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Listening and Speaking

No Gap Language

Narratives Review

Look at these sentences. What is the function of the italicized tenses?

I was walking up the drive to our house..

Anyway, it turns out hed forgotten his key and so hed climbed in through
the window.

I leapt out of bed and charged into the living room. I switched on the light,
picked up the phone

Language Function

Look at these examples. What is the function of the italicized words?

So anyway, the feet disappeared into the house and I decided I had to do

The cupboard is like... under the stairs.

And the err... the telephone was in the living room.

What do you understand by the term a no gap no overlap language.


Using narrative tenses and no gap language discuss the following with a partner.

1.) A time when you made a very bad mistake.

2.) A time when you won something

3.) A time when you wanted to kill somebody

4.) The last time you screamed out of fear.

5.) The most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me was....

6.) The most frightening thing that ever happened to me was.....

7.) One of the funniest things that ever happened to me was ..........

8.) The last time I got really angry with someone was.........

Instructor: Joe Milan Jr.

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