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Imran S. Peer Philosophy 1301-5002(Introduction to Philosophy) March 20, Spring Semester 2012 Dr. Thames God Is No(W)Here 1.

When I was younger, my father told me that everything in the world was about your perspective. I believe this notion can be rightly used in this situation. GODISNOWHERE. I have an open mind and to me, this seems to be either one of two things. The two possible things are God is nowhere or God is now here. Everyone has more than just one stream of thought or point of view. Similarly, I have two different views on this matter. Dealing with the former, God is nowhere, the skeptical side of me agrees. God really isnt anywhere around. Millions of people in this world are homeless, without food to eat or clean water to drink. Where is God to help them? There are wars being fought among nations for no apparent reason. Homes being destroyed, families left desolated. Where is God to help them? Terrorists are killing innocent people because of their radical beliefs. Where is God to put an end to this? Where is God when people have lost jobs and have become homeless? Where is God when people cant afford an education? Where is God when women are selling themselves for money? Where is God to help them and make them stop? GOD IS NO WHERE. However, then there is the side of my mind that is of faith. God is now here. God really is everywhere around us. Miracles that happen every single day are looked over and taken for granted. A plane takes off hundreds of miles away and lands safely without any

threat to life whatsoever. People cross streets without cars hitting them every time. Maybe the people who die in terrorist attacks are just meant to die. Maybe people who are dying hungry are paying off for their own bad karma. Maybe people who lost their jobs are on the road to something better. God governs this world through these reasons and laws. God is now here. This holds true every time someone reads the statement. God is now here. God is around us every single second. Where is thy lord after nights of prayers? Where is thy lord after fights of slayers?

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