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Master Cocktail List

The recipes listed in this spec sheet are a mix of some popular classics and modern classics presented in metric units. I realise that different bars/bartenders have their own ways of making drinks that may differ from what I have used, however Ive tried to give versions of the cocktails that I feel work well internationally in essence this is a guide, not a book of law !lso, glassware is keep relatively simple "similar to what you would expect in a good home bar without needing to get too exotic#. $hen training I encourage my students to write notes about the cocktails once they have made them "how the drink tastes, looks, if it reminds them of anything etc# and you will see a notes field next to each drink so you can do this as well. %or more information about mixing methods, techni&ues, or ingredients check out the blog at This list is updated as new cocktails are added to the blog so make sure to check back often. 'ood luck / (avid Turnbull, )weden, !utumn *+,*

Example Cocktail Name .ixing method Ingredients 'arnish/(ecoration -otes

'lass Type

The Cocktails
Americano /our over glass into ice *0ml Italian )weet 1ermouth *0ml 2ampari 0+ml )oda 3emon 4est and orange slice

Apple Blossom Cocktail )hake hard and fine strain 0+ml 2alvados 0+ml )weet 1ermouth !pple fan

Aviation )hake hard, fine strain 0+ml 3ondon dry gin *0ml 3emon 5uice ,0ml .araschino 3i&ueur ,+ml 2r6me de 1iolette 3emon 4est

Page 1

Bacardi Cocktail )hake hard and fine strain 0+ml 7acardi rum *0ml 3ime 5uice ,+ml 'renadine -one

Bellini 7uild in glass 0+ml white peach puree Top with /rosecco -one

Between the sheets )hake hard and fine strain *0ml $hite =um *0ml 2ognac *0ml 2ointreau 0ml 'omme 3emon twist

2reated ,89+s by :arry .ac;lhone, :arrys -ew <ork 7ar, /aris.

Black R ssian 7uild in glass 0+ml 1odka *0ml coffee li&ueur

Black !elvet /our slowly and stir ,++ml 'uiness stout Top with 2hampagne -one

Blood and "and )hake and fine strain *+ml )cotch whisky *+ml 2herry 7randy *+ml )weet 1ermouth *+ml >range ?uice >range 4est

Blood# Mar# =oll ingredients, strain into glass

=ed )napper replace vodka with gin 7loody 2aesar replace tomato 5uice with 2lomato 5uice

Page 2

0+ml 1odka *+ml 3emon ?uice 7lack /epper 2elery )alt Tabasco "to taste# $orcestershire sauce "to taste# Tomato 5uice )alt//epper rim, celery stick

Bl e Moon )hake and fine strain 0+ml dry 'in *0ml fresh 3emon 5uice *+ml 2reme <vette or 2reme de 1iolette >ptional ,+ml egg white =aspberry

Bo levard )tir in mixing glass @0ml =ye $hiskey 9+ml (ry 1ermouth ,0ml 'rand .arnier * dashes >range 7itters >range twist A cherry

Bo$$# B rns )hake hard and fine strain 0+ml )cotch $hisky *0ml )weet 1ermouth ,+ml 7enedictine (.>.. 3emon Twist

Bram$le 7uild in glass, driBBle 2r6me de .ure C+ml 3ondon (ry 'in *0ml 3emon 5uice ,+ml 'omme ,0ml 2r6me de .ure 3emon slice and raspberry

Brand# Alexander )hake hard and fine strain *0ml 7randy *0ml 2reme de 2acao *0ml 2ream Page 3

'rated nutmeg

Brand# %lip )hake hard and fine strain 0+ml 7randy *+ml )ugar syrup ,+ml 2ream $hole egg 'rated nutmeg

Break&ast Martini )tir in mixing glass 0+ml 'in ,*.0ml Triple )ec li&ueur ,*.0ml 3emon 5uice , spoon >range .armalade >range twist

Bronx )hake hard and fine strain 0+ml (ry 'in *0ml (ry 1ermouth *0ml )weet 1ermouth 9+ml >range 5uice >range twist

