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2009 Wolfgang W.

Keller all rights reserved

Quick Start Guide for
IT Enterprise Architects
Wolfgang Keller

2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
Copyright and License
Copyiight 2uu9-2u12 by Wolfgang W. Kellei. All iights ieseiveu
The content of this book is piotecteu unuei "Attiibution-
NonCommeicial-NoBeiivs S.u 0npoiteu" license. Foi the full text see
While the authoi useu his best effoits in piepaiing this book, he
makes no iepiesentations oi waiianties with iespect to the accuiacy
oi completeness of the contents of this book anu specifically uis-
claims any implieu waiianties of meichantability oi fitness foi a
paiticulai puipose. The auvice oi stiategies containeu heiein may not
be suitable foi youi situation. You shoulu consult with a piofessional
wheie appiopiiate. The authoi shall not be liable foi any loss of piofit
oi any othei commeicial uamages, incluuing but not limiteu to spe-
cial, inciuental, consequential oi othei uamages.
Cover Picture
By Wolfgang Kellei 2uu9 - all iights ieseiveu. Location: Beilin;
Backe'schei Naikt; Reflection of Beilin Tv Towei.
Version History

Bate State anu Puipose
2012-04-19 thru 24
First Version for TOGAF 9.1 based on version for

2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved

Why woulu anybouy neeu a 6u pages shoit book on T0uAF 9.1 if
T0uAF itself is a 69u pages aichitectuie fiamewoik, wiitten by
ienowneu expeits fiom Suu top IT companies who suie know theii
stuff anu will pioviue you with anything you neeu as an enteipiise
The answei is: YES - T0uAF 9.1 pioviues you with veiy helpful, veiy
sounu anu extensive lists of WBAT to uo in Enteipiise IT Aichitec-
tuie. The auvice fiom vaiious people woiking in Enteipiise IT Aichi-
tectuie is: 0se T0uAF! Theie's no ieason not to use it.
But T0uAF uoes not yet pioviue you with a QuickStait anu
Acceleiatois that give an Expeit a fast to ieau ballpaik view of which
items of an IT enteipiise aichitect's task list aie coveieu by T0uAF
anu which aie not. Anu as you will also see, theie aie aieas of an IT
Enteipiise Aichitect's task list which aie not coveieu by T0uAF at the
moment. This makes it a iewaiuing task to give people inteiesteu in
T0uAF an iuea of what they can expect anu what they have to finu

2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
About the Author

Wolfgang Kellei is a fieelance consultant
who has Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie as
his piofessional hobby. 0ntil 2uu6 he
useu to woik foi one of the top S insui-
eis woilu wiue as a Chief Aichitect fiist
foi theii Austiian anu CEE business anu
latei foi theii ueiman business geneiat-
ing aiounu 1S Billion Euio in insuiance
Wolfgang has uone woik in the fielu
of softwaie aichitectuie since the teim
was coineu by the CN0 SEI in the eaily
199uties. Besiues softwaie aichitectuie
he was always in laige scale softwaie
pioject management. At the moment he
woiks as a pioject managei uoing "hon-
est woik" ;-) which has nothing to uo
with methous but eveiything with ueliv-
Wolfgang holus a Biplom (N.S.) in
computei science fiom Technical 0ni-
veisity Nunich (ueimany). Be is the
authoi of numeious aiticles in English
anu ueiman language tiaue jouinals anu
has authoieu two ueiman books: 0ne on
Enteipiise Application Integiation anu
anothei one on Enteipiise IT Aichitec-
tuie Nanagement.
E-Nail: wkobjectaichitects.ue

2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
Table of Contents
1 Intiouuction 1
1.1 What is T0uAF 9.1. 1
1.2 This Book is most useful foi two uioups of Reaueis 2
1.S Youi Feeuback Welcome S
2 What is Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie. 4
2.1 The Piagmatic Business Appioach to Enteipiise IT
Aichitectuie S
2.2 Woik Bieakuown Stiuctuie foi Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie 7
2.S The T0uAF 9.1 Appioach 9
S T0uAF anu IT Stiategy 12
S.1 What is an IT Stiategy. 12
S.2 What neeus to be uesciibeu 1S
S.S Bow uo you get theie. 1S
S.S.1 Stiategic Bialog 1S
S.S.2 IT Naxims fiom Business Naxims 16
S.S.S Reengineeiing the Business Stiategy 17
S.4 What suppoit will you finu in T0uAF. 18
S.S Fuithei Reauing 18
4 T0uAF anu IT Poitfolio Nanagement 2u
4.1 What is IT Poitfolio Nanagement 2u
4.2 What is Application Poitfolio Nanagement. 21
4.S Putting it togethei: Fiom Chaos to a Nastei Plan 24
4.4 What uo you finu about Application Poitfolio Nanagement in
T0uAF. 26
4.S Infiastiuctuie Poitfolio Nanagement 26
4.6 What uo you finu about Infiastiuctuie Poitfolio Nanagement in
T0uAF. 27
4.7 Fuithei Reauing 28
S T0uAF anu Beveloping Aichitectuies Su
S.1 Pait II: T0uAF ABN S1
S.2 Pait III: ABN uuiuelines anu Techniques S2
S.S Fuithei Reauing S2

2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
6 T0uAF anu Aichitectuie uoveinance SS
6.1 What uo you finu about it in T0uAF. S4
6.2 Fuithei Reauing SS
7 T0uAF anu Basic Tasks S6
7.1 T0uAF anu finuing the iight Neta-Nouel foi youi Neeus S6
7.2 T0uAF anu finuing Tool Suppoit S7
7.S T0uAF anu Immeision Paths foi Enteipiise IT Aichitectuies S8
8 What else will you finu in T0uAF. 4u
8.1 Founuation Aichitectuie Technical Refeience Nouel (TRN) 4u
8.2 The Integiateu Infoimation Infiastiuctuie Refeience Nouel
(III-RN) 41
9 Wiap 0p: T0uAF foi You 42
9.1 A Collection of 0seful Stuff 42
9.2 The Two Stiongest Points 42
9.S T0uAF Ceitification 4S
9.4 Futuie 44
1u Refeiences 4S

1 Introduction
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
1 Introduction
1.1 What is TOGAF 9.1?
At the piesent time T0uAF, the 0pen uioup Aichitectuie Fiamewoik
is a veiy populai fiamewoik foi Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie (EITA)
veision 9.1 - the veision ieleaseu in late 2u11 - is a maintenance
Release of veision 9. veision 9, which is aiounu since 2uu9 constitut-
eu majoi iewoik of veision 8.1.1. T0uAF veision 8.1.1 was the latest
upuate of the veision 8 family which has been aiounu since 2uu2,
when the extensions foi Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie weie auueu to
veision 7 in the foim of the so calleu enteipiise continuum.
Like many othei fiamewoiks in the IT aichitectuie anu manage-
ment aiena T0uAF 9.1 is not a "use it iight out of the box item". It has
some 69u pages anu is fiist of all a majoi challenge to ieau.
Also, like many othei IT fiamewoiks, T0uAF will tell you moie
about WBAT to uo than B0W to uo it. Bence, when you stait e.g. a
new job as an Enteipiise Aichitect anu somebouy passes you a copy
of T0uAF 9.1 you might not ieally know what to uo, unless you have
hau some othei woik expeiience besiues T0uAF anu have ieau a few
othei books.
Theie is also the ciiticism that T0uAF uoes not pioviue you with
woiking examples, uocument templates anu othei quickstait tools.
Pioviuing such mateiial woulu inueeu be veiy tough, as piocesses,
uocuments anu othei mateiial will uiffei uepenuing on the kinu of
enteipiise foi which you have to uevelop an aichitectuie. The goou
news is that T0uAF pioviues you with veiy useful checklists anu veiy
extensive meta mouels. The bau news is, that T0uAF will not pioviue
you with an iuiot's guiue to Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie. Even with
T0uAF you aie still alloweu anu iequiieu to think. Such an iuiot's
guiue uoes not yet exist anu it is veiy unlikely that it will evei exist.
Any appioximation to it woulu consist of thousanus of pages, woulu
not be manageable anu woulu be outuateu by the time it was
1 Introduction
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved

1.2 This Book is most useful for two Groups of
"#$%&'%()%* "+ ,&-.%//'-(01/ 23- 0&% (-4 5%4 6*%%$ '(4-
789+:;< Will get a quick oveiview on wheie to finu what in T0uAF
9.1 anu wheie T0uAF 9.1 has still gaps if compaieu to a task list of
uaily Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie woik. People fiom this gioup shoulu
be able to ieau the book in a cuisoiy style in something like an houi.
Wheievei you neeu uetails, you can uive into them anu if this book is
not enough you will get a pointei into the iespective T0uAF content.
To make a long stoiy shoit foi such ieaueis: T0uAF is solu to you as a
fiamewoik foi Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie oi even Enteipiise
Aichitectuie. It is veiy /4&-(= -( ueveloping 0&)3'4%)4>&%/ but it can
still be impioveuif it comes to Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie
?0(0=%@%(4 A"+?B. If you aie an EAN expeit anu you know e.g.
T0uAF 8.1.1 in uetail, you aie uone heie. T0uAF 9.1 is not much
bettei at IT EA Nanagament than T0uAF 8.1.1 useu to be - but it is
stiongei on EA Bevelopment than 8.1.1 useu to be. You can go on
flipping thiough the book in oiuei to uiaw some hints fiom the
checklists anu fuithei ieauing sections that you might not have come
acioss befoie.
,%-$1% (%2 4- "(4%&$&'/% C7 +&)3'4%)4>&% 0(* '(4%&%/4%* '(
789+:< Will get a ballpaik view of what to expect fiom T0uAF anu
what not to expect fiom T0uAF. You will be guiueu thiough a piocess
fiamewoik foi uay to uay aichitectuial woik pioviuing you with an
oveiview of aichitectuial woik as a whole anu you will get
infoimation on which of these piocesses aie suppoiteu by T0uAF 9.1.
The benefit foi both of the above gioups of ieaueis is that they shoulu
get an '*%0 of 3-2 they can $&-.'4 .&-@ 789+: way .0/4%& than by
ieauing the full oiiginal text. But they will still not get ieal woilu
examples anu all the suppoiting mateiials that woulu pile up to
anothei thousanu oi moie pages.
If you aie an %#$%&'%()%* 789+: %#$%&4 then you will finu that 43'/
D--E '/ (-4 2&'44%( 2'43 5-> 0/ 43% 40&=%4 0>*'%()% in minu.
+ /3-&4 (-4% -( 789+: )%&4'.')04'-(< Baving woikeu thiough this
shoit book you will have leaineu that T0uAF ceitification can be
useful to piove that you uiu woik thiough T0uAF anu that you un-
ueistoou the uocuments. T0uAF ceitification uoes not ceitify that
you aie a piofessional Enteipiise IT Aichitect. Even though some BR
uepaitments may be maue to believe this anu even though theie may
1 Introduction
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
be venuois foi T0uAF couises out theie who tell you this. Bence you
can also use this book to finu out quickly what T0uAF coulu give you
anu whethei oi not you think that it woith taking the exam.
1.3 Your Feedback Welcome
The authoi acknowleuges that this book might attiact some ciitique
fiom expeiienceu T0uAF acolytes anu also fiom people who have a
maiketing pitch that sells T0uAF as the "one size fits all" solution foi
Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie.
Also some less expeiienceu Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie piofessionals
might be looking foi the "thousanu page stait-up mateiial".
Youi feeuback to impiove this book is veiy welcome. The veision
you aie cuiiently ieauing has been wiitten with the intention of sav-
ing a lot of people a lot of ieauing time anu also to confiim foi them
that they still have an appiopiiate notion of Enteipiise IT Aichitec-
tuie Nanagement even though they have the feeling that theie is
something missing fiom T0uAF.
This book will be uistiibuteu fiee of chaige ovei the Inteinet
while it is planneu that the book will latei be useu as pait of a iegulai
book. Feel fiee to contact me with youi suggestions foi impiovement.

