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IT Disaster Recovery

By Team 3
Alex Nguyen, Yanxin Jiang, Mason Wear, Jeffery Chang, Jennifer Creamer, Thomas Yohannes

Information Technology Disaster Recovery

Planned approach to responding to any unplanned

Protecting your firms investment

What is an IT Disaster Recovery Plan?

Provides a step-by-step procedure for
recovering disrupted systems and networks.

Helps the firm or business continue normal


Disaster recovery (DR) planning is vital to every organization. Though it's easy to ignore in day-today operations, a solid plan becomes your best asset when the unexpected happens.

Business Continuity
A Good Plan Increases Your Chances of Recovery

Causes of IT Disaster
network crash communications breakdown power failure cyber attack or employee sabotage disease terrorism loss of an owner or key employee

1. Develop the contingency planning policy statement 2. Conduct the business impact analysis (BIA) 3. Identify preventive controls 4. Develop recovery strategies 5. Develop an IT contingency plan 6. Plan testing, training and exercising 7. Plan maintenance

Dell laptop explodes at Japanese conference

At a conference in Japan, a Dell laptop suddenly exploded into flames, and lucky for its owner the fiery blast occurred while the PC was sitting on a table and not in his lap. An onlooker reported that the notebook continued to burn, producing several more explosions over the course of about five minutes.

Sony estimated at the time that the overall cost of supporting the recall programs of Apple and Dell would amount to between 20 billion (90m) and 30 billion.

Senior management support Take the IT DR planning process seriously Availability of standards Keep it simple Review results with business units Be flexible

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