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A Healthy Cardiovascular System

1. The cardiovascular system consists of the heart and blood vessels. Through this system, blood circulates throughout the body to supply oxygen and nutrients to all the body organs and tissues and to removes waste products from them. 2. To maintain a healthy cardiovascular system, there must not be any hindrance to the free flow of blood. 3. Cardiovascular disease includes the dysfunctional conditions of the heart and blood vessels that supply oxygen to vitals organs such as the brain and the heart. If oxygen does not arrive, the organs and tissues will die.

4. Cardiovascular disease is the biggest killer in Malaysia. Examples of cardiovascular diseases are heart attacks and stroke. 5. Cardiovascular disease is due to atherosclerosis which refers to the formation and hardening of fatty plaques on the inner surfaces of the arteries. When the artery is completely blocked, the blood supply to that particular part of the body is cut off. 6. If the blockage occurs in the coronary arteries, the person gets a hearts attack, and if it occurs in the cerebral arteries, the person gets a stroke.

Suitable ways to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system

Proper Nutrition
1. Limit intake of high cholesterol foods.
High blood cholesterol levels is a risk factor for heart diseases. Cholesterol exits in animal-based foods. Fatty meats, organ meats, lard, butter, cheese, egg yolk, prawns and squids should be reduced.

2. Limit total fat intake

Deep fried and oily foods should be reduced even if it is plantbased, because the unsaturated fats can be converted into saturated fats which are then converted to cholesterol in the body.

3. Minimise sodium intake

Excessive sodium in the diet raises the blood pressure. Most of the salt in our diet comes from table salt. Soy sauce and MSG.

Proper Nutrition
4. Eat more soluble-fibre foods
Soluble fibre is found in grains such as oat, barley and legumes. Soluble fibre helps lower the level of low density lipoprotein cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the blood


Eat more fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants (vit A, C and E) which are helpful in promotion healthy blood circulation. Fruits and vegetables are also important sources of insoluble fibre, potassium and magnesium.


Include omega-3 fatty acids in diet

Research has demonstrated that omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in fish such as mackerel, tuna and salmon.

Healthy Lifestyle
1. Do not smoke Smoking is a major risk for cardiovascular disease. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, whilst carbon monoxide decrease the blood oxygen content. According to the World Health Organisation, the risk of cardiovascular disease decreases by 50%, a year after quitting smoking. Engage in moderate exercise The effects of regular exercise on the cardiovascular system include: a. increasing the supply of blood to the heart, thereby lowering blood pressure and improving the functional of the heart. b. lowering the cholesterol levels in the blood. c. reducing the period needed for the heart rate to return to normal after exercise. d. increasing the network of capillaries in a muscles, thereby increasing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the working muscle.


Healthy Lifestyle
3. Rest and relax Have sufficient sleep Another way to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease is to find time to relax by spending more time with your family and enjoyed your hobbies. Maintain a healthy weight Obesity has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. An increase in physical exercise an a decrease in calorie intake help reduce weight. Every 1 kg of body weight loss will result in a fall of blood pressure by 2 mm Hg.


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