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Name:_____________________________ Inequalities on the Home Front Analysis Sheet Photographs Study each photograph for 2 minutes.

. For each photograph answer the following questions: 1. Write a brief description of the photograph. Who are the key people in the photograph? What are they doing?

2. What can you infer from this photograph? *List at least 3 things*

3. What does this photograph tell you about life in the United States at this time?

Name:_____________________________ Inequalities on the Home Front Analysis Sheet - Documents 1. Provide a brief summary of your document. What issue(s) were discussed in this document?

2. Why was this document written? Who was the target audience? What message was the author trying to get across? *Include at least 2 quotes from the document*

3. What does this document tell you about life in the United States at this time?

Name:_____________________________ Inequalities on the Home Front short essay Instructions: Write an answer for the following question(s) in the space provided. Be sure to include a thesis statement and a closing paragraph. Based on your document analysis, group discussions and video, describe what life was like in America in the 1970s. Be sure to include common issues that all three of these different groups fought for and why. How did Americans outside of these minority groups respond to their fights? Were these groups successful? Why or why not?

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