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Olivia Laux EDC 240/Seals Teacher Interview March 5th, 2014 Teacher Interview Teacher Mrs!

"ess #inter Sch$$l Sa%inaw &alle' Lutheran (i%h Sch$$l Classes Tau%ht En%lish 4 )*uni$r En%lish+, "ritish Literature, M$,ern Literature, an, Dra-a Olivia #hat ,$ '$u li.e -$st a/$ut '$ur class0 Mrs! #inter I l$ve the stu,ents wh$ %ive 1101, the' reall' are the stu,ents wh$ -$tivate an, 2ush -e 3urther! #hat I l$ve a/$ut it is that the' -a.e it their $wn! O #hat ,$ '$u li.e least a/$ut '$ur classr$$- set u20 M# I wish I ha, a /i%%er classr$$-, I .n$w that4s a 2ett' thin% t$ as. 3$r, /ut it w$ul, -a.e it -uch easier t$ -$ve ar$un,, es2ciall' with ,ra-a! O #hat are '$ur 3av$rite activities t$ ,$0 M# I l$ve the cultural activities I ,$! M$st $3 these are with -' "ritish Literature $r -' M$,ern Literature classes! #e have ,$ne a -ulticultural ,inner where we -a.e -an' ,i33erent t'2es $3 3$$,! It is a reall' %reat ex2erience 3$r the stu,ents an, -'sel3! O #here is the -$st tr$u/les$-e s2$t in the class0 M# I a- %$in% t$ /e h$nest, I ,$ n$t have -uch $3 a 2r$/le- in the classr$$-! &er' rarel' ,$ I have ,isru2tive stu,ents! O ($w w$ul, '$u ,escri/e '$ur classr$$- cli-ate0 D$ '$u ,$ an'thin% t$ 3$ster that0 M# It reall' ,e2en,s $n the class! I w$ul, sa' th$u%h I li.e t$ have it 3airl' 3$r-al an, en%a%e,! I li.e t$ %et ri%ht $n this in the /e%innin% $3 the 'ear, s$ that the stu,ents .n$w what t$ ex2ect!! O #hat thin%s ,$es '$ur classr$$- have that it interestin% an, 3un0 M# I l$ve -' -ural! The wh$le /ac. wall5 It is su22$se, t$ re2resent a 2$rtal /etween rea,in% an, the 2ers$n! I 3i%ure, that The Chr$nicles $3 6arnia w$ul, /e the /est $2ti$n5 O ($w ,$ '$u want t$ -a.e '$ur class 73eel8 t$ the stu,entsan, h$w ,$ '$u %$ a/$ut ,$in% what0 M# I want the- t$ 3eel ins2ire, an, excite, a/$ut literature an, %$$, rea,in%! I 3eel li.e I trul' 3all sh$rt here! I want t$ c$nnect -$re with -' stu,ents an, I want t$ create a /etter i,ea $3 what it is that is s$ w$n,er3ul a/$ut rea,in% an, literature! O #hat 2h'scial set9u2s ,$ '$u li.e the /est when '$u teach0 M# I reall' li.e circlin% u2 $r %ettin% in a /i% %r$u2, it is /est 3$r %r$u2 ,iscussi$n! O ($w ,$ '$u c$nnect -ana%e-ent an, ,isci2line an, its 2reventi$n t$ '$ur classr$$- cli-ate an, 2h'sical la'$ut0 M# It is a si-2le answer 7The /est ,isci2line is %$$, instructi$n!8 O D$ '$u let the stu,etns ,eci,e an'thin% a/$ut the r$$-0 M# I let the- ,eci,e the seatin% aran%e-ent, /ut then that is set 3$r a while! I als$ let the- %et c$-3$rta/le when we are ,$in% silent rea,in% an, $ther activities! I3 the' want t$ sit $n the 3l$$r $r %ra/ a 2ill$w I let the-! O ($w ,$ '$u ,eal with ,isci2line0 M# I ver' rarel' have t$ ,eal with this, /ut what I ,$ is usuall' sent the- t$ the hall then i3 nee,e, I will tal. t$ the- a3ter class $r at a ,i33erent ti-e! This usuall' ha22ens when s$-e$ne ,$esnt ,$ their h$-ew$r., $r the' are! I3 we have a thurs,a' sch$$l that wee. I will t'2icall' sen, the- t$ that! O ($w $3ten ,$ '$u have t$ ,eal with 2arents $r hi%her auth$rit'0 M# I ver' rarel' have t$ ,eal with 2arents $r 2rinci2al 3$r ,isci2line, /ut I a- in c$nstant c$ntact

with -$st $3 -' stu,ents 2arents! O #hat is '$ur teachin% 2il$s$2h'0 M# (el2 stu,ents %r$w in wis,$- an, service t$ the 3ell$w -an! O #hat 2art $3 the classr$$- h$ur s$ '$u 3in, the -$t i-2$rtant0 M# It is s$ har, t$ sa' an, I reall' ,$ n$t have an answer t$ that un3$rtunatel'!

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