2 What is Enterprise IT Architecture?
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
2 What is Enterprise IT Architecture?
As with builuing aichitectuie theie aie many many uefintions of
Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie. In this chaptei you will leain to iecognise
a few access paths to Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie anu we will give a
ueepei explanation of a piagmatic access path that sees an Enteipiise
Aichitect as a veiy impoitant aiue to the CI0 who is in chaige,
amongst othei things, of stiategic planning foi the enteipiise's IT
assets. We will call this the ,&0=@04') F>/'(%// +$$&-0)3. It will
become cleaiei, once we outline the tasks of an Enteipiise Aichitect
as top aiue to the CI0.
The othei two appioaches aie:
73% C7G+&)3'4%)4>&% +$$&-0)3< This appioach mainly has its ioots
in IT systems aichitectuie. The systems aichitects often get to be in
chaige of a system clustei oi even of a whole IT lanuscape anu have
tiieu to evolve theii systems aichitects' methous foi use at the entei-
piise level. You will leain that both the Zachman Fiamewoik anu
T0uAF have been gieatly influenceu by this appioach.
73% +)0*%@') +$$&-0)3< This appioach fiist asks "what is aichitec-
tuie of an enteipiise" anu then looks foi methous foi moueling an
enteipiise, constiucting meta-mouels foi an aibitiaiy enteipiise,
evolution of meta-mouels anu similai questions. Such questions focus
on how to mouel an enteipiise fiom top to bottom.
In this chaptei we will explain the thiee appioaches anu will position
T0uAF 9.1 with iespect to theii viewpoints. In the section on the
Piagmatic Business Appioach you will become familiai with a list of
top level tasks which will be useu latei to give you an iuea of which
tasks aie suppoiteu by T0uAF 9.1 - anu which aie N0T suppoiteu by
T0uAF 9.
2 What is Enterprise IT Architecture?
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
2.1 The Pragmatic Business Approach
to Enterprise IT Architecture
The Piagmatic Business Appioach to Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie
staits by asking "what neeus to be uone to make the most of the en-
teipiise iesouice IT". In moie euucateu ciicles this is calleu "IT
Business Alignment". IT Business alignment is not a fully ueteimin-
istic task. The way you tiy to puisue it uepenus on the matuiity level
of youi oiganization.
!"#$%& () *&+&,- ./ 01 2 3$-"4&-- 5,"#46&478
Theie is a pieuictable set of tasks in a CI0 office that seive to govein
the expensive iesouice IT in an enteipiise. The uegiee to which such
a CI0 office has implementeu these uepenus on the impoitance of the
piouuction factoi IT foi the enteipiise
! An enteipiise which ueals with commouity goous anu uoes not
see IT as some kinu of factoi ielevant foi its stiategic positioning
in competition will seluom evei have a complex CI0 office. If it
even has a CI0.
! A multi-billion business iunning an IT buuget of seveial hunuieu
million Euios a yeai will have all the functions that will be out-
lineu heie - maybe even moie.
In a typical CI0 office you will finu moie oi less the blocks of tasks
outlineu in !"#$%& 9. 0nly two of these have something to uo with
Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie.

2 What is Enterprise IT Architecture?
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved

!"#$%& 9) 1:-; <,.=;- /.% : >0? ?//"=&8 @:%; -A:B&B 7.C"=- :%& 4.7 -$<D
E&=7 ./ F5G :4B H",, A&4=& 4.7 <& B"-=$--&B "4 7A"- <..;

! C7 H4&04%=5< Somebouy has to uefine a stiategy foi the manage-
ment of the enteipiise's iesouice IT.
! ,&-I%)4 ,-&4.-1'- ?0(0=%@%(4< Buugets foi IT have been
aiounu much longei than IT pioject aichitectuie oi even Entei-
piise IT Aichitectuie. That's why a managei like a CI0 useu to
have somebouy in chaige of his IT buuget anu the balancing of
buuget anu uemanus that iesults in the list of uemanus which aie
to be implementeu each yeai.
! "(4%&$&'/% C7 +&)3'4%)4>&%< We will explain the tasks an Entei-
piise IT Aichitect has to peifoim in section 2.2.
! C7 +>*'4< As the IT function is ciucial to the success anu sheei
existence of most enteipiises touay, IT is subject to auuits in most
oiganizations. Bence theie is a task to auuit IT functions. Touay's
ue facto stanuaiu foi auuiting IT is C0BIT. We will not uiill into
this any ueepei as it will not help you too much in unueistanuing
2 What is Enterprise IT Architecture?
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
! C7 H%)>&'45< is ciucial touay foi the ieputation, integiity anu
secuiity of youi enteipiise. Bence a CI0 will have people in
chaige of IT secuiity. Theie's also a bioau aiiay of fiamewoiks
that will help you manage IT secuiity. We will also skip this as-
pect foi the time being
! ,&-J'*%& ?0(0=%@%(4< Nost IT oiganizations touay outsouice
oi outtask a lot of theii woik. This can apply to almost all tasks an
IT oiganization peifoims, except the coie management tasks.
These coie tasks aie, by the way, uesciibeu heie foi a CI0 office.
In the iemainuei of this book we will be uealing with the IT Stiategy
anu the Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie blocks. veiy often the Enteipiise
IT Aichitect, as a CI0's top aiue, will help him uefine the enteipiise's
IT Stiategy. In any case, Enteipiise Stiategy anu hence IT Stiategy aie
the most impoitant influences foi you as an Enteipiise Aichitect,
even if youi CI0 uoes not consult you about foimulating them.
This anu the elements of Enteipiise Aichitectuial woik will be
uesciibeu in section 2.2. The stiuctuie explaineu heie will be useu
latei in chapteis S thiu 7 to explain what is in T0uAF to help you
accomplish youi tasks as an Enteipiise Aichitect.
2.2 Work Breakdown Structure for Enterprise IT Archi-
The tasks of Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie can be split into thiee main
blocks as outlineu in Figuie !"#$%& I.
! H4&04%=') 70/E/< 0ften the Enteipiise IT Aichitects aie the peo-
ple who help a CI0 !"#"$%& ()* +, -./0."12. But besiues this
theie aie moie stiategic tasks -meaning tasks that have a plan-
ning hoiizon of moie than S-S yeais. +, 3%/.4%$)% 50601"7"6.
will uelivei the basic uata neeueu foi -./0."1)8 3$066)619 which
biings togethei the goals fiom stiategy anu the as-is situation
fiom poitfolio management in oiuei to uevelop a to-be situation.
This will be unueipinneu by a stiategic ioaumap that is a coaise
piogiam plan foi a majoi pait of the pioject poitfolio.
2 What is Enterprise IT Architecture?
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved

!"#$%& I) F47&%C%"-& 5%=A"7&=7- J%.=&-- G:C

! 8$%&04'-(01 70/E/< foim the uay to uay woik of Enteipiise IT
Aichitects. Stiategies aie nice - but you neeu to communicate
them anu you also have to make suie that they aie applieu anu
implementeu. This is the fielu of :/8()."8.;/" <%#"/6068". Fiist
of all you will neeu to finu ciitical piojects - the ones that have
the potential to change youi aichitectuie. This is !%6" =2 5%6)>
.%/)61 .(" 3/%?"8. 3%/.4%$)%. 0nce you have iuentifieu the 1u% oi
so inteiesting stiategic piojects, you will set up an aichitects
team to 088%7&062 .("7. As they iun thiough the enteipiises
noimal +, 3/%?"8. 3/%8"**.
! F0/') 70/E/< In oiuei to get Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie up anu
iunning you will neeu to cieate a few founuations. In many cases
it will be useful to /;6 06 @: .%%$ in oiuei to have a chance to
tiack what you have in youi application anu infiastiuctuie poit-
folios. In oiuei to uo this you will neeu to finu oi uevelop the
iight 7".0 7%!"$ .oi the puiposes anu in oiuei to ieuuce com-
plexity by stanuaiuization you will fiist have to !"#"$%& *.06!>
0/!* that will be valiu in the scope of youi enteipiise. Theie aie
moie basic tasks - but these aie the most piominent ones.
The following will explain each of the tasks listeu above anu in chap-
teis S thiu 7 you can finu what mateiial is available in T0uAF to help
you peifoim them.

