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Elizabeth Mayfield Mrs.

Frailly HUM-220-2W1 17 March 2014 Methods Proposal When I first started this research, I was a bit fuzzy on what I wanted to be my topic. I decided that I wanted to do something that was in my career path. The type of research I started to do was on NC Live. I wanted to make sure that my sources were legit. I wanted scholarly sources to back my thesis statement. My thesis statement is to prove that people that commit non-violent crimes can be rehabilitated. With the sources I have found, I intend to prove that the non-violent crime committers can be put back into society without reoffending. I would like to do a survey or interview, but the process is just to long for me. I do not think it will be that helpful to my research as much. I think it will just reassure my research. By surveying or interviewing, I think I could have learned a lot about asking the right questions, and I think I could have learned a little more about rehabilitation of criminals. I believe the sources I have found had taught me a lot about rehabilitation; therefore, interviewing or surveying would have just reassured my findings. Though my research is complete, I feel that I have learned a great deal about rehabilitation. I strictly believe that non-violent crime committers can be saved. They can be put back into society and be able to hold a job. My sources all state that it is possible given the right circumstances. I feel very strongly about this topic and I am looking forward to presenting my findings to my classmates.

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