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Worksheet on stem cells /cloning

Partha Name__________________ Per_________

Go to Click on Stem cells Watch Nature of stem cells se the follo!ing terms and put it in the corresponding "o#es. $ "lastoc%st $ mesoderm $ heart $ endoderm $ muscles $ gut tu"e $ ectoderm $ intestine $ skin and ner&ous s%stem $lungs!hatissc/

What is cell differentiation'

What are the three la%ers of cells in the "lastoc%st'

What !ill the outer la%er(ectoderm) of cells form'

What !ill the inner la%er(mesoderm) of cells form'

What !ill the inner cell mass(endoderm) form'

What are somatic stem cells' Gi&e e#amples

What are em"r%onic stem cells'

Click on unlocking stem cell potential and Click on stem cells *uick reference What are stem cells used for' +. ,. -.

.. /. CLONING G0 10 2ome page C34C5 0N Cloning Click and clone a mouse clone. What !as the first animal cloned' What color is the mouse clone' Write the steps of clonng in order. Num"er the steps. +. ,. -. .. /. 6. 7. 8.

Go to!hatissc/ Click on Cloning timeline When did When did Walter Sutton pro&e that chromosomes hold information'

Who found the structure of 9N:'______________________ What %ear'______________ When !as the term clone first used'___________________ Click on +;;6 on the timeline. What is the name of the first organism e&er to "e cloned from adult cells' ________________________ Click on 4s it cloning or not and pla% the game. 4s it Cloning or Not' +.. <or each of the follo!ing scenarios= indicate >?S (it is cloning) or N0 (it is not cloning) ___________Sperm taken from a mole goat is com"ined !ith a female@s egg in a petri dish. 1he resulting em"r%o is implanted into the female@s uterus to de&elop ___________: sheep em"r%o= composed of +6 cells= is remo&ed from the mother@s uterus and separated into indi&udal cells. ?ach cell is allo!ed to multipl%= creating +6 separate em"r%os= !hich are then implanted in different female sheep to de&elop to maturit%. ___________: co! !ith man% desira"le traits is stimulated !ith hormones to produce a num"er of egg cells. ?ach of these eggs is fertiliAed and implanted into a surrogate mother. ___________ Cell nuclei from an e#tinct !oll% mammoth are placed into enucleated co! cells.

What are some of the risks and issues in cloning' +. ,.

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