2 What is Enterprise IT Architecture?
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
2.3 The TOGAF 9.1 Approach
Let's have a look at how T0uAF sees its appioach to Enteipiise IT
Aichitectuie. Best let T0uAF speak foi itself:
TOGAF as an EAM Framework (From TOGAF 8.1. (Enterprise Edition)
TOGAF in its Enterprise Edition remains what it has always been, namely an
architecture framework - a set of methods and tools for developing a broad
range of different IT architectures. It enables IT users to design, evaluate, and
build the right architecture for their organization, and reduces the costs of
planning, designing, and implementing architectures based on open systems
The key to TOGAF remains a reliable, practical method - the TOGAF Architec-
ture Development Method (ADM) - for defining business needs and developing
an architecture that meets those needs, utilizing the elements of TOGAF and
other architectural assets available to the organization.
Source TOGAF 8.1. [TOGAF8.1.1] (Also valid for TOGAF 9.x)
So what uoes this tell us with iegaius to Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie
tasks as uesciibeu in section 2.2. 73% %@$30/'/ -. 789+: '/ -(
*%J%1-$'(= )-()&%4% C7 0&)3'4%)4>&%/: Be it foi a system, be it foi a
clustei of systems anu maybe also be it foi a to-be aichitectuie of an
enteipiise as a whole. Bence the emphasis is on the conciete task of
ueveloping aichitectuie.
2 What is Enterprise IT Architecture?
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved

!"#$%& K) F+.,$7".4 ./ 1?L5! /%.6 M&%-".4 N 7. M&%-".4 O8 P.$%=&) ?H4
The emphasis of T0uAF is not on tasks such as
! Beveloping an IT Stiategy baseu on a Business Stiategy
! Application Poitfolio Nanagement: Bealing with thousanus of
existing applications anu juuging which have a futuie, which neeu
change anu which neeu to be ieplaceu
! Aichitectuie uoveinance: This is mentioneu but not tieateu as a
main item
The ABN (Aichitectuie Bevelopment Nethou) is still the keinel of
T0uAF anu is T0uAF's biggest asset. You can also see this concentia-
tion on the ABN youiself if you stuuy the evolution of T0uAF fiom
e.g. veision 7 (publisheu in Bec. 2uu1) thiu vaiious veisions of T0-
uAF 8 (which was intiouuceu as the "Enteipiise veision of T0uAF 7"
anu fiist featuieu the "Enteipiise Continuum") to T0uAF 9 which was
publisheu in Febiuaiy 2uu9.
2 What is Enterprise IT Architecture?
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
!"#$%& K can be ieau so that Pait II - the ABN - has been iathei stable
thioughout the evolution shown in !"#$%& K. The majoi new featuies
of veision 9.x ovei veision 8.x aie the Aichitectuie Content Fiame-
woik anu the mateiial auueu in Pait III: The ABN uuiuelines anu
Techniques. veision 9.1 as a maintenance ielease has a chaptei stiuc-
tuie iuentical to T0uAF 9.
So it can cleaily be seen fiom this, that T0uAF woikeu its way up
fiom a fiamewoik foi pioject aichitectuie anu majoi uevelopment
piojects to the enteipiise level. T0uAF will continue to giow towaius
the enteipiise level but it has not been uesigneu fiom the beginning
with the Enteipiise Level oi a Piagmatic Business 0iienteu Appioach
in minu. But let T0uAF (again 8.1.) speak foi itself again:

A number of Enterprise Architecture frameworks already exist and are widely
recognized, each of which has its particular advantages and disadvantages -
and relevance - for Enterprise Architecture. They are discussed in Part IV (of
TOGAF 8): Resource Base, Other Architectures and Frameworks.
Although a number of enterprise frameworks exist, there is no accepted indus-
try standard method for developing Enterprise Architecture. The goal of The
Open Group with TOGAF is to work towards making the TOGAF ADM just such
an industry standard method, which is neutral towards tools and technologies,
and can be used for developing the products associated with any recognized
enterprise framework - such as the Zachman Framework, Federal Enterprise IT
Architecture Framework (FEAF), Treasury Enterprise Architecture Framework
(TEAF), and C4ISR/DoD Framework - that the architect feels is appropriate for a
particular architecture.
With the migration of TOGAF to an Enterprise Architecture framework, this
flexibility becomes even more important. TOGAF is not intended to compete
with these other frameworks; rather, it is intended to perform a unique role, in
distilling what these other frameworks have to offer, and providing a generic
ADM that can be adapted for use with any of these other frameworks.
The Open Group's vision for TOGAF is as a vehicle and repository for practical,
experience-based information on how to go about the process of Enterprise
Architecture, providing a generic method with which specific sets of delivera-
bles, specific reference models, and other relevant architectural assets, can be
Source TOGAF 8.1. [TOGAF8.1.1]
3 TOGAF and IT Strategy
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
3 TOGAF and IT Strategy
In the eaily ieactions to T0uAF 9.u bloggeis commenting on the new
ielease have ciiticizeu T0uAF foi falling shoit of pioviuing help foi
the stiategic planning tasks in IT management. The thiee main stia-
tegic tasks have alieauy been outlineu in section 2.1 anu IT stiategy is
the fiist one of them.
A fiist check is quite simple: }ust take the T0uAF 9.1 puf file,
which is available at a mouest chaige fiom the 0penuioup anu have
the occuiiences of the teim "IT stiategy" counteu in it. You will finu
the teim thiee times in the text anu this makes it cleai that T0uAF
uoes not pioviue you with a methou, to uevelop one.
If you just wanteu to know, whethei T0uAF pioviues you with a
closeu set of tools anu methous to uevelop an IT stiategy, you'ie uone
foi the moment. Skip this chaptei anu u0T0 chaptei 4 on page 2u in
oiuei to see what T0uAF has to offei you foi poitfolio management.
If you want to know wheie to finu mateiial on how to wiite an IT
stiategy anu what T0uAF still has to offei besiues obvious spots
maikeu with IT stiategy, hang on.
3.1 What is an IT Strategy?
In oiuei to talk about IT stiategy it is fiist necessaiy to talk about
stiategy in geneial. In oiuei to avoiu copyiight pioblems we use a
Wikipeuia uefinition

A strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal.
You coulu also use the moie militaiistic veision by Clausewitz
|Clausewitz98j but theie's no ieal uiffeience.
Fiist of all you neeu a goal. Then you neeu moie than one possible
way to get theie anu foimulating youi stiategy is about choosing one
of the possible ways to go anu tuining it into a plan.
You might ask, whethei one way (oi option foi attaining the ob-
jective) isn't enough. Nany stiategies uo not pass the tiiviality test
wheie you ask whethei the opposite of the way you choose is still
3 TOGAF and IT Strategy
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
something that makes sense. E.g. if you uo not holu a monopoly (you
aie in a competitive maiket) anu you state "Customei 0iientation" as
youi stiategy, then the contiaiy "being non-customei oiienteu"
woulu leau stiaight into bankiuptcy. Bence foi this example entei-
piise "Customei 0iientation" as a stiategy woulu not pass the tiiviali-
ty test because theie's no alteinative to it.
You shoulu finu some inuications of the stiategy of youi enteipiise in
its business stiategy. We will also ueal with the case wheie youi
enteipiise uoesn't have one. But let's postpone that one foi a mo-
ment. That case will be coveieu in section S.S. You also neeu to know
something about the matuiity of youi IT oiganization. If IT is tieateu
as a puie non-stiategic cost-centei in youi oiganization (iemembei
!"#$%& ( foi the uiffeient steps of IT Business alignment of an IT
oiganization) then you will have a toughei time influencing youi
enteipiise's stiategy. When IT is seen as an enablei in competition,
you shoulu have less tiouble enteiing into a tiue stiategic uialog.
3.2 What needs to be described
No mattei at what level youi IT oiganization finus itself - the basics
that neeu to be uesciibeu (stiategy elements) aie always the same.

Figuie S: Nain Pillais of an IT Stiategy
The above figuie can use a bit of explanation. It is also ieflecteu in the
stiategy matiix (see Figuie 6) to follow. No mattei what else you
have in an IT stiategy. You will always neeu to make uecisions about
the following:
3 TOGAF and IT Strategy
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
! +$$1')04'-( H4&04%=5< No mattei what else you plan in youi IT
stiategy, you neeu an application stiategy - a stiategy that con-
tains guiuelines on how you want to ueal with the IT applications
in youi company anu how you want to suppoit youi business
stiategies using IT applications.
! C(4%=&04'-( H4&04%=5< In most cases you uon't have one peifectly
integiateu application but you have a majoi set of applications
that neeu to be integiateu with each othei in oiuei to be able to
peifoim business piocesses. These apps also might neeu to be
connecteu to the outsiue woilu. S0A oi EAI stiategies aie foims
of integiation stiategies. But theie aie also moie piimitive ones.
! C(.&0/4&>)4>&% H4&04%=5< You also cannot evaue having an infia-
stiuctuie stiategy. Even if you outsouice youi complete infia-
stiuctuie, you still have a stiategy how to ueal with it: in this case
"0utsouicing". 0thei factois that ueteimine youi infiastiuctuie
stiategy is youi global scope, youi neeus foi secuiity anu special
solutions anu many othei factois that you woulu check if you use
a matiix like the one in Figuie 6.
! H%&J')% H4&04%=5< If you want to be peiceiveu as a pioviuei of
seivices, you will enu up having a seivice stiategy, that uetei-
mines how youi customeis will get which seivices at which sei-
vice levels.
! H->&)'(= H4&04%=5< Even if you shoulu ueciue that you will pio-
uuce all youi IT assets veitically integiateu staiting with uevelop-
ing youi own opeiating system: you still have a souicing stiategy.
Noimally you will make uecisions heie on what to outsouice, anu
what to piouuce youiself. You will also ueciue whethei you want
to woik togethei with a single pioviuei, multiple pioviueis,
whethei you want to souice in an oppoitunistic fashion oi ielying
on a few stiategic paitneis to name a few of the uecisions that
neeu to be maue heie.
If you uefine what you want to uo anu achieve in those S fielus anu if
you can explain why this enables youi business to puisue its Business
Stiategy, you aie well off. In oiuei to help you think about youi ueci-
sions systematically anu even ueepei than that, you can apply key
questions to each pillai the likes of "how uo I govein that specific
aiea."; "how uo I finance it.", anu a few moie. As an example see
Figuie 6 below. This will foice you to ieflect on what you will uo
about ceitain geneial conceins, such as the iegional uistiibution of
youi business.
3 TOGAF and IT Strategy
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved

