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Rosa parks On December 1, 1955 Rosa Parks, an African-American became known for getting arrested for not going

to the back of the bus when a white man wanted to sit. 5 days later all African Americans refused to ride the buses, they used other ways to get around town like walk or the few that had cars would organize their own car-pools. The African Americans wanted to improve their lives by ending segregation. It was called the Montgomery Improvement Association and elected Dr. King as their president. Very few African Americans rode the buses that day. The white people fought back just as hard by arresting the car-pool drivers for picking up hitchhikers. Those who walked were arrested for loitering. As much as the white people fought the African Americans who refused to ride the buses never quit. On January 30, 1956 DR. Kings house was bombed. Luckily no one was hurt and every one got out ok, but when Dr. king came home, there was an angry mob waiting. DR. king told the crowd to go home saying WE MUST LEARN TO MEET HATE WITH LOVE The boycott lasted 381 days a little over a year on November 13, 1956 the court declared that Alabamas state and local laws requiring segregation on buses were illegal. On December 20th federal injunctions were served in Montgomery and bus company officials were forced to follow the Supreme Courts ruling. THE BUS BOYCOTT WAS A SUCCESS

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