso - tho lnvlsh Jlspln, nnJ nbunJnnco ol tho unlvorso - ls nn
oxprosslon ol tho crontlvo mlnJ ol nnturo. Tho moro tunoJ ln ,ou nro to tho mlnJ ol nnturo, tho
moro ,ou hnvo nccoss to lts lnllnlto, unbounJoJ crontlvlt,. But llrst, ,ou hnvo to go bo,onJ tho
turbulonco ol ,our lntornnl Jlnloguo to connoct wlth thnt nbunJnnt, nllluont, lnllnlto, crontlvo
mlnJ. AnJ thon ,ou cronto tho posslblllt, ol J,nnmlc nctlvlt, whllo nt tho snmo tlmo cnrr,lng tho
stlllnoss ol tho otornnl, unbounJoJ, crontlvo mlnJ. Thls oxqulslto comblnntlon ol sllont, un-
bounJoJ, lnllnlto mlnJ nlong wlth J,nnmlc, bounJoJ, lnJlvlJunl mlnJ ls tho porloct bnlnnco ol
stlllnoss nnJ movomont slmultnnoousl, thnt cnn cronto whntovor ,ou wnnt. Thls cooxlstonco ol
opposltos - stlllnoss nnJ J,nnmlsm nt tho snmo tlmo - mnkos ,ou lnJoponJont ol sltuntlons,
clrcumstnncos, pooplo, nnJ thlngs.
Whon ,ou qulotl, ncknowloJgo thls oxqulslto cooxlstonco ol opposltos, ,ou nllgn ,oursoll
wlth tho worlJ ol onorg, - tho qunntum soup, tho non-mntorlnl non-stull thnt ls tho sourco ol
tho mntorlnl worlJ. Thls worlJ ol onorg, ls llulJ, J,nnmlc, roslllont, chnnglng, lorovor ln motlon.
AnJ ,ot lt ls nlso non-chnnglng, stlll, qulot, otornnl, nnJ sllont.
Stlllnoss nlono ls tho potontlnllt, lor crontlvlt,; movomont nlono ls crontlvlt, rostrlctoJ to n
cortnln nspoct ol lts oxprosslon. But tho comblnntlon ol movomont nnJ stlllnoss onnblos ,ou to
unlonsh ,our crontlvlt, ln aII Jlroctlons - whorovor tho powor ol ,our nttontlon tnkos ,ou.
Whorovor ,ou go ln tho mlJst ol movomont nnJ nctlvlt,, cnrr, ,our stlllnoss wlthln ,ou.
Thon tho chnotlc movomont nrounJ ,ou wlll novor ovorshnJow ,our nccoss to tho rosorvolr ol
crontlvlt,, tho llolJ ol puro potontlnllt,.
l wlll put tho Zau o/ /u:c /oIcnIIaIIIy lnto olloct b, mnklng n commltmont to tnko tho
lollowlng stops:
1} l wlll got ln touch wlth tho llolJ ol puro potontlnllt, b, tnklng tlmo onch Jn, to bo sllont,
to [ust Uc. l wlll nlso slt nlono ln sllont moJltntlon nt lonst twlco n Jn, lor npproxlmntol,
thlrt, mlnutos ln tho mornlng nnJ thlrt, mlnutos ln tho ovonlng.
2} l wlll tnko tlmo onch Jn, to communo wlth nnturo nnJ to sllontl, wltnoss tho lntolll-
gonco wlthln ovor, llvlng thlng. l wlll slt sllontl, nnJ wntch n sunsot, or llston to tho
sounJ ol tho oconn or n stronm, or slmpl, smoll tho scont ol n llowor. ln tho ocstns, ol
m, own sllonco, nnJ b, communlng wlth nnturo, 1 wlll on[o, tho llro throb ol ngos, tho
llolJ ol puro potontlnllt, nnJ unbounJoJ crontlvlt,.
3} l wlll prnctlco non-[uJgmont. l wlll bogln m, Jn, wlth tho stntomont, ToJn,, l shnll
[uJgo nothlng thnt occurs, nnJ throughout tho Jn, l wlll romlnJ m,soll not to [uJgo.
1.c cc (|.||uc| |cw | uc l
1.c |cw |
Lc unI.c::c oc:aIc: IL:ougL dynanIc c-
cLangc... gI.Ing and :cccI.Ing a:c dI//c:cnI a:ccI:
o/ ILc /Iou o/ cnc:gy In ILc unI.c::c.
And In ou: uIIIIngnc:: Io gI.c ILaI uLIcL uc
:ccR, uc Rcc ILc aundancc o/ ILc unI.c::c cI:cu-
IaIIng In ou: II.c:.
LI: /:aII .c::cI ILou cnIIc:I agaIn and agaIn,
and /IIIc:I II c.c: uIIL /:c:L II/c. LI: IIIIIc /IuIc o/ a
:ccd ILou La:I ca::Icd o.c: LIII: and daIc:, and La:I
:caILcd IL:ougL II ncIodIc: cIc:naIIy ncu. . . . Ly
In/InIIc gI/I: conc Io nc onIy on ILo:c .c:y :naII
Land: o/ nInc. Agc: a::, and :IIII ILou ou:c:I,
and :IIII ILc:c I: :oon Io /III.
- RnblnJrnnnth Tngoro, Gltnn[nll
ho soconJ splrltunl lnw ol succoss ls tho Zau o/ Glvlng. Thls lnw coulJ nlso bo cnlloJ
tho Zau o/ Glvlng and HcccI.Ing, bocnuso tho unlvorso oporntos through J,nnmlc
oxchnngo. Nothlng ls stntlc. Your boJ, ls ln J,nnmlc nnJ constnnt oxchnngo wlth
tho boJ, ol tho unlvorso; ,our mlnJ ls J,nnmlcnll, lntornctlng wlth tho mlnJ ol tho cosmos; ,our
onorg, ls nn oxprosslon ol cosmlc onorg,.
Tho llow ol lllo ls nothlng othor thnn tho hnrmonlous lntornctlon ol nll tho olomonts nnJ
lorcos thnt structuro tho llolJ ol oxlstonco. Thls hnrmonlous lntornctlon ol olomonts nnJ lorcos
ln ,our lllo oporntos ns tho Zau o/ CI.Ing. Bocnuso ,our boJ, nnJ ,our mlnJ nnJ tho unlvorso
nro ln constnnt nnJ J,nnmlc oxchnngo, stopplng tho clrculntlon ol onorg, ls llko stopplng tho
llow ol blooJ. Whonovor blooJ stops llowlng, lt boglns to clot, to congulnto, to stngnnto. Thnt ls
wh, ,ou must glvo nnJ rocolvo ln orJor to koop wonlth nnJ nllluonco - or nn,thlng ,ou wnnt ln
lllo - clrculntlng ln ,our lllo.
Tho worJ nllluonco comos lrom tho root worJ nllluoro, whlch monns to llow to. Tho
worJ nllluonco monns to llow ln nbunJnnco. Mono, ls ronll, n s,mbol ol tho lllo onorg, wo
oxchnngo nnJ tho lllo onorg, wo uso ns n rosult ol tho sorvlco wo provlJo to tho unlvorso.
Anothor worJ lor mono, ls curronc,, whlch nlso rollocts tho llowlng nnturo ol onorg,. Tho
worJ curronc, comos lrom tho Lntln worJ curroro whlch monns to run or to llow.
Thoroloro, ll wo stop tho clrculntlon ol mono, - ll our onl, lntontlon ls to holJ on to our
mono, nnJ honrJ lt - slnco lt ls lllo onorg,, wo wlll stop lts clrculntlon bnck lnto our llvos ns
woll. ln orJor to koop thnt onorg, comlng to us, wo hnvo to koop tho onorg, clrculntlng. Llko n
rlvor, mono, must koop llowlng, othorwlso lt boglns to stngnnto, to clog, to sullocnto nnJ strnn-
glo lts vor, own lllo lorco. Clrculntlon koops lt nllvo nnJ vltnl.
Evor, rolntlonshlp ls ono ol glvo nnJ tnko. Glvlng ongonJors rocolvlng, nnJ rocolvlng on-
gonJors glvlng. Whnt goos up must como Jown; whnt goos out must como bnck. ln ronllt,,
rocolvlng ls tho snmo thlng ns glvlng, bocnuso glvlng nnJ rocolvlng nro Jllloront nspocts ol tho
llow ol onorg, ln tho unlvorso. AnJ ll ,ou stop tho llow ol olthor, ,ou lntorloro wlth nnturo`s
ln ovor, sooJ ls tho promlso ol thousnnJs ol lorosts. But tho sooJ must not bo honrJoJ; lt
must glvo lts lntolllgonco to tho lortllo grounJ. Through lts glvlng, lts unsoon onorg, llows lnto
mntorlnl mnnllostntlon.
1.c cc (|.||uc| |cw | uc l2
Tho moro ,ou glvo, tho moro ,ou wlll rocolvo, bocnuso ,ou wlll koop tho nbunJnnco ol tho
unlvorso clrculntlng ln ,our lllo. ln lnct, nn,thlng thnt ls ol vnluo ln lllo onl, multlpllos whon lt ls
glvon. Thnt whlch Joosn`t multlpl, through glvlng ls nolthor worth glvlng nor worth rocolvlng. ll,
through tho nct ol glvlng, ,ou lool ,ou hnvo lost somothlng, thon tho gllt ls not trul, glvon nnJ
wlll not cnuso lncronso. ll ,ou glvo gruJglngl,, thoro ls no onorg, bohlnJ thnt glvlng.
lt ls tho lntontlon bohlnJ ,our glvlng nnJ rocolvlng thnt ls tho most lmportnnt thlng. Tho
lntontlon shoulJ nlwn,s bo to cronto hnpplnoss lor tho glvor nnJ rocolvor, bocnuso hnpplnoss ls
lllo-supportlng nnJ lllo-sustnlnlng nnJ thoroloro gonorntos lncronso. Tho roturn ls Jlroctl, pro-
portlonnl to tho glvlng whon lt ls unconJltlonnl nnJ lrom tho honrt. Thnt ls wh, tho nct ol glvlng
hns to bo [o,lul - tho lrnmo ol mlnJ hns to bo ono ln whlch ,ou lool [o, ln tho .c:y acI o/ glvlng.
Thon tho onorg, bohlnJ tho glvlng lncronsos mnn, tlmos ovor.
Prnctlclng tho Zau o/ CI.Ing ls nctunll, vor, slmplo: ll ,ou wnnt [o,, glvo [o, to othors; ll
,ou wnnt lovo, lonrn to glvo lovo; ll ,ou wnnt nttontlon nnJ npproclntlon, lonrn to glvo nttontlon
nnJ npproclntlon; ll ,ou wnnt mntorlnl nllluonco, holp othors to bocomo mntorlnll, nllluont. ln
lnct, tho onslost wn, to got whnt ,ou wnnt ls to holp othors got whnt tho, wnnt. Thls prlnclplo
works oqunll, woll lor lnJlvlJunls, corporntlons, soclotlos, nnJ nntlons. ll ,ou wnnt to bo blossoJ
wlth nll tho gooJ thlngs ln lllo, lonrn to sllontl, bloss ovor,ono wlth nll tho gooJ thlngs ln lllo.
Evon tho thought ol glvlng, tho thought ol blosslng, or n :InIc :ayc: hns tho powor to
nlloct othors. Thls ls bocnuso our boJ,, roJucoJ to lts ossontlnl stnto, ls n locnllzoJ bunJlo ol
onorg, nnJ lnlormntlon ln n unlvorso ol onorg, nnJ lnlormntlon. Wo nro locnllzoJ bunJlos ol
consclousnoss ln n consclous unlvorso. Tho worJ consclousnoss lmpllos moro thnn [ust onorg,
nnJ lnlormntlon - lt lmpllos onorg, nnJ lnlormntlon whlch ls nllvo ns thought. Thoroloro wo
nro bunJlos ol thought ln n thlnklng unlvorso. AnJ thought hns tho powor to trnnslorm.
Lllo ls tho otornnl Jnnco ol consclousnoss thnt oxprossos ltsoll ns tho J,nnmlc oxchnngo ol
lmpulsos ol lntolllgonco botwoon mlcrocosm nnJ mncrocosm, botwoon tho humnn boJ, nnJ tho
unlvorsnl boJ,, botwoon tho humnn mlnJ nnJ tho cosmlc mlnJ.
Whon ,ou lonrn to glvo thnt whlch ,ou sook, ,ou nctlvnto nnJ choroogrnph tho Jnnco wlth
nn oxqulslto, onorgotlc, nnJ vltnl movomont thnt constltutos tho otornnl throb ol lllo.
Tho bost wn, to put tho Zau o/ CI.Ing lnto oporntlon - to stnrt tho wholo procoss ol
clrculntlon - ls to mnko n Joclslon thnt nn, tlmo ,ou como lnto contnct wlth nn,ono, ,ou wlll
glvo thom somothlng. lt Joosn`t hnvo to bo ln tho lorm ol mntorlnl thlngs; lt coulJ bo n llowor, n
compllmont, or n prn,or. ln lnct, tho most poworlul lorms ol glvlng nro non-mntorlnl. Tho gllts
ol cnrlng, nttontlon, nlloctlon, npproclntlon, nnJ lovo nro somo ol tho most proclous gllts ,ou
cnn glvo, nnJ tho, Jon`t cost ,ou nn,thlng.
Whon ,ou moot somoono, ,ou cnn sllontl, sonJ thom n blosslng, wlshlng thom hnpplnoss,
[o,, nnJ lnughtor. Thls klnJ ol sllont glvlng ls vor, poworlul.
no ol tho thlngs l wns tnught ns n chllJ, nnJ whlch l tnught m, chllJron nlso, ls novor to go
to nn,ono`s houso wlthout brlnglng somothlng - novor vlslt nn,ono wlthout brlnglng thom n
gllt. You mn, sn,, How cnn l glvo to othors whon nt tho momont l Jon`t hnvo onough m,soll?