Figuie 6: Sample IT Stiategy Natiix
This matiix is like a checklist. If you aie able to answei the questions
in the matiix then you can be suie to a ceitain uegiee that you uiu not
miss a majoi issue that you shoulu have taken into consiueiation.
You can then wiite uown youi five stiategy elements. If you'ie goou
at it, you shoulu have a shoit uocument of maybe less than 2u pages
that infoims youi IT people about the stiategic uiiections in each
column anu fielu.
3.3 How do you get there?
The next question is: What is the piocess in which you neeu to in-
volve Business that leaus you to such a stiategy uocument.
KLKLM H4&04%=') N'01-=
The best way woulu be if youi CI0 anu a few key IT people meet with
key Business people in oiuei to uiscuss anu ueciue on a Business
Stiategy that also incluues the IT Stiategy.
This state of affaiis is somewhat iaie. Analysts state that about
9u% of enteipiises uo not have a wiitten business stiategy. 0ften
Cx0s uo not spent the time foi a piopei stiategic uialog oi finu it
annoying to talk to IT unueilings about business stiategies. In such
cases you will neeu to finu othei ways to extiact the infoimation you
neeu in oiuei to foimulate a piopei IT stiategy, which will leau you
to the Naxim Piocess.
3 TOGAF and IT Strategy
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
KLKLO C7 ?0#'@/ .&-@ F>/'(%// ?0#'@/
The Naxim Piocess is uesciibeu by Bioaubent anu Kitzis in
|Bioaubent+uSj as a piagmatic way to extiact enough infoimation
foi a goou enough IT stiategy while not investing moie than a uay's
woikshop with senioi management. The CI0 will oiganize a woik-
shop with Cx0s, which will leau to uocumenting 2 kinus of so-calleu
! Business Naxims,
! Anu as a iesult IT Naxims
Naxims aie a few concise piinciples that aie useu to uocument the
stiategic uiiection of an enteipiise. A Naxim woikshop will usually
not piouuce moie than aiounu S business maxims. Foi each of those,
management will ueiive 4-S maxims foi the IT function that will help
to suppoit them.

!"#$%& N) G:R"6 J%.=&-- <S 3%.:B<&47 TBioaubent+uSU
A typical Naxim Woikshop will be split up into two paits:
! Pait 1: Finuing the Business Naxims,
! Pait 2: Beiiving the IT Naxims
An exteinal facilitatoi shoulu moueiate the woikshop uay anu pio-
To give examples imagine an olu economy financial seivice pioviuei
like a big insuiance company that iuns moie than one bianu name on
the maiket. Foi such an enteipiise you coulu finu the following busi-
ness maxim:

Create synergies in back office and service functions wherever brand identity is
not compromised
IT maxims that coulu be ueuucteu fiom such a business stiategy
coulu be:

(1) Define standard architectures and platforms used by all of the groups com-
panies in order to leverage synergies and to reduce IT cost
(2) Harmonize the IT application systems for the groups companies wherever
there is a business case for this.
3 TOGAF and IT Strategy
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
(3) Support the business by providing harmonized business processes for all
brands of the group.
Such a syneigistic stiategy (oi any othei stiategy) will have implica-
tions on one's IT goveinance piinciples. Youi set of IT maxims uefines
the IT objectives anu the chosen ways foi ieaching them. (See also
!"#$%& N) You will neeu to install a system of IT goveinance that
matches youi IT maxims.
You might say: Easy anu stiaightfoiwaiu piocess. Theie shoulu be no
pioblem to holu a meeting, uefine a few IT maxims anu off you go
with a usable IT stiategy. Life is not always that easy. Theie aie moie
than a few things that can go wiong heie:
! 0ne we mentioneu alieauy above: If the Cx0s see IT as a bunch of
unueilings anu not as an impoitant pioviuei of business oppoi-
tunities, they will not even invest the time in such a woikshop.
! Anothei potential thieat is less eviuent. If the boaiu of Cx0s has a
cultuie of hiuing conflicts anu if they uo not agiee on a common
stiategy they will not be too inteiesteu that theii inteinal biawl
becomes known thioughout the enteipiise. In such a case you
will nevei get the maxim woikshop foi whatevei ieasons.
This will leau you to the next level. You will neeu to ieengineei an IT
stiategy fiom the behaviois you obseive in uaily business. Which will
biing us to the next section.
KLKLK P%%(='(%%&'(= 43% F>/'(%// H4&04%=5
If youi management uoes not want to spenu the time to uiscuss Busi-
ness Stiategy anu IT stiategy with you, its time foi you to ieengineei
the stiategy fiom what you expeiience. Theie aie enteipiises aiounu
who aie veiy successful anu have a stiategy oi call it a veiy successful
way of opeiating: But it's neithei wiitten uown noi coulu anybouy
explain it explicitly.
In such a case you neeu to ieengineei oi finu the business max-
ims by applying analogies with known stiategy patteins. Liteiatuie
will pioviue you with an ample bouy of knowleuge on Business Stiat-
egy anu will enable you to iuentify the patteins compiising youi
enteipiise's stiategy.
Beie again a matiix like the one piesenteu in Figuie 6 is useful.
You can ask questions like "what is the geogiaphic uistiibution of my
enteipiise" anu "what aie best piactice patteins to ueal with just that
kinu of geogiaphic uistiibution when it comes to seivices, applica-
tions, infiastiuctuies oi souicing. That way you can again go thiough
the matiix (Figuie 6).
3 TOGAF and IT Strategy
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
3.4 What support will you find in TOGAF?
As you can see fiom the T0uAF summaiy pictuie
, T0uAF tieats
Business Stiategy anu also IT Stiategy as an item outsiue of the scope
of T0uAF.
Phase A (Aichitectuie vision) of the ABN |T0uAF9.1, Chaptei 7j tells
you that you shoulu get holu of the business uiiveis befoie you stait
an aichitectuie pioject of some kinu. T0uAF also pioposes a capabil-
ity analysis. Still the combination of Business Stiategy anu IT Stiategy
seems to be consiueieu as something outsiue the scope of at least the
3.5 Further Reading
90&4(%& ?04%&'01 -( C7 H4&04%='%/
uaitnei usually has some inteiesting mateiial on IT stiategies. We
cannot cite the stuff heie because theii Intellectual Piopeity policy
piohibits citations of mateiial oluei than one yeai. Bave a look at the
uaitnei Reseaich uatabases if you happen to have a ielation with
Naiianne Bioaubent useu to be a Senioi vice Piesiuent at uaitnei,
anu also seiveu as a piofessoi at Nelbouine Business School. She has
consulteu anu inteivieweu a foui-uigit numbei of CI0s foi vaiious
panels by uaitnei. Bei book "New CI0 Leauei: Setting the Agenua
anu Beliveiing Results" |Bioaubent+uSj is still a classic on IT stiate-
?C7 H1-0( H)3--1 ?04%&'01 -( C7 H4&04%='%/
uaitnei is also connecteu to the NIT's Centei foi Infoimation Systems
Reseaich (CISR) heaueu by Petei Weill. A veiy inteiesting book is
"Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie as Stiategy: Cieating a Founuation foi
Business Execution" |Ross+06j by }eanne Ross anu Petei Weill. The
book will also point you to fuithei NIT iesouices oi check the NIT
website at

