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Arsenal Tech Closing the Gap Action Plan*

Year: ___2013-2014___________
Counselor Intended Effects on Academics, Behaviors, or Attendance ASCA Student Compet ency ASCA Domain/Stand ard Type of Activity to be Delivered in What Manner Resources Needed Projected Number of Students Affected (Process Data) Evaluation Method (Perception and Results Data) Project Start/End

All Counselors

Increased graduation rate for all students

A:A1, A:A2, A:A3, A:B1, A:B2, A:C1

Academic Domain Standards A,B, and C

1: Classroom guidance lessons on study skills, time management, what classes to take, and making an annual plan of study 2: Group counseling on using multiple intelligences to find best study techniques and student perceptions of academic performance 3: Individual counseling on student perceptions of academic performance

Studying techniques that tap on various multiple intelligences, time management templates or planners, and annual plan of study templates

Initially 1,674 students (all underclassmen students), but as the years progress results should affect all students (2,282)

Monitoring of graduation rate yearly, student GPAs yearly, and quarter grades

Spring 2014 Spring 2018

Target Group: Freshmen, sophomore, and junior students Target Group selection is based on the following criteria: All underclassmen students at Arsenal Tech High School Data that drove this decision: Poor graduation rate trend from 2009 to 2012. The 2012 graduation rate was 60.8% compared to the 88.7% state average. Principals Signature: ______________________ Prepared By: ______________________

* Based off of the ASCA Closing the Gap Action Plan

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