You cnn brlng n llowor. no llowor. You cnn brlng n noto or n cnrJ whlch sn,s somothlng nbout
,our loollngs lor tho porson ,ou`ro vlsltlng. You cnn brlng n compllmont. You cnn brlng n
Mnko n Joclslon to glvo whorovor ,ou go, to whomovor ,ou soo. As long ns ,ou`ro glvlng,
,ou wlll bo rocolvlng. Tho moro ,ou glvo, tho moro conllJonco ,ou wlll gnln ln tho mlrnculous
ollocts ol thls lnw. AnJ ns ,ou rocolvo moro, ,our nblllt, to glvo moro wlll nlso lncronso.
ur truo nnturo ls ono ol nllluonco nnJ nbunJnnco; wo nro nnturnll, nllluont bocnuso nnturo
supports ovor, nooJ nnJ Joslro. Wo lnck nothlng, bocnuso our ossontlnl nnturo ls ono ol puro
l' 1.c |cw | u||

potontlnllt, nnJ lnllnlto posslbllltlos. Thoroloro, ,ou must know thnt ,ou nro nlronJ, lnhorontl,
nllluont, no mnttor how much or how llttlo mono, ,ou hnvo, bocnuso tho sourco ol nll wonlth ls
tho llolJ ol puro potontlnllt, - lt ls tho consclousnoss thnt knows how to lulllll ovor, nooJ,
lncluJlng [o,, lovo, lnughtor, ponco, hnrmon,, nnJ knowloJgo. ll ,ou sook thoso thlngs llrst -
not onl, lor ,oursoll, but lor othors - nll olso wlll como to ,ou spontnnoousl,.
l wlll put tho Zau o/ Glvlng lnto olloct b, mnklng n commltmont to tnko tho lollowlng stops:
1} Whorovor l go, nnJ whoovor l oncountor, l wlll brlng thom n gllt. Tho gllt mn, bo n
compllmont, n llowor, or n prn,or. ToJn,, l wlll glvo somothlng to ovor,ono l como lnto
contnct wlth, nnJ so l wlll bogln tho procoss ol clrculntlng [o,, wonlth nnJ nllluonco ln
m, lllo nnJ ln tho llvos ol othors.
2} ToJn, l wlll grntolull, rocolvo nll tho gllts thnt lllo hns to ollor mo. l wlll rocolvo tho gllts
ol nnturo: sunllght nnJ tho sounJ ol blrJs slnglng, or sprlng showors or tho llrst snow
ol wlntor. l wlll nlso bo opon to rocolvlng lrom othors, whothor lt bo ln tho lorm ol n
mntorlnl gllt, mono,, n compllmont, or n prn,or.
3} l wlll mnko n commltmont to koop wonlth clrculntlng ln m, lllo b, glvlng nnJ rocolvlng
lllo`s most proclous gllts: tho gllts ol cnrlng, nlloctlon, npproclntlon, nnJ lovo. Ench
tlmo l moot somoono, l wlll sllontl, wlsh thom hnpplnoss, [o,, nnJ lnughtor.
1.c cc (|.||uc| |cw | uc l+
1.c |cw
| 'c.+c
. cuc
cd c||c|
Z.c:y acIIon gcnc:aIc: a /o:cc o/ cnc:gy ILaI
:cIu:n: Io u: In IIRc RInd . . . uLaI uc :ou I: uLaI uc
And uLcn uc cLoo:c acIIon: ILaI :Ing LaI-
nc:: and :uccc:: Io oILc::, ILc /:uII o/ ou: Ra:na I:
LaInc:: and :uccc::.
/a:na I: ILc cIc:naI a::c:IIon o/ Lunan /:cc-
don. . . . Cu: ILougLI:, ou: uo:d:, and dccd: a:c
ILc IL:cad: o/ ILc ncI uLIcL uc IL:ou a:ound ou:-
- SuanI 1I.cRananda
ho thlrJ splrltunl lnw ol succoss ls tho Zau o/ /a:na. Knrmn ls both nctlon nnJ tho
consoquonco ol thnt nctlon; lt ls cnuso nnJ olloct slmultnnoousl,, bocnuso ovor,
nctlon gonorntos n lorco ol onorg, thnt roturns to us ln llko klnJ. Thoro ls nothlng
unlnmlllnr nbout tho Zau o/ Knrmn. Evor,ono hns honrJ tho oxprosslon, Whnt ,ou sow ls whnt
,ou ronp. bvlousl,, ll wo wnnt to cronto hnpplnoss ln our llvos, wo must lonrn to sow tho
sooJs ol hnpplnoss. Thoroloro, knrmn lmpllos tho nctlon ol consclous cholco-mnklng.
You nnJ l nro ossontlnll, lnllnlto cholco-mnkors. ln ovor, momont ol our oxlstonco, wo nro
ln thnt llolJ ol nll posslbllltlos whoro wo hnvo nccoss to nn lnllnlt, ol cholcos. Somo ol thoso
cholcos nro mnJo consclousl,, whllo othors nro mnJo unconsclousl,. But tho bost wn, to unJor-
stnnJ nnJ mnxlmlzo tho uso ol knrmlc lnw ls to bocomo consclousl, nwnro ol tho cholcos wo
mnko ln ovor, momont.
Whothor ,ou llko lt or not, ovor,thlng thnt ls hnpponlng nt thls momont ls n rosult ol tho
cholcos ,ou`vo mnJo ln tho pnst. Unlortunntol,, n lot ol us mnko cholcos unconsclousl,, nnJ
thoroloro wo Jon`t thlnk tho, nro cholcos - nnJ ,ot, tho, nro.
ll l woro to lnsult ,ou, ,ou woulJ most llkol, mnko tho cholco ol bolng ollonJoJ. ll l woro to
pn, ,ou n compllmont, ,ou woulJ most llkol, mnko tho cholco ol bolng plonsoJ or llnttoroJ. But
thlnk nbout lt: lt`s stlll n cholco.
l coulJ ollonJ ,ou nnJ l coulJ lnsult ,ou, nnJ ,ou coulJ mnko tho cholco ol not bolng
ollonJoJ. l coulJ pn, ,ou n compllmont nnJ ,ou coulJ mnko tho cholco ol not lottlng thnt llnttor
,ou olthor.
ln othor worJs, most ol us - ovon though wo nro lnllnlto cholco-mnkors - hnvo bocomo
bunJlos ol conJltlonoJ rolloxos thnt nro constnntl, bolng trlggoroJ b, pooplo nnJ clrcumstnncos
lnto proJlctnblo outcomos ol bohnvlour. Thoso conJltlonoJ rolloxos nro llko Pnvlovlnn conJl-
tlonlng. Pnvlov ls lnmous lor Jomonstrntlng thnt ll ,ou glvo n Jog somothlng to ont ovor, tlmo
,ou rlng n boll, soon tho Jog stnrts to snllvnto whon ,ou [ust rlng tho boll, bocnuso lt hns
nssoclntoJ ono stlmulus wlth tho othor.
Most ol us, ns n rosult ol conJltlonlng, hnvo ropotltlons nnJ proJlctnblo rosponsos to tho
stlmull ln our onvlronmont. ur ronctlons soom to bo nutomntlcnll, trlggoroJ b, pooplo nnJ
clrcumstnncos, nnJ wo lorgot thnt thoso nro stlll cholcos thnt wo nro mnklng ln ovor, momont ol
our oxlstonco. Wo nro slmpl, mnklng thoso cholcos unconsclousl,.
ll ,ou stop bnck lor n momont nnJ wltnoss tho cholcos ,ou nro mnklng ns ,ou mnko thoso
cholcos, thon ln [ust thls nct ol wltnosslng, ,ou tnko tho wholo procoss lrom tho unconsclous
1.c cc (|.||uc| |cw | uc le
ronlm lnto tho consclous ronlm. Thls procoJuro ol consclous cholco-mnklng nnJ wltnosslng ls
vor, ompoworlng.
Whon ,ou mnko nn, cholco - nn, cholco nt nll - ,ou cnn nsk ,oursoll two thlngs: Flrst ol
nll, Whnt nro tho consoquoncos ol thls cholco thnt l`m mnklng? ln ,our honrt ,ou wlll lmmoJl-
ntol, know whnt thoso nro. SoconJl,, Wlll thls cholco thnt l`m mnklng now brlng hnpplnoss to
mo nnJ to thoso nrounJ mo? ll tho nnswor ls ,os, thon go nhonJ wlth thnt cholco. ll tho nnswor
ls no, ll thnt cholco brlngs Jlstross olthor to ,ou or to thoso nrounJ ,ou, thon Jon`t mnko thnt
cholco. lt`s ns slmplo ns thnt.
Thoro ls onl, ono cholco, out ol tho lnllnlt, ol cholcos nvnllnblo ln ovor, soconJ, thnt wlll
cronto hnpplnoss lor ,ou ns woll ns lor thoso nrounJ ,ou. AnJ whon ,ou mnko thnt ono cholco,
lt wlll rosult ln n lorm ol bohnvlour thnt ls cnlloJ spontnnoous rlght nctlon. Spontnnoous rlght
nctlon ls tho rlght nctlon nt tho rlght momont. lt`s tho rlght rosponso to ovor, sltuntlon ns lt
hnppons. lt`s tho nctlon thnt nourlshos ,ou nnJ ovor,ono olso who ls lnlluoncoJ b, thnt nctlon.
Thoro ls n vor, lntorostlng mochnnlsm thnt tho unlvorso hns to holp ,ou mnko spontnno-
ousl, corroct cholcos. Tho mochnnlsm hns to Jo wlth sonsntlons ln ,our boJ,. Your boJ,
oxporloncos two klnJs ol sonsntlons: ono ls n sonsntlon ol comlort, tho othor ls n sonsntlon ol
Jlscomlort. At tho momont ,ou consclousl, mnko n cholco, pn, nttontlon to ,our boJ, nnJ nsk
,our boJ,, ll l mnko thls cholco, whnt hnppons? ll ,our boJ, sonJs n mossngo ol comlort,
thnt`s tho rlght cholco. ll ,our boJ, sonJs n mossngo ol Jlscomlort, thon lt`s not tho npproprlnto
For somo pooplo tho mossngo ol comlort nnJ Jlscomlort ls ln tho nron ol tho solnr ploxus,
but lor most pooplo lt`s ln tho nron ol tho honrt. Consclousl, put ,our nttontlon ln tho honrt nnJ
nsk ,our honrt whnt to Jo. Thon wnlt lor tho rosponso - n ph,slcnl rosponso ln tho lorm ol n
sonsntlon. lt mn, bo tho .lnlntost lovol ol loollng - but lt`s thoro, ln ,our boJ,.
nl, tho honrt knows tho corroct nnswor. Most pooplo thlnk tho honrt ls mush, nnJ sontl-
montnl. But lt`s not. Tho honrt ls lntultlvo; lt`s hollstlc, lt`s contoxtunl, lt`s rolntlonnl. lt Joosn`t
hnvo n wln-loso orlontntlon. lt tnps lnto tho cosmlc computor - tho llolJ ol puro potontlnllt,,
puro knowloJgo, nnJ lnllnlto orgnnlzlng powor - nnJ tnkos ovor,thlng lnto nccount. At tlmos lt
mn, not ovon soom rntlonnl, but tho honrt hns n computlng nblllt, thnt ls lnr moro nccurnto nnJ
lnr moro proclso thnn nn,thlng wlthln tho llmlts ol rntlonnl thought.
You cnn uso tho Zau o/ /a:na to cronto mono, nnJ nllluonco, nnJ tho llow ol nll gooJ
thlngs to ,ou, nn, tlmo ,ou wnnt. But llrst, ,ou must bocomo consclousl, nwnro thnt ,our luturo
ls gonorntoJ b, tho cholcos ,ou nro mnklng ln ovor, momont ol ,our lllo. ll ,ou Jo thls on n
rogulnr bnsls, thon ,ou nro mnklng lull uso ol tho Zau o/ /a:na. Tho moro ,ou brlng ,our
cholcos lnto tho lovol ol ,our consclous nwnronoss, tho moro ,ou wlll mnko thoso cholcos whlch
nro spontnnoousl, corroct - both lor ,ou nnJ thoso nrounJ ,ou.
Whnt nbout pnst knrmn nnJ how lt ls lnlluonclng ,ou now? Thoro nro throo thlngs ,ou cnn
Jo nbout pnst knrmn. no ls to pn, ,our knrmlc Jobts. Most pooplo chooso to Jo thnt -
unconsclousl,, ol courso. Thls mn, bo n cholco ,ou mnko, nlso. Somotlmos thoro`s n lot ol
sullorlng lnvolvoJ ln tho pn,mont ol thoso Jobts, but tho Zau o/ /a:na sn,s no Jobt ln tho
unlvorso ovor goos unpnlJ. Thoro ls n porloct nccountlng s,stom ln thls unlvorso, nnJ ovor,thlng
ls n constnnt to nnJ lro oxchnngo ol onorg,.
Tho soconJ thlng ,ou cnn Jo ls to trnnsmuto or trnnslorm ,our knrmn to n moro Joslrnblo
oxporlonco. Thls ls n vor, lntorostlng procoss ln whlch ,ou nsk ,oursoll, ns ,ou`ro pn,lng ,our
knrmlc Jobt, Whnt cnn l lonrn lrom thls oxporlonco? Wh, ls thls hnpponlng nnJ whnt ls tho
mossngo thnt tho unlvorso ls glvlng to mo? How cnn l mnko thls oxporlonco usolul to m, lollow
humnn bolngs?
lI 1.c |cw | Cc.+c . Ccuc cd |||c|

B, Jolng thls, ,ou look lor tho sooJ ol opportunlt, nnJ thon tlo thnt sooJ ol opportunlt,
wlth ,our dLa:na, wlth ,our purposo ln lllo, whlch wo`ll tnlk nbout ln tho Sovonth Splrltunl Lnw
ol Succoss. Thls nllows ,ou to trnnsmuto tho knrmn to n now oxprosslon.
