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A Acua: Hello, my name is Andres Acuna, I'm calling because I ordered 400 bars of chocolate to celebrate Labor Day

in my company, but I only received 300. A Escorcia: Mr. Andrew, my name is Andres Escorcia, I am so sorry about that. I will check With The transporter. I do apologize and I will dispatch the missing items today. A Acua: I am upset about how chocolate bars arrived, almost melted, and the box was open on one side, I am seriously considering returning the entire order. A Escorcia: No sir Andrew please, in return we'll give you 100 bars in excellent condition absolutely free, a customer is really important to us. Can you confirm the address for the shipment if you accept my offer? A Acua: I'm not sure, besides the shipment took two days and I need for tonight. Andrew cancel the order I prefer to get my money. A Escorcia: Mr. Andres will send you the shipping especially with one of our internal messengers and get it in your hands this evening. A Acua: Thank you, I really did not expect much attention from you, then send it to the Delaware Street 55 # 21-23, see you later. A Escorcia: A pleasure sir bye.

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