Foi the iespective T0uAF pictuie see
The authoi has to ask foi peimission befoie iepiinting the mateiial.
3 TOGAF and IT Strategy
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
Q-(/>14'(= 7--1/
If you uevelop stiategies it veiy helpful to have a woiking knowleuge
of methous anu tools that weie uevelopeu by the likes of BCu, NcKin-
sey anu othei well ienowneu consulting fiims. A convenient way to
get such infoimation is to get youiself books on consulting toolkits,
stiategy consulting oi just a compact NBA book foi staiteis. Theie's
too much such liteiatuie aiounu to be counteu.
4 TOGAF and IT Portfolio Management
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
4 TOGAF and IT Portfolio Manage-
T0uAF has almost nothing to offei foi IT poitfolio management.
Bence we will give a shoit summaiy of Application anu Infiastiuctuie
Poitfolio Nanagement anu will set pointeis to the few spots in T0-
uAF, which aie of some help foi these tasks.
4.1 What is IT Portfolio Management
IT Poitfolio Nanagement comes in at least thiee flavois. Two of them
aie ielevant foi Enteipiise Aichitects. Anu the thiiu flavoi is also
piesent in a CI0 office anu hence Enteipiise Aichitects will at least
have an inteiface to it. The flavois aie:
! ,&-I%)4 ,-&4.-1'- ?0(0=%@%(4< 0f all the flavois of poitfolio
management, this is the most wiuespieau one. Even if companies
uon't caie about aichitectuie they usually caie about, how theii
money is spent. It is quite a common situation that a company has
two oi thiee times moie buuget pioposals foi piojects than it has
money to spenu on piojects. This explains why a mechanism foi
pioject piioiitization is installeu in almost any enteipiise. As
stateu above, Pioject Poitfolio Nanagement has an inteiface to
Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie but is usually not seen a pait of it. This
is why this subject is not tieateu any ueepei in this book.
! +$$1')04'-( ,-&4.-1'- ?0(0=%@%(4< Nost Enteipiises have a
consiueiable numbei of applications that suppoit theii business
piocesses. Below you will leain why it is impoitant to have an in-
ventoiy of applications anu what goals "managing" them puisue.
Application Poitfolio Nanagement is usually seen as a pait of
stiategic Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie Nanagement. Theiefoie it
will be tieateu below in some moie uetail.
! C(.&0/4&>)4>&% ,-&4.-1'- ?0(0=%@%(4< 0ften Enteipiises uo not
have a piopei IT inventoiy. Neveitheless some of those who uo
not have a 99% accuiate IT inventoiy still manage theii Infia-
4 TOGAF and IT Portfolio Management
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
stiuctuie Poitfolio. The ieason behinu this is in most cases cost
savings by stanuaiuization. Which can be tianslateu to: The less
technologies you own, the lowei youi maintenance anu aumin-
istiation costs. Foi most companies IT infiastiuctuie is not a mat-
tei of competitive auvantage. Theiefoie they can affoiu to man-
age it as a commouity wheie the cheapei solutions (fewei tech-
nologies, fewei locations) aie often the bettei solutions.
The iest of this chaptei will explain Application Poitfolio anu Infia-
stiuctuie Poitfolio Nanagement. We will stait with Application Poit-
folios, just because this is hanuiei to explain. Infiastiuctuie Poitfolio
can often be even moie iewaiuing as Enteipiises usually spenu much
moie money on IT infiastiuctuies than they spenu on applications.
4.2 What is Application Portfolio Management?
In oiuei to unueistanu why you woulu like to ueal with poitfolio
management, it is somewhat helpful to explain the teims
Let's stait with the teim poitfolio. A poitfolio is a collection of in-
vestments helu by an institution oi a piivate inuiviuual.
This means, in a "noimal" enteipiise you have an IT infiastiuc-
tuie poitfolio anu also an IT application poitfolio, because you simply
possess a set of infiastiuctuie components anu also a set of IT appli-
cations. Anu usually you have heavily investeu in them.
Next let's have a look at poitfolio management in finance. A poit-
folio managei will (in theoiy) optimize his poitfolio so that it yielus a
maximum ietuin at a given level of iisk. 0sually: The highei the iisk
the highei the potential gain. Anu this is about the enu of the analogy
foi seveial ieasons:
! ?%0/>&'(= P%4>&(/< Foi financial assets it is compaiatively easy
to measuie a monetaiy ietuin. You get uiviuenus, inteiest oi oth-
ei foims of payments anu also the value of youi asset may
change. Foi an IT application it is tough to measuie the ietuin,
because it is tough to ueteimine which pait of youi company's
success can be attiibuteu to the IT application anu which to othei
! R- "#)30(=%< 0sually theie is no stock exchange foi IT applica-
tions. Investments in a financial poitfolio can usually be tiaueu
on a stock exchange oi some othei exchange. Theie aie biokeis
who ueal in useu IT infiastiuctuie. But foi inuiviuual useu appli-
cations theie is nothing similai to a stock exchange oi othei mai-
kets. Custom maue IT applications, which often make up the lion's
4 TOGAF and IT Portfolio Management
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
shaie of youi IT investment in application systems, tenu to have a
low (if not zeio) fungibility.
! Q-J0&'0()%< Bave you evei tiieu to sell the Austiian IT applica-
tion foi the cauastial lanu iegistei to let's say the Chinese gov-
einment. You will expeiience pioblems that stem fiom use of
othei applications that youi cauastial lanu iegistei application is
inteifaceu with oi is baseu on. Foi example, maybe, the local au-
thoiity's iegistei of iesiuents. 0ften an enteipiise application
neeus a whole ecosystem of othei applications it woiks with. In
an investment poitfolio you can sell XY stock anu ieplace by YZ
stock. In an application poitfolio such a switch usually iesults in
expensive anu long-teim piojects.
Then why woulu people still call managing theii applications "Appli-
cation Poitfolio Nanagement" if the analogies aie limiteu. The an-
swei is because a lot of the techniques useu to analyze application
poitfolios use 4-quauiant matiices in the style of the famous BCu

!"#$%& V) 3>LD-7S,& G:7%"R $-&B 7. :4:,SW& 5CC,"=:7".4 J.%7/.,".- X
P"6",:% 6:7%"=&- =:4 <& /.$4B "4 Y:%B 2 J&CC:%B TWaiu+u2U
4 TOGAF and IT Portfolio Management
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
The categoiies given by !"#$%& V aie just one of many many ways to
look at youi collection of applications -though it is a paiticulaily
common anu populai one. The applications you finu in each quauiant
iequiie a uistinct tieatment that is common foi all the applications in
a quauiant.
N-=/ A0LEL0L H>$$-&4 +$$1')04'-(/B< These aie those applications
that have a compaiably low contiibution to touay's business iesults
anu also a low contiibution to futuie business iesults. E.g. a geneial
leugei system is not a ciitical success factoi foi most companies anu
it will nevei be one. Bence it is a common stiategy to iuentify such
systems anu make an analysis whethei the company gets a bettei
ueal if you outsouice such systems completely. Not only uevelopment
but also opeiations.
Q-2/ A0LEL0L S%5 8$%&04'-(01 +$$1')04'-(/B< These aie the piocess-
es youi cuiient bottom line ielies upon. In many companies these
woulu be laige inuiviuual softwaie systems with a heavy investment
bounu in them anu veiy conseivative pioceuuies to change them.
Bowntime in such systems usually has a uiiect effect on the bottom
line. The company usually coulu not affoiu that anu hence has to
concentiate a lot of attention on keeping these systems up anu iun-
ning. 0utsouicing the whole system is seluom an option.
T>%/4'-( ?0&E/ A0LEL0L U'=3 ,-4%(4'01 +$$1')04'-(/B< Typically you
have a ieseaich uepaitment (oi a similai oiganization) that takes
caie of you piouuct innovations. If you invent new piouucts, the sys-
tems that come along with them neeu not be extia stable but only
neeu to be uemonstiatois that allow youi management oi customeis
to assess the possibilities in a piouuct oi system. 0sually you woulu
have many such test systems, as maybe 1 out of 1u innovation ieally
makes it to the maiket.
H40&/ A0LEL0L H4&04%=') +$$1')04'-(B< These aie the applications that
belong to piouucts that have been selecteu to be the futuie cash
cows. Such piouucts shoulu be in a heavy giowth phase with small
absolute numbeis solu but high giowth iates, often in veiy competi-
tive anu also giowing maikets. The emphasis heie is typically on
speeu anu featuies anu less on an absolutely minimal numbei of
piouuction pioblems. In many cases you woulu want to keep the
systems that suppoit such piouucts apait fiom the systems that sup-
poit the cash cows. But theie aie also inuustiies like Telecoms wheie
you have to test-uiive youi innovations with the big iion systems, as
theie is only one system that allows you to uo billing - foi all kinus of
0sing such analyses leaus to some inteiesting othei views on a poit-
folio e.g. which quauiants uoes youi pioject money go to. The anti-
4 TOGAF and IT Portfolio Management
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
patteins aie so instiuctive that most analysis heie is stiaightfoiwaiu.
E.g. if you spenu 6u% of youi whole pioject buuget in the "question
maiks" quauiant on thiee huge piojects, expeiience shoulu tell you
that something is wiong, as spenuing in the Question Naik quauiant
shoulu be ielatively moueiate. 0i if you have a majoi numbei of pio-
jects in the Bogs quauiant then you shoulu ask youiself, whethei it
makes sense to nuituie the "pooi uogs" by auuitional piojects insteau
of outsouicing them.
4.3 Putting it together: From Chaos to a Master Plan
If you get assigneu to the new job of "Chief Enteipiise Aichitect", you
will often finu no inventoiy anu no analysis. The question in such a
situation is: Bow uo I constiuct a piopei To-Be state of my applica-
tion lanuscape anu how uo I piouuce the mastei plan that gets me
fiom my As-Is state to a piopei To-Be state. !"#$%& O gives you an
oveiview of the analysis elements that aie often applieu.

!"#$%& O) F,&6&47- ./ :4 5CC,"=:7".4 J.%7/.,". 54:,S-"-
! +$$1')04'-( U0(*D--E< In most cases you stait by cieating an
inventoiy of all youi applications. 0ften you will also uiaw $&-G
)%// />$$-&4 @0$/ that show you how youi business piocesses
aie suppoiteu by applications. This will give you an oveiview of
what you have. But it uoes not yet ieally help you to assess what
is goou anu what is bau with iespect to youi business' goals.
! U%04 ?0$$'(=< A fuithei step is often a so-calleu Beat Napping.
This is also available as a seivice offeiing calleu "Notion" fiom
Niciosoft foi a majoiity of inuustiies. An expeit will biing a list of
potential capabilities foi youi inuustiy anu, togethei with a team
of expeits, you miiioi potential capabilities against youi business
stiategies anu you will finu out which aie the ciitical capabilities
4 TOGAF and IT Portfolio Management
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
that you neeu to specially look aftei in oiuei to implement youi
stiategy. You can then assess the actual quality of the capabilities
as pioviueu by youi application poitfolio anu will get a pei capa-
bility heat map that is suiteu to uemonstiate the aieas foi poten-
tial action quite intuitively.
! P%.%&%()% ?-*%1/< 0ften it is veiy instiuctive to map youi appli-
cation lanuscape against uomain specific iefeience mouels. 0ften
you will finu a bunch of aieas foi impiovement
! ,-&4.-1'- +(015/'/< Anu you can also use Poitfolio Analysis to
clustei youi applications into classes that usually ueseive some
kinu of stanuaiu tieatment like "outsouice", "stabilize", "ieno-
vate" anu othei tieatments.
If you combine the iesults fiom those foui stieams of analysis it is in
most cases stiaightfoiwaiu to come up with iueas foi action, like
! You finu that foi a ciitical capability you have S uiffeient systems
in 9 locations that suppoit it. In such a case you might want to
consoliuate the apps anu ieplace them with the one that best oi
bettei suppoits youi ciitical capability.
! You finu that a ielatively huge system suppoits 8 capabilities, S of
them ciitical anu S of them non-ciitical commouities. You might
want to come up with iueas on how to sepaiate the commouity
pait fiom the ciitical pait anu constiuct bettei-suiteu system
suppoit at lowei costs.
The auvice heie is iathei geneiic. The ieason foi this is that you can
uesciibe a geneiic methou like heat mapping oi use of piocess sup-
poit maps - but it is uifficult to foiesee the outcome foi each possible
enteipiise anu uesciibe a ueteiministic cookbook that shows how to
attack any pioblem the woilu of application planning has to offei.
Youi "To-Be" aichitectuie will be an aiiay of tiansfoimations applieu
to youi "As-Is" aichitectuie. The choice anu quantity is ueteimineu by
youi total buuget anu also piioiities. The selection piocess can be
copieu fiom oiuinaiy pioject poitfolio management.
!"#$%& (Z shows iepiesentatives foi the two auuitional aitifacts that
youi mastei plan will contain:
! You will have "To-Be" application maps (e.g. again piocess sup-
poit maps) of youi taiget application lanuscape
! Anu you will have a mastei plan showing the "opeiations" of the
application lanuscape e.g. as pioject plans oi inteival maps that
show which system is to be ieplaceu by which othei system anu
4 TOGAF and IT Portfolio Management
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
You coulu also auu the planneu state of youi heat maps youi to-be
state oi the planneu state of youi poitfolios.