For oxnmplo, ll ,ou bronk ,our log whllo pln,lng sports, ,ou mlght nsk, Whnt cnn l lonrn
lrom thls oxporlonco? Whnt ls tho mossngo thnt tho unlvorso ls glvlng mo? Porhnps tho mos-
sngo ls thnt ,ou nooJ to slow Jown nnJ bo moro cnrolul or nttontlvo to ,our boJ, tho noxt tlmo.
AnJ ll ,our Jhnrmn ls to tonch othors whnt ,ou know, thon b, nsklng, How cnn l mnko thls
oxporlonco usolul to m, lollow humnn bolngs? ,ou mn, JoclJo to shnro whnt ,ou lonrnoJ b,
wrltlng n book nbout pln,lng sports snlol,. r ,ou mn, Joslgn n spoclnl shoo or log support thnt
provonts tho klnJ ol ln[ur, ,ou oxporloncoJ.
Thls wn,, whllo pn,lng ,our knrmlc Jobt, ,ou wlll hnvo nlso convortoJ tho nJvorslt, lnto n
bonollt thnt mn, brlng ,ou wonlth nnJ lulllllmont. Thls ls tho trnnsmutntlon ol ,our knrmn lnto
n posltlvo oxporlonco. You hnvon`t ronll, gotton rlJ ol ,our knrmn, but ,ou nro nblo to tnko n
knrmlc oplsoJo nnJ cronto n now nnJ posltlvo knrmn out ol lt.
Tho thlrJ wn, to Jonl wlth knrmn ls to trnnsconJ lt. To trnnsconJ knrmn ls to bocomo
lnJoponJont ol lt. Tho wn, to trnnsconJ knrmn ls to koop oxporlonclng tho gnp, tho Soll, tho
Splrlt. lt`s llko wnshlng n Jlrt, ploco ol cloth ln n stronm ol wntor. Evor, tlmo ,ou wnsh lt, ,ou
tnko nwn, n low stnlns. You koop wnshlng lt ngnln nnJ ngnln, nnJ onch tlmo lt gots n llttlo
clonnor. You wnsh or trnnsconJ tho sooJs ol ,our knrmn b, golng lnto tho gnp nnJ comlng out
ngnln. Thls, ol courso, ls Jono through tho prnctlco ol moJltntlon.
All nctlons nro knrmlc oplsoJos. Drlnklng n cup ol colloo ls n knrmlc oplsoJo. Thnt nctlon
gonorntos momor,, nnJ momor, hns tho nblllt, or tho potontlnllt, to gonornto Joslro. AnJ
Joslro gonorntos nctlon ngnln. Tho oporntlonnl soltwnro ol ,our soul ls knrmn, momor,, nnJ
Joslro. Your soul ls n bunJlo ol consclousnoss thnt hns tho sooJs ol knrmn, momor,, nnJ Joslro.
B, bocomlng consclous ol thoso sooJs ol mnnllostntlon, ,ou bocomo n consclous gonorntor ol
ronllt,. B, bocomlng n consclous cholco-mnkor, ,ou bogln to gonornto nctlons thnt nro ovolu-
tlonnr, lor ,ou nnJ lor thoso thnt nro nrounJ ,ou. AnJ thnt`s nll ,ou nooJ to Jo.
As long ns knrmn ls ovolutlonnr, - lor both tho Soll nnJ ovor,ono nlloctoJ b, tho Soll -
thon tho lrult ol knrmn wlll bo hnpplnoss nnJ succoss.
l wlll put tho Zau o/ /a:na lnto olloct b, mnklng n commltmont to tnko tho lollowlng
1} ToJn, l wlll wltnoss tho cholcos l mnko ln onch momont. AnJ ln tho moro wltnosslng ol
thoso cholcos, l wlll brlng thom to m, consclous nwnronoss. l wlll know thnt tho bost
wn, to propnro lor nn, momont ln tho luturo ls to bo lull, consclous ln tho prosont.
2} Whonovor l mnko n cholco, l wlll nsk m,soll two quostlons: Whnt nro tho conso-
quoncos ol thls cholco thnt l`m mnklng? nnJ Wlll thls cholco brlng lulllllmont nnJ
hnpplnoss to mo nnJ nlso to thoso who nro nlloctoJ b, thls cholco?
3} l wlll thon nsk m, honrt lor gulJnnco nnJ bo gulJoJ b, lts mossngo ol comlort or
Jlscomlort. ll tho cholco lools comlortnblo, l wlll plungo nhonJ wlth nbnnJon. ll tho
cholco lools uncomlortnblo, l wlll pnuso nnJ soo tho consoquoncos ol m, nctlon wlth
m, lnnor vlslon. Thls gulJnnco wlll onnblo mo to mnko spontnnoousl, corroct cholcos
lor m,soll nnJ lor nll thoso nrounJ mo.
1.c cc (|.||uc| |cw | uc le
1.c |cw | |cc|
/aIu:c o InIcIIIgcncc /uncIIon: uIIL c//o:IIc::
ca:c . . . uIIL ca:c/:ccnc::, La:nony, and Io.c.
And uLcn uc La:nc:: ILc /o:cc: o/ La:nony,
Joy, and Io.c, uc c:caIc :uccc:: and good /o:Iunc
uIIL c//o:IIc:: ca:c.
An InIcg:aI cIng Rnou: uIILouI goIng, :cc:
uIILouI IooRIng, and acconII:Lc: uIILouI doIng.
- Zao Z!
ho lourth splrltunl lnw ol succoss ls tho Zau o/ Zca:I Z//o:I. Thls lnw ls bnsoJ on tho
lnct thnt nnturo`s lntolllgonco lunctlons wlth ollortloss onso nnJ nbnnJonoJ cnrolul
noss. Thls ls tho prlnclplo ol lonst nctlon, ol no roslstnnco. Thls ls, thoroloro, tho
prlnclplo ol hnrmon, nnJ lovo. Whon wo lonrn thls losson lrom nnturo, wo onsll, lulllll our
ll ,ou obsorvo nnturo nt work, ,ou wlll soo thnt lonst ollort ls oxponJoJ. Grnss Joosn`t tr, to
grow, lt [ust grows. Flsh Jon`t tr, to swlm, tho, [ust swlm. Flowors Jon`t tr, to bloom, tho,
bloom. BlrJs Jon`t tr, to ll,, tho, ll,. Thls ls tholr lntrlnslc nturo. Tho onrth Joosn`t tr, to spln
on lts own nxls; lt ls tho nnturo ol tho onrth to spln wlth Jlzz,lng spooJ nnJ to hurtlo through
spnco. lt ls tho nnturo ol bnblos to bo ln bllss. lt ls tho nnturo ol tho sun to shlno. lt ls tho nnturo
ol tho stnrs to gllttor nnJ spnrklo. AnJ lt ls humnn nnturo to mnko our Jronms mnnllost lnto
ph,slcnl lorm, onsll, nnJ ollortlossl,.
ln VoJlc Sclonco, tho ngo-olJ phllosoph, ol lnJln, thls prlnclplo ls known ns tho prlnclplo ol
oconom, ol ollort, or Jo loss nnJ nccompllsh moro. Ultlmntol, ,ou como to tho stnto whoro
,ou Jo nothlng nnJ nccompllsh ovor,thlng. Thls monns thnt thoro ls [ust n lnlnt lJon, nnJ thon
tho mnnllostntlon ol tho lJon comos nbout ollortlossl,. Whnt ls commonl, cnlloJ n mlrnclo ls
nctunll, nn oxprosslon ol tho Zau o/ Zca:I Z//o:I.
Nnturo`s lntolllgonco lunctlons ollortlossl,, lrlc-tlonlossl,, spontnnoousl,. lt ls non-llnonr; lt
ls lntultlvo, hollstlc, nnJ nourlshlng. AnJ whon ,ou nro ln hnrmon, wlth nnturo, whon ,ou nro
ostnbllshoJ ln tho knowloJgo ol ,our truo soll, ,ou cnn mnko uso or tho Zau o/ Zca:I Z//o:I.
Lonst ollort ls oxponJoJ whon ,our nctlons nro motlvntoJ b, lovo, bocnuso nnturo ls holJ
togothor b, tho onorg, ol lovo. Whon ,ou sook powor nnJ control ovor othor pooplo, ,ou wnsto
onorg,. Whon ,ou sook mono, or powor lor tho snko ol tho ogo, ,ou sponJ onorg, chnslng tho
llluslon ol hnpplnoss lnstonJ ol on[o,lng hnpplnoss ln tho momont. Whon ,ou sook mono, lor
porsonnl gnln onl,, ,ou cut oll tho llow ol onorg, to ,oursoll, nnJ lntorloro wlth tho oxprosslon
ol nnturo`s lntolllgonco. But whon ,our nctlons nro motlvntoJ b, lovo, thoro ls no wnsto ol
onorg,. Whon ,our nctlons nro motlvntoJ b, lovo, ,our onorg, multlpllos nnJ nccumulntos -
nnJ tho surplus onorg, ,ou gnthor nnJ on[o, cnn bo chnnnoloJ to cronto nn,thlng thnt ,ou wnnt,
lncluJlng unllmltoJ wonlth.
You cnn thlnk ol ,our ph,slcnl boJ, ns n Jovlco lor controlllng onorg,: lt cnn gonornto,
storo, nnJ oxponJ onorg,. ll ,ou know how to gonornto, storo, nnJ oxponJ onorg, ln nn olll-
clont wn,, thon ,ou cnn cronto nn, nmount ol wonlth. Attontlon to tho ogo consumos tho
grontost nmount ol onorg,. Whon ,our lntornnl roloronco polnt ls tho ogo, whon ,ou sook
powor nnJ control ovor othor pooplo or sook npprovnl lrom othors, ,ou sponJ onorg, ln n
wnstolul wn,.
Whon thnt onorg, ls lrooJ up, lt cnn bo rochnnnoloJ nnJ usoJ to cronto nn,thlng thnt ,ou
wnnt. Whon ,our lntornnl roloronco polnt ls ,our splrlt, whon ,ou nro lmmuno to crltlclsm nnJ
unlonrlul ol nn, chnllongo, ,ou cnn hnrnoss tho powor ol lovo, nnJ uso onorg, crontlvol, lor tho
oxporlonco ol nllluonco nnJ ovolutlon.
1.c cc (|.||uc| |cw | uc 2
ln Lc A:I o/ L:canIng, Don Junn tolls Cnrlos CnstnnoJn, . . . most ol our onorg, goos
lnto upholJlng our lmportnnco. ... ll wo woro cnpnblo ol loslng somo ol thnt lmportnnco, two
oxtrnorJlnnr, thlngs woulJ hnppon to us: no, wo woulJ lroo our onorg, lrom tr,lng to mnln-
tnln tho lllusor, lJon ol our grnnJour; nnJ two, wo woulJ provlJo oursolvos wlth onough onorg,
to cntch n gllmpso or tho nctunl grnnJour ol tho unlvorso.
Thoro nro throo compononts to tho Zau o/ Zca:I Z//o:I - throo thlngs ,ou cnn Jo to put
thls prlnclplo ol Jo loss nnJ nccompllsh moro lnto nctlon. Tho llrst componont ls nccoptnnco.
Accoptnnco slmpl, monns thnt ,ou mnko n commltmont: ToJn, l wlll nccopt pooplo, sltun-
tlons, clrcumstnncos, nnJ ovonts ns tho, occur. Thls monns l wlll know thnt ILI: momont ls a:
II :LouId c, bocnuso tho wholo unlvorso ls ns lt shoulJ bo. Thls momont - tho ono ,ou`ro
oxporlonclng rlght now - ls tho culmlnntlon ol nll tho momonts ,ou hnvo oxporloncoJ ln tho
pnst. Thls momont ls ns lt ls bocnuso tho ontlro unlvorso ls ns lt ls.
Whon ,ou strugglo ngnlnst thls momont, ,ou`ro nctunll, struggllng ngnlnst tho ontlro unl-
vorso. lnstonJ, ,ou cnn mnko tho Joclslon thnt toJn, ,ou wlll not strugglo ngnlnst tho wholo
unlvorso b, struggllng ngnlnst thls momont. 1 hls monns thnt ,our acccIancc ol thls momont ls
totnl nnJ comploto. You nccopt thlngs ns tho, a:c, not ns ,ou wlsh tho, woro ln thls momont.
Thls ls lmportnnt to unJorstnnJ. You cnn uI:L lor thlngs ln tho luturo to bo Jllloront, but ln thls
momont ,ou hnvo to nccopt thlngs ns tho, nro.
Whon ,ou lool lrustrntoJ or upsot b, n porson or n sltuntlon, romombor thnt ,ou nro not
ronctlng to tho porson or tho sltuntlon, but to ,our loollngs nbout tho porson or tho sltuntlon.
Thoso nro you: loollngs, nnJ ,our loollngs nro not somoono olso`s lnult. Whon ,ou rocognlzo
nnJ unJorstnnJ thls complotol,, ,ou nro ronJ, to tnko rosponslblllt, lor how ,ou lool nnJ to
chnngo lt. AnJ ll ,ou cnn nccopt thlngs ns tho, nro, ,ou nro ronJ, to tnko rosponslblllt, lor ,our
sltuntlon nnJ lor nll tho ovonts ,ou soo ns probloms.
