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CHAPTER 4 DIVERSITY OF LIVING THINGS 4.1 Hierarchical Classification 1.

Taxonomy Naming & classifying species

Domain Supergroup Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

2. Binomial Nomenclature Specific name of organism designates its genus and species Eg. Panthera pardus Genus - capitalized and italicized Species - italicized

3. Phylogeny Represents the evolutionary relationships among a set of organisms or group of organisms, called taxa Tips of tree groups of descendent taxa Nodes common ancestors Phylotomy branch point involving more than 2 descendants - evolutionary relationships are not yet clear Sister taxa share most recent common ancestor Clade includes all of the species that were derived from the ancestor species Monophyletic a taxon that is a clade

4. Classification

Organism Bacteria Archaea Eukarya

Kingdom Prokaryota Protist Fungi Plantae Animalia

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