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2011-2012 Year-end Teacher Self-Evaluation and SWOT Analysis Matrix

Within these four areas, please address your personal achievements and challenges within academics, curriculum enrichment strategies, classroom management, student issues, meeting student needs, teamwork skills, inter-disciplinary collaboration, professional development, school core values and mission, day-to-day office support & interactions/coordination, parental interactions, use of technology & MET Teacher Resources, etc.

I N T E R N A L Factors E X T E R N A L Factors

List accomplishments

List areas where you fell short

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For Learning, Growth, and Improvement
Suggestions for professional/personal improvement, How would you do things differently?

What external factors hindered your performance? How do you wish things would have been done differently?

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Professional Goals and Aspirations for Next School Year:


Please include prospective date of graduation if you are pursuing a graduate program, and topics you think will be helpful for our school to focus on in staff development sessions next school year.

Additional Comments and Suggestions:

School Admin Feedback:

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