Thls lonJs us to tho soconJ componont ol tho Zau o/ Zca:I Z//o:I. rosponslblllt,. Whnt
Joos rosponslblllt, monn? Rosponslblllt, monns not blnmlng nn,ono or nn,thlng lor ,our sltun-
tlon, lncluJlng ,oursoll. Hnvlng nccoptoJ thls clrcumstnnco, thls ovont, thls problom, rosponsl-
blllt, thon monns tho aIIIIy to hnvo n crontlvo rosponso to tho sltuntlon a: II I: nou. All prob-
loms contnln tho sooJs ol opportunlt,, nnJ thls nwnronoss nllows ,ou to tnko tho momont nnJ
trnnslorm lt to n bottor sltuntlon or thlng.
nco ,ou Jo thls, ovor, so-cnlloJ upsottlng sltuntlon wlll bocomo nn opportunlt, lor tho
crontlon ol somothlng now nnJ bonutllul, nnJ ovor, so-cnlloJ tormontor or t,rnnt wlll bocomo
,our tonchor. Ronllt, ls nn lntorprotntlon. AnJ ll ,ou chooso to lntorprot ronllt, ln thls wn,, ,ou
wlll hnvo mnn, tonchors nrounJ ,ou, nnJ mnn, opportunltlos to ovolvo.
Whonovor conlrontoJ b, n t,rnnt, tormontor, tonchor, lrlonJ, or loo tho, nll monn tho
snmo thlng} romlnJ ,oursoll, Thls momont ls ns lt shoulJ bo. Whntovor rolntlonshlps ,ou hnvo
nttrnctoJ ln ,our lllo nt thls momont nro proclsol, tho onos ,ou nooJ ln ,our lllo nt thls momont.
Thoro ls n hlJJon monnlng bohlnJ nll ovonts, nnJ thls hlJJon monnlng ls sorvlng ,our own
Tho thlrJ componont ol tho Zau o/ Zca:I Z//o:I ls Joloncolossnoss, whlch monns thnt ,our
nwnronoss ls ostnbllshoJ ln Jolonsolossnoss, nnJ ,ou hnvo rollnqulshoJ tho nooJ to convlnco or
porsunJo othors ol ,our polnt ol vlow. ll ,ou obsorvo pooplo nrounJ ,ou, ,ou`ll soo thnt tho,
sponJ nlnot,-nlno porcont ol tholr tlmo JolonJlng tholr polnts ol vlow. ll ,ou [ust rollnqulsh tho
nooJ to JolonJ ,our polnt ol vlow, ,ou wlll ln thnt rollnqulshmont, gnln nccoss to onormous
nmounts ol onorg, thnt hnvo boon provlousl, wnstoJ.
Whon ,ou bocomo Jolonslvo, blnmo othors, nnJ Jo not nccopt nnJ surronJor to tho mo-
mont, ,our lllo moots roslstnnco. An, tlmo ,ou oncountor roslstnnco, rocognlzo thnt ll ,ou lorco
tho sltuntlon, tho roslstnnco wlll onl, lncronso. You Jon`t wnnt to stnnJ rlglJ llko n tnll onk thnt
crncks nnJ collnpsos ln tho storm. lnstonJ, ,ou wnnt to bo lloxlblo, llko n rooJ thnt bonJs wlth
tho storm nnJ survlvos.
Complotol, Joslst lrom JolonJlng ,our polnt ol vlow. Whon ,ou hnvo no polnt to JolonJ,
,ou Jo not nllow tho blrth ol nn nrgumont. ll ,ou Jo thls conslstontl, - ll ,ou stop llghtlng nnJ
2l 1.c |cw | |cc| c||.|

roslstlng - ,ou wlll lull, oxporlonco tho prosont, whlch ls n gllt. Somoono onco tolJ mo, Tho
pnst ls hlstor,, tho luturo ls n m,stor,, nnJ thls momont ls n gllt. Thnt ls wh, thls momont ls
cnlloJ `tho prosont`.
ll ,ou ombrnco tho prosont nnJ bocomo ono wlth lt, nnJ morgo wlth lt, ,ou wlll oxporlonco
n llro, n glow, n spnrklo ol ocstns, throbblng ln ovor, llvlng sontlont bolng. As ,ou bogln to
oxporlonco thls oxultntlon ol splrlt ln ovor,thlng thnt ls nllvo, ns ,ou bocomo lntlmnto wlth lt, [o,
wlll bo born wlthln ,ou, nnJ ,ou wlll Jrop tho torrlblo burJons nnJ oncumbrnncos ol Jolonslvo-
noss, rosontmont, nnJ hurtlulnoss. nl, thon wlll ,ou bocomo llght-honrtoJ, cnrolroo, [o,ous,
nnJ lroo.
ln thls [o,lul, slmplo lrooJom, ,ou wlll know wlthout nn, Joubt ln ,our honrt thnt whnt ,ou
wnnt ls nvnllnblo to ,ou whonovor ,ou wnnt lt, bocnuso ,our wnnt wlll bo lrom tho lovol ol
hnpplnoss, not lrom tho lovol ol nnxlot, or lonr. You Jo not nooJ to [ustll,; slmpl, Joclnro ,our
lntont to ,oursoll, nnJ ,ou wlll oxporlonco lulllllmont, Jollght, [o,, lrooJom, nnJ nutonom, ln
ovor, momont ol ,our lllo.
Mnko n commltmont to lollow tho pnth ol no roslstnnco. Thls ls tho pnth through whlch
nnturo`s lntolllgonco unlolJs spontnnoousl,, wlthout lrlctlon or ollort. Whon ,ou hnvo tho oxqul-
slto comblnntlon ol nccoptnnco, rosponslblllt,, nnJ Jolonsolossnoss, ,ou wlll oxporlonco lllo
llowlng wlth ollortloss onso.
Whon ,ou romnln opon to nll polnts ol vlow - not rlglJl, nttnchoJ to onl, ono - ,our
Jronms nnJ Joslros wlll llow wlth nnturo`s Joslros. Thon ,ou cnn rolonso ,our lntontlons, wlth-
out nttnchmont, nnJ [ust wnlt lor tho npproprlnto sonson lor ,our Joslros to blossom lnto ronllt,.
You cnn bo suro thnt whon tho sonson ls rlght, ,our Joslros wlll mnnllost. Thls ls tho Zau o/
Zca:I Z//o:I.
l wlll put tho Zau o/ Zca:I Z//o:I lnto olloct b, mnklng n commltmont to tnko tho lollowlng
1} l wlll prnctlco AcccIancc. ToJn, l wlll nccopt pooplo, sltuntlons, clrcumstnncos, nnJ
ovonts ns tho, occur. l wlll know thnt thls noncnI I: a: II :LouId c, bocnuso tho wholo
unlvorso ls ns lt shoulJ bo. l wlll not strugglo ngnlnst tho wholo unlvorso b, struggllng
ngnlnst thls momont. M, nccoptnnco ls totnl nnJ comploto. l nccopt thlngs ns tho, nro
thls momont, not ns l wlsh tho, woro.
2} Hnvlng nccoptoJ thlngs ns tho, nro, l wlll tnko Hc:on:IIIIIy lor m, sltuntlon nnJ lor
nll thoso ovonts l soo ns probloms. l know thnt tnklng rosponslblllt, monns not blnmlng
nn,ono or nn,thlng lor m, sltuntlon nnJ thls lncluJos m,soll}. l nlso know thnt ovor,
problom ls nn opportunlt, ln Jlsgulso, nnJ thls nlortnoss to opportunltlos nllows mo to
tnko thls momont nnJ trnnslorm lt lnto n grontor bonollt.
3} ToJn, m, nwnronoss wlll romnln ostnbllshoJ ln Lc/cn:cIc::nc::. l wlll rollnqulsh tho
nooJ to JolonJ m, polnt ol vlow. l wlll lool no nooJ to convlnco or porsunJo othors to
nccopt m, polnt ol vlow. l wlll romnln opon to nll polnts ol vlow nnJ not bo rlglJl,
nttnchoJ to nn, ono ol thom.
1.c cc (|.||uc| |cw | uc 22
1u| |\\ |
|M1|M1|OM cd
/nLc:cnI In c.c:y InIcnIIon and dc:I:c I: ILc
nccLanIc: /o: II: /uI/IIIncnI. . . InIcnIIon and dc:I:c
In ILc /IcId o/ u:c oIcnIIaIIIy La.c In/InIIc o:ganI2-
Ing ouc:.
And uLcn uc InI:oducc an InIcnIIon In ILc /c:-
IIIc g:ound o/ u:c oIcnIIaIIIy, uc uI ILI: In/InIIc
o:ganIyng ouc: Io uo:R /o: u:.
/n ILc cgInnIng ILc:c ua: dc:I:c, uLIcL ua:
ILc /I::I :ccd o/ nInd, :agc:, La.Ing ncdIIaIcd In
ILcI: Lca:I:, La.c dI:co.c:cd y ILcI: uI:don ILc
connccIIon o/ ILc cI:IcnI uIIL ILc non-cI:IcnI.
- Lc !ynn o/ C:caIIon, Lc HIg 1cda
ho lllth splrltunl lnw ol succoss ls tho Zau o/ /nIcnIIon and Lc:I:c. Thls lnw ls bnsoJ
on tho lnct thnt onorg, nnJ lnlormntlon oxlst ovor,whoro ln nnturo. ln lnct, nt tho
lovol ol tho qunntum llolJ, thoro ls nothlng othor thnn onorg, nnJ lnlormntlon. Tho
qunntum llolJ ls [ust nnothor lnbol lor tho llolJ ol puro consclousnoss or puro potontlnllt,. AnJ
thls qunntum llolJ ls lnlluoncoJ b, lntontlon nnJ Joslro. Lot`s oxnmlno thls procoss ln Jotnll.
A llowor, n rnlnbow, n troo, n blnJo ol grnss, n humnn boJ,, whon brokon Jown to tholr
ossontlnl compononts, nro onorg, nnJ lnlormntlon. Tho wholo unlvorso, ln lts ossontlnl nnturo,
ls tho no.cncnI ol onorg, nnJ lnlormntlon. Tho onl, Jllloronco botwoon ,ou nnJ n troo ls tho
lnlormntlonnl nnJ onorg, contont ol ,our rospoctlvo boJlos.
n tho mntorlnl lovol, both ,ou nnJ tho troo nro mnJo up ol tho snmo roc,cloJ olomonts:
mostl, cnrbon, h,Jrogon, ox,gon, nltrogon, nnJ othor olomonts ln mlnuto nmounts. You coulJ
bu, thoso olomonts ln n hnrJwnro storo lor n couplo ol Jollnrs. Tho Jllloronco, thoroloro, bo-
twoon ,ou nnJ tho troo ls not tho cnrbon, or tho h,Jrogon, or tho ox,gon. ln lnct; ,ou nnJ tho
troo nro constnntl, oxchnnglng ,our cnrbon nnJ ox,gon wlth onch othor. Tho ronl Jllloronco
botwoon tho two ol ,ou ls ln tho onorg, nnJ ln tho lnlormntlon.
ln tho schomo ol nnturo, ,ou nnJ l nro n prlvllogoJ spoclos. Wo hnvo n norvous s,stom thnt
ls cnpnblo ol bocomlng aua:c o/ tho onorg, nnJ lnlormntlonnl contont ol thnt locnllzoJ llolJ thnt
glvos rlso to our ph,slcnl boJ,. Wo cc:Icncc thls llolJ sub[octlvol, ns our own thoughts,
loollngs, omotlons, Joslros, momorlos, lnstlncts, Jrlvos, nnJ bollols. Thls snmo llolJ ls oxporl-
oncoJ ob[octlvol, ns tho ph,slcnl boJ, - nnJ through tho ph,slcnl boJ,, wo oxporlonco thls
llolJ ns tho worlJ. But lt`s nll tho snmo stull. Thnt ls wh, tho nnclont soors oxclnlmoJ, l nm thnt,
,ou nro thnt, nll thls ls thnt, nnJ thnt`s nll thoro ls.
Your boJ, ls not sopnrnto lrom tho boJ, ol tho unlvorso, bocnuso nt qunntum mochnnlcnl
lovols thoro nro no woll-JollnoJ oJgos. You nro llko n wlgglo, n wnvo, n lluctuntlon, n convolu-
tlon, n whlrlpool, n locnllzoJ Jlsturbnnco ln tho lnrgor qunntum llolJ. Tho lnrgor qunntum llolJ
- tho unlvorso - ls ,our oxtonJoJ boJ,.
Not onl, ls tho humnn norvous s,stom cnpnblo ol bocomlng nwnro ol tho lnlormntlon nnJ
onorg, ol lts own qunntum llolJ, but bocnuso humnn consclousnoss ls lnllnltol, lloxlblo through
thls wonJorlul norvous s,stom, ,ou nro nblo to consclousl, chnngo tho lnlormntlonnl contont
thnt glvos rlso to ,our ph,slcnl boJ,. You cnn consclousl, chnngo tho onorg, nnJ lnlormntlonnl
contont or ,our own qunntum mochnnlcnl boJ,, nnJ thoroloro lnlluonco tho onorg, nnJ lnlor-
1.c cc (|.||uc| |cw | uc 2+
mntlonnl contont ol ,our oxtonJoJ boJ, - ,our onvlronmont, ,our worlJ - nnJ cnuso thlngs
to mnnllost ln lt.
Thls consclous chnngo ls brought nbout b, tho two qunlltlos lnhoront ln consclousnoss:
nttontlon nnJ lntontlon. Attontlon onorglzos, nnJ lntontlon trnnslorms. Whntovor ,ou put ,our
nttontlon on wlll grow strongor ln ,our lllo. Whntovor ,ou tnko ,our nttontlon nwn, lrom wlll
wlthor, Jlslntogrnto, nnJ Jlsnpponr. lntontlon, on tho othor hnnJ, trlggors trnnslormntlon ol
onorg, nnJ lnlormntlon. lntontlon orgnnlzos lts own lulllllmont.
