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A man named Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin during the industrial revolution.

When Eli was young he stayed in his fathers work shop taking things apart, then putting them back together One day he noticed how difficult it was it was to pull the cotton balls apart to get the seeds. He then went to work on inventing a machine that would allow the slaves to get more done in a shorter amount of time. The Cotton Gin was apparently a very simple machine. You first put the cotton in a cylinder in the top of the machine, the turn the crank witch turns the cotton throw the wire teeth that combs out the seed then the cotton in pulled out of the wire teeth and out the cotton gin it comes out. The Cotton Gin influenced the clothing industry because they were able to mas produce clothes. The cotton gin also forsed the invention of the sowing machine to be made because now the ace all this cotton that the really cant do anything with because they were making so much of it so fast

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