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Short note: a. C- TPAT b.WRAP C. SA-8000 D. GSCP 2/a. how do you calculate ba !c alary and o"er t!

#e on $er labour act. 2/ b. Proble#: a %ar#ent wor&er %ro alary ! t& '(00 !) wor& 2' day a #onth *+o".20,-. w!th 2 hour /T e"ery what w!ll be her alary $ayable )or +o".20,-/a. Wr!te down the co##on cod *at lea t 0. that hould be )ollowed by R1G !ndu try2 -/b. What are the te$ to conduct a co#$l!ance aud!t 2 3/a. What do you #ean by co#$l!ance2 3/b. 4#$ortant and ad"anta%e o) co#$l!ance !n r#% ector2 (/a. Wr!te down the lea"e bene)!t a $er labour act-200' (/b. 5ow doe an e#$loyer %et earned lea"e and #atern!ty lea"e. Pre$ared by. 6ah!r.

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