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Project Five: Primary Sources Bibliography

Department of Marketing, FSU School of Business. First Annual Retailing Clinic. FSU Archon. 14 May 1952. Web. Accessed on 25 March 2014. This text is a program from a retailing clinic held in 1952 by the Marketing Department of the College of Business. It contains a schedule of events and presentations to be held over the course of a day. This shows the business school in its early years; there was no Dedman Hospitality School and Florida State had only recently allowed men into the school, beginning in 1947. The program is interesting because of how different an event like this would be held today. Now, there are still presentations, but it is likely that a lot of information is found online. Students can also use technology and computers to create virtual shopping centers and map out retail stores.

Florida State University Libraries. Strozier Library Dedication. Heritage Protocol. Image. 1956. This photo is significant because of how important Strozier library is today, especially for business students. Many kids take advantage of the study rooms and whiteboards to prepare and practice for upcoming accounting, economics, and management exams. Strozier is also located in the middle of campus, right next to the business headquarters, and its the biggest library at Florida State.

Florida State University Libraries. Student Union and the College of Business. Heritage Protocol Photograph Collection. Image. The student union and College of Business were captured in this photo many decades ago, and anybody who has been on campus today can see how much has changed. The union doesnt really look as big and important as it is today. It doesnt really look like a place that can hold job fairs for thousands of kids. However, the student enrollment was much lower during this period of time. I would like to highlight the growth of the business school in my project. As the business school grew over the years, the student union did as well. The ballrooms and union green hold Market Wednesdays every week now, and job fairs and other events throughout each semester. As the College of Business gained enrollment, more and more companies became interested in recruiting from Florida State. Therefore, the opportunities that students can take from events at the student union have become bigger and bigger over the years.

Invitation to School of Business Building Dedication Ceremony. FSU Libraries Digital Collections. FSU Lives: Portal to the Past, Prologue to the Future. October 4, 1958.

This an invitation to the FSU School of Business dedication, sent by mail to all the guests. It helps show how far the program has come along over the years. Its a simple card with no pictures or decorations, and this one was sent to an assistant librarian here at Florida State. This is significant to my project because it represents the beginning of todays College of Business, which is the culture that I am studying in my ethnography. It is essentially the grand opening of the culture that my entire project is about.

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