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Gold Cheat Push the space bar and type '-test'.

Then, type '-Gold 99999999' - that is 8 number nines. This will give you a lot of gold to add to your collection. Tenth evelTauren!hieftain allyourbasearebelongtous daylightsavings daylightsavings foodsavings greedisgood $ greedisgood iocainepowder iseedeadpeople itve*esme iwantwings ,eyserso-e $ ,eyserso-e leafittome $ leafittome level up lightsout motherland pointbrea, riseandshine plays a special song "nstant victory #et time of the day Toggle daylight progression unlimited food %eceive $ gold and lumber %eceive &'' gold and lumber (ast death)decay %emove fog of war +isable victory conditions gives you wings %eceive $ gold %eceive &'' gold %eceive $ lumber %eceive &'' lumber ./ level on heroes #et time to dus, evel select %emoves food limit #et time to dawn ma,es you turn giant forever until you type in the code santamademehuge again sharpandshiny %esearch upgrades somebodysetupusthebomb "nstant defeat strengthandhonor +isable defeat conditions synergy +isable tech tree re0uirements thedudeabides "nstant spell cool-down thereisnospoon 1nlimited mana thereisroshan to use roshan warpten #peeds construction of buildings and units werewolvesarecool in custom game you could become naga whois2ohngalt (ast research whosyourdaddy God mode . /-hit ,ills gagadawn ma,e you run fast whoareyou dar, at night roshan to control roshan hong only gives gold and lumber to players e*cept components beatemall all heroes are level /'

TenthLevelTaurenChieftain - Plays a special song (WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne ONLY) WarpTen - pee!s constr"ction of #"il!ings an! "nits IocainePowder - Fast $eath%$ecay WhosYourDaddy - &o! 'o!e KeyserSoze [a ount! - &i(es yo" ) &ol! LeafitTo"e [a ount! - &i(es yo" ) L"'#er #reedIs#ood [a ount! - &i(es yo" ) &ol! an! L"'#er Point$rea% - *e'o(es foo! li'it ThereIs&oSpoon - +nli'ite! ,ana Stren'th(nd)onor - No !efeat "otherland [race! [level! - le(el -"'p So e*odySet+p+sThe$o * - Instant !efeat (llYour$ase(re$elon'To+s - Instant (ictory WhoIs,ohn#alt - .na#le research Sharp(ndShiny - *esearch "pgra!es IseeDeadPeople - *e'o(e fog of /ar Syner'y - $isa#le tech tree re0"ire'ents -ise(ndShine - et ti'e of !ay to !a/n Li'hts.ut - et ti'e of !ay to !"s1 DayLi'htSavin's [ti e! - If a ti'e is specifie!2 ti'e of !ay is set to that2 other/ise ti'e of !ay is alternately halte!%res"'e!

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