2reated ,8+D by ?ohnny )olon, $aldolfE!storia, -<. * dash !ngostura bitters for an Income Tax 2ocktail

Brookl#n )tir in mixing glass @0ml 7ourbon ,+ml .araschino li&ueur ,0ml (ry 1ermouth ,0ml )weet 1ermouth 9 dash !ngostura 7itters .araschino cherry

Caipirinha .uddle in glass. %ill with crushed ice 0+ml 2achaca C 3ime wedges ,0ml sugar syrup >= :eaped bar spoon sugar 3ime wedge

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Cape Codder 7uild in glass 0+ml 1odka ,+ml fresh 3ime 5uice Top with cranberry 5uice 3ime wedge

Champa'ne Cocktail 7uild in glass )ugar cube soaked with !ngostura bitters *0ml 2ognac Top with 2hampagne >range Best

Clover Cl $ (ry shake, wet shake, fine strain 0+ml dry 'in *0ml 3emon 5uice ,+ml =aspberry syrup ,+ml ;gg white

Co$$ler )hake hard and strain over crushed ice C+ml 7randy *0ml )ugar syrup @+ml =ed wine .int sprig

Corpse Reviver () )hake hard and fine strain *0ml dry 'in *0ml Triple sec *0ml (ry 1ermouth *0ml 3emon 5uice 0ml !bsinthe 3emon Best

Cosmopolitan )hake hard and fine strain C+ml 3emon 1odka *+ml Triple sec ,0ml 3ime 5uice

=eplace vodka with te&uila for a =ude 2osmo

Page 5

9+ml 2ranberry 5uice (ash >range bitters %lamed >range Best

Cr sta )hake hard and strain 0+ml 7ase )pirit ,*.0ml 3emon 5uice 0ml 'omme , dash !ngostura 7itters 2rusted caster sugar rim and fruit band in top of glass

C $a Li$ra 7uild in glass 0+ml 2uban style rum ,0ml 3ime 5uice Top with 2oca 2ola 3ime wedge

1ariationF %idel 2astro replace 2ola with 'inger !le

*ai+ iri )hake hard and fine strain 0+ml =um *0ml 3ime 5uice ,0ml )ugar )yrup

*ais# )hake first ingredients, top with soda 0+ml 7ase spirit "1odka, gin etc# *0ml 3emon 5uice ,+ml 'renadine syrup 3ime wedge

*ark n "torm# 7uild in glass 0+ml 'oslings 7lack seal =um *0ml 3ime 5uice Top with 'inger beer 3ime wedge

*iplomat )tir in mixing glass 0+ml (ry 1ermouth *0ml )weet 1ermouth Page 6

0ml .araschino li&ueur * dash >range 7itters >range Twist

East ,ndia )hake hard and fine strain @0ml 2ognac 0ml 'rand .arnier 0ml .araschino li&ueur 0ml 'renadine , dash !ngostura 7itters >range Twist

El *ia$lo )hake first ingredients then top ginger beer 0+ml Te&uila *0ml 3ime 5uice *+ml 2reme de 2assis Top with 'inger beer 3ime wedge

El %loridita no.)hake hard and fine strain 0+ml =um *0ml 3ime 5uice ,+ml gomme ,+ml .araschino li&ueur

El .residente )hake hard and fine strain 0+ml white =um *0ml /ineapple 5uice *+ml 3ime 5uice ,+ml 'renadine 3ime wedge

Espresso Martini )hake hard and fine strain *0ml 1odka *0ml 2offee 3i&ueur *0ml 2hilled espresso 9 coffee beans

Page 7

%ish /o se . nch )hake hard and fine strain *0ml 7randy *0ml 'old =um *+ml /each li&ueur *+ml 3emon 5uice ,+ml 'omme Top )oda 'rated nutmeg and lemon slice

There's a little place just out of town, Where, if you go to lunch, They'll make you forget your mother-in-law With a drink called Fish-House Punch ! Possi"ly created #$%& in Philadelphia

