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Giving Advice

Meeting 10

Mahasiswa mampu memahami

ekspresi kalimat memberi saran Mahasiswa mampu mempraktikkan contoh dialog dengan baik dan benar Mahasiswa mampu memahami pola kalimat memberi saran dengan benar

Useful Expressions Dialogue Grammar Focus Practice

Id like to suggest you that _____ . Why dont you ____ , Mr. Brown. Its better for you to ____ . My suggestion is _____ . I think you should _____ . I suggest you to _____ . The best way to do is ______ . If you ask my advice, you have to ____ . Mrs. Brown, you should ____ .

Mr. Andi Nurse Mr. Andi Nurse Mr. Andi

: Im afraid my stomachache will be getting worse, nurse. : Have you taken your medicine? : No, I havent. I forgot nurse. : Oh, you should take your medicine regularly, Mr. Andi. And Im sure you will be better soon. : OK, I will do it nurse. Thank you very much.

Dr. Sarah

: Im sorry to tell you that your wife needs immediate surgery. Mr. Brown : Does she need a blood transfusion? Dr. Sarah : Yes, but you have to sign the consent form prior to the surgery. Mr. Brown : Am I allowed to meet her now? Dr. Sarah : Yes, but dont stay too long, she has bled a lot and she is too weak to talk. Mr. Brown : What should I do then? Dr. Sarah : Youd better fetch the blood. A nurse will go along with you to the blood bank.

Adjective urgency with a that - clause * It is essential that we take good care of our health. * It is advisable that they not get overworked. * It is important that you not oversleep. * It is urgent that Mr. Rahmad exercises regularly.

Translate them into English. 1. Ny. Ratna, anda harus istirahat selama tiga hari. 2. Sebaiknya anda mengunjungi dokter ahli mata di lantai tiga gedung ini. 3. Ingat! Jangan bekerja terlalu keras, Ny. Ana. 4. Menurut anda, saya harus bagaimana? 5. Saya pikir, sebaiknya anda berkonsultasi dengan dokter ahli anak.

Give your advice to the situation below. a. Man is hit by a car. b. A lady vomits blood. c. A man looks weak. d. A blind man is going to cross the street.

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