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Nathallie Chavez Lynn Raymond Annotated Bibliography April 5, 2014

Kraybill, Donald. The Riddle of Amish Culture. Revised Edition. Santa Fe: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001. 1-399. Print. The Riddle of Amish Culture by Donald Kraybill, is a book of research, Kraybill believes he unlocked the riddle to the Amish culture. A strength that this book provides for my project specifically is its extensive research. It has the topic I need for the Amish history, which is why its the source for the area of my project that has to do with the history of this community. Every research is lengthy, and detailed, another strength are its pictures. A weakness is that it only has a few of the topics that I want to hit. It has a lot of research like I said, but not of everything Im looking for.

Hostetler, John. Amish Society. 4th ed. Harrisonburg: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993. 3-435. Print. The Amish society by John Hostetler is also a book of research, it talks about the Amish society, which provides me with information about the family. A strength that this source has are its pictures, and its detailed form. A weakness of my source for me is that it is time consuming, since its a chapter book. This book provided me with a lot insight of the family, more with the life of the Amish, their ways, their personalities, rather than just their system. And the schooling area of my projects information is gathered from this source.

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Shachtman, Tom. "Excerpt:'Rumspringa'." Rumspring: Amish teens modern vices. PBS, 07 Jun 2006. Web. 5 Apr 2014. This webpage, is an excerpt from a book called To be or not to be Amish. It talks about the Amish youth, which is another area of my project. While some people believe that the Amish never get to experience worldly pleasures, according to this article, they actually do. When an Amish boy/girl turns 16, things change. They are free on the weekends to do whatever they want, wear different clothes, go to the movies, and drive cars. They can experience drugs, alcohol, parties, and sex. A strength in this web page is that it gives an actual storyline of a girl in rumspringa, which is the time period that the youth can go out. The point of this is so they know their choice, theyre not yet adults, and theyre not baptize, therefore, not part of the church. Another strength is that the website, is .org, and it gives me the author, the date, which proves to me its credibility. A weakness of this page is that it only provided me with a little bit of the story, it gives me a bit of insight. But still does a good job of explaining rumspringa.

Houdman, Michael. "GotQuestions." Who are the Amish, and what are their beliefs? CEO, 01 Jan 2013. Web. 5 Apr 2014. This article from the web provides me with the information I need on the Amish and their religious views. A strength of this page is that it gives me direct scripture that the Amish live by, they also explain the scripture. Another strength is that it is an .org page and it has a specific spot to look for citation information. A weakness is that the organization is religious based, although the information is accurate, it can be worded a little biased.

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Johnson, Karen M., Donald B. Kraybill, and Steven M. Holt. "Frequently Asked Questions." Amish Studies. Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies at Elizabethtown College, July 2013. Web. 04 Apr. 2014. This site provided me with a lot of statistics on the Amish Community as far as population and location. This really explains as to why North Carolinians do not see much of the Amish community around us. The sources strengths include, an .edu site that lets me know its credible, and exact number of the Amishs population by state. Another strength is that a contributor of this source is an author of an earlier book source I used, that proofs to me the validity of this source. The sources weakness is that it give me so much information on smaller details like how many married couples, and children there are, and Im looking at the overall number and picture. It lost me a few times.

Fillingim, Hope. "Roles of Amish Women." Serendip Studio. Serendip, 14 Nov. 2008. Web. 05 Apr. 2014. Fillingim writes about the Role of Amish Women in a way you can understand it perfectly. The strengths of this source includes a thorough explanation of what part women play in the Amish society. Not to my surprise, the stereotypes of womens role are true, however, we see it as oppression and they see it as divine glory and contribution. A weakness that I found of this source is that though it is credible, it does seem very opinionated in some parts.

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Johnson, Karen M., Donald B. Kraybill, and Steven M. Holt. "Family." Amish Studies.Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies at Elizabethtown College, 2013. Web. 05 Apr. 2014. Just like we stereotype women in Amish society we do the same for men. And just like womens roles prove to go along with the stereotype, so do mens. This source talks about how their role is to be the provider, authority in the church, head of the house. They have that part (like women) through scripture. A strength in my source is that it is pretty straightforward, easy search for what Im looking for on this part of my project. A weakness of this source is that it doesnt give as much insight on to how the men feel about their power.

Powell, Albrecht. "Amish Culture, Beliefs & Lifestyle." Pittsburgh. N.p., 2014. Web. 06 Apr. 2014. This source provided me with the information I needed about the Amishs clothing, for men, and women. They dressed very plain, solid colors, completely covered, its a sign of separation from the world. They do this to show humility, self-denial of vanity, its all based (like everything else) on scripture. A strength of this source is that it not only gave me what they wore but also their motives behind it. A weakness of this source is that it is a .com site, which loses some of its credibility, because it can be very much opinionated.

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Brady, Jeff. "Amish Community Not Anti-Technology." NPR. NPR, 02 Sept. 2013. Web. 06 Apr. 2014. As Ive mentioned some stereotypes of Amish have proven to be true, however, outsiders views on Amish and technology is misunderstood. Amish do not reject technology, like author Jeff puts it, theyre not anit-techonology, theyre just more thoughtful. They see something new and they ask themselves how much will it truly benefit them, and can whatever they want to be done, be done without said object. They think it through, will this make me lazier? Will this take time away from my family? Yes, most of the time they do find it to be less beneficial to their spiritual life, so they do not get involve with it. But they do have some technology. A strength in my source is that its breaks the stereotype, and its very detailed in doing so. Another strength is that it has direct quotes from Amish, its an site, which is credible. A weakness of this source is that he didnt gather the quotes himself, he got them from a book, and he just interpreted them. And everyone interprets things differently.

Ohio's Amish Country. "Amish Wedding Traditions." Amish Wedding Traditions | Holmes County Ohio, Culture, About, Life. Ohio's Amish Country Magazine, 02 Dec. 2011. Web. 06 Apr. 2014. This source gives me the information I need about Amish weddings. Amish weddings, are plain, simple, and very traditional. Girls dont get diamond rings, they get a china, they wear blue, and they have to prepare the food too. Theyre very secretive about their engagement and do not tell anyone but their family until a few weeks before the marriage. A strength of this source is that it

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gives me pictures, it helps to have a visual of something as it is described. A weakness in this source is that it is a .com site, and that makes it lose some credibility.

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