%ix )hake hard and strain 0+ml 7ase spirit *0ml 3emon 5uice *0ml )weet fruit 5uice ,+ml 'omme syrup Gse fruit from recipe

%rench 01 )hake first ingredients, top sparkling wine 90ml 'in ,0ml 3emon 5uice 0ml gomme Top with )parkling wine 3emon Best

)ubstitute gin with vodka for %rench @D (eath in the !fternoon replace gin with ,+ml !bsinthe

%rench Connection 7uild in glass 90ml 2ognac 90ml !maretto li&ueur

%rench Martini )hake hard and fine strain C+ml 1odka ,0ml 2hambord li&ueur C+ml /ineapple 5uice

2imlet )tir in mixing glass 0+ml 'in *+ml =oses 3ime cordial 3ime wedge

Page 8

2in Cockail )tir in mixing glass @0ml 'in 0ml Triple )ec 0ml 'omme * dash !ngostura 7itters 3emon 4est

2in Ricke# 7uild in glass 0+ml 'in *0ml 3ime 5uice Top with soda 3ime wedge

2od&ather 7uild in glass 90ml 2ognac 90ml )cotch whisky

)ubstitute whisky with vodka for 'odmother

2rasshopper )hake hard and fine strain *0ml $hite 2reme de 2acao *0ml 2reme de .enthe *0ml 2ream )haved 2hocolate

/ank#3.ank# Martini )tir in mixing glass 0+ml (ry 'in 0+ml )weet 1ermouth 0ml %ernet 7ranca ,+ml >range 5uice >range twist

2reated by !da 2oleman, first 7ar .anager of !merican 7ar, )avoy :otel.

/arvard )tir in mixing glass C+ml 2ognac 0+ml )weet 1ermouth * dash >range bitters "optional# Top soda 3emon twist

/arve# 4all$an'er Page 9

7uild in glass 0+ml 1odka *0ml 'alliano li&ueur Top with >range 5uice >range )lice

/ rricane )hake hard and strain *0ml 3ight =um *0ml (ark =um *0ml >range ?uice *0ml /ineapple ?uice ,0ml %resh 3ime 5uice ,+ml =oses 3ime cordial ,+ml /assion fruit syrup 3ime wedge and cherry

5apanese "lipper )hake hard and fine strain *0ml .idori .elon li&ueur *0ml 2ointreau li&ueur *0ml fresh 3emon 5uice .elon slice

5 ne B ' )hake hard and strain *0ml 1odka *0ml fresh 3ime 5uice ,0ml .idori .elon 3i&ueur ,0ml .alibu coconut rum ,0ml 2r6me de banane @0ml /ineapple 5uice 3ime wedge

6amika7e )hake hard and fine strain *0ml 1odka *0ml 2ointreau li&ueur *0ml fresh 3ime 5uice 3ime wedge

6ir Ro#ale 7uild in glass ,+ml 2r6me de 2assis Top with 2hampagne

Page 10

The Last 4ord )hake hard and fine strain *0ml dry 'in *0ml fresh green 2hartreuse *0ml .araschio cherry li&uer *0ml fresh 3ime 5uice 3ime wedge

Lemon *rop )hake hard and fine strain 0+ml lemon 1odka *0ml fresh 3emon 5uice ,+ml gomme syrup 3emon twist

Lon' ,sland ,ced Tea 7uild in glass, or shake first ingredients and top 2oke ,*.0ml 1odka ,*.0ml (ry 'in ,*.0ml 3ight =um ,*.0ml 7lanco Te&uila ,*.0ml Triple )ec *0ml fresh 3emon ?uice Top 2oca 2ola 3emon $edge

L#nch$ r' Lemonade 7uild in glass C+ml ?ack (aniels *+ml Triple )ec *+ml fresh 3emon 5uice Top 3emonade 3emon wedge

