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901- Manhattan

Allia Parks Blanco global history- Ms.Weissman

Were the dark ages truly dark?

THROWING A DETONATED GRENADE IS NOT HARMFUL TO THE PERSON ITS BEING THROW AT!!! Does that make sense? No, that's my point so why would people say that the time of the turkish invasions and the Black Plague were not dark just doesnt make sense unless thats what they like.The church and king were always in a extensive scramble for power, the people were treated horribly and told to deal with what they were given because they would be rewarded in heaven. That makes no sense to me because the people just went with it and then when the plague hit some decided to open their eyes in which would made it more depressing for them because their entire lives were just a game of manipulation. the dark ages were entirely darks because the invasions on the fifes, the slowing trade and lastly the black plague. In document 1, author Frantz Funck-Brentano, wrote about how the medieval times were truly dark. He backed this statement up by stating, upon how people began rioting with in the streets of their manors. He states how "they sacked towns and villages , and laid waste to the fields. They burned down churches and then departed with a crowd of captives there was no longer any trade, only unceasing terror the peasants had abandoned his ravaged fields to avoid the violence of anarchy. This seems so depressing and tragic. It really makes me proud of the time period I live in. Imagine you can't even step outside without fearing getting jumped or coming home and you've been robbed. this just shows how the people were unsafe in the own safe haven . This is infact the worst situation to be in if you are the lord of this place because when your followers dont want to be your followers then your society will fall apart. This was not the only thing going on during this time. Document 5 agnolo di tura talks about the black plague also known as the Bubonic plague. Imagine hundreds of people dying all around you it's really sad actually because fathers had to bury daughters and sons right next to their wives. The black plague killed off of the european population.These are crucial numbers the nursery rhyme ring around the rosey was based on this tragic disaster. This did not only cause extreme devastation throughout the deaths but the church couldn't even display this unusual phenomenon. This caused many people to start questioning the church and their theories on how they must live. This also was one of the reasons for the fall of the roman empire not the main cause but a cause nonetheless. But of course someone will disagree with me saying how china was not in a depressing time after all they were in the golden years of their career they went up in porcine sales that they renamed it china because of the massive export. Also the educational aspect of china they got better in their medicine they cured many different diseases and they developed the strongest educational background and made themselves known for their intellectual strength. But after that the black plague came and they still handled that with proper attitude the came up with

biological warfare. How they did such is they took their infected deaaad citizens and catapulted them over their enemies walls spreading the disease. This is a very useful technique in which is still used today. This allowed them to retrieve any land they wished. Yes, theres always two sides of the time period but in all actuality the dark ages were actually in fact dark. First you have the invasions that damaged profits and the crops and livestock. Next came the black plague which ruined the whole social structure and caused the fall of the churchs reign. The dark ages were indeed the most darkest times of them all and well never forget all we learned and gained. Yes this was a devastating time but it was also the step back that gave up a step up. Thank you to all and to all a better read bye.

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