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Neoclassicism: -Everything had to be perfect -depicted heros, classical mythology and biblical scenes -Started in France -Flawless finish

-Great art had to start with great subject matter omanticism: -this was not style -it was about attitudes and characteristics !"th century, age of reasoning: -faith in rationality -s#eptical $uestioning -scientific inguiry -subject was mysterious or awe-inspiring landscapes, e%treme human events ealism: -born in the !&th century -a reaction against neoclassicism and romanticism -it was about the art of everyday and ordinary rather than the historic, heroic, or e%otic -realistic art was more about the present 'anet and impressionism: -the salon created a space for the artist to e%hibit their artwor#s -became a state sponsored e%hibition of paintings -juried by mainly conservatives -jury rejected about ())) of submitteda rtwor#s -the rejected group was not happy -they created their own e%hibition called-salon derefuses

*the showing of those who had been refused+ ,ost--mpressionism: -highly personal .merican view: -the amreican viewed europe as a continuation of european culture *the standard+ -studying with european teachers -seeing collections of great museums in Europe /he history and their arts in ancient rome: -you could only see the history and their arts in ancient rome and not in america -today we still go abroad to study and visit europe .vant Garde: -it was the newest most advanced art of the 0)th century -french word, first used by younger artists in the !"th century -military word for detachment of soldiers that first into battle -the battle was to go against the conservative forces Fauvism and e%pressionism: -fauves 1wild beast1 -wild and new -eg2 henry matisse -fauvism was part of a wide trend called e%pressionism -emotional e%perience too# precedence over objective observation -intense feelings -not physical reality 3ubism: -shattering of form Fantasy and futurism:

4orld war ! and after, 5ada and Surrealism: what usual -provocative, loved life, spontaneity, silliness, creativity - did not ma#e any sense to be #now for any particular #ind of art Surrealism: poetic -5ada, a group of artists in swit6erland , protested everything baout the war and it stood for -anti- art, middle class society, politicians, good manners, business as

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