Mai Tai )hake hard and strain over crushed ice *0ml 3ight =um "?amaican# *0ml (ark =um "?amaican# *0ml fresh 3ime 5uice ,0ml Triple sec ,+ml >rgeat "almond# syrup 3ime wedge and cherry

2reated ,8CC by Trader 1ic

Page 11

Manhattan )tir in mixing glass and strain 0+ml =ye or 7ourbon $hiskey * (ashes !ngustora 7itters >r )weetF ,0ml )weet 1ermouth (ryF ,0ml (ry 1ermouth /erfectF ,+ml each (ry/)weet 1ermouth )weetF .araschino cherry (ryF 3emon twist /erfectF >range twist

1ariationF =ob =oy use )cotch whisky


Mar'arita )hake hard and fine strain C+ml Te&uila *0ml Triple )ec *+ml fresh 3ime 5uice 3ime wedge

Martini 8*r#9 )tir in mixing glass and strain 0+ml dry 'in ,0ml (ry 1ermouth ">ptional# (ash of >range 7itters 3emon twist or olive

(ryH3ess vermouth, $etH .ore vermouth 'ibson /ickled onion as garnish Iangeroo )ub 1odka for gin

Mar# .ick&ord )hake hard and fine strain 0+ml white =um *0ml /ineapple 5uice 0ml .araschino li&ueur 0ml 'renadine syrup

Mint 5 lep 3ightly muddle ingredients except 7ourbon in mixing glass. )train into glass half filled with crushed ice, add 7ourbon, churn and refill with ice until full. 0+ml 7ourbon ,+E,* fresh .int leaves ,+ml gomme syrup 9 dashes !ngostura bitters .int sprig Page 12

Mo:ito )lap mint, add other ingredients, churn with crushed ice 0+ml 2uban style =um *0ml fresh 3ime 5uice ,0ml gomme syrup !pprox JE,* fresh mint leaves Top soda water 3ime wedge and mint sprig

.any bars use two bar spoons of white or brown sugar rather than sugar syrup.

Moscow M le 7uild in glass 0+ml 1odka *0ml fresh 3ime 5uice Top with 'inger beer >ptionalF (ash !ngustora bitters 3ime wedge

Ne'roni )tir in mixing glass, strain *0ml (ry 'in *0ml )weet 1ermouth *0ml 2ampari >range twist or orange wedge

New ;orker )hake hard and fine strain 0+ml 7ourbon *0ml =ed wine ,*.0ml 3emon 5uice ,+ml 'omme syrup 'rated nutmeg

N clear *ai+ iri )hake hard and strain *0ml >verproof =um *+ml green 2hartreuse *0ml 3ime 5uice ,+ml 1elvet %alernum 3ime wedge

<ld %ashioned )tir in glass 0+ml 7ourbon or =ye

!dd ingredients slowly, stiring until ice melts and then adding more ice. 2all me old fashioned sub 7ourbon with 2ognac.

Page 13

0ml gomme syrup 9 dashes !ngustora bitters >range twist

.ainkiller )hake hard and strain 0+ml /ussers -avy =um @0ml /ineapple 5uice *0ml >range ?uice *+ml 2oconut cream 'rated nutmeg

.aloma )hake first ingredients 0+ml Te&uila ,0ml 3ime 5uice 0+ml grapefruit 5uice Top KTing grapefruit soda 3ime wedge, salt rim

)panish for K(ove

.aradise )hake and fine strain 90ml 'in *+ml !pricot 7randy ,0ml >range 5uice ,0ml fresh 3emon 5uice

.e' Cl $ )hake hard and fine strain 0+ml dry 'in *0ml Triple sec ,0ml fresh 3ime 5uice (ash !ngustora bitters (ash >range bitters

.ina Colada )hake and strain *0ml light =um *0ml 2oconut rum ,+ml fresh lime 5uice ,0ml 2oconut cream ,+ml 2ream @0ml /ineapple 5uice 3ime wedge ad pineapple slice Page 14

