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Praise to Allah SWT, All Mighty, the mcst merciful for giving belief, strength, health, and blessing for the researcher to accomplish this paper right on time. It is impossible for the writer to accomplish this paper without the hands of wonderful people that support and help the writer. In this opportunity, the writer would li e to e!press her sincere gratitude and appreciation to these people" #. Prof. Dr. E.S. Margianti, SE. MM , the $ector of %unadarma &niversity, for the permission given to the writer to conduct this research. '. Prof. Dr. Indiyah Imran, the (ean of )aculty of *etter %unadarma &niversity and as the writer+s teacher, for the permission given to the writer to conduct this research. ,. Dr. Mashadi Said. MPd, as the -ead of .nglish (epartment and the writer+s teacher, for the permission given to the writer to conduct this research. /. Prof. Dr. Indiyah Imran, as the first advisor. Than you so much for the guidance, your patience, your times and tireless advice that you have given to me during ma ing this research. 0. Ni L h P t S!tiarini, SS, M." m, as the second advisor, than you so much for the guidance, your patience, and times that you have given to me during ma ing this research. 1. My beloved parents, Mom and Dad, than you for your love, pray and


patience. I love you2 3. My brother and sister, than s for the care and motivation. 4. All of my friends in /SA5#, Than s a lot for the happiness, sadness, bad and good e!periences, wisdom, and nowledge which is coloring my life.

Th! Writ!r


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