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SAT Vocab - Week 1

1. admonish [verb] + [ad-mon-ish] to caution, advise, or counsel against something. 2. breach [noun] + [breech] the act or a result of breaking; break or rupture. 3. brigand [noun] + [bri-gand] a bandit, especially one of a band of robbers in mountain or forest regions. 4. circumspect [adjective] + [cir-cum-spect] watchful and discreet; cautious; prudent. 5. commandeer [verb] + [cuh-man-deer] to order or force into active military service. 6. cumbersome [adjective] + [cum-ber-sum] burdensome; troublesome. 7. deadlock [noun] + [ded-lok] a state in which progress is impossible, as in a dispute, produced by the counteraction of opposing forces; standstill; stalemate. 8. debris [noun] + [duh-bree] the remains of anything broken down or destroyed; ruins; rubble. 9. diffuse [verb] + [dih-fuse] to pour out and spread, as a fluid. 10. dilemma [noun] + [dih-lem-uh] a situation requiring a choice between equally undesirable alternatives. 11. efface [verb] + [ih-fays] to wipe out; do away with; expunge. 12. muddle [verb] + [muh-dul] to mix up in a confused or bungling manner; jumble. 13. opinionated [adjective] + [uh-pin-yuh-nay-tid] obstinate or conceited with regard to the merit of one's own opinions; conceitedly dogmatic. 14. perennial [adjective] + [puh-ren-ee-uhl] lasting for an indefinitely long time; enduring. 15. predispose [verb] + [pree-di-spoze] to give an inclination or tendency to beforehand; make susceptible. 16. relinquish [verb] + [ree-link-quish] to renounce or surrender (a right, possession, etc.) 17. salvage [verb] + [sal-vij] the act of saving anything from fire, danger, etc. 18. spasmodic [adjective] + [spaz-moh-dic] given to or characterized by bursts of excitement. 19. spurious [adjective] + [spur-ree-uh-s] not genuine, authentic, or true. 20. unbridled [adjective] + [uhn-brahyd-ld] not controlled or restrained.

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