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Samantha Gomolka November 12, 2012 5th hour Government

Federalist vs. Anti Federalist I am a part of the Federalist art!. I believe that our nation"s #overnment $ould $ork

better $ith a stron#er national #overnment. %nder the ne$ &onstitution $e $ill have a stron#er nation. 'e $ill not have an! $ritten ri#hts so that our #overnment $ill not be able to abuse or misuse an! one person"s ri#hts. %nder the &onstitution $e $ill have three different bran&hes $ith e(ual po$er so that no one #roup or person &an #ain too mu&h po$er. )he three different bran&hes $e have $ill be the e*e&utive, le#islative, and the +udi&ial. )he! $ill all have their o$n part in #overnment to prote&t the people. )he ,e#islative $ill make the la$s, the -*e&utive bran&h $ill enfor&e the la$s, and the +udi&ial bran&h $ill interpret the la$s. )his $ill make havin# a stron#er national #overnment safer. )he three bran&hes $ill be used to prote&t the people from an! un+ust treatment of their ri#hts. )he Anti.Federalists are in favor of the Arti&les of /onfederation but this do&ument is not $orkin# to keep our nation"s #overnment movin# smoothl!. %nder the /onfederation $e are $orkin# more like 10 different nations then one &ountr!. 1avin# a ne$ &onstitution $ill brin# us all to#ether #ivin# our people patriotism and pride to be a part of )he %nited

States of Ameri&a. 'e $ill have one form of &urren&! so it $ill be easier to trade and do other business bet$een the states. /urrentl! under the Arti&les of /onfederation the National #overnment has ver! little po$er. )he! &annot ta* the states and &an onl! ask to borro$ mone!. )here is not a neutral part! to help the states $hen the! do not a#ree. )his $ill eventuall! hurt the states and make them break apart and not $ork as one united nation. I am a Federalist and not an Anti.Federalist be&ause the best thin# for )he %nited States is to have the ne$ &onstitution. It $ill brin# us to#ether2 #ive us a form of &urren&!, and a more po$erful national #overnment that $ill not let one person or #roup #ain po$er. )he &onstitution $ill also prote&t the ri#hts of people that the Arti&les &urrentl! do not do.

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