!"#$%& (Z) F,&6&47- ./ 7A& G:-7&% J,:4
4.4 What do you find about Application Portfolio
Management in TOGAF?
The answei is that Application Poitfolio Nanagement, as a teim uoes
not appeai at all in T0uAF. As mentioneu above, T0uAF is not ieally
intenueu to help you with stiategic IT management anu theiefoie
T0uAF is not the piime souice to use if you neeu to leain something
about stiategic IT management.
4.5 Infrastructure Portfolio Management
}ust as you can manage applications you can also manage youi infia-
stiuctuie components, most likely consisting of:
! Youi netwoik infiastiuctuie consisting of WANs, LANs anu othei
netwoik components;
! Seiveis (fiom PC seivei clusteis to mainfiame computeis);
! Anu all kinus of infiastiuctuie seivices, like opeiating system
seivices (be they viitual oi ieal) anu many othei basic seivices
like aichiving, oi piinting
Theie aie at least two uiffeiences heie to application poitfolio man-
! You will most likely manage classes of uevices anu seivices in-
steau of single instances (applications). It is not the taiget of in-
fiastiuctuie poitfolio management to ieplace a CNBB (configuia-
4 TOGAF and IT Portfolio Management
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
tion management uatabase). You may theiefoie woik on a clus-
teieu extiact of a CNBB anu youi poitfolio will most likely con-
sist of a numbei of seivices anu heteiogeneous implementations
theieof. In shoit, you will finu too many implementations foi the
same seivice, too many opeiating systems anu vaiiants, too many
softwaie piouucts foi the same task anu youi job will most likely
be to save money by ieuucing heteiogeneity.
! As most infiastiuctuie components in most enteipiises aie
commouities youi main inteiest in them will be cost ieuuction
while guaianteeing a given level of seivice. Bence you will in
most cases skip a lot of the uimensions that you woulu ueal with
in Application Poitfolio Nanagement anu go piimaiily foi uimen-
sions such as cost, homogeneity anu simplicity of a poitfolio.
So the most likely foim of iepoit oi aichitectuial aitifact in Infia-
stiuctuie Poitfolio Nanagement is a simple list, which lets you see
how many implementations of seivice X you pioviue anu which al-
lows you to woik out how to ieuuce the complexity of youi poitfolio.
4.6 What do you find about Infrastructure Portfolio
Management in TOGAF?
The stiaight answei is: If it comes to the management aspect you will
finu almost nothing. What you can use is T0uAF teiminology on in-
fiastiuctuie, as uesciibeu in the 7%)3(')01 P%.%&%()% ?-*%1. This
will give you teims anu taxonomy of classes of infiastiuctuie anu also
infiastiuctuie seivices. Foi the top level of this see e.g. !"#$%& ((. If
you say "tiivial" then please uo not foiget the last time consuming
uiscussions you hau when tiying to agiee on such a pictuie anu the
teims behinu it. So the value of such a ue-facto noim shoulu not be
4 TOGAF and IT Portfolio Management
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved

!"#$%& (() 1.C *&+&, M"&H ./ 7A& 1?L5! 1&=A4"=:, Q&/&%&4=& G.B&,8
1A&%& :%& B&&C&% ,&+&,- 7. 7A"- :4B :,-. 7:R.4.6"&-8 Q&,&+:47 *:S&%- /.%
04/%:-7%$=7$%& J.%7/.,". G:4:#&6&47 :%& 5CC,"=:7".4- J,:7/.%6- :4B
:,-. >.66$4"=:7".4- 04/%:-7%$=7$%&8 !.% 7A& -"6",:% /"#$%& "4 1?L5!
O8( -&& /"#$%& KID(8
A77C)22HHH8.C&4#%.$C8.%#2:%=A"7&=7$%&27.#:/ODB.=2:%=A2!"#$%&-2KI[7%68C4# \*"4;
=A&=;&B 9Z(9DZKD9K]
You can also use the 789+: Q-(4%(4 ?%40@-*%1
in oiuei to mouel
youi infiastiuctuie. You will finu metamouel snippets foi
! Platfoim Seivices,
! Logical Technology Components, anu also
! Physical Technology Components,
Which will help you with a fiist cut of a set of entities anu attiibutes
you can use foi youi own infiastiuctuie poitfolio management.
4.7 Further Reading
It is somehow tough to finu a hanus-on guiue to Application anu In-
fiastiuctuie Poitfolio Nanagement. What you will get is fiagments
but you will have to integiate them youiself at the moment, staiting
fiom the questions you anu youi management want answeis foi anu
then uesigning the analysis instiuments to answei them.
The classic foi Application Poitfolio Nanagement is the book by Waiu
anu Peppaiu "H4&04%=') ,10(('(= .-& C(.-&@04'-( H5/4%@/"
|Waiu+u2j which has appeaieu in uiffeient euitions even with
changes in the authoi's team ovei the yeais. The book is not easy
ieauing but a classic anu woith owning if you have conciete tasks
aiounu Application Poitfolio Nanagement.

See e.g. TOGAF 9; Figure 33-3
4 TOGAF and IT Portfolio Management
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
Kaplan's book on H4&04%=') C7 ,-&4.-1'- ?0(0=%@%(4 |KaplanuSj
has some kinu of focus on Pioject Poitfolio Nanagement, but is one of
the few books on the maiket touay that ueals with IT Poitfolio Nan-
agement at the title level.
7V? "+? ,044%&( Q0401-=: A gioup at the Technical 0niveisity of
Nunich (ueimany) collects so-calleu EAN patteins. Beie you finu
management pioceuuies, viewpoints useu foi them anu also meta-
mouel snippets that suppoit them. You coulu also stait fiom the
questions, look foi iight patteins anu then integiate youi peisonal
veision of a poitfolio management fiom them. }ust have a look at Looking at the
site youiself is much fastei than ieauing a thiiu paity text like this
9%&@0( F--E/< If you ieau ueiman you will an aiiay of books that
emphasize the management aspect of Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie
Nanagement like |Beinu9, Kellei12j. If you aie especially inteiesteu
in application poitfolio management, it is woith having a look at the
NS thesis woik by Riege |RiegeuSj. A ielatively new book by Inge
Banschke is especially focuseu on applying Zoning Naps to stiategic
planning of application lanuscapes |Banschke1uj.

5 TOGAF and Developing Architectures
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
5 TOGAF and Developing Architec-
Fiom time to time even Enteipiise Aichitects neeu to uevelop aichi-
tectuies. Those can have such uiffeient scopes as
! An aichitectuie foi a single system that consumes an effoit of
maybe only a few peison yeais
! Clusteis of systems that suppoit a single business piocess, span-
ning maybe S - 7 IT systems. Such piojects may consume 1u to Su
peison yeais.
! Aichitectuie foi the application lanuscape of a whole company.
This will nevei be implementeu in a single pioject a may take al-
most a uecaue to complete.
! Template Aichitectuies anu aichitectuies foi application fiame-
woiks that seive as the template foi a family of applications, like
e.g. all customei facing web applications of an enteipiise. Such
BluePiints aie typically ieuseu S - 1u times.
Such tasks aie the coie competence of T0uAF - anu this is also why
this chaptei will be shoit - because we will foiwaiu you to T0uAF
aftei a shoit look at what T0uAF offeis you. The T0uAF ABN (Aichi-
tectuie Bevelopment Nethou).
If you know a T0uAF veision the likes of 7.u oi 8.x you'ie uone heie
with this chaptei. Bave a look at how T0uAF has impioveu the ABN
by factoiing out a few things anu splitting it into two paits: Pait II anu
Pait III.
If you happen to be a T0uAF newbie hang on foi 2 pages.
5 TOGAF and Developing Architectures
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved

5.1 Part II: TOGAF ADM
T0uAF pioposes a cyclic piocess foi aichitectuie uevelopment (see
!"#$%& (9). What you have to uo heie is quite stiaightfoiwaiu foi any
softwaie aichitectuie piofessional.