Tho qunllt, ol lntontlon on tho ob[oct ol nttontlon wlll orchostrnto nn lnllnlt, ol spnco-tlmo
ovonts to brlng nbout tho outcomo lntonJoJ, provlJoJ ono lollows tho othor splrltunl lnws ol
succoss. Thls ls bocnuso lntontlon ln tho lortllo grounJ ol nttontlon hns lnllnlto orgnnlzlng powor.
lnllnlto orgnnlzlng powor monns tho powor to orgnnlzo nn lnllnlt, ol spnco-tlmo ovonts, nll nt
tho snmo tlmo. Wo soo tho oxprosslon ol thls lnllnlto orgnnlzlng powor ln ovor, blnJo ol grnss,
ln ovor, npplo blossom, ln ovor, coll ol our boJ,. Wo soo lt ln ovor,thlng thnt ls nllvo.
ln tho schomo ol nnturo, ovor,thlng corrolntos nnJ connocts wlth ovor,thlng olso. Tho
grounJhog comos out ol tho onrth nnJ ,ou know lt ls golng to bo sprlng. BlrJs bogln to mlgrnto
ln n cortnln Jlroctlon nt n cortnln tlmo ol tho ,onr. Nnturo ls n s,mphon,. AnJ thnt s,mphon, ls
bolng sllontl, orchostrntoJ nt tho ultlmnto grounJ ol crontlon.
Tho humnn boJ, ls nnothor gooJ oxnmplo ol thls s,mphon,. A slnglo coll ln tho humnn
boJ, ls Jolng nbout slx trllllon thlngs por soconJ, nnJ lt hns to know whnt ovor, othor coll ls
Jolng nt tho snmo tlmo. Tho humnn boJ, cnn pln, muslc, klll gorms, mnko n bnb,, roclto pootr,,
nnJ monltor tho movomont ol stnrs nll nt tho snmo tlmo, bocnuso tho llolJ ol lnllnlto corrolntlon
ls pnrt ol lts lnlormntlon llolJ.
Whnt ls romnrknblo nbout tho norvous s,stom ol tho humnn spoclos ls thnt lt cnn commnnJ
thls lnllnlto orgnnlzlng powor through consclous lntont. lntont ln tho humnn spoclos ls not llxoJ
or lockoJ lnto n rlglJ notwork ol onorg, nnJ lnlormntlon. lt hns lnllnlto lloxlblllt,. ln othor
worJs, ns long ns ,ou Jo not vlolnto tho othor lnws ol nnturo, through ,our lntont ,ou cnn
lltornll, commnnJ tho lnws ol nnturo to lulllll ,our Jronms nnJ Joslros.
You cnn put tho cosmlc computor wlth lts lnllnlto orgnnlzlng powor to work lor ,ou. You
cnn go to thnt ultlmnto grounJ ol crontlon nnJ lntroJuco nn lntontlon, nnJ [ust b, lntroJuclng
tho lntontlon, ,ou nctlvnto tho llolJ ol lnllnlto corrolntlon.
lntontlon ln,s tho grounJwork lor tho ollortloss, spontnnoous, lrlctlonloss llow ol puro
potontlnllt, sooklng oxprosslon lrom tho unmnnllost to tho mnnllost. Tho onl, cnutlon ls thnt
,ou uso ,our lntont lor tho bonollt ol mnnklnJ. Thls hnppons spontnnoousl, whon ,ou nro ln
nllgnmont wlth Tho Sovon Splrltunl Lnws ol Succoss.
lntontlon ls tho ronl powor bohlnJ Joslro. lntont nlono ls vor, poworlul, bocnuso lntont ls
Joslro wlthout nttnchmont to tho outcomo. Doslro nlono ls wonk, bocnuso Joslro ln most pooplo
ls nttontlon wlth nttnchmont. lntont ls Joslro wlth strlct nJhoronco to nll tho othor lnws, but
pnrtlculnrl, tho Zau o/ LcIacLncnI, whlch ls tho Slxth Splrltunl Lnw ol Succoss.
lntontlon comblnoJ wlth Jotnchmont lonJs to lllo-contoroJ, prosont-momont nwnronoss.
AnJ whon nctlon ls porlormoJ ln prosont-momont nwnronoss, lt ls most olloctlvo. Your InIcnI ls
lor tho luturo, but ,our aIIcnIIon ls ln tho prosont. As long ns ,our nttontlon ls ln tho prosont,
thon ,our lntont lor tho luturo wlll mnnllost, bocnuso tho luturo ls crontoJ ln tho prosont. You
must nccopt tho prosont ns ls. Accopt tho prosont nnJ lntonJ tho luturo. Tho luturo ls somothlng
,ou cnn nlwn,s cronto through JotnchoJ lntontlon, but ,ou shoulJ novor strugglo ngnlnst tho
25 1.c |cw | ||c|| cd 0c|.c
Tho pnst, prosont, nnJ luturo nro nll proportlos ol consclousnoss. Tho pnst ls rocolloctlon,
momor,; tho luturo ls nntlclpntlon; tho prosont ls nwnronoss. Thoroloro tlmo ls tho movomont
ol thought. Both pnst nnJ luturo nro born ln tho lmnglnntlon; onl, tho prosont, whlch ls nwnro-
noss, ls ronl nnJ otornnl. lt ls. lt ls tho potontlnllt, lor spnco-tlmo, mnttor, nnJ onorg,. lt ls nn
otornnl llolJ ol posslbllltlos oxporlonclng ltsoll ns nbstrnct lorcos, whothor tho, bo llght, hont,
oloctrlclt,, mngnotlsm, or grnvlt,. Thoso lorcos nro nolthor ln tho pnst nor ln tho luturo. Tho,
[ust nro.
ur lntorprotntlon ol thoso nbstrnct lorcos glvos us tho oxporlonco ol concroto phonomonn
nnJ lorm. RomomboroJ lntorprotntlons ol nbstrnct lorcos cronto tho oxporlonco ol tho pnst,
nntlclpntor, lntorprotntlons ol tho snmo nbstrnct lorcos cronto tho luturo. Tho, nro tho qunlltlos
ol nttontlon ln consclousnoss. Whon thoso qunlltlos nro lrooJ lrom tho burJon ol tho pnst, thon
nctlon ln tho prosont bocomos tho lortllo grounJ lor tho crontlon ol tho luturo.
lntontlon, grounJoJ ln thls JotnchoJ lrooJom ol tho prosont, sorvos ns tho cntnl,st lor tho
rlght mlx ol mnttor, onorg,, nnJ spnco-tlmo ovonts to cronto whntovor lt ls thnt ,ou Joslro.
ll ,ou hnvo lllo-contoroJ, prosont-momont nwnronoss, thon tho lmnglnnr, obstnclos -
whlch nro moro thnn nlnot, porcont ol porcolvoJ obstnclos - Jlslntogrnto nnJ Jlsnpponr. Tho
romnlnlng llvo to ton porcont ol porcolvoJ obstnclos cnn bo trnnsmutoJ lnto opportunltlos through
ono-polntoJ lntontlon.
no-polntoJ lntontlon ls thnt qunllt, ol nttontlon thnt ls unbonJlng ln lts llxlt, ol purposo.
no-polntoJ lntontlon monns holJlng ,our nttontlon to tho lntonJoJ outcomo wlth such un-
bonJlng purposo thnt ,ou nbsolutol, roluso to nllow obstnclos to consumo nnJ Jlsslpnto tho
locusoJ qunllt, ol ,our nttontlon. Thoro ls n totnl nnJ comploto oxcluslon ol nll obstnclos lrom
,our consclousnoss. You nro nblo to mnlntnln nn unshnknblo soronlt, whllo bolng commlttoJ to
,our gonl wlth lntonso pnsslon. Thls ls tho powor ol JotnchoJ nwnronoss nnJ ono-polntoJ,
locusoJ lntontlon slmultnnoousl,.
Lonrn to hnrnoss tho powor ol lntontlon, nnJ ,ou cnn cronto nn,thlng ,ou Joslro. You cnn
stlll got rosults through ollort nnJ through tr,lng, but nt n cost. Tho cost ls stross, honrt nttncks,
nnJ tho compromlsoJ lunctlon ol ,our lmmuno s,stom. lt ls much bottor to oxocuto tho lollow-
lng llvo stops ln tho Zau o/ lntontlon and Lc:I:c. Whon ,ou lollow thoso llvo stops lor lullllllng
,our Joslros, lntontlon gonorntos lts own powor:
1} Sllp lnto tho gnp. Thls monns to contor ,oursoll ln thnt sllont spnco botwoon thoughts,
to go lnto tho sllonco - thnt lovol ol Bolng whlch ls ,our ossontlnl stnto.
2} EstnbllshoJ ln thnt stnto ol Bolng, rolonso ,our lntontlons nnJ Joslros. Whon ,ou nro
nctunll, ln tho gnp, thoro`s no thought, thoro`s no lntontlon, but ns ,ou como out ol tho
gnp - nt thnt [unctlon botwoon tho gnp nnJ n thought - ,ou lntroJuco tho lntontlon.
ll ,ou hnvo n sorlos ol gonls, ,ou cnn wrlto thom Jown, nnJ hnvo ,our lntontlon
locusoJ on thom boloro ,ou go lnto tho gnp. ll ,ou wnnt n succosslul cnroor, lor
oxnmplo, ,ou go lnto tho gnp wlth thnt lntontlon, nnJ tho lntontlon wlll nlronJ, bo
thoro ns n lnlnt lllckor ln ,our nwnronoss. Rolonslng ,our lntontlons nnJ Joslros ln tho
gnp monns plnntlng thom ln tho lortllo grounJ ol puro potontlnllt,, nnJ oxpoctlng thom
to bloom whon tho sonson ls rlght. You Jo not wnnt to Jlg up tho sooJs ol ,our Joslros
to soo ll tho, nro growlng, or got rlglJl, nttnchoJ to tho wn, ln whlch tho, wlll unlolJ.
You slmpl, wnnt to rolonso thom.
3} Romnln ln tho stnto ol soll-rolorrnl. Thls monns romnln ostnbllshoJ ln tho nwnronoss ol
,our truo Soll - ,our splrlt, ,our connoctlon to tho llolJ ol puro potontlnllt,. lt nlso
1.c cc (|.||uc| |cw | uc 2e
monns not to look nt ,oursoll through tho o,os ol tho worlJ, or nllow ,oursoll to bo
lnlluoncoJ b, tho oplnlons nnJ crltlclsms ol othors. A holplul wn, to mnlntnln thnt
stnto ol soll-rolorrnl ls to koop ,our Joslros to ,oursoll; Jo not shnro thom wlth nn,ono
olso unloss tho, shnro tho oxnct snmo Joslros thnt ,ou hnvo nnJ nro closol, bonJoJ
wlth ,ou.
4} Rollnqulsh ,our nttnchmont to tho outcomo. Thls monns glvlng up ,our rlglJ nttnch-
mont to n spoclllc rosult nnJ llvlng ln tho wlsJom ol uncortnlnt,. lt monns on[o,lng
ovor, momont ln tho [ourno, ol ,our lllo, ovon ll ,ou Jon`t know tho outcomo.
5} Lot tho unlvorso hnnJlo tho Jotnlls. Your lntontlons nnJ Joslros, whon rolonsoJ ln tho
gnp, hnvo lnllnlto orgnnlzlng powor. Trust thnt lnllnlto orgnnlzlng powor ol lntontlon
to orchostrnto nll tho Jotnlls lor ,ou.
Romombor thnt ,our truo nnturo ls ono ol puro splrlt. Cnrr, tho consclousnoss ol ,our splrlt
whorovor ,ou go, gontl, rolonso ,our Joslros, nnJ tho unlvorso wlll hnnJlo tho Jotnlls lor ,ou.
l wlll put tho Zau o/ /nIcnIIon and Lc:I:c lnto olloct b, mnklng n commltmont to tnko tho
lollowlng stops:
1} l wlll mnko n llst ol nll m, Joslros. l wlll cnrr, thls llst wlth mo whorovor l go. l wlll look
nt thls llst boloro l go lnto m, sllonco nnJ moJltntlon. l wlll look nt lt boloro l go to sloop
nt nlght. l wlll look nt lt whon l wnko up ln tho mornlng.
2} l wlll rolonso thls llst ol m, Joslros nnJ surronJor lt to tho womb ol crontlon, trustlng
thnt whon thlngs Jon`t soom to go m, wn,, thoro ls n ronson, nnJ thnt tho cosmlc plnn
hns Joslgns lor mo much grnnJor thnn ovon thoso thnt l hnvo concolvoJ.
3} l wlll romlnJ m,soll to prnctlco prosont-momont nwnronoss ln nll m, nctlons. l wlll
roluso to nllow obstnclos to consumo nnJ Jlsslpnto tho qunllt, ol m, nttontlon ln tho
prosont momont. l wlll nccopt tho prosont ns II I:, nnJ mnnllost tho luturo through m,
Joopost, most chorlshoJ lntontlons nnJ Joslros.
2I 1.c |cw | ||c|| cd 0c|.c
1u| |\\ |
/n dcIacLncnI IIc: ILc uI:don o/ uncc:IaInIy,
In ILc uI:don o/ uncc:IaInIy IIc: ILc /:ccdon /:on
ou: a:I, /:on ILc Rnoun, uLIcL I: ILc :I:on o/
a:I condIIIonIng.
