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Documented Essay: Narrative Here is the revised and complete instructions for revising your essay.

Though the essay will still have some elements of writing a narrative essay, you are, in effect, combining essay types: Narrative and Informative. You are informing your readers on a story important to you. Look to write about something personal, something that can be researched. The best way to start writing is to write what you know. Starting on page 97, our text gives instructions on how to write an effective Narrative essay. Below are the guidelines for this paper. Guidelines: 1) The essay must be in MLA format. a. Proper MLA header b. 12 pt. font; Times New Roman c. 1 margins d. Double-spaced e. Page numbers with last name in front f. Centered title 2) Use a real event; dont fabricate! 3) Use expressive language to make the story come alive. 4) This essay must have at least four sources to back up your assertions, with proper MLA In-text citations. At least 2 sources must be directly cited or paraphrased within the actual essay. Personal interviews do not count towards the 4 minimum source requirement. 5) The point-of-view throughout the essay must be in third person (he/she/they/ etc.); however, the Narrative Essay is allowed to have first person. Second person (you/your/youre) is prohibited. 6) This essay must include a Works Cited page, meeting the following criteria: a. Must be in proper MLA format. b. Must be in alphabetical order. 7) The essay must be written in 1200-1300 words. This does not include the Works Cited page. How to organize the Documented Essay: Narrative I. Intro a. Details of personal storyselect the particular elements you intend to expand upon later in the essay b. Thesis: The points youre expanding upon; must be a statement, not a question Body Paragraphs: No need to only cover 3 points, just make sure to treat each point equally; must be in 3rd person a. Topic sentence b. Illustrations/examples Conclusion



a. Restate points covered and their relation to your story b. Restate thesisthough not literally! .

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