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In my first week of student teaching, Hamiltons Principal invited me to attend an RTI Meeting that specifically discussed the upcoming

and newly integrated Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium into schools. I graciously accepted, as I was eager to expand my knowledge of this test, as well as get to know other faculty members at my placement school. The meeting went from 9:00AM to 4:00PM and I was very happy that I went. The speakers presented newfound information about the tests and the importance of integrating practice questions into daily and weekly lesson plans. From there on out, I felt I had an upper hand on teaching these test questions and was grateful that I had the proper information to report back to the students. The RTI meeting allowed me to see what a professional conference had in store, as well as experience one of the many extra duties that a teacher has to fulfill. I felt that I had learned an extreme amount of information about the upcoming test, but as well as knowledge of how to learn something in a conference and report back to other faculty members and students. After this conference, I was able to develop lesson plans to teach students how to respond correctly to the test questions and felt that each student learned exactly what the test expected of them. Since the time of this meeting, I have instructed around ten lessons around Smarter Balanced test prep, and the students have informed me how grateful they have been because they feel more prepared to do well on the test. During the duration of my time here, I have also attended staff meetings periodically throughout the month, team prep meetings once a week and PIR meetings. I feel that every experience is valuable to my education of becoming the best teacher of my ability.

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