And In ou: uIIIIngnc:: Io :Ic InIo ILc unRnoun,
ILc /IcId o/ aII o::IIIIIIc:, uc :u::cndc: ou::cI.c: Io
ILc c:caII.c nInd ILaI o:cLc:I:aIc: ILc dancc o/ ILc
ZIRc Iuo goIdcn I:d: c:cLcd on ILc :cI/:anc
I:cc, InIInaIc /:Icnd:, ILc cgo and ILc ScI/ ducII In
ILc :anc ody. Lc /o:nc: caI: ILc :uccI and :ou:
/:uII: o/ ILc I:cc o/ II/c, uLIIc ILc IaIIc: IooR: on In
- Lc /undaRa !anI:Lad
ho slxth splrltunl lnw ol succoss ls tho Zau o/ LcIacLncnI. Tho Zau o/ LcIacLncnI
sn,s thnt ln orJor to ncqulro nn,thlng ln tho ph,slcnl unlvorso, ,ou hnvo to rollnqulsh
,our nttnchmont to lt. Thls Joosn`t monn ,ou glvo up tho lntontlon to cronto ,our
Joslro. You Jon`t glvo up tho lntontlon, nnJ ,ou Jon`t glvo up tho Joslro. You glvo up ,our
nttnchmont to tho rosult.
Thls n vor, poworlul thlng to Jo. Tho momont ,ou rollnqulsh ,our nttnchmont to tho rosult,
comblnlng ono-polntoJ lntontlon wlth Jotnchmont nt tho snmo tlmo, ,ou wlll hnvo thnt whlch
,ou Joslro. An,thlng ,ou wnnt cnn bo ncqulroJ through Jotnchmont, bocnuso Jotnchmont ls
bnsoJ on tho unquostlonlng bollol ln tho powor ol ,our truo Soll.
Attnchmont, on tho othor hnnJ, ls bnsoJ on lonr nnJ lnsocurlt, - nnJ tho nooJ lor socurlt,
ls bnsoJ on not knowlng tho truo Soll. Tho sourco ol wonlth, ol nbunJnnco, or ol nn,thlng ln tho
ph,slcnl worlJ ls tho Soll; lt ls tho consclousnoss thnt knows how to lulllll ovor, nooJ. Evor,thlng
olso ls n s,mbol: cnrs, housos, bnnk notos, clothos, nlrplnnos. S,mbols nro trnnsltor,; tho, como
nnJ go. Chnslng s,mbols ls llko sottllng lor tho mnp lnstonJ ol tho torrltor,. lt crontos nnxlot,; lt
onJs up mnklng ,ou lool hollow nnJ ompt, lnslJo, bocnuso ,ou oxchnngo ,our Soll lor tho
s,mbols ol ,our Soll.
Attnchmont comos lrom povort, consclousnoss, bocnuso nttnchmont ls nlwn,s to s,mbols.
Dotnchmont ls s,non,mous wlth wonlth consclousnoss, bocnuso wlth Jotnchmont thoro ls lroo-
Jom to cronto. nl, lrom JotnchoJ lnvolvomont cnn ono hnvo [o, nnJ lnughtor. Thon tho
s,mbols ol wonlth nro crontoJ spontnnoousl, nnJ ollortlossl,. Wlthout Jotnchmont wo nro prls-
onors ol holplossnoss, hopolossnoss, munJnno nooJs, trlvlnl concorns, qulot Josporntlon, nnJ
sorlousnoss - tho Jlstlnctlvo lonturos ol ovor,Jn, moJlocro oxlstonco nnJ povort, consclous-
Truo wonlth consclousnoss ls tho nblllt, to hnvo nn,thlng ,ou wnnt, nn,tlmo ,ou wnnt, nnJ
wlth lonst ollort. To bo grounJoJ ln thls oxporlonco ,ou hnvo to bo grounJoJ ln tho wlsJom ol
uncortnlnt,. ln thls uncortnlnt, ,ou wlll llnJ tho lrooJom to cronto nn,thlng ,ou wnnt.
Pooplo nro constnntl, sooklng socurlt,, nnJ ,ou wlll llnJ thnt sooklng socurlt, ls nctunll, n
vor, ophomornl thlng. Evon nttnchmont to mono, ls n slgn ol lnsocurlt,. You mlght sn,, Whon
l hnvo X mllllon Jollnrs, thon l`ll bo socuro. Thon l`ll bo llnnnclnll, lnJoponJont nnJ l wlll rotlro.
Thon l wlll Jo nll tho thlngs l ronll, wnnt to Jo. But lt novor hnppons - nc.c: hnppons.
2` 1.c |cw | (u.c 0c|c.+c|
Thoso who sook socurlt, chnso lt lor n lllotlmo wlthout ovor llnJlng lt. lt romnlns oluslvo nnJ
ophomornl, bocnuso socurlt, cnn novor como lrom mono, nlono. Attnchmont to mono, wlll
nlwn,s cronto lnsocurlt, no mnttor how much mono, ,ou hnvo ln tho bnnk. ln lnct, somo ol tho
pooplo who hnvo tho most mono, nro tho most lnsocuro.
Tho sonrch lor socurlt, ls nn llluslon. ln nnclont wlsJom trnJltlons, tho solutlon to thls
wholo Jllommn llos ln tho wlsJom ol lnsocurlt,, or tho wlsJom ol uncortnlnt,. Thls monns thnt
tho sonrch lor socurlt, nnJ cortnlnt, ls nctunll, nn aIIacLncnI to tho known. AnJ whnt`s tho
known? Tho known ls our pnst. Tho known ls nothlng othor thnn tho prlson ol pnst con-
Jltlonlng. Thoro`s no ovolutlon ln thnt - nbsolutol, nono nt nll. AnJ whon thoro ls no ovolutlon,
thoro ls stngnntlon, ontrop,, JlsorJor, nnJ Jocn,.
Uncortnlnt,, on tho othor hnnJ, ls tho lortllo grounJ ol puro crontlvlt, nnJ lrooJom. Uncor-
tnlnt, monns stopplng lnto tho unknown ln ovor, momont ol our oxlstonco. Tho unknown ls tho
llolJ ol nll posslbllltlos, ovor lrosh, ovor now, nlwn,s opon to tho crontlon ot now mnnllostntlons.
Wlthout uncortnlnt, nnJ tho unknown, lllo ls [ust tho stnlo ropotltlon ol outworn momorlos. You
bocomo tho vlctlm ol tho pnst, nnJ ,our tormontor toJn, ls ,our soll lolt ovor lrom ,ostorJn,.
Rollnqulsh ,our nttnchmont to tho known, stop lnto tho unknown, nnJ ,ou wlll stop lnto tho
llolJ ol nll posslbllltlos. ln ,our wllllngnoss to stop lnto tho unknown, ,ou wlll hnvo tho wlsJom
ol uncortnlnt, lnctoroJ ln. Thls monns thnt ln ovor, momont ol ,our lllo, ,ou wlll hnvo oxclto-
mont, nJvonturo, m,stor,. You wlll oxporlonco tho lun ol lllo - tho mnglc, tho colobrntlon, tho
oxhllnrntlon, nnJ tho oxultntlon ol ,our own splrlt.
Evor, Jn, ,ou cnn look lor tho oxcltomont ol whnt mn, occur ln tho llolJ ol nll posslbllltlos.
Whon ,ou oxporlonco uncortnlnt,, ,ou nro on tho rlght pnth - so Jon`t glvo lt up. You Jon`t
nooJ to hnvo n comploto nnJ rlglJ lJon ol whnt ,ou`ll bo Jolng noxt wook or noxt ,onr, bocnuso
ll ,ou hnvo n vor, clonr lJon ol whnt`s golng to hnppon nnJ ,ou got rlglJl, nttnchoJ to lt, thon
,ou shut out n uLoIc :angc o/ o::IIIIIIc:.
no chnrnctorlstlc ol tho llolJ ol nll posslbllltlos ls lnllnlto corrolntlon. Tho llolJ cnn orchos-
trnto nn lnllnlt, ol spnco-tlmo ovonts to brlng nbout tho outcomo thnt ls lntonJoJ. But whon ,ou
nro nttnchoJ, ,our lntontlon gots lockoJ lnto n rlglJ mlnJsot nnJ ,ou loso tho llulJlt,, tho cron-
tlvlt,, nnJ tho spontnnolt, lnhoront ln tho llolJ. Whon ,ou got nttnchoJ, ,ou lroozo ,our Joslro
lrom thnt lnllnlto llulJlt, nnJ lloxlblllt, lnto n rlglJ lrnmowork whlch lntorloros wlth tho wholo
procoss ol crontlon.
Tho Zau o/ LcIacLncnI Joos not lntorloro wlth tho Zau o/ lntontlon and Lc:I:c - wlth
gonl-sottlng. You stlll hnvo tho lntontlon ol golng ln n cortnln Jlroctlon, ,ou stlll hnvo n gonl.
Howovor, botwoon polnt A nnJ polnt B thoro nro lnllnlto posslbllltlos. Wlth uncortnlnt, lnctoroJ
ln, ,ou mlght chnngo Jlroctlon ln nn, momont ll ,ou llnJ n hlghor lJonl, or ll ,ou llnJ somothlng
moro oxcltlng. You nro nlso loss llkol, to lorco solutlons on probloms, whlch onnblos ,ou to stn,
nlort to opportunltlos.
Tho Zau o/ LcIacLncnI nccolorntos tho wholo procoss ol ovolutlon. Whon ,ou unJorstnnJ
thls lnw, ,ou Jon`t lool compolloJ to lorco solutlons. Whon ,ou lorco solutlons on probloms,
,ou onl, cronto now probloms. But whon ,ou put ,our nttontlon on tho uncortnlnt,, nnJ ,ou
wltnoss tho uncortnlnt, whllo ,ou oxpoctnntl, wnlt lor tho solutlon to omorgo out ol tho chnos
nnJ tho conluslon, thon whnt omorgos ls somothlng vor, lnbulous nnJ oxcltlng.
Thls stnto ol nlortnoss - ,our propnroJnoss ln tho prosont, ln tho llolJ ol uncortnlnt, -
moots wlth ,our gonl nnJ ,our lntontlon nnJ nllows ,ou to solzo tho opportunlt,. Whnt`s tho
opportunlt,? lt`s contnlnoJ wlthln ovor, problom thnt ,ou hnvo ln ,our lllo. Evor, slnglo prob-
lom thnt ,ou hnvo ln ,our lllo ls tho sooJ ol nn opportunlt, lor somo grontor bonollt. nco ,ou
1.c cc (|.||uc| |cw | uc '
hnvo thnt porcoptlon, ,ou opon up to n wholo rnngo ol posslbllltlos - nnJ thls koops tho
m,stor,, tho wonJor, tho oxcltomont, tho nJvonturo nllvo.
You cnn look nt ovor, problom ,ou hnvo ln ,our lllo ns nn opportunlt, lor somo grontor
bonollt. You cnn stn, nlort to opportunltlos b, bolng grounJoJ ln tho wlsJom ol uncortnlnt,.
Whon ,our propnroJnoss moots opportunlt,, tho solutlon wlll spontnnoousl, npponr.
Whnt comos out ol thnt ls olton cnlloJ gooJ luck. GooJ luck ls nothlng but propnroJnoss
nnJ opportunlt, comlng togothor. Whon tho two nro mlxoJ togothor wlth nn nlort wltnosslng ol
tho chnos, n solutlon omorgos thnt wlll bo ol ovolutlonnr, bonollt to ,ou nnJ to nll thoso thnt ,ou
como lnto contnct wlth. Thls ls tho porloct roclpo lor succoss, nnJ lt ls bnsoJ on tho Zau o/
l wlll put tho Zau o/ LcIacLncnI lnto olloct b, mnklng n commltmont to tnko tho lollowlng
1} ToJn, l wlll commlt m,soll to Jotnchmont. 1 wlll nllow m,soll nnJ thoso nrounJ mo tho
lrooJom to bo ns tho, nro. l wlll not rlglJl, lmposo m, lJon ol how thlngs shoulJ bo. l
wlll not lorco solutlons on probloms, thorob, crontlng now probloms. l wlll pnrtlclpnto
ln ovor,thlng wlth JotnchoJ lnvolvomont.
2} ToJn, l wlll lnctor ln uncortnlnt, ns nn ossontlnl lngroJlont ol m, oxporlonco. ln m,
wllllngnoss to nccopt uncortnlnt,, solutlons wlll spontnnoousl, omorgo out ol tho prob-
lom, out ol tho conluslon, JlsorJor, nnJ chnos. Tho moro uncortnln thlngs soom to bo,
tho moro socuro l wlll lool, bocnuso uncortnlnt, ls m, pnth to lrooJom. Through tho
wlsJom ol uncortnlnt,, l wlll llnJ m, socurlt,.
3} l wlll stop lnto tho llolJ ol nll posslbllltlos nnJ nntlclpnto tho oxcltomont thnt cnn occur
whon l romnln opon to nn lnllnlt, ol cholcos. Whon l stop lnto tho llolJ ol nll posslblll-
tlos, l wlll oxporlonco nll tho lun, nJvonturo, mnglc, nnJ m,stor, ol lllo.
'l 1.c |cw | 0c|c.+c|
1.c |cw |
d.c.+c .
(u.(c | |||c
Z.c:yonc La: a u:o:c In II/c ... a unIquc gI/I
o: :ccIaI IaIcnI Io gI.c Io oILc::.
And uLcn uc Icnd ILI: unIquc IaIcnI uIIL :c:-
.Icc Io oILc::, uc cc:Icncc ILc cc:Ia:y and cuIIa-
IIon o/ ou: oun :I:II, uLIcL I: ILc uIIInaIc goaI o/
aII goaI:.
VLcn you uo:R you a:c a /IuIc IL:ougL uLo:c
Lca:I ILc uLI:c:Ing o/ ILc Lou:: Iu:n: Io nu:Ic.
