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My Family My mother and father met in Huaraz. They got married on April 5, 1988.

My mother's name is Santa and my father's name is Jasinto. Their ages are 48 and 49 years old. They are teachers. At 2 years of marriage, I was born on January 16, 1990; I was very conceited and spoiled child not only my parents also my uncles and grandparents. After a long time (13 years) my parents decided to have more children, for this reason I have two brothers; my sister Nikol, she is 9 years old, likes to play violin very well and my brother Paolo, he is 7 years old, likes to play internet. They are little naughty My life changed a lot since that time when my sister and brother were born, they were given more attention. Having brothers after a long time was terrible and stressful, I had to help my mother to care for them and play with them. Now I get along great with my brothers, we can spend time playing and we laugh a lot. Sometimes we discuss because they want to help at home. Now the presence of my brothers is very important, but the only problem is that they take my things and make mischief in my room. My mother is the most wonderful person, I have always supported, when I decided to study Accounting, now support me I'm in university and gives me encouragement. She is my best friend I love her. My family are not only my parents and brothers also my grandparents, uncles and cousins. My family is very united always go for a walk together. The last time we went to Punta Hermosa restaurant located in Mita district, birthday my cousin Marcelo's, the food was delicious, very nice and then we went to play volleyball, was a fun day, these meetings are beautiful. My family always goes to Lima on vacation to visit my uncles and see how they are. Also to the zoo to see the different animals and learn more about their lives to the beach where we had fun and we go shopping at the center of Lima Every Sundays my family go to Mass, forever don't have said that we have great faith and stay close God. I am convinced that my family is a gift that God gave me. Now my family have plans to meet most places, we would like to know the forest all its tourist attractions, to be a very interesting place, taste its cusine is very diverse and bring beautiful memories of those places and Paracas beach is a beauty of sea, we can see different aquatic animals and diversity birds, we can do canoeing, too

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