!"#$%& (9) >S=,"= 5@G J%.=&--8 !.% 7A& -"6",:% /"#$%& "4 1?L5! O8( -&&
/"#$%& ^D(8
A77C)22HHH8.C&4#%.$C8.%#2:%=A"7&=7$%&27.#:/ODB.=2:%=A2!"#$%&-2:B68C4# \*"4;
=A&=;&B 9Z(9DZKD9K]
You can see the steps as offeiings oi as a checklist. If you woulu e.g.
make a minoi aujustment to a few systems within a given Business
Aichitectuie you what have a look at the check list foi Phase B in the
cycle anu woulu skip it, if you come to the conclusion that what you
woulu have to uo heie is alieauy cleai oi has been uone by othei
colleagues. Each of the Phases at the top level is uepicteu in !"#$%& (9
Each phase is split up in vaiious steps that make a veiitable checklist
foi the phase. T0uAF pioviues infoimation on uocuments that shoulu
go into a step anu shoulu be piouuceu in each step.
5 TOGAF and Developing Architectures
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
5.2 Part III: ADM Guidelines and Techniques
With T0uAF veision 9 a lot of complementing mateiial has been
factoieu out of the coie ABN cycle. Theiefoie Pait III contains all the
auuitional mateiial that is theie to help you using the ABN such as
infoimation on:
! Bow to use the ABN as a cyclic piocess (chaptei 19)
! Applying the ABN at uiffeient levels of gianulaiity (smallei oi
laigei piojects) (chaptei 2u)
! Anu such aspects as uoing secuiity engineeiing, using T0uAF foi
a S0A (chaptei 22), stakeholuei management (chaptei 24), aichi-
tectuie patteins (chaptei 2S), anu a few moie useful things foi
aichitects to know.
Pait III is theiefoie moie like a collection of useful stuff than a check-
list oi a piocess like Pait II - the coie ABN
5.3 Further Reading
Even though T0uAF is a veiy extensive anu useful checklist foi soft-
waie aichitects it is moie of a checklist than tiaining mateiial. Foi
example, if you want to apply iequiiements management (the cential
item in the miuule of the cycle) you neeu to have knowleuge of ie-
quiiements management anu it shoulu be moie knowleuge than can
be founu in T0uAF - as the moie extensive books on Requiiements
Nanagements have theii own Suu+ pages - compaieu to the 78u
pages T0uAF has altogethei.
0i take chaptei 2S on aichitectuie patteins. You will get a few
iefeiences to the likes of the IBN eBusiness Patteins oi othei pattein
souices anu will get an iuea of what a pattein is anu what it is useful
foi. But you cannot expect a full catalog of all patteins an aichitect
coulu- oi shoulu - know.
Luckily T0uAF has some S pages of iefeiences anu links to liteia-
tuie, so that it uoes not make sense to cite anothei page of iefeiences
foi each of the chapteis S thiu S2. Still a few aichitectuie books aie
quite helpful as the iefeiences contain moie pointeis to othei stanu-
aius anu fiamewoiks than to goou intiouuctoiy text.
Which can be tianslateu as: The ABN is not an intiouuctoiy text
to softwaie aichitectuie foi beginneis but 789+: '/ 0 )-(*%(/%*
)3%)E1'/4 .-& 0&)3'4%)4>&% $&-.%//'-(01/.
6 TOGAF and Architecture Governance
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
6 TOGAF and Architecture Govern-
If you iemembei !"#$%& I: The Enteipiise Aichitect's Piocess Nap
then you will iemembei that an Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie uioup has
thiee big gioups of tasks:
The stiategic Tasks have been uiscusseu above in chapteis S anu
4. The aichitectuie uevelopment tasks have been be uiscusseu in
chaptei S. What iemains is the question of how to enfoice the stiate-
gies anu aichitectuies that you have uevelopeu. This is calleu Aichi-
tectuie uoveinance. Foi the fuithei uiscussion we will use a pait of
!"#$%& I

!"#$%& (I) 5%=A"7&=7$%& L.+&%4:4=& ?+&%+"&H
So in oiuei to exeicise piactical Aichitectuie uoveinance you neeu to
uo the following:
! Fiist of all you neeu an actual oveiview of the pioject poitfolio of
youi enteipiise. You aie not inteiesteu in those piojects that pei-
foim simple maintenance tasks oi aie the fifth implementation of
a stanuaiu bluepiint. You aie inteiesteu in those piojects that uo
things that change youi oveiall aichitectuie anu that have an im-
pact on youi futuie IT lanuscape. So youi fiist task is, to finu ex-
actly those inteiesting piojects.
6 TOGAF and Architecture Governance
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
! The next impoitant point is to get an iuea of whethei the team
that is assigneu to the pioject that you founu inteiesting, is capa-
ble of peifoiming a piopei job. If you finu that an inexpeiienceu
aichitect was assigneu to veiy uifficult job, the pioject will neeu
fai moie attention anu investment fiom youi siue, than it woulu
have neeueu if youi counteipait weie a highly piofessional anu
well-euucateu aichitect.
! Aftei scieening the pioject, anu aftei getting an iuea of what you
have to expect fiom the team, you woulu agiee on an auuit plan
foi the pioject. Bepenuing on the uegiee of uifficulty, you can set
up the fiequency of meetings necessaiy to govein the pioject. In
those meetings you will uiscuss piogiess with the pioject's aichi-
tects anu you will also uiscuss ueviations fiom the company ai-
chitectuie policy.
As you may see, all this has a lot to uo with communication anu the
ability to juuge youi colleagues' capabilities to come up with the iight
solutions the fiist time.
6.1 What do you find about it in TOGAF?
In T0uAF you will finu all the technical uefinitions foi IT goveinance
anu also foi aichitectuie goveinance. You will not finu the tips anu
tiicks you neeu to ueal with youi colleagues, the techniques foi effec-
tive ieviews, oi what you have to uo in cases of ueviations.
T0uAF has two spots that ueal with aichitectuie goveinance:
! Fiist, theie is a ueuicateu chaptei, chaptei Su, on aichitectuie
goveinance. This chaptei contains mostly the scope anu uefini-
tions neeueu to peifoim aichitectuie goveinance beyonu what
was outlineu above. T0uAF also sees enfoicing compliance as a
task foi aichitectuie goveinance activities.
! Seconu, phase u of the T0uAF ABN (chaptei 1S of T0uAF) coveis
Implementation uoveinance. Beie you finu a moie oi less ue-
taileu iecipe on steps neeueu to peifoim an aichitectuie auuit.
So in auuition to a few tiicks on how to hanule ieviews you also finu
sufficient infoimation.
6 TOGAF and Architecture Governance
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved

6.2 Further Reading
Besiues the moie foimal auvice on aichitectuie goveinance, auuits,
anu ieviews, theie is a lot of useful auvice on how to impiove piacti-
cal aichitectuie woik in the pattein community. You can, foi example,
use the so-calleu wiiteis' woikshop in oiuei to impiove almost any
kinu of uocumentation on aichitectuie woik. Foi a guiue on how to
conuuct the wiitei's woikshop consult woik by }im Coplien
|Coplien96, Coplien97j.
7 TOGAF and Basic Tasks
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
7 TOGAF and Basic Tasks
T0uAF offeis some help, if it comes to othei aichitectuie ioutine
tasks. As an aichitect you will soonei oi latei want to stoie the infoi-
mation you acquiieu in some foim of automatic uatabase, insteau of
in a bunch of Excel sheets anu PoweiPoint piesentations. Foi this
you might neeu eithei a softwaie tool oi a meta-mouel. In most cases
you woulu neeu both. Sections 7.1 anu 7.2 will ueal with how to ue-
sign a meta-mouel foi use in Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie anu also what
you can expect fiom T0uAF if it comes to selecting the iight tools foi
Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie Nanagement.
Apait fiom that we will give you a quick oveiview in section 7.S of
what you can expect fiom T0uAF if you want to set up an Enteipiise
IT Aichitectuie function.
7.1 TOGAF and finding the right Meta-Model
for your Needs
In Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie Nanagement you soonei oi latei come
to a point wheie you want to have a uatabase of youi IT Poitfolio,
youi IT assets anu youi application lanuscape (to name a few items)
in oiuei to peifoim management on the sets of ieal woilu items you
have moueleu in youi Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie Batabase.
You can get ieauy to use meta-mouels in sizes between Su meta-
entities up to fai moie than Suu meta-entities. It shoulu be somewhat
stiaightfoiwaiu to see that Su is somewhat limiteu anu moie than
Suu might be a bit too complex if not coveieu by a veiy well integiat-
eu usei inteiface of an EAN Tool.
In many cases you will not tiy to answei all possible questions in
EAN at a time. It is moie likely that you management has focuseu its
inteiests on ceitain points like e.g. cost management foi youi infia-
stiuctuie, just to name an aibitiaiy example.
H40&4 /@011< In such cases it is impoitant to stait with a small so-
lution that is uiiven by the question you have to answei without
having to ueal with the full complexity of a Suu+ item meta-mouel.
7 TOGAF and Basic Tasks
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
W-> )0( /4'11 %(* >$ D'=< T0uAF aichitectuie capability fiame-
woik offeis you a meta-mouel, which is split oi mouulaiizeu into
small aieas of inteiest. If you aie inteiesteu in a ceitain aiea, you
neeu to ieau the iespective sections anu can uiaw fiom the lists of
pieuefineu T0uAF meta-objects. The top-level pictuie of the T0uAF
Aichitectuie Content Fiamewoik gives you an oveiview of the aieas
foi which you can expect suppoit.