And uLaI I: II Io uo:R uIIL Io.c
/I I: Io uca.c ILc
cIoIL uIIL IL:cad: d:aun /:on you: Lca:I, a: I/
you: uc:c Io uca: ILaI cIoIL. . . .
- /aLIII CI:an, Lc /:oLcI
ho sovonth splrltunl lnw ol succoss ls tho Zau o/ LLa:na. Dhnrmn ls n Snnskrlt worJ
thnt monns purposo ln lllo. Tho Zau o/ LLa:na sn,s thnt wo hnvo tnkon mnnllos
tntlon ln ph,slcnl lorm to lulllll n purposo. Tho llolJ ol puro potontlnllt, ls Jlvlnlt, ln
lts ossonco, nnJ tho Jlvlno tnkos humnn lorm to lulllll n purposo.
AccorJlng to thls lnw, ,ou hnvo n unlquo tnlont nnJ n unlquo wn, ol oxprosslng lt. Thoro ls
somothlng thnt ,ou cnn Jo bottor thnn nn,ono olso ln tho wholo worlJ - nnJ lor ovor, unlquo
tnlont nnJ unlquo oxprosslon ol thnt tnlont, thoro nro nlso unlquo nooJs. Whon thoso nooJs nro
mntchoJ wlth tho crontlvo oxprosslon ol ,our tnlont, thnt ls tho spnrk thnt crontos nllluonco.
Exprosslng ,our tnlonts to lulllll nooJs crontos unllmltoJ wonlth nnJ nbunJnnco.
ll ,ou coulJ stnrt chllJron rlght lrom tho boglnnlng wlth thls thought, ,ou`J soo tho olloct lt
hns on tholr llvos. ln lnct, l JlJ thls wlth m, own chllJron. Agnln nnJ ngnln, l tolJ thom thoro wns
n ronson wh, tho, woro horo, nnJ tho, hnJ to llnJ out whnt thnt ronson wns lor thomsolvos.
From tho ngo ol lour ,onrs, tho, Lca:d thls. l nlso tnught thom to moJltnto whon tho, woro
nbout tho snmo ngo, nnJ l tolJ thom, l novor, ovor wnnt ,ou to worr, nbout mnklng n llvlng. ll
,ou`ro unnblo to mnko n llvlng whon ,ou grow up, l`ll provlJo lor ,ou, so Jon`t worr, nbout thnt.
l Jon`t wnnt ,ou to locus on Jolng woll ln school. l Jon`t wnnt ,ou to locus on gottlng tho bost
grnJos or golng to tho bost collogos. Whnt l ronll, wnnt ,ou to locus on ls nsklng ,oursoll how
,ou cnn sorvo humnnlt,, nnJ nsklng ,oursoll whnt ,our unlquo tnlonts nro. Bocnuso ,ou hnvo n
unlquo tnlont thnt no ono olso hns, nnJ ,ou hnvo n spoclnl wn, ol oxprosslng thnt tnlont, nnJ no
ono olso hns lt. Tho, onJoJ up golng to tho bost schools, gottlng tho bost grnJos, nnJ ovon ln
collogo, tho, nro unlquo ln thnt tho, nro llnnnclnll, soll-sulllclont, bocnuso tho, nro /ocu:cd on
uLaI ILcy a:c Lc:c Io gI.c. Thls thon, ls tho Zau o/ LLa:na.
Thoro nro throo compononts to tho Zau o/ LLa:na. Tho llrst componont sn,s thnt onch ol
us ls horo to Jlscovor our truo Soll, to llnJ out on our own thnt our truo Soll ls splrltunl, thnt
ossontlnll, wo nro splrltunl bolngs thnt hnvo tnkon mnnllostntlon ln ph,slcnl lorm. Wo`ro not
humnn bolngs thnt hnvo occnslonnl splrltunl oxporloncos - lt`s tho othor wn, nrounJ: wo`ro
splrltunl bolngs thnt hnvo occnslonnl humnn oxporloncos.
Ench ol us ls horo to Jlscovor our hlghor soll or our splrltunl soll. Thnt`s tho llrst lulllllmont
ol tho Zau o/ LLa:na. Wo must llnJ out lor oursoll thnt lnslJo us ls n goJ or goJJoss ln ombr,o
thnt wnnts to bo born so thnt wo cnn oxpross our Jlvlnlt,.
Tho soconJ componont ol tho Zau o/ LLa:na ls to oxpross our unlquo tnlonts. Tho Zau o/
LLa:na sn,s thnt ovor, humnn bolng hns n unlquo tnlont. You hnvo n tnlont thnt ls unlquo ln lts
'' 1.c |cw | 0.c.+c . (u.(c | |||c
oxprosslon, so unlquo thnt thoro`s no ono olso nllvo on thls plnnot thnt hns thnt tnlont, or thnt
oxprosslon ol thnt tnlont. Thls monns thnt thoro`s ono thlng ,ou cnn Jo, nnJ ono wn, ol Jolng
lt, thnt ls bottor thnn nn,ono olso on thls ontlro plnnot. Whon ,ou`ro Jolng thnt ono thlng, ,ou
loso trnck ol tlmo. Whon ,ou`ro oxprosslng thnt ono unlquo tnlont thnt ,ou possoss - or moro
thnn ono unlquo tnlont ln mnn, cnsos - tho oxprosslon ol thnt tnlont tnkos ,ou lnto tlmoloss
Tho thlrJ componont ol tho Zau o/ LLa:na ls sorvlco to humnnlt, - to sorvo ,our lollow
humnn bolngs nnJ to nsk ,oursoll tho quostlons, How cnn l holp? How cnn l holp nll thoso thnt
l como lnto contnct wlth? Whon ,ou comblno tho nblllt, to oxpross ,our unlquo tnlont wlth
sorvlco to humnnlt,, thon ,ou mnko lull uso ol tho Zau o/ LLa:na. AnJ couploJ wlth tho
oxporlonco ol ,our own splrltunllt,, tho llolJ ol puro potontlnllt,, thoro ls no uay ,ou wlll not
hnvo nccoss to unllmltoJ nbunJnnco, bocnuso thnt ls tho :caI wn, nbunJnnco ls nchlovoJ.
Thls ls not n tompornr, nbunJnnco; lt`s pormnnont, bocnuso ol ,our unlquo tnlont, ,our
wn, ol oxprosslng lt, nnJ ,our sorvlco nnJ JoJlcntlon to ,our lollow humnn bolngs, whlch ,ou
Jlscovor through nsklng tho quostlon, How cnn l holp? lnstonJ ol Whnt`s ln lt lor mo?
Tho quostlon, Whnt`s ln lt lor mo? ls tho lntornnl Jlnloguo ol tho ogo. Asklng How cnn
l holp? ls tho lntornnl Jlnloguo ol tho splrlt. Tho splrlt ls thnt Jomnln ol ,our nwnronoss whoro
,ou oxporlonco ,our unlvorsnllt,. ln [ust shlltlng ,our lntornnl Jlnloguo lrom Whnt`s ln lt lor
mo? to How cnn l holp? ,ou nutomntlcnll, go bo,onJ tho ogo lnto tho Jomnln ol ,our splrlt.
Whllo moJltntlon ls tho most usolul wn, ol ontorlng tho Jomnln ol splrlt, slmpl, shlltlng ,our
lntornnl Jlnloguo to How cnn l holp? wlll nlso nccoss tho splrlt, thnt Jomnln ol ,our nwnronoss
whoro ,ou oxporlonco ,our unlvorsnllt,.
ll ,ou wnnt to mnko mnxlmum uso ol tho Zau o/ LLa:na, thon ,ou hnvo to mnko sovornl
Tho llrst commltmont ls: l nm golng to sook m, hlghor soll, whlch ls bo,onJ m, ogo,
through splrltunl prnctlco.
Tho soconJ commltmont ls: l nm golng to Jlscovor m, unlquo tnlonts, nnJ llnJlng m,
unlquo tnlonts, l nm golng to on[o, m,soll, bocnuso tho procoss ol on[o,mont occurs whon l go
lnto tlmoloss nwnronoss. Thnt`s whon l nm ln n stnto ol bllss.
Tho thlrJ commltmont ls: l nm golng to nsk m,soll how l nm bost sultoJ to sorvo humnnlt,.
l nm golng to nnswor thnt quostlon nnJ thon put lt lnto prnctlco. l nm golng to uso m, unlquo
tnlonts to sorvo tho nooJs ol m, lollow humnn bolngs - l wlll mntch thoso nooJs to m, Joslro to
holp nnJ sorvo othors.
Slt Jown nnJ mnko n llst ol tho nnswors to thoso two quostlons: Ask ,oursoll, ll mono, wns
no concorn nnJ ,ou hnJ nll tho tlmo nnJ mono, ln tho worlJ, whnt woulJ ,ou Jo? ll ,ou woulJ
stlll Jo whnt ,ou currontl, Jo, thon ,ou nro ln Jhnrmn, bocnuso ,ou hnvo a::Ion lor whnt ,ou
Jo - ,ou nro oxprosslng ,our unlquo tnlonts. Thon nsk ,oursoll: How nm l bost sultoJ to sorvo
humnnlt,? Answor thnt quostlon, nnJ put lt lnto prnctlco.
Dlscovor ,our Jlvlnlt,, llnJ ,our unlquo tnlont, sorvo humnnlt, wlth lt, nnJ ,ou cnn gonor-
nto nll tho wonlth thnt ,ou wnnt. Whon ,our crontlvo oxprosslons mntch tho nooJs ol ,our lollow
humnns, thon wonlth wlll spontnnoousl, llow lrom tho unmnnllost lnto tho mnnllost, lrom tho
ronlm ol tho splrlt to tho worlJ ol lorm. You wlll bogln to oxporlonco ,our lllo ns n mlrnculous
oxprosslon ol Jlvlnlt, - not [ust occnslonnll,, but nll tho tlmo. AnJ ,ou wlll know truo [o, nnJ
tho truo monnlng ol succoss - tho ocstns, nnJ oxultntlon ol ,our own splrlt.
1.c cc (|.||uc| |cw | uc '+
l wlll put tho Zau o/LLa:na lnto olloct b, mnklng n commltmont to tnko tho lollowlng
1} ToJn, l wlll lovlngl, nurturo tho goJ or goJJoss ln ombr,o thnt llos Joop wlthln m,
soul. l wlll pn, nttontlon to tho splrlt wlthln mo thnt nnlmntos both m, boJ, nnJ m,
mlnJ. l wlll nwnkon m,soll to thls Joop stlllnoss wlthln m, honrt. l wlll cnrr, tho con-
sclousnoss ol tlmoloss, otornnl Bolng ln tho mlJst ol tlmo-bounJ oxporlonco.
2} l wlll mnko n llst ol m, unlquo tnlonts. Thon l wlll llst nll tho thlngs thnt l lovo to Jo whllo
oxprosslng m, unlquo tnlonts. Whon 1 oxpross m, unlquo tnlonts nnJ uso thom ln tho
sorvlco ol humnnlt,, l loso trnck ol tlmo nnJ cronto nbunJnnco ln m, lllo ns woll ns ln
tho llvos ol othors.
3} l wlll nsk m,soll Jnll,, How cnn l sorvo? nnJ How cnn l holp? Tho nnswors to thoso
quostlons wlll nllow mo to holp nnJ sorvo m, lollow humnn bolngs wlth lovo.
/ uanI Io Rnou Cod: ILougLI:...
ILc :c:I a:c dcIaII:.
- AIc:I ZIn:IcIn
Tho unlvorsnl mlnJ choroogrnphs ovor,thlng thnt ls hnpponlng ln bllllons ol gnlnxlos wlth
olognnt proclslon nnJ unlnltorlng lntolllgonco. lts lntolllgonco ls ultlmnto nnJ supromo, nnJ lt
pormontos ovor, llbor ol oxlstonco: lrom tho smnllost to tho lnrgost, lrom tho ntom to tho
cosmos. Evor,thlng thnt ls nllvo ls nn oxprosslon ol thls lntolllgonco. AnJ thls lntolllgonco opor-
ntos through Tho Sovon Splrltunl Lnws.
ll ,ou look nt nn, coll ln tho humnn boJ,, ,ou wlll soo through lts lunctlonlng tho oxpros-
slon ol thoso lnws. Evor, coll, whothor lt`s n stomnch coll, or n honrt coll, or n brnln coll, hns lts
blrth ln tho Zau o/ /u:c /oIcnIIaIIIy. DNA ls n porloct oxnmplo ol puro potontlnllt,; ln lnct, lt ls
tho naIc:IaI c:c::Ion ol puro potontlnllt,. Tho snmo DNA oxlstlng ln ovor, coll oxprossos
ltsoll ln Jllloront wn,s ln orJor to lulllll tho unlquo roqulromonts ol thnt pnrtlculnr coll.
Ench coll nlso oporntos through tho Zau o/ CI.Ing. A coll ls nllvo nnJ honlth, whon lt ls ln
n stnto ol bnlnnco nnJ oqulllbrlum. Thls stnto ol oqulllbrlum ls ono ol lulllllmont nnJ hnrmon,,
but lt ls mnlntnlnoJ b, n constnnt glvo nnJ tnko. Ench coll glvos to nnJ supports ovor, othor coll,
nnJ ln turn ls nourlshoJ b, ovor, othor coll. Tho coll ls nlwn,s ln n stnto ol J,nnmlc llow nnJ tho
llow ls novor lntorruptoJ. ln lnct, tho llow ls tho vor, ossonco ol tho lllo ol tho coll. AnJ onl, b,
mnlntnlnlng thls llow ol glvlng ls tho coll nblo to rocolvo nnJ thus contlnuo lts vlbrnnt oxlstonco.
