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In silent night when rest I took, For sorrow neer I did not look, I waken'd was with thundring

nois And Piteous shreiks of dreadfull voice. That fearfull sound of fire and fire, Let no man know is my Desire. I, starting u , the light did s ye, And to my !od my heart did cry To strengthen me in my Distresse And not to leave me succourlesse. Then coming out "eheld a s ace, The flame consume my dwelling lace. And, when I could no longer look, I "lest his #ame that gave and took, That layd my goods now in the dust$ %ea so it was, and so 'twas &ust. It was his own$ it was not mine' Far "e it that I should re ine. (e might of All &ustly "ereft, )ut yet sufficient for us left. *hen "y the +uines oft I ast, ,y sorrowing eyes aside did cast, And here and there the laces s ye *here oft I sate, and long did lye. (ere stood that Trunk, and there that chest' There lay that store I counted "est$ ,y leasant things in ashes lye, And them "ehold no more shall I. -nder thy roof no guest shall sitt, #or at thy Ta"le eat a "itt. #o leasant tale shall 'ere "e told, #or things recounted done of old. #o .andle 'ere shall shine in Thee, #or "ridegroom's voice ere heard shall "ee. In silence ever shalt thou lye' Adieu, Adeiu' All's vanity. Then streight I gin my heart to chide, And didst thy wealth on earth a"ide/ Didst fi0 thy ho e on mouldring dust, The arm of flesh didst make thy trust/ +aise u thy thoughts a"ove the skye That dunghill mists away may flie. Thou hast an house on high erect Fram'd "y that mighty Architect, *ith glory richly furnished, 1tands ermanent tho' this "ee fled. It's urchased, and aid for too )y him who hath enough to doe. A Prise so vast as is unknown,

%et, "y his !ift, is made thine own. Ther's wealth enough, I need no more' Farewell my Pelf, farewell my 1tore. The world no longer let me Love, ,y ho e and Treasure lyes A"ove. Te0t notes$ Line 2$ fire and fire, Fire3 and Fire3 Line 44$ "eheld a s ace, watched for a time Line 45$ I "lest his name that gave and took, see 6o" 4$74 Line 75$ 1ate, sat Line 58$ Arm of flesh, see 7 .hron. 97$:' Isa. ;$4:<78' 6er. 4=$5<= Line 57$ Dunghill mists, see >?ra @$;<47. Line 59$ (ouse on high erect, see 7 .or. 2$4' (e". 44$48 Line 5:$ >nough to doe, ie. enough to do it Line 27$ Pelf, ro erty, ossessions Line 25$ Treasure lyes A"ove, see Luke 47$95

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