!"#$%& (K) 1.C *&+&, ./ 7A& 1?L5! >.47&47 G&7:6.B&,8 !.% 6.%& B&D
7:",- -&& 1?L5! O_ /"#$%& IIDI8
\*"4; =A&=;&B 9Z(9DZKD9K]
This is about wheie we will enu with this book anu this topic. It is not
oui aim to uuplicate T0uAF texts in othei woius. Beie we can only
iecommenu iefeiiing to T0uAF chapteis SS thiu S7 in oiuei to get an
iuea what the Aichitectuie Content Fiamewoik can offei you in case
you neeu a Neta mouel as a basis to stait stoiing infoimation about
youi aichitectuie.
7.2 TOGAF and finding Tool Support
Nost oiganizations soonei oi latei aiiive at a point wheie they want
to put all ielevant infoimation fiom theii Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie
effoits into some foim of iepositoiy anu wheie they want to euit the
viewpoints of theii aichitectuies in a single aichitectuie tool. Let's
have a look what T0uAF has to offei you, if you want to select a tool.
Theie aie two chapteis, which aie focuseu on the iepositoiy anu tool
7 TOGAF and Basic Tasks
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
! Q30$4%& XM A+&)3'4%)4>&% P%$-/'4-&5B< Beie you get 7 pages
(pages SS9 thiu S6S) of infoimation of what T0uAF thinks
shoulu be in an Aichitectuie Repositoiy. Theie aie iefeiences to
the T0uAF ABN (Aichitectuie Bevelopment Nethou) which - as
we have alieauy uemonstiateu - uoes not ieally covei stiategic
IT planning. As a consequence, the iecommenueu content listeu
in T0uAF Chaptei 41 also uoes not covei much of stiategic IT
! Q30$4%& XO A7--1/ .-& +&)3'4%)4>&% N%J%1-$@%(4B< gives you a
4-page list of evaluation ciiteiia foi aichitectuie tools. If you have
evei uone a similai tool evaluation you know that ciiteiia cata-
logs foi tool evaluations aie way longei in most piactical cases.
Anu again - the list uoes not covei stiategic IT planning.
Theiefoie, if you plan to acquiie an Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie man-
agement tool have a look at the evaluation uone by Technical 0nivei-
sity of Nunich in 2uu8 (you finu pointei to the mateiial at The stuuy
has a bioauei appioach fiom the functional siue. It also contains
aspects of stiategic IT planning. Anu the list of ciiteiia useu is by fai
moie extensive than the one pioviueu by T0uAF chaptei 42.
7.3 TOGAF and Immersion Paths for Enterprise IT Ar-
Anothei thing one woulu like to finu in an Aichitectuie Fiamewoik is
help with setting up an Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie Nanagement 0p-
eiation (oi call it the EAN uepaitment, oi piocesses if you want to be
moie mouein).
T0uAF offeis you a so-calleu "Aichitectuie Capability Fiame-
woik". This Fiamewoik lists a set of instances you neeu foi a success-
ful EAN opeiation. Anu again: Stiategic IT planning is not in the cen-
tei of it - so you will not ieau anything about IT Stiategy oi IT poitfo-
lio management - but you will get auvice on how to use the T0uAF
ABN to uevelop e.g. the systems suppoit foi the aichitectuie piactice.
What you will finu is auvice on:
! "/40D1'/3'(= 0( +&)3'4%)4>&% Q0$0D'1'45 AQ30$4%& XYB< This
tells you how to apply the ABN to an Infoimation Systems anu
Technology Aichitectuie - not the one foi youi company but foi
the aichitectuie piactice. It is moie oi less a list of action items. If
you look at this fiom a management peispective then tool sup-
poit comes veiy late in establishing a successful aichitectuie
7 TOGAF and Basic Tasks
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
piactice. Bence the oiuei of things in T0uAF chapteis 4S thiu S2
is uebatable.
! +&)3'4%)4>&% F-0&* AQ30$4%& XZB< Besciibes what an Aichitec-
tuie Boaiu uoes anu how to set it up (4 pages all in all).
! +&)3'4%)4>&% Q-@$1'0()% AQ30$4%& X[B< Contains a checklist foi
aichitectuie ieviews - how to plan them anu what to check.
! +&)3'4%)4>&% Q-(4&0)4/ AQ30$4%& X\B< uives a few hints on how
to make agieements on aichitectuie between the enteipiise that
souices some piece of softwaie anu the contiactois.
! +&)3'4%)4>&% 9-J%&(0()% AQ30$4%& ]^B< uives hints on how to
enfoice the enacteu aichitectuie guiuelines. Bas been uiscusseu
in moie extent above in Chaptei 6 of this book.
! +&)3'4%)4>&% ?04>&'45 ?-*%1/ AQ30$4%& ]MB< Applies the iuea of
CNNI anu othei Capability Natuiity Nouels to T0uAF. Rathei
biief anu alieauy iefeiiing to futuie euitions.
! +&)3'4%)4>&% HE'11/ :&0@%2-&E AQ30$4%& ]OB< Befines a set of
ioles anu skills neeueu in the opinion of the cieatois of T0uAF to
fill out the ioles.
Biowsing thiough this mateiial you might concluue that T0uAF has a
somewhat technology- anu mouel-centiic view of Enteipiise IT Ai-
chitectuie. The chapteis stait with establishing the iight tool suppoit
foi the Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie Piactice; you get some infoimation
on uoveinance anu Aichitectuie uoveinance Bouies - but you uo not
get a business uiiven immeision path that pushes you towaius max-
imizing business benefit fiom uay zeio.

8 What else will you find in TOGAF?
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
8 What else will you find in TOGAF?
This chaptei will explain the paits of T0uAF that have not yet been
mentioneu. You will be given a shoit summaiy foi each item.
8.1 Foundation Architecture / Technical Reference
Model (TRM)
In this case it is easiest to have T0uAF speak foi itself:
The TOGAF Foundation Architecture is an architecture of generic services and
functions that provides a foundation on which more specifc architectures and
architectural components can be built. This Foundation Architecture is embod-
ied within the Technical Reference Model (TRM), which provides a model and
taxonomy of generic platform services.
The TRM is universally applicable and, therefore, can be used to build any
system architecture.
Source [TOGAF9.1; Chapter 43]
Befoie we waste time explaining what the subject mattei of the TRN
is about, we bettei use one pictuie (!"#$%& (^), which explains the
subject aiea much fastei than a veibal uefinition. TRN is about the
seivices any technology stack neeus to offei.
8 What else will you find in TOGAF?
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved

!"#$%& (^) P"6C,"/"&B +"&H $C.4 7A& 1?L5! 1QG ?+&%+"&H8 !.% 7A&
:4:,.#.$- /"#$%& "4 1?L5! O8( -&& !"#$%& KID98
\*"4; =A&=;&B 9Z(9DZKD9K]
As in the III-RN (see next section) the main use of such a iefeience
mouel is teiminology anu checklists. You uon't aigue about the teims
anu you can check foi youiself whethei you neeu the seivices enu-
meiateu in the iefeience mouel anu whethei you have all seivices
you neeu piesent in youi technology stack.
8.2 The Integrated Information Infrastructure Refer-
ence Model (III-RM)
The III-RN gives you a 2u page taxonomy foi all kinus of application
softwaie in an enteipiise that has the goal of so calleu bounuaiy-less
infoimation flow, meaning an enteipiise which is integiateu with the
outsiue woilu's logistics chains via buying anu selling ciicles. The
benefit of the chaptei is that you get a vocabulaiy foi talking about
enteipiises integiateu with the outsiue woilu via electionic uata
We will not iepiint any 0pen uioup uiawings heie. Nainly foi copy-
iight ieasons. Best have a shoit look at T0uAF Chaptei 44
9 Wrap Up: TOGAF for You
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
9 Wrap Up: TOGAF for You
9.1 A Collection of Useful Stuff
Thioughout this book we have uemonstiateu that T0uAF is a veiy
useful collection of many methous anu tools that an enteipiise aichi-
tect might neeu foi his woik.
Neveitheless we coulu also see, that T0uAF is moie a giown col-
lection of veiy useful items than an integiateu piece of woik, planneu
in auvance on a uiawing boaiu. The Aichitectuie Bevelopment Neth-
ou is somewhat "closeu in itself" - so is the Content Fiamewoik. But
many othei things aie collections of tools anu auuitions to the ABN:
Which is N0T negative! But as we assumeu in the intiouuction anu
coulu now kinu of piove: T0uAF is not an "Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie
foi Bummies" Cookbook. T0uAF has a cleai focus on ueveloping
aichitectuies: Be it single systems oi subsystems, be it clusteis of
applications systems oi be it a bluepiint foi the top level aichitectuie
of an enteipiise. The last of these will haiuly evei be uesigneu on a
uiawing boaiu but will be a iesult of oiganic giowth plus eithei an
explicit oi implicit stanuaiu foi an inuustiy.
9.2 The Two Strongest Points
The two aieas in T0uAF that make the keinel of the fiamewoik aie:
! +N?< The Aichitectuie Bevelopment Nethou is a ieally matuie
anu extensive methou, checklist anu guiue that you can employ
when you want to uesign any pait of youi IT aichitectuie.
! +&)3'4%)4>&% Q-(4%(4 :&0@%2-&E< This Fiamewoik lets you
biing oiuei to youi aichitectuial aitifacts even if it uoes not tell
you how to cieate all of them. The meta-mouel pait gives you an
extensive libiaiy of meta-objects that you can at least consiuei
using when you have to constiuct the specific meta-mouel that is
able to answei the questions youi management has foi theii En-
teipiise Aichitects in the context of theii enteipiise.
9 Wrap Up: TOGAF for You
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
Besiues that we alieauy listeu a lot of othei useful stuff that you can
finu in T0uAF.
9.3 TOGAF Certification
If you stuuy job auveits, theie's a iecent tenuency to mention T0uAF
ceitification whenevei an Enteipiise Aichitect is wanteu. In this
book we have uemonstiateu that T0uAF is not ieally stiong at stiate-
gic Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie Nanagement. T0uAF is stiong at pio-
ject aichitectuies of all scales anu some of the tasks of stiategic En-
teipiise IT Aichitectuie Nanagement.
As with any ceitification, T0uAF ceitification is foi suie benefi-
cial to those who offei the couises anu exams. If it comes to BR ue-
paitments anu senioi management, the ones who often hiie Entei-
piise IT Aichitects, it can be uoubteu, whethei they have ueep
knowleuge of the uiffeiences between Stiategic IT Nanagement anu
the kinu of Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie that the T0uAF ABN is goou at.
So if you want to hiie somebouy who is able to peifoim Enteipiise IT
Aichitectuie Nanagement a T0uAF ceitificate coveis maybe Su%
peicent of the job - anu to the authois iegiet - the less impoitant
Su% because the impoitant pait is about business stiategies anu
business management.
So foi many Enteipiise Aichitects the T0uAF ceitificate will be
just anothei uiiveis license. The license says that you aie entitleu to
uiive - it uoes not say that you aie a goou uiivei. Neveitheless you
have to take the test if the public (iepiesenteu by the goveinment)
makes it manuatoiy to have the license. 0i if the majoiity of compa-
nies iequiie a T0uAF ceitificate people will neeu one as an entiy
ticket foi ceitain jobs.

9 Wrap Up: TOGAF for You
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved

9.4 Future
Pieuictions aie haiu to make anu making pieuictions by looking at
the past often uoes not make too much sense. The fiist veision of the
T0uAF ABN was ueiiveu fiom TAFIN 2.u aiounu 199S. Touay's ABN
has a long histoiy anu no ioots in stiategic aichitectuie management.
In 2uu9 the Aichitectuie Content Fiamewoik was auueu fiom the
Capgemini IAF (Integiateu Aichitectuie Fiamewoik). This was maue
possible because Capgemini investeu a lot in suppoiting the 0pen-
uioup anu T0uAF. In late 2u11 T0uAF 9.1 has been ieleaseu - no
giounubieaking new veision but a maintenance ielease.
Whethei T0uAF will become a full fiamewoik foi the moie stia-
tegic paits of Enteipiise IT Aichitectuie Nanagement is haiu to pie-
uict - if not unpieuictable. In any case it is veiy useful foi ueveloping
aichitectuies in conciete piojects no mattei whethei they have a
small oi a veiy laige scope.

10 References
2009-2012 Wolfgang W. Keller all rights reserved
10 References
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10 References
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|Waiu+97j }ohn Waiu, Pat uiiffiths: Stiategic Planning foi Infoimation
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