Tho Zau o/ /a:na ls oxqulsltol, oxocutoJ b, ovor, coll, bocnuso bullt lnto lts lntolllgonco ls
tho most npproprlnto nnJ proclsol, corroct rosponso to ovor, sltuntlon ns lt occurs.
Tho Zau o/ Zca:I Z//o:I ls nlso oxqulsltol, oxocutoJ b, ovor, coll ln tho boJ,: lt Joos lts [ob
wlth qulot olllclonc, ln tho stnto ol rostlul nlortnoss.
'5 1.c |cw | (u.(c
Through tho Zau o/ /nIcnIIon and Lc:I:c, ovor, lntontlon ol ovor, coll hnrnossos tho lnll-
nlto orgnnlzlng powor ol nnturo`s lntolllgonco. Evon n slmplo lntontlon such ns motnbollzlng n
moloculo ol sugnr lmmoJlntol, sots oll n s,mphon, ol ovonts ln tho boJ, whoro proclso nmounts
ol hormonos hnvo to bo socrotoJ nt proclso momonts to convort thls moloculo ol sugnr lnto puro
crontlvo onorg,.
l courso, ovor, coll oxprossos tho Zau o/ LcIacLncnI. lt ls JotnchoJ lrom tho outcomo ol
lts lntontlons. lt Joosn`t stumblo or lnltor bocnuso lts bohnvlour ls n lunctlon ol lllo-contoroJ,
prosont-momont nwnronoss.
Ench coll nlso oxprossos tho Zau o/ LLa:na. Ench coll must Jlscovor lts own sourco, tho
hlghor soll; lt must sorvo lts lollow bolngs, nnJ oxpross lts unlquo tnlonts. Honrt colls, stomnch
colls, nnJ lmmuno colls nll hnvo tholr sourco ln tho hlghor soll, tho llolJ ol puro potontlnllt,. AnJ
bocnuso tho, nro Jlroctl, llnkoJ to thls cosmlc computor, tho, cnn oxpross tholr unlquo tnlonts
wlth ollortloss onso nnJ tlmoloss nwnronoss. nl, b, oxprosslng tholr unlquo tnlonts cnn tho,
mnlntnln both tholr own lntogrlt, nnJ tho lntogrlt, ol tho wholo boJ,. Tho lntornnl Jlnloguo ol
ovor, coll ln tho humnn boJ, ls, How cnn l holp? Tho honrt colls wnnt to holp tho lmmuno
colls, tho lmmuno colls wnnt to holp tho stomnch nnJ lung colls, nnJ tho brnln colls nro llstonlng
to nnJ holplng ovor, othor coll. Evor, coll ln tho humnn boJ, hns onl, ono lunctlon: to holp
ovor, othor coll.
B, looklng nt tho bohnvlour ol tho colls ol our own boJ,, wo cnn obsorvo tho most oxtrnor-
Jlnnr, nnJ olllclont oxprosslon ol Tho Sovon Splrltunl Lnws. Thls ls tho gonlus ol nnturo`s
lntolllgonco. Thoso nro tho thoughts ol GoJ - tho rost nro Jotnlls.
Lc Sovon SI:IIuaI Zau: o/ Succc:: nro poworlul prlnclplos thnt wlll onnblo ,ou to nttnln
soll-mnstor,. ll ,ou put ,our nttontlon on thoso lnws nnJ prnctlco tho stops outllnoJ ln thls book,
,ou wlll soo thnt ,ou cnn mnnllost nn,thlng ,ou wnnt - nll tho nllluonco, mono,, nnJ succoss
thnt ,ou Joslro. You wlll nlso soo thnt ,our lllo bocomos moro [o,lul nnJ nbunJnnt ln ovor, wn,,
lor thoso lnws nro nlso tho splrltunl lnws ol lllo thnt mnko llvlng worthwhllo.
Thoro ls n nnturnl soquonco lor tho nppllcntlon ol thoso lnws ln ,our Jnll, lllo thnt mn, holp
,ou to romombor thom. Tho Zau o/ /u:c /oIcnIIaIIIy ls oxporloncoJ through sllonco, through
moJltntlon, through non-[uJgmont, through communlon wlth nnturo, but lt ls nctlvntoJ b, tho
Zau o/ Glvlng. Tho prlnclplo horo ls to lonrn to glvo thnt whlch ,ou sook. Thnt`s how ,ou
nctlvnto tho Zau o/ /u:c /oIcnIIaIIIy. ll ,ou sook nllluonco, glvo nllluonco; ll ,ou sook mono,,
glvo mono,; ll ,ou sook lovo, npproclntlon, nnJ nlloctlon, thon lonrn to glvo lovo, npproclntlon,
nnJ nlloctlon.
Through ,our nctlons ln tho Zau o/ Glvlng ,ou nctlvnto tho Zau o/ /a:na. You cronto
gooJ knrmn, nnJ gooJ knrmn mnkos ovor,thlng ln lllo ons,. You notlco thnt ,ou Jon`t hnvo to
oxponJ n lot ol ollort to lulllll ,our Joslros, whlch nutomntlcnll, lonJs to nn unJorstnnJlng ol tho
Zau o/ Zca:I Z//o:I. Whon ovor,thlng ls ons, nnJ ollortloss, nnJ ,our Joslros koop gottlng
lullllloJ, ,ou spontnnoousl, bogln to unJorstnnJ tho Zau o/ /nIcnIIon and Lc:I:c. Fullllllng ,our
Joslros wlth ollortloss onso mnkos lt ons, lor ,ou to prnctlco tho Zau o/ LcIacLncnI.
Flnnll,, ns ,ou bogln to unJorstnnJ nll tho nbovo lnws, ,ou bogln to locus on ,our truo
purposo ln lllo, whlch lonJs to tho Zau o/ LLa:na. Through tho uso ol thls lnw, b, oxprosslng
,our unlquo tnlonts nnJ lullllllng tho nooJs ol ,our lollow humnns, ,ou bogln to cronto whntovor
,ou wnnt, whonovor ,ou wnnt lt. You bocomo cnrolroo nnJ [o,lul, nnJ ,our lllo bocomos nn
oxprosslon ol unbounJoJ lovo.
Wo nro trnvollors on n cosmlc [ourno, - stnr-Just, swlrllng nnJ Jnnclng ln tho oJJlos nnJ
whlrlpools ol lnllnlt,. Lllo ls otornnl. But tho oxprosslons ol lllo nro ophomornl, momontnr,,
1.c cc (|.||uc| |cw | uc 'e
trnnslont. Gnutnmn BuJJhn, tho lounJor ol BuJJhlsm, onco snlJ, Thls cI:Icncc o/ ou:: I: a:
trnnslont ns nutumn clouJs. To wntch tho blrth nnJ Jonth ol bolngs ls llko IooRIng aI ILc movo-
monts o/ a dancc. A II/cIInc I: IIRc a /Ia:L o/ llghtnlng ln ILc :Ry, Rushlng y IIRc a Io::cnI doun
a :Icc mountnln.
Wo hnvo stoppoJ lor n momont to oncountor onch othor, to moot, to lovo, to shnro. Thls ls
n proclous momont, but lt ls trnnslont. lt ls n llttlo pnronthosls ln otornlt,. ll wo shnro wlth cnrlng,
llghthonrt-oJnoss, nnJ lovo, wo wlll cronto nbunJnnco nnJ [o, lor onch othor. AnJ thon thls
momont wlll hnvo boon worthwhllo.

'I 1.c |cw | (u.(c
Doopnk Choprn ls n worlJ-ronownoJ lonJor ln tho llolJ ol mlnJ-boJ, moJlclno nnJ humnn
potontlnl. Ho ls tho bostsolllng nuthor ol Crontlng A//Iucncc, Lc Vay o/ ILc VI2a:d, AgcR::
Uody, IncIc:: /Ind, [uanIun Honllng; nnJ Lc HcIu:n o/ /c:IIn, ns woll ns numorous nuJlo
nnJ vlJoo progrnms thnt promoto honlth nnJ woll-bolng. Hls books hnvo boon trnnslntoJ lnto
moro thnn twont,-llvo lnngungos nnJ ho locturos wlJol, throughout North Amorlcn, South
Amorlcn, lnJln, Europo, Jnpnn, nnJ Austrnlln. Currontl, ho ls tho Exocutlvo Dlroctor ol tho
Choprn Contor lor Woll-Bolng ln Ln Jolln, Cnlllornln.
Crontlng A//Iucncc Ambor-Allon , Now WorlJ Llbrnr,}
Lc Vay o/ ILc VI2a:d Crown , Hnrmon,}
AgcIc:: Uody, IncIc:: /Ind Crown , Hnrmon,}
Jou:ncy /nIo !caIIng Crown , Hnrmon,}
Rostlul SIcc Crown , Hnrmon,}
/c:/ccI Wolght Crown , Hnrmon,}
/c:/ccI !caIIL Crown , Hnrmon,}
/c:/ccI LIgc:IIon Crown , Hnrmon,}
UnconJltlonnl Lllo Bnntnm}
unntum Honllng Bnntnm}
Crontlng Honlth Houghton Mllllln}
Roturn o/ ILc HI:LI Houghton Mllllln}
nuJlo cnssottos:
Tho Sovon Splrltunl Lnws o/ Succoss
Crontlng Allluonco
Tho Croscont Moon: Proso Pooms o/ HaInd:anaIL ago:c
Escnplng tho Prlson ol tho lntolloct
Sac:cd Vorsos, Honllng SounJs, Volumo l:
Tho BhngnvnJ Gltn SncroJ Vorsos, Honllng SounJs, Volumo //.
H,mns o/ ILc HIg 1cda Llvlng Bo,onJ Mlrnclos wlth Dr. Vaync Lyc:) Llvlng Wlthout
Llmlts wlth Dr. Vaync Lyc:) HcIu:n o/ ILc HI:LI
Mnglcnl MlnJ, Mnglcnl BoJ, Nlghtlngnlo-Connnt} Lc !IgLc: ScI/ Nlghtlngnlo-Connnt}
!ncondIIIonaI ZI/c Bnntnm AuJlo Publlshlng} Wolght Loss: Lc ConIcIc /Ind-Uody Solutlon
unntum Publlcntlons, lnc.} lnsomnln: Lc ConIcIc MlnJ-BoJ, Solutlon
unntum Publlcntlons, lnc.} Chronlc Fntlguo: Tho Comploto MlnJ-BoJ, Solutlon
unntum Publlcntlons, lnc.} GltnnJnll: C//c:Ing: /:on ILc !ca:I SounJ Horlzons} Grow-
lng Youngor AuJlo-VlJoo Progrnm} Tlmo-Lllo}
vlJoo cnssottos:
Tho Honllng MlnJ - Anclont WlsJom, MoJom lnslghts
unntum Publlcntlons, lnc.} Wnklng ! ILc /ouc: Wlthln - Tho FrooJom to Honl
unntum Publlcntlons, lnc.} Tho Sovon Splrltunl Lnws o/ Succoss M,stlc Flro VlJoo} Tho
Wn, o/ ILc VIu:d M,stlc Flro VlJoo}
ll ,ou woulJ llko lnlormntlon on workshops, locturos, or othor progrnms b, Doopnk Choprn,
or to orJor nn, ol tho books nnJ tnpos llstoJ nbovo, plonso contnct:
Tho choprn contor lor woll-bolng
7630 Fn, Avonuo LnJolln,CA92037
Donr FrlonJ:
ln Lc SI:IIuaI Zau: o/ Succc::, l Joscrlbo tho vlrtuos nnJ nssoclntoJ prlnclplos thnt
hnvo holpoJ mo nnJ countloss othors to nchlovo splrltunl sntlslnctlon nnJ mntorlnl succoss. l nm
wrltlng to lnvlto ,ou to [oln mo, nnJ potontlnll, mllllons ol othors worlJwlJo, ln tho Globnl
Notwork lor Splrltunl Succoss, whlch wlll bo bnsoJ on tho Jnll, prnctlco ol thoso poworlul
gulJlng prlnclplos.
Pnrtlclpntlon ln tho Notwork ls opon to nn,ono who choosos to prnctlco Tho Sovon Splr-
ltunl Lnws. l hnvo lounJ lt pnrtlculnrl, lullllllng to concontrnto on ono lnw onch Jn, ol tho wook,
boglnnlng on SunJn, wlth tho Zau o/ /u:c /oIcnIIaIIIy nnJ concluJlng on SnturJn, wlth tho
Zau o/ LLa:na. Hnvlng ,our nttontlon on n splrltunl lnw wlll complotol, trnnslorm ,our lllo, ns
lt hns mlno, nnJ ll wo colloctlvol, put our nttontlon on tho snmo lnw onch Jn,, wo coulJ soon
ronch n crltlcnl mnss ol succosslul pooplo thnt coulJ trnnslorm lllo on plnnot onrth
Wlth m, stnll nnJ lrlonJs, l suggost stnrtlng n stuJ, group ol lnmll,, lrlonJs, or co-workors
whoro mombors moot onco n wook to Jlscuss tholr oxporloncos wlth tho splrltunl lnws.
To nctlvol, pnrtlclpnto ln tho Globnl Notwork, plonso vlslt our wobslto nt
lor lnsplrntlonnl nnJ lnlormntlonnl rosourcos to oncourngo, support nnJ Joopon ,our porsonnl
Tho ostnbllshmont ol tho Notwork roprosonts tho lulllllmont ol ono ol m, most chorlshoJ
Jronms. B, pnrtlclpntlng ln tho Globnl Notwork nnJ prnctlclng Tho Sovon Splrltunl Lnws, l
know thnt ,ou wlll nchlovo splrltunl succoss nnJ tho lulllllmont ol ,our Joslros. l cnn wlsh ,ou no
grontor blosslng.
Wlth lovo nnJ bost wlshos,
Doopnk Choprn

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