R m "wi77le %ill glass with crushed ice, add ingredients, stir hard with swiBBle stick 0+ml =um *0ml fresh 3ime ,+ml gomme 3ime wedge and mint leaf

R ssian "prin' . nch 7uild in glass 0+ml 1odka *0ml fresh 3emon 5uice ,+ml gomme syrup ,0ml 2reme de 2assis Top )parkling wine 3emon wedge and raspberries

R st# Nail )tir in glass 0+ml )cotch whisky *0ml (rambuie li&ueur 3emon twist

"a7erac )tir in mixing glass, strain into !bsinthe rinsed glass "no ice# D+ml =ye whiskey or 2ognac ,+ml gomme syrup (ash /aychards 7itters 3emon twist

"creamin' <r'asm )hake and strain *0ml 1odka ,0ml 7aileys Irish 2ream li&ueur ,0ml 2offee li&ueur ,0ml !maretto li&ueur @0ml .ilk or half n half >range )lice

"crewdriver 7uild in glass 0+ml 1odka Top with >range 5uice Page 15

>range slice

"ex on the $each )hake and strain *0ml 1odka *0ml /each li&ueur C+ml >range ?uice C+ml 2ranberry 5uice >range slice

"idecar )hake hard and strain 0+ml 2ognac *0ml Triple )ec *+ml fresh 3emon 5uice L )ugar rim on glass "your choice#

"crewdriver 7uild in glass 0+ml 1odka Top with >range 5uice >range slice

"in'apore "lin' )hake first ingredients, top with soda, driBBle 2herry 7randy on top 0+ml dry 'in *0ml 3emon 5uice ,+ml gomme syrup ,+ml cherry brandy ,+ml 7enedictine li&ueur (ash !ngustora bitters 3emon slice and cherry

Te+ ila " nrise 7uild in glass 0+ml Te&uila 0+ml >range ?uice ,+ml 'renadine syrup 3ime wedge or orange slice

Tom Collins 7uild in glass 0+ml 'in *0ml fresh 3emon 5uice Page 16

,0ml )ugar syrup Top )oda water 3emon slice

Tomm#s Mar'arita )hake and fine strain 0+ml Te&uila *0ml fresh 3ime 5uice ,+ml !gave syrup 3ime wedge

Treacle )tir in glass, float apple 5uice 0+ml dark =um 0ml gomme (ash !ngostura bitters ,0ml !pple 5uice >range twist

Twinkle 7uild in glass @0ml 1odka *+ml ;lderflower li&ueur Top sparkling wine 3emon twist

!esper Martini )hake hard and fine strain @0ml 1odka *0ml dry 'in ,0ml 3illet 3emon twist


4hisk8e9# so r )hake hard and fine strain. 0+ml $hiskey "usually !merican# *0ml fresh 3emon 5uice ,+ml gomme syrup >ptionalF (ash !ngustora bitters >ptionalF ,+ml egg white >range twist

2an dry shake if using egg white for better texture/foam

Page 17

4hite Lad# )hake hard and fine strain C+ml dry 'in *0ml Triple sec *+ml fresh 3emon 5uice ,+ml egg white 3emon twist

4hite Martini )hake hard and fine strain *0ml (ark =um *0ml .oBart $hite 2hocolate 3i&ueur *0ml .ilk %inely grated chocolate

=ecipe per /hil $ood of =oxy 7ar and )creen, 3ondon

4hite R ssian 7uild in glass *0ml 1odka *0ml coffee li&ueur "Iahula/Tia .aria# *0ml milk/cream 9 coffee beans

=om$ie )hake hard and strain *0ml 3ight =um *0ml 'old =um *0ml (ark =um ,*.0ml !pricot 7randy ,0ml fresh 3ime 5uice *0ml /ineapple 5uice 0ml 'renadine syrup (ash !ngostura bitters 3ime wedge

)ome recipes add >verproof rum and !bsinthe try if you dare

This list is updated regularly as new cocktails are taught on the blog make sure you check out .ake2ocktails! to keep up to date

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