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Persian/Achaemenid empire Lastet about 200 years and is symbolized with warfare and armies.

The Persians spoke an indo-european language. The Persian empire peaked under Darius I Cyrus II/Cyrus the Great (C.559-530 BC) Made a new capital Pasargadea. Had several wars with the Lydians. Cambyses II/The great (530-522 BC) Susa had earlier been destroyed by Ashurbanipal, and now Cambyses II made it capital. Darius I later made Susa an administrative capital, and built a huge palace. He conquered Egypt. Darius I/The Great (522-486 BC) Object: The behistun inscription: very important in the process of cracking the cuneiform inscription. It tells about how Darius were the rightful heir, the supreme ruler and how he dominated enemies.

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