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MEMORY refers to the processes that allow us to record, store, and later retrieve experiences and information.
Memory => information processing

ENCODING, refers to getting information into the system by translating it into a neural code that our brain processes
STORAGE: retaining information over time RETRIEVAL: refers to processes that access stored information


Richard Atkinson & Richard Siffrin 1968)
Three main component of memory: (1) Sensory memory, briefly holds incoming sensory information. Sensory registers. (2) working /short-term memory : a limited capacity system that temporarily stores and processes information.

(3) long term memory: vast library of more durable stored memories.

Three types

Sensory memory types

ICONIC MEMORY (sensory memory) holds visual information: seeing although blinking (minds eye).
ECHOIC MEMORY (sensory memory) holds auditory information for one or two seconds Function of Sensory memory (1) prevent of being overwhelm, (2) allow decision time, (3) provides stability-playback and recognition.

Long term memory

PROCEDURAL MEMORY: memory that is reflected in learned skills and actions.
NON PROCEDURAL / DECLARATIVE MEMORY: memories for new personal experiences (episodic memory) or factual knowledge (language and facts).


PERSONAL EVENTS episodic information (conversation, food you ate)
INTERESTING FACTS semantic information (film, opera/lagu) SKILL and HABITS - procedural information

Effortful to encode new concept, formula, and making association new-old concept
Semantic Information complex term: uninteresting, complicated information

Cara efektif untuk encoding?

Maintenance Rehearsal : pengulangan
Cocok untuk short-term memory Elaborative Rehearsal : menbuat asosiasi yang bermakna antara informasi yang baru diterima dengan informasi yang telah dimiliki sebelumnya (dalam long term memory) Contoh: ?

Apa yang membuat memory bertahan lama

emotional hormone influence (epinephrine)

SIGMUND FREUD Psychoanalysis
Repression: mind pushes a memory of some threatening or traumatic event deep into unconsciousness. The repressed memory cannot be retrieved at will and remain there until something releases it and the person remembers it. Hipnosis, suggetion-imagery, truth serum (sodium amytal) == false memory

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