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bioX: ats : misconceptions bioX w: Epidemiologic studies focusing on women have demonstrated that they are indeed vulnerable

to coronary atherosclerosis, but that it typically develops 10 to 15 years later than in their male ounterparts. Although controversial, many studies suggest that se differences e ist in the mortality rates of ischemic heart disease, with women having a worse prognosis, possibly due to delayed diagnosis. !onse"uently, early and accurate diagnosis of coronary artery disease is crucial for reducing mortality rates in women. #ate recente au arata : situatia mort Aceasta a infirmat o serie de pareri gresite #A$ mortalitatea pare totusi sa difere % &#'asa ca &()* )E!E&A$E #+ ,$E!-!E ,&*$A*./ $.&! .)!E-E 0(!$A$EA .1,A)A*A !( #A*E *E-$E*.!E

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